Minecraft Demon Survivor VS 9 Slayers | Kokushibo Edition

Video Information

Minecraft demon hunt a modified version of survivor versus hitman the goal of the survivor is to survive without getting killed in the time span of an hour while the hitmen’s goal is the opposite they need to kill the survivor before it hits the hour mark so what exactly is the twist of demon

Hunt well first of all we will be using the demon’s lawyer mod which allows each of the hitmen participating to receive a different form of breathing each getting their own unique blades and unlike the hitmen the survivor would become a demon receiving one of the blood demonards this time

The demon would be kukushibo the upper moon one demon if you wish us to use a different demon next time you are free to suggest it down in the comments below whether it be akaza or even the king of demons muzon can solve once he gets an update the setup

Each hitman has the hashira powers unlocked making them each have 20 hearts and a bunch of potion buffs depending on the character they also receive a different level of the red sword enchantment which slows down the demon’s regeneration speed when cut meanwhile since the demon is kukshibo this time

The demon would have both the upper moon 1 and the ashira powers unlocked making them have 40 hearts demons also have the regeneration buff which can be slowed down by red swords each 20 minutes kokshibo unlocks a new form unlocking his sword’s potential in the first 20 minutes

And later unleashing the monster form in the 40th minute the border size is 3k by 3k because of us having crazy speed bugs each hitman would have a compass that tracks me when right click we also have this mod called the cosmetic armor mod installed which makes

It look like we are wearing different armor from what we actually are lastly let me give you some context about us me and my friends are all from different countries across asia with myself being japanese so if you realize any accents or language that you just do not understand

That probably explains why and talking about my friends let me showcase you all of the participants now let’s go so So the minecraft demon hunt begins in three two one let’s go all right wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute ahead of it wait a minute three more seconds one i’m gonna die let’s go stop thank you okay i don’t know if it’s just me but this

Wooden pickaxe do be mining kind of fast i don’t know i said i feel like you have peace i don’t feel like it’s faster what is this i’m not killing white food that’s the thing about shiny is he has no dash moves but he has

A lot of get off me tools in the sword yeah man it’s very it’s very painful you know so many mobs here i’m hoping the rain would stop drinking i’m in a cave because i have my strategy i am also in the cave are you i’m not in

A cave dude i’m trying to climb a mountain so hard why did i make a stone solvent [Laughter] oh i see the the first boss from the anime the first one that he caught the big ass thing i guess the hand even no the the big father here come here yeah

The villagers are actually really good food the sanitation i guess yeah no i have to eat them really yeah you guys are human we’re not you’re not not we’re eating oh wait what has it been five minutes yet nope one more minute yeah i got it on cue there’s more here

Oh yeah i need to get through the cave oh you should take something oh snap oh i maybe you guys want to make a uniform it’s kind of divided scarlet or you know what i’m just going to make full dimensions Is Food son nope have nothing wow i was hoping that sun is still more than just fun though it sounds playing a very frail character he’s like hella sick it’s right his lungs are infinite did he change rebar found yeah he needs peace all right boys i got the demonstrator uniform now

Wait a mountain single animal dude To speed air let me just quickly see where shiny is he is northwest oh yeah northwestern right now i want to not hunt yet because i doubt i can kill him alone i can’t all right i think it’s time for me to ascend who plays able to make enchanting no

That’s like too long if you can get a red sword maybe we’re already here um both of us are enchanted taro died i’m not do llamas drop anything no leather i think they spit at you i can spread them back bro that’ll be 10 times more deadly why is it more deadly Okay you think the llamas animals like immune dude all right before we give any bad medical things for the comments and shut up oh you want to murder some villagers are you on the mountain i’m in a mountain right where are you i found a wait what’s 600 next 300. oh

Hello dear human hello you’re not looking at me are you here i don’t know wait is this 15 of the ore and then three of the sand three sand i’m ready using it as cosmetic armor only so it’s like whatever you have seen it’s not actually what we were wearing yeah i hope you actually listen to the brief dom of these things like you just got

Recently i understand you know bro yeah yeah you see that button right there yeah okay this mountain is very tall actually if someone finds nezuko telling me i want to get the red sword oh yeah okay that’s like 50 comments that was telling us about the reds thank you guys

We got it now okay up save you guys yes you see shiny hard thing every comment okay i need food it’s gonna be annoying oh unless what buildings is not the building wait how do you harvest cave root like the blind wait is it from the mind it’s

From the mind what what is this monster oh my god you actually scared someone harvested the gold here must be shiny in it this winter dude it could be me i also i also might go no i go uh i wish i was this happy [Laughter] I can run away easily so i did not want to fight wind one question does rods work it pulls them towards you oh don’t you want that oh what that’s done kill them with this flint and steal like just left are you uh i’m i’m like loading new chunks left remember to get Never mind i just steal your bits and hello i need that real quick thank you if we die once do we die let me die in real life if you die in the game know what do you mean I found it trying to rub some bread i don’t know how far ahead is wait what all right hold up oh why did i hear lightning oh no i might have been generating chunks voice might be an upper moon might be you let’s just get out of here before something bad happens

But i mean i’m i was holding my axe so no the entire bed is gone i mean like every house My descendant why are you alone here he’s inside won the town um i’m too far too very descendant knight two point five kids like he can’t change him just remember he can’t chase you i know you what’s up what’s up Ah Let’s go bro you don’t remember them huh oh i don’t know what you’re talking about running scared not so strong huh come on come on my descendant oh okay i gotta fall back make 400. my demon fight for me bro oh no my demons already dead that was pathetic

There’s a ball that’s filled with beauty like two point five eight nine two again but this is a nick yeah i say nick did you see that Interesting i’m gonna use it now you shouldn’t use it guys you’re eight you’re gonna die in young i’m chilling i’m chilling you’re chilling you’re killing jesus i’m passing him there yes sir interesting i think i got two little hints on let’s move a bit more what is that

Wait we can’t get it negative i’m going to kill that mr fish dude that’s kind of creeper exploded dude why is he exploring structures while he is such annoying pillars jesus ah just get out of my way i feel like i’m barely doing anything i don’t know if you’re actually doing that

You’re just holding him in place for the rest to come yeah i gotta cook food let’s get my red sorry all right i have no more is no no that that’s that’s another Oh my god Oh you guys have knocked me into a pretty good place i see who’s gonna eat villagers why is there in the bed in the middle of it stop don’t kill him i’m not breaking get out of my way i need the villagers yes just run and go to the house Oh josh i hit you with that you’re good way just i need to cook food i need to get food like again i don’t have anything below my double hearts to get super scary you’re All right let me replenish using the villager that i have just killed he’s eating villager nice ah okay bye bye see you next time are you guys good i’m good enough i’m fine i’m food oh no i need food uh i’m not gonna do that i need to kill this demon over here

Where are you i’m gonna talk about i’m i’m yep just come here you see me oh no make sure chinese doesn’t take the food bro you taste the goodness of steak you would never eat actually that’s good freaking mine give me take one two three oh my lord oh he launched me for

Almost there boys i’m almost there as well i’m like one thousand blocks away that’s another demon I got the transparent wall where are you guys at what’s up did you hit me from syria thank you i’m still trying to Teammates bro okay regenerating pretty slow now hello hello what’s up what are you crafting for the guys right here Support me i got food That’s where yeah where are you Welcome dude Give me the food hey gosh the compass is going the other way yeah no no follow me oh yes more food oh bless oh my god dude oh you guys were demonstrating supposed to help humans no what is happening right now i need i need to change the lower

Oh my god this is the whole gang here that’s very interesting [Applause] oh Hey ringoku i have a negotiation to you again join me you are so useless that’s why you never ranked up Second oh thank you for knocking me Okay how did it hit me from above did you join my he’s looting dude i didn’t spawn my corpse why are you guys touching me oh he’s running far yes more food thank you demonstrators you will be feasted upon i’m getting hit i’m not a boost dude marcus keep

I hope you guys didn’t touch any of my stuff everyone taught your stuff Go at it it’s taking damage but oh my goodness who’s this guy in the back oh my god this dragon oh no that’s a big dreaming user i don’t know i want you yo yo yo yes you it tells you where you died not league mike you’re stopping thing Who’s beating my butt i’m also hot this is why i tell you to make bits i’m i only need to move 1000 Anyone wants to join me oh I’m still here guys oh boy that hurt that hurt where is he going boy wait what how did i get that out oh you killed her jump in the water don’t kill yourself automatically yeah i’m good i’m back back oh Where are you minecraft every upper moon is here My Oh now if we survive now we won’t die later no i’m gonna die just god patrick the dream guy did this yes I think we’re slowly hurting up guys we can fight them we can fight him he’s running away right now he’s eating the villagers no again keep knocking me away keep knocking me i got you there rebound my mind your boots yeah yeah keep keep going keep going screw your tentacles that’s very scary

Just don’t fight anyone that looks scary oh not again why are you taking a chest descendant i need bye i think he’s almost half tough we’ve been hitting him oh my gosh i hit him with my like my not like this You guys have really made me mad all right you guys i’m out i need to sleep all right good night all right i’m back just don’t bring my bed hey i need a bit i need the beat yeah i’m placing a bed in the middle

Am i gonna die all right that’s one less i’m still chasing them i’m getting all right i don’t know i don’t see right there you guys are still up wait is there anyone on them right now i’m on it i have no idea dude this guy down maybe we should focus on killing

No focus on killing shine there’s no reason to find the hazard i’m pretty sure you can eat the they’re demonstration oh my god you need to make sure it doesn’t run into them i hope this doesn’t get i need to talk about because of what you just said don’t spread swords

To know it earlier i don’t see the whole it’s for but it’s it’s if you’ll get red scored and then your attacks inhibited healing oh that would have been great to know that from the start remember the most annoying part of the demons they’re healing

I’m about to join the fight in a bit late oh my oh god damn it Oh no he’s doing it why would you break the bin wait what we’re sleeping in you [Laughter] Is come at me Your stuff might be taken already i don’t know why the corpse the corpse the items are like yeah the chorus and you’re watching everything i’m in the Where are you Anyone has mine wait your neck two thousand i have your armor i don’t have your i don’t have power nine hundred you guys are like you keep on pushing i’m trying to push wait wait wait fancy push push please keep eating the villagers i mean there’s layers too she’s the fat guy

We’re slowly getting him guys oh i really i hope so so uh keep on pushing push one of us oh fine how much time yeah 14 minutes oh my god we have been fighting for 30 he’s in a gang oh over the hill over hill over the hill oh compass

If he’s a demon now what does that mean he was a human before dude ah man why even a spawner demon where is this guy he’s in the forest he’s before he forest keep hitting him hiding he’s a demon everyone cut use the moves that cuts the leaves

I’ll give you my blood just join me i’m not joining you i mean i don’t think that’s gonna do much i’m still trying to get by my stuff so mark go Why is there only two opens where’s the wrist okay there’s three now josh let’s go i’m vlogging i need my food oh back right back back we’re back You’re ready to find a village because yeah too bad you’re a demon slayer so you can’t physically hurt them yes i got some demon players welcome [Applause] man how many minutes nice that’s it I just killed a cat again you you i’ve been yeah yeah where is it put inside for things uh well because he’s running further and further are you getting that early oh he’s on the water he’s on the water is it the water it’s got out did you Hundred like one thousand he’s joking back he’s two hundred nine eight hundred hide him adam thank you ow i got boosted backwards bro hit him again elbows an hour i activated my mark everyone remember to press end back the way your mark please nope again oh get out

I hate some users oh my oh you got so many demons yeah you want to stay stay on them why is the sun not coming up longest and the longest night it’s gonna be a walk it’s only midnight look at the moon yeah it’s been midnight for like a long time yeah

He just used the water rocket that means he must be afraid to take diamonds did he even take damage from falling i don’t know how many minutes how many minutes we don’t have much time just entire journey is just suffering that’s a okay there i’ll come to you okay stop chasing me descendant

I lost that’s no i’m good morrow is reborn is that everywhere he’s trying to keep me from climbing up say that Oh my i fell dude how much do you want to make my life harder can you die bro ankle your suffering will end once you die you hopefully humans don’t understand that i’m the spirit species By the way stop running three more minutes left it’s it’s pointless he’s basically at zero zero oh my god Oh my god i’m trying to get in One more time He’s down he’s down he’s down Where oh my god the water next to the water dude how much help is he at Gotta keep it how much he’s at just kill Him Boys Good job my child yeah that’s pointless boys goodbye goodbye my children last one minute of course it’s the sun breathing users oh 30 more seconds i’m not giving up i’m still chasing i i can’t i’m in the purgatory state yeah i can’t see my body i’m so kind that’s a dinosaur i’m gonna

Die five four so that was it for our very first minecraft demon hunt i hope you guys have enjoyed it since we had an absolutely amazing night filming this so this time around as you guys have saw i was lucky enough to clutch the victory this time

It was a very intense match you just you couldn’t have guessed who exactly would have won until the very end and yeah as i have mentioned in the introduction if you guys wish to see me become another demon for the next demon hunt or even maybe you know

Change roles around so someone else becomes a demon you know it’s all up to you guys you guys can you know leave all the suggestions in common and then and yeah uh lastly i’m sorry for mentioning this but if you did really enjoy my content and you are keen to

See more subscribing to my channel and leaving a like would really really mean a lot to me again i’m sorry for mentioning this but it really does mean a lot to me so yeah that’s all i have to say and i really hope to see you in the next video bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Demon Survivor VS 9 Slayers | Kokushibo Edition’, was uploaded by Shiny on 2021-06-02 06:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The first edition of the Minecraft Demon Hunt series recorded by Shiny and his friends. Shiny would become Kokushibo and has to …

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    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

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  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

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Minecraft Demon Survivor VS 9 Slayers | Kokushibo Edition