Minecraft but I Can’t Leave this Circle

Video Information

If i leave this circle i die every few minutes i’ll get a challenge and if i don’t complete it in time i lose looks like my first challenge i gotta punch a tree oh gosh the counter is going down fast all right slow down dude okay i’m

Punching a tree man okay that did it build a chicken pen ah okay do i just need a bunch of planks or something oh no i could actually build something called the chicken pen feathers and eggs are not that hard the iron ingots might not be easy hopefully i have enough time

For this i don’t like dying it’s my least favorite activity that and the dentist oh and rugby don’t ask why ah okay so it looks like this is the area that i need to build the chicken pin at let’s see if i can find some iron

Somewhere but the first thing i need is a pickaxe there we go there we go i did find a cave in this circle can i oh gosh magical force pushes me away okay fine i guess that’s a part of the dlc i haven’t purchased yet all right found another

Cave okay yep i can go into this one i earned yes i need a stone pickaxe i gotta worry dude craft fast craft fast i’m messing everything up all right it looks like i’ve got plenty of iron here that’ll do it and it regens well that’s

Nice to know i need some good old fat cobblestone okay okay furnace acquired and i should probably smelt it in two furnaces huh okay well that’s smelting i might need iron for the future so i’m gonna grab a few more of these how you doing today by the way you feeling good

Wow did you just answer me out loud what am i doing three iron a choir go go let’s get the heck out of here man i don’t want to lose a challenge this fast alright now i need uh eggs and some fears first chickens poop the eggs and

Then i kill them and take their feathers wow that’s dark i feel bad give me an egg you big fluffy chicken where the heck are all the chickens dude come on why do i need a chicken pit if i can’t even find one i can’t find it i

Almost just died almost left a circle oh my goodness okay there’s a chicken poop the egg already dude i don’t have time for this look i won’t even look okay poop and egg but the lava vomit is holy another chicken yes yes yes okay i got

One egg i need one more i think this is stressful dude no are you serious you had to drop it on the outside of this circle yes wow that was hard what do i need stick feathers i am running out of time here you guys yeah chicken pen

We’ve got it oh just in time please did that work yeah uh next up gather chickens five chickens is that what it says you are nuts chicken get out of the chicken pins i’m just kidding you can stay in there buddy looks like one two three four five i got five chickens

Right here give me a seed give me a c come on boys please please please yes yes yes yes oh that was close if that chicken left the circle i don’t know if we’d have enough chickens to actually make this work after all yeah we got it

Baby nice i’m amazing a new secret has opened up i like secrets oh i wonder if it has to do with that cave we found from earlier i don’t know but we’ll find out right now secret tunnel can i go into you now i think i can holy

Guacamole batman got some barrels oh thank goodness i got bread dude what do we got here oh that’s an upgrade nice all right we got some sweet old tools got a dispenser here it says key mechanism well i don’t have a key yet i have an idea oh i can’t break any blocks

In here the items had a curse look out from above oh my god why there’s arrows falling from the sky oh no no no they break through the trees not good come on man i gotta survive for maybe a minute or so no dude no no no

What the heck are those cats oh man is it raining cats and dogs right now oh i’m gonna die watch out dude the pig’s invulnerable how come the pig’s cooler than i am ah shoot i died ah it’s not gonna stop can i just dodge like this

There we go yeah that’s not so bad all right i’m running i’m running oh no come on you arts can i survive this i don’t know ah shoot my strategy is hide under trees for as long as i can i can maybe out run between trees hold on don’t kill

Okay so far so good come on a couple more seconds yes yes i survived oh man that was not cool i don’t mind when you rain i don’t even mind when you hail but please stop throwing grenades at me we survived that i don’t see a new

Challenge so we might have some break for a second all right you and i let’s breathe together ready i feel so oxygenated hello chicken buddies there you go there you go make some more chicken friends and let’s go ahead and store a couple of our things

In here i don’t know some food some extra backup stuff in case i die or something i’ll have some backup supplies oh did you hear that we just hit 3 million subscribers i never thought that when we started this channel just over one year ago that

We would be here today and that was all due to your support thank you thank you thank you to celebrate the milestone we created the exclusive 3 million subscriber merchandise including a signed limited edition crafty plushie it’s cuddly and cute as well as a 3 million poster and glow in the dark

Shirt celebrate with us by going to crafty dot store oh sounds like something’s going on outside what’s going on up here help us we’re being chased new objectives save the villagers uh where are the villagers are you villagers there they are what’s up villagers what’s going on dude they’re

Sweating are you afraid of the sun oh that’s zombies okay okay back up boys i’ve got this i’m not that equipped but at least i got some uh all right one zombie down four to go there we go oh crush and then yeah i’ll give you two

Free hits yeah try see what happens oh god yeah we did it dude villagers say full sword is that behind us oh i would be honored as long as you pull my finger ah don’t do it bad idea this is sick dude look at this do i get

To wield it i don’t feel worthy to wield it bro i’m a king because i rescued a couple villagers i mean i accept i guess you guys okay well they’re not sweating anymore glad i didn’t have to save you from the sun that’d be much harder don’t

Worry you’re a part of my kingdom now my circle of friends and quite literally a circle wait the sword has powers apparently these villagers will fight with me whenever i’m holding the sword which is kinda neat i don’t know how helpful they’ll be they were sweating buckets from a couple zombies but i’m

Not judging man new objective build a village wow okay oh i see look at these little plots of land over here right click with builder farm workstation we’re building our own little kingdom inside this circle that’s cool oh man i forget we are timed for this we do have

To hurry a little bit looks like everything here needs iron glad we collected a lot of that also need wheat and some oak fences i’m gonna need a lot of iron and a bunch of other stuff oh all right i hope that’s everything i got everything i could i can’t get wheat i

Checked all over my island but i can make a farm workstation here there we go boom one down that’s pretty cool i don’t know how that helps me but okay but i’m wondering if i can build this farm here if i can get wheat that way oh hey

Farmer oh i see what’s up dude looks like our farm workstation spawned our friend over here and now if i build our farm there we go is that gonna give us wheat yes okay perfect i have to get wheat to build my farm too over here so

I can plant some wheat wheatsie i’m actually nervous to use anything if i use all the items in this circle and i need them later then i can never get them back and i lose the challenge hey is that gonna be enough we got ourselves uh one piece of

Bonemeal well almost okay got two extra bone meal that’ll give us one wheat and this is hard dude nice okay that’ll give us our two wheat that we need which allows us to craft our farm too we’re making some upgrades boys there we go farmer you’re about to have a whole lot

More land to play with i got a lot of mouths to feed around here did you just you just walked by and sniffed me looks like we still have a couple more upgrades to make cartographers observatory butcher shop fletcher shop okay it’s time to make this farm a home

Oh no there’s a farmer rivalry who will be a farmer and who will die i’m just kidding all right i gotta get some resources real quick be right back okay that should be all of them oh that took a while but now we’ve got a butcher

Shop boom oh nice man nice and roomy oh what’s up dude how you doing ew is your meat still alive i’m not gonna ask any questions here you go buddy treat on me welcome to the village my dude we got a fletcher shop nice oh this is sick and

We got a fletcher welcome to the village my boy i’ll call you i’ll call you reginald reginald wow that’s a lot of arrows dude you don’t mind if i have these do you that’s how shop works right i get something i like it i take it what is that called

Stealing no way i’ll pay you a good old smackin eight iron ingots some eggs and a feather that makes sense to you too bad i am king and last but not least a cartographer’s observatory village is built looks like people are already eager to live here nice that’s so sick

Dude hey what’s up man nice place you got nice and roomy dude look at this what is this chocolate bars nice a very nice and spacious lookout to look over to the amazing view of uh nothing what am i looking at right here is this the

Sky whoa what the heck is this thing on top of his building here it is a telescope a telescope i want to see wow look i’m looking outside of the circle what once was uh honestly i don’t think this thing is calibrated very well all i

See is blue oh yes it’s fully broken it’s broken oh well maybe one day we’ll be able to leave this circle but for now we gotta get some food situation going because i got a lot more mouths to feed than i did before gosh jeremy did you

Get yourself stuck in a tree again might as well make good use of this farm here and plant ourselves a good line a week oh hi buddy look at how big you’ve grown yeah oh we got a new objective build a throne room oh all right shouldn’t you

Guys build it it feels a little egotistical to build my own throne room but you know and this is where my future build will go okay well if we’re gonna build a throne room i assume we’re gonna need something gold and ironing it to get our throne builder alright i know

Just where to get the goal here we are hello my good man you weren’t here before were you uh he trades gold for coal and torches okay or you can just mine it we are gonna need a lot of gold so let me just grab some of this and i

Guess i might as well grab some coal too if we don’t have enough gold we at least have plenty of coal here that looks like all the gold that’s in the mine shaft here oh i missed one that timer is going fast oh man i gotta smelt

All this too oh gosh go go go go if i’m in a hurry i’m gonna smelt up that while i get the rest of this all right my good man is that gonna be enough boom 18 gold ingots okay that saved us a ton of time

To grab some of these raw ingots oh man this is cool dude not only are there challenges but after a while i have my own full-blown village what’s a good name for our village crafty’s corner everybody’s welcome okay is this gonna be enough yep block of gold and just need some iron here

Oh i love infinite iron this makes things a lot easier and not a lot but a little bit of room despair we’ve got a throne room oh my goodness dude that’s a bigger throne than i thought it was gonna be all right it does feel a little

Weird that i’m the one that built this for myself yes it is me king crafty i got my king sword and everything decide what the heck hi guys your majesty this villager stole 36 emeralds from me oh gosh dang it i have to decide between them he’s lying king crafty it’s

Actually the opposite oh man don’t listen to him he’s a lying thief uh okay well uh mason how many emeralds do you have i have 82 emeralds sir well thanks for calling me sir although my name is crafty i have 112 emeralds plus the 36 stolen from me

Who’s the guilty one oh the timer’s ticking down the mason or the fisherman i don’t have enough info here uh okay well let’s look at their story the fisherman has more emeralds plus the ones stolen from them uh i don’t know man the fisherman’s kind of sketch gosh

I have a couple seconds uh uh fisherman sorry dude i knew you’d believe me thank you sir you’re welcome although your voice did change about four times fine i’ll give him the emeralds back yeah i think we made the right decision i think he just admitted to stealing okay

That was tough i did not expect to make decisions i just thought i would have a nice throne to sit on but i guess that’s what a leader has to do defeat the raid new objectives zombies they’re trying to overthrow the king oh gosh there’s a

Bunch of them i don’t have that much health you guys okay we got a lot of mouth there is still a lot left don’t worry i will rule fair and i will protect you hold on guys it’s lunch time i gotta keep my kingdom safe crafty’s corner it’s gotta be uh zombie free

There’s one zombie left you can’t run from me that’s right zombie you better run dude come over here that’s it right over here yeah that is yeah all right we got it okay another object to train the villagers actually that’s not such a bad idea i could defeat those zombies but what

Happens if i go on vacation looks like we got some more workshops to build leather workers shop make some armor training grounds ah this is cool crafty’s corner is about to get some upgrade okay got all the golden iron i need i think mcgirl sir make aaron sir

Now i can make yeah a weaponry and we’ve got the armor the armory armory emery oh this is gonna be cool now we are equipped with swords holy cow i can trade up blocks of diamonds for a weapon upgrade i can upgrade my villagers dude that’s sick where’d you

Get that eye patch from it’s a leftover from my pirate costume for halloween and right next door we can also build an arbory nice we got some cool armor don’t mind if i do a little window shopping huh fancy oh we could also upgrade our villager’s arm or get an anvil now okay

This is really cool the leather shop requires some leather which i guess makes sense there we go and we gotta get ourselves a couple of pumpkins for the training ground i think we’re gonna use the pumpkins to make ourselves dummies i mean you could use me as a dummy but i’m

Sensitive leather workshop upgrade complete this is amazing dude very useful all right we got plenty of leather now the cows on this land are safe and training ground holy cow these guys are real soldiers these guys are real dummies uh not you sorry i was talking about the actual

Dummies man this place is really coming together i feel like a proud dad uh i guess king king makes more sense guys i just realized look all of our soldiers have armor now they’re all trained up these training lessons are working nothing will stand in our way is there a

New objective for our king fortify the walls ah i see yeah there’s a lot of missing chunks in our walls here this wall’s not gonna do a whole lot guys you might wanna hop on this side of the wall i’m about to repair it looks like we

Need to build ourselves a wall repair kit yup a builder oh this won’t be too bad i can make that no problem just gonna grab a couple of pieces here i mean that’s fine right uh what’s the worst that could happen there we go whoa dude we’re gonna have a whole castle now

It looks like i can use the same wall builder and everything making upgrades feeling good yeah i don’t really know how to close those gates though one last wall there we go our walls have been fortified man this place is hey why haven’t you been to training camp dude

Piglet rage why guys guys guys you’ve been training for this boys i don’t think these guys are friendly oh no somebody just died don’t worry i got your back buddy they’re trying to take out our armory look at the villagers yes yes yes the training has been working

Come on look alive there you go oh man there’s a boss stay back dude you haven’t been through training yet this is not good this is not good your king’s about to die we can do this oh manny summon more piglets come on that’s not fair i can’t summon more villagers

Yes get him get the boss yes did we do it we took out the boss and he dropped a piglet’s key i don’t know what that’s used for oh wait we got one straggler left is he hanging out in the observatory what are you doing dude stop

It hey don’t kill if i die now oh my goodness that’d be embarrassing that was terrifying i think everybody’s still alive all right well that training camp came in handy there that’s for sure our next challenge unlock the vault it says the only vault i’m thinking of is under

That secret cave from earlier stay here boys gentlemen keep this place safe while i’m gone okay there might be some secret treasure i’ll come back with oh mysterious cave what do you have for me today unlock the vault key mechanism this has got to be it right i hope

Nothing explodes dude this could be a booby trap or something oh look at it yeah this was hiding under here this whole time oh my goodness look at all these diamonds man i can use these i can upgrade my villagers so the piglens weren’t just trying to mess with us they

Were trying to steal our loot or we’re stealing their loot maybe i don’t know it was in my circle okay look at all this i’ve got 16. how many are here netherride oh 51. we got over a stack of diamond blocks in here guys we are rich

Guys are you ready to get some upgrades i can trade this to get our armor upgrade and right next door at the armory i can trade 16 more blocks of diamond to get our weapons upgrade boom villagers equipped with upgrades nice look at you you are decked out these

Guys are not messing around they got the ninja bandana and everything we’re eating those piglens for breakfast i mean bacon is a delicious part of everyday breakfast also i should have enough diamonds here oh yeah plenty to make myself full diamond armor as well but not only that we can also upgrade it

With our netherite oh now we’re talking full netherright with netherride tool i uh went ahead and kept the same sword though just because i felt very kingly ah yes my jester entertain me you are hilarious all right well it’s been a long enough work day let’s sit

Back and ah new objective come on man take the fight to piglets well boy you can’t just wait around here forever we’ve gotta fight the piglens like they’re our breakfast yes gerald i do know that you ate bacon for breakfast now we’ve gotta make war against them

Why you ask because the text on the screen told me to looks like i gotta construct another portal sorry gentlemen i gotta yoink some water here real quick i think i remember seeing some lava down here in the cave ah hi yeah i missed a piece of gold here too greetings lava i

Shall steal you for a nether portal oh gosh even with the nether i pick ax this process is so slow dude now i’m not entirely sure how the nether works with the circle if i’ll have a circle in the nether two or not but regardless you

Ready for a battle are you ready to look at chickens dude let’s go what the heck wow hey whoa whoa whoa whoa what that just happened no no gosh they’re everywhere okay i think i’ve got a gold helmet there we go are we chill dude well never mind they’re dead what

Happened to my place holy cow everything everything is the nether gerald good to see you he’s like yeah everything looks pretty normal to me everything turned into the nether but only in my circle there’s also a fortress here too it looks like the part of the fortress at

Least is inside the circle i could explore a little bit of that at some point honestly the colors are kind of growing on me this looks pretty cool if anything crafty’s corner is now nice and red remember when this place was just green grass we’ve made an entire kingdom

Dude this is awesome okay looks like we can build a piglen cage here sounds like the mysterious tech still wants us to get revenge on the piglet let’s see here piglin cage needs some soul sand netherrack all right well this is netherrack right oh yeah easy peasy oh

Man our poor sugarcane farm well i guess this is probably soul sand huh here we go we got our piglin cage builder nice oh that poor cow sorry buddy uh i’ll leave this gate open for you there madou no farmer why okay everybody out of the piglen cage please oh new objective

Capture piglens well i guess we got to put the piglens in this cage over here there are still a couple of piglets here it looks like the piglens and the villagers have made friends i promote peace here at crafty’s corner it is kind of neat to see they’re just like a part

Of our community now although i’m sorry guys the ominous text on the screen says i have to capture you the best way to do it actually might be to take off my golden crown and just have them chase after me hey guys look at me i don’t

Have any gold on my head chase me come on boys gosh oh oh gosh this is actually really terrifying yeah worst comes the worst i’m just gonna put the helmet on at the at the last second and we go yeah okay okay okay i put the helmet on don’t kill

Me don’t kill me don’t kill that’s it that’s it yes yes perfect one last guy left come here little bacon boy yeah come on come in come in come in okay put on the helmet we got them now you can trade with them easier i could have traded

With them before they were peaceful why did i have to capture them all right well now i can trade with the piglens i have a couple pieces of gold here from earlier alrighty boys i gotta trade with you enjoy the nice old gold all right they’re trading did that work holy cow i

Got two back-to-back ender pearl drops one of my dreams enderpearl acquired nice that’s what i was looking for i guess six ender pearls oh my gosh yeah i’m getting i’ve got ten ender pearls guys i know i get it you like me they are dropping ender pearls like it’s hot

New objective kill some blaze oh gosh okay well it looks like that might be where a blaze spawner would be i mean i guess uh what’s the worst that could happen huh before i do that i’m gonna go and make myself a shield and a bow but i

Have a bit of an idea of where we’re headed we got a bunch of ender pearls we have to kill some blazes oh dude do i have to kill a dragon in the middle of this circle hello mr fletcher so i got a bunch of arrows this is helpful you

Happen to have any i got some string here okay i i can craft a bow here’s a tip four blocks of diamond well here goes nothing i guess okay now oh yes this does have a blade spawner oh gosh i almost just left the circle that would

Have been bad okay blazes start spawning i got this hello mr blazes i’m looking to shoot your face off hello oh okay yeah lock it block it block it ow ow ooh okay okay i got one of the blazes oh goodness gracious i’m gonna die i don’t

Have any water in my bucket this is not good this is not good no please don’t don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me this is not good oh don’t die i gotta get the blaze rods real quick run run run okay okay i completed the challenge

Now if i need to get like ten i have ender at some point i might have to go back up there but that’ll do for now at least holy cow that was stressful dude those blazes whoa uh guys have you been busy building stuff or did that just

Appear out of nowhere okay well it’s not an end portal but it does have the place to put the eye of ender i figured we were heading this direction thankfully i only needed four of them too so we got plenty of high vendors genuinely don’t know what’s gonna happen next guys so be

Ready for anything okay here we go one two three i’m genuinely very nervous right now four run run run run run run what’s happening destroy all the crystals to defeat the circle oh i see okay they’re the crystals oh gosh bad guys what are these dumpy endermen help me out here

Soldiers all right if you can take these guys out man they are strong remember your training i gotta take out these crystals all right we gotta work together on this oh man they’re taking our boys out oh my gosh look at him go i’ll take care of

Some of these crystals here oh i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i don’t like this oh my gosh this is intense man got another one do i have to defeat a circle boss yes sniped it boom okay we’re almost done oh be careful gentlemen crush up

Dude can i hit this yeah okay well i missed come on yes yes yes one more this is it is that gonna hit you yes no way the circle’s been deactivated guys i think we did it i know that doesn’t sound that cool but i thought i might

Have been trapped here forever did we really is the circle gone it is i can do it i can finally step out of this circle and hopefully i don’t die hopefully this isn’t a trap oh sweet honestly i don’t even really want to leave we’ve built such a cool

Foundation here it is quite beautiful to know that i can explore but i think i might just make this my home what

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I Can’t Leave this Circle’, was uploaded by Craftee on 2022-06-16 15:29:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Playing Minecraft while I Can’t Leave this Circle brings a whole new challenge to the game! ✓ 3 Million Subs Craftee …

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    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. 🐄🐔 Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for show—it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/Wolv21 ● TIP: https://streamelements.com/wolv21-1801/tip YOUTUBE ● MAIN: https://www.youtube.com/@Wolv21 ● CLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/@WolvClips ● STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/Wolv21/live SOCIAL ● KICK: https://kick.com/Wolv21 ● TWITTER: https://twitter.com/21wolv ● INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/wolv21 ● SNAPCHAT – https://snapchat.com/add/wolv21 ● FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/wolv21 ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. https://discord.com/invite/2b2tpe tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,crystalpvp.cc,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More


    INSANE MODERN MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILD - WATCH NOW!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by RonJon OP on 2024-03-06 11:00:46. It has garnered 123 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:35 or 695 seconds. BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥 🏠 Welcome to My Dream Modern House Build in Minecraft! 🏠 In today’s adventure, I take you through the step-by-step process of creating my dream modern house in Minecraft. From the initial blueprint to the final touches, watch as I transform a simple… Read More

  • elefse’s Epic Escape: Minecraft’s Scariest Challenge

    elefse's Epic Escape: Minecraft's Scariest ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Survived Minecraft’s Most Scuffed Event’, was uploaded by elefse on 2024-03-08 18:30:23. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:48 or 588 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements… Read More

  • Aphmau’s Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen Girls

    Aphmau's Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen Girls on 2024-06-04 23:00:05. It has garnered 1790 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:07 or 1207 seconds. Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN BOSS ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Keyboard Sounds & Lofi Songs!

    Insane Minecraft Keyboard Sounds & Lofi Songs!Video Information This video, titled ‘adding up #056 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-01-05 20:00:12. It has garnered 48 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:02 or 842 seconds. Welcome to our enchanting world! 🌍✨ If you’re a fan of uncut Minecraft gameplay paired with the soothing sounds of a keyboard, you’ve found your haven. 🏰🌳 🛠️ Equipment Links: 🎙️ Microphone: https://amzn.to/3TFhQuR ⌨️ Keyboard: https://amzn.to/47hhaPu 🖱️ Mouse: https://amzn.to/48twtVY 🎧 Headphones: https://amzn.to/3NAFdB 🎛️ Audio Mixer: https://amzn.to/3NDZ6Ie 💻 Laptop : https://amzn.to/41vO2CK 🖥️ Monitor : https://amzn.to/486ZIhM 🎮 About the Channel: Dive… Read More

  • Escape the Overworld – Exclusive Minecraft Bedrock Stream 2 🚀

    Escape the Overworld - Exclusive Minecraft Bedrock Stream 2 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘*EXCLUSIVE * Minecraft Bedrock: Escape to the Overworld STREAM 2’, was uploaded by Mr Mof Gaming on 2024-06-09 11:17:10. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:50 or 5510 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #exclusive #beta Today we play my new map. Escape to the Overworld Lets do this: Can we defeat the Ender Dragon after being dropped 10,000 thousand blocks out from the end fountain with basic items…. This map was created by Mr Mof Gaming (me) from scratch. Its my first time doing any kind of coding in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Vtuber Plays One-Block Donathon

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Vtuber Plays One-Block DonathonVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Donathon] Minecraft Tapi Satu Blok?! – Vtuber Indonesia’, was uploaded by Dzeiya Channel on 2024-03-29 09:19:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Support Me : https://trakteer.id/dzeiyach/tip (2000) Saweria: https://saweria.co/dzeiyach (10,000) (Can Send Gif & Video) … Read More

  • Vortexkingdom

    Vortexkingdom1.20 Kingdom server Gezelligste kingdomserver in nederland. 1.8 pvp Custom map Custom features Custom mobs 24/7 Online Elk weekend events. Play.vortexkingdom.nl Read More

  • TownyCube – pvp modded factions

    Info About the Server What is TownyCube? TownyCube is a 1.20 Minecraft earth server that supports both Java and Bedrock players. Build your empire, form alliances, go to war, and create a lasting history on our server. TownyCube features unique plugins like Vehicles, Brewery, and AuctionHouse. Join now! How to Join The server is currently Java compatible, with Bedrock support coming soon. Join using one of these IPs: townycube.net, mc.townycube.net, play.townycube.net. If you have trouble connecting, use our secondary IP: townycube.minecraft.mp Useful Links: Discord Invite: Join our Discord Main Server Website: Visit our website Dynmap: View server map Vote Links:… Read More

  • GoodBoy

    GoodBoyCome and join the good community in Israel!Mini server games Good Boy is back Skymains, survival and more!Join today and enjoy Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hopper & Chest: Real Life Nightmare! 💀

    Minecraft Memes - Hopper & Chest: Real Life Nightmare! 💀If only our real life hoppers and chests worked as efficiently as they do in Minecraft, we would never have to worry about losing our keys or misplacing our socks again! Read More

  • Borderlands: Minecraft’s Hidden Terrain Encore

    Borderlands: Minecraft's Hidden Terrain Encore In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Borderlands, Striped Sea, new terrains to be found. Teleport to 8388608, a hidden border wall, Or to 12550820, where adventures call. But can 1 million guardians take down the Ender Dragon in a flash? Mengxuandada’s here to share, with a playful dash. With Minecraft facts and knowledge cold, Let’s dive into the game, bold and bold. Read More

Minecraft but I Can’t Leave this Circle