Minecraft Christmas Realm: Unbelievable Aromatic Beast!

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Right can you hear me now can you hear me now okay awesome so I’ve set up multirack recording uh I just forgot to run the program that I need right so I’m teleporting Jaden now yes so Jaden so yeah I start multi track recording so

When I want to record stuff I can now separate the Discord audio the game Sound audio and my microphone audio so basically it’s good for clips and you know things like if I want to turn a stream into a video I can do that um that kind of stuff you know

But I had to do it I had to do it via a um uh like an app and basically it gives me a mixer option and then so I can also play music through the stream but I won’t hear it I can also turn my game

Sound down so I can hear or turn Chat down and all sorts of things down basically it’s like a virtual mixer um is what I’ve used why she keep calling my name but there’s nothing oh she gave me a sword thank you so yeah um I was I was setting that

Up the other day uh the reason I set it up is cuz I wanted to record some stuff my Minecraft um but it was it was mental it was the kids were just pissing on and sop was getting annoyed and so after that I was like ah yes and

Then Jay was like oh well how is he going to get recorded if all this screaming of shs going on I was like yeah I haven’t set a m chat recording thank you for reminding me so then that night I went to Discord uh sorry I went to

YouTube uh found the program that I needed and I’ve now set it up in fact you you can be my tester Brian so basically what you have to do is you have to set one Side Up For What the stream hears the other side is what I

Hear so the only thing I’ve got muted from what I hear right now is my microphone because obviously I don’t want to hear myself um I don’t know what my mic sounds like because uh I did change it uh by because this uh um this actually just let me show you easier

It uh let’s see streaming screen capture and then there we go so this what I’ve got so this is the uh so game sounds chat media so if I want to play music for example I would do that I can’t hear it but the stream would hear it so this is

My side and this is the what the stream hears so it’s my microphone so I could turn it down like this and then hopefully that’s down way down and then that’ll be my microphone boosted again in stream uh you got the game chat I can

Turn my game down I can turn you know CS I think this is Discord not 100% that’s the that’s the one thing I don’t get is where Discord is um so you got media which is music and then yeah the only thing I haven’t worked out is Discord but I need

To do that um at some point because discord’s pain in ass uh yep that’s exactly how I’ll got oh okay yellow Yello so I was showing Brian something that I installed the other day and it kick me out Minecraft I was showing Brian something they kicked me out

Minecraft I was showing him my PP yes I did that um but it automatically finds the uh it automatically finds the uh program um I just need to look at it for Discord which I didn’t have time for the other day but it is what it is

Everything else worked cuz I what I did is I did a tester stream I did me talking then played music and then recorded that with me talking over it then separated the audio I’m unable to hear your Discord chat oh you can’t you haven’t heard Anyone okay um I’ll be right back I’m trying to fix my stream oh Discord there it is so that goes into uh that goes into do that go over there no oh [ __ ] let me just do that where’s it going can I not put that on chat

So you can’t hear Discord at all right now right okay so I see the Discord apps to be rooted Discord can I put that in chat there we go no that’s medal what what was what’s going on why are you doing this just bear with h that’s very confusing uh if it

Automatically set which sound change channel to associate programs with whatever channel is assigned to Discord you have to go into Discord set the output to much program oh of course I do of course I do so use the settings uh voice and video I mean I can hear it audio subsystem no

[ __ ] did that work can you hear it now hey Kim no okay let me try the other one let me drag Discord on this side wait maybe it be output I think it is actually you go live by yourself can you hear it now I think you can I think that just works

No D you’re very close to just getting kicked and not being allowed back on as you can see the children are already playing up sick to death he ignoring us um right okay then if I go to this no thank you is that better so I put the I put Discord down to

40% can you still hear me okay yeah excellent okay I’ve sort out I think Lucy wait yeah I know that but I’m talking about my stream I I’ve told her about a Discord SS a million times ly wa does it sound better though now is she back to Lev she should

Be this will be Jen’s room up 10% okay so if I put that to 50% you do what you like now with your room jayen buy hey Tippy how’s it going darling hey Kim beautiful lady my mic down five okay I do want my mixer that should be

Better okay I’m here I think I got it all working uh right I need to pop a bed down oh someone’s already done it for me they is but orange bed is mine okay uh thank so yeah I can now change my settings my sound settings on the fly so if anyone’s

Too loud or too quiet just ask me and I can turn them up turn them down I can hear blue perfectly though I’ve got blue loud but turn Discord down on my stream uh what was I doing let’s make some let’s drop some wood off and let’s make some

Sticks and then let’s grab some tools how you doing to day tip tip called me a nerd I wasn’t impressed how dare if he I’m not too bad thank you love Stone Lacy stop being CL me let’s move that cuz that being in front of the door is kind of annoying so

Let’s move that there okay we had things I don’t know if you’re eaten it already so but early I did drop you some bread 57 bread oh okay well aren’t we rich and fancy I might go work on the community mine yeah good idea cuz there’s nothing

I can do to help you right now right where is the Village from here is it that side I think it might be around this corner not 100% nope not that side either maybe it’s the other side L you go make us some Stone pickaxes please me yeah get bur by day you

Loser all right where’s the Village from here know I need a pickaxe La so where the hell are we what do you mean I don’t see the Village from here not okay I got no sense of direction where we are then how many w why Earth have you got wheat in your

House in your bedroom hey melon you did you read the Discord no you might want to do that uh please uh General chat her chill out Zone I think it’s called there go so everything’s been wiped um get that Friendly Fire being off means no more correct no more children killing me

Okay hour went to bed they all ruined the world destroyed it and then secretly restarted blaming an accident no no no no one was on last night like me and me and S didn’t get on uh no one’s been on this morning no no no it’s fine I’m just

Explaining that I I was like so so asked me to jump on a Farms and wood and iron so I like oh okay I’m just finishing up while I’m eating and I’ll jump on yeah and then I messaged uh s where’s the world are we still doing this for

Christmas is what I’m getting at we’re just build as you can just build I mean it’s still the Christmas pack and it’s Christmas Village and okay what have you but you can just build it’s whatever L this is your bedroom that’s boxed trying to remember who4 [ __ ] is I think it’s

Tip um where you spawn there should be a there should be a box in said box there’s a bed okay and then grab some signs as well I of Blue’s bloody resource pack freaking horrible punch them I think they’re flowers uh yeah all the so Like Toy Soldiers and [ __ ] of flowers robots

Flowers the gingerbread man thing yeah flowers flowers if you make this one Higher then nothing can get on it right LA are we basing together again or not yes how the hell did I guess you real you’d be you’d be lost without your little Noah minion joing I really the

Other day that he’s been deliberately basing with me for the past year slowly moving his stuff into whatever base I’ve built yeah he’s been domesticating you like a cat oh it’s so a pumpkin is uh just literally looks like a block of snow will serve me okay the pumpkins look absolutely

Awful you can’t even tell the pumpkins see a vill your Tower oh that’s the Pillager yeah Y and there’s people in there there’s people in there you don’t want to go in there going where I’m nowhere near you I knowah where are we building I don’t know where do you want

To build I do not care I woken up after about 3 hours of sleep and in about two hours I will be going back to bed so okay let’s just run away for a bit remember chips got to be coming with us as well apparently tip where are you I’m near

The V or the Pillager Tower run away from the Villager Tower y oh I died now we got to wait for now to respawn cuz he who’s getting killed by a witch uh Jaden got killed by a witch no I got killed by Pillager why are you getting

Killed by a witch all time hey cracked how’s it going dude oh I think he went into the swamps maybe you know the swamps that no said was close I by if you’re in the swamps you will die by witches means we all died in the same spot which means we can

Make some wooden swords before we go over there and just kill wooden swords Let’s uh make this a bit more accessible yes your friends die together apparently my friends are called me to be BL with my minions it’s cuz they H oh yeah Merlin I got the ring set in resin are you

Serious yep cool yeah I they’re be about two more days and then I’ll start carbing I you about hey crack thank you so much for subscribing my dude Absol Legend the might take a little bit of time I got find wood right so right now time though because of all

The water being pushed out of the trees there is no rushers the moment I’m busy trying to set a business just try to get the paints and St a business yeah what paint you uh oh you uh model modeling no I’m going to be doing uh some spray paint paintings spray can paintings

Okay uh I need to know know done so I can give that’s why that’s why you asked about the spray cans the other day yep I can do the pictures quickly enough and they sell anywhere between 10 to 150 good hey blue I’m going to order you a uh for uh

I can’t hear you drying out the dead bugs that you get so we can do the jewelry thing and stuff okay and if you get a tarantula hole and a uh uh PR mantis then I’ve got mantis I’ve got jumping spiders I’ve got beetles

What I want to do is make some book ends that have like uh make it look like the two are fighting okay you know what you could do is desktop paper yeah he’s been talking about doing the insect jwelry for a for a while these things with long long time

Bus and you’re trying to make yeah Absol do paper that’s cool yeah paper be nice a little bit more space to actually do it as a DI armor right now where’s no G I have no idea no where are You I know I need food the vill uh so just so you know if you go out the door and to the right you’ll eventually go to the water which has a dirt bridge and across the dirt bridge is the mine you can’t miss it are you trying to kill I’m

On my way over he’s in the tower T yep are you trying to kill everything in the Villager Tower we were talking about last night nice ready oh you don’t want to take over the Pillager Tower no you seeing Kim this weekend TI yep when’s up a bloody Pillager outside you know

You can just walk away from the pillagers right you don’t need to go toward the pillagers to go and find somewhere to live run away get Stu guys run away why you started a raid y almost us outside that [ __ ] Tower you just silly Noah Saturday nice [ __ ] thanks

Darl I won’t be I won’t be there for a while but oh shoot I didn’t mean to do that I’m back at vill Tower I just made a lot of pickaxes oops well I mean I need them but still what level is umon uh 15 posi

I start beating the [ __ ] out of this quickly I can’t see [ __ ] right now as far as I’m aware it should all be wall I was about to make some torches then I made a stupid amount of pickaxes so anybody pick up my sword and [ __ ]

Yeah I’ve got everything here as far as I’m aware uh a sword I don’t know what else then once this is done we’ll make it too wide and okay no there’s a sword for you we’ll make this one stairs here’s your ax and here’s your shovel so didn’t have

Those there’s your second shovel cuz I that here’s your red make some torches in a minute all right wait till daytime and then run uh who SP the green one who SPS the green one I had a white one that yeah you did tip I have no idea

What you’re saying but okay oh the bed yeah I’ve got I’ve got green one here right are we all sleeping through the night yes first I’ve got a bed for you here T you can have this one okay watch Iten all right I mean I can pop a bed down I’ve got one on me I wish you wouldn’t ask you not to do anything right now have a bed in a second but I still asked you not to do it thank you wa that’s not a chest room

That’s not where I want theot room to be no yeah Jaden if you want to live on your own to do your own thing then live on your own I’ll do the room underneath man okay let me sort out uh let me sort out I have a Jen

Stop we got get them to sleep as well M there you go you guys can now see I’m talking about no I was talking about my stream being to see all right so I thought you said sleep no yeah we’re not going to be able to sleep up you’re not Laz you’re sleeping

Uh well yeah now it’s died again Jen you’re sleeping you all got killed again yep Jesus but we had who just put beds down so it’s okay however it won’t be okay until everyone can sleep uh let me just go back down I had to outcropped that I can put that doesn’t

Mean two people there you go I’m sleeping two more one more yeah me there we go oh oh okay oh work just it didn’t work cuz we got knocked away give us a minute okay Minecraft noobs no oh I can’t get into bed because there’s an enemy nearby oh it’s a creeper

Right it’s gone sleep sleep go go sleep sleep go wa to kill this there’s another guy coming be two minutes there’s some parcels downstairs sleeping through this night there we go I’ll leave that there for the minute in case I die did someone have my sword because I’ve been killing these with a

Bloody shovel I have nothing thank you all right let’s make this higher cuz it’s going to be annoying might as well grab the charcoal we down a crafting table behind us at moment I need [ __ ] back over in a second yeah supposedly there’s a new copper block yeah the B has been remodeled

There something to do the crafter as well so I’ve got to dig all the way to minus 53 I think looking for diamonds no I’m just s on mine for everyone well for the me and blue and the kids cuz we don’t know where the you guys

Are moment where the other side of theill tower blowing up to be fa we have no idea where did you where did we die cuz all my stuff’s still over there I mean once you’ve got your stuff once you’ve got all your stuff I am more than

Happy to teleport you guys over here if you so wish on my seat uh she didn’t sit in your seat I need pick and I need to know where we were where we were that’s all I need I just need to know where we were right okay because did neither one of you

Notice what oh as I said if you guys want to grab all your stuff and then let me know I can teleport you over here I’ll let you know in a second you will be teleported into a mine need no Noah yep I need another stick every time

You I hear I need I’m just hearing I need a dollar dollar dollar is I I have no idea what the hell one of you are attempting to say really really he’s old yeah but that’s an old tongue well not old but it’s like your B 10 years ago maybe

Tip maybe a bit less it up all right I’m currently on level eight right now did you say you picked up my bed as well now uh I gave you your bed are you two both ready to be teleported to wherever Tweedle Dum and Tweedle D are

Yes as I said you will be teleported into the mine I am you can just go up to the top and then yeah we’re ready whenever you are let’s do M first and then if you just start going up to the top up oh uh a no not that one a

Four there you go that’s tip and then uh yeah I got Captain there you go and then so when you go out opposite you’ll see a dirt Bridge across there is near to where blue and the kids and myself live so if you go off to the

Right as you go out you’ll find your own area okay it’s okay cuz we’re going to need a very big area yeah yeah that’s absolutely fine there’s many many big areas over there and then probably the last one to join would be Goose if he does and J if he does

Oh we found a bit of gold but we can’t Farm gold with a stone pickaxe I don’t think so now we’re kind of stuck we need to go get iron no I’m making a farm area jayen all right let’s go get some stairs Let’s Farm this as we go up though so

It’s there’s room I have thing where I like to have things I don’t know why Jaden’s not living on his own to be honest I don’t know why he’s not living on his own wants to do everything the n on so yeah ways you want to do things and those ways are

Quiet right so where are we living where oh right I’ve got to decide you both like mining didn’t you yes well I’m fairly let me just check that’s not Blue’s base up there I mean I did say go out to the right and not across the dir Bridge yeah that’s because there’s a

Mountain on the left cuz I have an idea you’re going to be a little hobbit aren’t you oh hell yeah little cave troll okay this can work we’re Christmas Hobbits just like blue better yet that could work o yeah you see slman are he above my your Hobbit house

No you might be in a minute I can see you we live here yeah you can live here this is our Mountain taking over that Island okay this is our Mountain yeah you can have your silly little dirt Mountain we’re going to have the stone one if I’m correct we’re over a lush

Caves fire uhhuh why you think I want to take over the cave one wasn’t born yesterday just St four got add another 80 years onto that me true not man you can shut the [ __ ] up as well no I can still hey radiation L see what are you doing back

In the house so why you why are you hit things get up I’m not I’m just trying to work something else out right if I’m right you see that area to the left of the top the stone area y we can turn that into the uh Automatic I think that’s good enough for stairs I think here yep we mine it down there too yeah okay this isn’t an island it’s not an island it’s Pena but this is still oh yeah still doable so how about we I tell else is doable

TI how about we build into here for the moment so we got some to put our beds down and then we fence off the area we want so we start basically cleaning up the wood and making fences N St out of people’s chest you want make

A door oh never we go that’s that’s the first lot of stairs done anyway you want come put your bed down somebody got my bed oh yeah I’ve got it sorry yeah since when did stairs may you do this make you do what I don’t know it’s like I’m gting on the

Screen they used to be quite smooth but that felt very um yeah there no we need to go down 15 yeah it’s on the roof our St here we shall soon have light all right there we go now we need to find iron so we can continue the mine

Second is it night time again yep Jesus oh okay lapis oh that’s where mini beasty was is that a diamond over there that might be a diamond next to us hm it’s a frog oh you oh okay yeah it’s the Minecraft biome where did I put the bed I got no

Idea hold on a minute just trying to find the bed this way maybe get away from a frog no sir frogging Hello I don’t think she’s aware she’s got of those to make the Frog get BL no that’s not how you do so bloody cute that what you already know door okay where the hell is the gray bed gone lazy knows what I mean by living in

The walls oh I must have closed up with the bloody stairs right oh yeah there it is hello sir frogging I’m sleeping where’re sleeping it’s your BL and her tribe that aren’t I’m talking to my Frog I’m not you better sleep cuz Phantoms Kill Toad FR Phantoms kill frogs that seems so easy no we’re going to sleep I’m changing my name my God that’s amazing radiation all right back to 15 we go someone want tip on the floor behind you okay i’ about to give you a

Pick yeah I’ll widen this up if you dig up the cor now I knew there would be some here somewhere I know we want a iron want two fases why are you building Lords of Halls can you stop the question is not can they the question is will they stop nope

Not okay I’m back right you why doesn’t you and Lacy go and live by yourself yeah there we go we got a sellup that’ll do you but are making a mess of the place let’s get some charcoal and let’s start cooking some Food oh crap okay we need to fix that that cool oh we do need another shovel though shovel shovel scrap two scrap three there we go all right crack on we can have a hold in the base for a minute what put that up I think that’s a

Diamond over there but I’m not 100% sure see that right there 100% but we’ll go exp you do what you want but if he’s are just going to build Halls he not living with me so we’ll put this temporary up no you are building holes in the walls and you AR living with me if that’s what you

Doing Sophie is very anal when it comes to building I am he said anal he is that what you’re going for y she’s with a 5-year-old by the way building is my thing and people messing it up pisses us off I don’t give a [ __ ] that dummy

Kids all we need to do is find some iron and then we’re TI Boo and then we can carry on doing the finishing off the mine but there’s no point going through gold if we can’t Farm said gold and Redstone and Lapis and all that crap that we’ll find in the

Way what are you digging at Noah stop the thing is the mine right yeah M will be digging downwards I need this wall if you don’t mindello oh actually no over here it’s all right I’ll do it over here table two pieces we I have a pet frog

Two no he’s fine let them it’s free he keeps jumping on me head I’m not going to set up the auto smelters because we don’t have the iron forage yet okay when we do then I’ll no my right what are you doing down there he’s on my head he’s not on your

Head man that’s a Crystal Cave I do you believe St listening Lacy go there some more IR there big pool of lava and more Crystal I don’t know why you’re getting so stressful they can’t hit you anymore just let them do what they want to dock so kick them out Mr

Frogging so it’s not you dra my we got more lapis there more lapis there let’s grab this iron no actually you keep jumping on us so most important thing for you to build is an area with AFK F fish farms in cuz it’s the easiest way to get

Food okay we’re going to need a lot of iron and stuff for that are we how much do you need got iron there Iron there uh at minimum I’m going to need Diamond n for each well we only needed one for the moment but there’s 11 I’m just going to

Start where on in my house so I’ve just dug this dug this mine for the sake of it okay it’s fine I’ll just use it we don’t even have stone sword yet or we haven’t even made Stone swords yet we’ve already got Pillager better okay in a wech him off the cliff and

Heed and no I killed him what are you say would would anyone like to hear Brian’s Minecraft poem that he’s definitely 100% wrote himself yes yeah in the worlds of blocks and lights We Gather Round what a sight building castles high and Grand in this pixelated

Land my kids and I we mine and craft in Minecraft’s world we laugh and laugh but oh beware the twisting game when PVP is not quite the same oh in Minecraft’s realm we play in Rome but watch out for that PVP Zone when you’re not looking

They might just strike in this game of blocks it’s a playful hike we’re building up our team so strong thinking nothing could go wrong farming mining side by side in this virtual world we hide but then a flash a sudden fight my kids in PvP take flight ambushing with a

Laugh so Sly under Minecraft block sky in the world of S in the world of creepers and diamonds glow PVP is a game they love to show when you least expect it they’re on the prow in Minecraft’s land this game’s on now I can’t bother to read the rest Bri that’s too

Long oh yeah 100% very Beautiful pp’s turn off but so beautiful is there not one of of kids stay your he in when they keep destroying everything um probably it’s called Blue the life of blue although I do like How It Ends so let the game in pixels flow in Minecraft’s

World we grow and grow together we play in Joy and strife in this blocky game this pixel life very Nice let’s grab an iron pick want right why is there a hole going all the way down here wait what are you doing man so why don’t you just make yourself a secret base two three but look look man you’ve gone right through where I’m going to

Bloody we haven’t got this secret place anymore didn’t you just making a mess of the whole thing j this is a you thing I can tell it’s a you thing have kids they said it’ll be fun they said hey you are you streaming uh me and S for streaming no I

Was talking to hey you or can I have huh what what the kids constantly call you yeah I don’t think they’ve ever said hey you definitely can I have but hey you I think if someone said hey you they’d get a swift kick in the face

Yeah Lacy pushes it when she calls her Sophie she hates it I don’t think I’ve ever called my mom by her first name I he hey Jay how’s it going beautiful yeah it’s so weird when I tell Mom uh people mom’s name cuz that’s just

Foreign to me I don’t know her as Kim I know her as Mom it’s just so weird what’s your mom’s name mom Kim what’s your mom’s name is Mom Mom what what’s your mom’s name yeah I know then she changed it why am I doing this wrong right it’s Fernando isn’t it

Fernandez they are yeah what level was Ion at again uh 15 Dar are you certain yes I’ve already found it yeah you’ll find plenty of charcoal and iron at 15 and bronze a lot of bronze bronze you mean copper same different yeah realiz is going to start a oh I don’t care

Dare I will tell him to shut his face off you not please wa what be recking copper and bronze are the same thing no I said H same thing same difference granted bronze does have copper in it but it’s a lot stronger there was just an off-the-cuff remark

Tip it was uh not meant to be serious TI’s going to sit there few it’s like if I said oh can I have A uh Revy in Rust and someone said Oh you mean p to and I’d be like oh yeah same thing that’s whatever they’re not the same thing one Carri I know they’re not the same thing it’s just it’s just a saying tip I need to calm down you angry little floral

M can I dig into one of these walls Noah um I know they’re not one you can okay what level are you at tip just clear it out cuz we’ll make this we’ll make these two rooms here like rooms for AFK fish arms and stuff

That no what I was about to say was if he’s if he does it at level 15 he might get iron as well yeah we’re still quite a bit away from that level no idea what level you at so um 73 dude I’m at 87 how the hell are you

Only at 73 you’ve been mining for a long no look what I’ve done with them look what I’ve done with the mine what have you found with the mine I can’t come down and look you’re going have to tell me I’m buing all the I’ve built I’ve built a second level

Okay I don’t think the minions are allowed to build yeah sometimes they call it building actually just Diggy a okay diggy di hole Yeah that’s a weird sound it’s the sound of my def I’m just accepting them ping your minions easier I’m fine with it you probably shouldn’t be that’s

What’s worrying me I’m always go with the flow you know it’s cuz you’re in constant Flow State oh Noah spoke to Jazz and she agrees with me you are here B banned from Ever Getting Away no yes he is no he can’t after what he [ __ ] did what do he

Do can I tell them or you knowah what did I do who built an AFK fish farm and was so high they forgot to put water in it for 24 hours oh my Lord oh my God that is that is quite there’s a very good exclamation for that I had

Two no I can I have I had two buckets of fish and I Nam both fish uh because I was building two AFK Farms you need the fish in there and so I went to put the water down and the fish came out cuz I forgot there was a fish in the

Bucket and so I was I got the water back out of it and pick the fish up but the fish died before I could pick it up and then I put the bucket away so it’s it’s it’s not my entire fault I did build it I got my first

Diamonds sorry no but I told JZ she couldn’t stop laughing it was funny no way special see I’m a functional stoner sorry no it clearly isn’t probably just started smoking where I’ve been smoking for 25 years where the hell am I why is that stalic tights and [ __ ] down

Here I found loads called a cave yeah you’re yeah I found loads you’re in the Lush Cave System she’s in a dripstone cave oh yeah that too yeah it’s the drip Cave System there’s no um drip I think what is a drip oh there is drip Stone it’s dripping yeah you can

Put it above a Anvil uh or sorry cauldron with a system above it to get infinite lava lava and water yeah even though the water one’s a bit useless pretty much yeah because you can still do the infinite water source right y yeah oh well that’s fun I basically just built an escape

Tunnel why uh cuz it goes to the river well that’s okay just block it off and carry on digging down change direction I got some ped rone make sure you get enough for the entire to such language your own [ __ ] drip Stone you drip whatever nerd nerd

We’re at minus 30 right now we’re getting there just put them in the PO main box we were using at the moment I S we all out in a second I need some I need some wood so I can and some sand so I can actually do

Thisly go out and get some sand now all concept of the day is lost on me right now I’ve been here is I hear lots of you can’t be it say you can only sleep at night but directly opposite us we’ve got a creeper and stuff yeah they’re coming from that cave

Over there wow this is a huge cave yeah I found quite a few myself holy moly oh is that going to be the lava yeah that is the lava go block that cave off with a door nearly done okay that blocked off we’re safe right now I’ve seen the pinatas I thought they

Looked very cool I thought they look very very cool here you go here a little bit of fun is it I mean they’re going to get abused if it’s only 500 to wait make and it might have ammo in and stuff you go on a wood farm and then

You simply just make a bunch of pinatas and you’ll get all sorts ah you [ __ ] but I do believe it’s only for this update though isn’t it and then it’s getting wiped out mushroom strew pretty much okay oh potions uh I said ammo Brian not fuel

The fact that we didn’t get an exclusive ingame item kind of sucks though like we did with the froggy boots not going to lie feel like they they missed a trick on that one yes but I’m saying that gunpowder and things like that if it only cost 500

Wood and you got a chance of finding food tools blah blah blah blah blah all right Mr chadington calm down jeez you’re such a Chad Brian no I meant like an exclusive skin you know like the froggy boots H back really coming down oh j keep stabilizing the Rings in the

Resin that’s what I said you’re welcome to use this mine S no I have all right screw you I just walk I think you’re very rude saved away in this m s com in I said we’re going down to 53 and we’re done so we’re at minus 50 right

Now Lacy’s organizing the sleepover already 52 uh no not at all 53 and there we go oh I’m more diamonds not another four so that’s 10 we got so far it’s not bad all right anything need clearing as we go up you’re a little bit low ah [ __ ] that’s lava I just died

What are the coordinates of the base uh 2, 500ish don’t kind of help me find my way back no come down here for a that stuff right we’ll pop into that I think we’re going to drop off and we’ll pop into the uh Cave down there

I uh I’m looking 15 I went past I Jen why you going that way man no stop move it doesn’t go anywhere okay right so we want building blocks I do want that Blue Rock though I need someone to go into the base and tell me what the

Mel yeah look down I’m looking down I can now see you I couldn’t PR out I’m on let’s make an iron sword actually that’s a door I see right see I was wondering that myself but we don’t know I really really want it did I go past it

Again no I don’t think I did oh yes I did cuz I meant to be going down 15 yeah I heard that too J yes and I agree BR what this where I want to go if I got another shovel on me J I’m not playing games I’m trying to

Get on with the game get it off get it Off Jen is Jaden testing your patience again is he doing now he’s Rick Rolling you yeah and you fell for it it is funny no he just stoed playing the song on his phone saying mom you get this Rick world it’s a little bit funny no you’re taken honestly

L he’s can both get off the game he are taking the PE you’re not listening to a word I’m saying so it was point of drip don’t we saw so all this is drip Stone someone [ __ ] shoot me in the head I could just tell you to chill

Heed well be shot in the head chill heed head fair enough 3 hours and it’s out so not long steam says 4 hours true it is out today it was one of my uh the day before it was one of my most anticipated games and then they kind of [ __ ] about a

Lot like a lot a lot I remember M I remember talking with Jay about it and I was so excited and then they showed game playay that was nothing like it then it got delayed stupid amounts of times hey shnicky how you doing how are you my

Love and I said to myself after the division I was not going to get excited about games anymore and yeah that I don’t know that just I’m not too bad thank you love is that A shnicky Snoodle it is [ __ ] hell shnicky Dicky Snoodle conly talking then you can EAS

Just then your friends just tell you you’re not boing people kid not no he needs to leave people alone you need to leave people alone J kids pains in the Hoops being a fun time working with ma this Mon oh I bet so what about 5 six o’ is out then is

It I might just sit and watch a stream and then decide if I want to buy it I’m I’m also worried about their server stability as well just because everything else has gone wrong right so I’m thinking that it’s going to it’s going to launch it’s going to be the

Shittest launch in the world server stability will be awful there won’t be enough uh space for people and it’ll be Keys upon keys for hours upon hours upon hours upon hours is another thing I was also thinking all right what is it you want s what is it you

Need Oh no snck you’re getting tired now uh would you like a diamond pickaxe y I’m just need that smell you come into my bedroom down stairs and follow the place you f us all right I’m my way back now also need to except my bed

Spawn so I think it’s back up this way and left Mar do we have any coal up there uh I’ll check for you in a second there we go that wasn’t so hard there’s no notas the Christmas m mash up um wait is it SMH up texture is it next to the base

Or is that one of the kids mines that’s probably one of the kids mines okay all right so find Blues mine’s in my bedroom okay uh this is Lacy’s room but look at it that’s Jayden’s room that’s lit Sophie’s room this is my room all there we go Le

Bad right that’s fine Sophie she’s down here somewhere she said she didn’t make stairs what a scrub no not yet I didn’t make stairs the kid walk down kids what plus I want a mine cart uh [ __ ] me that’s a big um cave yeah where are you keep

Following oh it goes this way oh I see your name this is a very odd mine here we go one diamond pickaxe for you my dear thank you it’s going to make my life much quicker and easier you are welcome wait wait wait wait wait tip

Stop tip uh so heard the pricing is going to increase uh once it’s out of um they’ open so like rust when rust was in Early Access it was a it was a um some hi shnicky it was a certain price and then obviously it went up so

Excited I don’t know L give us thank you V oh have you already told him I do yeah she’ll be very disappointed Lacy can [Applause] you Jaden 10 do not to me room oh jben it’s not even jadden jben 10 do not to me room right can they go down open the presents

Please uh yeah I don’t care of course can is it there would you like us to jump on the call uh yes I can just be right back on my stream it’s not an issue no I’m not putting a video on I’m just I want to see them you

Want to see them I want see them open the present stupid all right okay I’ll be right back everyone half to Joy actually I’ll still be in two seconds everyone it’s half the joy silly head seeing people’s reactions to Christmas presents and if you guys are wondering why they’re getting the Christmas

Presents because it’s um something that will help now in the here and now a gag no to keep them quiet no ST jackets sadly illegal Jack AR illegal they are to put on children get c yeah well ader roll [ __ ] ader roll could you imagine it’s like kids are on some [ __ ] um

Speed it’s what childhood is like just constantly being on speed and then as you get older it just disappears out your system and you never get it back yeah can you come back up here a minute uh give me two seconds yeah all right on my way disagree Brian

Disagree I don’t I haven’t had energy since to light up the top of the I was top 20 two I think I think once I hit like 22 I just had no energy before that I was out all the time I used to go play sports all

The time I used to go like out drinking or out to the pub and have fun dinners and you know shopping whatever yeah hit 22 like yeah I’m done uh We’ve made it down to level 15 we’re digging it out making it better Jesus Christ Brian we may have a hole in the

Base might need some help I can’t fix it I’m dying die fter that can’t be good for you we’ve got a skeleton in the base kill it I’m dead I can’t do jack so everyone’s got a sign apart from me rude hello hello seriously do some help up here

The okay yeah I’m good I’m watching are you ready yes you I said I said I’m watching right you de heed that’s yours Mony it’s a weirded blank have a pocket on it so what you do with the Bears the sloth and the monkey is you put them in the

Microwave and then you take them to bed with you now what they do is they smell like lavender and you can either put them in the fridge to for hot days so when you’re too hot and go to bed with it cold or you can put it in the microwave

And go to bed with it hot as a hot water balll yes happy Christmas guys do you realize how screwed up that is what Jaden’s open his Christmas presents before he opens his birthday present yeah well it will help him now that’s why that’s what you put either in

The fridge or the microwave does smell good no it won until yeah it won’t until it’s used Al you want to come and see what they got a monkey right don’t do that Lola has pinched a bit of rubbish of course she has rubbish a bit bigger rubbish yep

Lola has pinching all the rubbish and now she’s in her bed chewing it up yeah that’s what she does she loves CBO chewing get L to help you pull it off oh seen that bit she was like oh my bed rubbish back to goes St St STP tip tip

Tip to to pick up we we can start going back down I think uh I think Lacy’s is built inside yours doesn’t come out yours is built inside no no ly yours doesn’t open all right what doing so yeah I got them a weighted blanket a CH a children’s weighted

Blanket they got each and then they Lacy got a sloth and Jaden got a monkey and then they go in the microwave or they can go in the freezer depending on what the weather is so what do we say and think about the good sleep you

Are GNA have tonight we are waited blank no Lacy bet you’re going such a good sleep you should go to bed now yes keep them out the we of the dogs what does your smell a smell stop throwing them oh God yours is very lavender Jaden doesn’t smell like

Lavender I mean Jaden’s is a light Right oh happy yes Lacy’s got a sloth butt on the back of her head Jayden’s walking around with a monkey on his back I can see right I’ll come up in a second all right bye right that’s the kids happy all right now the mountain top or Mountain uh no deadly serious Goose

Sweet and I’ve also got some more coal for you and some more torches thank you hey we didn’t [ __ ] it Sophie did absolutely nothing to it yeah I thought you might Goose I’m not going to lie I was going to say I’d spawn stuff in for you to make uh your your village

Thing cuz obviously you put like a lot of time in to make in the The Village uh Whatchamacallit but yeah I got on S didn’t even know I got on no one was on and I was just teleported into a normal realm uh no coordinates on no skin pack on no nothing

It was just completely [ __ ] and the only thing I can think of is the update sorry somewhere us uh I think uh is there any string so no let’s go grab wood grab wood plant wood so yeah uh no idea what happened to no one was on and yeah that’s just is

What it is I guess Sophie was not impressed hello hello thank you the you’re very welcome uh yeah what Goose just said 12th to 17th yeah you got your hot sloth instead but yeah hopefully that will help him sleep and then you can get better days and better nights and blah blah

Blah yeah I’m very much looking forward to the event logged off around six Merlin was still on Jesus Christ who did Goose I logged off about 10:00 this morning and it was okay so weird weird and I got on at half 11 yeah and it was completely

Wiped but when I logged off the update had to drop so what a [ __ ] update as well for it to wipe the server too yep oh new copper block and uh We’ve re remodeled the bats y you said they’ done something to the crafting table as well but I don’t see

Any difference no I don’t see anything either no they’ve released the automatic crafting table they’ve released a what the automatic crafting table the [ __ ] an automatic crafting table what it literally automatic crafting table I don’t know what that is I mean craft automatically well but what would it craft automatically that doesn’t make

Sense anything whatever needs to be crafted it’s for like farms and that that makes sense hey uh down I mean it literally mentions nothing about an automatic crafting table unless it’s called something completely different and not automatic or table or craft I played server after update it

Was fine server was fine less I know I don’t get it Goose I don’t get it either again not Sophie’s fault not my fault no one’s fault it was just completely wiped why you saying mhm like she wiped on purpose what are you being a dick for I’m telling you she did not

She had no idea she was very annoyed so don’t come with the accusations Mr Goose cuz that’s not fair Lacy leave people alone it’s dripstone tip you there’s also gold down here you need an pick to mine that there some kind of like gingerbread looking stuff that’s tough candy canes are blue that’s

Lapis Goose no one’s touched it you’re not listening no one has touched it I promise you so did not have a clue that I no oh dear by buy diamond pickaxe and Diamonds oh sorry a burning Noob oh Goose I’m not having this conversation I get you’re annoyed but

Don’t don’t sit there and blame people you’re okay tip yeah SK Lacy can’t shoot you so I just asked cuz she’s walking around with an arrow on her hand why I asked I have a diamond pickaxe please yellow there go three diamonds on the floor thank you uh here take this

Where’s all the coal gone uh what is Lacy doing now I don’t want to [ __ ] know where the uh I don’t know I was used I used wood to smell stuff I’m going to make myself diamond sword I think feel like that’ be more useful uh here safe I had two diamonds

Left thank you diamond sword next to you some good stuff down there mhm and we will get it all you want to come and do this mon do what with it m it and [ __ ] uh can do let me just make up some boxes and

[ __ ] it have coal and all sorts it’s got iron it’s got many many good things No cuz you’ll die and you’ll cry I take my bed down a bit you’re taking your bed are you I I’ll take my don’t cry if you die I’ve got uh chests a

Bed um enough for a crafting table I need food if you got I got two La can you leave Alexa alone would you to what we doing just going all the way down where are you uh all the way down at – 53 why is that not where we were going no

Oh your list skills are as good as the kids I remember you saying a cave but I didn’t know what cave you’re were talking about you didn’t say where the cave was you said in the mining thing s about it Lacy oh stay in a live skills are as good as

The kids too oh burn burners burn might have mildly singed her I mean I don’t need no [ __ ] cream for that [ __ ] bur oh [ __ ] it was they make a little area I’ve made one to be a burn more statement fact proper Papa yeah I don’t know I don’t think you

Cano there’s a chest make a crafting Table there’s a crafting table there a furnace here yeah there little over there it’s where we’re going Jesus ch then listening skills how was that meant to know there was a crafting table and [ __ ] here let’s just make some sticks real quick and then I wanted to make uh boop boop

Boop boop there’s a fishing rod for me and then let’s grab some iron pickaxes and some iron shovels as Le you got a sword on her nope okay I got SP on let’s take those sticks with us because then we can make some torches on the

Go tell Lacy there’s an IR sword here Lacy there’s an IR sword will be you okay she got it load iron here holy Jesus this is massive charcoal over there Iron over there yeah I’m moving back what was that oh oh see just get up here get back down here and get your

Stuff uh herey tius iron over there Iron over there ow you little bastard uh there may there may be axol in this uh spot cuz of all the random bits of water and stuff lety pleasy you saw what I was doing so you stood have Bloody We some charcoal down there I’m going to go grab some so I can make some torches let see you can kill the spider I haven’t got any but I’m about to make a bunch did you just say the heart of tii the heart of taiki teiti taiki tafiti let’s grab some torches sticks

Coal right love you by here stack of torches for you right thank you mhm ow random drop zombie oh Lacy just jumped on a stall B can we eat rotten flesh yes yeah okay well we’re going have to do that to get some health then I think all right worth it oh my

Lord what it goes way further mhm like way further there’s a load of iron down the copper SP I see there right Lacy well you left us no love I can’t I made some stairs let’s go mess this zombie up real quick good job see you can do these

Things can’t hold your hand all the way through the game love need to get down and kill that skeleton open that box o so that mean you make the AFK thing yes cuz we need the food let me finish off the mine and then I’ll get on

It oh diamonds underneath this uh tip can you bring down some torches please let’s block that water off so it’s not annoying one diamond that I can’t pick up why can I not pick you up uh Spider I can go away it’s finey more iron there diamonds over there safe m diagonal to

Me and grab the iron goodbye Lulu where is she going L see it’s fine yes around that corner is where the diamonds are where uh just keep going straight say yeah that’s yeah that’s the diamonds I was talking about uh I’m going to build over this

Lava pole and grab some of this uh iron above r creep where are you spider I hear you is that good enough that should be good enough holy moly what goes even further wow oh oh no oh no [ __ ] sake sorry all stuff’s above [ __ ] my life Noob [ __ ] off no SK

Monkey went this way yeah I did not expect to go around the corner and see a [ __ ] skeleton get instantly yeated into the lava [ __ ] [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] prick why would you try and kill an I see all your stuff we went this way let’s go

This and then up this bit around this corner okay we lost uh a bunch of stone stuff but that’s fine we don’t care about that we lost iron shovels what was it really I don’t even know where I died uh I’m where you died oh there’s the prick that killed

Us look to the floor Now where’s that Skelly prick ah [ __ ] oh no where the hell have I fall into oh okay I fell into B died we are a diet of rotten flesh uh s if there’s another Skelly though I need to heal I’m going stand here for the minute

Would you like a piece of rotten flesh no thank you I have some oh [ __ ] where was he oh that way mhm there drinking the bloody water oh prick and that’s the end we don’t care about the end right now there’s another Enderman there’s another Enderman there’s another Enderman Jesus Christ uhhuh

Give me your WR flashy little [ __ ] W I killed I killed the Skelly oh no wood uh no food is horrible we need to kill the Endy men we can’t kill Endy men when we got two hearts unless you want to bring our beds down kill all the Endy I said bring our beds down we can do it

I’m already halfway well so hoop yes see I have no string to right I you wait can we can we fish hello I’m here hello I can drop you some blocks all right love can we walk I said we could fish and get food yeah good idea there’s a there’s water

Over just beyond that lava hi but you got streight mhm I got a fishing rod on me oh no I haven’t I lost my fishing rod and I lost my wood you got any wood on you I have wood I’ve got one piece of string I’ve got eight pieces of string

Can I have some Lacy can you wait love Pati there you go there’s four pieces of string for fishing R each then we can get off the D flash yes you make uh crafting table we make furnace and I’m aware what I do love Bob your unle you’re right down level

Diet of rotten fles is not fun yeah thank you I don’t know if I can fish in this oh okay sweet oh problem we need wood mhm there’s another problem go look outside the door you’ll see why I’m not going to get any this going to take a

Week need a bigger body of water yeah there’s one near the lava well let’s go then take we yeah get some more wood uh yeah come this way uh see that straight across look bigger body of wall right there safe passage oh there’s a huge body of water here

I think we’ll be if we just block behind us up should be saf here to fish it’s going to take weeks regardless because we have sheep uh fishing RS this is true I say we’ll just go up with what we’ve got and fish in the normal [ __ ] place stuff

Going this is a bit danger Ry yeah for what we’ve got it is we need yeah iron armor we need armor and [ __ ] yeah food mainly no we meant to go up yeah and then skeleton stra ahead of you yeah you know you dug that big deep

Cave yeah you really didn’t even bother looking what directly [ __ ] I know where we all coming from I need you to come back up to the top you’re going to be able to BU and it’s going to rock follow me be careful [ __ ] skellies look in there I’m going to go for diamond

Armor you got that many diamonds very very happy what was that do I’m gonna go get that many I’m now very very happy guess what what it’s on the same level as the trouting room have you found a library no I’m going to go do some fishing I

Think and get uh food yeah we will be using this yep confused as to where the [ __ ] I meant to be going uh I’ll bring tip in sh where it is and tell him not to touch it okay tip can you come in mate yep you need not to destroy this we need

It C so oh there we go that’s go near it okay not until no turned it into a farm oh okay cool secret Boys Club hey Lucas how’s it going dude what you found tell us we’re not going to come over to steal it stop being a hoop stain we found a

P no [ __ ] [ __ ] losers it’s a thing in the actually is it thingy tip or is it a thingy I think it’s a thingy tip what is it a thingy oh you’re you’re a I told you what it was you did I didn’t hear you it’s a spawner Oh is that it because of spey cuz he’s not days just winding him up yeah but then he would have destroyed it destroyed what destroyed no got a shitty [ __ ] spawner what do they take me for seriously like I’m a [ __ ] angry person I don’t care about Minecraft

That’s the thing like legit don’t care I play this to play s and the kids but this is not a game I would choose to play for myself it is the tip it is the tip Brian and snow Leo is tip’s girlfriend Kim yes another Kim too many Kims in this

World my mom Brian’s mom tip’s girlfriend is that uh is that clay I’ve not seen this before that is Clay that’s why I haven’t seen and that would be gravel gravel oh [ __ ] so if you know those fires like the the Everlasting fire things what they they called campfires campfires thank

You I’m quicker to um cook on those and it will anything else c a m Mo requires charcoal God damn it how charcoal me is there any in this water not that I can see for next if that drowned wasn’t i’ jump in and kill those uh swimming fish

But my health is too low okay need’s go find some Cho Oh there’s the village somewhere there’s a bloody skeleton you keep shooting my screen crap oh there’s the spawn what Beast follow for a second uh I’m not there be is not there nobody [ __ ] s yes I’m streaming what I mean is nobody’s with me right now all right

Love my [ __ ] is on is just not anywhere near you my Lord no kids don’t know I came out to get some wood during the day oh [ __ ] that raid’s still going on over there by the way what is uh that raid Pillager raid CU Mel and tip and Noah hugged the

Pillage of rages no Noah started off the raid not us we were miles away yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s always someone else to blame isn’t it melin’s minions you don’t like it Go complain to management you are management you are the manager of the minions yes well you

Need to call the call center rather than complaining to management um that’s not what you just said yes well I’m de escalating it call call S speak to customer advis I’m so dead in that case we’re going to have to close your account S you can no longer talk to management customer advisers

Quick that was okay I made it safe let’s cook up this uh mutton you safe can you sleep please I thought you took your bed for here no not where she’s gone she hasn’t got the bed you might as well get up mate blue can’t sleep I don’t even think Noah’s

There no oh just has spoken ages that’s cuz we’re busy being giant losers wa robt you’re do whatever you say bounces us and sticks to you how you get M yep hey h how’s it going beautiful I’m trying to sink his level blow ah I mean I act older than you

Do no you’re right you look older than I do no I do not look old sorry blue who looks older him or me you [ __ ] you please why you going to her opinion true I’ll be honest sorry no Merin thought he was going to get bonus

Though what mer was hoping she’d say you just said you could take the P but it didn’t work sorry okay screw you Bluey has a baby face if that baby was hit in the face with yeah no the ugly climb back hit every brch on the way down enjoyed it so much that he then climbed back to the top of the tree and jumped out again so rude he is very beautiful I will have

You know yeah he’s an adorable little ew why was everybody waiting on the insult did you notice that everybody stopped and wait for the insult yep am I that bad [ __ ] hell not she no guys she was she was actually being nice for once Jesus must to got my St how you doing how you doing beautiful honier [ __ ] I saw um you and Jack were on uh valerant the other day that can’t be nice you know yeah it’s just really really rare oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] brick no no no I’m just saying it is it’s rare so

Everyone thought like there was some sort of insult coming up but you was being nice for once you want us to be nice I do want you to be nice don’t be nice blue he doesn’t want it no I do trust mean no I don’t I do want you to be nice your

Silly face pardon me I do want you to be nice what I do want you to be nice no I was simply explaining that when when because it’s a rare occasion that when you said something everyone thought there was going to be something backhanded behind very rare very rare blue don’t be nice

Don’t break a habit of a lifetime so [ __ ] you you hairy prick finished you got [ __ ] CH up as well merland have you not got go give an apple to Snow White you can [ __ ] shut up as well [ __ ] no [ __ ] giggling prick I hope all how did it go fall off

You to your collection no would put them in my collection [ __ ] that no she only collects tentacles [ __ ] wrinkly in the wrinkly in the three tinies no thanks wait sof was nice to you and I missed it well I guess there’s always next Christmas she was nice to

Me oh you so rude she was nice to me yes yeah she click of penises at glow in the dark and for some reason Merlin and tip are fixated on penises be as you know it’s all about the PE about the PE the penis did anyone clip it

No I take it you’re sorting out the food problem Yep suck my fatty flaps okay sorry I don’t like that much s in my diet do robbery yeah don’t like see food all right this food that I just got will sustain me whilst I fish [ __ ] off [ __ ] off but yeah Molen tried to say he looked

Younger than I did and then said to Blue who looks younger me or beast and she said beast yeah he’s got a baby face under all that fluff yeah I didn’t tell you who looks better oh feel free to ask her that question as well no that’s okay I

Already know the answer to that set I look [ __ ] B okay prick you’re upset out TI it’s got to be you you’re the only one being quiet yeah probably was me I like granny also I’m I’m sure I got bit by a spider last night in bed you know

Why cuz I was lying in bed and all of a sudden I felt this [ __ ] hot [ __ ] Dy pain on my hip right it was just is there a bite I don’t know no you got an is there a bump there yes I don’t know I haven’t felt I’m tell it

Was like white hot needles going in my [ __ ] hip like just below my hip it was like white hot needles yeah definitely Beast he just missed um so I think I’ve been bit by a [ __ ] spider Jay just said you’re blaming the niceness on spider venom that’s it

That’s what it is she was nice because she had Venom in her system no idea where TI by the way honestly I think yeah I got a bite on my uh my forearm and my I don’t need to know really come just come out yeah just

Come out and get some wood and no not mine tip before you say a [ __ ] word you can shut the [ __ ] up as well want your a opinion I’ll throw something at you yes you will your budy [ __ ] off here you go Merin see any normal red blooded man

Would say bear it back I’m going to go [ __ ] my wife uh no not right now he’ll break a hi you probably knock her out of his saggy balls dude can I ask you a question seriously and why why am I obsessed with your balls yeah it’s just funny to me

The fact that you got saggy balls like you’re old really you honestly think that do you it’s just it’s it Giggles me the fact just thinking about you walking around like a caveman with your balls dragging behind you it just I don’t know it’s just funny thing to

Me you know Slanders a wonderful thing to sue people for go ahead take me for uh minus whatever I’ve got in my bank account you live at home still got minus in my bank account doesn’t matter you live at home it would be class as the uh people in the

Building NOP my parents are not uh responsible for my actions yeah they are because you’re a child no I’m not a child yes you are because you act like a child therefore you’re a child Merlin you’re literally acting like a child right now saying that I’m acting like a child you idiot whatever

Child Lacy B’s not being not with us this guy has issues he likes try and put people down to make himself feel better that’s two of them done if you want to start it does my hidden Absol does my that’s two of them done if you want to stop all right you you

Would yeah I’ve got the wood myself I got sick and bored of waiting for you guys all right you join now [ __ ] n Jesus Christ typical bloody Australian got a wing I was very confused yeah no it’s not Australian isn’t he nope thought he was Australian he lives in Australia

Yeah I have the Farms d right yeah where do you live Noah Australia you’re Australian right yeah no you’re not [ __ ] you Beast yes please I said no you’re not oh so for a minute there I thought maybe you lived in New Zealand or something no

He does not he is not Australian he lives in Australia no he’s a British prisoner isn’t everyone in Australia Noah where was you born what country Fiji thank you right no do you have a passport yes what what nationality is a passport Australian I’ve Got a New Zealand one and

Technically by extension have a UK one right so if he has an Australian passport it means he has partial Australian nationality at the very least but he’s not Australian that’s all I was saying he’s fian he’s f I okay let’s put it another way Noah what do you ID as other than

A technically if you put it that way they’re I’m indoan yeah Indo fian Indo Fijian what in what Fijian a thing no Fijian Indian right okay Fijian nah that’s call Fijian whatever I just said Fijian hean he’s finian no he’s not Indian he indan Christmas he’s findo Noah what do you identify as

Other Indo Fijian there you go that’s what he so I just say heo okay all right Noah there is wood in the wood box thank you tip you’re a pain in the [ __ ] ass and so are you Noah I keep emptying this soding box and people keep spilling the soding thing up

I’ve s s you said it was you said it was the drug box can we just all say fan it’s a nice word Fijian just because it’s a drop box doesn’t mean you can’t put stuff away the purpose of a Dropbox is to drop and go yeah but they’re not dropping and

Going they’re deliberately waiting until I’m stood next to it then dropping and then running away well that’s the Jo of living with People this right bloody Jaden it be easier I mean they don’t organize anything yeah nether these so I do once in a while uhuh the only time you and know organize any think is when I go I’m not doing this anymore and then walk away they need automated s sorting

That’d be great it is a thing it’s just you need a very big area to do it then it’s not really a thing then I can send you the video on YouTube but it’s as I said it’s bloody massive I wish there was more technology in Minecraft it’s so um basic

I wish there was vehicles I wish there was just technology electricity would be a load of fun so you could have lighting and oh yeah electricity even if it was R off a wind or solar panels well they be able to do that anyway Pur using the Redstone see I don’t call Redstone

Electric no be able to do it even if it’s a stupid power system that they use that barely anyone uses apart from to make Auto Miners and yeah that’s literally all it’s used for No One uses it in their base to light sh up no one uses it

As a one sec the don’t think it’s literally for for people to make their Farms sorry this as well diamonds I have good pickax for it though I’ve got an iron one on me if you want it I got to grab some uh too where are yeah see that’s why like

Eco but it’s just not popular enough what eco eco MH the game Eco heard that it’s my point so it was built as a educational game um and basically a muite is going to hit in x amount of days and you have to get to a society where you can stop the

Meteorite right it has uh I miss the S all three is up well we have two fishing mods already what’s populace it was a game where you had to take people from like the Stone Age all the way through to nuclear reactors and stuff like that

By you know like the uh ones where you controlling the village sounds like Age of Empires or yeah PR to Age of Empires used to be really good but then it just seems to vanish you’re missing the trap doors mate but admittedly the reason I like rust is because there is the progression

From having a rock in your hands to having a fully automated system and vehicles and things like that if you’re in this one Mel if you’re in this one you just stand in the back corner here you don’t you don’t you don’t need it you don’t need it cuz

That’s as far as you can go yeah I’m trying to work out where to aim in this one left or right got yourself your diamond armor yet safe left got yourself your diamond armor yeah give me a minute there you can’t get the slab let’s cook that

Up and I’ll be right back I want to go see I’ve already got it up never mind uh this game plans to unlock in roughly two hours approximately two hours what game you playing oh I’m not I can’t afford it so why you checking on it uh because I’m probably going to end

Up selling some skins tonight and then getting it is and then when you’re busy I probably stream it for a couple hours at some point mhm Goose gave me his uh number so I can jump on his steam actually saying that my mom does now have an

IPhone I could actually probably put it on there there we go take 15 days I know but I think Goose won’t 15 days through goes no I don’t think so cuz he’s had his for so long I’m not sure it does it probably will S I mean most things in Steam take

15 days um worse comes to worse I watch uh I end up watching a stream tonight of the game seeing if I like it and then if I do probably sell a kidney and buy it yeah I can’t add funds to my account I L you can’t do

Anything the only way I can add funds to my account is if I sent money to Goose and then he sent me a gift card that’s how he was doing it and then you got the rust update tonight which is the Christmas update right I’m ready for the

12th just need to find a server I don’t think there’s going to be a lot of people though I think there’s going to be 10 tops and five of them are here right now so the only other person that I know is joining is Bubbles so and rvy I think that’s about

It Goose J Brian said might pop along Merlin tip Noah blue me bubbles rvy what did I already count those let’s do that again bubbles rvy me blue Merlin tip Noah Brian possibly Goose Jay literally 10 people marn stop why I forgot to add something important the fish nope The

Hoppers nope the water nope are you going to die again s the slab underneath was working nope there we go I have cooked some decent decent amount of food that will do donkey that’ll do and I have all armor apart from boots here yeah is it done yet no yeah where’s my bed

Gone where you left it oh yeah of course what are you up to making a loot room loot room SL underground farm I think we need to get some stairs installed does this just melts your food going up H I would say there’s something wrong with this Auto mining no oh no it’s

Working slow as bugy but it is working yeah cuz I haven’t got the fish yet I get the fish plus we don’t have all the uh the fishing rods the good fishing rods yeah true weird that you put the mine through your bedroom though bit of an odd thing to do you

J I’m not judging you I’m just saying’s a bit odd you’re a bit odd I don’t disagree more diamonds is that is it no idea oh that’s enough iron for my boots which is awesome and then we’re fully arm so much quicker no do you want me to

Make a bucket so you can uh get the fish no we have buckets I just I need to do something first for this okay can’t ignore gold it’s Black Gold okay what that should be boots that is Boots awesome anything else to cook on me no for yeah eat that

Russell I was wondering the same thing oh he rustled I don’t think Russell’s talking to you I don’t think so either Russell I think they find is Merlin Russ sorry I thought she was talking to someone in her stream what’s up says y right there Russell a 12r leave me

Alone shouldn’t be in chocolate your diabetes a there we go we got campfire now bed in the corner personal chest is it’s sad that I’m excited to make the kids beds no I don’t think that’s S I don’t really know what happened here I’m guessing the kits definitely the

Kids I think you’re a very strange person but I mean I hope that it works me too well they’ve got the devices for a bit tonight so the answer is no it will not work thday isn’t it I thought they the devices Fridays Thursday Friday

Saturday do you not do school work on a Friday no we do not the kids do more school than actually school kids so d that’s what Lacy was wanting to show me that’s why she I starts at 8:00 oh there’s all my stone pickaxes she must have

Got Lacy has a secret um secret chests above my uh bed that [ __ ] yep it’s absolutely full to the room m he’s still carrying the sloth around just carry around like a baby is she lost SL yep Lacy I don’t want to bum in my face I M if you get any

Diamond I love Diamond tell tell Lacy I found a secret chest Bey said he found your secret chest she said she doesn’t have a secret chest yeah she does above my bed I saw her go up there earlier right so she just carrying the sloth around is she there you Beast did

Good stop jumping I’m getting off in half an hour and we’re going to make your bed stop jumping we’re going to make your bed and you’re going to have your tea and get ready for Brownies no you can have your devices for a bit and then it’s sleep slippy time all right I’m going to be AFK for a little bit I’ll be back let me guess he set up his AFK fish farm yep sh I hope it was my video you

Watched to make it no that one doesn’t work anymore that one doesn’t work yeah that one hasn’t work for the longest time do it not M stop jumping I’m I’m going to end my stream anyway because I’m not really doing anything if I’m being honest no leave your blank get

In the in the bug for now and then yeah so love you guys thanks for joining appreciate it and I’ll see you on the next time love you see you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Christmas Realm Chill Xmas Vibes’, was uploaded by Aromatic Beast on 2023-12-07 15:53:14. It has garnered 67 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:09 or 10569 seconds.

#minecraft #Gaming Want To Donate?https://streamlabs.com/aromaticbeast Donations Are Non Refundable –

Started YouTube 22nd Of July 2016 Started Streaming 12th Of November 2017 Hit 1k subs – 19th Of February 2018 Hit 2k subs – 1st Of June 2018 Hit 3k Subs – 30th October 2018 Hit 4k Subs – 31st January 2019 Hit 5k Subs – 29th July 2019 Hit 6k Subs – 5th April 2020 Purchased Rust June 4th 2016

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System Specs: CPU: Intel Core i5-13600K GPU: Gigabyte Aorus GeForce RTX 3070 MASTER RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB 32GB DDR5 5600 M.2_1: Samsung 980 PRO 1TB NVMe M.2_2: Samsung 960 EVO 500GB NVMe MOBO: Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite AX LGA AIO: Enermax LIQFUSION 240 PSU: Corsair Series RM850x – 850 Watt CASE: Fractal Design Meshify C Black ATX

  • Crafty Comments: Mod Mania Unleashed! #minecraft

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  • Outrageous Animal Husbandry in Minecraft

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  • Tiny Minecraft World Challenge

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  • Minecraft server org.blockhero.net

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  • xJosephEx – Insane Minecraft HC New World + Death?! 😱

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  • CrookedRatt is BACK in Hardcore Mode!

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  • Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed him

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  • Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky’s Evil Chicken

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  • Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in Minecraft

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  • Valena Towny

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  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

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  • Minecraft Memes –

    Broke Minecrafter ***!

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  • Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans

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  • Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme

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  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

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  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

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  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

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  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JfhV6l5qZJKRUovFAMw8A 🟠Discord🟠 https://discord.gg/G4QVRwMXxF 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! https://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=990446 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 https://zenzyyy.carrd.co/ #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – https://crinklesmusic.com/#music ➜ Map Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjl5QfimUCo ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – https://twitter.com/MCShortsCollab Join my discord server – https://discord.gg/TjEYqAdHyj Donate to my paypal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gameed Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! https://x.com/PhdPigeon/status/1830142960585097389 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More