Minecraft: DawnCraft Ep. 6 – Insane Create Dungeon

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Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of Don craft I have in between episodes just done a little bit more reading up in the quests here and I’ve come to realize that all of these this busy area down here is ways to get trading contracts it looks like

Presumably without actually having to do the quests from the other villagers So Below quests are much much more expensive to complete but remove the randomness of villager quests in exchange so basically what you can do is if you don’t want to deal with doing the village request and say I wanted to do

The librarian or something like that I could get 32 bookshelves and 10 book and quills so on and so forth and all this stuff and I could get the trading contract in return without having to find a librarian and have it be nice yo give me emeralds hey by the way did you

Know that this explains the whole thing about repairing your reputation when everybody hates you Emerald bundles can be donated to Guild Master of any Village restore your reputation these will be crafted data emeralds and one leather to donate simply locate The Guild Master and right click the

Donation box of the counter with a bundle to donate the player will need to sleep for the donation to take effect multiples may be needed to fully restore reputation reputations lower by looting Chester barrels from villagers and harming them if your reputation slow can I receive quests or trade some villagers

Or turn in existing quests so that’s cool to know also did you know paragliders exist here and that’s probably something that’s actually worth crafting because then we can jump off of things and stuff and it’ll be pretty awesome so it’s sort of something I’m thinking we should do now

If we have enough leather I’m not entirely sure if we have enough leather but um we’ll find out so here let me put this in my off hand and that way we can track this we are heading to the Northwest for the next Quest from The

Guild Master it might be on the other side of our home it’s very possible it’s like all the way back over here but since I don’t want to leave a Way Stone behind um I’m running it back manually which is unfortunate but it is what it

Is I have two leather I just need like one more leather and then I see dude if I get leather I’d be able to make a paraglider and I could just jump off of here and freaking go what’s up raccoon dude how’s it going I wonder if I slayed

The raccoon if it would droplet it’s like stop don’t even think it don’t you even think about doing that right now you monster raccoons are cute and you should tell me that’s not a cockatiel for the love of God tell me cockatiels are not in this um

What do we have here is this an entrance to a roguelike by unique chains hello nobody’s home right to witness the goings on here you know what I should do I should grab the bookshelves just in case we do actually end up having to take this route in order to do

The trading contract this way I’d be able to get it better and get it easier and there’s some more sticky poos that we can do and logs are oak planks sure Oak planks seem like a good thing to have on us and gunpowder and flint and

I don’t know why I have a bunch of all this stuff but I I do all right all right anyway continuing along man I wish I had that leather I need to find some poor defenseless cows and um remember them we must remember the cows all I want to

Do is be able to fly off of this but I can’t because I’m short my one leather and just short in general although if you watch the last Vlog Channel video you would know that I’m actually um six foot four so it’s a little known fact that a lot

Of people are not knowing and little known but I am six foot four actually which is um you know pretty pretty tall so cool um tank Panda thank you for the 23 months you have to think about doing Sky Vault Hunters with Pete and Zine I’ll be

Honest I think that having a uh second Vault Hunters series with the same people who are on the main Vault Hunters series is I see that’s a dungeon down there I’m assuming possibly a little bit too redundant at this very moment so I would say that’s probably a uh a no

We gotta get Pete and Zine to get on the main Vault Hunters server at some point man we gotta bring them back did I miss an episode and he re-swicked the reputation yeah I do my reputation has been switched harder than anyone’s ever swicked before I love my reputation I’ve got a great

One absolutely Stellar reputation no one’s ever reputation like I have done oh yeah this was the place that we went through before that was very scary because it had pillagers that were chasing after me on top of the witch doctors and stuff like that and I was

Like oh maybe this is a bad idea but let’s check over here I missed this last time Frick you what the heck dude oh the doll whoa whoa whoa whoa okay it’s all Pillager Camp holy frick holy frick I was recognizing this this place from um better Minecraft and I don’t remember

It being a very aggressive location I was thinking the pillagers were over here the pillagers were in that Village oh boy I don’t know if I’m ready to do that whole exchange right now and now watch the uh Witch Doctors yep oh yeah the witch doctor is right over there

Okie dookie just a little bit of a scary place to be at the moment I just want to find the ogre okay and then we can get one out of 12 Eyes of Ender and you know what if we uh um am I ready to start a raid I think the

Answer to that is a resounding new also did you know that diet can give you Buffs this has the nutrition mod things so if you eat a well-balanced diet then you get to uh live a nice life with many Buffs I’m really sorry about this but don’t run into the village where you

Then the villagers are gonna be like this is Michael and your reputation is in shambles okay I’m doing this just so I have the leather so that I can make the glider where did I put my crafting table I got rid of it why would I do that why

Would I get rid of my crafting table like that maybe the whole idea of getting rid of my crafting table like that was so I could just you know I could go back home and then I’d be able to use the crafting table that I have over there possibly

Maybe so hey what’s up man how’s it going I hope you’re doing pretty well let’s see paraglider yeah paraglider excuse me I literally have leather in my backpack why don’t you why don’t you fetch the inventory out of my backpack why aren’t they Linked UP half a flight

Yo why is the cooked bear meat that’s interesting um the first step to powering up is to keep things safe Minecraft to do some light exploring crafted gear will not be as strong as found gear but it will get the job done until you work your way up

To something better man that’s gonna be so cool skills we’ve gotten the Dodge skill already so that’s pretty slick skill editor can be used for more skills and stuff like that the next step is finding gear with better stats that can be achieved by looting chess fighting monsters and

Doing some quests the year is more powerful but once the brakes is gone for good so use the sparingly until you have some extra year lying around me when I get my first diamond pickaxe in Minecraft and I never want to get another see here’s the whole thing about diet

Eating High saturation will cause your HP region will last longer yeah we know that much but also if you have a diversity a well-balanced diet you get Buffs we’re nowhere near doing that but ah the food book we love this let me current food diversity 0.8 let me guess

This is out of 100 probably um food eaten bread [Laughter] a uh I’ve I’ve had some good eats so I need to get to um 25. right now I’m at point eight we need to get to 25. whoa 35 43 48 65 75 well and I’m at 0.8 oh

If my reputation were like my food diversity I’m pretty sure that the second I’m within a mile of a village I’d get headshotted by an iron golem I should eat some cooked bear meat perhaps all righty then well then we should uh we should possibly address this at some point but um

God I love bread like can you blame me though bread is kind of the best thing of all time so I really I really don’t think that you can blame me is all I’m saying all right let me uh do a little bit of fun time inventory

Sorting that we love so much and then we can resume okay you said what about a feeding upgrade let’s see what the feeding upgrade costs I bet it’s expensive golden carrot glistering melon ender pearl and okay do I wait I have a gamble I’ll be able

To do this minus I don’t have the ender pearl but hold on so we have a melon we have a carrot we have gold I can actually get everything except for yeah I could do I could do because just some nuggies just some easy nuggies here and we do that

And we do one of those and we do one of them and then what is it for this it is some iron string and leather where did I there is string and there is leather how very nice why the frick do I have boots and armor in this chest come

On man sort your inventory properly you absolute buffoon and then this will be upgrade all I need is an ender pearl now all I need is an ender pearl and then we will have everything that we need to achieve greatness the greatness that we so greatly deserve all right everybody

Seems good let’s take a quick trip back the thing that sucks I’m gonna end up walking right through here again but I gotta go back to my way Stone because otherwise I leave it behind should be very sad we wouldn’t want that now would we with me Way Stone come with me also

There’s a whole thing about weystones and warp Stones I think in order to make a warp Stone I need more ender pearls though so it’s not going great for us in the whole finding ender pearls Department maybe it is time that we let it go to night time

And see if we can find a freaking Endy man oh wait also there was one more thing um stamina I think if I just accept this I’ll get an Essence so the only way to increase your stamina is by using Spirit orbs or Essences can be found in puzzle

Dungeons large yellow or blue structures containing a puzzle to complete bro I need to find puzzles I’m good at those definitely or if I’m not then you guys can help me um as this can be dropped by some mobs such as ogres and church doctors which spawn in the wild and from

Some quests once obtained right click with the item to consume once you have four orbs 6s and speak to the dot the dude bro okay okay we need to I’ve consumed you have obtained in essence you need to consume it for the horn statue to recognize it well I think

I’ve consumed it I don’t see where it logs my consumption but I’ve consumed it much like I consume the lodestone inside of Vault Hunters we enjoy consuming the puzzle’s gonna be amazed I can’t tell if you’re serious or if you’re just like like you know this or

What oh oh there’s a cool house over there though hold on just a second that’s pretty slick also freaking gnarly cavage love to see it love to see it there’s different puzzles bro I wonder if they’re procedurally generated or once you solve one if you see it again you

Can just freaking Ace it oh let me oh I wonder if the Sentinel Knight is that tree over there the the tree of gnarbuckle is a pretty gnarbuckle tree tinker’s workshop wait is this like a building that has pre-existing tankies conster what it has yo this says create stuff in it what the

Heck what the it’s like a create tutorial building what the frick what the frick yo and gems a pouch and what the heck I didn’t know they were like create buildings to find maybe I should live here what if I live here it’s you know it’s kind of um

Conveniently located near ish to otherwise there is a village sort of nearby the main village is over there though but there was a there’s a village here you know it’s conveniently located near to ish and I could live here so that wait why am I heading Southeast I

Needed to be headed that way I literally just went in the wrong direction but on the plus side I found this wait what is there’s stuff down here whoa whoa bro wait what is this bamboo spikes lab bamboo carving bamboo makes an excellent spike it impaled right through my wooden test dummy how

Cute huh fascinating bro fasting I could build like this could be a storage area filled with chests and stuff like that and then man there’s so much room for activities down here that would be so cool yeah dude I can crank hogs in the basement that’s super fun

Always enjoy cranking hogs in the basement we always enjoy climbing ladders like this and then oh my God this place is amazing yo wait what is all this stuff holy frick some iron bro book and quill could be good I want to live here man I want to live here

Can I can I live here guys can I live here I want I just want to live here this place it’s abandoned and it’s awesome what the frick is there like a pulley they can I can crank I can crank the hog and raise the platform

You don’t know how to use large cogwheel okay oh wow this uses a lot of hunger I’ve just become very hungry but now my food diversity is probably incredible um okay where where’s my food diversity book my book of food did I put it in

Here I did hold on I need to check my food diversity now 3.68 yo I ate two things that’s incredible that’s absolutely incredible um this is very exciting guys this is extremely exciting like good things have happened by the way oh accessories and stuff I wonder if I could put the ring

On that I had anyway bro there’s a second basement oh wait this had the freaking Komodo dragon in it right so I can oh it doesn’t anymore wait what happened to there was a Komodo dragon down there I thought huh well anyway I don’t know what happened to it did it go bye-bye

It’s a second base is there another thing over here bro this place is so much oh it’s a deck okay wait it’s a deck with wheels like boiler wheels or something like that I don’t know any of this stuff works but wait the basement goes down another level

Is this a new thing a new feature with create in like 1.18 that they added they added actual in-world structures that you’re able to find where does the basement go down another holy heck mitt what the frick oh God what the frick is this place dude uh bro

Hold there’s a spawner over there too it’s a skelet spawner are these accessible by the way bro arrows Arrow [Applause] I got arrows for days though oh my God [Applause] hey what’s my what’s my play here bro I want to go back home and I wanna

I’m gonna end up stepping on a pressure plate and like falling down God I’m not gonna fall onto the drills and that’s gonna be not fun alternatively wait wait oh ball sacks wait can I I was wondering if the hog cranking would like move the platform closer but

I’m kind of starting to think that the hog cranking doesn’t do anything I will take some free arrows though bro until I get infinity or frick okay so they purposely engineered this so as soon as you get close enough to be able to loot the arrows it they start spawning

Oh God don’t fall down there don’t fall down there oh well take all these freaking ouchy Poopers dude hold on one second okay what I need to do the play is Frick my armor is gonna be fricked but the play is I put down the waist down

Here right this is gonna become my house my house is gonna have a very scary basement to it um and everyone was gonna like jardon we thought you were gonna build your own house and then I stumbled upon this and I realized there’s no world in which the

House that I built is gonna hold a candle to this house so why even try you know oh built-in exp Farm is actually a good idea so don’t break the spawner just light it up with torches kind of a smart idea um new home that’s how we’re gonna do this that’s

Freaking smart dude and then I get to save a little bit of time because now what I get to do is I get to skip on home to here and I get to continue from here to the other thing that’s gonna be awesome okay oh frick that costs a level though which is

Really disappointing I’m not surprised just disappointed but it’s so cool it’s so cool okay the only issue is I have to move things over what are the Quivers cost a feather and two leather do I have a feather is the ultimate question because if I don’t then I can’t

Make a quiver and that is you just upgrade but you need feather every time oh no I have not uh I have not slain chicken I need to find Chicken In order to get feather that is only way to do it apparently I see okie dokie okie dokie we get so many

Gems though it’s just kind of nutsola yeah I probably don’t need one in the stack for the time being pro being able to use this crossbow non-stop gonna be big gonna be real freaking big wanna get blocks what are you block so then I’m gonna try to deal with this place somehow

Um okay here’s the deal let me just get the junkie logs why do they have to make such cool structures man I don’t know why do they need to tempt me so I need to consume wait I thought I needed to consume the spirit orb is that what he was saying

Essence can be dropped once obtained right click the item to consume it into four orbs it doesn’t really want me to anyway whatever all right everybody here’s the deal all right I gotta I gotta light up the thing and then hopefully try not to get shreked um

Use a repeater on the spawner it’ll make it Redstone activate no kidding really that’s kind of sick do I have any Redstone I do have a little bit of a redstone why does it have to rain literally the worst day of my life it’s raining and that’s messed up okay

We got that and then I’m gonna need to smelt some cobbler as well I’m also messed up oh I freaking tons more iron in there too jeez geez we pop off in the iron Department oh it’s comparator well do I have any quartz because if I don’t have any quartz then

There’s not a great deal I can do you’re not sure if that actually works here oh okay well in that case I’m just gonna light it up with a torch and definitely will be fine there’s no way that this could go terribly wrong um oh yeah we could see jei for spawner

Let’s see okay you can do oh it’s the right click on it in order to do I see I see Redstone comparator plus spawner equals something it doesn’t actually say oh Redstone control so you get a comparator you right click on it and I see

I got it so I’m not gonna be able to do that though until we have chords which we don’t have wait I have courts did I actually have quartz let me just keep wasting one level at a time as I met like enchantment level but can’t

Use it did I get Quartz from it oh I do of course holy heck what do you know that’s awesome that’s super awesome okie dokie and then so wait are those like normal torches nope Redstone torches just look very interesting here then make some dongers why do redstone torches look like this

They just look like normal torches uh it’s very strange okay so here we go surely this will work let’s drop like five levels going between homes God it’s expensive to travel man it’s real expensive I hope the Sentinel night is not in the basement here that would be disappointing

Until I beat it though it’s gonna be um where live move to create home wins with 80 stay and build home is 20. oh my god dude you guys know me so well you guys know that there’s no way I’m going to be able to build something that holds a candle

To that over there freaking heck okay what’s the best play here do I just should I just drop down I wonder if I should just freaking drop down dude and then go to the other side kind of navigate across the actually just break the drills right right that’s so

No wonder they were talking about bamboo making a great freaking spiky trap frick bro there’s so many gearboxes here though there’s so many freaking gearboxes and drills these are actually like some good valuable materials potentially I’m really worried that the dude Bros up top are gonna start small oh I can ax

The I can ax the drills bro gearboxes for days holy heck this is amazing oh I just like skipped over the whole thing oh God actually I’m really worried now though because what if I go up there they seem to have a lot of help

I think I got on the bamboo I got on bamboo spikes those guys have a lot of Health and it’s loud yeah why do they have so much health oh my poor armor dude my poor armor is getting fricked up should I switch over to something else

Until I I don’t want to lose these I’m going to switch over to something else because these are good oh man wait oh this is iron chest but I just can’t repair them until I can access anvils gosh dang it bro um okay pantaloons and chestaloons there we go and there we go

Bro okay by the way what is the um the zero that’s in the bottom right corner over my combat mode I don’t know what that actually means God dang it keeps costing I need to bring my bed over I need to sleep here so it’s just like

Now I don’t have to spend a level to get back this is messed up dude this is real actually I have a freaking idea oh my God I have an idea why didn’t I think of this before hold on I have a fantastic idea which is okay these guys suck

These guys are big suck hold on do they look just insane Health oh no I just didn’t hit the other guy okay if you could like not do that it would be great here’s the idea check it check it check it check it here’s what we do here’s

What we do we freaking I just want to make sure this is how it works yes that’s how it works okay great for the arrows and then guys the spawner broke on its own so that’s cool great turns out oh it’s just a pipe okay uh it

Turns out I didn’t need to do any of that at all um yeah okay this man oh I am going to Revenge heck out of you get wrecked by the bamboo you Frick done I wasn’t even in combat mode and I did damage bro I don’t know how to use cogwheel are

There what the frick where’s the arrows we fired so many arrows at this point that it’s just like yeah we got no more there’s none left oh I can just pick him up off the wall though yeah there’s no arrows left okay hold on if I could just real quick

Though like do a little bit of um paragliding down wait for one more fire and then dude I could just get some arrows get some mad arrows dude pretty good pretty good um yikes ow get me out oh my God those hurt super badly Don’t recommend it if you can avoid jumping into the bamboo definitely avoid definitely avoids good good call yo look at this thing big lucky helmet oh plus two reach this since bro oh the green is also poisoned yo plus two reach this thing is crazy bro give

Me that give me that for sure put all the drills and stuff let me just walk around with a stack of arrows it’ll be good I didn’t need the comparator any of that stuff I don’t know why I’m rocking double iron swords but thanks for the uh thanks for the pitch

On the bamboo spikes appreciate you okay down again oh Mike what is this place this is crazy okay so that stuff that’s one of the spawners that does like the the one-time wave I didn’t realize that was in here but yeah that’s that one time wave spawner

Thing what the freaking heck when did create Go full adventure man when did this happen okay I gotta have like a way out of here and the encased fans are just gonna blow me all over the place so that’s like an elevator yeah yeah exactly it’s a

It’s a uh what what do you call that I’m blanking on the words the Vault Hunters spawner right I think or not maybe it’s not maybe it’s just Monster Box okay hold on oh there it is yep that’s it oh uh there’s a few more I am very slow

This this is not ideal it’s it’s this isn’t this is not great it is not great wait um how am I gonna I have an idea oh this way they can’t reach me okay okay I do not like that I am poisoned badly why didn’t freeze what why water my holy frick dude

Oh god wow dude if we want to do any create they got some water wheels going oh it was my freaking frost Walker oh God all right you guys are fricked so get wrecked down there I don’t think I can hit him from here anyway I probably just messed up the structure

A little bit yeah that’s that was um yeah that’s my Frost Walker doing what it’s designed for ultimately but um me forgetting that I have it so yep it’s good good job good job jardunk done it again okay I don’t like this I don’t like this at all Frick these dudes

Uh frostwalk is the worst enchant yeah it’s just these are pretty good boots overall that’s that’s why all right let me just head back up clearly I I wasn’t prepared here oh boy you know what I need to do I just need to hit these guys with bow and

Arrow because this uh the crossbow is really good that will be fine bro how deep does this go is this the final layer of the thing creates uh creates gone and done a whole new thing here man done get wrecked all right let me get rid of these dude

The amount the amount of stuff that can be like looted out of here though is crazy oh okay looks like this is the lowest part right it doesn’t seem like it goes down anymore I mean it’d be nice to be able to loot this because

Ow why would you do this I just can’t see frick it’s really hard to see because of this I can’t see where I’m shooting my arm blocks my shot so that’s my y value right now 50. like it could go lower I just don’t see any ladders that’s what I’m saying

Oh that’s just a spawner over there okay I see boom one-hitting cave spiders with this also missing how am I missing every single shot oh my God hit something wait do I hear dude I hear the goblin I hear my favorite Goblin friend I need to oh frick I don’t have my water

Um okay here’s the deal here’s the deal is there a ladder no there’s no complete Ladder Up um I gotta figure out a way to get down there and get back up frick that’s one way to do it it’s my Goblin friend hey bud oh he’s got some cool stuff he’s got

Some cool stuff a diamond ax and then he gives me an efficiency six diamond oh but I gotta give him an efficiency five book um oh I do have a water bucket okay okay okay he’s trying to get to me bro I know I know I know this place sucks this

Place sucks but don’t worry I got this I’m gonna I’m gonna rescue everybody got the freaking key so don’t go too close to the Monster Box bro it’s dangerous dangerous out here okay I’m gonna light up the spawner maybe I’ll see if I can go for the comparator click

On it wait Did I okay I have the comparator in here I’m gonna go for the comparator click possibly I’ve just jumped into cobwebs Frick this place oh it worked actually it works okay why do I have two buckets on me right now oh I got a music this he’s

Following me around will you be my friend damage handles plus four iron ingots oh you can repair your anvil um oh I know there’s there’s spawners everywhere bro oh there’s stuff tinker’s toolbox copper ladder splash potion of poison I’m gonna not do that because I can almost guarantee you that me getting the

Splash potion of poison I’m gonna poison myself is what’s gonna happen um okay so that was the big monster spawner thing there I wonder if I could actually turn this into a mob with spawner well cave spiders might not be the best okay I am scared of doing this but

We’ll see oh hello or even when I wasn’t in combat mode I was one hit koing them so we do kind of pop off oh God not this again God dang it box in um how should I do this I just need to have

A way up maybe let me let me make some ladders I’m gonna make some ladders and clear out the spider webs and then I’ll be able to like head back up here wait no there’s a monster spawner there so I don’t want to do that um gonna ladder up here

Uh it’s just Stone I’m gonna create a ladder up there and then I’ll be able to do this no problemo oh you do that interesting what if I just want a regular ladder dude also I literally have Oak planks why are you saying I don’t have Oak

Planks I oh the jungle planks got it whatever man oh it’s actually different it’s jungle ladder interesting cool all right here we go it is almost time I think it is time it’s time to do this okay here we go or can you just light the thing up and then it doesn’t spawn

I can just break it the braking is not going very well okay well maybe I can just Light It Up okay all that preparation and it wasn’t really necessary apparently yo any good loot around here why are these all empty oh here it goes oh frick okay whoa they do be poisoning

There’s a witch down there I don’t like that I don’t like witches yeah why did it uh I was being that way it’s kind of weird Done bro this thing just rips actually rips in combat mode oh my God bro easy quick work done and is that new food hold on it looks like you got new food no never mind it wasn’t new food it was just glowstone that was sat on top of something is all um okay

I just gotta I need to get rid of all these cobwebs otherwise I’m gonna get myself into trouble yeah I don’t know what’s up with it sometimes usually with these things as soon as you get close enough oh okay cool it’s like as soon as you get close

Enough usually it just happens but this isn’t seeming to work that way oh frick wait there’s another Normie is there another Normie spawner over there no everything I loved everything I love this happens too okay why would you do this to me ow you will pay for this

You will pay for what you’ve done be gone you’re so right about doing this though I don’t know why I wouldn’t have oh my god dude where’s the other spawner why was he following me like like God dang it man we were in a we were in we’re in a scary

Battle situation he kept following me he’s probably looking for safety or something like that then I uh why does this have to keep happening to me I can’t keep anything alive it’s the worst okay are you gonna spawn huh wow look at all these things

Do I need the dispenser no I could use the crushed iron I suppose man gearboxes I love gearboxes are you gonna do there you go for days bro with the with piercing where you just Frick them up oh my God oh my God wait they dropped something You draw they dropped the Mad stuff a scroll of primitive writes a scroll of swamp witches describing a few simple rights it’s my right to have this Nature’s Blessing serpent charmer Spidey eyes bro we’re gonna have so much freaking looting to go through here oh my God

Yeah we got some we got some swick stuff here metal girders that seems fancy yeah usually usually these spawners like have custom loot drops from the mobs in them so far we hadn’t really been having much luck good to see that that still happens here okay so maybe the whole thing is I

Literally just hit the stand on top of the thing get out of here I’m not even in combat mode we’re one shotting there we go combat mode hey you’re poisoning your friends Get Wrecked I mean it’s it’s just nutty okay the crossbow actually shreds I’ve never seen plus three reach

Distance on this plus three reach distance does that apply to like a sword I wonder if that works with combat mode though oh ahead for enchanting things that’s that’s nuts okay oh my God bro there we go we just gotta get close okay okay hold on back it off done I missed prick

[Applause] Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go whoo collateral oh baby a double splitting allows the Anvil split multiple enchant books my face my favorite Anvil enchantment uh anybody remember that one huh uh we love that one bro oh my gosh okay it’s pretty good it’s

Pretty good name tag okay cool got a lot of coal going here probably just I just crushed this I just crushed this I have the utmost of confidence with this crossbow now things that I can achieve the greatness that we are ready for here is truly incredible I’m

Gonna double light this up is that a crate a creek a create crate wait 640 slots what the wait a minute wait wait is this like an Omega shulker disabled install what why is it disabled I were to do that and then we’re gonna break it oh it doesn’t

Dang it I mean it is like it’s a double chest I suppose I was thinking it was it would work like a shulky but I guess not but it does say there’s a way to enable it maybe it does maybe if you do enable then it works

Like a big shulky which would be awesome um it’s good for storing unstackable items oh okay gotcha infested Stone cool that’s a good thing to have that’s awesome dude we’ve done some good stuff this is my house guys what a cool house I have I don’t know if there’s any everything

Kind of Blends together I don’t know if there’s any barrels that I’ve missed here that have good loot in them but I think we’ve done most of the stuff oh my God okay now that we know about this uh crossbow being epic though I should dust my basement oh wait there

Are actually hold on there is more Monster over there are you insulting my basement cleanliness are you saying that it’s dirty how dare you it’s very mean of you to say um okay you can get the stuff over here and get these encased fans didn’t realize you can do um

Ax or pickaxe on these things okay there is another wait there’s more over there though is there actually more to check out oh there’s bear what is it more crushed iron Cog Wheels some lapis it’s it takes every fiber of my being to resist saying lapis

Which I have now just said but I was saying it as an example so I hope that you’ll understand why um why that is the case and stuff and you know oh there’s something over there oh an enchanted book that’s so cool all right here I’m gonna eat yeah let’s go oh

Frick wait monsters I have so many gearboxes okay wait wait here we go here we go okay so what I was trying to do there was I was trying to get to the monster spawner and then I got I got heated but but it’s it’s good it’s good um it’s good everything’s good

So yeah yeah all right yeah can I just could I still fly over there I wonder no I’m just gonna go this way there we go be gone foul creature they’re gonna get eaten dunzo easy see it actually worked out in our favor and now I can grab it all right

Did we get anything good how about this what we get what we get we got ourselves encased fans by crazy Lord the encased fan makes for an excellent agent of chaos blowing mobs all around can make navigating my workshop much harder for those trying to steal my inventions

It’s too bad that I’m really good at looting things man so epic raw iron and crushed iron oh I’m just used to incredible and Beyond oh raw gold create above and beyond like not really having the uh the raw stuff eats raw um any other any other stuff oh cool planks

Oh cool actually nice and some more diamonds holy frick should I make I don’t know if I should make a diamond sword or if I should just like wait for other stuff to come in that’s cool but my backpack is getting Omega filled super or Omega filled

Wait is that diamond I don’t think that’s diamond right okay let me go over there on Boulder cross oh there’s a oh my God does it go down more does it actually go down more no don’t blow it I really blew it there foreign does it keep going

Oh my God it keeps going what is my house is crazy I can’t believe this is my house guys I made this okay uh kind of is a little scary though dude got it what wait it’s Sonic the Hedgehog what the frick Sonic the Hedgehog is here dude

I didn’t know he had I didn’t know he had Sonic the holy frick dude what is this um uh helmet of stubbornness sounds pretty good I have so many nuggies of experience I can’t Rocky rollers dude that’s the wrong name they’re actually known as Sonic the Hedgehog but you know I’ll

Forgive you this once uh let’s see let’s see all right Rocky rollers notes the shaking effects of the rocky roller creature is incredible maybe you could achieve something similar by crafting with their scales weight you can make like Rocky roller armor or something like that or rocky roller skates

That would be so cool I love Rocky roller skates wait why am I doing this when I can just do the thing where I do that and I can quick stack I can quick stack into my backpack I was just thinking because it was a backpack it

Wouldn’t quick stack but it would okay can I eat up here I’m about to I’m about to get myself killed but it’s gonna be super fun that was a super fun way to actually not die oh God but now I’m gonna be stuck in here and probably be in trouble once I set

This off wait combat mode combat mode oh they can’t get to Me Maybe actually maybe they can get to me but I’m taking them out anyway I’m taking them all down wee that was an effective combat right there bro you don’t know why this thing did not wanna

I don’t know how to use large cogwheel and therefore I oh I ran out of arrows that would do it that that would probably do it um yeah oh no I quick stacked my arrows I need a favorite ability like Terraria did I also quick stack my sword or did

My sword just give out my sword might have just given out okay it’s a lot of copper so now I need to get over there just do it got it got it got it easy easy dude does this place go down further because if it does that’s nuts

I never need to craft a gearbox as long as I live if I elect to do any create stuff in this man okay what is this it is again Wait no that’s different rope pulley the Rope pulley is an incredibly effective means of vertical Transportation the rotational input needed is rather minimal

When did create become gnarly bro wait how do I Dr but I need I need a friend oh wait no oh hold on I just I clutch we clutch and then it goes down okay but the question is do I want to be on top maybe it should just be on top

Here and then I can stand on it and I’ll drop no down we go everybody down we go foreign I I hear things and it concerns me slightly okay I don’t have that it’s fine I can just I can just oh okay everything’s good everything’s good and then I can just on

The way back I can get rid of all this stuff now the question is uh is there a way for me to reverse the Rope pulley without somebody else being up there I’m not entirely sure thank you [Applause] what the frick it can lift spawners up and down what the frick

He’s standing on the bamboo and getting wrecked I don’t know if they drop I could Glide down there but holy heck is that like a big old Vault that looks like some kind of vault door is that a copper Golem this is crazy uh holy frick

Wow okay so this is like the final boss area or something like that man dude that’s so cool that there’s a copper Golem if I went over that I could fly over there maybe and then I’d be able to light up that spawner um is this gonna be my living room

I yeah I don’t know man I don’t know oh is there a time there must be a timer on top and it’s it’s reversing like that’s a gear shift yeah and so it’s reversing the gear shift with the timer interesting so it’s just going up and down bro

I think I think we’re gonna hold this episode off in a little bit of a suspenseful place this is I did not expect that create had added some crazy adventury stuff to kind of like tutorialize you but also it’s cool um stay tuned for the next episode

Everybody make sure to like the video subscribe to captainsparkles too turn on notifications and all that stuff and I’ll see you in the next episode of Don craft I gotta hold off in suspense gotta create Cliffhangers man farewell

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: DawnCraft Ep. 6 – Insane Create Dungeon’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2023-05-11 00:00:11. It has garnered 59246 views and 2603 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:55 or 3655 seconds.

Wowie create now has an adventure component this is cool Thanks to MCProHosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://mcph.to/captainsparklez DawnCraft Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZwIA0AMVpbxKH-Xbj3z4E3S

My Links: ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● My headset: https://astro.family/captainsparklez ● Merch: https://represent.com/store/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Amazon Shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/captainsparklez

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  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

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  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

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  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

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  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe โœ“ Like โœ“… Read More

Minecraft: DawnCraft Ep. 6 – Insane Create Dungeon