Minecraft Live Stream FireSMP

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Yes When it’s good It When it hurts like this A thousand times Is Jelly hamsters i’m playing minecraft You gonna stay this time yeah i’m fine Okay if i do one wrong thing it just closes my minecraft okay shut up it closes my minecraft okay man shut up ends up like mr top five jelly hamsters punch a chicken to the stratosphere how did you know how did you know Hope you have a good day I will eat you into the i’ll eat you into the sun [Laughter] jelly give me my wood i didn’t know about the stick i just wanted it to happen this is my wood step right there now go right there go right there now get back here yeah here [ __ ] i’m out

This is my back here jelly hamsters technically it’s a public execution bro now now i’m away with you with my wood yeah whatever i don’t care it’s a single piece of wood my god you took that serious and then why is it exactly 61. my unfolds

That’s not something i do my god you should know shut up i know you’re a bottom we don’t need to talk about it anymore no stop no at this point or something like the music marker player be using on the fnaf speed jelly hamsters big hands backwards is snake arbok

Backwards is cobra musk backwards is smirking face for a sec i thought that old town road was on i was like bro everybody just like ruined this game put the hole in the water [Laughter] oh my god in circulation call it replication wake up today’s gonna be a good day wake up

Today’s gonna be a good day wake up today’s gonna be a good day wake up today’s gonna be a good day jelly hamsters call your knockback 10k stick knockout bat i could so here comes you’re one of them there’s obviously people in here because i first looked at there was not this

Many people in the realm this one was in here but there’s jelly hamsters let’s go we where are you i don’t have a map oh that sucks for you all i’m doing is just swimming in the ocean with the boat that i randomly found best for the gods

That has a pig in it i’m sorry what a random boat spawned i think it loaded with your radius i’m going to skip that i’m not sure there’s a random piggy in this one back there we go we’ll get we’ll get played next maybe i don’t know i’m calling my guy ham

Jelly hamsters name the pig in the boat [ __ ] and ride it into the sunset if i find you and you kill my pig boat hey guys look at the chicken Oh get over there Just so you know i will enforce the rules around here jelly hamsters what is wrong with you Mine my cable for my headphones for the cat’s trying to get rid of you can’t smile no i’m gonna mind this but okay what rules are there there’s rules yeah i need to load him i don’t know if it’s sponsored but yeah but i do have java so

But my computer would not run a server The ddr3 All right guys we gotta got a quick and simple base here for our chicken just did it 360 now i’m gonna put a door on it wrong way Jelly hamsters java is cooler in my opinion because of ender pearl stasis chambers javascript is overall better first my personal opinion java’s just overall better but it’s not a lot easier to play it’s got better shading you don’t have to have an rtx to have shaders

I mean sure you don’t get as good as shaders without an rtx but we don’t talk about that it’s still better pumpkin Yeah i’m just running around hoping that i magically just find you when i found pumpkin obviously i’m nowhere near you because i don’t see the blue ass beacon in the sky oh yeah definitely not you’re definitely near me oh yes i’m gonna mine this i wish i’d minus iron ore

With a wooden pickaxe breaking rules bro you’re breaking your own rules that’s not a rule mining stuff are you are you stupid yeah are you still jelly hamsters jelly hamsters jelly hamsters n a o dot r dot b dot i found another portal You mean there’s a chest over here and Oh Loser use the command block I was happier when i didn’t know that i was hurt Jelly hamsters use it orbit it’s called dream luck jelly has amber when she was heard please jelly hamsters name the command block dream luck i could um Cannot please I was gonna make it i was gonna take it off of peaceful because hillary is a peaceful mode honestly um I know Pisa i’m a murderer actually Oh you made a mistake But i have friends Skibadi turns out to be i made it rdb because you know hard to miss me Uh you know i’m gonna smelt this singular piece of iron you know if i really want to i just feel like That’s the best part Who cares about copper honestly who needs cop horn you can just like uh it’s great My Menu Oh i’m sorry tried to swim in lava What are the odds of someone like I think it’s usually if they’re That Uh I think he gave up oh you died Get back to your dumb house uh-huh imagine trying to get back and you’re not even here bro i was saying how’s it spawn where i built spawn just because dude died again i can see where you are i’m sorry and then i found out you couldn’t even hear me close mute imagine

Here i’ll sing it again once i kill the skeleton if it’s copyright then no it’s not copper and that’s her i’m gonna go in the campfire i’m gonna burn to death again because i’m like five blocks away from now you can’t see my gamer tags i’m going back to the campfire

I will come back to you since you don’t know where i am stop no that’s copyrighted that is copyrighted i bet you can take a guess but who’s copyrighted too oh no responds this way first copyright by disney exactly hmm really want you nah man it’s some random oh it’s not me

Totally not told you not just some random dude has some pretty good parts i will i have no idea my house was not i’m now going to run away from spawn because yeah we’ll have another house are you stupid this one looks horrible i’m sorry it really does

I thought i saw you but it was flowers yeah i came over and punched you and ran off here i’ll play someone torch for you to see me i’ll play some torch for you on top of three you torture me every time i’m around you so it kind of gives me a

Hint you don’t really don’t like it yes yeah whatever just brush it off i fell in the dark hole nice i want to be in the dark not falling oh it’s overly off oh [ __ ] there’s zombies in here what am i supposed to do you’re the overpowered overlord could have done something

Kakashi and baby naruto hello hello it’s just a little something i hear i’ll help you out then how about this i’ll help you out right spawn me to the moon i bet you can do that looks like you need absolutely no help i need help see my guy you can flock

Oh no not to eat steak give me your mom want to eat you in your new universe no baby no i’m going to eat you i’m going to eat you a new brain cell get over here i already don’t know i’m going to eat you a new brain cell

I’m sorry i’m sorry i wish it might do the power of my god and do that you dare to try you did it you didn’t challenge me for you’re there to challenge me i will challenge you oh you’re or anywhere else i would challenge you give me a more oh [ __ ]

Where did you even go no man spawned up behind me said it’s nothing personal kid oh i’m in the ocean i’m back where you kicked me earlier there’s not a magic pick boat to save me i have to go die in lava again come back

Now what do you mean man what do you need when you didn’t die before this room i made i i helped to make this realm i was the main person that did most of the stuff in this round what do you think i have them

I wanted to make it so spawn can’t be griefed huh how am i gonna make that sit around there all day no i challenge you challenge me to what a battle of 1v1 i bet i’ll one tap you give me i bet i’ll one tap you yeah you just got you just got

Hello okay i gave you a minute i’m coming for you boy i’m coming for you boy more than a minute more than a minute oh you’re not ready huh wait buddy we can talk this way do you make a stick what are you gonna make a little stick

And try to defeat me with it huh yeah you’re gonna try to defeat me with a stick not just one i think i didn’t get a sword if i’m gonna get a sword for imagining swords i don’t know how to use did you see you don’t use a sword or make it

All right i’m ready i got my stick all right i’m coming for you boy give me a boy boy what the [ __ ] i thought it was gonna be a fair fight you asked is it a better one tap you not your god act fight me like actual man no one

I’m out of nowhere i got 30 blocks left in this hot axe i can mine let’s go oh Oh have fun you spawned mobs you asked i didn’t spawn nothing i might respond on my head it ain’t my fault it ain’t my fault hey my fault you suck at the game i’m stuck i’m gonna also that’s the main monitor yes you didn’t make a house did you no i haven’t yet

There is like a little base thing i made but i found my oak did you don’t happen to drop a bow no that was not me power to punch one no that’s just a normal bow oh that sucks for you oh yeah a lot of birds oh my god really

You’re saying that i suck you too okay you can hit stuff you can’t build or might break anything because you’re within the spawn you can’t break your blade taking a spawn so it can’t be griefed that’s a creeper good observation [Applause] but i don’t care because i’m still alive game two

Nah you don’t lie a couple times I’m still alive ah you died in lava a couple times i died in the moment twice that was just to get back to spawn oh happier what happened you’re blind what the you got killed by a zombie damn it oh you don’t think i’d see that in the

Corner of my screen dude it’s so obvious what makes you think i’m blind huh i didn’t mention it right away yeah you are blind because that how many times do i have to get an eye track do i have to set up a camera as an eye tracker so

The stream can see when i see what i’m looking at at all times camera can you see if you’re sucks [Laughter] i’m not gonna lie bud definitely won’t be yours though who do you think it was going to be huh is this i already know i already know exactly

Well you dumped me for that you did you dealt me for it for uh dummy for that huh you’re saying you’re doing any different yeah you’re saying you do you so you do something different if it was right in your face like that yeah i was gonna look like look at their back

Oh you’re gonna look at their back i do have i have two cameras i can set up for i don’t know too much work on myself I’ll be back oh this is not cool oh even though you told me Take my hands Yes more water let’s see did he die any more times nope foreign what i’m sorry why is there tropical fish doesn’t make any sense um is more yeah phenomenon Why is there a skeleton under the water oh oh how are you i’m under wow that that was closed Goofy ah i’m at half a heart right now i’m just drowning i’ve locked myself in you about died you noob haha you died more than me i haven’t died once shhu me like i’m gonna lead bud shoosh why should i i called me a noob even though you seem like a noob right

Now stfup bottom And also it seems like uh i haven’t been caught once but just making me not a bottom no well Or something uh i am not gonna waste my voice on you oh yeah it’ll be much of a waste though your life skills are you trying to say my life sucks pretty sure it doesn’t know i’m pretty happy here right now i’m not gonna lie you sure yeah pretty sure

Just because i don’t got money doesn’t mean nothing but don’t need money to be happy can’t say i’m wrong about that i don’t either exactly one thing i don’t got is money that’s one thing i don’t need this is the one how many times did i break up

With you can you talk about that cpu bam gpu hard drive heatsink wi-fi card now and power supply and don’t forget sleeves the motherboard and compressors now update it see this update it update it update it update your goddamn okay can i take this anymore people not updating the [ __ ] people would say

I have a good pc i have good ram i have a good cpu i have a traffic server i have everything right but here’s the thing y’all don’t understand That was the explanation from or something pretty easy buddy One pickup tell him that idc face without mouth fog But it wouldn’t really surprise me at all What i said it wouldn’t surprise me gamer0yt11 hey no it’s just you man He’s the modern i’m the [ __ ] huh No skittle ui dot Huh pack i’m going to be 100 100 honest yeah all right so if you like my admin stick i like Stop lying i have a texture back on too I don’t want to show up just grinding papa i’m not grinding right now i’m not getting stuff what do you mean i’m lying you should try and hit me nope uh i need these so why not i’m gonna get this guy you are the noob here

I can survive four hearts easily i just don’t have an iron sword yet okay you’re calling me a new when you died three times in a row oh that’s a zombie with an iron sword what i held up how about you shut up I don’t think i gave you a headache but all right it in me as not my ears smiling face with sunglasses yeah we get at your bottom now shut up we’re here scouting zombies i understand you’re a bottom now shut up get mad buddy smiling face with sunglasses

Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat zombies meat on bone meat on bone meat on bone meat on bone meat on bone meat on bone meat on bone meat on bone meat on bone meat on bone meat on bone that’s not using a lot could it be me

I know right imagine not using a mic what am i hearing so i have 14 iron and good enough for now salty archived i don’t know who you’re talking though he’s not salty he’s just british oh actually not british oh man i have nothing to deal with you right now creeper

Time to get out of here now i don’t have enough health to deal with it dude i’m in danger i had a single arrow that’s not helpful wait how many thumbs i have i have 16. it’s good i got him let’s go wait do i still have my

32 i mean not 32k and i’m sick i do nobody took my uh you weren’t you didn’t i am lagging my uh off expressionless face bar i don’t have enough parts of the other day okay i don’t have a sword here so i have nothing to do so i’m not gonna damage someone

Neutral face expressionless face all right let’s see you uh attack so here since i go up here now i believe to go over here oh um i like how it shows the direction like east south east yeah northeast northwest actually pretty cool yeah right here i mean they’ll know where your base is

I mean well they’re gonna help you plus i’ll just whisper it to you well yeah they can see that stuff because i’m streaming it they can see the coordinates everything ah you can see the overall position at another position and i’ll you can just come to me if you don’t stay away

Four times you’ve died two times by a skeleton you’re calling me a noob are you sure that um can they still like can they still hear it uh they can hear it but they won’t see it i mean if you dm me through like discord or something well here which is the

Only fans um literally not at home tender why would i have tinder or only hands i don’t know that’s just you might find mr johns xbox on xbox i mean i mean yeah i probably won’t hear but i’ll they can’t see it either because my xbox doesn’t pop up pretty sure yeah it

Doesn’t i can’t and they won’t be able to hear it i don’t know i mean it doesn’t matter if they they won’t go like hear it or here well if they let’s hear a ping that’s it that’s all here i mean i can’t see the xbox thing

Overlay like they can’t see the gamepad i mean but if i go to your card you’ll still see the position on the map on my thing we’ll see the end game this is a little new hub um well i finally i found a nice spot and i’m probably gonna say that

The [ __ ] bummer when did i drop an axe how many people are on the stream one minecraft streamers aren’t usually my specialty because i’m the only one yeah i’m the only viewer yeah minecraft streams aren’t working but they’re always asked that one here i’ll just

They won’t see it o’hara so i might as well just look at it but there is the uh there is the replay though streaming play on youtube But who cares anyway yeah they come to my base they come to my best it doesn’t matter i’m not going to find my admin stick and if they do they’ll get banned i’ve only been live for a little bit it’s already gotten 15 views portable i usually get like 100 and 120

On average oh it’s gotten four likes i can just make it i’ll just be a rolling move attacking admin space for a point yeah like every stream gets like four or five lights that one got 10 though oh that also got 222 views how do you go to eight almost three

This oh because i refreshed it i refreshed the thing Minus three thousand five hundred and three seventy nine minus twenty sixty six are you stupid yes yes yeah you just sort of sent it into the stream chat yeah i’ll just okay now i regret my decisions Exactly point is my proven one has been proven they greased my base it’s griefing in adam’s base they shall get banned i mean no one’s probably going to grief though if they steal it’ll be considered a grief so like where’s your basement items It never ends well for anyone that craves me i need your help no because pure survival you should It’s not that far at all what do you have come on block uh because that’s why you i just had that from those building the um uh thing you said it’s pure survival but you literally have a command block in your inventory yeah it’s just sitting

Here because i forgot to get rid of it ever because i threw it like that i threw everything in a fire when i after i built this spawn i guess i kind of forgot about the command block there’s a zombie with a diamond sword well you should probably um i could call it

Sanitation cheats on you you still have a cheat on you i could just a cheater i could just do this too i could just i said the difficulty normally works you got it on peaceful because i [ __ ] my friend was trying to get here then he got booted

For no reason he got burned oh yeah it just kicks you from the gamers off and does that thing with you do sometimes go silence their stupid moderation stuff they added them what will just teleport stuff you can get your stuff from your uh from your furnace so yeah once you’re done with

Getting your charcoal and [ __ ] you can travel to me plus i have like blasphemous i’m straight so you just help us i didn’t get it myself here then you can have a base then you could have a base you can have a really good base Can i live there why yeah can you at least put an ammo on i mean if you want to live there you guys can’t live in my basement around me buy me oh i can live in yogurt I mean i can make a room but there’s only one person if you want to build a house around my base you can i don’t really care if you want to add you want to add to this if you want to add to my base i don’t i invisible

No i’m saying this to everyone literally people in stream that watches after order watching now and people on the uh xbox chat if you wanna i’m just not included Why why should i go into korean good point okay because there’s a drown staring into my soul command block you’re going to be literally useless to anyone but someone finds it oh well it’s still a illegal item it may have hackers get i get hands on the item that we’re just going to

[ __ ] break the server so that’s why it’s an illegal item oh yeah it’s quite something like them but like literally during survival you can’t place it there’s the camp literally this game’s dumb Can’t place I just want you near my base because then we can make an admin empire or some [ __ ] and then city and then basically wonder i wonder if there’s a different type of tunnel actually on earth you can live above ground you can live underground live anywhere

Just be nearby because then i feel safer you know what i mean i’ll just keep sleeping That’s not very smooth is it oh yes you’re a very secretive base a random what are this is oh wonderful piece of cobblestone oh you know it wasn’t i didn’t put it up i didn’t put a button out here did you get your stuff huh

Wait let’s go oh i got boom i got bones please work your dog doge you rob me wait hold on he robbed me my bone oh i’m gonna go get some boats i’ll get some bombs i’m gonna get some bones i’m trying to fight i’m trying to find

Some i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m trying to find something guess i’ll have to kill it i guess i have to put them down so i can’t tame them case i have to pull them down i did not mean to press that button [ __ ] i’m i’m trying to get a diamond i

Can’t get it make a diamond pickaxe but i’m trying to save my diamonds for a full diamonds here and tools i can’t find any i’ve been mining for ages and i still can’t find Were you at 12 what was your y level were you at 12 like um was in the negatives i know that oh i like three hearts come here get in the best get the best get the best i’m the boss in the big boss okay and i have tons of food in my

Cheers Her [ __ ] child something to oh it’s not even a portion yeah maybe we should yeah maybe maybe i should when i’m at half a heart i’m running a single singular heart this is okay um cook what you need to cook in here i have some iron you can borrow did i

Just take more a lot of water or is that just me being oh yeah oh you’ll take damage i don’t know why even if even if you go up one you’ll still take damage video poison it’s stupid anyway um no because i had i was just mother i already had food

Well there’s even more food for you you’re welcome okay oh [ __ ] you get them oh um so one two three four me Alba brother hello these too much Is cheers um In this life Hey is Away oh i gave you that why i just have an iron it’s just an iron chest plate another stand below somewhere and you have full inventory so there you are time to go i just wanted to help the man’s out no i’m just going to go up a little bit so i want

Oh that’s fine i can teleport back nope i flew i lost air like i quite literally launched myself in the air and god how much i do [ __ ] have not mine it’s my emperor is full but i lose that armor i gave you oh it’s really cool special armor i got it

Uh but yeah um okay apparently i can’t just press f and it will automatically i’m standing via this one it’s just weird because i press it once again because it’ll launch into air or whatever you’re looking is what it’s supposed to do but it doesn’t reactivate fly just just packs from the air

What’s on your um it’s just it’s just the same oh it’s 10 000. that one is um mom wants 12 000. i don’t know i didn’t take anything i have nothing it’s in three Baby all right there you go you can have the most useful item i have oh yeah can you give me an interchange for this one since it’s an illegal item okay there we go i can fly now oh yeah nah i’m not gonna do that it’s still you can just throw in the

Fire if you want i was gonna go upside down go up so i can see uh what kind of surroundings i have around here I’ve already searched the village by the way I’m live on top of the mountain i just rocketed myself on top of the mountain quite literally there we go it’s now destroyed all right oh you know what somebody told me yourself might destroy it right oh yeah but you want to know a good idea

Uh on top of the hill or mountain thing up here uh you can go into the ear oh and i’ll be useless i was gonna say you can come to the air but like a teleporter but you need to come on block and you have to go on creative and you don’t

Want to go that’s a useless idea what’s the point come on i know i know like creative [ __ ] formulas it is get that yeah no [ __ ] but um it can help some people out some people not me some i want to build it so you see that melanie i’m on top of there

So bad it’s also not pokemon so i can just i can just get you if i need you you should make like a little halfway down to mine i could orange is a simple kind of procedure but it’s not on me and since i don’t have it in the case

Show me where what you’re adding stuff is on stream awesome i’m i’m like But you have to step away from it That time where you just like have that time and now it’s just like man you got to have that time where you just like disconnect from this from the scene just the the race like and it’s a race that i’ve created in my head you know but you have to step away

From it move my chat all the way sure whatever if she has [ __ ] knows Honestly i’m not really sure i want saving my own worst enemies And that’s okay well i just want to be happy how to get there glad that you asked me i think it’s different for everyone some of us people oh no it’s kind of basic oh But hold on i have one more place to Walk to reach On youtube To get away Dog puppy dog dog puppy Um jelly hamsters yeah name a dog [ __ ] Why what did you not hear him no i didn’t hear anyone where you didn’t hear chat uh i don’t know yeah i’m the only one on the stream right now no you’re not so angelia jelly hamsters because you can you didn’t hear that oh now i do

It’s pretty obvious i could i could hear it i clearly heard that’s delayed but that’s just how the stream is because there’s always a little bit of delay there’s like 20 seconds like 20 seconds uh 20 million delay between just me sending the data out through what the [ __ ] is here

Yeah yeah no nothing’s going through my mic now i know that my minecraft might minimize your second hello my name is jelly hamsters i like saying stuff that’s an immature type of humor and other things yeah hold on the other’s not going to the right spot yet so

Oh yeah i can yeah i know it’s it’s not being baseball so it’s called it’s it’s not where’s my i’ll go through over here hold on i’ll do here a second let me just get the uh it’s because i reset the audio all audio settings Jelly hamsters mike blast go brr Yet jelly hamsters so who’s the other guy i want his name and all of his passwords you’re not having any of my [ __ ] passwords thank you the password for his gmail is one two three uh ball sack told you not to tell anyone what man jelly hamsters what about social security number

Uh it’s not just one through ten just one two three jelly hamsters 123 ball sack got it yeah sure yeah sure probably in line oh don’t worry you haven’t met the best part of my chat yet the horny chat jelly hamsters one two three four five six seven eight

Nine one zero all right got it jelly hamsters what’s fire zump that’s just the name of it if you want the realm code it isn’t a discord which i don’t know are you in discord i thought you were discord perfect door system look at that perfect door system perfect

Every single door i have you know i have if you want to block them i don’t have this card no no no jelly hamsters horny chat as is when i said come and made that guy uncomfortable in vr chat that one time what did he say

What are you okay we’re not getting into that what nah nah tell me what’s brother man tell me more tell me more you sure you want to know how [ __ ] funny he is yes dumbass i’m gonna repopulate while you’re talking what okay so i said i’m re-populating the

[ __ ] tricky pointy piece of [ __ ] you know what why are you doing no they don’t work like that they don’t work jelly hamsters i’d like to get into that i would love it wait what do you mean by that I have a girlfriend but i’m still gay what makes you buy i don’t Table i need it oh it’s a hole don’t worry i’m gonna parkour has been falling deeper and deeper into the hole don’t worry guys i’m good at parkour see how good i am i’m so good at parkour my eyes like levitated on that hole that’s how good apart jelly hamsters

Being bisexual is gay huh i’m in here jelly hamsters that’s what she said that’s what she said do you still have the dream luck command block oh no i don’t we threw that in fire wait what do you mean by that the command block you want me to name it dreamlock

So you yo is the command block didn’t you no i just had my info when i started stream i said that in the stick in my inventory yeah it’s just that’s what they wanted me to name it jelly hamsters wood i need more wheeling i need I wanted him to use it give me your wound tree i’m going to use this we want to build like build my house wait he wanted you to use the command block yeah that chat for you well that’s never going to [ __ ] happen if it does happen jelly hamsters

Your mother w w ud it’s weird look there’s a shape okay look it’s oh i saw death i saw a sheep there yes hold on boy i want to really i need his wife yeah i have a riddle you can make it i cannot jelly hamsters dog is god jelly hamsters

Name the dog god name the dog god the dog god i am the dog dog i am the god of the dog jelly hamsters depends on personal preference oh yeah bobby i wonder so you know in here i have some where was it not that yes here we go okay break

Hurry up break [ __ ] break hurry up back in my day you could just say come and people would laugh what yeah that’s right [ __ ] i took everything you have all right then i’m gonna hunt you down more i’m gonna hunt you down the speed of light get back you boy

Get back your boys no i can’t right almost died that’s the funny part oh no i didn’t always die i was fine i was flying so i went through you went like a cross you could have thought from that oh my god i’m traveling so fast yeah i can you like my skin

Yeah man it’s a real mess i shall turn on that esp you know get that rainbow what the [ __ ] do you have esp esp nah it’s not esps yeah it’s esp it’s your mother’s pp your mother where is two yo mama what is this Look at the stream look at the esp jelly hamsters i like your skin pulls out a knife hey yo i would i’ll oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i’m just messing with visual stuff right now thank you it won’t do nothing all the esp yeah i wasn’t gonna have jelly hamsters

I made a guy unsee you for double once owna stream yeah he made him uncomfortable give me some stuff please i i gave like a lot of my iron to you some stuff yeah i’ll give you some stuff hold on i’ll repay you in my time

If you repay me with a [ __ ] flower i’ll be the [ __ ] out of you i’ll knock you back to negative 10 actually positive 10 million okay with my admin stick i’ll hit you with bamboo three years i think and jelly hamsters jelly hamsters he will repay you with [ __ ] i will not

I have one diamond no anyways um i was looking for a single knot how much stuff would i get for if i sold you my um um and instead because it has better knockback than yours jelly hamsters can chat have a diamond yeah can’t i have the diamond that

Chatted i tried it as well you look i can make art jelly hamsters name a bucket of milk come why but yeah how much what can i get if i showed you my uh admin stick oh nothing what do you mean nothing it’s better than yours

And i can make mine better than yours too you’re a [ __ ] i’m kidding i love you man no ma’am i think i don’t think i don’t think i like that oh my god nothing but the admiration of chat what are you trying to do are you trying to aim for jelly hamsters

Being gay is gay and you god i just opened the [ __ ] door god oh no and i thought you’re right my gun i’ll turn on cheats don’t do that no i’m kidding i won’t but i have the pedal too okay and i do too jelly hamsters what if these was come and come

Was d’s these nuts in your mouth can you help me for do you make sure do i have what extra yeah you let me find diamonds with x right now i’m gonna fly back into my base jelly hamsters mannered ease these nuts I keep forgetting i don’t have flight on by default jelly hamsters cuz man are these nuts big you ain’t wrong jelly hamsters if you had one diamond and you died what happens uh i’ll delete the diamond i don’t know nothing really just it falls on the ground

I gotta give this man his payment for apparently having admin yeah you have to pay for having admin now especially when you have house all right then come get them come get your payment boy if you’d be mean to me your payment rises if you’re nice to me your payment lowers

All right where are my two diamonds thank you jelly hamsters a super uber a super yo because i have such a high render distance i can see like where there’s how is your vote of [ __ ] um jelly hamsters the two diamonds are up my ass if you want them you gotta get them

All other two diamonds either did you not hear what he said yeah i did and where are those two diamonds located then huh where were the two diamonds located hmm um your vault can be a chest what go to your boat oh fault nah skeleton nah fam

We’re a skeleton’s looking like man i’m really dude oh yeah stop just got blown up yeah excellent i was getting a drink oh he had to hit me dude Jelly hamsters it’s been a while since i’ve been on a stream for this long due to your computer making these stream laggy and [ __ ] yeah no it’s annoying that’s why i decided to do a minecraft stream since those jelly hamsters speaking of which where did streamlabs go i missed them ah streamlabs

Which actually don’t work because they should still be modding the chat five h make sure they should still be moderating this one three i need i can’t do math your mother diamonds then i can get a full set of diamonds i don’t care ain’t my problem i never asked

Don’t make me raise your payment my payment morals move to a different server then come on i’ll level the landscape in less than a second i was gone instantly deleted jelly hamsters because i said [ __ ] and they didn’t say anything yeah you know we’ll make this i’m going to

Make this i’m going to make this anybody mad at me and see how he’s going to try to get to me yuma we got a zombie coming after me what will i ever do oh yeah i’m just gonna heal up real quick so we’re just gonna go

There we go i think i’m high enough i’ll be able to heal up almost out of tea again no you almost died you like this close to the time oh because i like one straight up yeah what i’m obviously confused yeah so i just went like this yeah because i use the

Jetpack to go down i’m pretty sure if i i stopped it before i wouldn’t hit the ground you might add some more text packs i got rid of the lifestyle pack Bro i’m just playing with death or i’m just like looking death in the face right now yeah i know it’s because my like because the way i died because i was doing double i was like double jumping but when i press the fly button it shouldn’t turn on double gel

And that’s what i was like they put down 500 tnt into a hole that looks like a [ __ ] and it will lag the game so hard it crashes huh you pull my base i didn’t blow up nothing they come to me you’re gonna have to fix this easy to fix

You’re right someone’s fine oh right so it’s not fine you’re missing where is it there’s just one piston it feels like a double door there’ll be more so here’s two letters yeah you keep those all right the piston was up one the sliders are for your thing it’s easy

To fix you don’t need to like i mean the only thing you’re missing is quite literally some dirt but it’s it’s like here’s missing dirt and jelly hamsters i used his o pistons to shove the diamond up my ass they just need dirt and yeah that’s

About it you know i just need some sort of slab these are cobblestone steel yeah that’ll work just need a stare of some sort and he’s got to face it so i can’t see it to stare oh i’m going to need some help for you to um because y’all

You tell put on the um cobblestone and there was a creep in there and i still put on top of the tree up here i was up here why tell four that was only over here i’m pretty sure you’re here and then you flew up there and the

Creeper exploded okay so yeah what how is it those here the fixing here it was a space right here there was a space [Applause] here you go your door is all working again nothing broke just your mom make some things did break just your mom don’t worry about it Jelly hamsters remember when you used all the mods in one stream and it was super laggy but it still worked but then i said the hole looks like a [ __ ] so you used 5000 tnt and crashed the game i might have to wait for i’m gonna have to wait for this to um

Come grass again that’s fine jelly hamsters Thing i thought i was going to do like the electric thing where it launches me into the like just kills me ooh grandma no sick dude no really dude huh ain’t not really okay suicide if i want to convince suicide jelly hamsters uwd holy [ __ ] yeah it doesn’t like me doing that all

Right cool gnarly dude rainbow jelly hamsters w w u d w w Radical dude i’m like [ __ ] chads jelly hamsters wood but we would end of my end of my render distance like jelly hamsters you would yo let’s check out underneath the map oh is that oh look at that right there dude i can like i see your base i’m just

In my like i’m in my spectacular camera right now y’all know yeah i know you can look this massive cave down here i can’t it’s [ __ ] delayed it i’m kidding i love you man it just keeps going down let’s see can i find diamonds down here yo epic

Let’s see you can actually find diamonds or anything down here let’s see hold on hold on where’s that for my best yo i found two sets of diamonds out of them with this shield where is that for my best uh there’s also a mine shaft down here

I don’t know i don’t know how far away it is i found three i pulled like three diamonds four or five diamonds like that come to mind coming to my base go and speak to him and see how far it is from the best and it’s up so much because i

Have no clue why should i tell you where your bases Can you just stop for me please why though i’d be cheating man so there’s one please two three four diamonds there that are visual five diamonds there Jelly hamsters wood jelly hamsters would technically that’s not cheating it’s just helping a man’s out i’ve been demands out of jelly hamsters that could be 17 diamonds with fortune 3. found a mob spawner uh zombie mouse on that’s cool please just tell me fine we’ll mount down into it

So there’s all entrance to it right over here it looks like that was an entrance there’s nothing to it like right next to your base literally what is this here what is what i found my thunder god’s stick punnery hide it underneath the barrel oh well

Yeah well now you just started it to it it’s fine it’s fine it’s the god oh stick just investigation this is a god stick it doesn’t matter just knock back stick it’s fine just the most annoying stick known to man who doesn’t actually kill anyone you’re right

Go to go to where my feet is so go to end and hit the ender dragon with the knockout bat if you totally go on the edge of your farm and just go straight like you’ll see it like if you look watching stream you’ll see well i’ve just found it

Just uh let me get it it’s just a little ambiguous don’t worry nothing to worry about when i say no help now help me god you have to help me no i’m kidding don’t worry about it honestly nothing to be worried about that’s just like oh almost there no cat no lies

So help me god suck my car sorry i can’t do that one jelly hamsters the stream going oh my god help me find the mind that’s the one thing i care about right no i lost my pickaxe jelly hamsters Goods Two more oh yeah the uh like anger thingy not end thing um or the deep dark yeah deep dog yeah you see there was a some diamonds in there there was that helps jelly hamsters i’d gladly suck you [ __ ] other guy who isn’t casual gamer holy what did you [ __ ]

I said horny chat why why what why do you have a horny chat um because i’m a vr chat now it’s just like man you gotta have that time where you just like mine i guess i won’t take darren from the scene just bully i can’t even find the [ __ ] diamonds

I’ll find one diamond three i’m 569 help me god oh i found them jelly hamsters and i thought i was doing better this stream jelly hamsters it’s worse in vr chat oh it’s much worse than the other chat okay [ __ ] i get more views on where when i do the

Vr chat stream so of course it’s worse than beer oh it’s geeky girl so help me god can you come to me actually no you can’t really hit me i got one diamond stuff right now i have like four i have three diamonds you took my nominees actually no

I got to see the place i mapped it out basically you really need diamonds i mean you can just get them from give so i mean i could just do that jelly hamsters ultra instinct some rails melon seeds a piece of bread probably a spider spawner over there so

I’m not going to deal with that found more diamonds like what happened to the guy at the start of the stream that was playing with you he found a boat with a pig in it uh he got off because it was boring he’s bored found more diamonds jesus that’s a creeper

I found one diamond so far seven i’m also in a mine shop right now too of course you’re the [ __ ] manchester and not just a couple good creeper i’m about to die help me dude jelly hamsters a creeper found diamonds but died because he blew up to break the diamond or block

Okay where are you i don’t even know where to go anymore oh my god i can i see where my stuff is from here nope all right bit of a problem i died but don’t worry about it we sent one of the line chapters and stuff jelly hamsters

Chad is god and i won’t help you guy who’s not casual gamer that i know his social security number and password yeah no [ __ ] of mine dumbass there i am again jelly hamsters you sure i mean chad’s pretty pretty lethal diamonds oh good you found the minecraft too did

I find more diamonds i found more diamonds oh i don’t think so probably from different parts of mine then jelly hamsters mr social security number is one two three four five seven and password is 123 ball sack Oh my god so funny to me it just said it’s so funny to me it’s not by the way it’s it’s that way which means i have to go this way and over that way all right i’m here zombie i know what’s gonna alright that’s right this is around

All right from the emerald amethyst geode nice there’s a diamond thanks to the monster by the way yeah there is i think that’s above it i’m trying to find my stuff right now we both did almost the same thing i think we both do like the exact same thing rabbit adventure

Hello how can i join uh if you have discord you can get the koji there unless the realm owner yeah unless the realm owner wants to give it up but all i know i’m not giving anything out to someone that’s named [ __ ] i forgot so much but i know you okay where is

I might have lost my stuff jelly hamsters so let’s try to figure out the meaning of life or ballsack either way you know what i’m going to do i’m going to go into the stream it’s got a different thing that’s what that was we’re going to go nice no cat

We’re gonna pause the stream we’re gonna full screen over here which does that but whatever i lose all my stuff i swear to [ __ ] god i’ll turn on sheets don’t need some more diamonds [ __ ] me oh that’s kind of what i streamed found myself so hard i don’t need you god

So you’re not helping me you know i’ll let me check out that discord ping here just chat all right just the general chat in my discord server all right general chat but someone joining okay if you know where the cords were i can teleport there but that’s what we have to watch jelly

Hamsters my iq is -69 i mean i can give you some line diamonds i mean do you need them i mean i do but i can give you some of them you know what or where is the world where the [ __ ] is this guy the world hasn’t loaded in for me uh

Oh i gotta rejoin the world it has not loaded for me please load the world and why my music stopped you [ __ ] [ __ ] sakes jelly hamsters my doctor says i’m tired again or as he said [ __ ] yeah i wouldn’t doubt that join i should be right right where i died

I just my stuff will my game will load Oh it’s like i might have lost myself can you help me get out of this yeah see if i like to lost my stuff okay now i found myself so we still have some diamonds at least find it i won’t take anything but okay i thought you were a zombie

I found myself are you oh no hero means is here i’m guessing he has client too course and he’s probably going to hike for [ __ ] so i might just spam him oh he might and he might kill me as well so i might just run him i’m at it

Do you make a group post no it might be just him okay oh wolf god what the [ __ ] is wolf guy want okay i don’t know whose hero beans is so i’m just gonna uh kick him oh my bad him oh do we and he has a hat plant so he’s gonna get

Banned but wolf guy um he’s a different story jelly hamsters when dying is gay and you’re straight i’m gonna invite my friend oh my old friend he doesn’t even [ __ ] talk to me so you know old friend yeah let’s just kill myself there like wolf guys a different story

He’s bought himself as well so yeah just the welcome going off well i need help can you try to find them um where are you i’m just getting some health back since i was low i mean i’m like i’m somewhere in the mantra if i just need help

I have diamonds with me and i don’t have an ipad so you’re gonna i’m gonna have to have i was getting an iron pick or two chords uh negative three two five four you get a no no no no no no i’m about to [ __ ] die what’s your chords

What do you think i’m trying to do i’m a stud or creeper Um ignore the first one uh i whispered oh i’m gonna switch here there’s no point of three two five four Negative three two five four that’s my first quad five Oh six two there’s my quarterbacks right now when i’m in the box i’m in a boxer just don’t tell baltimore Zombies and give me another pickaxe and help me get out of this oh i’m gonna join i’m gonna join him real quick i’ll buy you Rubber All right we’re doing this huh so you can invite me We can play this game all day you’re gonna have to put the realm world on a different world Oh You wanted to play okay fine yeah i’ll let you know i’ll leave play just next time all right you should be back in just please next time If you want to play no now stop okay what the [ __ ] yeah it’s him then kill him it’s wolves wait it’s wolves i don’t know what are you shocked wolves because wolves aren’t even in the game yeah but you see chick spawn after he left like james joined the realm it died

So i mean someone placed on the computer if it happens teleport to him or go to spawn that’s it couldn’t yet swam because i put a spawn radius around it so no one can destroy yourself but i’m going to teleport you back here so you can get um

No now i’m just pissed off i’m actually [ __ ] pissed off the only hacker i know is you and wolfie that’s the only [ __ ] hackers i know that are on the server right now it’s wolfie i’m gonna need you to kick him all right i got it

Wait who me or him wolfie no no no y’all so do i get a real invite or what kind of invite do i get he’s never coming back here [ __ ] him uh yeah i’ll send you an invite admin real quick okay oh oh look at that i’m dead again

Hey so it just happened again yeah i don’t know myself i’m creative real quick so i can’t die constantly you see me creative as well because this is just getting annoying yeah i don’t get anything i i [ __ ] swear it’s just getting so [ __ ] annoying

I know i hate people like that when they what did he create a lag machine or what did he do uh he killed everyone command block that does flash yes oh he did so i’m gonna need um i’m gonna need my friend here to go to spawn and break it immediately because

Now it has a take delay don’t mind i’m just going to use yourself here all right um and it hasn’t so right now has a tickler and every time he joins it’ll it’ll take like two three seconds for it to kick him it’s not just phantom and it’s

Not even working anymore so yeah it’s either it can’t be joseph it’s either the other guy okay so when do i get the invite i did you just have to end me oh [ __ ] just add me i’m looking at the image and it’s just the dark cat i know

I didn’t see that a whole lot do you like it oh yeah it’s funny as hell yeah again The command to put you in creative yourself here so you can’t die i almost made a homework guys i almost had a whole working map using commands back um a year ago and i forgot how to use commands and all that [ __ ] so i might already deleted all my worlds i had over

400 now i’m down to 11 worlds yeah i’m thinking of delaying my worlds as well it’s good it’s not like 500 it’s kind of good but bad stay time to keep old world because the got to go also i’ve been to 1930 but my stepmom does not know she didn’t set the time

Back to 9 30 so it ends at 10 to be fact there you go you’ve been invited yeah i didn’t have i had fourteen you had fulton home yeah i was sending survival again oh yep that’s why oh my god joined nobody’s time okay is he a texture package or anything

You don’t have to download texture should i just close the realm well not closed around but like close everyone else like everyone who joins i’m just kidding i’m still loading it don’t do that because we’ll glitch it out yeah just can’t i literally could not be bothered with this [ __ ] come on

Buckets pissing me right off um on i just seen it in i seen a little envelope do show up as soon as says and like joining and all that [ __ ] so maybe i had to accept that real quick first and then join up that’s what happens when i go too close

Over here when i get out of the loading so if i go over here yeah so we’re going to do so don’t don’t go there oh yeah yeah i’ll kick joseph don’t stop don’t take him stop all right give me creative give me creative

But is there is there a ha uh not a hack a thing where you can um there’s a command block somewhere not to turn off command block oh my god it’s outside the radio there’s a command block that i’ve found okay downloads i have to go outside radius where i can build

So i can place on a command block for myself and invite this uh joseph guy hold on i gotta put myself in creative here you suck you’re blaming me for nothing cause i whoa what kind of texture this is this me god i’m just looking around real quick just

Don’t go down the stairs don’t go down the stairs otherwise you will put everyone to survival yeah now though is this hardcore actually this is actually working no oh my god dude Because i have a client myself that’s how oh yeah um i just have to get the command i’m looking for oh shake shift watch this watch the chat watch this which is hard it’s not going to bug it out or anything but watch this i know that glitch text deal

Although if i turn off command blocks we’re gonna have a problem jesus christ trying to Fix this oh god okay yeah you’re right don’t go it’s like [ __ ] what was that one game it’s as soon as you step off spawn it’s just like instantly dead because it’s trying to fix it i think i know the problem getting creative i think i know the problem we can’t

So you can’t get achievements at all right we can get achievements achievements is on the whole reason client oh client i’m stupid sorry jesus sorry yeah it’s decline it’s that’s how we’re doing this that’s how i have to if i turn off the um [ __ ] god there we go now we shouldn’t

Be able to die but so hold on i’m just trying to get everyone something but us because yeah i can’t just leave real quick yeah okay holly told me we gotta leave on nothing in there dude joe we gotta gotta leave bro i fixed it but we can never use command

Blocks again because i turned off command blocks and we need to turn the fan box on using command block yeah so what if we turn on command blocks is it fixed on to do it we need to have treats on to turn on command blocks again that’s the

Thing can’t your height can can’t you clap client turn on i can try uh come on watch dude wait if you have this client going then does that mean we could get free achievements yeah but we’re not doing that damn it okay fine i found two what is that

Um guys i think i’ve got a problem where is it there’s like two mine carts with command blocks of them here teleporting that is the exact problem thank you for finding that you’re welcome it’s over here just teleport to me where are you at i’m near the lake i’m like unlike kind

Of the river dude this looks like lake jb i think wait no like gp is bigger than this no it has anyone who likes those called beehives uh command blocks booty hive yep there we go finally done pretty also i have a secret look at this [ __ ] han

The reason why i have both black shoes the only reason why i have both black shoes and then the black gloves is because of this [ __ ] i like to pull on this stun on them leave him with a the final brain cell did an engine Because command blocks is off yeah he has client on the only thing i can do is local for me i think i found command blocks he said [ __ ] wolf is just spinning like dude can you give us some blocks or do we go get our own blocks first

Okay i’m gonna let wolfe back in if this happens again it’s wolf it can’t happen again come here client the whole reason this happened was client we actually just might have to restart the realm if you want everyone to use like client or teleport each other or anything like that again you know

Yes yeah phonics found two more if you put them around i think you put them all around spa so so do we need to find our own blocks then or are you going to give us free blocks once in a while i’m kind of stuck in creative so i don’t

Know yeah i found two more command blocks final client um go back into the bottle or do you have to get a whole other client for that shirt but it won’t work i can make some mushrooms too also i can try it but i’m pretty sure it

Won’t work due to me i found command blocks huh y’all y’all need to invite wolf guy or something or what do you want to do what do you want me to do i already added back okay i’ve i’ve wolf i’ve added wolf back as a friend

Uh no i’ve invited him to the realm i said can i um um has a hat line he can summon them back i know there’s a headline you can summon [ __ ] even if you’re off there’s nothing new [Applause] find another one what is this [Applause] well there’s no point because we’re

Gonna if you throw on cheese we might as well start the realm then yeah you’re gonna do it i just got in our discord ping at this point whereas we’re gonna start the round because we’re gonna have to turn she is like turning to get stuff back yeah don’t don’t if we

If we reached all around then how do you just give us stuff back like can’t you just give me my stuff because we’ll just be changing the world this is my personal research around the three starts around why don’t you just do proper survival don’t make them reset the realm please

You might just have to only if we want to teleport each other back where we were then yeah but yeah don’t go that way there’s like half a million of them i mean just i’m trying to eat mushrooms i’m trying to get this red mushroom that’s all i’m trying to get if these

[ __ ] kill one blocks [Applause] [ __ ] warden World it’s either someone from a discord apart from you does anyone else have a hat client well the person that was the mackie guy that i had kicked my discord i have discord matt god okay so that mac guy thing piece of [ __ ] yeah is that one guy that joined yeah

So what it was the pancake guy that did it which i’m kind of wondering if the pancake pancake yeah it’s pancake which i don’t know so yeah just going to find these his name was on xbox or his pancakes something i don’t know what yeah so i’m wondering can i join or

Uh no i’m just i’m it’s still coming in it’s still uploading i’m gonna add some resource facts really okay what does this wolf like [ __ ] would want you know what i am done with yeah you have done nothing you lift me for uh i just took them out of your oh my god

All right uh i’m gonna add in the packs uh hold on let’s just tax thomas all right i’m gonna join it really quickly and see if it’s come back Oh i did not mean to punch Sorry guys i’m doing my um streaming Oh guys i’ll be i’m gonna be right back so pretty weird ignore what i’m saying to him just being a [ __ ] [ __ ] give me team by the way if you want i just [ __ ] oh but i don’t want anything to do with [ __ ] this guy he’s pissing me right off and he’s lost

My trust and he expects me to just be nice to him like friendly to him i don’t get how he expects me to do that when he broke my trust [ __ ] done with them by the way it’s on peaceful for a little bit all right what do you mean

What do you mean i’m in the music right we’re not even in creative [ __ ] resort literally like admin amazing eyes look all right literally flies on when i’m not using it for now what the [ __ ] does this man mean what i’m abusing for [ __ ] for having abusing it the only thing we’d admit

Keep peeing me and kicking me and killing me i will beat the [ __ ] i’m about to be the [ __ ] out of them okay um all right the village has been searched oh yeah let’s go i got some carrots i got potatoes perfect you want to go and create up and get some iron

And 25 diamonds that’s what i had because we reset the realm idiot literally you can look for credit for anything by the way just if if these hacks coming creative out immediately all right just hacks on notify me and yeah but if i’m off well i’m already i’m fine

I’m just going to deal with myself put me on creative because i don’t want to lose all my [ __ ] you know yeah i lost my admin as well i’ve lost my admin stick yeah no it’s whatever so yeah you can get any going grave to help the base i don’t really care

Away from me good oh these are the other oh one of my old realms he was a um owner who who had a hacked client he can do whatever he wanted um i was i was i was his best friend um and [ __ ] we kid for each other and all that [ __ ]

Right yeah um so i was giving myself um a book a booking quill to write down on something and then my emp but then he said [ __ ] you shapeshift you’re a piece of [ __ ] i did nothing by the way like [ __ ] you shape shift your piece of

[ __ ] blah blah blah i’m like what the [ __ ] and it’s like lead inventory get given two billion like not two billion but you know it’s like two million two hundred thousand um your problem flash and it done clearing and giving it to me and while while he was doing that um he

Destroyed my base like he put tnt everywhere and blew it up here i’ll get this one yeah i got a dog come on you get a first one yeah you got your best friend i’m set up i’m said i’m on set him did you stop for me oh

Man no sex i don’t think bones bones yeah human sticks human anal sticks what anal sticks What are you gonna use these flowers for flags and stuff oh yeah well i have one of those he’s like what do you mean i i didn’t forget about you blah blah blah i was busy doing [ __ ] but busy playing with your [ __ ] friends ignoring me entirely like the past year remember

That’s what um that’s about uh not you but um about [ __ ] wolf guy i mean i don’t really that’s exactly what he did yeah that’s what uh wolf guy did to me left me for a [ __ ] year i’m quote unquote busy oh whoops sorry man i actually don’t hate a dog i’m gonna

Feed it real quick accidentally i’m surprised he’s not attacking you i know he’s flying now i can barely catch up you have i think you have speed nope i’m trying to heal your dog yeah he had i hated the dog to max yeah but still i don’t even think that that’s possible

To happen it is oh well i have no clue probably mine oh whoever breathed him i think it would be whoever oh outpost i’ll post someone’s feeling confident somebody’s feeling [ __ ] confident to go fight it and i didn’t i just [ __ ] you too i said someone is not your dog’s flying again

The dog’s flying again the dog just flies randomly it’s [ __ ] hilarious nah he becomes jesus you want to see you smile no no not really you want to see your flight you’re flying helps me unless your flying helps me to get to the pillager you can’t get to it now that’s just me

That’s just me there’s literally nothing here to go horn that’s it oh what’s it sound like That i’m trying to right now i’m just trying to get the hay from those from the [ __ ] little pumpkin things Oh that’s kind of cool i know right all right where we going yo so can you get out of let me get out of flying please yeah unless you can give me flying please get out of it yeah i can’t unfortunately yeah there you go here’s your answer oh you can’t stop mine

All right breaker the fish see what happens we’ll totally get it huh i said break with your fist you’ll totally get it um okay wait i like my helmet yeah it looks pretty cool we put protection like 32 thousand on there [ __ ] that’d be overpowered i could

Hold on i won’t do it that much but she’s like 69.69 yo okay give us a look huh oh you want one give me a look yeah i want one 69 69 helmet baby two o’clock it looks like we’re just wearing pumpkin heads but they can’t hit us at all

They won’t be able to hit us i’m pretty sure we still take damage i got another discord ping oh yeah i don’t take damage that’s protection 69 bro i don’t know stream again did you stop streaming no shrink oh no still spinning it is why is your [ __ ] discord ping

Hello because i like i just got here a sound i might have it muted because what i’m not putting everything is fine other than the variation a little high my barrier is a little high but that’s fine you don’t like the sound of it here i’ll

Change it for you but i’ll change it to a better one i change it to a better one all right i didn’t say i hated it i was just curious how you do it oh you need to have it’s it’s plugins and stuff it’s the better discord thing you can get okay

Can you log back in please knock knock who’s there yeah hold on there uh hello you should do that one the [ __ ] should i do this one knock knock who’s there not that yeah should i do this should i do this uh uh hello yeah where is this one

All right there was another guitar i could do custom ones too but you know dude i like my penis big say that one Shut up this is my message Wrong one Got that sucking on my because i’ve been dick you guys are dead i’m gonna [ __ ] your mom like a [ __ ] all right let’s join mr fry where’s my dogs i don’t know there is that my skin brother yeah i like yours it’s unique yes it’s custom i’m not particularly a

Fan of furries but you know and don’t watch any of my vr chat live streams wait what a lot of horny i guess oh no no usually usually not sometimes mostly time not wait what’s the plan are we going to ten thousand ten thousand or

What uh i run until i like i find a spot i like right okay i guess we’ll just do that as well well they’ll probably end up stop streaming here since uh you know boyfriend got on real quick okay bye oh yeah i’m scared imagine playing on default settings facts

For my w my movement is t by talking is um tab my like instead of w a s d it’s t f g h that’s my moving oh so i have it on invert i wasn’t talking about those settings but all right oh i can switch them back

I wasn’t talking about those settings oh oh i mean irl sittings you’re playing on straight mode it’s default settings uh oh imagine playing on story mode my default settings i know right i like the spruce mixed with the um cereal right here yeah i kind of like this area

This is just normal force i know but it’s right it’s merged with a um uh spurs merchant spruce doesn’t look good hot those aren’t all those those i know people are like uh girl should wear pink only i’ve seen it oh he’s missing a horn how does that guy have one horn

This means he hits something and lost his horn you have to get him [ __ ] emerald this one only has one horn too but what if they’ve been here now they spawn like that they can smell without a horn oh i can i’ll freak me out for a bit

But i didn’t freak me out but it got me nervous i don’t know what he has you just hear that oh i see dogs you know i’m probably gonna log off for now since what this was probably gonna log off here a little bit once we kind of find

Location you might look off yeah i probably will here because i’m just kind of tired can you give me something like items so i can build the base of that huh i said why would i do that i’d be cheating i mean you gave me bones and you gave me this um

Protection 69 helmet yeah the bones are just for a dog you can’t build with those i know but still this is extremely useless not really i mean you can use it yourself although our dogs are kind of gone they seem to have died or somewhere something like that um

I don’t actually want all that you just going creative and help because it’d be pointless to go on creative and appear survival not really pure survival if someone has hacks i can easily go into that okay seriously the stupid helmet i’m probably gonna delete myself because i have no need for anybody

Let’s play the [ __ ] did you go okay well um please do not log off because i want to chill with you maybe on different realms but you know all worlds or games two captains we could have kids turquoise master wanna know the name of the black panther of the sped avengers is this

Someone that i joined uh on twitter you’ll stream something here it shouldn’t be if it is it’s something on are you on are you on twitch is the question yes that’s your problem because the bit rate’s a bit high and twitch doesn’t like that that’s if they can hear but i don’t know

If they yeah okay all right but yeah get some supplies i got a bid and you can see your respawn on i have a couple of turquoise master the name is turquoise master nigerian oh slayer this i’ve heard yeah i forgot some tools for us um oh stop perform oh i’m not sure

I have to change my beard let me get some tools i’ll have to do that i’m gonna get some i’m gonna go um actually no i’m gonna build a small house real quick i’m gonna make the farm down here turquoise master members of the sped avengers are right yeah i did

There we go i’m gonna get your bid really quick all right all right i’ve got enough for your bed your beds in the house i’ll take the blue one i’ll just take the blue ones i’ll take blue all right you take blue then um i’m trying to find a squid

I can get it turquoise master captain sped the sulk meme man tachyon dr sped nigerian slayer silver fang and others that will show up later are a part of the sped avengers i have no clue what the [ __ ] you just said i’m gonna be a hundred percent honest with you

Hmm i wanna check youtube click and see if it’s saying that those are you being somehow first of a dull monitor set up you don’t have to unfully screen your game i forgot the the skittle the sleepy skittle 48 turquoise master yes i can hear turquoise master also i forgot to mention one

So yeah it’s just twitch because the bay rate’s too high turquoise master blind die is also a part of the sped avengers should i keep the petition section on uh pumpkin if you want i don’t really care there we go I’ll put it on normal it is playing with death right now just like hopping over a ravine like so i’m fine don’t worry i’m good oh these are scouting our best well there’s a couple actually okay i’m not gonna spend myself invincible like mine straight up oh they

Might need money my freebie back yeah i don’t do that yeah yeah the average viewer duration oh it’s like 320 which if only it was one minute more average review duration three minutes and 20 seconds if only was one more month oh my pickaxe broke i’m getting a crafting table

I got it i got some i got some stuff on me don’t worry yeah i’m gonna i have a crafting table on there i already have one on me uh what do you want me to i have one i already crafted a pickaxe again what do you want uh mine

There are some enemies outside i’m not really confessed but i got some bread on me so it’s fine there you go there we go i’ll give you some bread to eat if you don’t i have some carrots on me i’m fine i don’t eat those because we need them for farming i know

I’m 48 so yeah fair point run into the beds sleep oh he’s not asleep can we kill this what oh it’s all gonna work i’m [ __ ] i’m [ __ ] i’m [ __ ] i’m [ __ ] i’m [ __ ] i’m [ __ ] i’m [ __ ] i’m actually so [ __ ] i am so [ __ ]

Right now i am 100 [ __ ] to sleep you have your you have a response yo Oh All right let’s finish the house let’s uh finish the house all right i need to go get more wood though we’re getting quite a bit of wood because we need logs and stuff for the house for a treasure that’s not a simple house we’re gonna it’s gonna stay here forever it’s it’s

It’s the first house we ever built i know we’ll probably move from it by the way oh yeah that’s likely yeah i might not i kinda like siri it’s nice and open you can see everywhere i’ll probably end up moving underground i’m making a little farm right now

Making running straight down above a ravine that’s a great you want diamond yeah i’m fine i’m i’m like i’m not you’re [ __ ] i’m not going but on cocaine your crack dream your drug dream dream on drugs i mean the bread bottle okay so we um i have some hair but we should

Of them like right next to each other oh nice i’m gonna quickly get some cool stones so i can make some stencils and a fireworks I’m on this one i hope i have enough three three six another eight two three four five six even and check that out oh next tool you don’t think about the house or you did it the wrong way you put the beds in the wrong orientation honey man

I was gonna have a door facing towards the water there oh towards here yeah i could i can move the beds it’s fine i’ll move the beds i’ll move the bed i have it here uh door yeah the door is gonna be right here okay and i’ll keep um put the beds here

Your spawn point in case you die also i’m gonna have to die because oh why are you pillaring up with that oh pow now we have two crafting tables i’ll throw this one away we’re either going to make an underground base here or i’ll probably just end up moving on the

Ground in general because i’m an underground kind of guy so i like to live in a deep yeah so we could make this like a decoy base yeah no i think this was the main base but it’s just gonna be kind of staying here because you know

Who really first base ever made on the server why is it gonna lag oh yeah like i couldn’t i was trying to tower up like look go outside the front door there oh no i’m getting you some stone stuff i already have stone i just gotta

Make new stone axe which i got now again what the [ __ ] i already have start yeah you got one i should see that i did you well now we just need to start online we can’t start here because this is just cobblestone so i say we start mine

Oh we can make like a little shack and dig straight down good looks like it looks like a villager house i’m gonna be honest with you it does it’s fine i’ll just make the i’ll just make it here my keyboard turned off that’s weird it’s probably like a little bit um off um

Plug i would like the no can you place it no it’s not really fine it’s not charging right now it’s not it’s not a bad idea to check oh i found her a vein oh okay yeah the ravine i fell in front of you no

It could be connected but i i was gonna say is it like connectivity sure it’s not yeah we’re charging i would have i have no clue the way i know if my keyboard set is the led is something like if you have the keyboard the leds will like start freaking out

Because i don’t got enough power to power them it gets down to like where the battery is gonna start where it starts cut off it gets down to the cut off oh i usually notice that before that has a lot leds coming out to the mine

Hold on over back let me get something to drink which is gonna be cheesy trying to get the cold so i’m back i decided to get some oh the sun’s going down it’s almost nighttime right all right sunset i couldn’t get a picture of it

Anyone which what i mean by anyone is us who cares about anyone else right facts yeah mom’s responding i’ll quickly help him and we won’t all right i’m gonna get some sand so you can get some glass panes yeah or whatever windows you want rice paints preferably

You look better yeah glass paint stuff glass panes is just good for a star house here we go Hmm nice creeper outside the house that’s good to know eras yeah there is creeper out there that’s fine i’m gonna get some uh circle all right all just gonna put some sand in there yeah i kind of figured that out charcoal first i’m gonna head to the mine really quick

All right i’ll get some if you want to come morning with me um i’ll weigh them what’s up everybody i said watch out there bud oh i’ve killed it so i have 20 coal by the way all right once you take that meat out i’ll put it all right

Well do you have uh there you go i put the word back in the chest Oh i got some water out of the fridge because we have a little thing in the fridge at cold water there you are glass panes it’s coming along the house is coming along pretty nicely yeah all right let’s come running home my Um okay i didn’t finish this but um well just jump into the water over here i can’t i wouldn’t be able to make it i might have to break those i made it if mine i could dude i broke the two top pieces because i knew you’d make it

All right that’s a mine right here what a few actually yeah i’m gonna hello zombie just gonna get this on if you see any call that you can grab just grab it i’m not too hot by the way how do you have any food on you yeah i

Got two i got some uh here i’ll give you a i’ll give you a thing just give me one it’s fun that’s what he’s gonna do wait listen all right you grab that someone call up here i can grab they’ll split them in half so some can go to the furnaces

And something goes for some torches by the way the trick with our hunger don’t move like whatsoever yeah no then your bars are good yeah you have a lower chance you have a lower chance of uh if you’re eating rotten flesh you have lower chance of getting harder if you don’t move

Uh yeah okay nothing’s up here you’re already on a third channel about 20. you get that i’ll go over here somebody’s annoying because i’m a melee rocket [ __ ] your mother i found probably want to make my new base it did yeah oh yeah i would love to live though

That’s a pretty smart idea that’s my spot now you’re a mini wood cooled oh one time you don’t swear or it says skeleton chasing us here i do not have a pickaxe so um that’s fine should we give ourselves give ourselves a starter kit no um useless

How much cold cold do you have for the uh furnaces i’ll use this now i got a stuck in 16 um i’ll just put some around here um um things um all right i’m gonna be smart with this i’m gonna use three iron to get water bucket so i can get an infinite

Water source then we can start a farm if the remaining iron will save what wolf guys doing right now who knows what if he’s hacking just getting [ __ ] off uh [ __ ] hacks if he is we can just take him is yeah with your clients can you um search people’s inventory no i can’t

That’s an awfully large amount of zombies where are you right now in a cave oh that’s baby zombie oh you’re in the mine no i’m in a different one i’m in yellow ravine oh okay yeah there’s a lot of fun as much as you can okay i might come down a second

Be careful though so i didn’t make like a way down anything i don’t know i figured i’ll burn these zombies i won’t burn you oh [ __ ] man run me oh me go go go go go go go go go go okay uh can you try and get back up and hit the bid

Yes plan perfect uh i had to get more coal or not on here okay i’m gonna quickly get some more water [ __ ] i always talk like this when i pissed off You’ve got you’re not you’re not you don’t like [ __ ] you’re not my friend or anything well you are my friend but you know yes this along you know that i do this all the time like i [ __ ] scream i’m all scream but you know yeah i just turned to people

Act like a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] no i’m not this is just how i act and it’s [ __ ] nervous stupid [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] all right i got an infinite water sauce water great warming day I guess while i’m doing this i’ll just oh creeper i’m just powering up there’s a creeper randomly sitting in once a random spot this man didn’t blow up or nothing but almost he almost did he was close to blowing up [ __ ] me skeleton of course no get out of your skeleton

Of course the skeleton asleep oh no i’m coming back up we’ll get your stuff in a second yeah i fell in love though because i got hit i was from fall damage not from where i was the skeleton shopping oh in my bed uh well yeah that’s probably the most

Important thing oh i don’t know oh i got everything i need back i literally got everything pack i had i’m dying what do you think of course the lag not and i’m out do you have any little potatoes well probably don’t oh they should be in the chest if i do

How many did you have quite a few why not too many but you have seven i think so like four or five actually i think you’re not in the church oh did you plant them i think so yeah yeah you did Oh thank you have to reserve your spawn point that you know you won’t because i slept off oh wrong thing make sure to bring some wood down wheat can you give me eight oh no chicken seeds even alright seeds oh we can go get some yeah spell bombs company All right discord message that someone joined the server someone joined yeah or joining server design my district server that’s what that was oh so when it so my discord server is in my like in the description of my screen what’s up click and join it i mean all right i have one seed

Chickens chicken chicken just dislikes seeds now i guess so you guys are going to get into this [ __ ] hole you’ll be executed pretty simple pretty easy this will be a farm for the next couple of uh days here yep what is he a client user is he a client user yeah he is

How hold on i gotta kick him in a funny way because he’s got a funky use your name he did the dude he just spat him that was wolf guy by the way yeah it’s not a wolf guy it’s not wolf guy it’s not wolfgang i was trying to kick runner or abandon

Whatever and it didn’t let me get a funky username um i’m gonna invite wolfgang we didn’t what the hell yeah the runner dude uh yeah um but we didn’t ban you okay by the way it was probably it was much like it just i was fishing in my uh my little

House yeah we saw we saw the message the discord and then they can just join their own yeah and tyler joined the realm i don’t think was the person because they always do it was a different person it’s the same dude from that one dude that had done it he’s got bot accounts

Nice like double jump there for a second somehow oh and probably yeah you’re probably right i have my house hidden inside the mountains i can get rid of this [ __ ] he’s probably just device moving honestly he’s probably not even using vodka just using different his name as a device moving in probably

Oh this device the other stupid idea or another stupid idea he’s joe he’s jailbreaking his account which i doubt he is like a hard doubt no he usually could be oh did you eat the meat that was in the furnace let’s get more iron right now good morning usa

I got a feeling that it’s gonna be a wonderful day the sun is shining hold on i got one cow in there i’m gonna quickly get some hay so i can hit it in a hole good morning usa i got a feeling that it’s going to be a

Wonderful day the sun is shining and a beautiful way why am i not getting any fish uh a monkey maybe if is this it like is it a stable water or is it like flowing there’s one stable water and then there’s like flowing water around it oh that’s why

Any flowing water the fish no lanky Because apparently zombie two hit me in a second it lagged on me i’ll scroll my snow golems i should certainly place the water in the wrong spot and it died look we still have one i tried jumping onto a single pillar i made you have a bucket by chance i can

Just use actually i have six irons uh yeah they should be a bucket in the chest we have seven iron in total i guess all right cool i just tried like jumping on like a peg and then but missed it good morning usa i got a feeling that it’s gonna be a

Beautiful day the sun is shining dude i must miss that jump and it’s a one block jump difficult to jump holy [ __ ] i was like bro you gotta be [ __ ] serious oh great the zombies got my axe and stuff how really zombie all right i’ll come i’ll come i got it To eat i got his inside stay that does not sound that does not sound uh [ __ ] illegal or something like that it does not sound like a [ __ ] that definitely does not sound like a [ __ ] mur what a murderer i’ll say that’s the point but you’re a murderer no boom boom boom

That’s a skeleton maybe i’m not good that’s another zombie code red code red i’m [ __ ] nah fine skeleton kills you i just got the skeleton to shoot the zombie to go after each other now there’s two skeletons going after the zombie there’s two zombies your dog [ __ ] that’s bad that’s how i died

Definitely and it’s not because i’m a [ __ ] gamer i have liked a couple times that’s like how i died the last time i got double kicked my zombie like one two three there but i got the lightning that’s great To eat that’s definitely healthy it is extremely totally notification or just committed similar to my notification sounds more zombies i will eat you i will [ __ ] you i mean what i mean there’s one person i’ll do that too but you know don’t talk about that that’s you but we don’t talk about that Gives them a second to think wait a second don’t mind me skeleton just gonna oh i’m sorry am i the only one i saw that the skeleton shot over i was crouched right with the yeah i think you are because i’m not my [ __ ] name you know why have a freaking

Snowball problem right nope i forgot about the heart first both you done okay i hate those [ __ ] things a heart i’m sorry i landed in the water this water i know i saw that sometimes it’s kind of it’s kind of stupid it actually does that sometimes it’s

Stupid as [ __ ] i took more damage what what i really dropped like less than two blocks it’s like time to take damage literally time for you to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] time for you to look like a [ __ ] all right cool can you i lost my tools sir

Can i blocks um and i can’t blocks i have nothing can you show me a singular block all it will take one block that’s all i need one block one yes if you can throw that across the lobby the lava then yes that’s what i need maybe um

Just place it on the lava or next to the water here so thank you no you need something greedy okay i need something other than gravel preferably but because this isn’t working okay so sand yeah no no no I had to kill myself so i can get you a [ __ ] baltic stupid ass piece of [ __ ] i have like a lot of iron what the [ __ ] foreign i have no food all right we’re going to take the wheat and turn it we’re going to take the yeah we’re going to take the

Wheat and turkey you said it after i crafted like 18 wheat well i have stuff now so congratulations yeah i have your iron tools are you sure those are mine um do you think i had [ __ ] iron tools i made a [ __ ] bucket yeah [ __ ] uh shield by the way

Oh i will i’ll have a hell of fun oh oh oh oh oh oh oh though what kind of sorcery is this right i’m so sure oh that didn’t work dude this zombie oh no i’m trying to get my sword man i didn’t Yeah i got him all right let’s drop down here get my sword get my swords behind that zombie there they’re focused on me i don’t give a [ __ ] all right fine i’ll go get it myself you killed me you’re behind something i figured you had enough health

Yeah you set up a creeper you dumbass you’re behind something that’s the point does it say that so you totally be [ __ ] [ __ ] die no because you’re freaking the point is to die here you [ __ ] [ __ ] you were behind them like thing i was in a [ __ ] place but nothing he

Gave me you set up a [ __ ] creeper and blew it up killing me you [ __ ] [ __ ] i have not didn’t think you’re gonna kill it by imagining you have even more your [ __ ] most that’s yours yeah it’s just the sword and shield that’s mine but most of that’s yours though so i’m

Gonna take the sword and shield dick i’ve been trying to get my stuff back dude uh you’re three people and then you and you started whining about it i wasn’t whining about it i was just like i gotta get more stuff and bring down to get more stuff back

You were dying over and over again yeah because there’s like three different mobs you’re like oh my god Yes you are well you were you really i have your stuff you [ __ ] idiot i have everything i guess i got that i don’t care That’s funny that’s funny yeah he is are you for fun [ __ ] intentionally trying to oh look who sword and shield i found and look who’s axe in a singular iron ingot i found along with his leather chestplate come on i don’t care i have your imax and your shield

[ __ ] all right i was going to spit in that stone axe i can just go get more iron order i’m down here i can just go get more iron it’s not a big deal all right thank you for stopping thanks for the free stuff all right whatever that was appreciated

That was appreciated then hmm i see no other way out thought i’d get out of here so because i have nowhere near near a block so i’m just gonna well then you just lost some stuff and just some stuff i’m trying my iron axe is still in here

Oh iron axle i still have bronx the stone axe i mean i have your axe okay and it’s not your name it’s gonna set i mean you can just get all this [ __ ] from [ __ ] cheats yeah i usually could just get like 32k everything i want oh yeah i’m not good though

You should get something if you can do that i’m going to do it there’s no reason to at point prove it dumbass like there’s no reason complaining about me losing oh i kind of like like 14 iron it’s not a bigger deal i really don’t care i got the iron back dumbass

I can’t maybe you can it’s a [ __ ] word yeah the pressure espresso what you don’t get it do you no i don’t actually i really don’t i have no clue do you know what i do do you know why you call someone a depressor espresso

Oh the person or expresso no i don’t i have no [ __ ] clue what you mean because they’re depressed especially plus i also have six hours left so it’s my boyfriend so now we have more special less pressure more more expressive less depressive i’m gonna take my six iron back thank you

I’m still depressed but i’m really fresh man i now have iron axe i mean now i have iron pick action iron sword amigo mine now have fun jumps into the ring and dies instantly should i do it just instead of expresso oh no no expresso doesn’t sound too bad right now

Huh i think espresso doesn’t sound too bad right now magic there’s copper tools imagine how weak they’d be weaker than gold oh it’s not actually that wig it can’t be strong yeah it does it bends pretty easily oh yeah there’s a lot of stuff down here that you missed

Well you get uh okay truths it’s just truths truths i meant half a heart i’ll be a [ __ ] and being a dick okay let’s just not be addicted to each other should i run into the darkness where i see mobs when i’m at half a heart yeah man go for it

Yeah i have no food oh yeah three yeah time to go up five oh let’s see how quickly you die no it takes for you to die no we ain’t playing that game i’m never hilarious i have like 41 logs on me so i’m not dying

If the game lags i’m gonna die right now but uh where whoa what are your coordinates remember the last one are you gonna move him now huh i see you can move him with him now no i just want to see how close he is to us

Because i kind of want him to stay with us oh i know how far you guys are one taps it in the overworld he says the one that wants to use cheese to get pulled out right i just want the achievement you [ __ ] [ __ ] then do it legit come on

I’ve already got the achievement multiple times easily i could have easily gotten the multiple times hey look i haven’t died yet walks up to a pig dies to a pig you have to be on pc to use them okay and i have a pc car surprise okay nah because what’s the point getting

What’s why just do it Oh i can’t be bothered to do them fake there you go you can have 24 rockhopper i don’t know what what raw copper i don’t like cooper it’s did someone say Not too much we don’t need to get copyrighted i’m just housed out of copper it just gets slapped seconds the copper into rock copper to be used for more raw copper i must make copper tools because we need more copper i don’t trust potatoes anymore and why look fully grown to me

I don’t know when you’ve been grown i should make i should okay so i want to make my texture pack i want to take my texture packer right remake it and then have it with the classic like all the textures and stuff be the classic like you know the original minecraft extra pack

But here’s the catch make diamonds and nicole and cole and the diamonds bruh what you can do is make it so all diamonds are still dying but coal is diamonds so just make the coal look like diamonds by replacing the cold png with diamond png you know actually funny is making every

Look like diamonds i could do that easily easy easy god this man i gotta [ __ ] with people 24 7. mind a bunch of cool blocks place them in near yeah my base is simple it’s three layers but it’s a three by three base we got the beds storage and then farm ah

Let me get off ah Mr blockboy ip um ah now i think my stream is kind of dead not gonna lie ah okay uh yo realm i just gained access to another realm let’s go hello this ain’t no survival around what is this You guys don’t know oh i i had are you guys on oh they’re doing laughter wolf rafa elber 93-58 what what are you on then uh one of my other friends i joined the realm it was some sort of supposedly survival room but i ain’t no survival

I mean if you can beat the game and have every achievement thing do you really need achievements for new achievements that come out am i wrong no it wasn’t a right or wrong question fair point it’s personal preference and i like to achieve i like to build our own achievements because

I really don’t have them all like we go to my achievements didn’t you just say you did no i said i have a lot of them i have over half of them yeah like just over here i have a lot of them almost done like pilgrimage which i have

Which on pc here i have it locked but um i have pilgrimage on i’ll have to work them on um because like they’re when you go to like pc to pc and um xbox it’ll show you different ones oh yeah it’s a quick way to level up

Your uh get your uh gold up on xbox so you play the same game on um on pc as on xbox and you can load up your gold for minecraft at least because it doesn’t save your achievements over yeah i don’t know if i should um have you on my realm

Because if you have hacks and you don’t even help the owner out well not with like unpowered [ __ ] oh i fell in the hole a piece of iron it’s a torch we’re surrounded by trees i know i’m in different realms in different realms i can but like

If you’re pure survival i probably won’t they have cheats on the you will just give me [ __ ] maniacs there’s no point then there’s no point trying to play pure survival if they have cheats on sure i like all the color matching on my pc

I mean i want to have cheats on my realm because then i’d feel safe but also i want to like make sure hunter he killer intro why is my cursor in like when i look at my tv the chris is white but i look at my monitor it’s not

It’s just black or gray weird whatever but if it looks like that on the stream too i look at my tv i see white cursor i look at my along the way it still isn’t capturing my is not capturing hunter he killer how are you doing today yelling

What are you trying to do no wrong thing okay this will scream right now welcome back it was kind of weird that it wasn’t capturing my curse it’s not capturing my cursor what isn’t uh the game it’s not or not the game yeah my stream that’s fine though i turned

Uh capture cursor on but it’s fine whenever why is my minecraft night in there the [ __ ] i don’t know i was probably gonna get off though since you know just kind of tired and bored for a day i’ll dump out my m3 though quite literally dump up my inventory

You might as well just give me some stuff because i probably yeah like good armor as well i’m not even sure if i’m gonna play with my realm anymore it’s been just been hacked and hacked so you might as well give me like four minutes And [ __ ] i’m not gonna give you full measurements because we got hacked a couple times it’s stupid idea no i don’t i don’t mean because of that i mean just because i probably would never play it again well then you would have mine [ __ ] well you’d have no reason to play it

Again if you didn’t if you already you know i have i know my friend my friend off gage he um he’s a realm owner right he did keep a lot of his admins on right and guess what happened once they got that they didn’t get on ever again

Because they had items that they didn’t need that literally they just they had no need to play the game then what does that have to do with making um armor that i probably wouldn’t even use uh the fact that it won’t make you want to play the game it’ll do the opposite

It will make you not want to well it’s not going to be just do it just do what you want to the base do everything you want to the base and creative and survival water and kiln yeah let’s be survival i’ll probably drop that oh well

I’m just going to use survival i’m not going to use creative because all i want to do is have cheats on my realm so i can just go on creative and [ __ ] around when it comes to you um people who have achievements it gets annoying sometimes like you grind for treatments

It gets annoying free thoughts oh that’s the point of pure survival so you can have achievements you can have fun with your friends you can basically play survival and make memories not just mess around and afraid of i mean some memories and cradles i have i have better ones than survival

Though that’s how it comes down to is i i find that i make better uh memories that’s yeah that’s you yeah i know it’s personal i can’t really do survival anymore i can’t even do survival it’s annoying not because you you and other people just in general

I’ve never been able to do survival ever pure survival seems like a skill issue i was i’ve always eventually broken and i always eventually broke and put on cheats and get all my okay without [ __ ] and then leave the world permanently not not like delete it just leave it and

Never play it again So yeah there you go all right whatever yeah i’ve never actually played pure survival apart from the round the two rounds you want to go hacked and the one that i have now those the only two that i’ve gotten so far in without turning on cheats

And you know i don’t want to not turn on sheets i could load up my xbox world that literally i’ve lost so much in like so much more than you could probably compensate a lot of my friends have lost more and they can comprehend in there too and that’s still pure survival mostly

Because it’s whatever you lose stuff that’s what happens yeah i was not taught that way and uh the only way i know how to play well and it wasn’t because of me i love i love i used to love playing survival right but my friends keep um cheating in their worlds and

[ __ ] i’m like well if you’re gonna do this give me some of that um like give me creative and sure and every single world or realm they make i’d always get uh creative and that just how it went for me all the time name i did it by myself

Over and over again forgot even how i didn’t forget how to play survival but it just pissed me off and i died i don’t know why i just did ever since look i am trying to go back into the survival worlds does need something to deal with

Yeah that’s why i kind of that’s why i like i want to find a realm that i can just invite people to because then if you have more people it’s always funnier because you have stuff to do people but you have my room to do that with yeah that’s what i’m

Saying is you have people to do it with you have people to play with it’s not just yourself and just your friends that always use creative then i was just playing by yourself it is annoying it is hard and it gets boring quick because then it brings you to a drive

The oh who’s who’s able to do this before the other person or who can get all achievements or get this achievement or who can do this or that or whatever before that person or the drive to see you can build a better base or get the most amount of

Items or multiply a certain item xlharsh yt i join your smp okay if you if you want then discord but yeah as you’re saying yeah it usually just comes down to you don’t have no one to play it with you don’t have anyone to play survival with

And then i break in and pretty much the world that i have had cheats off and [ __ ] um i’ll show you my friend right yeah department he’d been playing stuff we thought um this is by the way other account we got neither right i mean not no neither it wasn’t a thing

Diamond armor we live and he i don’t think what happened i think what happened was he blocked me yeah never took me since you don’t know how much your diamond are i do you don’t even know how much iron diamond netherright like full sets like god armor i’ve lost

In like a single like realms alone like engage because we’re on round five which will be probably starting which i might i’ll probably stream on there too um i’ve had on realm four i had like i lost like 15 sets of diamond armor like 10 netherite

And i don’t even know how many other sets of iron armor because i had a bun we had an abundance of iron since we had iron farms and this wasn’t like just cheap like just normal diamond armor this was like god to your stuff it’s

Like it takes you an hour to get for just each plate each each set of each part of armor like just blade helmet all that stuff it takes a while see how they get all the enchantments gotta get all the stuff gotta get like this is stuff that like if you get hit

With like the god sword it’ll do like two hearts of damage to you and the normal sword was like nothing on a first hit and most of that stuff was lost just for me falling in love on another because we had an unsafe another highway

And i had a couple of my own i built too but it happens i mean i just want to get the achievement i think diamonds personally it’s a very hard thing to do but by myself by yourself it is hard to do but i mean all i have is myself to do it

And i usually like xbox 2 xbox one but this is i was just saying i was not on xbox when i didn’t have any keyboard mouse made it harder although i’m probably going to get off though it’s probably the same that’s what i would say but i don’t know

It is going to take a break from nibbity i’m on you i don’t everything i have in the chest i put everything i have i need one more iron well um you can keep all that [ __ ] yeah i’m not gonna be using it anytime soon because i’m gonna go get diamonds or not

Diamonds but you know get some get some stuff i died by the way and that’s why i’m very [ __ ] pissed off yeah sorry it’s all right hey yeah it’s a whole different [ __ ] story i mean you haven’t started ah yeah i kind of yeah i don’t really care it’s just it

Was like 14 iron literally it was more than 14. yeah whatever it’s just some iron aaron’s easy to get a little bit ago i don’t even know in the next stream but whatever i make this into our world and you at like a world with cheats enabled this

Realm it won’t be on the actual realm but yeah all right i don’t really need cheats enabled if yeah and just give me armor so i can get the achievement at least that’s the achievement if you have tree town you’re not gonna get the achievement i know that’s why i’m that’s why i

Describe the idea of sheets just give me fullness i can but it’s not really worth it i mean it’s more rewarding to get it yourself it’s kind of how it is kind of why i don’t want to give it give stuff out for achievements because it’s more worrying do it yourself to

Or work with it’s literally just one achievement it’s one achievement you can’t do that i can as if it will give you achievement i don’t know if it will if it’s hacked i’ll have to give you like another right well i haven’t gotten it before i probably won’t but it’s with the shot

If i just give you another right checkpoint himself it won’t because it’s not really actually never at chess playing stuff just think it’s just the game thinks it is but it won’t actually detect it in the achievement thing so to give you another eight block or

Something like that a couple of them and just an iron block that should give you most of the way i gave you a dial block too there are a couple well um you’re gonna get off nowish yeah well we can know when you’re back on because i’m probably gonna be on here

For a bit because i’m trying to get um thing some iron

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Stream FireSMP’, was uploaded by Casual Gamer on 2022-09-07 05:01:37. It has garnered 49 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:53:07 or 17587 seconds.

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Minecraft live stream, Just chilling and playing VRC. EAC sucks balls. Join the discord to get The realm code Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRBp0Fe2Gpgn_jCG8OcvE7FZyzC6vPz1M&feature=share Discord:https://discord.gg/NbMyfmMFFM Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/casualgamer6403 Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@casual_gamer_vr

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  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More

Minecraft Live Stream FireSMP