Minecraft, but Every 5 Minutes the Sea Level Rises (ft. jschlatt)

Video Information

Hey stop stop right there this was the window of opportunity and here’s what you did You closed stop stop stop wilbur stop i don’t want you here i don’t like you i don’t like you stop stop stop stop stop oh my god stop where do you where are your limits i’m gonna kill you i’m going to kill you j [ __ ] hey oh hey wilbur it’s me

It is you it’s still you you’re back round of a four welcome to my realm so welcome to my realm schlatt you may it’s a lovely place isn’t it look behind you dude if you haven’t seen it it is a paradise wow oh my goodness it’s this is looking fantastic gorgeous

Anyway so today we’re going to be um we’re going to be doing a little bit of survival minecraft your basic kind of survival minecraft the kind that we’ve all seen a thousand times before so every five minutes i’m going to set my timer now uh the sea level’s going to rise

Starting from right now oh okay starting from right now this is it’s almost like global warming listen people like you like to tell people like me that global warming exists when we all know the truth wilbur oh what’s the truth [ __ ] the truth is the truth is it was really [ __ ] cold

Out yesterday and i’m not fine i’m not buying whatever [ __ ] you’re spewing out of your mouth all right so uh the first question is as we only have three minutes oh yeah three minutes now until the water goes up where are we actually gonna start building because i’m thinking down by the water

Probably isn’t the best well if i mean if it does go up and i have my doubts it’ll go up at all i think you might just be full of [ __ ] but if it does go up i mean there’s a there’s some there’s a lot of opportunities we have there is

Look there’s a floating island up there there’s a couple floating lines i quite like this one actually can you see that one over there by the snow it’s quite nice i do see that that is a nice looking so that one looks nice should we start heading up

And see how high we can get we should right exactly yeah let’s just set up station here for now because i can’t be bothered to i can’t go and also there’s coal here so whatever how long has it been it we’ve got uh 23 seconds so i should actually get the command

Ready are you ready for this i’m ready let’s do it we’re gonna wait for my iphone alarm to go off wait you don’t have this automated you’re just yeah i’m just going to try to come up with the command oh oh oh it actually worked it worked it worked i did something

The water level’s actually rising that is terrifying it rose my bad sorry i’ve done it nice that’s okay that’s actually terrifying i’m not as [ __ ] as i thought i was tell you not but you also haven’t automated it so like we you have to hit the button to

Kill us you’re gonna have to be the guy who pulls the trigger right when it’s up but it’s up there right when you’re going to be the one to [ __ ] us over that’s fine you’re going to [ __ ] me wilbur i will [ __ ] you i’ll [ __ ] you in more ways than just

Climb a chain stop that right now oh it’s about to go the time is about to go so this is not gonna increase by two blocks okay okay well that’s that that [ __ ] sucks yeah that’s uh so let’s just uh join actually have you ever built a house in minecraft before slot

No i i haven’t i just let other people do it you want me to build the entire house i want you to be the architect this time in the 5×5 challenge i kind of would be architect let’s see what you can do dude come here yeah come here oh look at that

Hey hey very nice although yes i’ve got a quick question can you can you come in quick just lean in and lean in yeah just like you know the water level’s rising right you know about this yeah what do you mean where are the [ __ ] windows

I like water are you telling me have to go down there and get sand you gotta go get sand dude off you go on your bike mate what if it what if the water level rises and kills me you swim up dude wait we’ve just found the fix for global warming dude

What just swim up just exactly i don’t know why it was that hard for anybody oh [ __ ] a little area for a credenza you know i don’t know what that word means that’s a weird british word what other words do you have uh skirting board do you know what that is no

Literally everyone in your chat who’s british will know what a skirting board is oh that’s the water what has gone up oh my god dude how much is that terrifying that’s that is terrifying it’s at the trees man oh no it’s getting a bit wet we’ve got little tree islands dude

Yeah the river is gone there used to be a river there look at this and now we need a door this house needs a that’s this is my this is my corner of the house and that’s yours all right i get the furnish you get the crap

Um schlatt my dude my my pretty princess i have a request oh no i’m closing the door you don’t like being my pretty princess no never call me that nine eight seven six five four three two one okay that’s not looking good oh my god oh my god

Those trees dude okay we need iron i think if we’re gonna because berman this whole thing will be underwater soon so it probably this place probably we probably need some iron before it becomes impossible to uh you know get it you agree yeah let’s get some irons let’s get some iron

Oh wow it’s like it’s here yeah we were like we spawned down here yeah okay well bear hear me out here yeah what were we doing back in the day like in the 1800s and before that that was like that was so great at not uh spreading global warming the industrial

Revolution in britain yeah that’s that was a great tell me i tell me about tell me about what you guys did back then that was so successful at stopping on everything oh well governor we just threw all our [ __ ] in the river tell me about that sorry

The children what were the children up to those days oh oh governor we were up in chimneys in there we [ __ ] uh oh i shouldn’t swear me mars gonna have a go at me but we were up in chimneys sweeping them and uh working in the moons

Jesus christ can we do that in minecraft [Laughter] here’s what i’m getting at wilbur we stop employing children to do our dirty work and then we get air conditioning and then this whole thing just starts turning around i’m getting snow for our air conditioning well i mean how do you how

Do you propose we make it because egg how did air conditioning oh uh oh oh my god look how close our house is to the water now man oh [ __ ] that’s in five minutes that’s gonna be in the drink oh well but we need this we need we need

To we need this air conditioning fast boy we need to build a wall we gotta build i’m gonna build a wall that’s not the bernie way i’m building the wall around the house oh i’m up to you with your wall oh it’s looking marvelous wilbur i built the wall you did build

The wall it’s a bit of a tight it’s a little bit tight to our house i don’t know what you mean i was expecting a bit of space between the wall and our um our house you know what i mean where are you i’m just i’m running around our [ __ ] walls

There’s no way in let’s watch me come here i’ve got a door enter I feel a lot better about my chances [ __ ] it’s fine just come in here just come in here no we don’t oh this is this does feel quite safe get get on your side of the house oh yeah sorry let me just wait i just need to make air conditioning not gay

Not gay no no no i want the glass i want the glass where’s our glass oh i smashed it there you go yeah this is better it gives you more visibility you know we make a roof so we can watch our impender i don’t need to ask you

This is my side there we go let’s just put this uh can i come on your side briefly nope okay fine i’ll just build it here just shout just shout through the glass what’d you say what huh what’s up oh [ __ ] you dude i’m just i’m not i’m not playing your little games

When’s the water coming up uh two minutes exactly awesome i can’t wait for my side to be completely dry oh we’re gonna be fine in this house See we’re absolutely fine let’s play the let’s play can continue what so uh come on over really yeah yeah come in no it’s not gay oh let’s i mean bro hog yeah yeah yeah there you go oh we made it dude we did it slot i’m gonna go in this corner

We need to we need to get to the surface and move house what the hell we can’t just keep living down here dude we need we need iron i’m hungry i mean we have no food i’ve just got one pork chop i’ve got this i’ve got this yeah but come on we need

To we need to get to the animals on the surface dude [ __ ] oh my god oh that’s that’s high that’s high gotta go look for food there’s just water creepers oh boy it’s raining really [ __ ] dark wilbur come back slap it’s miserable man come back slack come up here

Where’s my son i need my boy i can’t it’s miserable but i see a bastion of hope [ __ ] you bernie sanders oh my god it’s like maybe you can use your tactics too to come up here nope i’m chilling in here it’s literally the last bastion of hope before the water swallows everything

Into a fine blue mist oh i’m not going to be swallowed no you will be swallowed dude listener wilbur you might be swallowed but i’m not getting swallowed any i’m not swallowing anything you’re not swallowing just been here with my seeds nope or i will drown nope i’m gonna be fine in here

Just come over i’m sure we’ll be following them oh no oh god oh [ __ ] i gotta come up i gotta come up did you raise it [ __ ] you you erased it oh no wilbur wilbur i swear to god where are you where are you i’m okay i’m gonna find i’m fine i’m fine

You’re up there oh my god you [ __ ] me you [ __ ] me it wasn’t my fault it was the ball you didn’t no no no one [ __ ] me no nobody [ __ ] me wilbur did not [ __ ] me you gonna come ah no what the [ __ ] is with you what you mean i’m stuck if you’re

Closing are you coming how can we get can we go five seconds without it be getting unwarrantedly sexual dude i’m not going on what i just want to do if you’re not coming if you’re not gonna come if you’re gonna come if you’re not gonna come i’m gonna make you come then

I’m don’t you dare make me come just get to the bastion dude i have 16 pieces of dirt don’t [ __ ] okay come down here i’ll throw you some stuff come no come no i’m throwing you stuff i’m not even looking at you oh my god i’m not gonna look at you

You are a [ __ ] mess schlatt uh oh what help me what’s wrong oh god he’s coming oh he’s fast approaching he’s fast approaching he’s approaching his approach is imminent i need help i need help right now man this isn’t going to be good this isn’t going to be good if he

If he approaches anybody faster wilbur help me oh boy ah no there were leaves behind me i i tried to back up i’m back you’re back oh i’m back in the mine i can if your pickaxe was swinging what vertices would you say to swinging on

I’m still not able to get up here honestly man you i’m over it now you don’t have to come what you don’t have to come anymore you’re not even going to try and make me come look honestly i tried to make you come for quite some time and i think you just

Have a bit of a dysfunction [ __ ] you i’m going back to the house dude where’s the uh where is it it’s up here no the one i was in the one we lived in before you left me before you abandoned me oh that’s unfortunate

Oh my i’m gonna live out the rest of my days just just like i’m thinking i can come to the bastion i’m gonna start coming [ __ ] was that just as i was about to yes it was shot can we i’m fine i’m okay i’ll come down to you

On one condition and that is why my house is still unliquidated sure you have to come up to me no we have five minutes i’m almost there i’m running out of air i’m here oh what have you done what have you done to you stepping on my craps

What is this what have you built what are you doing what are you doing on my side of that sorry sorry i’ve come down to see you we have two minutes you need to come up and see me chad i’m making my escape making my escape don’t tell him don’t tell wilbur

I’m making my escape why’d it get really dark in here why is it really dark wilbur you prick you destroyed my house you destroyed everything i’ve worked for stop stop stop [ __ ] you stop oh you’re toast oh you’re toast i’m coming for blood now oh yeah oh you’ve never been any more in

Danger than you than you are right now Listen listen to me slap listen to me listen to me slap for the first time we’re on common ground just like listen slap slap my dude this is my house wilbur i live here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] let me [ __ ] in no no what the [ __ ]

What don’t let me in on that side i want this side it’s like go on this side i want this side i’m sorry i’m sorry we fought why have you done this to us i’m sorry we thought why did you [ __ ] me like this let’s go before you you always

[ __ ] me you always [ __ ] me i never want to happen again let’s never fight again i’m sorry look i’m cooking you pork chops it’s for you good i’m taking all of it it’s that what happened what happened down there that wasn’t me what do you mean no

No the the breaking your house the smashing the windows yeah that’s really [ __ ] up why’d you do that it wasn’t me i it’s almost like it was an act of desperation like you can’t live without me or something wilbur i don’t understand there’s people just running around without

Aircon as they call it i have eye back on here jump across jump across come on i need to i need to get up hold on come on oh story of my life come on [ __ ] you you’ve done it i almost died i didn’t succeed in my message

Oh i can do it watch that it’s fine it’s fine this is probably the last time we’re ever gonna be able to make it up to the surface though notch grum grump please save me save me from this fresh hell wilbur everything i’ve everything i have right now i’ve worked for

Yeah you can’t say the same for yourself you can’t say the same for yourself oh okay stay over there stay over there stay over there hey stop stop right there this was the window of opportunity and here’s what you did you closed stop stop stop wilbur stop i don’t want you here

I don’t like you i don’t like you stop stop stop stop stop oh my god stop where do you where are your limits i’m gonna kill you i’m going to kill you i’m going to kill you oh my god he’s got a sword hey wilbur how are you man it’s like you

Want to know something i learned when i was down there when i was down there at the bottom of this ocean yeah to me that lightning was close do you know what i did you know what i learned when i was down there what’d you learn i learned that

One more rise of the water just one more one more little rise of the water and you won’t be able to swim back to the surface it’s almost it’s almost over slap one more rise of the water and the death is a is it is permanent

What are you doing stop stop uh well let’s work together we work together we work together stop don’t kill me don’t kill me we work together we work together we work together okay oh man is this our last this is literally the last bit of land

This is the last this is the last stand right here and look it’s it’s completely fine if only we could wilbur yeah i see this happening one of two ways one of three ways one of two one of the three ways first one is we don’t make it out okay

That’s a lot around that one quite like it likely honestly the water rises and there’s nothing to do about it okay second option second option is a lot like the first option except uh except we we have to repopulate the planet uh i’m not sure about that one chief

Okay the third and the third and the final and the third and the final option is that we release the world border can’t release the world it’s cheating it’s against the rules i don’t know what would happen what would grom say dude we have to release the world border wilbur hold on okay

Let’s get let’s get in a boat let’s get in the boat hold on let me get this i’m gonna make a boat okay i’m gonna make a boat for us okay i’ll be fine we’ll be fine you’ve got a boat nice uh we’ll be able to be okay oh no

Oh god wilbur sloppy let me crack i can’t craft the boat i’m above the height limit okay i’m coming but jump oh why’d you do that why’d you do that that was so irresponsible Well i’m fine oh i’m okay Um hey guys hey guys welcome back to part two of my minecraft let’s play

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, but Every 5 Minutes the Sea Level Rises (ft. jschlatt)’, was uploaded by Wilbur Soot on 2019-08-01 19:00:08. It has garnered 10781621 views and 406230 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:53 or 1373 seconds.

I played Minecraft with Jschlatt, every 5 minutes the sea level will rise. Climate change is real

Filmed Live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/wilbursoot Follow me:https://twitter.com/WilburSoot https://www.instagram.com/wilbursoot/

Jschlatt: https://www.youtube.com/c/Jschlatt

Thumbnail by @SlimeyPeas on twitter

Edited: ME!

Music used: Incompetech – Kevin Macleod

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  • Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Igloo Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by shorts for Minecraft on 2024-03-28 00:47:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Parody Revenge – BPM off by 1!

    Minecraft Parody Revenge - BPM off by 1!Video Information [Music] creeper oh man so we back in the mind got our pickaxe swinging from side to side side side to side the Tas a grueling one hope to find some diamonds tonight night night diamonds tonight heads up you hear a sound turn around and W up total shock feels your body oh no it’s you again I can never forget those eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes cuz baby tonight the creepers trying to steal all my stuff again cuz baby tonight grab your big shovel and B again again and run run until it’s done done… Read More

  • One Piece | Adventures At Sea | Modded

    One Piece | Adventures At Sea | ModdedOne Piece: Adventures at Sea is the premier Minecraft One Piece Server! Join today and travel through a custom storyline while exploring over 20 islands all set in the One Piece Universe. Defeat over 40 bosses while training to become stronger, obtain devil fruits, start or join a crew and dominate the world. Each island has tons of things and places to explore! Build your ship and set sail! Join now and set your mark on the Great Pirate Era! Steps: 1. Download the Technic Launcher. 2. Once you open Technic Launcher search ‘One Piece Adventures At Sea’ or http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/one-piece-adventures-at-sea… Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ JAVA Whitelist Community Driven A lot more!

    Welcome to Terra Nova 🏰 Embark on a journey to a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine. Join our community of mature, friendly souls united by a love for the game and each other. Features of Terra Nova: Diamonds 💎: Drive an immersive, player-driven economy with over 15 thriving player-operated stores 🏪 Weekly Events 🎉: From parkour challenges 🏃‍♂️ to PvP tournaments ⚔️, fostering camaraderie and competitive spirit BlueMap 🗺️: Explore our world and admire fellow adventurers’ creations here About Terra Nova: Terra Nova is a 18+ community focused on kindness, maturity, and a passion for… Read More

  • Craftmine 1.20.4

    Craftmine 1.20.4Community driven Survival server Join us to unleash your creativity with little to no limitations and small additions to the classical vanilla experience (Skills, warps, villager shops, etc). Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Scorching Minecraft Memes

    Well, I guess we can officially call this meme a high scorer in the world of internet humor! Read More

  • Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas

    Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas In the world of Minecraft, a wooden house we’ll build, With walls and a roof, our creativity fulfilled. From the intro to the equipment, every step we’ll show, In this tutorial easy, our building skills will glow. With Minecraft Game, we upload videos every day, From house builds to survival, in our own unique way. Join us on Instagram and YouTube, for more fun, As we craft and create, until the day is done. So subscribe to our channel, for more Minecraft delight, And let’s build together, under the gaming spotlight. With love and passion, we’ll continue to play,… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HOT MESS #minecraft #meme

    MINECRAFT HOT MESS #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize it’s just a pixelated illusion of productivity in your real life. #minecraftillusion #gamerproblems Read More

  • Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of thrilling Minecraft adventures? Do you enjoy exploring new mods and experiencing heart-pounding gameplay? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Imagine delving into a world filled with mystery and danger, just like the YouTuber in the video “I NEVER Knew It Was There !!! #Minecraft #mod #modded #new #gaming #funny #scary #stalked.” With a variety of mods and gameplay options, Minewind provides endless opportunities… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Mob Tower

    Outsmarting the Mob Tower Minecraft Dungeons: Conquering the Mob Tower Zak and Zi, two brave adventurers in the world of Minecraft, found themselves deep underground in a dimly lit cave system. Armed with their swords and armor, they ventured through twisting tunnels, hearts pounding with every step. Exploring the Tower As they delved deeper, they stumbled upon a gigantic tower teeming with eerie creatures. From zombies in armor to powerful bosses, the tower presented a formidable challenge. Armed with their weapons, Zak and Zi braced themselves for the battles ahead. Choosing the Right Gear Amidst the chaos, they had to make crucial decisions… Read More

  • Jerome’s Wild Berserker Minecraft Cookie Camp!

    Jerome's Wild Berserker Minecraft Cookie Camp!Video Information now friends this isn’t your everyday cookie Camp yeah um when you spawn in you’re going to spawn in with a class orb uh there is a shop dedicated to each class except for the last one on the right the ranger class wasn’t working for me so I just didn’t uh we’re we’re ignoring that one so once you spawn in just right click with the orb and uh pick what class you think you’d want oh what are they all mean one of them is a gun uh don’t pick the gun one that’s the one… Read More

  • The Shocking Truth About Parenting

    The Shocking Truth About ParentingVideo Information रिदेश ना अी ना भाई को थोड़ी देर देख लेना मैं काम करके आती हूं इ तो आपस में ही खेल रहा है मेरे साथ नहीं खेल रहा है क्या करर मैं मिट्टी खेल लेता हूं मिट्टी खेलना मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगता है बेबी ये क्या कर रहा है छ छ मिट्टी क्यों खेल रहा है मैंने इन दोनों को देखने के लिए बोला था इन दोनों कहां गए तुम दोनों को भाई को देखने के लिए बोले थे ना सॉरी ममा हम लोग भूल गए थे आज के बाद भाई को देखूंगी This video, titled ‘अपने बच्चो… Read More

  • Doomed in Minecraft Anarchy Realm?!

    Doomed in Minecraft Anarchy Realm?!Video Information [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is Brandon I’m designer/ stop doing that right now I can’t stand the sounds stop so welcome oh we’re starting a brand new an Anarchy realm and it’s going to be anarch like it’s going to be crazy so there’s going to be a safe Zone the city right there’s a spot where you can’t do anything you can’t grief you can’t steal you can’t murder but only in the only near spawn and then in the city area right anywhere else in the realm Like Anything… Read More


    AG LIVE: CRAZY MINECART MYSTERY!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information baby we built this house on memories take my picture now shake it till you see it and when your fantasies become your legacy promise me a place baby we built this house on memories This video, titled ‘where the minecart go ? 🤔 #logic #shorts’, was uploaded by AG LIVE – R on 2024-02-16 10:45:23. It has garnered 7735 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. where the minecart go ? 🤔🤔 #logic #trending #shorts #minecraft #tiktok Minecraft minecart Minecart destination Minecart track Minecart journey Exploring minecart routes Minecart transportation… Read More

  • Insane osomatsu! Minecraft Server Live Stream | BaiganSMP #3

    Insane osomatsu! Minecraft Server Live Stream | BaiganSMP #3Video Information राइट क्लिकट मात्र आ लाइ देखिए प्रॉब्लम ब लो दोस्त कैसे हैं आप लोग क पर तुम अपना घर में जाके अभी नहीं चाहिए मे को अपना में जा ले सामान वगर में [संगीत] उठा गग है तुम्हारे पास आर ग होगा तो क्या है कोडिनेट हाइड करने को नहीं चाहिए नहीं बनता आवा लाइव टेक्स्ट लगाओ कोने हाइड नहीं करना कोई मतलब नहीं है दरवाजा लगा पड़ा है मेरे को जहा तक या मेरा घर इधर ही है क्या बोल रहा क्या बोल रहा तुम य मेरा फ वगर है ये मेरा घोरा ये मेरा छगल [प्रशंसा]… Read More

  • Ultimate Chicken Horse: EPIC Sigil TROLLING!

    Ultimate Chicken Horse: EPIC Sigil TROLLING!Video Information all right dudes welcome to Ultimate mine Steve Ultimate Chicken Steve ultimate mine chicken Steve it’s basically Ultimate Chicken horse so you see we’re building this parkour uh to get to the end and we have to go through this island I’m placing my first block right here go away I’m placing my first block right here so every round we will place new blocks to build the parkour to actually complete the map and uh then we can also add traps and things to try to stop each other you get one life per round to try… Read More

  • Transforming my ugly hole in Minecraft!

    Transforming my ugly hole in Minecraft!Video Information okay we are live right now let’s go ahead and pop out my chat and we are going to put it into the URL spot and then YouTube open up the chat top chat live chat what’s up Noah what’s up Greninja what’s up Ender Soul how is everyone doing what’s up graned what’s up Crown uh what’s up gos let me send in the Discord @ notific there we go live now live now working on the whole once again I don’t know how to spell again I spelled it with an H again there we go… Read More

  • 🔥 ZAIDO – Ultimate PVP Resource Pack 1.8.9! 💥

    🔥 ZAIDO - Ultimate PVP Resource Pack 1.8.9! 💥Video Information السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته كيفكم ان شاء الله بخير اليوم رجعنا لكم بفيديو جديد بالقناه بدايه جديده نوعا ما بلعبه ماين كرافت انا وين جاي لا تقوللي الاصفر صار عندي اه لا فكرت الاصفر نسيني حرفين يعني انا انا جنب بده واكيد شافني ودع البد يا باشا [موسيقى] ‏what h binks auf لا الجيم غريب الجيم جدا غريب اوكي يا ربموت ما مت اوك هنا انتهى الفيديو والسلام عليكم This video, titled ‘أفضل ريسورس باك بي في بي لماينكرافت 1.8.9 ! 🔥PVP’, was uploaded by ZAIDO on 2024-03-31 08:46:01. It has garnered 47 views and 1 likes…. Read More

Minecraft, but Every 5 Minutes the Sea Level Rises (ft. jschlatt)