Hello everyone my name is lor thorne and welcome to better animals plus a mod made by cybercat and it’s meow now this mod is for 1.16 and 1.12 is like a better animal models however it’s entirely new animals added to the game now both mods can be downloaded but they do not require Each other so you do not need bare animals plus for better animal models and you do not need better animal models to get bare animals plus now unlike better animal models this actually adds more stuff to the game as you can probably already see one of the big things it does is just Add a whole bunch more animals into the game environment which you can find around the world one of the main things it seems to add is just more real world animals that are mostly in north america i’ve noticed and parts of russia like the bear black bear which is smaller it’s Actually very nice i’ve also got some deer male and female deer so their antlers are actually different sizes now i’m actually curious with that about the grizzly bear if the mod maker decide to make a female grizzly bear now it doesn’t look like they did if there was a female grizzly This hump on its back would be much less pronounced and it would look closer to the black bear although it’d still be bigger but bull grizzlies have a much larger hump to their back than females and they’re also just a lot larger in general but doesn’t appear they add variety to That actually makes me curious about just breeding in general of deer if you need the male and female as well or if it’s even possible okay then yes so it doesn’t matter um or does it nope it does not good to know that’s how minecraft works right then Well hold on a second that bear just stay on sign legs yep ah i see there there that’s how they attack bear dew mulder good to know and the young deer run to their mother for protection that is actually very interesting as something i didn’t know they do i do like that interaction Now i do know that the bears will go fishing so we could spawn some near the water for fun ah this one’s already done it sorry owned a few fish oh he’s killed a lot of fish actually oh we do have cups excellent just wanted to check that And the cubs will also follow mother around which is good now what i’m curious about is there’s a thing you learn never to do if you’re by grizzly bear it has to go near its cubs as you can see i am getting chased off by this thing and then when it chases me As cubs follow and then it goes and attacks me again but see it’s it’s he’s pretty chill right now right let’s grizzlies pretty chill and i go oh what cute cubs you got there and then the grizzly bear freak sounds like i’m going to wreck your stuff Up buddy yep just as i thought not only does that have to choose land it also adds creatures to the air like this bird thing which i have absolutely no idea what it is what is a llama gear now i suspect lamb gears are some sort of vulture or Hunting hawk and they can be tamed with a bone so you can get yourself a friendly new animal companion who um likes bones we also have the feral wolf which um look a bit like wolves that were added by the bear wolves mods and they can also be tamed by I believe bones but you need to go into the force and beat a mighty enemy to get them to bow down to you put a dragon head on your own like a so and that proves that you are the toughest of the toughest and now wild wolves can be maintained Into well fair wolves i guess can be made tame into big dumb dogs which i mean it’s still a giant wolf so it’s it’s spooky as all high hell now coyotes these little suckers here look adorable and will if accurate should get eaten by wolves our wolves are leaving them alone Now cows in real life are not adorable like sneaky little buggers trust me on this now that the moon is up their eyes are glowing and they are in hunting moods so they will not be tameable at night if we set the time today then we can share the food with this Little sucker and he’ll become our friend nice and taped and he is adorable when he is not a brute hello grizzly grizzlies are not table now there is even more spiders of the giant variety added and you can get yourself some tarantulas which look horrid all right so tarantulas are slower than Normal spiders and they apply blinding and will attack you even during the day which is lovely goats have also been added off right you can also milk the goat if you attack a goat they will retaliate however your tame talk they’ll pick them up and drop them which is absolutely awesome and then He’ll fly around the meat in circles all right you are pretty cool um hunty hawk go get the goat but if we can get this goat to char oh oh my right yes you’re doing a good job um all right i actually am trying to showcase these goats here If you’re aggressive to the goats they will attack you but the hawk seems to particularly like murdering goats but he doesn’t seem super inclined to deal with the creepers so i wonder if he’s just a goat murdering chump which i am absolutely fine with if he’s just a Assistant hunting animal like this deer here oh yeah no he’ll go for that’s an intense hawk Okay um will you take down the wall for me no uh-oh Now not only does it add to the air and the land it also adds the water and we can get ourselves tiny little jellyfish which um you don’t want to touch because they apply poison and a whole bunch of other nasty things so it’s best not to fight with the jellyfish Goat’s milk isn’t not like cow’s milk and removing bad size effects as well that is also something to be aware of basically a goat doesn’t help you fight a jellyfish and the hunting hawk only hunts things that are huntable but wait there’s more this mod adds a lot of animals We have pheasants which we can have our hunting hawk go and kill and we have cute little baby pheasants we also have male and females females are the far less colorful ones than the males so these are the female pheasants and these are the males here Which i do like that touch quite a bit we have reindeer which are these big fellas here they’re reindeer lovely animal they pull santa’s sleigh don’t you know i’m only getting large antlered ones so that’s great to know now boars are basically wild pigs with bristles and they should actually turn quite aggressive If attacked so this will prompt them to go after me and my poor hawk oh hawk’s got him good job they’re not the most dangerous things but they will charge an attack and the reindeer also all things considered should fight back slightly but they don’t really seem to want to And they’ve been added a little effect because you’re only going to find the winter volume of them breathing out a bunch of fog which is how you usually find reindeer which is also quite nice out of detail now we have some cute little squirrels over here and My hawk is letting me know that there are squirrels available for hot hunting which is great and these little fellas will probably be the main food source of many many other creatures now they don’t seem to take fall damage and i am curious to see if they can climb up trees They do seem to have climbing abilities and they do like screwing around the force which is kind of nice yep they definitely go for the trees now one of the things i’ve looked forward to seeing are the badgers which are added because i absolutely love badgers i think badgers are a great addition To any mod and this is no exception now the badgers should definitely be mugging the squirrels and the edgers appear to have some sort of crazy digging attack not a hundred percent certain they oh yeah they they attacked each other these badgers appear to be more kin to badger moles than real Life badgers So if we agree of the badger does he attacks oh yes we’re game badger my goodness that is irritating Now among the many lovely creatures add we have lamprey eels which are horrific and um bite onto you which you can have a good showcase of here i have a lamprey trying to eat me now i accidentally missed this but there’s also songbirds that have been added Now you can get baby songbirds as well don’t seem to have any of them singing right now unless that’s related to game music so we’ve turned up both game music and hostile mob sounds but these songbirds seem content not to sing which yeah i’m okay with because they’re just pretty cool looking And when we go back to the water we can witness the nautilus which are absolutely awesome and if they are getting attacked like they are or they’re fighting i guess plan for eels they retreat by going blue and shooting themselves along the ground pretty cool so we got some nautiluses as Well i like nautiluses they’re they’re there’s a pokemon that looks like them and they give you cod how about that now we got a few more water animals for you but these ones would be found on the beaches and not as often by rivers we got crabs we got ourselves some normal crabs Which is pretty great and they have little baby crabs and we got ourselves some horseshoe crabs which are these like weird flat things which kind of creep me out and there’s another pokemon that looks like them actually let me put both these together we can have a pokemon battle Dude Use claw attack use smoke screen use claw attack again bubble beam oh oh dear oh master has fainted i’m i’m an awful person we got a lot of crabs as well look at all the crabs we got so many crabs he got crabs on this beach well appears he cannot get the crabs Crab rave which again i am disappointed with both mods that add crabs the game do not make crabs dance when you add music to them which i think should just be a feature added whenever you add crabs oh well after the crabs for our water creatures we got sharks we got Flat-headed sharks we got well hammerhead sharks that’s not flat hammerhead sharks we got long sharks we got other long sharks we’ve got i don’t even remember what those are called me that’s a flat shark we’ve got um the coloring of a whale shark but not really the mouth let’s let’s look at his Mouth yeah that’s the coloring of a whale shark but definitely not a whale shark don’t know what those are looks nothing like a whale shark um but we got loads of different sharks we got i think that might be a great white no great whites don’t look like that I don’t know how much like room we need it seems pretty random which sharks we get but we got sharks and sharks will eat the fish which is pretty cool um and sharks can’t breathe on land do with the thunk now moving back to more respectable animals Aren’t sharks and fish and stuff we got moosh which are accurately freaking massive like moose r which i think is great oh we got the great white moosh now moosehawk only come in the moose variety a bull moose that’s all we’re getting here is bull moose which i’m fine with We don’t have any little mees just got a whole load of moose now let’s see if these bears are dumb enough to tangle with a moose nope the moose is walking around like yeah sure what’s going on and the wolf is like seriously you got a moose here and yep We got ourselves some mees I also got turkeys which are like chickens but different because they’re turkeys now they’re like bigger chickens and the grizzly bears are definitely eyeing them up and they make little pecky noise much like the pheasant did and make chicken noises they’ve hit We’ve also got a bone worm what on earth okay i think the idea here is that um bugs in minecraft are massive compared to what they are in the real world as we see with silverfish and spiders and so whatever on earth a bobbit worm is am i going to regret Looking this up ah well something i didn’t know about the worm which i should have realized by the little things on the side is they are actually an underwater creature and they are also very nightmarish looking um they are 10 centimeters to 3 meters long so this is actually um not too inaccurate And they are very very creepy looking um many ranges of colors so that’s accurate as well with giving them the rainbows and uh they like digging themselves into the sand and start poking up like this and then they like their victims they’re actually rather terrifying now we’ll see if they are aggressive in This mod or not oh my gosh yes they are they grab you and set the mounted stat to you which is nasty especially if you’re deep underwater one of those things grabs you well good to know stay clear of them or they’ll grab you we also have gooses which are a canadian Bird canadian goose over there also got some non-canadian geese Gooses also are familiar with the water and they’ve done a lovely little animation making them bob block the water which is actually great the animal of air water and land now these suckers should actually be able to fly and if i’m aggressive to them on the land Hopefully they would fly they don’t seem to want to they seem to prefer running to water which is fine then we have some fresh water eels which are very oh my gosh those are big eels we’ll drop a few fresh water eels over here and we’re going to poke it with a stick I feel like crocodile hunter going poke with a stick are you going to retaliate nope these freshwater eels are non-aggressive creatures they just keep to themselves no these are not that we have the saltwater eel which is much bigger than its counterpart of the freshwater eel And um a lot creepier too to also be non-aggressive which i oh no never mind they are aggressive they will attack they just don’t really have an animation don’t go for you good to know now bears seem pretty chill in fact they’ll even accept chicken from you You want to go mate you want to go alright we’ll go bring it on i got another right armor i’ve got golden apple you’re nothing chump now hopefully we’ll have enough room for this as we have whales next on the menu and again we got a nice variety of whales Going on here we’ve i don’t know their names gray whales and baleen i think um that is maybe a sperm whale although it looks like an oversized dolphin um no what are they called they’re actually they’re not um right but we got a good old big selection of whales these are Actually kind of small whales considering how freaking big whales can be so we’ll count this as a blessing that there’s no blue whales looking at my game now whales appear to be beachable and they just sort of flop about there sadly they should start getting crushed by their own weight But these um ones don’t seem super inclined oh we got um they’re the harder ones i’m called not phyllis whales no i i don’t remember oh yes that’s it i should remember their names it’s a narwhal narwhal narwhals swimming in the ocean causing such a commotion right Yes it’s a narwhal and it is a two after our whale cabal we’ve got walruses which um believe it or not are far too small for how big walruses are um because walruses are huge i mean there are some smaller walruses i guess and that could be these but walruses are Absolutely massive and while these are pretty big they’re not as big as i would like and the walruses don’t you know are also swimmers like manatees with tusks so they swim around and they look absolutely adorable swimming speaking of maties they got butterflies oh my goodness they are gorgeous and They go after flowers to pollinate oh my we got we got a lot of butterflies over here doing some pollination this this is a good mod if you just get the butterfly spawning around look at the little things my we’ve got the monarch butterfly and that’s the Only name i know because we raised mark butterflies in school oh yeah we got a lot of we got a lot of butterflies we also got dragonflies look at this now dragonflies um are actually start in underwater stages dragonfly nymphs but these ones that don’t however they do seem inclined to diving which Dragonflies do while hunting they will go underwater sometimes but man got some dragonflies here and oh this is a water creature was it a bracketta it just looks like some sort of hunting fish which might be aggressive we also got some flying fish which um Should jump out of the water to try to eat bugs and stuff which is pretty cool and colossal squid which are absolutely massive and terrifying squid that are only the deepest of oceans and we got giant squid as well which are a little different than the colossal squid Yes colossal and giant squid very fancy oh my goodness aren’t they some now the real question is am i about to immediately just regret my decision bring it on good boy okay he just inks on me you would think that they would attack me and maybe they just don’t have enough Room and we do have like the 200 leaks under the sea achievement which i think is a pretty cool achievement we got the flying fish um checking out the bracket i just spawned him in where’d he go ah there we go broken eye bring it on oh Something’s attacking me is that a lack of air no it’s a rocket die excellent so the only aggressive thing in that lot was the bucket die which i still don’t know what they are and finally to round off the water creatures we got some piranhas and octopi octopodes octopuses which Are um lovely little friends that go flat on the bottom’s water and kind of drift about looking all weird and creepy like and um oh my gosh that’s a blue ringed octopus we are not in a good situation right now anyways ignoring the octopuses they come back over here i get a whole Bunch more piranhas uh we can get mauled by them which is loads of fun go away as you can see this mod adds a lot of creatures but it also adds a lot more than just the animals adds new drops new things from them so one of the big things Adds is a whole lot of new kinds of food which we have here so most of the food is quite straightforward you just throw it into a cooker of some sort and it’ll get cooking you can cook pheasant eggs and they will turn into boiled eggs Blubber you just have to eat straight up but there’s a whole lot of stuff we’ve got venison um raw pheasant turkey raw camera which calamari got raw crab meat got raw eel which is unagi that’s pronounced differently and we have raw turkey all these can be cooked into various new Lovely forms of food but wait there’s more if you are so inclined you can combine goat milk with a mushroom to get goat cheese which is pretty nifty also gooses sometimes have a chance to lay a golden egg and you can melt it down to get resources apparently we’re going to see what Happens ah golden naked pretty nice but animals can be how do you say it a beheaded and then have their heads mounted on the walls and we got a whole lot of them we got deer we got elk we got wolves along here we got reindeer we got the boars we got the Bears basically the animal has a head you can knock that head off and mount it which um is another fascinating thing added to the game antlers and horns and like can be taken from creatures like this when killed when crafted with as shown up there in the crafting table they become bone Meal but there’s even more to it than that four in the times of myths and legends heroes would wear various animal pets as clothing and we got a whole bunch of different animal pelts we can wear you can wear basically only the wolf and the bear stuff but they make Some pretty swifty capes capes are made by making a wide pattern which sort of looks like the cape that’s the same with the bear cape again we make that sort of slingshot gig bear cape and they will just look like you got a fairy tale if you’re wolf Or if you wear the bare one it gets this nice little cloak look to it and on the front it’s got that claws hanging down the front which you know they just look good and it shows that you’re a real cool guy you hunt bears and that is better animals plus The mod that adds even more animals to minecraft this was version 1.16.4 for java edition you can go to the mod page yourself to find out if it’s for any other editions or versions of minecraft i highly doubt it will be it is for different versions of java but I don’t think it’s for bedrock or anything like that and it is compatible with basically all other mods it’s really cool check it out and uh yeah have a great day if you want me to showcase any other mods in my rather odd style that this is which is the i know straightforward Hey let’s look at these things together and i’ll do like a tiny bit of research we can or if you would want some showcase mods in my more research and scripted manner like my avatar mods let me know which ones you want and let me know which mods you want Format you can go hey just do casual showcase of this mod or do casual um how to with this money don’t actually do casual how-to’s but um yeah do a how-to of this mod or do a casual showcase of this mod or do a no more intense showcase of this mod Just let me know what you want let me know the name of the mod and we will get them done until next time thank you very much for watching and goodbye so You Video Information
This video, titled ‘Minecraft. Better Animals Plus Showcase’, was uploaded by Lorthorn on 2021-02-08 15:00:09. It has garnered 49728 views and 820 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:23 or 1643 seconds.
Welcome to a mod showcase for better animal puls made by Cybercat and it’s meow. This mod adds cool new animals to minecraft there’s water ones, dirt ones, and air ones it’s vary neat. They are all 3d and cool looking. This is for Java only. It’s a cool mod check it out.
Mod Page: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betteranimalsplus
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Music by: Vindsvept
Check them out. All of my material is under a CC BY 4.0 License, more information about it can be found here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/….
#minecraft #minecraft mods #Better Animal