Minecraft, but Mobs have Knockback 1,000,000 camman18 Full Twitch VOD

Video Information

This whole thing was streamed live on twitch so if you want to be part of that chat that’s that’s up there the whole video then then go watch me live over there maybe hey maybe i’m live right now anyways go follow do first link and just

Go follow it also this is a channel so subscribe here please please i’m begging please only a small person thanks for the gifted buddy all right game rule you daylight cycle true all right i guess you won’t really see until night time but mobs do a lot of oh

I don’t have optifine on but wait wait whoa people are gifting me guys this oh my god all right um thanks for the gifted everybody i’m too oh i’m in creative mode i should get out you should get out of that um there’s you on the crunchy bits in your [ __ ] sock

There’s a pillager outpost over here so i think i’m going to uh i i guess i guess this is how we uh see the knockback in effect anyways though i haven’t streamed since i was in a cabin and i have some stories um okay where was i

I hate the beginning of streams i need to like get into the mindset what the i’m flipped why didn’t anyone tell me oh it’s cause my oh god flip vertical no oh my god no wait z okay i’m not how do i i should be going the other way slip

Horizontal there we go i’m supposed to be facing the way that doesn’t make sense all right my bad guys all right so hopefully the plug-in’s working i probably should have done more testing but i mean apparently i should take a lot of knock back oh god please work nice shot buddy

Oh awkward let me just Max knockback1.jar it’s in there all right i’ll delete it and i’ll re-put it in there that’ll work right or maybe it just doesn’t work for bose maybe i’m overreacting all right now restart the server wait you can’t okay We’re fine what could have possibly gone worse nothing oh god okay you know what that’s what i meant to happen on purpose why isn’t it All right as i was saying knock back watch this watch how far i knock back how are they so just hit me okay what give me a zombie is it just not pillagers hit me what oh my oh oh oh i’m so stupid i’m so Okay technically i forgot to turn it on i i did your pack technically i forgot to turn it on now it should work though you guys were gaslighting me no that’s gas lighting creamy farts weary weary weary you guys were gaslighting me where was that outpost oh there it is what the

How’d i get all you guys were gaslighting me all right now we’ll test it and girl bossing true amaya look at me girl i’m a speeder runner all right so i’m gonna be trying to i’m gonna i’m gonna be trying to beat the game and uh

I then the main hard thing is going to be the nether right because i’m gonna have to go to an end port all right where’d the zombie head come from all right let’s see okay so i’m pretty sure that works unless that knock unless that zombie just did a lot of knock back

Okay I think he did hit me okay anyways well now i can i guess now i’m starting out like three hearts but that’s okay i’m a pro at this um hopefully this thing has iron and i can just go to the nether quickly and i can get a bed from that um

Try it again for good measure well i think i might die would be the problem there uh fran jessica i’ll just get iron from this dodge these guys suck at shooting i edited your pack what does that mean all right let me let me through the anyways so i

Was i was at the cabin last last week uh in the middle of the woods and um i streamed right during my stream right i streamed for 40 minutes right no iron that’s awesome now you might be thinking how much could go wrong in 40 minutes right

Of of me and just not you know i was streaming right so anyways during this whole trip i was i was fishing right because i i am white so i should be good at fishing it’s in my dna apparently not though because i caught no fish right this entire time i

Caught no fish i was fishing so i was fishing so much i caught no fish right kind of annoying and so anyways it’s like okay maybe there’s just no fish right maybe there’s no fish right maybe there’s like my family was fishing with me my mom my dad

They were all fishing with me i want to get some wool i just want three or a bed all right oh my i did not think it was that strong what how am i gonna get through the nether oh my god Okay i swear i saw a shipwreck or something get a shield good idea i don’t have iron though um anyways i caught no fishes this whole time i probably fished for like eight hours on this on this little getaway you know what i’m saying and um i caught no fish right but oh

Well maybe there was just no fish in the pond you know that’s possible anyways while i’m fishing my parents are fishing this the only time during the entire trip where they’re fishing and i’m not right so they’re fishing while i’m streaming right for like you know 40 minutes this entire time

I’ve been fishing they’ve been fishing caught no fish they while i’m streaming go out to fish you have 40 minutes and my mom caught three fish three fish just randomly like i literally spent eight hours and then in 40 minutes she caught three and i’m like okay

Maybe it’s just the time of day right can’t hear you can’t hear what this guy just donated a hundred just turn on your volume why am i going back here oh i should get food from this stuff it’s probably pretty dumb oh my god i love your nice one what

What i was spider-manning around the walls this isn’t marvel all right i’m just gonna go in a cave and get oh i have no food all right you know i have a decent amount of food anyways i’m i’m convinced fish aren’t real because i’ve never seen in my entire

Life i’ve never seen someone catch a fish and the one time i leave they catch three in my opinion fish aren’t real Though could be true anyways what else is happening oh i’m close to 200k followers i’m like a thousand away so smash that follow button you love sushi i do how did you know that okay there’s a cave right here maybe they won’t see me though all right um

Oh god i hate 1.18 caves okay maybe this isn’t a cave maybe this is just a random ditch for no reason fish oh my god i never put two and two together fish are the nfts of the real world They have no value but you know people just pretend i don’t i never wanted to fish please don’t hit me please don’t hit me i want those okay down there that looks like a cave all right just give me these and i’m leaving and i’m going in a cave this is all i

Want this is all i want is that a cave oh my god oh oh no easy easy ow oh god oh now i need food i hate this thanks cam man for the gifted sub Great oh wait i have what oh my half a heart all right i’m that’s like perfect all right all good all good all good let me just make some bread 16 awesome i’m sure that will be perfectly enough it is all the fish’s fault fishes get stitches that’s what they say

Has anyone here actually caught a fish he could be lying now that’s the see that’s the infinite loop i can only prove that there’s fish if i see a fish that’s why the earth is flat Oh my god what is this all right this is good be water down there there’s no water and how is this guy all right i’ll just hit him off i’ll shoot him off momentum carried me up the wall i’m in the matrix All right just get me in the water please oh and zombies and everything okay iron okay i can make a bucket with this and then i can just go to another god what is this all right this actually a lot i’ll make a shield try making i feel like it’s

More fun if i don’t make a shield you know screw a shield no shield new challenge why do you have yt at the end your name in minecraft what how did they their pathfinding is op all right oh my god it’s over 200 iq How how i don’t know how they’re getting to me they’re just spawning okay god i have 10 iron all right geez are they able to spawn under the thing and their pathfinding is op are they able to spawn under the thing because i swear they’re spawning there was

Literally it started with just one then there’s a couple behind me now there’s just a million in the cave All right we’re all good make my furnace smell some iron easy what am i doing furnace yes oh the yt is at the end of my name because uh cannon 18 was taken i didn’t want to make my name km18 was taken like dream he stole that idea for me though

Have you guys seen dream’s new video it was kind of weird did anyone see that because he ended he went he ended my minecraft manhunt he ended it so then he made this uh new video and it i feel like it it just didn’t feel like dream i wonder if the stands

Were disappointed it was kind of he was like in an elevator it didn’t really make sense i stopped watching it just heard something outside i remember one time i was streaming oh it’s gonna be july 1st soon i remember one time i was streaming and it was like y-a-y-a thanks for the

You’re one subbie i remember one time i was streaming and it was like uh it was like a week before fourth of july and everyone was uh july 1st did i say july 1st canada day that was not real um there was a uh i’m so bad at talking there was

Fireworks outside my house a week before i was like what how much money dollar dollar dollar dollar do you need to play fortnite for a vid no amount of money can make me play fortnite for a video could give me one million dollars right now

Just it’s it’s more of a moral thing you know am i out of wood oh no it’s in here now i’m out of wood okay at least i wait i said no shield okay now i really am out of wood oh there goes that great plan all right

Um i can make flint and steel all right should i go to the nether with one wooden plank maybe not but uh also maybe so dude okay have i even oh no the only stream since my uh preston plays duel was the cat okay honestly in cage it’s not that bad

If i just weave and luckily i’m a pro weaver all right so the preston plays duel should i talk about the behind the scenes what is preston really like because i mean i’ve heard some things and i’ve experienced some things you know after the duel rumor has it oh god

Easy okay i want water they’re all okay after the duel rumor has it right if you didn’t watch oh guys look there’s lapis here all right where’s water i swear if i found a i find a lava pool and don’t find water that’ll be so annoying rumor has it oh diamonds really chat

There’s diamonds there’s literally i don’t see i don’t see any diamonds anywhere um no it’s it’s isn’t lapis okay water easy give me that and then i’ll just go to the uh anyway so after the duel preston he’s gone into a bit of a depression i know how many times you can say

Rumor has it not that many times rumor has it preston has gone into a great depression since losing the dualio he stopped uploading this and that etc and so forth all right now now i want to find a lava pool what layer i’m on i’m on negative

40 how is there no okay down here guaranteed lava pool one million percent i told you oh it’s so small though can i oh god this really tests if i’m a if i’m a real minecraft pro unless there’s one right here that’s bigger you know what i don’t think i need the

Test i already know i’m a minecraft pro come on now yeah after uh after i beat him in the duel he went into a great depression great when i say great i mean great i almost messed that up all right let me not mess this up eugene stupid exclamation point exclamation point

Yes sir what else why is he frozen oh i thought the server was lagging nice all right i’m good dude oh i hate this game just give me more blocks am i doing this right how is there so oh god if it knocks me back i’m screwed i’m good

Not even close all right i think i did this right i’m fine guys i’m fine where did you come from oh my god okay i’m fine i’m fine fine fine ll no i’m telling you i’m actually i’m literally actually fine another lava bucket a little of this little of that just

Need one more 45 seconds wait is there a prediction up well i get another one oh my god i know about that oh i need flint oh i didn’t know 31 people said oh give me flint it all comes down to the flint what’s my time out fran jessica oh just give me

Flint no 10 seconds no i didn’t know i didn’t know i didn’t know i didn’t know oh my god i didn’t i literally just randomly see 45 seconds i’m thinking 45 seconds for what didn’t know is a beta excuse who are you talking to caesar okay that’s not fair god dang it

Oh my god all right whatever i should i should put a bed here i don’t have a crap i do have a crafting table thanks for the sub oh i can’t make a bed oh i’m 100 blocks from the surface all right 163 16. awesome awesome time to go

All the way back up to the surface because i barely got any wood i mean this is what i want to be doing right now would another oh my god guys i just had the best idea i literally just had the best idea there’s wood in the nether literally just thought of that

That’s the hey that’s that’s why i make minecraft fact videos you know now now let me tell you the rarest uh structure in the nether because it’ll actually is it the bastion or is it the fortress like it’s the fortress i don’t know i shouldn’t ask me come on now all right

White bad awesome all right we officially have our spawn point set and i think the nether’s gonna be really hard maybe i should make an iron axe except i’ll probably die with it but oh well all right what else should what i get two iron i’ll stash it and i can make a

I should have made a sword honestly i’m literally preparing myself for death all right maybe run a prediction will i die before exiting the the nether all right um i literally i’m so dead if i survive without dying this whole another i have three bread 14 wood and a stone pickaxe

If i exit the nether oh my god i’m such a god all right what are my portal cords like 20 20. Oh god it’s gonna take me 20 oh yeah also i think the pearls will be quick by the fyi when you’re voting um will cam die okay yes i i probably will die i think the pearls will be quick though i should have a feeling that the pearls will just

Somehow just you know okay can i turn off fog oh i’m not on optifine oh this is gonna be the worst Nice yo your your pearl luck is rigged i’m just really lucky friend jessica you don’t understand it’s luck okay have you ever watched a dream video He has dream luck no no no dream has realistically if you’re looking in the grand scope of the argument in full then dream pretty much just copies everything i do if you really think about it and like really just digest you know I mean it’s just what people have been saying dude i probably will join the dream smp at one point it’s really more on my time though you know dude show your hairline why do why are you saying that it’s honestly it’s not that bad it’s

Really okay if you think of it in the grand scheme of things just think about it if it was just always back it you’d be used to it being always back it’s why are you guys laughing i don’t get it oh yeah who’s laughing now i just found the nether fortress what

Did you guys do today because i found the nether fortress we’re not the same okay i don’t want to get hit and i don’t i don’t think he can hit me from that nice easy oh my god literally that thing could hit me what what are the

Oh god why didn’t i make a shield oh i already got a blaze rod all right should i honestly just make a chest this is 200 iq this is literally 200 iq because i’m probably gonna die boom one out of seven easy all right let me just can this thing

Even run after me because the chickens can okay it can run after me awkward guess what’s in the chest i love you cam oh if my main goal was to find diamonds okay also going in the chest oh god not even close okay boom look at me go i got a gf i

Minecraft underscore god underscore 11. i know for a fact you don’t have a girlfriend i it’s just intuition at this point He just spawned in front of me was he there the whole time he was like blending in okay how if i i’m so they all dropped oh my god is it just me or am i a literal gaming god i just got four four blaze rods without a shield without getting hit

All i’m say okay i’m out of food oh no okay you know what four four okay put this back put this back we got five we need two more we literally need you man uh it’s a little much buddy all right screw this guy not even close all right if i just find

Some like stray blazes like that one i literally need two more i hear them i don’t see them i need food too oh god okay stop Oh just give me food i’m on two hearts oh no how do i get food can i make mushroom stew oh mushrooms you should have died now that was scale is that the same fortress i swear that’s just like way too big is there a way to get brown mushrooms

Is there a way does anyone know oh is that a brown mushroom Oh great all right you know what i’m so screwed i have no food let’s go back how i’m now on mobile hashtag life sucks typical kazork close your eyes and walk around for 15 seconds i think i might die if i do that are you do you want me to die

Are you invincible well no i am at two hearts all right we’re back here I can just go back to the overworld all right i don’t even need a stash wait a second oh my god 200 iq incoming everybody get ready for the most 200 iq everyone brace yourself stand up yo i never see that anymore guys brace yourself for 200 iq brace

Yourself tell me when you’re bracing tell me when you’ve braced was it just one okay that’s just one tell me when you’re braced for 200 iq say i embraced for 200 iq oh i didn’t hit you we’re friends we’re friends brace yourself watch this wait a sec okay mid-fall

Mid-fall i realized that there was a prediction on whether i was gonna live or die so the 200 iq part was that i respawned right here with with full hearts and hunger mid jump i would bit awkward a bit awkward a bit awkward indeed all right you know what someone plays 7k

On no pam dyna okay you know what i’m refunding i killed my but no i was gonna die i was gonna die let’s face it i was gonna die anyway you guys have to accept it i was gonna die accept reality accept it fools that’s right sorry not sorry

Guess who has full hp shoot where is the uh anyone uh anyone write down the coordinates of the fortress asking for a friend this way i think it’s this way i think it’s this way just uh intuitively pretty sure oh look at miguel shouldn’t you find them where my chest was

Oh god what if this is a different one i’m pretty sure this has to be this okay there it is boom don’t take that much damage okay i still have no food maybe i should have gotten food you know it’s fine i literally need two blaze rods and then

The pearls i just have a feeling the pearls will come easy which have a feeling all right boop all right yo gut feeling all right i need two pearls or two blazer odds i have five easy Just uh don’t spawn a four like you did last time all right what else has been going on um preston plays he made like another video about me he really is obsessed but you know he he hasn’t been uploading much he’s like he’s in a slump right now because of the whole

You guys haven’t seen it i destroyed preston 1v1 honestly it was it was pretty sad if i were him didn’t drop nice dodged every almost everything but close enough okay didn’t kill him nice didn’t drop dodge dodge drop okay i just killed three and none of them dropped that’s awesome

Awesome awesome awesome that’s great okay He’s like morning still now oh yeah he is he is saddened by the loss i mean it’s i mean it’s done a number i mean i couldn’t have even predicted it all right we literally need one more dude you don’t see me buddy what else um One of these has to drop i’m a teleporter no way oh my god i’m getting so unlucky now i shouldn’t have stopped first time you played minecraft a long time ago i actually watched my brother play for the first bit and then i got it okay hot take hot take incoming

We literally need one more we literally need one more okay guys hot take incoming guys it’s fine my stuff is right there guys hot take incoming all right people are probably gonna disagree with this survival minecraft is trash survival minecraft sucks who plays survival minecraft oh there are people agreeing just like

Surviv or single player specifically single single player what do you mean false amaya underscore survival single single player sucks if you play with friends it’s different survival single player like okay i’ll literally describe you every survival single player world i’m gonna play minecraft oh i’m gonna go get diamonds oh i’m

Gonna make a house oh i mean oh my god this house is so awesome oh my god guys i’m gonna go to the nether oh my god wait now what do i do now what do i i guess i can go beat the ender oh i did that

You you grind for a week and then don’t play for two months yeah but i’m see we are not the same buddy all right you grind for a week i grind for two days and i’ve done everything or you know what i’m saying we are not the same buddy survival

Single players are so boring that’s what i’m saying all right i need one more blazer on we are not the same let’s let’s face it why do you think it’s minecraft but none of the videos are minecraft and i’m just playing it it’s minecraft but you gotta add something all right

Where’d my stuff go okay thank god i thought it would have gone all the way where i did like my body flew my corpse oh my god like the guy what up cpt you need imagination no your game is way better or single player wise is way better than minecraft

Terraria i haven’t played it in a bit but terraria single player that’s a good game you haven’t played it you should play it right come on give me one oh god that just spawned doesn’t see me [ __ ] dude dude i barely died i hurt terraria that’s a good game it does go hard

I’ve i’ve played multiplayer a few times i feel like multiplayer is kind of ah like multiplayer terraria is kind of uh i feel like maybe multiplayer minecraft is better than multiplayer ferrari please die okay dropped one just let me get back okay we did it

Now i should need a trade with a piglet i have a feeling my luck’s gonna be good i don’t know why i don’t know why i just have this feeling i feel it in my bones all right first i should take this back to my portal

Though so i just actually you know what i’m good enough okay i’m good Do do do one in six trillion Do do it’s actually one 7.5 trillion but all right three of these i think i saw all right let me just kill this guy why is it like what i’ve never seen is it cuz i’m on a server why does he not care about me i feel like right when i

Start doing something he’s gonna shoot me oh well all right i have four hearts and no okay right here come on buddy Oh god i just want to trade with you i want to give you gold okay come on where’d it go okay thank god All right let’s see what he drops see let’s see 14 ender pearls let’s go let’s go let’s go ender pearls let’s go whoa let’s get some hype in the chat ash tag ender pearls let’s go where’s my portal dude i’m out of sprint oh no i’m sorry take that oh my god it worked i literally didn’t know that worked i’m

I’m 200 iq Look at me look at me ah wait have you ever seen you get hit by knockback have you not seen it it’s it’s a lot it really is one million i’m not joking it really is one million all right let’s go all right oh god oh my god the dragon fights i

Need to find a i need to find all the dragon fights going to be so hard oh god because it already knocks you back it’s gonna knock me to the end islands all right honestly i’m just gonna get prepped should i actually mind these diamonds all right because there’s a bunch of

Diamonds down here i’m gonna get a little bit more uh wood you make a shield no shield the challenge is no shield I’m done with danny oh oh god yo the mods are beefing Something’s up all right here’s here’s knockback uh actually i’ll show you on the surface it looks better i don’t beef i’m a pacifist fist you know You guys get that all right um oh i have three iron now should i make a diamond pickaxe uh no i know what i should make nice oh wait we made two all right Boom got three jukeboxes just in case even if i barely hit me would have made me get so far all right where is the diamonds everyone kept on saying you passed diamonds you passed diamonds i found them nice [ __ ] all right i feel like that should be good

All right six should be good all right now we can go up oh i did not even mean to do that all right how do i get up damn show you the knockback yeah i will when i go up dude all right here’s uh now it doesn’t

Do it justice if you see it for the first time you know underground first thing you get up though stop making jukeboxes you guys know nothing about minecraft come on what if i get a music disc then what will i do yeah now you’re speechless Oh i’m doing a video with preston actually next week just some random he invited me and like you know since he’s in like his you know he’s like so demotivated now after the duel so i’m doing a video on his channel i don’t even know what it is

But apparently i’m supposed to show up oh iron nice all right how do i get out of here Dude oh here we go this is awesome oh my god just let me out i swear i literally slipped in here i don’t want an abandoned mine shaft dude okay here yes i did it dude what’s your favorite pokemon uh people have the most all right you guys say your favorite pokemon because

Everyone has the most boringest mundane answers and then i’ll say mine a cool quirky answer that is less common all right oh i have water what if i use my water that i have charmander my favorite is charmander pikachu charizard i love pikachu bro get a rayquaza man

I swear get pick something original i love charizard charizard oh god okay well there’s your little little taste of uh mudkip wow howard all right watch this five blockage wait this five or four with gravel oh they call me a god My favorite is chansey i’ll say it chansey then tropius then looty cola first chancy though okay nerd okay charizard man you guys need to shut up about charizard i swear to god oh chansey you spelled chansey wrong don’t act like you’re a chancy fan don’t don’t appropriate me

I’m being gaslit right now i’m gate keeping chansey fans alright who even said that said what i saw people say charizard and pikachu those are the two most all right stop no way it just stopped raining like that that’s crazy all right i still have no food watch this

200 iq i came up with this way back one cooked steak isn’t that crazy all right the blue one that’s super fast and a hedgehog did you guys ever play that um mario and sonic olympic game that game went crazy please die in minecraft that mario and sonic olympic game

I need to make a new mario kart i hate the mario kart franchise literally the worst nintendo like they suck at it okay here’s the knockback for those of you who haven’t seen it was it because i was eating that’s the oh shipwreck yeah so it does knock me back a little bit

You know not the most i’ll check how my going live tweet is doing 40 likes oh my i’m famous liking my own tweet as i do oh my god that oh god the end fight is going to be so hard because then the dragon is going to knock me back if it

Hits me once i’m literally my best chance is going all the way to an end island and then like mlg watering but honestly at that point it should i guess that i could get in the lytra and fly back opinions on mimikyu it’s okay pokemon needs to stop making games

Though they make a new game every like six months at this point and then they all like are like pretty underwhelming it’s like literally spent some time you want the best i don’t know about best most underrate okay everyone type your favorite pokemon game who who’ve played a pokemon game

Type your favorite because there’s one that’s so underrated it’s slept on like a like a pillow oh buried treasure okay okay um all right most of these are good you know i was gonna clown on you guys but yeah most of them are good most of them are good

People are saying pokemon go i don’t know about that oh my that’s so much iron all right i’m gonna go to this buried treasure where am i um what the get me out of here oh god don’t hit me i’m out all right i’m good most underrated pokemon game is is

Uh black and white too never eat soggy waffles all right never east okay so i need to go west and south i need to go this way pokemon black and white too is so underrated literally so good games is it no one liked heart gold is good platinum is good

Fire red and leaf green is good x and y i saw some people say x and y the only possible way x and y can be your favorite game is if that’s the first game you’ve played and you go i love exile oh my god the nostalgia for x and y

Man shut up x and y sucks screw x and y people are about to get mad in like 30 seconds sun and moon i think it are also underrated sword and shield and they’re fine where am i going oh yeah this thing am i here yet nope which one black and white too

Alpha oh i forgot about those those are pretty good well black and white too play it if you haven’t it’s a life changer it’s just so long diamond and pearl i feel like why would you play diamond in pearl though when you can play platinum the cool diamond in pearl

Diamond pearl for chads is platinum i need to get a haircut it’s too long oh yeah legends arceus i thought it was it was weird it was it was overall good though miss you rescue i played like i think my brother had that i don’t think i ever

Played it though like the dungeon mystery rescue dungeon games people some people like him though oh my i hate when like they don’t want to be killed like just get in the fire already we played minecraft dungeons now i’ve also never played minecraft story mode because i think it’s hashtag lame and

For hashtag losers oh but the the storyline i love the storyline oh my god the story man Story mode is cool if you’re 10. i played netflix there’s a netflix oh my god another one all right this should be close right oh shoot i need i need to go wait i need to go oh my god no i should go south and east a little bit but all

Right screw that one let me get this are you calling techno loser yup dude dude what is a netflix minecraft story mode all alright i have a bone to pick official i need a siren i have a bone to pick with not really netflix but with society

Let me tell you something about society everybody back in the day way back when like i don’t know 2010 there was only cable right and it cost like a lot it was like 60 a month or something cable was pretty expensive right and that’s how you watched all the

Good tv shows you needed cable like it was all it cost a lot though but then dun dun dun netflix comes out netflix comes out and it’s like it’s like eight dollars a month and you can watch like everything with no ads and it’s epic and netflix had like everything

And then hulu came out and took some stuff and it’s like okay you know if you have netflix and hulu you can literally watch like everything but then they came and they took everything from us oh hbo max oh peacock oh disney plus uh like literally all of these things like

You don’t need god and now it’s like there’s no point like because it used to be all the things in one spot right but now it’s like oh if you want to watch the office get peacock if you want to watch the like a star wars random series get

Disney if you want to watch this if you want to learn stranger things get netflix if you like jesus back in the day there was one and it was and it was glorious i literally had so now they have like roku and stuff and some like tvs now just like come with it

You know back in the day though we got netflix on the wii that’s how we watch netflix we got netflix on the wii that’s another village and i can sleep there we got netflix on the wii back in the day right and so we literally bought a second wii just

For netflix to put in the other netflix in another room so we literally like my parents in the master bedroom just had a wii just so they’d get their wii remote and go netflix yo back in the day yo the weed we is honestly top like three consoles of all time we

Xbox 360 and probably some old person stuff but we’re talking modern then it’s we xbox 360 and nintendo ds easy top three all time no cat dude dude wii u are you kidding me tin man oh tin man you’ve lived such a sheltered life all right let me in

Old people are like ps2 and stuff but i never had a ps2 so nintendo switch is good definitely not wii u though are you kidding me get out buddy this is my bed oh i’m gonna shake my head game boy i had a game boy way back when

Kind of sucks though like going back like i’ll still go back to my original ds but the problem with the game boy is like there’s no lighting like you have to literally have a flashlight if you want to play in the dark like the game boy or at least the game

Boy advanced i don’t know you might have had a rich person game boy dude all right mountain oh and there’s food here oh my god that’s so good your stream with lover fella i don’t know who that is all right should i place these jukeboxes

Or should i keep them i should keep them for good luck all right i need to sort my inventory i can make a leather chest plate it’s cool oh my i got so much iron from that all right let me just throw some stuff out

I literally can make a full set of iron armor all right i’ve never had a psp isn’t there like a new steam thing like a steam console that’s like literally just steam on a console but it’s like 500 bucks but it’s portable the thing is you’re really just playing

Paying for like something being portable right and if you don’t like i personally like have a lot of friends and go places a lot but like i would assume you guys like probably don’t go places that much so it’s like what’s the point of like a portable like the nintendo switch it’s

Not main it’s main thing isn’t that it’s portable it’s main thing is that it has all the nintendo games likes yeah all right don’t need that i need that don’t need that i need that do i need the chest probably because i’ll probably make a spot outside of that all right

I have 19 emeralds all right what should i i shouldn’t have made a leather tunic it’s really called a tunic all right i don’t have a ps5 i have an xbox one they’re like the same though literally here’s the all right here’s the here’s how you make the decision between playstation and xbox

Right if your friends have a playstation you get a playstation if your friends have an xbox you get an xbox and then it’s it’s that simple if you have no friends need to think of you guys here if you have no friends then i guess you probably get a playstation

My friends are lame they don’t play video games yeah do do do all right a bunch of bread we are literally chilling now i rather hogged the console so i mean pcs are probably i mean i haven’t turned on my xbox in like months get hit by the golem

All right screw it i just want to see how far i’ll go i’ll respawn right here all right let me all right screw it send me flying big guy oh god send me flying big guy it literally couldn’t render is that another outpost it couldn’t render how far it was gonna go

Lag oh god is the stream lagging from that hit do we need it again all right i’ll try it again oh hopefully i can’t turn up the render on the server without restarting it then it also might crash all right i’ll try again it might be just because like glitch or

Might because of like render problems those are both at max for the server i set the server render to 18 because that’s the number i’ll go right to the edge with it where is he wow that’s a that’s a pretty miserable life down there buddy hey it’s okay

Hey that’s fine yeah you’re good man all right are you still mad at me oh he still is all right let’s go to the edge come on big guy hey come on now hey it’s okay buddy i never played cooking mama that’s a girl game okay i only play boy games

I love boy games let me tell you all right let’s see i was right on the corner oh god i was right on the corner of a block all right 200 iq incoming 200 play the mute 200 iq incoming i didn’t though how did that time it not stop me how did

That time it now stop me Please where’d it go i ran the wrong way oh no oh god which how am i so i’m so discombobulated Big guy oh big guy big guy listen out buddy come on we’re friends all right one more try one more try stop me no all right i just have to run i just have to run i should there was no 200iq music i shot wait now this will truly be 200 iq This time i’m gonna don’t guys there’s a prediction oh god will i get my stuff before it spam it in chat next time i need to know I’m gonna land it i’m gonna land it this way big guy this way i’m gonna land it What I’m gonna land it how much time do i have oh no oh god it’s not even it’s f We’re good No no i’m going the wrong way I hate this game oh no Guys trust believe believe i believe Yes You know it’s weird you know it’s weird because i could have sworn i could have sworn people were doubting me i could have sworn i could have sworn i heard it look who has their stuff first try can we get a first try in chat ah

All in a day’s work all in a day’s work you know it really i wish it was harder sometimes i wish it was harder it’s not though for someone like me you know all right i’m gonna go get beds that’s actually i didn’t think of that i’m

Gonna get beds oh and then i’m gonna get snowballs so i can destroy the oh my god i’m actually gonna beat the ender dragon i’m gonna get beds for the uh boss fight ender dragon fight all right i should probably actually kill him now though because he’s gonna be mad at me

All right that should be good oh wow oh he launched me far away how did that okay you don’t actually pisses me off how come the two times i do it i hit an invisible border and then every other time i’m trying to hit the invisible border it doesn’t like bro

Now i’m mad oh maybe they were rendered because my items were in there ah that’s probably is it oh my god i literally spent a whole day in this village being an idiot all right let’s take a let’s get back on track here awkward wii sports broke so many tv is true yeah

We back on the wii baby wii sports is is uh definitely like a i had to be there for wii sports oh didn’t they make nintendo switch sports and it looks stupid is that out yet looked like the dumbest thing i’ve ever seen nintendo switch sports who asked for that that’s my question

We stream yo when i used to do wii streams who remembers i should maybe i should bust it back out dust off the old wii i don’t know what game i would play there prediction six minutes six minutes to find the stronghold i’m not ready okay yo non-idiots are voting no

Idiots are voting yes all right let me sleep yo there’s no way i find it in six minutes it’s literally impossible yeah it’s literally impossible because it’s at least 600 blocks away i also need to get beds and i guess it’s technically possible it’s a long shot though

Let’s only get beds and snowball snowballs i guess it could technically be easy i’m robbing people with their points you know it seems so unless it is at 12 percent though and the most to anyone put was 300 so technically it’s like a long shot like technically

If you win this you win so much someone put 7k on now all right how many i got a lot of beds last time i’m so bad at the beds though except i might be better this time Nice all right that’s i feel like that’s enough beds maybe in here maybe in the lonely guy’s house a lot of beds restart timer yeah maybe we should do six minutes after i get my snowballs refund and then we’ll do six minutes after i get the snowballs dude dude dude all right

Just give me like two minutes or you could do eight minutes from now whatever all right snowball time baby because with the do shorts or voice what’s the rarest yo you guys love that what’s the rarest man you guys eat that up Minecraft but minecraft but mobs do one million knock back damage all right well i found the stronghold in eight minutes this one will is it’s honestly a luck a base to that at the end of the day but i’m i’m probably like 500 blocks from the stronghold and um

Once these two shovels break i’m gonna go get to it and they’re gonna break in like a couple seconds dude all right i have 19 emeralds but i don’t even know wait does this drop snowballs wait what those drop snowballs too oh and they drop more nice all right

Ancient city update when the wild update comes out that’ll be pretty epic i feel like it’s going to come out soon because i think they said spring i guess it i guess spring in like is it still cold in other parts of the world all right i’m going

I actually need to make it okay okay throw that out throw that out throw that out throw that out all right make that all right which way this way okay we’re good my hands are freezing it’s cold here in ohio it’s like i think it got to 90 today

But that is pretty cold dude all right well i got probably about six minutes from now to find it all luck at least this time i feel no you know moral moral weight if i don’t find it you know it’s not my fault i didn’t find it what else can i do

Dude use knockback to speedrun oh my god you’re 200 like you but what if i die oh that’s actually 200 iq the way someone who said yes i will find it said that all right so they are trying to help me imagine if someone who said i wasn’t

Gonna find it did that just to sabotage me i don’t see anything though so oh god this is so stupid oh man what i’m so i’m so good at this game i’m so good at this game yo stop playing with me stop playing with me how that was so

Perfect this one i don’t even need to because it’s upward yo i’m actually gonna find it you guys are screwed you know what i’m doing it now you guys are screwed doubters doubters you guys are screwed come on now i’ve peaked i’m in my prime

Yo what is yo this is some epic terrain i wish there’s a way for me to skip it but i think i just got to get through because literally i could go right to that other mountain if there’s something right here i still might not find it though how

Much time do i have left oh god where’d that go oh god oh it’s right here five minutes oh it’s gonna be close because the strongholds are further down now that it’s 1.18 it’s like minus 30 i think we learned last time I think next week i’ll do a co-lab stream too so be prepared i’m not sure what yet though oh it’s so annoying this terrain i could water bucket oh it better not be down in the middle of that actually it’s better for it to be that than on a mountain you don’t

Have to dig so much further all right it’s still this way oh time’s ticking buddy oh don’t be another valley no all right come on i’m really far out it should be close this is why they call me the parkour pro baby that’s right not even close oh yeah four minutes oh god

Don’t be above that i don’t want to go through this all right please be right here oh i feel like i’m getting closer because the angle is turning should i go around i feel like i have to go over the mountain because ah i’ll go around and i’ll be able to like triangulate

Because it’s like take your time okay buddy i wonder who you voted for i know it’s i think it’s through this still i think there’s a good call going around because i feel like it’s still through this oh my god there’s a what are these mountains what is this terrain generation

Because these aren’t like a mountain biomes these are just like like what literally is like colorado oh three minutes oh this is why i told you it’s luck 230 please i need to get to negative 30. i need to get to y negative 30 i’m at why 55 54 53

Oh it’s gonna be so close if i i have to mine right into it i have to mine right into it if i don’t mind right into it i’m screwed guys the only person doing the real time is francesca the mod two minutes oh my god it’s going so quick please

Oh i took so much damage from that because it’s drip stone again what up just that could have literally killed me if i didn’t place water there all right now i think i need to go back yeah this way this way this way oh i need to find it 130.

Please all right it should be down like 30 blocks but i might not dig right into it please please please please all right we’re fine we should it should still be ten blocks ten blocks and i should find it it’ll be right here should be soon please please please no yes 62 doubted me 62 with a minute to spare not even close not even close It’s easy it’s easy to be honest you know what the hardest part is sometimes it’s hard for it to be this easy you know ah you know nightbot is going on a rampage if you like spam letters it’ll like time you out for some reason yeah it goes

Crazy with that it’s addicted to that stuff all right just let me find the frame do guess who just found it already and has two thumbs this guy all right we’re good i need to get prepared though both mentally and physically i forgot about that whole knockback

Thing okay this is gonna be harder than i remembered okay um close these okay do some push-ups i ca i can’t i i mean i would i use the camera i can’t point down that would be the problem there all right the ender dragon the creme de la crop

As i like to call it you’re missing eyes i’ve i have enough with one to spare i’m not gonna go in yet i need to prepare my inventory prepare everything do you guys want to do a prediction will i beat the ender dragon on the first try remember there’s knock back one trillion

So it’s not as easy as it might seem i do have snowballs and beds though so i honestly might um put a chest here with my doubloons try i’ll put one thing of snowballs in here now i need to put my good luck can jukeboxes burn does anyone know

Let’s hope not or else we’re screwed um state all right thank you friend jessica will cam beat the dragon without dying yes or no simple question all right i’m gonna get a little bit more blocks i don’t what am i doing let’s go right here oh it’s deep slate great dude

I have a water bucket this i don’t really need blocks that much oh i need slabs to do that all right is there anything i could use looking at chat as no anything Yes don’t say yes what should i do damn you’re not slick what do you mean all right all right that’s enough blocks all right don’t need these two random blocks slow falling potions oh let me just slow falling potions yeah come forth to me come on now all right

Spawn point is set why is everyone saying diamonds all right spot oh gold on steel i won’t need crafting table i’m i won’t need i probably put a tiny bit of wood in here just in case all right i think this is everything first things first we need to destroy

I need to make a slab right first we should destroy all the things all right 72 percent say i’m gonna die someone put 10k family zach everyone say at family zach i’m going to prove you wrong except actually most of you actually agree with family’s act that i’m gonna lose

All right let’s do this slow and steady i bet 10 on yes yeah that’s crazy all right we’re up keep in mind i do have knock back 1 million so might be a little bit hard oh god does that thing give me does the dragon breath give me knockback too that

Would i would actually be screwed if the dragon breath knocks me back alright let me test it hand man is about to show us if it’s possible so technically if we’re gonna run on a technicality here i did die All right what i can’t even get back up easy either because i all right i have a plan guys there was that village i passed on my way here it’s super close i’ll get stuff from there that clip is okay no it’s fine it’s fine i have these i

Have this i have this i’ll go to that village that was super close it was super close guys it’s literally like i barely even have to go anywhere wouldn’t it be a shame if your stream crashed and somehow everything went back to normal a-y-a-y-a if only if only if only

Unfortunately i think he’s implying i should cheat and i just oh forgot about that whole thing okay can we talk about though about that though i swear i ender pearled landed back and the ender pearl damage gave me knockback what oh make another pick i have six wood do you

Think i can make a pick with six wood let me know all right i don’t have a crafting table if i have a crafting table i can make it or if i find a library just give me a library and i can get wood give me a light

Awesome i needed a saddle and apples you know those can have iron pickaxes but i got a saddle an apple without an apple oh god i should have marked down the chords of the guys that clip do not watch it it is fake no way the dragon breath makes me knock

Back that’s the stupidest who invented that okay you know it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine you know it would have been a short stream anyway you know i just what i wanted to drag realistically i i died on purpose it re to be honest if you think about it

I didn’t i didn’t i i didn’t all right i want up or a library or my crafting table this is neither library why is there no will cam even beat the dragon at all people are saying yes now that’s a yo end this one because i’m ending it don’t worry because

I’m definitely beating it i will never give up because i have a bed there there’s no way i’ll i’ll ever give up okay i wasn’t i was faking that excitement i knew that was the one i already got i’m not an idiot guys this is okay i think this is where i got

The uh this is the thing right this is the portal room right down under there oh that’s why it was hard to find all right crafting table well then there’s sticks in here all right i literally get one wooden pickaxe and then a stone pickaxe if i can get to cobblestone

That’s all i have right now uh it’s not the best situation all right and what are the chords was about to say i don’t gamble my points i gamble my money so five gifted if you win but then you died Awkward all right negative 9 15 why can i use deepslate negative 915 1500 negative 915 1500 you can use deep slate by the way guys it’s a minecraft tip minecraft tips and tricks i’m known for my minecraft facts you know you guys probably didn’t know that you can use deep slate

I wish there was like oh my god if there’s diamonds down here then i could get i was able to get a diamond pickaxe right now that would be so good man that would be good yeah that’s it because it worked dude don’t mind me oh god it’s gonna hit me

I don’t even care i’m not gonna go anywhere oh god i’m gonna like phase through the wall all right we’re good going up only like a hundred blocks to go and i might be in a mountain this is so awesome i love i love how they made deep slate

Which is which is just uh i i love how they made deep slate which is just like you know cobblestone but harder to mine just takes longer like that i just love that like i’m just so glad they did yes please have a way to go up

You know surely this isn’t just a dead end for no reason surely this isn’t here just to get my hopes up poggers can we get a poggers in the chat that’s right i love this minecraft yeah yeah poggers All right awesome swagalicious am i right guys i’m funky dude oh diamonds oh my god let’s go let’s go diamonds i don’t have an iron pickaxe though sir guys in chat say a to win a y-a-y-a oh tin man’s trying to start something in here is that a global

Okay i made a staircase right i made a staircase ah this is the single worst day of my life do i there’s literally nothing i can do i’m literally trapped oh oh my god an is my stream hello on top on top of all this my street ms laggy oh my

Oh it’s i think it’s back i mean it’s back my stuff the creeper blew a hole so my diamonds let’s go but guess who’s back baby and has two thumbs let’s do this thing all right nice oh thank god oh thank god the lag stopped there oh that was a close one do

Don’t worry guys i fixed it don’t hit me please stop just don’t starting now don’t and that’s how you get them to stop all right this should go to the surface no stop i don’t like when they do that i don’t like it i said stop he’s not respecting my boundaries

All right which way is up all right i’m going to the village i’m getting stuff and i’m going back to the end and i should be most of the way up by now realistically no way oh my god i must be under a mountain because i’m literally at layer

60 67 i’m at layer 70. of course i had a mine up in a mountain look how much higher it goes oh this is blasphemous don’t die cam man good idea thanks for the thanks for the help why’d i go in there with all my stuff i

Should have gone in there with literally just my snowballs to do that first oh i’m so stupid and i had to okay the ender pearl though the ender pearl though that was not my fault i literally purposely i had the ender pearl i knew i was safe if i

Tested and the ender pearl damage it’s not it’s not ender pearls do a million knock back it’s mobs do a million knock back like what is this yo i need to have a word with the plug-in designer they’re trying to troll me right now f3 plus d is free diamonds really not working

Thanks all right layer 112 this is awesome so glad this is where i dug up does follow follow my heartbeat mean this better not be kpop alt f4 i’m not doing anything alt f10 oh my god i’m literally super close to wait guys everyone follow if you’re not

Followed i’m about to hit 200k i swear i hear something oh my god remember there was a pillager outpost imagine i’m literally beneath the pillager outpost i swear i heard a pillager all right so there definitely was this way i think there was a village right oh god was it

I think it was this way remember there was a village yeah i think it’s this way oh god i’m pretty sure oh god if i don’t find this village it’s actually so over oh god if i don’t find this village and i’m running out of food

And it’s about to be nighttime oh god all right run a prediction will i find the village before i die if i don’t find the village i’m ending stream if i die without finding the village i’m ending stream it’s literally my only hope oh please i swear it’s right over here oh please

It was on a mountain it was on a mountain will cam i’m not gonna be able to sprint incredibly soon i’m gonna have to eat this spider eye oh no these are all yes the church of hope the church of hope it’s graced my blessing raced my blessing it’s graced it’s i

Don’t know i can’t even sprint oh my god i might actually not get to it spider eye ow ow ow ow oh god oh god if i don’t get to it and i die it doesn’t count i literally have no food please i’ll just have to touch the path on the

Village i literally have to touch the path on the village that gave me a lot of saturation geez spider eye op all right i’m gonna make it it’s turning night though oh god just let me sprint for like two 20 more seconds oh it’s on the mountain oh and it’s turning night

We’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good don’t freak out we’re good we’re literally good path easy i made it okay i made it you can end it easy e z i’m on the path and i’m a parkour pro news flash not all right just get me to a bed please

Get if it says monsters are nearby i’m gonna be so mad oh i’m so hungry in real life no and in minecraft actually i ate so much right before the stream man all right we’re good oh i can still sprint brewing stand leave get out how do i get him out

He’s just going yeah now what all right easy and have 19 emeralds okay this guy’s not gonna trade with me anything good but this guy might rotten yo rotten burp okay i probably shouldn’t have spent it all on a stock and a half of bread but i got anxious

Okay we’re back in this we are literally back in this okay snowballs nice other bad okay i’m actually gonna win i’ve decided i’m gonna win do do do do do you have the bride now you just need wine good one season live uh hey i know it was a funny one another one

Thank you thank you i know all right seven beds that’s pretty good i wish i had a i guess there’s no item in the game that makes it so you keep your items when you die then i could just die and respawn right where i want to be but that’s okay

Did i get all the beds i feel like i definitely okay i went to all these okay what am i doing i want i went over here doo doo doo Nice oh my god your other game was on the wii yo i keep coming back to the wii it was like i don’t even remember what it’s called it was like wii sports but it wasn’t wii sports and the color was orange it was like wii play or something

And like one of the things was like all the me’s and you had like spot the me like the the twin or something does anyone know what i’m talking about and there’s fishing oh my god it was like we it was we play and there was

Like fishing and there was tanks oh my god that tanks game yo if you know what i’m talking about you’re a real one that game went so hard my music stopped literally my hour 20 minute music things stopped i went so long i can kill this

And get what should i get i can get a water bucket oh my god that’s actually so clutch why isn’t it oh it’s hard because he’s uh a couple pixels lower because of the farmland replay did snap well can’t make it back to the stronghold without dying that’s a good

One i’ll make it back to the stronghold without dying i probably will if i the iron golem would be the time i died though because i have no armor and i’m killing it with a stone pickaxe all right five let’s go poggers all right now get me some stone make some more

Stone pickaxy plural of pickaxe pickaxy i spent 150 you better not die 150 yeah what i think following gives you 300 i think raids if you stay the whole stream then at the end you’ll i’ll raid and you’ll get like 500 for that i think so yo stay for the raid no cap

Free channel points oh my god channel points what should i make the rewards for channel points oh you guys are going to say a bunch of stupid stuff why did i ask i never know what to do you guys are gonna be like uh you gonna be in a video for 2 000

Channel points do do all right discord kazoo you have 150k made dress oh god that’d be like a million vip that’s i think that’s a what is it it like 69k you get vip slash mod i already have that god roll what is that what is god roll

You should become god in real life is that god roll what do you mean god roll get god irl guys i think you guys have been playing my i don’t know if there’s such thing as god irl oh that’s philosophical 400k die Just to become a jesus Duty all right vip for one day yeah but then i have like keep track of it for 1m balls rev for 1 million for 1 million 15k boogie bomb oh that’s actually good where’s my boogie bomb though i don’t know where my i’ll need to find my my real life boogie bomb

All right what am i doing i think that’s it i think i’m ready oh [ __ ] it i think i’m ready oh snowballs i need snowballs These things give me a lot do do do I need to find my boogie bomb that’s right i have a real-life pokemon have people been playing fortnite i saw that like a bunch of streamers are playing it now we like fortnight throw out my diamonds all right that’s enough all right we are officially going to the

Stronghold who who typed the chords i know some of you rascals typed the chords shout out to the rascals i be flossing yo that goes hard especially 950 1500 nice find 15 15 all right so it’s like that Yo these things are i never see these you know i’ve never seen so obviously i spend a lot of time just flying around in creative for my videos because like i have to go to different places and stuff for my videos i’ve i see like woodland mansions

Randomly i see a lot of uh like uh pink sheeps i’ve never seen a blue axolotl like naturally before without like trying to like farm one i’ve never seen a blue axle like they’re so rare and axolotls already are like pretty rare to see so that’s actually like the biggest flex Alright so 1500 like some intense music when i get to the when i get to the stronghold i will when i’m going in all right it’s like right oh let’s go i don’t have to go on the mountain hopefully i don’t fall right oh god i’ll

Be so mad if i fall right into the portal from here i don’t i think i made it so i won’t maybe i’m an idiot though so let’s hope not should probably be more careful but you know I honestly feel like i’m gonna beat it this time because last time i didn’t i really just died out of stupidness this time i’m gonna be not stupid i don’t have an auto jump on what do i look like do Good thing i didn’t dig down right there would have been a bit awkward oh you do for 200k i don’t know people say that but like i don’t know yo only cabin streams is when i do the most disgusting stuff jesus who is there real ones now or vod channel enjoyers

Hi vod channel guys say hi to the vod channel i they’re watching it right now in on the vods channel Hey vods channel morons come watch live morons imagine not having your name above my head losers oh i hate i hate oh god please i’ll i’ll make it i hate deep slay i wanted to burn those items they were pissing me off i just realized i didn’t do anything because now there’s just

Different items all right any second now any second now any second now any second now any second now any second now any second now any second now any second now any second now any second now any second now any second now any second now any i did it all right burn um

All right i’m gonna take i’m gonna do this much more tactically because now i’m scared i’m literally this is all i’m bringing the first trip this is all right All right final prediction not it has nothing to do with with how many times i die because i have a i have a bed do i beat the ender dragon or give up if i like lose all my stuff again i’m giving up do i beat the ender dragon or give up final

Question do i beat the ender dragon or give up it’s i’m gonna go like multiple times right dude because like this first time i’m literally just shooting the things all right everyone gamble your points final prediction of the stream i think i’m going to beat it it’s like 50 50 right now

I think i’m gonna do it if you want my if you want my if you want my thoughts oh 12k someone put 12k on yes family zach all right Spawn is set snowballs i’ll get a few more snowballs actually no this is good i don’t need that many if you beat the dragon without dying once i gift five subs yeah that’s it i’m not doing that i’m literally because then i’d have to bring all my stuff and then i’d die as

If i’m not falling for your sneaky little trap i’m going in i’m planning to die this time but but i just i trying to like destroy most of these if i get most of these destroyed i’m happy oh god i don’t think they’re as strong as arrows that’s fine come on yes

If i destroy most of them i’m happy okay i’m wasting too many no way that didn’t raise it destroyed come on the hole is there all right cage ones i’ll go back to cage ones i’ll go back too i’m wasting him i’m wasting them there’s build i don’t have that many blocks

I don’t think i’m close enough come on yes not even close not even close all right right here next this is good this is good what why are you after me i’m i’m actually dead i’m actually dead i’m actually dead i can get anything else after this it’s literally bonus

I’m so screwed up come on all right i actually have a plan hardcore pro okay i actually don’t know what i do from here though i think i’m still screwed maybe i’ll be able to get one more thing oh i could just no come on Not gonna make it is it it can it can it can make it wait can it can it not no i’m stupid all right i have to i have to jump around boom snipe snipe it in okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine we have multiple lives it’s not over

We have multiple lives do you’re like a cat yes yes i am like a cat i have nine lives i thought you were dying then dipping no i said i why would i go in with just snowballs how many lives off no it’s literally until i give up i literally explained this

Did you say you’re gonna no i said i said i was gonna give up until if i run out of if i run out of materials then i’ll give up if i run out of like if i lose all my stuff again once i once i come back i’m going in

With all my stuff please oh my god all right i think those are all we can get with just snowballs i think the nest next we need a water bucket sound to me send me send me what’s the music i don’t know i got it from eldon ring

All right water bucket this time more blocks more bread all right if i lose the water bucket it’s really bad if i lose the water bucket it’s really bad so i need to not lose the water bucket break your bed all right the last time i go in i’ll break my bed

I’ll give myself like two chances after i break all these this can be so hard to kill it with knock back a million when i’m right under it all right there’s no way this is going to knock me back right oh my god because i was shifting because i was shifting

It wasn’t able to knock me because i was shifting all right oh i need to snowball it what am i doing i’ll snowball because i was shifting this one’s tall Oh god all right what’s left just those two i’ll go on to that one and i’ll snowball down to that one i need to drop my water bucket on the floor so i can um how did my music go quiet is it the end or is it gonna loop there we go

I need to drop my water bucket like in the end so i can pick it up when i go back all right oh god we’re good come on why isn’t it is he really gonna make me go up one more oh god okay we lost our water bucket

We lost our water bucket that’s fine that’s the only thing we’ve lost that’s the only thing we’ve lost besides all of our snowballs but we just destroyed everything all right this is the now i don’t want to die i’m not going to take all the beds though i’m giving myself two more lives

I want to take all the cobble why make so many slabs i’m an idiot all right i’ll do this i’ll do this i’ll take some of these just in case i need them all right all right oh god there is one more crystal oh no

I forgot about the one i had to hit oh god i don’t have a water bucket now and i barely i didn’t bring that many blocks no oh okay we’re fine i still left this here so i can still okay we’re fine i can still climb up there and then throw my thing

Let me put supposed to go right no like this all right all right we’re good we are chilling and i thank god i got my snowballs oh my god i’m 200 iq for getting those snowballs oh all right it’s fine all the snowball velocity okay try risk it okay it left anyway all

Right get away All right i have four beds i have five beds All right this is my last life i have to go all in right here i can make an iron sword i should take everything at this point we’re fine everything is set up literally everything i should have to crouch under there and wait ouch under there and wait

Literally five beds though it’s gonna be so hard all right i have no food do i take oh no i i’ve bred all right final life make a wall not about it oh but it launches you up though whenever you’re under it you just flew so like right next to me

For no reason okay i don’t think i should go right here this this would be a bad idea to get right here i’ll build like a little bit of like a last resort hopefully like right here are you kidding me that’s how it ends that’s how it ends I didn’t even see it It’s a good day to be a doubter Biggest All right guys i’ll be back next week It’s a sad day to be me oh i’m ending the prediction i didn’t beat it all right day for the rage you’ll get channel points channel or wait and all right i ended the prediction uh but if you lost you’ll get a little bit of chance someone lost 12k

It might have hurt a bit all right All right see you chat oh wait as it’s on an eight-second timer i’ll see you guys next week i’ll probably do a some sort of co-lab stream every saturday 8 p.m eastern bye bye guys tough life out here

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, but Mobs have Knockback 1,000,000 camman18 Full Twitch VOD’, was uploaded by camman18 VODS on 2022-04-12 15:00:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

This was streamed live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/camman18 Today camman18 plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or …

  • Muscle Rush Run Challenge: Minecraft Mobs

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  • Nepiz Kingdom

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  • Enival SMP, semi-vanilla, Java, whitelist, trust-based, QOL mods, starting today.

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  • Minecraft Memes – End this Minecraft madness

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  • School’s Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen’s Minecraft Misadventures

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze!

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  • Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos

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    UNBELIEVABLE: TOP PRISON SERVER 2024 REVAMP! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers!’, was uploaded by Magic on 2024-09-10 22:36:58. It has garnered 941 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:30 or 570 seconds. BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers! JOIN THE SERVER! ⬇️ 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net Bedrock Port: 19379 Make sure to drop a like before reading! ⚔️Come play my new Minecraft OP Prison server! 🡆 PvPCloud Minecraft Prisons similar to other servers AkumaMC, OPLegends, Fadecloud, MineLucky What is… Read More

  • XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!

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  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray’s Day 77 Craft!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠

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  • Cristalit’s Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!

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  • Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft Skywars

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  • Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿

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  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

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  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

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  • ViiPerMC

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  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with Nerd.nu PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.20.4) Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

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  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

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  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡Code.org te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft Code.org te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

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  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yosoytreme Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yosoytreme TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yosoytreme Twitter: https://twitter.com/yosoytreme ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK: https://discord.gg/2ehHGD5wC7… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qn3-a3KSY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOr7K0T26U&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5_1CAczsw tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

Minecraft, but Mobs have Knockback 1,000,000 camman18 Full Twitch VOD