Minecraft Dungeons DLC Jungle Awakens Part 2 Lost City Monster! (Nintendo Switch)

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Hey what’s happening gamers welcome back to minecraft dungeons the jungle dlc don’t forget to like comment subscribe and hit that bell to be notified when more minecraft arrives special shout outs to our members including our ultimates and if you guys want to hop aboard the membership train too

All you got to do is click right here and select the tier that works best for you so we’re continuing the jungle mayhem with the overgrown temple speaking of jungle mayhem we have our own little wild cat causing some issues today in the jungle yeah i’m

Gonna have to put her in the basement because she’s gonna try to attack the uh she’s trying to protect the window and it’s gonna be pretty loud yeah it is all right i’ll be right back the shard fell deep within the jungle where it spawned a horrible creature

The jungle abomination this vile beast cannot be allowed to continue spreading the corruption of the orb tread carefully for these overgrown temples harbor monsters that will fight to protect the source of their newfound power all right so uh we’ll post the story cut scene so you guys will know

What’s going down uh we have no idea currently it’s just follow the arrow oh yeah i titled the last episode but you’ll probably change the title because i named it something weird welcome to the jungle no uh jungle party no forest of mayhem no those would all be better titles well

I mean it’s not really a forest though i mean it’s just kind of like green oh i wrote something about uh weird topics and talking to trees no you wrote something about talking to trees in the title yeah maybe that could explain maybe that many

Oh so you can almost like change it i didn’t know what to write well that’s a new one talking to trees okay oh my gosh so um after we did that episode i actually showed luca like it was like a bbc yeah interview where a woman that talks to trees showed like

The bbc people like how she did it and they asked the tree if it was cold and the tree said it was the dumbest thing i’ve ever seen trees said that it was not cold because it was used to it out there i know i know we’re supposed to respect people’s beliefs but

I think people that talk to trees need to go sit on a couch and talk to a person and pay whatever it is an hour they need to get help but luke they could talk to a tree for free oh my gosh all right what were you going

To say i’m worried that the tree is going to tell them to do something dangerous like i remember like she was hugging it and then she was like he’s like is it talking to you and she’s like she’s like oh i hear voices so i was thinking [Applause]

Security are you sure they’re coming from the dream all right so let’s hammer let’s what are we supposed to be doing today move to the arrow one fun day today uh the basically it’s really hot outside the air conditioner was on 67 i was freaking out because i couldn’t

She turned off the ac i couldn’t feel my toes my hands were frozen that’s what socks and gloves are i tried to put socks and gloves on even they were cold the blankets that i tried to put on me was cold everything in our room was cold nothing was helping me get warmer

Because everything in the whole house is freezing there’s no wart you can’t hold warmth that there’s no warmth to hold even our cats were like cuddling over by the sun in the window because somebody has extremely cold so i was like 60 look at this 67 is not cold

I turned off the air conditioner for like i don’t know five hours while luke was sleeping and i got up to almost 80 degrees in the house and i woke up five 75 it’s still hot but it was very hot i’m i’m mr freeze so i i felt the temperature difference and

Woke up it’s like it’s too too warm can’t breathe when we have relatives over and they want to change the thing i try to be respectful to luke because he’s my husband so i don’t want to contradict him in front of my relatives but i’m really kind of on

Their side because it’s like luke has it extremely cold i like the cold i don’t like it like that 70 is too warm 69 is fine that’s that’s my reasoning so somebody said they actually remembered us we played another action game a long time ago besides that one

Game that we played that was a member select uh where we were arnold and uh sylvester stallone oh that nom game yeah i remember that and yeah yeah exactly yeah yep yeah they remember us doing arnold in sylvester i can’t believe you guys have such great

Memory that was a fun stream if i remember correctly uh there’s oh there we go this is a switch we need let’s go we found the answer yes i know the answer that should enterprise vixen comet cube to donald blitzen that’s how i always remember how to say

Those names using an old student accent yeah i mean when i first wake up in the morning it’s very easy for me to download because my throat is all out it takes a while for it to open up um well when i used to sing a lot of

Like operatic stuff for my voiceless oh it would take me almost an hour so i could actually watch out just like saying a very high a like full strength please don’t my my ears i said it would take me an hour of doing my vocal warm-ups oh okay i was gonna say because

I would i would i would go deaf probably so um just so you’ve heard me sing that oh i i have i’ve almost seen you shatter a glass before it was like my poor ears not that it didn’t sound pretty but thank you yeah amber has a very powerful voice

When used for good but yeah it could be used for evil like black canary well it would be black siren siren would be the evil one oh black is actually good yeah yeah um so before i forget people just say no uh we’re doing the xenoblade extra story

And we’re aware it’s not dlc now so i’ll change it eventually but um this extra this dlc is only three uh zones unfortunately so what do you mean it’s not dlc for this it was made for the game it’s not additional it dlc is something that you pay additionally for it’s part of

Uh the remaster or the whatever it’s easy to just change them yeah yeah i’m gonna do it essentially though i say that it’s not just additional content it’s almost like another game so hence why i titled it as episode one and it’s called xenoblade chronicles future connected yeah that’s

A different title that means it’s a different game we might i might even put a gold overlay over the yeah i was thinking you could probably fix the logo i i tried i actually had to make the logo myself because there was no png logo of it

Well no i had the logo on our thumbnail no that’s that’s not what do you mean no i’m i’m talking about the future connection you’re connected yeah it’s a different logo i think yeah it’s the same no oh it has to say future connected right because it’s a it’s not oh i can

Easily do that i know you can but they don’t they don’t have one online i had to i took a black picture um and i did my best to cut it out um with my lack of photoshop skills you know what i really hate about cutting out logos when the

Like for instance i don’t know if you knew but for that one were for the uh behind the scenes with the k wings yeah continue for the final fantasy 7 logo they don’t have any logos of that that aren’t extremely fuzzy online yeah except for the for the final

Fantasy part but when it says the thing underneath whatever it says like remastered integrative edition or remastered that remastered text is so fuzzy that if you cut it out it would just look like a child made it so basically i just had to make text that said remastered and

Delete the remastered part from the logo just remake it and find the text that almost looked the same the same so i basically just remastered the the remastered logo yeah basically so like what i’ll probably do is do something like that honestly oh uh so

Yep that’s awesome i i just have a sorry to interrupt it’s really not that awesome no no it is i i just i i need to remember this before uh we go forward so um a lot of you guys are thinking that we’re gonna be doing minecraft for like the next

Like week or so the dlc is not that long um as much as i i really love playing this with amber and we grinded up our characters ridiculously annoyingly the other day um the dlc only lasts three zones uh the next dlc for this game is coming out in the fall or winter

And it’s going to be a winter zone and then there might be one more after that but the dlc in reality is only about two hours long maybe give or take our the first zone it took us about 50 minutes to get through i’m assuming it’s gonna be 50 minutes for this zone

I don’t think i need to kill that leopard so i mean i’m just trying to destroy people yeah our next uh newest let’s play actually comes from iga himself and maybe you guys remember that we looked at it was either last year or two years ago a game called curse of the moon

Which was this awesome like eight-fit style uh castlevania thing made by iga the guy behind all the awesome castlevania games oh yeah was that the one that they they bit one it wasn’t officially well i mean pennsylvania or no it wasn’t officially castlevania it was iga’s side project before

Um ritual of the night oh wait i was thinking jam stain never mind yeah it is jam stained okay it’s it’s in it’s just called jam stained curse of the curse of the moon yeah so we got another consultant yeah yeah it comes out on july 10th and uh

We can start working on it whenever so i think tomorrow will be a great time to get the first episode ready um yeah it’s it’s continued from what happened at the end of the curse in the moon game and a lot of people been asking hey why did you guys

Stop the messenger and uh the ritual of the night well the ritual of the night thing i actually wanted to do is live streams and ten men ten months ago i did the live stream where i did the entire water level when amber was sleeping and that’s when she was still going to

Culinary and stuff like that but what happened was um my character died like right before i could get to the checkpoint so that meant that entire hour that i was streaming didn’t save so i would have to do the water level all over again and the water level wasn’t fun

Um apparently what i needed to do which i might do on my off time i haven’t decided yet is in the desert like right when you come in if you head east there’s a save point so i went west and was getting all frustrated and i died so um since

This isn’t going to last very long i’d like to bring it back as streams to kind of hype up curse of the moon 2 because curse of the moon 2 is going to be fantastic it’s gonna be short it’s a lot of fun and uh i’m glad that ega

Is continuing that story with that um samurai guy because that was fun i’m excited and then of course we’ll be doing the paper mario game on the 17th um so you guys can look forward to that as well uh in the meantime you’ll see more of the racing game too

But it’s gonna be kind of filler it’ll pop up every once in a while when there’s like not much for us to post but i have a uh important uh oh video coming for you guys uh talking about what we’re gonna be playing i just gave tony our list and he was

Like the list seems kind of small and i said it’s the virus don’t blame me this is what we’d really like to do though there’s a cool gundam game coming out next month and there’s a soccer game that looks fun but our list is really small but that’s what all the releases are

So i basically told him if there are any cool indie games coming out that you know companies reached out that you think we’d be interested feel free to fill the gap but these are the big releases we want to cover and there’s like we’re streaming for tonight every day in addition i guess

I mean there’s a lot of cool stuff with aquaman that is awesome looking sweet now i don’t know if we can run out of space or not but look at the little leopard is so cute yeah don’t don’t we we don’t need to kill them

I mean it’d be cool if you could if you could make the leopard like your friend or something i know it’d be cool if you could tame the leopard it’d be so cool that bow was your sweetie we’re in the same color like we’re both wearing very dark colors so

I thought it was you so um tony reached out to microsoft and about minecraft like when the the winter one comes out and they said that it would be a good idea to be a recommended level 50 or above when that comes out so yeah we got we got some time um we’re

Tackling this at about level 3840 if you guys are wondering so that’s why we’re able to play it so make sure you grind you have to well whenever you’ve had a long sleep you have a lot to say yeah a little bit i’m pretty happy

I i saw uh when the batman stream got canceled a little bit like people were saying oh no he has coven and it’s like um no i can get fevers for overworking i’m fine luke is able to get fever without actually having a disease he just has a fever from being so exhausted

Yeah it can it can happen but i’m doing much better i slept for about eight to ten hours today so um i’m ready to do all my stuff it’s kind of a bummer that i wasn’t able to finish uh the arkham night streams before july 4th but yeah

It is what it is i’m excited to look at captain america today i’m gonna sing the captain america song when captain america throws his mighty shield and my lyrics yep yeah i mean like now i understand what people are saying because i guess falcon is getting the shield before bucky does

And i didn’t even i didn’t even know how the order of it went in the car but in falcon’s defense he was introduced before bucky in the mcu so it should go in order of appearance that’s my thoughts yeah i mean i am excited to

To that a falcon is gonna get the uh the shield and like i don’t know falcon was my favorite disney infinity character to play as to be honest so i don’t know if that has anything to do with it but he is very cool i do really like falcon he’s a very cool

Character i think something’s bad is going to happen if we touch this oh no oh called it oh gosh survive the ambush no i don’t know i had a p i had a thing of cabbage i wanted and oh no oh that had a moldy spot on it

Away i’m thinking maybe i should get it nope retrieve it back no you did the correct thing because in culinary they teach you if there’s something bad you’re not supposed to eat it they told us in culinary that mold has like basically invisible like basically mold has kind of like little roots and

It actually takes roots over the whole like piece of vegetable or piece of bread and like you can get away with eating a cheese that you just cut one part of the mold off but really you shouldn’t really like if you’re desperate you can do it but really you shouldn’t like

Desperation i want the cheese that kind of explains like uh another reason why uh what happened to me happened to me um the other night when i was editing it was really dark and i grabbed a yogurt and i didn’t know i didn’t know the yogurt was like a week

And a half old i mean it tasted a little sour and i was just kind of like oh i think that’s just how greek yogurt tastes but um greek yogurt is supposed to taste more thick and like uh more like so i’ve been i i’m probably dealing with like some type of

Bad bacteria or something so i got sick that’s my guess because i i don’t normally the last time i really remember falling asleep on a stream was to see infinity and they had to come wake me up i’ve never fallen asleep on a batman stream i’ve never that game is also really

Peaceful though the music is kind of like very like yeah but it felt like you were a little off the whole time because you were making the decision so fast and you’re kind of going through it and like i didn’t even realize i was doing that though so

Obviously there was something up i don’t know amber can tell these things about me because she’s the closest person to me fine every time we do a game that is a random surprise hit then i feel like the next time we do a second stream of that

It goes weird like kind of reminds me of i don’t mean to be weird or anything but you know like is this going to involve like talking to trees again or no it has to do with like remember the groundhog day where he has that one really great day with her

And then next time he tries to recreate it and he’s like haha those kids are throwing snowballs at us huh this is great oh i feel like i thought i was groundhogging it sometimes i feel like when we’re doing a stream again that randomly got a really good

Response like sometimes like you’re over there like haha this is great let’s do this and it’s like not as natural as the first time and i’m just looking at you like i thought i was being authentic though i think i was just tired you’re just hyper the second time oh i’m

Not saying you’re not authentic i’m just saying you get weird that’s sort of i just you get a little too hyper than i’m used to i’m not used to you being hyper since you’re usually really chill okay well i mean i was uh the first time i played it i was

Not expecting it to be as weird as it was so maybe honestly the second game didn’t look as good it wasn’t as funny i was waiting for it to be funny and it was just awkward you want to know something strange about that game did you know it came out on june 19th

Like it actually came out pretty recent i didn’t even know that i mean it released in japan on the in december of 2019 but in the states it came out relatively soon it wasn’t as funny the second yeah like and it wasn’t there were no funny consequences to

Anything we did like last one was really funny yeah i can i might have actually ruined it for myself because i remember we didn’t know we were doing the first one so i kind of watched some of it and then when you were doing it different than

What i was seeing on tutorials i was like no but i shouldn’t have spoiled it for myself oh you spoiled it with tutorials i spoiled it for myself even though i didn’t actually wasn’t able to give you the that because so you didn’t know what you were

Doing so you were having fun and i wasn’t i was like ah i spoiled the fun for myself spun spoiler yeah well don’t worry we can’t spoil the curse of the moon game because not a lot of people have it right now so it’s going to be totally

And i love that i love when we get it early because we get the series done we get our real reaction i really like that and i like having our real reaction whatever we are the most real that’s when we get the most negative comments because that’s when our personalities are

Oh my gosh we got different things i i was i was surprised how like ridiculed we were getting for playing like the xenoblade finale i was reading the comments i was like oh my gosh like but i still i didn’t i didn’t realize that playing it on casual mode would be like uh

Who cares i i said i said something like oh the final boss is a little bit easier and it’s like yeah we were playing on casual mode but um laurethia or whatever name was even on casual mode she was really tough um you had to have a strategy to beat

Her i i don’t know if i just got better at the combat or whatever but um that game was kind of like our first reaction i didn’t know anything past chapter 10 and we we’ve gone into the xenoblade extra dlc they were they were saying like ah of course the game’s easy you’re

Playing on casual noob and it’s just like wow yeah it’s so hard yeah technically it’s it’s basically called reviewers mode and and the reason why i did play it on casual like you guys it wouldn’t take all year well yeah uh xenoblade is a very long game we didn’t

Have time to play it on normal mode it would have taken forever no and we’re gonna have to switch the other one to casual too because um people these are all new people like new people don’t understand that the k wings look at so many new releases a month like we’re

Playing it to show you guys how to be expert at xenoblade no playing it to show off the game we’re for people that can’t get the game or people that are just trying to um get like kind of like into the series and stuff like that we’re just trying to show

That the story is amazing uh you too can play at home if you’re not like um amazing at like every type of rpg because every type of rpg has a uh core mechanic that differs from one another and xenoblade the reason why i stopped playing it on

The wii is because the learning curve was just way too intense honestly the games that we have had the most views on are the same ones that we basically do our entire new take on we usually get it before anyone else we play it completely different than

Anyone else plays it our feelings on the characters and the plot is completely different than anyone else’s take and i think that’s because most people watch other videos and then they just base their views on what everyone else says and nobody is brave enough to actually say their own opinion

And that’s what we do is we just say our own opinion about it and those are the all so the one the videos that we get the most views on are the same ones that people have the most hate for us and are the most authentic and we also

Get the worst comments so in reality when we’re ourselves our authentic selves the general public hates us but a very few the the messenger they still watch us yeah the messenger comments like people are actually in kind of solidarity with us because a lot of people actually quit that game

Like to the part where we got like inside that um uh the really crazy level where it was basically like you had to run through it before you got to the 16-bit aspect and i really i loved playing that game but i’m pretty sure amber didn’t want me to continue playing it

Because of blood pressure reasons because i was getting really mad i mean it was it’s difficult when luke is spending you know so much time trying to figure out a game that he hates that he’s just i wouldn’t say i hated it i i loved i

Loved how it looked but i just couldn’t get past it no matter how hard i try oh this guy again watch out it’s slenderman wannabe it’s kind of like a shark thing yeah but i mean if you guys want we could probably do a stream of the dlc for

Messenger but i don’t know if you have to beat the main game in order to play the cool summer dlc is there any way i can help with it i mean i’d like to help honestly this is how i’m seeing our games that we haven’t finished i’m just

Going to try to finish the ones that we recently started let’s start with that so i plan to try to finish that fox game we’re almost we’re almost done with uh tokyo mirage and um sao and to do my part i also plan to try to

Look at that one game with the puzzles that i was streaming um ethan or something evan evans remains yeah that’s it i’m gonna try to figure out how that game works so i can stream the end of it at some point so i’m pretty sure i only have one more

Stream to go on that game i don’t know i don’t know but then i can give you a night off and stream evan’s remains just beware well i’m gonna be taking some some nights off again like i’m not gonna be doing the 11 o’clock streams like much longer tonight off unless i’m working

For you yeah i have to know when you’re taking a night off because i’m the one who is going to have to stream when i when i finish my arkham knight series i know but i have to go for it was this is this is this the right way but anyway oh dear

Yeah i mean like i just bear in mind like oh when i stream stuff for luke like when i stream stuff on the channel it’s probably gonna be weird puzzle games like that one that i played in evan’s roommates if you like indie games yeah i know but some people don’t really

Like the slow pace kind of like touchy-feely games that are like story driven but that’s kind of what i like i mean i’m a girl what do you guys expect here yeah amber has different tastes than me so sometimes the kind of games aren’t going to be like just

You know sentai fighting and everything like that luke usually streams because honestly i i don’t have very much expertise in that i don’t have a lot of expertise in sentai stuff either but i mean i’m not looking at that power rangers like cop thing again i already did it

Like i mean the game is basically endless uh i mean why did somebody wanted us to look at it no no no um i’m probably gonna end up doing another stream of the kamen rider game because i’m half done with it so it makes sense to finish it

Plus i really want to be able to have kamen rider black unlocked because honestly oh gosh it’s just very frustrating in general because it takes a lot of work to get through a whole game and the amount of views you actually get for it really aren’t worth it the only way

It’s worth it is if people watch it like after you post it in the long run which is exactly what people do with phoenix wright and phoenix wright believe it or not is our most watched playlist in our entire career the problem is that youtube doesn’t pay like you after you post it

Anymore no yeah that’s what’s so hard with our channel is i don’t know it’s just so frustrating because we used to be you know it’s it feels good to actually be rewarded for working hard but when you’re not rewarded for it anymore it’s just frustrating i have no health left

Did you die no not yet but i’m out do you oh you have do you have a potion do you have a potion sweetie nope i’m trying to use this there you go you’re fine but yeah i mean like if we if there was just one change like if we we could survive

Our channel could survive better if youtube would just go back to the old algorithm we could actually make back you know all the stuff we have to make back with our business expenses and all the stuff that happened to us but the fact that they also changed the algorithm it’s so frustrating

I want to know what’s interesting though because of the whole like people being at home again we’re actually in the new algorithm like our recommendation didn’t even make any sense i i don’t know what to tell you like more people you have like close to four million people watching you a month again

So yeah are you serious yeah as a channel as a whole that’s impossible i know but we’re still not making that much based on the youtube cpm has gone way down yeah but but it’s unbelievable especially because we’re stuck out here in the middle of pennsylvania we’re not

Even being promoted by boston anymore nope how is that even possible i don’t really know i mean i i was just i was just checking the because you can see what time people watch videos now and i took a gamble putting smash brothers at uh seven in the morning today because like

I really wanted to get to the captain america stream at six so well i mean i would love to post an episode at seven in the morning you and i discussed me doing a small series at seven in the morning but we don’t even know if that would work

Because my series doesn’t get a lot of views it will actually see that was the thing is like last night when you couldn’t stream batman people really wanted me to stream on the let’s play channel but if i randomly started streaming something oh that i didn’t even know if it was going

To get views it could actually tear down our channel yeah that’s that’s that’s why i was worried about streaming and that’s what’s so frustrating about the new algorithm yeah because you have to get the same simply hurt our channel by streaming instead of helping you you have to

Consecutively get the same amount of views that you do every day or then youtube’s like sometimes something’s off here we’re going to reevaluate that’s why if i fill in for luke i have to make sure i pick a game a good game i have to make sure i know it well and

Because i can’t just i can’t just randomly stream something anymore because i have to make sure it does well i mean so i have to have less fun that’ll make more people watch the stream audience the stream audience is actually very consistent like no matter what we play which is awesome

It’s pretty much like the same well luke remember that game that that you and i were looking at on the psne shop that was kind of like a gothic like game with a little girl in it uh little miss miss fortune or something yeah i remember somebody wanted us to

Look at there were some people of our papers that have actually been playing that i guess that game is very dark are you talking about like our you can see our members playing it no i’m talking about like people were talking about it in the chat

I think they had it ah some of our some of our members have it some of our big regular viewers have it yeah it’s like but the game is kind of dark it’s rated m we can’t look at it oh it is i didn’t even know it was

Okay i just thought it was dark i was like whoa oh you’re not you’re not wrong it’s just we can’t there’s there’s certain games we still can’t i do remember going through and i was like oh this game looks cute and look at the little video talking about

It was like oh my gosh yeah since we’ve geared our our let’s play channel to general audience like we have to be very careful to stay within that general audience clause yeah um because what happens if you play too many m rated games it’s going to lower your cpm more

Yeah so i mean we got away with devil may cry because it’s so old wanna yeah i didn’t know it was freezing but yeah i’ve had people reach out to us like new viewers are like so are you guys gonna start playing fallout because vault boy is in

No um smash brothers it’s like you have to make a team through m channel a different channel to do it that’s what we would have to do because luke’s channel every channel that you make is basically see it used to be like people would stay for the person

Not the content yeah but it’s not like that on youtube anymore if you play different content like say you always play sonic games and you start trying to play something else everyone will basically leave like yeah people well that you become niched that’s why yeah you people

Used to like be like oh well i’d like to see whatever you can play but it’s really not like that anymore so so that’s why we did our best to like we became niched with like wii u and and 3ds games and stuff like that so we had

Most people knew oh the k wings play this system so that’s that was kind of our niche yeah oh we got to do this again i feel like that this is moving i feel like it’s good that we have our niche of general audience games but we’re gonna have to do that weird

Thing like you suggested again is like every two every two or whatever to to get the switch to work what’s moving so you move it when i move it too i don’t think you can see what it it’s going to be whenever you move it oh

Oh oh there we go well that was a happy day never mind that worked never mind then okay i do want to someday play minecraft but i just have to get into it i i just i am playing minecraft it’s minecraft dungeons okay you can see what you’re saying i mean i would

I just i can’t get into it i don’t like the style i don’t like that i love the music i don’t know if i like no i i have nothing against the music i like the music i like the fact that there are little trees i don’t like the blocky style because it

Bothers me i don’t like the blocky style but i feel like it does help like there to be more worlds that you can create without that much memory see i’m not a super creative person so that’s probably why i don’t like well i i am so i mean like i i like

Diablo minecraft i do want to get into the game eventually it’s just i have to actually start figure out how i would actually start a series or whatever and i did want to do that at one point that minecraft stories thing that point-and-click thing but we never got around to it

Yeah i tried to do some of it on my channel we could still do that yeah and i would i would do it you’re the one who always decides so i am sitting here waiting helpless uh i would do minecraft stories fine i’ll just start doing

Stuff on my channel i mean i guess i could always do anything on my channel but i haven’t been able to really because luke uh is basically have more during the day now but i like him up during the day but hello he’s here i’m here i do feel like

We do get more done when luke it’s not up during the day but at the same time i’m not as happy so it does feel nice to have look up during the day uh i think we have to go this way actually we can get more done it depends on

Our day i always get more done if i order like take out so that i don’t have to spend half my day like cooking putting dishes away cleaning etc but at the same time it’s like i can’t order takeout every day that i don’t have endless money or whatever i can

So i’m trying to like in my culinary class and stuff we would like make one thing and then prep our vegetables for the next day so chop them all get everything ready so you can cook your so you can always like have things in preparation several days ahead

Meal prep yeah yeah yeah nothing wrong with that i love when you say meal prep so luke and i like sometimes when we’re in he’s helping me with the kitchen and we make like a bunch of food and then we put it in tupperware’s luca what’s this meal prep

Well i’m gonna have hot dogs today because we we made that previously i feel like i feel like people should say that and then they would feel more like eating it instead of saying leftovers people should say meal prep meal prep you’re meal prepping for the week so you

Don’t have to say it’s leftovers it’s not really left over are we serious we’re meal prepping we just we just went down the thing and did oh my gosh i don’t know how we’re supposed to open that big scary gate now can’t use the switches anymore so we

Have to go back down the freaky thing because look at see how the bomb yeah i know see how the switches aren’t active anymore all right so we’re going to go down and we’ll check the map uh so basically oh wait no can we can we hit these no

See how these aren’t switches i think so all right back down we go and let’s open up our map there we go basically what i would how i like spend my time how i figure out how i how much time i’ve spent and instead of calculating what day it is monday tuesday wednesday

I just watch episodes of whatever either on netflix or amazon prime and like basically when i’m cooking or cleaning or like grinding in a game or anything then i can then i can tell how many hours have gone by me doing that by how many episodes i’ve watched and i

Just have my little phone there watching episodes it helps me continue you hear how you can hear it growling whatever it is yeah for some reason i always have to have something on in the background like because otherwise i’m just met with like silence like i guess i could sing to myself

But it’s not like anyone would judge me when i’m in my house except for my cats that’s true all right so i guess we’re looking for like a there’s another switch down there i just saw it all right so we’re going the right way make sure you guys and

Gals pop up your map whenever you get a chance because uh even though i’m bad with maps um they help most people that makes me crazy i don’t even know how you got in here oh okay so we’re looking for switches good job oh did i do that

Did i do that did i do that i’m going to say yes remember to heal oh you’re the one i’m the one that needs to heal okay my bad luke there’s a bomb i told you there was a bomb i saw it too late i don’t know i’m watching alias season

Five right now and apparently she’s like an expecting mom at this point and so now instead of her usual things where she’s this cool like whatever spy now she uses her fact of being a mom as part of her spy routine and oh i mean it’s cool but at the same

Time kind of weird okay i don’t know i hope if i was a spy i think it would be kind of endangering to my child to be out there doing spy stuff while i’m like with child so um you can see that when we activated those switches it opened up a path for

Us so we have to follow the arrow back uh which i think it’s this way our puppies are following us so have you been watching sentai or something nope i haven’t had time to watch anyone watch the blooper reels all the time no there hasn’t been any new

Ones it takes a while for people to put those completions together you need more people to hurt themselves while in sentai outfits for your enjoyment i am a sick individual it’s funny when people fall down especially when they’re wearing like colorful costumes that aren’t clowns because i mean

They’re doing these shows for children so they’re doing their best not to mess up and then when they do mess up they own it though they have to pretend like and they they find except for that one dude who did a flip and landed on his spine he did not

Sell it he was crawling away like i could really imagine you doing sentai stuff i mean if i had a red ranger costume i would visit kids in the hospital but i would want now i’d want the red ranger costume people don’t know much about like the um the omega red ranger that’s

A cool costume yeah i’m weird like that are you kidding me there’s no freaking way do you have a key amber you told us to come out of there oh my gosh this is insane oh oh wait we were supposed to go here maybe the key is this way i don’t even

I don’t know only leveled up that this is thai tasmanian devil it’s fine i watch weirder stuff obviously well obviously this opened a path that wasn’t here so i don’t really know how this works ow yeah because none of this was here before oh well you know what we’ll just do the

Best we can that’s all you can do yeah level up awesome yeah we’re gonna hit that level 50 sweet spot that we need for the next dlc whenever that comes out i think the dlc’s were planned to come out a while ago before the pandemic though i think it just kind of like

I mean a lot of people do work in advance and then figure out when the videos are going to come up there’s a switch i did something bad that’s what we were trying to do a long time ago is record a bunch of let’s plays and have them just come out

That’s how some people do it the problem with that was we lost six months of recordings on yeah i remember the hard drive so we’re always not quite ahead of the game one of those series was wind waker if i remember correctly oh my god and we also had um look i

Don’t even remember some other stuff i don’t think i don’t know how it could have been wind maker though because i don’t remember playing that we played it on the wii u oh i don’t know i really wanted to play the definitive one i know well if we played it i completely

Forgot it so yeah well you didn’t how do i put this you thought it was okay but like you you were making a lot of comparisons to like twilight princess and some other stuff like right if you say so that’s okay all right so i think this is timed oh

Wait no it’s not we need to find another switch to get across why is that guy saying it reminds me of a sand person a sand person i don’t like how like the modern star wars movies gave sand people more respect like oh you have to respect sand people in their

Culture it’s like they’re saying people they’re like fictional there’s a fictional group of people like me i don’t want to respect sand people they’re weird what i want somebody that i don’t have to respect i want to be able to laugh at someone they made them crazy in the first star

Wars and then after that they’re like oh this is someone of the tribe of sand people like they tried a tribe of sand people tried to make them like they were normal or they were just a different type of person no they’re supposed to be insane you’re supposed to make fun of them

Like i know you can’t do that to people in real life but i mean come on it’s a fictional world like i don’t want to always be nice to people all the time i need to be mean to a fictional character once in a while

What is this oh it’s the key let’s go we have the key we have the key with the key yay as long as i don’t get hit the key will stay oh i already got told i wasn’t allowed to be mean to manderwoman because it would hurt her feelings

It would hurt her wait she’s not real did we just lose a key oh gosh yeah we did we have to go back who had the king i did maybe it just fell on the ground no he falls down and then you have to go get him dang it

Yeah i don’t have him anymore i gotta go get this stupid key that was lame but everybody look at this i’ve already made a rule to myself not to talk about star wars anymore just because they’re retconning star wars already like it was the rumor is the reception was so bad and

They’re just gonna kind of consider the um new trilogy as a elseworlds because there’s gonna be a lot of tv shows and other stuff that deal with um other store other stories after um what’s the name of that uh empire strikes back and return to the jedi and stuff so they can

Because disney wants to make money well then why did they shoot themselves in the foot because they they had kathleen kennedy and people weren’t too bright the problem with rich people like disney i know it’s just a rumor though it’s not isn’t it it’s not official yet rich companies the

Problem is that rich people are dumb so while they do want to make money when they actually try to make good stories with that money they’re morons because rich people haven’t actually gone through anything that’s hard so when they try to make a story they’re like i’ll just take this story that somebody

Else who’s poor wrote and i’ll make it more woke and that’ll make people want to watch it it’s like no it won’t and then when people don’t want to watch it they’re like no my bad i’m sorry we’ll make it less woke now and it’s like but you already ruined it like you’re

Dumb okay so we’re gonna have to fight enemies in order for this door to open up so be ready i’m ready ready and they’re mostly exploding enemies so best course of action is to hit them with arrows so in conclusion rich people are generally dumb i feel

Like the mandalorian has done so well that they’re introducing boba fett and like all these other characters and uh most of these people want to continue to play in the original trilogy sandbox and just kind of like soft rewrite um the star wars thing into like a multiverse

But they’ve already lost like hardcore fans like oh mark campbell’s done he’s not coming back people like me it doesn’t matter even if they make the greatest movie ever i still don’t want to come back because i’m mad at them like at this point they’ve already done the damage it’s like

Oh my gosh it’s like you go in you’re having a problem with your foot the doctor you know accidentally messes up your foot so bad you can’t walk again and then later on the doctor’s like no i’m gonna fix it and make it better it’s like no i don’t trust you anymore i

Don’t want to you know wait for me dr frankenstein exactly it’s like you were already messed up i you got one chance amber use your your cyclops powers x what yeah yes yes yes get him oh wow you had a lot of that energy holy cow amber

I didn’t even know he has it i didn’t even know you had that thing man you are cyclops finally you got rid of it now that was pretty awesome i am the children wait did you just call slenderman we almost got him find a way out oh that’s disturbing he just kind of

Disappears click done axe power i took and stay down and stay down creep all right so we have to find a way out now we’re allowed to make fun of these weird blobs in this game well i mean it’s more fun that way yeah i know i wouldn’t make fun of your

Character though because your character is my friend oh thank you for now warm fuzzies all around thanks honey you’re welcome so yeah like i said most of this dlc i mean it’s it’s about two and a half to three hours like each level is gonna take you about an hour to get through

It’s still pretty fun though i mean i would have wanted them to add like more story driven stuff but what we have to do is we have to record the story previously um so you guys can kind of see what uh the little blurb was like what our mission was

Which is a continuation of how the game ended or something i don’t know personally i think that mark would come back if they did like animated star wars stuff honestly i feel like he has post traumatic stress from everything that happened to him i don’t think he can

Ever come back he’s kind of like ben affleck though josh whedon ruined justice league and ben affleck got all depressed over it but now ben affleck is back in the bat shape because he’s rumored to come back for uh hbo snyder vs stuff he’s super happy that zach’s back

You know he might even appear at the dc fandom event which is kind of awesome the jungle abomination defeated and the shard destroyed the jungle begins to recover from its nightmare we made the jungle recover from its nightmare by defeating a nightmare what’s the dc phantom event dc fandom

Event is basically e3 and san diego comic-con combined because both were canceled and it’s only dc stuff oh it’s only happening this year yeah it’s uh august 22nd it’s a digital event digital e3 zack snyder’s going to be there um jeff johns uh the people from the cw shows wb games montreal

All kinds of people it’s going to be digitally broadcast it’s a nintendo direct but it’s everything they won’t be interacting with millions of fans shaking their hands then they’ll be interacting people like a skype call ah i got you yeah but ben affleck is set to attend as well we’re just gonna

Announce some cool stuff but anyway people that is it that is all for today’s minecraft episode it took us about 50 minutes to get through that join us uh tomorrow for the finale of the dlc whatever that’s going to be awesome and uh stay tuned later today

For more xenoblade and be on the lookout for our newest let’s play curse of the moon 2 which we can talk about very excited and then we’ve got paper mario and some other cool games coming out so awesome sao until we meet again god bless and every gaming thanks so much for watching

K-wings let’s plays today stay tuned later tonight for an awesome live stream on something Bye-bye You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons DLC Jungle Awakens Part 2 Lost City Monster! (Nintendo Switch)’, was uploaded by KwingsLetsPlays on 2020-07-04 22:15:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Minecraft Dungeons Jungle Awakens Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2. The Kwings Enter the Dungeons of Minecraft on Nintendo …

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  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

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  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_770aa427-1b3f-3d13-91f5-d1bf20da8978 Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

Minecraft Dungeons DLC Jungle Awakens Part 2 Lost City Monster! (Nintendo Switch)