This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ether Dimension 2 Gameplay’, was uploaded by GooseGoHONK on 2023-08-17 05:34:43. It has garnered 1235 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:50 or 5150 seconds.
Gameplay of the new Minecraft marketplace map “Ether Dimension II” by SNDBX. This pack is the sequel of SNDBX’s first Aether Dimension map. The map costs 1690 minecoins on the minecraft marketplace. Download: Players: 1-99
Build the portal and explore a whole new world inside ETHER DIMENSION II. Discover mobs, loot dungeons, and raid bosses. Journey through your sky paradise now in a world near you. + A whole new world + 8 biome-rich landscapes + 20 explorable dungeons + 5 Ether Bosses + 56 Ether mobs
If you notice any bugs or have any issues with this map, let me know in the comments below. I’ll do my best to help you and if I can’t, someone else in the comments might.
My XBOX gametag: GooseGoH0NK
#minecraft #minecraftmarketplace #aether