Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20 Part 75 The Legit The Ultimate Survival Realm RTX Vanilla No Mods

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Thank you yo welcome back part 75. at least I think it’s part 75 right then I don’t even remember wasn’t oh yeah yeah I was AFK at the raid Farm last night and it hey what’s up soya how you doing it is 75 Trust see ya

I was AFK at the raid Farm last night and uh during the middle of the day today of all those AFK uh I emptied the machine and stuff because it was just packed fall to the brim so I’m gonna go down there and just sort some of the stuff out yeah straight away

Yeah nice have you put them breaking on you as well welcome back Evelyn how you doing appreciate you stopping by e guys I saw this out I’ve got a really sort some of this out um I’m gonna go and get some sugar boxes yeah I’m breaking’s a nice one man

Really helps with the elytra but they got The Mending now but I think you got that off that villager that um always a cat so I’m gonna grab some empty sugar boxes create some empty sugar boxes yeah I also Mr Norwegian welcome back trap the warden put it under this black

How do you get it tonight a lot of aggro on you and attack you ‘ll see you guys man if you guys want to drop a like you could knock me up to four logs just like that man appreciate that if you can account a man account I’m like little

Stars in the sky shooting across all right let’s uh let’s create some space grab some of these Shuckle boxes that are aim to we’re about to be able to but again uh so yeah I appreciate that thank you Sawyer I hope you’re doing good Evelyn it’s good to see you again

Have everything’s coming good well that works Every one of these is got something in it so I think some of these ones are empty over how did you die Mr Norwegian You got me you got me I appreciate that you know who’s got the best community you know do you know who’s the best community is go and look in the mirror each and every one of you I’ll be honest man uh I don’t want to jinx here or anything but since I’ve came back and started streaming the last three months almost I’ve not had to deal with too much like trolls or too much like you know immaturity in the chat I’ve not had to

Deal with any of it no I don’t want to jinx it but you know it’s kind of a blessing some people just can’t escape all that hatred and stuff that in advance that they crave or even there as other people they’re obsessed with that certain person like you know create

You know some people just really can’t get a break if you know what I mean but I’ll be honest man I’ve had it pretty chill I’ve enjoyed it the warm I’ll come back and it’s nice to see some really new like new regular stream members you know what I

Mean like just popping in and having a chat with me and regularly stopping by it’s nice it’s nice I’m quite lucky to be honest I’ll be honest I feel quite fortunate I’ve got enough chuckle boxes there I think let’s go back what’s up uh MW4 welcome back man uh

I have to be nothing but nice to you guys man it’s kind of like the least I can do for you guys stop and buy them spending your time here arms valuable commodity in life you know as soon as like it’s a fingers start getting real you know I mean that’s when

You realize how much time is so valuable you don’t realize how much time you’ve got to so you haven’t got enough yes ma’am all right where’s this where’s this thing always lose this thing I don’t know why man because there’s two Villages here and I get confused with the two villagers

Not over there by this Village the rain’s not helping either but now the rain is helping here we are quite a lot of stuff oh yeah one of us organizing the stuff earlier there was this pink shape just you know just out here because we’re earlier on when I was

Uh you know just midday or something I came in and just cleared out a load of the stuff out of the chest that’s why it looks really nice and there’s not too much junk in there but there’s loads of stuff actually in there to be fair foreign

Yeah this whole thing was full up earlier today so I had to um empty it but I found this pink sheep just there so I just you know just hitched it up against that post man That’s That animated to check this chair real quick and the little too close uh I see what

You mean Mr Norwegian happens man it happens rule number one when placing down sugar boxes in this area are you somewhere stuff can’t spawn on top of them because if stuff spawns on top of them you’re gonna have a problem so I always play some on the roof

Get rid of them fireworks I’m inventory I got too many can I pick up stem in a bucket or does it have to be powders now um I’m not too sure I don’t think you can I don’t think you can can yeah can you pick up snow in a bucket I don’t

Even know you could to be honest if you can I’ll be honest I am not too Savvy when it comes to snow biomes I’ve never really I’ve never really built up in a snow biome ever ever snow biome Mesa Biomes never built up in them in my life it’s crazy

Give me something to do that well one day especially when these villager trades come along and I saw some of this stuff out gonna fry my stuff in that one real quick hit my sword and pick obviously comes for days man how many pink yeah how many pink sheep

Have you found I found a few to be honest but I think it’s because I just play the game a lot so because I played a game a lot uh my the rates of me trying to actually find the one are more more common than I actually think uh

I might need some more um sugar boxes to be honest but during these smps live streams Realms that I play on I’ve probably found about that’s probably my fourth one I’ve ever found but that’s over a lot of hours of playing there’s that’s a long time of playing so for about

Two years 12 hours a day every day I might have to go and get some more snorkel boxes to be honest today’s it is a decent Pillager Farm man I mean Corey built at first I’ve had a few issues with it here and there but it’s only because I’ve been messing

About with it nothing to do with the way he designed it it’s to do with the way I I get up in there trying to start like making it a little bit better like the other day for instance or like to like but there’s a block up here there’s a

Certain block see that block there you need a block in there that they can spawn on or something maybe a piece of glass or something but I just put that block there for now but I broke that block away the other day and for some reason this while working

And I realized I had to put you have to put that block on a certain angle where they actually spawn you know I mean I remember Corey telling me about it and I did that earlier today you know I’ve got I got it back up I’m running again which was good

And then I just say FK it here again being able to AFK is a game changer I mean you’re never gonna need another term again oh yeah that’s just off one day of sitting there I mean you could make the chest seven chess system even larger you know I mean

If you really wanted to uh this is massive to be first it’s quite a lot of stuff to sort out after each yield you know what I mean if I ever get much there’ll be a t-shirt saying you know what I mean I can imagine it

I need to build an automatic smeller to be honest I was talking to Corey about one that I was gonna try and build somewhere and he was going to help me help me design it and build it but I need to try and do that thing myself man

I want to try and do it myself because the more I can do like independently if anything ever goes wrong with it I can just quickly just get it running again it’s like a car ain’t it you take your car to the mechanic and you get them to fix it all

The time you ain’t gonna know nothing about cars but if you get your head under the Bonnet and start trying to fix it until you fix it you’re gonna know what what you’re doing a bit more in armor and so go online really put some pressure on my mind and

Get some of these builds down s terms everywhere foreign not sure about that dude he also put me a bad time it’s all right man no worries man I’ve been starting the streams quite late recently because I just been chilling in the sun man it’s been good with her own stuff so I’ve

Been trying to in trying to just be in the Sun a bit more you know I mean I gotta stop saying you know what I mean I’ll take these terms back and go and get another ton of chuckle boxes man oh dear mm-hmm quite a lot of totems to take back ouch

Let’s come for these background your items are gone no that’s no good to be honest it’s kind of a rage thing when like you don’t lose everything that could make people rage that kind of have a guess what I got sugar boxes eggs and more I’m gonna need a couple

More of them I’ll take some over there to be honest so I can just bring the stuff back Foreign coordinates I’d be screwed then a joke without any coordinates I would not beers in touch with where I am thank you man it’s dark round here in it was it not let me sleep where’s the monsters I can hear a zombie it’s just let me sleep you’re also random person

I’ll come back give him chords used to be on maps um yeah I think I did yeah I did and uh I saw the rest of this out foreign for the stone ready for when I build a base I don’t understand um I think that’s Russian is that Russian or Ukrainian

Bye-bye random person a at you again sometime thanks man I appreciate that look I’ll see you again sometime sayonara hasta la vista all right let’s grab all the emeralds huh yeah no worse see in a minute I’m just going to be clearing this this out for a little for a few seconds

Anyway and then just trying to get all these emeralds and organize it so next time I go AFK it just loads up nicely rather than just gets over filled too quick to just go in AFK for one data you get quite a lot of stuff does the job

I’m gonna grab all the books Bill Tom’s coming through them Harpers the Harpers were all backed up where now foreign books from them as well man decent books from some of them for four and four man you get decent stuff not bad for free welcome back Kota welcome back how you doing man

Just organizing all these uh all these storage boxes real quick going through all the books at the moment after that I’ll uh probably throw some of these crossbows or stuff in the furnace to burn them up and then get all the small stuff sorted take it all back to base

How you doing there man thanks for stopping by again it’s good to see you I AFK did that farm last night before when I got offline and I just stayed there and since I got offline last night I stayed there since you know since I’m back now and I’m just bringing

Back all the stuff that we got from there if fixed it nice what did you fix don’t worry so yeah oh you’re back oh yeah yeah I see it man um but literally just pushed it all down into the bottom on them saved me having

To look for all the all the chests all the time I’m gonna just yell the John card here real quick then grab the last little bits I am going to pick all that stuff back up but for now I’m throwing it on the floor there I’ll

Pick it up in the sack I’ve got five minutes until the day spawns plenty of time I’ve just gotta be a bit quick that could be an issue that this is full I didn’t think this was full why do I collect all the books I collect everything there enough I try to make

Use of everything so I see all this iron stuff in there and all these crossbows I’m using the crossbows as fuel and burning all the iron stuff to get nuggets because we can turn that into iron and then boom it just it saves just throwing certain things away

I mean it’s not very economical what I’m doing but let’s put it this way I’ve managed to build one I’ve got a beacon over there I’ve got another one there and I’m building another one there and then I’m gonna build another one over there and I’m

Managing to do that just from these bits of iron that are just rubbish you know I mean I mean I’m not you know it takes a second to this I’m a bit OCD gets rid of it all as well though man actually like you know gets rid of all

The stuff I don’t need it here could probably make it a bit I could make this fun to see if I’m more efficient if I was to put a handle on that yeah I reckon I’d get like 40 level or 40 levels even though I’m

Level 69 I probably get like a number 40 levels because of how much I’ve smelled it through those ovens it’s ridiculous how much I have I should put a handle on there one day when I need some Expo you know what I also learned you see

These flags you can use those flags for fuel as well which is really handy because you get so many flags um no it’s not better than an iron farm it’s not bad in an iron farm at all no but that farm as a whole I would say

That farmers are holes better than an iron farm because with that farm you can get more stuff you can get that could possibly be an iron farm for you to a certain level I mean look you know I mean I mean look I’ve got iron everywhere

But it’s mainly for the totems and the emeralds I’d say that’s that’s the main reason we’ve got this Pillager Farm but it’s just good for the books the books is good you know everything is everything is decent to grab I mean I don’t need all the arrows I mean

Trying to clear a load of it out man like I try to be tidy you know what I mean once a flight used to farm I’ll clean it out and stay off another person uses it remember we’ve got a nice clean farm looking use I want to build the base like a huge

Base sitting around this a whole base and it will eventually but I’ve got too many other projects on in between at the moment I’ve gotta stay on top of other things that I haven’t finished for these potions when these potions are kind of dead I don’t really need the

Potions if you could like merged it you know what you should be able to do with potions you should be able to enlarge them into something and make a super potion because then then it’ll be good if it if that healed like your whole inventory bar that’d be sweet the whole house bar

Then it’d be all right gave you a couple of extra hearts where are you gonna start a new world are you doing Slade what’s that our foot swell ice cream it sounds alright though I was never I’ve never been a big fan of fudge when it comes to ice cream I

Always love bubblegum flavor or sour apple something like that I’m not I’ve been up I’ve never been a fan of chocolate fudge I do I do eat it you know I’ve had it you know I’ll snack on it but I never feel too good after it I feel like

It’s not bad for you it’s not bad for you in any way you know what I mean it’s good to have some you’ll go every now and then there’s things like never ending it’s the gift that keeps on giving it seems after this stuff will just stack on them while I’ve got but

Man that was like a high jump I put the wrong things in there yeah perfect time to do the donkey noise and sticks in there get it caught him or stuff in it that crossbar and the fact that there’s nothing in there I mean uh what what do you need arrows

For I mean is there any purpose for having no too many arrows so I’ve got a lot of arrows a lot I’ve got a lot of everything here it’s ridiculous look at it foreign good slide man it’s good to see you again man I’m just organizing all this

Stuff because I went AFK last night it’s over filled it has really overfilled I’m just tidying up some of these chests that are out here for storage because the more it is I am to the more space I’ve got for next time it overfills so I’ve brought a load of sugar boxes over

And I’m just about to send a shipment back huge shipment girl this nonsense I’m having so 27 days until your birthday happy birthday well for when it is but I’ll probably say I’ll probably wish you Happy Birthday closer to the day to be honest you’re probably you’ll probably be on the Stream

Wow hopefully you have you’re doing something good in it but you pop into the stream I’ll say happy birthday to you man you can trade yeah you can trade yeah you can I’m not sure if I have any villagers that want to do that trade though but I’ll have to have a look

Because I’ve got two minutes way too many it’s good to have all this stuff but organizing is no fun and these are just full of terms foreign you just want to throw totems on the floor well let’s play this way I might get to that stage

Oh you see that pink sheep scene as well I found that pink sheep when I was just throwing out that machine early through the day because he overfilled earlier today and under the stuff was collecting so I had to uh quickly organize a load of it

Then it took me about 20 minutes but I just threw I threw all the stuff in the furnaces and stuff and just you know did what I usually doing yeah that was Ariel though didn’t really I didn’t do anything else thank you That’d Be Clever that was actually a

Enchanted a total money so say if it’s about to break you’ll go both to turn it will break and he’ll come back with a quarter of his health kind of a warning not to not to break at all that’d be good actually have it on yourself like a set of armor or an

Elytra that could save him man but the thing is like imagine that as well though say if you wanted to put another totem on it afterwards yeah eventually it would become too expensive so yeah you know the more that happens the more chance your weapon or your

Tools just one one day going to be you know too expensive to actually repair any other way than using Mendon it’s a good idea because there’s too many terms at this point I don’t plan on dying this many times unless we go back down to that Warden place and

The Ancients say and start trying to do stuff down there then we’ll probably need all of them all right it’s good to hear him so storage is King yeah the summer did go quick summer always does go quick there man so where’s the battle monster go quick it’s the colder months where you

Freezing all the time to be honest the older you get life does go quick I’m not gonna lie the older you get you build a tolerance up to time you know when you’re younger and you sit there looking at a clock thinking oh man this is taking forever

Ages you know what I mean you dare getting impatient and stuff well trust me you build a tolerance to the time time just starts moving a lot quicker you spend more time pondering and thinking about things and rather than doing that’s what ends up that’s what happens as you get older

Gotta trying to stay as active as possible in this world to as soon as you start slowing down your body will start slowing down foreign books you have to leave in an hour that’s all I remember what you gotta do well you don’t have to tell me but are you doing anything fun

All of those are full um best thing to do is keep your head down at school mate just keep your head down try and learn as much as possible and stay stay as fit as you can you know what I mean try and deter people from trying to cause you

Problems that’s what I used to do when I was at school I used to always be like uh always doing stuff that I didn’t think other people could do trying to anyway I was always energetic and stuff trying to do stupid things probably all right so I’ve got any more Embassy

Shook calls in there I don’t think we’re definitely nuts and that’s me going back and getting some more Chuckles to be honest well there better not be a fly trying to bite me again start whatever for me round here as well because I live like not too far from a load of light

Grasslands in it the problem with that tends to be there’s always a lot of flies and books and you know just insects and that flying around and I have my windows open because it’s hot they’re just fly in here and start feasting on the banquet foreign football practice not bad

I hope you enjoy it man it’s good it’s good to uh run around and be active like that definitely that’s how everything for more terms if I’ve got a couple more terms lying around that’d be great probably do actually don’t yeah I do if I’m still working and like while I’m

Even just doing this saddle perfect I’m gonna try I have the mindset turns out of it yeah yeah just see I I would be so I would I I am lucky I have was not brought up in America I am lucky I’m the type of person who’d be getting their door beat down

Not even joking so I’m just lucky so I can’t I don’t want to say anything else on the subject but if I was having trouble man I’d end up saying stupid stuff absolutely stupid stuff that would get me in serious hot water so I am thankful that I got past that

Age step you know I got past that stage of going through school and I’m looking at everyone brought up in America because God damn yeah that’s what I mean it’s it’s a it’s a serious situation it’s a sticky situation all right I’m just gonna fly backwards bring some more shuckles

Ain’t got food so I gotta be careful and sketchy though man mindset man just trying to I used to be an idiot I mean the way I got through school was just by being a bit of a Class Clown I just tried to make people laugh at my own expense

I used to uh like make fun of teachers and stuff and I don’t know I didn’t really make fun of them but I’m more like just kind of made problems for the teachers you know I mean caused them issues and just just to try and get a laugh you

Know what I mean out of all my friends all out of all the people I was trying to gay and his friends and it was silly to be honest it’s my uh education of heavy through doing that and I never used to sit right with people in the class man they always used

To have this thing where I used to think people were I used to be very paranoid and stuff you know I always paranoid of I always used to feel like people were looking at me and stuff And it probably wasn’t wrong probably wasn’t wrong saddles for them saddles in there look at the Saddles we’ve got my glass saddles for days at the minute no no if that’s why it’s good to learn stuff like martial arts and just learn how to carry yourself well you know I mean

And the best thing to do is to be very quiet man super quiet like have all this stuff going on don’t be like I don’t know I wouldn’t be like oh yeah I’m doing this I’m doing that I would I would maybe a whisper in the winter the

Only way people would find out I’m doing stuff is if they see me doing it you know what I mean I just feel like you know have some I have a nice group of friends so you know I have a cool a cool few people that you can chat

So it’s always good to talk to people all right all right let’s go back yeah I saw popcorn man I’ll carry on with that bridge there see that bridge I’m gonna carry on with that when I uh come back from what I’m doing messy I’m not the football player just completely miss her

The message you have a perfect place in the raid Farm if you build it around the original tower there it is stuff ain’t gonna spawn on them you know what I mean dude I still can’t believe I stayed the whole ten hours yesterday I know I can’t

Believe it either I can’t believe I’ve streamed for 10 hours yesterday I was kind of just working on that bridge and I didn’t want to come back to it tomorrow so I was like yeah looks like I know what I’m doing looks like I’ve got an idea what clue

You know what I mean it’s difficult them Bridges man it’s a different thing for me so trying to make it too fancy ends up becoming a disaster sometimes after dumb it down a bit and then work on it afterwards once it’s a more basic thing you know I mean

You have to have the whole thing symmetrical though like before you can start messing now making it even more fancy what is stuff man never ends does it then Pistons remind me of a fabricator so much let me just throw some of this in there real quick foreign Yeah you know I’m the same I’m the same I actually I was riding home the other night on um my uh my bike and that and I was gonna put my headphones in now I’m on the way there I’ll put my headphones in on the way back I had my headphones out

I didn’t trust that because it’s not hard for a car to just come up quick Beyond you know what I mean especially at like three four o’clock in the morning but in the in the daytime and it’s bad I guess we’ve got to be careful over here I’d say it’s more in England

I’d say it’s a bit more difficult for the older person that’s what I’d say because an older person here he’s got that has got far less of a chance of Defending themselves because they can’t have any type of concealed concealed carry or nothing you know what I mean and an older person is

A like a easy target a lot very frail more prone to have um some type of nervous breakdown or like kind of a heart attack or something you know happen to them but they have no means of actually protecting themselves when they were to go out I mean you wouldn’t see an older

Person go out on the streets that much at night time on their own and if they are they’re 10 they’re probably drunk or something on the way home from the pub just not really care about themselves kind of a bit silly in a lot just a bit Breathless

But that is true what I’m saying and I mean in America an older person like you know they’re having problems that could be like he could be red Harlow himself in the flesh you know what I mean you could be taught them you could be talking down to

An older like a group of people could be talking down to an older person that older person could be 70 years old but a quick draw champion of the world you know what I mean and they don’t know and all of a sudden he’s like yeah boy as

Well I use his uses Dead Eye all of a sudden puts all of them out in a second I mean that’s the difference between and that that that’s probably one of the better things for um people being able to have firearms I feel like it helps more unable people to defend themselves

I.E older people maybe people who are suffering with uh conditions or disabilities where they you know are unable to kind of like throw hands you know what I mean so in that sense they’re not a bad idea I know over here I feel like older people well older people probably suffer a bit

Can’t really get out as much as I’d wanna they have to risk it man I mean my nan she got mugged when she was like alive um that side of a flat she was walking and she came down a flat and she was going to the shops and that’s all she does

Every day and as she came out the left of the bomb some some lad just grabbed a bag and threw it to the ground and nothing she could do nothing I’m in so everything has its pros and cons now the problem is everything everything is everything is okay

And it’s in the right hands when it’s in when it’s in responsible hands mature hands when it’s in there irresponsible when something quite of danger is in someone’s hands who’s irresponsible that’s when there’s a threat and that’s when you have to worry that’s when concern happens

You have a person who knows what they’re doing or understands the understands the uh repercussions of what they have what what they can dish out with what’s in their hand and you know less chance of an accident happening it’s when you buy a gym membership and get checked that’s what I mean man

That’s what I mean you try to get checked but then the older persons like what kind of older people the older people can’t even older people can’t defend themselves like that you know what I mean get to 78 years old and you’ve got a walking stick in one end and you’re

Holding these glasses with the other to try and see where you’re going very easy target I’m gonna burn these signs and anything I just would I don’t need this I sleep almost instantly after after one hour stream man it’s my voice probably I don’t know my voice is a bit weird

I’ve had people say my voice is like really soft velvetail silky smooth finishing stuff like that happen in movies um it’s more common than you think man it’s just a lot of it goes unheard of because when an older person you know say if an older

Person dies or something kind of got no family around or they’ve got no one in the well the government tend to keep everything quieter can just take all the money that they’ve got claim their state claim everything they have filthy man government all have their hands so far

Up your shirt squeezing your nipples they’ll produce they’ll produce some type of milk for them Feast upon quite a crude way to look at it but it’s true uh that’s uh about clearing our list and now it looks a bit emptier muscle weighs more than fat so it would

Be harder to fly if your buff I agree I agree if you look at like some of the best class pound for pound fighters in the world like for instance look at Bruce Lee look how like Slender he was look how Sleek he was he was kind of like

He wasn’t he was mostly I was ripped he was defined the way his muscles came out of him didn’t even look real but he did it he wasn’t jacked you know what I mean and I think I think the reason he wasn’t jacked is because of his diet because he

He lived you know where he lived he probably grew up not as wealthy as other people and he just got used to that type of diet that he had and he worked out if he would have it more he would have become ripped but he

Didn’t I don’t think he he ate a whole lot you know what I mean I think he he ate healthy you know had everything he needed but I just uh I don’t think he ate a whole lot but he was one of the best fighters in

The world and he had some of the some of the most powerful being a small guy you know I mean don’t get me wrong man I’m not gonna lie it’s different than the thing is in the in the real world let me add this in the real world I’m not intelligent about

This I’m street smart and I know I know I know what I wouldn’t go up against and I know what I’d feel comfortable going up against now if you put Bruce Lee in an octagon in an MMA ring with I don’t know let’s say France’s uh nagoye no I I

Don’t think I said his name right but you know someone like him or let’s say uh maybe Kimbo Slice when he was in his prime and it if that fighter can take a punch man and you can just move in on you it’s like if they can grab you that big fire then

You’re screwed don’t matter how good you are man if I can get on top here it might be good if you’ve got like all this defense stuff like I I Aikido or Jiu Jitsu or you know what they use but white is a massive Factor massive that’s what I have them white classes

Because it completely destroy everything and the weight classes are so fine as well they’re like there’s so many different weight classes just like and they’re not in London just not that far away from each each other just like I don’t know there’s so many weight classes at one point I think they

Actually had to have some removed one of my friends told me I said there was too many so they removed some don’t know why sleeper build yo what’s up base games how you doing welcome back sleeper build yeah he was asleep for build me I’m telling him Bruce Lee was a sleeper

You wouldn’t expect uh some some guy like that to be able to kick her back as high high up in the air as he was but you want to just try and stare trouble if possible just try and like let’s practice you know practice like something like I don’t know working out

Shadow Boxing in the mirror man just turn turn your body try and get your back strong try and get your back and your stomach strong if you try and like stand in the mirror like throw a punch like you know what I mean and like swing your body around do free do the

Different type of punches do a straight jab do a Haymaker and do I do like an opera could do all the type of fun shoes you can yeah and then think how you would approach someone and then think how could you lick off the powerfully

Shot you know what I mean into it as quick as you can not cheap shot but if you’re gonna be you know if you if you’re trying to defend yourself you wanna you’ve got to think about that and then and then do that punch do that

Punch like like in the mirror like no don’t hit the mirror but do in the mirror and then and then feel your body like like feel what muscles in your body like tense or strain and then what you want to do is you want to work on their

Muscles man you want to get it so when you throw a punch as hard as you can yeah when you swing you don’t you don’t feel any type of uh fatigue from it because if you’re swinging and you throw 10 punches in your body’s fatigued here you ain’t

Gonna last long you anyone who can fight she’s gonna wait for you to stop swinging and be like right then you you’re screwed pretty much now I’m about to grab here and you’re done so that’s what I do that’s what I used to do I used to do it

Put myself in a scenario and think I would like you know you’re gonna put yourself in every scenario though not just one scenario yeah I think it’s a scenarios man just practice trying to strengthen your stomach and your back and your shoulders they’re they’re the muscles are really

Really start hurting if you start throwing punches and try to start trying to snap back to defend yourself you throw a punch you gotta snap you around like after you throw the punch you snap back cover up man like for their incoming shots I’m out of fire but I

Watch a lot of it you know I’ll be I’ll watch Boxing on I’ve watched a bit of UFC watched all kinds of fighting man like and I’ve just got that type of mentality where I just can remember stuff man I don’t know what it is I’ve got this photographic memory

And I just remember things someone tells me something once I remember it it’s like people used to tell me stories back in the day of things that I wasn’t even there for they’d be telling me this story that happened and I had heard the story once

Before over like I don’t know maybe a couple of years before and I would literally be describing that story to them as if I was there and they’d be like you weren’t there I was like yeah no one but I remember it I remember you telling that I remember everything it’s

Mad how I remember things like that it’s a good skill to have but it’s a bad skill to have as well if you want to try and forget something I’ll fill this up with these arrows any more arrows are now I’m 5 11 and I hope to get taller yeah you probably will

5 11 is a good height man that’s the same height as me come about 5 11. so I’ll wear the same height grabbing these arrows oh that’s too many hours though how much here well hell Wilhelm is Wilhelm and that the place of Skyrim that first town that you go to will help

Back up ahead all that mrm sir all of these are empty all of these and all these are empty besides the arrows uh the half as a backed up look at that crazy if you get a newborn have let people know how to use it but

If you give me one I was born yeah I know what you mean I’m like that with some technology my daughter’s like very clever when it comes to some of the technology she uses like I’ll be honest I don’t use the switch that much and I

Was trying to do stuff on them she was peeking out my hands like no you do it like this and I was like calm down I’m a Noob I’m down have mercy I’m getting old now darling you’re gonna have to show me the difference what what button do I press

How do I move no I’m not that bad but on the menus she knows how to navigate the menus better than I do I can’t believe he’s told me that long to organize this stuff now an hour nine what do you saying now in German bro why can’t you just enchant armor

With Trims on I know I forget a completely new set of diamond armor you can’t disenchant it with Trims on I didn’t know that that’s something new I didn’t know that can put another trim over the top of that one though I don’t think I’ll ever get infinity on

A bow ever again I’ve just realized I don’t need Infinity I need storage for these arrows let’s hold them around to wait that is foreign Well I don’t know the only thing that we’re gonna need the only thing you’re gonna need here is mending start stocking up on your mending books that’s all I can say if they’re going to bring out the village enough just oh no no not the Sheep if um

Yeah just stuck up on the mend in books man everything else these I mean look you get all the other enchantments from this Farm no problem you can just merge these books together and you sweet really you know what I mean no problem just demanding books they’re gonna be

You’re gonna have to seriously stop all them chests are empty now empty empty messy foreign if I was there I will use arrows to defend my house from Raiders yeah yeah I mean I’m British on it we we invented the Longbow that was our uh that was our best battle tactic back in

The day man so I did I should use them arrows a little bit more but I don’t know got my bow on me look just don’t use it that often okay so let’s grab all this other fancy stuff with that glowed goal um glowstone foreign stuff you know I mean

Arrows in there don’t need them don’t need that don’t need that I wasn’t putting these potions thank you there’s a saddle one there’s a potion one attack arrows what if they Nerf pillages yeah I’m stocking up if they’re enough to put it to be honest

Man if they know if any of these Farms I’ll be honest I’m gonna be honest I’m gonna be just in the exact same position it would have been up every other time on this game because the only reason I use these title Farms it’s because I have people on the server are you

Corey IE Scopes I.E Mikey like people who build these mad farms and stuff like the the wall farm with the sheeps and it Mighty built one in it and I thought you know I’ll build one of them I knew how to build one of them kind of uh you know

I mean you know Scopes built a like a mob spawner um he barely is a ion Farm built a villager trading post did all that other stuff holy Harmony I built the iron farm in the in the middle of the base yeah I’ve got to go in and that

But Corey helped me with a lot of it he helped me mess about with the Villagers and uh he turned it into a like a villager trading Hub as well as an actual ion Farm which was good I mean all these wonderful things that I have on the servers

It’s not just me it’s not now it’s not fully down to me that it’s here I mean the nice builds that you see and all the all the farming and stuff yeah I sweat that I swear that all day long but yeah man that Guardian Farm

Building around it yeah I mean I did that draining it and like clearing the glass and that that was kind of a group effort yeah we had a lot of people working on that I’ll throw all this stuff in here and stack it up but it’s not enough space I’m trying to just

Like I said keep it food and green stuff into that get rid of that I’m a kind of a builder architect billionaire for philanthropist I’m Iron Man I’m Iron Man now I’ll just try and get as much as I can done man I don’t know I’m not that good so power the best

I’m gonna turn into a glowstone real quick see how much closer I’m 47 glowstone out of that oh bad farm right there it’s not much but it’s something man to put them potions in with the other one bottles powder throw that in there as well why not It just fits at the minute

Throw them in there as well foreign wrong with architectural builds and stuff the rest in there is just garbage garbage and why I keep putting gunpowder in there like I’m gonna cook up some Gunpowder and I’ll do a thing I think they’ll do for that leave that one like that foreign

Some form of organization of every that hot mess that was just a there they are engineer I’m something I’m just a Minecraft player who just got a lot in his mind that he’d like to put out in the world I just don’t reply you enjoy whatever you see me do

Usually whatever I’m doing is gonna last a long time I hope you can understand every time I go into all these chests and Chuckles I’m just trying to keep organized annoying myself doing it trust me try and work out what I should go where she’s young man

Yeah I think this is near enough cleared out as much as it’s gonna be I’m gonna flip all this iron let’s see how much we made from it probably not much these nuggets really don’t go very far I’m telling you ‘ve got a little bit too far 16 iron blocks

Like I said man I literally just builds beacons out of it all works foreign did you find that in the end last night that’s sweet ass swear that’s nice man what a beautiful nether Crimson Forest is nice I like that I like the blue one better though for some reason I feel

Like the blue one’s always better the red one makes me hunger I don’t know if you look into it scientifically red induces hunger blue actually is a more calming color that doesn’t actually induce any type of hunger believe it or not that’s true asphalt hmm I’ll take them emeralds back I’m

Gonna do some purchases to be honest shouldn’t have finna picked that box of books up if it weren’t full should just leave that there for now okay I’m just going to throw some of these arrows in one of these ones so I can just go and take it home but um

Yeah I like going in the end I I might go in the end soon have a little look around Evan haven’t been there in a long time so I might try and get some more um what you call it some elytres I’m not I don’t really need just your calls or anything ah

I didn’t really go through that there’s just a little as much as I could have foreign it’s nice when stuff Stacks up well but it’s horrible when it doesn’t your favorite color is red I think I can tell man I can tell that that’s your favorite color with

Just how you talk dude I can understand that foreign foreign foreign my favorite color is hmm probably the green that green that you can see on my um character that’s my favorite color emerald green I like emerald green yeah lime green I love it Mom it’s my

Favorite probably my if I had a car I’d probably be in that cooler or midnight purple oh midnight purple it’s nice the thing with colors is when it’s when it’s to do with cars it it’s completely different it all bets are off like a color like that I’m like I don’t know

So I color that I wouldn’t like to use as a like a paintbrush or as a I don’t know I’m saying I wouldn’t want to paint my walls the same because I’d want to have as a car how does my car you know what I mean quite a few arrows

Just chilling there now in there potions enchanted books I’m under siege foreign Box one more one more I could have grabbed that could not there we go half a day is half of some of these some of these chests I’m going to change them around soon I don’t even know what I was putting in half of them what was the point potions yeah We’re doing something man’s best friend to just man’s just chilling go and have a fish they never want stuff on collecting off them guys I really don’t need it somewhere to put them potions would be a good place Thank you oh well our totems yo foreign ERS that was hey I sort some of these out as well for this fight call this armor and stuff I’ve been loading up on us Bro I’m stuck on the floor run run yo that thing is storming after me all right let me have a fish calm down all right y’all run damn that looks like a Golden Saddle that did and there’s some torches I’ve got torches on there porches need to be here man look at that

Dog this early way is compared to that one so I’m in with the Torches it brighten up so much better where you at oh man what’s he doing in there I’m not sure we came everywhere in that sugarcane Bremen not as much on that one but still uh those were those fancy bookshelves

Weren’t there but I think of the books instant what they actually look like with the RTX this is my base and you guys are here what’s the problem man the vendor because I was AFK and outside their base or not you can’t even see the books go on the bookshelf that is dead

That is dead that’s terrible books disappearing right that’s bad that’s RTX for you that’s unfortunate shouts are turned they’re turned no bear with me they ain’t turned I’m sure see the books come out I don’t know all right maybe I need silk touch there it is

Yeah that’s what I’m that’s what a Shelf looks like on RTX mode I’ll quickly show you what it’s like with our RTX mode oh man look at this base now man how bright it is that’s what it looks like with our RTX mode this is what it’s meant to do

Be able to throw the books on there like that Man RTX bad switch good I would say that but the thing is once you’ve got RTX resource packs implemented on the game you can see a grain in Us in the distance and that’s due to the high I resolution anti-aliasing that is required for um RTX and all that flashy Graphics you

Know I mean but the only reason it looks bright down here is because these lights you know I mean my typical light system I change it back now it’s gonna go although someone’s took a big steamy dump all over the screen but I do like the RTX man it just makes

I always do that as well I always flick it over like that just to knows that have changed oh man it’s a shame about them bookshelves I may as well get rid of them I’ll be honest six books isn’t really a lot not when I can use

Two blocks width and just put about 60 books in there you know what I mean um I need to do that I need to do that soon to be honest I need to go and farm some diamonds and that but I might just save it until I go into

The Nether and into the end am I sometime tomorrow so I don’t call one of these days I mean I could do it now you know I could go down there now I’m gonna start getting some but I’ve got a lot going on at base I don’t know where these potions are but I’m just gonna put these shortcut boxes somewhere for now from up here if you could merge potions make them stronger or do something with them that’d be better but them little small health potions are just not that great them bowls are pretty

Good to call them bubbles on game that’s good for these emeralds down as well from um the ones that got left that’s what I need to go to then the end and just start farming some more stuff man how much you charge him while a World War 3 is happening quite expensive

For me it’s just such a good way of getting tools I recommend getting the mending book so if you can get a ton of mending books all this on diamond stuff man All right I’m gonna fly away from this Bay so That bridge there I need to um key working on that I’m probably gonna work on that when I come back saving God damn it God damn it hard job man it’s not it’s not a fun job it’s interesting though because I’ve not done it before it’s just doing it underneath that

Bridge underneath the bridge the archway is going to be difficult because I got I’m gonna connect it up with another part of the building but Gonna be difficult I am going to quickly go for a break although in a second guys I’m just gonna I’m gonna AFK here though because you know I’ve emptied the farm and stuff after uh you have to go in here real quick and uh grab one try it in throw it down

Got pretty decent tried them for this one and it works the better the Troy didn’t you have it however smells all right let me just jump down here real quick I’m gonna sort this Trader now as well very dark said it’s very dark but I feel like you’re being darker helps the uh

Helps the rate of them spawning though just you know our mobs don’t really like spawning in light and stuff that’s why I like to keep it dark I find it works better And then always do this is what I want something turn them on and off I am so sorry Mr Chicken foreign Nothing called spawn still and say if something knocks me back and I’m still gonna collect all the stuff just turn the volume down I should have material let me make a quick phone call have a uh a few things to fix my uh my bad back

Yeah I won’t be there let me check this chat real quick fell in love a piglet man you have some terrible look man oh you’re about to see me hit past level 69 so rip rip to level 69 I’d stand there but if you stand there you’ll get hit by

Stuff you make you stand there and you’re good all right back in a bit guys it won’t be too long but I appreciate you oh no see sometimes yeah sometimes you have to kill a few of them but as long as you don’t die it’s the main thing I need my chest piece

Always have your chest piece on as well I’m back in seconds I’ll be back Thank you all right All right foreign Haha All right all right come on uh-huh all right foreign All right ah a All right foreign foreign foreign Foreign foreign All right foreign all right foreign Foreign Foreign All right all right all right foreign Foreign All right Thank you foreign foreign All right Foreign Foreign Foreign here I saw that another time that’s a buff that statue is a Bop Foreign Foreign I’m not sure about this together things just disappeared Huh Thank you for the sub cheese kid thank you man how you doing welcome to the stream with you there Foreign How you doing welcome to the Stream go to bed it’s a bit late no I can’t go to bed just yet these are my days off I ain’t got anything to do tomorrow in the morning so I can sit here and play this good night look hello

Thanks for stopping by then man I hope you’re okay I hope you’re having a good good night or a good day wherever you’re from Foreign Foreign Foreign Cobblestone slabs Oh my Dave’s foreign On the right track Foreign Foreign Foreign Needs to be larger I feel it’s very close to that one though as well Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Up to spec with that side Foreign Foreign Foreign What’s up so hey man Foreign Foreign Foreign Looks alright man and then I’ve got to build the rest of the building that’s going to go upwards then I was a job and a half so I ain’t gonna lie any easy doing that type of stuff Man I’m under siege that little son of a fish hmm Foreign From a server because yeah because of uh your curiosity yeah well you know what to say I know curiosity kills the cat I don’t know where that term came from but I have a feeling I have a feeling there’s a cow out there that didn’t do too good because of curiosity

Let’s just say that [Applause] foreign Foreign As it would seem and yourself you were new thank you They really don’t mind me them things though Foreign How you doing man it’s good to see you still Hmm Foreign Yeah you said it Mom nah man Ah No not that one Foreign Yeah see what happens if you try and wiggle your little turf a sticky foot out in the air and try and wiggle your little toe tell me what happens I need to bring this back on a few more that’s what I need to do to bring this back foreign Still need to bring it back one more I don’t know how many more I need to bring it back I need to try and get because this is the center of this need to get this back two more if possible Foreign just try and make it a little bit smaller Foreign Middle that’s the middle My opinion on tacos yeah I think they’re nice I think tacos I want me to be honest I’m gonna be honest if I if I get to a million subscribers I’ll do a taco eating reveal because I’ve never actually had a taco in my life ever

I’ve heard stories I know what they are and if he was to put any type of meat any type of cheese any type of like really nice seasoned sauce relish slap it together put in a taco and I’d fall in love and have a heart condition because that’s how much I’d probably eat

It I mean see see [Applause] no good I know it’s no good man but one day one day I might I might try them just yes foreign What did you put into this building I put my Blood Sweat and I put my tears into it my teardrops That’s uh gotta work the rest of this out now Jaja that’s why hahaha in Spanish I know They want materials do it for some of these torches around foreign Just go for some lights on the other part of the top there And ones are pretty close see these ones I’ve noticed Foreign ‘s in the wrong spot here It’s our workout where things are wrong as well to be honest Foreign Sorry about that Raiders noise I have a subscribers around that you would might be able to join but I can’t um I just allow people to join instantly because it’s you know I try to stop people from you know raiding it and causing problems and stuff

This is the build I’m working on at the moment if you want to just see what I’m doing just working on it at the moment it’s taking some time but it’s a bit of a Frankenstein at the moment thanks for stopping by that dude I

Didn’t know if she did I was kind of work in a trance just had to work out that bridge I’ve been working on it for nearly two days but the server I’m on right now this is a this is a part of around this one this one’s just

Too risky to have people on this server and possibly cause me problems I hope you understand that It’s in the farm I’ve messed up my sugar cane whoa this is well there’s two of them I’m in trouble get it kill it on fire get out of my face being farmed up all my sugarcane ah the water’s a bit I need more water there look at that

Torches in there as well what a man damn yeah a little bit too light yeah I don’t I didn’t think oh I never had to start oh that’s the second wave I didn’t think it was gonna smash me that quick man glad that worked out very well didn’t it

I did not expect that to work out well with the lights before it was going to mess up as I put some of the sugarcane back to grow up then I wired it like that look at Sunny buckets of water for that Right I knows oh man I’m just trying to chill here where is it all right wow I don’t got no hours man I always say man yes I got myself back that is true I’ll be bothered to fight these because oh man I need to get a stack of fish Um some fireworks wouldn’t be bad Evo I didn’t have a stack of sugarcane as well sadly coming up Come on potato farm I do a lot of potato Farms I will build one more thing and I need to go to sleep I’m not dealing with Phantoms as well as that noise it’s driving me insane now everything’s trying to have a packet man oh yeah I love decorating to do to this place man Myself foreign Her her Hurt her Foreign Her Forever free it’s very afraid that the time it is for me Yeah it is actually not bad not bad If you look at that side that’s coming down more I need to Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign That’s wrong I don’t get done so she’s coming up I’m riding the bomb there That one’s there 100 percent ah I see what’s going on That right alarm don’t help I think I found it I found it I think I think however no I am That right alarm is so loud killing it man can you go and see what the hell’s wrong the lights I’m looking at I’m looking at the lights I think I can say I think I can say I think them ones are a little bit wrong

I think this one needs to get down one like there and the next ones Yeah I said I’m sure oh wow foreign Foreign Foreign That’s what I’d probably pay to have that one like that and that’s why that that was sad with that I understand now Foreign Foreign Have you Have Shanta works for family trying to think of stuff Foreign Foreign I’m good Foreign Foreign foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign yeah how did you build a frog life Farm I need to try and get one of them see what type of see what they like yeah I’ll have to check it out man where the frogs spawn in a swamp that’s all I’m gonna have to do man

A Magma Cube spawner or some Magma Cube spawner yeah check that out that sounds interesting you have to take yeah so you have to do something with the bastions BAM that is going to be a challenge I need to sort the net route first so to

Be honest the never that we have here is it’s a bit messy at the minute ah is that what you can use powdered snow to kill magma slimes so much new stuff that I don’t ever know about I’ll have to check that video out when I get a minute foreign foreign

Really good Farm not having an hour and I got stacks of focus I wonder how they would load upon the RTX man good light so man that’s another good light source Farm it’s gonna be interesting ass foreign foreign double M4 man thanks for stopping by dude

I’ll have to have a check that farm idea man thanks for letting me know I would like to build that farm but I’ve got so many jobs on me I’m a case at the moment it’s going to be a difficult one to put on top of the list

But yeah man I will look at it have a good night man and yeah yeah popcorn no worries man I’ll catch you later my folks are stopping by have a good night man hope you’re enjoying that survey as well mate hope everything’s okay on there and you know no one’s causing any problems

It needs to be a free roister case at least foreign get some sleep I’m not getting off I mean that for popcorn you say hello if I’ve been need a bit of sleep ah trying to work out this time to do so I was thinking about having this like

Somewhere where I walk up you know I could literally go AFK or I could go offline here or something I mean and have like loads of armor on armor stands just sitting either side of me you know what I mean it’s like boom little chamber you know I mean

Because I was thinking of putting windows and stuff in here so I could just have a little look around this is going to be I wanted I wanted it to be like a little balcony thing but and thanks man I appreciate that I’ve really I’ve really tried hard with that man

It’s not 100 at all but I’ve really tried hard with that I’ve tried that hard with that yeah but I don’t want to build it on the other sides I don’t want to build it on the other sides at all man yeah it’s a decent Arch man decent aren’t just

Got that little protruding bit there there’s like a dinosaur’s head time to do it three more times well think about this look at that side that’s what that side is looking like see what I’m in now I’ve got to make that side either look like that side

Or because this is going to be inside a building there wouldn’t be much point um doing an arch or something I really wouldn’t maybe a smaller Arch to be honest hard decision right here hard decision do um try and do the exact same Arch on that side

Or then again like I said this is going to be inside a building this is going to be inside a building so all this is going to get covered up eventually all this all this road you can say for instance I ain’t got enough blocks but

That thing there is going to go over the whole base so you won’t even be able to see that Arch that’s there that are from the inside of it it’s gonna have all type of farms and everything can everything well what I would like to do though is

Build this Arch on the outsides have it all on the outside so four more times on the outside but to do on this side trim all this part off here and then just make it into like a flat building and then start doing floors and stuff which imitate these floors you know what

I mean yeah this row is going to be under the building yeah that’s going to go through the building and on top of here once I mean on top of this part see here if I’ve got enough height I’m going to do like a train track also going across the top of it

Like a Subway lock it over yeah like a sore by type of track and then eventually I’m going to want to get tracks and Redstone going down this road so it’s all like drivable you know wow move it while it’s all travelable you know I mean yeah I think on this side

I should trim this off a lot where you can a lot of tweaking going on in this bass at the minute foreign that place in the way I wanted to really it’s broken what’s wrong with that oh it’s the other way that’s why you’re okay uh Mr Norwegian how you doing man

Yeah I’ve been there man I’ve done that as well I do that quite often to be honest that’s why I didn’t see how I was really working hard on the front over there and I didn’t really do much to the back end because I was thinking I was going to

End up doing something like this I was thinking there’s going to be no real Point continuing with that tunnel going over there because it’s going to be a building and it’s going to be a building there so tunnels just take away from the efficiency of what’s going to be inside the building

As much as that looks you know it would feel nice it’s a no from me on that Elsa random person how you doing uh but yeah you do need a pillage your Outpost for a road Farm it’d be nice if you didn’t it’d be nice if you could

Just build a pelleter Outpost but yeah you do need one because of the way it spawns it spawns within the tower and then you have to work out where which blocks are spawn on them failed to try it and kill us there nicely no worries man JC placement he does awesome tutorials

Yeah that’s it Mr Norwegian yep that’s it you need to get that bad Iron Man I’ll catch you later how can we say um you’re not good with uh Minecraft random person what happened I understand Minecraft can be stressful sometimes but give it a chance man give it a chance

Just me I get stressed out of it all the time just the way it is as long as it beats us sometimes it don’t put it on uh easy mode if you struggle if you really if you’re really not enjoying the game because of like the

Difficulty sense of it just play it how you feel comfortable playing it and if that’s on you know easy or peaceful or whatever then do it if you’re having a hard time then I recommend that that then rather than getting frustrated and then just you know disliking the game

Personally I like the challenge but I understand some of the people just really don’t foreign thanks for stopping by again I hope you uh I hope you work it out man I hope I work it out as well because it’s gonna be a struggle to see

How that’s going around the net the next bridge is going to be there this part don’t matter foreign yeah it is difficult to be honest to Bridge and stuff I mean how could I uh I do like this real quick see whenever whenever I’m under pressure to do it never works so uh

See sometimes it works for them sometimes I think oh damn it worked and I’m like oh damn I always fall as well sometimes it’s like when I’m really just in the in the zone I concentrate sometimes and get it other times I don’t if I remember correctly all the bridges

Came up to this pillar I use that bridge as a reference all through making these now any more stone bricks anywhere by looks for it running up yeah when I said Manchester the worst one is when you actually do bridge and then you haven’t got enough

Blocks in your inventory so it’s like oh no I can only Bridge like four blocks brilliant by 30 moving towards too bad being able to counter though is a Good Thing Man like quickly switching to your Firework and just shooting yourself back up pain indeed now I have pleasure from my I mean

Personally I’m having pleasure from playing this and working on this I had a bit of a headache yes they’re trying to work out that bridge but I’m kind of happy with what we’ve got could have went a lot worse could have went a bit better but we got there

If I’m not that good at bridging and I’m pretty good at like getting the rebound like that sometimes anything worth it man you better off just To be honest see how I’m doing this I’m gonna go underneath there eventually and change the stone bricks to this material gotta bring it one more for one more down I think yeah one more down and then ask I’ll go over the top one bad 20 stones oh I need smooth I need

Breaks when a couple of breaks I’m actually going to remove a bit of that scaffold from here now because it’s not looking too bad and it’s worth looking at without a Scaffolding in front of it randomized I don’t know I really don’t know where is anyone you know I mean it’s

Like that’s a question do you do you know him personally or so the friend or are they your friend it’s cool if they are excuse me foreign foreign foreign you want to check the old school mine mother uh we have an old school mob farm I think scope spill it yeah Scopes

Definitely built I remember there’s one we were struggling for XP at the start of the server it worked but it wasn’t like a huge scale it wasn’t on like a massive Grand scale like some of them are it’s just a quick and easy one foreign foreign foreign

And then man slowed a bit shorter that’s kind of that’s a nose foreign welcome back she wants to look safe I’ve done anything wrong with this so far I want to show how you doing sweater I did see a message so good see you again um it’s all right man no worries

Thanks for stopping by again I’m making good progress on what I’ve been working on foreign foreign foreign I should have done that lower first welcome back soya how you doing I’m just doing this uh working on this uh build still but made a slime mistake and placing these then I should have placed

This part down first I see these done that first now I’m suffering for it only a minor issue though they’ll be over and done with hopefully soon um yeah glad you’re doing good I’m not doing too bad myself man how was football practice today same old drills

Yeah they’re trying to build it and build it so it’s like muscle memory in our man all right man no worries I’ll see in a bit foreign thank you foreign all right oh man uh because we have a guardian farm and we have so many

Um we have so many cool cards that I need I need I need a reason to eat um to be honest if you saw if you saw how many cup card we had you’d be like wow really though I will have golden carrots in the future in the future definitely but

I’ve started raid now don’t worry about that road though um but if you look at the storage always full of cook card they’re called them sugar boxes just full cut card that’s what I mean oh no it’s crazy I do have all the other food so you know I mean I’ve got some

Golden apples and stuff I tried to organize everything don’t worry about them guys they’ve been hassling me all day I just tried to ignore them but yeah this is just the iron farm where we collect iron and stuff lava Factory yeah all farm to the left wall Farm to the right we’ve got

Bamboo to the left sugar cane to the right and they’ve got the same on the other side as well man yeah thanks for checking me out man I appreciate it yeah it looks bad with the lights though now I need to put some lights in here for some lights in there real quick

Vandalism and everyone didn’t even use my cell touch pickaxe uh lava Farms are good yeah definitely I definitely have lava Farms even if it’s a manual one where you don’t even have it automated I mean my one’s not automated I’d love to have it automated you can do it

There is ways of having that auto Farms like lava Farms but the one I’ve got to just a manual one at the moment can’t believe how dark the game is so with RTX it’s it’s not bad it adds an element to it but the element is or I can’t say

It looks bad like that though with the Torches and there looks perfect in fact yeah it makes a torches it makes all lights weaker because the RTX to have a massive impact it has to be able to play around with the the lighting and the shadows and stuff you know I mean

Uh I feel like some of the lights also it all depends on um the surrounding area I mean if I go to standby lights everything over there will look a bit brighter but if I’ve got to stand in the dark everything over there will look a bit darker it’s strange man

I mean I’m new to the rtxr it’s getting used to it a minute but thank you uh Amanda Amanda the dog I appreciate that really appreciate you stopping by dropping that support thank you this is just this is just one of the bases this is an iron farm cross

Between a village trade in post you can literally trade trade for books and stuff and we’ve got the armor and stuff you should see how much a diamond armor we have because all these ones on this side only the ones on the front and the back over

There are armorous so we can literally just buy um diamond tools for emeralds pretty cheap and then we can just save all the diamonds for everything else that we need that’s a really good method there so man so what I’ve been doing is when I’ve been getting diamonds I’ve been stucking

Up on all these types of armor and stuff and it’s only like you know not the best stuff but I can always just do stuff with it you know I mean I’ve been like disenchant it and then I can enchanting myself and turn into never you know I mean put some

Books on it I’ve been doing it with loads of different types of stuff like all the all the bits of armor that they sell every time I get a chance I’m just I’m just buying it all because I know I’ll one day be able to just upgrade it disenchanted and upgrade it

up on it all I mean everything you see is 100 legit I assure you you could even watch the progress I’ve ever be built from day one if you wanted to I’ve got a playlist where um I have a playlist where you know this

Entire server from day one to now is all just it’s all there so you can check it out if you’re interested I’m gonna throw the rest of this coal in here for now I do want to put them torches over there though real quick yeah man I mean day one you see where

All that building was that was working and a minute ago day one there was a huge amount in there and I mean it was huge there’s another one there as well which is pretty big let me just throw these lights on and I’ll quickly I’ll show you

Because I’ve gotta go to my RAID Farm in a minute let’s go and do something I’m quite lucky how these torches perfectly lined up with the length of this these Farms but then Farms are exactly 30 to long in length really I should put a doorway there so we can get in there

It’s nice with glass but definitely need some type of dollware I like to build on zero zero because the further out you go the laggier the game gets the more broken it becomes the greatest parts of Spawn and the best parts of the chunks the best generated parts of the world

Technically should be in the around you know zero zero the further you go out the more it’s gonna get laggy the more it’s gonna start breaking and the further away you’re going to be from spawn say someone broke your bed and you just you know you died somewhere and say

You lived I don’t know say 48 029 minus 29 000 so um you die and someone broke your bed or your bed just somehow breaks imagine you die you spawn in on your bed and then all of a sudden bang a creeper blows up or something and then

For some reason your bed blew up you died again and then damn I’m back at zero zero you know what I mean it’s like so if you technically you’re better off just living at zero zero you really are there’s no way that you can lose your base

You can always push outwards so it’s it’s a good it’s a good it’s a good determiner you know I mean you can actually just you can tell how far you’ve built how far you’ve traveled how far you’ve pushed out yeah it’s good it’s good safe like have

I ever invite anyone into the into the game this is where the difference this is where the spawn in it so this is where they’re probably tall up and get all their armor and stuff and prepare themselves it’s a good idea I think because I mean look this ladder there zero zero zero

Zero sixty five and the first this is where I spawned I’m about to head over to my energy Tower real quickly though because I’m about to have a little break real quick and go toilet bear with me because there’s so much work that needs to be done here

So do forgive me if it does look a bit unfinished in areas foreign This is gonna be like this is going to be like one building I know it looks like four at the moment but it’s gonna be one that’s where you can see me filling in this floor here they’ve been working on this working on this Arch way to connect the

Buildings and stuff I’m gonna connect them somehow going to be a difficult challenge so where’s the right I’ll show you some accounts real quick because I can fly through pretty quick that’s the monument that I was working on that’s the last project I was working

On I haven’t finished that yet at all I really haven’t finished it there’s still a lot more I’ve got to do but this is where I get all the shards from and stuff it used to be a um it used to be a monument but I just upgraded it a bit man

I appreciate it I’m double four I really do double M4 I really do appreciate it this is just someone finished over there the reason I walked away from this is because I was just having um a hard time getting the prismarine and when I changed the RTX

All the lights just you know it went really dim as you can see I usually use lights like that I use the lanterns that’s why I built this but um teams like Lancers just don’t pop enough man you need to actually put lights around every light But I’ll come back around to this eventually and you know get it completely done I appreciate you guys thinking now that’s why I do it to be honest I do it so you guys can be like yo that’s crazy uh Thrive off that to be honest

I want to build big structures by you when I’m like lining it up and I’m like doing the base of it and people are looking at me like yo tabs that’s a bit big don’t you think and I’m like nope gotta be done man it’s the only way it’s gonna

Kind of seem impressive because I’m not the greatest Builder as you can see I thought I can’t do very good detail man I’ve got I’ve got some Beacon soil on each Corner these are all Legit by the way everything you see is 100 legit if it wasn’t legit I wouldn’t play on it

I’d get so bored with it but beacons on each corner yeah it’s getting there though I wanted to expand the uh the circle as well I’m going to expand the circle out to about here so we’re just like the bigger Circle in the ocean you know what I mean

It’s gonna be tough though man it’s gonna be tough to finish the farm is up here it’s behind here around here I’ve done a bit of the insides but farms in here Some reason it’s turned off I can’t I can’t actually hear it oh yeah that’s where all the farm is I’ve recently emptied it by looks for it I need to go AFK they’re at some point again well we’ve got tons of stuff there all the car that’s where the card comes from man

Yeah time to leave that one that’s the right Farm I’ve got enough fireworks to get me there three fireworks I could get there with them but I need to I might as well get some more real quick that’s my friend’s base there molecu he’s got some crazy cow and chicken

Farms to tell you that much that’s what I feel frames every time I go past this base chat Yo um I must do welcome to the stream man thanks for thanks for the kind words I really do appreciate that I’ve been working on it for the last few well last three months almost two and a two and a half months I’m about to go for a break though real

Quick in a minute um this is what I’m working on at the moment of this space as you can see I’ve been working on the archway here today and yesterday I’m happy with it so far it’s looking good but I’m sure there’s some things that are

Probably off of it that I need to actually have a closer look at and then as you can see when you come through here this is going to be like inside to another building you know what I mean I’m gonna have this is going to be the

Center building so you’re going to have that build that build that build that build but then really you can have a build there a build here I built there here there there there there and then you’re gonna have the main one in the middle that goes up they’re probably I’m not sure what’s

Going to happen with the top of those builds just yet but I’m just I’m trying to work from the bottom to the top anyway I don’t want to go too far up without having worked out the bottom otherwise I’ll come unstuck in places and just

Stuff won’t blend in as well as I want it to but yeah I’m gonna head um I’m gonna go for a little break in a minute so I’m gonna head to the rage Farm this is my friend scope space over here I haven’t seen him in a little while but

He’s a he’s a good player man he knows what he’s doing on the game very good Farm Builder it’s got quite a lot inside in that mountain there it’s got quite a lot of underground this garbage as well I don’t play with too many people they’ll only play with about three or

Four or five people usually me and my daughter my friend Scopes Mikey and Cora this is the raid Farm all them big these beacons you see here is iron that I’ve actually farmed from all of the all of this audience see all the iron that you get in this in these Farms

See all the crossbows as well that’s all the wood that’s what I’ve been using this machine over here I’ve been throwing that stuff in the top and then the fuel inside here I’ve just been getting like loads of like iron out of it I’ve just been building beacons and stuff the reason

They’re put I’m building the beacons though is because safe um say if I’m AFK up here and something goes wrong with the farm and this this one isn’t just a very it’s very predominant it’s very just to work yeah predominant it’s very predominant to glitch out a little bit ugly child but

Be a bit awkward like sometimes like the the Rhinos end up like Landing in the wrong place and stuff and then you get the clerics end of being able to cast the vexes and once they cast the vexes the vexes will tear you up a quick time

So the reason the beacons are there is so I’ve got the Regeneration one so I’m a house constantly regenerating and now I’ve got a resistance once I can build the other beacons and slap the rest on there I’ll try and put more resistance on and I’ll even do the attack damage one so

That my Droid in there will kill they’re moving quicker you know what I mean so there’s this tactics to everything I do it man I try not to waste items I try to always I try to always make something make something out of everything you know what I mean

Unless it’s inefficient if it’s really inefficient then I’ll just throw it on the floor like I’m probably gonna have to do with some of them cards soon I’ve been doing that with prismarine crystals and card just throwing them on the floor because I’ve just got way too many

But I play on Bedrock when I play PC Bedrock um Windows Edition I have got Java but I play I play on bedroom because my friends play on bedrock and when I first started playing Minecraft again when I’ve got my PC I I started playing with people who were

Playing on bedrock and they were like oh I couldn’t plan bedrock and I was like oh I’ll come play on Bedrock so I went and played on bedrock long story short they don’t really play that often and I’m in Bedrock bro I’ll stick with bedrock now because it’s it’s just it’s

What I know best I wouldn’t be that good with a Java Xbox one I used to play on Xbox one as well I’m a gamertax G3 tab so you can add me on that is my game attack my Xbox game attack the reason that I played Bedrock Edition is because

When I came from my console a few about four or five years ago nearly I wanted to have my stats and leaderboards and I wanted to have my same profiles and possibly have the cloud put over my other worlds from my previous consoles but unfortunately my

Worlds didn’t say it didn’t sink but my account did so I’m happy to have my actual old account from Xbox because you know that’s what I used to play Minecraft on you know what I mean but I’m gonna quickly go for a break Wanna Stay at the AFK buy this Farm

Put my chest piece on I have to put that chess piece on a voice I’m as good as dead and yeah this is why I do want to go after I literally I literally stand next to an AFK Farm seriously yeah you could yeah yeah man you can add

Me if you can man yeah and then before that was an ocean monument man it wasn’t an ocean Monument it still is but it’s kind of like an ocean Temple now I’ll see you in a bit though end up before Armando the dark and uh is madhu I appreciate you stopping by guys

Um I’ll see in a bit I’ll have to stand to the side on the leftover stand on that side sometimes I get stuck if I stand there I get potions throwing at me and I could end up getting that’s why I’ve got that chest there so if again not back I don’t

Get knocked back too far in Harvey tactics no if I stand there you can get shot but I definitely get potion splashed by the Wizards so I usually just stand to the side there look at my pet little Pikachu thing another thing you know I think they’re

More all you know I think they’re Invincible because I tried to kill one the other day and they just didn’t die it’s annoying me all right I’m gonna stand there and the guy AFK I won’t be that long guys Foreign foreign foreign All right all right uh-huh Foreign Foreign All right foreign Brad Ford All right yeah foreign Again Uh-huh Okay Yeah I’m back oh man this is Rave machines still been coming and I had died yeah that uh Rhino they’re stuck that’s what happens awesome when that happens you have problems serious problems destroy these leaves destroys the leaves welcome back so yeah always and I feel like it hasn’t been

Collected I don’t know why I’m not sure maybe it has maybe I’m just expecting too much results I see all the stuff in there I see stuff’s going into it now yeah man sweet I appreciate that man when I get a chance I’ll accept your friend request I’ll match you back I gotta head back to this uh base yeah man nice yeah I think I think it is yeah I think it is dog’s version

Amanda I’m gonna call them armanda dog is not a bad word but it’s like I don’t know if calling people like dark or anything like that but I need some more materials Hopefully the first of many that’d be nice they are That right alarms do my head and to be honest it drives me insane oh these two sugar boxes are basically empty man Move them along yeah are you gonna leave these two here because the ramps There we go load upon materials get back up get back at it Foreign My it’s about 20 to six in the morning 5 40 AM Cota I appreciate you stopping by man if anyone wants to drop a like on that video man I appreciate it really helps the algorithms I’d like to push this and show as many people as possible Hmm Foreign That part out anyway it’s gonna need a ton of smooth Stone foreign Let’s be honest I’m gonna have to go on farms without smooth Stone I’m not putting some of it in the ovens yeah yeah I will uh I would try and like kill him and just get rid of him but I’m not sure how many waves is I’m on normal mode I’m not an easy or anything coil let’s play on normal mode sometimes we’re playing hard mode as well so they’re probably down here though Wow that’s for one of the lights that hole was there because I need to put a light there Yeah we’re all down there Laughs oh wow yeah I need to check that uh what’s it called uh that frankly Farm see what that’s like man yo what’s the perfect welcome back man I appreciate you stopping by when I see what we’ve been up to man I’ve been working on joining up the buildings

By trying to I appreciate that as well man ah if I could just land uh it’s kind of the archway I’ve got at the minute but I haven’t finished on it at all yeah I’m still working on it it’s going to achievement all three photos I haven’t even yeah I’ve seen

That achievement that’s nice now I haven’t finished the ocean Monument just yet man I need to go through and rework on the lights in the ocean Monument put some torches down to make it look s make it look a bit better but I’ve just been working on this recently

Yeah I appreciate you guys saying that man appreciate that Amanda I’ve cut this wondering trade repair now sorry I’m about to attack the lever it’s local number and rule we have to take the level uh I just gotta try and keep working on this stuff for now

Because this is where the middle room’s gonna be not looking forward on trying to redo that bridge over on that side that’s gonna drive me insane oh cool yeah it was money that’s what I mean it’s like the law it’s really Health man well that back’s right there that’s

Don’t don’t need to look at that you don’t need to look at that that’s a bit messy at the minute but I’m gonna have to start farming not farming but I’m gonna have to start cooking a more Stone to be honest because I’m running out of this smooth Stone I think

Really running out of it now but I can cook a load of materials up Villagers are allowed I am I’m gonna find out for one soon man as soon as I run out of materials a 40 somewhere up here somewhere I wish I could I wish I could turn a mask to be honest Lord not turn them off I feel that noise is a bit excessive to

Be honest you’re falling down I’m not realizing it but I’m creating a huge mock spawner at this point why is that not working bro maybe not so carefully too much stuff spawning in as well man Oh dear bridging is just annoying me at the minute That zombie stressed me out man Damn over there On a map Um it’s in oh I can try and show you how to bridge the best way I can try and teacher doing some terraforming so yeah I do a lot of terraforming see that mountain that Mountain’s gonna be in my next terraforming challenge they’re so close to this build

But the best way I can teach is you have to you have to move forward and as you move as you’re moving forward yeah you have to look look down here so you’ve got to be moving forward while looking down like that motion and as that motions happening that motion while

You’re moving forward you have to place a block down and then but the way you when you place the block down you don’t just place the block down you place it down and you hold it you hold the button down that you uh you hold the button down that you place

The block with as you’re running but this is the part though where some people get confused when you are moving forward and then you go down and then while you’re doing those two things you place the block as soon as you place that block you have to

Click the sprint button in to start sprinting Lloyd move forward get down place a block click in the sprint button so move forward go down place a block click in the spring button so that’s why I do I got now watch me just not do it at all for about 10 tries

So you’ve got like kind of like place you’ve gotta move have it moving you’ve got to be moving have that move in place that Sprint you have to click Sprint at the same time as you place that block you want to click the sprint button and just keep

Moving forward with it don’t click the button bar hold the sprint button in no don’t click the block to place it you have to you know hold it so that it constantly places them you know I mean like I hope that helped it’s not easy yeah I mean I mess it up

Half the time you can’t unlock it and once you lock it in it’s kind of okay I’ve gotta do so here I’ve got a place them ones out there Now I do enjoy terraforming though because you get a lot of stuff it’s simple it’s simple stuff you know it’s not hard to do you can never go wrong with terraforming it’s impossible to make a mistake that’s what I like about terraforming you know you really don’t have to do much today Yeah it’s all like it’s all like a one motion man you just gotta get that you gotta get that movement where you’re moving forward it just you know it’s like you have to move forward like that but it’s mad you can’t do it slowly like

You know I mean you have to you have to really just go for it you know I mean it’s it’s a it’s like a you’re pressing four buttons very quick in the concession I mean sometimes I don’t even do it man sometimes I choose not to sometimes it’s just

Like that you know I mean I didn’t get I didn’t press a button down properly it was probably the um I don’t think her I went down further enough best if you’re looking at the floor as well I mean never try and do it from this angle try you could do from there

Possibly maybe there’s probably yeah so you can do it from there yeah you want to have it so you’re kind of looking at a block having the highlighted block option you know where it outlines and they have a little black outline going around the block uh you want to probably have the other

Option where you you can actually see the block light up when you’re looking at like that and and the block this block lights up to say it has a snap point that you’re gonna snap something down there that’s when it’ll work if you can’t see the block a little there you’re not

Going to be able to bridge it on RTX you can’t see when it’s lit up so sometimes I’ve been messing up a lot trying to bridge because I can’t see if the if the snap points actually there but I’ve just kind of learned learned to just do it like this now anyway

Most of the time it works You can do it like upside down as well like say if you’re running across like for instance you could bridge this way I’ll show you real quick you could be bridging like I’d turn it around and then start sprinting like that I mean so I hold it down holding it down Erp No worries man you can do underwater swimming as well where you place them really fast but that’s that’s that’s a bit we’ll quit that one you have to kind of move forward and then go back right I remember there used to be a way where you could Sprint backwards I’m gonna have to go and put some of these some of this smooth Stone in the oven so I might start cooking it up after I’ve used this batch If you’ve got a beacon on as well it can make it harder to do the bridge because you’re moving faster I’ve got a movement speed beacon on at a minute and like move speed two so sometimes I can be moving fast and then I’m moving slow and it’s just like uh that’s weird

The change in speed just pickles now Yeah I’m creating a Maps one oh man there’s a squat down now foreign Oh skeletons got hacks trust me Foreign Stuff in the ovens downstairs real quick I need to put some Stone in the ovens man wow I’ll clear all this out eventually ah I’ll catch you later bro thanks for stopping by e I’ll see you next time hopefully have a good evening man have a good day

Or evening see you there man yeah yeah it’s where it’s morning for me now so I’ll be getting off and I’ll be sleeping after their way so good though man I like sleeping in daytime all right I’ve gotta get as much Stone as I can I have to go for all these chests again at some point not just yet though not just yet um foreign It’s six o’clock in the morning man this is for me now dreams have been going I only have been going for six hours started pretty late be honest Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign How’s my night thank you for asking it’s it’s okay man it’s it’s morning now it’s actually six one six twenty A.M yeah I know it’s been okay man I’ve just been just been building farming and well I’ve just been building actually I’m now actually having to throw some more of this Stone

In the ovens because I’ve ran out of a smooth Stone Thanks for stopping by man I appreciate you I’ll show you what I’ve been up to after I’ve just filled these ovens up I’ve been working on this world for about two and a half months I’ve had a few friends help as well kind of a friendly like you know

Family server and stuff people I can fully trust but I don’t really like risking all this work that I put in for nothing you know what I mean so yeah I try to look after as best I can Oh well I’ll quickly you’re not sure what we’ve got salmon I haven’t finished it yet I’m still working and I love it like I said I’ve only been on the server for two minutes two and a half months and so it’s only two and a half months old this is going

To be the first building that we have it looks like four buildings at the minute but it’s all going to be joined up into one I’ve recently been working on the um the join today Going from that side of the building across there I need to bring it further up um down there you can see there’s a road in history that that’s going to go straight through the building uh yeah man uh like I said early days still putting in work

But if you ever want to keep up to date with any of the progress that I’m doing that’d be awesome you get to see a lot of changes over a short amount of time I need to go and grab these sugar boxes that are filled up full of smooth Stone

Just pure smooth Stone flatten everything out and you know we build we’re pushed to see that looks like a nice Arch man I’ll stop looking at the arch you know when something works out like that it’s just that’s what I like about this game you can have pride in something it’s crazy

Serious like pride in something like that you’ve made I never finished yeah those are from being funniest so long away it’s gonna take about another month or two that build with the defermenter then when I throw in there now remember to be honest my stream’s good man how’s your day going man

What you’ve been up to man thanks for asking uh I’ve uh just been working on that build I don’t know if you see me just have a look at it man I’ll stop having a little look every now and then but I’ve ran out of smooth Stone so I’m having to

I’m having to load these shuckles up and I’m gonna go and put it all in the furnaces and that streaming card s an interesting game you have to be careful on that there’s always a load of hackers on there I find wow not me personally but my friends

Always tell me on PC there’s always hackers and stuff when it comes to card I’ll let you in now but that’s with every game I guess on PC especially with online gameplay you’re always going to come across someone who’s using some type of client the zombies not bad what’s your wife around

Spaceland uh to be honest I only remember zombies map from Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2 all the other ones I don’t really remember that well probably because they never played them that much 46. not bad man not bad should upload some of them I know people are watching the old zombies

Foreign game besides Minecraft oh man Red Dead Redemption 2 comes close just because of how beautiful it is how good the gameplay is but say if he was going to talk about online massive multiplayer MMO then Ark survival evolved yep am Ark survival evolved maybe Atlas I’m not Ark survival evolved then Atlas

I like them type against a team based you know I mean you require a lot of people Ark survival evolvement trust me I love that game I’m sweating but you can tell it must be sweaty if you can see what I build on here I used to sit there and breed it

Too many too many dinosaurs we got the same favorite game yeah that’s a buff yeah it’s a good game and it’s addictive so it’s kind of a game that you need friends so you need a huge group of people to play with if you haven’t then

You can still have fun but you’re just not going to have a huge base and you’re not gonna have a massive raid in power it’s like that game teaches you respect so if you don’t know how to respect people like via voice Communications online and you just the type of person who

Likes to you know talk a load of smack down the mic you’re not going to go very far in that game unless you have a load of friends that think the same way as you and you all join together but usually there’s always a very mature tribe out there are very mature Alliance

In there they don’t you know it’s it’s a crazy game mark come across the wrong people and you just don’t mess with them you just don’t we know you gotta know your place if you know that you’re not going to survive the raid or be able to defend then you

Just gotta be like yeah just gonna have to allow that one guys be quiet you know shut up don’t talk in a shout yeah I’ve probably done that well we had a we had a tribe on 252 eu252 Legacy uh before it was like actually Legacy and

Yeah man we we’re on 252 EU Island server and we we owned that server for about three four years man well not me personally all the way through it but towards the end what was the other kind of like a top hold a lot of power that was in there by just being

Like uh use my initiative I could see how the server was going and then I just like yeah so in the end we kind of like ruled that server basically but then when when all the Rush transfer came along that’s where it’s just that’s where I started against sketchy man

All right hopefully I’ll catch you another time man I might play Arc again one time so if you guys ever want to play it with me when R2 comes out maybe I’ll maybe we’ll play it man I’d love to get a huge trial on the gun you know

It would be good but I don’t know if I’m gonna play all that much to be honest I’ve got a feeling it’s not going to be as good as the original I feel like they’re gonna break they’re going to make it more of a single player game it’s gonna be slower but yeah

Thanks man thanks Luke have a good night I appreciate you giving me a moment of your time today it’s awesome yeah that’s uh quite a lot of stone sitting in them cookers Rosanna cooking what’s going on there you go now he’s the handle was down that was the problem

Yeah Oxford heavy game it’s one of those games so it’s really resource ever especially when you try and load up people’s bases seriously it’s it’s yeah if you’re playing games like Arc or Atlas or rust your computer your site your Hardware really really matters in that type of

Instance you’re going to be loading in someone’s base and you’re not going to be able to see what’s going on because of the frame issue then you’re not going to go far in the game it’s unfortunately with those type of games it’s like your Hardware has a big factor on how

Well you do in PvP if someone’s going all frame and stuff and get like two frames a second or their crisp obviously mate obviously you’re gonna smack them that’s why I ended up that’s why I had to get a PC in the end because I was playing Atlas and whenever we used to

Drive the boats into the base my Xbox used to turn into a calculator so then I got a piece in and I was like once I got a PC I was buzzing everything changed I’m gonna line these sugar boxes up here because I’m once all that stuff is smelted in them ovens I’m gonna just throw it in these local boxes and take it up top It has to be destroyed this level 75 crore fridge full of times was you playing unofficial the grind I’m not going to play if you play if like we used to play unofficial back in the day but once once we kind of stepped away from it and had the break Big Break

Whenever I went back to it I I just I couldn’t stomach wasting my time two weeks to breathe um a giga two weeks to read a giga can you believe that seven days for a Quetzal seven days for a fairuzina I love your content it makes me

Go back to Minecraft yeah that’s awesome man I appreciate you saying that hopefully you don’t mind because there’s a lot this game has to offer now with all the trims and stuff I mean what I like about it for instance we have the smithing 10 place now

And without without the without that one there you can’t even craft never armor you have to find that before you can even craft never right and all these different templates here just give you a nice little nice little pattern on your armor and you can then merge that with any

Material like for instance I’ve merged mine with Emerald so it has like a green Shimmer looks good man I’m going to see it on my armor Yeah man I like that I like I like the templates so basically I’m trying to get all the sets of the armor I’ll show you wait it’s some of my armor here I’ve got a dune armor set with trimmed out with her Emerald I’ve got the oil armor fully trimmed out and Enchanted

I’m working on that Century I need to put some more enchantments in that one there’s a tide set there and I’m just gonna do all of them I’m gonna you know do all of them that’s going to be another one I ain’t done that yet but stuff like that man little things

That they Implement into the game is awesome it just makes it 10 times better than it used to be especially if you enjoyed the game before if you enjoyed the game before you’re going to enjoy it 10 times more now I’m gonna go back upstairs because I’m gonna have a look around I am happy with the way this um Archway looks at the minute I am happy with that the rest of the building’s not done above this point here but there’s still more I’m going to do to

Tweak it as well like that bottom part these pillars here I’m gonna probably do another pillar there a couple more pillars holding it up yeah man slowly gonna get there I could do with organizing some of this stuff though to be honest I’ve got so much stuff up here without it’s actually

A joke As a person with so much experience in Minecraft I love watching on the very streamers it just makes me realize how much potential people have you know I really appreciate that not right now I really do I’ve been playing this game for too long man but I’ve had large breaks in between

That’s that’s been my issue my brakes I played this game when it first kind of came out before the XP bar and the hunger bar wasn’t even there and then uh when the end came out and we got the XP bar and we completed the game I kind

Of had a huge break from this game and then a then I came back like seven years later it was a long break But during that period I was playing a games like Arc and Atlas and playing a few other games I’ll throw this in the oven and place this down so I can smash it put that in the oven as well I’m gonna flip that push that down into smaller blocks easier to store down the ladder man official PV server one one five three Genesis one yeah yeah I I never really played the PV my friend did my friend played the PV service like when he you know he got

Tired of being married and stuff and just you know I couldn’t be bothered because I was with like having a job and stuff it’s hard to kind of maintain a base from being raided offline it’s nearly impossible it is impossible unless you live under the mesh oh man then you have a chance I heard there was a lot of problems with PVE because like you know people just come and build as you’d start building somewhere then all of a sudden someone would just start slapping pillars up right next to your base and you’ll be like oh well it completely just diminishes all potential that your

Base has you know what I mean is this a private ram um yeah this one’s a private around unfortunately man um it’s because I like to protect it and just stop people from causing problems and that I mean you can imagine what would happen if I just invited like

Anyone to join I do have some friends that play but um it’s literally just people that can fully trust like I don’t have to worry about anything no I am sorry that I can’t invite invite you to join that man I mean I have five people who can join

One of them is my daughter she didn’t play that much but she does play all right well all this is cooking I’m just gonna take forever to cook up to be honest I might go and flip the bamboo turn into wood uh Sorry my phone died what are you saying on my computer by the way um I’m not sure I think I was talking about Arc I think we were talking about arkman I’m not too sure I was talking to um double M for about plus server I used to playing and

How I afford PVE had a had trouble with people just trying to troll believe it or not even even though it’s PVA there’s still loads of people trying to troll that stuff by just building up into building up right next to you because you couldn’t destroy any of my

Structures on PVE you know what I mean so everybody was it was the number one way of trolling people just put some structures up right next to where somebody’s building a base and rip is the potential of your base after I will move this sugar cane when

It fills up I need I need to get some shocker boxes over here I say that I say that like it’s a difficult thing to do report so many memories everyone quit once while cars said they were shooting down the service I’ll be honest man

If you if say if you and your friends had been playing up until that point that’s where that’s why I had a few friends that continued to play Arc after we got you know after a lot of major things happened and new old days came out and

After we got raided and stuff and when all the dooping wars came about you know the duping walls of what put me off when he was raiding people and you know people were pulling up to your base and stuff with a whole inventory and like transmitter full of stuff as soon as you

Realize that it was all dupe stuff it was like they could just completely bring the exact same thing that they’ve just brought through again and just throw it Alice again as soon as I realized that I was like this is broken oh we just killed that person’s level

One level 300 like team and then we’re like oh yeah but it was a dupe he just brought through another one out that he duped look at that that’s where it started getting annoying because I sat there and legitly bred like thousands of dinosaurs I ain’t even joking it was thousands of dinosaurs

That I must have bred on that game that ain’t even a joke because I know for a fact that bred 300 gigas I know for a fact I know for a fact I bred about 300 of them I know I bred about 50 quetzers are probably about 20 therizinos 150 to 200 paterodons

Um God probably about 50 RGS probably about 30 tappies tappaharas uh Amanda you gave me you gave me work no thinking about all my old times um well other times would really like beavers I used to love the Beavers man I don’t know all the times man I used to

Love that game I feel like that game was so carefully well done it’s amazing anyone who never experienced it missed out on a diamonds man but then again the people who did experience it and felt the Heartbreak and the hurt from it all I guarantee you they would say you didn’t miss much

We lost a lot of time in life what a waste that was in a it’s the people who can look at it look at it at the end and see what friendships they made and see who they you know who they got to know during the process that’s the best that’s the main

Thing you really band together with people on that game and I miss all my turns trust me I know Minecraft was just such a big impact I could never build good but before charmness or anyone I was like the second best player sharpness I’m not sure if I’ve for no sharpness

Yeah I’m gonna grab this bamboo real quick out of this one I do like Minecraft I feel like it’s a game that you could just continue it continually play as long as you’re happy with what you’re doing and nothing’s pointing you off it like a certain build

Or something that you’ve got to do that you don’t want to do you could you could sit here and play it for years and be happy with it I think that’s why I choose this game to stream the most because it’s like it’s the one game I’m not gonna get tired of

Don’t get me wrong there is other games out there that I do really enjoy but I feel like they’re all they’re all here yes here they move them real soon that’s the problem with games like most games you hit a ceiling you get to you

Get max level you get the best armor you get all the skills unlocked you get all the achievements you you know you you have all the hair sailing in most games our Minecraft is harder to hit than CNN I think I feel like the ceiling extends to the what level you

Can reach not not just what the game is capable of because this is endless what you can build in this you know what I’m saying let me check this chat real quick pop star cotton candy giggers and zombie wyverns con candy ones why would ions are never I never seen them

All occurs the four are foil occurs are our fathers are I’m not sure why the our fathers are but I know what I find the car is they were then launched tiger things jartness claims to be the best sword player because everyone that challenged him has has to cheat hmm

You’d probably be me then I’m not I’m not I’m not crazy like crazy good at PVP in a Minecraft I feel like it’s all about who can press that that one button you’re all right the right Explorer but just started again instantly look at it the raids expired

But it just started again instantly like that what the hell was that that’s annoying there we go got some sugarcane where’s the bamboo blocks have we got bamboo blocks anywhere there there they are Actually we need that I’m gonna need some more shocker boxes for this one these bits as well before I get too farmed on each side just double up then double up on all the mats I fella artex or Shadows made the game ten times better they do they really do help man like

If you’ve been playing the game for as long as I have it it makes it more interesting it makes cave exploring like it actually makes it like I wouldn’t say scary because it’s a game I’m not really scared of the game but it makes it a bit more you know jumps or

Jumper you know I mean if I go down a cave now I have to make sure I’ve got like three stacks of torches and all kinds of stuff it can make certain builds over really dark it’s best if you’re going to play

On RTX I say the best way to do it is to do it from the start because all the builds that you have if you build with lanterns like me they’re gonna go dark it’s going to start to get dark you know what I mean but these Lancers should be light in the

Room up as well as the Torches but they just don’t I know I’ve put a layer of glass over them like that but the glass should not stop it you know what I mean pull that bamboo pure Woodman Is the first house was made out of diamond blocks I remember my first build and there was a castle there’s a castle that wasn’t just seriously not it was a castle that taught me about symmetry because I built it and it just was not symmetrical at all

Like one that appear that one of the towers was looking like something and then the other towel was just completely different and it was a mess I remember it I remember my first build it was in my friend’s world of smoke Dons it’s called Uh someone I know in real life Um but it was his world he actually got me into the game me and my friend Michael long time ago that was back in like 2011. all my emeralds you know what I’m gonna buy some stuff with these emeralds I don’t know the mine I’ll be happy with me They might not be happy with me no no no no I’m too bad actually could be worse [Applause] And this is two variant I never really played too much of Genesis on that oh that that’s the whole damn updates kind of my main patch was Ireland Center Ragnarok scorched Earth aberration I went on Val quero a little bit not much remember Yeah that’s it I think whenever the servers are rolled on man I used to have all the other DLC but I just never I was too I was too home I was too hot at home with the other Maps I was kind of a like a legacy player I feel like

All that all the Genesis one Genesis 2 Crystal oils never played on them servers man I played gem1 and I think I might have played Gen 2 but only only for about two or three times I went on there and it was just crazy it’s like space and that in one of them

You’re floating around up into space I was like bro I’m about to glitch out for the map sketchy as hell man Gentoo was bad though no no I think it was a gym one or two I don’t know the one where you had all the corruption and stuff

I like that one that one was a decent map Minecraft is only good because you make it fun and if it’s better for friends because they can get they can get further ahead of you and make you want to progress further into the game yeah I agree that’s nice it’s a nice

Feeling to be able to do that but on the server that I’m playing on here it’s I mean I have friends that play on the server but they don’t play on the server as much as I do it um yeah I play a heavy I play this game But like all my all my friends have jobs and stuff and besides besides like one or two but yeah they literally ah they’re charging me more now look the the selling them again but they’re charging me more for some reason because they’re not happy with the raid that’s coming on them base

That’s funny 51. I ain’t buying it off you may your rip off yeah this one’s overall I’ll buy them once this is AFK at the Pillager Tower and I just goes to the armor I buy all these tools and yeah we’ve got we’ve got diamond tools for days you know I mean They’ll come a time where I have to organize all this stuff down and all of it let’s try it as a fan free text features yeah yeah I remember that the free Tech suit and stuff yeah I remember all that I used to play on um

I used to plan a boosted server like towards that at the end when I went back to the game uh I actually streamed a little bit like and I streamed but actually recorded videos in that so if you want to like go and check out some of the

Some of the stuff I was doing yeah man like I said it was on a Boost it boosted it was we still did some stuff it was hard it’s hard to raid though man it was just so hard to raid with just two people against all these super tribes

That was I had 20 people and I need some lava man I do have some of the tough but I’m gonna grab some I’m sure I’ve got some leather up here quite a bit Why is there Never End armor and the enchantments the trims uh the the trims are uh basically there they’re like these little tablet things that you have to find like these stones and the certain ways to find each one it can be quite rare to get like the one

I’ve got at the moment is silence trim and it is really rare to be honest it’s like a 0.67 chance of actually finding it like in in the place that you do find it but the trims are um they don’t actually give you any type of

Benefit or bonus to your armor but they do look good it really looks good I feel like in the future they’ll probably do that I feel like Emerald should probably give you like really good Charisma with villagers so you can get really good trades Redstone should protect you from

Something like Redstone should make you be able to see Redstone through walls or so I don’t know enchantments without actually using lapis maybe I don’t know they could have all these benefits so it’s disappear man they’re small leather but yeah this Road’s gonna just keep going and keep going and keep going and

Keep going last blast for the land thanks for bringing me some leather I’ve ever thought about streaming anything else other than Minecraft I uh I have kind of but it’s just Minecraft it’s just it’s something I can just do repetitively what’s up um Welcome to this stream I appreciate you stopping by I don’t know if I said your name correctly or hopefully I did laughs let me try this chat it’s kind of like getting quick yeah never right is bear never is better than Diamond it’s kind of the upgrade to um

Diamonds you basically you have to get diamond diamond armor and then once you get diamond armor I’m about to get lynched once you get diamond armor you have to find the template on that to uh mm-hmm out of eat some food man these things are Savage and I ain’t got no food

But yeah never right you have to find the never right in the actual never it’s it’s quite hard to find it’s um it’s that stuff there never right Inga and then what you have to do is you have to take your armor to this uh smithing table

I went one there there was a smithing table somewhere don’t know where it’s gone but you have to put it in the smithing table basically let me just eat some food because I’m kind of worrying myself I’m gonna make a couple of books as well sugarcane Now I’m getting jumped I am he gave up on the silent stream I didn’t even actually find it man Corey found it he literally just went to the an ancient city and he was lucky enough to find it I mean I was I looked out with that we

All looked out to be honest I appreciate everyone in the chat trying to help me with any questions that have been asked in the chat sometimes it is a bit hard to keep up with I appreciate that a very helpful Community here that try and help me as much as possible as it as it is You’re right I don’t know what’s going on with that but he’s been stuck in between them ovens for as long as I can remember yeah I would I would get never right especially if you have the chest piece as well if you have the chest piece on

As well it gives you a knock back resistance to like getting hit you know when to eat like an arrow hitch when you go there you go oh when you’ve got um never right on it you thought uh it just knocks you back a tiny bit you know what I mean it’s

That’s it that’s the good thing about nav right it has that little perk on it where’s this chunk over I don’t need this real quick I’m just about to make a few purchases with books mending’s the main one I kind of want to stop If I can find it that one [Applause] bending for the win But that’s the only one that we’ve got cheap the rest of them are expensive let’s see how that was just one one Emerald the rest of them are expensive man No One Number Nine he wants a book so touch I’m bad actually for nine I’ll take that 25 from pale in five I’ll buy a few it’s good I like to just stock up on the books man tabs is your name really tapped ah it’s kind of like it’s almost it’s it’s like half of my second name minus the Zed because that is just because I made it

Hip oh man it’s very cold you know like a bit of a racing stripe going down it now people just call me tabs because when I was younger when I was younger I um yeah when I was younger we used to hang around with a group of people who um

Used to call each other by our second name you wouldn’t we wouldn’t call ourselves by our first no not really anywhere most people would call by a second name and some of us we still do like I do still do a few of my friends

And they do it to me still it’s always been a while it’s mad the ones it’s not the people that we never actually did it with that like did it with their second name it’s strange man to think about it and these ones these books are just too extortionals But yeah it’s kind of like a half of my second name it’s always been my game attacked on people always used to call it man even before I had the Xbox or even before I had like online gaming I say Xbox because like Xbox was like the first ever like online console that

They ever actually had that’s the first time I started playing um that’s when I started playing the online gaming man when I had an Xbox 360. let me check this real quick how about that I’m pretty sure it gets better and Chancellor oh I’m pretty sure it gets better any chance

I’m not sure I really am mad about Mojo they have Ruby Rose had Ruby when I don’t remember the Ruby I remember Redstone still got that ah man 4 a emeralds for that man it’s a bit of a rip off these religious man I swear it’s not like I haven’t got the emeralds

Though yeah Some of these books will be hard to get eventually I bet yeah [Applause] foreign code to what the Redstone was Redstone does look a lot like Ruby you know it really does I know it’s not but they should definitely have different color gems like topaz amethyst Sapphire opal

Uh the definitely should bring stuff like that any anything I mean anything that’s in real life they should have in this game they should have tungsten tools which is just a little bit not it’s a lot stronger than I am but basically steel I need steel you know I mean uh the filter

Um what do you mean by selling sticks and stuff to them okay well I vouchered that Voucher then dude oh yeah I saw that on canman 18 video hmm what’s that the Ruby stuff how would I use a vouchers again words by selling stuff to him stuff like um like just like sticks in that one it’s Flint I used all them books yeah

It’s it’s because I’ll just go AFK by the the Pillager Tower I mean I could sit there and trade trade stuff if I’m like prickly trade trade trade you know what I mean so they’re trading trying to get emeralds are out but the way I get

Emeralds is they just sit there AFK buy the pillar guitar and that’s literally it man sit there AFK and come back to a bunch of stuff I’m gonna need more sugar boxes outside there oh I’ve got Shuffle boxes we’ve got a circle Farm in the end that almost breaks the game every time

I go to it no it really does break the game I have to turn RTX off I have to stand there for 10 minutes and let it render I have to do some magic I don’t know how I made it work last time yeah the Pillager Farms villager Farms

I think it’s probably one if you was to have only if the Apu is only allowed us one Farm in this game he was only allowed one AFK Farm it would be the pier Pillager Farm 100 if he was only allowed one Farm in this game it’d be the Pillager Farm

Because you can have a wide array of just different stuff and one you get totems two you get enchanted books look at these all these books a lot of these books are from that Pillager Tower stuff like you get Glowstone you get redstone you get gum powder you get fuel you get

Flagged you get iron because you can smell the the all the all the you know the chess pieces and all the armor and tools you get that’s what I do you get everything from it the only thing you don’t get from a pillage attire as well well actually you even get sticks you

Even get sticks from it don’t get much wood but you get sticks And the fuel the fuel is the crossbows you just use the fuel from that and then cook it all up you know this might sound crazy but what did I go over oh yeah I went over there to throw them them tools I just thinking boy did

It go over there a minute ago that’s how you can tell I’m getting tired I thought I wouldn’t put a load of books in there foreign if anyone ever needs a book I’ve got them covered let that let that villager knife hit I’m prepared Definitely need a picture I’m gonna have to look for now but yeah definitely look for that but I’ll start crying if I was only allowed one AFK Farm now but trust me imagine that imagine if like it’s a good question that is it’s it’s all horrible to know to not be able to

Have more than one of the Farms but if someone was to really put your arm behind you back and twist it and say listen you’re only allowed one AFK Farm I bet you any money everybody’s choice would be the Pillager Tower times man pure poems glowstone

Man you get loads of stuff the flags are fuel emeralds oh did I mention the Emirates the cameras more emeralds than you can even care about I’m a pay full price 60 emeralds or I spend on one book sometimes just because I’m not here oh man

And you get a load of books from it as well to be honest I didn’t even mention how many books you get from it there you go I’ll leave I’ll leave that one out how do you guys like it I can blow my one too you know

Yeah I’ve got the sound turned off so you can’t hear it that way that’s why I had to just pretend it made a noise I’ve got camera padding tools as well look there you go hey what give me that now give me them now the fingers

I need all of this to cook or pepper it’s gonna take some time might go and check see what them are other Villages the same around the back there see how much they’re charging good night man thanks for stopping by man I appreciate you uh checking me out

Man hopefully I’ll see you again sometime good night all right yeah I’ll I’ll buy that by the emeralds and a bad price for that mm-hmm Yeah gunpowder as well because it spawns The Witches yeah you get everything from there enough it would be my go-to farm I can understand why Corey like it is his go-to farm that is literally why he does it no doubt or a load of tools then Um cheap way of not having to spend diamonds on it man so clever huh [Applause] Yeah they dropped Redstone and the glowstone they dropped glowstone as well you get the glowstone from it that’s what I like about this one it’s like even if Lloyd lanterns wanting a lot of these lanterns would just constant Duds in RTX motor could probably use the glowstone and see if it’s any different

I mean and then I could even make them lanterns they’re okay but I have to put Redstone touching them for them to work and that’s an issue that’s just I’ll be bothered with that red so may cause the games is a bit laggier as well loads of fins connecting

To a redstone device I mean loads I mean look how many lights they under that’s just in this space Hahaha so we can sell stuff to this one here let’s see this one seven sticks for one Emerald say that one one Flint for one Emerald see that we could do stuff like that but it’s just it’s such a slow grind you know man feels like a slow burn to to do it

Ain’t got no more books I mean about just the endless amounts of diamond tools that we’re gonna have if I just keep doing that keep doing it and keep doing it ain’t ever going to be worried about diamonds it was no wonder if you can’t smell diamonds down in a blast furnace to get

Actual diamonds back from the tools otherwise this would be broken fully broken Ice villager ice village ice Farm are you already like kind of nut man not make a noise Farm but you can already you can if you wanna if you want what I recommend this is what I was thinking of doing see how I’ve got all these villages The next ones that you’re going to want is the stone masons because if you get a load of stone masons in a line you can get every single block in this game for sale from them stonemasons that you can just buy really rare blocks like all the nice terracottas and stuff

And you can just buy and buy and buy and buy and then you can actually use it and build it build with it properly because you you’ve got endless supply of it Villages like a really important one it’s something that I’ll be looking to at one point [Applause] I’ll leave it at that for buying stuff off these guys otherwise I’ll be buying loads of stuff Ah foreign Block from them that would be crazy that would be sick that’d be so good But then again I’ve got quite a lot of quartz I don’t know how let’s start again when I was um doing a load of stuff I need to sort some of this out now I really need to Source some of this out Oh I’m gonna um need to find Chester nine use awesome chest I just Can’t avoid those books and now I’m Then I’m gonna put the tools and the arm run in there so you know people can just grab them quick time I’m starting to get too many overload them The last level trade quartz block what else can they trade because uh well for like really fancy stuff can they trade trying to think my um Baba Blackstone I must have Blackstone as well Foreign yeah that’s what I like about Minecraft as well man it’s just the never-ending game you feel like it comes to almost to an end like you know well it doesn’t come to an end but you feel like it comes to us kind of a stop a gradual stop but they just throw

Something else in the game after that and it’s like oh damn we’re gonna have to do that now look at them frog frog lanterns that’s that sounds interesting ah To organize this stuff man you know how much sauce yeah yeah there’s way too much to explore I wouldn’t say too much but there’s a lot to explore in Minecraft one of my favorite things about this game is I feel like you can all be playing the same game we can all be

Playing the same game but depending on how you know Advanced each player is it will look like a completely different game like if you if my daughters to just sit there and play this game you you wouldn’t see like a very experienced play you know I mean

You’d see someone who’s very new quite newbie so my hairs needs me there to look after I make sure she don’t die every five minutes basically That’s what I was looking for I know I see I see I see I love Floyd I see a lot of talent out there not just for not just on Minecraft either it’s like all round I’m a musician at heart as well so I watch a lot of live music stuff and

Guitar and stuff and I used to feel like I was a pretty decent guitarist until I started watching first day watching other people as soon as I started watching other people I was like yeah I’m average at best oh I appreciate you saying I inspired you oh mama I’m just I’m just down man just copying it sweet come on every day here and there quickly inspires to play a little bit more I think it’s you guys that Inspire yourselves man And really it’s a really truly believer see this stuff here that stuff can move that stuff can move the shame it’s not Enchanted but I’ll probably enchant that huh at some point Foreign I wish I could like give people really good advice to try and like help them with their the builds and just what to do in the game and if I was to try and like tell you what I think whenever I start I start a world it’s the same thing every time without

Fail and that is build a bunker underground where it doesn’t matter if a dragon was to spawn in the other wall and start breathing fire everywhere which may happen in the future where everything’s still going to be protected have it organized well have all your operational for you like your drop boxes

These are my Dropbox so just throw anything random in there as soon as it starts filling up as soon as all these stuff filling up and up the slower man is it’s too full now I’ve got no space I’ll literally just empty the whole thing I’ll sit

There for about three hours and just clear out everyone into your calls and soil all out it takes a while but I get it done the reason I’m doing all this round base as well is because what I’m trying to let them find let’s just cook up all that stuff you know

What I mean that was that stuff is in this one man Uh some of this stuff Corey left in there for the uh when we went down to the what would you call it the ancient city Foreign S can’t you get different color ones I’m sure you can dial them can’t you I’m laughing Oh I thought you could die the lanterns I’m not too sure did I have an apple chest somewhere if I did have an apple chest I don’t know where it’s gone now

Made some apples the other day and just throw them in here here I thought I did anyway yeah there they are Now what I like about Golden Air Force they give you extra help I want to see them gold balls see that gold there give you the extra Health man oh then it could be Excel for one one minute 50. absorption but you can stack that heavy

So it gives you like an old a whole house bar Yeah I love Minecraft man oh I’m having a stretch as well oh man I wonder how these uh ovens are doing there’s a bunch of fish that needs to be dispatched off real quick always try to keep myself busy on this game I never tried to stand still and just

Like you know just stand still I never did that unless I’m AFK then I’ve got a good excuse to just be standing still doing the film It’s now came to the point where I have too much fish Full all the cards full I might as well stick it in that one as well now I know it’s not cooked Cod but it’s still fish oh man Pumpkins man what what how tall is that really really let’s go into a dark room come on let’s go to a dark area their crap what happened what happened I know they face that way which is pretty cool that’s cool that’s cool as in like it shines in that direction like a

Like a car headlights then bad but that is just not uh that is not a light anymore that is more like us it’s weird Yeah the fog lights are nice man I do want to get some frog words laughs yeah it’s kind of like yeah it’s different light is that is that one for the reason up there is that just RTX well The Raid expired look at that finally foreign I’m gonna put this here

As a reference on where I don’t well it actually looks pretty cool to be honest like this is me I’m lonely I need a friend yeah I’ll have to check it out I wouldn’t hold I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one though for now because uh it’s I was thinking to myself

They’re never going to be like something I work on and not right now I’m gonna work on the never towards the end because yeah I feel like it just stressed me out trying to do this too much in that nether I need to uh I need to just go in there and start

Blowing it apart if I saw all these boxes out so I can you know get all these boxes sorted I don’t mind I’m lying around but they do annoy me a bit just looking at them sitting there thank you yeah I had to go into a peaceful to build it

So what what’s the process like how do they actually spawn and not like I am interested I’m not sure how it would actually work I have to watch a video on it usually the way everything starts by a video thank you one of the bastions has a Magma Cube spawner

And you build a box around it magnitude or aggro to you and fall into the chamber and turn into the smallest form ah into the smallest form from the powder snow so the frogs can eat them that sounds like a really interesting farm that does man

Something that I’d be I’d really like to have thank you foreign foreign not too sure to be honest I’m just trying to do some little odd jobs and stuff now getting some of this stuff cooking because I’m gonna need a load of this smooth Stone quite a lot of it

I mean I’ve got all the ovens literally every single oven I’ve got working on it at the minute foreign Ty though around this area I’m trying to clear out some of these Shuckle boxes as well tidy the area up and yeah just process a loads of stuff thank you

Want me to show you how I can quickly heal these tools instantly thanks for these ovens that’s what I’ve got a load of single ovens as well by the way not because I’m cheap or I build poor quality fantasies it’s because I know I want to re-heal my stuff

At least once from all this Expo mending but with the oven and then lever I didn’t do too good on that one see what this one does that one fully healed it now let’s do my shovel fully healed the shovel just like that bending works really well with these ovens

I need to put some more glass in there fill that back up man finish off this base down here I’m gonna do another walk area down there go to another room another section but I’m far away from doing any any of that yeah I’ve got to redo the light

Systems in this space and try and make it brighter I could have sworn a foot and down somewhere I don’t know where I put that foreign I’m sorry man I’m not too sure I don’t need those sugar boxes I’m trying to just throw some I’ve got a sugar boxes all here lined up

I need to just throw the materials in that I’m gonna take upstairs arrows and bones are in there axes are in there uh it’s all right man I didn’t think you meant me man I just thought you know uh for uh that’s exactly what a four man to be honest

Don’t worry about it though man it’s just gotta try and um just gotta try and think of some crazy stuff man if you can’t build something big then dig something underground that’s large like like a bunker system and just make it symmetrical whichever way do look at

The left look at the right and just try and line it all up make it look good I made mistakes everywhere so don’t ever feel bad I’m always making mistakes in this game but I fella I’m gonna make a mistake it just it hardens Mass player makes me

Not want to make the same mistake twice foreign just exploded full of lava then did you see that watch how it explodes full of lava that was mad I don’t even know if that one’s gonna do but one of them will have to do is just go proper explodes yeah see

Yeah I used to book it’s a smell in there that’s what I use that’s my main fuel storage that’s my main fuel supply because I felt as if I feel as if it’s probably the best it’s cheap easy and easy to get Buckets because because of the iron farm

That’s why we’ve got hundreds of buckets everywhere I’m gonna have to organize this base completely sooner oh I didn’t know there was all that in there look at that I’m gonna have to fully go through all these chests at some point wow 100 need a lava Farm then I’m not

Even sure how it works I’ll show you real quick lava Farm you need you need one of them drip stone blocks then you need a drip Stone and then you need the pot and once you get one of them you need a lava across the top there see on

This one above that block above that block there’s lava going across you can see the lava there and when the lav’s going across above that block and then going through one of them into one of them it’ll it’ll create lava um yeah you probably can do automated ones

I don’t know where that went a stab well oh there it is on the floor you can create automated ones but this is just a small basic one there that I built when I first joined the well first got on the server oh because I just needed some quicker materials

Then if you go through this side here you can see the lava on that side that’s where the lava is I’ll put that glass on I don’t walk into it excuse me look at some of this stuff in there and half hitting even rare foreign box So my daughter don’t come on the server and jacket my daughter um my daughter will stress me the hell out trust me if she was to lose the egg oh and she probably would lose it and she would be like oh the egg you know

Because why I would like to put it see where that see where that thing is over there I’d love to put it there I don’t know how dangerous it is being there because of the lava and stuff that there would be such a spot for the egg you know what I mean

I think they’ll bring an up day out in the future where you can hatch some type of egg like a dragon egg I think they’ll do because I think there’ll be a smaller dragon that you can have and I think you see that Ally the little blue thing that

Follows yours around I think that was a test for a small test to see how the behavior of it would work and I think in the future whenever you kill the dragon they’re gonna have it so you can so you can actually hatch a smaller variant follow you around maybe fly

Maybe you’ll be able to fly it for a bit and it has stamina like a horse and you have to land but then you land and you know you risk getting attacked and stuff I don’t know yeah they definitely need a flying mob I mean they already have it and if you

Look at um what’s that called you used to look at the all the mini games that they have on the multiplayer they have like mounts and stuff that you can ride around there you know I mean they should have it in the game really stuff you can craft save them fireworks

Save that gunpowder let me use battery cells or something different type of energy 11 years ago it’s all good man I know what you mean yeah that’s what I think it was that’s what I think they’ll bring to it I think it’ll be the notches render dragon pretty sure that’s what I’ll probably

Bear [Applause] huh [Applause] there’s a bunch of gunpowder head I want to make into fireworks foreign foreign s for a little bit foreign looks so cool to be honest we have got a sniffer egg but I haven’t actually yet because I wanted to get a pair before we even had one

I don’t even know where I’m gonna put it put it anyway in the base at this point and we do need a farm area for all the different types of animals tell you about man let me just uh let me just do something real quick oh man

It better feels weird when you see my room loyal because of the the light the light that comes through the the window do I have a break and come back see how I feel yeah I might just come back I might just was so cold my first little break and then come back

Then I’ll see how I feel man but I might come back and if I do come back and I’m too tired I might just end the stream then okay I’m gonna let all this stuff cook up am I I might try and have a break in it

And then come back but if I come back and I’m feeling a bit tired in it I might just might just go into AFK somewhere I’m going to stand here though because I want these furnaces there to work out there I won’t be too long man

I could come back and I’ll strum my guitar for you all right back in a bit guys it won’t be too long sweet oh oh no foreign oh foreign bad oh no no well oh foreign foreign bad oh oh no no no foreign you know bad oh let’s do it foreign foreign no

No oh no foreign oh foreign foreign foreign oh I was just playing guitar downstairs for a little bit while I was having a break throw this paper back in here or so I can get more gunpowder I am feeling a bit tired it’s got a star loading up some of the

Shuckle boxes for the materials all right okay yeah I knows stacking up on them diamonds It’s gotta be done man I’ll probably I’ll probably find a loads of diamonds when I am start digging underneath the base a bit more I know I do need to stop crafting up this Stone out of this smooth Stone can’t believe we ran out of it that was a shock um wow they don’t go but yeah I don’t have luck on auto sort or anything but what I do is because I’m always

I I tend to have shocker boxes just lying around ready to be ready to throw stuff in and when the sugar boxes are filled up I’ll probably just go and take them upstairs and line them up somewhere so I know it’s materials to be used but I’ve been thinking about trying to

Build an auto smell out but I need a big space for it because I’d like to hook an auto smatter up with a count machine or a bamboo machine that way you would have an you’d have like a pad you can build a smell around it with

A fuel supply hooked up to it constantly growing so that grows and then it goes straight into the ovens and it’s all hooked up as one and I I want to build something like that but it’s gonna I’m gonna need a lot of space for it I’ve never built one before but

I think it would probably be one of the best smellers in the game just because of the the fuel supplies just never ending it’s like it just yeah constantly has fuel being pumped into it that’s being grown perpetually so I call these fish as well man I’ve

Got so many fish I’m about to start throwing all the card soon I know I keep saying I’m gonna do it and then I don’t do it but I will um wow that’s all the stone foreign like I said I’m just going to line all line all the materials up

Wherever I’m going to use the most which is going to be up here gotta get that side looking well actually that’s how it does I’ll have to make that side look nice but it doesn’t have to look as nice as the front man I have done myself with that so far all right

I’m gonna have to move this house wow Corey’s old house I’m gonna have to knock it down man I’m so sorry bro has to be done I can’t afford when this please feel free to donate I’m repossessing them windows mate there’s a there’s a cost to live in

Crisis at the moment mate um property lands just the land values just gone through the roof all of a sudden because of recent developments in the area no I was only messing about with it just playing about it’s a nice little house but it’s always going to be a little bit of

A memory now foreign just processing materials man why do I keep putting stuff in there that I don’t wanna foreign welcome back to the stream man I saw you a minute ago man but I was asking I appreciate you stopping by again just in the process of uh

Prefab and just crafting some stuff I’ve been working on this Arch today mainly yesterday and today that’s what we got it looking like man what’d you think of that though it’s not too bad I haven’t finished it yet man is ax PVP is still a thing well it

Depends if you’ve got a good ax if you’ve got like um a sharpness five accent yeah I suppose so um but I feel like it’s more of a Java thing to be honest I’m bad I’m bad Rockets it’s less I feel like it’s less common yeah I feel like it’s definitely a less

Common on bedrock my ax is pretty good it’s got sharpness foreign I’m just trying to sort out a bunch of these chuckle boxes outside and just trying to load up materials that I can use for building and take away all the materials that are just useless out here like

Everything I just took out actual box meaning that that coal there that has a use I can make tour thanks anyway well I see all this little stuff here there’s all these little bits I need to clear out all the junk man oh yeah I know that creeper that creeper

Did my head in a bit but oh well uh still fly this take all this stuff out leave all the stuff I can craft with wow I need to bring that down there’s a hole to be honest I’ve got quite a lot of stuff organized in here I you know I’ve been organizing

All the all the Shocker boxes pushing certain things into some and then others into the other some form of order in this chaos that you can see foreign other YouTubers like dream clown is Etc I know I know a dream I’m not sure about the others that you just mentioned

But I remember no dream I know I’ve dreamed who doesn’t know of dream you know what I mean all right guys kind of legendary you know what I mean to which I don’t think there is no there’s no IP uh for this server yeah there’s there’s no IP address for this server

Oh and your server oh my bad see I’ve been streaming for like nearly 10 hours man and I’ve got a strained all for the night today so pretty tired maybe remember my five-year-old world had to make a new one heavy update he had to make a new one yeah but that’s

What I’m doing with this one yeah we won’t see how I’m built a zero zero at this point um when the next major major major update comes out and we want to get the stuff all we got to do is travel 10 000 blocks away from

Wherever we are and we’ll have all the stuff because we’re not loading up any of the map anywhere other than 10 000 blocks left right like north south east west and that way we won’t expand too far so every major update will we we unlock and it’s basically every major update we’re going

To unlock another 10K in each Direction and then and then you know eventually we’ll get to 100K after 10 major updates and we’ll have 100K we can fly around and hopefully you know hopefully the map don’t start getting too too glitchy or lagging you know I mean

All right man if I’m if I’m still here man if I’m still here definitely RTX is nice by the way and it is man um oh man um okay I’m sure I’ll see you then I’ll drop something in the comments if you’re in the Stream all right man darling have

A good night man thanks for stopping by I appreciate it man see under there I need to go under there and play some of that to be honest mate you left your camels well I’ll take them yeah he actually dropped the strings as well that’s funny unstressed he lost his camels by islamas

Hey I need to put torches up here definitely need to put torches up here super bad see I’m looking at this thinking I could do extra lights here I could do like for instance hang on I could do a pillar I could do a pillar and a lantern I got a lantern

Thank you I really don’t light nothing up to me yo what’s up Stacks here welcome to slacksi Welcome to the stream man I appreciate you stopping by did you need to chill you’ve been nine hours and I’m uh I know I know I’ve got a you know I’ve

Got some spare time at the minute though so I’m just gonna carry on for a little bit I thought that would light you up a bit more than that though look at it it does look good though we also slacks him I want to see what

I’ve been working on the last few days or a few weeks or a few months so far it’s that but it’s it’s still far away from being dumb man thanks for stopping by though sexy man I hope you’re having a good day I’m just working on it at the minute I’m

Just I just had an idea I was thinking of doing some lanterns there like that but because I want to keep the blue lanterns for the roads then I want to keep these Lancers for the pathways and they’re in on the buildings and then the houses

The RTX Mana makes it look good man so I’ve done I’ve even got like a little gutter there so the gutter system with the water going through like it’s like you know going into I could put little drains there as well that would be a good thing to try and do eventually but

Yeah man I’ve been working on this for about two and a half months now man me and a few friends oh man I’ve just upset the whole Neighbors damn that was close but yeah this is going to be one building it looks like four at the moment but I’m joining it all together

Somehow and it’s it’s going to be a challenge uh I do like that Lantern idea as much as it doesn’t seem to light up the area that much it’s it’s actually lonely it is actually working a bit in a just RTX I feel like you just have to get a load of lights

All in one area and then he starts working more yeah it’s not bad I like it looks good issue with this one I’d have to do like this on this one that’s going to look a bit horrible I think yeah it could be a bit enough bad liar

I might tweak the design and make it a little bit different eventually but we will ask couldn’t it looks alright to be honest I can barely build a house and there there is this nah don’t worry about it man it happens like you’ll get there in the end you

Just have to you have to start off with just small things and then slowly slowly working work your way up each build that you do will slowly get better 100 percent like when I’m building stuff I do things in a I try to do it in a methodical

Order I do the platforms first see this little thing here yeah I call it I’ll call it a bass like a base structure it’s always nice to build something on a little bit of height rather than just flat on the ground you know what I mean

So I always do that first and then I always put a pattern in on the floor so I make sure that what I’m doing there lines up with all the patterns to know that I’m fully I’m not like off a little bit you know I mean everything has to be lined up

As best as it can be if if I can I try and do it perfect but if I can’t then I try and make it look perfect now you’ve just got to keep going man just enjoy the game for what it is man I feel like that’s the best debut of Minecraft

It’s it’s not about it’s not about well how how big the game is it’s about what you can do in it man I mean people could do stuff on this game that would make me look like a noob and I’m not I’m in quite a lot of people could actually

I’m not even joking I’m very modest I don’t ever I don’t feel like I’m I’m all that good at the game I’m just uh I just got a lot of time on my hands I guess and I can just decide what I feel like looks best or

What don’t look good you know what I mean before I built this I had no idea it was going to look like this the way it goes is I start I start building something and it’s like it’s like a Chinese whisper it’s like the idea first goes through

One ear and then and then as I’m building it it’s going around and I’m getting around to it it comes out of something completely different but it tends to just come out as something that is more convenient why having my head always seems a lot more confusing as soon as I’ve got

Something to play with it’s things start falling into place a little bit better but I do want to try and lie this area up man I’m sick of all these mobs running around here as well yo what’s up Zach Russ welcome back it’s good to see you again man how you doing

Thanks for stopping by slaxy man I do appreciate that man hopefully I do I will see you in the future streams as well man you can keep up to date with some of the progress that we do on episode 500 I can imagine this base is going to look while this whole area

And the surrounding areas are probably going to look pretty good I hope I’m good though bro I appreciate you stopping by Zach I really do I hope you’re enjoying the the progress and the content I don’t claim to be that great at the game but I’m very persistent

I’m either persistent or too dumb to quit a lot to think I’m persistent I remember when it was a mountain I remember when it looked like this I remember don’t you remember when it looked like that that’s what that’s what this that’s that base there had a mountain like that

Probably taller probably up there man it was like 150 so I can’t remember the mountain was tall man and me Scopes Corey and Mikey like even my daughter we all we’ll you know chipped in chipped away we all needed materials for stuff and that’s it man but that Mountain’s gonna

Have to go as well away so soon as well it really is he’s lost with ice that is llamas ah but I’m gonna do a train track going across that you see that there on this this bridge I’m gonna do a train track going across the top of that as well

You know what I always say to myself man I always say to myself why if I had 10 of me I mean there’s 10 people who can fit in this realm if you look like you could imagine there was 10 of me just there just going straight in a line

There’s 10 of me with all my mind just synced up just each and every each one of us just knew what we wanted to get done and get it you know that’d be crazy that’d be mental but if I had 10 amazing I’d probably you probably have 10 of me there trying

To build a goddamn bomb uh-oh which one where’s this car you’d have 10 to me going down for a cigarette break guys and there’s literally just 10 of us standing there alone like I’d have to rotate it or something yeah these torches are lighting up perfect height uh

I before about what you’re doing have you thought about doing YouTube as a job I would love to I’d love to try and do it uh to be honest I don’t try I don’t try to but out of everything that I’m doing in my life YouTube’s probably the only thing I can

Do where I’m comfortable I mean I’m in my own home you know I don’t have to deal with a lot of issues that you know stress me out outside and that you know the world can be a stressful place man you know dealing with people dealing with people’s the hardest part

You know you have to use sometimes you have to deal with some real real insufferable people man like you can’t really say anything to them without really upsetting them and offending them and I’m gonna know I’m An All or Nothing type of guy so if I’m going to offend

Someone I may as well start a fight I know I’m not like that but you know what I mean like so I’d love to I’d love to do YouTube as a job and stay indoors and just be able to spend time with my daughter I have my

Daughter just you know around me all the time while I’m earning earning a decent living man I’d love that you have to be doing really well though on YouTube I’ll be honest even if you’ve got even if you’ve got say 50 000 subscribers you could struggle you could be

Struggling to make an actual wage from it I mean some people are a lot some people have worked hard should I say and you know I mean I’ve got themselves in a really good position where they can actually treat YouTube as a job full-time job but at the moment I’m

I just I kind of do for fun man I do for fun and I feel as if it ever got to the stage where I was earning that type of money where it felt like I was had a full-time job I’d worry that I’d worry I probably would worry that

You know I feel like I’d feel like it was a job and then I’d be pressured I’d feel a bit more pressed into doing it you know what I mean that makes sense like if I was dependent on my income from doing this then I’d be like oh damn

I’d be like sometimes I’d be feeling oh damn I’d feel like I’ve got to stream at the moment I’m just chilling playing games and enjoying myself don’t get me wrong though man if I could make money from this like serious money and enjoy myself I’d love it

You know of course I’d love it it’s just um you just can’t you can’t put too much pressure on you on yourself you put too much pressure on yourself then if it becomes a job you’ve got to make if even if you’re earning job money say a full-time job money you’ve got a

You gotta not think of it as a job I think of it as a game you enjoying yourself playing it I mean people some of my friends say to me like it you should make some shorts you should like you know you’ve got some good stuff on

Your world make it make a couple of shorts of it and you know you might get some traffic coming your way and I think to myself yeah I could do that but I always look at what I’ve got and the thing to put out file is it really were for sure

Is this really that good it’s I don’t think it’s that great to be honest I don’t think it’s worth me making a 60 second short and I really don’t not yet anyway in the future it might be but now it’s just mediocre in my eyes I’ve seen I’ve seen people’s builds out

There I’ve seen like some really good Builders and they make me look like I’ve just been playing the game for a few years where they’ve been playing the game they look like they made the game you know they’ll look like Developers the way they build

Go for it bro man I’ll do my best to go for it man I I but basically I’m An All or Nothing type of guy that’s why when I do stream like how I am you’ll see me doing it every day every other day as much as I can

And I’ll live breathe eat it you know what I mean All or Nothing topical I can never do anything half half like I never do it halfway you know I have to do it Fuller it’s it’s a strange mentality of garment it’s a bad mentality having an All or Nothing mentality

Terrible mentalities I have to be honest I’ll go for it man and with you know with you guys support hopefully uh you know I can get there even if I got to like 100k man like just got to that first silver play button damn that would be an achievement in itself

I don’t have a I don’t ever see myself getting to that point though personally I’ll be looking I might get to ten thousand in a few years if I keep keep on working keep on playing on this um Minecraft world and enjoy myself I shouldn’t say working

I wanted to feel like working I wanted to feel like pleasure enjoyment applies on this world as well so every time like she sees me building stuff like this she’s like it inspires her to to show her what’s actually possible on survival mode because she’s always my daughter’s always played on creative

And it’s annoyed me so much but now she plays on this one on Survival you can see that she struggles a bit because she’s not she’s not used to having to grind and sweat Farm all the resources man one day though she’ll be should be taken over the stream one day

Yeah that that looks nice with them lights it doesn’t it them lights look good you know I’d be really good if I could put like a that would be nice imagine if I broke this here on each of these sides I’ll put one of these there like that yeah

But then could you reckon I could put a plant pot on there question is can you put a plant pot on there no I wouldn’t like it like that Block in the road blocking the view of the road I like that if I could put a plant pot on there that’d be nice

I have two plans either side but I’ll leave that there see if it grows on me sleep get rid of them Phantoms I can’t be bothered yeah you ever seen one once you one of my guitars check oh my gosh oh man boom boom it’s only an epiphone but still

I play that guitar quite a lot man and Shred that guitar bro bang no my bad you son of a son of a fish blew up half my road yeah that’s why you don’t break out guitar mid game don’t worry I have more it’s a shame man there’s a question it’s bright out

Nah that’s not bright the RTX has a I think that’s why I think that’s why they’re not doing too good with the light because the glass is the glass that’s on them it’s blocking the light it’s not used to it and because it’s in the floor the lights

Are in the floor they don’t act that well because the RTX is needing it to reflect off stuff that’s what I think anyway oh man I can’t believe I’ve been streaming for nearly 10 hours 20 minutes 10 hours 20 minutes man try other trending games to see if they will boost my views

That’s what I mean you want me to be honest though I’ll be honest I’ll be fully honest some games I wouldn’t mind playing but I feel like if I was to try and play a game that was trending for views and growth I feel like I’m not I’m not kind of

Doing what I’d like to do then I feel like you know I feel like if you start trying to do things and follow the crowd or follow what’s ever-hearted the moment you’re going to find yourself playing stuff that you don’t like you might find yourself playing something that

It may even damage your channel you never know you may have a fan base that are really interested in say what you’ve been doing yeah and it it’s hard to it’s hard judgmental it really is with a channel because algorithms are so important nowadays on YouTube that with recent updates in YouTube

Um with the new shorts that has been implemented with the new there’s like new everything like the way the algorithms work it’s constantly being updated and in my own personal opinion I don’t know if this is true but I’ve heard it from I’ve heard it from other

YouTubers as well talking about you know Channel growth and how to you know how to kind of propel your channel when I used to watch it when I was like you know first starting our YouTube and stuff try to get some ideas I know it’s a lot of them were saying

About with your algorithms you need to concentrate on one type of subject now gaming can be okay Gaming’s a vast array of stuff but see how I like guitar I like music if I was to start doing guitar and gaming it’s going to mess my algorithm up it’s going to throw

Guitar and videos to Gamers it’s going to throw gaming videos to guitarists if I like if I’ve had if I’m a mine if I have a lot of Minecraft fans on my channel and say let’s for instance I have a lot of World War II Fanatics who really are

Interested in World War II battles uh that that could be because I’ve got a long play of uh Battle Stations Midway which is a you know a completely different game to this one but I guarantee you it’s say some people from who Floyd that content would you know

Drop a sub on my channel they’re going to be getting notifications now Minecraft content now most people who are into that game are probably a little bit older because it wasn’t that great of a a game it was kind of just the uh The Nostalgia effect of the the actual

Missions that actually happened during the war in the Pacific and they’re all stuff like that I can I can just see where where these YouTubers are used to watch when they were talking about the algorithms I can see where they were coming from I recommend if you you know

If you’re starting YouTube and you want to break out into the industry and just try and grab as quick as you can focus your channel on one subject man and and beat it like a drum and then if you want to do something else start another Channel

It’s easy to just start another Channel and have it based and just sitting off the same email address so it’s you can just switch it over in a second if you really wanted to you know I mean so and then that’s what I mean if you like Minecraft you like GTA you like

Fortnite all right make a channel for Minecraft make a channel for GTA make a channel for fortnite that way you’re only going to be pulling in those type of fans you can always put your other channels in the feature comments you know I mean don’t you know

Go and check out these other channels but at least your channel then is not throwing a suggested video which you know they’re not going to be interested in as soon as you stay as soon as a video comes up that deadline what the hell is

As soon as they’re lying in bed one day they’ve been watching your content and all of a sudden a game comes on his ass blasting and it’s all loud and stuff in a lot of games this and then it’s something that they’re really not into

Or not interested in I’m like oh no I am watching this I’m getting woke up by this every night yeah man you gotta think of it you gotta think of the algorithms and stuff I mean I’m not doing that good on YouTube I’ll be honest I’m not doing

That great I mean I feel like the only time I actually do average is when I’m streaming Minecraft and stuff because um when I first started my channel that’s why I based it off I mean look at my look at my pfp look at my profile picture it’s literally a a Minecraft

Pick yeah I mean so yeah that’s what YouTube probably promotes my channel to people who you know watch Minecraft and that you can know it’s yeah it’s good to take notes man because I’m not even joking and I feel like if I was to if if I was to ever start another

YouTube channel I would concentrate on one solving I’d put all my keywords set up for that content think about it if you your keywords in YouTube um you have to change them for every video you have to go into it and change the keywords if you if you don’t then

Every video you upload is going to have the same default keywords so that’s why people have just one thing on the channel because once they when they set all them keywords up say for Minecraft I’ve put something like Minecraft uh live stream um legit survival you know uh I’d say

AFK Farms or something I’d put stuff like that with something that was relevant to what they’re going to be watching you know I mean AFK farms uh farming uh uh CT build um terraforming I put all them things in because they’re the things that people could probably potentially come and once

They click on my video that’s what they’re going to be seeing so but if you’ve got all them keywords set up here and then you start playing GTA oh I want to have a quick game of GTA you’ve got to go in some settings and block our GTA GTA 5 yeah free roam

Um 5m whatever service you’re on you have to do all that you don’t have to but if you want to kind of if you want to have a little bit more of an edge than everybody else that’s doing YouTube like everybody else that’s doing YouTube because everybody’s doing YouTube or

Everybody’s trying to do YouTube you know what I mean that’s so you’ve got a you’ve got to go the extra mile that they’re not willing to go that’s what you see people put in all these little extra pictures and stuff I’m writing on their um you know when they upload say a

Video or something can they they put all these thumbnails to put this thumbnail and have all the Bold writing or the picture of themselves with a big crazy face and that that they’re doing that because YouTube promotes stuff that’s been highly highly edited and worked on

It doesn’t it ain’t you know if you’ve just got a standard pitch of the game and it’s just a screenshot of what’s been happening in the Stream or during that video it’s not really it doesn’t look like you’ve put much effort into it you know

I mean it just looks like oh it’s just it’s just a standard upload you know it just doesn’t look that professional or legit you know what I mean don’t look Beast I mean compared to someone who’s actually done it and they’ve got all the the names like all

The information on it there and have in that picture it’s just you’ve got to go the extra mile it’s like a safer to do long plays and stuff everybody does long plays everybody plays games and everybody records it and uploads their their playthrough and that’s fine that’s all right because everybody’s is going

To be different so you can’t you can do that you can you could upload a Long play somebody else could have that long play but because you’re playing the game it’s your game it’s your playthrough it’s your profile you’re doing it you got proof of it you can upload that yeah and then

You you you’re gonna have that long play on there with a hundred other a thousand other long plays everybody else has done you’ve got to try and do something to that long play that’s going to make it different to the other long players um because I mean every I mean

Every let’s for instance say a GTA Long play the whole game takes about 15 16 17 hours to complete that’s a two video thing um now every every if you look at every GTA Long play now you’d probably see a very similar type of time frame give or take about half an

Hour maybe an hour depending on how well people have edited stuff out and stuff and you know how well people have like done the mission without having any problems but it’s actually going to be very similar stuff you know I mean it’s I when I do my long players I try to cut

Out loading screens I try to like because I used to play older games like um some of my long players and I’ll be sitting there and loading screen will be going I’m like geez this is like 20 seconds bro that’s like that’s like that’s like 500 megabytes at 4K geez

Yeah I mean I’m there a lot of thinking oh I cut that I cut that out and then when it when it goes on to loading screens on some of the games I’ve often play throughs on you’ll see just blows straight through it’s like the screen goes dark and instead of it’s staying

There for about five or ten seconds it just skips straight through me like a movie or something and that’s something that I know that probably other people on YouTube have you know some people probably have done it no doubt but I guarantee it that the majority just upload the video bareback

You know what I mean no edit no no chopping no cutting no cleaning and that’s what they do I’m pretty sure from what I’ve seen anyway because I because I’ve done long players always see other people’s long plays and stuff because YouTube recommends recommends It All To Me Now I recommend because yeah

Probably because I like that sometimes I liked my own videos man to give it a little push how sad’s that I know yeah you do anything you can to give yourself a little push even if you are pushing yourself I’ll be honest though there’s some people out there that use Bots some

People out there that use these um what do you call it yeah basically Bots just look there’s these Bots out there look you know you can like Channel and stuff and get them to give you views and likes and stuff and if people do that to their Channel that’s

That’s terrible man you’ve ruined your Channel you’ve ruin it completely you destroy your algorithms you destroy everything because and and to be honest YouTube picks up on it as well YouTube will pick up on that type of stuff if you start actually doing really well on YouTube if you’re

Not doing well on YouTube it probably won’t pick up on the box at all probably be like here but as soon as you start making some money and your monetization kicks in they’re gonna be like these Ain’t Real views this isn’t real watch time and it you probably lose your monetization will

Keep all your butts and that all your butted subs and all your butted likes and all your butted views but you won’t keep you won’t keep your monetization and that’s what’s important when it comes to um like a good YouTube channel what’s the point in having a million Subs if

You like you you know you’ve you’re not even monetized yeah you’ve got a really good like Network that you can talk to but yeah you can’t really earn a living from it can you now yeah most yeah that’s it man that’s it uh I did try Minecraft hardcore but Bang

All right maybe not I did try Minecraft hardcore but I thought to myself I was playing it and I played it on like an experimental feature mode for the caves and cliffs early caves and cliffs and the map all felt broken and all that stuff so I’ll start playing it

Um I only only did it I only played it for a few days but I only instead of streaming it like this I am I only played it for about an hour or two a day because I didn’t want to I didn’t want to be playing it half

Asleep sluggish not not really paying attention like sometimes I do now like I’m just trying to get a load of stuff done all the time on pin pushing no matter how tired I am or you know blurred if I was playing hardcore if this was Hardcore man as soon as I started

Feeling tired and I was like yeah I need to go and rest guys otherwise I’m gonna do something stupid and fly into a wall and that’s going to be the end of the hardcore world but I might try and do a hardcore world in the future again see what happens but

I like I said I’d only like to put an hour or two a day into it I wouldn’t want to sit there for 12 hours and if I did do a hardcore I’d like something where it actually counted the days that went past in Minecraft you

Know how people do 100 days of hardcore like I could do 100 days in real life that’s three months and I want to do three months in a hardcore I wouldn’t mind doing a hundred a hundred Minecraft days huh that wouldn’t be a problem I’d sweat that in one stream

12 hours on I mean a Minecrafter 20 minutes I think I think it is I’m not 100 sure but I think it is 20 minutes 6 000 days five thousand dollars in hardcore man yeah I feel like I’ve just done a tour no I wouldn’t massive respect for the people who’ve

Done tours and stuff abroad and stuff fire for a government they’re just three I’m like puppets and stuff it’s crazy man I had a friend who was in the military as well I’m gonna say no names but wow there was a friend more of an associate or someone who uh someone who just

Used to hang around with me yeah he was amazed he was a good it was a mayor he wasn’t me but yeah man don’t know that much anymore like I said man are you busy it would be so it’d be such a stressful thing having something built like this as well

I wouldn’t want to build anything in hardcore I wouldn’t want to build anything as large as this I wouldn’t even want to go above 50 blocks unless I had further falling and then elytra I’m not even joking way too much stuff on me man you believe in me

You believe in me thank you man I appreciate that sometimes I don’t believe in myself now I might do it one day I mean I was playing on this world with a few my friends and stuff but uh but I haven’t seen him I haven’t seen them in a while

But like I said man A lot of my friends have jobs have um have uh you know relationships and kids and stuff so I and I understand I’m fortunate enough to have a quite a lot of spare time on my hand I’m a full-time parent for my

Daughter and it like I literally I look after my daughter I like 24 7. but this week she’s at mum’s for I think it’s five days so that’s what I’ve been streaming like through throughout the night and I’ve just continued and I haven’t got off that’s what I’ve continued because I

Haven’t had to wake up for my year old daughter and I’m making the most out this time I’ll probably go to sleep there I’ll pass that and I’ll probably wake up at 10 o’clock at night ready to do another stream yeah but whoa I feel some frames going

Over there for some reason I don’t know what that frame was I can feel frames going down there looking down there that’s strange and if it’s the sun glare or maybe it’s because my computer’s been maybe maybe it’s because my computer’s been running RTX for 12 well for 11 hours nearly also blue

It is a hot day today as well I ain’t gonna lie but like I said man uh if if I can if I could do well on YouTube I think the first thing I’d buy like besides a house besides a place to live for me and my daughter

Probably be a booming computer I’d probably get a really good computer with something like a 49er graphics card 24 gigabyte vram ah man some crazy like crazy Ram look I’ve got a base computer so what I could do man is when I did stream or when I do

Create content like it could be at the Peak Performance for the people who are watching it wouldn’t be laggy it wouldn’t be framing we’re never overheat whenever I have any problems we’ll be able to play every single AAA title out there at the best settings possible

No no problem you know I mean that’s that’s one of the things I’d like bam I mean I’ve got a decent computer but it’s getting old now this RTX is breaking his legs a little bit too quickly I can feel it it would yeah an investment man investment because if I’m streaming and

That I need it I need something that can can sustain me for the next four to five years this computer is four years old now almost well yes before this computer stuff 40 years old yeah nearly going into five in a in another year I think I’m not sure actually

I have to look into it hang on yeah this computer is four years old going into five but I’d keep his computer I’d tidy this computer up I wouldn’t get rid of it I tidy this computer up and uh I’d give it to my daughter it’d be our first desktop and it’s a

Little Beastie desktop as well for a first computer well for a first desktop even though she does play out my laptop quite a lot I’ll be honest though this is that laptop I did actually purchase that laptop thanks to the community though I will be honest

A lot of people who donated me and donated to me on my first my first tour of streaming like that’s it though man if you are gonna consider doing something like this full time and try and make a career of it like any any Craftsman of any type of trade

They can’t cheap out on their tools they have to have the good the right tools to do the job if you haven’t got the right tools your craft isn’t going to be as good as it could be so I am gonna have to start considering saving I’ve been trying to get a new

Computer in the next year or so but I do want a 40 series I’m not being greedy or anything I’m just trying to Future proof it I don’t want to I don’t want to buy something and then a couple of years later just disappointed in it

All these new consoles are going to be coming out soon in the future when they do I’m going to make sure that the computer above is going to last longer than that console so hopefully about six years seven years always makes always buy something with a

Large case man larger casing you need a better wow I would say get a larger power supply than you need just so that in the future if you do want to upgrade to any of the new series that comes out anticipating the size is important being able to anticipate what’s going to be

Going in that case definitely man I need a toilet so bad yeah I was sort of slate how you doing welcome back what am I doing um I don’t know what I’m doing yeah I know hanging around be all juice star mate I’m just hanging around you know nothing

Getting this building done trying to get as much of this building done before everyone gets on and starts watching me yeah that’s it that’s see what I’m doing now though yeah I’m gonna have to sort that bridge out eventually but I’m just throwing these down for now

It’s good to see that man is it morning for you or did you go to sleep or it must be like two o’clock in the morning for you now build them and I like building I like building when I get past the harder parts again I get into it

453 for me you haven’t slept I haven’t slept either it’s 10 o’clock in the morning 10 o’clock in the morning 253 where might you be 253 oh I know you’ve told me where you are before I’m sure I’m sure but 253 I reckon that would be probably California way man

Maybe a little bit before color 354 for you Chicago no I’m gonna be our higher definitely somewhere on the west coast Midwest Coast 254 so oh actually 254. would be could be could be the west of the east side as well it could be parts of the East definitely

I know I should get a regular routine for school but I have nearly two weeks left of Summer and I want to make it count uh I know you man I’ll be honest you’re right you know you should probably try and get into a little bit of a better sleep and otherwise when

When school does come it’s gonna have an effect on you are you gonna wake up and thinking oh you know you’re gonna be you’re managed I’m not saying you won’t manage but you will manage but you haven’t used you’ll manage at a cost at a price probably be a bit paid off more

Actual fused and I’ll be honest I never thought about it much when I was a kid but sleeping actually really helps you with retain information when you sit there through school and learn it for the day it’s you know sleeping the night before and getting a getting a good bit of sleep

It’s crucial man when I was in school all I could think about was playing games and going to sleep I was either Sly it’s literally my arms were I I my my head was in my arms I was on the desk and I was literally just sitting there

Dreaming a Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy VII Legends of chicoons um formation free but all these old games as your dreams all these old games I used to play back in the game and I was there just sleeping like dreaming of them and then the teacher like got put the header

Right close to my ear I was like wake up at least we got up so quick almost headbutted him in his nose I wish it did now and I I still suffer I still suffer a bit of Trauma from the way to what he woke me off man you know how teachers

Probably shout it yeah like bark I just thought it echoes throughout the whole classroom but he’s hit my his mouth was probably there to my head wake up I was like it literally sent something from a heart man that I can still feel to this day when he did it

And everyone else in the class was there laughing at me I was like bro I feel like I feel I was stressed I was stressed I felt so hard done by I weren’t happy but the rest of the day do my work as fast as I can

Be gay right the first time and when I’m done I will get a heads up I can have a break most of the for the next day yeah yeah I used to I used to be like that I used to think like that do all your work

As quick as you can do it you know get it right do it and then you don’t have to do it again yeah I used to think that problem was stem games man and some video games it’s them darn video games you come home and it’s just like

The con either your console your computer the games it’s just there singing to you like you know like a pie on the windowsill in the cartoons and it’s has a little has a little s like a stream of smoke or steam what hot Steam from it that’s what it’s like man it’s like

As soon as soon as you come in as a kid that’s all you’ve been thinking about at school that’s all I was thinking about like I just said I’m not even joking but it’s all I used to think about was games you should be walking home Nintendo 64

Is out of Ocarina of Time golden eye um Castlevania Doom 64. uh what else Super Mario 64 Mario Kart Wave Race in USA all these games are used to play as a kid I used to love them and these were some you play them that one the crap

But back in the day they’re amazing they were like the best things we ever had while Zelda Ocarina of Time and GoldenEye no them games still hold their own today them games are still like top tier in my opinion definitely even Doom 64 that’s a good game I love that game

Go to oh all right I’ll catch you later that’s why man thanks for stopping by man sorry if I talked that absolute head off yeah you’ve been here for a very long time today been here for almost 11 hours again you really do spend a lot of time

At these streams man I do hope you enjoy yourself but yeah man if you ever have to have a day off man or if you ever not had to stream and I understand that make sure you uh make sure you stay hydrated and stay healthy trust me

I play on Console what would you recommend I should start on YouTube if you play on console what’s your favorite game what is your favorite game what is what is what is your free tell me your three most favorite things to do like unlike with media whether it’s gaming music or

Uh memes or making memes or something I don’t know just something to do with media what would you say what do you what what could you if you were stuck in a room for 90 days and you had you had one thing that you

You was allowed to do no no not 90 days if you were stuck in a room for 10 years and there was one thing that you could choose to do and you could do it every day and you had to do it every day what would it be

Because on YouTube if you start something and it goes well for you if it’s something that you don’t enjoy doing it’ll be a death sentence it’ll be it’ll be it’ll be hard work because you’ll grasp below the fan base from something that you’re like kind of into but not really

Thinking of doing forever oh man skate Escape brilliant Choice skate is a sick game skate is a brilliant game yeah you want to do gaming yeah but it’s like a category of it I mean there’s different types of game there’s there’s PVP there’s chilled out look like just

You know PVE type of games there’s there’s loads of different categories man if you want to do gaming you’ve got to find out what’s your favorite game favorite game and then something you could play over and over again and I’ll get tired of and then just do that for a month or two

Make a couple of shorts of the videos and the content that you’re uploading Premiere your videos sit there in the premieres and set up your keywords as as close to what your actual video is as you can be as transparent as possible in the title

Of your video uh be as clear as possible when naming a video um the order of the way you’ve placed the words for instance I mean if you look at mine mine says Minecraft first because Minecraft is the bay address what’s going on here and then I I started going into the sub

Information of it like oh well it’s Bedrock Edition that’s going to be information people are gonna it’s gonna be relevant to people because people want to know whether you run Bedrock or Java you know have have have let the title explain stuff that they’re going to ask you in the video

And then and same with the description if there’s questions that you’re not you’re not happy with having to always answer put something in the description and if if it’s something someone asks you a question regarding it just say ah check the description real quick rather than you have to explain everything

Because having to explain everything over and over again can really annoy you people who were just there to chill the moisture stream people could be there going to sleep at night and they’re like they’re having a lecture lesson you know what I mean it’s like damn

Shut up and play a Minecraft boy that’s probably what some people think but I’m just trying to help you out and I’m just trying to that’s what I think when I’m doing stuff right now I mean all my other videos they didn’t really do that that gray I’ve got some

Videos that have done well of my long plays well at least you spent a year and a half two years doing nothing but long plays and other other type of content other games and stuff I’ll be honest I kind of lost subscribers not joking I actually lost subscribers from uploading from uploading other

Stuff but I still did it because in my head I said to myself this is what I want to do I wanna I want it to stretch away from the streaming because it got it’s too stressful a lot of people down because the SMP went to crap and uh and every time

People who were a part of s p used to come back in and talk to me about it and say oh I wish we had another SMP like the last one I don’t think I realized it but because I can’t provide that for him because it was an awesome team that helped me

Provide that that I don’t have at my disposal anymore um yeah it kind of like that can annoy me a bit and it annoys me but not it don’t they don’t annoy me annoys me that I can’t provide what they’re asking for and I felt like I let a lot of people

Down so I I stepped away from the streaming for a few years and by doing long players and playing games of old games that I liked and the only reason I was playing those games was because I I just didn’t feel right in myself you know

The part of me you know feeling a bit I don’t want to say depressed but I was feeling like crap inside you know what I mean I felt like you know I had something really good going on with that smpl I was growing really good and everything was going well I had an

Awesome group of friends and a little bit a lot of them wow a lot of them were like you know putting in so much work try and make that server and everything just flow for me to be able to just come on and stream every day at six o’clock

Till for four o’clock in the morning every day that’s what it was and yeah man okay I gave too many people up here I gave the wrong people Opie because I was reasons just reasons man I think I was just getting manipulated by too many people all at once

There’s too much going on man I had admins and had admins kind of arguing with each other trying to play me off against one person admins were trying to make me ban over admins and then because they had op in the SMP they had they had the ability to

Spawning command blocks and as soon as they as soon as somebody who had any the slightest bad intention could spawn those command blocks and it was over because what happened was Bank that’s what happened now but what happened was um they we I had like a say I say at about

Three or four main admins main Ops main main people who knew what they were doing with those commands and when one of the people who when one of the admins who didn’t have a clue what they were doing with the command but I had a clue but they only had they

Only knew how to do Sinister things which worked in their advantage and worked in everybody else’s disadvantage that’s what they knew how they knew how to use command blocks and what they did was they would set up command blocks to make all the other admins and OTS

Powerless and when I have people like Corey and people like you know Brooks and people like Cam and people like uh heart smart people like all these people that were huge adminster who had been admins for a long time and been trusted and kept the server flowing said to me

Yo I can’t do nothing there’s a command block somewhere which is stopping me from being able to do anything that was it for me that was it for them as soon as I lost my soon as I lost my my right hand I was done I was asked I

Kind of just fell off that SMP man I I I I I resorted to an older backup where where I lost about two months worth of progress that we were doing in order to try and bring it back to the stage where all the Ops well my main Ops had their abilities back

Um but I wasn’t sure I wasn’t sure what command blocks were actually around you know I mean I know I know I know that if an admin could have just spawned command blocks in it wouldn’t have been hard for them to just put a stack of 64 in a chest or something so

Even if they lost abilities to even if they lost the ability to spawn a minute and all that they lost op they could still slap a command block down give it a command and then have like some crazy op power due to just using command blocks it’s a lot to think about when

You think about it but that’s that’s exactly why everything went like it did on my server man I couldn’t really do anything so now I’m here playing on my own with a few of my friends who are fully trust because there’s probably a handful of people

Just got a bit salty and did some silly stuff they’re probably sitting there now laughing their head off thinking haha look at tabs doing all this work on his own now because he can’t trust anybody look what we did to him but yeah there is that there is that part of it

You can’t think of it like that you could they could take a dub like that you know I mean oh yeah we got a dope we successfully trolled someone and made him think completely different we we curved his content we curved his YouTube content we curved his progression and they could say

But I don’t know man rather than think about it I just I just carry on with what I’m doing now but that’s it man that’s like the uncut version the the the the director’s cut that was that’s that’s the best I could probably explain why that server went offline the way it did

I felt like I had too many people even people who were kind of close to me kind of like trying to destroy it because they were tired of it I think they were bored of it I wanted something different I think they wanted me to open up a new

Server have it all fresh so everybody could be there at the full-on start you know what I mean and be like oh look we’re here you know that’s that’s what I think I don’t know to think too much about it though because it does that grow me aggroes me like an Enderman

Let me shake this chat real quick skate’s a brilliant game Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 I would do that man there’s a lot of people doing it but you’re gonna have to have high quality content put it on the max settings try and be finessing it man

I’ll be honest Red Dead Redemption on a console can work it can work but you’re going to be competing with people who are playing it on like 40 90s and because that game has got some crazy graphical possibilities so I mean that’s why a lot of people play Minecraft because they know that

Well you know 60 frames per second what what you’re seeing now it’s like it’s easy to do even on RTX but it’s not easy to do but it’s it’s not as hard as Red Dead Redemption too I’ll play that game I’ve got I’ve actually got videos of that game and I

Played it on I played it on an MSI laptop with a 316 um with a ice i7 processor and it does it does it good enough does it all right not not too good but I did I had it I had it on pretty high settings though to be honest

Red red the red Dead’s a great game no man it’s a brilliant game um but I don’t think you could sit there and play it over and over again unless you’re gonna sit there and just play the online mode a lot after you completed the game or say if you completed the

Game did every Mission that’ll probably take you about three months Maybe and then you did it again but then you did it on a low honor version then you did a high on a version then you did a lawyer I don’t know do a cheats version where you’re running for the game with

Cheats with a hand can and just blasting Everything To Pieces make a funny version and I mean you could do a lot with it like that but eventually I feel like you’re going to come to the bottom of the barrel with what you can actually do with that game

Online mode yeah it’s gonna it’s gonna increase the ability of what you can do and there is a lot to do on on Red Dead same with Skyrim and stuff like that there’s a lot to do but I promise you I mean I’ve been playing this Minecraft

Now for nearly three months if I had been playing Skyrim Fallout um a game of that magnitude yeah with a lot to do in it Red Dead if I’d been playing it non-stop 12 hours a day 10 hours a day I think I’d be like at least

70 70 done with all the side quests with all the with all the extra stuff you can do you know I mean I think I’d be wouldn’t be far off you know I mean I’m doing a playthrough of Red Dead on my laptop and I’m I’m about 50 of that and

I was only playing it for a month and I weren’t even playing it properly I was playing it but I was also editing the video and the editing of the videos was taking me a whole day at some times because I was up I was upscaling into 4K

And if if I wasn’t actually editing any of the footage uh it’s just like live streaming it yeah man I’d probably do it a lot quicker than what I’ve done been doing at also red Dead’s a heavy game good good lots of Graphics lots of image here lots of

Imagery and like lots of like you know there’s so much detail everywhere if you stream in that game it’s it’s going to be a 1080 60p and depending on latency and depending on your bit rate you could have blur you could be moving the screen like that and like that and

Because it’s a stream yeah streams don’t get the the same dedication as an upload they have like a they have more of a variable bit rate rather than a constant it’s strange but it depends what you set it up in your stream you can set it up as you want but

When YouTube when you connect to YouTube servers whether it’s a video that you upload of whether it’s a stream that you start YouTube codex will automatically um they’ll automatically optimize it for their servers that that means you could either lose quality or yeah you’re not going to gain quality you could you

Could just lose quality from it depending on what they how how well how well the word there’s a sound word for it I can’t think of the word man it’s like how well the codec is how well the codec that you use to record the video is optimized for it

Because YouTube uses certain codec to codecs I think it’s a vp9 which is their higher bit rate codec vp9 and their lower codec one is called an av1 to get the higher codex I have to to get the higher level codex you either have to be a very a very sustain a very

What’s the word you have to be a good like a big YouTuber basically to get the dedicate to get it to get the better the better rates the better codecs and stuff or or you can trick you can kind of trick YouTube into giving you some the VPN on

Codec and the way I do that is well if you upload something in 1080 60p there’s a chance you won’t get there you won’t get the good code deck unless you’re up a decent like YouTuber then you’ll get it but if you don’t get if you don’t get the

The vp9 and you’re playing red dead so if you was to record to Red Dead 2 yeah and you was to um so you say used to record Red Dead 2 on it yeah and you uploaded a video in 1080 60p to YouTube I promise you man that

Thing’s going to look horrible that thing’s gonna look horrible man it’s gonna look it’s gonna look like you’re playing it’s gonna look like you’re recording a PlayStation 2 game man that’s what it was like for me I was turning the camera when I was riding the

Horse and it was just like I felt like I was in a swimming pool The Forest all the green was going everywhere it’s like burn this is like motion blur or something and it was just just the way that the codec I was given I looked at the

Code I can I went on stats for nerds if you click on settings for YouTube and go on stats for nerds you can actually see all the information of the data that’s being put onto YouTube from that person’s stream like do it online now if you want you go and check stats for

Nerds um I’m not even sure what I’m not even sure what it’ll come up as on the stream on the stream it has something called a fixed connection bandwidth of fixed bandwidth connection dedicated for streams to keep the stream stable but on videos it’ll vary you you know it changes

But yeah so there’s a lot there’s a lot to him and I I I had some issues with the quality of my videos so that’s how I looked into it all and somebody told me that if you just if you want to trick YouTube into giving you the better codec you need to

You can record your videos in 1080 60p yeah but then when you go and put in it through the editing software upscale it to 4K upscale it to 1440 if you want because you’ll still get it for 144 but I just upscale it to 4K so it’s got all the options you know

And one somewhere and then as soon as as soon as you uh you know trick YouTube into thinking that it’s a 4K video it gives you the better code deck I wouldn’t say it’s trick YouTubers because they have to they have to use that that VPN on codec to deal with the

The higher bit rates of 1440 and 4K but I wish I could show you an example of what was going on man I wish I still had one of the old my old Red Dead videos where it was all blurry because I’d had to re-upload so many videos

Perhaps you don’t go to sleep you talk so fast like you’re on drugs I mean this is uh yeah it’s it’s probably it’s probably is man it’s it’s because my body is in panic mode I don’t know if you notice this I don’t know if you know this Slide Man but say

If your body’s used to a sleep pattern your body’s used to routinely I’ll try and do this as quick as I can because I don’t want to be talking a million years about sleep hands but say if you’ve got a sleep pattern and you go to sleep at say

12 o’clock every night every night and then all of a sudden one one week you go to bed at three o’clock in the morning as soon as you go you stay up past one o’clock two o’clock your heart starts to go into panic mode not your heart but

Your whole body kind of it starts to think hang on what’s up were we still awake we should be asleep now so your body goes into this kind of like alert setting look into it Manny I’m not even joking it it’s true your body really does go

Into this alert setting and it’s because your body’s thinking Hang on we’re having to be why aren’t we asleep that’s what you buy this kind of thinking but yeah man you found me from the server years ago slack say I appreciate that man like the old server yeah you remember it man you

Remember all this the trouble I was going on about then trust me you have a PS5 it would be better quality yeah if you’ve got a PS5 man yeah that’s that’s good yeah that should be sweet man sure if you can do it on PS5 if that’s sweet PS4 has got you know

Good spec enough as long as you can get light you know it running smooth to me the graphics is good but it’s not as important as smoothness if it’s like if you was pushing your system to try and get the best graphics to try and make the video look good

But it’s a little bit juddery in place it’s just a tiniest bit knock it back if you I’d rather look at it in worse the quality smoothly and anybody would when you’re watching a video as soon as you start seeing a couple of frames I did do you’re like oh no

Oh no that’s what I’m like Anyway even when I watch my own content because I always look at my own content back when I record it I always re-watch it and I’m like if I see all that children stuff I’m like ah nah sometimes I’ve been doing a playthrough yeah sometimes I’ve

Been doing a playthrough and I’ll be halfway for a mission and I’ll feel it I’ll feel it I’ll see the frames I’ll be like oh see that frame drop heavy there what was that and I think I must have been the snow or the trees or somebody some of the

Reflections and then after that video I edit I edit the video upload it to YouTube and then when I go back to the to the next mission in that playthrough I’ll actually go in the settings and I’ll knock a few things down and then what I’ll do is like say I’m Red Dead

What I was doing I was just riding around some really high dense High densely populated areas like Saint Denise and I was feeling if I got frames and if it was smoother now I’d I’d start recording and I’d run around again for an hour and then after that I’d be like right

That’s sweet then I’ll check in it you always have to check man you always when you’re recording stuff like that check always turn your notifications off as well man the last thing that’s ever happened to me is I was playing a game I was about 30 hours into the story here and

I was playing yeah I got to the end of a mission something called a story was happening and then a notification came from on YouTube so and so I was uploaded a video and I was like oh man don’t tell me that’s recorded that and

Then I went to the video after they did the mission it auto saved I was like no I went to the video anyway did that same part that’ll do right in the middle of the story I was like are you joking me I was gutted I was

Good I tried to go back I looked I looked I clicked on the order I say I was like I’ve missed it and I thought to myself 30 hours 30 hours of gameplay 30 hours of doing missions 30 hours of of editing after doing all that gameplay

I was editing videos uploading them all of that was there and I was like ah I’ve got to start the game again and that taught me a massive lesson man massive lesson that was one of the biggest reality checks in streaming not streaming in making content make sure your notifications are turned

Off you’re going to have no interruptions no updates are going to happen because and always have an actual save don’t just rely on the auto save save the game have a solid save that the waste stays there before you start anything so if you you do your recording

And you know it’s something messed up and you’ve hit Auto Sales and you’ve done about an hour’s worth of game play or play in the game you can then think hard I messed up I’m gonna have to go back to that save and just redo that that that video again that’s a clever

Thing to do I’m very clever don’t be like me and have to play the game for 30 hours again for for just five seconds of a cutscene I could have probably cut it out if I really wanted to but it was just crucial cuts anywhere like your heartfelt moment was happening or

Something like an emotional Cuts in I think it was when I was playing Sleeping Dogs I was playing Sleeping Dogs I think and something happened man and I remember I had to do it all again I was literally blowing through that game whenever you did that game I was like man I looked

Like I was on something I looked like I was on some type of substance when I was playing that game for the second time around I did not care because I already had all the videos up until that point so I was doing the game all nice and neatly up

Until that point and then I had to restart the game and then I was just smashing into everything doing everything as quick as I can and then as soon as I got back to that part part I just saved it and I was like right let’s go again that was one of the

Most annoying playthroughs I must have done because of that I’m not even joking yeah it’s a good game and it is underrated the one thing I did not like though I did not like the driving I did not like the drive another handling of the vehicles it felt it felt

Very Saints Row to me College but then again I know it’s not meant to be too much of a driving game even though it was but I like I feel like I feel like The Godfather I feel like the Warriors has similar toy wow I feel like The

Godfather had similar type of driving The Godfather had bad driving man they’re playing on PS3 um says let me check this chat real quick because there’s a lot of last stuff that’s going on there don’t want to ignore it I don’t want people to have

Typed stuff into the chat and it’d be a waste of time that’s a solid effort right there all right let’s check check my comment check my comment what school yeah man when school comes you may not be in a lot because you’re going to be in school and stuff I understand man the

School’s important I always say that man so I understand my idea she stops me from playing one game alone well I think it could be my ADHD that does do that oh I don’t even know if I ever I got something wrong with me but probably

Just I don’t know probably just too many illicit substances over the years um let me have a look at this codex says AVC one yeah yeah it’s because it’s a stream like I said if you’re going to stream that type of game a heavy quality like high graphics game

You could end up with the AV one AV one codec but that’s because it’s on 1080 1080 60p now if you was to go if you was to go into my Red Dead video yeah go on to any one of my Red Dead videos click on to the codec and it’ll say vp9

If you go on to um if you go onto any of my videos that I’ve probably got like 1080 it’s probably going to say av1 but the thing is you can get away with with it on certain stuff it it’s just it’s just really high graphical games where you can really

Notice it a lot so because you’re expecting to see smooth Crystal Clear quality you know when you’re recording like you know you’re recording and you’re playing the game at a high high definition you expect to see some crystal clear but it just didn’t it didn’t look good man I looked horrible

I was there I literally messed around with the Codex and all kinds of stuff from a few days man I was even asking my name Mikey about him and I was saying in terms like yeah I’ll send it I was sending him videos like unlisted videos

On my channel like yo what’s wrong with this video man like can you see that I was looking for second opinions and stuff or is it just my eyes coming blurred I’m a tired oh man I played here on the I played it on my

PC I played on my laptop I played I did literally did a play Forever about a year ago but I think I messed up look at some of them the sounds man I feel like the sound’s a bit I mean sounds a bit there that’s a bit glassy

I don’t know why I feel like um that’s another interesting thing as well that’s a good thing to to warn you about decibels you decibels and what you record stuff don’t ever let you don’t ever let the noise bounce into the red it’s okay if it bounces into the the

Yellow a little bit on the higher sounds like say when gunshots are happening or something like a some big loud noise in the game happens it’s all right to let you guess about me or go into the yellow a little bit yeah that’s all right because it’s a loud thing but say it’s

Like there’s talking happening and it’s just like you’ve got bouncing into the red just from talking you imagine what’s going to happen when a gunshot happens and what happens is if you have the decibel recording too high like if you leave it on standard I find

Your your audio quality can take a dive because you’re recording distorted volume if it’s bouncing into the yellow orange or red well the yellow is not as bad like I said if it’s the loudest sounds so I usually drop my DB down by about 10 or

About 13 or something like that 10 or 13. or just play around with it a bit and then what I do is when I’m editing the video with my editing software I will then I’ll I’ll make make it louder I’ll push it up by the exact amount of

Decibels that I actually lowered it by so that way is it it captures the audio um no Distortion and then when you put it through the editing software it’ll come out with the same type of volume that it that you that you were listening to on the game you basically

You’re not going to be recording any of that nasty distortion you’re not gonna because as soon as it goes into the red you’re losing you’re losing data that’s what it tells you I’ve I’ve watched hundreds of videos about it I had to to try and get my

Quality as good as I could on them videos and yeah it worked Manny it helps it does help some people don’t do it but if you’ve got headphones on if you’ve got a headphone if there any headphone listeners man they can hear they can hear when the quality is off

If you’re not gay so if you’re watching it through a TV or some type of speaker or something or a phone you know or a laptop you’re not going to be able to tell really how if if this if the audio quality is bad but if you’ve got headphones on

You can hear that stuff man every imperfection uh my webcam’s a bag of crap I don’t even know what that is I think uh I got given it it’s got given my uh um my camera my mom gave it me she literally she works at a university unit

And they had loads of them and she’s just like there you go I was like oh yeah that’ll do man sweet I’ve had the same one ever since the headset I’ve got on is an old an old EXO one it’s an old Xbox headset I’ll plug it into my pad

I play on here sir where’s my mouse I play on PC but I use a control pad because it’s just comfortable I can sit here for 10 or 11 hours without getting a bad should holding I’m in but yeah we have a look at this real quick

Me right now I watched I watched it with airpods on the phone you sound funny yeah I’m down I sound funny yeah but um summer you’ve got it what’s he called me you’ve really gotta play with you there so you’ve got to play with your settings man when you’re when

When you start streaming and when you start recording videos I recommend you do some tests a lot of tests play around a bit um upload the videos but keep them unlisted and then you can still see them you know you can still listen to them keep them unlisted though

If if it’s not you know if it’s just a test right wow I wish I had all that I wish I had the answers I wish I had I wish I had a special formula that could Propel all of us into the right direction on this YouTube journey and making media content

And just doing things that we enjoy every day yeah I wish I could but let’s face it man I ain’t even there myself yeah I’m in no position to talk about how to do this and how to do that the only way down if there’s three rules

That I know that that 100 work that will if you do follow them you will see if some type of results that’s quality consistency and kindness you need equality is obviously you can’t send your audio your image um you know what you’re going to be doing are you actually doing something

Worth watching the quality uh uh what was your phone I said uh quality consistency of doing it every single day or every other day or have some type of schedule that your community can catch onto and then they’ll they’ll know when to come and check out and drop a like

You know support ya um and just yeah man just being kind being kind to people that come to the stream at the end of the day anyone who comes into the stream is clicking on your video giving you a moment of there their existence they’re giving you a

Moment of the day you could be wasting the time you know so yeah just be just try and be polite and helpful to anyone in any way and if somebody does start giving you crap in the chat let’s do down to the level I I made that

Mistake I really did I made that mistake when I first started streaming why not when I first died when I kind of was a year into it I started biting at the trolls man and started like they would try and say stuff and try and annoy me

And there we go under my skin sometimes and sometimes I actually ended the stream once because of it I was just like there was a lot of like picking people were picking on people in the chat and stuff and I was just like nah I can’t be dealing with this man if

There’s going to be all this type of stuff going on I’m done I just ended the strain for the night um to try not to buy it at the trolls just remove them hide them from your Channel humorum human room until they start being offensive as soon as they start

Being offensive to anyone or anything that’s when you gotta deal with them remove them block them don’t even think about them twice don’t make another account they’ll be back and then you have to block that one and then you have to block that one the next one and then for the next two

Months you’ll probably have to keep blocking them and then one day you might come across someone who’s got say a a slight mental disorder or something and then they become attached to you and then they just start constantly trying to troll you and message you over Discord and

Then start causing problem you know you have all them problems that come up come about even with the smallest forms of success you have you have the people how you have people come and really try and like Leech from you and yeah you get people trying to really suck it out you man

But like life the essence of doing stuff seriously you also at Ford BG welcome to the stream and appreciate you stopping by I’d love to let you join the server I’m on at the moment but the problem is I’m trying to maintain this and not have people cause me problems and have to

Like you know rebuild everything I’ve been working on this server for about two months two and a half months so man yeah um nowhere near completing it um if you want to stick around and start today with some of the progress man be my guest man I do have a members realm

And subscribers around that you could join if you are interested but I wouldn’t be able to invite you into that realm straight away because I’m trying to keep the security of it uh at a certain level if I was to just invite the people who just walk straight

Into the stream that would be pretty bad for me and the people who are actually in that server right now and spend the time in the Stream trying to get to that servicer best thing I can do man is just say stay up to date with your stream and I’ll

Eventually later but I will eventually invite you into that server man uh just yeah man thanks for stopping by I hope you have a good day all right look look at the roof coming over probably do some dark design up there something that looks sick probably do a hole so it can flow

Straight through 11 hours 25 minutes we’re in on this stream at the moment guys 11 hours 25 minutes yeah I probably will end this stream soon I probably will end this stream very soon to be honest let me check the chat real quick it has I can’t sleep just checking in

Though I’m gonna go maybe a few minutes to try and sleep again yeah count sheep want me to tell you a secret on how to fall asleep this is but this is how I fall asleep you have to keep yourself cold you have to be cold you have to be cold if you

Want to sleep you have to try and keep yourself cold like have air circulating for the room if there’s hot air in your room being produced by a computer or TV or anything then you’re gonna have trouble sleeping if it’s summer it’s the hardest time to sleep if it’s

Hot it’s the hardest time to sleep trust me but what I always do is I always have the windows open in there and have half the cover on you literally put the cover in between your legs like so it’s weird don’t ever have any skin touching skin

It’s weird so you can have your leg then put the cover in between then you go it’s like a sandwich in it like a an Oreo got Oreo that blanket trust me sometimes you have a hcls when you get no sleep haha I have ADHD but I South America South

America with Mary Jane I’m gonna haven’t had Mary Jane for a while this is what this is what happens man it’s what happens this is what happens to me I need the toilet one sec oh huh aha yeah I’m back I needed toilet so bad then that’s crazy

Probably why I was talking so quick because I really needed the toilet I’m not even joking I am probably gonna end the stream soon though I don’t even know what else to do man here look at my guitar haha I’m trying to do so I’m not trying to show my guitar for nothing

If I was trying to show up a Guitar if I want to show this crap on off it’s all right it’s not a bad guitar it’s just it’s not it’s no Gibson certainly no openness my camera is a bit crap it’s really zoomed in on my face my camera’s so like

Kind of like so you can’t really see anything I’m doing how can I do this without this falling probably like that but yeah man why the hell is my finger 10 hour an hour I want to make it like the maximum apartment wants to get it to

The Max and I’m like what is it um what is it the maximum’s what 11 hours 55 minutes I’d like to get it to the maximum looking for a thing man I’ve got another microphone here that Corey gave me believe Anna Corey actually gave me a big stream of microphone like years ago

That thing there I don’t see it they gave me that it’s got the whole arm and all the stuff with it as well man Jesus gave me that man damn the keys are going with that man ain’t even had any ain’t had anything off that of it of anyone before it’s crazy man

I’ve got to move this controller over here because I’m gonna some problems yeah man let me try and do something real quick I want to see if you got your let me mute this Mark I can’t hear anything no I’m gonna be able to hear the game let me mute this my concert

Ah a oh can you hear me probably sound different I don’t know this is this microphone might check Hunter bop bop anyway I don’t know how loud that is I’m sorry man I don’t I’m sure how bad that sounds my voice sounds so different this is my

Accent it’s my action nah it’s my accent is it me talking normally it’s me just talking welcome to the stream back on the scene Krispy Kreme all right anyway give me a moment hear me okay I’m just gonna put them right there I don’t even notice guitars in tune I

Haven’t picked it up in a while oh man you can’t even see me can you see me you can’t see me that good bear with me now I’m playing guitar in a while man probably about two days oh that’s loud this uh this thing I’ve got is not that great so

Crap because I gotta speak I said I speak I’m a guitar there Just so you know it is me bear with me I don’t know how loud it sounds so I’m sorry if I blow your ears off headphone users we foreign Anyway with guitar you have to warm the head up if you don’t warm up you’re gonna do nothing so imagine that’s an iron even warmed up man I’ve been playing Minecraft for all these hours I wish I had a ham plan let me sort this out something that’s not good with this

I’m all right man give me a sec my guitar is a bit loose on the jack there like I said my name played this guitar in a while come on I’m losing sound man if I’m losing sound hang on With me I’m losing sound it’s because all these my buttons are all dusty Thank you Thank you oh yeah let me have a rusty I am rustic I am a second [Applause] I am rooster Thank you oh man it’s hard to keep this guitar in control now you ever played Zelda um you ever heard the song that goes I guess it goes like um foreign Thank you that’s a what’s it called um that’s the brain song The Rain Song from Zara let me think let me think anything else any other other tunes that you might have had you said it’s best to like do things that you know like have I had a beat to man I like doing chords on my life but if I can turn it down a bit about that All right hello Nearly nearly at the 12 hour mark anywhere man can you still hear me am I still coming in Clearwater is it not working that well I couldn’t put this tuner I’ll see how he’s doing tab’s gonna get kicked nah no one’s in no one’s in my house now

That’s what I’m that’s what I’m doing it because no one’s in it’s my yard in a minute the minute I’m just gonna see if it’s in Sharon Yeah everything’s all good but yeah man some of the songs man that have been working on like I tried to work on songs and stuff anyway I’m just yeah it’s more my fingers aren’t going to work I’m gonna Sometimes they speak is quite now man Foreign It’s all about playing this chord look at a minor and then slapping out some scale with it like Then go into the e ah There’s two chords there foreign just a few chords man Sweet pick and that’s one of the hardest things to do on guitar [Applause] Also if you make a mistake if you ever make a mistake when playing always go back to it and make sure where you re-revisit that don’t ever go past that mistake because you’ll always remember it man Yeah I mean like yeah man uh let me think I could play tunes that you probably know like little bits of tunes and stuff but everybody everybody knows I can’t do it but it’s just it’s the dexterity man you have to warm up before you play stuff like Thank you That’s a Sweet Child of Mine in it there was a Sweet Child of Mine solo damn speakers like vibrating man it’s the problem with these small speakers that vibrate too much [Applause] Veggie Mandarin Foreign Bye-bye say this sir Foreign Pretty much [Applause] Thank you Whoo shut up speaker But yeah man any requests I probably just got a copyright stroke after doing all that I’m sure they picked up that Sweet Child of Mine [Applause] Thank you always get that bend to be wrong Ah that boy Braden is paying me off man This guitar man I could do guitar lessons I could this is my hidden talent I play Minecraft on the side I play a guitar on the left [Applause] Thank you Foreign Thank you it’s all the jam man you like ACDC Foreign Ah what’s that in it ah [Applause] Also if you now ever get something right doing it as fast as you can stop it now always slow down there’s no point trying to try and attack If your fingers aren’t going to do it right you might as well just slow it down like

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20 Part 75 The Legit The Ultimate Survival Realm RTX Vanilla No Mods’, was uploaded by TabbzMania Gaming on 2023-08-22 12:26:15. It has garnered 328 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds.

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    INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Java Edition LIVE with kmb & Moon!Video Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] kmb & Moon Play: Minecraft 1.21 – Java Edition 24w11a’, was uploaded by kmb600 on 2024-03-14 21:46:04. It has garnered 29 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:34 or 7414 seconds. A very big snapshot with a new weapon, new items, new pottery sherds, new armor trims, new banner patterns, and new chambers! Let’s explore it all! With the loveliest Moon 🙂 I have a Discord server! Join here: https://discord.gg/t98AQ8kKnW Download 7TV (browser extension) for custom emotes on YouTube (and Twitch): https://7tv.app/ Read More

  • Unlock Insane Gaming Power in Epic Tool Build!

    Unlock Insane Gaming Power in Epic Tool Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crafting the Ultimate Tool! Episode 4’, was uploaded by Battle Lock Gamer on 2024-02-28 11:59:23. It has garnered 401 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Crafting the Ultimate Tool! Episode 4 Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition you can adventure solo or with friends, and discover an infinite, randomly generated world… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft’s ARMADILLO now in Goutros!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft's ARMADILLO now in Goutros!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s ARMADILLO is finally here!’, was uploaded by goutros on 2024-04-23 17:44:05. It has garnered 18697 views and 1090 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftarmadillo #minecraftupdate The New Armadillo Mob, BRAND NEW wolf armor and 8 new wolves to inhabit your Minecraft worlds, the new Minecraft Update is LEGENDARY. 🐺⛑🌴 Like and Subscribe if you’re excited for Update 1.21! ————————————————————————————————————————– ⭐ Make sure to like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video! ————————————————————————————————————————– // SOCIALS ⬇ Want to follow me on other platforms? You’ll find them all here!… Read More

  • Insane cows attack in Minecraft!! #twitch

    Insane cows attack in Minecraft!! #twitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘Vacas locas en minecraft #minecraft twitch xebastianur’, was uploaded by xebastianur short on 2024-01-03 06:09:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build – Must Watch!

    Insane Minecraft House Build - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 House Building’, was uploaded by Kid Pik YT on 2024-03-25 17:35:29. It has garnered 7 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:18 or 1038 seconds. #viral #videos #minecraft #ytshorts Throw yourself into the void 250 miles above Earth in this award-winning VR spacewalk inspired by NASA’s training program and the astonishing experiences of its astronauts. Home puts you at the center of the story, taking you on an emotional and personal journey while delivering beautiful, heart-stopping, and memorable moments. Join our YouTube community and unlock exclusive perks!▶️    / @vicinity360   ▶️ Become… Read More

  • Epic Pranks and Kittens, NOT Minecraft!

    Epic Pranks and Kittens, NOT Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa Cat But Mincraft’, was uploaded by Jokers on 2024-01-13 06:24:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa Cat But Mincraft Tags: #minecraft #youtube #memes #meme #cat #funny #chipichipi #animation … Read More

  • Classic Prison Server, PVE, 1.20+

    Billionaire Prison Don’t like all that OP stuff in prison? Work hard for fortune instead of getting fortune 50 as soon as you join! Play this hardcore classic prison server! Billionaire Prison is a classic prison server run on the latest version with the latest plugins. Custom builds and custom plugins are all over the place!! Features include: Auction House Player Shops Cells Custom Enchants Custom Enchanting System Stock Market Gambling Crypto Custom Fishing Crates Much More! We focus on a player driven economy with a server wide auction house, player chest shops and much more! Join our Discord server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They never give a damn about the characters;-;

    It’s like they’re too busy mining for diamonds to notice the emotional turmoil of their pixelated friends! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Minee Steve’s Epic Fail 😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Minee Steve's Epic Fail 😂 When you think you’re about to see an epic Minecraft battle but it’s just Steve dancing to “Baby Shark” at the end 😂 #plot twist #minecraftdancingqueen Read More

  • Warrior God Love Story: Minecraft Animation Part 3

    Warrior God Love Story: Minecraft Animation Part 3 The Love Story Continues in Minecraft Animation Exploring the Love Between a Warrior and a Cute God In the latest installment of the Minecraft Animation series, viewers are treated to the ongoing love story between a great warrior and a very cute god. The emotional journey of these characters unfolds in a visually stunning music video that captivates audiences of all ages. Emotional Depth and Visual Splendor The animation showcases the deep emotional connection between the warrior and the god, highlighting their bond amidst challenges and adventures in the Minecraft world. The vibrant colors and intricate details in the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and vibrant community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of the popular YouTube video “Wisk said WHATT #lifeseries #minecraft #grian,” then you’ll love the action-packed gameplay and camaraderie that awaits you at Minewind. With a focus on limited life gameplay, PvP battles, and epic building challenges, this server offers something for every type of Minecraft player. Join the fun today by entering the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client…. Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 200 Days in Medieval Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 200 Days in Medieval Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in MEDIVAL MINECRAFT CISCOS ULTIMATE…’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-05-13 00:28:58. It has garnered 98087 views and 5025 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:23 or 5243 seconds. I Survived 100 Days of Hardcore in CISCOS MEDIEVAL MINECRAFT. Here’s What Happened… WATCH THE FIRST 100 DAYS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWcD5cBbYkw MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 Watch the Whole 200 Days Streams: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSgxczzPUkYDO0uJ7JbRdVhkuXtctBVM4&si=kpMOCO7BBxXdxPao | Chapters | 0:00 | Intro 0:45 | Day 100-110 17:30 | Day 111-120 24:19 | Day 121-130 34:25… Read More

  • Smashing Levels in Geometry Dash! Live Stream

    Smashing Levels in Geometry Dash! Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing your levels! (Geometry Dash Level Requests) Live!’, was uploaded by valisy on 2024-02-21 23:50:38. It has garnered 92 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:33 or 7653 seconds. bopl bopl battle balding_sonic balding_valisy vvalisy battle valisy Johan Grönvall Johan Grönvall @johangronvall9473 Minecraft Minecraft SMP SMP Minecraft Bedrock SMP Minecraft Bedrock Bedrock Bedrock SMP Geometry Dash Dash Geometry 2.2 Dash 2.2 2.2 Geometry 2.2 Geometry Dash 22 22 Geometry 22 Dash 22 Geometry Dash Decode Decode Geometry Dash Decode GD Decode gd Gd 2.2 2.2 Gd Geometry 2.2 Geometry Dash 2.2… Read More

  • Insane Fireball PVP Madness!! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Fireball PVP Madness!! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PVP in Fireball Fight #shorts’, was uploaded by RoyThePro111 on 2024-04-19 20:57:41. It has garnered 744 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Thanks for watching this funny Minecraft video. I make videos like this about pvp packs texture packs add-ons and more. I make videos about the bridge, skywars, and more mcpe games too. I make videos about clutches, traps, beatsync montages, montages etc. #minecraft #shorts #fyp Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Saturday Night! EP #9 – LAVA Farm Upgrade

    Insane Minecraft Saturday Night! EP #9 - LAVA Farm UpgradeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Madness Saturday Night | EP #9 | Expanding the local village | Upgrading LAVA farm’, was uploaded by First generation gamer dude on 2024-05-12 16:14:54. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:59 or 7079 seconds. Starting a brand new #Minecraft adventure Every other saturday 9PM If you know me, message me for my xbox gamertag to join the stream! #live #streamer #streaming #mrbeast #castle Read More

  • Insane Survival Tactics in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

    Insane Survival Tactics in Minecraft Pocket Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Pocket Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 – Survival (Android,iOS)’, was uploaded by TopGameplay on 2024-03-11 13:00:51. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:03 or 663 seconds. Check out the complete walkthrough in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPyeRIz8ZXh9rQ_MneqJgTJF9NmqB5mu5 Seed: 3257840388504963787 Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode…. Read More

  • Unleashing Hordes of Demons on Monster Island!

    Unleashing Hordes of Demons on Monster Island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summoning MILLIONS Of Demons In Minecraft Monster Island!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2024-03-19 19:00:01. It has garnered 2063 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:53 or 9893 seconds. Summoning MILLIONS Of Demons In Minecraft Monster Island! Buy My Shirts: http://www.jeromeasf.store/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Minecraft – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrYnLkVfvVf0Qy0YOUQdk2A Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Story Mode Editor vs Wither Storm

    EPIC Minecraft Story Mode Editor vs Wither StormVideo Information This video, titled ‘The wither storm ep 11 getting ready’, was uploaded by TheMinecraftStoryModeEditor🔥🅥 on 2024-03-25 03:02:03. It has garnered 43 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. welcome everyone today your on the minecraftstorymodeedtiorchannel a channel that does minecraft gaming and editing and fun stuff like modding minecraft and playing every minecraft game and minecraft story mode and etc anyway’s hope you have fun on the channel see ya my friends and enjoy your time here #virtualreality #vr #augmentedreality #d #gaming #oculus #oculusquest #ar #technology #vrgaming #virtual #art #htcvive #mixedreality #oculusrift… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Battle – Yuta VS Duduzinho on Aternos Server!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Battle - Yuta VS Duduzinho on Aternos Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘240419 Live Minecraft – Build Battle no Servidor Aternos – Yuta VS Duduzinho Tema Construção Fantasy’, was uploaded by Bildo Minecraft on 2024-04-20 11:55:05. It has garnered 115 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:37 or 3937 seconds. Welcome Everyone and If You Like Our Content, Consider Becoming a Member. To play Build Battle, follow these 5 steps: Step 1: Read and understand the Rules and Objective of Build Battle Step 2: Understand the Objective of the Battle Step 3: Understand the Rules in Battle Step 4: Add the Server to… Read More

  • Unleash your skills on the smallest violin in Minecraft! #ClickbaitSkillz

    Unleash your skills on the smallest violin in Minecraft! #ClickbaitSkillzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tower at Different Times (World’s Smallest Violin) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SkillzUnleashed on 2024-03-25 16:37:12. It has garnered 10977 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft clutches #minecraft shorts #minecraft funny #minecraft memes #minecraft clutch #mlg clutch at every age in Minecraft (world’s smallest violin) #minecraft mod #minecraft challenge #minecraft but i mlg clutch every 30 seconds #minecraft survival #minecraft but I randomly clutch in every 30 seconds #minecraft hindi #minecraft mlg #minecraft #minecraft traps at different ages #escape traps in minecraft #minecraft traps #minecraft… Read More

  • PangaeaEarth – Semi-vanilla PVP Towny SMP 1.20+ Discord

    PangaeaEarth A work in progress geopolitical Minecraft server with a Pangaea map. The map will be approximately 4k by 4.5k, running on the towny claiming system. The server caters to casual players who enjoy building, but also has systems in place for those interested in PvP. Come join us in PangaeaEarth! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/G2qezQpRZg Read More

  • We’re back, let’s play!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.americraft.es (GL HF) Read More

  • Off The Block

    Off The BlockWelcome to Off The Block!Welcome to your next Minecraft server! Off The Block is a small but growing community of mature players. We have custom enchantments and custom-made plugins. We focus primarily on economy survival but also have skyblock and creative.Besides the game modes, we offer a balanced economy/shop, vote crates, and awesome time-based ranks. Ranking up unlocks awesome perks like /treefeller, /god, /glow, and /skull.What are you waiting for? Join today!IP: play.offtheblock.usWEBSITE: www.offtheblock.us Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “First Minecraft Peepee”

    Looks like this Minecraft meme is number one in the pee category! Read More

  • Crafty Noob vs. Herobrine Hunters: Outsmart or Bust?

    Crafty Noob vs. Herobrine Hunters: Outsmart or Bust? In the world of Minecraft, a noob did appear, Chased by Herobrine, filled with fear. With three hunters on his tail, he must outsmart, Or face defeat, torn apart. Through forests and caves, he ran with might, Dodging arrows and swords, in the dead of night. His heart raced fast, his breath a gasp, But he knew he had to complete his task. With every jump and every block he placed, He raced against time, in this thrilling chase. But Herobrine’s eyes glowed with a sinister gleam, A nightmare come to life, not just a dream. But the noob… Read More

  • “Getting lost in Minecraft be like: Where the hell am I?!” #lost #funny

    "Getting lost in Minecraft be like: Where the hell am I?!" #lost #funny When you keep getting lost in Minecraft and end up with more rooms than a mansion, you know you’ve hit peak noob status. #lost #minecraftprobs #roomforimprovement Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to a fantastic Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm – Minewind. While watching the latest Minecraft animation video “My Favorite Demon Part 4,” you may have felt a surge of creativity and excitement. Imagine being able to bring that same level of creativity to life in a dynamic and engaging Minecraft server like Minewind. With a vibrant community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind offers a unique… Read More

  • Console Wars in Minecraft

    Console Wars in Minecraft Minecraft: Xbox vs Playstation Minecraft is a wildly popular sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a virtual world filled with endless possibilities. One of the most debated topics among Minecraft players is which console is the best for playing the game: Xbox or Playstation. Xbox Experience On Xbox, players can enjoy seamless integration with Xbox Live, allowing for easy multiplayer gameplay and access to a wide range of community-created content. The controls are also smooth and responsive, making it easy to navigate the world and build intricate structures. Playstation Experience Playstation, on the other… Read More

Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20 Part 75 The Legit The Ultimate Survival Realm RTX Vanilla No Mods