Minecraft Madness: Part 1

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Okay every single time I every time I start a stream I’ve noticed that I start the stream by going W oh my God I’m back oh my God I don’t know why I just always say that every single time I start a stream but the the thing about like PlayStation 5

Is when you start a stream it mutes your mic I don’t know why but it mutes your mic and you have to tell it to unmute so usually it would capture my beginning oh my God but I just keep forgetting that mutes it and like 7 seconds later I’m

Like oh yeah [ __ ] that all well if you know uh before I had a Hardcore Minecraft live stream uh series and uh I still have it just all of my old vods are gone deleted so I feel like continuing that series is [ __ ] stupid and kind of

Pointless I think maybe I have the live streams up on my main Channel I could be wrong on that but um yeah so I’m just starting a new world uh I started playing Minecraft yesterday and now I just [ __ ] hooked on it again I just

Randomly I why did I [ __ ] start it it was like a YouTube video or some [ __ ] and I’m in the worst [ __ ] biome I will be traveling there immediately uh the second I can make a boat uh I made a new Minecraft world like yesterday uh and it had the are you [ __ ]

Kidding me it had the greatest [ __ ] beginning place ever right next to spawn there was a huge cave that like 7 minutes after spawning I had diamonds was [ __ ] mental and after after getting it I was like oh [ __ ] I wish I was streaming and that’s why I was like

Okay yeah next time like tomorrow I’m going to live stream so here I am oh do I want to go jungle or do I want to go over there I can’t remember what that place is called so [ __ ] this is a brilliant spawning point so we got a

Lovely [ __ ] like I’m going to make a castle up there I’m [ __ ] at building in this game but I’m going to [ __ ] try to make a castle then instantly we’ve got a village [ __ ] that is some [ __ ] what what is it called RNG I I don’t speedrun or anything like that I

Have no [ __ ] clue all right all right cool cool cool don’t know why I’m picking this stuff up it’s literally pointless to pick up but actually no planting this early before we get like um enchantment tables getting it done early is [ __ ] helpful as [ __ ] so all right what can I

Rob from these innocent people who just want to live their life what [ __ ] you got give me your [ __ ] okay I was worried this was the entire [ __ ] Village I’m not going to kill you but I could if I wanted to I just want you to know that uh thank you

Thanks for the potatoes these are mine now go [ __ ] yourself there you go you can I didn’t know I could just give him potatoes what the [ __ ] wait I’m why am I giving you my [ __ ] well I did just rob it from him but like it’s my [ __ ] now

[ __ ] I don’t need them right now uh why am I playing this like it’s a speed run go beat dream actually let’s not talk about dream he’s dreaming about some [ __ ] kids yeah I don’t want to be dream [ __ ] I don’t want to be dream what the [ __ ] just happened

Did I just pass out and hallucinate or did something weird just happen yeah yeah I I don’t want to be dream you know this is the thing everyone’s everyone’s um everyone kind of hates stream right now because of his uh you know his allegations um but when you think about

It he’s actually a pretty lucky guy like imagine never need needing a tin opener never needing a tin opener all that guy needs to do is [ __ ] just hit it with his chin that [ __ ] is razor sharp holy [ __ ] who’s that guy Mega chin he [ __ ] looks like that gunt

He actually this is the thing so many people are insulting him about looking like the troll face he straight up does what the [ __ ] and this is my favorite thing about when somebody gets cancelled when somebody get before somebody gets can I’m a huge huge fan of dark

Humor huge fan but when you insult someone online you know oh you’re a bully you’re a horrible person but after they’ve done something horrible it’s like now I can say everything I wanted to say and I don’t get in trouble it’s kind of fun like I don’t want him to groom more kids But you never know you know I got a couple jokes to say there’s certain people that I have so many jokes built up in my head of like oh what I can say about them I’m kind of like like I don’t want to kid to be

Groomed but if someone has to be a groomer I got my list and I check it twice [ __ ] wonder the name of the list people who go to VidCon [ __ ] M con I don’t know why it’s been like eight minutes and I’m like 8 minutes into the stream and six

Minutes of this video has just been me insulting dream it’s a weird [ __ ] though like he was one of these [ __ ] that I was like yeah something’s going to come out you just [ __ ] knew I I don’t I there are just people that like I don’t know you just

Kind of go oh something’s not right about you like [ __ ] there was some kind Michael Jackson like there was just something about him and [ __ ] who else oh God there’s somebody else somebody else oh I can’t remember but there there was somebody my parents what Russell Brand that [ __ ] my parents loved that

Man well loved this this is my favorite thing about my parents they’ll like absolutely [ __ ] love somebody like oh my God [ __ ] Idol then the second there’s like a story or something comes out about them they suddenly like downplay how much they loved him like oh

My God I love him I go to all of his shows [ __ ] comes out as a [ __ ] well you know I’ve always felt weird about him you know I don’t I didn’t watch too many of his films I didn’t have you know seven posters of him on my

Wall I had six you know there’s a Difference I insulted I just thought about this I I insulted people for like going to VidCon Minecon I would [ __ ] go to Minecon I’m going to be honest like I feel like it would just be funny like that feels like again you can’t you know you can’t

Make jokes because they’re kids but like that would be so funny because just the [ __ ] that’s said at minec con is so [ __ ] funny as a kid I was one of those kids that actually would I I actually I wouldn’t have I wouldn’t have gone to

Mine con like even as a kid I kind of knew like why do these like I don’t know it always kind of felt creepy like I’ve always loved the idea of going to ComicCon sounds [ __ ] sick I’m a huge well this the thing I always say I’m a

Huge comic book fan and like some [ __ ] virgin tells me like oh have you [ __ ] read this obscure comic that only came out [ __ ] only had like a 7-Day run and was never mentioned ever ever again and I’m like no and like well you’re not a nerd then

Okay but like I I I would consider myself a comic book nerd so I would love to go to ComiCon bro I would [ __ ] love to go to Comic Con the thing is like I’m I’m a nerd to most people I’m I’m a mega nerd to most

People like I know some super super obscure nerdy facts that I won’t bring up don’t worry but like I know some obscure [ __ ] that most people don’t so to to other to most people I’m a mega mega nerd but to like virgins I know nothing I know absolutely [ __ ]

All I do not actively read comic books unless a run sounds interesting like I have no [ __ ] idea what’s going on with Spider-Man right now I’ve just heard that fans ain’t happy that’s all I [ __ ] know I I I know there’s some [ __ ] [ __ ] that they’ve added to the

Game that’s been [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of Mary Jane it’s like why the [ __ ] why the [ __ ] did the writers of Spider-Man go you know what Spider-Man needs what his character needs he needs to be cucked that’s like bit of a strange decision but okay

I don’t even know I’m I’m doing I’m just running around [ __ ] insulting people but and killing cows I don’t know for the wall uh not that W lever but like I don’t know what the [ __ ] going on with Spider-Man oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] come back here you

Can’t I love like animals in this game like you hit them they run for like 2 seconds then just Forget You existed then suddenly look back at you like oh why was I running like two like two seconds run for like 2 seconds now walks up to me like d [ __ ]

Um but yeah Comics right now is L mine [ __ ] not a fun place uh I should make a house I’m not going to make like this isn’t going to be my main base because I want to [ __ ] sick base I normally make bases underground I don’t know why I just like making bases

Underground oh God just bued um let’s use that area to grab some coal um do I have a map no I I remember when like originally you used to get map when you like spawn in was that like I can’t remember if that was only

Um Xbox or uh only console or if it was like I don’t know there there’s a certain comic book that I really want to get into that like when I was a kid I was interested in them but I never ever read them Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I

Used to be such a massive fan of them as a kid but I knew [ __ ] all about them I just liked the idea of them I’d like that they loved pizza because I love pizza one of the ways I [ __ ] was fat as [ __ ] um but like I [ __ ] loved the Ninja

Turtles but new [ __ ] or about them [ __ ] love them though and now like now that they’ve just confirmed the last Ronin video game which I am so [ __ ] playing sounds [ __ ] sick oh [ __ ] lucky um yeah I’m definitely playing that [ __ ] game um yeah but now now that

They’ve confirmed that game I am super interested in the comics like before the game comes out I want to read a couple of the last running Comics to why the [ __ ] did I make two of these pickaxes when I get stoned immediately like why make multiple of

These when I get the upgrade for a me that was a waste and not like a massive waste but it was a waste and I know I can switch this pickaxe this Stone now but I just I feel like I need to [ __ ] do this also you might be wondering why I

Just broke that grass because my [ __ ] autistic brain won’t be okay until it’s like at least fixed slightly I can’t have dirt sticking out I was talking to my uh sister a couple days ago she really believes I have autism which I might I I don’t really like it’s not something I’m like

Oh no I definitely don’t like I if I have it I have it but she really thinks I do which is it’s kind of fun because like fun is the wrong word but like it’s kind of um you know when you just now I know the [ __ ] people of my age group

Will agree with this you just kind of know something’s off with me you just kind of know there’s something not right I don’t know what but there’s something it’s kind of nice learning like oh okay it’s this like you don’t need it to be happy you can be happy without knowing

And stuff like that but it’s just kind of like oh so that part isn’t my fault okay I can stop blaming myself okay just kind of nice like I said I don’t need it and I probably won’t even get tested but how do you even test for

Autism I don’t know but if I do have autism I am making so many autism jokes because this entire time I’m not allowed the second I’m allowed [ __ ] um every joke will be your autism joke every and I’m giving all of my mates the pass all of them cuz that’s what that’s

What a good mate does if you’ve got a pass give it out all right if you go a pass you can give to a mate you it’s an obligation you have to you have to give them the pass no matter what well I feel like there are matters where you can go

Okay no I’m not giving you the PA but you know but how do you even test for autism I know there’s like some um things that like apparently autistic people um hang around with each other they just Naturally Fit like you can not even know you have autism but you still

Hang out with autistic people without knowing and my a lot of my friends were autistic so you know maybe maybe I just knew how how do you just I guess it’s like personality because like autism brings out certain parts of your personality so I guess

It’s just like oh yeah you see this part of their personality and you just naturally like that about them maybe I don’t [ __ ] know but I hung around a lot of autistic people so would make sense and based on [ __ ] I do stupid [ __ ] that only I do and everyone else looks

At me and it’s like why the [ __ ] did you do that you know kind of makes sense and now I want to take a [ __ ] test I’ve taken like BuzzFeed tests but those are not trust wory in the slightest [ __ ] they will they will ruin your life some [ __ ] BuzzFeed tests like according

To according to BuzzFeed I am both perfectly sane and a [ __ ] mass murderer like you’ll you’ll do like a Insanity test on [ __ ] BuzzFeed and it will come out like yep you’re worse than Hitler like then you’ll do like a house my test or some [ __ ] like that and it’s

Like ah yeah you’re perfectly fine like what you’re you’re telling me mixed messages or maybe maybe bus feed just likes Hitler you never know well 21 minutes and I’ve said BuzzFeed likes Hitler um made jokes about aers uh I’ve insulted dream but I don’t really give a [ __ ] about dream Jesus what’s next

Why have I still not made a [ __ ] stone pickaxe I bet there’s some [ __ ] person watching the stream like lawence [ __ ] M I know if I I I know because I I rewatch all of them well no I rewatch some of my streams like I’m going to be

Honest I’m I’m a I’m an honest person my last stream was [ __ ] I know it was uh I didn’t have the energy this is the thing sometimes you enter a stream thinking yeah I’ve got enough energy then you start doing it and you realize no I don’t so uh my last

Stream I started it feeling perfectly fine um halfway through it why the [ __ ] am I out here at like nighttime it’s about to [ __ ] oh my God it’s about to turn night time and I’m going to [ __ ] die and I’m miles away from the [ __ ] Village holy

[ __ ] okay I’m dead well actually I’m not miles away I’m [ __ ] fine um but yeah sometimes you just start a stream feeling really good oh [ __ ] then turns out you’re not good um uh [ __ ] I picked the only [ __ ] house without a [ __ ] bed are you kidding me this is another house without

A bed actually no it does that has a bed right no it doesn’t like while I was walking up the stairs I remember no the [ __ ] it does not but um yeah I started the stream uh yesterday and I felt really good going into it felt [ __ ] amazing then

Like got ohop [ __ ] knock at the door give me a sec guys no e all right I’m back knock at the door is everything still working I always have to check yep okay I don’t know why like why would it have suddenly Broken Walls I was

Gone what was I saying I was in the middle of telling you about my last stream and why it was so [ __ ] all right I was I whenever I like record or like make videos or live stream I always get like wrapped like in covers and stuff so I have like wires

Around me because I got a headset on now I also got like you know a quilt and stuff on me so just [ __ ] tried to get up and just instantly tripped oh yeah the story Um oh [ __ ] I have so much [ __ ] on my uh we need to make a base uh so yeah um started the stream feeling really good uh and then 20 minutes in or something like that I just started feeling [ __ ] like really low energy just [ __ ] awful I want to make my house

Kind of far away from the village here um but yeah I I amum this is going to be a really [ __ ] house like really [ __ ] uh way too long um yeah I started the stream feeling all right uh 20 minutes in started feeling like [ __ ] um ended

The stream about an hour which recently like with my past couple streams I’ve I’ve tried making streams like a tad bit longer and stuff like that because you know I I I stream so rarely so to make a stream like I don’t know like [ __ ] an

Hour when I stream so godamn rarely just it’s a bit silly like give you a bit like bang for your buck do it so rarely it should be a bit longer you know um uh so yeah I I started feeling like [ __ ] ended the stream kind of early that is a

Really good pickaxe why have I haven’t I been using you um and bro I just started feeling really [ __ ] like a [ __ ] terrible stomach ache um and my dad thinks I had food poisoning which bro all I ate was pasta how the [ __ ] past to giving you food

Poisoning like it probably can um I don’t know but like it probably can give you food poisoning don’t know what you would have to do to get F food poisoning from it but oh know yeah so all I had was pasta still gave me food poisoning

Um and yeah for the last four days I felt like absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] the entire time I was like I want to stream I want to stream but I just for the last four or five days all I’ve been doing is sleeping waking up eating pasta sleeping waking up eating pasta sleeping because

Like pasta takes 12 minutes to boil it’s really simple really easy so I would just wake up eat pasta and then go to sleep and I I’ve I’ve straight up just been hibernating like this has not been living so yeah that’s all I’ve done since the last live

Stream oh and also make a [ __ ] down Clips which by the way the [ __ ] Clips have done brilliantly um super [ __ ] happy with the clips they’re doing a lot better than I expected because I made the clips because I was like I I was trying to

Um I can’t can’t really remember what I was trying to do I was kind of um cuz originally the Lawrence Chapman live channel was going to be my Clips Channel and like my live stream channel and pretty much anything that I didn’t want to put on the main Channel or the second

Channel like the second channel is no commentary walkr kind of content so it was kind of like anything that doesn’t fit that brackets and also is of the quality I want it to be for the main Channel then goes on to I guess the third Channel

Um maybe I do have autism because I just keep forgetting what I’m saying halfway through the sentence like sometimes I just want to make Clips just so I can look back on what the [ __ ] I was saying what the [ __ ] was I saying oh my God

Autism I know autism has nothing to do with forgetting but like I’m just going to blame it on everything like you’re late to work H yeah autism you stabbed me yeah autism I feel like that’s what most people do now like like oh you can’t be angry at me I

Have this one problem ah guys let him off he has that problem it’s like no he just [ __ ] killed a entire family of [ __ ] seven like ah but he has a hurt toe like [ __ ] let him go guys you’re being too harsh on him not sure uh and also that like

The maybe that’s I I have no idea if that’s like autism uh I don’t know why I said that’s so weird but um but the the the constant like need to make a noise or something I don’t know probably not I I don’t actually think I do that now because I think

About it I don’t think I constantly need noise [ __ ] my last live stream I barely talked so now I don’t need a constant well actually I do get really bored if I’m like not listening to a podcast or something like that like if I’m not doing something that I’m

Finding like severely interesting then I just don’t focus on it that is a really nice cave that I would love to explore but I’m a [ __ ] [ __ ] and uh now it’s even more easily explorable okay not going to go too far because I don’t have any torches what the [ __ ] is

That lava I will return here post haste what does post haste mean again like just [ __ ] quickly I don’t know hey [ __ ] [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] you did a lot more damage than I was expecting I thought I had good armor on it’s all right

Okay don’t know how the [ __ ] that flower fell but it’s mine now I kind of want to make a brick house because I I feel like nobody builds out of bricks now like they changed what bricks look like in in the game and now [ __ ] everyone hates

Him I hate all the new Textures in Minecraft like I used a um I used a texture pack a couple like weeks ago that was like is it all [ __ ] Jesus how is it already night time holy [ __ ] I feel like I just actually I did wait go

To sleep and then then go on to my door so actually I haven’t been at the screen this entire time get out I don’t want to [ __ ] trade that was a really good deal though wait no dildo maybe not the perfect two words to put together um I need to think about my

Wording but if we go grab a [ __ ] ton of clay and I was literally talking about making a house out of bricks but I I kind of want to make a house out of the Bricks now just because like nobody else [ __ ] does it I want to [ __ ] do

It uh like just make a massive factory like [ __ ] yogs cost the [ __ ] Jaffer Factory I [ __ ] love that Series so much like honestly I go back to that series like every couple of [ __ ] months I [ __ ] love the yor car so much they’ve gone downhill I’ll be honest the the the most

Recent stuff I don’t care about uh like what is it like Terrorist Town or I I I don’t care about it like when they first started doing it I was like okay this is a unique thing to to change up um um now I [ __ ] hate it I’m just

Like do a different [ __ ] game like I don’t care it doesn’t even have to be Minecraft I don’t give a [ __ ] just do anything else but Terrace town or whatever the [ __ ] it’s called um’s bring bread I’ve been playing um peaceful a lot recently so now playing like easy

Mode yes I’m on easy mode [ __ ] you uh um it feels so weird actually like needing to eat I don’t know why like even when I’m in peaceful mode I still grab like food as like ah just in case if I ever switch it I’m never switching it but like just

In case you never know yes I now have to fix all of this autism alert yeah I definitely have autism the thing is I don’t I know so little about autism that I don’t even know if this fits the bill of autism but like I don’t know I’m just going to

Blame everything I do on autism now Amo clay baby I don’t see much I don’t want to go down there because I’m going to dig like super [ __ ] slow if I go down there yes this is what I’m looking for oh [ __ ] two bits of [ __ ] clay

CL my God I’m so [ __ ] happy okay um where the [ __ ] is more [ __ ] ground clay also I want to do well I’m not actually sure I kind of want to do a stream on Boulders gate because I haven’t played borders gate yet haven’t played it but

It’s I’ve seen Clips I’ve seen [ __ ] um uh slime school’s brilliant [ __ ] video on um on Boulders gate by the way quick hint uh slime school is the person I base a lot of my recording well a lot of my stuff on the way I like I want to

Edit like slime school I want to be able capable of [ __ ] hell I want to be capable of doing that but I’m just not oh one day maybe but definitely not now I just shot myself because my mom [ __ ] dropped something [ __ ] stopped my heart for a moment all right

Uh I dropped a spoon I [ __ ] shot myself [ __ ] hell uh who wanted wow immediately got the right person and got a [ __ ] trophy Master Traer [ __ ] lovely 16 emeralds a nice days work anyone want emeralds six emeralds for leather pants well I don’t actually have pants so that

Is that worth is that a good Trade [ __ ] it I don’t need it but [ __ ] is it fashionable it this looks like the cheapest [ __ ] thing ever this looks like a this looks like when somebody wears fake like supreme or Gucci or something like there’s there’s the real thing the real thing and just so clearly a fake in the

Middle why why is this guy in here like did someone call you a pig and you were just like well I [ __ ] I’ll join my group I guess you want paper [ __ ] off what flame that’s actually that’s actually a no right deal because Flame’s really [ __ ] good

That’s a good deal that’s a good good deal a deal so good I’m kind of tempted to make it with you right now because I’m if you want to live in a pen I’m not sure you’re going to survive for very long so dealing with you now sounds like a good

Idea I believe I have a book or these the things to make a book I forgot to put these down uh yeah I have to to make a book I don’t know why it keeps doing that um okay yes yes um who wanted book you did good sir you did thank you enjoy

Death um I miss having like a flame sword like I have so many like saves on um Minecraft and I just like I I love having [ __ ] Jesus I love having fire aspect on like a blade or something and not having it God I hate it oh just wondering why I can’t run

That’s because my my character is near death oh my God you run out of [ __ ] food so quickly oh [ __ ] I am stopping to have a water break even though it’s [ __ ] raining I finished my tea which obviously as you all know I have tea every single [ __ ] stream because I am

In English and uh I must uh adhere to every single stereotype there is you and the [ __ ] up teeth uh I do have Co I have a lot of goal why haven’t I made [ __ ] oh my God I am not focusing on what’s going on I’m just but I’m just

Existing why have I I made a sword yet I’m just bro I am so autistic holy [ __ ] I kind of hoped I’m not autistic now just so this just ages really poorly like that would just be really funny to me now okay uh yeah let’s make a butter

Sword oh no I can’t say that either he’s also a non oh my God so many nones there are so many nonsense like I thought it was a joke but [ __ ] hell keep it in your pants Lads actually was he a non I can’t remember or was he just an awful

Person I can’t remember there’s so many awful people I accidentally used all of that [ __ ] coal and I did oh I left some it’s fine uh I should should I go to sleep first yeah I’m going to go to sleep first I look like a massive uh Sky

Minecraft fan right now which I was for a very very long time it was skyus Minecraft um yogs cast and uh Jack sep guy Jack sep guy oh and also uh Achievement Hunters [ __ ] obviously my first ever video I ever watched was uh on YouTube obviously uh was uh Achievement

Hunters uh doing a let’s play of Minecraft and they were in a library um and I don’t know why I know this so godamn well I remember believing Minecraft was like a level based game and the library was a level and I eventually got Minecraft on my Xbox

360 and I was so [ __ ] confused when I just suddenly appeared and I was like wait what I was so confused um how to play the game and all of that stuff but picked it up really [ __ ] quickly because I just [ __ ] love the game uh has anything came out about the

Achievement Hunters I know they said I know there has been something wasn’t it Jeff or someone who was a bit weird I hope nothing ever came out about I believe M yeah Michael I hope nothing came out about him because he was always my favorite like whenever there’s like a

Group of like YouTubers you always go a favorite Minecraft uh Minecraft Michael is my absolute favorite I just found him [ __ ] hysterical still kind of do I hope nothing now I need to [ __ ] Google it there’s going to be something why not Java uh which one’s Java again is that uh PC

Or is that um console I have no idea which one that is I’m on Console uh if you’re saying why not PC because I do not have a PC is that a the [ __ ] is that is that just floating in PC oh yeah I just don’t have a PC I

Want to get one though feels like a that would be a fun thing I do have a laptop uh that’s why sometimes I’m [ __ ] at responding because I know there’s text in like the bottom right but I never f [ __ ] look at it is that just I’m being invaded by aliens what

The [ __ ] um but yeah I want to get one though a PC would be sick to have bro like a modded like GTA and like a modded a proper modded Minecraft would be sick like I know you can mod Minecraft on Console but it’s such a [ __ ] hassle that like I just I’ll

Never do it it’s just such a hassle absolute first thing I would do if I had a PC get like a VR I’m just fascinated with vrs they’re [ __ ] sick I’ve said before that if I ever like I’ve said to my mates before if I

Ever get a VR I’m just just becoming a VR YouTuber not like [ __ ] what’s their name like mlly and juicy like those YouTubers if you’ve heard of them I wouldn’t become like them I used to really like their content now I just stopped and went yeah n but

Um I really want to play like some boxing uh what What’s that [ __ ] game called [ __ ] oh gone or like oh now I need to Google that is it called gone Fu okay I Googled gone and it showed up with [ __ ] nothing yeah it is called gone wait is

It yeah it is yeah gone looks [ __ ] sick I would play the [ __ ] out of that game and I actually like do Bo boxing so like playing like a boxing VR game I feel like would be a lot of fun that’ll be [ __ ] sick oh man now you’ve got me wantan in

The [ __ ] PC why did you do this to me get out of here [ __ ] you how dare you do that to me um oh [ __ ] no want a PC how dare you do this to me but yeah PlayStation PlayStation’s also just really simple like like I like I’m

Born from like a young generation like I’m I’m 19 like I’m young I I I’m not like I’m up to date with things but man when it comes to technology I just my brain doesn’t work like I I think I know more than most but like like when people try explaining

Stuff to me I’m just like it completely goes over my head and I feel like with PCS you need to know [ __ ] and I would I will build a PC because like I I isn’t that meant to be better like getting a built PC is meant to be better than

Presets I had like m that uh owned PCS and uh they always said that uh built PCS are better than presets or something like that a [ __ ] that was perfect holy [ __ ] I had the perfect amount of [ __ ] materials there that was oh my God [ __ ] if I played that back watch the

Slow [ __ ] that might make me nut what the [ __ ] I need to make a bed where the [ __ ] is some sheep I love that I instantly pulled out with the [ __ ] sword there we go Target acquired [ __ ] is he dead well he he did some [ __ ] work apparently actually that could just be

The sun one two and that’s how you count um I I really thought that oh and there’s my third thank you the perfect amount [ __ ] kill these because eventually I’m going to need to um make enchantment tables no [ __ ] come back here [ __ ] back taking my [ __ ] anger out on [ __ ]

Minecraft pigs they’re cows I autism I’m just going to blame everything on autism even if I don’t have it yes I just killed your mother in front of your [ __ ] eyes I don’t even need these [ __ ] animals I just like murder it’s autism guys it’s just autism it’s all just autism don’t

Actually worry it’s fine it’s all autism if I keep making this joke people will actually think I’m serious that’s that’s something I love but also [ __ ] despise how much like people can like make it so goddamn clear that something’s a joke and people will still

Go hey you can’t you can’t say that it was a joke well you need to make it more clear where the [ __ ] was that mine originally by the way for anyone who likes the main Channel I am working on a new video for it uh well say working I

Will be honest we recorded all and I say we because Tyler is in the video um we recorded all of the stuff uh quite a while ago probably back in November uh recorded it quite a while ago um I didn’t make the video because my laptop [ __ ] exploded and I needed

To get it fixed it got fixed then I was in injured I was really ill and just [ __ ] kept coming up um but now that I’m mostly all right um now that I’m mostly all right I should be working on it I don’t really want to work on it

Today like I’m going to be honest uh maybe I’ll work on it today who knows but um yeah I haven’t started editing it yet editing videos normally takes uh four or five days sometimes longer uh so I don’t know expect it soonish don’t want to say too

Soon uh and put like restraints on myself because YouTube is just meant to be a hobby fun thing for me like I’m not getting paid for this so then putting like something like oh my God you have to do it immediately when I’m not even getting

[ __ ] paid for it like n I’ll do it at my Pace [ __ ] if if you want me to [ __ ] work at a schedule pay me uh so yeah I like yeah it will it will get made soon and I’m also going to be working on other videos I haven’t started working

On other videos um but yeah I will start work I’ve just noticed my sound is turned down really [ __ ] low wait is it no it’s not I’m just okay just fuckles happening okay then game is my sound low or something uh up a bit I wish there was just an option for

[ __ ] all of these instead of having to put them all I don’t need text to speech um there we go right can hear it a bit better nice I have no idea how long the stream’s going to be should grab some more water while I there like I’m not running low I have

Like quite a bit but I have like a 750 ml bottle next to me I know the exact measurements because well I have to track it for boxing and stuff and I had no [ __ ] idea what this bottle was and I had to go on such a [ __ ] rabbit Chase to find out

When the people who sold it to me could have just [ __ ] said it but um yeah I was sent on a bit of like a [ __ ] goose chase to find it where the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] um it was over here wasn’t it I went everything everywhere but her I don’t think

Wait no [ __ ] all down there I missed my really good [ __ ] golden P pickaxe that she was so good and now the stone pickaxe is so [ __ ] slow I know I don’t need to put the light around here but when it turns night and I return then I’m going to need

It I’m thinking ahead something I I’ve noticed I do which again autism this entire stream is just me talking about autism but um something I’ve noticed I uh do is I ramble a lot more than I should like somebody will ask me a very B basic

Question and I’ll talk about it for like seven [ __ ] hours I think that mostly comes from like Twitch streaming and YouTube like it’s just ingrained into my memory to talk a lot um because W with twitch especially like if you stop talking for a second people lose interest and click

Off and when you’re starting up on YouTube and twitch and that kind of stuff like one person means the world um so you want to keep them entertained so you’re like okay I can’t stop talking I can’t let them get bored because then they’ll click off and now I

Don’t really give a [ __ ] like I mean it when I say I do this for fun like if someone clicks off they click off I don’t really give a [ __ ] but when I first started it was like oh my God I need to talk I need to talk I need to

Talk and even though I don’t give a [ __ ] anymore it’s just kind of ingrained in me I just ramble a lot like uh the guy who um he’s clicked off now yeah I can see the view count but like but the guy who asked like

Um uh am I playing on PC bro I [ __ ] spent like seven hours answering that [ __ ] question I could have just said no I find it really [ __ ] funny but it is something I should watch on don’t know why ramble so much actually I I think I do I think I

Do know why I I’m really [ __ ] at explaining myself so like I found it with um like my dad and my family like whenever they whenever I need to explain something I always use too many words and I overdo it because I’m so bad at using my words

I’m so bad explaining my point and what I’m trying to say so I use like more words than I usual to explain it because oh then you get more context I think that’s why I do it but also autism never know [ __ ] this is about to break ah well perfect [ __ ] timing wasn’t

It h [ __ ] sake also this mine was nowhere as big as I thought it was going to [ __ ] be I have wasted my [ __ ] time well actually I got a lot of um coal that’s always good I [ __ ] love doing that in this game just jump and jumping into a massive puddle of

Water when did they make it so you don’t take damage if you jump in water cuz I feel like that wasn’t in the game originally I can’t remember when they brought that in I made way too many I don’t need that many torches but it’s

Fine I’m about to get [ __ ] on the cold so it doesn’t really matter and there’s another place over there let’s hope this place has better stuff as I slowly sink into the water and [ __ ] drown hey we’ve reached an hour I feel good though normally uh stri I forgot to make the [ __ ]

I was so confused for a second um normally like streaming really takes out to me but I feel all right this is my version of marathon yeah that’s how pathetic I am sitting down and playing video games is my version of a [ __ ] Marathon again that c was [ __ ] [ __ ]

Oh my God can this game up its [ __ ] caves like what the [ __ ] this will go nowhere I already know actually maybe I spoke too soon I want some [ __ ] iron like I’ve been playing for an hour and I still don’t have [ __ ] iron like this is

Stupid I will say 10 of those minutes I was grabbing a package but still this is [ __ ] stupid give me some [ __ ] iron now I could get iron very [ __ ] easily by just digging down but I want to find like a proper cave this is not going to be a proper

[ __ ] cave how is it actually maybe I SP too soon again hello calm down hello this is not [ __ ] they still haven’t brought out that update into um uh Playstation yet where um you have to uh wait for like your sword to charge up you can still spam

Uh in uh console which to be honest I kind of prefer like actually I don’t know sometimes I like having to wait because oh my God extra damage but I I’m I’m weird I changed my opinions on things very suddenly hey iron [ __ ] one iron are you [ __ ] with

Me you no no no no no actually one [ __ ] okay okay enough for pickaxe I’m okay with that and we can make it now that was really fuckle here all right um how long is that and that’s taking far slower than I thought it was going To just keeping myself occupi uh occupied [ __ ] Jesus canot speak there we go okay [ __ ] let me up what [ __ ] okay let me up what the [ __ ] oh cool always a lovely surprise hey more iron that I just I just walked past I guess one Fu

Okay every time I go to exping complain two [ __ ] iron okay this one am I complaining about two [ __ ] iron are you kidding me me and it’s night time again I’m about to get my ass be oh my [ __ ] God no [ __ ] Yourself why was that lit up stay lit you [ __ ] I should put doors uh [ __ ] just strolled into my house and I’m beating him with a [ __ ] steak okay I should probably not that one there we go a creeper could literally just walk in okay

I’m I don’t know what I would do if a creeper walked and I would I would die then that that’s what you would do Lawrence you would just [ __ ] [ __ ] die good creeper proof Perfection uh okay uh yeah okay all that for what five iron doesn’t really seem worth it but

I’m going to make a sword with Us okay wait no I need to wait no I don’t boom lovely okay do we have any oh my torches up there I didn’t even mean to put my torches up there um um I want like the entrance to a proper cave instead of just like finding a cave naturally through like

Mining I want like an entrance so you know I know the exit out that’s not no that’s just a [ __ ] tunnel um this is a good seed man like there’s a lot of [ __ ] around here like a [ __ ] like I’ve seen four biomes okay that’s a cave doesn’t look

Like a very deep cave but you never know nope H they even go anywhere nope well that was a waste of my [ __ ] time uh oh you have a trident don’t throw that at me you [ __ ] nons bastard uh is that another nether portal [ __ ] hell the luck these mountains look cool

It’s right there nice that’s [ __ ] lucky why is this on my head so actually it’s just like Awkward on my heads uh head friend oh that all right done I should not be doing that W but like golden apple good yeah but like fing you know guys like oh [ __ ] okay that was

[ __ ] I swam all the way [ __ ] that okay ruin that’s cool don’t know how long this uh series is going to go for but grab some pumpkins get ready for Halloween and you got pumpkin pie I always forget that pumpkin pie is in this game if I ever eaten pumpkin

Pie is pumpkin pie nice like I it doesn’t seem like something I would like like I hate apple pie which is weird because literally every single [ __ ] member of my family loves apple pie every single one of them it’s something that all of them just [ __ ] devour if you buy apple pie and

Bring it to like my family’s get together it will be gone it won’t be eaten it will be devoured [ __ ] already another Village that is very lucky I’ve never seen a village like uh Village building like this I’ve never seen one like that what the [ __ ] oh we can steal

This yep I’m definitely English come to a foreign person’s house and just instantly start stealing [ __ ] yeah I’m going to put this in my museum now this is how it works I come over to your country take everything and claim it as my history my history oh well I’m a [ __ ]

That’s my [ __ ] diamonds diamonds that the diamonds that the diamonds I understand the British now I understand why we [ __ ] did it let’s go to Indian one last time I am joking [ __ ] fuing spiderverse intro let’s do this one last time but I see a problem with your

Engineering how the am I meant to [ __ ] Hopscotch into your house like what the [ __ ] like I don’t have any wood on me but what the [ __ ] how am I meant to rob you if there’s a hole in your house think [ __ ] think the same with this cun [ __ ] I can

Crouch only got bread as well what a [ __ ] waste of time should I had a diamond I am stealing your pumpkins because you made me fall I was going to steal them anyway but that’s just make that excuse and I’m stealing every single [ __ ] one I don’t need them

They they heal next to nothing but just out of [ __ ] sh spite at this point and honestly they they’ve done barely anything to me but like I said I’m English I see something I [ __ ] take it uh helpful but for later game so I don’t really need

It like helpful for later game but it’s not like something that’s difficult to build so you know I yeah no I haven’t and yes I have i m I feel like it would be super helpful to have a bed on me at all times so I’m just going to Nick this here we

Go like he’s next to [ __ ] nothing melons are so godamn pointless but still kind of helpful it’s turning [ __ ] night again what the [ __ ] also what a good [ __ ] first stream first stream already got diamonds holy [ __ ] actually I feel like by the hour mark you should have

Diamonds okay now all right I’ll go closer then I have no [ __ ] Jesus Christ I have no idea where I am I think I’m close to the Village like my Village it must be yeah okay I’m not setting my spawn I’m just passing day uh yeah there we go need to make a

Map maps aren’t that difficult I I have a compass right yeah okay yeah that that’s that’ll be pretty easy this is my Village right or have I just shown up to another random [ __ ] no this is my Village this is definitely my Village yeah I can tell by that massive [ __ ]

Uh bamboo over there like there’s meant to be like a tire bamboo forest over there just [ __ ] one by itself the lone bamboo uh why is the furnace on there’s nothing [ __ ] cooking cun uh okay so now got three diamonds can make a diamond pickaxe why whenever

I make like a [ __ ] ton of pickaxes and then get the next upgrade for it like what the [ __ ] uh I need to sort this but that’s next stream to think about uh oh and also I got a iron chest plate which I completely didn’t see I did not notice

That I just picked it up because I am English actually should I be that’s pretty good that’s pretty good I wish there was a way of taking enchantments off of an armor and putting it onto another armor but not like because there is but it has to be the

Same armor like the the exact same like it has to be you know if you know the enchantments on a golden chest plate so I will need another golden chest plate to put it onto that I wish I could put the enchantment from a golden chest

Plate onto maybe a book then put it onto an iron chest plate I I wish I wish I could do that that would be so godamn [ __ ] helpful and it would just make sense in my opinion I feel like that just it makes sense if you’re able to do it with like

Other uh chest plates that are the same material why can’t it be chest plates that aren’t the same material also there’s a hair on my mic and I’m trying to get it off but it’s like it’s like sewn into the mic okay yeah um let’s make a

Compass uh what do you actually need well I I have the compass where where did I put it there it is I have the compass I just need a paper is that what I need to put empty map yeah I just need paper that is really [ __ ] easy to

Make I don’t of course I don’t has any grown let’s hope at least some I don’t need much I’m pretty [ __ ] close to having it but no I don’t see any n there’s probably some about though yeah none is going oh right over there oh there as well

Some over there as well but I can’t be us going over there oh God I watched um the first episode of uh Echo earlier like yesterday oh go [ __ ] the thing is I’m a massive fan of uh the Daredevil show and I’ve just now got into the Punisher which [ __ ] out

The Punisher is so godamn good man holy [ __ ] makes me want to write something about Punisher because I’m a massive fan of writing I write stuff myself um I really want to write something for the Punisher that would be so sick like even just a comic I don’t give a [ __ ] but

Like man like oh God and the Punisher is so good Daredevil is [ __ ] amazing um so when I heard uh Daredevil is back in this new show man I was so [ __ ] hyped and what a let down this is like holy [ __ ] I’ve only watched the first episode well I haven’t even

Finished the first episode that is such a small goddamn map what the [ __ ] actually not that small actually does it even have the doesn’t have the village in it [ __ ] sake that’s literally the whole point why I made the map holy [ __ ] all right

Well I need to pee and I feel like this is a good stopping point uh so yeah see you guys next time hope you enjoyed the stream I’ve tried to make this stream a bit more interesting than the last the last was bit [ __ ] like I said I was just so

Tired so ill so sick last time uh but I still apologize for it anyway see you guys next time hope you enjoyed the stream and goodbye

This video, titled ‘Okay, I’m hooked on Minecraft again | Minecraft Part 1’, was uploaded by Laurence Chapman LIVE on 2024-01-12 23:36:28. It has garnered 7 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:40 or 5320 seconds.

____________________________________________________________________ My Info:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CuntChapman

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/laurence19


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    Ultimate Minecraft Biomes ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUT THERE ARE OP BIOMES RODS!!’, was uploaded by Bz Gamerz on 2024-05-10 15:41:21. It has garnered 183 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. Watch this if you want a cookie, 🍪 IIN THIS VEDIO I WILLPLAY MINECRAFT,MINECRAFT BUT THERE ARE OP BIOMES ROD!!, SO WATCH TILL END, SURVIVAL #1 link,, MINECRAFT BUT VILLAGERS TRADE ULTRA OP ITEMS, MINECRAFT 1V1 MANHUNT HUNTER IS SN AI, ______________________________________________, 1 ROD,—–(COMMENT), 2ND BEE ROD, CAN I FLY ON IT , AND I KNOW H@CK of this rod (don’t miss), 3nd… Read More

  • INTENSE Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay – STAG 500’s First Time!

    INTENSE Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay - STAG 500's First Time!Video Information This video, titled ‘☠️My First Time In Hardcore☠️ #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by STAG 500 GAMING on 2024-05-06 18:41:55. It has garnered 7006 views and 237 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #shortvideo #shortsvideo #ytshorts #minecraftvideos #minecrafthardcoremode #minecraftviral Read More

  • Tom GrAnnY H0use EscApe Level 27 – EPIC Horror Game!!

    Tom GrAnnY H0use EscApe Level 27 - EPIC Horror Game!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tom.Granny House Escape Chapter 27 Horror Gameplay’, was uploaded by wasad Gaming on 2024-02-24 03:22:20. It has garnered 46 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. roblox horror game poppy playtime 3 granny minecraft techno gamerz poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay poppy playtime chapter 3 ending gta v game roblox game poppy playtime horror khaleel and motu skibidibopyesyesyes tv show sfm blender movie war documentary fiction secret episode secret new episode business skibidi multiverse multiverse skibidi toilet multiverse titan cameraman action comedy prank fortnite worst best mrbeast challenge surprise… Read More

  • Uncovered: Secret SMP IP for Pro Gamers! #Minecraft

    Uncovered: Secret SMP IP for Pro Gamers! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘lapata smp ki IP fek lapata smp ip #minecraft’, was uploaded by Phd1 geming on 2024-04-04 15:11:43. It has garnered 63 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. lapata smp ip #minecraft Read More

  • INSANE Blue Demon VS I.M.P Edit! WATCH NOW!

    INSANE Blue Demon VS I.M.P Edit! WATCH NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Blue Demon #vs I.M.P | #shorts @maphariseemola4004’, was uploaded by Kenzi Editz on 2024-04-21 13:18:46. It has garnered 287 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #fyp #fypシ #edit #edits #battle #debate #1v1 #whoisstronger #whoisstrongest #whowillwin #minecraft #minecraftedit #minecraftshorts #annoyingvillagers #mrfudgemonkeyz #bluedemon #helluvaboss #helluvabossedits #imp Read More

  • INSANE Plot Twist: Ollie Wins Pekora’s Minecraft House Contest!

    INSANE Plot Twist: Ollie Wins Pekora's Minecraft House Contest!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ollie wins Pekora’s “best house” contest in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Karl’s Clips on 2024-05-16 12:53:51. It has garnered 3565 views and 311 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:25 or 265 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE TWIST! Tyler Nator’s EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    INSANE TWIST! Tyler Nator's EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded Survival LIVE Episode 22’, was uploaded by Tyler Nator on 2024-02-18 04:51:34. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:07:42 or 22062 seconds. Follow me on Instagram @tylernatoryt Read More

  • Minecraft Pro TERRIFIED by Helldivers 2

    Minecraft Pro TERRIFIED by Helldivers 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Player tries Helldivers 2’, was uploaded by JackStarHeart on 2024-03-13 03:22:53. It has garnered 80 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:16 or 10156 seconds. Hello it’s helldivers time #jackstarheart @DoesWeBargeIn @Kroby_ Read More


    ACEWINDLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Read More

  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

    Dominion Minecraft Server Welcome to Dominion! Dominion is a community of adult players seeking a true vanilla Minecraft experience without land claiming or excessive additions. Our focus is on community interaction and player camaraderie. Join our Discord server to apply! Apply Here Learn more on our website! dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without added plugins or enhancements. Transparency We are transparent about donations and server decisions. Community Voice We value feedback and involve the community in server changes. Playing Together We encourage player collaboration through events and projects. New Content Now We… Read More

  • Spuds

    SpudsHello there adventurer!You’re a big fan of potatoes and also prefer having an experience close to vanilla Minecraft?Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you.At Spuds we only have the minimal amount of plugins to make sure everything runs smooth.These are: GriefPrevention (claiming), DiscordSRV (chat bridge), LuckPerms (permissions) and a custom-made plugin that doesn’t alter gameplay (for example we have dad jokes).The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure we are having a lag-free experience.I hope to see you there,Fred with staff Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Clickbait will never be the same: Average Minecraft thumbnail!

    “I clicked on the thumbnail expecting epic gameplay, but all I got was a 20-minute tutorial on how to build a dirt house.” Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness: Part 4 #hotminecraftmemes

    Minecraft Meme Madness: Part 4 #hotminecraftmemes Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftmemes #relationshipgoals Read More

  • Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the amazing Minewind server. If you’re a fan of chill vibes and good times in Vanilla Minecraft, then Minewind is the place for you. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive with a community of like-minded players. Minewind offers a unique and immersive Minecraft experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on creativity and collaboration, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your inner builder and adventurer…. Read More

  • Underwater Prank at Home!

    Underwater Prank at Home! Minecraft Just Survival: A Dive into Strange Events Exploring the world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected and bizarre encounters. In a recent episode of Minecraft Just Survival, Bahayo and LoSerhat found themselves facing a peculiar situation – flooding their house with water! Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing event. The Unusual Incident As Bahayo and LoSerhat were going about their usual survival tasks, they stumbled upon a mysterious mechanism that, unbeknownst to them, triggered a flood of water into their humble abode. The sudden rush of water caught them off guard, leading to a chaotic yet… Read More

  • Epic Castle Adventure with TheHappywheels1 in Minecraft!

    Epic Castle Adventure with TheHappywheels1 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Castle? Part 2 (Feat. TheHappywheels1) | Ja-Wipeout 7 | Minecraft Map’, was uploaded by Classic Cookie Gaming on 2024-04-07 07:57:48. It has garnered 71 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:50 or 4670 seconds. This is a playthrough of the map, Ja-Wipeout 7 with Happy! In this episode we must beat Happy on the obstacle course…but for real this time! Join Classic Cookie for a clumsy adventure! Have an AMAZING day! 🙂 *Thumbnail Picture taken by ItsPungPond98 (minus Happy in the corner, lol). Special thanks to @ItsPungpond98 for making this… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing: Horse Discovery in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing: Horse Discovery in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Horse 🐎 Found In Minecraft 🤯|| #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Virtual Gaming 011 on 2024-03-01 01:29:47. It has garnered 745 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft short minecraft meme shorts minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft hindi minecraft mods minecraft video funny minecraft minecraft compilation minecraft tiktok cursed minecraft minecraft gameplay to be continued minecraft noob vs pro minecraft minecraft rtx minecraft but challenge minecraft hindi gameplay minecraft but minecraft mod minecraft in hindi minecraft hindi gameplay 1 minecraft speedrun Read More

  • Insane Superflat Minecraft Adventure – Tour Included! 1.20

    Insane Superflat Minecraft Adventure - Tour Included! 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Superflat Hardcore Minecraft | Tour in description! | 1.20 Lets Play |’, was uploaded by RipMonts on 2024-05-03 01:00:12. It has garnered 30 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:48 or 8988 seconds. Brand New Video out NOW! https://youtu.be/oBkr00HOvIU?si=DtVqbFZCnHJy8-_2 This Minecraft Live is all about superflat hardcore minecraft How to make a villager trading hall How to get Diamonds in hardcore minecraft Today i am building a mountain in hardcore superflat minecraft! Minecraft 1.20.1 How to Build a base! Insperation from @Mogswamp The World is now fully in 1.20 lets go… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Pyramid Build in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Mind-Blowing Pyramid Build in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : Pyramid Making Timelapse build #minecraft #minecraftdaily’, was uploaded by Black_cardio on 2023-12-13 11:57:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftdaily #games #minecrafthouse #minecraftxbox #playstation #games #minecraftxbox. Read More

  • “ULTIMATE REVENGE ASMR in Minecraft!!” #clickbait #pvp

    "ULTIMATE REVENGE ASMR in Minecraft!!" #clickbait #pvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST REVENGE/ЛУЧШАЯ МСТЯ ASMR #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #pvp’, was uploaded by meepero on 2024-03-24 16:54:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hypixel, #minecraft, #minemenclub, #hypixelbedwars, #bedwars, #minecraftpvp, #hypixelbridge, #minecraftbedwars, #cubecraft, … Read More

  • Mysterious Train Ride through Creepy Minecraft Fog

    Mysterious Train Ride through Creepy Minecraft FogVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Stream’, was uploaded by FoggyTrain on 2024-04-06 15:18:39. It has garnered 147 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:57 or 3117 seconds. Read More