Minecraft Mining Madness with Aurelia Cassiopeia!! 😲

Video Information

[Laughter] A [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] For [Laughter] Oh A [Laughter] [Laughter] Oh [Laughter] For [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] Hello hello oh my God oh my God oh my God I can’t take it anymore I can’t take it anymore eating a burger with no honey mustard eating a burger with no honey mustard turn up like my my whip just like one Notch I don’t know if that we

Are howy we are waiting for agent yeah we’ll be here Shortly she was struggling with uh technology as as we all sometimes technical difficulties always for once it wasn’t me well wait I didn’t even put the fogies up oh my God nobody can hear us haha um I forgot to put things on uh sorry PE why am I like this okay

Um anyway hello Howy so yeah we’re just waiting for agent hopefully it’ll be soon but we can chat in the meantime while we wait yes cuz I have I have to get a invited to the whatever realm you are using yeah I don’t think it’s a realm I think it’s just a world oo I

See just a world or maybe maybe it’s I don’t know I know it’s not a server it’s you and me in this world yeah some timing so come on kiss me and by me yeah come here and get some ow [ __ ] agent silence okay silence me when my homies are on my

Titties yeah my homies are also on my titties oh [ __ ] hello every oh but I can’t hear y’all okay you got to okay wait I know what the problem is yeah I know what the problem is too turned us down for lethal company yeah still cannot hear you

All right click on our pictures check the chat I have my output volume all the way up oh my God oh my God oh my God eating a eating a burger with no honey mustard check the chat right click oh [ __ ] it’s you and me in this world come

Kiss I don’t read come on here we get some get you my me can you hear us yes I can yeah you were like I got my volume all the way up and I’m sitting there [Laughter] messaging I did the same thing when I talked to a Koy recently I joined the

Call and I was like wait [ __ ] I can’t hear you yeah that also happened to me yes I’m in a a definite a second to say hello to everybody and uh get fogies put up Okay okay silly little posum hey everybody hello everyone I [ __ ] love that [ __ ] what else did they say oh my God yeah I am fine thank you hello Every script and balancing audios as we go hello every how are you fine shank you oh my God I wish I were a bird why are you speaking in English my daughter is going to America a bird I am not a bird I am a cat I am not a cat what am

I why is my jellyfish tank so dim what’s happening one of the light one of the lights go out I’ll turn it off for now even though it brings me joy Frick how was your your day today me yeah it was fine it’s crazy cuz I’m I’m off of work

Until after Christmas so I’m like who am I what do I do how do I exist you hang out you Vibe I was going to try to stream one more time before vacation but I don’t think I’ll be able to have all three of our streams open God damn yes um melon just asked me to borrow um a costume I have yeah and everything’s like a size extra small the the shorts

Are like really [ __ ] tiny oh no and I was like dude there’s no way like your ass ain’t fit I was like the shorts are like the size of one of my thighs like there just there isn’t a way yeah yeah yeah dang I’m here get some now I have it

Stuck in my head I can’t get it out of my head he’s in there it’s you and me in this world you are fing uh but yeah I’m I’m excited for trip it’s going to be fun me it’s going to be a blast I hope I get to see the Florida

Man I hope I get to see a Florida man the Florida man I remember whenever I went to Florida with friends a few years ago we were com driving back and it was late and I was being well we were leaving I think I don’t remember I don’t remember

What was happening I know we were driving and I kept taking like really blurry photos while we were driving of like the scenery as we passed and I was like oh my god look I got the Florida man like a crypted you know oh my

God so I just have a series of photos of my photo album that’s just really blurry photos cuz we I was trying to capture the Florida Man the only thing I’m sad about flying instead of driving is that I don’t get to go to bies yeah that is very sad but I’ll survive the bugies no bies but like hell I’m going to get in a car for like a whole day it’s

Okay we get to be on the same plane oh my God oh my God jause we’re traveling together oh my God the secret is out the the the uh the actual R crossover you all want the the not off collab cuz we’re not [Laughter] streaming it’s okay we can post a

Picture of our like shoot that or like you could do the vtuber thing where you all have your phones uh next to each other and with your picture of your your avatar on it oh my God we could do that yeah we’re saying that we’re we’re meeting each other going to

Florida at the same time coincidentally it’s so so a coincidence I know I cry I know if you see buff pupp girl DM tell them I love them I will especially DM yeah I love her I like whenever she posts about the food that she cooks oh yeah

Yeah yeah it makes me so happy let’s see uh friends no trash man land oh wait you have Minecraft open right now yeah [ __ ] I ain’t got that [ __ ] open it’s okay don’t are we doing is it Windows Edition yes okay it’s you and me in this world

Really if you don’t stop that’s the problem is I can’t start cuz then it doesn’t stop I can’t start I can’t start it’s so cold I got like four blankets in a little space heater oh my God yeah so C I’m wrapped in I’m wrapped in a little

Blankie I got my Cirby blanket my little Cirby mine’s just gray blue with some white AR p pattern on it this better not take 5 million years to update I did not realize I had a Minecraft update waiting it was it was a pretty quick update was pretty quick for

Me I got 40% loading screen it won’t take more than 10 minutes okay I should I should have been doing this this whole time but I didn’t even know I had an update we got it in Creative too because we’re [ __ ] and I was tired of dealing with things a but

The enemies are so funny they are they are but we have been building very important oi shrines I see yes yeah we’re yeah I was like I don’t want to survive I want to build I want to build the fighter the Builder all right I’m switching to gaming and then the rat the

Rat oh my God wait I’m not a rat YouTuber but I feel like because my mascots are rats some people get confused yeah that’s like the joke like I’m not a rat I’m not a rat I am some form of roadkill I almost thought about my God

What did I do you left I didn’t mean to she came and then she left code weo yeah yeah that’s my stuff I’m too lazy to change all mine time to Minecraft yes oh [ __ ] I forgot I was building a house oh my God yeah you

Also built an apicary I built a wizard tower and it’s kind of dog [ __ ] I want to make one of the levels like take the ceiling off and make a slime level could be funny a sponge level man I don’t know how I’m going to top my cat cafe from my

That other game I played I know what am I going to do now I don’t know I miss when I bu bu that castle that castle was [ __ ] cool maybe I’ll build it here but I’m also kind of thinking about making like a giant um lab and doing the back rooms

But bigger oh oh my god do the back rooms ju is that where you’re going to put your [ __ ] [ __ ] the the Sheep [ __ ] yes no the bane of my existence you’ll never know yipp okay I’ll never know where it is I’m just going to find

It and be really pissed off exactly I’m going to put it somewhere in the seed in this map somewhere randomly off stream so no one can even hint to you where it’s going to be and you’re going to find it one day it’s going to be really funny for

Me I need I don’t know about for you I what what world are we in uh oh I got to I got to invite yeah oh do you have a cute like skin yes oh hell yeah I can’t wait to see what yours look oh my you’ll be pleasantly

Surprised are we not friends on Minecraft I friends with Coco I friends with my name is Critter Critter ad friend it’s just capital c r i t t e r yes and then 7265 those are the numbers they they granted onto me why is Shrek on the

Menu Shrek on the menu yeah Shrek’s on my menu oh [ __ ] kind I used the wrong number I toggled on an expression and an outfit damn um do you have happened to me the other day it’s so funny aren’t you guys so glad that your models aren’t like naked underneath their clothes I

Wish mine was um because I like to commission more clothing yeah like I wanted to do I want do the uh like zent tra’s one of her models is um a Texas like cowgirl outfit and I really would love to do something like that it’s like the star spangle

Bikini oh my God yeah I just get like I would be so nervous that like one day you just toggle your clothes off I’m going to toggle my clothes off really real quick uh Critter 7265 uh do you have 120 gold and no icon for your account huh uh maybe I know I’m

Going add this person as friend and then did I add you to my friendless oh yes okay good good that is you Yes I am frog Yi for those that do not know I am a little flat [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay there we go until I make myself in Minecraft which could be a stream one day I keep talking about it and I never do it oo Critter where she is where is

She I have spawned in oh [ __ ] where’s the spawn oh I’m naked and afraid you can teleport to me yeah hold on I forgot to put the food we are in Creative I was like oh this going to be so so difficult and then I foro uh we

Are in creative mode we’re in creative mode cuz I’m a little baby and I also I’m too lazy to farm for things when it’s just when it’s just me if it were like more people and we got we made this into like a big deal um yeah it feel

Differently but whenever you make it into a big deal then everybody wanted to be involved but nobody had time to be involved and I sometimes that fun sometimes that not fun depend oh God where are the coordinates I for it’s been so long since I played hold on

I oh my model don’t like that my house is like a big box but like it’s fine why is my model lagging all of a sudden 726 7 265 yeah what do you mean wait what what are you talking about I tried to teleport you teleport wait what we can’t just

Teleport by clicking a button no got have coordinates hold on I’m try my model is lagging really bad hold on oh no where is the video sorry my mic pick up my little clicky clockies it’s okay why didn’t that happen for this one hold on I get to set my

Drink Oh that’s oh render distance that’s what I’m looking for let me lower that a little bit Drunk Minecraft stream yeah I’m drinking too help me a little bit I have amoretto and grenadine and squirt oh hello hello oh God hold on uh strawberry Soju yummy go ahead and hit that double space

Bar mama oh there you go all right now fly fly away now the McDonald’s oh them golden arches go look at my f moo Cafe and go e meet fuaa Moco my God 13 I need to build my Oshi Shrine but I haven’t decided which one I want to

Build for how do I go back down uh you hit space Oh I found it oh there’s a creeper man I could build one for goas I could build one for one of the Demons I could build one for um let’s go One Direction YouTuber One Direction that’s

Why I call luxium so I don’t have to say [Laughter] luxium it’s just and you know the orange ones just like just like Zane it’s just like it’s literally just like One Direction oh no that’s so funny so funny I think I’m the funniest person at the

Moment oh oh [ __ ] let me let me let me let me check the volume of my Minecraft I totally totally forgot yeah it’s like all the way up God damn I love the sounds of dying zombies [ __ ] let me lower this a little bit more why did that happen

Okay hi Mama hi I was fixing I think I’m running a little better now okay I lowered my render distance yay I probably need to do that my game running slow but I lazy it was more so like the game was running fine but my model was lagging like

Crazy oh yeah that happens Minecraft’s a big game yeah for no reason whenever reason it’s not for no reason think about it it’s rendering and loading what’s in front of you and like and entire world like underneath above you like literally in every direction is rendering a cube of

[ __ ] I was like I am a cube of [ __ ] there’s little Rabbids outside your house my house yeah oh you go in oops or you can just [ __ ] break my door down I don’t normally play in Creative whoopsie pleas is your [ __ ] Minecraft skin you yeah you [ __ ] what I’m jealous I made

It myself oops uh your home is lovely thank you I have to decide what I want to do now you make a oi Shrine ooshi Shrine which o oi though I know exactly see for for Axel it was easy cuz Axel was like I just got the two and I’m over here like

I’m collecting these [ __ ] like Pokemon cards I have like seven nii Sanji puppets don’t you why don’t you do the cat boy and make another Cat Cafe which cat boy which cat boy my catboy which cat I’m ohin that his name what no his no that’s not his name his name’s

Alin it took me a minute I’m so sorry so sorry to the to the nocx fans out there the tarchi are the that’s his or is that oh my God what what are what’s his fan name takari yeah takari yeah yeah thank you hello sir so I cannot wait to D at your

Establishment I know if I could only will the the guts to build in here oh the full m Cafe the does so cute I know I [ __ ] said I got it it’s very cute you did not miss anything no we’re just getting started we’re just getting

Started on the bed what’s up thank you for the head patch what if we were Silly and jumped on beds together what if we were silly [ __ ] let me in I want the blue one because I’m cool oh you guys are in their bedroom yeah [ __ ] it up haven’t noticed you I

Have noticed you I’ve been checking chat I’ve been checking chat I’ve be reading sounds like aat I’m kind of a I’m kind of literate I can’t weed well you’re a frog so that’s okay oh my God the stairs are doing weird [ __ ] aosa but flat stop doing that aary o I love aary

Diaries is it Bedrock or is Java I don’t know don’t worry about it it’s really good manga it’s Windows Edition that’s all I know I’m not a Minecraft expert Bedrock okay if it’s windows it’s Bedrock yeah yeah we play Bedrock cuz we pour people and we have friends that can connect and Java

Took forever for me to download it was literally going to take like 3 hours and I don’t have enough RAM on my PC I think my roof is tall enough I need the RAM and I’m not about to delete a monster hunter world right now yeah no I’m so

Like I need play again I play with lucky and I need to play need ask my mama if she wants to play since there’s yeah there’s another monster hunter game coming out oh I [ __ ] took down my door too really like um yeah [ __ ] on me for breaking your door I forgot the

Controls I got to decide where I want to build oh my God the rabbit followed me in my house nice there are many rabbits in my house okay I need to wake the [ __ ] up all right my bathro I want to build build so many things par that’s her house murder

Them I’m not going to murder the rabbits I do not kill animals I kill them though no I think it’s funny the little squeak they make that’s so [ __ ] up uh all right what am I building I’m flying around looking for a place to land about where I want to build I want

To build my house yeah build your house I thinking I think in hard okay mad man surveying the lands I like this big old Lake right here this is cool yeah we’re building all of our houses around them you should build your house around the lake do whatever you want

Ready yeah build in the mountains if you want you can’t do whatever you want just do whatever you want I don’t care oh [ __ ] there a little island way over Here h every day every night feel like a fool you got to know there’s big hoore right here woo oh this is my favorite part of Minecraft is I like exploring like holes in the ground so actually I like mining I like diing the children yearn for the

Mines the children yearn for the mines is me I’m the children I am the children doctor I am the sturon I am a sturgeon f hate that show just Google how to have streamers appear in your stream during collabs uh no I have the little pictures right here

Are fugy reacts is that what it’s called thank you for yeah spy reactive yeah they are yeah they are reactive through uh Discord calls yeah and they put them in in OBS in a browser Source I use yeah I use OBS I use the orbs I also use ORS hello Tom

It just makes life easy because I think my computer would try to [ __ ] itself if I did anyone else’s models yeah I’ve done it once before I have the vtube studio DLC where it’s like uh you can put each other’s models in vtube studio it’s very

Convenient it Minds 3D I don’t know how your computer would handle that she might [ __ ] herself I got hiccups no like most of my close friends don’t have uh live 2D models so I’m like I don’t get to use it very often one day one day one day day one day one

Day when I get stupid Rich I’m joking but I’m just going to go into dead for it I decided oh like actually appear oh I guess it would depend on what models you use yeah we’re using little pictures yeah thank you for yeah let’s go yeah very different welcome

Welcome we are just playing Minecraft with some friends tonight and I am building my little house and I am a frog a frog we crafting mraf I don’t even care creeper gonna make me rage I wish I knew all the lyrics this [ __ ] I don’t know all the lyrics were you

Singing K-pop yeah but Minecraft oh my God hold on and there’s one that’s like like a creeper a creeper creeper oh my God that one’s my the my favorite one though is the parody that’s like what which song is that which your hands in the air oh it’s

Dropping I don’t even care creeper going to make me rage cuz we’re Mining and crafting Minecrafting very festive tonight yeah I figured since I’m not really streaming at all the week before Christmas I would get festive now yeah I don’t got I don’t got no festive stuff I do have festive things I

Forart about them I put all my they are Tod things I found yeah I won’t be able to stream till like literally right before Christmas again so but I I have my little my little Christmas gear on o oops not you oh what is this I want to know what it

Is I can’t place it anywhere okay excuse me I love crack my neck sorry destroying Wildlife so good what’s so good about my neck oh and it went down my back and it felt so nice it does so nice Okay um build a nice base I still

Don’t really know what I’m going for I just know I want it to be cat deemed that’s cute very really of you really why is the chest so much taller than the bed me when my chest is taller than the bed me yeah sorry I was going to repeat what you just

Said and my brain like short circuited and yeah exactly what else do I one in my bedroom me I like how I can see the McDonald’s from my bedroom window just as it should be it makes me really happy I love queso sorry as long as I see them

Golden arches I know I’m safe I got to make my computer desk POG I love seeing a wild sorry someone in my chat used a emote from a streamer who I’ve been watching a lot of clips of very M nice yeah how how should I go about making a

Desk two blocks very based incredibly based of you I am I am thinking I already have these whatever I’m thinking um what color I want my walls to be I know I’m going to put glass and then colorful glass up there oh my God someone made a 7-Eleven in Minecraft that’s crazy

Oh are you looking at builds yeah I’m looking for ideas um someone you could make aini you could make a comini like a little tiny one and just have a cat manage it my friends are very quiet thank you for letting me know I could scream louder no please wow get told you

Clipped I see yeah Jesus Little John Little John Jesus Christ my voice hurts now better thank you that’s what I get uh I did a hand cam stream yesterday and I moved my PC from my studio area to my home kitchen um and in moving them back and forth all my

Shit’s real [ __ ] oh yeah so that’s also why I was like CU I was like I have to update things and then Minecraft had the update and then OBS had the update and then um none of my alerts where like the browser none of my browser links were working anymore so I

Had to go and individually go grab those links back into OBS I mean it’s okay it just means that if I do hand cam streams more than and move my computer M I’m going to have to keep that in mind like make a little checklist that’s all yeah I I go ship my

Drink and think about what I want to do I kind of want to make mine because I’m a little frog I want to make this house I think like a a green house but a house Green House house I wish you guys could see what I did for a computer monitor it’s really

Funny is it in your house yeah it’s in my house say l girly I’m running I she I’m running where the [ __ ] is your door in the front of the house and everyone’s making sels but just one person made Family Mart and that’s so based you need to make a Family

Mart oh my God sound was so loud your computer that’s good it’s good um on one of our server like the old Minecraft server I don’t know if it’s still on it one of our friends made a uh a nightclub he made a uh it was really cool and he

Decorated the wall by using um oh my God holy [ __ ] the signs and dotting them with a hyphens oh that makes sense oh okay but every time you would fly by or go by it it would take for [ __ ] ever cuz it was a big build and it was a big

Building it would take for [ __ ] ever for the game to keep up okay I don’t I don’t I’m lazy yeah no I’m too lazy to watch whatever the hell this person is trying to explain someone needs to make a bies so true let me pull up a picture

Bies and put 27 bathrooms who said make a bies they’re so based for that my boy my My Pal my buddy my pal my buddy all right what should I use what kind of block should I use for my actual Tower the thing is if

I make a bies it has to be huge as hell okay let me see p blocks whoa what don’t worry about it okay um I’m the bone blocks bies is too large to fit right here so I’m going to mark this as a place I want to build my convenience

Store later well if we built the bies across the lake like on that little Island right there yes we just expand on the island and make it a bies so we give it a giant parking lot with 30 seven gas yes it’s for where you stop your boat that would take so long

I’m down instead of like gas stations it’s little boat docks and you can pull your boat up to it yes okay my brain is my brain is braining it’s so big it’s so big oh this is what I wanted it’s massive I cower in awe at the size of

Your brain really so I am marking this oops that’s not what I want oh my God and there’s different there’s different little colored boats we could use there are there’s light pink boats reserved for really don’t touch my spot what does that do okay Nothing I still don’t know what to use for a computer a TNT block okay why don’t forget the car wash it’ be funny hell yeah no reason I won’t forget the car wash I don’t trust you I don’t trust the TNT block in my house with you around

Agent it’ be funny come on that’s fair it’d be funny though no balls you won’t yeah I don’t have balls you’re right no you got neutered so Sad whoa what the hell what the hell was that did you get a horn yeah that’s okay I I there’s a part of me that wishes we were playing Java because you can mod like instruments and stuff it’s really [ __ ] cool I didn’t pick those

Up I don’t want these okay I think I’m going to use this weird this my computer I guess it’s so big I don’t want this maybe I can use a half block and put it sideways is that possible I’m thinking there’s a dolphin hello me when

Dolphin sure that’s my computer I need a little chair okay I think this is where bies is going to be bies bies I love bies oh so bies oh [ __ ] I fell down my stairs okay um maybe I should put on like a railing here we go my computer here

Rep placing all of the ground get out of here sand we don’t need sand around here got to level out the playing field here I better make an enchantment room for that so let me just yay okay I got my computer no ball streamer I got balls but not for TNT in my

House damn damn not all agents around bro I’m going to come home and my [ __ ] shit’s going to be exploded I did blow a hole once um and to piss piss out a house on a m and I blew up the whole Mountain to be fair he

Did that on purpose he did he baited me he was like hey check this chest and I went and checked it opened it and it was a triggered trap and it blew up the whole thing it was crazy oh my God no is nuts was crazy all right what am I looking

For looking for glass glas glass long s you needed sand dollars so true me when I’m at the beach me when I’m at the beach let’s go to the beach each iny Min [ __ ] like me it’s hard to come by yeah dang it that’s all I know I’m on the floor

Floor your last chance give me more more so I can’t stand Starships to fly Beach episode yes I’m here for one thing it’s for singing random music it’s my one my one Talent I think I’ve sung three songs already since we’ve started oh [ __ ] one of those being a Minecraft fairity

Song all right I don’t know what to put in the rest of my room put your mom oh oh I got I got your mom your mom really I need you I need you to categorize not really sorry Axel oh no we need to do this live um either

Sometime or I can [ __ ] no balls do it right now I need you to rate the different um male vtubers oh God I think that would be very funny cuz you know very few okay um all right I already know what you think about my o don’t even worry about it

What how do I put a collar on an animal where are these damn ink sacks come from is it the name tag me you dropping your ink sacks on my my property where the [ __ ] did my kitten go skiy did you fall down the damn stairs

Why are there squids on my lawn get the hell out of herey get I got a little slimy cat stop running from me [ __ ] come on get out of here how do I name how do I give it how do I do I have to feed it yeah you have

To tame them right how do I how do I tame the cat fish fish with what fish fish yeah like a tropical fish no regular pish pish I look up fish and tropical fish came up pish I’m not feeding it piss damn you’re lost called be Raw it’s Cod you sure it

Doesn’t want salmon I dropped my Cod I think salmon works too I think it’s Cod or salmon I’m going use salmon not the tropical fish it smoked I gave it the salmon and it smoked o smoked salmon nummy oh maybe maybe just a c then what the

[ __ ] it’s raw right I love punching fish underwater it smoked again the cat smoked oh [ __ ] I she smoking oh I failed its chance is she smoking Reds eat the damn fish why don’t you like me do I just okay there we go I did it oh [ __ ] I was like collecting raw

Fish in the [ __ ] ocean for you all right how do I change the collar color do I just put pink dye on the cat uh I don’t know I’ve never done that before I’ve never changed collar colors does do the cats even have collar oh wait do they yes they do how do

I Starships sorry okay it did it I think is it pink star stop looking at me so I can see yeah it’s pink okay my little baby how do I name it do we not name name it you need a name tag oh man I don’t think I did that on the

Dogs it won’t nothing’s happening when I do the name oh my God the cat’s on my couch it’s so it’s doing cat stuff oh my God yay y’all better not let my cat out of my house you need a name tag an anvil that’s what it is not just a name tag

Okay okay okay cuz you put the name tag on to let that cat out as we speak in my in my most recent game I haven’t got we don’t we we don’t play in Creative in that one so I was like getting things and I hadn’t gotten to

The name tag section yet it’s been a while what what the [ __ ] is this why do I have to add stuff huh it’s like blank plus blank arrow and then another blank what are you looking at I did the Anvil and the name tag and this came

Up hold on let me look at your stream it won’t even let me name star ships are Made to Fly uh is it stuck in your head really yeah got what is this you got to put the name tag in there I’m pretty sure put the name tag

In there name tag plus what I don’t know just put it in there I did uh oh freak I don’t remember uh let’s see might also not want to put 64 name tags in there a billion I don’t know how to hold on hold on I just looked up name tag and

That was it oh you figured it out okay no I figured out how to put one name tag in there okay I looked up name tag like it would give me the Minecraft version um click on the name tag boss to and it’ll okay um what should I name my

Cat let’s see I think it’s a s little dude um I don’t know star [ __ ] it’s um to fly really you were so funny I’m sorry it stuck in my Head it’s okay it’s funny I promise you should I make the outside of this bookies what the [ __ ] why can’t I name a cat all of a sudden oh my god when I get another cat it’s over I’m not going to know what to name it J I Need a tan exterior

Sand do you think sand would work Maybe what about my God it’s so cute looking at me and yelling um oh maybe we’ll see we’ll see what that one looks like why did it do that that’s [ __ ] stupid no why would it do that why would it name it a food I think potato no not potato

Molasses um the food that I like oops I keep breaking things I okay I’m naming it corn I the the word corn just keeps popping up in my head what color is a cat it’s it’s like a s that’s fair wait come here corn porn here’s your name tag no stop moving corn

Okay son of a all right cor I’m leaving cuz I gotta go to the voko cafe I think I’m feeling name them the smooth Sandstone okay the front door will be here [ __ ] Moco has her head in the wall okay all right that’s funny let’s

See no it’s going to do like a a base so I can get an idea or Mo Coco yes rest in peace Mo Coco wait I got to replace the whole ground with concrete this is a buggies [ __ ] yeah there’s so much Wildlife on the inside of this island I

Don’t want to disturb them there’s so many fishes what if the outside is bies and the inside is just like an aquarium cuz there’s why would let me do this there’s so many fishes out here so many pish concrete why do I still hear a cat God I’m going to [ __ ] freak out

If I I have too much [ __ ] oh my God hold on why do I hear a cat I don’t know okay let me just Mo Coco here all right oh [ __ ] oh yeah what the the concrete just looks so flat I don’t like it that would be badass thank you I

Don’t want to rage at Minecraft I think that would be really [ __ ] cringe of me but it’s it’s getting there no you [ __ ] let see what this looks like okay I did it R conrete my ois how cor you [ __ ] followed me all the way out here you’re supposed to stay in

The house gra me go sit down or he’s going to follow you everywhere it’s a cat well cor are you coming the dogs don’t follow me I love the name corn or should I is it because I made the dog sit yes when they’re seated they

Stay damn fuaa and mokoko are slaves to their Cafe they are imprison sit there forever oh my God like the wait what the [ __ ] is that it’s gonna say like the corporate oh it’s a rabbit can you guys please come watch corn follow me it’s so cute trying to do

This sorry look you go that a evil sound I promise I may make that only once or twice more freak I keep pressing the wrong button Great Horn if you’re going to follow me I guess it’s fine that you’re not inside the house as long as you

Follow me yes that is what I said take a sip of my Dink and watch you guys drank dwank hold up Dr sit down drank drank if Korn got lost in a labyrinth would he be renamed to maze what does that mean Maz is French for

Corn if you got lost in a labyrinth would he be renamed to maze maze is French for corn yes yes well I’m not [ __ ] French that’s right cor tell them my cat would never be French my cat would never be French French people aren’t real no they’re

Not at least that’s what my mama says it’s okay Tom I thought it was funny I also thought it was funny it was funny I’m just stupid I hear you I hate the way the concrete powder sounds but I like the way it looks better than regular concrete concrete baby concrete conrete or

Maybe okay we may do clay blocks instead corn you got to move cuz I said so oh you’re so cute I think I’m going to die me anytime I look at a cat it’s literally a Minecraft cat and I’m like yep I’m perishing I would kill for you that’s how I feel about

Cookie I how I feel about Olive and Dolly and Olive’s a dog but still it still sounds like I’m walking on dirt funny funny he funny he ping yes that’s our house corn what if what if what if I made a little Hut like a witch hut uhuh from Milly we put just black cats in it that’d be so cute and we get one yellow cat and that’s her or we get a bunny but I know she’s a cat who yeah ooh I know you see me standing here and I’m looking and they’re looking do I look

And he looks at me and I look at him he looks at me I look at him it’s funny Oh [ __ ] I just don’t want to put this material down and then change it later fuar ASMR yes sorry I [ __ ] up oh no what happened wrong and wrong and I’m gonna in Minecraft um so you see how this one is one block over it I accidentally set it

On this block like a dingdong you’re supposed to do this and I for Gore for Gore it’s going to be keyboard ASMR until I get a new keyboard keyboard ASMR until you get a new keyboard yeah fine we’ll just do I gam one I had no money all my money went Chas and

That yeah and school can’t wait for the holidays to be over and I actually have like spending money again see I’m just realizing that doing this right now I’ve done two building streams in a row oh yeah cuz you did STS yeah oopsies no I spill [ __ ]

What I spilled my drink I spilled my diet Dr kelp my my not my diet Dr kelp Dr kelp H it’s all on my blanket I got to wash this Uh is on my my diddies like I spilled on my diddies oh my on my new shirt on the new shirt I just bought and now it’s raining in Minecraft it is raining in Minecraft all right give me just a second I’m going to go change my shirt

Okay and it’s no longer raining in Minecraft how’s a fast rain that was a fast rain I’m so glad the weather cleared up cuz like my power was flickering earlier and I was nervous about it oh no I was like well if this keeps up I don’t know what’s going to happen

Today porn you’re in the danger zone thank you I like how every time I talk to the cat it talks back to me and it can’t even like it’s Minecraft it can’t hear me go change my shirt I ripped out the cord for my mic oh no no

I it’s a goofy day everything everything is out to get you everything I can’t get nothing today at least I had like some clean shirts but I was really like cozy in that one s all right let me finish off this drink then okay I need a I need a better front shot

Of The you a jar of what I was like I need a front shot of The Bookies oh my God that’s totally not what I heard it’s a terrible photo but I’ll have to do and now I can move on to from my alcohol to my water all right y

I have DNK on my dwank me when I drink my Dr alcohol me when I drink it I drink oh my God drink drink I my little B me was so successful you’re leoty yes have you seen those mulch maxing videos yes oh my God they’re my favorite I want to become

A sister of the LOM I’ve been seeing them since right be oh my [ __ ] god right before Thanksgiving oh yeah yeah yeah I I I wish to become a a sister of the LOM oh [ __ ] watch out corn I wish for my lobotomy to be successful so that I may mulch Max for

Mulch Miss and become a soy pilled uh successful mulch investor wishing the best for you thank you I wish to munch only on mulch hay and maybe roll around in the soil why don’t they have glass doors rocks why don’t they have glass doors that’s a great

Question I don’t have an answer how am I supposed to do a true bies without a glass door Pi a go and pride I do like an open open door that’ll work if you were to if you were to be a successful mulch dealer and you invested

In bushes would it be considered a hedge fund I think it would I think it would but I don’t think that the sisters of the LOM are invested in investing in a hedge fund wondering Trader is in my [ __ ] way kill him no steal his [ __ ] why are you

Stuck right there Pi him [ __ ] him up fck him up oh my God morar Mor welcome back I’m so excited I don’t know I feel like the white ter cotta is still too dark like this is the color of buies I can’t wait to go look yes corn

Do you like how I’m building my house yeah where’s your front door uh on the other side I see it okay hey bickes at the entrances thank you I think it’s also going to be awesome have brick I need some brick I’m going to end it

All what the [ __ ] why don’t worry about it I’m just a perfectionist sorry is there water right here my God there is oops me when I no me when I break everything fies I don’t want to sometimes I wish I’d never been born at

All hey I mean if I died in a bues honestly I think that’s that’s the way to go yeah I think your family if you die in a buies uh your family should be allowed to get free gas from them until they die so true I also think that

Uh Bucky himself should should attend your funeral yes the mascot and everything yes buy funeral at the deli counter oh my God now you’re speaking my language they cater the entire funeral they have the little like candied nuts and the brisket c yeah oh my God

Oh my God this is the season oh my God I’m going to put it in my funeral that I have I want a biy funeral my will put it in my will trying to remember how this looks welcome my my silty siblings welcome my silty siblings We

Are Becoming mulch Max we are mulch maxing and soil pilled for the upcoming celebrations for mulch Miss mulch Miss I [ __ ] love that dog and the little dogs that they pick look like look horrific they’re like round and then their legs are shaved and then their feet are shaved to be like absolutely

Circular but it’s her iic those dogs look like they could go any day oh wait no this is incorrect wrong wait no it is correct okay there’s not oh [ __ ] um hold on [ __ ] I hear you okay I love breaking the glass it sounds so terrifying no wait a damn minute all

Right there is now like road to our house H from the Town Center wait a damn minute I got to move this over one brick I made it uneven I crab 65 of those now I got to put up a little sign right here breaking the glass I don’t know why

It just amuses me so much okay I know that structurally that doesn’t make sense but I do not care it is a satisfying sound I agree carry on carry on like nothing really matters okay now there’s a sign for directions to each of our houses houses awesome all right Corin let’s go find

Aelia I’m out in the salty Seas so okay I can fix it hey freak it’s raining will I be able to see you from the tower I don’t know oh I can’t there’s no ladder in here I could fly but then corn can’t come all right bye corn where are

You I don’t see you anywhere not on this little island ooo the lightning that was thunder thunder makes sound lightning all the same [ __ ] lightning baby it’s not all the same [ __ ] the Thunder is the sound the lightning makes no that is not what that is I mean technically it’s what it is

But it’s called Thunder because it’s the sound okay I see you lightning is the visuals it’s because uh light travels faster than sound yeah but [ __ ] if you don’t start getting this [ __ ] right look at me if you don’t start getting this Shir right I’m La is corn can corn not come over

Here I guess not I left corn cat can telep well corn didn’t come here corn where are you corn I [ __ ] lost corn horn my baby I knew you should have stayed inside that’s teleport unless you set it down somewhere then it’ll find you eventually corn is that you yes I had to

Go back to the Witch Tower the wizard tower did you go inside the Apothecary yes I did how did you how did you feel about it it’s very cool a [ __ ] I broke the door is there a reason why when I opened the door to the Apothecary it made a crazy [ __ ] sound

Is it is there a specific type of door you use maybe I don’t know there’s a crimson door it happened when I destroyed it it might be the door type then no it didn’t do it again oh I don’t I don’t know then sounded like magic when I came

In is there like something Enchanted in there I don’t know do you have amethyst yes in there yes yes if you walk on Amethyst or if you touch amethyst it makes like little dingly sounds yeah no it wasn’t a dingly sound like the amethyst it was like a ho like

It sounded like I opened a portal oh corn where are you I hear you there you are I would not know what else should we make I do not know I want to go see the bies see a work in progress all right I’m GNA put you

Inside cor because you can’t come to The Bu oh wow do you want me to start laying down some like land well no this I I don’t know if I want to get rid of this Pond there’s a lot of like fresh fish in here so we’re just going to have a bies

With a pond on the inside oh my [ __ ] god Corn’s huge now the best pro the best pro bies why is corn so big all of a sudden they just gr fast bro God damn it’s like those um those restaurants tie-in like they have like the which one do I remember the Taco

Bell KFC yeah but it’s the best pro shop in theza h I’m at the Taco Bell I’m at the combination T exactly yes song [ __ ] it’s one of those H Taco Bell the Pizza H your house look like aell Pizza Hut oops a it’s a certified [ __ ] Banger all right okay

What should I make right here on the other side of our of our Lake bro she she pop my [ __ ] shoulder what would what would you like to have within walking distance of your home um we already have a McDonald’s within walking distance a train station what a train station I’m not

Building a train station [ __ ] I don’t have the patience for that um Burger King a Burger King we got a McDonald’s sometimes I want flame bro oh my God I’m joking uh Pizza Pizza Hut boiled you want a Pizza Hut Pizza Hut that’s what you want by your house okay

No um I want a library on the other side of the lake okay yeah support your local libraries exactly M Pizza Pizza would [ __ ] right now Real and True thank you thank you really had a lot of pizza this week Pizza would right now to be

Honest yo is is coming together I think I need to make it a little taller though cuz like it’s what it’s what what did you say what did you say I think I need to make this a little larger too a Bucky’s entrance is imposing how are you going what are you

Going to fill the bies with I don’t know yet we’ll see when we get there Certified Freak 11 this is how we’re coping with not being able to go to bies yeah we could drive right now I’ll pick you all up road trip road trip you know um when I used to live

Only this is going to sound insane I used to live only four hours away from a bies oh and so every now and then I would just drive to bies in the middle of the night I used to live like in the Dallas area and I would uh I’d stop by bies all

The time I’m about to move to uh the big Lone Star State o the big Lone Star State yeah I think Texas should have its own form of money I think Texas should secede from America [ __ ] no they tried they tried that [ __ ] you know what it wound up

Doing it wound up blowing out all of Louisiana’s power grid too all of I mean yeah but like it left people like actually in situations where they were so [ __ ] over that people were dying in their homes so I’m like oh my God okay every time they try to do things

Differently from the rest of the US and do things under their own us regulations they [ __ ] everyone around them in a state radius over yeah but yeaw I mean yeah Yeehaw but like also I would fist fight Greg Abit to the death if I could um MRA in Minecraft in

Minecraft of course we’re playing Minecraft mhm mhm mhm mhm this is true I I see no nothing factually untrue about that oh my God you know what’s funny about this library that means that we’re putting aurelia’s job in our server so Aurelia can go to work God a slave to the government yet

Again they’ll never be okay it’s how we it’s how we have to pay them back unfortunately for giving us a chance you as an alien and me as a whatever the little guy I am yeah the government said we have to keep you under control if

You’re going to stay on earth work a government job I don’t I don’t know the government [ __ ] I wish it was me they they still don’t know that goblins are a thing I didn’t have a choice I got hit by a car sorry I didn’t mean to laugh at your

Trauma okay don’t worry about it I can barely remember it it happened so fast it’s almost like it was in the blink of a [ __ ] oh she can I put lily pads I can put Lily P oh my God I’m about to have so much fun

Put them in my home seven days a week I can not are you are you singing Jun no I’m I’m singing [ __ ] Funk version what you have to look it up you’re like what s what s yeah pet uh but it’s WAP and then it’s Funk version it’s really good okay I think

This is enough space for a library everything got really quiet hello hello oh okay don’t worry we’re we’re all focused we’re just super lasered in right now I’m Mining and crafting Minecrafting I don’t even care creeper going to make me rage gonna make me R it does look big enough

Okay I want to go visit where you putting lily pads at don’t worry about that I was coming look at your house oh I try and to put in places but I’m not really liking the placements so I may just stick them like outside in my yard just a couple

Your little green house thank you it’s a green house for a little green guy yeah ah I saw that lightning oh so now you know what it is you sure you didn’t see the [ __ ] Thunder you can’t see thunder cuz it’s Sound Thunder you [ __ ] I said the

Thunder the Thunder scared me earlier cuz it was the sound I know what the hell I’m talking about know you said the lightning and I said it’s Thunder not lightning thunder is the sound I know that but it’s still the same thing and so I’m bullying you because you actually said it right

I’m you sure that you sure you didn’t see the thunder it’s still the same thing though no God you’re going to drive me insane I don’t want to build this Library bro are you saying that libraries aren’t important yep no I’m joking sorry really it looks like you’re out of a job now

Rick what the hell am I going to do I’m just like thinking about building a library and I’m like damn that’s a lot of work okay um flowers what do you want the exterior of your job to look like bricks like what bricks are cool

Okay I don’t know how to write bies into to this building so I’m just putting [ __ ] right now there we go it’s almost like I see her what I missed my wife Tails I’m thinking of her I miss her so much I’m gonna go now o oh freck I closed one of my

References God damn it there we go really so professional using like builds I’m just out here [ __ ] oh no I’m not using builds I just have a picture of bies [ __ ] oh you have a picture of bi yeah I’m using a [ __ ] oh nobody build a bies

Yet I [ __ ] I’ll look up a build eventually I’m just like oh my God what if I [ __ ] didn’t I don’t know if anyone’s made bies in Minecraft before that would be really funny buy Minecraft okay someone has bro they’re so smart oh my God this looks way better than what I’m

Doing copy it reference it at least it would probably make your life easier how did they make the sign look so good hard work dedication look at sorry I’m not watching a YouTube tutorial I will for you not right now I will watch a YouTube tutorial for

You I would read for you really thank you oh my God [ __ ] what’s my brother said I’m so glad my friends read for me hold up one of my brothers called me I don’t know why he [ __ ] called me everybody else is home give me a second that’s kind of mean but it might be an emergency be right

Back certified freak seven days a week please help me no you’re doing it to yourself I can’t I can’t I can’t help it I can’t help it I can’t take it anymore eating a burger with no honey mustard oh are the things just the same color or am I am I stupid SOS I can’t speak puy oh oh my God how did they do this uh oh my goodness oh my God okay let’s try this again welcome back welcome he just wanted to tell me something he said that was funny to one of my other brothers cuz he was like I

Just made vulpe laugh so hard at the store and I was like what’ you tell him and he is like I said that radio head is just emo Rufus way rght um which is a very Niche vulpe joke yeah if you don’t know both of those artists I do not

Exactly and I was like buddy this is not a joke for me but thank you go back okay I’m going to but I’m a creep Weirdo one two three four five six seven that’s a lot of bricks dude oh another one one two three four five six Ain no way this buy is supposed to be that big I guess it’s bies is an imposing fellow an imposing fellow it’s a big big big big fellow before

He’s a big guy he’s kind of a big deal he’s kind of a big deal raw rabbit right what else okay I’m redoing everything I want the actual sign I’m determined okay I got the uh Library doing stuff yipp um I’m not out of the job [ __ ] there we go wait a damn

Minute this is crazy how big is the damn front of this building how big is this building it’s huge ain’t no way they said there is a way though no that’s not right I don’t understand I can’t [ __ ] Bre we’re going to leave it like that until I can get some scon is built what the hell is happening in this building okay oops oops no well I don’t I don’t Understand obviously I’m not the Builder I’m not the Builder I thought I was it’s okay really we all have our moments I’m Teasing The Rock planks y why are my neighbors always throwing [ __ ] around outside it seems not right like for real huh I’m talking about my bies oh I don’t know how how the hell did they make this sign are they using stairs hold on I might have been stupid this entire time

One two three four five I’ll just put this right here for now oops me when I’ve been stupid the entire time give me the goods sorry I don’t treat you like a goddess oh now this is starting I can’t not the not the Steven Universe karaoke is that stepen

Universe no no that’s uh Adventure Time oh [ __ ] I’m so [ __ ] tired bro there’s Marceline fake bisexual agent wow fake bisexual you he it here folks I’m just a I figured it out I’m not oh my God I see a see yeah okay I can’t wait to go over there

And look I figured it out I’m halfway through this bottle of Soju and I’m not drunk what the [ __ ] last time I got here and I was wasted maybe it’s because I ate maybe um okay okay if this is how I have to make this it’s going to be [ __ ] huge

Okay hold on let me let me think is it going to fit on the island one two three four five try to count one two three four five I think that’s on five right one two three four five so I think I have to lower this one okay well the library has Rainbow

Stained Glass so hopefully um you don’t have any uh Library did I did you just say library a library um it has rainbow St glass so hopefully no random Moms come in it’s like I um I think it’s inappropriate that you have rainbows that’s too real don’t say that I think that it’s

Inappropriate that you have rainbows in the library where kids are supposed to be here and I just find that really weird and sexual that you’re trying to um indoctrinate um indoctrinate gay culture in my Christian house you can’t it’s it’s too real it actually happens oh that’s why I said it I just

Got traumatized just now you triggered my PTSD sorry I thought it would make you laugh but no literally I I answered the phone one day um and it’s funny cuz I don’t even work in the children’s apartment but I answered the phone I guess they just called the library in

General we had a big event going on so we had a lot of people and this lady was like um I was just in the library and I just wanted to ask y’all had a rainbow over the children’s department is is that for you know and I was like oh no

Ma’am it’s for our summer reading program cuz the theme is reading colors your world and she was like even if it was you could go [ __ ] yourself well we can’t say that but I know but I can think it and she was like oh well I don’t know I I don’t think it’s

Appropriate just because of the month it is and it just because it happened to be June and I was like well it has nothing to do with that ma’am it’s for the summer reading program and she just kept going with it she was just like well I

Think you should forward my concerns to to uh to whoever and I was like yes ma’am I’ll do that for you and I and I told my boss and and she was like oh my [ __ ] God we were surprised it took so long to happen but it did

Happen and I was the one who answered the damn phone yeah uh I just think that’s so [ __ ] funny I would have been like yeah I’m definitely trying to make your children kiss each other I want to make all of your children gay why we actually we we put

Them in that room and we make them um we make them watch videos of gay people existing and living their lives and we’ like hold their eyelids open and strap them to a chair and like make them watch it I can’t believe you would make I think I can’t believe you would

Make them watch rup yeah yeah that’s exactly what we do we [ __ ] get your kids and we and we strap them into chairs and we hold their eyelids open and and suddenly your little Jimmy knows how to do a death drop and um we make them watch rupal’s

Drag race and we don’t even allow them to eat we have feeding in them so they can’t like leave the chair for like 12 hours we’re forcing them to be gay that’s what we’re doing in the library oh my God but yeah she was like she even brought up it was like

Most of the time it was just like oh she’s like I don’t think it’s appropriate because of the month and she was like well um it’s it’s so inappropriate cuz Jesus made the rainbows so it’s like they’re taking something that and I was like oh my God why am I

Having this conversation right now I was like please just kill me just take me out it was terrible I love working in a library nowadays it’s great yeah because we have to deal with the most stupid [ __ ] yeah I um you go in the direction I need

You to hey thanks I mean I work in a GameStop and it’s not much better yeah [ __ ] people come into GameStop and say um do you guys sell like game consoles here no no we don’t actually and I and I look at them and I

Go yes and they’re like well I don’t see any out and I was like yeah so that nobody just like walks out with them I would just go have you ever heard of something called theft prevention I would love to explain it to you I I

Would be so dead ass and if someone would try to say agent you know you don’t we we shouldn’t talk to customers that way I would say I’m very matter of effect and I think that customers should be aware of our policies they can just Google it

And find it but I think that we should be informed enough to tell that like I would just turn it back cuz I’ve done that before I’ve also worked for the the the game sorry it’s like I just don’t understand why because people are [ __ ] stupid

Like I just I don’t get it people don’t read people do not read I mean yeah I don’t read but people do not read um people don’t read and they don’t have like any type of like unless they’ve worked in customer service and Retail and even in some cases they

Do you have to Baby people and you have to dumb down things and explain them in the stupidest way at times and it’s not me trying to be like super condescending to customers it’s just a matter of fact when dealing with the public dude speaking oh my God I almost lost my [ __ ]

Mind having go ahead and I’ll share my own horror stories [ __ ] guy came in the GameStop and he was looking for an external hard drive but he kept saying Eternal Eternal hard drive you mean an external hard drive and he was like yeah and I was like he was asking the

Difference between like basically an SSD and an HDD for Extra Space on his like Play Station I was like okay I was explaining it to him and he kept saying Eternal hard drive and it made me like I want my drive to be Eternal I was like

I’m gonna [ __ ] lose it I also like this is this is I can’t I cannot my God I don’t know if this is like terrible of me but I cannot stand when people come in into my store and they ask me a question and I

Tell them and they go all right bet I’m like I want to kill you I hope you get in a car crash on like why would you talk to me like that yeah or like well it’s because you’re feminine you’re a girl and you’re working at a GameStop like you’re

Working in a place that people dudes come in and they try to make the look cool yeah no no straight up like that’s what would happen I wear a Star Wars shirt I got dudes gooning right in front of me and I’m like okay I need you to

Stop that [ __ ] and I need you give me your money money so I can get my job done I’m like uh I’m really [ __ ] rude like literally there was this one time where this guy came in and he was with it was it was his brother right and he was like

Selling Us games or whatever so I’m like take like you know checking him in and his brother is like um he was like you got a boyfriend and I was like No And he was like brother this guy stinks and he was like um well can I get your number and I was

Like No And he was like what you think I’m ugly and I looked at him and I said did I [ __ ] say that yeah and he was like he was like well no and I was like well then don’t put [ __ ] words in my mouth I don’t have to give you

[ __ ] God Tom just said I had a lady come into my GameStop asking for an LSD monitor oh my God no oh no what happened I think I think agent did agent’s internet die wait dude no watching all streams at one super cute render headman thank you I’m trying to be

Festive oh my God my somebody came in my chat and was like can I join and I said no they couldn’t oh Happ and he we get going off and [ __ ] sent a message and like um my mod was like no but um anyway um he’s

Like [ __ ] saying the nword oh my God and he’s calling us [ __ ] and like telling us we could suck his dick and stuff oh my God see this is exactly the point this is exactly our point these these kinds of people oh my god oh there there they go there she

Goes her internet died no I think that’s what happened no rest in peace man people are crazy yeah yeah he was he was going crazy F he was like I already told him no I responded to him and I was like no you cannot join he

Kept asking I don’t know that that I didn’t get to that extent but I remember when I played Minecraft for the first time on YouTube I had two people ask me if they could play join my game and I was like no this is a realm I’m playing

With my friend in my friend’s realm F in the chat for agent rest in peace yeah I just like looked over my chat and my mod was like Hey somebody did something that was like they basically B basically the part the reason it was flagged is because he said

The words nobody gives a [ __ ] about you shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] ass inward word oh my God and I was like and the [ __ ] ass inward like flagged it oh my God Jesus Christ people I said this the other day because there’s a group of people that

Like are trying to attack our library for very specific things that we carry um I I bet you can guess what is it the Bible no uh they like the Bible here’s what I don’t don’t like other I know you’re talking to me about the whole like sexual content thing and

It being like even like children’s puberty books and I was like they’re going to put the Bible in the sexual content that’s what I’m saying but anyway they they don’t like it that we have very specific books in our library um but I I I leaned over to my boss

During her staff meeting and was like hey can I just send an email to these people and be and just be like hey I invite you to come to the LI the library the lab the the the the little the little room I run so I you can get a

Please get a [ __ ] hobby cuz these people just don’t have hobbies and that’s how I feel about that person in your chat I know ohello I’m back I can’t connect to the world um did your internet die yeah my whole like [ __ ] just shat itself no

Was it the power or was it just no it just just my internet the cable the cable wasn’t completely secure from when I was moving [ __ ] around sorry everybody yeah I mean like I will say after I said all of that to that guy he

Just like laughed at off and I was like cool I just like I sometimes like I get really like burned out with like being social at work and people like come in and ask me stupid questions and I [ __ ] like I can’t yeah like I I can’t I can’t keep it

In oh God I accidentally made myself bigger are you so sweet are so sweet or like when people oh my god oh [ __ ] like when people are like hey do you have any more of these and I’m like no I don’t I’m sorry and they’re like you don’t

Have any in the back I’m like no I’m sorry and they’re like are you sure I I want to be like you want to [ __ ] go back there and look so I used to be like a miserable person and oh I have to sneeze bless you [ __ ] Tas for you guys okay T

Um I used to be a miserable person and one of the ways that I would find like a weird Joy not Joy but it would be something I would be always quick to do when I worked for the GameStop MH forever ago kids and I’m not talking

Like 16 like clearly and they’re 16y olds and up talking like this kid’s like 12 maybe 14 mhm still in middle school walking up to my register and going miss bab can I get GTA 6 with their [ __ ] grandma oh my God yeah I don’t let I’m like hey

I never let that fly I’m like hey uh do you know what GTA 6 is about ma’am and they’re like no I don’t and I’m like okay uh I’m GNA let you know um in the first 10 minutes I was Axel muted am I muted let me know when wrong person am I

Muted well let me know when your game is back up OBS OBS have my mic muted so sorry thank you agent okay so I used to be a miserable person there we go yeah I used to be like a miserable [ __ ] person uh because there was a lot going on in my

Life and honestly I wasn’t that miserable it it’s just some people find this to be like something a miserable [ __ ] woman would do and I’ll take that cake for that time period of my life you know had to stick up my ass you have all streams of too sorry that’s funny um but

Uh essentially I’ve had I have dealt with a lot of kids but specifically there’s one instance of like this one uh kid bringing this one kid and his very much so younger older brother and they’re Whispering back and forth to each other like yeah don’t say anything

Grandma’s going to let us get this game don’t say anything we [ __ ] play this game they’re trying to get [ __ ] GTA 6 Grand Theft Auto 6 no five sorry six hasn’t even [ __ ] come out yet we just got the trailer for six sorry they’re walking up and they’re like Miss ma’am

We want to get this game and I’m like uh okay and I look at the grandma I’m like uh ma’am do you know what GTA 5 has in it they’re like no no ma’am I do not so I flipped the game over and I list it

Out and I said just so you know within the 10 minutes yes you can toggle some of these things off but there is an unskippable cut scene in the first like 20 30 minutes of the game where one of the characters I think is [ __ ] a a sex worker

And I wish I had a salute emote just type in 07 I get on your phone for that if you just want to salute a common ways to do a undercase o and a seven um Let Me In the game there you go oh I’m sorry I got to invite y’all my bad

Thank you for letting me know I have it on my it’s like I have it in my thing with my friends but it it doesn’t let me join I have to restart my game oh oh yeah I do that I do that [ __ ] too like when people come in and they’re

Like trying to gr Buy Grand Grand Theft Auto for their like very young child I’m like yeah um it is it does have a mature rating um there’s lots of drug use and violence like the main point of the game is you know killing people and stealing

Cars you can you know like have sex with sex workers stuff like that like it’s very mature and they’re like oh okay no never mind every now explicit every now and then I do get thank you for the head bats I do get um somebody who will come in and I’ll

Explain to them like hey uh I’m back in it this is in it and they go I know what’s in it I played it when I was their age and I’m fine and I’m like oh God and and then they’re like the most canorous or like upsetting

Person to deal with in that whole transaction like the kids’s fine the other adults fine but they’re just so mad that you would even call to say that cuz I was like look I have to tell the adult this and I will still sell it to

The adult if they give the okay but like clearly these kids are like scheming with their poor Grandma who doesn’t know [ __ ] and then cuz cuz I told the kids I said hey kids look I’m not try like I would even be like I’m not trying to

Ruin your day but you’re going to go home open this game play it your grandma’s going to hear noises that she heard whenever she was in her young 20s I’m sure because there’s some way you had to get here and then she’s gonna go what the [ __ ] are these kids doing and

Then she’s going to come back here and go ma’am what and she’s going to blame me yeah I’m have like a 80 or 70y old woman with a cane like whooping my ass wild statement well I mean am I wrong like old people aren’t stupid even if

They’re like yes they are this is what you walk into nice H little fishy it’s nice to see look unfortunately listen unfortunately I think old people are [ __ ] stupid oh I can tell you as someone who works in a library where all of the tech questions get sent to our our

Desk they don’t know how to oh it’s it’s it’s so upsetting because I’m like why do you have such a nice phone if you can’t don’t even know how to use it it’s because their grandchildren buy it for them or because that’s how they get into trouble it’s I know I know I

Think that apple and I think for smartphones in general like big smartphone Brands need to make a phone for elderly yeah and it just has four apps it has contacts texting calling and maybe the internet maybe maybe if you’re allowed well they need emails now too so

Maybe like six to seven apps and then like that’s it that’s it if they’re able to play crunchy like not crunchy like Candy Crush and stuff like that if they’re able to play crunchy rooll they’re fine yeah they’re crunchy rooll then they can operate that [ __ ] and is kicking her mind has not

Gone anywhere and she is keeping up with the times um [ __ ] nothing beats oh my God I need to tell you guys about this yes I have many many many stories from working retail there’s this woman who comes in I don’t even want to say it there’s

This woman that comes in um [ __ ] and she comes and she buys like she would she oh my God [ __ ] okay she came in and she bought like $500 or like $300 worth of like apple card money oh [ __ ] and so it’s my job you know when old people come in and bu

Spend money like that to question what buying it for because so I can make sure they’re not getting scammed yeah and this woman comes in and I’m like oh are you like buying this for your grandson and she goes um no actually I play Roblox and

I’m friends with um BTS I don’t know if you know who that is they’re a popular K-pop boy group and they just they’re going to fly me out to Korea and stuff they just told me I got to send them like some money and I was like no granny

Gut granny no ma’am granny I was like you um that is not real like you’re getting scammed please do not send these people money and she she got [ __ ] mad at me no that’s what happens we’ve I’ve sometimes there’s people that come in and ask us for Tech help uh and it’s

Like it’s like this is definitely very sus but you can’t like tell them not to cuz they’re just going to get mad and so it’s like you have to figure out a way to like convince them not to without like potentially calling them stupid you

Know yeah and it’s like I get it but I’m like bro I like there’s no way yeah elderly people unfortunately it’s like elderly people Boomers and older and even some Elder Millennials and JY oh my God one of them Gen X one of them Gen X Gen X some some

Older Millennials but not most of them uh so Gen X uh and then Elder Millennials and then some of gen Alpha because I think the oldest gen Alpha right now Al that’s the youngest generation that’s the kids iPad babies that’s the generations that’s the generation that Millennials and some gen Z are

Raising mostly Millen raising kids I guess I’m technically gen Z there are there there’s a teenage pregnancy crisis in the south of the US which I cannot I mean yes until until school like people don’t teach their kids here at all not them iPad babies L

Like like it’s a it’s still a problem out here that’s crazy I’m trying to think but s welcome so J Alpha is subject to like just clicking on links if it and like of course of using like uh face ID and stuff or their parents phones for buying

Stuff but they will also click on malicious links if it’s lab properly much like I [ __ ] did as a kid um [ __ ] couldn’t go on new grounds or anything new grounds new grounds had flash games and then new grounds had other flash games I found out about in Middle School uh but we

Won’t talk about that today however stresses me out like old people old people uh they click on links they’ll get random text messages and go but the UPS they sent me an email and it’s right here in this text message and like the you can you can uh like reverse search

That phone number that sorry that really got me it’s okay it’s just that’s the kind of [ __ ] I deal with even at like working for the green the green apron uh coffee house like we literally just had to take a uh take training at work for cyber security and it was the most

Cringy [ __ ] ever but I was like this is all stuff I know but I know this is stuff none of my older co-workers know BTS been fly me soul bro I me me me in Roblox literally but like my [ __ ] like my like the thing about my

Mom my mom’s not old but like oh my mom would do it too my mom thinks that everything’s a scam like literally everything I mean it’s better does it too it’s better than everything like I [ __ ] there was one day where um I got a call and I was like

What [ __ ] number is this and I just like answered I was like hello and this woman was like hey um I’m with FedEx and she was like I have a delivery for you but it says it’s at an address in LaFayette um did and she was like well

She asked who I was and stuff and I was like yeah that’s me and she and she was like yeah it’s for an address and like uh laugh yet and I was like I do not live there and she was like that’s what I thought uh can you like confirm with

Me what you ordered and I was like yeah I ordered this and she was like okay yeah what address does it need to go to and then I told her and she was like okay I’ll get that change for you and I told my mom and she was like what if

That was a scam and they’re sending a bomb to our house and I was like if only just if only just take me out Jesus [ __ ] I was like well if our house blows up then it was a scam exactly and she was like that’s not funny and I was like

It is you’re but it is funny I was like everything’s literally fine my mom will re like she will refuse to re reverse search things and just take everything at face value which I think at some at some level that’s like kind of a blessing but my little

Brothers okay both I have two youngest Brothers they’re both minors um one of them the youngest one uh he is I’m not going to give ages but he’s in high school now he freshman um so big year no he’s a sophomore now but freshman year this started um

[ __ ] he starts going on like VR chat and [ __ ] oh no and that’s a whole different thing and I gotta explain to my mom okay in between one of my autistic brother who I am a uh care provider for so I’m I’m not allowed to correct him when I’m clocked in so I’m

Paid by the state to care for him and that helps me that helps me with school um like tremendously um but I take note of the things that they do also he’s [ __ ] love my brother he’s [ __ ] stupid like we are both autistic and I’m about to commit autism on autism crime

On him because he does not know how to delete he doesn’t know how to delete his [ __ ] like s browser search history or delete cookies or things like that like he doesn’t know how to use Incognito windows and he’s a teenage boy with hormones and I try to be respectful but

There’s a certain point where I’m like look I’m gonna I’m I’m sick of having to clean this [ __ ] up on top of cleaning up your IRL messes and having to go behind you and get you to do it and teach you how to take care of yourself and he’s

Competent enough and he knows what he’s doing and he knows he shouldn’t be looking at that stuff on he knows that there’s a way he can look at that without anyone else seeing it M mhm not that there’s anything wrong with those things but you’re in a family home of

Eight people Jesus [ __ ] dude we all use the PS4 if I want to go look up [ __ ] on YouTube I don’t want to is basically what I’m getting at so I have to go hey Mom uh just so you know um one of our brothers is yeah on the

[ __ ] PS4 because if they get their phone taken because they’re misbehaving or throwing like he he’ll have a lot of emotional outburst and we will good time in the living room no no no he brings it to his room he’ll bring the TV and the PS4 to his room and um I

Don’t live in the house I live in my studio typically sometimes I’ll go sleep on the couch in the living room if it’s too cold um or I’ll like pull up a blowout mattress I’m cool with it I don’t give a [ __ ] I wish I had siblings no you don’t

Have five I okay well I do I do have siblings I I have an older I’m the youngest though oh I I have the unfortunate uh situation of being the oldest and having really good foresight um and knowing and like really also really good hunches so I knew that

Something was up with the [ __ ] with the PS4 when I couldn’t find controllers and for some reason it’s in their room also take note they are not supposed to bring consoles into their room they’re supposed to be in an open space why to prevent the [ __ ] from happening it’s your fault buddy that

Your grades were like I tell him I’m like dude it’s your fault like I tell him in the car I tell I confront him personally not correcting him but I just give him like a hey I don’t want this to become a big thing I don’t want to have

To tell this to Mom so between you and me and I don’t want this to be embarrassing so I’m not like being really loud like we’re I’m driving him to go get Sonic or something something mhm so we’re meeting on neutral Turf I’m like look I saw some stuff on the

PlayStation you I don’t want to talk to you about it I don’t want to talk to you about what I saw I just want you to know stop bringing the PlayStation in your room and not deleting stuff this is how you delete your history this is how

You don’t let that [ __ ] follow you to where I can see what you are doing I understand you’re a teenager I don’t want to see it hi hi Kaye sorry that this is the conversation you have to on um and then the other the the youngest brother is on VR chat VR

Chat and I have to explain to my mom so in the same like week I’m dealing with one brother looking at porn on the PlayStation 4 in his own room and have to discuss with my parents like hey at night you’re going to need one of them

To bring the PS4 down because taking just their phones and their computers away is not enough because if there’s a screen there’s a way um there’s a screen there’s a way it’s like a [ __ ] it’s but uh on the other hand I’m like the other brothers on VR chat hanging

Out as a minor with a bunch of adults and I know he is because he comes to me he’s like my friends were drinking in our chat last night and this and this and they’re they’re they’re talking to me and they’re like wow you’re really mature for your age that’s the biggest

[ __ ] red flag of I’ve ever heard and I’m like I have to look at him I’m like okay the the the best words the worst words you can hear and I’m like putting my hands on his shoulder I’m like buddy look I love you so much you are you are

My baby brother I am not saying this because I’m trying to helicopter you because you’ve confided this in me but I want you to know that I do have to tell this to Mom because if something happens to you because she doesn’t know what VR

Chat is she my mom’s like Oh it’s just a public forum like Reddit which also they um maybe when he’s a senior in high school I don’t give a [ __ ] but like he’s he’s got to focus on school he’s already dealing with depression and his own [ __ ]

I’m not going to air that on the internet because it’s his business but like it’s just like I love him and I say it to be like hey dude hey dudem if you wanted to keep doing this you shouldn’t tell your eldest sibling who has to report this to my parents are

Teenagers is the scariest place on Earth that shouldn’t even be a thing yeah I’m sorry I feel like unfort like teenagers definitely have access to the internet more so than they ever had but I had to tell I was like hey buddy hey Bubba just so you know hey Bubba like

Yeah cuz that’s what I call my brother I call him Bubba um so this my youngest brother I’m like hey you were staying up to 4: or 3: in the morning because there was a spider infestation in my studio for a while I was dealing with a lot of other stuff

Right before I debuted um so I was sleeping on a mattress upstairs which is right next to his room and I would go to sleep get ready to go to school like preparing to go to school like get enough [ __ ] sleep and I suddenly wake up at 2 in the morning and

I’m hearing my my brother cutting the [ __ ] and I’m like hey I go bang on his door I’m like go to sleep and it’s a couple rounds of that until I’m [ __ ] fed up because I’m I’m losing sleep over how loud he’s being and then I can hear his friends over the

The Oculus and everything and I’m like hey you can have friends I don’t mind but like it’s getting hard to wake you up in the morning and I got to bring you to school I’m ready for you to blow up and go on an interview and explain this

Jesus [ __ ] oh my God no no I would maybe I don’t know I’m just I’m I’m protective of my siblings because I’ve definitely been prayed on on the internet I definitely lived in the hype of 2014 tumblr oh yeah um e girl era I don’t

Think I even have photos of me from back then but like definitely lived through that definitely was hanging out with people I should not have been hanging out with they were much too old for me to be I had with unrestricted internet access as a child me too and um not me

Whenever whenever people like make memes that are like like I see these memes all the time and maybe like nobody else sees them and it just targeted audience type [ __ ] but like I see Memes all the time that are like that are like people being like Oh when

I was like 10 or 12 or whatever I was um doing XYZ and then the other person was like I was getting groomed by adults on Kick and I was like oh kick not kick there it is Jesus not not old kick not new kick old kick um people beam linked

Me on my old twitch and I shut my Wi-Fi off and I was so scared to tell my dad Jesus Buck I was even on Twitch when I was finally like I didn’t do live streams at all until I was like 1918 when I was underage I like stayed I

I knew I was like my parents are really protective of me going on the internet until I got my own phone um but I was like look um the worst [ __ ] I did was just go on like the 18 plus side of new grounds before I really

Should have and and read higashi before really being a grown adult yeah honestly if I can be real with you on that and like joining what is it uh was I 17 no I was freshly 18 I joined a RP server and I quickly left it um this is right

Whenever undertale just hit Peak like just hit Peak even though I was trying to beg people to play it cuz I had played it I think 3 days before Markiplier published his life I was like people play this and they’re like maybe I don’t know and then he played it and

Everybody played it it was so [ __ ] good um and now we have you know 18 different versions of sans’s dick on the internet um anyway I was there was like a Homestuck RP Forum oh God oh God and you could set up groups and rename your character I cannot remember what the f

It was like some type of cat for him and like that was something I quickly left because I just wanted to be toriel and be a cute mom figure and just have a fun cute cozy time and be sweet and loving and they just wanted to do porn [ __ ]

Yeah as gaster and a bunch of other characters and I was like okay I’m leaving bye guys yeah I uh no offense to them if they ever see this I that’s like the most I did yeah I I do there was one time where I did get

Caught kind of and I was punished and it was like because my whenever I was homeschooled my mom I had like a laptop and my mom came into my room and I had fallen asleep while I was on like oh [ __ ] what was it called I can’t remember what the [ __ ] it

Was called um describe it and I probably know what it is it’s like it’s not okay it’s not um omigle but it was like IMVU no the website was like it was orange and it was like you could go and find like random like group video

Calls it was omegal or rabbit my skin is so cute thank you I’m a little I thought I thought o omegal was like like you like random people like one one rabbit I think rabbit had uh it shut down a while ago yeah this wasn’t this wasn’t oneon-one like video

Chat group chats yeah yeah I think rabbit and you could just like randomly join and I there was one and the reason I was up so late is cuz it was one that had a bunch of [ __ ] people from England and it wasn’t like it wasn’t just

Dudes yeah it was like it was just people and they were like they were like dudes and chicks but they were and they were like teens but I was like older teens yeah they were like 16 to 18 and I was like 10 um I see and I because of the

Time difference I had accidentally fallen asleep like on video chat and like they had all fallen asleep too and when and we would just like sleep on video like that we I would like hang out with them like every night mhm oh and they were just some people and I fell

Asleep and didn’t wake up to like turn my computer off and [ __ ] and my mom came in my room and saw that I was like on a video call with a bunch of like older strangers and I got then I started having uh restricted internet access oh and then there was

There was one day where like I was on my laptop my monitor with my um in the same room with my brother and my brother was like what are you doing and I was like listening to music and he came and looked at my SC screen and like I was

Listening to Blood on the Dance Floor which like we’re we’re not going to get into that um that made me feel so old and and he was like he like looked at me and he started like smirking and I was like why are you smirking and then he went he yelled he

Was like Mom Axel um Axel’s talking to strangers on the internet and my mom I never saw my mom move so [ __ ] fast and I was like he’s lying he’s a liar he doesn’t doesn’t know what he’s talking about but yeah no I mean like I I like vividly

Like I the only reason like I started I found porn and stuff when I was like eight or nine cuz I just like had unrestricted internet access I would like do crazy [ __ ] cuz I was a kid like I would play World of Warcraft with random men that

Would add me on Facebook God Jes Christ um that likeing from a different country like it and it was like it was crazy like I would just be like yeah I’ll play WoW with you some like dude that add me on Facebook his name was probably like

Omar or something like all I’m going to say is even though in the moment I was sad when I hear stories like this I’m like man my mom was so smart when she didn’t give me unlimited internet access yeah bro was sometimes I feel oh [ __ ] oh no I’m

Sorry my bad my bad I miss my uh I feel like because I had unlimited internet X access and like yeah it [ __ ] me up real bad um I definitely feel like because of it the dangers not only do I know the dangers and not only can I tell my

Brothers I’m like look I don’t care what you do online 100% but like wait till you’re a bit older or at least be more careful who you’re hanging out with and also set boundaries you’re too young to really enforce boundaries on yourself because your friends saying let’s play lethal company until 2: a.m.

And they’re all drinking and having a good time because they’re all in college and you’re just a 17-year-old who has to go to school in the morning for 7even hours the next day and they don’t give a [ __ ] about your well-being you know they’re going to do that yeah yeah it’s like that

Every it’s like that and also like I cannot I like I cannot stress like I I have gotten into arguments with people about this because I’m like I cannot stress that when somebody tells you that you’re mature for your age that is like Predator you don’t ever you don’t like

I and even if they don’t mean it Predator say that say that to children like never like you’re mature for your age like there’s so many other things you could say to like depict what you’re meaning like you could say like oh like um you’re really in touch with your

Emotions that’s cool or like oh you’re very intelligent or oh you you’re like good about not making risky decisions like you can say don’t make it about their age you yeah you can you can say like you can say like they have like mature aspects without being like Oh

You’re mature for your age cuz I just think that’s so like even if you don’t mean it in a bad way like there are people who will say that to you and they mean it in a way to like they’re saying it to make you feel like you you are

Trust them you can trust them and they’re like and they care about you and they care about you and that like they understand you and nobody else does and that like you you should be hanging out with people who are older than you because you’re you’re better than

Everybody else you’re it’s just oh my God like literally literally literally this one time I like met this girl and she was basically like she knew me because her friend was dating my ex and I was like how old’s your how old’s your friend and she was like she just turned

17 and I was like at the time I was like my ex is 22 right now um Jesus I was like uh your friend should not be dating my ex cuz that’s like gross and he’s a predator if that’s the case and her response was well my boyfriend’s like 24

And my mom’s okay with it and I was like I don’t give a [ __ ] I was like that’s [ __ ] weird like that weird and that’s gross and you’re getting like prayed on and she was like you don’t [ __ ] know what you’re talking about and I was like

Okay I was like that I was like yeah I don’t know what I’m talking about nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare yeah exactly up I’m always like I don’t know man like and it’s like crazy to think about cuz like even right now like okay I’m 24 right I [ __ ] talk to a

17-year-old and I feel like I’m talking to a toddler it’s like I like like I’m just like how like even even the age Gap from like 20 to 17 like it’s not even that big but like bro the like different type of [ __ ] that happens when you’re 20 to compared to when

You’re 17 like I I can’t like I think about whenever I was 20 years old and I was doing some [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] and to be fair I was doing crazy [ __ ] when I was 17 too but like I 17 year olds do not need to be around people who are in

Their 20s like unless it’s like family or like you know they’re in college they can’t help it or it’s like yeah and there sitations like that and some kids genuinely have the maturity to hang around that but typically they’re not like in a one-onone space or like in a

Space where they can’t advoc they can’t not advocate for themselves or feel like they can’t set a boundary properly like for instance with the with the VR chat stuff with my with my brother’s situation I have yet to figure out who it is but my brother’s like yeah my my

Whole friend group is like streaming and they’re staying up until like 3:00 in the morning and they expect me to edit for them and eventually when they hit it big they’re going to pay me and that is like continuously like he still goes off about how great of an experience that is

Going to be for him and I’m like buddy I hate to be like this but I’m like they your friends if they are keeping you up from and making you fail high school it’s where you won’t be able to get employed for work in the US like you at least need a

GED and you not getting sleep is causing you to miss school it’s making him sick like they’re causing him to be sick but they don’t care cuz it’s not their responsibility I tell them like that VR chat is [ __ ] terrifying I it’s a whole listen I definitely want to play because

It seems like fun and sometimes it can be but like for kids I’m like nah speaking VR chat I had a cringe experience at work the other day please tell please share the this couple this like okay these parents came in and they were asking about um The Meta Quest

Because they were thinking about buying one for their son and they were like yeah he’s like he really he’s really into like like he wants to start playing VR chat and stuff and this couple in the store goes oh my God we totally recommend it we actually met on VR chat

And we were in a loving relationship together and I was like I mean I was like oh my God that that makes me [ __ ] like oh it makes me want to die I like I could not oh my God like I couldn’t I couldn’t get on VR chat and

Like start dating a person I don’t know I’ve never seen like I I like couldn’t I like there’s no [ __ ] way and I was just like this random like Teenage couple advocating for VR chat for a little boy because they met on it and they’re in

Love and I was like oh they were teenagers yeah no I thought you meant like they’re an adult couple and I’m like well that’s like I didn’t hear all of it I’m sorry I was reading up on chat they were they were teenagers no oh no

Yeah and I think like the girl had like flown out to like see him or whatever and I’m like that’s like there’s nothing wrong with it I guess but I was just like dude when I had a girlfriend dve down to meet me for the first time cuz I

Was dating her on tumblr.com um she told me that she was dating six other people and I had to accept that or we couldn’t continue to date and then I got put in conversion therapy cuz my parents found out I was dating a girl but they also didn’t know it was conversion therapy

They just thought I was going to seek guidance counseling um so I’ve forgiven my parents for all that because they genuinely did know yeah my parents are now a lot more accepting of my siblings who are not straight um but at the same time oh my God like that was my last

Experience with eating [ __ ] not the Titanic flute you know I will say I I have I have was a whammy U but now I’m when now I’m fortunate and I got back into eating by joining hinge and I got very that’s not eating that’s different I’m joking

Teasing being sarcastic sorry okay I was being fous um no I got on hinge after two years of not dating after the last person I dated um because that was a mess in and of itself that I’ll never talk about on stream I’d rather literally graduate before I talk about

The majority of my experiences with the last person I dated uh but um anyways I got very very lucky after a two-year break of like no dating like I just worked on myself did therapy stuff and like went to school and like no life to [ __ ] ton of anime video games

And just was happy and then I was like I try eating just because I don’t really know anybody in my in my town anymore um they’ve all moved or graduated or gone on with their lives so let me let me try that and then I found lucky through that

Um and like I said I got lucky that I found lucky um and that we just both happen to work at the same agency that I’m employed at because he’s a part of my lore um but IRL I got really really lucky you’re straight so the chances of you getting a

Girlfriend is 1% you got to look and you got to dig but um lucky was straight and then he dated me and I’m non-binary but F presenting so I pass for family reasons but I don’t think they would care even if I didn’t um but I live in

Ye Old South so I’m not really trying to trying to get disappeared get disappeared get disappeared the nicest way I can say yeah get disappeared idiot um now I got very lucky and but he’s only two years older than me and he’s very very kind and gentle and sweet in

Fact he was really sick this week and I wasn’t feeling well and I showed up while he was on his shift um and I wasn’t doing much that day so I made some soup from scratch I brought it to him it was very sweet I brought it to him he messaged me

After I left well I gave it to him and I didn’t hug on him because he’s sick and I’m not trying to get sick but I just like held his hand for a bit and I said here you go um cuz I cook and bake a lot

Just by just because I like to do that I like to eat and I like cooking things and making making things for other people is a love language of mine Oh Me Oh it’s bad exactly I literally wait I made like all of my friends

Gumbo and I was like so nice y’all got to eat it wait speaking of that I managed to teleport some to REI I need to know if you guys ate it yet I haven’t goodbye fishy goodbye fish you’re fake I will tomorrow you’re a fake friend

No you’re fake as [ __ ] I’m not a fake friend good luck with your song fishy you need a gentle sweet boy FR but Amazon says they’re out of stock oh oh I just I got fortunate um now I did disregard an entire red flag of mine

Whenever I found lucky and he this is no offense if you are one or if you have family in it but he’s a military he was a military guy he’s no longer in the military he he has done his contract and he is done with his contract and now he’s a he’s a

Pilot yeah so he was in the Air Force no he was in the Navy oh um I mean here’s something that I will say that I’ve noticed about most people who are military people I’m also good experience too much um military people who are in the military like nine times out of 10

[ __ ] hate the government like they’re like I just did it I just did it for money like you understandably so yeah I was like there you know what so so he’s a he’s a he’s a veteran and but where we live or where I live specifically um that’s a that’s kind of

Like a that’s an orange flag so I ignored that orange flag cuz I’m like okay he has a dog he likes the kind of music I like he’s not way too much older than me and he’s definitely not younger than me um he’s messaging me first so that’s nice

Because I hate being the one to reach out um and he is making a very neutral Turf date plan we met up at a coffee shop our first date salid I got lemonade cuz I didn’t want any caffeine I thought I was going to [ __ ] myself I had been on

A hadn’t been on a date with a with like a man in so long so I was like okay I’m really nervous I have a I have a dude in one of my courses who doesn’t trust the government at all honestly I’m like I don’t trust the government at all either

I don’t trust it but I have to I have to they they pay my paychecks I can’t complain um I’m like planning on going to college soon and one of the things I thought about majoring in was political science cuz like [ __ ] bro you [ __ ] get me talking about the government and

I could do it for like hours I’m like oh my God it’s so bad I can’t I can’t always speak too much because I’ll I will like literally start getting upset over how many like systemic issues the US has but then I’ll start thinking about how we [ __ ] over

Other countries and how we continue to [ __ ] over other countries and then I get mad and then I get sad mad and I get so sad and mad that I can’t think about anything else so I can’t go to too deep on it when I get deep on it but I have

Basically what I think is um the money that’s being used to go back into the pockets of politicians who aren’t really actually standing firmly on their beliefs all the time really should be going into our schools and bettering neighborhoods um lot of Crisis and helping a lot of

Opinions on the street and that’s how I feel honestly I just think people deserve things I I do have some opinions that people won’t agree with so but I think I don’t know that’s fair like um I’m also like when I feel my right now yeah I’m not getting

Specific I’m not getting specifically political I’m just saying like in my in my stuff yes um while I feel those things and I’ve preached on them in the past definitely on stream while playing sua for sure oh yeah I get [ __ ] I get I get

Kind of I get kind of political on my streams if if it gets brought up I’m like oh but I only talk about us you done started talking about one of my favorite subjects yeah’s go I talk I talk about stuff that affects me directly or could better me directly or

I talk I talk about things that I have experience on or I talk about things that I see and also in bringing it up I go I understand that know it’s not going to ever be perfect and in imple implementing whatever that is that means that we’re going to have to cut

Something out because they’re never gonna fully fund XYZ without hurting ABC you know what I think I think that we shouldn’t have money at all and we should go back to a baring System trading cow that’s what the farmers markets are for we don’t even have to like trade cows dude like think

About it okay think about this for a second all right the farmers markets are for I I can like I can do hair and I can do goods and services like I like if I like [ __ ] do something for you do something for me like I like I don’t

Even think like I don’t know like a part of me feels like we shouldn’t even have grocery stores really we should just like have people who like enjoy gardening and stuff in our Comm like we should live in communities like communal tongue is stuck out and they [ __ ] you

Know like there’s one person that that’s like I really like gardening you’re like cool grow the [ __ ] crops for this small community and they do and then you do services for them and they give you the crops and it’s like I went through all my toggles just now sorry my tongue

Was stuck I [ __ ] like I I don’t know man I F I hate money I hate money it’s the RO of all evil it’s the it’s the biggest stressor um in the average person’s life is money yeah it’s the biggest stresser in the average person’s life and it’s

One of the things that like really like humans are susceptible to Greed no matter what we do that’s why no form of that’s why no form of government is ever going to work because people I’m so glad you’re above Humanity aelia yeah for real you just be like not

Me I’m not human so sucks to suck butu yeah I’m just kind of like we need money excuse me oh I [ __ ] it up okay okay the upstairs of this libr walls of glass it’s almost like a super Walmart Jesus Christ it’s a super wmart space politics

That whole the whole island is a bues like there’s nothing El that’s the point this is insane I’m taking a screen cap of this you’re space politics is wild that’s why I left well get the hell out of there you think space politics is worse than America politics

Maybe I don’t know they got like Intergalactic Wars and [ __ ] and I have no idea how space Lally I’m literally like 80% positive that in a couple years we will also have Intergalactic Wars oh no you know the US has a space force right yeah exctly what the [ __ ] do we

Need that for how about how about we try to [ __ ] get the [ __ ] on the planet solved first before we involve everything else yeah no God damn I wish everybody would mind their own goddamn business makes me so [ __ ] angry space force like why why the [ __ ] why the [ __ ] does the

Government 400 gas pumps yes afford groceries right what the [ __ ] how about you how about you give a [ __ ] about me before you give a [ __ ] about other people okay I I like am an American we’re not going to have gas pumps we’re gonna have uh an

American boat stops boat pumps yeah yeah boat hell yeah I’m just wandering around um I’m building a library yeah the only the only political things I complain about on stream is literally involving with my work because I work for a government library and we deal with some [ __ ] that’s for

Sure yeah I don’t talk about politics other than like blatant like this is my St on blank yeah um I have like actually apologies for not following it but I have like a no politics like heavy politics discussion but I will like explain to people how the US system

Works because some some of my some of my followers some of my friends some of my siblings are Filipino based or outside of the US or they live in Asia yeah and then all you got to tell them is a bunch of really greedy Rich dudes have all the

Money and everybody else suffers yeah works and for them they’re just like oh it’s just like here sometimes it’s just like every other country any other country um it’s just it’s it’s worse because of how big we are yeah yeah we’re a bunch of little countries that

One big country yes B pro the idea I had is that there’s a nice little Lake on the inside of this island that has a lot of tropical fish that I don’t want to disturb so it’s going to be a combination bies and Bass Pro Shop wait did you start the Bass Pro

Shop no it’s going to it’s going to be like on the inside you know how they have like you go to the mall and they have like Sephora in like the middle of a of a different store of like a j p yes exactly yeah like

That it’s going to be a bass pro shop inside of the bies oh I was going to say earlier in regards to like retail stories um one of my funniest moments was okay so like a big thing for GameStop if you’re working there that gets your store numbers up or

It did when I was working there years ago before I was employed as a secret agent um we all have to make that bank somehow we all have to make that bank somehow I started with that and I was going to school um basically you like a big thing of

Working there is doing tradein you know uh you give me the $700 PlayStation infinity and I give you two pennies um and maybe maybe I’ll spit in your drink for you you know yeah people [ __ ] come in and they’re like how much am I going to get for this and I

Tell them and they’re like are you [ __ ] serious and I was like yeah it’s GameStop we’ve always sucked I don’t know why you’re acting like this is new information like if you want something better definitely list it on Facebook Market play like I’ve told people straight up I’m like look if you want

Better um you’re not going to get it from the local pawn shop because they’re going to sell it for three times they’re going to sell it for twice what we’ll resell it for and then I mean some places are different but the ones that were near my

Store um it was like they resold for two or three times more yeah no it’s it’s like it’s literally and and I’ll tell people like oh you can Facebook Marketplace or whatever and they’re like yeah but what if I get scammed and I’m like that’s the risk you’re willing to

Take for getting more money then keep your system and shut the [ __ ] up or sell it on brother I’m so [ __ ] glad somebody else has work their God it’s so crazy the [ __ ] that they and you know it’s even crazier the years I worked there and I’m doing like payment

Protection programs that they’re like enforcing us to like they were enforcing like employees to really push [ __ ] like that like you you get what I mean and the the Pro Plan and the premium Pro Plan the the paid like5 to $15 plan that you pay yearly I think

They did away with that the subscription cards still there it’s still there and guess how much it is for a year it’s probably [ __ ] 25 or 30 bucks I bet it’s $25 I [ __ ] called it look at me go it’s been years um but yeah and the

Deals are it’s pay $25 a year and you might get $5 off of God of War Ragnarok whenever it’s $30 on off on Steam you know you get five off um you get $ five off every month yeah you get you get a $5 coupon every month all the money you

Spend turns into points that you can therefore use and then like you get special bonuses when things go on clearance or whenever things go on sale Pro sale days week yeah every every I remember I remember the coolest thing about working at GameStop for me was my

Store manager was a badass and honestly I wish that I would have stayed working for her a little longer before she quit uh they used to have manager conferences for GameStop I don’t know if they still do those um they leave all the store managers leave for conference which is

Paid store managers not assistant management um not key holders and definitely not basic level employees they leave or they would leave for about like a week for conference conference yeah and at conference they get to test out new games coming out so that they can tell their employees and staff

What’s up they get a excuse me a [ __ ] ton of freebies and it’s good [ __ ] like it’s actually good [ __ ] you don’t get good [ __ ] anymore no I I don’t I believe it but like my boss is like hey agent you like Assassin’s Creed decently and I

Was like yeah um here’s like the deluxe 95 whatever the highest version at the time of here’s a code basically um and it’s free because I’m not GNA [ __ ] play this game uh with all the DLC that Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will ever have a free game free

DLC almost 80 bucks I don’t have to pay and I was like oh [ __ ] she just wanted the the uh fallout stuff cuz she was a big Fallout nerd um but at that time they gave out like really good games like game test the only thing is it’s not a physical game

So you can’t trade it in for currency um it’s just a digital code that was like they’re kind of like a damn I can’t like make anything off it but you know know what I’m going to play Assassin’s Creed Odyssey I wound up not liking the game but I did play through it

Um that was like my coolest experience there uh I got robbed a lot that’s like the most I’ve ever been robbed at at a job at any location I worked at for GameStop um that was the most I had ever been threatened physically too by customers oh my God yeah [ __ ] wish somebody

Would do that [ __ ] to it literally was so [ __ ] exhausting um I’m I’m I know you guys know because you know me but I am so ready for a fight like all the time like literally this one woman like Christ she [ __ ] like oh my God it pissed me off just

Thinking about it she came in and she was like I got a warranty for this PS5 I want to use it and I was like okay cool well the computer was like [ __ ] acting weird and it wouldn’t let me like do her War another breed bro and I was

Like okay I was like the computer’s like acting weird and won’t let me do it which is wrong so um I’m going to call somebody to to make sure like I’m doing things right and so we can like bypass this and I can make sure you get you

Know your warranty that you paid for and the whole time instead of just being like okay thank you she was like oh I’m going to get my [ __ ] I [ __ ] paid for it and I looked at her and I was like I’m literally trying to help you if you don’t Cal down you

Can walk out of here with nothing I don’t give a [ __ ] and then she started yelling at me and I was like yell at me one more time and I will call the cops and get you kicked out of the store stopped I was like what are you I was

Like what are you going to do come across this [ __ ] table and hit me I want you to please hit me I will Soo the [ __ ] out of you we got cameras I’m like I’m so ready for a fight and I’m like really short oh [ __ ] keep going sorry I just remembered

Something sitting behind the counter and I’m like looking at these people who are much larger than me and I’m like I’m not scared of you it’s so every day I wait it’s it’s like I kind of I kind of teether the line like I’m I’m like nice to customers but

I’m I have a little bit of attitude cuz I want one of them to like pop off on me so bad so I can just lose it Jesus Christ hold on I’m checking my phone okay I have no messages so the years uh 2018 2017 so it’s been a hot

Minute I start working at GameStop I only worked at GameStop for under a year because I found I got a better offer for better pay um understandably so that now that led me to work into food which was a whole n like food on top of being

Retail but oh listen I prefer retail over food any day um I like I got paid better when I worked food I get paid more working food than I do currently working for the government as a personal care assistant um for disabled individuals but I get paid more working through Straight under

Medicaid than working through um working through local like PCA whatever like local care fac facilities for families they they uh they scam families but um the first week in like 2017 that I worked for GameStop m i uh I’m like freshly 20 maybe 21 and I start working there and I’m

Like great my first retail job after doing my internship for school um this won’t go horribly wrong literally within the first week I become really good friends with my assistant management um oh no there it is that’s where it starts well she came from another store that uh so each there are

Different tiers of GameStop stores you’ll notice that some are have more trade tradeing goods some of them have more merchandise uh I can’t remember what grade system they use I used to be like really deep in the sauce on knowing all that [ __ ] because autism so I study fit thoroughly like that

Um essentially some stores are really good at like they receive a ton of promo stuff they receive a ton of merch or they receive a ton of tradein stuff because they’re constantly trading in or selling uh reown refurbished or pre-owned Goods you know what I get a ton of [ __ ] stuff

In you know what I get a ton of in F Pokemon Funko pops are a big thing about they’ve always been sell pops they do not sell in our storees I don’t understand why we have we have so many Pops that like we have like piles of

Pops on the floor in random places in the store because we don’t have enough fixtures for all the [ __ ] pops we have I also hate Funko Pops I hate Funko Pops because they’ve ruined like collecting honestly there are a bunch of characters that get Funko pops before

They ever I’d rather get a neroid at this point like nids are cute nids are cute but they’re starting to get to the level of there are so many it’s almost as bad as Funko Pops there’s a lot um cuz you can only do so much with nendos

But you can do more with a nendo than you can a Funko I will say that so I’m not going to [ __ ] on them too bad because I also so like good smile and I I I I shovel a lot of money towards good smile so I’m going to be really [ __ ]

Quiet on that now from now on now um as someone who has over probably like a good Grand and a half in figures behind me right now as I’m speaking um like for real I [ __ ] hate fko Pops I have one figure and it’s rayami okay I’m gonna turn around

But before I go on basically that assistant manager within that week got fired because she was um stealing oh god um and earlier that week she was like yeah we just had like two systems stolen today she arranged it by getting her roommate in on it so she had her

Roommate who had never been into any of the stores and wasn’t affiliated with her so nobody could pinpoint who he was come in and um because it’s all insured They Don’t Really call the cops they just write it off unless it’s like brand new PlayStations or something that aren’t

Supposed to be released to the public then we get in trouble because we get in trouble with or I don’t work there anymore we would get in trouble because that did happen to me I’ve had two Spider-Man PS4s stolen at my at one store that we had to call the cops on to

Get a report we just we we’re missing to Spider-Man p in our store like don’t know what happened to them and I’m like look at me I don’t give a [ __ ] I [ __ ] I’m like well those dudes were armed so that was scary oh my God she was in on people being

Armed at the store no no no no no no no two separate instances this guy stole um refurbished consoles that she brought to the front cuz she was like oh hey how can I help you and she brings the consoles up and then he’s like well

I don’t think I really want Xbox now that we’re going over it I think on a PlayStation and she left the console out on the on the oh I see at the register and he pulled around and nabbed it it was like a Xbox One or something and and

I’m probably wrong it was some type of like $2 $300 tradein value console at the time he nabs it runs out the door um he turns around and sells it at a local pawn shop because they didn’t go to the cops to check the IBN numbers and stuff

Like the the [ __ ] serial numbers on the console so because it’s an insured it’s insured but uh she got in trouble for stealing new [ __ ] that wasn’t supposed to go out on the floor yet not consoles it was a Kirby game it’s her [ __ ] fault she was stupid she left the I even

Told her I was like you’re [ __ ] stupid you left the case underneath the register and the boss found out [ __ ] [ __ ] be at least a little cleaner like hide the case in like a different place she like hid it under the register and he noticed like the register wasn’t

Sliding in all the way and she would have gotten she literally would have gotten away with like more theft which I don’t give a [ __ ] honestly because it is insured but it was funny because she was like we got this thing and then like later find out uh through looking through camera

Footage that she had been stealing more than that and then in the arrest because it wound up being up to $7,000 worth of [ __ ] stolen at different at three different locations um and it was small stuff over years worth of time that you wouldn’t even think which it’s like you know girl

Boss whatever um essentially uh they go through through everything and they find out oh that dude’s her roommate through the police report and then like it’s an even bigger issue after that and I’m like damn so like in my first week of meeting this girl um celebrating my birthday with her

That week with my co-workers I come to work one day and she’s getting carried out in handcuffs after that and I’m like wow you were [ __ ] like I just out loud went that was kind of stupid of you to leave it under the register and she just kind of gave me a look

While they were taking reports cuz they didn’t bring her out to the car she wasn’t throwing a fit she was just kind of like pissed which you know me too girl I’m too scared of jail to do some stupid [ __ ] I cannot say that I have not done things

When I was really low but the things that I have done were definitely not um out of anything I could get arrested for if anything I’m just going to be fined and it won’t be fined because it was insured um and it’s alleged because I never

Really did it anyways uh and it wasn’t luxury stuff uh I don’t see I don’t personally like while I don’t care I’m like that’s kind of a stupid thing to try to get jail time over cuz there’s people out there that would you know those tricks you use they could probably

Be up to good uh helping other people IO no yeah but on the same time I can back to the figure talk just really quickly I’m gonna turn around and tell you what figures I got okay I have a $400 stok Kaiba figure I have a $100 stok Kaiba

Figure I have a 80 Louch figure from Coos I have um one two three okay I have two Demon Slayer $10 like UFO uh prize figures and they’re of um there we go the snake boy nice and the pink hair and green hair girl oh my God the names are

Escaping me I just think that they’re really cute even though I finished oh frick meery and obai yes yes um I have a mini figure and a like $10 figure of Sailor Mercury I have two like they’re both prize figures I have a neroid of idana or idna from

Rezero let you see I’m GNA bring my phone with me sorry so that I can stop clipping so weird um I have a little blind box figurine of chiusa from Sailor Moon I have some mini like blind figures G set y’all hold on right here it would take me way too

Long to talk about what figures I have so I’m have more than me gir let me see I’ve got a mini figurine of Cinema roll from San Rio I have a tiny neroid of sori from Naruto I have some Sonic fan art um acrylic standies on that shelf I

Have who’s over there I have some Digimon Blind Bag figurines I have a nanami Kinto tiny figure that was like a prize figure I don’t have any big figures of nanami which is weird because he’s one of my f he’s like my only he’s the only reason I’ve watched and read

Jiujitsu kaon and then when things happen I was like HH I ain’t reading anymore [ __ ] this I’m out goodbye everybody I have a remilia Scarlet uh from too figure uh that cost me $10 I got it secondhand um I have a pachuli knowledge figure

It’s a prize figure and I think I got it for 20 at a con and honestly I should have bargained on it cuz some of the paint was chipped in the Box was [ __ ] destroyed um hey yo I’m new how’s stream going stream’s going good we just we’re chilling I have a popup

Parade Dark Magician Girl they have [ __ ] weed Boos I know I have three no two two C2 I think it’s exq figures they’re priz figures EXs yeah and then two Louch ex Qs I believe and then I have a Louch that will never come out of his box he’s a

Little he’s not a figma but um his it’s like really old like old figure of him and when you put the cap when you put his cape his zero cape on he just [ __ ] Falls over and I’m tired of picking a put them back together so I

Don’t um and then I have the Ron neroid and a Ron statue figure let’s [ __ ] go I’ve just got plushies on the bottom and some uh Tokyo Mumu acrylic standies and then the uh the charm necklace that AMU has in uh suara the Humpty lock the Humpty lock is

What it’s called and then I have a ganu um acrylic standy and then like my next my other bookcase is just nii Sanji merch and some hollow life merch jump scare and then I have a pin board of just all the keychains of luxium that I bought and then a pin board One

Direction yeah it’s literally One Direction it’s it’s vtuber One Direction um and then I have a pin board of honestly Axel oh I still never raided my my the vtuber guys the vtuber no no no no what I’m saying is we need to get together on a stream and I need to get

You like your first opinion like to match their voices to them because I I know you only know like a handful of them oh my God wait you should just you should just show me a picture of them and then a clip of their voice and then

Let me rap them I think that would be funny oh really I would need your help though because I’m I’m stupid when it comes to some things like that would be really funny I already know how you feel about myoshi so I guess I can help your

Who’s your oan I’ve showed him to you before and you roasted him for his nerd voice oh Ike yes his voice literally I hear him talk and it’s like just so you know you clipped the whole time so I didn’t even hear you I didn’t even hear you make fun of him so

It never happened it never you know the F of the kid of the kid talking about Sonic and he’s like when will you learn that your actions have consequences that’s like all I hear when I hear Ike talk no that’s a little funny it is a

Little funny I think Ike would find that funny I know he he would he would immediately just free lunch money type voice yes no he’s he is kind of the nerd Emoji but actually that’s shoe but I’m going to shut up so I like sh’s I like Sho I like sh’s

Voice I don’t like that his um model looks like a lizard I think he looks like a bird it’s the mouth I’m like it’s it makes me uncomfortable I like um who do I like what’s his name I’m trying not to spit Mista probably oh I did like M

Yeah but M doesn’t exist he works in a different city now yeah he move towns I do I I do like whatever City he’s working in now yeah I know there’s this new guy though and his name is kanine C you should definitely check him out I do

Like I do like kanine really [ __ ] cool um but um who do I like he’s like the vampire guy oh ver is it ve yeah yeah the Korean one I do like I do like Vox I just like don’t it’s just that when I look up Vox stuff

It’s always like ASMR and it makes me CR out of my skin he hasn’t done it in a while makes you feel better and I also did like there was this one guy in E Sanji that had like blue hair X and I was like it’s X is it does he have a

Deep voice and he sounds kind of like corpse yeah like I was like oh I like heard him talk a little bit and I was like this is fine and then he would get into points where I felt like I was listening to like Daddy ASMR and I was

Like [ __ ] kind it kind of It kind of be feeling like that it’s not for me I used to like Vox I used to sit in for vox’s ASMR now I just pray to God he does a weekly uh RuneScape stream because that’s where he shines for me MH and my

Needs because I need someone to be sat in front of me and be as deeply as ADHD autistic hyperfixated as I am so I can get through my projects because I I live because he’s British he streams at like 7 AM for me I’m like okay I’m working on

Stuff I can listen to him go on about his [ __ ] and I’m like hell yeah brother and I’m like flying through my projects and doing that also um in a previous existence of mine that is an alternate timeline now um homeboy has definitely appreciated memes I’ve done

So it feels good to be noticed by people you look up or wish I can’t say look up to people you admire I wish that was me it could be no balls I haven’t been noticed yet so I don’t know what you want me to do all right y’all come look at this

Y’all come look at this Library okay I’ve been holding on to this uh I promise I haven’t been ignoring chat I was just waiting to interject because I I am the I’m the one who stays quiet and listens all the time when my friends are talking uh Tom had

Said earlier and I thought it was really funny he said my store had the highest trade volume in the district and we got the nickname of being the pawn shop of District [Laughter] 61 excuse me one pocket check from an employee that was from another store busted this

Kid for trying to swipe GBA and DS games and he lined them up in his socks um stuck those little games in did you know that uh recently a GameStop worker got um arrested because somebody tried to steal a PlayStation from his store and he [ __ ] shot him oh my God

Oh my God guess where it was guess where it was laughing oh it was in Florida it was in Florida iing knew it it’s [ __ ] Florida it’s always Florida I can’t block I can’t block the pond I forgot sorry I [ __ ] hate Florida damn it now I’ve created I I

Don’t hate Florida as much as I do California but I do hate Florida well I’m about to be in that hoe good luck I got to fix this hold on I need a bucket a bucket I need a bucket mom I have to trow up no that’s funny as hell [ __ ] but yeah

I thought I learned that and I was like that’s [ __ ] awesome that’s so funny literally like I have two moods and it’s like I’ll [ __ ] um why can’t I pick up the wer I’ll like uh just get a water bucket then [ __ ] people will come into the store and I’ll

Be like there we go they’ll be like oh can I like I we’ll be like looking at the pre-owned stuff and they’ll be like oh can I like hold it like the switch or whatever and I’ll be like sure and then I’m like and then I

Go if you walk out of my store and steal this from me I’m going to be very upset and I don’t I can’t promise you I won’t act crazy and I like or well I like I like being cool and letting people do stuff that’s

Against rules um so I’m too stupid to do that so I just say no just to be safe um so I was like or or like somebody like somebody will like I okay so I have to [ __ ] a lot at work and I will when I do that I’ll like

Leave this the bathroom’s in the stock room and I leave the stock room door open when I go [ __ ] just in case like I need to like get out there ASAP you know and sometimes I’ll come out the bathroom and somebody will be there and they’ll

Be like you just let that stck room door open which if somebody came in and Steals and I go I don’t get paid enough to give a [ __ ] if somebody steals yeah I mean they tell you they tell you not to engage time again [Laughter] yeah they tell you not to engage because

Every like like I said everything in those stores is typically insured um so it’s not worth like getting hurt over it’s not worth Lo like there’s a my brother my brother and me clip out there that has been animated and it’s really really funny and my

Brother and my brother and me for those that don’t know is a podcast done by Three Brothers um they have a really [ __ ] good um bit and uh one brother goes well I don’t get paid enough so I’m just going to let people take [ __ ] like like they

Can just pass through and then one brother goes you’re not going to apprehend them and like make them stay and he’s like no it’s not like that toothpaste that they stole is not worth losing my life over bro I’m just going to let him [ __ ] take it

Um because that’s what places train and I thought it was like an interesting clip yeah I worked in the retails too once upon a time before the government found me I’m sorryish I’m gonna [ __ ] go into Joann’s and steal and steal every [ __ ] piece of fabric they have and

I’m I’m gonna steal one needle from every needle I’m [ __ ] hold everybody at gun Point yeah for those who don’t know I worked I worked at the green store the Jo fabric the other green apron store for that’s the dark sir the dark green apron store versus the neon green green apron

Store not the color difference that apron is so ugly it’s like neon green yeah it’s like lime green it’s really gross it’s disgusting I wore that a I wore that apron for two years I came close to the house and Corn’s like yelling for me corn

Corn been six hours of your life and they don’t post on their Channel how it be oof APL cheese apoll cheese fishy um I I cut fabrics for old ladies for so long I worked at I worked for siren and then I worked for a French a local French uh Patisserie Bakery and

Um Cafe so I served coffee I served cocktail drinks I served champagne and I served uh pastries and fresh made um like Bakery lunch in stuff brunch it was a brunch spot um and then after that I tried my hand at a green apron franchise

Place in a casino and that sucked ass um um I will never work for a franchise of a corporate place ever again in my life I wanted to to to not live in Minecraft um I wanted to make out with lead every day at that job wanted to

Make out with lead that’s a really good way of putting that I wanted to make out with a with a small piece of lead going over 60 miles per hour yeah you wanted to you wanted to be clear pilled [ __ ] what do those kids say micr Plastics red 40 yeah

Exactly you’re music producer for eight people run five YouTube channels have a job in school and need mental therapy Jesus yeah yeah um and then now I um my parents needed someone that could work with my brother and his school hours um without having to interview a

[ __ ] ton of people and have a bunch of people come in and out our home um the only thing is if I ever move out and I’m still employed by Medicaid I can never move back home I will either lose my job I see Dam um that was something that Medicaid

Implemented during uh the virus times Tom you are so smart thank you for the idea I went to go see you I’m supposed to be building my own things but I’m kind of like I’m kind of done I could be working on my Oshi Shrine but I’m going to wait until Axel

OS do the uh I also want to show show her the the different Hollow Stars guys cuz the new ones and oh my God yes all the new Hollow Stars guys are so funny they’re so like Hollow live yes it’s the the male side some guy mad at you cuz

You didn’t DM him back but you dm’d you at 2 a.m. jeez time zones are [ __ ] such a problem whenever people are really rude about that I never get rude oh yeah like literally when I was getting my model art done by my mama she lives like on the other side of the

Planet so like every time we communicated it was always at like crazy times yeah that was me with arom Mama I’m sure with Bianca it was like that too jeez but with aru she was like it’d be like seven in like not 7even it’ be

Like 4 in the morning and she’d be like here the here are some revisions on your 3D model thankfully I’m always up like at stupid hours of the of the end of the night but yeah ah oh I’m sorry it’s my bad I think it’s that one yeah [ __ ] I ruined

It oh yeah it’s like thankfully I was usually up at like 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. at least so it’s like mhm I didn’t usually have to keep her waiting too long but sometimes I was already asleep and I was like oh [ __ ] I was not asleep but um no

I was asleep but my mama would be like oh it’s no problem some people just don’t [ __ ] get like you got a life to live bro you got to sleep you got to eat you got things to do you don’t just live to work imagine living to work yeah know my mama

My mama is in college so she is a busy she’s busy you have no sleep schedule you’re up at 5 around to O living to work is what my parents want me to do it’s cuz they do it I mean if you that’s what you do if

You’re happy doing it and you’re doing things that are happy they [ __ ] listen Len they every once a month they go to Mississippi and they gamble thousands of dollars oh never mind don’t tell me anymore I understand worked at casino saw it all the time and then and

Then they’ll turn around and be like we think we you should sell your computer and stop streaming because um you we need that money yeah you you shouldn’t you could have the money that you spent on your computer to pay gamble away a bill and I’m like like well no they

Don’t want my money they just don’t want to help me out with my bills because they want to gamble yeah and I’m like that doesn’t make any [ __ ] sense that’s okay this is the most like drama within my family I will bring on here aside from like the porn [ __ ] with my

Brother funny just that’s funny that’s growing pain so I if she sees this dude it’s not you it’s Ma and if ma sees this she’s literally admitted this to me um so I got kicked out um years ago and that led to some unfortunate things happening in my life

But you know what I’m back on my feet and I’m doing better and I live at home again because my parents have understandably understood that they’ve that what they thought was one thing was a different thing um I got kicked out because my parents thought I

Was and I kind of wanted to at the time because I thought I could make a lot of money cuz I was more fit physically I was doing um schmecks work but like not heavily more like just selling pics I was selling pics okay or I wanted to and I was

Getting things set up and somehow through me being careless or not [ __ ] checking something it got back um in between that jokes on you you got that three cent ad Red that dirt blocks OCD yeah but what if I don’t um [ __ ] um I’m going to stand on top how did you get up here Gregory I used to like us threaten threaten my parents with you don’t you follow my parents because they would be like they would be like complaining

About how I don’t have enough money or whatever and I’d be like all right I can make some more money and they’d be like yeah what are you going to do I’d be like uh do sex work and they were no don’t do that and I was like what I

Thought you wanted me to make more money I I what like you want me to make money on the side that’s like really quick and easy but then whatever like no no no no no and it was more like uh I was dealing with some stuff and wanted to um I

Thought I could reclaim some things over my autonomy and body kind of healing stuff um in the end it didn’t wind up going through um because I got kicked out holy [ __ ] this bies is so big I’m but also because my parents thought I was an alcoholic I’m a lightweight I’m a

Lightweight I can have two to maybe four drinks Max and that’s at like 15% alcohol and sugar content before I’m like okay I got I got to go take nap sorry guys I got got sheep my parents thought I was an alcoholic um is this the best Pro Shops

Yeah okay you’re sober for real for real good for you I’m proud of you um I like to make mocktails for sober friends or people that just don’t drink dry drinkers I like to make mocktails and fun drinks for them for sure both to give them the feel that

They have it but yeah but I I okay in my in in my eyes I sober you know even though I totally just drank a whole bottle of Soju but I don’t drink often you know I drink like very occasionally right but like I don’t know bro I’m pretty I’m pretty doing

Okay compared to how I used to be if you think you’re doing okay and it’s not impairing your life then that is you drinking in moderation yes cutting back to have fun if you know that you can’t cut back and have fun and have a couple drinks because your life’s going to be

You have three hours of sleep per day so you’re always out of it o um but if you like alcoholism is like how it’s imp impairing yourself and impairing your life yeah no I I was an alcoholic for a while um it was rough yeah but now I basically like I stopped drinking

Completely for like a whole year and doing like any type of drugs and then I was like you know I think I can handle like like I don’t even like most of the time I don’t even get drunk because of my medication because I take ader not Aderall VI ants every

Day um so it’s like really hard for me like I just drank a whole bottle of Soju and I’m not even drunk I’m drinking water but um I’m in the water gang today but like how did y’all get on top of the library that’s what I was saying like

Gregory how did you get up there it really funny it’s like how um but but yeah I mean like I what the [ __ ] was I talking about yeah it it used to be really bad but I was like I basically one day was like let me see let me it

Was like my friend’s birthday and I was like I think this is a normal time to drink so I was like I’m going to try to have a few drinks just to like loosen up a bit cuz I was like the only sober person there which feels terrible um and

So I was like okay um and then I was like oh turns out I can’t really get drunk anymore because of my medication so I was just like all right but now it’s like I don’t I literally just like drink if I’m just like like I just like the drink mhm you

Know what I mean like I’m just like oh I like this drink so I’m going to drink it because I like it yeah I’m not I don’t like drink to get drunk like I don’t need to get drunk um no but my parents thought I was an alcoholic and I was not

I at the time that they kicked me out I had maybe in my entire life at that point had maybe three drinks total maybe four ever um yeah exactly and there was no explaining cuz they were like well you’re the only person who’s of age and

We know that we raised all six of our children you being the oldest right so like something’s got to be up because you’re the only person that we know that likes this liquor that we bought um because they would tell me Agent um why is half this bottle of rum gone

And I’m like I don’t [ __ ] know I got to get to school though um and I was going through like some [ __ ] but it wasn’t what they were thinking and yeah like I was trying to do Max work stuff like selling pics on the internet um

It is what it is and I’ve forgiven them for some things but I’m still like quite upset with like I I can forgive them but not forget yes um without it being bitter is something that I very much have had to learn and without it

Consuming my life that too uh and a big thing that’s gone on lately is like my parents will ask me can you give us 150 bucks or more monthly um help around the house if I can yes I do I definitely do because they pay for

Groceries they pay like they they let me live here I definitely I’ll help about how I can and if I can’t because of hour limitations like Medicaid I can only work X am of hours um and I have bills that I have to get paid because they don’t pay for anything other than

Allowing me to stay their rentree and that includes electricity water MH which is a a huge privilege I’m not like I’m not ungrateful and I’m definitely not unaware of that so I don’t complain and I do I help around the house I cook meals I’m happy

To cook meals but I cook meals anyways I I do dishes I help out I help out when I can and financially I try to help out too um but if I can’t I will try to do a little more I don’t know I’ll cook a

Second meal that week I make up for it but to make a long story short essentially um my parents will ask can you help um with electricity or can you help with grocery or can you help with this and I’m like I cannot um in fact I

Actually need help that I can pay you back for later for my tire at the time um they were like well you’re a grown girl you can get it fix yourself which was very stressful to hear cuz I I had to continuously call out of work and get

Shifts covered or get people to come bring me to work before I was working for Medicaid um and that was really stressful um but also but it’s like my parents have never paid for my education they’ve never paid they have may have co-signed on one loan for school but

Still that’s debt that I took on and I pay off they they have not paid any of that I pay out a lot and I’m not trying to paint my parents in a bad way I understand that they’re young and they’re going through things and they’ve

Got a kid that’s doing things that they don’t want that kid to be doing necessarily but that kid is also um 21 years old now so uh essentially my mom will ask me and the other adults that live in the home that are my siblings um cuz they they help all a lot

Of us out with that um can you give like a little bit of money I’m like yeah yeah if I can I can if I can I can’t um but then my younger sister will call my mom and go um I don’t have money for rent and I dropped out of

School um and which means I lost all my scholarships um help and instead of my parents like really putting their foot down and going move back home get a job here go to school here instead of a university that’s 3 hours away um that

Costs a lot of money to go to and losing your freaking scholarships and they’ve also paid the entire way not just paid the way paid car insurance paid phone bill the minute I turned 19 my parents cut they cut me off the phone bill and they

Called me to tell me damn um yeah yeah I have courtesy for [ __ ] I bring that up I bring it up to my parents and I’m like hey y’all Did this and they’re like no we didn’t I’m like hey here’s the text and they’re like oh well we did

And I’m like I forgive you for it but I need you to be aware that you’re you are favoring we see like all the younger siblings younger than her and the ones who are older than her see like hey you haven’t done anything like this for any

Of us what the [ __ ] is going on and we’re not mad at her because she has no idea she thinks that you treat all of us this way um and that you’ve given us all this chance and like I make one I’m making a 100 in my current course I’ve

Brought my GPA up significant L from what it used to be and I’m like y’all still don’t other than like letting me live here which I’m I will go live elsewhere and I will figure things out if I must if it’s that bust in your

Balls you know yeah I feel that I also in a similar situation yeah it’s weird it it is it is busting my parents all so bad that I got to move to Texas so yeah what corn what I think I’m going to capture a bunny okay I got to lead yeah whenever

Uh there was like one day whenever I was like uh like 19 or 20 Oh wrong and I and I [ __ ] um my mom like showed up and I lived like two hours away at the time and my mom showed up I was like what are

You doing here and she was like I’m coming get your car Jesus Christ I was like what do you mean and she was like well I took you off the car insurance because I didn’t feel like paying for it anymore and I know that you can’t afford it and

I was like okay well don’t take the car I’ll just drive it without insurance and she was like no and took took my car and sold it and then I didn’t have a car and I lived two hours away from all of my family and I had to like I was like how

Am I going to get to school and work and she was like that’s not my problem you’re an adult figure it out and I was like amazing and great um and I didn’t have a car for like 4 years and it was terrible how do like I like how like why

Like she like just showed up and was like I’m taking your car yeah what my my parents didn’t wind up doing anything like that for me fortunately they brought they put the title in my name so anything that’s attached to the vehicle is 100% mine um and again I’m fortunate like I know

I’m fortunate to have a vehicle and I’m fortunate that they that they gifted me mhm uh but like everything else like I have had to use um pel Grant my own uh my own money my own loans that I pay off my own debt for school like I’ve pushed myself through

Everything and I know I’m stronger for it but it doesn’t make it like suck any less when I see my little sibling getting like the literal Road paved out for her yeah and then that’s not what she wants and instead of being honest about it she just drops out and then

Suddenly tells them or totally Rex the car that they bought her that was super nice and like she’s she’s young and stupid I’m not mad at her yeah yeah I’m frustrated that she’s a stupid kid uh and doesn’t I don’t think she really sees like how awesome of an opportunity she has to

With that scholarship um but you know you can’t force people to do things at the same time my she okay so she’s dropped out like we’ve we’ve established that most parents would stop paying for stuff right my parents go back and forth on that uh a lot and this has been like

Something that kind of made me go it doesn’t matter what she does they’re always going to like bail her out and then afterwards get mad that they bail her out cuz she’s just going to keep doing the same thing no matter what huh and and yeah that sure sure is what happens um

Fortunately like uh trying not to be too specific so I’m trying to like recent like like I said earlier about the flat tire and being frustrated about that eventually uh one of my brothers helped one of my brothers got fed up cuz he makes good money and he

Got mad and he’s said [ __ ] that I’m gonna pay for the tire and he paid for the tire and I paid him back literally that week mhm um and it was like 75 bucks um my sister [ __ ] pops a tire in the middle of the morning because she’s trying to do a

Grind to get her rent up because my parents are starting to do the whole we’re not paying your rent if you’re not going to school finally after two months of paying her rent while she wasn’t going to school um and so she’s finally on that grind you know

She’s doing things good good for her do what anyone else drown um they can swim she popped a tire and then called emergency tire services and it wound up being like 300 bucks that she didn’t have and she just let them charge her no corn Corn’s dying what’s happening

She corn did she drown [ __ ] no she was I think oh [ __ ] I was about to have a [ __ ] panic attack I was like I don’t think mine C Cat Minecraft cat can drown she was getting hurt I don’t know I think I okay I I see what’s

Happening get get out from under there no how do I get the lead off all these fish are getting stuck hold on let me create a channel for these fish no he stuck to me your parents bought me a TV phone tablet and sound system and a laptop and a car but

They won’t buy me a PC the only thing you actually want Jesus Christ like I’m grateful but I need a PC instead of some overheating laptop that can’t run Roblox o yeah I W up financing my PC with my uh USA stimulus lo my iies paid for my my

PC I saved and I paid him over um and my credit card because um event I got hand me- down parts from one person and then I got other stuff bro they won’t let you buy stuff oh gross sington go hard they did go hard they helped me out they

Helped me out the most um I paid off a lot of the student debt cuz also I dropped out of school to pay off some of that debt and because I can’t learn in an online setting um so when the when the when the when the Rona hit um I I

Dropped out but I’m back because I learned that once I hit a certain age I could because I made so less so much like so little money I’m I’m poor but I’m not upset I’m just stressed all the time they’re like oh you need to save

Your money but I have like 4K I wish I wish I had 4K holy [ __ ] I’m glad that you have that broken finishing college at the moment but we grinding exactly and like like I also hate this cuz I know my parents unspeaking get like this every

Time I date someone who is mask presenting they kind of underhandedly I know always want to go well a good man will take care of you and pay your way and I’m like this guy is as I’m like Mom this guy’s as broke as me in this

Economy do not even I love lucky so much and it’s no drag to him he’ll make money when he’ll make money and when the economy will let him make money he’s a graduate he’s super intelligent and lovely that’s what I want I don’t want I’m like I don’t want

I want to be the equivalent of somebody’s house I just want to live in your house and do what I want and I would get depressed I’m such a no no no no no I job I would have a job just so that I

Had stuff to do but all the money I make for my job is to spend on myself I want I literally just want a place to sleep and I know that that’s not I know that that’s not realistic though so like you know I understand that that’s not

Going to happen in my chat said marry a 90-year-old and secure the money bag so real no yeah no the good thing is like Luck’s a good dude uh hard to come by honestly so I’m oh that’s how you do it what the [ __ ] I do that again hold on you and

Then yeah get [ __ ] all right figured it out um this is a big [ __ ] store just so you know your school has a program that can give you free Associates degrees but I got mine and everything I don’t want to major in now you see my

School currently I’ve kind of been in a kzzy over and I’ve stated this in the past on the streams without like saying too much um they don’t take Federal loans but they’ll definitely take private bank loans or loans through [ __ ] Sally May um so like a 10 to 15%

Interest loan it’s disgusting the [ __ ] squids are killing themselves kid what are you doing what are they doing I going watch get back in the water you dumb [ __ ] funny um my school does not have a program like that I go to like a he died

Cuz he’s stupid get in the water at trade school [ __ ] I have two or three more semesters because they don’t have the math the remedial math that I’m missing from high school this these last two semesters I’ve gone they haven’t had it and I’m like what the [ __ ] they had him

When I went like years ago but I may have to enroll in another school online and take math over the summer which is going to suck but I’m going to get through it if it means I can get through and essentially I would like while doing

Agent work and having a fun time with all of you I would definitely like to pursue um a photography career MH I’d like to do either photojournalism portraiture or um abstract artwork with photo photography I was pretty good at it this semester I’m taking photo to

Again next semester I’m going to see if there are any understudy programs I can apply to um it’s just going to be a work in progress your parents are broke AF so I go to a public school but my public school is overfunded AF and looks like a

Private school mine is a public university um is a public trade school uh but they do not take they will take pel grants federal pel grants but for some [ __ ] reason they don’t take Federal loans um and that’s caused me a lot of strife um you go to Community College I

Go to Community College yeah I do as well but it’s they it’s they technically label it as a trade school and I think through whatever they label themselves as it sucks and basically I’m glad I get I have good grades I have a 2.9 GPA now after this

Last semester I’m so close to a 3.0 I’m so close to a 3.0 I pulled myself so much farther thank you um you have calculus 2 in high school has nothing to do with I’m studying now exactly exactly like I don’t need to take college algebra to

Know how to camera how work a Sony a6000 right I have to use the bathroom I’m going be right back okay go peace peace time Ry large living large shopping large living so large hell yeah I am pogging right now [ __ ] that felt so good to

Do all right there’s a bridge from the main island to the bies hell yeah I can now unsit corn she’s finally not going to [ __ ] like die in the water you coming corn okay all right I know cats can swim but I think they can only swim

Certain I think she was getting stuck underneath like a block or something and it was hurting her I don’t know she started turning red and like howling and I was like oh yeah that’s not good okay hey me and corner here hello I need you to stop what you’re

Doing so you can come check out the library and see if it’s up to your standards can I fill finish filling out the floor first yes okay Oops how did you get your Minecraft skin to look like you I made it myself how do you make Minecraft skins uh I don’t remember what website it is but it lets you like edit wow it’s [ __ ] gatekeeping no I don’t remember I think it was just like Minecraft skins or

Something minecraftskins.com or some [ __ ] like that I I want to make a [ __ ] axle Minecraft skin do you like do you like how cute corn is I do that’s one of my favorite fing water okay God damn be okay in the water a little bit you’re stressing me

Out yeah that’s one of my favorite of the Minecraft cat breeds so fluffy yeah oh [ __ ] yes corn I’m almost done oh my God the [ __ ] was that I didn’t find it very weird that calculus L literal rocket science math was a needed credit for information technology yeah yeah you

Always have to take the stupidest stuff yo there’s a glowing squid in here hello nice so cute okay yeah I think I’m going to go to uh school for biology oh yeah and that is uh going to be something yes Corin goodbye frog yes goodbye agent all right check out the

Library is this building with the colored walls it’s stained glass St glass y nice checklist sucked as a class because I like S as a class but I like doing the math ah I see there we go all right I do not like math there’s a reason I took as little

Math as possible when getting my degree I am no longer playing dead I am back hello also look at the sign the damn library I can’t wait to go look look this looks so good you waited thank you for waiting I appreciate it I had to pee so bad and there’s an

Upstairs I saw I saw posum outside I couldn’t go get a photo of him though he ran off to the into the grass the colored floor I like it it’s too dark Subway Surfers CC and look there’s little computers over here yeah not the Subway Surfer Reddit story this is so

Realistic basically every time I play Minecraft okay cool I just relive what I spend hours in the bathtub wasting away doing hello sir I can’t take baths anymore if I take a bath I wind up spending like 4 hours on Tik Tok like literally two to three sometimes 4 hours

And it’s [ __ ] M Reddit I’m working really is at work I want to go see I’m going go check out book I’m going to go check out maybe I should put some computers at the front desk hold on yeah I got to access uh the circulation the circulation the circulation

System okay we’ll put one right here yes do you have where the red f grows yes we do the book made me cry so hard to throw up okay should we put another one like right here for the front yeah but not in the middle because they talk to

Yes is this so good what the [ __ ] cat huh okay hold on sorry you’re going to see my exit screen I’m gon to this the only way I can toggle between screens Y and not docks my [ __ ] um let’s see so it’s this cute what the [ __ ]

I didn’t realize that I didn’t put Windows in downstairs I was wondering why he was just walking through the windows oh it’s okay I can redeem them for you don’t even worry about it they’re so funny okay let me do that real got um oh [ __ ] no I love the damn

Library and then I after I’m done with my shift at the library I walk across the bridge you’re broke now the not the metal pipe let see She Looks So magnificent in the distance the bies the empty bies CL FBI or open up our AO what the

[ __ ] I’ll probably add them later this evening um you got enough for 10 that’s okay lucky lucky like puts on stream and in the background and he’ll go play like monster hunter or go watch his YouTube videos and he’ll mute the stream he hears me talking love but that’s how he supports

Sometimes is it for me it is midnight what I stream in CS2 CST it is 1:00 a.m. for me yeah it is 1: a.m. I said afternoon oh was 1: a.m. technically it’s still afternoon in a way it is 1:42 a.m. for you dog Jesus Christ we AFK farming sometimes yeah

That’s lucky I thought that when people um have youred it doesn’t count as a view um I’m not really sure that is what I was told but I’m not talking about like what counts as a view um I’m talking like uh farming watch points oh you go

To bed at 4:00 a.m. on school days oh it’s 12:42 for you as well POG CST time baby let’s go we love Central Standard time we love Central love Central Standard Time I’m so sorry if you were in Pacific or a different one yeah Tom just said east east coast gang where you

At not here I’m let’s go I guess I could have put stairs like straight down you have the volume up too to make sure the view counts you all right cor you want to go home let’s go home me when I fall into the water light right as Lightning Strikes I get

Fried bunny oh I fell I really fell off did it Die oh well great corn inside funny I didn’t think anything would happen What corn don’t worry about it all right I killed a bunny Oh I pushed it off and I didn’t realize it would die I thought I would just get pushed off no wait why am I using stairs to build a

Wall I can literally fly you have an addiction to now making cover songs you made seven today nice don’t Bonk me I’m behave well no I just I did just kill a bunny what am I going to fill this store with who knows aluminium aluminium aluminum it’s [ __ ]

Aluminum because the Brits got the wrong [ __ ] book from their own publisher oh my God corn jumped on my bed and sat by herself yeah I love the Minecraft cats do that it’s so cute I going have this D is a monster of a building next you’re

Thinking about pulling out your drum kit lately hell yeah the library is looking nice thank you is your drum kid acoustic or electric Fiend I know things I know hell yeah I will be back go piss girl I was a flute player that’s all I know is I know classic

Music I know how to go with the ain’t no way I can pull out an acoustic where I live Jesus Christ that’s fair yeah I was about to be like you live in a place that you can pull out an acoustic in this economy it’s like an actual foldable one

It’s metal nice you have 30 pianos I have a footable one now you can carry it with you anywhere that’s nice weighs like 30 lbs eus Jesus that’s heavy heavy as [ __ ] one3 of my weight I was in pit in Marching Band Yo and then I would go up into the stand

And hold symbols because they needed an extra symbol player cuz they had four snares but they only marched three symbols for some [ __ ] reason um so they’d have me go take get out of pit whenever we were in the stadium MH um so I can read piano music and I can read

Flute clarinet as well okay I’m back you bring it to school and play random K-pop songs on it and people only know what the songs are because of Tik Tok sometimes that’s what happens sometimes that’s just what happens it’s really funny though uh is today Saturday or Sunday now it is Sunday now

Ah I may cancel just so I can get some extra sleep in and like feel like 100% due to not feeling you’re broke now it’s okay I promise you points back up um so that way we’ve still got our four streams in for the week also I

Wanted to thank y’all I know nothing’s not here and he’s contributed a lot to it but I wanted to thank y’all labrats and my friends thank youall for collabing with me but I wanted to thank labrats for um being so supportive cuz I finally made enough to hit twitch payout

Y That’s like a it’s a major thing because I’ve literally only been streaming since like mid early febru no November oh my God February Jesus Christ no um so I’m very very touched that’s so nice congrats so subscribers if y’all see this because I’m going to publish

The VOD but my vots are only public to Subs right now um I’m going to change that in a like next week thank you than you but yeah very big POG very big POG um not humble brag more so just big grateful hell yeah make my

Heart big fuzzy proud of all my my twitch homies I’m on that YouTube grind if you make a YouTube channel you advertise your channel to your 230 subs thank you I’d appreciate that I think um I have a YouTube channel it’s somewhere along in my links I do not stream to YouTube unfortunately

Um thank you thank you I I shall pay you all in your cheese tax handsomely also I opened a gift I opened a gift that I was supposed to open on stream because I did check where it was coming from I just saw and I went oh

This is one of the things I bought no it wasn’t um you get that 3 Cent ad Revenue nice um yeah I uh I opened it it was a light blade I posted it to Twitter I was supposed to wait so for the next I have two more

Gifts physical gifts coming in and then I was gifted um Celeste and Outlast one and two but I will never play two on stream I will actually um get very sick from the pregnancy scene oh yeah it’s literally been a joke in my chat for like the past few like

Since since like the beginning of Debut someone said will you play Outlast and I said maybe if like you do you do something and someone said like 300 subs and I was like yeah whatever and and now that I’m close I’m like actually no maybe 300,000 then I’ll play out less

And I was like maybe you could pay me money to play Outlast and I was like actually no there’s no amount of money you can pay me to play out last I will never in my life yo I’m already I’m a I’m a scaredy-cat just playing Resident Evil

Ain’t no way I can make it through Outlast I got fiend and fishy over here in my chat talking about what three cents can get them closer to Candy wise and it’s really [ __ ] funny a funny little y make me laugh so hard sometimes make it one mil Channel points

To play Outlast I’ll play the first one I will not play the second one on stream because I’m not trying to get banned um I will I every time I’ve seen it I know it’s not that bad as some other games have had um there’s just a a

Scene where like there’s a there’s like a pregnancy that happens on like a woman gives birth and it showcases like the baby coming out and it makes me like very ill um I flooded the name Cy safe shower do not slip and fall I am armed in dangers how do I get

It to stop what the hell I did a funny joke and now there’s too much water am I am Snickers better I can’t have Snickers I uh oh my God my homie I’m allergic to peanuts me and re are both allergic to peanuts I foror I’m like bro we are both allergic to

Peanut peanut allergies let’s go my brother and War and sometimes I like to this was really [ __ ] up sometimes I’ll keep a badril on hand because I don’t believe that it’s fully gone because I used to grow up eating peanuts just [ __ ] fine and then somewhere in my

20s I developed an allergy because my neck would break out in hives and I’d have trouble like not coughing and breathing properly um there we go it’s gone you want to hear the thing I’m allergic to grape flavoring grape flavor grape flavor okay I can I can have

Grapes but like it might not even be grape flavoring it might be like I don’t know like purple food dye I don’t I don’t [ __ ] know cuz sometimes like that like if something is like a mixed berry flavor right it’s like mixed berries but it’s the best

Flavor I love ber FL like wild berry poptarts they’re the grocery stores stop carrying specifically the wild berry uh toaster strudles and I will never forgive them those are the best ones man developing an allergy to [ __ ] you like is like a huge [ __ ] you from the universe right at least it’s not

Cherry flavoring I do like Cherry flavoring though yeah great but anything that’s like Berry or grape flavored and is purple I will consume it and then my throat will slow well shut and it’s very difficult for me to breathe and I get extremely drowsy and end up just follow

Fall yeah that’s like a hardcore allergy mine is just like my mouth gets itchy the CH the Frosted chocolate poptarts are good um so for me my my mouth feels funny when I eat Peanut anything um I can have stuff so here’s the [ __ ] up thing I’m fine to eat [ __ ]

That’s fried eat anything that’s fried in peanut oil right yeah me too oh my God I can like I can I can have Chick-fil-A even though I shouldn’t but I can eat Chick-fil-A and not die right yeah but if I eat like um like the bunny tracks

From Blue Bunny I die which is which was an ice cream that I [ __ ] loved I [ __ ] like I break down hives on my neck and um I I sound like I’m coming down with like a flu M mine’s very mild in comparison and then

Uh I’m trying to think like and now also peanut butter doesn’t tastes the same now it tastes bad it doesn’t taste good either and there’s a [ __ ] part of me that’s like this smells good yeah no say peanut butter has always tasted bad to

Me too it didn’t used to taste bad to me that’s what’s even [ __ ] up what do wait do peanut oil dishes give you bad reactions too no I don’t have any reactions to anything cooked in peanut oil in peanut oil I’ve never had an issue to like if I consume raw boiled

Um Frozen crushed up peanuts if it’s on top of like a drumstick if it’s on top of ice cream if it’s in candy if if I’m just [ __ ] eating it to eat it yeah so like peanut oil fine I’m I’m good I the peanut itself yes I’m [ __ ]

Bad I can have things that were made in a place with peanuts I’m not like yeah like I can eat stuff that’s been manufactured with peanuts um in the same facility I just can’t have peanut butter and I can’t have peanut product I have stuff that’s the peanut oil is

[ __ ] up I’m shaking your hand cuz I’m the ex same way why why is this a thing and then I get scared cuz I’m like when am I not going to be able to eat [ __ ] like most Asian restaurants because I know a lot of them fry stuff in peanut

Oil cuz it’s cheap and it’s easy yeah I have had that issue recently I’ve never had an issue with peanut oil before but for some reason like my local Chinese restaurant the past three times I’ve gotten specifically their low man noodles I like almond milk specifically

They low M noodles it makes my mouth itchy and I’m like I’ve never had this problem with them before I’ve been shopping from them for years why is it suddenly an issue but I can eat everything else just fine it’s just the Lade noodles yes canes uses peanut oil

For their chicken tenders um as well and I don’t break out when I eat canes I just had canes today like I had canes the other day and I was fine I had a [ __ ] Caniac I I tore that [ __ ] up it was delicious um kan’s is O though with the

Whole peanut to get canel on Twitter you don’t like hamburgers that’s fine I like pineapple my pizza so we all have our downfalls I love pineapple you make it so hard sometimes why do you mean it’s good no joking pineapple and pizza is good you guys are just

Babies no it’s not for me I’ve tried it it’s so not a baby the fact the fact that you cannot handle sweet and savory together is [ __ ] ridiculous no cuz I like sweet and savory I don’t like ham and the only meat that pineapple tastes good with typically on

Pza is ham because it doesn’t taste good with pepperoni and it doesn’t taste good with Italian sausage it’s just going to be ham so at that point I might as so just yeah you just and I’m not a ham person you also hate eggs I love eggs allergic to chocolate

Oh that’s so sad I’m not going to get pizza if I don’t have meat on it like I’ve had Aro Chicken Alfredo on pizza and Alfredo on Pizza the igula is not cooked it’s fresh so it’s crispy and crunchy and then it’s got like a balsamic glaze drizzled on top but

That’s like a bougie [ __ ] flatbread all right I’m sleeping in bed with corn oh we’re we’re sleeping talian sausage and pepperoni all the way tried a Hawaiian pizza for the first time the other day it was all right you hate eggs you will throw up oh sorry I love eggs

It’s like one of my go-to proteins my favorite Pizza is sold at Target and it’s it’s a Target brand pizza and it has um it doesn’t have any meat on it but it has just did a pizza it has um it has like tomatoes spinach and goat cheese on it

Oh that sounds y me the best [ __ ] thing on the planet oh my God Corn’s so cute hi corn I grew up eating eggs every morning can’t get enough yeah I grew up on like with my grandparents in between my parents and my grandparents and uh chicken like they had like fresh eggs

And The Taste between fresh egg like farm raised chicken egg and homogenize like stuff you get in the grocery store totally different like a heartier flavor almost I feel the same way about Garden grown tomatoes and store bought they don’t even look that good and they smell

Bad I can get over the smell if you if you use a ventilation this is terrify whip out the three butter Knives and Cutlery at McDonald’s that’s funny is terrifying I closed off the roof of my building and now it’s so dark in here oh it’s so dark it’s [ __ ]

Horrific I feel like I’m in the back rooms I like eggs because it’s a cheap and easy protein um and most people with under dietary issues can eat an egg aside from those that have like um sensitivities and like of course Dairy and egg allergies some people get Dairy

Allergies and they’re not allergic to eggs they’re just allergic to cow’s milk how is egg Dairy um it’s a dairy byproduct so it’s poultry you use it for baking as a protein not all Dairy it is considered a dairy product So when you say um we are

On the same page not all dairy products come from cattle you can get dairy milk from a a sheep or a goat yeah I know but chicken don’t make milk yes but eggs sold in Dairy section at store but it’s not dairy dairy is not

Milk milk is milk is the label Dairy is the label of product what okay hold up cuz there are dairy cattle what is the definition of dairy milk yogurt cheese milk containing or made from milk okay is the definition of dairy typically milk they’re sold in the same spots and

A lot of people what I’m saying is a lot of people label both of them together so you can typ like if you say AR Dairy so if you have a dairy allergy you should still be able to eat eggs cuz it’s always the case not because of the

Dairy allergy It’s just sometimes that dairy allergy is so sensitive that they might be sensitive to other things as well oh okay it’s 2 a.m. and your batteries at 69 I was like there is no [ __ ] way you’re telling me that eggs are milk no that’s not what I’m getting at

What I’m getting at is that they’re labeled in the same section typically because they all come from the same typically used to come from the same Farms the same person bringing it in would be a Dairy Farmer who just happen to have a [ __ ] ton of chickens okay but

Dairy is milk yes but sometimes typically when someone has a milk allergy they also have an egg allergy how they just do why they just do chromosome missing chromosome missing yeah chromosomes missing chromosomes not aligning right [ __ ] being weird inherent [ __ ] with dairy allergies can’t eat eggs that’s not

English it’s not always like that we out here debating the intri intricacies of Dairy and non-dairy product yeah I’m specifically saying product not the definition of dairy itself I’m not saying eggs or milk I’m saying that some people often more than not after working in [ __ ] breakfast

Food restaurants for years they will say I have a milk allergy I also have an allergy to eggs and milk product so I have a full-on dairy allergy I’m like okay that doesn’t make literally any sense they’re allergic to eggs and milk yeah but being allergic to eggs and milk does not that’s

Not it doesn’t make sense to say you have a dairy allergy if you’re allergic to milk oh my God we we only have the the best uh discussions here don’t we dairy dairy is literally just milk like I’m doing research on this right now and I canot find anything that’s like eggs

Are considered a dairy for a dairy allergy like I think that those people just are happen to be allergic to eggs and also Dairy yes that is what I am trying to tell you yeah but then they will label it customers yeah yeah that’s what I’m

Saying people will say that yeah I know okay all right yeah I know so we are on the same page I’m gonna go make out with the lead at 60 M hour now listen to me I’m sorry I’m autistic know what’s happening I’m also autistic and I’m trying to explain it in an

Autistic way without telling you yes eggs and milk are the same thing they’re not okay I have the stream open and all you hear is conversation Echoes so [ __ ] funny that’s so funny your IQ is five it’s fine I love it’s like y’all two having an intense discussion while I’m just

Like he walls windows in the SC you are literally over there like life is like a hurricane that’s what’s going on that’s what’s going on in my brain right now I feel like that’s been half of the stream is just y’all having like a super hardcore discussion and I’m just like I’m just

Autistic see really cute smiley model looking around this conversation is funny as hell this I do be kind of smiley I can have a serious conversation about almost any topic oh yeah don’t have shrimp in here oh my God Shri would kill himself he was it’ be like an echo chamber he

Would it would be it would be three very autistic individuals none of us are and actually you’re on medication two of us are unmedicated and then one of us has a literary degree not me not you it’s him Snickers are better I can’t have them we can’t eat

Sckers I haven’t I I can’t remember how good they used to taste cu the last time they tasted good to me I was seven I wish I wish I knew what they tasted like we’re fighting about what candy bars are better kit cat is the best actually no Crosscut thanks for

Joining the Lab Rats help get better silly but with Twix you got that left and right that [ __ ] pisses me off Twix is good I like candy bars that have caramel in them I like um I like Kit Kats and I like to eat them a whole Kit Kats is so

Good I like um Heath Heath is pretty soft hello okay hello your dad’s a pull up and listen my my mute ch I can’t have paydays so I don’t know what you want me to say my my shower is screaming for my name and my bed is

Whispering are did you take a vadil are you here in the hatman is that what’s happening no are you saying I gotta go okay I got to go take a shower and go to bed really do you still want to hang out I can’t I can’t for a little bit longer

I’m like dedicated to this roof right now if not I will I’m like I’m probably going to wind up St stay until like 2: a.m. and at that point I will probably find a different game to play I can do till 2: a.m. I think I think that’ll be

Oh my God you guys are crazy no I just I’m gonna sleep I’m Gonna Cancel my stream for today and go to [Laughter] bed not the Titanic flute no oh my God you’re just going in here using all the redeems jeez at least ask me to dinner first before you use all the

Redeems okay there we go oh [ __ ] okay let’s see how this looks on the underside I’m so baby and tired okay got me oh guess what I had for dessert after my dender did you have I had um bread pudding what is that had crawling on me

Um caramel and pecans oh on top of it and then also like icing kind of I didn’t mean to moan like that my bad I love the con yeah I went to this place called off the hook oh off the Hook’s good yeah and I

Got I got a pro away I hear caramel pecans and I’m just like oh hell yeah I miss now I know so I bet you you like turtles don’t you I do I do like turtles turtles are good Turtles are good I agree fend jump in the

Cat uh banana bread with pecans in it are awesome yeah I like uh like the cookies I made yesterday on stream bread bread yeah my mom said that if you wait good things come to you and banana bread you look like a chick who puts on shoes okay I took actually

Wearings I took away the lanterns and I just left the like ceiling holes and now it looks even more like the back rooms oh I can’t wait to look I got two bunnies I captured and I got my bed in a hole down here nice it just looks more like the

Backr it’s just not as dark this time come to the bies where you’re stuck in the back rooms I should just leave itemp going I’m going I’m going just leave it empty so it looks like or not sport you’re supposed to be asleep the empty the empty bies the

Empty bu apocal apocalyptic bies be asleep we going to fight yes I gotta show my chat hold on come on where am I she beautiful they’re still here all right I think I’m going to go to bed I big love you guys I love you

Too I love you too thank you for hanging out with us oh my God my socks are clipping my shoe I also love all the swamp bunnies thank you means I need to reload my I got tail physics but okay got boob physics oh yes meet everybody byebye

Byebye byee good night oh [ __ ] we are not about to have me lost the TA reveal oh that’s sorry [ __ ] it’s been since it’s been since debut since I’ve done a what other physics well dick physics all right dick physics dick and balls physics yeah fcking balls physics thank you for the

Lurk okay you bed yeah that’s right you go to bed buddy go to bed [ __ ] it’s getting late and I’m getting a little out of pocket today it’s usually what happens is the later it gets I get a little loopy no when we are together we get a

Little loopy we get a little out of pocket uh um when REI uh when REI wants to nap or end her Endeavors of the bucket this is really [ __ ] spoton by the way I did use a reference for Minecraft bookies I don’t care if you used a reference that’s really [ __ ] good and

The rest I kind of improvised cuz it the reference only showed like the front of the building and I kind of changed a little bit see that’s so exciting what the [ __ ] it’s so big but yeah I kind of still looks like the back rooms in here

Oh whoa the back rooms of the pool of the pool I’ll do um a model showcase real quick at the end of stream though for y’all hell yeah I real I realize the new the new fellas the new rats they ain’t seen it as been a minute but I also made

Little channels so if you go in in the pool there’s little channels down here where the fish can swim in and out of so they don’t get they aren’t stuck in there cuz I’ve I’ve already seen them use it like the Dolphins come and go the fishies coming wait where did all the

Fishies in this Pond go it went out they all left me oh there’s still one fish in here hi oh my fishies left all my fellas except it’s all my fishies all my fishies well if they end up like leaving me I can always just like close them in

And then just put some more fish in here that’s true so it’ll be okay okay let me get out of here found the channels she’s traveling through the channels my R it’s really cute I’ll figure something out for y’all 15 minutes away from bies got to take some photo reference for

Next stream you live 15 minutes from a bies I’m so jealous I miss living that close to a bies a 20 minute drive going to buies for me is like a celebratory occasion cuz I don’t live close to any of them it’s only when I go to Southern

Conventions that we’re like hey can we take a pit stop at the bies I know it adds 30 minutes to our trip but please God I need it stop a bump did Cover I do not know what that song is I am so sorry fishy it is probably a

Mean song and I am probably really stupid and I am unaware of the name to the meme I apologize while that I’ve been building this able to build in this span of time I know it’s crazy I’ve never built something big before the lights that act like LED lights that’s insane

Yeah they kind of do I didn’t think about that I was just like I want to try to get some better light than the lanterns yeah it looks like whenever you enter a [ __ ] Walmart except I’m not hearing the actual lights and it hurts you can play my cover on stream and make

It socially awkward perhaps another day like labat projects yeah I played one of um one of the regulars that comes by every now and then I played their like little Loi cover and it and it got recognized by YouTube as the song and I was like bro

Yeah that’s why I’d like to dedicate like a different stream to different Lab Rats projects even if it’s not for me or for them I’d rather do it then yeah oh that’s a good idea just in case if audio gets muted to unpb oh Hyo mama hey I was going to see

How I like this I actually kind of like this better I drink in um world renowned grapefruit uncaffeinated soda squirt squirt sorry oop what she drinking there agent don’t worry about it it’s nothing don’t worry about it it was very weird cuz I ordered I’m gon to save that link I ordered from

Taco B the other day cuz I used the mobile app and it was very weird opening it and seeing staring instead of see Mist don’t click thank you I’ll copy and save you’re the only person I’ve ever metant that actually drinks squirt Bru it’s just it’s just a grapefruit flavored

Sprite now I try not to take medicine with it because you’re not supposed to with grapefruit stuff it can neutralize it and [ __ ] you up God that’s so [ __ ] trippy really you drink the grapefruit one yeah this one is the grapefruit one um I like it I got

Put on to it when I started drinking squirt can’t [ __ ] drinking what yeah exactly like why think God name it that um I got put on to drinking this type of soda when I was working at that Cafe um unfortunate ass name it’s a decent soda

It’s really good like okay say you want a Paloma like cocktail and you don’t actually really want to like juice a whole grapefruit or get a thing of grapefruit juice this is just fine if you want to make it like sugary and sweet and cheap you clip that out of

Context go ahead the command is I believe oh my God is it Control Alt don’t ask me I’m not a twitch it’s alt Z on Twitch I barely know how twitch works you grew up on it from your parents that’s nice um I’m trying to think some that my

Folks put me on on to drinkwise kala I never had Kua till my parents gave me a sip whenever I was of drinking age uh which is a coffee laor it’s pretty good um non-alcoholic though let me think I don’t know we drink a lot of like

Cheap like Dr pib which is not as good as Dr Pepper and never will be the Dr Peppers taste the they all taste different I don’t care what anyone says they all taste different Mr P is a classic is a classic but it is it will never be it will never

Be him Dr Pepper it will never be him I’m to the Dr Pepper Stu on loading I’m addicted to the Dr Pepper cream soda variant right now it’s so good oh bro that stuff is so good all the Mexican restaurants around have sered that instead of Dr Pepper that makes sense

Um because when I worked in restaurants when I had uh Mexican co-workers when I worked in the back and did dishwashing for a bit um they would give me Dr U Mr pibs they give me Mr PBS and the glass Cokes that are really [ __ ] good and Coke of failure yeah a mountain

Green and the hi plus highy plus Mountain Dew coca failure yeah all the alternative names uh Mexico imported Coca-Cola is so [ __ ] good it’s expensive as [ __ ] yeah but they gave it to me for free because I would help them all the time and I was nice to

Them they still ask about me there be like what what is Agent doing and I’m like I am still doing what I’m doing I am still in school you’re Orange fansa fan I am not a Fanta fan used to be um when I was itty bitty I

Was one of my brothers is a big root beer nut and I’m like eh I’m like root beer is what I drink when that’s the last thing in the cooler to drink before water someone said one of your old songs sounds like I’m drowning oh

No root Beer’s all right I like Ro beer you prefer water yeah water c i I’m drinking water right now I’m a water hater well yeah I’m drinking water right now too but doesn’t mean I don’t I like it I don’t like it or anything

Butong oh I have to sneeze no no no no [ __ ] ah my mic sorry guys L also Mr pip is spicy Cherry Soda according to Coca-Cola’s website yeah yeah that’s all it is if you have a Costco you can usually get a 24 case of

Mexic Coke for about $30 not bad I got a your sounds like an anime punch effect mine either sounds like a Pokemon being tortured or I yell really loud um and the for the ones I yell really loud they hurt so [ __ ] bad I heard you hating

On water what I heard you hating on water from the other Street me fighting now you can fight me to the death bro I I drink water cuz I have to not cuz I like it they’re going over there to Haze you water’s lame it has no flavor that’s

Right Lab Rats unionized against the Alien Invaders bro just cuz I need water exists doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it deny your purpose as a rela not become a lab rat Union I no I pay my union [Laughter] dues un shrimp [ __ ] hi Bliss it’s good

To see you thank you for hanging out no not a stretch redeem too I to get okay if I get a stretch y’all get a stretch so sit up walk around stretch or start getting ready for bed four people on at 2:22 a.m. don’t worry about it

Some people I watch and some people that watch me aren’t us it might be 222 for you and you know 1: a.m. for me but some of my following are Filipino and Asian and I appreciate them being here even if it’s two: in the morning I can’t it’s two that’s fair theate oh

[ __ ] it’s sip sip is hydrate cuz I don’t always drink water it’s 300 p.m. over there Jesus [ __ ] bro proaps is my time to break from the cult what the hell why would you break for my cult that’s [ __ ] up no bug I don’t even know how to furnish

This buy Goblin sleep schedule so you’re cool it’s always good you can’t what I think the fact that it’s just an empty bies smellin water T sorry I should have warned I sometimes I crack my neck and it’s close to M so back neck crack ASMR and sometimes when I crack my neck

It will also crack my back oh the fishies are back hell yeah it’s a crunchy neck well you’re right you’re [ __ ] right they’ll call me [ __ ] Rogue kill for nothing I make the Sounds by a car how can you help it I got hit by a car

I got hit by a [ __ ] military grade vehicle dophins two of them dolphins are horrible animals in the ocean they are pretty to look at they are horrific um their joints were never the same and they’ll never be I got [ __ ] up knees a weird ankle and a neck that when I crack

It it sounds like I I snapped it in half bro dislocated they’re back oh no sounds about right yep like breaking a wishbone [ __ ] who’s GNA pay your union dues if I if I break like a wishbone though that prompted me to stretch as well that felt good I’m glad okay yes I

Am sipping water as we been sitting drink that WWA streamers when they say there’s a stretch yeah how do I make like shop shelves let’s see I have no idea I guess just find up that I look similar agent look up internal decapitation for your neck popping ASMR

This is going to make me throw up I don’t know we’re going to see I’m not trying to get banned on Twitch today can you recover from internal decapitation as you probably know car accidents are responsible what the that’s way too specific car accidents are responsible for an alarming number of injuries every

Single Le year even though many accident Associated injuries minor to many others lead to catastrophic and lifetim consequences for accident victims this is an article written by drer babage bua wood campola LLP um you can find that is the first thing you Google the extent of your

Injury a few car accident injuries are more serious than internal decapitation according to a reporting from Newsweek the condition happens when the neck internally breaks away from the skull fishy I’m politely letting you know right now if you bring up your covers one more time you’re going to get

A timeout and if you do it once more after that you will receive a soft band this is me politely setting a boundary no self-promo unless it’s a stream dedicated to self-promo this is me reading an article that’s kind of funny okay dude thank you all right yeah um that’s a lot though

Internal decapitation didn’t know about that uh there’s a lot going on there my neck a lot less now if you selfpromo again I’ll ban you even if you’re joking I’m not playing anymore boundaries thank you older sister furries I definitely want to dedicate a stream to seeing what things and

Projects other artists are up to right now it’s Minecraft hanging out and [ __ ] around I probably got like 20 minutes left to be hanging out [ __ ] out hanging out with Myck out except not really because the twitch to has changed severe never that’s a Hot Topic that’s a Hot

Topic hot button topic for me over here not for you though yeah no it was really funny I was watching like I was watching twitch fall apart around me and I was like I’m on YouTube it was backpedal so fast because so many it just showed that so many

People a are going to abuse things when there aren’t strict system like I don’t know what they expected people abuse things whenever you don’t set a strict boundary yeah they do allow you to twerk now IRL I don’t know about vtubers though um no more art meta yeah and they

Backpedal so fast but yeah we are rocking with our [ __ ] out today vtuber twerking stream I don’t think I can until I get full body rigging and that’s going to be like another $600 yeah bro it’s so expensive I’ve been pricing it if I want if I want

Like good rigging and I don’t there are some other brands I have seen that are more affordable but it’s nothing under like 300 and it never will be what they think was going to happen I don’t understand too many broken bones for a working stream stairs and slabs I see I got all

This tail though it’s working as artistic dance now I hate that I’m having this conversation just like hitting the hitting the gritty that’s okay I um I tweeted on in another timeline um because now I brought this up so I have to think about how I’m going to we

This um on my art account in another timeline uh you could probably get 600 day in a day not gonna lie I make 600 after 2 weeks of work but I’m glad that you are able to uh for me this like two weeks of work and that’s when I’m not grinding

Like streaming and doing art because I don’t do art on commission anymore um because it stress it stresses me out you make like $200 per cab that’s fair my cat is clawing at my door what do the inside of the bies look like something I uh

On top of like never mind my brain’s dead brain’s not working that internal decapitation is coming for me no um oh I need to change the floor I Us in here cuz like inside the building they’re using like a tile I see what’s a good floor I could use so

Now I have to redo this entire floor it’s fun it’s kind of funny it’s a little funny it’s very funny actually if I must be honest with you uh let me be clear let me let me bear it’s very funny let me be clear is very funny all right fishy let me be

Clear let me be clear hold on wait I think I literally have that you have the sound bite I don’t think I do the soundboard no that’s I don’t have that one damn it oh I have this one though now watch this drive that’s a good one sorry granding gole now watch this

Drive now watch this drive I’ve got a let me see what I’ve got you got games on your phone it’s a old ass meme um where the [ __ ] is the soundboard there it is I get uh oh oh ow [Laughter] ow I’ve got A uh four this old though I guess it’s old now apple pie what else we got big guys what if I just put ice as the flooring in here we love casting spells I got a that’s it I’m like we’re really Towing dmca right now YouTube is not

Kind oh [ __ ] I forgot I apologize that’s okay you’re going to sip I like this one okay to show anyone that hasn’t seen this is what REI has been working on it is a rebuild of a Buy’s gas station which is a really really popular gas station in the southern

Us they are known for clean bathrooms and the son of the owner being a sack of [ __ ] and putting cameras in those bathrooms recently so they’ve come under Fire it’s kind of a Hot Topic right now but at least like they’re not like the owners and like the brand is like

Yeah no screw this guy we had no [ __ ] clue and then they have they’re also known for having like more than 10 gas pumps more than 10 that was literally like these last two weeks I guess I hear it because I get old people Tik Tock

News that’s F that’s funny but yeah like the owner’s son of the brand it’s like 30 pumps almost yeah like 20 30 two on each side and then some some bies locations will like like there’s one row of 15 and then there’s another row of like

30 they’re it’s really good to have in heavy travel States like Texas for sure um and then I built this today oh [ __ ] I built a greenhouse house I’m going to fill with a bunch of flowers and some more stuff you there yesterday and you always forget how big

It is thank you it matches me cuz I’m a little frog and I so cute I’m flat flat [ __ ] flat F and I’m not joking like I am flat I am flat no I might just keep the con might keep the con Creek conk Creek that’s concrete baby

Why am I one pixel wide I don’t know cuz it’s funny I love it like look look at him so good aone pixel wide it’s really funny when I run past REI or like in creative mode when I fly up straight so good like uh this is Axel’s house that she built

Already and we got the McDonald that I’m never going to build the inside of flattened by a car oh maybe I could do quartz just like me for real man I got McDonald I got the wizard tower that I need to the wizard wizard tower that I need to

Rebuild uh we have the Town Square or the fountain and something written over here I’m sure never mind I don’t think I don’t think Axel knows you can write things in those a wizard tower next to McDonald’s yeah um and then Axel built a an apothecary and then we also have the fua

Moko Cafe which is a Oshi Shrine to Axel’s first ever ooshi yipp congrats on descending it to Hell uh Moko and fuaa uh F Moco from Hollow live my nii Sanji Shrine is [ __ ] ridiculous I don’t want to think about mine I just have way too many acrylic

Stands yeah I have too many keychains that I’ve bought from fan artists although I think the best thing I’ve ever purchased were the wish uh the the wooden wish token yeah yeah I remember those yes uh for luxum be tuber One Direction yeah they are though I’m going to call them that every

Time now you should it’s so good I’ve been calling them that for months let’s see I call I call luxium vtuber One Direction I call nocx I don’t know what I call nocx no probably CU it’s funny this this the BL group that’s real they have more BL

Vibes because fulger and ukie are both in there and added with sunny Bon is just it’s good I I eat well whenever I talk to no I am a nocx fan before I am a person funny um like I think I do really really like um doio lot doy yeah I love dopy

He’s so [ __ ] funny he’s so funny I never understand what that man is saying though I think hold on what’s up I gotta find the meme that I have what the [ __ ] does it say is definitely up there for me B is very darling um I like that

She’s playing Devil May Cry 4 right now yeah I have a I have a a meme that’s just just straight on of doio that says my brother in Christ what are you talking about that’s so good it’s so [ __ ] good I like be though I really hope that she’ll

Probably go through the whole DMC series I am trying so hard but failing not to s for narissa um I am failing sing for narissa that’s a demon and I I know what I am she’s an idol fan and I am I’m staring at her boobs

No she’s just sweet and pretty and a demon and I have a a I have a problem character’s a demon I’m probably going to [ __ ] it or at least s for it or it’s my favorite never played a Devil May Cry game was always a Dark Souls guy

Dark Souls is good uh please play Devil May Cry devil me please play devil maker please valate me please play devil if you play any of them play three three on the oh no help hold on I can fly it’s fine I was just I thought it was funny

That I fell in and I was like I can’t I can’t get out help I am I am drowning um I am uh I am under the water I am under the water please help me I love Devil May Cry though this probably one of my favorite series am I

Good at the games no that’s it uh the game stories without spoiling anything is like cheesy 8s film scripts kind of very gimmicky very goofy um it will always be something that I find charming and endearing so definitely look into it and since you’re watching beo tune into her

DMC 4 stream um DMC 4 is I believe timeline wise between 3 and five um I was introduced to the series through I was introduced to the series working through GameStop Yes um um but uh g g playing five and the very warm and me heavily memed era of her playing DMC

5 um it was excellent it was an excellent era for gooa to be a gooa fan that’s when I was cosplaying her and I actually had an eat a bag because I I love the two brothers I had an e a bag with merch of them both it’s not a

Pairing bag bag so don’t get it twisted um I just had enough merch to make a full bag of one half being him one half being the other um you just dropped all I had on the deluxe edition of grand blue Fantasy Versus Rising though the gr blue is good um I like

That um oh my God there’s this one girl in Grand blue that I really oh I like sandal sandalon a lot coffee boy and uh Lucifer I don’t go to G but I appreciate the art Mr Stinky demon man it’s got such good art it’s

Got such a good be Community to a g and the GL Community is even better oh and the fan art is so [ __ ] good everyone has their emotional support uh emotional destroying uh gotcha mobile game don’t talk about BL in front of re who do you think who do you think I talk

About BL with and who do you think I also bully about BL with because there are things we both know there are things we both know [ __ ] Arthur Alfred shipper no don’t why are you saying that shut up shut up shut the [ __ ] up don’t never speak that evil [Laughter]

Again not in my house not my streamer never speak that evil in this stream again I love be be’s so good oh my God I just felt my like my butt fall fell off my chair I’ve had like bad days and lucky will be like like horrifically bad and

Lucky has sent me like screen caps and he’s like hey here’s this BL of Luca and fox and I was like hey that’s not my cup of tea but I like this that’s good art where you find that I’ll eat it I’ll eat it um it’s like oh oh goodness two cakes

Source are you a cop are you an arc oh my God I’ll never recover from this he said he found it under the tag uh hidden sex oh allegedly cops can’t say they hate one no better yet are you a dark don’t do this to me look I have very specific taste and

That’s not one of them but I was happy to see it sometimes you need to see no I’m not going to get banned I just might get people going wow what the [ __ ] wrong with you why are you like this why are you like this um there’s a

Lot of reasons why you want a list I can itemize it too and it’s not going to change I also see really really good art of ukie and fulgar ooh mhm I’ve seen some of ble but I don’t personally see ble in that kind of light he’s just just the funniest dude I’ve

Ever seen in my life just a guy he’s just the guy the guy he’s so [ __ ] funny saw a verified person in chat yeah I saw they only chatted once though so I don’t I I don’t I don’t think they stayed for very long you’re still here though you’re pretty

Cool they convos with your bestie about BL taste that’s okay she can probably re my taste somehow some way the fact I knew about what I was trying to dig at her for is a is a telling matter no it’s okay I was a Gilbert fan I know what I

Am thank you for using those names instead of the other ones so it’s not as like not as dam it’s not as bad uh at least you know I didn’t do Homestuck oh I didn’t go to Homestuck so I didn’t I barely went I understand character

Names yeah I know them I know the names unfortunately because all of my friends were into it but I was not I read like two chapters and I was like this is boring the most I like was Kaya and Rose I like cuz women and I liked um oh my

God I liked Dave cat and that was it I’m grateful I never went to Homestuck I’m glad I never went as deep as I did deeper than where I was I knew things I probably shouldn’t have known because I didn’t read the oh wait I think that there there are Side

Characters that get over swept by you know time and the fact that that excuse me web comic is long as [ __ ] um like and Miss paint is probably the coolest character in that series IMO and the um midnight crew coolest characters in that series other than that I don’t give [ __ ]

About the rest of the series I have a lot of forbid knowledge about like Homestuck tra the way up in my brain that I I want to keep it in there that’s one of the series I don’t like to pick at it’s that Steven Universe cuz that’s a whole mess um what

Else what else do I like to keep trapped up in the brain of History I think that’s kind of it yeah we Rising as a cult hell yeah L we talk about water bro I can’t believe water is the def divisive uh I’m drinking water conversation I’m drinking

Water I’m just saying that there are better drinks out there my youngest brother is a DieHard Dragon Ball fan and I have to get I unfortunately have to get him to stop and I’m like hey I need you to consume something that isn’t Dragon Ball for a week because a it’s

Getting concerning because there’s so much Dragon Ball um because you are so young and you did not grow up with the material you just sat down found it said I like this and then consumed it in a binge um I need you to actually soak up

I’m like I need you to soak up what you watch I need you to watch something else um and then he goes and watches more Dragon Ball I hear dogs outside there’s probably coyotes scary oo I know you see me standing Here watch Gravity Falls or something okay I liked I liked Gravity Falls but I didn’t I wasn’t I like I’m trying to think about how to word this I like the concept of Gravity Falls it was very interesting I liked it a lot but I didn’t consume it

And sit online yeah I I didn’t I didn’t consume it been in the fandom sense that’s like I liked Moka but I never interacted with the online like Club of that I saw it kind of in passing but fortunately it didn’t Grace my timeline Steven Universe graced my timeline with

Like a [ __ ] slap and I didn’t appreciate it um because at a certain point I was like I don’t want to watch this anymore it’s not for me if someone likes a show they like a show yeah of course Everyone’s entitled to like the things they

Like watch on your own but just happened to be on and you would watch it at someone else’s house or something it’s fair my brother just get sucked up and stuff and I’m like hey dude I need you cuz then I have never had to watch any

Episode of Dragon Ball my brother just recounts them all for me which is kind of nice oh my god that’s literally how I am with one piece I’m never going to watch One Piece in my life but like all my friends sure know everything about

It I will never have to watch One Piece because of one of our friends or a good couple of them I’m never going to watch this show but gosh darn it am I going to hear about it watch IQ I will never watch hiq because I just asked three of our

Friends I’m one of them just say you’re too busy watching Naruto you only know one piece because of the wiki that’s fair I love my little volleyball boys they just announced these figures with their toes out I’m so excited okay I understand I understand Naruto deserves some hate I always have to face

That I just have Nostalgia blinders cuz it was one of the first animes my dad actually sat down and like it was one of the first things he actually sat down and watched with me no do you want to know the first show my mom ever watched

With me oh my God what vampire night what is wrong so [ __ ] funny I’m so so Terri terrible I’m like oh God I just remembered that it’s okay I had a friend in high school who would put English dub anime on in her living room like in her

Family living room and both her parents are [ __ ] lawyers and I’m pretty sure that they thought it was [ __ ] weird and if she sees this I’m not friends with her anymore so I don’t give a [ __ ] uh it was [ __ ] weird um cuz I would have headphones on and watch

Anime on the family shared computer yeah um and or I would have a earbud plugged in and my brother vulpe would have the other earbud in and we’d sit there and watch anime unbothered or we would watch dubbed specific dubbed anime and for kids Anime with my parents

Yeah typically my dad because my mom does not like anime at all never will um she put dubbed Oran on in her family living room when her like parents would get off work and then would complain about the weird looks they would give her and I I couldn’t I couldn’t get her

To kind of understand that yeah they make like sexual inuendo jokes like all the [ __ ] time it’s a Coming of Age story about high schoolers we just turned like 17 16 mhm your parents probably don’t think this is appropriate material for you to be putting on in the

Living room I’m not going to lie not going to lie your friend’s mom watched aan H House Club I like Aon um I feel like it should get the fruits basket reboot treat um please I’m diing I know some people feel like there’s not enough material for them to

Continue on with the second season but there kind of is they miss like Hari and tamaki’s like whole Arc after everything that it like Trail blazes off of including oh [ __ ] including everything that the growth that happens to every other character too yeah not only every character from The Stereotype not only

It’s so important there’s two reasons why we need a reboot of oron one to finish it two to replace the English voice actor for tomaki I agree with that you watched working and thought it was a cute show um someone who I dated previously watched working but I didn’t get around

To it um okay it looks less like the back rooms now let me let me see uh I have my my anime list somewhere either tagged with my vtuber stuff or tagged with my art account so let me check real quick so far what I have

Listed so far what I have listed I mean it is my like art account stuff so I try not to put it in people’s face cuz I know immersion and but I’m I’m a person my my is under my uh a name I should not say oh oh

Jesus um let me see so far and I haven’t even updated this with uh stuff I’ve rewatched I need to go through and honestly we I’ll do it on stream I need to go through and um heavily edit my myanime list um so far though I have completed 245 series nice it’s

Probably more than that I think mine is way less than that um that’s not including the series that have an anime but I’ve only ever seen the manga that’s a lot yeah and keep in mind I’m 26 and I’ve been watching anime and I include Yu-Gi-Oh and Tokyo Mumu

And things like that that got for kids dubs and JP dubs cuz I wound up watching both eventually um from like age seven to now I’ve been watching anime either cons this is the first year that I have not been seasonally watching anime at all I think I watched frein and that was

It and I want to watch dungeon meshy I don’t but I’m not I’m like I’m not pressuring myself anymore to keep up with it because it was stressing me out oh the only thing I watched seasonally this year was what came out this year I’ve been watching the um musum season 3 and

Then I watched Attack on Titan when it came out I think that’s it I don’t remember watching anything else seasonally this year unless I’m forgetting I have to hold on let me but then things happened and I said getting out of here I haven’t watched

Season two yet and I I not not decided if I will or not we’ll shall see we shall see why Bedrock so I can play with my friends mhm I play Bedrock cuz uh also me installing um what is it Java it was going to [ __ ] my it going to [ __ ] my

Computer you wait for an entire show to drop before you watch because you hate waiting I do the same I do the same now um I’m tired of waiting not only am I tired of waiting but because of the understandable and deserved strikes with

A lot of Studios I want to wait to see if it’s going to be finished because if it strikes and then the project never finishes I don’t want to get my hopes up and then I also like it is kind of like a mixed bag I watched Tri gun Stampede this year

That is another one I watched there there’s one I watch watched cuz I so I’ve watched three whole animes I was so happy to see Johnny Young BOS return as bash I really want to I want to watch the original now because this is my first introduction to

Try gun so you will watch it together we can oh my God who would you like to I would uh let me see um what my top so my top rated anime are anime I can either recommend to anyone in everyone or it’s specific niches for anyone they’re things that I

Liked a lot and like enough to watch at least two to three times within like a threeyear span what version because like try gun but didn’t like the reboot that’s fair some people had very strong opinions on it let me see I really liked it let’s

See my top 10 on uh I’m playing we’re playing the windows version is if that’s if that’s the answer you want yes Windows is bedrock yeah yes uh we are not playing Java because it will [ __ ] my computer um I don’t have enough RAM for both and we play Bedrock

Because we have some friends that like to play on switch welcome back welcome back um but my top 10 anime are um in no specific order are ancient Maes bride or uh mahz moty Noom uh cutie honey because I like gona guy works oh and I think it’s a really

Good intro I personally think cutie honey re cuy honey specifically is a good intro to gagy works because then typically people go look at the manga and then they’ll delve into devil man sometimes um wal the Koy is my favorite Rance it’s my favorite romance anime it’s so cute

They are so stinking cute um they are by they are my favorite couple and I like that the main of romance I like that he lives um he plays Monster Hunter it’s so cute and the Cheryl gnome nod in that one scene yes oh my

God so good I love oo and and my other favorite romance enimies I love toora I never got to watch a comic a Kill um I had seen it in the past in passing but it didn’t it wasn’t uh it wasn’t my taste but I can I can

Understand why people like it for sure um Fruits Basket first season the reboot the reboot the entire reboot of fruits basket I really like um wait I have these in my inventory already so that’s three shjo I’ve got Osama ring ring or King’s ranking I’ve got Fate Zero because I do

Enjoy fate um and I think that fate is one of the stronger ones I actually dropped watching jiujitsu kaisen um for understandable reasons my favorite lad my favorite lad yep I cannot do that to him he’s still on that beach out there show me all inventory we’re in Creative

Right now so I don’t like have inventory we’re just building yeah we are playing for fun right now playing for Funnies and playing to hang out we’ll probably move it to survival eventually when we get more of our friends involved yeah that’d be fun um so Fate Zero because Fate Zero or

Fate unlimited blade works are the two that if you want to get into like the main timeline of Fate it’s what I recommend to people yeah it’s very very chill Minecraft it’s very easy mode Minecraft because it’s it’s easy to play at like 2: a.m. uh when everybody’s been drinking and

Such I liked King’s ranking I know I talked about it but I’d like to go back to a little bit you’ve been wanting to get in a fate it looks so rad well if you like historical figures like King Arthur Lancelot Robin Hood um even Grecian myths like Medusa media I think

Media is Grecian um it’s excellent you only know Grand order because you played the game a [ __ ] ton I love Grand order uh when I debuted I did like four grand order like binge streams maybe this one I gotta do another one soon Mash is adorable I I I love Mash I’m

A I will reveal what kind of person I am and a minute um I like the sum ranking because the art style appeals to many many many many people and it is in anime you can introduce to younger audiences teenagers and adults um while the Japanese humor is

Definitely still there it’s not so culture shocking that it’s uncomfortable no I like this one like crayon shinshan I think has some moments the culture is like kind of like a lot some children’s anime still have like lwd humor which is fine by me but some people that raise their kids more

Conservatively are definitely going to be like e no um Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood because it’s it’s a banger probably going to put freein on here because it’s been so good so far I want to watch it so bad please please I think you should um I Have oh FMA is good FMA especially Brotherhood Brotherhood follows the manga plot but they did if you do watch the original FMA um you can finish out the story through some of I think OVA or film projects that they did they did finish the original story with an

Alternate timeline it was pretty good too I think that’s an excellent way to wrap things up yeah I had you still got to watch um mus had a coworker um asked me cuz some someone she started dating has been trying to get her into anime so

Now she comes to me for like all the recommendations and she was like uh they’s trying to get me to watch Full Metal Alchemist should I watch it and I was like if you’re going to watch it watch Brotherhood that’s my recommendation but the original is okay

Too I’m just partial cuz I read the Manga first so I was like I I also read the Manga first um my favorite Slice of Life comedy like funny Feelgood show and is also a cute girls doing cute thing um cute girls doing cute things very funny very uh Slice of

Life ni Joe is this version 1.21 or 1.21 snapshot uh I don’t know all I know is that it updated today not going to lie we got nil um and then bakano which if you’ve never seen bakano or you don’t know what bakano is it is a

Story that is told from multiple facets at different times um the story kind of doesn’t line up until towards the like the last like seven episodes where things kind of mend together more um in a way it’s like d uh but I I think it’s better because it’s more

Condensed it’s a more condensed story but I like a narrative that has um an unreliable narrator at times and different narrative aspects like different perspectives for sure e Jo looks good from what you’ve seen need to get on that one too definitely please is excellent gintama’s good as well um

If you want something funny that shows you a lot of Japanese like regular day standard humor excellent bakano ni Jo wcoy are like in my top like five for sure um and then my number one favorite anime of all time is Kos uh L the Rebellion my friends have call me that

When I was young I literally have one two three four five Louch figures and I think I got another that came through a pre-order recently because oh they reprinted him love you shardy thank you I like crazy [ __ ] uh specifically men um so back to fate and fake Grand order my favorite servant

Is Caster Gill and then having Caster Gill and Archer Gill and Inu um I like two men fighting because they’re in different stages of their life and they’re non-binary uh green-haired baddy badad baddy yes um my favorite manga that I’ve read I probably could extend on

That I don’t have Higurashi in my top 10 anymore cuz I realize it’s not exactly something I can recommend to people but it is in my top 20 I do I do enjoy um heavily the Higurashi series but I am a big fan of rukhi’s work from Higurashi to UMO to uh

Seonia it’s really good um but for manga I have Nana uh chainsaw man the Naruto manga because I like a lot of um kishimoto’s old style of sketching um Theon manga land of lustrous yes Demon Slayer manga I like it more than the anime at times even though otable or UFO table is

An excellent Animation studio and then uh Ken which is in I think us is known and its anime is known as chibbi vampire oh yeah yeah yeah that’s it yeah that’s a that’s a throwback kind of for some people in Shugo Cara did you hear chainsaw man can’t

Wait for season too hell yeah I’ve already read the Manga so like I know everything that’s going to happen but you’re so exciting we love chainsa in bargus or Balan Sith for me those are excellent characters already read up to finish in the first Arc oh okay okay you

Got to start reading the second art it’s so good it is it is so good the second Art’s been so nice one of my favorite characters is in that Arc I want a cosplayer when I get back into cosplaying oh yeah when money allows yeah when money allows I love the sound this

Makes USI Waka is rad too I like ushiwaka well um I make this week’s schedule I’ll probably throw in a fate binge stream it’ll be fun if I got time this week I should have time this week I ended up canceling today’s stream we were just G to

Draw we’re g to draw and hang out listen to probably divorce dad Rock I need so I need to I need to catch up on fate um I have two fade accounts one I’ll never stream because it’s on my personal phone and I get too many notifs that are it’s

Just too risky oh yeah and then I that one I have Gil I have gilges on uh Archer because I haven’t I haven’t got a chance to roll for Caster divorc dad Rock what does that mean like Creed Nickelback um if you hang out around and

You hear me listen to rock like I was last night on the hand cam stream this is divorced dad Rock Creed Nickelback and uh either Bon Joy or um doy typically so like rock from the 2000s we trying to go to the divorc dad Rock concert

Or I want to go watch Creed I want to go listen to Creed like mly crew yeah like mly crew for sure um I’m trying to think uh what the El CU I’m I’m kind of done with Minecraft for the night I’m starting to get to where I’m like I need to

Eep but I also wanted to showcase for you guys real quick and you can still hang out if you want really um my model because I know that there are some people that haven’t gotten a chance to see what my full model looks like as as

Well as toggles um I do have a VOD of my debut stream posted on YouTube and I also have it here um if you’re a subscriber you have access to that Rush too yes Rush is divorced dad Brock kickart my heart and that’s it that’s

Very sorry I had to cough it it’s been gross with the weather changes here oh yeah I see than cool am I there I’m there all right let’s see so this is my 3D wraparound for me without my coat so I’ve got like my little moles all over my body my tail Critter

Analysis Critter analysis got hips for days shito holy [ __ ] that was so loud yeah that really was loud sorry let me turn it down welcome back don’t just say you girl in purple chair what does that even mean see but yeah I can’t I can’t move

My arms CU I don’t have I don’t have tracking one day you will be released for your comines I don’t have my 3D tracking at the moment but I got I can wiggle like this like a bowling pin it’s really funny my mama did a good job I think my

Models just clipped in because I need to probably update VC face and remove my uh vrm file and re-upload myself um we will fill this eventually this is tail if I wiggle oh [ __ ] y’all can’t see hold on if I wiggle it’s got some it’s got some

Joints in it it moves around got the bones I got the bones and then the Crocs tail physics I can also Lean Forward by the way it’s really funny and I can lean back backwards and when I lean backwards it’s really funny oh I did that on debut and it was

So [ __ ] funny I was just stuck like this forever and then I lost myself on like the x or y axis um these are the bottom of the Crocs they do have a texture thank you Mama and I got my little hip mole right here yeah the Crocs go [ __ ]

Hard this is a overview you want to make a dog bow what do you even mean Lo suck gamer you have dog blls in Minecraft me see oh [ __ ] come on there we go I’ve got my little coat you like the dead eyes that’s my BRB um when I’m

AFK or just missing an action in any degree um this my coat my tail CLI through but it’s okay I like it like I like my model like this um my mom will work really hard to give me a coat when I cold because my my Bitties be out with

My bid drift don’t get cold and then I got a little bit of physics oh there was a yawn I give some that was a nice Yaar I jig little bit and I got my little headphones and my my collar my choker need the inside of a bies I

See oh yeah they have this thing hold on I’ve got this where my thingies at show me them toes why are my thingies showing that’s weird the POG face in you’re about me is pretty cute too thank you I am a big fan I am a big fan of my POG

Face I’ll probably make it an emote in the Discord you like the headset thank you this is my I give I get real small I get real small I get real tiny it’s my agent outfit when I go to work sometimes I’ll put this on when I’m feeling a

Little exposed or a little cold a little chilly you know get real real close in on them get real close on it on them details let’s see road kill smell you stink go shower I probably should have camera presets but I don’t cuz I’m lazy I feel that one

Man but I do my little rotate around and if you can notice I got like a highlight of purple and a low light of blue so when light is directly on me I have purple on my coat and I have blue on my coat which was a cool thing that

My mama didn’t have to do but she’s really cool like that I promise you we love cool mamas I love my cool mama looking fly agent thank You my smile is not registering there he goes um I’ve got my goggles and my goggles are really cool um also um some really disturbing agent lore for you I can’t hear out of my ears on the top in my head they’re mostly for show they were fake yeah I got ear holes

Like an owl does of course they will fake which is why my headset fits the way it does instead of my headset being on my ears on the top of my head this is what a real posum looks like yeah this is what a real pawsum

Looks like this is some real paum power oh I just SP B I’m so sorry disgusting I’m embarrassed now I felt it too was disgusting some real [ __ ] no fake [ __ ] exactly think I’m starting oh no it’s okay if you need to call it a night really I just going through my

Model yeah I’ll probably like say my good nights okay the chat good night Rey thank you for hanging out with me I had a lot of fun I had a lot of fun I still G to go over my mud but good night good night we hang out again soon I’m sure

Yes of course goodbye labrats yes good night I give you a kiss more good night laats she gave you a kiss y I better say thank you that’s so nice of her she did not have to do that I don’t even do that for y’all sometimes

Good night good night they say thank you good night they giving lots of love good night good night okay I will say my good nights to y’all individually yeah no I’m like I’m starting to get sleepy so I’m like oh God I’m starting to get eepy You ra me up here we go that works yipp blessed with long ass stream yeah I know how is it almost 6 hours again already we already did 6 hours yesterday what’s happening ain’t no way how how did this happen again how are we here

Again I was just I was in the grind and now I’m like I’m I’m I’m fing I was getting to like interior design and I was like oh no my eyes are getting Droopy it was fun and comfy I’m Glad but having only what Pap as sleep last night you should get more sleep breaking records 12:21 a.m. nice it is 2 almost 2:30 in the morning and I have to be somewhere tomorrow so not only do I have to be somewhere tomorrow but I have to pack my stuff for

My vacation next Week lot of bies I’m going to think of bies when I go go to sleep tonight I’m going to dream of the the halls and the bathrooms and the aisles and my biy ass pillow oh God excuse me I’m starting to Fade yeah I think I think this is my last stream before my vacation it’s so sad we I’m going to be gone for a whole week but I’ll be back just in time for like Christmas so uh I have I have plans for some kind of Christmas event I don’t

Know what day it’s going to happen yet I’m not 100% sure it could be like cuz I fly back on Saturday Saturday Christmas Eve is the Sunday right yeah so if I get back get a reasonable hour on Saturday it could be a Christmas special on Saturday or depending on the

Plans for Christmas Eve it could be a Christmas Eve special stream we’ll see I’m not sure yet it’ll either be Saturday or Sunday but I have some I have some fun plans and I can’t wait to Share I set it all up yesterday and got it running and I was like oh I can’t wait I’m not going to spoil it though I’m going to keep it a surprise I always have a bad habit of spoiling my surprises cuz I’m too excited and I can’t not talk about

Him but that’s okay I’m not going to spoil this one but just know it’s either Saturday or Sunday so either the 23rd or the 24th yeah I’ll announce it on like Twitter and Discord and the such and the community tab on the channel you know one of

Thems uh but other than that I’ll be on my trip I’ll be active in Discord and on Twitter so if you miss me too much that’s where you’ll find me don’t worry I won’t be gone forever I will be back as quick as possible I’m going to I’m going to be able to see some some Pals in person which is very exciting Axel’s also going on this trip so I’m I’m very excited we’ll be in person I’ll get to hold hands we’ll hold hands and

And smooch not really but like you know it’s going to be it’s going to be a Blast enjoy your trip thank you looking forward to next stream yeah I’m excited next stream’s going to be a banger so be ready Relish in the season I’m really excited I love Christmas and I’m sad I can’t I I’m missing out on the whole week before Christmas cuz I was

Going to do some more Christmas theme streams but alas next year okay we’ll do some more Christmas theme stuff that’s why I wore my little Christmas assets today cuz I was like man by the time I get back it’s going to be like already Christmas but I have I have I have plans

I cannot share with you right now or the haters will sabotage me you know the memes but yeah I’m excited um I’m going to go get some epes cuz it’s almost there a cool hair accessory yet if you look really close hold on I wonder if I could do this without

Messing everything up whoa you look I have little Clips on too there’s a little reindeer clip and there’s a little gingerbread clip I’m Looking the assets were from hold on I just downloaded them I just downloaded Them y I got to give credit where credit is due uh uh her Twitter handle is Mina minawa Nai I’ll link the uhum there we go that’s the link to the to the uh to the Tweet they’re very cute I’m sad I can’t use the pigtails cuz I don’t think they’d work very

Well cute eyes thank you I’ve got if you look really well close I’ve got stars in my eyes hold on let me try to fix this woo I done goofed up there we go instead of moving that let me move myself whoa what are you Looking yeah if you look really close can you see them I I have to zoom in more we’re getting very close and personal hi what’s up I love the stars in my eyes they’re very cute regim sounds like Celeste track oh I haven’t heard their soundtrack before

The current background I have the um I have the credits in the description heard in a YouTube video was like isn’t this really music yeah it’s like a it’s like a free it’s free music free to use Music let me see yeah so if you go down to my credits

In the description uh let me see so this one is The where do I have it listed singer logo overlays an intermission bgm there it is all the way at the bottom Isaac Isaac wolf what is the name oh freck hold on I don’t remember uh me look at the properties this one was named icon’s chill wave this one in

Particular yeah I try to pick bgms that sound like kind of Spacey stars in your eyes cuz you’re the star in our eyes oh shucks but yeah uh it’s like icon’s chill wave I don’t remember all of the other ones though like the ice thank you I like that they like

Jiggle this is as close as I can get unfortunately I can’t zoom in Anymore it’s like when I blink normally it’s like oh that’s fine want to go W I got the big jiggles mom have crystals yeah I love them my request was uh I feel like a titan my request was I wanted I wanted a galaxy in the

Eyes blinking more than you well I I do have like a bright light shining in my eyes and also it’s the end of the day so like my contacts are drying out cuz I can’t see and I have over contacts riy Mama did well yeah I love both my

Mamas they treat me so well my masas are lovely oh yeah but you can see the clips better there’s the reindeer one there’s the gingerbread One we never get this close am I in your personal space how’s it hanging are you having a good night yeah I’m sniffing you out stick my tongue out you I could also puff my cheeks it’s very subtle though like when I’m far away it’s kind of hard to tell but it’s there

H oh God sometimes I look certain ways and my eyes are like what the hell is happening smelling what we cooking what are you cooking hm what are you cooking give it to me I want It yeah it’s like I it’s so sad cuz like I’m stuck in the little corner of the screen and you can’t always see the little details my eyebrows yeah they make my eyes go crazy mode though pizza rolls can I have some I want pizza rolls whoa give me give me the pizza

Rolls trying to like oh God here we go I got to fix my thing now cuz I zoomed in like crazy going I have to fight to the death for pizza rules I’m down for that I’ll fight for Pizza Rolls any day give them to me I want

Them would you deprive me of pizza rolls how dare you your Galactic Overlord wants Pizza Rose the winner eats the keys to bies hell yeah one of my favorite other details here I go I’m going into space real quick one of my favorite other details

You don’t get to see very often is my skirt it’s so pretty yum and then I have little bracelets on my glove space move space move watch the constellations move I don’t never get to show off the bottom of my outfit very often Yum Yum Yum Yum you never get to see my Shoes I showed off my full outfit once during debut and that was it ke the bies I’m going all out no I’m going to win Dripped out I’m always drippy drippy as hell bro never saw the gloves yeah they’re always hiding behind my skirt too but you can see them really well in my reference sheet back to reality you just get to look at my Mug oh I accidentally moved my headband hold on yeah I know the headband defies gravity cuz it doesn’t actually oh God why is it not pinned anymore hold on like to D I need you to work with me bro why are you not pinned Anymore oh my God I love when live to he just doesn’t want to work with me get me okay well now we have a floating headband zero g headband Zer G love zero g love l o v e z g love it’s it’s stuck now that’s

Okay I accidentally pinned it and now I can’t get it off it’s like a sticker every day with live 2D is a is a new experience about to beat the record really no way oh God I’m so tired though I’m ready to go to bed lasted until now at least

Yeah I just I done goofed it’s done goofed now she just moving on its own get off of there please no that’s as my item scenes I don’t want to remove all items that’s not what I want to do humph a rump yeah we can stay until we beat the

Time I guess and then I’m going to Bed yeah cuz our yeah we ended this Sim stream at 6759 and right now we’re at 60530 it’s going to bother Me oh God my caps lock is on okay well they don’t want to help me so I can’t do that whatever gring stream times tonight thank you for the salutes 0707 I can’t wait to go to bed I’m so tired I have so much left to do before my trip

Too I have a few craft things I got to get done I haven’t even started packing this always happens I’m so bad at packing I’ll get it done though I promise I’ll get it done I was supposed to hand wash some clothes today and I didn’t so now I have

To hope that I get home tomorrow at a decent enough time that I can do it before bed oh God but I don’t have work next week so that’s good I’m really glad I decided not to go to work on Monday even though I could have cuz that gives me time to

Pack and like not lose my sanity cuz my flight on Tuesday is like at like 8 a.m. 9:00 a.m. so it’s a good thing but I didn’t how to get a pack before driving to mothers on Saturday yeah the holidays man I feel like we just had the holidays

And now it’s the holidays again freck I almost wore um there’s this little blanky asset I almost used which one is it it’s this one woo I almost used this one today but I decided not To I decided to just go with the normal stuff so close yeah oh yeah we beat it on my end we did it yay the days don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming back to the room and I hit the ground

Running okay I must go to bed for real now we beat the time we did it congratulations we streamed 6 hours in a row for 2 days I feel like an insane person I feel insane I feel insane and now I’m ready to sleep I’m so

Tired I’m going to go to bed thank you for hanging out and crafting with me I hope you enjoyed the bies that we made so far saying more like dedicated thank you I was very dedicated to my bies have a safe trip thank you I’ll be safe I

Promise I’ll share pictures on Twitter and Discord okay I’m going to bed my T my eyes are tired thanks for hanging out we’ll finish the bies another time I promise bye-bye good night sleep well I’ll see you all fing real soon n yeah oh yeah good night byebye byebye good night

I’ll miss you all for all week I’ll miss you be sure to check on me throughout the week okay cuz I’ll be sad bye-bye byebye I’ll miss you I’ll miss you I’ll miss you we’ll see each other next week I promise we’ll see each other for my very

Special Christmas dream look forward to it good Night [Applause] [Applause] n [Applause] [Applause] N [Applause] N

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 Mining with the Homies 😎’, was uploaded by Aurelia Cassiopeia on 2023-12-17 09:02:08. It has garnered 57 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 06:12:16 or 22336 seconds.

The children yearn for the mines. Are we really any better?

Support my friends here!! Axel: https://www.twitch.tv/axelcranktv Agent: https://www.twitch.tv/agentroadkillvt

✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧

Greetings Earthlings! I am Aurelia, an intergalactic pop idol who wants to take over the universe with my song! Now, I have come to planet Earth to charm the hearts of everyone and become the biggest idol sensation. Mission start: world domination!! Let us have a good time!

✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧

✧ Donations: https://streamelements.com/aureliacassiopeia-7460/tip ✧ Throne: https://throne.me/aureliacassiopeia

You can donate with the links above! It is not expected, but definitely appreciated! By donating, you have agreed that all donations are final and cannot be refunded! Please spend your money wisely! Thank you for the support! 💜

✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧

Chat Rules: ✧ Please be kind to each other! Hate-speech, bullying, or harassment is NOT welcomed here. Be respectful to me, any guests, and other chatters! ✧ No spamming or trolling. ✧ No spoilers or backseating unless I specifically ask. ✧ Please keep conversation positive in chat. We want all viewers to feel safe and enjoy themselves! ✧ Do not deviate from the topic in live stream too much! Some side conversation here and there when it’s relevant is okay, but when the chat is in a completely different conversation than what’s going on, it can create a disconnect between me and other chatters. Please try to stay on topic! ✧ Please don’t pry into my personal life! You can ask questions, but please keep it fairly professional. Invasive questions can make me uncomfortable! ✧ Going hand in hand with the rule above, please also refrain from sharing personal information about yourself. The internet is a dangerous place! Please protect your identity, for your own safety! ✧ Have fun!!!

✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧

Credits: ✧ Art Mama: https://twitter.com/BiancaLattei ✧ L2D Mom: https://twitter.com/rolleybun ✧ Design: https://twitter.com/Koihai_ ✧ Overlays & Intermission Screens: Me! ✧ Logo: https://twitter.com/sasadotexe ✧ Start Screen Art: https://twitter.com/_HT_3 ✧ BRB Screen Art: https://twitter.com/fmfm1106 ✧ Ending/Offline Screen Art: https://twitter.com/Kapyuwenumauma ✧ Stinger: https://twitter.com/Rizu_panda_cube ✧ Alerts: https://twitter.com/0x0_amai ✧ BGM: https://twitter.com/isaak_wolf

✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧

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    EPIC Eastern Empire: BEST Not Minecraft Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vintage Story – Rise Of The Eastern Empire Journeys [EP43] | The Best Not Minecraft Game | Gameplay’, was uploaded by raven67854 on 2024-04-04 13:15:02. It has garnered 238 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:56 or 3716 seconds. https://discord.com/invite/6THUkfy Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/raven67854 Member – https://youtube.com/c/raven67854/join Vintage Story – Rise Of The Eastern Empire Journeys [EP43] | The Best Not Minecraft Game | Gameplay The Eastern Empire will rise again! This time however we will be doing it inside of Vintage Story! I am looking for a location to plant the… Read More

  • Insane Tower Challenge with Noobs! | Minecraft Dungeons Ep. 4

    Insane Tower Challenge with Noobs! | Minecraft Dungeons Ep. 4Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons | Concurring The Tower With Noobs! [Part 4]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 4 on 2024-04-26 02:44:41. It has garnered 1081 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 05:01:00 or 18060 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_Minecraft Dungeons!_* https://store.steampowered.com/app/1672970/Minecraft_Dungeons/ *_Friends!_* @AsenEye @AshyBoio @ConnerTheFozhead @HamzahKhan323 @redacted_bonnie1784 *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7232 @Xman7233 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* www.youtube.com/channel/UCcthU-g69nEHQpNxfHEyizg/join #minecraft #minecraftdungeons Read More

  • Minecraft Baby Dance Funny Moments – School Makeup Hint Series

    Minecraft Baby Dance Funny Moments - School Makeup Hint SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #dance #funny #baby #hintdizileri #okul #sondakika #makeup’, was uploaded by EcE-Shorts on 2024-05-25 21:18:19. It has garnered 259 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • “INSANE PvP in Minecraft! Click NOW to see!” #subscribe

    "INSANE PvP in Minecraft! Click NOW to see!" #subscribeVideo Information This video, titled ‘#subscribe #minecraft #minecraft #subscribe #pojavalauncher #viralvideo #pvp’, was uploaded by Game on Arun on 2024-01-13 02:16:11. It has garnered 2558 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft 100 days minecraft house minecraft video minecraft song minecraft house tutorial minecraft jj and mikey minecraft shorts minecraft minecraft minecraft techno gamerz minecraft gameminecraft 100 days minecraft house minecraft video minecraft song minecraft house tutorial minecraft jj and mikey minecraft shorts minecraft minecraft minecraft techno gamerz minecraft gameminecraft 100 days minecraft house minecraft video minecraft song minecraft house tutorial minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable find in Stoneopolis!!! Golden treasures revealed.

    Unbelievable find in Stoneopolis!!! Golden treasures revealed.Video Information This video, titled ‘Stoneopolis EP7 IE Crusher, Gold, and QUARTS’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-05-25 16:00:43. It has garnered 21067 views and 972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:55 or 1555 seconds. Welcome to a brand new modded Minecraft series! Today, we’re diving deep into the world of Stoneopolis, a challenging questing-based modpack set in version 1.20.1 This unique modpack throws you into a series of over 100 gamestages, each one unlocking new resources, tools, and possibilities. You’ll have to think critically, solve puzzles, and utilize your caving skills to progress. â–ºBecome a Discord Premium… Read More

  • Foxxocology

    FoxxocologyFoxxocology is an 15+ Furry server aimed for those in the Furry Fandom, although it is aimed towards those in the specified fandom other members are welcome. Underage play at their own risk. We try to prove that the Furry Fandom can coexist with other fandoms or members that are not associated with a fandom. play.foxxocology.com Read More

  • Otaku Heart SMP Vanilla whitelist 1.20 factions

    Join the Grand Opening of Our SMP Server! This is a new pure vanilla SMP server (Bedrock) started by ex-server managers from 2019, featuring: Wide and lovely spawn area Events Nations Consensual wars Spawn minigames Active mods Map download every end season Lore & Easter eggs Disclaimer: The Minecraft server is combined with our existing anime discord server, but communities are kept separate. We prefer mature individuals. Join here! Read More

  • The Gearfinder Society (Full PvE | Plots / Survival | 1.20.4) WHITELISTED

    The Gearfinder Society (Full PvE | Plots / Survival | 1.20.4) WHITELISTEDHello there and welcome to the official Gearfinder PlanetMinecraft server post.We are a small community of friends who are looking for new members to join our group and play with us. Currently we have 2 main servers, being them a Skyblock Farming server with a more relaxed take on the gamemode (WIP at the moment) and our flagship Survival Economy Plots which is based on Steampunk and industrial automation.You can freely exchange between both gamemodes by simply talking to our npc at spawn.If you’re interested in joining our server, please beware, you MUST fulfill an application form before being able… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – YOU’RE ALL WRONG AND I’M RIGHT!!!

    Minecraft Memes - YOU'RE ALL WRONG AND I'M RIGHT!!!Well, I guess we’re all “worng” then! But hey, at least this meme is winning with a score of 11! Read More

  • Redstone Language: Crafting Code in Minecraft

    Redstone Language: Crafting Code in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a new tale unfolds, A programming language with redstone, so bold. Turing complete, it can run any code, But writing the programs is quite the road. The interpreter crafted with care and with time, A challenge to conquer, a mountain to climb. The animations dance, the redstone lights up, A symphony of circuits, a technological cup. References abound, from the internet’s past, Each video a treasure, a memory that lasts. From the Epic Hero’s keys to the synthwave’s beat, The music sets the tone, makes the story complete. Turing machines and Brainfuck, concepts so… Read More

  • POV: Outsmarting Minecraft’s traps #lol

    POV: Outsmarting Minecraft's traps #lol POV: Me trying to avoid responsibilities in real life like I avoid traps in Minecraft. Read More

  • Free Minecraft Server: Pixel Topic Fun!

    Free Minecraft Server: Pixel Topic Fun! Minecraft Server KOSTENLOS: A Gateway to Creative Gaming Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft Server KOSTENLOS, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Imagination With Minecraft Server KOSTENLOS, players have the freedom to create their own virtual worlds using blocks of various materials. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. Collaborate with friends to build sprawling cities or go solo and craft your… Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft: Ender Dragon & End Ship Build

    LEGO Minecraft: Ender Dragon & End Ship Build LEGO Minecraft 2024 Ender Dragon & End Ship 21264: A Complete Build and Review LEGO Minecraft enthusiasts are in for a treat with the upcoming release of the Ender Dragon And End Ship set, designated as LEGO Minecraft 21264. This set, containing 657 bricks of various colors, shapes, and sizes, offers a thrilling building experience for fans of both LEGO and Minecraft. What’s Inside the Box? The Ender Dragon And End Ship set includes iconic characters from the Minecraft universe such as Enderman, Ender Knight, Ender Dragon, Shulker, and Ender Explorer. Builders can construct an overworld portal and the… Read More

  • Dawnbringer vs. Crisper in EPIC Minecraft Battle Arena

    Dawnbringer vs. Crisper in EPIC Minecraft Battle ArenaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Epic Fight Arena Battles | S2: Dawnbringer ft. Crisper’, was uploaded by K.Overlegen on 2024-05-20 15:42:22. It has garnered 787 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:33 or 873 seconds. Join the Official Overlegen Discord Server: https://discord.gg/weMA2BsbHQ Join the Official EFM Discord Server: https://discord.gg/JEGHtcSAsM Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KingOverlegen Support My Friend: https://www.youtube.com/@UCfNt0Fi6KaVSb82uIcVYpMQ Get ready for the ultimate showdown in “Minecraft: Epic Fight Arena Battles | S2: Dawnbringer”! Dive into intense battles, where legendary warriors clash in an epic fight for glory. Witness the power of Dawnbringer as new challengers… Read More

  • Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (GHOST)

    Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (GHOST)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft sand art (GHOST) | #shorts #minecraft #sandart #ghost’, was uploaded by Aveline Gaming on 2024-05-30 05:35:00. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Hello everyone, Aveline here welcome to my channel. Here You will find lots of entertainment, exciting matches, Funny contents and lot more. I’ll stream on daily basis. So #LIKE and #SUBSCRIBE to my channel. SEE you guys in my next stream. You Can Donate Through — UPI I’D : sanchitakundu97-1@okhdfcbank You Can Donate Through — Gpay : 6290382196 …. Read More

  • Insane Yoyo Tricks in Minecraft!!

    Insane Yoyo Tricks in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by jeffkingyoyo on 2024-05-26 05:37:28. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:40 or 9820 seconds. Lets not die Read More

  • Defeat Fazo to Save the Villager! #Minecraft #Parkour 💥

    Defeat Fazo to Save the Villager! #Minecraft #Parkour 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Protect the Villager #minecraft #parkour #shorts’, was uploaded by Fazo on 2023-12-26 02:42:38. It has garnered 1356 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. tags & keywords: minecraft parkour protect villager, minecraft villager parkour, minecraft parkour egg socks, minecraft parkour building tips, pranking villagers in minecraft, i got kicked out of this minecraft village, minecraft villager running away, minecraft villagers april fools, minecraft parkour bajan canadian, block placing parkour minecraft servers, minecraft parkour very hard, minecraft block placing parkour, minecraft when you hit a villager, minecraft co op… Read More

  • 🔥Unbelievable Realistic Shaders for Minecraft PE 1.20+🔥

    🔥Unbelievable Realistic Shaders for Minecraft PE 1.20+🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20+ | Render Dragon Mcpe Shaders 1.20.71+’, was uploaded by Firekaro Gaming on 2024-03-13 02:33:05. It has garnered 22888 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20+ | Render Dragon Mcpe Shaders 1.20.72+ Best shaders Minecraft pe 1.20.80 new update this Shader For Promotion & Sponsorship Contact Me: [email protected] Please Don’t Copy Anything Without Our Consent  If You Use my Any Clips in your Video Then, Give me Credit in your discription and mention. Credits – All Credits goes to… Read More