Minecraft but the World Progressively Updates…

Video Information

Okay welcome to minecraft but the world progressively updates in this video i start my world in the extremely old beta version of minecraft and every time 10 minutes passes by i update my game version until we reach 1.16. today i checked out some of minecraft’s oldest structures and for this entire

Video i had a beta minecraft world generation this is only the fourth video on my channel and we’re already close to 50k subs somehow so if you guys do enjoy my content then leave a like down below if we can somehow get 5k likes today i’ll also do a manhunt video in alpha

Minecraft and 90 of you guys aren’t subscribed yet so if that includes you then you should definitely go ahead and do that it’s completely free and it helps out with my brand new channel a ton this video was also inspired by zai so credit to him and i hope you guys do enjoy

Our journey begins in minecraft beta editions so as we go through this video i’m gonna summarize each update in this version there are no hunger bars and food instantly heals you all the sound effects are extremely cursed and for some reason every mob starts randomly jumping so

Let’s get into it okay welcome to minecraft beta 1.0 so this is obviously a very very old version of minecraft it came out in like 2012 and everything is cursed okay all of the mobs can jump there’s no hunger whatsoever and like that’s basically all i know

So we’re just gonna run around and i think build a house before the 10 minutes are up because when we update to version one of minecraft i think mobs get added so it’s gonna be like quite hard to survive so right now the first thing that i’m gonna do

Is grab myself some stone tools i see some stone like right next to me so we can just go ahead and grab this wooden pickaxe and also a wooden shovel because why not oh i found iron let’s go i’m pretty sure iron’s like actually quite rare in this version

Like caves are really uh hard to find so i’m definitely going to go ahead and mine that and full stone tools there we go all right hopefully we get a lot of iron here because i can use it to make some armor for like the later versions oh

Wait actually i think there might be mobs in this version i guess we’ll just have to see it’s gonna become night at like nine minutes in so i’ll have to survive for like one minute before i update but that should be fine i think oh we got some leather let’s go wait i

Just saw a pig okay the only way to get food is by killing pigs in minecraft beta so this is actually quite a good find oh and apparently it didn’t drop anything but i do hear something below me i think i hear zombies before i go down i’m gonna find coal

Because i literally can’t see anything and there’s some over there okay perfect four torches there we go i’m gonna get like a bit more so i can build a house as well where is the zombie though that’s the question can i block clutch i can

Can we hit it oh it’s jumping no stay away it dropped a feather what oh i hear water though this cave might continue okay where is the water that’s the question oh it’s up okay let’s take this torch with me oh no no no dude the damage sounds i’m

Actually getting really deep down if i can find diamonds that’s going to be so good oh no skeleton skeleton skeleton what is it holding what is that that’s not a bow that’s like a what is okay i don’t know why i decided to go caving but

It’s a zombie let’s get his feet yes we get a free feather i hear so many zombies i actually don’t even understand how there’s this many okay we’re gonna take a risk here i’m gonna mine some more iron and i think i’ll go back to surface after this so i

Can get more wood because i am kind of out i don’t even know if i’ll be able to make it back up but i think i remember where i came from so we should be okay oh no i hear a creeper okay you know what i’m just gonna go

Oh okay i kind of jumped out of my seat and screamed which i’m not gonna make you guys listen to so we’re gonna move on our first update for this video is the official release of minecraft this was named the adventure update because it had strongholds and the end dimension

To the game i can now also enchant my gear and breed animals but at this point i just needed to find my loot and go on a mining trip so let’s get back into it okay we’re in minecraft version 1.0.0 so this is the first ever release

And we have to convert the world from beta to like regular minecraft so yeah here we are in the exact same place but it looks very different and i think now if i double tap w i can sprint yes okay i’m gonna try and get back to the place where i died because

There was quite a lot of iron down there and i’m pretty sure it’s just over this way i finally have fulbright as well just to make the video like way easier to see because that was like actually pitch black yes i found my loot holy dude that was actually terrifying

Look how big the explosion is alright well at least now i can actually make it back to the surface because i know where i came from oh and it’s night time okay i’m gonna have to start like properly surviving building a house right now so let me just break down this tree i’m

Actually gonna grab wood and like build into the side of the mountain for my house i think or maybe i should make a dirt shack that could be even better i’m gonna grab like 30 dirt right now and i’m going to build myself a shack

And then we can smell up the iron and like craft some tools inside of it oh my no no no i hear a creeper oh don’t think you’re doing it again okay that’s so quick stay away all right we’re gonna build our dirt shack on top of a mountain so

Nothing can get to me i’m such a good builder let’s go okay we have two doors place them down don’t come in stay away oh no and now i’m gonna make an iron pickaxe and an iron sword okay i’m gonna go on a quest to kill some sheep so i can make a

Bed hopefully i don’t get killed by the creepers and stuff stay away no there’s so many mobs i’m so slow oh you know i can sprint i forgot i forgot see you later mod see you later i wonder if boats exist in this version let’s see i started playing minecraft in 1.3 and

There were definitely boats then obviously this is version one so i guess we’re about to find out oh there are okay i think i’m just gonna go into this spruce biome and look for mobs so that i can get some food the thing is i don’t have any sprint right

Now so i could literally die but oh chickens yes i’m pretty sure it doesn’t give you hunger so we should be fine to just chug this okay oh it actually did give me hunger i must have just been insanely lucky because like i just ate like eight pieces okay you

Know i’m just gonna break the number one rule of minecraft and dig straight down and look for diamonds because i have my iron pickaxe and we have like two minutes left in this version oh i found more iron let’s go but i just want to start getting a bunch

Of gear because like having enchants and some diamonds will be really good for later on okay i’m at y11 now so i’m gonna make myself a furnace and start smelting up some food and also iron wait actually do you guys hear the update music it’s time let’s go okay next we’re gonna

Go all the way to minecraft 1.3 the previous two updates add new biomes as well as the nether but 1.3 adds trading desert and jungle temples ender chests and a bunch of new blocks by the way i’m not going to skip many updates but the nether is kind of a later in the

Game and 1.3 makes early game exploring really good so let’s continue okay we are now in minecraft 1.3 so i think i’m just going to end my mining trip here and just like dig up the surface because the brand new structures in 1.3 will have diamonds enchanted books like so much stuff

That’ll be useful for me and if we go mining after exploring all of that we could have like a fortune book or just like some kind of really good enchanted book so hunting down a jungle temple and a desert temple shouldn’t actually be too hard because there’s only like 10

Biomes total in the entire game so i think what i’m gonna do is just travel across this entire ocean and hope that i can find some other biome that’ll be quite useful i’m gonna have to go quite far away because all of this is generated in minecraft 1.0 so the new biomes won’t

Start spawning until i like travel quite far away okay i found land perfect we’re just gonna go in here and i think there’s a massive cave here but right now i’m really trying to find the minecraft 1.3 structures okay oh i finally found a desert let’s go

Dude okay i’m running really low on food right now but i think we should be fine now villages did exist before minecraft 1.3 i think they were added in like minecraft 1.1 however the desert village was added in this update so hold up hold up do you guys see that

There’s like a half loaded in one wait what is that house that is the weirdest looking house i’ve ever seen dude minecraft is so glitchy in this version and i can just x-ray okay uh well i can see a mine shaft so that’s fun but we did find a village that’s

Actually so good since i don’t really have much food oh no that’s not good okay then right well uh the weed’s gone i wonder if trades are still unfair in this version one emerald for five arrows dude are you kidding okay this is loki the smallest village that i’ve ever seen

However there is a house with bugs in it which is very good oh this guy’s a librarian we can trade with him for emeralds okay the question is do i want to make like an op enchanting setup or do i want to try and trade with this guy honestly i’ll

Probably find another village so let’s just like do one trade for an emerald just for the experience okay and this guy’s trading me three emeralds for one bookshelf this villager is literally scamming me 13 bucks for one emerald and then three emeralds for one bookshelf which

Is worth nine okay i guess we’ll just keep it then i’ll just run over this way the desert okay then apparently i just fell wait a jungle already dude the desert is literally just there and i already found one let’s go so to make a cookie i’m pretty sure all

I need is like sugar cocoa beans and then wheat but i’m not sure if i even need all of these oh i did it let’s go wait we get eight that’s actually quite good since i have bones right now i think i’ll just like grow some wheat the amount of unnecessary things that

I’m doing for this video i mean to be fair this is actually an okay food source like i can’t even complain okay let’s just plant all of these seeds down dude this is op we just instantly grows so now we have like let’s see

10 wheat in total and i can just do this and we already have 24 dude this is op we have 48 cookies right now let’s go all right the final thing that i’ve got to do is find myself a jungle temple so we’re just going to run straight into

The biome okay i’ve been looking for quite a while but i haven’t found one however as you can see we have a new desert here and this one’s like a lot bigger oh wait what is this oh i found a spawner no way there’s an exposed

Spawner in the middle of a desert this is only a zombie one so i think i’m just gonna break it like straight away i mean i could have made a grinder right there but there’s not really much point however there are chests here this could be quite good

Let’s see oh a saddle perfect wait but why are there saddles if like horses don’t exist yet dude i remember like back in the day i wanted to go to minecon and ask if they would add horses to the game and then like they did it in

1.6 so they definitely don’t exist yet i’m pretty sure the saddle is for a pig like i’m not even kidding honestly i might even get a pig that’d be quite epic oh i found a desert temple and a new jungle let’s go dude okay hopefully i get lucky right

Now also i just remembered that it’s probably a good idea for me to actually make a fishing rod oh no i’m being attacked chill dude yeah if you guys are relatively new to minecraft you probably won’t know this but fishing roads are like really useful in the previous versions

Because they deal knockback so i can literally spam my fishing rod like this and push away any mob i need to so anyway let’s see what’s inside this is actually good there’s a skeleton apparently okay oh more than one skeleton okay we’re just gonna do this

Just do this and rod trick the skeleton let’s go all right please give me something good that is all i want right now come on buy the iron okay that’s definitely a good start two diamonds yes and even more iron and gold all this is so good dude more iron

Even more iron and even more bones okay so i can just get like a bunch of carrots or wheat if i want to and i’m also gonna take this tnt i don’t really know what i’ll use it for but i’ll definitely use it for something unfortunately no enchanted books but we

Could potentially find a jungle temple so i guess i’ll just swim over here and we’ll see what we find yo i finally found one let’s go okay well this has been slightly more than 10 minutes but i was determined okay we finally found the entrance let’s

Go dude so hopefully i can get something good i’m pretty sure all you have to do is just like open this we got some bones and some iron we got some free arrows though i’ll definitely take that and then there’s another tripwire here okay oh dude these chests were slightly

Underwhelming but we did get some like arrows and string i guess so that’s always good and i guess redstone too but i don’t really need that for anything so oh holy that could have been me dead right there anyway i think it’s time to update again so let’s go

Minecraft 1.4 this version adds a bunch of new hostile mobs as well as the witch heart and potatoes and carrots also now grow in villages apparently villagers are made more self-aware and they can like and dislike players i have no idea what that means but let’s get back into it okay welcome to

Minecraft 1.4.7 so this update is named the very scary update 1.4 adds weather skeletons withers and also just a couple of other like small changes to the nether so i decided that i’m gonna go right now because in the old versions of minecraft the nether is so easy to survive in

Compared to like 1.16 so i thought it would be a good idea for me to get some potions and also just all the blazers that i need in the next 10 minutes so i guess i’ll just go oh no no no dude everything’s gone one eternity later bang 24 irons melted let’s go

We have 34 in total so i can get pretty much everything i need okay here’s a demonstration of why the fishing rod is so good what i just did is called a rod trick and it basically just gives you double crit damage it’s like a kind of

Glitch in minecraft but it’s like a thing that lots of 1.8 pvp has used so yeah there you go anyway now i’m gonna head to y11 and we’re gonna try and get some diamonds okay dude again oh my there are literally creepers everywhere like literally just down there around that

Corner there’s just a creeper waiting oh i found diamonds let’s go okay the only issue is there are a lot of mobs nearby me and also this looks like a very small vein of diamonds alright let’s go for it we got oh more than one dude three diamonds

Oh my this might be enough for insurance if i’m really lucky this might be enough and we got four in total okay four is actually still pretty good i will definitely take that okay i think i’m just gonna go ahead and make a diamond pickaxe here because that means

I can get enchantments later if i just want to mine obsidian so that would be like so useful more diamonds let’s go dude this is actually so lucky all right perfect that’s enough for enchants plus a diamond sword so oh my are you kidding more diamonds dude i thought i was

Unlucky by dying to full damage but like this was loki a blessing in disguise so the first thing i’m gonna do is make myself a nether portal so we just gotta put this here this here am i good and if i just break four pieces of obsidian then we can make

Enchants as soon as i go to the surface i’m kind of still missing a book so we can’t make it right now but i can just go to the nether so we’re just gonna go ahead and do this and wait what ah dude why is minecraft so cursed like i

Don’t i literally don’t understand why this wouldn’t work come on oh there we go okay i dude this game is just so weird sometimes anyway we are now here in the nether so literally all i have to do now is just find myself another fortress yes i found the fortress let’s go dude

That was actually really quick and also the 10 minutes are now up so i’m gonna update again so i will be right back minecraft 1.5 also known as the redstone update we’re not gonna use any redstone so this is kind of useless but lava flows faster in the nether now so that’s fun

And we are now in minecraft 1.5.2 so let’s just load in and the world is still here let’s go before i go in i’m just gonna grab some mushrooms just in case i run out of food now this is a really good find oh wait what netherwars straight away let’s go

Honestly i’m not even sure if they have chests in these fortresses like i haven’t found a single one so far so maybe i’ll just get the blaze roads and dip oh i did find a blaze spawner though okay so if i get like eight i think we should

Be good i’m just gonna break the blocks beneath them but this is a really good spawner because like there’s blocks above it so they can’t like fly away really quickly while i’m waiting i’m just gonna make a diamond sword so we can deal more damage and then

Oh we got like three oh no and two blazers let’s go dude oh no i’m getting so low here i’m on two hearts okay i gotta be so careful if i bunt to death no no holy dude this is way too close for comfort okay let me just block this off just in

Case they chase me down okay we have seven right now which is enough for the eyes of ender and there we go okay that’s fine that’s actually all i need oh no no no no no i just hit a pigman that is not ideal i’ve got to get out of here i’ve

Actually got to get out of there no stay away luckily i have the rods so i can just like combo them dude i just love this version of minecraft like you can literally punch while you’re eating and it’s the most satisfying thing ever i have no

Idea when they added the chests to the nether fortresses but like there definitely aren’t any in here so i guess we’ll just uh head back to our portal dude i still have pigment on me oh no this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad

I just found my cobblestone so i’m pretty sure the portal is right here yeah there we go all right i’d say that was a pretty successful nether trip unfortunately i didn’t get any like loot chests but we did get all the blaze rods we need and also very quickly so i will

Definitely take that anyway i’m back on the surface now so all i need to find is one cowl and some sugarcane and then we can get fully enchanted gear oh wait i found my house dude this looks so fresh holy look at this the doors don’t even work i could

Literally get killed right now oh hold up i hear an enderman okay what happens if i like blow up the end of them that actually worked i saw a tig talk where somebody was just staring at it and it stopped moving but i’m not sure if that’s like actually it oh okay

I guess that worked oh we got an interpol as well i found another one holy okay well i guess as soon as i get a bit more gear i’ll just head towards the stronghold and then we can probably like go to the end very soon dude i have 20 levels from killing those

Blazes that’s actually crazy welcome back to completely regular minecraft where the zombie just for some reason is like halfway through the floor dude this world is becoming so corrupted this is crazy anyway i’m just gonna update again and i will be right back minecraft 1.6 so basically horses also villagers do the hmm

Thing now so let’s get back into it okay minecraft 1.6.4 you guys will never expect what i’m gonna do right now basically i’m gonna try and find a horse so i sailed over that way before so that’s where like the village that i already looted is oh yes i found sugarcane perfect

Alright i should be able to make enchants then but if i go over this way then i have a chance of finding like a village or like a spawner or something that can give me a saddle so that is my plan also i found a zombie with leather armor

What is going on brother welgen is getting more and more crazy like this looks like an acacia biome but it’s just not i found another enderman though dude we’re collecting so many pearls yeah as i go through this i’m just gonna collect as many pods as i can because i

Don’t really want to go back to the nether all right we’re gonna place down a boat here and we’re gonna go yes i found cows and more sugarcane let’s go all right now it’s time to finally make enchants so we can do this we can do this

And there we go enchantment table i’m actually gonna go for a level eight on the iron sword in case i can get fire expect not quite but i guess that’s kind of okay and then i guess i’ll just enchant a bow as well since i got one

From like the skeletons okay i found another desert so we’re just gonna run through this and then like maybe i can find a second village oh wait i found another temple let’s go if i get a saddle from this i’m gonna be so happy dude let’s break this

And we got a diamond three emeralds perfect okay i’m gonna look for a village so the emeralds are gonna be so useful for that oh we got a saddle let’s go dude that’s so good i don’t think the gold is really useful for anything but maybe i can trade in the village for

Like some enterprise or something and finally we got extra gold and extra bones okay okay let’s go back up and i think i’m just gonna keep looking for a village because if i get like some houses with books in them i can make some really good insurance

And like actually i’m pretty sure it’s time to update now so we’re just gonna do that really quickly minecraft 1.7 there are now new types of fish as well as road enchantments it also adds a huge range of biomes as well as the amplified world type stained

Glass and stained clay also exists now and also lots of flowers so let’s continue okay we are now here in minecraft 1.7.10 so this is like a version that i play all the time this is definitely my favorite version but wait we found a village and we have a bookshelf house

Here okay i’m just gonna break all of these and we’re gonna make a really good enchanting setup and get some op gear because like i might as well just get like really stacked for the end flight you know i’m also just gonna make carrots my main food source because

There’s so many of them so we’re just gonna grab these really quickly okay so the best trade that i can see right now is emeralds for arrows so i guess i’ll just like do that and see if he gives me a good like second tier trade okay we’re just gonna

Do this so we have 36 hours in total i guess that’s kind of good and i think i might go caving again to be honest oh wait this world gen what is going on okay you know i’m just gonna dig straight down and we’re gonna go caving again because if i get some

More diamonds that’ll be really good i hear an enderman somewhere nearby so we’re gonna try and find that really quickly all right i can probably just like go in here if i block it we just yeah we’re fine all right eneman go let’s tussle dude i can two tap

Enderman right now that’s so good yes we finally found diamonds let’s go i think it’s just a two vane but i’ll still take this either way all right i should be able to make something with this i have four right now i guess i can make dime oh

What the this is so high up four in total so we can make a chess play now and it’s time to update again so let’s go okay minecraft 1.8 adds building blocks rabbits and ocean monuments so i’m just going to skip and go straight to 1.9 which is the combat

Update i can now use shields and dual wields so let’s get back into it okay minecraft 1.9.4 so this is obviously the combat update as you can see if i swing my sword we have the cooldown thing so this should be pretty interesting i’m gonna try and

Get like one more vein of diamonds and then we’ll go back up oh dude as i say that are you kidding me this might be a big vein too let’s see and it was a six vein cool so we have 14 in total right now holy okay we’re gonna make a chest plate

And then also i think i’m gonna make a helmet as well so now i need to use lapis to win sean but i can see what i’m actually gonna get now so that’s really good protection one let’s just go from breaking one okay i’m breaking one port

One i will take that all right i’m gonna go back up to surface and we’re gonna try and enchant for looting and just get more ender balls because like most of these next few updates just add things like the woodland mansion and updated villages so i don’t really

Need to gather any more gear apart from like enderpearls and take a look at this our normal boat has turned into an oak boat and it looks like this one more enemy okay we’re gonna put it in a boat because this is my op strat and then we’re just gonna do this

Oh no oh no i actually really like this boat strat i can just like keep it here and do this let me get another ender pearl honestly i think i’m just gonna make some eyes of ender here because like i might as well start making my way towards the stronghold oh

Okay yeah it’s gonna be very very far away i can already tell i hear a skeleton down here too so we’re gonna try and kill this for xp oh my what the dude holy i don’t even have my hotkeys set up so i had to scroll

Oh i was literally dead right there that was it it was over okay well apparently i’m in a mine shaft right now dude i have no words for that play all right well we’re in a mine shaft right now and i guess it’s time for me to update so i’ll be right back

Okay we’re going all the way to minecraft 1.11. this was called the exploration update because it added woodland mansions and totems of undying but most importantly a brand new mob which is the llama let’s continue okay so we’re now here in minecraft 1.11 oh wait my smooth lighting has been off

For this entire time are you guys ready to see this here we go maximum smooth lighting that looks so much better dude i hear some zombies around here oh we found a spawner perfect oh two spawners next to each other what is going on all right well i’m just gonna kill these

Zombies real quick we’re gonna get so much xp out of this this is gonna be crazy all right we got diamond horse armor another saddle but i’m not gonna take that music discs and more saddles okay well not quite what i wanted but i will still take the free xp we’ll

Probably get to like level 20 right now to be honest okay it’s night time right now so i’m gonna try and find yeah we found an enderman okay cool get ready for the pro strats yes let’s go and apparently a zombie got in as well so that’s fun oh and another one

I see another enderman okay we got to kill as many as possible it doesn’t even matter if i’m like getting low because my armor’s just so good and another one okay i will take it two more ender balls and another wait what that wasn’t just one enderman

Oh no i might actually die here dude chill chill okay that’s one and dead oh i found a dark oak okay this is kind of good um i’m gonna try and find a woodland mansion but i mean these are brand new chunks so it could happen but it’s just like so unlikely actually

I just had an idea so i think just for the content i’m gonna locate the woodland mansion and just like go check it out for a few minutes they usually spawn like 10 000 blocks away and there’s just no way that i have time to like run that fast so

We’re just going to go ahead and open to lan do this slash locate mansion just to make it hard for myself i need to land an mlg oh my why am i inside oh no i’m on top all right well apparently i’m here um i think what i’m gonna do

Is grab like three wooden planks and just place down a bed because the mobs that are in here are just ridiculous oh no i can only sleep at night okay i’ll have to place down a bed a bit later i just need to try my best not to

Die right now if i die then that’s just gonna be so unfortunate no way there’s a library room this is perfect how about a second diamond sword in sean knockback one sharpness one okay you know we’re just going to try it out northbike one here we go bang seriously nothing else just

Knockback one oh i found an enderman interesting two end of them oh no what was that that’s the stray probably okay we’re gonna hit this guy we’re gonna hit this guy we’re gonna just do this okay come on let me just kill the enderman that’s one that’s two

Oh another enderman this is perfect two more enderman dude i’m getting so lucky right now all this chess i’ve literally never looted one of these before so i had like no idea what to expect alright i found some actual threatening mobs here these guys like deal

So much damage oh this is the one that drops the undying totem wait was it seriously that easy oh no these are the things these are the these are the things oh i killed one i killed one okay that’s good is that another one that drops a totem with undying are you kidding

Don’t spawn the things don’t spawn the children wait hold up if i like clutch and pick up this totem then i can probably use it to just stay alive oh wait it’s time to update so we’re gonna go all the way to 1.12 okay minecraft 1.12 was called the world

Of color update it adds colored beds concrete and terracotta it also adds the parrot and illusioners which are a new illusion that blinds players let’s get back into it okay in the libraries here so we’re going to place down our enchantment table and if we do another level 20 sword we

Can get fire aspect let’s just like combine these together and re-enchant a diamond sword all this has fire aspects perfect dude and i’m pretty sure i’ve explored the entire mansion now so we’re just gonna break our bed here and slash tp back all the way to zero

Zero where i spawned all right we are here in the cursed spawn so i guess from here what we’re gonna do is throw an ivander and we can start making our way to the fortress like we have our totems we have our fire aspect sword it’s definitely looking good right now

So let’s just do this now i’m just gonna start making my way to the stronghold let’s go oh no dude what is this there’s like a weird layered water thing there actually no i’m going to toss out these totems because like i kind of don’t

Deserve them i kind of just tp there so you know i don’t want to like cheat actually you know i’m going to mine a bunch of iron right now and make an anvil so i can like make a pretty good sword because fire espect on its own is okay yeah we

Can go mining when i find a cave but i found wolves dude i have so many bones i’m about to have the biggest wolf pack in existence okay and i have fire aspects so i have like infinite cooked food for them oh my this

Is so good i mean i might as well feed them we can have some baby dogs as well dude look at the power i hold right now we’re just gonna tap the cowl and watch them all attack oh no see i would feel bad but this is

Just too epic okay throw another eye and apparently it’s this way okay it could be in the ocean like kind of nearby to be honest all right let’s throw another one no way wait what my quads are 500 and the strongholds here how is that even possible okay well just

In case you guys didn’t think this world could look any more cursed we’re about to go into the aquatic update so uh yeah let’s do it minecraft 1.13 also known as the aquatic update this adds swimming turtles and actual fish mobs and it also means that i can now find

Shipwrecks and buried treasures so let’s continue dude my world is just gonna break okay this is actually gonna happen okay it didn’t actually break let’s go so i have nine isabender right now because one broke so i think what i’m gonna do is as it’s night time uh

Oh yeah yeah just welcome back to minecraft what is going on dude why is the boat sinking okay it’s fine everything’s normal i’m just gonna try and find some endermen before i go into the fortress because that’ll mean that i won’t have to like come back up

Yes i found one okay this is good maybe i can kill it come on there we go and we got a pile perfect okay well i was gonna say i’m gonna look for some iron but it seems like i can just kind of get some of the edges of this broken chunks

So that’s always fun now he’s gonna charm books until i get sharpness so there we go level three sharpness one shot this one if i can get one more sharpness then we’re set so firespecs one sharp one shot two another sharp two book and i need seven to put it on

Okay i feel like this is pretty overkill but i mean it’s fine oh wait actually before i go i kind of want to try and find one more village at least now i know the stronghold is like right here so let me just quickly sleep so

My spawn resets okay it hasn’t been 10 minutes but i am gonna update again just because i want to find this new village so let’s just go ahead and do it okay minecraft 1.14 is the village and pillage update villagers now spawn in tons of different biomes which is cool but most

Importantly pandas and foxes but mainly pandas let’s get back into it alright here we are the minecraft village and pillage update and the world is still somehow going okay okay apparently i’ve managed to load some new chunks so as you can see there’s like all of the new coral and stuff

Yo dude there’s a village with a blacksmith and a shipwreck right there okay yeah we’ve definitely managed to load in some new chunks also the dogs that i tamed just disappeared i’m pretty sure sailing away from them just makes them despawn so i can try and tame some more

Let’s just like tame more dogs i love how i only just noticed and it’s been like three updates or something i’m pretty sure this village has two blacksmiths okay this chest has nothing i’m pretty sure they like updated villages again in 1.15 so that’s why it looks different to normal and there’s like

Crops growing i’ll check this shipwreck and then we’re going to go to 1.15 just to see how like this village changes and then i’ll head to the stronghold and we’ll beat the game can we have a chest we got a fire protection 2 leather helmet and some wheat

Nice minecraft 1.15 bees also sweet berries now spawn in tiger biomes okay this update adds bees to the game and i think that’s pretty much it so that’s why i just did it super quickly since it doesn’t really like change anything so i think now all i gotta do is just

Head back to where the stronghold is which is like i don’t know 500 blocks away also i’m gonna use my trusty fire aspect sword to uh grab some extra food as well okay i am so confused i’m being led in like a completely different direction now i’m pretty sure i

Completely knew stronghold to spawn then dude i this is just becoming so chaotic i’m trying to add some structure to this video because it is just a chaotic idea and it’s just like random things keep happening well i mean at least i can get some more enderpearls

Now because we’re going to be traveling a lot more so let’s just do this do this and one more enderpearl there we go well so i figured out why the game looked so nice last update and it’s because of the new textures like i don’t know how i didn’t

Realize but yeah that’s it all right it’s taking me to the left now so that means it must be like kind of nearby one more level and i can get the sharp three on my sword okay we’re just gonna kill random mobs right now and there we go we have seven all right

We can just do this and then we can just do this and we have a fire expect one sharpness three diamond sword okay i’m used to going into the end with like no armor and speed running so this should be nice and easy oh it’s just changed

Direction completely so it must be like in the next sort of 50 blocks or so i really wish i went to the corrupted one that like just despawned because that would have been quite funny anyway i’m pretty sure if i just like dig down around here i should get into the

Stronghold oh i hear bats okay there’s definitely something below yes dude let’s go i found it if i get like a good enchanted book here then oh my what sharpness 4 my sword is already op enough but now i have sharp full holy alright let’s see how many levels it is

For this it is 11. okay we’re gonna try and do that i think before we go in there should be a silverfish spawner to break so that can like give me some xp and then i’ll just kill like random mobs that i see as well okay i found a chest we got

Yes that is so lucky i got an enderpearl okay so all we need is one eye already placed and that’s not that difficult no way i found it let’s go okay i’m gonna grind silverfish for like a minute or so is there an eye there’s two eyes perfect dude that’s actually so lucky

See all i’m gonna do now is just grind 11 levels because i really want to get that sharp for equal affinity i could just only put aqua affinity on my helmet that would be like very op wait infinity i was about to read out smite 4 but like infinity is very good

If i didn’t have a stack of arrows then that would be very very nice i found a minecart chest with diamonds inside and a gapple okay i’ll take it this goes like this this goes like this and sharp full fire aspect one diamond sword oh i just threw one i’m so lucky that

Two are already in here oh i forgot to break this that would have been a bit quicker than just leaving but anyway now it is finally time let’s go ahead and place this here and surround ourselves with isabender oh wait actually i need to update to 1.16

Okay finally welcome to the final update of this video somehow you made it all the way here so i just want to say thanks this update completely overhauls the nether adding two new biomes and a bunch of new mobs ruined portals also spawn in the overworld and the nether now but luckily

I’ve already got my blaze rods and isovender so we’re good to go and here we are minecraft 1.16.5 let’s go i began this world in minecraft beta and although it’s very very corrupted and looks horrible we’re still here okay final eye vendor going in and we spawned underground i

Think so that’s kind of cool i’m honestly just not even worried right now we have like the perfect set up we have food we have golden apples an opie sword that’s just gonna destroy the dragon okay i’m gonna fight an element i think because like if i get

One pearl oh apparently two okay i just want to be slightly careful here i don’t know why i still haven’t made a shield but i didn’t bring any wood with me so i can’t even like do it do a nice pull do that there we go

And now i can just easily snipe all of them okay and if i just do this and then one of these and then one of these and then just snipe every single one of them dude oh i’m actually damaging the dragon too this is perfect oh no

No no no oh my i was about to die i wonder if i can snipe it like this oh that was actually sick okay and last but not least this one here bang let’s go all right while i wait i’m just going to do this because it is very

Essential and i need infinity all right and we just do this bang dude look at the damage oh my this is so good oh it hit me though oh oh okay this might get me killed this is actually kind of dangerous okay i’m not gonna jump just to be safe

I’m also gonna eat chicken because if i got like if he span around i would have just died dude i could probably kill it like this if my bow doesn’t break we can do it can i do it come on please please please let’s go it’s frozen in the strangest position

Ever what is that that was actually so fun to record holy this video did kind of take like two weeks to make but in the end you know it turned out very well as i said in the intro if you guys did enjoy that video

Then leave a like and i will do a minecraft manhunt in alpha minecraft it’s gonna be even more cursed than this recording but i mean it’ll be pretty interesting okay thank you guys for all of the support recently it’s genuinely been insane we’re already at 30k and i’ve uploaded

Three videos oh no no no i need to beat the game oh no dude okay we’re fine and yeah i’ll see you guys later for a while ferrari jk i am hardly the type to sell my soul for money

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but the World Progressively Updates…’, was uploaded by SpeedSilver on 2021-01-26 00:30:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Minecraft but the World Progressively Updates… Follow My Socials: • twitter: @SpeedSilverr • twitch: …

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

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  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

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  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

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  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

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  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

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  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

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  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

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  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

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