Minecraft Magic School

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And with that i am live now to annoy 213 people there we go see if five of them notice and dragon turtle knows first oh dragon turtle here he knows the secrets of the universe and how one’s energy can be consumed by someone else’s energy um and whatever else

It said in the avatar and you can’t let evil overwhelm the light yada yada yada it’s actually pretty good speech i did like it quite a bit uh and music play background reduce desktop audio levels ratchet we can keep them about medium or that oh my goodness that

These be dropped to there from my own sanity hello gunner moisia uh what’s up come on someone else beat you upset about that and of course i’m using aquarium from kevin macleod as it’s the magic music don’t you know all right bam minecraft bam minecraft hello fib fibbit fibbit yep all right um

Sucks game beat into first don’t it okay only one person on right now might change might not we’ll see not wearing the robe today just wearing my um typical outfit which is this horrible old sweater which i love so you can’t stop me in an origin t-shirt which is not

Sponsored by the computer i use hey t-shirts part of your uh laptop you get both it’s a steal all right some stuff has been happening to the school still no one has any understanding how roofs work but they’re getting there they’re they’re building things up got their own little rooms their own

Little structures things are expanding outward definitely overtaking the local landscape but they’re still just a little little bit away from actually having a roofing and we had some sort of cake fiend run about and put cake everywhere which is going to be quite the mess to clean up

As a lot of people i think don’t eat food anymore so we just have to destroy the cake don’t cake over here probably because i’m an american maybe and here we have the new copper roof on this building that’s what it turned out to be and the hallway i made

And over here is a new building project although really no idea what i’m planning to build here well ender murderous staff office i feel like there’s a new window hmm the sign’s also a little off here also we should probably chill out on aquarium for a different song now

Because you can only listen to aquariums so many times maybe the goldbach variations could just go through those instead be all prim and proper all right we can actually turn these up as well there this is a fun little set of music all right here we are hmm

What is the plan for today do i allow alchemy yes alchemy is allowed however the alchemical magic has definitely been reduced in power one of the things i had to do because people are thinking that i was getting a little ridiculous is this mod had to be nerfed so uh you

Actually can’t emc any of this stuff anymore or some people are kind of like why it’s that it’s like kind of the whole thing about that mod yeah well too bad because you can’t even see it anymore the way things went this is a creepy dark boy wow right let’s

Like the stuffing it just leads to the side of my building i see huh how about that that’s kind of funny well i guess they hit the edge and that’s about it that direction yeah still need roofs but enough of that pondering and contemplation uh so we got other things to do

Like uh i could do this here just still getting going i guess to a certain extent you know nothing ever goes quite as you initially plan because you gotta get things set up you’re doing it by yourself and um i’m live little thing post that you know and also you want to go

Check out if it’s actually running properly because you know the way youtube is it can be a little bit jank yep it is running fine bloody brilliant all systems are go okay some nerdy well has introduced vines to the sign of my building what a funny prank i swear these people

Get more nefarious every single day vines work fine on stone but not end stone stinking little punks i need to get myself a janitor that’s my goodness irritating this is why you actually kick all students out of your school because they do pranks like this on you

Y’all just be there all by yourself and live a frumpy grumpy life if you give them an inch they take a mile wee little gitlings yes a flamethrower would be a good idea unfortunately the interior of the building is made of wood janitor with a flamethrower and that’s what we need

Also take care of the students as well clean up that problem secondly okay vines grow both up and down i don’t know this is very irritating did this thank you really rude i clean the rest of that up later i unfortunately don’t have a flamethrower oh they’re everywhere bloody vine placing hoodlums

All the things to do all right now i could use fire magic but that also probably burned down the interior of my building ah yeah yay no more students if yes exactly yes problem i’ll have to deal with later it just doesn’t look good on the end

Stone the end stone should be clean it’s fine on the stone but not on the bloody end stone actually um let’s see i might be able to no don’t want to turn that on uh there we go i can still do magic i’m still the headmaster for a reason yes there we are

This takes me a moment to remember it i still have the skills required to get the job done can’t hang past me i’m a slyled fox there we go i’ll show them just do a little bit of scrubbing hello kia i’m not exactly certain how that is this is actually immensely satisfying

All right i think that cleared it off cleaned it off nicely i mean i can do the fire magic it’s just far far more violent here there’s an excellent spot to show it okay we’ve got a bit of apparent despair someone’s built but this little circle here it’s also a great place to

Show off some magic see i can do fire magic but just ill-advised because it burns everything so it’s the best that we don’t now hopefully that doesn’t spread too much uh the snow doesn’t appear to be putting out the fire maybe it’ll help contain it you know yeah there we go brilliant

And we’ll just turn off the ring and we’ll put it away see simple simple magic and this this is a good song playing now what on earth is this this is new the wall is also news i gotta talk to someone about how properly build walls what is this called the thing

I see i felt like someone just felt like building this it’s cool i’ll give them that definitely cool ah there we go it’s all nice and done here besides the random hole was this always here it might be all right my god very good

Now then what do we want to do in here oh yes my books um ignore that thing you don’t see it it’s not real just clean up in here get rid of those steps arrows put that away i can’t do coal anymore can’t do bones anymore

Uh can’t do red matter can do redstone all right well let’s go back up here appears we have a permanent higher resident huh how about that kingdoms are the new mods um we haven’t done any intense updates upside down tree uh name some of the new mods

There is no update for just yet no updates just yet so now i can not really do that i guess not exactly certain what you’re asking there but Let’s see warp scrolls at codex yeah new update will come out in a wee bit but not just yet uh it’s in one of these no no i love to hear there we go excellent appears i have two of these now well i’ll hold this place now then is actually coming together

It is actually coming together we do need some roofs built though and also i’m going to probably spend a good amount of time restructuring that wall because it’s kind of hideous right now so i want to have like furnitures or something on it see it was done with a very quick builder so

It doesn’t look great it’s not a great looking wall also this snow needs to get cleaned up here a bit and that can be someone else’s project a student or something do that so we got a little bit of nature’s aura to look at over here

Also we to get rid of the danny mod even though it has goblins it adds nothing else of value all right also my gorgeous view by my garden oh look you can see from the walled garden this wonderful river and a wall what i’m going to do i think

Is i’m going to carve a hole out of the wall here uh fortunately don’t have thon graft do something else but well uh no i specifically um it’s not the right type so bewitchment requires fabric but i specifically did not add b which might add a different witch mod and while i do

Not have bewitchment is because i’ve done too much bewitchment and i want to do something else besides the ocean because i had a whole pack focused on that’s the same reason it’s not vampirism or any such things because i had packs focused on that so we’re avoiding that yeah

Okay so get rid of that wall there so i can attach it to the one side of my garden and then i’ll go over to about bottom of the river here we’ll be fine i’ll get rid of that and nature will heal or it won’t and

We’ll have to clean this up at a later date um we have hexaria which is a mod i haven’t looked at but um mr big moneymike444 has a classroom dedicated to it so if he knows anything about the mod we can learn it from him eventually so he’ll be the

Source to say expert on the mod and we’ll learn everything we need from him about such things i had a red matter pick i bet i could like instantly just take out all the stone in this i’m pretty sure that works it takes up all connected

Material of a kind which would be a lot faster than this but i actually don’t have any red matter tools something eating is that cat look at that catfish is eating the blocks oh that’s cool we actually have catfish we can feed oh that’s brilliant i’m

Gonna have to get a name take for this little sucker so i can name him so you’ll stick around all right um let’s see do we have ambles in here no we do have name tags i know that name tag all right uh iron there we go a little bit of iron here

And we’re going to need some wood i guess those will do okay what should we name the catfish What’s a good catfish name good good catfish name uh james james son yes james jackson all right here we go i have to bait him out all right come get some endocyte mmm yummy yummy endosite come on surface you little bugger where’d he go oh turtle you can also name the turtle

I’ll get him next he’s not going anywhere catfish is the one i want to get hmm yes man and artifacts is in here where’d the catfish go hmm just kind of disappeared on us well then i said shame it’s just gone huh all right well uh what’s the

Guy’s name from jojo with the rapier what’s that guy’s name um name tag see did the freaking turtle disappear as well am i going insane i turned my back and then this mob despawns oh it’s swimming okay uh i have to look this up now uh jojo silver guy uh

His name was john pierre police there we go excellent there we go oh no we want to get rid of the first bit of name tag all right and then it’s flighty little buggery there we go catfish is gone though that’s a shame all right also spoilers just get rid of that and

Get that and continue to clean this up a bit while i try to remember how certain mods work um let’s see so for nature’s aura it is um how do you do that mod he’s back we have them there we go excellent oh there’s two of them

Well we only need one of them names really got our members of um the ocean now nicely named leave someone to scratch their head about that give no context is what it is this this is inconvenient don’t even have a lens left to me name oh how i miss those lenses already

Okay and let’s hammer the slime down i’ll finish the cleanup a little bit later i think not the most interesting thing in the world to dwell upon now is it however yeah let’s also change out from classical music i think we’ve had enough culture oh we’ll close the media player and

We will do some ziggler now play with windows media player and decrease the volume from my own sanity all right there we go just nice little tickle the back of your ears sort of volume there yes needs to be way lower there we are uh

I wonder if there’d be a way to run music without me hearing it but still have it in the background that’s the real thing i need to do because it messes with my ability to concentrate all right ui size increase i’ve already done ritual one of the

Rituals we’ve got a whole bunch of stuff actually nature’s aura this year is a very interesting mod it’s not super powerful like a lot of others but it is cool bottled aura right i remember this we needed cork okay so ore is precious in the world and

Has a conundrum to researchers for a long time now back in the day they used bottles to collect aura and to be able to analyze it is a great detail as it became visible to the naked eye that way soon after complaints from uniform civilized start troubling them other scientists already have used

For ball this will cause issues they said as such and to shut out all the incoherent lever they create the bottle and cork a similar yet slightly different utensil to the bottle which can be used to collect aura by simply interacting with the air while holding it

Of course based on the world that you are in currently the type of aura collected will be slightly varied for instance in normal world aura can be gathered in the form of sunlight while the nether or it can be gathered in the form of ghosts and the end or is present

In the form of overabundance of darkness spoken additionally the collection of aura in this manner can automate it easily enough using dispensers putting empty bottles and corks into them will cause them to shoot out open making them fill up with aura in the process as they are no s sucking

Up by dispensers again afterwards additional tool like a helper is required now does this have dispensers in it no but we so that thing so we’ve read it that means we haven’t done it yet and there’s also aura plants but let’s get into gathering some aura so we just need bottles

That’s not a bottle we need i like the little glowy trees bottles i have bottles actually nice and we need wood for quarks wooden corks uh let’s go with oak oakwood of course that’s how you spell awkward elk wood corks there we go and now we put one and two together

And we have a bottle and cork which is excellent for doing mana and it’s excellent spot actually for collecting some aura right in here so if we just slip in here as he’s not here horrible little barracks my goodness sneak our way into this spot here this

Room is just full of aura so we’re just going to bottle ourselves a whole bunch of it from this spot no i’m going to be the one it’s not like anyone’s going to do or magic over here so we’ll just suck it all up there we go excellent

It’s not like he needs it anyways hmm i might eventually aim it to leave no it’s fine back over here we still got plenty of aura very good i think it’s chunk dependent now we’ve completed or auraplates a natural occurrence that helps the dispensary of aura are certain kinds of vegetation

That appear almost everywhere in the world these plants are known to cause areas around them to naturally contain a higher concentration of aura when they first grow additionally all these plants fit perfectly into flower pots serving as nice decorations the ore bloom grows in any kind of area where there is grass

To be found usually in small patches finding these areas like these can be especially useful when first starting out with ore since it is much less destructive for the environment to collect ore using bottled cork here the ore cactus grows in deserts moses i think is also not 1.18 that’s

What we’re playing with is 1.18 so i don’t think he actually goes up to that uh crimson fungus appears that the oil plants actually aren’t growing though which is uh interesting i must have configured something wrong because i haven’t seen a single aura flower unless they are what’s producing these

Little blooms from the ground hmm let’s see do we have bone meal let’s go get ourselves a bone yeah i would i was considering having mosey okay let’s see burnt meal party meat just going to quickly learn that okay bone meal so aura flowers i haven’t seen a single aura flower anywhere

Let’s see if we can’t get some oh botania could be overriding all the aura flowers as well that’s a good point i don’t think it would though actually has there been any but ah here we just found a patch of them really oh look at the aura in this area excellent

Oh that’s cool yes all right all right there we are or flowers everywhere and also a smoke ring which i’m pretty certain repels mobs can they actually enter within the ring no they can hmm maybe his smelt ring’s not as effective as he thought yeah well very nice spot for portland

Of course i made them into sunlight bottles so i actually didn’t have any left over emc still good to know these patches exist i’m going to collect some of these oh that little sparkles are from this mod okay did you know it’s this mode of the ring

This doesn’t clear out does it oh it is it pushes them back almost interesting okay good to know that’s what that does now then obviously excellent back over here ah sword of zephyr oh i miss you what’s a good lad yeah we need like some crenellations and

Towers along that wall but we’ve read up on the oral flowers we can plant some of them over here get a nice little spot in here with all the sparklies you know they go pretty get like down there get that there yes you can join the server you just

Have to go into the discord and then that’s a very easy way to join server from there all the instructions can be found there just go through anna’s mods yes machine gun of arrows is definitely a spell what’s very fun is when you do this

And then you have a new game to play cola dodging arrows or dying repeatedly yeah bit messy a bit messy one could say all right got the flowers anyways very good so we have the introduction complete we have the natural processor complete now harvesting aura the natural altar right this thing this thing

To make this we need golden leaf a gold some stone and a token of joy token of joy for that we need to go to uh i think it’s fork no not or creation uh not natural items any introductions uh nope nope um mechanical devices no or imbuing i’m trying to seem right

Rituals of the forest yes token of joy requires bottled sunlight a flower of any kind a golden leaf apple some iron okay oh one golden leaf ah we need an apple do you have apples huh well that’s that’s something is it i need to go find an apple apples

Where does one usually get apples from oak trees might be someone here though let’s see student registration oh yes excellent you got some apples still left over all right so let’s clear this inventory up so we can actually get what we need at not there then apple iron torch

Uh iron we can get like so is a little more difficult to come by just a tiny bit more difficult ever since the rulers of the world change a little tired i don’t think it’s uh quite at the depth i’m expecting it to be pool’s coming down this level right

I could also just go check some pre-gen caverns that’d be faster than just digging randomly far also less messy so pre-gen caverns it is for our cool expedition also we all want to use this hammer all right oh there’s more of those or flowers oh that’s why that spot’s so good he

Probably cleared out her aura flower patch to get that spot cheeky booger all right area’s been illuminated my goodness these cameras are extensive can you call in here um what does you mean and physically won’t let you join do you have a cracked version of minecraft or is my server link broken

You’ve got them to the discord yes um also it’s less physically and more mechanically when it comes to computers it’s like machines and stuff uh hmm yeah if it’s the discord that’s you’re having a problem with i might have to replace the link that would be a little annoying

Mike needs to be doing all right then i will have to consider that um well you do have to explain slightly better are you getting the error message when you’re trying to join the discord what’s given you the error message is it the discord or is it the modpack

All i said you have to be a little more thorough when you’re asking yeah i can only do so much from guesswork that noise again it just happens in the server what does that so weird a mysterious sound a crusher all right joining the minecraft server of the discord server because if you

Can’t join the minecraft server then you have a buggery of a cracked version of minecraft and that’s not going to work um and if you’re having a problem with join city minecraft server then you have to talk to the people there about that in the discord server if you’re having problems join the

Discord then that’s just yeah the minecrafts are okay you have to talk with people there i can’t give technical support on that at atm as i am streaming so you’ll have to find your technical support elsewhere for the minecraft server as i am slightly busy at the moment because it should be joinable

So i don’t know what you did all right i need that still um don’t actually need the cool there i guess i can dispose of that sticks good i’ve got sticks still available to me all right let’s do four torches flower of any kind all right uh a flower of any kind and

Oak sapling which i might have removed emc for in my hubris i’ll have to get them the old-fashioned way which isn’t too bad although the faster leaf decay mod does not appear to be working quite as intended well uh well it needs like complete attachment and i actually do decay quite fast

The complete detachment is the difficult part all right give me a sampling come on you booger there we are excellent now we can get rid of that we got the oak samplings brilliant so we have everything now and then we can go do the ritual alex then we need the sunlight but we’ll

Put that yes sunlight in a bottle making a token of joy this is where it gets fun all right so we need this right about there in the center sunlight at the top leaf at the bottom all right like so flower to the left apple to the right apple to the right

Like so torch to the top and iron to the bottom and then all you have to do from here is wait for it to grow or grow it yourself with that handy dandy bone meal so we shall grab some of that and something’s wrong here mess it up somehow

Iron torch bottle joy apple yes ritual the forest oh right right that’s how i messed up the golden powder of course of course of course of course of course so annoying right yes the dust precisely right need the dust so collect up the golden leaves and

Get as many golden leaves as i should there’s some more of them all right and we need now leaves see i’m a cheeky one i don’t know if this works i hope it does all right because i like to replace my used up leaves just you know a little bit of uniformity

And beauty but i need to get oak leaves in here i think because burst leaves grafting them on i mean they will convert over time but it’s just not as good now is it yes the dust all right am i not the green book all right so again another sapling uh

It’s right here yes and we want to surround it with a little this takes actually a lot of dust my goodness i’m not going to have enough i’m going to need to go get more dust do magic good calling that though it’s been a while since i’ve done this

Hopefully that tree doesn’t grow well i’m replanting my leaves here okay okay there we are i’ll just clean this up plastic leaf decay all right there we go now then um okay we just need to have some more bone meal bone a meal yeah right all right we need more bone meal

Don’t worry get done bone meal this whole stack of this stuff there we go and that should complete all that all ingredients disappear that disappears there we go i’m supposed to get three tokens of joy out of that am i not no no it’s just two okay anyways now the next ritual so

Uses these and rituals is to make this so that’s stone gold do i have stone just stone do i really not have just stone oh there we go okay brilliant so uh that is over on the rituals of the forest that is harvesting aura okay yes oh golden stone bricks right that’s the

Thing top bottom left all right top bottom left for that sorcery leaf to the right joy to the bottom uh leaf to the right wait well let’s just gather everything we need so we’re going to need those okay with the apples we used all the stone and clean that up

Going to need to deal with those so clear out there we go yep we’ll still be here when you get back mobs there you are baby what did i just kill you don’t let’s sleep let’s just sleep that’s if you have a problem with monsters go to bed they’ll solve the problem

Easy yes just go to bed and get rid of the factors all right 50 people are asleep and Here we are brilliant okay now back to the magic looks like a little trail someone mined over there hmm probably not though so we need gold and we need the joy and the leaf there we are and we’re also just going to need more leaves for the powder

There’s a lot of leaves this mod all the trees have to die which is a shame i like trees i don’t like killing them okay is this going to be enough leaf juice probably just doing a little bit of drafting here okay there yeah grafting is done and now leave over here

That right there that right there dust for days a little bit of that okay center it and corner corner corner corner around the outside and grow and boom but i have a little bit of sorcery going i wonder how that will interact with that being next to a fail harvest or not

I will find out all right andy’s going in and Just calculating yep it took the tree that was touching with it okay worried that might happen empowerment now these things might as well just harvest the rest of this tree like that yes i do have hexria yes we’ve got that never done it though so something i’ll have to learn looks cool though

That’s all these naturally fall for the golden leaves do you believe do you believe now okay i actually do decay faster than normal they do that’s normal just it’s not very fast normal is not very fast oh my goodness not very fast at all okay what’s hector hectoria is um

It’s kind of like bewitchment um or witchery it’s it’s a different witchcraft mod it’s um not exactly an offshoot but someone just decided to make a witchcraft mod with um yeah so hexer is a witchcraft mod without the legacy or thoughts of bewitchment behind it so it’s not trying

To recreate or do anything that’s my understanding i think it’s just a yeah it’s a mod like witchery but it’s actually just a witchcraft margin not so focused in on oh it has to be exactly like witchery it’s its own thing no yeah okay law of its decoration still it’s cool now

I don’t a hundred percent remember how the aura collector works because it lets me make the infused ingots and stuff but i feel like it also drains the land of its life force a romantic yet effective way to collect ore early on is the naturals alter after

Creating the set up on the phoneme page the altar will start to slowly drain the ore on the vase however it’s not strong enough to cause major damage making only drain until is none left in the area a collector can be used shown the following pages how to assemble the natural aura yes

And so we need to use brilliant fibers on stone so we need to infect stone with brilliant fibers for the next part of this mod so i need some stone bricks here and can clear some of this out anyways for now and i need the brilliant fibers brill there we go

And we can just mass infect there all right and now the other things that this needs is it needs wooden planks and normal stone in the fancy stone bricks which i don’t actually have so i need to go make some of those um the winter is a dark side of withdrawing

Hexter is the good side yeah that’s an interesting take on all right uh okay boop boop yeah the ocean has definitely gone a little dark into it with the vampires and lilth and all that evil sorcery and all that stuff you know here’s the thing a lot of mythology gets mixed up and

Bottled together and shifted about and all that good stuff and i don’t know how much other people know or what background you have but witchery actual witchcraft like being a wiccan you know that’s a based off druids because a guy just wanted to create a religion based off the old english druids

And so that’s entirely where it came from is someone putting together it’s like lest its roots go back thousands of years but uh the wicked faith and witchery so to say is like maybe 100 200 years old if not like i think it’s 120 years or something old

And so them using names and invoking stuff like uh lilith and basilmont and all those gods like those old gods are actually quite nasty in the law of cases and they just reappropriate their names for different uses and different symbolisms all very interesting actually if you go deep into

Religions and where it comes from their studies especially wiccans and witchery that we have right now it’s basically pretending to be druids okay i need a stone cutter actually no i don’t need a stone guy i can just do it i thought you could how how do you i do is it

Nine of them all in an area because that’s the fibrous do you need the table now i guess you need the table okay stone color stable stone cutters table that’s why is that wood on that it’s just normal stone iron on top okay normal stone iron on top no stone down

All right one two three almost down and iron on top all right bloody brilliant network and then that there okay we can just put that down there and i need really only one of those because then i can take those i can learn that i now have the chiseled stone

Much like a chiseled chin in my inventory all right excellent so now comprehensively if i’m to place these down it should get me sorcery results uh can i do the old eyeball does this have integration visualize brilliant okay it’s rather close visualization uh why don’t we put it up on this little

Hill here there’s not a whole lot of natural aura here you know it’s fine okay so we need normal wood as well so that’s just some oak plague team oak there we go and yeah i remember this always being a bit of a bugger to work properly because it’s got this weird crisscross

Pattern to it i mean if we’re going back to religion’s origins actually even just christianity is very interesting it’s not exactly what you think there’s a whole bunch of different guesswork of where it came from all the way from back to um the mysteries actually old ancient crazy cult guys which is

Very interesting very cool stuff and we don’t know a whole lot about them okay that there i need to read up a lot more to talk with any authority but it’s basically collections of lessons from other people put together and gathered into stories over time based off things and turned to a

Collectivized idea and then codified possibly by a guy called jesus who basically brought a lot of ideas and lessons together and made a transitional religion away from the judaism into christianity and so is basically a way for people who weren’t born jewish to have kind of the judeo-christian faith i mean it’s called

The judeo-christian faith now because well of course the christians got involved in it before just jewish people had their faith and so the transfer from jesus was basically giving that faith to everyone with the very first christian um well so there’s two christians the first christian is obviously jesus

But then there’s another fellow called languinius and languinist or saint lancunius is a very interesting character in history because he’s kind of been pushed away by a lot of churches they don’t like him because he is the fellow who wielded the spear of destiny the very weapon that actually ended

Jesus’s life and this they collected his blood from it because usually when you go and are put up on a cross it’s a torture device and so you can hang from a cross a wooden cross for a good three days before you die of dehydration that’s how most people died

And um them actually giving him water in the rag um is cruelty so if someone is up on across and they’re dying up there and you give them like you have a stick with cloth and you dip in water and then you give it to them of course they’re

Going to drink it and it’s probably going to taste terrible because it’s all in a rag and it’s actually going to prolong their life and so they’re going to be hanging on the cross a little bit longer the cross is a very nasty thing and not

Well actually i do know why is the symbol but still yeah so anyway st longinus the first christian convert he was a roman and he stabbed old jesus in the ribs with his standard issues spear and pierced his heart and then jesus bled to death although like

Some the blood turned into water or wine they caught it in the grail from which he drank at the last supper and some other mystical hunana there but the spear stabbed in the heart and ended up killing him as it went through the ribs and thus it was actually a mercy for him

To die in such a manner so he didn’t have to suffer so he’s actually only on the cross for several days yes now crucifixion is awful and it’s this you you’re at the center thing that’s why the symbol no it’s it’s a very nasty thing there’s like for the highest criminals the

Romans had crucifixion the absolute highest of criminals war criminals um enemy soldiers that are captured yeah no would not recommend it it’s not a pleasant afternoon to get crucified okay and then he rose on easter yeah well not exactly on easter it’s not 100 certain what time rose but the day we

Symbolize this rising easter easter is actually a pagan holiday of the celebration of spring and new life and so rebirth is just very appropriate at the same time as you’re coming back to life so it’s appropriate time to have them come back no it’s very interesting but yeah so

It’s not exactly easter um if we actually want to track down the exact time came back we can get closer to it historically based on the bible stories uh easter is just convenient because it’s this certain amount of time then also ash and it’s all very symbolic um

Ash tuesday and all that stuff okay iron will make infused iron okay i can’t remember how to recharge it area with aura there is a way i’ll have to read through it in the book but we should be able to go iron younger doink and we put the iron onto the thing

And then it actually happens relatively fast don’t even need to do that and then we get um pictures iron probably ways to automate it okay so paul’s eve so yeah all halls eve all saints day um halloween the day of the dead is the symbolization it’s actually very cool okay it’s incredibly cool

So how halloween works is um let me think this through properly so the the symbolic idea behind halloween is that um it’s the day of the dead so terrible things happen during halloween um it’s a day of fear death is all about and so the symbolization of halloween is we um

Dress up and we try to scare each other so it’s right before winter so winter is coming horrible horrible winter is coming there’s less food it’s colder it’s harder to survive it’s not a good time it gets dark so you’re going to die in winter so you have to accept your

Mortality that winter is coming and so we make a day of fear and so this is there is now death and darkness in the world coming we’re going to represent that with this holiday but we’re going to fight back we’re going to laugh at we’re going to make it fun so

We are going to dress up as the demons ourselves we’re going to scare each other we’re going to be the demons so it’s safe here and we’re going to wear masks to cover our faces so we don’t know who the demons are and so again it’s going to be safe here and we’re

Going to decorate things and we’re going to decorate in the cobb fashion but it’s going to be under our control so it’s sort of civilization but something else that is very interesting about hall’s all house eve is so um astrological events happen so different plants line up so you know the

Lining of the plants the stars are right so and the earth’s at different points at different times while it goes about the sun and other plants line up right so around halloween there’s an event that happens which is i believe it’s jupiter and saturn line up with each other

And usually uh these two planets protect us from things coming into the universe like asteroids and meteorites and all that stuff they have a gravitational wall that pulls down but on around halloween um every once in a while it’s not always um like it’s not every halloween but it

Happens around the time of halloween these two plants line up and they create a gravitational slingshot which points directly at earth and then they pull down giant chunks of stone from space and launch them directly at earth and cause cataclysms giant stones fly into atmosphere explosing fireballs appearing in the night sky

Thousands dying there’s this whole extinction event happened that people have done some research into and it’s like wiped out 95 percent or something of human life at the time and this event happened at halloween or october ish and october from the gravitational slingshot because the stars were right so

We symbolize that this time as good symbolization but also has more meaning to us because that is basically when the universe decides to um load a rail gun pointed directly at earth and fire it so that’s the other meaning of halloween is it scarred into our memory

Is because it’s the biggest event that ever happened and another thing of that event that scarred into our memory is the flood so the mythology of the flood noah’s ark everyone knows that story but it’s also in almost every culture there’s the flood the first nations different groups

Of first nations tons of different mythology have the mythology of the flood there is um the ancient mesopotamians with gilgamesh and their legends they have the flood um in china they have the story of the flood the egyptians had the story of the flood the japanese have their own

Version of the great flood so this huge flood happened at some point and what caused that flood was in that giant extinction event the meteorite hit earth water went everywhere and um drowned everyone and so that’s why the extinction event was so big is because of the flood so that’s where the two

Different legends come from and we have aaron bonhart has now joined us yeah now we can make bucket [ __ ] of infinite well i i have to make that um but so that’s the story of the flood and christmas actually also plays into this slightly different not that stars are

Right geological event but christmas actually does have its own part to play with this whole mythos thing which is also kind of cool don’t worry it um it’s like a very low chance that the slingshot actually hits us and it doesn’t happen all that often it’s like it’s a it’s a uncommon event

Or the stars are right there’s actually a different event though the stars being right which is so earth orbits and when all the planets line up that creates a different gravitational event which causes um which pulls more uh stuff from the oort cloud because we have this big or cloud around so when

All the stars line up so all the elder plants line up in our orbitational ring including earth and all the way to the sun then it basically points at a part of the oort cloud and pours this huge amount of things into the orb into our orbit into the more local group

Out from the orc cloud and so when the stars are right we actually get more meteorological events happening and a whole lot more asteroids and stars shooting across the sky will happen when all the planets line up which is another cool thing but that doesn’t happen very often either okay so

Bucket of color requires token of euphoria which requires a offering table and a spirit of calling okay well then how do we make an offering table well it’s probably in the book so just go through it i yes yes i have a command blockchain in my inventory pay no attention to that um

Levels of immersion broken infused rock we need to make some infused rock as well so let’s do that all illusions break down all walls end the realization of the truth has come upon ye and you shall despair in its revelation this is the end times we fight to survive

All hope is left thus the truth is end you will die and it shall not be remembered or some such thing i can’t remember the text exactly um but there that’s like a very prophetic very common thing of you will die this is the end times it’s always the end

Times though so why worry i mean we’re always experiencing the end times somewhere rather remember we had this huge event that was supposed to be the end of the world well it wasn’t then we have another huge event that’s been behind the world but it wasn’t and then

We keep going back in time there’s tons and tons of the end of the world as the day of judgement is started again and yes don’t pay no attention to the command block it has a very specific purpose but hasn’t been put to use yet however these command blocks are

Involved in me making azkaban so just pay no attention to them that’s how i’m going to create azkaban yes happy faces happy thoughts well it’s actually it’s a very i find it a very reassuring motion right that so many times people said the world’s going to end it’s the end of the world

World’s ending oh no everything else is going to die you know what every single time they’ve been wrong and that is very reassuring that we’ve had millions of years or hundreds of thousands of years anyways of humanity right hundreds of thousands of years of humanity but we haven’t died don’t worry about it

It’s fine immersive portals are cool you can continue on your world don’t worry about it yeah i don’t know what’s going on with you not being able to join like we could look into it further on certain things but yeah just the way some things sometimes go

All right i don’t even know what i’m doing with these uh do you have the mod installed right i mean that’s the next question you have like the right versions and everything you can even get to the server page that that’s what’s odd is it giving you a

Check mark x mark on alignment maybe it just doesn’t like your ip yes i’m familiar with merchant i think i know what it is i know why you can’t join probably if you can get as far to the server but then the server doesn’t let you join i know what the problem is

All right um the problem is that you probably don’t have network multiplayer enabled on your minecraft so you have to go and do that yeah you do have all the mods so you’re doing everything right so if you can’t join at the server level then the problem there lies

That uh you don’t have a multiplayer enabled for minecraft so it’s actually the microsoft your security system is probably blocking you so you have to i i can’t remember how to fix that but that’s the most likely problem is the whole uh security you can’t join the

Network you probably didn’t hit the two check marks for both local network and further out network and so you have to check both those to ever join any servers and it resets every once in a while in some weird fashion that’s my guess anyways that’s the best guess i can give you

Um it has to be with each individual instance of minecraft um so it has to be with every single instant minecraft that you do that with so because you’re joining all those servers probably from things that you’ve already checked that through it’s fine but when you create a new instance of

Minecraft using multi emc or uh curseforge yeah yeah because you already have a set to join those but it’s a you have a different instance right now so you have to do it for each individual instant so that might be the problem that’s the best solution i can think of at the moment

That’s the best i can think of could be wrong there and just a guess tablet bone meal so do i re-orify area by making plans girl not really this whole spot’s just getting drained yeah is it trees oh you’ve been enjoying before odd i have no idea what the problem is then

Hmm this doesn’t seem to be bumpy itself uh nature’s healing and such things we need trees three three two three saplings yeah go get yourself lunch lunch is always a good thing to get all right cut down these trees get saplings i should just re-add saplings back to them though uh yes

I was tricked to did i she’ll add saplings back and crash the server um i’ll just do it from here once i get the actual saplings myself all right always get yourself food don’t go hungry unless you’re fasting and you’re doing a meditative form of course you know whatever oh there’s apps that

Point you towards mecca i found out about this i thought it was funny that giant stone that’s actually the thing that people are pointing to i was just curious so i looked up and so there’s apps that point you towards the giant black rock thing which that rock’s actually really cool

That’s just this giant stone of destiny that people point towards the prey like how cool is that i think it’s freaking awesome uh like wherever you are in the world you can point this one direction everyone else of your faith is going to be pointing in that same direction to be

Praying to it i guess that’s very cool oh okay exactly do have an ad back i just don’t have it relearned okay cool bam all right let’s see all right yep can be right back i’ll still be here trees trees plant some trees have these suckers grow

We flash the natural order of things nature’s aura and sabra dang boom bada bing bada bop butter bip shadoof yep those are words bam wham all of all big bang this little bit of replacement to the spot just a little bit nothing brilliant much good enough good enough i say all right

Looks like it’s leaking or everywhere though you can join if you have the skill and uh religious scripture yes you can join we’re just talking about you um you just have to join the discord and the instructions will be there you can use curseforge or multi-mc whichever

One you find easier people will probably help you if you’re nice to them and ask for help then they’ll help and hopefully it will actually work and um let you join libit’s having some troubles there is a mod specific tree which produces large amounts of aura ah yes i mean i was just

Rambling there um so we have to go with the other things oh there’s a crumble callus um i think creation of aura yes the ancient tree that’s what we want to do i want to create some ancient trees which look really cool and ancient tree i removed the value

From because they actually do need their value removed they have like a cost of 32 for some reason which is ridiculous because it just set all the saplings of that really okay um sugar cane we need poppies and dandelions poppies dandelions wheat seeds all my inventory is full of garbage at

The moment so let’s go clear some of this out um i should make a chest to store the local stuff here i suppose as well you have chests in here yes i have two chests okay most people only have one chest but i’ve got two chests very rare genetic disorder

Actually no i just have a twisted rib cage which is not a genetic disorder that’s um bad sleeping hygiene i’m not really hygiene bad sleeping practices don’t have a twisted rib cage like me that’s what you get from sleeping on your sides on the same side throughout

Most of childhood then it gives you this really freaky looking rib cage yeah but you know you want the trees to grow or something i don’t know something something um dark side can we be friends i don’t know i mean are you a friendly sort is there a good

Reason for me to be friends with you you can you can ask to be friends with some but there’s a lot to consider when being friends with someone like compatibility of personality um if they smell good you know if they find you have the same humor a whole bunch of different factors so

Like you can possibly be friends i won’t say we can’t be friends but it might take some time to be friends with someone it does take a little bit of building of report and sociability but i’m a fairly friendly person who can become friends with most people so it’s

A high likelihood that we can be friends high likelihood oak sapling sugar cane poppy all right let’s go get that sugar okay we over and away we go here we go okay get to that in there okay so our head sugar cane learned apparently uh and

I mean talking to me daily i don’t know i’m a bit of a anti-social booger i uh sometimes i just don’t want to talk with people but i mean talk with you every now and then be fun and definitely not opposed to it definitely not opposed to it okay wheat seeds

Yes do i have wheat seeds in the book we even have seeds yes i have wheat seeds okay wheat seeds acquired brilliant and then from wheat seeds you just need the poppy and the dandelion all right it’s a bit like one of those old fable stories um like the

Tortoise and the hair the scorpion and the frog scorpion in the toad was the most name the mod’s name is um nature’s aura if you’re curious if you mean modpack then the mob pack is download directly from zay discord server which link should be in this description okay should be there’s no guaranteed

Just guess no such things always just guess we never really know now do we the way the world turns and the world works nothing can be for certain oak dandelion um nuke dandelion oak dandelion kane and poppy i like the word cane it’s a good word uh cane and seeds over here

Feather leaves over here did i throw away all my feathery leaves the golden leaves the goldy leaves gentlemen well you have to have a slight problem with each other unless i shall have to ask you to leave all right and feather and where’s the feather go

I said the golden leaf i know it looks so much like a feather though don’t it ah i see there’s one of you fine says well that have any feel the wrap of my sorcery or alchemy actually it’s like full mel alchemist oh we are a little bit off

There i remember one time all the way back back in the before time when i was doing uh different stuff with mods different mod pack um my own um not my own mod pack it was the witchery the bewitchman mod pack that they had i was doing that

And i was doing nature’s aura i had the whole nature’s aura out of line so i was wondering why it wasn’t working and then there’s like ew that that that’s why okay that’s why that’s not working uh there’s a bad idea just to activate this in this area even work anyways

Because trees grow slightly different tick bases and conventional thought i just worry about draining all the mana of the spot we’ll just use bone meal all right here we go ourselves a tree and is it going to give us the sampling or is it going to turn into that’s going

To give us a sampling i recall actually one of the best practices after you’ve done every single ritual is then relay the powder down so you have it all nicely lined up for yourself so you can just have it all prim and proper for next time like so there we go brilliant okay

So we got two ancient samplings and these samplings um we plant them they’ll regrow the aura that’s the idea behind them apparently let’s do that one plant that one there and bam look at that beauty so then we just we need to clear the way for nature we

Need more nature in the world so we’ll get rid of some nature it’s always is the way is it not let’s plant some big beautiful trees let the nature heal itself and grow on you look at these things did it eat the okay note to self the nature’s auras trees when they grow

Eat blocks very much note to self careful planting them that is a powerful tree let me tell you okay so i just need the normal stone we’ll do yes normal stone will do uh in here stone yeah careful planting that sucker i mean typically martial arts actually uh stone

Is weaker than trees because trees do crumble stone that’s actually just the way in nature but it’s usually not the leaves growing that do it it’s uh you know the roots breaking it so slightly different nature is very dangerous people should know this when they deal

With tigers and lions and bears oh my i like these big fluffy pink leaves it’s very pretty okay now then let’s see about getting ourselves harvesting aura yeti indiana swamp trees ancient trees i want that you fork item so that i think is is or catch what was it so

Um your uses in this thing is the offering table offering table offering table so let’s see if we can find offering table unlocked in the book that’s just the best way you know just do a little look for it a little bit of a joining to annoy me well if you’re

Joined to annoy me you’re joined to annoy me um what chapter is the offering table under do you think nature’s items auras creating aura harvesting aura we actually don’t see it anywhere in here go ahead and make an offering table well just do them all through his progress i guess naturally proceeding

But i feel like i’ve done enough of the nature magic for now so i’ll put the rest of the stuff away in that box over there and i’ll do some other little bits and dabs here and there so i’ll just put that away get all that garbage sorting out okay cool alan

So i have plans for a building over here which involves this spot here but then i realized that the building i was planning to build well it just won’t do so we’re going to do some rethinking redesigning of this whole spot okay reconsiderations to the natural order of things so adjusting relative space

Still fine with that being there want some more redstone though redstone markers okay so this will work this will work we just want proximity carefulness okay do we want that no we don’t want that there we want this right about here and that’s plenty of space there for that dome and we can

Get that to line up to about here all right then um i do like that having its own little overlook that is quite nice still want to build this right right improper actually you know what that will do that will do um okay and so yes yes yes yes yes yes okay

So look like that to start with go up and over to there okay and yeah we’ll do the overlook okay cool so then to here and here to there no not to there i’m moderating myself a bit i’m planning to build a dorm room that’s the plan just

I mutter to myself a lot when i’m first considering working on stuff because it takes me time what are my pronouns pronouns pronouns promise i find pronouns to be for me anyways a rather Pointless concept so they’re whatever people use whatever is most appropriate from appearance and what i present myself as is the most appropriate pronoun but pronoun is a very uninteresting concept to me i’m much more interested in the person individually who they are and a pronoun can make up a part of that but

It’s such a small part that it’s not so much it’s okay your man you’re a woman you’re a zeas or that’s one facet of a person then another facet is you’re a christian okay that’s another fashion or maybe you’re atheist or you’re a zionist okay that’s another facet even then those are

Rather skin deep what’s your job well you’re a soldier or you’re a baker or you’re a dog walker okay that’s another part of you then there’s your past where your family came from there’s so many factors that make a person up and those are all towards the whole of who you are as

A person and that’s what i find far more intriguing is um individuals humanity is a very very interesting thing to me that is i think one of the most intriguing things white rock incompatible mod set don’t know what that means um uses i really like this as a building substance so slash

Project e mess that up there we go and there’s only two people on there we go yeah wait oh there we go there’s the crash um adelaide magic schools patch yes um do you have it running in forge 1.18 on the correct version that would be my next question for you

If you have actually running the right place uh because i’m not great technical support while i’m live streaming it’s too much focus from things yeah so you downloaded the patch and did you download multimc if so i’ll have to think about that all right okay um no that’s fine it’s you’re trying to

Enjoy stuff it’s just i’m doing stuff here doing stuff there you know how it goes divided attention all that’s good stuff um okay optimal arc hike trying to match arcs up is a fruitless endeavor so we’re just going to do it mentally so do we want a high arch or a

Low arch i want a low arch so that can be a starting point of arch then low arch proceeds two and two okay and then the low arch will go into three and then a final three or four i think a final four no that’s too much

This arch is gonna have to be cut back final three will this work one because if we that’s that there we go this be the end point of the arch no there’s three there that has to be one here one to here three in the middle screaming baby in the background one two

Three four no this is not going to work as such we’re gonna have to do it by two two three okay so two two three so one two three right about there right you get that item that increases your mining speed while flying um so that’s three there and then oh there’s dreamscape

So one two three and big money left one two three and drop down one and one two three so it’s one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three all right yep we drop down one two three this actually works out

Perfectly i’m a genius okay so one two three one two three one two three and then one two excellent one two okay that worked out very well lucky lucky me okay now then i want to be extended drop design so we’re going to need more white rock and probably some alternative stone

Materials later on which i’ll determine but we want to bring everything up by one level freaking demon baby crying being haunted by the babies of children past and then these here these here this here all right ah technical support to the rescue okay uh i’m gonna want that to be possibly wood

I don’t know uh That’s fine like that there all right brilliant and then just going to want that to extend that’s got a strong basis so good so that looks do we want to extend like that or do we want to have it be a double let’s do it like this okay building wand we’ll extrude that

And just keep the form and then we will go for the increased height so we can do scroll working later we’ll get these both in here to this level i’ll get these in here to this level and the hollow can be done later on of the interior decorative material

Actually with the interior decorative material in mind we actually might want to make it one higher on all of them because then we can have it fill out That’s true okay um so then that’s a little bit more work but okay yep hello there hello okay so mathematically i want to do that and then one extrude here and extrude here extrude here here extrude there that i’m saying extrude because it’s 3d art terms um

I actually used to do 3d artwork so this is all just coming from my time doing 3d art okay oh but if it’s going to go up then this actually doesn’t even matter because it’s all going to fill in anyways damn it it’s pointless all right a lot of indecision going on here

Bam and i have to actually mine back down from the bottom otherwise i’m going to get confused okay i just need to clear it out to about there all right boomerang leg okay right so that’s fine we’re doing it correctly just trying to reset everything and let’s do it like this okay

Oh dear really should get rid of those mundane slimes ah they’re causing a lot of pain for a lot of people okay right well we can work on that in a little bit get this out to here and uh get this out here All right yeah i want to just bring this out and we can continue working on building hufflepuffs this goes awfully close to his build but i think we have just enough distance to avoid it all right and dream left dream was just taking a look and now they left okay

Now there i actually don’t want that to be built like this i have a new plan new design in mind so with that new design in mind we’re going to go slightly further out here it’s going to be cool although the lake is getting very bad so

I’m going to blame aaron for that and um yes i guess i’m removing danny’s expression My goodness everything’s lagging out we’re losing stability narrows probably aren’t helping the surfers having a few hiccups okay so what length did i make this here and that’s coming off there so we’re going to have to calculate this building which is fine this was never meant to be a permanent structure

How long do we make this so that’s one skeleton it’s quite sniper as one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen or should actually just formalically do it um what’s with the floaty glowy stone oh i don’t know

Is this some inane jump puzzle someone made it is um is this part even possible i don’t think that is possible all right he’s done the person doing this had like some sort of speed bonus or something i can’t get those ones that one also seems too far i feel like

Whoever made this get their judgment with a jump bonus applied because i feel i’m like falling one block short and they have a torch funny yeah we’ll have to see about keeping that in stick around for a bit okay let’s see here so what exactly did i do there

I think they have a jump boost and so they’re just messed up the calculations so that’s one two three one two three one two three one two three so that’s four times three okay so uh and did i have that at ground level the first one or is it

It is but it’s far back it’s set back by two so it’s one two three with the nip slipping out so it’s like that and then yeah so that is one two three then it’s on top one two three okay that’s times four so one two three one two three one two three

One two three okay and then from there it’s one two three four five okay this might go longer than i expected oh well one two three four five that is fine honestly and then one two three one two three one two three one two three is that right

That one seems longer what did i get wrong there what something’s off something is off maybe why does that one feel off to me because this is one two just one two three how many it’s one two three and then two ah yes i see it’s more accurately like that i think also

This height is off how did i what’s going on here because we have that there okay so let’s just well let’s just try so we pull this back one that’s about correct thickness then we amp that up amp that up amp that up amp that up uh yeah okay one two three four

There about there there that there there that’s a pillar going to be coming all the way down so it’s a little bit off in my planning of its actual size okay oh just came back to what ah yes building stuff building a building now i understand what did i come back who

Just came back to what right also have a notification on discord but it’s relevant to a completely different discord see okay it’s really good um and then there’s not much going on there so we’re coming back over here and we’re going back to here also what song has been playing because

It’s been going on forever it’s super subdued oh oh we’re doing the hour-long song of super subdued summer music it’s one hour of celtic harp improvisation we are almost 40 minutes into that no wonder the music is being so subdued i was like what on earth this music is super super chill and

Subdued right now we should be playing ziggler stuff what’s going on ah i see it all makes sense now all right yep i did like that okay well how tall is this this is it goes to here right okay yeah it’s also location-wise so this server is based in texas i believe

And so that’s also going to have its own crossing over problems yes i do like the celtic music it’s just a bunch of improvised harp music um maybe not how did i ah i see weird okay okay i see now there we go almost out of this stuff my word

Definitely gonna have to add some more accenting things into it later because these solid color builds do have their issues like that there it works because as a window so that’s the light diffusion the roofs at different points so that’s where it’s uh visual diffusion comes in of different styles

But this here we’re definitely going to do something on so now we perfectly Um Do we reflect the interior archers or do we make new interior arches because i do want the interior arches on both halves okay so we’re just going to have to do it by high right try not to mess up too bad cool i can manage that the mirror staff would be useful here

That was 100 uncertain was trying to do okay someone’s shooting lightning or doing magic probably just doing lightning uh yeah yeah this is difficult this is where your brain starts to melt from difficulty okay so we get that like that and let me get rid of that mod have owned wizarding school

Oh well good for you if you’re saying you have your own that’s jolly excellent still working on building mine it’s been taking a bit of effort one two three okay oops missed that okay there we are let’s hope it didn’t summon hell i probably didn’t

Oh i’ve been drinking water in a bit i guess i’ve been going on for a while now um right one two three and one two three yeah okay one two three and one there and one two there excellent excellent okay and then we are going to raise it up a whole level

Once we are done pointing this way oh that will pull the whole ceiling down okay we have to do it manually because we don’t want to extrude everything actually happens in 3d modeling you have to be careful about that when using the extrude function there and that one that goes

Up into the corner oh that is very convenient actually that goes up like that so that one’s actually going to go up into that corner there which is that’s just cool cool little loopy dupe design and this mirroring okay so then we lift that one we lift that one we

Lift that one we lift that one but we mine it out right there right there same here we lift this one we lift this one we lift this one and we mine out this corner here okay good good and they are by eye about equal length excellent all right and

I’m using oak logs here so we actually have capstones i’m going to continue this capstone style to each end so just capstone that like that there and then figure out well it’s on the back of both isn’t it so we’re going to do something like this i guess up into there yeah okay

There okay there we go excellent it’s looking good then we want to keep this level low but we want to raise everything else up also have to create the other parallel i’ve slept i’m gonna go back to sleeping you know get some rest okay it can’t go through the window

Take a little rest here a little rusty rest okay now it’s a rainy day cool also going to i think drop out here pretty soon before i do that let’s just remove what is exactly what i’m doing so just start bringing pillar down here okay yes that is the reflection there okay excellent

So that then comes out here i want you so stay here so we got a little cube we got these on top all right so we’re done with that there then anyways going to where i want to get banners okay that banner slime’s dealt with i’m gonna get rid of that banner

What the you shoot up a clump of arrows if you do the other click the submarine hell starts a new magic look at that there’s a shotgun a rapid fire and there’s machine gun mode huh totally forgot that it had the shotgun that’s right isn’t that something cool okay

Well let’s not break with that how many spaces do we have here to work with we got four okay so then i can do that there not there that there that there then the blue there the no it’s not the blue it’s the yellow how do i yeah okay yes is the

Yellow then the red then the blue okay yellow red blue blue red yellow doesn’t quite work the way i was hoping it would okay so we’re going to stand this little mix-up a little trixie mixie instead all right so we’re going to go yellow yellow green green then over here i’m gonna go

Blue blue red red there we go okay much better that’s that’s sorted that’s those out in a way hello sir tin man tom doing the patrol okay brilliant brilliant all right two hours in yep i’m about done with the two hours mark two hours leaves me rather tired so

I’m done with the minecraft for today yeah let’s see if i can’t find dreams of summer to play us out with Death wheel no i’m playing bloody death wheel there we go some beats oh hello only three just ending up here it is finishing A little sore my goodness a little sore Streaming’s hard on my body i need to figure out how to uh better rest my body into it i think Sit differently sit more properly although i was thinking of playing a small amount of dark souls right at the end just not dark souls but elden ring just to mess with people i don’t think they will be next time next time Try exercising haha very funny i do exercise a lot now the problem was just sitting in the chair because usually i stand up every hour or so but when i stream i don’t move around at all yeah a better chair would be a good idea definitely a good idea chairs are expensive though

Start a gofundme get larger in a bare chair good night good night doll yeah i just can’t manage a three hour stream like two is about the limit before i start feeling pretty bad yeah no i’ve been working on losing weight but i’m actually a fairly fit person i do

Karate i do sword fighting i go jogging i am very physically fit i can lift about 200 pounds so yeah no i definitely have a fitness factor i can walk for hours on end without trouble i can run for over two minutes straight i’m quite fit thank you it’s not professive it’s head

Master ah i actually do i should wear my professor’s sweater i should dig that out of a jacket which got like the knee pads and everything it’s absolutely hideous i love that thing but it makes you look like a university professor i should dig that out for the next stream all right Yeah see ya So You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Magic School’, was uploaded by Lorthorn on 2022-07-21 01:15:38. It has garnered 234 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:40 or 7660 seconds.

Hello, Welcome to Minecraft magic school live stream. I show on my server in witch members of my Discord and I play with with Minecraft’s magic mods and attempt to magic our own magic school like Hogwarts. We have Botania, Blood Magic, Ars Nouveau and Many more. I hope you join me on this stream experience the magical Wonders that we have to offer and well your at it why don’t you hope on and play with us Ashwell. Minecraft sever links can be found by going to my discord.

Here is the discord link: https://discord.gg/rWW4Hhf

ask about joining ^^^^^^^^^ up there

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/lorthorn1

Music by: Adrian Von Ziegler Vindsvept Kevin Macleod

Check them out. All music material is under a CC BY 4.0 License, more information about it can be found here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/….

  • Unbelievable Build!

    Unbelievable Build! Minecraft Madness: Exploring the World of Build Battle and Lucky Block Skywars Unleashing Creativity in Build Battle In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Players like 3omry_ on Twitch showcase their building skills in exciting challenges like Build Battle. In this fast-paced competition, participants have limited time to construct themed creations. From fire engines to intricate scenes, the possibilities are endless. The thrill of the clock ticking down adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay. Victory in Second Place Despite the pressure, 3omry_ and their team managed to secure second place in a recent Build… Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Speedrun: All Biomes in 6 Minutes!

    Speedrun: All Biomes in 6 Minutes! All Biomes in 6 Minutes: Minecraft Adventure Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft In the ever-expansive world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking new challenges and adventures. One such challenge is to explore all biomes within a limited time frame. With the “set world” seed -1412583731547517931, players can embark on a thrilling journey to discover all OW biomes within 2k from 0,0. This seed is compatible with Minecraft versions 1.18 and above, with newer updates like 1.19 and 1.20 introducing additional biomes within the exploration range. The latest update, 1.21, does not add any new biomes, ensuring a consistent… Read More

  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

    Bamboo Farm Shenanigans Minecraft Episode 39: Building Bamboo Farm Panda Survival Series Minecraft, a world of endless possibilities, where blocks, creatures, and community come together to create a unique gaming experience. In this episode, @swordartgamer1063 takes on the challenge of building a bamboo farm in the Panda Survival Series. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft! Building a Bamboo Farm One of the key elements in Minecraft is resource gathering. Bamboo is a versatile material that can be used for various purposes, from crafting tools to feeding pandas. By building a bamboo farm, players can ensure a steady supply of this… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Minecraft Lofi Study Mix: Chill for an Hour

    Minecraft Lofi Study Mix: Chill for an Hour Welcome, dear listener, to our Minecraft lofi mix, Where beats and melodies will give your mind a fix. Relax and unwind with tunes that soothe the soul, Let the music take you to a place where you feel whole. In this hour-long session, let your worries fade away, As the sounds of Minecraft lofi keep the stress at bay. Close your eyes, take a breath, and let the music flow, In this peaceful moment, let your mind just glow. So subscribe, like, and share if you feel the vibe, Let’s spread the joy of lofi, let’s keep the energy… Read More

  • Ultimate Mining Madness in Minecraft

    Ultimate Mining Madness in Minecraft Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 19 | Digital Miner Exploring the Depths of All The Mods 9 Lensmanoz embarks on a new adventure in the vast world of Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack as the foundation. With over 400 mods, countless quests, and a built-in endgame, the possibilities are endless. The quest for the elusive ATM Star and the challenge of facing the Gregstar loom large in this exciting journey. Unveiling New Mods and Features In All The Mods 9, Lensmanoz delves into the world of tech mods while simultaneously building a Minecolonies… Read More

  • SneakyRohit: Horse Can’t Swim?!

    SneakyRohit: Horse Can't Swim?! The Mystery of Swimming Horses in Minecraft Have you ever tried to make your horse swim in water in Minecraft, only to find out that it’s impossible? Well, fear not, because there is a unique mob in the game that allows you to ride and swim in water – the Skeleton Horse! Unveiling the Skeleton Horse Unlike regular horses in Minecraft, the Skeleton Horse provides players with the ability to ride on its back and navigate through water effortlessly. This feature adds a new dimension to gameplay, allowing for exciting adventures and exploration. Exploring New Possibilities With the Skeleton… Read More

  • Experience Epic Shield Flying on Minewind Server!

    Experience Epic Shield Flying on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting Minecraft gameplay like the one featured in the video “полет на щитах #northx #майнкрафт”? If so, you’ll love the action-packed adventures waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine soaring through the skies on shields, battling fierce opponents, and exploring a vast world filled with endless possibilities. That’s just a taste of what you can experience on Minewind. Join a community of passionate Minecraft players who are always up for a challenge and ready to make new friends. With a dedicated server IP like YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily dive into… Read More

  • “Minecraft Horror Mod 2024 – Terrifying Gameplay” #minecraft #scary

    "Minecraft Horror Mod 2024 - Terrifying Gameplay" #minecraft #scaryVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft horror Mod in 2024 #minecraft #minecrafthorror #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Minecraft Horror mods on 2024-05-30 21:29:13. It has garnered 6368 views and 167 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. The Scariest Minecraft horror Mod in 2024 #minecraft #minecrafthorror #gaming #shorts Read More

  • INSANE Modern Minecraft House Tour! MUST SEE! 🔥

    INSANE Modern Minecraft House Tour! MUST SEE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE SHOWCASE IN MINECRAFT: YOU WON’T FIND ANYTHING BETTER! 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by Da games world on 2024-02-27 12:00:20. It has garnered 581 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. MODERN HOUSE SHOWCASE IN MINECRAFT: YOU WON’T FIND ANYTHING BETTER! 🔥🔥 Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft modern house showcase that you simply can’t afford to miss! 🏠🔥 In this video, we’re diving deep into the world of Minecraft to bring you a tour of a modern house that stands out for its innovative design, stunning aesthetics, and… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SHADER UPDATE! PREVIEWVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHADER REFLECTION FILES ADDED! Minecraft Bedrock Preview Update!’, was uploaded by Smitty058 on 2024-01-05 01:56:01. It has garnered 9082 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Exciting news for the future of Minecraft Bedrock Shaders! Deferred shaders are now officially supported on Minecraft Bedrock for Xbox, Android and PC! This comes with the new Preview version released a few months back! PREVIEW PATCH NOTES https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/22915685759373/ Check out my website for FREE minecraft Add-On methods! https://smitty058.com Heres the shader I use in this vid! https://mcpedl.com/poggy-s-luminous-dreams-deferred-renderer-shader-pack-beta/ Poggy’s YT https://www.youtube.com/@XxPoggyisLitxX/videos… Read More

  • Gingershadow Reveals Insane Naruto Mod!

    Gingershadow Reveals Insane Naruto Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW NARUTO MOD! EPIC ANIMATIONS, JUTSU, TAILED BEASTS & MORE!, Minecraft Naruto Mod Review’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-06-01 20:00:05. It has garnered 28551 views and 990 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:51 or 2391 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyZ0Eihh8Q&list=PLgBu0fvAd3cvSxMfnY7Emj9CYgRTXkX9g&index=1&t=17516s Minecraft Naruto (Ninshu Origins) Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ninshu-origins STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs NEW NARUTO MOD! EPIC ANIMATIONS, JUTSU, TAILED BEASTS & MORE!, Minecraft Naruto Mod Review #NARUTO #Minecraft #ModReview Also big thanks and… Read More

  • Insane Chapel Chaos! Chatting in Minecraft #6!

    Insane Chapel Chaos! Chatting in Minecraft #6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Starting the chapel + Chat! [Minecraft #6 + Free Chat With Friends ENVtuber]’, was uploaded by Sytymy Ch on 2024-03-17 23:47:47. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:49 or 10549 seconds. Thanks for coming to today’s stream!! ✨Any language spoken in chat is ok! Just follow the rules! If you follow the rules, the host will translate and read out your comments, so it’s all good! ✨Be respectful to other viewers, and me too! ✨Stay on topic and don’t mention others unless I mention them first! ✨No… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Moto Patlo Free Fire Gameplay 😱 #viral #foryou

    🔥 Insane Moto Patlo Free Fire Gameplay 😱 #viral #foryouVideo Information This video, titled ‘Moto Patlo Free Fire Game Play 😍 #ytplaygames #freefire #gameplay #viral #foryou’, was uploaded by YT Play Games on 2024-05-26 09:48:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Guyz; Welcome To The Channel of yt play Games, here You Can Find Some Awesome Minecraft.freefire.pubG.etc Videos … Read More

  • Unbelievable new song by Mo sairam. You won’t believe what happens next!

    Unbelievable new song by Mo sairam. You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘#song #newsong #music #comedy #dj #sairam #freefire #sai #minecraft #shreesai’, was uploaded by Mo sairam. Zx on 2024-02-19 08:06:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • JustLand

    JustLandjsme česky survival server ktery ma vozidla a modovane věci a budou často update a eventy a odměny na eventech jsou i někdy hodně dobré mc.justland.cz:49340 Read More

  • Industrial Earth: Renaissance Vanilla Roleplay Geopolitics 1.20.4 Dynmap Plugins

    Welcome to Industrial Earth! Industrial Earth is a geopolitical server with heavy roleplay elements. Join us as a leader of nations in the 16th century, or fight as a citizen until the last stand. Our server features a minimal amount of plugins and a dynmap to track cities and borders. Engage in wars, diplomacy, sieges, and other activities within our faction/geopolitical community. Features: Dynmap War & Diplomacy Sieges Roleplay World Map Set in the 16th Century Suggestion Chat for New Features Diverse Nations to Choose From Power Struggles in the Holy Roman Empire Join Now! Discord Invite World Map: Explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Childhood memories in the era of Minecraft

    Looks like my childhood is bringing all the skeletons out of the closet in this new era of information! Read More

  • Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft’s Triangular House Quick Fix

    Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft's Triangular House Quick Fix In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house with triangular vibes. Wooden planks arranged in a unique way, Creating a structure that’s sure to stay. With each block placed, a story unfolds, A home for our character, brave and bold. In this virtual world, the possibilities are endless, With each design choice, our creativity transcends. So grab your tools and let’s get to work, Crafting a home that’s sure to perk, Up the spirits of all who pass by, In this Minecraft world, where dreams can fly high. Read More

  • Minecraft vs Reality: The Ultimate Battle!

    Minecraft vs Reality: The Ultimate Battle! Minecraft: spends hours building a house, mining for resources, and fighting off zombies. Real Life: spends hours looking for a parking spot, waiting in line at the grocery store, and fighting off a cold. Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 24

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 24 Minecraft Challenge: Day 24 Exploring the World Seed In today’s Minecraft challenge, the player found themselves surrounded by towering spruce trees in the world seed: -1206291632661826736. Using a clever technique of creating a staircase on the tree trunk, they managed to gather blocks from one of the large trees in a single go. Sending Greetings Not only did the player tackle the in-game challenges, but they also took the time to send greetings to fellow gamers on YouTube and TikTok. Shoutouts were given to creators such as @SilviaPatriciaNunezValdez, @m4xi_183, @facha918, @naim2518, @bwaaa-sdr, @jeffer2651 on YouTube, and @unpapelfurioso, @juanchy129k, @imm61664,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown Minecraft Secret Base Logic: NOOB vs PRO Welcome to our latest Minecraft video, where we explore the concept of secret bases through the lens of a noob and a pro player! In this epic showdown, we will witness the different strategies and tactics used by both players to create the ultimate secret base. The Battle Begins Watch as the noob player fumbles and struggles to build a basic shelter, while the pro player effortlessly constructs a complex and well-hidden base. Will the noob player be able to catch up and outsmart the pro, or will their lack of experience… Read More

  • Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!

    Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Quest for Obsidian in Our Survival Saga: The Minecraft Agency’, was uploaded by Agent Omega on 2024-03-07 02:38:48. It has garnered 45 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:40 or 13420 seconds. We finally found a cave with what seems to be unlimited resources! Now we just need an ender chest and we can start moving forward and fast towards our bosses. This time I want to see if we can trigger a pillager raid, let’s see what can stop us. Come hop in and have some fun! Don’t Forget… Read More

  • Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!

    Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW I WON 9 STACKS OF ORE on an SMP – Metacraft S3#12’, was uploaded by Brevort on 2024-02-13 10:03:17. It has garnered 115 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:56 or 2396 seconds. Survival Minecraft 1.20. In this episode, we build a glow squid farm using guardians, then we join a mining competition (Meta Mining Expedition) where the person with the most ore after the time is up takes all! Featured in this episode: AlphaMike17 – @alphamike17https://www.twitch.tv/alphamike17 Bygl – @ByglPlays https://www.twitch.tv/bygl_ classicFaye – @classicfaye FuryRaptor – @furyraptor LadyZentra – @ladyzentrahttps://www.twitch.tv/ladyzentra… Read More

  • Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2

    Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival series #2 | Going to the VALLEY & collecting diamonds ,iron etc.’, was uploaded by Epic Edge on 2024-05-06 12:49:52. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:47 or 827 seconds. _Minecraft Survival Series #2: Going to the Valley!_ “Welcome back to our Minecraft Survival Series! In episode #2, we’re venturing out of our safe haven and into the unknown… Our journey takes us to the Valley, a mysterious and treacherous region filled with hidden dangers and untold riches. We’ll need to be cautious and clever… Read More

  • Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memes

    Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘water bucket trick 💪😀#shorts #memes’, was uploaded by ZA GAMING on 2024-02-03 07:28:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our channel! In this exciting video titled “Mastering Minecraft: Unleashing Creative Gameplay,” we dive deep into the … Read More

  • Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!

    Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unbelievable Tree House Build on Minecraft!’, was uploaded by GAMER816 on 2024-06-23 03:53:37. It has garnered 11 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses #cricut made diy activities minecraft backrooms minecraft shorts minecraft simple tutorials minecraft tutorial Tree house offgrid tiny house My Instagram Account https://www.instagram.com/gamersamit0816?igsh=ZWI1amprcTF3dHQ0 Read More


    INSANE BASE BUILDING DAY 2!! | LSLIVE Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Day 2! Building a base!’, was uploaded by LSLIVE on 2024-03-11 07:13:12. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:57 or 19677 seconds. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!! DONATE AT : https://streamelements.com/luckyshotwk/tip SOCIALS: Instagram: luckyshot.w.k https://www.instagram.com/luckyshot.w.k/ Discord: The Wolf Pack https://discord.gg/zMHFPRpWgV Twitter: @LuckyShotxWK https://twitter.com/LuckyShotxWK TikTok: @luckyshotxwk https://www.tiktok.com/@luckyshotxwk?lang=en MERCH!!! https://streamlabs.com/wolfxknightsx/merch SPONSORED BY ULTI ENERGY!!! USE CODE WK 7 TO GET 10% OFF EACH ITEM!!! https://ultisupps.rfrl.co/xw664 Read More

  • Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05’s Live Stream

    Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05's Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Herobrine Is There 🤫 #live #stream’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-17 16:34:08. It has garnered 366 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:51 or 7371 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft (Patch)! Join my Club on Turnip sumit: https://profile.turnip.gg/246DuLDWm5cRw8aAA Thank you for watching my Minecraft (Patch) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!,… Read More

  • Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!

    Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-06-01 09:15:23. It has garnered 23879 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:00 or 3720 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinja

    Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinjaVideo Information This video, titled ‘”That Me Is Not Me” | FNAF Minecraft Animated Music Video | Song By ‪@TryHardNinja’, was uploaded by Transfangames07 on 2024-06-22 19:00:06. It has garnered 10152 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. Well Good Day people reading this, honestly didn’t think this momment would come so quickly but here we are, new animation :D, now before going into me leaving my own thoughts on my own animation, i wanna give a HUGE shoutout to @BAMation (Spider Manny) for helping one of the scenes of this video since… Read More

  • DragonChief

    DragonChiefSurvival Minecraft Server yg Bekerja sama dengan THF Server ini dapat di mainkan di bedrock maupun Java DragonChief.xyz:25566 Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded SMP No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! This server offers a unique experience with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity for all playstyles. Whether you’re a builder, PVPer, trader, or nomad, there’s a place for you here. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them! Key Features: Great Performance: Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal client-side lag, and the server has high-end hardware for smooth gameplay. Safezone-Borderlands System: Experience both bloodshed and peace in different areas of the server, catering to various playstyles. The Origins Mod: Explore unique custom origins along with the base origins, carefully curated for a balanced and exciting… Read More

  • WebMC OneBlock

    Play our game mode reimagined on our very own OneBlock server! With custom mechanisms inspired by DeblokMC, start off with just one block and build your way up to greatness. Fun, challenges, and a friendly community await! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft pro or nah?

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft pro or nah?That meme must have really passed some gas to score so high! Read More

  • Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 – Ticket Tightrope

    Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 - Ticket Tightrope Welcome, welcome, to the Bean Mart show, Where we mix business with Minecraft, let’s go! On TikTok Live, I shared the behind-the-scenes, Of ordering, stocking, and all the in-betweens. The viewers were hooked, on the edge of their seats, As I navigated the game with swift and neat beats. Join me on YouTube, if you missed the live stream, For a night of fun, like a gaming dream. Subscribe to my channel, for more content galore, On Instagram, Amazon, and so much more. Follow me on Spotify, for tunes that inspire, And on Facebook and Pinterest, for content that’s… Read More


    PEDRO'S FIERY MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS! 🔥 Why did Pedro bring a pickaxe to the club? To mine some sick beats! #minecraftparty #miningforlaughs #pedrotheDJ Read More

  • Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops!

    Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops! Minecraft Cheating with Ore-Dropping Items! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where cheating with ores that drop items takes center stage! Join the excitement as new possibilities unfold in the world of Minecraft. Exploring New Horizons Delve into the innovative concept of cheating with ores that drop items, adding a unique twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Witness the magic as these ores reveal hidden treasures and unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Unveiling the Cheating Mechanism Discover the mechanics behind this intriguing cheat, where ores become the key to obtaining valuable items. By leveraging this cheat, players can… Read More

Minecraft Magic School