Minecraft – Battle Mini-game – 🔴 Live

Video Information

Hello everyone welcome to the stream i really didn’t think there’d be so many people here so the reason i would do this stream was once i wanted to stream and i did a stream doing the battle mini game a while ago with squid and it was quite

Hard to do it with someone else because we were doing public games and then squid would try and join but then the game would fill up with other people and it’s a lot of fun but it was hard to do with other people so i wanted to stream

By myself so i thought i’d do a little solo stream uh but it’s also a bit of a of a tester stream uh as well um uh i got a uh those who watched the last stream will know i’m all tangled up with wires here

But yeah i gotta i’ve got a stream deck uh which basically means i can use this to switch around cameras and stuff so in the future i can get fancy and start doing like um like i can add like sound boards and stuff but i can do things

Like this like i can zoom in if i go hey if i want to zoom in i want to do one on alex can you see alex in the background you see it like through the mic stand we just got back from a walk so alex is

Very sleepy people are saying oh fancy fancy i was so excited by this thing but also means like i can do things easier like say if i wanted to put like background music on for now if i press this you should all be hearing some nice little uh chill background music playing

In the the background and there’s there’s other things that i can do with it as well and it’s like how i switch cameras i can now go for example and go up here and then i can like move around i can also go down here and then just

Get rid of me and just do it all very very easily now i have a bunch of like i don’t know how much this is going to show up but i got like a bunch of little smiley faces can you see oh no it’s too bright but believe me there’s a little some

Little little smiley faces so um yeah now i got this just after christmas and this is my first time trying it out so i wanted to test it out it’s not going to make a big difference for the the stream overall but um yeah it is something that

I have i still need to to kind of finish adding more things uh turn the music off please turn it off oh yeah i forgot i left that one let’s turn the music off right yeah so what we’re doing today is we’re just gonna be playing some battle minigame

Uh i don’t know how much i’m gonna play uh let’s just start off with um just normal casual uh rules and then maybe uh if we want things to get a bit exciting we can start kind of playing around with some of the the rules and kind of uh making some um

Yeah some weirder game modes which can be really fun in the the game uh we’re playing on the xbox one so it’s the xbox minecraft xbox one edition so not minecraft on the xbox one minecraft xbox one edition so if you have that and you

Want to join that is how you join uh actually did i say for this to be a public game let me go and double check that uh but yeah if you do want to join that’s gonna be the the way to do it so battle mini game public game casual

Leave all of that the same for now create game initializing server so yeah my gamer tag on xbox is just stampy long nose if you want to join i will say if you do join in and you do want to play um please don’t just target me don’t only

Go out like you can attack me but please don’t only attack me i mean we’ll see how this goes this is always a bit of a uh a chaotic thing to to do i know how this goes uh well we had a bunch of donations coming already thank you so

Much uh uh animated 30 seconds william sit down uh stephen uh captain wild mousy uh dog woof uh hello again who says sorry i haven’t been able to watch that’s okay welcome back to the the stream uh also pixel and uh melanie as well uh who sent a a donation and a very

Nice message so thank you to to all of you for the uh the very early donations i can’t believe there’s like there’s like two well there’s 2 000 people watching it’s the minecraft effect isn’t it i’ve been doing all of my streams and i’ve been playing all of these different games

And i should have been doing minecraft tonight it’s the minecraft i bring that minecraft i think it’s because um a lot of people are on their holiday still because it’s the uh the holiday period it’s that weird kind of time between christmas and new year’s eve where everything kind of goes in

Slow motion and everyone’s kind of not sure what to do in the day and it was just kind of playing with all of their new toys and stuff i’m trying to read the the chat um but because there’s so many people it is going quite fast uh i might oh my god i

Can’t even read that that is crazy that is crazy the speed the chat is going i’m trying to read as much as i can i might have to turn slow mode up a bit it’s uh i think people can message every 30 seconds for now i might need to boost up

And i know that some people don’t like slow mode at all and some people will tell me off when i turn it on but i might need to to boost it up just a little bit anyway uh we’re starting off on a uh a bit of a classic map this is

For a lot of people the the first map they uh they played in the battle mini game and sorry i’m going to be brutal here because everyone on the stream uh can see where i am where i am which means that like they can very easily try and track me down

And go after me so if anyone starts hitting me i’m gonna have to go after them i’m afraid so sorry rudolph sorry sorry gekko i have no choice i mean they don’t even have they don’t even have weapons they’re literally just running at me and

Trying to punch me but hey i’m gonna i will be happy to to take them down how much does the shovel do that’s three attack and then the shears shears with sharpness i don’t even know what that does i’m going back to old ways of being confused about what weapon

To to use right let’s just go down here uh i don’t need these boots oh that person’s got a burn arrow uh let’s switch and go the other oh there’s a chest here uh let’s just knock this person off let’s just say goodbye to you god pull down why are they falling

Okay i’ll just take them i want to know hello hello i went to i went to knock them off the edge but then they just didn’t they just didn’t move and so yeah i just did that instead uh right i need to i need to get my hearts

Up if i can am i being chased still okay it looks like i’m okay i did pick up a bow but i don’t have any arrows yet so that’s going to be the the next goal uh let’s just get rid of these shares and then or there’s someone chasing me

Here all right let’s try and get them with a weakness and let’s try and push in if we can oh oh they’ve got tnt i thought oh see they can knock me back okay they’re they’re they’re no problems knocking me back oh i’m pretty weak i only got four high i

Reckon their weakest were okay they ran away they ran away i am still alive i try to get some arrows i just want to get some arrows i can see everyone’s saying go stampede you can win this i thank you everyone for the support it’s the best thing in the world when you’re

Playing a game and then you look up and there’s just like a list of like nice messages from people wheeling you on it’s like amazing all right okay i got one arrow uh i got this potion here oh dear oh look at them i do not oh they’ve got a

Chart i do not want to tango with them let’s just uh this oh oh you oh no rudy oh let’s judge oh you can’t hit me oh you can’t hit me yeah let’s try and get them with some arrows uh let’s try and get more poison and then a weakness as well

That was enough to scare them off here do you reckon i got a chance of actually pushing in against them oh no was that golden apple that they had i think they might have just had a golden apple you know i might just i might just leave

Them i might just say like okay you have better stuff oh but if there’s some better armor down here someone someone obviously just got taken out like right underneath me there all right is the person that was above me going to chase me can i go up here oh what’s through here

Did you all know okay let’s let’s not let’s not experiment right now oh dear that too far i’m alive i’m alive right i have to out par call them i’m gonna have to i’m gonna have to like jump across the middle bit here i can see that

There’s a uh a chest here let’s just point grab this oh i didn’t get anything good am i being chased have i been chased oh i’m being chased no no i think this is it i think this is game over i got greedy for the goods i went for the

Loot when i shouldn’t have i do have a healing potion but it’s going to be too slow using it and i’m messing up my parkour my only hope is that someone else runs in and distracts them for long enough that i have a chance to to get

Away can i take this healing oh i’ve actually survived this you know it’s so frustrating because i saw like a diamond pickaxe and all of this really good loot in the the middle but i just did not have time to pick it up but that’s going

To be the place to be now isn’t it going into the middle because all of those chests are going to be continually refilling and there’s going to be someone down there getting all of the stuff so there’s there’s me and four other players left in the the game

For me to go after let me turn my let me turn my computer down in a second i can hear all the the ding-a-lings from the donations and i don’t want it to come through on the stream too much i don’t even have any um uh a chest plate yet

I think that’s where i’m really lacking i need a better melee weapon than this shovel uh and i need some um uh i need some better armor as well uh and all the rounds almost at the end here actually okay i don’t know if i’ve done enough damage so if there’s

Enough people left in the game at the end it does it the the person who does the the most damage uh ends up winning and i think i did okay damage i don’t know if it’s good enough so i want to i want to carry on uh i want to try oh no I was literally about to say i want to survive but i want to carry on doing damage no that was such an annoying time i wonder i wonder if i had survived whether i would have had a chance of winning at all or not god that was a fun

Round though uh stampede do high power in the settings yes i will i’ll play around with the uh the settings uh after this round but for now let’s uh let’s see who’s gonna end up winning i think three people might survive and it’s just gonna be down to who did the most damage

And the winner was cookie thief congratulations cookie thief uh will you sometimes leave and let people join yeah i think when i start playing around settings i will end the the lobby and let some new people join so how much damage did i do i would have

Won i did more damage all i needed to do was just sit at the the top of that area and i could have ended up winning oh that’s so frustrating anyway i had a bunch of donations come in let me go give some people some uh some shout outs

Uh oh god there’s so many oh there’s so so so many oh thank you so much uh thank you so much to what evan uh keira mark sam the awesome gamer uh thank you to scribbler youtube uh thank you to uh tct ninja thank you to lucifer thank you to

Crimson jade i love the emote thank you to frxzqn hyper i have no idea how i would pronounce that so i’m just gonna read it out uh thank you to truckman and thank you to adam thank you all so much and thank you everyone for your kind messages throughout the uh throughout

The game for the encouragement uh how do we vote for maps again when you press x or something um quote map uh okay i think that’s too slow we will we will play whatever map we uh we end up getting here you can do it stampy stampy is not going

To read this i did i read it yeah that was another thing i went to i was going to put the um i was going to turn the slow mode up a little bit more can i do that quickly now oh i don’t know if i’m gonna have time all nine seconds

I don’t want to miss out on the the beginning there we go i think i got it in there that will make the the chat just a little bit more readable i know it’s annoying when you’re trying to message and it says you can’t message yet but uh

Yeah for me to be able to actually read anything i think i need it to slow down right we do one of the fallout maps and these maps they’re all right but just with this texture package i was just getting confused about like where the chests are and what like all of the

Different items are in that um so yeah i think people that have played these these levels a lot are definitely going to have a a big advantage right this is a chest up here on top of this basketball oh hello i went for a dunk are you going to attack me okay they’re

Not attacking me good let me let me try and jump up here and try and get whatever’s in this chest oh i got a sword uh a wooden sword it’s okay better than better than nothing um give me don’t team up with me no no teaming up

Everyone if you get in the game no teaming up i’m not going to be team i will not make any loyalties of anyone if i come up against you later on whoever you are i will attack because it’s not fair for other people if we team up and they’re not teaming up

Uh it’s not very bad don’t stop we’re not oh okay you’re attacking me good good right let’s fight let’s fight i feel less bad attacking them now oh they’re gonna take me out though oh no oh no oh no okay i managed to get them oh there’s someone else here oh and

They’ve set me on fire no see for charlie managed to trap me down and get me that was because of all of the confusion of like are you attacking me are you not attacking me and all right we got hit the target in the game we have santa we have another style

Let’s stick with the other stampy and let’s hope they do really well because anyone who’s just joining into the stream now might just think this is me playing well if i do this everyone will think okay here i go should i just commentate on this guys if

It’s me okay so where shall i go i think i’m gonna go down into the bottom of the middle of the map here i’m gonna have a little jump on the sofa i’m gonna open the door and i’m gonna go on through okay i’m gonna have a little a little

Bath down here and then i’m gonna have a little walk around i’m going to jump on this sofa god this person’s got no manners look at them they’re just going they’re just trying to find all of the sofas to jump on okay where should i go

Now let’s go up around this way i’m going to go past is that oh and i’ve found and i need to i really need to get some chests i don’t think i found any chest right now and i’m naked i’m stampy and i’m naked and i’m running around and

I’m on the basketball court and now i’m gonna go over to this big destroyed building oh i’m gonna i’m gonna walk past a potion oh i’m gonna get i gotta get a chest but there was nothing in the chest so i’m gonna go through this burning restaurant i think this is and

There’s someone ahead of me i’m gonna run right away from them i’m scared i think oh no i’m hungry i’m really hungry there’s got to be food in this chest please be food in the chest there’s no food in the chest what a tragic tale what a tragic tale that we’re following

Stampy’s committed identity fraud no i don’t want to say this is so sad now what a painful end has become this feeble feline yeah oh i don’t want to watch it should i switch away so we don’t see the grizzly end because there’s only one way

This is going to go there’s only one like oh no cuba staff to death right let’s follow c for charlie because this is the um that’s the person who took me out let’s see if uh see i feel less bad if they took me out and then

They go on to to like end up winning the game i i’d feel less bad about like being taken out by the person who ends up you know becoming the the victor anyway i’ll give you a chance to to to give a few more shout outs uh thank you

To is games thank you uh melanie for your other donation uh who says buy alexa a new toy with the donation she does not need a new toy she has oh my god she’s got this one toy i would show you but she’ll get too excited it’s a

Giant pudding like a christmas pudding and it’s like it’s so sweet like she squeezes it and then like she’ll chew it for a bit then when she leaves it will go and like inflate again and that’ll like make a noise and then she’ll go and pick

It up again so it means like even when she’s not chewing it it makes like a load of noise thank you so much uh crimson jade uh thank you echo who says they’ve been watching since one million and it makes me happy to see how far you’ve come uh

Thank you uh jack hogan who says remember me i do remember you uh as well also uh could you please play the new minecraft so i was gonna so i i tried doing a stream in the new minecraft but the the serve they were just too laggy

The servers i just couldn’t it was just wasn’t fun uh and i loved about mini game the battle mini game is like probably my favorite like in terms of hunger games and survival games like i’ve played a lot of servers and even the really good servers like high pixel

I just i love the the pace of the game and the way it just you just walk over armor and you’re already wearing it and stuff it’s awesome so yeah maybe in the future but uh not for now uh thank you animator 30 seconds again uh thank you

Joseph thank you rebecca uh thank you uh rocket mateo y compass probably uh pronounced that wrong but you know who you are and uh thank you uh gavin uh as well uh right then let’s uh let’s get into another game i think speaking of lag yeah

I think um i i think someone tried to join and it might have kicked people out there so i don’t think we had a uh an ultimate winner for that that game so someone won but i think it’s because everyone else lagged out so uh inconclusive ending to that round uh oh

We’re on another flight i need to remember to vote i keep forgetting to vote right hello everyone new it’s actually quite good because every now and then like loads of people lag out and then it like allows like more people to join in so even though it’s a bit

Annoying it’s kind of good because we get to like have more more people joining in and out right i always struggle finding chess on this map every time i just can never find chess like i know they’re there i just don’t know where they are uh

Let’s maybe try and get like up to the high ground up here somewhere i just want to like for now just stay away from everyone uh i got a potion of swiftness let’s go and drink that and oh there’s someone right there uh let’s maybe try and go up to the middle here

Like where are the chests on this level like oh oh is this going to boost me up there we go all right let’s get to the top here there’s got to be a good chest up here like a high tier chest or the only thing i don’t know is like am i

Someone already come up here and got it before me they didn’t always have an enchanted i got a flame bow okay this is good but i’d always prefer like a sword at the beginning of the game like bows are really good but if someone gets close to you they’re

Not they’re not particularly useful so let’s go and check down here and i got a a wooden pickaxe i mean it’s it’s better than nothing which is what this person has i guess so it will have to do for now they immediately regretted that battle as soon as they joined into it

Didn’t they right well i really i need to get like a proper a proper melee weapon i can’t see anything over like everyone joining and leaving all the time yeah i think a few people lagged out again which is uh it’s good for me thinned out the numbers

A bit uh oh he needs i need more arrows uh let’s take let’s take the potion of harming and then let’s go and grab these arrows and then let’s go and uh try and get into about a wait oh one second squishy’s calling me hello i’m in the middle of a stream

They might be able to hear you a bit okay no okay i’ll talk to you later okay hello hello okay time for the little i think they’re like flies to trap you know everyone’s saying hi squeaky i just wanted to to make sure it wasn’t something important she was asking me to

Put little to at five o’clock to put the lasagna in the oven right let’s uh oh dear that hurt quite a bit all right let’s see if we can uh if we can go and hunt some people down so what’s that there’s a there’s two people uh that survived the oh

I don’t know i’m going quiet in case they can hear me don’t turn around hopefully they’re not watching the stream and they don’t know that i’m chasing after them but i think they might do i just get like i’ve got this good bow but i’m just scared that they

They have like a good sword or something no all they do actually is that a stone sword they got okay looks like they’re still running oh oh they’re coming back what are they doing what are they doing i don’t think they’re sure oh no i fell

Oh bad time to fall bad time to fall right they’re gonna chase are they chasing i haven’t i haven’t got headphones on so i can’t really like hear where they are very well so i’ve just been like super duper cautious i might go and push to like the uh the middle

Area of the map and see if i can get any of the um uh any of the chests from the middle or get a good chest plate i keep forgetting about armor right is anyone following me do i have time to do a little bit of cheeky looting oh ah who was that

Who’s that oh hello hello oh this is someone else oh dear okay they got a good shot as well they got a good shot of me there are they chasing oh they’re fighting each other this is good this is good oh we’re in the showdown now

Right i really just want to keep using my bow and arrow if i can just because um i don’t have a good close range weapon so i just got a key oh no that was harming that was harming right let’s try and get them back with another harming

And then i’m going to keep just trying to knock them back with the the bow if i can i don’t know what to do i need i need to get a sword or something i should have much food either i’ve only got these uh these few apples i haven’t got any like

Pork chops or anything either i really want to win this game but i’m really scared oh are they going after me oh okay i’ve been wearing a bow battle i just can’t hit them why is my i used to not be bad with the bow but my aim is just awful

Right now there we go now oh when i got on fire are they are they charging in i i think i might have to go after them so i don’t think i’m going to win i don’t think i’ve done enough damage to to get the win otherwise let’s just run

In and just try and hit them it’s pretty bad idea i don’t have much choice oh no the other one’s coming the other person’s coming there oh no i can’t take it i think they had better armor as well i was just so bad with my

Bow and arrow shots uh please tell us your game attack uh it’s just stumpy long nose uh congratulations to dylan ward with the uh the worthy victory i did have a bit of a um a bit of a break from looting in the middle of the round

To answer a phone call so i’m gonna i’m gonna use that as my my excuse for for that round uh right then i will do a few more shout outs uh oh thank you so much chris and jade for the 10 donation uh thank you to to

Element rose griffin uh thank you to uh jacquiria uh dogwoof again says what is the funniest thing your doggo has done like i i think like the funniest time is just after she’s had a bath and she just goes mad she just goes absolutely mad and just like

You wouldn’t believe it seeing her now just like in the background out there just sleeping but like it’s when she like we call it her zoomies when she just goes like absolutely crazy just like zooming all over the place like that’s my favorite time uh and pretty uh probably

Some of the funniest stuff she’s done thank you so much uh jack for the other donation are you planning planning any uh planning on playing anything else on stream like overwatch uh not today jack but like i did um uh two overwatch streams uh the other

Day like kind of back to back so i have been doing a lot of that so i will do in the future uh but uh i think today this is probably gonna be a bit of a shorter stream and i’m probably just going to stick with uh battle mini game four for now

Uh thank you to uh matio bustos uh for the donation uh the golden minecart and my microphone has just collapsed yeah yeah it feels like such like a um a rag tag stream today it just feels like it was very last minute that i decided to stream mainly just to test

Out my new streaming and then i was kind of a little bit blown away by how many people watch this stream and it kind of scared me a little bit it’s kind of like because nobody in my streams like i pretty get about like 800 people watching most of the time

And i was expecting i suppose i guess i was probably expecting a bit more just because it is minecraft and it is the holidays but uh yeah it kind of took me a little bit off guard and i kind of feel like like it’s never good when you feel like

Pressure to entertain because whenever you feel like oh i have to be entertaining because there’s all these people here you just normally just end up being like really annoying like it’s like really hard like one of the the most difficult things like to learn like doing youtube is like when i i

Ended up needing to do stuff on stage which is like completely like outside my my natural environment um and just learning just to be relaxed on stage and not have to like and i’m not very good at it don’t don’t think i’m saying i’ve mastered it but like not just to be

Screaming and not just to make everything just to be just talking normally on stage was always something very very challenging for me because there’s all these people there and you feel that pressure but people can be quite patient and i kind of i guess i feel like that now with history that i

Just i just feel like every moment needs to be gold but it doesn’t have to we can have we can have some relaxed moments where i’m inside of a giant fish tank with a stick and some apples uh right there for those just joining we’re playing the uh the battle mini game uh

We’re playing this on the uh xbox one edition uh there is potential for you to join uh but i’ll be honest it looks like there’s quite a bit of competition uh as soon as anyone uh goes out the game it’s kind of oh oh oh no no no no

No no you don’t where are you going where are you going huh where are you going where you going oh no no hold on back down go back up go back up go back up no how did they get me i was so sure yeah

I was so sure they get them who no teaming guys no teaming up no t i’m gonna i’m gonna assume you were just running next to each other no t i might have caught them i might call you might be throwing your gold shoes all over the place but no teaming up that

Was so funny i was so sure i was gonna win i was so sure i was gonna win with all of those harming potions i was so sure i was like where you going they just dropped down and take me out don’t bring a stick to an axe fight trip

Says yeah that was the uh that was the problem i think i am i overestimated how how good my sharpness stick would be squid is in the chat is that your squiddy hello squid oh yeah everyone say hello squid hello squid r.i.p stampy last words where are you going huh

It’s funny because he was going up so i would like the way i saw the situation playing it out in my head was they were going to continue climbing the ladder and then i was just going to shoot arrows at them and then it was just

Going to rain down all of them that i can collect oh squid says i’m not here oh squid isn’t here everyone he just clarified um yeah that’s what i saw happening but then i shot him and then i knocked him off and he turned around he was holding

An axe and i was like oh i’m pretty weak here as well you know maybe this wasn’t the uh the smartest idea in the world yeah all right let me shout out a few people that have done a few donations during that game i really want to make sure i don’t lose

Crack and miss out anyone uh thank you to uh oh yeah thank you to sully thank you to uh tomatillo uh thank you to echo again uh thank you cyber uh thank you so much for the uh ten dollar from uh otj with the uh little dancing pair emoji which i

Love i love those little emojis uh thank you to her to aaron hughes who says i remember i used to watch you all of the time when i was younger uh i started watching you when you built your giant huge carrot rocket ship it was just a rocket ship that happened

To look like a car it wasn’t meant to be a carrot rocket ship uh thank you to matio again uh once again uh from ocj thank you to matthew and thank you to cyber uh matthew says i’ve been watching since i was six i’m now 11. thank you for the great memories the

First bit i uh watched was the xmas special where you saved santa i feel like that was like all my ex like my christmas specials was just saving santa it was such an obvious thing to do for christmas like i said i save santa every year thank you as well for lucifer fm

We want terraria good job at fighter i know i know you want terraria it’s great she joked um in a stream the other day that every time someone comments asking for a terraria i should add a tally where it means it will be an extra month until i actually play

Terraria it’ll just add a no it’ll be another month away just because it gets like commented so much i’m not doing that by the way that would be me but it would be quite funny yeah yeah jack says okay boober well this is an intense like oh

That was a clo that was like an elite three players battling out at the end that could have gone anyway though i wonder how much uh uh how much health they had put the lasagna in the oven please for those that are just joining squash

You called me a second ago to tell me about putting a lasagna in the oven she had no idea i was on stream uh what what should we vote for um what about cove go i haven’t done cove in so long anyone um uh in the game who’s watching the stream please vote

For cove i want to do cove another another classic map oh i ballistic squid donated so you just said hahaha stamps you fell was that the real i don’t know if that was the real squid if it was they were whoever it was thank

You very much uh thank you as well to a long lost vampire three uh for the donation uh poppy wills as well um and uh dog woof again oh who says random shout out time so dog woof does donations then ask me to shout out a

Random person so let me uh oh it wasn’t me squid says okay well thank you whoever whoever that was uh and shout out to uh to prague who just says hi thank you erprock oh we got cove we’ve got the map i wanted i might put headphones on after this you know

I didn’t think i needed headphones i didn’t think i’d be taking this here that seriously i think i need game game sound on these are some uh these are some intense games oh i got a shovel oh i can’t get off the chest the person was standing on the chest

That’s like that’s a smart move they should just stand on the chest just to block it for everyone else then once everyone else leaves they just go and grab all of the goodies oh i didn’t mean to fall in the water i used to know this map so well but i

Have no idea what i’m doing now are you coming after me are we are we doing this all right let’s try and get let’s get them on fire and then we’re going with the shovel i think i’m not overthinking this i might i’m trying i’m trying to stop them from

Getting into the water oh i’m really weak here or they must be weak as well oh i don’t let them get away are they still alive how weak are they i feel like i’m just not doing much damage no matter what i mean they gotta

Be so weak surely i don’t oh no oh no oh there’s loads of people behind me no i was taken out i spent way too long and like at the beginning of the games i really need to try and get to like the uh the outside

Area and like get away from the middle because like what i should do i don’t think i can change it i should have added more delay on the stream so there’s not much delay on the stream compared to the gameplay so most people in this game are watching

The stream that’s why they’re joining in so they might be doing a few little glances over at the stream to see where i am and it might inform where they go a little bit right let’s just uh let’s just watch the uh the chaos of

The chaos play out uh how do you join a specific game dolphin says um i think if you i don’t know i don’t know people can do it i think i think if you just add me as a friend you can join through that so the way adding

As a friend on xbox works is it’s almost like following on twitter so you you can add me on a friend as a friend and even if i haven’t added you back you’ll still see me on your friends list and you’ll be able to to join my game that way so i

Think if you just try to add me as a friend and then just click on my my gamer tag and join you should be able to get in that game uh that way all right dylan ward they’re doing good they they’re the uh the winner of the the

Last round as well and they seem to be doing pretty well on a in this round as well they might be the uh the doggo to watch for ignore the uh the cute little button nose and collar that’s a cold-hearted killer behind those eyes and i can tell

All right a few more donations that have come for us it’s good when i get taken out early so it means we can have a bit of a of a chat without me doing concentrating game of thrones uh shout out to uh scribbler youtube uh uh shout

Out to jack again uh i haven’t seen that movie i’m afraid uh shout out to i’m a bird who just says nostalgia time uh joe oh no joseph ramirez says don’t lose please i lost i’m sorry i’ll try not to lose the next one at all dylan’s in some

Trouble dylan’s in some trouble is he going to survive uh thank you to aaron hughes who says uh have you uh played bedrock edition yet uh if so is it hard at all uh yeah i’ve played it uh i’m doing a series on at the moment actually of space then uh

It’s not hard it’s actually like it’s very simple like the crafting in that like i personally don’t like the um uh like the the feel of it and the look of it quite as much as console and some of the crafting stuff and like it’s missing some features and that um but

Yeah but if you’re should be fine just getting the hang of it easier enough oh there’s a big fight going up there dil oh just didn’t gonna knock them off oh dylan was so close to knocking them off oh there’s another fight going down look i’m like i feel like like a sports

Commentator we’ve got dylan here moving in on mookie boy and fresh something or other and all he’s poisoned he’s going in with oh oh the the reindeer won but i don’t know where a creeper shows up and takes them all out oh that was like such an opportunity for that creeper

There was such a big fight going on on in this cave for ages then the creeper just swooped in at the last moment to take them out so now it’s the creeper going against the uh like the castaway and i reckon if it goes to time the

Creeper might have it because i reckon they did the the most damage so i think if i if i was you cast away fellow if you’re watching the stream i’d go on the offensive now i’d say you probably have unless you did well earlier 45 seconds in order to take up

This player if you want to win so no holding back all right looks like they are oh no no time to loot you’re going to run you you’re gonna go for it i’m scared it’s gonna go to time all the the creepers after the the creepers

Looking for a fight as well they know where each others are the gamer tag pops up so they know where each other are i’m scared this castaway is just going to stay on the high ground and then it’s going to get a time that you know it’s

Oh no they’re going in they’re going in are they trying to get the shovel nope oh the creepers although the creep is down behind you behind you no it’s close oh it’s close i think the creepers got yeah that axe is pretty gonna make them win i think they’re just gonna wings

They did most damage oh no the plot twist mum’s spaghetti they had done more damage earlier what a plot twist what a plot twist i did not see that coming oh dude that was quite exciting wasn’t it the game’s a better one i’m not in it

The game plays better when i’m not the one playing right let’s do i’ll do one more game with this group of lovely people and then i’ll back out uh i’ll do some different settings we can decide together what game settings we do and then i’ll open it up so more

People can join if you are one of the people that’s trying to get into the game uh what map should we do um what about what about siege could you say anyone want anyone anyone fancy a siege should we do a siege siege anyone’s siege look at this let me just

Run and just have them all chasing me see if anyone can catch me i love this there’s just just a trail of people chasing behind me oh i fell in the water this is what i wish my real life was like but instead of like people it was just

Dogs i just wish wherever i was going there’s just loads of dogs just chasing me i’m not like angry chasing me just wanting to like cuddle me oh we’re very going for see tomorrow this is so good it’s so good because in videos like i can say what map i want

But then um i just don’t get it we just play shrunk over and over and over again but now i can say because everyone’s watching the stream right please please don’t target me it’s actually not being too bad i think it’s been like um quite equal up until now but please

Please don’t just charge after me i definitely should have put the uh the stream delay on a little bit longer uh you’re the best dude thank you so much chocolate right let’s see we get some some good loot Okay i could not have asked for anything better for the bigger i mean i could have but there’s not there’s not much better than i could have gotten uh i think there’s a chest down here i used to know these maps so i used to know like where every chest is and i

Have like i really like oh hello hello oh mom’s play was the winner of the last round the winner the last round ah not winning this round oh yeah huh not winning this round mom’s spaghetti that’s what you get when you try and chase me down

I get one kill and i get all confident when i get taken out straight and away all right let’s get the bow and arrows next to each other uh i got a i got a fire resistance potion i’m just going to drink that just to kind of get rid of it

Because i never end up using this stuff uh let’s try and get up to the high oh hit the target let’s hit the target hit the targets attacking everyone hit the target suddenly turns into a lovely world video hello hit the target goodbye hit the

Target oh hello hello is that an elf i don’t know i think that’s like the uh the classic green santa claus i think that is there and oh dear they they got they got some moves let’s get them with a weakness shall we then let’s put this harming down on the floor

And try and get them weak and then oh they’re pushing again they got they got some fancy footwork don’t they do you see that see that little dance they did that was a bit fancy right i want to get out of here because anyone watching the stream is gonna know

Where i was and they might might fancy uh going after me so let’s let’s get a jog on and go and move somewhere else so i’m doing okay i just haven’t got very good armor and i think armor’s been the thing that has been letting me down in

These games uh up until now so i i really want to try no hello oh no this is the dog oh the dog’s really good aren’t they okay let’s just try and dodge and grab their arrows and then shoot them back at them oh i got them weak actually uh right

Let’s go let’s go somewhere else i’ve been staying in the same place way too long i need to go and run and try and find somewhere else to go is there any uh re-set chests in the middle or there’s one down here oh hello hello yes okay this is my first time

Getting a properly good weapon uh i got this axe now but that person’s got way better armor than i do so i need to be really careful and i just need to run oh there’s so many people here there’s so many people half a heart i think i’m

Dead i think i’m dead all right i think there’s two people chasing me just fight each other people don’t go after me please oh they’re going to go after me they’re going to chase me down let’s try and do some cheeky parkour i need to try and out move them if i can

Is this a dead end no it’s not uh let’s maybe try and get the ladder i need some time to eat as well is the problem let’s go and try and eat this then maybe i could maybe guard this ladder as they’re oh look they’re all underneath they’re all like fighting

Each other now okay they might be with us let’s go back down let’s see if i can like finish off whoever ends up weak there’s just so many people fighting i really want to get this person’s armor there we go let’s go grab their armor and then did i

Pick it up i don’t think i got the chest plate where’s that i’m trying to just move around maneuver to get the chest back there we go now i got the chest plate okay this actually kind of turned out okay there’s that one person be chasing

Me down but then like everyone else ran in the same place they kind of ended up back firing on them a little bit and this person hasn’t really got much armor they’re weak can i get them with the bow oh that was close that was very very

Close and look there’s a chest up in the castle up there see where that reindeer is i did not know there was a chest up there uh let’s grab that axe just so uh no one else can use it uh let’s go and grab this arrow here uh

Have something to eat and carry on so there’s me and like five other people four other people left in the game so i’m doing okay doing all right i just want a few more arrows uh my armor situation for the first time in any of the games is good i actually have good

Armor this this might be a win guys i don’t want to jinx it i don’t want to jigs it but if there was any game that looked like i had a chance of winning this would be it definitely more so than all the others okay it did not mean to fall down here

Oh we’re in the showdown now though so everyone’s gonna know where everybody else is and other people have good armor as well i wonder who’s done the most damage right oh there’s someone in the middle oh they’re getting a lot oh that oh that’s dylan that’s dylan oh dylan’s

Good dylan’s good i don’t think they got that good of a sword though oh they know i’m here oh yes i surprised them that was good do i get any better armor from that is this better yeah okay i can go grab this is anyone else coming to the middle

I want to grab some more of these arrows if i can oh we’ve only got 20 seconds oh hello hello hello hello oh no no they got good stuff they’ve got good stuff no no no no no no no no no no no don’t get me don’t know

Please don’t get me please don’t let me go i’m going in the water because they keep setting me on fire no they took me out oh i bet they’re so weak oh who’s going to win who’s going to win there’s like oh well then they didn’t even end up

Winning they they must have been so weak i thought that was it i thought that was gonna be the one ah dear all right well uh congratulations was it uh more more thai more ties lizard uh oh i would have done the most damage as

Well i see i knew i could have just ran away and hid and probably got the wings i did take out five people but that’s not the way i play that’s not the way i do it right so as i said i am i’ll back out and we’ll load up a new round

But we can play around with some of the other settings here so uh yeah what settings what would you like to uh what would you like to see so these are all the other things that we can do oh yeah i need to change it to like a

Custom game don’t we there we go so this is all the stuff i can change has anyone got any like any favorite settings it’s good saying it makes him want to play hunger games see i prefer this over hunger game like normal classic hunger games there’s just

Way too much loot and it’s just way too clunky and you’re just spending the whole time sorting out your inventory this one’s just like go go go oh everyone’s saying power they want like power like good weapons let’s say let’s make the spectators heads as well because that’s always makes me laugh

Uh so items say high power okay uh three lives per round okay sure uh what about hunger settings um let’s just do no hunger because hunger’s always a bit of annoying way to go longer rounds round length long what about game size so we keep it 16 16 okay

This will do this will do right creating a new game if you want to try and get in feel free to try and get in uh while people join let’s uh give a few more shout outs uh thank you to uh acuro uh thank you to uh grant and uh cohen

I’ve been watching since your first episode thank you so much uh thank you uh aaron again for the uh donation uh yonder just says hey hey uh luke with the 10 nation thank you very much uh sonny says send a game invite to uh butter duck error i can’t even pronounce

What the gamertag is i’m not inviting anyone i’m keeping it fair i’m just keeping it like first come first serve so then there’s a there’s no favoritism and then dog woof just says yeet because of course he does uh creep creepers clear didn’t pronounce that right but you

Probably know who you are uh says what was your favorite game you played in 2019 on or offline um i don’t know like does the game have to have come out in 2019 i know why is no one joining should i load this back up again did i do something wrong um

Oh did someone join no maybe maybe i didn’t do it public maybe it reset uh was my favorite game of 2019 so my favorite game i played in 2019 was uh was overwatch yeah that didn’t come out in 2019 uh i i always like polar blank whenever

Anyone asks me like any of these questions i don’t know what it was i really enjoyed playing uh the remake of link’s awakening so maybe that i’m trying to i just like literally i’m trying to think what like i’ve played so many games this year and i’m just trying

To think like which game would be my favorite and i just can’t think you know you get like is that when you get asked someone says like what’s your birthday and you’re on the spot and you’re like it’s 19 i don’t know you know you just like

Pull a blank that’s why i am like when anyone asks me any like unexpected question that’s what i’m always like anyway it looks like people are able to get in the game now uh what map should we play uh what about shipyard i’m gonna vote for shibuya hi guy

So you can see quite a few familiar faces here from the last round people that are quick quick on the triggers to get into these games thank you to uh sway lf who just says hi stop you’re the best thank you so much and then stuart just says there better

Be sugar in your tea i’m sorry stew i don’t have sugar we’ve been over this before i don’t know i i i just had a cup of tea this is my my player one cup i have a player one cup that’s we’re an adorable couple and that’s what adorable couples do

Speaking of adorable have you noticed that there’s a corgi sleeping in the background i love the way she fits just between the mic stand here i wish i could like zoom in to like so you could see her but it just zooms into my big ugly face instead if i go back to

That is that going to stay zoomed in yeah so i got a new stream deck this is me my first time testing it out so i’m still getting the uh still getting the hang of it don’t forget the lasagna yeah i’m not meant to put the laser in until five so i’m okay

Guys a lot of people in this game i always forget oh no i didn’t get anything no i got nothing no no no no no no no no okay where are you going i think is there a chest down here oh dear oh my god okay okay i’ve got a bow oh

This isn’t going to be oh there’s people everywhere this is so scary everyone just leave me alone let me get some chests oh those people are taking out immediately there uh i never put my headphones on either so i can’t hear people oh what’s this oh diamond axe okay

Now the game changes now you all need to run from me i got decent armor a bow poison arrows and a diamond act i am like op for early game oh this person’s got a diamond axe as well and they’re just swinging it around like crazy right let’s try and

Take them out let’s try and collect all of the diamond axes god wish i could dual wield the diamond axes that might be a a little bit opie i remember there’s yeah there’s a chest down here as well a bit of rabbit stew uh probably don’t really need that

Let’s uh let’s just oh okay should i grab this um yeah let’s grab this diamond axe i don’t need it but if i’m if i got it and someone else doesn’t know you try to hide what was that hiding oh you’re running is that dylan is that i

Think there was oh are you dylan there’s loads of dogs it’s hard to know which is which is someone hiding here where did they go oh they’ve come up the stairs this way because there’s been a bit of a uh an action pack around it sorry i already

Got that chest buddy i’m sorry i’m so sorry i’m so sorry is it bad that like it’s the it’s the aim of the game but when like you have such good loot and you’re just taking everyone out i just feel so mean i just feel like these

People are all like excited playing with stampy and then i’m just going around like hitting them with a diamond axe i feel like this isn’t the way they wanted this experience to go but i mean it is fun especially when you’re chasing it about a bouncing dolphin look at them go

Oh dear we just do some like crazy music in the background this dolphin running away oh oh hello oh was that an enchanted diamond sword okay i managed to get the i need a healing potion big time though let’s go and just drink that down straight away

I might have this other one as well oh the tr the dog the dolphins getting revenge here is this a diamond sword i think that was a diamond sword there uh let’s oh oh then a knockback enchanted axe is this a diamond sword oh it is

So what’s the uh that’s six damage oh this is seven damage gum i’m so op oh no no no no oh okay they were like really they just run after me but they were like really weak that’s the good thing is when people like they try and charge you down but

They don’t have like good stuff themselves yet all right let’s uh let’s move out of this uh this area there’s still loads of people left in this game like it feels like i’m doing really good here but this game is still like completely uh packed

Up i’m gonna play it safe and just have this golden apple now and boost up my health oh no there’s been a big fight’s gone on down here let’s get this uh this chest plate because that’s going to help me out a lot and let’s try let’s try and maybe hold

The the middle area uh let’s grab this poison potion because these are always really useful so poison potions are really good against people that have good armor uh this person doesn’t but uh that’s still useful anyway oh no oh no okay they got me really weak they got me really weak

So my my big fear is that because there’s quite a few people around is that i get in a fight with someone and even if i win it i’m left so weak that things go bad oh you know what i’ve just realized everyone’s got good stuff because it’s all high-powered items isn’t it

Oh that’s why there’s such good stuff everywhere i didn’t even think about that all right let’s see if i can get this dolphin yes yes i was thinking that i was so lucky but everyone’s lucky because everyone’s got like really good loot right i need to be careful for now

Because i am quite weak and my how is my health going up does my health not go i think i think my i think the health doesn’t go up unless you like have healing potions did i do that setting on is my health going up oh no it is it is

It’s getting yeah it’s going up very slowly but i think that’s just me because i got the regeneration potion oh there’s someone else coming after me they knew exactly where i was just trying to hit the back with the bow and arrow and then let’s try and use the

Diamond saw there’s two people there’s two people oh this one’s not weak at all though they’re going to get me no that’s it that’s what oh i have two lives remaining oh i’m back in oh yeah i forgot i did mobile live so they’re from important lives because i’m back in

But i got nada i got absolutely nothing and everyone else is geared to the teeth so i’m gonna have to be a a little bit sneaky sneaky stampy coming up here i’m gonna have to do a quick loot run across the middle there’s so much loot around here if i just do don’t

Get me no if i just do one run i might be able to get good stuff was that good enough right i’ve got to run though oh there’s someone down here no i’ve got to have already got one life remaining ah there’s one person just guarding in that middle now though

And i don’t know how many lies there looks i could try and play it safe and hide out and hope that i’ve done enough damage because i’ve probably probably done the most damage in this game i’d say i mean i don’t know but i mean i’ve done a lot a lot of damage

This game so i could hope for that but i have no idea of knowing do i so even though this feels really good oh yeah i got a diamond sword but everyone and their mother’s got a diamond sword in this game it doesn’t it doesn’t really mean very much

I could try and combine it with the oh i got a poison potion and a harming potion that could be a pretty deadly combo if i use them together and then i can kind of like try and get through someone’s armor everyone’s just saying the lasagna uh

Keep moving right i’ll keep moving keep on the move i need to get some food here to be fair can i jump and make it up onto that boat is that too risky oh no or someone’s right here oh hello hello hello oh no uh let’s put the harming down no that’s me

Out that’s me like out out like completely out i don’t i don’t like the multiple lives because you’re really strong then like once you get taken out once you’re at such like a disadvantage because the people that survive have all of the the good stuff no not i’ll be honest i’m going to

Switch it i’m not a big fan of the uh the mobile mobile lives that was a fun round though how much does it show i took out eight people i took like eight people that round Uh stamps turn off slow mo please i’m not gonna know look how fast the chat’s going i can barely read it with slow-mo done like it’s on for a re i know it’s annoying but like it’s just to stop people just spamming again and again and again so um

That’s the reason why anyway uh while the uh the game finishes up with these uh last few people playing uh let’s shout out some people that donated uh during that game because i uh because i missed them uh thank you to uh function uh seven he says hello uh hello stampy i

Enjoyed your content for a long time and i’m happy uh to give back to you thank you so much i really appreciate that i’m glad you’ve enjoyed the videos i know alex is stretching then she sighed right it’s carrying on uh also shout out to um

Uh super fred uh otj again with the uh keep it up emoji uh eli who says i named my cats after you and i ballistic squid but i guess i can’t get in the the love garden i mean you’re not allowed to ask too that sounds a little bit like a hint

Uh shout out to her super fred uh stuart again who says i don’t remember your uh don’t forget your lasagna garfield uh shout out to uh victoria who says uh to give a shout out to her boys uh leland and harrison hello leland hello harrison thanks for watching this stream hope

You’re enjoying it uh thank you to a doodle dude thank you to uh superfred again uh dog woof again who says my dog pooped underneath the table i mean alex had accidents but like only when she was a puppy like since she’s been the only

Time she had an accident uh with the um of the toiletry nature uh was when she had to go on steroids uh because um she had an x-ray uh and then she had a bad pore and stuff so you need to be on steroids for a bit and she had she had a

Few wee wee accidents nope no poo poo but she had some pp accidents are you hiding are you hiding look at this person hiding it doesn’t work hiding here when you’re on the stream it doesn’t work because everyone knows where you are they can all see you it doesn’t work you’re

Trying are they stuck i think they’re stuck oh no is there any way they could get out from there i don’t think there is i don’t think there is i think they’re literally stuck down in there oh no what a horrible way what a horror

I took a horrible way to go and then mookie boy won uh thank you to um uh sesame seed who says eat cake for good luck uh unless you ate one i’ve been eating a lot of cake over the uh over christmas uh frank says uh love

Your vids been a fan since 500k subs uh and dorothy says uh you turned off hunger stamps you don’t need food of course i did of course i did i forgot about that right actually i can switch these things now yeah let’s just do it so it’s one life

Uh and what else should we switch uh food central um let’s leave let’s leave no hunger on and let’s just do er every item breaks after that’s just annoying let’s just do no armor shall we let’s give that a go and hello hi guys what map we’re going to vote for

Uh frontier frontier’s always a bit front is always a winner that’s always a popular choice uh i ballistic squid says being a fan since 10 subs pal i mean i probably had about like i think i had like a thousand subs when you message me squid it’s good like squid’s first message was

Just like oh my god is this stampy i’m such a big fan i really love you i wish we could do videos one day that’s the first thing he messaged me he was like squid’s like i know this sounds really embarrassing but i love your video so

Much and i love your curly hair i wish i could twiddle my fingers through your curly hair that’s what squid messaged me sorry squid i pretty shouldn’t have said that on stream because it’s private but sorry shout out to alpha hills who says uh could you please say alpha hills 2019

Why are you going to put it in a video or something right i’ll do it alpha hills 2019 i wonder what he’s going to do with that with that voice clip win one for everyone please says joseph i will try i’m try i promise you i’m not i’m not

Trying i’m not trying to lose any of these i’m trying to win all of them it just hasn’t been going to plan right i don’t need food i left no no no food off didn’t i so let’s just let’s just ditch the food shall we and i won the game

And i won the game it wasn’t an easy game to win it was a difficult game i had to try my very hardest but because of how well i had played and i i reached my optimum gaming level i was able to lag everyone out of the game because i

Was too good for the uh the game server to handle and i was able to win that was for you joseph you said i think that was i think joseph did that did you see that coincidence he said i like win this game and then poof everyone left and i won i

Think joseph’s a hacker i think he hacked into my game and made me win and for that i am very appreciative all right sir yeah let’s let’s vote let’s vote frontier again and give this another go if that keeps happening it’s been okay so far so what it is is um

As as new people because it’s so many people are trying to join the game at the same time it lags out the people that are already in the game so normally just playing this is fine it’s just because like i’m streaming it it keeps happening like if i was just playing

Normally it would be okay so uh if i guess if the game was full maybe don’t try and join but i know it’s kind of hard i am sorry does that count says joseph no it’s too late it’s too late joseph the damage has been done i should

Know why i’m happy is there is everyone else you need to apologize for not me you’re the one who made me win oh my god i’d love to see little alex just down there i need to change my uh my zoom in camera so it’s just like an alex cam

How do i do can i just move oh oh no i moved the border oh that’s not what i meant to do uh how do i do this oh here we go there we go now we have a little alex cam so now whenever we want we can go and switch to

Little sleepy sleepy alex cam anyway let’s uh we are in a game here so let’s go and get inside of that uh well thank you so much the golden mine cart for the uh the ten pound donation for several donations as well right i really want to win this game and

I want to actually win i don’t want to win this game by default i want to earn the victory right so we don’t need food so hunger is off so let’s just ditch all of that make room in our inventory and try and find some chests oh yeah there’s

A chest here and there’s one on top of the chest as well on top of the church as well so let’s go and uh head there oh no no don’t get me whoever it is stay away oh who was that i think they listened to me i told them

To stay away and they have is this a fire aspect sword and we ditched that oh my god i got a bow i got a bow all right we’ve got to get out of here because people oh hello hello hello oh i want your pickaxe i want your pickaxe i want

Your pickaxe please let’s just run let’s just run this there was someone shooting arrows at me and then that person ran up to me i announced uh i announced that i was going to the church too much and then like several people like look how many people are around the church now because

I mentioned i was going to the church i need to stay i need to stay quiet i’m learning every stream i’m learning i’m learning lessons about um what to do and for games like this i need to add a much bigger delay between the stream and the the game because it’s

Well too helpful for for people at the moment on the bright side while they carry on playing we can go to alex count let me move this uh how can i move this all right hello hi guys hello i can actually i could even zoom this in

Further let me just get out the way and let me just let you oh she sneezed oh she sneezed again let me get out the way hello hello puppy you got the sniffles hey you got the sniffles she’s a bit of a sleepy girl today i can’t believe i caught the could you

Hear the sneezes were they too quiet because they were quite loud sneezers but this mic doesn’t really pick things up very well could you hear this look what’s going on in the game by the way we’ve got a iron golem heads just come up to say hello to me

Oh dude that was the best just this stupid microphone stand i need i am i am switching this around so it doesn’t block the screen so much but i can’t believe i got a dedicated alex cam now oh look at that it’s kind of cute seeing her like fruit through the middle of

This though oh she’s rubbing her face trying to get like look i got my mic like up here now it’s just completely blocking me but at least you can see alex anyway the uh the game ended i’m gonna um i’m gonna back out of this game and uh

Load up a new one but i’m going to set it to just six play uh eight players just to see whether um uh that makes the the lag a little bit better people lag out a little bit less uh we could try should we try tumble i don’t wanna anyone fancy a tumble

The other things if i do tumble i know everyone’s gonna like who joins the chat is gonna be jumping in and just gonna be saying like oh the title says battle minigame but you’re playing tumble you did it wrong it always happens uh fire oh yeah there’s all these weird

Stuff you can do why did i go off alex cam why did i go off alex cab it’s the best thing uh so let’s just start off with a um let’s just start with let’s just do mixed let’s just do mixed yeah public game i’m not sure how many players there

Is but yeah we’re gonna do we’re gonna do around a tumble instead uh what’s tumble uh rubbish bin says uh it’s like spleef if you know what spleef is basically uh everyone’s on a bunch of platforms uh you need to um like knock the ground away break the

Blocks away either by throwing like snowballs or hitting them with a shovel and then people fall down and basically it’s the the person who ends up on the top is going to be the the winner uh are you playing this on the xbox one x uh i

Am uh but this is like the old version of minecraft so it’s like it’s no different to playing it on the normal xbox like it’s not in 4k or anything fancy like that right while we’re waiting for the uh the game to go i guess we can go back to

Alex cab oh it’s annoying microphone cable she’s had a uh a rather exciting last few days with um yeah just christmas and boxing day which is the day after christmas and just a lot of time with family and friends and stuff and getting fussed over and everyone playing

Fetch with her all of the time so she is absolutely exhausted then we went on quite a long walk today as well which always ties her out a little bit right looks like we’re playing some snowball very very fitting it’s the uh the christmasy one

All right let’s see if i can get a win sbc says give your dog a massage from me is that a message or a massage i’m not sure i it says message i’m probably meant to be massage oh no oh this goes on tmc on this one i love how

Christmassy it is though so because this version doesn’t get updates anymore is it in like a permanent state of christmas because look all of the outside’s all christmassy but they’re not updating it so i wonder if just the last update happened around christmas and now it’s like just always like it’s

Like a time capsule it’s just always going to be christmas if you go and play this version i don’t know my microphone i can’t adjust it i just have to shout this is like way too fast pace of a game to try and stand search you know if i stand on this

There we go okay okay uh i’m still up i’ve said oh only just i only just got back in time there’s loads of players in this game actually and we’re like well are we all on the same layer is that is there anyone underneath us

I think we might all be like up on the same layer still everyone’s everyone’s really good all the people that are still playing on this version or like have mastered it i think all right i think there’s a few falling down no i’m falling down so you can throw snowballs

Up to get the people that are on layers above you but you’ve got to be careful doing that because then the people all know because yeah then the uh the people on your uh your level can go and uh can go and focus you down

Uh is it possible to play from 360. uh you can’t join you can play this on but you won’t be able to play like there’s not cross play on this particular game well alex is having a scratch oh she’s a actually i think she might be licking um

Licking her bits though i don’t sorry for zooming i don’t know she’s not she’s just she’s just scratching she’s just having a scratch uh what breed is she uh she’s a pembrokeshire corgi let’s check out this map a bit i like look at this guy i love the the 4j art team

Doesn’t just look incredible doesn’t this just make you feel warm on the inside even though it’s so cold and snowy like the amount of detail there’s so many like hidden stuff like down in like this cave down here there’s all these little like hidey holes in here like it makes you

Just want to play in this but imagine oh this would be such a cool idea for like um almost like a den style map like uh like pit den or something so it’s just like a giant like hole in the ground with all of these little caves on the

Side so you would build a little house down there and then you’re building up like all this scaffolding to try and get around to these little hidey holes almost a bit like cave den i guess but like more like open with like the sky and stuff anyway let’s uh let’s uh

Go in with the uh the gameplay and see what’s going on there and yeah i will catch up with a few donations that came through uh thank you to um someone said subscribe to my channel i’m not reading out self-advertising i’m afraid uh thank you uh springtrap for

The donation uh thank you tyron uh tierra uh thank you uh to echo h again thank you to matio thank you to uh def 100 p who says i’ve been sub for a long time uh what happened between you and squid uh nothing between this week we still do

Videos we did uh we actually did a christmas video on squid channel we did a video together if you want to see that we’ve done some streams together uh human sutton hi stampy hello welcome back to the stream a regular around these parts and dottie cube as well says

I’ve been watching since 2014 which is a very long time but anyway i need to oh dear gosh ow ow so one of the things you can do and there’s still no oh don’t okay i’m getting blown up one of the things uh you can do with the snowball rounds

Oh god this person’s good oh no i’m just good i’m trying to speak they’re getting knocked around like crazy yeah one of the things you can do if i can finish my sentence is um you can just punch the ground so rather than throwing snowballs you can just

Punch it and it works just the same as the shovel like it breaks the blocks in one hit and sometimes it can be a little bit easier to to do rather than actually trying to throw the snowballs especially if you’re really close to someone i mean it’s obviously not helping me out here

Because i’m doing absolutely awful stuff the slime blocks are messing you up they slow you down so much unless you bounce straight across them like that they can slow you down so much but the trick was always to like throw not throw snowballs at each other but throw them like a head

Of where they’re going so they like jump and then end up landing in a hole that you’ve just made there’s also another straw oh there i fell down there’s also like another strategy where it’s really boring uh but basically you just saw what’s this oh hello sorry um

Little creeper and a scarf um it’s really boring but basically if you just ignore everyone else or at least ignore like trying to go after them but just try and um like just worry about where you’re jumping and don’t even try and break away blocks that’s usually the best way

To win so if you’re playing tumble or spleef or whatever variant of this game um yeah if you just focus on you and ignore trying to make anyone else fall down it’s normally the most successful way to to win oh oh no alex has disappeared the beanbag oh she’s gone to she’s come

To lie next to me at my side here f’s in the chat for alex cam we’ve lost it we’ve lost alex cam potatoes everyone says lindsay okay uh what server are you on uh i’m not a server this is um uh just the uh the xbox one editions

This is just in the game it’s nice because there’s no like it’s so quick to get into a game and there’s no like micro transactions and they’re not trying to sell you like buy vip for our server and you can have a custom pet in the lobby that there’s

Like none of that stuff it’s just like hey play the game but you got to buy the maps but if you’re playing with someone who already owns the maps then you don’t need to buy them you can just uh play it all for free another one like really like advertising it’s like

It’s like old and not being updated anymore but i love it i miss it i miss like it’s sad that uh 4j studios aren’t going to be able to make more of this because they were like and i can’t tell you what they were but i knew what their plan was for like

The future mini games they were going to add they had like them planned way into the future but of course bedrock uh replacing it kind of put an end to that they kind of even announced it um um minecon the the last minecon uh the last like actual minecon minecon like

Oh my microphone uh yeah on on stage with me they uh they announced that they were gonna be adding like a build battle mode but of course that had to be cancelled when they uh switched everything over to bedrock which is a shame because i wish they these are so high quality

To like most of the stuff you get on servers certainly the bedrock ones anyway i’m determined to win this one as you can see i’m following my own strategy and i’m i’m trying to stay concentrated i will sort out the microphone hopefully you can hear me all

Right probably a bit quiet i’ll sort it out i want i want to win at least one round oh that was very close it’s hard no it’s harder though the little slow men um turn your mic i know i know the mic i knew the mic was down

Lol can’t hear like i noticed this is because it’s like this microphone so alex cam is back everyone yeah it’s because it’s because this mic is so it’s so heavy and then this is like there’s a bit of rubber in here i think it’s like worn away

And every time i move it it just collapses it makes it make some pretty funny moments though at least oh down to the showdown right let me try and get through a few donations uh thank you def 100 p from uh australia uh mateo says sing it’s a lovely world

After all i you do not want to hear like you do not want to hear me sing anything i am an awful singer uh thank you awesome dude uh who says some people think sb 737 copies you uh i’ve seen if like uh i don’t know

Seven weeks now i see some of his videos and there are like like mainly his older videos like they are very similar but i think it’s like he’s i think he was a fan like i think he watched a lot of my videos and he liked them and i think like he took

Aspects from them and then like used that for his style of it but like loads of people did like not so much now but back in the day like after like lovely world became popular so many people did that type of series which is like mainly

Survival but got a bit of role play they’d be the only one talking but they’d have helpers they’d have some equivalent to the love garden like like everyone did it like even with my friends like amy lee and squid and squishy they all had like their version

Of the love garden and that had someone’s name and a sign like there was like a a format that i i kind of came up with for lovely world and then loads of people like of you know did that style for a very long time until then a new style of video became

Popular and i carried on doing my style and everyone else switched over so i think he kind of did that type of video but i think like his actual builds and his creations and stuff i think all of that stuff was original i think quick stampede the lasagna the lasagna i don’t need

I need to put the lasagna in the oven at five i’m okay for now i got 20 minutes 20 minutes until lasagna time yeah for the sorry for those just joining and i have no idea what lasagna time is suppose you called me earlier uh and asked me to put the

Lasagna in the oven at five and now everyone’s helping me keep track oh no no i hate that i hate when you skip a level when you drop the whole way down to the bottom oh well at least i can uh and carry on going through the uh the donations uh

Thank you uh so much for the uh the donation uh crowswaz jay really appreciate the the money thank you very much uh dogwoof says what is your favorite animal uh giraffes uh giraffes are my my favorite animal um always have been i love giraffes um i kind of like real world animals in

Terms of animals i interact with i love dogs uh this shocks people but i’m more of a dog person than i am a cat person i mean i’ve got a cat and i love my cat but um i think like i love playing with animals

And you can play with cats but it’s a very different type of play like playing with a cat is much more like when you’re waving a thing or throwing things like a little burst of energy then the cat will just like go still for ages and then you do it

Again the cat will go up and then it’ll stop but dogs you just like you can probably like wrestle and play around with dogs and then they they love it um thank you so much to crumsy who says uh thanks for the amazing childhood uh watching since 2012. uh thank you so

Much uh human saturn has been watching since 2013. uh and thank you again jose um joseph i see you’ve done another donation i can’t see it let me let me zoom out a bit there we go uh oh just says why did you lose i didn’t mean to i tried to i

Really i really wanted to win i did my best i got to win one of these rounds don’t i what’s the uh what’s the scoreboard here oh so so who is that uh sketchy who’s sketchup so you this the pirate the pirate’s the one to wins i think

It’s first to three rounds wins and they’ve won two so they seem to know that oh they’ve just won’t have they won i i think they might have won overall i think the pirate i think i didn’t get a single win on the uh the spleef round

Uh what a failure what a failure but there are like other um other modes you can do on that on tumble i think i think well people are saying please do glide oh we should we do all three of them should we do a game of this game of glide

Uh which map do you want um i used to know these maps so well i i think they just i think because it’s public they just all need to be on and then we can just vote do you remember my uh my can you beat my time series

Where i played through these maps and i’d set a time in the the video and then like other people would have to try and beat my time we can do it live we can do it we’re gonna do it live the problem is is the the way to get

Good at these maps is just to play them again and again and again until you’ve like memorized it and then there’s like really specific shortcuts that you can do and i i’m i was good i was like often right in the top of the leaderboards for these glide maps i

Don’t think i was ever at the very top but now i did on ps4 so my times won’t be on here but on ps4 i was always way up at the top of the the leaderboard um yeah so i i used to be good but as i said it’s all

About like remembering the the level and being able to repeat it and i have not played this since i did those videos so it’s probably been two or three years since i played glide at all so don’t expect anything close to that level here but

Let’s see let’s see if i can win against some of these people here right i vote for the dragon level uh i don’t know what level we’re going to end up actually doing spam giraffe squad if you love giraffes you might have noticed i have like a

Giant giraffe behind me here oh let’s check in on alex oh no there she is her eyes are barely oh she’s trying to keep her eyes open not very successfully though actually let me zoom out again i got a new um oh this microphone so annoying uh i got a new um

Stream deck thingy which i’m still getting uh trying to get the the hang of using that’s good it allows me to quickly zoom in and stuff add music in the background and do all sorts of uh or fancy things oh what baffle we do i don’t even see which one we ended up

Getting here all right so build up the speed then you can go up a bit i’m kind of remembering a bit now oh no i crashed this isn’t good this is oh okay let’s just let’s just reset the checkpoint oh put me right back to the beginning that’s brutal

All right go up through here don’t crash the tree so you don’t want to do sudden turns as much as you can avoid it because that’s the the thing that really makes you lose speed so you want to kind of keep it as level and as smooth

As you can and oh yeah these little boost thingies i forgot about these little bits the orange boost they’re the best ones they’re the ones that allow you to like boost in any uh direction then there’s the yellow ones then there’s the ones that are just like air in the the ground

And yeah these things but these are really slow these like yeah they boost you up really slowly like this so that you kind of a lot of the time you want to end up just avoiding them but like the way to get good at this is basically to to look online

And like work out what routes other people are going and then try and replicate it wasn’t there a shortcut oh yeah look at this shortcut am i gonna do it oh i did it that was must have just been muscle memory i just ended up just doing it anyway

Oh i’m i remember that that’s one of the like the hardest shortcuts that you can do in this and i just did it first try i think there’s a yeah there was a shortcut there i remember oh no i failed i remember yeah let me see if i can do

It here i think i go through here then i go down through the left here somewhere oh no not there what’s this one oh there’s no way i’m getting through that is there let’s try again i already know i’m not gonna win this there’s people way further ahead than me let’s

See if we can make it through this area god no like i’ve done it i i did it like when i did set my actual good time but i’m way too rusty i need to to practice to be able to do that again this is fun though

I’m like is it weird like i’m getting like all nostalgic for the uh the glide mini game it’s been such a long time all right let’s try and avoid that air down there oh no i’ve only got oh i’ve only got 20 seconds to reach the end of the map

I don’t think i’m going to make it am i how far away is the end of the map i got no i got no chance is that am i the one am i at the right at the end oh no okay so i’m only one checkpoint away

But this is embarrassing i didn’t even finish the level i got right close to the end but i didn’t even finish it i got oh i got disqualified oh there’s the finish line there’s the finish line i saw it i saw it i probably shouldn’t try and go for like

All of the uh the shortcuts i don’t think that was helping me i think i just need to like if i just make it from the beginning to the end are any crashes that’s going to be like my my best chance i just can’t remember the the roots at

All oh yeah don’t we do like each letter yeah we do each level like three rounds don’t we okay we’ll ever we’ll have a chance i messed up immediately last time so let’s try and uh do that better again everyone’s saying lasagna i’m okay i’ve

Got time i’ve got time we have we we have lasagna time left don’t crash don’t crash don’t crash thank you thank you all right and then oh i missed a shortcut i missed a shortcut there it’s weird being with all of these people now so you get you oh look at

Those shortcuts those people are doing you get like tempted to follow the crowd and sometimes the crowd goes the wrong way or they miss a shortcut you kind of need to almost like ignore all of the other players and just go whichever way you want to go but then again these people playing

These might they might know what they’re doing they might know the uh the best routes to go i’m keeping up with them it’s all pretty close i think this is the other front runner group here and i think there’s like any group that’s ahead of us here

Oh no there’s oh no there are there are there is another girl can i do this shortcut again oh no no i missed it i missed it i managed to do it last time i was i was overthinking it that time that’s what messed me up i was focusing on it too

Much oh i’m losing a lot of ground here i don’t want to have to use this airplane so i’m not going to go for this shortcut like even if i did it would be like it would be very helpful but i do not want to risk crashing into the

Ground even though i almost did anyway oh am i in the lead oh no i’m not but there’s only there’s only a few people i think they’re just the three ahead of me no no there’s loads ahead of me uh let’s go let’s go right let’s go down this way

We are playing with some elite gliders in this game that was scary let’s go and boost up high here get some good height maybe try and go for this little gap down here oh it says hurry up oh they’re really strict about this timing aren’t they all

Little short cut down this way i don’t know i remember this bit actually all right let’s just go down low get our speed out was i third or fourth i’ve got a personal best so that’s probably not my actual personal best because that was on playstation but i was in was it first

Second first i was fifth place top five out of 16. that’s not too bad so the first place got one minute and 43 seconds i was one minute 55 that uh more mortars more more desired lizard they’re in the battle mini game as well they’re good they they

Know what they’re doing with this glide game you know i might i might have to start going for more of those short because i might as well i’ve got a decent time on the board i might as well uh have a have a go trying to do these

Shortcuts just just to see if i can it will probably end up being worse but might as well give it a go it’s the final round i wonder if i’m meant to go down this little bit down there well here we go that was faster

And now i go through this gap here oh there we go that was a way quicker start than last time so i’m in third place at the moment she’s trying to stay really low to the ground and keep our speed up as much as we can i was a little bit slow there

I got to boost my way up here and now we’re coming up to the really tricky shortcut if i pull it off that would be a real good place for me oh this is it here i’m going to get up really high up here and then oh there’s the shortcut here oh no

I crashed oh that was so close i was so close to fall i i’m you know i i went up too high that was the problem right i’m gonna i’m gonna go again until i get it but yeah i went up higher than i thought yeah i need to go here

And then through like that i have no idea how in like my first round i was able to pull that off first time because it’s so tricky to get your speed and stuff right right i’m just gonna go i’m just gonna go around the corner i’m just gonna see

If i can at least finish the level i’m not sure if i’m gonna be able to here to be fair though if i pulled that off and i was close and then didn’t mess up for the rest of the round i think it would mean it would have been tricky

For anyone else to catch up with me because that shortcut is like cuts out so much time it’s so effective i might as well just go for every shortcut now now now i’ve already uh messed up i can’t really remember any of the other ones hard to be honest

Okay it looks like i got plenty of time to return let’s just go the other way than i went the last rounds i’ve i’d always gone right up until now i can’t remember which way is fastest but this way seemed to work oh that that was pretty good

Whoa okay i’m going barrel well out i was just saying about how fast i was going oh they’ve really cut down my time to reach the end i guess someone’s finished already i reckon i might if i don’t mess up i reckon i might just about be able to reach the end here

15 seconds don’t crash don’t crash 11 10 we got it we got hello we made it we alright it wasn’t a good time but i knew i was going i was going bold to to try and um yeah to try and be able to to do the shortcut and stuff but i think

I think mortalized lizard i think they’re yeah they’re the overall winner i think uh yeah they are but it was very close with t y two nine carp uh in second place well this was really cool this uh this was a really fun stream because uh

I thought i was just gonna be doing the the battle mini game um it was kind of just like a nice nostalgia trip playing all of the various old mini games on the uh the old xbox one edition uh i love them they’re all really fun and as i said earlier i’m

Really it’s pretty sad that they’re not going to be doing any more of them but i think i am going to end the stream here as many of you have been reminding me by saying lasagna time i do need to go and put a lasagna in the in the um in the

Oven i also haven’t had a cup of tea since we started the stream and my body is protesting so yeah let’s uh give a few shout outs for some of these donations and then we’re um yeah then i’ll go and put the lasagna in uh where did we get

To uh oh joseph says my score is about zero to ten yeah i didn’t win very much today wasn’t my most successful day oh oh what’s crazy saying uh on my way to the train squishy send me messages about the lasagna where’s the lasagna and what heat and

Stuff what do i need to do the lasagna everyone keeps saying it’s lasagna time yeah uh dog woof says is that a reason giraffium uh joey crisp says uh dude i’ve been watching since 2014. nice job thank you so much uh dylan champion uh no message

Thanks for the donation uh ronin uh uh cat bug as well uh thank you to uh to zoe who says i’ve always admired your integrity and uh the uh sincere joy that you share uh thank you for all of the hours of entertainment thank you so much for the

Uh the donation and the uh the kind word zoe i really appreciate that uh thank you to a diamond default uh who says hi stampy i was the one giving you unhealthy support in the upper battle mini game he he enjoyed my x’s xmas buddy have a great day thank you so much

And thank you for the unhealthy support in the uh battle minigame uh thanks again for another donation from dogwoof and uh nicholas as well says what do you think of garfield uh i know i never like read garfield growing up i saw like one of the like the cg films

I thought it was all right like i think because i’m an orange cat that likes eating loads of food and uh a garfield like seeing food’s an orange cat everyone thinks i’d probably love garfield but i’m not the biggest garfield fan uh but i think he’s okay

And uh thank you uh superfred uh for the donation as well but yeah that’s gonna be the the end of this stream here uh thank you all everyone for for joining uh it was a lot of fun um my new stream deck i’m gonna keep kind of learning the

Other things that it can do and kind of play uh around maybe uh get an upgrade like i’d love to get like a mobile camera in the room somewhere so i can actually cut like a close-up like alex cam so i think people would love that

So i don’t know no promises but maybe that would be coming in the future everyone have a great rest of the of the day i probably won’t stream again until the new year i won’t be streaming until next year which is like two days or

Whatever so i hope everyone has a a very good new year’s eve if you’re going out or celebrating in any way and uh yeah i guess i’ll see you all next year so thanks for watching and i’ll see you all later bye So You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Battle Mini-game – 🔴 Live’, was uploaded by stampylonghead on 2019-12-30 17:35:54. It has garnered 235702 views and 4956 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:23 or 5603 seconds.

Donations – https://streamlabs.com/stampylonghead [Please only consider donating if you’re over 18 years old. There is no obligation to donate.]

Twitter – @stampylongnose

Facebook – www.facebook.com/stampylongnose

Instagram – www.instagram.com/stampycat

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    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Wild Ride In the world of Minecraft, anything can occur, From monsters to explosions, chaos to endure. Each episode brings surprises, adventures to find, With challenges at every turn, testing the mind. Subscribe to see what’s next, in this wild ride, Leave a thumbs up if you’re on this Minecraft tide. Share your thoughts in the comments, what should I face? In this game of twists and turns, in this virtual space. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, In this world of creativity, where anything saves. Minecraft, the game that never fails to excite, With each new… Read More

  • Proving You’re Not a Turtle in Minecraft

    Proving You're Not a Turtle in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Turtle Collecting Interrupted! Introduction In a recent Twitch stream on the 11th of August, viewers were treated to an unexpected turn of events as a drowned interrupted a peaceful turtle collection session. The streamer, known as Clevprof, was in the midst of gathering turtles when chaos ensued. Unexpected Interruption As Clevprof was focused on collecting turtles, a drowned mob appeared out of nowhere, causing a commotion. The unexpected interruption added a thrilling element to the gameplay, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Support and Socials For those who enjoy Clevprof’s content, there are various ways… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 – Buddies Unite!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 - Buddies Unite! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Buddies forever, in a story untold. Family, friends, peace, and love, Cherish these moments, like a gift from above. In this episode, we dive deep, Into the bonds that we sow and reap. Children grow fast, time slips away, Treasure each moment, make memories stay. Learn from mistakes, from lessons learned, In the game of life, the tables turned. So grab your pickaxe, and your sword, In Minecraft world, let’s explore the horde. Together we’ll build, together we’ll fight, In this pixelated world, our future bright. So join us now, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now!

    Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now! Welcome to the Minecraft LifeSteal SMP! Are you ready to embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure like no other? Join the public LifeSteal SMP server, where Java and PE players come together 24/7 to explore, build, and survive in the captivating world of Minecraft. What is LifeSteal SMP? The LifeSteal SMP is a unique Minecraft server where players can experience the thrill of a public SMP with a twist – the ability to “steal” hearts from other players. This exciting feature adds a new level of strategy and excitement to the gameplay, making every encounter with another player a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedrock Modding Minecraft Bedrock Edition has captivated millions of players worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the ability to enhance gameplay through mods, such as the (FREE) 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice. What is a Hack Client? A hack client, also known as a utility mod, is a tool that allows players to customize their Minecraft experience by adding new features and functionalities. The 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice offers a range of exciting options… Read More

  • Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!

    Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Survival Episode 86: “Fury of the Storm”‘, was uploaded by SkitzTGPG on 2024-09-16 13:00:26. It has garnered 62 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:38 or 1178 seconds. Skitz and his new fire/lightning-breathing friends send a clear message to Pillager leadership- The time to settle this is now! Neener-Neener-Cheater-Discleemer: All Cinematic, Plot, Story and Montage shots are done in a duplicate save file and any structures, items, mobs or other materials are used for storytelling purposes – the scenes depicted do not actually occur in the world save of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part- 3 ) |’, was uploaded by STAN REHMAN on 2024-02-18 08:21:55. It has garnered 3773 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part- 3 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Trail – Unbelievable Aesthetics!

    Epic Minecraft Trail - Unbelievable Aesthetics!Video Information This video, titled ‘#ASTHETICS #OF #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT TRAIL on 2024-06-02 07:45:35. It has garnered 429 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #gaming #secret #short #tricks #triggered #by #me #asthetic #graphics I LOVE TO PLAY MINECRAFT. EXPLORE WORLDS ,BIOMES , MOPS,CREEPERS, VILLAGERS, TRADERS, ADVENTURE,TRIDENTS,PORTIONS,ACIENT CITY, OCEAN MONUMENT, DESERT TEMPLE ,SPAWN EGGS,JUNGLE TEMPLE,SEED,WATER BUCKETS,SHIP WRECK,FRIENDLY MOBS,STRUCTURES,ENCHANTMENT,BLOCKS,OBCELEAN ETC. ON MY CHANNEL I UPLOAD SHORTS FROM THE GAMES I PLAY . IF YOU LIKE MY VIDEOS THEN DO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!

    Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dinosaurs Ultra Dino Episode 3 | A Real Foundation |’, was uploaded by Iggy INC Gaming on 2024-01-10 06:59:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today I took time to gather resources to build our bunker base, it turns out exactly how I imagined it would look. The building of the … Read More

  • EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraft

    EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘|⚡PLAYING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP 🙈❤️⚡| MINECRAFT FRIENDS | #minecraft #live |’, was uploaded by DikkaShaabYT on 2024-03-08 23:53:32. It has garnered 11 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:55 or 1255 seconds. Hello Guys Welcome to my Youtube Channel😉❤️❤️.. I Stream Everyday in evening on this channel 🎮❤️… Hope you guys enjoy the stream!! 😉❤️ Don’t forget to Like and Subscribe the channel if you Like my content🥹❤️ Your 1 like = Motivation For me 🥹❤️ Insta: https://www.instagram.com/your_brain_strucker7/ If you guys wants to support more🥹❤: Paytm: 8587830645@paytm… Read More

  • Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the Skeleton

    Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the SkeletonVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is happening with AndrewGaming67? | AndrewGaming67 ARG’, was uploaded by Mush the Skeleton on 2024-05-17 03:42:21. It has garnered 186643 views and 6322 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:42 or 5382 seconds. #analysis #arg #minecraft #mystery THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING! This one was my biggest project yet, and took quite a bit out of me. I hope you all enjoyed and thank you so much for the support and sugegstions for this one. I sincerely hope that you guys enjoy this and hope I did it decently well. I’m also… Read More

  • Snowman’s SHOCKING Answer Will Blow Your Mind! #Twitch #shorts

    Snowman's SHOCKING Answer Will Blow Your Mind! #Twitch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘kardan adam evet diyor | arpeakk #Twitch #shorts #mc #minecraft’, was uploaded by ArPeaKK on 2024-01-09 12:14:12. It has garnered 2456 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #shorts #twitch #twitchturkey #explore #explore #weareinexploration #trend #trending #minecraft #boxpvp #bedwars Read More

  • Insane Titanium PvP – Sky Cutting Madness! 😱 #titaniumsky #pvpboss

    Insane Titanium PvP - Sky Cutting Madness! 😱 #titaniumsky #pvpbossVideo Information This video, titled ‘Titanyum Gök Kesme PVP(GÖK KESERKEN SIKILIYOM) #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SensizKalamam on 2024-04-04 00:50:01. It has garnered 376 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. DC: SensizKalamam discord.gg/titanyum212 bogac blood cutting minecraft sonoyuncu pvp minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endoyuncu, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps… Read More

  • ULTIMATE PHONE SHOWDOWN: Shovels vs. Goleeem

    ULTIMATE PHONE SHOWDOWN: Shovels vs. GoleeemVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHICH PHONE IS BETTER BUT PHONES ARE SHOVELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Goleeem on 2024-03-21 19:33:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. memes #meme​ #Minecraft​ Thank you all for watching. #Minecraft​ #meme​ #memes tag: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, … Read More

  • DarkPixelMY

    DarkPixelMYWelcome to DarkPixel, the ultimate destination for Pixelmon adventure in Minecraft version 1.16.5! DarkPixel offers a unique Pixelmon experience, combining the excitement of creature-catching and battling with the rich features of modded Minecraft. Our server boasts a vibrant community and a range of exciting features to enhance your gameplay. Explore our expansive world filled with diverse biomes, thanks to the Biomes O Plenty mod. From lush forests to sprawling deserts, there’s always something new to discover around every corner. Whether you’re seeking rare Pokémon or simply enjoying the scenic landscapes, there’s adventure waiting for you in every biome. Join us… Read More

  • Novidium Skyblock SMP: Chestshops, uSkyblock, Challenges, Money

    Novidium Skyblock Server IP: play.novidium.net Novidium is a simple skyblock server where you can build an island, complete challenges, and visit/build shops. Features: Challenges: Complete simple challenges to earn rare items. Economy: Player-to-player trading/buying/selling only. Leaderboards: Track the richest players and highest level islands. Join Novidium for a nostalgic skyblock experience that balances old and new features. Read More

  • » » InfluenceMc NETWORK « « TIENDA tienda.influencemc.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.influencemc.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Emeralds Bought, Diamonds Sought: Minecraft’s First Treasure Hunt

    Emeralds Bought, Diamonds Sought: Minecraft's First Treasure Hunt In the world of Minecraft, a quest unfolds, To find the first diamond, a tale to be told. Emeralds are sought, a treasure so rare, But Juan’s antics bring chaos, a comedic affair. Join us on this journey, full of twists and turns, As we mine and explore, the excitement burns. From epic fails to funny moments galore, Minecraft adventures, we always adore. Like, comment, and subscribe, don’t be shy, Join our Discord, where friendships fly high. In the realm of gaming, we’ll always unite, With rhymes and emojis, our future is bright. Read More

  • Hot Villager Party in Minecraft Demo! #lit #raid

    Hot Villager Party in Minecraft Demo! #lit #raid When you enter a village with a raid in Minecraft Lite Demo Edition, it’s like trying to crash a party with a bunch of angry villagers who just want to trade carrots for emeralds. Good luck surviving that awkward encounter! #minecraftproblems #villagerdrama Read More

  • Outrageous 2024 Minecraft Predictions

    Outrageous 2024 Minecraft Predictions Minecraft Live 2024 Predictions Exciting Topics on AfterLife Podcast #38 In the latest episode of the AfterLife Podcast, the hosts delve into a variety of intriguing topics. They kick things off by evaluating AfterLife Members’ bases based on a unique scale that considers both detail and scale. As anticipation builds for Minecraft Live on September 28th, where Mojang will unveil the latest game drops and updates for Minecraft 1.22, the hosts discuss their predictions and expectations. Minecraft’s New Update Philosophy One of the key points of discussion is Minecraft’s new update philosophy. The shift towards smaller, year-round “drops” has… Read More

  • How to Build a Bathtub in Minecraft

    How to Build a Bathtub in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Bathtub Are you ready to dive into the creative world of Minecraft and learn how to build a bathtub? In this article, we will explore the exciting possibilities of building in Minecraft and guide you through the process of creating your very own bathtub in the game. Building Your Bathtub in Minecraft Building in Minecraft is a fun and engaging activity that allows players to unleash their creativity. To build a bathtub in Minecraft, you will need to gather the necessary materials such as blocks, water, and any additional decorations you may… Read More

  • Deadly Minecraft Potion: Master Miner Reveals Secret Recipe

    Deadly Minecraft Potion: Master Miner Reveals Secret RecipeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a potion of poison in Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by The Master Miner on 2024-07-30 08:40:45. It has garnered 492 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. In this video, I show you how to brew a potion of poison in Minecraft. The recipe is the same in both Bedrock and Java edition. I hope you find this Minecraft poison potion tutorial useful! Minecraft poison recipe I will also show you how to make a poison 2 potion in minecraft 1.21 how to make a… Read More

  • Saturday Morning Gaming Extravaganza

    Saturday Morning Gaming ExtravaganzaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Saturday Morning Gaming #livegaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #roblox #live #gaming #ps5 #xboxlive’, was uploaded by Cash Presley & Oakley Star on 2024-09-08 04:47:53. It has garnered 575 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:57 or 6897 seconds. Saturday Morning Gaming #livegaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #roblox #live #gaming #ps5 #xboxlive #petsimulator #toilettowerdefense #fallguys #stumbleguys Read More


    NEW Minecraft MLG WATER BUCKET TRICKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft water bucket MLG’, was uploaded by MarkPTZ1 – Minecraft on 2024-06-12 11:47:15. It has garnered 1971 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft water bucket MLG Read More

  • OMG! I Moved into MERGE CITY?! 🤯 (Episode 4)

    OMG! I Moved into MERGE CITY?! 🤯 (Episode 4)Video Information This video, titled ‘I moved into MERGE CITY!! (Merge city Episode 4)’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-01-16 01:00:01. It has garnered 10254 views and 398 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:03 or 1923 seconds. Who is Frosty? Frosty is the son of Santa and comes from the North Pole! Frosty loves to play Minecraft with his best friend RageElixir in Minecraft Block City! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Frosty Read More

  • INSANE! Minecraft Servers Live NOW!

    INSANE! Minecraft Servers Live NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers Live Streaming’, was uploaded by ClenchedVoice65 on 2024-03-24 07:42:21. It has garnered 74 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:21 or 1041 seconds. minecraft,minecraft server,minecraft servers,minecraft smp,minecraft servers to join,minecraft server ip,best minecraft server,minecraft server shorts,school minecraft server,minecraft funny,minecraft bending server,p2w minecraft servers,minecraft survival server,minecraft shorts,best minecraft servers,minecraft but,pay to win minecraft servers,types of servers in minecraft,minecraft duping p2w servers,minecraft facts,minecraft 1.19minecraft challenge,minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mod,challenge,minecraft but,minecraft challenges,build challenge minecraft,minecraft manhunt,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,noob vs pro minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft update,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft… Read More

  • NEW Minecraft Trails Update – INSANE gameplay!!

    NEW Minecraft Trails Update - INSANE gameplay!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying out The Trails Update in Minecraft’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-06-14 17:52:16. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:13 or 5833 seconds. Finally now that im back from the Tour Decided to hawe a chill Evening With the Chat Minecraft Skibidi Skibidi Toilet Chill Just Chatting Bread Hypixel MCCI Read More

  • Unbelievable discovery: JNIN3R exposed on Twitch! #Minecraft

    Unbelievable discovery: JNIN3R exposed on Twitch! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘found them | jnin3r on #Twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by JNIN3R on 2024-01-15 16:40:44. It has garnered 338 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #shorts Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE OHM ALLAH GOD PUZZLE GAMING!Video Information This video, titled ‘Puzzle games #puzzlegames #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by OHM ALLAH GOD GAMING on 2024-09-05 17:22:11. It has garnered 7 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. gaming, games, game, gameplay, gamer, roblox, subway surfers, gta, minecraft, ludo king, coc, bgmi, music, cartoon games, cartoon, anime, animation, 3d, carrom pool, hitman go, pacman, free fire, coin master, the witcher, red dead redemption, the last of us, god of war, baldurs gate, mass effect, hades, grand theft auto, candy crush, among us, pokemon go, genshin impact, garden scapes, pubg, clash royale,… Read More

  • "Insane EVO Gaming! RTX Shader for MCPE 1.21+"

    <p>"<strong>Insane EVO Gaming! RTX Shader for MCPE 1.21+</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘RTX Realistic Shader For Minecraft PE 1.21.22| Shader MCPE 1.21+ | Low End Devices’, was uploaded by EVO GAMING_2.O on 2024-09-03 06:20:53. It has garnered 1265 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:19 or 139 seconds. Hi Guys In This Video I Will Show You RTX Realistic Shader For Minecraft PE 1.21.22 | Shader MCPE 1.21+ | Low End Devices __________________________________________________________ 📍Link in comment box 👈 {All Credit Goes to Respective Creators} 📌Like 📌Share 📌Subscribe 📌Comment 2nd channel:- https://youtube.com/channel/UCcalpw6keUbCOGImVSLB-lQ 🔺INSTAGRAM:-https://instagram.com/evogaming_official?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== TELEGRAM:- https://t.me/EVO_ARMY _______________________________________________________ 🔴Your Queries:- realistic shaders minecraft pe 1.21+ minecraft… Read More

Minecraft – Battle Mini-game – 🔴 Live