Minecraft Mod Showcase: Extra Alchemy Mod

Video Information

Salutations and greetings my name is imagine universe and today I’m doing a bunch ok so the extra alchemy my yeah let’s take a look the one this mod gets its own little tray of tab called extra alchemy and gives you all these new types of potions and arrows and the new

Type of item called the vial which the vial is basically a one-hit potion so you down you want to drink it you just incident yet and to craft a vial you use this cufflink in glass pretty easy pretty straightforward and very very useful as you can see let’s do a jump boost and

You can see instead I get a jump another useful thing this mod does now you don’t need blaze powder to charge up your brewing stand you actually just need a fire that instantly burns so in peace of netherrack with fire and this one inside this will work forever and

Think I should get myself a couple other things this mod does quickly give myself all the stuff that oh wait no let’s go here let’s go quickly set a bed time set 9 now you can go to sleep in the center spawn just in case oh well and here’s

All their different one potions and each of them little crafting recipe so make sure you have a mod like just enough items like I have here you can just go over it and when you press shift it tells you what it actually does so press

R this is made with a firework star and awkward potions so I’m really going to the shoot mode here and find use actually maybe I should just type in potion and just going to get that lag yep there we go there’s all the potions I’m just

Potion there we go now I can quickly navigate through this there we go we got use potion and we get some spawn eggs one let’s get ourselves something that usually doesn’t explode get some yes and it’s always okay so now spawn inspire throw a few yeah and once the potion effect wears off

Yeah he will actually blow up but he doesn’t do damage around blocks I don’t think so they’re eagerly took some damage and yeah that’s the fuse potion I don’t think how I don’t know how powerful it is yeah fuse is definitely not that powerful and I think you seen

Is actually better than one and let’s actually check out use – yeah just cheap that him I turn into a little baby and actually does it to the player as well so now I got fuse too and soon I don’t know so we can see how much damage it actually does and while

We wait for that let’s check out the recall potion which it is right here okay and to crap that you need slowness the long slowness with the eye of ender blew up and I took almost half damage with that so recall basically if I am standing

Somewhere I hit myself with a ball I have a limited amount of time so if I run this direction you got it for like 30 40 seconds I’ll meet you back once this starts to wear off five four three two one and I’m back where I was

That’s the recall potion next is the sinking potion which will make entity which is craft using clay and water breathing and they’ll actually make entities sink in water so let’s make something for them to sink into like let’s make like a little glass thing real quick and usually entities we would like bob

Up and down while they’re in the water so they don’t drown and but with this they will just sink they’ll just stink like you know as you can see regular spider just bulbs up down but every get ourselves a sinking potion you’ll sink right down and you were to be able to

Get up as you can see if I go to zero here oh oh because I’m wearing off okay so let’s try that again actually let’s give it a bigger walls so that it actually works much better and and more spiders let’s see him drop like a stone as you can see

Wait why can’t I maybe I had to be a higher of level of sinking huh goopy go through sinking to on myself haystack and as you can see I can not really swim up that far as you can I’m trying to press it and it’s going very very slowly

So this will actually be a very good combat thing to have so let’s go back to game of one and the next potion you have to see is the dislocation potion and this one is fun is is lots and lots of fun and pretty sure the spider will agree don’t you spider

Please get this located now you can see the impatient just keeps on top four is around and I’ll show you course fruit mundane function and this will just keep on thank you all around until it actually stops was that fun sweater next one is magnetism which is an iron ingot

And awkward potion so let’s simulate what would why would you want to have this lets on get some iron ourselves let’s just spray it all around the place and the weather gets us a good read all this around all over and let’s get a nice and good go and now if I give

Myself where that’s sinking that’s freezing that’s what guys kept freezing no magnetism is next it’s location magnetism if I get myself magnetism right here just go then items were trapped for distance I can clear this mess much much faster than I would if I just went around running and magnetism to makes it

Simpler there’s no pick up the laughing so soon those like an item I will easily pick it right back up okay and next one is charming so let’s give ourselves a charming potion and this involves animals oh and there’s poison the craft a charming potion is wheat and an

Awkward oh shoot okay and I’ll give myself some rabbit some chicken this that big there we go and if I special set for Charming I think I had the building game once you’re alone they will attract to me as like the description says of it lures animals at

This you’re holding the favorite food show now these animals upon me around as if I was holding the fingers okay next one is pacifism and this one’s a little but I’ll tell you why later but it’s a golden apple and a stick damage so give myself some pacifism and where’s our

Spiders there’s the spider so I guess spider the pacifism and then smack them you’re angry oh wait lazy lazy doing damage okay this is not was going to plan do see he does absolutely no damage me he does the knock back but he doesn’t do damn so

That I can’t and now I kill this ordinance when that’s pacifism to you and the reason why it’s weird is because I’m it shares the same lower recipe to another potion wish I would get to later okay and next is crumbling and corrode the earth below your feet only some

Materials will be destroyed so it’s made with flint and thick potion so where’s crumbling yeah it’s crumbling now make a little demonstration of how this work okay there we go we got a creeper on top of some dirt and some lava at the bottom so what happened was crumbling it sad

When she get lifted by it the dirt polish yep there he goes and he starts crumbling through the dirts breaking the stuff around – yep that’s how crumbling works next potion and I think I’m gonna show it if I again thick and on my most favorite is photosynthesis which is beetroot and

Awkward potion so let’s get some photosynthesis here go let’s go to game and what this does is that it basically makes you plant as long as you’re in sunlight it would actually regenerate your hunger bar as you can see my hunger shrink went up and I think it also

Regenerates your health if it’s number 2 so if I give myself that synthesis – as you can see it’s replenishing my hunger Shang’s quite a bit and I don’t need to eat any little piggies so that’s a good news for you and good news for you cow yeah beet

Roots into awkward how you crack that next one is hurry which is made with charge which charge is made with a golden ingot and a thick potion and hurry make some all basically all ticking tile entities around the platter tick faster this causing extreme hunger

That’s why so if I give myself a little bit of hurry and wait for my photosynthesis to go down and let’s just give a little example here one here are some furnace like let’s do that in there and if I go to game mode / myself with some curry as

You can see it goes a whole lot faster and my hunger re went all the way down and that is a bit terrifying what if we do three – so now that does that a whole lot faster it’s taking like crazy and I’ll be able to get this really fast but

I suffer yeah and I think I did show them how to make it which is I’m a cookie is in charge and charges made with thick and gold next one is reincarnation which is awkward and leather so we get Sam where is bringing carnation let’s delay death reincarnation there we go

Oh wait probably should get much probably should do this one or just affect imagine universe extra happy reincarnation and seconds one so if I believe if I die from this hunger no it’s not what I did and I have to wait until this hunger gets me now to do a

Reincarnation and I think it just prevents my death use on only transfers but I keeps the effects so if I happen to die with regeneration on me or no problem that’s too yeah do some stress and give myself reincarnation and now by killing myself leave out pizza potions yep I kept their

Strengths they’re not reincarnation and I in my generations but yeah it’s crafted of just leather an awkward potion next is combustor which is the block of coal and I’m a game potion and concentration pacifism crumbling worst combustion there it is saving color-coded in the potions and

Combustion just sets guys up by young as you can see we caught fire and just block of coal and yeah next one is learning which is blocked lapis in a thickness potion so if I get myself learning a magnet for XP oh that’s what it does so I believe the cow is already

Died and he set fire to the rest of the place so if there’s any X fyords let’s go game of one and probably get a do you these now since I got learning and but yeah that is learning there it is next is gravity which has it very funny little

Joke there blocks on the affected entity fall like sand which it looks like it’s another experiment we have to do it this little chamber so let’s go here let’s get stoned a dirt yeah let’s do a little further down mr. creeper doesn’t escape and let’s get spawn creeper clear and

The gravity is right about there so now he just falls right into the dirt right into it which is actually a very very fun enchantment and I think it only works with blocks that have something under them so like me yep that’s exactly how it works

This can also be a loop I guess good it may be building and stuff but yeah that’s gravity for ya oh and gravity is made with a nether brick into a thick potion okay and now we’ve got leeching which this is why pacifism is so weird because as you

Can see for example in the damage leeching Golden Apple into damage so when I was playing a modded survival I got a pacifism instead of a leeching which leeching is what I wanted and hurting others heal the entity okay so um let’s get some bleach that’s learning gravity lychee

And I believe I’m already low on health nope I am not so effective mad universe mine instant damage Oh guilty dad nope still kill me there we go probably game rule natural regeneration close okay down down to one part and if I go no one I get mine I think doesn’t

Towel around here and you know there’s no animals around here let’s go let’s go over the sheep yeah so okay I didn’t see actually healed me up every time I hit and I believe this also stacks with swords so damaged oh why doesn’t game room keep inventory troll

Note see myself another leaching chip and let’s give myself a a sword real quick let’s give myself an axe actually the most powerful well except these extended tools hat that’s another showcase and now let’s go instant damage 1/5 now they should do decimals okay there we go

That’s instant damage zero here to do some leeching Oh huh there we go as you can see I guess it only does the amount of just a little bit every now and then it doesn’t do it according to how much damage you do as like I said leeching is

Going to Apple and instant damage I’ll show you that again so if you want to avoid the problem pacifism and leeching I suggest that you go into the convict file and in there for extra alchemy change it so that pacifism is untrap table and or unbel that instead you get

Bleaching or take out leeching in the area brought bleaching I think the bog mod developers should actually turn pacifism into it’s an instant damage into instant health instead it just makes a little more sense next we got navigation which is funny enough a raw fish and some Speedway job

Players can drive boats faster than I guessed and I don’t really have much just show maybe I can go on another world real quick and demonstrate this and I’ll see you there okay we’re here test world and this employee water flatland and let’s see how far it takes us get to

One shop one Mississippi two Mississippi three Mississippi okay that’s the distance to get to one chunk and if you calculate that out that is I believe no it’s not eight it’s six blocks per second and now backwards why you backwards sir just right-click you right click you there we go and give myself

Some navigation one Mississippi two Wow it’s one and a half Mississippi so it’s two times faster than ride with navigation now let’s go and like I said it it’s a raw fish with a speed eight potion remember has to be long remember the gate done just enough items

Are not enough items you can see scrap these recipes take a bit of time learning and let’s go back to the testing world thank you there we go now we’re back here in the testing world and navigation is complete and that’s concentration losing potions really effects which is actually very

Good if say if I affect myself with in disability let’s just do it for like 101 that we got visibility of 1 but you can actually see the little swirling particles so if I give myself some concentration which is made with oddly enough an egg and awkward potion give

Myself some concentration it disappears off there and you don’t see the particles anymore this can also be done good with PvP where you can throw a concentration at him and also I believe maybe it does do it with bad potion effects let’s see fact imagine universe poison minecraft poison

10:1 okay it does show poor it does so all negative but it doesn’t show all the positive effects so it’s not that great in combat but it’s good for keeping you invisible and next is return umm teleports back to bed needs an unobstructed ballad bed which I got

Right here so if I take the return potion which is made with prismarine start and an awkward potion take one of these and I go running off say hi to the cow all the way over there oh I just noticed it doesn’t even show me on the

Map why not have them and it’s raining again when I have invisibility on that’s pretty cool hi mr. cow goodbye see teleport feedback straight to my bed which is very useful especially if you want to get back home max is delay den which is you cannot die we have this

Push in effect the first time you reach zero health this effect becomes active react if the effect will still protect you from death but upon reaching Searle you will instantly die and there’s all your items having both this and they think the activist thank you nullifies

Bolt and it’s made of golden apple and a charged potion which we learned earlier but is made with golden ingot and a stick potion so let’s go to game mode one I’m already pretty low on health give myself to Lake death and I’m TP me all the way up

And the boom and now I gave me Dethklok would soon as I die with this I Thank You Coco Chanel you out of there no so no oh well wait a few moments and actually I think I should just affected myself with such as clear effects real quick clear effect imagine universe

Extra alchemy effect that’s detection Oh cheap gas okay yeah that so it gives me 30 seconds now which is much much better so if I GP myself up all the way down now I only got eight seconds to live five four three two one and I didn’t die hmm

Is it when I take damage GP myself baby box what ha well I guess that messed up oh well and here’s charge potion which we learned earlier is prison marine Tristan wait that’s how you make charge wait a man which other potion use charge that’s that’s that’s slowness this location

What crumbling here’s charge it said gold width a it says gold with thick but here’s charge prism a treat way there are two different types of charge I guess okay so that’s thick yeah it is a different type of charge you need okay so when it comes to though

Yeah delay death you need a Golden Apple and a new type of charge potion I see and here’s that new type of charge you need and here’s the detection which is a spider eye and a mundane potion and any entities around you would have the glowing effect so let’s go and do that

Real quick let’s get my stuff some spiders take a bunch of little spiders one of them as a little rider on them not too many though and if I give myself a detection potion here they’ll all get the glowing effect which means I believe it’s that time set night hmm interesting

Do they not all entity it says entities around you become glowing so they all should have the glowing effect maybe it’s because of my do I have any all particles on hmm very interesting oh is it because it doesn’t last long enough you get the lowing right yeah you get

The little particle effects so what’s the problem yes there’s a couple bugs in this mod obviously and I think that is all the potions but um another cool thing this mod also does is that you can actually super charge potions so let’s say I want to let’s say I one of my

Photosynthesis to last a very long time right and I just give myself eight of them and instead of having drink every single one of them where are they okay there it is the slime ball you can actually stick potions together but they have to be of the same type so if I put

A slime ball here take one potion take another potion it gives me two minutes now it gives me three minutes now it gives me four minutes and five six seven and eight now I got eight potion of this and I can stack this even further if I get eight

Of these and a slime ball then I can start stacking these together give me a 16 24 32 40 48 56 and 64 minutes long that is over an hour of photosynthesis and instead of happy and I can also use get myself a file here no Vilas aren’t here

Let’s get myself a file just right here at the bottle and wait hmm game maybe ask you in the hotbar or crap together with a potion hmm weird does it is it because it’s too long perhaps maybe that’s it yeah it’s because it’s too long so I guess you can’t get babe

Most Opie’s sub potions ever but you can get very old people’s own English here so you think of this you can stack it with tons of other pushes so you can get like an hour of strength an hour regeneration of our pretty much anything you want so now instead oh I would never

Ever ever go whoa no way infinite die just do that wait wait whoa whoa whoa how does that happen is it because I did so many potions no way you can get infinite potions effects I thought just last an hour long not infinite mout time just think of the possibilities you can

Give yourself infinite strength in regeneration infinite jump boost and I believe charged potions make things a lot more powerful when you crafter you gather with another potion I might be wrong there might be let’s just check out jump boost so it’s picking you can’t craft them

Together though can you put them into it nope nope it looks like it’s just used to crap those Berio pepo shion’s like to lay dead or I believe I keep on forgetting which potion of hurry yeah hurry and delay death so oh and before I forget there’s actually one

More potion I forgot the craft it was freezing potion which is the snowball and an awkward potion and basically it does what the name implies it freezes entities or at least freezes a little box around them that freeze a sheep please the bunny rabbit yeah you

Can basically freeze a bunch of bunch of bonds with them this and it’ll freeze away melt away and it’s a neat little way to get ice without happening and go to certain biomes if you get at least one snowball you can get a bunch of freezing and I think it doesn’t just do

It then it just doesn’t join giclees I suppose but yeah it’s a very nice thing to have and just like regular potion arrows you can get the lingering potion effects of all the arrows so it get huge one right here and get some there right here get my bow them right there twelve

All around I get some few zeroes so I can flick the effect on to others yeah see yep whoa use kills them instantly wonder yeah look at that yeah this can work with any potion effect I think it might even do it with these I’m not sure

If it doesn’t they stacked potion effect so I might try that out real real quick so let’s find ourselves the photosynthesis and let’s duplicate that get that old people and spread that around and throw in the slimeball and okay we need dragon’s breath now which dragon

Breath is right there might as well give myself a hurry potion nope doesn’t look like you don’t oh wait no no no no I need gunpowder first so gunpowder yeah I can make this strobo now does it happen only Nemo he has a good thing remember it only

Happened the game oh wait what just happened I lost my hurry all right so diary and I suppose it doesn’t work with the stacked potions I guess well it’s a bit of a shame but that’s another thing to learn about this mod this mod still very

Cool this is this is a very great mod i ain’t true i hope you guys like to download this mod I’ll have it right down in the description of where I got it it’s a very very and neat mod it’s also very very small and um megabyte size

Just like this mod right here the vanilla magic they’re both neat little mods to add to the game and they’re just as you can see right here they’re insanely opie or not they do have balance because the only way to get this infinite potion effect I

Guess is just to craft a bunch of the same type of potion together you can’t like crap the most superest of potions ever like get a whole bunch of photosynthesis get a whole bunch of strength you had a whole bunch of regeneration and jump booze and crack

Them all together a slime ball it only works when potions are stuck together when they’re actually the same type of potion that’s why I get this insane photosynthesis and I’d like how it does the this and all the other potion effects looks look at that yeah the

Entire stack while I was talking their entire time and I hope you guys enjoy this mod showcase and maybe suggest maybe even think about downloading this mod for your mod pack and may the universe be with you good bye Oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mod Showcase: Extra Alchemy Mod’, was uploaded by ImagineUniverse on 2016-10-29 23:13:33. It has garnered 2358 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:15 or 2535 seconds.

Salutations and Greetings, my name is ImagineUniverse and I created a mod showcase on the Extra Alchemy Mod. This mod may be small in data size but its BIG in content. It adds in over 20 different and unique potions that would make your survival Minecraft that much more fun.

Here’s the download for the mod: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/extra-alchemy

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Imagine1verse

Check out my Stuff on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ImagineUniverse/

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    Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron man pixel art || part – 1 || #gaming #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-03 03:30:20. It has garnered 431 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @MrBeast @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeastGaming @MRINDIANHACKER @MrBeast2 @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @imbixu @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @UpinIpinFullMovie @upflowgamerz @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming d@ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @ASGamingsahil @sinotalgaming #pixel art #minecraft pixel art #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

    Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL :- Building A Best Morden Castle 😱🤩 With Tutorial .#1 ||’, was uploaded by Khyat Caper on 2024-04-08 17:22:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello My Lovely Brothers And Respected Sisters And All Of My Viewers . This Is FlashK here. I Created This Channel For … Read More

  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

    Join Matt's EPIC new Minecraft world now!Video Information This video, titled ‘My new minecraft server is LIVE’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-28 00:13:10. It has garnered 212 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:27:00 or 23220 seconds. HOW TO JOIN read below… The official FriendsWithMatt Minecraft server is now up and live! Server Version: 1.20.4 ( latest version ) My new discord: https://discord.gg/FESxdGFA9r For Java players: Open up the latest version of Minecraft Click the Multiplayer tab Click Add new Server Put in the IP address: Save and join! For Bedrock / Windows / Pocket Edition players Open up the… Read More

  • INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯

    INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Hide and Seek with Mini Devil Fruit in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Senpirates on 2024-02-29 12:00:47. It has garnered 225274 views and 5447 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. 💙 • Subscribe for more: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/@senpirates ⬅ 🤍 • Become a member: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNvn2JfdylGusS9owkDM0Q/join ⬅ 🎮 • Mods: • https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-mine-no-mi 🌍 • Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/one-piece-world-project/ 🐦• Follow me: https://twitter.com/senpirates 📧 • Business: [email protected] #Minecraft #mod #onepiece Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!

    INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】異星探索: 路線規劃之亂’, was uploaded by 風珀 on 2024-05-31 15:29:00. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:05 or 785 seconds. Fortunately, I found a way to solve it smoothly later, otherwise it would really have to be overhauled ;-w- ) I mean, if it continues like this, it might not turn into a Hololive theme park wwww Texture Pack: Space Station Texture Pack 『Keyword』 Maikuachuang God of the World Minecraft Fengpo Toast Tea Interlaced World Module minecraft #风波#minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – Don’t Miss Out! 🤫

    Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - Don't Miss Out! 🤫Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #technogamerz #minecraftpe #funny #ytshorts #shortvideo #funnyshorts’, was uploaded by Kanha Agarwal Gaming on 2024-02-19 13:53:01. It has garnered 8304 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    UNLOCKED: ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TvFamily Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pixel Pals on 2024-03-05 15:00:20. It has garnered 23449 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft! Our channel draws inspiration from Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! It’s the most hilarious Minecraft video you’ll ever see! Disclaimer: “Pixel Pals” is a parody channel that creates gameplay videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet Series. This parody… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Reloaded IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord If you’re looking for a true vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins and pay-to-win mechanics, Harmony Survival Reloaded is the server for you. Join us for a community-focused, pure gameplay experience. About Us Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. After years of success, it had to be shut down. Now, Harmony Reloaded aims to recapture the magic of pure Minecraft gameplay. Features True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean chat and active moderation Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard World Border: +/- 40,000 Check out our… Read More

  • Noob Citybuild – New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!

    Noob Citybuild - New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!Welcome to our Minecraft Citybuild Server! Here you can you can let your creativity run wild and design your own city your ideas. Our server offers a variety of Ways to make your gaming experience varied and exciting without using real money.Main features:Completely free to play:There are no real money purchases on our server. All In-game items and benefits can be obtained through active gameplay andthe achievement of goals.Economic system:Build, sell and trade with other players. Our sophisticated Economic system allows you to trade resources anditems to gain wealth and develop your city.Building plots and land:Secure your own plots of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

    Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters! In the world of Minecraft, plugins are key, To enhance your server, for all to see. From essentials to fun, they add a new spark, So here are the top 25, to make your mark. First up is EssentialsX, a must-have indeed, For all your basic needs, it’s what you need. Next is WorldEdit, for building with ease, Shape the world around you, as you please. Vault is essential, for economy and more, Manage your currency, keep your server in store. And don’t forget LuckPerms, for permissions galore, Control who can do what, keep your server secure. McMMO adds… Read More

  • Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme

    Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme “Respect those who have fought for their country… and also those who have fought to survive a creeper explosion in Minecraft. Both require bravery and skill.” #minecraft #meme #fyp Read More

  • Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft

    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

    Surviving First Night in Minecraft VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the First Night – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-10 22:19:36. It has garnered 1698 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

    INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но У Меня ПОЛ СЕРДЦА ❤️ ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:15:03. It has garnered 1341 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

    Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-08 07:15:09. It has garnered 2922 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8…. Read More

  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

    INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS - Watch me dominate in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I play bedwars in minecraft!!bedwars in minecraft’, was uploaded by MAHAR REHMAN GAMING YT on 2024-04-05 12:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars,minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,hypixel bedwars,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars … Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ https://www.youtube.com/live/Czy8bl_O0EA?si=lVYo4zq5k3hzZxDc [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@TokoyamiTowa X→ https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@SakuraMiko X→ https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35 [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@kazamairoha X→ https://twitter.com/kazamairohach [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – https://discord.gg/Q5YahvHdSJ HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – https://youtu.be/xgmEX8uqxcg?si=AhfUbVk34g9ka5f1 Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

    EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182's All The Small ThingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All The Small Things – Blink-182 [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-30 20:00:21. It has garnered 210 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Lyrics: All the small mobs Can’t hit, I sob I try to crit But I, will miss Baby, chicken In the grass, is hidden Watching, waiting It’s aggravating This is too hard The chicken’s unscarred Using my sword Trimming my yard Na -na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na Google, wiki Somehow, save me Smaller… Read More

  • Fantasia SMP

    Welcome to Fantasia SMP! A vibrant Minecraft community where adventure awaits at every turn! Featured Plugins: GlobalWarming 🌍 Networks 🌐 Quaptics ⚙️ FNAmplifications 🔊 SfChunkInfo 🧊 and more… Explore a wide range of custom armors, tools, and vehicles crafted specifically for Fantasia SMP. Unleash your creativity and conquer the world in style with our unique arsenal of equipment! Website: https://epicversesmp.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/CCGF2shF98 Read More

  • TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh Start

    TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh StartTechCraftSMP 1.20.4-Fresh Start-Survival SMP-Hermitcraft Inspired-Diamond Economy-Shopping District-World Map-Discord Integration-Free Build-Vanilla Experience-16+-Whitelisthttps://discord.gg/m86HH5UT Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft tire Hell

    Minecraft Memes - My Minecraft tire HellLooks like this meme couldn’t even mine its way out of a joke minecart. Read More

Minecraft Mod Showcase: Extra Alchemy Mod