Minecraft Custom Weapons Destroy Bosses! (SHOCKING)

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today my brother and I got trapped in the Twilight Forest Dimension each time we defeat one of the custom bosses we’ll get access to overpowered weapons we only have 20 minutes to defeat the bosses and Escape Adam I can’t believe you got us trapped here what I even do you know what you did last thing I remember I was mining my diamond my first ever diamond in months and I went to go clean it off in the well and now we’re here [Music] [Applause] [Music] what’s happening no you opened a Twilight portal why do you have random portals bro I don’t know where we are how do we get out we only have 20 minutes to defeat every single one of the bosses and if we don’t we’re trapped here forever what bosses there’s eight custom bosses that we have to beat oh my gosh okay now I’m thinking that you planned this it was you Adam you’re the one that threw the diamond into the portal it took me months months to find that diamond and you’re saying it’s gone forever it is gone forever Adam get me out of here get me where where’s the first boss in my inventory I have this blank magic map if I open it I should be able to see all of the bosses nearby the first one that we have to find and defeat is the Naga boss oh no that doesn’t sound good I don’t know what a nog is but it sounds scary Adam follow me there should be one right over here do you have weapons I only have a pickaxe let me check my backpack before we head inside I have a couple cookies but it looks like I have some combat pants wao I’ll take these cookies I have a pistol I have a chainsaw and I have six grenades wait what and also a combat knife give me give me give me I’ll give you the boots I’ll take the chest plate and the pants that’s not fair I’ll also give you the chainsaw too oh okay okay a and I guess we could split the grenades in half oh yeah okay give me that oh my goodness Adam you got to save the ammo for the Naga oh okay a chainsaw never runs out of ammo it has fuel oh crap do you see the Naga boss popped up on the top of the screen oh no we need to be ready we should probably Crouch we got to be extra careful if it sees us it’s going to try to eat us wait I hear it I hear it do you not have another chest plate I hear it no Adam I see it over there oh my gosh I’m going to throw a grenade I see it I see it I see it oh my god there it is shoot it kill it kill it Adam kill it okay I’m try come on Adam this is the easiest boss I’m going to run now it’s almost dead it’s almost dead Adam already a little bit more yeah use your chainsaw I’m going to Chu some grenades at it watch out for me don’t hit me you’re H I hit you I hit you it’s almost dead I’m charging it with the chainsaw yes we got the first one let’s go Adam you got to check out the loot that we got wait he dropped something oh my goodness yeah wait okay so we need to collect the trophies I got the Naga trophy but we also got we got some upgraded weapons and armor we got Advanced combat chest plates we got a grenade launcher and we also got jetpacks yeah here you can take that oh I got a jetpack I’ll give you the grenade launcher too oh I’m going to have some fun with this one wait careful we got to save that for the next boss are you crazy Sor it’s so much fun I I had to test it let’s test out our jetpacks too we can use this to get to the next boss wo W am I flying you got to be careful with that yeah don’t break your kneecap oh this is sick luckily we did that one in like 3 minutes but we only have 17 minutes to defeat the rest of the bosses to infinity and beyond Adam the next boss should be right in front of us inside of this giant Tower these are the biggest mushrooms I’ve ever seen we need to stop worrying about the mushrooms we got to get to the top of this Tower let’s try to fly all the way up to the top here we go it’s working I hope we can break in through the top wait what’s at the top is there another is the next boss Adam yeah oh my gosh all right I’m going to try to break in through the ceiling don’t even worry dude I got a rocket launcher Adam I’m mining in right now are you with me move out of the way that did work I need your help oh I dropped in Adam I need help it’s the Twilight L use your rocket launcher I’m going to use my High Ground here wa careful don’t blow me up I didn’t even shoot she teleported Adam where are you I’m ring grenade Jack oh I see wait fly oh my gosh I’m flying I’m flying this is so much fun let’s go I don’t see the Twilight lch anywhere oh wait it’s down here oh wait I see her I’m going to try to get some hits it just cloned itself be careful I can’t hit this one I’m loading up with the chainsaw wait Adam I just remembered something about the Twilight Lich it actually is invulnerable to any damage it’s practically Invincible why would you tell me this now why would you wait to tell me the only way that we can do damage is when it shoots us we need to hit the particles back at it oh my gosh this is too hard I’m going to wait upstairs we got to be really careful so save your grenade launcher for the next boss I already wasted all the ammo Adam are you kidding me you wasted all of your ammo I need to eat cookies and relax bro Adam I need backup now I don’t know which one’s the real one oh my gosh there’s a spider spawner down there we don’t need to care about the spider spawner I’m coming in with the chainsaw Jack they’re surrounding you I’m scared Adam we need to beat this thing so I just have to hit their bullets back in their face yeah just hide in the corner and then try to hit the bullets right back at them especially the exposive ones oh my goodness I got to go Adam we’re wasting too much time we need to beat this thing now these guys are good I’m trying a grenade it teleported away oh oh my God Adam this doesn’t look too good for us it does not we only did a little bit of damage so far Adam watch out all right I’m going to hit this one Backus meus oh I missed I’m going to spam click what the heck how did you miss it’s right in front of you I’m trying oh you just ate explosion you know what I’m sick and tired of this I’m right in front of his face don’t worry Adam I got this wait I think I see the real one die oh yeah wait this is the real one the other ones have just been clones okay we just need to wait for it to shoot me I got another hit I’m waiting for it another hit okay now we know what the real one looks like oh come on dude we can’t even get rid of the other ones only two more hits finish it up let’s go you big dummy come on shoot me again jack watch out for my grenades dare wait Adam Adam I got the shields down oh nice use your grenades I’m moving in com in Zombies Adam careful oh I’m going in for the crit hit let’s go let’s go yes you got it there’s a lot of good stuff out that looks good I’m going to just yep I got it all my go let’s see you never share I’ll give you the good stuff don’t worry about it let’s see you can have this Alien Blaster ooh okay wait what is this oh my gosh that is so cool I’ll keep the Sonic rifle and the mining drill for myself and there’s also this scepter I think it works pretty well oh you got your own scepter I got one too Adam we took too much time on that we need to get out of here yeah that witch was actually very tough let’s get to the next boss all right Adam the next boss is found in this dungeon we’re looking out for a minoshroom what’s funny about that I’m testing out my alien blast right now on a big hord sheep oh my gosh Adam we don’t have time for this you got us trapped in here and we’re running out of time there’s only 14 minutes left oh my gosh I keep getting sidetracked I’m so sorry come on come on I think we should split up to save time what you’re looking for is a giant minnow it looks like a mushroom combined with a Minotaur split up are you mad the deeper you go the better chance you have of finding it so let’s do it on three 1 2 3 good luck oh my gosh I’m going to die oh I found one of the minotaurs that’s not quite what we’re looking for okay oh my gosh there’s so many of them Adam what are these things get these monstrosities away from me I’m destroying the spots we need to figure out how to get one level deeper that’s where the Minish room spawned ooh I found some new armor oh this looks good hey Jack how’s it going Jack where’s Jack oh my gosh wait Jack is lost I need to find him no no no no no no no this is not good oh my gosh wait is that a trap Adam what was that Jack this place is booby trapped wait can we get to the next level no I don’t see it Adam it’s right down here oh good find okay we’re down to the next level now we should stick together yes thank you that is a good idea check out over here wao this looks like a lost Library all right be on the lookout for a minut there it is Adam kill it kill it Adam kill it that’s it oh my gosh grun get it Adam get it I’m going to use my life training scepter oh my gosh I’m hitting him with the Alien Blaster oh my gosh yo we got it the alien gun is so powerful I got a diamond Minotaur Axe and we also got me stroganov which is great that’ll let us fight the Hydra boss the Hydra boss that’s the next boss Adam we need to get out of here and go find it oh my gosh dude these bosses keep getting harder and harder Adam check the chest before we leave there might be an upgrade o let me check this one wa it’s an Ironwood sword I don’t know if that’s good or oh wait no that’s so bad oh Adam wo wait you didn’t even see this there’s a rocket launcher in here you put your grenade launcher and you didn’t even grab the Rockets I’m taking that I’m going to grab your grenade launcher just in case we find more grenades all right let’s leave through here I’ll make a passage it’s made of Bedrock we can’t even get through okay that was still fun though let’s actually go we’re running out of time before we head into the nagab boss cave we need to make sure we eat the me strun off is that some sort of Stew it’s a really good stew and it’ll give you fire resistance all right cheers slurp it up Adam I’m not hungry need to run a little bit I’m going to run in a circle we got to build up an appetite first I don’t know if this is working or not but it’s getting out all my rage oh wait it worked okay stop stop stop stop stop wa I set it up you crazy all right I definitely need food now I’m going to eat this down the hatchet there we go we we got to go quick we only have resistance for 4 minutes let’s move make sure you have that rocket launcher ready the hydro boss is right up here it’s locked and loaded Jack oh my gosh I see it I’m taking a shot careful Adam careful a vista baby I’m using my Sonic rifle wait it’s it’s like absorbing my rocket Adam make sure you don’t destroy the heads if you destroy the heads then it’ll just grow more back I need you to hit one of the rocket shots come on I’m going for it okay 3 2 1 oh nice hit nice hit I’m going to hit him with the Alien Blaster dude this Sonic rifle is so overpowered why does he have so much health keep going Adam keep going only a little bit more but we’re running out of time we’re down to 10 minutes you distract him I’m going to hit him in the tail with the Alien Blaster yes just a little bit more we’re almost there with the rocket launcher for the finishing blow let’s go dud gaining Health a little bit more rocket launcher yes we did it we got it yes let’s go see what weapons we unlocked Let’s see we also got I think this is fiery blood which we can use to upgrade oh my gosh I a flamethrower yeah wait you grabbed the flamethrower I got the Hydra head oh snap no way all right we’re going to need that to get back I got sticky grenades and a blaster shotgun what the heck oh my gosh we need to get to the next boss the next thing we need to find are the night Phantoms I think I found it Adam I’m right on your tail okay follow me into the forest we need to find a way to get into the dungeon that has the night Phantoms I just realized this I have the the meat from the Hydra and I’m eating it ew dude that’s gross it’s so good I think this is it oh no you mean this mysterious random staircase okay sure we have to go back underground Adam we’re looking for night Phantoms which I’m pretty sure are ghosts and armor oh my gosh this this looks terrifying wait Adam do you still have that Hydra head uh yeah I do okay you have to place that onto this pedestal and then it’ll let us in oh my gosh wait you’re right all right let’s drop on in all right Adam I’m pretty sure the night Phantoms only spawn on the third Story down so we need to find that okay we have another mystery hunt I’m all in I found it all right let’s go one more floor to go Adam we only have eight more minutes left man oh no no no no no wait what’s down here I think I found where the bosses eat I’m trying to mine through oh I got through one layer W we’re in we’re in we’re in wao these are the night Phantoms oh no they’re spawning they’re spawning rocket launcher get him get him get him shoot him I’m using my sticky grenades come on come on oh I think it’s working yes you did it that was insane my sticky grenade stuck right through his head and blew him up all right Adam let’s see what we got there’s Phantom plates which is never lost on death that actually seems pretty good there’s a nightly pick I’m going to grab this I’m going to grab the nightly axe it says extra damage and there’s also a minigun no way all right I’m going to grab the minigun you can take the other thing some sort of rifle I don’t even know how to say that oh make sure to take the Slugs too and I’m taking the nightly sword that looks too epic all right now that we have that we can move on to the next boss we got to move quickly I don’t think we have any time left the next boss can only be found in the ice biome which I’m pretty sure is right in front of us ooh yeah this place looks snowy the problem is my magic map ends so I don’t know exactly where the boss is going to be I think we can maybe scare it out if I just shoot a rocket launcher at that big mountain right there let’s see what happens wait Adam I think that big mountain might be where the alpha Yeti is oh my gosh okay let’s go I want to test out my brand new weapon the gauze rifle I have my minigun at the ready atam oh no there’s something oh there it is I see it oh my gosh it I have like a sniper rifle kill it wa well that was easy dude my sniper rifle just one shot coyot in the head hey I did damage too I was shooting it with my minigun wo wo whoo wo wo I found something it’s a nuclear death r Wait Adam be careful with that thing that thing sounds deadly Let’s test it out oh holy smokes this thing is crazy okay we only have 5 more minutes but that’s going to help us with the next boss wait 5 minutes we got to move the next boss is the Snow Queen Adam you got to be careful the penguins are spies for the Snow Queen but they’re so cute don’t trust them Adam they’re cute but they’re deadly there’s no way they could be spies look at the little guy don’t look at it atam okay okay okay I’m sorry wait Jack what is that thing that is where the Snow Queen lives and we’re going towards the castle got it all right here we go all the way to the top atam the tippity top we better hope we don’t run out of fuel cuz we’ll die Jack I see a penguin I think that’s the boss careful no the penguin is not the boss the penguin is not the queen look at these penguins get out of here Penguins I’m going to dig inside wa oh Adam the snow is right down here you dig through I’m going to throw a sticky grenade I’m ready there’s a snow queen get out of the way she’s popping up oh no she escaped I un leashed her no shoot it at him shoot her okay I’m taking on my death right she has so much health light her up oh my gosh you can’t hit her from the bottom you can only hit her from the top I got to take out the shotguns she keeps flying all over the place I can’t get a good shot let’s try to low her back down to the ground kill these stupid Penguins they warned her that we were coming oh she’s stuck right here oh I’m landing big hits at him oh yes light her up back bro okay okay I’m going to try to get her all the way down to you and then you shoot her with the rocket okay I’m going to I’m going to reload Adam she dropped all the way down I’m coming in for the finishing blow mama oh what a hit let’s go you got her that was insane Adam there’s only 2 minutes left come on we need to pick everything up and we got to go oh my gosh this gun looks huge okay I have her head I got a guided missile launcher and a TFG 10,000 can I have the TFG 10,000 that sounds awesome I’m going to take the guided missile rocket launcher and I got a nuclear missile okay Adam you’re going to use that on the next boss that could be how we finish this off if you want me to I’ll do it for you follow me we need to go find the strongest boss yet the your Gast all right Adam it’s all the way over in this direction I see it on the magic map okay I’m following you we got to move quick I see the your gas Castle let me know if you see it I can lock on I’m on the lookout I’m going to charge up my weapon I’m just going to shoot W oh let’s go that was insane oh Adam it spawned okay okay I see it up your weapons I I locked on I locked on oh no no no it’s doing damage this barely does any damage I’m shooting it this thing is so massive Adam I don’t like this I’m going to try the minigun oh there we go I’m shooting all my missiles I’m taking out the death right shooting every gun that I have keep going Adam keep going it’s getting close to me just a little bit more Adam we almost have it down to half health oh my gosh we only have 30 seconds left come on I only have one more rocket launcher keep going keep going here we go I can’t miss oh that did so much oh I don’t like it dude it sounds awful it sounds so bad I can’t hear anything this is so loud Adam come on we’re running out of time I’m trying my best here 20 seconds for be bro oh Adam careful Adam we literally have 15 seconds come on yes we did it let’s go no check it out guys that thing is so sick the Earth Talisman wao that’s awesome guys I just realized the 30 minutes started we got to move the first boss I have to find is in a sorcerer Outpost eventually I found one guys this is it the sorcerer Outpost oh great there’s pillagers all around we can use our geomancy powers to toss Boulders in their faces and I’m pretty sure if we hold it down we can do a mega ability e that is so sick take this boom yeah yeah there’s only a couple more the nameless sorcerer should be up top this is the easiest of the five custom bosses if I can beat it I’ll get my first God weapon it has 50 health and does six attack damage hello where did you come from slice slice boom got him okay we got to get to the top of this thing there’s a staircase right here I hear something oh my gosh there it is Holy Smokes dude that’s a lot of things oh my gosh wait it just teleported me up we got to get to the roof this thing is like an evoker on steroids we got to keep moving I’m going down wa where did it go wait did it go down deeper yeah there it is dude oh my gosh dude it’s doing so much damage I got to run oh gosh it’s teleporting me around there it is let’s try to use our bow oh my gosh it keeps teleporting me so close to it wait there’s multiple dude I can’t handle all this damage there’s three of them no way oh my gosh wait he’s summoning in clones as soon as I hit the other ones and they get deleted almost there wait a second guys I forgot we can use our geomancy powers there we go I need some steak two can play at this game oh there’s more of them again come on we almost got him one more hit yes down he go yo did you not hear your Master’s dead get out of here oh my goodness dude I almost died that was a close call and guys check it out we got new items and weapons we got fire resistance 10 buckets and a vampiric glove that causes the wearer’s melee attacks to absorb Health that sounds awesome Let’s test it out dude wait look at its body I think I’m sucking up all of its Essence luckily we only spent 5 minutes on that boss the next one is the netherite monstrosity and we could only find it in the nether luckily for me I already have a Nether Portal set up right by my house here we go we need to find a structure called The Soul blacksmith the nether is huge so we have to make sure to find this fast the more time we waste the less time we’ll have on the boss battle guys I think we’re close this has to be it hello we just got the achievement the blacksmith of the Soul wait is that it guys that’s it it’s waking up holy smokes we’re going hey guys how you doing oh my gosh they’re trying to kill me too I guess they must be its Defenders okay let’s take out the piglins first you guys don’t stand a chance wait a second dude he could some summ in Fireballs that summon in lava that’s spicy wait did he just absorb the lava we have to be careful about that he might be able to gain Health the nether monstrosity has 360 Health 10 armor and can do a whopping 22 attack damage we got to be careful let’s throw down our fire resistance let’s see how much damage we can do B come on you dude oh my gosh he’s going to break my armor I need to make sure to use our buckets to absorb the lava if I don’t he will can I use a bow yes I can okay that’s huge can I use my geomancy Powers oh my gosh it doesn’t matter man I am on fire right now does this do anything no what if I hit his face yeah it does that’s big ladies and gentlemen b b b b we’re doing a lot of damage and luckily because I have that vampiric glove I’m gaining back Health every single time I do damage oh he’s shooting out more Fireballs come here a giant brick this guy’s an absolute War Machine my armor is taking a beating right now come on just a little bit more we have him down to half Health luckily this is one of the easier bosses even though it looks crazy the bosses are going to get even more difficult from here the last one is the hardest one yet hold up steak break thank you no dude he summed in more lava it’s really difficult to get to the center of it because it spreads everywhere okay I think I got those two let’s try to summon in a giant boulder there we go and Smash It come on where did it go what the heck bro he broke it oh there’s more lava he’s gaining back Health from absorbing the lava so we need to make sure to collect it faster than he can do that I got to do a little bit more damage we got to bring him back down I only have four more minutes with fire resistance oh my goodness dude I can’t afford to lose my armor let’s try to get away and maybe I can fire some bow shots are you kidding me dude there’s hoglins here too get out of here Pig you dumb ugly bacon oh great he’s right on me he just slapped that pig excuse me Parkers I’m going to need you to get down in that lava thank you we got to finish this off guys come on wait why are the arrows bouncing off him now this doesn’t make any sense dude I was able to hit him earlier what if I aim for his kneecap that did nothing he’s summoning in so much lava the more lava he summons in the more Health he’s going to be able to gain back guys we got to finish him off no he just gain back so much health no dude I’m getting stabbed in the back oh I think he got smashed this is your classic David and Goliath situation but luckily I am a very smart handsome David and this is a very big dum ugly Goliath we’re so close come on oh come on dude we’re almost there my armor is about to give we got to go for it guys here we go yes we got it the second boss is down we got the achievement the broken Nethers War Machine wo check that out that thing looks awesome okay let’s pick it up we got got our hands on the infernal Forge when in the main hand you can hit the block with a right click to cause a wide area damage and it also works as a pickaxe and we got something called the Monstrous horn we can combine this with a netherite helmet to get the Monstrous Helm well we got to check that out there’s a smithing table right here let’s put my helmet in there with the Monstrous horn and guys we can upgrade to the Monstrous Helm that thing looks crazy let’s try the infernal Forge boom that’s going to be awesome later there’s also a secret room somewhere hidden around here just got to get rid of a little bit of this fire and supposedly there’s a button right here oh yep I press the button and there it is the secret room excuse me blue fire thank you very much let’s go check out what’s inside there’s a lot of netherite but what’s that that looks awesome oh no way we got a shield dude look at this thing okay let’s put that in our off hand this is going to be super useful in our next boss fight in order to get to it we have to go all the way to the end Dimension we made it to the end Dimension but I kind of forgot we had to kill the Ender Dragon this shouldn’t be that hard we could test out the infernal Forge this thing hits like a truck yes we did it okay now we have to travel to the end Islands that’s where we can find the next location the ruin Citadel it sounds spooky we need a couple more blocks luckily we can use our giant hammer break the block break the black break the black almost there couple more and there we go I think that might be it guys I got so lucky it was right in front of where we spawned what are these things oh they’re not friendly Bop get out of my face oh this thing is awesome they Dro some called void Jaws we could turn them into scatter arrows okay we don’t have enough time for that somewhere in here there should be the Ender Golem ooh there’s a chest any goodies oh there’s a golden apple and some bread I like bread Ender Golem what was that something just slowed me down wait was it this I don’t think so wait waa wait a second there’s traps here we got to be careful what’s this at here oh that’s a nice looking shovel and a cloud in a bottle allows the wearer to double jump yeah I’ll take that yo it works that’s awesome some leggings oh sweet a double chest yo more golden apples Don’t Mind If I Do Is there something under here wait a second there is wa oh my gosh it’s the end of Colossus this thing has 150 Health 12 armor and can do up to 14 attack damage what the heck are those luckily I have my shield oh my goodness dude it’s chasing me down boom Oh my gosh dude those things do tons of damage I actually think it broke some of my armor yeah dude my boots are gone we got to be careful all right let’s try to use our geomancy Powers take that that did nothing oh wait that did something there we go let’s go oh no dude it just broke two blocks I did not expect that can I do damage with my bow nope how about now nope wait a second are there more than one no way are you serious right now there’s more than one I was not prepared for this please tell me there’s not three a few moments later guys I lost the ender colossus but I did find this we’ll come back to this later there it is wait guys check out its back that looks like a weak spot it’s just you did he just hit me all the way back here yo this thing is crazy we are both hitting like trucks right now guys we got it no way kill the Ender Golem and what did we get the void core let’s see what this thing does no way guys I could summon in its abilities that is so cool and if I look straight down it summons them all around me I don’t see the other Ender Golem anywhere but guys I know for a fact the next boss is the Ender guardian and we’ll be a able to find it all the way down here guys there it is as soon as we walk up to that the Ender Guardian is going to spawn hey buddy come on now oh my gosh it just came out of nowhere the Ender Guardian has 300 health 20 armor and can do up to 16 attack damage it’s like the big brother to what we just battled okay let’s try to use the void core that does actual damage what about the infernal Forge yes it does that’s big all right guys it looks like our Shield is taking the brute force of the first hit we’re running out of time though there’s only 12 minutes left and I still have two bosses to be we have to keep trying to use the void core that does the most damage and I can still use my geomancy Powers let’s see if it’s effective yeah it does damage okay what if I charge it up come on oh W it was sucking me in yes dude I lifted it up let’s try to hit it yes it’s working hey guys check it out every time I do damage I’m gaining back Hearts let’s use our void core my void core is pretty cool but it has it on steroids we got to be extra careful here does my bow do anything no why did I even try honestly let’s try just using my sword that was a terrible idea what was I thinking I’m going to die guys just like some of the other bosses that we battled today this one gets stronger as it takes damage we’re actually doing some pretty good damage here uh what is happening oh no I’m getting levitated that’s what that ability is that is not fair dude uh-oh uh-oh yes no oh my gosh my double jump ability just saved my life what happened oh snap wait guys it just evolved and the arena got a lot bigger woah woah woah wo wo wo woah it’s attacking faster now bro we got to be careful almost there oh come on we’re going hit for hit I think we might be able to do it we have to use one of our golden apples just to be safe we’ll use the void core The Infernal Forge it’s doing a lot more damage than I wanted to right now we’re going to power up yes there we go we lifted it up and let’s try to hit it e we just sent it flying that was so sick but we’re still taking lots of damage let’s try to use the void core on it yes we beat it with its own weapon no way that was so sick bye-bye nerd and check it out guys we got another God weapon this is going to be the strongest one yet we got the gauntlet of the Guard yo check out my arms I’m looking like a Transformer right about now Gauntlet of the Guard when in main hand you can pull an entity with a right click and it does 11 attack damage guys check this out a portal opened let’s go through wait we’re just back at my house hey what’s up Bessie I thought there was one more boss I had to be holy heck dude Bessie what have you done the last boss is ignis Yo that dude look terrifying ignis has 330 Health 10 armor and 24 attack damage that dude could probably kill me in one single hit let’s try to pull him in using the gauntlet of the Guard it’s actually working oh why did I pull him in I am concussed right now oh oh dude no way he just stabed me we’re going to have to keep a safe distance here look at that giant Shield okay if I hit the shield I can’t do any damage we’re going to have to use every single one of our weapons if we think we’re going to win this dude he jumps so high up into the air do my blocks even penetrate his shield not at all and I keep getting stabbed I can’t even Escape what happens if I just try to go Toe to Toe with him it’s kind of working come on oh no that’s not even fair dude if I can beat this though I will get his sword and all of his armor that’s if I don’t die there we go the void core actually does some damage where did he go oh my gosh dude he keeps jumping up in the sky maybe I can pull him out of the sky using the gauntlet of the Golem let’s pull him towards me and then we can use the void core yeah it’s actually doing damage but I’m also getting stabbed this is not a good day for me I have 3 minutes to somehow figure out how to beat this boss and he keeps stealing Health from me wait guys my arm what just happened to my armor it like disappeared for half a sec I need to make sure I don’t get stabbed every single time I do he’s stealing Health back the void core is my best friend right now it’s the only range weapon that actually does damage it’s actually doing a lot too come here you giant fire nub oh gosh okay why did I th him I didn’t mean it I love you please don’t hurt me I’m so lucky I got the double jump God ability too I’m able to just get away from him especially when he jumps up high this boss barely has any weaknesses we’re actually kind of doing a good job I take that back my body’s on fire no no no no no no no no no no no get out of there yo what was that dude dude dude dude D dude that’s not good did he just turn blue is that like some sort of superpower we’re just going to stick with what’s been working I only have 60 seconds to beat him oh my gosh I can’t afford to get stabbed again come on we’re almost there a little bit more he’s attacking a lot faster now one more hit with the void core and we got him this is it come on yes did we do it please tell me we did it yes we did and check out everything that we got yo this is so sick check out the armor and the sword we did it with literally 10 seconds to spare suck on that Bei the next custom boss is a mutant creeper this thing has 120 health and now it has zero it is about to get exploded by fluffy butter nugget special ability the white hole it sucks everything up in the general area and then eventually explodes wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it boom baby that’s a whole lot of Firepower and for the those of you guys wondering who made fluffy butter nuggets it was my beautiful cow Bessie thanks a lot Bessie this thing’s going to kill me I wasn’t talking about you please don’t steal all my cookies we’re going to set it to night time that’s when the mutant Zombie is at its strongest will it be enough to beat fluffy butter nuggets fluffy help me oh my gosh fluffy just bonked him two times with his staff and my dude’s down and he also got burned to death fluffy you really did not have to summon in a giant nuclear white hole of Destruction that was kind of a little Overkill he did drop his hammer though I’m going to pick this up hey fluffy you ready for the next boss put me down fluffy put me down I don’t like this fluffy bad fluffy I don’t think I could damage fluffy the next custom Minecraft boss is the mutant Enderman fluffy just used another one of its attacks dude it summoned in a white laser that destroyed the mutant Enderman and it also said nree mle o toin moglin come comment down below if you know what that means if fluffy butter nuggets survives all of the custom bosses he’ll have to battle the Wither storm I’m kind of curious what would happen if we some in a creeper uh oh my gosh yo dude that brutal you did not have to deal with a creeper like that at all put me down seriously okay fine I will talk back Fluffy’s got some anger issues normal Minecraft Mobs did not stand a chance but what about a Minecraft mom with a gun that that was a that was a shovel you were supposed to spawn it with a gun let’s try this one more time okay they have a gun they they had a gun please tell me this guy can actually do something he has a shotgun wait that is the first time we have seen fluffy butter nuggets take damage but he immediately regen it back like he was Deadpool what about something not even from this world a giant Shrek mutant no no how what how much damage can fluffy butter nuggets do this next custom Minecraft boss has over 100 Health oh I probably should have waited until the huge destruction white hole was gone that’s my bad okay we’re going to check I don’t see any white holes of Destruction so we could go and spawn in Psycho Steve go stop me Steve you literally didn’t even have to use anything fluffy butter nuggets used his staff this is his melee attack it is the least powerful attack that he has all of his magical spells are coming from this book if only there was a way to grab it oh wait yo I can do damage to fluffy I’m sorry fluffy I did not mean it please don’t hurt me and my family sorry fluffy we need something a little bit bigger what about this us attack helicopter oh my gosh it killed me what kill it fluffy kill it did he get it oh my gosh wait it’s still alive dude fluffy has some seriously good accuracy he’s like at least 50 blocks away and he was sniping that attack helicopter out of the flipping Sky Fluffy’s crazy fluffy butter nuggets has easily one of the cutest names ever but he is one of the most terrifying Minecraft bosses so let’s try to combat that by spawning in a dark Offspring boss oh that was that was fast that was probably like one of the fastest battles yet fluffy I have a present for you it’s a Shadow Monster oh crap I have another present this time a skeleton glith that that lasted about 2 seconds which is pretty good our next boss sounds terrifying it’s choth the dread Beast oh what dude what is happening right now look at it head is it alive or is it dead I have no clue it died fluffy you killed it in like 2 seconds not even I will not be picking that stuff up it looks gross my Cal Bessie also wanted me to try to spawn in sack thof the harbringer of Doom let’s see what you got Mr Doom wa you made it night time but um fluffy said I remember seeing you before not doing your job oh my gosh wait I think this might be a minion of fluffy H wait okay something attacked me and fluffy immediately made it he made it stop look at that I don’t even know what that is up there that looks like something from a demon movie what am I looking at right now this thing looks horrifying I have a weird feeling that Thanos is going to pop out of this portal any second at this point the custom bosses are just food for fluffy butter nuggets this is all in preparation for the Wither store battle look at that that spider pig is now roasted pig roasted pork chop spider that’s what I’m having for dinner moving along to the Twilight Forest custom bosses this next one is the Night Phantom what dude fluffy just said who are you it doesn’t matter you’re an enemy and I shall banish your soul to the depths of he just banished that boss he just banished him to like the demon Dimension also I realized I can make him do a dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance why is he looking at me like that let’s see how fast fluffy butter nuggets is able to speedrun every custom boss from the Twilight farest Dimension first up Naga um no no okay what what how is that possible dude he just did it again as soon as I summoned in the NGA he sent it to a completely different dimension okay let’s try it again with the Twilight Lich dude wait as soon as I spawn these bosses in they immediately died it’s not even like he’s using any of his other abilities he’s sending them back to the Twilight farest Dimension the minum has to do something right no way no way what about the alpha Yeti the alpha Yeti too bro he got sucked up his arms are going backwards what about an armor giant oh my gosh he didn’t even think the armor giant was worth sending back to the Twilight Forest Dimension he just deleted him he said get out of here you giant Muppet okay what about this one this one for sure has to do some damage the Snow Queen what I can’t believe it I literally can’t believe it I’ve never seen anything like this before there’s two more bosses and then fluffy butter nuggets has beaten every major Twilight Forest custom boss the next one is the Hydra dude dude how how does that make any sense he just sends them back and they they immediately died like the Hydra is one of the hardest bosses to beat in the Twilight farest Dimension and look at it it is slowly and steadily just perach in before our eyes while fluffy butter nuggets is distracted we could summon in the most strong boss from the Twilight fires Dimension the yast no way what what dude are you serious they just got Thanos snapped they’re gone baddest to the soul gam Dimension okay maybe not the Hydra the wait what did you guys just see that something something glitched out right there it looked like it was night time and then it went back to daytime wait what’s going on on why wait how is that happening also how do I get rid of this dude he he completely glitched out my game guys everything just went dark fluffy fluffy fluffy it’s back to day I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m nervous I don’t like this one bit bro fluffy sted to creep me out I’m literally trapped with him too everywhere I go he follows wait we might actually be getting away here where is he oh [Music] hey I feel like I am being kidnapped somebody please head to help while we’re being watched we might as well try to distract him let’s try the Wither boss next okay all right this that did not work out like I wanted it to when I die fluffy butter nuggets gets even more mad look at that look at that he submited the giant white hole but the Wither boss is actually surviving the best out of every single boss that we’ve seen so far the custom Minecraft bosses stood no chance against fluffy butter nuggets but the Wither boss which is like a normal Minecraft boss is actually doing some damage bro look at this he’s dude he’s charging him he’s head butting him oh my gosh wait he’s so many get minions too look at them look at him what wa dude what’s going on right now this Wither boss is literally on steroids okay oh my gosh wait what is happening it’s sucking in the blocks all across the area right now I think the Wither boss is dead right did he get him dude the Wither boss is acting super sus and then it exploded at the end did fluffy no no fluffy did not take any Dam damage whatsoever I have a weird feeling that fluffy is going to be able to defeat the Wither storm boss I’ve seen him do it before but I’ve also seen the Wither Storm win we need to try more bosses the next one I have in mind is the Naga boss this is a different Naga boss from mosey’s mobs it got swatted out of the air faster than ass swap mosquitoes out of the air what about this one over here we’re going to spawn in the flith the man eating plant that plant just got killed by weed killer how about the ferris rotn this thing is notorious L Invincible oh snap wait wait it’s taking no damage hold up guys we might actually have a contender here the ferris rot knot the only way to actually damage the ferris rot knot is if you hit it in the back but somehow it’s overriding no way whatever dude okay okay wait wait he’s regening Health he’s regening Health fluffy butter nuggets fluffy put me down fluffy one oh my gosh we’re right next to him yo this is insane the ferris Rona is getting thrown around like a ragd doll this is so sick uh it’s gaining Health back too I don’t know how the ferris Rana is able to gain back health so fast I’ve only ever seen fluffy butter nuggets and Deadpool be able to do that it’s coming back [Music] down wait it’s fighting back no way yo it did damage it’s actually damaging fluffy butter nuggets I can’t believe it and it summoned in it’s oh oh it’s it summoned it it it got tired of playing around with the ferris rotn so it sent it to a different dimension that is basically hacking there’s nothing a boss can do about that other than maybe the Wither storm all right well next up we’re going to try out baraco and his minions let’s see how they do baraco is a boss that like is really difficult to move but uh yeah it it did not matter like at all uh yeah baraco got sucked up and he also got bonked by fluffy butter nuggets butter knocker that’s what we’re going to call this thing the butter knocker there’s only one more custom boss in mosey’s mobs and that is the frost mob that has 250 health and an ice Crystal it just got shouted literally like it was Skyrim that’s insane is the frost ball dead it is it is that was that was like one of the fastest boss battles that we’ve seen today bro you are a Savage guys I just found out that I could summon in another version of fluffy butter nuggets we got to do it we got to recreate the Spider-Man meme 3 2 1 what dude okay wait fluffy said hello there pretty mirror be gone create sword out of thin air congratulations you killed me no not even close you can’t kill a great old one what you killed is a simul crumb a mere physical incarnation of infinite Darkness some call it a puppet something that escapes a human when they delve into madness is the concept of reality I don’t know exactly what that means ladies and gentlemen but that that that he’s dead that dude is definitely dead I don’t know what that talk was about like him being a puppet but that means that there’s something even stronger than the gatekeeper and I have a feeling we actually might be able to go figure out what it is the only way to see for sure is to let the fluffer butter nuggets boss go loose in the end Dimension which was not a good idea for the Ender Dragon sake and that thing um thing died pretty darn fast uh let’s see fluffer butter nugget said are you grinding it probably or you’re just lazy and can’t fight them on your own oh well obliterates the boss it actually says that in the chat before we summon in the Wither storm there’s one boss that I need fluffer butter nuggets to fight and here it is guys the chaos Guardian let’s see what dude no no way that just happened fluffy butter nuggets just deleted all of the chaos Guardian crystals that regen it look at that every single one got sucked up into its black hole and then it wasn’t able to heal itself the entire screen is shaking right now I don’t even know if fluffer butter nuggets is going to be able to survive the explosion of the chaos Crystal which is underneath This Island right here oh my gosh wait fluffy fluffy I can’t see anything oh my gosh dude my entire screen went black and then the Wither storm spawned in this is insane this is the battle I’ve been waiting for oh holy smokes okay you have fluffy butter nuggets and then you have the big brute wither storm who is getting sucked up into fluffy butter nuggets white portals comment down below who you guys think is going to win and while you’re down there if you guys have enjoyed today’s video please consider leaving a like so the longer fluffy butter nuggets takes to kill the Wither storm the more Health that it’s going to get and the more difficult it’ll be fluffy you got a lot of work to do pal it looks like it’s working though check this out guys holy crap crap that is insane dudes this is the most intense battle no no dude my computer crashed guys we’re back I honestly did not think that that was going to work normally when a Minecraft Road crashes that’s it it never really comes back dude the Wither storm is falling apart oh my gosh it’s bodies everywhere the Wither storm is dying dude look at it holy smokes I have a weird feeling my computer cannot take much more of this it is literally on fire right now dude I can feel it at my feet and it feels like it’s a jet engine I don’t even know what I’m looking at anymore guys look at there’s just tentacles dropping off of the Wither storm the Wither Storm’s gone boys this is the first challenge gear up let’s go oh yeah New Gear baby gear are you kidding me let go three lives each the last man standing at the end of today’s video wins $1,000 $11,000 let’s go let’s go over here is the first boss it’s a GI in flower we just can’t die we don’t even have to kill it I’m going to chop it down and give it to your mom Adam all right boys good luck in 3 2 1 Flight took the first shot die I got to be strategically I’m not dying wait it’s not even doing anything it’s coming after me in today’s video if they can beat the bosses they’ll have to fight even stronger bosses whoever gets the final hit on the boss will get an item that will make them stronger in the next boss battle this first one is the easiest one so by the end of today’s video they are going to have to fight the hardest boss in the bosses of mass destruction mod stage two be careful it’s going to have new moves yo wait a second it’s shooting ginormous poison balls it’s throwing thr slime so you guys might see at the top of the screen there’s three different purple diamonds every time they do damage and it goes down to the next purple Diamond the void Blossom will unlock brand new abilities and it will also get stronger too oh that’s great oh Josh is getting involved look at that he’s going to go try to chop it down this thing has some giant spikes on it though I know every time you hit it it does damage back to you Adam’s over in the corner playing it safe he’s being sniper guys the bow arrow do barely any damage we have to move in oh oh my goodness wait a second I thought that maybe they could snipe from far away but no this thing has some range I think we have to kill the flowers around the outside look there’s like pink flers so far the boards are doing a pretty good job nobody has lost any lives yet yo I’m one hit I’m one here I’m one yo I’m want it I’m want it I see a flower flow’s up top oh that was a close one is that you just digging you have a what you doing how it’s still going after me oh he’s dead oh no Josh lost a life I will you stuff where’s my stuff this thing is a lot more powerful than I thought it’s able to gain health over time my odds are looking really good right now guys I don’t think you understand it there’s still a flower it’s still it’s down here it’s down here so the void Blossom has a special ability where it can spawn in other flowers that are going to give it extra Health Alec is the only one that’s actually trying to get to it look it’s right down here in this corner ow ow ow oh they almost got it down to level two look at that oh my gosh wait they’re doing tons of damage now oh no wait it went into a cocoon stage kill the flowers kill the flowers quick I’m trying dude there’s flipping creepers in here too ow 360 no scope my mother’s proud finally oh no I’m going to die no no yo it got so big it’s shooting lasers at me there’s more flowers do you guys see what it’s shooting like a rainbow I don’t know but I’m going in I’m going in kill it they have to destroy this flower or else it’s going to keep gaining more Health also a flower on the ceiling that I don’t even think that they noticed that’s just going to heal the void Blossom I’m going in I’m going in I’m dead I’m dead no oh Adam lost a life that means Josh has one life left and Adam only has two Alec is is in the lead they almost killed it look at it it’s down to its last Health they’re about to get it no way they got it no no got the last hit let’s go Alec you got the last hit and you guys did it after the first boss let’s get a health check Alec still has three lives Adam has two and Josh only has one let’s go head over to the next boss welcome boys to boss number two you all made it let’s go guys the objective is to not die Try Not To Die Al MVP of last round so you get the slash Slinging Slasher let’s go PE let’s go baby they’re so hype yo all right boys you all need to gear up I’ve given you upgraded items and weapons Splash poing a fire resistance why are we going to need that good luck boys let round two begin oh they’re so dead so the nether Gauntlet has some crazy abilities it is able to fly around and the only way to damage it is to hit its Adam is already in lava the boys need to use their upgrades I’ve given them all fire potions I’m out it’s coming after me just keep running ad if you need a hand let looks like you got it covered though no I got I got a hand yo this thing is insane it’s just like Master Hand from Super Smash Bros oh my gosh how do we get a hit off right now this thing is targeting Alec I think it’ll Target whoever is doing the most damage to it Alec you made it like blow up oh my goodness Alec keeps dodging it this is awesome keeps trying to punch him but it’s so slow this guy stinks so bad c y his aim is so bad just like all of the other bosses of mass destruction the more damage you do to the nether Gauntlet the stronger it’ll get so right now it’s still in its first stage I think they’re starting to realize that they can only hit it if they hit the eyeball yo I think Adam uses God apple he went crazy but this thing just came to Mega upgrade look at it I don’t know if I want to be close to it keep hitting it eyeball I don’t like that oh no it’s targeting Alec now he’s loading up the slash singing slasher holy moly dude oh it’s stuck on it this giant column right here it’s only going after me oh what is that that’s a weird going to be blind bro I can’t everybody watch out yo it just went right through the column and almost broke Adam Alex loading up his Trident he just barely missed and then he got exploded oh he just nailed it oh no oh my goodness wait a second I don’t know if Alec has that much health left but it also could be doing some negative effects I want to win the tool and the money I need a better weapon it’s targeting Alec right now I don’t think he has that much more health oh my goodness he just turned around and got punched let’s go run Alec get out of there go Alec yes Alec Alec Alec no Alec Alec he’s he’s stuck in the corner oh no wait he a at me I’m I’m out of blocks guys I’m out of blocks I’m getting I’m getting oh my gosh wait Alec might get the last hit they’re so close this me this is me on me oh my goodness wait this might be it I’m going after it they did and Alec got the last hit again no no no way no way bro I got it again how did he get the go another yo nice work boys you did it zero deaths zero deaths the boys lost zero lives in round number two that means Josh still has one life Adam has two and Alec has three Alec also gets an upgrade since he got the last hit how we feeling I’m feeling great the end I haven’t died Dragon haven’t died a single time so I’m feeling pretty confident going into round number three Alec you’re just killing it you’re MVP again so you get a free life o let’s go let’s go dude so I have four lives now that’s pretty sick boys gear up the boss is spawning in 10 seconds I’ve given you the totem enjoy that why not me because you tried to kill me let’s see if they can do it here it comes in 3 2 1 go good luck boys welcome to boss number three oh oh my goodness bro all right that was the yellow particle look at it it can teleport and stop them no just fell what a dingus hit with the 360 Adam fell out of the world that means Josh and Adam only each have one life left while Alex still has three all right right now it’s white which means that they have to kill these surrounding Golems y okay no no no not me not me not me not me do we have to like break these things what is this thing I don’t know I think we have to break these we have to break them I’m trying to break it but it’s like taking forever it’s getting Josh okay Alec took out one of the pillars oh my gosh wait it’s getting at him now okay they defeated all the pillars which means that they’re able to damage it again Alex’s doing a lot of damage I’m on top of it I’m smacking it guys it’s Invincible again we have to take down those Towers yo they’re actually doing kind of crazy right now Alex taking a lot of damage and he just got set on fire Josh is destroying another one of the pillars Adam’s destroying one too nice nice there’s one over here too guys I’m pretty sure the different colors do different things and the two pillars wait there’s three three pillars over here if they can do that then they should be able to take down the white particles and defeat the boss oh my goodness how did Alex survive that this is the last pillar that they have to break yo it’s going after you he did it he did it wait they’re damaging it I need this last hit I need this last hit they did it and Ally got the last hit no way no this dude times his flipping H oh my gosh no way I got it again nice work boys you took down boss number three 3 2 1 this is it Boys you’ve made it to boss number four this is it Adam you have one life Josh you have one life Alex still has three lives and is the MVP so he gets a shield oh I get a shield let’s go dude my man we have to boys go ahead and gear up this is it all right here we go yeah let’s go now keep in mind if you guys all survive you split the money but if there’s only one person left they get all the money yeah hey Josh remember how I gave you that totem of undying right and how we should be friends cuz guys I’ll keep when I tried killing you guys shut up okay go away yeah let’s forget about that yeah all right boys the boss is fting in in 3 2 [Music] 1 the night he could be anywhere I see it it’s the night witch it’s the night that’s just Adam never mind he’s just so ugly my God this thing is a master of magic it’s able to teleport around it summon in Phantoms and shoot balls of magic at their enemies wait guys did you guys get a pickaxe my gosh I almost just died already I need to eat my golden apple yo that thing did so much damage you guys cannot get hit by it around the night L’s Tower there’s also some loot that could help the boys oh my God wait a second he doesn’t even see the creepers there’s another one at him he flipping shot some green ball at me oh dude look at that it just summoned in a ginormous ice Fireball and just like all of the other bosses it has three different stages so as they do more damage it’ll get even stronger it’s like so hard to hit it’s tping over the M okay guys I think we all need to get one spot right now they’ve done zero damage to the night l oh my goodness dude I think Adam might get out here oh my God why is it targeting me why me y wait it’s sending its Phantoms at me but guys once they hit stage one they are in for a beating this thing gains some of the strongest most cool abilities I’ve ever seen look how many Phantoms there are they’re all chasing Alec why would you do that I gave it to myself too I mean I’m just I’m just killing all like the stupid Phantoms and stuff for now so it’s like easy to kill it later look at him oh my gosh he’s so dumb the nightl is actually starting to look a little bit worried he’s down to his final stage wait they’re doing tons of damage to him they almost killed him no way no they took him out oh my gosh let’s go oh my you boys did it Alec you have to make the decision do you want to split the money or battle to the death well do I get all three my lives if we battle to the death all lives stay the same oh yeah we’re battling to the death baby let’s go let’s go 3 2 1 fight who is my first victim he’s going in for the Wombo Combo oh he took down atam who’s next Who’s Next you want the sauce you want the sauce he’s on top of Josh Josh has tried his best to get away oh he in to of a dying this might be it die this has to be it come on die yes $5,000 show me the money I woke up this morning said hi to mama Lama Jama went downstairs looked around for my cookies I baked yesterday uh what’s this I owe you 13,335 cookies Bessie Bessie give me back my cookies right now she teleported me into the void didn’t she that’s when I decided to install a superhero mod I’ll have to do all of these quests in order to become a god superhero and get my revenge here’s what happened the first Quest I have to do to become a superhero God is to punch wood it’s very simple we have to turn the wood into planks turn the planks into a plank bench put down the plank bench and now I can see every Quest that I have to do I have to die from Suffocation survive 100 met fall stand in fire for 5 seconds and eventually kill the Ender Dragon I can get a super jump ability by jumping on a slime block 10 times I like to keep a couple slime blocks at the bottom of my staircase just in case I fall we’ll break the carpet and jump on the slime block why didn’t that work maybe I have to jump from a little bit higher let’s try this is 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 we unlocked super jump wo we can jump like five times as High guys I think I might have a pretty good idea of how we can use the slime blocks again to get a better superpower we can upgrade our super jump ability to a flying ability if we can survive a 100 block fall all I need is 100 blocks luckily my brother Adam was over the other day and he loves dirt so he collected a bunch for me so all I have to do is build straight up that should be really easy considering I have the super jump just a little bit higher that should do it here we go in 3 2 1 oh my God yes we got the advancement flying let’s see if it actually works oh my goodness this is insane we can fly so fast all right so that should help us get our next superhero ability this one is super easy we just have to break five stone with our fist let’s see if it works wao yo yes wait we could break it so easily and boom we got it fast mining wait a second do you guys see this holy moly bro for some reason it doesn’t work on Stone though maybe I have to use the certain tool in order to break super fast so we can fly over to this tree break some wooden logs turn the logs into plunks the plunks into stuns the stonks into a wooden stun Axe and for the ultimate test let’s see Yo it works on Stone I just broke my pickaxe so fast that’s okay we can get some upgrades check this out guys oh this is so sick and look there’s some iron right here we can instamine the iron put down the furnace put in the 44 cold some iron and while that’s smelting we can get another superpower earthquake all we have to do is die from Suffocation so what I can do is make a little grave for myself and cover my body with sand ow ow ow ow come on yes be bro Jack has made the advancement earthquake totally worth it yo look at this you see that besti this superpow has some serious range to it oh my God the next thing we have to do is get laser vision all right we got to stare at the s for 30 seconds laser vision let’s go just in theck of time yo oh oh my gosh Bro Look at that does my laser vision work on creepers oh yeah it does it does not do that much damage that’s fine I still killed him that leads us to our next ability immune to Hung the only thing we have to do is eat five rotten pieces of Flesh all right we have one oh there’s a couple of homeless zombies I’m going to see if I can bury them yeah that worked yes we got five rotten flesh let’s become immune to hunger 1 2 3 4 we now no longer have to worry about eating my stomach is gone ah yo yo yo back up boy in order to get these super strength superpower I have to kill five Mobs with my fist this is probably not the best idea I’ve had today B die die no all that hard work for nothing hey you let me punch you to death that’s right boom baby I got Fist of Fury I also got like 18 arrows in my body I think this might be the fifth one oh we got super strength how much strength do we have oh wait a second we just got a bow from one of the skeletons and one of the superpow we can get is explosive Arrows by killing a creeper with a bow hey pal oh we did it explosive arrows that is deadly super speed Sprint 100 m without stopping three 2 1 go we’re going at top speeds right now wa we did it we got super speed we have super speed super strength and super jump and I mean we could also fly cause earthquakes and also shoot lasers from our eyes we could become explosive by sacrificing oursel to a creeper that can’t be that hard right hello buddy yeah give me a hug are you kidding me let’s try this one more time hello good sir no I decided to save that one for later and we are going to try out fast swimming I have to swim 100 m in water without drowning that might be a little bit difficult come on yes fast swimming let’s go yeah we’re moving now look at that I really want to get a super wolf I have no idea what that means and all I have to do is tame a wolf we can use our flying powers to search around it took me a lot longer than I expected but eventually I found some wolf oh yes yes we got it best friends forever and we got the advancement Super Wolf can I get two I got two is there a third I flipping found you come here but oh my gosh we have three superwolves I see a couple mobs down there oh the superwolves attacking they’re moving together as a unit they just killed the skeleton in One Singular hit oh my gosh they killed everything in one hit all right before anybody gets hurt let’s get them out of there no we lost one we got to get out of here all right boys I’m going to need you to stay here I have to go sacrifice myself to a creeper blow me up yes we did it be bro Jack has made the advancement explosive we can test it out right over here just to intimidate Bessie oh our next superpow that we can get is climbing which we can do by climbing 30 m up a ladder all right we have 30 ladders and all we got to do is climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb we did it we can climb now oh no ye yeaha I can climb one of the last things I need to get is fast grow by planting 10 wheat seeds make myself a hoe get my hands on some seeds now we must carefully plant there we go wao that is insane wait that’s crazy I can just plant things and then they can grow right before my face that’s so satisfying before I try to get the invulnerable superpower by killing the ender dragon I need to stand in fire for 5 seconds and also get the Wither effect from a wither skeleton all right boys you’re going to have to wait out here into the unknown okay I found some blazes stand in fire for 5 seconds yes Fireball ability let’s activate it yo get a taste of your own medicine boy I found a Wither yes we got wither protection all that’s left to do is become invulnerable and kill the Ender Dragon then Bessie won’t stand a chance we made it to the Ender Dragon explosive you that works oh let’s try to use my explosive bow yes one more got it it’s coming down let’s try our explosive ability oh oh I just have to wait for it to go near the obsidian pillars and then I can just explode it it’s coming in for a landing yo look how much damage I do with my super strength come on AIM for the head yes we got the invulnerable ability I take no damage it’s time we get our revenge Bessie wait where’s Bessie what was that oh my gosh no way guys my Cal besti gave me tons of TNTs there’s literally 100 different levels of TNTs we already blew up level one that was kind of garbage the level two TNT is called TNT * 5 Let’s test this out my gosh and that was only level two imagine what level 100’s going to be like level three is called fire TNT it has some pretty cool particle effects going on it just set everything on fire I probably should have guessed that imagine how many pieces of bacon you could burn on there why use your imagination when we could just make it a reality the level four TNT is called the flat TNT and I think this would be pretty good to use on top of my Mountain I always thought it was a little bit too bulky so yeah just flattened it out pretty well level five is called TNT * 20 the level two was Time 5 TNT Time 20 is going to be literally four times as big um that was underwhelming even this sheep over here isn’t impressed the next TNT is called sphere TNT if I had to put money on it this is probably going to to create a giant circle of explosion that’s actually pretty good coming up next is going to be farming TNT now I don’t really have a farm in my world so I’m thinking that if we put one right next to this inconspicuous bunny rabbit we can actually have a farm and it looks like there’s all different colors so maybe we can have all different sorts of crops I think it actually worked look we got potatoes we got beetroots we got more potatoes take my potato sheep I’m excited for this next one it’s called gravity TNT we’re going to use it next to these sheep just go going to add a couple of more sheep don’t mind me all right that looks good here we go 3 2 1 gravity TNT oh my gosh yo that is definitely one way to kill an entire herd of animals so guys I had a really good idea I spawned in tons of creepers and what I’m going to do now is place down the gravity TNT and we’re going to explode it and see just how many creepers it’ll suck up let’s see what happens oh my gosh that is insane it makes them think that they’re just going to keep going up and down but no it explodes and then everything just dies that’s easily the craziest TNT that we’ve seen today but it is nothing compared to the level 100 TNT that you’ll see at the end of today’s video well if you ever needed a drill in Minecraft now we have the drill TNT which is the next level of TNT that we’re going to be testing out let’s the exact oh all right yeah that’s uh that’s that did the job holy smokes it went all the way down to bedrock that is one eff of TNT and now that we have a giant drill what we can do is place down the level 10 TNT which is x-ray vision TNT I have a weird feeling this is going to just turn the entire area into glass and you could use it with the drilling TNT so that now I can see every single ore in this huge radius that’s a useful TNT and now that we have access to all of these ores we could use the next level TNT the firework TNT hopefully oh it rains TNT everywhere the next TNT is kind of confusing it is called Walking TNT I don’t know exactly what this is going to do but we’re going to find out what kind of weird TNT is called Walking TNT that didn’t really do much what happens if I do it in survival mode I’m thinking maybe it’s like a TNT that’ll chase you or not this one is called spiral TNT it’s floating up into the sky right now and it is shooting out TNT everywhere okay it didn’t shoot out that much TNT but it was just enough to blow up the front of my house and now we can test out this very strange looking TNT it’s called swap TNT I don’t know if this is going to swap other TNTs or if it’s going to swap me with something else dude wait it’s swapping every single mob in the area it just started teleporting us like we were Enderman even Bessie got teleported TNT number 15 is one of my favorite TNTs it’s called troll TNT yeah so troll TNT actually just like doesn’t have any fuse whatsoever as soon as you touch it it explodes so there’s no way to get away from the TNT you see let’s say that this creeper is one of your best friends and you punch them they try to come back after you come here bud there you go and he immediately explodes because the troll TNT has no fuse at all or if that doesn’t do the trick there’s also another TNT in here level 16 that’s called air strike let’s just keep our eye to the sky holy smokes this TNT is raiding missiles from the sky right now the TNTs are definitely getting way more intense my house is still standing which means that we need more more TNT and what better to use than a TNT literally called The Pumpkin bomb let’s see what this bad boy does oh what wait did that drop candy oh my gosh it did it drops candy that gives you night vision absorption 2 and water breathing and it spawned in a pumpkin I think you guys are probably going to like this next TNT the texture pretty much speaks for itself this is called inverted TNT anything that it explodes I’m pretty sure it flips upside down it took the entire chunk that was down low and then brought it up here this place is starting to look like a mess I think we can make it look even more like a mess we’re going to go ahead and use this TNT which is called Static TNT I don’t even have any guess of what that could do it blew up one single block unless I’m missing something that was literally worse than the level one TNT I have a TNT that should do a little bit more damage and that is TNT * 100 I wonder why it’s orange I’m not really sure but it’s going to be literally 100 times that of the level one TNT that we spawned in at the start of today’s episode oh my my God my house is gone we’re like not even halfway through to level 50 the next TNT we are testing out on this entire herd of Mama Lam jamas it’s called withering TNT oh my gosh it killed all the Mam jamas and then replace them with wither skeletons we’re going to combat this by using the next TNT called reaction TNT my brain tries to figure out what the TNT is going to be before it explodes but this one I oh my gosh I honestly had no no clue what this would be it is deleting everything and it’s not even like it was exploding it it was just glitching out and deleting chunks after chunks below that reaction TNT block I have a feeling I’ll like this next TNT it’s called animal TNT and I don’t know about you guys but I am a big fan of animals that is not an animal that is a giant oh guys look we got pandas if you like pandas leave a like on today’s video stop the panda brutality we need another TNT I didn’t even look to see what that TNT was called oh my God I think that was a meteor it uncovered my dragon cave I guess we might as well go down here for the next one this one looks like the color selector in Photoshop yeah it’s uh it’s called Smoke TNT and I I don’t know like is that all it does does it explode at all it’s farting all over my my Minecraft world this might be my least favorite TNT the next TNT kind of scares me it is called attacking TNT and there’s just a sword on it so I have a weird feeling that it’s going to spawn in sword words that kill me okay hold on let’s go try it next to some Minecraft Mobs what’s up Mr zomo see look you’re a zombie I’m a Zombie we can trust each other right why are you running you’re supposed to come back here and get exposed whoo whoo did you guys see that dude it literally got legs or like wheels and then started to run guys I’m doing this for you guys oh my gosh oh my gosh that’s what it does it chases you down and then explodes you that thing is effective next up on our list of TNTs is shatterproof TNT yeah what oh my gosh it turned everything in the area into obsidian oh you could use this to make a really secure base if you wanted to this will be a good test as well to see which TNTs are powerful enough to get rid of obsidian this next one is called cubic TNT just like the sphere TNT I’m guessing that it just blows up an entire area in a cube but since we spawned it next to obsidian it’s not powerful enough what about over here it did a little bit of damage not that much how about our good old friend dividing TNT what are we going to divide wo how many TNT did that just split into Who who how many times did that just multiply I I honestly have no clue but dude it blew up the entire area around here okay this next one’s going to be pretty interesting to see it’s called tunneling TNT put next to my favorite Stallion all right donkey get ready oh oh wait oh it’s tunneling TNT for some reason I thought it was going to dig into the ground but this is great for getting through mountains but check that out guys you could easily make it railroad track if you wanted to or you can blow up that TNT and then place down your next t TNT inside called multiplying TNT it is spotting in way more TNT than it should yo make it stop there wasn’t even any explosion particles it just erased all the blocks around this area I have a really nice campsite over here so I thought it would be a good idea if we now had a floating campsite by using the floating island TNT please tell me that worked oh my gosh it actually did we now have a floating campsite and now we don’t have to worry about the one below it so we could just blow it up using lightning TNT oh right right I kind of forgot lightning comes from the sky luckily the island was not affected by it what about another TNT called vaporized TNT oh there’s some particle effects going with this should I be worried I guess I’m not that worried nobody got vaporized in the making of today’s video hey zombie how would you feel if I summoned in an erupting TNT oh that thing looks hot and steamy wa oh my gosh I swear these TNTs keep getting crazier and crazier this next one is called Zombie Apocalypse TNT oh my gosh it made a night time too the zombies are running rampid in this world what will I ever do it’s not like I have a bunch more TNTs that I can spawn in this next one is called cluster Bob wa how are they still alive if you could survive a cluster ball you could survive a meteor shower is it working oh yeah it’s definitely working I stand corrected all of the zombies are dying that entire area seems pretty decimated so we’re going to go ahead over to this little tiny Mansion we’re going to go ahead and spawn in the next TNT the timer TNT how much time will this take to explode today hello we’re on a tight schedule here I got about 70 more levels of TNTs to go through keep in mind guys we have not even touched the level 50 to 100 TNTs I have a weird feeling that this one’s going to go forever oh never mind never mind it did it just took a little bit of extra time sometimes you need patience it’s a good life lesson ladies and gentlemen sometimes you need patience for good things to happen even though a good thing did not happen the floating TNT floated up into the sky and still somehow destroyed the entire area below it and actually kind of made a pretty cool design I’m not sure why but I have a weird feeling that this next TNT the arrow TNT is going to be really good for killing chickens all you chicken Farmers out there make sure you do not watch away yeah that worked and for the chickens that survived we have the brand new Easter egg TNT it looks like a carrot yeah the top of it looks like the grass and the bottom part looks like the carrot oh my gosh it didn’t even spawn in carrots wait it’s spawning in lots more TNT it’s jumping around like the Easter buddy on Christmas that literally made no sense what why is why is my brain so weird anyway that is what the Easter TNT does I don’t know why it spawns in pumpkins and melons I have no idea I’m super excited for this next one it’s called Phantom TNT it just disappeared am I able to find it do I is this like a scavenger hunt I don’t think it is I don’t even know what it’s exploding I I think it’s just like a phantom TNT like it’s not a real TNT I was not good at physics in high school but I have a weird feeling that this physics TNT is still going to be pretty darn cool that didn’t correlate at all I don’t know why I brought it up but dude what that was sick it wait it actually gave physics to every single block in the area TNT Time 500 this one’s going to be probably the most destructive one yet oh my gosh this just caused a massive crater we also have a TNT called turret TNT I wonder if this is just going to shoot everything in the area let’s wait for it wait for it wait for it why did that take so long it didn’t even explode anything okay that one was a dud but how how about this next one called pulse TNT wait this one has some really cool particle effects around it what’s happening oh every explosion is getting bigger wait when does it stop please tell me it stops eventually is this okay okay good I had a weird feeling that that was going to continue to go on until my entire world got deleted luckily that wasn’t the case I have no idea what this next TNT is going to be it’s called spamming TNT oh well no that that make that makes sense it just filled my entire world with dirt I don’t want any dirt not today I’ll call up my brother dirt boy and invite him over I’ve never heard of a TNT that’s called bouncing TNT what what the what it just keeps going wait it it’s not stopping when do we know if it explodes oh it oh it found the Sheep it did not like the Sheep it exploded the Sheep it’s probably for the best because our level 50 TNT is one of the more powerful ones nuclear TNT I am nervous I am still nervous I am super duper nervous oh my gosh wait wait a second dude the birch trees got deleted they all got haircuts the explosion itself honestly wasn’t that big it was probably as big as the time 500 TNT but you also get wither poison and nausea from even touching any of the radiation blocks and it looks like trees for Miles all got bald for literally miles I was not kidding this one’s called angry miners they have Dynamite what would happen if I just spawned in a zombie zombie seems to be fine what about a villager what about if I were to go into survival mode do they like me oh god oh that was rude level 52 is called meteor storm these next couple of TNTs are going to be some of the most insane TNTs that you’ve ever seen in your entire life oh my God it broke through all the way down there dude it just keeps going my world is getting deleted before my eyes I don’t know about you guys but I’ve never seen so much destruction in One Singular Minecraft world you guys remember that nuclear bomb that we just exploded well this is the upgraded version of that called the SAR bomb it disappeared as soon as it as soon as I lit it oh my gosh oh my my gosh oh my gosh are we safe oh we are not safe dude look at it obsidian was able to handle the impact but all of the blocks surrounding us was not this gives us a good platform for the next TNT which is called endgate this one might actually build something so I’m a little bit more excited because we’ve had enough Destruction for today did it oh oh it just dropped Enderman from the sky this next one is literally called chunk TNT by the name and by all the particles I have a weird feeling that the entire chunk is about to be deleted oh snap okay it did not go all the way down to bedrock ladies and gentlemen but it did delete a massive chunk of land look at this we have a pretty good platform for our next TNT this TNT is called compressed TNT is it a bunch of TNTs compressed together into One Singular TNT let’s find out I guess oh well that was dumb wait wait wait what’s this it spawned in another TNT this one’s called dense TNT wait wait oh no way oh my explosion dude look at this it doesn’t stop it’s spawning a normal TNT I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much TNT blow up okay we’re going to place one Bastion TNT on top of the diamonds to see what happens oh what it’s SP in a Bastion that’s crazy wait guys now we can blow it up I have no idea how to pronounce this next TNT Fred for all right well whatever it is we are about to explode it I have a weird feeling it’s going to fall from the sky oh my goodness this it didn’t break anything the Bastion was too strong okay wait we’re going to have to try it again over here wait wait oh I take everything that I just said back I lied that was probably one of the meteors that took out the dinosaurs and started the Jurassic period I have no words for this I I’m I’m just going around the edge right now and every single block is disappearing before my two very very excitedly amused eyes okay guys we are going to have to go on a quick marathon of TNTs here this next one is called the the leaping TNT very similar to The Bouncing TNT except the leaping TNT explodes every single time it lands use that one to troll your friends this TNT is legitimately just made out of Bedrock it’s called unbreakable TNT yep everything is now unbreakable here using a TNT called Poseidon’s wave oh gosh it’s raining where’s the wave there there’s got to be a wave right that’s what it’s called oh my gosh it’s not as much water as I thought but dude look at that it spawned in like a mini Lake and On Top of the Lake we can use this next TNT to summon in a mansion wait a second it’s not like a woodland Mansion it’s literally just like a mansion it’s just like a normal mansion and what we can do now that we have an actual Mansion another structure to destroy is spawn in something called Stone Cold wait what is going on okay so the stone cold TNT turned everything in the area into ice literally all of this into ice and it even extended over there and turn those blocks into snow blocks these TNTs are getting stronger and stronger okay we have to test out another TNT which which we probably know what it’s going to do it’s called jumping TNT it’s going to jump around and I guess it multiplies too and spawns in like a leaping TNT everywhere that it goes so this one would cause a lot of Destruction like all over your Minecraft world so be careful with that one how about just like you know a quick solar eruption TNT yeah all right so that’s just it’s just shooting meteors up into the sky it’s not it’s not like a normal volcano it is literally a volcano made from the Sun that spawns in lava yeah that’s it this is this is a lot of Destruction I don’t think I’ve ever destroyed One Minecraft world this much in my entire existence un Lama one knockback TNT and let’s just see what happens to this llama oh that’s what I was hoping would happen we made a llama Cannon okay in our lava and Ice place that’s yep that’s what we’re going to call this place we are going to explode this TNT called a hexahedron I want you guys to comment down below what a hexahedron is so that my puny brain can understand did I don’t know exactly what that did but it exploded part of the house we have another fancy TNT over here called Extinction now what look I mean Extinction right it’s just I was in creative mode we exploded one TNT called posid wave this one is where posidon lives I’m pretty sure Atlantis okay it still has not fully exploded yet it like spawned in lightning as soon as we lit it on fire and caused a lot of rain to happen wait oh my gosh okay so it is a bigger version of Poseidon’s wave that’s really all all it is and it yeah it got rid of every single lava pool in the area this next one is called Russian Roulette what could this one possibly be is it just like a random TNT that could spawn in I think so yeah I think it has a chance of exploding and maybe a chance of not exploding there’s a TNT called the Wither storm I honestly did not know that up until this very second and I am terrified yeah right above its head there’s particle effects that looks like the Wither is it actually going to summon in the Wither storm because if it does I’m going to cry oh oh it spawned in something oh it spawned in a Wither boss okay it’s just it’s One Singular Wither boss luckily and it also spawned in like a bunch of wither skeletons and soul Sands in the area it’s not that bad honestly we might be able to get rid of it by spawning in a lucky TNT So the lucky TNT looks like it has a chance of turning into any single TNT in the mod that was just the fiery TNT which was like the level two TNT but we also have the ultimate volcano TNT pompe they named a TNT after the volcano in Pompeii oh my gosh the volcano TNT these are arguably some of the most destructive TNTs in the entire lucky TNT mod I kind of ran out of all the other areas to wreck this next one by the way is called Heaven’s Gate so maybe it’ll just clear everything up maybe it’ll actually like do some good wait did it I have no idea if that did anything good it’s oh nope it just brought all of the blocks from below all the way up here and created even more of a masterpiece I don’t even know what I made but this is modern art well guys we cannot stop now we still have lots more TNTs to get through this one is called lightning storm can confirm that is a lightning storm the next level TNT is called the Midas TNT oh my gosh look at all the gold wait a second I got I got turned I wait midus touch what does midus touch do I think everything that I touch now turns to Gold that actually looks so cool this next one is called Helix TNT oh wait that is so cool it it’s just sending out tons of TNT and then those TNTs are sending out more TNT and then those TNTs are ring down even more TNT there’s just so much TNT and it just keeps ring TNT can somebody please count how many times in today’s video I said the words tnt oh okay I like this one next one it’s uh it’s called jungle TNT we could use a nice jungle in my massive TNT art I probably should have put it in the center thinking back on it but there there’s really there’s no turning around now it actually turned out okay it only replaced a couple of the blocks and now we’re going to do the complete opposite there is a TNT called Wasteland TNT and of course because I legally speaking have to do this we are going to explode the Wasteland here TNT oh my game is lagging oh no what just happened dude it got rid of all of the water okay this up here actually looks pretty sick I I kind of I just want to like see what it looks like at the end we’re going to keep exploding things this next one’s called City firework oh that was not explosive we now have floating houses all over this entire world and speaking of more fireworks this next TNC is called New Year’s Eve fireworks that one went up quick oh it’s spond in blocks everywhere and we could spotted this chicks clu oh no guys I have a weird feeling about this one oh no oh no no no dust Bol TNT activate do your worst what does dust Bol TNT even do does anybody know what that did I have no clue we have another fun TNT it’s just called random TNT so just like the lucky TNT I think anything could happen here please rain cookies there are no cookies some of the TNT’s names are so weird this one’s called Mankind’s mark what it just spawned in like houses and right above it we can try out this TNT called toxic cloud TNT okay we’re going to look up to the skies to see if there’s any toxic clouds that start forming so far so good I think we’re safe this next one is called Hyperion what is hyperion oh I think it’s a tree yeah wait that definitely looks like a tree we’re about to have a massive tree in the center of our Minecraft sculpture wait what I think these are the toxic clouds the next one is called Village defense like we’ve exploded every single structure in my Minecraft world and now like this is the only place that I have left okay Village jeed spawn did I don’t even know how many iron golems that is okay okay what we’re going to do is we’re going to also summon in a Pillager Outpost right here and then they are going to go to war good luck Iron Golems oh it spawned all the way down there all right fine fine fine that’s that’s okay that’s okay we’re going to we’re going to blow up the Iron Golems instead using compact TNT compact TNT did not do the trick now they’re all suffering okay okay guys chill chill chill we’re going to use another TNT called Pulsar TNT the particle effect on that look deadly um do we understand what’s happening right now what the flip just happened it opened up an entire crater this looks amazing the water is so glitched out right now I’ve never seen water like this okay this next TNT is called mountaintop removal I ideally probably yes I know what you guys are saying you should use it on a mountain but do not worry it’ll work here did it work heck yeah dude look at that look at that it just leveled all this area I also walked into one of the clouds so now I’m sick this is the level 95 TNT it is a legit Supernova where is it going to come from the sky the void is it just going to blow up right here my computer I think is broken oh snap do you guys see this what the heck also I don’t know what happened over here but something over here opened up the void guys that was only level 95 this next one I’m just going to do in the center of this crat over here it’s literally just called doomsday okay we’re just setting the mood right now it’s summoning in lightning it’s it’s summoning in hail what do we got meteors falling from the sky it’s raining I don’t know if it’s going to cause any actual explosions so we’re going to move over to the next one this one is called death ray oh that sounds deadly I’ve used this one one other time and let me tell you guys it’s bad it’s really bad it’s it’s it’s bad guys that’s all I can say it is terrible look at it it’s like thano Snapped his fingers and exploded everything in existence oh my gosh that is the most satisfying thing ever dude look at it it’s just vaporizing blocks and then it turns the edge of the blocks into lava one of the TNTs is called Global disaster I’m going to try out the TNT Time 10,000 first just to see what happens okay we’re going to go up here to like a slightly fresher area and then we’re going to place it down right here TNT Time 10,000 it’s so ironic that it’s pink too like you would think this would be like a nice cute and cuddly TNT but no it is TNT * 10,000 oh it exploded okay some of the mobs died immediately but I’m not seeing any blocks even like the the Doomsday stopped do I even move oh my gosh wait I can move my computer is tweaking right now I can hear it it sounds like literally a jet engine is inside my computer what is happening is it deleting blocks like it’s trying to delete BLX but it’s not able to I have no clue I am so confused right now okay there’s like Explosions in the Sky there’s like a little explosion over here oh guys something happened oh my gosh oh oh oh there’s one final TNT that we have to test out Global disaster I don’t know if my computer can handle this oh wait okay meteors are exploding things we’re going for it 3 2 1 I’m pretty sure my computer crashed

This video, titled ‘Custom Weapons vs Overpowered Bosses in Minecraft! (movie)’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-06-18 22:15:59. It has garnered 80390 views and 1874 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:15 or 5415 seconds.

Custom Weapons vs Overpowered Bosses in Minecraft! (movie)

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    Surviving My First Day in Minecraft The Adventures of Qutaiba Gamerz in Minecraft Survival Qutaiba Gamerz embarked on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Survival, facing challenges with zombies and creepers. As he delved into mining, crafting, and building tools, his survival skills were put to the test. Building the Essentials Qutaiba started by gathering wood to craft tools and a crafting table. With determination, he successfully crafted a crafting table and began creating various items to aid in his survival, such as a wooden pickaxe and a wooden sword. Exploring the World As he ventured further into the game, Qutaiba encountered different… Read More

  • Combat Chaos in Minecraft

    Combat Chaos in Minecraft Minecraft Combat Tutorial: Mastering Weapons, Skills, and Experience Welcome to Graeme’s Minecraft Tutorial series, where today we dive into the thrilling world of combat. In this episode, Graeme takes us through the essentials of surviving the night with weapons, skills, and experience. Let’s join him on this action-packed journey! Exploring the Battle Arena Graeme has prepared a special battle arena for our combat training. Equipped with a shield, sword, bow, and crossbow, he’s ready to take on the challenges that await. Let’s follow him as he navigates through the dark of night, facing off against hostile mobs. The Shield:… Read More

  • Ultimate Trident Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21

    Ultimate Trident Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Exploring the Trident Bartering Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 and discover the wonders of the Trident Bartering Farm? This innovative farm, designed by the talented @tanbow, promises to revolutionize your gameplay experience by providing you with an abundance of Tridents like never before. With the potential to collect around 60 Tridents per hour, this farm is truly a game-changer for any Minecraft enthusiast. Materials Needed To construct this impressive Trident Bartering Farm, you will need a variety of materials, including: 1 sandstone About 128 glass blocks or… Read More

  • Jack_Bhaiya’s Hilarious English Mishap

    Jack_Bhaiya's Hilarious English Mishap Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. With endless possibilities and a vibrant community, Minecraft has become a global phenomenon. The World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can gather resources, craft tools, and build structures in a procedurally generated world. From humble dirt huts to elaborate castles, the only limit is your imagination. The game features various biomes, mobs, and dimensions, providing a rich and diverse experience for players. Survival Mode In Survival mode, players must gather resources, manage hunger,… Read More

  • Slime Time: Minecraft’s 1.21 Slime Farm Spectacle!

    Slime Time: Minecraft's 1.21 Slime Farm Spectacle! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. From the tower of experience to the slime farm so grand, You bring Minecraft facts with a playful hand. With potions and battles, you entertain the crowd, In a world of blocks, your… Read More

  • Pawsitively Purrfect: Dog & Cat Gangs Unite!

    Pawsitively Purrfect: Dog & Cat Gangs Unite! In the world of Minecraft, where Dog Gang and Cat Gang meet, A tale of friendship, so sweet and neat. Cat Gang stuck in the Zoo, feeling blue, Dog Gang to the rescue, with a bark and a woof too. Together they roam, through forests and caves, Saving their friends, from dangerous waves. Dog Gang and Cat Gang, now friends for life, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures are rife. Subscribe to our channel, for more tales like this, Where friendship and fun, are never amiss. Join us in the game, where creativity thrives, In the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock vs. Legacy Console: Spot the Differences

    Minecraft Bedrock vs. Legacy Console: Spot the Differences Minecraft Bedrock vs. Legacy Console Edition: Exploring the Key Differences When it comes to Minecraft, players have a variety of platforms to choose from, each offering a unique gaming experience. Two popular versions of the game are Minecraft Bedrock and Legacy Console Edition. Let’s dive into the key differences between these two editions. Graphics and Performance Minecraft Bedrock: Known for its smoother performance and improved graphics, Minecraft Bedrock offers players a more visually appealing experience. With enhanced lighting effects and overall optimization, this version provides a seamless gameplay experience. Legacy Console Edition: While Legacy Console Edition may not boast… Read More

  • Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem

    Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem Welcome to the Bnuuy SMP, where Minecraft dreams come alive, From Warden encounters to Skeleton Horse rides. Besieged by Pigllagers, facing a three-fer scare, But don’t worry, our players always have a flair. Debris Beginner’s Luck, a Chicken Thief on the loose, Bunny Wrenches and AFK Saboteurs, what’s the use? A Death of a Friend, a YEET in the night, Hot Potato games and Axolotl Zoomies in sight. Stranded at Sea, with Chimkim by your side, Each moment captured, each adventure a wild ride. So join us on the Bnuuy SMP, where the fun never ends, With Minecraft highlights… Read More

  • Minecraft Troll Face meme💀🔥

    Minecraft Troll Face meme💀🔥 “Why did the Minecraft Troll Face go to the party? To mine his own business!” 😂 #dadjokes #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven

    Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven Welcome to Havoc Haven: The Ultimate Modded Minecraft SMP Experience! About Havoc Haven Step into the world of Havoc Haven, a modded Minecraft SMP like no other. This server offers a unique blend of challenges, creativity, and excitement for both seasoned players and newcomers alike. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with surprises and endless possibilities. What to Expect At Havoc Haven, you can look forward to: Immersive and expansive modded world: Explore a vast and dynamic world filled with new gameplay mechanics and features. Epic builds and innovative creations: Unleash your creativity and build impressive… Read More

  • I survived ANARCHY server war for 2 months!

    I survived ANARCHY server war for 2 months!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai survécu à 2 mois de guerre sur un serveur ANARCHIE (cheats autorisés) [3b3france s3 – Ep5]’, was uploaded by Xederma on 2024-07-11 15:30:13. It has garnered 19640 views and 1171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:44 or 2324 seconds. Already a Minecraft server in anarchy is difficult, but then if it’s total war, it’s even worse. But is it worse for us or the enemy camp? Official server Discord: https://discord.gg/2kY7BMppyN IP: join.3b3france.fr (1.20.1 JAVA) – Playlist of this season 3 to see the previous episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlXQVVeX5G9mYvv44REJPcPF4uxuUxMnn Subscribe and feel free to comment… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft XP: JJ vs Mikey vs Maizen

    Explosive Minecraft XP: JJ vs Mikey vs MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Family and Mikey Family Were Caught in a WHIRLPOOL of XP in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by zenichi_maizen on 2024-02-08 08:00:35. It has garnered 37957 views and 214 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:04 or 964 seconds. JJ Family and Mikey Family Were Caught in a WHIRLPOOL of XP in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • CraftMasterRiley Exposes Top 5 EPIC Minecraft Servers #fyp

    CraftMasterRiley Exposes Top 5 EPIC Minecraft Servers #fypVideo Information This video, titled ‘Top 5 biggest Minecraft Servers #shorts #minecraft #fyp #viral’, was uploaded by CraftMasterRiley on 2024-01-16 00:09:25. It has garnered 1761 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Mr Thunder9 Has Nothing to Do 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable: Mr Thunder9 Has Nothing to Do 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘There Nothing 😭 to do #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Thunder9 on 2024-01-04 04:00:05. It has garnered 2223 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. There Nothing 😭 to do #shorts #minecraft #gamerfleet #technogamerz #carryislive #dream #mcstan #instagram #reels #facebook #youtube #youtubeindonesia #greatyoutube #build #artwork #cool #trending #world #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimetion #pvp minecraft gaming gamer minecraft videos techno gamerz sourav joshi vlogs minecraft smp smp mr indian hacker yes smarty pie mythpat Wait for It Paise Ye Konsa Desh Hai Asa Dost Sabko Mile Ye Kya Hua Bach Gaya… Read More

  • World’s Smallest Violin Saves Prayag Ishu in Minecraft😲

    World's Smallest Violin Saves Prayag Ishu in Minecraft😲Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: That was close…😮 (world’s smallest violin) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Prayag Ishu on 2024-03-09 13:33:02. It has garnered 17336 views and 323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Minecraft: That was close…😮 (world’s smallest violin) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #minecraftbuilding minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Twist – Gingershadow’s Epic Win! Jujutsu Kaisen Mod

    Shocking Twist - Gingershadow's Epic Win! Jujutsu Kaisen ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘FINALLY GETTING A W! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 17’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-02-18 21:00:03. It has garnered 3273 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:40 or 2740 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v28) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRWuFOjtHAU No – https://www.youtube.com/@InmoYT Zaro – https://www.youtube.com/@Zaro STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyGames Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw FINALLY GETTING A W! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 17 #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Gain a Heart in Minecraft with Just a Click! #shorts

    Unbelievable! Gain a Heart in Minecraft with Just a Click! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But If You Subscribe I Gain A Heart… #shorts’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-04-24 12:00:16. It has garnered 24215 views and 867 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Minecraft, But If You Subscribe I Gain A Heart… #shorts Frosty does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2024! Today… Read More

  • Ultimate Cow Crusher Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20+

    Ultimate Cow Crusher Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Cow Crusher for Minecraft 1.20+ Java edition(TUTORIAL)|Marshallcraft’, was uploaded by Marshallcraft on 2024-03-29 05:15:01. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. Hi guys in this video im gonna show you how to make a cow crusher for minecraft 1.20 java edition.I hope this video helps you a lot. Stay tuned for more videos. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Enderman Moye Moye Short!!

    INSANE Minecraft Enderman Moye Moye Short!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft EnderMan Moye Moye Short #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-04-09 16:02:57. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft EnderMan Moye Moye Short #minecraft #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use…. Read More

  • PrimeNetwork

    PrimeNetworkPrimeNetwork Türk bir towny sunucusudur amaç altın toplayıp kendi kasabanı kurmak ve diyer kasabalar ile anlaşmalar veya savaşlar açarak en güçlü ulus veya kasaba olmaktır oyna.primenw.online Read More

  • BudderCraft Network: Bedrock Support, Anti-cheating, No toxicity, Survival, Skyblock, Prison, Parkour, KitPvP, Factions, Tower Defense, Mini Games

    Welcome to BudderCraft! BudderCraft is an in-development server that focuses on: Providing a variety of feature-rich modes Strict prevention of cheating A friendly community for all skill levels Our team is small, but we are constantly working on updates and improvements. We welcome players to join, playtest, and help us grow by providing feedback and reporting issues. Our server strictly prohibits cheating of any kind. We do not allow mods, game exploits, or any form of piracy. We also promote a toxic-free environment by enforcing rules against rude behavior and personal attacks. Some additional points to note: We have a… Read More

  • City Craft

    This a good server for you. You can build your base and connect others player. You can use tp and sethome or register/login. This server supported java/ bedrock thejava✅ip:> axolotl.bitbyte.host:5020and the bedrock ✅ip:> axolotl.bitbyte.host port:> 5020When think you like this server if you want a good SMP so join this smp good luck.If you want to join our massager group massage me in FacebookLink 🔗👇www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100049328105911&mibextid=ZbWKwL Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang’s Dumb Move: The Minecraft Meme

    Well, looks like Mojang may be onto something if they’re getting a score of 175 for their “stupid” decisions! Read More

  • Slender Man’s Minecraft Mayhem: Nightmare Unleashed!

    Slender Man's Minecraft Mayhem: Nightmare Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Slender Man, a nightmare so bold. A figure without a face, lurking in the night, Bringing fear and terror, a chilling sight. In 2018, a movie was made, Directed by Sylvain White, a horror cascade. Based on the internet legend, a group of friends in fear, Summoning Slender Man, their nightmares near. Created in ’09, by Eric Knudsen’s hand, A figure so tall, in a black suit he’d stand. No face to be seen, just long arms and dread, Taking children away, filling hearts with dread. So beware… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his spot! Read More

  • Neighbor Prank Gone Wrong

    Neighbor Prank Gone Wrong Minecraft Adventures with Monster_coon Monster_coon takes on the Minecraft world in this unedited video, showcasing his adventures in the game. Despite the raw quality, the video is a testament to his survival skills and determination in the virtual realm. Exploring Minecraft Bedrock Monster_coon delves into the world of Minecraft Bedrock, navigating through the unique challenges and landscapes that this version of the game offers. From building structures to mining resources, he showcases his prowess in this edition of Minecraft. Joining the Elite SMP As part of the Elite SMP community, Monster_coon engages with other players in a shared Minecraft… Read More

  • Unlocking Ultimate Power! ✨ Fantasy Wizard Spire #shorts

    Unlocking Ultimate Power! ✨ Fantasy Wizard Spire #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Fantasy Wizard Spire #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftshortanimation #gaming’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-05-25 08:21:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft animation pokku herobrine minecraft meme minecraft challenge funny 100 days … Read More

  • Terrifying Villager Encounter in Minecraft

    Terrifying Villager Encounter in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft scary villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by DEMON GAMING 28 on 2024-04-06 08:18:33. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Minecraft scary villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu beastminecraft gameblock gamegta5gta3gta6techno gamerztechno gamer shortsujjwal shorts minecraft wither storm herobrine sourav joshi vlogs techno gamerz avengers short vide0 bts free fire horror video janvaron ke funny moments minecraft game minecraft shorts proboiz 95 sakura shivji ka gana smarty boy spider-man spider-man #daku #democreator alex shorts alfabet lore amh anshu… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Build: Herobrine Sculpts Cute Girl with Bones” #clickbait #fypシ

    "Ultimate Minecraft Build: Herobrine Sculpts Cute Girl with Bones" #clickbait #fypシVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine To Sculpt Cute Girl (Bones – Imagine Dragons) #fypシ #minecraft #herobrinestory’, was uploaded by Ichiban Craft on 2024-01-16 07:00:01. It has garnered 2537956 views and 156234 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Help Herobrine? Watch until the end Read More

  • Herostar breaks Minecraft village road with insane twist 😱 #shorts

    Herostar breaks Minecraft village road with insane twist 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft village road 😱#viral#minecraft#shorts’, was uploaded by herostar gaming on 2024-01-03 01:40:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Village road build in Minecraft #viral#minecraft#shorts Minecraft minecraft me build hacks minecraft sunset music minecraft … Read More

  • 🔥 AKH Realm Server – Beitritt für epische Bedrock-Action! 🔥

    🔥 AKH Realm Server - Beitritt für epische Bedrock-Action! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Joint meinem Realm Server für die Minecraft Bedrock Edition #minecraft #viral #server’, was uploaded by AKH Community on 2024-05-24 11:20:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Building insane bunker in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Building insane bunker in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Working On My Bunker | Old Minecraft Stream’, was uploaded by Mongster on 2024-06-02 01:24:56. It has garnered 978 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:11 or 11591 seconds. Continuing work on my bunker from the last stream today. Opening music is provided by bouncytorch If you’re interested in old Minecraft, join the discord: https://discord.gg/pENaw4vxqW #minecraft #minecraftbeta #stream #goldenage #swag #epicswag #fortnite #prank #gaming Read More

  • FortNutBr – You Won’t Believe His Age!

    FortNutBr - You Won't Believe His Age!Video Information This video, titled ‘AGE CHECK? #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #fortniteclips #clixandsommerset’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-06 11:35:45. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity, fortnite best controller sensitivity… Read More

  • 🔥 EXPLOSIONS & INSANITY on EarthMC! 😱🌍 | IanSpace71

    🔥 EXPLOSIONS & INSANITY on EarthMC! 😱🌍 | IanSpace71Video Information This video, titled ‘EarthMC Stream – Chaos, The Wither, and TNT’, was uploaded by IanSpace71 on 2024-03-31 09:17:08. It has garnered 118 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:16 or 7816 seconds. earthmc.net Minecraft https://discord.gg/KveWTgwssB Read More


    EPIC PIGGY & CREEPER SHOWDOWN: BIG COLUMN VS BIG SKIBIDI TOILET!Video Information This video, titled ‘BIG COLUMN VS BIG SKIBIDI TOILET | SKIBIDI MOB FIGHT’, was uploaded by piggy&creeper on 2024-02-22 15:00:15. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Funny Minecraft Adventures with Piggy and Creeper!! #minecraft #skibidi #piggycreeper Subscribe! minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song, a minecraft… Read More

  • PandaSteal

    PandaStealPandaSteal LIFESTEAL SERVER LESS PAY2WIN GOOD PING JOIN NOW! PandaSteal.mc-play.org Read More

  • Townscraft – SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.1 Whitelist Towns Community-focused 2+ Years

    Townscraft Information Townscraft TL;DR: Townscraft is a Survival Multiplayer server that focuses on creating towns. Each town contains houses, shops, farms and more. You can join an existing town, create new towns with three or more members, or choose to be a solo nomad. From Big City Skyscrapers to Steampunk Floating Islands to Funkytown themes, there’s something for everyone. Quick Links Rules Discord Photo Gallery Video Trailer In-Depth Our server is a whitelisted SMP that promotes town-building and community events without altering Minecraft’s main gameplay. We believe in a vanilla player-honored system for a natural feel. Tight-Knit Community: We value… Read More