Minecraft mobs beat game for me?! 😱

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skins/”>Minecraft but creepers beat the game for you you heard me right I’ll be recruiting Creepers with new abilities bigger explosions and more along the way I’ll make new creeper types like lightning creepers black hole creepers and even the Legendary Super creeper can I beat the game with these awesome new creepers let’s find out hello world and hello creeper are we can we be friends NE never mind okay maybe we have to get some upgrades to make creepers are friends what the heck is this video dude oh we’ve got a lot of unique stuff who large explosion upgrade super creeper what is this a dragon missile Ah that’s what we need conversion dust throw on creepers to recruit them I need H dandelion and wheat seeds Okay ooh dandelion got to get out all these weeds here there we go that should do it I think oh it’s getting dark out we better make this thing before the creeper start coming I think it was like yeah conversion dust now I shall make some friends in the dead of night don’t try this at home kids there you are do I throw this at you boom we’re friends he’s smiling at me yeah oh he loves you right click to pick him up okay I got a creeper uh now now what do I do I’ve got a no no no no no no can I can I use gun whoa I just threw him oh oh no way he just keeps spawning are you serious I can just throw him and he just spawns back come back come back yeah dude I’ll call you Gregory good boy Gregory time to explode okay that was a horrible idea Gregory come here quick we’re going to get some good old beef yes thanks Greg o I got a new friend Ernest ah oh that worked that worked that worked hello Ernest meet Greg where are you hey buddies you guys keep me safe all right I’ve got to make myself some upgrades H what what it doesn’t let me mine it doesn’t give me the Cobblestone what is that it might have something to do with the creepers can I literally use you guys to mine as well come here buddy can I use you uh no I don’t get anything there was an upgrade nope not a stob a stone upgrade mining stone let’s my creepers mine stone for me dope I need wood logs and a stone cataly I find it from mining wood all right keep your eyes peeled boys I got to do some wood chopping yeah how dare you tree you failed me yeah oh did that actually work I just saw a catalyst I think Gregory might have exploded it yeah they keep exploding all right I guess I got do this myself uhoh uhoh hey hey guys guys guys guys help help help ah what am I supposed to do no no no I’m on half a heart cracker I’m going to take fall damage I’m going to take fall damage There’s a Zombie there’s a zombie with with the Poncho okay yeah yes yes that did it yes oh my beautiful gentleman this is getting in tense when is it going to turn daytime it’s been 70 hours man go go go go yes I got it I I got the stone catalyst so we can make this we got to be quick dudes we put this here we put this around this yes we’ve got the stone mining upgrade boys yeah we got plenty of cobblestone for upgrades now the sun is rising what is that we got to go dude we might be able to make some upgrades on our way over oh skeleton skeleton skeleton skeleton do skeletons oh no friends friends friends I threw the wrong I threw the Cobblestone gosh dang it zesting over open fire hey I’m getting hungry you guys mind going fishing for me thank you a village on my Horizon let’s get some bread ah for the first time in the episode I actually have food to eat oh a beautiful day it is today who just has pickles just chilling on the counter next St iron and I have an evil plan I’m looking for a big Iron Boy oh hello buddy would you like to hear a laugh noise uh-oh uhoh you you don’t want to mess with a big guy you don’t want to mess with a big guy keep spawning boys yeah did we get the iron ah I don’t think we did I’m going to assume we didn’t get the iron because we need some kind of iron upgrade Ah that’s it let your creepers mine iron we got to mine Some Coal my friends but before we get into the caves I think I need some new friends yes and now we can get some new friends oh hi buddy welcome to the club trick shot hya oh I got him oh gosh yeah all right I think that’ll be good for now let’s get down into the caves but first upgrades yeah all right that should do it let’s get to it oh my goodness what just happened that scared me so much dude I think I just had the mind for me I just squatted and then oh my goodness am I supposed to be able to do that this is op this is crazy you guys we got some coal let there be light creeper I choose you and yeah we got a catalyst over there that’s what we’re looking for what is this my friend yes iron Catalyst boys we’ve done it great job all of you I see Iron over there so if I just do this oh right we have to make the upgrade first duh what do I need oh I need Stone half of them are playing in water like it’s a water park two of them are hanging out chatting on top of basically the furnace fire in their booties they creeper booties this makes me miss the villagers Good Times wa you haven’t seen that episode yet are you not subscribed what are you crazy sorry to interrupt the annual meeting of the creepers but I think we got enough Stone to make our iron upgrade boom let’s see what happens if we try to mine iron now iron acquired all right well that at least got us some upgrades oh my gosh you’re so loud ow hey hey hey hey hey get out of here child is that what I think it is yeah we got ourselves another iron Ah that’s the normal creeper guys we have an impostor Among Us ah two of them no no no hey back off back off I don’t know who’s who’s friendly and who’s not to fight off mobs we’re going to make ourselves the medium explosion upgrade and so now our creeper should do some crazy damage there’s a previous hole and here’s an oh wow yes very large I need myself the diamond Catalyst to do that I got to mine some iron ha and by mine I mean explode ha oh is that it is that it yeah we got it my inventory is a mess oh no no no no oh get in the water get in the water ax L keep me safe oh my goodness ah no I killed the AEL I’m so sorry I have sinned iron acquired that gives us the diamond upgrade and now my boys can mine diamond I also need to get some armor I’m a naked boy ow ow ow that should help up a little bit here wait hold on if I squat apparently when I’m they’re in my hand now they’re a medium explosion creeper have I oh that’s way bigger than before boom oh my goodness we’re on the hunt for our super creeper guys let’s get some diamonds well it looks like the boys found a m shaft and one of them found out he’s flame proof so that’s something or he’s in a lot of pain I could look the oldfashioned way but I could also do this take that M shaft oh gosh oh gosh pardon me I’m going to collect a couple of these in my hands just so I can use them when I need them oh diamonds yes come here gentlemen diamonds yeah gold we’ll take gold I just saw some diamonds over there my inventory is a mess I’m so sorry yeah give me all the diamonds you have thank you got some more got some more I think we pretty much how many we have 18 diamonds already this is so nice how’d you get all the way up there oh that actually worked that’s amazing oh my gosh they broke the game look at how laggy this is getting all right I think that’ll do it I’ve been eating this thing for 7 minutes I think I straight up broke Minecraft okay let’s make some upgrades six diamond blocks I did notice check this out we can throw this dust on creepers to turn them into supercharged crazy creepers but for some reason they are locked and I can’t access them so I think I need to get the this dust recipe book first I’m getting kind of hungry for some steak anyway thank you very much okay we got a book and now we’ve got our upgrade we’ve got the dust recipe book so now I’ve unlocked my dust oh my goodness they’re all gotten different ways too the diamond dust gotten from grinding a diamond in a stone cutter ooh and I could do this gotten from grinding a lava bucket in a stone cutter this is going to get dangerous dude how do I do this do I drop it on the stone cut cutter no I use it on the stone cutter and that gives us diamond dust boom let’s go get some lava I’ve got the flame dust now I have to be careful with this because apparently if I put these two together I get the infernal dust throw on creepers to create a nuke creeper I don’t know if I want to use this thing yet or if I should use it on the dragon but uh oh there he is all right well let’s pick you up I got a nuke creeper oh my goodness I’m so scared honestly if I just toss you oh yeah I got to get back away and oh oh my goodness it lights the whole thing on fire I’m sorry Forest I can’t say I didn’t see that coming also I noticed the creeper didn’t respawn again so I guess they’re one time use I got to be careful with these I’m going to keep it handy we can also make Lightning Dust I need a copper Ingot so we’ll smelt up these bad boys real quick and I can make the black hole creeper but I need the Ender dust so while this smelts let’s get an ender pearl yeah get under the shade guys yeah yeah yeah hi man I’ll take a pilet to oh I didn’t get I I did get one yeah Endermen are basically oysters you just break them open to get their pearls yep Ender dust achieved and we’ve got ourselves the copper dust and we’ll get ourselves a couple more of these Diamond dusts all right here is our deep black dust for the black hole and here is our Lightning Dust oh man I’m actually nervous hey guys any volunteers ah you’ve been volunt told thank you very much whoa so if I toss this guy yeah oh dude oh man that does some serious damage why do you all stand on the furnace you all love that furnace man two black hole creepers I did not mean to do that but we’ll take it okay careful now dude cuz this might actually oh oh three of them are black hole creepers o be careful be careful grab them oh okay I got two of them I got how many do I have I’ve got four black hole creepers what if you throw it at an Enderman weird I might break the Overworld so we’re going to hold them in my inventory for now and then on the dragon we’re using these bad boys we have three more upgrades we can do we can make our guys now be large explosions so that’s good the final two recipes the dragon missile and the super creeper need TNT so let’s find our a desert temple hello gorgeous so you don’t accidentally step on the pressure plate I’m going to pick these guys up it’s going to be scary down there boys there we are ah there’s the gunpowder hey and some free gold there should be a three chests around here somewhere boom I think I broke all the items a I didn’t get that much gunpowder from the oh wait a second a I have one IQ hold on there we go there I got some free TNT I was legit about to go hunting for gunpowder I kind of want to test what this guy is capable of doing before I go all the way to the Ender Dragon and die immediately so oh wish me luck gentlemen oh oh what is that that is insane okay I think we’re okay okay not going to break the world did a sizable amount of damage to the Village though this is going to be useful all right let’s get our what the recruit kill oh this is an upgrade I haven’t even seen this yet killing enemies with your throne creepers turns them into a recruited creeper oh sick man I didn’t even know that existed all right well we made that upgrade super creeper unlocked it summons the most powerful creeper ignites when the inner dragon is at 50% oh my goodness oh I I was not ready I don’t think I should have crafted that yet oh no oh no well uh we got it here now and we can make the dragon missile but I need fireworks you think they have any paper in there I’ll call you big boom yo big boom you can’t go into the house like that you’re going to freak out the neighbors oh that’s a normal creeper is big boom is he stomping is he stomping on the zombie dude I love you man he’s so cool this kill recruiter was the best upgrade I think we’ve gotten so far this has been crazy we make ourselves our missile and I should be able to craft our Dragon missile oh I don’t have a diamond Catalyst hold on and there we are are you serious H creepers are dangerous boys all right we can make ourselves the dragon missile I don’t know what it does but I think it’s awesome powers up your creepers to take down the Ender drag Dragon yes please what are you guys looking at hey hey hey guys is there some Secrets what what are you doing why does everyone to go in this house so bad you having a secret meeting sorry honestly I think those are the only upgrades I need I think I can give myself like a better chest plate but other than that I think we’re ready to kill the dragon are you ready for the nether my boys hold on they said something about what if you throw it it an Enderman uh the village is dead anyway oh as um excuse me what what what what what what is that the end portal I think that’s the end portal I think our black hole just created a new dimension uh guys are are we ready for the end um I guess I just have to block up into the end this is horrifying okay I think just one more jump and I’m in the end oh yeah okay okay uh our our friends are here what the what the heck is going on there hey guys whoa whoa whoa whoa oh they turn into fireworks the creepers turn into fireworks I got to block over the creepers spawn and turn into fireworks this is insane big boom come on we got to take out the dragon to half Health okay I made a bow and yeah fire [ __ ] I only had one Arrow are you serious well big boom I think we got to do this ourselves oh we’re doing a little bit of damage to the dragon but it’s very slow we got to take out a couple more of these crystals stop getting on my thing I’m trying to stack up here Bo boom there we go oh super ignited what is happening oh my goodness he’s igniting he’s a oh what oh my goodness he broke the world what the heck he killed the dragon that’s insane in honor of our big boom who sacrificed his life hit the Subscribe button I hear whenever you hit subscribe it makes a boom sound Minecraft but pigs beat the game for you they can now mind they can battle mobs and we’re going to be taking advantage of that to beat the Ender Dragon there’s even a rainbow Pig that is key to the final fight these guys are all about hogging up the spotlight I assume the first thing we’re going to need is some carrots so let me find a village oh oh that that was easy Pig I promise you you will beat the game for me I’ll hire you but first I need to get myself some carrots I assume what I got to do for you I right click with you uh go mining and fetch I don’t think he’s going to do anything yet nope I think he just wants to make Little Pig baby uh H let let me let me get some stuff and see if a crafting table might help us if I put a crafting table down here I’ll see all the things I can craft that looks normal ooh these are new oh I can make this so we’ve got carrots and wooden swords makes a pig whisper all right so I I can craft this what wait I just did it hello can you talk to me now I wonder if I try to throw a carrot on you hey I got one his name is pig I thought i’ could be a little more creative than that but we got a pig now I’m I might have to upgrade him before he does anything uh real crazy well I’ve got myself a little pig army I’ve got four of them now and the one thing I think I can do pretty easily is actually make get an upgrade for the Iron Pig this is just iron carrots plus a carrot makes an Iron Pig and iron carrots I need some iron but it really won’t be so bad so I think that’s the first upgrade I’m going to go for Piggies be careful it’s a long drop ahead of you I found a little bit of iron so now I have my mining upgrade for my pigs and Mining unlocked okay what do I do with this do I oh I right clicked uh that doesn’t do anything um hey guys Point go attack here take a carrot what am I supposed to do with you H I’m not really sure what’s oh my goodness oh I just squatted and then they just started going holy cow guys can you mine over here a look at him go oh man they’re just biting at it like crazy people oh my word if I just yeah go go piggies go go piggies go this is amazing oh yeah that’s way more helpful than doing this myself I’m glad I made this upgrade let’s get some iron boys I’ve got 40 iron ore smelting and I’m another the 16 here that I can at least make myself the first Iron carrot now we need a bunch of these but uh they do look quite tasty oh H I can’t eat it my my teeth might not enjoy that very much how you doing Pig you guys want to do some more mining for me thank you put yourself to work you guys what do I pay you for I don’t pay you and this should just about do it I get six of those back to the surface to grab a couple more carrots I want to leave these guys farming for right now but let’s make our upgrades so if I do this I just need one more of these iron carrots that should do it and now I put all the carrots around a single carrot and that gets me the pig iron upgrade oh Iron Pig unlocked it’s like black and white you guys look excellent now what do you do now what happens if I punch you nothing oh can they not be damaged now dude that’s amazing I can punch you all day my fists hurt wait hold on uh I have an interesting idea what happens if I plant a an iron carrot can I make infinite iron carrots iron carrot crafted and uh does it it does work dudes look at this oh that means I can plant every single carrot I just need to get a diamond and I need to get oh this is going to get good dude look at this it’s soon as those iron carrots grow I can make the fighter upgrade and I can actually make that so we can have these pigs fight for us yes please pigs get out of the way a monstrous Monumental moment our carrot has grown look at them beautiful gorgeous how many do I have four that’s perfect okay now I can make the fighter upgrade aha perfect I needed myself a piece of rotten flesh but also I didn’t want to I didn’t want to kill the things cuz the pigs are supposed to do all the work for me so I had this sun burn him down yeah rotten flesh now let’s make this fighter upgrade and there it is after long last the fighter upgrade melee attack melee attack is accomplished uh how do I do it now how do I fight you guys oh also you’re a little bit faster than before come come over here little pigs oh yeah they got some serious speed shall we try you out try to battling some foes and see what happens I think yes come on men it’s time for battle get them sick them boys yeah yeah go dude yeah this is actually pretty powerful too look at him look at that beautiful bacon ah I’m out there making bacon but here you are uh protecting my tokus get them gentlemen oh careful of the creepers sick them boys what guys okay okay you guys might be a little bad at this sometimes the good news is I will never ever have to fight a mob ever again thank you or mine for that matter go mine pigs thank you it looks like the next obvious thing to do is get ourselves the gold Pig upgrade which shouldn’t be that bad I’ve got 10 gold for mining earlier I can turn that into golden carrots and plant those easy peasy piece of cake an iron carrots and iron with carrots I assume it’s going to be the same deal for the golden iron carrots plus gold block oh I need to go do some mining go piggies go oh no way did we really I was about to say we’re at y1 we might find diamonds in instantly we found diamonds oh that’s excellent we can make a lot of upgrades now keep getting that iron boys let’s keep her going lapis a yeah a instantly more diamonds this is insane ah no way this is the fastest diamonds ever oh I should mine with pigs more often I don’t know what that means but I feel very good about this progress I ended up with 18 diamonds dude we’re going to get diamond upgrades hopefully in no time but for now the goal is on our Horizon so we got plenty of iron to be able to make this the thing I’m worried about actually is having enough carrots we can at least make our iron carrot and plant it I’m worried my my supplies are getting low so uh thankfully my pigs killed a couple of uh you know skeletons to harvest their bones that should speed it up a lot let me first make our iron carrot and that should do it so if we plant our iron carrot Harvest it a couple of times this should get us plenty for our golden carrot uh I need one more of them and that should do it we got plenty now let’s make oursel a couple blocks of iron put the carrots around it and now we’ve got our upgrade our golden carrot wait how many golden carrots do I need we need eight golden carrots all right let’s do some more planting shall we well this should just about do it here is my farm we’ve got our iron carrots and we have so many golden carrots I don’t even know what to do with it I just went out and killed a bunch of mobs and stuff I got a couple of good things about it so now we have 31 golden carrots I might have gone a little bit overboard I’ll be honest with you but I didn’t want to go underboard and now we have our golden upgrade yes guys you look like you got peed on I’ll be honest with you I mean it’s it’s cool it’s cool I didn’t mean to insult you they look awesome oh now they’re fast as ever look look at them go man yeah I got some Speedy pigs holy cow the next upgrade we got a diamond pig we got to go for that right that’s the next logical step the problem is it takes a block of diamond plus the golden carrots to make ourselves this we’re going to need some super upgrades but I did find this look the diamond sniffer um I guess the pigs just know where the diamonds are we can craft that and that might help us on our Diamond Journey so uh you guys want to go sniff some diamonds or what I I don’t like the way that sounds what are you sniffing over there there’s no diamond there guys we got to go down to sniff some Diamonds oh No all right we’re back down in the no way what do you guys see this did you sniff out some diamonds what oh yeah I hear a ding and everything hello I don’t see anything yet oh my goodness you guys you sniffed them out get it gentlemen yeah oh yeah this is going to be a piece of cake keep sniffing boys we’ve got a lot of diamonds to farm careful there is lava don’t hey don’t die hey hey don’t die in the lava oh my poor little pig hey you sniffed it I mean you could see it but I guess sniffing also works oh nice hey this is cool dude look at all these diamonds we’re at 33 diamonds now this is going to be a piece of cake oh careful gentlemen there are foes approach in us they want to steal our diamonds guys hello hey hey I are you sniffing diamonds over there help me help me these guys hey guys guys kill the dudes you’re supposed to be epic Fighters there we go there we go now okay well well you’re sleeping on the job over here stop sniffing diamonds and help me out in battle oh man okay okay it’s getting pretty wild up in here guys help me out here okay there we go there we go oh gosh hey they dropped an kn iron that’s pretty rare I’ll take that get them pigs this is incredible this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen all right I we might have enough diamonds I need to go on for a little longer boys the road ahead of us is a little treacherous all right hold on tight go go go go go the these caves Get Dangerous dude look at him go so from our Mining Adventure we’ve got over a stack of diamonds so this should get us plenty of diamond blocks and now my friends we can make our very first diamond carrot which is uh really exciting and boom Diamond carrot activated can I eat this nope I can’t and now uh I can’t craft anymore I don’t have enough golden carrots but I can then just plant it and get myself plenty of diamond carrots and there my friends is our diamond pig upgrade oh look at them and they are fast as ever now they are Speedy boys I need to get more of these guys we’ll get more recruits but hold on there also is this right here the rainbow Pig upgrade which I have to get the issue is is I need a netherite carrot and I also found this the netherite sniffer I need a Soul Sand and I need a bunch more Diamond carrots I have a little bit more bone meal that should be no problem but this will help us so much in finding netherite so I think it’s time to head in to the nether but before we do that we can do one more up upgrade the ranger upgrade and I have everything I need for that just make a couple of arrows and then now boom Ranger upgrade activated so now they should shoot arrows too which is uh pretty ridiculous all right Soul Sand where you at oh this is so satisfying my pigs no I squatted cuz I was scared and then the pigs mined underneath me are you serious this number is for restaurant reservations only well while I’m here I might as well get a couple of new friends okay okay okay okay back up get him boys get him yeah oh the good news is uh I I found my stuff oh my gosh and I also found some Soul Sand uh the the bad news is I’m I’m in a pretty dangerous part of town all right that should do it and now we should have enough for our ah netherite sniffer upgrade that’ll make things nice and easy boys ready to go mining come on boys ouch don’t you want to be rainbow pigs I know I do wait wait wait listen listen where is it yes up here guys no they did it that’s amazing yes we got our first one oh that I would have missed it that’s incredible yes sniffed It Right Out Boys we got ourselves an ancient debris yes how many do we need okay it looks like we need one netherite carrot and to make that we only need one netherite Ingot so actually we only need one more ancient debris I think oh man math maybe four of them I’ll grab a bunch just in case oh I see something hey that looks like an ancient debris well let’s head over there shall we oh I love your little nose your pig noses are amazing and that’ll do it oh gosh all right well we got it anent debris number two Acquired and there’s number three and there’s number four and there is our ancient debris now I’m pretty sure you can just combine this with gold and that gives you you yes the Ingot amazing and now I harvest all of my other carrots and this should give me what I need let’s craft the netherite carrot boom it looks gross if anything and now we can craft the rainbow Pig dude look at this thing man oh my gosh after long last the rainbow Pig whoa what the heck uh oh it spells rainbow I was like what are you telling to me just one of them though huh oh man they look amazing wait a minute I should have planted oh I’m so dumb I should have planted the netherite oh I hope I don’t need more of that well at least we got one rainbow Pig a my little sparkly buddy you were expensive so you better be good let’s try him out in battle get him boys yeah wait a minute oh look at him oh he’s shooting like crazy look at this guy hold on come here watch this watch this dude look at him go are you’re kind of shooting backwards but you’re trying yeah rainbow pick rainbow pick this is going to be easy peasy I think I’m ready to to take on the Wither man no honestly I think we could try to take on the dragon now let me get some ender pearls and let’s let’s get out of here oh after long last uh we are I think I am as excited as rainbow Pig over here I think he sees a mob and is not happy about it excuse me guys ouch and it’s time my friend friends let’s get to the end yeah all right here we go 3 2 1 let’s do this uh oh that’s not ideal okay fantastic thank you oh I can’t Crouch with that in my hand all right all right okay we’re going to be fine all right boys let’s get ready for battle yeah go rainbow Pig he’s going nuts um all right I assume we got to take out look at him go dude oh he’s I don’t even need to take out this is amazing rainbow Pig I don’t even have to take out the healers he’s going nuts on him oh my word look at this look at this chaos oh I should have made 50 rainbow pigs yeah dude easy oh my word that’s it that’s it he’s dead oh my goodness he’s dead and still flying how is this a thing what dude look at the absolute chaos rainbow Pig you are the true MVP oh my word well that was certainly worth uh what however long that took uh that’s it we killed the Dragon Minecraft but villagers beat the game for me I’ll be hiring villagers to do everything they’ll mine the resources they’ll fight monsters and even locate the end portal there’s also a m mysterious villager who is key to defeating the dragon can I beat the game using only villagers stick around to find out aha I found it villager Island there have been myths about this place there are villagers literally everywhere dude they’re they’re literally in the middle of the ocean can I trade with you or something uh I’m right clicking nothing’s happening there are no villagers I can trade with how are you supposed to help me beat the game if I can’t even trade with you useless let me take a look at the crafting table and see what we can do oh my goodness all right wa job to tokens we got to give them the job mine enchanter Village recruiter oh yeah the rainbow Archer job token I got to get prismarine chunks before we get that far let’s see if we can recruit some villagers all right let’s get some emeralds from here and then if I toss an emerald at you does that are you on my team hey buddy I think he’s my friend I’ve hired you Jeremiah what are you looking at stop looking at the sun Jeremiah how about you you want to join my team yeah I got teammates dude I I just paid to have I think hello totle it’s time to steal from my new friends aha yes thank you did you just kill the turtle Jeremiah we talked about this we might need this on our journey and don’t ask why it’s yellow Jeremiah has trouble with bedtime and ooh bottles of enchanting a little more emeralds now the question is is can I get these guys to to work for me if I just whoa uh that doesn’t work if I um they’re they’re going look at them are they breaking the tree yeah they broke the tree dude no wait no no wait no no wa can we do this again go boys get it yes yeah that’s amazing yeah okay guys get your frustration out on trees not Turtles and while they do that I’m going to recruit some new friends hey buddy join my team I’m trying to kill the dragon ooh can they do a big tree I don’t know I don’t know if Jeremiah’s strong enough for it get him boys boom oh pretty much thank you Jeremiah for Hard Wood chunk what is this thing wood chunk here it is we can give him a new job to m M Stone we need the capital pickaxes and that should give us what we need yes we got it the job token M Stone here you are uh can can you guys mine Stone now let’s take our boys underground okay so now EXC Jeremiah if I squat there they go yeah go go go go boys yeah dude this is the coolest thing ever making a little base down here oh well we found some iron can they mine that oh they can but he didn’t give me any iron oh maybe that’s an upgrade I have to do later it looks like we need two upgrades we need the mine iron upgrade which I need a dark iron chunk for and to mine diamonds we need a diamond chunk I’m going to assume to get my upgrades hey hey hey hey oh no they’re getting damaged no back you foul monsters hey buddies uh be careful man you guys are are are small little boys so these guys can actually get damag so I got to be extra careful hey back up back up no no please don’t kill my villagers oh get him careful boys Creeper Creeper no no no no no don’t do that don’t do that stop stop stop stop oh my gosh you’re freaking me out guys oh they are so good then let a creeper explode you’re going to die I think we already lost one J Jeremiah oh we only have two left guys be careful I assume to get our mining upgrades we got to get ourselves enough my next goal is to get myself the mine iron chunk and to do that I guess I could just got to mine a bunch of iron until I get the iron chunk cuz before we get that I can’t mine any of this iron well I can myself but what’s the point of that get them boys oh I see something shiny I think that’s what I’m looking for it is a dark iron chunk yes that’ll do it the job token mine iron yo Tobias let’s get ourselves some iron huh I will eventually need to get some more friends but uh for now these guys should do it yeah there’s some iron we got it and we got some more tokens here wo we got so much iron I need to get myself like full armor and everything and this is so fast I love it now after uh Tobias and Gregory help me get a bunch of iron we’ll eventually get ourselves the diamond upgrade whoa whoa wao I just was mining normal uh I thought I had to mine iron I got a diamond chunk Oh I thought I had to mine diamonds to get a diamond chunk oh that’s even better good find man uh are you in timeout to make the diamond upgrade we need a bunch of iron pickaxes I think we should have enough iron let’s make this upgrade while this is smelting let’s get ourselves a little more iron for some armor go ahead and mine for me boys I’m too busy uh uh making up excuses wait oh that’s a witch oh get him boys careful careful don’t get poison I need you I need you uh you guys doing all right stay alive little guy please all right he’s fine he’s fine okay nobody asks how I’m doing but it’s fine Tobias okay that should do it and Diamond totem acquired now my boys can mine diamond and by boys I mean literally two boys my villagers are getting wrecked man is there anything else I can do villager recruiter ooh I need a villager recruiter you want more friends no for the recruiter We need oh my word blocks of iron iron up the wazo and another Diamond chunk so we don’t know quite enough for that just yet but uh nothing a little mining won’t hurt and that should be enough to get myself full iron as wellow I’m not wearing a hat cuz I don’t want to mess up my hair Tobias you doing it right over there okay okay okay be careful don’t bury yourself I see one is this it Diamond chunk yeah we did it that was easy come on gentlemen yes I think I found a m shaft take that M shaft give me some iron oh my okay okay guys guys help me out here but don’t die don’t oh oh my okay we’re fine I’m fine give me that iron thank you give me that iron how many do we got 47 does that does that do it I got to get out of here before my villagers die though ah or I die oh quick quick quick quick you guys doing okay little ballerinas over here home sweet home we ended up with uh just just about actually exactly a stack of raw iron so that’s going to smelt in the meantime I going to get a couple more recruits hello anybody Here ah I found a friend nice while that smelts the rainbow Archer sounds amazing I need one of each chunk so I need to get a hardwood chunk so might as well get that now we’ve got to get that thing to fight the dragon later before we do that I just want to take a quick thank you you guys have subscribed like crazy we have been growing so fast a big thing thank you to all of you guys and I love each and every one of you chopper down boys thank you ah the chunk and that should just about do it recruiter token we’ve done it yes what happened we got a short guy we got a short little little villager oh wait a second I think he’s just in the ground yeah there he is hey buddy welcome to the club uh is it just one villager uh I mean it’s oh there’s another one okay I think it just automatically spawns recruiters every like 20 seconds all right well I’m going to run out of names at this rate Jeremiah Gregory Poncho Krueger paron play well that’s fantastic we got infinite recruiters the next upgrade on my sites is the warrior token I need a prismarine metal chunk and a bunch of diamonds but now that we got our army we got to make sure they get upgraded to be Warriors stop looking at the sun guys it’s time to hunt for diamonds all right all right boys let’s get to it oh watch out gentlemen no please don’t die at least I got a whole Army now I got infinite villagers ow ow ow ow get them boys yeah man we should make quick workings wa we got a lot of these holy cow okay we got some Diamond chunks what we need is a prismarine chunk is that it no that’s no more iron wo uh more Diamond chunks I’m finding lots of chunks but most of them are iron and Diamond chunks let me go down a few levels okay now hopefully we should find diamonds a little faster than that come on did I jinx it ooh we got some more of these oh we yes we got it I was really hoping we could find it like that four diamonds all right and is that a prismarine is that what we’re looking for right now that is yes prismarine metal chunk perfect now we just need a bunch more diamonds keep going gentlemen okay there’s some lapis over there this is so satisfying oh my gosh I got a full Army oh careful the lava guys you you actually can die oh gosh no no no careful okay yeah that’s bad that’s bad how come no diamonds come on oh we got some more diamonds yeah guys listen how satisfying this is oh my that’s a Minecraft ASMR if I’ve ever heard it got some more diamonds excellent this would be very ooh yes please this would be satisfying and nice if I didn’t hear every 2 seconds in between mining these things I don’t even have an iron pick guys help me out here no no down here guys there we go well that’s 24 let me get a couple more diamonds and I think we should be good nice I think this should just about do it here we’re at 28 diamonds ah I’ll take that wa goodness guys guys oh my gosh what is happening there’s so many mobs going on here hey back up a it’s an actual War what is what is happening oh oh stay alive stay alive stay alive oh my goodness I hope I Stay Alive guys help help me out here I got babies after me I got babies after me no no skeleton skeleton I don’t have a oh I don’t have a shield to block him ender pearl I can use that back up oh man no that was crazy oh hi buddy welcome to the world oh never mind well lesson learned is we need this Warrior upgrade cuz that was a disaster guys we need some diamond swords yeah no problem we got plenty of diamonds all right we got our swords and that should do it we’ve got the new job the warrior token gentlemen you don’t look different but do you feel different so we test it out hello buddy boy got them boys wa they’ve got diamonds where are you hiding that in your sleeves that was sick all right all right now I’ve got an army we have a few more tokens the enchanter token portal hacker and of course the rainbow Archer our biggest upgrade to get these we need calcified mob chunks gross dude let’s get ready to rumble boom get him boys oh my gosh look at them with their diamond swords oh they kill him so fast I got one I got a calcified mob chunk already oh sweet can’t stop yet wa go go go get him boys this is so sweet ooh I’ll take that I need one more ender pearl and one more calcified mob CH oh get him gentlemen get him get him get him get him oh my gosh you killed him so fast aha we’ve got another got the calcified mob chunk and we have a ender pearl yes perfect perfect perfect okay gunpowder or anything else we need I think we got it you are an army that can’t be stopped well let’s see if the dragon has something to say about that one guys don’t go nuts and crazy on me try to take over the world you guys want some fresh food there you go boys get them oh my gosh that poor chicken they keep spawning I might eventually break Minecraft but until then I got some upgrades to make so we got some tokens we’ve got the enchanter token yeah we can make that we got the bottles enchanting Perfect all right put this here and uh uh what happened oh you know what I wonder if their diamond swords are enchanted we need more blocks of diamond anyway I’ve got looks like one here so we need some more diamonds might as well test out our new swords as well ooh I see some mobs shall we test out your new fancy swords get them oh my gosh they de they demolish them oh man get them yeah look at them ah they’re magnificent and a little creepy when they do that all right let’s go get these Diamonds oh my gosh look at them there’s so many of them all right Gentlemen let’s get ourselves some diamonds oh that was easy the dragon’s not standing a chance against my Army more diamonds yes please this is so fast too more diamonds I’m going to mine these myself guys all right i’ i’ I’ve had you work hard enough well I think this should be all the diamonds that we need and uh ooh what’s this oh hi guys careful gentlemen yeah get them look at their shiny swords this is incredible looking oh I missed a couple we got a couple over here all right I think that’ll do it 36 diamonds I am out no don’t kill the squid guys we need one more calcified mob chunk and I know just the guys to do it get them boys yes oh I think I got it I think I got it oh don’t let me die here now careful hey hey hey keep me alive get him gentlemen okay back to the surface that should do it I’ll turn this into our blocks of diamond and then I’m able to make my two upgrades the portal hacker which sounds amazing that upgrade has been made ooh distance to stronghold oh it tells me where to go oh that’s that’s amazing dude all right well we can fight the End Dragon now and we’ve got ourselves the rainbow Archer upgrade B wa dude look at you oh my it’s like a techno party going on oh gosh no don’t don’t I stop oh goodness gracious let’s get to the end shall we if you were to tell me what the strongest army in the world is you you probably wouldn’t have guessed a rainbow villager Army but uh here we are can you guys swim I don’t know let’s find out I don’t have enough wood to make a boat for everybody but we’re going to try this come on gentlemen we’re making it across the ocean okay can they swim uh kind of you guys doing okay over there guys oh oh they do they teleport come on boys here here they come oh they’re teleporting now come on gentlemen yeah all right I I can travel with them but I have to go from Island to Island to get there which will take a while but it’ll be worth it three hours later after after long last I think we’ve made it we have 20 distance 20 blocks until we’re here do we just mine straight down guys stop jumping in the hole no no no no no you’re going to be stuck in here don’t do this hey hey hey stop dude I got to get out this was a bad idea this was a bad idea this was a bad idea okay we’re not mining straight down for obvious reasons goodness gracious I accidentally mined down with him uh but we ended up finding the stronghold so that’s good and now I am deeply lost looking for the portal I don’t want to mine with them because oh no no no no please no please no oh gosh what did I just do I didn’t mean to do that uh-oh I found diamonds though I don’t want to mine with them cuz they might accidentally break the portal and that would be a Bad News Bears o I think I got it I found it yes quickly break this and uh oh shoot I don’t even have I ofenders I didn’t even think about that uh whoa what okay okay yep yep that is amazing all right well it’s Dragon time I guess before we go let’s sleep in a bed or at least set set my spawn I’m also going to get myself the diamond chest plate just to get myself a little more defenses against the dragon all right you boys ready let’s do this woo let’s rock and roll guys are you doing okay rainbow Archer what’s going on guys oh oh what is oh my goodness look at them shoot the dragon go I love it look at the particles that’s so cool get him no my villagers there’s only a few left all right I got to stay alive long enough for my villagers to keep spawning for my my villager recruiter let’s get a bow let’s kill those crystals we got some arrows I got to be careful with them though yeah yes come on got to get the crystals yes got another one and then one more please no I’m running out of arrows dude yes okay okay that’s working and then we’ve got a couple more villagers oh man we are dying fast yes yes get him get him get him get him get him rainbow archers are amazing no gosh dang it this is going to be actually harder than I thought it was going to be wait wait wait wait wait I have an idea okay if we can have them yes yes yes wa oh what just happened they teleported to me oh my goodness I guess they were stuck behind the the portal or something yep yep yep we got it we got it yes look at this oh my word you did it you guys did it if you haven’t subscribed yet the villagers are coming after you dude Minecraft but bees beat the game for you I’ll be recruiting loads of custom bees to help me beat the game I can command them to attack explod mod mine set mobs on fire and more my goal is to recruit the Royal Queen Bee and with her help defeat the Ender Dragon can I do it if so do I deserve a hive five I’m sorry oh hello beautiful men uh sorry to assume sorry to assume is anybody feeling a nice puppy today right everyone loves puppies I think if I just threw a poppy at you they’re a little tiny bee hi are you my friend bee my friend please there’s going to be a lot of puns in this okay oh yeah look my b army so I have one b and apparently there’s a maximum of 10 well I know just how many bees I want hi buddy yeah I have killed an entire Forest of flowers hello knock knock come outside hi buddy boy come outside you have to beat the game for me my dude recruit yeah more friends more friends ah I love it dude all right can I have you do do stuff for me now I don’t know make me some honey please all right let’s check what our bees can do for us ooh B TNT Ender bees so I guess we can upgrade them we can make queen bees holy cow ah I see let’s start with the tier one wooden bee let’s see if we can get a a wooden honeycomb okay bees mine yay there they go oh wow they can even mine like the floor and everything go Busy Bees No guys focus focus we’re getting wood right now there it is we’ve got the wooden honeycom well that was easy thanks guys okay turn these into sticks and that gives me the wooden bees hey are you guys wooden bees oh dude look at you now I assume with the wooden bees that should give us the ability to mine Stone cuz uh I can mine Stone but you guys can mine faster yep there it is there it is they can mine Cobblestone now good wooden bees keep on going good little bees oh oh look at that I also got the stone honeycomb I’ll go ahead and make a sword and recruit some more honey bees wait uh question can I breed bees I need a lot of bees for my Army here any van home can I breed you guys no I’ll be honest with you I don’t know how bees work ah two little bees hello buddy boys you can do it yeah make a little bee yeah we got a little wooden Bee from that dude can I just keep doing it guys come here come here we’ll make a little bee farm and one for you and one for you make me an army yeah perfect and now you join my team sick dude yeah we got quite the b army now I’ve got 11 bees this is getting nuts uh I’m running pretty low on food can you guys attack is that a thing Okay I uh I might need to get some upgrades first all right backup plan we’re heading to the Village come on be friends anything for me in here o wow don’t mind if I do how do I look I know pretty fashionable oh ouch oh dude they’re going they’re attacking him yes get him be careful little guys don’t use your Stingers okay I think that’s how you die ouch yeah oh good job dude the stone upgrade how do I do that I need some normal Stone no problem while our Stone’s smelting for our upgrade let’s get some grub have you met my new friend bees that’s beatric there’s beard I I don’t know and uh this guy’s name’s Frank I found no wheat here that is a bad day for your cows nice we’ll take this Stone out and put in our little potto Stone Bees tier two yeah wo look at them they look like they’re black and white it looks like they’re from like an old cartoon or something hello my honey hello my BB and we got some fresh meat let’s head into the cave shall we I thought it was a magic potato hold on oh there we go the next upgrade I’m going for is the coal bee I got to get myself some coal Honeycombs and I’ve got some coal right here get it okay no you missed it loop back around here there we go you kind of missed the coal it’s all right one last try yeah they look so Derpy yeah I don’t think our guys can mine iron yet I think I’ve got to upgrade to iron bees before we do that but in the meantime we’ll get ourselves plenty of coal and torches cuz this upgrade requires a lot oh guys get him get him oh my goodness oh I think also the bees ah give me oh knife Vision as well which is helpful thank you guys no did you kill a bee get out of here you big jerk no gosh there’s another one get him yes it’s so funny to watch yeah good job guys there you go buddy there you go buddy there you go buddy you guys are bees but you guys deserve an A+ rating we’re on the hunt for that coal honeycomb there it is let’s see if we can make this how many blocks of coal can we make three I need one more block of coal no problem yeah ooh nice plenty of the coal here that should be it coal block obtained okay we can make the coal be Army size increases H and it makes iron minable nice wa you guys look so awesome and goth dude you guys look like you’d be in a in a metal be and uh by the way have you subscribed yet I heard all it’s all all the uh all the buzz uh it it would be very kind of you okay well now that I got this upgrade I should be able to get some iron give me you missed it guys H it’s all right it’s all right yeah we got some iron oh hi Ender boy I can make I think it was an Ender bee or something right so I need some ender pearls anyway bees help me out here guys even the bees are afraid attack Enderman I get it get him to be or not to be that is the video guys right here right here I’m trying to point at it there we go I’m still on the hunt for that iron honeycomb come on bees get them ooh there’s a deep dark cave oh and I found myself Diamonds oh sick man I can’t mine it yet but a diamond be upgrade would be sweet oh is that something yeah the iron honeycomb we’ve got it there’s a free bow from a skeleton too we’ll take that nope did you guys find the only flower you cuties right next to diamond no less weirdly I’m going to leave this diamond right where it is cuz later on we’ll need the bees to mine diamonds to get some upgrades and right now I am starving hi buddy oh rough night I got you there you go people say I’m mean to villagers what have I ever done anything wrong to villagers C can you guys get even smaller oh they all died from Fall damage all right the iron bees oh man I think I should have plenty of iron it says it unlocks a be wall oh I wonder what that means excuse me sir I’m just going to borrow your furnaces real quick furnace wall of Destruction smelting up so much iron nothing rhymes with iron uh he buddy don’t uh don’t come over here okay it’s for your own good boom I got a ton of them I got a ton of iron uh you better be worth it iron bees whatever this whoo bee wall hold a shield in the off hand to create a wall of bees that is amazing well let’s make a shield and then check it out our bees look at our iron bees oh you look aming amazing you guys oh my goodness Ah that’s so sick take this you villager oh I didn’t know it kill them that fast guys you are op it’s like op but for bees the wall of bees take this Iron Golem it does serious damage wow and they have to just get crazier a tntb the next bee I can unlock is the gold bee tier five I need a golden honeycomb and a bunch of gold no problem and we’ll get some munchies while we’re here oh I’m so glad for this upgrade all right back to the cave we go power squat hello a the be train a I love this Bee Shield dude hi they even block arrows are you kidding me now what happens if I can I still have them minine for me uh oh I can use the shield wao to mine oh that’s crazy boom hello yeah take that it like freezes them oh this is such a great upgrade thank you very much oh some gold well uh oh gosh this is getting a little confusing I think I might take off the shield for right now and that way they can fly like normal ooh get them oh they can get them nice oh no no no no we need those pearls where’d he go I’m hunting oh there he is I guess I can use my shield that’s it that’s it get him Beast no where did you go where are you oh my gosh that was horrifying get him boys get him no that was so scary I hadn’t died in the episode yet so it was about time stinking Enderman okay he’s running away from us he’s scared of us I’m going to go for it yeah give me your Pearl yes that’s what I needed yes we are one step closer to getting the Ender B upgrade but first we got to get this golden upgrade and now that I have all the gold that I need let’s get this Golden Bee upgrade oh yeah perfect perfect we need four yep we’ve got it the gold bee upgrade acquired yes ah look at my little golden honey bees you’re beautiful this should make mining oh my gosh look at how fast they mine now also I can mine diamonds what a beautiful day I think oh this must be the spot from before we meet once again diamonds ouch the bees keep pushing me into stuff get it yeah we’ve got diamonds woo that’s a lot Oho it must be the diamond honeycomb oh that was fast too woo a yeah got some uh ooh we got some more diamonds oh my gosh look at this okay careful careful careful more diamonds are you kidding me wait a minute no look at this I’ve got invaded diamonds right here and right here bees you’re so silly sometimes and more right up here crafty out here getting spoonfed now how did I make the diamond oh my goodness I need a lot of Diamonds oh my goodness I might be here a while hey thank you uh-oh uh-oh you mined everything but the diamond thank you oh yeah 34 diamonds just a couple more to go hey that should do it what no way what I just found the strong I did not mean to do this but uh hey we’re here hey peas look might as well see what new ew gross never mind No Light reading for me today well I guess I’ll save the coordinates and I’ll be back here later that gives us what we need we’ve got the diamond bees W look at our little Diamond bees they’re so blue and beautiful I love them oh they mine a lot faster looks like we’ve got three more bees TNT bees Blaze Ender bees and the queen bee W the next tier we can unlock is the blaze bee so I assume it’s a trip to the nether time no problem a yeah I thought this was going to be hard but turns out that bees can actually mine obsidian so we’ll take it all right let’s get this new be upgrade what no way hi no thank you please attack attack no okay they’re a little too far far away they’re a little confused not like this oh my goodness that was close well there’s a lot of blazes over there that looks like a spawner now bees this is where you come in handy all right because you guys are flame resistant and I am not let’s get ready to rumble oh this is convenient nope nope not today oh I can still shoot arrows wa I got the blaze powder what is this the blaze honeycomb probably yeah the blaze honeycomb get him give me some blaze rods Blaze Rod acquired yes that makes 11 blaze rods that should be more than plenty let me get myself some blaze powder here we got plenty of Blaze honeycomb yeah Blaze bees upgraded your bees now set mobs on fire yeah flaming Blaze bees yes please we can make the next upgrade fast too let’s take on some Enderman ah I see one already get ready boys ah he’s on fire look at him oh no Enderman on fire is a bad news that means he’s going to teleport everywhere get him yeah there he is maybe the blaze bees wasn’t the best idea oh oh okay okay okay we got something did we get it yes yes yes we did we have we did Ender honeycomb is mine yeah ow ow ow this is so horrifying ah get him yes we only need one more ender pearl I see little skinny legs over here where’d you go there he is oh come on [Music] on come here we got the Pearl we’ve done it let’s make this upgrade Ender bow wa new ability fall float when falling from high enough your bees will gather under you and slow your descent oh look at them they’ve got like the glowing purple eyes okay apparently if I’m going to die from Fall damage they’ll save my little puny life ready 3 2 1 oh wow oh way to come in last minute guys I mean I trust you but come on now that’s so cool all right let’s get out of here there we are there’s only one more be to make and that’s our TNT bee and then we can make our queen bee dude let’s head to a temple hello gorgeous hi holy cow ah the question is I don’t actually know if the bees can trigger the the pressure plate okay just in case be very careful nobody hit the pressure plate you’re freaking me out right now you’re freaking me out oh gosh oh gosh oh no they’re going to hit the pressure plate I’m just going to mine underneath it and that should knock out all the TNT nobody hit the pressure plate okay I think we’re good got a little diamonds grab myself some of this gunpowder there we go and I got Infinity oh that’s convenient I got the items I still need the TNT honeycomb maybe I have to kill some creepers child back child come on no get him bees come on is that going to do it no yeah we got it TNT honeycomb acquired let’s craft our TNT bees somewhere that I can safely explode how about this Village over here you guys don’t mind if I experiment with exploding bees do you no I didn’t think so TNT bees acquired your bees now explode when they attack oh they also hone into the Ender Dragon very very nice oh look and they have little like fuse Tails oh that’s so cute hey guys check it out no nothing anybody uh the bees are nicer than I am okay well the Golem wasn’t extremely happy with me uh for the fact that I punched his villager friends hey stop don’t don’t kill the Golem right now dude well if I lost anything I kept all the important stuff okay are we good a oh I’ve never ah guys stop killing everybody all right before we explode further I want to make the queen bee I need a royal honeycomb oh I think the only honeycomb I’m missing is the coal honeycomb no problem I can easily get that and then I need a couple more diamonds and then it’s end time but before we do that let’s make some new friends I saw a beehive over here hello friends recruit getting some new friends along the journey all right found some coal give me that honeycomb there you are now let’s get some diamonds wa that sounds amazing I might be old saying this but you guys know the GameCube sound when it goes ringing any bells all right I’m old I get it all right wa a lot of diamonds woo wait a second can bees break bedrock oh they can op dude I’m straight up reaching Bedrock I think I’m just going to go ahead and avoid that at all costs eh stop trying to push me in the void you jerks thank you over a stack of diamonds I think that’ll do it 1 2 3 four blocks of diamonds boom grab this gold here 1 2 3 4 we can do it summon swarm of tiny bees am I the queen bee oh no we’ve got a queen bee when near enemies the queen bee will release a swarm of tiny bees oh you’re awesome I like like your Emerald looking eyes too I might just get lost in those am I sing over a bee yes I am what are you going to do about it would you like some bits oh she also gives me uh speed boost jump boost wao and resistance let’s do some damage shall we ready and attack uh let’s find a little more hostile mob shall we I am also going to make an anvil and with a bow I’ll be able to make myself the infinity bow and this will be crazy useful for the dragon dude ah buddy attack oh gosh I actually killed it that’s on me dude that’s my bad hello Creeper Man W okay that was what the heck no way that wasn’t even an Enderman hello SC dude oh they all drop I avender what queen bee is that you my beautiful bee is hooking us up man go queen bee wow look look little tiny bees get shot out that’s amazing get him boom yeah all right 19 IE of Ender to the dragon we go hello Ender boy I’ve got to be careful not to squat right now because they might actually break the portal plenty of eyes avender excuse me bees all right also I made myself some diamond armor H up oh you scared me don’t lag like that that was uncool man Hello Dragon now I think my bees should like automatically attack the dragon look at him go go bees I believe in you oh my gosh Queen B attack take out the crystals make easy work of the Dragon get him get him bees yeah yeah good job bees so much for the diamond armor don’t forget to be yourself and if you want to be awesome hit the Subscribe button I missed Minecraft but structures be the game for me I will travel to every structure recruit them to my side and use each of their overpowered abilities to defeat the village dragon and to find the structures we need the structure Compass shouldn’t be too bad oh my word look at these things hold on I’m getting ahead of myself ah sheep you’re getting all soggy dude yes the structure finder is mine check this out wait a minute look at that find the desert pyramid it’s pointing me to it I guess it’s across the water and away we go I like how I just sit here and it automatically Rose for me I see it across the Horizon you shall be mine join forces you and I to defeat the dragon it’s not working hold on desert pyramid ah I see have to make a capture device here and I need desert pyramid Essence from sand blocks okay give me your essence young one aha there it is the desert pyramid capture device yoink I’ve got it all right now I just place this down to capture it I shall place you in the middle yeah wao capturing desert pyramid nice man go go go go no no no no construction worker zombie oh gosh I don’t have a a sword I will use my axe back up no don’t defeat my crystal okay we got some good items from that actually no I want the pyramid it’s mine I I asked first the Boss Bar is filling up but slowly there’s a lot of monsters take that they dropped good items though so that’s a win this construction workers I’m sorry I know you don’t get paid well yeah much respect to you come on I have no armor or anything I was not ready for a b a boss battle oh oh look we got a little little structure pet hi little buddy you’re very cute you remind me of Chester look at that we’ve got a desert pyramid little pet that’s awesome dude hold on let me go get my stuff back so it looks like even though I died it did finish the structure which is pretty nice hey guys I’m here to finish you off he shoots TNT get him dude oh my gosh that was awesome we got ourselves ruined portal Essence as well oh well thanks man are you cold why you shivering man you’re in a desert you’re supposed to be warm okay well this Essence I can get myself a ruined portal capture device okay ooh also check it out our Compass points to the ruined portal now very nice are you ready buddy let’s check this thing out and we’ve got a dolphin joining us hello dolphin yes I love you we’ll take the the rest on by foot oh that might be the first time a desert pyramids ever seen water do you feel good and refreshed there little buddy and we got ourselves some snacks for the road open wide okay how’d you get up here it should be right around there boat clutch woohoo it is night out so we got to be a little careful here all right keep me covered my dude we got ourselves a golden apple and some pantaloons I like pants compliment my pants please no no you don’t like them why you shaking your head no and we got some obsidians that’s pretty nice oh get them boy yeah yeah tag team nice we got some string for a bow later okay ruined get him hey get him please Netherrack and magma block I can do that I can do that ow okay grab these we already have our Essence no problem grab some magma blocks here and we’ll be able to craft our ruined Essence friend don’t let me die I will have to eat Raam muttin yeah you already have a little brother we’re about to craft it are we ready though we’ll probably have those bad guys spawn again um I think we can do we got a golden apple now let me smelt up some of this food here okay that’s our food smelted up I’m nervous but I think we can do it we’re going to craft our ruined portal capture device yoink yeah holy cow here we go let’s do it yeah oh my gosh capturing ruined portal be be ready for battle my dude there they are uh-oh uh-oh is he holding a yield sign as a weapon I mean I’m not going to judge it’s my portal yeah they dropped some decent loot I like this a lot okay so far so good man we’re we’re we’re we’re holding them back oh there’s another wave of zombies oh my goodness and they do a lot of damage okay okay it might be golden apple time we’re going to do it yes keep me alive they give me wither and everything I do not like this ah we’re almost there come on a little further keep the bad guys away oh there’s a witch no come on yes we got it we got it ow ow ow ow just clean up the bad guys hey piglins where’ you come from oh my gosh look at little portal hi Little Portal uh half a heart half a heart okay keep keep me alive boys I got to eat some raw chicken real quick okay well I made it and we have another friend and there’s piglins here was that your doing portal oh it summons baby piglins to protect me nice oh also allows me to eat obsidian for 10 seconds of damage immunity that’s awesome and I got some obsidian from the chest here so we will keep you handy obsidian one day I will munch on you and the sun is rising I love him he’s so Derpy dude well what now structure finder find the village another journey ahead of us oh man I wonder what powers The Village has this is cool hi buddy I like your Redstone there it is the village did we lose anybody in the meantime head count 1 2 6 8 4 blue okay we got everybody don’t worry I’m not here to kill you but I am here to capture your village how do I make the capture device wo look at all these guys Bastion dragon arena oh my goodness one at a time here for a village capture device this should all be a piece of cake Although our village Essence I got to get from a skeleton killed by a baby piglin shall we get him grab some hey guys sorry I got to borrow some of these if you don’t mind uh very drafty and installing your heater there you go buddy all right now we have all that just need to get the village Essence looking for a skeleton and while I’m down here oh skeleton perfect get him get him boys please please please I need that essence go go go did it work I yes yes yes yes we got it we got it all right and while we’re down here let’s get some iron too got a little bit of bread here leave enough wheat for our village capture device yes okay it seems like it’s getting harder guys so this might be weird get inside everyone 3 2 1 here we go capturing the village oh we got the stop sign guys Stop in the Name of Love okay he’s dead looks like these guys have bows now and that didn’t happen before oh there he goes good job buddy owow oh my gosh that’s a lot of damage I should have made armor I should have made armor I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine oh okay okay we’re almost there oh man yes we got it dude Iron Golem shield no way it’s literally an iron golem they’re still bad guys though I will use my iron golem Shield to block it ha oh my gosh I summoned an iron golem hi buddy he hey look at that we got a little Village on Wheels I wonder if there’s little tiny villagers inside inside they’re like oh gosh this is really cool and now it’s pointing to somewhere new right the Shipwreck iron nuggets feathers no problem and drop from a drown killed by a mini Iron Golem we can do that come on little structures look at our pets by the end of this we’re going to be surrounded by structures I love it Compass points and the compass finds oh there’s a lot of drowns guys get them come on yeah wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on we got to get the Golem there we go to kill they did it they did it I got the essence the Shipwreck Essence good job little Golem oh no now he sinks to the bottom cuz he’s iron hopefully he had a good short life got a bunch of iron some gold oh yeah we got some decent loot dude oh gosh oh gosh yeah I’m alive feathers nice and we got our buried treasure map in case we want to get that and uh yeah some books later why not M shipwreck air guys I don’t think they know how to swim this time I’m crafting myself some armor the Shipwreck capture device is mine guys it’s fine I can take this one on myself yeah go dude capturing shipwreck oh my gosh oh no no no oh that’s a lot of bad guys all right Iron Golem help me out here man construction worker skeleton no yeah Iron Golem they’re in a giant Circle man how am I supposed to do this I’m going underneath and coming up to their booties gosh I could really use h a bow and arrow right now it’s almost done yes all right [ __ ] battle time we got it no no no come back Cannon come here come here yeah we got it oh my gosh look at this I I’m riding a cannon oh my gosh get him boom oh my goodness who are you I don’t know who you are but you’re dead now so yeah one last one AR we’ve got him dude that Cannon is sick man oh and we got a little baby shipwreck he little guy what’s next Mighty Compass find The M shaft okay it’s pointing this direction hopefully this time it’s not underwater so you can actually help me I’m not salty I just thought it was structures beat the game for you not crafty beats the game for me well it says it’s right about here all right let’s do this guys no we can’t all go at the same time I can’t mine down if you do that oh I think we’re here how’d you guys get down here perfect timing too yeah now to craft the M shaft capture device I need golden iron that shouldn’t be bad I might already have that right now and M shaft Essence I have to find it in a loot chest okay guys keep an eye out for a loot chest oh uh none in here come on no got a golden apple though oh I’m strong now I think one of these guys gives me Buffs cuz I just one hit that yeah another chest please please please please please yes yes M shaft Essence ah punch two book I don’t know if I need that but I guess I’ll take it I have enough golden nuggets to make two iron ingots so I just need two more gold and we can craft this thing a one a two we got double gold bro chill chill what goodness gracious all right all right relax relax they are very excited about gold there take it goodness gracious thank you for the red oh my goodness now the M shaft capture device boom our enemies are getting dangerous and I I am nervous to use this but I think we’ll be all right especially with our Canon now and all of our amazing helpers here this seems like a decent place is any it’s time yeah go capture the mine shaft all right keep your eyes peeled keep it safe everybody I got my iron golem Shield if I need it nice job guys keep them away back up there’s new monsters now boom oh man this is great oh gosh guys up there up there up there we got a witch oh that looks bad that looks bad come on just the witch left I got you I got you get up there guys get him yes almost done almost done we did it look look at our little M shaft oh my gosh only a couple guys left and they’re dead we did it everybody that was intense technically was in a m shaft there’s no tents in Minecraft apparently our M shaft can mine for us check this out hya go a classic dude that’ll be good for Diamond hunting oh he just keeps going oh my gosh do you ever stop hey buddy oh what what just happened um oh he’s fine okay I got real nervous I thought he’ just mined himself to death up next we’ve got amethyst geode cool okay well we can look for geode as we get some diamonds all right let’s go already dude no way shut up no two diamonds are you kidding me oh my go oh my gosh I am the luckiest person that’s ever lived wow I don’t think anyone’s going to believe this is real this is a vein of eight there’s at least two over here oh my gosh are you kidding me oh my gosh and then we’ve got diamonds over here 1 2 3 4 5 6 I just got 23 Diamonds oh my gosh that was my first mine oh my word all right you’re op dude if we get diamonds again I’m going to freak out no way there has to be something going on with the luck of this right I’m at 31 diamonds right now oh gosh they found some gold shut up oh my gosh 42 diamonds now I just got to find myself a geod okay okay okay more how how they just keep coming oh my gosh what why am I not lucky in this every episode I’m already a stack of diamonds that’s a vein of nine that’s a I’ve never had a vein of nine before Oh My Gosh well might as well looking good here you are you haven’t failed me yet Compass I’m proud of you let’s see uh geode Essence dropped from gold or oh I got plenty of those okay it’s so beautiful it sings songs to me all right we got it geode acquired let’s capture this geode all right guys this is a fortress no one comes in through the front and we should be a okay yeah yeah die you foul monster yeah oh that’s a guy with a blaze rod oh man did he drop blaze rods I don’t think so get back yeah careful guys don’t let him in we are holding strong The Fortress get him get him get him good job I’ll keep the Left Flank yeah yeah with the diamond armor and everything I think this will be no problem yeah ow ow ow ow guys help help help help get them Golems Golem army yes yes yes we did it look at our geod oh you are awesome looking oh my goodness it’s like Pac-Man except he sings and he’s beautiful look at him oh my goodness nice look at my armor I’ve got amethyst armor dude no way it coats you in permanent amethyst armor nice so apparently when I get damaged there’s a chance that the mob gets shot with shards of amethyst wao oh my gosh that was awesome okay this is a very cool upgrade I like this a lot plus every time I walk now I just walk on Amethyst it hurts my feet a lot I’m in tremendous amount of pain but it sounds amazing next up nether fortress uh-oh let’s get in and get out oh yeah I forgot I can eat obsidian I can make myself Invincible well this will be handy for the nether excuse me oh you want me to light you I’m sorry man that’s not going to work I’m just making your big brother their ruined portal a everyone’s giving each other hugs nothing but wholesomeness here on the channel and sometimes times I kill mobs for fun let’s do this aha wa holy cow oh hey boys welcome home oh man how am I supposed to get over there Jano oh no I’m in lava oh gosh oh I survived okay okay anyways I’m fine there it is let’s capture this nether fortress I need a couple of blaze rods and a couple of these guys so actually I’ll I’ll take these come on boys I’m rolling in with my squad let’s take these guys out and capture this nether fortress hello ah there he is get him yeah a he’s so far away shoot all right I’m using my iron golem Shield I’m hiding behind my dad get him yes we got it we got it yeah yeah yes I got a blaz rod okay sweet oh my gosh look at how sparkly the nether is now go geod did you steal a blaze rod hey give me that Blaze Rod back hey come here give it back here I’ll give you a gold for it I’ll trade you give me the blaze rod Rod there we go thank you oh my gosh well we got seven blaze rods that did not take long at all oh I need a fortress Essence I got to get that from killing a mob by an exploded amethyst Shard okay did it work did it work oh gosh oh ah I’m just swinging I don’t know what’s going on okay I think that might have worked uh yes Fortress Essence we got it no problem now we can craft The Fortress capture device boom let’s get ourselves a fortress this battle might be intense 3 2 1 Place get ready for battle guys oh here they come oh that looks dangerous cannons fire boom what are you holy cow it’s like a Wither SK ah yeah get him okay so far so good yeah I broke the bridge ah they spawned oh okay good job guys good job who’s protecting the spawn hey careful he’s going to break it back yeah we got him yeah boom yes we got it wo look at her little Fortress a I love it welcome to the family of structures it’s weird here I’ll be honest so it looks like I’ve got permanent fire resistance which is so great and I can now shoot Fireballs yep that will be very useful on the crystals at the dragon next up ah Bastion nice I found the Bastion hey yeah got him please get the essence do we have it we have it yes the Bastion Essence okay now we can craft this thing just need some gold and some bricks I can get the gold right from here actually I don’t need to smelt it relax relax relax all right got our gold thanks gorgeous all right M shaft it’s your time to shine go boy yeah oh gosh this is going to get weird oh man yeah it’s crafted look at this masterpiece that seems like a perfect place to place this thing it’s going to get dangerous but I have fire protection and I’ve got structure protection let’s get him boys yeah go geod man nice shot let me grab all this gold here nice and then let’s prepare for battle Yeah here we go Bastion is activated there’s the bad guy spawning not today fire blast fire blast yeah dude this should be no problem at all we’re crushing everybody man they don’t even want to mess with us back get out Yeah I broke the bridge so they can’t even get over here if they wanted to just a little more yes we’ve got it the Bastion Bastion Remnant hey buddy all right come on guys we’re done with this place check this this out whenever I throw gold at this guy it drops pearls yes I love you Bastion I love you very very much now it is Dragon time my friend we are done with the nether so when I hover over this now it says find the stronghold x marks the spot oh I’m here wao dragon arena Essence nice so I can make the dragon arena now I’ve got the essence I I need obsidian which I have and endstone no problem it’ll fire a damaging Beam at the crystals and the village Dragon oh all right so this will be how we defeat the dragon nice okay guys the first thing I got to do is jump in there get my endstone and then we can craft our crazy Dragon yeah let’s do this Village Dragon yeah oh my gosh all right he’s got explosives this could get bad all right all right oh man now I remember I can eat obsidian so anytime I’m taking damage this will keep me alive what are you shooting at me oh my gosh it’s it’s literally a village Dragon okay give me some of this endstone here perfect place this down craftar what was it called again ow almost died almost died okay Dragon there we go we got it we got it boom I threw it away no no get back in my inventory no no no get my inventory man come here pick it up thank you thank you thank you they life for long enough this guy’s crazy dude ah oh my wor he shooting Iron Golems at me okay here we go yeah capturing dragon arena no dude I thought it would kill him instantly oh gosh dangerous okay ah back yeah got to protect this guy for another few minutes back up yeah come on two more seconds yes attack him go oh my gosh okay first he’s going to take out all the the crystals nice dude I love it what is going on dude I don’t know I’m just trying to stay alive get him yeah come on yeah just one more hit dude come on yes he’s dead thank you guys for your help you guys did awesome and thank you guys for watching we’ll see you guys next time Minecraft but trees beat the game for me I will recruit every type of tree to help me defeat the DeForest station Blaze there’s this guy that keeps burning down the trees and no it’s not me this feels ironic but to save the trees I got to kill one I feel pretty bad for this here don’t worry buddy I got you what friendly oak sapling oh I guess being nice to trees always pays I take Bitcoin let’s find a good nice spot how about this hill right here it’s got a nice view hey oh what is happening oh oh hi it’s a friendly little tree friend well I’m going to leave you there for now he follows me he’s got little he dropped logs did you sneeze are you molting I’ll call you Oakley well we got a bunch of wood so that’s very nice of you oh thanks for the planks man don’t even have to craft planks anymore yeah go get him go go are you going to kill him or nope he’s just he’s just sniffing him okay that’s so creepy dude there you go good job buddy okay if I place you back uh how do I how I get the how do I get your friend sapling oh we got a ton of them I see dropped by an oak tree friend when you’re near a bee yo buddy I found some bees bees and trees are friends right that’s why they rhyme it worked yes they made friends and we’ve got our friendly Birch sapling it says to grow it I have to place it under a bees nest whop a bees nest oh yes hello bees nest we got a new friend coming in hey what’s up buddy oh are you drowning uh come over here there he is oh so cute I’ll call you beatric and I will not forget that name for sure now according to the crafting table my king beatric will summon bees whenever I get damaged which is awesome pillagers let’s get them our dark oak friends did not deserve this hey come here yeah get them boys yeah summon the bees get him get a beatress yeah that’s what they get I’m on a mission now yeah you’ve been Avenged run I should have made an axe they still don’t see me they see me yes get him dude be free my boy okay we got to go I was overly confident uh oh get him Golem I’ll never forget you the more time we waste though the more time the deforestation Blaze can set a blaze to the trees our next tree is the spruce tree looks like we got to kill a zombie with Beatrice’s friendly bees and the spruce powers are awesome I’ll show you what they do in a minute here ooh iron we’ll get ourselves a better sword with that oh careful guys nice job guys I thought you were a hairy zombie I’ll be honest I’m sorry beatric now we’re ready for action oh hello zombie okay damage me there we go get them bees yes did we get it we’ve got it the spruce sapling get him Beast yes our friendly Spruce only grows in a spruce Village so yeah come on yes dude no throw little buddy it’s working it’s working farmer yes oh he’s dying he’s dying Spruce you’re killing your dad come over here please there he is dude we got a little fox tree oh my goodness look hey hey you doing okay what are you doing dude sorry didn’t mean to punch you why are you dying are you cold well well all right our Spruce friend is awesome cuz check it out he leaves snow where he goes and if I stand on it I get strength and regeneration and when mobs stand on it as you saw they slowly die apparently all mobs so we got to be careful with that one look at my Army growing dude it’s awesome I’ll call you Bruce Bruce Bruce is good ah guys guys help help help help what is that nether Lumberjack you won’t get away with this the forest deserves to be burn down no it doesn’t deserve to be burned down you big jerks ah man I didn’t know the deforestation Blaze had minions head count everybody alive one two and three okay we got everybody next up J jungle sapling now to get our jungle sapling we’ve got to kill a frozen creeper which shouldn’t be a problem with our newly uh uh dandruff boy but to activate our jungle Powers which is shooting Cookies By the way we got to grow it by getting some melon slices I’ll explain later so first up a m shaft no no don’t explode freeze freeze did we get it did we get it did we get it did we get it no yeah we did get it yes dude the jungle sapling and now let’s find a m shaft in the meantime might as well get some of this iron too get them Oakley I wrote their names down in a notebook so I don’t forget ooh a secret cave W all right that was close that’s more like it jono yes we got a m shaft all right we’re looking for melons hey I’ll take some bones for bone meal actually hey okay there’s too many bees I cannot see anything I just need watermelons that’s all I need come on give me what I need uh be no yeah some melons thanks buddies all right we’re out what this is your new home little oh well that was fast all right we got some melons hopefully this is enough my little friendly jungle boy grow yeah we got our jungle boy oh your face looks a little uh handsome your face looks a little handsome is what I was going to say right guys right now if I just sneak with an empty hand I shoot cookies I love it man delicious yeah take my cookie wow that Rude Dude if I can kill the inner dragon with cookies I’ll be a happy man next up Acacia sapling I can get the sapling by killing a skeleton with a cookie no problem and their powers are they help me mine so that’ll be nice do you guys hear that I hear like a skeleton somewhere are you underneath me there you are dude I knew it hey hey no Bees don’t kill them I got to kill them with the cookie yeah take my cookies I baked them myself gingerbread okay I got it yeah there’s our little guy what wait a minute was that you I didn’t name you yet I’ll call you Baker check this out it made like Vines for me to climb up wa I don’t need a ladder ever again all right now our Acacia sapling should work now that we’re hold on yeah all right is that high enough for you there you go ACAA ACAA oh there he is oh I love it aa’s already a beautiful name so obviously we’ll keep the name and call it Frank don’t like the name too bad it’s already in my notebook that means it’s permanent forever now Frank how how does your powers work is it do I just squat I do look at it go mine ah Frank you are beautiful oh my goodness I love it okay that was like a Looney Tunes fall so this should be a nice and easy way to get myself some diamonds hello oh oh my gosh they’re back they’re back The Lumberjacks are back oh I’m going to die ow you will not destroy my precious trees get back you foul monsters D okay I’m grateful for this snowman oh there’s more there’s more guys guys guys there’s more give me give me the snow give me the snow thankfully the snow heals me a lot when I stand on it that is nice yeah guys what happened what happened to beatric and Bruce and Baker and okay there you are all right well I’m on the Hun for diamonds yeah yeah yeah Diamonds oh what a beautiful day in the neighborhood five diamonds I want one more set of diamonds here oh perfect timing vein of eight I think I feel like it’s straight up mobster right now I got my whole Army around and this guy is built like a tree literally beess I mean Frank Frank’s fine we’ll make ourselves a diamond chest plate and a pickax very nice ooh our dark oak sapling we just have to have Frank mine a villager Outpost thankfully I know exactly where one of those is we meet again it’s not the same Outpost but it’s pretty close okay it’s time Frank you ready go Frank attack boom baby I see a sapling in there Frank L dark oak sapling you deserve it pillagers get him Frank okay so this guy’s a little bit weird I got to plant him on the top of the Outpost here and then I got to shoot an arrow at it to make it grow I don’t know why but these are sentient trees I don’t ask the questions yeah there it is our dark oak ooh I like your eyebrows buddy check me out I’m invulnerable to arrows now yeah no problem Well you certainly tried our next saplings are nether related sapling and that is I assume where we’re going to find our evil Blaze the deforestation this guy is awesome but I’ll tell you what he does in just a second let’s get to the nether hey a lava pools right here be careful you guys please don’t kill the dog friendly fire Friendly Fire excuse me guys oh thanks for the assistance my guy wait wait no hot to bad hot to bad there we go now before we head to the nether I’m going to get some iron real quick what are you shooting at man sorry guys excuse me hey there we go and let’s get our fungus tree ooh there’s a Bastion here nice hope I don’t have to go there later uhoh here comes the foreshadowing raccoon here’s we got to do we got to have a blaze shoot a fireball at me and then I’ve got to just remove it from existence yeah there we go nice dude and to grow them we got to place our fungus right on Soul Sand here there he goes come on grow little buddy yeah oh what’s up Grandpa now check this out I got fire resistance now which is epic dude now our battle with the big blade will be no problem oh also we never named you I’ll call you sap cuz you sap away all the projectiles also check this out oh I can breathe fire now yes I can ah Gramps is hooking us up what’s up guys yeah we got him the next tree we’re going for is our Bone Tree aha now weirdly I’m not actually after the bones here not yet at least I’m actually after the skeleton here I got to breathe fire on it and that gives us our bone sapling very nice if we plant our Bone Tree sapling on a fossil bone like this that will grow grow my minions yeah dude look at this guy you are Majestic what oh well I’m sorry you’ve had a rough day I thought it would be an ice queen or something nope it’s a ghast oh you all right down there you all right all he’s fine he’s fine now their power is awesome mobs randomly become skeletal versions of themselves and when killed they drop bones and enchanted books yo sap please stop shooting arrows oh did you kill a ghast oh nice job man our next and arguably the most powerful of them all requires me to kill a skeleton piglin brute that sounds dangerous so before we do that I’m going to kill a bunch of skeleton mobs get a ton of enchanted books and deck myself out with a ton of gear oh hi little guys who wants to become a skeleton I know you do yeah Infinity that’s great sure sharpness I’ll take that and I got myself protection four that’s what I was looking for there’s no one down there sap there is no one underneath you the iron we got earlier is coming in handy cuz now I can get my Anvil and we can get ourselves beefed right up yeah dude sharpness sword I got a multicross shot bow yeah no uh sap I’m shooting the arrows don’t break my projectiles well now it’s useless you’re on my last nerve right now man all right I think it’s Bash Question Time hello so I’ve got to oh gosh I’ve got to find a piglin brute and then turn him into a skeleton take this there’s a brute yeah yeah come on yeah get him get him yes so close oh we got him we got him don’t stay alive stay alive stay alive Golden Apple save me here my helmet’s broken we’re all right we’re all right come on there it do we got it the piglin tree sapling okay back up Cookie for you okay now we just got to plant our Pig sapling right here perfect and that should grow oh our Pig sapling hey look at this our trees have gold in them now that’s awesome what a bunch of beasts look at this guy man I don’t want to mess with you now we got an army and we’re shiny hold on I want to join the club ah much better our piglin tree makes all our tree stronger and golden armor is now more powerful and unbreakable there’s only one more that remains the Wither tree we get our wither tree sapling by killing three wither skeletons should be no problem with my golden up Army let’s head back to the Fortress hi Fortress Yeah die die did we get it yeah yeah get him did we get it did we get it yes there it is we got it the Wither sapling wo that looks cool oh oh yeah you guys don’t burn me anymore fire resistance ah yeah and now we put our wither tree sapling on our Blaze spawner and boom oh my goodness guys stockpile Souls what dude you are amazing dude he’s got like a rib cage and everything he’s rad he’s rad I guess that’s your name ouch I got three Souls now what do I do with all my Souls hold on our rad new friends gives all nearby mobs wither and when a mob dies it stockpiles its Soul sneak to launch all stockpile souls for big damage wa okay let’s collect more souls and then I think it’s time to take out our deforestation boss I’m just going to sit here and let you guys do all the work okay thank you I’m just going to go get a snack real quick you guys want a poptart 20 Souls I think it’s time come and face me friend of trees and witness The Inferno excuse me hello oh my goodness this must be it huh guys deforestation blaz there he is get ready boys oh man oh man oh man oh man all right well I’ve got my Souls we’ll see how much damage this does you can’t do this to my friends yeah I shot a cookie I I don’t actually know how to shoot use the souls First We Take out the spawners yeah with my cookies yeah oh my gosh The Infernal Lumberjacks are after me help help throw some snow down or something man heal me up okay hop on the snow hop on the snow that’s it that’s it nice job guys now be careful I’ll take out the Spawners the cookies can’t go up that far yes they can that’s it that’s it we did it we did it it’s battle time now we got 43 souls and soul attack go yeah oh my goodness we did it the forests are saved thanks for being a friend to trees everywhere crafty guys no problem you’re the ones that did all this man thank you Oakley and beatric and Bruce and Baker and Frank and sap and Gramps and rad and thank you for watching we’ll see you next time save the trees and love you lots hi TNT has come to life in the form of these mob TNTs they are scattered all throughout the world but if I can collect them all they might just be able to beat the game for me and here we are yo piggy are you a TNT or something challenge breed some chickens okay whatever you say text you’re welcome hold your horses chickeny come on boys I got some snacks for you so you can explode or whatever there you go nobody look all right no don’t look give them some privacy there we go oh goodness well Jeremy I think your brother’s looking a little different than you are we got our first TNT the chicken TNT what do you do hello there little buddy oh you said that little explosive eggs that’s so cute like flies up and breaks blocks that’s pretty cool man it just keeps going oh and then it dies okay I might never need a pickaxe dude I can just send out exploding chickens to do all my mining for me there you go break the blocks boys yeah we got our first stone it’s not much but you know you got to start somewhere can I get some wood Please Mr chickens oh my God goodness go buddies oh this is not the most efficient way to mine but you know we do our best hey got my first piece of wood very nice challenge get some bread okay that’s a little weird let’s get that bread Gamers howdy Village folks I’m just here cuz text on the screen told me to what’s up boys how you doing nice there we go there we go there we go and we got some bread ha delicious protect the village oh gosh this is not good what the heck is that dude oh no why you building your village next to a giant Skull Man all right boys get ready for battle I hear their Sirens ring cery get inside where are these guys a black cat that’s not good news there they are all right chickens it’s your time to shine go go go go go go ah all right all right that’s working pretty well dude ow they’re a little hard to aim don’t be a chicken chicken go fight for our land ow one heart wait wait wait don’t kill me oh gosh that was a close one oh dude blocks of iron that’s good looks like the pillagers drop items that’s great ha you’ve been crushed what the heck he dropped a pumpkin head oh blocks of iron and pumpkins I think I know what I got to do with this make an iron golem no problem and there you go looking a little headless buddy and oops my bad hiya oh he dropped me a iron golem TNT ah very cool welcome to life buddy boy oh look at it go I like it man cuz it deals knock back to enemies and then it gives me like temporary armor it looks like which lasts a while that’s really cool might be able to mine a little easier with this guy and boom honestly dude having portable diamond armor anytime I need it is super nice thanks for your gift buddy I love you oh gosh protect the village again dude all right well at least this time I got some Iron Golems hello boys all right launch out some chickens drop out some Iron Golems oh man all right all right I’ve got my armor that’ll protect me little bit careful Piggies oh gosh oh gosh okay perfect you’re stuck in this hole over here if I can drop down some Iron Golem TNTs on him oh gosh he found a way around it oh goodness don’t hit me in the booty dude run boys oh gosh go Iron Golems that’s it and boom not quite oh my this is hard drop some chickens for the aerial tack yeah chickens you got him dude nice job guys all right you can stop you can stop dropping uh poop bombs or whatever ooh intriguing find a secret passageway uh I don’t think it’s that giant skull right that doesn’t look extremely um secretive well no secret there ooh secret apples What secrets might you be hiding hey I see some Secrets little fun fact if you’re trying to keep a secret might want to close the door oh gosh yeah let’s just explore this dark and mysterious tunnel what’s the Worst That Could Happen hello ooh there’s a chest over there uh I don’t trust this for a second definitely not a trap oh wow yeah let’s just try it shall we rip my sign you lied to me you lied to me sign there we go hopefully you learn their lesson oh gosh that looks bad can I break this here oh my oh no it’s just going to keep going forever huh I just got to run through this hold on I can use my iron golem TNT to give me some extra armor here there we go and now run run run run yeah there is an arrow inside of my Cranium but I can’t tell if there’s any damage pardon pancakes pancakes feel nice when I squeeze them huh did you say something well that led us to another trap I’m assuming uh but this time there’s no lying sign so uh yeah let’s trust it and wa Chester you’re a TNT today oh sick dude ooh looks like Chester mines for me all right let’s see what you got Chester buddy oh my goodness yeah look at him go can I plant multiple Chesters yeah Chester mines for me and then I get the ores automatically he’s hry boy but doesn’t like eating ores apparently yeah go Munch Munch that’s honestly super useful dude and I’m always happy to have Chester on my Adventures oh gosh my next challenge is to explore the giant skull oh the text calls it a death skull that’s great yeah that’s fine I didn’t need any extra adjectives to make it any scarier dude I will never forgive you oh gosh let’s walk into the Cave’s mouth well on a positive note we do get a bunch of free Iron Chester if you don’t mind doing the duty yeah oh my gosh I have over a stack already dude this is so much iron that’ll do it yeah feels a little more safe in here I probably should make a sword as well what the heck dude oh my goodness this place just keeps going man are we inside like an ancient giant or something these are his rib cages this is freaky man I like it destroy the spawners what spawners oh those spawners oh my gosh ah there’s spider jockey spawners okay okay my sword’s not going to cut in here yo boys it might be a time to shine yeah dude they launch man ah wait wait hold on Chester munch on it yeah okay stop stop ah there’s more of course there is okay Chester get ready hope you’re hungry buddy go and Munch it I’ll take care of these bad guys yes good job Chester you can stop there all right well it’s fine Iron Golem go Chester go yeah yeah buddy oh this is sweet man Teamwork Makes the dreams explode I don’t know I’m a professional yeah oh gosh Golem Army go it’s your time to shine chickens I don’t know if the chickens ah can break the spawner but we’ll try it do you do it yeah go chickens and it dropped a new item we’ve got a skeleton TNT now very cool let’s try this bad boy out shall we oh it shoots a bunch of arrows yeah ow hey chill bro find a zombie swamp I don’t know what a zombie swamp is but all right let’s go find it tell me where the zombie swamp is this is awesome look at them go and now they’re confused you’re like oh my job here is done it’s time to die yeah attack the mobs go skeleton TNTs it just rains arrows I love this dude H these trees are looking a little sus over here oh gosh get them skeletons oh I like these guys man they have little happy faces too they’re oh gosh okay I think I found it hey yep yep yep those are some zombies pardon me excuse me oh my goodness what the heck’s going on here uh destroy the zombie eggs don’t mind if I do oh goodness slime zombies hello boys ew they’re so slippery man Mr slime zombies meet my friend the Golem all right let’s find a way to break these eggs pardon me slime boys go away slime zombies yeah there are these Target blocks on top of the eggs can I place down a skeleton TNT oh yeah okay that works that works so I got to use my skeleton TNT to break these targets here oh that’s satisfying dude back up monster oh gosh they’re everywhere dude these slimes are nonsense stop chicken attack not really go Iron Golems get him yeah looks like there’s one more Zombie egg and boom we’ve done it do I get something cool yes we’ve got a zombie TNT let’s just place it down and see what happens okay so it like runs and drops zombie body parts oh I see they’re basically pressure plates for bad guys if they walk over it then the body parts explode let’s try this out shall we we’ll do a little sneak attack even though that guy totally just saw me we’ll lay a trap around the Outpost now we can sit back and watch yeah come over here man yeah come on keep coming keep coming boom oh that’s really cool oh this TNT is weird but I do like it who came up with this oh got another one yeah rescue him Chester nice job find a desert bunny Shrine these challenges are just getting weirder and weirder I like weird I may have found it I don’t know those look like ears and a mouth nope I think that’s just normal sand uh yep nothing here oh there it is yeah that looks more like it yeah this is looking a lot more uh shiny hello bunny boy the cheeks are made of Target blocks so I might need to use my skeleton TNT there are these pressure plates here go skeleton there’s little activation sounds happening and hit all the cheeks go no oh wait a minute I I’ve got a weird idea if I put down my zombie TNT can you leave a body part on top of it yeah there it goes leave your foot at the door literally there you go and all right okay now the pressure plates are activated now let’s try to shoot out the little targets yeah there it goes oh snap this is awesome looking dude I see it yeah we’ve got a bunny TNT don’t forget to hop on over to the Subscribe button if you want to watch more of these videos or the like button if you already are awesome and subscribed all right let’s try out oh my goodness wow that was more powerful than I thought it was going to be okay so the TNT jumps and explodes yeah totally normal totally normal bunny activities ouch Go Bunny that is so explosive dude I didn’t know you had it in you buddy but you’ve made the most dangerous TNT so far o save the desert village uh-oh that that doesn’t sound good I’ve been wandering the desert for many minutes but I found it I oh goodness hello why is that so close dude yo Golem you going to help me out here you’re just going to pretend like nothing’s happening where were you and they built this monstrosity oh goodness there’s a lot of guys they don’t see me yet so I might be able to sneak around a little bit is that an Oker okay this is not going to be an easy battle first let me grab some food here cuz I might need it and I think I have a strategy I want to use here how do you guys not see me oh goodness these guys are blind all right here’s my strategy I’m going to start by sending out some zombies here to lay down some traps for our bad guys go zombies go all right perfect next up I could send out my skeleton artillery oh it’s working it’s working I can hear the explosions oh gosh there’s a guy right there all right go yeah get him dude all right that works great they still don’t see me this is excellent no no no no no don’t kill the villagers hey back up dude yeah next step in the crafty plan oh goodness gracious hold on this is not a part of the plan this is not a part of the plan all right lay down our skeleton archers go boys yes get them buddies now we set out our chicken attack yeah go chickens he’s just looking at him like what is this oh delicious chickens it didn’t even touch him that’s fine what the heck it might be time to bring out the big guns come on bunnies let’s go oh goodness gracious go bunnies attack there we go that’s working all right that’s taking out most of them attack yes hello buddy oh my goodness alligators go skeletons okay okay they’re shooting some arrows we go for some close combat with the TNTs yes yeah oh my goodness this guy has so much health man go Iron Golems protect the village ah demon angels okay not good not good half a heart oh this is very bad this is very bad Iron Golem protect me here buddy perfect and then I got to make it to the surface before I drown eat some soggy bread while I swim yeah we got him dude it must have been that Archer all right we unlocked the new TNT it looks like and we got our a totem of undying all right dude an evoker TNT let’s go dude hello boys just got a couple of bad guys to take out here get him aoker yeah they wer sends out these little angel boys that fly to mobs and blow them up that’s pretty cool ouch hey I am not a mob and now it’s time to destroy the Outpost yeah well I think I’ll call that a win the village is saved stop the nether Invasion pling the forest oh gosh these challenges are getting dangerous dude it started off with yeah get a piece of bread last challenge is World Peace oh my word this place is massive dude here I thought it’d be a little nether portal no this is a serious Invasion man hello Mr Blaze would you like to meet my friend Mr aoker yeah get him dude yeah oh uh kind of exploded the bridge all right relax relax oh get him aoker come on yeah boom oh dude this is working great all right we got oursel a blaze rod that’s pretty good looks like there’s a giant portal inside that might be what’s causing this Invasion oh attack let me just chill over here and uh eat my lunch real quick thank you boys get him this is is scary dude oh yes and the portal has been destroyed nice job evokers looks like we got a new TNT as well the blaze TNT and I’m naked my armor must have broken in the explosions hovers and shoots Fireballs that explode on impact oh my goodness yep it also targets and turns on campfires good to know back up zombie get out of here ooh there’s a chest up here ender pearls hey that’s awesome hi chicken just warming up by the fire just smelting up some iron here now I’m no longer naked locate the secret ancient portal what I mean I do have blaze rods and ender pearls for my last challenge so are they talking about the stronghold I mean the strongholds old I mean it’s not exactly a secret if there’s tutorials online about your secret it’s no longer a secret looks like it’s right under us GH 10 pearls I hope I have enough any day now oh what the heck oh my goodness oh no no no no an ancient city dude oh this was not what I expected I should have known better man ancient portal oh goodness I have no idea how to like this portal man um hello Mighty portal what am I going to do fight Herobrine or something here is my ender eyes there you go no you don’t like it h ooh wait wait wait wait there’s some campfires over here my Blaze doesn’t it light campfires aha I have solved your secret come on light the fires there we go there we go you can’t reach it come on man and boom the portal is created ow all right chill hey buddy your job here is done let’s relax let’s relax please you’re very loud I guess the warden’s in hibernation or something he didn’t hear all those explosions oh look at this man we got oursel a warden TNT I feel very aarden right now like like like awarded no blast any mob with a Sonic attack very cool all right well I guess we’ll go into the portal what’s the Worst That Could Happen the end oh my world that’s that’s totally normal save the world from the dragon’s tyranny well it’s a little pretentious but I see what you’re putting down hello Mr Dragon I’ve Got a Friend I’d like you to meet go little Warden yeah oh snap Dude Looks like he’s Sonic blasting all the crystals that’s awesome more more wardens yeah go boys oh this is incredible yeah one more Crystal left come on guys they’re all morphing into one Warden oh my goodness all right the crystals are taken out get him buddy come on skeletons you got this all right well the skeletons are a little confused ow watch out for his dragon breath it’s stinky come on guys yeah we got him we have beaten the game using only TNT ooh and another challenge like And subscribe might need your guys’ help on that one see you in the next episode frogs and Minecraft are evolving and have crazy Powers if I collect them all they might just be able to beat the game for me hello sheepy boy you seen any frogs around here hold on do I craft the Frog oh I see so this tells me where to find and hatch the frog egg and what their powers are the sunflower frog that looks easy to get just got to break some flowers oh there it is we got ourselves a sunflower frog spawn oh you can even see him in there he’s so cute all right froggy boy oh wait hold on not happy I’m so sorry I got to plant him right under the sunflower you happy now buddy hey oh my God all right well I think I know what his powers are looks like he eats flowers and grass and then gives me items from it he’s like pooping out bone meal and oh my gosh logs and coal goodness gracious I got all the oak logs that ever need unless these are not wooden logs and these are just dropping your logs if you know what I mean I’m making a poop joke looks like there’s a different kind of flower an emerald flower looks a little like Jack guy looks like I can use it to trade though that’s interesting howdy Mr farmer I hear that you guys want some Emerald flowers yeah dude I can trade an emerald flower for a village frog spawn thanks for your eggs buddy boy what the heck did you do here this is not how Farms work man how did you even plant this on grass not going to ask any questions he gave me a frog and I’m happy looks like I can hatch this guy by placing him on the bottom of a well here come on plant little beautiful there he is our village frog hey look at that I got jump boost cheaper trades and resistance and apparently no more fall damage ouch or not ouch I survive he hey hey what what are you doing hey sunflower frog why for some reason the frogs are taking out the Iron Golem he’s a good guy dealing with Rogue frogs right about now I was exploring a little bit and found myself a weird looking cave I think it’s worth adventuring come on fragos oh I love jump boost man it makes getting up here nice and easy well since Larry the Frog gave me essentially an entire Forest I’m going to go ahead and get myself some tools here wao guys holy cow look at how big this cave is shall we spelunk no banking is cave diving ouch you guys okay all right frogs have nine lives okay there are some creepy crawlies around here so I got to be a little careful ooh there is something down it’s a frog egg oh heck yeah man he back up don’t mess with my frog dude where the bees come from what the heck guys do you summon bees to help me fight yeah apparently my sunflower frog helps me fight that’s awesome come here buddy you look angry to be in that water where do you want to hatch looks like you want to be hatched on gold or oh I see yes I only hatch on gold or all right there you go rich boy go we got a mountain frog oh my goodness you convert nearby Stone into ore upgrades the ores as well two diamonds what the heck man all right hold on hold on before you upgrade hey hold on I got to get iron first I was making fun of him for being a rich frog but I understand now he literally can turn Stone into Diamond wait a minute I was about to smelt my iron whenever I throw items onto Mountain frog he smelts them for me how sick is that dude all right well now we have a pickaxe and even more importantly dude I got myself diamonds man go Mountain frog go go go Best Day Ever man what happens if I throw diamonds on you nothing but would it be so cool if something did happen and just like that got ourselves a chest plate and Diamond legging and he’s still going nuts over here oh desert whatever it’s called desert a desert pyramid ah [ __ ] creepy creature yeah get them boys looks like we found oursel a desert tale over here let’s see if we got any back up foul monster careful Froggies I do not want you to step on the pressure plate gosh this is not a normal well that was scary looks like this is not a normal Temple Dude Looks Like This is a temple of the frog and the Frog looks unhappy to be here don’t worry buddy I shall save you oh gosh oh we be trapped okay oh gosh get him boys how do I get past this parkour we got this yeah we’ve made it out alive and I got myself a desert frog spawn maybe it’s a dessert frog spawn and it’ll be delicious what all right Mr Desert frog spawn where do you want to be spawn right there nope he’s unhappy all right how about on top of a cactus nope unhappy well that’s reasonable patched by placing next to an exploding TNT this is the weirdest frog spotter ever did see TNT back in the temple hold on let me go grab it real quick didn’t know I would need it to try to explode a frog what I thought there was TNT here well let’s go find another Temple shall we found myself another pyramid careful buddy no don’t step on that don’t step on that stop jumping on that oh no God dang it fr the one thing I needed you exploded it all all right we’re try this again again except this time I’m going underneath the pyramid all right quickly quickly grab the TNT all right boys you ready for a brother we’re going to set down our Desert frog spawn this is so weird I do not know why you like this I’m now going to blow up the Frog I guess careful boys Rog yeah check him out our Desert frog dude he’s got a bunch of cool Powers but one thing I’m excited about if I hold gunpowder and then I squat he’ll run over and then explode the area which not only is hilarious looking it turns the blocks into glass and it’ll damage mob go explosive frog go my little explosive buddy his dad was a frog his mom was a TNT don’t ask any other questions and yes before you ask I did check the loot in the temple and it was terrible the next frog we can get is the glacier frog which is found in a suspicious icy cave and one of the powers of our new explosive boy is that he can melt ice seems to me that each frog helps me get the next frog to not only get more Powers but to help me beat the game let’s go froggy boys o I think I see something that looks suspicious all right Desert frog Let’s test out your powers oh all right go icy frog explode the ice get him Desert frog yeah polar bear be careful out there or or running and attack him okay well I’m glad they’re on my side there’s an egg up there I knew I wasn’t here for no reason no no no polar bears get back boy I don’t want to hurt you guys I’m just here for the egg come here my beautiful eggy boy you’re beautiful I love you the glacier frog looks like I can hatch him by placing ing him on Snow Well I mean this is snow right okay he’s unhappy sorry all right let me find better snow or whatever are you happy now yeah we got him o he’ll creates snow where at walks freees surfaces and grants me conduit power oh okay so I’m able to breathe underwater and oh my god did they just die nope they’re fine I love watching them run look at their little legs they’re so cute I got an army of frogs man we’re really doing stuff and check this out your boy can breathe underwater I’m just like you well since I can breathe underwater I might as well just hang out here for a while I wonder what next frog we can do here shipwreck frog I got to find the booty of a large shipwreck all right well I’m off to find a large booty don’t laugh this is serious pirate stuff okay what what’s so funny oh that’s so sweet look at him make an ice PA but he makes it behind me go ice frog yeah this is very efficient a shipwreck dude Glacier frog is putting in some work up there he’s like hey Slow Down Speed Limit 5 m an hour and I see a little glow egg yellow all right you got any good loot well that’s boring all right there you go now the next pirate that comes to visit is going to enjoy that nice little loot oh goodness that’s a bad boy frogy boys help me out oh gosh the water’s not a good place for the bees all right well they’re dead hello boys gosh these drowns are huge man look at them get out of here where is he at where is he at where is our froggy come here boys come on drown you can’t keep the egg all to yourself that’s selfish dude what I want to do is have him beat the game for me yeah little angry egg don’t worry buddy I’ll rescue you I got him hey Glacier frog you have to make ice right now dude Glacier frog chill bro we’ve got our Shipwrecked frog spawned now how do I spawn this guy placed next to a parrot in the jungle all right looks like we’re going on a little bit of a track honestly it would have been nice to have a parrot before the pirate Adventure but hey I’ll take what I can get what’s up buddy hold on parrot come back here dude oh shoot where did he go I’ve got a hatch a frog next to you don’t ask questions yeah all right we got another frog it gave me a bunch of powers dude whenever it walks on lava it turns into obsidian which is pretty nice the Frog also allows for something pretty interesting if I place down a lever I can Squat and then my frog will send out a phantom frog to flip the lever while that might sound cool but a little weird check this out there’s something called a giant frog and we find it by exploring a great jungle temple I’m going to assume there’s a Temple around here somewhere and our new frog will help us out on our journey o i see a frog egg are you the Great temple the great crafting grid told me about I’ve heard many Legends of you honestly you don’t look that that great you look uh totally normal hello gosh this is actually a little spooky yo frog boys help me out man I’m a little freaked out okay they’re not coming down they uh must be a little freaked out too not a fan of this at all oh that was a very obvious trap I should have seen that coming looks like there’s a lever over here though all right frog do your worst technically do your best actually I like you to do your very best for this one hey okay okay Phantom frogs hit the lever and it looks like it opened up a secret passageway down here oh all right well this doesn’t look good looks like a puzzle here here we got a couple of levers there’s sand down here I have a feeling TNT might be underneath can I just break through these blocks I can’t all right ooh I can use my power to turn this area into glass so underneath we’ve got a little bit of a redstone Contraption goodness gracious This is complicated what’s behind this sand over here we got TNT aha we’ve got to flick these levers and then avoid the TNT all right I want to press it so bad go Phantom frog there we go all right that did something let’s see I flick this lever then I flick this lever hey that work dude ah heck yeah we got ourselves a bad trap yeah get them boys I’m not going to do anything I’m going to stand over here my frogs are going to work dude this is awesome nice job boys there’s a couple more in there but uh they can stay there for a while one really neat power of our new shipwreck frog is he chases zombies away so yeah it seems that all of their powers are coming in super handy but without further Ado Mr Frog I’ve got to hatch this Frog by placing him in a very dangerous place the com comment section that place is spooky why don’t you make it less spooky in fact if everybody can leave a really nice comment to each other that would be cool I love it when the crafted Community is real nice to each other you guys truly are the coolest fan base of all time ouch well I’m in the most dangerous place that I could think of I really hate it here all right frog spawn please will this be good enough oh hey be be quiet oh my goodness dude you’re huge your giant frog will leap into the air and crash down on enemy mob oh my goodness yes except he Stomps around around like an absolute mad land this guy’s not messing around okay that’s uh that’s sunflower frog wait a second that’s not herob Brian is it that looks like a frog hold on Ancient frog yep yep yep gosh I’m trying to be quiet right now and I’m followed by an army of frogs just croaking as loud as a man can croak let’s be quiet over here what’s that mean I’m a Frog okay I’m I’m sneaking I’m sneaking I’m sneaking oh gosh I heard something guys guys guys guys it here is you quiet yeah just like that fall off the ledge that’s a perfect way to be quiet just going to sneak in here just going to grab you yes and then run run run run run boys run boys oh I don’t like oh no no I hear the warden go go go go go go go go all dead end okay I think we’re in kind of a safe spot over here all right little guy how do I hatch you make a lot of noise in an ancient city oh this is such a dumb idea hey what look look at me look at me I’ll makeing noise I’m loud I’m very loud okay okay it’s working guys make a lot of croak come on dude I’m making as much noise as I can come on come on yes we got him oh heck yeah man it’ll highlight mobs that are moving it’ll hit them with a Sonic Blast dude that’s amazing oh gosh I don’t like that I don’t like that I’m leaving this place this is a horrible place I’m going home this has all been fun in games or frog in Games should I say but it was time to have our frogs beat the game for me I did discover though that there is a nether frog it has a power that generates Eyes of Ender that’s useful all I had to do was H kill some blazes to get the Frog spawn easy peasy oh God all right got the egg so if I put my lava down oh gosh hold on probably should dig a little hole there we go and now we shall place our little warm froggy boy gosh that looks terrible are you mad oh no my froggy boy’s mad placing in lava that’s what you need right wait wait wait it worked heyy there he is hi buddy boy I like how he’s big now too the frogs are just getting bigger and bigger you going to give me some ender pearls you’re going to give me some blaze powder hello oh he drops them yeah we got an Eye of Ender dude this is awesome oh there’s another one looks like he spawns them pretty quickly as well I think it might be time to take on the dragon they look excited or something oh all righty well we certainly have plenty of Eyes of Ender Kaboom all right boys let’s take out the dragon wait a minute hold on that’s not this is not the dragon this just a normal n city I see something glowing is there another one for a frog a frog Ender frog spawn grants levitation increases the strength of our frogs okay it looks like I’ve been placed here to grab myself one more frog before we beat the game don’t worry little froggy boy I’m coming me and the squad are pulling up oh I love I don’t have to do anything anymore literally Lally my frogs take care of everything get them boys yeah that’s it gosh excuse me gentlemen excuse me oh OU goodness I can’t get through the Frog guys can you move out of the way dude I’m trying to save your brother I’m coming froggy boy yeah who needs an elytra when you got a frog instead Mr Enderman if you don’t mind dropping a pearl I have an idea hello Mr Egg please come with me it looks like our egg boy is happiest at the very top there he goes our last frog yeah ooh interesting I get two abilities I can levitate and I can teleport if I’m holding a chorus fruit all right let’s try it shall we that was a bad idea okay I forgot I don’t have fall damage anymore give me a chorus fruit please so now I can sneak to teleport forward which is awesome and then now also I can levitate dude who needs to nerd pole when you have a chorus fruit ouch ouch all right got to be a little careful how I use this thing all righty this is what I’m looking for all right don’t miss an Enderman gave his life for this moment here ah shoot guys you got in the way man I wasted my ender pearl well looks like the bees are taking care of my needs already yeah all right Ender Dragon you’re about to be Ender Ender dead nailed it I am curious to see how powerful my frogs are going to be can I not even do anything and then have them do everything do your sound waves and your fireballs and your uh death burps or whatever get them boys just realizing now I don’t have any range equipment so even if I wanted even if I wanted to do any damage I don’t have anything go boys make this Dragon croak get it like croak is in die get him boy yeah oh my gosh that was easy boys you killed it literally my frogs did all the work can we get this video to 100,000 likes I think we can do it and then I will give you all a frog for Christmas okay bye tons of custom Golems have been added to Minecraft and they’ll all have funky abilities that’ll help me beat the game but first I need to unlock them I’ve got here the wood Golem grower don’t ask where I got this but there’s a headless Golem somewhere very angry just need a little wood here would you believe it don’t make fun of my jokes leave me alone okay all right here’s my wood Golem very nice his arms look like Twigs but I’m not going to judge I Am Golem man all right Golem come to life yeah look at him dude you look like Groot but uh happily married if you catch my drift check him out oh my goodness he’s got some crazy claws dude I have this Golem controller here he’s so cute dude come on buddy let’s put those claws to good use scratch up those blocks yeah smack them hey yeah oh dude I may never have to mine a block this entire episode that’s what I like to see come on buddy treat that iron like it said something mean about your wooden mom come on there we go he mes a little slow but then it all explodes at once yeah I got four coal can you mine wood too uh no minable blocks bummer it’s like feeding chicken nuggets to a chicken that’s just rude I’ll call you TR then ooh looks like we got a walkway over here come on tree stand where does this lead wo it’s like an open m Shaft or something what do you make of this buddy we got a little bit of copper there we go oh goodness hey get back zombie monsters tree stain don’t worry I’ll protect you this guy’s got something give me what you got ow tree I’m a good guy help me buddy he’s not helping me all right all right we got oursel a copper Golem grower very cool oh we can make a copper Golem just need a copper block all right just got to do a little bit more chopping he there we go I have a pickaxe but I’m not going to use it careful T we’ve got monsters Al loose yeah I’ll protect you oh this guy’s a tall boy what a 61 more like six dead got him okay okay okay don’t worry TR yeah oh gosh I really could use a Golem to help me fight yeah got him okay 12 copper should do it Tre stand you’re about to have a new friend there we go just one right you might be having a little friend and go hey the copper Golem the perfect Golem guide and will protect against dangerous magic very cool I did not even know I was in danger of dangerous magic so that’s helpful ah he’s cute but also looks I don’t know angry I love you copper Golem please don’t punch my kneecaps one thing I didn’t even notice until right now check this out oh yes I’m pretty hungry I’ve got nothing to eat what a am I a chicken I can’t eat these seeds how about we make a little trade huh yeah so I can trade one seed for five apples to tree that’s awesome would you like one there you go bunco so we’ll grab a couple more seeds for our journey here come on Mr Golem guide where we headed to this tree this is our new Mission oh this way okay all right I guess we’re going this way the copper Golem has spoken oh are we heading to the Village over there buddy hello Village friends do you have an iron golem that I can borrow giant evoker what the ah oh no no oh gosh no voker no thank you I have no armor I don’t like this come back here yeah yeah my sword is doing no damage my man what the heck was that why is his health going down no thank you I don’t want to be eaten by alligators today please oh what the heck just happened copper Golem was that you dude is he protecting me against Magics looks like he dropped some items here we’ve got a emerald golem grower and a block of emerald wow I’m rich boys let’s make our copper Golem wo hey you’re cute dude oh you’re from the Minecraft Legends huh well welcome to Minecraft this is pretty much it there’s a bunch of squares and you break them and uh that’s pretty much it excuse me Tracen he’s just like I can write him oh dude I love it man okay so one of his powers is uh the power of me being able to sit on him thanks buddy interesting I can also use his power to rain down emeralds and flatten mobs one of these Golems is not like the other all right buddy let’s see what a oh I love it we’ve got a flat husk around here yeah so it makes them super weak once they’ve been flattened and the power drops Emerald blocks Tristan I’ll take some emeralds please I don’t know what I’m going to use them for but it’s nice to have money number go up equals happy brain dang son the emerald golem is pretty fast dude they see me rolling we got a fast way to get around oh gosh and fall and kind of a power that helps me fight he doesn’t quite fight for me but uh it’s close it’s time copper Golem where we heading to Next buddy that’s unhelpful let’s try this again shall we this way H hey there we are that looks like something special oh goodness the husks have swords ow oh my steel swords bro okay this is getting more difficult already smash them yeah oh that makes it lots easier emerald golem attack boom I like it man it’s like straight up Looney Tunes out here hello Mr Skeleton Man and smash that’s incredible ooh they’ve got like a TNT monument in here or something golem attack ah looks like squishing cockroaches in here stand back boys yeah go away yeah oh they just keep coming dude did I take them all out are they gone the TNT Monument is mine thank you very much I like having explosives one of these is not like the other we got oursel our TNT Golem grower oh cool looks like we need some Sandstone all right Mr Golem you mind help me mine please thank you kindly oh I like your little spin move you did there okay there it go Sandstone arms this guy might look awesome H oh check this guy out holy cow you’re incredible looking dude now we’ve got a serious Squad here check it out check it out I squat down when I release my squad come he explodes but not really and break the wall this guy is incredible the strength of the Sandstone keeps them together explode wow all right now that’s a power don’t worry boys I love all my Golems equally oh he like hits back mobs too yeah take that the husk stood no chance okay okay we’re getting pretty powerful now Mr Golem where we headed this direction I’m coming it is so nice to get up blocks and mountains with this thing hey check it out dude a mansion come on boys let’s go explode it yo Mr TNT Golem you might help me out with this door over here and boom yeah dude now that makes things nice and easy and explode pave the way oh hello my boy TNT Golem do you mind thank you very much oh I hear a lot of hers her yeah get ready for battle oh goodness okay swords are dangerous good to know get him explody Golem you’re incredible dog I like my explody boy get him oh man I have no armor boys I don’t like this don’t shoot me I think I just block that Arrow what’s around corner number one more bad guys excellent excellent hey yeah get him Kaboom ah no no no no no no go help me buddy yes okay okay okay I’m almost dead iron yeah giant slow ravager yeah there we go there we go if I don’t break the wall he might not be able to get through here there we go keep going TNT Golem I’m proud of you oh gosh he’s out he’s loose one more hit boom baby we got him we got oursel a ravaging Golem grower very cool but uh first things first I need some of this iron for armor dude that was rough oh there we go much better ah finally no longer naked I’m role playing as an iron golem Mr treen do you mind give me a couple more iron blocks or not get him boom perfect Cobblestone legs and body iron arms boom Oh my gosh look at this guy dude he looks terrifying oh interesting we can ride him now a snap look at us dude conquering Mansions like it’s our job he also sniffs out ores so I guess I can get diamonds and stuff nice and easy now oh sorry Mr Cow he runs over mobs I guess oh I can also Roar to scare mobs away wow very spooky okay my squad is looking powerful and colorful look at you guys very cute copper Golem there you are don’t get squished dude and go little guy this direction we head to come on everybody let’s follow the little guy sorry sorry I meant to say uh short King interesting looks like we’re headed underground oh my oh wow hey yeah get ready for battle it looks scary down there ouch there’s like 50 mobs down here B me excuse me boys get him get him ravager yeah yeah take that hop down take that monsters scream at him oh they’re scared now hello little guy yeah dude oh this is incredible this makes it so much nicer be afraid yeah yell at them oh they’re so scared they’re jumping in the lava dude oh my goodness get him ravager yeah this is incredible dude mow him over yeah now we’re talking what’s up buddy see you later oh man oh man oh that hurts that hurts okay okay don’t let me die here ah there’s a lot of guys he you guys like bowling yeah I think that was a strike okay okay I’m getting a little close to death here uh let me hop off and Munch on some apples real quick oh oh oh my there’s so many monsters man oh my gosh these guys just don’t stop coming be afraid I am the champion that’s it yeah be afraid you’re just running into my face that’s clearly hurting you what is your strategy here guys I’m not even doing anything my hands are off the keyboard clearly that hurts you maybe you stop doing that yeah it’s time for some hand onand combat bring it on I’m not going to let my Golems fight all my battles h take this helmet boy yeah I’ll send you straight to heaven yeah oh okay okay oh this is way scarier without the ravager help me boy dude these Mo these mobs just keep coming man oh gosh that’s a lot of bad guys I’ve fallen I’ve fallen and I can’t get up this is an unnatural amount of redstone this has to be something right smash it if it’s not I’ll be embarrassed yeah okay uh normal Redstone no I got something hey hey we got the Redstone grower I just conveniently found just need some Cobble deep slate make ourself a redstone block and we can build our next Golem oh my you’re huge dude I recognize you you’re from Minecraft dungeons right you are also massive dude our army is getting nuts more is thick our Redstone Golem has some pretty sick Powers all right yeah he smashes the ground sending out a redstone shock wve he also activates Redstone devices interesting okay I see something oh it’s a nether portal dude oh gosh ouch portal igniter is locked okay so uh Mr Redstone man can you just smash the ground or something boom did that work come on man do your thing ha hey that worked okay I don’t know what he did apparently it just smash the ground and everything works well boys looks like we’re heading into The Nether oh gosh and and we’re right by a fortress and by right by I mean inside it all right what are we looking for well I guess if we’re going to beat the game we got to get a couple of blaze rods at least a redstone Contraption interesting my boy I think I got a job for you smash it Kabam all right so that did something uh a bunch of things are moving what did that do oh let’s make like golf balls and go in the hole giant Blaze gentlemen get ready for battle smash him yes yes yes Golem Golem explode perfect perfect oh did he die already he he died already well that was easy we’ve got the magma Golem grower I was ready for a giant boss battle but you just smacked him into another dimension all right just need some magma blocks and a couple Nether Bricks give him some arms perfect and now we’ve got a new buddy the magma Golem dude this guy looks rad oh gosh guys can you not stay in so so close to me the magma Golem picks up mobs and throws them and then they explode wow that’s intense okay it’s your time copper Golem let’s head on to the next one careful boys might have to do a bit of Parkour here oh there looks like a Bastion okay come on tan yeah do your thing buddy there’s got to be something cool around here right come on boys oh buddy you doing okay in there just enjoying the hot tub huh oh my goodness stairs are this way oh this is no ordinary Bastion what the heck is going on it’s like a meeting of the piglins I’ve gathered you all here today to talk about oinking all in favor of doing more of it say oink looks like we have a consensus hey guys how you doing this is so creepy dude hello King Midas you’re ruining the show crafty I am the show thank you very much well since you’re here if you want to make it out alive you’ll have to fight no problem I got my squad with me oh gosh objective defeat the piglins oh they do a lot of damage yo yo yo yo yo yo all right magma Golem get him Emerald smash boom Oh gosh okay okay W wo whoa wo now we’re talking you can’t stop me yeah take that and take that this might be my favorite Golem dude oh this is incredible we’re all at of soldiers already dude H not bad I’ll let you live crafty take this as a token of my respect H ooh we got a new Golem head that’s what I’m talking about looks like I need a tough block hey is that a tough block hey conveniently it’s here place down the tough block and a new Golem oh you’re tiny what’s up buddy Grant strength regeneration item duplication oh snap all right well we got an ender pearl here from one of the piglins can you duplicate an ender pearl for me dude okay that works I toss down ender pearls he grabs it in yeah four ender pearl okay I’ve got an item duplicator this is incredible oh the little guy might be the most powerful dude I’ll take some more ender pearls 32 wow that’s cursed I like it do you mind duplicating some blaze rods for me as well my boy thank you I’m just realizing I’ve been in the middle of this arena for like 10 minutes King Midas thank you for your gift we’ll get out of your hair we made it back to the Overworld to grab a few more seeds for apples Thank You Tristan and I might as well grab a piece of gold to duplicate to get some tasty golden apples for my journey M I do love eating Precious Minerals I made some Eyes of Ender with my 97 ender pearls because it was time to beat the game stop back up you stinky monsters that means we’re here boys place My Eyes of Ender and boom Oh and Boom come on boys let’s do this thing let’s take out this stinky Dragon what’s up Mr Dragon I brought my friends hope you don’t mind okay well the only issue is I don’t have any mobs to do damage to the dragon but I have a plan Mr duplicator give me some arrows please buddy oh gosh this is not going to be easy come on boys just got to take out these crystals no problem one more boom crystals destroyed all right let’s get out of here and I’ve got an end Golem grower there we go the end Golem yeah oh he flies yeah man end Golem attack get him dude I love his tiny wings oh he does a lot of damage the battle of the Dragons oh this is the coolest dragon yeah go Golem yeah we’ve got him dude nice job my man well Golems are better than dragons Lessons Learned great job everybody I’m so proud of you especially you tread thanks for watching and comment down below what we should beat the game with next bye-bye every biome has a powerful pet in my Minecraft world can collect and train them to become allies and help me beat the game this world is so lonely not even these wandering Traders want to talk to me how about you cow well if we can’t make friends let’s craft them shall we let’s craft our first pet ah the cave chicken just need some Cobblestone some [Music] feathers and I need to take out one of these bad guys they drop craftonian and that’s what I need feather a and Crafton boom we got oursel a cave chicken hi little buddy you’re so cute dude it’s a little baby chicken oh man look at you buddy come on little guy hey hey don’t eat him don’t eat my beautiful cave chicken come on little buddy I got to level you up he’s too small to fight for me just yet I’ll name you Eggbert so Eggbert and I went on a caving Adventure found lots of iron yes and gathered as much lapis as my little greedy hands could get he run Eggbert run and just need a bit of this sugar M sweet and deligent and now are you ready to level up Eggbert combine our sugar and our lapis to get some pet food all right now I feed pet food to our beautiful Eggbert and yeah there he goes Eggbert is now fully grown look at him dude the kids grow up so fast come on Eggbert it’s time for battle Yeah get him boy now I’ve got a friend to battle by my side yeah take that boom baby nice job Egbert you ready for some more friends let’s get our next pet weirdly enough just need some flowers and just like that we’ve got our next pet dude Zahara I love your name Zahara welcome to the world little buddy here’s some pet food for you level up yeah baby let’s go look at you fully bloomed proud of you dude you did use a lot of pet food but it’s fine you’re you’re so cute you just place down little flowers oh gosh okay some are explosive flowers good to know I’m feeling powerful boys should we take on a boss we’ve got eggs and exploding flowers we’re powerful enough come on boys let’s test out your powers get them boys yeah yeah come on come on keep shooting those ow oh my goodness no no no no no don’t die buddy don’t die there you go oh whenever they have low Health they require pet food to survive no egg bir stay alive buddy we got this yeah you’re safe spotting him no oh gosh we’re doing no damage to him man ah he’s after me no egg birt egg Burt Hey Big Buddy pick on somebody your own size yeah get up come on yes yes yeah crushed it don’t worry little buddy I’ll heal you right up looks like we got some loot here hey a diamond axe we take those I’m pretty low on pet food there boys we might have to find some more sugar and probably recr some new pets too huh we will become stronger this looks like our easiest next pet there’s a mushroom Island right nearby but there’s a bit of a problem you see this little thing right here this is my celium I have to have it to unlock Spore on and my celium is picky and you can’t just punch it in the face to pick it up oh no you need fancy silk touch I do have a secret trick up my sleeve to get a silk touch pickaxe the first thing I’ll need is some string come on boys we’re on a spider hunt there’s a pack of them get them boys take this spider yeah oh I don’t want your eye dude they might be hiding in the bushes keep your eyes peeled Eggbert I see something is that a spider take that spider oh it was a spider yeah all right I think I just need one more string oh gosh that’s not a Spider Boys you picked the fight with the wrong dude stick in there buddy I got no food to heal you man protect my boys at all cost all right the Enderman looks happy enough ah no no no gosh dang it dude uh do the pets respawn I guess we’ll find out I will get revenge okay well I did get five string and I believe that’s what I need now come with me yeah get him dude now Eggbert you see that over there that right there is a secret cave come with me buddy and you guys too but you don’t have a choice I’m on your screen now this secret spooky cave has something really helpful in it and I hope it’s not death I like my brains inside my body check this out this right here is a vending machine dude and here I can buy a bunch of useful items including here for three string and an iron pickaxe I can buy a silk touch pickaxe let’s go there’s a bunch of other useful stuff and there’s this guy over here but I’ll save that for you guys to figure out because this is a map that you can play for yourself hold on I’m trying to do a call to action oh goodness biome pets are team’s project is that now available on the Minecraft Marketplace link is in the description okay Eggbert let’s get our next pet but first let’s get Zara back welcome back Zara and we’re off land ho oh hey dolphin buddies you’re coming with us on the journey let’s get ourselves some mycelium and a couple of delicious mushrooms M and just like that we’ve got spor on dude what’s up buddy another pet added to our Arsenal spon’s got a sick poison attack so that’ll be nice for nice F nice and helpful nice hello hello beautiful cow oh goodness hey back off buddies no no no no don’t pick on my little spor on saved you buddy oh the Argonauts are going to make this difficult for me aren’t they I’m just trying to beat the game dude and do it real cute with a bunch of cute little friends come on boys let’s do some leveling up now these guys should level up on their own over time but it speeds up with pet food just need a little more sugar you know those kids they love their sweet treats don’t worry little buddy you’ll have a nice sugar high in no time hey there we go M you know what while I’m here we’re going to grab some of this water and we’re going to make a little sugarcane farm for later quiet Bo Daddy’s working a little guy’s thirsty he’s so cute I don’t drown though buddy uh that would make me no don’t drown buddy all right all right we’re fine we’ve learned a good lesson here boys oh you’re not one of my pets drowning is bad all right spor on come on level up buddy level yeah there he is dude you’re huge man now all mobs I fight will get poison cuz of this and you little guy I just have one food for you buddy but more to come later feels good to have a little farm for pet food while that grows let’s unlock our next pet it’s a pretty easy one just need some dark oak saplings are you comfy in there Eggert excuse me boys watch your feet boys watch your feet hey there’s one all right we got two hey there’s the third I’m sorry trees that took a lot longer than I thought it would and just like that we’ve got corvis are still in your egg little buddy don’t worry one day you’ll be big and grown I’m going to be honest buddy you kind of look like a vanilla flavored pickle I’m I’m sorry to say oh your power is incredible corvis gives me regeneration when my health is low that’ll be so helpful especially in the Nether and taking out the dragon let’s get one more unlocked just need to find myself a Mesa yes that looks like a Mesa unless I’m being Mesa with sorry hello villagers any sweet treats and goodies ah pet food yes dude thank you mysteriously hidden villagers I don’t know where you ended up will this be enough to upgrade come on yeah oh my goodness corvis you’re terrifying looking I’m sorry I called you a vanilla pickle please don’t poke out my eyeballs oh now if I hurt myself I just get regeneration oh corvis you’re amazing but we’re not done with our pets just yet let’s pick up a terracotta I think this is terracotta y a little bit of red sand and a couple very uncomfortable beds I mean they’re called Cactus but was I wrong there we go we’ve got patchy yoink what’s up little baby dragon buddy or a dinosaur I guess we’ll three pet food yeah yeah the first one yeah dude we got a dinosaur pet man headbutts mobs and helps this mine as well oh heck yeah dude look at our Squad man this is looking incredible dude I’m cute I’m powerful and I’m ready to punch or something I think we’re powerful enough to check out the mines what do you think boys you’re face is very triangular very symmetrical straight up looking like a digimon out here what oh I love it all right boys let’s try to take on some bad guys now before we head underground is that going to work ah shoot I thought I could get a dead Bush real easy that way how do I get a dead Bush even with silk touch why does that not work oh no I thought that was going to work I just got to not water a PL for a while eh a problem for another time they’re very powerful mobs oh goodness can I just jump down a be careful Boys Nobody die of fall damage please all my kids alive okay we’re good goodness it’s spooky down here I’m in the caves because I want to head to the nether there are some incredibly powerful pets in the nether so I’m going to get my portal the oldfashioned way get three diamonds and then mine some obsidian no gosh you scared me so much just slowly coming out of the ashes well boys it’s time to test out your powers yeah get them mo don’t worry buddy I’ll heal you there we are stay alive dude if head butting hurts you maybe don’t use use that as your main attack my man nailed it great first battle everybody that’s horrifying please don’t fly in the darkness that freaks me out a little a bad boy hey but I think that’s diamonds over there that’s what I need come on gentlemen we won the battle but not the war y crushed it hello beautiful Diamond boys do I have enough yeah that’s a bunch of diamonds all right dude yeah dinosaur do your thing buddy mine those ores and smack buddy that’s that’s the wrong ore my man come on you got it buddy uh buddy for your sake I hope your head’s as strong as iron oh you did it buddy thanks man nice job man all right we got our Four Diamonds which means we have our pickaxe let’s grab our obsidian and get out of here made it back to the base camp we’re smelting up some iron oh gosh dang it I didn’t mean to place that there well see you guys in 10 years and let’s make our good oldfashioned nether portal now careful there boys we’ve got a nether portal but we’re not going in just yet first things first let’s check out our sugarcane farm hey I’m seeing some tall boys from short Kings to tall men that gives us plenty of pet food hopefully for the adventure we’re about to have but also there’s another friend of ours I want to get this guy he shoots prickly Cactus and all I need is a dead Bush while we wait for our iron to smelt up I think I figured out where to get one of these dead bushes greetings sun-loving water haters I’m looking for a dead Bush are you no I need one in a pot aha there you are all right so if I break the pot I’ll get myself a dead Bush Perfecto and now I’ve got smacko smacko hello little one just going to make myself some more pet food and you my friend will grow up to spit spiky boys come on grow up little buddy oh that’s a lot of pet food come on yeah there it is looks like a yellow spotted lizard what are you from Holes oh our squads looking pretty good it certainly is hard work getting all these pets but it’s a little easier with friends thankfully this map is multiplayer so you and your friends can play and I don’t know battle each other straight up Pokémon style you just use your cute pets to fight each other ow iron is done smelting and we’re all suited up hey and might as well grab some snacks for the road all right boys let’s do this thing okay oh gosh dang it oh the nether ow okay it’s fine my toes just hurt yo guys uh guys okay well I guess the nether is scary for our pets we’re going at it alone the first of our powerful nether pets I want to get is the Buffalo it’s an easy one to craft oh gosh hello boys don’t mind me just need nether there it is nether craft danum ow and I need some Soul Sand H aha thank you very much the reason I want pffo so bad is because I can ride on him and fly through the nether which will make everything so much easier and there we are hi little buddy it’s time to grow up buddy yeah there he is check him him out look at this man I can just fly through the nether oh this is such a nice power I’m telling you man the nether pets are op dude oh gosh that’s not good that’s not good I’m going to run oh I also have fire resistance while riding so that’s pretty nice I’m also going to grab some basal and a magma block to welcome the fiery chispa to the squad wa check it out little spider guy I like him dude he’s cool looking he’s bouncing he’s happy my real next goal is to take on the Ender Dragon and with my fire resistance it made that process easy as sneezes I kindly introduced myself to a few Enderman ha and they graciously provided me some pearls we’ve made it come on boys come meet your new friends hey oh it feels good to be home what’s up friendos I missed you you guys ready to take on the dragon now we still do have a lot of characters that I can unlock there’s 16 in total I think we unlock seven but I’ll leave those as secrets for you guys to find plus if you find all 16 there’s a secret pet you can unlock all right boys let’s head into the end what’s up my boy looks like right underneath your toes you’ve got a whole stronghold well time to dig straight down what’s the worst that can happen we’re here get him boys yeah the protector of the Dragon he’s working with that monster I hear the dragon eats pets like you for breakfast well technically like a a lot of people eat mushrooms and stuff like like on their pizza and uh probably shouldn’t mention that huh don’t even get me started about chickens hanging with my buddies hanging with my pet friends oh get them boys yeah dude look how powerful we are man I don’t even have to do anything anymore I may have to help with the dragon though careful guys don’t fall in the lava and boom are we ready to rumble let’s go boys come on boys ah let’s do this run run in yeah take this Dragon yeah we got this dude come on okay okay it’s golden apple time stay alive boy stay alive oh I only have a couple treats left get in there yeah there we go there we go yeah headbutt him poison them do everything you got to do throw oblets at him yes I’ll smack him in the booty I am a professional booty Smacker ow hey come on come on yeah we’ve done it nice job everybody I’m proud of all all of you especially you Eggbert I shall name you the captain of the pets if you want to be the captain of your very own pets check out biome pets on the Minecraft Marketplace link is down below and until then friends game on I will beat Minecraft by doing nothing I can’t break blocks I can’t kill mobs but I can tame Minecraft Mobs to do all the work for me with one goal tame the Ender Dragon we’ll toss a little mob catcher and boom he we’ve got our first mob dude I got a little wolf check this out join me wolf yeah there we go so now if I have a mob I got to fight I at least have a best friend to do all the work for me Mr Cow would you like to join us on our journey as well I don’t know we got milk for the road I guess the most powerful mob of all time yeah we got an army now dude what does the cow do the cow can cure zombie villagers that’s cool I can also milk it for tamed cow’s milk as opposed to what wild cow’s milk there is a nice little village over here any zombies around here we can cure hey there’s one get him Mr Cow cure them Ah that’s very nice what’s up Jeremy goodness gracious this whole village is ah wait no no hold on hold on little guy don’t don’t kill all the villagers buddy this whole place is full of zombies nice job cow I’m proud of you dude hopefully Jeremy the Villager hasn’t gotten a taste for human brains he seems fine wait hold on can I tame a oh goodness hi I didn’t see you there can I tame a villager hey we got him dude we got a little villager friend for our journey what’s up buddy I don’t think he has any powers oh no help me buddy help me help me thank you thank you Mr Golem can I tame you Mr Golem yeah we’re crushing it man we’ve got quite the army man ah get him Golem come on dude help me out of here the wolf’s doing all the work get them Golem smack them no no no over here buddy where are you going where are you go he just running away Golem stop come here this guy yeah nice job buddy so I can’t take out any mobs but at least I have guys that can help me out get them boys yeah you better run Mr skeleton that was fun and all but we have a bit of a problem we’ve got quite an army dude looking good the Golem gives me armor the dog fights mobs Jeremy does nothing but the big problem is I can’t get food dude cuz I can’t break blocks I can’t break seeds I can’t plant anything the only food source I can think of is uh tamed cow’s milk whatever that means so let’s see if we can get ourselves some iron for a bucket oh gosh I keep forgetting get him Golem I can’t kill any mobs this is so hard dude Golem where you going dog this is not helpful a baby on a chicken get him there we go okay let’s find ourselves some iron before I inevitably die I see Iron wait wait wait hold on hold on I might be able to tame a creeper I could use his power to explode those blocks we now can harvest the power of the creeper uh buddy can you go explode over there if I can have a creeper break those blocks and yeah yes it drops perfect wao that’s scary I’ve got myself some iron so now I can break blocks that’s helpful and I also can use the Creeper’s power to take out bad mobs as well nice we’re getting nice and Powerful now I want to make a bucket so I can get my milk although the problem is I can’t get a crafting table perfect I need to find some way to get a furnace oh shoot that that’s my creeper freaked me out for a second going to have to get used to that uh is there a furnace around here boys no can the creeper mine Cobblestone yes perfect perfect we’ve got Cobble boys it’s ironic that I have to work really hard to be lazy we’ve got a furnace our food problem is almost sorted I just need a little bit of fuel here let’s get ourselves a little bit of wood and some grub hey that’s not a bad idea I guess I can eat apples my entire food list is Going to Be Tamed cow’s milk and apples this is so ridiculous there is our iron there is our bucket and now I’m hoping our food situation is sorted so Mr tamed cow can I get some tamed milk please hey that’s perfect our milk gives regeneration and it gives me hunger that’s perfect dude and I could keep reusing it yes our food is sorted that was way harder than I thought it was going to be but now I have an infinite food source so that’s good my next goal is resources hey there’s some diamonds I’m not sure what I can use diamonds for but I mean might as well grab them right let’s get ourself a couple of diamonds very nice don’t worry I’ll share here’s your reward for being a great Golem I’ve got some diamonds now I’m not sure what I can do those just yet but I can check out this m shaft see if there’s any good mobs around here to be able to tame I only have 10 mob catchers and I can’t craft anymore so I got to be a little picky on what mobs I choose I already wasted one on the Villager Jeremy and I don’t think I can do anything with him oh gosh Come here cow I could use some milk my boy it’s fine it’s fine I like how high the Golem shoots up mobs that is so cool nice job buddy oh a spider jockey dude that would be a rad pet to tame oh goodness you okay there buddy just cooking your meat up a little bit I’m going to have some nice warm tamed milk delicious let’s see what powers a spider jockey has man that’d be cool he uhoh ouch hello good sir can I capture you my boy come on give me something cool give me a cool Power spider jockey acquired all right let’s see what you do um it’s just a spider little spider what happened to your friend oh I see I get to become the jockey that’s cool check it out I can ride it dude I am the jockey you can climb walls too that’s awesome I got to be a little careful how I use them I can throw spider webs too yeah take that I can shoot out webs I can climb walls yeah that’s a cool Power I do want to get some more powerful mobs though and the best ones are going to be in the nether Mr creeper buddy can you break obsidian oh gosh oh you can okay perfect dude don’t have to worry about mining anything this is so awesome let’s grab some of this coal that’s going to be good too I assume Gold’s going to be pretty useful in the nether so let’s grab some of that as well at the very least I can make myself some nice golden pantaloons pardon me boys just got to grab some of this gold oh no oh gosh oh no okay 24 gold that should be plenty let’s get the heck out of here man I don’t like this place very much so I know that I can’t break blocks but can I place them okay perfect all right so I can place my own portal that’s going to be good you guys enjoying your little dance party over there what what’s happening I don’t know it looks kind of fun okay they don’t want to do it while I’m doing it all right I see I wasn’t invited to your party that’s cool I didn’t want to dance with you guys anyways I have some extra mob catchers chicken I choose you do you have any cool powers does he give me feather falling no well chicken’s useless good to know oh very nice taming the horse automatically gives me a saddle as well well that’s cool that makes getting around in the Overworld nice and easy aha we found oursel an abandoned M shaft here or abandoned uh what is this called abandoned nether boy he’ll give us a nice Head Start here let’s grab gra some of our iron from earlier we’ll make a flint and steel and we’ll go and use some of our coal here I figured what might be best is getting a bunch of the tamed milk as weird as that sounds that way I don’t have to milk them every 2 seconds whenever I need some help very nice plenty of milk on my journey just like my mom used to say don’t go into other dimensions without your delicious milk heyy and some free golden pants I like it let’s tame ourselves some powerful mobs oh man that’s got to be the worst spawn ever dude careful buddies careful are you floating how are you doing that okay well he’s dead this is the worst spawn ever to not be able to break blocks oh wait I can use my spider jockey right there we go come on Spider Boy let’s find ourself probably a Bastion or a fortress first we’ve made it oh gosh oh gosh gas protect me boys yeah nice job Golem I might be able to tame a gas come here buddy boy ah get him get him get him get him yeah if I can ride the ghast and fly around that would be so good can I can I please tell me I can I can’t fly but I can shoot Fireballs with him that’s cool oh we might have a ghast battle let’s go boys let’s battle Fireball attack oh this is so sweet it’s harder to aim than I thought it was going to be come on dude get him come on come on get him get him yeah good job gas I’m a little sad I can’t put a saddle on him and ride him but that’s all right shooting Fireballs is definitely going to be cool boom oh my goodness that is so powerful you see a guy roll up to your Fortress looking like oh gosh okay well we’re not going to talk about that okay look at her Squad dude looking powerful there’s a Bastion up here I’m going to aim for like a piglin brute or something I think that would be really good I only have six mob catchers left so I got to be a little picky where I use them I don’t imagine piglins are going to be that useful so let’s see what a brute can do hey gasty boy can you make a nice convenient door for me Kaboom ah yes a very convenient doorway ah thank you you my boy you might have to wait outside there dude the doorway is a little small don’t worry I’ll be back let’s see um we got normal piglins I’m looking for a brute though I am wearing my fancy gold pants I think we should be all right to not be attacked right we’re chilling we’re chilling okay cool I’m just seeing normal piglins here pardon me excuse me boys there he is yes okay wait wait hold on hold on wait wait wait don’t attack me dude don’t attack me there we go we got him the brute is ours so looks like I can barter with him and I can make nearby piglins rally and fight with me welcome to the squad my boy so what happens dude I just check it out so I guess nearby piglins are now also my friends who will fight with me come on boys let’s battle it’s the piglins versus the zombie pigman get them boys that’s awesome attack how funny man I guess our brood is like the king of the piglins before we go let’s grab some of this gold 12 blocks of gold incredible let’s turn those into and let’s trade him shall we let’s see what you barter can you give me some pearls my dude and uh all right you got some potions I’m not very thirsty though my guy looks like he does normal bartering loot which is fine I was kind of hoping for something custom seeing as he’s King of the piglins but we’ll need pearls I’ll probably go back to get myself some blaze rods as well I got to tame a blaze right that’ll be too powerful ah pearls perfect dude thank you all right boys shall we go tame a blaze I do still have five ow what hold on let me give some Exposition I do still have five mob catchers which is good so I should have plenty for a couple more mobs and the Ender Dragon so might as well tame an Enderman while I’m here welcome to the squad my boy we’ve got oursel an Enderman nice let’s see what you do my boy oh very cool looks like I can use him to teleport we shall use the Enderman teleport oh that’s so nice man that’ll make finding a fortress real easy oh speaking of Fortress we already found one nice want teleport right over over there Perfection that’s so nice let’s find ourself a blaze I could probably also tame a skeleton boy hi skeleton boy can I tame you oh no he didn’t like that tame you looks like the skeleton didn’t want to be tamed but I can probably find a uh fiery boy around here somewhere oh gosh I see two swords we’re just going to not go over there they’re just standing by the stairs they’re going to jump out and surprise me the worst surprise party ever we’ll do a little bit Enderman parkour here yeah this is awesome man we’re getting more and more powerful a blaze let’s grab him come here buddy boy I shall recruit you to my squad looks like blazes attack nearby hostile mobs and nearby ender pearls become ender eyes oh sick I can toss him pearls and they become ender eyes nice oh this is so good dude this whole time I could have just beat Minecraft by befriending the beautiful mobs well technically capturing them but we’re going to pretend it’s befriending them right it’s like Pokémon you know they’re our friends except that we just damaged them until we captured them Gast you’re doing okay over there buddy he’s just sniffing that gold ah yes the riches smell delightful I think I’m done in the nether man let’s head back to the Overworld oh this is such a cool sight to see come on let’s take a photo boys me and my squad my new rap album we’re coming for you Ender Dragon the last mob I need so I guess I just trade The Brute until I get enough ender pearl toss them over to our Blaze use the Enderman to teleport oh gosh and then I guess I have to use the creeper to dig down in the stronghold right that’s fine as long as I’m being lazy and doing nothing I’ll call that a win 12 pearls that’ll do it toss you over there that’ll give me all the ender eyes let’s do this guys we have one mob left to add to our collection and he’s a big flying boy or technically female big flying female I always forget the iner dragon is a she I’ll make a comment about the in Dragon being a he in the whole comments are like how dare you what have you done I will never forgive you crafty I will never forgive you anyways we’re here dude now the weird part is I have to find a way to dig down I can’t physically dig down myself Mr creeper can you do the honors oh no this is pretty slow dude I feel so bad for the creeper a creeper is putting in the work as the Iron Golem is doing a dance on a leaf up there the cow looking ominously down upon us we could try the gas is that going to work with the fireball oh goodness maybe not creeper explosions it is it’s inefficient but we’ll get there eventually come on man where is this thing dude yes finally oh my goodness that was the worst experience of all time well lesson learned the creeper explosions are not very effective to dig straight down and there she is put our eyeballs in there we don’t have to do anything right should we just hop right in yeah let’s get oursel a pet dragon dude I’ve had a lot of pets I’ve I’ve had hamsters and turtles and guinea pigs but every time I go to the pet store they’re always sold out of dragons so this is really a dream come true for me no no don’t kill me don’t kill me bro let me drink my milk in peace come down here gorgeous we might have to take out these crystals to have the dragon perch SO gas do your thing my dude a oh that is so cool don’t kill the dragon though I need her alive come on Dragon perch my dude yes here she comes don’t mess this up crafty toss a mob catch her please the Ender Dragon is not weak enough to be caught ah shoot I only have two more attempts to catch the dragon this is my legendary Pokemon I mean mob do some damage with the gas yes yes yes come on yes yeah we’ve got her yes dude check that out we’ve got a dragon the best pet a man could ask for oh gosh all the mobs are freaking out over there they’re fighting over space on the tail we’ve officially beat the game and I did literally nothing thanks for watching subscribe

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but Every Mob Beats the Game For Me’, was uploaded by Craftee on 2024-05-14 14:00:31. It has garnered 1177932 views and 15027 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:18 or 10938 seconds.

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Minecraft but Every Mob Beats the Game For Me

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins 🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound 📜 All music used with permission from its creator.

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers, specifically Minewind. Have you ever wanted to join a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind is the place to be for any Minecraft enthusiast. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can embark on epic adventures, build magnificent structures, and engage… Read More

  • The Untold History of Minecraft’s Rise

    The Untold History of Minecraft's Rise The Rise of Minecraft: From Sandbox Game to Global Phenomenon Since its inception, Minecraft has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide with its unique blend of creativity, exploration, and survival. Available on various platforms such as PC, iOS, and Android, Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon. But what exactly has propelled Minecraft to such immense popularity? Exploring the World of Minecraft At its core, Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. The game’s open-ended nature encourages creativity and imagination, making it appealing to players of all ages. Key… Read More

  • Secrets of Enchanted Architecture: Taiga Alchemist´s House Build – Minecraft!

    Secrets of Enchanted Architecture: Taiga Alchemist´s House Build - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Taiga Alchemist´s House – Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by Enchanted.Architecture on 2024-07-11 17:00:29. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:32 or 1652 seconds. In this Minecraft Taiga Alchemist´s House Tutorial video, I’ll show you How to build a stunning and authentic Alchemist´s house in taiga style. Follow my step-by-step guide to create your own Minecraft Alchemist´s House for your survival world. House includes some alchemy interior decorations. Material list is in video. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please give it a thumbs up, leave… Read More

  • Insane Fan Girl Lucky Block Race

    Insane Fan Girl Lucky Block RaceVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz on 2024-06-23 00:04:31. It has garnered 878700 views and 10911 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:00 or 2340 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft! Read More


    UNLOCKED: EL MODO HARDCORE en MINECRAFT 🤯😳Video Information This video, titled ‘YA TENEMOS EL MODO HARCORE EN MINECRAFT BEDROCK 🤯😱 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #short’, was uploaded by Bleick on 2024-04-05 15:17:12. It has garnered 3343 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of Desert Nation revealed!

    Secrets of Desert Nation revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Desert Nation! : Nations and Nobles’, was uploaded by Oraios Kako on 2024-01-08 17:17:10. It has garnered 249 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:49 or 11509 seconds. Let’s work on our desert nation! This is an awesome Minecraft SMP server that will be similar to the concept of the popular and famous Empires SMP! Join me in this interactive Minecraft adventure where your choices shape the story! Watch as your decisions directly impact the gameplay. Let’s embark on a journey together in the Nations & Nobles SMP, as… Read More

  • 🔥 Naveen Reveals TOP YouTube Types in Minecraft!

    🔥 Naveen Reveals TOP YouTube Types in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tʏᴘᴇs Oғ Yᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇʀ Iɴ Mɪɴᴇᴄʀᴀғᴛ | Pᴀʀᴛ 2 | #shorts#minecraft #gamerfleet #yessmartypie #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Naveen Is Live on 2024-03-21 01:48:40. It has garnered 6550 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping down and… Read More

  • ChrisWhippit DESTROYS ALL MOBS in Minecraft!! #56

    ChrisWhippit DESTROYS ALL MOBS in Minecraft!! #56Video Information This video, titled ‘JAG DÖDAR VARENDA MOB I MINECRAFT – Alla advancements #56’, was uploaded by ChrisWhippit on 2024-05-11 07:00:03. It has garnered 3687 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:02 or 1622 seconds. Welcome to Our series called: All advancements in Minecraft! Do you want to support the channel a little extra? Become a member today! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm4nLrtw4bSYFNUsvHMaP1Q/join Click the link to subscribe! ✔️ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subwhippit Do you have a collaboration proposal that you want to send? Do this below: 📧 Collaboration Requests: [email protected] Want to buy a shirt or a cap? Click on… Read More

  • INSANE Auction in HrdaCraft Mod Survival! #HYPE

    INSANE Auction in HrdaCraft Mod Survival! #HYPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘HrdaCraft Mods Survival (+ Aukce) | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream #26 | HYPE 780 odběratelů!’, was uploaded by Pan Krumpáč on 2024-02-16 21:35:25. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:55 or 12115 seconds. 👍 Join me on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure! We’re going to have a lot of fun, action and creativity in this stream. If you like the video, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe with the bell for more epic streams! 👍 ————————————————- ————————————————– ———————— Support us (donate): 💸 https://streamelements.com/pankrumpac/tip 💸 (optional) ———————————————- ————————————————–… Read More

  • Minecraft Update Madness LIVE with Fans!

    Minecraft Update Madness LIVE with Fans!Video Information This video, titled ‘Checking out the Minecraft update with viewers’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-06-14 01:40:56. It has garnered 129 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 06:45:30 or 24330 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support and if you do it I’ll give… Read More

  • 🔥 ARYAN PIE REVEALED – Epic Stampy’s Parkour Part 4! 🤯

    🔥 ARYAN PIE REVEALED - Epic Stampy's Parkour Part 4! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘stampy’s parkour part 4 #minecraft #freefire #remix #music #anime #dj’, was uploaded by YES ARYAN PIE on 2024-01-09 09:07:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More