Minecraft Madness: SpliceFur’s Epic Mod Adventure!

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oh okay a little too long did you really just did you just say your mom your mom all right I ate my mother she was delicious she was absolutely humongous we’re here we’re alive left y me either I should have said that before we went live don’t copyright me again someone say copyright no copyrighting allow toilet toilet I will ban you don’t make me that’s that’s an you surprising copyrighted for that are we live right [Music] now no hey roach could I have a few saplings my thumnail EET hi Ro what your [Music] vegetables so I did a little bit of mining off camera did some screen mining yeah the last time we went live um I don’t even think I had like iron armor we went live we were on day 14 we’re on day 314 now it’s been 300 days guys oh my like I’m about to tweak out last time I think is wait no you did yeah because we got to the Village where’s huh I don’t know one of my dogs oh there you are why are you in the back of the house did someone come over here and uh Supply with some resources you want us to go 10,000 blocks away I don’t know where you were you didn’t send your CS 12,000 you should show them me and me me and me and me and roaches and armor house okay are you all living together you need yes Father and CH father and daughters living together I don’t know where I am I’m going to be honest I don’t know where I am I’ve just been moving forward we got dogs we got break I’m about to be pantless H cave not pants they’re about to break this is not a cave I don’t even have pants D you should show them you should show them me armored and roach’s house oh you lagging over there Aspen did you did you lag no you lagging oh my God roach what the iron no why is there two why is there two Endermen there they’re like a couple you should show them you should definitely show them um the house that means yep you’re not oh look guys go inside mie I’m gonna I’m gonna write the uh Minecraft thing that nobody’s going to be able to join because it’s friends oh yeah yeah in the chat wait why are there what’s arguing what’s going on I need to pop out the chat no they’re arguing about who message first it’s very uh I can confirm who messaged first it wasg not Mason not Mason no Mason’s like rarely ever the first one to chat come on Maddie we want to show the house that we’re living in with TW I’m tweaking part two I’m tweaking part are you talking about the villager house that’s what you want me to show them yeah it’s a villager house Aspen yeah but we have a downstairs oh oh so we have our doggies um this um this is typing it I’m typing it nown this is chestnut um this is our downstairs this is uh Chandler’s reincarnation ke’s in the floor no he is in the floor no this is CH reincarnation not the smartest in this version okay you ready to our fishing area yeah let mein the message the fishes oh come on oh come on oh come on oh my God I’m fighting for my life this is our fishy area fishy we make we make sure to include the babies we have two babies two babies oh I I I am baby I over there come on man I’m just trying to sleep I don’t want to have to build a house around myself just to break it in the morning ow ow ow oh my God leave the game no we can sleep whatever and [Music] um someone said hey arm I oh you already answered never mind I’m kidding sleep time whoever is not sleeping please sleep on my sub yeah but I kind of needed to be night time I need to look for zombie villagers I really don’t want get knocked out of my bed I didn’t build anything such a baby you want to look [Music] for do you need help finding zombie villagers well we’re sleeping anyways come here come wait no way hold on okay you know that messaged me about like the audition I’m not 100% sure but you guys know um uh I think it’s bixy yeah they let me just send a screenshot because I mean I can just be droing conclusions oh my God is Oreo here um Oreo hey Oreo gonna send this in the chat oh my God keep clicking the wrong server hold on not even close hello or he just respawned what is that there’s a creeper camping my spot okay so for the question about who is everybody Maddie of course is the owner of all this I am the head mod Aspen and roach are mods of the server and Jackie and Ascend are both close friends my CS who did it hopefully the aners your no it’s Oreo any minute now my Taco Bell will reach me dear you guys can if you and Dear Heart can collab sometimes it it kind of just depends on like I don’t even know man sometimes I do sometimes I don’t oh my God why do I always run into like the largest Birch Force I don’t know dep on my mood I guess yes did you eat your vegetables actually I had wait never mind that’s not a vegetable I was going to did you eat your vegetabl look cide your window I don’t think I’ve had vegetables today have you eaten your vegetables no I myet I have any I eat my vegetables IAT my veget show me show me I eat my veget eat your vegetables I hate my vegetables M ate her vegetables my vegetables have you eaten your vegetables I ate my vegetable I got 29 CS you guys will see I’m up to ignore the outside it’s the inside that matters this mine is that a zombie villager right here MyWay sandwich where where is this coming from I just shh everyone be quiet oh my Taco Bell’s almost here genuinely going to tweak Oh I thought your baby Sho wait where is the zombie villager at is there a zombie villager yes I he it dig straight down from your house no straight down or something my Subway sandwich is so good I love Subway me one Subway oh I think I’m getting louder sir sir please sir please come here all right I’m Banning Starlight for saying Sigma just kidding oh Sigma I don’t get it why you haven’t the a three here I haven’t who you haven’t I think I found it you haven’t disowned Maddie you haven’t dis because I love yes follow me what what the flip I’m the favorite dude you think you you think you can just come into my turf and you’re just going to automatically be the favorite but I play Among Us Arena I have to be how dare you no stop it me if I Lexi is asking what languages yes I must get Lex is asking um how what languages do we all speak English oh I can type them down hang on English all right there’s two that’s perfect I just want to be a friend Spanish my grandma Snee why are you not get there you go look at look at don’t mind me m I’m just enjoy my Subway okay just gonna watch so good I’m glad you guys are answering the questions because I’m playing Minecraft is it a bad IDE oh yes do them together um you deserved your pants breaking fleeing the scene I got my Taco Bell my Baja Blast I’m walking in I do not consent I did not consent they took my pants oh you guys are down there oh I’m confused it’s not letting me do the other one cuz the other one isn’t infected oh my God Armor you let a creeper explode get back in I was eating my bch exactly you’re AFK no I don’t want to trade with you you son of a no house go rude um how do you not hear a creeper exploding in your ear armored was eating my sandwich don’t eat loud then he’s still not affected be be go over here I’m eat my sandwich over here what did I just get cursed with whatever it’s called weakness weak who made me weak my houses were destroyed fix it I have wood using block no sper is atherion I am not atherion no where am I going to put all my items my house used to look so pretty do you want me to go get you wood if I can find any I gotta I gotta stay my torch BR excuse me oh my God where am I G to put all this actually that works you know what I still hear a zombie like it sounds like under my feet bad armor bad I’m sorry here take a couple of [Music] them viated take myle I hope they turn at the same time because if not I’m scared how do I fix this ooh ruined both you leave both you leave both of you leave both of you leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave I swear to God I what am I going to oh my god well now I don’t got to worry about it what am I going to use it for my axe was not facing him at all one of them died one of them was murdered who’s the you can yeah you can come back down if you look at the stream my ax was not aimed at that man yeah it was I Didn’t Do It officer I did do it I’m oh what the heck he did that you weren’t even hitting him see Armor’s Armor’s My my what are they called no my attorney my attorney is that my lawyer yes why am I on the chest how did I get up there went up there spice I got two old kittens oh my God my my like stray cat that is feral had kittens uh we called her Rhino um she doesn’t like anyone she literally will hiss and try to kill you and run away but she had kittens inside our like cat house that we have for the Strays and there’s three or there’s two solid black ones one solid gray one and a black and white one I’m pretty sure they’re incest what because um her her mother is the cat we call Mama Kitty she never got a name she’s been called Mama Kitty for the last like three years um Mama Kitty had little foot little foot ran away little foot had kittens and those kittens I think had I think it was cousin stuff man oh I think they’re cousins oh no oh or no wait I think Ryo would be an ant oh okay so there’s mama kitty mama kitty had babies with some other dude we don’t know Mama Kitty had little foot Mama Kitty also had rhino so they’re technically sisters even though little fit’s like way older and then and then Rhino had kittens and and Littlefoot had kittens but littlefoot’s kittens were older and I think little foot’s kittens had babies with Mama kitties kitten Rhino and I think that’s much for me a I think that by but we couldn’t catch her to get her neutered M someone in chat English or Spanish I’m gay why are you standing still are you straight are youai for answer I’m Wai to see I’m waiting for them to say if you move you’re straight or you move you’re gay I I can’t move unless I know for sure this is what Armor’s gonna do if um if they say whoever moves first is gay I need everyone’s fave house pets because I have a gift favorite house pet um yeah like at your techically pigb guys go go walk my fish no I I I have a pet cockroach Maddie Maddie did you did you did you take your fish a bath no I ate him oh what yeah I think so we’re all in a we’re in a cave come on we got go bed wait I can’t leave him he’ll despawn oh wait he’s a villager now he’s good come on up in B sleepover sleepover in my house I don’t know if I have I know I have a up there our house okay okay that makes more sense oh yeah cuz we have three beds already baby hey they said I said pet as in inside your house my pet cockroach is in my house obviously he uh he um or she yeah you know I’m not you know I would say I would say Larry but wait guys a bed uh yeah roach roach my pet cockroach is actually roach I need a bed guys Fair [Music] change need does a feret count count as a house pet I think so yeah actually I can make a bed I can make you a bed your favorite pet is I’ll sleep on the couch jerboa a jerboa you know what a jboa is my favorite Health pet is a Cupa B oh should try the orins mod sometimes those are my faite mod I’m mod them in uh Java though you can only mod in Java if you’re going to do a mod of I mean me me and can because I think AR are you on computer I have Java you have Java I have yeah why we not play Java together why do we only play Bedrock you know because you haven’t asked me to play Java Iva with me we’re gonna throw you mobile players away bye guys look at look at your bows look at them I SP Xbox player huh I totally zoned out guys I am going on an adventure what Adventure I might want to go too wait what I forgot I have I have a gift for you complely forgot to give them to you also to those of you watching it’s almost my birthday my birthday I love my birthday my birthday H you know I love my birthday okay wait wait wait I have a genuine question because uh my sister keeps saying this to me whenever she was like near me she would like we would be in the mall right and then she’d like get closer to me and i’ be like what do you want she’d be like he’s so fine what does that mean are they talking to you no my sister like gets closer to me and she points at somebody she goes like they’re so fine and I don’t know what me they they they’re saying they’re hot they’re good looking are they talking the your sister is trying to bound with you by looking at attractive men and you’re not you’re not like she looks at women she looks at women oh um but to be fair she did one time when we were in the hospital she did one time look at her nurse and when he left the room she like leaned into me she was like he’s so fine like I literally have no idea you’re talk what does that mean what is it I have I found a village that looks exactly familiar to the one I just literally left it’s almost like it’s it’s oh come on I’m trying to find you where are you your mom I’m not taking that where are you I’m in your mom’s house you can’t be in my mom’s house I’m here right now I’m still there it’s true I’m the house I’m taking down find you I mean your W Maddie the second ever F art I made for you was for your birthday birthday okay do you want to go to L cave M would to go to Lush are boring you guys are boring I thought we going Adventure Cat donated I was asking it because Jack because roach wanted to ask you that I’ve been on an adventure are you hang on I’m looking at your stream oh you’re down there where elseed huh I don’t know you go a lot of places I did not just get another mending villager the amount of time that you took and I just got one on like the fifth try that was e your vegetables mdy oh vegetables did nothing for me your mom any who birthday is it it’s near chest’s birthday my I’m I’m a conv I eat meat Nova Nova donated again I know oh again their name’s cat get right actually I don’t know what they prefer to be called by oh cat donated twice thank you again wait so we’re going on an adventure let me cook one I’m waiting for my to get out of the Villager place so I can give her prop three is that good wait what protction you can get that I right now do gift gift o Enchanted Apple also I see my screens went blue again it donated me another dollar what does a 10 mean next to your name oh it’s my 10 super on a live stream I think that means that’s their 10 donation on the live maybe because there’s only noa’s the only cat is the only one that’s been donating Co like that Mom I’m old one moreck you’re going to be old with me MADD no I don’t want to be old yes no old one of us there is no us it’s just you it’s one of you you’re the only old person here I’m talking about Xavier oh I want be old one of us bu oh my God to play Bingo thank you both for you thank you it’s really funny is that Xavier Xavier yeah that’s okay is that is that is that your hubby did your hubby send me money wait is there is there YouTube Xavier 97 phone no it wasn’t Xavier are you the hubby or are you not the hubby unless he changed it give me a second armor is it his profile a duck hang on give me a second I’m checking his YouTube all of the chat is just say one of us you guys are probably younger than me you’re old I’m not old yeah not old what was I doing I don’t remember now your villager oh that is him I need lapis let me steal lapis from you guys you guys have lapis I don’t got I’m BR what the hell my controller [ __ ] my they’re still saying one of us do you have lapis roach look you started why did you try to hit me with an egg I need lapis I need four lapis please okay okay wait actually wait that’s squid I’m dump everything I have much just be a sec I have 18 levels I’m proud of myself I’m just going to throw on some crappy enchantments I don’t want projectile protection I’m not putting that on I need pants my pants got broken dude I hear my dog barking downstairs your HBY got violated zombie villager tore off his pants I did get violated zombie took why is it always your pants it’s never any other piece of armor I don’t know they always go for my pants Maybe Minecraft isn’t homophobic they like your pants a lot whoa whoa what the heck are you they like taking off my pants and I don’t know why oh it’s one of these thank you for another two me one Minecraft give me one Minecraft stream where a mob did not break my pants off give me one I think yeah I think it’s when every stream some mob has broken your pants off just your pants I have an no it’s just my pants too a cave in here I actually might is it time I stop my wandering and just why are you guys still saying one of us that was like 20 minutes ago guys that was not 20 that was like I was kidding shut up send six minions ago that was six minions ago my brain hurt there’s no more one of us I need to do um a birthday film so I can have something to post on my birthday a birthday film save your 99 Cents you you know what M if you’re gonna do that if you’re going to do that I I I wish and I hope to pray that you will let me do a you’re old now at the end of the video old challenge level mod hey mad you guys have a thing I can use what I need a I need uh uh an anvil all you guys have an anvil thanks guys this is this is for um the old the other realm where you guys never made an anvil and I kept refurbishing mine Yep this is the thank you for another I mean two 200 cents someone I don’t know someone stole wait Maddie see um see for one of your films you know how spli for split for like one side black one side’s red you should do um the trans uh as long it’s not pink or blue bro as long as it’s not like pink or blue long it’s not red or black man I don’t have any F left for my boots I need to kill some stuff um I have 18 levels that’s fine I just need two levels to do my boots money equals happiness well you’re making me very happy thank you so much cat money money M must be wait C M Mone money up blow up may I may I be called The Forbidden cow what does that even mean I only need spice money that’s W The Forbidden cow is kind of fire what does the Forbidden cow even mean I don’t know I need to like take off my armor so my XP goes I don’t know I sear it up hang on I’m search better not be anything inappropriate I’m searching it up One XP oh wait I don’t have any armor I should probably be um a little bit careful oh yeah I got green if as when I F oh hi do you all have siblings I have siblings I have siblings have two brothers I have like 16 siblings but we’re not going to get into that I have like three to four brothers and one sister my dad said I need to make sure my bloodline surviv why am I the only one to sleep imagine maybe cuz you’re 10,000 blocks away 12,000 okay 12,000 technically 15,000 if we add the other bling mending mending I have one extra mending book give it to me that beautiful I need we have no food we’re purr Pur yeah Pur that was Mafia kit that was forever ago wasn’t it still in your bed roach you’re not taking my bed why is there an egg in front of my face roach you sleeping on the sofa hang on I forgot I’m supposed to sleep on the I’m supposed to sleep on the couch n roach sleep on the PE PE bed sleep on a PE PE bed you know what I want I want to sleep on PE bed I want to sleep on a PP bed I feel like home I feel like home on the pp bed okay now I love waking up smelling like you pissed the bed how’ you do that again no when you I can’t help it I have a grandma bladder okay guys I’m old what do you expect we need to invest in giving M nap which is a diaper why didn’t you just say diaper a nape call here a nape nappy you guys are so extra and so weird what how ah yes Snappy yes Snappy how is so extra we call a pacifier a dummy why ah yes let me put a dummy in my kid’s mouth a dummy a dummy well well think about it think about it another perspective what of people use that dummies a dummy is the the dummy is literally just a like a silic person why would you call it a dummy I don’t know ask my ancestors my ancestors what was the one word that you said it made me die laughing because it was so utterly stupid it happens a lot oh beans on to is disgusting why why would you do that beans on toes punch you as that was award oh digestive why did you punch many wait what was the digestive again it was a biscuit why why would you call a biscuit a a cracker a digestive a digestive is not a cracker isn’t it a a cookie is it a cookie yeah it’s like a cookie but like it’s like sometimes it can be plain and sometimes it have chocolate on it so cookie yeah yes me eat my digestives yummy yeah but yeah but see digestives are really good when you dip it in tea it’s just so lovely te oh so you called tea to okay what what do you think we call a the ones that invented the tea remember do you think we caught a cup of sugar fair enough but still we don’t we don’t take we don’t take turn into something random we don’t turn yeah we also don’t randomly throw a you into um a word that doesn’t need a u into Itor which one is that how do you spell it oh Maddie are you getting mad at me for honor and color oh yeah you have you in honor why is there a u in hon no they have a u in it somewhere how do you spell it Aspen Pawn hour why and then and then and then and then SP the four the four is an R not that is that how you spell it that’ be so funny just a number in the word h and then honor you just you’re just trying to throw your accent onto a word it’s a silent letter it’s a silent letter it’s not required now is it now we have some silent letters but our silent letters make sense yours don’t sure wait what K knife K knife wait do wait but do you spell it different Aspen what knife exactly so it doesn’t make sense we both spell the same you can’t make fun of me for f knife oh another Village beat up the British person take the tea the lumps of sugar what the oh for bald bald off why am I get bu cuz cuz you’re not American you’re not American Amer Fireworks Hot Dog not not American in July kind of weird shun shun it’s shun roach put away the sword put away the sword roach they’re making their escape no I wanted in screw you rich we’re going on an adventure no let’s go no the boat you’ll never catch us now he’ll never catch me speed I am speed I’ve never seen a blackith in such a why is there a horse in a hole over here oh it’s mine I I don’t like it it’s a good horse oh my God I found a village with two blacksmith guys guys I’m in the boat TW TW I’m in your boat put the away both you you’re both the time out get in the boat Aspen get in the boat get in the boat you’re in timeout get in the boat go get in the boat you guys are you guys are going to get in the boat together you’re going to say some nice words and you’re gonna stop stabbing each other stab each other while you’re in the boat are you mean nice words no no swords down Roach Give me your sword give me your sword drop it drop it oh hell no why they turn to me I now have two iron pickaxe why say you know what Spanish I want Spanish no no speak did you just say I don’t speak Spanish in Spanish no you said no you said no hablo it’s Noto espan no no hey guys I know how to speak Spanish no holy oh my God that’s Spanish my child is so smart I know how to say it’s just m in Spanish do I know yeah it’s just m say oh my God yeah because it’s a name and names don’t change well it just isn’t a name how would you say that in Spanish well like think of how would you say splic in Spanish those are two words it would be very very wonky why you guys me that’s creepy someone who actually like speaks Spanish but names don’t change think of it like they still have McDonald’s yeah yeah I know names don’t change but like slice and fur they’re those are still words um roach I think you have like a problem underneath your house I’m hearing skeletons and zombies oh yeah cuz there is there is a cave under the not um watch roach watch roach uh fall oh oh you need to light you guys want to see my house why is it cut like this what are you planning on doing down here oh I cut it like this isn’t it m Maddie I I know it’s a name but like also splice and fur are words so like they should have like a Spanish variant correct made the that’s what it is let me out of sorry why are you punching to place a block what do you want to come see my house it’s almost it’s like half is that a bad word I can’t hear youan I’m gay but is that a bad word look in chat look what honey dream said in chat racist is what a racist is that a bad word I don’t like saying it because like I just feel like it’s a bad word but like it means not right it’s for gay who the hell are you that’s Jewel that’s red bur wait oh wait what’s Jew’s Minecraft name then I looked him de in the I was like who are you I thought that was wait where’s my oh their name is Mission okay you and you and your guys’s weird names well I left my bed back at the Village I’m sorry I Xbox name wait Armory did you pick your name yeah cuz that’s his Roblox username okay Jackie did you pick your name what name armor no your name is Ken you didn’t pick yours though roach yeah no and then a lot of other people in the server what do you mean by username I was asking if you picked it like made it wait like like like picked our YouTube name or like like like did you did you were you given kitten Cy or not armored oh armored you need to let up on the vegetables man I wasn’t given it I came up with it by myself there you go no my vegetables no you’re eating too many vegetables your brain’s not processing no because vegetabl brain smarter which is why I eat a lot of them but I drunk so much milk when I was little it made my bone soggy so that could be false as well what that is a fun fact fun fact about splice F she drunk I drunk like a gallon of milk a day when I was like I [Music] madec Minecraft who’s sleeping on the couch hell yes that’s madd’s py wait oh wait yeah let me sleep in my PE PE bed PE PE that’s that’s nice PE PE bed PE bed um I want I want I want don’t punch me why is it not placing hello bedrock mom now put your bed back there roach you can’t place a bed on top of another bed before you put a platform beneath it wait what’s going on can we hurry to bed we’re going okay dang it only put my bed there who the hell put so many pumpkins down in the house holy moly we’re sleeping what the um our house sleepover I’m making my get away what sleep overtaken so extreme stop hitting people roach you guys want to see my house I’m almost done with it I think pumin I just got to finish the tower thing pumin Adventure I made a horsey guys look at my [Music] horsey [Music] I’m been in the space before I’m eating my carrots I’m eating my vegetables armored a oh we need Spa um you guys want to see my house Mom ouch I think I’ve crossed like six oceans to get where I am I’m gonna be honest it’s it’s this way roach why do you always have your sword out dude spit it away I can’t place anything down there oh there it goes no I ran out of pumpkin look where I am am I so cool don’t make me you hit me one more time and I swear I’m killing you roach what did we talk about before the stream just because you’re hitting me with an axe does it make a difference come here Maddie are you proud of me look how high I am congrats on being [Music] high I’m G DM you something real quick oh God drama come here do we get to know it’s just between me and Betty you’re pregnant oh Jesus Christ I’m lagging just hello Holly is kiru on um nope K’s at work probably normally where they are did you say I’m pregnant yes hooray hooray no’s pregnant we’re gonna have a baby shower I’ll play in the baby shower in WC I’m not what do you mean that’s what you just texted me and you have no proof of anything else what I don’t think that’s biologically possible you’re a woman what what excuse me burp my Minecraft lagging I’m G rejoin okay that reminds me I need can you see roach’s chats hang on I’m lagging I left the game did she know your mom I’m not pregnant I’m just pregnant everyone everyone say congratulations in chat congratulations on on the baby armored you know how roach likes to make everyone think it’s someone’s birthday congrats conrat you mean that’s Chestnut is that oh that’s Chestnut yeah Chestnut makes it my birthday on random days we go congrats is it a boy or a girl you know there’s still a hole in your floor right roach someone took the stone um it could have been me but I don’t think I stumped it in my chest I di for it some I’m a man I have man Parts um that’s kind of like homophobic and transphobic and racist of you real yeah we getting a sibling with this one I would say congrats but I don’t know if I can n congratulations AR it I’m not I want a sibling yeah we all want a sibling armored yeah hurry up exactly um what was that look for oh seeing if I stole that block I don’t think I did I I I threw a block down picked up [Music] someone yeah I don’t think I did are we doing something we’re going to go on adventure but I’m going to quickly kill food where’s the adventure godam itang I’m coming back I have stupid I’m congratulations I’m so proud of you um M MD’s the mother what MADD you’re the father what remember in the marriage what you guys oh the mother of armored yes I thought you were saying I was the mother of the baby oh Armor’s gay a why did you assume that what do you mean what else can I assume we’re talking about armored being pregnant Armor’s a man so he can’t be pregnant so aspid says that I’m the mom and and all you say was Maddie you’re the mom you could you could have said Maddie you’re a grandma that was for that was for lore that that was for lore don’t mind that okay I’m cooking pork cups wait does that mean madd’s pregnant what what what happened you know I physically can’t be pregnant unlike you I have um a birth control implant so me un likee me can’t yes you can just got to put your mind to it I can’t I want I want to say what I’m going to say but I can’t say cuz we’re live God damn it why are you asking roach that’s kind of out of the blue who stole this block your mom anyways because I can’t am I tweaking even like okay hold on what you’re confusing me you can be asexual and still have kids yeah roach do you know what asexual means being asexual is when you’re asexual oh yes I do have 36,26770 was a f CL Jesus Christ there’s a huge C thing beneath us huh what and why is there a cat down there hello I was loing in and there was I saw everything underne there’s a huge cave down there there there’s just one cherry blossom tree in the middle of an acacia Forest what am I looking at you’re probably finding the house I’m tweaking let me sleep let me S all right you guys ready for the adventure we’re gonna SLE baby you got something [Music] in where is my bed did I get rid of that again no is pissing the bed okay roach let me explain to you what asexual means Ms when you are asexual you can still like people I don’t want to hear this what do you mean you’re gay how come you can you can do your sexuality but I can’t banned little to no sexual attraction yes no sexual attraction not attraction like you could be attracted to someone not based on their looks someone sleep quick cuz I just got shot out of bed oh my God I’m bleeding Penny we are not fighting the Wither oh my God oh my God oh my God hold on I gota get okay I have to actually abandon my bed because I I will not abandon my post I have to abandon my post hold on I have to make another bed my other one got taken over due to the uh large amount of pillagers that somehow ended up near me I don’t think that’s how you spell homophobic but is you’re homophobic armored I’m not you’re actually homophobic I’m GNA die no I’m not yes you are how come you can talk about your sexuality but I can’t I didn’t say you could I left I didn’t say anything bad I’m live I why so Ivy pool is in the Shrek hot no all right bedtime after being brought down to one heart it’s finally time that I make another bed and sleep Jackie are you asleep there’s two people okay never mind one person sleeping what’s that sound your Mom it’s me I’m playing I’m playing with my knife so why is oh my God apparently iol said Shrek is the hottest person alive e wait that’s so true um I are you Shrek sexual I’m shre you w to tell us something are you are you heading something from us are you sh seexual I’m not judging are you sexual I’m I’m asxual I love Shrek you’re asexual but you’re atted to Shrek yeah I know Shrek Shrek is the only man for me is the only man I see Shrek divorce sisters hotter aerosexual arrows are so F Noll [Music] I don’t like Shrek either close your door I just fought for my life how was it not daytime yet I’m shural Shrek has a divorced sister I don’t know I don’t know man a divorced sister I don’t know sleep we are sleeping we are sleeping who’s sleeping sleeping I’m sleeping as been sleeping red red sleep or leave sleep or leave sleep or leave sleep or leave sleep or leave oh my God I’m not even a full Adventure Time Adventure Time don’t don’t grab your friends we’re not going to distant lands armored the gay man and roach the roach oh my god do you think roaches are real no they’re not it’s a myth why is there a spider waiting for me get away I think handsome Squidward is a all right I P I keep that you’re G to get blocked from chat well I play WC I might hop on WC when I get done with Minecraft roach cherry trees are real oh my God I have a cherry tree in my backyard they are real they’re called blossom trees yeah I have an actual cherry tree have you never seen a blossom no cherry trees are real like actual cherry trees are real yeah but I have an actual cherry cherry wood tree oh wood is the wood is red no try scare you m why is this place so Saras okay okay sarcasm did not work today you miss playing Minecraft why don’t you play Minecraft then yeah why don’t you play my can this be my corner no we are not not doing that again my house isn’t even built I live in a Minecraft villager house I’m waiting for M this be myner getting oh my God mountains I need another Shield cuz mine’s almost broken and an armad Dingus and a llama I don’t know where I got there’s a lot of animals dark oak from but you know oh my God MADD I just got so scared cuz you have a pressure MD your pressure scared me CU I F I F the this I the open the door I F the iron second no scared me cuz I was here and I actually clicked the pressure saw the iron [Music] goem copyright copyight I’m severely dehydrated I need to go to the Dall though I don’t have any my grandma I drunk it all and I haven’t been to the can’t go back I can’t I can’t look look I cannot walk by here there we go now I can if I die I’ll be I’ll be really upset if I die because I’ll be dead and when I die I’m going to be dead and I’m going to have to run all the way back over here I’m going to run 9,000 no my food my food you’re tell my food I really hope there’s no here why you taking my going to tweak out I’m not going I’m not going further in that cave I’m time to take my my ears I barely have any food I only have three cooked pork chop and five I have like six different stacks of six different categories of food I’ve been traveling that long I’m taking my food armor you must share sharing is caring my foot you’re taking all of it you I didn’t take the meat I took the cooked meat give me my food you have to click quicker than me if I try clicking I can’t I got one mind if I was there you’d be done for I would have my auto clicker where am I going next fine be like that I’m going to cry give my back smoker no it’s mine forever I got you that was roach to hit you you go I’m an adventure an adventure goodbye going to saying like I’ve spent like five minutes why you me I haven’t even moved a thousand blocks when I’ve been walking for so long come here oh part two come here come here buff come here let me let me tickle you with my sword what what I’ll be right back oh I don’t want to kill you cuz I’d feel bad but you keep hitting me so I’m going to kill you no Ro help roach is behind you by the way see M I wasn’t lying I’m too kind I do feel like yelling to Children though ry’s on her pissy bed go stop pissing the [Music] bed we will you a plushy looks like splice fur you have a plushy you scared me too oh God it sucks to cross the ocean six times over wait wait wait wait wait I feel like a pirate except I’m not a pirate you know I have three controll you know I have three buttons on my controller that makes me Crouch seriously yeah I have the joystick I have the B button and I have a back button why does your be not drop items yeah wait a no how do you drop items I for you know you know you know on Xbox controls the way like plus sign see the if when you hit the bottom B it drops oh my God your settings are horrible normally when I would be on my console it would be down on the d-pad to drop in item I would switch it so that b would drop an item I never B was what was B for me here it wasn’t Crouch it wasn’t drop I forget what it was Crouch was joystick but yeah I have three buns I have B I also have I don’t think three buns is necessary asked Minecraft about that not me and only have one button to jump which is sad I’m back oh never mind I have two buttons to jump I have two buttons B buttons to jump two buttons to jump three buttons to crouch why I gota go by zero there’s someone else wait let me quickly turn my camera on so I can show you guys I’m in the middle of the YouTube so ignore how my controller is Rainbow so B is is Crouch we love the gay representation my God it’s bright mine is my controll is just basic black what are you guys doing spin no this just crashed so we we have the B button we have oh you have back paddles on yours yeah stay still I have the new advent come here come here rers and right here uh oh head looks amazing thank you Twi Twix my voice cut out to open crabs to open you guys are weird your settings are all weird it should be be to drop items Joy to crouch joystick other Joy I I haven’t played Xbox in like five years what I’m L why is to open your inventory yeah that’s what what I remember well there’s so there anybody open your inventory and then X was just to open the crafting menu and then B was to drop button a was to jump um right trigger left trigger bumpers those I’m PR sure all the same for everyone bed sleep time bed sleep time bed sleep time bed sleep time so I I have three buttons to jump I have two but uh no I have three buttons to crouch I have two buttons to jump I have two buttons to open crafting table SL inventory um and that’s it sleeping oh come on oh come on oh come on get away from me unhand me Heen sleep I shall elevate my current states that way the likes of you will not reach me fool where’s my bed did I not pick up my bed wait I’m gonna fall oh no I’m good burn burn burn wow it takes a while for you to burn wait I’m going to go I’m going to go get food animals same thing [Music] inovation where do I go next oh yeah uh one L like why would some do that I kill horses so it can’t be me English or Spanish baby you got something you know I’m not allowed to donate to you right now but I would if I could I could if I could I would oh you’re just what if I would okay but I would if I could and if I could I would mean the same thing right most likely yeah what tongue Choice are us to talking about I know how much wood trucks don’t even chuck wood they can’t they she sold she seashells by SE Sally sold seash shells by can I have my beef back beef oh I gotta I got to start wait I want to let me quickly cook food let me quickly cook food I got I got put I gotta put on my cuphead soundtrack keep [Music] traveling move your dog I got I have smoker move your dog before I kill him my fault I said I said I said wait what did I say you said Maddie as move your dog hey don’t you kill CH I tell you that’s not that’s roach’s dog moving come up here armor come up here move away from chesty now how much wood wood chuck chck wood chuck chuck wood a wood a wood wait a wood chuck wood chuck all the wood he could chuck a wood dog to God get your dog excuse me wood a wood cheuck wood cheuck BR get your dog I will I will kill it I will kill it I will kill your dog sit it down roach Maddy can we have our smoker I will actually kill it Maddy get my smoker bed I have smer run away I by a dog all right I think you’re good now no sit it down what we pushed him away and he ran away he’s good now my fault you attack everybody every other minute roach this dog is cute he just stop attacking people I went down down down bro where my other dog I had a y’all ain’t the real ones if you ain’t going to creative build your houses then go into survival that’s funny I used to I do that in survival worlds look what roach said what what roach said sorry I’m getting fingers tomorrow I said stop hitting people that’s what roach because roach keeps saying their very concerned who are kidding oh yeah wait [Music] what kill it and then kill it I would kill it without hesitation what are y’all doing minecra and I’m live so watch what you’re saying Armani yeah he will sh there are children more children than normal miners Min there’s 13 I’m a mine How does it go I’m in a m sha looking for diamonds that’s funny play Minecraft in a cave looking for Min that’s funny because I’m in the same cave cop I don’t think that’s copyright I no it’s a that made for the only time I saw it was the captain not Captain the night dude and he became like a pedophile wait I’m cooking [Music] food joined me I’ve TR 6000 blocks what are you block Tails oh my God give me my pork chop in well as you guys can tell we um have two new people here I let’s go let’s go I need what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing we will leave you behind we will leave you behind where are we going wait let me eat I want to know what we’re doing first because I might not want to go block we’re going to go I just expl to make my w you need a helmet Adventure are okay also not roach what happened to your armor didn’t you have diamond armor I don’t like mining with people I don’t know why you guys do that because you get inevitably less resources than you would if you just went by yourself no yes no four of them go into a cave together they hold each other’s hands they gotta have they gotta have a buddy you know I don’t know about you but I don’t we used all time let this be a warning let this be a warning oh God not again guys I’m fat and slow wait back at my I’m back in my Ranch of tamed horses to kill my slaughter house I don’t even have a horse because nothing can go up to where I am oh yeah are you like on the top of an island or not an island floating chunk the floating chunk yeah I live on a chunk so there’s like nothing that can get up here but I do have armadillos that spawn up there aradus armill so I can your entertained that’s really surprising because 90% of the time not 0 we’re like just silent doing stupid stuff I’ve got to kill this fly be taking down the to be fair when we’re silent when we’re silent Maddie our silence gets broken by either one of us screaming we’re dying or you saying something very random we all burst out laughing what the heck look at the horse hello I’m going to call you I heard roach killing one of them behind me the mom all right anybody got aat anybody got a boat the 17 to 20 in my room should take care of that fly so it’s fine whatever though I can’t miss um if you have a hurricane you very much can miss a stream uh I’m not no I’m you were eternally binded to these stream yep you have to watch you don’t have a choice bugs under your skin stop saying that them out we’re already Ja Jack house Jackie house is just over here we’re watching The Stream my house I just left my house we we found our way to your house we’re about to go I want to go in the adventure 10,000 BL away bro no I forgot all yall live I want I want be armor dips dips dips dips dibs I’m closer anyways dibs damn it why don’t you just fight fight for it f fight I’m how are you so slow at crafting freaking I don’t think very has full diamond Ro just has iron don’t going for me I guess I’m with M I was supposed to be driving but [Music] okay where’s the closest tree where we going forward I want to drive that’s why I was supposed to drive okay Aaron set up a base near me and I don’t know how to feel wait will you will you play Among Us arena with me I like how I panicked and I jumped back out the boat I will do no such thing I don’t I’m not even good atpro fine have vies I understand I wouldn’t do that how just play Among Us arena with me pleaseing one of the only free fighting games come on man get reminded of that like YouTube fighting game the vtuber one that we played yes hey I was good at that I’m I was good until you started learning yeah no you were good until I actually started learning how the characters work and what they do and then it was ws and then it was wraps what was it called hold on I can look on Steam I still have it favored yeah I still have it on Steam as well what’s it idle Showdown idle Showdown I need Flint um we’re off exploring so we’re not gonna be able to sleep I’m currently travel in the someone travels in the dark I have BS sorry out dig them out dig them out dig dig dig dig I want to peed there are bugs my fake VI your skin just arrived and they smell horrible yeah I have fake I hear zombie everyone I’m not near my house I can’t sleeper log l sleep or leave sleep or leave sleeper log sleeper log buddy sleeper log sleeper log you guys movie night tonight yeah yes notb sure Aaron’s gonna fall asleep halfway through yeah fall again then I’m I’m G to turn into freaky did anyone die Did anyone die sleep sleep or leave no I’m good sleep or leave there’s two people not sleeping I will kill you I’m running away hold on where’s my bed sleep sleep D just leave if you’re not in a bed leave hold on I got to make another bed I’m kicking you I’m kicking you from the game kicking you from the game I’m in bed I’m in bed I’m in bed I’m in bed I’m in bed quick There’s a Zombie just get good kid get away from here Ro here’s your boat I’m under do you want all the beds can I come back yet there’s a t yes you can come back it’s day no it’s night time burp downstairs it’s probably get chick no I have a sword that’s not sharpened at all dog I want it I want it I didn’t bring any bones those dogs are literally at the house they can be found at the house yeah I have one already Alexa play James P music oh dark oak dark oak holy guac you took my fish fish oh uh Maddie yeah you want a voice do I want a what voice act do I want a voice act for me I’m doing a project where I need feminine voices oh uh um I don’t think I’d be a good voice actor Maddie you are stop lying that’s fine everyone that I’ve recruited has never voice acts before yeah like me yeah what are you doing I’m just ding with a um BL that I’ve been addicted to what B what what is that gay G gay comic gay Comics it’s gay I’m also trying to D over an action one look down here Rio you might hate the personality by way is he gay have you received any saplings yet I had I dropped nice to everyone no that’s not a good thing one did your dog just eat the tree he has a he has him bark please aror name him bark I’m gonna name him bark perfect name he looks like roach a different one than we went to I got I audition for I got nothing um I auditioned for spot but I think fit her um you can audition for many characters as you want and you can send in um like multiple additions I would prefer if you kept them together though is it would just make it easier excuse me shrooms I love shrooms is there any snow roach cuz if there’s snow then this is the same one I don’t see any snow murder let me kill the animals roach cuz then I have fire aspect so they become the beef okay okay you can kill the animals M yay I had had looting three would not like you I need looting on my SW I game roach looting oh there’s a [Music] LC wait for us dog’s attacking him no what’s going on I saved him try not to get copyrighted challenge level possible I know everyone randomly Bur random [Music] songs stop I I swear I will Deen right now in order to be a Simon stream of me there’s bugs no don’t do that either that’s bad someone could have a phobia of buggies but that is true there are literally bugs on you times I know that but you don’t need to say that well I’m saying it I don’t I don’t need to but I mute every single one of you stop it wait armor You’re Gonna Hear Meo I swear to be Jesus how did you get up there eding it right now with cop myay on Warriors follow me I just fell how do you sound like a character you read technically all the characters from the Warrior series would be British British it would be British because they’re all from weakness okay roach we get it you guys have been here but me and myy haven’t let us explore look at that that’s pretty exp floding a my game was lagging for a second floating more IR more iron I I have done nothing but I managed to gather I’ve gathered enough iron to make full a full set of armor tools and a shield without even going into a cave that’s a bit rude Ro what hell cuz I just see it outside of the cave and I’m like I might have don’t mind that but it’s not much you’re all banned you’re saying that I’m out here struggling to find out I being banned banned that’s it K cominging it was a very rude it was a very rude tone how through their text text you sound was talking to you okay fcking in season is the same way other people could sound rude through a text mie no I understand I read everything in a rude tone hooray I can make more iron I’ve also wait guys I’m slow you guys are going too fast big back big back roach is a big roach is the big back look at him all the way back here roach even calls her own dog a big back my dog is a big back he like he if he was a human he’d be like 400 pounds look another cave look I bet we just temped autism poww parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour you guys are going too fast for my brain for your brain yes I can’t see without my brain yeah you can hard parkour Hardcore Parkour guys names are getting foggy my eyesight is bad big bag big bag just see there’s another uh what herey oh my God oh my God oh my God oh oh my God how did I get a bed in a boat turns out there was a cave under my chunk oh my God you have to be you just have to be a big back big back big I just say a Big Mac you don’t even have that in a but what do you mean we have McDonald’s everywhere I know yeah you don’t have the traditional American Burger what I am setting off fireworks tonight my my papa spent ,000 on fireworks anybody want to come down and watch fireworks yeah lagging y’all see what happen to hand when he did fireworks oh my go yeah you know what Aaron’s not invited he’s GNA blow the other hand off well actually all it takes is reverse C in a few days I get to watch fire you g to watch fire yes that sounds boring I I get to watch people light stuff on fire and um fireworks are better Mar yeah but sometimes um sometimes it gets out of hand sometimes the ambulance be called not ambulance uh sometimes people need um dumb dumb people some people people you British people are weird how we dump people after they light themselves on fire no I did Dum I said [Music] dumb I’m not wait what you are so British you set people on fire what I that’s actually that’s kind of fun that sounds more like an American thing to do what are you guys doing over there trying to take our stuff on fire I’m so down bro I’m so down I mean I I see someone get L fire but that’s not the point B big are and I’m not I’d rather get lit on fire I already have this one does anyone not have this dog V variant no I don’t have it here roach all right roach am I the only one asleep that’s sad it didn’t take it didn’t take as’s bone a I don’t have a bed I missed July 4th and the a I missed them too but I don’t think any why iy bed MADD do you want to switch of course yeah let me explore this cave under sleep or leave sleep or hurry up and log before I set you on Fire come on I found iron give me a sec I’m gonna set you on fire you’re my apology if I randomly leavea when you’re when you’re on fire you’re going to be on fire and burning because the fire that’s bur gambling hurry up wait there’s still someone not sleeping wait I thought it was day I joined back no it’s oh I don’t like fire I don’t like fire because that will hurt the sky um I hear a baby zombie guys sleep sleep guys come on it’s not going for me so I’m staying in bed Qui you guys should sleep okay we’re sleeping we’re sleeping we’re sleeping we’re sleeping it’s daytime it’s daytime you B who left wait SK over here B Dog yeah Bros brosies wait flower let’s go let’s go yippe parkour you guys are going two different ways is overwhelming arm armor my way looked prettier though my way looked prettier armor my way looked prettier okay okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming look at this way I’m coming did we all on Diddy Obby in it pretty actually I would totally build here and we all had our own Island the downfall of Diddy would that be a bad idea would you guys want to move here what that would not be a bad idea I like that idea we all have our own island of my house why did you no I don’t want to I don’t want to move but you guys look there’s an island there there’s a big island in the C that could be like a shared Island and we all like have like a thing or something there’s an island there and then we can have people on the outskirts you’re living in Islands yeah but I’m I’m a l I’m lazy I don’t want to move what’s going on choose choose what choose between splice for live and C is C live no thank you I’m sure sorry what yeah only mods and like people that I know know can join the realm merely because if I literally like made it act like ailable to everyone look at the pin messages there’s a literally a pin message for that no what are we looking for exactly we’re just going on adventure look Island there Island there Island there and then this big big island right I’m literally finishing up my house dibs on the I call I call dibs on all the ha oh I call dibs on the hay I call dibs on any diamonds or anything like that in here I call the food I call I call the [Applause] cats bread I call food I call food there’s a child I only had one fish oh I got leather pants yeah I want I want I want a cat for the trip care with your sword you might set them on fire and get cooked fish another they’re underwater did I really did I really just you guys oh Jesus you almost wait guys I want to check if they have food what color cats are here so I have a gray one does anyone remember that other cat color that I have at my house I don’t remember yellow it’s not yellow no wait is the yellow one mine I think the yellow one’s yours yeah I’m pretty sure that one’s McDonald’s poo0 do you have the one get copyrighted because I need my cat McDonald I think you can just say McDonald’s I got potatoes I see that looks like marshmallow from the other rounding be careful arm the real fat asses these days I’m gonna star name him chicken nugget chicken nugget but he’s always um french fry his name is chicken nugget now french fry where is he look it look it look M there he is I’m gonna name mine um McDonald’s ice cream machine MC Flur McDonald’s what McDonald’s ice cream machine Oreo MC flurry yeah but he doesn’t have any black the ice cre machines are always broken yeah he’s broken he’s a little goofy careful with the lava there’s I have to get McDonald’s oh McDonald I wonder if that’s copyrighted I feel like it’s not it’s Nursery roomer copyright iery cookie dough are nursery rhymes copyrighted some why is there just a child all the way out here child go home go home traditional for purp ofish you’re not copyrighted oh my God I’m gonna do I’m gonna do a Meep and it’s just going to be we are all we are all going to ignore how I have a British thei where are you guys your mom weren’t your mom’s house I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving go to the Bell armor go to the Bell baby pig all right’s over guys stream’s over baby baby pigs only last two stabs and then they die W I just can I just ring it can I just ring it please ring it sure yeah sorry come here Mr Iron Golem you know what I’m going to do when we get back when we get back to base I’m you want to know what I’m going to do I’m giggling at how he runs he does run kind of silly when we get back to base I’m going to have McDonald’s and chicken nugget have a child and I’m going to name that child Xavier yeah I see the connection Mur I’m stealing all food my potatoes I got 40 potatoes potato where are we going now because we just found a village so do we want to find another V how um Adventure obviously huh hello hello hello I just disconnected oh hello hello hi I’mma die oh yeah I was kidding when I said live over guys whoops I started Pig m i works I want to fit it around with my morph wait you want to hop on wcv I don’t mind yeah I want to play around with my morphs well should we get home first before we get yeah we should probably get home first arm we’ll abandon you again well we have pets so I don’t think we’re going to be we have pets so really going to make it we make extra boats all right who has the cords back home I M his Cod to 3,000 I do I have the cords okay so we need we need three yeah we need three people to go in boats [Music] alone who’s going in the boat with me who’s taking armed arm armed armored armored leads um okay mad you’re going in the boat with me BR I know I need my own boat for my own cat you have two animals that you can lead behind you all right who’s going in the boat with me me um we need to go to 3900 Ro hasn’t apologized for being mean to me I said it first I didn’t yellow you wait I’m confused I said that tone you used on me was very rude did we just dra like a big circle yeah we came from that way but to get home we’d have to go this way huh we need to go toga 3,000 which is 1,000 blocks that way and then we need to go to positive uh 900 which is that way oh we came from did we go in a big circle cuz we found an unlooted Village all right I say we sleep first okay I I lost all my resources bed roach you probably have my bed roach I have to make a deter are you guys allow to WC yep wait where’s my orange bed I have to sleep in a piss bed sleeper log such a knee slapper bro you know what else is a knee slapper the corner of my freaking bed I always smack my knee against it here’s zomie I don’t I don’t like you Pillager Outpost hold on let me lock it I have to make a very determined travel right now hold on anyways sleepy hold on hold on go to sleep please hold on go to sleep hold on I got to break my I got to break my boat give a second that takes long it’s not safe here hold on oh my God quit throwing your liquids at me I’m about to get mad hello what hello which excuse me what cont hold on I’m getting death by firing squad hold on what I know skeleton shooting at me sleep so are there you’re so out of pocket and it’s amazing I’m locking in oh my God there’s someone that was in here named Mars sketch as in sketch horses I’m viewing your channel do you post sketch videos I love sketch horses I used to have an obsession with them you don’t post videos but I see your picture is sketch who’s not sleeping to take a walk of shame bro leave you always say you always say sleep or leave but then when it’s you you don’t leave leave well cuz I’m making a determined travel all right [Music] are thank you don’t forget to sit up your cat my cat my cat is skeletons must I must I fight onward my fellow people all right roach get in the boat oh as by themselves I don’t have any more [Music] leads roach I meant get in my boat but okay I guess I’m alone onward Oh wait we’re waiting am I already going to run out of x going backwards there’s creeper oh my God there’s a creeper oh my God there’s a creeper get in the boat get in the boat you stupid dog get in the boat we’re about to watch tragedy [Music] unfold bro get on the boat if you have them if you have them leaded you don’t need them in the boat armored I’m alone I wanted to I’m alone just drag it across the ocean exactly exactly look at us we’re rolling out seed roach do you want me to drive let me drive B let’s see if we pass any cool things on the way Sor if we see like um a boat or anything should we stop yeah h no broken McDonald’s ice cream machine oh join a dog what do you mean who joined I rejoined oh oh I have Discord sounds off hi [Music] PEB peble join the pebble we need to do a video again together it’s been like last last time me and Pebble made a video together I think it was when I hit 10K no when yeah and Christmas near Christmas oh yeah did I hit pict no no no pe’s in chat did I hit 10K before or after Christmas oh you’re gonna crash into an island wait one second roach do you want me to drive because it seems you’re kind of lagging I have a few video ideas in my pocket see you know if people like came to me and they were like here splice here’s an idea for you to do for a collab that would work out so much better because I never have ideas for like just me well you should probably get ideas shut up just saying normally normally normally you just sit on the toilet and scroll through wait that’s so real I might back in my my my when I used the bathroom days that’s where I got all my gold ideas when I was sitting on toilet can I say something real quick see one time like a few days ago um MADD went AFK I Got a notification from Tik Tok spash for liked your video well night if she just goes sits on Tik [Music] Tok wait for me I lost my cat we’re waiting we’re waiting like that’s the probably realest thing I’ve ever said you just go you just go AFK and watch Tik Tok cuz I need like my videos okay I’m here leave me alone I will do what I want to do okay half the time I say I’ll be right back I go lay in my bed and watch t to that’s real sometimes I go I just turn my um turn my iPad to the side and just watch Tik Tok well I already have a few Clips in mind of what to animate here’s Jackie’s house yeah what are the few Clips tell me tell me I wonder where that came from one of the Cs when you slap me off of the freaking Bridge part of the of the base another one is hello another one is like the part where I was jumping in your window come on guys there the part where I lost my cat come on guys I know the way home from here cuz I’m smart I’m smart I know the way home I know the way don’t your by [Music] way um the people in the chat by the way if you guys have a clip that you guys if you guys have a of the video you thought was funny you once the live is over you can comment the time stamp and I’ll animate it cuz I I do go back and I look at the time stamps bro the people comment but by the way there is a big key over here so I’m gonna um we can’t go over it oh no we have to go through it it’s true I do I’m going to throw you into the gorge why wait that’s so funny do it [Music] no I again mods MADD when’s your next’s next paycheck of 20,000 XP we hav we haven’t months M received a Game Pass I want hear it yeah but I want that from a wheel no you did not I cheated [Music] gambling Aaron Aaron did that not me I want to animate that gambling you should you should animate um uh when the S says basketball basketball no basketball so we going are we going WC yeah okay basketball my let me just do this real quick are we going to go into private or public public okay I’ll wait for you what’s the cat oh I had a gray and white cat Okay that was my other cat speaking of where’s my cat that I just brought home probably in the boat or something madd’s gonna find her her true fans because she’s going to WC now and it’s called the light a night in Minecraft stream I know no one’s gonna join because I don’t have it set it’s WC oh a golden apple and a name tag and a bunch of Bones what did I miss in the last two hours I’ve been live playing Minecraft for two hours I’m in a game guys hello hi hello my game so did my Discord don’t let it do that bro oh na’vi navi’s [Music] here ignore the morph that I’m in guys I just made a random morph the other day you guys want to see my newest OC um they’re probably not going to be in lore or wait are you going to show the prop siiz cat no no no this is a I made the other day I’ll show you guys oh we’re going to WC we okay well that’s what you wanted to do it’s this one yeah I forget it looks a it looks a lot like nasia but it’s not I could make it like for sister or something who are you Navi Navi that’s Navi but I’ve named this one honeydew oo you like my necklace yeah it’s blue it’s blue that that that that needs to be animated you like my necklace yeah it’s blue no yes yes yes why won’t you breath every I’ve been I’ve been going in games and I’ve been just s in random place of this morph no name people like yellow back hello I’ve organized my morph SK look be proud of me this is my yellow thing are we in a public server yeah we’re in a public this is my am I wait I just sized down instead of sized up oops here we go our our pictures are completely different log who looks more like yellow fan guys that took you forever to type as leave me alone what a house what is that I look more like yellow holy cow MADD too bright I found the spot no MADD I’m winning I’m winning I don’t think yours looks as good as mine I my face detail more and did wait for me what okay yours doesn’t have a lot of face to if you look at yellow thing she has a bunch of different colors in her face what do you mean I added face Stripes add um a fade on the face mask I added a brindle I can’t see any of that well the brindle is the same color as the original face America I I got rid of my fourth of July morph I don’t like America that much wait I just want to Qui do some wait we have another morph that looks Al hello I just heard a firework go off that was me dropping my phone M we also Dr your phone what we also have is that running one yeah don’t I have literally the exact same one no [Music] imagine my Lord yours looks different I changed mine a little bit Yeah I gave you that Mor you changed it oh yeah mine looks way different me out of the way out of the way this is running wait so this is my Yellow Fang armor this is my yellow thing and then you have to wait for Mad to come back I’m in spectator mode my big head is in the way hold up big Scourge hey sit back down I’m trying to look at your morph a Scourge I don’t care sit down Rusty you’ll be disqualified all I’m back turn to your yellow I’m going I’m going what’s going on over here press some buttons I’m judging I’m judging I want the old brindle back I want it so badly back who’s Whispering Your mom I have made my decision M’s gonna win me because it’s more scarred it’s more scarred it has the ripped ear has more I forgot to add that when I turn she choose her because she’s my favorite I can I can judge I can judge and Cast Away my feelings pass here’s my Swift paw guys like for example if I were to judge between Jackie and a sense morph I would say I like Jackie better even though I I tweaked uh s morph Jackie is better all right and then here’s brle face I like this a lot I like the M she did oh I like that brindle face sh you sh you sh you here is send I’m gonna beat you up no red tail hop on Among Us you [Music] mean hop into what Among Us Arena I don’t know what I don’t know what that is but if you hop into item Asylum I will beat you into the ground oh my God do not me what no I you understand I I am a Phenom at games like item style specifically Illusions are you scared [Music] scared what are you scared of going against me in item Asylum I can beat you in any randomizer game that’s why I got 70 kills against six other people in item Asylum try 100 I could I could do 100 but the time isn’t long enough for me to do so big rock you main character honey do arm look at my new more I’m coming oh shoot I just p on sprinted oh I love it it’s pretty I have all my morphs organized should I just be first splice no not Bal hey Maddie did you know J jaie made me bald Jackie ate all my fur bald Jackie ate my fur and I hope she doesn’t eat it again it was my my fur bald bald man bald old man bald old man no it’s because Jackie ate my fur Jackie ate my fur everyone sitting in a circle I don’t want Jackie eat my f again I do not want second to eat my fur again it was very scary forest forest for for I I do [Music] ieer you still have I don’t have that anymore I I kept it save forever that makes me happy that makes me so happy you have no idea I haven’t touched that was from my uh that was from my Christmas special I wasn’t I wasn’t in that I know but I meant like yeah when M was filming on the bridge and we got on the bridge did I ever even use those I don’t think so I don’t think it’s we couldn’t get nine people me and armored made and you had your Christmas ACC I was Rudolph yeah and you said my morph look like Dixon do you guys want to role play I don’t mind yes I call being leader RP anybody in I have nothing to Do’s open I’m down to do some role play I’m down to do some as well I can use my new morph armored you should definitely let me be Sage kit should we all use alternate warps Sage kit but alive do I even have yeah I still have them on this account yes Ro should I use this one should I use this guy or all right let me get the leader [Music] roll my child I have a child my my canonic child yeah she didn’t but she didn’t even make she didn’t make it the wind Clan she di oh she died in three and a half but hey Technically she’s in win Clan right now um is she was she bubbling oh shoot she she was like a very she was a very like overly trusting little happy bubbly did she get murdered she got draw she got uh drawn away so uh obsidian she got lured yeah he lured her to the gorge when it was raining she couldn’t see him she was curious on what was like watching her and like trying to get like leading her to some thing so she followed him and she he made her fall into the gorge okay so what so he was bubbly what else would she be bubbly overly trusting she was very quick like it was very it was scary at how quick how quick she was be sitting place and then she’ appear in The Other Place big PA King wait what would be her sense her sense she SM she uh like berries what she smelled like berries ber hello you want to be my Deputy no EP oh you’re my child oh shoot I didn’t spell crowded right how you spell crowded prow [Music] prow crowed there go is roacher Jackie in here to be your Deputy roach left ja are you in here yeah I’m here arm do you want Jackie to be your Jackie wants to be the deputy yeah I’m fine with that author’s known for correcting grammar I can’t even speak hey jaie you’re my Deputy I need a medicine okay no never again never again never again is this what I think it is no names on who are you I know who you are Hawk star okay I knew that catp I need a snack SCE kit I can I can someone Nam slice kit yeah who speckled speckled mo mo kit their morph is yeah them imagine naming yourself splice kit when the literal splice f is here the zoom of Shame I’m zooming into their face the zoom of Shame bro am I being spam who’s spamming me my child is from brand new I don’t know man is this someone I know is this Jackie yeah he this person’s named Aspen hey get over here okay that’s no fair just because I changed my name to Stage kid doesn’t mean you can change your name to aspin all right I’m gonna go over the rules okay I shall read them again CU I’m already too tired to write I will now be going over the rules I expect you to follow them all to follow them my entire bio just tagged what you expect me to do I got nothing nuh you don’t get help cuz your name is Aspen sler slander follow the WC rules no realistic kidding no nasty stuff just follow their rules exactly walk around hey I am not your mother too bad my father’s up there I’m trying to keep up with you yeah I know I’m just walking and you’re like sprinting behind me I’m looking at people’s names shame give that pink eye Maddie I just said the second rule rule number two do not get yourself hurt without perms from the medicine cat if you do you will be ignored MADD they changed their name it’s no longer slice kit Cloud kit coming from my brand okay but on like a serious talk like hate the character not the player do not be fighting R RP the amount of splices that have popped up ever since I started content creation is angering because like splice is not a common word let alone a word ever been used in Warrior Cats or WC I feel like I should change my name there’s some wrong fit that’s they are watching the live they know dang well they watching ASP is a common name Aspen you m new rule another rule another rule no need of drama if you want drama talk to me or do Mountain Dew Mountain Dew Mountain [Music] Dew honey it’s honeydew all right it’s supposed to be cute crowd spce follow her throughout the role play other over interact with her or even just flat out try to have her attention and the role play stop that yeah kind confirm con confirm it gets very very annoying because I’m just trying to role play me just trying to I just heard my name outside oh I want to sit up here then be the deputy no secondary um well Jack get the deputy so you can’t who’s going to be the medcat already have a it’s it’s Mom Mo and then we have is their name spring paaw is their Apprentice if people be mean to ro play eat sleep triangle patrols apprentices do your dead duties Warriors go on your patrols kids do not leave Camp Captain the disc sounds are from armored not me they’re also from me turn off how do I do that uh you click your little icon in the corner and then you click online and then you click the red one or you can switch accounts wa do notur it’s easier I know but I could okay no you not disturb I think that’s fixed um also if I leave abruptly and end the stream that means my uh family came in and told me it’s time for fireworks so I could literally leave at any moment I’ll I’ll probably just say like yeah I’m go to go fireworks someone is knocking on my door I kid you not yes I’m assuming it’s Wyatt because it’s a constant banging no my niece and nephew knocked at my door to ask if I want to go to the Dollar Store felt so bad saying no but I I don’t they shouldn’t start the fireworks it’s daylight and it’ll be daylight for another two hours so I was hoping I would have time people do clown I probably not going to get a lot of people because all these people here from my live where do you have to go I don’t think so oh they’re going to the dollar store oh Aspen uh Sage follows or Koy around like a little magnet okay wait up me wait I want did the role play start yeah okay look look at that it’s like his l I’m GNA put in my just gonna go I’m turning around you’re my little child what’s going on we have a deputy already a medicine cat Deputy send me on a patrol do do um what is it evening evening patrols Patrol Patrol do we have anyone in the anything in the rush Co pile why can’t I open it oh do I have interact on off you doing such a good job being sa I love it so much reason number one way have no it’s just number two still want to take [Music] pictures hunting hunting hunting wow I don’t get a last name hunting Patrol yes I apologize for my paragraphs squir strike okay be okay all right let’s go shoot there we go yippe yippe I feel bad rejecting people for photos but like I’m I’m role playing man I I can’t stop to take a photo with literally like other people like I can’t stop to take a photo when someone comes up to me while I’m mid play I anyways I see a scent I don’t know if that Sage is so puny so cute I should draw sage and armored oh my God surpris you haven’t yet oh I don’t think you’ve ever draw that before I haven’t I should though so freaking cute oh my God God how did I what what do you mean I got too far away from the prey it was right in front my face apparently I’m not a good Hunter maybe add that to lore for honeydew honeydew is gots well I think it oh I smell something all right you’re telling me this piece of prey flew across the clan to get to the other side why did the rabbit fly across the clan to get to the other side get away from splice F apparently see something got you Mouse I got you I’m G get you and I’m going take your money take your life yay it’s becoming really dark so I’m assuming I’m last one to get back from Patrol nope I’m still looking wasn’t last I’ll go to bed I’m going to bed wait that’s splice for his nest I’m not going to go go to slice for his nest let see let me claim a nest before they’re all taken sleep in this one sleep I got the protection of the cliff side to keep the snow out of my face you want to see my OC I’m gonna be honest I’m I’m in freaking love with the with the armored Wing tribute to Koy what uh the armored Wing tribute that I did on koi the little white part on his paw I don’t think Maddie had that yet I do did you not know about that M the scar no hang up okay stay there he just brought you here to go to sleep where’s I’m sleeping okay so you remember armored Wing right the one yeah I finally found a rabbit where are you where are you sleeping behind the Elder why are you behind the Elder somewhere is there oh okay so uh I made a tribute to that old morph by uh coloring his back paw the orange one white at the bottom um for Big Mac who wanted to see splice for in MLP style here’s some fan art I commissioned Big Mac Big Mac do my a Big M what am I hello why I get recommend my own video look look at his bottom or look at his back left paw yeah it’s a very small tribute to the old armored what would look um no offense better a white tail tip I tried the W white tail top but he looks wonky I didn’t like it really mhm My Little fny Big Mac love that is everyone sleeping I should probably go to sleep I have my child in My Den someone said guys I want to interact with splice for so bad but I don’t want to bother her unless she talks to me I’m going to go on a stroll can’t I can only see my splot why are people not sleeping wait wait wait hang on try getting your head like out of the pause like like like like you’re sleeping on uh hang on turn to my morph turn to myph and get into the same wait send me that morph send me that morph I I think I accidentally deleted it bro no you did not thought you gave me [Music] let me turn them on okay literally no one sleeping me and Espin are doing something on the replacement guys no one realized my name is Sage kit until they look at my name got to sleep everyone it’s night time Jackie’s proba stay everyone how they should sleep hi welcome hello go back to the go to the sleeping pools that I was [Music] in that no it’s a oh t t wait what okay see if I can do this this person’s bio is confusing me like this okay okay okay okay I get what you mean TR to so cute screenshots h on I this person said I just met splice like IRL and I was like what it’s like I don’t leave my house how did you meet me IRL you outside my window join game Life how does that work work I don’t know I know in the game in real life I I don’t know bu look at M move myg I see you my we’re just gonna ignore that one person named reborn star probably yeah I’m just gonna Avid them gray whitear moving godam it I sleep where’s my Nest nobody better took my nest what was happening gray what star here we go it was reborn star oh wow that’s that’s a great name that’s so original I gu yeah some very interesting I just got like indigestion excuse me I have no regrets that is so mean of you are people in bed I don’t know man well these people are I people sleeping which is good I think a lot of these Ascend what are you doing here what what are you doing he’s Ro playing what what are you doing what are you doing here man what are you doing here man Ro playing man doing man I don’t even know what we’re doing been I’ve been playing a completely different game you want to see what I’ve been playing hold on let me lock in I didn’t even know you were here I didn’t know I was here either dang that’s deep you know I’m not GNA point the camera at the people that aren’t role playing correctly yes sun shade snow drop Magpie Wing kind of russed Ripple frosted gaze you’re you’re kind of role playing you’re in the general area let’s see who’s over here we got red bur we got Thor to people I know mink fur we got puddle foot I think Misty clown clown outsight name ideas what an original username bright kit why is there a kit here and haur I think that’s it we got armored sleeping with his child we have anyone in the N we do yes look at you guys we we had in Pelt with Cloud kit we have neon site with ghoul kit ghoul and cl wait why are people in the prison why people sleep in the prison what squirel I know where it is and PUD foot why are people sleeping in here maybe it’s just like oh wa it’s a spare Den it’s a spare Den slash prison oh oh and then we got Queen I know it’s so precious do we have any elders all we do we have a bison belly he’s up he can’t sleep his belly’s grumbling he can’t sleep I think there’s a kit sneaking out the Sun stuff guys yeah shoe as they’re like snoring or something oh someone’s here good [Music] morning that a lot e Swift driver’s watching me sleep oh hell no I got this i got [Music] this teach them a lesson just do just tit te and I’ll get back in the position what if I wait standing someone else is wants to become a thing an elder someone’s become an elder armored when is the sun rising there’s honeydew leaving cam hey I’m going on my morning stroll honeydew likes to lick the Honeydew man yeah she [Music] has honey dude likes to to sneak out of Camp really early in the morning just eat random plants honey do honey do cuckoo oh no I’m I’m a huge Red fan what does that mean Here Comes the Sun is it copyright if two people like finish each other’s sentence [Music] n what if you just play the actual thing then we theed I’m gonna eat some juniper berries they look yummy Here Comes the Sun no M doesn’t like the song comes doesn’t want copyrighted I don’t want copyrighted I wonder how many times YouTube has let her go on the hook wonder I see a sand in the middle of the camp I see in the middle of the C not the middle I keep pressing X instead of Z Sam real every time I try and hit uh ywn it just got really dark every time I hit try and hit stretch I hit X please you see this say WC WC as in Wind Clan spce patrols are patrols happening I like to think that when honeydew goes out so early that when she like steps on ass um little fireflies like go out from her paws she’s coming back don’t worry she knows the times man Sun she’s made it back for patrols I think where are you who I don’t know I don’t know M border patrol with swift Vine and ret Swift Vine dang this person’s excited all right bro you don’t typically Sprint out of Camp silly missing come on guys all right where should we go first I I don’t know bud I’m awake I’m awake oh do what dreams oh dream [Music] ooo behind me yeah look at this Patrol yes we are an army F oh hell no I’ve already got two rabbits sniff sniff is that a rogue up there no former River CL who is this not who is that do a patrol around the barn e B patrols I don’t know how to r a game no CU they’re talking about how uh Mo call had a dream about dog roing the CL why is a stand a rogue why why are you a rogue why are you in my Camp I’ll stuff my face there’s a rogue in my camp and nobody is paying attention why are you a rogue who are you what if I just spe this trator there’s a Rogan camp in nobody cares there’s a mouse wait guys oh wait was a sun what I just said it was a sun oh where did that Mouse go don’t scare it away guys don’t scare it away we can we can all we can snack on this mouse while we’re out the only thing in the prey pile is rabbits it’s the only thing Morel I don’t know but I guessed this one a uhoh a sun got a sun got got um pinpointed uhoh uhoh or or she talking to son it ain’t me that’s all I know oh no it is you I already caught four rabbits and you were so bad at this a said what are you talking about if I reply with no I win every argument trust me oh my yeah you don’t break the warrior code if you if you’re on a patrol and you eat what this watch this watch this never expect it with a question mark with a question mark with a question mark it always works it always works it always works what about sneaker of the [Music] den was that what’s that supposed to mean what would do you left her somewhere what would she do would she just stay there I just said I just said um ignore him he is sp’s friend he’s a bit Twirls finger around head what’s that supposed to mean huh nothing what what do Warriors say when they wish a a cat good hunting what M uh is it just good hunting a star Clan has given them bad hunting I’m just gonna say good hunting I don’t know if you have good hunting you say star Clan has blessed you with good hunting if there’s not well no when Warrior says like I’m gonna go hunting they say like they like I wish a good hunt to you no they’re not that formal I do it I do that but then again I am there’s a rabbit okay I’m not going to I’m not going to there’s like a slow Army of specs Building look the Swift Mine catch a rabbit look at my crew this one person keeps talking about you who um see lavender everyone when they joined oh my gosh for leer waiting Leer’s been talking about you I don’t know who Lavender is I don’t know their name is just lavender they uh their bio is U go take a picture with spce and be her friend and L said how long is she on patrol 95 million years one second [Music] I want badly I want to badly do you think they’re they’re watching the stream I’m not sure if they are lavender lavender lavender lavender is an apprentice their R is Apprentice but the name is lavender spots goals take pictures come friend I’m gonna say there I’m gonna say there’s stale Shadow Clan sent here just just because someone said someone said something about Shadow Clan sent so I just said it’s stale I’m slaving away at the mines I’m getting herbs for the medicine cats that’s so real I’m being a good leader is your name armored star or quar no my name is koyar I’m so used to armored stillar well my name’s him koyar because he is not in Shadow Clan so you know if we were in Shadow Clan whose name would be quar sniff better the air someone said sniffs air this person said sniffs better the air let’s head back group I SL zoom out hello flame I saw that rabbit I see a rabbit I see a rabbit I see a rabbit whoa who caught all the birds like [Music] five I got to webbit I got to rabit when not supposed to be getting herbs but you know I got a rabbit oh there’s already a lot of rabit bro why koi pool we have Koy star and a koi pool like name koi pool where you at Armor I need to report to you I’m grabbing I’m at for Tre just grabbing a moss from a from a rock there we go if I can find The Rock it’s someone said where did the Pooky go oh I’ll just grab the cowboy yank kid staring at me hello if you want if you want if you want to try M you can try to CT my attention cuz I’m I’m going to see if the doctor’s back yet keep typing generate faster no I know where the arrow is hang on give me the yle are you heading back yet yeah I’m coming back I’m going to the medicine D waiting till I see you is every back for morning patrols yeah everyone’s back star I’m going do this oh what’s up what’s good uh Maddie is there supposed to be a robe on the T territory or I’m supposed that we just P the whole area there was no problem if it’s Ascend if it’s Ascend if it’s Ascend it’s fine if it’s not then no okay I’m not there is it Le a spot oh wait I’m gonna add are you free [Music] so you could have told me you were saying something that’s the point of VC bro hang on oh wait I forgot it was in VC all right is this silver person or sliver person following you around think so I haven’t noticed them can’t spell well it says splice fan in their bio what do you think medie they want to be a dog or a fox yeah that’s up to you you’re leader they said no what Texs or anything unless somebody asks there was an old Shadow cleans scent at four trees it’s Big Mac is it the mother pony Big Mac Man holy moly big back big back big back what are you saying I want to pre-type mine oh I’m talk I’m telling you that he’s gonna he’s going to say that he’s going to go tell do so they can set up more patrols around the area see if they can find any newer cents or not if there’s no newer ones uh sooner or later then they’ll just you know go to Shadow Clan talk to them about it say The River clan leader is here the river clan leader is here Oar I am do no do Jackie is her name do too yeah my my name is do thorn in oh why is everyone gathering around them around the medic dead I mean I would I’m I’m getting looked after by the med cat fr it’s like some basic shows to trying to have a peaceful role play but no yeah I’m leaving leader sounds wise bye leader I’ve already eat like the amount of people that just crowded into the medicine dead like just play the RP there I think we’re still only one Elder someone someone asked to retire thought there like two ERS or something better be important all right guess we’re gonna have a gathering tonight Jackie I need you to pick five cats to take to the Gathering me me me I’ll I’ll pick him one minute let me send patrols out should I do patrols then or no amount of people get and to become the free send a patrol before before the Gathering so they can scout out the are and make sure no’s going on and then select the five cats to go um I could bring my all into here and plop it somewhere and if someone wants a photo they can just go find it that works at least then they’ll leave you alone stand on the Rock I’m not going to assign anyone that I’m calling to the Gathering and Patrol I just came across the fox I just came across the fox oh hell no I literally just ran up to it I never turn I just wanted to grab some I went to go grab some doget I just came face to face with it that was the most terrifying thing of my care where should I plop my camera should I PLP it in Wind Clan or should I PLP it at like the barn I plop it at the barn my Q in line is four bro what going on I press Albatross step that’s kind of a cool name I don’t know what an albatross is I’ve heard it before Oh [ __ ] is in it’s a it’s a it’s a um h o r e did you forget a w I did yes w h o r e oh so that’s not a good name oh oh wow that’s um that’s not too good uh because in the song that I use for the me uh I searched it up I think I might cancel the M because of the song but wait I searched up what it because in the song she talks about how the she the other girls smoked cheese but she’s uh but then she talks about how herself sleeps with people a lot so she’s an ALR oh MADD you’re all in at the bar right uh [Music] there so you know and let say to the to the lavender person that if you want pleas okay I’m GNA move this for it’s getting C right oh um hey Maddie you see brindle face you see brindle face that was the very similar morph to what the first rose morph was the name is brle fire is no one GNA go on their patrols I just assigned everyone sorry I was AF tell them to go I said gools go on your patrols people someone said someone said they want to friend you Eddie to bad I can’t I just ran over a rabbit world going what’s going on that’s so [Music] mean what huh why am I staying here I have you’re going to the gathering with us [Music] I do not want to stay plan uh Aspen I forgot to tell you uh when Sage was left alone whoever she was left alone with she followed so like the same way she follows koi around she would follow the person left her with all right Mo it poppy excuse my screen for a second but I just want to do something so I’m assuming because I have I’m the only one with with hydra’s more your mom’s dead Sage oh hell no you know you know what’s funny well to me it’s funny well when Sage’s body was brought to Camp who AR technically armored at the time went out to see who got killed he was worried at first and he went out to see who got killed and he saw the body he was like oh okay oh um so I’m GNA go get nink go get Primrose because she’s coming she’s one of the five that are going on to the be more than five I thought it was only five that I was supposed to bring well but I’m saying like in the books it’s definitely way more than five I remember there only being five for no there would be multiple princesses leader deputy and then there would be like 10 Warriors we have come I mean there’s really should we just the entire yeah I was about say we we just bring entire Clan just invite everybody Jackie invite everybody to to the Gathering yeah yeah yeah let’s go let’s go yeah yeah don’t the que huh the queen it’s a lot of people are there multiple there’s River there’s one Shadow Clin person there are no Thunder like just get on the Rock and invite everyone Queens I haven’t seen just be like we’re pretending like people are staying back so can I go probably I think every I think everyone’s going we’re just going to pretend like Warriors are staying back okay for please should I go to for I am not missing this for I’m scared who was that that did that kiss me off I just intending sat front of my camera BR hey Maddie did you just poof no okay lavender um deliberately sat in front of my camera I it split screen right now so that like on the tiny tiny piece that my camera’s at people can see themselves in the live and take screenshots and someone went and deliberately sat in front of the camera Madie you remember the person in CL that armor said that was kept talking about you yeah and the name was that was the person that you just talked to serer yeah that’s lavender I I have names on turn off ambient so I can see what am I supposed to say just the Warriors that coming for trees yeah oh Warriers are to come to for Tre this [Music] afternoon I want know what they’re saying just over my camera appreciated [Music] appreciated that’s close enough I I meant to put it it’s fine I think people understood it’s becoming night time Omar do you just want to stay in you’re done for now come on or you can stand your rocks and no one checks up I do not know what I just I have to do I mean I can pretend to be you do you have to go somewhere no he got his IV you don’t have M I don’t really know what to say though um I think in Gatherings you normally say how the clowns been yeah hunting is good all right are we starting now M should definitely pick me up this is like definitely load I shall be toy star for this Gathering as I spelled qu wrong I put the O afterwards oopsies should we start going Jackie pick me up you’re a kid you can’t go no too bad pick me up no being an adult the tiny the tiny Army of spcs just slowly Gathering are we leaving I mean I need to sound like armored gather up let’s go we we wait at the entrance wait should I go seconders check line go and Monster all right let’s go come on clan should probably slow down a come on Clan we’re going down GNA go in why are there already wind clan people here y’all we have AAR I teleported because I was too lazy to walk we need a thunder clan leader Aspen do you want to pretend to be ThunderClan leader I wouldn’t know what to say but sure they say like lots of squ there are lots of squirrels Nam the back sunning rocks I don’t know hey someone’s going to tell me what to say okay cuz I can’t be bothered just you just Yap that’s literally all the thing is yeah running no invaders or something I don’t know do do you want this person to be Castro flight do you want them to be instead I don’t mind well you got to choose well if they know what to say then sure you be the deputy no that yeah you can look at the Crocs they on my brother brought me bought me COC charms I keep almost typing heed or Sheed pastro get up here if you’re going to be leader get up here for the Rogue Misty kind of looking in also the fox is looking in the four trees isn’t that wonderful huh by the way um mink F said they smelt our seat near the Gorge on our on one clan I clear my throat cough cough stuff I’m back also I got my new phone case yeah wonder if what do they say dude uh whoever starts it they welcome I think everyone to Shadow starting it then I think they’re going to welcome everyone and then I think when it’s time you say how prey has been how the clown has been acting up thing if I think it’s also if you want to start drama you say if you smell another clan on the territory I start this Gathering off I’ll explain to myself s star is ill and was able to attend this Gathering sent me to speak in his place do they say star Clan sake is that a thing you think so for Star CL sake is it normal oh Deputy oh yeah [Music] be receiv the prophecy from Starland but we have not yet figured it out otherwise C okay cold weather and the Mars it’s making it hard to find it’s July yeah I have thing typed out not entirely sure wait so what time would it be if it was July green leafin yeah be green and then winter would be call why everything try to strong even if they small numbers that that is all I must say ibody should I go well if you’re n is it going in a a weird [Music] order cop and paste my thing you copy and piss oh I I preyed something oh I’m oh should I warn them of the fox yeah I probably ask riverclan why you smelt on our territory I have no idea if LS just made up something you should say like into further details we’ve got reports of Rogue boxes and F isn’t corar kind though spelled [Music] think do do they not say smell why is there someone up here okay I’m just G them is there anything else they would say in a clan I don’t know i’msure there’s still alive I just struggled so much to just take off a phone case oh my God I don’t know if you can hear did they just say that is all huh to like end it end it wait what’s happened in thee I believe that’s all or something like that maybe Ain no way so someone wants to steal my character design no way has riverclan or ThunderClan talked no I think ThunderClan was going Last Shadow Clan went first is this eony leter is watching us again no I asked the one Apprentice to wait until the Gathering was over before they like died did they die during the meeting I think well that’s their fault their body a never gonna be found someone just ran into the Gap said andap down so if they didn’t if you didn’t give them permission to do it during the clan then they’re uh I asked them and it they said the med did give the permission just I asked do after the Gathering I said to that Apprentice I’m I’m about to make that I’m about to make The Bite of 87 happen in 24 [Music] oh my God Armor’s back I I can hop down I can hop down here we’ll switch we’ll switch we’ll switch oh wait Armor’s not Armor’s still down armor do you want to just sit up here I already spoke I feel oh no said yes we’ll do we’ll do a swaper he’s stuck on the is he just lagging or is he stuck on the Rock arm for some reason I think mink for was watching this again just to switch I don’t think there’s any Thunder clang cats right now so I’m just oh I see the dead paw I’m kind of getting bored not gonna lie rip I lowkey want to yell to s that’s on the clown just y yes so there this kit and I think they’re like yeah they’re on the thing right now look they name a snail it’s angry me how they’re on the Rock oh they’re pretending to be a snail on the Rock that’s kind of funny I swear to God I was about to eat that snail please flick it away with your paw eat it it’s really goofy eat it eat it eat it realistically they’re probably would be a snail on the Rock someone just like flick it with their paw and then I just want to see it flying yes [Music] yes fle fling yes beauti I need some M off [ __ ] it’s coming back for Revenge it’s the snail that if it touches you you die The Immortal snail not everyone chasing the snail dude next time there’s ever a Clan Gathering I’m gonna be a snail or I’m just gonna be solid black and I’m gonna be an ant that’d be funny I Anon Rock apart from that she ignored the passing with the medicine cat oh our clan is swiping pra is easy to find and no unusual sense have been discovered in our territory see that that that person they did well better than me probably um last time I checked snails are suppos slow the show myant bro is that it eat moss off Rock armored armored should you die and make Deputy leader armed agreed no don’t leave me random snail is so perfect I loved that that was the best part of that whole Gathering arm hurted do we want to just end alive never ending I do fireworks soon we’ll wait for C star to do theirs arm you should go sit back up there didn’t they didn’t do theirs yet continues eating mus and dirt if I eat a snail would it it be cons there cannibalism I’m pretty sure snails do eat snails no what if like I ate the snail let that s in just like let you figure it out going back to Camp because this is so bad I’m lagging like crazy same smack po my popcorn SP I think everyone’s dying out to like die and I oh no not someone becoming an ant tragic oh no oh no it would be funny if everyone just became insects I hate you you’re a part of a different Clan now we are Rivals my clan has been empty for a moon at AR do it do it do funny do funny funny haha but don’t drop me off here ants are cool ants aren’t cool I hate ants they bite me I hate ants any time I go outside I get bit by them big black ants that are on my porch I try to step on them see I step on ants for and then I eat them for breakfast oh it’s delicious have a good sleep it’s coret me come be I’m gonna eat you oh get back get back redr gonna eat you ant G to eat you let me eat you let me eat you Aunt let me eat you I feel like I’ve seen spce friend I feel like I seen quar splice for WC videos splice for WC is the is it over probably are you SPC for WC XP okay Armory have a good rest okay I swear I’m going to eat these ants in this I’m going to eat this ant in this rat Nope off the RO come here I’m gonna eat you AR you’re have a good sleep okay at least this role play didn’t go Terrible by people ruining it I just ate the rat doesn’t that sound great doesn’t the b e sound so great what wait a second I want to start something I’m G to start a cult come here and I’m going to I now come to you your aunt me eat you I wonder ate both The Ant and the rat no rat get ins said by orid what are people still over there people are still over there screen you go to my ALT yeah I’m gonna go check it out for like two seconds Ain come here I I know your I know your K uh I know your kids will immediately have to throw you off the [Music] no go back here

This video, titled ‘Another Minecraft Live? || With Mods And Friends :3’, was uploaded by SpliceFur on 2024-07-07 11:27:16. It has garnered 1313 views and 100 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:40 or 13720 seconds.

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    Ultimate Guide: Super Hero Mod in Minecraft PE The Exciting World of Super Hero Mod in Minecraft PE Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than the Super Hero Mod in Minecraft PE! This mod brings a whole new dimension to the game, allowing players to unleash their inner superhero and explore a world filled with exciting challenges and adventures. Unleash Your Superpowers With the Super Hero Mod, players can choose from a variety of superpowers to enhance their gameplay. Whether you want to fly through the skies like Superman, shoot webs like Spider-Man, or wield a mighty hammer… Read More

  • INSANE STORAGE HACKS! Minecraft Bedrock Season 2 Ep 2

    INSANE STORAGE HACKS! Minecraft Bedrock Season 2 Ep 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Storage!!- Minecraft Better on Bedrock- Season 2 Ep 2’, was uploaded by AHopefulBubble on 2024-07-18 13:30:23. It has garnered 286 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:20 or 1640 seconds. Hello! I am AHopefulBubble. Welcome to my channel! In today’s video we discover a new world! -Socials- ~Twitch~ https://www.twitch.tv/ahopefulbubble ~TikTok~ https://www.tiktok.com/@ahopefulbubble ~YouTube~ https://www.youtube.com/@AHopefulBubble/featured -Mods Added In BOB World:- https://mcpedl.com/better-on-bedrock/ Furniture Addon (Minecraft Marketplace) More Ores and Tools (Marketplace) Classic Shaders (Marketplace) Essentials (Marketplace) Dragons! Biomes Resourse Pack (Marketplace) FOOD EXPANDSION (Marketplace) Storage Drawers (Marketplace) -Email- [email protected] -Tipping Feature- paypal.me/AHopefulBubble !NOTE!: Please… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: StackOf65 vs. Dragon

    Ultimate Battle: StackOf65 vs. DragonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fighting the Dragon | Chumpanilla SMP’, was uploaded by StackOf65 on 2024-03-17 10:47:00. It has garnered 72 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:29 or 10229 seconds. Today the Ender Dragon falls #minecraft #live #livestream #minecraft100days #minecrafthard #smp #gaming #bedrockminecraft #minecraftbedrock #gameplay #dragon Read More

  • Unbelievable! I built a working digital clock in Minecraft! 😱

    Unbelievable! I built a working digital clock in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I built a digital clock in Minecraft! | 1.20.1 Java Edition’, was uploaded by Wilderness 7272 on 2024-04-29 14:45:41. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:33 or 333 seconds. In this video I explain and showcase a digital clock that I made using Redstone. 0:00 Introduction & Display 1:15 Memory 2:31 Shift registers 3:45 Timer 3:56 Improvements for Next Clock 4:08 Showcase Read More

  • Unleash EPIC Lesser-Known Minecraft Skills!

    Unleash EPIC Lesser-Known Minecraft Skills!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Lesser-known skills’, was uploaded by BuddyBuzz on 2024-03-23 22:46:44. It has garnered 664 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:38 or 758 seconds. Dive into the heart of Minecraft like never before! In this video, we’ll unlock the secrets of advanced jumping, towering, and bridging techniques that will elevate your gameplay to pro levels. Whether you’re looking to dominate in PvP or simply want to master the art of movement and construction in Minecraft’s endless worlds, this guide has you covered. Get ready to challenge the limits of what you… Read More

  • Henzey’s Insane Minecub Secrets Revealed!

    Henzey's Insane Minecub Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘CW MINECUB’, was uploaded by Henzey on 2024-05-27 23:17:16. It has garnered 256 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:33 or 273 seconds. hola ⚠TAGS, IGNORAR⚠ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2 HCF VEIL HOLY KOHI FAITHFUL VORATION HCF SHADOWPLAY TEXTURE PACK HCF FPS GODLY MOMENT FAITHFUL SOTW SOTW HCF VEIL HOLY VEAX.RIP. STAFF ME FROZEA VEIL HCF ME FROZEAN… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT ASYMMETRICAL BUILD!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Firnwaldsruh #109: Schon wieder Unsymetrisch’, was uploaded by WuSiMu on 2024-07-12 13:00:35. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:50 or 1430 seconds. My first LP Firnwaldsruh Minecraft: Java Edition, Version 1.20.1 Official Minecraft Homepage: https://www.minecraft.net ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Resource Pack: https://conquestreforged.com Skin Pictures: https://wallpapers.novaskin.me ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Mods used: – Forge: https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/ – Optifine: https://www.optifine.net/home – Shader: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders – Immersive Engineering: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-engineering – Farmer’s Delight: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/farmers-delight – Nether Portal Fix: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/netherportalfix – Falling Tree: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/falling-tree – Appleskin: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/appleskin – Inventory Profile: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/inventory-profiles-next – IF: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei – Journey Map: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/journeymap… Read More

  • Insane Guessing Game: Find Block in Minecraft 2!

    Insane Guessing Game: Find Block in Minecraft 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Adivina el bloque pero en minecraft 2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by El Nacho on 2024-07-20 03:05:10. It has garnered 5101 views and 451 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🔱Video description🔱 Today I’m going to be playing Guess Who but inside Minecraft, an educational game where each player must ask the other things about their block until they guess which one it is! ⭐Do you want to support the channel? Become a member of the channel by paying 20 Argentine pesos per month! ⭐ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3vpBXtyikWwX5FL5Ek1OCw/join ⭐ Subscribe if you want… Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Selling Aladin’s Lamp on Sonoyuncu H1le

    Shocking Twist: Selling Aladin's Lamp on Sonoyuncu H1leVideo Information This video, titled ‘Alaadine Lambayı ben sattım -Sonoyuncu H1le’, was uploaded by nyks on 2024-03-31 20:25:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. e; minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Fence Hack by Dev Kingcraft! 🔥” #shorts

    "Insane Minecraft Fence Hack by Dev Kingcraft! 🔥" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft electronic fence #shorts #minecraft #build #music’, was uploaded by Dev kingcraft on 2024-04-30 05:13:03. It has garnered 460 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Read More

  • Venuscraft

    VenuscraftCome join Venuscraft! Venuscraft is an immersive towny, survival, and nations Minecraft server available for both Java and Bedrock for version 1.20.4 using GeyserMC. On launch many plugins to expand gameplay will be available such as dynmap, MCMMO, and some tech based plugins, all in Vanilla. A hybrid of towny and modded will provide nations the chance to develop their technology trees while they spend their time on the planet Venus. Upcoming DLC include lore events, PVP, Magic plugins, story missions, MCMMO XP NPC quests, and many other MMO/RPG style gameplay elements. Included will not only be staff written but… Read More

  • Lavender SMP Semi-vanilla Roleplay LGBTQIA+ 13+ Whitelist NA Java 1.20.2

    Flower SMP Server Welcome to our SMP server focused on flowers! Join us for some lore and fun gameplay. Our server is semi-vanilla with minimal plugins for accessibility. The only requirement to join is to be LGBTQ+ or an ally for a safe space community. Each player picks a flower with meaning for their character in our bouquet-like community. We do not offer fresh starts currently, as we have already begun. Interested? Fill out the short form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Dealing with Minecraft shenanigans like a boss!”

    Looks like someone’s about to get reverse carded in a Minecraft realm showdown! Time to break out the lava buckets and diamond swords! 🔥💎😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme: Oi Oi Oi!

    Spicy Minecraft Meme: Oi Oi Oi! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems #oioioi Read More

  • Shulker Transport Shenanigans in Minecraft

    Shulker Transport Shenanigans in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Transporting a Shulker to the Shulker Farm Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft as our fearless player, Doc Brennan, tackles the challenge of transporting a Shulker to the Shulker Farm in Season 7, Episode 36 of Hardcore Minecraft. This thrilling Twitch VOD from February 25th, 2022, showcases Doc Brennan’s skills and determination in the game. Hardcore Minecraft Season 7 Episode 36 In this episode, Doc Brennan faces the daunting task of moving a Shulker to the Shulker Farm. Shulkers are unique hostile mobs found in End Cities, known for their ability to teleport… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PVP Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PVP Battles! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of intense PVP battles and epic gameplay, then you need to join the action-packed Minewind server. With a community of dedicated players and thrilling challenges, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Experience the thrill of facing off against PVP gods like GamerFleet and immerse yourself in the ultimate gaming experience. Join the war in Lillyville, test your skills in intense battles, and conquer new heights in the world of Minecraft. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of this incredible gaming community…. Read More