Minecraft – Modded server

Video Information

Hello Shoot my chair What died near me i could have sworn to say something die Wherever the floor sweeper is i’m assuming that’s what that is i’m good look what how are you today i was going to go to a football game but like i’m only going if any of my i know that like through four of my friends about to say three before my friends play football

Like they’ve played thousands of games without me being there i’m only gonna go if like if i have to go pick payton up and take him so he has attacks me back going like oh i want to go really badly i don’t have a ride so i’m like okay whatever i don’t care

He’ll text me if he needs one or not and if he does then i guess i’m going if not then we’re not that’s all there is to it Okay let’s see what all is going on [ __ ] welcome to error 2.0 join discord i mean they got like bot commands going off now that’s kind of stupid i’m not like those type of worlds it was one of the bot commands that shot that goes off that’s just really annoying

I might have to turn off chat i already all see other people’s messages are they copy and pasting this stuff in why are they copy and pasting well i guess it’ll work it’ll work out for that build since i had to move my build let’s let’s go check out what everyone

Else is doing because there’s uh try uh try ojs instead of the party chat i’m in the air project yeah right now make sure everyone needed a brick i got a mute i’m muting as many people as i can that join the vc so i just don’t want to

Interrupt my my streaming process like that all right let’s see another portal there i don’t think much has changed in your smp i don’t think much has What is going on here what is that that’s like floating i guess what a puppet master welcome to stream mate i hope you’re having an absolutely fantastic day uh is this a base this is a face yeah i know the rose i’m more than aware there’s a city in here

There’s a few actually a thing that’s such a really nice base this is really sick um i’m so greedy and robbed me for everything things then take my armor yeah i was there for the city before pref clan built the city over here they made me move my build because i

Built a clothes shop it was very nice clothes shop very nice uh i was more than willing to have it here and they’re like nah nah you can’t have it here i actually built a restaurant oh i need to do my restaurant again i had a a restaurant

Just ran into one that might have been yours They use snow blocks just use white concrete bro why you got to use snow blocks bro i can’t my controller this is this is this i’m i’m holding down the button I’m still holding i’m holding down the move forward button this is what it does holding it down double click double click run come on let me sprint there we go see i get like a good like little bit and then it gives out it’s so stupid Uh i already i mean like i came here i built i built my thing right there they told me to move it which i mean was a part of the squad but obviously apparently not apparently not a part of the squad so well obviously not anymore

I don’t think i mean i’m still in the vc’s chats and stuff like that again alex re-added me to the vc chat so i don’t really know how i feel about that i don’t know if alex wants me to rejoin or not but i mean if the opportunity

Arises i’ll might join it the only reason i haven’t added like alex and uh a few others of the four pref clan to the uh new vc i made that has everyone in it is because i know that they’ll add the others into it they’ll add like everyone else

Uh hey activate i didn’t even see you there hey mate how are you i hope you have an absolutely fantastic day this right here was my build this is what i built it was my little clothes shop had like a little rack over here with shoes all the shirts and t-shirts you

Could buy over here so show off of helmets and pants and then our little special bear clothing come back here change zero zero zero six zero six nine zero zero zero and go down uh i might is that the mod zone because i know that

I was tp to the mod area and they told me to build a mod thing they told me to build a mod room and i was like eh i don’t really wanna i already got my room here we’re doing pretty good so i just built a penis and left that’s

Actually what i did yeah i was uh i was already there i’ve been there by far i’ve definitely been there does call still have his tp thing did he fix that ooh you can go near it again yay you can go to his like little thing over here

And you couldn’t do that before this is command block i don’t think carl’s been in here ever since he became a mod now that i’m a mod too though because i just kind of vibe i think i’ve been on this server like what twice within the past two years

That’s obviously not true it’s a sarcastic two years it’s been a while is what i’m trying to say oh this is where i was originally going to build my base because i didn’t know what i wanted to do yet and i saw this like little formation there that’s probably an oopsie

That might be a problem but then again it ain’t none of my business so you do whatever you want if i get in trouble for it whatever so yeah i’ve become a mod that doesn’t care the only time i probably will care is if the server is deliberately getting hacked

And in that case i’ll deal with it let’s see like i can’t see chat like i can see whenever the bot sends off a message and stuff like that but i think there’s some restriction on my playstation i don’t know what it is on my microsoft it stops

Me from seeing other people’s chat which is a problem i would love to be able to see other people’s chat but i can’t so kind of an issue we’re gonna we’re gonna look through some of the mods from new people and just so i can get refreshed with all the stuff

Once i get back to over here we’re gonna freaking gave out the last second dude come on sprint please Because of them yeah see like devon released stranger world like two days ago within the first three days someone got on there and hacked on i was in the middle of it so these right here all the different generators for trees warped oak jungle i’m getting out all

The ones that i haven’t used yet all the ones i haven’t seen because some of these i haven’t even used i’m going to use them right here Oh that’s that’s kind of bad but then again i don’t expect much from this act of it okay so these are the basic emerald generators stuff like that i’ve seen these uh diuret i’ve not seen that ancient debris that one uh generator oh yeah this is a level thing isn’t it

You put it on top of something i know this is the crafting thing like you could craft the generator you needed to get the uh levels for these it got here i’m gonna put like put like this one i’m just going to set it like underground like right here i feel like

It was good yeah i feel like there’s good and now like you can probably get xp it’s the closest player in proximity so that’s pretty cool what are these oh these are the glass how does that help me so if i throw an item then i did nothing what is this do i

Have to power it is it like a is it called okay um i think i might need to power it maybe i’m not arm so sure all the food generators obviously diamond generators obvious uh soul sand yeah i got that saved those before um no these are all the different farms

I don’t have a need to mute call right now because he’s in the vc they can’t hear me though hello Wait hold on what is that What is this what is that oh i punched him and i killed him that was not i was not the sword doing that bruh What is this what is this thing earth upgrade muted Broken radio i haven’t seen that yet i’ve seen a lot of what are these which hold up what should i do anything uh let’s go to weapons then so right after this see it’s about to go like from good to some from bad to good but it doesn’t this goes from okay

All right all right okay uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh okay that’s actually pretty good uh-huh wait hold on what is that trident but sword trident bud sword hold on wait a minute I don’t know what to do with this That’s all right oh that’s that’s even better oh yeah that was the other one that’s a hundred attack damage obviously that’s amazing that’s pretty good too 12 is all right 11 good good good bad sucky bad whatever don’t care uh those are the swords let’s go to like

Axes what is the strongest attack damage on the axe there’s 16 attack damage i think that maybe the best yes 16 attack damage on that far side all right what about pickaxes let’s see let’s see it 16 plus stack damage thundering 16 attack damage so it’s about a tie

15 right there for that guy um anything higher nope the 15 one wins right over here the x uh excavator what about you oh you don’t have any cool ones you just have some sights probably a diamond one this is for a diamond one wait what’s that another right one

Which tactically you got eight plus seven plus assist another right one uh no no oh no yeah there is a new arrow i don’t even see that charged arrow errol i’m spawning zombies fear me i actually remember some of these weed whack why is this fear me weeds

If i will whack those shins off um you don’t want to play with this much girth okay well that was fun must hold up Potato cannon Uh like a pearl sniper crystal rod what is that [Applause] remember what some of these are obviously what does this do oh it spawns in a light block potato cannon obviously shoes potatoes Obviously shoot under pearls but it is at a time limit so eventually i will vtp right now right now what is this right there what is this crystal rod what is this doing oh i’m about to crash no particles are loading he’s lagging like crazy dude lagging like crazy my guy phantom key

Already got that all right let’s go on the vc and let’s see what’s up hey yo i’m back oh convenient timing hey donal i was muted so i could monologue for an hour which one called no oj got back and i thought i was talking to you the entire time and then

The moment i said that you just got back well what’s the um npc slash summon in pc no you can just summon them pig block it oh yeah since i have i already have that on that’s just the easiest way for me because i’ve tried trying to get the egg

Out of the uh item menu but it doesn’t have one yeah i got it yeah i know i tried getting out of the um why are there wood blocks in here so annoying bro whoa hello voidblocks what’s up they are from head to toe of this entire thing

Where is that oh it’s right here oh how do you make it right it keeps you to spawn or should you be right outside the tp thing doesn’t make any sense that’s kind of gay i can’t tell you why there’s so many void oh maybe he keep people from like

Breaking out and stuff probably the void blocks doing fight me for five diamonds fight the mini boss for seven diamonds oh i think it was puppet mastering right it was like an old friend version of like an arena you clicking on that with an npc tp’d me and i’m kind of depressed

With god that’s how call has corona i know i might actually i went out to like a funplex i don’t know if y’all i don’t know if you know what that is but i went out without the vaccination so yeah i don’t have a vaccination either nor do i wear a mask

Yeah i’m that person unless i’m asked if someone is like i’m uncomfortable can you please wear a mask if i’m in proximity of them i’d be like okay because i keep mine in my pocket and it’s like i can’t go into a store freak

I broke box if i can’t go into a store or something i’ll flip on my mask because i always keep in my pocket but i don’t like wearing my mask sleeping floor in 20 seconds i’m going to sleep in your floor in about 20 seconds if you don’t shut up

I said sweep i’m going to come sleep i’m kidding uh where’s the npc oh my gosh what did you do what the [ __ ] he’s ugly what did you do why are you bad at minecraft hey yo one of the skins is broken oh look at that oh

It’s one of the guys skins i’m pretty sure you could just put them as that that’s no big deal you know we should have on the server like a whole bunch of dragons and dinosaurs and other mythical creatures so they could come over and clap my dummy thick cheeks That’s a sweep that kills the npc uh is your mic on a lot to be shared because guys i want 450 subs get me from 2426 to 450 please in one day yeah today actually would be preferred please i like how it’s like the um uh the funny

Numbers that i get stuck at for so long i got so at the beginning of my youtube channel i got stuck at 69 forever i got stuck at 169 forever i got stuck at 269 forever i got stuck at three 360 forever and then it went up nine and

Then got the 360 then went back down that was the hardest one i know i was 360. when i got you 360. but then i was just like three weeks later i know that’s the 360 going up and down then there was the whole world

We made it to 420 420 took me a year to get past i became a sophomore i was a freshman whenever i reached 420 i’m a sophomore now that’s how you know that it’s a problem okay let’s see if this fixes it what do you what’s your intention what

Are you trying to do oj i don’t know okay don’t judge me what are you even talking you know what you know what you know i know it’s working it’s actually pissing me off now what are you trying to do how do you know if it’s not working if

You don’t know what you’re doing i can’t even place an npc in here i’m gonna freaking lose it dude i’m getting i’m getting angry i don’t know man how did your balls retract right there what the frick his balls went up and started dropping that’s exactly what just happened i’m a little disgusted

But i can i’m not good with commands okay okay may you can you can try uh are there void blocks in here why can’t i break anything i’m gonna scream keep breaking oh you can’t even pick block it oh there is something here there’s gotta be hold

Up wait yeah but i’m holding a void block in my hand bro i’m breaking stuff oh there’s an entity here 20 bucks says that’s what this says there’s an entity here what entity is here yeah there’s an entity because you can’t break it if i get underneath that i can do stuff

To it right yeah if i get underneath it i can do stuff there’s something on top of it let’s see about it what are you all doing what the frick you broke it and then it just fit what what did you do bro what the heck did you what are you shooting did

Someone need that coordinated no that wasn’t me i placed that there okay vulpix by the way welcome the stream man sorry that i did not welcome you i’m sorry whoa do you slash the rf yeah i know it’ll give you a certain range yeah he oh freaking he i forgot he was

Invisible bro of course it was he’s being a freaking idiot where does this why does the npc get off the sea lantern if you tell me what you’re trying to do i can help you but if you don’t even know what you’re doing then we have a problem

You know i’ll take that that’ll work that’ll work oh my gosh i’m gonna scream okay i need to place void blocks call i’m gonna go blow up your boat go ahead okay just know that you gave me consent wait actually no you gave me content you heard it here he

Gave me consent okay if there is any point to be uh this construed he gave me consent i’m just saying i was given consent beforehand i’m blowing it up okay whatever freaking i my brother walked in here for like two seconds and just threw a jacket on my face

I’ll do it myself it’s my jacket i’ll take it i can’t even do it oh you really you ready that way you want to take out my entire trip that way do i have consent oh let me think about that just give me a minute i gotta make my decision first

Hold on oh i was going to make you i was going to roll back the stream to whenever you did give me consent and play it so if it sounded like you gave me consensus i could blow it up that’s what my plan was and you ruined it you ruined it dude

You ruined my [ __ ] dude i’m kicking back on music that’s what i’m doing my ship though i don’t care about your ship i do i don’t always changed between redstone commands and builds when i have six minutes oh are you trying to make a name tag bruh no

Well i can’t hear you what elevator music no not i’m playing nintendo music but me do you think like man i thought it was a elevator music the first time i heard it there’s an entire group of it oh yeah i just heard legend of zelda so

I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for matt but this right here is the music i got this is one of my favorites We can ban i don’t that’s why i haven’t like sealed down a base yet how about actual elevator music uh it probably does uh vulpix i’m not i don’t no it doesn’t no it doesn’t no it doesn’t the entire point of like zero sugar cola is to not have that right

Not sponsored by it i don’t know why you needed to specify that i was not sponsored by it obviously i’m not a 426 subscribe to a youtube channel is not going to have a sponsored by cola sorry it’s not happening demonstrated by coca-cola dude what is going on with my headset

Like i’m hearing an extra like background but it sounds like i’m coming through like a baseball field speaker why It’s like a weird background i don’t even know if my stream can hear it but i’m going to go through and see about muting people and see who it is hello okay sensei what’s his name yeah sensible sensible sensible that’s not that’s one man yeah

I can that most of us don’t get sponsors that’s to us i mean like devon told me that he’s been offered a sponsorship before and then he turned it down because he’s not out of like a stable position to be able to make deals like that

And i completely agree with it like i’m not gonna even think about getting sponsorships like that for a while go on what what do you mean go on that was all that was all the sentence was nope i’m just kidding okay i i i know what you’re trying to get

You’re trying to get the boss oh are you talking you’re not even talking to me what am i doing all right you are now unmuted my friend you’re poor but you’re not poor at the moment makes sense to me shut the [ __ ] up you thought you said you thought who we bound

I need to see what i am do that more uh what is he doing your teammate we have teams now since when do we have teams we have squads hey yo um yo yo i need a squad who wants to be my underling in the server i will make

You kill people for goodies me a call you’re a mod you gotta relinquish your modship i can have dreams you won’t be able to succeed them yo i’m taking over the squad the squad’s mine now what’s up this is my squad someone say murder and purging what’s this room ooh command block hello

That’s cheating i’m deleting this which we called that’s what i saw earlier i was i was asking oj because i thought i was talking and be gone i didn’t do that well it’s gone now You’ll have fun with a zombie i’m lagging so bad Yeah i don’t know why the thing’s not clearing lag uh it should be so now it should be clearing all like and loose blocks and stuff like that um yeah did you make it to the last kill at e-type item yeah it does no it’s i did slash kill at

E and then i did type what is it type player and then type armor fan and type npc that’s killing players then isn’t it no it’s not killing the players i’m not going to do that So you’re telling me error gave you an xp generator the thing that you can make in the game already Yeah i don’t know why my commands aren’t working anymore they were working just a few minutes ago Um i might bring him back here in a second if i don’t call will here in a second i’m a little busy don’t you have an xp generator though What is okay Dude i can’t i can’t freaking sprint and it’s a problem this is i’m currently holding down the sprint button freaking i started like popping out my sprint button it works for like two seconds and it immediately breaks again i said one of us will bring it back and

If i need the dm error then i will Do you know what the name is for npc to do the type thing what do you mean i like to delete an entity or what do you mean like you know how you can do slash if you do slash kill at the bracket type equals exclamation point player it won’t kill whatever is

Behind the exclamation point how do you do that for mpc mpc counts as just a normal entity you would have to classify as an entity putting a set range around it see what i would usually do whenever i’m doing that Okay then uh because i would do like uh making usernames because you can put those certain tags on top of npcs you can make them invisible instead of the ground to have like a certain username or a certain name tag floating above something to certain label things okay

But now it’s going to kill all my npcs uh then set it to a certain range what set it to a range for the whole match oh are you deleting npcs for a reason no it’s You said it’s an entity so it’s gonna get killed no matter what yes uh it’s a npc it counts as an entity if i do slash kill at all entities and npc will delete along with all the other entities i know but you can do you can do exceptions yeah

But i don’t know how to do the npc uh thing unless this type equals npc which no i tried that didn’t we do you do like the the quotation marks around the npc yeah okay Then all i know to do is set a certain range to make sure it spawns back in that’s the only thing i would know today but [Applause] not gonna do a button this isn’t gonna click clear lag or no but come on this is a problem nothing’s deleting on my end though like

[Applause] Back down there what’s wrong with this I’m here to smash bros from music they’re a smash bros brawl music plus the music playing in the background It was in a playlist i found that said no copyright free stuff when i saved the Hey this should be working [Applause] let’s see if they’re starting back up So [Applause] it is so laggy oh my god yeah i’m having literal issues yeah it really is laggy okay i’m gonna type the commander now okay hey yo real quick real quick wait hold on yeah super smash bros music was really good i really liked that uh

Anyways i was about to say something uh try bro i seen your phone request like last time we chatted which was like a few months ago you didn’t find me back and i’m really sad i’m gonna cry myself to sleep bro i’m really sad You have no you have an armor i’m sorry oh no oh no you’re a terrible person i can find my Oh i just came up with a great idea armor You can you can delete all armor strands it’s fine i can freaking fix it immediately i didn’t come in what’d you do there i told you me or call will come replace it here in a little bit i didn’t do crap what do you mean carl i know you’re not doing anything

But i’ll either me or someone one of the other mods will come to come fix it i’m in the middle trying to freaking find this thing and i was like i was like what did i do i was just here building the door i need this structure block bring those

Building my redstone door in peace y’all gonna hold me in this a structure block work if i put a button on it and click it will it just load it structure void no search block you need to change the cooldown to this um sweeping thing oh i have no idea how

Structured blocks work did you hear call what you’re going to make it faster no make it slower well the service yeah it’s because the server’s so laggy I don’t want to do that though so let’s do let’s see about changing the directions we’ll make it so it goes like every like every at like every half an hour or something no because it’s gonna lag that’s the whole reason i put it all right well i’ll just do this myself

Then slash kill [Applause] i’m killing everything on the ground that’s not how that okay yes it is yeah it is you got to do exceptions that’s not no you can do type you can do type equals type equals exclamation point item no no that’s not how you type in the command

That’s how you do except that’s not how you do that look at my commands teleport to me i i will literally show you how to do it the exact thing That’s how you do exceptions look i have it right here slash kill at e bracket oh my gosh the man’s using coffee complicated crap yeah stuff that this stuff is not necessary this top one very top one no not the one with no name Yeah you don’t need the exclamation point there you don’t have to do it so like if i want to just delete armor stands i can legit just do type equals armor stand close bracket it will only delete armor stands no that’s not what i’m trying to do

Though what are you trying to do that’s what i’m saying exception if you do what i did it does slash kill everything except armor stands and players so just do just slash kill what you want to kill why do you have to do that that clears all lag has it worked

Yes what’s because i said it so it’s two minutes so it only does it every two minutes but the server is lagging so that that’s too long you should you should do it like every every one minute like at once a minute it’ll clear all right there

Also you know the command blocks you set up is a part of the lag issue right i’ve barely set up any yeah but because it’s setting type commands like uh sweeping in three two one that also does that no it doesn’t it wasn’t lagging before like earlier

It’s been lagging all day what do you mean no it hasn’t it lags once a whole bunch of people get in the server and right now there’s a good few people in the server yeah that’s not my command blocks your command blocks aren’t helping it though it’s not doing anything that’s what

Command blocks do they do stuff loading commands takes a lot more out of it than i think you think it does doing a simple tp command does a lot to us because it’s trying to load in all the chunks listen i was on yesterday and there was no lag it’s because it’s just

You the whole it was a full server when it first opened so your explanation to why it’s lagging right now but just by the grace of god no oh my god my things messed up if there were a whole bunch of people in the server yesterday then what’s the

Difference between yesterday and right now i don’t know exactly you don’t have an explanation that means you can’t argue with me you can’t argue with me knowing that your command blocks aren’t a part of the problem because you don’t know what the problem is and you wonder why i haven’t added you yet

Oh it’s just because you’re a [ __ ] that’s it okay wait let me hear your argument then my argument is with all the chunks loaded with all the items being thrown on the ground and your command blocks all smashed into one is a bad thing listen listen Been going on for two days straight so your point they just made the dog you know you know mobs and stuff will despawn if they’re not loading the chunk on their own right why do you have to delete mobs too it’s just every entity so delete access and items delete items

That have been just laid out and whenever you go like netherrite mining and stuff it’ll also delete those oh it’s cuz mobs the people around us you got freaking sensible that’s what 20 000 blocks away yeah but that’s not that’s not his fault he’s thousands of miles away

Yeah but he’s loading those chunks yeah i’ve said that you it isn’t his fault because he’s miles away on his uh he didn’t he he’s trying to avoid his stuff getting stolen that’s not his fault that’s not his problem he’s trying to explore and have a good time

It’s i’m saying the lag issues is the combination of all the players in the server your command blocks deleting everything it wasn’t lagging that’s it dude you don’t you don’t know why it’s lagging though because if there were if there were so many if there were so many people in the

Server yesterday then you don’t have an explanation there were it was a full server yeah and you said it wasn’t lagging yet today it is and you don’t have an explanation not lagging neither do you i’ve given a theory at least i’ve done that ethereum yeah i’m doing better than you are

You’re just yelling the mic is extremely close to my face right now because i’m trying to make for the music’s playing as well so i’m going to sound a lot louder than i am right now All right you’re not here i’ll do your command my command’s just gonna delete uh item frames and stuff it’s gonna lay like armor stands and stuff where where is it this one right type equals access armor stands type equals player so it’s not deleting armor stands nor players yet it’s also

Deleting people’s pets and other mobs You got pets that’s your problem if you got a dog at your grandma’s house that’s your grandma’s problem just because i shot it doesn’t mean nothing it jumped in the way of the bullet okay this is minecraft yeah but if you think a dog is going to kill someone

In power armor you got yourself a problem i don’t know what that had to do with anything why do you need a dog I’m taping the call bro i’m not dealing Okay i’m working on it so it can close okay what oh my bad that’s my b and then you get pushed out yeah so that’s that’s my first ever hidden door that works nice i’m proud because i tried doing the ones that would go in walls but i’ve never tried

The ones that go on the floor i think the floor ones are ten times easier i’m keeping to alex what’s up alex how you doing yeah i have fun don’t have fun i can’t hear alex all right i guess i’ll i guess i’ll leave your zone then

I guess i’ll go back to where tri bro is what’s up try bro how you doing how are you doing my name see what happens you you want to try that what are we doing that’s gonna kill all entities yeah i know but that might stop the lag

We might have to do like a server reset thing and that’s gonna be annoying okay let me try out you once like deleting everything except for players and just that and just delete everything we’ll try all entities do not that’s gonna kill everything what are you doing no no no

When i meant by all entities i meant like all mobs and stuff so just kill all mobs yeah dude what is that what does it sound like there’s a kazoo yeah no it’s way less laggy it’s something to do with mob oh yeah i’m definitely loading better

Yeah you’re you’re loading you’re in the same truck you just lagged across my screen uh i’m in the exact same room as you and you’re doing fine you’re moving fine okay you can clip it okay that doesn’t change what just happened on my perspective i’m streaming go to my stream you can

See how well you’re moving right now maybe you just have crappy wi-fi i wasn’t moving at all you looked around and then you went down here you did you tried to persuade exactly what i just did at the time you were lagging okay listen okay this relationship is not gonna work

If you don’t listen you all are so loud and annoying bro what do you mean dude i take that as a compliment you’re the one being a problem right now i haven’t said anything you’re the one talking and trying to argue mate what okay that sounds like you got your audio way

Too loud bud your mic is in your mouth it’s not i moved it back after you said i was loud the mountain the first time i literally moved it it’s like as far away from my mouth right now as i could possibly after you said it was loud the first time that

Means either the audio for you hasn’t changed at all bro that’s how to calm down in situations that’s not how to combat a situation well i tried Okay let’s see how much better the server gets there you go i slash Yeah but you didn’t kill good enough because paul did do a slash kill out onto these little while ago and it got a lot better so it’s definitely something to do with that that’s what my command block did it’s definitely failed you have to do it manually you lazy bum

See if it didn’t why didn’t it work for the command block okay wait let me flash clear okay could you do the like no because i guess you’d have to announce it first and be like hey we’re deleting all the mobs oh yeah we do but i’m not using it

It’s still lagging and i just cleared and my command blocks are gone so you also got to remember that the reason the we have mods and there are mods in the server that’s going to make it extra laggy so yeah that’s it’s going to be a

Problem i don’t think you can fix it maybe you were just having a really good wi-fi day but you just said my wi-fi is bad yeah because you said you were still lagging afterward but i’m trying to defuse this situation he’s just like listen to me i’m really

Trying i’m trying to calm this situation down because obviously you’re about to be wrong you said my command blocks were causing this lag and it might be i never doubted that i destroyed them usually you deleted the command blocks in here yeah not all of them i deleted the majority of them okay

Well i haven’t been out of this room since you deleted those so right now i’m following a lot better so if it’s still lagging then it’s a problem we also got to remember that there are mobs there we have mods on the server um who’s using the freaking

Yeah i’m a tp to somebody let’s see how they’re done oh everyone’s flowing a lot better hey bud hopefully not hey buddy you want to live with me in this redstone compact base Sensible and uh glooms tp to them and see how they’re doing because they’re doing fine on my end i’m spawning right now and this air dude’s teleporting let me go to him activate flares oh yes activate activates in ireland it’s raining for him 24 7. he’s got terrible wi-fi here

Air i’ll go to her there here how you doing error is a little he’s a little glitchy for me you’re lying ain’t doing that bad as for as for freaking like sensible and then they’re doing fine on my end they both were because they’re 20 000 blocks away

I literally tp to them and they were doing really good can you not hear me my muted yeah it might just be spawned on how much crap there is i think i should delete these mountains um okay that’s not gonna that’s not gonna help i feel like you’re scraping the bottom

Here of what’s causing lag issues no if you look at this nether portal i know it causes particle effects so does running no no teleport to me and look at this and look around oh yeah okay i’m coming yeah sure bud yeah what’s up yeah if you look at it

You can see how it like slows your fps it does does it not yes sure no it’s stop moving side to side i said look around i freaking looked at it what else do you want inside i can’t spread inside the side i said look around like

Look up and down okay turn around i’m i’m doing swirlies i’m spinning okay you’re such an over-exaggerating you’re just like me [Laughter] i said left right started spinning exactly that’s not what i said oh my gosh i’m not doing this i’m not having this conversation anymore i can’t spread it bro that’s seriously

Like your parent and there’s like hey honey can you clean your dish cleans the dish i didn’t i just tell you to play i did the freak you mean you you see in the sink it’s being rinsed off what are you doing you all hurt my head bro what do you mean dog

Call please tell me i’m not the only one at a loss I’m just i’m just mentally stupid right now alrighty um face almost nice this is very nice All right I think i’ve looked over all the mob mods and stuff right now A little ways away from spawn i’ll actually go to my base and tpu there which the armor stands at my base might also be causing a bit of lag issues as well so yeah there are a few there they’re probably not there anymore you probably can’t no i respawn them every single

Time that like they get deleted almost every time whenever someone comes in here for business i immediately respond them Maybe it’s that structured block then dino it is not because it’s been deleted before it was deleted yesterday and it was up i’d put it back today a little while ago thanks and it was lagging before i put it back so so i can like respawn these things whenever i want

I know you got the custom mom oh yeah that dude asking for the buy stuff i don’t see it in chat admin can i buy two vines oh that’s freaking that’s detroit my thing’s freaking for shirts and stuff like a clothes shop by armor good job just go give him a vine bro

Hey call let me not do that hey call oh you want to see me get rid of a whole ocean no no i didn’t want to do that feel like they should make slash spawn point a command anyone can use like in survival oh to put your own spawn point no i

Don’t know about that one like that’s why you got a bet alex stop I’m trying to have a conversation Are you sensible won’t you want this command block back bro i will be there in like two seconds calm yourself bro um you know what i might not give it back because being a freaking rude baby boy being a baby boy baby congratulations it’s a baby boy i just

Took his pacifier and started complaining oh i don’t think i’m allowed to play this hold up wait a minute uh oh i accidentally took me off my playlist oh frack i’m killing items as well you killed all Oops shut up you thought that shouldn’t have killed the players because i did slash kill at e i oh yeah i left the exclamation point in front of items so it killed them also yeah that’s a problem why did it kill everything no because i still have items on the ground over here

How do you get fancy plate there you go less laggy okay i think that’s going to end the stream here i’m going to go give this guy’s command block back it was again i think it was like these guys right are you i might not do it i’m gonna do it

Obviously but like i really don’t want to what was it again what was it i don’t remember the command heyo call i forgot the xp command what is it slash summon xp underscore bottle okay isn’t that gonna cause more lag that could have one that could have

Started what caused the lag a little bit another reason why there’s lag is probably the generators that’s a mod then probably true yeah which is a problem but until error tells me that i can take oh there we go that works cool like i’m gonna be close to spawn

All right hello i’m made up again all right if you guys all enjoyed enough for like and subscribe head to catch photo every single time i upload if you guys want to see more of this modded server i might play it in survival again i played it once and it got reset i

Don’t know if i will or not though um that’s definitely not a definite um stranger world is still available on discords go down in the description you will be able to find devin’s youtube channel now the discord links down there don’t work because i did not put them on uh permanent

They are just on the uh like on the like seven day thing and then they get expired uh but i do need to replace them and get the ones that are permanent on there because i messed up uh that’s my bad uh but go down to his youtube channel

You can go to his about page and you can find his discord at his about page once you’re there you can go to his discord and um ask for the code in stranger world you’re allowed to join nobody is at the limit i think unless

I’m not sure if we ever put a limit on it i don’t that’s up to devin i don’t know if you can join then you can join if you can’t then he can’t i’m sorry can’t complain about that but if you are able to join you can get on

There as an anarchy server you can do just about anything you want so hope you guys enjoyed like subscribe and i’ll see you guys in the next stream bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Modded server’, was uploaded by Sleepy Dino on 2021-08-27 10:38:36. It has garnered 29 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:11 or 3851 seconds.

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/dinoman360_8_yt?sr=a

Devindust YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeu_T-d29vVo0c3tQo3tmvQ Devindust discord: https://discord.gg/Yk4jCvTs MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/sstAHBFA My Artist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyK1BkfinEaEq2QuL6M0s_Q


My psn is Dinoman360_8_YT My insta is Dinoman360

Hey guys I’m dinoman360 if your new I’m a YouTube channel that vibes with just about anyone as long as your respectful of me and all are in my channel list and featured channels.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. I love that line so much.

Listen i dont get paid but im thankful for what i have and one day i might quit but i dont plan to leave i love my viewers i love my channel i love my fam

This channel is now for gaming on minecraft and more.

#mods #realm #Dinoman360

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    Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring The Wonderful World Of Minecraft Magic Mods’, was uploaded by anlog on 2024-04-24 01:26:51. It has garnered 1619 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. Thank You For Watching! Second Scripted Video, Hope Ive Improved Some!! Outro Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGDdl33N9Oc&ab_channel=Cartmemes Screen Recorder https://obsproject.com/ Video Editor https://www.vegascreativesoftware.com Music Used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuySSmW5cfo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHo4lfcMt1o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONbX9QCL36k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLAVnDI03To https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2BGTcKITaQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN5EqlWzH_Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atgjKEgSqSU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdSb-x49Nac Sources: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1274297-1-6-6-crystals-that-grow-in-light-powerful-magic https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/wizardcraft-120414/ https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mantle https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/Thaumcraft#:~:text=Thaumcraft’s%20name%20and%20fame%20were,expanding%20on%20in-world%20structures. https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1279034-1-2-5-thaumcraft-2-1-6d-outdated https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1286036-ars-magica-v5-52-014-updated-august-2-1-5-2 https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1287110-xenos-reliquary-v1-0-6d https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/dbwhzf/lets_talk_about_electrobobs_wizardry/ https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1290532-1-10-2-1-9-4-blood-magic-v2-1-0-65-updated-sept https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ars_Magica (yes i do not care that imma just cite wikipedia) https://www.reddit.com/r/botania/ https://mcgeneral.fandom.com/wiki/Botania https://web.archive.org/web/20120129031445/http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/364525-110-equivalent-exchange-v616/ https://forums.technicpack.net/topic/46359-please-add-a-magic-mod/ Videos Used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_14UuARmIs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcf9FM4TbN4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m465HXRvoiI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z_jRem510g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XkMcuIEw2s… Read More

  • Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your Dreams

    Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your DreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘These mods are TERRIFYING.. #cavedweller#minecraft #minecrafthorror #mcyt #minecrafthorror’, was uploaded by tacoz on 2024-03-17 17:00:50. It has garnered 2512 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Me and @kohexx made a youtube video and this is just a clip from that video. Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZvS7PpNgoU&t=3s IGNORE TAGS ———————————————————— #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #nightmare #minecrafthorror #cavesandcliffs #fyp #youtube #minecraftsurvival #horrorgaming #minecraft #epic #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy #scary #mods #modpack #memes #epic #minecraft #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #cavedweller #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy… Read More


    "JOINING DEADLIST SMP, EPIC SWORD ACTION! #viral" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i joined this deadlist SMP Sword SMP #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by FivemateYT on 2024-03-21 12:35:51. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:31 or 151 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Waterfall Discovery – Found Secret Treasure! #mindblown

    EPIC Waterfall Discovery - Found Secret Treasure! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thrilling Waterfall Exploration Uncovers Hidden Prize #minecraft #learningminecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Jamza313 on 2024-01-04 13:19:26. It has garnered 113 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. In this video, . Enjoy! Minecraft educational gameplay, Fun Minecraft learning activities, Educational Minecraft tutorials, Creative building in Minecraft for kids, Learning math with Minecraft, Minecraft science experiments for children, Exploring history in Minecraft, Minecraft coding for kids, Art and design in Minecraft, Minecraft geography lessons Read More

  • SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvP

    SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Tiki” | Minecraft PvP’, was uploaded by sxbaswhy! on 2024-02-09 22:00:07. It has garnered 43 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:36 or 96 seconds. Like y Sub (: https://discord.gg/EURUKe5MKW Tags hechos por Baifo: IGNORAR baifo, yipix, tomix leaderboards, clickero, sussano, daof, cdbs, jeremyasg, tahmn, shurroxd, shurro, top 3 minemen 0 losses, top 1 minemen, abif, woney, k0xar0, koxaro, vegard, tier s chilean, leaan vs staind, blackzide, how to beat leaderboard players, blackzide, jp2k16, ipraise, haxlux, staind vs marcel, potpvp tier list 2022, potpvp tier list 2021, potpvp tier list, potpvp… Read More

  • Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft Gameplay

    Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играй на самой лучшей Анархии FMC #minecraft #майнкрафт #анархия’, was uploaded by Swisher on 2024-01-07 12:33:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, in minecraft, mine, games, facts, trolling, compote, video minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    INSANE LIVE MINECRAFT CYBERGAMES 🔥 #LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 AO VIVO CYBERGAMES MINECRAFT 🔥 #LIVE #CYBERGAMES’, was uploaded by CYBER GAMES on 2024-04-04 19:43:47. It has garnered 343 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 09:32:47 or 34367 seconds. LIVE ON! #freefire #freefireaovivo #cybergames #aovivo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ lili.lilllili.lili. DEIXA O LIKE E COMPARTILHE ili.lillili.illi. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💥AJUDE O CANAL💥 https://livepix.gg/cybergames 🔴 LIVE EVERY DAY 🏃🏻 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (VIVI ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 VIVI: https://wa.me/558688637494 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (SCAMMER ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 SCAMMER: https://wa.me/553897579551 💥WANT TO KNOW WHO DOES MY THUMBNAILS?… Read More

  • “Ramix’s insane Minecraft bed trap!” 🛏️

    "Ramix's insane Minecraft bed trap!" 🛏️Video Information This video, titled ‘La trampa definitiva de camas en Minecraft! 🛏️’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-01-13 00:00:02. It has garnered 270746 views and 36950 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? ⚔️ Server I’m playing on → minelucky.org (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! → Twitter: https://twitter.com/NotRamix → Twitch: https://twitch.tv/NotRamix → Instagram: https://instagram.com/RamixMC → Discord: https://discord.gg/Ramix #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Circus Mod in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Circus Mod in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus Mod in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ZeroKing on 2024-03-06 08:52:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. the amazing digital circus, minecraft, pomni, minecraft the amazing digital circus, fuziondroid, mcpe, digital circus, jax, caine, the … Read More

  • HityCraft

    HityCraftHola a todos, voy a crear un de server de Minecraft survival con un montón de personas, Todo el mundo vivirá en una base donde estará su hogar y sus construcciones, También habrá clanes que seria como bases pero compartidas con varia gente (5 o 6 personas). Si os interesa entrar la IP es: HityCraft_Oficial.aternos.me Pero aun no podréis hasta el día 9 martes Normas: No está permitido hacer spam (publicidad de cualquier cosa) sin autorización de la administración. Usa un lenguaje correcto y educado, respeta a los demás y evita los insultos, ofensas y faltas de respeto, Evita escribir… Read More

  • MineVoid Anarchy – Semi-Vanilla PvP No Rules

    Welcome to MineVoid Anarchy MineVoid Anarchy is a new Minecraft server offering an authentic vanilla experience. We aim to stay close to vanilla gameplay and minimize Admin involvement. Join us on the server or Discord! Created on: 04/16/2024 Features: No Anti Cheat (may change in the future) Dupe plugin temporarily installed No rules, minimal Admin interaction Connect with Us: IP Address: Discord Invite: Join our Discord Read More

  • KUVERU NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20.x) ɴᴜᴇᴠᴀѕ ᴍᴏᴅᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇѕ ► ᴛɪᴇɴᴅᴀ.ᴋᴜᴠᴇʀᴜ.ᴄᴏᴍ

    KUVERU NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20.x) ɴᴜᴇᴠᴀѕ ᴍᴏᴅᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇѕ ► ᴛɪᴇɴᴅᴀ.ᴋᴜᴠᴇʀᴜ.ᴄᴏᴍ Read More

Minecraft – Modded server