Minecraft Championships The Third

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You thought anyone could minecraft championships oh dude thank goodness for Optifine 1.15 I didn’t I literally got it today same I didn’t know that it was viable yet yeah no you can’t do shaders oh that’s oh they don’t work you sure this game on anyway yeah disabled yeah oh yeah you never

Want to use it here but here comes jumping winners POV championship question mark question mark Idol by the way is that trade marker can we steal it also of course We’re really gonna do about Suez oh no I mean can I steal your title actually I would see you okay got it you know I’ll see mind speech recon tomorrow’s use of yours featuring printing out the toast everything I can’t feature myself it’s kind of a given

I don’t know dude maybe I’ll just like in my if I catch if I catch the virus I will have to hand over my channel to someone for like the four weeks that I’m crippled make this for you okay cool cool I don’t know what you want to do do

What I made the video okay I’ll keep that in mind alright guys hopefully we will do a good job commute myself so I’m just speaking directly to you guys chat thank you for the good luck wishes and I’ll catch up on notifications when I can alright what do we want to sow

Throat let’s throw the chickens later on in the countdown because they always move so we think we’re gonna do worse in is the games we want you first yep the more there’s any multiply true true I don’t know what those would be I’m bad at the like PvP oriented ones

But I don’t know I did I was top killer in that that new game-mode that was last week which was anyone last time again was that like it was you have to put the wool in the middle right oh god I’m decent at parkour though I’m gonna

Parkour – oh yeah I would say Hunger Games honestly but wait wait on your chickens oh boy what did it oh wait to happen to me it didn’t go are you ranting over there wait wait for it like 5 seconds left okay I’m the only one waiting

I didn’t realize there’s an actual timer where we go imma wait it extended why do the time extend him in which one is it is it rockets please I’m good with that I’m good with that oh is it yeah I’m pretty now here I’m pretty bad here I

Know the first time I played I was doing pretty good but they said they made the walls bigger something I don’t know what that means exactly they made it they made it so you can’t jump around the side I think like we can’t all of us like what wait like you is strafe

Jumping it you’d like to jump off the platform and back on around the wall okay I that’s way more difficult though I don’t even know how you do that I know you guys plan fib you play first person I was that five what my team would do is

We just call out like north yes yeah slow sometimes it’ll just stare at the e and try and remember what it stood for but so I think if you if you start getting like lags up against it if you just spam space it’ll like kind of get

You over it that’s what was happening last time cuz sometimes like it’ll just start lagging into you and you can’t do anything about it so just spam space I can see everyone loading in but not right now oh there’s barriers if you want to try

It I’m not gonna try it I’m not gonna no no you I just shifted to the edge of those barriers all right here we go we don’t you cool outs all right do koala please make everyone invisible or it’s gonna be very sad times thingy well did last time I think okay yay

Right west all right Cara immediately following there we go boys there we go it does seem like the structures are a little more difficult no sound sound stuff from the start okay we can see our team I I see yeah we got this we got this east again gap oh it’s north again

Lovely we go line it up line them up well guys West again Oh easy threating whoo all right what’s together carefully guys all right they’re throwing them in now oh no I’m done I got stuck oh no Dave it’s getting smaller too yeah I can never do the double jump yeah they’ve

Got to start back with it but then if you get caught again spam it spam it okay we’re still here green still in its windy I’m still with you right block you’re right on the edge deep red those needles dude we still out here oh no don’t forget there are other

Rounds okay now West jeez woah salable behind you behind you Oh God spam it spam it’s fake God dang it I’m out how many people still out oh so a lot of people she you want to brave rather John okay itself dang it’s good we still got Oh find you

Mind you I again for that they go that way a lot of people a lot of people get knocked out there’s like there’s more rounds or two more rounds yeah but go around I need to learn them wait what the heck was that how do we get over it

What about beer on the wall trick it didn’t work out for them actually wait what was that one how do you even get by it inside the gap with the whip if we’re good we’re good we’re fifth and there’s still one more two more two more yeah the walls never

Spun on the opposite side like I’ll never go from west to east it’s always like it’s West don’t be north or self-realised yeah yeah I don’t know if it’s just because me sure I that’s what I noticed last time and it seems to be consistent what’s what’s wrong with

People’s people are like those mods can we restart north north again yeah what the hell dude I’m glad I threaded that one three times are you serious yeah those are not easy one I don’t know how you go I was crushing on that one did literally threaten those meaning

Credit north again again triple nor Lube again oh they’re all right east or west east it’s East all right all right I’m just gonna I’m gonna go the safe route every time and just try to stand oh god no I don’t know man all right ah I thought I was done for

There there’s uh there’s no easy way here gotta jump over it line it up West God once again you can jump the fences right yeah yeah jump big jump oh yeah easy gap it’s gonna be like oh god big one it’s like looking at a massive way of surfing and I suck at

Surfing and I’m terrified of it north yeah no big gap suit big boy swim it’s man it’s family there we go there we go Jesus oh my god I don’t even know you get through that one what you have to like let’s go who’s good round listen

It’s just one x point this game it’s not like that that if we because if we popped off in this game I’d be like dang I wish that was done for me I can’t see what I’m doing it’s just the timing of the fast two blocks is kind of hard but it helps

Everything else yeah yeah I’m done being carried here right north good Ryan this is the first round it can mess up a tree but this was my game last time so oh people going down already no the spam is definitely yep us hidden it’ll it’ll save yes five times if you

Get caught you got a spam oh okay a lot of times going on here wait what the heck I’m done I’m done with my god yeah what that I could not see a damn thing on that one so close together as well yeah there’s nothing I could have done their

Issue it’s so many have one set her to you know a third time jeez yeah the problem is it’s like you you can’t see the pattern through the first wall so you’re just blind going into the next one Wes yeah West West at their time is it’s so many a third time

That’s the issue just not stopping Oh a seventh time yeah it’s gonna switch up now all right well it’s good you know this is just the first game it’s all good yeah yeah big boys it’s the big boys oh it’s not working Gary knew all the way until it

Disappeared yeah do that regardless you guys if you’re so stuck in the air can win you those extra points us get all of y’all team is still in know as they say that you guys you guys still crushing oh it’s all I see Ryan it’s on me

It’s all on you buddy right Mandy oh please if you can yeah yeah yeah I’ll go on this side on the yellow myself Can we yellow East East oh nice I do that nice North all these duties really difficult good job good job you’re tearing us it’s so small no worries oh man that’s so stressful so I had no music playing see or no whites only Oh technically same anyone I can’t

Hear any music on this game there’s none howdy how do people get through that again like right just went through it yeah yeah whoopee wait face what what how does that work how you going to swim they swim through it what excuse me how did you act like a wags I’m so confused

Dude it’s like they’re just phasing through everyone it looks like oh my god oh they just ends they were too good all right it’s close though yeah it’s not a not a big gap look at that yeah yeah the top six burns game well number one and two quite far ahead

But number one is bro I have no idea how they just swim through one block gaps I’m confused it must have something to do with I’ve definitely seen my player model go in a swim mode before in the middle of that do I get how all right I think it has

Something to do with the fact that like the block is placing on you when it moves forward so maybe like somehow position it like yeah slab over your head and puts you in swim mode I don’t know you know that was stressful no why 400 points gap is nothing in this

Tournament so we’re all good yeah okay well game districts what my team I’d say keep our survival games yeah yeah hernias we could I think oh I can’t see a thing yeah my blood keeps happening to me I know if 155th 1.15 was the move in our

Like I keep loading in and it’s like blank for like yeah I’m like an 115 by the way no we can blame all the same yeah no everything is 1.15 so they closed the elevator from last time i’m swatching in the spectator stands I didn’t realize that very much oh wait on

The right side on the right side Oh is there another and the right one okay if this one happens go on drop drop break it break it wit away love oh we’ve done that in the second game like they were waiting so long to do that last big sale should we

Try the big sales one because I feel like I guess we did scared of big sales you don’t want that to be like the game breaker you know I mean I guess you’re right bobble games yeah the way you can just aim between the two and hope that

Oh it’s gonna be so good look at everyone wants it everyone I mean we’re wait on it it’s gonna yeah I’m waiting on the timer it’s chicken right next to us and then the timer keeps going someone messed with their green one all right and mind-reader we go one of

What mine in alright that was good timing let’s go don’t move no you idiots why why chickens there’s still a lot there’s still a lot I think we got it yeah I think we that’s called a throbbing Let’s go have a like justice sandwiches yeah I think last time yeah the border will kill you so quick like kills in this game right not just lasting long oh no I just crashed what the hell no this is the worst of the crashing Helen tell

Me I think it was trying to load the resource back there was some bug with the resource pack and it crashed you put it in the chat will it show up or not tell them that you’ve crashed is there like admin I can go into NOC sites yeah before last time people give

Crashing in the it’s something it’s something resource pack related it must be 1.15 because it was not doing that in 1.14 yeah yeah yeah we just 1.8 am I am I in or do they need to boot me to lobby or something you’re you’re in okay you’re in I’m going through this

Cinematic pause though yeah it says you’ve joined the game okay 20 seconds hopefully of all your you’re looking visible for me Dave but like I know I’m like oh yeah I can’t see myself oh no I can’t oh no I can see I can see okay

Okay no music makes it really like um it’s still it’s still going through the cinematic for me okay cool cool is everyone you I don’t know if I’m will you’re not ready I’ll tell more about cinematic it skips it ten seconds oh okay now I’m okay I’m yeah yeah yeah

We’re oh yeah all right all right what’s the plan are we just gonna run all I think running all the way to the back maybe you don’t want to get yes so you only go mid chest at all right but let’s let’s look like we’re going to the

Center but then where we go where we going all the way back before getting NHS yeah all the way back because first time I played this I went into like the first building and instantly got killed okay okay no and no one’s no one’s following us everyone peeled off so

We’ll have like a couple buildings worth of loot hopefully well grace periods like nothing not 15 seconds this one laughter you forget is it normal it is yeah oh no no it’s not I think it’s 1.15 yeah it is so I got a stone

Axe so axes are iron axe going on I got a lot bucket and some TNT I’ve got a fishing rod we like any oh geez oh yeah ocean of harming getting some frame skips boys you love to see it you really do one customize the 1.15 blame it blame

It now oh you’re trying to load multiple resource bags we don’t blame 115 and we say that’s the greatest update alright let’s get let’s get hold on one second right across I’m disabling a conflicting pack that might have been why I was getting lag we go you we call you right

Back up back up back up there’s a team in that building right next to you and we don’t know really really you’re follow me guys let’s go this let’s back let’s go back another building or so because all this loots gonna disappear anyways okay yeah actually do yeah every

Time someone dies everyone gets ten coins okay so like we want to all stay alive which I guess is kind of obvious but alright we don’t want to get caught the house when the water comes early on yeah we can head out the back door here

There’s no fire aspect god I still don’t have a melee weapon does anyone have a spare I’ve got laundry if you want that yeah that I’ll swap someone with a towel that hurts as a team in the opposite building oh I just we have two men I have half

Iron armor we will get across with our sword I have no armor at all and no weapon you’re sick this particular take this thickness okay sweet oh I got an iron sword too let’s go fishing you see it you really do I feel like you can’t

Use a fishing rod like I got nine arrows mine dude yeah that’s really good I got a bow just killing Michael actually I have arrow of slowness arrow of slowness ah three our slowest yeah well oh my game just oh no my game didn’t crash the

Time what do you want I have a I have an extra bow somebody oh I know Ryan gave me something but sure I’ll take that out everything if block speeds matter land stone sword is probably better alright do we want to exit out of here we might

Get caught in here by the border where was the exit again oh yeah we got one you’re really far away from us I don’t know yeah we sit on the ladder yep I’m out I’m out I’m out woody all right is anyone need an iron axe I got a spare

I’ve got golden apples Barney whoa we got a green team over there I still have no armor I have one Golden Apple your team oh is that a three team that’s a three team unless it’s lime and they don’t know oh yeah it is that’s a three

Team it’s a three team they don’t write good stuff we can get them let’s go let’s go and they’re separated I saw I got hit by a oh shoot someone’s on me yeah if you’re behind our teammate oh that’s it with your team III know we’re gonna push screen and follow them

They’re running from us I think oh Jesus just go for him oh I’m B child God they’re gonna clean up after this yeah back up back up Oh got one oh shoot go back in all that day literally here oh yeah this is gonna be a problem Finn

Oh they got oh shoot oh that’s that’s bad we are right oh my god he did all my hearts with one shots Jesus I’m trying to run away I’m dead yeah that was that was just bad bad positioning yeah are you are we all dead

No I’m I just stay alive don’t play for kills just play for placement because we can just farm extra coins and you can play super secret secret secret e and we’re good or saliva okay I’m killing I’m still trying to find a way down there

Yeah no kick on the border there how did you get out of there mom I don’t even know those those dolls to the side oh I didn’t know there were doors this side yeah there’s no exit that was just like bad timing he’s like yeah because I was

I was trying to watch it 360 to look for names but I guess they were just not in the real gun god that’s a good team fortunate like Calvin and did we yeah and this is pulled a shrink 40 seconds okay mmm and then they put the potion in

Front of like the lingering pushing from the door and then there’s nowhere else that go yeah good play from the Bema yeah no no for sure it was just like you couldn’t be in a worse place of the worst yeah sure we didn’t did we kill

Any of the green team no actually we didn’t stay alive we got one guy won’t kill I think okay kills is 50 points so that’s it that is big to get we’re in sixth place right now as far as points but this whoever gets first here is

Gonna probably have 3,000 points or so but still not a huge gap not a huge you have to play to fight the entire purple team right now and he’s always trying to use fighting Pete Oh Pete Very ominous sound how far it ok zin no I don’t it comes in like all the way pretty much oh jeez yeah I mean I’ll do a quick notification catch up right now we got Milo Eva thank you for two months cama didn’t thank you for three months half canine thank you

For nine months bowel Mong thanks three months page the potato thank you for subbing crazy Cassie thank you for two months trying to see where everybody else is looking right now okay here’s our team mates still alive nice we got survival going on Aaron play 3x thank

You for the 21 months I meant to be out clubbing tonight and since I’m in the UK everywhere still open for some unknown reason but it doesn’t sound like a good idea since quite a few people tested positive it was yeah maybe don’t do go to places where you

Like literally body to body against people so do your part 14 Mitsu thank you the sub ice brg live thank you the two months Brad mandango thank you for the four months Emma a X thank you for the six months Ronan thanks for 20 months armored thank you for three

Months I surname thank you for the 19 months and the good luck wishes sir real cmp thank you for the sub fire ice will think of the seven months Conor P thank you for the sub much appreciated alrighty back into the action I met you five minutes ago yeah we’re having a

Great time you seem like a really nice fella would you think and you’re throwing In the events that I wanted people right we all died in survival games in the first like five minutes and Cara stayed alive in a house the entire game and he earned us all the extra points because think of how many like every five food

Oh yellow some of you could just wait no the board at the border you’re not good you’re not good dude quarter quarter quarter quarter go oh boy can just just do stupid just Juke oh god that’s bad run the border so he totally just caught a guy I was hoping

That he would just like continue targeting the other guy I guess that’s how you get items they don’t just drop on the ground okay techno blades down but he was so low didn’t last as long as the team actually wait is Calvin’s team alive from my stupid yeah yeah Aquos who

I’m worried about this is only one round as well isn’t it yeah oh yeah that’s very confusing I must say it’s never been able to do like I used to play some ball games all the time Survival games for some reason is like so hard for me because it’s one oh it’s probably because of the PvP not being open A’s look a long experience for all games are just like all I know how to do a spam B listen yeah I hate the new DB Oh everyone’s

Going in here we go oh but now they’re just trying to farm kills off the green team they’re like fighting for the kills Oh Giz he’s gonna die he’s not even coming out of that was looking like oranges we’re gonna take this one yeah for sure Calvin’s really good if you guys don’t

Know Callens probably one of the best people out there yeah well one before is gonna be tough all the cobwebs boy oh no he’s missing a loom yeah yeah but I mean we got to look out for Calvin how is Lizzy survived the whole time she just

Farmed like 50 extra points or just easily who’s left Oh told me about all of them and greens alive yeah there’s one green oh yeah over there Oh Tommy just picked up that extra kill oh my god oh my god oh my god Oh Tommy I swear oh my god Tommy

Last week was doing pretty good stuff for us oh my god got those points right that might have actually given his team know okay oh my god orange ocelots absolutely it’s all right that’s not that’s not that big of a gap later on no no I feel good yeah we’re just gonna

Carta Lawson like I wasn’t insane fight right there Oh fer lose our t move okay yeah the one killer god I feel like I should have had that one kill but you know whatever oh that’s it so it is what it is she was right in front of me man it is

What it is see what we got all right it’s good we got that out of the way yeah that’s the one we wanted to do good on right yeah could you battle one yeah cuz I want like a three times multiplier on actually I don’t know that one port

Parkour map like last time Vic and Pete flew through that in like two seconds yeah I mean they’re they’re gonna be like first and second for sure but it’s still I think I’m actually done okay finish it oh yeah I hope they use a different map because I feel like now

People just know all the techniques they said that they change week it yeah past past a certain stage they’ve changed it now things like for I can’t remember it just saying if oh wait is this awesome this is all toilet paper oh my god we

Want to do build Mart okay get to the other side is one of my favorites and I got first place like five times in a row and those in that game mode last time but it wasn’t played last week oh yeah well I really don’t like that

One I’m mark I’m harshly responsible I got first place like three right oh yeah Skyblock I did terrible at two so that’s another one yeah we got early on Keith ran out of blocks to you all right I’m fine with that I think if you wait till the last second the timer

Always restarts no I think you just I think it’s that it regardless can’t throw the egg anymore and it what is the how is someone in there yeah I was about to say that was like what oh yeah you know how you can get like you can dunk people and

Okay I choose what we’re gonna go in alright sky boy cool so yeah get lots of blocks and don’t wait too long okay yeah last time you just and then I got the third place once but like both times they were kind of scuffed like we

Ended up just digging into the bottom of the middle island and then cleaning up which works but also I’m sure about this one excited I did really bad last time I don’t know it’s like if you can get a boat if you can craft a bow and arrow

Early and then once you get to like the second or last island it’s so easy to just like walk people off the edge mm-hmm alright well probably probably this week people are a little bit more cautious of it but like it’s pretty easy to get like a quick tail like getting

Arrows was pretty difficult though yeah yeah true I think they give you some if I’m crazy enough I don’t know or snowballs where two bows go I think yeah okay alright so I’m not trying to help all the best I can I can’t be like it

Seemed leader on this one I cannot like I don’t know what I’m doing we need to start breaking the we just get the wood get the dirt start collect someone just needs to be on like cobblestone duty and then we get stone picks will help will send someone over to that that little

Pillar there that is full of wood yeah yeah yeah so monitor should I try take the top level of dirt oh yeah do I take it no blocks deep I believe yeah yeah take the two top two levels and then start making a path over there be careful I always

Wait for instructions okay cuz I don’t want other guys okay I’ll make a crafting table I’m staying on shift okay so I’m gonna put that at the bottom and then let’s see wooden pickaxe to get the cobble started who is gonna mine cobble cringing okay here you go so so we’re

Gonna go in without island over there yeah all right let’s keep mining there also I didn’t call us one until the border somewhere in the chest I think there’s a bucket of wolves or something a lava there’s water in lava yeah yeah I know you can start it but has anyone

Ever gone over to like the sand island no no I’ve never been over there alright once you get enough Cabos challenge a free coins baby okay do we want to do anything with with the sellers yes I do have some more with yes okay okay we

Want to get a sword as well to get the cobblestone off of Emile the cobwebs off this island he goes he goes very buying you okay if someone if someone wants to make a like a stone pick just get stone pickaxes ready yeah I’m making us some

Pecans right now and remember when we ever we use a crafting bench we have to pick it up yes we don’t waste any wood yes I’m the game we’re car dimensions where I have one so alright nobody could have areas here you go over there yeah

You go over there and I’ll keep going with the cold stone a video with a pickaxe I’ll stay here we do you have any more blocks to build there you know what is this what is this thing that Wilbur keep spamming I don’t know I have no idea

Oh I stole that cobblestone that’s okay that’s okay you keep that o mine oh oh that was exactly enough dirt I didn’t okay I got a couple diamond shield Trident bottles do we want to make a diamond sword what do we want to do with the two diamonds okay

Oh see we got Flint in here and feathers so we can make arrows you guys got a pop gun nice we good yeah also I’m gonna call us when you have I can make a platform towards the origin you’re not doing yeah I’m breaking the on the walls of this

Building just we have extra wood planks no that’s what I did last time it kind of helped out I think so yeah if we can get as much wood as we can I’ll be good as well have you guys got some cobble you could hand me perhaps

Like three at the moment okay I just want to make a pickup Lois you want in Baldwin chanting in rabbit foot nice I don’t know we could do the rabbit foot but I uh iron now – got about five iron on me sweet diamonds in here – we make an iron

Pickaxe we got we got we still got a little bit of time before the shrinks that’s good don’t go like three minutes yeah okay already here let me get this all right all right ah can I get one more cobble I can make an axe and then

I’ll be able to get a bunch of wood I come every maneuver okay get a furnace for me okay cool all right I’m gonna make a bow water comes in by the way then all right 10 meter furnace yet or to make one make one I’m gonna try to

Save the Trident because the trend does a lot of damage in I every game I’ve wasted it like trying to knock some off the edge in hey yeah and then if you we have no loyalty so but yeah and put the Trident actually I do I’ve looked at one

Book look see one book Oh we’ll have to get to you and ville and then we can use it okay I also XP as well so we can make a so we can uh use that and make sure that if we’re building with things slab

It yep yeah yeah last time we broke our tree made slide with the wood number what makes sticks or pickaxes we won’t over here whatever here yeah but we did make it like this like an island we were well okay well yeah that’ll that’ll mess you up you can help my team anyways

Um okay did you get straight oh yeah I got I got six here did you bring a crafting table or should we get the one from over there I’m going into the diamond I have three diamonds now well red team over Women’s Weekly and if I can I am gonna make two

Bows right now we can make two diamond swords with these four times I have I got 23 couple on me so that’s pretty good yep so much called over here too you can train home okay double bows and I’m gonna take this crafting table with me so you guys the crafting table will

Be at the next where I am yeah next island island i by the way I’ll bring the I’ll bring the ice and level with me as well yep I do oh I I have some arrows oh wait I don’t never mind I don’t thank you thank you I’m gonna wait like I’m gonna

Keep a side eye on these people the second I see quit building out I’m gonna send them into the okay well we we should start going and building outs golden yeah I’m almost done my name is Orson I’m sure it’s a point gun rest or is that not worth it

Neither we should start building everyone’s already like there’s some people already almost at mid oh there’s more carp good you’ve got the pickaxe screen cuz I’m gonna thin so you pick up the furnace when you come back I will do that yes yes I’ll run straight across

Now gladly add any extra blocks up here I was already shrinking no it’s in 30 seconds all right I’m gonna go grab the wobble you can get the milk buckets in the starting chest as well if we want extra buckets yeah right now the end circles so close-quarter lava is just

Gonna be any one of the chests i have a diamond sword do you want to if you want a stone right away I have four diamonds I have four diamonds I can make two so nice I don’t mind having like a stone sword if anyone’s just to have the

Diamond sword I can take it will take diamond swords and you know iron sword okay cool sweet alright um what have you got what weapon if you go I’ve got a diamond sword in the Ndebele see if you want okay it’s slabs yeah I’m glad I can

Take that make make make slabs cobble we have a lot of wood I have fifteen sixteen wood bricks I have a stack and a half of nether brick slabs let’s go actually I could okay well yeah let’s make it wise lose didn’t outside real good quick I know feel like quick it’s

Gonna shoot I mean to be honest cuz i watch red team over there watch quick is gonna go where is he which slide oh oh that side left side oh he saw he saw it look at him you know that’s like I did that last game to him and now he’s

He knows I won’t stop shoot he’s gonna send her out she’s bait she’s bait I was trying to predict her moving back we’re not waiting now just staring at us I mean I see more all right well we do need to build this and now we’ve just a

Grow them so I have 1800 iron that’s smelting iron like I’m gonna keep doing to maybe I’d make a little bit maybe how much have you gone oh I got a little ease I’d make it maybe a chest plate and maybe make two chest plates oh come on

What is that oh wow I was too hyped I’m probably not girl fright now oh god are you kidding me she’s like stuck to the wood okay he can’t snowball this is our [ __ ] snowballs okay where did we do we have to we actually have to build oh jeez

But he’s got to go to so hopefully he won’t be focusing yeah he’s gone he’s he’s not even shooting yeah he’s not even shooting at all oh that’s so close oh God his waters not far enough down that so I was like I really need to water down and we call water

I can go down know some people drown okay I’m going I’m building sweet you’re all good they’re not they’re not doing anything all right oh yeah come on boys he’s gone he’s out he done there yo let’s go okay I got the turtle helmet okay we got to go to the wood

Yeah we need get up that end we do we have a crafting table still where we leave that Oh miss that I got it all right hold on wait guys guys I have a I have 14 iron ores and 15 iron ingots all right I’m building I got a build

There’s no other alternatives the border is gonna come in again we reckon go for two too long try to tell me if I’m in danger someone look out I think you’re good at the moment I don’t think anyone’s looking at you you’re tridents but I guess they’re not coming at us

Yeah yeah there’s people 40 in the middle behind you see that hold T Billy there’s a whole team sitting on an edge over their chest all right we got it we got a bunch of protection books the enchantment table I have take some bottles look at this team I’m gonna go

Sharpness on a sword if that’s chill actually give me okay god it’s level three do we want to break the bookshelves here so it’s less levels yes yes that’s small thinking right there like that okay or we’re not too far out are we who’s that who’s that shootin I

Got one guy another level Jordan there we go whoa what’s up you look three no wait you then no okay sharp on the sword damn you too much we’re over and I’ve been with my only have one level break the other breakfast over here

Holy crap what did I get by it uh here gimme I need the sword someone needs to build so I don’t know who’s building if I’m not okay watch me if this guy’s gonna go after me now what eras on you I don’t have any all right you guys apply apply protection to

Your armor if you can also does anyone have armor they can give me because I’m completely naked I can smell but that’s it oh jeez it may take a second oh are you there oh no h-bombs aritaum there oh so okay see green team over here he’s stuck see how

We got it we got to give ourselves away in okay who’s gonna do it waiting for us okay guys well we got to do is we got a we got to go on the bottom like we can’t just enter the gap we should go down and dig into the side

Like this under our buckets we can take protection under the we need got me a 50/50 like it’s fun okay guys I’ve already built out over here who they’re trying to hit me yeah Lucius will just turn like oh you’re going up already oh yeah yeah hold on Dave oh this goes to

Mid there we go now okay Anne let’s just get in God I have no I have no food no food at all what’s in the chest bones of me where can we get him good again he’s low on seven HP you know I’m gonna try doing over him

No Angliss seafood he is a Charlotte or grab dime-store gumgum sword however if anyone has arrows have a powerboat I know arrows anyone have food any food anywhere the shop I’ve got this old right Thank You Stanley Burroughs arm I know what I need no arrows a flint

If anyone has feathers no II don’t want to be down here much longer hey yeah yeah yeah we want to go up to the next floor yeah I would say I’m gonna take the ladder up maybe okay yeah there’s no one on me why is my heart pounding

Anybody need a sharpness iron sword or you guys all have Sharp swords okay okay there’s people above us but let’s not worry about that okay this okay let’s go go where enough my muse for burning I have wood people I would 15 yeah I’ll stick put in there’s more armor for us

Again we want to hold up on this armor msj major in the middle I’m selling I love a love love about this I fell I fell I fell down lava lava above us no get out of there get out of there dude oh no he’s going you’re going back down

Come back down I’m sure I can’t call you M&A jeez oh no my camera burns and I’m gonna burn to death I’m gay I’m dead oh wait no no no Ryan jump down in that water let’s go let’s go oh my god I to

Run back to us run back to us I even happen is the border gonna shrink beyond men again okay then we need to get our iron and get this no wait let’s not die to border because the border will do so much damage ship yep just get down the

Letter peeling I’m peeling I’m healing healing this thing right here I’m gonna hit one of them with a trident and then we’re gonna all rush that player hold on I can make myself boots real on my left to left oh cars cars mates shields shields I got one field of and

Every one I drop one way to pick up what all right here let’s get this team they’re fighting we clean up clean up okay you’re still don’t mean I don’t have a shield but we can do this I’m stuck I’m out no what’s the contact no

Technos down who’s left I’m in yeah get the great so you’ve got time this will be left that’s three on green and the solder pants Altaria pants also goes around around try if you want oh hold on I’m trying to do nicely our pants where’s pants trident maybe in the

Locker pant of those pants protection one yeah there might be the one we give you protection I mean any armor points whoa Oh border Jesus Christ yes we’re gonna be careful I didn’t even think about that where’s everyone else oh they’re above you watch out watch out

For food all of you knowledge being spent down ones down ones down yeah it’s just just small beans do Oh be careful border Jordan back up what is nice Oh God oh Jesus Christ last 15 seconds left if these things are good hey aunty I think they’re gonna Josh

Last 15 seconds just one more seconds yeah yep my spine works I can shoot him I can shoot them if you hit P he has no Elijah They also dead they’re both half health they’re both half health oh man we were firstly that was so good jeez when I got those like live kills from the air that gave like we were in first place that whole game I don’t think anyone even got close oh man

That was incredible Jordan good place god I the border is so hard too remember when you’re in the middle to be a going as big boy same if he’s gonna come in a little in second Saturdays we need you guys to team with us because they’re cheating God that Trident was

Nice Jordan I feel like they Thank You lovely stuck I was stuck in the lower I think someone placed the cobweb and then I got stuck in the lava I don’t know I had full health tech no place lava on my toes and I died on three ticks someone

Just snuck up and killed me I was trying to look for cars stuff for a shield where are we now then we are thank you everyone thank you techno blades largely for for calling me a god I appreciate it it’s an honor whatever was but then times two I think

The kills we did very good for us those are each other now right now before it goes let’s go we’re rolling up on that Green Team and I saw them all standing on the ledge that’s just a little bit of water and I was it God man this is my

Time you got you got all three Dave you did we haven’t peaked yet though guys we haven’t peaked yet come on enough games that I’m I am amazed that we came out on top I’ve done still badly at that the last two weeks but right I think four

Races decent I know not to take the shortcut anymore a true true all right and going in it’s gonna reset I think it’s big sales not chicken up like my let me do employers can we get which one is that I’ll get to the other

Side I’m so bad at this one dude if messy is so messy oh oh oh no oh no it’s just like staining it but except you can’t boost yourself anymore so this might go I think we can rocket jump though probably it was just there was a light

Ripping jump but yeah before if you were like mid-flight you could continue your flight like a firework if you shot the like a block right next well so that people like fills them I didn’t I didn’t incorporate that so I’m a trip but now there’s also one firework yeah this is

This is a new map by saying that looks different yeah it looks different so I’m scared of it you could yeah this one’s tough a lot of people who fall out quickly here my Chastain to murder team simp whose team sent who team simple what color what color yeah what color

Look how many you get a hundred points for winning like mad like good way I think rush that way yeah oh wait no it’s still going down oh wait no there’s everyone here no Garen crashed I wonder if he has another resource back on because I haven’t crashed since then and

I definitely would do it it’s probably uh is it wait is it going yeah everyone’s here oh I thought you’re in crash oh he joined I like totally forgot I should open my light show I just start only one firework we’re already gone I’ve been kind of

Standing still to focus on Ciaran like the saloon amiibo we talked I already waste my firework so that’s good it’s fifty in a quarter yeah that’s that’s the play honestly I see bit cyl goodbye that’s all hydron hey yes let’s not see the bad idea hit

Me keep it towards me beat don’t do that hey what the heck I got one kill oh nice nice I’m dead Oh guys stay as long as possible but I’m gonna die she’s not use your firework I already used it Oh No Oh each mom each mom I’m dead that was

Unfortunate I like oh I got a kill on someone though because as she was falling I hit her with the fireball so she was dead anyways but I stole the kill from whoever that I just hit though me alright I’m still here never mind not there anymore I got Tommy

Yes okay okay did you just use a firework Ryan how do you want I did why is tech nobly going to the same place as me guys I’m hiding really I got tech no it gave me they gave me the credit for that one then yeah he’s gone nice fixed

Star don’t I see someone who’s just standing in a corner shooting Adam no no no because it highlights you guys yeah where you just shot it is where that guys heading I’m Lee honey I’ve got like are you calling honey in the corner it’s really friends oh geez I just got myself

Out idiots idiots try to shoot someone in here I can I hear notice me here I can Michael I’m literally on one block oh well I tried to rocket jump and I blew the floor out and hit my head and fell out dang it why were you shooting

Breath if you see shoot my guy Rocco sorry five people if someone’s pulling maybe try hitting them and then you can take the kill I think it’s not yeah wait what everyone’s hiding everyone who won right now has been hiding the whole game Wilbur’s in a corner hiding their Kip hiding oh and

Pete was at the very top oh and they got him so Hobart orange who are them at the end we did well very good that round I think yeah yeah I finished in seventh that’s pretty good I think getting okay one trick I found is if you’re like slowly descending down

And you see someone else just try to shoot a fire like oh yeah rocket at them because it gives you the kill because I stole a kill like that totally wasn’t mine yeah yeah oh you mean if they’re like falling out of the map got it

Yeah and like so I was pulling on the map and then I was just like shooting around that area I managed to get the kill email they were definitely dead already stressful oh hi Artie I’m like middle of the map whoa what the heck oh I’m I’m at the bottom right now

Oh no now that you only get one rocket I’m very like I don’t know what to use it so bad I already use a rocket I’m so sorry me too to myself Oh what like it can I make wait clicking it yes oh I’m out dude sorry oh okay all

Right I got right damn it Oh do not soon know what I don’t even know how that killed me what the heck I’m dead I got Sylvia thank yep burned you for oh my god oh my god she gonna kill you still like oh god I’m being targeted so

Holy crap the entire kill it was the entire pink parrots team they were all shooting at me at once oh my god we’re out all of a throw yeah well after you died like I know I don’t act like I’m shooting a hurt turn the game maybe it’s because you were the last

Person that hit I don’t know definitely I should only fall on our own that’s mad right now I think pink parents they were all they were all coordinated together and just shooting entirely yeah like you’re gonna land on a block and they shot you out of the air pretty yeah

Oh yeah we’re still in second place guys yeah yeah still second impressive where do you practice this well they’re their own group I think this word was logging or labor I think it’s better now yeah the only thing is like I just wish big star has already has already won a week

So target target like orange team by the way we have target them yep yeah meanwhile think is think is just gonna go for us yeah yeah avoid them if we can this is gonna be messy doom it really is to be fair I missed T Rockets so much

I’m on the second floor oh yeah oh you guys haven’t been using that I have a nerd oh geez you did work last time it worked yeah it did work it’s always worked you just have to time it right the timing can be iffy Oh God almost like

Sure you’re like have a clear like head space cuz if not you can yourself yep I did that in the first first round why Michael I joined you by gonna do something I’m at the top still gonna kill on you guys why did I do that

Which I guess is better than oh yeah baby baby I was mad about it she’s better than wait we got a TK yeah I don’t know how I was I was like flying in the air and then it said I got a kill on you oh you got two kills Ryan let’s

Go Oh God just try to shoot for anyone you can if you’re caught ya going back up boys right now oh you’re good chuckles you do this wait am I the only one in still yeah you’re the one about jeez you know what you are I’m on top I kept using the

Same way he’s my firework too early on dude it’s the same people alive no fingers tossed us rocket jump yeah you don’t get you do good I I know I don’t I don’t know good jump oh god I messed up my rocket jump damn it you just you just

Have to time it right off oh no I didn’t think John dang it unlike well it’s so it’s so hard landing when you have speed it just like shift doesn’t really work yeah yeah it’s not even a big it’s oh my god it’s still orange are you kidding

Yeah I don’t even know like I’m watching them and I don’t even see like what they’re doing right sign creepers might say this one cause like how okay you see how peach is jumping like he’s landing it’s oh I thought you were saying you guys wait what is Wilmer him look at him

He’s on the side of a block like blackout or something is high I don’t all right insane well GG that’s Colin’s game with the Ben Wilbur okay oh man I was sixth I was just outside of the leaderboard okay wait we got third place in that good anyway god what a

Commanding lead they have yeah they definitely do a trick that we didn’t because there’s a point where I was watching Pete and he was like yeah we almost think he was bunny hopping from like platform a platform like he was jumping and then getting in his alight

Row and flying pretty far like I don’t know there is some sort of trick oh yeah we got a break no worries oh all right bathroom break everyone BRB thanks anneal I appreciate the kind words this stream brought to you by quality content QC athletics dot-com if you’re interested check it out

Even has lettering on the hood oh yeah oh right we back let’s catch up on the few notifications that we gotten since last time Jayhawk thank you the sub CJ w LH thank you for the two months glad you’re loving the server kamikaze Foos you think of the two months

Giotto Giotto thank you for the sub macho flash power thanks for the five months wall outlet they’ve the subs Silla bars thinking the eight months yiii I did wash hands indeed that’s dreaming because yeah because my ISP is just absolutely throttled right now because everyone is yeah everyone has

Some sort of virus or whatever we did so again the Skywalk one much better than last time yeah we did we weren’t freakin targeting you Jordan oh yeah you were okay for me I don’t care about your stupid S&P right now I can’t believe my victory team is doing

So bad without me dude we’re 9th place why’d you target buddy I’m sorry you’re a [ __ ] I asked you I feel insulted hold on hold on I mean we’re very easy dub again how many points have you scored this match actually Jordans been in the top I’m doing my best

Anyone on your team up here guess what you were the first high scoring person in the first time I see whose head they put on the most me your deep voice your deep burn your whole mess right now I [ __ ] you oh my god in the winner of the whole

Thing get toilet paper yeah that’s but completely fine huh I’ll definite path anse probably should sylbaris thing idiot months and Alan J Mackey thank you for the two thousand bits glad you’re enjoying the server appreciate it yeah get to the other side is is tragedy I don’t know what I want

To choose gonna chuck it all right well get to the other side I’ll do it yeah anything we ever hope for actually gets chosen chickens stay put stay point you idiots oh my god I think it might be big sales a big part though toilet paper buying simulator

Right now oh my god is that what it was inspired by phonics No thank you for the bits I just I can’t imagine lining out the lines I’ve seen images it’s not well to be fair it’s pretty bad over here at the moment the grocery stores aren’t

Shutting even shut down in Italy though that’s the thing you could still go to the grocery aisle it’s for the Americans are stupid Jordan it’s all over I was asking people last night on stream to like say their country and how toilet paper is it was everywhere

What like sold out yeah sold out in every country yeah twelve minutes to run into the building mark collect your resources and bring them back to your plot and it Oh build as many monuments as you can and you have a temp a temp it’s of four different builds that you

Must copy in the neighboring build plots Oh as you complete builds new ones will spawn you are given all the tools needed to collect resources by going out through the portal into the build Mart use your trolley to make traversing the building more faster be careful you

Don’t fall into any holes you’ll lose all your resources on man oh man wait so you can use provider furnaces and crafting tables to create anything you can’t find big sales at building my round management communication and speed you must okay so there’s certain things

We need to build in these plots okay see here’s so are we gonna have like once we make an initial thing are we gonna have people who are just constantly going out and getting resources and people who are building like right now we need to figure out what we need for resources we

Need you know freely the color dogs we need jungle actually everyone could take one plot here if you want to like yeah I might yeah a plot okay so I dig this one yeah I mean take a picture yeah I don’t think it is they didn’t say anything about that screenshot screenshot guys

Got minecraft own screenshots portal I’m getting a Spanish oh oh oh we have a cart take the cart do we all have a Carson oh we do yeah okay watch out for holes okay colors okay I’m getting gun f5 I’m going colors I guess yeah yeah

I’m gonna look for a line where is Turk oh um Oh back back in the back people are falling in these holes in the middle dude I just fell down one as well by the way you can jump out right on the spot one of these glass I’m just saying yeah

Just get just get multiple of all the resources that you’re getting at once in case you need more of them yeah is anyone getting wood stuff I got asked I’ll go back and like stone how much I need so I’m just gonna get a lot more than I need I need

Black hole we’re gonna be and sand in the second force and would be man let me know know where it would be good actually I got everything now when I got this white is anyone need any stones how do you go back so we get to your plot I

Think you have to keep you have to the shopping cart back pew pew drop down do you lose all your stuff inventory yes yeah and careful there are disappearing spots in the floors I’m not gonna bring a few more person with about somebody to

Film a plot oh wait you got one of you is getting wood right yeah I’ve already been in there for you okay no it’s fine I guess I’ll do a lumber almost done I wonder if there’s gonna be multiple rounds of this ever this is like a one

Shot I think no I think you just go and do as much as you can okay so what advanced to grab my sink late for me I’m getting more wood every kind of with a little bit but I’m doing my plot so not being one of yours too okay I’m coming aboard

So if anyone wants to build fences feel free or white conquer because there’s only white concrete yeah we can tree sorry I can’t I got 12 and you guys tips on using the cart it just take it in a straight line and as soon as you’re approaching anything just shift out you

Stop on the spot so you don’t have to worry about it we’re going off I don’t even risk like trying to go around because it’s straight well no you you just do it do a straight line you get out you reposition you do another straight line it makes it real easy

Anyway Dave where are you right now oh I’ve gone back okay I’m going to the portal right now I’m here I don’t see any of you guys I know it’s on about I’m very good I can help you on your plots now mine’s origami they complete their

Island oh I mean I’m almost done myself I’ll be the first Oh I think the first two Queen rainbow you get more points you quit first oh I guess you must otherwise it wouldn’t highlight it lion glass we said wait one second oh I completed an island that’s it oh

And I can’t go make another one everybody make their own see Sian because oh I need some books oh wait oh shoot there was iron god dang it oh wait no I don’t anyone have any iron oh no I need to go get myself though okay if you

Want to get some that would be sick so I need quartz slabs iron blocks and or um okay no okay no more I keep my chats little yelling at me right now whichever side of me Ryan and I got all that it’s dinkley for you and yeah I’m good I’m

Good where my door my me to keep doing that I’m into acacia see we’re in second place guys if everyone gets their Islands done like right now why wait I need mine wait there’s your thing automatically no right right I need I need coal something to smelt the thing

I’m good I’m good I mean by okay if anyone has iron please help me out if anyone’s out be coal I need to smell you so cool I’m there too I can get close as well but you’re gonna known or have to meet you back at the store I’ll get I’ll

Get coal what I’m getting a crap ton of uh iron we ever get aren’t you cold Tuesday then you’re good yeah that’s I’m saying I’m sweet what else we need besides that then is I need quartz if you’re in an area where quartz like I can go Franco for quartz

Why shoot that’s three high I’ll go for snow go for Sun I’ll get a bunch of quartz blocks or cores all right all that’s needed is is swords block three iron bars that’s it anyone else you need I need six stones labs response from you buddy I have

Slabs oh man all right am I getting iron on Tina answering me wait what quartz block sores oh I said Chris blocks all right I guess the court in stone oh there isn’t where would they be no there’s not I don’t know there’s like perper blocks in South America

I see stone bricks and she doesn’t write probably yeah okay do me the OL besides quartz guys in iron and coal course is not Norse oh wait it is oh it’s in the back it’s okay oh that’s why all right I got I got it I got it

No I mean I’m ready here I got it hold mine I’ll be mine okay wait can i craft stone slabs do I have to cook it you can craft it yeah the crafts oh we didn’t play some break okay I’ll use this one break like smooth stone slabs yeah well

You mind the stone with stone anyway we go get some stone from you that alright I’m about to finish my second island once I get back I’m married old mine we’re in second place right now guys and we’re I’m about to go another one done I’m gonna need some stone okay

Solitaire I got you I think you need coal cuz I need to I literally need to I’m getting coal now did you get caught okay parkour is done is a lava let’s go Oh God place right now guys we got a massive okay so diorite slams please unfired

God damnit yeah I’m coming about to smell right now okay I think oh no son i’ma head back okay I got a buyer and bars so that’s good does anyone have diorite on them I need I go to Darren is what ones that the white one Dyer it is the white one me

Get get a granite diorite and also I need I guess slabs smooth stone slabs I think yeah so that way my guard lost smooth stone so diary grand Knight and smooth stone over in the back okay you need a decent amount of to die right because has to turn to polished but yeah

Okay cool how much thyroid do you need like a large alright um how much thyroid like I need five polished so I think those do not go six polished on me oh okay nice nice nice how much insight don’t you how much insight do you need I it’s granite 1/1

Granite granite how much granting you just four because it might need to be polished I can’t really tell right now I got for work okay I can have one done like something new oh there’s windows the windows on both sides wait what house is wrong okay okay I

Have okay so what do we know I have things for us um I have okay you have you’ve granite and stone grant and stone that’s what I need I have a seat so I have oh my god I can smell this I got smelt the stone am I gonna need to sand

How do you honey small things do you need coal there’s a fern yeah yeah I have wood I have some would you want to do why are you cuz I’ve got coal with it but would appear which one oh this size right left one left one how would I do

White stained glass okay so you need um are you good with yours I need to bring it forward one I don’t know why I did that oops ours do you guys have granite you know cuz that’d be dope I have green eyes Grande I’m gonna hear I have four

Granite right there are you get what I Rico with this one’s here we’re good thank you only it’s like great oh no don’t with yours Dave yeah I know I know cuz I needed light gray glass I’d like somehow missed that completely oh no okay here I got wait did you break

It with your fist huh I still got some glass door okay think okay scary um okay are you good Jordan anything else I know I’m all good on this one I’m just waiting on the smelting okay all right I gotcha I gotcha gotcha yes yes all right job your job should be

Good Dave you should be good right almost yeah so head back out his pink bear it’s all done no because it just keeps getting ya left I’m gonna go back out what do I need that prismarine I’m a blog welcome yoots big glass like I need

To make died class and you need eight what dost on class Avandia I think we get it ya know there’s my glass there I go by here what section is it those behind is from the colored area behind everything else all right oh that’s fine so I can you go back um I

Guess you need light gray glass yeah I think it might be white glass I just saw the flowers and so there’s only like great Diana we need to know for sure if it’s what he needs a firm it’s wider like right I don’t know how to tell by

Just looking at it to be honest I think it’s white I mean I’m gonna have like very glass I might as well just get the white because I’m gonna make white great glass oh it’s not weight just don’t like gray what’s wrong God dang it what is

Wrong my glass for you know mine’s not like grey it’s definitely white oh wait loud like in iron bars duh oh she found it Ryan there we go got one nice green glass nice one is get out of there thanks for playing that out because there’s more builds after those dozen

We’re building it keeps going indefinitely Oh whispers Marine marine anyone know oh if there was more build I didn’t notice okay you bet nice nice and I’ve got more slabs I can put on top of these oh maybe not Lauer though oh I messed up then I could skip doing mine I

Kept helping Evan y’all helped us did anybody ever see flowers Ryan bring the glass to meet you because we’re in first right now drop it drop it oh no flowers okay we got ten seconds like I need the last class bro what’s not pains

No I’m so sorry I know you oh no I’m so sorry orange eyelids just took us last second nose paint I know his pains I’m so sorry oh wait we got second with that that’s not bad we were first in our game and we just lost

It the oh I’m so sorry it’s okay was there glass in there yeah there were glass it electric glass blocks and I mean two panes on accident them in two panes yeah tells me so you have a good though second place I had blocks until I got to

The portal I know but it sounds like Carly my fault we can hold if we can beat sticking second yeah you guys tell tell people you wanna say there was a crash to refresh because it’s definitely still up I know the thing is they get like I think they’ve been in the dodge

Bowl like actually no they were in it the first week I don’t think they were in it last time no they were in the first week and then some some wonderful players I took them out one but it’s Monte thank you for the five thousand bits very generous of you 70 76 score

God bless america ah man if I had had some flowers I could have like for almost taking care to plots there the last second did you get any plots done Ryan or like after your first oh and then you were just like let me help everyone okay we’re done got it

I thought like as well help you guys with your plots thing is we were hold on our second plots yeah yeah yeah I was one my first good we did good I know no I did a different we’re all s we’re all on second thoughts yeah he this blue

Roll down is so funny dude you on your first part weren’t you know I fished my first one so quick hello okay so we all do one plot then yeah yeah yeah week I got I got two five yeah so we got all did one but okay but

Was did I was so stupid there I was I was so blind to everything I was going on I’m so sorry look at them sorry is ridiculous but we’re still holding a good lead where 1,100 bucks mmm I mean the 1100 isn’t that big unfortunately I know I know

But it’s gonna be fun bright bright accurate um maybe I see if we vote get to the other side it means we’re gonna get it though whereas I mean I I footrace III like footrace Oh orange can’t even vote Oh All right let’s vote I think footrace is good and then we can have parkour for the next one and that will be good good stuff all right just wait on it what race race race gotcha I just don’t want to do to get to the other side at

All everyone north where though I’m scared that one you guys keep making you seem so bad it’s just really messy dude like oh gosh really I waited it out but it’s fine hey Siva is fever gonna be the pop cool one all right I think it’s mark or a won it last

Night guys nice with that Bullfrog thank you for two months through the vent all right don’t shortcut everyone will follow you you find was last time well if you’re next to me I’ll point it out yep all the arrows don’t you though it is yeah yeah it says there are plenty of shortcuts

And literally in the writing there apparently not baton any but there is there is a nice shortcut on the first part though that allows you to skip going around the you if you if you momentum jump it it that’s how I did it the second time it’s harder when it’s

More time so far I have messed that up at least twice so I’m not yeah it’s right I came connected I might go for it and we play it here’s the thing that we the fact that I didn’t get last after getting a full reset means I’m not as

Worried about you buying it so whatever alright and then two of us don’t yeah also try not to like punch people too much what I learned is like sometimes get people just aggro on you target you yeah and also I don’t you see if you see

A good lay up like someone’s about to go for a big jump and you can just like poof them to the side go for it yeah I like there’s some jumps where you kind of have to like push the pistons board and jump and if you punch them you can

Really mess it up we got this we call this I always call so many times on the first one big plays let’s go boys win these oh my god some zombies right here no but like straight up let’s go let’s go don’t get ball god this is gonna suck

At the top of the ladders okay are we going for the shortcut I’m not out you can I’ll try it I’ll try it probably a mistake shoot I got punched what did someone say a consistently punching me in the head yes yeah don’t

Hit I hate that what I made it I got the shortcut not that so when you did you know on the second time I’m still look in front of you right now hate that when I bring in for another one else I would believe okay so the

Shortcut was under the red banner where a couple you guys are that I was trying to get and that went really badly so right before the snake’s mouth oh right god dammit zombie hit me off you gotta be serious I’m good oh that was your David together

How’d you think I’m a fixed they definitely fixed it but it was a doable jump there and I got it it skips literally half the map I’m in 13 place right now Armin 7 for the moment freaking Pete always there a Vic Israeli I might just try to sabotage I’m not

Gonna lie with me chat we win these I’m not hearing a lot of we win these in chat right now only double use only double use only dobby’s how’d you start right you’re so right I’m still in seventh try this oh my god okay last

Time I ran past us on run these zombies oh my god there’s so many there’s there’s a zombies are crazy this time I’m on second lap now yeah same don’t do me dirty don’t do me dirty Oh shortcut first try boys yes oh my gosh I move we

Win these boys damn it I’m in fifth you’re doing good son irony nice these zombies did Oh John you gotta put on socks no oh oh I thought I felt dude she punched you and I punch her right off the address thank you you’re a legend

Team play team blood go boys st place till I’m behind Calvin Cobb was mine to you why is Pete always in first on this no matter what I don’t know I was like there’s no way crap he’s doing oh okay just breaking a sweat I got trained go

For kill swing good oh look at us oh yeah six seven eight boys who’s that in front of you I’m trying I’m trying dude I got him I got him oh my gosh and six dude oh my god and it’s nice that’s a solid you’ll wear first right now I don’t

Muriel I don’t think that we can get less points actually I think we’re we’re confirmed well yeah we’re the only team we’re the only team that’s all done done depending on what shovels course that might be big to them but top ten yeah we came on Biff we came fifth six eight and

Ten yeah that’s all good they just lost points to that cuz shovels got Mary on her first love I feel bad oh oh I can’t believe I hit the shortcut first why each well second trying the first time but I got punched the first one so let’s

Go let’s go P yeah let’s go orange can’t catch up because I’ve watched you die like four times try get these points for them those zombies man they are where else this time yeah logo hunters thank you for the two months much trouble finished oh we are

Still very ahead nice I can never do that yeah we’re first how can you see with it with us tab oh nice area oh yeah lychee no one can be us college game that we’ve won sky block ball in this one now yeah we did very good sky block I’m surprised I

Could we did that is that is redemption after last one red team’s can oh my god everything the orange a second though we could have got closer to them there yeah I know hey you know what we got first that’s big no it’s very big for us holy

Said we’ll go in like a stolen we’re only for injured points ahead Oh peaceful at the overall Oh Pete turned around like pro strats yeah yeah it would have it would have been slightly down there but yeah but they only have second place so we’re as long as we

Maintain lead over third we’re pretty good dude Pete had two of the top fastest laps yeah let’s go who’s got the most because you know what our whole team’s pulling their weight that’s what’s going on oh nice job balance that’s what’s going on nice because oh look at those three

Minutes slow and steady wins the race we’re ahead by 2000 though and that’s what matters yeah yeah yeah greenie mo thank you for the seven job boys all right what’s next it’s either Park before or two games left that we can play you know there’s bingo – bingo bingo

Bingo last time yes I bingo is kind of a mess last time I did or I got a few but I’d take part four over bingo last thing I would take Paco yeah because we don’t second-place orange will crush in parkour but we don’t care that’s the

Thing yeah at this point we battle box we tough actually no battle box and Tania most most kills last time I think oh yeah battle box what’s a deluxe it’s like lava surrounding the square and you have to feel like Phil yeah we played it last

Time it was like it was like really early on I was like one of the first games yeah I guess but that’s that’s not in here though right no no it’s just it’s get to the other side in parkour the only two left I believe right now we

Can’t even go guys or another can be first place oh yeah there’s bingo oh there’s three oh I didn’t realize they changed the format where you still have eight to choose from at the end oh look battle boxes over there and then I’m down for honestly any of these left

I would choose parkour because orange is really good so appalled core bottom down for battle box let’s get that oh no buddy we don’t know how blue will do in battle box that’s the thing parkour is pretty solid I can stupid chicken you have a weird to

Make sure yeah parkour is pretty saw I think we have a solid team in this so it’s like will will probably in any change second place Oh migrating to bingo right now no chicken going stay there oh it’s gonna be bingo no why are both of our chickens

Going to bingo don’t bingo we’re gonna kill him well I’m gonna kill bugs yo well dude I just get get items oh you got items from people I see yeah oh you’re gonna get us targeted so hard that’s okay okay here’s the thing right so last time techno blade come a like

Three times it was like why is this guy I keep killing me what’s the point and then me and mess just ganged up on someone and killed we got like seven items from one person okay so if you can throw your results into item in lava after you make it yes

No or at least like dig it – yeah hole just bury it yeah hide it but definitely make a sword because people will try to kill you and like regardless if you have items and I like getting killed might not be the best if you’re like mining and trying to find something okay

Shoot god I don’t I don’t like this we’re not we’re not for sure on second place with this one yeah no luck in this and not like skill yeah now parkour I think a hundred percent we would have ended up second place yeah this is good change no this is good this

Is the final got one more game oh we do though we do one more after this okay yeah we got one more and then we’ve got the you know the well let’s try it let’s try parkour next time as well the thing is killing people isn’t as

Effective in the sense that like first craft gets most coins so I can kill someone yeah obviously not yes yes wow they’re like like if you see people smelting just go and kill it we had in the same directional killer stuff we should well what we got the Wingo card

In front of us off hand and he died yeah okay we need die when you go thief so if you see cows kill them we need I go for mining I’m trying to see what’s easy to get like oh they got flour off the bat

Oh what oh yeah go for find flowers find flowers if you can yeah [ __ ] light blue I seen oxide Daisy right here so we just got to UM yeah we can probably go for a cow easily okay any light blue flowers I don’t know if remaining oh oh

Cornflower prettiest flower I mean oh you do need the gray shoot let me go for it real I have the gray on me I’m going for it right now I get it people already got emeralds of some most amount of village Oh village oh that’s not it

Oh shoot we Nicole block it’s not that I don’t actually know how you get light blue then oh it’s those ones no it’s not nevermind alright I’m not gonna worry about granite and diorite ok gosh oh yeah good polished granite and polished diorite I’m doing for those right now

I’m gonna go I’m gonna go for clay as well oh yeah there’s a cow ain’t for me yeah I’m I’ve got a furnace some butts smell right now I’m just gonna get it in case someone jumps you or something also fish so if you guys can like hop in the

Water and kill a fish that’d be big – I’m gonna go for a quick walk guys I don’t know how to get bone meal because there’s no skeletons that’s the thing get it will be the first band or yes first that’s big oh no you can’t do it

Again can you no no no I’m gonna go for a coal block right now okay anything that requires sand Oh techno blade is already going for it yeah dude okay I need you know oh I can get a coal block real quick no I can get one right now

Unless you already have it I know I don’t have it in hand but if I can do a three I’m ecole away right now okay you three more 8mm there’s no one done it no we got first yeah okay did you guys get

The andesite I can do it I can do it I can do it right now First time quite a few but oh god I’m gonna have to go back up and get more wood whatever how do you make the crossbow you need a piece of iron cuz you need a really okay hold on hmm no more available for steak kitchen together I’m gonna go hunt for fish

Swimming and they try to calm me I can make a minecart chest – also powered rails will be kind of easy to get a dispenser no we need strength for this one we’re gonna go down if I were we get wrinkled creeper and gonna get some

Paper yeah sure I’m gonna go for sugar cane in the fish if I can find a fish swimming I can’t kill it and then cook it so making a rod okay that’s the thing oh yeah are there are there any fish that we can just quickly swing a sword

Edge or something like that and I don’t know why they change the both online car in a cauldron I don’t see any in the river but I’m gonna run around the edge I see Cod what it would know that’s not Cod we need this is salmon I need a cod

Okay they do spawn though so just if you’re near water just look at look for I’m gonna kill smallish beans here in case yeah just making a cauldron now thanks I’m chasing him but I’m really just going around the water I’m gonna try find somebody I’m going back to the

Cave I’m gonna make if nobody else is doing it I’m gonna try to make some bricks oh yeah you do that I killed smallish beans he had nothing on him Oh Frick I’m Dean really really I’m being double-teamed right now God dang it by who biron and Cara of course damn it Wow

Anybody anybody around no anybody around to help they gonna they’re gonna spend their entire game just chasing me 100% I’m run into one of you just have nothing to run into one on you I have things on me though that’s the problem there literally I’m going you who’s coming

Who am I Brittney’s you have so much on me and giant weight right into you so like come on the come-up graph god damn it oh yeah I mean I need to I need somewhere I’m so stupid I can make it if you need I’m not even a they have

Abandoned I’ve only I’ve three on me Oh game because be fat I’ve got four and I’ve got nine smelting so I can could he make it okay yeah yeah I mean I have like five five um okay I’m gonna take you over there toss that in there I’m in the ravine

Guys I’ve been running from technically for ten minutes he’s not doing anything else but following me got your burn guy her dad here burn that’s their entire strategy just to like try to follow us guys at Jordan are you nearby me I need your help just got an iron yo I’ll make

The cauldron now dude how many is it alright if I know you see though hey guys I can’t find good cause I got the cauldron I got the coachmen oh my god I got wow he spent his entire time chasing me God dang it taking a blade

Chased me for like I’m freezing I can’t do anything I shouldn’t have done that I shouldn’t have done that wait I type in Cheviot respond we’re in first place right now by the way guys doesn’t matter keep going yeah mining in the cave no we’re first

Place so far but I make a clock today I’m gonna make a clock you need golden red something yeah I’m looking for some redstone divi divi tools for me to run anything um I don’t I just got rekt that’s why I’m here yeah I know I just

Got chased by technoboy for 20 minutes it was like I couldn’t do anything I just have to keep from it there’s like a degree you know like if he’s gonna jump me jump like he chased me that’s what car under and we’re doing until they

Give up all the way to the edge of the map and then he killed me when I hit the border just get his fine all the reason why people do people going for us because he know they can go for first place yeah but they’re yeah they’re not even

Scoring well so I don’t know why they’re still going with that they’re in seventh right now alright let’s do that like we’re able to get overtaken that’s why people are targeting us now yeah yeah I mentioned that really but yeah it’s really BM I found some gold M redstone

Nice nice got me got me good days I’m card I think you’d be for gold in one redstone block yourself in dig a hole yeah we should just focus on what’s under around honestly no one’s done a clock yet so that’d be really big to get

That right now yeah I’ve got the clock thing you’re we’re golden and we are because it takes gold to get meat is also a piston is just one redstone and one iron so Oh God Elvin has armor and shield and stuff I know literally they don’t have a

Pissed okay he’s just he’s gonna come after this is gonna turn into just a PvP thing just hide I can’t he’s chasing me in the water someone’s above me AK was above me okay I need to find my crafting table oh man you have wood in here I’m your bison I

Literally don’t even have anything get the Frick away okay he’s left God take my ward off lots now bingo sucks we deal iron as well in redstone yeah he doesn’t have a crafting I’m about you me but I make a compass to make compass Oh aqua horses just got a

Piston but go for the compass or give me a compass easily and make a I need he’s good back down I’ll just girls running up to get my stuff I’m running about down now Oh God the fact that you have to worry about food in this – yeah oh my

God I gotta go get some food somewhere oh there’s a village over here what’s down here Oh aqua horses right below me just got like three items that we need I might just Yolo it over there oh the village is outside of the border get together though its h-bomb and Gizzi but

If I can kill one and get the stuff in my inventory I need food so badly me too oh there we go there we go that’ll work can you guys check the inventory and see who got the it does it tell you who got the item like what someone unlocks one

Oh my god oh can you even crop the crossbow oh no way he’s dead they both had one HP I know where they’re at I’m going for it I’m dude oh we can teleport to our teammates by clicking on them I don’t know you died to teleport

To a player on your team click on the name within 30 got you I’m gonna make I’m gonna make the compass real quick let’s be fair we could if we make a mix noise coming for you so I’m if I’ll just beat meat shield if they come do you

Have one stick you could tie would they even want to bother doing that like they’re not at risk they could secure the lead probably more yeah they’re just got a minecart with a chest all right let’s compass oh nice gholem how’d you how’d you well do I

Have a mate gold yeah I need to smell the compass but with this sort of iron it’s gold what the hell my god my items are lagging so cake stars big stars coming for us how do you how do you make the eighty-five health compass irons

Gold yeah yeah don’t even smell it does to add unto it waiting I guess fix our didn’t see me I thought he was stalking us but I just hit him in the back of the head wants any different way more weighty more militant have we done a cold rain ecology we did cauldron

Yeah okay okay um have we done a gold over there drop a drop on redstone on me right now tsaldari uh do I need one of those I think I might need one for the clock yeah yeah just probably one thank you thank you thank you okay so you guys

Have redstone and and I guess I’ll look for gold I’m gonna clock nice nice nice alright I’m making do you have an iron ingot on you solidarity yeah I’ve just got one women um piston yet unless I’m crazy Darren took the lead we took the lead

You guys carrying so hard because I just got right you carry don’t worry I block all don’t worry you blonde please do this they go they go I got warning got wanting good you need a bow for the dispenser oh really yeah Dave there’s gold over there as well on

Your land I see oh sweet Oh gravel don’t shut me the gold as well I’ll quickly um I’ll quickly get it smelling I felt redstone I think I’m pretty useless right now we’re already done yeah okay and you guys just you guys just to man this

Ah yeah I didn’t get the only element I got anything yet actually I should have just gone for a fish in a row that’s huge God you guys are big Pookie nice job so there you see it so good again see this is exactly what we wanted in parkour and

The team that’s behind us did not do good you’re in seventh there we go top five good job let’s go let’s go four three two one easy we win these boys very nice dude look how we’re close to the first thing we are the third by a

Lot we can’t we can’t attack first listen some lost game yeah and I know in the last game we could fourth out yeah we would have to completely faceplant in this one to not make it we should make sure we don’t get make sure you don’t

Get more than yeah make sure we don’t get counter up by third we would really have to screw it up big time no we’re playing this game like their one point below of course man Riley really did get one yeah I know I think it might just be mad but not me

I got two hey let’s go hey you know this is a team effort guys we only win these as in we not me we win these we can’t see I win these so we may be okay don’t I don’t wanna box if you guys are all comfortable Park or maybe like parkour

Will be like a very tiny time Google parkour yeah but battle box I did good last time I did really good last box is such a mess yeah which the void games rrpp bases are like against teams we should make games over yeah that way if

We fail it was a hundred percent us parkour to get to the other side has so many variables yeah under pathetic no like I think we might get dropped in this time and not be able to input what we can vote already so let’s do that quick good everyone’s voting fire courts

Yeah that pork well I guess we’re not getting dropped in that guy he’s in there again and if he can like okay he I think he’s vote counts for a lot so this is good you’re working at three points it says yeah he is Wyoming on the Electoral College map I don’t know

What’s gonna be it’s gonna be it’s gonna be casually no I think I think it’s it I think it’s part boy we got it we got it we got it I’m so mad no chef ah alright we got it we got a place to teach ago it’s big

Strategy because it’s so easy to get point on in this and it’s a new man okay so you have to break the wall in the middle employee I don’t win don’t know what the shot is oh this one’s like World War two trenches and there’s fire everywhere Oh

God um that’s good okay so there’s lanes it’s just like thinking you know like you can go up on top but you’re gonna be very exposed but yeah how do you get I guess there’s just blocks so 33rd place didn’t get us let’s catch up to us yeah

We had to play good I have you who here has like done the dodgeball I have I’ve never done it my first time so half the team yeah it’s not too bad it’s just like you have to keep calm okay so one of us should one of us focus on cheering

The middle and putting our own ball and that will also eliminations thing though so are big but um oh we have a cross but also there’s kits you get in get at the beginning each person selects one yeah so like I always went for the splash potion of damage because

It does like half health so if you can get it on like two people after they’re already low it’s easy way to secure some kills but the thing is you want to avoid like we have to have eyes on the middle at all time and like our main goal

Should be trying to get to the middle because even if you kill everyone you’re gonna get double or even triple the points if you get your wool in the mid so if it’s clear like you could put your wool in the middle having all blue and orange okay select you choose what you

Want I want I’ll do TNT speed oh so I’m gonna put my crossbow in my off hand so I’m able to just shoot it like mid combat that’s madness wait huh how do you in gear in the hood yeah even a loaded crossbow in the office who’s

Going who’s going for the UM oh it’s like soul sand on the bottle god oh I don’t like that so much first I make sure you go for them Oh two left two on the left here is Pete and Val what the heck that’s got hit hard I hit Pete’s

Why oh my got a most dead what the heck Vic’s going from it oh okay gone Pete’s almost you guys need eats down Vic son was dead got him got him got him I’m shovels got heavy heavy look I think I’m gonna I think I’m gonna hear shovels got me but

She’s really low going in got in watch yourself nice nice let’s go that’s a big one good job win that’s big team effort right there okay see it gets a little confusing at the end and the way you rush them it is exactly what we need to do is you get

The confusion and then have one guide tunnel on the middle and then we can kind of like wait so you can tunnel oh the trenches got it alright once we get used to the map it we finally even know what the TNT does oh yeah I don’t even use it I’m even get

A Hitler it actually might be good if I could get an early hits just like if okay she’s also really good to the scene those are really good we might lose we’re gonna we win these Ryan we win these boys so you can focus on the good

Players I’m gonna try and do that I think they’re gonna go made a Calvin is left so Calvin specially my team watch it like they’re gonna try to distract oops watch mid though i am i CP k i think is e once oh shoot I’m like two

Hearts again I am sweet where are you dude I’m right here I hate give you again let’s go super low okay go from it there’s only like 25 seconds left but like let’s okay hit each bomb in a minute Calvin’s going from it oh yes first guy h-bomb he’s down but dizzy I

Got I got one if I will in the mid let’s see okay watch the mid why he’s got fire ass back in there Calvin down hell is down Calvin Hill mid we what week they’re all dead they’re all dead nice thing plays first place oh man I just

Keep holding it let’s keep holding it oh I keep forgetting to I do the TNT oh okay that’s I thought that was maybe just me yeah yeah okay scared green Guardians okay I’m just taking a beat every time I’ll do my own I’ll do my you

Slit E&C like last time if you’re both below we’ll also what I’m thinking is anytime I see someone going from mid I can go in with the axe at the fire aspect because yes for column 4 I had by go cuz the Calvin did the fire axe

That’s what I was doing to their team oh there’s a person who’s out well he got here on someone metal he’s gone I’m letting my fire he’s gone I got it break their wolf break their wolf someone’s on someone’s right you guys got it you guys got it

Tatum once got it we got it nice so someone that was we need to take aware of that that was sewn in that Tower right in the corner just ya know yeah there’s so many of us alive that like it just a lost in the game huh yeah yeah

See went some of us a second place we want every single round they’ve I guess they got more kills there’s been two games where you kill everyone but that’s okay cuz that’s purple pandas if you look in the top four right now it’s good thanks yeah yeah yeah aqua we got a

Winner all right yeah aquas we have to win by four less than 4000 or lose by less than 4000 let’s just let’s just win every game that’s what we needed its just win every game but just win everything one we should try not losing no else oh this is techno steam no it’s

Okay it also is toxic and we’re into that good last time I was gonna have this last time techno played very like back and just kept laying down the arrows so I feel like you might do that again just keep an eye on mid at all

Times got a hit on techno I got two hits actually Ryan I could use health whenever you I’ll stay near you got techno again any sudden I hit him where okay yeah nice nice nice oh you emptied the middle I’m inning yeah well I hurt my way yeah there we go

What guys this is so big trunk you come four kills as well like oh yeah he cleared out the whole middle for but I what I do is I break one place one break one place one by you horns lost again by the way nice alright yeah

Purple pandas is doing pretty well but at least you don’t have to worry boys I have a Pete I think ill him it yeah he’s laying out oh I almost forgot my axe the fire aspect axe definitely they just like people freak out I hit him over in the middle and out

Looks like start running in circles also put the wool high target got double hits they’re going for mid what yeah they are come on careful now they’re here guys we got to go we got it nice go a building she said I’m feeling mid okay right now

In there’s one that’s go quick I’ll go quick got a team white yeah there we go let’s go back on top back on top Oh purple business along yeah Amanda’s lost as I’m really proud to be sharing this moment with you kills Makino’s good it keeps catching up on

Orange hard yeah losing it doesn’t second a first doesn’t really like matter though which is kinda I wish there’s something for first actually no I don’t because if they get first then we lose all right hey which teams this this green this is like Lizzy and Joel

And sassy he just math wise okay thank you alright I think we like actually that’s not to get too cocky because it’s so easy to die I feel like yeah point 14 like also you know two arrows in it one hate and you’re dead yeah yeah we got

Very lucky these two kills last time But let’s go for kills let’s try to kill them all like Joey right here Oh like a half pipe I’ve already hit Lizzy once I’m in that oh my god I’m down oh let’s shoot Wow rift a Joey – it’s nice nice I’m not

Gonna fill it in no dude fill it in fill it in do you kill us two kills oh you guys nice okay good good yeah oh that’s a white nice good job they did not want it they did not want it there’s still three more rounds wow this is like

A long yeah this is so stressful oh man aqua aqua horses drop down that’s what that’s the team we want low because they’re very true I mean they were like behind us but like yeah but I don’t even know should we just keep that’s Carl Baron oh okay these guys are in there

They’re gonna target me did you say oh wait if you have the crossbow in the offhand even though it doesn’t display it will shoot yeah well yeah I honestly I don’t know how useful it is like I I’m now just keep switching to I’m gonna need to I’m just trimming looking for

Flying basically everybody rushing I’m going not today TNT boys I use magic nice Oh God kill though oh I got the kill on you I’m so sorry Spock one personal sparkle that’s very cute I got it Oh II won anyway nice alright did I I think I got the DK on you so

Sorry about that I don’t car using match by the way my bad my bad it was like you got it you got a kill solidarity made the coin sound yeah seven i7o we’ve won we just finished seven oh we want to sound out so much geez Louise all right so we’ve

Got who’s this this big pirate Tommy that’s all this is the team that’s like a second right now y’all gonna be in last five right this is this is the real competition yeah Tommy and Pitt’s all are the ones who are really good Pete like I would like oh they got a hit

Twice it’s elope it’s been two aerial shots on I’ve got a hit on someone if you know Jordan yeah please all right now yep okay I hit um puffy in the back I think Tommy’s okay we’re good someone’s right here I thought I got Tommy I’m gonna dive fire probably no

I’m good I’m good I’m gonna I’m gonna run in or I’m gonna try to flank a puppy get puppy – puppy Johnny Tommy Tommy’s down I’ve got puppy there we go there we go he was the last one alive I think I go puppy just that just as you guys

Completed it I go in there we go last round boys oh we have a commanding lead yeah we win these boys who are we playing less yellow yaks yeah yeah okay guys what I do is like right at the start I put my wool in my off hand so I

Can just rush break in like oh I just yeah I’m going down the right side every time splash yeah the octane crossbow is kind of clutch just being able to shoot it off om does it go much better parkour I gotta say yes kill our pure skill damn

It straight up ok Stefan I can only hit those oh my god got it my guys will meet on three HP no I’m dead I’m dead right right guys low I this we’ve got plum that’s my there we go there we go boys HP round we took let’s

Go blue was undefeated let’s that’s bonus points right there right that’s all the fame all the fame Oh guys that’s what dude holy crap that could have taken wait is that a number one is that a number one that’s gonna be number one it’s gonna be close maybe no no don’t go

Hopes up like that I think they were three K ahead and we only got 2500 on them so we’re still second problem let’s go blue bats uh blue bets so close it’s so good 300 points dang but that means we’re going to the 300 point zero two seven

Chat blue bat see Jack come on doubly bad news yet we need that as an emoji I mean oh yeah I’ll make any mother bleep heads man all right I got to redeem myself from last time now that’s the last game right yes dodgeball I haven’t done this whoa Okay here’s the secret right here’s my secret on how I won is you just gotta this music playing you just gotta feel the rhythm all the rhythm just move the music play come on play stupid you have to dance like an idiot to dodge those

Bolts okay if you are if you just be left right straight they’re gonna they’re gonna catch you I’m being I might be in fright am I being stupid here but if we win we win the overall we get a year’s supply of toilet paper Let’s go chucking some bread with that and it’s not in Simon cheese it’s like for fights over the paper like it’s worse throwing the apocalypse Charmin ultra soft Charmin follows me on Twitter and I’m like in my mind I’m like do I have a lifeline if things really go

Badly it’s really bad just hit him up and be like let’s host a giveaway and that’s easy thank you I’m giving away a hundred rolls of Charmin ultra soft million retweets right there easy oh my god it would be it would be insane even if we

Don’t win this game all nine rounds was amazing that was like thank you techno energy look in the top ten I appreciate it pulled their part that’s yeah cast a car it’s okay it’s okay I appreciate the energy all we can we can let it be we

Can let it happen oh yeah I remember that they’re like get your banner to support and the banners are like basically the same it’s it’s good it’s good vibes don’t need to play that game just let it go let it happen I know it’s a mess miles but you can let it happen

Yeah they need some epic music here right this is my second time facing is it really oh boy against Pete and Vic yeah they’re good but like I was just aim I was trike I’ll be on I was like going after like Pete and Vic early but they all go

Wait this talk was like all me singing why I’m here thank you feel the music boys remember really feel it I can’t see mommy huh wait am i invisible to them that would be amazing would be good all right so the airs pop up in the middle so we don’t go do we

Are we gonna dive in are we going for it oh oh right it starts over here it goes there it goes there okay dance oh my god are you kidding all right we hit both hold up when I go on Wow that was rough oh I miss Scott that was rough oh shoot

Okay oh what the oh no you got to be careful the border shrinks dude oh it’s fine oh yeah good I feel nice ride you got an arrow in the middle this is all on you Ryan just play calm feel the music feel that dudes that platforms

Coming away yeah I changed it changed last time for sure yeah was not the same oh my god you had so many shots go okay they have the eyes just feel the music Ryan don’t don’t careful of the arena has to be God’s aside oh god yes this

Happens this happened last time you got wiped in the first round just feel the beat just playing and I got enough deja vu deja vu okay I made two big mistakes of the new game mode that I wasn’t so now I’m in it to win it all right

Get the arrow Oh a who God nobody got it no I got it okay well now I got one now I got one as well yeah just call the other one I got it nice one oh I just meant okay you’re gonna have to now watch the arena watch

The arena yeah yeah nice okay yeah all right I got one you want to do coordinated effort they won’t person go for what I missed you they’ve like stood on their side kill the music good be good Pete there you go miss oh shoot oh

My god come on dude no way in this hello oh how did I miss no way oh my god nice watch out they both got arrows and I shot before dude I don’t even know how I missed I’m not gonna make it [ __ ] you guys I just like it was as close as

Possible this is what I’m known for is he’s losing dodge bolt now twice this is rough I got second place and shoot I could have been the first back to back and back to back I’m lucky guys unlucky but that was good play dude no yeah super fun GG Gigi’s for them

Can we go should we go look at the whole thing where’s the holiday Oh over there I didn’t see that beep oh I’m in the tent I’m tottenham number 10 oh look at where all is that look at this this man out there I’ll take you oh is that for this tournament in

Particular oh nice oh heck no wake up Maury limbs than me God dang it you got the most Oh some reason that said you got the most battle box wins uh yeah oh me oh me oh no but that’s because this is combining the weeks

Oh yeah cuz it says 16 and we had nine so oh I had I have 15 overall win so I’m in second place on that one nothing here oh that man it was a good game team right there as well I just wish I brushed up on my dodge bolts knowledge

On how that worked cuz okay the first time I played they shot up in the middle and right you had an equal chance of getting I’m sorry Rance in the middle at the beginning realized that was a mistake then ran back and in the floor foul

Under me yeah the hole was coming so fast that was a lot of fun I just got I got zapped the first like seconds in the first round so the sporadic jumps I was like making sure to not make it a pattern and I still like first shot at

Me killed me game good game alright games everyone yeah I mean they might they might nerf us and orange it’s very possible but please don’t nerf us yeah a hundred percent like orange has been doing good and bacon peanut and stuck together this whole time true alright since we didn’t win I’m hoping

They want that’s big right there no I’m screenshotting that leaderboard right there boys actually why don’t I go get a team selfie oh yeah um should we go in this corner over here time’s the charm CaptainSparklez ah where where’d you guys go the bridge again go to the

Bridge okay from the bridge here oh dude dude you know they’re gonna get it all now know we’ll be in their screening that caption could be the real winners are in the back 100% it’s in the back oh okay yeah all right when these boys actually get you in the

Middle so mean to her downsides the jackets oh yeah look at those good stuff boys nice oh you love to see nice second place not bad we’re behind by like we well we think our podium I’d I took a screenshot on that no he’s won the podium the point like the actual team

Rankings appear we like we’re so close behind them like where are you where have you gone like two three up here oh oh oh yeah that’s a good idea yeah it’s like we can actually do a little bit parkour here as well practice what we

Weren’t able to do we’re good yeah oh we got here besides again let me shuffle in here all right very nice oh wow wow okay winners love it all right good games everyone catch you in the next one hopefully all right everyone thanks for tuning in that was great other than I’m

Cursed now when it comes to dodgeball so I apologize for future teammates because if we get in there again I’m now just it’s bad but thanks for tuning in thanks to Knox crew and dang that’s a long name for organizing the whole thing and Knox crew for being legendary

Builders and developers and stuff like that if you missed any of the previous tournaments and you want to see those those will be linked in the playlist in the description on CaptainSparklez – on youtube and if you’re watching on youtube feel free to follow at twitch.tv slash

CaptainSparklez to tune in to these live and that’s it for now see you in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Championships The Third’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2020-03-16 00:00:04. It has garnered 150430 views and 2990 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:18 or 8538 seconds.

The greatest Minecraft tournament continues Minecraft Championships Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZwBBBnlfWyandcyUzxAIq67 Quality Content: https://qcathletics.com/

Krinius: https://www.twitch.tv/krinios/ Solidarity: https://www.youtube.com/user/SolidarityGaming Krtzyy: https://www.twitch.tv/krtzyy/

My Links: ● Merch: https://represent.com/store/captainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Amazon Shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/captainsparklez

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

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  • Velyxz’s Wild Minecraft Adventures

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  • Ultimate Guide: Night Vision Potion in Minecraft

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    INSANE MOB FARMS AND VILLAGER TRADING!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MOB FARMS AND VILLAGER TRADING ON OUR MUSHROOM ISLAND – MINECRAFT WITH ITSJIRAGE!’, was uploaded by JkabaK on 2024-02-11 03:05:14. It has garnered 116 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:15 or 9615 seconds. 😎Community😎 Want to join the community on discord? https://discord.gg/8ArjsWQfD8 ❤️Support❤️ Want to support the stream? Completely not necessary but I appreciate anything it all goes to making stream better! Thank you! https://streamlabs.com/jkabakgaming 🤩Loyalty Store🤩 COLLECT POINTS AKA BISCUITS BY CHATTING AND HANGING OUT IN STREAM! Want to redeem those biscuits? https://streamlabs.com/jkabakgaming/home or type these: !redeem… Read More

  • Get Me to 250K Subs in Minecraft! #shorts #live

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  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay!🔥

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  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay LIVE w/ MrEntari! 💥

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  • Anarchist SMP Semi-Vanilla, SMP Whitelist, Datapack, Simple Voice Chat, Java 1.20.1, 13+

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  • CosineCraft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Noobs vs Pros: A Blocky Battle

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  • Steve’s Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build

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  • Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods

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  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

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  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

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    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

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  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

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  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD-https://discord.gg/dVqCpxjS In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! node14.consulhosting.net:24025 Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

Minecraft Championships The Third