Minecraft Madness: 4000+ Days of Digging

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[Applause] Anxiety kind of prevents me from uh doing it completely Fair completely Fair no but um as I like to Say no oh my gosh dude yo but if there’s anything standing between you and your dream get that thing out of the way Man one day when you look back let’s go welcome to 5 is blocking you won’t be like dang I shouldn’t have taken that leap and tried to tried to Chase my dream right you’ll you’ll be saying you’ll be saying the opposite if you Didn’t there you go hello so if there’s something standing in your way from my getting to your dream get it out get it out of the way Man hello hello is this thing on is this thing working Alo Al good what is this I don’t know what that was good morning ladies and gentlemen wel you Beautiful People hello hello good morning good morning how are we doing today man um hopefully you guys are doing amazing Jagger dude congrats on saying new emotes first and getting the first beat

And being here for your daily beat baby let’s get it hi guys good morning we have some more some new tier 2 and tier three emotes I believe all so I was very excited for that they’re so wicked dude um literally guys a menace guys’s an absolute Menace how are we doing today

Man welcome to kumy welcome in Jagger welcome in Abby we got chapstick Abby and Gandalf Abby in the chat room it’s wild it’s wild hi Diddy how’s your day going lovely good morning uh Hy how we doing today my friend what’s up there Norm welcome in hark how you doing Obie

What’s up there World chaos in the building hi homemade alien how are you doing today my friend it’s it’s good to see it dude you like the noted the clap dude there’s so many cute ones man um and then wait what is the other what is

What is it I mean the notes one is pretty new the clap one is new um the PE uh the eye roll oh my gosh the eye roll um which is this one oh my gosh it’s so good dude holy did you see the gun I did

I did um I do you have any time tomorrow to chat um red white blue welcome in beansy how you doing hopefully you’re doing amazing people get get your little the baked eye rolls in the chat room you love to see it um I also saw will the Moose Wrangler

In here I saw Crane and shil hope your day is going amazing homemade alien said uh the bean kicked the bean kicked in the bean kicked in the bean kicked in I love it here thank you alien uh BNT amazing affiliate anniversary glad to have you here today um chil and hell

Again thanks for being here guys what’s up 0k Jay Goodman how you doing Jelly Bean uh liby um hark welcome in guys Jaden hopefully you’re doing amazing hi lovelies how’s your’s day going today man hi Sab I’m doing so good today how are you doing uh let’s go oh my gosh a

50 stream streak is insane uh Dean help it’s raining dude it’s like pouring here it’s wild what are we working on brother we are only I think a week away 7 streams away from finishing digging out the end Island so we’re going to get four done

Today at least and if we have extra time we might do another one or do some building today we’ll see what happens uh but it’s mainly going to be clearing cheese um until we get our four done I’m hearing the I’m hearing three Dees right now because Liv and Will are playing you

Too this is trippy hello from over here hello from over here hello from anyhoo um I literally just got done with with e-learning uh from school because we aren’t in school today I love you I love you too Jagger yo let’s go dude that’s sick um wait did they did why didn’t you

Go to school today is that Tia in the chat room hi Tia just W up have three classes today it was rough but T today will be better you’re going to slay today Sav you’re going to slay it you’re literally going to slay uh going to be

Clapping all week long let’s go me too dude me too uh snow okay so you have to stay home cuz of the snow understandable carry on what’s the block palette we’re using when we actually do the uh space station build it’s going to be very uh

Bright white and some like um and a lot of glass so it’s going to be like uh probably some uh what is it called um like quartz uh Cals sites um all that kind of stuff hold on uh no no no no no no there it is that’s fine I

Really appreciate you reaching out last night thank you of course glad to hear everything’s going on okay uh UDA congrats on 86 I don’t start until tomorrow but everything shut down today so I’m going to vibe in bed as you should literally as you should Abby let

Me tell you it’s so good to have you back we’ missed you glad you’re feeling better hi youa Rebecca 179 is wild OMG OMG OMG OMG is that fat ran live in the building hi fat rat how are you doing is this for the Hall of Fame the end that’s

Awesome oh yeah it is it’s for freaking Wicked dude it’s freaking Wicked I’m very excited for it um so we can literally jump in I’ll show you what we’re up to dude all your stream streaks too is wild you guys are crazy um hello everybody over on the YouTube and kick

As well you guys are not forgotten hello guys hello you beautiful moose cam moose is literally at my feet right now he’s literally my feet so unless you want to see all the dogs the Moose cam will not be on yet um let’s see beans I got him

Yo samies I’m glad to be back glad to have you how’s your day been today Tia hope you’re doing amazing double dog cam triple dog if you think about it feet cam scatter what’s up hi Chad hi mod hi hark it’s good to have you homie I’m a play hopefully your

Day is going lovely M be for d That’s a wild sentence that’s a wild s it’s been a year so glad I can finally watch your streams again oh my dude we have a lot of people literally already um that I haven’t seen in a little while

Welcome back guys so glad to have you friends retro with the 178 you’re insane you’re literally insane I quadruple dog thereare you get it cuz it’s like cuz it’s like my dogs uh nor congrats on 179 man haven’t seen you since last year Dane wow wow but like

You have though you have because like because he literally saw you last and any you I’ve achish it last year fat rat uh fizzy welcome it as well dude today’s going to be a Vibe of a day uh we’re going to get at least four chunks done

Um we’re going to celebrate that we are only seven streams away from completing our goal which is going to be sick my roommate and I went just went to Walmart last night uh because we were out of toilet paper may have gotten a squish squish Malo and PAW Patrol mac and

Cheese as you should literally as you should Sav uh at at least five at least five do you think so boob Bell listen for boob Bell for boob Bell we’ll get five baby what do you guys say we jump right into so Club Penguin baby let’s get I’m

Ready I’m ready Freddy chat what are you guys up to on this Monday man wait is it m is it m no it’s Tuesday it’s Tuesday it’s toxic Tuesday dude oh hi hi hello we got Norm we got fizzy uh four of us went uh let’s see

For three things in total we left with a lot more I mean literally that’s what happens when you go to the store man wait was it Jagger again bro Jagger you are insane aren’t you over here wait uh vant Jagger where you at oh my gosh you did it yo zarana congrats on

The 66 wait chat keep your ey peeled for Gile there right here nice dude nice dude we’re literally we’ve run out of cherry we’ve literally run out of cherry so that’s fine hey Dean and hey Chad hey fluffy how’s your day going King hope you’re doing amazing man what are the

Plans for when the hall of fames are done um so once we get the four primary ones H thank you for the lur by the way fat rat five chunks easy that’s what I’m saying uh once it’s done uh we have the two routes that you can go in the hall

Of fames you can stay loyal to your faction and stay in the same one the whole time or you can be a rogue and you can abandon your faction to go to a new one if you see the Rogue rede it’s at 66,000 I believe um after we finish all

Four hall of fames we are going to um make the Rogues Outpost so anybody who goes Rogue through every single faction it can end up at the Rogues Outpost and it’s going to be out here um so here’s where all of our factions are it’s going

To be in this mountain range is going to be the Rogues Outpost um we’re also going to have like possibly like way up in the sky up here um the Loyalists Retreat so if you stay loyal to your faction for a certain amount of time and we haven’t determined the amount of time

Yet um but for a certain amount of time then you have the option to go to the loyalist paradise and be uh commemorated in our world um and then after we do that we’re going back over every faction and building organic in each faction which are going to be sick um that’s the

Plan Le welcome in as well going good sucks to sucks cuz it’s raining I know it’s pouring here do you lose your old world I did like seven eight months ago I believe how long ago was it also teach welcome in being indeed their Imperium been Lush Brother since the first day I

Think they yeah you were um so you’ll probably be the foundation of like just say just say at the time we actually build everything um if you’re like at a year then a year will be like if you stay loyal for a year whatever um Obi

Congrats on 24 veins do you have a main base this is kind of my main base right now um it’s just my primary like my primary like storage area um and like all my stuff here so it’s we want to do a lot with this area but we’re wanting

To focus on the factions first he you were sucking ocean with sponges yeah that was this thing that was a that was this place over here which turned out really good um anyway hey chats can we get some holds in the chat room if you

Guys can hear my voice get some holds in the chats uh sick of this people rain me too Eloy give me some snow man first redemer cuz I remember I was in amus park I remember it like it was yesterday Leela congrats on 102 kimy congrats on 15 oh I remember me too

Good morning Leela how are you doing all right chat hold sounds good training still over in the savannah it is it is right over here so this is our uh primary base and we have our trading Hall over here which we did a little bit of work too

Um so wait what was the last thing you saw actually hold hold that thought Bine welcome in rabit welcome in how we doing all right Jagger Jagger wait what is it GTV Jagger GTV One n 2023 wait 2024 hold it chat hold it I got real

Confused hear my name Sav hi hi Sav oh that’s give me give it up for Jagger GTV forget the first me baby let’s get it yeah yeah yeah y let’s get it let’s get it let’s get it 89 beans is wild uh no when you said Savannah

Oh yeah here’s the uh here’s this area y y yeah let’s go Jagger let’s go Jagger and boom one by one let’s freaking get it baby let’s do it something real quick before cheese what you got there guy what you got what you got this is our trading hall for those who

Are no actual way CHS oooo thank you for reacting or oooo thank you for reacting man no way this just happened doe the weather yesterday so a bit of a sour move but see your face makes it better seeing your face makes everything better too there uh Leela I’m

Sorry that happened but love you okay I’ll catch up with everybody after this dude ain’t no way right ain’t no way dude no way give it up for go yeah going Roga hey no way let’s get it oh my lant on this day guy betrayed the keepers to join the

Naughties let’s get it baby give it up for goal there it is oh my gosh dude insane actually insane you’ll love to see it give it up for go dude holy welcome to the pickle Hall um this actually insane you’re right across from teach got up Ma ah he doesn’t need it he

Doesn’t he doesn’t need his G okay okay okay we’ll get it for him did you have a specific stance yet I forgot if you had a stance uh that’s wild yo skills welcome in blitsy welcome in scary how we doing guy in IRS gig wig welcome in wig and Imperium thank you

For the oooo react as well while we’re doing that um get your Drakes and joshes in the chat room for guy in chair man holding get in front of you yes okay cool uh I should have copied your pose uh but you living you learn you know uh

It’s kind of it was kind of like this right did you have a leg forward when a par tells you no you got to respect that but Drake just does whatever You uh who is this guy who are you I don’t even know who you are man I don’t even he doesn’t even go here goes to a different School dude uh goes to a different School happy son welcome on we doing you know what guy deserves a raise give him two gapples well

Well you know wait right arm goes like this and like this wait I say like something like kind of like that and then your other arm well go like this actually that’s like perfect um is there anything you want differently than this let me know if you want a little bit different what

About these hey yo look at those bad boys dude two gapples huh huh what’s up uh what’s up oops I accidentally gave you another GLE okay that look wait that looks terrible that looks terrible love the new emotes dude I know that’s what I’m saying they’re so good completely different school he literally

Doesn’t even go here goes to a different school so many animated oh I know it’s insane Echo techno welcome in lovely how are you doing new emotes guy by the way dude I know do you have a question about my bangs perant plus something stance something like that is all my beans and

After to restarting the let’s see a serious question about my beans if I purchas all thing plus something like that do I lose all my beans and have to restart to get a spot in the Hall of Fame what do you mean restart do you already you have to have

A plot first you have to get a plot first then you can do all your Hall of Fame plus items um you do lose your beans whenever you like buy something like changing your stance uh it’s not free um or getting like an animal or what have you did my badg come through

Took my beans but I didn’t see pop them in the chats um oh I see it wait what did you want Leela what I see it right yes I do see it hm maybe twitch is being a little bit Twitchy uh what kind of badge would you

Like I got you I’ll literally do it right now cuz I’m right next to it um we’ll do like one of these bad boys hold on hold your horses and pause your Champions if you don’t mind Cherry B and pedal like on collected on the ground please Cherry gloss and petals we might

Have some in here the ones that collect on the ground here let me uh let me go in here is like these guys are you wanting some of these pedals Hey Dean while you’re there hey yo Happy Tuesday kimy lho how are you doing um Hawks welcome in his well homie

What’s up pink bomb once get in all Fame I’m going to get a dog named Poop as my cubby buddy as you should Sab as you should there so many people have their own pets in here um let’s see who wants petals wait is that the right thing no

Sir you know oh cherry blossom why was I thinking Lush okay I got you I literally got you perfect yeah pink little flowers I’m a silly goose by the way if you didn’t know Leila I am a silly goose oh gosh dude let’s go dude all the time I

Confuse Lush with cherry blossom I don’t know why in my head that’s how it goes oh that’s right fluffy dude I got you soon as we go back there we’re literally going to be right next to you today yo Bing conrat on 135 Diz welcome in

You uh congrats on 100 beans for real dude fluffy congrats on 100 beans man that’s right um extra amount of beans Hall of Fame plus of Fame stance and Hall of Fame all my beans uh restart from zero I mean if H if you get a Hall of

Fame it’s 100 ,000 and then change uh change your stance like what 15 or something then it costs 115 so if you’re asking if you get refunded no you’re like you’re paying with your beans uh for the plot and The Stance um yeah I think that’s what you’re

Asking uh if anybody has a better answer cuz I don’t really understand the question two well is still 8 days till futur build actually it’s going to be seven but once we get there we’re going to we’re going to go ahe and put that uh yo Brett welcome in Firefly welcome in

Better just get my 100,000 purchase everything be zero and rebuild on beans you can do it however the heck you want some people have literally over a million beans and they still don’t have Hall of Fame yet cuz they have like they’re going to do everything at once

Some people do it as soon as they get enough uh literally where am I KCK with her face oh that’s so cute what’s going on today we’re going to be digging some cheese today digging some cheese cheese uh what are you up to today there pink

Bomb thank you Dean I got you fluffy uh can I also just read the rules of all Fame and stuff if you have a section command for it actually we have a literal uh website for it that Obie is uh is making Obie if you want to put it

Into the um the chat room for our friend hark let’s see okay makes sense I’m just trying to understand oh don’t worry don’t be sorry I it’s me that’s misunderstanding the question I believe uh never be sorry about asking questions I literally H my processing abilities especially um a early stream

A you know let’s see answer my question thank you I got you hark I got you Obie yeah wait um there it is HF uh website uh if you go to that right there hark that that will probably answer a lot of your questions too uh what’s up there

Jeff how you doing headshot thanks Abby we sure did pedals added is wild thank you so much OB over a million no h of Fame couldn’t be me whatever I mean technically not yet right you’re not in the mil Club quite yet uh we need to get

Iron armor right it’s iron right surely iron gold yep that’s right uh no you’re totally fine there hark what Shader do you use complimentary shaders if you do exclamation point shaders you can see them holy the website is sick dude I know oh has been working hard on it dude

Hey you can actually look up your own plot helloid it’s still under construction but um we’re going to I’m going to help them get a lot of stuff in there it’s going to have all of your lore and everybody’s lore it’s going to have everybody’s like things in it to be

Already upgrade my armor we sure did Leela I can show it to you though I can literally do it again if you want I wish I had a bane oh no retro you got barely any beans don’t you buddy not yet no not yet you’re like right there though I

Let’s uh let’s get both of these Let’s uh let’s get both of these hey chats wait wait wait first of all where do you want uh where do you want this Leela at least for now we can always move it later if you want to the fact

That you can rotate the images oh my God I’m not a ner what we I love it here dude isn’t it so cool Diddy it’s ridiculously awesome um dude freaking OB is insanee I know I did it’s amazing yes yes right isn’t it so cool snipper is so

Huge in there that’s so funny yo papaya and beanie welcome in guys didn’t want to make a second Dr to the chest a b out of yet yo thank you Lea I appreciate it right there is perfect okay uh Hey chats can we get some level up hype in the

Chat room hold it yo pum mats welcome in some level up hype in the chat room for our good FR Leela let’s get it let’s get it and some more hype in the chat room 100 daily beads giveing it up to our good friend fluffy pigin baby let’s get

It yeah yeah yeah yeah and there it is how am I already moved to the uh naughties on the site uh ob’s cracked Obie’s literally cracked that’s why um that’s something the mods will be able to do that’s freaking wild dude actually wild y master builder conr some

163 beans in your can let’s get it baby and let me do this real quick boom boom let’s see um let’s see all right cool um yeah um yes hold on hold on one second chat hold on we can about okay cool cool all right cool is it all

Manual I think it is all manual I think it is he actually clicked on the noty and left stream oops don’t worries Sab uh lur food and work time love you guys love you more Diddy uh may eventually will be uh the moderators nice dude do

Me a picture of poop sweater so cute I know so freaking cute man uh half manual half Auto yeah hopefully one day we can get it all auto we’ll see what happens um all right let’s go over here and wonk okay so we need to throw

Our chain mail over here wait we don’t have any anywhere to put it dude don’t have anywhere to put it man is that everything I think that’s everything chat is that everybody’s hall of fames everybody’s upgrades and situations hey I mean 30 minutes of doing all that it’s not too bad still uh

Still right on track baby did I get that guy mad I did I think I did come here buddy come here boy oh my gosh it’s two of them that are mad at me what I do to you man what do to you okay well I think I looked at both

Of you I think I looked at literally both of them okay uh CH look what we did yesterday man WD emotes let’s go Swamp Fox we’re excited about him guys freaking cracked out of his wazu dude retro I love you dude I appreciate you um let’s see Place mob see otherwise

They might uh let’s see look you know yeah dude that’s go we’ll get it all shorted yo look at this chat can we get some hype in the chat for this much of the island already dunzo and garbanzo beans and bada bing bada bom look at

This dude so today today we’re going to be getting rid of these two we’ll see maybe we can do five what if we were able to do five today man we’ll see what happens all I know is that we’re going to keep the same old

Theme of the like every other one cuz it looks sick it looks really cool um is that cozy crafted in the chat room hi cozy how are you doing how are you doing there it is no you will get five listen I’ll get five for Bob Bell that’s all I

Know that’s all I know five for b bs is my middle name Bob are you sure are you surely hi Dean hi Coy how are you doing today old me hello all hi pumat hope your drink of choice is the perfect temp homie hope it’s the perfect temperature

Today uh mine is pretty ideal I’m not going to sit here ly to you man yes dude um so okay so our goal wait wait Chad can we get a hold in the chat actually uh if you guys don’t mind as a plan to get rid of all the obsidian and

Uh in stone as well all the obsidian is already gone as you can see uh and pretty much the whole island is uh well getting close it was like all the way out here um hold chat hold hey guys Dean eat the cheese in that Five Spot oh man dude I have to

Have it I have to have my cheese in the fire why do I have cheese in the fire spawn why do I have the cheese in the any um chat it is officially officially seven streams away seven streams away away till we finish the Dig and begin the futurist

Build let’s get it dude I’m so excited um thank you Thalia thank you Eloy thank you wig uh thanks for all the holds and such insta minable no none of this is insta minable nope it’s a it’s been a painful process but we’re getting very close dude some of the homies in

The chat have stuck through it the entire the entire time seven business stream days nerds true y seven seven business days hi Olivia over on the kick welcome in how are we doing isn’t that spot four the oh it is spot four it is spot four you’re

Right yeah I just work here but what we come first Dean finishes the cheese or I get two mil listen are you going to get 2 mil in the next seven uh seven streams I don’t know we’ll see um let’s see oh man oh boy when I tell you about

A week it’s not even over yet you’re a sight for Sor eyes beloved de or oooo thank you for reacting that’s so nice disappointment I’m sorry that you had a rough week uh very sorry you’ve had a rough week can we get some hearts in the chat for our friend

Disappointments uh sorry to hear about that all but love you poo ey roll the make the ey roll LOL kind of like that these are wait kind of like that these are opposite wait are they opposite hold on wait are they really it’s like a little bit

Off uh copy there it is Yo disappointment congrats on 44 by the way Luca welcoming how you doing good to see you uh is not let’s see is not on Hall of Fame plots uh W maybe it’s spelled differently no TNT either this is an incredible dedication heck yeah man yeah

Zero TNT 100% by hand all on stream and um we are almost we we P we surpassed 900,000 last Stream So in the next couple of days we’re going to get over a Millie which is wild can we get 700k in seven streams 100K a stream yes you can easily

Easily guy in chair wasn’t guy in chair but guy l in chair yep yep it is real question how do you uh plan out your builds or you just go for it um it always starts with just an idea like like I’m like you know be cool if we had

Factions what kind of factions would we have in our world we should have factions for all the main Dimensions that have like like bosses so we have like the Elder Guardian we have the uh the dragon we have the Wither um we have the Warden and I was like what if we like

Built those themes for each and then it just kind of Builds on that and then after I think of like the lore behind what it’s going to be um I started thinking of what the block Pet’s going to be okay what block pallet I’m I using

How much do I think I’ll need um and then plan out like the rough outline of whatever I’m building um and then after you kind of like build it you kind of do it like a paintbrush so you do like your primary like structure and then you go

Over with a layer of details add like lights over here you add like if it’s like more of like a like an overgrown build add like some leaves over here some uh grass like that kind of stuff um and then you keep going over it and over

It and over it and then that’s pretty much what I do um I like the let’s see it’s like they’re doing the wave but with ey rolls I know I love it Kim isn’t it amazing uh let’s see I’m not hearing what you said I got like four

Interruptions um I was saying you’re literally the bestest disappointment I love you and I appreciate you and I’m sorry to hear you’re having a rough week uh but glad to have you in the Stream um let’s see daily Bean oooo reaction and tax pay that’s wild that’s

A wild sentence guys uh let’s see yeah setting I’m a fraud oh no yo rainx welcome in rainx uh it’s an l and an i yep it is take those L’s baby okay I’m back welcome back dis appointments real question do you think um even though

Worst person uh can change uh yes I definitely absolutely do um I think everybody can um let’s see here let me get that uh tier six sub as you should retro maybe a tier I would do a tier seven I would do a do tier seven for sure that’s awesome unbelievable thanks

AR I appreciate it Obie s stream till future is uh going to be five chunk going to get five chunks also you get a blue ax today I know it I feel it today Talia tootes I literally feel it in my bones yo choco welcome in how you doing

Real question do you think uh oh wait got that one so sweet people shy I appreciate you disappointment um dude I definitely get the the tough weeks but tomorrow is a new day today is a new day technically you still got a lot of you still got

Time left in the day you know once it will be changed to the Big B we can add a link directly to their plot that’s crazy I love it here dude yo Genie congrats on 159 so my parent a uh picture of me in the sweater and my dad

Said I was wondering how long it took for you to wear that um I was wondering how long it took for you to wear that way really did you just put it on for the picture be honest my phone just went to beep because apparently uh the town

Is flooding blame acrylic why are we why are we blaming I love you for that I love I just threw a a blame acrylic in there uh stay safe there Abby I can uh I can already tell will be my most used emote of this year you think so dude the

Eye roll is so good it’s so dramatic too it’s so dramatic Ryan welcome in tier seven there it is person can change but you can’t change I should have added that to it um a person can change but you can’t change a person you shouldn’t expect a

Person to change and you shouldn’t try to change a person but a person can change uh one thing that I’ve learned is people usually don’t change or people shouldn’t change for other people they should change for themselves um and as a result it will uh it will impact other people so don’t

Expect other people to change or um but don’t expect or trying to like get somebody to but yeah bada kiss Cody maybe later yo cark ball welcome in no she aware today last night okay got you so you actually we that’s that’s funny he was like you’re wearing that uh Jerry

Duty on the 5th just found out I leave for work the day before so that’s a a whole thing wait um how are you going to so like are you not going to be able to do the work thing uh during that with the amount of

Times I use people yeah I know right happy time zone cuties I hope everyone is having a wonderful time and well you know my memo take your meds would you like to do the honors take your meds and stay hydrated baby let’s get it dude I’m staying so hydrated today thank you

Queen thank you for that Obie that means a lot Obie thank you uh you can change a dollar that is true you can change a dollar can’t change a person uh if you’re waiting for a person to change we’re waiting a long time exactly exactly dude let’s see I have to

Uh call the courthouse and tell them I can’t go cuz I’ll be out of state and any fees occur my company will pay for it really wait so you can just like get out of jury duty I’m so hydrated it’s been raining all day apparently dude I just

Went outside and opened my mouth and I was hydrated bada bing bada boom think the reminder to take my meds I definitely forgot let’s go dude Queen is a legend for that Queen you’re absolutely a legend for that no but this rain sucks it does it’s like it’s pouring here right

Now it’s like cold and wet dude it’s like cold and wet and it’s not my favorite especially having to walk the dog because the dog does not love to be out in the rain but he has to go out in the rain to go potty so it’s whole thing tow tow on

Uh people rain indeed y okay congrats on 91 so let’s see my terrible weather to you I was I was actually going to say Leela what the heck uh you know what I mean love you but what the heck you know what I mean say with my dogs uh they

Hate it dude I know I mean to be fair I I’m like same I’m like I don’t like it either it’s cold and windy here a very let’s see a very biting wind for sure I don’t like it I’m not a big fan not whatsoever uh happy again let’s see I

Can help with any small reminder let’s go Queen you’re the bestest my dog wouldn’t poo this morning uh but peed super fast dude same not me I was talking about my okay wait my dog like moose when I said same I me my dog anyhoo it’s sunny there today it was

Sunny yesterday we literally swapped we literally swapped posture check thank you emperium turn to snow here dude I wish it was snowing here I wish sheepers man uh what an incredible Community I missed everyone glad to be back here thank you hark glad to have you back hovie negative 8 uh degrees here

Today uh that is literally terrible in my opinion Dr butman I’ll be back shortly no worries hark we’ll be right here homie uh let’s see C I know I know um poop will go potty in the rain cuz I used to uh stand over her uh Dar will

Sit at the door it’s in the rain but won’t go potty she’s weird Duff will go in sit outside but won’t potty real sit outside in the rain that’s kind of a weird thing to do um let’s see didn’t snow once last year I know dude I haven’t seen snowing

In years uh there Ryan the puppy were so excited about the SN we got uh they went wild in it I didn’t even mind yeah I mean I mean if they enjoy it let them do their thing you know probably getting them used to it early on would be ideal

You know Yo Miss dark fairy congrats on 45 and Rogue AG welcome of the 104 hi Lovel links just to turn the fox in one yes they would they would uh silent Dreamer congrats on the 161 homie let’s go f loves the rain yo for real all m is not

The biggest fan but here let me do this um dude my chair is like stuck hold on well the right there that’s fine is that Cody W oo in the chat room hi Cody hi saly uh out west yeah yeah the dude Cody Cody so promo is wild it’s

Wild let’s see rank got my back hurting is a sign of a that of a gun the rain doesn’t help but thankfully I have a massage later today nice that’s good that you have a little massage action do you know when Moose’s birthday is I’m curious the age

Gap between him and my pups I don’t um maybe moose Wrangler AKA with 100 mo hi Moy wooy you are so so so so so so so very very cute it hurts me ouch ouch hurts why AR you so cute stop being so cute JK that’s impossible because a

Dog model TBH walkies Zoomies treat chicken Worm but nor her up boy I get you tail get you tail run around ahh oh yeah don’t eat anything or not supposed to like essential oils and cords and such doia I don’t think you understand how much I enjoy those messages thank

You for the 100 B on my forehead thank you I’ll tell musy all of those things he actually probably could hear it cuz he’s right underneath me uh but yeah liby and uh and will might know Leela the thing is they found them so they didn’t even know the exact age anyways

But I think when I got him they said 3 months maybe uh we’ll see then yeah we will Obie let’s see when they puppies dance in the rain and jump in puddles if you grab her paws when she jumps up uh she will jump on you no thanks for me do yo

TMC happy early birthday om me and thank you for the Bitties what are we doing today y’all what the freak thank you hello I need to post my video made where I um I live in the Discord 100% proud picture of my bestie and I took oh I

Want to see it Cody ooo true just Weir Wonder uh weather warning right now pwder goes out I get off work early so I guess you’re uh lowkey raging for that yo what’s up there rubber Bean welcome in hiie hey congrats on 170 just went to

Let’s see want you to know that Cody wood ooo has become one of my Vocal Stems has it actually Cody W ooo that’s uh why I do it so he can hear duh so true so real and so true moooo I love the uh what is it what is it

Um walkies zomies treats chicken and then you talk about the worm butt peanut butter is best food of all time uh peanut Butter’s best food of all I dude I love peanut butter somebody talked to me about peanut butter for real for long gong all let me take care of all these

Guys don’t know birthday yeah since they’re rescues that’s the same with moose like celebrate their gotta day ooh that’s what I should celebrate I don’t know is um let’s see is Livy or will here right now they were here a little bit ago um I don’t know if they know like

Roughly yes hi liby hi liby do you know like roughly with Moose’s birthday would have been like I think it was 3 months when I got him I forgot when exactly I got him I know that was like rough though like lovea jumping with a daff it’s so

Cute that sounds adorable to be honest we hope everyone has a wonderful day thank you so much yo Chopstick Abby thank you so much I appreciate you hope you you have an amazing day hello how between a smooth and crunchy Alex smooth peanut butter will kill me no what are

Your thoughts on crunchy peanut butter I don’t really like crunchy peanut butter there Kimmy he not a big fan of be honest yo sty boy how are we doing today stey boy uh don’t think I said hi to you yet King how we doing I’ll be Betty’s a

Tad older then my Bo September 9th let’s see what Libby says wearing a dog shs they do better if was on them be so cute CH but on the daily Bean redeem uh ooh let’s go Obie some munchy peanut butter oh baby dude I like a I

Like a creamy trust I don’t really like a crunchy peanut butter let’s see Raa congrats on 48 day what the benefits of uh working from home and the only time I wish uh let’s see for the power to to go out yeah hey that’s like the one time I would I would

Be the same same as you uh the rescue guess poops thday September 11th uh it couldn’t pick the day yeah don’t know sadly how does the vet think he is again Animal Control figured he was around 10 to 12 weeks uh when we found the sweet

Boy okay and so what was 10 to 12 weeks before I picked him up here I wonder if I my phone I don’t have it I forgot the date that I got him here I think I can find out like this um there it is I got them I think like the

20 first I got him October 21st so what would be 10 to 12 weeks before October 21st o baby baby baby baby let’s see um 78 dailies from jebin slow congrats on the 102 his got today that’s when uh a lot of rescue parents yeah but we’re trying to figure out the like

Close to the birthday not for celebration but to see how close and age they are to another dog so I’d like to know like roughly like and so I can just tell people exactly like or roughly when he was born H 4th of July July 18th is

So in July wait so we have 4th of July July 18th and we have the 5th through 12th of August the end of July beginning of August that was so many different answers but so fair I guess this is it’s 10 to 12 weeks around uh the end of July

Beginning of August yeah okay perfect hey end of July beginning of August is going for 12 weeks that’s fair that’s fair is that domino effect of the the chat room what up D how you doing baby going to see you what up baby um so that would

Be so let’s just say like August 1st let’s just say I was born August 1st that that would be best um even though it’s a approximate um like not the exact age so so probably about a month older there Leela is what is what I’m think hey that’s my brother and sister’s

Birthday hey everyone Hi slow you’re like wait what why are you going Su about their birthday how do you even know uh ew is that Eden ew hi Eden how are you lovely oh it’s up Malibu welcome in baby dude so many homies today man

He’s a summer baby he sure is he’s a big fan of the summer he doesn’t like the cold and the wet he’s only a little bit older than Mabel yeah that is true and wow wow they are they are close they got to hang out dude they got to hang out and

Like uh do their thing gotta day for moosey it’s my uh let’s see brother and sister’s birthday that’s crazy that’s so crazy listen we can celebrate all of them at once if you want to I’m sad I’m sick and I’m eating alone in my room again this sucks I’m so sorry

Eden dude literally just like being sick just like brings down your mood so much um but it is temporary um and I’m sorry you’re going through that right now but yeah I’ll eat with you too I will eat with you virtually Neal play vaccinated watching them me

Would be so precious I think moose is fully vaccinated uh no he needs one more um but it’s just a booster is what they said and I think it’s happening tomorrow um he’s getting like a booster so like for some reason I don’t know I don’t know whatever uh I feel like he’s

Already gotten all of his and then he needs to be uh neutered here soon let’s see you have a good stream D thank you so appreciate you enjoy your class love you uh appreciate you so much thank you moose and Mabel should definitely me that’s what I’m saying

Dude that’s what I’m saying deal so why I joined here so it wouldn’t be a low listen you are not alone you are not alone even if it might feel like it right now e eat it ew e let’s get all these bad boys dude also Tia that

Uh that emote combo goes crazy T Norm D wait hold on let me go up Here um hold on wait why why is my chat so far back okay cool I freaked out for a minute only a little bit oh wait my chat is way behind um let’s see um de that’s why Jo should we sing you pick a Mabel uh to make a Mabel emot

Dude that’d be so sick we don’t even have a moosey emote yet though unless it oh unless you’re you’re probably talking about 7 TV probably talking about 7 TV Dude absolutely I actually don’t even know how to make a 7tv emote um yeah 7 TV pause did I tell you

Guys that Daisy the baby hold on our vet sent parva beaser home with us after parvo Saga the N blue we’re all healthy enough for my husband to give them last week I’m breathing a sigh of relief that is a huge sigh of relief hello

Uh let’s see did I tell you guys that Daisy the baby’s mommy uh went into heat again bro it’s crazy to me like how often like dogs can like like go into heat and stuff it’s actually nuts to me um that’s crazy are they is she going to

Have another litter just holding back tears and eating my uh uh B binos Pizza wait can I have a bite of pizza I’m sorry e virtual hug to be honest y Obie welcome into the kick chats uh any other reactors in the chat by the way Elias welcome in how you doing Imperium

Thanks for the smile d i the um it it’s crazy like we we like knew like somebody who like did like dog breeding or whatever and the amount of times they can like have dogs is insane it’s like bro it feels like you just got over like having puppies and now you’re like

Able to like have more it’s wild thanks for people reacting there Abby there we go that’s fine well we’ll keep that going this one’s going to be a solid one too this one’s going to be a pretty solid one dude we got to we got to crank it today

And we’re going to crank it dude um let’s see stream thank you again there Sav I appreciate you she had to be done nursing for a month before we could uh have her fixed she was still nursing when everyone uh came home so was like

At once a month and boom and heats they go straight to my sister-in-law’s house because we can’t do this all again part about being so fresh I’m sure she’s dying without her babies can come home as soon as she uh has got the cycle yeah that’s good it’s good you’ve gotten her

Away it like gotten her away from it cuz you’re so right that was the right choice my old manager was a breeder he had three to four lits then days Lov helping them look for um look after them what kind of dogs are they uh let’s see my cat loves the

Rain uh wait really I feel like cats usually hate the rain also just station period for dog short that is very true it kind of blows my mind a little bit it blows my mind just a little bit dude but uh yeah it’s crazy it’s crazy how like

Often how often it can happen but there we go also did miss anything I know uh jeans came in Malibu hopefully you’re uh you’re awesome and Elias glad to have you guys today man French bulldogs English bulldogs and dacin dude I love dacs I love doin’s Little Lulu my

Brother’s dog is a Doon and is so cute doin little weener dog dude those things are so cute man I grew up with one I grew up with one and then um have like family have them adorable to be honest like actually adorable look around on lunch break dude I

Appreciate you homie hopefully your lunch goes well today hopefully it goes well little wiener dogs are so cute oh I know they’re adorable man Delila is a daon well Hey There Delilah it’s a like in New York City King Charles cavaliers oh that’s so cool man

It’s so cool all right another lay your EAS down baby another down baby all right chat we’re ads are about to start so I got to run these bad boys I’m going to try to be a little bit more on it today CU they keep running manually ads

About to start we’ll be back in uh literally just a second um if you want to get a get some hype in the chats get some hey y we’ll be right back chat in one second thank you for your patronage I got beans green potatoes tomatoes chicken lamb Ram hog Rex you name

It and we back in the building hey y’all inde baby funny how Pet’s names evolve my cat’s name is uh M minurva somehow we call her beans dude it’s so funny like a moose has already gone from a moose to MooMoo to Moo um I don’t know what it’s going to

Be next who knows who literally knows I say moo moo moo I just mooed him like a cow um let’s see oh yeah I got that one so a puppy on my insta accounts you really I used to I used to have pictures of uh like well

Some pets on my Instagram welcome back me boy thanks T I appreciate it appreciate you Mumu Supreme that’s what I’m saying dude that’s literally what I’m saying um Derek congrats on 71 daily beans told me let’s go moo like a cow yes I mooed him like a cow okay

Hopefully we can get this done like pretty easily uh by next scoots we’re going to be cranking it we got to at least do four at least four chunks we got to man we got to these ones are kind of dummy thick though actually it’s not even that

Far down um moose moosey moooo oo wait next is just going to be oo I’m going to oo with him ooh it has gone to from moo I forgot we did we did call it moosey moosey wooy moosey luhoo I love that literally Deanie Deanie luhoo literally you can

Put like uh luhoo after like so many names and it works it just works yo Muse welcome in OB how you doing I have a pet photography business I never took off but the all those photos in a portfolio dang we had a um when I was in school we

Had to come up with like a project of like a business uh that we think would be a smart business to run um and we had to like come up with like all of the stuff behind the the scenes of it I ran like a a like a a dog photo shoot

Situation where like uh it’s like a place where you can bring your dog and get professional photo shoot like um professional like pictures um and we have like a treadmills and like green screens and like all that so like the dog could be running and like you have like a picture

Of the dog looks like it’s running through like like on the beach and like all this stuff I don’t know if that’s actually a thing but uh we called it like pawfection pawfection photography that’ be a cool idea I don’t think that’s a thing but I thought it’d be a cool

Business um then the last one will be M just m hi M that one’s not as fun but you know uh madex louu exactly you get it you get it it mad at me mad at me hold on chat the batteries there it is um all cool that’s that should be fine

Yo Bri welcome in Bri how are we doing yo super congrats on the four daily beans homie let’s freaking go I was gone so long is because I do uh get my teeth pulled out oh my gosh are you good Imperium Jeepers would have took off while I

Would have try to get a place open a studio see that’d be really cool I can send you all my uh all my I literally like budgeted like everything for like like the pawfection photography how much it would cost uh to like rent the place get all the equipment that was a while

Ago though so uh I think there something better than moo IDK if that could be topped dude moo SL moooo is like the best it literally is like mooy wooy moosey wooy moooo it’s perfect it can’t really be taed uh but it doesn’t need to be that

Can be his forever situation mooshy wosy moo moo you know what I mean my heart’s a stereo lockdown happened uh then parvo hits uh at the UK so nothing ever became of it that that makes sense like multiple things all at once they felt like everything at the same time like during

The lock down and stuff bro that was a crazy time dude that was a crazy time oh oh so sing along to my no way so s welcome how you do my [Applause] H Mo Moy Wy Moy Wy baby that’s my boy that’s my boy hey he’s probably just like looking at

Me like I’m crazy right now also we had a lot of uh let’s see a load of dog thefts happened so that was even worse wait dog people just stealing dogs what hold on chat give me one second I got to go here here here boom there

There all let’s get it this should be it um Boom what’s up what was that one wig thank you for the uh thank you for the video share hello thanks for that helpie that’s wild let’s see Dean is dog business but with cats so true literally that that was literally me that was literally me

Wig if you want to see a picture of where uh I live watch a video my bestie and I put together after we take uh her Jour out this year driving around her hometown we going a breaker after stream obviously I perfect wait where did you

Say you put it did you like uh put it somewhere or DM it is it like a meteor or something something something um let’s do like this yo whoop wait I love these uh Tik toks where they edit animals into different animals it says fantastic oh my gosh are you yanking my

Chain right now oh no it’s a stick raid Striker just raided in welcome in Raiders is that a stick issue I think that’s a I think that’s a stick issue welcome in my stick friends are redoing uh dude how are we doing guys welcome in thank you for the uh raid homie welcome

In Raven respawns welcome in Kyle hi Shadow welcome in how are you doing today uh TBM uh cat Jam you’re you’re cranking it hi Lizzy potatoes welcome in yo chat hey uh bean pod squad you guys listen up real quick if you guys do not

Know the stick army uh they might have a stick issue however you guys need to make sure you go follow cuz we freaking love that homie over there what were you up to today man um you let’s see the only stick issue is you hand mining out the end I

Know if you guys don’t know me I’ll explain who I am real quick my name is the Bak D stream Hardcore Minecraft 5 days a week uh usually 8 to nine hours sometimes 10 12 we juice we’re going to be juicing today we are removing the entire IND Island completely by hand and

Uh we did the math we are currently 7 days away from being the first um Hardcore Minecraft crafter um at least that we were able to find to do it completely 100% by hand no TNT uh no duping no using skull method no none of that just our pickaxe and some uh some

Of of the inone so there it is dude there it is Yo tan welcome in how you doing uh let’s see the bees have joined the stick raid let’s go Frosty flakes how you doing Frosty Flakes I’m Ling go watch WWE so I’ll be back later we’ll be

Right here tan uh yeah it’s wild Dean I how to tell you this but uh Minecraft world is looking a little blocky okay whatever Flora hi Flora how are you doing lovely uh we’re on our community server it’s quite young still working on a lot of farms and uh fun times glad

Let’s go wait what Farms were you working on today if anybody from The Raid needs to ra and run especially you there Striker uh thank you for the raid homie it means a lot it really means a lot that you considered us into raid it in here we’re literally going to be

Cranking this today um and we’re going to see how much we can get done today let’s see yeah they to break in and steal a dogs manager zip ties inside notify others expensive luckily manag to get a s n dogs were stolen I’m glad they were able to like stop it from happening

Wait is that Andrea Von speed wait is it maybe like have to do my job now catch you beauty soonish we’ll catch you soonish Leela it’s so good to see your face thank you for coming into chat room I’m good uh was up to farming Antics he when I was farming

Lots of crops dude you got to do what you uh you literally got to do what you got to do at this stage of the game you know what I mean uh no we’ll do like that one um I mean farming lots of crops listen it makes sense it makes

Sense um but yeah we are we’ve just been cranking out doing this thank you for the fall there Raven I appreciate it uh what we’re going to build here once we get this cleared we’re going to be uh building if anybody knows Deep Space 9 UM any Star Trek fans or anything uh

We’re going to be building that dude I’m doing amazing today barsan how are you doing dude I’m doing okay just uh fighting this laryngitis I missed uh singing with the radio so much oh man uh laryngitis is the worst I had that a couple years ago or was it bronchitis

I think it was like both or I don’t know but I could not talk for like a week and it was horrible um but you get over it eventually so I hope for a speedy recovery how are you doing today bar got to run got to work this evening stupid mortgage is

Expensive dude I get it I freaking get it man well good luck with work can we get some 07s in the chat for TBM and again if you’re not already following TBM make sure you guys go sh some love over there man absolute homie definitely deserves like all the love broncus is a

Pain ain’t nobody got time for that dude 07 Striker thank you so much again homie um so many people you could have raided you chose us in the means of world dude oh seven baby um but hold on let me see there it is wa is anybody else from

The Raid also on the server if so what kind of farms are you guys building on the server thank you Frosty flak sh thank you Shadow Emperor are we getting to like creeper Farms iron farms uh what have you maybe like villager trading Halls that’s like one

Of the first thing I do in my world is um iron farm and villager trading hall and then it’s like creeper farm and then it uh or I guess first I do my paper paper and then creeper you’re sck server what uh what are you let’s see what are

You doing on the server or uh just is it mainly just farming like the crops is that mainly what you’re doing um let’s see huge Farmland with so so you’re just working on crops you’re like the dedicated farmer of the server like actual crop farmer there we

Go um yeah I usually get like a nice little like wheat um wheat carrots and potato farm like a pretty early on in my worlds but I always like to get an iron farm cranking getting an iron farm cranking in like spawn chunks is what’s up I it’s

Try to do it right there dude the crop arm have a huge swarm to placee I mean that makes sense that makes sense hopefully it’s going well hopefully it’s going well sounds like it’s a fun server hey yo rainbow kitten congrats on getting 18 daily beans a huge swarm to feed

Really dang well good luck with feeding all of them good luck with it homie for after did exist I will still be holding you like this I will get all these which is pretty good hold on chat let me check something real quick thank you for reacting U okay

Perfect y thank you for reacting to stream there duelers I appreciate it man I appreciate it me let’s see Well’s see this one okay cool that should do it BM let’s see you redneck welcome in as well homie welcome in as well hi Ray Place how are you doing today my friend

How close are we oh we’re getting close to our first Chunk we got to crank it uh to stay on track for today we we got to remove this one in uh like 40 minutes it did came in with a bit of a side effect though end up having to

Build additional storage for cross because the kitchen can’t handle the explicit production oh my gosh that’s actually wild holy well hopefully get that uh hopefully get that figured out HBY good how are you I’m doing amazing today thank you for asking there r play I appreciate

It uh yeah we’re just working on our uh same project of uh digging on down the uh the end Island it’s looking really cool dude I love that it’s looking like a checkerboard it makes me happy why the production is explosive a combination of the uh rich soil Bas uh

So the grow speed is through the roof oh well that is I mean listen if you need it to grow fast having your rich soil do do it you can call me Ray I got you Ray what are you up to today Ray what you getting

Into let’s see is auto switch on that’s such a good yes it is dude shout out to hook because I had no I gen had no idea if it was on or not I don’t know where to buo there we go nothing really just relaxing relaxing chill

Action I mean that’s a good day if okay so today if I have like any day to just chill inside and not do anything I would choose the exact weather of today where I’m at it’s like in the 30s and raining it’s in the high 30s and just raining so

Like it’s like a little bit chilly and like just having the rain I just like like sit on the couch watching the rain fall on the window while I watch some movies oh my gosh it’s snowing there dude I want Snow Man it it said last night um with my weather app was

Like it’s it’s snowing right now I went outside nothing and I got so sad I’m not even kidding when I when I looked at the weather and saw it was snowing I sprinted outside to go make a a freaking snow angel dude I wanted to make a

Dangum snow angel it’s been way too long maybe make us a snowman call it Frosty uh vinyl records congrats on 140 for homie let’s get It or books are waterproof so I can read in the rain do they they might make waterproof books that would be kind of cool to read in the rain it’d be hard with all the water drops though like falling on the pages even if it was waterproof it would probably be fine

Though uh what if somebody was the first person new invent uh waterproof books impossible uh let’s see imposta who wait wait I missed something vinyl records right back at you what that for lunch today o Talia I got you you should have wait are you going like out to eat are talking about

Like a restaurant near you do you want to give options or you want me to just like name something random I got you uh vinyl records congrats on the 144 dude I want to do a dang snow angel how a snowball fights and then have a hot

Chocolate but nope just rain I know Talia literally you understand where I’m coming from with this you literally get it boom boom all right cool uh you can laminate dude imagine imagine laminating an entire Buck that’ be kind of wild uh you get let’s see

You get bath books for uh kids which are waterproof wait bath books I’ve never even heard of this yo kandrea welcome in Shadows how we doing I had fried eggs on a potato waffles for lunch a maze balls that sounds so good dude um I had I had

Hot dogs for dinner last night I’m not going to lie to you uh a small novel would weigh 25 lb laminated that is true you’re not wrong how do you all howdy kandria how’s your day going yo see becomes in peace let’s go there’s a Greek place near me

I’m getting that ooh I love Greek food how many people I use the where is I while I was away um I don’t know if anybody did while you’re away at the moment um I don’t think we’ve need needed to yet we’re not looking for anybody at the moment we’re just digging

Cheese but if we do that’ll be utilized real quick can eliminate all 649 pages of hunting Adeline I mean listen I wouldn’t blame you having pizza right now hopefully the pizza is phenomenal there Ray I’ll do this one there we go and there we are let see you’re making it ooh

Hopefully it is yummy dude Chad do you guys like Lunchables dude I love me some Lunchables little chips and cheese little Jokers with the uh chips and cheese and salsa uh let’s see I’m making it are we just having a pizza day I guess we’re all just having pizza yes thank you Eden

Dude I feel like nobody else likes the the nachos and cheese um um Whatchamacallit like I do I feel like I’m always the only one who genuinely likes it I love it though it’s so good it’s literally so good I’m Mr bright sign that was my

Favorite it’s just so good dude eating a burrito right now with all the toppings let’s see I would um I don’t really like a lot ofp ings on my burrito low key chats and you can call me crazy if you want to literally just like beef and cheese oh wait beef cheese

Rice um maybe some sour cream I sometimes have beans in it but I could take take it or leave it and that’s like it uh it’s like the main things I like in there change my mind I am having a pizza rolls dude pizza rolls slap too

I love this song so much makes me want a boogie to be honest not only having a crops though I keep um some farm animals around I I mean you as you should if it’s like a proper Farm of course eating a burrito right now uh oh wait got that

One that was my favorite mine too Eden great minds think alike and ours do too Eden what are you doing let me show you there Luke boy we are trying to be the first person in Hardcore Minecraft to take out the entire IND Island completely by hand just our pickaxe uh against

Endstone and uh we are officially seven streams away uh from our Pro projected finish date uh we’re doing four chunks a day and yep we’re pretty much like we’re going to be mining every single day until we H at least the four chunks if it takes longer a day that’s fine if if

It’s shorter then maybe we’ll do an extra one this song is haunting me uh haunting me on Tik Tok now you remember how I used to play Diggy Diggy Hole when you were in the OG world yes wait is Diggy Diggy Hole haunting you really SAR congrats on the 177

S twitch won’t let me uh on today sadding I’ll be here in spirit really I’m sorry SAR wait I don’t know if they can see chats or anything I was going to say somebody tell us sh we love them thanks cran thank you cran 10 times a day on Tik Tok wait

Really I never see anything about Diggy Diggy Hole like like ever you must like some Diggy Diggy Hole actions is it like over M Minecraft compilations or something boom we love Sor yes we do thank you Tia boom Boom stop okay it’s fine I think the other one’s probably going to TP to me here momentarily no it’s the band wait really that’s fair I don’t even know what ban does Diggy Diggy Hole to be honest the other mad one is probably down here right

Yep I kind of wanted to TP up here so I can take care of him you know what I mean like so I can uh get him out of here dude get this guy out of here dude come on man oh let’s see uh what else what else that’s a that’s a one

Wind rose that’s the one I was trying to think of who it was wind rose that’s the one yeah yeah don’t listen to much Windrose to be honest to be honest let me check this one boom that’s good okay cool and do whatever happened to uh is it

Loro is that this artist loo like this song was like uh I think there was one other one right this one and bulletproof and that was like uh their only like like mainstream songs kind of a lowkey one hit wonder Diggy Diggy Hole by wind rose did

You try to queue it did it not work H it didn’t dude literally this Songify thing is just so incredibly annoying dude twitch I mean it it says it’s all logged in dude says it’s all logged in dude okay it’s fine all they can do it

Manually it’s no big deal at all yo safira welcome it’s safira how are we doing [ __ ] hole so it’s funny that you’re uh you’re requesting it even though you hear it all the time you’re probably sick of it you see it that much yo Kinsey nice congratulations on 169 s ofi

Is stinky dude I’m telling you the S ofi is stinky especially today dude the last couple days really you don’t get Minecraft stuff on my Tik Tok dude I started getting uh valerant stuff on my dagam Tik Tok dude they know they literally know like I literally like just started

Playing valerant I’ve never seen a single uh a single valerant clip um but like out of nowhere like most of my you page just became valerant I was like wait how did this even happen how did even one get on my you know I don’t understand it dude I don’t

Understand it the algorithm is weird it knows me it knows me better than I know myself if I get let’s see I get things about beans on my fyp I Blame You Dean wait Ain’t No Way ain’t no way like the history of baked beans you’re welcome

You think it’s a you think it’s my fault listen I’ll I’ll take the blame I’ll take the blame to be honest yo Frosty flakes congrats on getting that daily Bean homie let’s go let’s get it baby go in it wait Did that was did we just see an Enderman

Fall as soon as I gotting Adine book all this stuff is about so two things about it uh months ago months ago that’s wild dude that’s what I’m uh that’s what I’m I’m saying it’s it’s something weird um yo Lily welcome in Lily how you doing it’s not the

Algorithm uh it’s your downloads chats phone or here all that info is fed companies um to sell you no way wait literally like if I look up something on Google or if like I stream Val they’re just going to know and they’re going to know that I’m into it and then they’re

Going to like put it on my for you page that’s wild if that’s the case that is wild and uncanny and it makes me uncomfortable but um it knows me it really knows me you know dude these companies um companies working hard to know us dude yep in

Texts do they actually know my texts cuz that can be scary dude let’s get uh looked at all I had un locked at all wait I didn’t looked at all just talked on the phone with my dad and mentioned I could use a new camera i l got my notification about a cameraon

Sale on Amazon that’s see no thanks that to me is like scary I want to curated F fyp that is true listen I mean if they’re selling me on stuff you know I’m doing good book the first therapy session for next week hope you’re too good to big guy thank you

Lily uh that’s going to be so good there Lily I’m trying to get um trying to get mind booked and all that too trying to read oh I know I’m so bad at reading dude why am I so bad at reading I don’t understand this is why I

Don’t read Eden this is why I don’t read books if you’re wondering why there we go uh um like look at the stuff whenever I get um I another have whatever I have no control over it anyways it just give me good stuff that’s what I’m saying low key

Same like like what are they going to what are they going to find out you know are reading up for all of us okay cool I’m I’m down for that I’m down for that oh oh yeah and I’m digging a hole Diggy Diggy Hole DIY Diggy

Hole it’s such a funny name for a song Diggy Diggy Hole a little diggy diggy you know a little diggy diggy situation digg in a hole I know I was singing over the other part cuz I don’t know the other words of the other part so just singing to the

Tune of it it’s fine it’s literally so fun trust the you speed R let’s go Norm dude Norm get it’s it it was helpful for you you’re very sweet there Flora y trying to book my first one I’ve never actually been but I’m like I need

To you know like therapy is just healthy you know so I’m trying to trying to get into that it’s part of my 2024 regiment yo yo DIY DIY hole the books I I read Prov need therapy oh man oh man I about automated uh armor change based on daily beans

Count how in the world how does it even n no how does it know yo uh is it Elsa gray or is it Lisa gray welcome in how are you doing if I didn’t recommend better help uh I wouldn’t recommend better help there’s a reason it’s affordable when my th asked

[ __ ] considered exercise I was done um I can Google that yeah yeah that’s True oh it’s like um it’s like uh drink more water when you go to the doctor you should drink more water it’s like I know uh let’s see the message bigot sends in chats that’s crazy that you can like take that and like that’s wild that’s

Insane is there any way to uh I don’t know if uh Ekko is working on I know they were going to work on like different like heads for each faction um I’d say that’s a that’ be like a cool another thing to do is like uh for all the naughties do guardians

For all the keepers of the flame do wither heads uh for all of the Lush dwellers do Warden heads and for all of the futurists you can do like a for now maybe shulker heads uh okay you’re W waiting on E for that okay that’s fine I kind of kind of

Assumed also is moosey back here no where even oh Moose’s still under me he’s still under me for the books I can’t speak for uh let’s see so my wory to come out I get that I get that Flora uh let’s see better I can scare you with one sence telling you about

Hunting of Hine try me Eden try me experience there the lady told me to uh look at the stars wait are you serious that’s such an interesting thing to get like that’s such interesting advice to get from a therapist dude holy moly yo zimam welcome in strong dle how

We doing why is Zim Zam let’s see why Zim Zam when you Z can zop I was actually thinking the same thing earlier as Z Zam just didn’t know how to say it I matter line it’s uh on my TBR uh TBR what is a what is a TBR to be read unless um I can word it really well so it’s PG13 that makes sense H yeah if it’s like anything like Gore or anything I didn’t know what I didn’t even know what TBR was that shows how much of a reader I am totally balanced restoration is that

What it is that’s what I was thinking there Zim Z Zim Zam hold on C I need a freaking tisue I’ll be back in uh be back in literally one second what’s that one like SpongeBob song the it’s like I need a tly tly for my eye do

You guys know what I’m talking about we’re on the same page today get it cuz like books get it cuz like books I don’t even know if you knew we were talking about books right now but that was like perfect for that uh obsidian with the um 24 is

Wild is that going to like update yours well actually you don’t have one yet what does it do if you don’t have any I guess nothing wow all I know it’s crazy not gory just yeah just scary just scary and spooky well if it’s PG-13 and you

Fit it into the umbrella PG-13 it probably wouldn’t be scary for me it’s all about Pearl on her 16th birthday hails is somebody VIP tier three hailes please thank you hailes for getting that hi Lisa not scary either then what what what would you know cu the just have a empty white background

Oh I see I see uh it’s spicy oh and that would scare me 88 daily beads is wild let’s go hails someone at the worst time up here is uh gets booked and goes Super well for you big guy yo thank you so much Lily it it’s hard for me to like figure

Out uh what to like who to go with like all that I just need to just try it buy the bullet and try it it’s also expensive I had really good insurance whenever um whenever I was uh had my corporate job now I don’t know like if

The like my insurance right now would even cover that kind of thing to be honest new straight away SP about some bangers I need a tly tly for my eye it’s all about you poor um uh poor it’s all about you Pearl you’re the birthday girl uh let’s see State Insurance is a

Rough ug that’s what I got that’s what I got man cuz uh I’m on a budget I’m on a budget baby you make a lot of calls all I know yeah I’ll probably have to do that tomorrow I got such a long list to do tomorrow say my struggle so hard so

Many sites they look uh emotionless had to go a friend do his training therapy uh to help me look really yeah my good news is that uh my sister actually is a therapist um so they can probably help me out I mean am I estate anyways yeah it’s

It’s rough here too to be honest hey Pearl the birthday girl it’s all about you Pearl you’re the birthday girl that’s what it is right surely that’s what it is it’s going to be dude you can uh list uh get a list of people that uh cover just ask them okay I’ll probably

Have to call I’ll have to call my insurance tomorrow and then I’ll have to call a bunch of bles all around yo swey welcome in how do welcome to the YouTube chats if not I’ll eat my hat don’t eat your hat um don’t eat your hat we’ve talked about this not again

Come on Zim Zam barf calling it I know literally talk to me Talia it’s a big no thanks for me dog last time I checked oh my gosh it’s already a quarter pass not happening you know what I mean but it shouldn’t happen and I should make it happen start to

Notice I still Fe me and my friend defeated the Ender Dragon and got elytras nice dude in my opinion Minecraft starts whenever you get your first elytra LOL you’re underrated y I appreciate that swey uh you too homie for real for real uh let’s see calling people dude in

General I don’t like making phone calls I’m not going to lie literally just like having to call around being on hold oh my gosh don’t get me started chat don’t even get don’t even get me started on it yo Nanie welcome in how you doing thanks Norm uh bro literally just making phone

Calls and it’s bad because like I think about six or seven things on my to-do list is literally all phone calls and I just don’t want to do it thank you of course swey uh oh my gosh no shot no way 48 just mon tier two for seven stinking months can we

Give it up for a Noy wait are you serious mono thank you so much for the seven months over on uh twitch thank you how are you doing today W mono thank you swey and tier two as well which is huge that’s insane thank you so much for

The continued support on the channel I do appreciate it very much so thank you B calls are under the desk activity that is true this is true yo George the dogfish welcome inie how we doing today George about your business please continue to hold and our first

Representative will be with you as soon as possible that literally makes my toes curl I hate it I ate it Go just uh chilling after a day of work how’s your work today Nanie hopefully it was a pretty good work day today I start to notice be live yeah it’s looking like

Two hours per one of these so dad gum dude that’s wild o this song dude I wish was here right now yo yo yo yo I think this is I think this is sh song doing good working uh that snow doesn’t uh cover the roads oh it’ be the worst right it’ be

The worst then you couldn’t go in and then you’d have to what work from home let’s see busy January uh let’s see busy cuz January is a busy month but it was a pretty good oh is it really a busy month I feel like yeah getting back into

Like like December is like busy with like all the like family like taking off like travel all that kind of stuff and then uh yeah getting back to work it’s like there’s so much to do going to read and uh hopefully finish this book today bye bye appreciate you

Eden you’re literally awesome and I appreciate you but also e but also all F will be back up of the amount of beans happens to the baked Bots yo that’s so sick oooo thank you for reacting or or oooo thank you for reacting man uh let’s see AB congrats on your two

Dailies Mona with the tin thanks for reacting there AB I appreciate it homie dude moosey is just like sleeping the day away literally just sleeping the day away he’s a tired boy to be honest he’s a tired boy I’m breaking dishes for delicious hit a Fergie every time I get

A s then I got a blow and then I got a short shorty I mean if we get this down by two hours in that means we’ve done a whole one in an hour and a half I think that should be fine then that should be an Vibe

Then hopefully we’ll see what we’ll see what happens I want to get this one done and this one we could do like the smaller one actually wait no it’s going to be that one that one that one for more sleep SL yes see by BF a so

Excited let’s go four more I love how you’re counting in sleeps I sleep tonight sleep tomorrow night the next night the next night and then I see my BF let’s go what do you guys have planned what are you guys going to be up to you got this thank you Thia thank you

For cranking it that’s all I know yo Savage Feast congrats on the 2121 do you know what’s funnier than 20 21 now what is it 24 25 is that what it is is that the way is that it’s said in the show why am I like quoting SpongeBob so

Much today I have literally no idea literally no idea yo breaking dishes F delicious fill it with a Venom and aemon oh we’re so close man explore San Antonio for then drive down to meet his mom uh let’s see for to meet my mama no

Way wait is he um has he met your mama before SpongeBob thank you thank you for that alloid dude that eme’s so good I added my plot so people don’t have to type their own username looking where they are oh nice dude let’s go yeah thank you

Obie wait where did you uh wait they type their own username wait how wait so if like um so just say if CB does exclamation point my plots or how how does that work thanks for reacting there CB I appreciate you Obie um my plot oh no way wait oh gosh wait

Somebody that’s in the Hall of Fame can you guys do uh xation Point um my plot can you do xation point my plot anybody that’s in the that is so crazy that’s wild what the world man what the actual World D Brothers the freak man uh then we need to get like the

Exact location of each of those which well let’s figure out how to like Orient them link f yeah I mean if we just modded them once it’s the baked bot they’re modded so it’ll work yo Shere congrats on 133 and that’s SL congrats on 176 congratulations

Homies uh 3 th why did it say it wasn’t F wait wait no slay oh no dude bro twitch has been doing that more and more recently dude thank you for the follow slay Moes dude that’s happened to me with a couple of people happened to me with Cody twice

Actually it happened uh from Cody to me and it’s happened to me like in a couple other places lost a year of one brother why is it a thing okay listen listen listen listen wait hold on okay no you have your watch time yeah that’s like the more important one to be

Honest do you remember what your followed was I don’t if there’s any way to like uh figure it out dude oh no man dude what the freak twitch like like actually what the freak twitch you know what I mean but let’s see today would have been one year and five

Days bro what uh I mean I guess just note it down add twitch what the heck thank you for adding twitch there are they uh are they in stream right now hey twitch hello twitch what the heck man why you unfollowing us from p people dude I don’t know why it’s doing that

Like that should definitely not be a thing you know what I mean like that should definitely not be a thing that happens yo mono congrats on uh pay your taxes as well pop off mono pop off pop off run fast for you brother but I got just enough to get off in this

Club let me see something real quick boom oh let’s see all right cool we should be good we should be good uh salty conr on the 131 and Lucio with the 179 holy Jam Dean Jam I’m jamming baby yeah cage is underrated but vegetable 100% dude cabbage is garbon zans respectfully

Though isn’t it stinky like isn’t there like a cabbage drink you put cabbage in like a like a water and you let it soak for a while and you drink it and it’s apparently like really good for you good morning let’s get it it’s been following for 11 months oh almost a year

Kimmy how dare you say that about cabage I’m sorry Thia I’m sorry it stinks but it tastes good D what dude what this is it actually I don’t know if I’ve ever like really had cabbage huh cabbage drink have you guys heard about that like a hold on let me

I’m pretty sure cabbage drink it’s a thing right yeah it’s called like a I forget what it’s called it’s a thing yay it’s for ERS and gastritis apparently uh I can help with like that kind of stuff let’s see you have Discord if you can uh let’s see if you do can

You have a server like a Minecraft we already have a Minecraft server and it’s popping dude it pops off let’s see love brussel sprouts uh little mini cabbages see I don’t like brussels sprouts or cabbage it’s kind of like lowkey and no thanks for both of those for me work my Ass let’s see what’s it called uh literally just look up cabbage drink he you can literally look up cabbage drink like healthy drinks but uh lemon juice and a cayenne pepper there are plenty of things yeah that sounds disgusting but it’s probably good for you fun fact you burn exra 50

Calories per hour if you stand rather than S kind of crazy not going to lie anyway day 113 of asking for eating stream 113 is the wild Sheree how are we doing today Sheree uh good morning as well dolphin how you doing Alo can you all read me

Pre I see you now SAR yes F I smell gabbage do you good morning dolphin how are you doing uh chat what are other Foods uh children typically don’t like dude I see where you’re going with this Lucio I see where you’re going with this chat what are foods the kids don’t

Usually like you’re going to say baby taste bud it’s going to be a whole thing beans indeed their Imperium broccoli I love broccoli broccoli is actually one of my favorite fruits I don’t like onions though I don’t like mushrooms mushrooms are disgusting they CH like they taste like dirt I love Seafood I’m not a big fan of oysters though they’re too slimy I’m a big texture guy let me some mushrooms

Mushrooms no onions yes see like it I don’t know for me it’s like both of them no not here Hy from over there not here over there I can’t stand cilantro either it tastes like soap to me broccoli I know Sheree you and me both hear me out caviar I

Don’t think I’ve ever tried caviar in my life I don’t think I could afford to be honest default skins uh that differ wait really wait I want to see it how doing de dude I’m vibing today homie hold on let me try to go to this uh where’s that uh city Um there it is okay I got it literally got it okay n we got to octo nice okay if we got like Lush swers let’s see these ones uh I see so it’s just like random skins is there any way to do like the the ones

That we have for him now or no like a like a guardian head for the Nautilus Guardians uh shulker head for the or is that not possible do you have to have like a Java username uh thank you as well for the uh the hydrate let me hydrate up

Same name as the faction oh let’s see uh hi I’m here I’m kind of sick all right recovering from it hopefully feel better there Kirby sorry you’re not feeling well also Carly welcome in lovely a unique genre of details uh detriments of cilantro tastes like soap Yes yes I know I don’t know

What that even means like why does it taste like soap to me and not to others I don’t understand that like the fact that somebody else says cilantro just tastes like normal um let’s see okay cool we’re good I would love to know like why you know

Hoggles welcome in lovely how are you doing makes me a PNG I a player skin having that head sure ooh okay perfect perfect I’ll see if Echo uh is started or anything if not then um I’ll see if we can just find like some regular skin what’s your favorite uh sandwich is

Genetics how it to work why to say hi hi Huggles hope your day is going amazing uh let’s see hopefully your uh hopefully your work day goes well it’s genetics man it’s genetics that should be good and then and what else oh my favorite sandwich um dude peanut butter

And jelly slaps grilled cheese slap oh and a ham and cheese slap for those cilantro haters wow dude you guys both uh wow that’s like the same thing that’s wild uh in a group old factory receptor jeans so we flavored alides in cilantro leaves that’s crazy it literally tastes like so like

Straight soap like soap smells that’s how it tastes dud this song is perfect for today let’s freaking go thank you Kirby dude ain’t no way you guys both posted the same thing at the same time uh classic ham and cheese can agree dude honestly classic ham and cheese maybe some

Mayo some desk Mayo talk to me so you can eat Chipotle Dean I don’t love Chipotle to be honest it’s definitely not my favorites uh SL data Commando the creative world probably get uh the real texture oh really interesting I’m a fan of a turkey and cheese dude ham and cheese is what’s

Up though ham and cheese butter if no mayo I’ve never tried butter on my ham and cheese unless I’m like uh unless I’m toast not toasting it unless I’m like like heating it up in a pan and I put a little bit on the pan that’s the only time uh what’s your server

Called uh if you do XM point server it gives you the details of how to join it uh you have to be a sub to the channel and you have to get 10 daily beans yo kolinka hi lovely how are you how are you doing but I know that you’re

Toxic Chloe congrats on the one 176 actually check the exact command do your thing homie do your thing uh we’ll finish this row and then uh we got to scoots cuz I just got the notification for ads again yikes man okay should we do the the bow bow

Freaks I’m okay not uh bad not good I just liveing what about you I’m doing good today kolinka uh glad you’re not doing bad hopefully you do get good hey e say hi Chloe how are you doing since 4:00 a.m. though I didn’t go to sleep till

Like super late last night it’s not good that’s so early dude what the world all right chat I need you guys uh I need the party people I freaking love this song right now for scoots uh I need you guys to like flood the chat with some dancing emotes whatever your favorite dancing

Emote is put it in the chat room uh let’s have a good time dealio have a little bit of a good time we’ll be back in just a moment and be RB baby yo let’s get it we back in the building hi guys hi friends dude we’re

Cranking cranking it dude hi guys hello thanks Tia we back in the building baby we back in the building thank you as well Luci l o welome back D thank you uh thank you kid me thanks for the lurk yo enjoy your uh drive home wait isn’t this

Early this early for you to Wicked steer P the man should give up a lot of data nice that’s good news right there that’s good news right there here let me turn this back down woom woom and that should be good uh welcome back thanks Kirby and

Chlo Chad how are we doing today on this fine Tuesday afternoon dude how are we doing on this fine Tuesday afternoon dude all my North Carolina homies uh any Inc and I think maybe South Carolina homies um hopefully you guys are all okay I know there’s like

There’s like a state of emergency there cuz of like weather and stuff wild dude hope you guys are all good and all that jazz bro cuz the weather’s the weather be crazy right now dude be actually crazy Michigan national champs by the way no big

Deal no big deal people I roll it’s just a just another championship congratulations there helloid congratulations excited for the future build me too I’m so excited for this lunch room at work for another 40 minutes oo you’re almost done let’s go miss my first day yeah back at College

Wait did you actually wait wait why didn’t do anything but thanks uh listen I don’t think they would have won if you weren’t a fan so any tias in chat mod check any tias yes T in chat in the chat room he Minecraft dark C on 157 daily beans

That’s a lot of daily beans mod spin D baby here let me do this there we go all these there we go and we’re good here he yo Minecraft after dark thank you for the L kby I appreciate you I appreciate you I was summoned yeah you were uh let’s See all it’s pretty good here let me U make sure I want to make sure like uh the fam’s okay I want to have like my phone up I’m like nervous man I’m nervous dude oh no that’s not right cool let’s see cold symptoms sading I hope you feel better Chloe dude what’s

Up with this time a year man no more isn’t always though uh Echo got me sick # blame EO why did the bean go to therapy need to Spill the Beans about its inner struggles wow that was a wild one there Imperium do that s promo thing wait is

He playing uh is he playing um marbles right now if he’s playing Marb I’ll do it right after oh gosh dude there we go very nice nope he’s not wait really wait is is it already done whoever cleaned the queue I could kiss you right now so begin going to

Stream and uh twitch would not let me do anything wait really is it uh is it completely clean or do we have anything else on there uh let me check uh oh we still need to get those okay we still looking for an axel Ladle

And I still can’t get the mob heads to work for sniffers and camels so I’m going to try that more tomorrow he who summoned me kirvy kirvy only the uh stuff that’s not done yep perfect the um I I don’t know what to do about that what if we did player head

Sniffer player head sniffer that’s not a sniffle sniffer no none of those are sniffer heads man if anybody knows somebody who has a sniffer head let me know cuz I need one of those bad boys uh let’s see loving the music y thank you helloy uh this actually um

This actually dude is that actually working let’s go uh it is a playlist that uh Shirley made for me uh Sheldon Shirley valadie yeah pretty valid to be honest sniffer head one oh wait head wait head no unfortunately it’s fine what is the mob Ed for Na IES it’s uh for naughties

It’s the Guardians Elder Guardians not regular guardians but the Elder ones moosey why are you chewing on that buddy what a goofball dude Fred fist when uh Dean calls your uh 25 uh oh no no no okay well that’s not that bad it could be one listen toia listen listen listen

Listen it could be worse it could be worse uh Hey Dane I hope you and the lovies are doing well so I can stay long got to grab my uh let’s see grab some grub hope you have a wonderful day you two dancer thank you for still uh thank you for still P

Um like passion through coming by I appreciate you also Misa congrats on the 89 uh why did the bean start stand up comedy uh start a stand up comedy club because he wanted to improve that laughter can be the best seasoning without any unexpected musical accom wow wow there it

Is hi take a YouTube content Dane thank you there Kirby you’re we’re going to be picking it up uh going to be picking up more YouTube content new 7 emotes refresh chats ooh hold on little refresh action little refresh wait Luci are you a 7 TV editor carry fresh I think hold

On okay it’s not coming up yet wait why is it not coming up yet man hello let me try this one more time refresh um there it is okay I going T first oh okay okay okay okay G you I thought that’s what you were sending

Them uh there we go okay cool we’re good what else I miss it’s not coming up on my end is it can you guys see the freaks oh I see it in that chat it’s just not working in my other chats it’s fine people ignore stream elements 11%

Clean o 74% clean is not too bad there Ralia that’s good it’s pretty good is the best braell moment hey yo wait it was no way it was the same thing why is it not working on my end I don’t know it’s chunked D what’s your stink I’m not stinky

Watch uh 28 not too bad I took a shower today literally making it as uh luciel summoned me uh back to chat no way no freaking way that’s incredible why don’t the scientists uh trust Adams cuz they make up everything that’s wild that’s a that’s a wild one wait that’s actually hilarious

What’s not working um it’s just uh the emote the emote is not working let me try refreshing one more time look for but see I don’t it might work now we’ll see y y that uh that chat’s not working at all at the moment okay it’s

Fine H 69% clean slay bestie you’re so clean yippy that’s wild thank you s thank you SAR for providing us with a 69% clean can we get some nices in the chat please dude moose what are you doing you goof what are you doing you goofball why are you why are you chewing

That buddy what a goof goofy goober dude what a Goofy Goober man is that shaggy hello OA how are you doing sh I my homie man that’s my homie no that’s my toes Dude I’m a goofy goober rock true no I am I am two to be honest told you not to Che stuff uh it’s okay I forgive you you’re perfect he’s perfect except he’s literally biting my toes dude I don’t know why he likes doing that so much I literally just

Showered so like they’re stinky like what is this man H dude I love those bro why is this one like dummy thick this one’s like actually like way thicker at night it’s fine literally so fine we got a we got one with a hole in it today

Which is good ding you like that uh let’s see you like that remember wait what happened there uh Hawks you m spit those out they guys toes are dirty they’re not dirty they’re literally clean they’re literally clean oh baby let’s go Obie love how I works for uh double A

Names it literally works for even single a names you know like M ma Bean te dad you wash your toes I always wash my toes I always wash my toes let me tell you that’s wild dude thanks Obie M would be so nice 7 TV will let me see those

Same dude is is 7v bugging today it’s got to be bugging today man I think it is can’t get 7tv menu to open dude it’s bugging it’s literally got to be bugging there we go nice in the void there you go and night any way Apple Bottom Jeans boots

With the fur with the fur oh look at it Mama B I love it TOA thank you oh let’s see okay now it’s uh being selective bro it’s so weird bro what’s going on man yo F congrats on the 148 daily lngs I got a sniffer one too wait

Really it for me to actually get it it needs to be assigned to somebody’s uh somebody’s character so I can do exclamation point player head cuz this to get into my world I need to do player head and then a Java username um how do you reply so fast I

Just see your name in Mada Bing Mada boom you know I try to keep up with chat as much as I can hopefully your day is going well today the F Shang 172 is kind of crazy o we got some Abba going chats thoughts on some Abba try player player head the baked

Borp I think we did that before player head the baked borp there’s a bake BP dude imagine Abba without ABBA is true that is true I love Abba dude Abba kind of Pops off I’m not gonna sit here and lie to you wait can you guys see moosey from there probably

Not uh let’s see it barely can’t dude he keeps he keeps ripping up this toy so I apologize H for all the like uh like all the fluff on the ground uh my apologies chats it’s uh there’s a whole lot of fluff but you know we let the dogs dog you

Know we let the dog’s dog he’s so cute dude what a good boy let’s see Big B is too iconic I know she is kind of cute you see him he’s having a good time he is AR ARF bark bark oo woo anyhoo anyhoo ooo AR bark bark yep that’s the

One that’s the one Speaking of Cody W chat when uh when we finish this level somebody remind me to go selfpromo somebody remind me to go self-promo over at Cody actually wild it’s funny cuz I not even like I I haven’t been self-promo cuz I feel I feel bad because um they’re

Not doing that bit anymore so I don’t know if the bit is like done oooo thank you for reacting but we’re going to go uh so it’s more like going to see if he loves me thank you for reacting man it’s pretty much to go just see if he if he

Loves me or not he loves me he loves me not He Loves Me He Loves Me Not yearning time is crazy that’s crazy level uhuh uhhuh chat do you guys think I’ll say it back today wait can we get a can we get a poll in the chat if Cody’s going to

Say I love be back today and I get a blue axo dude that would be the best day of my life if Cody said it back and I got a blue axo there we go Nice yo yo yo yo on it thank you dude dude moosey squeaking his little toy can you hear him can you hear mush’s little toy dude SAR is literally can we get a VIP tier three for SAR for for onong he’s so cute hold on where is

This he’s like he he’s just laying with it hold on you can’t find the squeaker it’s fine you can’t buy the squeaker uh weo we wo everybody get in on the poll do you guys think that Cody is going to say it back today um yes definitely or no

Never I know my vote’s going to be I know my vot it’s going to be yes definitely everybody get your votes in the poll what do you guys think what do you guys think will Cody acrylic when we go into his chat in just a moment uh when we ask him if

Uh uh if he loves us when we say I love you will he say back yeah MD congrats on the 24 no prediction is still doubters wow wow I mean 10 doubters and uh five who actually believe I’m one of the five though little mushy butt mushy butt

Mushy boo what is he doing dude what is he doing he’s being a goofball right now it little be a little goofball with his little butt CH I need some Believers like what is this he’s so cute dude what a good boy what a good boy

Bo um hey chats can I get a hold in the chat by the way MooMoo dang it ouch the moosey butt I know I know besides 100% good boy yeah he’s 100% good boy no he’s like a 20 something per uh B uh wait what is is it wait no Pitbull

Right I think uh is it Pitbull now I’m confused he’s 18 different breeds he’s 18 different breeds so like he’s a full out like mud he’s got like so many different things yep he’s a seal that’s what I thought okay but like uh that’s the highest percentage is Pit Bull uh

Can we get some hype in the chat oops can we get some hpe in the chat for finishing another Lego baby let’s get it one down three to go baby let’s get it look at that dude look at that that’s wild brother uh it’s looking like a

Proper uh checkerboard which is crazy uh all right chat let’s go uh let’s go see uh what did you guys what did you guys vote on hold on let me do this real quick boom uh what was the prediction at uh 69 say no never and um or 71 now and 29%

Say yes definitely uh let’s see if Cody acrylic is gonna say he loves us all right let’s uh let’s see this um there it is never mind I can’t I can’t I can’t today I can’t today I I can’t today anyo Cody W oo sometimes it’s hard for me even to

Say okay I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it okay okay whatever I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it if we go over there and he’s saying some more weird Cody W OE you saying some weird stuff he can’t

Uh take any more Dane oh I can take this I love you I love youo smile say it back people smile let’s see if he Don Dono walls me or deletes my message you like the new skins let’s go ter before our next class is freezing hold chat hold hold chat

Hold that is true that’s a good point that’s a good point yo purple scoll welcome in wait increase their profit no shot are you serious poo smile we got to do the same thing we did yesterday if you guys are still here poo smile poo smile my message is literally gone Perry

Johnson hold it’s coming it’s coming he’s going to say it back Chad’s gonna say it back right here ready oops Got delete oops my message got deleted oops it’s something like that yeah yeah now say you love me now say you love me yeah it’s something like that say you love me

What is this dude can we get a ban on Cody please what did I do man what did I do man bro like like what am I to do man he We bro one day one day one day we will not get the cold shoulder one day Cody acrylic will say it back one day it’s my strimmer this shoulder will no longer be cold one day chat one day you can’t even get a you’re all

Right s okay don’t rub it in Leela don’t rub it in the song listen maybe I do need to say please back to my cheese chat back to my cheese maybe one day Cody acrylic will say you back oh no maybe one day maybe one day I’ll say it

Back maybe one day I’ll say it back dude maybe maybe just one time maybe just one time we’ll say it back dude h you know what you know what forget that guy man you know what we’re vibing we’re vibing we’re vibing we don’t need no Cody acrylic pull yourself together

Cowboy we’re pulled together baby we’re pulled together we don’t need no Cody acrylic we don’t need CH loves you does that help kind of all I need is you chat all I need is you that’s all I need what a Pepe roller coaster like the commercial of the little dog

Dude I know was that was moosey like acting like that was he moosey with the song he just like looks up at the camera for 10 cents a day you can save this dog oh my gosh zarana okay that’s not love yo Kim Welcome in how are you doing

Today Kim Let’s see yo I just realized your hair is like uh when I was growing up uh mine I Circa 20 wait yo that is true it lowkey is dude it lowy is sup fetto dude I’m doing uh fantast about to say doing fetto tastic I’m doing fantastic dude how long you

Going with it dude I don’t have no corporate job I have no reason to cut it so I’ve just been I didn’t even mean to grow it out this long I just uh quit my corporate job and haven’t cut it since but uh I’ll probably trim it soon May

What a Cheesy stream I love you may I I love you so much hey we are the big thing we don’t need no a Cody acrylic gu we don’t need no Netflix talking OMG moose has the lighthouse moose why do you have the lighthouse dude how does he keep finding the lighthouse

Bro brother like that’s what I’m saying he literally will find any oh look how sad he is oh no oh no oh he’s so sad dude the lious for $1 a day chant for $1 a day moose can get back his lighthouse don’t say give him the dude this is not good

This is like this like wood and metal that’s not okay for yeah do you see the amount of toys he has back here look at him oh he’s so cute dude he’s so cute all right listen chat trust me he’s okay without the lighthouse he’s okay without

The lighthouse I I promise you uh animal stuffing on the floor just heads up yeah he doesn’t eat that stuff he tears it out of his little toy and then he leaves it on the ground for me to pick up uh let’s see where is he getting it from

Dude I don’t even know where the freak I had a lighthouse in my house I did not know I had one for the lighthouse for Lucy poo that’s wild look that’s wild uh trim is necessary periodically at least dude fetto I literally 100 p a day to donate to the

Mumu fund and the of the Angel far away from here thank you Talia thank you for that one um I have not gotten it trimmed at all literally my haircut was like short on the sides what are we doing stop it may hook we were kidding we were kidding you

Goofballs uh and I just let it grow out so it’s not even even at all figured you’re going for a ponytail or dreads I could do ponytail already I could do dreads if I wanted to um let’s see uh now be going to Amazon for a lighthouse dog toy that’s

Hilarious that’s actually hilarious to you it’s not it with a uh gently licks fingers please let me have the lighthouse back I loves you I know so wait where is he moosey moosey where is he dude chat which way did he go he’s probably going to find another Lighthouse or something dude let

See what the world okay I guess he’s gone he’s literally going to find uh something else to get into guaranteed out the he went out the door oh no way he did did he actually oh no it’s fine it’s fine you broke his heart Dean I know I’m sorry

I’m sorry I didn’t mean too dude what’s going on with Discord right now hello uh Discord was bugging dude uh let’s see could read in the taxes as moose Cherry that’s wild that’s wild M the naughty confirmed I think so I think he actually is based on the

Lighthouse B for a little uh walk back was absolutely freezing uh but at least you’re back now three p scoots half time thank you SAR he actually did Rage Quit though uh to your left guy got you um top right quarter yeah he’s probably going downstairs to go H pee in my

Living room or find something he shouldn’t get into but it’s fine Deep Shadows I goes work take care yo appreciate you may I appreciate you enjoy your work today homie can you get some 07 for for May everybody talks everybody talks B yeah congrats on your fifth daily be

There Aleta or wait should I call you fancy should I call you uh fancy or hippie or oh heck heck indeed heck indeed hey dude you got 25 wait May you’re actually insane didn’t forget that you cry cry I know whatever works all right all right cool dude how’s everything been man wait

Aren’t you guys getting like crazy weather stay safe if uh if that’s near you right now I heard that it was supposed to be pretty darn bad uh please switch I want to see my whisper dude my Discord is messing up my my twitch is messing

Up dude it’s the solar storms man let’s see not a single brain cell noer uh bye Nows we’ll see you uh we’ll see you later man thanks for stopping by homie I appreciate you 100% I’m absolutely soaked right now wait really bro I heard it was bad like aren’t there supposed to

Be like tornadoes and stuff also there it is cool yo Milo congrats on the 165 day living I left my uh beanie at my house it’s itchy but warm um oh no you left it yo it’s hack welcome in hack how you doing homie how you doing how you doing I leave Milo

I you’re right the the skins look clean do they let me let me check these bad boys out then is that surely in the chat room early I’m doing wait hold for the uh hold for the intro hold for the intro do something to uh keep my face

SW yeah get a ski mask get like one of those ski mask little Jokers holding holding for’s intro uh let’s see the all in the way you move all in the way you move but let me throw these guys out there we go all of those let’s get

It hello should we get her be while she’s in a meeting lur a Yo No Worries here I got you let me uh let me do this for sh this is sh’s walk- on thank you sh’s roommates there it is there it is thank you she room we

Appreciate you uh let’s see I think my prer ones Lush rers you think so dude I bet they all look sick bet they all look sick uh sign petition to get DEA gitty on stream dude honestly honestly like you don’t need to sign it if you don’t

Want to uh she has the best intro for real it’s so good uh ooh a little bit of a song request bet that’s coming on next literally on the Queue I don’t know if I know this one um let’s see okay that is a it is a bigger bigger

Band I was like is it a smaller band but uh seems like that artist is they’re pretty good size would you decided again that’s wild I don’t want a gitty chat I could walk around with my uh duck blankets I mean that’s fair you could I

Want to sign it 169 times just you you uh you going in and sign it 169 times easy easy let’s see too bad you uh made the deal now you’re going to do it well I have to do it cuz I it’s my word but only if we H the 169

Signatures it’s two people who whisper me I’m sorry to don’t Lo right now I’ll get back to you uh once that’s possible if something is time sensitive considering stream please message me on Discord oo whoever uh whispered s if it’s time sensitive whisper them on uh Discord

DMS um or if you don’t have Discord you can uh you can message me and I can like message in Discord uh let’s see it’s going to have a let’s see it’s going to happen no biggie if they’re like a 100 bet I don’t know if we can get 69 more

Though you know what I mean I don’t I don’t know I don’t know who knows man I guess we’ll uh I guess we’ll see not going L out I’m a little bit nervous that moose is like getting into something right now literally literally hey guys get

Some hype in the chat for a chair stream unless he’s in here now he’s not give me a give me two like I’m literally not even turning off my camera no no scoots I’m literally going to run real quick downstairs and check on him see if he’s sitting like a good boy BRB

Hello hello um hold on is there an English version of that song dude he had a freaking he had a boat yeah had a boat dude where did you get this I don’t even know where to put this why did you have a boat he he’s a naughty bro what the

Freak man uh hey what is this uh hey guy on stream Hey yo uh literally guy in chair on stream uh let’s see that uh guy left his chair exactly exactly dude it must be a naughty literally must be hi mushy how are you doing mushy it’s true

Is mushy musy be like think he steals the neighbor’s Decor probably he literally goes over there hey can I have a French song yeah yeah just uh two two things make sure it’s PG-13 and make sure it’s English only um that goes for like any songs that are

Requested uh English only because we can’t monitor like what it’s saying and then I know you wouldn’t request anything bad but we’ve in the past had that so we just got to keep it consistent um like people are requesting like songs and other languages that were really not okay but yeah voice mostly

Back let’s go mushy I’m doing amazing I bet it feels so good good having the voice back right you need to build Mia statue at the naughties dude for real like how does he get all this like I don’t get it 100% understandable oh dude

Thank you I appreciate it all me let me know um uh let me know what song you would like with those criteria and I got you you already uh you already paid for the song request so I’ll give you whatever uh feels so good to uh be able

To talk again let me tell you when I was losing my voice every week I hated it it feels like you’re like trapped cuz you can’t like communicate man he bad well I also let’s see was gone the boat is going to crash that is true moosey was just saving the

Boat uh let’s see I’m eating bacon oh would you look at that I’m already done dude I that’s me eating bacon for real that’s a that’s me for real for real uh let’s see on VC just typing everything I want to say life dude that’s what that’s what I’m saying it’s

So sad it’s the worst actually let’s see bet my husband would uh love it if I lost my that’s not true whatever kby whatever my six-year-old is here watching he just saw your uh F5 VI uh while you’re away and said wait uh I didn’t know Dean’s character was so cool wait

Really no way that’s so nice um yeah this skin was made uh made by Echo the echo mob it’s incredible a guy made the initial like the face uh and how that looks and stuff and then um Echo made the uh the outfit oh lip gloss there it

Is I’m doing it with my feet oh yeah y oh my I’m doing with my feet you can’t see I’m trying I get feet y who did this one let’s go Sav yeah yeah I love it yo Adam welcome in homie came from TVM raid Cy have a

Hoof raid no way dude a little bit of a raid train what’s up Adam welcome in homie you know about me I got a let’s see I got you with uh The Dumb Song I dude I love AJR bro all right I got you yeah yo Eko is freaking cracked like an

Egg at skins uh at like the hot bars at Minecraft is streaming being my BFF to be honest uh let’s see one of my favorite songs in my opin uh this song is so good AJR amazing also my wait your that’s wild that your initials are AJR that’s that’s really cool

Initials but say the same VI that’s why I chose it really dude this literally makes one do you guys know the foot thing like in the song like you you like you go like this boom boom like with the song I kind of want to do it to be

Honest let’s see used to work with some who initials are SMS no way no way my uh one of my family members one of the family members uh was like their name was like uh ass and uh it was great it was great it was great I don’t think that the parents

Were thinking of the initials when they were naming them um but yeah dude imagine having a like a child named Bob and naming them like Bob Oscar Bravo or whatever boom boom boom boom this song’s slaps bro I can’t like not dance the idea TBH fair enough Bob

Oliver Branson yes Bob the initials are Bob yes dude that’d be so sick said a bad word I did not I did not say a naughty word maybe unless I did is bad enough it really is it really is let’s see we’re the best initials y m

Andm dude Mor if you remember oh I remember Morgan that was a that was my first girlfriend that’s a stellar Eminem yeah yeah that was a that was a stellar uh a stellar whatever initial situations once I uh heard of a firefighter called uh Les MC Les MC

Bernie that is insane there’s no way they didn’t change their name uh to that that’s wild a firefighter called Les MC Bernie is crazy uh Microsoft’s teams the name acronym of first time of group project commented uh SAR oh no true forgot about that yeah we go on like a

Vacations yeah dude that was a stellar like Stellar name I love this song too bro AJR is so good wait there’s a are the Laur called sue you I love that so much bro that’s so good that’s literally so good can you guys see moosey poo he’s

In the corner of the screen right Now there we go it’s say it’s good for now we can adjust it later um hey chat by the way if you guys want G fuel uh if you didn’t know now we’re uh we are sponsored by G fuel bada bing bada boom G fuel of the baked Dean if you want

Your little discount little discount situation it’s pretty gas g fuel slaps and they sponsor the stream now so they’re kind of cool you give a high five to be honest uh it’s a shame how few listen to the whole new album dude I know to be fair I didn’t listen to the

New album that much I thought they were done I thought before this album they were done so kind of like I was like okay I gotta like dude wait what is that one song smallest violin this one I love the the pickup in world’s smallest violin 100% use your

Codex dude let’s go it’s the b d dude I appreciate that man 10% off and we’re going to be um I’m going to be reaching out to them tomorrow about doing some giveaways as well see if we can get give away some to the chat if not uh I’ll ask

Them if I can just like buy some and then do giveaways myself can believe uh how awkward gr projects were like uh who is to say that’s uh me need a complete strangers that’s wild I bet that was so uncomfy yo pug congrats on 30 daily beans H

Me Ariel and no way Abby that was their like actual like legal name hugs right back at you pug hugs right back to you every time he say uh bada bing bada boom I go bada bing bada boom Mr us up in the room I’m a hustler

Baby uh nods uh road to 42 then 69 bro it’s 42 then 69 then 420 that’s the that’s the ones I don’t know what I’m missing here but let me uh let me take care of these guys real quick uh let me do like

This I have to get rid of like all these guys there we go there’s uh become way too many any of these around here hopefully when we get rid of these guys once they won’t come back and I’ll be chilling uh let’s see did you ever get

Your uh samples no I’m going to reach out to them tomorrow about both of those things um I think something must have happened either like maybe wrong address or uh maybe it sent to my PO box or maybe like I was supposed to do something that I didn’t do

Um but yeah I’m not too sure what happen but I’m going to reach out to them tomorrow that’s on my my list of to-dos for tomorrow F in War I there we go we’ll do like these I don’t really need any of these all right cool that should be

Good uh put a long sleeve on under my uh sweater hopefully it’ll be warmer I hope so the more more layers you can get the better to be honest the more layers the better dude moose has so much of his like stuff around here dude all the like

Stuff on the ground I need to clean that up dude bang is really good the pickup on this song is so good I’ve always loved it yo Adam thank you for the follow by the way I don’t know if I said that but I appreciate

It like the like it like picks up up pick up pick up moose is so cute I want him he’s a cute boy he’s such a good boy he’s a good boy dude coming from uh the legend himself hoof hoore uncore this is uh marking his territory back off dude he

Marked his territory downstairs I’m going to have to clean it next scoots uh I went down there and I was like I don’t have time to clean this sick sick them get him get him let’s see keep the flame nice ho with 17 underscores exactly you get

It this is this isn’t your stream room anymore this is Moose’s playroom it it literally is like everything behind me is just moosey playroom moosey moo moo there we go we’ll do that a little bit more clean I miss poop that is such a crazy thing for people to

Hear uh by the way Chad poop is uh sav’s dog by the way I know hopefully you’ll be able to see him like this coming weekend maybe hi Katie budge oh my gosh is that the Katie budge hi lovely how are you doing this by this part is so good

Ready yeah Matt welcome in I love the pickup y yo y me play by I buy a li for you I feel like that was like a big like meme song on uh on like Tik Tok wasn’t it um or maybe not meme song but it was like you

Have like a bunch of different pictures like boom bo boom bo bo bo spew my tiny Symphonies bu of the spelling it’s totally fine Symphonies is a hard word to spell anyo let’s see uh excuse five minutes thanks SAR I got to go go clean a moosey

Poo unreal dude unreal Matt it’s good to see you congrats on the 79 man 79 is huge dude get your dailies Chad if you have not gotten your daily beans yet make sure to get your dailies check to make sure you’ve gotten it uh you want to

Save up those puppies for some cool rewards and chat whether it’s your first or your H hundredth uh don’t matter you got to start somewhere baby hello there well hi Luna welcome into the kick chats Luna James in the kick chat good to see you really do this inant why for the

Future is Hall of Fame hey you’re crankiness are it’s still fits it will for seven more streams pay your dad gum taxes d That’s what I’m saying pay your dad gum taxes chat pay your dead gum taxes B up that’s fine oh we’re so close man we’re so close

Man I can literally taste it I can literally taste it so close hey Uncle rro you’re uh really need some dental insurance we can’t pay for it all oh man oh no what happened oh no all let’s go like this another layer down baby another down all

Right so we got an hour to get this one down and then we’ll be on track an hour to get on this one we’ll be on track alers oh yes how are you doing how are you doing all oh oh Dad gums nice that makes sense my dad gums

Dude Ash just going to see you kot’s on 75 75 is huge dude and uh papa bear is one day away one day away Papa Bear Let’s Get it dude super let’s see happy super grind day oh It’s a Grind all right oh It’s a Grind All Right hopefully your day is

Going well today there papa bear um is moosey still yeah moosey still there chewing moosey still there Chewing they good but out to the game I’ve been waiting for1 drop next Friday how are we doing wait which game is it night owl congrats on 103 dag now but I need to go get some more pickaxes chats Y come on Al uh we can actually keep those we can

Do one of them though there we go we honestly could do that one too to be honest uh po world I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of Po world have I ever heard of that I’m not sure oops boom okay okay luckily nothing spawned down here while I was up there

Which is really nice it’s going to be so far wa what kind of game is it uh is it like a like a FPS like I threaten to in my hardcore only to play wa oh my gosh don’t end your hardcore maybe just like go away

From it for a little bit I need get Disney movie recommendations while I’m uh doing some work at home I can’t think of any uh want to watch any ideas ooh Disney chat any Disney fans in chat any ideas for Disney movie recommendations um I mean everyone that I would name

Would probably be ones that like wait what is this one um I don’t think that should be that should be good uh Pokemon uh it’s like Pokemon with guns oh my gosh that sounds crazy do you like Disney movies or Disney Channel original movies oo all of them

Moana is my favorite do Moana I’ve actually never seen Moana or coco but I really want to watch CoCo you probably have seen both of those though um okay I got to snooze the ads real quick let me snooze those bad boys so we can uh finish up this level right

Here liking uh Beauty and the Beast or Mulan incredible why do you watch the Great Mouse Detective The Rescuers The Rescuers Down Under see it sounds like you’re going for like more of the non-traditional ones makes me cry every time dude I’ve never seen it I’ve heard it’s very it’s

Very sad but heartwarming uh heartwarming I was about to say heartworms uh Pals and let’s see Pals they’re called also work for you put them in factories and make stuff for you ooh that sounds cool dude how much is it going to be you know you

Can give us the power to snooze the ads wait can I how do I do that uh The Great Mouse Detective wait how’s that I’ve never seen The Great Mouse Detective appu cry kto I haven’t seen that one either bro I need to watch more movies thank goodness Anthem Lov Moana

Too excuse to watch it regularly that’s so good I mean isn’t that like a Giant mountain that sings or something uh I mean what kid wouldn’t like that I would love to have that power would you it’s an ads menu hold on chat hold your horses POS your Champions um

Ads uh okay I’m on ads I see ads incentive program jeez keep proll ads for my channel enable dashboard notifications alerted disabled so I have pre-rolled notifications like enabled but I don’t know how to do it for you guys um Elemental is that a good one watch Dinner for Schmucks I swear

Through all it that it is Holy D I still got to watch it still got to watch that one too uh Lear the hard way while the uh great M detective is a uh regy plus you should not play for children at school really wait really let me look for a

Super great okay cool that’d be sick because I’m not too sure let me go back here cool uh let’s see why are you doing question marks there salty all right that should be good now we got to run ads I’m got to uh clean up moosey poop real quick chat unfortunately

Uh cuz he pooped downstairs and I got to go take care of that uh mushy poo all right let me do uh let me do this real quick Um we’ll do I want to do like a little bit of a oh sorry for you guys to dance Too while I’m gone oh happy it’s an iconic one lots of drinking smoking knives and guns really classic cartoon of my youth was it actually hey yo Scoville welcome in how you

Doing uh all right chat I’m going to be right back you guys Vibe away dance away do your thing well uh I got to go clean up a moosey poop real quick we’ll be right back thank you for holding clean this de oh my gosh dude are you serious with this

Uh let me turn off Mose cam uh and we back in the building is that echo in the chat room ain’t no stinking away dude Hi yeko how are you lovely welcome back de no related but can you uh check your uh stinky real quick I’m not stinky I’m genuinely not stinky

Today like genuine 255 I took a shower this morning in everything dude uh I smell glorious all right let’s get this one yeah yeah this guy’s mad at me it’s fine it’s fine yo Arena what are you doing amazing brother bubblegum welcome than for the follow bubblegum gied one

Subscriptions um thank you so much for the gifted sub out to uh who did that go to out to Zazzle thank you dinino think I to do all that uh the skin nice I haven’t checked them yet I’m new I knew Gumball welome in let me uh let me check this real

Quick hold on chat I’m s yes uh Lush um yes that’s sick that’s actually so sick absolutely Guardians all of those are sick uh keepers of the flame that’s epic uh futurists no nobody yet okay cool uh let’s see send you uh two short videos

On the game ones like uh 20 minutes and the other there’s like 30 seconds but the game is uh going to be funny okay cool I’ll check it out after stream how’s your day going there uh Gumball and uh hopefully you’re doing lovely there Echo glad to have

You um I like all those the Skins are actually so sick actually so clean hold on let me actually keep the site up because uh in case there’s anything that I want to see there bada bing bada bom all right cool viin glad you’re doing good today homie let’s go dim

Oo uh we’re about to run out of durability on this one we still have two more on us got to head out to got to pick up my brother soon going to see what I’m going to do for food ooh hopefully you enjoy your food homie hopefully you uh get some good snacks

And all that jazz all right cool let’s get all all these done I love this song makes me on a v dude I want to listen to that uh that song we listen to earlier again with the what you know about me what you what you know about me

I got distracted back to you uh picking up a moosey poop yeah I had to I had to do that momentarily ago okay so to be fair I’m giving him Grace today because oh he’s still back there here let me uh turn that back on no oh that was that

Was not the best timing super important reminder you all are loved and matter a whole stinking lot also hi been bro missed your stinky face I’m not stinky dude I’m not stinky uh miss you to though Dorito miss you too homie thank you for the 20 Bitties appreciate you dude thank you

For the support man um to be fair moose didn’t get like a proper walk this morning usually like we walk like through the park and stuff but since it was like rainy and muddy and all that he didn’t get like a proper walk so uh right after you escape rip was

That you oh my gosh that was you too oh no I had to get back on the moosey cam it was it was bad timing it’s still no matter what that sound just scares me when people ask me to what I do for work sometimes say I’m a glorified poop

Picker uper I mean honestly fair enough fair enough purple squirrel with a 12% Vibe check wild dude used to be a glorified uh butt wiper That’s crazy dude I would not want to be either to be honest I would not want to be either to be completely Frank and honest with you

Auto auto switch is on yes what is your favorite Minecraft server game dude I used to love playing uh like Hunger Games uh H what would it be now though I don’t really play mini but like a what is it Sky Block that was really fun where like you drop

On your little island and you have to go attack other Islands that’s a fun one until people actually started getting good I I played it like a long time ago when people are terrible didn’t know how to PVP now it’s like everybody knows how to PVP Miss Le Sher welcome on it how

Are you doing I’m just saying uh for being five to 6 months old he is very well potty trained he was well potty trained for like like within the first like month of having him um he still he doesn’t poop inside barely ever like I think he just pooped inside uh

But he didn’t really like he didn’t go this morning morning cuz he like didn’t want to go out in the rain so I think that’s why and he was trying to hold it uh and he went downstairs and I knew he was going to do that downstairs cuz he

Was like if I had time to like go away and like let him out and stuff I could have like stopped it from happening but he was probably down there waiting for a minute and then he’s like no I can’t um but he still does uh pee inside

Sometimes this guy talking about Cody always literally always talking about that Cody p uh like Cody guy oh let’s see so games is uh good Sky Block is fun uh I made a couple Sky Block did you make a couple Sky Block Maps no way everybody let’s see my uh my brother’s

Dog being asleep and it was so funny kind of cute uh that she was so sleepy oh my my brother uh didn’t find it as funny as we did that’s actually hilar was it like on on his bed or something why was he not

Uh D that was uh did I tell you one time um one time we had some friends over and uh my cat hated one of my friends like every time that my that like they would try to pet my cats um you would like hiss at them and like get all like get

All aggressive there is one time chat where they came over and stayed the night this cat I kid you not jumped up like literally was downstairs went upstairs went into the room uh where um where this person was sleeping looked him dead in the eyes and pooped on his

Bed while while he was laying there and then just jumped down and walked away that cat never pooped outside of the litter box ever it just like wented there pooped on him I so m up man I don’t know why the cat hated him so much man like what the

Freak uh my pet does he let’s see my pet does go to the bathroom in my house but I think uh that it’s because he’s BL oh he’s blind really they’re not great big spectacles or anything but they do have a lot of downloads and it spooked me for

Real for real go you that makes sense this and she was laying on her back under the blankets like a human people only Poss of it’s storming she’ll go on the rain but stor she will not yeah I mean moose is just like a still a little bit afraid of

It Paul did that to me three times first for mon with us he he started to tolerate me uh now he loves me a it’s a comeback story that’s so cute the Moonlight let say uh P stain she was a like three months old never seen it before

A oh it’s so sad dude do like thebody there we go today multi Island one chunk all the way down and a sea block let’s see multi Island one chunk all the way down and sea block that sounds pretty cool though sounds pretty cool pretty uh pretty cool pretty

Clean that’s in the Moonlight everybody right through it like a baby a cute so cute man okay I need to uh watch me’s chewing oh he’s fine um I need to like get rid of these blocks cuz they’re getting on my nerves let’s do like these there we go

Cool my doggy does not like boys at all what whatsoever he’ll uh back at them or I guess bark at them uh he he loves the girls he’s a he’s a girl dog he’s a girl dog that’s incredible let’s see uh love a old let’s see doged with

Old man names or human names me too I yeah I love them to I almost thought uh let’s see you threw out the elytra no now I’m I’m keeping that one keeping that one for real for real what was your favorite thing in high school mine was art class uh if it

Counts if it counts mine was um what’s it called football does football counts uh if football counts then that would be my answer to be honest uh let’s see you don’t want to be alone sometimes I think his talk masculinity and showing don’t uh be threatened when another boy shows

Up cashy what the heck dude that’s so funny though it’s actually so funny of like a behavior based on like he’s like an enemy of dudes that’s funny okay can we get this done in 40 I think we can we we got to crank we got to literally crank

Uh let’s see we did rescue him those probably has to do something with the previous owner uh poor cashy oh it probably did it honestly probably did so much cheese dude we’re about to E A Millie cheese we’re uh we’re getting close to a million cheese statistics items H 916 is

Crazy your pet torure the ma because mine doesn’t mine doesn’t even see the mailman mine literally doesn’t even see the mailman because oh look at him oh look at him um he doesn’t even see the mailman my mailbox is like way out like near the

Street um and like my door is like not clear so he doesn’t even see him I would love to have a 1 million cheese dude I would love to I love cheese dude I love cheese I’ll take a million cheese want to be alone can’t tell you there we

Go get all these bad boys we’ll do like that all right that’s that should be good you got debated you got you got debated my parents dog has uh something out for Jeff Bezos she only rips up the Amazon packages uh no joke only rips up the amazon P packages

That’s wild dude what did Jeff do man what did uh what did Jeff do what is your favorite type of cheese bro I love parmesan I’m not going to lie I’m not going to lie I love me some Parmesan but I think mozzarella would take the cake moose on loose bye Moosey Moose

Moy bye Moosey Moose I’m loose man farewell moose he’s going to go downstairs and find a new uh nautical themed thing to pick up and carry around the house thanks for the lurk Abby I appreciate you we have dogs at work uh Bernie Kevin nor Norman Carl Cooper Dennis Winston

Calvin finus Lewis Murphy Theodore Ted Tucker Henry Zack Jack Jackson Tony Marty 40 Walter how did you just like remember all those off the top of your head was that like all off the Noggin the best cheese is the cheese in my tummy that’s so real that’s so true

Question is what does a moose think of water U are you talking about like drinking water or like water like rain rain water uh let’s see or just such great days for dogs uh you did that’s crazy that’s crazy you can remember all those uh let pregnant is a girl yo

Congratulations there Gumball congrats to you and your family dude uh being in water um he does not like hold on fun story about cheese me and boyfriend went to a cheese shop in the nearest city to get a specific cheese Miss shopkeep heard his American accent and gave chunk

Of cheese for freees we’re talking about cheese right now so you’re probably getting so many ping uh thank you for the 20 Bitties a big old chunk of cheese for free dude I don’t take a chunk of cheese for free let me tell you let me

Tell you um moose does not like a bath he’s like he doesn’t like react too badly to it but he definitely like is like like that and he tries to like get out if he can got ped yes my bad we’re talking about cheese right now you know

Cuz what we’re doing but so my bad my bad what sounds less crazy me remembering them off the top of my head or something else uh you getting it like I didn’t know if you like have like a website where you just like copy and pasted it it’s not crazy but uh whenever

I worked at like a snowball stand if anybody would come up to the window and like order something I would remember what they looked like and remember what they get if they came by more than once and got the same thing uh so when I see

Their car pull up I go ahead and already make it and so they come up to the window and like they would like uh be like I’ll take this and I literally hand it to them as they say it and they’re like and I’m like I remembered um I feel

Like when when it’s like a job it’s like easy to remember that kind of stuff you know um Seiko welcome in how you doing Paisley how we doing it was like it was so much fun though like seeing the look on their face when they’ w they it was their

Third time there they came once they ordered the same thing came there twice they ordered the same thing and then the third time they come I they just automatically automatically have it um it’s wild let’s see people look sad uh during bath time it’s just mad and da we have to uh drug

Oh oh poor little daff remember their names I can uh tell them part two how long have you been working there what would I need to do if I wanted to become a shmer how much would it cost you can I mean it can kind of cost whatever you

Wanted to I mean there’s like a limit like a minimum of like okay you have to have like a if if you’re going to stream from like a switch or you’re going to stream from a laptop or a computer it all just depends I mean I’ve spent quite

A bit of money like investing like the money that I get from stream I just put it back into like building up my setup getting lighting uh getting better camera getting a new computer like everything like um all like soundproofing and background stuff and like all that um but I started when I

Started it was just me in my room with a with a pretty crappy computer in one Monitor and I’ve uh just slowly worked my way up to now I have four monitors a much nicer computer um like so I can actually do like do it better now you know what I

Mean uh let’s see but yeah I don’t uh I don’t have a specific like price for you cuz it depends on which route you want to go you know um even the same breeds a year and a half year constantly and then uh 5 months seasonally oh okay that makes

Sense that that makes sense uh but you just get to another personalities and make nicknames uh for them yeah exactly well are those nicknames that you gave them or is it like or is that like their actual names this new set up uh next thing I’m going to get getting out of the

Apartment my brother is going to get a place with me soon good I’m glad to you I hope your uh living situation is uh you know gets better than all that that that is awesome I’m proud of you probably about 500 Jeepers the dogs I’ve uh met there I think they probably

98% of the dogs that are there about 500 dogs holy like Louis we call uh little Lou and he answers it l Lou Little Lou I don’t think Moose’s here he’s not is he underneath me no he probably downstairs probably downstairs dude cozmo is a baby bird Bailey is a Bailey

Beans that’s so cute Bailey beans hi little Bailey beans how you doing are you transforming the IND Island uh to something cuz my uh brother transform the island to All Glass we’re going to make a a giant space shuttle here it’s going to be uh the space shuttle from Deep Space

9 um like the big like circular looking uh shuttle is a chicken Taquito oh that’s so cute he Wiggly wriggly dude such good names man oh wait I don’t think I think I missed your message sorry D I have a personal uh joke that I’ve never seen

Heard anyone else do when someone ask me for to do something in the middle of uh giving doing it I say no why would I ever do that that’s wild you know you’re insane homie never seen Deep Space 9 yeah me neither yeah space station the

DS9 space St I’ve never seen it either I just love the ship it looks really cool uh CB congrats on the 97 daily beans holy guaca I appreciate you that’s wild thank you Miss C that should be good is it from Star Trek it is it’s from Star Trek Tony Baloney Obi Boby Dennis the Menace Mochi man Lily girl oh my gosh the apartments aren’t bad but PR ridiculous for uh what it is people in here are sus yeah it’ be

Better if you can find something in like a better area like Al together just a just a better situation hey 97 ma that’s wait did I say 97 bro my dyslexia coming in uh coming in hot dude Frick is it obvious uh let’s see gu Star Trek I’ve never seen St

Maybe I should watch Star Trek to like uh like really get down to business of what this should look like you know what I mean let’s get down to business to defeat the turn to St my face with Oreo cake yo enjoy it deito enjoy it old me appreciate

You okay that’s this one hold on let me check this boom boom that should be good all right cool that’s good that’s good today I love um I love Oreo cake dude Oreo milkshakes though I used to like not like them but now I think they’re pretty darn good pretty darn

Good dude but my favorite milkshake is just a probably just a chocolate milkshake maybe some Reese’s in there oh my gosh chocolate shake with Reese’s pops off what’s a what’s y go to like milkshake or like um or even a malt is that a totem in your off hand it

Is it’s retextured to look like a spoon uh so we can eat our beans with it let’s see I get to eat Oreo cheesecake tonight for my cousin birthday no way is Oreo cheesecake good I’m not a big fan of Cheesecake H let’s see good to milkshake

Already rare cuz lactose Oreo F real FR real dud I feel like everybody likes Oreo milkshakes um huh what wa what happened what happened oh did I don’t like cheesecake okay listen b cheese oh no he chocolate all with extra chocolate and extra malt oh baby now you’re speaking my language there

Bumblebee speaking my Lang language dude loves a cheesecake I know he does yeah I know he does hear me out it’s chocolate uh that’s wild it’s so good you don’t like cheesecake well we can’t be friends wow unreal CI unreal fine fine then oh and the peaky peers dude have you

Ever seen peaky blinders pey blinders the pey blinders like my sprinkles and the milkshake rude uh I like sprinkles sprinkles are cool you know uh this peaky is a dog a little dog little guy I used to I hate cheesecake because uh why would cheese be in cake

But I swiftly changed my mind is it actually like what kind of cheese is in cake like in cheesecake uh tier three pop off helloid this pey is a dog oh that makes sense that makes sense Oreo cheesecake but I’ve tried Oreo ice cream uh chocolate mixed with

The vanilla cake that sounds good hear me out chocolate milkshakes but you asked them oh wait to put sprinkles in oh yeah yeah dude I would love sprinkles in my milkshake heck yeah Dalia I would love that dude they purely for my sprinkles dude Jelly Bean gang AO

Nicknames for dogs is so much fun I love that I’m not the biggest fan of cake in general it’s too sweet but if I do have cake so we go for a cheesecake dude for me it’s either red velvet cake um I kind of like chocolate cake but not

Really uh mainly red velvet is like my favorite teram slaps though you’re a ter Su is that a Hannah it is thank you Hannah I appreciate you you know the eat sleep repeat thing yes I do Sab is that life of Abby hi Abby welcome to the internet chat room

In Hannah congrats on 147 I’m so dumb I they were jelly beans um it’s Jelly Bean gang but they can be sprinkles they can literally be sprinkles if you want them to be sprinkles uh timy Tabby wbby Baby as well how you doing I don’t know why you

Are thinking that it’s me KW lovers listen Anna you are so good at like reminding me to hydrate and posture check into all that Paisley also Paisley with 15 15 streams is wild like this one Daisy gets her let’s see gets her brother soon hey yo that’s so cute man

They you got to tell Daisy I said hello wait are you with Daisy right now uh let’s see I was bored in the yard I I started doing a dping um that for dogs first time I um did with Cooper e poo dream about poop actually poop repeat

Wow what a moment also is that lynxy in the internet chat room ain’t no way dude welcome in link how we doing today King dude hope your day is going amazing man thank you for stopping in good luck on stream in 20 minutes dude this is getting a brother apparently that’s what

I heard that’s what I heard wait did I throw something out [ __ ] no that’s good um get all these bad boys hi hi Obie hi Obie let me show you where we’re at real quick I know you don’t have much time before stream but this is uh this

Is where we’re at with the island at the moment uh we did the math and we are currently seven streams away if we do four chunks per day which is uh which is pretty like it’s easy to do four chunks a day uh we’re seven away baby to

Completing it all by hand uh seven streams and it’s gone dude I’m doing so good I’m so excited to get this cleared so excited uh look how you organize this well yeah it’s chunk it’s chunk by chunk I wanted to like make it manageable like

Uh like to be able to like count okay one chunk takes about uh one and a halfish hours to two hours I can do four chunks per day um there’s you know 20 whatever left uh if I do four day blah um I wanted to

Do that so yeah we like got all of the like edges done so like these are all like the same exact size and uh we’re doing checkerboard just for funsies just for funsies has an obsession with the poop so water balls really that’s funny imag you throw all

Your rockets that would be unfortunate and I’m not going to lie to you uh she’s with her daddy at the station I told her daddy would let’s see told her daddy to take her because uh he wanted to clean the house thought Daisy being uh in my way that’s fair I mean

That makes sense they whenever I’m um whenever I am like cleaning the house moose always wants to step in like wants to like step in the uh like my little like what is it like dirt piles when I’m like sleeping would TNT be easier TNT would

Be um it would be a little bit faster if we had all the TNT uh there’s a couple reasons we’re not doing TNT number one uh statistics we want to get like um we want to get literally as much inst Stone as possible we have almost a million uh

We still got quite a bit we have a million uh or close to a million um we also like just for the flex want to say that we handm every project that we’ve done no duping no TNT and that kind of stuff it’s just a personal rule we have in the

World uh let’s see you’re making uh more than one chunk at a time currently that is true yeah it’s a one chunk plus a block on either side yeah so the these ones are going to go faster because I already got rid of like the walls around

Them hey B Squad dude link hopefully your day is going awesome man hope you have an amazing stream uh stream today too dude uh parch congrats on the 77 uh we’re very close to a Millie we are not quite there yet 918 so we’re going to hit it usually we get about

Like 50k a day so we’re probably going to hit it Tom hit a Millie tomorrow great day thank you appreciate you L glad you’re having a good day man I’m so ready for this to be just empty and literally the only thing out here is going to be this little obsidian

Platform um obviously the portal well that’s it dude you’re doing 17 by 17 Ming will be 15 by 15 that’s true so those will all take less time yeah fill them with a Venom and eliminate them other words I’m Minimate them want but did bit get will him yo

Squeegee hopefully your days going aome man and skull Bill the link to emotes no Sean link what are you doing dude bro you don’t got to do all that man thank you so much for the gifted to skille thank you D you’re insane what did you uh break the Bedrock

Um wait did you break the Bedrock around the portal I did not should I I could actually could we even do all of them is the plan out here again let me show you uh this is going to be the rough like uh this is going to be the inspiration

Photo um of what’s going out here uh right here here’s the uh here’s the inspiration uh so the Deep Space Nine um this guy so this is going to be where the inner portals are going to be uh and then we’re going to have like a big

Outer Circle as well um that’s going to be kind of like the inso the inso lyy I’m okay dude that’s wild don’t thank me I’m okay that’s wild yo iy welcome it how we doing how we doing Omie uh let’s see oh and uh have you ever lied to your mom and dad

Before probably when I was younger um but yeah let’s see what allows you to uh do a Wither killing uh chamber underneath the portal uh yeah that is true so I do kind of want well if I were to remove it what I would want to remove

Would not be the bottom it would be it would be these blocks and then these ones cuz you’re not really going to see the bottom uh we’re going to have like a little thing that like the floor is going to be right here I look he might remove those is it

Possible to remove those could remove the center center pillar yeah that’s true um let’s see and baby circle of claws binoculars together DS9 to right it’s going to be Wicked dude I’m excited uh it’s going to be really cool it’s definitely going to be a very big project um

But I’m really excited to see how it’s going to turn out um Havoc dude hopefully your day is freaking awesome dude glad to have you today Oreo kick demolished dude I would love Oreo kick right now all the Bedrock except the ones under the portal wait really you can you

Can should I though that’s the question next step for the Hall of Fame held items um the next step for the Hall of Fame held items wait what do you mean by that like they can hold uh kind of Whatever item if they want to like if they right now if they get

Something as a badge they can put it in their hand if they want to could just save you a piece if you told me dagnabit we’ll just go get another one it’s fine sh there it is am I going to be able to get this one down I hope

So let’s keep cranking Yeah Izzy congrats on the 13 da beans let’s get it congratulations Obie that’s the right one off with you thanks to you d k like this yo watch this congrats on 118 daily beans congratulations my friend Um let me do that okay cool all right cool that’s good uh just making sure just checking in all right cool let’s uh let’s continue this I want to get this last one UND done just this last little uh little filler joker last little filler Joker the we VI baby

Luscious so good to see you my friend so good to see you I leave for class in 13 minutes no that’s so soon dude I got to get I got to finish this Chunk in 19 minutes oh my gosh we got to we got to

Go go go go go go go Camy hi Cammy how are you doing way going to see you Cam me let’s see cheat uh Iz he this uh this thing is not even at half the size of my bed the be uh got to have two slices before he

Left oh SS your head oh that’s fair one two three that’s my bday number wait wait your birthday is coming up in like uh what two weeks oh my gosh uh not even 3 weeks right oh my L though happy early birthday cabie let’s go go go go go we’re going Eloy we’re

Going got to dig faster I got to go fast Chad I got to go fast uh God imagine the bed siiz cake wild I mean I’m sure it’s been done before I’m sure it’s been done somewhere at some point come on baby we’re cranking we’re

Cranking cam H did you go to bed oh no Camy oh no Cami maybe drop the the skateboard or a backpack full of beans you know I got to keep them I literally got to keep them you know this than to you d off off off ward you right I’m being silly you’re

Being a little bit Goofy and wacky to be honest a little bit Goofy and wacky and silly like this cool let’s uh throw these bad boys out of here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 did 11 12 30 40 I mean 14 Stacks 14 Stacks just

Out of here dude Gone With the Wind the biggest cake ever was 27th huh dude they used to call me biggest cake ever to be honest noie why do you ask dude I went I went to sleep at an ungodly hour it’s not even funny it’s

Not even funny and I don’t want to D about it 45 everyone should say to me hey Thalia you better do your thing that you’re supposed to do or else you get banned I’ll let you know hey Siri hey Siri Siri’s not working Siri’s not working but luckily I have an

Alarm uh I have an alarm at this time non boom um do the thing all right cool there it is I got you I literally got you say less bad cam what do you mean bad what are you talking about dude FR didn’t go to sleep too late hey people he dce

What’s up there Doom welcome in Obie is that the Doom crafter in the chat room uh didn’t even have to uh do the whole alarm thing well I mean it it’s already done it’s already done niggly done was it 177,000 wait what no way why would anybody make a cake that

Big like at time 415 or 4 hours 50 minutes uh in a stream 4:15 uh cuz that’s when they’re back from work they get off at 4:00 so they’ll be they should be doing the thing at 4:15 and then at 4:15 they’re going to be like oh I can’t log

In or oh no I can’t fine whatever or oh no you World Records that’s a wild one though it’s a wild and funky one dude what’s up D how you doing how you doing arthritis welcome at homie how are We go like this I’m definitely not going to do it today without being uh threatened definitely yep listen you’ll get a sneaky little ban if you don’t do it you know it’s a sneaky don’t roll your eyes at me will dude the the the baked eye roll is such

A good emote dude actually such a good emote I would uh let’s see I would have to be multiple cakes next to each other you wouldn’t be able to uh bake it that is true he this is true all right will get this I mean it have to be like a bunch

Of I guess what they did is just made like a bunch of cakes put them all together and then like a just covered all the top of it with uh with Whatchamacallit um like icing they probably had like huge things of icing like big old barrels

Barely uh the C cake is a lie it actually is that’s what I heard too the cake is a lie there we go nice cake is life or cake is a lie which one is the cake a lie or is cake life that’s like the size of Rhode

Island wait what the freak wait wait let’s look at this hold on world’s world world’s biggest cake oh I should be careful what I Google hold on all right we’re good we’re good we’re good um wait I don’t even uh I don’t even see it well there’s some pretty big ones the I

Don’t see anyone that looks like 17 uh 177,000 okay chat I okay do you guys ever Google something and you’re like wait I should have worded that better this the largest cake there it is the baked forp is the baked forp or The Malt BP let’s be

Honest uh if my life is a lie does that mean the let’s see if my life is a lie does that mean the my life is cake yes it does yes if you watching your searches just got a shock yep world biggest cake don’t look that

Up he okay you’re looking up Dean susage it’s not my fault dude it’s not my fault Dude tell still my joke wait Talia where you at uh the world’s largest cake yep that’s a good one or does the double meaning uh you don’t know about exactly literally so

True get you ready for glass bye-bye love you love you more love more let me throw these out she’s so lovely she’s so lovely there we go uh let’s see when I said the bigboard we try to make you feel bad we all know the M warp is uh

Thicker I don’t think so I I’ll be honest I don’t think so yo Cowboy welcome in how you do hi cowboy hey what the oh wait um just saw the emote exist now it’s my new favorite dude the new emotes that are rolling out are insane literally

Insane guy is nuts he’s actually nuts dude I forgot to get my drip hold on what is this dude tomato [Applause] what is this dude hello Doom why are you giting a some about to giting a sh out to you large cake is wild bro it’s a wild bro

Hello insane feel good about the J say best emote artist out there that’s what I’m saying that’s literally what I’m saying dude told you I’ll be here forever I did forget something earlier beanie yes I forgot something earlier but it’s fine we got it we got it I always forget

My dailies dude literally $5 for uh memes Gigan that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying yo uh I mean honestly it’s fair though like I love when I love doing a gifted sub that’s literally just a meme thank you so much for the uh the gifted sub there

Doom how are you today I’m doing well today Rocky how are you doing Omie hope your day is going phenomenal H H glad you’re doing good today Rocky hello uh chat we only have N9 minutes to try to get the rest of these done I

Don’t think we can do it I we should just do it though we should just we should just go for it even if it takes a little bit longer easy money we’re like definitely on track to get two uh get four today not on track to get re or or ooo thank

You for reacting man you guys de not believeing you on me thank you dude I uh I wouldn’t be able to do without yall beond they’re fluffy wouldn’t be able to do without your support uh people rain this song is approprate for the noers true oh this song

Dude let’s see have you ever uh watched the that cake show cake boss I think I don’t think I’ve actually watched an episode I think I’ve seen like highlights though um they used to call me the cake BOS back in college though internet is decided it’s time to mess around no it

Was so good so far dude it was so good so far hello down on a camel’s back this candle smells so good but I don’t want it to like uh I don’t want it to like be gone like today dude I love candles candles are like my favorite the smell of a candle

Just being uh blown out is amazing dude it’s amazing it’s lifechanging it’s wonderful and it’s a movement dude for some I’m forever hard and talk to me people talk oh I’m talking alloy I’m talking alloy I burn a ton of candles yeah see I I do too and then

They they like burn out so fast this one’s called the candle let me check I have it over here it doesn’t actually have it on it um moonlit walk wandering stream moonlit walk wandering stream is what it’s called I like to know sense me too even if it doesn’t make sense get

It weird chck is the way to go let’s see wa I cover them to put them out yeah I used to do that but I like the smell dude you put the little lid on it these don’t even have uh these don’t even have lids on them careful moose doesn’t eat

It people are I know I have it up high there’s no way he could get it dude that dog will get into anything I’ll put that thing on everything thing woodwick is so good speaking of moose where the heck is that dog dude I don’t know where he’s at

Dude K always have the weirdest names I know they really do they they do have some strange names in the building but you know it is what it is it smells delicious is delicious a good word um for a candle delicious it smells the I guess you

Could just say it smells superb is delicious only referring to like like food it smells yummy I feel like that’s like regarding food too I don’t know if a delicious is like just food is a good one for crayons be no not this again not this again I swear to All Things hi

Moosey what were you doing what were you doing were you getting into anything he’s giving me a little bit of a look chat what’ you do come here lie down lie down uh I’ll have to go check downstairs in a moment dud I feel like there’s nothing

In my residence that he could possibly get into uh like I feel like I’ve dog proof to everything pleasant smell odor fragrance wait wa wait pleasant smell odor fragrance but it smells Pleasant wait it’s a pleasant smell it’s a fragrance get some words and five dude I

Don’t have time to this last one man uhoh moose on the loose I know what are we to do though you know what I mean nothing to prove neither do you is retrospect still here we got a we got to ask retrospect something when they get back dude that retrospects guy oh only

Heard that she was 19 had a fake D and some nose rings those kind of things seem to know better than I do is the backseat lovers dude I love the backseat lovers like honest like this cool um ooh then he kissed me the crystals got you hooy did you know

Hello’s with me and Ekko by the way didn’t know if you guys knew that huh hi retro he were you able to figure out the thing with the ads the little ads Joker or no thing is Moose under me he is he’s next to my feet he’s next to my uh my

Toes Joker lease 1,190 times that’s a lot of times that’s a lot of jokers dude isn’t here she would uh pop off that song really wait I don’t know what this one is i’ been carrying since you left my room and I’ve got nothing to prove you’ve already Yes Yes is an

Oldie then he kissed me dude why can I not think of what this song is dude why can I not even think of it G I can’t find the dangum setting uh know it’s real cuz Norm saw the I saw it too maybe they’re just testing it on you

Maybe it’s not like a setting that’s actually out to everybody yet like maybe it’s just like because when I was was when I was in your stream it told me all the time it’s like snooze ads question mark and I was like uh y’ actually I didn’t really uh I didn’t

Really snooze it cuz I didn’t know if you wanted me to uh it’s time to end work I thought uh let’s see that 1424 was less than 11 listen it happens to the best of us let me tell you simple math when you’re uh when you’re not like when your job is

Not just math you’re like your brain’s working and then uh simple math you’re like um I don’t know man I don’t know I’m a good test subject well maybe that’s why they did it maybe that’s why they did it retrospects you never know nowadays how many more h we’re so close

Dude we’re D them so close the thing is one of these is going to be a yeah one of these yeah this one two of those are going to be easier to do which is Good that’s part of the song dude the the breakdown with the guitar is so good rest get some food so true don’t be mean to yourself or I’ll be angry at you literally so true you make sure you guys are taking care of yourself get some

Food water rest whatever you got to do make sure you take care of you and take care of each other baby listen that’s what it’s all about take care of yourself take care of each other make sure to get those meds if you guys need

To take any Med medicine uh if you need to get some water hydrate today chat hydration there it ising there we go and let’s uh continue on our way I’m on my way I’m on my way I work don’t P I’m on my way there it is okay we only have six

Food left too chat somebody remind me I need some more food dude I need some more food dude people harmonica thank you for that alloy um okay this is the song that is an oldie that um helloy said that I’ll remember I’ve never heard this song in

My life but you know what it reminds me of it reminds me of a song need more food C oh yeah I mean later dude yo Ark bab welcome in OB how you doing bro wait this song this song wait let me uh let me go back to

This okay wait wait the next song I think sounds like the Beatles let’s get some word time thank you Tia we’re going to try to do a little bit more if I can snooze the ads um and then we’ll go we’ll go go uh we’ll go to the end of the song at

Least at least uh I’m going to show you what song I’m talking about U after this one it has like the same like tone dude we’re so close we’re literally so close can we just finish we can uh we can be late to uh that today I can I

Still can sneeze it a couple times I don’t think I’ve ever seen Good Fellas feel like we are going slower than we were on the like we got haste too like the other ones definitely seem faster which is wild okay wait oh wait no it’s not over yet helloid helloid

Hello okay so I’m going to play the start of the S after this one I’m going to play the start of the song I need you to listen to the tune the in chat let me know if you guys hear the the resemblance I’m going to turn it

Up a little bit so you guys can hear it wait for it it’s a it’s a very similar hi mini welcome in is it not like similar H formidable by 21 bolet what song do you think I was going to play Thalia right am I crazy or you’re going to sit

You’re tell me that I’m wrong thank you zarana how you doing today midy yeah it’s definitely more modern this one came out uh what two years ago the other one was in the like what 50s or 4 something but yeah not that one which one were you thinking hold on let me

Play this song again chat listen to this tell me I’m crazy like tell me I’m crazy oh wait I can’t do it yet hold On oh yes Mother of f good night SAR I love you ladies and gentlemen boys and girls Arc don’t say I love you don’t say I love you right after doing trauma what do you mean thousands of sparkling lights and electromagnetic musical sounds the main stream oh my gosh Come back I have my headphones on don’t worry I my headphones On ladies and gentlemen boys and girls disly presents our spectacular Festival imagination in thousands of sparkling lights and electromagnetic musical sounds the oh God bad di good to see you good to see you tox hi Lovelies using dizzy things now that’s a dangerous road wait what are you mean what do you Mean Oh ladies and gentlemen boys and girls Walt Disney proudly presents our spectacular F of Night Magic and imagin I have a question why Arc why literally why the magnetic musical sounds breath your your Disneylands electrical Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls that makes sense magicom proudly presents our spectacular Festival pageant of night time magic and Imagination in thousands of sparkling lights and electroen magnetic musical sounds the Main Street like and we made it oh my gosh dude I hate it here I hat it [Applause] here

Arc we’re we’re in a fight we’re we’re we’re in a fight exclamation point trauma if you uh if you want to know more information about what the freak that was Ling amen there miss Luda Joe thank you Miss Luda Joe hi Derek hi Mercury oh my gosh dude all the homies

Popping in what are we doing go to school early nice is a is it bad weather where you’re at actually incredible it’s not incredible though who redeemed it freaking Ark de the freak here to make your day better you already did just seeing your name you already did uh that is

74,900 stream uh this is the big child nightore for some reason uh it is traumatic for him and makes him cringe enjoy traumatizing the streammer so since I was young that song I would have nightmares of that song and the uh the parade in general General and every

Single time it s Shivers up my D on spine dude it’s kind of the worst after this okay we only have two more layers we can just finish this off real quick uh might be no school tomorrow jeez dude it’s crazy the weather’s crazy right now y’all stay safe

Man uh Cornelius G got’s on 157 dude got a run lots of love Mr streamer thank you you too Cornelius hopefully your day is amazing bro uh there might be no school oh yeah yeah that one so wait wait did I wait wait let me open the key hold on one second chat the beginning this just sounds here let me just clear that it’s fine all right cool that should be good boom that should be that should be all right all right let’s go um let’s see is

That a Carl crabs to the internet chat room is that like the Carl crabs oh baby well W come on baby no let me get this one oh come on in Carl crash how are you how we doing I mean welcome in Carl how you doing good to see

You hey how are you my bean son that’s wild I’m doing amazing today tomato what are you up to today lovely you been doing amazing dude I’m doing a fantastic today Carl crafts doing absolutely fantastic uh what you up to today my friend yippy D get your yippies and

Chats hey Kodak got 96 daily beans D we got two Kodak in the chat room too s Caron LEL thank you there we go dude hello toak how’s your day going so far how’s it going how’s it going literally we’ve been cranking cheese we have um it’s actually taken

Longer than I thought to get these last couple but it’s totally fine we’re still on track to get uh four done today four done today and then uh for the next six days after that and bada bing bada boom dunzo with the cheese this morning in uh

Thing control let’s see taking uh Carol Craft’s motherin-law it’s down for a bunch of stuff ooh that’s so nice uh that’s so nice hopefully you guys uh have a good time stay safe I don’t know what the weather’s like there it is like um I don’t know if it’s like

Super hot today or what have you but how DRS do you mine today almost two Immaculate v v start my day dude it’s always good to start my day with Carl let me tell you I always get to end my day with Carl and uh sometimes I start

My day with Carl depends on uh if it’s a juic or wait wait where is this uh Beacon hello wait we lost Beacon effects dude okay there’s like a little bit right here that’s fine I’m doing good not much plan for today appointment tomorrow Sange uh oh there’s an

Appointment you don’t want to go to hi Co welcome in how are you doing uh they say a watch pot uh watch pot never boils that is true a watch pot does never boil let’s see um dang dude the weather be crazy do this BL me to poo

Shake dude I’m not a big fan of the dentist I’m like I can manage my teeth don’t worry I can do it myself but uh but it’s good to go it’s still good to go dude I just don’t like when they do the thing I was only a part of the old

Saying he what’s the rest of the old saying let’s see a watch po never boils hi Mom lunch break hi May how’s your lunch break going so far doing well doing well just H work on some art yo let’s go how’s the art going Coya just thinging was a watchbot never boils over

Oh really GTO thanks H I appreciate it yeah I try to listen I try to take care of them myself so I don’t have to have anything done at the dentist uh let’s see oh my bad sorry dude I thought it was I’ve only ever heard a watch a watch pot does never

Boils that’s what I’ve always heard never heard the overp part uh to be fair just started so it’s not much yet got you what are you uh going to be making the meaning is that when you cook pay attention you uh screw things up if you pay attention you you screw things up

Really or if you don’t pay attention huh interesting you won’t same yeah it’s weird oh twitch a you guys are cute so lovely he so lovely there it ising bom all right that should be good um all right let’s go just uh some fan art drawing a

Vtuber uh ooh nice let’s go hope it turns out well you cute you a ctie cue py uh like if you uh try to stop Prophecy from happening it always happens uh makes sense no you may are you serious I typed uh fast I’m just saying uh you won’t screw things up

Um that makes sense no worries so it’s uh means when you’re getting something you don’t pay uh if you pay attention you won’t screw things up so watch your poch I guess dude I feel like the the more well no I guess it does make sense I guess it does make sense just

Kidding get these uh these last two sh weather oh I’m dead in game in game in game in game I’m go back up here ow I knew I was going to hit the wall it’s fine it’s fine let’s see I’m just a empty pot oh no not like this man yo

Blubber welcome in lovely how are you doing uh got to go against Sange dude thank you for stomping back there may I appreciate youo for may just got out of a bed I hate it although fell down like three steps and Bruise myself uh could be my body

Healing uh oh my gosh I hope you’re okay what the World Jeepers uh yo be careful out there for real for real Good Golly gracious man back to life okay CH we only got this last row here and then uh we’ll be good to go easy peasy limit

Squeezy uh I think we’ll be good though we have one that has like a big hole in it so we’ll be able to get that one done yeah well we’ll be able to get our four today easy not five though I don’t see us getting five carpet stairs get

Slippery sometimes they do uh so do wooden stairs like we used to have wooden stairs but they were like they were sanded down and like polished so they could be slippery too uh but the good thing about uh carpeted stairs is it doesn’t hurt as

Much to fall you know if you do fall but still uh I’m sorry you bruis yourself though that is not ideal not ideal at all Chad here momentarily we’re going to get some holds in the chats uh to celebrate the finishing of another chunk on the day

Which is insane actually nuts T it could be worse you know yo blue J welcome it blue J how are we doing how are we doing and the taxes do you guys are so good at get getting your beans and pay your taxes it’s wild uh there we

Go we probably won’t even get any from doing this probably won’t even get any uh maybe we’ll see you know I haven’t seen recently my hubby coffee s uh they were here yesterday they were here yesterday they’ve they’ve been in a they’ve been on vacation um there it’s like a wax museum

And all that jazz it was actually lit actually lit let’s see missed uh no way no way hi M Queen be are the woman of the hour hi miss queen be how are you doing today welome how doing how doing not much let’s see I’m not talking much because

I’m doing homework have your rest stream up on my monitor of course do your thing uh do your thing there Derek pickax about to break we have enough to finish this one I think hopefully see my uh homie no and forever I know I miss no so freaking much man I

Miss no so freaking much oh dude I love nails so much um let’s see misser Hello do love Miss monster Miss Queen Bean dude okay chat in just a moment I’m going get you guys to get a hold in the chat room just a couple of holdes here and

There falling in love falling in love oh beautiful beans Sly I’m out of bits currently broke so announce so no announce but I love you guys hope you’re doing amazing and fabulous Tuesday so living Good Vibes work today so won be hanging along no worries I appreciate

You so much thank you for the kind words hey hopefully your workday goes amazingly all right chat it’s time for a hold in the chat please is it a hold for waiting for that pickaxe no we’re fine trust it’s going to it’s not going to diey miss them too yeah we all miss

NOS uh they just been uh they Haven been around a little bit there Derek and we missed them hold it okay that’s toxic who did that Doom you’re toxic you’re toxic for this hold your horses and pause your Champions Chad hold it that’s yeah you better scanner buddy you better

Scanner can we get some Dres maybe even some joshes in the chat room for another finished chunk baby let let’s get it oh baby let’s go dude we’re cranking look at this dude oh my gosh we’re literally cranking uh so today we’re also going to finish off this chunk and

Wait this chunk and this Chunk we could try the third one but I think that’ll do uh the clap OTE is fire D the clap emote is new the Poo um the PO ey roll type emote which is the baked IR roll is a new we got a bunch of new ones yeah

Look at that one look at that one it’s so good dude uh I got a bunch of new ones it’s so cool guys is literally insane uh chat we’re cranking today hello like are we serious with this this looks Wicked I’m not going to lie this looks

Really cool doing it like this I love it I actually love it so if we do today we do this one and this one tomorrow we do one two three 4 then one two three four like a couple more days we’ll have the whole thing uh chunked

Down and the whatever going to be using this a lot dude lovely I know I’m going pop off D thanks Dave uh Chad it’s time for words though we’re uh we’re at the past the 4 Hour Mark we’ve gone a little bit late uh it’s fine though it’s

Literally so fine if I ever move the end Island during survival definitely uh be barring this method thanks homie uh I love this method it’s a really cool way to go about it um so what hold on hold your horses pause your Champions boom boom okay cool um bada bing bada

Bing oh I also need to turn off dark dark mode there it is uh and then I copy this link right uh apparently it’s like easier for you guys uh to use that link I’m pretty sure YouTube can use it and kick maybe uh I’m not too sure 4 hours

And 20 minutes in fact Sno dog there it is you already know the Vib a little you make SAR sad well sar’s not here right now so Bada Bing b boom um they’re sleeping it’s okay let’s see all right chat what we’re going to do real quick we’re going to play some

Words I’m going to go let on moosey poo and have a little snack we’ll be back in just a moment enjoy your little word situational BRB baby let’s gy see you guys soon hello uh hello how we do it no no no no don’t don’t rip get to get your GG’s in

The chat man that was good what’s up Carly with the 166 I see you uh we got chapstick Abby and then Salone and third what’s good baby get some uh ggs in the chat thank you Derek another round no not another round you goofball we got

Way too much to do are you serious look at this look at this we we got way too much to do are you joking thank you T I appreciate it Al hi Carly hello Chloe I um people rage don’t rage don’t appu cry how’s the weather there it is coming

Down right now dude I would not be surprised if I uh if my power went out soon chat I’m not going to lie to you guys um so if stream randomly ends um uh the power has gone off it does it when it’s like big uh storms like this

But um it should be fine hopefully maybe possibly I guess I guess we’ll see uh hope you stay safe and have no flood oh it’s already flooding it’s already flooding but um I think my my residence is high up enough so we’re chilling glad the bad weather is not

Here dude it is bad right now let me tell you let me tell you thank you though Doom I appreciate it uh need to be asleep thank you so much for Stream IL all lovers love you too Hannah thanks for uh is my hair crazy right now

Probably I don’t even care um but hope you sleep well Hannah can we get some love over to Hannah sleep well weird dude e why am my weird dude Coffee Bean Head you’re the weird dude Nar let Guardians indeed bada bing bada boom I’d uh be breaking let’s see

Breaking it if uh storm stuff were here breaking it what do you mean by that he put it in a ponytail I need to low key I don’t have any of the Little ponytail Jokers hold on chat can we pull up moose Cam he’s underneath me right now it’s

Fine we’ll get up in a moment hopefully let me turn this back on too cuz this looks way better this looks so much nicer uh for my eyeballs brick at me and scared oh is that what it means I had no idea wait I actually need to save this candle unless

The power go uh for if the power goes out you shine um is that Gracie in the internet chat room is that like the Gracie hi Gracie how are you doing how are you doing it was like consistently raining all December long in England at least where I live so thankfully it’s not

Raining now dude I don’t like the I don’t like like constant rain and all that jazz dude like get that out of here man give me the give me the sun uh holding the god apples is huge let’s go uh um I I’d responded actual where

But I get caught by c yeah you would yeah you would how’s your day going Gracie hey uh is the weather really bad in Inc yeah apparently it is apparently it’s like really bad I was actually sent a video from me Mom hold on um let me make sure it’s not doable

Um dude holy the backyard is like flooded out the Wazoo like it’s actually flooded out the stinking W I’m not going to show it cuz I don’t know if it can docks or anything but like the whole backyard is just like flooded uh Here Comes the Sun The

Beetles There It Is Well I hope so I hope Here Comes the Sun man it’s really raining on My Parade unreal dude unreal squeak squeak people legs dude what’s mushy doing doing good lots of work today uh yippe once got home I took a nice nap

Glinch how are you uh cutie I’m doing good Gracie I’m doing good literally just chilling and vibing and vibing and chilling you know how it is then look up I looked up yeah I looked up wait now what oh wait is it not up there is that is it is that better is

That better did it work uh I tried to get it back but who knows uh coffee congrats on the 93 I see you are getting some January rain instead of November Rain oh I know what the world okay well butom again I guess uh we have a team in N See and

Some my co-workers want to pick up their kids early from school also uh data centers are down life are they really dude what’s going on right now like why is it so rainy and crazy OMG that was sick thanks dude also I need to

Do um we can do like this uh no not that one sorry oops moose cam is not there so we’ll do that and then we’ll do this one GL War maybe maybe possibly uh weather’s so yuckier too my driveway is slushy wait did you get snow climate change yep wild stuff dude

Let’s take care of the Earth please thank you in nearly a year oh my gosh Chloe are you yanking my chain are you actually serious uh I need to make sure do I have this on I I do I do I do I do cool happy

Happy so mad it’s not snow life life cheeks man life actual cheeks happy happy happy snow and rain yep it’s uh raining now life so it snowed what yesterday or this morning or last night and then uh now it’s raining dude I don’t like slush dude that’s a big no thanks for me

Stop s Rihanna that’s what are we doing unreal dude unreal and uncanny to be honest I’m in fact not yanking your chain poo Shake well uh thank you for not yanking my chain that’s a very nice of you yo C course out the 117 Obie

Let’s get it hi Obie hi Obie a much left on the uh pick yeah there’s not much left at all it’s getting real low it’s fine though it should be fine uh the good news is I have a mod that auto switches it out when it’s too low I just

Forget when it’s on or off but it’s on right now what’s up what’s up how you today uh Danny I’m doing well today K thanks for asking dude I’m doing so well literally just getting the cheese dug on down thank you for the what face that’s what I’m saying

Hello while I’m getting emotional watching the uh Game Theory video mad leaving YouTube not clickbait all uh shut up uh there’s advertisement don’t want to turn it down chat not uh breaking rules willingly you’re good there maie uh you’re good listen I uh it’s always sad when like your favorite

YouTuber leaves I remember one of my favorite YouTubers growing up uh Noah J 456 uh he like had this big time or he’s like I’m quitting YouTube I’m U I’m quitting content Creation in general three days later after I had like a breakdown and I I slowly processed it

And recovered uh he came back he’s like just kidding we’re back in the building Noah I know I love Noah no is awesome um but yeah fun fact he uh Noah had a dog named moose and that’s uh part of the one of the main reasons I wanted to

Have a dog named moose binging let’s see uh wow a vanish I actually missed a vanish you actually miss unreal unreal uh you can get uh you can get 7 TV that actually shows you what people said Guns and Roses November Rain but it’s January rain huh wild I just watched that sagge

Oh no hopefully he’ll just be right back you know hopefully we can hope we can hope do sweet there we go cool what’s up my guy what’s up OG dude how you doing today OG hopefully today is going awesome man now he’s gone forever people forget are you

Sure uh for why okay but does 7tv work with Opera GX it probably does I’m not sure though I’ve never tried it Millie Bobby Brown saying Noah is so freaking funny Noah who’s Noah is Noah one of the other actors in uh stranger things isn’t Millie Bobby Brown the uh

11 God darn it my tower oven just stopped working oh no what are you going to do actually going getting to all for it time with this fam uh fair enough Loki fair enough let’s see um what else I miss come forever Tom Scott is quitting his main Channel who’s

Tom Scott I don’t even know who that is to be honest he plays Will oh and she did she accidentally say Noah and like like she does it on accident dude I love watching like bloopers of like people saying like the other people’s like actual names it’s

Funny that was it my reaction was it really that much uh in my solo World think my first nether tunnel from uh industrial district to the end oh my gosh pop off dude literally pop off grinding for 13 years that’s a grind it’s a it’s a pretty decent grind though

There are people on YouTube that literally had their YouTube channel and continued it for like 20 years 20 plus how long has YouTube even been out dude like um the first that I remember is like Ray William Johnson still making YouTube videos I think he is I know he’s making

A lot of Tik toks which is crazy I know he’s taking like breaks but how long has he been like YouTube started in 2005 so the long as somebody could have been doing as 19 so 13 is wild so 6 years after I started uh Noah hardly Noah okay whatever unreal dude

Unreal uh 2002 22 years wa is it 2002 or 2005 huh oh my gosh Grace still love you though uh that’s the right monath guy right thank you for reacting maybe I don’t know just to be honest thank you for reacting man H check 2005 Okay cool so that is about 19 years

Huh love you to lover love you more got them Yo Guns and Roses oh my this song is so long I mean it’s average no it’s almost 9 minutes what the world I’m here to let you know about your car’s extended warranty um my car’s warranty is already

Mad extended let me tell you let me tell you I love you most doubt it not the extended warranty I guess you got to do what you got to do you know what I mean so you can skip it I’ll skip it like five minutes

In uh it’s good for the memes cuz we had here comes the sun now November Rain anyway how you doing today chill waffle uh why do you doubt it’s sadding cuz I love you more bada bing bom got him this song is so good though hey

Makes want to pull out my lighter and just go like this you know what I mean I could do that right now um I just want to know why it’s always your a car you don’t even own anymore true about your uh 97 Cadillac Deville uh 98 Cadillac DeVille it’s like

I haven’t had that in over 20 years man uh if you fall and die then skill issue like this uh while we f is that still a skill isue dude imagine imagine we just hopped off the old Edge dude Guns and Roses slaps bro got

Them we got a safety nets I mean in the void we can’t even get to the void it’s way out there it’s way over Yonder dude not even possible y yo failed weird dude what what happened what happened that leaf broke and then you died in game and

Game bro what if leaves broke when you fell on them and I just uh I just fell through yeah no thanks dog no thanks I trusted Minecraft mechanics a lot there like what if there was a glitch where it was just like a glitch block it just

Fell right through I’d probably cry a little bit you want to see a grown man cry dude want to see a grown man cry here you go baby well fine Angy don’t be Angy Grace the music type uh let’s see uh music type release Manion music call D cannot

Say how did it to show up during the exact time I just mentioned uh mad I’m leaving I’m doing bad I’m doing a bad job at not advertising am I oh baby dude that’s how it works though can’t do anything till luckily my food uh be done microwave the main

Heating bulb has gone out wait what your microwave heating bulb has gone out too to you oh my L brother uh yep that would be crazy would it be wild Thalia hey Thalia you got8 minutes by the way oh I’ll have you know 8 minutes 8 minutes of

Freedom uh let’s see well they did remove the water block kets on leaves uh who knows they might what they might make happen that is true um like leaves like breaking Could Happen imagine dying in the void Clueless Okay Chloe I don’t want to hear

It I don’t want to hear it okay fine I can never be angry at you for long because you’re so cue why are you so nice what the world hell I okay why animated emotes aren’t uh playing my chat box but I look up the screen above your FaceCam what you’re

Playing um typing some I better think you know what I mean yeah well if it’s 7tv emotes then uh you’re not going to be able to see it on your iPad unless you download something called like or you go to like Frosty I think it’s called

Frosty um or if you’re on uh your desktop you have to download 7tv I don’t know why I don’t I just don’t that’s why that’s why just be like uh me and restart the World by allowing cheats um in game moding back into the survival true that is true it’ be an easy

Solution to the problem of dying boom there we go they are no longer alive so nice to me somebody nice back to you me what do I do should I get these first it might be kind of good to like get this whole side first then we’ll

Just do the rest hey D snooze on time when it rings no no no no I’m not going to snooze it one time to you remember that one time you said uh 4:15 sharp and if I don’t uh 415 sharp then ban me remember that one time you remember that

Right it was a whole thing final countdown for real for real micro is fine a tower bulb oh oh that makes sense T I got you that makes sense I heard it nodders no it hasn’t gone off yet think that’s five refreshes now jeez what does 7tv mean it’s uh what shows up

The emotes so uh chat put in some uh 7tv emotes in the chat real quick if you don’t mind uh my twitch Chatters ug torure awaits me you got this you literally are going to slay I promise hey guys put your favorite 7 TV emotes go ahead go go go go

Wait yeah go go go okay put him in there okay wait where is it boom so this is seven TV emotes right here the baked borp k w the baked jiggle ofage pug plees NS the Bak borp again a lot of Bak BPS these are 7 TV

Um you have to get this extension to Twitch uh which allows you to actually see that don’t Beal me oooo thanks for the Glen uh but to get that joker you have to go to like SE uh you have to be on desktop so like your computer and then

You go to sv.com and then download it or do exclamation point 7tv for the direct L thank you for reacting or or thank you reacting man thank you for reacting man just notice a very animated emote across twitch and general what’s happening this uh never happened before

I never knew about 7tv how were they uh moving before um okay well you’re if you’re seeing emotes move that’s either like somebody’s Channel emotes uh okay we’re going next that’s either somebody’s Channel emotes like the baked like uh the baked pleasure or what have you or it’s like twitch emotes

Why where am I getting pinged from where am I getting pinged from wait nobody ping me hold on where am I getting pinged I know it’s about to happen I know it’s about to happen also Marley I don’t know if I should hide to you but hi no stop with the

Pings 2 a.m. Summer Night s stop with the pings stop okay there it is I found it I found it he you guys are insane what is this dude might be wrong let me see if it’s uh just your channel emotes maybe I I muted it I muted it’s

Fine Channel mode people I roll 7 TV mod thank you that’s such a good way to describe it thanks Tia happiness and I know everything is shining oh go let me go and I’ll be fine once I get it I’ll be good I’m Pursuit of Happiness I love

This song dude this music video is so trippy wait wait wait wait Dalia Dalia Dalia I’ll be good um let’s see and never mind it’s a every emotes the dino I doesn’t work oh really just I would just try like closing the app and opening it back up

Then cuz that’s a that’s one that you should be able to see without 7 TV uh was I supposed to do this one yes apparently hello IIA you should uh you should watch this music video with your cousin there’s actually a couple of videos uh that I think you you and your cousin should check out like I have some like YouTube

Videos well I found a let’s see I found a way uh to forget what uh emotes are animated I’ll forget eventually fair enough hey have 2 minutes of Freedom what’s up two minutes of Freedom man hey but whenever you finish it you’ll get finger guns go seeing it dagnab it I have like

Qu I have I have other ones did you see it with your cousin or no uh let’s see we’ll go like this oh my gosh how did I not get up there dude there we go bo bo I’ll be fine once I get it I’ll be Good yeah yes I have dang okay there’s a couple other ones I have a I have like a YouTube playlist the for some crazy ones doiss there it is there it is wait is this the right level probably probably we’ll do all these I feel like

We could get like this side down first to be honest Chloe has a Vibe of yikes why is it accurate hello wait why is it accurate 4% wow slay cutie there you go oh SC let me go and I’ll be fine once I get it I’ll be

Good let’s see Umbrella Rihanna my guy I feel like poop I can’t uh that’s not good I’m sorry I’m sorry Chloe I’m sorry feel like poop uh the Bak dink what what you got I’ll be good hey Thalia doll you do the thing dollia do the thing there it is M Bing M

[Laughter] boom I literally have an alarm that’s hilarious magate thank you thank you for that helloid it’s time I’m going to cry but it’s okay listen you’re your uh what is it the pages of your book will uh will catch your tears don’t worry Dolly do the thing enjoy

Uh you from the first world right here that’s toxic but uh I don’t have the mug here anymore that was yesterday I literally have the mug for it still or uh have a baked void mug the B CL there it is wait chck can we get some baked

Claps in the chat dude isn’t it so good it’s so good uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh y y y get the claps in there baby W that’s a lot of claps whoa that’s a lot of claps whoa Talia go or Bop time tal is talia’s already on it I almost said

Paia instead of Talia what are we doing hi Eko hi lovely hello me went a trolling online with Rick Roll in a random Discord calls in public Community servers wait why are you doing this m that’s toxic I guess it is toxic Tuesday sag no clap for me wait what do you mean

Oh oh clap this maybe uh maybe later if that’s okay o together told you I’ll be here forever said I’ll always be your friend to the end yo than of the follow there uh a time in a super Doge boy welcome in guys on the my

Umbrella uh I had to turn off follow alerts but I can turn them back on Chad I bet you didn’t even know we had a follow bot yesterday huh there’s a there’s a part of stream we got follow on it and I don’t think anybody realized

It let’s go let’s go that’s my goal dude that’s my goal whenever somebody follow Bots they get zero reaction and nobody notices and they just wasted 20 bucks to try to make my day worse when all I got to do is click a button Yoo got to animate this with blinking though that

Would be amazing okay I’m going to you already should be gone he my baked borp doesn’t need claps it claps yourself that is true I that to clap yourself let me tell you let me tell you clap is tier three I’m tier two ah dang it we have a couple more that

We’re adding I think to tier two and tier three cuz we already have all of our tier ones filled up uh Talia gets it that is true Talia toots Thalia toots more than ever they have each other Under My Umbrella under my umbrella ella ella Under My

Umbrella uh let’s see that should be that should be good dude chat this song is so fitting for today bro the weather is terrible still doing the Royal ban Ona wait wait wait C remind me what the idea is again there uh silent pie we have

Like a lot of if you’re talking about uh emotes we have like quite a bit written down um noted yep yep yep yep yep noted dude I love that one it’s so good there it is thank you DB he I roll indeed man when the sun shines it shines

Together let’s see we’ll get this one o Dean I missed the other day what was the time it took to clear the cheese column it’s different per column um anywhere from 1 to two hours this one is actually going to probably take us under an hour though we just started this one in

At like 5ish um yeah it’s not going to take that long I don’t think at least been wa for five to six hours I’m already tired what is this send help D I’ve just uh I’ve got my coffee and we’re vibing dude I got my coffee and we’re uh we’re staying up

Baby uh let’s see Hercules I Can Go the Distance that we love Hercules look for ages what is that from yep from Hercules uh just wasn’t sure who won the contest the other day oh I forgot who won it does anybody remember who won the contest cuz we had

Um uh it was the exact time of that one Tower was like 56 minutes or something H de look up I’m looking up there’s nothing there there’s nothing there oh I see it I see it I see it uh non animated emote it would be a be with the crown uh

Holding a Gooden SPO as a scepter that would be really cool when would that be used though so what we typically like to do is like emotions like uh we go for like ey roll like annoyed we go for crying we go for tworking even though it’s not really an

Emotion but you know that’s that’s for dancing that’s when we use it that’s what I always think about when we’re making emotes like what situation do people have to result to regular 7tv emotes uh to portray how they’re feeling like am I am I angry that’s why you have

Angry am I sad am I glad am I annoyed am I you know what else we got am I cozy am I you know um you can only do that uh joke so many times I can’t it’s working as a 100% emotions there it is wait what joke what joke

Happened who did what joke oh the look up thing yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right right that’s my fault that’s my fault he my bad I did it twice twice in one day too um let’s see it’ll be a flex for uh tier three oh

Just the flex on the haters that makes sense that makes sense the problem is is I don’t think we have any more non-animated slots the only thing we have left right now I think is animated tier 2 and tier three um for now unless until like subathon and

Stuff the baked cozy wind pause we have we have the baked blanket which is a cozy emote uh the baked blanket is our cozy version of an emote you Know there it is and let’s get it only 154 people to break uh 5 million we can do that easily before the end of taxes oh oh we can definitely wait how much longer do we have in taxes how much longer do we have I know a saying cozy oh I see well

We’ll make a cozy crafted one easy easy money for your pops there we go let me get all these there we go cool 3 to four days o Dude who’s ready for taxes to come back Chad are you guys excited for taxes to return there it is uhhuh

Honey this side is already almost so much as wildom boom tax refund literally talk to me Tia go ahead uh go ahead if you don’t mind um I’m excited when’s tax day 3 to four days I guess so what day would that be um so tomorrow is Wednesday uh Friday or Saturday I

Think is that right pay your taxes baby pay your taxes bada bing bada boom okay we’re almost done with the this row here this is going really quick I like this we got about half of it done but there was a big hole on this side so bad just for

Fun D thanks for peopleo talking talkot talk okay we got like two more layers here and then Vibe my pops um which could be your grandfather if you think about it that like that aren’t I older than him I’m older than than cozy right surely so then uh

Well that even make sense listen I guess it make sense in our world it like this Bo boom there we go we do like these 2 three 4 2 three one two I’m back Party People Party People dude it’s time to literally party it’s time to party hardy welcome backone how are you

Doing uh glad to have you back my phone has gone nuts won’t let me scroll so I can’t collect my daily you can’t collect your daily oh that’s a travesty holy guacamole that’s like actually a travesty though okay well I don’t know where that guy wins but he’s probably going to attack

Me at the worst possible time wait tomato I like adopted Bean boy I do that with someone in front yes this is true this is correct yes and no it’s a whole situation yeah it’s a whole situation why is my face itchy dude do I get to

Make a quick trip to the bank so I can pay the bills o wait do you have to go to the bank to pay or like to get money uh I pay everything online nowadays do they like take cash tell twitch up your mom I know everybody asked that they’re like yo are

You the big te’s mom and you’re like well kind of it’s whole situation yeah it really is but you know we Vibe uh I have five internet kids I’m going dead wow five kids huh H is his half of things uh to me in cash oh really

Okay so you guys like uh you guys like split it yes 3K beans Channel points now getting uh more and more though going to take a while to get 100 uh but I’m getting there let’s go Mazy pop off home it’s so funny now it’s wild uh it’s it’s a wild uh situation

Like they’re like you’re the big te’s mom you’re like no well no two of my uh kids are actual IRL siblings how does that I guess that uh that makes perfect sense I mean it but it should make sense that all of them are siblings uh but any anyhoo I

Guess is still have VIP I am uh removing all the VIPs tomorrow of people who got it for the first uh VIP for the day sometimes turns into VIP for the week if I forget to go back through and remove them But all right that’s good uh we have way too much already dude how are we getting so much so fast that’s what I want to know we’re kind of cranky right now that’s uh that’s the main thing I know too cool you see Bean boy they don’t uh know

Each other until after I adopted them ball that’s crazy I mean makes sense understandable even if there was a let’s see um even if there was a literal reminder dude I know there was in the mod chat I saw that but to be fair when

I saw all that I was uh I was eating dinner and I was like uh uh I’m not on my CU I can only do it on my computer so I was like I’ll do it when I get back then I got back and then I got

Distracted it’s a whole thing dude I uh it doesn’t really matter it’s not like we’re full like they can keep it a few more days it’s not something that’s like number one on the to-do list that was Dean in the internet chat what’s up is that Pikachu in the internet chat room

We don’t uh pay in the same place we split mortgage and phone bill oh that makes sense slown um yeah I I’ve changed my bank I think three times now and I’m going to have to switch it again I love doing the like small Banks like not small but like oooo Credit

Unions for reacting or or ooo thank you for reacting man but yeah Bono on the coffee now what should I do n flavor s it or or uh machine pod yes all the above this technically uh my only child m is Grand kid coffee is hubby Shou that’s a whole situation

Man we’ve uh both been uh using the ones we have for years and like them just works for us I mean if it works for you guys Credit Union are better in my opinion exactly so but I’ve moved three times and so I got one like in my

Hometown where there was only it was only like that state and then I moved out of state so I got another one and then uh I moved again so now I need to get another one I also got a bigger one in between but I ended up not really using

Them thanks for all your positivity yo thank you for your positivity Gus I appreciate you homie my family is uh complicated yeah AR we all you know what I mean there we go uh get some of that that coffee cranking I me banks twice almost three

Times yeah I’m going to need to do the third time here soon uh it’s whole thing man whole thing yo yo yo yo okay thank you for paying your taxes yo y’all make sure to pay your taxes man how are you doing today Kate wel me

Lovely yeah I need to move mine one last time hopefully hopefully it’s the last one all right cool on a second coffee for the morning now technically same but it’s like 4:30 it’s like 4:30 me and my two partners and five kids uh one of which is a co- adopted by one partner

Wild wild stuff there uh Dean Rino uh sounds uh complicated but it sounds like it works sounds like it works for y’all you know okay we’re actually cranking this side like really fast which is very uh very appealing let me eat first Chad I need to remember to get food if you guys

Want to remind me when we’re back up at the top be like hey dang uh you’re back up at the top buddy like when I finish this rad get your dang Food Eat Your Dam beans dude then uh feel free get down with the down with the

Coffee time it does work uh love the Gaber so true if it works for you it works for you you know you got that you wrote that down Derek you wrote that down how many chunks uh are left now let’s see five um wait so that’s five 10 15 20 25

30 uh 29 29 uh left after today it’ll be 28 left how times does four go into 28 chat hopefully it goes into four goes into 28 seven times and we’ll be on track to do four a day one two there we go yes

Yes it does wait 7 * 4 7 4 14 21 28 perfect that’s literally perfect and the good news is chat is that we’re probably going to be able to do more chunks at a time once we get all these done because these are smaller these are uh smaller

All the way around them go eat dinner enjoy your dinner Derek enjoy the dinner let’s go Chad I have no idea what time we came back from uh hold on let me check this I have a literally what it 330 minutes R so we’ll go on the hours

It’s fine it’ll do that’ll do donkey that’ll Do um I actually don’t know I don’t know when we got back from uh from words I literally have zero idea you like this it’s me says maybe uh this is making it steak yo thank you for uh thank you for the three stream streak there Pikachu and thank you for reacting as

Well do you have any other reactors in the Stream thank you you got it homie at 45 okay cool thanks Tia I literally had no idea dude literally zero Ona I would know when it pops up on my screen like hey buddy you got to run some EDS dude6 78 perfect that

One ooh I might have got a package today oh baby oh wait it’s it’s actually an electronic package crackers uh it’s probably going to be it’s probably going to be all wet and stuff that’s not ideal but it’s fine it’s fine I guess I’ll do like these one Too chat do you guys remember the first video that you watched on YouTube or like what’s the first video that you guys remember watching on YouTube like uh way back when you first got it when you first heard about it when you first got it I I think the first video I watched

On YouTube was Charlie bit my finger um or Chocolate Rain Chocolate Rain some stay dry but others feel the pain uh can you show us your what’s up hey guys what was that one hey comeing in on that one oh I love this song it did not Derek I’m gonna reach

Out to them tomorrow I have that on my listed to use right surely Surely um let me do this boom cool okay yeah I think uh I think I might have messed something up NOA what I watch back then first really dude I remember so vividly watching The Chocolate Rain video and then Charlie bit my finger so good flash animations oh really flash

Animations huh dud what about a flash mob I’ve always wanted to be a part of a flash mob to be honest but don’t I probably shouldn’t say that live on stream nen it’s kind of a a weird thing to want to be a part of but like uh like

Just walking like in a mall and then randomly everybody dancing it’s hilarious that’s such a such a funny thing uh I would like to organize a flash mob like what I would do is like have like a bunch of people like in a really busy like mall and then somebody just like

Stand on top of a table and uh just like yell and like everybody looks and then they just start doing a random like weird dance like it’s really like a weird and everybody looks at them like they’re crazy and then another person gets up and does the same thing and then another

Person and then before you know it 50 people are up just dancing I’m wa for the mic to breathe I love that chocolate rain some say right but others feel the pain imagine if we got an anim that’s like a skipper eating um let’s see eating a Cheetos be I would love that

Bro the throwback oh I know the me Squad flash mob let’s make it happen did I miss emote talk a little bit uh early YouTube was wild it sure dude I miss it uh what we’re talking about with emotes is Sil Pie has an idea uh where sil’s last message about it

Uh right here this was a silent pies idea well that’s actually non-animated so I don’t about that uh we have four SL uh four slots for tier three left oh my gosh weit wait wait wait if you guys are in the chat room and you’re a tier three sub now is your

Moment to speak up on what kind of emotes you would like to have uh I think I already have some like uh ideas but if you have some uh some recommendations uh we’re always down to hear if you have some cool ones you know uh let us know let us know uh tier

3es lonely girl 15 dude early YouTube wait have you guys seen boxy hi my name is boxy yeah animated yep all animated that was their um that was their thought on how like a non-animated one but sweeter I love this song coming up hold on wait a

Minute this is what I thought but could change people arrive here let’s see people arrive so it would be so cute uh jamage and a wave those would be phenomenal those would be so good uh what about kwalk hold on where is kwalk thought on

Kwon he’s kind of shaped like a bane I love that one so much it’s so funny he chat what are y uh what are y’s feelings and emotions towards kwalk talk to me literally talk to me wait a minute there’s 3D animated Bean real quick hacker

Mans listen if anybody can do it you can you know what I mean what tier am I you are tier one tier one sub our tier Subs are crazy I don’t even care want to run up hold on wait a minute hold on wait a minute all that should be

Good I want to get this done uh by 45 easy tier three baby you’re insane Thea you’re actually insane to be honest to be honest with you there it is so after this one we’re going to do this one it’s good that that one also

Has a hole in it we’re getting the holy ones out of the way dude uh which is you know it’s good news we need a RGB Jelly Bean dude for tier three RGB Jelly Bean dude listen I’m down for just about anything let me tell you um here let’s go like

This are you um are you talking about like the one kind of like what you have work lur mle you’re amazing thanks for stopping by in uh lurk and while you work March let’s see what would that look like I don’t know but it sounds cool March’s 6mon Redal oh it

Is you’re right you’re Right the big TW could be animated have a rainbow show up over its head wow uh puling in the air ooh okay dude what um well I don’t know if this one would be worth it Ekko was earlier talking about doing the Poo smile but like blinking that’s such a

Like small difference I don’t know if it’d be work it worth it for a whole animated emotes but I think it looks so cool like a Jeb Bean that’d be sick it would be going to be expensive month no no you do not need to redo that

Um if any if you have to do something dear one or or nothing you know um don’t get to be your craziness also octo congrats on the 139 beans iner candy let’s go you have your coffee dude I keep forgetting about mine I keep forgetting about my coffee dude my coffee bean

Head oo and Leo it guys stare stare stare stare could have been um let’s see could have a bean with headphones jamming to music bro like a tow Dan is so good uh where’s towans um is it called Jam there it is that was actually one of my first um one

Of my first Chatters ever to pop into stream um they that was the first thing that they put in chat and I like my heart sunk dude that I had somebody in my chat other than guy bro I I was so terrified I was like Hello uh hello

Hi is yours chilled or hot it was hot but now it’s kind of chilled because it’s cold in here uh um I wasn’t enough dude I was scared I was just used to you you were more than enough I was just scared to have other people watching me no it’s not even

Worth it is worth it’s worth I guess oh we’re so close dude let’s uh’s finish it off baby Whata Auto don’t want to miss today I’m um going to go but I don’t want to miss out on it it’s at the end of stream um so as soon as we finish this

One we have our other one to break down and then uh it’ll be right after that so probably close to The 8 Hour markish uh which like an hour or two and a half hours I guess wait 6 78 yay about uh 2 hours 10 minutes I would say somewhere around

There could a little bit a little bit later the sacrifice has or sayi yo literally you get it you get it bro I have to per skips to beat every time I see Guy me too I get nervy uh what do I set it up

For um are you in my same time zone I would guess uh I would guess 8:00 p.m. but I don’t want to like promise that could be before it could be after it really just depends on how we goting or or not 8:00 p.m. 700 p.m.

Sorry thank you for reacting man say 700 p.m. it’s like like two uh two hours 6:45 to 7 6:45 to 7:15 okay uh let’s see also cie welcome in how you doing wait welcome in I’m just say thank you for reacting dude thank you for reacting man it’s 4:45 for

Me me too so we are same time zone yo es gang rise up any other Esters in the chat room also moose is asleep on my foot right now literally asleep on my foot dude it’s a bad that he does not want to go outside to go potty he’s like

With the rain no thanks in 5 minutes dag NAB it I really wanted to get this one done it’s fine I guess get it I guess what time did you say I would say 6:45 or 7 don’t move that foot it’s locked on the ground dude it’s been locked or drinking animated emote

Ooh little hydrate well I don’t have any more water so that’s good wait are you having G fuel right now what kind what kind of G fuel you having baby let me know if you like it what if I move my feet oh baby now that’s a good question right there

That’s a good question right there the question we need answers to uh we’re not going to be able to get it oh my gosh dude it’s fine it’s fine whatever it just had a little little fall I felt like a what is that one what is the Mr

Eggman or whatever chat what’s the guy called hump hump Humpty Humpty Humpty guy Humpty Dumpty I feel like Humpty Dumpty right there not going to lie to you Humpty Dumpty I sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall go get rid of these nice that

Should be good we’re going to want to get some more uh pickaxes soon is that queen of D in the chat hi Queen how are you doing lovely how are we want to want the toes you got a drum huh oh my tea That’s toxic hope you’re doing amazing today

Queen drama bro that emote is so good the shake doing great thank you glad to hear it what do you up to today Queen Queen what is the queen doing on this uh fine what is today for you H Wednesday morning right I don’t know man time should suck dude I think

So yo yo yo yo Wednesday morning at I don’t know I don’t know exactly what time Wednesday morning it is uh for you but I think that’s I think that’s the time zone don’t evil Giggles me there that was rude that was rude yo is that Kool-Aid in the chat room what up

Kool-Aid welcome in homie how you doing thank you for the L man I love that Kool-Aid guy dude do you guys know my homie Kool-Aid it’s Tuesday um well it’s about to be Wednesday for you it’s about to be and wait right yeah HP Dumpty on the toilet tuning and

Falling and leaving the stream M buy to uh let’s see go to YouTube drink a juice and and nice nice 9:49 okay so you’re two hours out uh 10:50 a.m. let’s go that’s what I thought I thought it was uh I thought it was tomorrow so it’s a Wednesday morning

For you I’m working on a whole bunch of behind the scenes stuff each thing so take far too long but I’ve edit the gym shortly let’s go yo you’re on that grind set on that g set queen love to hear that for you you’re slaying was it near the near the end

Whoops anyways bye we’ll see you later Mazy thanks for vibing with us d dude I appreciate you uh let’s see uh got two hours before it’s Wednesday now finish about midnight that makes sense that makes sense well uh it depends when we get this next one done we just need to get

One more down and then do axos but the next one’s probably going to be dummy thick uh 2020 4 is the year of pursuing joy for me so uh slay year indeed let’s go yo so true literally do what makes you happiest and uh you’re going to slay so

Hard you’re already slaying you know my eager eyes I’m Mr bright side me see this real quick boom uh 39 so that’s 21 yeah that should be good uh let’s see 07 indeed is it possible if you could animate plottage into people evil as a bead ooh

Ooh that’d be wild with the fire behind it that’d be perfect for the Rogues that’ be be perfect for the Rogues Cod grind killing me Fred fist wait you’re grinding Cod right now wait which Cod are you playing the newest one Milo uh is it the new Black Ops or is a

Modern warfare that just came out I forgot MW3 dude I get so confused cuz there’s already been an MW3 there was two mww’s two MW 3s scoot time okay we’re so close dude look at how close we are we’re so close to finishing dude and then we got to we got one more

I got to go get some water real quick chat let me uh let me run downstairs and grab some water Cod no thanks dude I love Cod I love Cod all right chat I’ll be back in just a moment um oh what I could do is no not that one not that one We’ll do like that all right chat go off and do your thing we’ll be back in just a moment Milo thank you for the seven stream streak see you in a moment guys yo we back in the building holy yo femur congrats on getting 150 are you yanking

My chain right now let’s go I to put an eye drops my eyes are so dry right now I need to get my blue light glasses back to be honest I uh moose chewed up my old blue light glasses which is sad um but I

Need to get some new ones dude to be honest thank you Tia thank you Gracie I appreciate you guys man wait Gracie you changed your name is it just visible to me as Gracie or is it um is like also the like rest of the Discord like like the bean parge

Sad um hopefully you’re doing well femur literally we can get your armor upgrade today if you want if you want this what everyone no way let’s go dude that’s so awesome I love that Gracie Gracie theater with the fur looking at dude oh my gosh a 50 stream

Streak are you joking femur that’s insane do you have any idea how many days that is that’s like that’s like over 49 days change my user to that I know e why are you ask me to update no uh turn off notifications thank you no thank you let’s

See uh got to be at least five it’s got to be it’s got to be at least five or six or something Famer going to be something like that um I don’t know how long you’re able to stay but if you want me to get the armor upgrade after we um

Do this one I can or we can uh we can wait on it it’s up to you he updates no thanks that’s what I’m saying I a stream 45 today that’s wild 45 is crazy dude a lot of people like 45 550 some people are like randomly

Resetting though like I see them every day and it’s they’re like oh I’m at zero whenever you’re free Glen okay let me finish up this chunk and then I’ll go get it for you fur sound good yeah okay we should be good on this one we’re almost done with this junk here

Yo Kim with 50 and Cammy with 50 you guys are insane dude oh my gosh what the actual world that’s like that’s insane thank you guys bro cheapers creepers man chers creepers man now chat the question is do you guys think we’re going to get a blue ax lle today 50 from slay

Too the big pleasure n Nation in Carl Craft’s lick is wild that’s wild holy dude Holy we’ll do this one holy we’re so close wow this one hasn’t taken that it’s been a little bit over an hour for this one so that means the other one should be like should be a solid hour and a halfish maybe a little bit

More bro on both sides of it is crazy diaa that shouldn’t even be allowed to be honest uh I need to get food still but I didn’t go up there yet I have to finish this first and then I will the grind is intense dude it’s intense like camping okay I’m actually

Considered gen mind to that uh but the only thing is I don’t want people to get confused if everything else is the same you’re just adding an i between the uh C and the E people will know there’s I mean it’s pretty much the same name but Gracie Gracie

Theater dude I love that name Gracie yeah they probably a lot of people won’t even notice you like changed it cuz I know for me when I like glance over like I see the full name and I like know who it is like sometimes there’s a change to like the name paint

Or like somebody changes their name slightly and I like don’t even realize it for a while like for example when SAR changed their name from Saran to sarban literally they were in chat for like a couple hours and I didn’t even notice like I was just talking to them

The whole time I just looked over saw like the SAR okay hold okay I’m holding I’m holding let me know if you mean to actually hit the whole button he we have to 10 refreshes holy is that Mari with the 178 daily beans oh my lantha dude that’s actually nuts that is nuts

No you don’t have to okay I know it’s Mari hi Mari how are you doing wild Bean count dude the beans will be up there dude it’s it’s a lot of beans yo Shimon He gu this one do we need any other armor upgrades that’s what I want to know I yeah could check the list hold on let me do this cuz I want to get it for femur right after this hold on let me uh let me check this real quick

Boom okay so we need Ash too Ash as well as um femur cool so uh Ash is Naughty and then I think yeah femur is Lush how’s your day today Mari what are you doing you g hi Un easy no Shan did you finish you finished your uh your reading let’s freaking go Talia let’s actually go these ones and like this cool I did that was a short chapter yo that’s so sick is that all you’re going to do tonight tomorrow’s a longer than the

First ew tomorrow’s problem yeah that’s tomorrow’s problem Tonight Tonight We Vibe Dalia Tonight We Vibe you know dang but I don’t want to I’m not going to be able to like try to like convince you to do it tomorrow cuz tomorrow’s Wednesday dude Talia did the thing yep Talia did their thing

Sorry I won’t be able to be of assistance did the thing Gucci yeah Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang all these H Chad hold hold for holds we’re going to hold here in just a moment we’re almost done with this one no freaking way hey guys can we

Welcome Gracie to the internet chat hi Gracie how are you doing how are you doing oh Gracy I love it h Gracie theater it’s so clean dude hi hi graci it’s so clean I love it I love that name dude I’m going to line up of

People that will yell at me trust okay cool sounds good to me name change oh I know Grace to Gracie just like that easy money I actually do love it dude I do too to be honest actually phenomenal we’ll do like this one and then we’ll

Hold this one and then we get our holds hold it all right chat can we get some uh some holdes in the internet chat room can we get some uh some holds in here please another okay really well slay hey you were supposed to hold it buddy you were supposed to hold

It time to beat your butt at first we shall see oh baby oh baby we’ll see about that ready hold stop it silent dreamer no no no no no none of that hold it hold your horses pause your Champions and there it is baby let’s get

It oh baby that’s another one down you love to see it especially at this stage of the game can’t hold it any longer you don’t need to look at that baby let’s get it yeah y yeah y It’s Tricky Tricky Tricky Tricky all right let’s get uh let’s do this just so

We know where the edge is I know we’re placing a little bit back but it’s like very little it’s only a couple it’s fine um like that there we go okay just so we can uh see the edges better I know it’s a little bit silly but it’s fine you know

A Discord user I mean up to you to be honest up to you to be honesty look at how good that looks It’s Tricky It’s Tricky Tricky Tricky Tricky dude it’s looking so good bro oh my gosh I love it I love it there we go uh we need to get some

Food first of all let’s go get femur upgraded and then uh we’ll get our last chunk of the day Tricky Tricky Tricky Tricky yeah y y y yeah this one this one boom boom boom let’s do a couple more of these and then we can do uh some more of these and

Then now we’re all good to go there let’s go ahead and SK out on back home and let’s upgrade femur It’s Tricky dude I couldn’t even load shaders around here before with the amount of lag with all these villagers now it’s like smooth as all get out uh some f

Some Nights Fun oo I love that song good job a thank you a uh thank you a I like doing that because it’ll be similar on Twitch Discord I’mma do it do it you got this great Cy let’s go bada bing bada boom watch this uh watch this skirt

Skirt okay so uh femur got 150 I don’t know if femur is still here with us uh but if they are femur it’s your moment it’s your moment to shine bright like a diamond um down here it’s going to be Diamond like literally shine bright like a diamond oh

Oh oh Danny did you ever get blue ax lle no we’ve been trying every single we’ve been doing two Shuler boxes full every single day at the end of stream and doing a prediction because of it and um we’re going to be trying one more time

At the end of stream today not yet though hey chats can we get some uh some hype in the internet chat room for femur getting there level up oh baby Look at these look at these man look at these man yeah yeah there it is you love to see it femur congratulations look how pretty look at how pretty wait look at this you got Ruby oh I wanted to ask you about ha cou uh for ha

Cou uh do you want like a different uh is red good for the little thing or did you want it to be like a different color also is that a good spot for IQ did you want them anywhere else I know an Irish version of the song you

Do uh and yes that’s a good spot okay perfect I’ll get purple for you right now deal Let’s uh let’s go a and get that cranking for you that it’s all right it’s all right uh we can get some blue right here okay wait let’s just go outside

First uh see if we can find some flowers and there we go I wonder if we can find a blue flower there’s one just so we don’t have to get the lapis down there boom boom and boom and let’s head back down not sure what I stand for

Oh what do I stand for what do I stand for I don’t know a this one hey update a phone got uh my bean yeah let’s go quoom there’s Hony there you go my friend easy peasy lemon squeezy uh it’s me conr on 121 by the way let’s

Go hey femur thank you so much for uh the insane support of getting 150 daily beans uh getting a plot getting your uh your buddies you’re amazing I appreciate you thanks for sticking with the bean pod squad yum ow also Lucy congrats on one one Dalmations you’d love to see

It uh B luran uh cover translated by TG luran oh really okay interesting I’ve never heard of this uh wait no we need to go to we need to go bring hold on chat let me see this real quick armor upgrades chain mail to the naughties chain mail

To um Ash and the naughties okay cool um we’ll do this thanks for the lur Lucy I appreciate you love you guys years ago today I feel old now holy dude I feel that I’m just an old man I’m just a boy you need to find out where uh where Immortal Ash

Is not Here uh oops H there they are to the the last one of the day so far at least give it up for Immortal Ash with their level up yeah ow I’m dead yo yo hi ET C welcome in how are we doing and there it it is you love to see

It you love to see it congratulations to Ash congratulations to femur I’m getting your armor upgrades for sure you guys so we did uh we did Immortal Ash and femur there Norm in case you didn’t see hi dorb hey dorb it’s s hopefully your day is going amazing today my

Lovely friend and then back in the back in the old end okay CH we got one more chunk to do today one more chunk to do today to stay on task and uh this one shouldn’t be too bad because there’s already a hole in it

Um already a little bit of a hole in it so it should be fine should be easy peasy Limon squeezy baby should be similar to the amount of time the other one took maybe a little bit longer uh Spotify let’s see or YouTube I genuinely forgot Spotify I think

Mhm ooh Some gorilla dude I love gorillas gorillas is so good got to artist uh I want to play one more uh their songs after this been on Spotify nice let’s go going good working into uh not a lot of twitch or Minecraft time sag boo boo D nabit actually such a freaking

Talented Builder I miss you I hope the um I hope the work’s going well though Etc I hope it’s going well it’s on the Queue okay I got to change the queue up a little bit wait this is um is that uh is that English is it English I assume it

Is at least you’re working in yeah that’s true yep I guess there’s positives and negatives to that part yeah that part there we go two uh we do actually want to get this one right might as well it’s an Irish there’s no saring or negative messages okay it does need to be English

Only if for any songs that we play um is there another one I can let’s do it after stream though oh is I had a job now they dang I’m sorry yes we got to keep it consistent cuz like I know you wouldn’t like request a song that’

Be bad but like if we do it for like you and then I don’t allow for somebody else you know what I mean then Irish cover I can listen to it after stream though uh please check media I promise it’s worth it please okay I got you that’s wild that’s freaking

Wild that is like actually insane hello so like so like okay anywh who cheeked up dude Loki looks like me not going to lie it’s certainly a that’s a top it is it is indeed it is indeed I don’t even know what reaction to do

For that like what re what do I do I’ll just do a k w for you there you go hey that’s wild wa wait can I wear it can I wear it dude imagine me like me wearing like just wearing that shirt out that’ be wild Walter for that one de yep exactly

Hello again CS mugy Day selfies and rainbow sure okay cool I love that wait did you uh did you like blank out the uh the face I know I see Emily in the chat room did you see the shirt Eko did you see it one the Emily on uh oh oh myi welcome

Man how you doing how you doing yes I drew it that’s wild wait why did you draw something over the face they they got a shirt in U media like in media on the Discord they were just telling us about a shirt they got how you doing de I’m doing well today

CRS how you doing Omie how you doing Omie uh what’s up survive C 91 daily beans yeah thank you Tio it’s blushing uh I recognize your shirt I know that’s what I’m saying it looks literally just like your BRB screen uh doing amazing as you should let’s go CS uh wait do we

Um wait question mark wait what wait Quest Mar what yo uh also what’s it called um um what was I going to say totally forgot glad you’re doing amazing though KS what’s up survive glad to have you Obie oh yeah yeah what I was going to

Say is um if we could get a refund on Dean Reno if we haven’t already unless they want to pick a different song you a chance to look at the rainbow of the Discord I saw it dude see to the background dude look at that beard that beard goes crazy beard goes crazy

Bro oh I need to text my uh my family make sure they’re okay it is it is the steel shirt um let’s see y’all good I’m texting my uh texting my family cuz they’re like in the midst of like some crazy storm so I’m just making sure

Sure they’re good let’s see what’s up mango man how you doing currently becoming the rich player on a server I just joined what are you doing to become rich how are you gaining your riches my friend that’s what I was thinking M Bing M

Boom he let’s see my uh b day it’s your birthday happy birthday watch up no don’t cry why are you crying don’t cry wait what to let’s see full d r with enchantments 9680 jeez dude how are you getting so rich brother yo what’s up when we’re uh when

We’re back over doing the aelott towards the end of stream if you’re still vibing uh be like yo get me my cake and uh let me know what your favorite color is uh can we get some feels birthday mans in the chat room for whats up though uh should be good uh what’s

This dude that dog Emo’s crazy it’s wild it feels birthday man thank you Butters for sure you guys man feels birthday man’s are birthdays in the chat for our good friend what’s up Happy Birthday to you D if they don’t respond quickly I’m I’m going to have to call them hey man what

Dayare are you on just join no worries there Shadow shorts uh we are currently on day 4,744 uh to be exact uh getting close to that 5,000 day Mark hopefully your day is going awesome today there Shadow uh right now what we’re doing is removing the entire end

Island by hand uh we’re doing about four chunks per day so we have about seven streams left um to remove all this which is pretty sick give that’s 10 days dude once you get past the 10 days it gets a lot easier I promise once you’re able to go

Like just work on like speed running like like semi- speed running what I’d recommend okay here hear me out start a world find a village uh make a like temporary villager breeder and a temporary iron farm uh trade those to get your armor and uh tools uh don’t

Even go mining literally just get get everything from there pretty much um make some farms in the meantime of like um like some like wheat Farms some cow Farms just some like temporary like quick farms uh immediately go try to find uh go to the nether uh try to

Get your blaze rods and your ender pearls and then immediately go to the dragon and then that should take you like a might take you a couple hours but you’ll get better and better and better at surviving um and then uh and then go kill the dragon get

Used to that and then uh get your elytra after you get back from the um killing the dragon uh try to get a totem which I have totems and I always have an extra one on me uh get a totem and then bada bing bada bing you’re set up for long

Game like you’re that’s pretty much where I am you that like then you can just build like other farms and you’re set up you’re good to go you y mango man with the four daily beans let’s get it hey when are you ending uh probably well I want to finish this

Chunk uh what we’re doing left is digging this chunk and then doing axelos um so probably in about 2 hours is could be a little bit less could be probably not more uh probably about two two hours Anyways got to go have fun time chunk money thanks homie I’ll try that word yeah it really just depends on when we get this one done but I was going to go for like a mega juicer today do like 12 or even 24 but uh we’re just going to keep it simple

Stupid in the future chat Tuesdays are going to be our big grind days Mondays are probably going to be like 8 to 9 hours um Tuesdays I want it to be like 10 hours uh they going to be cool 10 plus hours and then off day Wednesday and then back to

It got you word have you played it all yet reminder bread True bread bread oh Amy Wine House love this song no you haven’t yet let’s see pass here okay hopefully they’re good all right cool uh don’t mind if you play some if you want to do your thing do your thing I’m excited to play though it’s going to be

Sick um but yeah we’re going to have this one it’s actually going to be sick when we wait moosey cam let me go over here no freaking way we got Sizzle swur in the building dud oh you can’t see him right now yo sizzur welcome how we doing guys

Uh oh gosh welcome in crafty cats welcome in alop welcome in Apocalypse Now how we doing guys if anybody from my community does not already know our homie sizzles swur please make sure you go check them out I literally met them like a long time ago uh both of us just

Hanging out in links community uh before I think either of us streamed and um here we are baby here we are how you doing today Sizzle sore let me know what you up to good to see you guys man good to see you guys man um if you guys don’t

Know who I am my name is the Bak de stream marcore Minecraft 5 days a week we are currently taking away uh the entire IND Island by hand um literally chunk by chunk which is going to be wild also let me see if I have moose

Cam uh where’s moosey I’m trying to show him there he is kind of you can kind of see him right now he destroyed one of his toys so um don’t mind all the the white fuzz on the ground it’s 5:30 and I haven’t got out of bed probably not going to

No get up get up get up I hope you feel better cheer man make sure you’re getting like water rest all that jazz dude please King we’re going to Village trading all with all kinds of resources been an amazing day hang out with the homies how are you today King dude I’m

Like just the same uh hanging out with the homies playing my favorite game like I uh you don’t see me complaining don’t see me complaining about it it’s been a good day holdie glad to you’re uh glad to you’re it went well even uh amongst having to deal with villagers one of my

Least favorite things dealing with villagers so I’m glad that it uh glad that your villag hall went well and getting all the resources if you got to if any Raiders got to raid and run especially you Sizzle you you already know the Vibes you already know the

Drill thank you so much for uh choosing us to raid out to me it it means a lot dude thank you we’re just going to be digging out this last uh this last chunk here and uh we really are liking making the uh like the checkerboard theme it looks

Kind of cool it looks kind of cool for us it’s really cool cuz it like the progress feels like you’re getting a lot more progress thanks for the lur homie like I was trying to do like the whole entire thing like two levels at a time

But that was driving me crazy I had to like like chunk it up a little bit H this is only well this is my fourth one fluff uh fourth one in 6 hours so not too bad uh still could be faster but it’s as

Fast as it allows us to go you know uh to be fair we we spent 30 minutes at the beginning of stream doing some redeems we spent about 15 minutes doing like uh some armor and some like um some other redeems like that uh and then 30 minutes a word

So we’ve had quite a bit today uh we’ve had some stuff other than doing this but uh we’re going to try to crank out this last one and then at the end of stream we’re going to do a blue Axel lot prediction which is going to be fun uh

So make sure you guys have your beans ready for our blue axo prediction uh thank you so much against Sizzle I appreciate you homie yo enjoy your uh enjoy your food uh what a legend dude if you guys don’t know Sizzle absolute Legend let me do another one

Here yeah should we good should we good let me check something real quick boom and boom uh s request don’t know if this was done um s requests Boom yeah yeah let’s do that cool uh oh there’s no point to uh refund a uh failed song redeem rip uh is there no point to refund uh there’s a point if there’s a will there’s a way he said oop yep yep yep yeah I just got it back for you

There uh din no worries I just got it back for you thank you’re welcome you are welcome pretty much the only rules we have for the song requests is for future is PG-13 and uh English only I do ask that you try to like you know maybe either match the well not even

That I wouldn’t even say you need to match the Vibes you can kind of do what you want honestly finally heading home soaked bro it’s crazy out there isn’t it it’s actually crazy out there on stream oh you’re good homie no worries there we go you are good you are

Good okay these uh these Ender daddies keep getting in my way I’m going to let’s remove these two and then remove all the Enderman and then bada bing bada boom easy money and hopefully no more fall down here this uh this method too if you guys

Are ever to do this uh this method is really good uh for Enderman too cuz you just go down a couple of blocks and then you kill all the Enderman and then none more really spawn in your none really more spawn in your little space your daddy there it is and there it

Is we’ll go ahead and push those guys in there cuz why not this is Sparta type situations boom boom boom boom boom boom boom I kind of want these guys to come over here so I can push them off I can this is Spar to them this is

Sparta dude that movie 300 I haven’t seen in ages that was a pretty crazy movie though boom Boom excuse me guys uh pardon me how is a moose laying like that brother what is he doing what is he doing I didn’t even realize also his bed is upside down he’s got a bunch of crap in here dude it’s okay I’ll do that I’ll

Do that later dog physics do not match ours they really don’t they really really don’t bro I don’t know sometimes he weighs he lays like so weird uh he lays like all sorts of weird ways I love when he like lays on his back and has his legs up it’s

Hilarious he does that often actually that’s one of his favorites Good Girls Go B yeah this song I used to get down to dude I’m not even kidding go in here nice uh you can go over here I’m probably just going to need to kill that guy in gaming game proba just

Going to have to take him out normally cuz I don’t think it’ll be near any Edge it’s really satisfying pushing them off the edge in game there it is it got knockback on that pck dude I know doesn’t it seem like it I was a Sprint Sprint forward and hitting

Them it seemed like it though it was wild they like went flying so I’m breaking uh mining on un efficiency make them good girls go B Chad I have a my sword is weird I feel like I’m different than like a lot of people with this literally the only

Thing I have about it is sleeping Edge looting Unbreaking mending and smite uh no knockback no uh fire whatever I think there might be another one I don’t have and then I don’t have any thorns on any of my armor should I like should I have thorns on my armor I wonder

Dude I thought about that for a while or if I should I could put thorns on my armor or another thing I want to like think through is if I want to do one of my pieces of armor not protection I have protection four for all of them I kick

Back and Thorns I don’t like a knockback at all um and Thorns I just don’t know if it’s good the big porp has thorns and I just got stabbed baby if you get too close to bites you yeah okay let’s get let’s get this guy out

Here uh let’s see if you get it does yeah wait Rosie welcome congrats on the 25 wait Rosie congratulations you’re now eligible to join the Hall of Fame let’s go also idiot seven days away how you doing there idiot it’s good to see you my lovely friend go down super quick how

Quick does it actually go down does it like actually go down that quick idiots how’s your day going today lovely how are you doing go B yeah I was hanging in the corner with my five best friends I heard that you were trouble but I couldn’t but

My chat I have a question do you guys drink tap water do you guys drink your tap water I sometimes don’t feel like going downstair all the way downstairs uh to get water so I I drink quite a bit of tap water dude no filtered uhuhuh no thunderstorm

Here and it’s scare the Bas out of me someone you come hold my hand TBH on my way that’s cute bro it’s there’s been a storm like it’s like all the East Coast right now is crazy right now it’s up water Ireland is good stuff yes yes always tap see that’s what I’m

Saying it tastes better it tastes better but I feel like it’s not as good for me top water is great is it really uh dude New Zealand is just so ideal I want to go there I want to go to New Zealand so bad Timmy Timmy whammy bamy Timmy Timmy whammy bam hard

Times not going to eat R bottom ooh there we go I don’t know I know some people are like like you should not drink that absolutely not and I’m like it’s not that bad it’s not that bad I was in a raid I see says real king frog yo were

You were you with the uh with Sizzle sore welcome in there uh king frog hopefully your day is going awesome all me it’s good to have you uh for you and anybody that are just joining our goal right now is to remove the entire Island this is how we where we’re at so

Far uh we’re cranking it dude we’ve already gotten rid of all of this this uh like everywhere you see green uh is leaves that I placed underneath the island that’s where the whole island was um and we got it down to this small rectangle and now we’re moving these uh

These bits at a time um and yeah there we go nice yeah thanks HBY we’re going to build a giant space station uh from Deep Space 9 it’s one’s on the source of the water that makes sense like the taste uh sometimes it’s funky yeah I get that uh

It makes me nervous cuz one time I turned on my faucet and it was like brown uh where I lived it was only once and I think there was they had to like do maintenance on my water for like a couple days uh cuz apparently like it

Was gross it was gross uh so makes me like a little bit scared to do it but I it was fine it’s not a big deal uh drink tap water that’s no good I know it was it I’ll drink tap water but I’m a firm

Believer the HS I want to the best water as long as you can uh get it from the paint shop in the theater go uh with theater Productions to get gallons of this stuff wait really I wonder what makes it so good watching the mining uh from time to time to have you

Really well we are officially seven streams away from completely finishing it we’re doing four uh four chunks a day at least uh if we do four chunks a day we’ll be done in seven days uh or seven streams rather which is going to be hype dude

Um it’s the best water I’ve ever had like what made it so good though what made it so good you know I like the way this like fades in uh let’s see was in college there’s a um a lead in the water uh super clean and fun not toxic at

All wait there is lead not a lead I thought you’re saying like a lead like in Minecraft uh there was lead in the that’s not good at all oh my gosh I hope nobody got like uh hurt from that hey no idea but it’s the best water

I’ve ever had it’s extra cool and crisp dude I want to try this now what the world you’re selling me on this water this song yes I know right hi Minecraft cat hi lovely how are you doing how’s your day been today you don’t like water dude I love water this

Old uh the college is so old yeah that’s not ideal that’s not ideal at all you guys see hi booy hi booy he’s sleepy dude that’s a sleepy boy yo T pixel and N welcomeing guys how we doing guys I really need to clean up this room remind me on scoot

Soon so slowly time goes by hey human rights you Summit today it was really fun uh learn some new things no way oh my gosh if you ever want to talk through that kind of stuff with me feel free I um I absolutely love that kind of

Stuff for real for real um that sounds fun though I’m doing amazing literally vibing uh breaking some blocks and uh thinking some names you know how it is uh ler uh back my Minecrafting yo enjoy your Minecrafting there king frog enjoy it I know it’s Nat

And T pixel hopping in Nat and T pixel you guys are awesome thanks for popping in get your daily beans y’all yeah I’ll get these everything you say but hi hi octo how doing there we go let’s uh throw those out we’re going to have to go uh repair

Our uh pickaxes at some points pretty maybe not pretty soon but we we’ve gone through a lot of them which is crazy going through a lot of them with this kind of project give me give me give me your man after midnight that should be mashed up with

The song give me give me give me a man after midnight bro somebody should Mash those up hello Miss guys massive I know he’s going to be a big boy dude he’s going to be a big boy it’s kind of crazy it’s crazy how quickly he’s Growing time goes by so slowly let’s see Guy brother guy mash up dude that’s what I’m saying I’ll give him a call right now I don’t even know if he has power right now I’m worried about him but they haven’t texted back and I’m like I need to know if you’re

Okay I need to know if you’re okay cuz there’s crazy storms around you and I keep looking down hi K welcome in how you do wait is K alive K is K live yet slowly time good goes by so slowly time goes by um let me do this real quick hold on

Chat let me get this one boom clubbers all should be good uh we got th so we have 50 minutes uh s Like a Rock no not yeah okay cool hey cool just making shely just making shely nice to not sound like a like the rock like Dwayne The Rock

Johnson D we love k i I’ve been really trying to get better at my daes I’ve been so crappy at dailies it’s not even funny it’s not even funny Dude there have any more coffee a little bit there it is there it is in the Yellow Submarine oh chat yo yo yo yo second do oh my Lord bro I know me too okay I always forget I like uh I’ll like be lurking or I’ll even chat and like just not do

It yo is that fake in the chat room hi F how you do how you doing today F welcome in uh that’s fine dude chat this is another throwback today yo resc go this play is wild hi buddy hi F how are you doing hope you’re having an absolutely

Lovely day today yo wait 169 dailies wait can we get some nice in the chat for Fay please like hello wild unreal unflip and real dude yo there we go all right cool it should be good smirk nice thank you Tia dud I don’t know why why I love

Throwback song so much uh I don’t know what it is dude uh I guess it just reminds me of a a simpler Time s like an old man dude what the frick hey my day was all right they hired my replacement today so we’ll see how that

Goes they hired a replacement today how are how are you feeling about that like I uh I know you don’t really like the place let me know how you’re feeling okay we’ll be like this how close are we not too bad one two I’ll get uh these bad

Boys y y yo yo wait is this this oh yeah no that’s already one we already took out already one we took out chat you know what we should do actually you know we should do wait chat 1 two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 2 26 27 28 29 um I was goingon to do like yeah let’s do this real quick hold on 29 wait s 29 chunks remain remain is that good chats top left Center 29 chunks for

M stream till 2 yeah that’s perfect yes and then after each Chunk we can uh we can like remove that I like that dude I like that and then we can we can do like yo 28 27 26 that’s wild I like that d 7 Days 29

Chunks I can see it now one man man 29 chunks cheese I give them a heads up that I would be leaving pretty soon after graduation they uh needed to uh work on getting replacement they wanted to uh train them uh that makes sense yeah I

Mean I knew about the um I mean obviously like the graduation coming up and that you’d be leaving soon I’m uh I’m glad you like told them and stuff and all that that’s good how do you like them are they cool stream does not end

Until D chunks the chunks I got a 29 chunks the chunk man it’s retro I know it’s our homie dude it’s ourie retro up on stuff uh tonight love yall take care of yourselves of course Dino thanks for vibing with us today homie can we get

Some il7 in the chat room for Dean arino Dean arino he Abby with the uh his bag with a belly full of beins wait if any mods wanted to I think it’d be funny to change the um the uner command uh is back from walking moosey

Poo or something like that with like the little emote of moose at the end would that be funny uh I don’t know you you so you guys can walk moose do it I think it’ be funny I think it’ be goofy a little beit goofy and

Silly I want to UNL uh let’s see UNL walk moose right it’d be an honor to walk moose did it could be the lert command could be like um a like chapstick Abby or doia uh went to go walk moosey they’ll be back uh and then uh doia dudes chapstick

Abby deino what’s up idiot came back from a walking see ye I know dude we got ye and retro dude wait wa wait um retro I know you were streaming last night are you doing another stream tonight another stream tonight I want to be in a retro stream man it talk to

Me still in love with you this baby hey what is this one did I say that was that me was that me saying that why am I like this dude no no no here’s the thing dude okay I’ll be honest with you chat honestly you here I

Look back at clips of me like saying things I’m like what was I saying what am I doing why am I like this yo n child thank you for the 19 da beans let’s get it baby e that wasn’t ID you yeah yes it was maybe not tonight but okay might uh

For sure Wednesday let’s go I’ll be able to I’ll be off on Wednesday I I have a lot of stuff to do on my computer on Wednesday holy holy cuz I did all my housework on Sunday then it’s going to be all my computer work on Wednesday and then I

Think I’ll be all caught up on my uh todos uh which is sick chilling back here uh but yes that was you confirmed was it actually hook how sure are you how sure are you cuz scoot time what the freak dude that was the fastest hour of my life I swear

To everything that was like the fastest hour of my life dude all sometimes I start a sentence and don’t even know where it’s going hope I find find it along the way like an improv conversation an improvisation I love Michael Scott dude I love Michael Scott only one man’s got that voice and

He’s a mining the chunks bro it wasn’t even me D was it actually be unreal dude going to visit po po box read dude are you going to visit your PO Box tomorrow I am I’m going to go in the morning well maybe in the afternoon we’ll see what happens but yes

I am uh let me scoots real quick because I go to uh I got to actually do a couple things real quick I got to go potty real quick um clean up the background I thought I was going to go downstairs and get something but either way k miss last

Night and fell asleep 20 minutes before retro stream dude that’s so sad dude it’s so sad do you have an evil twin or something that uh says all the goofy things probably I’m not even Dean Dean’s cool man got it why do you ask PR disable Okay we’re going we’re

Going we’re going we’re going we back into some moment chat uh I got to do my stinking ad will beb I know Moy we back in a building hello how we doing Guys these a little two boxes you’re actually in same for that Fay how do you know like you know when

I’m dude you’re insane you’re actually insane thank you f what the world bad can you get a PO Box people sh uh yeah the heat bulb uh for my oven is only $8 and now wait till Friday to order it ooh well I’m glad you actually found it

Moose’s a little bit further back now let me see if I can get it there we go there’s mushy poo well it’s a clean MooMoo cam yo right I cleaned it up a little bit cuz it was a he tore up this toy and then he tore up his toy and then flipped

Over his bed and moved the like everything he’s wild dude he’s wild he was rolling around right before I know was so cute let’s see also get some thank you for the 82 daily beans dude uh moosey loves your purple he loves it that’s where he always goes d

Dude it’s warm though that’s why he likes it it’s warm haven’t this s in like decades oh I know are you trying to Evacuate the Dance Floor uh cuz I’m trying to Evacuate the Dance Floor that’s what I’m trying to do to be honest all right we’ll get these uh last

Little bits here and then get some aelott going baby let’s get it let’s get it overdose good old tap water anyhoo I’m uh going to my Canin off real quick he guys this power tonight uh we have a 60 mph wind I it’s crazy here too bro literally like all of

Like a lot of like the east coast and even Inland quite a bit like we’re all going through right now I have a feeling I might lose power tonight as well going to be so so so so so so so so so so productive tomorrow W up early and

REM much four work bet I believe you I I believe you your power is still out really easterly coaster Le is getting pounded yeah we are dude holy holy it’s wild Three Evacuate the Dance Floor uh let’s see uh sound at least a little more convincing please I believe I believe you Talia you’re going to get up early um before work right you work tomorrow so yeah you’re going to get up before work you’re going to get it done yes I

Believe if if you know if nobody else believes I believing you I believe uh I do I do I do oh man oh man no I I genuinely do I believe you can do it if anybody’s going to do it t to is going to do it I literally laughed okay started coughing

Hey having up to 60 M hour wins here in VA dude guess where I am also Virginia guess who’s also getting crazy wins also me and it’s not very cool man bro that’s wild what is even happening in the world right now who knows who knows man I just

All I know is I work here is it because of the sun thing have you guys heard about the sun thing what the world bro it’s wild I don’t even know I just work here all I know is as long as my computer’s working I’ll G be playing

Some Minecraft that’s what I know one year two what the heck dude that’s what I’m saying the sun thing yeah the sun thing there’s like a hole in the Sun that sounds so bad oh my gosh dude my for you page just tries to scare me I swear it really

Does it’s all good though apparently it’s all good we should be vibing it might mean we get a couple days off like work and stuff though so that could be sick that could be sick oh not surprising hor world is messed up oh well yeah literally all I know is I Vibe like

Computer’s working I’m going be vibing here with you guys playing Minecraft uh you know that’s all I know we’re going to be vibing and chilling and chilling and vibing like you shouldn’t know I mean I can patch up the sun uh I be careful I’ve heard that it’s a little bit hot but

Um but I believe if you can get up and do read a chapter a long chapter uh before work then I believe you can go repair the sun I do I do if I could I would there’s like apparently like solar storms and stuff solar

Storms H chat if you guys could play any instrument what would you play dude I want to like I want to know how to play electric guitar I feel like my fingers are too fat though I got too fat of fingers bro uh that or like a freaking

Trumpet uh no not a trumpet what is a saxophone I want to play saxophone dude can somebody teach me I want to play every instrument have you ever have you guys ever seen a like a what is it called like a mouth harp is that what it’s

Called Uh like hold on wait what’s it called mouth harp have you guys seen that before a mouth harp bro oh it’s a jaw harp look at this I want to learn how to play this bad boy yeah y fill with a eliminated yo y isn’t that just a harmonica no look

At this isn’t that sick dude I want to be able to play that thing bro he my brother had one of those growing up his face uh unique Abby that’s rude did you be shy no I don’t know how to play Oh My would you actually uniced and Galactic Moon

Welcome in guys want to play piano I already play drums Guitar bass guitar dude isn’t a piano like mad expensive like an actual like an actual piano is like stupid expensive and heavy and takes up a lot of rain but they’re sick though uh reminds me of that uh let’s

See other weird instruments let me find the name okay cool let me know that’s some knee slapping stuff right there dude I was slapping my knee you couldn’t see it but I was mouth harp my uh Grand uh Grandpa and dad do they really dude those are so cool

Man P he was making while playing it uh he was rolling his eyes back I know it actually was PR it was entertaining to be honest I want to play the oven freaks H what does that mean what is an oven freaks theramin what is a what is this

One this is when I get mad distracted act did uh hold on wait wait hold on thamman over the rainbow what is this one dude hold on how wait how is that even is it even possible dude sh need to I need to finish the chunk I need to finish the chunk dude

What are we doing how is that even possible wait what is that wait how is that even possible I had to finish the chunk dang it okay listen I I get distracted wait how does it work dude that’s all I want to know what the freak uh I don’t understand what it is

Or how it works but uh you know yo Rosco welcome in how are we doing squirrel dude literally me when I’m mining these chunks and we just start talking about random crap and then I get distracted it’s a whole thing especially when it’s like a new

Thing I didn’t know what a thein was it’s an antenna thing you move it around the move it hands around that’s that video was posted 14 years ago which is crazy stop distracting ebra he has to eat his chunks okay listen buddy Hey listen buddy doing okay how about you I’m doing

Well today Rosa thanks for asking dude he there is one like I played the trumpet with the fire you could see the actual sound waves in the fire oh my go are you serious D started it oh whatever dude he asked pee PE poo poo wait what’s

Up okay I did technically start it technically technically but yeah what are you up to today there uh Rosco glad to you’re you’re doing good or doing okay hopefully we can turn that okay to good though and good to Great bada bing bada boom bada bing bada boom Mr w w

Want us up in the room you’re let’s see not technically you did period what did I just do what was that dude the freak okay do you want to know what I mean uh by play the oven what do you mean play the oven okay I’m being so distracted right now but I

Don’t even care wait wait wait wait oh I know what you’re talking about yeah yeah yeah when the Bas drop what is this what would Carl sound like if he’s saying red bone all right we’re listening to this we’re listening to this um yeah yeah I want to play the oven

Dude I want to play the oven too wait I’m actually excited for this hold on let’s see you got that’s what uh let’s see what I said in my letters you get it no wait wait yeah yeah ah so long to your Discord DMS all right bet wait what did you

Said check my DMs okay what is that wait okay I’ll watch that one next I’ll watch that one next bro I get we’re doing everything everything but flipping yeah Angy it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I thought it was the real song Thank You for Your patronage stoping chat sorry

Gracie it’s fine it’s fine we’ll get it done anyways we’ll get it done trust the song made me sneeze did it not make you weze get it cuz like Carl Weezer loving the jams I love it here dude that uh I think I’m not sure and I

Don’t want to like be premature on my analysis uh but I think that song just changed my life I think uh I think that uh changed my life uh which is wild I thought we but it auto corrected to sneeze oh I see you I see you uh stay

Woke slap slap wait slap slap slap clap clap clap yo you got to stay woke at this stage of the game man you got to stay woke at this uh stage of the game wait chat wait chat bro he who is it Chad who is it can you tell who it

Is elix M and ready to drop bombs off of getting what he wrote down Mr Krabs yeah there it is okay the last one uh the last one we’re going to watch is something that uh fluffy sh and then we’re back to we’re literally grinding don’t

Worry fluffy are you ready hold on this is the one that fluffy said to watch hold on let’s see this um there it is okay apparently this right oops oh gosh is that too loud wait what whoa see the sound waves bro that’s wicked that’s so wicked yo tiny Tes

Welcome in I’m sorry Gracie love you scientific it’s science thank you for your patronage I should probably go through these at some point insane actually insane like uh it’s not it’s not yo thank you for the 100 Bitties what are we doing yo Derek what and Grace thank you guys both for

The 100 Bitties hello thanks guys are you really sorry though not really well I’m sorry that that it’s angering you and uh sorry that this is going to take longer but we’re almost at the bottom and we got plenty of time you know we got plenty of

Time I swear you uh say the things I write in the perfect way I’m thinking wait [Laughter] really I swear dude why another 100 Bitties dude bro thank you don’t got to do all that man I don’t got to do all that man holy oh thank you homie listen I try to like

Gauge like how you guys say things and then uh try to respond in a way to where I think uh like gr saying are you really sorry though kind of with like the the eyebrow up are you really sorry though oops don’t say oops what do you

Mean or you saying Ops like you’re financially financially supporting me so I can uh get back in my Ops all right that’s good uh try me or is it try me well you got it perfectly well you got a perfectly D let’s go that’s exactly how I would have

Said it if you could hear me I can’t dude that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying man okay so just eating something and it worked so um yeah well I mean that’s fair enough T’s a professional chipper Cher uh what do you expect any less dude literally professional jibber jabber

That’s the one so close dag NAB it dude I’m not eating I meant testing oh than I’m Auto spelling man freak this wait try this one how do you think I would say the following okay this is wild dude listen a lot of the times it’s like with context like

What’s happening and then like what you say and then what I would like assume you like how you would say it uh but who knows violets chats the color violets dude uh Violet from um what is it American Horror Story incredible actress let’s see oh no um what here’s

St by tomorrow and tonight Jeepers man um uh oh what happened uh oh what’s dude what happened Moy you’re so cute I love you is he in the background what happened wait what what happened hi boo boo Hi booy woo you’re so cute and I love

You hi MooMoo hi mushy whooshy you’re so cute I love you stream buffer for a second wait really hey chats did you guys get any buffering wait did you guys get buffering was it like all around stream froze oh no dude oh no nope that’s not how I would say

It hi MooMoo is your power still on I think so wait can you guys hear me type a one in the chat if you can hear me was my neck cuz the weather that was a fast one last wall storms more highly pitched I can’t go

Higher pitched if it’s like the pitch I can’t do anything higher you know it’s me wait me me me me me me me see as high as I can go man a few times wait no stream issues here so there were stream issues for some but not for everyone what the world

Man what even is this dude it gets more Hy I can’t do that I can’t I can’t emulate that Talia is stream CR me I’m back what the freak man hey what’s happening dude well uh chat I’ll just say it now if uh stream does crash if

My I think it’s raining pretty darn hard if stream does crash uh just know that I love you guys and I’m going to miss you like crazy tomorrow uh but I have a lot of updates that I want to make tomorrow and some cool Shenanigans um and you guys are amazing

And incredible and never forget it and you’re loved and valued and valid make sure you take care of yourself get some food water rest whatever you got to do make sure you take care of yourselves and take care of each other uh Ming mom twitch broadcast Center is getting

Slammed to M do you think it’s twitch broadcast Pepe hands bro is not finishing by my birthday no well it’ll be like right right after it right like right after it what’s up there x-ray welcome in homie stream crashes then uh bye everybody bye everybody but but we keep

Going until it crashes dude yo what’s going on guys it’s your boy the baked Dean we are streaming up until stream crashes oh it’s tomorrow then yeah I’m definitely not going to be definitely I’m going to be uh six days off happy birthday x-ray happy early

Birthie oh wait I forgot there’s a no stream yeah I know Derek I know I know it’ll be worth though it’ll be it’ll be worth though trust we’re trying to juice today if the dagam storm will let us a shks uh thank you you’re very welcome there xray

Hope it’s a amazing day do you have any plans for your birthday like hello double digit tomorrow yo let’s go live until we die in game and day uh in game and game so true oh my what Emily what Netflix uh Netflix and work for me tomorrow yeah I’ll be back Tuesday

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday though wait Thursday Friday Saturday e nothing noted wait what what are you noting what did I do it’s just going to be Pizza in Minecraft for real for real dude that sounds like a Vibe of a day Pizza in Minecraft I wonder if everywhere’s clothes around

Me I could just see the hot dogs double digits apparently apparently it’s a lot of digits wait double digits wait I hope you are already double digits wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wa wait let’s see tomorrow is uh work and then resting

Nice how are you going to rest tomorrow it was a close early today that’s what I was like question mark question mark the is crazy it is crazy no they’re not they’re not unreal dude it trying to get banned dude B make dance B make

Dan let’s see wa should be yeah no no age in the chat no age no age SMH right I know that’s Mitch indeed did get your mashed potatoes cuz I’m eating them right now dude I would do anything for mashed potatoes right now like name something you know what I mean

Oh my gosh we’re close rythm of the Rhythm of the Night Rhythm of the Night yay yay y y uh but the answer was no I don’t think I ever answered you I just like uh I just said how badly I want them and then I just continued on uh singing and

Dancing uh no I did not get mashed potatoes and it made me angry cuz I wanted them I’m done with the class wait oh no again wait again bro looks like it’s fine on my end oh no it literally looks so fine on my end I have not dropped a single frame um

Hello I’ve not dropped the single frame the stream and it looks fine on my end it’s not bothering for me okay still get here okay okay okay so it’s good here stop it the stream is fine are they are they are they yanking my chain actually there’s a couple people in that

Uh that said it oh no earlier that wouldn’t that wouldn’t lie to me about this I know the people who would de yank my chain I know the people who wouldn’t feels bit rate man dude my bit rate is my bit rate’s like steady at 6,000 and hasn’t dropped below or much

Above just like chilling bit rate seems chilling dude no f for cut out yeah I believe you it’s actually messing up occasionally at least for me have for me too no skip for me uh could be where I’m from no looks like it’s a lot of people

A 10 second break that time for me really Journey 2024 resolution uh best healthy denden yo pop off slow it’s fine now a minut ago just at least once here let me U maybe I’m going to try to close some tabs I don’t think this is has anything to do with it uh

But give me a second be like this I don’t think this has anything to do with it oops cuz I’m not like dropping any actual frames or anything don’t close mine stair what if I do what if I do buddy uh I just want pizza tonight but the dining allall Pizza is absolute

Garbage is it that bad oh no behind it’s not skipping maybe uh I don’t know it’s a yeah I feel it’s messing up for somebody I literally everything on my end seems perfectly fine so I’m pretty sure yeah might be twitch might be twitch dude close this the baked bar

Maybe later grabs the super glue there it is might as well man might as well yo get it Minecraft after dark holy holy it’s sweet somehow ew no thanks okay I don’t think it’s uh I don’t think it’s my PC so I’m going to turn back on

Shaders cuz it’s way easier on my eyes oh it’s been great for me yippe wait really easy peasy lemon squeezy dude that’s wild I need my power to come back on so I can heat up dinner dude I’m worried about what I’m going to have for dinner

If you’re addicted to a sauce like I am J Hugh that makes fire sugar-free stir fry sauces really with G Hughes huh never even heard of that before you’re easy on the eyes hey yo hey yo what’s good there xray what’s good d yeah all right let’s uh let’s finish

Dude we got to finish the job man let’s uh let’s finish what we started baby you know I could uh go for some Chick-fil-A mac and cheese too only one on campus uh only this a small size and I want it all literally get like 18 of them be like yo I’mma

Get I’m gon get 18 of them uh macaroni and cheeses wow the wind is going crazy I hear it going berserk yo be careful out there doia chat it’s kind of bad news I can’t close my window literally the window that’s right here I can’t close it it’s always wide open which is

Probably not and then my PC is right here it’s probably not the the most ideal with it why can’t you close it I have like really old windows and like it’s like those like it just gets like stuck I know what am I to do I try to like

Push it up and push it down push it up push it down hey it doesn’t do crap dude it doesn’t even budge uh to be fair the one time that I opened it up it was like barely opening and I like put all of my like leg weight and like pushing it

Up it’s weird to WD40 it though cuz like the the way it is yeah I could try though I don’t even know if I have WD40 bro but like pulling it down I should just hang on it like monkey bars maybe that’ll do it but I’m nervous

All kind of a sugarfree sauces we tried his stir fry desperately want to try the sugar-free sauces yum yum that sounds really good I a big sauce guy I’m not going to lie I uh I you will never hear me saying the words that’s too much

Sauce I will tell you that right now and I will tell you for free he SAU is what’s up dude it’s what’s up dude so uh maybe I’ll try it bro sauce makes a meal it 100% makes uh freaking Zach bees with their Zach sauce um a hot dog with ketchup uh a

Sandwich with mayonnaise um pizza with garlic sauce or Ranch I am a sauce boy you know what I mean like it does you’re right it literally it work CH sauce slaps with this sauce FLIR what’s up xray how you doing how doing dude G money no shot dude never I ever agreed

With anything as much as I’m a big sauce guy dude let me tell you right now let me tell you right now and I’ll tell you for free sauce makes a meal and makes you I don’t think I’d be here today it wouldn’t be the man I am today if it

Wasn’t for sauce dude G money thanks for stopping by homie did uh did was school closed for y’all today uh because I know a lot of school’s close well I don’t know if you’re like East Coast a lot of us are a lot of us are East Coast so like a lot

Of schools shut down bro hey hopefully you’re doing well my friend hopefully the biology is going well garlic sauce literally talk to me about garlic sauce what’s wrong with alls yesterday they had eggs on Pizza they have avocado what is wrong with them that’s a travesty thought you were uh going to

Say hot dog with peanut butter TBH I was going to but I didn’t want anybody to yell at me pizza with pizza sauce true nuggies with Buffalo and Ranch oh baby you’re not wrong there Asian Zin sauce from Buffalo Wild Wings though dude I I haven’t been to be dubs in Forever Wait

Yeah I haven’t been to V dubs in like a hot minute I hav even tried it wasn’t closed but they took the day off to uh get my oh to your teeth looked at your teeth all good a good old Dennis situation huh uh let’s see people talk

Gracie gets it he people talk to me sweet baby Ray barbecue sauce have you guys seen the wait wait wait wait wait okay wait I don’t know if I can even find it wait wait oh wait sweet baby Ray there’s like a sweet baby rays like video that’s like so funny bro

Um oh funny video I forget what it is do you guys know what I’m talking about is that the one okay I think they might have taken it off like online okay just kidding uh West Coast Best Coast on top dude I bet it’s like nice and sunny

Over there anyone West Coast I’m in Southern Cali dude West Coast gang showing up uh West Coast gang showing up oh in another dining hall loaded mashed potato pizza that sounds weird but maybe actually good people talk to you all day soop getting distracted dink donk listen

There been a lot of digging today it’s been 7 and 1/2 hours of digging and we’re almost done the end is right there oh which is crazy crazy but I’m getting very distracted here at the end you need a root canal dude the only uh the only familiarity I have with root

Canals is freaking uh Nemo Finding Nemo the first one I hope you don’t end up like that guy uh I hope you don’t need a root canal cuz that would be no bueno dude um hopefully they figure out something else if it wasn’t from let’s see maybe

If it wasn’t from the dining H fair enough got this just grinded on me I got you literally after this we got two more and then uh the last one which is pretty hot let’s finish it yo G money you been playing any more

Val fun fact chat I met a g money on valerant and um I was playing with Ekko and they’re like yo you should follow the big thing and I was like yeah you should follow Echo off and then uh bada bing bada boom uh G mone’s here which is is kind of crazy

Um think I need a rook now um pretty close on that pig yeah we’re getting pretty close we’re getting we’re getting close better than dar’s fish though you ended up dead that is true Darla dink Don Dean pick what do I pick man no no no I’m good I’m good I’m good

I’m good trust listen I got my eyes on the prize baby you’re pretty hot what’s up oh t yo I just dodged that I just dodged that with uh graay Sav me from uh from the scarcity of that Tia that’s toxic unreal dude Pepe meltdown Pepe laugh unreal

Dude no trust I know exactly how long I can hold it you just wait you’ll see you’ll all see you’ll see you’ll all see there we go give us these Jokers eat your dang beans dude I’m grinding though I got like grind set mindset baby okay I got

You I wonder if H I can order food tonight with all the stuff going on cuz I really don’t want to have to go out uh but I also don’t really want to make anything you know just make something it’s fine what should I make for dinner chats what should I make for

Dinner o I can make some grill chees cheese and Tom tomato soup yo Mazzy Aussie welcome inie how you doing uh let’s see he knows when to change it because it changes for him thank you Sav Sav knows the vies what if I took you out flirt hey yo dude

X-ray you’re on it today huh on it today man e mashed potatoes dude stop saying mashed potatoes I’m going to act up bro liter I love mashed I think mashed potatoes is probably one of my favorite ways no my favorite way to enjoy a potato would probably be number one hold on

What is this dude no shot Manore goney gaming just one yo Chad can we get some pogs in the chat for G money with the raw sub no freaking shot man thank you so much yo also if you guys didn’t know g money streams um they were playing Valor with

Us they’re super nice they’re super nice people thank you so much for the uh the sub dude you didn’t have to do all that man thank you thank you for keeping the lights on I’m uh having leftovers if I uh can get power for the micro wave dude

Hopefully you get power for it dude I hope otherwise you have to have it uh you have to have it dry what help with the uh food little Thor it dude thank you homie bro that actually means so much uh my brother actually makes all of

Our emotes uh so if you want to check out our emotes they’re really they’re so solid obviously the theme is beans um definitely feel free to let me know what your favorite one is but enjoy your emotes and AD free welcome to the community my friend did you get a pay

From get to Subs yes yep um there it is nice okay french fries mashed potatoes roasted okay here’s my order number one this is going to be controversial however actually maybe not well maybe a little bit number one baked potatoes baked potatoes are my number one way to

Enjoy a potato uh with butter sour cream and salt oh my gosh dude don’t even get me started number two would be french fries those are close together but I’ve had way more french fries in my life and I feel like baked potatoes are more of a

Like rare occasion don’t say boring get that out of here it’s good the way I make it the way I make baked potatoes you can ask my family oh my gosh I have the outside crispy uh and then the inside is like like mushy oh my gosh anyhow number two

Is french fries and number three is mash potatoes Easy Money uh that’s the order that’s the list and I’m sticking through it baked potatoes the big pleasure right other let’s see others can stff for free with twitch Prime oh my gosh stop x-ray we switched it with the twitch P they can connect

Their Amazon Prime to their Twitch account true three sub using twitch Prime big taters with butter cheese and beans see I don’t like cheese or beans in my potatoes mic are there any totem Pops in this world a couple wait right yeah I think we have totem one two and three

Maybe x m totem 1 two and three french fries talk to me sour cream bacon and cheese Heaven see where I’m at I don’t I would take bacon inside it but I like just the potatoes I’ll accept your answer thank you Thia TOS potatoes and sour cream so good real

You make a baked potato uh me a baked potato someday I got you I literally got you you don’t like cheese potatoes no I don’t I love cheese just about more than anything but I do not like them in my potatoes I feel like it takes away from the potato

Taste I like just regular like the the taste of the like sour cream and butter and I don’t know man hash brown is a number three on my list can I change my answer dude hash brown slap harder than gradum one shot bro hash brown slap harder than Will Smith are we talking

Taters yeah we are yeah we are Miss Queen Bean French F Mash hash brown that’s a that’s a really good list that’s a really good list the I mean ours are similar just the soft hash brown with baked potato and and put it number one and that’s what my that’s me H cheesy

Fries cheesy Mash see I love cheese fries cheese fries slap plain theaters are kind of gross no no no now when you put salt and uh butter and sour cream and maybe some bacon bits I stream going some dog with little Norm yo tell Norm we said what’s up can

We get some 07s for for norm and uh in L Norm dude thank you for vibing today homie tell little uh tell the little one I said Al tators equally delicious not equally but I I hear you loaded fries load these FR wait what’s up yo honestly I love loaded fries

Cheese fries slap Dean what Sav what are you saying what H shredded house Browns do do slap baked potatoes french fries mashed potatoes scal potatoes potato chips wait your top three are the same as mine I don’t know if I’ve ever tried scallop potatoes potato chips do slap

Though hello what’s up Nick Nick the potato is coming into the perfect time welcome in homie so game isn’t a huge deal in the UK so I love it I even a small amount of salt to makes it no longer play exactly yeah he hasn’t uh popped a totem in five

Months H he’s due for one no we’re not uh we’re not really into that anymore not going to lie to be honest with you we uh we kind of got over it uh let’s see wait Chad hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold what were you saying

I have no idea what I’m saying most of the time um wait pause yeah poutine is so good my uh my my old teacher uh was a Canada native and she made it for us I mean raw potato yeah no thanks Sarah didn’t mean uh by choice

Oh you said uh load these fries I believe anyway anyo we’ll move on from that one R potatoes all potatoes have a variety of range uh but I’m sick of sliced potatoes fried a skillet M or french fries or Mash how K all tato the bestest there’s a rank though to me to

Me there’s a rank hey chats chunk number four is down let’s get some H in the chat baby let’s get it thatle be with Bing bom look at that man look at that man oh my gosh wow wow wow wow wow wow wow I do wish we

Would have done that one happy happy happy happy happy want to be uplo another two hours and do that one well let’s go thank you g buddy thank you uh Derek thank you Talia thanks hook thanks Gracie that epic dude I know we’re getting there bro we’re

Getting there this is taking a long time but we’re getting there uh make that much noise shh see all let’s go let’s uh let’s throw these bad boys out of here nice um you know what we’ll do a just a tiny bit of this one literally just a tiny bit of this

One uh because if we go to axle it’s going to take like 15 minutes and I want to go a little bit over eight so one down 28 to go oh yeah yeah yeah hold on chats uh 20 28 chunks remain there it is dude 28 chunks remain Bing bom yo donk

Welcome in how you doing donk why are you angry Gracie what is this potatoes areti is top tier I definitely think there’s a there’s an order in which they are ranked but pogu negative one chunk 28 to go baby easy yeah a auto prediction is going to happen uh in I

Told somebody else 6:45 so well uh I said 645 or seven so we’re going to go do that here in just a moment 10 minutes of just digging this one to get it down a little bit and then we’ll go H ooo yeah we’ll go in 10

Minutes in a uh mods at uh 650 if you guys want to start a uh 10 minute Axel AO prediction or we can start one now and do it like longer it’s up to you guys uh let’s see do you make a gravy volcano in your mashed

Potatoes I have before it does slap to be honest it does like lowkey Slap Yo wait why are you weird doing me coffee Oh e the 650 perfect I’m not a gravy girly doe a gravy slabs sow what kind of slabs why are you weird d be called

Thanks for the notes in the chat binging hi e belicious butterfly that’s a crazy sentence but I’m here for it hi coffee be how are you doing how are you doing uh chat get ready to gamble your beans in 10 minutes get ready to gamble your beans uh we’re going to be doing

Two Sher boxes full of uh of fish to try to get a blue Axel atle 27 tries we’re going to have Believers and doubters whether or not we’re going to get one low key I feel it today low key though kind of highkey low key it’s just never been

Uh there it is it’s never been my thing I mean that’s fair that’s fair I’m good making gred chicken alfredo dude I would do so much for a grilled chicken alfredo um I’m a hungry boy right now I’m not going to lie definitely ready for some food some food action dude

Uh moose is chewing on my feet dude moosey stop chewing on my feet am I annoying no you’re not Derek no absolutely not people talk to me coffee literally people talk I would do wait can I come uh can I come have some snap beats first ain’t no way dude

Ain’t no way Po feet Po feet thank you for that one oh s please someone help me someone help me there it is holding for the a snap notive holding holding holding hold this I’m waiting too to be honest Let’s uh let’s see when I get it let’s see when I get it

All cool nothing yet man uh let’s see I first there you go hold me people H people rub imagine that was a thing dude holy might we made a bubble pizza last night e that’s seriously slap that sounds so good oh my gosh that sounds so good

Chris fuse no wait yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey yo stupid typos I know I know it happens to the best of us though it literally happens to the best of us don’t even worry about it there it is low key that be that’s probably is an emote that probably is an

Emote low key who knows man who actually knows B up bot how’s wait how charg is my phone okay it’s pretty charged I want to make sure if it uh if my power goes out that I can charge the bad boy dude wa you leave though come back come back

Come back I’m kidding of course thank you dang Grace get it girl oh my gosh that’s wild that’s wild we get these ones pres said uh huh he said what what did he say l comy i mean what what’s up ax L time yay oh baby is it time it’s almost

Time chat it’s almost time rub this the big forp that’s CRA that’s a crazy sentence yeah this song makes me feel like I need to be speedr running h oh oh yo yo yo it’s good luck it’s good luck is crazy uh the went that gives me wow that’s crazy he didn’t

Even say the baked pleasure either yeah 650 and then we’ll do a we’ll do a 10-minute Joker definitely emot uh no one can really have here fair enough understandable carot as they say hey Hey nice 645 oh was it hey give it give it a couple more minutes I want to get a little bit more of this done not going to lie like a little bit more of this done trust right now all right now let’s see uh edit it for the U memes

Honestly fair enough wait did we add it was it added ain’t no way right surely not what is why is the what is that x-ray what oh is that when we ran out of toilet paper like don’t shush me why are you weird doing what what am I

Doing what am I doing man I just work here dude dude maybe we can get this one down too completely thoughts clearly toilet paper I know but I didn’t know why there was toilet paper in the chat uh let’s see back from lunch so fall people fat RF oh my gosh wait what

Do you have to eat if if you don’t mind me asking please add that wait can I see it hold on give me a second give me a second my goofies nope nope not adding that one nope not adding that one that’s crazy not adding that one

Nope yo what’s up scary a Southern Charm burger from Red Robin dude Red Robin slaps I love their burgers and their uh their fries are gash dude fat R welcome in how we doing dude it was so freaking good well it sounds so freaking good

Stop what are we doing man what did I do to you what did I do to you man what is it a pea rub is what it is if you want to look it up watch me run 7 TV do your thing if you need to but I

Can’t show it here doing good doing good how’s the inone going dude so good good we got uh let’s see one two wait one two three wait one two three four done today we’re slowly working on five but we’re not going to do much of it we’re about

To finish we’re about to go do a prediction see if you guys uh want to bet all your beans to try to win more beans or lose them all uh with an axel prediction bum we’ll do this one uh should be good after this make a good look it’s wild it’s

Something for sure I kind of hate it but uh you know yeah maybe you shouldn’t no maybe you shouldn’t beans all go to tax sagge well I mean uh you’ll probably get a little bit before uh like you can bet like any amount I’m pretty sure you can bet like

10 so I’m sure you have at least 10 right now uh 10 beans to bed if you want to and you have a chance to win it back something cute in your DMs oh my gosh look at the little dude man can I pet him hi little guy hi

Little buddy I want to pet right here I want go by Buddy who’s a boy who’s a good boy who a a bo boy we we will prediction one minute ding Don yo dink Don ch ding donk I have zero right now okay maybe in

The next 10 minute or maybe in the next uh 10 minutes during the prediction you’ll get like a little bit Pepe hes uh the school internet is uh not good enough to load uh TV is it really Nots oh no he’s stinky don’t want to pet him

Is he actually stinky right now dude moosey was stinky earlier he tooed not going to lie he’s licking me with a stanky mouth e e he got a poopy mouth it’s a new chunk we’re only doing it for a couple of minutes um uh it is a new

Chunk but we’re doing it for a couple minutes uh while we start the prediction uh prediction starts at uh well like right now actually a 10-minute prediction then we’re going to do axos and then that’s it we had number six yet I was promis six chunks probably if I

Said how lovely you’re looking today lovely looking dude you know what I mean to answer your question yeah sure blame the stank on moose people I roll dude speaking of dude where is that guy where is that guy I might need to check on little mushie poo not going to

Lie no B look at this raided in welcome in Raiders poo match thank you so much for the freaking raid baby Let’s Get It On You pum uh here let me get your let me get this one on here hold on pumat raid bada bing wait how do I do this side

There we go uh one 9 2024 dude how was your stream hopefully you’re drink a choice of the perfect Temple me how you doing today poats hey chat we woo we woo we woo um oh no I did the wrong thing no Um the prediction Starts Now chat by the way get your predictions in get your get your predictions in baby wait what are those uh oh back in the end those were the end portals once you kill the dragon uh you get those little portal guys mobile doesn’t know raid K oh no

The signs uh poat the does that in his world to like when he raids in uh so I did it for him it just says poo match raid um yeah we just we did it for poo match but we could we could make it a

Thing we can make it a thing that was the last time he raid it in let’s see what else uh what else did I miss t- shipment in coming it’s good to see you girl K lovely I’m a Believer I wouldn’t leave her if I tried there it is dude I

Don’t know I don’t know uh chat it’s time to bet on if you think we’re going to do the blue ax lle today remember we are doing two two Sher boxes full um and we’re going to be breeding up these guys tomato Bob games just raided in no way D

Welcome in Raiders ain’t no way Bob just did that Bob with the rain ain’t no way bro what the freak man he wait Eevee welcome in how you doing there miss SE monster long time no see obviously uh what you want one of those signs that’s

Crazy name on a sign where do you want it where do you want it hi FR welcome thank you g buddy dude Bob you’re insane you’re actually insane oh gosh bro what is happening right now what are you guys doing lore cat just joined the bean pot

Squad with prime bro what is going on man what like seriously what are we doing have a blue ancestor they going to be blue well they one of them might you never know uh if any Raiders got a ra and run from the t- shipment or for boal make

Sure you guys uh take care of yourselves get some food water us whatever you got to do make sure you take care of you and Lisa take of the Prime for 14 sink mons can we give it up for [Laughter] Lisa let’s see welcome Raiders do I match top

Believer how much how much do top lever did how much did they do don’t mind if you uh take the sign they originally got it from Sin City really oh that’s right that’s right J awesome thanks for asking what were you up to on stream

Today there uh bobal what were you up to man what were you what we get into that’s wild dude I cannot believe you just offline it’s wild okay we need to f3b there we go actually insane dude here let me go back over here I was watching the baked Dean on stream that’s

Wild sounds like a a very exciting stream huh very exciting stream very exciting time let’s throw all these in here all these here Ru Ru Ru Ru all right cool let’s get this um yum uh hold on let’s uh swap out these what are we doing buddy come here come here come here

Boy come here boy come here all right it’s fine yeah he can be really runchy sometimes but a good time sounds like a good time baby sounds like my kind of place to be honest uh let’s see going to go drive out in the wind wish me

Luck um I hope you have the most luck that is scary Talia do you have to is this a must please be careful oh my gosh chat can we get some uh can we get some dancing emotes in the chat room for this song please for the love of literally

Everything oh my gosh dude unreal uh we can do some of these y yo I’m a bar I’m a fireball let’s get it hey yo hero welcome in top believer put 20K to get a 406 uh 406 in my pocket 406 is insane 406,000 Channel points

Hello yeah yeah come on chat let’s get it a fireball inde D baby uh it’s bad out it is do you have to freak man I mean some of my dogs uh stream finally dude I missed you how you been hero glad to have you my friend holy

It’s always a pleasure let me do like this okay moose is making me nervous cuz he’s wandering around the house he’s wandering around the house he’s going to get into something guaranteed right now m fire Fireball work my butt off hope you been doing get home me dude I’ve been I’ve

Been living bro hopefully work has been treating you well noted magic to believer as you should I mean why not you know why not I have to my cousin’s birthday party I’m uh not going to be far I’ll be okay your cousin’s birth is it the same

Cousin as we uh we’ve talked about I didn’t know they had a birthday we’ll do this there we go we don’t need like any of those um boom boom bo boom boom hey Foster am I work on a doctor no way a it’s amazing oh it’s amazing I know that

Feels good have you uh looted that Temple right there yes I have yay that was one of the first ones we did one of the first ones we found oh fire Fireball no no sorry chat uh one two three oh there we go we’re taking it we’re

Taking it we’re taking it down we’re taking it uh no a different one oh a different one than that one okay I thought it was code I I’ll be safe please hopefully the breeding is done soon I got class in 20 minutes it will be trust we literally just have to get a

Couple more fishies and we’ll be good we’re bringing it we’re bringing it we’re bringing it back bringing it we’re bringing it we’re bringing it back bringing it we’re bringing it we’re bringing it back we’re bringing it back chats y y okay we’ll get all these that kind of code yeah yes I was

Talking more mors code like let’s get these guys out of here but that code will work too bobile games all right let’s go like This and there we go that’s perfect put dancing emotes okay uh for clarification it is uh just try to like limit the amount of emotes you do per message just because it makes the chat like laggy when it’s like too too many per message but other than that you’re

Chilling there we go can let me get uh these guys Perfect all right y Let’s uh let’s go back home no oh you’re fine Dereck you didn’t know you didn’t know homie now you do yeah don’t worry about it I promise uh you didn’t know now you know bada bing bada

Boom let me check something nope um let’s see this a go the M as well good though so true thanks guys thank you uh thank you guys hey just the etiquette situation okay we got to wait are you guys ready wait I can turn this down now okay chat

Are we ready to see if we uh we get one today okay chat one in the chat if you guys think we’re going to get a um a blue ax lle two if you say no we’re not going to one yes two no one yes two no come on

Where my Believers at dude freak where are my Believers at dude come on man oh my don’t shoot me towards them jeez man this is fine this is fine chat this is fine nope nope oh my gosh this is fine chat bro why are there I don’t know why there’s so many

Dude okay I’m getting out of here for a second Jeepers I’m not going to fly I was going to fly right through them no thanks is a free gunpowder true nice mob farm dude it’s literally out in the open what is this where they all come from who knows

Man the creeper Farm RI the world dude it was a good run though we got ADM it was a good run uh the whole faction thing was sick you know it was it was a good time man wait do I have any more in here

No um boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom okay that should be good let’s go and do those one shot all over again no don’t remind me please okay chat we ready are we ready for this oh man I’m nervy I’m n who I don’t

Even know why I’m nervy this is fine hey it’s fine okay we ready all right number one aut group number one nope ax Lot number two nope Axel number three come on man like show me something good dude uh like show me something good you know like what is this

Man wait e oh gosh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get back in get back in get back in get back in how late do I go now um a we just say eight plus hours now instead of 78 it’s just8

Plus um here let’s go you guys need to come in the water like you guys are going to die out there at least yellow or brown for change I know I need to get more I do really need to get more Che back for my points after class no worries homie

Sorry we weren’t able to do it quite in time dang it another pink one dude another pink one dude that’s a lot of Axel autles hi Livia are you doing how are you doing have your sh boxes uh like mine for a paper and gunpowder glad it’s

Just better it’s just the better way to do it you know what I mean um Avery’s mommy welcome in as well this is not pet okay it is it’s fine trust I asked I asked don’t worry okay kitty how are you I’m doing so good he

Let’s try to get some blue ax lles you know the vimes what are you up to today lovely blue nope um boom no we’ll do like this like this like this like this there okay cool let’s uh let’s see none yet dude what are you going do with all the

Extras um nothing I think they’re going to go to a farm somewhere they’re they’re going to be fine though she’s so lovely she is so lovely dude she is so lovely uh yo cheese welcome in cheese how you doing hey Ryan dude look at all the homies man

I 100% na be PE okay well how do you know for sure Dean okay listen listen man what am I to do a grilled aelott dude you already know the vimes you already know the VES let’s see what you get us okay please just give me one H just give me like

One you and you okay there’s a pink one that’s fine what about you two she’s so lovely she’s so lovely that g do be be blue man sorry let’s see hope we can uh sort some yummy food M sort some food yeah uh H what do you uh what are you thinking

About grabbing for grub there Olivia what you thinking dude I got to gra I got to figure out what I’m getting for grub later too uh just for reference on uh how uh let’s see abnormally close my family lives uh at my destination forgot something drove back to my house back uh

Here in that time wait really that’s crazy wait they live so close please just give me blue man freak please think that you are lovely I didn’t uh didn’t see any blo got left thereo maybe that was some s o we were talking about sauce earlier Olivia what kind of sauce should we

Going for accidentally closed cor yeah that happens to me all the time happens to me all the time okay please can we get some prayes in chat dude for whatever side pra for your side but I’m paging for an blue ax lle uh so we can clear the dagam Q

Um you and you please um nope none none H 3 to four minute drive is crazy bro I’m like 3 to four hours away from my family H pre indeed man maybe uh bolog t and some bones with rice it’s not standard but trust me it’s

Good listen I believe you I would eat some up not going to lie to you please and it’s a pink one dude of course come on baby come on baby give me blue give me blue give me blue that’s not blue hey give me blue give me blue give me

Blue that’s not blue either uh what do we doing here man uh no PL pre no blue no no no we want blue we want that blue baby I love this song chat this song makes me go crazy honest is it genetically possible for a blue yes well

In Minecraft logic it is got a ways to go okay I don’t have to do last world last world was like uh number 40 something it’s TI how many axles did we breeding out of last World before you got a blue one uh let’s see 42 last World it was 42 ax

Lles that we bred to get um to get a blue one it was a 42 yep yep there’s a video of it but it’s so upsetting I know and then I lost the dagam world dude so you’re saying there’s a chance oh I’m saying there’s an absolute chance 100% there’s a

Chance my luck with this stuff is typically pretty good my typically pretty good like watch this uh nope wait watch this one watch them they kiss okay well okay well it’s the last couple chats it’s the last couple uh it’s time to figure out whether or not our Believers should have

Believed or should have doubted and our doubters should have believed get some holds in the chat please 42 is pretty quick it is why know all these numbers on the top of your head dude Tia is insane please dude please dude I need this I need this

I needed that I need this I need this hold chat not cold hold not gold hold not fold not mold not sold not none of that yo Celtic welcome in oh also what’s up I got to get your your cake after this what color would you like homie need you what’s

Up what you mean by that one ready doubters win doubters win doubters win I didn’t want you to win doubters but you won you won and uh what can we do nothing it can’t do nothing about it I guess uh let’s see oh what’s up wait did you tell

Me what your favorite color was it’s all good just want to say drop by say hi hi seltic dragons good to see you welcome in Mazy over on the YouTube glad to have you over there dude uh Jo uh oh no worries dude no worries Mazy glad to see you over

There uh let’s go Glen red of course well of course well of course I got you homie uh chat we need to do one more thing for today are you guys ready for this are you guys ready for this action dude this one this one this one there we

Go okay Chad I need one more time one more time for some holds in the chat literally literally just one more time Chad trust trust the last time of the night last time of the nights and last time we will hold until it is the day of Thursday Thursday Thursday is our

Next stream yo demon crafts here gots on 75 dude let’s go he lold it is a special day in beanie wood child let me tell you let me tell you how special a day it is in beanie wood it is a special birthday for our good friend can you

Guys flood the chat with feels birthday man and happy birthdays over to our good friend what’s up surv there it is 10.6k yo let’s go yo baby what’s your name yo girl I mean doesn’t have to be pretty sure I need to level up wait I think we already got your

Level up there miss uh Miss Queen Bean how many beans do you have unless it was uh in the last couple hours uh welcome back cie I can go check he wait where you at you are let’s go see you let’s go see you real quick beans check why is it

Not I missed it maybe oh yeah if it was a couple of days ago we already did it but I can show you I can do the celebration again for you uh I can go do the celebration again for you though don’t worry don’t worry don’t [Applause]

Worry there we go okay cool let’s go baby uh I winter to spend last few hour shoveling hat it oh dude I mean I would like snow right now to be honest but I get it I get it I get it uhuh uh uhuh no no it’s okay well let

Do darn bad to be honest you know what I mean hey Chad can we get some m in the chat for uh for our good friend Miss Queen Bean get there level up baby we level up don’t get D my birthday got wait is your birthday

Tomorrow wait no way Keo show boy so I got you y y y a let’s get it hey no it’s on a Wednesday though oh I see oh no well we’ll celebrate your birthday before and after how about that uh let’s see that command I can’t wait which

Command oh my God okay listen Tia unreal dude unreal I can’t believe that’s a freaking command there it is thank you deie I got you sea monster do I have gold armor you do do you want me to do your C celebration too he would you like me to do your uh

Your celebration cuz I did get that for you in the naughties oh my gosh or next time we’re near you just be like hey I would like my celebration again it’s been a command it’s been around for like a year true it’s a wild

One it doesn’t get used a ton of ton but gets used some EO that be here you say um say uh we is good okay cool he that’s good cuz I am hungry I’m not going to lie to you CH I’m a hungry boy I need to

Go get some food dude he need to go get some food dude um so today we cleared up four four chunks which is what we wanted to do today uh we celebrated some birthdays we did some armor upgrades we tried to do our Axel and we VI B the bad

People don’t cry four in a little bit true it was over four was like four in a little bit uh I got a stack for eing what’s up what do you what do you mean by that one huh take care Mr Dane thank you there Papa Bear dude I appreciate you guys so

Freaking much man thank you guys for being here today man uh we’re going to be back on Thursday bright and early uh probably going to go for a quite a juicer on Thursday uh definitely juicing it up but uh let’s go show another homie some love man if you guys are still here

Still hanging around still vibing if you don’t mind can you guys do an X Mage Point raid one if you’re a sub X ra to if you’re not a sub I appreciate you guys so much thank you for being here today B redoing my upgrade love you King

Uh chat see you in a couple days yeah you will yes you will appreciate you sea monster uh good night to you too is let as well they’re leted put the little jokers in the CH so I can say good night to you good night TOA good night Gracie

Good night there Derek have a good on bumblebee he chapstick Abby thanks for vibing and chilling and chilling and vibing with us today hello P bra for real for real appreciate you uh thanks for being here today Gracie yo thus pop off baby hope you

Have a good one today man uh thanks for being here fluffy I love you dude S have a good night I appreciate you what’s up surv Happy Birthday homie thanks for spending part of your birthday with us man Kish have an amazing night Kish thanks for being here homie uh let’s see

Have a good night e charge your phone while you still can good night if you lose power come to my house smirk okay Bet o I’ll be on the way for sure for sure uh my power went out Oly let’s see appreciate you uh homie have a great T

Night and awesome selfcare Wednesday thanks King dude I appreciate you g money have a good night dude thanks for stopping by and Mazy have a good night Malibu have a good night and let’s get it boom good night to Winter and cie good night to Reggie and Destiny and musy uh

Good night to the b b junr good night to Unity and good night to the community Baby um hey chats you guys are freaking amazing dude so points nothing cuz I need to be verified for things great I can’t do anything well I wonder all of Fame now why is it not letting you on you can DM me on Discord if you want

Mazy I can try to help you get back on after stream um malib thank you again for being here coffee be thanks for Ving I appreciate you guys so freaking much man this is the point of the stream where we’re going to raate out to another homie um

Wait let me see if there’s anybody doing anything special so we need to if we need to do a ray message um hold on chat give me give me two seconds me two seconds let me let me look through um I don’t know if anybody is doing anything

Crazy um so we’ll we’ll just rate out to somebody we’ll figure it out tell me see I love him and give him a Boop on the news for me and a kiss on the Noggin I definitely will I will do both of those things uh thank you guys for chilling to

Today uh you guys are amazing thank you for the insane support thank you for vial with me uh and making this place as amazing as it is it’s because to you uh e foric have a nice night lovely uh cuz of you guys thank you guys for making

This space the way it is um make sure to get some food some water some rest whatever you got to do make sure you take care of yourselves and take care of each other don’t forget to uh let’s see give me a treat from us I will I got you

There leted no you you for it good night and hook have a good night I love you guys man let’s go show a bunch of love let’s go show what uh the bean po squad’s all about thank you for reacting thank you for the oooo I’m G to miss you guys man fre

Thank you for reacting I’m going to miss you guys man anyhoo I’ll see you guys uh on on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. back for the Ving I miss you guys already bye guys I’m going to miss you guys so much man thank you again for the love

Today and let’s go show it ridiculous about a love to another homie Deal let’s do my all my life to keep me down trying to keep me down all this all this time I it out never thought i’ make it out no no No my trying to keep me down say needed that so bad I can use a thirsty insane dude for the whole no need of that Holy your guns will I thought it was a freaking dude the best of us for though than you Camy have a good night

Guys good night K good night Derek good night L I freaking love you guys man I miss you already let’s go show some love baby show that love on B Bell games love that b trying to keep me down all this time never thought i’ make it out no no No on my they be trying to keep me down love and positivity spread some love and positivity baby I love you guys man I’ll see you on Thursday 11 show what we’re all about love you guys man

This video, titled ‘HARDCORE MINECRAFT (4000+ days) | 183 IRL DAYS | diggin for some cheese | !PPP !dailybeans’, was uploaded by The Baked Dean on 2024-01-10 01:04:24. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 08:15:59 or 29759 seconds.

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    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/ This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@darkomode ► Instagram – https://instagram.com/darkcornerstv ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/darkcornersyt 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – https://youtube.com/darkcornerstv ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – https://youtube.com/darkoblox Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: https://www.twitch.tv/zylenox https://www.twitch.tv/zylenooo Join the Classic Discord Server: https://discord.gg/APU8PdexvF Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at play.minevita.net, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP: play.minevita.net→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! discord.minevita.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Doublesal Discord: https://discord.gg/cdyPTJrdam Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublesal —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на 2b2t.quest’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ip-2b2t.quest. ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More