[Minecraft] Community Night Let’s Go! (Yuki and Yuna | Duo Leveling) Twin Vtubers

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Thank you [Applause] [Applause] Foreign Thank you [Applause] Foreign What’s everyone doing hi Doug Wireless hi Tyler hi hermit hi Harper hi digital Fanboy hi Mishra hi first name last name hi a cab hello hello hi Ian Sigma hi Zeta hi Corey Yuki shall we introduce ourselves yes let’s go ahead and introduce ourselves here we go hello dear adventurers my name is yukistrea and I’m Yuna Estrella of loveling we are to an Adventure Guild Masters here at the atlas adventuring Guild and we are excited to Adventure with you yay today we made it through

We made it without messing up too bad yo mates today we are doing some Minecraft in our Minecraft server if you are a guild member a white YouTube member you can join us join our server Become a member yay Good job um so today I’ll start off with uh showing around showing the the what we have done wait wait we’re gonna find the air yeah I’m gonna I’m flying right now I’m flying um Let me change the time today because we go I’m flying around oh God what’s this so unfortunately the usual texture pack that I use Conquest is not yet updated for uh this current version of Minecraft uh so I’m using Jolly craft today um but the shaders are about the same

So let’s just do a quick a quick overview of what we have so far This Server is um you know populated by a lot of our our cool Guild mates who have worked really hard to make this happen we have a nice flat area here um this is our like our starting City

Where we all started we have little plots of land here I do believe if you want to like build a house or like start building this is like where we kind of show off the bills that we have here’s a little nice little house here is like a big house there’s like stuff

Underneath There’s a iron house so there’s some plots you can choose to build here’s our farm yuna’s melons notice I do have melons yeah the houses are going re getting relocated because this is this is like Guild housing is going to go I’ll show you what island The Guild housing is

Going to go on later um this is our farm we have carrots wheat there’s Yuki um our storage area you know our crops we even have some cocoa beans White House spot uh we have a moss Farm as well some berries and we even have our honeybees our honeybees are right here

Oh sorry they’re here babies lots of wheat growing on the edges here this is the first time we made this is kind of like a port town to the main city um here’s our chicken burger City yeah this is our Star City here’s our chicken pit

And so this is to see that you’ll spawn in here is the main uh I forgot What’s this called This is the storage Depot so this has a map and everything dump chest and going down here is all our storage area melons are Cannon they are Canon I had melons thank you

I will admit that unit has bigger melons than I do yeah that’s right oh I didn’t know this must be new or I haven’t been up here but look at this architecture so the some of the buildings were designed by dog water uh they’ve been working really hard oh my God excuse me

Out let me out let me out let me out foreign there’s so many cats up here go help game let me just let me out oh no I’m stuck uh you know what I’ll just fly out this window here oh Yuna Yuna then we have the it the lodge so this is

Like our end we have food we have cake even Hats I believe try some of the cakes I don’t know how you can take them you can make cakes with some cats we have a whole bunch of cats hahaha some beds and I do believe this goes out to a balcony yeah so that’s the Supply Depot

We have our wool Farm here all the color wool that you could possibly want and then we have our our uh our pens are stuck to the brim with cows and I believe this is like our request area where I dump stuff for for the guild mates whatever they need to build Our map so this is our city here and then here’s a bridge here is where our main area will be hello this is our main area um this is where the main city will be and then this little area here is going to be like um

A Academy and uh where our magic crystal is stored here are some islands some sorry hiccup I think these islands are just like uh flowery areas and then this big area here is going to be where the guild housing is so you guys can build your plots here okay

Yeah here is where our tree our tree area was where we had 10 trees and they’re all Lumber and stuff um we I think we even have a cemetery somewhere here’s our graveyard so let me show you our first Bridge here’s a fountain it’s our respawn point

Um so here is our first Bridge dog water was working hard and I just kind of helped copy different things it looks different than usual because I’m not using the usual texture pack but it’s like it got a guard area so they can inspect who comes in

And now we have the bridge with all our banners our purple banners so disconnects to this main oh God this Mainland here um so this kind of this this science here was left over by dog water so that way we know which uh he’s our Master architect in our Guild

Um so we know where to kind of uh build and we’ve mostly started finding out the land here um I believe this lower area is gonna be for like shops and stuff on this big area I think either can be just flattery it might be where the

Guild Hall is I love how someone made a smiley face thank you and we’re thinking about building a huge floating Castle in the Sky Maybe for where the castle will float above yeah because you guys look at our lore we have a castle floating above and that’s where the royalty is at yeah

Will be underneath the castle think Gondor with a big tree so this first area is all the shops and stuff and flat flat flat flat flat flat flat like your chest flat flip flat excuse you um we’re working on building this part out here and there is a small Bridge here that’s

Not done we’ll work on it but this is going to lead to the um I kind of like the area where you know Gondor or that has the gates of Amman this is what it’s going to look like over here so you greet the sea will connect these

Do you love the shaders it looks so realistic I forgot what changes are using uh OptiFine yeah about to find some mod pack what are you using for your shaders I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot to check you go to options in the video settings and the shaders silders vibrant shaders

Um so and this here this is another bridge I gotta work on putting uh flags and stuff banners and finishing it up but this is the academy the library that’s where I teach at it’s gonna be a huge Tower and then connecting here where’s my knight Academy

You can have the barracks maybe or a church connecting here is just um like a park area there’s a huge Cavern underneath here by the way I tried lighting as much as I could but as you can see it’s quite it’s quite big quite deep this is where the guild baits will build

Their houses and let me change the time again time date it’s kind of cool because I got the waterfall going this is where the gilmates can build their houses and then we have another small Bridge that’s going to connect all these we’re working on it what do you guys think

It’s looking really cool so far um the architecture on these Bridges is a plus you give it 10 now 10 10 out of 10. man this is just something fun for for uh people to yeah spend their time on yep I’ll just around the laser I was like what is the

What even is that so yeah we got these little things here did I just pick up picked up cocoa beans hi silverhand builds hello hello yeah thank you so much so everyone’s been hard at work um I’ll work on helping probably today I’ll work on assisting with flattening things out today

And all right I think I hear a traitor hey here buddy thank you so much yes we’re still working on on everything so um hopefully we can get more done all right so I’m gonna turn back on survival mode so that way I can help

There might be some times where I put on creative mode just to help get things that we can’t I normally get in other words you’re cheating the so notice that we got some new crops in we have a cocoapod yeah we have some cocoa pods pillows up here uh game mode so now

I said dirt foreign probably yeah Minecraft is so therapeutic what are you gonna do Yuki oh you’re asking what I’m doing um I am just making food I know it’s so boring but I want to make sure that we have food or the winter for the winter

I think I’m out of I’m out of it okay I’m just making food so that way we don’t starve foreign want to show them my lava pit in railroad yeah I guess I could share that I guess some people have made several like secret areas not gonna lie find farming a little bit

Therapeutic how did Lee go the other day you can tell you about the League of Legends tournament that she was in okay so this weekend I participate in the League of Legends Aram tournament it was three versus three So I entered with several Guild mates actually with Harper and hermit

And it was it was a small tournament uh we had four four teams and top four goes into into the qualifying round I think which is a prize pool of sixty dollars I know big money but yeah I don’t mind doing it because it’s something you know fun but maybe we

Can do something somewhere uh see the first team that we were up against were people who were in Masters rank and I was a little level 65 versus level 500s okay so I got my ass stomped because there are better skill shots than I am uh

Uh so we we straight up lost that one um second one we also lost because they were quite frankly better than we were also some of our teams were kind of like really shitty like comp wise comp wise yes that’s how arams go yes so we got sent to losers bracket right

We actually defeated a team solid 2-0 right so yay we’re not the last team in the in the competition we finished uh uh third place out of four after we got we won loser’s bracket against one team we got Stoned by the same team in the first round because they lost

That’s how it went that’s not too bad at least you won a game you know yeah we won two games also uh there is another comp there is I think the the sixty dollar pot um match up qualifier cup thingy is this weekend oops is it one yeah and I’m like don’t want

To attend he’s already doing our LTR Marathon I also have a meeting so you could just like skip out for that small part oh you do well yeah it’s like a 30 minute me it’s not nothing too big okay you know yeah it starts at one so I guess I’ll

Just like skip out really quick for that part actually I want to add so I guess I’ll do it I’ll go ahead and let hermit and uh Harper know hey Herman Harper you’re in the Stream I’ll go ahead and do the tournament with you again and I’ll stream oh you know what this

Time I’m gonna stream it to uh the gaming chat uh on Saturday go for it and you guys can see how horrible we are no not like that these are berries all right I need to like some stairs see all the textures look very very different to me now

Because it’s just like completely different no I understand so what is that I just picked up see that looks different stone brick fence okay yeah okay yeah sorry uh we have to wait until Conquest updates our texture pack here because that was the official one that we were kind of using slabstone slab

Stone slab no brick wall I wasn’t gonna say it but LOL no go ahead and tell me if I’m [ __ ] up what’d you do you know you know oh my God you know I was getting attacked by things at night it scared me it’s scared Ray uh speaking of scary things

I guess we should schedule You can update to the current what you can see you can update to the current version now regardless because it only doesn’t reflect on both turned blocks for Conquest you see I tried applying the conquest texture pack to um to OptiFine and it wouldn’t do it for me it wouldn’t um

It’s like resource pack failed to load I don’t know why that’s so sad yeah we’re using octapine We’re using octifying because we’re we’re Graphics knobs or at least I am I know I do Let me let me put this back man I always get like confused because and I’m like what is that it’s I think the alpacas I think it’s zombies foreign zombies there we go you gotta remember how we did the design last time okay it was like right in the middle but yeah

She had to knock off a birch sign I might have be okay knocking off our Birch signs okay so what we probably should do next let’s see we’re evening this out that’s nice potatoes potatoes mm-hmm I’ve been harvesting foreign let me look at the Block that we used for this

It was like was a slab Maybe no it was just a straight up lock key let’s see let’s see foreign and then we want cobblestone that looks wrong is there anything in particular that you would like for me to do today um otherwise I’m just gonna keep harvesting crops

Let me see what needs to be done here nothing in particular okay I’ll just harvesting things I’m good at that maybe I should finish up this area here too do you know how to use the copy paste function on the X Y axis i x y z x I do

Not I didn’t even know you could do that I’m such a noob when it comes to building I’m gonna stays bless you maybe today I was like that’s a double Thief maybe today I’ll plot out um what shops go where Maybe oh nice yeah maybe we can plot out what shops go

Where today or we can start the base for the floating island but I think maybe what shops go where yeah you’ve driven some paths good good lots to do Guild floating island and also Library base yes there’s lots to do tons to do to keep so we had the guild Island here

It’s kind of big do we need such a big Guild area what could be next The Guild the church what go tell them to go uh repent yeah okay we can build a church next to there yeah because like this is such a big area probably a storage Depot would be

Good for them storage Depot and then we also need a harbor too right um yeah I like to copy I’ll have to look up the copy paste function because if we could do it that’d be nice copy pasta Harper’s behind the main town okay I cleaned out the seaside from being so

Flat okay so we need to move some of those buildings up Robert made okay we’ll have to move them yeah well without a copy paste it’ll be difficult let me look it up easy way to copy paste builds Minecraft you know what else I like doing I also like fishing

Fishing is really cool well that’s a squid why is it what are you doing Mr Squid oh you know what I don’t think I had the world edit plugin installed so I’ll have to look that up yeah I’ll have to look it up because I think it is a plug-in edit

Something that we can we can Implement soon foreign oh no no worries dog water okay so in the meantime we’ll just have to do everything by hand would make our Bridge creation effortless yeah it would make our Bridge creation a lot easier yeah so how about until we get

Um until we get the edits we’re we don’t until we get to copy paste function we don’t have to worry about completing the bridges then because then we can just edit copy paste so Island here we can create pads let me get thank you what happened okay Corey thanks for stopping by yeah

Yeah go super dinosaur hello agree hello I’m gonna what did I do oh for the coffee place on these Bridges yeah yeah we’ll um don’t worry about the bridges yet we’ll copy well I’ll uh I’ll figure out how to enable World edits and then we’ll copy what

Do you see me where are you I’m in the water in the boat hi what you doing fishing what are you doing being productive what are you doing shut up I hope your road breaks what nothing yeah so we’ll uh leave the bridges alone and then we’ll copy it copy paste to

Copy pasta them later relaxing suspicion here I’m just gonna put this down here so I don’t have to keep a copy do do do do do do do do do do I got a fishing rod I fished a fishing rod that’s weird what is always next to a gate what’s next to a gate yeah what should be next to a gate I’m starting to figure out houses balls well we’re obviously gonna have walls of some sort usually you

Castle walls yeah yeah so what should be the first building next to the gate that you encounter besides castle walls oh yeah we probably should make a parameter huh sign yeah the first plot and then oh yeah okay I feel like the end should be probably on this side then it doesn’t

Need to be bigger and done foreign probably somewhere here and then we can have also I probably should expand this yeah and in yeah maybe a Garrison might be good so you have it near the what did I do with my signs and in General Store

And these are just rough like what I want probably what we should have in general store actually I wonder if we should work on building the parameter foreign we should probably build walls but that might be better if we can copy paste stuff too Hammer Hammer hmm

Only is there a straight okay you’re right so maybe we should start building because I’m sure yeah we probably should start bailing those walls one second oh you just gave me the link for your screen I’m too lazy to put it on there okay that’s all right

We should probably work on building the walls then yeah yeah yeah okay so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to start plotting out what buildings we can put down there if you ever want to make some like suggestions feel free to put it in there yeah walls I know

So we have the Garrison Supply Depot right next here uh we have a n PSD intensifies we have an n um we have a Tavern next to it we have a spa next to it um then we have I think the General Store potions blacksmith um or something huh

What you have like a fishery or anything a fishery what is that like the port so like you could sell fish yeah but that fish would probably be near the harbor yeah yeah I’m talking about the main city right I completed my first mission I took down

My precious house and clear out the dirt for the port Harbor oh no Harper you can rebuild in the Guild Hall area I promise in the plot area okay um so what can be here we need a church Or do we want the church to be under the the Nobles quarters Right I feel like church can be anybody thing though okay it shouldn’t be in the normal quarters no because okay I here’s a little history lesson I love the lore class uh people the poor people tend to cling on to religion quite heavily times okay so we have

What else should we make we have a blacksmith ocean area I would like to think that Alyssia it’d be nice to have a little cafe maybe that can be like um potions maybe a bookstore oh wow I cast that pretty far but we already have a library so you

Don’t really need a bookstore do you yes huh yes okay so what else can we build a post office oh yeah post office you kind of want that like a little more Center you have a general store an Army in the plastic right yep good job accessory shop

Okay we can make the church North of Spawn Town you’re right Actually I think the church should go around here This big area that the church should probably be in right from the Guild Hall oh you get a bank not that the bank is going to be housing our stuff but you know oh yeah we need a bank okay so maybe we will make the post office here

Post office we also do an auction house and then you can also do places for people to do their their various uh trading house they’re various professions I’m I’m obviously kind of going off of World of Warcraft here a little bit um where should we put the church

The charge we should also have a Fountain Square area too you can have a park want to have a little Park I I was thinking when those islands could be a little Park Maybe maybe this is where the church is Church and we can have like a vendor stall area

Maybe I’ll make that further down and I like little bitty cafes let’s see if any other people have suggestions there’s the post office Universal area Cafe they said stable oh yeah stable might be nice I’d probably be near the start Gladiator arena for training fights oh yeah okay

Stables might have to be near the back end here we can extend this area for Stables worst case tables I might move in further down needs more space we need a bank somewhere using accessories Cafe post office training house well the bank next door make uh tnd thank you so much hope you’re

Having a good night thank you thank you Gladiator Arena I feel like we need to make like a floating island for that um oh that’d be horrible you know why people off and they fall no we can have like a Coliseum with seating wouldn’t it be cool if we had outside a

Theater somewhere yeah I guess the Gladiator Arena could be the theater too oh we’re gonna have to hold games in the stadium too yeah vendor style area what is spliff locksmith General Store potions yeah just like sleeping hasn’t fall to your deaths from the floating aisle

I had no idea what Spleef is though Mouse signs of break logs from our friends that would be cool we should make a Coliseum and have like a little spliff Arena on the top or pickaxes yeah that’d be cool but you can’t kill players outright

I was also one day thinking we could do like a a really bad Capture the Flag game maybe we should have the arena somewhere here we make sure to make it big enough so that way you know it’s a sizable uh face yeah that’s what I was like I wonder if

We should like make it like a a floaty Coliseum because it’s a we have magic mm-hmm but how wait would we use a portal to get up there or stairs would we be able to make an elevator I’m sure we could elevators are possible um it requires a column of water um

What other buildings do cities have hmm usually vendors markets are around a fountain I think so leave that there because usually they they held it like during certain days or um they’ll have a dedicated space a space that’s easily distinguished so that way you can find your way there

Easily so I think a fountain would work out in here next to the church this could be the all right Cemetery area yeah we probably should or do you want the cemetery to be outside of the city also hi are you are you my hello hello hope you’re doing well Corey welcome back

Tori’s back did I make a bank I did okay well sorry for probably should probably get some food certain Muslim under the city along with sewers tied between all the islands oh that’d be cool yeah like I have a subway system loves you also if any any of you are on the server

And just want to suggest um builds to put in the Alleyways just pop down the side and write it down where you think it should go um what should go in our guildhar area oh we need the the we have the church a library we do have a library on one of

The islands um so the Guild Hall can share the area with a church maybe no not the church maybe the paladins quarters I’m about to say dope yeah um you guys have us in the castle the floating Castle huh you could just have us in the floating Castle are we that important

Yeah the the paladins can be in the floating Castle okay the paladins can be in the flowing Castle yes oh we should probably have like a little Guard Station right underneath where the castle floats where the teleporter area yeah yeah I thought we’d get in yeah so

This will be like a castle entrance oh did you want like class quarters or is that what like you know Paladin and Mage Academy Etc yeah Major Academy we have the paladins we need we probably need an area for Rogues there maybe we can have like a

Kind of like a back Alleyway a shady Alleyway area the Rogues can hang out in warlocks I don’t know they’d probably have an underground um Barbarian Lord let’s go where would barbarians be hanging out with Adventure Hall The Guild The Tavern a forest I’m just kidding a desert outside

The city outside the city okay okay yeah paladins tend to be part of Royal Guards Tavern we can have like an underground area in the tavern like a secret room where the the Warriors can go meet same with the Rogues actually the Rogues they’re right no the rocks have a like a

Secret house in the in the shanty area yeah it can be their uh secret hideout and then how about warlocks warlocks yeah and the priest would be in the church obviously yeah Healers clerics rogue’s Guild in the starting town I like that too yeah yeah yeah underground Fight Club let’s go I do

Want to have a floating Coliseum though but the thing is like you know necromancy and uh warlock stuff isn’t necessarily seen as bad yeah that’s true giantly Lanes yeah laylones Brawler’s Guild let’s go I love the underground Brawler’s Guild I am right in the sewers Fight Club Fight Club let’s go

It’ll just be like a small area a cage area yeah you can go 1v1 against someone yeah you want to yeah yeah that’d be so cool really really good at looking also work for the cosmic hello um what else should be up here besides the Guild Hall

Like we have such we have such big amount of space here Guild do we have a dirt do we have a bunch chilling yeah come on I’ll just give it also for the church did you want to make it pretty big so we can have statues with different deities

What’s how do we uh give because there’s one for each element oh I can’t what’s the the name for the dirt I had dirt unit has small boobs what you asked to bring dirt no not that type of dirt you dumb [ __ ] okay it looks like people will bring you dirt

Can I just do dirt block dog water you know it to be true within your hearts of hearts don’t deny it first rule is you don’t talk about it also hi Pedro how are you doing so your blacksmith is down there Yuki well it’s the armory down where

I refused the prescription thank you dog water a true gentleman thank you thank you where’d you say is the blacksmith at uh I haven’t built it actually okay or I haven’t plotted it yet I was going to build it next to Armory or should be in a more open space do you think

Not fun oh we should also have dedicated mining areas by the way oh I just saw someone like run across the bridge General Store potions blacksmith enchanting magical item Bakery maybe instant Bakery I’ll do enchanting here enchanting done uh we’re gonna have a little Bakery too did you want some like adventurous guilds

A receptionists and stuff a lot of attention impact we could have maybe we can well maybe out in the starter area we can have a Vineyard a Distillery that’d be cool to have a distillery in the the starting area we have a spa there I wonder if we should have made the end

A little bigger because it’s kind of tiny what the the in on the starter area oh this is in here no I think it’s big enough Spa enchanting Bakery I want to build like a maybe like a oh did you want like a dungeon area that would need a jail where would jail

Be wouldn’t it be like in the castle or some [ __ ] no it wouldn’t be no it wouldn’t be wouldn’t it be in like a guard HQ or something yeah we have a little Garrison storage Depot near the start but we can make a separate guard area Maybe this is where the foreign building attached because the only disarm wouldn’t help they have like they do have like a giant ass uh or was it dalaran either way they have like a giant like uh prison area okay maybe this can be the amphitheater area but you already have good spot for

Potential mining that big cavern you know flew over here don’t tell me you’re placing down signs and because making us do all the work Awakening what would what would you know could be after that huh we would never do such a thing hey at least I’m making you guys food in here think

Trading house post office I think the post office has to be too big yeah no foreign With me down the Bedrock dig you out eventually Should we have another guard area where the jail will be at because we have a Supply Depot near the gate I think we should have a area where the we’re uh the prison will be out yeah maybe we’ll do it right here guard prison maybe we’ll have the Nobles quarters

Near uh near our Guild Hall would we be that influential to have our your can Universe Monday or probably um I think like do you celebrate different religions or or is it like no is that like different is it like do you worship one God or multiple multiple

We do have multiple yeah multiple because it’s usually one for each element which also corresponds to different trades yep Pantheon yes you do have Pantheon why is the God of Justice the god of darkness is the god nephromancers and stuff and death and no the god of burgers is not

Inherently evil it just means that he’s like because of the unknown for example we have the goddess of the Stars he’s also like you know moved to post office too because the guys have uh astrology and mysticism yeah shrines are each instead of just one Church

Yeah I think that’s a good idea so we have the shrines uh in like the areas of the city where there would be the most like literally closed okay and then I think like we could still have one Church where all the priests like just the yeah Oh you mean literally yeah but

We need a class Hall anyways for the priests anyways okay yeah why not yeah yeah like like in uh does he have to get registered yep I’m trying to think what else what else do we need so I need to make up a list of official classes maybe yeah maybe a

List of like class halls and where they would be at we start Google doc and and in addition to all the buildings that we want to to make so let me do that and I’ll just read you off what we have you can separate it by islands and [ __ ]

I probably need some food and prompted World building is my favorite kind of word well where that works in World building yes I’m trying to think foreign what’d you have for dinner tonight I had some shrimp and I tried I had to eat leftovers yeah I’m probably gonna make some rice

After this and eat it with bulgogi the beef foreign Like a doctor’s clinic might be nice too right heal the hospital don’t get me wrong Church would be a nice place to heal to but you wanna actual area tools monster drops some food foreign We have health care here yeah I want to make a Vineyard somewhere outside are you think in one of those returnings yeah starting sitting maybe yep the starting City might have a Vineyard after all that’s where all the Farms are we need a chest here I can get you a chest did you

Okay where you want the chest at over here okay let me see let me just toss out this dirt so what’d you guys have for food oh it’s raining oh let me change that I need a can of clam chowder I haven’t had clam chowder do they just have a chest

I had a chest I guess I don’t you don’t no I do not you can get my my meeting shut up I finally had something to tease you about you’re just as flat I don’t want to hear it I don’t care if I’m flat there’s a difference

I’m gonna be naturally flat because I work out there’s no there’s no fat here only muscle trust me you’ll be thankful to have rock hard abs and pecs when I protect you from all the [ __ ] that’s gonna be thrown at you were you gonna make a list or what

You want me to make the list or do you want me to wait the list I can make a list hello you’re not shaving my POV right no okay I’m gonna close that I’m gonna call dogs another Google Docs yellowtail Teriyaki salad miso soup that sounds really good Minecraft planning document okay here

Only people with the linkies can comments copy link done and I’m also going to add you in so don’t worry about it hold up buildings documents pin nut oh yeah we might have to wherever Stables how big should the Stables be I wonder Stables want to be super big right um

Yeah we can just build the outline for them first cables potions there we go okay yeah that’s fine I might expand this small area down here just a little bit for the Stables foreign you know if you fill it in uh yeah if you make the parameter I’ll fill it in

I’m working on her Pantheon right now I’m realized I’m more of a skilled laborer than a planner foreign hope you’re doing well welcome oh well they made it cheaper Terraria you know I I actually like 3D games I do I haven’t really been into Terraria Terraria I know that’s kind of like yeah

Terraria it’s just never been my jam I guess I just like being able to walk inside buildings and see it 3D have you guys ever seen um but I think Terraria has a lot more elements in it that are really good for adventuring from what I remember

The one time the one time we played Terraria we played it with someone y’all need dirt still here dirt foreign I think Terraria has uh good weapons and stuff um both have their pros and cons I I prefer just like I was about to give you a few dirt

Because that’s all she is dirt Wow since you’re passing out the burns so freely today no sleep for anyone it’s perpetually gay this is the hell that you live in foreign Version of Legos yes I think that’s the appeal you’re right foreign Legos and Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs if anyone that has have any of you played with teacher toys or Lincoln Logs I know they’re not nearly as popular as Legos I don’t think we actually had that many Lego P Lego sets coming up Yuki we

Only had that like Lego Duplo yeah the fat Legos yeah because I know a lot of like other people have like Legos like Star Wars Legos and I also kind of forgot how like tiny Legos are really and how they hurt your connects yes or like the Technics that you can like

Make robots out of oh what was uh there was like another type of building toy where you know they had the round one wooden spools and stuff no let’s take our toys oh let’s take a choice okay no no they still sell those I love Tinker Toys

Abraham Lincoln was born in log cabin yep he was a not very rich man and he is a very tall dude or was I remember we had Lincoln Logs and um one of the Log sets was like a western-based log set so they had like

You could make an End you could even put little chimneys on the roof it was kind of cool wasn’t that Lincoln Logs yep that was the Lincoln Logs I I think Tinker Toys was my favorite because they had the wheels and um you can make like a lot of different things with it

Legos you can too but ticker toys were just on the bigger scale Foreign just like throwing dirt oh I didn’t hello hello yeah the UI uh this is not the normal texture pack that we normally use this is Jolly craft usually we use Conquest but it’s not quite all the way updated for the most recent patch so don’t know okay next so

Oh [ __ ] I’m hitting my magic tablet uh the name look feed me dirt y I’m using my my mod Powers here okay dog water he need more dirt just let me know I’ll admin command into your inventory I’ve never seen a dirt shorty before you know would you be surprised how much

Dirt we go through we go through a lot yeah dog water is dirt water but we did it now I fill in more it is the number one terraforming block okay so I made the pantheon of Gods you make a list of buildings too I’m going to hold up foreign the dirt supplier

This is still Minecraft it is still Minecraft I promise you it’s Minecraft [Laughter] honestly it’s kind of because we’re too lazy to go farm it dirt Smuggler it’s not like diamond blocks yeah so I forgive you it’s a nice path foreign yeah it looks good this is fresh dirt from the admin

Command yes fresh dirt hopefully oh man my lights are flickering I think when my light bulbs is going out oh now you’re like I know not the lights yes I like the Friars we made so far today though that’ll be good pink so we probably want to continue this foreign foreign

There we go you figure out like everything for every class or something you’re looking at it no not at all just read out to me okay so I I’ve been working on the panther of gods because all that also determines what classes we have right right because each each um

Each class is kind of like assigned to a god they they look super guidance right okay fire has no name it’s going to be a male and the classes will be Berserkers and Warriors and each uh okay each each god or goddess is in charge of three

Classes okay so the first two classes are Berserkers and Warriors for the fire ones and then they also have professions that they’re in charge of which would be and cooking okay so it’s gonna be got a fire I need a name okay time for you all to generate names for us

And then we have the goddess of water and I don’t know what classes they will be in charge of yet maybe Monk a month plus like punch punch punch punch martial arts class you know other what are these What other names well let’s list out the classes what classes do you got hold up okay so a Berserker Warrior Dolphus which is our Monk dragoons Hunter Shaman Druids clerics Knights and paladins necromancer’s assassin warlocks and then actual Guardians is its own special classic because that’s what we

Technically are Mages and Summoners it’s part right bard got Alchemist warlocks yeah we do have warlocks Rogues yes that would be assassins Hunters yep Agni ignis Pyro conflagrance Ifrit hi John hey Maggie I think that’s cool no but yeah I’m making this up on the Fly what are you talking about hermidons

Like swords people right then you have engineers isn’t that a class you mean machinist Machinist ah so the classes we have Berserker Warriors machinists so selfish swords Masters Dragon Bard Hunter shopping Druids cleric science and paladins necromancerous assassins and warlocks uh definitely oh we have barred and then Castle Guardians Mages and Summoners

They are and okay fire is Berserker Warrior machinist water is sophist which is a monk swords Masters and then I need another class for that one the third one okay then air air is uh yeah the the water God is okay water goddess got some water uh air is

Oh well tactician tactician would go petition as a class you got Summoner too yeah so I’m looking for classes that would fit well with water an air it’s a pegasus site that’d be a knight which is a subclass of warrior don’t you think Hmm a Summoner could be air or water Alchemist

Would Alchemy Alchemy is more profession I feel like what people throw potions in battle borrowed class for air yeah yeah yeah that’s what I said it’s an error what else I’m surprised you put Monk and water but I would think of the air punch the air just kidding what

Uh air air air well okay monks usually have to flow like water right yeah so they’re taught to be like occurrence and and use the enemy against them like okay well you can move on to the next uh next part okay plus buildings we’ll do current classes okay um

Or you need more uh deity ideas well we need two more classes one for water and one for air also Earth Earth is nature yes uh Rogues is dark yes then someone should oh clerics are gonna be in light gotcha um let me see who has light who has dark

I couldn’t give myself lanterns oops foreign ER Warriors and Machinist s Foreign who else do we need do you see where I have air air and water I don’t have the document open you dummy okay well we need one more class of water and air that embody the the symbols of art what about Mage where is the Mage gonna go which Mage goes in

Stars because they can depend they can be of any of the elements right so stars is the catch-all there are Summoners are and also that too yes yes I didn’t realize Stars was an element it’s not an elephant but you know what I mean just like catch-all Okay you said the the class Halls right yes the Berserkers will be outside the city in the desert words are gonna be in arenas machinists we need to figure out where artificer water genus I didn’t have to look at that though Lord class that’d be so Opie it’s like in Fire Emblem

Skilled mechanic in the armed forces I see and Magic okay the machine is that’d be the same as machinist I feel like because there we go so he rename it to artificer then we have what else do we have okay I’m looking for my classes should we make it so like flying no

That’d be a part of a night I feel like like those are flying mounts Oh am I drowning how are you drowning where are you no no I was just sitting in my boat and someone just like ran past me foreign the building Foundation just like to kind of plot out where the uh the the end to the surface of the buildings are that’s fair build limits

I see I see let me go look at Final Fantasy job classes we still have a ton of room technically if we want to spread them out a little more against dancer might be a good water one oh yeah dancer yeah we can spread out some of the

Buildings because we have this big area here too unless we wanted to make this big area of the Coliseum or something wyvern Rider hey okay also he is almost 11. oh sorry one stop here we stop here okay we’ll resume building on our off time yeah we can spread them out a little

More but then again I feel like some of the shops don’t need to be really big anyways because we kind of thought them as kind of like whole hole in the ground areas yeah thank you so much for joining us Corey yeah thank you so much

And if like if a shop needed more space we can expand to a second floor to do stuff on or also have like a underground area too it’s very bye Yuki what what happened to face the earth I just pair off the face of Earth your Boogie win

Your foodie disappeared I didn’t mean to you exit out I didn’t do anything you can still hear me right there’s no reason for my foodie to just go no you had your video did you close your video oh it went it went proof I don’t know why

Hold up I’ll just turn on your foodie sorry guys all right killmates I think we’ll go ahead and end it here for the night we made a lot of progress thank you again to everyone uh Hardware Corey unexpected lore progress too yeah lots of lore progress too so we’ll work on the

Layouts of the village more um I’ll help with the foundations and stuff again if you have any ideas for buildings or things like that do let us know um until then what shall we say see you next adventure see you next adventure yes okay all right and also we have a stream

I think Thursday right I’ll be like let me look our next stream is gonna be Thursday at 9 00 p.m EST we’re going to be playing Warhammer 40K dark tide with Ezra and gender Xander from realpore they asked us to join us join join them so

We’re happy to oblige and then Friday is more Fire Element game Fire Emblem gauge on Friday yes yes okay Bill mates um let me find someone to read while Yuki types in the chat a guild raid message for us and thank you again so much to all the

Governments who helped build this server we appreciate you and it’s so much fun World building with you guys too I enjoyed a lot I’m sorry I haven’t been able to get on as much in my free time but um you know real life Mage duties let me see there you go

There’s your message oh William documents abake Pam Athena Nightingale Prince or Frey or Mew or Sheena you want the Sheena yeah sure make sure she’s not let me let me make sure Memaw’s not ending scream otherwise I’ll be really weird you’ll be embarrassed yes I’ll be embarrassed uh don’t be embarrassed

She started 46 minutes ago so I think she was okay I think you’re fine okay all right Gomez thank you so much for joining and again if you ever wanted to join us on our mattress server any YouTube member uh only has to go into our Discord and look at the guild

Membership area and you will be able to fill out a form okay uh so see you next adventure are you ready three yep two one see you you next adventure bye Thank you [Applause]

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Community Night Let’s Go! (Yuki and Yuna | Duo Leveling) Twin Vtubers’, was uploaded by Yuki & Yuna (Duo Leveling) | Twin Vtubers on 2023-01-25 16:21:08. It has garnered 304 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:11 or 7031 seconds.

Yuki and Yuna, twin guildmater Vtubers, play on their community server with their YT members! Please become a member to join us! 🙂

#minecraft #Vtuber #ENvtuber

≪Support Atlas Guild≫ Donations: https://streamelements.com/duolevelingch/tip Throne: https://jointhrone.com/u/duoleveling

≪Tags≫ General: #duolvl Live: #duolvllive Art: #duolvlart Fan Name: Guildmates

Twitter: https://twitter.com/duoleveling Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/duoleveling

≪Guild Rules≫ – Please be kind and respectful to all users. The guild does not tolerate hate speech, sexual harassment, and bullying. – Please keep chat relative to the stream and Duo Leveling – Do not mention other Vtubers or advertise others unless we speak about them on stream. – Do not share personal information about yourself or others. – Please no personal questions! – Please no back seating unless we ask for assistance. – Please don’t ask to join the game unless we ask for volunteers. – If someone else breaks the rules: ignore them, block them, and report them! – Feel free to clip (as long as you include the link to the original stream in the video!) – Let’s complete many quests and adventures together, guildies! 🙂

≪Credits≫ Model: Yuki Astrea (design), 7blade & DH @ Mozaic Heaven Atelier (modeling/rigging) Layout: Xun @ Frayref / WonderPenguin @ Frayref BGs: RialynKV Sprites: ChartreuseProxy / Oceans_Dream Intro PV: Yvvone @ Frayref BGM: Elliot Hsu (Lost Aria Soundtrack) / LucaProject Illustrations: ARMADA_NIWAKA Minecraft skins: @FarronWasTaken

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  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyAkQ-C3xpHWICvUUIPBuXe My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. spiralgn.net Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

[Minecraft] Community Night Let’s Go! (Yuki and Yuna | Duo Leveling) Twin Vtubers