Minecraft Madness: SeapeekayLIVE QSMP Recap

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Are we well little Gamers welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome everybody say hi right now everybody say hi I’m going to be really upset how’s up stealth s linaa lapino un’s Moving Castle as fidus Welcome To Paradise Xiao Gabrielle do grer I’ve probably butchered your name there hello aanu hello pyro Badger

ABC jel steal sloth genc Vint prin creepy for dianite Maniac Mr Stars confetti boom good name something normal welcome wickel hello welcome first stream here good first of many I hope how’s everybody doing are we well how we well I feel like you guys are being like just like ludicrously spoiled with

Purgatory content in the last two days me Jack manners who else was there Amy was there sneo sneo Sago the gang tubo exactly same here first stream guys welcome welcome welcome I can’t wait for you to hang out in the Stream see if you like my vibe get ready this is going to

Be a fun POV to watch I swear I swear I’ve got to this is my last day to convince people to watch my POV and convince I shall yeah it’s super cool cheese puff right it’s super cool but I’m not expecting my Purgatory streams to be as

Busy as these streams have been um but it’s a great feeling it’s a great feeling to have so many new people coming in checking out the streams really really appreciate it can’t wait I it’s going to be fun um mix of stuff today I’d like to uh address hey puppy

Bravo thank you for the tier one L just pulled in all night at to watch your V from yesterday was like time to sleep [ __ ] that now she sit here and watch streamer also just found out about you from po too oh let’s go thank

You so much for the first time chat and the tier one sub guys tier one Subs are 25% off right now it’s pretty POG means you don’t get any ads anymore how good is that have watch NPS guys I need to address something hold on let me put on some dramatic music dramatic

Music oh yeah dramatic background music for edit hold on not dramatic enough oh yeah guys I need to address something this is important okay you might have to clip this to put on Twitter it’s very dramatic last night after 4 hours of watching videos from the angry Thomas Channel and from my

Discord I tweeted I totally get the ball ass hype I understand it let me make this very clear the Ballas guys are dope they’re great I loved watching the first few videos I watched this in no way means I don’t like the other teams I just haven’t seen much content from them

Yet we’re going to watch a bunch of soulfire we’re going to watch a bunch of green gay ninjas we love them all I simply started here and the First videos were all about Bolas what can I do some of my good friends are on the other teams why would I not like

Them if you want me to see more soulfire content show me it put it in my Discord the Ballas fan base came out they showed up they posted so much in the Discord I can only see what’s put in front of my eyes people give me a second today will be

Different there will be soulfire there will be green gay ninjas there will be more Bas I love everyone wow that means it was perfect that was so good thanks dramatic music background music for video edits sorry guys I was in Sp I have a breakdown Moment by Charlie slim

Cicle almost got cancel no it was never that serious just to clarify I don’t think anyone was seriously upset I just saw a few people uh tagging me in tweets and stuff of people saying like we should give the other teams a chance I definitely am do not be

Concerned also there is there is something I want to watch I think it’s going to be sad which is a weird sentence the newest angry Thomas video 14 minutes ago turbo says goodbye to his daughter Sunny before leaving for Purgatory 2 wait hold on tubo ranks poory two

Players by how try hard they are hold on who are hold on the new people in purgatory um oh my gosh hold on I don’t know how to pronounce his name but I know him I know him I’ve watched his streams before rodzo I think I think

We’ve I think I’ve responded to him before yeah that’s hype what the [ __ ] let’s go all right who else Crystal Molly cool I’m not sure I know Crystal Molly what community are they from She’s the goat Spanish Community from Mexico sick baji Wait baji’s playing Yo that’s so high yo I swear to God I will better if said I was a sweat us actually wait no maybe it’s better if turbo says I’m not a sweat the goat the goat because then people will think oh he’s not threat fine R when I catch you

Ricky you better go to the wiki there are more people yeah I’m just going for the ones on Twitter first I put up the wiki the French Beast a AO a a exo a x a EXO EXO [ __ ] EXO AO kind of looks like do you remember Ash exoa guys help keep

Trying ex X close oh yeah guys maybe I should have uh maybe I should I set up a new sub goal hold on Boop um maybe I should have set my sub goal to be like should I start knocking out joingo streams yes yes awesome colum CPK thank you for the ra

Oh this was this was this was right as I raided himena that’s so funny is that how I pronounce Melena and then Amy TV and I think sneak yeah I’ve seen fre shout out yeah free shout out and angry Thomas let’s go guest Sinners who are the

Sinners me pack Amy Feb I don’t know who Feb Feb atist Fab Fab Fab Fab Fab Fab you know maybe it’s just because like I don’t know the languages but I can’t help but like say I feel like all the people from like other communities so like Spanish speaking Portuguese

Speaking French speaking they all have like the sickest usernames I swear to God like febatista just sounds hard that’s so sick s soaring Tiba ducks to Bad Boy Halo that’s Pack’s best mate febb his dxic ass cannot leave him alone yes okay L yoga sne SN in Brazil it sounds cute oh

Okay wait a minute this sounds awfully like a wait a minute are they connected no okay long lost sibling sausage maybe maybe all right I’m going to stay away from them name Association name Association aame of everyone in Brazil is it one of those crazy a playing on Purgatory on

His main and on his Al that’s crazy that’s crazy CPK Kenny wait is this Kenny is in Kenny s bro thought Kenny s was in purgatory why on Earth would professional Counter Strike and valerant player Kenny s what wait it’s not right is this is this

The Kenny no that’s a tw’s mate oh why would it be Kenny as I wait Kenny’s stream is not not Kenny S I thought the S and Kenny s was for stream no CS brain rot leave me be bro actually has brain ninjas um B sub ninjas seems cool we

Followed each other on Twitter I’m trying to follow a lot of these people on Twitter but I can only really do it when I find their like tweets popping up on my Twitter for you um but yeah I followed sub ninjas and I followed uh is it

Sing I don’t to get names wrong melena scada that’s a great name as well Scot Scot J baj at Crystal Molly uh nanan natalan sounds so much like nanalan it’s going to convince me that it’s that little puppet the whole time now are you feeling mad yeah are you feeling kind of

Sad yeah tell me you guys are on the same side of Tik Tok as me please please name’s so hard Natan Jimmy boy go as in V ho oh my gosh G Captain c g ghoul GTI in Min in gor I’m so scared of Gill I’m ah Gill’s going to be so good

Menthos Cher warrant Gil I recognize that name from somewhere we’ve been in a lot of events with G I recognize that name from somewhere I don’t know and him himaru hi Maru guys all right I need I need you guys to go through and rank them on

Sweat okay okay me obviously seven out of 10 sweat all right I’m a seven out of 10 did just give himself a seven out of 10 uh stay away from the French you only have a shot of killing Minos trust me um excuse me I’ve killed Gill many times I have

You know no thank you no but no he is no wait wait I I meant he was higher than a seven are you Seven’s low for him tuo sweat his heart out pack we’re going to go five out of 10 sweat okay five out of 10 Amy

Probably a three out of 10 okay what about Feb febbe Fe Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Easter 10 no really really is febbi Feb Feb Feb a 10 are you being for real 10 really really cracked at the game 10 okay soaring soaring out of 10 SAR six

Six okay seven or an eight six seven eight all right we got a range okay Tiber Tiber a three three two three okay two three good Target on Tiber back Target on Amy TV back okay Purgatory is different tubo invites Amy over to his own home to discuss Purgatory with

Amy Amy leaves the home yeah Target on Amy’s back three out of 10 let’s go okay good duck so an eight seven eight Pro okay Pro bad boy Halo 10 J yoga No L yoga L yoga El yoga is like 3 Four 3 four on the sweat scale sneak snag six a

122 he just said sne six he gave himself a seven that’s barely any higher that’s one number you can’t give yourself a seven and then throw a six away what is this what is this I’m sorry I just cannot pronounce the name estest is lost use seven a

Seven on the sweat scale here we go big moment okay CPK five Kenny 10 you’re telling me Kenny s is a 10 man is a guys I’m seething I am seething I’ve messaged him call him right now guys that’s so sweet that you think tobo’s awake at 2 pm

A do you guys even know him think tobo’s awake call him bro it’s 205 my guy is still in bed for sure a five okay okay CPK five is he joking he’s doing sweat level not skill level guys I don’t know how many of you know what MCC is right there was a

Practice server that had a a Time trialed course on it that no one cared about and I spent over a thousand hours getting the best time someone thinks that’s a five there’s a whole emote for look at the emote in chat that’s me just doing the course over and over again five

Five five I am tweeting him I’ve had enough oh my God I’m seething well we’ll see won’t we we’ll see who’s a five Kenny 10 you’re telling me Kenny s is a 10 man is a beast oh gosh oh gosh okay sup ninjas on the sweat scale solid

Zero five 5 six the set schedule is gone for Purgatory six four to six okay set schedule is gone for Purgatory B two one 2 three 0 to three okay okay rodel poor bastard guys yeah guys that felt like you were throwing mad Strays just then guys you were throwing mad Strays

That was rough Ro 5 to S okay Melena 3 to five 10 10 Meena is OG 10 1,000 hi hi rodel oh my God you’re in purgatory hey what’s up we’re we’re why was rodel a tubo mod what what’s going on here oh squid craft games 2 than

Everyone on how sweaty they seem would you like to sub your own ranking yeah I’ve for like five years seven for real all right all right no no I can be eight okay Al I just realized how skewed my time scale is I have not known to for 5

Years at all I know three [Laughter] years okay you’re just mod that’s crazy I’m mod cuz we’re besties oh okay right yes yes absolutely oh yeah does even know why they’re mod that’s so funa 89 10 from 8 to 10 okay 8 to 10 Scotto zero

You can’t be saying zero six 6 1 to four 4 to six sorry guys it’s co timeline isn’t it oh God wild card I’d take Wild Card Jay Von 10 wow that’s that’s a lot barie I’d say look I think Bari is a wild card I feel like Bari had a really

Really tough you know what I do wonder whether uh oh we can pause we can pause we can pause you were there before he ran out of VIP C exactly exactly you think this patory will have teams I mean I said this yesterday in my

Stream um it’s I don’t know if it will but if anything I think that it might uh cuz the way that the video says things from what I remember now I don’t fully remember honestly um but it’s like um eventually there can be only one right or something like

That where’s 60 players come from now I don’t think it’ll be more than 50 players I think it’ll be 50 my idea is that it’s 50 players there’s going to be five teams in initially for like day one and day two maybe or maybe even day

One two and three um and the five people who have previously been in purgatory would be the five team captains I think there more than 50 is there really I’m we like 43 now or something 43 they said with a few more like my I think there was like a timer on the

Invite thing I think we had to do it by yesterday I think I don’t I don’t know I could be wrong yeah then we get separated in solos yeah I agree that’s that was my idea what’s pator someone explain I wish I could explain but it starts tomorrow

And we still don’t know I think that we might get um we might get some info today right um we might get some info today uh just because quak tweeted yesterday qmp poory worldwide tournament tomorrow we will reveal the final list of contestants and also some huge announcements see you on December 17th

At 1 pm PST so quack’s live at 9:00 tonight for the UK and I’m assuming mean we’re getting some Information that would be my guess yeah I don’t think we’ll get too much info no of course yeah CIF fight is ridiculous i’ I’ve one V1 CIF fight a lot start in purgatory 1 but after baji was on team soulfire I think baji kind of [ __ ] clutched the [ __ ] up

I think’s wild card I don’t think I don’t I would not know where to put I think it could be anywhere from like IFI gets [ __ ] over at the start it could be anywhere from like a four but if bgi gets a really good [ __ ] start start

Baji could easily be like a nine bro I think B’s a wild card we don’t know what time pator 2 starts I would guess it’s probably going to be like 6:00 p.m. UK or something that would be my guess on Monday no worries tooth

I think i’ rate Jack manifold a six or a seven maybe I’m going to be honest I love Jack manifold but that’s too high could start at 8:00 pm yeah maybe problem is I hope we I hope we find out at least what time it starts tonight

Because so then what I’m doing tomorrow because obviously I have to I’m changing my like whole stream schedule about this so 1 p.m PST yeah it’s going to be interesting like they said like it’s not just it’s not just PVP just being good at PVP isn’t going to like win you the whole

Thing we don’t know what the events are yet we don’t know what kind of like games we can play Etc with each other it’s it’s going to be fun but it’s hard to speculate who’s going to be good so even the best players might not be great in purgatory you know he however

He did message me and says lo I’m chilling this Purgatory I will never train this [ __ ] his exact words a TW and I quote I’m not sure how believable that is I’m not sure how believable that is I’ve learned about a lot of the disasters yeah I feel like he’s the kind

Of guy to say that and then go full send 10 out of 10 like you know what I meanst yeah that’s what you got a thing right like Bas were just like role players and Builders and they won it like bad boy Halo was bullying that team for so long

But like that wasn’t the only thing to do to win you know so I think it’s going to be the same thing I think it’s going to be a similar Vibe two to six 78 78 Wild Card all right s we do six to eight range okay n

Natalan like baji bit of a wild card depending on the start okay okay she’s good at PVP okay okay not also what you got to remember is too is asking how good everybody is or how much everyone’s going to sweat and like people in the chat aren’t going

To be toxic man there’s always going to be a bit a little bit of bias I was going to be a little bit of bias every single number I see in this I’m taking them down by one 10 8 to 10 all right next up Jimmy

Boy 10 he more sweat than a TW really more sweat than a 12 really 30 out of 10 Jimmy boy a 12’s May okay okay go goom is such a wild card dude go is such a wild card not even being funny I think tuo’s a six no tubo

Underrated himself tub in my opinion in purgatory tubo is like at least a n out of 10 we’re not in charge of the invites it’s completely up to the qmp people uh qmp admins we’re allowed to put forward name Rex but the invites are completely up to them Captain wait put forward name

Recommendations oh my God I wonder if someone put my name forward or if I just got it from tweeting out of 10 sweat scale sweat scale out of 10 10 Oh no you’re kidding right you’re kidding right 10 one and MCC oh my God oh my God you played with

Him in MCC I yeah I know was there was four six four three yeah I did hear about that forever Milly all right all right now speed run we’re speedr running now g g in in g g g in in I’m five 10 8 10 seven wild

Card okay next up AB pix pix AB piby you can’t say zero that’s such BM you can’t say zero that’s such BM wild wild okay wild menthos menthos wild card Cherry R juice out of 10 juice out of 10 what the [ __ ] does juice out of 10 mean that’s a fair

Question French joke okay uh warrant eight out of nine all right Gil 10 15 11 okay stay away um hi Maru a 12 out of 10 N9 seven seven eight okay all right we got some good info we got some good info all right so here’s the

Dealio here’s the dealio puppet Yeahs to go there was some you can post them in the Discord there’s a qmp clip section list blam Discord to join and get in there your father 100,000 blocks away and demand he gets on a boat to go back to the island where you were found

To fight people huh yeah okay I know this might be a lot to take in so there was some hey you brail love to Brazil to kind of have like blank faces right you guys have been super supportive of me since um eyeballs there but just one they’re like little cyclopses but

They’re normal size they’re not very little and they’re also like all powerful and [ __ ] um so are all the eggs ran by like actual people cuz that is wild so what I’m trying to get across to you is that I’m going to be gone for 5

Days because they need me to go and compete in their statistic game sadistic game so I’m going to be gone from the 18th to the 22nd that is wild I don’t really know I don’t have a choice I’m sorry you’re leaving me no not at all I

Will be literally on the on the 23rd how do I get a job as an egg I will can’t be on the qmp can’t be someone’s EG you’re missing my birthday and the surprise I had oh that’s sadit when’s the surprise what what when is the surprise we can celebrate your birthday

Today as well if you want or we can do it on the 17th tomorrow it doesn’t matter P it can wait until you’re back uh you promise you’ll be back yeah of course I’ll be back it’s so cute how they have to I’m not going to go anywhere like who will

Take thing I don’t know can you feed yourself cookies no [Laughter] right sign language fun probably fit probably fit if I had to guess is that chill he is your bodyguard after all okay P I’m fine with that but yeah so basically I was birth surprise for I

Guess that really shows that the people on the qsm he really don’t know what’s coming up next huh ship a couple thousand blocks away and they were like you are take this ship to purgatory and I was like no what about sunny and they were like you don’t

Have a choice and I was like oh okay yeah the eggs are the eggs are a little bit cppy basically then the day after that went down I logged back in and I used my warp Stone to teleport back here uh to see you before I went so I

Don’t I don’t know what’s your two cents what are your thoughts my heart hurts BR I don’t want you to leave me no Sunny pop it it will be okay it will be five days is the same thing in MCC he’s not allowed to know the teams anymore cuz he

Used to leave them all the time back so quick there’s like a really good clip in one of my streams ages ago can’t remember I don’t know if we have the clip to where too just starts talking about how he’s like signed up to MCC and he’s

Super excited about it and I’m like oh he’s like oh have you missed it I was like oh I must have done he was like oh I guess you’re not in the event and then and I was like to go and read the Discord again and he reads it out loud

It’s like um please do not say anything about this being hereit ah like the time you won’t even realize the time is going by you won’t even realize the time is going by it will five days that I won’t have you I’m sorry I know I’m here every day

I know I’m here every day but you got to look on the bright side of things that means that when I get back it will be just as exciting you know yeah any any server that allows tubo to be a father is a concerning server to me

That means that when I get back it will be just as exciting you know yeah and this is Sunny’s trailer tubo built this for sunny isn’t it cool I’ll go for you okay hi fat wow I really wish tubo was still here you know but he’s been [Laughter]

Kidnapped yeah I I know it’s sad Ramon it’s sad he’ll come back though he’ll come back I can’t I think he might be dead though I can’t believe why does he have a poster in the back that says he hates Tommy in it um but I guess because

They’re like best friends and they can do that I actually always saw that poster as if it was Tommy in it saying that he hates people not the other way around actually which is odd was dead oh Sunny how are you doing Sunny oh I really wish your dad was still here

But it’s okay they’re legally married listen Sunny we’re about to steal like 10,000 th gold ingots from Tabo but just just don’t tell anyone okay bro your house looking mighty explodable right now wow it’s like I can still hear them no problem aora I hopefully they

Keep up with my voice okay yeah isn’t this place I know sometimes the captions struggle a little bit did you hear something wo yeah isn’t this place cool I mean it’s good to know that other people also struggle with uh the caption sometimes isn’t this place cool Ramon Verizon displays school do

Timone did you hear something woo I’m a ghost Woo you’re gay [ __ ] gay boy you’re the gayest [ __ ] boy I’ve ever seen I know I wish Tu was here I can barely say it with a straight face oo oh my gosh you want to have gay sex with

Pacoo wow yeah yeah I wish he could be here to show you around too yo why is Ramon’s act so scary my God don’t worry I will not get kidnapped sunny I promise I will not get kidnap it’s the ghost that wants you to go and [ __ ] yourself

Oh I don’t know how this happened Sunny yeah hopefully once your dad’s back from purgatory he can fix it nicest mustache the island you have the finest mustache outside of Brazil you have the finest mustache outside Brazil all right Sunny we’re going to teleport to spawn now take care it’s so

Nice to see you [ __ ] I know you I know where you live hey yo the dual wheel diamond blocks yo I guess nothing’s real anymore come on qmp 21 let’s go is that the admin’s name nothing’s real nothing’s real you want to place down one of those

Reinforced doors come on qm21 like on the inside block there wait wait you’re got to get yourself locked in there Sunny oh I can’t puppet I literally cannot get in to help you nothing happened so true and we’ll just name this ROM and cake oh want a bed for me oh

Thank you so now I just um chilling here I guess fit’s training as a teacher had prepared him to ignore screaming teenager at all oh and you got a bed so he has three other parents but it’s only met this is where we will that sounds complicated you’re not leaving me

Okay we’ll just chill in here in this little here box so I guess this is just where we’ll Chill from now on they can’t get you in here hell yeah they can’t the Brazilian egg has eight parents oh my God so glad you have leaving [Laughter] Privileges nice nice this is so sweet I love it in here and Rising I’m back because there’s a BD outside wait let me out I’ll kick his ass no okay wait am I not allowed to leave this box now at all when the bad guys leave you can go

Okay do you do you know when the bad guys will leave one week no how long are we here it’s so funny they had to keep I don’t know like breaking the sign and putting a new sign down whatever makes you happy we can chill

Here see was on thep he lit come attach to theeg so cute no I wouldn’t shut up B’s still there P let me go get him will you come back yes of course all right I’ll go get him where is he what even is that got

Him back to the back to the room I guess all right let me in in we go well I guess oh I can wow this is for your birthday tomorrow a this is actually very sweet also for you a stop I’ll be back before my birthday I’ll be back before

Then sorry just stretching do you promise because I have plans for your birthday plans for my birthday what do you mean I I never do anything for my birthday this is actually very cute this was not the intended outcome surprise of gosh I never do anything for my birthday

I didn’t even do anything for my 18th it’ll be cute P okay if you insist is that okay with you yes no of course it’s that’s very exciting I just I’m not used to that kind of bits and Bobs you know what I’m saying I think you’ll like it okay I’m

Excited now but you better be back P just commissioned my Purgatory skin o especially because it’s so close to Christmas you got to celebrate that too pinky sweat yes I pinky promise I’m holding you can’t see but I’m holding my pinky up yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Absolutely Sparrow who else absolutely I swear who else do I go to I’m holding you to it okay that’s more than okay because was live for a sake oh okay I think we’ve seen this is this has been a good run this is very sweet but it’s making me attached to their

Relationship I I can’t believe I get my own video look at that wow that’s my name yeah I got I got a video from Angry Thomas Agy I think from yeah look at that oh yeah I was the guy I was the guy I was in so many

Clips hey thank you for the seven stream streak Mitch that was the guy right this title is so jarring Jaden became everyone’s favorite meat sack to farm kills on can’t even begin to tell you how weird the word meat sack makes me feel can’t really explain it it just

Makes me feel a bit weird meat sack sadly it’s [Laughter] accurate um right let me have a little look through the the Discord links if you guys want me to watch some soulfire clips show me some let’s see let’s see oh yeah wait hold on I want to have

A look at this I don’t want to watch the whole thing I think the same spot just threw it on my head immediately oh God trous oh my gosh trousers hey little buddy so I got told yesterday that when tuo went on children in need which is like a massive charity

Thing here in the UK gosh little buddies well that sells it he did in fact make a children fight pit on his live stream it was sweet he’s making them fight these children are a need it was for charity so it [Laughter] justifies don’t want to watch the finale ones

Yet cuz then I have this open too cuz I want to I want to watch some of these I know this is not Purgatory this is just the actual story stuff but I do want to learn a little bit about this stuff as well we still don’t know what the little

Buddies are but you may meet some they’re very nice I hope so I hope so are there any videos here that are good examples of other teams so we saw this we saw this we saw this we saw this one they only post to roleplay stuff have

Watch a video of no you know I would like to watch an actual event yeah is there any good perspectives of like not necessarily a full event but like highlights egg defending egg defending can has everyone’s POV but is this actually the egg defending event or is this just

People reacting to it being a thing it’s the egg Wars video top right okay okay okay yeah I’d like to watch this I’d like to watch this I want to see what like a full event looks like let’s just see just expect the word just

To clarify cuz I keep see again A lot of people are talking about this I don’t think this is preparing me for Purgatory I don’t think there is any way to prepare for Purgatory I think all I can do is literally just watch videos that teach me about the qsm

Because I’m going to be albeit a very very small part of the qmp um unless I eventually make my way into the main server somehow um but you know it’s slim chance um I just want to learn about this community more so that I’m at least

More clued up by the time I get in in general uh it’s more for myself than anything else so you know just so we are all on the same on same but wor honestly they’re going to say to us like yeah we don’t kill the eggs we just we just uh mov

Hope I don’t die movie time greetings Restless compe let’s get the point you are here to fighten the rules are Al it’s been very sweet seeing everyone’s nice tweets about watching my vods and stuff and seeing that I’m a nice streamer 4M Pacific I apprciate it you

Will begin hunting for the opposing team on each team amidst the three bases there will be a central cornicopia you may be able to get materials for your success they will each have a visible life bar to show that wiling Health you will have to defend it with your life

Thankfully I am generous you will respond closer to your base for the duration so generous okay that’s good you will also retain inventory wait that’s actually so cool is good this is good real we should make some TNT though percent for it says it doesn’t explode

Terrain though yeah your but like we if we hide TNT in the castle it’s not going to Destro there go there go there go May to your eggs will only result in suffering yeah sure the best team win fun I think we should make a bunch of

Flint and steel by the way right that’s that’s good I have my chain so we okay guys oh I got tpd you got the chainsaw wait what are the chances they put like disaster you’re going to get TB Jen take everything oh there I am bro this what

What is this what they what do they want I think they need czy that’s like the whole point we’ve been prepping for 4 days for this bro at this point I’m not I don’t even have the energy to talk to them anymore honestly [ __ ] this oh did

Bad just hit me oh bad did just hit me where are you right here’s right he’s ke I think he’s going to be behind you yeah oh you’ll find out let’s see whose horse is faster I think our horses are faster my horse is definitely faster than

Hising yeah my horse was faster yeah better here he’s trying to hit you with bows dude yeah he’s at that King you bit I’m killing his horse I have the chu I see his oh that’s really small oh mine yours here okay I’m getting off my horse

Okay we’re going to get out of the group yeah yeah here I’ll get off the horse what that means that means the assistant look at this guy what the [ __ ] are you just killing Him Selby did not come to mess around all right we were talking s yeah I did too talk my with my sword yeah Dam oh here okay yeah so he still okay they’re already spawning with their stuff I’m going to off there go go

Get in get in get in get go I’m going to I’m going to defend I’m going to make sure he doesn’t come in here oh can we not Pi it out I’m taking all the bicycle for you guys oh it doesn’t start yet yeah just pick up the bikes I guess for

Now just so they don’t he’s got a good sword guys he’s got a really good sword help him help Jaden oh no don’t worry about it I have to B uh we should all stay in the center though yeah yeah like just just just get the center and survive

It help it help it they can try to go up walking up and flossing in of us I know just back up just back up hey Jaden oh yeah let’s buy beer I want to buy beer too but sell beit doesn’t we all just talking in the

Middle right now came for the c community to me thank you guys honestly it’s been it’s has been so cool like seeing all the new people coming in from other communities the good thing for me is guys that I’m a usually I’m an early streamer this is my normal stream time

You know who else streams at this time almost no one I can be your favorite streamer while your favorite streamer is not live let’s Go oh also I saw a clip uh hold on let me let me pull it up let me pull it up yeah we got the morning crew pull exactly um I think it was on selit updates oh they followed me lovely uh let see if I can find the

Tweet uh I saw that selbit mentioned me on stream and I want to tell the story quickly it’s funny uh let me find it hold hold hold hold here I’ll entertain you with some music hold I’m trying to find the clip I can’t find it hold I can’t find it it’s

Someone where is it I actually can’t find it little dude thank you for the tier one brings us one step closer to our goal of doing a 12-hour stream uh which will probably be much easier um in uh you know in in the coming days because we’re going to have long streams

Anyway so we can bump one to a 12 hour if we hit it uh you know what it’s important to find the clip so that we can talk about it with actual context but I can’t find it you tweeted oh my God I did why am I so stupid don’t answer

That that is rhetorical I don’t need you guys berating me all right all right B right so yeah there was this clip right and I mean obviously I had to translate it because I I don’t understand obviously so assuming the translation didn’t lied to me he said that we met in

Vegas uh and we met in Vegas while we were playing 21 now uh also known as blackjack right let me tell you about this cuz here’s the thing when I was in when I was in Vegas I didn’t really talk about I mean obviously the like everywhere was a casino pretty much um

So uh I went to I went to a festival called When We Were Young festival with Jack manifold and my wife we went to uh watch like loads of bands um and one of my friends bands was playing which is cool cuz I finally got to meet him for the first

Time ever which is sick uh so that was very cool um and you have a wife yeah here we go good good stuff guys haha big meme I’m married um God throat um so and then afterwards we were like oh uh what is everybody up

To and everyone was like oh we’re all at this place right so we went to this casino and when we went up there I was like oh I had I hadn’t really this whole time while I was in Vegas I had really spent any money um like I was just like

Chilling you know um we were busy every day and doing fun stuff and so it wasn’t really around the casino boring I mean we everybody there stayed in one basically because that’s where the hotels are um and then we got there and I was like oh it like when I bumped into

Quak and like said hello it’s qu was chat to quy and um then like he introduced me to some of the people around there getting married and all that silly goofy stuff yeah we were getting married and stuff we got married in Vegas by the way

Guys lot of hugs thank you for the tier one guys we’re so close to our H train o hope you’re having a good day I am having a good day not sure why TTS isn’t working but thank you thank you thank you um with the Elvis guy no no no no no

Not quite with the Elvis guy and I saw they were playing Blackjack and I was like oh I think I’m going to play a little bit of blackjack with the guys so I don’t remember exactly who was on the table but like quy was there selbit was there and that

Was where we met um and when I say I went on one of the most Monumental Blackjack runs arguably in the world and like I don’t really play blackjack right and there was a few of us playing and then everyone else sort of stopped and like quy and cell were

Still like sat on the table and uh I literally had like $50 and it was sudden like $25 to play it it was it was very expensive and everyone else just stopped playing so it was just me versus the dealer like over and over again so it

Meant that the hands were happening very fast it was like your cards my cards hit all right cool done next game um so I literally only played for like 15 20 minutes but it was going so well that like people would have sort of stood around watching and there was this

Beautiful moment where I’d won like six hands in a row and I was contemplating whether I even wanted to play anymore I was like M maybe I’ll stop big Q the absolute hero the absolute hero said one of them is going to be a losing hand and he said I’ll

Take that losing hand for you right so I didn’t play and Quack played one hand it lost like he predicted it would and I went on to win the next like seven hands straight uh so big Q clutched up for me that’s the goat um and then uh yeah I

Literally like then went and cashed the money out I think I put like $50 in and we left with about 500 or something it was crazy it was crazy but yeah that’s that’s where I met selbit and stuff and it’s cool that he remembers it the same way that’s nice

You know whenever I meet like other streamers or other creators my big worry is that like I meet them and then like I’m like oh that was so cool like that selit selit is sick but then like I don’t have that same effect on them and

It’s like I meet them again they’re like oh nice to meet you and you’re like oh so cool that s remembers it like the same way that’s very nice and that’s my story uh qier he’s there he’s there to check the chest well wait the are spending New Years in

Brazil that’s going to be sick that’s going to be sake yeah thank you to all the communities for being so welcoming it’s so cool no friendly oh kid what no come on it’s probably for the chest I’ll be honest a fud my client crashed is he horsing is he horsing

There at least you knowy with the pretty voice I don’t think that’s the compliment you think it is did you play Among Us with him at the end yes I played Among Us with cell bit last week too um but obviously I joined a little late so I didn’t really have

Much chance to chat to these guys if you want I can turn on I can turn on the nice voice I can just like talk slower and quieter so I sound uh like cooler Welcome to My Stream it’s me selit Community the one with the nice voice hello

Welcome yeah yeah yeah okay let’s go back let’s go back okay can you sound less English all right that’s a bit did they take it all yeah well hi there my name is CPK I’ve been for about four to five years um I love um just playing Minecraft I love

Uh don’t don’t eat it don’t e it ah this is great so let me get this straight this event was basically just giving the enemy team like more powerful gear uh TR carry thank you for the resub appreciate that welcome back for four months huge yeah exactly never been a c

Stre guys don’t Fu the Blue Bay because they yeah just like they’re just like normally me and my boys are playing like Minecraft and stuff but like sometimes we play like fortnite okay okay punch those dead dogs punch that that dogs we are we are having fun bad boy well I’m glad

Someone’s let let me let me have fun one day I don’t think this is very fun the man of many accents where is he truly from look look it’s fun yeah it will be fun got Roy here fortnite we’re about to get down get down stay in here just stay in

Here I’m not leaving you do Australian accent Cyber Champ thank you for gifting a tier one guys the hyp train is close oo Australian accent oror oror I’m not having a fight right now let’s live look it’s so Fun honestly I I I think we should go for blue let’s go for blue got unlock mate over yeah we pile them that’s fair makes with the kids they were scared they would kill their own kids to kill one of the fake oh you think they will yeah going on

Top wow they’re actually I understand Eng really that’s so si uh are you with me okay if you dig uh maybe three or four layers this way why does this look like it’s happening very very easily yeah why is no one stopping this okay he doesn’t want to play yet

Let’s let’s down yeah yeah I don’t think keeping like killing the a bunch comboed comboed that was disgusting okay he doesn’t want to oh BL only have three people oh okay yeah yeah I don’t think keeping like killing the look w we are not we are not killing the

We kill the egg to have the he died like one two three four five six seven eight nine times already keep killing me [ __ ] it okay I’m hey I’m not I was I wasn’t really planning on attacking you hey I wasn’t really planning on attacking you but

Yeah go for it let’s fight sbit you don’t lose stuff if you fight uh yeah you sure let’s let’s [ __ ] do it let’s go yeah I feel like at knew exactly what he was doing here oh tubbo can it be there for this one that sucks oh good tea drink good tea

Drink go yeah tea is crazy for keeping you alive what because it’s just an egg this whole time just an egg nice we don’t we don’t know if the real eggs are in there you know no no no but but we don’t want you to take the risk bro just

C right here they’re right here they’re right here down here down down down here read my bubbles I just can’t see where they’re at the way they die it’s so fast he just goes just goes SPL into the ground it’s right below me where do you think I’m

Shooting at I am not going to win against oh they built like a little house or something I’m going to go you’re using a bucket of lava a clutch it’s Ro please attack the red team did you guys uh how much life does the blue EG have uh it

Has uh 80 80 or something like that yeah no no no that’s 12 that’s 12 please please no it stop stop stop stop stop someone save me what has happened here with the LA what is going on sorry oh I right here it’s going to

Trans nice nice nice it us a couple of days to build the bases oh that’s W tap W tap oh he’s cracked now we’re going to watch Q story at some point I am not cracked okay my bro my BR my BR to my BR my BR my bro my

Bro my br I want to have fun it’s a Content event let me have [ __ ] fun [Laughter] dude yes [ __ ] is the worst player ever okay I need to make more armor do we have diamonds no bro just farming this let’s go let’s

Go let’s go let’s go pit no no no no no no no I did not guys where’s the egg on the on the red base lotes not sure yeah I’m protecting and with 57 kill I I didn’t want to use El right next I’m not opposed to watching an I’ve got Phil oh

[ __ ] he falling building like how is that person not falling off what bro how are they not falling off I’m here foolish I’m here he’s coming down he’s coming down he’s coming down he’s on you wow you know what I’m going to go with my chainsaw this is time someone

Someone say 100% on our in our base I guess oh wait where’d he go oh I think he fell I think he fell okay okay so the chains killed the armor of the people the chainsaw killed like no one except the good idea good ide so make some chainsaw

If you can who I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming no worries no worries I got them I got them let’s [ __ ] go can uh please elevator one more time fit if you can oh man I can’t be doing this I can’t be doing this no no no no

Fit cannot be doing this B can you can you take a block I’m good I’m going stay up here I’m going to stay up here you can break it break break horrible timing for this gas gas gas gas gas gas g g gas gas gas [Applause]

Gas baby gas [ __ ] go so Bas all wanted gas because they have the gas mask that is 3 seconds wait 3 seconds it’ll be tougher to see and Phil keep trying to go up that’s so clever likea oh they have a grappling hook yeah he has he’s right underneath he’s going

To try to drop water I’m guessing forever should I go to Red base yes please okay okay I go to Red we need aoun attack yeah yeah come with me can’t see [ __ ] the [ __ ] fog okay guys I’m I made it I dropped water so are you on

There right now oh wow I didn’t how much that limits your point like your view I just keep Hing okay I keep placing water oh so you are low and you’re what I say I’m [ __ ] Sonic man I I I just discovered something or leaves they help them climb up go leaves

The leaves yeah oh I see where are you I’m going I’m going to die I’m going to die the guest the guest the guest the guest the get out of here oh huge I’m going to oh he blocked me we need it oh my goodness oh yeah my did he

Just take that teams this is ridiculous did he just take green g a bunch of XP inopia holy [ __ ] wait a minute take everything take everything wait a minute oh my God ACH go more building blocks okay you guys need to come here you guys need to come here okay okay

Okay so blue is helping red now oh damn blue egg has actually just been removed from the game pay attention wait blue egg is officially REM the game wait so what does that mean like blue blue still get to play and only have the so I’m Prett certain

The way they were defending it it’s at the top cover in were right there I was gas masks and umbrellas and stuff yo oh nice Mama cucha thank you so much for the tier one I’m fing I’m fing one second oh man guys you honestly don’t understand how

Grateful I am for the support you guys are popping off thank you so much so so generous I where [ __ ] egg is welcome to the kit Club you get some you get some cool benefits you get some cool benefits look at these B yeah that’s right we got

Benefits for being a tier one you get access to sub on the are of the Discord access to playing sub Sunday Vivid thank you for the tier one I don’t know why it’s doing that noise instead of the you’re my tier one sub though not sure I’ll work that out um

Tier 2 gets access to all previous perks handwritten card or a personalized video message and name add it to end of the YouTube videos and tier three Subs get access to all previous perks they get VIP uh I get to I’ll be in one video or

Stream for them and uh they can also pick a game from a game list pretty POG pretty POG I’m trying to find ways to give back to the people who support me the most and uh it’s very very kind of you guys I’m very very grateful very very grateful let’s

Go please defend and if one as well I’m trying to get up all these tier ones help me get closer to partner plus search from the egg I don’t know where it is can I die please that’s kind of a waste but there’s so many Health was oh you

Hype train started yo hype train started and Trier with the five gifted which means they get a lovely little wheel spin hold on hold Good Luck Good Luck whe Whe oh boy custom paint drawing right trer what do you want I’m uh I’m not good at Art but it’s funny let me know what you want while we watch thank you for the five gifted guys hype train is now active there’s no better time to sub sorry I missed this

Again you uh you no longer get uh ads if you’re a sub and it’s 25% off subs right now pretty good and right now there’s a new hype train so the EG don’t know it is you get new emotes please that’s kind of a waste but there’s so many he that is so

Clever okay I’m going he just like stole their egg here we need that still wait that’s doing less damage than a sword did though wait Phil that was me Phil that was me why is the axe crit doing so little damage you’re at the base I’m near all the

Furnace oh no it’s why it’s going to kill me okay well at least it wasn’t a dwall yeah I [ __ ] hear fish just killing our egg what can you get in there I I don’t I don’t know uh let me no obsidian it’s all blocked by obsidian

Yeah I just [ __ ] up ourg he’s it fills it it fills it right there I’m coming to the to the to the Bas no worries no worries I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming sand maze in oh that’s trying to break I’m going I’m going the to use the

To use the to use the to I cannot use it unless I see the egg forever that’s what I told you earlier hey calm down calm down calm down C down what the [ __ ] it’s an event with pixels man [ __ ] game Cal we need we need I’m coming I’m

Coming I’m coming no no no no don’t come don’t come find their eggs find their eggs okay I think it’s Tina okay Tina’s here used theed boom just keep plugging it up no they’re using the items they’re using the items I don’t have any OB keep

Filling it in as I get more obsidian I’m how long does it last how I think it’s I think it’s on immune again I think it’s un immune there’s no way hold go go go go break again break again break again it’s it’s obsidian to

Protect okay okay go go go go go wait wait I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying it’s it’s so hard to break okay there go go go go good job that’s perfect again oh other side other side they should have placed a different block so they couldn’t keep placing the

I I said quacking the the Stars okay keep going and I can fill it in again yep get him get him this is tubo and sunny for you to draw okay this is going to be this is going to be such an offensively bad drawing right tubbo and

Sunny here we go uh color head is tub I have darker brown than that uh Brown dark okay right uh this is going to be turbo hold this is art by the way brand oh brand and blond of course the the blonde streak don’t worry I’m not I’m not going

To miss the blonde streak I’m not going to miss the blonde streak hold on uh kind of blonde it kind of wisps out a lot too too hold on there you go right there that’s tuo’s head how do I draw an egg on a white background uh I’m going to make the egg

Disproportionate the egg is going to be large I think it kind of looks like this all right this is good this is good right uh egg is egg shape this is good see guys this is what five gifted can get you isn’t this crazy art stre yeah exactly amazing it’s

A triangle no it’s an egg uh and from when I saw it they had uh sunglasses on so we’re going to make some some floating sunglasses this is Talent bear in mind I have seen this egg for a total of I mean three minutes abstract egg yeah yeah yeah don’t worry

Don’t worry don’t worry uh also had a big backpack on but that was behind it so I mean uh there that’s this is going to be the backpack very obviously a backpack you can tell oh and a pink crown thanks of course uh uh Let’s do let’s do a crown like

This don’t know what kind of crown uh she had but it’s going to be like this I’m customizing now if there’s one thing I know is that she likes money oh yeah of course wait sorry and the um oh wait actually wait there were feet there were definitely feet I remember seeing the

Feet there you go yeah guys honestly I should side hustle art really I really should I should side hustle art um uh okay yeah diamond blocks uh in hand yeah it doesn’t just do 2D guys he does 3D drawings as well it’s crazy uh and it was actually in it was in both

Hands so yeah wow wow wow dogs out all right I’ll give her sneakers there she’s got the new uh the new dunks there you go um I have made turbo disproportionately small now though let’s uh let’s let’s uh let’s restart tubo let’s make tubbo a bit bigger as

Much as I do like the idea that tubo is absolutely tiny next to the egg uh that’s probably a more accurate size uh kind of messy hair no disrespect it’s a style choice right get the get the blonde back in you tell me this doesn’t like look

This you can already tell this is tubo it’s either tubo or selit tubo was just far away you also do perspect oh so true so true tubbo was far away yeah yeah yeah uh right how do you draw how do you draw tubo uh oh that’s that’s too far

Down give him like a alpha jawline jeez um color of tuo’s eyes probably probably Brown are they brown blue I don’t know I’ll give them blue eyes not a clue can’t say I’ve really looked into his eyes very often to be fair we spent a lot of time together but

I haven’t looked into his eyes and maybe that’s a me problem uh let’s change the size down yeah I really do it all and he’s he’s happy he’s happy because he’s spending time with his egg um right let’s do the rest of his body this is going to be a crime uh right

Neck uh arms what are his arms doing he’s just flailing wildly why not why not and then he’s reaching out with this one there you go uh perfect legs easy bang done that fine um oh you know what else tuo’s been doing recently here we’ll make this

Really realistic uh this is going to be a table as you can probably tell from the unbelievable perspective job I’ve done on that uh and on here is going to be his DJ decks see I’m including up I’m clued up I know what he does it kind of looks like a

Stove um so to make it extra clear I’m going to give him a there’s a neon sign behind him that says DJ uh tubster hands uh easy mate there you go kind of looks like he’s got Maracas not not what I meant here but uh and he can have you know what they’ve

Got matching shoes because that’s just the kind of dad he is wow aren’t you glad you paid five gifted to get this what a treat um if you let me know your Twitter or something I’ll I’ll tweet I’ll tweet you it I’ll tweet it to you hold

On tubs uh no excuse me definitely says DJ tubster right it’s just my twitch perfect um at Trier oh there you are oh wait is it is it the word trickery am I stupid have I just been saying your name wrong this whole time oh

No surely C Picasso oh it’s not oh thank God C Picasso sounds actually pretty good maybe I should be called that I didn’t was just trying to say hi that was great guys you are red you are red look press T right now you are red wait are you guys doing okay against

Green Team uh yeah sure look around wait was that that big sand base that is huge I mean if they came from above the fact that the blue team is on the red is just crazy like this is just crazy how tough do you guys guys think we are okay guys

It’s hard okay okay no worries I’m going I’m going I’m going wa what was the reasoning for red absorbing the blue team was there I’m sure there was something some logic to it or is it just that their team was out first so they just put them on another team and red

Were losing blue team got roll yeah yeah I saw I saw is it for this day yeah yeah yeah I figur I figured oh green also got some blue memb okay okay friend we need to find please the egg but I don’t know where it is so

How are how is we’re killing the egg we’re killing the egg yes yes yes do it do it do it do it do nice nice nice nice nice uh-oh they’re in oh [ __ ] I need the CH I’m going to do the CH but oh dude it’s so [ __ ]

Yeah it’s it’s [ __ ] a lot going on sorry sorry sorry all right there we go we did so much damage holy [ __ ] we almost killed I’m dumping lava in where is the iron we I I put some iron in the chest to the me and foolish got into their thing

Without them knowing and we started killing it really slowly and then eventually they found us and started like like uh breaking through so guys I put I put some iron in the chest and they not here anymore do you have it you need the chain foolish being a totem

More likely than you might think should try we should try warrior in and for’s here for’s here guys guys guys in the egg okay they finally got me where is he where is he good job good job good job okay yeah tea seems absolutely wild I

Got to learn how to make tea fast H guys I need someone to elev okay I can see what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay nice all he’s out hold up I’ll shoot him all right good job good job nice nice nice nice nice there’s a there’s a

There’s obsidian shell in in the middle of the castle there’s obsidian shell with lava in also did they fill it all back up I don’t know how all they have to do is defend now I don’t know how the [ __ ] we’re going to break it we we have to

Find the elevator dude I’m going to dedicate myself to finding this [ __ ] elevator what do you want me to do I’m going to die I could try to oh that’s the building he I’m going to die I’m going to die maybe they might not know

It might have been I’m in just right now just right now he put it’s not possible in the obsidian yeah nice nice I distracted them [ __ ] you but I’m going to distract them don’t worry just keep doing just keep doing [ __ ] just keep doing [ __ ] we distract them as soon as I

Get up there [ __ ] death message get out of my face okay oh if you win that fight oh god oh you go fish me how that bow and arrow doesn’t hit what the [ __ ] may you I it was of course he doesn’t yeah this is the pl time I asked

For okay there I I think I’m just going to camp out and wait till they go they like where is a beast okay are you guys still the center obsidian [ __ ] I got in there they’ve put lava around the egg how the hell do we got yeah it doesn’t take damage to Lava

So I don’t know how that okay okay gotcha gotcha gotcha so fun cage cage hello B boy hello we are going to die together oh almost that’s so much fun damn it this could be so much different if we got to Blue first oh it’s backwards again change again kill me please

He same yeah you should definitely just Tower up set up scre Scot of that take screenshots yeah yeah we should we should get a bunch of blocks and do it the thong the tongue yeah yeah [ __ ] it we bullas we Bas yeah we Bas buas buas buas buas bu

Bu should I see them a lot of bunnies did fit not see I’m going to try to go up too I think I don’t know bro quag is like uh at 12 P at this point but I need more following him around oh wait who’s running from now who’s running from aall

Who’s running from aall I’m sorry no I’ll help you I got you um I don’t see anyone here is coming Nikki is coming coming that’s bad cuz make it make sense make it make sense am I going through or not [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what

The [ __ ] oh what was that oh Charlie our secret weapon we sa our secret weapon I I cannot prend the 12 I don’t even know I people just arriving halfway through the event I might iy go sneaky I’m here to help here let’s [ __ ] go

Slime fing it let [ __ ] go where do I need to be where do I need to be Commander to the castle you’ll probably spawn the okay I don’t know I don’t know uh El where are you where are you I’m in the I’m in the red base but I don’t

Understand where it is do you have our food please I’m running out food man uh not not many but I can give you a bits at red team but I don’t understand maybe I can kill this [ __ ] bull where boy explain me okay kill him kill him kill

Him what the hell that thing looks ridiculous finish at 12 finish at 12 I see I see him I see him I see do have fire get him get him yes yeah let’s let’s dance on this body I’m going to this moment I had to I unleash chainsaw

Roy get like like 10 lives over us but he’s worked he’s back back and kill me 100 times but okay okay uh uh foolish is behind is beneath our base on the obsidian he’s trapped inside the obsidian I’m see the day when I was holding out the fort with bad boy Halo

Dude this is therapy right here let’s [Applause] Go [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I was I could hear you I could just hear you hitting it I was fighting I was fighting F when you prepare to defend they’re going hard defend they’re coming hard they’re coming hard they’re coming oh my God never I was just so hyped I

Think I think it’s over like our egg is going to die so the only way for us to win is if we kill their egg as well yeah that’s what saying but it just died yeah GG’s GG’s okay let’s everyone go to their base now let’s everyone go to their base screen

Element that’s what she said forever is here where where uh he’s like by the chest scen element out of yeah I want to think about this it’s not the real EG don’t worry about it about it don’t tonight good job good job oh my God see you later great team see you

Later that’s annoying that’s really [ __ ] annoying you constantly just keep messing with fit and and forever yeah dude fit was chasing after me cuz I so I killed forever so dude so first I killed forever then fit was digging after me in the obsidian I would keep

Digging placing lava like I’ve seen of Roy being at Roy is a beast oh my God you [ __ ] Legends [ __ ] [Applause] dumb that chainsaw breaks so quickly top forever it really does it really oh my God [ __ ] [Applause] Dumb so quickly on top forever it really does it really does forever we need team we need how is she digging like that what was that what pickax she who’s on top got on Top’s on top on top yeah please my shuffle my inventory Shuffle freezing snow it’s all sit around a

Campfire come to the front front of the castle the castle I think they already realized B we were protecting on top of the maze it’s a fake one only I know where the real one is uh oh [ __ ] but it um I I I feel like it’s better I don’t

Say it so they don’t met a game wild that’s so smart that’s so smart back up back up back up back up back up I feel like this is like an RPG okay especially when you’re in the really tight Corners okay got okay Jesus Christ how long do we still have to to

Keep 20 minutes it’s so much time on me on me I’m I’m not even attacking you I’m just blown up oh my God I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m not even attacking you got got is the [ __ ] wait they found it they found it um always said that was a cool person

But I someone in our base or like put your in a group no okay oh good crits good it’s me it’s me’s F over here my God don’t kill them don’t kill them don’t just run R oh okay I’m coming I’m coming I have The Chins field don’t worry yeah Jane

Somewhere like somewhere down here there is somebody holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it’s it’s where wa hold hold I don’t go go I don’t see them all right nice I did you just chainsaw his ass yep how the [ __ ] is Assa allowed bro it’s your server where I’m supposed to be

Defending no one knows where this godam oh what I idea I last fit I’m just going to ho [ __ ] slam the ground dude uh Royer’s coming from the south He’s forever foolish let’s [ __ ] pull off this guy let’s pull off this guy oh the egg is actually one of the weirdest things he’s ordered from Amazon for sure don’t want to ruin the moment sorry oh my wait okay I don’t care I don’t care

Get over here you good was in us the whole time having a date she’s to let me see it oh what’s that timer is the timer where is the timer where is the timer they’re really hitting that are we good did we do B are that was actually no that just that was

Just my hot pocket guys that was I got you I got you oh my God oh the mask on the vtu is such a nice touch what the hell and the logo that’s sick that’s sick I cover here ourg I was so close wait it was wait it was just right there why was like a double attack on is here oh [ __ ]

Where is it it was oh yeah with obsidian yeah wait where are you guys well this who’s put this lava okay it was there it was die what get rid of this [ __ ] lava hey stop putting lava here what the [ __ ] this base is just so huge man I I I

Didn’t knew that the egg wouldn’t be displaying like I was thinking that it would be have some like because it’s a tower defense so I was thinking that we could see the tower in this way I was thinking that our base would be better but like as it could just hide in the

Egg I think oh never was 15 minutes more sub we had a we had ating show for for bait and we had the actual one uh hitting uh so here it is right here forever what I was is that like so just quick thing yeah because we have an option for time

Out neb as a channel Point Redemption uh neb I I run a YouTube channel called All Things MCC uh that is all about like MCC would you believe the Minecraft event um and neb works for me on that channel uh but he’s in the streams a lot and stuff

As well and he just time says weird stuff like last year he was trying to purchase the stuff so that he could boil his own Red Bull uh I saw him the other day in someone else’s chat asking if he could remove his eyelashes like brus says

Weird stuff so every now and again we have to reel him back in and time him out uh so we have a we have a timeout uh option in Channel Point redemptions he’s a good guy God he says some weird stuff like we didn’t but he’s a very

Very good editor we didn’t want to kill and he carries my channels so he he’s dead right I never got I never got to the blue I never got to the blue b yeah we found a blue egg but we hit it until we got like 10% of Health I don’t think

We hit The Blue Egg someone hit chat it said that s kill the admin removed our egg once it got down like is the only one that got killed because the the point that the point I’m saying is that if we finish at The Blue

Egg we would have the same points as you guys because we were the first one to got to The Blue Egg so it would be up to the kills but we didn’t finish the blue egg and that’s where we lost if the eggs actually died because of this it’s all

On you guys we didn’t kill any EG I’ll take that I’ll take so wait is that true though would wood green potentially have won that event if uh they did Kill The Blue Egg well that is what I call a divided opinion chat oh my God it would have

Been a tie okay red got a bonus for the build oh okay okay hard to tell yeah that makes sense that makes sense thank you for the info guys I appreciate it um can I start on some of these oh wait actually let me look at let me look at

Some of the someone said there was like tubo moments something in in the Discord let me look at tubo moments oh so many guys thank you for posting so many Clips in the Discord I really appreciate it this one stream if I capture the

Flag IM trying to watch BL it’s to out I don’t think I watch a full 2our POV goodness me that’s the law Recaps yeah yeah yeah I I just kind of want to see them I haven’t really seen what the law stuff looks like it’s time stamped

Oh yeah no tubbo section is two hours long I’d really need like a highlights thing to watch this I can watch a bit of it yeah sure boys I am on the way holy get your ass in here it is time we’re doing good do strategically I think we’re going to

Win oh was this right after the Tet event that I came second place in see I’m taking Flags back and making them our own we’re getting our ass we [ __ ] need you hey man I’m has been warming up for the last 4 and a half hours

Bring all right you listen to me team and you listen to me right now when I say an instruction I don’t want I don’t want to hear a yes I don’t want to hear sure I don’t want to let’s go I want a yes coach can I get a yes coach yes

Coach coach I see this okay I want yes coach yes coach in this [ __ ] right [ __ ] now that’s what I’m saying now we’re going to get onto that field and we’re going to do what they couldn’t in 1999 night NFL we’re going to [ __ ] win n there’s no way tubo knows the 1999

NFL did he just imply that he is Dan Reeves wasn’t even alive oh god oh Chad don’t do that to me Jesus it makes me feel older than I am holy moly old old old I’m entering sounds good oh God oh God oh Jesus okay oh my God oh my God kill

Their [ __ ] annoying ass horses we have 13 minutes yeah I’m going to go to their spawn and try and kill their horses there’s a corner cop as anyone get to retir him you guys are so funny I have no idea how the game works but I’m going for it they just putting

It in the wrong spot what is this oh oh so wait was tubo late because of tub flag take them back to our Zone and convert them um all right I’m about to end some rap scallions in ways they thought not possible friendly is imagine being late for Purgatory just

To come last in your own event I don’t think he actually came last wa they I’m just toxic yeah cuz I was able to hit teammates oh [ __ ] where’s the food where’s the food he did come last oh oh do I just not have guys I don’t have a

Shi until now do do we have enough materials to make a shield yeah we do guys I’m going to need someone to explain to me how on Earth to play this video game oh yeah just to clarify weirdly I had seen I’ve seen quite a lot of this

Because I watched when he was there for the full time I think um was this only one day was it just this because if so I’ve actually seen a lot of this form this is nothing like the NFL I can explain if you’re patient all right there’s flags all over there’s flag

Zones all over the battlefield you need to break their Flags I actually seen them I was watching uh I was watching some of the like bring oure and it into a blue one that no we don’t really have anything SP people R to like convert the flags and

Then some people to like Place Flags because you can only convert one at a time so I think um assigning like some people roles will just help them like quickly know what they have to do all right the rules all right that’s it Flags I want I want

Baji pack and quy on defense the rest of you I want killing I want you to be my death squad okay yes okay so I just went to the cornia they had a ton of flags here I’m bringing seven back oh [ __ ] that’s friendly far oh bring the flags back my flag

Dropped that’s me f um um defense position this is exactly what I want to hear Kid get on that field I know your I know both your ankles did you just I called your kid I called you kid I know both your ankles broken both your legs spray your

Arm that could be a good way to watch it yeah wait what’s it called I have the Page open I would like to see it from other povs like as a general sort of thing oh is it this they ready also to everyone checking out my stream first of all

Thank you um I really appreciate it um I’m tpk I’m a I’m a full-time daily streamer um and I’m very very grateful for this opportunity well we’re in sub only mod for 30 seconds guys if you’re a sub Flex um I’m super grateful for the opportunity to even be a part of the

Purgatory I want to thank all the other communities who have been so gracious in accepting me in and just being kind um and it’s very very nice and hopefully you enjoy your time in my streams I know it’s going to be hard to decide who to watch for Ator because there’s going to

Be like 50 povs um but even when Purgatory is done and I go back to being not a member of the qmp um hopefully some of you guys are going to come back stick around we play a lot of Minecraft here but we also play a lot of other

Games uh so if you like the vibe if you like the chill um you know follow the stream hopefully we’ll see you guys soon okay we are going to have to you know cut these soon I can’t just let you keep triggering sub only chat for 30 seconds

Goodness me sorry sorry sorry non Subs all right let’s get going oh they were out I guess wait I guess it matter no it doesn’t matter why did why are they spawning at our our what are you doing here our base what are you doing get out of here get

Out here you can’t be here you should be what are you doing get out of here what are you doing T get out of here get out of here guys you’re all free you’re all free distraction oh he’s okay GG what yo thein there Ain thank you for the tier one I really

Appreciates it welcome welcome welcome we grow ever closer to doing a 12 hour stream soon zones are right there the zones are right there you can see them the little squares oh yeah yeah okay so they’re really small they’re really small super small Flags yes okay um are we trying to grab those

Flags so we can like grab it off of them as that works yeah if you have any a like in your inventory my hor is dead oh Fu dragon how many did you get how many did you get how many did you get I don’t know I’m probably going to die the heck

For the five gifted thank you thank you thank you enjoy this wheel spin it’s for you wow when are you going to play an event today origin no it was yesterday you want a random game gift congratulations um a mod will contact you uh and will’ll give you a steam

Game what the hell is that oh that’s what happens when you complete a sub goal that was sick wow holy moly thank you for helping me complete the 300 sub goal thank you thank you thank you right I’ll get back I’ll work it out with you what day we’re going to

Do it and we’ll we’ll we’ll crack a 12-hour stream out we’ll get it done we’ll get it done we’re going to do that anyway we’re not going to get to 12 I’ll tell you that much 12h hour Purgatory stream yeah incoming incoming um I don’t really know what my

Next sub goal can be now I wasn’t really prepared to hit it today uh 350 uh description guys what’s my new sub goal win Purgatory well that okay I mean that seems that seems like it wouldn’t be good that would I don’t think I can really do that cosplayer qmv

Character read your wiki page there’s nothing on it but you got the 12 hour stream that’s good uh uh sub goal 350 um cosplay join qmp yeah yeah yeah guys 350 Subs I’ll just simply join to like a hit list I’ll kill tubbo for 350 [Laughter] sub one day full RP in

Purgatory that’s pretty funny that’s how that works yeah yeah if I get to 350 guys I will murder tubo 400 I’ll kill bad 500 Subs I’ll kill etall 1,000 Subs I’ll kill Gill what would a tubbo cosplay even look like you got to think guys if we like

I’m going to have no time to complete to get these like what would I even have to do a turbo cosplay for just 20 gifted you two can set a bounty on your desired stream I should do bounties that’s so funny that’s so funny rename in sub

Goals to hit list and then when we’re playing perator you can give 10 subs and pick I [Laughter] kill I’m the dog the Big Bad Dog the Bounty [Laughter] Hunter Q is a bounty hunter wait wait wait I might H I might have to do that that’s so

Funny all right I’m set it to 400 ball ass mask thank you for the gift sub Ricochet oh it even makes a noise when you start goal that’s fun Goodness Me Right wild thank you for the give sub and of course sorry just very quickly uh

Thank you to Regina who gave me the two gifted and Pan Dragon for the five oh that’s the Ballas bar I’m used to I wait why is my why is it not doing my you’re a tier one sub hold on I want my sub sand because I’m buz it

You’re going to B me again because my wife made the audio for me for God’s sake yes he’s married yeah we get it shut up shut up all of you shut up you all have to shut up subscriber alert oh wait does this alert box not have the sound on wait wife

Hav you are a wife H correct guys it’s only recent like six weeks ago maybe a little tiny bit more than six weeks now actually oh my God it’s literally my fault it’s just Not 100 test 123 test 123 thank you Russell hold on I need to find the sound I have the sound somewhere here subscribe upload sound oh my here it is I fixed it okay people when you tier one sub this is what you’re supposed to hear hold on

I can replay it now I think this is what it’s supposed to be yeah there you go much better lovely look about Luna cloak let’s get into this guys they’re rushing they’re rushing they’re rushing someone try to last thank you clean hands I appreciate it very fresh very

New it’s quite fun getting Sam husband bad you don’t me have a scythe dog where the [ __ ] is that from hello that’s literally what I was thinking okay okay gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas g is this SL why just slime like

He’s in a different room every time he streams this is the time this is the time this the time my he’s almost dead let’s [ __ ] go where where’s your mask bad boy Halo I’m still I’m still confused on the what the [ __ ] going on okay okay

So but now I don’t do it to okay no you’re not doing to him mind so close oh he’s running I smell blood let it be known let it be known today is the day bad boy Halo ran from me that’s true that’s true with me so me it’s not chea

Get husband in po all right you listen to me team and you listen to me right now when I say an instruction I don’t want I don’t want to hear a yes I don’t here sure I don’t want to let’s go I want a yes coach can I get a yes coach

Yes coach I don’t want any of this yes sure okay I want yes coach yes coach in this [ __ ] V right [ __ ] now I have no idea how the game works but I’m going for it all right that’s it I want baji pack and quag on defense the rest of you

I want killing I want you to be my death squad um so I’m going to none of them said yes coacho thank you for the resub welcome back keep doing this okay can make a to send a video message make a to get on those I’ll get some tomorrow

Flag I’m the whole [ __ ] rainbow the rainbow oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] didn’t follow me I think it’s it’s way better if I you’re the goat you’re actually the goat uh uh how do I neutralize the flag first I don’t understand wait what where’d it go oh he hit me and I dropped

It I forgot I forgot about wait you get Che yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what are you I’m an idiot you’re making your family proud right now boy thank you thank you I know I know your mama watching with tears in her eyes while in a Ford F150 left me she left

Me remarkably specific show no mercy show no mercy boy um all right we got to run we got to run Boys Follow Me we got to run they’re riding my tail they’re sniffing my ass track so much they gotes he got that’s for me and my keep your daddy issues at home when

You step on that [ __ ] you are my son thank you for the three streams oh my don’t call me daddy son need the get sa with FL as well why the best Sonic Colors I don’t think it was Sonic you to your father Mania I think okay well let’s not get into the

One with Kellen Quinn singing I would know I’m an ad emo all right I’m being a demon I’m being a demon they call me the sad demon this was actually a really clever idea by the way that’s now I’m putting them back in our chest it doesn’t break how do you break

It I hard to get the flags is actually very very very clever I’m he’s also got red he’s got a red flag oh [ __ ] slime wait why does he have I’m confused he’s always get so excited when he like two versus one or three versus one every time I can

Maybe you want me this is multiple rounds right we got [Applause] we need to put more Flags we need to put more Flags right now get back in the hot tub get back in the hot tub you should be here yeah wait stung to death oh even do it

Oh my goodness oh my gosh what is that a fellow crafter Don’t Mind If I Do round one round one horse person what is this by w we supposed to have an advantage for the egg event who is this call I don’t know what what the advantage is it wasn’t wasn’t uh communicated

No I’m in your head I’m in your I’m in your walls I’m in your walls I’m in your walls I’m in your walls see your wall belongs to us if we can win the next round it’s over if we win the next round it’s over 10 minutes guys go back to

Base all I’m all I’m saying is look locker room real quick get around get get [ __ ] this is the worst with you righty I feel like we’re lacking strategy it’s numbers it’s just a numbers game yeah a number why does Phil crank like that get the other side

Minutes the next round starts right yeah I don’t know how are we supposed like prep anything I think I I think I have someone who might be able to help a game changer yeah I’m gonna message him see if he can we get the reward now now we what was that Wow I entered theater mode yeah I’m going to message him see if he can we get put in the egg Wars event team Bas will receive a small reward it’ll be delivered soon now we get it wow great world that’s great yeah no no hope it’s one more player how fast do

You think regretted saying that for other thing we can be like under number and everything but here wait I can find [ __ ] it I’ll take one of you have blue flags on you and it’s making very nervous we oh yeah wait wasn’t there someone with like busted hit

Boxes there was someone small right with like busted hit boxes I hope that fo with rage I hope they’re moing so much that they’re sweating out their pits at a ludicrous right they call me the piss eater for something wait is that an unlimited water source you got it son go

Suck those dicks does any anyone not have anyone not have a shield language have a sh use that abuse their fire hoses son yes sir any anybody what did I say about call me sir it’s yes coach okay okay yes sir yes sir coach coach

I’m focus on that LGBT I’m here for it you know like I feel like that you wouldn’t want to not have a mouth anyways like it’s true I feel like every day is a good day to have a mouth I got I got to take care of something real

Quick I’ll be back in a sec sorry okay um one one sec one sec guys I just gota I I just got I just got to take that is that is frightening oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay everyone gather around me here we go here we go here we goce nice push her

Push her push her [ __ ] oh they they AFK nice nice timing no get off the fire she’s burning she’s burning she’s burning oh my God it’s okay it’s how it’s how she goes out it’s how she goes out she would like she would want it

This way can you break it put it on one nope oh too late it’s okay what wa [Applause] plus will what the fud guys holy crap what the [ __ ] [ __ ] way no way no this is this is some [ __ ] don’t worry he’s washed we can do this he’s

Washed can he even PVP no he’s washed it’s it’s basically a nonissue don’t worry about it team it’s me W from the wait hey it’s me up from the what the [ __ ] is what the [ __ ] is that doesn’t have anything I’m ready is this [ __ ] I can’t believe wait this isn’t

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that let’s go wait building something in my basement yeah okay it’s have like ACH you it’s me from the from the actually so funny also the best thing is because I tuned in like because I tuned in after this had all happened I genuinely believed that

Wilber was in this event from the qest no way he can’t just come in and plug his [ __ ] and leave love joyt I can hear I didn’t concert uming me yes all righto way too strong guys I’m put SL by is crazy take that take that I can’t do it

Do I I could count on you man it’s it’s over it’s so over dude I’m ready it’s so over we got to try break a flag I guess yeah break one break other oh yeah [ __ ] I can’t okay so get out of can I burn it can I bur yeah

Funny a huge oh no ow I’m hit oh this isn’t wi this is someone else I love that too can tell just from fighting him terrible wil can’t PVP it’s not wi playing it’s someone else ad thank you Phoenix I’m so excited tomorrow’s the day interesting you know what it’s okay

They need them where flag where flag I can’t [ __ ] believe it it says right here Wilbur sued logged into the game I was playing qsm in a [ __ ] war and Mr Wilber suit logs in Mr Wilbur [ __ ] Su in and starts helping the other [ __ ] team the other [ __ ] team is this a

[ __ ] joke no no I’m going to [ __ ] find him and I’m going to [ __ ] kill him why is he up be the [ __ ] enemy I’m keeping him busy too I wasn’t even going to stream today I wasn’t even going to stream today look at my [ __ ]

Set look at my [ __ ] setup look at my [ __ ] setup look at this [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] pool in my living room there’s a [ __ ] pool in my living room I’m not even [ __ ] changed I didn’t even change today where the [ __ ]

Is he where the [ __ ] is he where the [ __ ] I need to find him that’s not [ __ ] Wilbur I hope that one day I’m in a position in my life where I can have a small pool in my W you [ __ ] have wur it’s you you

[ __ ] have W you have him to be fair I’m not surprised that qu is struggling to PVP this speed Zoom pain my eyes where did you put him where is he where is he with speed is actually really hard unless you really get it where the [ __ ] is Wilbur where the [ __ ] is

Wilbur crazy come here we for 22 minutes so why why are you helping the other team why are you helping the other team why talk to me talk to me talk to me say something to Me is this really you something to me it’s me Will really you let me talk to him don’t kill me let me talk to him let me talk to him let me talk to him it’s me from the what theu actually killing me off fully fully

Kill guys I’m just trapped in the base what the [ __ ] I’m so [ __ ] from the yeah no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way it’s a fake it’s a fake it’s a fake it’s a fake it’s a fake like was Wil even home at this point was love joy on tour it’s a

[ __ ] fake they back home I knew it I [ __ ] knew it it’s a cuz he did do like one stream at some point right it’s me w s from the Q I’m going to get that tattooed on me I think it fit I can get it I can get

It right behind my Minecraft flowers I’m going to have my Minecraft flowers there and then just above it it’s going to say it’s me Will and then at the bottom is going to say from the Qs sorry I’m so angry I’m so angry I’m so raging I’m so

Angry I’m so raging distracted me now I [ __ ] vou to end red team after [ __ ] baiting me with Wilbur suit I’m going to [ __ ] kill them and I’m going to watch them suffer and how is he not dead sorry sorry I’m fine a little bit

More focus on a little bit more you got to have two people fit you got have three people to help you yeah all right just get that sure go you die old man come up come no no [ __ ] that yeah help me help me help me Poli what the [ __ ] you’re

Doing yes help us it’s me from the Q it’s me wi the okay okay okay okay okay where you going Baldi where you going where youal die Old Man helmet all there you go fresh iron helmet fell on the ground right there holy it’s me it’s me it’s

Me diamonds diamonds we are so [ __ ] poor man we Are [ __ ] it’s him we can do it we can do it we can do it we can do it break break this him how else would you be saying that just keep disecting them just keep disecting them 20 seconds yes go W from the keep holding off keep holding yeah yeah yeah

Behind was this the one where they like they like stole the win right by like I think we won that over no it was over it was over round two one we we round two you’re not That so problem we don’t have any resource want us to fight through this now because we don’t have any diamonds we’re just glass cannons I have a oh so they had no diamonds to repair their stuff got go and destroy that terrain so it takes him longer to get that’s tough

That’s really tough oh that’s B balls you like some chicken with that gravy oh b ball would you like some chicken with that [Laughter] gravy look at BS we can wait but if you really want to dodge ads guys wow you could become a CPK sub press subscribe it’s 25%

Off there’s no better time than right now welcome to boat Rush that’s guys what are these ones I wonder if we can make a full you keep sub when ads run smart yeah that’s a good point I do keep doing it at the wrong time oh I’ve got that glitch again when

My viewers go up every time I get an ad we’re at 1.3k guys this is like our highest viewership of the year and then when the ad runs when the ad goes away we drop back down like 300 I don’t know why this is happening it’s so bizarre that’s so

Weird oh hold on I think Mitch is getting something for Christmas hold I got a text hello we’re doing our Christmas shop at the moment guys oops I open streams just to watch ads so I was just saying while everyone had an ad which was really stupid is

Guys the best way to avoid ads is to subscribe to me wow I even did a little song like this sub click sub it’s discounted Please anyway for more you know you can get a lot more musical prowess I have so many things I could like record and press by buttons to press what do you like more so far I don’t think it’s a case of liking teams more I’ve watched more of Bolas so like

I’m more familiar with Bolas and they’re a very funny team like the roleplay stuff was really funny I think the other teams maybe didn’t have as much opportunity like someone was saying that the Green Team were very PVP heavy um and stuff like that so like you know the

Bas fans just came with loads of content for me to watch so um it just made it very easy for me to get attached to that team first that’s all right is this is this slle plugging back in no you’re good you’re good okay it’s

Me on Char Char with all my stuff yeah Charlie Charlie turn around turn around back yes yes where are you where are you I just I just isita apprciate no no no you you need to break flags flags flags are more important yeah breaking flags and placing Flags

Okay to grab the flags the enemy flags and convert them to our flags and then use them on our own section the play is actually to break their flags and then burn them or hide them uh that way they going to run out going to run out of

Flags eventually winning because we have just more oh I see people going up there’s people going up we’re going to end up fighting there’s more people going up the stairs just just us I think got diam nice nice I I got like 37 nice good job good job good job okay

There a wife all right you made that one about it that’s not my fault holy [ __ ] they already got it I don’t recommend fighting no no just the durability theor durability I’m going to have a nice mix of sweaty and roleplay in myat gameplay Al isn’t clear by the

Way Cas trying to work out who to watch what to do BL I’m like super interactive with my chat I read my chat like all stream and that is whether I’ve got like literally 100 viewers or whether I’ve got like 2,000 viewers uh so I love

Chatting with you guys so you know keep that in mind when picking your POV when you’re picking your POV are you excited for tomorrow I am but I do wish I KN oh yeah stupid promise look at this for a clip guys this is this is oh you can’t oh you

Can see me this is this is I say baby me when was this four years ago I was like 207 look at this how can you stream with 98.2k viewers yeah I must be mad I me if anyone ever wants to do that I mean you know if anyone wants to I think

It get a point you just you just don’t read the chat you just can’t right I promise we ever get to 90,000 viewers VI I’ll read the chat how can you stream there you go remember that guys if I get to 990,000 viewers at any point in my

Life I will still read the chat challenge accepted baby 27 shut up shut up shut up shut up I’m young completely [ __ ] up but I know you’re still going to win this NFL season please please me I I appreciate that is really leaning into this coach that’s what your daddy’s

For boy oh my goodness guys wait see if we hit the 400 Subs wait until you see what the sub goal is for 500 I’m going to bring back the hair dye you still play Valor yeah not as much I’m super Keen to get back into it I used to stream valerant every

Wednesday I used to play valer Wednesdays and I’ve been to two different vcts I went to Istanbul and Los Angeles with Riot to watch them what’s your rank uh I float around like diamonds coach needs back up a com oh thank you C I appreciate it baj get in there te going

Team I’m here with you kill this foolish gamer he doesn’t even know what it means to be foolish and silly and Whimsical sorry he says there’s more don’t worry I’ve got Sal chasing me luckily he’s washed as [ __ ] so it’s fine I play a bunch of

Flags at our thing I’m going to the corner kopio okay good call good call kind of nice that they can only grab like one I will say like I mean obviously you know the the internet’s going to internet there’s always going to be people who like a certain thing and they

Don’t like a certain thing and like it’s also their prerogative to enjoy and not enjoy what they enjoy and don’t enjoy um but that that is a shame that like you know people were getting stuff for being try hard when like you know for them like this is the way they wanted to

Play it they wanted to play it try hard and like that’s what they wanted to do they wanted to do a lot of PVP and and fight and compete and they didn’t want to role play as much and that’s up to them and at the same time red wanted to

Roleplay a bunch but I think because of that it made it so much easier to get loads of really funny clips of them um so you know it’s a shame to hear but I’m also not massively surprised I mean I think this happens in a lot of

Communities um you know even when I was doing like snps like years and years and years ago um like if we did something a little like I was quite like pranky and trolly in my earlier s SMP days and if I did like this the a prank that took it a

Little bit too far to someone like it would be like hell in the comments uh and like you know at the end of the day we were all friends and I’m sure this is the same thing here right like no one on Bolas wants their fans and viewers I’m

Sure to go and like be mean to the other teams they’re all friends they’re all on the same server right so I mean you know just like just just chill with it like enjoy what you enjoy if you don’t enjoy something you don’t have to watch it

It’s literally the internet like you can actually just turn it off so like just you know keep that in mind try and stay positive all of these people are friends like no matter what happens in Game they’re friends I’m sure they wouldn’t take it further than they know they can

So you know keep that in mind keep that in mind and at the same time don’t be mad at me if I kill your favorite streamer cuz I’m coming for them I’m going to kill them all sorry sorry patari mindset setting in sorry sorry sorry oh as long as your favorite

Streamer is not like Gill as long as your favorite streamer is not one of the French streamers because I won’t kill them I can’t they’re too good for the rest of them blue flags don’t get hit by anyone holy [ __ ] I don’t give a [ __ ] what anyone

Says ever that’s it I’m about to unlock the laugh was menacing yeah I think I want to get into acting I think I could I think I could be a good Character we get to react to the announcement live today I think I’ll probably have ended my stream by then um but I will be watching it I know what’s going proud right now boy thank you thank you I know I know your mama watching with tears in her eyes while in

Wait are there any French speakers here right now can you tell me how to say please don’t hurt but we’re not going to talk about that I can just shout it and run away I would like to talk about that it’s okay don’t worry about it sir dad

Issues is hey man just don’t please do not view me as a far fig f p how how horrendous was that so let me slap it in uh let me slap it in Google Translate and it’ll it’ll read it to me no messages were the same yeah hold

On right let me let me uh let me get this in translate oh that’s so funny my default language is Portuguese because I’ve been interacting with people on Twitter detect language okay just say please don’t hold on let me hear I got it it’s unlock it’s

Unlock I got it I got it it’s unlock all right and now we take please don’t hurt me and we change it to English on this side I’ll show you guys what I’m doing here English on this side and we put please don’t hurt me and

Then we change it to any language we want to know how to say it in I really just wrote the word Portugal Okay this is great all right cool we got to unlock in Portuguese and French uh let’s go for what else we got in here oh I mean Spanish is going to be oh that’s kind of hard also I love rolling o oh this is going to be this is going to

Be sick guys I’m locked in I am locked in no one’s going to hurt me this is going to be great now the hard part remembering yeah I’ve forgotten everything I’ve forgotten absolutely everything guys 400 Subs we get a bolus mask 450 Subs mate we’re do a dualingo

Stream I will [ __ ] you up not right not right now coach not right now not right now okay okay don’t worry I’ll keep it in keep it in keep your daddy issues at home when you step on that pitch you are my son I’m going to need a Google doc

Cheat sheet I’m going to get one I’m going to buy a new PC monitor don’t call me daddy man’s going to get canell why am I going to get canell yes good bro I am the qmb I got six seven more Flags I’m coming back do I take it any take it to

The base yeah yeah yeah take it yeah the API translate is so good follow all the way down and then once uh once I get to you a slightly more comfortable situation with monthly subscribers on Twitch um I will pay for the web hook so that it translates into other languages

But right now I just can’t really do it just ignore Twitter trolls wait why would andage why would I get in trouble for what is this a bad thing to try try and speak other languages what what am I missing wait why would I someone tell me like I’m five I’m

Lost I thought it would be nice oh my God wait guys I’ve been inspired by the power of Wilbur hold on this is going to be great swap these over uh please don’t hurt me right so then let’s get Nami yeah I’m going to learn and just write

Why write them all down why write them all down I can learn it once and press the [Laughter] button this is genius one more time you just have to know what language everyone who’s attacking you speak oh that’s going to be the tough bit isn’t it

Yeah it’s me CPK from the Qs it’s me CPK from the Qs it’s me CPK from the Qs it’s me CPK from the [Laughter] Qs oh so funny this is unbelievable guys God I am I just literally became trilingual who am I James Marriot bloody hell this is so good um

I got it m that’s it it’s unlocked it’s done everyone’s cooked it’s over I’ve won I’ve literally won Purgatory I’ll do German yeah you’re right actually oh about run out of buttons what is love please don’t hurt me hard make them all into one button it just it’s one thing that just Cycles

Through them [Laughter] all unreal now you need to know which of the 45 memb speak which [Laughter] language yeah I mean I I studied German for a little while I really can’t speak much of it anymore can you make much make one in Dutch for the funsies yeah go on uh I got

You Uh [ __ ] a yo all right all right we got this that that g is that’s Hench you know what I don’t think it was that far away I got a level with you my own ego says it wasn’t that [Laughter] bad good God we have fun we have fun I love

Languages I’m just not very good at remembering them God well we have fun C don’t we we have your they can steal them so when you have blue flags you shouldn’t be engaging in any fights you should just be like going for white spots if you know

It um oh there he is okay wait wait wait wait I just wouldn’t engage in fight if you do have try to take my ass off you dumb ass all right there we go I just realized there’s a path that I should be following

Um KK is Brazil laugh is Spanish MD r r is French I knew the J thing just because um I knew quite few Spanish people in uh when I lived uh in Liverpool previously when Mitch was finishing University a lot of her friends were like International students get [ __ ]

Sorry I mean yes hi so I was friends with like some people from like uh like Spain uh like Ecuador Portugal it’s 5050 it’s 5050 5050 got him hey Liverpool yeah I that you me it make me proud thank you of me it means dead from oh that’s so see this

What I mean I love languages that’s so sick this is just how I felt this is just how I in the1 super you literally you killed him so hard you made a hold hold no yeah two different teams two different teams who which coach was he which coach was he yeah now this

Character is dead to me doesn’t make sense Minecraft Steve and that’s what I love to Seeing [ __ ] go incoming foolish gamers okay y was run boy run if you just break the flag we do that right at the end right at the end we need to just rush their flags and break them all okay yeah okay right now I’m just Spam breaking

Get on are you going for hell yeah am [ __ ] show no mercy show no mercy boy I’m scared of this version of Tu to that very clear so careful with the balls know I think there’s an ad break coming up guys just a heads up if you want to avoid it you

Can sub for free with prime or for 25% off but it is going to be run we got to run Boys Follow Me we got to run they’re riding my tail they’re sniffing my ass crack so much they got brown noses no’s to sff your ass that’s what I say that’s

For me and my lover only me and my lover can sniff ass that’s true your wow he was destroyed mentally at this point huh no need to pry boy I’ll make it happen we win this 2V1 easy they don’t even stand a chance God coach coach what are you

Saying I got his ass that’s what I love to see get more ass get more ass uh coach I’m taking you to HR the best Now you listen to me you listen to me your father was wrong to leave you at a young age I promise okay well let’s not get

Into that right now i’ got dadd issues I’m never going toled that coach all right I’m being a demon I’m being a demon they call me the sad demon the sad demon the Sad Machine s demon a machine I kill Mr hardore oh here we go here we

Go my plan involves lagging them out God damn it I don’t have a gas mask again really oh my God how come at this point in the server like everyone didn’t have a gas weak right now but just know however weak you’re feeling they ain’t got [ __ ] on

You mob spaghetti right coach mob spaghetti yes coach yes sir if there’s one thing I love in this life it’s a dish made by your mother oh okay okay cuz my God she always Cooks he’s so Southern he’s going to he’s going to spam I know he’s going to

Spam I just we have multiple Flags ready for delivery I I don’t have a gas mask that [ __ ] coach coach you can have mine take this okay good good good I’m back three minutes left in the round this is my star player Champ yeah yeah we’re doing

Listen there’s two aspects we need to focus on defending our flags do not let them break them and just break all of theirs that’s what they’re trying to avoid if we can literally break all theirs we’ll get was not team anymore because they lost to many games again

Sons back on The Pitch Out the lock room your can you imagine if that actually happened in NFL games do not even FOC guys quick pause there’s toxic gas we have to hold for 5 minutes okay just focus on protecting our zones and breaking their zones that’s literally it

That’s because you’re the goat we’re going to win I’m going for all of their Flags I’m going to try and break them okay I’m here I’m trying to protect cuz that’s the thing oh [ __ ] sorry p p that was me sorry let’s get together let’s get together and protect [ __ ] please welcome team Ballas can do it yay Smiley [ __ ] why am I hitting sh with shov oh [ __ ] careful no I don’t run you I will watch the finale I will I will careful I have a bucket to water here here here too L you’re okay come here salit come here I can smell

I can smell you I I I know a steroid user when I smell one in the NFL break flag break their Flags right now break them break them break them and TOS them off then go to the next one what FL protect our flag you guys protect our flags and I are

Breaking theirs I’m keeping an eye out for red okay right behind us oh his helmet is broke goodbye s bit Yeah that’s what you get using ter in the NFL boy just our main flag area Bill’s trying to get to our main flag area yes we

Have if he gets that main flag area I need you to shove your boots so far up his ass that you see it out of his throat okay okay Coach I I got you coach watch 100,000 bits oh God the final fight go go foolish and bad boy Halo are engaging I

Am here to assist just kill him what you died to a be break them break their Flags break them what break them guys just break all of them break the flag 20 seconds so don’t have no helmet oh my make sure you gone the way yes

Yeso throw your flags out don’t thr my dam Flags out why you saying boy oh [ __ ] I got two oh good job team that was a huge Victory huge dub round all right first round belongs to us if we can win the next round it’s

Over if we win the next round it’s over 10 minutes guys go back to base all I’m all I’m saying is look you know I wondered why I thought I’d seen some of these bits before I think that might be a buff that we have we went back to the wrong

VOD they have it I thought it was quite focus for the mobs take some cage uh Sal he’s a shield I love you let’s go okay uh guys I understand nothing I just kill everyone okay so do it do it do it I was like won the first round

We’ve seen that happen there’s literally no point trying there’s like’s no point [ __ ] trying okay break flag break yeah break it appears that the coach’s energy was gone by round three help got you focus oning focus oning keep breaking keep the offense up go keeping the flag to the last moment they

Definitely keeping the flag def our flag oh huge from Phil okay guys I’m going to I’ll join you I’ll join you can you guys check the real quick check the red shot on Discord this me I’m dead yep oh they put yeah remember the hit

Box oh my God they had so many building defenses they’re building defenses I have a yeah it was in here to stop this it’s just like a weird Tim I’m alone all them guys where are you coach I mean back in he can become coach nice nice we will watch B do Not okay laa does not I think V’s got flint and steel try do you have in Ste no no no I just I just have fire I’m just I’m actually dumb I I put two flags use explod FL I you well no they they they played really well yeah they play really

Well you guys did you guys flag from for the prime I appreciate that we only have like thank you every sub we gets closer into a buet m oh my gosh how did we pull that off man oh my God Work team that was is beating so know I thought oh my

God oh my God that was so good oh my god oh I’m dead yeah your guys play so well your guys play so well GG’s oh I can just die actually a has a it doesn’t I don’t think I don’t think it matters bur let’s burn let’s

Burn you ready look at me the event seemed like they were super well done we’re dying it’s me to finally the end is near oh I remember seeing this yes freedom Oh my goding meteors everywhere what the [ __ ] what the really wait it’s like blowing up the land guys I think I just scratched or something because I don’t see nothing yeah I’m in seezy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m going to be honest this could be awful maybe getting

A taste of the qsm is going to be the worst thing I ever did to myself the middle just like blew up from the Q what’s up from the Qs it’s me cbk from the Q are you serious not only is this going to break

My mental for the next 5 days I’m so [ __ ] I’m going to be like the is so fun and I’m going to have to goold Turkey thought he got haed yeah Fing goodness me right oh wait I closed the wrong thing the angry Thomas video is probably fine for this right where was the final fight is it this Phils I had to fight tubbo to save just one egg yo ink blots thank you for the new tier

One I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you um do you guys mind if I go P I’ll go p and I’ll run an ad so that they don’t show ads for the next thing yeah P my piss okay cool all right I’m going to p and then uh good def

Watching your PV this week thank you thank you thank you yeah I’m going to be I’ll play a song for anyone who is still going to be here uh what song do I want to say oh here we go I know uh I’m going to play an old emo Anthem enjoy be right

Back that was good timing s’s going to end soon right let’s have a look switch your hearts to hardcore man switch your hearts to hardcore Phil oh my God it’s just like a big oh Jesus how do we is this the way in guys guys guys guys guys if we do

This we do this the ball ass way we don’t use any tricks okay we’re going to do this honorable I’m going to I’m going to guys with you we help you listen to me listen to me listen to me I’m going to talk that with Toby we know each

Other I’m going to tell him no tricks and then we put TNT right yeah never mind yeah I’m I’m going to One V one Phil to break the tie mic so wait so so it ended that they were completely tied on or is that on like round

Wins also decided to do a One V one wow oh wow that’s intense what’s going on man this is not ideal this is like I messaged you about this cuz I thought this is crazy this is heavy dude I think we need to leave okay realistically we have no 100% proof that

Either team is cursed like there’s a certainly certainly stuff points towards ours more than yours I think but like it’s nothing concrete nothing 100% so like it’s just not safe to go on that assumption yeah yeah there’s no way we can like piece our way out of this leader versus leader is a

Fair way to do it I think bro this is rough what the hell this is [ __ ] rough all right we can we can uh we can double check we can double check in a second stop giving me [ __ ] man I don’t want this bra no to no totems no potions no GA no

Potions yeah none of that [ __ ] pretty much just like it’s just going to be axe sword I can’t die uh water bucket lava bucket tea yep sounds good this just crazy this is crazy man this is crazy I feel like even the water bucket lava bucket is AIT are quite even PVP

Matched you got this man you got this thanks man I appreciate it you are the coach after all I just want to go out there and make him all proud with my strategy with my strategy I’ll use my strategy my theory is by the way that when

There’s going to be no time limit for us wait no this isn’t the wait Alex Beacon’s over here choose your equipment oh oh oh sick oh is Phil here yet it’s on the wall it’s on the wall wait oh it’s on oh I getar up myself Phil do you

Want to know what would be wild right now which I’ve just started what a prediction to see who wins oh you motherucker no Phil run a prediction run a prediction with me come on come on all in is it best of three do we know it’s best of three it’s best of three

Prediction for the best of three oh my God yeah no I’m oh my God I’m up to 50 mil no way you’re getting 100 Mil wagered right now it’s it’s it’s 100 Mil pH this might be this might be the biggest prediction in twitch history

Swear down it was it was like it went over 100 Mil world record this must have adjusted the currency so hard dude it went over two it went over 100 Mil I feel like if I was playing against to my own chat would vot I’m not going to hold

It against you if you win don’t hold it against me if I win like it’s it’s just a case of like they want us to fight [ __ ] it we’ll fight either way you and I both want the eggs to survive and we’re not going to be able to choose one to

Die both chats for the team opposite of the one respect is crazy yeah of course I mean if you bet all in on each person to win in their own chat one of those chats you’re going to come up with some extra point this is the entire reason you bet

Against yeah you bet against yeah of course especially when I found out that might be the curs team it’s just for Tran and Tula thank you King I appreciate it Phil CH was going to nuke channel points I can you do that I don’t think I can affect Channel points awward I’m really

Luck [ __ ] dude I know you are I know to B May the cursed team win [ __ ] off man that is so the cured team bait [ __ ] off it’s yeah it’s got to be bit oh God oh God okay ready I’m ready oh my God ready all right I’m Preing okay oh okay okay intense intense I would have started with a my hands are too shaky oh my God you know I actually don’t know who I would consider the better pvper out of these too maybe tubo oh my God okay oh my God that was that was a bold

Bold move from from yeah the adrenaline must have been nuts it must have been nuts okay I got to focus up I got to focus up I got to focus up I got to focus up I can focus up okay okay good fight good fight good

Fight good fight I’m going to wait you get back you good fight good fight good fight good fight good fight do this okay he’s got it oh okay let’s go nice hit nice [ __ ] [ __ ] Up come onil come on fil you need to do this I know you have in you you beautiful beautiful man him do this you got Shield done my oh my God oh my [Applause] God WI [Applause] Guys you know how tubo could have won if he would just ran away saying this or this it’s me CPK from the Qs holy [ __ ] Dude gg gg gg Toby g g I’m stressing out PR yeah of course that’s why I lend it I tried my best GG I was too stressed I couldn’t Aim uh right oh okay my hands are [ __ ] shaking guys my hands are shaking comp [ __ ] it up coach Toby did you go easy on me uh no okay okay I was just too stressed I just I I couldn’t I couldn’t aim man my hands were shaking has the

Experience guys that’s why he’s got the experience it’s my fellow old guy right there to imagine if we were the cursed team filter that would be [ __ ] up there’s no way for us to knowly there was no cles there was [ __ ] all you’ve been the best you [ __ ] insane to against 63

Million people just lost Channel points 63 million Channel points [ __ ] 63 million Channel the eom the economy we open the dictionary look at the [ __ ] you’ll see my big face okay it’s okay be quiet everyone be quiet listen up congratulations you have survived patory I had my fun shuffling

Those friendships around let’s see how you all fare with each other after all of this you want to return to your little Island prison comparatively I’m pretty nice to you all I just tell you to suffer and let you go your very way you desire your eggs unfortunately for

You our games aren’t over just yet we will play just a couple more games for my enjoyment this time I will partipate what wow very squid game kill his ass kill his ass kill his ass I am hiding you are seeking who can find me and as a friendly hint I’ve been close

To you this entire time much closer than any of you could have ever thought of it good luck wow the little Bas and stuff yeah and stuff wait maybe not moolly wa no no no no no no no no don’t don’t hit them don’t hit them no no no

No come with me no he’s he’s he’s not bad he’s not bad he’s not bad we can’t hit him any he’s he’s going to [ __ ] kill quack he’s going to [ __ ] kill qu I knew it since the beginning you bastard what what what what no no no he kidnapped

Dapper wait it said this time I’ll play which implies they didn’t play the first time I don’t know okay fine [ __ ] kill me I’m not the eye okay okay all right why would you say [ __ ] kill me why would you say we that’s so funny kill me okay let’s go let’s go

Don’t you think like it’s pretty sus that El wrot in the chat y k so much people we a [ __ ] joke you [ __ ] freak SI of this I’m sick of this guys an elevator oh [ __ ] I see it’s right there you got to go back in go back in oh [ __ ]

Oh I’m going to clutch it oh no I didn’t clutch it half a how many times will Charlie simal fall from somewhere and be on half a heart easy it’s that easy to take care of us upstairs upstairs follow us yeah I can hear you you know go up go up go

Up hold up hold up I got some Deja Vu create mod create mod create mod create mode that was so funny man snap out of it man snap out of it dude snap out of this has to be a door look El qu in there since the beginning we go

Behind I think he just I think he just left he logged out no my that’s not good not not this way there’s a barrier like fornite all going to go into the room together at the same I just love like how serious this is we like fortnite we like not Touch I think the one that should spin it is Phil because Phil won the One V one Phil oh God what guys listen to me listen to me listen up I didn’t touch it I didn’t touch it I didn’t I think iclick uh here we go You’ leader of the winning team listen closely you may spin the wheel ones to claim your EG oh

My of course of course of course it just [ __ ] one egg of course it just comes down it just comes down to RNG man I’m going to [ __ ] kill oh [ __ ] he has look at this [ __ ] what the hell this feels like a crazy reveal but I don’t know who the [ __ ] you are everyone I’m I’m going to spin it I’m going to spin it oh man slime’s Vibes are crazy I wish I knews so funny you it you it I’m sure this is a big

Does rigged rigged i Phil I think I actually I think I accidentally stopped it spin that wheel SP again it’s going to happen the same way it happen to me they’re probably going to play I’m just going to wait I’m just going to wait we Spa it

I’m just going to wait Miss clicker strikes again yeah did he learn nothing Mike mik Up’s showing Up’s showing up oh foolish foolish what the [ __ ] you could build this whole island you couldn’t afford a faster [ __ ] door actually coming through are we Elevator door stuck wa the spinning guys the whe spinning oh we land on the same number land on the same number it was rigged what number you I think maybe maybe if I do this it’ll give us all of them okay everyone everyone spit at the

Same time oh it’s down it’s it’s down it’s Down [ __ ] Up dapps I’m confused mean all the egg was a okay that’s good that’s good CH that’s good you did well you did well buddy no no I’m ready I’m ready from the I’m sorry he’s not here Tula I’m sorry he said he wanted me to give you a

Message he wanted me to give you a message he says I’m ready and he also said it’s me wi from the Qs but he misses you very sa yes I made it I made it I made it Tula uhoh un surviving Purgatory it was lovely having you here in fact I

Think I’m going to get see the eggs which is Big sad stay here I remember catching from some of you oh my God I’m myle myle please no no no no my sleep schedu no what what it can’t like that in the boat with me I’m I’m trying

To get you out not here again I’m here don’t worry I’m here it’s okay I’m here I’m here don’t worry it’s okay it’s okay we’re going to get we’re going to get you out okay we’re going to get you out what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] he’s got a bomb this whole time

Bomb I have a Detonator here okay okay dude they don’t want if they don’t escape I will all holy [ __ ] I need to watch your streams what the actual [ __ ] I need to watch yours you’re G to [ __ ] kill us all [Laughter] man okay just hang on a little longer bril that actually

Insane guys guys guys guys guys in the corner in the corner in the corner look oh God fud oh my God let us let us to open ready your weapons ready your weapons get ready come get is he massive wait is that smash [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it was El

Qu SE ey guy why is he looking at me like that guys he’s looking at me you devious sinful creature I was not expecting the success of this island to be this great you will receive a rare thank you from me for that it has been excellent

Watching them tear each other apart you [ __ ] bastard press it to I must ask do you desire to leave I think your place is much better at my side you would drive under my command consider it but know that this will be the only time you are given this opportunity

Wa oh did he nod you played by my side two times team I fed him I fed him wow crash crash he didn’t even think about it didn’t think about it yes trade they takeing qu qu to properly conclude our delightful time together your friend there has

Given me a brilliant idea let’s end your stay here with a bang or perhaps several all over the island let’s see if you manage to hurry back to your fabricated Paradise find the boat and leave this is awesome quag you will stay here wonderful isn’t yet yes

Dude yeah all right wait what about I want I’m over it I’m over it I’m over it I’m coming Fleer how did get on there’s got to be a way there’s got to be a way Can you get in if I do this can you go through can you go through if I do this wait no no no no was this meant to happen or was this like really well timed no no no no no I’m not well deping on which side of

The I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to [ __ ] die no [ __ ] Wait okay [ __ ] not everybody spamming team he’s gone he’s gone I out we have to get out we have to get out holy IED [Applause] to come with me bro my bro my Char come on come on come with me bro did Rich just survive I think I think we’re

Breaking the game I think Rich wasn’t me to go okay there there we [ __ ] jum all right they disappeared s they disappeared dude I my oops no he didn’t maybe I missed you too we can talk about that later yeah we don’t have time people have no Ury theat and nothing else we can do right out why the [ __ ]

Ispp listen I think D is the only we can save no I think dapp is the only one we were meant to save oh [ __ ] well that we’re allowed to save I knew it was going to be RNG I knew it it’s so [ __ ] sad man meet oh God oh God Phil

Run go go go go go go go go through the portal through the portal through the port run take me to the Stars Phil give me a second give me a second here we go here we go okay get me out of this [ __ ] show go go go I’m ready when you

Are wow take us there 2,000 blocks away I can show you the world shining shimmering splend tell me Tabo when did you last let your heart decide fail fail fail the water fail you’re oh my God okay okay good idea oh wait a minut genius idea

Yeah I have an electric too if I can get a we can get more people over here I I drop it a drop it a fit drop it a fit not again man this going to blow up the boat this going to blow up the boat this

Is going to blow up the boat wait surely they thought about this right it doesn’t actually BL right above us but it’s heading in a different direction run run we’re in the blast range hold the boat hey T what do you mean by we’re in the blast range get me out of

Here get me the [ __ ] out of here do we have everyone oh doesn’t feel like it at all I was able to save one person I could save baji [ __ ] man 20 seconds that’s not enough time oh my God I’m going to be posting my qmp escapades On [ __ ] we should have grabbed that oh [ __ ] oh um whoa um how did he do this without us noticing yeah this is what I’m wondering on this ser maybe hours man he did all this in 3 hours does he how many phds does he have maybe I six my

God B chose to stay behind what theom creep watch out for the creeper guys be careful creeper guys creeper on the port side port side creeper let’s go so I guess everyone else just died then right do do you think they nice bu remember the TR end of purgatory rest solely

Expers enjoy the chaos oh oh that’s it nothing no more okay oh I’m here new games dis oh God how do I get in here sorry I took the boat I couldn’t afford the battle pass I couldn’t afford the battle pass I itic either what’s

Going on yeah I don’t know oh my God there’s going to be new players picks up ey this is so sick make a move kicks yep whoa and now it’s my turn I’ve just seen my friends be emotionally and mentally destroyed and I can’t wait for tomorrow

When I get to join them in purgatory um I’m not sure about this Purgatory thing oh God it’s a bit scary it’s a bit scary is it not sure about this patari thing seems like I might not not do very well if by the second night I’m drinking on stream no I’m

Not you’re stressed oh my goodness that is that is wild don’t regret now nah no regret no regrets on Earth wait okay how do I see the stick fight yeah Kia can you chill out mate thanks thanks a lot twitch equals a scam no it doesn’t twitch is

Nice just search slim sickle stick fight well this is [Laughter] unexpected wrong search ah ah so what am I you said just search and didn’t tell me what to searge this one oh it’s jet mode must be thisp okay you guys will hypeing up je I might leave the voice chat soon because

I need to confront my past let me know how that goes oh he’s here keep up in the chat he’s here bad boy Halo do you know what you’ve done to me what did I do you know what trauma you’ve caused me do you have any idea

Who why are you [ __ ] dude I actually don’t wait wait wait hey hey hey hey hey hey listen I need to kill you like 20 times so dog can you just come down no no no no you listen to me cuz I’m on this I will maneuver for 15

Whole minutes It’ll be terrible content and I’ll maneuver to the opposite side of the Cobblestone pillar for that’s right it’s going to just be weird it’s just going to be [Laughter] weird well that was lame that was just like that was just lame they say a lot of things General BC

I have a present for you okay hang on I have to go join General VC with bad boy Halo I’m sure he’ll give me an honorable duel oh I’m sure he’ll he didn’t give me any gifts but I’m sure he’ll give me yeah he he’ll give

Me Sur this can only go well holy [ __ ] is that bad boy Halo hey slime you denied me an honorable duel dude you denied me an honorable D stick stick versus stick man versus Man upon the beach upon the beach upon the sand I had Tales to tell you I had

T and you Den me where am I I’m in your [ __ ] head dude you’re desate 2es SP 21 of them [ __ ] in mym bro that’s where I am 1.4% you had one chance that’s fine you had one chance to make it right don’t come back oh don’t say that Des

Desperate no you want me no you just know slime no don’t be like dude don’t do this I had the last laugh just know walk around the rest your life get out of my head get out my head I’ll be on your shoulder slime I’m on your shoulder

Right now you’ll always know that I you’re boy Hal good boy Halo oh look if you want your chance at Redemption you’re going to have to fight me at your base you 5 minutes to get here do you okay do you have like equipment and [ __ ]

Yes I have stuff for you lots of stuff you need to hurry though okay I will be completely I’ll be completely straight I can see there’s a little tiny bit I can see left so I know that’s like objectively not true right no yeah I’m saying you have four minutes and then

I’m leaving so if you want your shot oh so I’m I’m I’m on the timer you’re on the timer you what that’s fine I see you don’t want it that bad El what do you have for me I literally my body was just full of Blood and Bones to make you feel

Worse I don’t know I have I know I enjoyed killing you I didn’t even look at your body what do you mean I arranged those [ __ ] bones for you dude you’re making me look the That’s how little I respect you is that I left your corpse there wow you

Ground you didn’t even [ __ ] with my bones and [ __ ] I did didn’t your bones are there I’m going to actually rearrange your calcium dude I’m going to I’m going to rearr you got three minutes slime then I’m peing like the nerdiest threat I’ve ever heard in my life show

Going to rearrange your capability to get to where you are in 3 minutes okay just show yourself on the map did you not respawn at your base God it’s over it’s over dude you need to move on you need to find a new guy I’m not your guy anymore

Man I actually I actually just got a message from from fit asking me to meet so he can spawn Camp Me Maybe maybe I’ll let him spawn Camp me instead no no you you never really were that good at spawn camping me anyway I always figured

Someone else could spawn take so long to get a lot harder than you could bad boy Halo no no no you’re right you’re right slime I think I know I think I’m over you hey I think I think healed fell into a hole and almost you healed yeah but

Just no slime you’ll never heal traumatizing experience no you felt but you’ll never heal slime I’ll tell you what I’ll go on I’ll be happy but you you’ll see my happiness and it’ll make you suffer in your safest in your safest moments when you’re there tucked in bed

With your enchanted diamond arm this is crazy Enchanted sharpness Axe and your little bucket of lava you use for any creepy creatures that sneak up on you I want you to know that every single day there’s a chance that you’ll be the only person on this server and somehow some

Way I know where that bed is and let me tell you bad boy Halo maybe I can’t beat you with a stick on a beach while you’re fully kitted out because you’re scared of [ __ ] Q exclamation point slim cicle but I’ve got more than just me okay I’ve got people I’ve got friends

Friends in places you wouldn’t even know friends on teams other than other than my my own stashes all across the map you think we got you think we really got first two days in a row by being a gas mask Cult Underground you don’t know what we

Capable of spit right now and let me tell you now streaming alone and you’re talking about how oh the you know it’s time to really go hard today it’s time to really try you’re going to be trying as hard as you can and I’m not even

Going to be breaking a sweat when me and my boys [ __ ] roll up to your cozy ass house and tear that [ __ ] to shreds and let me promise you you can say you’ve moved on all you want you can say it all you want but I wait did you

Leave what did he that’s a lot of talk for a man with no B what did you leave dude that’s hey that’s a low blow man you know I was borned without them you know I was born without them dude thing say to someone part slime part slime but no spine I’ll tell

You what I’ll tell you what the only one actually you got where are you I literally where you I put one in show me where you are come on if you had a spot you would have met me with that stick on the beach man I would have look I was I

Was going to put it up your ass but it looks like the slots already full oh oh my God holy moly I’m under a time crunch slime this is your chance yeah are I’m giving you that shot you under a time crunch you I’m not

The one that needs I just I just want to let you know I just want to let you know slime yeah one of your teammates Jaden yeah got spawn camped by El quacky killed relentlessly over 12 I don’t think I’ve ever seen him successfully kill anyone well he did you

Asked Jaden and they going to get the win they’re going to get the win off of you guys and there’s a way for you to stop them it’s by coming here and challenging me I’m pretty content spawn kill for five hours all right that’s I

Got say if you’re not coming I guess I got to run so I’ll see you later uh Oh that is so funny it’s okay there’s a safety barrier around your bed so I’m just looking at these two buttons on my screen literally I’m not joking I’m not ging you there’s actually a little safety square around you no you’re actually you’re actually I’m being I’m being dead

Serious actually no I’m being like actually serious you could actually like log in right now you will not like Be Spa the words title scre more tempting you know what I I’ll make you a deal if if there is not a safety Cube around you

Literally I will drop you 48 uh 48 iron right now if there’s not no you not you don’t honor anything man you have no honor all you you are all a bad flipping join flipping join hey there’s a cat want see the cat there’s a cat you got

To join now oh my God Kitty oh my God Kitty my oh my God Kitty come pet the cat holy crap holy [ __ ] my good oh my god oh look at that thing you can’t trick me with that dude you can’t trick oh it’s got a little hat On’s go it’s

Got a little hat oh it’s got a name go over here let’s go Anna see the cat hey dude let me see the cat let me see the cat man no the cat’s out here yeah let me see the cat oh my goodness it’s dancing it’s what it’s what dude I can’t

See wait let me see let me see dude I can’t see it I can’t see it goodness it’s dancing no don’t Anna get the [ __ ] in here this guy’s this guy’s a [ __ ] creature this guy’s a monster block it off BL off oh you’re done for you’re done how’ you do

I’m leaving slime this is your last chance you got anything to say to me say it before I leave yeah dude nice cat I’ll be adopting it a nice cat is it oh Jaden this is a bad this is a bad time what’s going on see you later we can’t hear do you

Want to pop she’s popping off hang on oh hello hello hi Jaden I was just saying this is kind of a you start picked a bad time gotcha gotcha wait that’s just wait so it’s not a protection Circle no Anna Anna my kitten my kitten work okay hang on hang on I’m

Popping off get his ass get off pop off you’re scared you’re scared I’m in your head I’m in your mind I’m in your head I’m in your mind I’m in your head I’m in your where the you got nothing you have nothing but weakness in your bones you have nothing but weakness

In your bones I don’t have bones but yours are too frail they should be removed they should be forcibly removed wait wait wait and I’m low and I pop off and I pop off on him and I pop the [ __ ] off yeah this is something unbelievable

About a cat just swing a if you kick the [ __ ] out of him I’ll adopt you we’ll adopt you Anna po CRI punch we traded we traded we’re even we’re even why is your ear knock back so crazy just die already watch this boom dodged it oh actually didn’t dodged it dodged

It dodged it boom dodged it dodged it oh we died you don’t think I’m you think I’m scared of death Anna Anna go use frying pan she’s like my Pokémon dude I’m like a trainer you’re fighting me directly you don’t even get it you’re going to f you’re going to black out

Anna you spatial R super effective he’s he’s going to be a [ __ ] Ghost type when we’re done with him Anna he’s going to be a [ __ ] Ghost type when we’re done with him yeah he’s almost dead if you were to show me this footage and tell me this te went to win the

Whole never believe you to know that I’m actually huge I’m actually huge Jen or Anna what the fud Anna keep po Anna you’re doing a great job a great job amazing job and I’m so proud of you I’m so proud of you I’m going to get you

A little kitty Castle I’m going to get you a little kitty Castle you’re running remember the day you [ __ ] ran from me you actual coward oh my God oh my God go home trade in your missions were they being a [ __ ] today yeah oh unreal yeah he’s probably SE watch the

End little cat you need to stop you’re interfering with my potential win cat cat I’m going to die I’m going to die oh my goodness if I get killed by this cat you are this you are a stupid cat just know that fling okay this definitely was not

The right video okay whatever I got enough is it this one I want to see them Sak fight we are going to go through the story next year that’s our next thing it was the right one oh that was it oh there was never a sck fight oh

Great right let me learn let me learn and and we’ll also watch this too the C to be funny moments guys don’t worry we’ll get through a whole bunch of povs don’t worry I’m excited welcome to qsm info where you will find news on the lives

Our guests lead during their stay on the island this so is this like an official Channel but this is run by the qmp oh funcast is brought to you by the qmp Federation my name is Joo and I okay yeah no worries thank you I should have them on anyway for people to

Watch day we’ve got much to cover since the guests this is started I’m I’m learning I’m learning on March 22nd 2023 177 guests arrived at quadia island is that when it started was it really March that’s wild holy moly that’s nuts split into two groups separated by

A wall the guests were instructed to restore power to the island through teamwork upon completion the guests were met with a broadcast from a friendly duck welcoming them to the island and making them aware of friendly duck see guys I told you the duck’s friendly do not press the red button all guests

Immediately opted to disregard this rule resulting in the destruction of a portion of the wall this United the two groups of guests and more importantly the duck informed the guests that due to Breaking the rule they would never be able to leave the island the guests unsure of

What to do did the only thing they could play [Applause] Minecraft wait wi s on thisp throughout the week the guests socialized and explored the island together all of them meeting someone very important the qmp census buau representative swiftly dubbed or the qmp Census Bureau came around to gather some information from all guests on the island whoa what

The we foolish was the first one to meet two strange entities the Angel and the devil strange powerful entities that reward the guest with illegal items I come here to make love and peace make love you want to make love with me no that’s fine I’m single they’re

English C wait did I not put them on I did put them on that’s tiny oh sorry I can I can wait can I change CH the size I can’t change the size oh well sorry the guests received another message from the duck during this news the guests learned that result of the

Walls destruction fine I’ll turn off my sub golfing out a dragon that resided on the island had flown away and abandoned its eggs from this point on the guests were instructed to take care of the eggs in pairs of English and Spanish speakers yeah take it out yeah Dapper oh my

Goodness delene tomorrow you are going to have a wrestling match with the with the neighbor kid are you ready come on throw a jab throw a jab baby throw a jab throw a jab two members were left as single parents quacky whose other partner was a mystery and bad boy

Halo who cared alone these unfit parents have to ensure the health and safety of the eggs until their true mother returns within the span of the week multiple eggs lost one of two lives permanently due to neglect Rona Cheyenne and toen lost lives Neglect oh what is it Cheyenne oh no what oh Ramon Ramon then disaster struck notorious Miss clicker El [ __ ] laid his own daughter in an unfortunate accident leaving his husband in shambles slim cicle turned Furious from the grief and went on a murderous Rampage aiming to

Slay all the other EGS to force a reset of all of the lives including his daughters holy F come here come here you rat you little rat you Rat Child where are you where are you fortunately is a terrible child murderer oh my God Jesus [ __ ] that’s a that’s a

Burger fortunately he’s a terrible childo arrived to an situation that all of slim cicles friends supported the idea of holding a trial to determin the fate of wlea and the possibility of Reviving her thus the trial of wlea was held on day 22 the two sides prepared to

Face each other at the courtroom prior to the trial slim CLE had managed to somehow convince five separate people to represent him against Mariana and War in the trial may my may my lawyer please proceed to the stand yes I mean the opposing parties presented their

Arguments on why Han flea should get to live unintentionally the trial also acted as a way to defame both Mariana and foolish due to foolish rumors of promiscuity what is it showing that was before I got into a family relationship with Vegeta and and there’s no connection between us whatsoever anymore slim CLE

Transgressions towards Cheyenne were brought up by filza with damning video evidence but by the end of the trial the verdict was to revive an fipa as long as Mariana and slime served a jail sentence which they escaped to see their daughter again get it get it get go go go go go

Go go go go go go I W what a this happiness last for had been in the custody of Royer for the day upon meeting with slime he offered to take care of with oneof flea before the day as the three went on their way enemies showed up and they had

To fight for their lives tragically s was in the wrong place at the wrong time being struck down by slime’s sword slime slim what the [ __ ] man mat quak is going to kill you man your nephew just died and the only thing you can think of is taking a [ __ ] selfie

In front of his no it’s not a selfie it’s a pro because you killed my [ __ ] T it was my slime exiled himself out of deep shame leaving War to Jesus Christ meanwhile in a lost his second life due to neglect forgotten entirely by the members of the island during his Exile

Slime regretted his carelessness in handling his sword meanwhile another case of a mistake occur B andiz her final death a funeral was announced to not giving the official Federation Church on one Strange Day an entity called Aaron awakened within Lau an artificial intelligence that lay inside his Consciousness confused by the world

He started ating through the chat fellow guests arrived at his location confused at what was going on with their friend after a bit of friendly torture where they presumed they could make L snap out of this strange State they eventually realized that this really was a different entity they taught him about

The world and how things work he was very excited and curious about the new experiences though quickly learned about how cruel the outside can be oh L and Darren would share his body trading control on a whim whenever the former would lay down and sleep for the night

For the most part lassu spent his time like any other guest causing trouble for the others by placing landmines around the place while Aon expanded his understanding of the world he decided that it was his purpose to ensure that the outside world was free of danger he declares his new learnings that the

World is beautiful and dangerous at the same time and that every moment spent alive is worth enjoying Wilber returned to the server after a long absence meeting fit MC and catching up on what he had missed He was unaware that he was about to be forced into Parenthood just

Like all the other guests as wber and fit investigated the daycare they discovered an attic within it they found new EG with some reluctance eventually agreed to become her father despite sustaining herself entirely on dirt Tula was a healthy happy child quickly bonded with her new father who got attached

Very quickly to his musical daughter oh that’s funny you 27 the members gathered to mourn the loss of trump toen and W fipa slim CLE attended the funeral virtually from a secret location using the cameras he had planted around a building to watch it but he quickly revealed himself

When he saw quak get taken away by kukuo to a secret room The parents of the deceased eggs were allowed a few last moments to say goodbye however slim CLE believed that there still would be a way to bring his child back after the was over the guests began to show hostility towards each other the qsm members showed their strong displeasure with the following

Events the first fight broke out between spren and Dapper which resulted in a fight between spring and bad boy Hollow in the graveyard Spectators on the fight and eventually bad boy Hollow lost the second fight occurred between a distraught quag and slim CLE as revenge for killing due to qu’s lack of combat

Skills slime let him to give him a sense of closure and of course get bed by the ad fights foolish and lonardo had a friendly parent child sparring session deeply hit by grief after the loss of their children quacky and slim cicle began scheming while qu’s plan was to

Deceive the others and Rob them slim cicle had other ideas what if we just like why don’t we just start up with the egg thing and just like see where it goes maybe you and and Mariana could help I like the idea I like the idea the

Next time I see you you’re going to be all dressed up and I’m going to introduce you to everyone I’m going to say that that I have a new son that I I got pregnant overnight I have a new son beautiful and you’ll get along with Wow

Slim would disguise himself as an egg and be adopted by quack as his new son it was a plan that was definitely not an unhealthy coping mechanism though their scheming was being intruded upon by Bad Boy Hollow and depper slimick quickly deployed his number one strategy of deterring unwanted listeners hey hey hey

Hey I know you’re over here and I’m going to start listing every [ __ ] sex fact I know sex fact number one vulva sex fact number two clintoris sex fact number three sh sex fact number four pention it was highly effective for about 10 seconds before being immediately distracted by theer of

Avocado toast do you guys want to do you guys want to work for some avocado toast yeah sure for God’s sake I got a I have a I I need to I have a thing I have a thing avocado toast follow follow me avocado toast we require labor okay with

Enough work bad boy Hollow gained a small amount of information and lost a great amount of toast meanwhile with his new stash of toast and Mission ahead slim CLE prepared a new room in the adoption center a new strange green neeg [Laughter] appeared slim SLE used his powers as

Shape shifting to transform himself into a very convincing Des what is going on here what transformation health of an individual I fooled him so good didn’t I oh I did so good Papa I’ve been quacky what throughout the rest of the day slim CLE pretends to be an egg named

Gag convincing the other with varying degrees of success what is gag on day 33 all guests received a mysterious and frightening message from The Familiar duck Cheyenne status alive alive oh my [ __ ] god L fear struck Hall parents as they learned that the eggs would all die in

Six days fearing that it may be the truth the parents used what little time they had left to make these last Day special meanwhile some parents grew suspicious of the nature of the message but only time would tell what it could mean on day 39 while slim cicle dawned

His disguise once more he entered a confrontation that resulted in his death this revealed his true identity in front of all the other guests of the island Whoa oh my God it’s not what it looks like okay an uncomfortable explanation had to follow which slim cicle expertly avoided by burying the body so he would not have to to answer any questions was this the true end of gig valid question is this the true end of gig a

Boat oh big boat yo a cargo ship had struck the island after a heavy storm the guests discover the crashed remains of the ship and search it for any survivors and perhaps their missing children too struggling through several containers of dangerous enemies the rescue group discovers the

Five new guests of the island that’s such a sick way to introduce people your main source of information stay tuned for that’s so cool I had no idea that’s how they got Added that’s so sick what man this SMP is so clear it’s actually wild you can watch part two I’m going to watch part two don’t you worry about me I got part two and part three and Funny Moments Funny Moments two and funny moments three mate we’re ready and part four oh my

God I love that so how many groups have there been added so you just said that the Brazilians arrived then then there was the ones where like Nikki and stuff when Nikki was nichu’s group the most recent group 442 3 4 2 4 4 3 great are the French

Okay okay cool right let’s learn more you guys still enjoying this you enjoying yourselves guys let me see a chat spam if you’re enjoying yourself you have 30 seconds you have 30 seconds I won’t let the mods time you out don’t worry oh my goodness look at all those first time chat messages

Wow guys let me tell you as as a streamer as a person I’m very grateful that I get to stream for my job whether there’s 50 people here or a thousand people here but my God is it cool to see so many people in the chat

Man you guys are making me some kind of emotional I’ve had like a tough few months on stream there it’s been a tough few months I’ve trying to work out what I want to do what I’m streaming what games I’m playing all that stuff and like this really couldn’t have come at

Like a better time for me and I know some of you will come here once and never return and that’s okay that’s the beauty of streaming um I’m just so shet thank you for the tier one I appreciate that um it’s very very cool for me um I’m very grateful like it it

Means it means a lot it means a lot I have an announcement that I’m getting to make I can’t make until the 1st of January but it’s kind of going to change um it’s to do with uh streaming um and it’s it it could be a good thing now it

Was going to be not a great thing um and now with this like you know this little boost and people checking streams out and stuff maybe things won’t changeed quite as much as I thought they would so this is uh this is really cool um and you know hopefully even after

Purgatory some of you guys will find your way back uh to the streams uh I stream at like pretty like European friendly times so hopefully that’s a bit of a sell to people I don’t know um but yeah I’m I’m super grateful I I really can’t thank you guys enough for

Being so accepting of me and and you know allowing me into this wonderful Community even if it’s just a small you know amount of uh a small section where I get to be a part of it it truly is an honor to even be a smidgen of a percent

Involved in the qmp um genuinely it’s unreal so I’m very grateful I can’t thank you guys enough and I’m done being sppy now I’ll stop I’ll stop being I’ll stop being a little emotional baby and we’ll uh we’ll get on but thank you guys so much like all the

Communities that have come in the Portuguese fans the Brazilian fans the French fans the German fans the Danish fans the Swedish fans the Dutch fans everyone who’s come in and welcomed me into uh you know Spanish as well of course uh that have come in and welcomed

Me to the qmp community it’s I’m very grateful uh and I hope that’s I hope it’s reciprocated I hope it’s reciprocated and all I have to say to that is this welcome to qmp info where you will find news on the lives our guests lead during their stay on the island this

Broadcast is brought to you by the qmp Federation my name is kucho and I will be your host today we’ve got much to cover since the guests arrived so let’s get started the C ship had struck the island after a the guests discover the crashed remains of the ship and search it for

Any survivors and perhaps their missing children too struggling through several containers of dangerous enemies the rescue group discovers the five new guests of the island Cate m forever F these new guests quickly new friends perhaps relationships but shortly after their arrival all the guests attention shifted to sumant news the children were found

Entirely safe and Chip to be found all parents were reunited with their children but it seems this had been a Baker’s batch as an extra egg was found the new guests quickly adopted their new role of Parenthood and took re Char in as one of their own what used to

Be the humble Theory Brothers founded by Maximus bad boy Hollow and foolish now expanded into a secret organization dubbed Ordo theory is with the joining of selit fit MC pack forever what with bad boy Halo and eggs bro relax Mike Oro the goal was to solve the mysteries of

The island and defeat the Federation and thus work quickly began to investigate the strange occurrences on day 45 the members investigated L su’s supercomputer to little result but after much consideration the team decided to try the one thing they were told they couldn’t leave the island leaving the

Eggs in the care of filsa the team began walking on the train tracks starting the long J ahead or so they thought while the order was at exploring the binary code entity showed itself targeting the children in a vicious fight fil binary code entity cried out for help before

Fighting valiantly for their lives managing to save them the order quickly returned to ensure the safety of the children thankful for Phil’s active but one child was not so lucky while the order had ensured the safety of larda R Char and cheyen with Phil’s help other

Eggs were left with less security out in the middle of the ocean the binary code entity slw Bobby causing him to eventually drown and lose his first life to the shock of many shortly after their plans to tracks wor wed by the threat of the code entity selbit and forever decided to

Enact a new strategy interrogating Karo in order to achieve this the two decided to break Island rules to summon kucho they created an iron farm intending to lure kucho into a secret interrogation room their oh are you not you’re not allowed iron Farms I’m guessing so they

Thought if they made an iron farm that the admin would appear is that the is that a logic wow naughty naughty plan swiftly failed upon the arrival of kucho good morning what are you doing uh I’m I’m just making an iron farm right while salit and forever had plans to bring CUO

Somewhere kuko decided for an impromptu I’m not joking if I even if I set up to like bait an admin in like this if I just heard out of nowhere a real freaky like good morning I’d log out so fast you don’t even understand like I’d be Gonzo appointment with selit

Taking him away to a dimly lit hallway what what what the [ __ ] why was this prepared what the [ __ ] is this no oh no why did this already exist Z it bro oh [ __ ] wait what are you doing wait after the playful kuko sat sbit down in his office and questioned him

About his actions which allowed salit to also attempt to interrogate him though with little success and while one man failed to progress another managed to get past his troubles quak announced that in order to continue his growth as a person he had to let go of the past of

His child to lean oh God if you die I die with you there’s so much to do goodbye Till on day 50 kuko was actively socializing cbit and Phelps recently torturing s could not keep him from being The Grill Master at [Laughter] f for mysterious reason Sal responds to the presence of kucho with extreme hostility this Memorial kucho requests to hold a private conversation with f

That’s so fun this private conversation is immediately spied on by several members of Ordo Theory uh what do you love the most of course M Charon that’s why I would sacrifice myself for another life for him but while Fel offer of his life for his son was not taken kucho

Wanted to share something hello I’m I need you to help me with something okay I’ll help you what what what’s going on dude sit down okay oh oh I hope you enjoy the island um I’m sure of what happened to their friend the order chose to investigate

The secret Federation room found in the Great graveyard but their snooping was noticed and when they tried to take photo evidence of the room the Federation refused to let them leave until the image was deleted whaty yo yo yo yo yo we’re stuck we’re stuck we’re stuck stuck this fruit they

Refused to buckle to the Federation and attempted to trick the Federation into releasing them they succeeded more or less but were followed by lightning strikes as I Maxim the construction of Sophia began with a strange encounter after Maximus created his antenna the S is pronounced up on day 54 Sophia came to

Be hidden inside a secret location Max met her for the first time Sophia ma what bro I have I mean I didn’t know what the law was why in the hell is there a super computer what is going on here going look slowly together with cit’s help they fed

Her information on the island to ensure she would be able to assist them in their struggle against the Federation Jesus this is how the French arrived bloody hell due to y ated technical problems an airplane headed for France crashed into the island miraculously all passengers survived the same could not be

Said we need to know where the plane was coming from because it was going to France if we find out where the plane was coming from we can geolocate the island de for the V quantity of potatoes planted top the wall the plane crashed into Unfortunately they seem has AAL

Location and the guest once more had to rescue the new AR from introductory presentations of our new members have been skve skive skull W skull one thank you for the tier one I appreciate it I really really appreciate it guys thank you so much for the subs and stuff today I appreciate you

Guys oh wait sorry this people getting added iation introductory presentations of our new members have been prepared V Antoine aier K and not just that it seems one more new friend was waiting yo French Ruster went kind of hard by the way damn for them but first Vegeta had to give the French an explosive welcome this is a oh I see I see I see

Yes oh that the picture of fool I thought this was I was like why is foolish speaking fluent French Spanish sorry sorry I was baited by the fact that it was French just landed I didn’t even listen to what was said you got to understand I have qmp brain right Now once Vegeta’s impromptu to game of Mind sweeper was over all members traveled to the given coordinates and discovered a new egg that egg’s adorable are you happy to be in Perry Maximus began entrusting the information of Sophia’s existence to several Members First bad boy Hollow who

Was hot on maximus’s Tail as he suspected him of being up to something eventually followed by fit and Vegeta of which the former provided a supposed black box of the French plane on day 57 voer agreed to explore more dangerous territory with Bobby little did he know

That this was a big mistake as they explored the dungeon Bobby slain by a Vindicator together with Royer it was far too late to save him with little hope that the death would not count Jaden Royer and Friends of the family awaited the announcement of Bobby’s fate

The next day what followed may not have been what they desired but what it created may have been equally as important proof that no matter what everyone stands together on day 58 kukuro asked jayen and Royer to gather all their friends and begin a quest to

The place of Bobby’s death oh all the guests that were present joined not a single soul wouldn’t fight for Bobby’s life as they all began the long trip towards they had to survive and fight for their lives and every companion mutually agreed the ones that had to

Reach the end were Royer and Jaden no matter the cost we have to prot Jen Jaden are you okay yes I’m okay J okay but when they reached their goal they learned that they would not get their child back only that they would get their final 10 minutes with him oh

My God if if 10 minutes is what we get then I’ll take it that’s do Bobby BBY BBY oh my God yeah maybe I’m not C out for the qmv guys Jesus I’m a little Baby I just Dre best day we had together Oh I’m reading this all right guys could you pay for the therapy am all right this could have been forever oh my God that’s so sad look look they’re doing the flowers oh Bobby got one Bobby no be careful no come out come from there got look give it as a

Flashback this is horrible oh my God that’s so sad what the Hell this was qsm info your main source of information stay tuned for the next news wow and the next news we will stay tuned for and it’s happening right now welcome to qmp info where you will find news on the lives our guests lead during their stay on the island this

Broadcast is brought to you by the qmp Federation my name is kukuro and I will be your host today we’ve got much to cover since the guests arrived that much on day 52 quack had announced that the ex would graduate the children were asked to draw a car year of him and they

Then proceeded to receive their certificates later to his new home La nod there he planned to sing re chariss to sleep but a pleasant surprise happened as both Cheyenne and Tula joined in as well unfortunately pleasantries could not last forever hey B can you take cheyen back home yes I can oh

God why do you have as qu exited the house hey Samantha thank you so much for the new tier one I appreciate that so much thank you thank you thank you thank you guys it is 25% off tier one Subs right now as ever a time you’re enjoying

The stream you know it’s thr about right about he spotted the looming above them from the village entrance thankfully no eggs lost lives that day however egg lives were lost on several was that did I just watch sh man jump off of a block to try and hit the binary with a

Sword exited the house he spotted the code entity looming above them from the village entrance thankfully no EGS lost lives were lost on several other days let’s recap what unfortunate incidents occurred with the other children Leo lost her first life on day 35 during an incident with a whale while

Her father was AFK richar Leon lost his first life on day 42 due to my kering a bull fitmc attempted to help but was too late to save him her first life on day 55 during a long fight against the code entity she was accidentally struck down by Phil’s sweeping Edge blade Dapper

Lost his first life on day 56 during a second attack from the code monster on the same day as Bobby’s death quagi made plans to summon kucho he destroyed the honorary statue out of disdain for him before running into him at the train station kuko did not appreciate the

Hostility opening fire on qu without Hesitation a a after the hostilities were done the two began aaki attempted to propose the idea that he could work for them in order to bring back the life of his child s however despite recent struggles of keeping the island guests well behaved kucho did not

Accept his offer quak was let go and he quickly made his way to salba to inform him about his visit and his plans my thing is to defeat the Federation we have to think like the Federation forever demanded for kukuro to appear threatening to use the illegal items if

He did not show himself if you don’t shows up now I’m going to to use the creative T I want to talk with you finally called down forever agrees on a meeting day regarding the illegal items with selit being there to Aid him in his defense otherwise he would begin using the items

He threatened disregarding that the Federation would punish him for doing so on Wednesday the meeting would be held but forever was not prepared for the events that were about about to unfold forever decided together with salvit and bad boy Hollow to begin a project to protect all the ABS this then developed

Into the creation of Nino this is an egg daycare over the next few days construction on Nino continued features of Nino include ender pearl stasis Chambers protected rooms only accessible by authorized Personnel in addition with some work and effort the stasis Chambers were created to be fully remote and

Would remain active even upon log out that very Wednesday salit decided to his home flla he was met with a stark and Loud reminder of his history as a mystery person placed to Vio derbo advertisement he performed and on a large billboard in the central location of filla Sorry forever quickly found him beginning to let me just regain cont place too advertisement he performed and on a large billboard in the central location of Flla wait okay someone someone context me up selvi was in an ad when he was like 10 years oh 10 years [Laughter] ago unreal remind me of the ad when we finish this episode I want to see it I got to see it that’s the goat that’s the goat hey even

10 years ago selit was getting his bag you put some respect on my man forever quickly found him beginning to taunt him for the next minutes he called upon all the guests on the island that were available to come and see the advertisement deciding to throw an impromptu party much to subit [Applause]

Dismay have I done to deserve this but as not just s tried to figure out to put the ad there no one would fess up he abandoned them and everything he had to start a new away from them and with that new beginning he declared a plan to Ally

With the Federation later in the day kucho found C bit and forever intending this I’m not laughing at him I just said bro bro got the bag listen I’ve been in like two adverts and yeah they’re both a little cringe meeting with them regarding the illegal blocks in

Forever’s possession so it’s not a court case it’s just a meeting yes you said we had a we we will have a mutual agreement agreement initially Sate defended forever but this quickly turned sour as suddenly selit began speaking against forever he argued that Ender Chest should be banned to solve the problem of

Forever storing the blocks in there and he argued for getting full custody of rear when the two were left alone to permit them to speak selit clarified that the ad was not the cause of his betrayal everyone that breaks the rules should be locked in a cage or a movie

Too damn at least be taken that’s the go those that they’re protecting I want the Parenthood from his charlone 100% % this caused a Schism between forever and sbit that would last for the coming days kukuro returned with a verdict ender chests would be banned from today on a

Court hearing for rear Leon’s custody would be held and he requested that they not try to kill each other within his new home salit eventually holds a long internal monologue where he explained his actions and his plans from hence forth sbit surprised kukuro and Forever by betraying him allowing him to

Convince kukuro that he was willing to abandon his and workation all to protect his watch for yesterday going make me to further make a scene Drive the point he would Mark any individuals that intended to be allies to him after this Schism as not to be trusted by the order he left a

Signed book with richar and explaining his plan the contents of which are entirely unknown just so that his son would know he truly hadn’t turned to the enemy and as a final nail in the coffin he blocked access to Sophia just to see how Maximus would react Uh current

Password is Bing chilling right Bing chilling okay the new password is Regret he was sure about Sophia deeming her strange and deciding to refuse to bring her at all in conversations with the Federation Sophia Sop he know that he was attacked by a codar c in binary exclusively targeting him and ignoring re but the question still lies watch too the final plan was simple he would acquire as much information from the Federation as he could pretending like he was still in conflict with Ordo theor

Is to make the Federation believe his Allegiance more and on the day of the custody trial he would reveal all this information in front of everyone excepting that if the Federation will try to get rid of him he will be a m for the coming days these info things are

Put together so well I’m not sure who put together part of the Federation just before he would get his final mission he had to clear all the missing posters of Phelps upon completion he had been found by kucho while he was speaking to quack the both of them were taken aside to a

Private office where sbit received his final mission oh my God okay sbit what does it say does it say kill quacky maybe no don’t worry selet had to destroy forever’s illegal XP farm with quack as a witness quack agreed purely because he had beef with forever and not

Because he desired to help the Federation IDE idea don’t expl he going to [ __ ] him up we should we should just do what the Federation told us we should just break the spawners good good look at this TNT the operation was a success and S but teleported out swiftly though

Quak made the mistake of sticking around for longer Desiring to blow up the farm and nearly being caught by forever I can’t teleport out [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] he’s here he’s [ __ ] here he was saved BYO just in a nick of

Time oh my God karer scares the [ __ ] out of me oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god dude you okay my God was let go once the mission was complete while salit was taken on a brief tour kucho led selit to the graves of the Dead eggs first to then h fle

Trump and finally Bobby afterwards he was told his officialized would occur the next day this day was also unfortunately Pal’s very bad day as the code monster attempted to slay her Thrice on the same day thankfully all attempts had failed thanks to the noino building uh P free Free there is there is on the third attempt however the teleport system failed as forever was messing with the Redstone causing distrust between forever and the French parents rumors of intentional sabotage were sown but were quickly apologized for forever furious at the destruction of his XP farm stormed towards cit’s

Castle he chased foolish and lonardo out of the castle through violence and force before filling cit’s castle with the Vivo turbo ads just to make it unbearable bro Soul literally leaves his body the second he joins after cleaning it up salit gave rear a tour of the castle but mid tour

Cuu arrived to take him away for his officialized just before he left he had some last moments with richon giving him a book named the truth that contained the words of thorns 3004 it was to be given to Forever when he felt the time was right was asked to sign a contract

In order to be officialized upon doing so he was welcomed into the Federation he was given key cards and was permitted a chance to select an office of his own afterwards he was left alone told to wait in his office for his next duties sber wrote up an entire diary detailing

His experiences so far before eventually stepping out of his office to ask kukuru Cho a very important question hey boss is there a bathroom around here like or should I do it in the fountain no seeit once the coast felt clear sbit began snooping around in kukuru Cho’s office

Finding a secret door and implementing the code he found during his inventory work as he went down the hall he made a grand Discovery dist and panicked selit ran away to try and find someone to tell this to he escaped to flla attempting to ask bad boy holler to talk in his own

Man flew over his head God can I use your bathroom the fudge no seeing his son Sid quickly told him to give the B to Forever before his son could answer though selid was taken away what oh no uhoh you are now part of the qmp Census Bureau yeah

Oh but this was not the end richar delivered the message to Forever and a meeting in Ordo Theus was called explaining the situation and when they decoded the meaning of the crown of thorns message they found that s that left them explanations at top the head of the Christ the Redeemer statue within

The chest were a multitude redem statue of explaining the situation and that if this had to be Given oh deep this was qsa simp info main source of information stay tuned for the next news this is so Sick right let me get the ad I’m going to have to see the ad aren’t I oh you gifting oh SK thank the five gifted oh what is what is going on here uh hold on where is this I will spin the wheel in a moment s spin

Time oh so many things you guys have posted this is great wait is in the qmp links thing oh it is yeah VI turbo okay let me spin this wheel spin that Wheel this one’s for you skve I’m going to gift a sub in your name congratulations uh there you go hear it again gift a sub I love spending money hooray oh you gifting wow CPK gifted went to Yuki clog that CPK guy sounds handsome what the hell what the right here we go

Gifting why did I play twice what okay this is fine yeah that kind of goes hard that kind of goes hard I’ll be honest that went that one kind of crazy he hates what he says she laughs and calls him my baby at the end I did

Uh the context clue of him having a baby bottle really threw that to me I’ll be honest right watch Funny Moments One oh this is Purgatory funny moments okay oh no it’s [Laughter] not [Laughter] oh caption sorry Basim Bas yeah do you know a famous French song that we sing when we are on boat Mouse what it’s called Peep and jum deip pip yes it it it goes like This wait is that actually what the song is like this I literally I only know that song from being in Sea of Thieves that’s It uh please no please okay it’s working the door strategy is working the door strategy is working I’m the goat I’m the goat I’m the goat oh my God oh my God ah [ __ ] are you all right it’s song by while playing are you joking it was cre by a French streamer

While playing sea of Thieves and then did they wait and then they put it in Sea of Thieves cuz that’s the only place I can think that I would know it from I’m so lost am I losing my mind oh the lyrics yeah okay yeah I say

I thought you me the whole tune I was like [Laughter] what no we don’t down oh my God Make sure we’ve got a boat ready to go oh [ __ ] reasonable [ __ ] reasonable even the Tigers angry Thomas it’s an we’ve been watching so many of your videos on these streams Mate fudge fudge wait let’s think of let’s think of like let’s think of like alternate Square words we can say that have like the same like gas mask that scared that’s a fly sorry end is Night [Laughter] come on who whoaaa whoaa why dides bro move like that Sur you’re not going to get away right oh hold damage what was going on there B why is it so strong get away from him oh My to be honest with you CIT sbit sent me here to kill you man but um kill me try try to kill me you I want to some points just some points try to kill you you you you don’t know me at 100% but that Mex stop hug no stop it my goodness

Goodbye Oh no trousers this is your house too F do you want to go and find P need to what huh I need to kill fit no oh no really man I’m leaving this is not for me I’m sorry too byebye looks like we’re on our own today boys is away how many

You Everybody wants to be My I [ __ ] stck dude that was iar you I could just hear you I was fting Because the that’s even funnier from the other POV this could not have been oh my gosh sorry ruining the moment Chad help [ __ ] the [ __ ] this game man I’m going to [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] this [ __ ] game I’m going to destroy everything man [ __ ] the [ __ ] game the

Old the old we don’t want enchants anymore yeah [ __ ] this [ __ ] game I just have a mask man I just have a [ __ ] mask Yeah I understand yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll say we’ll keep that one in the chamber then oh [ __ ] [ __ ] controls I broke the chest controls are not not reversed anymore [ __ ] bro with vin mine hey man that’s your F to clean up I

Got it I got it I got it I got it I got it [ __ ] it’s reversed again [Laughter] mother I’m running stay Little Toad no wait the boat I can make it I can make it I can make it to the fire nailed it I made it that’s crazy actually what what we’ll leave you we’ll leave you but there’s going to be creepers he stepped on it

No foolish what should we do foolish tell us oh oh no oh no oh [ __ ] oh he’s dead he de oh he’s dead oh yes let’s [ __ ] go that you know we couldn’t tell bad we couldn’t tell him right no so we couldn’t tell that what

Happened cuz he’s very py so I was just like yeah stuff happened in there and he’s like oh like swearing I was like sure yeah yeah like swearing yeah that’s good the [ __ ] no no mommy go go there’s a lot more M the Fu no no momies go go there’s a lot more mobs than I thought there’d be come go go go go oh God go brilliant goo one of them throwing TNT Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco get the one that’s first oh my God oh God right let’s watch uh info 4

And then I’m probably going to probably going to wrap up soon we’re pushing we’ll be pushing 5 hours I got to get ready for tomorrow also guys can’t just say I know we’ve been talking about a lot first of all again thank you to everybody for checking out my streams I really

Appreciate it I appreciate you giving me a chance we haven’t hit 2,000 viewers without a raid in like way over a year so thanks guys means a lot very cool oh wait do we have ads right now too it has jumped up like 300 that’s so

Funny I got this weird glitch where when I get an ad the viewers jump up by like 300 for some reason I don’t know why thanks guys thank you thank you thank you hot for and ASDF qsm we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see thank you guys I really I

Really appreciate it all welcome to qsm it’s so cool to get to Showcase myself to so many new people guys I swear I’m funny and I’m cool yay yay news on the lives our guests lead during their stay on the island this broadcast is brought to you by the qmp

Federation Federation and I will be your host today we’ve got much to cover since the guests arrived so let’s get started guys what if I did did kukar rucho show up on the in purgatory at all what if I just find a way to you know somehow make them appear and then I

Just ask if I can just join the qmp should be that easy right upon hearing the news that cellbit had been taken by the Federation pack and Mike did not hesitate to find ways to to break into the federation’s protected zones through the use of create machines they learned they could

Destroy them but the Federation threatened them if they were to do so with a threat in mind they met up with bad boy Hollow to attempt and get answers out of I’ll my way to make a deal that if they can find kucho in a

Game of hide and seek he must give them some information regarding I did see a book water freezes at 0° c and a happy face that doesn’t mean anything I hope you enjoy the island bad boy Hollow noted that the initial Census Bureau survey placed all the questions in past

Tense discussing further theories and ideas with members of the order forever held a speech declaring war against the Federation due to the suffering it caused them all forever plan two attacks one on the prison that kucho had been constructing and one on the Federation headquarters instead the plan is to blow

Up the prison of karuchu the one that he did on the wall we are going to make him suffer just like they are being doing to us since the beginning and so Ordo the just destroyed the This is Halloween there’s a there’s a book over here

There’s a book of something we have to explore this [ __ ] we have to explore this yeah yeah just just go just go my God on Day 70 qu woke with violence in his heart he broke many rules such as achieving more than two rows of Hearts attempting to go to the Nether and

Slaying a qsm [Laughter] worker qpc yo forever ensured that Royer received Sal bit’s goodbye letter and informed him of the Ordo Theory dis war path he Tracked Down qu telling the whole story to him but quak subtly communicated that he was being followed and was quickly taken away by kukuo for

Interrogation on his earlier crimes forever and bagera were sure to follow and spy on them a party was held celebrating re charon’s birthday many celebrations were held oh you for play a song by so as even so that he is not here right Now meanwhile Maximus returns to Sophia and manages to reactivate her with the password Sal bit left in the letters together with bad boy Hollow foolish and Roy a they plan to install a selfing really hates bad boy Hal’s name huh bad boy H the group excluding bad boy Hollow

Proceeded to set up an antenna for Sophia to be able to locate the coordinates of the island this was revealed to be Point Nemo the place in the ocean farthest from any landia also the egg we and th were likely to not be anything organic foolish was additionally

Confirmed to be 100 much to analis 100% human DNA do you want me to analyze further um I guess I’m a human the group now including bagera moved on to explore additional coordinates they had uncovered they uncovered the remains of the crashed plane including a black bringing it to Sophia gave them them

Information on the flight and an audio file from minutes prior to the crash there is an audio file from before the crash playing Now Jaden returned again on day 71 and was promptly followed around by Karo they held a conversation together where she was asked what she wanted what do you want I I just want to protect all the rest of the eggs I want everyone else to know that they’re safe I want

Safety for everyone on the island oh that’s very received several tasks to complete but firsted to participate in a boat race together with Karo one there we go go go come on we got this someone’s shooting arrows there wait I think we’re off course I think we’re off

Course that’s actually the winning music from Crash team racing I believe while jadden did not trust kucho she had nothing left to lose and chose to complete her given tasks forever fit pack Mike bagera foolish and aier teamed up in an attempt to begin the rescue of

Selit and Phelps unsure of where to go and where to even begin they prepared to gear up for the possible Challenge and had planned to utilize the machine that destroyed the prison to break into the Federation aare they managed to break and using foolish as one of symmetry but

Find that the entire place has been moved to an unknown location the team chose to split up and search the coordinates they were in the metime SEL awakens in a strange room finding Phelps in a room opposing him separated by glass and unable to break through the

Two real iiz they must solve puzzles to try and free him through some effort and much humorous Stalling but finally Phelps is freed and the two meet up close moving onto a strange room the entrance vanishes from behind them all they can do is sit down and watch not before subit managed to send some water that’s streaming folks we have [Applause] Coates wait what he’s giving the

Coordinates stay here Dapper I got to run in the meantime while the two waited they play tic Taco with items in the chest entertainment was scarce as the rescue team arrived at the coordinates they deployed Cara to carve a path into the dungeon the team descended like the

Heroes they were even Batman was present okay where is he where is he he’s Batman on This Server too Batman oh my God this s this is so cool the rescue team located sbit and Phelps trapped in their room and quickly began thinking how they could free them but in

The meantime they must ensure that none of them fall to the Swarms of enemies that descended upon them but once again with foolish genius plan of using the W of symmetry they avoided solving any of the intended puzzles wait I can maybe use the wand did that work here we

Go did it it did it now free to escape salvit and Phelps hurried out with the rest of the team narrowly avoiding death as more powerful enemies before quickly warping back to flla and when all was over the team met up in the Ordo Theory this meeting room guys thank you so much

For doing everything you guys did I have no idea what happened the last couple days the last week I pretended I I was betraying everyone and I acted like an [ __ ] I’m so sorry but that was the only way we could make karuchu believe in me and it worked I guess the last

Thing I remember is karuchu giving me a book saying that tomorrow was going to be the day of the process where where I I would go enter the Federation and I don’t remember anything else but I think I at least something went right because we got Phelps back and that’s that was

Our m mission number one so welcome back Phelps welcome welcome yeah one speech later it was time to celebrate a party was held at the top of the noino building but most importantly C reunited with Royer and quickly proposed to him I don’t have a ring in my finger do

You want to get married oh if you want yes so like accept I accept but like we all know this is just the beginning and so a series of quiet days continued after such adventurous events Phelps return was celebrated sbit informed more friends about the upcoming wedding and

Jaden and N made light jokes about exploring the nether the residents cleared up misunderstandings about their connections to the Federation restoring the relationship between Jaden and bagera in the process unfortunately there was one man who simply could not accept the news of not being the first

To get married on the island quack in a bout of desperacy decided he would marry meanwhile was attempting to andad boy H together let me explain to you what the problem with this marriage is you are getting married in two weeks and I wanted to be the first one to marry

Someone uh do you know how I was I was talking about forever the to you the other day like how you how’s he doing yeah know he’s great yeah how how you may be a couple and everything and you say no we’re like a couple of friends

We’re like besties ha right yeah no we’re pretty good we’re pretty good friends I think so what I’m thinking is maybe mhm there sorry nothing yeah sry uh so uh I’ll see you guys around okay I just need to go to the bathroom real quick he

Sh can you come with me uh to help me find the bathroom I’ll see you like in a in a couple minutes okay neither of these potential relation ship came to fruition the Romantic plans were put on hold however as quack attempted to St he would sell netherite that was claimed

From the body of a federation worker he murdered Thea was surely resents eventually decided that they would kill him for the netherite prompting him to make a quick Escape I’ll give you two Cobblestone SEL gives two Cobblestone GES for one goes for two diamonds a blaze rod gentleman

Who’s giv The Blaze Rod Blaze Rod brother five Diamonds oh and just taking the netherite that’s true he’s out of here middle of nowhere maybe the business was not for him this was qsm info your main source of information stay tuned for the next news wow okay what’s this last thing you

Want me to react to uh ASDF usmp is that what it said is it this hello and welcome to standing up school and you fail I love the as of movies I didn’t was plane is anybody here a doctor I am well you’re a nerd so beautiful out here yeah it’s

Just me you and the moon hey you too should kiss oh man you ever going to run out of muffins no because I want to see Muffin Factory and now Ducks I was just about to say that are you serious totally that’s spooky we are so think this is a

Robbery nice hat thanks I was being sarcastic well I stole your face when I grow up I want to go to the Moon it really did match the characters well here hold this I don’t know I think I got pretty good context at this point in

General hey guys check out my new camera oh oh wait this isn’t the camera hey baby are you an angel cuz I’m allergic to feathers you’re adopted Jimmy take out the dog yes mother for a walk Jimmy a what’s his name his name is David hello I am David honey I’m

Pregnant I can explain hey want to see an impression of my dad sure oh home right guys we’re going to leave it there for now it’s been a good five hours tomorrow is the day tomorrow is the day what on Earth what do you mean tomorrow is Purgatory man actually

Wild like qu stream yeah yeah I’m I’m going to watch it I’m going to make sure I watch it I’m going to make sure I watch it um just see if there’s any info for us um absolute Madness um guys I can’t thank you enough wait is

There any of the other um qsm Purgatory 2 Guys in like streaming right now I’d love to raid one of them am oh wait am’s live wait what wait on on Main oh just started oh okay yeah let’s do that let’s do that let’s do

That go show some love to Amy am is the goat thank you guys so much for everything today I really appreciate it I will see some of tomorrow for pergatory I know some of you are going to have other povs to watch thank you for giving me your time I appreciate you

All and I’ll see you on

This video, titled ‘QSMP Recap | It’s Wild! Minecraft (17 Dec 2023)’, was uploaded by SeapeekayLIVE on 2023-12-17 21:19:16. It has garnered 5835 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:41 or 17081 seconds.

Reacting to QSMP Recap Videos | It’s Wild! Minecraft (17 Dec 2023)

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    Crafting Chaos: Day 21 - Best Room Quest In the castle, the room work is done, If you want a spot, just comment for fun. Come visit my village, day 21 is the date, Join the adventure, don’t hesitate! Read More

  • Love is in the Minecraft Air

    Love is in the Minecraft Air Minecraft Love Server: A Musical Journey in TuneScape Network Embark on a musical adventure with TuneScape Network’s official video, “Minecraft Love Server.” This creative masterpiece brings together the talents of musicians NextTheFox and TuneScape Network, with the brilliant idea and production by TuneScape Network. Exploring the Musical Landscape Immerse yourself in the melodic world of “Minecraft Love Server” as it takes you on a journey through enchanting tunes and captivating rhythms. The collaboration between NextTheFox and TuneScape Network brings a unique blend of sounds that perfectly complement the Minecraft universe. Key Features: YouTube: Watch the official video on TuneScape… Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? If you’re a fan of exploring the depths of the game and uncovering its hidden secrets, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you to embark on your next adventure. With a vibrant community of players who are passionate about all things Minecraft, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re interested in testing out scary Minecraft hacks, exploring creepy pastas, or diving into the most disturbing experiments, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us… Read More

  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

    Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From pink color touches to daring escapes, Every story I tell, in rhymes it takes shape. Join me in the adventure, let’s explore together, In the world of Minecraft, where anything is possible, forever. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, And let’s journey through this pixelated delight. Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock LIVE with Viewers! Can we finish it all in one stream? 🔥

    Minecraft Bedrock LIVE with Viewers! Can we finish it all in one stream? 🔥Video Information [Music] d [Music] w [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] my love my love get my love take my my my [Music] [Music] [Music] wo [Music] hey what time is it it’sing it’s uh actually it’s [Music] 12:30 it’s it’s uh actually it’s 12:30 now a cow pretending to be a Manan are you a cow what no me nether Allan are you a cow what no me nether Allan are you a cow what no yeah me neither you guys wanted to go skateboards skateboards hey what time is it it’s it’s uh actually it’s 12:30 it’s it’s… Read More

  • Join Prof Mush for Exclusive Gaming Events!

    Join Prof Mush for Exclusive Gaming Events!Video Information he [Music] hello [Music] hi Prof mush hello [Music] hello hello hello why is Hive you me Wolfie I changed my IGN hello well now agent Pluto why is my hive taking so long to load that is sad wait I need to put my overlays on oh let’s just do that quickly just call me Pluto all right um we want H we want the sub count don’t we that work why is it still okay a there we go that’s fine right that’s fine all right I’m going to play SkyWars why you appearing offline uh… Read More

  • EPIC SERVER TOUR ft. Snorlax Martinez!

    EPIC SERVER TOUR ft. Snorlax Martinez!Video Information all right hello everybody um I am happy to say I have a Minecraft server I have a Minecraft server and this is what I have so okay this is what I have so far in the server um like the spawn point this obsidian block is going to be the spawn point the spawn right here you’re going to see all the signs the rules and then you’re going to be able to take 604 food and you can also use the Ender Chest but you can’t take you can’t take it like how it says right… Read More

  • Arrenek: Minecraft Horror – Beware The Night Prowler

    Arrenek: Minecraft Horror - Beware The Night ProwlerVideo Information [Music] something after [Music] me where is it where [Music] is all right this is it poon so this mod has come out recently and it looks pretty promising I don’t really know anything about it there’s something called the Damned and it’s coming after me so I get some wood and start a base up and see what happens also yeah I got that mod okay okay we’ll get some Stone get some tools going we get enough stone for furnace as well all right there we go okay we got the basics let’s get some food… Read More


    ULTIMATE BEDROCK ADDON BUILDING & EXPLORING! 😱🔥Video Information oh yeah I don’t show Don’t critici I’m Just living by my buenas noches Sean bienvenidos a un directito más de vedon bedrock por supuestísimo que sí vamos a bajarnos el audio Ay cabrón Ay cabrón gey me asustaste Ay [ __ ] chomi gey me asustaste [ __ ] No pues tú gey tú no quitaste el audio tú gey por qué me gritas cabrón esty solo en la casa y lo sabes Ya sé Bueno ya dije muchas groserías al principio me perdonas YouTube Ay me asusté Ay cómo les va gentecita AC no tiene no… Read More

  • Mind-blowing gaming remix: bass-boosted anime trap music

    Mind-blowing gaming remix: bass-boosted anime trap musicVideo Information there This video, titled ‘#music #phonk #anime #song #trap #edit #bass #hiphop #minecraft #newsong’, was uploaded by Incredible gaming on 2024-04-06 09:19:31. It has garnered 98 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Meme – Anthenati Exposed!

    INSANE Minecraft Meme - Anthenati Exposed!Video Information [Music] could be a dream I could you toise [Music] only could be a dream could be a dream sweee every time I look at you something is on my mind if you do what I want to do hey that we be so fine I could be This video, titled ‘Minecraft meme’, was uploaded by Anthenati on 2024-06-17 03:55:15. It has garnered 514 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • Minearchy SMP Minigames 1.20.x

    Minearchy – SMP & Minigames [1.20.X] Hey Minecraft enthusiasts! Searching for an active server? Your Minecraft adventure starts here at Lands of Minearchy! SMP Dive into our vibrant SMP community packed with exciting features. Join our inclusive community, whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out. Minigames Get ready for endless fun with our fantastic selection of minigames! From beloved classics like Prop Hunt to heart-pounding KitPvP and upcoming Bedwars – we’ve got it all covered. Ready to Start? Dive in now! Website: https://landsofminearchy.com Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmz_yOIkHFE IP: play.minearchy.com bedrock.minearchy.com (port: 19132) We can’t wait to see you in-game! Cheers! Read More

  • Atlas Project

    Atlas ProjectWelcome to the Atlas project. Just a Minecraft server. But without rules ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯ Pirate and Original 1.16.5 – 1.21⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠄⠐⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣤⣀⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠠⠄⠄⠄⡀⠠⠐⠄⠄⠁⠄⡀⠐⠄⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⣿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠁⢀⠈⠄⠈⠄⡀⠁⠄⡈⠄⠠⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡀⠄⡀⠈⠄⡀⠄⡀⠐⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣴⣿⣿⡿⣿⢽⣾⣽⢿⣺⡯⣷⣻⣽⣻⣟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⡀⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠐⠄⠄⠄⠁⠄⠄⢀⠄⠁⠄⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣾⣿⣿⢿⡽⡯⣿⢾⣟⣿⣳⢿⡽⣾⣺⣳⣻⣺⣽⣻⡿⣿⣿⣦⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠁⠄⠐⠄⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠁⠄⠄⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⣿⣯⢿⣽⣻⣽⣿⣿⣯⣿⣿⣿⣷⣻⢮⣗⡯⣞⡾⡹⡵⣻⣿⣇⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠠⠐⠄⠂⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠈⠄⠈⠄⠄⠂⠄⠁⠄⠄⠄⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⡾⣳⢿⢿⢿⠿⠿⠟⠟⠟⠿⣯⡾⣝⣗⣯⢪⢎⢗⣯⣿⣇⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠄⢀⠠⠄⠈⠄⠄⡀⠄⠄⠂⠄⡈⠄⠠⠄⠠⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠋⠉⠁⠑⠁⢉⣁⡁⠁⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢉⢻⢽⣞⢾⣕⢕⢝⢎⣿⣿⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠄⠄⡀⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⡧⠠⡀⠐⠂⣸⣿⢿⢔⢔⢤⢈⠡⡱⣩⢤⢴⣞⣾⣽⢾⣽⣺⡕⡕⡕⡽⣿⣿⠟⢶⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠠⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠠⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⡳⡄⡢⡂⣿⣿⢯⣫⢗⣽⣳⡣⣗⢯⣟⣿⣿⢿⡽⣳⢗⡷⣻⡎⢎⢎⣿⡇⠻⣦⠃⠄⠄⠄⡀⠂⠠⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠂⠈⠄⠐⠄⠠⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⡿⡝⡜⣜⣬⣿⣿⣿⣷⣯⢺⠻⡻⣜⢔⠡⢓⢝⢕⢏⢗⢏⢯⡳⡝⡸⡸⣸⣧⡀⣹⣠⠄⠄⠄⡀⠐⢀⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣇⢪⢎⡧⡛⠛⠋⠋⠉⠙⣨⣮⣦⢅⡃⠇⡕⡌⡪⡨⢸⢨⢣⠫⡨⢪⢸⠰⣿⣇⣾⡞⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢑⡕⡵⡻⣕⠄⠄⠄⠔⡜⡗⡟⣟⢿⢮⢆⡑⢕⣕⢎⢮⡪⡎⡪⡐⢅⢇⢣⠹⡛⣿⡅⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢸⢎⠪⡊⣄⣰⣰⣵⣕⣮⣢⣳⡸⡨⠪⡨⠂⠄⠑⢏⠗⢍⠪⡢⢣⢃⠪⡂⣹⣽⣿⣷⡄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡸⠐⠝⠋⠃⠡⡕⠬⠎⠬⠩⠱⢙⣘⣑⣁⡈⠄⠄⡕⢌⢊⢪⠸⡘⡜⢌⠢⣸⣾⢿⣿⣿⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡎⣐⠲⢒⢚⢛⢛⢛⢛⠛⠝⡋⡫⢉⠪⡱⠡⠄⠠⢣⢑⠱⡨⡊⡎⢜⢐⠅⢼⡾⣟⣿⣿⣷⠑⠐⢆⡤⣄⠄⠄⠄⢂⠐⠐⡀⠡⠄⠅⠈⠄⠁⠄⠄⣠⡃⡢⠨⢀⢂⢐⢐⢄⠑⠌⢌⢂⠢⠡⡑⡘⢌⠠⡘⡌⢎⠜⡌⢎⠜⡌⠢⠨⡸⣿⡽⣿⣿⣿⣣⠄⢪⢪⣺⡄⠄⠄⠂⠄⡁⠄⠂⡁⠈⡀⠂⣁⢴⠋⠁⡢⡑⡨⢐⢐⢌⠢⣂⢣⠩⡂⡢⡑⡑⡌⢜⠰⡨⢪⢘⠔⡱⢘⠔⡑⠨⢈⠐⢼⡷⣿⣻⢷⢯⢂⠣⡘⠔⡢⢿⡀⠄⠅⠂⡀⠂⢁⠄⠄⢀⢎⢎⠂⠄⠄⡢⡃⡢⢊⢔⢢⠣⡪⡢⢣⠪⡢⡑⡕⡜⡜⡌⢎⢢⠱⠨⡂⡑⠨⠄⠁⡂⡨⣺⡽⡯⡫⠣⠡⠢⢑⢈⠂⠌⡆⣧⠄⠂⠁⠄⠈⠄⠄⠄⢘⢜⢕⠄⠄⣰⡸⠐⠌⠆⢇⠎⡎⢎⢎⢎⢎⢎⢎⠎⡎⡪⠘⠌⠂⠁⠁⠄⢀⠄⢄⢢⢚⢮⢏⠞⡨⢂⠕⠉⠌⡠⠂⠌⢌⠢⣺⠄⣀⣤⣴⣶⣶⣶⢖⡧⡑⠬⡀⢀⡯⡃⡌⠈⠈⠄⠄⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢄⢂⢢⢱⢱⢱⠱⢡⢑⠌⢂⠡⠠⠡⠡⡂⠅⢕⢁⢊⢎⣿⣿⢿⡿⠟⠉⠄⠁⢰⢌⠪⣀⡸⠨⢂⠌⡊⢄⢂⠠⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠠⢐⢨⣘⢔⢵⠱⡃⡃⡕⡸⠐⡁⠌⡐⡨⠨⢊⠌⡢⢑⢅⠪⡰⡱⣏⣮⣤⣤⣤⡤⠄⠮⢏⠧⣣⢣⢎⠨⠄⠄⠨⢊⢪⢪⡫⡪⡊⡐⡐⡐⡌⡬⡪⡪⣎⢗⡕⡎⡣⠃⢅⠊⠆⠡⠠⡁⠢⡑⡐⢌⢌⠢⡑⡌⢆⢎⠎⠪⠈⡿⡝⠯⢏⠓⠄⠄⢀⢐⠈⡎⡎⡎⠄⠈⠄⠡⢂⠂⡕⡕⡕⠕⢌⢌⢢⢱⢸⡸⣪⢮⡣⡓⠌⠠⢑⠡⢈⠌⢌⢂⠪⠨⡂⣊⠢⡢⢣⢱⠸⠑⠁⠄⡀⢂⠁⣈⣀⣀⣀⡀⠄⢐⠔⠐⢨⢢⢣⠊⢀⠨⠨⢐⠐⡸⡸⡪⡱⡑⡌⡆⡇⡇⣏⢮⢪⢪⠊⠄⢑⢐⠨⡐⢌⠢⡪⡘⢌⠢⡢⢣⠪⠊⠄⠄⢀⠂⠁⠄⢂⣿⣿⣿⣿⠋⠄⠄⠄⠌⠨⠄⡣⡑⢅⠄⠄⠨⢐⠨⢰⢱⢣⢣⢪⢸⢨⡚⣞⢜⢎⢎⢎⠪⠐⠄⡆⡣⡪⡊⡪⡂⡪⡘⡌⡎⠊⠄⡐⠈⡀⢂⠈⠄⡁⡂⡟⠟⠝⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⢌⠪⠄⡣⠊⠄⣷⣄⠄⠄⠌⢸⢸⠱⡱⡡⡣⡣⡳⡕⡇⡇⡇⠥⠑⠄⢡⢑⠕⢔⢑⠔⡌⡆⠇⠁⡀⠄⠁⠄⢂⠐⠠⠈⠄⢂⠐⣠⣤⣴⣤⡤⠄⠄⠄⢐⠅⠅⡊⠌⠄⣿⣿⣷⣤⣤⣂⣅⣑⠰⠨⠢⢑⣕⣜⣘⣨⣦⣥⣬⠄⢐⢅⢊⢢⢡⠣⠃⠄⡐⠠⠄⡂⠡⢈⠠⠈⠄⠡⠈⠄⠨⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢌⠢⢨⠨⠄⢹⢛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⠟⠄⢰⢰⢱⠑⠁⢀⠐⡀⠂⠄⠡⠐⠐⡀⠂⡁⠌⠠⠁⠌⢐⡟⠝⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠠⡑⡱⢐⠄⢸⡲⡠⠄⠉⠙⠻⠿⣿⠿⠿⢛⠫⡩⡳⣸⠾⠁⢀⢢⠣⠃⠄⠠⠐⡀⠂⠄⠡⠈⠄⡁⠂⠄⠡⠐⢈⠠⠁⠌⠠⠄⠄⣀⣤⣤⣀⡀⠄⠂⠄⠐⢌⠆⢕⠈⣗⢥⢣⢡⢑⢌⡢⡢⢅⢇⢇⢯⢾⡽⠃⢀⠔⡅⠁⠄⠄⠨⢀⠡⠐⠈⠄⠡⢈⠐⡀⠅⠌⠠⠁⡂⠄⠡⢈⠐⣾⣿⢿⡿⡿⠇⠄⠄⠄⡀⢀⠢⠭⢆⠦⡿⡷⡷⡵⡷⡷⣵⢽⡮⣷⢽⡽⡓⠤⠤⠕⡁⠠⠄⠅⠄⠅⠄⠂⠌⠠⠡⠈⠄⢂⠐⠠⠨⠠⠁⠄⢂⠡⠐⡈ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – BIG MONEY ARRIVES

    Minecraft Memes - BIG MONEY ARRIVESLooks like Steve is about to discover a diamond vein so big, he’ll be swimming in emeralds in no time! Big money, here we come! #minecraftgoals 💎💰 Read More

  • Block Xuan: Minecraft’s World Restore Encore

    Block Xuan: Minecraft's World Restore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. From funny animations to songs that adapt, He crafts content that leaves us all entrapped. With a heart for the game and a mind that’s keen, He shares Minecraft facts in a playful scene. From hidden chests to secret surprises, He keeps us entertained, our interest he rises. So leap into his world, where laughter reigns, And join the fun as he entertains. With each video, a smile he’ll bring, Fangkuaixuan, the Minecraft king! Read More

  • Spilling the Tea on Minecraft 1.21 ☕️

    Spilling the Tea on Minecraft 1.21 ☕️ I didn’t know Minecraft had a new update called 1.21, I’ve been too busy trying to survive in the game to keep up with all the updates! Read More

  • Wojtrix Snipes Pedro

    Wojtrix Snipes Pedro The Exciting World of Minecraft Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is an adventure like no other. From building magnificent structures to surviving against dangerous creatures, there is never a dull moment in this popular game. Building Your World In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is your creativity! Surviving the Night When the sun sets in Minecraft, the world becomes a dangerous place. Hostile mobs like zombies and skeletons emerge, ready to attack unsuspecting players. To survive,… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine

    Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine Minecraft Museum Build Hacks: Unleashing Creativity in the Virtual World Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. One such fascinating endeavor is the creation of a museum within the game. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft Museum Build Hacks and discover the innovative ways players are bringing history and art to life in this virtual realm. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Building Ideas When it comes to building in Minecraft, the only limit is one’s imagination. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have crafted a myriad of awe-inspiring creations. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Art: Insane creations in under 60 seconds! #satisfying #trending

    Minecraft Art: Insane creations in under 60 seconds! #satisfying #trendingVideo Information like And subscribe [Music] guys This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please🥺’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 03:50:16. It has garnered 298 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Map: Stay Alive Challenge

    Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Map: Stay Alive ChallengeVideo Information तो हेलो फ आर्मी कैसे हो सभी लोग तो आज मैं खेलने जा रहा हूं एक m में एक हॉरर मैप जिसका नाम है स्टेला तो बेसिकली इस मैप में क्या होता है कि हम लोग एक अपर्टमेंट में होते हैं और हमें काम के लिए थोड़ा बाहर जाना पड़ता है तो तभी हमें एक मिस्टीरियस डोर मिलता है और उस मिस्टीरियस डस में हम लोग फस जाते हैं और उस डोर में क्या होता है वो देखने के लिए आपको ये वीडियो पूरा देखना पड़ेगा और आप लोग मेरे चैनल में नए हैं तो प्लीज सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Insane Gaming: Mind-Blowing MC RTX 4090 Reveal! 😱🔥

    Insane Gaming: Mind-Blowing MC RTX 4090 Reveal! 😱🔥Video Information he This video, titled ‘Realistic MC RTX 4090 😍🤤 #shorts #minecraft | #31’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-20 06:37:06. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray… Read More

  • CRAZY Minecraft Secrets REVEALED in Alo’s Epic Adventure

    CRAZY Minecraft Secrets REVEALED in Alo's Epic AdventureVideo Information [Music] [Music] is [Music] for [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Unusual Minecraft’, was uploaded by Alo on 2024-02-25 04:16:33. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Welcome to a journey through the most bizarre and extraordinary corners of Minecraft! In this video, we dive into the realm of Unusual Minecraft, where the landscapes defy expectation and the structures challenge imagination. Join us as we explore unique biomes, stumble upon mysterious structures, and marvel at mind-bending creations crafted by players from around the world. From floating islands suspended… Read More

  • INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise Mobile

    INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise MobileVideo Information Merhaba merhaba ses deneme 1 2 3 ses deneme 1 2 3 Ne yapıyorsunuz la he Hiç mi ola tıklım yok şu an o yüzden but Fly Click yapacağım yapamayacağım düny al oyuncu Anladım hocam La oğlum yatak mı kapatıyorsun gel buraya Efsane bir hareket yapacağım sana ya A düşmedi lan Gel bakalım biraz daha gel önüne Blokları dizdim abisi yatağı kırma be ya Abi niye kırıyorsun yatağımı Ağlama lan Bekle oğlum ben seni elemedim mi şimdi o yatağı kırmak öyle kolay mı sanıyorsun önce beni geçmen gerekiyor yatağımı kırmış olabilirsin ama ik sağ solumu yemiş sayılırsın Bak… Read More

  • INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVE

    INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVEVideo Information volume up okay we haven’t played on this world apparently since like the middle of December and I like this mod pack it’s just I just haven’t played on this [ __ ] plain as simple plain as simple damn you saw that vertical hold up when was my vertical so nasty I got a gas mask on all I remember is that hey get out of here bro he break something he broke my boots all I remember in this world was we got to the point where I was like okay I want to build a… Read More

  • 4000 Cakes in Minecraft… CRAZY Vertical Stream!

    4000 Cakes in Minecraft... CRAZY Vertical Stream!Video Information hello everyone how’s it going welcome to the stream hello everyone hello it is currently Monday for me and I wonder how what time it is for you guys because ah it’s freezing it is currently I don’t 15 to 17° like Celsius here in my town in Australia and it’s freaking cold it is currently 6:40 a.m. yes I know I’m late I’m late by 10 minutes sorry about that and welcome to the stream snow as well as to a how are you guys doing how’s it being I hope you have guys are having a… Read More

  • BREEZE’s Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21

    BREEZE's Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21Video Information this is the breeze and it’s a brand new mob from Minecraft 1.21 but where did it come from how did it gain its powers and what is its story well let’s find out in the Forgotten tale of the breeze it all begins long ago during the Great iller War the villagers and the illers have been fighting for centuary and there were no signs that the end was anywhere near as these two opposing factions despised each other with our passion as they each prayed for the complete annihilation of the enemy well that’s how most… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!Video Information [Applause] could you find a way to let me down slowly a little sympathy I hope you can show me if you want to go then I’ll be so lonely if you leaving baby let me down slowly let me down down let me This video, titled ‘Minecraft Buld hack #14’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-09 16:01:32. It has garnered 67 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft… Read More

  • AvalocMC

    AvalocMCGood evening and welcome my friends to a land of mystery and magic, a land of monsters and mages a land where one turn at the road can land you in a vast metropolis filled with magic and wonder your eyes have never seen, another turn could land you in the midst of a savage orc horde. Welcome to Avaloc mc.avalocmc.com Read More

  • Harmony Falls SMP PVE Proximity Voice-Chat No Resets 1.20+ Java

    🌟 Welcome to Harmony Falls – The Top Voice-Chat Proximity SMP Server! 🌟 Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 IP: join.harmonyfallssmp.world Discord: https://discord.gg/UD59PE897s About 🌠 Harmony Falls 🌠: 😄 Proximity Voice Chat: Talk to nearby players with Simple Voice Chat! 🏰 Towny & Economy: Establish towns, trade, and engage in wars. 👥 PvE & PvP: Battle mobs or challenge other players. 👹 Bosses/Dungeons: Encounter insane bosses! 🐉 Pets: Venture with companions like bears, griffins, and dragons. 🌄 RPG Elements: Level up skills, embark on quests with MCMMO. 🌟 Events: Participate in tournaments, competitions, and more! More Exciting Features Coming soon! 🌟… Read More

  • HorizonMines – Season 3 – High quality Skymining!

    HorizonMines - Season 3 - High quality Skymining!HorizonMines is an small upcoming SKYMINING server that is looking to revolutionize the space with an actual skymining experience, elytra’s, a wonderfully build map and tons of eastereggs create an immersive and endless world of possiblities and to have fun. The goal of HorizonMines is to simply become the best skymining server out there, the best map, the best gameplay and the best experience. We are actively looking for staff, content creators and people whom can give feedback and suggestions so we can accomplish the goal of becoming the absolute best out there.HorizonMines GameplayDive into an immersive, one of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My friend’s hotbar is a dumpster fire

    Looks like they need to ‘craft’ a better hotbar strategy! Read More

  • MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria’s Epic Rhyme

    MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria's Epic Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, Fyllaria roams, Building her dreams, crafting her own homes. But deep inside, she feels lost and alone, Her confidence shattered, her spirit not shown. She turns to an AI, seeking advice, Confiding her fears, her heart’s heavy price. The AI listens, with empathy and care, Encouraging Fyllaria to be aware. “Beauty is not just skin deep,” it says, “It’s in your heart, in your soul, in your ways. Embrace your uniqueness, your flaws and your strengths, For in them lies beauty, at any length.” Fyllaria listens, her heart starts to mend, Embracing herself, as… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks!

    Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks! To make a secret Minecraft axe, simply whisper “I am Groot” into your controller three times and sacrifice a diamond to the pixelated gods. Then, wait for a creeper to explode near a tree and voila! Your secret axe will appear out of thin air. Just kidding, that’s not how it works, but wouldn’t it be cool if it did? Read More

  • Honey Farm Build in Minecraft

    Honey Farm Build in Minecraft Building a Honey Farm in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and learn how to build a honey farm? In this video, you’ll discover the step-by-step process of creating a small honey farm in Minecraft. Let’s explore the fascinating world of Minecraft builds! Exploring Minecraft Builds As you watch the video titled “Minecraft builds _ Build a Honey Farm in Minecraft,” you’ll be guided through the intricate process of constructing a honey farm within the game. From gathering resources to crafting the necessary tools, every detail is covered to ensure your success in building… Read More