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Hey nobody’s it’s boy today man look today we are doing something extremely risky all right now so if you guys can’t tell it is currently 3 a.m hopefully you guys can see that but look now i got a really interesting comment on one of my videos now

And this comment said warning do not and i repeat do not go on the old man earl seed there’s a crazy old man there and if he finds you he will kidnap you he’s trying to protect something unknown on the world and so when i saw that comment at first i was

Like alright it’s just another comment and stuff then i thought about it i’m like all right it’s kind of weird how many likes it has and stuff and so i i said you know what we might as well test it out and stuff and see if there’s anything actually on

It if there is that’d be really scary hopefully not though but hey guys drop a like right now for good luck best of luck as you guys can see i got the world pulled up right here old man earl seed you know what i’m saying so we got ourselves no

Let’s just let’s just go with a bonus chest boom the seed right here all that we don’t have cheats on so no cheats um multiplayer is turned off and like always y’all i’m not gonna do uh i’m not gonna be do many cuts and stuff like that so you guys can tell

What’s real and everything like that man so hey you’re gonna hop straight into this bad boy all right so now that the world’s up the first thing that us no not off the back bro what the heck okay so there’s a cross off the back that’s the first thing i noticed

But like i said y’all if you guys want to you guys can try this seed for yourself but there’s the warning and all that all right so that’s the most sticks okay this starting this bonus chest had the most sticks i’ve ever seen bro where’s my food

Bro this thing ripped me off thing gave me a ton of sticks no food bro what’s wrong with this oh my gosh all right bet well first of all let’s get these fish since we’re here so we’re we gotta watch out for our old dude there’s an

Old dude in this world what what’s he gonna do read me a bad time story think i’m scared of him boy come on now like that’s come on boy you got me messed up first thing we got to do obviously first thing that we got to do straight

Up we got to get ourselves some wood you know what i’m saying so yeah here we go we’re getting some wood perfect yes sir man you know what i’m saying hey this this is going to be nice this is going to be nice ground all broke up like this

Damn we got the ground all tyson messed up all right first thing i should do is probably get a uh crafting table so that’s the first thing we should make is a crafting table and let’s get ourself a pickaxe no we have a pickaxe bro don’t want to

Make the mistake i always make we have a pickaxe from the starting chest all right our starting thing all right now we can make a pickaxe there we go now we can make an actual pickaxe so we can mine up stuff faster there we

Go and now we can get a sword as well in case old dude really is on here i’m telling you i’m not the full old man uh earl nah we got the full old man jenkins fast you can say old man jenkins man i’m just saying you’ll be like

Hey man that’s that dude oh man that’s how quick we’re gonna be folding people but i’m serious all right let me see let’s get some coal in case i gotta cook up any food or something like that so that’s always a necessity yeah we can cook up some of this uh

Cook up some of this uh fish that we got cause we got a ton of fish all right boom yeah boy this is looking solid so far this is looking solid um i’m not gonna explore the caves and stuff too much right now uh yeah yeah let’s not let’s not do that

All right here we go let’s go ahead and start moving let me uh rearrange this inventory boom there we go that’s a lot better all right here we go did i chop this that chop these trees i definitely didn’t chop wait wait what oh what’s wrong with this

These trees too are y’all seeing this oh hey snob all right look i’m in this world alone as you guys can literally see i’m in this world alone so what the okay now i’m a little bit concerned because there’s trees just chopped down in no other worlds that i’ve ever been on

Have there been like random trees chopped down like i just got the chills a little bit bro oh my gosh i don’t know if y’all can tell man i got the goosebumps all right you know screw all that squirrel that squirrel that let’s just keep it moving let’s just keep it moving

Maybe maybe i’m just exaggerating a little bit all right maybe i’m just exaggerating a little bit Did y’all see that up on that mountain okay that’s mad weird again that’s mad weird all right i’m gonna follow it though i’m gonna go in this direction maybe that’s like a sign you know what i’m saying think about like that maybe that’s maybe that’s a sign or something

All right let’s go ahead and get some more so far i haven’t seen any old man though so that’s good but there’s a ton of stuff broken over here too all right let’s break this all right all right let’s see let’s go with you sheep hey what’s good boy moving invade

Yeah i had to make sure that you ran me that fade boy run my fade all right here we go let’s get some more fish oh that’s why i had all the fish it wasn’t from the starting chest it was from uh me folding them at the beginning bro i

Forgot about that actually all right let’s also get ourselves this chest all right with this chest let’s go ahead and quickly make us a furnace you know what i’m saying it’s better safe than sorry you know what i’m saying so let’s go ahead and do this

Um i’m sure i have coal on me and let’s cook up while this cooks up let’s make two furnaces let’s do us as get as much as we can so we’re not just standing still too much because i don’t i don’t think there’s an old man on this world

But say there is i don’t want him to just be watching us that skeleton actually kind of worried me for a second because i just saw somebody moving on the world but it was just a skeleton on fire i’m like what the heck but if he’s old and he’s crazy

Wait i think the most interesting part about that comment was the fact that they said he’s guarding something let me see let me check something real quick where’s my phone at i’m sorry y’all gonna have to see this man we ain’t cutting we ain’t doing the cut all right it said uh

He’s trying to protect something unknown that’s the part that really made me interested for real it’s cause it’s like it’s like all right it’s just a crazy old man ha ha what the did i just see something i’m tripping no i’m not tripping no i’m not tripping

What the what is going on what is that okay what just happened in the world um yeah let’s keep moving let’s keep it moving bro hey let’s get our stuff and keep it moving bro because now i’m a little i just don’t know what’s going on

Now i don’t know what’s going on and i don’t like it one bit at all okay okay okay okay which way should i go i think i should keep going this way all right yeah let’s just go this way let’s hold this pig but did y’all just see the sky

There ain’t no reasonable explanation for that boy that sky started running laps started running whole laps oh there’s a fish on the ground why is there a fish on land that’s another what’s that it’s like a path wait what if there is somebody else living on this world

Let me check the world look i’m still it literally shows that i’m in this world by myself all right all right let’s go let’s go let’s go what the heck is going on all right let me run up here what is it oh is that him is that the old man

Is that the old man look at this steve it’s like a steve head on a stick oh this dude’s wild yeah there’s an old man down there i see him wait where’s he going he’s just standing there maybe he’s protecting something but he’s leaving he’s leaving

Where’d he go where’d he go i don’t want to just be straight in the path i’m gonna walk over here seems like there’s a bunch of like heads and stuff what is this no trespassing trespassing dog you’re on my world i just made this world he was on my world okay

Now i’m tripping now i’m big time tripping no trespassing dude there’s like blood and stuff yo maybe this man is psycho after all this gotta be he’s gotta be psycho oh there he goes he’s outside in front of the door he’s in front of the door

All right let me chill let me chill guarantee all the rest of science to say no trespassing so i’m just gonna i’m just gonna chill i’m i’m beside his house i got a good angle so i can see maybe if he leaves i can check the house or something

All right there we go now we got a good angle what’s he doing what’s he doing what’s he doing okay i see like there’s a little bit of armor and stuff um dude this is so there’s no windows in the back i don’t want to make too much noise i

Just heard something open wait let me see i can see his head i don’t want to get too close let me get behind this tree oh my gosh that was the back of his head whoa he almost saw him he almost saw me all right he’s chilling

Dude i don’t want to get caught he’s looking down at something there’s definitely something in there bro this is insane though there’s a ton of stuff in there all right he has like a small shack okay he’s leaving he’s leading he’s leaving is he oh he’s leaving

I don’t know if he’s gone for good if i check in here i gotta be quick and make no mistakes leave everything put let me where’d he go where’d he go dang that dude moves quick for an old man he is psycho i ain’t seen an old man’s knees work that good ever

All right so this is what he was looking up at there’s a barrel journal by earl all right what’s also in here let me see what weapon catalog blood stain removal how to preserve organs premium white t-shirts hair growth for men overalls i don’t know bro this second thing was

Looking kind of crazy bro but a weapons catalog blood stain removal and how to preserve organs all right let me read this journal i’ve spent my entire life protecting caring for you sacrificing for you it’s all been my worth it’s all been worth it you shall walk again after all these years

Nothing can stop the prophecy oh yeah there’s something he’s definitely protecting something there’s something wrong with dude what the heck what is this what the dude what is this are those like premium white teeth there he goes oh that’s the man oh that’s the man oh i can’t leave i

Can’t let me hide behind his closet oh my gosh oh my gosh hopefully he wasn’t see me maybe you won’t see me oh he just put another head on top of this steve and there’s one right here he’s looking for somebody else yo the prophecy is true

Okay i gotta figure out what to do about this bro bro i gotta get out of here oh shoot oh shoot he’s still back there he’s still back there yo yo where’s he at i don’t see him i see outside yo do i

Do i race kid do i risk it i’m doing it i’m doing i’m going i’m going i’m running i’m running i’m running oh my gosh all right you might still be here you might still be here does this just say no trust this is private property well

That’s him oh that’s him oh that’s him oh my gosh i don’t want him to see me i’m gonna swerve i’m gonna swerve out the path oh my gosh i’m breaking his trees hopefully he’s not chasing me hopefully he’s not chasing me oh shoot oh shoot i think he saw me i

Think he saw me bro bro like this man has utility like he’s trying to get a weaponry like oh hex now weaponry and all that stuff not me not today all right hopefully he doesn’t see where i’m going all right i i don’t know what i should

Do y’all wish i got an idea i got an idea i actually got an idea all right look what i’m gonna do i’m gonna kill these pigs real quick real quick not just one just one just one all right i’m going to uh i’m gonna head down in a cave

That’s what i’m gonna do i’m gonna go mining and he’s not gonna find me he’s not gonna find me in a cave all right so let’s see um yeah let’s go let’s go mining let’s go mining here we go here we go here we go i’ma just need to get

All the stuff i need all right let’s get a stone pickaxe all right now is the perfect time to make some light now we can make some light so there we go now we got some torches feeling a little bit better and safer now that i know i’m not being chased bro

That’s the scariest thing dude it’s not even chase it’s just the fact that that dude is really protecting something he’s really protecting something on the world man like i said y’all i’m gonna need y’all to hit that like button and give me all the good luck that you possibly can you

Know what i’m saying like hit that like button for good luck man i’m gonna need it i’m gonna really need it all right there we go let’s go some more perfect beautiful boom bang uh yeah there you go my guys now now we got some stuff

And we can still cook up food and everything and there’s iron behind here but talk about a score that’s a big score right there boy i call that the twofer what is a two for two for one man all right now that all that scary stuff’s out of the way i could finally

Feel the survival vibe again but it’s just kind of hard nobody bro i have beats on y’all y’all don’t understand why was that the loudest lightning i’ve ever heard in minecraft existence oh my gosh it sounded like it struck the cave like the whole cave done rumbled with that all right

Never mind i guess the creepy vibe isn’t gone bro we gotta figure out what to do i thought i heard some stephen dude that scared me for a second but we definitely gotta get geared up because dude’s more geared to me dude is definitely more geared than me

Bro like he’s got gear on gear but the cave kind of ended sure i’m gonna see if i can dig down a little bit more bro i’m gonna go down a little bit more see if there’s see if we can get another cave or something like that man all right

Because boy is not about to chase me for my life dude at least he doesn’t know where we’re at and we should be safe but this world there’s something about this world maybe that’s why maybe that’s why the whole world was spinning dawg maybe the world was spinning like that

And all that stuff because of the thing that the old man’s trying to protect you know maybe he’s crazy but maybe he’s possessed i don’t know you can never you never know with these guys man like i don’t know man there’s just something up with this there’s just something up with this

I’ll tell you what i’ll tell you what this is something that the academy got to deal with not me i gotta send sergeant on this man i gotta send sergeant on this all right let me just do a two by two dig down all right let’s just do a two

By two dig down because our best chance of hitting the cave is if we just dig straight down honestly all right oh my gosh dude even the sound of my own pickaxe breaking scared me bro that should let you know how loud my uh game sounds are bro they’re ex

They’re torching loud bro all right here we go let’s get this back let’s get this crafting table back all right yeah just stay up there that’s cool that’s cool too nah i’m gonna get it i’m gonna get it there it is all right let’s keep digging down let’s

Keep digging down i don’t think we’re gonna find anything if not i’ll just go back up i’ll just go back up but we need some type of protection because nah this ain’t it man this ain’t it all right there we go dude i’m not gonna find nothing i’m gonna hit bedrock

No diamonds just bedrock bro like this isn’t this isn’t looking too good at all all right boom straight down straight down straight down all right there we go come on can we go down a little bit lower though where is a cave at i’m about to start

Branching out i’m about to branch out yo are you serious right now like i touched bedrock i hit bedrock with no caves bro come on bro i’m going up to the surface i’m about to i’m about to see if there’s some more caves might have said there’s some more cats

Got some redstone come on dude just give it another chance for a second see if there’s something something come on come on maybe it’s this way maybe it’s this way come on show bring me the money bring me my money you know what i’m saying no all right but

No screw it screw it all right because i don’t even got any like smelted iron or nothing to like even mine this stuff even if i did find diamonds right now i couldn’t even mine it or nothing like that but yeah i guess we’re safe so that’s all that matters

That’s most important all right there we go uh-huh see anything else anything else no nothing else all right perfect let’s let’s go ahead and leave this thing let’s leave this thing let’s use our andesite to get up because we’re not going to use another side again we don’t need that

For anything and what else is a useless block i don’t got any i don’t got any useless blocks like that all right let’s get our torch back get our torch back dang how deep did i go what the heck all right dang it’s still up okay let’s

Break our torches so he doesn’t even know where we went even if he tries to come down in this mine or something he’s not gonna have any clue we’re down here that’s what we’re gonna have to do she’s smart all right move this we got that we need that uh

I’ll take the cooked food this is cooked too the food i need this in my inventory and blocks perfect all right now we should definitely be good and i don’t know what’s next i think we should find a place should we try to find a place to stay on this world or something

We should dude there’s like a ton of bass down here next up all these bats bro all over my face and stuff all right it’s night time now now’s the time to go we gotta go find something bro all right let’s see it’s a good spot to go

Is that um that a skeleton the heck wait a second is that a skeleton wait is that a scar oh that’s old man that’s all man earl oh hecks now oh no oh no no no no no okay okay okay let’s juke him out let’s jump out let’s keep him up all right

Here we go all right come on come on i gotta be quick i gotta be quick let’s hide behind this before he sees me all right all right i don’t think he saw me dude i’m moving so bad i was moving i was booking it i was booking

Oh there he is he’s lost okay wait i got to get an angle from behind here so he doesn’t see me look at him just so confused and lost he’s old bro he’s old but he’s definitely he’s break the ground what’s wrong with this dude bro

Is he leaving he’s leaving his house is over there and i’m up here at least he doesn’t bro lightning struck right where he’s at what that’s like the thing that he’s protecting all right now i’m getting scared is the thing that he’s protecting like some sort of entity

Is it like some sort of creepy thing like all right is this some sort of spirit i don’t know bro i gotta find a place to set up space man i have no clue where we can set up um maybe we should do it up on this hill

Maybe we could just do it right over here bro like right between this if we make a house and it’s not too big we can make something creative what the heck boy that thing’s fun on me but that creeper spawn on me bro come on calm down

Boy like nah he didn’t spawn next to me beside me or none of that that dude spot on me man what the heck all right i think this is going to be a good place to set up base honestly i think it’s a really good place to set a base

But let me explore my options though let me explore my options see what we got going on blah all right so i noticed this world’s like connected through big ravines and stuff like what is this what’s in here all right i’m really interested to see what’s in this little crevice right here

Nothing wait yeah there’s nothing in here all right it’s just kind of creepy that there’s somebody living in my world upon this cave is kind of like this whole upper area this of this mountain top is just kind of weird too but i oh my gosh this spot would be dope to

Build a place too huh all right guys what do you think should we set up spot right here or should we go over here because i mean if we go over there we’re at least in a closer area to um the old man’s house is the sky turning like red is the sky

Turning red What okay i’ve never seen something like that oh my gosh what little zombie villager ran up on me alright this is weird all right i don’t know about y’all but hey like i said make sure you guys hit that like button if you guys want me to keep ex like know

What to do what should i build here what should i do what should i do about this old man like what’s wrong with them let me know you guys thoughts and theories in the comment section below but yeah with that being said i think

I’m going to end it off man i’m going to leave this world but hey that’s pretty much the world’s just glitching and stuff oh yes let’s go bruh i finally got it man all right look i’ve been minding for a minute y’all but look at this you see i got the

Diamonds you see i got the books man i got the obsidian bro you know what time it is man we’ve been working on this seat man for for a second we’ve been on this world and i actually did make the house you guys didn’t think i’d do it

You think me of all people could do some stuff like this and i did man and so i looked at the comments some of you guys were super mad at me for last episode for not noticing earl in the corner or something but like dog i’m freaking out because there was bats

How was i supposed to see that but look this is where i decided to set up my nice little house man so look we got a ton of uh we got a ton of sand and stuff and we turned in the glass and stuff and there we go we got a nice

Little double bed all of that but look most importantly as you can see we got this little space right here i wanted to make an enchantment table so i could fight off earl you know what i’m saying if earl want to run up bro he finna catch these problems

He gonna run into a real savage he gonna get smacked up in the face dude earl you don’t want this smoke i’m just saying i might have ran the last time cause i was scared but look once i get this enchanted sword bro it’s wraps man it’s wrapped so i think

What we got to do i don’t want to enchant my sword right now because i could but one i want a second diamond and two i want to make sure i don’t get a level one like thing you know what i’m saying so yeah the first thing we got to do is we’ve

Got to look for books and the easiest way to find books obviously is to go to um a village so the goal is to find a village as you can see this is the little decoration i went with it’s just kind of took this place and just you know

Uh added a little bit and you’re you know not too not too special but better than my usual and so if we’re gonna be looking for a village i don’t want to go in the direction that earl’s house is i want to get as absolute far away from him as possible

So we’re actually going to go off in this direction bro so hopefully over here in this area and all that stuff we will do i saw the journal i’m like what is that journal bro it was a journal from last episode but yeah um pretty much my goal is to

Get as far away from earl’s house as possible and to get stacked bro because once i’m super stacked i’m just saying earl look at me funny he get schmidt and now i saw a bunch of comments of you guys saying some different theories about what’s the whole thing behind earl

And stuff like that like bruh we got a whole cross over here already oh hey bro the world’s doing that thing again what bro oh no bro is it did the lightning just hit this and turn into a supercharge oh no we need distance we need distance

I’m not about to get forwarded to the supercharged creeper bro what okay i just have a weird feeling about this world because wait what is all that light over there whoa there’s a ton of supercharged what that okay this world’s freaking out do you guys think that earl did

Something that he knows that somebody else is on the world now that he might have uh oh my gosh yo it just blew up their heads that that gave me super that gave me uh creeper heads because they blew up the uh their heads yeah yeah it blew up a

Supercharged i’m pretty sure that’s how you get it no if a supercharged blows up something i think you get its head i think that’s minecraft terminology but i don’t know what all this light is and this lightning with no rain bro i think what might have happened

Right is um earl might have did something once he realized somebody else was on this world um he might of the thing that he’s protecting or whatever what if they did something you know like what if something crazy just happened like because i still don’t know even what it is all right let

Me see what what the heck what is this there’s like bedrock on the surface oh my gosh i need to stay safe is that it is that a skeleton horse okay i don’t know why there’s a random skeleton horse but okay screw it screw it wait that means a

Skeleton must got hit with lightning okay all this lightning is getting mad dangerous all right i don’t know if i should be trusting a skeleton horse knowing how this world’s going but screw it there’s some more light over there hopefully there’s a village somewhere though hopefully there’s a village coming up

Man all right all this rain wait does this rain take out the fire i think all this rain is going to take out all that fire over here let me see yeah i think it took out majority of the fire bro i hate this glitch minecraft fix yourself

All right all right yeah all the fire is gone all the fire is gone it’s just lava all right here we go let me go this way man anything to do to uh defeat this dude and if you guys have any more theories and anything about oh

Oh i’m getting off that no hey snog what the heck you guys have any theories about earl or anything did you just see that what is going on trees like lighting up but not so weird like it’s like things are trying to catch on fire but it’s raining nothing can

Catch on fire all right let me uh go over here if you guys have any theories on earl or anything about this world please let me know because i’m just trying to figure out what is going on bro all right there we go let me see

Um it’s still night it’s the middle of the night um it’s the middle of the night i really need to figure out what to do oh my gosh what is this bro is it speeding up the world’s days i don’t get it i just went through three minecraft days in like 15 seconds

Like there’s a ton of fire over here too what is this man all right am i speeding through time let me know what else you guys think is going on whenever that happens too cause bro feel like i’m speeding through time all right there’s a ton of fire over here like a

Load of fire bro everything’s on fire what the heck what if at the beginning remember when i first joined there’s so many ravines it’s like there’s cuts into the world bro you know what i’m saying it’s like all the ravines remind me of like cuts into the world like someone just

A village what the what okay that’s weird that’s kind of weird all these leaves are gone okay i’m gonna follow this route i’m gonna follow this route remember at the beginning when i first joined this world and i was like yo it’s like someone was on it

Do you think it was fire maybe it was burnt down the trees were burnt down and stuff maybe they weren’t cut down i’m literally going through time right now i’m going through time i need to get to the bottom of this i need to get to the bottom of this anything over here

Just some hay i could use some i could use some hay let’s check out this village let’s check out this village i can use some hay cause that’s bread i don’t know if i just saw a block break over there but that’s kind of i definitely saw something break i

Definitely saw some break i’m not i’m not dumb i’m not dumb i just saw that what the heck okay that is mad weird that is super weird okay let me um let me um place this crafting table all right let’s get this hey make as much bread as possible

Make as much bread as humanly possible because nah bro all right one two three four bit of that four all right boom let’s get some more too let’s get some more bread you can never have too much bread huh life lessons with your boy action i’m just saying you can literally never

Have too much breath all right perfect but the best thing i’m just happy i feel like i’m safe over here i just feel like i’m safe over here because i don’t think earl can get over here why is there hey in a mushroom that is so weird

There’s a lot of weird things going on with this ce bro all right let’s go here okay okay okay um move this place this here all right there we go one two three four i’m just making sure i’m good bro i’m just making sure i’m good is there a

Ton of zombies over there is there magma blocks on the ground hold up in a black cat no that’s not a black cat that’s zombie huh these are zombie like bro magmas supercharged oh my gosh oh my gosh whoa okay okay okay okay okay buddy whoa okay okay okay buddy uh-huh okay

Uh-huh uh-huh you want to fight oh they want to fight they must want to fight uh-uh y’all done lost your mind it’s that baby zombie that’s running up though it’s that baby zombie just running up yeah run up get done smack oh yeah y’all finna get folded

Y’all gonna get hold of y’all keep playing the game keep playing the game he playing the game why are these magmas in the overworld yeah i definitely think something happened i most definitely think something happened this village is worse than anything i just need books there’s so many zombies in here

Oh i’m trying not to die bro i’m trying not to die nope nope nope let me let me sleep in one of these beds just in case i die all right boom respawn point what the what the heck pop goes the weave dude what in the world

Okay i need to get it’s got to be an entity it’s got to be something cursed or scary bro the world’s just going mad just i’m going through time i don’t know i i i can’t make a theory i can’t even make a series of what i’m going through bro

Oh my gosh why did i come back on here no sir no sir at this point i’m more paranoid than anything like i don’t even think i’m as scared i’m just paranoid because i don’t know what’s gonna happen i don’t know no arrows definitely not over here bro

There’s no way there’s no way he f there’s literally a guardian that wasn’t just a random effect that’s actually guardians there’s literal guardians flying that guardian is flying okay i’m gonna die no don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die please don’t die please don’t die oh my gosh

Oh my gosh dude uh-uh why am i fighting an elder is that an elder guardian i’m literally fighting an outer guardian in the overworld now i can’t break anything nice great where is books at did we run past books already now i’m just gonna skim through here and look for some books bro

All right is there books up here any books no bro come on dude this is so dangerous i just need to stay safe and get me uh i need to get me some books bro i promise you there’s got to be some books somewhere there’s got to be there’s no way there’s

No books was that an endermite i no questions asked no questions asked books books books books books books all right does it i unless this house has some books which i don’t think it does oh shoot i need to eat can i ride these as well

No i can’t even ride those no books i think there’s one other house up here that i didn’t check i was just looking for some books man if there’s some books in the house i’ll be super happy bro i can just give me the books and go so i

Need give me some books and dip is that a steve head on the ground no sir not me no sir not me oh my gosh all right all right all right here we go here we go let me see what that y’all wait there’s like a ladder down here yo

This might be like a secret okay there’s some signs tricked you tricked you what do you mean trick jim okay let me leave let me go ahead and leave real quick let me leave this what bro it’s like locked huh oh wait what it just turned really dark all right What whoa where the heck am i at dude oh hey snow boy dang dude i should have known bruh dude snuck up behind me said i was too late and now i’m trapped in some cage bro how am i supposed to get out of here oh my gosh

I can’t break these bars bruh where’s old man earl at yo old man earl you ugly you’re dusty yeah yes you smell bad bro uh if i saw you was behind me and didn’t get scared i would have snapped your side oh my gosh

Okay i need to find a way out of here bro like i really need to find a way out of here bro i have like no clue what to wait what is this like a crack in the oh there’s a chest over here oh snap hey what is with these pages why is

There a bunch of floating pages all right you know what screw that screw that let me switch in here prisoner 32 sword uh winning main hand 1.6 okay okay prisoner 32’s pickaxe am i prisoner 32 or something or am i tripping i feel like i’m prisoner 32. all right well that’s mad weird

Let me see can i break this oh i can break out i can break out all right all right let’s get out let’s get out of here wait yo i know this book ain’t flying towards me oh they know i don’t read oh heck it’s not uh bro you really want

To fight uh run them hands oh snap running man oh my gosh dude i’m actually getting folded by a piece of paper i never seen nothing like this in my life oh shoot bro there’s a ton of them okay okay i’m about to sneak attack boy

I’m about to sneak a fat boy hey bring it around here i promise you i got you dog bop bop oh sit down sit down i just folded the page boy what you call that that that’s what i do i turn the page on you ugly looking dude boy

Oh snap wait oh what is this over here all right oh i got oh i got some diamond leggings all right let me check around here a little bit more let me check around here a little bit more i wonder what oh there’s a helmet over here i ain’t even see this

All right give me that give me that uh-huh and while i’m at it while i’m at it uh-huh you can get some work too you can catch the work all right did it to him look at me look at me all right bop bop well i’m smacking the

Pages off this dude for real all right perfect that check back here i think i did all right is there anything else is there anything else you see there’s a hole right there that’s weird um what else what else what else uh oh wait it’s like an exit can i get up here

Oh diamond chest plate don’t mind if i do my boy all right so we’re in like a library area and there’s a bunch of pages i don’t think old man earl expected me to like escape from that cell little did he know bro there was a crack in the walls man

Sometimes i mean it’s cause he’s old bro old people don’t even be realizing what they do all right what is this oh you gotta be kidding me all this parkour oh man earl i know he didn’t hit this parkour bro i know he’s protecting something now

Because ain’t no way this dude hit this parkour bro like i’m just saying it had been an elevator or something it had been an elevator or something there we go there we go little does he know i do not and i mean i do not mess up my parkour

Jumps you know what i’m saying like a dude like me we don’t mess up parkour boom big jumps oh big jump scum oh yeah so look about that man like me don’t mess up parkour that was a joke i did that on purpose just to test y’all to see if y’all

Y’all really was uh expecting me to fail but i saw somebody in the comments said like uh actually you’re gonna fail that jump and oh man earl hit all these precisely now you know that’s cap all right but for real though for real though now i’m about to show y’all how it’s done

I’m about to show y’all how it’s done all right boom big jumps big jumps all right there it is all right right there ah bit big big big jumps big jumps big jumps all right yeah yeah yeah yeah all right and come on come on put it away put it away and boom

Easy as that all right now where are we what’s this i walked into something huh all right i gotta be out now is that a maze oh my gosh you gotta be kidding me bro all right come on back up back up nah back up sit down

Sit down all right what’s next what’s next over here oh yeah oh yeah oh shoot that man done exploded i thought that was gonna work i thought he’s gonna break open the maze somehow but i guess not oh shoot spider tried to run up on me sit down dude ugly looking spider really

Thought he was gonna do something to me the goat you thought you was gonna do something to the goat nah you got me messed up got me way mess is this is this sword better than bro this sword is worse than um the prisoner 32 sword

All right you know what let’s use this sword for now until we get like a boss or something bro and you know what i’m saying like unless we run into earl then i’ll use this but for some reason that man attacked me with some books so you never know what’s coming up oh

Snap what’s up what’s up with you what’s up with you uh back up back up dude back up dude oh my gosh i’ve unfolded this man to a new dimension and speaking of a new dimension what the heck is that okay i slayed that thing too but it seems like

We’re on a new like area ourselves bro i’m not even gonna lie to you like it just seems like we’re on like for unfamiliar grounds you know what i’m saying like my minecraft doesn’t usually look like this this is so weird bro this is so weird oh what’s up what’s up

Yeah oh wait this is the exit wait what did that say it said something on it oh uh i’m gonna need you back up i need y’all to back up both y’all both y’all uh-huh yup oh shoot we got the ankle biters we got the ankle biters

The kids not the kids not the kids all right boom i’m trying to see what this diamond said bro this diamond says something on it all right boom crit let’s go man all right here we go we got some chicken it says throw into water what water okay i gotta be escaped now

Bro another room another big old room you know what i’m gonna crack my neck and we gonna get at this thing man holy crap but there’s a ton of room i hear a ton of stuff all right let’s go in here let’s see what we got in here oh got nothing

Huh okay interesting let me see what’s in here oh shoot we got spiders oh we got spiders oh this is a nightmare oh this is a nightmare bruh oh ah ah no no no no no ah there we go there we go there we go what is this room oh shoot i

Need to see you oh my gosh what is this block i’ve never seen this before alright yo and that spider’s chilling this has got to give us some type of clues about what i i meant what what eyeless i mean what old man earl is protecting bro all right let me

What the heck i swear there was nothing in here just a second ago oh what’s good but this thing looked like an entity for a second i had to give him the biz what in the world all right let me see oh dude come on bro

This is the witch just the witch oh you don’t need backup you mess with me imma let you drink that health let you drink that hell so i can do it again get folded how you get folded twice all right there’s blood on this one that’s weird

All right let’s get out bro let me out stop playing all right i got this let’s just run through and last but not least what is that is that a teddy bear bro this teddy bear just tried to fold me what’s with the upside down crosses

Okay a bunch of weird oh oh my gosh yo yo yo what is that what’s that like flies okay okay i’m getting jumped i’m getting jumped we gotta run oh okay okay oh no no no ah you back up you ugly oh my gosh what is that it’s like a beehive of ugly

All right i folded it oh oh snap oh my gosh they’re all attacking me i got to get out of this room bro wait no let me take him down hey where’s where’s old man earl at bro where’s old man earl at ugly yeah yeah yeah you want to play me or

You want to play me sit down sit down dude all right boom boom whoo i think that takes care of those guys holy crap all right let’s go wait am i free yo i think i’m free all right dude let’s just leave this area bro what the all right that’s weird okay let’s

Leap huh all right let’s go ahead and leave bro don’t tell me i’m trapped don’t tell me i’m trapped there’s got to be a way out of here what okay i am completely trapped i can’t even lie to y’all bro what the heck okay what am i supposed to do now um

Wait what is this wait wait some water we got some water this diamond did say throw in the water you know what i’m saying all right i got a good feeling about this i got a really good feeling about this all right here we go here goes nothing all right what

Huh yo there’s like a sky cross kind of above us too all right wish me luck i’m gonna jump in here maybe this has something to do with old man earl but here goes nothing all right let me see oh whiskey what huh what the heck yo where am i at Dude you got me messed up like what is this okay so i went from the the world to getting harassed by these random things and next you know i got kidnapped by earl okay i got kidnapped by earl i gotta get kidnapped by earl

Did i say that did i just say the same thing twice i don’t know what i just said but then i had to fight all these dudes and i just jump in the portal let’s jump back all right hold up you all must not have

Heard me let’s jump back i bet you must not have heard me let me just throw a firefly in that thing okay that didn’t work either why is there fireflies what is this place okay i’m super confused on what this place is but look it never hurts to get you some of that

You know i’m saying some wood yeah let’s get some wood man you can never be too safe with a little bit of that war boy you know what i’m saying but hey i don’t get this man i don’t get this so if i next time i see a warning in my comment section

I don’t think i’m gonna do it y’all said warning next thing you know i’m in some crazy dimension where they got fireflies bro i can’t believe my eyes oh hold up what is this a crow bro you want to fight bro you want to fight let’s go let’s go then no

What’s up what’s up with you no what’s up you lucky i can’t hit you you lucky i can’t oh shoot i can’t hit him get him get him get him get bro am i harassing crows right now and squirrels all right you know what screw it bro all right there goes a cow

Matter of fact let’s get our food up let’s get our food up all right let’s go pop all right pop there we go folded dude all right uh there goes another cow over here boom uh-huh wait what the oh what the heck did this dude just twist his neck what is going on

Back up back up what is wrong with this dude hitting that like boy what you got uh no it was good that was good oh you really thought you was gonna try me sit down what did i get i got a spawn egg what you expect me to spot another cow

After that i’m gonna take him out with the sword bro okay this place is mad weird dude i can’t even hold it to y’all man like dude if i had to eat two buckets of fried chicken or be in this dimension i’d eat two buckets of fried chicken and go to sleep

But not wait yo wait wait wait wait is that earl yo i think that’s old man earl and he’s talking to somebody dude i got to get a good angle dang good thing i got these trees all right look now they can’t even notice me what is that wait he’s saying something

He’s saying something he said my plan is to nearly complete bringing him into this dimension was the final step it’s nearly complete bringing him into the mission nothing can stop his return now boy earl your chin big hey i don’t know if y’all notice this about earl but

Is earl rocking him then brown reeboks oh my gosh dude world earl is out here rocking reeboks and i trusted him this is my mistake from the beginning when i saw him i should have known okay let me try to follow him i think he went somewhere out here

All right let me see all right earl and who was that dude he was talking to me oh what the oh dang this dude is smack the life out me hold up hold up oh my gosh oh my gosh where am i sword at where my sword at

All right there’s my sword i got my diamond sword i still got prisoner 32 sword i don’t even know what eddie oh snap bro stop man dude i’m getting harassed bro i’m finna die i got three and a half hearts no food man oh my god no i got some chicken hold up

I’m about to eat this chicken oh shoot there you go there you go i gotta get my hearts up before i try to fight them oh now my hearts is up hey what’s good ugly looking dude what is this uh a cow on the head head on the body

Well i folded him oh what the naga what is a naga wait what is that is that a snake oh my gosh yo yo uh uh you got me messed up bro i gotta get out of here uh screw that screw that oh oh my gosh oh my come on naka what’s

Good with you what’s good with you boy what’s good with your boy oh shoot he breaking the walls what’s good knock it what’s good knock it get folded oh snap bruh i ain’t my sword bro oh my sword bro my sword broke my sword bro all right i’m getting harassed i’m

Getting folded i’m getting folded i gotta eat this dude all right i think this is an exit right here no no i’m not about to walk around having oh yo what is this yo chill chill chill bruh chill bruh all right all right what’s good oh snap what’s good naga

What’s good naga get folded your big ol snake your ugly looking snake oh my gosh all right let’s eat this food let’s eat the food eat this food oh my gosh dude dude you don’t want no smoke you don’t want no smoke you don’t want no smoke what’s good dang

What a smack me to jupiter back what’s good with you hey hey hey hey hey everybody know i’m about to fold you everybody know that everybody know that one more hit one more hit where you going yeah tried to run away from me is that a warthog what

That might be the ugliest thing i’ve seen in my life let’s vote it fold it i don’t know i i’m just trying to figure out what earl is on bro what is that is that a purple sheep is that a deer is that a what is that

Boy you got a big old nose hey who you running up on oh hey who did you running up on like he won’t catch the hand huh oh you might be confused you might be confused on who i am you might be confused on who i am oh

Whoever told him to run up first of all they got to tell him to fix his nose boy knows all along bro nose looking like i don’t know bruh but look all i know is dang all this stuff in my inventory i got a naga trophy i’ma hang that up

When i get out of this dimension man i’ll tell you that much man i’m finna hang it up all right let me see all right let me see what y’all got going on over here yeah what’s good dude you wanna attack me that’s a ram

That wasn’t no sheep that was a dang ram all right oh oh snap what is this did this dude just look at me and say ha ha ha ha brush it down bruh if you’re gonna run up on me at least do better than that oh big nose what i tell you

What i tell your cousin big no sit down come on bro hey what’s good with you you ain’t even bothering me but you just ugly bruh sit down sit down sit down uh-uh sit down nothing’s funny but you laughing at like that boy you really think you got some jokes man

You were what is this what type of bootlegs silverfish is this hey sit down oh they’re kind of hard to hit oh shoot i thought i wouldn’t hit him oh shoot what’s good come on two hits two hits that’s it two come on sit down yeah boy yeah boy i think

Earl might have went up here all right let me uh exterminate these pests real quick and sit down hey sit down yeah oh shoot another one come on big nose would i tell your other cousins you should know better by now come on now come on now big nose

Now all these squidwards running up on me man y’all should know better come on now sit them down y’all got nothing on me but dude what was old man earl talking about yeah and my plan’s coming all along and uh What is this is this tower protected by some secret technology i ain’t never seen some stuff like this in my life bro we got a gas up there too bro fire at me and see what happens fire at me and see what happens come on do it fire me i’m gonna fire back

Do it oh there it goes big nose big nose what you doing up here you trying to protect earl you’re gonna need er gonna need better protection and big nose man come on talk about my my world is almost complete i just gotta drag him in here all right what’s up here

Let me see oh what the oh man earl what earl what’s up dude i’m really about to fold you bro hey you are too late too late you too old how you gonna try to roast me look at this look at all that look what’s on your feet read box come on bro

The sacrifice is being made what oh bro did you just catch yourself on fire hey old man earl look there’ll be better days out there you ain’t even dead talking about some sacrifice man i really should fold you myself but you know what you know i think i’m about to fold him

Myself oh shoot what the yo i didn’t hit that man any wait what did i see i can’t see that what the 80 32 oh no boy entity 32 i’m gone man oh oh it’s still there oh my gosh boy just looking scary is it gonna move hold up bro oh shoot

It’s moving oh i’m about to fold him i’m like oh i can’t even hit him what is that hey what the heck is that it’s yo it just got sucked up in some portal dog what it was like right over here what okay bro now i’m there goes again what the hey bruh

What up um i need a second to process what is going on oh no that might mean something’s coming in that might mean something else coming in yo do y’all hear the ominence in this place i feel like if i say something it’s gonna say something i thought that was something moving

Bro what the heck all right i don’t know where we’re at y’all but dude this place is crazy where’s entity 32 what is entity 32 is the real question what the okay all right i’m finna explore this place a little is that a bug yo that bug was invisible

Okay i do not feel safe here at all i’m just gonna watch my i’m gonna watch my back everywhere i go in this place whoa whoa what the hey what is that dude uh yo you run over here you getting voted dude i don’t know why you running up like that

Oh yeah all that running up you can’t even get a hit in why did they run up on the goat why did they do this to himself they know they catching their hands nobody want these hands man i’m just saying bro these hands be mad furious boy

I’m just saying man you run up on action you get folded like a book like a beach towel dude this atmosphere is wild to me bro i’ve never seen a place like this ever before not minecraft not in nowhere okay let me see what else what do we got around this boy

Dude when there’s lightning you hear like this zuzu sound and then like wait what is that i’m hearing i’m hearing something wait there goes a chest right here oh what the oh what the heck boy invisible boat mobile just pulled up on me no what’s good oh dude i got invisible

People oh my gosh oh my gosh um no you don’t want that smoke just cause you big on me you can fight just cause you big on me you can fight oh my gosh i’m getting folded i’m getting folded all right all right all right

Dad sit him down sit him down boy shoo do i got no more food on me uh shoot these potatoes gonna have to do man i’m eating raw potato do y’all hear that every time i eat some what’s in this chest oh what is this eight attack damage

That all right but screw it it burns the targets let’s use it oh my gosh whoa oh my gosh boy why is he pulling up oh my gosh i need to eat these potatoes or i’m gonna die i need to eat potato which way was i

Going i need to go this way i need to go this way but yeah the atmosphere in this place is wild as heck man oh my gosh all right man let’s keep it going like what is going on oh there goes some more there are some more enderman’s in this

Location i’d expect it dude but yeah every time it’s lightning like this the sky turns a different color all right let’s eat this yo he walking fast hey bro he pulling up dude like i own some much money man i don’t know you nothing i don’t know you dog you don’t know me

Like that back up dude i’m just saying man somebody better tell him wait so is old man earl going for good like that’s a genuine question do you hear that enderman like his stuff is echoing but is old man did old man earl just sacrifice himself

To bring back i get it i get it now there goes more of those i guess y’all i don’t know man it might be minotaurs but so my guess is that entity 32 is what um that’s what what’s it called was trying to protect that’s what earl was trying to sum it

Back man i knew i should have went on the seat bro due to me going on the scene i summoned i let that summoning happen y’all bro when you see somebody tell you don’t go on a seat bro don’t do it you know what i’m saying easy as that bro simple as that

All right let’s go let’s fold them let’s go sit down dude let me see more chest a block and chain when in main hit ten attack damage hold up don’t mind if i do and then we got some food oh my gosh thank you this is called some

Meat steak i don’t know what a meat is but look let’s see if it’s delicious but that sound that tastes smackable i ain’t gonna lie to you we got ourselves some parkour man what y’all know about this which i know about parkour parkour why the block see-through i know

I can see through that block like look at this i can see the ground through this block so weird all right where to next man oh the colors changed but yeah if y’all have any theories on old man earl and entity 32 please let me know because what the heck man

I’ll be interested no matter what you guys say let’s figure out where i should go let’s go up here let me check let me check all right it’s kind of like there’s this path i think i’m gonna follow it i think i’m gonna follow it there’s all this dust in

The air man boy what if i cough up all the dust you ain’t thinking about me anything about me or nothing how i feel man i’m just saying oh my gosh was it this bush all right i took care of that it’s called a tall lemon bush lemon but that ain’t no lemon

Okay where to where to i heard i heard some bones it’s got to be a skeleton oh snap whoa what they shooting hey what’s your shoe uh uh oh y’all getting quoted oh you’re okay okay they bout to take me out uh no not me not me no no sir no sir

I’m gonna play this smart i ain’t dying all right y’all gonna have to chase me you’re gonna have to chase me bro do something do something pull up pull up then pull it in all right keep going keep going yes sir yes sir oh look i’m too smart i’m too smart for you

Oh yeah come around this corner you get folded come around this corner get folded i need to eat i need to eat come on come on bro come on die sit him down sit him down let’s go who else you know smart as me i held it down oh my gosh

I just got harassed by some buy some skeletons holding a stick man and they was doing magic oh shoot hold up oh there goes another chest let’s go i got a tribo what is this a tribal i’m playing a tri-bow what does it mean like nice try i got some torchberries too

I screw it i’m trying to eat the rest of this steak man i don’t even know where to go i think i’m gonna go this way man i’m gonna go this way check this out or maybe this is just a random log let me go back let me go back

All right i just want to make sure i just want to make sure if there’s any clues or anything like that i need to follow the clues all right let me go this way for a second man you know i’m saying it ain’t never hurt oh my gosh i’m

Getting hurt speaking of hurt i’m actually out here physically getting hurt man you know what i’m saying all right here we go here we go run over here all right bro dude look you can see like uh my sword it has like attack damage at the on the top right that’s

Sick what is that is that a moose this is a random moose yo what up moose what’s good with it my boy oh shoot why am i why am i beating him up man because he owe me some money you know what i’m saying y’all ain’t

Never been oh some money in your life before i’m just saying man somebody owe you some money take them out man word to the wise that’s your boy action all right yo there goes another one of those things down here bro i’m about to fold this dude i’m about to fold it to

Do quicker than you can say i don’t even know y’all i didn’t oh my gosh boy just pulled up on me again all right oh snap do you really want to run up on me you really really want to run up on me man you really want to run up on me boy

Sit down sit him down what’s this what this dude can get folded too oh snap you two what are these gummy bears let me see got some yeti oh shoot oh shoot oh snap all right it’s time to use what we paid for trying to use what we paid for we can

Pay for that’s what a tribal is it shoots three bows i’m in arrows all right boom here we go let’s shoot it shoot him get him down get folded get folded boy get folded yes sir yes sir come on who next who next man you next sit him down okay okay okay

I’m not getting attacked by no gummy bears and losing come on bro you got me messed up all right sit him down sit him down let’s go baby all right perfect oh there goes another one of these dudes come on now dog y’all y’all must not understand i got that tribal equipped

I got that thing equipped on me bop yeah sit him down okay i noticed this a second ago there’s like this little castle really interesting bro oh snap bro y’all want to run up and get folded too maybe this is where entity 32 is at maybe this is his dimension you know

What i’m saying it might be entity 32’s own dimension and he brought me here oh my gosh and dude brought me here just because hold up bruh is that an alpha yeti he looked like he just came in the dimension too oh no boy no you must not understand man okay

Okay boy this dude this dude got me lagged oh no boy we finna take him out get him out of here man what’s good with it boy uh oh no you want to cause problems come over here come over wait hold up they won’t let me oh yeah let’s go may lay there

May lay it in cassie swords okay okay let me eat this steak oh it’s playing let me eat this steak what you throwing a bit for what you want to get an xbox you wanted a ps4 or something oh my gosh dude i’m lagging so hard bro

Wait i should be using the uh the block and chain oh i can throw that i can throw that blocking chain okay there we go there we go now we’re doing damage and with a block and chain boy i’m out of food all right hit him with a block and chain

Come on there it is come on there it is come on there he goes come on get him out of here get him going get him going bruh stop hitting me man you’re mad ugly all right let’s see if i can back away and eat something

All right i got some wait is he dead is he dead oh let’s go i did that oh me so easy come on bruh what do you drop what do you drop what do you drop let me see alpha yeti fur all right let’s get away from here i think that’s lava

The way it’s flowing slow i think that is lava no lie all right let’s get up to this castle maybe uh maybe entity 32 is up here bro like i’m just saying man oh dude there’s lava beneath me if i mess up that jump it would have been big time rap but you

Know me oh i didn’t put on the yeti armor i’m so dumb bro all right let’s let’s let’s use the yeti armor let’s use the yeti armor bow boom um where’s the rest of it oh there goes the helmet did i get boots i probably left him in

That chest back there knowing me man knowing me oh shoot all right can i crouch over these i can’t dude look at me i’m one with the yetis i’m one with the yetis bruh all right here we go here we go let’s get up here

And i promise you if this is uh this is um what’s it called entity 32’s like land or something man he getting foley bro run up on me you getting folded boy all right here we go bro holy crap hey i gotta find entity 32 and put a stop to this man bro

They got me out here fighting yetis all right this castle right here i know this got to be his castle what is that hey bro hey you get too close to me i’ma fold you bruh no hey bro i didn’t warned you i didn’t warn you bro with your high pitched

Voice man give me your boots i needed some boots anyways bruh perfect shoot what is that laughing who was laughing like that that’s the most hideous laugh boy said he he bro run up get done oh get folded oh shoot okay never mind never mind it’s cool

It’s cool it’s cool it’s cool it’s cool come on come on bop bank come on and yeah yeah yeah man had to sit these boys down all right so i don’t know how to get in do i just walk into this no i don’t all right well i gotta find a way in

There oh wait i can just climb up dang that just one punch that dude hold up i need that beef hold on i’ll take that food is food hold up bro hey you got some good food on your bottom yeah boy and that’s how you get food in 2020

What y’all know about a fiery sword bro uh i i boom boom all right here we go there goes another cow bob sit him down sit him down nah bro don’t run in there what did i do ran to the water like he knew what he was doing

All right i don’t know what i got to do all i know is if anybody try me anybody try me they getting folded bro they getting folded all right here we go so we got a bunch of different layers to this castle how do i go

All right i don’t know how to get inside or in to this place so i can fold these dudes but let me see ain’t nothing up here all right nothing yeah i’m not seeing anything over here all right maybe i gotta switch side maybe i gotta go to the other side y’all

Know what i’m saying all i know is once i find these dudes i’m finna fold these dudes bruh y’all know the drill y’all know the drill maybe i just gotta uh maybe i’ll go inside here all right boom see now i don’t did that not under that and go in here

Bro i don’t know what i am doing at all honestly y’all i think i just trapped myself in here hold up all right man they got me messed up with this place boy i’ll tell you that much all right oh snap what is this is this the top of the castle

Oh snap i know you see that jelly bean looking dude right over there and oh we got all the flavors of the jelly bean what we got cool blue man if you get your long uh nah nah bruh run it at me like that i’ma have to fold it bro

Uh i’ma have to fold him bro i don’t care what he is what he did to nobody uh sit down sit he lucky is folded i wasn’t even done with him to be honest with you all right we got some arrows oh who was that screaming like this boy what is that

Cousin uh boy you scream like you hurt boy all right no no no your cousin can get it too yeah you just saw me fold your homie what you gonna do about it what you gonna do about it uh uh uh uh hey why do i got a sword of fire and

Every time i hit them they turn the ice bruh he’s a bunch of ice monsters what is enemy 32 bro does he work with ice like i’m saying i got no okay what was that okay okay okay okay nah bruh look at him he’s running he’s running you scared

You scared boy you scared boy yep all right what is this i don’t even know what that is what type of dinosaur rejected you bro oh snap oh something blew up all right what the Whoa okay i’m in some other area okay what is this it’s like a giant book all right that’s weird oh what the i don’t know about y’all but they look like there’s some hungry dogs right there hey bro oh snap hey uh hey bro i need you to back up like five feet

Oh my gosh oh my gosh no wait is that my yeti armor i think my yeti armor so strong if they hit me they freeze bruh oh hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up you don’t need hey hey these dogs kind of vicious bro

Hey get your dog boy oh my gosh they got me burning up a storm in this thing man wait hold up yeti armor blah blah blah blah blah okay okay wait are these dogs fighting each other bro you see the way that you ran at me yes sir i folded them dogs all

Right let me check if there anything else up here bro let me see nothing else up in this thing all right well we folded them who next to get voted man who is next bro i can do this with no effort my guy you know what i’m saying let’s see what next

Oh snap we got a ton of paintings in this bad boy all right yes sir oh snap is that a floating meatball i know y’all see this dude i know y’all see bop hit him with a block and chain bop bang oh my gosh look how strong that block and chain is

All right i don’t even know if i’m hitting whoa what’s that oh my gosh hey calm down bruh i don’t even know what you’re saying to me no more all right look at that look at that immaculate aim what the dude i’m scared bro hey oh my gosh

What i don’t know what he’s saying but i’m about to die bro i don’t got no food i’m gonna die i’m finna die i’m gonna hide out here for a second nah bro we eating all the raw food i got i don’t know what that dude is saying

But it sounds like he cussing y’all in a different language bro i don’t like it that’s all i’m gonna say let’s get my tribal back oh my gosh okay okay okay okay okay okay just dodge him dodge him dodge him come on no no no stop moving stop moving

Boy he’s doing poison attacks oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s two of them there’s two of them oh let’s go i didn’t knock one out i didn’t knock the other one through a wall all right uh huh yup and bob come on come on come on

Dang bruh this blocking chain so strong all right all right all right let’s go out let’s go out and fold them oh dude moving keep moving keep moving don’t let him get you don’t let him get you oh he doesn’t got me bro he doesn’t got me oh my gosh oh my gosh

Okay okay okay it doesn’t reach that far oh my he does though boy trying to hold me for life man all right all right oh my gosh i can’t see him he’s moving too fast dude what is that like a poison acid blossom i did it

Oh my gosh i folded that dude oh my goodness dude almost died i ain’t gonna i ain’t gonna lie to y’all wait is that a stash of armor hold up hold up hold up hold up don’t mind if i do don’t mind dude i still have uh prisoners

Prisoner 32’s pickaxe wait a minute y’all if i put two and two together correctly i got a prisoners like you know i got like a prisoners what’s it called pickaxe i’m pretty sure i had a sword and i was locked in the prisoner 32 cell now i think about it nnd

32 is coincidentally like the same numbers as you know like prisoner 32 so do you think there’s any type of connection shoot am i connected to dude i’m just saying hold up i don’t oh oh snap uh speaking of it hey my god you don’t

You know what do i do it to him i’m about to fold this dude all right what’s good man what’s good man wait dang i didn’t do this man throw he said you will pay for crossing it to my room nah man you bout to pay nah bro hey back up

Back up off me back above me yo this man hey bro dude dude he can’t stop me he can’t stop me dude i got a blocking chain bro oh come on can’t miss with this can’t miss now all make all the hits matter hey i don’t know why old man earl

Summoned you but i’m really finna put it into you dude yeah yeah get your stupid looking self down here man i promise all right yo he’s scared yo oh snap uh-uh no i’m gonna need you to back up i’m gonna need you to back up look at

That look at that i’m folding him he can’t stop wait what the oh nah bop oh wait dude i can’t hit him no more i can’t hit him no more hey hold up bro oh my blocking chain about to die oh hey bro back up oh my gosh

He’s chasing me oh he’s chasing oh he’s chasing uh-uh yo oh nah bro i’m literally look how high up i am oh my gosh no no no no hey bruh if you know what’s good what what is that oh my gosh break his armor break his armor break his armor oh yo bro

What the heck where am i what the oh heck snog wait where am i at bro oh my is that a whale boy i see a flying whale i think i’m in heaven i think i think i’m in heaven but entity 32 unfolded me and now i think

Oh this is what afterlife’s like kind of crazy still look like minecraft hold up let me get e3’s you never know man may maybe i can build like all the way up and and maybe i can get back to the world or something like that you never know

Uh okay let’s go ahead and get this you know saying man pop uh sky root log okay that’s new to me it’s completely different but okay okay okay look at this i’m already getting trees hey just in case you never know maybe up here i still gotta fold somebody bruh

You know what i’m saying hey what if uh what if entity 32 does pop up here man you know we getting slapped let me see what’s in his chest holy sword okay when in main hand 1.6 uh attack speed and seven attack damage so that’s like what a diamond sword

Wait what did i just grab a neptune chest plate what is this all right let me see body armor toughness all right cook suaves slice i don’t even know what that is is that like clam got to be something like clam what are these you some flowers oh they are purple flower

Oh look at these they give you apples what the these things give us uh blueberry what is this ah get away from me get away with me get away from me ugly ugly whoo that bird almost ate me boy you know what i’m saying almost got ate by a bird i ain’t never

Heard of something like this you know what i’m saying all right here we go let’s go ahead and go over here i guess some more berries bro what did i tell your friend what did i say your friend what did i say your friend get away from me get away from me

Bro get away from me damn what is that is this a is this a cow that died is this what happens to burgers y’all hey this is why you should not eat hamburgers bro oh hey you still drop more burgers ah yes sir all right perfect let’s go ahead and go

This way man you know what i’m saying and what is this it spawned me with the golden parachute do i wait there’s a dude down there yo there’s actually somebody down here all right let me see how this works let me just jump oh wait what the is that chess with a mouth

Open elder all right let me talk to this elder hey yo elder what’s good my hey why these chests start running at me like that hold up now hold up now hey bro can i check inside of him oh my gosh but he’s oh he bit me he bit me what’s

Wrong with him bro i’ve never seen this these minecraft chests really trying to eat me get on my face get on my face get on my oh my gosh oh my gosh all right pop uh-huh huh pop all right pop uh-huh dude i closed the chest on him

Look at that baby look at that my boy look at this i just saved a lot oh thanks for saving me you boy man that ain’t no problem you already know how you know my name who are you how you gonna ask who i am but you know my name

I’m your boy action i died to entity 32 you know what i’m saying let me check that check we got the rest of that neptune set but now i’m your boy action i’m that dude i died to entity 32 and i’m looking for a way back hero if

You wish to return to the normal world uh-huh continue to sense you must complete the trial of the valkyrie what’s the trial about great to look like one of them things over there but who sent you to this dimension boy do you got dementia the first thing i said was entity 32 ah

Him what you know him or something well upon completing the trial of valkyrie you shall be given a weapon the heck did i just hear oh shoot that thing throwing snowballs at me bro i’m scared i wish i had somebody to save me good luck hero what i’m supposed to really save them

Good luck okay you’re no help bro this dude is no help at all all right man so now i gotta go to the trial of the valkyrie maybe if i get hit by this dude it might take me to the uh trial of the valkyr oh

Bro i think i got hit by that snowman ow what the the heck almost died is this how the valkyrie like treating the young handsome uh young fella come on bro dang got me messed up let me eat one of them cooked solvent slices this place got a ton of chests let me

See valkyrie boots is that better than these uh about the same thing i use the valkyrie boots they’re gold they look better you know what i’m saying all right let’s see what we got here we got some golden darts okay i’m gonna check all these rooms then check all these rooms

Oh we got a valkyrie chest plate i don’t even care if it’s better or not they’re like the same but look this looks better i’m just saying nobody want to walk around looking like a blueberry poison dart okay and some toys torches what’s up girl how’s it going okay that’s weird is that

The valkyrie all right we got some more torches and a golden dark shooter now we can shoot our darts okay bet i’m about to say hey what happens if i shoot oops hey girl i was not shooting at you truck all right good ow what the heck you just hit me ow

Bro she’s really hitting me bro whoa chill chill oh my gosh all right i got this i got this i’m about to fold this girl look she ain’t never played ring around the rosie with a champ sit down dang only reason i hit her is because i

Shot at her and she deflected it and hit me all right dang all right let’s see where to go another one of them girls ah you’re it duck duck goose oh shoot she running around with a stick she run around with a stick pop yeah get folded get folded what you know about

This what you know about that dude action all right let’s check the second floor see if there’s anything up here what the yo whoa whoa whoa whoa that chest was like a fake hey back up girl back up girl what the yo i just got faked out by a chest and he started

Getting hungry what is this hungry hungry hippos with a chest oh what’s good with you what’d i tell you what i tell these girls man i said no back up got the leggings of the valkyrie dude i’m coming one with the valkyrie at this point i got some more torches

And another golden dark shooter i bet look at me i’m just out there uh-huh some more torches and a sky root poison bucket what in the world is a sky rule poison bucket never in my life have i heard of a sky root poison bucket but anyways let’s go let’s go ahead and

Get it let’s go ahead and get out i just fell down the stairs and my pinky toe hurts all right boom man what did i just get faked out by two chests come on bro hey and y’all got folded quicker than i can fold my clothes we got that helmet nine gapples

Oh hammer of notch whoa oh nine attack damage we using that well i got the hammer of notch anybody run up on me they’re getting some socks you know what i’m saying oh speaking of socks wait hold up but damn i don’t know if that helped to hurt me bro because that

That was not doing as much damage as i thought it would huh kind of hammer of notch cooldown i just throw the okay well that’s dope let me see i just do the whole hammer i got a pickaxe too okay okay okay oh snap again

Again ooh get hit with a hammer get hit with a hammer he don’t know what to do that man frozen that man frozen he don’t know what to do oh yeah bro oh yeah dude anybody that pulls up on me can get it like you like you you really thought you

Wasn’t gonna get it i just got done saying you can get it are you done here we go what’s over here i get this i did let’s go down here then let’s go ahead go down is this going to lead us back to the start hey i completed the trial of the valkyrie

Is that yo yo guys is that old man earl y’all think he’s still evil cause i can’t run up and throw this hammer out should i try to talk to him all right hey old man earl what’s good man i got a dark shooter not afraid to use it

Your boy action what’s up earl hey don’t don’t try to be on some friendly stuff cause i’m just saying i’m sorry for what all i’ve done i just said don’t be on no friendly forgive me please no why should i forgive you i was wrong to bring him back

Who entity32 nah you was messed up in the head bro you didn’t you did all these all these rituals and stuff i know that now yeah i hope you know that’s messed up boy you got me killed look at me now now i’m in the dang heaven i don’t know

Where i’m at like what am i supposed to do about this you must return and destroy him hey wait hold up you know how to return i don’t know if they let your old self back but look they let a young man like me go back you know what i’m saying

So uh just tell me where to go i destroyed i destroyed entity 32 yes trust me my son must never step son is anybody else as confused as i am what do you talk about son son that thing was an entity don’t tell me that’s the way back is that the way back

I don’t missed it yo that’s the way back uh i don’t i don’t oh okay here we go what the heck oh where did it take me oh shoot well we got cows running up why is this world so messed up oh boy i’m about to get folded by some cows

Y’all ain’t never seen a man get folded by no cows bro but i’m back i’m literally back holy crap all right here we go pop oh look at my hammer dude why these cows going crazy cow is going mad okay now that i’m back where the heck

Is entity 32 because i’m just saying i ain’t done with you you know what i’m saying i got a bone to pick with this dude the world’s all corrupted and everything’s just messed up and stuff like that okay this is crazy this is absolutely crazy hi where’s my boy at

My boy yo entity wait i see a rift there’s a rift open in the middle if i go to that let me see do you guys see that up there way in the sky what the do i go in this rift i’m not gonna go on

The rift i’m not gonna go on the roof what in the world oh my god oh snap oh snap we got the wizard we got the with it oh my gosh what’s about to take me out quicker i can say take out and i ain’t talking about the food all right okay

How am i supposed to take this man out with a dart shooter oh shoot dude i’m out of darts i’m out of darts dude the wither has no damage on it don’t you do that’s a little op oh snap dude i can’t hit him i don’t got nothing with long range

I don’t got nothing with long wait are you serious right now are you serious i’m just going to get well done by this whip really what bro you got me messed up threefold types of messed up oh my gosh dude this ain’t doing no damage oh dang

Bro where that weather out i’m finna get oh my goodness is that me is that a giant me oh no you about to get folded you bout to get folded too uh huh what’s good with you boy what’s good with you boy oh yeah boom boom pop let’s go i just got a

Giant pickaxe giants pickaxe oh my gosh yo is that me again oh my gosh it’s me again but with some armor i ain’t never been scared of me i ain’t hey run up and get folded run up and get folded yeah i got better armor than you boy i got

Better armor than you boy oh look at that i’m taking them out let me use this giant sword right boom 12 attack damage and now let me take out this entity hey yo entity 32 what’s good man you about to get slain you watch what’s good oh dude

Oh i’m taking all his shields oh yeah you can’t one punch me now you can’t one punch me now wait dude i need a stab bro this staff gives him like a ton of extra stuff okay is he doing damage oh i got him oh i got him he’s done for

It he’s done for him uh-huh but i gotta let it load up i gotta let a little take it oh what the heck i just killed him i just killed him oh my gosh oh my gosh i just did that hey old man earl you see that old man earl

Dang i don’t think he’s coming back y’all i don’t know if anybody coming back hey i don’t know about y’all but i just slayed that dude now i don’t know about the rest of this world this world’s super messed up wait there’s a rift over here maybe earl came out of here

You see earl hey maybe dude at this rift hey yo earl oh man yo he is yo earl i just did that my guy you need this what you mean i need this he will keep coming back what well if you don’t give me it

Uh it’s one hit be smart all right bet hand it over did he send it was it the glass sword 40 attack damage i can’t see i can’t see oh i can’t see i hear a rift i hear a rift i think somebody’s coming oh shoot is that him i don’t think

That’s him that’s not him that’s not him all right they said i only got one hit with this thing said i only got one hit so i got to be smart oh there he is there he is hey what’s good my boy all right here it is here it is entity 32

You’re done for bob oh shoot bop one hit wonder in the building sit down it’s the second time i had to fold this dude yo earl where you at i did it earl hello hey i don’t know about y’all but i’m keeping this giant sword boy

Look now i think i really got him i don’t know about y’all but earl and entity 32 and everything that just happened we ain’t going to talk about this to nobody we going to go ahead and leave we’re going to talk about this with nobody but hey i hope you all enjoyed

The video make sure to hit that like button thumbs up um subscribe for more videos and stuff like that but this i’m off this world bro i’m off this world but what am i gonna do my world’s really corrupted like there’s nothing i can do here so

Yeah y’all looks like it’s in the end of this one make sure you guys check out the whole series links in the description below yeah man that’s pretty much it for me hope you all enjoy peace bye-bye and subscribe your boy try to run up on me know your gainers

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT CURSED SEED: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2020-08-04 23:13:55. It has garnered 992876 views and 28357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:17 or 5477 seconds.


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  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

    Unlock secrets on Rank SMP - New #1 Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Big Server! | Rank SMP’, was uploaded by Rank SMP on 2024-09-01 19:10:20. It has garnered 111 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. JOIN RIGHT NEOW (link in comments for now) #strengthsmp #lifestealsmp #clownpierce Words for the algorithm, ignore. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-14 20:00:27. It has garnered 18253 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds. How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► http://youtube.xrohat.de/ Highlights ► http://highlights.xrohat.de/ VODs ► http://vod.xrohat.de/ Instagram ► http://instagram.xrohat.de/ Discord ► http://discord.xrohat.de/ Twitter ► http://twitter.xrohat.de/ TikTok ► http://tiktok.xrohat.de/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bluey’s Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11

    Unbelievable! Bluey's Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey Plays Minecraft 11’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-08-08 09:00:07. It has garnered 1173 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:34 or 3634 seconds. Bluey Plays Minecraft 11. Bluey, Bingo, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! The “Bluey Play” channel is not related to the official Bluey Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!

    DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Epic fight RPG mod /best mod/@DREAMISGAME’, was uploaded by DREAM IS GAME on 2024-09-15 05:54:41. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. Tags:- quota movement, quota, quota andolon, quota protest, quota news, quota andolon 2024, mugdho, quota news today, quota reform movement, anti quota movement, mir mogdho, mir mugdho, bangladesh quota movement, quota reform movement in bangladesh, bangladesh job quotas, anti quota protests, mugdho bup, mogdho, quota reform, quota movement bangladesh, quota reform movement 2024, bangladesh job quota protest, mir mugdho news, mir… Read More

  • Galactic Network

    Galactic NetworkWelcome! So we tried to make it most lower ping server if you want you can invite your friends too and play with them and we try our best to make this server best and lagg free and in future we will add more things in our server so for more updates join our dc server. Thanks you galactic.s2.cbu.net:19018 Read More

  • MegatronCraft SMP Vanilla Whitelisted Survival 1.21

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! Join our close-knit, welcoming community on our vanilla survival server running Minecraft 1.21. Contribute to our new world and help shape our shared story with your impressive builds, redstone contraptions, and exploration. What We’re Seeking We’re looking for dedicated players who thrive in a lasting community. Whether you’re a redstone master, creative builder, or enjoy survival gameplay, come join us in crafting something remarkable. How to Join Apply through our Discord server at https://discord.gg/mnYb4XCE2y to become a part of our community. Chat with us, stay updated on server events, and let’s build something amazing… Read More

  • The server is under maintenance

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP mob vote outrage

    Looks like the mobs are the real winners in this election – they’ve got a score of 176! Read More

  • Mob Height Battle Royale #lit #minecraft #meme

    Mob Height Battle Royale #lit #minecraft #meme “Who knew that in Minecraft, your height could determine your fate in a mob test? Looks like being short has its advantages…or disadvantages!” Read More

  • Bedwars Shenanigans with Freko

    Bedwars Shenanigans with Freko Minecraft Bedwars: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Bedwars! Join the action-packed gameplay where players compete to destroy each other’s beds while defending their own. With the server IP mc.vimemc.ru, you can dive into this thrilling game mode and test your skills against other players. Join the Best Group For the ultimate Bedwars experience, join the best group on Discord. Connect with like-minded players, strategize, and dominate the battlefield together. Don’t miss out on the fun – join the group today! Join the Discord group Explore Freko’s World Discover the world of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and adventurous Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join, Minewind is the place to be. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and adventures to embark on. But why should you choose Minewind over other servers? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling… Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Challenge: Can a Villager Complete This Parkour? In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. From building intricate structures to surviving in harsh environments, the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players know no bounds. One popular challenge that has been circulating recently is whether a villager, one of the game’s non-player characters, can complete a challenging parkour course. The Parkour Course The parkour course in question is a series of obstacles, jumps, and puzzles designed to test the agility and skill of any player attempting it. From… Read More

  • EPIC BANANA FAMILY SURVIVAL – SkyBlock in Minecraft!

    EPIC BANANA FAMILY SURVIVAL - SkyBlock in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey FAMILY BANANA on SKYBLOCK Survival in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by muzen on 2024-09-23 10:00:11. It has garnered 2345 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:56 or 1736 seconds. JJ And Mikey FAMILY BANANA on SKYBLOCK Survival in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Crazy Block Game Fun

    Sneak Peek: Crazy Block Game FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just a silly little block game’, was uploaded by ElBoboMan on 2024-05-08 00:34:55. It has garnered 26 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:49 or 9889 seconds. Playing almost every free epic games game. In this particular instance I am playing Minecraft Subscribe for more! Discord server link: https://discord.gg/64ug5cVG Read More

  • Insane Ice Spike House Build | Minecraft 1.21 Let’s Play

    Insane Ice Spike House Build | Minecraft 1.21 Let's PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Ice Spike Starter House Finished! | Minecraft 1.21 Chill Let’s Play’, was uploaded by JayDeeMC on 2024-08-04 11:45:02. It has garnered 556 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:49 or 1309 seconds. In Minecraft 1.21, this Let’s Play chronicles my journey to build a house in every biome in a large biomes world. In episode 32, I finished the ice spike starter house and decided to move on and go back toward spawn to fill in the map. But where should we build next? == Support me on Patreon to… Read More


    ASNOX - CREATING USA in Minecraft! REDSTONIA IS BACK! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LES ETAT UNIS VONT ETRE CREE SUR MINECRAFT ( REDSTONIA DE RETOUR !! ) ft @fantomax4126’, was uploaded by ASNOX on 2024-08-11 02:43:47. It has garnered 72 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:41 or 10181 seconds. yo friends today at 2 p.m. the REDSTONIA V5 server opens these doors and leaves pure nostalgia and desire I made the decision to start a new adventure filled with experience the server had an upgrade with a lot of new things – But ASNOX it what is Redstonia ???? REDSTONIA is a server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Evi - DRAGON SMP - EPIC HOUSE!Video Information This video, titled ‘YENİ SERİ – EJDERHA SMP – EN GÜZEL MİNECRAFT EVİ?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Evi on 2024-05-30 13:15:00. It has garnered 108712 views and 7586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. Have you watched the How to Train Your Dragon series? We are here with the team with a brand new minecraft series that the viewers will love! Today we are starting the survival series in the viking world in the 1.18.2 minecraft mod package. We’re starting with our classic starter! We are looking for the owners of our houses… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: JJ vs Mikey in 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH!

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: JJ vs Mikey in 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Survive 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH ! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-09-14 17:00:32. It has garnered 9130 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:24 or 3924 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Survive 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH ! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want… Read More

  • Noki’s Insane Survival Moment in Minecraft 1.7.10! 🔥

    Noki's Insane Survival Moment in Minecraft 1.7.10! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Смішний момент з виживання в 1.7.10 #twitch #minecraft #stream #gaming’, was uploaded by Noki on 2024-05-02 10:16:37. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. #shorts Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by AK King!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by AK King!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Its_Me_AK_King_1432 on 2024-07-26 16:06:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft but minecraft mod maizen minecraft shorts shorts canman minecraft challenge minecraft but challenge cash … Read More

  • “EPIC SHOWDOWN: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in Reverse Puppet! 🎎💥” #shorts #minecraft #gaming

    "EPIC SHOWDOWN: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in Reverse Puppet! 🎎💥" #shorts #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Reverse Puppet 🎎 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #gaming’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-23 11:15:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More