Minecraft madness: Kyo Kaneko’s epic tall people takedown

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N [Applause] Oh [Applause] N Oh He Oh [Applause] Oh [Applause] N E [Applause] Oh A [Applause] I Oh [Applause] He Oh Hello as you can see I’m avoiding getting kicked today since it is international kick tall people day According to some random [ __ ] Twitter post I saw like a month ago what’s good beep boop boop bro I wanted to make some [ __ ] tea my microwave is broken and y’all

Might be like well put the water in the kettle I don’t have one of those so um I can’t make tea I’m pissed my microwave was broken before I went on my trip and it’s still [ __ ] fing broke it and the maintenance people still haven’t fixed it I don’t know how it

Broke I wasn’t here but that [ __ ] got merked microwaved water yeah hell yeah hell yeah don’t have a stove y I don’t own a kettle okay I don’t make tea and [ __ ] often so if I’m going to make some tea I’m going to put that [ __ ] in the

Microwave I don’t know why y’all act y’all act like I haven’t said this [ __ ] before like every time y’all question mark me you get confused you don’t understand um I’ve said this for like the past year if you don’t remember you know like that’s your fault in a pot

Okay I don’t have time to boil water on a stove when I’m about to start my stream I was relying on the microwave you know to be done with that [ __ ] in 2 minutes so that’s why get an open fire and heated up old school it’s like 5 minutes though okay

So would you want me to be 5 minutes later to the Stream chat would you want me to be 5 minutes later then like oh my God he’s late oh my God he’s late why the [ __ ] are you late oh my God he’s late exactly you would

Not you microwave funds I don’t need funds I just need the [ __ ] repair guy to like do something you know homie needs to like pop up happy kick tall people day I’m advertised so I get the choice to but my 54 under gang we knocking some kneecaps

Off best believe yo if you’re under 54 and uh you get to kick people above 54 so um every single male in nii sanjian I get to drop kick your ass today um you know and I will not get kicked because I am little right now

Low now my shins I’m going to [ __ ] crack your shins like a like a like a like a toothpick adios to your shins you just snore no I went like with my mouth my nose is mad dry I don’t want to snort it that would hurt loky I should probably

Go okay I was on like antibiotics until yesterday and now that I’m off them I feel like [ __ ] so it’s like they didn’t [ __ ] work well they worked when I was on them but now that I’m off them like you know the [ __ ] didn’t go away I feel like this has

Happened to me like I swear to God like 10 times K thanks for the two months exit thanks for the 12 here to remind you just how much of inspiration you are um I really hope you know uh I love you well thank you uh what you here this the 3

Months than you happy National kick top people day I’m 5’6 I will still get kicked what’s the height limit it’s 5’4 it’s 5’4 you getting Drop Kicked Maple thanks for the two months Rose thanks for the 14 who needs hype when you got a huge personality um music challeng since

Seven months yes finally day I’m proud to be 51 all you talk comies better watch out I’m going to be an ankle biter not you proudly claiming that you’re an ankle biter that is wild being like I’m an ankle biter is wild you’re moving mad what happens if we find someone six foot

Oh you get to drop kick them lowkey we’re probably going to have to kick him in the Shins yo have y’all ever fallen down on like wooden stairs or like non- carpet stairs on your [ __ ] shins that has to be one of the most like universally painful experiences in

Life like you full force [ __ ] land your entire body weight on your godamn Shin on the corner of a wooden [ __ ] step as you fall ah hate that [ __ ] lowy I don’t think stepping on a Lego is that bad I feel like the stepping on a Lego hate is like you know

It’s it’s overdone okay i’ like forcefully jumped on Legos it’s not even that bad but falling on your shin on a staircase that’s different can I than to the membership and stetina than the 14 months thank you thank you Bruce Shin or stub toe Bruce Shin is

More painful cuz you have to put your weight on that [ __ ] I hate having a Bruce Shin that [ __ ] hurts one time I like broke my I don’t know if I broke I don’t know if I fractured or Bru my tailb I don’t remember but either way

Like I could barely walk cuz that she hurt so much I was trying to do like some break dance move in gym class you know to show off and I landed on my butt wrong and then I [ __ ] my [ __ ] up and I could not walk then I had to go

Home and sit on ice for like the next 3 days he broke his ass literally no like dead ass dead ass broke my ass I was trying to do one of those really cool like butt spins where you like you start off like doing a dance on the on your

Feet and then you put your foot on the ground and then you like kind of do this like back and forth with your feet flip and then spin into like a really quick spin on your butt and then you pop up out of it like really fast I don’t know

If you guys know what I’m talking about like you spin on your butt and then you like stick your legs out and you stand up really quickly and then you like continue doing what the [ __ ] you doing I was trying to do that but when I hit the

Ground on my butt um I landed right on my tailbone you took break dance literally no actually that [ __ ] Hurt that’s one way to go out that [ __ ] hurt bro I really Brook dance my I [ __ ] I really did break my [ __ ] break dancing that why they call a break dance cuz you break your [ __ ] you’re actually moving mad IRL I never did any break dancing after that I was like I’m retired I was like I’m done it’s over we’ve had a good run um I literally I lived up to the break in break dancing and now that I have done

That I have achieved everything I’ve you know tried to accomplish it’s over um my career has you know finally come to an end I can Relax lived up to the name I did he’s on break from break dancing you let one injury stop you yes also lowkey like I didn’t really do it that often so but after that I kind of stopped I’ve still I’ve done it a few times after after that but

Like I was like low um I’m good cuz I feel like half the time that [ __ ] just that [ __ ] just be [ __ ] Bro [ __ ] You Up Just Dance stream one day okay well I’m sick now I can’t do that well I I was sick as a kid but it just guys it’s

Gotten worse over time you know I don’t want to I’m going to get too dizzy on stream and then like I’m not going to be able to keep Going so I’m just going to Vibe as is BR my ass doing ballet and stop too bro that [ __ ] hurts I don’t like that [ __ ] hurts like you can’t walk it hurts so bad beep Beep Just Dance Off collab hell no oh yeah I did want to say um about the whole situation yesterday um I feel like everyone misunderstood who I was directing the message at it was not about one specific post or person um it was just about like people doing this over the past few

Months so that’s it it’s not one person it’s just general it’s just like I happened to see another one that day that was kind of like I was like okay I’m getting tired of this again you know I I take like I see a couple of them um I keep

Seeing them and then like after seeing them for 3 months I’m kind of like okay I’m going to address it again and then again and that’s that’s how it’s been every time cuz this time I was probably the most like upset about it but it’s the same so just it’s for

Everyone have you tried the new mode on on League no what the I’ve never played Nexus Blitz I think that came out like the first time before I ever play league yo speaking of league did y’all see the new league K-pop video thing um low key okay po no I don’t know

If this is an unpopular opinion or not I don’t like it like okay here’s the thing it’s not that I it’s not that I think the song production is bad I think the way it was mixed and the lyrics are bad let me explain the first

Time first three times I listened to the song um I’m going to be honest with you I had no idea what the [ __ ] the chorus was saying okay no [ __ ] idea I had no idea what the chorus was saying it was like I was like oh [ __ ] I don’t even

Know what he’s saying so I had no idea right I had no [ __ ] idea okay that [ __ ] did not make sense it wasn’t even because it wasn’t even because um the lyrics like were a metaphor I mean like the literal words coming out of their mouth did not understand what they were

Saying every time I pop off it sounded like they were saying like I had no idea what they they said every time I pop off I was like what do you po I literally the only reason I knew what the [ __ ] the lyrics were is I turned on the subtitles after

The third time and I was like okay I’m going to look at this and then I understood what it said the [ __ ] like the the music and the production like whoever mixed the song made the lyrics way too [ __ ] quiet also during some of the raps I the lyrics were very

Unclear because the music was so loud in the background like the lyrics were too the like the vocals were too [ __ ] low and they were mixed a little bit like too much into the instrumental that I couldn’t even discern them from what it was being said that’s my

Thing like I literally had no idea what the [ __ ] they were saying I also don’t think the song is as like fire as like pop stars by any means I’m going to be honest with you like I think I think pop stars baddest and more top

Paranoia by like a good bit yeah you know I really do like now the other K songs that they did for like the individual characters not the biggest fan of those either I think um paranoia is better than those so like the only ones I really think are

Fire in like terms of League music I think pop stars is number one I think baddest is second and because so maybe I’m biased cuz of the aali rap section I just think that’s really good um then third is Mo and then fourth is like paranoia oh Giants oh [ __ ] where would I

Put Giants I would put Giants ahead of paranoia for sure you can understand what the [ __ ] they’re saying in Giants and the rap section in Giants is a lot better um lyrically and the flow switch is really cool villain though I think villain is kind of mid I’m going to be honest with

You pretty mid I could take it or leave It it’s not as much of like a like a slap hit that I would think villain’s not mid I think I think villain is mid as [ __ ] I think there are like five other pop songs that are probably better to be honest with you Guys I have not heard that [ __ ] I’m just talking about like the big uh the big like group songs they’ve done but leue music is either fire or mid yeah that’s what I’m saying um yeah I would say like pop stars is number one I’d put put baddest then I i’ tie Giants

And more and then okay I would like more but I’m not the biggest fan of the sarapen verse I just feel like it it’s not my thing um and then the new boy group paranoia I put underneath all that and then everything else under there I like I

Just think the new song like the the production’s very good um the instrumental is very good the singers are good um the lyrics ah and like me hearing the vocals and hearing what the [ __ ] they’re saying I have no [ __ ] clue like realistically I only started to understand the lyrics When I read

Them and listen to the song while reading them and now I can hear them when I hear the song but every other song I’ve heard I understood the lyrics immediately animation for paranoia is good I’m only talking about the song I’m only talking about the song cuz baddest didn’t even get an

Animation I still prefer animation wise the original pop star song I don’t know what it is something about it just has a charm that is like unmatched even though in more the animation is technically like polywise better I just think there’s like a unique style and charm to the way it was

Moved and the like how fluid it seemed because it wasn’t overly Complicated Now using the tiny K mod I can’t get kicked bro popar are so good as lowkey are the top I’m not going to lie I agree with you like pop stars was when they were like [ __ ] we can actually make music more marketable than we thought and then I

Think Giants grew on me when I first heard it I really thought the syon verse in the song was random as [ __ ] I was like this does not really fit but then the more I listened to it the more it like you know he Kiki Palmer killed it

Duckworth and who else is other rapper they did good on that yeah yeah pop star is number one maybe do a live reaction to Gods what the [ __ ] is Gods what did this come out we is it from the same group oh is this the world song okay but

I’m not talking about the world song about like they’re like they’re like boy group shits you know like they’re group songs they like Market the characters as like Idols this is like in a different category if we’re going to do my favorite world song it’s probably what’s

The one that’s like burn it all we’re going to burn burn burn it all down that one’s fire I think rise is kind of eh I’m just I’m not the biggest fan of Imagine dragon’s music style what is the one I’m thinking of called I don’t even

Know oh Legend Never Dies is pretty good too but it’s not I still think like the burn it all what the [ __ ] is that one is it Phoenix it’s called no it’s not Phoenix not Phoenix [ __ ] is it called not ignite not awaken not Warriors what the [ __ ] is it not pentac kill

Oh it’s literally called burn it all down it’s for world’s 2021 it’s not as popular but I lowy like it all day this song yeah anyways new boy group song uh mid mid because I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re saying going to be honest with

You also I’m going to be honest it’s going to be pretty hard to ever top pop stars it’s going to be pretty difficult it’s going to be pretty difficult kick to people day yeah but I’m short okay anyway I’m open Minecraft now I also feel like if people find the

Characters hot they hype up the song because of that too which is fair but I think the person who did the cane rap in the beginning was good though like I thought that was mixed well but everything after that I was like damn what the [ __ ] cuz the first that first vers you

Can understand everything they’re saying and then after that like it just loses me yeah I still don’t know what they’re saying I just know paranoia and and after that I’m like what the [ __ ] is happening I still don’t know like what the [ __ ] are they saying

All I can hear is they love it when I pop off also sets thing is okay too like the set verse but there’s just a half the the the first part of the set verse fine the second part what the [ __ ] is he saying anyways that’s my thing

Yeah okay also yo okay I’m not being hypocritical on purpose I’m not the biggest fan of the SK who the [ __ ] is calling me and why are you calling me right now I am I’m working okay any I’m going to open Minecraft I don’t like how they made Kane’s hair short too how

How no no no cuz like that doesn’t even follow the silhouette of the character if I see a Shor hair Kane in my game I’m not even going to think it’s Kane I’m literally going to think it’s something else I’m so serious I thought the Yon I

Literally okay this is the problem I couldn’t tell who each character was before they said it he looks good he looks good but he doesn’t look like Kane I lowkey thought yon was Kane I thought yon was Kan at first and then I thought Kane was yon and then Ezreal I didn’t even

[ __ ] know was Ezreal man I’m going be honest he don’t even look like Ezreal no more that’s like ezreal’s cousin or something the only person I could really recognize was Cante and set everyone else I was like who the actual [ __ ] is this I’m so serious ailos okay I’m not

Going to lie I don’t really know affiliate his design that well so maybe that’s my bad on that but everything else I was like who the [ __ ] is this like who the like I had to think about it normally it’s just obvious to me you know but Ezreal especially that

Don’t even look like Ezreal I don’t even know who the [ __ ] that is that’s his that’s his cousin okay I listen to the song the background music totally drowns out the S guy’s voice yeah that’s what I’m saying that’s exactly what I’m saying saying that’s the problem what the [ __ ] are they

Saying okay let meio mode game uh game screen minra 2 here we Go first that surprised me Loki the first dude was fire I don’t know who that is I need to look but that [ __ ] that [ __ ] surprised me too I was like damn he got a nice voice but the second guy I was like uh what what he saying good voice but what he

Saying okay all my inventory is [ __ ] up by was good knowing you I was doing some design experimentation in uh creative okay oh yeah I got my [ __ ] back too where did I put it I put it in a chest I just don’t remember yo when I was

Getting my [ __ ] back pomu was like what the [ __ ] did you do cuz I got one of the the the like okay I got like a um what chest I put in I got an achievement for wearing nether armor because I’ve never worn nether armor before I guess so she

Thought I like hacked it in but I really just like had it and I never have put it on yet so serious I’ve never put on netherite Armor before like the this I never put that [ __ ] on but I have it yeah I got my stuff back um where’s the Hat

Anyways we’re we’re so back oh [ __ ] where did I put my food hello word I put in this what the [ __ ] is this doing in there okay anyways um yo where did I put the the the the food yeah those are the a lot TOS that Mr Yuki gave to

Me yo there I swear there’s just chest bro who the [ __ ] is placing me I missed my Food maybe you should label your chest no shut up what if I don’t want to huh what if I like having mismatched chests they used to be very organized I don’t know what happened where the [ __ ] are they oh there we go okay we’re good okay anyways so um building updates

I tried to do the whole prismarine thing to see if I liked it because you know the the Aluna in the senen Minecraft world I was like okay you know I kind of like that um I updated the fountain to be prismarine around the edge the first initial roof and then that

Roof um and then like the the the top of the bell tower oh I changed the surrounding thing of this too what Else oh yeah this roof okay I did half of of it so I can like look at the difference so like [ __ ] I should probably get on top of this okay like half is like that and the other half is that so how we feeling which one looks more

Fantasy the blue or the the the the dark oh also I can’t decide if I want to do like this this type of prismarine or this one you see like the difference like one’s darker green one’s Lighter see there’s a lighter one and then there’s a darker one the dark one there’s more pattern differentiation the Li and one looks kind of the same I think the dark looks better for the contrast to be honest in my opinion cuz otherwise it just looks the [ __ ] Same anyways for comparison this is the darker pattern and then this is the lighter one lighter Darker I also might add some stuff to the tips of these to make them taller cuz I feel like they’re kind of Short okay we like darker all right yeah that that way like the prismarine vibe I’m trying to go for is kind of like you know more more fitting oh yeah this I’m going to make a elevator Too and then I kind of like the red ceilings still so I’m going to keep those um sh what else I need to still need figure out what to do with these [ __ ] walls I have no clue I dead ass might just leave them Have any ideas for the ceiling well I mean it’s going to be this this floor other floor I don’t Know uh tun noo thanks for the membership and Mars thanks for 13 Months Boop and then this is like the bootleg stair pad okay on this floor though we need to like cover this up so there is some adjusting that needs to be done but this won’t be the floor this will be Covered Ang thanks for three months hey three months super short but awesome long for me um I have lots of health problems too uh never feel bad uh Aluna rules HS and kisses thank you oh yeah also for this I decided to put like prismarine things in the corner so I

Thought it look cool no yes no maybe okay how we feeling about this roof what we feeling CH we like the the the the prismarine or the dark you got two options I feel like the dark the problem with the dark is if we do other stuff

Prismarine and we do that dark it’s going to look weird so that’s the problem Oh if we’re going with the prismarine Vibes everywhere else and this is just dark it’s just going to look [ __ ] weird like it’s going to look Odd I don’t know I am indecisive but I’ll figure it Out yeah I think the prison R looks nice like on the bell tower in the roof kind of like adds more of like a Mooney look to the school cuz before it looked kind of dark so like brighten it up a bit give it more of like the fantasy Look okay I need more Rockets the [ __ ] trying to tell me I’m out of rockets okay um [ __ ] how do I get paper Again sugar cane Okay let’s go that a llama yeah Sunny just brought one to me one time it was like Lama here’s your Lama and I was like oh uh grassy ass uh what the [ __ ] do I do with this now you know okay how does this work you don’t break the bottom ones right

Well I love how I asked and broke it before yall answered but you know shout out to that or some [ __ ] have you named the Llama No here’s the main area obsidia prep fight oh [ __ ] obsidia fighting that’s crazy oh yeah we updated this so convenient I remember when you used to have to walk up the stairs bro that [ __ ] was ass oh yeah I put the communal elytra back you know I’m being

A a good person I’m going to take these 64 Rockets cuz I’m not a good person and um the [ __ ] all this paper from yeah it’s returned I know I’ve been uh I’ve been a good person recently damn that makes a lot of rockets okay I’ll put some back I’ll put

Some back I’ll put some back I’ll put some back oh yeah I should get some food while I’m here too I missed this kill well you’re going to miss him again [Laughter] soon oh no my little my little kitty cat has gone away yes pretty

Much oh my god did Sunny do more on vssf or am I crazy I kind of [ __ ] with this like right white wall I do miss the yellow though every time I come here it’s like it’s redone like it’s literally re like vssf has had like a a reconstruction surgery like eight times

Bro I don’t even remember where the food is anymore okay we should be good on food and now we build available October 25th yes only tiny K comes back every year on my birthday let’s go I feel like the emerald looks better or the prismarine looks

Better I know I feel like it gives it more of like a fantasy look maybe I’m crazy special event kill the crack the building what the hell you’re welcome bro you know I know I mean thank you my fault wrong wrong wrong word wrong word wrong word gra grassas uh friend

Person what did I need I don’t even remember fck it let’s just take [ __ ] I’m probably going to need to go make more but for now this should be good I think I just used prismarine and some slabs so I need to make some prismarine Slabs okay grass ass is crazy yo that’s what my dad says that of grassas he’s like grassy ass I’m like what the [ __ ] okay the only problem with the blue is like it be look it looks blue inside now which is a bit odd so I’m kind of like

Ah however comma what we could do is we could double layer it I see what it looks like what the [ __ ] oh yeah I also tried this how you feel about this instead of like this I don’t really know trying to decide how I’m feeling you Know goat just be hanging word are scrimming goats rare I don’t know are they yo shut up bro well Sunny got him for me so you know shout out to him giving me the rare uh event Pokemon or some [ __ ] the [ __ ] did I put Here oh that’s what that is I See okay I should probably do these first make it easier cuz I did like the overhang thing so that there was more like depth okay that [ __ ] got yeated uh B Canino oh my God your name is so hard to say bro what the [ __ ] thank you for the nine

Months I apologize for butchering the [ __ ] out of that um I’m stupid sometimes but sometimes that mean quite often but you know we take those and Mike VC thanks for the gifted Ry yes okay oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] this is going to take so long bro

I’m not going to lie this going to be a minute damn am I this start building I lowkey for forgot bro I’m not going to lie I have it’s been a while since I played this [ __ ] has been a while oh I remember what I did okay

After this I’m just going to go row by row but for now we’re going to do this just I get the base you’re a senpai again what the [ __ ] you talking about huh not again I’m too dumb not again anything but me being a senpai low wait is there actually something

That got released yo I’m not going to lie I have not looked at slack in like a week and I got sick from my trip so I haven’t been really doing much aside from like causing drama on Twitter on accident but you know my Fault anyways I do want to say thanks to everyone for being respectful about my my tweets the other day um I was a bit I don’t know whenever I dress something I’m like should I have said that I was a bit worried that like I shouldn’t have said Anything but you guys are very nice so I appreciate It Damn that was a clean as [ __ ] I done wait did nii actually post something am I stupid should I look hello oh [ __ ] they did what the [ __ ] oh they have voice lines oh I’m reacting to this right the [ __ ] now [ __ ] Minecraft L out okay screw Minecraft I’m

A I’m a judge I’mma analyze y’all remember y’all remember during uh you know uh at was it exay I was like judging the [ __ ] out of everyone I’m going to J I’mma put my judgment my judgmental cap on and I’m going to be a [ __ ] Okay I’m gonna watch it now all right are we allowed to put I don’t know if I’m allowed to play the audio through you know what it’s free promotion okay you’re welcome yeah I hope I I think it’s fine there’s nothing copyrighted we own it it’s our company um [ __ ] what do I

Change this oh I know routing there we go okay now you should be able to hear it right okay okay okay damn they all look hot as [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yo yo this is not fair no no no no no no no no no no no go back what the [ __ ]

Nah what the [ __ ] why what I ain’t even listened to the voice lines yet I’m just like jealous here to make my mark I can’t say what I want to say all I’m saying is from what I know about this person I did not expect them

To sound like this that’s all I’m GNA say okay wow I wonder if they’re GNA here to make my mark let’s get to looting okay you sound normal I see your heart racing okay you sound normal too word okay the guy though here to make my

Mark I ain’t gay but like God damn he sounds good let’s get to looting oh you’re a swords master I see your heart racing a Konichi oh my God we got 1010 yo please get more screens time than my [ __ ] 1010 ple 1010 deserve better you deserve better too get some

Screen time [ __ ] Okay you can’t be a koni and get none of that [ __ ] okay we got Claude claw Mark okay Victoria bright shield and Kai nakasato yo I’m not going to lie these sound like you know when you like play like a final fantasy or whatever or like

Um these sound like RPG character names you know what I’m saying they sound like RPG character names wait so he’s what is he again all I’m rewatching this again here to make my mark chat’s like make a mark on me daddy yo I know one of y’all thought

That [ __ ] okay I was trying my hardest not to say that [ __ ] but it’s too good it’s too [ __ ] yo I’m just saying somebody thought that [ __ ] okay I just want to be the messenger of thoughts I’m in my little form today you can’t cancel me

Let’s get to looting I’m down to loot I love stealing [ __ ] word okay I see your heart racing okay pause listen just cuz I’m having a panic attack doesn’t mean you can point it out okay that’s [ __ ] up that’s [ __ ] up that’s [ __ ] up bro remember what you said yesterday

What did I say Yesterday just that I make a joke doesn’t mean like oh my God it’s [ __ ] f like y’all [ __ ] weird okay I it was a joke chill out chill chill oh my God that scared the [ __ ] out of me and I realized it was Minecraft I

Love how a [ __ ] quote twe in it it was like women she just said women wellit I guess we haven’t I guess after last W it was all dudes they look cool okay I found out about this one you guys did I’m so serious I had no [ __ ]

Clue did y’all see what ukie did with the announcement tweet he was like my ass is sore did he delete that that was crazy I really thought that was like some [ __ ] for luxium I’m not going to lie listen I thought it was some [ __ ] for luxium personally I was

Like oh okay word you know luxium getting some new [ __ ] I didn’t know what the [ __ ] it was was but I was like okay word you know shout out to Alexia but I didn’t know it was a new wave me too not going to lie can’t at least I’m not the only

One also tomaha thank you so much for the [ __ ] massive donation man I really appreciate it Hao forgive me for my moment of weakness but I’m so happy to see you in your small form again take care and real cies appreciate you for who you are and

All that you do for us well thank you so much all right do I just need to go on my little for more what the [ __ ] that’s crazy but thank you so much I appreciate it thank you thank you can we get some hearts in chat for tomaha with the crazy [ __ ]

Support thanks so much for the membership as well to see how gravity Works once a month I miss small kill well I’m sorry guys okay you know just like when your older brother grows up I grew up life happy t for five months I Ain gay pause what I’m not but like that

Sounds kind of good you know what I’m saying like word this voice sounds nice what can I say I’m not allowed to appreciate a nice voice I think I broke this [ __ ] wait did I what the [ __ ] happened where did that piece go hello you just you just going to fall off like

Into la la land where the [ __ ] hey oh get your ass no no no no we’re not H we’re not having this disrespect right now no no no no get your ass here yeah the [ __ ] I thought stupid I Ain gave but $20 is

$20 I ain’t gave but $7 in a Biscuit is $7 in a Biscuit I cannot believe that [ __ ] actually happened I still think about that to this day I’m not going to lie don’t know what I’m talking about um good for you honestly you’re probably healthier than me because of that what the [ __ ] wait wait a damn minute wait a damn Minute oh I’m stupid oh I’m dumb you know you know no that happened at my school I think not trying to be like main character syndrome but like that actually happened at my school or in my school district at least I mean I was homeschooled but that’s something crazy I don’t

Remember I might be bugging when is they debut happened I’m not going to lie I did not look at the Times okay I was just looking at the characters and listening to the voices um I don’t know wait do they have their Twitter accounts yet can I harass them on

Twitter nah I swear to God if I get disrespected Again by my [ __ ] kohai the first day they have their Twitter accounts bro they do I might just tweet at them be like sup [ __ ] is that toxic am I toxic trying to be better allegedly how the [ __ ] do you make dark prismarine

I dead ass don’t remember oh you kill me every time you ask that what it’s a valid question sometimes you just want to know like am I the problem or not tell me good to be self Ware sometimes keyword sometimes yo I feel like if you’re too self-aware you’re

Just depressed am I crazy I said this the other day to someone and they were like damn you right like if you’re too self-aware you’re depressed and that’s not saying all depressed people are self-aware cuz there’s some depressed people that are the least self-aware [ __ ] I met in my life but like

If you’re like too self-aware it will make you more depressed CU you’re like too in your own head about everything there’s no way I’m at a [ __ ] stair already I kicked many people today I’m literally 49 damn you [ __ ] short I mean I know I’m 5’2 but 49 is crazy bro what’s up

Though C thanks for the five months L Zulu thanks for the eight months eight months is crazy anyways my birthday was Monday you didn’t stream yesterday and I forgot to send the message can I get a late happy birthday well I did stream yesterday did I not stream yesterday

You’re gaslighting me I 100% went live yesterday right you [ __ ] lying to me I streamed yesterday right this is I’m being gasly you did okay I thought I did I was like there’s no [ __ ] way I did it um yeah but anyways happy birthday Chia thanks for the membership it’s nice

To see how gravity Works Mel thanks for the seven months Mike VC thanks for the gifted oh yeah yesterday I streamed low key yesterday was kind of a blur I don’t really remember what the [ __ ] happened I ended stream I ate a cookie so all was good

Okay the problem with this is like if I want to cover it oh my God it’s going to be so [ __ ] annoying to do that nah that’s going to be so [ __ ] annoying they said they stream on Monday oh Monday [ __ ] it’s Wednesday right my bad

It’s a Wednesday my dudes I’m so lucky I did not have schedule stream on the [ __ ] debut program cuz I dead ass did not know was happening that was just some luck cuz I’m going to a Halloween dinner well I was going to be a Halloween party but

Like my friends are it’s not happening so we’re going to dinner I’ll be honest I like your tomall model better well you know what that’s good cuz that’s the one I use more so know you like this model better it’s like more sad for you I think you started watching me

Around that time though cuz I remember like you started super chining then unless you were watching before that I don’t remember this Co is superior this K is like the nostalgic one that you made all the memories with back in season season one and now that season 2 happened

They’re all grown up and you feel older witnessing them grown up and you’re questioning if you’re old or if the person you watched over just hit an unhealthy growth spurt he one am I the only one who hates that [ __ ] when you break those it breaks

Both like why just break the top or the bottom one I mean maybe it’s it’s I don’t [ __ ] know I feel like I would [ __ ] either way I’ll shut up I would [ __ ] either way I would [ __ ] if it didn’t break and I [ __ ] if it break

This is the ankle biter kill yeah it is Saku it’s boruto all over again yo I was I could not get into boruto man after Naruto I was like all right I’ve had enough of the the hidden Lea Village bro I’ve been hitting in the leaves for too

Long man I get it life sucks who to kill that bust kneecaps R Y imagine if like for my new outfit I just asked for like a bat or something bro that’d be crazy I should do that bat toggle nah bad toggle would be mad wait why do I kind of [ __ ] with

This what if I ooh ooh Idea Idea okay what if hear me out now what if huh what what if no I feel like that kind of looks weird I don’t Know I don’t know how I feel about it maybe it’s better to be left in the dark just like everyone’s hopes and dreams okay oh [ __ ] all right oh shoot wait hello I’m out again oh you [ __ ] lying to me bro damn I’m going need to go find more pris Arina after This okay I’m going to sleep oh okay God I’m sorry I I guess you don’t want me to rest have you kicked a tall person today Yeah oh yeah I have I have new stuff coming out that sounds crazy I pause I I have new videos coming out new stuff is mad yo my roommate just texted me okay so you know how our microwaves broke and he was like bro fixed the microwave but then broke the

[ __ ] microwave like while fixing it so what he did is he fixed the components that were broken and like [ __ ] up the physical so he fixed the wiring issues but then he broke the actual structure of the microwave what a [ __ ] dumbass bro Why My old building bro my old building was kind of scuffed right okay I had no kitchen and [ __ ] but the maintenance crew and that [ __ ] was fire when I tell you any problem you had they were fixing that [ __ ] immediately no questions asked next day bro ly thanks for the membership Roy Roy

Ro thanks for the membership thank you thank you skyting the membership oh yeah okay wait let me let me follow the new members on Twitter real Quick what’s the announcement clad CLA Mark okay oh [ __ ] hey n this girl’s ocean Mark is [ __ ] Boba that’s crazy what the [ __ ] Minecraft hello oh [ __ ] it just closed on its own that scared the [ __ ] out of me I was like is my computer about to break what is Happening okay um oh I should probably collect the miscellaneous pieces that are just falling in here before they disappear never mind they are all despawned anywhere okay [ __ ] my life man I hate myself too you know love love that [ __ ] all my hard work of farming

These or begging ay to hack them in I don’t know which which it was to be honest with these blocks but one of the two one of the two was in vain oh [ __ ] yeah they have like a Bobba Emoji now it’s like new or a bubble te

Emoji that shit’s like new though I feel like every time they com with new emojis I like don’t update my phone so I just see question marks I’m just kind of like all right I’m tired I don’t oh did I not do that side I’m so stupid

Beom wait I did do this side I’m just stupid lovely okay what hey I was going to play a horror game today I’m so glad I didn’t bro I would have been [ __ ] up I am tomorrow though Mortuary assistant be there or I don’t know don’t you know those people that do like

The drinking stuff where they’re like if I if I like scream I take a shot what what would be my version of that that I could do I can’t do some crazy [ __ ] like you know nothing like illegal but spicy water yo you you sound like a [ __ ]

Doctor yo just water man you’re already [ __ ] up enough just water water okay I get it man okay nurse suie I’ll just have water godamn it my fault hot sauce I don’t know if I can do hot sauce I hate hot sauce spicy food okay but like you want me to play a

Horror game and have spicy food like drinking is like different cuz at least there’s some joy in that spicy food is just miserable unless you like it I can do sour candy Maybe tweet for every scam s Patch Kids okay Sour Patch Kids are lame I don’t need some [ __ ] like Warheads

What’s that really sour ass candy that came out recently like supposed to be the world’s sourest Candi hi dumb don’t answer that I need to stop asking that It’s my way of being like is that true I just say am I dumb instead what happened is he short to day it’s National kick tall people day so since I don’t want to get kicked um I’m short basic science you’re tall you’re going to get

Kicked in The Shins you want to get kicked in The Shins hell no so I’m short Today that is all thank you for coming to my TED Talk drink lemon juice uh I’m having some throat I have throat problems I don’t think that’d be very good for me I’m not going to lie the problem is like my health makes a lot of this stuff kind of hard cuz a lot of them are

Like body torture and I could do the shock thing because I have those shock pads but the shock pads don’t they don’t bother me cuz I use them for treatment so it’s like being boozled oh God that’s time I did that I threw up I don’t know I’ll think about

It like if I’m playing the horror game that should be enough personally but you know for the content try kimchi [ __ ] no no no no no you don’t understand when I had kimchi I almost threw up my [ __ ] stomach bro my organs were trying to turn inside out I

When I if you would have seen me in real life I yeed out of the room like you know when you get deathly terrified of something and you see those videos of cats like jump across a room that was me when I put kimchi in my mouth I

Literally [ __ ] flew across the room to find the nearest trash can before I vomited on the [ __ ] ground one whole glass of water per stream I’m just going to be pissing the whole stream y’all are going to be mad like why is he pissing the whole time you

Know I feel like that wouldn’t make good content I might consider the spicy food the sour candies or Bean Boozled those are what I’m thinking about those sound like they could be good ideas everything else I’m kind of like ah you know you we the hway monitor if I can find

It fun fact I’m taller than every nen member are you [ __ ] like 65 dog damn tall goldfish thanks so much for the five gifted thank you thank you so much for your generosity I really appreciate it [ __ ] I’m out of blocks damn I don’t need more prismarine bro no I’m late you’re you’re

You’re on you’re not on time but you’re not late you’re just like you’re in between I don’t know what to say you’re not late but you’re not early you know fashionably late it’s okay you can’t you can’t be late only I can unfortunately oh [ __ ] my

Fault raw egg no y’all want me to die there’s content and then there’s like torture okay we got to draw the line somewhere I mean unless you like pause no no no no no no no if you like that [ __ ] I’m no I’m good actually never mind drink bad Texas water yeah I’m

Going to have someone mail me water from [ __ ] Texas fun fact oh than the five months than like you okay I think I’m good oh hell no was that an Enderman am I crazy I think I’m seeing [ __ ] shut up stop screaming at me the memes are funny you’re

Not damn okay fine bro leave I don’t want you here anyway [ __ ] you that’s crazy extra okay my I don’t know how I feel about the ceilings Now I could lay them with like quartz I actually don’t think it looks bad with like this part but with the brick it looks Odd the new wave roasted you already well I gave them free F or two I said I was old I wanted to see see I tweeted that cuz I wanted to see them reply to me was bait I said I wanted to see if they roast me and then I tweeted

That they’re just setting thems up wait wait just you wait he’s good a senpai providing interaction exactly I’m just being chill pretty much anyways why do I feel like oh that was always there okay never mind okay we’ve done the ceiling I think good oh [ __ ] yeah prismarine dream oh what the [ __ ]

Is happening to my Minecraft oh my God okay fly high I guess bro what the [ __ ] oh yeah I need forgot how to make dark dark H dark prismarine you’re taller than me 5 cm so I can kick you no no no no no it’s if you’re it’s

Only if you’re above 5’4 I’m under 5’4 no one can kick me even if you’re shorter than me okay that’s the rules I don’t make the rules I just follow them as Vibes thanks for the membership okay how do I turn this into dark prismarine how do you do this

Oh I need black dye oh [ __ ] okay well I need to go find some more prismarine um I swear I have black dye somewhere I swear to God I have black Dy somewhere what do you get black dye how do I have so much I have so much

White dye though where is my white dye oh it’s here squids all right it’s time to [ __ ] up some squids then damn dark pris is hard to get is there do we have a squid Farm no we don’t have probably don’t have a squid Farm [ __ ] we do but it’s slow oh [ __ ]

Really what did the squids do to you uh they had resources I wanted that’s it dude I might do the [ __ ] I might do the lighter pattern then darker pattern looks nice but it’s going to take forever for me to get these blocks and no one’s going to even see it

Up here so what’s the point okay why is everyone saying bruh I’m confused am I missing context what’s happening hello someone Explain yo don’t just say bruh and not explain why you’re saying bruh bro what the [ __ ] hello no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No this is [ __ ] up what why hello what’s that what H okay my chat sucks F you got [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] up just [ __ ] up I do not want to kill squid man oh [ __ ] I panicked Luna look kind of nice from the top though he he he

When the [ __ ] did ukie [ __ ] he [ __ ] been working on this [ __ ] I forgot about iron blocks lowkey I should use those for [ __ ] cuz iron blocks look fire actually Right wait do we actually have a squid Farm or no yeah new Halloween Town do I I need a sword [ __ ] let me go back do you I don’t know that’s why I’m asking y’all know more about the server than I do and y’all don’t even play on it how the [ __ ] okay Wilson Shrine has a ton of squid that kill themselves there’s an ocean bomb with a ton of them how do they kill them what the [ __ ] y Wilson got the squids like that upset that’s crazy how you saying twink kill is back what the [ __ ] yo

Hello uh getting two packs of the nii Bears so what evil atrocious wrongdoing should I do to one of my kill bears uh just do what everything is funny and post it on Twitter put in my art tag I love I said I’m old and then Anna said bro bro you like

Like an ancient Ra you a story And I said I’m old and then n is just like bro uh n Harris thanks for the membership I don’t know what to do Gwen gwenny I have no idea uh [ __ ] got to think hey you can doing the hash killo one you see the meme uh Aluna quote quote

Retreated calling Aluna ancient yeah I remember seeing one reply to like one of those memes and ay was like am I just dust now or some [ __ ] I thought it was funny he was like am I just dust to you guys oh she said the same thing yeah she said the same thing

Again sorry guys my laugh is [ __ ] up cuz I have a cough right now um oh yeah where the [ __ ] is the squid Farm Halloween Town you look submissive in your new merch and you sound weird in my chat right now uh where is the where where is where

Is the squid Farm chat don’t they it star what is this wait I could use this instead of prismarine how do you get that wood though wait how do you get this wood from the nether okay is that easier to get than black dye I think yeah but I don’t think it’s that

Different from the other block now that I look at it like that’s more different guys you guys know where this squid Farm is does anybody know you went past it has more willpower than I do bro I would have given up how the [ __ ] how many hours did this take bro

Where’s the squid Farm last thing near the track okay thank you last thing near the track this oh this I think maybe wait how does this work y thanks for the 20 gifted okay Chad how does it work go inside will I drown I have trust issues bro I’m going to drown

I’m going to drown no no no no no I’m going to drown Don’t Drown there’s a tunnel on land you can use where wait where y I can hear you I’m streaming right now K get out what the [ __ ] wait what are you doing over here um uh well I even know

My voice chat was on I’m trying to figure out how to use the squid Farm wait you’re streaming right now okay come here come here come here I’ll show you how to use it come here I was just wait you can’t take my ink buddy I’ve

Been here AFK waiting for ink I’m sorry you can’t take what what what what why not because I’ve been literally AFK this like for probably two hours waiting for ink how much do you need come here um how much are you offering okay hold on I need a lot of

Ink okay I’ve been been sitting here so you come down here and basically you can open up and there’s like ink in these chests now oh you can’t um I’m going to start taking it so you don’t like you know so so you’re leaving none for me

Well you can have some but like okay I got to get back to my collab I’m kind of you know the [ __ ] you’re I was like wait so you AFK on stream with my me just screaming in the background confused yeah I was really confused I was like

Why am I hearing k no one else could hear you my fault my fault okay I’ll mute I’ll mute I’ll mute yeah okay all right see you see bro I didn’t know she was wait I didn’t know I had no idea that’s so funny that is so [ __ ] funny that is so funny

Oh wait she’s not streaming her POV though right so no one else could hear me I was I was solely annoying her if that’s the case then I’m just going to unmute cuz why the [ __ ] not okay no she wasn’t kidding when she said this [ __ ] was slow how the [ __ ] does this

Work where where are the squid even coming from What the [ __ ] squid spawns in the water above and Falls to its death below oh it’s kind of cool okay we have 26 ink we’re poor but it’s okay nature-based vtubers don’t play games when it comes to Minecraft yo I swear you know why I just realized you

Give me cool cousin at the cookout Vibes that’s good I rather be that than the [ __ ] annoying cousin you don’t want to talk you know anyways an thanks for the Super Chat and Magister thanks so much for the super as well and Richard thanks for the super hey K just curious

About you’re 2 Ines taller than me so can I kick you no you have to be below above 54 to get kicked and I am 52 so you cannot kick me that’s the rules I don’t make the rules um that’s the rules I have trauma here I don’t want to die

Again last time I died I swear going like5 miles an hour man what the [ __ ] is that I you were 54 no I’m 5’2 I think I don’t know what’s 160 cm bro you tell me I’m dumb okay we only need wait I only need the prismarine shards

These are not needed what what what the why are there so many more crystals than shards what the hell bro are there none you’re lying oh got the shards how often does she collect the shards damn bro she’s active Shard no Shard shards every time the death R starts

Pointing at me I panic bro I’m like this is the end terrible knowing everyone my time has come fortunately or unfortunately depending on who you ask oh there’s a lot over here booop Boop uh Murphy they said 13 months and Yara thanks again for the 20 gifted thank you thank

You you’re not open chest while squatting [ __ ] okay my prismarine hunt has come to an end I don’t know who started cooking the fish but the fish are cooking hello oh I have to make black die black okay damn that only makes 26 [ __ ] wait we’re we’re [ __ ] chat

We’re not going to have enough man my God that takes so long thanks for the 9 months thank you for all the streams n months thank you Kies that month of get okay shout out to the gifters what the [ __ ] why are they so Expensive Bop okay we leave good the only way to get black ink uh wait let me look how to get black Inc Minecraft I’m Googling I’m tutorial iing okay it’s either from squid or wither Rose where the [ __ ] do you find wither roses so this is impossible to obtain

These basically the Wither needs to kill some [ __ ] [ __ ] that no no no no no no no no no I’m not [ __ ] up the whole server for some [ __ ] die no no no no no that is like impossible to obtain what the [ __ ] hello [ __ ] you bro God damn let Me have no chance of winning against the Wither anyways you’re so right which is why I’m not spawning it in Have a looting sword killing Squad might be faster than the farm wait really okay yo are you using your own model today um do you have eyes yes because it’s kick tall people day and I don’t want to get kicked I would rather kick someone so that’s Why strategic smallness exactly bro I’m strategically Short okay I need to get some tissues hold on one second For for okay I’m back with the tissues guys don’t spam [ __ ] when I’m gone aside from the emot POR um Lulu thanks for the five gifted thank you thank you thank you so much I appreciate it I prefer if you guys weren like hey one person was like let’s spam this and

Don’t do that it’s it’s just it’s not it’s just annoying I’m gonna be honest is just annoying the [ __ ] oh this tissue box is you know how tissue boxes have like that plastic wrap that’s supposed to split in half for you to pull the tissues out this is this plastic wrap was fused

Together so it didn’t even exist what the [ __ ] like literally was one piece I just ripped the whole thing out forgot to perforate it yeah I guess I beg you do not tell anyone but you’re actually my first vtuber out of any company who said my name right I was

Fanboying for the whole time now wait really how hard is it to say Magister General Alis what the [ __ ] generales it’s not that hard no I don’t know maybe I’m crazy I feel like if it’s if there’s like a three-letter name I don’t understand I’d say that [ __ ] more

[ __ ] up so maybe I’m not the best gauge what are you building right now I’m redoing the roof let’s burn the roof woo now we’ll do it again y black ey piece was a [ __ ] was the [ __ ] back in the day you cannot tell me otherwise bro I will not listen to

You what are these slabs I love myself oh my God I literally did it yo I’m a [ __ ] genius no actually like shout out to me because that means I can get double the use out of a single block I am so smart I didn’t realize I did that future me

Was looking out or past me was looking out for future me I saw some like video essay saying the black ey PE was corny and I was like lowkey yeah but they were also kind of like the [ __ ] you know not the English G it’s Latin you nailed it earlier sh I don’t

Know Magister generes hes I don’t [ __ ] know man I probably said that [ __ ] correct on accident I’m going be honest with you I just say [ __ ] sometimes it I swear there’s some people that like say that I swear I say their name like differently lowkey every time my bad but

Like y name’s hard to say okay I’m dumb I didn’t become a vtuber because I was you know Uber intelligent shout out to past me bro I love myself sometimes right now is one of those times Maybe this won’t be as hard as I thought pause Play You think I have enough blocks uh no but I have more than I would have expected so that’s a win for Me a WI win for me let me tell You look at how nice it looks not the rare kill w what do you mean rare KW what the [ __ ] no common hello do everything by yourself Unfortunately bo bo Bo boop boop what the [ __ ] Relic KW what does that even mean what the [ __ ] Relic is crazy bro UB be quit I don’t even know how the [ __ ] to say that word I’m pretty verbose but I’m not that verbose I don’t where what SAT question did you pull that from what the

[ __ ] UB be what now only Ubie I know is Ubisoft am I the only person who thinks the name micros soft for company is kind of funny like it sounds like you’re talking about like you know you know I can’t be the only one who thought this I was like lamu micro

And soft damn it’s tiny and it’s soft that’s crazy you know what I’m saying like yo say I’m bugging but I feel like everyone thought this at least once Microsoft is kind of a wild name for a company I’mma Be Honest like if I didn’t know it was a

Soft stood for software I would be asking a lot of follow-up Questions be like what the [ __ ] you mean Microsoft pause you know Now I’m definitely thinking bro I mean you never thought about that before there’s no Way it’s just you there’s no [ __ ] way I’m the only person who thought of that [ __ ] no no no no no you bullshitting you’re bullshitting I’m not the only person who thought of that I am not don’t lie to me it’s just you bro nah that this has to be some ESL

[ __ ] there’s no way it’s just me don’t okay if English isn’t your first language you do not have a right to speak on this topic okay there’s no way there’s no way I’m coping so hard Bro English is my third language and I thought of it don’t worry yo who said that shout out to you okay at least you’re making me feel more seen hey I’m American well clearly your English needs some touching up because the fact that you didn’t think of what

Microsoft could stand for is like beyond me I’m coping it’s okay why why cope when you can cope what what makes no Sense let me c guys it’s easier it’s easier to live like this it’s harder to live in my truth it’s harder to live in my truth this doesn’t have to be your truth it is is my truth what are you yo you’re trying to say like now my truth doesn’t

Have to be my truth but it’s already the truth that I’ve been living I don’t know why the term my truth like really something about it like irritates me I remember the first time I heard it I was like what the [ __ ] do you mean your

Truth what I’m saying am I the only one I was like what the [ __ ] I feel like everyone in their mother has the truth maybe your truth should have stayed you know hidden bro I don’t know man you know I’m just saying lost within our truth that that’s

F yo I that song was so fire I cannot believe we came up with that in like 5 minutes that’s the crazy part that [ __ ] happened in like 5 minutes I already sit down for like 3 hours and try to write a song it would probably not be as good as

That five minute thing that we pooped out of our [ __ ] brains I Finally Found You Lo within I truth well to be fair and came up with like 99% of it for the I Finally Found You song Rap album when I already released a full ep um my apologies if you missed it it was um it was my uh best of kill kico’s freestyles video my six song EP did not chart at all it didn’t even know what billboard was but it got released was not a commercial it was

More of a mixtape you know we’re a little budget here but it’s okay my mom said she liked It God I [ __ ] hate snow Bro okay Didn’t your mom also not trust you using an oven once okay well when I said my mom likes it I was joking it was a joke my mom didn’t even hear that [ __ ] I don’t think my mom knows I did that uh lilan Ash 6 a 5

Months ever V killed we hit the ultimate RNG jackpot well Thanks Okay Dam I haven’t had one of these ice drinks in so long bro this [ __ ] is hitting bro Okay all we need is some squid ink and we’re good we just can’t let Mrs rain puff know I stole it but doesn’t have to Know how much more do I need damn bro okay low key not that much more okay never mind I need quite a bit more I need like about the same amount I got this time I think what I’m going to do is on this this roof I might just stick with this

Pattern I don’t know though I don’t know I feel like you can’t tell the difference from this angle bro it looks the same oh [ __ ] nah n from this angle this and this look the Same uh K my question got buried but I was asking for Halloween I’m dressing as you and wanted to kill can I post it under yeah post if you cosplay you can put on the art tag I’m debating if I want to just like stick with this pattern here and that

One there but like not just so much more resources is and I am Lazy H okay let me where else can I find squids I was told some by Wilson’s stuff maybe Alle The ocean thanks appreciate you guys I also was debating for This what if What if I did that but I don’t know if that’s too much blue you know I don’t know that’s my only concern Never Enough blue okay y’all crazy maybe you steel well Steel’s too similar we tried dark prismarine I tried it and it I don’t think dark prismarine

Looks good there either I try that in creative mode pink could be okay pink is too much is too much put some dirt and call a day dirt is crazy okay I think blue wood looks the same too I don’t know let me see quartz I have enough quartz the

Reason I added brick was to add like a differentiating design could use iron yeah but I think iron and quartz they look Similarish Loki I don’t hate it I don’t love it either The problem with brick is that like doesn’t really fit either cuz it’s supposed to look fantasy and the brick just makes it look very like not fantasy and it looks too like dark what use for the moon I used ice I have any ice I do nether brick is ugly I’m not using

That Okay let’s see about the ice ah that looks even worse the [ __ ] that looks dog [ __ ] the [ __ ] glass I’m not using glass I don’t want you to see inside of this not the point boop I’m just I’m going just stick with a brick for now man I can’t I

Can’t can I find a better alternative lapis you have lapis blocks I just think the brick with the blue I just don’t think this pallette looks good together that’s the problem the brick worked because of the other pallets I don’t think that would look good either that’d be too dark I might just go with the prismarine just say [ __ ] it hold on let me let me see one more time friend thanks for the membership sign terra cotta I don’t if I’ve looked at that before

Thing with terra cotta is it’s like it has that like weird pattern no I don’t really like that it’s like too much I want there to be like texture but not too much where it stands out uh me and H they s for the membership That’s glazed terra cotta regular is just a solid color um from far away I don’t think it looks Bad it just stands out a bit more I think I might go with that ah what was that I knocked over a can it had like energy drink in it that well the energy drink was gone but I’m going go with that ow hello thought it was [ __ ] Water Okay I’mma go with that um What I don’t even know what it is I keep breaking but it keeps breaking B thanks for the membership and no one think in 9 Months I almost burped howdy hope yall are doing well I just ate about 2 lounds of cake and feel great but going to pass out what the [ __ ] 2 lbs and you feel good Your body is a tank bro what if I had two pounds of cake I would be like in the nearest [ __ ] emergency room what the [ __ ] you like just vibing that’s Crazy you’re quite literally moving m You’re moving mad brub in it uh an kico for 13 months damn that’s so long my God we’re old Chad what’s happening to us two PBS is crazy two lbs of cake is a [ __ ] lot bro cake like you got to think about it cake is not that

Dense so 2 lbs of cake like think about a normal siiz cake how much does a normal cake weigh probably like you probably like a whole cake realistically maybe even more I don’t even know I feel like most of the weight from cakes is actually just from the

Frosting you know what I’m saying like it’s not even the cake itself like I feel the frosting definitely weighs more maybe I’m [ __ ] tripping type of cake though okay I mean yeah if you have like some like [ __ ] like chocolate mousse ganache you know expensive luxury cake like that shit’s

Going to be a bit more thick you have a flowerless cake it’s going to be more dense this a 14 month zuu hope you’re doing uh good I had a dream I met you and you took your hair off like a hat weird what the [ __ ] y all those vtuber clips of like

Those people with like the bald toggles have been getting to you man seen too many of those that’s what it Is okay about wedding cake well wedding cake doesn’t really mean anything like wedding cake just means it’s an extravagant cake I don’t really think there’s like I don’t think wedding cake is a flavor in itself like if you think if when something’s like wedding cake flavored it’s just like a normal vanilla

Cake with cream like Flavor like you know that’s it so it’s just [ __ ] vanilla so it’s just like a normal ass cake wedding cakes are just bigger cuz it’s for someone’s wedding fondant tastes like ass I’m sorry if you think fondant tastes good uh your taste buds are worse than mine Arn it is [ __ ] awful I don’t even know how much like how edible okay you know how there’s like [ __ ] that’s technically edible but like it’s not really edible you know what I’m saying like you can eat it but is it really good to be eaten fet is one of those

Things you’re [ __ ] lying to me that that [ __ ] is like fully edible like normal ass other food like you know what I’m saying like the [ __ ] casing they put like in like around uh hot dog so that the [ __ ] like pink meat goes in the little tube like how

Edible is that really probably not that edible on its own but in small amounts with other [ __ ] it’s okay I guess that’s how I feel about like fond it like you’re eating sweet plastic Play-Doh no Odd beep beep beep beep beep beep beep for this should I just do like a I just should I just do like a like a should I like not make it where it pops up that would look better like goes in you know what I’m saying Instead why is like flat marshmallow right I don’t no no that’s giving it too much credit I’m so serious calling fondant flat marshmallow is giving fondant way too much credit it’s not not even that good I’m so Serious it’s like if they added sugar to Play-Doh Marshall fond is slightly better than normal fond it but still bad I’m not surprised where’s my smooth quartz at oh there we go okay Beaver juice stop stop stop stop that’s for scent that’s for scent I don’t want to hear from you guys about beaver butt juice no no that is for

Scent stop it stop ruining good things just cuz you’re miserable doesn’t mean everyone else has to be miserable too oh [ __ ] are these half slabs oh my bad oops Oops Boop boop boop boop boop Boop Um there we go like that looks better I don’t know if I want to continue the circle pattern or just like cut it off I I think if I cut it off it just looks nicer let me see Let us see I’m going to do half of it so I can remember the pattern cuz I’m a little stupid and then I feel like cut off it just looks Nicer okay What do you drink when no water is available um soda my Sparkling Ice I don’t know everything has water in it if there’s no water available like I’m just going to die to be honest with You at that point like who Cares hint people have water in them what the [ __ ] I don’t really know if I’m I I like this this hint you’re hinting It Going get your ass over here Okay okay my only thing I’m wondering about is if I should make like the circle pattern from the spiral staircase like in the floor here but I feel like if I did that I don’t Know I can See one two [ __ ] one two boop boop boop Uh this is confusing okay okay I [ __ ] this up somewhere I’m not the biggest fan personally where the [ __ ] did all the other blocks go where the [ __ ] cuz like I could keep the pattern but then I don’t know let me see okay my only other thing I could do is

Like I could have it go down again too but I don’t know where it would lead to since there’s not really a lot of Room big thanks for the Super Chat miss you a whole lot glad to see you back thank you Ty sander thanks for the 13 months and zuu thanks the 14 I feel like if I do a staircase for underground I’d want it to be more like hidden though this is too like

Known also I need to like wall off the other areas I don’t I think it I don’t think it would work that damn it goes that far what the [ __ ] oh CU of that one okay never mind my fault Bo well I don’t know where the [ __ ] those blocks went so I’m just going to use that for now was one two three and then uh I made this hard for myself for no [ __ ] reason four and then we Branch out like that then my gosh 3

By3 that means this is filled with this no I guess it looks all Right I’ll keep It okay I need more prismarine and more the more of the the other damn I’m almost out this [ __ ] well [ __ ] okay well [ __ ] it’s call for me to understand me too Jonah thanks for the 14 months shy sander thanks for 13 no there will be no mining episode soon stop talking stop why why are you manifesting bad things do you hate me the [ __ ] hello what is this [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] Up Been how many seasons since the last mining why do y’all like when I [ __ ] mine [ __ ] I feel like that’s like way less interesting no am I crazy why do y’all want me to M [ __ ] do you just want me to suffer m [ __ ] I a liot during mining so it’s relaxing oh [ __ ] fing Minecraft ASMR bro that’s crazy hello guys welcome back to my brick breaking uh ASMR but hold on a second why are you back to a child because it’s National kick short people day and I don’t want to be

Kicked I’m just being resourceful you know just using utilizing my resources I don’t understand where the one of these blocks just disappeared to you find day so we can kick kill no it’s there’s throw short people day and kick tall people day and on throw short

People day I was tall and on Kick tall people day I was short so I was safe both times hate to break it to you but I have uh immunity I can transform okay there’s three and that goes all the way there then two then three all the way there uh two

There patterns Patternz okay I remember the pattern now Ah all this now I don’t know about all this try my best the [ __ ] then two okay go keep shape shift into a 90- old man who eats a quart of paint and thinks it’s yogurt where the [ __ ] do you come up with this [ __ ] bro where did this come from are you okay everything going are you doing good there something you

Want to talk about huh you need to see Someone that was a meme you lying to me thanks the super chat or not the Super Chat the membership my bad wrong thing yo I don’t know yeah okay I feel like this needs to be talked about why is there a national day for [ __ ] everything like I swear to God there’s

Going to be like [ __ ] like National pick your ass day one of these days man it’s going to be like ah you got a booty flake no worries is international pick your crusty booty cheek like why like I feel like they have international days for everything bro they got an

International Day for dogs cats you know like [ __ ] Pizza uh probably Donuts probably [ __ ] cars they got International throw people short people day kick tall people like what who comes up with this this [ __ ] what committee is approving of these International days because last time I checked I did not

Need a day to know that it’s you know that I could take a [ __ ] okay I didn’t need an international poop day I poop every day so why is there one day where suddenly my poop is more important like who what committee decides this [ __ ] who was like who approves this what like

What Pro like what group of people imagine that your job is to come up with International days what group of people approves and comes up with these days who who comes up with these who like I actually want to know like who the [ __ ] comes up with

These and why who’s like we need a day for this we need a day for that like for what and you’re like oh it’s like you know not real people no no no cuz like this shit’s on like calendars like Google Calendars like calendar apps like they all share these days the [ __ ]

Like NBC’s talking about this [ __ ] like everyone who the [ __ ] came up with this [ __ ] why why do we need a day for everything I don’t need a day to remind me that I need to take a [ __ ] okay my body reminds me every Day like what the [ __ ] like I was thinking about this the other day I was like literally who does this like that is someone’s job no like I’m like think about that someone’s job is to come up with International blank days who who are these people where can I find

Them where the [ __ ] can I find them I want to have a conversation with you I need to know your thought process why is this a Day like an American thing no no no it’s International meaning like like that’s like outside of the Country maybe it’s some American [ __ ] I don’t [ __ ] know man who who’s doing this why for What I just want answers I just want to know whose job is this you know there’s a national alien abduction day I’m not surprised bro I am not Surprised The whole organization for creating national days yeah why who’s employing these people why are we doing this like who who the [ __ ] who’s like yes we need an international take a [ __ ] day Who I need answers cuz this shit’s getting Ridiculous fun little hobby but like who was like yeah we should acknowledge this as a real thing you know what I’m saying like people thought this should be on calendars why And someone’s probably paying them to do this and on top of that I guarantee you there’s companies like if it’s like International donut day that pay this committee and they’re like can you make international donut day so that we can sell our Donuts more I guarantee Industries pay this this committee more

Money to create days around their industry so they can use it as a way to make more money It’s like a marketing scheme it’s like how everyone in Japan eats KFC on Christmas why you know Japan KFC literally Mariah carried all of Japan I don’t know how they did that [ __ ] they did that [ __ ] without anyone knowing bro they literally Mariah carried the [ __ ] out of

Y’all hey Mariah carried the [ __ ] out of y’all it’s crazy everyone in their cousin eats KFC on Christmas they don’t want a lot for Christmas got to give Microsoft something to put at the bottom of my screen every day I guess just want to know like whose idea this was and why is everyone no no more importantly why is everyone like falling for it

Too like we’re all stupid for thinking this should be a real thing and acknowledging it as such like let’s not let’s not ignore our fa our faults in this situation too we’re dumb asses Actually are we dumb asses we didn’t even like directly approve of any of this [ __ ] it just exists who the [ __ ] whose idea was this I need to talk why what the [ __ ] the more I think about this the more irritated I am like who

Nah cuz Who real deal was like we need a international [ __ ] like pet your dog I pet my dog every day why the [ __ ] stop it’s just a new international day international [ __ ] your pants day we need we need more soet societal acceptance of the bowel movements okay it’s okay to talk about

You know how your arms bleeding but you talk about how your [ __ ] you know oozing you suddenly you’re the nasty one last time I checked you know it’s like the same thing it’s just different locations so personally um what’s the Issue you can call me crazy but I think this is these are these are the real questions we need to be asking I got quartz breaks so easily in this game he boop beep bo Boop What does this do if it’s a corner though do that wait what why I stop you from carving No I just do that what did I do for this I don’t even remember oh I just did that anyways Okay whatever I’ll [ __ ] with this later man I’m Tired There be a national kill me day when kill name as Kies I didn’t even come up with that you guys did by the Doughnut Day we actually have one in Poland it’s called fat Thursday it’s all about eating Donuts okay but is that like every Thursday or is it just like one

Thursday out of the year no Hey CH I’m getting pretty tired my throat is killing me um I I’m going to call it for today anyways tomorrow what what the [ __ ] am I streaming tomorrow I don’t even Remember I don’t even remember um oh moary assistant Jesus Christ I’m going to hate my yo why did I do this to myself man yeah okay moary assistant um yeah that [ __ ] anyways thank you guys so much for watching I will see you guys tomorrow and as always have yourself a damn good


This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 kick tall people day 【NIJISANJI EN | Kyo Kaneko】’, was uploaded by Kyo Kaneko 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2023-10-26 02:29:27. It has garnered 21967 views and 2046 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:08 or 11468 seconds.

Kyo Kaneko plays Minecraft

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【SOCIALS】 Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kyokanek0 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kyokanek0

My name is Kyo Kaneko, ILUNA Institute of the Mystics 1st Year. I’m a cheerful first year with a chaotic edge from NIJISANJI EN

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1. Be respectful. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, doxing (even speculations), etc. are not welcome here. No spam or trolling. 2. No spoilers/backseating unless I ask for it! 3. Please stay on-topic with the livestream. 4. Please don’t bring up other streamers, unless I mention them first, and please don’t mention me in other streamer’s chats 5. Do not trauma dump in any way. If you use a supa to do so it will be deleted and I will ignore it. If you are struggling, please seek professional help or call someone, help is available, and you aren’t alone

– – – – – – – – – – 【CREDITS】 ・Overlays: twitter.com/_hodusae ・BGM: DOVA-SYNDROME   HP:https://dova-s.jp/ License : https://dova-s.jp/_contents/license/ ・Starting Screen: furaisen // _hodusae ・Stinger Transition: XI_error ・Art in Thumbnail: https://x.com/Hata273/status/1705909469853712533?s=20

– – – – – – – – – – ILUNA Members Kyo Kaneko (Kaneko Kagami) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsb-1aJgiJXJH2feV-zlZRw

Maria Marionette https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwaS8_S7kMiKA3izlTWHbQg

That Bitter https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN68LoM3khS4gdBMiWJO8WA

Aster Arcadia https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpzxZW5kghGnO5TmAFJQAVw

Scarle Yonaguni https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFgXWZOUZA2oYHNr6qDmsTQ

Ren Zotto https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKu59gTZ_rdEmerdx5rV4Yg

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    Unbelievable secrets of the Ender Guardian! #minecraftVideo Information सो गेमर्स हमारा जो माट ल्ड गार्डियन है वो वियर्डेस्ट मोम में से एक ऐसा क आज मैं आप लोग को बताने वाला हूं हमारा जो ओसन मॉन्यूमेंट है उसको हमारे एंस बिल्डर्स ने ही बनाया था और वह भी उसको लैंड पे बनाया था क्योंकि आप सभी को पता है कि वटर में बिल्ड करना कितना इंपॉसिबल इसको सिक्योरिटी के लिए हमारा एक रोबोट भी बनाया था जिसको हम लोग एल्डर गार्डियन करते हैं कहते हैं जी हां आप लोग ने सही सुना हमारा एल्डर गार्डियन एक रोबोट है क्योंकि आप लोग इसके रियल इमेज को देखो… Read More

  • SkyGens PVE 1.20-1.20.4 Brand New Server SkyBlock Fun

    Skygens Skyblock Server Jaba & Bedrock Crossplay. Skygens offers unique features including: Custom Enchants obtained through quests or enchantment tables Minions with customization options and upcoming skins Biweekly Updates Free Ranks earned through gameplay Staff Needed – Looking for Builders, Developers, and Moderators Join Skygens Now! Server IP: play.theblind5.com Port: 25565 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Genius: Pro Moves”

    This meme is so smart, it’s already acing all its exams with a score of 6! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 9 of the Wood Challenge

    Crafting Chaos: Day 9 of the Wood Challenge In the world of Minecraft, where challenges are set, I gather wood each day, a task I won’t forget. Nine pieces today, a bit more time it takes, But still quite easy, no need for breaks. Starting with trees nearby, luck on my side, Completing the task with a grin, no need to hide. Shoutout to monkey 7612, a friend in the game, Tomorrow I’ll be back, with more wood to claim. Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Moments: Lava, Laughs, and Loot!” 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

    "Hot Minecraft Moments: Lava, Laughs, and Loot!" 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 💥😂 #minecraftmemes #relationshipgoals #gamerhumor Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft universe! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video discussing the various Minecraft snapshots released in different versions. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what makes a Minecraft server truly stand out? Imagine a server where creativity knows no bounds, where players from around the world come together to build, explore, and conquer challenges. A server that offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience unlike any other. That’s where Minewind comes in. With… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Desert

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Desert Surviving 100 Days in the Minecraft Hardcore Desert In this challenge, the player embarks on a journey to survive for 100 days in a harsh desert environment. The player starts by crafting essential tools like axes, pickaxes, and swords to navigate the challenging terrain. As the days progress, the player encounters various structures and mobs unique to the desert biome. Exploring the Desert Biome On the first day, the player sets out to explore the desert, encountering villages, pyramids, and mysterious ruins. The player faces challenges like sandstorms, thirst, and hostile mobs like scorpions and pharaohs. Despite the harsh… Read More

  • Insane Friday Night Minecraft Adventure LIVE!

    Insane Friday Night Minecraft Adventure LIVE!Video Information Halo teman-teman semua Welcome back guys bersama aku di game Minecraft Bedrock ya kita Udah berapa hari gak main Minecraft Bedrock ya guys tanggal terakhir ya tanggal 26 tuh hari Jumat ya itu udah mau seminggu kita gak main Minecraft Bedrock guys halo Don jadi gua di sini udah GG ya guys Ya halo Doni pertama mulu Doni keren ya akhirnya kita bertemu lagi di Minecraft Bedrock ya gilauk Eh gilaik ya gilila Sama aja Guys oke Cik sama be guys Oke ya teman-teman kali ini kita akan Halo afgal eh abzal kita akan membuat atau kita akan… Read More

  • Minecraft PSX Scariest Mob Survival | Horrors From The Fog

    Minecraft PSX Scariest Mob Survival | Horrors From The FogVideo Information okay so I did a live stream of this a little while ago and I was going to continue that world that I did in that live stream but I kind of D when upgrading my PC uh and uh I don’t have that world anymore so I’m just going to start over and start a new world I mean that world wasn’t really that great anyway I was kind of on a island string on an island with nowhere to go and any cave around was like miles away from my spawn so it’s best that we… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Epic Minecraft PvP!

    Unleash Chaos in Epic Minecraft PvP!Video Information शुरू होगा जल्दी चलो थ्री टू वन गो रुक जा रुक जा रुक जा रुक रुक जा बोला उसने आय को छोड़ो ना हम दोनों शुरू करते चालू करो तुम लो चालू करो चालू करो एक सेकंड एक सेकंड ओ रुक जा क्या हुआ भाई एक सेक ये क्या है आयुष मल को लपटो भाई आयुष मल चीटिंग करेगा भाई इसके अंदर ही आ कर ले भाई स्पम करले कर इसको पहले मैं तोड़ रहा हूं तुम मारो मैं तोड़ रहा हूं तुम मारो अबे मैं तोड़ रहा हूं तुम मारो मेरे को मारना तुम मेरे को मारना… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BUILD HACKS! 😱 | PACHYA GAMING #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Build Tutorial 😀| Minecraft How to Build Tutorial |#shorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by PACHYA GAMING on 2024-01-09 14:31:26. It has garnered 135 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Build Tutorial 😀| Minecraft How to Build Tutorial |#shorts #minecraft #viral minecraft tiktok satisfying compilation, satisfying minecraft redstone creations, minecraft tiktok satisfying compilation 44, satisfying minecraft dream, satisfying minecraft dropper, satisfying minecraft drop edit, satisfying minecraft digging, satisfying minecraft dropper tiktok, satisfying minecraft doors, satisfying minecraft diamond, satisfying minecraft dantdm, satisfying minecraft elytra, satisfying… Read More

  • TheFoxern goes INSANE on Minecraft Mods 8!

    TheFoxern goes INSANE on Minecraft Mods 8!Video Information hello everyone the fox are in here we are not uh we are not done with this as of yet um but I am going to put it on hold we’ll give this a few we’ll give this like a little while and see if it um oh I’ve never picked up one of those interesting so the uh problem is going to be keeping these stocked that’s a problem I need to figure figure out how to keep those stocked is there a way to keep minimum on hand in refined store orange I don’t know you… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos with this Insane Minecraft Mod!

    Unleash Chaos with this Insane Minecraft Mod!Video Information this is a Minecraft mod you need installed for every future playthrough the enemy expansion mod adds in tons of new enemies to fight while still keeping that vanilla Minecraft field let’s hop in game and check it out we are here checking out the enemy expansion mod for Minecraft Enemy expansion is something that I feel like any modded video game needs I’m talking about this is a perfect mod for Minecraft for Skyrim for Terraria for any video game that just has enemies you could always use more you can never go wrong it’s specifically for… Read More

  • Cheat Your Way to Victory with NinjaGamerGirls in Minecraft! 🎮

    Cheat Your Way to Victory with NinjaGamerGirls in Minecraft! 🎮Video Information no no de tu casa okay Okay ahí voy ahí voy en la fábrica ah This video, titled ‘en tu casa ⚒️MINECRAFT BEDROCK⚒️#videojuegos #minecraft #minecraftberdock #streamer #shorts’, was uploaded by NinjaGamerGirls on 2024-04-08 00:00:31. It has garnered 347 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. ————————————————– ——————————— 💖🎮 GAMER GIRL 🎮💖 ———– ————————————————– ——————— ⚒️ Minecraft REALMS ⚒️ Technical Realm: https://realms.gg/27JoLmL_TfA Realm con Hacks: https://realms.gg/yTzEnsXKKrY Verify your Minecraft username on Discord to be able to play: 🤖 [Discord] 🤖 – https://discord.gg/jpwBkvATbU Minecraft Whatsapp Groups: https://chat.whatsapp.com/E1zR7o3mUc2CW2NwN3mPMr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/733539675110501/ ————————————————– ——————- Social networks:… Read More

  • Intense Boss Battle: Mono Eyed Wolf vs Ender’s Mobs

    Intense Boss Battle: Mono Eyed Wolf vs Ender's MobsVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] あ [音楽] T [音楽] [音楽] い [音楽] [音楽] あ [音楽] [音楽] あ [拍手] [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] ああ [音楽] [音楽] あ [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] あは [音楽] あ [音楽] [音楽] ああ [音楽] [拍手] あ [音楽] [音楽] お T [音楽] JA [音楽] [音楽] あ [音楽] お [音楽] [音楽] あH [音楽] This video, titled ‘Mono Eyed ( World of Bosses ) vs L_Ender’s Cataclysm Mobs Minecraft – Minecraft Mob Battle 1. 19. 2’, was uploaded by Wolfy Craft on 2024-04-22 09:00:43. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:05 or 605 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Coaster Ever! #Trending

    Craziest Minecraft Coaster Ever! #TrendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft roller coster #minecraft #viral #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #trending#viralshort#short’, was uploaded by mr. Allrounder gamerz on 2024-01-10 03:30:01. It has garnered 2975 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. satisfied sand art #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #viral #shorts #viral #shorts #house #minecraft morden house build #minecraft morden building #minecraft pocket #minecraft mod #minecraft download #minecraft morden houses #minecraft tutorial #minecraft tips #minecraft short #minecraft shorts #minecraft #shorts #youtubeshorts #viral shorts #trading shorts #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning #gaminglife #pcgaming #online #gamer #playing #playinggames #videogames #instagaming #gamerguy #instagamer #onlinegaming #game #play #gamingsetup… Read More

  • MCTown SMP Survival Custom Pack Gear Slimefun NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+

    Welcome to MCTown – Your Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits! Are you tired of cookie-cutter Minecraft servers? Prepare to be enchanted by MCTown, where adventure knows no bounds. What We Offer: A World of Wonders: Explore our meticulously crafted world filled with enigmatic dungeons and treasures awaiting discovery. Immersive Visuals: Immerse yourself in an enchanting realm with advanced textures and 3D models. Embrace the RPG Essence: Embark on epic adventures, form alliances, and test your mettle against formidable bosses. No Pay-to-Win: Success is determined by skill and dedication, not the depth of your pockets. Custom Plugins & Features: Exclusive plugins and… Read More

  • ╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸ « I-Pixelmon » ╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸ Install Pixelmon | Tinyurl.com/InstallPixel

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: i-pixelmon.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be like…

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be like...Well, I guess we can add “Meme Scores” to the list of important statistics in the Minecraft world now! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Laugh or Creeper will explode!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Laugh or Creeper will explode! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More