Minecraft – Minecraft Now: The Warden and Mangroves

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You know, sometimes on Fridays, I want to have some fun. So I made my own version of the sonic boom. Oh, nice. -So sonic… -Sonic bad… And since Blockbench works so well with Bedrock, -I even have it in the game. -Oh!

-Do you want to see it? -Yeah, let’s look at it in the game. -So, here… -Oh! -It’s actually… -It fried that chicken so fast! -So, yeah… -The chicken was obliterated by the dev. So, the crapsolotl is almost done. I think it’s a very cute baby.

I was actually kind of hoping for a creeper and axolotl combo, because I think they have a lot of interesting synergy. And yeah, I think it should just have a “sssss”. -And then explode the axolotl. -They have such good chemistry together. Hello and welcome to Minecraft Now!

I am Lydia Winters, chief storyteller at Mojang Studios. I’m here today to hang out with all of you. We’re going to show you a lot of cool behind the scenes, and mainly, we get to hang out with awesome Mojang Studios people

And just get to hear more about the game we all know and love. I’m joined by two of my awesome colleagues: -Alex and Jasper! -Hey! Alex, can you tell everyone what you do at Mojang Studios? Yeah, sure. Hi! My name is Alex. I’m a Vanilla Bedrock game developer,

So I actually develop Minecraft, but the Bedrock version of it. Nice! And you have a lot of information on wardens for us today. I do! I helped out a bit to get it into the game, so I’m super excited to talk about that. I’m terrified!

-And Jasper. -I’m Jasper. I’m the art director for Minecraft. So, a lot of the visual stuff I’m responsible for, the mangrove, the warden as well. So, yeah. It’s super awesome to be here. Yeah, we’re gonna do some deep dives into mangroves, which are way less scary than…

-Yeah, mangroves are very lush and serene. -Yes, definitely! Throughout the show we’re gonna have some polls for you to answer, which can affect what’s going on. We will also add some questions in the chat. We are gonna be taking the questions live, so you can ask the two of these experts

What you wanna know about Minecraft. We have a very packed show today. So, first up, we’re gonna visit the warden, and we’re gonna hang out there for a little bit. It will probably be fine… Then we’re gonna visit the mangroves, which as a Florida girl, I’m very excited about.

Then we have “You Made It!” which is where we showcase a bunch of cool things that you in the community have submitted. Then we’re gonna do a warden mini game. Luckily, I will just be sitting here, and Alex and Jasper will be competing in that. Terrifying!

Then we have “Block Buzz,” which is a monthly news update of what’s been going on in Minecraft world, and then today, to close it out, we have a Marketplace update, and we actually have one of our creators here, and he will be playing through something brand new that no one’s seen before.

So, we’ll just like, jump straight into it and go with the scariest first, so let’s head to the warden! Okay! I guess we’re doing this! Are you ready? Yes, because I’m over here and it feels like you two have to be immersed in the world.

Yeah. So, we thought we could just show a little bit. Start with kind of exploring the warden and where it is. But I realize actually, first we have to do the poll. So, our first poll… Okay, I’m gonna try to explain these games.

The warden emerald hunt, which you can see on the left side of the screen, is where a warden will be dropped into the middle of the arena and then two of them will be running around, sneaking…and running around, and trying to gather as many emeralds as they can.

On the other side of the screen, you will see what is a warden maze. So, they’ll start, go through the maze, and in the middle of the maze they will encounter a warden that they should sneak past, and then continue on, finishing the maze. That one will be a speed run.

So, all of you at home get to decide which one of those terrifying mini games they will do. Do either of you have like, a plea, for which one you want? I think the maze is going to be the most scary, actually. -Okay. -Yeah, definitely more adrenaline in there.

But I know Jasper isn’t that good at sneaking around. -Okay, okay! Wow! It’s on already! -Yeah, yeah. But let’s… So, while everyone’s voting, let’s…see the Deep Dark. -Yes! -Yeah! Let’s do that, then. I think first it’s a little bit dark, so we might have to get some night vision here.

Okay, I think that’s a great idea. I see almost nothing. They’re gonna add night vision on so we can see a bit more, and also make it a little tiny bit less scary, which will be pretty nice. Can do. Give you a spawn. Is that comfortable? A little bit better?

After he said he’ll totally like, beat you in the mini game, he’s like: -“Oh, here’s night vision.” -You gotta start gentle and then…yeah. -Okay! -Okay, cool! So… Tell us about, like, how long have you been working on the warden? So, I’ve been working on the warden for a couple of months.

I joined at like, mid-spring or something? You know, this was released this summer, so I joined mid-spring, and there was already a team working on it, so I had a lot of catching up to do, before I could start actually contributing, but it was super cool. That’s really cool!

And remember in the chat that you can ask questions, because we have development and we have art here, both of whom have worked on the warden, so if you have any hard-hitting warden question, these two are the ones to ask. Jasper, what about the…

How did you decide on the art style for this, like, terrifying thing? The sculk is an entirely… The sculk stuff is an entirely new, different set of things, beings, right? So, the warden, it went through 175 concept iterations. -Oh, yeah! Mariana showed us a lot of them. -Exactly!

We’ve also a bunch of articles showing it, like, we have explored everything, because we really wanted this to be something special. I think it really, like, the color scheme immediately makes it different, and somehow you’ve balanced scary but also still like… -Yeah. -I really love it.

We wanted the warden, because of its nature, like sneaking and stuff, we wanted it to be scary, but also kind of beautiful and you know, maybe to have a little bit of empathy with it, somehow? So, it’s both scary and beautiful, that was one of our…

I really like that, “scary but beautiful.” I think that’s a great description of the warden. Yeah. Uh… So, the place we are right now, like we’re, me and Jasper are just exploring around. But for those of you that don’t know, the warden is actually spawned in ancient cities.

So, I completely understand if you stay away, right? Yeah. That’s your choice if you want to do or not, but for those daredevils that actually explore the Deep Dark properly, if they’re lucky enough, they can find one of these ancient cities.

And in order to spawn the warden, you need to activate a sculk shrieker, that we can see in the middle of my screen. And you’re gonna do that with no armor on whatsoever, right now? Yeah, that’s not the best idea, right? Okay, so I was thinking of using…

-Just a little dangerous… -Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was thinking of using you as a test subject. Do you think that’s okay? -I’ll do it. -So, if I give you, like… We can put on the bed up here, maybe? And then we can just give you… Because the chance of success here…

-Yeah, I really wonder. -Yeah, so if you’re just… Like, and then, maybe, do you dare enough to jump into survival? Yeah, of course. -Cool! Okay. -As long as I have night vision I’m okay. Famous last words! When Jasper is moving around there, you can see that he’s sending…

Oh, it’s too late already. It’s too late already. Yeah. -I’m sneaking, I’m sneaking. -No, here comes the… The real challenge with the warden here is… The warden is like, is not really that grumpy, -if you let him be, right? -Yeah. So, he just wants to kind of be left alone.

So, if you manage to stay away and don’t disturb him, he will actually dig down after a while, he will go back to wherever the wardens are made, kind of. So, the little challenge for Jasper at the moment -is not actually disturbing the warden. -Yeah. Okay, so try… Which I mean…

-He’s coming towards me. Why? -Sometimes you don’t want to be disturbed. -I mean, come on! -It’s not that hard. So, what you’re seeing now is that the warden can’t really see, but he can smell you. So, you can see he’s sniffing you out from time to time,

Kind of figuring out the location that you’re in, trying to figure out where you are. So, that’s why you see he’s on you here, right? What you need to do is get away from him. Get away so he can’t get your scent anymore, so if you try… Do not let them get you!

I know one thing. If I walk on the wall, my sounds will be muffled. -Yeah, that’s true. -So, I can just run over here. We have some really cool chat questions. So, now we’re gonna really test you sneaking and answering chat questions and avoiding the warden, so whofreak asks:

“What made you think of adding the warden?” This is a cool question, ’cause I don’t know the answer. That’s a super-cool question. So… I’m not going to be the best person to answer this, but the hints that I got is that we really wanted something unique and special for the ancient cities,

To guard the ancient cities, and this has taken a lot of iterations. We have a lot of design ideas and I know we’ve had in the design group, and maybe specifically one designer that’s been really working on this for quite some time.

So, the warden, I think, was maybe not just a “one-hit wonder,” but more of an iteration process of, “What’s the coolest possible thing we could add,” “that fits into the Minecraft universe and everything,” -“to guard the ancient cities?” -Ooh! I love it! An ancient city guard.

And, you know, craving this whole immersive environment is very different than other areas, and a different game play style, which I think the team thinks about so much, how to make sure there’s different ways to play… Exactly. …which actually leads into a really cool question from ixultra who says:

“Hello, I’m a big fan.” Thank you. “How do you come up with the idea of the warden’s abilities?” -Ooh! -That is super interesting. That is super cool. So, when we talk about… There we go. Jasper unfortunately, unfortunately he was…

-Okay, so our test subject didn’t make it. -Yeah, our test subject didn’t really make it. Should we reset a little bit? -I’m at the bend. -Yeah? Oh, here you are. So, the abilities of the warden, basically… I think there’s a lot of abilities here that you might not really think about.

So, both the sniffing part of it, right, to having kind of seek you out, and I think a lot of that stems from… We want it to be a unique feature, we want it to be a unique mob in the Minecraft universe, we want it to have characteristics that are unique.

So, for example now, you can hear the heartbeat here. -Yeah, I love the heartbeat. -Yeah. That’s actually an indication of how close the warden is that’s starting to target you. So, if you listen to the heartbeat, if you learn it well enough, -you can actually know… -It’s too dark!

-Oh! -I can’t see anything. But you’re in really hard mode now. You have two of them. Poor Jasper! A sonically… Obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek is like a really good… That’s also one of the favorite things with the warden, the sonic boom attack, that we have sonically-charged attack.

It’s just awesome. Like, it gives you… It really encourages you to sneak around and not make it angry. -And if you do, you’re in some trouble. -Yeah. Okay, Jasper from ashscores. This is like a chicken and the egg question: “So was the Deep Dark based off the warden,”

“or was the warden based off the Deep Dark?” -These are awesome questions today. -That is a good question. -We have a… -I think it was… Well, not the Deep Dark, but the sculk stuff… I think it… It was basically made at the same time, I think.

So, it is the chicken and the egg. They’re the same. During our concepts, we kind of figured out this sort of texture of like the blue cyan and the black color, right? We wanted to have this cool texture as if you’re looking at stars or something, like it’s something weird, something…

We’re not entirely sure about what material it is. We really like this kind of pattern, like, it looks super nice. -Oh! I died again. -Jasper died again. It was kind of inspired by the end portal, like, the stars of the end portal looked super pretty, so I wanted to do something with that.

I wanted to have like, a block, that you could sort of have like, a star… …a star ceiling or something. Yeah, if you’re not with the warden, it’s like a really beautiful area. So…and then, you know the warden… So, maybe it was the block first, or the texture at least,

And then we created kind of both of them. Very cool. Alex, why are there two wardens now? I don’t know… We’ve lost…lost control… The reason that we have two wardens is because when Jasper started running away from the first one,

Like, he still triggered the sculk sensors, so you can see them around here. -Oh! -This is a sculk sensor. If I sneak, it won’t care about me. But if I run… There you see it’s activated. And these ones can “snitch” to the sculk shriekers.

So, if you have a sculk shrieker in the surroundings, and that gets triggered enough times, either by you directly by stepping on it, or by the sculk sensors, then they spawn a warden. So, if you’re far away from the first warden you spawned, and you’re just trying to get out of there,

You might just end up spawning a second one in another… What’s worse than one warden? Two wardens! So, are you gonna go now, because you made Jasper go. So, are you gonna try to sneak around? I feel like it’s only fair, since you sent him off to many deaths.

So, I cheated a little bit here. I gave myself a couple of snowballs, and the nice thing with snowballs, is that you can actually distract the warden a bit. Now I’m not really sure even where it is, because I’ve been scared. -“Because I’ve been scared!” -I’m just spawning more.

-You are? Come on, Jasper! -Oh, man! -But, uh, warden… Oh, there we go. -Okay, okay! Well, that was very… That was very, very, very quick. So, what you need to remember is the warden doesn’t only not like the sound of you,

Like if you disturb it in any way physically, but he recognizes your smell as well, and he doesn’t like to smell you, either. So, if he’s allowed to sniff you a certain amount of times, if you’re in range, so that he actually can sniff you, then you’re in trouble as well.

Jasper! I don’t know! I don’t know if you’re gonna make it. Oh, no! I’m gonna switch to creative just to give me a chance to gear up. So… But another thing here is that the warden is smart enough to understand if you’re throwing stuff continuously.

Ah, okay! So, you need to be like sneaky and… -You need to pace it out a little bit. -That’s literally what I just did. -And now they’re angry. I didn’t know that. -Okay, so you did not… -You were just like, throwing the snowballs… -Yeah, I was throwing snowballs all the time.

-That’s so cool! -To give you some tips, to better survive… Let’s see if you can, if you give yourself a couple of snowballs… I can give you a couple of snowballs. -Giving… -A couple of snowballs… -Then you’re gonna be… -There you go. You’re gonna be equipped.

So, if you can stay at some kind of distance from the warden… I also need some night vision. Oh, yeah, yeah. Let me give you night vision as well. Night vision is so important in the ancient cities, otherwise it’s just too dark.

Also milk might help, so you can clear the, the debuff the Darkness debuff. Ooh, okay, Now you can see. Can you survive? We don’t know. That’s the second question. Okay, so, we have him sneaking around here. And you can see, he’s like, activating…

You can see they light up all of them around, right? I think if I remember, recollect the sounds correctly, that was a warden digging down. So, now you can… It’s quiet, right? We can’t even hear a heartbeat. That means we don’t have a warden here anymore.

-Whoa! You went from two to zero. -Yeah! So, he did a good job. -Oh! I just heard a sound, though. -Yeah. So, now you can see these are the like, sculk shriekers that we have. So, if Jasper activates them a little bit now, so, like, maybe jump or something?

-You can see that these ones… -Can you get me an anvil? Yeah. Why do you want an anvil? I have a name tag. What if I named a warden? “What if I named a warden?” We have a really great question from seals, which is more for Jasper, I think:

“Where did you get the inspiration from the warden and the Deep Dark?” We had that part, which was about the… And they had seen the Secrets of Minecraft, but they were wondering how did you actually end up deciding? ‘Cause 170 plus concepts… Like, how do you… Is it feeling…? Like, what happens?

-Oh, no! -You’re gonna die. No, it’s gonna be fine. I’m not doing anything. I think like, I think they want to be named. I think it wants to be named. What should we name it? Um… -Warden… -Uh-oh! That heartbeat! So, now you can hear it ramping up, and then it sniffed him again.

-And there we go. -Alright, I can do it. Anyways… Anyways, the question, yeah, how did we decide? That’s a good question. I think like, art is always subjective. Everyone has their own opinions on what is good and what is bad. So, often all of these concepts we’ve been through,

None of them are necessarily bad, it’s just that, we felt like this one was the right one. We felt like it had the most value, a good strong silhouette. You know, the goals that it needed to do, being scary, being a little bit ugly,

But also being a little bit cute and beautiful at the same time. That’s kind of the goals that we created for ourselves. So, and this concept was really the one that outshined all the other concepts. So, it’s really about setting goals, thinking about what experience do we want to give?

What do you want the art to mean? And then looking at all your ideas and iterations and concepts, and then picking one of those, and being like, “This one is the best.” This one succeeds as all the goals… All the goals…that much, right? All the goals are achieved, right?

So, yeah, it’s really about just… …your gut feeling as well. Like, you have to feel, it has to feel good. You have to feel like, okay, this thing feels beautiful, it feels ugly-cute, and it feels scary, like, then it’s good. I think it definitely delivers on all of those things.

“Ugly-cute” is my favorite. So, when people are, you know, the brave ones, who venture here, how do they actually find the ancient city? -That’s a quest in itself. -A lot of digging? Yeah! No, so the ancient cities, they are in the Deep Dark biome.

They generate in the Deep Dark biome, which is as mentioned in the name, like deep, dark into the ground. So, you usually find them below zero, like, way below zero, below what was referred to as the old word “limit.” You need to go below that and then just explore around.

This little… This place that we are in right now… Should I maybe do it? Should I show them, like, the cave, how we found this? -Yeah, yeah. -Yeah, I would love to see that. I think it’s cool for people to get that how… -So, here. -Give us some tips, Alex.

Yeah. The way we actually found this was just like… We saw a crack in the surface. -Okay… -And then we could follow this cave… -Beautiful, lush cave. -Yeah! All the way up. -Yeah, here it was, right? -Yeah. Okay, so you were really looking for like,

Something that felt like it was a deep, deep opening into the ground? -That’s a great place to start. -So, it’s kind of sneaky, right? Like doing all of that digging yourself, that’s quite a lot of work, but utilizing the cave systems that we have,

That’s a really good way to kind of explore and find the Deep Dark. Take the water slide down and see if you end up with the warden. Yeah, definitely. And, already here, you can see that looks a little bit suspicious, right? That looks like there’s maybe something down there. -That’s really cool! -Yeah!

It’s a very sculky area. There are sculk everywhere. -It is definitely. -Yeah, there are sculks everywhere. That’s another thing I love, like the sculk, the sculk spreading. Like, just the general feeling of all of this tying together. -Yeah, I love it. -Yeah. Okay, one last question from shadowgaming, which is:

“Does the warden have a weakness?” Hmm… -Oh, not me, ’cause I could die here. -Not again! Not again, Jasper. I mean, like… Since I’ve been working quite a lot on it, it feels like we worked quite hard to try to make it as resilient as possible.

But of course it does. Like, the purpose with the warden is that you’re supposed to stay away from it, right? So, you know, using your environment to your advantage. So, for example, the snowballs. It doesn’t see anything, so it just follows vibrations around you. It’s actually utilizing that, using the vibrations.

You can kind of think of those ways to get around it and try new things. Exactly, exactly! So, giving you some breathing room maybe to get away from it. But I wouldn’t say, like, if you’re in a straight up, like… If you’re gonna start wrestling with the warden,

You’re not gonna find a lot of weaknesses. It’s about not getting it mad, not getting it angry. Okay, and now, we have the poll result, which is that these two will be playing in the warden maze, which is gonna be awesome!

But first, it’s time to hang out in some mangroves, which is a lot less scary. So, let’s visit the mangroves! Okay, and we’re back. We are going to jump into a mangrove world. And… Well, yeah. Jump into some mangroves. We have a poll that we’re gonna do,

Because these two are gonna build with the mangrove block set, and you can decide whether they’re gonna build a house or a well. So, one of those options. But let’s first talk art, because we have, you know, our art director here. So, tell us about the process. So…

You know, mangroves was one of the… …in one of the biome votes of the Minecraft Live, right? I think it was a loser, actually. -It was. I voted for it. Swamp for life! -I also voted for it. Swamp for life! So, mangroves was actually supposed to be in the normal swamps, right?

As a new sort of tree, type of tree. But when we were working on it, we quickly realized with our research that mangroves are actually entire forests, and they don’t really appear in normal swamps. So, it just made sense to make an entire biome,

Because that felt right, and we learned so much about mangroves, like what they do, for like, carbon capturing and the environment and stuff, and how good it is for like, fauna and fish, and so we really wanted to make it a single biome. When I first saw this concept art,

It kind of threw me back into playing in mangroves with my sister, and it was something where I hadn’t thought of that memory, and then all of a sudden you see this, and it like, really felt like that, climbing around on these roots and hanging out.

“Magical world” is definitely what I think of with mangroves. I think… We did… I watched so much videos about mangroves. In one of the videos, there was this underwater shelter where a fish was swimming between the roots, and that really inspired me.

I really wanted to have this feeling of being able to go through the roots. So, I was really determined to have these massive roots that you can boat under, especially with the new chest boats it’s very good. So, yeah, I really wanted to have these massive roots.

And with these roots, we had a lot of different iterations, ’cause the roots are very organic in real life, but in Minecraft, we don’t really have organic shapes, right? So, everything is blocky all the time. So, we tried to like, iterate the logic. You can see some concept art here

-from our concept artist Mariana. -So cool. Yeah, we really tried to figure out every possibility on how the roots could look. -But again, blocks are just the best, so… -Yeah! We went back to the block thing, because it just felt right, it really fit in with the world.

It just really ties everything together, and I also wanted to have the sense that you could walk on the roots, and being blocks, it made really, well, sense, and it’s good for the collision as well. With the roots, we still wanted it to be bundled, organic, so you could like…

The water. You want the water to feel…feel it flowing through the roots, so we made it like smaller sticks bundled up, and I think that’s really great, I really love it. We have learned so much with creating biomes in the Nether Update, because we made like, four, five… I don’t know.

-A lot! -A lot. It felt like a lot, right? And we really ironed out how to make a biome there, and we’ve been developing that formula all the time. Like, what makes a good biome? And the mangrove especially, it’s all about the colors. -It’s so pretty! -It looks really pretty.

-Yeah, it’s gorgeous. -The experience, the feeling is really there, like you can boat through this and sometimes hit a lily pad or get stuck in some roots and vines. I just love this, that we actually managed to get to that as well, like, that we go through.

It’s really beautiful. I love being able to boat through and go under the roots, and really feel like you’re just hanging out in the worlds, and it, yeah, it feels larger than life, which there are gigantic mangroves, which is really cool. Oh! This livestream just got way better!

I love the mangroves because it has frogs as well. The frogs are so cute! -What’s your favorite color frog? -The brown one. Yeah! What about you, Alex? I’m not really sure. I can’t really say one. I really love the diversity of the frogs.

They’re all so cute. I mean, the main thing I love is just everything about them. Like, you just look at them. But we’ve been praising them, right? They’re very fun. And, okay can you settle a debate on the color of… What color is this mud, Jasper? I mean, is it…

-Are you ready to give a final answer? -Is it grey, blue, purple…? I mean, it’s up to everyone’s interpretation, you know? No, but like, the mud… I think it qualifies as grey. There’s these kind of like burpish and brownish tints in it as well. Okay. It is grey, because…

A lot of people asked for brown mud, but with brown mud, the effect that you get with the trees is that it becomes very…muddy. Yeah, okay, interesting. You don’t want it to be a muddy biome, you want it to be like…

No, but the roots are brown, and if the floor is also brown, -it just becomes one big blob of brown. -Yeah, you can’t see any distinction. Yeah, it’s really difficult to see the distinction and it just doesn’t look nice.

Right now, we have a very clear distinction of what is the floor, what are the trees, and what are the…the leaves, right? It’s really good. -That is really, really cool. -Look at him. -Oh! That little cutie! -So cute! We’ve gone from like, this is about the mangroves,

To like, look at that telescopic frog! It’s fine! Oh, it’s so cool! I mean, together with Cory, you know, we… Cory really worked on the generation of the mangrove. We really wanted it to feel super wild, a little bit like the jungle, because the mangrove is always quite close to jungles,

Because it’s also a tropical climate. That’s another reason why we moved mangroves outside of the swamp, because the swamp is a colder climate and not a tropical climate. Mangroves are basically like tropical swamps. And we really wanted to have the tree line just like,

Be wild and full of vines and other stuff, and I think it’s… We really did a great job here. I think this is my favorite biome, like, I think we’ve done a really good job. -I’m a little bit biased, though, to be honest. -Yeah!

But that’s okay! It’s nice to be happy with what you’ve worked on. Can you show a propagule, ’cause I think those are so… Propagule, yes. Here’s propagule. Oh, and we found bees! We’re having a really good day, here in the mangroves. How do I get propagules? Here we go.

Can I fill in a water? Yeah, so propagules are like the… …super like, unique plant, spawn, sapling, because they work in water, and no other sapling does that. There we go. So, yeah, now, hopefully it will grow at some point.

-I have a little bee friend here. -Yeah, you do! You two are just hanging out. -Pushing me around a bit, yeah! -We’re finding all the cute… Yeah, this bee is really following you. It’s just buzzing right around you, Alex. This is payback for the wardens.

And then the moss on… the moss on the roots. That’s kind of like a, you know… Yeah, I’m so happy we actually did that, ’cause it was in the initial concept art, right? It was like, super cool, like, it looked so green and lush.

The first iteration of the mangrove forest actually kept it out, because the first iteration was kind of more like, “sticky.” I was watching a lot of mangrove forest videos again, right? Your YouTubers trust your mangrove video recommendations! And the environment was very muddy, very dark,

And a lot of like, just sticks poking out and sticks everywhere. And it didn’t actually have a lot of grass or moss or anything like that. So, I kind of wanted to stay true to that in the beginning. But then I was like, hmm… The moss in the concept art looks really good.

It’s Minecraft. You can play around with it a bit. We showed the initial iteration, and people were like, “It’s just mud and sticks. We need more green.” So then after that, I started looking into adding more grass, adding grass patches and I think that really ties everything together.

And then having the moss and the roots, it just feels right, like it really ties the canopy to the true roots and stuff, and it just looks so good. Like the combination with the green hues and the red hues of the brown, -it just works really well. -It’s really, really cool.

So, are you two ready to build either a house or a well? Oh, yeah. Wait. I have the master architect with me here, so… -Where are you, though? -Where are you? -I started building a little…hut here. -Don’t build yet! You don’t know if people… Only I know what everyone voted! Alex!

Alex is taking over this show today. Okay. I know who I have to watch out for now. -Should we… -Hello, Alex. The community has voted, and you will make…a house. A house! I’m gonna give you like, a super-quick, undefined amount of time. -What about doing it at the beachfront here? -Only mangrove.

-Only mangrove block set. -Only mangrove block set? -Yes. -Jasper, would you mind doing it on like -a swamp beachside mangrove house? -I’m putting all the blocks in my inventory. Okay! Time’s up! No, I’m just kidding. Didn’t even pull the blocks yet! I’m just searching for the perfect location. Okay, here.

-This is gonna be the spot. -That’s a cool spot. Yeah. I like that. It’s a… You… You know… It’s Jasper’s favorite spot, so if he wants to be, it needs to be fully into the mangrove. I think that’s important. I’ll just create a little base for us to start out from,

-because of course you need… -I’m not sure if it’s cheating to use the mud. Is the mud considered part of the mangrove block set, in your opinion? -I think like, you know, the mud might be… -We’ll allow it. -…decomposed mangroves. -Okay. Okay, that’s true. There’s probably some mangroves that…

Processed mangroves is what we’re saying, then. Okay, there we have… -There are some in there. -So, I’m thinking… What do you want to have here? Ooh! We need to make a foundation, right? Let’s make a foundation. Should we have a little, like, waterfront…

Yeah, let’s see. I mean, this is not a great house so far, I don’t think. I don’t think you’re gonna survive the night, you guys. Let’s do a house in the back and then a little porch up front. -You have like, three minutes. -I’ll start by…

A house in the back and a porch in the front, and in three minutes… -This is a problem. We’re already over… -Okay, this is getting… Listen, every house needs a door, to qualify as a house, right? Just getting the foundations out there, right? -Oh, that’s very, very nice. -Ooh!

We’ve got a rogue builder on the side, or is that…? That mangrove was there, so you’re kind of building into it? -We have no time. -Whoa! Okay! -We have no time, we have to build! -The first house I built was so terrible. And so, it took forever,

And I didn’t want to turn everything into smooth cobblestones, so half of the house was regular cobblestones. This is already better than anything I’ve ever made! A mud floor, because we want to stay true to nature. I think it’s really good for your skin, you know?

Yeah? You want to build it very authentically into the environment. I like it. -Should we maybe have a leaf roof? -Leaf roof? Okay, you have like two minutes to build! I’m already very impressed that this much has occurred. -Oh! -Yeah, there we go! -The tree roof is cool! -Right?

Yeah, that’s a super great idea. Like this… You have no time for iteration here. No, I know, I was gonna say, I was like… Jasper, as an artist and someone who iterates a lot, is this killing you? -No, it’s fine. -Okay, you’re able… Look at this air conditioning as well, into the house.

-Air conditioning… -This is wonderful. Okay, I feel like you can’t really, you know… You can’t really stop perfection here. This is beautiful. You didn’t even need the full amount of time. -I’m proud. -This is a really nice… Okay, actually nice job, guys. The only thing missing I think is our little fence here.

A little front… -This is a really gorgeous house. -Right? Now imagine coming up here with your boat. -Yeah… Okay, that’s cozy. -There we go. That’s really nice, you come up to the dock… Yeah, torches as well, right? Look at this place. Can you make a redstone door? We have time, right?

-No, you have like 25 seconds. -I can put like a… -I like the… “A redstone door, please.” -Yeah, definitely. -But look at this. -It’s beautiful. And then look at the view when you come in. I think this is… Okay, let’s turn around and see that beautiful… -Look at it. -Okay, that’s really cool.

It’s sneaky, it’s hidden, but it still shows… Now we know Alex is gonna live in this world forever. He just lives on this… -This is my world now. -It’s so pretty. -Very nice job, guys. -It’s not bad. -This is a really cool house. I love it. -Yeah.

And you know, in this segment we’re gonna go to next, we’re gonna get to see a bunch of cool things that the community has made in “You Made It.” So let’s see what we get. None of us have seen this artwork.

Each month, we ask you to submit some awesome art of any kind. It can be something in the real world, it can be something in the game. And last month, the topic was… The Wild Update! I really can’t remember. Okay, “Minecraft Wild Update, pixelated style” by ItsDrickMC.

-There you go. -Oh, it’s like the whole… -It’s basically everything we just did. -That’s everything we’ve done today, right? -Frogs, warden… -Mangrove… This is a summary of this episode, of our time together. Really, really amazing job. It’s really nice. I love the warden emerging from the ground. That looks great.

It’s very cool how they used all the different… They’re different photos, but they actually all fit together, too… Like they, yeah… Yeah, look at that detail. Look at that face when the warden is emerging. I love that. -Oh, the face! That’s really cool. -That’s so good.

The warden is down there, too, in the bottom… Yeah, yeah. And you see the… Like the grumpy face, but it doesn’t have to be. You can actually… Yeah… That is really, really cool. Okay, what’s up next? An allay taxi… -Oh my god, look at the frog. -There we go!

Oh my gosh! This is so cool. This is Jennife22248715. Jennifer, this is really, really, really cool. That’s so good. I love the sinking of the warden as well. Oh no! “I’m going down!” This is so cool. Really, really awesome work, Jennifer. Love it. -Thank you so much for submitting. -Yeah. King_Joseff…

Kingjonkle, I think. “Some friendly little doodles to accompany the scariest update to ever grace this game.” Oh, this… When we revealed the warden, there was so much concept art. Mixed with the axolotl, that’s so cute. It just works, you know…

I love this one, and I love the allay has a cookie and the frogs… But then it’s like the warden is hanging out. The little frog pile is really adorable. This is super, super cool. -Thank you so much for making this. -It’s so awesome.

Also I like that Alex has the souls and the warden right behind… “I’m just hanging out. It’s fine.” That face doesn’t really scream “fine” to me. Yeah, it does look… Yeah, Alex looks a bit scared. -But it’s so good. -But the axolotl is not scared.

The axolotl is just straight up hanging out on the warden. Best buddies. Very cool. Okay. “Because we have the Narrator and Marilla finally becoming food…finally became food, so I have to make a Mobbo Frog.” Mobbo is from our YouTube series

And this is now a Mobbo Frog, which I can say…this frog is terrifying. -Yeah. -Frogol? -Froggo, maybe. Yeah, that’s a good… -A Mobbo Froggo. -That’s amazing. I love it. -Mobbo Frog… I also… I think the eyes are the best part. For sure. Because they’re all over the place. It really works well.

Yeah, it does. It does. Very, very, very cool. And I have to apologize to our amazing community member who made this. I evidently need better glasses, because I can not see your name on the screen. But we love you. Thank you for making this. Parrot… I’m sorry.

These were such cool creations this month. We loved them. If you want to be featured, you can create something around the topic of mangroves. And in August, when we have Minecraft Now, you can be featured. So go on Twitter if you want, hashtag MinecraftNow.

Submit and then you can be showing off some really awesome art, like all the amazing things we’ve seen today. And now, it’s time to go back away from cute. Let’s get back to the warden. -Jasper’s so psyched for this. -So psyched. They have not practiced this. We’re gonna see how it goes.

And we’re gonna do it for time. Each of you will go separately and we’re gonna see how long it takes you to run it or die. I think we have a little starter kit in the chest here, right? -Okay, some snowballs. -Yeah, yeah. Nice. Who’s gonna go first?

-I’ll go first. -Okay, okay. Very decisive, I like it. Do it. Do it, okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait. The warden will be spawned and then we will do the call. -The master of… -You’re gonna spawn this… Oh, sorry… Okay…

Yeah, it wouldn’t be good if you got to the middle and there was no warden. It would be a maze, but it wouldn’t be the warden maze that everyone voted on. -Are you ready? -Yeah. On your mark, get set, go. -Alright… -Okay, warden’s in place. Okay, I like…this map. It’s very, very pretty.

-Come on! -This is a cool game! Get him! Get him! But the thing is, you’re running towards something terrifying. I don’t know… Uh-oh, a dead end! Okay, first dead end! Come on, you can do it! Wait, I maybe shouldn’t be looking now, right? I shouldn’t be memorizing…

Are you able to mem…? I would not be able to get out of this by watching him do it. I’m thinking about old video game ghosting style. I don’t know, every hallway looks the same to me. -Oh, there we go. -I don’t know! Uh-oh, okay. Oh, man, okay…

I mean, this maze is…this maze is amazing. Is this the time I’m supposed to beat? Okay, you’re just at one minute of running aimlessly. Where do I go? I wanted to see the warden. I… -Wait, I don’t even hear the warden. -Uh-oh. You were so slow that the warden despawned.

Should we punish him? -Oh, whoa! -Okay, we have a new one. There’s a new warden, okay… This is genuinely… Oh my god, I can’t… I think we should start dropping in wardens, right? -I mean… -I got it, I got it! Wait! Okay, okay! I got the cake. Let’s go. -Okay, okay. -Alright, time.

Okay, okay… That was 1 minute and 52 seconds. Let’s see what we have now. -Okay, are you ready, Alex? -Wait, wait, wait, wait. I’m gonna give myself night vision. Okay, we’re gonna give Jasper a break for a second and you’re gonna play through this. So let’s see you do it. Okay, come on.

On your mark, get set… Are you ready? -I got this. -Go! Wait, did you already go? You’re just running, I hope someone’s timing it, Alex. What is happening? -He can’t see anything right now, right? -It’s fine, it’s fine. You know what? I can actually hear that the warden is gone.

Okay. Maybe someone’s gonna spawn a warden for you, or this will be a very boring maze run. Yeah, yeah, I… Yeah… I think it would… I think I’m smarter than Jasper at figuring out the maze as well. But right now, there is no… You’re just kind of slowly going through… Okay…

Okay, okay, okay. Maybe I’m not smarter than Jasper. -Okay… -Here we go. Now we got it. Okay, you’ve only been going for 30 seconds, so you are actually like… You’re moving somewhere, not towards the… Not towards the warden. -I don’t think…! -I don’t…

I also like that I’m kind of heckling you, but I’m not playing this, nor do I want to. But you’ve already picked sides, right? It feels like you’re on to something now. This feels right in some sense… Oh no, one minute! I mean, who built this maze? This is… Someone really…

I like the way you said “What will be really exciting is if we do the maze.” -Okay… -Yes, yes, yes, yes! Okay, okay. -Pretty good. -Give me the time. Stop the time. 1 minute and 15 seconds, so you were a lot faster than Jasper. -That is pretty good. -I’m happy with that.

But I do like to acknowledge that there was no warden present in the maze. It was not as complicated… It wasn’t as complicated. I wasn’t as stressed as Jasper. I do feel that neither of you would have made if the warden was close-by. -Yeah… -Like, just not gonna happen.

I’m gonna say another thing around this. I think Jasper ran through in creative mode as well. It’s really beautiful… It is a beautiful, beautiful map that we have here. But look at this. I mean, this maze. -So hard, like… -This is incredible. -It’s a really, really, really cool maze. -It is.

Do you want me to actually give it a try when we have a warden inside? Yeah, that would be cool. Yeah, do it. Add a warden. I want to see it, like you know… Oh my gosh! Okay, hardcore mode. Come on, Alex, let’s see it. -Okay, three wardens just… -So here we go.

I have my snowballs, I’m ready. Okay, let’s go. I don’t know about this. I feel really nervous. -He’s got three… -Now you see the darkness effect as well. Now we have wardens present. Jasper, I think you played on creative mode. -No, he’s just kidding. -Did I? No, no, no, no, you didn’t.

He’s added three wardens now, just to see. Just to, you know… I was so scared I had to hop out for a little while. -I was shaken to the core. -It’s terrifying! Uh, yeah… What’s the time now? How much are you? -No, I finished it. -He beat you by a significant margin.

By roughly 45 seconds. Oh no, that’s so embarrassing. But we’re not sure that a warden was spawned anywhere. There was no heartbeat anywhere, but these wardens you can actually hear… -Oh, there we go, here we go. -I don’t know, I don’t think so.

Wait, I can’t hide either, because they’re gonna sniff me out. I need… Oh, look! -Oh my gosh. -I didn’t get killed by the warden. -True. -Who really wants like… Okay, Alex, you are the winner, and I think, if you want, you get to take Nir’s photo out and put yours in

As the newest winner of a very random game. -Really? -Yes, so… Alex, Jasper, thank you both for coming on and doing this scary stuff live while all of us just watch and, you know, wish…think we could it better, even though we probably couldn’t.

But amazing having you both and so cool to see what you’ve worked on. -Yeah. -Really, really awesome. Thank you for being here… Thank you for being here, Lydia. -It’s been nice… No, but thanks… -So nice. Thanks for the awesome questions from the community as well.

-There were really good questions today. -Yeah, tricky ones. Earlier today, I hung out with Jewel, who tells us all the cool things happening in Minecraft in a segment we call “Block Buzz.” It’s my favorite time of the month. I’m here with Jewel! Hey, Jewel. Hey, Lydia, it’s Jewel Ifeguni.

I use she/her pronouns and I’m a Technical Program Manager at Mojang. And I’m excited to tell you all what’s buzzing on the block. And there’s a lot buzzing, so let’s jump in. Yeah, let’s dive right in. First off, we are so excited, because Java and Bedrock editions for PC launched earlier this month.

On Windows, you can now get both editions of Minecraft in one purchase. Pretty awesome! Right? And also, the Wild Update was released. Okay, okay, how are you all feeling about it? I love the frogs, but that warden… -Yeah… -Terrifying. Yes. It’s pretty terrifying, but I’d love to work with you and everyone else

On how we can strategize to defeat the warden. Because those deep dark biomes are pretty dope. I got away from the creepers, you know, but the warden… I think I’m gonna stay in the mangroves for a while. I feel that. I feel that. So what else has been buzzing?

Another thing that’s been buzzing… Get your celebration ready! Minecraft Marketplace turned five years old this June. That is five years of dope content. And I really hope you all have been able to discover something new, and get ready, because I hope you all have brought your cake to celebrate.

Always cake. I mean, you have to. It’s not a celebration without cake. Exactly, you gotta have the cake. And I guess there’s one more thing that should have a lot of cake to celebrate. Like lots and lots of cake. Okay, drum roll. Okay, get ready, get ready.

One of the biggest, best announcements for June: We are releasing a new game – Minecraft Legends! I’m so excited for the piglins and everything that’s to come. We partnered with Blackbird Interactive and it’s gonna be so amazing. I hope you all checked out the trailer.

It’s exciting, I’m excited for it and I’m excited for everybody to check it out. Yeah, I’m so excited. This has been a huge secret for way too long. I’m so happy that people know about it, so I didn’t accidentally spoil it. -I feel that. -I can breathe easy…

Honestly, it’s been a great month of a lot of exciting updates and we really appreciate continuing to grow with you all as a community. So again, just fun talking about what’s buzzing on the block. Thank you so much, Jewel! See you next month. Bye. See you. Bye.

Now it’s time for a brand new segment we call “Marketplace Updates,” where we get to see what’s happening in our creator community in Marketplace. And today, we have a really special guest who is visiting us. Rafael from Spark Universe. Hi. Yeah, I’ll be showing off something really cool today.

You are, but don’t tell it yet, because we have to also introduce Cameron, who is our amazing Community Manager here at Mojang Studios. Thank you for welcoming me. Okay, first tell everybody sort of what you do, each of you. Rafael first. I’m part of Spark Universe and we create Minecraft Marketplace content.

I just kind of help run everything and build the team. That’s what I’ve been doing for the last five-ish years. That’s amazing, five-ish years. And how many people are on your team? Because you’re building really, really cool things. Overall, we’re about 50 people, and on the Minecraft Marketplace, it’s like 20-30.

It’s always changing a little bit, but that’s roughly the size of the team there. Really cool. And Cameron, you moved over to Stockholm -to be a community manager for us. -I did. -Tell everybody about yourself. -I’ll try to make it as quick as possible.

As a community manager, we do all kinds of stuff to make sure that the community’s voice is being heard by the development team, and really just helping to make Minecraft better through all the feedback and cool stuff that the community is doing.

Yeah, I mean, we have the best community. I just love them. -We do. Not biased at all, but we do. -Not biased at all, but… All three of us started in the community first, loving the game, caring about it.

It is something really special that so many of us get to have it as our job. Yeah. Okay, so I’m gonna let Rafael… I’m gonna let you say what this is, because it hasn’t been seen before. No one but your team and our team know about it.

And now you will get to know… Yeah, it’s about a very iconic character that a lot of you will know. We’re taking you to a beautiful world out of a show that I think everyone has seen. And yeah, I’m very excited to bring you to a pineapple under the sea

To meet SpongeBob in a new Minecraft SpongeBob DLC that will come out soon. -It’s so cute! -Yeah. Oh my gosh. So we’re gonna actually… This is the first look. We’re gonna go around, you know, like hang out in the world.

And you’ve built… You’ve all built a really, really immersive world to be in. We’re gonna play some quests, run around and see things. Yeah, our goal was to replicate the entire world of SpongeBob and all the iconic locations like Bikini Bottom, Glove World,

The Jellyfish Fields, the iconic houses of SpongeBob, Squidward and Patrick. All of these cool locations and it’s a kind of a world that anyone can get into and just be a part of the SpongeBob universe, which I think is really cool. On top of that, there’s the story going on,

Where it’s kind of like a SpongeBob episode that you’re playing along with where everyone is trying to have the best day ever and you’re there to help them. And SpongeBob is also there to help them and you’re doing that together.

That’s awesome, and we actually have a poll for all of you to find out… We want to know which SpongeBob character you love. Number 1 is SpongeBob, number 2 is Patrick and number 3 is Gary. Which I mean… It feels like it should a runaway vote for Gary. I mean, look.

You can actually pet him. Cameron just petted Gary. -It’s so cute. -That’s so cute. When you fall asleep and you don’t feel like waking up, there’s something I can help you out with, which is right over there, I think. -This is pretty difficult to sleep through. -Yeah, that’s such a kind wake-up call.

I slept through two alarms the other day, so I could have used one of these. So we’re in SpongeBob’s house, and you’re trying to replicate it in the game. So cool. That’s what we did, and now I think we’ll go visit Squidward and make him a little less grumpy than he usually is.

We did not allow anyone to pick Squidward as their favorite character. Yeah… Let’s go down here. Yeah. I have to find the path out of the house. This house is quite big and difficult to navigate through. I don’t think SpongeBob is great at interior design, actually.

You should make it a little bit more easy to go along. And SpongeBob is coming with you on the whole adventure. Yes. So I think we’ll go out now. -Oh wow! -Welcome to the world of SpongeBob. And I’ll wait for you to come out, Cameron. -Oh, there we go. -That’s so cool!

And yeah, I think we’ll just go over to Squidward and talk to him. So, how can we help you? Okay. “So, you’re SpongeBob’s new friend? Sorry for your loss. But it’s nice to meet you… And goodbye…

On second thought, did I hear you say you wanted to help me have my best day ever? Can you play any instruments?” -Can you? -I’m terrible at playing every instrument. I like every instrument… -I think I’ll go with mayonnaise. -Mayonnaise sounds good. Perfect. “Good enough. So, for my best day ever,

I want to bring my talent to the people and perform for a huge audience at the Oyster Stage. Only problem is I need a band. So unfortunately, I need your help. You should be able to craft together an instrument with some old parts I have laying around my house.”

-Let’s do it. -Let’s do it. Let’s go. So, we are now in Squidward’s house… I’m just gonna grab some components for the instruments. There’s a chest around, and we should check things out a bit. I love this painting. -That is beautiful. -Yeah. It’s Squidward, obviously it’s beautiful. Oh, there’s more. And…

-It’s almost like he really likes himself. -It seems like it, for sure. Cameron, we didn’t know this when we asked you to be on this part of the episode, but your family are like huge SpongeBob fans. Yes. SpongeBob is a bit of an icon in my family’s house. My younger brother loves it.

It’s reached a point where my parents can quote episodes of SpongeBob. So yeah, it’s pretty popular in my house, to say the least. So what instruments do we want to make? We have the options to make the clarinet, the drums, the guitar and the trumpet. Which one do you want?

-I pick drums. -Oh, drums, yeah. I’m not playing, so I’m picking instruments for you two. We only have materials left for trumpet, unfortunately. -Okay, sorry. -No, no, no. Unlocked for both of us, so now we both should have these three instruments. But it’s great you have some mayonnaise, just to make sure.

Of course. It’s the best instrument, everyone knows that. Okay. “What is taking you so long? Have you found an instrument to play yet?” -Yeah, I think we have. -Okay. “Well, look at you, you look almost like a real musician.” Almost… “Let’s head to downtown and perform for some people and get warmed up.”

Okay, you’re gonna be headed around the town of Bikini Bottom and… -Yeah… -And playing for people. So let’s find some people. -I see one, I see some right over there. -Okay. -Let’s go right there. -And they didn’t ask for this concert. -But they’re gonna get it, right now. -It’s gonna be good.

-Let’s go. -Oh! -And that’s… -Whoa! Okay. -We’re entertaining people. -Nice! Okay, you got two for one on that. I’ll play the trumpet for this person. It’s really funny, because SpongeBob is just standing back there, like “Yeah, this is cool.” Let’s see what this fish has to say. Let’s go with the mayonnaise.

-That’s what mayonnaise sounds like. -Okay. -Have you ever tried playing mayonnaise? -No, but I think I will. -You should. -Okay, only three more. Oh, that’s a cute one! Oh, this one’s dancing a lot! -Yeah… -Let’s see. Let’s switch up the instruments. -Now we need one more NPC. -Okay, one more…

-Hello, Mr. Fish. -Oh… Mr. Fish has got some moves. And there we go, we did it. Time to talk to Squidward again. Okay… “Wow, you actually don’t sound terrible. I think we’re ready for the big performance at Oyster Stage. Are you ready?” -Are you two ready? -Let’s go. Let’s do it.

-And…there’s a very big crowd. -Oh, that’s awesome! -I think this is where we have to go. -Okay. Which instrument do you want to play, Cameron? -Mayonnaise, mayonnaise! -Yeah, I will go for mayonnaise. -Because it sounded awesome. -It did sound really cool. We both have to be over here in the blue circle.

-Uh-oh. -There’s a staircase to the back. -Oh, at the back? There we go. -Okay. Cameron’s just running around. And three, two, one, go. Oh, this is so cute! Let’s just wait for what Squidward is doing. Let’s see what he can do. -Whoa! -Did I see a smile? -It seemed almost like… -Smug smile.

I like that one with the microphone, ready to sing. -Oh… -And… -That’s what I like to hear. -Nice job, you two. -Thank you. -“Three…” And yeah, that was the first quest we played. We can unlock the clarinet now, which has some useful features on some later quests.

I think we’ll just drive around Bikini Bottom a little bit and check out the area. I think we can go jellyfishing. I’m not sure if we’ll be successful, but… -Jellyfishing…! -I’m down. -Okay, these are really cool. -So… Let’s go around. I think down here, we’ll get into Bikini Bottom. It’s lovely.

Actually, I love the scenery. I love this entire place, it’s so cute. We were just here for the Squidward quest and entertaining the people, but now we get a chance to look around and… This way, there’s the Barg’N-Mart. That is so cool.

Actually, I’m kind of lost now. I think I have to go right here. The road system is confusing. -I’ll just follow you. -But there’s a map. That’s true. There we are. Here are the Jellyfish Fields. We’ll just park the car in front and go catch some jellyfish. Jellies! They’re so cute!

We have a jellyfish net. This is not a quest, just something you can do to roleplay. There are a lot of interactions like this. You can just do things for the fun of doing them. Maybe I’m lucky and I can catch one right now. Actually, they like to evade you quite well.

-Oh, I got it! -Oh, nice job. -Come on, Cameron! -I see one right there, come on… -Oh! It’s so cute. -I have to jump to get it. It’s almost looks like a little ghast. Like a baby ghast from Dungeons, but a jellyfish. -Watch out. They can zap you as well. -Oh, they will?

Yeah, they can. -Oh! -That’s close, you can get him. -That was so close. -It was really, really close. -There we go. -Oh, nice job! I think we’ll go back our cars. They should be somewhere in front here. -Boats, actually, I’m sorry. -Yeah, I love the boats. They’re really, really cool.

I think the next place we want to go to, and the last place we want to go to, is the Krusty Krab and see how we can help Mr. Krabs. You can’t have a SpongeBob playthrough episode if you don’t go there. I don’t know much about SpongeBob, but I know that.

And we gotta go this way… We can do a little stop here at the Shady Shoals. The rest home for old people. Say hi, you know, just a quick visit. -Let’s say hi. -Oh my goodness. -Are you here, Cameron? Let’s go in. -I’m here. We can drop off the jellyfish, for some entertainment.

Hello, Mermaid Man. And Barnacle Boy. Here, have some fun. We’ll be going again. Bye. Bye-bye. I’m not sure what you did was nice. You threw jellyfish at them and left. They’ll forgive us. This is such a cool world. We’ll go up here. We have to go back to SpongeBob’s house, past the pineapple.

-Under the sea. -Under the sea. You can see in the background, there’s Krusty Krab. Cameron, since people are doing the poll and get to choose their favorite character between SpongeBob, Patrick and Gary, what’s your favorite character? You know, I would say Patrick. He’s my spirit animal.

He’s… No, I love Patrick. You know, he’s so carefree. I miss the days where I could be so carefree. -Now we’re grown-ups. -Yeah, now we’re grown-ups. -We just want to be a starfish. -Exactly. Okay, let’s see what we have. “SpongeBob, me boy!” I’m not sure how long I should keep this up.

“I’m glad you’re here and you brought extra labor…I mean a friend. Great, busses full of customers are on the way to the Krusty Krab. I need as much help as I can get to serve all them Krabby Patties. That’s where you come in. Serve the customers and collect their money.

Just don’t let them destroy the restaurant and me cash register. Survive for as long as you can. Think you can help me out so I can have the best day ever?” -So what do we think? -A hundred percent. -Let’s do it. -We got this. And…let’s go.

-Okay… -Wait, I was supposed to give you a goal. Okay, I’m gonna do 700 dollars in… six minutes. And if not, then you have to buy me tons of burgers. So let me explain. We have to feed all these customers that are coming in.

I just placed some burgers on the tables. It’s like a little back-up mechanic… They’ll go to those first before they run over the restaurant. To go outside, we have the spatula. And I can launch burgers at the fish. They’ll eat them and they’ll be happy, they’ll be satisfied customers.

And they’ll make us money, most importantly. How many…how many fish… How many burgers do each fish… I can’t talk. How many burgers are these fish eating? It depends. You can see some have multiple over their heads. -You can see over the head… -How many they’re gonna want. Okay.

And it actually gets… With the first waves, it’s pretty relaxed, but it gets very difficult towards the end. We’ll basically play until we get beaten, which will inevitably happen at some point. Okay, because there are just too many, you can’t… Do you sometimes let them in to the table burgers?

It feels like you could sort of lure some in and get the next wave. Yeah, when we get to a point where we’re getting overwhelmed, we’ll definitely use these and be happy that we don’t have to feed all of them ourselves. Okay, you only have 104…5…6…

A hundred-ish dollars. I don’t feel confident in… I think we’ll make it, we’ll win. Don’t you worry. Let me place… Because these are gonna get a bunch… Oh my goodness! Also, we have made a really big faux pas. They’re not burgers, they are Krabby Patties.

-Very, very different. -Have you had a Krabby Patty? I have not had a Krabby Patty, but… I feel like we’re not doing great for the restaurant brand, since we’re calling them a burger shop. Mr. Krabs will not mind, I think. -As long as we’re making him money. -The fish want Krabby Patties.

Oh no, it’s Bubble Bass. He’s a very big guy. Where is he? I can’t see him. -Oh my goodness, also… -Oh no! There we have him. Whoa! Seven Krabby Patties for that one? Yeah, he wants to eat a lot. And we also have a problem, because there are now more access points.

Cameron, are you just running away? Where are you? Yeah, I’m kind of scared right now. How mad will your family be that we called them burgers, on a scale from 1 to 10? -Well…11. -Okay. I guess I’ll find out later when I call them. Dear Cameron’s family, we’re so sorry.

And all of your team that are SpongeBob fans. And all of you that are SpongeBob fans. They’re definitely Krabby Patties. I used a Le Spatula, which is a turret… -329 dollars. -It’s getting difficult. And how much time do you have left? Not much! Oh no, oh no!

-I don’t know if you’re gonna make it. -We’ve got this, we’ve got this. -We’ll do this. -I’m using the trays now. I’m just spamming. I don’t think that this restaurant would pass a health check. Because there are just Krabby Patties everywhere.

We’re deep under the sea. I don’t think there are health checks here. -We don’t do that here. -Okay… That’s true. At the place called Krusty Krab, I think we’re fine. Yes… -Okay… -400, we’re getting there. You only have one minute left and you’re at 446 dollars with one minute left…

Oh no, oh no. -Wave six. -I’m stuck. Oh no. Wave six. Place some on the tables. They’re coming in from everywhere! -These are gonna help us as well. -Krabby Patties! -I want my tray. -Okay, there are so many. Yeah, this might be the last wave we can survive.

It’s going very, very slow with the money right now. I don’t feel great for you two. It’s really a… Okay, 30 seconds and you have 530 dollars. -We’re getting close. -You’re getting so close! -Just using my button mashing skills now. -Oh my gosh! You might be able to make it.

75% health at the cash register. 50%. Uh-oh! It’s going down so quickly now. Wait, you did it! No, I said 700. -I think we just lost. -No… Okay, I’ll say 614 dollars in Krabby Patty sales. That feels pretty good. -Valiant effort, right? -That’s a good day for the Krusty Krab.

Okay, this is amazing, and there’s a lot more that people can…like do quests, run around the world, go to all the houses, hang out. When does this come out? I don’t think I can talk about that yet, but it should be very soon. It’s not far.

-Soon is a good… I think soon sounds good. -Yeah, soon. And Cameron, will you teach your family how to play through all of this stuff? I’m gonna have to, and see if they can beat this score. They probably will… No, they won’t.

And in a few months, we will have them on the show and there will be Krabby Patty everywhere, just serving it to everyone. -“Let me show you how it’s done.” -Yeah, they’ll embarrass me. And our poll results… It was a very, very, very clear winner. First of all, Patrick 17%. Sorry, Cameron.

Gary 18%, which I find… It’s disrespectful towards the poor little fellow. The cutest little thing. But it turns out you all really, really, really like SpongeBob. So it’s cool that he’s running around with you the whole time. Thank you both so much for being here,

And thank you to all of you at home. We’ll be back on August 25th with another episode of Minecraft Now, where we hang out, play a bunch of games. Creators, our people from Mojang Studios. It’s been awesome having Alex, Jasper, Jewel, Rafael and Cameron today.

Thanks for being amazing and we’ll see you next month. Bye, everybody!

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Now: The Warden and Mangroves’, was uploaded by Minecraft on 2022-06-30 17:23:00. It has garnered 1175770 views and 52908 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:26 or 4946 seconds.

Mangrove trees and wardens are on the menu for the June episode of Minecraft Now, along with a deep dive into the Minecraft x Spongebob DLC! Our host Lydia is joined by Jasper, Cameron and Alexander, as well as special guest Rafael from Spark Universe to explore Minecraft 1.19 and more! For questions about the Player Chat Reporting Tool, more info is here: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/addressing-player-chat-reporting-tool

0:00 Countdown Clock 4:49 Intro 9:21 The Warden 25:57 How to find The Warden 29:20 Mangroves 38:39 Mangrove build 44:27 You Made It! 49:15 The Warden Mini Game 57:48 Block Buzz 1:00:38 Marketplace Updates 1:14:29 SpongeBob Mini Game

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  • Insane VTuber digs epic hole in Minecraft!! #Tukky

    Insane VTuber digs epic hole in Minecraft!! #TukkyVideo Information これさつのさ泳ぎながらの扉とかでもいい んじゃ ない 長どうしるかフェンスゲートにするか扉に するスゲどっちでもいいんじゃない めっちゃ楽しそういやどうしようかね僕も 正直どっちでもいいただま結この感じ重感 ある感じだから扉よりフェンスゲートの方 がいいかもねそれだったらっ同じした方が いいからさボコボコにしがいかも そう直してて出ちゃった This video, titled ‘【#minecraft 】めちゃくちゃ楽しそうに穴を掘るVtuber【 #vtuber #tukky 】#マイクラ #マインクラフト’, was uploaded by vtuber tukky on 2024-01-14 03:00:22. It has garnered 245 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. 🦊Tukky🦊 🦊Thank you for coming to the stream! Please spread the word on Twitter, give it a high rating, and subscribe to the channel. 🍶 🦊Enjoy the stream with comments, super chat, stickers, etc.🍶 🦊Would you like to become a member and watch the “limited videos”? 🍶 🌸Thank you for coming to… Read More


    OMG! HUGE WARDEN STATUE in MINECRAFT PE #64Video Information तो गाइज आज मैं अपने आप को रिस्क में डालकर ट्रैप करने वाला हूं एक वर्डन को वो भी एक जाइंट वर्डन स्टैचू में और अपने स्टैचू के अंदर मैं एक वर्डन को ट्रैप कर भी पाता हूं या फिर नहीं वो जानने के लिए वीडियो को एंड तक जरूर से देखना एंड अगर आपको आज की ये वीडियो पसंद आए तो इस वीडियो को जाके लाइक कर देना चैनल पे न्यू हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना एंड या एंजॉय दिस वीडियो सो गाइज अपने वॉर्डन स्टैचू को बनाने के लिए हमें काफी ज्यादा बड़े एरिया… Read More

  • 🏴‍☠️ Build EPIC Spanish Galleon in Minecraft

    🏴‍☠️ Build EPIC Spanish Galleon in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏴‍☠️ Minecraft – Spanish Galleon Build’, was uploaded by AkaLxndon on 2024-01-13 11:03:53. It has garnered 1761 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. #Minecraft #PiratesOfTheCaribbean #Gaming Welcome friends to the first major Minecraft project I have produced in YEARS. Taking well over 6 hours to make in Minecraft, this piratey themed Spanish Galleon is definitely one of my best Minecraft Pirate Ship Builds yet! The best part? I completely winged this. None of it was planned, not even me getting on Minecraft to begin with. Loosely based… Read More

  • Vinland SMP – SMP RolePlaying

    𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙎𝙈𝙋 Fresh start Support 24/7 uptime Java & Bedrock edition Custom bi-weekly events Server lore Dynmap Whitelisted 16+ In-Game Features Shoping district & player-driven economy Enhanced terrain generation Custom bosses Custom items and much more! How to join Join our Discord server Read More

  • PixelPeak

    We are PixelPeak Network, a new and growing network, we have our main modality, Towny Earth, a towny/cities modality, but with the map of the earth. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Memes #24

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Memes #24Why did the Creeper join the math club? Because it wanted to improve its EXPLODING skills! Read More

  • Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 4

    Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 4 In the Minecraft world, love and drama unfold, With characters bold, their stories untold. From basketball games to shy confessions, Friendships and romances, in all directions. Paws, the handsome one, catches everyone’s eye, But his heart belongs to someone, oh my! With kisses and love, emotions run high, In this Minecraft tale, where feelings can’t lie. So join the adventure, in this animated show, Where love and friendship, in Minecraft, grow. With twists and turns, and surprises galore, This story of love, we can’t ignore. Read More

  • Herobrine vs Dream: Spicy Minecraft Karma! 🔥

    Herobrine vs Dream: Spicy Minecraft Karma! 🔥 Herobrine thought he could outsmart Dream in Minecraft, but little did he know that karma works faster than a creeper explosion in this game! #instantkarma #minecraftmishaps Read More

  • Minecraft Animation: Ping Pong Shenanigans

    Minecraft Animation: Ping Pong Shenanigans Minecraft Ping Pong Animation: A Fun Twist in the Minecraft Universe Exploring the vast world of Minecraft always brings surprises, and the latest trend of Minecraft animations adds a whole new dimension to the game. One such unique creation is the Ping Pong animation by bagasgg50yt, a talented Minecraft animator. Engaging Gameplay The Ping Pong animation showcases a friendly game of ping pong between two Minecraft characters. The animation captures the essence of the game, complete with the back-and-forth rallies and competitive spirit. It’s a refreshing take on the traditional Minecraft gameplay, adding a fun and light-hearted element to… Read More

Minecraft – Minecraft Now: The Warden and Mangroves