Minecraft Education – Artemis I Rocket Build: Option 3

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome to the Artemis rocket build uh thank you so much for joining us today my name’s Stephen Payne and I’m going to introduce the the session for you today This is a live classroom Workshop based on the Minecraft and NASA world called Artemis one rocket build before we start I’d like to acknowledge the country that I’m joining you from today and I’m joining you from the land of the awajak people of the nunga nation and I’m here in Western Australia so

Uh thanks very much for joining us and if you um would like to say where you’re joining us from today feel free to put that into the Q a and we’ll do some shout outs as we go through today so there’s two of us going to be leading

This Workshop today uh my name is Stephen Payne as I’ve just said and I work with an organization called standout education I used to be a math teacher but now I just do teaching with all sorts of STEM related stuff I work with Microsoft and Minecraft with schools here in Western Australia and

I’m joined by my friend and colleague Andrew Bowser do you want to say hi Andrew absolutely hi everyone lovely to be here we’re so excited to walk through this amazing uh program with you and you should be excited too so I’m also a high school teacher here in New South Wales

Australia so thank you Stephen brilliant thanks very much we’ve got people from so far that have said hello from California and from Philippines and from Seattle so a whole range of people from right across the world not just Australia which is really really great to see we uh hopefully

Um I’m going to be joined by someone from uh the Artemis team at Nasa later on today he’ll be able to um answer all your questions but before we um get into the worlds we’d like to just give a massive thank you to Minecraft education and I’ve been playing with these Artemis

Worlds for a few weeks now and I’ve been just amazed by the the quality of these builds that that the Minecraft team have put together uh with with people from NASA so we’re going to have a great time today um exploring these worlds so if you’ve got any questions

Throughout the day or throughout the morning just um put them into the um q a session and we will address those and just a little uh bit of information bit of housekeeping if you haven’t used a Microsoft teams live event uh you can type questions and send

Messages to us here they won’t show to other people unless we choose to publish them we’ll probably publish most of them so that you can see how people are interacting with us um your name will show up so if you want to be anonymous you can just click the

Anonymous button that’s absolutely fine you can make the screen Go full screen you can add captions on but the most important thing really is playing or pausing the event um I get quite excited when I’m playing Minecraft and I know Andrew gets uh super excited when he’s playing

Minecraft as well so there might be times when you need to play or pause the event and all you need to do is just click play or pause and you can rewind and go forward whenever you need that’s obviously if you’re joining us live but you can also um

You may be watching this recording afterwards in which case you can just uh use the controls on YouTube I think this will be available um as normal you can use it in the classroom or you can use it at home or wherever you want to so that’s really the aim of

Um what we’re going to do today um so what are we actually going to learn we’re going to learn about the Artemis program uh it’s been uh in the news a lot already overnight and this morning Australia time and we’ll be talking about that a little bit later on we’ll

Be talking about what’s happened in the past with Artemis and other space programs um we’ll be looking at the different parts that make up a rocket learning a little bit of Science and the laws that make rockets work properly and we’re going to actually build and try different types of rockets and we’ll

Have a chance to paint and build rockets and and test them as well so it’s a really fun-filled uh activity uh you may be rushing ahead and you’ve already played this world um so feel free to just type in the the chat if you’ve uh if you’ve discovered

Anything or where you’ve got up to in the world you might run ahead of us or you might be a bit behind we’ll be able to go back and and show you things so that’s really the aim of today’s session um we are going to not waste any more

Time we’re going to go straight in and we’re going to start doing the activity so the first thing you need to do is have Minecraft installed and we can put into the chat how to get um Minecraft uh you can just download Minecraft from the education Minecraft website and once it’s loaded you’re

Going to go through these four steps I think Andrew will take you through these as well in a moment you’re going to launch Minecraft education Edition you’re going to choose your costume by clicking on the coat hanger Seattle suited up in my uh in my space suit

If you go to view library after you’ve kicked click to play and if you search for Artemis you’ll see there’s two worlds there there are more coming I believe and today we’re going to go into Artemis rocket build so you might want to just pause the um

The video there and let um students get ready to play the Artemis rocket build but if you’re there already keep watching and I’m going to hand over to Andrew to um to take you into um the world right from the beginning awesome thank you so much Stephen really

Great to see everyone dialing in from all over the world how exciting very exciting and we’re excited for you to come on this journey with us so I am going to share my screen right now just so you can see exactly how to get into the Artemis program uh just like Stephen

Payne was showcasing there now if you are falling behind don’t worry remember you can always hit pause on the video take a breath find where you need to go and then hit play again it is a play and pause experience I don’t feel like you have to

Keep up with us at PACE okay you can pause your video feed at any point in time alrighty let’s do this I’m going to share my screen so you can see exactly what I’m seeing and I’m going to walk you through loading up this program and then we’ll take it from there so

Let’s do that perfect you should be able to see that right now thank you very much Mr Payne and as instructed you can see this is the main menu here switch accounts settings new and featured we are going to hit the play button okay now you can click on new and featured

Obviously and you’ll see the Artemis program rocket build very important you don’t click the wrong one we’re not doing return to moon today we are doing a rocket Fields okay all right or alternatively you can click play View Library okay and then maybe I’m looking for uh my rocket build so I’ve

Just typed in the word rocket right at the top here okay using the search function rockets and that has brought up my rocket build so very easy to find in two different ways from the Minecraft main menu so let’s click on the Artemis rocket build here okay

And we’re going to click this create World button that’s going to kick off our amazing Artemis rocket world where we can blast off to the Moon with super Stellar new Minecraft education map created in partnership with NASA we’re going to meet rocket scientists and Engineers as we venture through the

Blocky Labs explore jet propulsion and design a moon rocket in Minecraft alright so let’s get started right there so I’m going to click the create worlds button and that’s going to initiate the program that you can see it popping up just there okay so that’s loading now yours

May take a second to load maybe shorter maybe longer but again you can always pause this session as we go through here so that’s just going to load that one in very exciting that we are going back to the moon and using a program like Minecraft helps us learn what that

Experience could be like for everyone involved including the NASA astronauts now I I love space exploration I know Stephen also loves space exploration so we’re super excited to jump into this lesson and go through this here with you okay so here we are we are right here in the center

Of the mission control okay which I’m going to uh I’m gonna distinctly point out I’m sure you realize that already but just having a little look around here wow absolutely incredible now we do have an instructor the very first Port of call to find out what to do okay and

If you’ve never really used Minecraft before all right you could be that lovely soul that is diving into this for the very first time I’m going to right click on my instructor my instructor’s going to give me some some instructions all right gotta make sense doesn’t it welcome to launch

Control this is where we make sure our Rockets take off safely we’re working on a really exciting project called the Artemis program and we want you to be a part of it now if you struggle to read any of the texts today or maybe it’s very hard for you to comprehend and see

Some of the words there is this little button down here called immersive reader okay because there is quite a lot of text that explains how jet propulsion explains how we build Rockets So it’s very important that you make this as accessible as possible so I can click

This little button and what that will do is enable me as a student as the user to tailor the text for my accessible needs so I can increase the font size I can change the text background around okay change to the font all right change my grammatical preferences so maybe break

The words up into syllables turn on the nouns the verbs and the adverbs and of course I have line Focus translation to a number of different languages picture dictionary okay and then of course text to speech is also down there as well okay now I haven’t shared my sound right now

But that will read that out to your language of choice so they are your immersive reader accessible controls do use them if you feel like that helps your understanding of the projects now Mr Payne are we ready to go and learn about this Artemis program in our live lesson here

I am super ready um I can see there’s a lot of NASA workers there I’m not going to go and explore them now but I might do that later on I think I just want to get get on and learn about how to build these uh Rockets absolutely we can see the component

Engineer and the imagery uh integration leads and obviously our cryogenic engineering technicians and you can explore all of these amazing individuals that help make this possible and go into the moon after you finish some of our programs here okay so I’m just going to walk down the hallway opposite to the

Big screens and we’re going to go in the very first door turn to the right and you will see lesson one introduction to Artemis okay so I can walk up to this lovely individual right click I’ll stand on the desk just so they know I’m here

And read the text on the screen so welcome to the Artemis rocket build world I’m here to tell you about the artist’s missions now you might not know about these missions so let’s click next and learn about the Artemis missions NASA is going to land the very first

Woman and person of color on the moon as part of these missions they use new technologies to explore more of the Moon than ever before how exciting or great age turn in historical space exploration I should say NASA will also work with other companies and countries

To set up permanent bases on the moon what we learn from our time on the moon will help us send astronauts to Mars for the very first time a permanent base why are we going back to the Moon why is NASA sending people there again click

Below to find out when you’re done move on to the next section to learn about how we build Rockets So this is a great opportunity for you to pause the session and explore the discovery aspect the economy aspect and the inspiration aspect of going to the Moon okay so I

Won’t explore all of all of these in detail due to our limited time but you can pause this and go and explore these in detail so let’s have a look at the inspiration in my regard here we’ll Explore More Of The Moon than ever before with the help of companies and

Countries will also inspire people to learn more about space we are the Artemis generation and obviously you can go and click and learn about some of these other aspects there so I’m going to click done you have completed my lesson go through the door and to learn about how a rocket Works fantastic

Let’s do that right there so I’m going to walk down the hallway and speak to my lovely individual here about how does a rocket work okay and again pause this when you need to before we start building our own rocket let’s talk about the basics okay what are the basics of a rocket

Engineers use special laws called Newtons Newton’s laws to understand how forces work and to make sure rockets fly properly these laws were first written down by scientists named Sir Isaac Newton a long time ago but they’re still very important for Rocket Engineers today isn’t that interesting Sir Isaac

Newton put these laws down many many many years ago and they’re still very important today do you want to know more about Newton’s laws and how they help us build Rockets let’s find out now again I’m only going to select one of these due to the

Interest of time but I do encourage you to go and explore these in detail so let’s learn about Newton’s first law objects like to stay still or keep moving unless something else made some change uh for example if our rocket is standing still and we don’t push it it will stay still

Makes sense to me but if we give it a push it will keep moving until something else makes it stop this is called Newton’s first law of motion it’s important for us to understand that this when building and flying Rockets right very important for propulsion right we need to keep it that

Push and it’ll keep going unless we do something to counter that movement to make it stop right Isaac’s very first law now I can learn about the other laws as well which I do encourage you to do so I’m going to click next when we’re building flying Rockets it’s

Important to think about the different forces that will be acting on it these forces can push or pull rocket in different directions and some forces are stronger than others for example the Orcs of gravity is always pulling the rocket down towards the ground and a force called thrust can

Push the rocket up into the sky right we can learn about weight and rust okay now we will keep moving on you can learn about rust and how thrust makes a rocket move and you can also learn about weight right which is the force that the Earth’s gravity creates on the object we

Have to escape obviously our atmosphere and the weight that is pulling Upon Our rocket so it’s a very interesting to learn about how we can use Sir Isaac’s laws to escape Earth’s gravity but also use thrust to get to the moon we want to build a rocket that can fly all the way

To the moon so we need to make sure our rocket goes fast enough to get there we also need to make sure we have enough fuel to burn to power our Rockets right because our moon is very very far away and we need to go fast enough to escape

Earth’s gravity which is the force that pulls everything back to the ground can you guess how fast we need to go all right very tricky there after we learn more about how fast we need to go and how much fuel we need we can start building our Rockets to fly to

The moon we can have a look at velocity or Delta V now what is velocity it’s a good question to ask yourself or your classmates is the speed of something in a certain direction now I’m not going to spoil Delta V that’s armed for you to explore when you have time now you’ve

Completed my lesson go through the door and learn about propulsion methods alrighty so we’re almost there we’re going to keep going one thing I thought was quite interesting there Andrew is I always remember when I was a child watching the people walking on the moon and how they

Were kind of bouncing around and I guess that’s due to the the gravity because you weigh was it a sixth less uh a sixth of the the weight on Earth is what you weigh on the moon yeah absolutely you imagine a beach ball for example or

Kicking a soccer ball on the moon how high it must it must go to due to the low gravity that is on the Moon yes very interesting I’d say you get you might get a world record but you’re not on the world so very a moon record that’s right

That’s right so on that note before we Chuck it over to Stephen when we do Lesson Four we’re up to less than three we’re going to learn about forces on our rocket velocity and Delta V we have a lot of stuff uh to bring us so close to

The moon so our rocket is going to be pretty heavy so remember not only do we need to bring our spaceship astronauts and enough fuel but we also need to launch that rocket and also have the fuel to get home right very important that we come back to planet Earth a

Rocket with more mass will speed up more slowly so we’re going to need a lot of fuel humans have been experimenting with rockets for thousands of years early propulsion engines were developed in Greece around 4 100 b c e okay so before Common Era wow the first true Rockets

Were created in China around 800 years ago over these years Rockets have taken many shapes the fuel burned in these Rockets can be liquid or solid so we can learn about liquid or solid uh fuel now I’m going to click solid because we all know generally what liquid fuel is it

Goes into our cars for example but with solid fuel you don’t have to fill up the tank right before launch a solid rocket can sit for years before firing the solid rocket fuel using the items rocket is called p r b a n okay and there’s a abbreviation there so you can basically

Pronounce those very tricky scientific words but if you don’t know how to pronounce them great time to turn on immersive reader don’t worry we won’t make you say these three times fast let’s take a closer look at the parts of the Artemis space launch system so

Um right here we talk about the sides of the rockets and again you can read these in details they’re called the rocket boosters right so the SLS right that rocket has two very solid rocket boosters that burn approximately six tons of solid fuel each second wow

That’s a lot of fuel just to launch off the pad and their job is done as in the boosters within two minutes inside the large Central section is the core stage there are two liquid repellent tanks holding liquid hydrogen fuel at the base of four rocket engines and that will

Take us uh almost 27 359 kilometers or seventy Thousand Miles right during the first eight minutes of flight and of course we have here the long nose of the rocket contains a launch abort system that can activate on a moment’s notice right the pull the crew the safety if there’s an emergency

Turing launch so there’s a lot of considerations in the design of a rocket it’s so big which we’ll see in a second but not all of it will make it to the Moon it will break up into different sections after the propellant’s spent because we don’t need those sections

Anymore they don’t have any fuel they’re just adding weight so we will let those sections go and then we will um drop them off so our rocket is much lighter this is called staging so you’ve probably heard them in the announcement they’ll say you know accessing stage two

Or stage three of the liftoff right there the different stages of the launch once launched the solid boosters will do their job in about two minutes and then Fall Away splashing into the Atlantic Ocean where we retrieve them for study the core stage of the rocket using liquid hydrogen liquid oxygen separates

6 minutes after at this point the upper stage called the interim cryogenic propulsion stage or the icps is then on its way to uh to the Moon right and then it will separate again and push and Propel the astronauts and their gear towards a trajectory that

Will take them to the Moon about two hours into the flight it separates and on there you go very interesting very very interesting so I want to just completed that lesson I summarized it a little bit there for you but hopefully you go through it in great detail and we’re

Going to go through the door and do our very last lesson before we start designing our rocket and I think hey what I’d like to do Andrew is I’d like to pause there and do a little bit of a little bit of a check over to you Stephen see what we’ve been learning

Um so I’ve been listening really carefully and I was trying to do some calculations in my head and I think the Delta V is the thrust you need to um to take off and Escape Earth’s gravity and we were given it in miles per hour but I think in um

Kilometers per hour it’s over 30 000 kilometers per hour which is which is super exciting and super fast um so I’m just going to ask you these three questions these are the three main parts of the of the rocket one two and three so I won’t ask you to tell me live uh

Andrew what they are but that’s it might be worth just uh having a thing because these are what we’re going to be concentrating on for the next part of today’s lesson we’re going to be using these three parts so if you know what one or two or three

Are are what they’re called maybe you can type that into the Q a for us to see whether you’ve been been listening along uh so the knowledge knowledge check lesson three maybe one is something two is something else three is something else so if you want to just type that into the chat

Um and then we’ll look at uh less than four um you’ve been busy there Andrew should I go through Lesson Four and then you can go into the uh the actual building part after that how about that absolutely absolutely brilliant and so while people are writing those answers in

Um you might want to just pause while uh while students tell you all the things that they’ve been learning um and I am going to I’m going to give you the answers so we’re going to use these terms a lot today so we’ve got the boosters

Which get us off the ground we’ve got the core stage which has got all of the um the fuel in and then we’ve got the the spacecraft which is where the uh that your people go and the um instruments and all that kind of stuff so hopefully you you got all those did

People get that right let’s have a look in the chat oh brilliant um how about this I’m just going to read this out because we are some people are so much faster than us we’ve got um the students at Dunsborough Primary School have already explored the world they’ve created a

Book and quill to record their learning of all four lessons they took selfies with the instructor and two facts they learned then they completed all of the builds they are much further down the road than we are wow wow that is really cool so I’m sure that’s not the only uh

School that’s uh that’s that’s faster than us but um thanks for coming along and uh it’s and uh yeah keep exploring so we’re going to go really quickly then through and the last lesson and then we will um then we’ll get on with the building so um Lesson Four

I’m going to take you over from Lesson Four um so we’re going to go through the um we’re gonna go through the door we just learned um all about Artemis and now we’re going to learn what’s next excellent so um Artemis one was completed last year I remember seeing that launch and then

Next year is we’re going to have the four member crew go into space further than ever before and the astronauts were actually announced this morning which was really exciting you can go and look up about them a little bit later on and then 2025 so just two years we are going to have

People landing on the moon and in my lifetime that hasn’t happened I I was born in 1976 and I think the last time people were on the moon was 1972 so I’ve been waiting a long time to see this and I’m incredibly excited so we’ve got all this information about

The Gateway which is where people will be able to dock outside of the Moon and then we’re going to set up a base camp on the moon and that is um really the aim so now we’ve learned all that stuff we are going to go and use what we have

Learned about the um about the Rockets and the thrust and the fuel and we’re going to try and build some uh really exciting um rockets and then we can build them and paint them and then hopefully launch them I’m quite excited Andrew but uh I need

You to take me through the next bit absolutely I can do that for you Mr Pay not a problem whatsoever and we’re gonna have a look at these uh amazing rocket designs so let’s do that as we go through our door okay so I’m catching up

To you right there and let’s let’s go and explore all right so I’m going to leave your face on there Mr Payne so you can talk um to exactly what is going on I love that ladder by the way oh your face is popped back I’m gonna

Have to I’ll try and get my face back get your face there so we can we can talk to some lovely commentary so we’re at the elevator right now and what do you think that is prompting us to do Mr paint so anything anything that’s flashing

Means I think it means click on it so I am going to right click if I’m on a keyboard and mouse which I am and obviously I double tap if I was on a touch device so what have we got here I love the graphics this is an amazing

Build isn’t it just want to have a look a moment and just explore what’s what’s been built for us it’s a massive hanger isn’t it an absolutely monster hanger that goes all the way up to the uh to the roof there you can see an outline of a very particular rocket shape

So we’ve got a little puzzle here we’ve got we’ve got a budget of 50 is it 50 emeralds it’s very small on my screen um so we are over budget with what we’ve built there we’ve got the three parts of the rocket to build so I guess the first

Thing we’ve got to do is get that into budget that’s correct that’s correct and if you’d like to know how to get that into the budget obviously our instructor here will explain that each part has a different value and you press the test button to run the simulation so

Stephen can we hit the test button and just see what happens yeah give it a go we are over budget 97 over 50. Let’s test our rockets and it’s too expensive so let’s try and select some cheaper Parts okay so right click and as I right click on left and right

Here you can actually see the different designs of the rocket change so let’s build it all the way down here look at all these different types of boosters that we have and then you can see as I alter the rocket the weight the fuel and the propulsion all change right we have to

Find a good balance here so well yeah I saw that I saw you there we go why don’t you like that one we’re in budget I think we should give it a try give that one a go all right yeah so we’ve got you know moderate weight very

Little Fuel and very little propulsion let’s see what happens right I love these simulations ah not a potion okay so your rocket doesn’t have enough thrust to lick the rocket and payload so if you remember our lesson three where we talked about the importance of having a Thrust to escape the Earth’s gravity

Thank you two sir uh Isaac Newton so what do we need to increase Mr Payne well we definitely need to increase the boosters down the bottom but we don’t want them to too powerful no not too powerful I’m too powerful all right I don’t want one booster I think I want

Two boosters so we definitely need two I’m happy with that I’m happy with that design but we’re still over budget so let’s take some fuel down here a little bit all right let’s decrease our fuel so I’m kind of happy with that now we’re a little bit too heavy so let’s change our

Weight there and I’m just going to click a few of these until I find a balance that I think I like we’re getting very close he I might have to decrease the amount I think I would decrease the boosters making a little maybe we don’t need the big ones

Actually that’s all we need so we have one booster down the bottom right we can try it one more yes you’re right I think we need a little bit more fuel oh it’s fiddly oh we can try that one the students would have this already done

Let’s try that one let’s see oh wow I’m exactly on budget oh oh too much power straight off into into your Rockets Delta V is too high this means all right decrease in the fuel and thrust to increase the mass of the rocket uh Josh all right there we go and then let’s

Change these down here how about that one Mr painting do you think I think we don’t have enough thrust now I think that’s I think that looks all right I think that looks okay okay let’s give that a go oh you’ve changed it again but we’ll give it a go

Let’s get 42 out of 50. let’s see here done it with 45 emeralds which is amazing um so I think we just need to change the um thrust at the bottom uh click slowly yes help me students slow hello night one more again that one

Too big Civic let’s go down a little bit we want to get rid of those things at the side one more um one more that one that’s it that one that’s the one that one okay and then go up to the top yep and we’re just going to change the payload payload

Uh I reckon that oh one more or that one um I did it with a little circular one looked pretty cool that one had a circle at the top how about that I’ll give it a try give it all right here we go we aren’t we’re

Not great at this time on budget so come on it’s exactly on budget okay oh I’m liking it we made it that’s perfect now everyone might have slightly different designs but that is uh the design that worked for us yeah beautiful I think we’ve had a few

Different answers coming on the on the chat which is great fantastic there’s our rocket build yeah there’s our um green payload yes exactly fantastic welcome to the upper stage building hangout where you can redesign the upper stage the way that you want you can only build within the area

Marked when you’re done click back and confirm now this is the point Mr Payne where students will spend some time designing their rocket correct because I I know we don’t have a lot of time so my design is going to be very simple but this is the point where you probably

Could pause the the lesson if you have the time and go and design your very own uh payload okay now you will notice that you have to be in the blue uh box press e on the keyboard if you’re using a keyboard to access everything and to

Fly right the moment you leave that box boom creative mode is off and you fall straight to the ground right so um very important there all right so I was talking to I was talking to a student about this um last week and and the first thing I

Would do is I’d go in and I’d use different colored blocks and make it uh make it look great I’d want a really great design but what the student was doing was actually trying to make sort of um sort of instruments scientifically get out so they were they were they were

Getting iron and they were using sort of things from within Minecraft to make solar panels and reflectors and things that they might actually use well I don’t think we’ve got time to to design it that way today no no so I’m just adding a few things here to make you

Know how’s that wood gonna do in space do you think ah look you know I want an observation tower right there so my astronauts can stand at the top of the rocket in this little box here really taking the sights I’ll also make a lovely little uh fence here just so no

One falls out of uh one of our side windows because let’s face it we want them to have an amazing view of the uh the moon and planet Earth so I’m just adding some quick Windows there Mr Payne and then of course let’s add a really

Strong pointing tip in case we are crash in to anything like an asteroid right I want to pierce through that asteroid and keep going my way to the moon what do you think Mr Payne is that okay it’ll do for now I think I think for now

I think if we could see the uh what the students have done I think they might be a little bit better a little bit of course last touch I’ll put on here a big b for Bowser all right that is a that is going to be a uh a B

For Mr Bowser that’s a a big beat right it looks like a donut I know but that’s uh that’s a B for Bowser okay imagine that to be baby alrighty I am done so once you spend some time designing your payload I’m actually quite proud of that the donut

Rocket with the B for Bowser with a piercing point in observation panels for astronauts very proud of that one uh it go speak to your lovely instructor and then you click it’s done okay so that is that up a stage of the rocket and it’ll give you a nice little

Simulation of our rocket coming together there it is my observation window my beefer for Bowser’s on the other side of my piercing part of the rocket is right at the top that’s sensational now it’s time to paint the rocket I’ll hand you a spray can so Stephen can you

Walk us through how this works please yeah absolutely so you can see the uh controls at the bottom the first three determine the color so if you choose the the arrows you can switch to black or to Green and then in five six seven are the brush

Size so you can paint with a big brush or a light brush you’ll notice you’re not painting because you haven’t actually selected the spray gun which is in trying to change my arm there you go right change why I’m just painting the bottom black here just real quick

Midnight black blend in nicely with uh the the space situation that we’re flying through and I’ll just get this last side just there fantastic now what color shall we go next Mr Payne blue is quite blue is quite NASA isn’t it blue is very NASA look at all of

These colors let’s do that then all right let’s go up to this up stage um McKenna’s added fins to his build that’s pretty cool oh yeah nice McKenna very very nice now I do have the largest spray uh and on here I’m just really just wonder how far up you can spray do

You have to actually go up or can you spray from the top from where you are oh wow I didn’t know that is a very powerful spray can I know that that saves me a lot of time don’t you Mr vain thank you Mr Payne let’s go around here

Let’s do a little bit of this side and we’ll wrap this up because I know students will spend a lot of time customizing their rocket here that this is really fun I could I could be here for a very long time designing the ultimate rocket and I just want to put

One more color on if that’s okay with you Mr paint I want my rocket to really stand out in case we uh engage in any extraterrestrial contact I want them to see the creativity of the human race is that okay absolutely yeah fantastic well we’ll get

That done all right I’ll do that right now let me pick a good color here something that’s really going to stand out magenta I like that all right let’s put a nice stripe just whoops so that my magenta select my spray can let’s do that that looks pretty cool I’m

Just going to do a band just around here and then we are done right all right I’d love to see what the students end up designing when they have a bit more time to go through screenshots and take photos using the book and quill would be absolutely Sensational alrighty how’s that look Mr

Payne you happy with that I am pretty happy with that right let’s work that thank you and I’ll just do the bottom here magenta too I get carried away I know we have to keep we have to go and launch this rocket so I have to

Wrap this up I’ll do three sides magenta okay just as four when you have finished we need to go and speak to our instructor look at that that looks great looks absolutely sensational speak to your instructor it’s done all right now we’ve built our payload we’ve painted our Rockets

Hmm wonder what’s going to happen next right oh this is quite exciting and this is the we haven’t got a crew on this one have we no no we do not have a crew on this one oh excellent um I think quite exciting we’ve got um

We’ll see what happens here and then I think we’ve got a special guest who uh is going to come and answer some questions as well ah yes do tell me to pause at any point because we’d love to hear from a special guest our special guest is probably absolutely in awe at

My Artemis rocket um look at it very colorful bit of green bit of blue bit of magenta there um just FYI if you need a NASA rocket painter we are available we have plenty of students that are available that I’m sure have fantastic designs as well now

This is all automated so you don’t have to do anything it’s just really showing your potential creativity in all of its glory and look at this custom built hand-painted Artemis wow with my observation windows at the top there and very extraterrestrial friendly design in terms of paint schema

Is on its way to the Moon oh fantastic we managed to get there we did we did thanks to you no help and the community’s help that have dialed in brilliant um I’m just gonna invite um someone to come and have a a chat now um we are very very

Excited and happy to have um Tamara George from NASA so I’ll let um Tamara introduce herself hello yes sorry uh to jump all in on on y’all and not be here at the beginning but so excited to be here and I just I love all the Minecraft work and excited for

Everybody to have fun building the rocket and and learning a mission to the Moon that’s brilliant thank you thank you very much Tamra um yeah we’ve had a we’ve had a good good look through some of these these worlds and um from speaking to other people they say it’s very

Um very accurate to to to what’s actually happening with the Artemis Mission so it would be really good just to find out a little bit about um what your role is with the Artemis surface Mission and um and how excited you are about what’s happening right now

There’s a lot of great great things happening right now of course uh we we just had our Artemis Mission uh right there before Christmas and and uh again excited to see the painting of the rocket of an Artemis One mission so um you know we want to do things safely

And take steps at a time make sure we test our Rockets before we’re putting astronauts on them make sure they’re really safe and ready and learn from those tests so what’s happening right now is a lot of the engineers are taking a lot of the data we learned from that

Mission in in November and assessing what they need to fix what they need to upgrade uh so it’s safe for the next mission and just today we announced our astronauts uh for the Artemis 2 mission and uh they will go out and make a tour

Around the Moon uh we won’t land on the moon yet because we have you know another lunar lander then to add to the mission for Artemis 3 we’ll select an other crew that will physically then land on the moon but we’re super excited that we had the announcement of the

Artemis to a crew today um so uh just that much closer to uh sending some astronauts to the Moon um with my uh job I get to look at early assessments of anything you can think of with the lunar surface right like we want to land on the South Pole so I I

Work with what’s called a geospatial analysts or they study the planetary body of the Moon and and how things are arranged on that terrain is the slope at the right angle for the vehicle to be able to touch down safely and and stay upright are there Boulders

In the way or big craters in the way and so they’re helping us map out areas of the South Pole and so you may have seen in the news that we have 13 regions that we’re looking at right now for the Artemis 3 mission um and so we’ve we’ve had some science

Workshops we have another one tomorrow to talk to a lot of scientists about what they’re excited to go and look at in the South Pole um so and then you know space walks we got um two companies building uh spacesuits one of them for the first mission back

To the moon and so uh how can we make sure they have good helmet lights and communication with Earth um so you gotta gotta look at all those things to make sure that we can keep our astronauts safe and take some good science samples and send a few science

Instruments to the lunar surface oh that’s that’s amazing uh thanks for sharing that um is there are there still some instruments up there from from the Apollo Mission so they’re still scientific instruments on the surface there there are some things they’re not active anymore but uh you you can actually uh

There’s definitely different websites out there where you can go and whether it’s a quick Maps or Google moon that you can actually go in and zoom in where some of the Apollo uh Lander pieces are in in their cable electrical cables and things in the footprints and so uh

They’re they’re definitely is some proof that we were there before so fantastic going to uh the South Pole will be a little bit more uh challenging with the sun being right there um at the Horizon so if you can think of driving down the road where the Sun is

Setting and it’s right in your eyes and the visor in the car doesn’t quite work you know it’s a hard to see exactly so we’re gonna do some things to try to make sure that the astronauts stay safe with that uh some right in their face as well so

Um but South Pole sounds sounds cold is it colder than where where people have been before on the moon places of the South Pole are yes um so we even have what’s called permanently shadowed regions that never see the sunlight ever and uh our science teams are really really excited for us

To get some samples from there because uh there’s a lot of material and volatiles and Ice that are trapped there they just they haven’t warmed up and lost them so if we can capture some of that and bring it back to the Earth to study it it’s going to tell us a lot

About the moon and then our Earth because of that oh that’s that’s great thank you and I’ve got um I’m presenting with my colleague Andrew today um so Andrew might have a couple of questions as well for you I do I have some questions from some

Students here the the base can you tell us anything about a potential base on the moon and it’s it’s potential implications I’ve heard we’ve never tried such a thing before oh that’s a great question so there there’s actually a lot of Assessments going on right now of what that would

Look like and uh discussions with you know International partners and and how they would like to partake in in an in a base on the lunar surface so we like to talk about you know we’re going together right it’s not just the United States it’s we want to go as an International Community

Um and so yes we are looking at different ways we could do a base whether in one location or mobile so you know we have it like a pressurized Rover for instance that’s being assessed and uh to take us from one location to another and do different spacewalks from

That and different habitats we’re assessing and so yes lots and lots of options that we can have really fun times designing what is the best way to one maximize the science we can get on the lunar surface but also to learn to go on to Mars

So we want to be able to learn in the lunar environment while we’re closer to Earth before we go on to Mars and the Mars trip uh it’s it’s a a few years long trip and so anything we can learn being shorter to the Earth is important absolutely look one more question from

Me because I know you’re super busy but it’s really interesting because we have a lot of schools that do stem right we live in a world now where they’re designing amazing 3D printed objects and they’re designing things using Minecraft education Edition the we’re at a point now we’re actually putting those designs

Into practice aren’t we we’re going to the Moon where we’re looking at setting up a base as a child I guess when you’re in school or even now how important is STEM Science Technology and Engineering and mass uh for students that are currently in school because I think it’s

Incredible that they can use those skills now to some of the work that you guys are currently doing there isn’t it yeah it’s it really is important and I love telling students that it it isn’t even about whether or not you’re a straight A student in in your math and

Physics and chemistry and and biology but it’s about being curious It’s about just wanting to learn and and enjoy a bit like school is going to have its ups and downs rough bumps and you know of course College as well but uh just being curious and and wanting to learn to

Solve problems uh is Leaps and Bounds getting you on a great career path to work with NASA or other space companies you know we have so many that are helping us internationally and commercially get us to really learn about uh our space and the environment around us and so it’s exciting stuff but

Yes stem is very important uh in the fields of of getting us there and and just be curious and keep taking steps forward learning those skills absolutely Sensational I’ll feel free to send my Minecraft Moon based potential ideas uh to Tama and any any of that

Come across my desk your way thank you Stephen I appreciate the the time for letting me ask the questions oh that’s great thank you yeah um we’ve got people joining us today from across Australia but we’ve also had some people from uh California and Iowa as

Well so we’ve got a some I guess some people staying up late to join in as well which is really great um one of the questions I had was more about um kind of NASA as an organization and and you mentioned curiosity so I expect most of the people that you work with

Are curious people but aside from this the scientists um and the engineers and so on what other uh skills kind of um to people do people have or qualities uh is NASA looking for for people to work there uh another great question um so it definitely being

Um motivated uh and excited to learn uh not to the point where you grab a project and go in and do it all on your own but in a sense that you’re asking your supervisors your mentors your peers questions and you’re able to work in a very collaborative environment

And understanding that you you may feel like you have the right answer but it’s really important to listen to other people’s ideas to make sure it’s the right answer because it may not always be there’s sometimes more than one answer and so having the skills of being able to work

With others and communicate through those challenges and look at those challenges from different directions with them is really important yeah that’s that’s really important I think in so many different um uh workplaces so thanks for for sharing that and I just wondered if you had a any

Kind of really interesting fact that you love that you always tell people at a dinner party or when you meet new people about um about space or the moon in particular I’m always interested in what your favorite facts are oh my goodness um hmm there’s there’s so many oh sorry there

Are so many it’s a great question uh oh I don’t know if I can think just one it’s a tricky it’s definitely a tricky one yeah no it is a tricky one you know I uh I will um I I will make one uh one quick observation that uh uh just for fun

Um a lot of times uh it’s only like younger than 10 years old that will ask how do you pee in space um everybody wants to understand the bathrooms but nobody asked that question unless they’re like under under 10 most of the time so um yes there’s actually a toilet trainer

That the astronauts have to use that they uh sit on and that you have to make sure there’s even a camera pointing up to make sure that they have a seal and there’s a slight vacuum is pulled and there’s a hose with everybody has their own adapter

Um for uh and female versus male in their own adapter for uh number one and so all right that’s interesting camera so you can get everything right right very interesting yes just just for training there’s no camera on the one okay just some practice interesting well I I do

Have a quick question for you from a student timer I know we’re running out of time but they asked why what will the moon base be used for potentially collect more science we also will be doing biological science inside the vehicle um testing how the human’s body is

Reacting in during the mission so whether it’s doing saliva or blood draws or looking at eyesight so they’re they’re making a list of different things we’re going to want to test there um definitely observations out the windows as well and then um there will be some maintenance of

That habitat you got to think of you know your room at home or your house like there’s definitely things you got to do that are housekeeping while you’re there as well and then of course trying to communicate back to Earth with hopefully schools and things like that

Answering the questions along the way of what they’re seeing and wanting to bring everybody with them into the experience there wow and yes my follow-up question which I won’t ask today is I wonder how they do the toilet on the mood on the on the the base of the Moon I should say

Um and then someone just asked eventually are we looking at a base on Mars yes yes they’re uh you can go online um and see where uh NASA has publicly put out the objectives the long-term objectives of where we want to go and there are ones very much related to Mars

And as we’re trying to plan the moon missions we’re trying to also link them to how it helps us for Mars well well that’s amazing thank you very very much yeah thank you very much Tamara for coming along and um and answering those questions and it’s been really great to hear from

You as someone’s put in the chat it’s it’s really fun to play the simulations in Minecraft but to hear uh to hear how it it ties in really well with what you’re actually doing is is fantastic to see in here absolutely um sorry no I’m I’m super excited for the

Minecraft and uh everybody getting to play the with these missions and uh and again uh we’re going together so keep keep following Artemis and uh join through uh through Minecraft and learn with us thank you very much for your time we are going to Andrea’s going to do one more uh build

Um in in Minecraft to finish off the session and so you’re welcome to to stay and uh add your thoughts to that but I know you’re a busy a busy busy person but thanks so much for your time thank you thank you so much wow absolutely incredible how amazing I was thinking of

The toilet question myself and I know students wear it too so what that was covered really good good questions here okay now I know we are running out of time Mr Payne uh we did design obviously in paint our rocket what happens now in the Minecraft Artemis uh lessons you

Will do three different rocket builds okay so the first uh build I believe is to take cargo to the Moon such as satellites and very important in structural uh instruments so we’ll go through this design process just one last time and then we’ll leave you to do the other two builds okay which

Obviously will focus on uh different aspects everything from taking um the actual astronauts as a you know a rocket build and cargo to a rocket build and all sorts of very interesting aspects so you can do it multiple times which is Sensational now I may need some

Help again here I have a slightly bigger budget because we’re taking a payload we’re taking cargo right to the Moon in preparation to this moon mission so you can see here I have to balance my pay my weight my fuel and my propulsion again so I’ve got a slightly bigger

Budget and now that I’m carrying more into cargo build after all I may need to have some thicker thrusters what do you think of that one Mr Payne that’s a lot of propulsion right I think that’ll get us off off the Earth that will get us off the Earth we

Have enough fuel do you think here you can change the payload for fuel all right that might be a bit too much feel I’ll bring it back just down and then of course the weights that we have here so um just having a bit of a look for

Something that may work I do like my asteroid uh knocker outer system I thought after the pointy end on the end um but it’s oh I do like that one too shall we test it here we’ve still got a bit of money left but I think we’ll give it a go let’s

Test it let’s say we do have a yes I’m all economical these days like to save some of the budget so NASA can normally go to the moon but Mars Pluto Saturn right uh no we’re gonna have to spend that money after all did not have enough propulsion

Um or sorry fuel didn’t have enough fuel there we go I think we just increased the fuel a bit you’re much better on this one than the first one thank you well you know this is my second time around uh building a rocket basically a rocket engineer now

So um here we go let’s see oh look at that yes perfect oh look at that did anyone remember what we call the separation starts with s ends in e right if you plural add another s the stages if you remember that from our lessons that we learned from our NPCs our

Instructors and our mission control different types of stages so here we are again and we’re going to talk to our instructor welcome to the upper stage building hanger where you can redesign the upper stage the way that you want to you can only build within the area so

I’ll do this really quick for everyone all right so let’s design what does it need Mr Payne what do you think it needs I mean it looks pretty nice actually it does look pretty nice I I’d probably go inside and put something Secret in there to to take with us

Oh yeah we could definitely do that we’ve got lots of uh objects here how about some organic life some watermelon maybe not um I might put like I might put a glowstone that would be pretty cool oh yeah right so we’ve got the glowstone that we’ll put in here so actually

Really good idea let’s um bling out our upper stage rocket shall we I think so then we could then we can monitor it more closely I like it I like it um I’m gonna actually build some some glowstone you know I love my anti-asteroid mechanism that we have

Here but I’m going to put some glowstone just around the top right just just start pretty up my rocket that I have there I absolutely love that idea Mr Payne so let’s build that out oh look at that so that looks Sensational already build this out as we go through there

And I’m just reflecting on some of the learnings that we did in preparation to our rocket our Delta V okay our velocity our fuel and our rocket boosters and how important they are and all of the role that they play in taking us back to the

Moon there we go look at that that looks Sensational Mr Payne are you happy I am happy with that with that I think the glowstone idea was was a great idea so I put that there mechanics just put in the chat I think it needs a cat and I’ve

Replied I think a Snoopy plushie will be on all the Artemis missions I’m sure I read that that they always send Snoopy up uh into space there we go Sensational look at that that is our rocket filled with Glowstone so let’s click next and then we will confirm when we are

Done here okay awesome work you happy with the upper stage yes I am now students remember you can pause you can spend as much time as you need on designing the upper stage of your rocket for our cargo system I like what we’ve done I think the glowstone just like

When you you see road work trucks and they’ve got the flashing lights and they’re carrying heavy cargo right that’s beaming around that’s our inspiration that we have for our rocket here and then of course we are going to paint our rocket again now there’s a lot more to paint here I

Must add it is a cargo rocket so there’s uh lots to paint here and again we we use our designs down the bottom okay to select an appropriate color I’m going to go for green today all right and I’m just going to start spray painting the side of it you’re very neat thank

You I’m coloring in between the lines look at that good tip on how you don’t have to go all the way at the top you just have to point so that makes it a lot easier for me to quickly fly around at this section here and I love the interior of the hanger

So much here to uh to admire out now we’re going to paint that all the way up it’s going to be my Christmas themed rocket let’s face it because it makes me feel like Christmas when we’re coming to the Moon very jelly very happy right and

I heard from our NASA uh special guest that we may be bringing things back so there’s the present element right Mr paint so let’s put some red on there and then let’s launch the Rockets I’m going to go up a little bit I’m going to put some red stripes

Right across there so let’s go to my spray can and here’s my Christmas themed rocket to simulate the gift from the Moon that they’re bringing back to the humans that we can unwrap and study and explore and learn more about the origins wasn’t it interesting Mr paint about the

Dark Side of the Moon that she was saying how it never ever sees any sunlight and they’re actually going there to see what that material is made of what happens to material when it doesn’t see light right very interesting there we go absolutely I love it thank you

Thank you I saw a student was going to use my design it’s that popular that popular okay there’s our instructor over there so I’m just going to run over now oh no sorry that is a lamp let’s start chatting to lamps so here we are and let’s confirm

And of course we get our um lovely cinematic of our custom made upper stage plus our custom paint job Merry Christmas uh to all the humans from the Artemis and uh I guess our civilization for collecting new materials coming back and exploring those results so we’re gonna watch a cinematic and Stephen can

You explain to the students that may be continuing on what’s uh what may lay ahead after they do the the cargo build there yeah there’s just one more task that we won’t get chance to do today and that’s the uh sending up the crew rocket so we’re

Gonna have a lot more budget and it’s gonna be a have to be a lot more comfortable because we’re going to have real people on there so um that’s the the final one and then you get a a nice certificate of completion and then the second world and the second

Minecraft world which we’re going to be exploring on Thursday is about um just listening to the noise it’s about uh collecting information from asteroids and oh look at that Merry Christmas beautiful thing so we’re gonna go up into space and we’re going to collect some materials we’re going to take some

Photos and we’re going to analyze them with some coding so we’re going to be using coding on um Thursday’s session as well which you can explore yourself just by searching for Artemis and so I think I might just share my screen in because while you were doing

That I am I rushed ahead James completed the completed the crew mission so I’m going to just share my screen in and then we’ll finish off the uh finish off the session okay so I’m sharing in my screen I think there we go uh yes ah I put the solution there so

There you go I was dot dead on 190 emeralds and that’s what I that was my design for the crew mission um so that’s the next part you’ll go and explore that so I’d love to know what your favorite part of today’s lesson was so feel free to type that into the chat

Or um or share with your share with your teacher I’ve put a couple of questions up that you might want to reflect on after watching this or running through it with your students so I’ve just put some questions there you might want to pause the screen and take a screenshot of that

But these are all things that um your students would have covered going through these um through these lessons and then the builds okay so I’m just going to answer the last one which of the Artemis missions are you most excited for I’m excited for the uh the second one the the uh crude

Um orbit of the moon that was announced where the astronauts were announced today I got so excited seeing the announcements so uh really excited to see what they explore I think they’re going further than they’ve ever been before which is really exciting um so we are going to run a um

Another session on Thursday I’m just going to put the link in the chat and of course you’ll be able to um access the video on the Minecraft YouTube channel afterwards which is pretty awesome and if you want to go and explore more there are some really great uh challenges sort of extension

Activities that teachers and students can access from this website that I’ve just shared in the um in the chat I’ve just seen one person say the rocket redesigning part was the best part of today’s lesson what was your favorite part Mr Bowser ah I loved hearing from NASA loved hearing from

NASA and hearing about all the very interesting parts of going to the Moon I had no idea that we have never been to the dark side of the moon uh I have seen Transformers though so I know what potentially could be there but I also uh did not know that we’re clicking samples

Of that material and bringing it back to Earth well very exciting so I want to just say thanks everybody I’d like to thank Andrew Bowser for playing along with me you’ve done an absolutely amazing job Mr Bowser I’d like to thank all of the teachers and students that have joined

In today I’d love to thank Minecraft education for making these wonderful worlds and I’d like to thank Tamara for joining us from NASA and and sharing her story and answering our questions so goodbye from me thank you very much thank you everyone bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Artemis I Rocket Build: Option 3’, was uploaded by Minecraft Education on 2023-04-10 19:09:54. It has garnered 2602 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:11 or 4511 seconds.

See a live classroom workshop with a guest teacher for your students to follow along for Minecraft Education Rocket Build. The first of two sessions of our NASA Artemis Missions worlds.

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    EPIC Minecraft Note Block Cover of Hikaru Nara by Mr AldiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Goose House – Hikaru Nara (Your Lie In April) Minecraft Note Block Cover’, was uploaded by Mr Aldi on 2024-01-14 08:00:07. It has garnered 513 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. In this video I made Goose House – HIKARU Nara (Your Lie In April) Minecraft note block cover Thank you for watching my videos. I hope you enjoy. ————————————————————— Tools : Capcut (Video Editing) Pixellab (Thumbnail) MCPE (V 1.20.32) ————————————————————— ๐ŸŽตOriginal Song๐ŸŽต Please Subscribe Because Its free Like and share if you like my videos You… Read More

  • Cosmic Unknown

    Cosmic UnknownWelcome to Cosmic Unknown ! We strive to have a friendly and creative community with fun events. Our server is a modded server with the main focus being on Dinosaurs and Magic. We also have tech mods, farming mods. We tried to make our modpack fun for everyone! play.cosmicunknown.net Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 Tight Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis Community Hello there! Welcome to Ethis. A warm, welcoming and inclusive community awaits your arrival. Here are some highlights: Key Features: Thorough Applications: Ensuring a positive and inclusive environment. Voicechat: Connect with others in a stress-free way. Shopping District: Explore and contribute to the cyberpunk district. No TPA/Land Claiming: Simple and vanilla gameplay. Gamenights: Weekly events for fun and socializing. Additional Details: Regular Events: Keep the inspiration flowing with in-game activities. 5+ Years of History: A strong, long-lasting community. Diverse Player Base: From builders to casual players, all are welcome. DM for discord invite! Read More

  • Reichan

    ReichanReichan is a brand new Survival focused server currently running on version 1.20.4!โ€ข ESTABLISH YOUR LEGACY: Stake your claim to the world and protect your land as your own using GriefPrevention. Invite friends to your claim and create an own town together. (Soon.. Towny)โ€ข QUEST AFTER QUEST: New Quests every week, twice the amount for Champions. Well developed and thoughtout Quests give your Survival experience an extra touch of fun.โ€ข RENT, SELL, PROFIT: In the world of Reichan, everyone has the unique opportunity to rent exclusive Markets, providing you with the privilege of independently selling the resources you’ve gather.Collaborate, compete,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dinnerbone, the Upside-down Builder

    Minecraft Memes - Dinnerbone, the Upside-down BuilderWhy did Dinnerbone join a band? Because he heard they were looking for a new bass player! Read More

  • Chambers’ New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress!

    Chambers' New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress! In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, With chambers and rooms that will bring us cheer. New progressions and trials to explore, With twists and turns that we can’t ignore. The Great Room in Chambers, a sight to behold, With new features and challenges untold. The Trap Changes in Chambers, a test of skill, Navigate carefully, or you may meet a thrill. The Room Tuba, a place to relax and unwind, A peaceful retreat for the creative mind. The Gathering Room, where friends can convene, To share stories and adventures unseen. The Room Change Eruption, a… Read More

  • Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition

    Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition In 2024, just offer the Minecraft zombies a peace treaty and some diamond armor – they’ll be too busy admiring their new bling to attack you! #minecraftpeacekeeping Read More

  • Minecraft 1.20.4: 7 Wild Mods You Need!

    Minecraft 1.20.4: 7 Wild Mods You Need! Exploring the Top 7 Mods for Minecraft 1.20.4 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with these top 7 survival mods that promise to enhance your gameplay experience. From overhauling the overworld to adding immersive portals, these mods bring a fresh perspective to the game. William Wyther’s Overhauled Overworld Experience a revamped overworld with William Wyther’s Overhauled Overworld mod. Available for both Fabric and Forge 1.20.4, this mod introduces new elements and challenges to keep you engaged. Farmer’s Delight Dive into the world of farming with the Farmer’s Delight mod. Designed for Fabric and Forge 1.20.4, this… Read More

  • Level up your Minecraft skills on Minewind Server!

    Level up your Minecraft skills on Minewind Server! Are you looking to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Look no further! While watching this amazing video on Minecraft tips and tricks, you may have realized that you need a new challenge. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. Imagine a world where you can showcase your pro skills, build incredible structures, and engage with a community of like-minded players. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at Minewind by entering the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Explore new adventures, conquer challenges, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans

    Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans The Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack: Elevating Your Gaming Experience Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? Look no further than the Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack. This powerful tool is designed to enhance your gameplay experience in the blocky world of Minecraft like never before. Unleashing a World of Possibilities The Wurst Client Mod Hack offers players a wide range of utilities and cheats that go beyond the standard Minecraft experience. From flying effortlessly across landscapes to easily locating valuable resources, this mod opens up new avenues for exploration and creativity. Versatility at… Read More

  • B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 – Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)

    B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 - Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox Vertical Stream! (Maybe 7K?)’, was uploaded by ๐•ญ๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆ๐•ธ๐–†๐–“123 on 2024-03-23 18:17:56. It has garnered 9733 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:45 or 10245 seconds. i just play gaem #lethalcompany #roblox #livestream #fyp #popular #minecraft #company #lethal #steam #live #mario #fun Read More

  • Digging My Grave: Vintage Story Madness

    Digging My Grave: Vintage Story MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Digging Myself a Grave in Vintage Story’, was uploaded by Robotaus on 2024-04-22 08:10:42. It has garnered 1045 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:26 or 866 seconds. This is game about surviving in a blocky world and building whatever you want. It’s not Minecraft I swear. Music from https://filmmusic.io “Vegas Glitz” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “Sneaky Snitch” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “At Rest” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “Monkeys Spinning… Read More

  • Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway Adventure

    Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘2b2t. Traveling The Nether Highway’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-05-15 07:03:34. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:54 or 6474 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other, where danger lurks around… Read More

  • “Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft” #pixelart

    "Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft" #pixelartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Snoopy and Woodstock Sand Falling Art Short #minecraft #pixelart’, was uploaded by Dragon on 2023-12-09 18:30:09. It has garnered 7670 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐Ÿšจ

    ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐ŸšจVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the confined smp๐Ÿ”ด’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-03-16 23:14:04. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:56 or 10676 seconds. ๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the minecraft server๐Ÿ”ด JOIN THE DISCORD-https://discord.gg/PmWzGUst tags ___________ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners,… Read More

  • “EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)” – Cartseem

    "EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)" - CartseemVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ! ๐“ฃ๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ถ ๐“•๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฑ๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€/ ๐“ฅ๐“ฒ๐“ฎ๐”€๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ผ (๐“ข๐“ข๐“–, ๐“—๐”‚๐“น๐“ฒ๐”๐“ฎ๐“ต, + ๐“œ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฎ!) ๐Ÿ”ด /p join Cartseem’, was uploaded by iiNavy on 2024-02-17 14:33:08. It has garnered 75 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:50 or 4310 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #speedtelly #bedlessnoob #godbridge #hypixel #pvp #telly #viral #entertainment #moonwalk #breezlybridge #derp #bedlessnoob #minemenclub ๐ŸŒˆ2๐“š ๐“Ÿ๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ด๐ŸŒˆ https://www.mediafire.com/file/e80abl… Updated Link. If it didn’t work for you, it should now. I made it a zip instead of winrar ๐Ÿ’Ž Crystalland ๐““๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ญ ๐“ข๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐Ÿ’Ž (An Upcoming Fastbuilder + Rankup Parkour Network!) ๐“ฅ๐“ธ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ ๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“น๐“น๐“ฎ๐“ท ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฎ ๐“ถ๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ ๐“ธ๐“ฏ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ… Read More

  • AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AI

    AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sam Altman FINALLY Breaks His SILENCE! New Minecraft AI Agent, Text to Action, Programmers GONE!?’, was uploaded by TheAIGRID on 2024-02-26 05:54:05. It has garnered 37753 views and 1164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:57 or 1677 seconds. โœ‰๏ธ Join Our Weekly Newsletter – https://mailchi.mp/6cff54ad7e2e/theaigrid ๐Ÿค Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/TheAiGrid ๐ŸŒ Checkout Our website – https://theaigrid.com/ Links From Todays Video: https://twitter.com/LinusEkenstam/status/1761881640953876849 https://twitter.com/tsarnick/status/1761506642800361478 https://twitter.com/_milankovac_/status/1761465357460701298 https://twitter.com/TeslaBotJournal/status/1761153372458213685 https://twitter.com/bilawalsidhu/status/1760076742679552273 https://twitter.com/mckaywrigley/status/1760335268257931447 https://twitter.com/IntuitMachine/status/1759941976927924682/photo/1 https://twitter.com/GuangyuRobert/status/1759736712627212791 https://twitter.com/apples_jimmy/status/1761885098260234355 https://twitter.com/AndrewYNg/status/1761912346153521374 Welcome to our channel where we bring you the latest breakthroughs in AI. From deep learning to robotics, we cover it all…. Read More

  • “Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno’s 16 Craft Pack” ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ 

    "Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno's 16 Craft Pack" ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] ๐Ÿ’™โœจ Cozy Cute House Tutorial / Mizuno’s 16 Craft Resource Pack’, was uploaded by Croissant Cat on 2024-05-03 15:00:30. It has garnered 11170 views and 675 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:43 or 1483 seconds. I will give you a cute and beautiful build and time to relax. If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support me ๐Ÿ™‚ Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions. ๐ŸŽฎ Game Info Texture — Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/p/mizunos-16-craft-cit.html Bedrock Edition — MIZUNO CRAFT https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=6c2e7d98-c26a-47ac-bab6-766f9a67a94e Shader — Complementary Shaders https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Mod — OptiFine https://optifine.net/home ๐Ÿฑ… Read More

  • INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!

    INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by B2PLAY on 2024-05-13 16:22:43. It has garnered 433 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft Read More

  • Windshear Network

    Windshear NetworkDo you love Minecraft? Come and play on the Windshear Network! There is so much to do! Economy, Lands Protection, McMMO, Slimefun and much more! We are looking for ways to make our network better. We are run by Player’s for Player’s. Play on Bedrock? Sure! You can join with the same IP but use port 9392 Not sure if it’s for you? Come give us a chance, get to know what we offer and have a little play. If you don’t like it, no hard feelings, although we would appreciate some feedback if it’s not for you. play.windshear.network Read More

  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java – 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

    Welcome to Foggy Willows Foggy Willows offers a simple, vanilla Minecraft experience unlike most servers. We prioritize simplicity with no plugins or datapacks. Our server runs on the latest stable vanilla jar and is hosted on high-spec fiber optic servers. There is no world border, plugins, tp/sethome, and we play in hard mode. Players are encouraged to sort out their own social issues and play how they want. Join our small community of normal players and help us expand. Key Features: Latest stable vanilla jar Dedicated high spec host on fiber optic No world border No plugins No tp/sethome Hard… Read More

  • Distant Horizons

    Distant HorizonsDistant Horizons: A classic Towny Community with frequent events and minigames!Check out our Discord for more! discord.com/invite/GpGyDeHb8j Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Okay grandma, I’ll build my own damn village”

    It’s like grandma is trying to understand Minecraft, but she’s stuck in a different dimension where memes have scores! Read More

  • Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure!

    Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Save Eggman, the challenge is set, In a world of blocks, where fun is met. Join the adventure, with humor and glee, As Cube Xuan crafts a world for you and me. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In a world of Eggman, joy is found. Subscribe to the channel, for daily delight, With MC animations that shine so bright. Cube Xuan’s world, a place to be, Where happiness flows, for you and me. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, In Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Rescued laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Rescued laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Saving laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 is like being the superhero of slow internet connections. I am the hero they never knew they needed!” Read More

  • Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo

    Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo The Mysterious World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where two friends find themselves in a dangerous predicament after accepting an illegal job to cover their expenses. As they navigate through a forest teeming with monsters, their survival skills are put to the ultimate test. A World of Endless Possibilities Step into the blocky realm of Minecraft, a sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a procedurally generated world. With no specific goals to accomplish, the game offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. Surviving the Unknown As… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you tired of dealing with technical issues while trying to download or install Minecraft Launcher from the Microsoft Store? Look no further! We have a solution for you. While watching the video on “How to Fix Minecraft Launcher Not Downloading or Installing Microsoft Store,” you might have realized the frustration that comes with encountering such problems. But fear not, we have a welcoming and thriving community waiting for you at Minewind Minecraft Server. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience a seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience without any technical hurdles. Our server IP is… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks!

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks! Minecraft Bedroom Build Hacks & Design Ideas Are you looking to spruce up your Minecraft bedroom with some creative build hacks and design ideas? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore five unique bedroom build hacks that will take your virtual living space to the next level. Let’s dive in! Japanese Bed One of the featured build hacks is the Japanese bed. This elegant and minimalist design adds a touch of sophistication to any bedroom. With its clean lines and calming aesthetic, the Japanese bed is a perfect choice for those looking to create a serene atmosphere in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!

    Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rebuilding A PERFECT FNAF Pizzeria In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jollie on 2024-05-13 21:43:16. It has garnered 1387 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds. Read More

Minecraft Education – Artemis I Rocket Build: Option 3