Minecraft Hardcore: How Many Resets to Beat?

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That’s my best zombie impression not proud of it how are we doing today we playing Minecraft hardcore mode uh I’ve never beaten Minecraft even on like easy mode like the regular mode thought that’d be funny Minecraft zombie go Bre but uh yeah we’re playing hardcore mode so expect like a thousand resets cuz you never be on easy mode so let’s just let’s just dip right into it all right I’m just going to delete this world a test to make sure my computer could uh could run it select world

Uh there we go Survival no yeah oh damn feel like playing Minecraft now what’s up Mr can dracodile how y’all doing I’ve never beaten the game before I’ve been to the uh what’s it called like the hell equivalent of Minecraft I’ve been there but uh but that’s it I’ve never beaten end Ender Dragon nothing like that

How do you run all right all right so I know you get wood right so let’s just start getting wood all right pause wait this isn’t wood this is AA log oh jeez oh goodness is AA log the same thing as wood I’m going to assume not so leave leave your predictions how

Many resets will I have wait what’s my character look like how do you how do you view your Character look like I’m africanamerican word finally is Oak log the same as wood all logs function same F5 zero resets first try first try hello DC how you doing sir all right open your inventory press e oh I am black okay I’m sorry uh huh oh oh [ __ ] oh oh Jesus

Uh how do you get the crafting table you know you let’s just focus on building the house I guess yeah that’s probably for the best face purple crying face purple crying face purple crying face orange raised eyebrow face orange raised eyebrow face orange raised eyebrow face orange biting nails face orange biting

Nails this may be a couple of resets oh have some faith in me black don’t crack at least in the the human world are they humans in Minecraft what are they am I collecting anything oh okay it might be a a little fresh in this game but I’ll figure it

Out oh we need food too don’t we okay so we need food shelter we need a pickaxe you know just like regular stuff God this is going to go so horrible what was I thinking good evening how we doing what’s up tuna how we doing

Sir I’m not going to build a dirt house okay I’m not trashy we’re going to live in style also tell me how the volume is if you want it turn it up if you want to turn down I’ll do whatever you want because I’m your

[ __ ] I I don’t want to kill animals can is there is is there any way to be like vegan in this game damn I was never able to get past the dirt house dude all I already live in a dirt house as an AM get four logs crafting table

Wooden pickaxe get cobblestone make stone tools takes like one to two minutes one to 2 minutes okay so it should translate for me to 30 minutes okay so e are wood planks the same PSA Weezer is currently in fortnite yes shut up are you serious oh we could have been

Playing fortnite and that not the okay well it’s fine I’ll play Weezer next time uh get four log craft wooden pickaxe all right how do you how do you open crafting table oh there we go huh oh jeez I know how to I know how to like

Separate them all really fast I want know how to stack him really fast don’t worry so pickaxes like this right like oh Jesus like this no all right hold up just let me cook okay stick okay yeah you need a stick first don’t you okay yeah I knew

That how do you open how do you how do you open the crafting there we go sorry I’m sorry okay I’m learning I’m I’m new I’m I hate fumbling around with [ __ ] like this I hate it all right two stick three plank oh okay does it for you look at that look at

That double click to get all same items in one place shift Plus plus click to uh IDK what’s the resets counter for oh uh so this is hardcore mode so if you die you have to start all the way over and do this all again wooden pickaxe Cobblestone

Okay okay so let’s uh just dig straight down right that’s the only logical way all right first off dude this is like the strongest sheep ever yay I almost wasted my pickaxe already okay um somebody remember where where this is at okay I thought I saw some uh dig

Straight down don’t even joke loud dude n dude digging straight down is the Strat all right that’s sand so we don’t we don’t like sand here do we uh I I don’t know let’s just let’s just dig right here I guess oh yeah we can use Stone pickaxes now can’t we all

Right don’t worry guys I’m a genius I know what I am doing that clict did it oh my God okay hang on a second don’t see that was just testing you that was testing I’m sorry Mr K I let you down I I didn’t I thought it was just h i I

Don’t know what I think what do I think it’s fine okay like I said first try we’re going to beat it first try what’s up doggy paperino do you guys like cats more or dogs more let me know in the chat nice we’re gaming oh [ __ ] oh God what does that

Mean what part of the game do you finally Mine The Craft once petted a dog and a cat the same day on the same day wait what’s this raw copper is that is that good you know what we’s just craft a weapon I got a feeling we’re going to need

It take on some these flowers bro I can’t see I can’t see this okay uh sword I got a feeling about I’m about to reset I got a feeling where’s my hole At so don’t dig straight down who’s there oh there anyone even here you decide you decide oh jeez I don’t like that answer oh yeah aren’t there like torches in Minecraft how do you get a Torch hey chat play this game for me oh that’s where you’d want coals for torches coals oh my god really I feel like there’s more there a more efficient way to do this Anyways hang on a second coals can be on the ground or somewhere deep Minecraft zombie Brewer Bro it’s fine it’s it’s turning night time but it’s fine cuz I’m not scared right guys right oh cool oh this is here the whole time I am I I hear them but I just don’t see them Minecraft zombies are terrifying they do be kind of scary though what the hell is

This oh well there goes my only light source yo finally wait did that did that drop anything W yes someone hold my hand through this play through dude I can’t hold I can’t hold people’s hands my hands get sweaty I don’t know why but I always blame it on the other

Person though like why is your hand so sweaty like I put it on them is that wrong of me to blame other people for my sweaty hands like ew [ __ ] why is your hand so sweaty like sort of like that cuz like they can’t really disprove you you know what I’m

Saying you can’t really prove whose sweat it is anyways I’m rambling okay cool now how do you do uh how do you make coal or how do you oh torch uh how oh okay all right it’s fine I’m so slow it’s it’s terrible ah finally let’s just start digging why not

I want need another pickaxe soon cringe Mr can says you can’t dig straight down you know what I’m going to disprove that I’m going to be the first Minecraft Youtuber to dig straight down I’m sure this is fine what does light brown dirt mean this clay can I still get back

Up I need a way out you know what I’m saying I going to be trapped down here well that’s kind of not straight down I guess straight down is one by one oh okay so you call me a [ __ ] I well I’ll do it I’ll do it right now

You know why am I doing this how do you I I did this before there we Go ah yes crafting table I usually dig downstairs at 45 angle I might take that advice actually it’s probably the smarter way to go about it I need stick actually I need this yeah now we’re cooking boys anyways you know our everyday lives are kind of like Hardcore Minecraft you know cuz

Like once you die it’s over that’s my deep thought for the day oh my God you know what job i’ I’d be terrible at I’d be terrible at being a psychologist like one of those people you sit down and talk to amen H amen H I think I’d be bad being a

Psychologist just because like if someone tells me their problems I’ll be like damn that’s crazy what’s what’s this what is this can I can I hit it with a stone pickaxe whoa purple land am I picking any of this up block of amethyst is this base

Or cringe is this is this worthy of picking up somebody’s at my front door it’s a Minecraft Creeper Creeper oh man I DK I like purple based new to me new to you let’s see we can make out of it okay amethyst Shard makes block of amethyst but what

Do what does amethyst do oh well I’m just going to collect it I I’ll collect a few let’s keep going down first I got to make some more torches amethyst shot what was that is that bad is that a bad noise or a good noise Minecraft cave sound

Triple is that is that bad why you guys say like oh Minecraft is it bad I turn on Minecraft subtitles oh do you the like tell you what it means you know what let’s let’s let’s live the mystery why not I’m going to dig straight down here just to

Die have you guys beaten Minecraft before let me know in the comments I just think sounding like a YouTuber is funny I’m like half deathfish and it’s often useful to me oh you’re you’re you’re a partial death I am a Minecraft veteran I only I only turn death when

When women start talking you know what I’m saying can I get a can I get a hell yeah hos in the comments no I’m playing I love women women should be respected at least that’s what HR tells me let’s go down I played around with creative a lot

Have yet to beat it I can do it though I too love women a men hos hell yeah oh you play you play R uh I have yet to beat it Mr can if I can’t beat this I’m going to pretend that you’re I’m going to have

You stream and pretend it’s me and then I’d be like oh I beat Minecraft look at this so basically we’re going to cheat we’re going to scam the viewers damn this cave sucks oh wait is this is gold can I can I hit I’m sure surely you can’t hit stone with gold right

Surely all right I’m going I’m just going to save this what the hell is this cow site what the hell is a cow site you know what let’s just keep straight dig straight down God I love digging down hardest and strongest villain is blind it’s hard because you’ll feel bad

Taking advantage of his blindness you dirty ableist chat are you ablis let me know in the comments below should blind people have rights let me know in the comments below you said the toughest toughest villain is blind for you know for the longest time I thought Stevie Wonder was deaf too I

Didn’t know he was just blind I thought he was blind and and deaf like a Helen kill type Vibe but it turns out he’s he’s just blind so that’s good news I think God I love digging God uh-oh the music has switched up a little bit do you guys like digging let me know in the comments below I’m currently drinking a Red Bull God I love Red Bull I’m drinking what up winter Edition pear cinnamon reminds me of a meme I may be blind but at least I’m

White oh no the happy Minecraft music is playing got it gets out of that you know this music in like the back rooms would be like even more terrifying happy music just bothers me uh I’m guessing the another Table I’m sorry to get the hang of it I Think what the [ __ ] was that is that a bad noise okay all right no put down put down the stick thank you I’m lost there we go okay all right we going I still haven’t found any of the [ __ ] that makes the uh uh what’s it called uh iron Minecraft subtitles would

Tell you what noise it was IDK though hey can I can I hit this oh surely you can’t right oh my goodness fellas we got to get some iron you need iron for Diamond dude that is so cringe dude dude I bet I could hit Diamond real

Life with the iron pickaxe and come up big I’m telling you dude you give me a d you give me an iron pickaxe in real life I’m getting that diamond insert man pushing a round boulder up a hill meme but once you get diamond you can hit anything is your brightness at 100

In game uh uh brightness Graphics fancy okay you bobbing clouds fancy particles entity Shadows okay glint straight I don’t know what glint means sounds kind of racist look at this freaking glint uh yeah I can’t really find brightness oh brightness back there we go oh hey look at that is

That better for you guys let’s see if it saved it oh my God no take me back to AIDS land okay right sweet thank you Mr K very cool y’all are coming with the hacks today you guys have you guys have anything for dinner tonight how convenient a autosave imagine no

Problem me personally I had a burrito low carb tortilla cuz you know I’m trying to cut back on the lbs the [ __ ] is this I reached the bottom haven’t I son of a [ __ ] how the [ __ ] do I get out of here all right so where’s Diamond all right so Diamond’s

There um I’m just going I’m just going to dig sideways now I Guess this happened in my last game play too when I was playing on like easy mode I could not find any of that iron [ __ ] you know that [ __ ] you cook and it turns into iron Dam at the bottom already thir at the bottom and we still at the

Bottom how do you make a stove or an oven or I’d like to see cords best height isus 59 for diamonds more Diamond holy crap dude I need some of them uh iron jiga Bobbers thingies what’s it called somebody educate me please um it’s not my job to educate you Minecraft music

POG you’re telling me that this isn’t better than national anthem in America America replace the national anthem bro [ __ ] sucks I am a proud American let’s be real I’m not going to be like America sucks but national anthem mid if that low tier Mid what’s this some orangey [ __ ] I’m sure I can’t hit with a stone Pickaxe get that uh iron stuff I if you can see Bedrock on the ground and doesn’t get in your way that’s the best height IG how’s it going I can’t even see your name it’s so purple hello it’s Jason how we doing sir your name is purple as [ __ ] on my end at Least purple ah damn well Jason we’re mining right Now you do a little mining it’s red to me it’s red to you oh maybe I’m color blind maybe it’s just different on your End anyways Jason what’s your thoughts on women do you like them should they be a part of society have we grown past women let me know in the comments below I only like women who like And subscribe you know what I’m saying fellas dude will we ever get iron tune in next

Time I see a little bit of iron don’t think so NGL can a brother borrow some iron don’t worry guys once I beat this my first try I’m going to be the next dream irons are somewhere at middle Height Middle height oh see I I had a feeling I got a feeling o

Wait jump jump aha I knew I was coordinated enough to do that don’t worry brain’s cooking we’re cooking I’m I’m going to need food soon I think I need to change my uh profile picture because people are going to think I’m copying dream but then when in

Reality I just couldn’t think of a a profile picture for YouTube so I just put you could dig up upstairs you could dig up I suppose I could what would you say is Middle height is this is is this what YouTube Minecrafters do just like Block H blocks all

Day I could get used to this I need a new pickaxe soon again my captions thought you were talking German you know I do kind of like sound German I it’s kind of funny I sound foreign lot lots of times what the hell is this red block well we’ll never know cuz I

Couldn’t mine it miners am I right fellas awful we should just get rid of kids let’s just get rid of children oh my goodness finally yes oh my God we’re getting that diamond and I’m proud to be an American we’re at least on oh no no now see we’re not going to

Do that today we’re in hardcore mode run surely they can’t get me through they can’t jump right Famous Last Words surely they can’t Jump yo how much uh how much how much of this do I need ah yes lights I need to have like Subway Surfers in the corner or something during this try to invest in cooked food kill mobs as clap kill mobs what’s a mob are those those little like

Darker fellows that are like me but I can kill like people Minecraft people me I hear a mouse do mice hurt you in this game let me know in the comments below God I love saying that it’s so [ __ ] funny be sure to hit that like And

Subscribe I don’t think I can ever be a real YouTuber man kind I just make fun of stuff like that I think it’s the funniest thing ever dude you guys need to buy stock and stone because we are killing it right now in the stone Department may be mining though yeah I’m a

Miner God I hate saying that let me get on PC this mobile captions suck damn it it’s probably just me though I need to enunciate my words the [ __ ] is this all right let’s start digging side to side I guess have you guys seen that video of

That Minecraft guy he’s like oh man he’s a digger God I hate diggers diggers with a d captions please don’t be uh but anyways it’s funny subtitles calls this Eerie sounds Eerie sounds some uh what do you call it stranger things captions when you’re in the mine too long it drives you crazy

Apparently does it real like in real life dude I would hate to work in the mind so simulator skitso simulator dude imagine being a schizophrenic just don’t hear voices it’s that easy I need to drop some of this [ __ ] Granite amethyst I’m I’m assuming this is all trash what’s

Tough I don’t know but we’re dropping it how do you drop things okay there we go oh my God stop stop picking it up it’s fine I’m fine you think other humans exist funny wake up dude like are you cringe bro like you think people exist I’m tough look of

Triumph dude you are so tough cocodile dude how okay oh my God okay I thought I was legit R worded there for a second I need to stop saying [ __ ] I need to stop saying it it’s not a good word well it’s a it’s a great word but

Like I I just need to stop using it oh yeah I’m digging side to side now I for I forgot why did I put it there I’m stupid anyways isn’t the Oden ring DLC coming out soon in February I believe we got to play that Elden rang and I saw that the God

Of War DLC came out or it’s coming out and it’s free or something I never got into God of War I feel like it’s too late to start I don’t know the lore am I double handing a pickaxe right now that can’t be right what did you ask what can hurt you minutes

Earlier uh oh can mice hurt you in this I heard a mouse like I would hate to be like a one shot kill and then Mouse takes me out I just like to have that in the back of my mind double pickaxe bro is katos double fisting I didn’t know double fisting was

An actual term for like alcohol like double fisting a drink someone at work said that and I was like what are you talking about I also don’t know God of warl I just know the bald guy is angry and he kills people that’s all I know

And like the little guy is the son I think maybe I don’t know their relationship too well holy crap pog how much of this iron stuff do I need I don’t think MERS exist in Minecraft IDK bald man in old games kills and has

S asterisk X and in new games he is dead that’s all I know like is he that white though or is that makeup or like war paint you know what I’m saying like Kratos like is that for real his skin color can somebody achieve that type of

Whiteness let me know in the comments below bro oh my God golly uhoh my PC is starting to get angry at me it’s it’s revving up those Friar oh wait did I pick up that yeah I did okay cool holy crap we’re in the

Money Mr K the fact that you told me the middle of the middle of the map the underground has this iron that was so clutch of you what you did Sir was super super clutch and I appreciate that what kind of music do you guys

Listen to be real with me y w less than three don’t be like oh you know I like insert popular band no I want another real stuff you listen to if you listen to game audio osts then you tell me be honest with me I am your therapist now

I’ve been starting to listen to radio head recently they’re neat I DK any music I happen to listen while playing video see that’s a fair answer that’s an honest answer radio head see I never got into radio head like I have trouble listening the Bands A lot of rap music when I played

Midnight Club 3 oh yeah dude oh what a great game fantastic game oh my goodness I would love to play a game like that on uh on stream but I don’t think it’ll get any views and you know I’m all about the views baby oh yeah we got two concurrent

Viewers one like on the stream appreciate it fellas y’all coming in clutch for me today and I’m glad you’re here with me now how do you stop double fisting uh you know what uh looked it up and the reason katos skin is white is rather

Grim let’s hear it Mr can tell us the lore of this white male wait did it used to be black or something that’d be wild oh yeah I’ve seen a trailer that explains the skin thing he’s apparently the ghost of Sparta the skin covered in the ashes of his dead wife and

Child just another day as katos I suppose okay so you put coal here right or no and put meat here hell yeah we’re cooking we’re cooking imagine not cooking that’s so cringe okay so you hit e drop this drop it we’re grilling now Lads oh yeah he cooking

Ah do do I need do I do I need all this [ __ ] do I oh yeah cooked mutton there’s also smoker guess we can consider that grilling there’s there’s a smoker too okay am I doing this right please tell me I’m doing doing this right go go go go go

Go all right you cook that I’m going to mine some more lo it I’m mining that’s luxury stuff for later when building a house ooh we’re going to live in style we’re going to be classy gents ah I cannot get that tone down right I’ll work on it

I live alone with a cat so like that’s all I do is try to do Impressions towards my cat holy crap Lois Remember the Time a Minecraft creeper blew up our home in Minecraft c-w heyo why is that so funny to me cocodile she should just talk and

Like uh like a Family Guy impression like a like a per Griffin impression yeah hey guys he’s mining n don’t do that I I like I like you for you you know you’re a cool guy drod I do that anyway you do that anyway God I love

Mining sticking out your out for the rler what’s that one song creeper oh man so we’re back in the mine got our pickaxe swinging from side to side anytime I see Peter Griffin in fortnite I break into very odd Family Guy anti jokes what do you think about uh

Uh Family Guy in fortnite isn’t that crazy isn’t that just quacking crazy that just blows my mind I I never thought we would get it to be honest iron iron Family Guy in fortnite goes hard perhaps oh my goodness look at what we have here Lois we’re about to get

Diamond guys I don’t mean to sound pessimistic but I’m really surprised we got this far have you guys heard of Riff Raff before the rapper W the rapper Riff Raff diamonds in under hour nice dude thank you now where the wait okay uh does anyone remember okay that’s I’m

Going to put up a wall here to let me know that this is where the monsters are at right and down here I assume is uh my tunnel that I found the first diamonds at oh I hear oh that can’t be I don’t I don’t remember where I

Was I hear like skeletons down here I can’t tell that’s my torch or not I don’t think it is I forget where my diamonds are I should have put a torch it’s like too risky though right oh Yeah ah it’s fine I have This you can fortnite it build blocks preventing skeleton shooting you okay yeah like like build mode okay I can [ __ ] with That I I can’t remember if this was I can’t remember where my tunnel’s at sh it though you might Die oh my God more Diamond oh I I know this is dangerous as [Applause] [ __ ] all right more diamond oh [ __ ] are we killing it right now I think we’re killing it right now I don’t really know for sure should he invest in diamond pickaxe what do you think fellas blue lava lava we need that for obsidian right I know that for

Sure nobody in here can kill me right I don’t know if I should go down There anything cool down Here can lava hurt you in this Game that’s a joke everybody laughs nothing to see there IG I do be jumping Though it will hurt you pretty badly it’s not lava it’s just Mountain de code red oh I love Mountain de Code Red holy crap Lois Mountain Dew Code Red I’m already lost I don’t know where I was oh my God I’m lost why did I put who let me not put

Torches oh [ __ ] more diamonds dude we’re like killing it in the diamond Department dude this is crazy right Floyd stole it Floyd stole it no not Floyd my man Floyd I forget oh it’s over here isn’t it dude where oh my God where oh where’s my

Stuff cuz I I was cooking iron wasn’t I oh God damn it God damn it maybe it maybe I drop down you can turn all your coals into torches with sticks fellas is it gay to make sticks in Minecraft yeah I forget dude I forgot I I had all that [ __ ] iron

Yes oh it is okay I’ll make some ah this sucks all right it’s fine it’s fine let’s make a new [ __ ] cave I get lost so easily even even in real life I get lost so easily the darkness kind of driving me crazy it’s probably brighter on your screen oh sorry

I’ll put more torches we’re going to have to go up into the surface right eventually cuz we need food n it’s cool or coal fellas is a bad to dig straight up yeah we’re going to need food soon bro we are returning to the surface oh the stone pickaxe is way

Faster oh this is going to be brutal or you can just do one by one digging why no when by one like this hold up that was Enderman I think Enderman oh no is he nice oh [ __ ] not like this new uh okay I’m going to put that there for

Now and then put I explained it wrong I meant upstairs so you can go back don’t look at him in the eyes and you’ll be fine avoid making eye contact what the freak all right we’re going up a no Enderman are very shy just like blah why eat smth can these kill

Me I guess not I can’t I don’t have anything to eat oh my god dude that’s soup him what is this what is this place okay I’m going to put a torch here so we’ll remember this place to come back to oh my God I have no coal oh my god oh

This is terrible I really screwed myself zombie spotted all right we’re getting the freak out of here we got to find some food oh god oh i i s that [ __ ] iron down there God damn sticking out your G for the rler oh [ __ ] nobody there 45 angles so you can

Go back that cave can be useful oh do it in 45 degree angles okay I will do that right now you haven’t failed me yet Mr can dude I need food right now oh my God it’s like so it’s so much more exciting when it’s hardcore mode cuz

Like you can’t you have to reset sorry guys I know it’s probably dark for you let me uh get the freak out of here then again maybe go up cause dying there’s so many jumping and sprinting uses food oh does it oh my God go if food reaches zero you get the African

Experience oh no I heard that’s bad all right so if we do die next time we got to stack up on food immediately before we start digging and [ __ ] we’re fine we’re just going to find some sheep to kill cuz you know I’m anti sheep and uh you know go from

There look at those jpeg pixels oh yeah look at them go it’s not easy being blocky that pork best fastest healing fills the most oh cow okay okay I I I’ll kill pig I don’t give a [ __ ] about pigs but cows I can’t kill cows bro they’re so

Nice have you ever seen a fluffy cow before Oh Majestic well think I go it’s Halal I approve hell yeah God damn how far away are we from the surface come on bro I’ve had a massive cow farm and killed hundreds whoops oopsie it was an accident I blame

You you were like oh are these cows my bad I had no idea a come here you little [ __ ] you’ll be used as sents you what actually [ __ ] cows why do I give a [ __ ] about cows come here just like my ex-wife uh uh uh I’m carrying too much stuff jeez I

Got a lot [ __ ] glasses purple yellow diamond you could use two animals to breed what’s up Mato breeding sounds sus what’s up bro I’m sorry I’m sorry you you have M mad cow disease you’re dead then you get practically infinite meat to make we’re back to

Where we started what the heck takes a while though yeah it’s definitely going to be uh what you call it that’s definitely going to be helpful to make them breed buffering face orange frowning hand orange covering eyes face purple crying it’s funny because like I can’t see them

On uh I can’t see the Emojis like on on my little uh text thing so it’s just all text face orange frowning hand orange covering eyes purple face crying okay uh how do you make stove ooh smithing table POG all right oh furnace it’s called a furnace my bad my bad

Fellas I don’t have any coal do I son of a [ __ ] no okay surely I can find coal real quick oh [ __ ] oh my God coal oh my dude we are killing it right now we use wood to cook oh we can use wood oh snap that’s helpful to know though

I’d use coal for torch and wood to cook food IG you would use coal for torch and wood to cook food all right dude this is so helpful that you’re here God damn dude I I I’m hitting the coal landfill right now we do a little

Mining all right wood to cook get out of my way d all right where’s my I’ve played Minecraft together with seven and 3 y oh nephews it was fun I’m sure like your nephews are smarter than me at this point I’m pretty uh dull okay can you use am I doing this

Right all right no no the crossplay is crazy PC PlayStation or my Samsung works why won’t it cook all right I gotta use coal [ __ ] it what the [ __ ] is this furnace broken why isn’t the furnace furnac thing you’re doing it right you’re just trying to cook something you can’t cook

Oh my God I’m so stupid I’m like why is it working why can I cook leather second from left beef oh God I’m so cringe my bad fellas I want to take my anger out on this chicken it’s fine okay I just I just wanted to eat leather is that so

Bad goofy are grilling stream Go Goofy a grilling stream where the hell is the beef do I not have beef raw iron raw red beef you got eight of them oh my God I’m I’m blind I Am So Blind yeah we got to go back down to that cave it’s

See oh yeah baby oh yeah imagine not being able to eat leather that’s so cringe chicken is like 3.5 heel raw beef four highest so like protein gains are an actual thing that’s crazy um all right what is he doing up there I think I talked about this last

Stream have you guys seen that video on Instagram that’s going around where the goat jumps off the bridge and hits a guard reel I don’t know why that video is circling around so much or how it’s Facebook uh the Facebook guidelines but it’s so sad but yet I always watch it all the

Way through every time it comes up eat again it kind of stacks up even though you don’t see it oh do even if it’s just half empty space still eat it nice oh you’re coming in clutch me guys uh raw iron what does raw gold meanes does gold do

Anything should I be should I be making something right now do I need a shield is a shield worth it combine those two almost broken pickaxes into two oh you can one asterisk how do you combine oh hold up my bad into crafting table in the crafting table oh my God

Dudee you are so genius how do you know so much about Minecraft that’s crazy to me I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be doing this but I have so much [ __ ] in my inventory oh yeah played multiplayer MC with the boys you’re like a Genus haven’t beaten Ender Dragon

Somehow well we okay should so should we go for diamond pickaxe or n What’s um your call boys what does copper do is copper does copper do anything I I’ll cook one see what happens do know oh a copper block uh other things o I don’t know what to do it’s so

This is so exciting okay uh let’s go ahead and get another stone pickaxe oh wait no okay well too late uh you can make a rod thing to attract lightning IDK what for for lightning so like what does lightning do in this game hold on let me dump some of this

Dump some of this [ __ ] that I don’t need all right I’m should I keep leather I’m just going to keep leather uh let’s dump this raw copper cuz [ __ ] copper gravel don’t need don’t need that no lightning can kill you one in 1,000 chance or some

[ __ ] what so so why would I want that or do I want that do I want to die can kill bad guys too okay I mean without Rod it can hit you oh without a rod it can hit you what Minecraft be tripping come here Piggy

Isn’t this like so nice this like such a nice game I’m surprised I have zero resets and how long have we been live for I don’t even know oh wow we’ve been live for a while this game really flies by start organizing a little bit yo yo what’s up clouds if yall play

Carefully you’ll live forever unless unless didn’t I just kill a cow I cannot find that Beef at least we have oh right here oh my God why can I never see that down There I’m a drop a sub oh thanks Cloud I appreciate that man welcome aboard what is that oh my God what is that thing me too NP hide somewhere oh God that was not cool okay I didn’t know there was like Elder ring beasts on here that’s crazy those are Phantoms oh they’re

Phantoms what’s up Damien Harrington nice name Dude That’s My Name literally those are Phantoms everybody’s favorite mob how the [ __ ] you don’t judge me I’m new only appears at night you’d be safe if you have a house on the ground I’m toming your mom houses are for

Chums hey yo Damian does anyone ever say hey Damian like The Omen cuz I get that [ __ ] all the time clouds thanks for the follow brother appreciate that you y what’s up dubhub everyone say hi to dubhub NP never heard it never heard it what oh

My God I get that all the time literally they like oh you’re like the son of Satan it’s like yeah I guess all right we’re making a new cave we need okay this time we’re putting torches down so we don’t get lost uh how do you make a

Stick all right got some sticks me contemplating whether to help as much as possible or let him discover what is your favorite game no I got to go but I subbed so I should be back all right brother appreciate it Mr can you should help out constantly

I need you brother I need you favorite game of all time probably oh that’s so tough I’m about to say Moral Combat Trilogy man N64 it was beautiful it’s perfect what’s your favorite game of all time dubhub is that dub City racing game cuz that’s pretty

Good oh God I hear bones clacking that’s like I DK you don’t know what what do you mean you don’t know you don’t know your favorite game of all time come on man don’t play me like that you know no be honest though if it’s Hello Kitty Adventures I

Want to know that [ __ ] we’re honest here we’re honest and open dude what’s with all the water you know it’s kind of cringe but I’ve been playing a lot of probably fortnite JK probably Tau probably fortnite JK honestly even I don’t know didn’t think much of it it’s

A big list of games I liked and played oh God uh I’m not ready for battles yet sorry Mr skeleton you you’re probably going to think this is cringe but I’ve been getting some valerant lately oh my God I suck so bad and when you suck people will yell at

You you’re like what are you doing why are you looking down at the ground get your cursor up oh oh hell no yeah dude I I I I I I need to stop cuz it’s such a cancerous game with armor you can take few hits and kill thanks

For subscribing Cloud smiling face with Open Hands stream ELO that was so late dude what are you doing stream elements is sleeping on the job bro I love coal what’s your favorite block and why is it cold dude I hear so many like little guy can water hurt me

Hey chat can water hurt me let me know in the comments below yug yo n water can put out fire if you were in one oh yeah dude fire so where do you live thinking face where do I live where do you think I live take a guess

Where does it sound like I’m from you could win a prize zombies sounds I know where you live in outside hey well come on in don’t be shy how awkward would it be to get like swatted that’d be so awkward right like a bunch of dude what’s with all this water

Bro that’s fine should I sub try out Minecraft subtitles if you like it’s on right bottom and fun to know what causes the noise being swatted would be a little quirky subtitles gang being spatted would be a little quirky dude it’d be so awkward like oh hey guys dude why water

Though I’m getting tired of this water bro should you sub oh man that’s a tough question dude I mean I mean if you want to TW twiddle fingers okay that’s that’s cringe oh no you look gay um they’re right behind me aren’t they where do I go

I look gay hi Oh yay if your foot’s not on the ground but water your mining weakens dude I’m in a bad place oh my god dude water is so cringe I am new oh what’s up Mob music you’re arish you can swim up oh I can swim

Up hell yeah I got to go but I’ll come back when you’re famous shovel for dirt you know what Damen I appreciate that cuz you’re investing me I know everything that way when I am famous you be like oh dude I was here at like 1,800 Subs XD shovel for dirt oh God

Hey Alexa how do you play Minecraft oh my God this is fine bye later oh hey thanks m music thanks for subbing I appreciate that [ __ ] dude I subbed I appreciate it man now this is Mob music now where the the hell with my furnace if bubbles zero then you

Suffocate and die slowly though oh that’s good imagine dying to block water all right now where the hell wait I will come on my Al account to sub smiley face oh dude I appreciate that dude let’s just keep scamming Gmail let’s just everyone make 10 account And subscribe that would be

Sick oh I love steak okay uh still no iron huh that’s crazy all right I think we should go back to our old cave if I can remember where it’s at I think it’s down here ain’t it or is that the water oh man where’s our old cave at didn’t we

Dig straight down or something maybe it’s here all right it’s not here why not make a downstairs mine from that furnace Mr Ken you’re like a genius I’m sorry Mr can 98 only find that freaking furnace aha yes I am here and I subbed colon closing parenthesis oh hey thanks for the five

Likes and the extra follow mob edits dude now this guy edits for real I am here and bust now here’s a guy that edits for real I don’t have oh I don’t have stick give me shovel yeah all right this will be the foundation for our home/

Tunnel another sub click on the Red Cross thing shows all available ones Red Cross oh dude like you hello just joined what’s up Winston mob BG how many uh how many accounts do you have holy crap how you doing WN Winston you’re a real one man Winston’s

Such a good name your parents chose right oh God cob cobblestone house yeah we’re on the up and up we’re pretty much Rich [ __ ] my dead mother oh my God M edit sub subcribe to the channel thank you mob edits thanks for subscribing mob edits smiling face with Open Hands the

Stronger the block the better one more wouldn’t hurt oh my God there we go I remember when I had a goofy R dirt house and a creeper destroyed a lot of it in one blow B mob bg2 dude I need to go on your level of like alternate accounts

Dude oh goodness gracious that’s a lot of Subs I subbed our again with stones you’d maybe lose like three blocks only that’s good man so dirt houses are not to go to but they’re so like trashy I love it hell yeah oh yeah now this is a home how do

You make door another one Shield hey who’s Joe thank man y’all are too nice to me man what’s the all this kindness I’m getting stuffy if you turn the granite into polished you can use it as floor subing kind of cringe NGL subbing kind of cringe I’ll take whatever I can

Get uh so what Granite all right do I have Granite Cobblestone Cobblestone Granite so it turned gr into polish so do you cook do you cook Granite mob BG is the best all right I don’t think I don’t think I’m like that experienc yet I remember my brother giving me free Subs

All of M disappeared the next day oh you craft craft po granite slab polish granite nice oh my god dude we’re going to be so fancy okay so how do you make floor floor okay well that’s that’s not are you talking about the like this the slab maybe pressure plate lever pressure

Plate we’s go with slab dude this is such a fancy ass house oh we you place blocks on the ground inad of dirt oh dude okay uh okay hold up hang on my my brain’s working hold on a second hold on a second okay can you say Aaron and Alex can I

Say Aaron and Alex is it going to get turned into a meme not my door Aaron and Alex no they’re about to about to turn my voice into man my monitor is dying why is your monitor dying nothing give that [ __ ] CPR like Mr can leaves and I die

Immediately okay dead pixels and stuff uh this going to be too high dead pixels and stuff oh man we got to get you another get you another monitor dude oh yeah this is looking this is looking fine all right I I just got to build a roof and then

Uh and then we should be good I think I’m using what is going on here what’s going on here dude we’re building a house uh it’s going to be a low ass roof but I don’t care I’m short LeBron James ah son of a [ __ ] is that all the Cobblestone I have you

Thought okay the slobs give you more room if you can jump in your house it’s high enough it’s high enough oh dude oh yeah we’re jumping baby all right I’m going to continue this floor in a little bit but now it’s cave time how do I

Donate how do you donate dude you got me brother I don’t even know uh hold on what am I doing okay I need a shovel is this cringe right now okay there we go thanks for subscribing mod bg2 smiling face with open oh yeah we’re popping

Off I should probably get a stone pick no it’s not cringe there we go Iron Stone let’s go Stone shovel stone is easy to find Stone shovel oh I should have got this oh damn it I’m speaking I’m making like I’m making rookie mistakes it’s driving me insane oh my

God perhaps make a chest make a chest dude you are just killing it man how do you know so much my cat’s meowing not sure if you can hear it or not my cat is in heat which is oh Phantom what a nerd he thought though he he he actually

Thought he was doing something something bro I want to donate $10 but I don’t know how oh man you have to donate anything man you can just stay here for free brother it’s all good be sure to leave valuable chest in your house oh you pressed put it in your House all right I’ll put I’ll move it into my house but if you insist donating if you’re like I got to get rid of this $10 right now I think it’s just like a super how old are you how old am I oh you don’t want to know dude you don’t want

To know that you don’t you don’t want to know grown ah man playing Minecraft I am 17 17 whoa I remember when I was 17 70 years ago all right 17 oh my gosh you’re born after 2000 oh jeez I am old saluting face old as Hell we do a little mining Dang oh what is This dude was born when X360 PS3 was out oh wait this is my old cave oh dude this is my old oh my oh my god dude this is like the luckiest we ever been is the sound in Minecraft or well you played the sound oh no this is a sound in

Minecraft dude I freaking love coal oh okay I love freaking coal what’s up Elijah M shaft dude you know it man I love me some M shaft why 59 it the best place to find diamonds do you play any other games oh yeah dude uh Resident Evil uh

Gosh what other games have I play chat American Truck Simulator that’s always a good one how do you find your level GTA GTA I haven’t played that one stream yet but you better be believe I’m going to be playing that that GTA 6 drops o girl F3 you Sally Cod

Warfare Cod Warfare I never heard of that we’ve been doing a little Warfare okay I’m put I’m put an extra one right here just to let let let me know Dude where is Call of Duty yeah I play Call of Duty I don’t play on stream though cuz it’s kind of like a bad game The Stream in my opinion cuz like it’s like die respawn die respawn I haven’t bought Modern Warfare 3 yet though just cuz I’m against it I

Can’t man I can’t oh my god dude okay this is where our old diamonds were at okay nice nice I’m just going to drop it’s fine yay it for 10,000 year old XD you can hear zombies even when it’s fully closed from other wall Purple God I love

Purple sir I guess you’re not in danger if you hear it that’s good to know man I love not being in danger make clean of it top five favorite feelings not being in danger comfy mode all right there’s Diamond down here so I’m G to get that real quick

Uh don’t die I just joined like 10 minutes ago and I am already recognized oh dude like a lot you are the most famous person still this channel oh my goodness I am just if you click F3 you can see your coordinates XD not even close to

You oh F3 is for the coordinates thank you thank you very much God I love diamonds I’m rich as crap there’s more down here back oh what’s up dubhub dude oh my god dude I got no Hops at all more diamonds you can make full set

Get diamonds armor if you have 24 24 do you live in America or Canada ooh that’s a good question what what do I sound like do I sound Canadian or do I sound American I DK you don’t know take a guess bro oh my God run how do you run can’t

Tell man I’m half deaf LOL thinking face Canada wrong American I knew I knew you guys were going to say Canada I don’t know why people think I’m Canadian do I just have a Canadian like Essence dang it yeah but people think that all the time though half American and half

Canadian oh hell no oh dude we got oh oh dude oh pants I guess helmet boots oh dude we’re dripping this is actually going really well I’m I’m really surprised now how do you uh view yourself you know what I’m saying like how do you do the armor thingy oh here we

Go my God she she got the max drip she F5 to view yourself oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me I forgot F5 was that shortcut oh my God what kind of PC do you have uh I have a uh what in the hell is

This oh that can’t be good right that’s got to be internal uh we’re all pink on the inside I suppose how do you look s okay here we go oh my God press F5 again Lial go ahead and screenshot that’s my underc Carriage all right we’re done pressing F5 me stream

Delay Liberal Liberal tears of joy Liberal oh what’s up some random hobo dude we are killing it right now like I can’t even I can’t even describe in words we have not died yet on Hardcore Mode to Sprint you double click W to Sprint you double click W that’s

That’s that’s good what kind of PC do you have oh yeah sorry yes uh I have a r 5900 and a 3080 32 GB I can’t last a second I can’t you know what you got you got to build up your stamina man stamina stamina how much did it cost how much

Did it cost oh I don’t even know hey I don’t even know dude oh hey thank you for the coal how much does it cost everything Thanos it cost me everything uh but no uh it was during the co so it was all very overpriced not not proud of what I

Did but uh you know you only live one life and you got a ball dude oh my God I can’t find my house how do I get so lost so easily okay here uh he can hurt me right okay uh I thought you said it was free rolling on the floor

Laughing F3 for cords and stuff nice haven’t played in a while but I have 2080 super it does its job 2080 super oh my God how many times do you stream a week I if you do it carefully you can kill zombies without even touching it oh my God bro he is

Persistent okay okay this is fine we’re fine oh yeah I have a sword duh I’m an idiot what’s sup home skillet eat fast one one one SM bro oh yeah dude that guy ate [ __ ] dude oh my God you see that we killed somebody we we

Killed a man oh I need to eat thank you thank you but yes W I stream once a week week uh usually on Mondays uh first monster kill what your PC over $2,000 no not zombie meat can be fed to dogs without problems for some reason really oh hell yeah okay sweet more

Torches is this my my house I’m so lost okay we when we get get back get back to the house going to hit F3 get coordinates I just get so lost I’m a lost little man do you watch anime of course I do well I try

To uh you know I I do be busy but uh I have trouble starting new anime cuz I’ll just get I’ll have to binge it holy [ __ ] oh my god oh this was bad what is your fave oh [ __ ] oh this is is so bad oh my God I’m so

Lost oh I can’t be good right Eerie noises what does that mean yeah I’m just going to oh my God this is fine uh okay I’m just going to keep running oh my goodness heing noise is just dare you just a cve sounds you’re fine oh my goodness triggers when you’re in the

Mine too long dude this a lot of fun facts so so so they mean nothing that’s crazy oh goodness oh my goodness oh goodness uh let’s go this way and uh oh goodness oh my Donald or Joe oh goodness oh goodness oh goodness drop it double tap W and hold to swim double

Tap W oh hey it wasn’t that bad okay we got to get back to the surface bro this is this is fine okay we’re not going to reset at all we’re going to beat the game first try and it’ll be my first time ever be this game it’s all going to work out

What’s your phone number what’s my phone number okay get get ready to write it down okay it’s a you’re like in second highest level armor covered already yeah I’m actually killing it right now D I’m like so excited I thought for sure I’d have like eight resets by

Now oh [ __ ] this can’t be good right oh [ __ ] Creeper explosion can kill sometimes though oh [ __ ] my number is 67 m942 69 once you get back you can make a shield shield all right it’s Shield time fellas oh that’s your phone number Mobster oh [ __ ] how do you swim uh how do you swim oh okay look at that we’re back already okay this is fine we’re we’re doing we’re doing great guys now where the hell am I okay so hell n this MF sharing phone number double tap

W oh there we go oh sweet oh that’s so convenient actually son of a [ __ ] climb there’s somebody at my front door FBI open up all right my house is around here somewhere shift or control to Sprint F3 time baby oh yeah where the [ __ ] is this house

Uh I think let’s just go let’s just go higher get FBI open up [ __ ] we heard you were crafted miners in here no it’s Minecraft can we get much higher tell it to the judge they tase me kill me shoot me in the chest nine times ah another criminal gone off the

Streets uh maybe it was the other way oh God don’t tell me I lost my house oh a horse I forgot there’s horses in this game what the hell is this what is this pumpkin that is the ugliest happy to be playing this since you beat Resident Evil 8 oh dude I’m so

Glad we beat Resident Evil evil eight ah goodness me the drum scares for too much man but uh I’m thinking about playing it again not on stream but just uh fun need to eat you know just playing it for fun ling rubbling up the guns and stuff you

Know what I’m saying all right where’s my house for real I’m starting to get concerned you will be given a lawyer and anything you say will be used against you in court did you build your base near where you spawned yes I did yes I did I

Think okay yeah I’m definitely not in the right place whoa okay what’s this [ __ ] nobody kill me whoa have you paid tax Okay click F3 and go to z0 go to z0 oh what is this don’t touch that lava looking block oh don’t don’t touch the

Lava okay what does all this [ __ ] do oh this is sick okay don’t touch lava all right is there anything else I’m supposed to be looking at here I’m I’m going to assume I got everything yeah have you never played Minecraft before well I well there you go a

Partially completed nether portal I mean I have but like uh it’s been a while and I never beat it before I want there’s a gold block let’s see here uh go to 0 welcome z z how the [ __ ] do you do this middle left is your coordinates middle okay go to 0

0 oh God I am so not coordinated from block x0 y68 z0 on the black portal there is a gold block on the black portal where was was just that you know what [ __ ] it try to remember your house cord all right 0 0 uh let’s see uh

Yes no now I’m going now I’m going backwards okay how can I be this bad at the game oh my God my cat’s meowing I don’t know if you can hear it ah that now we’re cooking now we’re cooking oh house you don’t spawn at exactly zero so I do

Know oh you don’t oh my God I am too high up to be wait you have full diamond armor but no diamond tools what is your favorite anime yeah I have full damond armor that’s probably a bad play wasn’t it that was probably a bad play my favorite anime oh

Dude Naruto it’s got to be I’m jumping okay oh [ __ ] better to have full armor than the tools me thinks n diamond armor is super good okay good you’re doing 1 million times better than I did my first 100 times oh hell yeah hey I appreciate that kindness man I

Appreciate that diamond pickaxe the rest can be Iron Naruto is my favorite too who’s your favorite character though face blue wide eyes Okay surely I can okay I am terrible with coordinates this is fine okay we’re getting closer you can make this UI smaller Somewhere I think we’re getting closer I think I think I recognize this the UI only I knew what that meant yeah it’s in settings oh it’s in settings settings controls accessibility I’m assuming it’s accessibility The Love Hole or pole video settings UI you mean this gooey scale whoa this

Is not right oh my goodness oh my goodness that is way too small I can’t see [ __ ] okay options video I gota lean in maybe bit too small LOL click again we’ll go three maybe oh yeah I’d say three isn’t the music amazing on this game oh dud 4 two do you

Play fortnite Perfect oh my God my cat keeps yeah that looks good okay so is at 0 0 right hey yo blood stop shooting at me man we’ll find my house we’ll find it you know what maybe this is time for a new house oh son of a [ __ ] oh my God

I need I need to pay attention all right if I don’t find my house in the next 5 minutes we’re going to have to build a new house okay you said 0 skeleton mad you can’t find your house oh my God I got to go AFK hope you find your house my mom

Is making me do homework bye all right good luck with your homework dog put that grind in appreciate you stopping in and helping out home Home on the Range all right uh maybe my house is around here because there there is a cave I I didn’t explore it was just like a really

Shallow cave like this oh my god dude I don’t think I’m going to be able to find it oh my goodness all right put five minutes on the clock I’mma keep watching as I study for midterms E M I love the Sunday update oh hey appreciate it my man every Sunday every

Sunday creeper oh [ __ ] times two oh mother yeah I forgot it’s around mid midterm time that’s that’s pretty cringe I’m sorry you guys have to the study all right peace Fleer this is fine you want just go here oh jeez here goes nothing all right you’re 500 blocks away in

Z I’m sorry you’re a pest you must be killed I’ll come up here you want the smoke all right insert lowest jumping downstairs image insert Lo hey Lois I’m I’m jumping down the stairs oh my god dude what am I doing what what am I doing you want actually let’s go oh

God oh God I’m not going to make it am I oh my God eat all right we’re not doing that again we are not doing that again Naruto or sasuki always eat SMH close TCH don’t go back onr LOL tears of joy eat again since heart’s not full eat

Again all right yeah I think we’re okay yeah I think I think I’m playing too much you know what I’m saying like I’m just I’m just like I’m being too care free now let’s just build a new basee and and start over right after I go down here I’m just too curious oh

[ __ ] oh God damn oh I really messed up all right all right I’m I’m done okay I’m done being a risk taker coal spotted oh coal is the best [ __ ] it it’s so funny cuz people are like wow you’re doing pretty good for your first time is this is this actually your first

Time I am getting ignored maybe May iron sword get ignored what’ you say oh Naruto or Sasuke Naruto dude for sure Sasuke I you know he’s just I don’t know he’s always edgy which is annoying like he’s cool and all I would definitely take his powers over Naruto’s

But and there’s a certain timing pattern to use your sword to attack oh a diamond sword timing pattern all right we’ll build our base right here I need to write this down I don’t have any paper every everyone remember these coordinates 96111 and 69 and in 596 okay

Uh we will build my base uh right here uh get off there okay let me get some wood F2 for screenshot or Windows plus print screen IDK F2 for screenshot [ __ ] my dead mother okay well that’s my okay cool oh well I need a [ __ ] my dead

Mother okay there we go [ __ ] my okay okay that’s enough screenshotting sorry you had to hear that [ __ ] LM F I didn’t mean to I forget what my keybinds are okay never watched a single episode of Naruto tears of joy never oh you got to start you got to start my man question

Mark Uh I hear Hunter Hunter Hunter is pretty good see about starting that soon but yeah you gotta watch Naruto brother I’ve never beat MC either but you got this hey thanks man I appreciate that Dan Dan man plays appreciate it man uh we’re building our ever seen out

Second Fortress because uh seem to have lost the first one ever seen Attack on Titan oh Winston Winston you’re going to hate me for this man I I’ve never seen it I never everyone tells me to watch it I need to find a good time to watch it because

Like I’m just I’ve mastered the art of enchanting in this game it’s um a bit lots of work I hear watching I heard attack on and sad I’m trying to find like a good good time to watch it like should I watch it when I’m already sad

And just build upon the sadness or should I watch it when I’m happy and be at like a baseline sadness I my brain’s weird like that uh it’s kind of like neo genesis uh that show NE Genesis it’s like a super sh sad I’ve mastered the Ed of

Building yo somebody should uh teach me how to enchant all right we’re not going to lose this Fortress this time guys we’re not this Fortress it’s going to be permanent okay we’re not going to lose it and we’re not going to die either me how after we build this Fortress instead of

Digging underground again we got to find some more you know first three seasons are really good and Four Season turns it to batshit crazy it’s so good Attack on Titans is a giant eating people eating things right trying to see your AI can say anything I used a lot of Minecraft Wiki

Stuff for enchanting yay I’m out of cobblestone wo i1 Z being chilling so where you guys from there’s eight people watching where you all from holy crap there’s 13 likes oh God thank you for the you beat the game without enchantments oh you can oh

Good wouldn’t it be crazy if it got to the inner dragon and then that’s when I died California I’m scared to watch Avenel Lon and to read berserk California I am from Vietnam California Vietnam they’re pretty simp ilar I think to Georgia Georgia whoa I wish you can like uh set like

Custom voice chat for different people like the Georgia guy I put like a Southern accent for the TTS it’s like hey y’all that’s that’s probably benefits of enchanting extra armor protection never breaking items and stuff disadvantage a lots of hours wasted live okay this is our Fortress that would be really

Cool oh what’s up Sebastian IDK oh my God can you guys hear my cat right now it’s so bad okay uh I need live in Montana uh I need more wood I can’t see [ __ ] hang on there we go I’m so blind okay uh yeah

We do need more wood oh no we have haven’t heard your cat I think okay I live Ohio rolling on the floor laughing you live in Ohio I literally live in Ohio holy crap that’s crazy sending virtual pets to your cat sending virtual pets I’ll bring them

In right now if yall want me to bring them in yeah Ohio is a yeah it’s a great place uh Jesus Christ isn’t this house adorable okay my cat is dancing like normal yeah I’m going to need more wood oh my goodness there was a meme that actually originated from Ohio but

Forgot yeah the Ohio meme oh goodness you know sometimes on stream people don’t believe me that I’m on Ohio and I’m in Ohio they’re like oh haha funny memes like no like literally I’m I live here by choice my bed is sleeping like normal you know Ohio okay let’s build a crafting

Table how we do that the meme wait it’s all Ohio always has been was the original LMA oh that’s the original oh my goodness oh my goodness what am I doing yep uh let’s get a furnace going those jungle tree planks would look good as a floor jungle tree

Planks you know what I might actually I am naked the whole time when I was watching yeah that’s disturbing okay I need to eat this chicken and then we need to get more food okay okay wait no uh is it bad to use this to kill

Animals is it trashy you what I’ll just use my regular pickax I mean the jungle floor oh the jungle floor got you got you yeah dirt floor Ohio is still better State than the third world country known as Detroit that disturbing tears of joy tears of joy tears of joy tears of joy

Open mouth smile water watermelons to your left these sheep have to die okay they have to okay watermelon watermelon what do water watermelon look like in this game holy crap whoa creeper rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on

The floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing I don’t see water just seen them I I I don’t know what they look like lime green it was at the tree next to water stay call lamb oh these are watermelon hold On oh heck can you eat watermelon oh hell yeah I love watermelon now oh dude we’re rolling in It liberal liberal I love watermelon liberal forgot what tool to harvest watermelon what’s up blood bow bow I always use my iron pickaxe I’m sure this is trashy axe I think ligma balls okay can you eat watermelon holy crap we got so much watermelon dude this is ridiculous oh

Dude you can you can eat it this is Crazy okay we’re doing good all right what should I do next cooked beef pork still best though oh there’s pigs bro is literally asking can we eat water melon well I don’t I don’t know I thought I maybe you can like maybe it’s just of Joy rolling

On the floor laughing maybe it’s fear to Animals come here piggy you should probably make an axe an Ax free wool blocks can make a bed which lets you skip the night if you eat zombie meat you’ll get sick all right uh okay you’re you’re probably right let’s let me get a bed shorty like a melody in my Head the music is this game was made by God’s tears of joy imagine walking outside and some dude’s just punching a sheep what a barbaric way to get wool but we do what we have to do all right let’s make a bed who Waa oh son of a [ __ ] oh son of a [ __ ] oh God this is not good okay let me let me eat Some if Minecraft made that we can’t eat watermelon I don’t why be careful shouldn’t have gotten near the creeper Brew maybe they are Stupid you can’t catch Me oh [ __ ] oh god oh [ __ ] my ass no no not like this not like this oh dude this is so bad no he’s in my house bro he’s camping man okay this is fine where oh my God okay get in it oh my God oh my God yeah

What an idiot am I right hi then eat toan okay you safe anyways like I was saying I’m the best at this game he can’t open doors right okay good eat the muttons vegan mode for your next hardcore run that was very close what is your Discord that was very close my

Discord Discord is the is my exact same name as my YouTube name pro fortnite move right there it’s in my Sunday make a bed with three wood blocks and three wool three wood blocks three it’s also in my uh description for my YouTube um bed put a torch in your house put a

Torch in my house I will now sleep dude look at us we are so good yo yo what’s up uh cool man thank you cool man for uh R for joining us tonight what’s happening out there they dying all right let me make a chest you’re the best at Minecraft dude

I’m I’m I’m L like cool man that’s a cool name wait what do I need for a chest you get it God okay hold on I’m I’m smart enough yeah bad guys die at daylight because IDK God hates them yeah a were God be like all

Right okay hold on I’m smart enough what was I doing oh I’m making a chest that’s right that’s right okay [ __ ] okay let’s put dirt in there h h h h not all though Enderman and Creepers don’t die at daylight diamond sword diamond sword time or has Shadow covered on them

What’s fire charge oh goodness there’s a there’s this okay let’s make all right let’s get some more iron going Granite okay folded hands folded hands folded hands folded hands folded hands fire charge is to make fireworks yes do it diamond sword I think I let me while this is cooking let me

Spruce up the house a little bit uh maybe okay IG GTG I farted bye D goodbye mom music thanks for joining me in house two successfully made no fireworks in gunpowder and paper jungle wood is a floor jungle wood is this jungle wood do you really think I would

Go try repairing the damage creeper caused oh yeah you’re right yeah I’m I’m gonna kill this guy first just because I don’t like the way he looks damn this sword [ __ ] damn dude this sword’s awesome all right sorry sorry it’s fine sheesh shees got the i uuu m got the berserk sword

You that sword is good dude 15 likes holy crap he was hiding from the sunlight under the tree L Mao bro thought he can get some shade not on my watch all right you said I know we talked about it last week but GTA 6 when

It does relas you will have to do a stream absolutely man absolutely I wonder if they’re going to have strip clubs in this one what do you think what do you think chat will they have strip clubs uh Oak slab is that what you guys

Want or or is it D I forgot to like on my Al turn him into plays playes planks plank pressure plates oh my God I am stupid if they have I will buy lotions and tissues Oak slab is that what you guys want Oak slab for the floors whoa pause pause oh

That is [ __ ] up I probably [ __ ] up didn’t I yes cook no jungle wood oh junglewood jungle planks no place the blocks normally or plank for floor oh gotcha gotcha gotcha d man do you live alone double click on an item to collect it double click on the item to collect it okay all right this is fine this is

Fine oh my God I am stupid okay there we go where’s my planks at oh yeah now this is good floor IDK man I’d keep the house at level floor it’s too late to go back now strippers Who come out the TV IRL is what we

Need what I don’t know if I don’t know if we need that I don’t know if we need that that’d be crazy I heard a zombie good zombies are so cool bro do you think God exists or are we living in The Matrix all right this is going look like

Look like [ __ ] at first but it’s fine we’re probably living in The Matrix no you know what no I believe I believe in God I think God’s chill this almost looks good IDK and we don’t live in a simulation do you know how expensive it is to render all these make a

Restaurant make a restaurant bro I’m just trying to get some more diamonds man all right so can you guys can someone explain to me oh what’s up Timothy uh we live in GTA 2023 can someone give me the steps on beating the game so you go to like you make like

An ender portal right and then you go there what do you do there I’ve never gotten that far what exactly do you do there you know what I’m saying does anyone know what I’m talking about right now you go to the nether the nether that’s yes yes that’s what it’s called find a

Fortress find a fortress okay let me tell you something all right get blaze rods blaze rods okay and what do you do with those collect blaze rods killer Enderman to get the Ender eye combine rod and I to get the special eye kill blazes for Blaze Rod okay kill blazes for Blaze Rod

All right uh you know what we’ll build a hole right here creative existor nether portal find a nether fortress killer specific mob called black to get blaze rods mix them with Ender Peril then find the stronghold you with the special eyes you unlock the ender portal kill Dragon the end throw ender

Eyes you you you guys are making you guys kill a super powerful Warden afterwards heard he can beat go click special eye to find stronghold what’s up griffy bro do you support BLM oh I love black lives matter right click special eye to find stronghold oh so that’s when

You throw the Ender eye right and you like have to follow it okay all right someone’s definitely going to remind me about the uh blaze rods though y all right okay oh all right uh narutu H all right so the plan is I would just watch some Minecraft bids to

Understand I mean what’s the fun in that Mr K we should we should find the Portal room in the scent long hold if we’re in simulation why don’t we have better Internet true freaking Creepers man who do you think the the equivalent to a creeper is in our

Society a [ __ ] I ran out of dirt don’t finish the game too early redacted redacted oh no I shouldn’t asked that question all right cool people with a short temper then why God created Co he doing some organizing what does leather do does leather do anything P asterisk Hub what is blood vafflin

About what’s blood wafflin about okay yes yes yes my God put it down okay we’re almost ready to head out so we need to do an Ender portal right or a nether portal whatever it’s called you may need the planks with you build a restaurant dude I I’ve got so

Much watermelon right now we can make a watermelon restaurant need planks with me you’re right what am I thinking what what does a fire charge do where did you get the diamond armor myself wood is like 50% of the useful things you can craft with I got the

Uh I got the wood from where where did I get the wood I I got the diamonds from like early in game like I was just digging straight down like a boss you know that’s what you’re supposed to do dig straight down but what bad can that

Do and uh where you serve Enderman flesh that NE search is not an easy task sometimes I’ve had buddy search for hours for them and it’s pretty dangerous great diamond pick to get obsidia then make portal okay Diamond okay so we need so first we need Diamond more

Diamond or maybe we can make it now can we make a diamond pickaxe now no we can’t Diamond hoe all right diamond shovel and Diamond Sword so we need like one more Diamond that’s crazy you need one more that’s so cringe man oh I don’t have one more Diamond come on

Man oh it’s getting dark out you could use the water bucket trick to make the portal what’s the water bucket trick oh is that where you like take a bucket of water and then you dump it on lava right so we’re back in the mine all right just a little more

Cooking it’s complicated that’s pretty complicated pretty complicated it’s above my pay grade all right that’s Understandable sorry fellas it’s taking so long especially for a beginner I want to be uh prepared for this Pickaxe yeah let’s just get a sword Too I’m going to save my golden sword for for some tricky moments Yeah all right let’s put these let’s put these old ass uh Tools in there all right or we’re going to need some more torches oh my goodness the prep work dude imagine doing all this prep work bre quicker iron is better than gold iron is better than gold

Yes all right all right yes so we’ll definitely save that gold pick or gold sword for tricky Moments do I not have coal where’s my coal at I thought we had like a [ __ ] ton of coal oh it’s it’s in the furnace what am I doing I’m so scatter braided right now okay we’re fine in the furnace how do people uh how

Do people go vegan on this game dude a waterm the coal with you take keep half the coal with you all right that seems reasonable I don’t need to cook anything else I’m sure there’s a fasion way to do this farming seeds gets you wheat farming seeds get you wheat what is

Wheat good For all right boys we’re ready Red Minecraft is great time when you’re playing for the first time I’ve played since the very first days on PC then when to Xbox 360 I put ours on the demo 19 likes already dude 19 likes oh my my goodness you know playing Minecraft for the first time on hardcore mode it’s

Pretty sweet I hope I hope you beat it I’ve never beat it this gy has been out forever how have I not beat it yet I have no excuse yay 8 years for me what the hell okay well this ain’t going to work

Out uh no oh my God oh my God what am I doing that just scared the [ __ ] out of me me how do you eat jeez we oh my God holy [ __ ] why did I push W I am so stupid I’m sorry fellas let’s just uh eat again I mean 21

Likes 21 holy [ __ ] 21 my name is Jeff you good going to die to a failed water clutch or flung off in the end don’t say that don’t put that bad juju on plants and vegetables it’s putting bad juju on me I don’t like that let’s just cover this [ __ ] Up okay dirt means forbidden area all right let’s go this Way okay slow fall potion ID okay there’s slow fall potion oh there’s so much stuff to this game I have no idea though I am going to leave for a bit to study for exam tomorrow hey Winston good luck on your exam my man if I don’t see you have a good study

Man break out them Post-it notes no postcards what are they called flashcards there we go damn there’s a lot of stuff I haven’t covered all I just finished my essay you just finished your essay oh hell yeah what was your essay about my essay was about Minecraft who’s that what’s that

Mean villager a villager underground oh my god dude my cat keeps me out Dwayne The Rock Johnson ha maybe above IDK you know it’s kind of crazy how there’s no villagers like buried you know what I’m saying I’m sure villagers die right like where’s their gravite

At so such an unrealistic game all right sorry here we go also Crouch near ledge for not to fall Crouch find a villager my essay was about the rock about the rock like as in D Wayne The Rock Johnson that’s Epic Man chapter one you smell bro how much

Money did you earn from YouTube how much money have I earned from YouTube uh well we have memberships which are a dollar so we had about 10 so about 10 bucks 10 bucks a month uh Hey know we we have some donations sometimes people are pretty generous so you just kind of

Depends it’s kind of berries man a lot of my content doesn’t get monetized because you know I get a little edgy sometimes I wish you the best in life even though I might not see you again I got to go sleep Chow oh hey my man thank

You RC have a good sleep my man sweet dreams oh hell yeah I watched a video about how egoistic the rock is whoops the rock is egotistical nuh man you take that back isn’t the rock a billionaire oh my God I’m going to have to let my cat in N is humble

Humble well who do I believe oh goodness I just need one Diamond I just just need one Diamond what color is your cat what color is my cat hold on oh wait my camera’s not on uh she is orange would rather have unlimited money or unlimited happiness

Orange black and white would you rather have money or unlimited happiness H that’s such a tricky question because like I feel like if I had unlimited money I would be happy so like if I have unlimited money would I have depression is that what you’re trying to say what

Level are you on y coordinate I think what level are you on what what does that mean I don’t know what that means I’m a Noob put it in fortnite terms there is no catch no catch oh then money give me money show me money dude press F3

F3 oh what level I’m on oh okay uh is this a good place to be well when you come across harder to break blocks that’s when you’re at zero and lower look at XY Z XY Z if the Villager dies expect the rest to die

Unless you lock them in the house is you Sally what version are you playing uh Java is Java good maybe I should start building sideways now so which so which number is the block like here okay so it’s 59 you should go at minus 54 minus 54 so I need to

I can do this uh my classmat said unlimited happiness but I said when your loved one dies are you going to be happy go down keep going down go deeper deeper deeper deeper can we get much higher your classmate said unlimited happiness but I said your loved one dies are you going

To be happy true loved ones do be dying though oo gold the deeper the more diamonds minus 54 in the middle number in the middle number okay middle number yeah y 54 is good for diamonds on this version I heard exploring caves is better than mining exploring caves is better than

Mining I’m kind of scared though you I’m kind of scared though all right he didn’t see me it’s fine uh I’m not going to get lost oh turn on your cam I want to see your face you can’t place some torches where the hell watch I’m going to find my old base you

Can holy crap Lois mobs tend to appear out of thin air when light is zero mobs are bad right okay I can’t use mutton the you get hey look at this dude he’s mining with mutton all right brutal bro my name is Mob mobs equals no good Diamond spotted for example if your

House has zero light somewhere bad guys can appear there really D that’s kind of [ __ ] OMG diamonds bro do you play Among Us oh I used to a long time ago long time ago one torch lights up like 15 block far away so you good I’m good hell yeah keep feeding me

Information I’ll never get mad at information I play among us so should I just keep like mining like through here since I found diamond through here or should I go deeper what’s the call 1 + 1 equal 2 I think what y level are you on go down [ __ ] my dead I’m F3

Uh negative 23 okay so I need to go deeper I need to go deeper 46 he said uh how deep 53 52 okay so right around here yeah yeah- 54 you’re around there okay cool cool what does this do just explore the cave maybe far from the lava oh

Sweet I am a sucker for gold dude careful if you might bump into lava when mining forward don’t touch me ah son of a [ __ ] what’s down here oh Diamond hello okay I got to put a torch around here somewhere so I can find way back we are not building another

Fortress okay I refuse we will sleep outside on the grass that F12 skull well [ __ ] there’s no diamond down here all right I’m really surprised you guys cannot hear that cat that cat is popping off dig down and forward I usually sing songs to find diamonds dig down and

Forward you sing songs to find diamonds yeah we will not be doing that sir I don’t sing at all I’m not I’m not like anti song and dance but son of a [ __ ] uh can I get a pickaxe I’m blind there it is bam that Crouch works

For any block it makes it so you can’t fall off the block you’re crouched on crouching so yeah I got to remember that because like you know I be falling sometimes yeah atga 55 so son of a [ __ ] so where are you guys from I know one guy’s from California one guy’s from

Vietnam just me or we missed that we have three diamonds already oh so oh yeah we do okay yeah so we need to oh my God yeah I’m stupid where’s my crafting table okay hell yeah dude all right so now we need obsidian right where do you find

Obsidian at can I throw water in here I think the Georgia guy left the Georgia guy left oh damn y’all take care do you have a water bucket a water bucket uh no I don’t can I make free Iron to make a bucket dud I’m balling right now all

Right so we got to find some water this is fine IG GTG I wish the best of luck to you sir I appreciate it Dan you’re the man Dan Dan do be playing though h H what’s the play here go back up go back up to the surface get some water hello hello

Tutti how are you doing today sir or ma’am yeah I guess so all right I should have made a water bucket before I went down here well hey you know High size 2 Montana good so far Montana what the hell is there is there stuff to do in

Montana I’m sure like I’m playing this game right now and some of you are cringing so hard at how I’m playing cuz I know I’m like not playing uh the most ideal way why not go to the abandoned portal and complet it there I suppose I

Could if only I remember where I was at damn it I should have screenshoted that location too bro how do I lose my way all the time I get so carried away uhga 28 all right we’re almost there we’re just going to dig straight up I I’m tired of this what could go

Wrong in back oh what’s up tuna how’s it going sir tuna we have 21 Willam defo looking up did we win yet we well we haven’t died so that’s basically winning and William the fell looking up remember where lava is remember where lava is okay you know that ain’t true you know

That ain’t true you know I’m not remembering oh my gosh bruh I wish the world was made of blocks you know be kind of cool have you guys seen that Minecraft video where that guy’s like I wish mats were real I wish pickaxes were real all right um oh [ __ ] really uh

Okay should be close now I wish cats were real dude yeah me too dude that cat you hear right now is just a Roomba I wish Mr can 98 was real chill W cat I need a cat Emoji holy hell wish had that tuna boy was real

Too yeah man I I wish every day tuna was real oh sweet water okay so we put this here and we get out water bucket uh yes oh my God yes how do you uh how do I get water how do you mine water uh

Uh find where it comes from doe to where the water is coming from an click oh my God thank god oh wait oh yeah dude all right fellas we’re going back down holy [ __ ] uh yeah have you seen the Minecraft homes in California of garbage I have not are they pretty

Sick I know I’m I’m mining dirt with the [ __ ] pickaxe I don’t care anymore we’re going to Lava is lava even real they say there’s volcanoes I’ve never seen one in person imagine Dy to hot liquid imagine yes oh wow that Strat actually worked okay what do I do

Now Diamond ATT end of stream okay okay so you just dump imagine dying to Lava it like saying you died from drinking coffee fun fact deepest place ever dug is 12 km or 7.5 5 m deep not even 1% of Earth’s thickness I think it’s got to be a lava

Pool uh what the [ __ ] where’s the obsidian at did I just do that Wrong what the hell why Obsidian only forms at lava water source go to a different lava source pick up the water look from where it starts to flow bit complicated XD oh God I’m stuck oh [ __ ] this is fine this is fine oh my God what am I doing am I doing this right chat am I [ __ ] oh my God don’t touch the lava please oh my God my genius is is showing I’d say just mine the obsidian where you found it I don’t know where I found

It that should maybe block off the lava yo I’m done with my homework yo what’s up can you recap me lava first lava first Okay lava first uh recap you okay so we found lava we we have a diamond pickaxe now we’re trying to make obsidian oh

No you can put lava in your bucket okay thanks go touch water oh okay okay you can put lava in your bucket what’s what’s he over under for how long is this going to take me click from The Source it’s coming from I don’t know what that is there

Another lava pool there is there is just give me water oh my God please I don’t know what I’m doing okay um you need to right click right click is to get the water WI no Oh that’s oh my god really guys oh my God I

Am I am the r word okay I was I was left clicking okay so I just dump it in here what the [ __ ] what am I doing no should have put water from above I think you need to grab water again no man oh I’m so stupid this cannot be

Happening how can I be this dead oh [ __ ] so where did I dig that hole at n it’s just complex NP oh a creeper oh yes up here okay this is fine this is great and I have no pickaxe oh [ __ ] do I have a pickaxe I got a diamond

Pickaxe creeper no creeping I’ll use my wood pickaxe why not like old times two hours ago oh make stone pickaxe you it’s Fleer VR yo it’s Fleer VR I’m back yo what’s up Winston I messed up Winston I messed up bad okay uh where’s the other hole

At you it’s Winston LOL tears of joy this is fine okay this is fine oh my God I love diorite met Winston at a 7-Eleven buying meth pregnant man all right wasn’t water around here somewhere can you do the other way around with lava on water does that make stone I can

See yo where’ I get that water at dog you found the skeleton spawner is yeah I think it does make stone what’s bad and what’s good for Minecraft pros that’s gold or some [ __ ] so should I go back to it you know what [ __ ] it we ball we’re

Going to beat the [ __ ] out of these skeletons no run okay oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay gold is good for trading you can get fire resistance wa no resets yet that’s crazy I would have died like a million

Times sorry not to be racist but no skeletons allowed okay I can’t find my hole anymore so I’m assuming oh my God If you place a torch on the spawner it stops IT hover Mouse over the sword let me see what enchantment uh knock back two make a shield make a shield shield how do you use Shield I’m kind of useless let’s see here boom Oh Bingo shift Shield

Useful okay uh so now where I go I got to find water yeah if you put a few torches on the skeleton spawner it stops it from spawning those damn skeletons H what’s the play here nah [ __ ] it we got to get Water but bones for dogs pleading face oh yeah I need bones I want a dog Hill oh yeah you get cats in this game too oh my gosh this game is sweet this game is cool as hell I love wolves I’m so glad they will add armor for them in the next update

Armor for w if you attack someone the dog will start attacking it if you manage to tame one that is but what if they die that’s going to make that’s going to bring sadness upon me and do I want sadness I can’t see [ __ ] yeah this is a black screen

Simulator with two wolves you can make infinite wolves by time I can’t see as well LOL bro I just need a cup of water may I please have a water Merry Christmas what do you guys you guys prefer the uh may I please have a water or do you prefer oh Merry

Christmas let me know in the comments below Jesus how much further bro this cannot be right this is not where I went last time I’m kind of confused LOL I’m probably going up a mountain oh it’s a meme my bad I thought I thought it was well known maybe a niche meme

Climb D I’m definitely going up a mountain right now ah civilization I mean I depend on subtitles and stuff oh gotcha gotcha uh oh holy [ __ ] oh my God I was like 10 seconds behind the live lol l mfao he got bodied let’s be real okay so question can I

Make you uh can I make obsidian 95 91 590 just one block away from triggering the EXP expion you got lucky a block got in the way water oh there’s my house uh excuse me oh [ __ ] holy moly zombies with tools why house time hey what’s up blood

Hey what’s up blood oh my God I st with a pent Isis meeting a meeting of the mins yeah okay I have AIDS as made the advancement hot stuff as clap okay so I have lava right can I put lava and water to make obsidian yes or

No yes or yes but ho ho ho is hilarious too Merry Christmas yes lava can burn all the wood be careful how do you dump how do you dump how do you dump lava right click I’m right clicking don’t waste it oh yeah we got one obsidian we are

Cooking put lava somewhere high so it’s endless stream oh my God I should have read that oh I should have waited oh my god well we have to go back you wasted it rip let’s go oh my God that’s so funny like oh well he wasted it look at that look at that

Um whoa Brown sheep where’s my house only lava source blocks can make obsidian the flowing lava makes stone or Cobblestone there’s just there’s just so much to this game bro okay one block of lava water can make 300 blocks of lava water stream # Minecraft logic okay um yeah

Okay what do we do now do we go back down if you hold shift and click over the item it goes in chest automatically hold [ __ ] and hover over the item oh my gosh dude how are you guys so smart that’s like ridiculous I going to need that cooked mutton gold

Oh yeah I probably W need that yeah uh give me that plank do I need more wood think I need more wood let’s go the quality is back let’s go I have like 50 chests in one of my MC server was the quality bad oh jeez I hope same LW

It used to be it used to be here let me change it up oh I can’t yeah I got I got I got it set on low low latency so that way you guys can tell me stuff in like real time that makes sense so not sacrifice quality Anyways low latency can save lives that’s true man that’s true I cannot believe I not reset yet dude this is crazy how uh let’s see uh what was I doing oh yeah I was making sticks and I was making planks okay and now we will make more pickaxes right all part of the

Plan and I will make that’s it that’s it okay where’s my bucket so what you’re saying is that I can stand above lava pour this onto lava it’ll make a bunch of obsidian is that what I’m understand this PS remote play app I use somehow streams at 0.05s delay really I think

So 0.05 second delay that’s crazy I would say you should get four obsidian two diamonds book and a bunch of bookshelves to get enchantments you will also need lapis how how do I get book lapis is lapis blue uh yes lapis is blue [ __ ] yeah dude oh thought I saw more lapis

All right now he seems to need some more lava and we should be good oh man I wish I remember where I went man I DK if I can commit to this cause I want to play myself too well hey play along man whoa we hit the jackpot fellas

[ __ ] yeah lava oh you want the smoke dude you just got roasted holy crap is this a bad idea holy W oh [ __ ] this is bad it won’t work because it’s flowing it won’t work cuz it’s flowing uh so so I’m so Confused let’s just check it out just just to be sure Take me down to the pr holy crap cool ass music though holy crap oh my this may have been a bad D so it’s flowing so won’t worry get Shield oh oh oh [ __ ] right Shield better run Shield oh my God what am I doing this is fine where Shield Uh okay so we have water here so if I P if I got lava and poured it on here it would not work is that what you’re saying what’s up blood oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my God I might might die we got to get out of here this is

Not a good Spot heyis he’s going to die here man I really want that water source or Flat Water lava is where obsidian will form use the shield how do you use Shield okay like that eat oh yes eat oh hold right click oh my God this is Horrible hold right click to use Shield oh my God yes oh my God I I definitely going to die here don’t worry I have a plan we’re going to dig straight down like last time What the [ __ ] who’s hitting Me oh my God Elevate yourself straight up use water to get down down safely placing blocks oh my God you know what we’re killing Everybody all right anyone else want the smoke anybody okay place a torch after EZ easy clap okay this is fine oh [ __ ] h i shouldn’t do that I need to find a ledge you know what I’m saying you ever see what I’m trying to do I’m trying to find a ledge

I get down watermelons are a bad source of food Use the cooked mut in your inventory instead but I like watermelon oh dude I’m trying to get to a ledge I I know you guys know know what I’m trying to do here this is a big brain play oh my [Applause] goodness

So is this is this a lava source can I can I throw water on this I can definitely throw water on this right yes or yes oh I think this one is Flowing too no damn it oh this is so cringe okay so what’s the play here okay now

H I don’t know how to make obsidian F far at least you still have the water I guess look at this creeper look at him he thinks he can kill me that’s hilarious trying to find a safe spot to kind of drop down at you I can make this jump I

Can oh my God why can’t I eat the why can’t I eat the mutton the shield in my hand okay so if if I dump the water in here will it make obsidian yes or no you could try to use water bucket to cushion your Landing yes I think so but

Make the water flow make the water flow yes don’t place right at lava but above above lava oh my God you guys water on a block oh my god oh [ __ ] that’s it Shield oh [ __ ] this is not this is not good this is not good for

Me okay what’s the Str here do I kill these skeleton dudes off oh my God Diamond Place torches Place torches hide for now maybe Okay I saw diamonds me too let’s go after him God damn I love diamonds okay huh what’s the best Strat here I think the Strat is uh I’m going to go I’m going to I’m going to run in I’m going to build a like I’m going to enclose myself in

Cobblestone right I’m GNA I’m going to make some more torches okay maybe make bow and arrows oh that could be a strat too torches is good oh excuse me no don’t drown me okay this is good okay this is fine oh beautiful this is doing something right you can get rid of the

Water how but how oh like that oh guys okay how many of these do I need you’re obsidian play torches put some light yo you will need a total of 18 18 holy moly y 18 do for a nether portal and an enchantment to Bell [ __ ] o I love free flowing

Water I love obsidian That’s like 11 blocks all right we at seven obsidian maybe get some extras get some extras all right you guys are so cool holy crap six viewers 22 likes I appreciate you all man I appreciate you all oh [ __ ] a nether portal takes four 14 and an

Enchant table takes four so 14 + 4 = [Applause] 18 did you guys hear a nether portal is 10 if you place a efficiently enchant needs to many levels yeah but still do you guys uh know that the water’s turning the frogs gay you guys heard that that’s crazy

Damn I’m saying takes forever to mine bro oh my goodness yay that’s crazy okay now we do this be careful because lava could pop out at any time yeah lava’s kind of cringe how many do I have 15 all right Just oh jeez all right we’re we’re killing it right now we’re killing it if you guys lived in the uh avatar the Last air bender World which bending skill would you want would you want Earth bending fire bending water bending I’m going to get one more I mean we’re already

Here fire bending is pretty cool it’s pretty edgy but like I don’t know water bending is pretty cool cuz you can bend like other things like you can like Bend blood that’s crazy uh water bending and fire bending sound cool as hell so I would choose one

Of them oh yeah for real though but like air bending can be like so like uh convenient fireing so you can cook stuff oh oh I I didn’t think about the cooking process BR I yeah I cook I use a microwave all right let’s get the [ __ ] out of here excuse my

Language paron my fridge let me Out all right Where’d I come from oh man I love torches I Am So Pro torch it’s ridiculous build portal on the surface you will probably get a better spawn ah I remember that scene where Zuko was mad at iro for heating his tea secretly heating up breakfast burritos

In da microwave fire fire fire oh breakfast burritos oh goodness me whoa what’s he wearing what’s this trick oh he didn’t drop Anything that zombie is wearing chain mail damn that zombie dripped out had the enchantments too F my man wearing Gucci down to his socks what’s the Strat here should we build straight up [ __ ] it he build straight up Diamond Sword for nether or No Diamond Sword for nether dude why not we’re should have dripping in diamonds right now now you can enchant weapons and armor right I is that correct I think you should make a diamond sword for the nether as Well have we beat the game yet not yet not yet but we haven’t died so that’s just like me in the game W I’m I’m running out of mats froan man frog man my favorite emoji right Now beating the game takes maybe 25 hours does it really also make a gold boots for nether so the Pigman mob don’t get Hile oh yeah that’s important okay yeah I’ve seen the I’ve seen a few brief uh let’s plays and the oh my chat glitched your chat glitch oh No depends how yall play it speedrunners be beaten in 30 minutes maybe okay I fixed it I just had to reload the page maybe that’s how we uh like maybe this is my beginning to be becoming a speedrunner oh my God my cat is going sicko Mode oh no don’t don’t eat the rotten flesh holy crap dick Sebastian Sebastian just became a sponsor some random hobo oh some random hobo zero just became a sponsor but monster b monster just became a sponsor Michael B Michael B just became a sponsor Phantom GH Fantom

Ghost gaming just became a sponsor but monster just became a sponsor no way no what is that gift him dying damn I missed allow gifts setting oh my my God oh my God that was so [ __ ] close holy [ __ ] oh oh you were about to die

Woo that was a close oh what the [ __ ] face orange biting nails oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I don’t have any food oh God there is more those bastards this chocolate almost ruins the attempt swim please oh thank you DC for the uh for the uh for for the gifted I appreciate

You I love you very much no homo block yourself in good Strat good Strat oh my God suck his dick that was like what the fifth close call cover yourself in oil I mean blocks oh goodness oh jeez okay we we have when we get back to the surface

Truly the best play today crazy how you survived that long oh my gosh that that was crazy guys oh my goodness okay this is fine I’ll sit in here eat watermelon until I die bro it’s fine okay when we get to the surface we are we are straight up killing every

Animal we see you died for sure M watermelon [ __ ] my dead mother also dick chocolate thank you for the subs man mobs are paid actors activate creative mode and win we’re going creative oh [ __ ] I’m mining with string DC is the man he is man that’s my

Dude right there also join the Discord he streams as well on Discord and they’re really good probably better than mine o lapis I love blue I can’t see any of duck chocolate’s messages IDK y oh that’s because uh 45 angle TR up that’s because uh he uh oh I do mine

A better because of the racial slurs yeah YouTube doesn’t care for dick chocolate L MFA it autocorrected nobody kill me that was exciting wasn’t it oh goodness YouTube is sick of my anti-Semitism and racism but you said you had a Discord so I’m a join hell yeah Fleer come and join brother if

Someone can post the link to Fleer or you can go on my YouTube page and it should be there under the Discord tab we have memes we have cringe we have everything man oh goodness hope somebody remembers the coordinates of my house IDK bro he said 14 blocks of

Obsidian instead of 10 for portal kind of cringe NGL Hey listen man listen we I’m I’m learning here I’m learning oh [ __ ] we have heroin oh I wouldn’t say that I I wouldn’t say we have that I can’t find the link to the Discord can’t find it [ __ ] can somebody

Help yes somebody post a link for my man’s I’ll do it uh invite people I got you IDK if it will work F I want to join y w server I don’t think it’s going to pop up https colon discord.gg btz xw3 let me know if that works oh I’m G

To put in the the description of the video too if that doesn’t work boom that should work all right it’s in the uh description no you don’t no you don’t that is not necessary all right where’s my house I forgot it’s like 591 right uh yes this way I think

Yeah I think it’s this way right underscore wam [ __ ] my dead mother my bad underscore cool my bad Porky hey bro I’m score feet five all right please do not freak your dead mother why not I mean I mean why not what the freak I didn’t like the way he was

Looking at me okay let’s uh by my house what is this underscore Wham Fleer where are you from mother Fleer does anyone remember my house I’m from California all right hold up let’s pull up the screenshots sort by date good we need more Americans hey how do you see your

Screenshots oh [ __ ] sick of the foreigners what do you mean you’re sick of the for I love the foreigners man that’s like my my mostly my demographic all right I don’t know how I find my screenshots uh so I’m just going to keep walking around hey Google how do you pull up screenshots

Damn Sorry I have to do this are you looking for coordinates of house yes I am yes sir or man or man I don’t know yes my dude I took a screenshot of it but didn’t say to my computer not sure there’s certain way to get to your

Screenshots I can scroll back in the Stream RQ I think you your house is at 100 by 600 100 by 600 I ain’t saying a racial slur dick chocolate uh 100 by 600 coward like I’m looking at XYZ right 100 by 100 by 600 is that what you’re talking about see o okay

Oh my gosh I don’t know where I’m going and I need to eat food God watermelon is terrible you’re right kill spider he’s my friend we’re cool that he he’s cool though he’s cool am I going the right way he said 600 right I’m still learning coordinates I got a feeling I’m not

Going the right way what’s this cocoa beans hell Yeah 600 we’re getting closer what’s up Chief I looked in the house is at 85 68 585 okay so 8568 holy crap 8568 585 okay so let’s just get to 585 first I suppose I am not bright oh my God oh my God I can’t see [ __ ] I can’t see [ __ ] oh

My God oh my God okay I am horrible at this game oh my goodness remember how I said the quality was bad it was just my laptop lagging oh good holy moly a rare zombie villager is that rare is that for real R to Minecraft pros that’s it’s worth

Gold for now maybe ignore okay good okay you said 585 yeah zombie villagers are rare 58 585 CU you need special potion to turn zombie villager into normal villager I think you go the wrong way I’m going the wrong way this is fine I have plenty of water now

One zombie villagers give sloppy toppy NVM you good now cured Villages give discounts you can build a boat boats or swim faster a little underwater boats are for Chums I will Glide across the water like Jesus he said 585 they’re in the Trees excuse me five son of a [ __ ] I get so lost they’re in the trees like Vietnam again oh MGB dude I love BS get this [ __ ] off my screen I can’t see [ __ ] oh my God uncore progan man Okay 585 okay what was it uh oh [ __ ] I got to scroll up oh my God I am so bad at finding stuff what what is wrong with me okay uh hold on scroll up shut the hell up dick chocolate I’m not saying a [ __ ] racial slow 856 dang it I keep

Spelling slow wrong 8568 8568 8568 oh my God okay pregnant man I promise not to cancel you man he is really drilling you man he’s like you got to say it just say honky that’s like the like the least offensive one what’s up what’s up cabbage Gremlin how are

You cabbage how much time do you have in Roblox I think the last coordinate is going down too much oh God damn it [ __ ] off him family friendly my mom [ __ ] watches my YT vids OMG shth is me you are cancelled period and that’s the T ssks ksk and

I hold my te okay the botom number is going down too far okay let’s just get to 85 I guess and then I don’t want to be killed okay this start to look familiar 85 I’m dying and probably over 500 hours IDK over 500 hours holy [ __ ]

Okay 85 68 and then how what was the other where’s my house 585 so what does 585 mean is that like height your house is right there where you just saw your house oh my God you guys are a genius you guys are geniuses I’ve been playing for over 3

Years why am I walking okay let me see if I can even check no don’t eat the a zombie meat why not it looks tasty I mean rotten flesh oh God it’s so good to be home okay so now we got to do the ender portal right how do we make or the

What’s it called uh the port the portal thingy gold boots go ahead at the zombie meet see what happens go ahead see what happens I don’t like that nether portal nether portal thank you let’s put granite in here put dirt in there uh lapis nether portal is like level two

And ender portal level three smell the rest of the gold and bring it for trading as a senior Channel member Discord founder I command you to say a racial slur oh my God he is really pushing you okay let’s see here uh okay awesome while we wait for that why do

You have a hole in your house having extra blocks and food also good cover it with trap door or some [ __ ] trapo all right what’s like the least bad racial slur honky iron trap door let’s do Chung jungle I said chungle my bad there we go there we

Go God IDK what the [ __ ] any of that means I mean you could place the trapo higher up destroy it and replace I’m so bad this is fine I know what I’m doing right now cracker is an easy one oh yeah cracker axe for wood I don’t need no stinky axe oh my

God mine some gravel to get Flint Flint Okay now how do I get back down there we go okay you said Flint okay Flint gravel I’m sure I have gravel in here gravel hello do I not have gravel oh my God where do you find gravel at oh jeez oh this is this can’t it’s not good it’s not good at

All no gravel you don’t have the Flint me thinks look outside it is easy to find easy to find all right my cat’s meowing again gravel is min faster with shovel inside the ocean inside the ocean okay uh go left left this way in the ocean is this gravel oh [ __ ] yeah

Dude sand could be useful for what that’s gravel yay yeah we’re cooking now baby okay you got one Flint what the [ __ ] what’s happening oh my God I was drowning okay it’s fine oh my God I’m so stupid you’re drowning Brew bro you’re drowning oh my bad my bad my bad oh that’s

Funny you’re drowning he yo bro drowning bro okay okay is that all I need now what Le fish fish everyone set up gift so yell can become channel members uh let’s see here now you got a lighter hell yay okay so how do you make the ender portal I should probably Google it

Okay I think right here blocks for building sometimes is useful in the Nether Nether Portal not Ender Ender for later Ender for later grab lock your building sometimes okay okay there’s I’m I’m going to prep before I walk into this portal thingy okay uh okay Google uh we use Opera GX I

Guess okay how to build Nether Portal okay rectangle also you can place water in the nether so don’t get caught on fire oh you get caught okay it oh that’s not good okay which one’s which is it this rectangle or is it this okay all right no need for water lava

Method you got enough blocks Mr k98 Mr can 98 just became a sponsor AAR just became a sponsor holy [ __ ] split and loud and Boomer split and loud and Boomer just became a sponsor holy crap I lied I only played like 200 hours all together in the past 3

Years Commodore plus 4 Commodore plus 4 just became a sponsor holy crap B3 Z3 RK B3 Z3 RK just became a sponsor Victor bomb Victor bomb just became a sponsor apotheosis apotheosis just became a sponsor Primus Newgate Primus Newgate just became a sponsor Leah Hamilton Leah Hamilton just became a sponsor yinka

Just became a sponsor Leah Hamilton just became a sponsor Primus newage just became a sponsor apotheosis just became a sponsor Victor bomb just became a sponsor yanker has B3 Z3 RK just became a sponsor Commodore plus 4 just became a sponsor eyes spit and loud and Boomer just became a

Sponsor just became a sponsor Mr 98 just became a sponsor yoinker yoink just became a sponsor thanks sck chocolate I did the one chip challenge earlier wait how do I be a sponsor set up gift Subs I arrived in time to see gift chocolate do his thing place two stones

On top has AIDS welcome oh my god dude there’s so many Subs maning holy [ __ ] Victor bomb has AIDS welcome holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m coming I’m coming holy [ __ ] B3 Z3 RK has I want to be a member holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m coming I’m coming holy [ __ ] wait are you

Running on different resolutions mine can tab in no time [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m coming I’m coming holy [ __ ] Ur split loud Boomer has AIDS to be a member you got to say a slow in Discord holy crap you holy crap [ __ ] ARB has AIDS welcome oh my

Dude holy crap how many Gift stuff did you give that’s crazy I don’t want to say a slur Mr k98 has AIDS 10 welcome what was the least worse one again honky or Cracker done studying do I need to say it in chat or

Not no you can just say it in the uh in the Discord I think it’s the rules wa boys we made it all right uh let’s go back dick chocolate super ch5 racial slur bro I promise not to cancel BR I promise not to cancel you if you

Say a racial slur thanks man for the $5 thank you so much pigs won’t attack unless attacked by accident Man y’all are goated thank you so much man I appreciate it I appreciate the love of this stream like you have no idea okay now let’s discuss what do I need for the nether

I go into okay so I go into few stacks of blocks few stacks of blocks okay now what do I do in the nether how do I spell one of the least bad ones Dar do the one chip challenge I should I need to get it though diamond

Sword oh a diamond sword yes thank you thank you for reminding me hell yeah uh I need to drop some stuff coal oh I’m so bad at managing things uh okay all right okay cracker is spelled exactly like that actually don’t NVM so okay we go into The Nether to do what

Are you playing at hardcore yes sir if I die I die it’s over if yeah if I die it’s over so we go to the nether to get what like the uh the flame rods or whatever you guys were saying earlier right I spelled it how it sounds

You got to find a fortress I got to find aess looks like your boots broke my boots broke it says it’s I still got boots interesting uh should I even take watermelon I’ll take watermelon just in case it saved me last time oh you swapped it with gold should be

Diamond yeah but the the the pigs won’t attack you with with gold boots right at least that’s what I understand I’m going to sleep now really glad I found your stream ill tune in next time hey appreciate it brother playing again next week thanks for coming in W won thanks for coming in

Winston I I can’t talk today all right I love this stream I love you guys uh okay I’m at the stage where I don’t remember golden boots does that half Pro me base if you drop some gold near the pigs they will take it and give you

Items back okay I I got some I got some gold on me so we’ll we’ll do some uh C toast C toast just became a sponsor hey C toast just became a sponsor thanks brother holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m coming w I’m coming holy [ __ ] katos toad welcome click Q to drop

One what’s this [ __ ] that was for Fleer cying obsidian what does that mean okay press Q to drop one IDK me Noob now what do he give me I you know what he gave me oh leather all right anybody else not poor here come on give me something

Good if you get lucky they will give you fire resistance fire resistance golden blocks located mine that mine that all Right what the [ __ ] why why mining gold near them makes them angry why why would you tell me that [ __ ] they don’t like it when you mind gold a little wet actually a little wet actually just became a sponsor a little wet actually just became a

Sponsor run bro oh my God a little wet actually has AIDS welcome s I’m sorry oh god dude why why would they do that to Me what are you sorry for underscore shenese underscore cupcake underscore feet5 uncore piss underscore progan man underscore fish smell uncore SCH smegma underscore cool underscore W they’re cool now right I’m trying to gift sub you and it keeps giving it to other people underscore piss pregnant man pregnant

Man pregnant man pregnant man pregnant man pregnant man pregnant man I should probably build like a like a statue or something like on top of this I thought they would never forgive I’m luck lucky holy cow it’s Sebastian what’s up man wait show coordinates of portal oh coordinates of portal oh

You’re you’re a genius okay 157 okay 157359 somebody write that down for me please 157359 make a statue of the pregnant man near zero basically 157359 you say make a statue of a pregnant man yo how’s it going tuna 157359 I appreciate that [ __ ] CU all right now where’s a fortress at

Exactly let me guess I got to find it right oh God I’m going get so lost what do a fortress look like hey bro you want some gold oh is he not cool he does he not like gold all right well he’s cringe oh what’s up Chief want some of

That those ones don’t take it those are different kind not piglins 24K bro what what do he this give me you give me gravel what an [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay I’m going to put this water Buton it away kind no want to use it by accident Jesus Christ may know what you

Got okay oh that’s a good idea y’all coming in with the with the quick tips uh oh Fortress Keep trading with him maybe keep oh keep trading okay I’ll find I found another one oh these are all like the zombie ones hey yo where’s your uh alive counterpart oh is that a fortress like that that huge Bridge thingy oh gosh how do I get down

Yes no oh my God I am so stupid my clumsiness is going to get me killed all right let’s let’s slow it down a little bit why why are you running why are you running wait what happened to the to to Texas Speech holy crap gift chocolate thank you so much dude you are more than generous hang on second guys my speech chat’s not working rise just became a sponsor there we go all right sorry about that random person who games just became a sponsor Kasumi just became a sponsor Wayne

Anderson just became a sponsor Wayne Anderson grimrose cold face just became a sponsor Walmart just became a sponsor Walmart oh I love Walmart in reality I’m trying to gift one to Fleer and it’s it’s not working I’m coming I’m coming holy [ __ ] Ry has AIDS how do you do this welcome holy [ __ ]

Holy [ __ ] I’m coming I’m coming holy [ __ ] deadlock has AIDS welcome holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m coming holy [ __ ] Candy Star has AIDS welcome holy [ __ ] ho Fu don’t look at the end Jackson Kane has EGS welcome holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m coming you just found the foress noce I’m coming holy [ __ ]

Salap how on his AIDS welcome Shield is good it’s pretty dangerous there Blazers will shoot fire you holy [ __ ] random person who games has AIDS welcome holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m coming ising holy [ __ ] Kumi has AIDS welcome holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m coming I’m coming back holy [ __ ] Wayne

Anderson has AIDS welcome dude there’s so many gifts there’s 27 new members oh my goodness look black skeleton coming holy [ __ ] grimrose cold face it was in your view right here holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m coming I’m coming I’m to Walmart has AIDS welcome black skeletons do a lot of

Damage don’t get hit don’t get hit by them okay okay so do I kill the flame guys you have to kill the fire Things holy crap how do I do that imagine if watermelon had effect on black skeleton that would be racist I think I think that would be racist all right maybe try trading for fire R try trading for fire Fire Res oh [ __ ] it would be a reflection of

Reality uh okay so holy crap is that is that the black skeleton he is scary as [ __ ] all right I need to find a pig why are they all zombie pigs though I need to find like a chill not zombie pig chat can he kill them Blazers oh my God there’s

One come back here normal one don’t let the black skeletons hit you they deal a strong potion he cannot what’ he give me I know what he gave me it didn’t pop up my inventory string I guess hey yo bro I ain’t done trading Fleer I’ve spent like $25 trying

To gift you a membership he got a crossbow yo normal bow and arrow is just as good so fire resistance I’m looking for fire Resistance how haven’t I gotten it IDK fire damage is a lot do I need to claim it I need a normal Pig I DK I don’t get to choose who it goes to these are all crazy actually a dick chocolate there’s a hellow gifts option that popped up to me on

Desktop maybe enable it somewhere in settings oh my God where’d he Go oh my God this may be a YOLO moment we may just need to like go in there and just go ape [ __ ] you know what I’m saying does mining the white thing make them angry I don’t take a chance anymore [ __ ] oh give me a regular Pig oh there he is bastard

Hey yo bro oh sorry that’s M fire resistance spectral Arrow all right just through meat of Their Own Kind nether brick I’m sure that’s not good right what’s this fire charge what’s that probably the same Thing what’s this oh okay I have it what do I do with this Holy chat be real is this like the luckiest you got one you can drink it not now though not now I got to get back to the Fortress right it’s time fellas holy crap it’s only 3 minutes so be quick are you dream how many yeah I might be actually how

Many uh how many rods do I need fellas do we have a number of rods let’s check his hard drive check his hey yo bro check his hard drive all right want to drop some things try get like N9 or 10 IDK n or 10

All right and then after I get my n or 10 just dip out God I don’t I don’t know what to get rid of okay okay oh my God I pick them all back up I am so Cringe you know what I probably do need those no I Don’t okay let’s put that there this here and then that I’m about to start a competing stream once you drink don’t worry if they shoot Fireball at you do you stream daily no I stream once a week I can stream daily though if you want me to

If you get too close to them they will punch and deal damage though I am back hello sir oh [ __ ] oh that’s not good that would be epic if you stream daily what’s up bro drink what happens if they like fall off like I can’t get it right oh my goodness oh my

Goodness how how do I get him closer to me oh [ __ ] my ass that is a black skeleton oh [ __ ] my ass oh [ __ ] my ass oh God I stream on Tuesdays in the Discord if y’all are interested in that if you kill M while they’re hovering over air the item will

Drop away I think go to the spawner yo power up oh my God oh my God this is bad this is bad right all right I I have to go for it don’t kill me at Mr Sim 98 how are you still walkt oh my God holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this is

Unemployed this is not good XX oh this might be it XD ah no don’t like this based on employment Maxim G RW oh oh no no oh that was such a bad you didn’t eat properly damn okay bye everyone I got to go to bed before my mom gets hella mad

At me so yeah nah damn no way man confused face 4 hours down the drain rip okay oh wait good night Fleer good night Fleer thanks for coming in fellas AIDS l oh [ __ ] not holding RMB not long enough probably caused your death bro just imagine for watching oh God damn it

Oh my God can I stop doing that Please Aid land [ __ ] Number all right let’s run it back oh dude can you imagine if we got the first try oh dude I’ve been so epic [ __ ] it’s fine you was fine it’s let’s go what time is it 12:57 I’ll go for let let’s let’s establish ourselves and then we’ll come back to

This Never Back Down never what never give up that’s true you’re so real for that real Kum what time is it in Belgium I think I destroyed my tongue again with super sour candies oh yummy love me some super sour 7:00 69 oh nice a cave right here all right Say Alex tell Michael to wake up Alex tell Michael to wake up uh that’s not what I wanted why is your character black uh for reasons I I cannot disclose it’s kind of it just randomly picked it for me which I guess is good unsubed no come in get like 30 Subs

Leave yo that’s racist how yeah that’s racist bro could be worse could be female actually maybe yours is female what [ __ ] bro that that’s his character man he’s just he’s just a racist little guy female and black I’m reporting you no he doesn’t need it all right let’s see here no No all right boys oh I cannot believe we died like that I cannot believe it your pronouns are they them [ __ ] my knee is growing I love oiled up men I am a man who likes oil up in say what Now you my captions showed nword uh what now nice TTS Mr pyk is my best friend now you guys are too Much would you prefer lotion or oil for what for like a thank you a that tuna boy you are mine too smiley Face you know smir wait why can’t I I how many sticks really all right hello hello R uh is it Ryan Ryland hello what’s up dog you came just in time all right sorry I have to do this what’s up Brian damn why can’t she eat me like that underscore piss

Underscore piss underscore piss underscore piss underscore piss underscore piss underscore piss underscore piss underscore piss underscore piss P underscore piss un huh what’s the Strat here boys oh [ __ ] I’m about to drown I’m going to drown oh this is useless oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] we don’t talk about twitch what the

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my God all right that’s number number two that didn’t even count okay what as clap dude l m o how the first one last we died what the [ __ ] dude how did I die that fast okay it’s fine we’re fine I like that world

Anyways uh AIDS land three this will be this will be the one weit we yeah we we died but it’s fine it’s fine deserved for lack of racism a [ __ ] I’m in Vietnam oh I am a I am a woman oh this is this is why I’m dying

So much Brew it’s not we nice jungle real dies immediately okay that’s fine you can change the Skins somewhere IDK in main menu I think it’s racist for them to put me in the jungle I mean try speedrun Minecraft I just want to beat the game

First I’ve never beat the game ever and I’m going to attempt it on Hardcore Mode cuz I am smart Forgive me stick wait you can’t make sticks from this what the [ __ ] I I I can’t make a stick with jungle planks really oh this is cat oh there we go uh let’s get an axe this time How are we doing folks how are we Doing so this is the plan so I’m going to get established right I’m going to try to get some diamonds and then we’ll postpone this next week we try all right we’re sucking dick we are no one there also cats in this game need to feed Salmons to make it yours okay that’s

Good to know cuz I’m a cat guy where’s my box all right I don’t want to live in the forest because uh you know trees are weird so let’s find some place different maybe we are sucking c c cat review part three oh dude this will be my oh this

Will be a great cat review be thinking of names to name these animals they don’t attack though although they scare away Enderman and Creepers oh good um let’s make this our home should right buy a Cave let’s work out good bro D and I have a question go Ahead oh coal hell yeah Dude what is the long form of BBC the long form what they even mean the long form uh British Broadcasting Network British Broadcasting channel no I can’t be right big black [ __ ] oh gotcha got I I thought you going pull a fast one on me

You know how people say bro is new on the internet I thought you going pull pull a uh what is what starts with f and ends an U fire truck they pull a fast one on Me oh my God fire truck fire [ __ ] tears of joy how do you how do you make Stick Latina riding giant [ __ ] all right you know I’m trying to like fly through this I need to take my Time all Right let’s take our Time I remember that episode on Dora the Explorer bro soccer or football soccer or football how do you say it you should probably say it like soccer at least at least in America it it it should be called football but in America you have to say

Soccer cuz no one’s going to know what you’re talking about unfortunately soccer soccer okay soccer or football which is better in your opinion in my opinion which is better like as the actual sport oh that’s a t you mean suchka Suka all right yay the sport you know what [ __ ] it we’re going

To spill straight down oh we should have got food that’s what we forgot a [ __ ] hold on fellas football is way more entertaining than soccer all right we got uh find some beef 64 70 negative 170 6470 where’s all the freaking animals hello animals can you eat squid holy [ __ ] hold

Up let me cook oh my God really I am legit not smart dude all right yeah I need I need to end stream soon my brain’s rotting all right let’s murder some animals sorry bro how the [ __ ] does Mr c98 has the smiley face how does he have the smiley face

He’s a member I think I believe damn bed you see that oh my God give me the chicken how do I get it whoa we watched Killer Bean Forever on my stream last night oh did you oh you watched Killer Bean can’t believe I missed that

Dude I missed like the past five streams I’ve been terrible see either working or I’m sleeping got to become a member y m back again whoa dubhub is back yo we got dubhub in the house how do I get it you just hit the um little

Money sign I think it says become a member I think I’m not sure why am I walking you my [ __ ] oh dude no right back at you dog I mean I’m not saying that but right back at you you know what I mean hey what’s up

Fam Mob music you got to become a channel member a y anybody know why I’m walking so slow is because I’m low on food all right I think I bu I build my house right here right here first what oh do I have coal I don’t even have coal yet y FC

Should become one worlds are never the same me thinks bro make worlds are never the same unless you specifically select a seed bro make me one bean bag bean bag just became a sponsor bean bag who the hell is bean bag last one IO who the hell is bean

Bag bean bag just became a sponsor thanks bean bag what a funny little name bean bag you [ __ ] see it’s it’s not like twitch where we can just like give Subs to like certain people it’s just so Random I hope YouTube fixes that YouTube I like more than twitch I hope they fix

That soon like come on bro because on Twitch you definitely can you can like pick a user and be like Oh I’m G to give this guy a sub it’s random sorry bean bag bean bag okay I I should like build a house killer bean bag when how do I give a [ __ ]

Membership how do you give one I I don’t know by donating real money I’m 100% sure bean bag is is not watching them how it’s a dollar bro dollar dollar bill y all right I want to make a house and then we will start digging bean bag is not watching I can

Confirm you can see participants oh you can just click join next to the channel name holy crap there’s so much coal dude there is so much coal every viewer has commented no silent lurkers no you can lurk you can lurk cuz like I’m I’m definitely a

Lurker cuz I don’t know why our currency name is [ __ ] dong is it really I’m just saying in case there is one lurking is for homosexuals lurking is for homosexuals no lurking is for Chads yeah lurking is for Chads I’m a Chad you hear that Dad Vietnamese in the chat I’m finally

Chad I might have talked about this before but did you guys know that Asians actually have like a tier system for themselves like who’s the best minor who talks immature stuff let’s see here axxe lurking is for Chad zi a mouth face about 20 more minutes and then we’ll post who’s number

One on the Asian tier list they say Japanese people are they say they’re number one like other Asians do I just I just like learned this a couple months ago like they’re actually super racist towards each other and I heard zombie um you’re you’re dead don’t look at me like

That okay oh my goodness Monster Hunter as a assign myself I have a bag the xenophobic which is just competitive racism really oh my goodness imagine being Zeno like that’d be like me well I guess white people have it too right like with like Southerners and like oh you son of a

[ __ ] oh my goodness bro I just built this house I it’s not even built yet my favorite kind of racism oh in the most racist so many reliable cars from a small country Japan dude oh okay all right I’m not dying a third time oh my goodness oh my

Goodness make me e all my chicken oh [ __ ] I’m about to die for real oh my God they’re everywhere I wanted to say [ __ ] mobs but my name is Mob so underscore if you play it smart you can attack without getting hit with the exception of skeletons those are hard to dodge I’m playing it smart oh [ __ ] this is not good this is not ideal bro turn in to dream come on this is fine we’re doing so good I wouldn’t say that I need a do a face reveal do a face I I’ve already did Bo n I’m playing turn into

Technoblade oh you you want see a face reveal real quick hold on I’m sure I still have it already did [ __ ] there we go all right sorry oh hell no oh don’t don’t be sorry don’t be sorry I was just I was just joshing I was just joking how is the bar

SE oh it was great it was divine F creeper oh man oh man I I I didn’t get the coordinates in my house you look hand some no way you are a professional comic writer zero you look handsome underscore cupcake oh [ __ ] dude I no oh God Dam damn

Okay all right these don’t did you sprint bro is that really you f there we go all right this is for real this time uh select World okay create new world AIDS land 4 okay this time okay I’m being too cautious I’m not I’m being too LAX and I

Need to be on point okay we’ll establish a house a good cave some food and then we’ll resume this next week oh perfect beautiful cave right there all right let’s build our house it’s not him dude that is so Me do I look Handsome I can’t believe we got so close that first time man first time we got so Close yes you a handsome Oh my God what am I doing Oh Cobblestone Time you play Bedrock ah this is Java is bedrock good no that’s Java dotted line face what’s the difference can you tell me the difference cuz I I cuz like I Googled it right before I uh went live I was like what is the difference and all I said was Java’s

Better but I’m not sure if that’s true it was just some guy on Reddit um actually bro I asked you play Bedrock or no no this I know it’s Java I never played it no this is my first time really playing but Bedrock has great crossplay PC Xbox PS Android and iPhone

Nice love me some Crossplay what’s your guys’s favorite block like aesthetically Bedrock is not Java though but see that’s what I don’t get is like Bedrock is own maybe but I prefer Java so is bedrock a whole different like entity of Minecraft or is it just like a a DLC for Minecraft I I I really don’t Know we’re going to take this play through very seriously technically not a block but the ender portal block thing it messes with your eyes oh I I know sh about Palm up hand light skin tone middle finger light skin tone What hey yo come here sheep I need a bed hey yo bro All right let’s get some more Cobblestone we’ll make a house o I’m mouth High I’m going to beat you over the head with this rock Peppa Pig no Peppa Pig must die I’ll take some of this maybe I should make my floors copper I think that’ be sick all

Right I need some coal though for real dude I could I can see why people play this game for hours it’s so relaxing oh except for when you get like chased by monsters and stuff it’s unnecessary and won’t make much difference DH and do you have a girlfriend that is Hil hilarious absolutely

Not it would cut into my gaming and I’m a gamer that games why not uh because it would cut into my gaming and I’m a gamer you smell me Chief you smell me I unfortunately had two egfs somehow you gay you had two e girlfriends oh dude at the same

Time dude that’s badass actually e girlfriends are the best because then they don’t see you in real life that’s awesome no not at the same time oh bro are you gay me no no no but could you imagine though could you imagine dating your homie that’d be so

Weird like I would never unless no I’m kidding unless no for real though not gay do you support LBGTQ Plus+ I I love lgbtq Plus+ huge fan especially when they like and subscribe I don’t think I’m going to have enough Cobblestone oh Jesus oh my

God I thought I was ugly ASF but after revealing my face to X GF she still stayed with me for long and until I got cringe oh hell yeah n does that make you gay wait where’s mutton there we go por chop nah nah just playing fellas just playing Minecraft make you

Gay let me know in the comments below I made this house way too big way too big wait bro you have a mullet first EGF was crazy was even more of a olfer than me and averaged 10 hours a day gaming 10 hours holy crap absolute

Goals I would love to game for that long dude imagine gaming as your job that’d be crazy that would be ridiculous Preposterous all right I need more Cobblestone damn dude why did I make such a big ass house holy crap where did Blood come from click Port

Shop oh yeah we ruin something good I am playing Among Us you want to play Among Us I’m actually ready about ready to get off have to go to the gym y’all go to the gym y’all pump some iron you know get swoll did you use Sprint using left control

Yes I do sir yes I do is that bad is that a bad habit cuz I can change my ways just for you though just for you Mr can n should always Sprint when running away so when your food gets low does that reduce your sprinting

I noticed that last round I was only at like three uh was that bro I have a sixpack and big medium muscle oh hell yeah dude what the [ __ ] is this oh d right whatever food three you lose ability to Sprint oh no we can’t have that your boys got to Sprint

Watch out for creepers who watches Breaking Bad I watch halfway through and then I stopped watching cuz I cringe too hard from uh uh Skyler singing to Ted happy birthday I had to stop I had to take a break watch out for creepers thank you Ray appreciate you you’re goated creeper oh

Man happy birthday to you Mr President God that was so bad so bad I should probably start watching it again cuz that was a good show that was a really good show all right nobody come in here I’m make a door watch out for dicks oh that’s true gotta watch out

This Jesse we need to get blaze rods Jesse we need to get blaze rods uh where’s the door at can I not make door oak door happy birthday to you nothing like a happy birthday hey what’s up creeper oh man all right I say while we wait Mr White we need to ear

IDK Mr Mr White yo Mr White try looking for iron once morning hits oh I need a shovel for this don’t I shovel all right I need some coal bro something is funny about your channel D Man something’s funny about it I don’t know what I’m just a silly little guy

Sometimes and sometimes I’m not so silly it like turns on and off we’re going D I should have probably I should should have probably saw my uh looked at my coordinates before I did this oh try to keep a steady downstairs mining otherwise you can’t go up fast or

Something in one of your old videos the title was how to get a girlfriend but you don’t have one why maybe build stairs to go up down faster that’s a deep cut build stairs go oh that’s good idea Mr K coming in clutch you know I I I’m a teacher and

Teachers and what people can’t do wait no what’s the saying those those who can’t do teach there we go not to get philosophical on y’all so we back in the m got me what How it Go got my pickaxe swinging from side to side it’s more up and down but what do I

Know I teach people to take their ears safety seriously as a deaf person myself you’re a deaf person oh that’s right he said mostly DEA are you are you deaf dude first DEA subscriber whoa people there DEA are pretty cool you know oh finally cool I don’t have a pickaxe wonderful

Yeah I wear hearing aids to hear and got live captions extension oh that’s so cool you [ __ ] really dicks or [ __ ] that’s tough whoa he’s riding the chicken hold on I’ll put you L MF dude nice whip oh that oh you’re you’re free now chicken you’re

Free I hope you enjoyed your two seconds of Freedom what are you kidding me oh I oh my God I hate oh my God n bro really said that’s tough dude how did he get me oh my god dude oh my God okay well we’re about to create a new

World it’s it’s it’s five now it’s five oh my God I cannot believe that just happened to me unbelievable unfreaking believable what is this oh my God you know what it’s fine lots of trees to cut dude how do we do so good the first one well your house was blown open never

Bees all right we got to build a smaller House oh [ __ ] my ass or a tougher house out of deep slate deep slate you know I think I went too big and I ran out of cobblestone Never Back Down never what Never Back Down never what never give up m Cobblestone is strong enough really think you got bad luck is this ice oh dude snow house all right snow [ __ ] yeah Dude wa oh this is perfect oh perfect you can throw snowballs can you really how high is this oh my goodness can we get much higher the one piece the one piece is real the one piey oh wait am I dying you can die in

Snow and nobody told me in snow what the hell undor smegma that is so not cool oh well I’ll still build my house here no actually no watch out for soft Snow hard snow no problem break it okay maybe we won’t build a house Here I shall build my house here bro if I give you 10 more sub what do I get in return a a a big old thank you and God bless God bless America can you you remove CWC pick who’s CWC who who what CWC Chris chan oh yeah sorry my bad I forgot he was up here you you like looking at his face why Cobblestone time yes stared at it for like 30 minutes bald mail pattern and stuff bald people gross me Out wait a second he’s not staring at me he’s is’s looking at his mother D his [Applause] mother oh my God I love Barb this is going to be the best house Ever Sorry fellas I’m enjoying this lovely music I’m in a Trance had to stop yapping for a Second get stone pickaxe holy crap I love stone pickaxe okay nice let’s let’s build a fortress how do I want to do this actually there’s iron how do I want to do this hold on fellas my bad my apology what is your favorite game favorite game uh Mortal Kombat 3 tril or Mortal

Kombat Trilogy it’s good with the sauce I’m need to find food soon what am I what the [ __ ] am I doing this is such a [ __ ] house already bit weird location but okay I need oh my God what am I doing maybe somewhere open you’re probably right yeah

No one can enter my Fortress of Solitude so we’re going to mine and uh and then after dark we’ll go find some food I reckon see you’re right I shouldn’t be building it here but it looks so damn cool this is such a bad idea to put it

Here oh my God you’re so right it’s be so complicated maybe I should build it right here yeah I think that’s what I’ll do sounds good you guys got any big plans for today what is today even it’s Thursday any big plans for Thursday nobody’s got big plans

Damn might go to ice skating activity this week ooh that sounds dope ice skating [ __ ] yeah dude sounds bitching yeah ice skating is pretty rad I can respect that oh my god making a house in Minecraft has to be most frustrating things ever when people are watching

You and I’m very glad people are watching me but gosh at least he’s so nervous this house is [ __ ] it’s my underground for now it’s good that’s a work in progress okay uh I should probably build a roof natural house oh my God what am I doing Green and yellow leaf JC jcj c3f place a torch somewhere otherwise bad guys out of thin air oh that’s right you’re right that was Enderman sounds guys wait I will get the smiley face okay now we’re cooking this dirt hi what’s up Garbo blandi what’s up welcome to the stream we have died

Four times so far and our first time we lasted like hours dude and we died by one of those black skeleton dudes rip pouting now look I got it oh hell yeah look at you man underscore Wham you got the drip yeah I got to change my my profile

Picture I just put a SMY face as my profile picture because I couldn’t think of anything else do you know what my pfp is weather I can’t really see I can’t really uh oh [ __ ] is that is that a cat I can’t really see it’s super tiny it’s not your fault that’s

Tiny it’s my fault okay it’s the guy in Breaking bed it’s Jesse water and soul combined oh that’s disturbing actually I kind of like it dude how do I not have more cobblestone We do a little cobblestoning I hear zombies I don’t even watch the series so I DK why I got this PF pbh cuz Breaking Bad is sick dude they’re like they sound like really close to me oh [ __ ] Are they down here no and we’ll make a

Furnace this is a certified furnace mod give me some coal n jungal yander get iron pickaxe and sword you’re so real for that is there more stuff down here holy crap oh I cannot wait to dip my toes in that oh that’s a weird way of putting it

Okay even make a full set iron armor if finding diamonds gets difficult so we back in the mine okay I saw some more uh that that iron stuff first I got Get Some Coal yeah dude coal is like the best like I can’t even describe it wait

Where was it tears of joy tears of joy tears of joy tears of joy tears of joy tears of joy tears of joy tears of joy a o senl sui better coal soul dude I wonder how many people became lawyers because of that show dude look at all this coal bro I

Can mine coal all day around thousands definitely over 10 all right God I’m so slow all right here we go whoa I didn’t see you here I wonder if there’s like a coal fan page that I can subscribe to nice yeah I’m going need some food soon and also a

Door let’s make that right now MTI subscriber oh yeah you can you can subscribe you can subscribe I mean you can subscribe I ain’t going to stop you translation I really love the board you really love the ball oh my God what am I doing Birch door oh that’s fancy we some fancy

[ __ ] I can’t see [ __ ] though he just said I love balls in three languages is oh did he I mean I can’t I can’t hate on that I can’t hate on that all right let’s do some exploring I’m a fan of the door with

Holes in it okay I like I like the doors of holes oh man uh bro how do I want to do this to get another type of door you need another wood right H I should probably oh my God I want to I want to go down there so bad

But like I know I shouldn’t go down there yet too low health and food right I’m not prepared enough oh now it’s getting daylight out nice usually I never leave even half food open uh door time yeah I like the whole door better all right let’s see our [ __ ] my

Dead mother my bad 13102 where’s the aminal at bro where are they bees oh hell yeah I love bees I can’t run anymore hello the door with holes is still a whole door skeletons can’t shoot through it I DK about bees stuff got to learn that

One sorry cow but it had to be done I think you can keep a p a p as a pet I think you keep a be as a pet ah oh my god dude oh my God why u u a u HG dude building a house on the mountain

Was a horrible idea who let me do this you would have died if creeper exploded closer dude oh my God no freaking way I’m already lost oh thank god dude why why did I build a house here that’s a horrible idea I L the door

Open if I would have died there I would have quit Okay I need food try not to fall more than four blocks or death why are you building a house while trying to beat the game you know shelter is important man you know I like you know what’s wrong with

Shelter my man’s hating on shelter but nah I’m uh you know this is kind of like a fortress you know just something I can come back to and also I’ve never beat the game before so maybe this is not how you beat the game he assumes you are pro or something oh probably

Yeah yeah I’ve never beaten the game even on Hardcore or easy are you homeless I am well not anymore look at this look at this sick cave like honestly have you seen a better cave house than this look at this it’s even got a birch door

My real life house doesn’t even have a Burch door crazy wvy cave W cave moment eat again hey yo where the [ __ ] all these animals at hey yo Co I need to find like a pig or a similar type of poultry it Stacks so don’t worry if

There’s half left I subbed just for the Birch door I appreciate that man thanks for the sub brother now watch me kill this chicken yo he flying though what the hell throw the egg oh you can I didn’t know you can throw eggs holy crap now we’re

Gaming throwing the egg on the ground has a small chance of a baby chicken coming out you’re [ __ ] me dude Minecraft is so realistic kill the dragon with a birch door just a whole Birch door playthrough no [ __ ] killing baby animals gives you nothing let them grow doesn’t give you

Anything hey what’s up creeper I shouldn’t be doing this Let It Grow how how long does it take a chicken to grow and I’ve already lost my house yeah building a house on a mountain was not not the play not the play like 45 minutes IDK if you die right now I will

Like really all right hold up I don’t have any wood are you kidding me bruh hold on let me cook yeah I got wood all right you can’t just say that man uh let’s see okay now I’m ready I have Birch door nothing can stop me actually

H I should probably cook some food shouldn’t I oh jeez yeah [ __ ] it we don’t need food do we you probably do sorry I was AFK a you’re good Chief 24 likes dude my people like Minecraft that’s crazy to me they really do be liking Minecraft all right let’s

Bounce you could get 25 if you die you can put the furnace in your pocket oh you can oh I’m [ __ ] oh jeez oh jeez whoa this is like the same place we were at last time y That’s crazy what are we doing this is a horrible

Idea now where do we go from here I will go this way jump off holy [ __ ] that’s the thing that leads to Warden I think really hell yeah dude I’m fine oh [ __ ] an Enderman are there Ender women let me know in the comments below holy crap the blue stuff leads to

The warden is that bad Warden literally one shots you even with full iron armor so you’re saying there’s a chance how do you kill him do know got to learn that yet with a birch door Birch door oh my God I have one of those dude

Oh we could totally cook this guy right now wait where’s my co maxed out netherite armor maxed out sword and stuff I didn’t bring my coal oh my God perhaps Enchanted Apple horrible absolutely horrible Enchanted Apple you could use wood a wood only gameplay that’d be sick

Instead of coal oh I can oh oh God you’re so right I keep forgetting that hell yeah wood is there anything better than wood I I don’t think so Warden depends on the blue thing to see using echolocation maybe you can meet him and leave IDK one hit and you’re done

Good he even shoots Shockwave beams that sounds dangerous you should jump in the red stuff oh is red stuff good is that healing power dude I freaking love Iron oh my god dude iron is so bad oh finally coal dude I beat Elder man I can beat this

Surely red stuff can heal you I love red stuff nearly as bu multiple furnaces to speed up cooking oh dude that’s so genius you’re so good at this game dude can bats hurt me n bats don’t hurt dude bats are so cool you can hurt them though oh I don’t

Want to hurt them if they won’t hurt me dude you bat homies are so cool red stuff also gives you Diamonds oh does it oh hell yeah yeah wait what what level am I 47 kassen is trolling I think him no no he would he would not do me

Like that would you you would not troll me I I’ve known I’ve known him for years kind of sus no what the hell hell yeah we cooking we do a little Cooking was thinking of playing together IDK oh dude that’d be sick just just carry me the whole way what time is it holy [ __ ] it’s 2:14 what am but the res stuff with orange can give you netherite no kid oh man dude how did I not know

That you’re just a book of information man I appreciate you nice oh sorry bat that was my bad Chief all right it’s in the Cave Oh yay now I know why there are a lot of bats probably because it’s a warden hideout they both depend on echolocation oh that’s smart okay you know what I got the poor man’s get up but it’s fine Theon man iron suit is middle or even high class

Oh you think so oh [ __ ] yeah dude the red stuff can take you to the Ender Dragon and it’s in the cave for real what’s this yeah this place doesn’t look safe get out quick you’re probably already too deep you think so I don’t know it’s a Shrier oh [ __ ] I going need some food like really soon jump in the red liquid okay ah just kidding um actually it’s orange actually sir that is an orange liquid jump in the magic hot sauce it’s fine I will like he has already seen you through echo location

Probably that’s not doesn’t sound good doesn’t sound Promising I will like if you literally just exist a thank You stop all right I’m going to get this freaking iron I’m going to head out the warden can spawn without a Shrier how’s there So huh huh okay and he has not Set It Off Break It Fast oh no this is fine uh oh jeez blocks like gravel and sand don’t stay midair and Fall don’t follow on me How how can you tell the difference between sand and Gravel you can put a torch in your left hand to see better this is the most efficient way to mine stuff by the way [ __ ] gravel and sand why do they have to follow physic laws Oh yay forgot about that We’re going to the Sur I think there’s a setting somewhere to turn on that realistic lighting oh sorry it doesn’t work oh you have to turn on setting all Right that’s all right God damn I am so bad at Minecraft it is ridiculous torch not giving away looks cursed never seen that you should get diamonds n you above average diamonds think I should I don’t know man the stone pickaxe way better than the diamond I can’t even say without laughing

Jesus Oh My just mine getting good at this game is a painful progress oh no I’m I’m a garer hey [ __ ] gravel all my homies hate gravel R [ __ ] my dead mother okay oh ah it’s fine all right that’s probably for the best honestly everything was just not going good [ __ ] that’s

Fine all right fellas great stream I will be back on next week mining upstairs would have been better you’re probably right H you know I’m not two by two but two by one no yeah you’re probably right though you’re probably right dude 24 likes four viewers man I can’t I can’t even

Comprehend how awesome you guys are holy crap let’s check our poll 54 votes in the poll oh my goodness let’s take a look no don’t go no worries brother I’ll be back okay yes Minecraft is nice 59% no I like women 11% uh underscore feed five OBS disconnected oh there we go

Okay all right ggs brother hey thank you K best I got was three likes hey man we’re all going to make it someday we’re all going to make it holy [ __ ] 196 views what the [ __ ] hey man thanks thanks for everyone was fun chatting with yah thanks

Everyone for helping out man uh play this game more oh I will dude I will real next next Tuesday we’re going to we’re going to try again and we’re going to do a hard try I appreciate you all hope you all have a lovely Thursday and I’ll catch you next time

I’m going to leave off with one of these Merry Christmas [ __ ] my dead mother Merry Christmas pilgrim

This video, titled ‘❎I’ve NEVER Beaten Minecraft. How Many RESETS Will it Take to Beat HARDCORE Mode?’, was uploaded by Dahmeion on 2023-12-14 07:39:24. It has garnered 257 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 05:49:52 or 20992 seconds.

I’ve never beaten Minecraft before. NEVER. I’ve only been to the Nether ONE TIME. This will be a video series to see how many times it will take to beat Minecraft on Hardcore Mode.


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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures and Illegal Ender Dragon Eggs!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures and Illegal Ender Dragon Eggs! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting Minecraft gameplay like the one featured in the video “I Obtained illegal Ender Dragon Egg in This Minecraft In Lifesteal SMP”? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the action-packed adventures waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience. Whether you’re looking to test your skills in PvP combat, build awe-inspiring structures, or simply make new friends, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and… Read More

  • Crafty Controller: Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup on Portainer

    Crafty Controller: Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup on Portainer Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup with Crafty Controller on Portainer Imagine being able to set up your own Minecraft server quickly, easily, and without extensive IT knowledge! In this video, a step-by-step guide is provided on how to set up your own Minecraft server using Docker, Docker Compose, and Portainer. Whether for Java or Bedrock, this guide covers everything you need to know! Key Steps: Opening Portainer and setting up Stacks Inserting Docker Compose code Creating directories on the server Starting and configuring the Crafty container Configuring and starting the Bedrock server Adjusting server settings and adding players Highlights: Easy… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

    Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob Minecraft: Jack vs Bob Fight Official Trailer The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the official trailer for the Jack vs Bob Fight has been released by OcToGamerz. This epic showdown between Jack and Bob promises to be a thrilling battle that fans won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the details of this highly anticipated event! Jack vs Bob Fight The trailer showcases the intense rivalry between Jack and Bob, two formidable players in the Minecraft universe. As they gear up for an epic showdown, fans are eagerly awaiting to see who will emerge victorious in this… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More