Minecraft Ceres Fauna BDAY Party! VC OPEN! #anniversatree

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K happy birthday to the world tree go hello hello welcome welcome today we are celebrating the first birthday of the world tree congratulations world tree you are officially one year older crustier and dustier welcome to the club cute hat thank you I made it it’s somehow it’s like the lighting is not

Quite hitting it the right way it’s a little dim looking for a party hat but that’s fine you love this Dusty old boy hold on let me hop into Discord maybe it would be wise to Ping people but I don’t like to Ping people do you hear

That we can send a quick little reminder no no tree birthday Merch this is a birthday stream but I didn’t plan that much for the tree tree doesn’t get the same festivities as the rest of Us okay I sent a thing you want a tree doy oh it’s dark also this music I I predict is going to become very grading in a matter of just moments W did did Kyla organize for me oh my goodness did she organize for me she didn’t even tell me she was going

To to organize uh-oh and she did so she’s she’s so sweet the first birthday present for the tree hold on let’s let’s get out of here is this acting no I actually didn’t know this time Hello did you recover from the eclipse watch along last night no my brain dead I don’t know what I’m doing today I feel you I don’t know I think I read Twilight when it came out but I think my brain had blocked off some of the the scenes that

Happened yeah I didn’t know Bella was like that kind of girl I didn’t know either I don’t I’m starting to think Twilight isn’t the perfect love story that I thought it was you thought the same with like a SAS and sakur yeah you’re right you’re right I did maybe

Maybe this is a a running problem it’s okay you only have like you know two strikes a third strike is still upcoming yeah uh-oh we’ll see what I use that one on what what problematic pairing I’ll choose next your shipping mhm my B boo hello hello thank

Youday tree yes happy birthday to the tree thank you for coming yeah I don’t have much planned but Kyla mined like a million well she didn’t mind them actually she afked a million wool blocks so ooh there are plenty of of blocks to place OHA logged Ina logged in it so

Many people are coming to the birthday party thank you of course it’s a birthday party it is now that it’s a year older does that mean that you have to expand the tree rings by one block I know I feel like it does right but I think it might take me

A whole year to expand the tree so the domain expansion by the time I finish I just have to start working on the the next ring MH I do not remember how to log into Minecraft so I’m looking up right now take your time I will you’re by a tree right I’ll

Be there soon yes I’m am inside the tree the only thing is be warned there are some creepers who are having a prolonged date a date my in my tree yeah romantic own little Bella and Edward in your tree I know maybe this is my next problem ship oh no Uhoh please no oh no oh no oh no no what the creepers the creepers I killed them I killed them their love story has ended oh no it’s okay they can love each other in death I guess they will as vampires yeah oh I’ll leave the boat here as a a

Memory of what they had oh no I fell on top of them and they exploded oh you know every time I logged in I would complain about the creepers in my tree but now that they’re gone now they’re gone you miss them I do I miss them they became a feature goodbye

Creepers you will I’m surprised this will spawn I thought it was uh pretty lit up there well it’s not really lit up especially outside um it’s kind of like a mob spawner oh oh the the edges of the tree at least it’s kind of like a matchmaking

In a way it’s true the premier monster dating service of the server the best place in town to take your your creeper sweetheart oh do you want to e yes okay let’s e oh I don’t know if narissa is has a bed Though she’ll have a bird’s nest somewhere I’m sure is it possible to lock eyes with an Enderman while you’re sleeping I don’t think I hope not I hope not are my eyes actually Closed oh you made it oh it’s okay let’s we’ll just hang out at night time okay I don’t remember anything in this game there’s a cow in here I don’t know why where are you I’m at the The Hub I haven’t touched this game like forever

Oh oh do you want me to pick you up um sure in the daytime let me look up uh the place around here it’s been a while there’s Advent haggling discounts oh your llama rental I remember oh you’re back there okay yeah there’s a shortcut to Fish Tree

Over there oh nice need put away my things what should I bring um body yeah your body for sacrifice depends how you define manual labor I guess that is sacrifice yeah all right I’ll just bring like crappy equipment cuz I just think I’ll

Die oh no oh there is a cow in here it’s your cow remember it’s my cow it’s my sister yeah your sister yeah I could have swarn I had a crafting table around here hello wo your head beautiful oh am I still Kyla oh no I’m on no you’re like a skeleton a

Skelet you’ll fit right in around here make my crafting table oh there’s a crafting table out here if you need one oh I already made it it’s too late look at you with your little Cape how do you get the cape the cape yeah yeah you have a little Cape

Uh it’s elra ohra okay have you guys seen the it’s like The optify Capes or something OptiFine capes no I thought it was like um like a supporter thing like if you back the game you get a a cape hello narissa hello it’s me it’s you I’m up in

Tree are you here are you up at the top yeah let me I’m ready to go another bi boo I know that I’m like noob in this game uh we said actually since norissa is there can we can we e now yeah yeah so that way I can lead Shori safely

Without monsters do you have a bed no me oh here you can have wait where did you go I’m behind you you can have this one thank you hold on I think I have wait do I have beds somewhere yes down here ouch okay nice nice okay let’s go time to Adventure good

Morning good morning the beautiful world’s tree it’s one year old today happy birthday happy birthday did you make cake for it I didn’t but I’ve been on my like sourdough bread Ki I’ve been trying to make sourdough bread and oh do you have like a star and

I’ve been working on the starter do you feed it every day at the same time I feed it twice a day oh my go wow 12 hours but I made some flatbread with it it’s easier than making like actual sourdough it was very good but I don’t know how festive it was for

Birthdays that’s festive enough you made it something that’s true well did I really make it for it or did I make it for myself well let’s leave that un answered about the the you know that’s true that’s true specifics yeah yeah I did it all for the tree everything I’ve ever

Done has been for this tree mhm a need what do you need from me I so do I need to go down no you can stay up there okay so I have created a guide sort of we’re just going to be filling in Wool um yes and I’ve created a guide for the

Pink part okay is the part that mostly needs to be filled in um bring up some some wool actually a lot of wool okay and then the white part could also be build in if you have something against pink and don’t want to work on the pink part I love pink good me

Too it may be treacherous for non elytra users but you do have a totem I see yeah yeah is you memorize the path pretty well bi boo thank you this is this is where I live sori look look up there the stone block look look hold on

Here we go over here okay hold up oh there’s an end behind us oh yeah oh your Moy statue pink sheler boxes oh you know you could put like um green slime for boogers boogers boogers anyway I need to go grab my stuff the tree is right there right in

Front of us okay thank you take your bed with you yeah okay oh I didn’t bring my bed oh I brought I brought extra bed oh there’s a cat cafe how cute oh yeah it’s mine you can go you can it’s a it’s a my viewing Cat Cafe oh

I’m sorry for casting Your Cat Cafe Into Darkness with the shadow of I like Darkness hopefully monster don’t start visiting your cat cafe well if they do it’s for you know the cats to cause trouble yeah that’s true everybody loves cats well maybe creepers don’t love cats actually okay no they have

To so I don’t know if my my frame makes sense sort of the outline and then it just needs to be filled in oh let me give you torches too yes I have a few on me there’s a couple more arato so which block are we doing today or any

Color um I’m going to put down all these shulker boxes so anyone who comes here can just take from them I’ll put some down here mainly we’re going to work on the pink part I think or the white part I some the the pink blocks are up

There already yeah yeah yes okay cool I just have to find a way up you’ve got it there is there’s one way up yeah I’m looking for the water the water fall it might be a slow way up it’ll work got to do what you got to

Do oh here it is I found it I need to take you guys to get AA yes at some point so you can fly I want to see guys go on go to the end I’m only good at falling all right Advent build time mhm yes thank you I like to

Help you guys have been very helpful I’m not looking forward to doing all the decorating of the tree yeah it’s that’s the fun part you know I guess so it is do the top so well I’m kind of a perfectionist and I want to do the top I you definitely don’t

Have to cuz who’s going to see it but I get it I get it how can it be complete but it looks so nice from Far Away really bad render distance yeah true uhoh My Stream dying I think it’s fine it’s probably okay fine yeah all right I’m heading towards the pink

Section was there something I was supposed to pick up no the boxes are all up here um so okay I think you should go this way if you can’t fly I have water buckets oh good it’s like a the poor method of flying in case of emergency deploy water bucket

Mhm that way I can wash away the blood that falls oh my God it would be a bit of a bit of a downer to have all these blood splot splatters on no no it’ll match because like your Sakura thing is like pink so a little bit of red is kind of like

Enhancing the pink yeah true that’s true so there’s a story to tell here okay here are the shers of wo oh wow pink too nice nice okay all thanks to Kyla and then this is sort of my outline you can just like fill it inord just go inside yeah okay according to the

Guide thank you Here pink part you said yeah yes okay there you are I heard your bone break are you okay there you go you’re like a falling bird the shulkers are up here okay I’m alive I’m alive to stay okay but now a part where I can’t

Get out okay I guess I got to keep going down did you fall onto the tree uh I did fall at the trunks yeah I told you to a bit of bread yeah it’s okay I can get back up your totem saved me let me let me get

You a replacement or do you have one no no I don’t have one sh are you okay you focus on the birthday party it’s okay it’s a story to tell the archive lore OA in shambles please don’t report Kier and Co we can’t afford another incident we love

Working at K and one more shut us down and Co provides everything we need okay I’m I’m back sort of somewhere I don’t know where I am okay don’t worry sh bu partnership with rock hard constructions oo nice partnership accepted yay what is what does this partnership entail um

Um the China belongs to her um maybe I should have read the contract before signing too late she said yes we have an alliance does that mean I get ownership of the moai um you you have the right to squat in the moai if you need it but only in the nose

Only in the nose can I add slime blocks in the nose to make boogers if you would like where’d you go um I’m going to go use your bed so if I die I’ll I’ll at least be nearby okay I can put beds um up at the pink

Part too or I guess maybe then you would but if you fall let me give give you another totem so you won’t die oh thank you if only life worked like that too Right but I lost you oh no oh no creep oh no which which bed are you at I’m nearby a bunch of shers in the orange section oh in the orange section yeah okay can shers get destroyed by creepers by the way I think so yes okay oh that sucks maybe

We should sleep yeah I’m ready okay i e i i oh let me look for a bed okay i i e okay okay back to building back to work okay here another my second chance of life here you can have you can have thank you take two

Okay that was so nice of uh of Kyla to go all out on the pink for you I know she she did so much much afking and not only did she AFK she also organized all my stuff I love her I would say I’m like notoriously bad at organizing m in Minecraft

So it is very much appreciated the she organize my stuff for me I feel you I’m bad at organizing too it’s just hard in games like this like I don’t want to organize I just want to build know like Auto sort true a lot of games like this do have Auto

Sort but not not vanilla Minecraft I bet that’s one of the popular mods though oh yeah for sure yeah and cars I think cars cars people yeah there’s like all sorts of mods for cars bars in Minecraft um there’s one where you can marry a villagers and stuff why would you why would you want

To well you can replace your skin so so as a kid I would get like uh anime point for all of them I of course of course of course sori plays Minecraft like a dating game yeah that’s you can also have um you can have

Like a baby in there but I don’t know what they do but like you can also throw away the baby as like an yeah it’s just like you equip it but you can’t do anything with it unless they did something else with it I see shiori this is like almost as cursed as

Sims mods oh yeah what did you say the the something baby baby cute like the baby oh that one oh you know it sh yeah I saw like um the the the PX the things of it yeah yeah I think it’s gone now is it gone I’m I’m pretty sure I won’t be

Surprised yeah I guess I guess so but it was such a an icon an icon culture s was it I don’t know well I personally never had it installed but M I believe you I feel like it was one of the most popular mods it might have even been

Like a featured mod on mod thesims.com all right the top is becoming safer to Traverse that is nice for people like me yes my sweet little Shori I threw some torches in the some of the shers too thank you I just need to not fall yeah that’s an issue yeah but I’d

Still rather not it’s true oh do have a spirit tot well no I’ll be fine I have I have flight I’ll I do have spare totem oh okay I’ll take one just in case where are you there you are here you go thank you mhm courtesy of Kieran Co wow kierin

Co is the best we getting sh yeah protects you from death three Times uhoh uhoh that’s nice I saw that now I can just work on the lower half yeah but my bed’s up there it’s the only issue oh would you like me to bring it to you mayhaps that might be a helpful thing to do I’m happy to be the here in delivery

Service thank you my sweet Kieran thank God these PS were down here to catch me it’s kind of impressive you managed to land on just the the one wide blocks I’m just that good you know she’s a pro now is this orange one yours I guess they’re all orange yeah I put mine by the shulker boxes

Okay oh hello Risa I see you over there oh hi hello hi oh I’m just making this place safer me too okay here you go thank you should eat a little bit actually oh do you need food I have some food anyone needs it thank

You we are so for in Kier and Co Now read the next part of the [Laughter] script here at Kier and Co will’ll happily work to our death good good very good but she won’t let us die not until the job’s done mhm even if it takes another year this tree will be

Complete hey I mean this year alone pretty good progress was made yeah that’s true I do feel like I don’t know a year is a long time it is yeah but it’s a big project it is it is a big Project haven’t always been consistently working on it but that’s okay we’re getting there a lot of blocks it is I think wa I can check my statistics is always fun look at um I have placed 177,000 orange wool blocks oh my goodness W and 20,000 Spruce logs that’s insane

I feel like the orange section took me a while but now that I I know how I’m building it it’s going faster like the white section is almost done and didn’t take nearly as long oh we should finish decorating the outside of the orange section it looks so good

Yeah I want to but I don’t have the materials yet but yes I was going to wait until the frame is done mostly because I am procrastinating collecting all of the materials just ask Kyla I know I think I will ask her but I feel

Bad cuz it’s it’s so much don’t feel bad okay because this is what I’ve learned she will do it to get you to play more Minecraft so as long as you play more Minecraft she will be happy to do it for you that’s good to that’s the che code That goes for you guys too oh yeah your elytra Gathering Excursion yeah I’m trying to get aan to play more Minecraft are you guys you guys should fight the dragon yeah with beds with beds speed run it then I’m scared it’s not too Bad don’t worry I’ve never been able to get very far in the Minecraft story mode I just it doesn’t make sense to me somehow I meanes B story I’m like I thought Minecraft was just about building what do you mean there’s a dragon yeah and the way you get it is

Like kind of nonsensical too yeah it’s like how could you know how to do this if you don’t look at a guide yeah exactly and that’s the thing that gets me about it I have a book a guide to beating Minecraft M SEI send it to me in a care package that’s so

Cute we can use that yes oh I would love it if you guys like didn’t look it up beforehand and then you only use the guide yeah guide going Blind but honestly fighting the dragon is like not the hard part whatting all the things to get to the end yeah that’s the the hard part in my Opinion and that’s like I don’t know I did some speeduns of Minecraft like way back in the day you did quote unquote speed Runner fa no they were slow slow runs fa RT I did like it I would like to try again but it’s really hard and I don’t

Know the hard part is like yeah not I mean fighting the dragon is hard but for me like navigating the nether was the hard how does it work do you like start a new world and then like go as fast as you can let me go a bed and

Like seed resetting is a really important thing in Minecraft speedr running like picking a good a good seeds so a lot of it is just resetting until you you see something you can work with like a village for example a good start for your speed

Run I don’t know I like the speedrun up until you go to the nether it’s too hot in there mhm too scary it’s a shame you can’t put beds in there cuz it’d be nice to have like a little Nether world a fortress of your own true like what not much to do

Mhm you could build a cool demon castle in the nether ooh suitable location wa I guess there are spawn anchors which act like beds you can use in the nether you don’t need sleep cuz there no day night cycle who needs sleep true actually me I need sleep yeah I like

Dream oh yeah you get you’re one of the few people I know who actually properly sleeps I do I don’t know I don’t know how people function without sleep but what time do you sleep I sleep actually lately I’m pretty good I sleep at like midnight wow 1 a.m. wow

Wow that’s unheard of L I can’t imagine that I know I don’t know you should you should give it a try maybe I’m just old but like it feels good to go to sleep and I’m sure it does feel time and and wake up what time do you wake up though

That’s a question you be in bed for an extra hour or two yeah usually I sleep from like midnight to 9 a.m. so I get like 9 hours of sleep which might be too much I woke up 10 minutes before your stream started oh boo oh did you eat at least

Uhoh the incriminating Silence we’re we’re building we’re building here at kierin Co we don’t eat we build oh no that wasn’t in thep I have coffee does that count no be boo did you put cream in it there’s there’s milk in it that has some calories yeah I think it does yeah if it

Has milk maybe like 20 calories uh for milk no it’s usually a decent amount but how much is in there it’s not a lot of milk okay couple couple calories to keep you going yeah you got to make you taller beoo I don’t think that’s possible it’s possible nothing’s

Impossible unless you tell yourself it is oh okay yeah she believed so quickly He I like how this is pretty much the Twilight Squad from I know I was thinking about that I’m excited to watch the next one same oh did did you see that like we manifested the anime or whatever Twilight anime right it’s twilight anime but I

Wonder what kind of Animation is it like will it look like like a man or maybe like super super cartoony that doesn’t look good I know I can’t imagine it yeah Western cartoon style apparently there’s an anime in the works so I don’t know if that’s true or not but I’m scared if

It’s anime it’s like no please anything with that I know they wouldn’t but it would make me so happy if like the Scott Pilgrim live uh or uh Cartoon if all the original actors came back I know they never would but I just think it would be so hilarious

Oh Animated Series right in not an anime but animated series I guess what if it looks like a like that Total Drama Island that’s what I was thinking yes I was literally thinking Total Drama Island what if they make it like that I don’t know are there examples of

Western romance an animated series turn into Mana looking style or like um Avatar that was Western that that would be kind of cool if they turned it web to in style yeah yeah but at the same time I kind of want it to be bad like let’s might as well

Just go in Total Drama Island it’d be entertaining what it look like um like the gumball series oh my God I was kind of I was thinking it kind of would look like maybe you know the animated Castlevania on nflix that looks pretty good I haven’t seen it same it

Looks Co the animation’s crazy amazing does it look like the like the Castlevania style I don’t really know it looks pretty like close to like almost anime but western style like kind of like kind of like Avatar kind of like Kora I think oh but it’s a lot more like Gothic a lot

More graphic yeah is it main by a western Studio or a Japanese Studio that’s a good question I don’t know time to get more pink wool mhm me too same Korean Western Korean getting mixed have a nice Style mixed answers it’s animated in Korea but maybe

The other parts of the team are well a lot of a lot of animated series in the in the west are animated like in Korea heard that yeah I remember Steven Universe a lot of the in between frames were also done in uh Korea I didn’t know that there’s like

Adventure Time too right the one of the animators plays what’s her name beo yeah beo and also the the the unicorn Rainicorn princess the girl yeah I like when she speaks Korean as the yeah yeah just completely randomly she has such a pretty voice though it’s so S I don’t know what she’s

Saying but I like it right korean’s just a very pretty language it is it is I want to I want to learn about the Twilight anime it’s not anime but I’m going to keep calling it that we might as well please leave tent scene out please no no T rest you can’t have

Twilight without the tent scene be boom Oh so this is is this the I heard they were remaking Twilight as a show so that’s what this is I assume so I think so oh so it’ll be like 12 episodes or something yeah probably I mean I don’t know why

Twilight needs to be made into a ship oh the movies are already perfect so it’s true fauna agrees which means I’m right I didn’t realize how knowledgeable you were about Twilight it’s okay it’s okay I can fly I remember I remembered I can fly okay continue your your thing yeah I really like Twilight um I didn’t read all the books though I must admit but I have yeah I have a lot of weird Twilight knowledge that just

Will not leave my brain oh it must been like uh your childhood yeah it’s like the Twilight brain rot you know uhhuh cuz it’s just so crazy it’s so crazy and hilarious that I can’t my my favorite character is actually Marcus from the volter and he has like a crazy

Backstory that you just never find out about in the show so there’s just like FAA you probably you’ve seen breaking dawn part two right no I haven’t never mind I won’t spoil it I only read the books up until recently I see well we’re fixing that first time watching yeah

Nice I don’t know I think like by the time the movies came out I don’t remember if I was yeah or if I was like no Twilight sucks actually now we’re we’re coming back around to it as you should oh my my broi accidentally was forced to watch eclipse in theaters how are

Youd because because broi went and hung out with like a friend and the friend wanted to go see a movie um and they were too losing the movie and the friend’s mom picked for them so my brother and his friend watched eclipse and he said it was the most traumatizing thing

Ever Eclipse does seem like maybe the worst one it it is the worst one I agree I can see why I didn’t remember anything that happened in it I just like blocked it all out how could you do anything other than that pretend it didn’t this one didn’t

Happen Nissa do you want to do a Twilight read along I I’d need an audio book but I’d be down for that I haven’t read the books in a while we need an audio book we can just have funo read it hey go to bed everybody funo reading it be pretty nice

With sweet voice okay I can try how long would that take too long 30 hours yeah we could we could take turns we could like read get the books and then take turns each chapter or every one of us could voice a different character oh my goodness oh

But who uh who should be who I will be Jasper can you be Southern give me your best southern accent well yes I can only a Southern bell though so I guess Jasper you sound like a a Southern bell lady pretty exactly does that suit

Yeah make um what if we make Mor Senai jper because she has true do you think we want to join that though no but it would be funny you got a point Sorry Callie you have to it would just be funny sorry Callie you don’t actually have a say in this [Laughter]

Uh you’re out voted I want to be Jacob I want to Beed you want to be Jacob yeah I want to be edgy angry gaslighter it’ll be so fun oh you would’t be like a wolf you’re a wolf but he doesn’t he suffer too much actually maybe Edward suffers yeah I

Want to I want to sound like I’m suffering all the time okay uh bi boo we we might need to put a pin in that for later um you okay there PE is there someone we should up for you Nothing I’m anticipating the official bi boo emo outfit already right yeah oh it’d be so cute if you get like a wolf costume or something God I’m just run around going oh wolfi oh my God that would be so adorable that would be and then we can

Play Wolf’s Quest yeah I should play Wolf Quest ad Wolf Quest I’d love that I need to relive my childhood of being in a wolf pack you were in a wolf pack oh wait so uh I don’t know if you watched me and mum’s emo stream that we did together but when

I was in like Elementary School uh and during recess we’d have like a a wolf pack a and I was a part of it so we’d go and we’d walk on all fours around the playground didn’t that hurt your feet or your hands or your knees I was a wolf

You know I see no pain yeah no pain just wolf just wolf yeah we’d be like who brought the food today even though like no one’s actually hunting you know and then like like role playing wolves they so dumb I did that too but it wasn’t a wolf

Pack it was a Pokemon pack Pokemon too I love that yes those were the days right yeah can’t get away with [ __ ] like that anymore no you can still do it for an off cool lab all right wolf pack off Collab we’ll wear like wolf onesies or something with the pajamas yeah and then we’ll go hunting yeah at the grocery store grocery store and then we’ll make s’mores yeah yeah like wolves I’m going to hunt a deer with my mouth uh-oh she’s taking it too far yeah back to the Jacob stuff

Again that’s more Edward actually hunts the deer with his mouth does he use his mouth mouth actually I don’t know yeah I guess so his teeth yeah he he just likes to chew on it you know oh Yeah I don’t know if I want to see that well have fun no did they show it done yeah kind of yeah huh just once just once it’s okay not my Gentleman vegetarian vampire Edward well it’s it’s not him but someone else does oh okay well that’s

Fine then as long as you don’t ruin the Edward fantasy keep that off screen please yeah off Screen I love building the tree so Ser you’re doing no vegetar Arian means deer right what what because he’s a vegetarian vampire but vegetarian in Vampire terms means deer what animal I thought he I thought he was just eating like beet juice oh you’re mistaking it for like

Adventure Time vampires where they just need like the color red trying to make this one hole go away but I maybe overestimated myself your holy whole filling I just water down here it’s okay I saw that one I’m alive it’s cool that’s right there is there is water down there always additional safety

Measures thank goodness okay so that’s two Falls for sori one fall for Nissa one fall for me does it count if you don’t use a totem I don’t know cuz I have fallen like 200 times Well time toit going to find my way back maybe oh I don’t have a bucket we

Should build I should build another another Elevator oh I can I can get I’ll be back thank you oh ala oh it’s a good thing there’s water down here it sure is it sure is here I’ll go light up a a little while I’m Here with my four sad torches there should be some more in the shulkers maybe okay I’ll Look oh it’s so dark it’s actually creepy at some places the Dark Forest down there yeah even though it’s daytime mhm I feel bad every time I build a new section I see the people Whoever has built stuff beneath me mhm and I’m just covering it in in Shadow oh like my mu

Statue yeah like a real corporate entity but I I placed it so I could have a good view of the tree and now you have a good view of a forest filled with monsters yeah yeah yeah yeah just what bi Boo likes I don’t need son I hate

Son she’s really going all in on the the emo yeah okay now Where oh oh I’m all out I’m in the pink section oh are you up there hold on let me go up there time to start emptying another shulker box okay here you go I got two just in case thank You okay I’ll make a new elevator thank you it’ll be in the water I believe now there’s a closer one nice but I’m not we’re well taken care of don’t forget to leave a review on glass [Laughter] door only if it’s a good one though yeah no bad reviews

IO do you know the Elden ring lore yes what which one is there a tree lore yes there’s there’s lots of tree lore is there a big tree there’s a you to play it yes there’s a giant giant tree the golden one and um boiler alert it catches on fire what

Oh well that’s nothing like my tree yeah my tree would never catch on fire she’s a superior one I like how you said a spoiler alert and then you proceed to just like smack down on it without waiting a bit oh sorry it’s okay what you don’t know which tree does

There’s multiple Tre there’s multiple Big Trees there’s multiple big trees yes there’s like DLC coming out right yeah it’s based on a big tree oh is it oh yeah and there’s another tree there’s another tree that the DLC is about love trees oh it’s another

Tree no you us to play it Elden ring really loves trees except when they catch on fire they’re proving a point you know that’s true think of it it’s like just recycling on Mother Nature you’re supposed to get like more nutrients if you burn things I think yeah that’s true

That’s true yeah I really want to watch you play El ring though because I feel like you’re a gamer fun is sweet so I want to see you play it I’ve never played any of the souls games Soul could be so good you to there is that you do look like you could

Be a in like bloodborne yeah I do have that look about me but not the soul a gentle bird mhm I’m a good girl big bird like a big bird oh my God just as beautiful and elegant as Big Bird and is tall too big bird is really tall right yeah I’m

Like I think Big Bird’s probably taller I’m not going to lie what what Sesame characters would we be I don’t remember too much Elmo for you B boo maybe that’s cute there’s not enough emo characters in Sesame Street for all us the dumpster guy he’s

You can be F you can be Oscar theou is he green oh he’s green yeah okay I’ll be osar the Crouch I like kerit oh you could be Kermit too actually he’s green kerit isn’t is he Sesame Street I thought he was the Muppet I don’t know oh yeah think Sesame

Street he’s a m wait but they’re are they both Jim Hensen I don’t know is it both are you a man or a Muppet that’s what really matters I think I’m a muppet Kerman is on Sesame Street sometimes oh oh crossover oh my God I like to think um

Hoka would be like the Cookie Monster but for oh God yeah oh that’s Accurate who are the other characters even M I don’t remember oh yeah wait wouldn’t you be bird I’m not a bird I just like Birds I wish to be surrounded by birs for chees wait then f m would be B and Ernie yeah but their soul is more like Cookie

Monster yeah yeah they like each other too much do bir and Ernie not like each other I forget what one is which but one of them is always annoying with the other I think that’s the the tall one so maybe maybe banana looking guy yeah I don’t know the Sesame Street

Lore I only remember eating cereal and seeing it a few times remember rubber ducky you’re the oh yeah I saw like a Sesame Street Thing video and Elmo hates rocks oh no why Canon I think so oh why does he hate Ro though yeah maybe it’s just like the genre of music

No he hates because there was a what was it there was EML has a girlfriend I think and his girlfriend has a a uh pet rock and the pet Rock’s name is Rocco and and then Rocko the pet rock stole Elmo’s cookie that he wanted and then and then Elmo’s

Like Roo a rock and then but rocks have rights too Elmo okay yeah but stealing is never okay well no no it wasn’t stealing it was she gave the lady who was giving them cookies gave the cookie that Elmo wanted to Rocko and Elmo wanted the

Cookie I didn’t even though he had a girlfriend see I thought the story would be a what Elmo is three I don’t know how we have cookie he’s three and a half oh wait why was maybe maybe maybe it’s not his go maybe it’s just a friend who’s a girl

Yeah maybe yeah I was about to say Elmo better not have more Riz than I do cuz it’s okay we’s get you a muppet P I don’t want a muppet see after watching Twilight I thought you were going to say his pet rock stole his girlfriend I thought you were going to

Doo yeah it’s like no wonder he hates rocks we freaking Edward and Jakob I me Roco was stealing the show so like Elmo got a little je blanket I mean that’s not very nice it’s Elmo’s World not Rocco’s world world like Elbo needs to learn to share the spotlight right yeah no no he he built that [ __ ] from the

Ground up let him cook okay he’s girl bossing exactly Empire Mhm I never realized there was this level of three-year-old fighting right me neither they stole my cookie no Elmo sassy I was like rock was a rock he didn’t have a mouth or something like that dang he like he he rages out I mean when he loses the K Vape

I don’t think Rock I I don’t think he’d feel that way about you because you have a mouth you know that’s true so I I don’t think I don’t think Elmo would dislike you bi boo just Rocco hope not just Rocco but I have to look out for my Pebbles okay I

Don’t thinko deserves well he he’s a pet rock so Technic he stole a cookie he stole a cookie from Elmo he didn’t steal the cookie you want in your Bas a Cookie Thief yes Rocco is welcome in my fan base Rocco are you watching right now are you hearing

This wey at the Sesame Street people for this Rocco got framed how’d he get framed because he was given the cookie Elmo was just jealous because he wanted the cookie oh almost three and a half half well Elmo should be happy with with what he’s given have you ever met a three-year-old bi

Boo but you can’t blame the pet rock he’s just a pet he didn’t do anything Ro got no one to defend him I will defend [Laughter] Rocco could do think progress no Rocco can’t eat it he doesn’t have a mouth so then why did he steal it in the first

Place he’s getting framed feel the cookie he was get the cookie fun what do you think of the progress we’ve made this is great progress already yeah oops you guys have oops made quick work of the pink section we are here for Senpai thank you thank you maybe the tree can be finished

In the next year before it turns two yeah if you keep throwing parties and uh getting Kier Ando in here to help I just need to celebrate like it’s um like you know how new parents celebrate their kids birthday but it’s not birthday it’s like my kid is turning

4 weeks old today yeah it’ll be like that uh think that’s a great idea the gender reveal for some reason tree gender reveal yeah that’s how fires get started though oh no not the tree it’s okay the tree doesn’t have a gender it’s just a tree as far as I know I

Don’t actually trees have both because they have both male and female reproductive parts uh actually female trees bear fruits if you plant Tre any fruit male trees oh there’s water it’s Okay so what you’re saying is if the if the tree has fruit it’s a girl it’s a girl oh we should we should give it some fruit yeah yeah actually there’s some berries growing on it already does that count yeah then it’s a girl then it’s a girl

Congratulations yeah only took one year to figure it out I’m going to bed me too okay I guess that makes sense well the world tree it’s could be like a motherly figure itself tree yeah it’s like a yeah all right happy birthday birthday to your tree I’m going to go head out

Here for now thank you for hanging out bye bye tree thank You my back building this it’s fine I can fly I remember this time I can fly I can fly I can fly my goal is to empty out two shulker boxes I’ve already done one you are wow a a block placing machine I’m here for you I you know how

Many times I watched you build this tree on stream it’s my honor to help you thank you it is yeah I did too like pre debut I would watch you I want to help one day are it’s weird to think about it the trees the tree has been here longer than you

Guys the tree is our Senpai Senpai world tree we’re here to help you get your Leaves she appreciates it yes she will no longer be bald no longer look like a a demon tree yeah with like spaghetti all over it the spaghetti was definitely a phase that it had it was a very interesting phase indeed now it’s sort of going through like a a

Darkness encaps and everything oh my gosh new so let’s fill this hole yeah yeah look at that let’s go oh there’s another hole over here let’s fill it okay let’s go Teamwork Makes it DreamWork W look we did so much progress already oh my God yeah oh there’s already monsters

Spawning that’s great so good okay now there’s these more complex folds that we got to fill back to focus Mode so how’s it feel to have your tree be a year old it’s weird yeah I don’t know I sort of started the project like on a whim I was just like wouldn’t it be cool well actually it’s cuz I watched haim’s streams and she always builds like these

Giant mega structures that are so cool I was I don’t know and you know when you walk around the server in her her builds are just so iconic that anytime you see one you’re just like oh Haim M build this this is a hot so I was like I want to do something

At that scale MH this is Fest tree yeah something where people look at and be like wow she must have spent a long time on that well you have I have and also I just like I thought that hma’s Minecraft streams where she’s just like placing blocks are super comfy so I

Was like comfy MH I wouldn’t mind having that be like a weekly thing on my channel I don’t know it doesn’t really feel like it’s been a year but same time it’s weird to like I was looking at my Minecraft playlist today when I was making my thumbnail I took some

Screenshots from it um and it was weird to see the the Minecraft streams before I started the tree it’s like wow what was I even what was I working on what was life like before the tree yeah like what was what was my goal what was I doing nothing

Really and now you’re making a giant tree yes and it’s all about the tree mhm there’s going to be an update to Minecraft oh yeah oo well part of it is going to make things make getting certain resources a lot more difficult cuz they’re changing the way that villager trading works oh

Better hurry and finish the tra I know that’s what I’m thinking like I need to I need to cuz a lot of the like the concrete or the Terracotta it’s easy to get it from villager trades mhm so I’m like I need to I need to get that before the update gets

Added Kat Kai thank you yeah we’ll see sucks that they’re changing it I know Minecraft like they notoriously kind of don’t like like farms and like farming materials like I think their idea for the game is for you to like play it in more more of a

Survival way like you go out on adventures and collect the resources yourself that’s definitely what they want but I don’t care about what they want like don’t get rid of my exploits I I worked hard to figure them out yes I tried actually my first the first

Thing I tried to do for this tree was to make an automatic wood Farm ooh but it did not work because it it it sneakily relies on a duplication glitch like TNT duplication which is is patched in this version of Minecraft that we’re playing On it’s okay I I just mined the 20,000 Blocks individually instead you mean you’ll mean 20,000 saplings gave their life for you it’s true well they’ve taken on New Life in a way yeah yeah for sure big amalgamation of saplings all all here together listening to the screaming of the Lambs [Laughter]

Downstairs I feel like we finished most of the top there’s just like the edges now yeah it looks really good thank you here at Kieran Co we’re hard workers that’s right the bottom is going to be I guess the more important part but it’d be good to get this done M cuz I can’t fly yeah true I can’t believe you’re doing all this without an elytra yeah I’m just CRA we could go get one no you should yeah I think I remember how to do it I think it’s not too too bad get in the

Elytra can be I guess it was a pretty fun adventure did you go with Kyla I did MH I thought it was a fun adventure too I had a crazy time getting mine I just need to be carried you know I don’t think I’ll be as prepared

As Kyla but I’ll do my best oh just make sure to bring some blocks and you’ll be fine yeah what are the blocks for for not dying yeah how do they stop you from dying from not falling to your death I see have you seen the islands in the end

Not really okay I won’t spoil it then you when you go there you’ll understand yeah but it’s really fun to explore yeah I think so too one day I’ll get to go to the end that day could be could be any day could be this week could be this

Month maybe could be this year I haven’t put Minecraft on my schedule for a while actually I need to find something to do I just like to build you know let’s let’s go get your lra it makes building much easier yeah depending what it makes life nice yes all right good work bi

Boo thank you it’s looking good thank you guys yeah happy to help are you going to put like cherry blossoms when we decorate it yay I’m going to put like a bunch of different blocks like um how the orange section is M you should definitely have cherry

Blossoms on the underside so it’ll like fall the petals will fall how far do they fall I don’t know I hope they fall all the way to the bottom bedtime bedtime this tree might just get finished after all one day yeah before the 2ear mark let’s go let’s go

Should see if there’s any more left in the shulker Box I wanted to finish just one okay back at it I mean I feel like I feel like the whole thing with the tree is gathering the supplies is obviously oh hard and time consuming I keep forgetting that I can

Fly but I feel like also just placing the blocks is like mind numbing you know that’s true I kind of enjoy it though oh yeah but like I feel like when you have uh way more people helping it just goes so much faster it’s true it does it goes

Way faster cuz really that’s that’s the thing that’s taking up the main thing of time you know mhm hello hello excuse me ol oh hi y I wanted to say congratulations on the tre’s birthday thank you thank you Yay yeah won’t won’t be staying for too long though no problem thank you for yeah thank you for stopping by yeah how’s the tree going it’s going very thanks to my my Advent kohai here who have been helping place a million blocks also thanks to Kyla because she

Did so much afking for me oh she did she did and she organized all my stuff for me no that sounds like Kayla yeah yeah I mean she’s just a Minecraft MVP right Yeah I’ve actually been wanting to ask um what’s the concept of the tree again it’s like do you know like the world tree mythology mhm it’s like a big tree and then um it has different colors like different quadrants to represent the four seasons oh so it’s like the orange section is like

Fall and then it goes around like winter spring and then there will be summer oh that’s wait what’s summer then summer will be green and winter will be white uhhuh yes so cool thank you yeah I just I wanted well I was talking a little bit

Ago that I was inspired by haim’s giant builds and I wanted to make something something giant that people would look at and be like wow that must have taken a while took a whole last year but I think it’s because I’m slow that it took a year I had some SL is nice

Yeah people wait for it I know yeah this this is my content right can’t can’t do it all too fast hey hello hello are we here can you hear us Hello we’re back OB being angry obious how dare you on the tree’s birthday I know like how insane on the day of my daughter’s birthday you come to me with connection Issues oh yeah Ollie had to run to A mhm Okay the tree is a girl we determined the tree is a girl probably you need to place some fruit MH oh man this Dome from under here bu you thank you it’s dark I know it’s dark that’s why I need to cover it in like a million pieces of glow

Stone you better get started I know every time it’s like oh good progress has been made it’s like oh but look how much look how dark it is is left yeah the Ampitheater it does look like an Ampitheater from underneath here we could have concerts in the tree yeah o

That’s a really good idea sometimes people ask like what are you going to put inside the tree and it’s like I can’t even think about that we are so far from Vibes like who cares we’re so far from that point to decorating the inside let’s worry about the outside

First okay the interior or the exterior of the tree is should be done for the most part thank so the cap the cap of the pink part is completed the cap the little mushroom cap No Cap yeah I can’t fly around so I’m watching your

Stream to see what it looks like are you let me let me go get a a good view of it it looks good yeah I like the pink side looks a little more natural than the the white part the white part accid made it too

Flat um how do I get on the bottom of this I can’t fly jump where um would you like a little water bucket yeah there you go thank you all the Torches might might be killed oh yeah you can uh oh no it’s going off the edge actually so it’s kind

Of okay but you can you can undo it now if you’d like I’ll just do this that wait you can we can keep the wait does it not work that way does it not just go down here I don’t know okay okay now we can keep that elevator too my

Tree is not very accessible to those without elytra could definitely work on that okay oh okay I’ve only got a few more blocks to place and then I will call my contribution for today as a a employee of here in C good thank you yeah clear out two Electra

Boxes I was like when you did the orange decoration Parts I still am not over like how quickly you place them I don’t know I feel like you have a you have a talent you you make a good guide so it’s very easy I don’t know I

Think I feel like if you make your own project you might just finish it like immediately yeah just super fast I need like I need like guides but yeah no I really like to build in Minecraft it’s what keeps me going mhm do you have any ideas for

Builds you want to do no not at all I don’t know I usually just like follow guides which is part of the reason this is so nice for me cuz you just have a nice little guide here and I can just place anywhere so I’m like

Great I’ll keep that in mind then yeah I don’t have to think about it I just place blocks and I’m golden Mhm okay see I’m the opposite I just wing it hey that’s not a bad way to do it either MH there you go lots of progress whole upper cap is done now there’s just the lower part and then and then you’re almost done with the winter part already too which means it

Soon enough it’s going to be just the green part and you’re going to speedrun it uhhuh and then that’ll be fun have to decorate it yes I mean I I think finishing the outside of it and then decorating is pretty good idea yeah I think so too mhm well thank you for

Having me and letting me help yeah thank you for stopping by I love you f oh I love you okay good luck you twoo thank you thank you byebye bye bye bye it is just us now it’s just us I will be hard at work for a little while

Longer thank you you have a collab after this right yes Bigfoot what is Bigfoot the game it’s okay should we sleep yeah hold on Bigfoot is I don’t know cuz I didn’t really look at it okay you’re going in blind yeah I’m going in blind it’s a

Good way to go also but I assume it’s about looking for big foot I I want to play too big we should play yeah I play with you actually there’s a game I wondered if you played or have played or would like to play Don’t Starve Together oh I

Played like a tiny bit of it but I like ran around and didn’t know what to do so I didn’t play too much so I would love to play I really want to try hard that game yeah let’s try hard cuz it’s really hard and I’ve never gotten to the like

Past the winter in that game but I want to yeah so I want to put a group together who will play and try hard Don’t Starve Together I will totally try hard Don’t Starve let’s do it yeah I want to play played up again too

I I love play up yeah I can play hours of that game I want to try turbo mode again too yeah turbo is fun I feel like we were making like we weren’t doing so bad at turbo yeah it was crazy but we were we were surviving oh I saw you’re you

Played Pacific drive I’m playing that oh Friday how was it I liked it was it scary cuz it’s it says it’s a horror game’s not that scary oh okay good it’s just a tiny bit scary it can be like I don’t know it’s pretty like atmospheric but it’s not that

Scary it’s can be kind of like driving No in fact I I would say I’m very bad at driving what about you no I would say I’m very bad at driving good good I think you’ll have a good time then oh you’re doing all the snow Parts

Like coming up on yeah I’m going to make it like so it’s not just a straight line connection yeah blend in yeah it doesn’t really matter cuz it’s going to be covered but I will start and over here and we can meet in the middle

Okay I really want to get one of those wheel controllers I’ve been meaning to buy one for a while wheel wheel controller oh like when you drive you have the so for the immersion yes though I don’t think I don’t know if it it’s compatible with Pacific drive

But definitely like simulator yeah truck simulator let’s go I love truck simulator did you look at Pacific drive or are you going in uh I am going in mostly blun I’ve seen like a little tiny bit of it but I’m going in mostly unknown uh-huh I won’t I won’t say anything then

Okay just enjoy the atmosphere how many times did you crash um I how many times did I crash I feel like only like once well I I don’t know it depends on your definition of Crashing how many times did you crash yes the car only got flipped upside down once so I consider that should not work oh no oh no it’s okay I know where it is fell do you need help uh I should be okay I fell all the way to the bottom oh No what’s the hit boxes thing again f3b f3b okay actually it’s shift B try shift B narat narrates all should try shift B shift shift B oh I don’t think shift B Works what control B sorry control B CH be large chest narrator narator use mouse cursor or tab button to select

Element have you heard the Minecraft narrator large chest no chest use mouse cursor or tab button to select element well now you know is this my stuff or is this there’s people on a boat no that’s people on a boat oh are those the creepers on the

Boat no are there new creepers on the boat yeah there’s there’s Creepers on a boat where down here wait I have kind kind of close to ena’s Thing in a boat yeah uh behind me I’ll go go backwards oh yeah that way I don’t want to run into them oh wow there are there’s quite a lot of creepers on dates maybe it’s the same creepers did they Reincarnate I do actually mind flying around around your house did my stuff where is my stuff I’m pretty sure I fell on this side I will look Around Oops oh I found it it’s okay you found it before I Did uh-oh it’s very dark over here who could have done this made it so dark crafting screen element to narrator narrates chat I always accidentally turn the narrator on and it surprises me well will will he say something what is he what is he narrate I’m soer says yes yes

Oh did he narrate that yeah F fun a is says yes not the not the worst pronunciation of my name wait what do I say uh what is how does he say my name ah what he said insert something press enter to okay uh Koski beu says

Bye his pronunciation wasn’t so bad that wasn’t that wasn’t bad were You crafting crafting Oh this is this who you listen to you when you play Minecraft by yourself yeah my only company okay hold the totem I forgot hold the totem oh you have it okay yeah yes don’t forget unless you can do some MLG quick swaps while you’re

Falling I don’t I don’t get it I was falling and I was trying to use my elra but it wasn’t working happens to me too oh do you have to hold space is that why you have to be in flying mode you don’t have to hold space but you have to

Like double tap it but then if you like tap it again you’ll be out of flying mode okay crisis averted oh crafting oh I’m so distracted I love the narrator but if you want to turn him off you can do control B again and then one more

Time I will keep him on for now I hope you forget about it and it’s on the next time jum scare yeah yeah The narrator is here to make make things Interesting next time next time I’ll keep it on and then I’ll totally forget about it next time I log in M yes that’s the Goal okay back to work Mhm yeah I always see you doing various Souls game challenges yes come to the dark side maybe I don’t know I don’t would I like them I don’t know if I would like them I always felt like they weren’t really my thing Souls games why do you like them

They are not everybody’s thing I like them because uh they’re a challenge and I like like challenging things and I guess I like suffering okay thank I can’t hear myself talking I I can see that I like challenging things too like play up turbo mode are you the type of person

Who I don’t see you but I’ll ask anyway are you the type of person who loses patience easily I I don’t I don’t know my chat always says that I rage but I really don’t think I do that much yes you do yes I don’t think I rage

They I don’t know they’re saying I’m impatient but I will take an hour to make sure I don’t fail my hidman freelancer runs hey I want to do another back seating Hitman that was so fun learn from the best I need to continue my hardcore run wow there there are so many

Enemies oh where uh they’re falling inside your trunk oh W I guess they can be in there there’s also like 10 bazillion zombies on the Oh maybe I should do something about it it’s okay free mom spawner yeah exactly it’s target practice which I desperately Need one thing about this Soul game oh witch a witch what about Souls games oh it kind of you know they’re they’re not very handh holdy so it kind of just drops you in it’s like okay go forth and die you know and you kind of have to like learn

On your own how to survive in this horrible World mhm so that’s why you kind of need patience but it’s really fun and I’m trying to convert more people into it all right do ja a oops do you have a favorite of the souls games um oh no I think I

Think I think it’s oh it’s between Elden ring and SEO but I would not recommend starting with Sao if you would start with anything I would recommend starting with either Dark Souls 3 or Elden Wing I’ve heard good things about bloodborne yeah I haven’t played that

One you haven’t I haven’t are you going to play it um when when I am able to I will oh it’s only on Playstation yeah I see we have to wait until it appears on PC one day oh I see demon souls what’s Demon Souls demon

Souls is the original so dark souls can game after Demon Souls I haven’t played Demon Souls so is it called Demon Souls yeah it’s called Demon Souls demon souls that’s the original yeah I see and there’s there’s a remake of it on the PS5 I Believe it’s very janky the original people do talk highly of them all the time yeah they’re very good very good games it does feel like like as a as a gamer I should play them at some point yeah you’re a gamer you need to experience it yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah like how I think every gamer needs to play hint man and Super Mario Odyssey am I not a gamer I haven’t played Odyssey yet I just think it’s a good game that everyone would enjoy Odyssey is just fun what do you like about it no not it’s not hard but it’s not

Like super easy I don’t I don’t think I mean I think it’s like pretty easy but it’s not like you don’t feel like it’s like a baby game or anything it’s it feels like when they designed it they were just like let’s make this game as fun as possible for the Player so like well this isn’t really a spoiler cuz you see it in the trailer but it’s like you can be a T-Rex like it’s like when they’re making the game they’re like what would be cool in this game wouldn’t it be sick if you could be a

T-Rex be a T-Rex yes it would be so let’s put that in the game you can be a T-Rex so it’s just it feels like the they’re really just wanting to make a fun game and I think they succeeded please play DMC when when you talk about like games

That are made to be like fun fun experiences I think of DMC please please play DMC specifically five but if you start from three that would be even better but please pleas do see I think you would have fun with it okay I’ll play them yeah gura likes them too right she also

Streamed Them I think yeah I played them for the first time um recently on stream yeah and it was like the best experience of my life really yeah that’s High Praise outer Wilds is another one oh I have not played it is it you you did uh you did when you were gone

Right yes I did a let’s play how was it it’s a beautiful game like I think that’s also a game every gamer should play okay I will I will but I don’t know if you should stream it oh really why because Chad will ruin it for you inevitably

Oh that’s why I I uh pre-recorded it oh so you wouldn’t get back seated Lea says happy birthday world tree thank you Kyla Koski beu says Kaya L Kaya says sorry can’t be there fun Acer says thank you Kayla Le Kayla says but I am happy for

You fun Acer says thank you for all the help Lea says if you need anything again please chat me anytime how’s the narrator going to read fun Acer says W you love oh Lea says I love you plus I love the world tree too Lea says good luck Koski beu says

What about me f Acer says I love you Koski beu says dang it thank you Narrator oh that was that was so funny the narrator made it so much better I [Laughter] know narrator is underutilized feature oh there’s a spider hello spider uh-oh uhoh ow don’t oh oh it’s fine um outer Wilds the reason it will get ruined is uh well one cuz it’s like

A puzzle game yeah and back seating can be very annoying for those but secondly because like it’s very easy to spoil the game and like the less you know going into it the better oh and like oh really yeah someone could like type one message in chat and then that just like deletes

Like like half of the game experience for you wow where it’s just like minus 3 hours of game play and it’s a pretty short game so I guess if I do want to stream I just can’t look at chat ever yeah yeah and I would say really like don’t be

Tempted to look like really don’t look okay but it’s yes it’s a very beautiful game very good game beautiful ooh it’s a great experience and like a very unique Experience something everyone should play in my opinion yeah I’ve heard about it and I know a lot of members really like that game doesn’t Amy really like it too yes she does I think it’s one of her favorite games like of all yeah so I I’m curious

About it I don’t know I really don’t know anything about it at all you should keep it that way okay it’s very good he Cron is also playing it o now M don’t look at chat Connie I Know I’m bad I always look at chat me too but it’s I’m like they’re not what what they are they behaving well I’m not looking you know what yeah yeah what are they talking about I don’t know plus I get I get lonely when I play games A that’s like part of why I wanted to try streaming it’s because I love playing games but I get lonely if I play them by myself so before I streamed I mostly played like multiplayer games with my friends because otherwise I lonely okay Eing yeah I like I like gaming and chatting yeah I’m I’m not the best gaming and chatting at the same time but I still like it yes I mean some games are easier to game and chant in than others oh Minecraft yeah like Minecraft exactly and some games are like impossible like DOTA Souls games are hard to I get guilty of looking at chat while I fight a boss and then die yes I I do that too in other games and then it’s like don’t be mad at me just cuz I died while looking at Chad do you want me to not Look oh she’s not looking at chat she hates us Oh I think when I did my let’s play I would like reflexively look over at my other screen to check a for for messages but there are None I was worried I wouldn’t know what to talk about during my let’s play did I would just be silent I actually had a dream that I recorded that let’s play but I forgot to talk for like 15 minutes and then I was like oh no I forgot to talk what do I

Do do you ever have dreams that like you’re streaming I in like I I have dreams often where like I’m streaming in the most random places like I had a dream where I streamed in class and I was try I was telling everybody to shut up because I was streaming oh my

Gosh I don’t have dreams like that but I do have weird dreams about Streaming you’re telling everyone to shut up what kind of what kind of streaming dreams do you have honestly usually I have like stressful dreams where I’m like trying to start my My Stream but it like won’t work for some Reason I had a weird one a while ago but I think I forgot what it was what was it I don’t know if I can remember I should have written it down OBS nightmares yes not OBS PTSD reflected in our Dreams I don’t remember it I should have written it down I had a weird dream it’s gone do you dream a lot yeah I have weird weirdest weird dreams like really do Weird I dream like almost every night you do yeah actually I don’t know if I dreamed last night though I defin very fast though I had a weird dream last night oh but I totally forgot what it was by now but it was a bad dream it was a bad weird dream like

A nightmare I think so I don’t remember it though but I remember waking up and being like ugh oh I had a dream I was in a plane crash though night it was scary but I survived in the dream I survived the plane crash I was like in my seat on the

Plane actually the the plane was like going down and the pilot was like we need to gain speed we’re going to launch our weapons in Reverse so it’ll give us a speed boost and I was like what there’s weapons on this plane and then the plane launched like missiles behind

It but then it was like crashing down onto like a highway for an emergency landing and my seat like the plane crashed and my seat like flew off but I was still in the seat and I was like flying through the grass on my seat and then I woke

Up did you do you do you when you woke up did you feel like the jolt of it oh you did mhm I had a similar do but I was in space and we were going on a field trip to the moon and then we got launched to

The moon but they left the window they left the doors open no so so we had to like hold on for dear life as we were getting launched to the Moon because like Windows were open yeah and you could like fly out yeah yeah that’s

Scary did you also wake up with the Jews from that one I think so uhhuh this scary oh and then I had another dream that I was like an anime girl who can transform into a plane what but okay you do have weird dreams I was in a

School for I was in flight school like I I had to learn how to fly and like like every body part would turn into like a different part of the plane so my arms would turn into the engine but I I forgot how to turn my arm into

The engine so in the middle of flight so like I was one one armed engine and then the other AR and then I was like falling because I didn’t I was like how do I turn my arm back into a place so yeah that was oh my goodness did anything prompt this dream

Did you watch like a plane I don’t he so I used have really random dreams my dreams are like almost always based on like whatever I’m thinking about in oh really in real life yeah so I had been like reading about plane crashes that’s like I can’t huh just

Readily for fly your yeah yeah you mean you know yeah know that’s why like I can’t read about anything scary before I go to sleep cuz I’ll definitely have nightmares about whatever I was reading about but sometimes I do it anyway cu it’s interesting interesting yeah

Yeah and then I have nightmares and I’m like I’ve never doing that again but then I do it Again I used to like be very interested in boosted dreaming all your dreams and I like tried to learn how to loose a dream I have lucid dreamed once I believe oops do you remember what it was I I I don’t I think I was like

Trying to fly there’s a pattern in my dreams where I would like have the ability to do something like for example fly but I’ll forget how to do it mid dream and then the rest of the dream is like remembering trying to remember how to do but it it’s a pattern that happens

Often like you remember how you forget how to turn your arm into an engine or like I have special magic powers or something but I’ll forget how to activate the powers in the middle of it I don’t know why that’s interesting but your lucid dream was also like

Flying I think so mine was also flying I guess that’s common although this is embarrassing but I’ll say it anyway for Content when I was in like Middle School this when I was like getting into lucid dreaming in Middle School the reason is because I wanted to meet my

My anime husbond in my dreams so I was trying to learn how to lose a dream so I could meet my husbandos and it actually worked it worked okay it worked like one time maybe a couple times so I had like a really amazing like anime husband dream

And ever since I’m trying to be like I wish I could dream that again so I could me that anime husband again because that was like the best most romantic dream ever but exactly but and it was the time of like I didn’t want to wake up it was

Like we had this whole anime fantasy Adventure sort of thing and then I woke up and it was a dream and then I got disappointed and ever since I’m like man I wish I could meet again in that dream yeah right that was like my main motivator to learn how to L it’s

Embarrassing it’s okay don’t be embarrassed I feel like a lot of us have had anime husb it’s true it’s True oh okay I eat but now I don’t know it is kind of easy for me to I don’t know I I do usually dream about whatever I’m thinking about right before bed so if I want to dream about something usually I can just like think about it and I might

Have a dream about it but it’s kind wish I was like that I wish I could control oh cuz sometimes it’s like monkeyy paw you know it’s like oh you want to have a dream about your anime husbond here have a dream where you’re fighting with your anime

Hbond how do you feel about that look is ala I know they always spawn up here and I feel bad I don’t know what to do huh huh this guy only has one did he lose his his other alpaca did the did the other alpaca fall

I hope not so sad I don’t want my tree to be a a death trap for Alpacas do they always have two I don’t know I thought they did but maybe Not and does he have anything good for for Trade I want to get my dreams studied like you know what does that mean about my subconscious you know I’ll analyze them for you but I’m not an expert so what do mean when I turn into a plane but I couldn’t turn what does that mean o

Ooh let me think about it what you said this is a recurring theme is that you have dreams where you know how to do something but you forget how and it’s like stressful does that mean I’m insecure yeah does it does it mean you have like impostor syndrome like you’re

You’re worried that you’re you will forget how to do what you need to be doing or that you like never knew how to do it in the first place oh my gosh I’m learning so much about [Laughter] myself I don’t know about the the plane part though okay what does it mean when

Like I always dream about people that like I’m friends with or like my family they always try to kill Me that I honestly feel like doesn’t mean anything but if it were to mean Something um I don’t know I feel like it’s not as simple as like you’re afraid of them that’s it’s deeper than that yeah it must be deeper than that do they have a reason usually AR they like themselves or are they evil or like they’re they’re like mean version

Of I have dreams like that too where like my loved ones will be like mean to me and then I wake up and I’m like they’re not like that at all I feel like it doesn’t mean anything but well but that that’s no fun that’s not fun either has to mean

Something I don’t know sometimes I just feel like it’s your brain being mean to you like trying to hurt you so they chose like your loved ones they’re like look doesn’t this hurt oh what what if it’s yeah a parallel universe we’re seeing we’re seeing a parallel universe of ourselves sad Yeah maybe it’s your brain reminding you that to not take your loved ones for granted oh that be appreciative of what you have how they really are that they’re not trying to kill you Hopefully do you think dreams have deeper meanings like that I like to think so yeah but at the same time some of mine are pretty scary yeah Yeah I feel like I know at least for me like I’ve said it’s usually just like whatever I happen to be thinking about at that time like if there’s something I’m worried or stressed about then I’ll have dreams about it yeah but mine are completely unrelated yeah that’s interesting too

It’s interesting how people are different you just have like completely random Dreams yeah are they completely unrelated though is there something can we connect it to your everyday life somehow I really wish I remembered what I jumped about last night so we could analyze it but yeah have you ever kept a

Dream journal I haven’t but I should yeah whenever I I kept mine when I was trying to learn how to lose a dream um and it actually makes you remember your dreams way better better like for me like I would remember my dreams like every single night when I was journaling

Them I was going to start tweeting I’m just going to be like I wake up and then I’ll just tweet I’ll be like hey everybody today I dreamed about turning into a plane please do I’m going to I’m going to follow along I’ll reply with my analysis

Yeah that counts though I think like it’s just like the act of of writing it or typing it or even just like remembering it will will like it like trains your brain to remember your dreams More I’ve heard that you always dream if you’re in like RM sleep I think so like you do dream every every night you just don’t always remember it I don’t know I heard that you have multiple dreams a night and you just don’t remember it

Yeah so if you write it down maybe you can remember yeah very Often we should we should do like we should analyze we should do a dream stream where we analyze people’s wait I think I think someone’s done that before yeah I think people have done that before I do like analyzing dreams I think it’s fun Yeah oh I remember now oh you remember yeah okay so I we were I was in this like lab building and it was it was raining really hard and there was a science experiment Pig thingy that got loose uh from at the lab and it was going floor by floor killing everyone um

And I was on the floor where it was at but I escaped and then and then I went to a new floor and it hadn’t reached that for yet so everybody was was running away and then um uh people decided to hide on like a balcony thing because because the pig because people

Figured like the pig didn’t wouldn’t know how to go out to the balcony so we kind of bunkered in the balcony and then the pig entered our floor and and people were still like and then the pig the pig found our balcony and we were like hold

The door hold it we we were trying to hold the door from the pig and it was raining and and then the pig broke the balcony and then I we jumped off the balcony to escape the pig and then oh yeah anyway evil pig evil

Pig that one is a tricky one to analyze I have to say what were you doing in the in this this lab do you remember um I don’t know I don’t think I was a scientist but yeah evil death Pig evil death Pig did you eat pork that

Day no okay so it’s not That but this was recent this was that that dream was like last night or yesterday and I don’t think I did anything pig or science Related what could the pig represent you’re hiding on a oh my gosh was it because Kyle was playing the bacon Game what what’s the Bacon game it’s it’s a game where you put bacon on things is it a scary game no it’s it’s a it’s a it’s like a cute puzzle game where you put bacon game but like I said it’s random my dreams are very random and they’re also very violent sometimes

And very action and stuff I I’m always like at risk of death oh are you getting enough sleep A Yes that is interesting sounds stressful yeah sometimes my dreams are stressful but it’s cool because I’ll wake up and then I’ll be like wo I just lived another life that’s true that’s true do you ever have dreams where you’re not the main character or like dreams that are in like third

Person I think so I’ve heard people have that I think I only ever have like first person dreams about myself though but I heard some people have like I don’t know they’ll have like dreams where they’re not even in it and they’re like watching it’s like watching I’ve

Definitely had a stream where I or stream dream that I wasn’t in the dream and I was just looking but I’m not I don’t remember it though A I think I only ever have them about myself my selfish dreams so self-centered you are the most important thing in your mind which is good you should be I guess so I guess So she is the main character not my main character syndrome my own dreams maybe that’s the place where it’s it’s allowable in your own dreams you can be the Mary Sue protagonist in your own dreams what about life in life you don’t feel like you’re the main character of

Your life no I do but I hope that I recognize that other people have their own stories and that I’m not the main character in their Lives that’s so Bella I don’t know to be fair in Twilight I really think like the characters besides Bella and Edward like don’t exist if they’re not on the screen like they only exist to further the story of Bella and Edward and if they’re not on the screen they are no longer

Existing and they’re not doing anything they’re just waiting for their next time to talk to Ed yeah do you ever think of what NPCs do in game games when you’re not around because like I think of that like you know when a character is just standing there waiting for you to talk to them what do they do when you’re not there

They don’t exist yeah I feel like Hitman makes you think about that because you’re like stalking people and you’re like what are you doing where you going but like some NPCs are like what did they do all day yeah they just they’re just standing in one spot I’m waiting

For you to talk to them it say it’s kind of sad yeah doesn’t sound like the most fulfilling existence the poor NPCs at least if they’re like a shopkeeper I mean like presumably they’re waiting for customers and running their shop like at least they’re doing something but if they’re just standing

There maybe it’s like if it’s a beautiful place it’s not so bad yeah that’s why I feel bad for Souls NPCs cuz some of them are just like standing in the worst place imaginable oh no like there’s like some merchants in Elden ring right who are just in the most

Remote like area and like who are you selling to how do you make money yeah at least like like the Pokemon NPCs they’re not doing anything but like at least they’re living in the Pokémon world yeah they probably get to listen to nice music and get to see cute

Pokemon what the the Souls game yeah they don’t they don’t really they just stand around in the worst conditions ever yeah it it seems so lonely in the souls games too yeah everything’s like falling apart there’s not many people around everyone seems like kind of doing their own thing there’s people

Trying to kill you all over the place oh no are the NPCs strong in Souls games some some are can you kill them yeah depending on the game yes uhhuh I like but they will fight back they will fight back yeah I like when the like NPC you don’t expect turns out

To be like the strongest character yeah the shopkeeper I think like Spelunky is like that I just I literally thought I was Spelunky that’s so funny that you mentioned Spelunky cuz that was the my first thought was the shopkeeper with the shotgun cuz that makes them seem more like real people

Yeah we actually like doing stuff when they’re not on screen like training their aim getting good with shotgun oh I have to go yes you have a collab I was having so much fun I forgot what time it is but uh Happy Birthday tree thank you thanks we made so much progress yeah

Thank you so much have fun with Bigfoot I’m curious what the game is like I’m excited to play Don’t star yeah I want to playar I want to play played up I want to play Pokemon games to play we do yeah okay thanks everyone thanks saing bye byebye happy Birthday happy birthday Tree yay I’m glad they stopped By my Advent koha and Ollie thank you this is a lot of progress for one stream also thanks to Kyla for afking at my farms and organizing and for stopping by in chat to let the narrator read almost done with the tree well I don’t know about that I don’t know if

We’re quite in almost done territory or not there’s still a lot to be done including the the green section but let’s go look at it oh it looks pretty cool from the top it is a lot of progress it looks like a an alien spaceship remember in this area over

Here okay hold on loading Distance okay it’s very dark this also needs to be filled in and then the bottom but lots of progress oh it’s very dark here I should light it up yay ah I will have to ask Kyla to to help me collect stuff I’ll try not to feed feel

Guilty cuz I think she does she does love to help she’s happy to help the cheat code friendship is what builds the tree right right can we go back to the Happy Birthday song it was getting in everybody’s brains actually I found another one another Happy Birthday Song I want to play it for you who is who’s drinking excuse me slurping so loudly h Slurping Okay I should sing Happy Birthday to the tree this is the song that I found hold on I was going to start the stream with this but then I I didn’t but it’s not too Late you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear world tree happy birthday to You today you’re 1 year old that is 36 5 days happy birthday to you I uses this one a lot do She happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you world tree is born March 6 2023 today is March 6 20 24 happy birthday wait can it be over yet it’s still going happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you is it looping it is absolutely not looping it was not given looping

Permissions absolutely abely not it’s done it’s over back to your regularly scheduled Minecraft Wednesday beats now was something something wonderful you Mean Fix my Elytra I should how come it’s not fixed how come these are fixed but my elytra is Not um oh cuz of the Rockets I see but what is my armor fixed have I been getting XP where should we fix It um the only place I know is FFF oh the in server seems so peaceful every time time I come over here it’s fine it’s fine I can’t believe it’s been one year working on the Tree I don’t know it feels like it’s been longer than that and shorter than that at the same time but things always feel that way don’t they almost hit that block and died look get away from the screen made a lot of progress yeah we’re going back to the old

Neighborhood it makes me nostalgic coming over here FFF must be really old too then Right backup swords is this is this a oh yeah FFF hurts is it getting Fixed yes yes but my armor my armor om made a spare sword thank you a well this one was missing was it missing because because I stole it is it working oh it worked okay put this back oh boy I could take some more fish I hate the sound that they make

Don’t you dare say it say what you’re typing don’t you dare type it I hate the sound it’s Cursed it’s so pretty here the sky reminds me of skym which I want to play but I might play The Witcher instead because like it kind of has a similar feeling to Skyrim actually I don’t know if that’s true at all but they’re both fantasy settings and isn’t it snowy and The Witcher

Also yeah The Witcher three f doall is crying well FAL will cry whether or not I’m there because his waifu will never love him because it’s literally not coded into the game not because he’s not deserving of it or anything if I could I would download a

Mod that allowed FAL and Camila to be together like they deserve but I can’t it’s almost as much suffering as as Edward Twilight is really something isn’t it I don’t know I kind of forgot I did not remember all this stuff honestly in my mind Jacob stopped existing after New Moon

So I must have blocked it out of my Memory I do kind of want to to to reread the whole Twilight Series which is ouch probably a bad idea but who can stop me no one can stop me if that’s what I truly want to do Lord of the Rings first but you see Twilight is is is like weirdly made for children even though the subject matter is probably

Not appropriate for children so it’s easy to read aside from the Cringing Lord of the Rings is not as easy to Read it’s not made for children it’s it wasn’t it on the like children’s literature list like young adult we AKA children aged 13 to 17 young adult young adult they’re also children though which I I don’t know I don’t I to me why is it called that when they are not adults young adults they are teenagers cuz calling them children is considered rude I guess so I guess so what about team is that rude

Teenagers to make them feel better about it I mean when I was reading young adult novels I definitely thought that I was reading like stuff for adults when I was reading it so I guess it Works Twilight mature literature bamboozled Yeah young adult is is very popular I don’t really get like the classifications for for books though I mean like Twilight it’s weird right it’s weird there should be for teenagers right I don’t know I feel like if a lot of parents knew the subject matter of Twilight they probably wouldn’t want their their 13-year-old to read It young adult is 18 to 26 in liter in in Books I think when people say adult literature young adult literature it’s stuff like Harry Potter right or like I don’t know what else Percy Jackson in books it’s 14 to 18 yeah that’s what I thought which I agree I don’t think it I don’t think it makes

Sense here Potter is not a young adult Harry Potter is is children’s I don’t know young adult is because they are old enough to go to the store and pick out what they want to read and they don’t want to read anything it’s labeled kids But I don’t know what is is there are there ratings for the books I do feel like breaking dawn is well I don’t know it’s got It’s got some questionable content in it for Sure there isn’t so you just have to research it r a T4 what does that even mean it’s like video games right rated T4 and then if you’re a teenager you feel so cool playing that like yeah this game isn’t for babies e for everyone I don’t know book

Classifications don’t make sense to me what does young adult mean is there a consensus is my interpretation incorrect is young adult for anyone from the ages of 13 to 30 cuz that’s a a wide range all marketing that’s right that’s too wide 13 to 65 young adults I mean it’s not

Like like there’s like a minimum age that you should be to read something usually but it’s not like there’s a maximum you know like I’m so old and I I’m 13 13 I’m 4 and A2 billion sorry I’m so old that I forget my age sometimes 13 no I’m

Not I’m 4 and a half billion my it’s going my brain has dripped out of my head 13 4 and2 billion am I good I’m not good but I can still read Dr Seuss is what I’m trying to Say and I could read Twilight if I wanted To Google says young adult is 14 to 18 specifically in Books but should you no but will I maybe what the Wikipedia talk Pages say is there a talk page for that hold on young adult literature on Wikipedia written for readers from 12 to 18 years of age talk page oh this is pretty good too there’s some fighting here too Here We Go

Again they’re talking about Tolken Dan while I am not an expert in the world of young adult I’m still puzzled by your dismissal of tolken writings do we need to add something like though the and the Lord of the Rings appeal equally to young children and adults because they do not deal with the

Lives of teenagers they are not young adult Fiction fight fight fight oh is this one guy Dan is talking a lot on here oh I gu that’s it Really people are arguing about which books are considered young adult get off the talk Pages you can’t make me is there one for like Classifications in General while the genre is targeted at adolescence a 2012 study found that 55% of young adult purchases were made by adults the more you know see I told you I’m not too old to read Twilight is Twilight actually young adult I think it is considered to be

That because I was on this Wikipedia page the other Day it says it’s young adult fiction that’s what Wikipedia says it was it won the 2008 British book award for children’s book of the year for Breaking Dawn excuse me that doesn’t seem that doesn’t seem right did they read it did they read It the series as a whole won the 2009 Kids Choice Award for favorite book see this one just I everyone’s like want to know it’s not a children’s book but I don’t know it’s wining all the the children’s book awards spent over 235 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list for

Children’s series Books Don’t argue with me you’re going to have to take this up in the Wikipedia talk page if you want to fight about it it’s not it’s not my battle to fight I’m just reading what’s on there if you get it changed on Wikipedia I will I will change my stance anything new about Here his wife Isabella Lyn colen husband Edward lynen daughter McKenzie Lynn I don’t Understand Edward Lyn is that his middle Name spoiler is spoilers I don’t remember this her name was not McKenzie it was not mckenzy who’s McKenzie Actually not spoilers fake Fan okay we we need to stop it’s not about the Twilight Wikipedia page oh no I’m about to die out here where’s my bed it’s here now it’s not the time for Twilight it’s the trees’s birthday and here I am reading about Twilight how could I why am I even looking at the Wiki page just ask narissa you make a good point narissa who who is who is who is McKenzie colon McKenzie Lyn colon I don’t remember this Character Uhoh well you’re still here imagine if she actually answered she’s about to do a collab right she’s about to Stream she can’t be always on call for Twilight knowledge I didn’t know she was so knowledgeable about Twilight I respect how openly she expresses her love for Edward Colon too kind of outand I know that’s why I’m like I should read the book I think I should stop being Ashamed maybe Twilight is a true love story actually okay actually I don’t think I can argue that afterward Eclipse why Bella why why I feel like if you if you delete Jacob as a character which like sorry sorry Jacob and all the Jacob fans out there I feel like then it’s

Like maybe things would be okay I mean you have to change Bella as person so that she doesn’t just like find a different Jacob you know but assuming that she doesn’t and how about we delete Bella but that’s Bella is Edward’s whole reason for existence that’s what he

Said then what would become of Edward sad it is sad but what can we do about it okay if you could read everyone’s mind in the world but there was one person whose mind you couldn’t read don’t you think you would like kind of have to be with that person for your own

Sanity like you don’t have a choice it’s like you would push the Button Twilight she just has no thoughts head empty you wouldn’t be with Bella even if she was the only person whose mind you couldn’t read in the World I guess Edward could just be alone and just but man he has like keep going to high school that that sucks too it sucks for all of Them uh-oh ah haha get wrecked you fell yeah that I really I don’t think that they should be going to high school okay like I understand like the younger they start the longer they can stay in an area right but like so so they’re like I’m I’m

14 enroll me as a freshman in high school and then he has to has to go to high school but then he’s like okay I’m I look exactly the same but now I’m in in college and like how long until they leave I don’t know can’t they just shift

It up a few years also like I don’t no are do people are people going to notice that much like aren’t people going to be like minding their own Business yeah and who are you even like hanging out with I guess like we take Dad carile for example but he’s a doctor can’t you just I don’t know can’t you just be like oh yeah he’s wow it’s like he hasn’t aged at all Lucky Guy must have good jeans is it

Really like no he has to be a vampire it can’t just be like oh he must have got a facelift yeah would people really not just be like wow you look so good for your age no it’s immediately straight to vampire vampire would be my first

Thought I mean also the other thing is like how how many people even know his age like who’s even asking I guess it’s like his patience he has patience and then they’re like aging and he’s not oh uh-oh dermatologist hate him goodbye I think my doctor is a

Vampire it’s because it’s the Twilight Universe it’s the same reason why Jacob couldn’t be in wolf form when he needed to keep Bella Warm ire not 10 step skin care routine I don’t know I guess it’s I don’t know I’m just like thinking about like my doctors well like first of all I I never know how old they they are like actually I only assume but even then really it’s kind of

It’s like not really my primary concern you know it’s like how old they are I don’t know they’re old enough to be a doctor so don’t be judgy but I guess it’s like if you have the same doctor like your whole life but how long do they want to stay even I don’t

Know cuz I feel like you could easily get by for like 20 years like especially if you’re willing to put on like a little bit of makeup you you know maybe like a fake beard 20 years and then move Town yeah you start off you’re like oh

I just got out of med school I’m 25 and then you you just look really good for your age when you’re 45 is that so unbelievable you don’t think anybody will ask see I don’t think anybody will ask either at least not seriously like Beyond just like wow wow Dr Cole and you haven’t aged a day since I first started seeing you any secrets Oh yeah and then he’ll just say haha thank you and then that’s that’s the end of it right no vampire accusations Needed so why does Edward have to go to high school why can’t Bella just be old and have Edward love her for the for her entire mortal lifespan and then she will die of old age and Edward will be crushed but he will be happy because she

Got to live a good life as a human and that’s what he truly wanted does it want to be with the granny no Bella is Edward’s whole reason for existing he doesn’t care if she’s a granny he’s already a hundred years old he wouldn’t care about something so so so

Superficial he would still love her even if she was old and wrinkly Romance means getting old together well that’s the thing right if Edward was a human he would also hopefully still love Bella when she got old and wrinkly on my bed right does his do his preferences change because he himself does not Age but he’s not Human he’s not getting old with her oh that was a creeper that’s cuz he’s already Old would Edward love Bella if she was a worm exactly what I’m getting at yes Edward would love Bella if she was a worm of course he would as if it’s even a question the worm smell really really Nice can’t read the mind of a Worm you okay but the question is would Bella love Edward if he was a worm the answer is no the answer is definitely not and that’s why the story is so sad Decisive No Bella loves Edward cuz he’s a cool vampire actually I don’t know why what does she love about him I don’t I don’t know know I don’t Remember he’s a Vampire Sparkles this is why I need to read the book cuz then I will I’ll get to read about what she loves about him if she if she ever talks about that when they’re not Fighting get to read how shallow he is is he is it just because she smells good but she’s his reason for existing we need the Edwards po there was right Midnight Sun maybe I have to read that One yeah he can’t read her Mind they’re just really not good for each other and maybe not anyway one and that way they’re perfect for each other Right man I just can’t imagine being like 109 years old and having to go to high school why does he do that you couldn’t make me do that like I even if like Daddy Carlile is like sorry son my son my vampire th you have to go to high

School I would be like I’m 109 years old you can’t make me go to high School did he make that choice I don’t know can’t he make that Choice is it like a requirement yeah like how come he can’t get a job or go to just go to college at least you could have like 30 different degrees yeah wouldn’t you eventually want to learn more wouldn’t you get tired of taking taking Algebra

2 I don’t know I mean you don’t even have to do anything right you could just like go live in the woods right I don’t know I just don’t get it He just reads the professor’s mind he never learns anything for himself it’s just routine but high school high School no way the IRS doesn’t know that family is Immortal did they change their name they should just get off the grid I don’t know I’m like back seaing their their lives their vampire lives you guys are doing the whole Immortal thing way wrong I could do it better

If I was a vampire I would be way smarter and prettier and richer and handsomer and stronger and more athletic than all of them put together I can fix them and I would speak every language because I would not waste my days away baking sourdough bread I would be

Learning every day studying every Day I would hike I would climb all of the world’s tallest mountains but really how come Edward doesn’t just like stay at home and play Bob but is you I don’t know you know what I Mean it’s already beating it well new indie games are coming out every day it’s the time to be alive for gamers right you can play cocoon should have been a Game Dev yeah right why not he could be like an anonymous Game Dev that doesn’t show his face you know

And then it doesn’t matter then he can just be like oh yeah I’m I’m 80 years old and then if he gets too old he can be like I passed the the studio down to my son but then the son is just him but no one has to

Know aren’t there more options besides just going to high school for 100 years can’t we think of anything better than going to high school for a hundred years cuz honestly I can’t think of like much that’s worse than that we can do better than that an author yeah what if Edward wrote romance Novels why I don’t know like you don’t even have to work right like just let Carlile support the family and live in your your crazy House just do whatever you want at that point you don’t think car would have so many freeloaders but what are they doing going to high School they’re they’re not they’ve already been they’re not they’re not learning critical knowledge they don’t already know that they need for society they could they could at least like get a job at a bookstore or something it’s public school so it’s free did Carlile just get sick of like his vampire

Daycare he converted too many Vampires had too much of a savior complex and got got too many vampires and now he doesn’t know what to do with them all carile I’m bored carile you turned me into an immortal vampire fire carile take responsibility for me I’m bored of immortality okay fine go to high school

Again back to high school with you half of them are smooching all day yeah and then all of the the the vampires that you save from Death are like par staring up and making out in your house it’s just like oh stre is a secret Twilight

Zatu I’m sorry the Twilight brain Rod is real get a job dang kids I think High School is the the punishment for them I think they were staying at home playing Baba is you and making sourdough bread cuz that’s what I would do but then they were annoying Carlile too much oh

You and they were and he was like okay time to go to high school for You I don’t know why do they all have to go to high school too wait do they all do Rosalie and EMT go to high school too why do they all go to high school wasn’t Rosalie already like an adult in her backstory like they’re making her go to high school

Like I guess Edward was 177 so he was high school age but wasn’t Rosy like like an adult she was I don’t know poor Rosy like not even college she can’t have a job is it so they all can just hang out but they can hang out at home right

They don’t even talk to the other students at high school except for Edward cuz he hasn’t found his his peir yet must feel some pressure right when all his like like his vampire co-inhabitants are paired up they have their forever soulmates he’s the only one left he’s pinky I

Mean if you can read mines I’m sure you would be picky right imagine someone reading all of your intrusive thoughts imagine you can read everyone’s intrusive Thoughts some things are just better left Unknown that would make you less picky I mean what happens when like you inevitably if you can could read your your partner’s mind what happens when you like inevitably fight about something you’re you’re reading their their angry thoughts you know God win just win the argument easily use to your advantage it’s not

That’s how you’re supposed to I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to to fight it’s not it’s not an actual fight that you’re supposed to win nobody wins it’s about winning arguing you’re supposed to win every fight someone’s got to win the competition oh no a pink class in high school

Oh if I was Edward I would join the debate team and I would just Crush my opponent cuz I would I would get in their head I would just destroy them cuz I would learn ahead of time what their points were going to me and then I would

Just refute them before they even make their points and then they have to go up there and they don’t know what to say cuz all their points have already been been refuted that’s pretty evil main character syndrome see you know Edward is a good person because he doesn’t do that except

He’s probably not actually a good person but you know a some bare minimum he’s a killer he’s got the skin of a killer that’s for Sure and now I know exactly what you’re going to say he could be a magician or a psychic but I guess that would that would draw too much attention right they don’t want to become Famous rock paper scissors Champion I don’t know do they just get bored I guess it might be boring being a vampire they really should just like like play Minecraft though they need to get into video games to pass the Time would be a very different series would Bella still love Edward if he was a gamer she Better but of course Edward’s Hobbies have to be like listening to classical music is that his only hobby does he have other Hobbies I don’t know not that that’s a bad hobby but but like is that really all he does oh hi Ollie thank you for the raid thank you

Thank you thank you for stopping by Earlier hello hello welcome we’re talking about Twilight if you were an immortal vampire what would you do all day would you go to high school I I can’t say I would yeah I would probably be doing this exactly This Twilight podcast I don’t know I’m kind of into Twilight right now I’m looking forward to the next watch along it was fun to have so many of us watching together with our emo clothes oh oh zombie villager you’re kind of useful but I don’t know if I have time to transform

You emo bangs is real I’ve had emo bang since day One although although are they really that emo when they’re like this bangs covering one eye this this True not that emo it doesn’t seem that emo it was never a pH do the hair flip wait it was too I’m too fast I’m flipping it too Fast sort of kind of an unimpressive hair flip for someone who claims to be Emo don’t break your neck overlay the sound effect effect of M eating the potato chip I’ll take a potato chip and eat it like That it really did sound like a neck snapping like from Hi Man I should really Place some torches but I won’t okay let’s look at the tree let’s have a look I do want to play hman I want to play Don’t Starve Together I want to try hard I want to play Play-Doh he looks kind of like a like a saucer like a flow

Saucer is it night time wait maybe I should take a picture in the rain wouldn’t that be Atmospheric o ooh that looked pretty atmospheric got to get variety for the Thumbnails it’s F done it’s a little flat but like how often are you going to look at it from the side Anyway you can’t tell from below and then it will be glowing like this like this Side hello my OBS is so angry today I don’t know what’s going on but I was going I was going to wrap it up here anyway we can read super chats though let me go over here hello thank you for coming to my tree’s birthday Party not too much planned but I’m glad I had some guests a lot of progress was made on the tree we back I don’t know why my OBS is so angry it’s not my internet I don’t think well it’s not because when I was in voice Chat I could still talk to the others no problem PC restart maybe but I mean I restarted it I mean was off right before the stream hold on I have too much music playing in my head okay it’s Edward’s fault maybe they just wanted me me to stop talking about Twilight if so

Understandable I need to so I’m my dber update so dobert is ready I think actually I’m not so sure I thought Dober was ready so I started making bread but now I’m like I’m not so sure actually I don’t know if do bird is actually active enough yet but we’ll see I don’t

Know I’m a little scared I started making bread last Night P Ponda country bread a simple French country bread so I started making it last night and then I continued working on it this morning and now it’s in the fridge and I’m going to bake it tonight so hopefully it’s okay but I’m

Kind of worried I’m a little worried we’ll see turn out flat it actually is wait maybe you guys know maybe you can troubleshoot for me well I don’t know yet because I haven’t baked it yet but it did seem to lack structure a little bit like it’s a

Little bit like yeah like flat but it’s it’s just dough right now but the dough doesn’t hold its shape very well but I mean I put it in the proofing baskets so I don’t know I probably have to fold it more do I I folded it the amount of times the

Recipe told me to fold it but do I need to fold it more work it I didn’t work it that much but they didn’t tell me to work it that much more is always safer Oh oh well we’ll see it’s in the fridge proofing right now and then I’m going to bake it in a little bit but I made I made flatbread I mentioned that and it turned out pretty good actually I made a flatbread and then I cooked some Vegan

Egg and sausage and I put it on top of the flatbread with some salsa and it was Delicious it was good Bridge slow rise is always a good idea we’ll see I don’t know if my starter was active enough I’m a little worried cuz I should have have the recipe probably the recipe I was following for the bread is for two loaves and I probably should have just

Made one cuz it’s my first try but I I don’t know I was just I just made two anyway but if one fails then they might both fail am I baking it in the Dutch oven yes I will will I will fortune favors the Bal the bald we’ll See I haveb a backup well I don’t think the like baking will be the problem I guess if I bake one and it fails maybe I can maybe I can knead or fold the other one a little bit to try to give it more structure I don’t know if it’s like too

Late in the process though and see I guess it’s all about experimenting at this phase though but I will let you know I’m not going to stream tomorrow I’m going to rest but I’ll update you on my bread escapades I will be streaming on Friday that’s my plan

Anyway all right let me read the Super Chat thank you for hanging out sorry my OBS kept disconnecting I don’t know why what thank you thank you for coming to my tre’s birthday party one year of tree Katie us a know ghosty TR Mr Mar Aron Kaiju sniff rain Evan her Wolfhound

Hsh Paul chin Sam Alexander Bishop king shark King great Mo Kevin B in the moon track simp fictionist Chef e zafire recile stian Hypno lunar Andrew Duke Viper Z Spartan tracker MRI re Mr screaming plant them plant them got to plant them all got to plant them all sapling W thank

You EV thank you I do need to sing on the clima for the world tree your sapling friends birthday and their name rhymes with world B could it be the world tree okay this one is for the world tree happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear world tree happy

Birthday to you happy Birthday sapling bad thank you Katie thank you they grow up so fast they do remember he had a little among amongus then he was pray I don’t remember the Among Us I do remember them praising the sun I remember the nice leg kind of wild to think back to all my

Man’s phases happy anniversary tree little guy here’s many more indeed Aron thank you happy anniversary Tre can’t believe the world Tre is already a year old they grow up so fast they really do let’s hope he continues to grow nice and healthy and out of the way of fire yes please please no Fires star oide thank you I’m going to be vaud gang sanle well at least you don’t have to experience the interruptions so the small favor for me for being a huge source of inspiration fun for 2 years keep than you fun also happy birthday world thank you thank you

Kos thank you no Escape only cuddles thank You over the 26th Minecraft Mondays six 16 we’re on a Monday but not one Saturday so far 76 hours in total working on it not including time AFK majority of that on the canopy interesting I do like these stats 76 hours that’s that’s nothing shabby not too shabby no Minecraft Miss

Saturday Minecraft mostly Monday casual no thank You youi thank You thank you snack thank you Granda thank you Happy Birthday to the world tree since it’s been a whole year now I think it’s about time we address how as creepers under the tree are spawned by the tree they can be considered as children Sly that makes makes she a grandmother now

Congrats I’m a grandma I’m getting older by the minute I killed them I did Kill Them worst grandmother I’m guess I’m not a grandma anymore te no bit thank you I let me let me play for you thank you thank you Sevens thank you Andy thank you yeah I also like the Minecraft s of streams I like having like at least one stream every week that is good for like chatting and catching up on things you know which Minecraft is very good for that’s like the real reason why I

Wanted to do a project like this well cuz you know everybody plays Minecraft it’s a big collaborative thing and I want to do it but also cuz it’s a good L of game Eternal Elan thank you world tree thank you the world tree speaks like this hold on we need some

Reverb it is the day of thy birth thanketh thee Kieran for thy Gift of Life PR the your saplings let us rejoice see thank you out five thank you f alfredo sauce sections pesto sauce and Pinker vodka sauce Jim thank you thank you thank you thank you happy anniversary VA watching

This progress has been treat the same time I’m trying to learn Japanese and burn out multiple times so I’ll keep trying if you keep trying I haven’t been trying lately I should try Japanese word of the day from You do you guys remember Miss haning sorry my internet lure is too deep the jwow um I don’t know that many words what’s a what’s a word that I know you forgot about her you forgot about her when she was teaching us Japanese hya what about what about what about um haa is like slang right does that Count what about I like the wordo which means people I think it can mean like villager though can’t it I know folks I’m Googling it it’s like the person kanji and then the repeated Kani oh H is villager Muro people everybody each person there’s your Japanese word of the day h

Thank you thank you thank you thank You we no SK thank you Happy Birthday to the world tree Let It cast more darkness in the server and then fully take it over with its Army of creepers and zombies everyone will be in awe of fear when it reaches its true form in 2030 just kidding of course it’s looking

Great so far thank you we will finish it I fa with our Advent kohai helping us out and Kyla helping how can we not thank you thank you thank you thank you ram thank you fictionalist thank you yeah I do like seeing the the little progress bit by bit z b 9,000 thank

You the world tree had a low taper Fade I’m not a barber Bishop thank you [ __ ] go freak thank you Z 9,000 thank you s thank you Benjo thank You it has had a lot of nicknames neck leg evil snail statue spaghetti monster broccoli McDonald’s play place Hornet’s Nest hamburger bun you I’m recalling all of these stages Alfredo alien Mother Ship pottery bll and Patrick Star but the one thing we’ve never called him is on fire let’s keep it that

Way thank you it’s true it’s true thank you scallum thank you thank Youo thank you of souls thank you red the red thank you what thank you treat good merch fund maybe someday maybe when I finish it thank you EO thank you unskinned camel thank you you like trees trees Louise the way you type this reminds me of like undertale Roa thank

You oh no that’s another question Lana let’s say you were sent to a world where M has decided that the world is better off without hippos and he’s trying to wipe them off the face of the Earth would you first try to stop M or learn why she wants hippos gone why

Will always listen to m m doesn’t doesn’t act without cause usually so I would ask her first I do like hippos though so I would try to stop her I mean is there a good reason to eradicate hippos I feel like there’s not they are like the most

Dangerous large land animal right or just the large the most most dangerous land animal I think I mean like bees are the most dangerous or mosquitoes I guess are the most dangerous but hippos are also dangerous but I I don’t think that means we should get rid of

Them Richard likes pies thank you rem thank you fan thank you Le for be here for a year mad’s world thank you oh it’s your birthday too you share birthday with the tree happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear saing Happy Birthday to

You happy Birthday silent Arisen thank you you malet thank you the world tree is your ooshi I can’t even be mad I’m glad you appreciate the world treat Jing bear song Thank You creeper Romeo and Juliet thank you I’m truly the Jake to the Edward X Bella creeper relationship

How can you say that to me no no the wind thank you liquid toast thank you oh God thank you and Jacob the creeper couple no this is the worst insult black thank you R te thank you you know how she thank Yout thank you thank you for feeding my son even if he’s stinky he’s much less stinky now he gags thank you bang again thank you oh happy birthday yes you can have normal goofy Kieran birthday wish happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear saing Happy Birthday to

You Luke thank you happy arvary that’s pretty good too too also pretty good hashtag thank you Luke lazy egg thank you Yaki kosa thank you happy birthday to my favorite multi-seasonal very large tree oh and the huge Minecraft thing you’re building is good too hey you totally got me I

Thought you were talking about the tree you were talking about me maybe I shouldn’t assume it’s me I don’t know what you’re talking about it better not be me very large excuse you my birthday is not until the 21st thank you H Magi thank you FAL thank you happy anniversary since not

Monday I propose to make it the Mir the Minecraft or Minecraft mer if you feel fancy I don’t know about this one I don’t speak French that works right Thank you thank You Jennifer thank you you’re the Castlevania storyboarder here really that’s incredible wait I wanted to look up the Animated Series cuz I don’t know what it looks like oh I see cool that’s awesome I don’t know much about Castlevania but I do love the the the vibe the art Ender Taco thank

You Supreme King thank you oh I appreciate it thank you I hope pedals will go down fruit sh thank you thank you sneaky autum thank you rockco thank you rence thank you world tree thank you sentient thank you he who eats faces thank you Mr re thank you rence thank you

Glasses goodon thank you Lucy thank you mtic bear song thank you conifers have female top halves and male bottom halves prevent self-pollination really it’s very interesting I should learn more about trees as Mother Nature raldi thank you random person thank you I scream tree Neapolitan tree rence thank you not hiding on the

Wolf hound thank you deu thank you Zachary thank you customer Johnson thank you he faces thank you Vex Droid thank you extremely human thank you I remember Elan thank you oh no speaking of streaming in dreams I had one where everyone was disappointed in me for not being there

In Super catchup stream to give the list oh no Elan if it’s too much pressure don’t worry don’t worry it’s okay if you miss a super catchup it’s okay it’s always appreciated your effort but but don’t worry you need to take a break G thank you Grimace thank you Maj

Thank you silver and gold thank you thank you I hope so too it might be complete by the end of the year spank thank you skellum thank you lesbian Hall of Fame girl thank you hi don’t remember much from the Series of Unfortunate Events books but I

Definitely did I read them I think I read them I would like to reread them silly buns thank you Ray R thank you thanks for being here for a year AR R the wind thank you T thank you rence thank you there might be something to the Vampire

Doctor thing my current doctor happens to be the doctor that delivered me and he still looks the Same you your doctor might be a vampire if you are older than 5 years old which I hope you are he does he’s a vampire Jenner is 3 years old I am three okay never mind call off The Vampire accusations then oh fan girl thank you you saw a

Snail today I saw a snail today too I see a snail every day though I’m lucky W DP thank you Alvaro thank you hi sorry for tuning in late I found out today that the trees shared the same dat it’s my birthday happy birthday to you too no

Worries happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear saing happy birthday to you happy birthday we gone thank you you can read thoughts but you have to be part of the Twilight Universe okay you you ra this backwards it should be you get to be

Part of the Twilight universe but you have to read thoughts and yes I pushed the button so thank you why would Stephanie Meyer do this truly why would Stephanie Meyer do this oh my Cima you hear my Colima box squeaking don’t listen what A noise it’s the cimo Box squeaky

Case is it nice ASMR I squeaked I did not squeak I did not I did not okay thank you guys for hanging out on the tree’s birthday happy birthday Tree I will be resting tomorrow but I should be back on Friday so I will see you then thank you for hanging out and have a great rest of your day bye-bye fun well and see you later bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 World Tree’s First Birthday Party! 🎂 (Open VC) #anniversatree’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-03-07 03:19:13. It has garnered 149657 views and 13621 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:29 or 14429 seconds.

Playing Minecraft with friends to celebrate 1 year of the world tree! Feel free to post on twitter with #anniversatree!

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【CREDITS】 Stream Layouts: Melonturtle (https://twitter.com/Melonturtle_) Logo: Gogon (https://twitter.com/gogon_illust) Custom BGM: Arkhand (https://twitter.com/the_arkhand) Emotes: Maerie (https://twitter.com/maeriette) Stinger Transition: UWU Media (https://twitter.com/uwumedia) Birthday Stream Background: reNPC (https://twitter.com/reNPCarts) Bedroom Stream Background: 7MC (https://twitter.com/7MC_Official) Starting/Ending Screen: Shieriru (https://twitter.com/shieriru_55)

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    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlocking the Secrets of Minecraft Building: Crazy Build Hacks #110 Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, the latest episode of Crazy Build Hacks is here to revolutionize your gameplay experience. Packed with innovative techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies, this tutorial will inspire you to create jaw-dropping masterpieces in your Minecraft world. Exploring Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to intricate redstone engineering, this tutorial covers a wide range of advanced building techniques that will take your creations to the… Read More

  • Upgrade Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server

    Upgrade Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server Are you tired of your Minecraft house just being “OK”? Looking for a more thrilling and challenging experience in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a unique gameplay experience and a vibrant community, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind adventure for players of all skill levels. Join us at Minewind and explore a world like no other, where danger lurks around every corner and excitement awaits at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. With a dedicated server IP at YT.MINEWIND.NET, joining Minewind is… Read More

  • Blocky Battle: EfeKan vs Alperen Kickoff!

    Blocky Battle: EfeKan vs Alperen Kickoff! In the world of Minecraft, two friends did clash, Efekan and Alperen, in a football match. With laughter and fun, they kicked the ball, Their skills on display, entertaining all. The crowd cheered on, as the game went on, Each goal and save, a moment to spawn. In the world of blocks, they showed their might, In this friendly match, under the bright sunlight. So join us now, in this Minecraft tale, Where friends come together, without fail. Subscribe and like, to show your support, For more adventures like this, of every sort. Read More

  • MODDED MINECRAFT: Attacking Innocent Civilians!

    MODDED MINECRAFT: Attacking Innocent Civilians! Exploring the World of Modded Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of modded Minecraft! With endless possibilities and exciting new features, this game offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Join the journey as players dive into a world filled with creativity, challenges, and surprises. Unleashing Creativity with Mods Mods are the heart and soul of modded Minecraft, offering players the ability to customize their gameplay experience. From new items and blocks to unique mechanics and gameplay features, mods add a whole new dimension to the game. Players can unleash their creativity and build incredible… Read More

  • 3 Major Political Parties in Landova!

    3 Major Political Parties in Landova! The Three Major Political Parties in Landova In the vibrant world of Landova, politics play a crucial role in shaping the society and governance of this modded Minecraft map. One interesting aspect of Landova is the presence of three major political parties that represent different ideologies and viewpoints. The Landovian Acts Party The Landovian Acts Party is the leftist party in Landova. Known for its progressive policies and focus on social welfare, this party advocates for equality, environmental protection, and the rights of all citizens. They are often seen as champions of the working class and marginalized communities within… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2b2t Anarchy Server Update + Rickey Dukes Fishing Shack

    Insane Minecraft 2b2t Anarchy Server Update + Rickey Dukes Fishing ShackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2b2t Anarchy Server. 1.21 Updating Soon, Rickey Dukes Fishing Shack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-09-14 21:42:22. It has garnered 196 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:12 or 9132 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. The world is 13 years old, with a size of ‭over 49700 GBs and over 929 013 players visiting. 2b2t has been… Read More

  • INSANE base expansion in Minecraft Hardcore SMP!

    INSANE base expansion in Minecraft Hardcore SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building my FIRST SHOP and Big Base Expansion on Minecraft SOS Hardcore SMP’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2024-03-21 17:15:04. It has garnered 208215 views and 11166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:29 or 2429 seconds. fWhip is building his FIRST SHOP and making a big expansion to his hardcore minecraft base! Minecraft SOS is a new Hardcore survival SMP!! CLICK the LIKE button if you enjoy! ⭐Become a Member ⭐ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwqJYTxm3FAZXeV58EdFcRQ/join Find me Here! https://twitter.com/Failwhip https://www.instagram.com/fwhip_official/ :: Support me on Patreon :: https://www.patreon.com/fWhip #Minecraft #Hardcore #SOS Read More

  • MC HacKsMan: Mobs Talk?! 🤯 #shorts #minecraft

    MC HacKsMan: Mobs Talk?! 🤯 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT, But Mobs Can Speak… #shorts #minecraft #funny’, was uploaded by MC HacKsMan on 2024-06-12 12:31:12. It has garnered 5844 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. MINECRAFT, But Mobs Can Speak… #shorts #minecraft #funny Read More

  • Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE with Subs! ROAD TO 18K

    Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE with Subs! ROAD TO 18KVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP LIVE WITH SUBSCRIBERS | ROAD TO 18K #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Go Out YT on 2024-06-08 16:27:24. It has garnered 1261 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:52 or 7372 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftpublicserver #minecraftpe #minecrafthindi #minecraftindia #minecraftliveindia #minecraftlive #tiktok #anime #viral #trending #trendingshorts #shortsfeed In this LOS Season 2 (Land Of Survival Season 2) Trailer & Tutorial, we will be covering everything you need to know about the New Vanilla Updates -Ranks & More If you’re looking for new and exciting ways to play LOS… Read More

  • RomisGomis Reacts to CHUYMINE Trying to KILL HIM in Minecraft!

    RomisGomis Reacts to CHUYMINE Trying to KILL HIM in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHUYMINE quiere MATARME en Minecraft | RomisGomis REACCIONA a EloYT’, was uploaded by Romisgomis on 2024-09-18 19:00:32. It has garnered 8983 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:56 or 1316 seconds. Hi, I’m Romisgomis and I’m a vtuber Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft Survival! Day 4 LIVE

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft Survival! Day 4 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival BAŞLIYORUZ ! Canlı Yayın | GÜN 4’, was uploaded by MİKROFOLİST on 2024-09-19 19:39:35. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:19 or 8779 seconds. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL DRAWINGS ARE HELD ON DISCORD SERVER https://discord.gg/WBM4h3DPCs DONATIONS APPEAR ON THE SCREEN https://www.bynogame.com/tr/destekle/mikrofolist TAGS : keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard sounds, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, keyboard asmr,… Read More

  • Level Up Arena Masters Minecraft Hardcore 🎮🔥

    Level Up Arena Masters Minecraft Hardcore 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🎮Level UP Arena Is Playin Minecraft HardCore!!!🔥💥’, was uploaded by Level Up Arena on 2024-07-25 02:46:58. It has garnered 311 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:14 or 6494 seconds. 🔥 Get ready for an EPIC adventure as Level UP Arena dives into the intense world of Minecraft Hardcore! 🎮 Can they survive the challenges and conquer the game? Watch now to find out! 💥 Don’t miss out on the action-packed gameplay and heart-pounding moments! Subscribe for more gaming thrills! 🚀 #MinecraftHardcore #GamingAdventure #LevelUPArena Read More

  • Reyvadin Towny – SEMI-VANILLA, NEW, Public, Java

    Hello there! We recently launched our first season of Towny after a 4-year break. We are seeking players who are friendly and enjoy Minecraft without the need for speedrunning everything. This weekend’s event: We are hosting a build contest with the theme of Ancient OR Mythology, with great prizes for participants. Main features include: Towny for land claiming Custom economy with a stock-like market system Custom fishing with textured fishes A Casino Seasons and rentable properties Dwarfism and more If you are interested, join us at: IP: reddit.reyvadin.com (1.21.X) Map: map.reyvadin.com Discord: discord.reyvadin.com Our approach to server development is giving… Read More

  • Minecraft server hirayasmp.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hirayasmp.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MinecraftMeme16 – Stop Stealing Challenge FAIL!

    Looks like MinecraftMeme16 should stick to mining blocks instead of stealing memes! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1

    Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1Video Information This video, titled ‘超智障的一部片 #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #memes #颱風 #skywars #gaming #颱風 #ep1 #pvp #lunarclient’, was uploaded by V概 alvin on 2024-09-16 13:59:03. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Producer: Vgui Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 Hardware: Mouse: Logitech G102 Keyboard: PJ02 mechanical keyboard (red axis) Microphone: HyperX SoloCast Minecraft ID: V_alvin Read More

  • Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup!

    Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Muscle Efekan and Skinny Alperen, a dynamic team. Their battles are epic, their adventures grand, In this virtual world, they make their stand. With muscles of steel and skills to match, Muscle Efekan takes on any catch. Skinny Alperen, quick and sly, With moves so smooth, he’ll make you cry. Together they conquer, together they thrive, In this Minecraft world, they truly come alive. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And join these two heroes in their epic show. Read More

  • POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft

    POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft POV: Ultra Toxic Friend at different Ages Age 10: “I’ll steal your diamonds in Minecraft and blame it on a creeper!” Age 15: “I’ll grief your entire base and call it a prank, bro.” Age 20: “I’ll steal your girlfriend and blame it on lag.” Read More

  • Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft! The Emerald Golem in Minecraft Farm Details Farm Performance: The Emerald Golem farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 per hour! Farm Mode: This farm operates in a fully automatic mode, making it efficient and convenient for players. Versions: The farm is compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21, including various subversions like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4. Platforms: The farm is designed for Java Edition, ensuring seamless gameplay for players on this platform. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3 Game Information Shaders: Complementary shaders enhance the visual experience of the game. Resource Pack: The farm utilizes the default… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19 Preparing for Success in Minecraft Ilmango’s Slime Farm One key element in achieving success in Minecraft is having efficient farms. In episode 19, the player references Ilmango’s slime farm, a popular design known for its high productivity. By incorporating this design into their world, the player sets themselves up for a steady supply of slime, a valuable resource for various crafting recipes. Live Streaming on Twitch To share their Minecraft journey with a wider audience, the player live streams their gameplay on Twitch. This not only allows viewers to follow along in real-time but also creates a sense of… Read More

  • Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by Bullies

    Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by BulliesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Boiled One BULLIES ME INTO A CORNER’, was uploaded by Stella Kosmistr on 2024-09-10 19:00:19. It has garnered 415 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:37 or 2617 seconds. The Boiled One had me absolutely frozen with fear and uncertainty. #fromthefog #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberminecraft #theboiledone Apologies for the 30FPS recording folks! Seems like OBS had a hiccup, but it’ll be fixed for future videos! ——————————— MOD: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/theboiledone ——————————— Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/stellakosmistr TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stellakosmistrvt ——————————— Remember to like the video and subscribe as well! You know all… Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

    Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mobs in real life | Gaming with Aryan 2.0 | Minecraft gameplay’, was uploaded by GAMING_WITH_ARYAN_ 2.0 on 2024-07-07 11:58:34. It has garnered 18 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. my second channel ( https://www.youtube.com/@Futuretech1472 ) _____________________tags_____________________ minecraft mobs in real life minecraft in real life minecraft mobs real life minecraft real life mobs in real life minecraft mobs in real life meme minecraft in real life mobs real life minecraft minecraft minecraft mobs in real life 2024 minecraft vs real life minecraft in real life… Read More

  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

    CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft SMP with Viewers! Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by CraftedCroix on 2024-08-26 14:11:34. It has garnered 299 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:35 or 5495 seconds. Join the Public Crafted SMP for both Minecraft Bedrock and Java! IP: farcross.xyz Port for bedrock: 19132 Version: 1.16 – Latest Join the Farcross/Crafted SMP Discord! https://dsc.gg/farcross Join CraftedCroix’s Discord! https://dsc.gg/craftedcroix My gear: https://kit.co/craftedcroix/craftedcroix-s-gear Want to give me a donation? https://streamelements.com/craftedcroix-2047/tip Check out the Crafted SMP Webstore! https://farcross.tebex.io Join the Farcross Reddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/farcross/ Hashtags: #minecraft #craftedcroix #craftedsmp Tags: public minecraft server,minecraft java… Read More

  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

    "Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!" #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft’, was uploaded by Brijesh Gamer 1 on 2024-02-04 04:21:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft#craftingandbuilding #viral #trending … Read More

  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: https://streamelements.com//tip Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More