Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | NUCLEAR EXPERIMENTATION! #17 [Modded Questing Skyblock]

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In the last stream we were working on automating the production of these HDPE sheets because they’re a key component in crafting SPS casing which we need 72 of in order to build the supercritical phase shifter multi-block which is going to allow us to finally produce antimatter the only thing currently

Standing in the way of us getting that super critical phase shifter is polonium we need 288 polonium and at our current vessel fuel burn rate of 10 millibockets per tick it’s going to take about 4 hours to make 288 polonium pellets which means if we want this done in a

Reasonable span of time say maybe half an hour that means that we need to be burning about eight times more than what we’re burning currently which would mean 80 Miller buckets pertic to bring that four hours down to 30 minutes now for that we would need a lot more of these

Fission fuel assemblies right now we have 10 of them in here we would need 80 of them in here and again we might need more control rods as well depending on how we change the size of the reactor I think initially we could look at making the reactor taller I’ve not really left

Myself too much room here um we can of course expand it out at least one block in all four directions we can move the dynamic tank back by one and we can also move the basic pressurized tube coming in here as well and it does also appear

Though that we’re out of fissile fuel which mostly leads me to believe that there’s probably a problem somewhere along the line with this setup oh our problem is sulfur we’re not producing the sulfur fast enough like we’re not getting it out of this system fast enough for one and then

We do have quite a lot of blaze powder that’s fine this is actually close to banking up as well but uh we’re just not getting enough sofa so we’re gonna have to massively increase our sulfur production before we even think about making our reactor bigger and I think

This might once again be a job for the PRC here we can put coal oxygen and water into a PRC and that will produce for us hydrogen and sulfur that sulfur dust of course is what we need to make the sulfur dioxide that’s what’s stopping this system the hydrogen it’s a

Little difficult here because you can’t just delete the excess hydrogen however I’m fairly certain that we could make a gas burning generator this guy right here and then we’ll just burn the hydrogen and produce energy from it all right so my inventory is a little bit of

A mess here but I think we have everything we need to make sulfur faster so I’ve got another PRC I’ve made the gas burning generator which is super easy to make it’s two steel casing for swimming gets two infused Alloys and one electrolytic core which our system

Already knows how to make because it’s used for the electronic separator which I’ve also gone ahead and requested as well so let’s have the electrolytic separator go down I guess right about uh well here I guess I thought I had that in my hand but I guess the gas burning

Generator is going on top that is fine let’s just set gas to Auto eject to the top there here we’re gonna get yet more water from our Ender tank Network and of course we’re going to use our basic mechanical pipes here to extract that down and around into the electrolytic

Separator we should have at least a couple of flux points we do in the system not that they’re actually necessary at all because we do have power being generated here already and so this is going to produce hydrogen and oxygen we need the oxygen for this to

Work so let’s set the left side here to Output cyan and let’s just for now at least dump the excess hydrogen over in here we need to set the right hand side to input for guess fantastic and then we also need water as well so I think what

We’ll do here is break this step right here and just place that down like so that should get water into the PRC does indeed and then the final step here is of course going to be to connect this up to our pretty pipes Network and then

Give that a retrieval module to have it continually pull call now I think I am going to craft a higher tier retrieval module here probably the highest just because I have a feeling that we’re going to need to send a lot of call to here I have made eight speed and 8

Energy upgrades and so we’re probably going to start burning through coal quite fast to make all of this sulfur so if I go ahead and drop a stack in here and we give it all of the speed and all of the energy upgrades then starts making sulfur pretty quickly we can set

The left hand side here to Auto eject items that should push the sulfur directly over into the Ender Chest here which should then of course push that sulfur dust into this chemical oxidizer over here which should kick our fissile fuel production Bank into high gear we could probably do with making more speed

And energy upgrades for this chemical oxidizer as well and speaking of speed and energy upgrades yeah I have a feeling that we’re going to need some in the electronic separator hero as well again they do get quite expensive in the electronic separator but it doesn’t require energy upgrades and of course

Once we get our turbine back online power is really not a problem for us we’re producing way more than our electrolytic separators are ever going to use okay so we’ll start over here we’ll do eight speed and 8 energy upgrades that’s going to start using the sulfur duster much much faster and then

Over around here we can now start slowly adding speed upgrades I guess to the electronic separator until it is producing the oxygen fast enough we don’t want to go too overbought I don’t think because again this thing does really start to chew through Power you’ll see already it’s using 1

280 Redstone flux per tick it looks like it could do with at least one more here though yeah perfect okay so now we are burning through the coal hopefully our system is able to keep up with the demand it looks like it is potentially but we’re producing a ton of sulfur

Hopefully we start to see this Ender Chest back up on sulfur at some point I can’t imagine that we’re burning through it that fast although it looks like we might well be burning through it that fast we’ll see and to be honest I don’t really know what the maximum amount of

Vessel fuel is that we can produce with with one isotopic centrifuge we might have to look at duplicating this setup again if we want to get enough fissile fuel to make the polonium and plutonium and a a reasonable speed but I guess really the only way that we were losing

Fists are fueling 15 000 it’s going down I was gonna say the only way to know is to make the reactor bigger but that isn’t happening what is slowing us down here is it still sulfur it’s still sulfur sulfur is still the problem there’s not really much I can do here in

Terms of making the chemical oxidizer faster it’s already running at Full Tilt really my only option is to make another chemical oxidizer it looks like we are getting kind of batches of fessile fuel which are pushing this up but we’re producing nowhere near enough fissile fuel to really meaningfully increase the

Burn rate of this fission reactor we definitely can’t go up to 80 millibockets per tick we’re producing nowhere near that amount so one thing we could do here is we could make another chemical oxidizer and place it down right here and give that eight speed and eight energy upgrades as well at that

Point that would start to produce that even faster although it does look like currently the problem is this electronic separator here is not producing the oxygen fast enough and so if we give that a couple of speed upgrades yeah we should start to see this coming down fairly quickly this

Here is already at Max Speed and Max Energy and then yeah once again the problem is the chemical oxidizer and so yeah I think it might just be that we have to make another chemical oxidizer and then after that it might also just be that we kind of have to just make

Maybe another PRC to produce even more sulfur because unfortunately uh there is no upgrade to a factory version of the pressurized reaction chamber there is the option of doing blocks of coal instead of doing individual pieces of coal which might not actually be a terrible idea if the machine kinda still

Works at a similar speed then the call in block form could be a better solution let me give that a try if we swap out regular call in the retrieval module down here for blocks of coal and if we grab some blocks of call out of the system here how

How is that if I do this how is that it’s definitely slower but I don’t know if it’s nine times slower like it might be I honestly don’t know we are producing power here from the gas burning generator but it is just being taken out by this pipe and

Distributed two other machines so that is effectively deleting the hydrogen for us which is fantastic over there it looks like we’re actually backing up on sulfur oh no it’s just for whatever reason this produces a different kind of sulfur we’re getting one kind from the pulverizer and we’re getting another

Kind from mechanism I see that’s fine the kind that is in the PRC right now is the the right kind this is the kind for mechanism and it looks like right now the PRC is keeping up with the demand for one chemical oxidizer but only just

It does jump back up before it hits zero and it looks like it’s holding steady it goes up to 11 every time which is a good sign but it does mean that if we wanted to add a second chemical oxidizer we would need a second pressurized reaction

Chamber to make that work which should be fine because we could place it right here between the electronic separator and the gas burning generator and that should work just fine so let’s see here we do still have an enrichment chamber we are going to need two more of the old

Chemical tanks but other than that we probably should have everything we do to make yet another PRC let’s drop that down with more energy and more speed upgrades let’s have you not do anything with uranium let’s have oxygen also go up to the top we we have accidentally

Put some hydrogen in there and unfortunately I think mechanism machines do retain their inventories when you break them I think here we need the gauge dropper this guy right here from mechanism to extract the hydrogen yeah so you just craft the gauge dropper and then left click it over the tank you

Want to empty and that will take the hydrogen out and store it in the gauge dropper we don’t really need that so we could just kind of throw it away but this is working let’s do some more piping with our basic mechanical pipes I guess we might as well do something like

That and then if we grab our power cables we can do something like that we do want to make sure the top is set to input there and of course as per usual we need to set this to extract fantastic and so if we send call here as well

Which is going to be very difficult with the way that I’ve set this up aim okay I’m gonna have to move the tank here because we need to have access to the bank so let’s do something like this we’re going to move the tank one further

Out that does mean that we’re going to need even more basic mechanical piping that is fine we’ve got a ton of Iron and Steel we can do this we can do this then we can either run pretty pipes up to the back or we can extract from the back I

Think we’ll extract from the back and I think we’ll run the pretty pipes up from here two here and then we’ll make sure it disconnects on the electronic separator there once again I will upgrade the retrieval module to medium and then too high because I think we do need a lot of

Coal it’s quite possible we might have to get a higher tier EMC link for coal because we might start burning through it faster than we’re producing it but for now block of coal South to the pressurized reaction chamber are you set to receive items they are not that is

Fine we need to put input and put that back in that’s all good that should start receiving blocks of coal it does already have the speed energy upgrade that’s as fast as it goes and then we just need to extract out of the back of here and pump around into the chest and

Of course as per usual we’re just missing one singular pipe and boom all right let’s disconnect you disconnect to you disconnect you and make sure that you are set to Output items to the Bank Auto eject on so there we go we’re making even more Sol for nail which is good

And the final step of this process is going to be to make a second chemical oxidizer to keep up with all of this so what are we missing for a second chemical oxidizer a couple of things the personal chest is pretty easy to make although I think we might not have yet

Any basic control circuits that is fine everything that we currently don’t have is requestable via our pretty pipes crafting terminal and so let’s see if we can’t get a personal chest and then a chemical oxidizer so this is gonna go down right next to the pre-existing chemical oxidizer so

You’re going to go down right about here and hopefully if we set this up correctly we can have this receiving sulfur of course we’ll give this eight speed and 8 energy upgrades and then we’ll set that to eject gas on all sides and that should push the

Gas into the chemical infuser all we need to do of course is once again change this to also receive from the back as well like that no that’s not correct oh it’s this one here of course like that there we go okay so now this is receiving double the amount of sulfur dioxide

It looks like surprisingly it’s kind of wavering on power we’re using a hundred and nine thousand Redstone flux protect that seems like a staggering amount of redstone flux particular for this one little setup we do of course have a big old buffer here which is working and we

Can see here that we’re yeah we’re using we’re burning 240 000 which means we’re using about 110 000 of the 350 000 that we’re making and so at this is indeed working which is is good to see we are producing the fissile fuel much much faster now I can’t help but notice that

We’re not quite producing enough sulfur dioxide here because this doesn’t seem to distribute evenly and so we are still only using one chemical oxidizer which feels wrong let me go check over here are both of these firing on all cylinders they’re not because I didn’t set this to Output its

Gas to the left hand side there we go okay so now we should be producing double the amount of sulfur and also getting a little bit of extra power here we are producing 2720 Redstone flux from this gas burning generator which surprisingly looks like it for a second was maybe filling up on

Hydrogen thankfully it looks like it’s uh using it all now which is good but hopefully we should start to see both of these getting sulfur interestingly it’s not working I think the trouble is the pipe that we have here I think the pipe is only capable of moving so much at a

Time and like it’s just it’s being saturated by the one chemical oxidizer if we replace that with an ultimate pipe hopefully yeah there we go we should start to see both of these receiving sulfur although still not a interesting why is that the case this guy here is set to

Input on all sides apart from the right which is where it’s ejecting so that should be fine but then here this is only putting the sulfur into this one chemical oxidizer yeah for whatever reason here if I dis like this is not receiving any sulfur if I disconnect

This the sulfur does all go into here but then if I reconnect here like that suddenly this stops getting so far like I can put this in manually but it just stops getting it despite the fact that there’s tons of sulfur backing up in this Ender Chest I have no idea why

It’s doing it like that let me try an item pipe from pipes which is a pipe that we’ve not yet used so far in the series but if I do this and do we have I assume we don’t have a pipes wrench because we’ve not used pipes but the

Pipes wrench is not too difficult to make if I get rid of this and I put a pipe down like that and I set you to extract which is just shift right click this is now only transferring four items every second but it is sending some of them here

And then it looks like it’s not sending any there that’s fine let me craft a pipe upgrade so the way the pipes mod works is instead of having multiple tiers of pipe you just have the one tier of pipe and then you can upgrade it with these pipe upgrades so it starts with

Basic goes to improved then Advanced and then ultimate and so with the advanced Piper grid you’ll see right now at the top there it says transferring four items every 20 ticks which is four items per second if we put in the advanced pop-up grid now it’s transferring 32

Items every five ticks and yeah both of these are full on Surface I’m not quite sure why the logistical transporter didn’t want to send items to both of these machines but either way this does appear to be working we are producing the sulfur dioxide as fast as we humanly

Can and even then it looks like we could potentially put a third one down like a third chemical oxidizer because in here the sulfur is still the limiting factor but over here we are now backing up on Face-Off fuel we’ve got an excess of it and so I guess we can now

Look at making this reactor taller and seeing how this works I think I’ll start by trying to make it as tall as the turbine casing and we’ll see how that plays out you should never shift right click and try and use the carry-on mod near this I’m going to click scram I

Think the way that the fission reactor here works so long as there is no nuclear waste inside the fission reactor when you break it you should be fine like a radiation is not going to leak everywhere and it should retain its Face-Off fuel as well first off fuel

Thankfully is not radioactive so let’s make some more reactor casing some more fuel rods and let’s make this just a little bit taller and of course we do have to remember here as well that we don’t have to leave these gaps so right now we’ve got uh 10 fuel assemblies in

Here but we could fit two four six eight more in in the same spots we could take this up to 18 without making it any bigger we just need four more control rod assembly so I think I’ll make four more control rod assemblies fully pack in as many facile fuel assemblies as we

Can and then make this as tall as the room and then we’ll see how much that reactor can process it’s almost certainly going to be able to process more vessel fuel than we’re currently making but at that point we can then you know figure out where we are and how

Long it’s going to take and then decide whether or not we want to make more fissile fuel or just wait for the polonium end plutonium and quite a while later so we now have a much taller uh kind of two layer reactor here although it is still one reactor I just didn’t

Move this middle layer of casing and now we are able to burn 63 Milli buckets per tick maximum so we can click activate although I assume even if we try 20 here I think that’s going to be too much I think we’re going to start to lose this

Our fuel oh and of course we have to make our Dynamic tank just so much bigger and add even more Dynamic valves to compensate for the extra fissile fuel that we’re going to be burning all right so it looks like we’re holding steady here I have I’m gonna press scram real

Quick I have made this a lot taller but essentially all I’ve done is added six more Dynamic valves to the whole system so we’ve got three more on this side and three more on this side for a total of 13 Dynamic valves all extracting with ultimate mechanical pipes into this

Range enter and if we click Start now at 20 millibockets per tick we are still going up on Face-Off fuel which is good and we’re going up on coolant now of course we do then need to double up on wear sparrows thankfully the waste panels do take a little while to kind of

Fill up so we shouldn’t have to rush that it’s not like while we test here we’re going to run into a problem where um we fill up the barrels I don’t think but let’s see if we try 30 millibockets per tick I’m fairly certain that coolant

Is going to be our problem it is indeed we actually got a little bit of damage there which is not good but let’s try just adding maybe like six more valves and seeing if that solves the problem interesting so here we have enough water but the damage is still going up because

The temperature is still high fuel surface area 102 meters squared heat capacity boiling efficiency I wonder if that’s because I’ve packed these in so much like let me try maybe taking out like the center line of physical fuel assemblies here and seeing if that still exhibits the same problem

If we leave that empty and we put this one back in and then of course we fill the roof back in with the glass and we do this and this that’s going to reform so now we’ve lowered our exponent to 56 but if I press start

Yeah it doesn’t get as hot it was getting up to 1.2 kilocal or 1200 Kelvin before so it looks like it does matter a little bit how densely you pack them but only really from a heat perspective it looks like this is holding up just fine

And again the fists are fuel let’s check here we’re still gaining the fissile fuel is still going up which means over here for now at least we are producing enough fishr fuel we’re not setting enough power there which is insane it looks like we might need to

Increase the elite cable to a higher cable the elite universal cable can only move I can move four hundred thousand so I’m actually surprised that that’s not getting enough power but so real quick before we get carried away let’s turn that off and then let’s figure out

Actually let’s try we could try 40. but I don’t think that’s gonna work I think Forte oh it does work it doesn’t get too hot 1.15 kilocal in seems fine it looks like 1.2 is kind of the point where it starts to take damage the only problem there is is heating so

Again I guess let’s make even more you know what about another 16 we’ll put another three on each side and we’ll see if that alleviates our problem that does work we are backing up there we do of course have to bear in mind the turbine the turbine is

Producing 1.37 million red stone flux per Tech which is going to start to back up we do need to increase the number over here this is currently burning 350 000. um I think we can make that higher though if I set that to 1.4 million that is going to burn through the power

Which again is something we have to do otherwise the whole system melts down but it looks like this is fine I think 1.2 kilo Kelvin is the number to watch out for if you go over there I think the thing is going to start to take damage

If you’re under that even just buy a hair I think you’re fine so this is working and we can burn 40 millibockets per ticker fissile fuel and we aren’t going down over here though the problem now is actually the yellow cake uranium is not being processed fast enough it looks

Like the problem here is one of the retrieval module again it’s not a high enough tier so we can upgrade that to medium and to high and in theory I don’t know if that sticks with uranium it doesn’t that’s fine we can do this and set that to enrichment chamber hopefully that is

Going to request more uranium and of course this time we can make a factory version of the enrichment chamber if we need to but uh hopefully that is going to keep that going and keep the fish off you’re coming in we’re backing up on Face Off you’re there that’s fine

Let’s try this again though it looks like it might be holding steady so I think we can burn at Forte that’s fine let me hit scram once again hopefully for the final time here because what I want to do before we continue is I want to get all of the radioactive waste

Barrels down that we’re going to need so previously we were producing 10 millibockets per tick of radioactive waste that produced one millibuke per tick of spent radioactive waste which meant we were doing 20 per second which means we needed 20 barrel so we put our 23 if we’re doing quadruple that we’re

Now doing 40 millibockets per tick of this off your 40 Milli wickets per tick of nuclear waste that means that we’re going to need four times as many so we’re going to need 80 radioactive waist barrels we made a stack of them at the start of today’s stream but it turns out

That is not enough give me an extra batch of those and let’s throw all these down to uh ensure that we can dissipate any amount of spent nuclear waste that might come our way and there we go we now have 91 radioactive waste barrels down in theory we should only need 18

Because we’re producing 40 millibockets per tick which is 800 millibockets per second that then gets divided by 10 over here and it should be 80 millibockets per second which would of course only require 80 of the 91 barrels that we have here and so now if we turn this on

We should be good to go the turbine should be able to keep up with the steam production this can handle a maximum of 1.3 million Milli buckets per tick of steam and right now we’re only producing 800 000 that is fine over here we’re burning all of the power that we’re not

Using so the 1.4 million Redstone flux we’ve got our buffer of a pitiful 102 million but we’re burning the rest of that as we speak so we’re producing like close to 30 million redstone blocks per second and uh deleting most of it despite only having a tiny little buffer

Of 102 million uh which means we could refill this in in about three seconds if we ever ran out but over here this is doing fine water is holding steady this off your production looks like it’s also holding steady it’s quite possible that at some point soon one of these machines

Might start to falter but I think everything is doing all right I can’t help but notice that we’re out once again of sulfur and again that just seems to be the machine the machine just can only make so much sulfur we might need a third PRC

Because this is out and then this guy is kinda holding steady and occasionally this guy’s gonna get some we might be okay potentially there is a fairly good Bank log here this system looks like it’s holding up all right if anything we might be a little low on sulfur but for

The most part this should now be working and because we’re now producing four times as much plutonium as we were previously it should now only take one hour to make the 288 polonium that we need as opposed to four hours that’s after of course we get the 72 plutonium that should only take

15 minutes though if the numbers are to be believed oh okay stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop okay that is potentially a good catch though the good news is that the pressurized tubes hold a lot there’s 10 000 millimeters of waste in there right now

Our problem is the isotopic centrifuge if I had just left this that would have been bad because now the isotopic centrifuge isn’t able to process all of the the nuclear waste fast enough so give me eight more speed and eight more energy upgrades that should be more than

Enough to get the isotopic centrifuge to a speed that’s that’s capable of processing the nuclear waste and yeah as I was saying it should only take 15 minutes for us to get a 72 plutonium pellets because that’s you know a quarter of 288 and it’s the 288 take an

Hour then the 72 should only take 15 minutes and given that we already have approximately half of the 72 required it should only take about seven ish minutes to get the remaining 30-ish uh plutonium that we need in order to then pivot over to polonium let’s do you and you let’s

Turn this back on that’s gonna stop processing yeah insanely quickly through all of that that’s fine the pressurized reaction chamber is I think more than fast enough yeah it’s easily able to process a thousand millibockets of plutonium before the next thousand millibockets come in so that is

Completely fine and so yeah hopefully if we leave this for about seven more minutes we should have the 72 plutonium that we need one final thing we need to disable the limit on the flux plug with the limit in place I think the Samsung may be here as well yes with the limit

In place it will only transfer eight hundred thousand dollars per tick and so we were actually backing up on power here we’re still backing up on power here I’m not quite sure why we’re backing up on power there but just to be safe I’m going to set this to like two million

And hopefully there we go that’s going to just delete everything again this has got a lower priority so everything should go here first all of our power should try and go into this energy Cube and then out to our base before it goes in to this resistive heater to get

Deleted but we do need to make sure that that is constantly empty Okay so we’ve actually run out of uranium okay let me go and check on that it’s not necessarily surprising we were burning through it and an alarming rat but what is the problem over here oh of

Course it’s just the same as we’ve seen previously we need more speed more energy potentially some uh integral components and possibly some flux linkage amplifiers just like with the iron we could also potentially look at turning some of these machines into factories but um it’s mostly just a case

Of getting a budget speed we’ll go for 32 and a bunch of energy upwards all right so that should hopefully increase our uranium production I’ve upgraded this to an advanced smelting Factory and I’ve put eight speed and 8 energy upgrades into that advanced smelting Factory over here we’ve got the

Integral component and the three flux linkage amplifiers and of course if needs to be we could also look at increasing the speed of the the purification chamber and what not going forward but let’s uh real quick make sure that is set to Auto sort on and

Let’s go check over here we did have quite a larger buffer of fissile fuel again mostly because you can hold so much in the tubes and it looks like we are finally starting to slowly but surely back up again on Face Off Your which is good so over here this is working it’s

Still definitely our bottleneck is just how fast we can we can process this we do have all of the speed and Edge upgrades in here we could potentially look at getting another installer I don’t think it’s strictly necessary I think that the machine is kind of doing

A good enough job it looks like we are backing up on Facebook just to be safe we could put an installer in there as well over here how are we doing we’re at 67 so yeah we’re very close to the 72 plutonium pellets that we need and that

Did not take long at all which is very nice to see let’s quickly throw that basic installer into this guy there we go that’s going to do at three at once now as opposed to one at a time which should hopefully start to bank this up a

Little bit and any minute now we should get the 72nd the polonium pellet at which point we can just replace the isotopic centrifuge here with our solar Neutron activator and start producing polonium instead of plutonium which is exactly what we want as soon as we’re

Doing to be careful here as soon as we get what we need we could do with like kind of turning this off so let’s turn you off at the bottom so you no longer accept nuclear waste hopefully that’s going to go ahead and wait that’s the wrong tab I need to

Go here and say you don’t accept nuclear waste that should hopefully just empty out of nuclear waste fairly quickly unless it needs specifically 10 Milli buckets which it might it’s very awkward because if I break this machine now I’m pretty sure we get just radiation leaking

Everywhere which is not what we want let me try doing that just kind of turning it on and off again it’s empty nice okay so once it is certified empty we can then close it but then we do need to get rid of the pollutonium in the PRC and I don’t think

There’s a way to do that will not Decay inside a radioactive waste Barrel I don’t know if there’s a way to extract this because I think if we try and do it with the gauge I think we’re going to just die and so it might just be the case that I can

Break this I don’t think we need any more plutonium for anything if I’m not mistaken reprocessed fissile fragments I don’t think we need that we don’t need so much SPS casing and so I guess we can leave this here I think we just need to make another pressurized reaction chamber because there almost

Certainly is a way but uh I do not know of a safe way for us to break that without causing radiation to leak everywhere and so I’m just gonna go ahead and hit request on yet another pressurized reaction chamber and we can also grab another storage drawer as well

Let’s take a birth of these machines and then over here we’ll put the solar Neutron activator directly next to this guy and then we’ll put the PRC for that right about there and then we’ll put the storage draw for that right about there perfect so here we’re going to

Just run careful very careful not to break anything that has nuclear waste in it we’re going to run this into there like that that will start working it might need a line of sight to the sun because it is a solo Neutron activator yeah there we go okay so that is working

That’s outputting to the front which is fantastic and we also need full low right and we need is it water yeah water that’s fine again being very careful we shouldn’t need this setup again so we should be able to take this Ender tank and just move it over to this PLC over

Here I’m going to turn this off temporarily so we don’t end up backing up on anything I don’t want to don’t want to break stuff I should have turned it off as soon as I set the ice stop extend Refuge to to not accept anything anymore that was um quite Reckless of me

But uh let’s do this let’s do this let’s do that that is gonna go down there fantastic all of you need power the solar Neutron activator by the way doesn’t need power which is very nice indeed it just receives its power from the sun which is

Super Nifty we can do U and U that’s going to receive power there and then we just need to again move I guess the crochet here although you know what we could just change the output to the bank instead of to the sides and then if we grab some of our logistical transporters

We can just run that flow right along like that of course making sure not to connect here or here and yeah it’s just going to start working we we were producing a lot of polonium but again I think that’s because we had a big backlog of nuclear waste if we turn this

On I think as per usual we are probably of course I do not want to be a fool here Isaac let’s get the best of the pressurized tube and let’s extract from the bottom of this guy I’m gonna be very careful where we put our pipes uh this right here is

Where we want to extract from which is somewhat awkward because there’s a pipe here so let’s do this then let’s disconnect that this is empty that’s perfect we’re going to run this down and run it along to there okay that should be good let’s set the bottom

Of that as a gas output or to eject on that’s going to eject its spent nuclear waste around into all of these barrels again there is a fair bit in here but they should process all of that nuclear waste in time and then the final piece

Of the puzzle here is just to set the front here to Output Auto project on and we’re going to start making polonium pellets we’re already at 13 and we can turn this back on now I believe we are losing fissile fuel of course we are why wouldn’t we be and so we’re almost

Certainly uh going to run into another problem there this looks fine it looks like I think that the PRC is able to process 1000 milliwockets of polonium yeah easily before another thousand comes in which is fantastic that’s what we want to see um although fist-all fuel of course is continually a problem

Problem for us what is the problem now the problem now is back on the other side again let me guess is it you yeah so once again now we have no sulfur let me turn the reactor off just in case I think the problem likely now is that we’re just out of coal

Yeah we’ve burned through like 7 000 coal in the space of one episode which is not particularly surprising we have uh just one basic EMC link I can’t remember which one it uh it is here but we have one basic EMC link which is producing I think one uh coal per second

Which is not very fast it was kind of fine before but now it’s very much so not good enough so we’re likely gonna have to look at making higher tier EMC links maybe even kind of much higher tier em ceilings thankfully none of them look particularly difficult let’s take two of

You two of you we should have two of you we don’t have two of you do we have any basic mechanical lessons in the system we do thank goodness um and then do we have some of the other Essences we’ve done okay so the highest

We can go right now is this one right here which is going to produce eight curl per second which I think I would think would be enough but potentially might not be let’s have a look Let’s uh we can steal the uh the current call Em ceiling which is not any

Of wait are we even producing coal oh no we are of course it’s being done over here right um is the problem the enrichment chamber oh it might be actually let’s do before we go making higher trm ceilings let’s do this and this and then let’s also get a couple of

Installers to make that even faster boom and boom Auto assault on that should now be using uh producing the call substantially faster the uh the problem now potentially is just how fast it um what’s an auto eject on though if that helps at all I think it might

Because I think that the uh basic logistical Transporters can kind of move more items per second than they can extract and so setting that to export seems to have done a pretty good job there and then yeah now the problem is the EMC link which is uh this one right

Here so let’s steal this and let’s see about upgrading that as well to a higher tier so to turn it into a dark em ceiling I think we have everything it takes we do and then for the tier 3 red EMC link do we have everything it takes we do indeed and

Then for the tier above that we also have what it takes so we should be able to produce eight call or per second now which is substantially different to producing just eight call because then we can run that through the enrichment chamber which is going to give us a two

Call or per second extra so we’re effectively producing 16 coal per second which I would assume is more than enough I don’t think we’re using quite that much code like we’re using a lot of cold don’t get me wrong but I don’t think we’re using 16 per second although we do

Have two blocks over here um do these machines take more than a second is the question yeah they take a couple of seconds to process a block of coal um if these were taking one block of coal and like using it per second that would be bad and

Would mean that we were not producing enough still but it looks like we should be fine these are gonna slowly but surely back up on call again and we should start to once again slowly but surely fill up on fissile fuel and so between streams I’m gonna go ahead and

Keep an eye on this keep running this until we have 288 polonium pellets next time we’ll come back we’ll use those 288 polonium pellets we’ll craft up 288 black HDPE sheets and we’ll craft all of that together with our plutonium pellets to make the super critical phase shifting multi-block that’s going to

Allow us to finally start to generate antimatter and as I mentioned earlier then we can start to Pivot and look at some of the other required items to craft the final star and the final star shot of course all in our journey to craft the creative vending upgrade but

Those are all problems for future Isaac for now I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up this episode of mechanical main story there Thank you foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | NUCLEAR EXPERIMENTATION! #17 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-05-05 23:04:55. It has garnered 16597 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:13 or 2533 seconds.

Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | NUCLEAR EXPERIMENTATION! #17 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc ★Minecraft Seaopolis 2 | A NEW GENERATION OF SEABLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/mpt4tLxh7kc

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC

Mechanical Mastery Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/mechanical-mastery

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Mechanical Mastery Modpack: Mechanical Mastery is an automation-focused skyblock modpack in which players have their tech mod knowledge put to the test. Players use ProjectE to purchase raw ore “chunks” with EMC, which can be processed into their respective ingots. then craft custom-made “mechanical crystals”, which can then be sold back for much more EMC than their basic resource cost! This modpack is focused on automation and automation only, so the only items that have EMC are the basic resource chunks and the final mechanical crystals which can be sold for a net EMC profit. These “crystals” are divided into multiple tiers, each requiring the previous one plus many more steps of automation and mods required to craft them. There is a quest book chapter for each mechanical crystal which will guide you into how you can make each crystal, and what each of them unlocks. It features custom ore processing for up to 25x ingots per ore!

#Minecraft #MechanicalMastery #Modded

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  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

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  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

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  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

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  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

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  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

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  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | NUCLEAR EXPERIMENTATION! #17 [Modded Questing Skyblock]