Minecraft Maverick: CoreX Live!

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right if anyone’s here say hi right oh shoot I can hear myself turn the off real quick right what’s up guys in it for a another stream what’s up anyone here anyone here uh this W is kind of annoying not going to lie I’m just chilling right now okay great to know that chat integration thing whever it is is not working so I’m just going to look at the stream chat hello gamer Bry what’s up I’m just minding some deep slate for my shop refill it you know what’s up the ceiling so true I don’t know if you still have from me or you didn’t cuz it’s unoriginal so who knows but yeah I’m just collecting some deep Slate from my shop right now restocking it cuz someone bought it so that’s nice what are you doing then gamer Bryce on this fine day playing Minecraft I keep getting this three like Cobble deep stair I don’t know where that’s coming from that’s so true name three things that hairy who watched the fortnite stream yesterday anyone watch that right uh let’s go back to the top let’s see what it’s looking wait messing up my inventory right now okay f up that one earlier almost done that one now go back down who’s missing one did know you have three orange if you’re in my chat right now say you have four right that’s crazy going through two double chests oh it’s yo let’s go only two that’s fine that’s more than zero right there’s a dark spot there just do that very nice uh let’s put one down to see what I’m doing is nice right this MH right guys let’s see how many we get guys put your predictions how many you think you I’ll get so I could get two I could get eight guys what do you think if you guys don’t see anything just going to mine them you know I’m going to fill up my inventory and do that right now okay that look like three oh I got six okay nice we’ve been chilling shove that in my diamond box nice go back down um let’s put this back up let’s see how big of the area we need to mine is this is just kind of like my Quarry where I do all my mining oh hello um right just make my way through here don’t mind if I do all right I think we’re fine nice right let’s let’s m m like an outline you know what let’s get the Redstone why not why not not the gold don’t need the gold all right there’s the corner we start going this way so how deep is that that’s not that bad okay let’s go this way now CU this way I I haven’t gone this direction super amounts so oh I’m being contested it’s over right this is this is this open area all right I can just put this in my I don’t need a shield right now right we got to be close yeah there we go see right there now got to go this way we’re just going to mine like a big basically ring around the border before I can mine with the beacon that’s what that’s what this is I’m using a what’s this is miniih Hood I think or tweo one of those two let me do this oh there’s a cave here one of my mines ages ago right this will be where I Min some tough uh yeah uh how far is that we going to be a little close oh wow I I got some some thing that just lets me do that must be right now we go this way and we should come across uh the mine the Quarry because I have mined out to this wall wall wool wall can’t speak viers I remember you you were on core I don’t know I don’t if you were R it you you were from I remember you though um something to do with moon tier SMP I generally I remember you uh yeah right uh here we are we mined a a ring very very nice um right what do we mine at now you know what let’s mine this tough so we have a nice big open area so nice I I don’t I don’t really need the tough right now but the Shrek guy I’m not going to lie he’s need a lot of stuff I’ve given him a lot so it’s fine I mind need any tough then uh I’ll be here plus um I haven’t checked everything else in my shop so tough might be sold out I don’t think it is um considering andesite wasn’t that usually always is whenever there’s a sell out obam Nation yes that was it that was what I remember you from I remembered I remembered a little bit about Abomination and moon TI being similar I remember now well welcome to the stream I guess how do you find it because uh I just posted in the corx chat that’s a private Discord so how did how did you find it viers there we go second second shuer full very nice uh let’s just check that in there you remember me that’s nice I remember you commenting on orange Plasma’s videos saying viers for the SMP for Mo oh you subbed that’s awesome thank you very much boom free Redstone even though I don’t need any uh right let’s continue mining right what B should I mine out next I mine out keep continuing this way or you know what let’s do that I’m down I have an idea I’m going to oh wait there’s obsidian here right uh you know let’s just mine for it I don’t care if we come across lava it’s fine okay that did not work uh go like that that work that did not do what I wanted to do let’s do that okay if I can pick this up okay oops okay easy this is a children’s game there we go right we can m this out we don’t need this okay how far is the ceiling here I don’t think that’ll be never mind uh this thing I’m doing here this is a tweaker feature lets you place on the corner of blocks so uh that’s useful although I don’t think it works on um most servers unless they also have twe installed so yeah I think I don’t know what Fe other features we have of twe on I think um something about flipping Cactus something about um I think we can break other like some blocks with like pickaxes even though that normally you can’t like um beacons glass I think yeah that’s s with there to be cre we have on the server I guess this obviously lets you do that as well so yeah right yeah I think I I’ll like go through that direction kind of mine through just get whatever I get Who’s online shck I’m surprise went somewhere move OBS over a little bit my other monitor right how are you viers how are you chilling today you’re still in the chat says there’s five whole people watching there’s no way if if there is why hey guys welcome to the Stream Minecraft this a server play with a a couple friends not Super Active uh there’s lots of action in whenever we talk in Discord though which is uh a new thing we’ve added in a chat in the Discord where you can uh oh wait that’s how you click it okay interesting yeah we added a thing or be under added it rather no I don’t think anyone else knew he was doing it he just kind of did it which is which is pretty cool um he’s not one really do that kind of thing but yeah you added this thing where it’s like a bot in the Discord and it kind of basically you chat in game it appears in this Discord chat and you can type in the Discord chat and it appears in game that’s pretty cool um I think the content SMP big big uh YouTub server they have something similar well I think it’s the same thing just kind of done slightly differently look if I if I go in the chat if I go in Discord and I type hey stream there you go boom it appears in the thing that’s pretty cool in it it’s pretty pretty fancy and it keeps the same colors as the roll as well like my role in Discord is blue like that and Beyond is this green so that’s pretty cool yeah where wowers let’s do that how’s the stream quality uh bit R kind of trash I’m not going to lie uh it’s fine it’s something to do with the bit rate but I’m not going to fix that and you can still see what’s going on so it’s fine uh let’s throw this into the corner cuz I don’t want that I just want the Deep state [Applause] right I kind of want to do a thing right um thing on stream this guy is not willing to do that kind of thing let’s turn off light level way check these in a Sher uh let’s just take what I have and take it to the shopping district cuz I want to I want to see what else there is um that might have been B because I looked at Stone I filled the stone up and then I checked SL and deep slay and it’s probably worth checking if there’s anything else there also our stock just needs filling up so right now the shopping district portal very fancy got Cobblestone not many this is the shopping district this is my shop this the rock shop so rocks yeah Stone was empty filled that up uh these were not empty then we go yeah deep SL let spill it up oh dear well there goes uh glow like in from the floor unlucky I guess hello can I there we go okay I fill up two and I got one two oh my God this going to be a long stream that’s fine we’re just chilling so um I don’t know how that managed there’s a one two three 3 and a half uh boxes of that let’s check this no any tough uhoh cou SL is out as well okay right so what is it one two okay three and a half and and one two one two three right this is the goal for the stream how do I do this um I can yes right sleepy time right while I’m sleeping let me add text shop I don’t want capitals shop list add text okay can I do that I can right where should I put it let’s put it let’s put it here might be in the way of the chat let’s put it up here like that how’s that looking on stream that looks pretty good all right that shows what I need um let’s put this diamond away turn your volume up wait what does it sound like turn your volume up wait what does it sound like I what the game volume oh yeah cuz I probably oh yeah I turned it down a little bit cuz it was kind of annoying which volume do you mean also welcome to the stream I just realized your mic volume yeah it is on the max which is kind of annoying uh hold up let me see if I can do something can hardly hear me uh hang on can I just discard this change all right I I do talk kind of quietly as well even though I’m trying to be loud so that’s a little unlucky welcome to the stream uh needs fix that’s that’s that’s ironic telling me to fix my mic um hold up let me see if I could do something Advanced Audio properties I just turn this up percent can I just turn us to like 200% is that loud on OBS uh right how did how does that work uh right how did how does that work 100% better I did make it 200% so it was for a second that might have been while it was at 12,000 um do you want me to do that again see see what happens uh right let’s do 12,000 per tell me tell me what that’s like calm calm 90% all right let’s try that let’s try that it’s good shout that was 0% now it’s at 90% now it’s at 900% all right how does that sound well I have Cobble deep SL for some reason in my inventory just chut that in the thing so much better all right thank you for your input that’s uh very helpful I got a new pc recently which is what’s allowing me to stream better or at all um but something happened with the microphone where I’m just kind of quiet now I don’t know what the problem was I even turned it up to the max but I just figured out the way to make it better so uh but thank you how’s your day needs fix just playing some Minecraft is kind of loud in my ear going tell at 60 yeah how’s your day it’s I I’m guessing you mean all right that’s good just chilling playing some Minecraft thought I’d stream gaing deep slate for my shop so uh thank you for stopping by means a means a lot means you want to watch that’s cool uh what’s this this is just Shockers I already have out so let’s figure this out so that can be for that and that’s called house three for some reason all right we need to fill these all up okay well this isn’t me to filled up let’s just maybe filled halfway um and then these need to be filled up all right we got a bit of work to do but it’s all right we chilling just doing a bit of mining getting some diamonds getting some Redstone although I’m not really picking it up uhoh tough that’s not what I want I might just ignore it entirely not even going to lie might just mine around it is there background audio is there like white noise can you guys hear cuz I’m looking at OBS right now and it looks like it’s picking up something it might literally just be like me breathing or something I’m not even going to lie you’re all good thanks I’m just looking at it and it’s showing like a little bit of noise so I was just wondering right I feel like I’m Excavating this tough right now mining around it it’s like an archaeologist for real it’s like Minecraft update that’s crazy right um look at all that redstone get that should I put some music on I’m not I’m not honestly I’m not very good at talking to myself or anyone else if there was like a thousand people in the chat just chatting away I could I could Yap FR ages I’m not being like Oh you need to talk more but like I’m just kind of to myself right now so should I put some music on and some uh entertainment there like some background noise I tried yesterday with streaming uh put some epidemic sound on and I realized it needs your billing information I was like I ain’t doing that lowii good shout all right I’m going to put that on let’s get some lowii chill Loi calm your mind Monday Vibes synth radio not going lie I quite like synth should I put it on right what’s this s like turn it down a little bit the song just end damn it’s kind of creepy this like spooky music I don’t want spooky spooky music so just put on regular Loi girl all right now it’s proper chill stream damn I’m in the mood to chill now the mood to chill just playing some Minecraft chilling you know what I mean uhoh that’s not very chill get out of here oh get out of here oh get out of here right mining I say right a lot just just like a moment of like thing I don’t even know just like right now we’re doing this thing but like I did not even change what I’m doing I just say that funny moments look GL this music did make the stream 1 million times better oh get out of here okay hold up I’m back oh my God lava everywhere let’s mine I have an idea right I’m going to mine this Bott bit and then it gives a bit more space to work around like this if I put this hand I good now right I think that’s the lava sword although I will have to mine like here okay hold up I might put the the link to the LOI stream in the description so I don’t get like attacked like oh you didn’t leave any credit uh I’ll tell like two seconds give me a sec uh edit video Save Right can I go back to the stream [Music] now did that work listen into lowii yeah that worked nice right now I won’t get flamed by anyone ever cuz I didn’t leave any credit always got to credit people cuz people put effort into things and if you don’t give them the right credit it kind of undo all that effort you know what I’m saying how big is this tough F oh my God this is absolutely huge how how big did this go around see I’m getting to the bottom of that lava now cuz it’s coming down [Music] here right uh see I said it again I literally said it again I said right like where I’m going to do something else even though all I’m doing is mining deep slate oh I somehow already forgot there’s lava here so I’m just going to mind that damn this left I kind of hear hard I’m not even going to lie this is slabs oh did want to place that there [Music] wait I wonder if I could probably mine through to the other side now oh my God how deep wow this this went all the way around to here that’s insane I’m always complaining I don’t have enough tough so I always like bulk collect it and this will be like half a box so that’s chill [Music] how long am I live 35 minutes really is that already how long it’s been I don’t have a planned time I have like a I have I have general idea in my head I just kind of want to mine until I have to go do things fill up my shop you know that kind of stuff I just thought kind of take away the monotony of just Mining and listening to random podcasts and YouTube videos while uh mining deep slope so I thought I’d just you know stream why [Music] not [Music] okay see I similar thing right there just said okay like I’m going to do something else and all I’m doing is mining deep slate [Music] man I’m so antisocial rather be streaming myself mining deep slay although it is kind of getting dark now outside so there’s no point doing anything then again none of my friends want to call or do anything so I’m just doing this I’m just chilling chill Monday afternoon hang on I just realized it’s Monday H oh well you know what I don’t really care I’m saying that like I have stuff I do on Monday not really I’m just chilling it’s I think my brain was just like damn no one’s going to watch cuz they’re like it’s a Monday but like why do I really care about that I’m just having fun you know what I mean I’m just chilling chilling on Minecraft playing the corx Minecraft server live for real is the audio for the LOI good I feel like it might be a little bit loud but I don’t know I can turn it down I can just turn the stream down on the other screen it’s it’s what it’s oh it’s all good right I’m not not going to lie I’m not that good with uh slang I know I know a little bit but [Music] slang that’s a funny word for slang like it it sounds like obviously I’m guessing you know what it means you know words meaning other words americanism so true could not relate oh wait hang on this is it I’ve minded out all the I’ve excavated this tough phone it’s quite chunky this is probably one of the biggest ones I’ve ever seen well I saying about the slang right it’s like it’s a funny word cuz it it means words that mean other words but like it sounds like a slang word in itself I don’t know how to describe that without just saying slang over and over again but whatever oh hello I wonder if I could mine out the top and just get the rest of it like this and then I don’t have to deal with it oh you mind oh big Jazz that feels a little loud I’m not going to lie I’m going to turn down a little [Music] bit [Music] okay I don’t really need this light overlay anymore I’m chilling uh right let’s clog up the rest of this lava why not and then I don’t know to deal with it I could just mine I think that’s all of [Music] it [Music] nice I’m ask be under [Music] one oh squiggly in there cheeky little squiggly made it into my [Music] sentence if you’re wondering what that is uh I’m the enemy of nature that’s crazy bro I did put it in last night [Music] uh basically we have a custom resource pack on the server that gives us a couple custom things like this uh Shield the Rune shield and my sword a couple other things Rune tablet uh I just added a couple extra things yeah I’m no resource pack guy that’s me I do the resource pack stuff but I I was just wondering if you put the new new one [Music] on and uh yeah basically uh before there was um a file that basically that changed the way the uh the the M main icons in the game like the hearts whatever base but um it kind of over Rd my ones and I knew some other people have their own texture packs that change that kind of stuff so I thought I’d remove it cuz it didn’t really add anything anyway uh so everyone can have their own custom icons in their own packs but I um I’m not sure why the it’s the default ones cuz my my ones are definitely different and quite confident h [Music] unless I didn’t actually remove it hold on we’re just do do a bit of mid texture pack editing Midstream why not you can’t see what’s going on so I’m just probably I’m in my own inventory uh hang on let’s have a look oh I didn’t remove it my bad oh I I thought I removed that icon’s file guess I didn’t it’s still in the pack oh well oh well that’s fine I can remove it another time M deep slay right [Music] now [Music] [ __ ] so true I mean not wrong I did true I thought I removed uh certain thing from the pack wait hang on my inventory is full I didn’t even notice I’m too chill right now that’s what it is to chilled out with the L fire let’s go empty my inventory see the great thing is he wouldn’t have seen that message but now we got the bot he can look in the Discord and you see it uh boom one box full so what I can do hold up let’s see this I don’t I don’t want that anymore I want [Music] this and that’s not really half I’ll just go with that edit Midstream Isn’t that cool did that update I’m just I’m hang on I’m just checking the stream make sure updated it did okay uh right uh yeah back to mining my inventory empty I don’t I think I I think I will need the Torches still so I’ll keep them for now [Music] might need to excavate another tough vein here I might just mine it and then just put the uh T somewhere else like store it away immediately I might go get a Sher box just to keep with me just put some tough in when I come across it so I don’t have to mine around it that might be smart should I do that yeah or no I’ll let you guys you guys even though it’s one person [Music] talking [Music] yo glitter Crystal you’re the new member that’s so cool welcome to the stream I’m on corx right now who would have guessed I’m mining deep slate for my stone shop cuz I need to refill it you can see in the corner I got a list of what I want to get there’s a lot of deep slate oh I watched the uh 2,000 days tour video I thought that was pretty cool some of the builds they were really impressive I’m not going to lie a lot indeed it is a lot but yeah that uh lot of video lot of not a lot of videos of cool builds in that video especially that end one that was very cool the massive terraform thing do you want chicken G you mind pest pested gone uh yeah the the terraforming in that that was that was so impressive like the the pure scale of it very very cool L There’s a Zombie somewhere free cam oh it’s above me you know what you can live yeah I might hold up I’m just going to throw out that I could just throw it out but I’m always I was saying earlier I was I’m always complaining I don’t have enough tough whenever I need it so I always store it which sounds stupid like oh why don’t you just store it anyway why didn’t you do about before just I don’t know lot of hassle lot of not bothering I could I could just go get a sh box yeah why not right oh hello what’s up get out of here got a cool building planned I’m I saw the starter house you made that already is better than what a lot of other people have made so I got high hopes do that uh need a new box there we go yeah I can’t wait for what you’re going to build cuz Beyond said you had a couple ideas and you’re really excited so I’m I’m excited for you to see what you make in This Server of us such a struggle I mean it did look like you were fighting off a lot of mobs when mean spy were there but it it is very pretty Mountain you’ve settled on as well so yeah very exciting but yeah that house was very pretty as well very uh Norwegian style kind of like Viking kind of theme that’s what I thought when I saw it hold up ibe has bugging there we go if it wasn’t for you guys the creeper would have blown up my house I’m not going to lie I just kind of killed the creatures cuz I didn’t want to die myself but I’m glad I kept the your house okay as well man I don’t even know what me and spy were doing we were laughing at some stupid video we were watching like what the hell going on in Miami dog and then I was just singing I got I got a Gak marari I was just I don’t even know what I was going on man that was funny yeah mean spy spy Spy doing spy things spy Frenching around oh it’s back welcome back yeah my uh my zoom key is also my caps key so I end up talking in caps half the time but I deal with it I don’t really care it’s a button my pinky can press easily let’s just get rid of that my pickaxe is getting low oh wait don’t want to drop that shove that in here the Caps yeah what are some of the coolest Builds on the server right that is something I can do I can show you guys um it’s not going to lie the server’s kind of dead not many people play it’s mainly I think your is pretty interesting who else is around the server have I shown you many of my builds uh you saw you saw the nether build the nether portal I guess uh yeah I can show you around I don’t see why not let just shove this around shove that there um so you saw my build oh it’s Logan what’s up Logan steampunk build the best is nice is nice right let’s show you guys around um that’s my nether portal I’ll show you guys other stuff hello um this is not my gold farm this is Bob and Gator’s Bob Farm uh what was I saying before not a lot of people play like uh actively it’s mainly me Beyond Brad sometimes orange but U Shrek and glitter Crystal they’re new members so they they play a bit more they have been playing um lucky enough they’re both really good Builders so I’m I’m glad they’re here uh this is Beyond’s base beond and Brad’s base they share a base Gator Bob and Gator’s Bob Farm did I say that I meant gold Farm I don’t know why I said Bob Farm um this is a storage building beond EMB BRZ it’s a very Advanced building uh storage system and then I think spy is a really good Builder as well he helped build uh design this as well a very this is a very pretty build um lots of intricate stuff storage you got like three different spots you can enter enter items and they get sorted around in a system they also built this recently storage is sick it is a very nice building if you go this way is a new building sitting on top of the mountain yeah it is they have um a city planned here you can see there’s um roads and blocks planned out uh my I have a building plan as well I think M I think this plot is mine where mine is planned to go I think they wanted everyone to yeah yeah um then it’s also going to expand up here hold on let me get some more rockets fly down make sure lro isn’t going to die as well uh yeah so I think the SE just planned is that Godzilla we’ll get to that um it was origin I think they originally planned just to have this small bit down here but they they expand to have this massive area up here now let’s can I sleep so I can get a good shot of this can sleep in the bed never mind probably not sleep faster there we go hello there we go um yeah that is Godzilla they built this recently uh nuclear power plant being attacked by Godzilla I think yeah they have said in a video so I think I’m allowed to say it but um their idea is to build the city and then have loads of different like Monsters attacking it so let’s fly down here is they used um what do they use they got a model of uh Godzilla put it got a friend to put it in blender and then use a plugin to turn it into a Minecraft schematic and it is one to one accurate so yeah one to one let’s build there I didn’t build this you already know that orange um but yeah this is a one to one scale replica of Godzilla and you can go inside you can go inside the organs I did blow up the neck one time so that was quite funny uh basically when they were building it I helped torch a little bit at the bottom and then I had to go and then up here I hadn’t torched and I blew up this part of the uh the neck that was quite funny when that happened uh let’s just try and get out of here so that’s one cool build where where should we go next let’s go oh spy Spy there is just over here so we can visit [Music] spy real [Music] quick yeah there’s a lot of better Builders than me on the server I feel like I’m all right at building what should my next video be um H playing on the server at all that’s a good idea I’m just kidding U this is I think this is meant to be Buckingham Palace built by spy he’s very good at uh detailing although this is honestly not one of his best builds oh he got a gift there still yeah this is uh not the most detailed build done by spy surprisingly enough I’ve ever seen oops that’s that’s the gate it is it is still very nice I’m not like I’m not slandering it is very nice but compared to other builds I’ve seen Spy make uh since he built it cuz this has built a long time ago but since then there’s been a lot better builds where should we go next should we go to spawn there’s a there’s a lot of builds there let’s go to [Music] spawn I don’t know why I felt like I was flying so slow there let’s get some more [Music] food okay I might need to fix my pickaxe as well while we’re out uh that’s their mob switch full of wardens funny enough funny Mo mob switch um should I do the thing now I guess I okay orange plasma joined no way he actually loged on hey right I know you’re in the Stream After I filled this up uh my my uh stuff crazy I know right can I have my Trident back I lent you my Trident that day and I have not had it returned [Music] hard one it’s not really you just got to pass me the Trident item in game I what do you mean you see if you find it you lose it there’s no way you lost it buddy don’t do my base like that what did I say too much pressure that looks insane I know it is it is the best place in spawn simply because all right if you come to Logan’s area it’s the best shop like look at that let’s let’s po let’s pop on some shaders hopefully the game don’t crash cuz I’m streaming like this is the best area in spawn by far my favorite area sorry Logan I know you’re right here um yeah it it is definitely the most built up area in spawn wait not resource packs Shader packs disable oh yeah custom painting again right come on orange I I heard it that’s my Trident I’d like my Trident back please i’ I’d like it back please pretty please pretty please thank you very much I see you tried that you failed thank you very much for my Trident back why are you following me you can stick around if you want you can help me m deep slay if you want orange let’s check this back in my Ender Chest I had a placeholder [Music] Trident okay only cuz you said my base was beautiful thank you very much you can start mining that while I show off a couple more builds um so this is the red rocket this was built by an ex-member called Drift uh in collaboration with Brad at the start it was meant to be like a Fallout inspired base I think these are buildings from Fallout um so yeah I think he did a pretty good job I’m not going to lie this is pretty nice um this is zlew Worth’s base me um this is a star house and then this is his Tower he made I haven’t seen him in a while so uh that’s unfortunate is a really good Builder I’ve seen some other things he’s made uh this is a base about you probably noticed it the uh the big big space Dorito we called it uh yeah this is the base that they uh set up law law things look lie that’s kind of it cuz uh not many people do things but right let’s hop over to my area and let’s carry on mining I’m just trying to think if there’s anywhere else like any good builds I know there’s like a big okay there’s a big project here that Brad and beond did but it’s not really a build it’s more more so of fun it is really impressive though it’s a just a massive hole they made for a farm for a perimeter right orange are you here are you mining am I going to catch you mining did not think so oh well back to mining folks uh I do have torches hold I’m just going to drink some water ah I’m sorry if you heard that BR I got a base to build you just said you’re going to help and plus you got a big enough base as it is you’re chilling I’m just kidding you do what you want got to buy your deep slate anyway thanks for the money um that just means the stream’s going to be longer I never said help right I see quote me buddy right so I’m go back in the in the Stream hold I could just look in the chat what am I talking about I don’t even know I don’t even know we’ll just continue mining I’m right if you buy my deep slate I don’t care I’ll just mine more and then and then I’ll fill up my shop and then I get money from it and then I’m not complaining you’re rich enough as it is anyway you can do a giving away some money to [Music] charity hold up so happen [Music] oh open it’s been a great watch I have to go all right mate it’s been fun having you around hope you have a good day I hope you enjoyed uh watching while you did keep making content thanks man but yeah have a have a good day then see you see you around I don’t know if I I’ll stream constantly or not constantly but like uh consistently I’ll stream whenever I feel like it but yeah nice have you round thanks for that microphone help I would not have thought to do that on my own or like been lged to do that on my own so uh that was a that was a good help as well yeah see you near-death experiences what happened rain plus night damn that is a bad combo is the latency okay I’m just looking at the the stream right now I’m just like damn that’s not what I want can I I don’t know it’s fine I don’t really care latency good I know it’s not bad but it I felt like it was Shor earlier and now it’s a little bit longer but whatever your quality of manual labor no do that is that the quality of the video of the stream or the quality of me mining cuz I am just kind of sitting there the latest are yesterday orange was kind of it was really bad I I left it at normal on OBS and it was uh yeah it was a good couple seconds mining right I’m sorry I’ll get back to mining I need my deep SL right I’ll get back on it don’t worry I’ll keep mining is this good is this good pace don’t worry I’m keeping on it no well how how how do you want me to go any faster I’m I’m I’m mining top speed how how do I go faster teach me if you got if you got a way to get deep slate faster please teach me what is there like an actual method to mining deep slate fast is there a method 12 Withers locked in Bedrock which you direct the skulls to the Rock and harvest quicker see I agree but eventually there’s going to be no stone in their radius close enough to really be worth doing in it yeah it does sound like effort glit Crystal I’m glad you agree now it it is smart might having a mine it for you but it’s going to get to a point where you’re going to need to move them more Withers yeah Chief I there’s no I Ain I ain’t bothering with that I’m not go through it’s okay let them loose yeah but then I got to fight them while I get while I make while I try and oh whoops that’s uh don’t mind that that’s the thing let them loose chat do I let free Withers loose right now I’m going to do a pole let loose over there I know they follow me but hold up I start a poll hopefully that works I think I spel loose wrong my bad no but um thing is when my inventory fills up I’ll have to fly away to empty my inventory and they might follow me out and that’s not what I want so so uh yeah I’m not I think I’m I think I’m all right mining for now with my bare hands [Music] thing is that’s that was weird I could like hear deep slate being minded already that wasn’t me you started a PO you can’t go back now what’s the votes like two votes say yes all right I can already tell orange voted yes but who else said yes in the poll I’m ending it right now no no more poll and um who who else voted yes tell me now oh no Glitter Crystal come on I know you’re new and you want to see carage on the server but right all right now I’m I’m in AAL lemon at right now do I possibly ruin my base so true thanks Logan uh correct opinion glitter no okay right I am in a bit of a moral dilemma do I follow up on my promise of letting lucer wither mine for me and make CH happy or or hold up something Happ in Discord um right or do I not do that and let you guys down hang on what what is happening two Logan and orange don’t forget to also like enoy the stream do it right now that means going to get with the skulls that I don’t have and I’m not willing to go through all that effort to get some and I’m not going to buy any cuz I can’t be convinced and there’s no shop for it so I have to get Brad to get uh get Beyond Ron probably to get some and then I’m not willing to go through all that effort so unless orang you bring me three skulls right now I’m not going to do it so you guys got scammed out of your vote you guys voted yes and you’re not getting it so get owned who’s the real loser you guys cuz orange is just going to buy me out anyway and then I get money from it so I’m not really complaining lame no no no no you guys got scammed watch me right well stream’s going to end soon cuz I got dinner soon so if you could do it before then stick around if you could do it before then then um then I’ll think about it there you go that’s it that’s that’s your motivation right I might empty my inventory it is full and I got another diamond right chat guys I don’t know why I said chat guys I don’t know your people you guys got to predict how much um how many diamonds I’m going to get by doing Fortune so let’s place it down I’m going to cover up my bottom inventory and I’m going to mine it guys going to close your eyes wait hold up I’m going to I’m going to do something be right back screen I’m going to close my eyes I’ve mind it is in my inventory right now we go back to stream right you guys got to predict how many diamonds I got from it 1 2 three or four how many do you guys think right this say one all right you can use Moss yeah you could um orange predict you got to predict how many diamonds I got one two three or four cuz there was only one block and I used Fortune so orange once you guess I’m going to open my inventory we’ll all find out together one oh I see what you’re doing you guys are manifesting me getting minimum diamonds right you ready 3 2 1 [Music] you you saw my inventory wait how I I had how I had the other screen open when I mined it orange just wanted bad luck all right hang on I think my stream my stream’s delayed on my side I just realized it’s like really delayed I just wanted bad luck wait why am I going in the nether where am I going I would just want to mine I still have my inventory open oh I just yeah I just realized I would have had it open wouldn’t I to change the screen wow that was stupid well anyway doesn’t matter I got one you just wanted bad luck yeah that sounds about right right let’s go back to mining hang on that’s Fortune wait did I fill up easy you’re not allowed to say easy cuz you cheated hello El [Music] let’s go [Music] sleep can I just say I find it funny how the um Loi stopped as well what the [ __ ] oh it’s you all right how do I shop list we got to change that to one boom what what are you doing hang on what the [ __ ] no no no no no thanks hold the head hold the heads Place one down and hold both of them in your hands so I know you got all three how many you just got scammed you just got scammed get scammed you actually got scammed [Music] give I really don’t want you to SP else I will let L okay right you can you can have them but don’t spawn okay what are you doing got to go see you all right as long as you don’t like come back when I’m not here and spawn one I’m fine Logan right he’s gone guys should we trap a slug out location hold on let me get some lava um let’s get some obsidian right let’s get some obsidian let’s trap his log out spot he looked out like right here um there’s nothing in these chests I could just get rid of these rip to the E chest I have 53 of them I’ll beond us here what’s up um let’s do this he he was like [Music] here guys this is an epic prank right perfect amount of obsidian okay now we go get some lava uh where do I get lava from got a bucket where can I find I mean there’s probably lava in the cave somewhere free Che free cam don’t mind me oh there’s lava this way yoink let’s fly down here bit more room now I’m doing lava cuz it’s honestly not that hard to escape oh what he I you had blocks on you there’s no way and he’s just mining out don’t please don’t spawn a wither here this is just I know this is just my Farms but like I have a plan later in the season for this place so please don’t spawn one he a bro stream delay is crazy it is a little bit that’s what I was saying I don’t want to lose all my skulls well don’t spawn one then if you’re going to do any please don’t don’t trap me listen mate that is lightharted fun banter spawning a Wither in my base in my in my farming area is a bit of a troll and not a good troll a bad troll where’s he going okay he’s on top of the farm hold [Music] up all right he’s logged out again and that’s fine he joined back I have to go this I literally have to end stream now so if I come back there’s a Wither here I’m actually going to be what is B yapping about that a good point right I’m going to mine this and then I’m going to go he left again okay right right I’m going to mine this and I’m going to leave cuz I have to go and I won’t be back for like the rest of the day so unlucky but it was a good stream um let’s evaluate what happened happened in the Stream about about what uh what happened you said no to me beond whatever yeah okay right you are talking about me all right let’s evaluate I mined some deep slate um I gave a little tour around some of the cooler builds um and then orange plasma is possibly threatening to bomb my whole base with things right I’m just I might just leave this here cuz I kind of have to go he brother in Christ why what are you smoking and where can I buy it cuz look at all right that guy is on sing right thank you very much for watching the stream this i’ love I ended a good time thank you for watching thank you for sticking around if you did uh thank you for popping in if you have a yeah I I’ll be back some point thank you for coming in entertaining me I you entertained me more than I did you guys I was just mining a whole time there is a link to a if all right thank you very much for watching see you

This video, titled ‘Chillin on Minecraft | CoreX live!’, was uploaded by That1guy on 2024-02-20 06:42:58. It has garnered 68 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:54 or 5274 seconds.

Listening to lofi – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfKfPfyJRdk

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    Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄Video Information This video, titled ’10k celebration, a Minecraft Q&A 💗 BabyUnicorn184′, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-05-03 21:00:03. It has garnered 526 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:38 or 1538 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwIEeb3EWHnB7ZnLFW6f2XQ/join 💗 Like and Subscribe to my channel! 💗 Hi everyone, I love playing minecraft, building cute cottagecore builds, collecting resources and exploring my world. I try and keep my vids chill and relaxed, so they are perfect to watch at any time. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Custom NPC Maps Skibidi Toilet In Minecraft #1’, was uploaded by ZeroKing on 2024-03-07 13:01:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. skibidi toilet, minecraft, minecraft skibidi toilet, minecraft memes, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, memes, minecraft parody, … Read More

  • SEQCRAFT Vanilla SMP Java 1.20.4 Whitelist 15+ Discord Hermitcraft-Like Season-4

    Seqcraft SMP Seqcraft SMP is a community of Minecraft players who enjoy playing as Vanilla as possible but are looking to meet new people from all over the world while playing together. We have a hermitcraft-minded community with a strong core and welcome new members to join us. Our current world, season #4, is not as active as it used to be, but world downloads are provided after resets. We enforce a policy of being fair and decent, with no stealing, griefing, cheating, bullying, or drama allowed. Playing together and building starter bases close to spawn is encouraged. We also… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This Minecraft screenshot is meme gold!

    This meme is so powerful, it’s like finding a diamond in a sea of gravel. Read More

  • Spidey’s Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again!

    Spidey's Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again! In the world of LEGO, we build and create, With Spiderman swinging, it’s never too late. Dream Box brings joy, with blocks in hand, Entertaining all, across the land. Subscribe, like, comment, and share, Support the channel, show you care. LEGO city, Minecraft too, Dream Box brings fun, just for you. So join the fun, let your imagination soar, With LEGO and Spiderman, there’s always more. Dream Box, the master of block building art, Bringing joy and smiles, straight to your heart. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Пара-Пара-Пам – 😂Watch ’til the end😂

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Пара-Пара-Пам - 😂Watch 'til the end😂 When you accidentally hit your friend in Minecraft and they start singing “Пара-Пара-Пам” as their revenge anthem 😂 #minecraft #meme #анимация Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I MADE ULTIMATE THRONE IN MY CASTLE | (Don’t Miss) |MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could showcase your creativity and build the ultimate throne not just in your castle, but in a whole new world? Imagine a place where you can unleash your imagination, collaborate with other players, and create something truly unique. That’s where Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Dave the Villager: Book 21

    Dave the Villager: Book 21 Minecraft Adventure: Dave the Villager 21 Embark on an exciting journey with Dave the Villager in the unofficial Minecraft adventure book, “Dave the Villager 21.” Join Dave as he faces challenges and opponents in the vast Minecraft world, using his wit and bravery to overcome obstacles and progress his journey within the expansive universe of the game. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft With “Dave the Villager 21,” players can immerse themselves in the creativity and endless possibilities of Minecraft. From building intricate structures to exploring mysterious caves, the game offers a unique sandbox experience where imagination knows no bounds. Challenges… Read More

  • Dangerously HARD Job Change Quest! Minecraft Solo VOD #2

    Dangerously HARD Job Change Quest! Minecraft Solo VOD #2Video Information This video, titled ‘JOB CHANGE QUEST IS HARD! Minecraft Solo Leveling VOD #2’, was uploaded by GingyVODs on 2024-04-23 19:00:03. It has garnered 228 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:43 or 8263 seconds. Main Channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/Thetruegingershadow Discord – https://discord.gg/KfWmyVB Twitter – https://twitter.com/TheGingershadow ————————————————————————— Channel Avatar and Banner are made by Charwiewie check out their stuff! Charwiewie – https://twitter.com/charwiewie —————————————————————————- Read More

  • Minecraft CATNAP Hospital Exploration

    Minecraft CATNAP Hospital ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Je vais à l’hopital de CATNAP sur Minecraft !’, was uploaded by TheCheeseNaan on 2024-02-25 09:30:01. It has garnered 199686 views and 3857 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:47 or 1247 seconds. I’m going to the CATNAP hospital on Minecraft! 💲 Become a member of the channel: https://urlz.fr/c1VB 👚 Clothing TheCheeseNaan: https://teespring.com/fr/stores/thecheesenaan 👻 SNAPCHAT : thecheesenaan 📸 INSTAGRAM : thecheesenaan 🦄 Mon serveur discord : https://discord.gg/DUXzJrf 💜Mon Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/thecheesenaanyt ————————————————– —————— 🔴 My main channel: https://urlz.fr/bxV6 🔴 My secondary channel: https://urlz.fr/bxV3 🔴 My 3rd channel: https://urlz.fr/bxV8 ————————————————– —————— Professional contact: [email protected] Read More

  • Ultimate NinjaGhostGuy Strikes With Insane MWAHAHAHA

    Ultimate NinjaGhostGuy Strikes With Insane MWAHAHAHAVideo Information This video, titled ‘MWAHAHAHHA’, was uploaded by NinjaGhostGuy on 2024-04-01 12:43:44. It has garnered 32 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/ccvKRy4UU4 Tags : Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school… Read More