Video Information

Hey what’s going on buddy my food here and welcome back to another video today we are bringing a very cool mod called mahou tsukai I probably butchered that but anyways this mod adds a ton of cool new magic spells that you can perform to your Minecraft world if you missed last

Week’s video link down straight from below and make sure you subscribe with notifications on so you don’t miss any future uploads as always this video will just look into multiple sections and so the timestamps for those will be on the screen right now as well as in the

Description below if you just like to go ahead and watch the video through normally go ahead it’ll make complete sense now let’s go ahead and get straight into the review so the basics you the player are now a magic user you have a certain amount of mana which

Shows in the top left as mewho X out of Y where X is a current mana and Y is your max mana storage every time you use a hundred mana your mana storage goes up by one you can also store a minute in a

Tun gems if you add in a tuner to a diamond or a motor then hold right click you will put mana into it this is a good way to store extra mana that you’re not currently using so that way you can build up even more than your current max

Storage your mana will regenerate slowly over time and if you sleep you’ll get a good chunk of it back if your full hunger it’ll resent a little bit faster than if you’re hungry now it’s before magic you need a few things the first of which obviously is mana then you need

Your own blood to draw a magic circle on the ground and you’ll also need three catalysts would you add to the circle by right-clicking and sometimes you need a cloth on the ground that will roll up your circle into a scroll to draw a circle take damage and then use the

Hotkey which is default M to draw a circle in blood on the floor there’s also a dagger that you can make the stab yourself if you want if the spell you’re making needs a cloth you put the cloth down first and then draw the circle on top you add your catalyst

And then you can right-click the server to pick up a scroll so there are seven catalysts where each one represents one of the node categories in magic you take a hammer or a mortal pestle and then smash the item up into a powdered catalyst and then add the powder to the

Bloodsucker you drew iron goes with boundaries which deal with protective AoE effects centered on a circle ender goes with displacement which are spells that deal with teleportation magic diamond goes with projection which are spells that deal with weapon emerald goes exchange which are spells that usually

Involve a trade of some sort which often refunds or generates mana gold goes with mystic which are unique spells that are often offensive and they provide miscellaneous effects quartz goes with intelligence which typically deal with decision making which are often we’re over on entities and your eye goes with

Mystic which revolve around site and then secret spells fall into none of the categories so this video we’re going to go over all of the categories in all of the possible spells as well as all the items and stuff that the mod adds so first off we have boundaries

The cloth is optional for all the battery spells our first boundary is the alarm battery which lets you know when something enters your boundary next is the enclosure boundary which is for people too lazy to build bases it’ll rise up a wall around you it doesn’t look very pretty but it definitely gets

The job done next is the tangible boundary which is an invisible barrier that lets you pass through but nothing else so this is good for keeping things trapped inside of a boundary or keeping hostile mobs away for a meal then we have a displacement battery which teleports things from one

Side of the batter to another next is the gravity boundary which increases the gravity within the boundary for everyone except for the caster and then finally we have the boundary of drain life which turns the health of nearby things into health fullness and mana for you this has a high mana cost

Our next category exposes displacement first displacement spill is ascension which the cloth is not required for and it’ll teleport you to a surface without a cloth that’ll tell for anyone who steps up to the surface and each teleport costs mana then we have protective displacement which does

Require a cloth and makes it so that anytime a projectile gets close to hitting you you teleport away and you won’t get hit just like an enema does then we have projectile displacement which once again requires a cloth and it will teleport you to the last error you

Shot if it still exists then we have ordered displacement which doesn’t need a cloth it teleports you to a nearby order displacement circle in the order they are placed if there’s no circle place after it will loop around to the oldest one it is a short delay so that

You can get off the ride if you so desire then we have equivalent displacement which doesn’t need a cloth and can teleport things in long distance between two circles if both chunks are loaded and there’s something on each circle it can be a model or dropped item

The things are people or mods on each circle will swap places you shift right-click to buy two circles together then we have mental displacement which does require a cloth and it will give you a show projection with a range of 20 blocks to get out of it simply go out of

The range and you’ll be back inside your own body and finally for this place we have scrying which doesn’t need a cloth this spell requires two identical nametags one frame up and one to drop on the circle if you drop a nametag on top of the circle you’ll temporarily be able to view

The corresponding entity and its surroundings next category is projection so the first projection spell is strengthening which requires a cloth this was stricted items in your inventory the durability of the item will heal and doesn’t decrease her a few uses you can mine one level above from the materials usual capabilities so you

Can use regular sticks to mine stone and wood pickaxes to mine iron etc etc mining speed goes up a bit and you’ll deal more damage when you hit stuff maybe even sticks and swords projectiles will have increased smacking damage when I increase projectile damage it targets

The first thing in your hot bar or your offhand slot then we have projection which your car’s cloth and its first use will memorize a tool or item you’re looking at they could be something in someone else’s hand it could be on the ground or an item frame and the second

Use will give you a copy of that tool however it will only have five durability then we have the Crimson black keys of proximity projection which requires a cloth and this will summon a weapon when you use it this weapon teleport you to the thing you’re attacking and you can attack anything

From far away it’s not recommended to do hands creepers then we have the bow of weapon projectiles which requires a cloth and it’ll summon a bow which lets you shoot tools but not arrows this lets you shoot time in swords out of a bow to slay your enemies then we have the

Reality Marvel which requires a cloth and it will teleport you and your target if you don’t have a target we’ll just help our you to your reality marble you’ll be teleport to same spot every time and other people will have a different spawn the dimensions there is

A lot of swords here and you can change it to prepare for victims to leave kill your target if you had one then take damage if you die your items will be left there but you’ll be exited from the dimension next we have power consolidation which doesn’t need a cloth

When you place this down perfectly far from your base you’ll spawn a large lake throw an enchanted sword into the lake and then go diving to get a new holier sword with damage equivalent to the sword you threw in including its enchantments this process can be repeated by Rhian chanting the swords

You received when this sword is equipped undead mobs will flee from you next we have treasury projection which requires a cloth it will summon weapons from your treasury meaning your inventory and ender chest to pout enemies with you must have weapons in your inventory or ender just minutes to do anything use it

By holding down right-click on the gauntlet that the spell gives you next category is mystic you and the first one up is the damage replication spell which does require a cloth this applies damage a potion effects happen to you to the thing that you use a spell on next is ro is which

Does require a cloth and it puts down a large pink shield and what entities collide with it they’ll get bounced back a bit then we have one of my favorite spells of the whole mod which is the mystic staff of explosive mana condensation this does require a cloth

And it will give you a staff witch upon holding right click will summon a massive explosion wherever you target you have to hold down my click a bit to charge it and it’ll turn the weather stormy and summon a huge beam from the heavens to strike down upon your target

If you hold shift right click you can change the mode to a AoE attack mode which summons small pink portals are around you and then when you let go of right click after charging it they will help your whatever is in front of you with explosive laser beams and then the

Final mode is the beam mode which if you hold right click with someone a massive laser beam that causes huge destruction and sweep through the whole earth destroying everything that touches except for bedrock this is very expensive in terms of mana our next one is the mystic staff of spatial

Disorientation which requires a cloth it’ll give you a staff this staff could shoot entities really far away you can aim at an entity – just for that specific one or you can aim at an empty block to throw everything near the block then we have borrowed Authority which

Requires a cloth this foe will allow you to borrow the authority of the gods and wax it around for a little bit you’ll get massive speed and every time you punch something they’ll get launched backwards and cause some destruction to the terrain around it next we have the

Cup of heaven which is little complicated and has a whole video specifically explaining how it works just on the mod page so you form some sort of polygon out of these circles without the cloth then you can fill the polygon with notes once again without the cloth and then finally you make a

Scroll with the cloth to activate the cup everything inside the external polygon will be affected the caster must be within 30 blocks of a node – after 8 the cup and the effects depend on how many nails you put inside the polygon multiples of 2 stack poison multiples of

3 and weakness 5 plan seven slowness eleven whither and thirteen levitation effects will also be applied based on how many nodes are on the external polygon so a square which has four nodes which is two times two for the exterior will give you poison two nodes want you within 20 blocks of

Each other to be count as part of the networks and for aesthetics putting the circle farther down makes a bigger circle in the sky putting above high 84 a tiny circle this is visual only next we have the mystic spells so the first one is the mystic eyes of

Binding if you stare near pupil or mobs their movement will be halted they have to be facing you if you personally are stuck in this try looking away from the person casting the spell then we have the mystic eyes of minor clairvoyance which lets you predict the movements of

Some entities it doesn’t work on angry skeletons when they strength and it can be a little finicky for the most part it’s a really cool effect then we have the mystic eyes of the black flame which creates difficult to contain black flames at the target location it causes wither damage to entities that

Contact it and it spreads rapidly you can quench it with rain or water if it gets out of control and the rain will even work underground then we have the mystic eyes of death collection which when you watch things side doesn’t matter how you collect their souls while

A spell is active for every full so collected your death can be prevented players give one soul by default in mobs give 0.25 souls then we have the mystic eyes of reversion which you can stare near people or mobs to revert them to the way they should be

So potion effects are cleanse buffs from the mod or cleanse Enderman stop dodging arrows chakra bosses can’t block arrows withers can’t block arrows nether mobs can burn water mobs can drown and husks can burn in the sunlight then we have the mystic eyes of face sight which

Allows you to see the Fae and ley lines so ley lines connect certain points throughout the world they can only be seen with this spell being near a ley line are laid point increases mana regeneration based on a percent of your Maxima the Fae also spawn near ley lines

Ley lines also boost Elektra but only Boucherie live if you fly a long delay line not across it the Fae are spirit like creatures which spawned near ley lines as mentioned though laughter sounds like those they’ll follow other living things and each other and they drop Fae essence upon death they can

Only be seen with a spell they’re also readable by feeding them any powdered catalyst right-clicking with fate essence will place that I face circle scrolls created with a face circle can be useful by anyone as long as that person’s mana unlike normal scrolls they’re not bound to the player

Stationary boundaries and other spells created with a face circle can be claimed and used by anyone and Fae essence does not rely heavily on the user alive for potential automation of scroll creation through mechanical means our last mystic spell is the mystic eyes of insight which allows you to

See the inventory of blocks or mobs as well as the potion effects and main hand to tens for mobs this is a really nice way to look at a chest at a glance to see if it contains what you need without opening it next we have familiar spells

Our first well is someone familiar which as he name suggests some ones are familiar this talks wanders and tells you what it sees or senses ever so often you can name it however it might die when you log off due to loneliness then we have recall familiar which simply

Cause you’re familiar back to you next is familiar exchange which to let you swap places with your familiar and then we have shared a vision which lets you see whatever and adds to your player sees to get out of this vision you can right-click and you can scroll to make

Sure that the hotbar is on something safe to right-click as whatever your right-click will be used and then finally for the familiar spells we have familiars garden which you use after somebody familiar to create an area where everyone is friendly this area moves with a familiar and expires after

A short while then we have the exchange spell so the first of which is the damaged exchange which requires a cloth and turns any damage you take straight into mana then we have chronal exchange which doesn’t need a cloth it gives you some mana per second half a day and

Takes away a mana per second the other half the day if you create this spell at 7:00 a.m. it will give you mana between 1:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and take away mana between 1:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. mana generation is centered on the placement time so plan accordingly then

We have durability change which doesn’t require a cloth and converts durability onto a Samana drop the tool don’t have the circle it’ll damage them and try and fill up your mana bar you can also put a chest underneath the circle with tools in it then we have catalyst exchange

Which once again doesn’t need a cloth this fellow will randomly convert powdered catalyst we throw on it into other catalysts if you don’t have the materials just throw the materials that you do have on it and hope you get lucky then we have our chemical exchange which

Doesn’t need a cloth everyday at the time you place it it’ll convert certain blocks in a 5×5 area underneath it and to other random blocks usually of the same type for example stone they become other types of stone and sand may become dirt and vice versa and we have contract

Which doesn’t require cloth if you create the circle and stand upon it any players who are also standing on a contract circle nearby will for my contract with you which allows them to pass through negative effects of boundaries and mystic eyes of binding then we have immunity exchange which

Does require a cloth this can be used on either so for an enemy or looking at the affected entity will not take damage from repeat to the same damage type but takes double damage from new damage sites and then has the only secret spa so far which is retribution this spell

Requires a cloth and it allows you to swap health percentage with the target the mana cost scales with the amount of health swaps enough friends we’re going to cover the newest type of magic which was actually added in a very recent update so every time a mob kills

Something their code Doku value goes up by one plus the kodoku value of the mob they killed when you have a mob with a hide kodoku value we right-click it with the hungry could hookworm and kill the mob where I click the worm to pick it up

The higher the Kotoko value the warm the more uses it has when burned they’ll generate mana for any nearby mana circuit the amount of mana generated depends on the proximity to a ley line they can also be used for sympathetic magic sympathetic magic allows for a target to be remotely affected through a

Circle for sympathetic magic and must be scribed something and have an inventory underneath with kodoku worms to act as fuel the higher the kodoku value the higher the chance of the magic being successful when a circle is active throw items on a two-ply of erisa back to your

Target place powder will set him on fire rabbit’s foot will send them in the air splash potions will give you the effect of the potion both stone dust will make it glow bright and flesh will give a hunger kodoku worms will give it misfortune and ender pearl will teleport

The target however players need a contract with the caster to be teleported and nether warts walk like infusion Miss Fortune applies for ice negative x such as random lightning dropping items negative looting tripping breaking tools and increased aggro the chances scale with the quality of worm

So that’s all we have for spells now we’re gonna add some items and blocks so we have the mystic code which is an item that holds three stacks of Scrolls you can press shift right-click to open the inventory and you press Y or whatever you change the key by two to switch

Between the scrolls press and hold right-click to use the currently selected scroll there is a variant of this called the mystic code for sorcery which has a set durability but also allows for the reuse of Scrolls it contains then we have the man of circuits which are blocks that’s our

Mana this mana can be used by the player with their nearby as long as the player owns the block whoever right-clicks a mana circuit after his first place is the one who owns it right-click and main a circuit to put mana into it and you’re a clicking man a circuit to turn

On or off Scrolls and boundaries can use nearby mana circuits that belong to the player players can charge gems using nearby mana circuits that belong to them there are two variants by default there is no benefit to using either the only difference is aesthetics they can be configured to have different storage

Capabilities and then finally we have the Mahajan projector which is a purely decorative block that lets you create magic circles for decorating your base you can right-click the block to change the angle color rotation speed with a circular ring show etc etc there is a ton of customizability available with

This block and the base block is invisible so yes remember where you put it if you want to modify it or get rid of it you can also load images from a URL the steps to do so we are on the cur sports page and with that that is gonna

Cover every single thing that this mod adds when I first saw this mod I was simply blown away by the stunning visual effects and wide variety of spells that I did I would HIGHLY highly recommend for you to download this for yourself the link will be down description below

You can play with it on version one point twelve point two as well as one point fifteen point two however I believe one point up would you be discontinued as one point sixteen Ford’s is being worked on this mod also has a discord which you can join if you so

Wish like that we download in the description below make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe if you enjoy this type of content and try those notifications I’ll see you don’t miss any future videos that’s all we have peace out everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Mod Reviews | Mahou Tsukai: THE BEST MAGIC MOD EVER?! CRAZY EXPLOSIONS AND LASERS!!’, was uploaded by TheMinecraftOverlord on 2020-06-29 13:30:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/rWDz2zR Hello everyone and Happy Monday! Today, we check out an extremely cool magic …

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  • Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?

    Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft SMP is Getting SUS’, was uploaded by MxZed on 2024-06-07 16:00:52. It has garnered 2625 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:42 or 2262 seconds. ►For Access To The Exclusive Discord, Monthly Exclusive Videos, Early Access To Videos, Uncensored Versions Of Videos, To Support Me And Much More Join My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MxZpatreon ► Join My Discord server here: https://discord.gg/pW9e5N3PPR ►My YouTube Channels • Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_aohDsELT4r68oJLudC3A • Extra Gaming Content: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZed • Non Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IsaacRose • Solo Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@mxz.gaming • VOD’s Chanel: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZUncut ► Where I Stream:… Read More

  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

    Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28’, was uploaded by Whistler on 2024-06-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 900 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:11 or 1871 seconds. CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28 In this video, I build a giant custom cave for my spawn nether portal with a volcano theme. I hope you enjoy! Whistler Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Whistlerooo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whistlerooo/ Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😳Minecraft Water Logic…#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Квайт on 2024-06-12 11:01:00. It has garnered 12008 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

    BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack - Nightmares Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Horror Of The Night Modpack – Live Stream’, was uploaded by BeezeeBox on 2024-03-01 14:29:36. It has garnered 37 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:41 or 6761 seconds. Join me, BeezeeBox and JaroksPlayz in this live stream as we delve into the terrifying realm of ‘Horror of the Night’ Minecraft modpack. Brace yourself for heart-pounding scares, eerie encounters, and nerve-wracking adventures as we navigate this Minecraft horror mod! Gather your courage and join the stream for an unforgettable experience filled with screams, suspense, and survival against all odds. Dare… Read More

  • 🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥

    🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Royal x Mr Aabid on 2024-02-26 11:05:45. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18,… Read More

  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

    Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft - Only HE Knows Recipes!Video Information This video, titled ‘8 Billion People Worldwide Transmigrated into Minecraft, but ONLY HE Knows the CRAFTING RECIPES’, was uploaded by Monkey Manhwa Recap on 2024-06-16 12:45:28. It has garnered 13609 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 10:42:17 or 38537 seconds. Eight Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft Simultaneously. On the First Day of Transmigration, While Everyone Else Starved and Slept on the Grass, This Man Lived in a Mansion, Leisurely Eating Meat. All Because He Had Been a 10-Year Veteran Minecraft Player on Earth #animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangaunboxing #mangacollection… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie's Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Калли Удивила Бибу Своей Способностью [Hololive RU Sub]’, was uploaded by kir on 2024-04-06 16:52:05. It has garnered 3030 views and 380 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Mori Channel: @MoriCalliope Bibu Channel: @KosekiBijou 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqYOwITnJ68&t=11369s ———————————————————————— [Донатик клиперу] https://www.donationalerts.com/r/vtkir ————————————————– ——————– Subscribe to the channel to watch your favorite Vituber girls every day! ————————————————– ——————— #vtuber #hololive #holoen #hololiveenglish #holoadvent #kosekibijou #calliopemori #moricalliope #vtubers Read More

  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. 🎮 Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST ‘Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened 😱)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:-https://www.instagram.com/rex_magnusyt?igsh=NTltOW55ZGMyMjV0 Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned axlotolcraftmc.world Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: game.minerealm.com Website: minerealm.com Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge Building an Iron Factory in Minecraft with Create Mod Embark on a creative journey with Uberswe as they showcase the construction of an impressive iron factory in Minecraft using the Create mod. This project is part of a 30-day build challenge that promises innovation and excitement in the world of Minecraft. 30-Day Build Challenge The 30-day build challenge sets the stage for Minecraft enthusiasts to push their creative boundaries and explore the endless possibilities offered by the game. Uberswe’s iron factory build is a testament to the intricate designs and technical prowess that players can achieve within a limited… Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mistalunchbox Live on Kick: https://kick.com/mistalunchbox MERCH: https://store.streamelements.com/mistalunchbox Discord: https://discord.com/invite/f7dVvqcGrj Read More

  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

    Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map - RedFriendGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the new 15th anniversary Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by RedFriendGaming on 2024-05-28 23:58:00. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:33 or 16953 seconds. Today I play the new 15th anniversary Minecraft map! Subscribe and you can experience this too. Read More