Minecraft Forge Modding Tutorial – Updating to 1.18

Video Information

Hey what’s going on guys turkey worthy here and welcome back to another minecraft modding tutorial for i guess version 1.18. this time so in this store i want to be covering updating our our mod to 1.18 from 1.17 since 1.18 has now released there’s no point to be using 1.17 anymore

So the update process can be a little bit of a pain so i’m going to be showing you a very easy way that you can update there are basically two ways you can go ahead and change a bunch of different numbers all throughout everywhere so that would be build.gradle

Uh you also need to go ahead into your you know mods.tommall uh you need to go into the pack mc meta and you need to change this number here you also need to go somewhere else i don’t know where the other places were but there’s a few

Places that you would need to change some numbers if you were to do it that way the other way is to simply just install forge again and create a blank folder and just copy paste the source folder across which is what i’m going to be doing it’s much simpler

And it also allows me to show you actually fixing the errors that will pop up once we update so obviously the first thing we need to do is come to the forge 1.18.1 we’re going to get the latest so that we need to make sure basically we have

The version that’s not broken so i’m sure everyone has heard about the uh log 4j thing so we always want to make sure we get the latest at the moment until that has sort of died away so we want to get the latest mdk and obviously it’s going to show up with

An ad we just wait three seconds and there we go we can just skip and that will give us our download i’m going to open that and i’m going to put it on my desktop for now but i’m probably not going to want it there so i’m going to create a new folder

Inside my inside where i want it to be and i’ll just call it point 18 tutorial mod there you go let’s open that folder okay this is just on my f drive you can put it wherever you want you can put it on your desktop in your documents it’s

Just the same as the setup tutorial basically um i’m going to put it in here because i don’t really have space on my c drive anymore let’s just extract all and we can choose the place that we want to extract it to which is there there we go

Just delete the stuff we don’t want so that’s change log credit license read me those things we don’t need those okay simple stuffs oh that didn’t work let’s just open command prompt and let’s just do i guess we can copy the source folder first so i’m going to create a new tab

And just go to uh where’s my 1.17 tutorial mod i thought i was on my f drive but maybe it is not ah i found it it was on my a drive so we can literally just copy and we can paste into here and then you can just go ahead and run

The commands that we did in the first tutorial first i’m going to make sure this is actually the right source folder i’ve copied across it’s possible accidentally copied my 1.18 version god that’s a little bright little blinding um the easy way that i can test if this is

The right one is just by looking at the origin because that’s changed a lot okay yeah this is the correct one so let’s just open cmd again and i’m using eclipse so i’m going to be using gradle gen eclipse runs if you’re using intellij that’s obviously grand blue intellij runs and

If you’re using ps code which shouldn’t be then that’s gradle vs code run so gen vs code runs but this is just the same as the setup tutorial nothing here is different we just need to wait for this to run so this could take a while

I’ll be back with you once this has finished so here we are that is completed after 12 minutes now if i go ahead i can close a command prompt i can close file explorer and we can just come into uh eclipse and we can close our old tutorial mod and we can import

As an existing gradle project now actually before we do this you’re going to probably experience an issue now the issue is eclipse does not support currently java 17. and that is a pretty big issue because minecraft 1.18 requires java 17. so you have a few options

In terms of what you can do here the first option is to not use eclipse and use intellij which is an option if you want to do that the second option is to just install the java 17 plugin now depending on when you are watching this tutorial um

Eclipse might support java 17. if you have a version that’s newer than 2021 then you will have java 17. but as of 2021.09 which is the one i am running which is probably not going to say anywhere but that is the one i am running as of that version you cannot use java

17. now as i was saying there is a plug-in for this thankfully and that is this is actually an official plug-in made by the eclipse team and yeah all you need to do is drag this into eclipse now there’s one caveat to this and that is when

A clip when you do update your eclipse to the next version you need to make sure you uninstall this plug-in first otherwise it can it can cause some pretty big issues so you do need to make sure you do that which is a little bit of a pain

But all you need to do is just drag it into eclipse and you should see it comes out of the eclipse marketplace and all you need to do is basically follow the installation process that it will give you i’ve already installed it so to be honest this is probably gonna give me

Some issues trying again nope okay but all you need is this top one right here uh i guess maybe this one as well i’m not sure what that one does and you can do that and then just confirm and follow the process but i’m going to cancel that let’s import

Existing gradle project make sure you do that one and we will just browse to our mod so 1.18 tutorial mod hit next now here you do want to make sure you change a few things so you want to override the workspace settings and you want to make sure gradle wrapper is selected

Then down here in the java home you need to make sure you select your java 17 jdk now if you don’t have that you can just go ahead and install it from adoptium so let me find the link to that adopt him here we go dr hume.net all you need to do is

Install this tamarin 17 and go through the installation process of that it’s very simple the same as what we did previously so let’s just close that after you’ve installed it you can just select that path as your java home so this is the path that is to my jdk yours will

Probably be different but yeah that’s that then you can just hit next and that will start the importing process it’s probably going to take a hot minute since we didn’t do the gradle eclipse command um but it should still do its thing there we go that’s actually a lot faster

Than i expected then you can just hit finish and it’s just going to do some final imports okay so there we go that has just finished importing it did take quite a while uh it got stuck on the runtime class path copy which it always seems to do

It’s just loading the file gradle projects oh it’s so it can load the gradle tasks in here let that finish there we go now you’ll see we have some errors which is always fun let’s see if we can go ahead and fix these then so the first thing is in our main class

We are getting an error here okay that’s fine yeah that’s fine we can leave that for a second so the first thing we need to go ahead and fix is all our init classes have errors now this may seem extremely daunting they’re not they’re not an issue so firstly in here

I actually don’t know what this issue here is specifically let’s go into base armor material does this have an error no why doesn’t it like this uh let’s see ins intera into ray float string int enter right into ray floats i’ll float float oh yeah yeah float float float string sound event

Right that’s that’s yeah that’s fine as well okay we can leave that one okay block entity in it so you’ll see that it seems to say that registry object doesn’t exist anymore which is probably really confusing because the thing is it does exist and it’s because the path to that

Uh has changed so the package has changed so we just need to change to registry object alternatively we should be able to just control shift o and we need to do that for all our classes so we just need to make sure we import the correct registry object throughout all of these

And import it there and you’ll see that this is getting rid of theirs everywhere so armor in it just got rid of the error so did the main class Okay that’s fine so packets are going to give us a little bit of an error at the moment we can fix that in a second easy fix okay that’s all our init classes apart from packet handler but we’ll touch that in a mode so let’s come yeah let’s do

That now actually so let’s go into our packets and once again network event is in a different package now so we just need to reimport that for both our packets and you will see that that is fixed packet handler as well and both of those fantastic we will leave origen for the

Moment that’s a little bit more complicated let’s go into key init so i believe client registry has moved as well yes it has so client registry is different that’s not what i meant to do meant to import it there we go so that’s that one fixed okay let’s come into

These classes then and let’s try and fix these okay yes i remember these ones so originally in 1.17 for uh the constants we used the forge constant classes however however minecraft have now um kept the constants inside of like when they compile it they have kept the consonant classes which originally

They just got rid of them for whatever reason i don’t know why um but this is now just tag i believe um or is it it might have been tags or maybe not tax mbt mbt no i thought it was tag but maybe maybe it’s not

What if i do that it is tag okay yeah i thought it was tag i was a little confused there just make sure you input the right tag so this is the nbt tag not uh the what’s the other one it’s just actual data tags isn’t it so make sure you

Import the right tag we’re going to need to make sure we change that for all of them so both in clicker item and also in toilet block entity and what’s the issue here all right this has changed so if we come into here if we look at this you can see they’ve

Made the constructor private don’t know why we can just use this create method so instead of new we can just do dot create and that takes in this so that simplifies our update packets um and here once again tag save and imports there we go didn’t like that one

Why didn’t it like that one not sure why i didn’t like that one liking it alright eclipse okay network hooks once again that has just changed package so we can re-import that and what are we left with are we left with origen i assume we are aren’t we yes we are okay so

Origen is well it’s completely different i mean it it’s somewhat similar in certain places but the majority of it is just it it’s just completely different it’s not even remotely similar so i have created a thing for this i’ve just got to see if i can actually

Find it because i think i hidden it away somewhere so as far as i can tell origen there’s two ways of doing it now from what i can tell so the first way is to use a vanilla method and the second way is to not use the vanilla method so

I’ll i’ll explain that in a second so the main concept to understand is that we no longer use um configured features for everything here we instead use placed features so all we need to do first thing is replace this list of configured features with a list of placed features

And we just need to do that for all of these three lists and we also need to go down here and do that down here too list of placed feature and if we save that that should import yep and that’s fixed our error down here okay

We can also get rid of this register method that can go that’s no longer needed okay um what else so here you can see we’re adding it um here so let’s remove these add lines those can go okay and here this is slightly different so instead of all configuration

Predicates we simply want to use or features and here as well let’s just import that class yep and also for the nether there we go fantastic now all we have is these range errors so these ranges no longer exist because these are done on the placed feature not

On the configured feature so first we have a feature right which is this right here feature.org that is the actual feature then we configure it which gives us a configured feature after that we need to make it a placed feature so that we can actually place it in the world

So yeah as i was saying there’s two ways of doing this now the first way essentially is to just go ahead and call dot placed so there is a dot placed method on here where you can put in some placement modifiers for how you want it to be placed the alternative method

Is to use a vanilla placement so we’re still going to use that dot placed no matter what i didn’t mean to open that uh we’ll go we’ll come up to this one up here and i can remove this because i have it stored but if we just do dot placed and actually um

Yeah let’s make a variable for that and then let’s make a placed feature so final placed feature and we’ll call it placed below stone or is equal to and yes actually that is a good point i have forgotten something and we’ll leave that for a second well actually yeah we’ll leave

That for a second so that is equal to glowstone or dot placed and this will just take in the placement method that you want to use so in this all placements class there are a bunch of different placement methods which you can’t see because they’re private so

If we want to do it this way we need to use an access transformer and i’m not going to be showing you how to do that in this tutorial i will be doing that in the next tutorial so for now i’m just actually going to just use the normal placed method for this

And in the next tutorial we’ll switch over to using the access transformer and have a in my opinion better way of doing this so all we need is the first count placement so that is count placement doctor of and this is just the count so basically the same as before um

We set the count i believe to 100 right and then after that we need to give it the squaring so for that we can use a no we don’t square it yet do we no we’re doing this the wrong way around so i don’t know why i’m doing it like this um

But we need to first give it the height right so as we did before we give it we gave it a range triangle or did we give it a range triangle uh yes we no we gave it uniform yeah okay so we can use a height range placement dot uniform

And same as before this just gives us the two vertical anchors that we need to use so the vertical anchors that we used is vertical anchor dot bottom and then we also used vertical anchor dot above bottom and we gave it a 20 in there then we need to square it so

We can use uh what was it the square method the square method is in square placement so in square placement dot spread is the square method then we need to give it the count so count placement dot of and our count so i set it to 100.

Okay and that gives us the placed feature so let’s go ahead and do this for the rest of them so let’s remove this and once again final placed feature placed beans or is equal beans or dot placed then first the placement modifier that was a height range placement dot of

Uh no not of it was uniform as well i believe and what were the different anchors so we gave it absolute 50 and absolute 120. let’s just go ahead and oh no we gave it triangle yeah okay so we gave it triangle so revert that back to triangle then

Let’s give it the vertical anchors fantastic and then we can do the squaring so that was in play in square placement dot spread and then we can also give it the count placement so if we come over here count placement dot off and that was 100 fantastic so that’s our placement there

And finally i’m actually just going to copy this i don’t know why i didn’t do that for the first one i’m going to copy that and i’m going to call it placed egg or uniform and let’s copy these two fantastic and that way we can just go ahead and semicolon there

And make sure we change this to egg or otherwise that’s not going to work and then finally we just need to add both of these to the lists so let’s go ahead and do i believe this one was end oars and we can add the placed egg all

And then up at beans or we can go never ores dot add placed beans or and then finally at the glowstone ore we can go over world oars dot add place glowstone or fantastic now there’s one final thing we need to go ahead and do and that is we

Still need to register the features we can’t get away from doing that so all we need to do is go ahead for the configured feature we’ll start with first we need to go feature utils dot register and we can give this a name so the name i’m just going to give it is

Glowstone underscore all and let’s put that extra bracket on the end fantastic so that is our configured feature let’s do that for the other ones as well so once again feature utils dot register this one is beans so beans underscore all and let’s put bracket on the end

And finally let’s come down to egg so feature utils dot register egg underscore all and let’s put the bracket on the end okay so that is our configured features registered however we now need to actually register these placed features as well so this is pretty much the same we need to come

Ahead and come up to here and go placement utils dot register let’s give it the same name so glowstone underscore or put the bracket on the end and let’s do these for the other ones as well so come down to here this one is beans and just put the bracket on the end

And then finally we have our egg ore and let’s put the bracket on the end fantastic okay so that should be everything on how we can update obviously as i said i will be using a slightly different way of doing this rather than having to pass in the um

Ins basically instead of having to pass in this square placement we can actually pass it straight in and instead of having to do count placement of we can just pass in a hundred that is what i will be showing you in the next one on access transformers however for now

Let’s run the game oh we can’t run the game yet i lied so we do need to come into our mod stop tomorrow still and we do need to change this to 38 so it’s upper version and let’s change this to 1.18 okay let’s also come into our pack.mcmata and this is

I believe pac format 9 i’m pretty sure but we will see if that’s correct or not so that should be it let’s run the game hopefully it’ll work fingers crossed so here we are we’re in the game as you can see we spawn next to this village and very deep river

If we come down here let’s just give night vision all right we have to s night vision and then it’s like a million seconds and then 255 or something like that okay so here we are and if we go down far enough we should be able to find our block so let’s

Go spectator mode to make this a little simpler as you can see we’re definitely in 1.18 okay just gonna see if we can find it here it is so it is wood now that is because we set it to spawn it uh wood when it was in deep slate now

There’s not gonna be any stone down here so we’re not gonna be able to find any glowstone unfortunately this is a very nice cave i do like this update it’s quite cool um but yeah that has worked as you can see it’s dynamically sort of gone from the

Bottom of the world so since we did the uh vertical anchor dot above bottom this is only 20 blocks above the bottom and the bottom is obviously if we go f3 the bottom is now you know all the way down here instead of being at y0

So yeah that seems to have worked let’s just go into the end and into the never so let’s do set block and let’s go we’ll go the nether portal first right we have to be in spectator of course we do and if we go back into spectator we should be able to

See what if we spawn it and we spawned it in i believe never rack oh we said it like above top or something stupid didn’t we uh let’s see if we can find it i think we set blue wall to spawn yeah there we go that’s blue wall

And there should be more of it if we look around enough uh we should be able to find some more i don’t remember the exact uh boundaries that we said it to be there’s some more down there as well uh it’s quite rare it’s interesting um but yeah that is warning okay

Fantastic let’s just come out into here and let’s go to the end so set block and we’ll go end portal okay and here we go spectator which it doesn’t want to let me do there we go lagging and we should be able to see yeah there we go we have some gold

Blocks just going about all over the place so yeah i hope you guys did enjoy this tutorial or find it useful uh if you did please do be sure to throw your socks at that like button and also subscribe as well if you really enjoyed

Please do be sure to share it and uh yeah i’ll see you guys in the next tutorial on access transformers good bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Forge Modding Tutorial – Updating to 1.18’, was uploaded by TurtyWurty on 2021-12-14 22:00:10. It has garnered 17488 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:30 or 2070 seconds.

In this video, I cover how to update our mod from 1.17 to 1.18.1 and redo all the ore generation to work properly.

Eclipse Java 17 Plugin: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/java-17-support-eclipse-2021-09-421 Forge 1.18.1: https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.18.1.html

Join my Discord Server, to receive support with your modding related questions: https://discord.gg/jCTnnhxc7J My CurseForge where you can find my released mods: https://www.curseforge.com/members/realturtywurty Github Repository: https://github.com/DaRealTurtyWurty/1.18-Tutorial-Mod Check out the trello: https://trello.com/b/6lLTY9js/118-modding-tutorials

Credits to Formas1#1902 on Discord for the new intro! 🤗

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    Minecraft's Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From towering castles to intricate designs, Every creation is unique, every detail shines. With each click and each tap, a masterpiece forms, As players craft and shape, in the digital storms. The satisfaction is real, as structures take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where imagination takes flight. So dive into the game, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, and so much more. Experience the joy, the thrill, the delight, In the most satisfying video, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • “Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years” #minecraftmemes

    "Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years" #minecraftmemes Enderman age 1: accidentally looks at a player and runs away screaming Pro enderman age 99: teleports behind you "Nothing personal, kid." Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun

    Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun The Magic of Minecraft Unleashed by AI Exploring the world of Minecraft through the lens of AI can be a fascinating journey. Let’s delve into the realm of creativity and innovation that AI brings to this beloved game. Unleashing Creativity with Invideo AI With the help of Invideo AI, Minecraft enthusiasts can now experience a whole new level of creativity. The AI-generated video showcases the magic of Minecraft in stunning 1080 resolution, bringing the game to life in ways never seen before. Enhanced Visuals and Immersive Gameplay By harnessing the power of AI, players can expect enhanced visuals and… Read More

  • Outrageous New Outro for Let’s Plays!

    Outrageous New Outro for Let's Plays! Exciting Adventures Await with Mad Red Panda in Minecraft! Join Mad Red Panda on thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft with their brand-new outro for the channel! Get ready to embark on magical journeys and experience enchanting moments like never before. Whether it’s casting spells, playing games, or exploring new worlds, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. What to Expect: Stay tuned for exciting content every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as Mad Red Panda takes you on a whimsical ride through the Minecraft universe. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, there’s never a dull moment in… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?

    Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft SMP is Getting SUS’, was uploaded by MxZed on 2024-06-07 16:00:52. It has garnered 2625 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:42 or 2262 seconds. ►For Access To The Exclusive Discord, Monthly Exclusive Videos, Early Access To Videos, Uncensored Versions Of Videos, To Support Me And Much More Join My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MxZpatreon ► Join My Discord server here: https://discord.gg/pW9e5N3PPR ►My YouTube Channels • Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_aohDsELT4r68oJLudC3A • Extra Gaming Content: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZed • Non Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IsaacRose • Solo Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@mxz.gaming • VOD’s Chanel: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZUncut ► Where I Stream:… Read More

  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

    Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28’, was uploaded by Whistler on 2024-06-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 900 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:11 or 1871 seconds. CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28 In this video, I build a giant custom cave for my spawn nether portal with a volcano theme. I hope you enjoy! Whistler Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Whistlerooo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whistlerooo/ Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😳Minecraft Water Logic…#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Квайт on 2024-06-12 11:01:00. It has garnered 12008 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

    BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack - Nightmares Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Horror Of The Night Modpack – Live Stream’, was uploaded by BeezeeBox on 2024-03-01 14:29:36. It has garnered 37 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:41 or 6761 seconds. Join me, BeezeeBox and JaroksPlayz in this live stream as we delve into the terrifying realm of ‘Horror of the Night’ Minecraft modpack. Brace yourself for heart-pounding scares, eerie encounters, and nerve-wracking adventures as we navigate this Minecraft horror mod! Gather your courage and join the stream for an unforgettable experience filled with screams, suspense, and survival against all odds. Dare… Read More

  • 🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥

    🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Royal x Mr Aabid on 2024-02-26 11:05:45. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18,… Read More

  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

    Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft - Only HE Knows Recipes!Video Information This video, titled ‘8 Billion People Worldwide Transmigrated into Minecraft, but ONLY HE Knows the CRAFTING RECIPES’, was uploaded by Monkey Manhwa Recap on 2024-06-16 12:45:28. It has garnered 13609 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 10:42:17 or 38537 seconds. Eight Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft Simultaneously. On the First Day of Transmigration, While Everyone Else Starved and Slept on the Grass, This Man Lived in a Mansion, Leisurely Eating Meat. All Because He Had Been a 10-Year Veteran Minecraft Player on Earth #animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangaunboxing #mangacollection… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie's Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Калли Удивила Бибу Своей Способностью [Hololive RU Sub]’, was uploaded by kir on 2024-04-06 16:52:05. It has garnered 3030 views and 380 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Mori Channel: @MoriCalliope Bibu Channel: @KosekiBijou 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqYOwITnJ68&t=11369s ———————————————————————— [Донатик клиперу] https://www.donationalerts.com/r/vtkir ————————————————– ——————– Subscribe to the channel to watch your favorite Vituber girls every day! ————————————————– ——————— #vtuber #hololive #holoen #hololiveenglish #holoadvent #kosekibijou #calliopemori #moricalliope #vtubers Read More

  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. 🎮 Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST ‘Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened 😱)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:-https://www.instagram.com/rex_magnusyt?igsh=NTltOW55ZGMyMjV0 Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned axlotolcraftmc.world Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: game.minerealm.com Website: minerealm.com Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mistalunchbox Live on Kick: https://kick.com/mistalunchbox MERCH: https://store.streamelements.com/mistalunchbox Discord: https://discord.com/invite/f7dVvqcGrj Read More

  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

    Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map - RedFriendGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the new 15th anniversary Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by RedFriendGaming on 2024-05-28 23:58:00. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:33 or 16953 seconds. Today I play the new 15th anniversary Minecraft map! Subscribe and you can experience this too. Read More


    ULTIMATE 69 - INSANE WHEAT FARM BUILD | SURVIVAL PT. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT WHEAT FARM IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL|MINECRAFT SURVIVAL PART 2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by BEAST 69 on 2024-05-09 14:00:24. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:00 or 1140 seconds. minecraft minecraft hardcore minecraft 100 days 100 days minecraft mod minecraft mods survival minecraft survival minecraft addons minecraft funny minecraft 1.20 addon mod minecraft addon minecraft pe addon mcbe minecraft java mod minecraft bedrock addon gaming minecraft java mcpe minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft pe hardcore minecraft survival island minecraft challenge minecraft but maizen minecraft survival series… Read More

Minecraft Forge Modding Tutorial – Updating to 1.18