Minecraft dungeons has a mechanic in the game called souls and I’ve got a couple items down here soul healer as well as this item next to a corrupted beacon that requires Souls two artifacts that require souls in order to operate those items so I’m going to show you this Souls mechanic in action in the game and explain how it works but essentially you want to gather souls by having items that help you that help enhance the amount of souls you get like this grim armor for example I have 100% souls gathered enhancement with that armor and Then this weapon I have the truth seeker you get +2 soul gathering once you have this item equipped so you want to have soul gathering items equipped in your weapon armor or ranged slots to help enhance your ability to collect soul so that you can use these abilities these Artifacts at the bottom you cannot use artifacts that require soul gathering without actually collecting the souls so it’s a new interesting mechanic I guess in this game that requires explanation let me just show it in action here so it’s in that little white thing and those little white thing is kind of Going toward me right now those are souls and as you’ll see I have a little bar there below my artifacts in the bottom left hand corner as I collect the souls they will populate there and this is actually the first time I’m using this item this beam attack there You go then I click it to get rid of it and that will deplete some of the souls that are down there on that bar so with soul gathering builds the weakness is when you’re first starting combat you have no souls your build is probably quite dependent on you having those Souls for you to be able to fully operate so what you want to do is fill up on souls all the way move that bar up all the way see my soul bar is completely full and then you can move in and use your attacks accordingly Then refill on souls etc so I’m gonna be showing you a bunch more you know Souls oriented builds in the game this is essentially how it works and so if you do a soul gathering build that you probably want most of your artifacts to of your artifacts maybe all three to be Souls related artifacts so you can just basically completely centralize your build around the efficient collection of souls and then actively using your ability accordingly the problem with souls is that sometimes you can get into situations where you’ll have to use your souls to do damage for example like my Damaging ability and then I won’t have enough souls to actually use my heal after that which is my ex ability right here so it requires you to do some resource management it’s similar to something like mana or what have you in other dungeon crawler games and I like That mechanic now there are other abilities in the game other artifacts in the game that don’t require souls like my healing totem I just dropped here requires me to zero Souls and so you never have to worry about resource collection or anything like that with your build to use abilities like that And so it’s up to you whether you want to have to deal with those mechanics or not but these trigger Abul abilities I’ve noticed so far I mean I’m you know I’m two levels away from completing all the content of the game are incredibly powerful I’m gonna go ahead and go into The fiery Forge now you guys enjoy your time in Minecraft dungeons and be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel for more guide videos like this explaining the different mechanics in the game adios amigos and happy looting Video Information
This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons: How *SOULS* Power Artifacts’, was uploaded by Awall Digital — Andrew Wall on 2020-05-26 16:15:03. It has garnered 5904 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds.
Minecraft Dungeons has a mechanic called “souls” that allows you to collect this resource in combat and spend it to use your artifacts. ⛏️ Join Our Minecraft Dungeons Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/minecraftdungeonscommunity/
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——–👔 Andrew Wall’s Professional Background———- Andrew Wall is a digital marketing executive with over a decade of experience coaching creative professionals to success. He built the largest gaming video network in the world, produced 10,000 gaming videos, generated 1 billion YouTube views, live-streamed video games full-time, and managed 55 social media accounts across 13 languages simultaneously.
He coaches full-time content creators and advises tech and media companies on their digital marketing strategy.
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