Minecraft Modded Survival! LIVE PS5

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going to go ahead and get loaded up I’ve already started it hi [Music] everyone I know right sorry the oh yes so be aware the texture pack May or okay just send me an invite mate and I’ll be there we need to recruit for the project MC Project but it needs to be made from the ground up everything what do you mean by that we need to play the [ __ ] out of this game and then kind of learn everything about it and then base the story off she talking about rebuild the story not all the stuff we actually built yeah because that was where we were we were coming up with issues on where to like okay well we can’t come up with lore for all this [ __ ] because it’s all so different so let’s go up with the lore first and build as we do well we got to keep what we already built CU I don’t want all that to go to waste no no we’ll use that for what we have in the future and this texture pack is awful so I’m gonna go ahead and scam orthodon menell y what’s up Mike I’m just putting in the thumbnail real quick and waiting on an invation we should play Minecraft again Mike that throne room you built in that pink castle was sick we got to do something like that again what it is Mike yes sir Mike Kelly Mike Kelly all right let me pull up chat what you want sniffy long drops you’re going to send me an invite I want Matt what’s up I’m gonna Inver you how you doing Matt good to see you don’t forget to drop a like boys thatd be greatly appreciated you forgot about that Throne Room dude I haven’t forgot about that whole entire world to that castle and everything that it was just so cool and I’m so upset that it’s gone I wish it never got deleted I wish nothing had happened to it be difficult because I added both mutant s aliens oh aliens nice I’m just maybe not going to spoil everything for everyone again well that’s only two things Delila Delila okay is just taking a big old fat [Laughter] [ __ ] I just got eaten by a dinosaur what kind of dinosaur T-Rex Raptor stego Bronto brachia uh currently getting well an alien just threw a grenade at me what the hell well this is going to be interesting basically uh aliens mutants and dinosaurs should be the name I like that I have been exploded by a flying sauser so everyone in the chat that knew about this the job opportunity that I had lined up I don’t think it worked out I don’t think it work turns out big old AC came in and swiped it away from sadly yes no but um I’m I’m I need to do another modded Battlefront stream there is Parker how you doing hello P I am here I am here God the Ali just dropped a doomsday device okay so it froze on 31.5 cancel so what do you think reinvite me what Parker what do you think of the inv or the uh thing what thing the acolyte oh I liked it you did you watch it yeah I’m not a fan really yeah no why is that I got really [ __ ] bored of the first episode I just turned it off I didn’t even watch the episode I’m like this shit’s boring as [ __ ] really yeah I didn’t expect that from you what about did you watch the second one Star Wars doesn’t feel like Star Wars than me anymore so it doesn’t the second one was better doesn’t the first episode wasn’t bad but the second one was a lot better it felt ancient and futuristic at the same time no it started off slow as most shows do you start off slow yeah I’ll give this actually well I’m in the party I’ll watch it right now why not I liked it though I’ll give I hope I’ll like it no I’d say give it a chance that’s what I’m doing getting on tonight Presley I’ve sent you few invites yeah it’s not working it froze at zero while you load in it froze at zero this is not working out at all yeah we can play Zombies whenever you get home I got beats dropping this month more beats good good it’s a it’s going to be a task yeah I got you pressy I’ll do it right before we play it’s going to yeah it’s going to be something unless it still works when yours is primary if I the problem is that when I don’t know whose was primary but I hopped on Minecraft on this account and I didn’t have ps+ so I had to make mine primary again and I had ps+ and I don’t know if it’ll do the same for your account it should but I don’t know but whenever whenever I’m done with this I’ll check it now I gave it a chance earlier and I was sitting there for like 2 minutes straight that doesn’t that doesn’t happen but no I will I’ll give it a I’ll give it a [ __ ] don’t forget Presley there were cockroaches living in the damn thing at one point so not anymore but there were so what kind of music you thinking of Mike rap you start rapping again rapping for Jesus the son of the original G no I’m playing yeah you always got to leave you always got to leave just get out of here always got to leave and [ __ ] I’m just joking I’m joking I’m kidding okay I’m just waiting on him to get back so I can get another invite so I can join because I uh we’re going to join this yeah join server I forgot you could even do this on here wow that took five seconds oh dear God I don’t know what I’m doing all these Steves look at all these Steves okay Lucky Blocks oh oh oh yeah [Laughter] no this is not working out actually I can check out the store and see what what they have is add-ons cuz I have no idea what’s here now and it’s been a while according to AC they’ve added some new ones what come on don’t do that whatever all right we’re just going to play in this world until he gets back are you watching acolyte right now Isaiah par oh you [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] oh he’s muted and he’s probably watching it I don’t know um for those of you that did watch eite what would you think for those that have seen it cuz I actually enjoyed it quite a bit I haven’t gone to the nether yet in this world so let’s see hello why I’ve been waiting you were still loading no it froze at zero I tried to tell you that before you left but it it was no use I’m playing but yeah it froze at zero and I uh couldn’t do anything about it couldn’t do anything about it might have to remove a few mafa casions why does this look like just old default shitty nether where’s the cool stuff at okay let’s see I see something down there oh blue tree what the [ __ ] all right a gas just despawned on my screen that’s cool all right so there’s that biome got it loaded up and it’s funny I see you in the thumbnail that the game got so I’m assuming we’ve played this before so you should be able to wait you see huh you know how Minecraft will always take a little snapshot for the game for your saved world like the picture of the world yeah yeah it was you whoa whoa okay Minecraft character Buddy Buddy Buddy friend relax BR get [ __ ] dude I’m going to die before I can even oh now he’s okay he went through the portal okay that’s going to be fun when I get home all right ow ah Ah that’s fine you know what I’m just going to let Isaiah join this world again to that just all right this one you’ve been on so it should work well I know it will invoke me invitee me I already have I have no invitee I have invokes all right download and join this should work oh I know it will brother brother Maxim brother Maximus crack cissus all right it’s actually working whatever we do uh whatever Call of Duty Black Ops 2 gets remastered me please do a Black Ops zombies series on it wait when what happens to who well Black Ops 2 zombies or Black Ops 2 gets remastered with zombies can we do an entire zombie story one thing yeah we’re going to do it with that and Black Ops 6 huh we’re going to do it with that and with Black Ops 6 okay I’m going to get a PlayStation so we can all play together yeah you bend to my will I don’t bend to yours I’m joking why therex at some point why is there a floating book in front of me okay grappling hooks yeah I didn’t play on this before not that I remember yeah I have nothing besides stuff we Lo we got on and you had to leave every no no look what biome we spawned in look with all the mountains and then it’s like this is like a rare biome yeah cave let’s go yes these are mods Kelly these are mods and Dad odds they’re they’re they’re mods yeah Emerald [Music] sick no no no no okay I thought I was going to sink into the cave what is that Jaguar I think oh [Laughter] what is this do yo it’s running animation is wicked crowbar crowbar crowbar and all your stuff is still in this gravestone that red is right here then just went back to sleep I can rest peacefully after murdering this human so that’s the thing whenever we die we like a gravestone will spawn and that’s where all our stuff will be we can break it oh there’s a baby one what do you think think the the mother would do if I attacked its child I’m joking uh I see a ruined portal go to it yeah all my ski convenience convenience tone of magic spells okay we got spells ah Hur oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] damn crap [ __ ] I’m freezing to death [ __ ] all right this is a problem uh we have no blocks to get ourselves out of this situation boy okay here we go g behind you what okay no that didn’t help oh no that didn’t help see all right this way this way good sir okay right here jump on this one right here okay okay okay how you doing ah I attack you with wrench wooden wrench I don’t even know how that’s possible this is not doing anything I’m going to die again dude I’m at half a all right which way are we running now to our stuff I don’t think we need all that technically okay how about we get out of this biome I’m tired of sinking in the snow that way what is that a snail yes good bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce Oh no you’re talking about that song we made Mike we should remake that song yeah so I’m going all night long take a hit from that midnight no I mean I wouldn’t say that again but you know take a hit from that midnight B come on kids and just sing the long going all night until that night is gone that was a decent song all right bugs I have no idea where you went whoa hey pink oh guess what I will okay so okay I am atga – 235 positive 145 two negative 235 135 all right okay as far as coordinates if you don’t just if if if I don’t say negative it’s positive yeah people like I’ll be like what the [ __ ] I just all I heard was an explosion what the hell just happened to you an Exploder got me an Exploder a creeper okay I will not do this too much but I’m going to go ahead uh so I have with mods on it go ahead it it activates cheats automatically yes but I’m not doing keep inventory I’m just going to set it today and teleport us to each other so we can go ahead and just start this off everything you said Mike was out of context if nobody understood the context of what you said that doesn’t make any sense your contextual context has been contextually context fied Contex what is that what are you doing to me okay he’s giving me he’s hit me with the get over here all right all right all right oh that’s who killed me that’s who killed me I’m going to die oh oh oh wow how did that happen uh that’s funny okay guys you can guys hey get away from me it’s a Wandering Trader with two black dogs okay no no no uh oh he sells mob heads that’s weird wait come no come look at his trades wait a second wait a second some of these are uh raw netherite blend ra raw Cobalt raw rose gold blend raw pig iron there’s a lot of things in here we don’t know of raw heati on he hepatitis okay what did you mean by um out of contact stuff Mike I think you meant something out of pocket stuff I don’t know it seemed all right to me I’ll tell you my phone on my chest it’s not in my pocket true that’s out of pocket crafting station okay oh oh what do you think about these Wings they’re pretty wing full pretty cool pretty cool what’s the difference I remember I’ve heard of tinker’s construct and I’m pretty sure I watched people play it but I don’t remember what it is like Sunday Oak shelf Oak chair wait so what is what’s the difference between a crafting station and a crafting table to figure all that out there’s no difference all right whatever yep that’s a part of the mod Mike that is a part of the mod actually I needed that why did I break that uh boom boom yo look over look over there look over there um hold on let’s look at the sun it’s rising Rising East that’s the West it’s so this is West which means that is South look Southwest I um okay um what tigga biome where I just see trees and sand you don’t see across the ocean is that not really let’s just go yeah let’s just go over that way I have to murder this Pickton that’s a big cave we should explore that we should um I like the damage indicator that’s pretty cool oh my god oh we can actually we can actually change the I can actually change the font on the damage indicator H I can make it comic bookie if you want I mean if you want I don’t care Enderman I’m my ball I’m fine with just seeing the damage indicator oh dude look wait there’s grass under here what if we built like a little tiny did you attack the Enderman no I got hit to death by thing oh I survived creep episode way [ __ ] better than the first I told you I told you told you I’m going to try not to do the teleport thing too much yeah I I like the new Mobs to fight let’s kill these ships yeah I’m just Gathering fod [Music] oh oh oh yeah [ __ ] that yo look at the look down there look down there look down there I’m looking yo there’s a drill he’s got a drill huh that’s interesting okay what the hell is that guy doing that’s the guy that’s the dude who killed me he had a suction cup gun oh it’s a raccoon I see a CO run away run away look it’s a [ __ ] does he drop food does he drop food I need [ __ ] meat no he doesn’t gather some Shakin I’m trying to grab some Cobblestone so bed by and Nets need taking Delila to get her uh that’s shots next Wednesday in her medication ah yes well flea medication medication I gave you that flea stuff for Bella didn’t I huh the fle St Bella yeah yeah I had to wait for Delila because if if I if I don’t I yeah it’s not going to do anything yeah yeah so that’s that’s why I haven’t given it to him yet no that’s fair I was just wondering if you still had it yeah that’s good even if I lost it I have another thing of cat flea medication make a shy how would your relationship would you exist honestly I feel lukewarm for staying home more I can’t drive yet what do you mean you feel lukewarm for staying home the way you word these things Mike it confuses the ever living [ __ ] out of me dude I don’t know what you’re trying to say I’m trying to be mean but what I mean my relationship with Jesus is probably needs some work I’m still trying to I’m still getting there I mean I went to church this morning praying a bit more you know so I’m working on it no one’s perfect I definitely need to read the Bible more a crab yes I don’t know how I survived one heart this entire time call it half a heart now all right great great now I’m down here even better okay how the [ __ ] hold on hold on where are you sorry I died okay what’s your respawn respawn oh don’t do that oh my God I’m getting once we get set up enough I will not do it any long okay run away run away run away run away there’s too many of them there’s so many of them run away run away don’t go down oh we have no choice we have to go down I thought I wasn’t going to make that I got kind of scared all right I already found iron we’re good um I found I think a mine shaft I lost my pickaxe somehow but that’s fine I need a oh I have I have a pickaxe oh that’s that’s a wooden pickaxe I don’t care I’m about to get a stone one oh okay the crafting station is just the crafting table just cooler okay that’s what I thought more detailed that’s all a different type if you will thank God okay I have two white wool how many do you have two well that sucks it will be all right we make a house inside of cave could possibly make giant Manion yes I like that idea mansion and Cave excellent in the water honestly it would like what hear me out hear me out what if we got a bunch of grass right and then may like at about this level right here M just made it all actually wait just replace some of the blocks oh no wait we can just get moss blocks would take a long time and uh yeah I know but it’ be it’d be easier than grass and we can justone meal them Dam son of a and uh once we do that we can make like a little pond in here wait a second no way the dude died the dude died and I think I think I got his drills or something I did realize that I was delivered from the corn addiction no joke I don’t feel the need for a while I thank God for changing my perspective perspective on sexuality so you just like love to eat corn a lot he’s talking about porn oh dude I got two drills I got two drill guns say porn Mike it’s not it’s not a sin to talk about all right yeah you can’t say it on you on YouTube they’ll demonetize you I you should have told me that before I said it uh I didn’t know that whatever um will they really just okay [ __ ] hate that I can’t even say that wa hold my tongue dude let me hold my tongue I oh hey zombie how you doing I’ll cut your [ __ ] tongue off I like how he unmutes just to say that and then mutes again that was funny I really want to go down there but not yet there’s a m shaft down there come here come here camming I got something cool for you sure join the party Mike okay watch this watch this all right so it’s a grappling hook right okay that is not what a grappling hook does but I can also do this hold on okay it doesn’t really work that well but it’s still neat yeah it’s neat for man so basically it it it it’s like a grappling hook except it’s a mining gun I’m going to die don’t die fry and he died getting bombarded by bugs and little naps I don’t even know how the [ __ ] they got in here what they’re like going to I will kill let me just invite the entire IND group so that Mike can join the cool thing about the um the whatever they are uh gravestones is you don’t have to really rush to get your [ __ ] oh they’re amazing oh there are diamonds down there oh I see them we can’t get them yet though not exactly yet but soon how you doing Mike good to see you make sure you’re voice yes we can I got him I got him I got him with the with the drill gun with the drill gun okay make sure that your voice sharing thing is allowed I don’t have my capture card set up cuz I need a new mic for it so I’m streaming on Playstation just you know so the streamy wey can hear you I need assistance I need assistance I need assistance I uh hold on never wait hold on I’m I’m going to be cheat wait okay never again will I do that that’s a baby zombie that’s a baby zombie a oh my God oh my God go go go go go go go go go go go include your mic’s audio stop teleporting so where do I go sorry I’ll stop stop click which setting let me just see if they can hear you first click which set no you’re good they can hear you you don’t have to do anything show you they’re down there all right um Minecrafting craft Minecraft giraff craft yes all of the above hey what I said what I said in the chat I meant that it’s on hard that’s why what the [ __ ] yeah I I didn’t do that I always put it on normal or easy what do you mean you’re serious about what I’m sorry wait what I put it on easy just because we have extra mobs to fight that we never had before I’ll bump there’s nothing wrong with playing easy sorry what Mike you serious about what Munch man now that porn that porn addiction okay well that’s good yeah that’s my testimony what do you mean I mean so if I I may have to take it back to when uh when I was struggling but I discovered some self-help videos permission to make a diamond picka Christian improv videos and then that’s when I started reading the Baba on my own you know I looked up looked up some scripture okay about sexual immorality I it took me like a year just to like get over get over that habit but F I can’t speak much on that cuz I don’t really know too much about testimonies but I feel like a testimony is a little more than that but I mean I’m not like dissing anything you told me I’m just saying good job though very good job where are you at where are you at you have all the resources I am up at surface in I never cared I never cared more resources no kidding but then I just discovered like I literally discovered a self-improvement chrisan video on my own and that’s what that planted the seed of me to research that stuff that’s good time I do that I promise I promise and I believe that’s not a coincidence no kidding [ __ ] no it’s definitely not a coincidence okay there’s a witch K it I don’t know why I said that I feel look staying home but you know I might be wrong with that I mean I do pray and read who what was that what is that whoa yo what yo manote he dropped a manote it’s in my hands I don’t know what that is look look like a spirit can I get an invite oh you want to play yep H yeah dude’s we need wood yeah that’s why I came up here I was going to get wood and sheep but I didn’t realize it was night time heyit did I tell that I told you that I graduated so I don’t go to school anymore oh oh you’re done with school yeah so you’re GNA be on more perhaps I mean I I’m G to be working every weekends though oh days what the [ __ ] was that one thing I want to do though I want to learn how to drive damn bro but I haven’t found that freaking permit book yet oh dude it’s it’s easy I promise I’m just following the what’s it called find her you why what oh oh oh both of them both of them I know there two of them keep running yeah that’s great I just got hit with the slowness Arrow chewing on Gummy Bears what the heck man to the water to the water this is going to all right I’m back this going to suck I’m so bored I’m just snacking on Gummy Bears no did you finish episode too yeah it was all right I like it I mean I think I like it more because I didn’t have my hopes through the roof like like I told everyone cuz like I was excited for the show I was excited for the show but I didn’t want to have my hopes too high in case it was terrible but I think I’m satisfied invite me to crap inite me to craft I got you just a second I think it captures pretty well like what the Jedi are especially during that time like they’re starting to let politics affect them their decisions and [ __ ] you know it’s good I think it’s good this way yeah like the one part where his in the name of the galactic Senate and the Republic you want to arrest like the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well mind good 100 years before The Phantom Menace it’s 100 years before the Empire so a 100 years before EMP yeah but it’s before the Republic the Republic is still around yes 100 years before your mom’s Imperial Phantom Menace it’s probably like 80 years 70 years before the Phantom menus o wait where’s our cave at right behind me are those flamingos all right invite me to craft Cory invite me to craft all right let me get my stuff back real quick and I got you we’re still going to make that one Mansion our home right yeah but I’m in a different world at the moment this is this is fun actually it’s mods but it’s not like an abundance of them where it won’t let you join hold on let me invite you and Mike it’s cuz you’re playing on a freaking piece of trash what is he playing on Xbox One Xbox 360 no Xbox One Xbox 360 would be horrible uh Mike are you appearing offline um let me check hey oh wait hold on no I’m no I’m online [ __ ] it dude to an Xbox that was only 50 bucks Jesus Christ yeah I don’t see you Mike the heck wait what’s your Microsoft name is it air soda with me yeah no it’s on the clock mic on the clock mic that’s right I don’t see you here let me just change my status and re all my [ __ ] stupid I got to get rid of that dude okay why am I what the heck I like change back to that skin did you get the invite Parker oh yeah I’m joining in downloading and joining five of 11 oh damn okay imagine drinking warm water during a hot day found our warm water yep server sent broken package no joke you you more hydrated or you be more hydrated that’s the reality well whether you drink colder warm water going to be hydrated invite me again I mean I Dr both I after I work out I drink cold water mixed with some vitamin C juice and then hot water I just drink just to hydrate myself more vitamin C juice what is that vam freaking it’s one of those um exercise um it’s just vitamin C Powers it’s fruit powders like an orange a orange powder mix with vitamin C and zinc in it yeah drink Oh okay that’s cool that’s cool Now where’s the crafting stable stuff Andi oh you down there yeah I’m trying to find the ski I have another piece of wool so we can make our beds take her pillow what about a pillow [ __ ] n it’s on the Minecraft title like take her pillow like yellow words on the Minecraft title oh no mods are [ __ ] on this game they just don’t work at all it won’t still let me join so it took me like three four tries so invite me again I got you hey look look look I it’s going to be annoying but hear me out once you download it you’ll never have to do it again as long as you don’t delete Minecraft and I promise you it’ll be worth it yeah it’s pretty fun The Road Less Traveled man that’s how it goes where is our stuff I see it that’s a crab oh you didn’t find me yet dang it now it’s just telling me unable to connect the world invite me again you found Isaiah but not me dang it I think I found your stuff I need chest yeah I can’t invite you Mike download and join oh damn I needed some of those logs [ __ ] oh well I’ll go back up uh bring some logs down here if you will AC some what uh logs wooden logs I only have four and I’m running for my life four is actually the exact number that I need so kerit how you doing here come it oh I was expecting that but hey um what’s up uh where’s that stone do you have any smooth Stone what is that a Red Feather pink feather I got a lot of deep slate and uh here grab this this is yours glass furnace and all right we’re good on that yo Kermit you want to play some modcraft [ __ ] no what hey do you have do we have any iron otherwise I’m going to have to use these diamonds to make yeah why would I play modcraft When the new [ __ ] Destiny 2 expansions here huh I don’t know yeah Cory’s not going to play cuz he doesn’t like Destiny so can I oh my God I mean it’s all right I don’t hate it it be nice to play Minecraft on computer now it’s loading server good I think you’re in [ __ ] it we’re we’re close enough I got to make a s of the demand I’m sorry we will find more I had iron oh my God this dude we will find more that’s great this is great marmalade is here Isaiah see if you can invite Mike I can’t invite him Centrist how you doing dude I haven’t seen you in a while I really like acolyte no I mean you can talk about it I’ve seen it I’ve seen it I like it too man I like it too oh my goodness dude uses my beat and the other dude’s beat come on now that’s a baby zombie he’s com me dude those are me oh my [ __ ] dude my God wait what happened marmalade marmalade marmalade come to me come to me come to me look at me look this we got to be quick you got to be quick this right here is a gravestone finder when you die you get one of these you left click on it and it tells you where to go and it says it say northeast south or west now to figure that out you have to look up at the Sun or you just start walking in a direction and if the numbers going up you just turn around and if it starts going down you’re going in the right way that’s what I tried that like yes that’s East so that’s West we go this way all right run with me run with me let’s gock block my child what is this oh that’s a glitched item okay you what damage you take you took two damage yeah yeah there’s damage indicators we’re playing modded it’s pretty cool that’s pry and there’s a bald eagle right there couple bald eagle yep wow all right I’m making a bed for me all right um find any sheep we have to eat their souls um should we should we put it down in no we’re not going to put it in the cave yet we’re going to wait hey Mar steal every animal you uh you find yeah just grab some wood from a tree and make a wooden sword and just smack them how’s it going epic by the way I’m okay yeah I’m doing all right man I am currently looking for a job I had a job opportunity just run just run just run that’s a I don’t know what that is I had a job opportunity lined up with a friend but uh I think it fell out they don’t need anybody else at the moment I had an interview and everything and it it seemed to have G pretty well but um I had to start looking for something else which is fine you know it happens don’t work at Walmart anymore why not I was actually thinking about being an overnight stalker at Walmart because I think they make around 18 bucks an hour hour north north this way I think right here is a good place to put the bed spawn point has been set good good good good oh all right you dropped something you dropped something I know I know I know I know TG epic Hello friends welcome welcome to my laboratory it’s so good to see you again dude oh no no I no I st working at Walmart I want to go back though think it be good just smack the butterfly work there as a part-time associate yeah I’m thinking is if I’m going to go I’m probably going to try to get fulltime cuz I want the money and I want the benefits too I found two sheep two sheep murdering them murdering them all right they have been murdered I need more I need more give me more wait Isaiah yeah uh check your invite thingy see if you can invite Mike CU I don’t see his name if if not I’ll leave and join back and try to invite him cuz for some reason he just doesn’t exist for me nope can’t find him all right AC see you’re going to have to reinvite me okay parttime people can still get the benefits oh I didn’t know that I thought it was only fulltime oh wait never mind I see your world I don’t have I don’t even need an invite that’s [Applause] good either way I probably want fulltime just for the extra money be good full time huh yeah yeah I’m I’m I’m about to grind dude I’m trying to get out you know get things going and get get stuff out there five days a week probably yeah bro I tried I tried asking my boss that and but then they day staff is full so I’m sticking where do you where do you work again bro do you really know where well I live I forget I don’t talk to you much anymore you never no uh what do you I’m a maintenance I am a maintenance worker that cleans Outdoors where at uh how much money do you make an hour um there’s a shift in my stuff now so I’m I’m not sure if I should say that I’m going to try to send you a friend reest I assure you I make a decent amount D you realize none of us work with you so what’s it matter if you say what you make or not that’s true okay did you get that mic I just sent you a friend request on Minecraft Minecraft yo this drill is amazing dude let me let me try toite you now crap simple men trying to make a way gy yeah it won’t work the fudge like your name just doesn’t show up unless there’s I think there’s a way to do it in the I mean my stuff aha invite to game uh okay never mind I can’t do that whatever I’ll have to download Xbox no it might it should have worked it says you’re my friend now on Microsoft so let me see that’s very um yeah sign in crap I got I got to remember my stuff no I don’t think you might not need to do that hold on give me a second yep I see you tell me if you got that yes there you go make sure when you join you hit download and join it’s going to ask you that that’s a crab that’s a spider show my notifications let me check you better the [ __ ] all right I have um three wool so I have enough for another bed just in case someone needs it I need bed oh my [ __ ] dude I’m at three hearts three hunger where’s the cave is your like is your Microsoft um TG um epic yeah did you get the invite I sent you an invite I mean I did but but how to join it oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait notifications of Minecraft that too or when I when I okay when I send the invite you press the touchpad when you see it pop up you just press the touchpad okay I don’t know where the cave is I’m lost okay emergency TP no no what’s your cords negative 400 yeah yeah okay um so the other coordinate is literally zero so yeah just negative 400 that’s super easy to remember I’ve I’ve used the drill to do some tunneling and make house can I gety just in case yeah let me not die real quick I’m actually like about to die and I don’t want to and I’m going to be upset if I do I’ve come such a long way I can do emergency cell slore I don’t like cheating it’s mods it’s acceptable when we were about to die and don’t understand the game no it’s not you got to you just got to figure it out you figure it out uh I’ll join if one of you gets like tinker’s construct or something Tinker construct oh yeah that’s why I said join you [ __ ] no I’m dead serious it’s it’s on here I don’t remember what it is but I remember watching like Sunday play with that mod so what what pisses me off is that it’s a free mod and now you have to [ __ ] pay for it you do [ __ ] on PC all these on PC it’s free [ __ ] me dude whatever oh that’s right I had a bed I don’t okay all right I should have just let myself die anyways so it’s this way all right keep keep on or something here no it’s not but we have the gravestones just for that what there we go yep I got it I got it oh my God oh my God I need a bed ASAP well I got to get my stuff first so it’s across the water nope it’s this way I can’t run it’s this way touch P here we go okay I was so confused too hot to free so I go this way again at least I can run and have hunger and stuff I can’t run I am out of hunger or out of food son of a [ __ ] dude I’m getting mobbed I’m getting mobbed where you at in the cave yep I mean a little area as a house Isaiah come over here I will help I have no at all I have okay come down here come down here come down here over here this s down the water down the water down the [Music] water okay why what’s the mo why were you moaning just now buddy I I enjoyed it personally where’ you go this way this way this know where you went look for my name you see my name blast sh we’re playing Minecraft good sir you’re going to want to my sword broke [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I have one heart I have one heart I have three hearts oh my God okay I got to put I got to cook this food like now dude would like a 180 crafting all of the stuffs and just for the the level 13 to I had a cooked pork chop this entire time my God a baby zombie a baby zombie no okay uh take the coal out of here put the coal into here you doing on Minecraft modded Modded Survival Modded Survival Tinker construct uh crabs and and and and aot uh le le leopards leopards leopards and and and bald eagles and and [ __ ] moaning that’s AC that’s AC here is here I already have some no no all right that that’s like really really loud yeah I muted him I couldn’t do that I don’t know what this wait AC did you do that hiccup impression the [ __ ] are you talking about Mike no like freaking from Dreamworks Dragons something like that or how to ji Your Dragon I don’t know what been sniffing too much no one here knows what the [ __ ] you’re talking about M what the hell are you talking talking about Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon I don’t remember I don’t I don’t remember who hiccup is so I haven’t seen that movie in a long time [ __ ] Toothless Toothless is owner his name is hiccup the [ __ ] his name is hiccup not even kidding I didn’t know that that sounds weird no I think um I think Mike’s been watching too much of the uh peacock story what what really don’t remember the PE no I do I do I was just like what I don’t I just don’t live with them anymore good good you freaking murder those stupid bastards yeah you do yeah you do it’s in your basement he’s in your basement shut up he’s in your basement you don’t have a basement where you going to keep all the hostages you’ve got a you’ve got a peacock me area and it’s in your shed I barely see them AC are you good [ __ ] peacock mating area just so he can understand the Life Choices he made oh my God I okay me too we need torches dude I need to go find more coal this okay this is a bad idea setting up inside this cave we should have set up stacks of coal I’m going to need you to rise for a minute the crab drop oh Minecraft girlfriend will just kill me so the crabs drop raw crab meat so there there’s crabs in that mod yeah are you still downloading are you downloading the stuff Mike yeah I’m still downloading that’s fine Dam imagine using that peacock WiFi shot shot yo Cory yep one second had to create a little Dam and I’m going to cover this hole as well cuz it’s annoying I’m never ever going to build another origin stuff for [ __ ] n ever again why what happened yo Scott it’s good to see you bro it’s been a minute how you doing I crafted I crafted I crafted the fire stuff yeah then I crafted the wood stuff then I crafted the lightning stuff upgraded every single one until the light stuff cuz the [ __ ] Noob had it uhhuh here is here n decides to grab my stuff I’m just [ __ ] upgraded man takes my stuff how do you take someone’s stuff I don’t know origin if you place it if you place it back like choosing of stuff or you get rid of the weapon the stuff you’re holding it goes to the pedestal so the guy can just basically grab it kind of like the trading table on rev not really bit like the B from play that can I get over here is with this oh it pushed me to him okay what’s in the chest oh oh I’m never playing with randoms ever again I’m generous by giving them his stuff so then I can upgrade the other one cuz it just rage quick cuz of went down what happened to Kermit I miss him oh no he just left all of a sudden I don’t know why we’re going to put some torches over here we are not dealing with this stop no it’s fine uh go go ahead and relocate everything uh probably had a bad day follow me follow me we have torches we have torches now so we don’t need to relocate I know follow follow me follow me following I’m following I’m following I’m just placing more torches okay when you get close of these you have to aim up aim in the center block but aim to the to the middle and then left trigger left trigger left trigger make room my god listen to me listen to me you got to get close to it aim up towards the the like the top the middle block but the top of the middle block and then it’ll do a perfect even iron I it doesn’t matter how I want that I want that thing I want that is there only two is there a third one let me check the chest hold on yeah there’s only two oh we we got it from this little dude that like was kept attacking us with it so I mean oh wait no there’s a third one here Isaiah here here you go press uh L2 and you can like destroy many things this is going to be fun we can literally carve out a little house with this or like a entire I just like w oh my God you went far you can tell I’m tired the factu I’m just listening to processing Minecraft in my [ __ ] brain I can I can tell that you’re tired I can hear it is it night at the UK like it’s [ __ ] more than you idiot well I’m so ignorant no you need some blell that’s what you need this thing has no durability then how is it that I graduated from high school with with freaking Awards mate thow up th up doubt it don’t y’all get into a piss match well I’m this is actually insane to be crackhead Miner what dude look at are you wait are you still loading into the game Mike yeah I’m still loading what you said crack did it freeze no no no I’m still I don’t I think the load froze for a while I don’t know cancel it cancel it and join again it happened to me you got to you got to retry it me alone oh my God that is nuts wait I thought you just died I found a m shaft didn’t you just die bed oh okay where’s your bed at when I join I might want to build a house well so far we live in a cave I know not the most economical thing but actually yeah it is I mean we can get creative and build something out of the cave if I should watch me uh tutorial did you cancel and rejoin yes I’m restarted do you need another invite or Diamond I only got 37.9 down yeah but if it if it froze Diamond bro uhhuh I found diamonds not diamond oh well I have a diamond oh well if that’s your have any diamonds you picked up my diamonds I think okay we are in B okay don’t dig any more tunnels I’m going to be digging for days I know I lost my stuff we dig too many I will lose forever I need help to find stuff y’all want to do the one block M strip no we have a thing that like this this tool with the mods that like breaks like nine blocks at a time dude and it has no durability you just you could just Spam it yeah it’s crazy bro all right I have 36 iron now I know the quickest way to strip mine no kidding oh this is the quickest way to strip mine trust me why you stripping yeah you got to chill out with the stripping man you don’t mean it like that come on strip your club we know what you meant know what you meant Kelly don’t even go there on I’m just eating the traditional British Cuisine e how did that just happen all right uh I just did on accident oh you used human children yeah that’s fine children what the I need to put some stuff some stuff in here it’s probably going to be full continue your mining we got to make another chest dang taking a while yeah we need to go ahead and set up like a massive industry for this [ __ ] I’m going to make go move wait go ahead and move some of this stuff down here I carved out a little oh no you destroyed my area I carved out never mind I’m going to carve out a new area that we will not destroy oh there’s one of the dudes he’s already drilling into the thing wait are you are you loading in again again Mike or do you need another invite probably another an invite I was drinking water I can tell big man and I can’t invite you again okay this is I’ll be back I got to I got to I don’t know why Minecraft does this it’s annoying [Applause] I do agree with that statement on so many so many levels what the [ __ ] I’m sorry no I’m doing the zombie villager with their voice is deep [Music] [Applause] like Mike do that thing with your mouth no hey girl do that thing your mouth do yeah do that thing your mouth do Mike no do what you know that that like weird like noise that sounds like you’re like I don’t want to say it but it’s like like not even that like I don’t know I can’t do it [Laughter] I how do you do that I carve I carved out a little area for to put all ow [ __ ] hell okay all right Mike I sent you another invite I sent you another invite join up yes you mean hey can you help me start moving stuff in here please I’m backing you at all what the is that you talking to your pigeons again pigeons they’re peacocks my friend I don’t know I’m too he’s like I don’t even know anymore shut the [ __ ] up Jesus go back to SoundCloud you p piece of [ __ ] go back to SoundCloud I might drop a few on Soundcloud someday you should actually start like you don’t have to like do it like very often but okay so like here let me I’ll put it like this Mike if I asked you to feature on a song with me would you do it your answer to this question depends on the future of our exist okay good God can’t even sign into [ __ ] Microsoft one are you trying to join are you try no I’m just trying to sign in Microsoft while numbing on Scotch I was throwing that away to join we don’t need any Cobblestone we can get cobblestone could I be a CO producer send yeah but I still want you to do a verse once in a while I mean obviously if you don’t want to it’s fine I’m not going to force you but I’m just saying I think obviously that song you made about Jesus dude you’ve gotten way I want to start making uh I want to use Cobblestone deep slate for most of our build stuff while we’re down Blaster shot is a SoundCloud rapper and he still needs to make Blaster shot still needs to make a second Epic 2 302 diss track Blaster shot hasn’t made the second diss track on me and he won’t do it because he’s too scared and then we’re not even done with round three which was going to be sick like Erb G what the [ __ ] do you mean it’s already logged in okay I have returned with wood how are you guys doing what pretty good um hey AC I need what if I just walked up to all this stuff right here where’s the smoker uh we’re we’re relocating everything in here oh I so confused all right oh wait there is iron in this corner hold on let me store the chest all right I have two extra chests okay what is hitting me what is hitting me that’s a zombie villager we need to light it up in here according to this apparently I’m already signed into a Microsoft account I have an extra bed by the way if anyone wants or needs it invite me all right let me see if I can find your name unlike Mike there you are Place bed and I will use I’m getting frustrated I’m just going to do the invite system cuz I thought you had a bed yeah I do not oh what okay you said you did earlier I know I was messing I teleported you [ __ ] all right your bed will be right I don’t like I don’t like doing it I just don’t have a choice Cory there here over and over invites all right I’m going to move the rest of the stuff I’ll move the rest of the stuff don’t worry nothing’s what what Blaster shot 2002 right I’m going to go on PC AR I have all the ore stuff and I’m consolidating it all but I’m not stealing Mike are you joining on Playstation invite me on Playstation I did fre really I I thought [ __ ] hate this game dude this game is trash the way you playing it cuz it’s a great game what are you talking about make no [ __ ] sense all right you just said this game is trash and then you said it was a great game it is it’s a wonderful game it’s the greatest game I’ve ever lived we sometimes contradict each other stat are correct better than Minecraft sitting here eating Scotch eggs while trying to figure out why the [ __ ] it’s not loading do I even want to know what a scotch egg is it’s British Cuisine my friend British Cuisine yeah sounds lovely yeah you don’t have to be like a you don’t have to be a peacock suar like Mike do understand what a peck shagger there you go much better looking C there you go good boy yes uh yes uh look at our loot someone invite me look at our loot [ __ ] bored here well if that stuff saying over there I might as well move these things over there too right someone invite me to the party I don’t know if I can do that I tried earlier and it wouldn’t pop up with the game it popped up with fortnite and freaking pool Blitz yeah it won’t let me this is a joke wait what if you no you can’t do that either okay [ __ ] I just invited you again and again and again nope oh my God it’s [ __ ] PC I’m I’m going to kill AC put the put the game on friends of friends and then make it to where anyone who joins it yeah okay I don’t know what to tell you big blast what the heck does a British Cuisine looks like there’s so much exles yeah well you’d have to just figure it out I guess [Music] uh wow dude like what the heck is this I guess that works if you searched a British cine I’m going to kill myself he did he 100% did can someone go through that chest and get well I guess did I’m going to I’m going to shove a potato skin Su far down your all right so it involves potatoes that’s good it involves potatoes H you and your British quis I couldn’t help it h you never can can you boy can’t be to [ __ ] load up this game anymore why do we have so many wood tools who’s done this to us I I did at the beginning of the game because I needed H oh my God we have a plenty of iron dude like an abundance of it if this does not work I’m just going to play called it takes a couple tries do you need another invite or what there I’m keep doing it trust me it takes a few tries uh uh why are you doing that sound don’t want to hear that what the hell is so funny hey why are you separate what what what what what what I thought that was a special chest yeah so I put any special items in there oh no I’m just not not special I just put ores and stuff in here yeah like anything special yeah we can we can use copper in this one copper has uses with this mod I gave copper God it’s moded I’m used to Copper being useless necessary yeah I’m used to Copper being useless including leather we need leather strings so like stuff for bow and arrows too British steak think think of that kind of stuff in Bones AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC thank you is how mix steak what the heck uh Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah I have more coming wor there’s more coming don’t worry stop searching up British food you do not I’m I’m going to make a pick not for me but just I’m making a diamond pick just in case we come across something that needs it not specifically for anyone just a an Emergency pick okay back in the chest well it needs to go on mining trips but yeah you get it all right this is beautiful makes that is purple on the inside what the heck what is purple on the inside some steak I’m looking at okay dude you don’t understand British Cuisine if you keep talking your Smash Mouth I will shove it down your throat so what what okay we can we can end this right now Blaster Mike Blaster what are you what are you eating what does the plate of food consist of just out of curiosity I have no idea what that is sausage okay sounds good okay scch boom quisine Cuisine the T try to fold it the pole can’t take it bro they deep fried eggs that’s what Scott’s egg looks like what the heck dude you you never deep fried a freaking egg no I’ve never seen stuff like that before you’re a [ __ ] you poor child you poor child your mother does like I live under a freaking rock or something tell me dude you’ve been living under a rock wait that’s not wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no wait that does not look like the Fri at eyes it’s more what the heck did I put in there thing you must be looking at the wrong thing cuz I in British oh throw Flint in here too I mean what’s what is the outer exterior of this one what is this I am going down to the unexplored sections of this cave [ __ ] that sounded here I’m look up I’m look at the the recipe look up the recipe why we were attack dude I cook food too you cook n you don’t even know how to cook a [ __ ] sausage shut up oh you just cook a steak though dude you just made Blaster say the N word it’s getting real now oh diamonds I found diamonds diamonds cook me some beef ribey before that was great One Singular Diamond can you give me some wood I need some wood so I can make my own chest check check the the chest check the chest near the door there should be some wood in that Scotch eggs boil egg that been W deep all right all right all right all right one at a time I don’t I don’t like when people do that I couldn’t understand a word anyone just said just now tell us smack Roat [ __ ] to stop British Cuisine smack smack Ro British Cuisine is awful you guys have like you you guys have owned so many different countries but decided to just leave the spice right y’all took the people y’all took the people but y’all left the spices that is out of put beans on toast they said that is out of order I wish I wish I could scream at you putting this books and stupid [ __ ] that I don’t [ __ ] need in these I don’t [ __ ] need this [ __ ] yeah just clear your inventory I we have more chest soon [ __ ] sausage World down your [ __ ] Fro I’m just enjoying this conversation stolen from someone else why I’m just looking at a like what the [ __ ] is this what the hell cut the something me stop oh my God I’m going to [ __ ] kill you I don’t see the problem he’s just interested in in British Cuisine British Foods did you use um spices in your Cuisine wow wow wow the only reason you said that was because AC just said something about it salt pepper cinnamon um cinnamon yeah cinnamon Mike you put cinnamon on your sausage no his people think Mayo is spicy that was a miss that was a miss that was a Miss I don’t know about that dude you deep fry your sausage and sprinkle some cinnamon on it I wouldn’t dream of it I would not dream of it no no no no no no seems like you already have the British consider mayonnaise spicy what I don’t ever remember hearing about that I don’t know about that I don’t hear about that oh maybe I’m wrong National Geographic [ __ ] have you been watching one thing oh one things for sure I never Brits Brits it was narrated by David I would hope you have never eaten a Brit before why would you eat a British person no I’m talking about the stuff you eat with bacon and eggs talking you mean grits with a G or grits grits oh I forgot Mike you said you you haven’t eaten Brits like a British person misspelling spelling misspelling how do you misspell something when you’re talking I’ll M I’ll M talk I guess m talk no you had an IRL typo the thing that I don’t understand is why would you want to even touch a British [ __ ] I’m stuck in the [ __ ] that’s not what I mean that’s not what I mean at this point we have no idea what you mean out of pocket with that at this point we have no idea what you mean yo wait a second what is an there’s error in my am I speaking pardon me oh wait nuh wait a hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I’ve never eaten grits before that’s what I met oh there was a diamond under that I have three diamonds now never eaten grits before dude what the [ __ ] are you talking about grits are good no way does it make me immune to fall damage if they have cheese if you have cheese with your grits they’re good plain grits nah they’re all right they’re not that great I have to go to Denny’s to try that I mean Denny’s grits are good Little Debbie grits everyone’s invited to an English breakfast except Mike agreed so you’re asking all these questions about a a br a British Cuisine but you you agree to not going to okay I mean I’m picky anyway so I was just okay what is that even supposed to me I bet you that I bet you’re that type of person I put salt on [ __ ] spaghetti I wouldn’t even salt on spaghetti I would never do that I have eting spaghetti but I would never put salt on that no no did you wait please tell me I didn’t hear that correctly did you say you haven’t eaten spaghetti I did but without salt I never I would never spr salt on that what the heck all right you spaghetti Salter okay okay I bet you sniff cakes I mean yeah I do that you [ __ ] cake you [ __ ] cake sniffer who doesn’t Mike I’m not mik snakes are you sniff snakes I thought I was the only one you snake kissing cake sniffer I thought I was the only one dude K cake kisser snake sniffing cake kisser M goes on [ __ ] uh Sal sniffing Doc and just dude this thing is overpowered this is ridiculous this mine tool thing no durability like that’s crazy all right I’m in the M shaft is that reason are where are you at dying miserably I don’t even see your name dude I’m kind of far away I kind of just went off on my own little Adventure is have to help you dude dude it makes fall damage immune for a minute what I can liter are you are you loading in mik I am for many times all right try it one more time if it doesn’t work then then just give it up I guess we have any W I need wo to make my own B fornite yeah I do I got another drill we should have we should have wool I already have a I already have a drill I’m to play don’t need that just put it in a chest in Cas Jedi can I attack this dude with this yeah this thing does [ __ ] damage Y where are you I’m in I’m in the M there’s a cave gun just I bought guns for the heck of it I guess you bought bundles you’re actually like degenerate Jesus Christ I don’t see nothing wrong with that I mean Diamond I have struck a diamond wrong with that and I even where’s an extra bed at coryz I don’t know uh there should be an extra in one of the chests or some wool in one of the chests hopefully maybe nope Spiderman style gra wool but there’s I need one more wool there only two w one at a time all right that’s F I don’t why is there a Boston Tea Party in the first place and oh my God now we’re talking about the Boston Tea Party dude the [ __ ] all right I’m doing another research session Mike you’re [ __ ] Mike you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] no I think he’s a bit more than that I think he’s a bit [ __ ] degenerous no so so this is why the Paul rever came riding on the horse and was like the British are coming and then we all died yes because the British came and killed us tunnel to me joking joking on representation oh my god dude I’m getting lucky the chest I have 10 diamonds now so that’s it huh or there’s more to that I now have 10 diamonds TZ what’s up [ __ ] I’m streaming by the way just letting you know we’re streaming some good old modded Minecraft sure I learned this before modded Minecraft yes sir is that PlayStation 5 yeah yeah we’re on the PS5 right now what doing just doing some survival we got like tinker’s construct and like uh some some cool stuff like different mobs and things I forgot how to get out of here this might be the way what the is oh I found it that’s been in the game that’s not modded ah so you’re gay more Diamond dude I now have 12 diamonds my God this is insane yeah no joke I drink te too what the heck I guess you were right when you made that sword you might have to grab my stuff I’m about to die I’m coming you were right though when you said we’ll find more and you made that sword um I I just got here too talk about now you I’ll stay near your stuff there use just use my stuff as need be that um that uh the instant hook the magnet hook question all fall damage temporarily magnet hook Jesus Christ hey hey hey it averts all fall damage for uh while you’re using it so you can do some crazy [ __ ] use to get back yeah the part’s filling up now boys so just uh once again try to speak one at a time mik being de generat he’s asking me if I drink tea oh my God he asked if you drink tea that is so stereotypical that’s funny I love it oh goding P I don’t mean it that way I’m just I mean you’re racist Mike do you drink tea Blaster no really hey nothing personal with that I mean but the stomach you don’t like like sweet tea green tea none of that no oh okay sweet te ain’t that healthy I I don’t even care that you’re British want to head on Destiny and try and finish just I just think te is pretty good so on sweeten te on the other hand is unsweet tea unwe tea you like unsweet tea yes I drink green tea and put honey in that get the hell out honey is a natural sugar at least it’s not freaking processed honey Honey’s good in green tea but unsweetened tea I mean you could just get raw sugar yeah I would drink that no kidding you can get just sugar in the Raw can sugar I’m going to have to dispose of some of these items here I don’t need that I don’t need that and that and that and I don’t need that and I don’t need that and that and that why don’t you go on Myer and that and that and that I will be back in less than five minutes okay I’m grabbing your stuff do it that’s a lot of stuff okay uh I don’t know what’s what so I’m just going to SMGs you’re a walking SMG did you know that at least I got a SMG ready got STD ready what the [ __ ] SMG I love you Blaster STD I heard STD bro I’m not going to lie I did not say that that’s what I heard Mike I think you need to if all of us one if all of us d if all of us heard bro just talk to us Mike if all of us heard one thing and you’re hearing something different you’re the one that needs his ears checked my friend trust me I know what I heard I honestly I haven’t got my ears clean in a while exactly dude see what I you just wow you just you literally just set yourself up you walked right into that one poor poor guy well I walk into weakness man walk into an s2d Jesus oh [ __ ] oh no oh no I fell real far down oh no I’m poisoned oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no get me out of here no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I’m traveling the tunnels I don’t care go go go I don’t care what direction I’m in I was trying to find my way out but now I don’t give a [ __ ] I’m just trying to stay alive how long does okay 15 more seconds that’s great that’s great that’s great play right here round 100 on moon round 100 on moon have you actually round 100 on moon hard mode is very tricky what are you talking what Minecraft went from talk about moon to talk [ __ ] dance wait what mode is this it’s is Hardcore hardpoint yeah oh he’s playing that oh get off absolute scum why are you playing [ __ ] Warfare you laugh at the truth Mike no I’m playing dude like there’s no rules and playing video games now what do you me there actually is like in Minecraft do you dig straight down no that’s a rule crackhead no like I don’t follow other people’s like standards of playing I mean I just play blaster weezing in the back I just play that’s it that was funny that was three bundles off the PlayStation store so I can have card points wait Mike H you’re telling me you bought stuff on Modern Warfare 3 yes and you’re the guy that said he doesn’t hop on and play video games that much anymore I mean I have no school anymore so I should occupy myself more often man I mean I’m glad you’re going to be on more but that is just wow that’s incredible tell you how to do p personal finance cuz if I really set myself up then I acknowledge that as a matter of fact Blaster school does not teach you that it’s that’s why I think school is a scam schools a scam a well at least I’m not going to college you’re not going to college that’s the best no never care to do I never cared about it either but I’m probably going to go now because I think it would still help me in some ways like I’m going to go for filming oh my God you guys can go to the peacock class oh my God wait so so Mike what do you what do you want to do in life I don’t know do some do some uh making producing yeah um I want to build a foundation after that so do I let’s work together piece of crap perhaps yeah perhaps we’ve been doing it since day one Why Stop Now hey I mean I have no other I have nothing to do anyway so TG epic and SoundCloud mic come on see he agrees you could tell I’ve had a couple be [ __ ] have you yeah ah good anip man hardcore is yeah why do you play okay I understand playing Call of Duty I understand playing multiplayer I understand but hardcore dude what’s up nigas you’re asking to you’re asking to smash that controller y um I’m going to get on my other [ __ ] account and I’mma join my other [ __ ] account okay classic just I have to get the heck out of this cave dude I’m I’m losing hunger quickly I don’t know where I’m at y’ [ __ ] sent me a bro it won’t let me uh it keep on saying that I got to join a Mojang account and that my Microsoft account is already on the PlayStation 4 and I no longer have that anymore yep oh problem what am I to do do I need to go to a different profile uh probably that’s the only way I can play online is through a different profile I don’t know why I asked you [ __ ] that so you stupid [ __ ] need to send me a friend request so I can uh join y’all game TZ I missed you man bro you know it’s TG TG for bro mhm indeed my Young Apprentice you know we need to do again TZ what’s that the Jedi Temple yeah yes yes is exactly what I was going to say bro build the Jedi Temple again acolyte bro I loved it I love the acolyte bro thank you thank you it’s actually good thank you love I loved every found more diamonds oh my God yeah I thought it was really good I thought it was really good and I have no interest in watching it cuz all will be is about oh my God women of the forest no it’s not no it’s not not freaking diet it’s an actual good instance on the here’s the thing here’s the thing there are women in it and they do use the force but it’s not like shoved down your throat for once dude it’s like there’s there’s there’s strong not even a big booty [ __ ] God well I don’t know but it’s it’s strong male Jedi dude big bulky hot buff men so go bro uh epic I don’t know which other uh profile I have you on so I’m going to go to my other uh who are you who are you sign at huh oh okay yeah I’m going to go to my other uh profile uh I’mma uh I’mma join in okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I really shouldn’t have oh my God I shouldn’t have went that far into that M shaft I got so lost now I have to staircase I back up this is so bad Isaiah you still in the world oh no he’s not oh that’s right he went to Destiny that’s right I forgot about that oh he’s not even in the party why God teammates can kill each other that’s I don’t agree with that cuz it’s hardcore stop playing hardcore if you don’t want to you’re actually sick as [ __ ] how do you not know what hardcore is you’re playing hardcore you’ve chose to play this and you complaining about no okay oh my God why is it not letting me shoot myself oh my God that’s so confusing Kelly it’s so confusing you should just try to join Minecraft again in my opinion M One V one you want Modern Warfare Zombies you zombies so yeah you definitely win I don’t play Zombies a lot shocking best game mode and just turning it down damn bro okay what if I should get the battle pass so I can use that car 98 you’re you’re disgusting why would you how does that annoy you dude come on 98k it’s literal meta in every [ __ ] CoD game you’re talking about getting the battle pass mic in Modern Warfare yeah that game’s dead as [ __ ] from what I’ve seen yeah I don’t know anymore I paid a lot of money for that addition as well I should have marked down the coordinates [ __ ] okay I’m okay here we go come on Wave gun gamer Wun gamer come on annihilate what happened that regular team death match what the heck just go to core go to TD M and play Team Deathmatch you know this is M and I’m underwater and I’m underwater Oh my God oh my God oh I’m going to drown is this a cave yeah it is oh sh you pulling my leg here come on no no no no no no no no no no no no okay I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do man I staircased all the way up here for water to come and okay cooked grenades I’m going to run out of my the heck is that my pickaxe is going to break dude I’m stuck in it in more water okay I can’t die in here cuz all my stuff will be lost come on come on come on come on come on come on come on what Black Ops 3 just bring me back to B days where just oh my God okay Wonder Weapons that actually did infinite damage whatever the round oh I have an idea rounds that were actually worth your business and this looks like I’m getting a [ __ ] power vacuum HC free for all let’s try that crap build build build build hardore freefor all that’s that’s even better where’s the hole I made where’s it at what’s up here okay why am I still drowning [ __ ] was that dude I hate this so much I’m I’m not going to survive this I am not going to survive this this is bad oh this is really bad bad news maybe I do maybe I will maybe I will maybe I will build the block place the block I’m actually so annoyed to tell you this the moon round 100 requires one oh good now you’re forced to use it wait why does it require widows oh it’s for the power ups cuz it can them Max okay I’m good if my pickaxe breaks I’m I’m good thank God I have wood and iron oh I like that map thank god dude oh my God okay let’s make a crafting table um scrapyard scrapyard that’s scrapyard again it’s the map right yeah what up freaking broken plane exterior dude I just call wait till Black Ops 6 it’s going to be much oh I know it’s going to be great dude it’s going to be great especially with gobble gums coming back I’ve actually got quite more interest now since I’ve been playing Black Ops I know I can’t wait there we go all right keep staircasing [ __ ] dude if I don’t starve to death I’m going to be surprised come on dude I’m at y35 I got to be seeing grass and dirt soon right oh I never used that gun yet I’m so glad you’re back dude I’m still I’m still in that cave that M shaft we were in I I got so lost I had to staircase up hey [ __ ] my friend request I almost drowned to death dude Fu who me accept my friend request I don’t have I don’t have a friend request from you Cesar uh you realize I’m on a I’m on a different account right this is my Minecraft account okay you’re nothing all right I’ll be back oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God I’m going to die again I’m going to drown I’m going to drown dude hold tight just hold tight oh [ __ ] I can’t even get through this oh it’s cuz it’s gravel great I think I see the surface I just need to oh my God okay how to get infinite points and block you’re still in the M right no not anymore I’m in okay I’m in a lake and I am finally on the surface oh I don’t think I’m that far okay dude I was staircasing up water came flooding through and I found out it was a water cave so I swam up and broke the top block and almost drowned to death and made a air pocket and kept digging up through that and had to build up from the bottom of the water cave it was bad it was bad I see the ice spikes over there so I should be good I don’t need two of these I’m going to kill these chickens I don’t care if I eat raw food at this point maybe you should play some I don’t know revelation yeah I will I promise okay what’s the cords Acy I think after Moon I’m going to do Kino probably going to doens my pickaxe broke too and I my coordinates thank God I had extra iron and wood or else I would have been stuck down there until you got back yeah the coordinates oh no that lag to the base I don’t really know where I’m at quickly [ __ ] possible this is not the right way no no oh it’s over here I see it I see the broken trees y I know where I’m at you’re good oh man I did it is someone in The Bu right now I that’s Minecraft water oh my God I thought there was someone in The Bu I thought was mik thought Mike was me a b instant hook what is that I would I would lower the volume on that just a tad bit that is a little loud I’m right up against it it’s not I’m not you going to be like this for much longer I was just eating for a minute and I’m going to smoke and smoke oh my God I’m home I challenge one of you to arrest around 100 on Revelation I love it whose bed was up here on the surface that was mine right all right I got to move it down hey see is that is that your bed in the um inside the base oh my God not again that’s you oh my I was not expecting that is it set to your spawn and all that that’s one of the things I need all right so I got to place my bed um where is the base it’s just water everywhere it’s up here oh is this it no that’s not it why is there less people in this game what the heck that’s right okay oh my God I got to be quick the loot good sir all right that’s going to change maybe this is not a popular mode what is that gem Steel Ingot Hammer epic you have absolutely no excuse why you have not accept my friend request this time all right let’s see all right you’re right I don’t I don’t you’re right yeah thank you goodbye yeah all right one second if if it works I mean we’ve had trouble with that that’s why Mike’s that’s why Mike’s not playing cuz sometimes um no that’s just Mike it well usually it is yeah but we I can’t see his name sometimes I have a PlayStation so does Mike yep I don’t see your name is better I don’t see your name I see your I don’t I don’t see I don’t see it Cesar it’s not there it’s not there is the most it’s not there it’s not there it’s not there no it’s on the on the Minecraft thing it’s not on Minecraft okay hold on Playstation where I this is yours this is yours yeah but I have to invite you on Minecraft I don’t know what I don’t know what else I had that was yours how did I do that can you just accept my friend request I did yeah okay then send me an invite to the party I can’t okay I would just join you you’re talking about to the party okay I thought talking about the M yes Caesar Lee King 15 okay I see that but I’m not going to be able to invite them to the game I already see that [ __ ] stupid dude need to fix their invite system huh what’s what what’s what what happened to yours what happened to yours what how you use this use it that fast uh you still get the rest of the stuff I had your I have worry communist we share everything um just put all the loot in the loot all right check this out at least do one or two one at a time please holy [ __ ] should have my Sor no don’t mute your mic just if you hear someone talking I got to set up some ground rules real quick okay everyone what number one if you hear someone talking don’t talk over them number two if you are said person talking two if you’re a said person talking don’t talk on forever shut the [ __ ] up for a second and give someone else a chance to talk fair but rules I’m not R saying for everyone in general and everyone in general did you repeat the rules again I’ll come ignore that yeah it’s fine so the first one is when if you hear someone talking don’t talk over them the rule tool rule two rule to is if you are if you were that person talking don’t talk forever get shut the [ __ ] up for a second and breathe sorry my uh the pan I just screamed down my ear could you uh repeat the thing again he’s trolling You AC he’s trolling you he was trolling you from the very beginning my my feelings are not hurt I’m moreare my feelings are not hurt I I don’t think I can you really what’s your Microsoft username I have to add you on there you really actually add me add me on Microsoft it’s TG epic 2302 YT oh my God are you [ __ ] kidding me classic yep yep TG you know you know you know how it is capital stuff no underscore it’s all just there just give me gous [ __ ] hell okay AC TG it’s my it’s my YouTube channel TG epic 2302 and then y you at the end oh God AC come here just one goes is it that hard give me give me two seconds I’m trying to adjust everyone’s volume one two all right now let’s see if I can invite you I have to leave the game and join back look in the chest with all the ores look at all the diamonds and stuff oh nice nice nice also yeah reinvite me ac reinvite me yeah all right good sorry I don’t mean to get like that when people start talking like that but it’s just such a pet peeve dude when I hear three people talking at once and I can’t understand anybody I’m like dude relax what no but I love you all you know that what why did you just say a peg what unable to connect send it again send it again it won’t work it’s only for it’s only for PS5 games for some reason it doesn’t make any sense I I’ll have to invite you hopefully when I load into the world it your name pops up this time because we’re now Microsoft friends and it should work Loca server I’m joining now it’s just it’s annoying Minecraft’s annoying now you can’t just simply invite people you have to go through a whole process but at least you can play crossplatform so what do you mean Minecraft’s amazing I love minecra no the game is the game is fun great time until the bill the big bullies Microsoft and Stony came and stuck their dicks in everyone’s sand castles the game is fun and they said no more fun give me all your lunch money annoy inviting people was annoying and yeah see you’re not dude Fu you that’s what I’m saying dude I don’t see you little boy and I just want to play and have fun dear [ __ ] dude I’m all right all right what’s your what’s your Microsoft name TZ let me try to figure this out if you look if you go on the is it MTG TZ with two Z’s or MTG space all right I added you now let’s see if it’ll work [ __ ] me in the ass dude okay one more time AC one more time yeah also um if this works and you I do wind up inviting you when you join make sure you press download and join that way you’ll play you’ll have you’ll have the mods and stuff just hoping this works while we’re in Big C or well not Big C EXC me Big C while we’re doing this I’m going to hop in Big C not to spawn anything in but I just want to go ahead and look through what is available yeah [Laughter] wait really oh my God you’re it’s it’s crazy multiplayer no that’s insane dude I thought you had played a little bit since then oh dude 2018 right dude I was not in elementary was something I was like just out of middle school I think sugar relationship yeah I was in high school too now see the thing is how old are you TZ now okay yeah I’m I’ll be 22 in October so yeah okay you’re like 2 years older no that’s crazy that’s crazy dude cuzz I still remember playing remember Frank survival and you were freestyling on the stream y tell you should watch you should listen to My Beats we built the Jedi Temple together that was your world yeah that was yours remember the Titanic remember the Titanic um remember dude I still have the clip on my channel when you first joined the world and you couldn’t believe I built it you were like no no this is no this isn’t you this is a seed or something this ain’t you I was like yeah this me I was like laughing my ass off dude dude I have it’s in the 2018 rewind maybe 2019 I think it’s 2018 it’s still on my channel so I’m making stripp F goes mining for strippers mining for strippers H why are there blocks of lapis what the hell what is this oh I’m just warning you it might freeze while it’s loading no it it did it for me it did it for me so it might do it for you no I have a PS5 yeah yeah know we have we had disposable income yeah I have very disposable income at the moment I have no bills to pay except for soon when I hopefully land this job I’m going to be having to pay a car insurance and that’s about it so yeah so I can literally literally save most of my money and buy whatever I need or want like and the most like I see like no offense to anybody that does do these things but I see some people like some like one of my friends like shoes so he’ll he’ll drop 200 on a pair of shoes and I or like one person or he’ll like spend like 3,000 on Pokemon cards or someone else spends like hundreds of dollars on Legos I’m not not I’m not dropping any names but these are some of my friends they you $100,000 hund couple hundred on Legos wait a second do you mean huh I know you mean you’re talking about it about who I don’t know anyways um they buy these things that don’t last that long and I respect it because it’s something they love but I’m going to be buying stuff like a new microphone for recording music you know filming equipment props whatever I need costumes that will help me with my future you know and I can actually what the heck what the heck AC what I know what the the little blue Soul looking Mano manote things are for oh my God what the heck whoa whoa what yeah you have to cancel it and try it again restart start yeah it’ll do that a few times it’s going to be annoying but I promise you it’s my God AC I’m on my way oh [ __ ] that’s cool the strip mine is big oh that’s cool oh that’s really cool Mana cookie what mind potion okay what are those copper what is that okay I’m about to make some copper stuff here why is there who who did that okay dude I don’t want to tell you what I just found out but I’m going to drop I got drop a dump off we need need more chests again yeah I figured sry no it’s fine we have a lot of stuff okay this needs to go over here oh that’s already filled up okay that’s filled up too oh wait no there’s they’re both filled all right so um this cuz I knowwhere else oh there’s another chest over here yeah but that has those things in it here here um wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood chest chest chest chest chest that’s a bowl why did I just make start we need to try to uh [ __ ] hey Bella what’s up C I just made a how many wood could how much wood could what trck trck I messed that up terribly a wood chest wood that’s interesting never heard that new chest new chest new chest has been placed Peter Piper picked a pair of pick pickled peckers Peter Piper picked a pair of pick [Laughter] wait what oh my God that shouldn’t have been as funny as it was that’s that’s insane I love that God I love that a lot hey uh AC do you want oh what’s this illuminate AC take this what oh [Laughter] Magic yeah oh it’s a staff yo y That’s cool as [ __ ] wait okay hold on there’s more there’s more there’s more I can make uh this I don’t know what it does but oh you have oh it does not just a one time use you here’s another one here’s another one wait do it again I thought it would like destroy sh illuminate dude that’s so cool wait a second dude wait let me let me tell you all the ones there are come here follow me oh my godman you are you’re a you got you got no there’s oh there was more than that where’d they go whoa coppered emerald coppered diamond or orite Ingot pyronite inot dude it’s a lux right Ingot gold Steel Ingot coppered netherite Ingot coppered iron inot what the [ __ ] it puts [ __ ] torches dude look come here come here come here wait what look look look they’re not torches but like okay so come in here lights up the area look oh oh dang it and you can do more than one oh yeah so the Mana charges so this is infinite yeah oh my God that’s not fair I promise you it will it just takes time dude I’ve dealt with it before I promise you it will annoying it’s incredibly annoying like you were it think of it like the The Road Less Traveled you’re putting the work in put going through all the brush and then at the end of it you get one hell of a damn reward it’s true I need more Mana I want to cuz I can’t see the rest of the spell thingies without it son of a [ __ ] dude yeah so this is something this is something copper was useful for yeah if it freezes then yeah or if it gives you an arrow error yeah copper rods or whatever they were help me get the liting hey if if it freezes listen listen listen if it freezes though wait a little bit before canceling cuz it might just be loading oh I just blasted one of those minor dudes with the lightning dude that was crazy oh my god dude I have a lightning staff seems like if you use the uh the the the staff sparingly they don’t lose Mana at all oh that’s so cool dude that is freaking sick okay the light the light one though impossible oh wait I know how to I know how to check that I know how to check that hold on do you have any food wait Cory Cory Mana is how much magic you have in general it works through all St all staffs all staffs I know I know I I figured that one out pretty early cuz like no I didn’t mean that in the mean way cuz like if you use the Lightning staff and then switch to the illuminate one it it it’s it’s recharging the same amount of Mana so hold on let’s recharge my man what I will what is that instant instant hook use the hook to control fire thrust you towards where it hit wait what it it’s figh yeah okay and it averts fall damage when you use it to so just go ahead it no I still I still took fall damage hold the trigger hold the trigger oh yeah I took a lot of fall damage hey where the [ __ ] did mine go what the hell no is it gone is that the you got of the chest yeah yeah I saw it in a chest yeah it’s over here okay never mind never mind yeah you can use that as much as you want where’s do you have any food I’m like dead okay we can we can use this to get to the surface and slingshot ourselves and there’s actually the normal grappling hook can be used to uh well I’m not hly right figure it out there’s a T TNT one that’s like this one but it blows [ __ ] up which is helpful too all right I’m going to tell you all the spells that they have real quick let me look in the crafting table and you’re going to be like what cuz I saw a good few of them so are you enjoying yourself with this mhm mhm you know how much money I’ve put in in all these add-ons probably a decent bit stencil table part Builder what the close to 50 $60 okay that’s not to block of Queens slime okay neat abis salad aite okay so you can make all these different weapons and armor okay all right you ready for this I’m going to tell you how they’re crafted too spell Ender blight you need n Rods and Ender eye and obviously Mana Fireball which is two blaze rods and a flint and steel gravity Vortex which is um the pris the the I don’t know what that like the the the um I I think and then like a Deep Dark Shard thing so that’s hard to get but it’s probably really powerful ice blast which is uh two ice blocks and a snowball with Mana all these have Mana illuminate we got that one levitation which is a feather a book and a gold ingot Time Warp oh Time Warp which is two ender pearls and a clock summon minion which is endstone Obsidian and nether rack return return which is a book a bed and a ender pearl push two sticks and an emerald which is probably like force push or some [ __ ] polymorph which is the um what are those purple blocks that make the dinging sounds amethyst amethyst Shard and two gold ingots mind burst which is two iron pickaxes and a TNT block lightning we got that one Whirlwind which is two two lapis and one feather and then this one is the one that I was really interested in wither skulls two bones and a Nether Star so you got to kill the Wither for that okay sounds pretty insane to me it sounds pretty [ __ ] fun what time is it it’s time dude Mike it’s 157 you are correct I know I’m correct I’m outside your window is it frozen again yeah you just got only wait about only wait about five minutes only wait about five or no only about pig iron inot what the [ __ ] yeah at most just just so you’re not sitting there because sometimes it does freeze and it’s not loading so okay you know all those little hook devices that we have like the mining hook and all that so you got block hook Bridge hook instant hook we got that grappling hook floating hook fishing hook the bridge hook act literally spawns an entire Bridge farming hook explo exposive hook Diamond hook mining hook mob hook and multi hook you can craft these things too you just need a grappling hook which is a uh what is that a trip wire string Redstone and iron wait oh wait wait oh these are these are cheap mostly how do you wait a second how do you make a how do you make a how do you make a trip wire hook yeah uh you literally just I don’t know how to make a hook but you make trip wire just by uh oh you need Str iron ingot stin iron ingot stick and Oak Oak log Oak plank do you have any food I’m like about to die I don’t have any food does anybody know what a c grenade is if you I know all I know is that if you cook a grenade it means you’re holding it until when it’s when it’s about to explode that’s all I know oh okay I have trip wire hooks I have four of them all right make a gra I want to test the grappling hook before we turn it into something else I need more Redstone that’s not what I meant to do uh okay oh oh okay Bridge hook well no you want to make you want to test it first yeah but uh the bridge Hook is probably what we’re making how do I make more of these I forgot already [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I need string okay I’m looking there’s someone here all right I’ll make two grappling hooks I can make whatever here we’re probably going to have to kill ourselves and to get our health and [ __ ] back all right dang it I almost killed him huh it didn’t do anything come here [ __ ] where you go here where you go huh I am trying to there we go oh now you had to go get your stuff back I could have killed oh wait dude this is actually so cool yes all right need some light brother yes thank you sir look at that okay um I thought see I mean I like like that it’s infinite but I feel like it be I feel like it’ be more fair if you actually need Mana in your inventory to not run out if that makes sense for it to at least recharge but I mean I’m not using you’re using your body’s energy n all right yeah okay grappling hook here we go oh you have a grapping hook too yeah I made to so if I do this assuming oh swing yes yeah okay you can swing that’s cool this that’s cool see that dude yeah you see wait hold on hold Holdman oh no oh no oh no what’s happening what the it’s so glitchy what the heck what the heck what the hell dude did my stuff fall everywhere where’s my grave it’s up in the sky bro sometimes they get stuck no all my all my stuff fell out I have no grave all my stuff’s laying on the ground and different spaded places what the [ __ ] dude that was that was that was that was [ __ ] Wicked I don’t even know how to describe what just happened that was [ __ ] cool my stuff is everywhere dude I started spag [Music] oh my God whatever happened let’s not do it again no no sir no ma’am that that was that was genuinely absolutely [ __ ] hilarious I know I didn’t know what to do I got I got your light spell okay I think I have mostly everything that I had yeah pretty much dude what the [ __ ] just happened don’t forget your light spell you’re illuminate okay I don’t know how I feel about the grappling hook after that where’s it at you have it yeah uh is that the only spell you lost yeah I have my lightning dude we got to start making moves bro I want to oh my god look look look look now I’m going to show you how to use it watch the same [ __ ] happen to you oh my God it’s going to happen to you oh it’s going to happen it’s going to happen oh [Music] okay that’s not what happened to me but that’s it’s a little different okay you had you got a gravestone that time I didn’t get one you glitched and exploded that’s different we need to go ahead and figure out how to make monoc crystals I genuinely want to know what that looked like from your perspective can you clip stuff on Xbox AC do you hear me yeah I heard that can you clip stuff on Xbox no I’m saying do you hear me going yeah yeah can you clip stuff cuz I really want to I’m I’m so sorry I’m so sorry yes yes yes it’s fine I just I want clip that and and and like upload it or something to like a make an unlisted video and I’ll screen record it and put it in a funny moments or something I have to see that from your perspective okay here’s the bridge hook what the heck it’s it’s too late for me to record it I’m sorry what that didn’t really get a good view though wait I’m confused a a a AC dude nope okay oh oh oh okay okay okay never mind where’s my where’s my stuff it’s all the way down here it’s all the way down there I think I just had my stuff I just had oh oh I don’t know then you got it here we go okay why does it just why does it do that oh oh that’s insane that helps a lot look at that who left no someone joined actually what’s up Dylan I just made a charge creeper by accident oops that is so loud I can hear that like piercing my ears through the TV up Dude Love magic you have Minecraft right no actually I um I just blew it up like Sid from Toy Story no we have mods dude and there’s like staffs and and spells and and grappling hooks I’m updating it right now I’m updating it right now it’s so cool dude and actually it all works it’s not like glitchy I mean a little but not bad cuz your boy yorku made sure everything worked right before getting us all on here and that bridge gun is going to help us a lot oh yeah that thing’s insane but yeah you can use that um the grappling hook I think I might keep it just to swing around [ __ ] that’s true my fortnite’s on 50% all right I don’t think I’ve had this much fun in Minecraft for like a long time ever I’m going to go up and get food we need food badly survival world oh yeah Modded Survival and I’m streaming hold on I got got to switch um Wi-Fi real quick all right I love the instant hook man I caught up with you like that you shall not F that’s insane um here’s what I want to do next we got to we got to uh try to get to the nether I mean we could mine a little more for diamonds first and stuffit do you think we could technically oh look look look look look look at little baby turtle we don’t kill Turtles we have we have a no kill Turtle [Music] game okay the fact that it survived two lightning strikes I’m not even going to mess with it I was about to say I was just about to say come on at that point wait no no no strike him with lightning see if it Cooks it all right my m in like 2 minutes it damn I got I got a new one I got the farming hook the farming I don’t know wait what Dylan my Minecraft will be done in 7 minutes oo good minutes three minutes you have your Microsoft account right I don’t know all right well you’re going to need that to join this world it does not in fact cook pig no it doesn’t cook chicken either it’s all right it’s fine that’ll be cool as hell though dude build a house up here I’m because honestly just because we have such a pretty view Jessie I I’ve joined to tell you something Cory two things right good or bad before you say it they’re good all right well I mean if you want to if you want to actually get them uh first of all right you got to get [ __ ] multi I know I know you prick anyways what s you need to get C thieves yeah no my friend uh is see a theves crossplay Kenobi came in here earlier and said I should get it so I was like all right did you say yes he did my friend that we have and he was like you were lagging profusely yeah he is I have no idea what you just said he my he goes you’re still lagging yeah it’s kind of it’s kind of bad this is better no oh my God a little AC you can summon the lightning in the air he asked me I that too wait wait wait we could do that to communicate tell each other where we are look in the sky we oh I saw that wait do you see that do it again I will definitely play CFS with you I don’t know I know you’re asking him but like you um Jesse I know how you feel about modded Minecraft but hear me out hear me out we never had so much fun the okay there are literal spells in this game you could be Harry freaking Potter dude I’m I have a lightning staff and it has no cool down and there’s like a mining tool that you could drill through mines and nine blocks at a [Music] time all I want to say is maybe not tonight but whenever you you’re up to it give it another chance with us and if you still don’t like it I’ll never ask you to Play It Again how about that I don’t know what you said but I’ll take it as a yes fine I said fine okay dude dude dud dude there is a Harpoon Gun that you can use to catch the fish that swim yeah that’s the fish hook fishing hook yeah it’s cool as hell dude I’m one-shotting cows with this thing I got one for you I got one for you man hell yeah see like for like the standard based Edition I’ll pick it up free on Xbox oh good for you [ __ ] Xbox [Laughter] players dude I’m just zapping chickens oh my god get blasted you gun I love this all right I’m going to go back down and cook the food because I have three hunger bars and I’m tired of not being able to Sprint I have a decent amount of food not crazy but wanted to tell you that so why are you lagging are you downloading something oh yeah lagging pause it and then I’ll be able to hear you fine just until you leave I was like something’s not right yeah so so much better dude I was like something’s not right he never lags not like that so it’s like 30 bucks whatever you know you got get it [ __ ] super good I’ll pick it up once I start working it’s yeah it’s it’s a very good game though like it’s I wouldn’t have stopped playing it if it was if if I had been playing it on Playstation All Along because it just recently came out for PlayStation playing it all along um but yeah bro we have like no coal so AOS I’m leaving now oh you’re gay have a good night no no no please stay I can’t can’t live without you oh yeah Ro [ __ ] what the heck why did he leave Dylan oh it’s me and you boy well and Mike Mike and TZ are here TZ what happened to you where where’d you go Mike said hm making a Microsoft account real quick bet dude you’re going to love this [ __ ] I I only have a Microsoft account with my switch so I have to make one for my PlayStation you can’t have them both linked no you can’t so erotic dude that’s so erectile I know disfunction I said erectile not erectile ere dysfunction no it’s reptile dysfunction reptile dysfunction AC has returned fishing hook sounds pretty good all right no one is commenting on the Stream bro what is this new freaking robot thing use the arrows to rotate the object to face in the different direction of the H bro what oh crap oh what the heck you know like like the I’m not a robot things I just saw that wow kmit you want to join big man kit what is up K man death St man you said tinker’s construct what and you’d be in here I just killed my own teammate what the heck stop playing hardcore you crackhead I mean I’m I’m I was getting fun though but dang it I didn’t that yeah now you’re going to get banned wait what imagine you can get banned for that b you for what for killing teammates why did they allow that then that’s bull crap well if you keep doing it repeatedly yeah but you I think that’s going to happen here you go the B hammer and I’m the B me hammer all right let’s go strip mining we need Co St mining you say I didn’t mean to do that I need you to do light spell I’m going to go this way I’m going to go down here and do it no shut up you’re wrong I I am yes what oh by the way you can use the gra the normal grappling hook to repel that’s what I use it for typically what do you mean by repel like this right here see oh I just dropped in my dead zone might be screwing me up don’t don’t go into the M shaft I already explored like I don’t know how much percent of it but I got so lost in there dude it was horrible like it was really bad I’m just I take no damage from that oh man we should have brought the diamond pickaxe so we don’t have to [ __ ] use this thing it’s annoying though that would have been bad heav right speaking of diamonds hello more Hello yo I just found diamonds too that’s so funny are you in our world yeah what no you’re not the hell crackhead all right here we go oh thank you hey hey first let’s go let’s go all the way through and then go back and do the the picking thank you teammate go go in a separate one like do make your own tunnel that way I’m giving you light and all right let me slow down we got to do team effort stuff I’m going to slow down with this a little bit you could probably oh more diamonds you could probably use this to break obsidian too which would be really helpful I want I want to find some obsidian though oh here we go um how do you make do you pour water onto lava to get obsidian or pour lava onto water you pour water onto lava that’s what I thought oh my gosh AC stay right here I’m going to go grab a bucket and we’re going to we’re going to continue this I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying dying dude your TV is so loud oh my God my inventory is Slamm filled with deep slate dude holy [ __ ] I’ll be right back I’m just going to grab a bucket what about [ __ ] you taking a [ __ ] what oh that’s a miner dude no that was fun wait leaper remember Cory we had the be a team effort oh he dropped the oh I got a oh I got the the the instant hook now all right cool nice I love instant hook the way you said that okay um we can use the instant hook to get back remember it averts damage as long as you hold the trigger um okay hard wasn’t that bad I just got to play smartess sort of treat as a chess game I suppose no okay it’s annoying to it’s really be careful with it by the way you can’t control while you’re in the air because you’re going way too [ __ ] fast so you just you got to be like use it sparingly [ __ ] tool she want me a Bible or something where’s our house over here check my bank che where are we at oh that’s right we’re that’s right we have to swim up I’m stupid I’m stupid wait how many diamonds did I get from that probably a lot should I 11 uh D should I link you up should I link you up with another Beach Channel up here up here up here up here up here I’m up at the base other way other way no kidding like that’s I get my inspiration from that dude sure I mean I’ll poop all over your head but and I’ll poop all over your bed yeah at least we’re not living the same Amber herd dude you’re not going to Amber herd me don’t please don’t Amber herd me bro what are you talking about she Po in Johnny de’s bed did you really you didn’t know that hey that’s story that’s oh my God yeah that’s that’s why I thought you said that I thought you were referencing the her I’ve heard that before Rob talked about it so much oh you heard it before yep you heard it shut the [ __ ] up you’re not even funny like just shut some celebrity stories man you know what I mean I tend to think I’m hilarious but that’s just me you can have your own opinion if you want I want to upgrade my pistol so much we do hello Scott what do you mean Hello scottt what are you streaming he’s in the chat you’re streaming no you’re streaming no dude he sent that comment like 30 minutes ago oh really he’s not even here I did I don’t think I don’t know he could be here still where’s all the diamonds you took what are you doing with my diamonds what do you mean I don’t know all the diamonds that were in the chest or now gone I am making a diamond ring I figured you had them all right I didn’t even make a wait wait wait a luxuy wait oh yeah combined ores hold on hold on hold on yeah I was looking at that earlier Diamond Ingot yeah copper or gold diamond I I was looking at all that earlier they have all this stuff I agree dude like a million, 100% dude like you do things that I never thought and then XP oh wait wait hold on XP dispenser and XP Crystal bank so we have we need okay we need obsidian of course I’m on I’m already working on that don’t even worry you saw me oh the reason uh I I have everything all the diamonds and stuff I’m about to put it come back come back come back that’s fine hardcore could be so fun and annoying at the same time I but I love it you’re fun and annoying at the same time me mate I don’t even know what that was supposed to mean I don’t even know what I meant by that dude just just just just just just just just just I’m going to place torches so I know where to go and how to get back and all that all right we have 29 diamonds 36 iron 42 gold 28 uh iron what the hell is that oh it’s a farmer dude I love farmer my teammate just kill on spot you why do I feel like you’ve gotten more of me I know bad yes more sus me I’m not sus I’m not sus I know we need to travel up to the mountains we need to go to the mountains why the mountains so we can put a goat on the we so we can put a goat on the edge of the cliff and make it back up no so we can get coal did no one understand that wow wow no so we can get coal we live in a giant cave there’s coal everywhere no so we can get coal I’m lagging bad now am I lost where’s where’s that spot we dug out where’s the spot okay that looks dangerous I’m not going down there where’s the spot that’s an Enderman okay all right where’s the Spong spunk no nope nope nope nope die chocolate chol chocolate I found another Diamond dude I’m this is crazy oh my God you’re on a roll dude the spider better get the there’s two of them no no no no no no I oh my God I just zap those cuns yo that cave you’re in is very big what the heck I know it’s ridiculous your cave is Big what cave your mother’s cave isn’t the cave a ter a terrestrial um whatever I don’t know what terrestrial like like extraterrestrial like aliens oh so that’s what that means that or subari or something like that wait guys guys I have wait wait wait so when someone is being extra they alien cuz we all terrestrials what is that so like you you being extra what is that alien AC you extra ass terrestrial [ __ ] where’s the mine we just dug out AC I can’t find it and I’m very sad now I thought we went across the thing and then we went to the thing well no not quite but yeah we have another one ch thank God I have a Stak what okay you got to go you got to go you got to go please go please get out thank you okay I I’ll leave you if you want me to leave that bad I’ll no not you this this dude right here is’s attacking me okay I killed him oh my God I got to I got to head back I got to head back dude I don’t know where the cave is oh my God wasn’t it where you have any coal brother coal yes I wish please die okay I got to start eating raw chickens shipment no what about raw I love raw you are else I would never do sh I AC where’s our where’s our manhole I have no what what what the heck why am I being laugh that they don’t understand how holy our man is is this is this a geode dude I’m on there’s a geode sticking out of the ground I didn’t even realize that act like you’ve never seen a geode in your life cuz I just didn’t know it was there I walked past it like 50 times are you guys on a teture pack or no oh my God there’s more diamonds no it’s just a bunch of mods dude I have to start zapping [ __ ] oh no I just summoned two charge creepers oh my God this is without a sword this is scary I’m might have to use my axe get away from me oh my God and and there’s a skeleton I’m out of here n bro you sound like every little kid get away from me oh my gosh bro I know but they’re everywhere shut the [ __ ] up bro what the [ __ ] they’re everywhere oh my God yo that that’s like that’s like my dad used to get on me all the time it’s like anytime i’ be like stop he’ be like like [ __ ] off stop [ __ ] [ __ ] he’s like oh you’re grounded now Acy I need the manhole I need the manhole please I’m start playing B Ro soon I don’t know where your holy man is fortnite Battle Royale rebirth our where we the big the big place we dug out that we just were at and came back from I don’t know oh man I needed that I’ve been looking for it this entire time and I don’t know where it’s at I wanted to go to that lava thing and get a freaking thing so I can have things for myself then I could sing on everyone everyone dude me too oh my God I never thought I’d meet someone I couldn’t tell I literally couldn’t tell if you loved pooping or not wait really that’s weird I talk about it a lot hey uh Dylan oh I love pooping me too oh my God I that I’m cracked what happened to you what have I done execute orders 66 oh no no I’m genuinely scared dude I mean you you’re a little sus but this is I’m getting frustrated about this stupid Microsoft thing bro it’s not working okay so you’re like me and when you get angry you say Okay weird stuff yes gay stuff no weird stuff not gay stuff it’s pretty gay dude poop all right yo I going to say anything you are digging out a lot aren’t you I need to go back up to the surface we need more wood my controller is literally stuck dude oh my God I can’t we don’t have any coal I’m now stuck at Bedrock I have to do uh something illegal what the heck just happened I my but my thing so I was hitting um I was smoking legal legal smoking and um my controller was digging the whole time and I didn’t hear it I didn’t notice I heard it but I didn’t realize what it was um yeah ah I need we need coal dude like bad uh I managed to get no coal doing all of that I’m just going to look around up here there’s got to be more coal up here somewhere how have we not seen any coal now that I think about it my dead zone is screwed up what the heck dude dude no one lit like literally I’m sorry well I’m not but no one no one asked no one F mik oh my God AC I found coal I actually found coal I never thought I’d be more excited to see a c or in my life all right you guys you really want to go blast ah that didn’t do anything make sure you don’t have your digging make sure you don’t have the Digger out while you’re doing the um I need help I actually need help there’s like 14 zombies I can’t get to you that fast I’m killing them I’m zapping them okay they’re dead I’m getting rid of all the dead Jesus Christ ow I’m on my way I am mining hooking the coal even though you had told me not to I think it’s more efficient all right now I can go cook my food Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey listen if you do a two hit combo one two it’s so fast or so what do you mean like like hit them with the sword and then switch to the light watch watch watch me watch me watch me one two oh my God more coal two do I see more coal over there I don’t know I keep forgetting we have that I did do no I didn’t see any convenient I know I feel like we don’t need more lapis no we have plenty for now we don’t even have an enchantment table we we need obsidian dude it’s still a nice decorative BL oh yeah Cory remember this remember this remember this get this on stream hurry hurry uhuh what I’m looking hurry down here I had to be careful I have two hearts and three hunger bars [ __ ] just crunched a snail okay that’s pretty funny dude oh okay well no coal but diamonds that’s nice that’s fine you find all the diamonds I don’t know how I found so many one person it’s like it’s like Minecraft blesses one player per around like per game I literally found so many I mean they were just sitting on the ceiling I just happened to notice them so I’m just looking everywhere for coal and I just found that okay we’re going kind of far I might have to what what what oh they work under water do they work underwater no hold on let me go underwater and try it nope it did block me oh no I don’t even know I have 21 coal so it’s fine it’s plenty for now help me what happened this k Okay Spiderman Spiderman it’s funny cuz it’s red and blue oh wow I feel like they did that on purpose probably well magnets are red and blue never mind true but still Spider-Man they know what they were doing yeah you hold it down guys farther I’m trying to still find some coal but I don’t think we’re going to get too lucky with that is using this to get around I mean it’s very nice very convenient usually I have OCD so usually I wouldn’t walk past iron like this and just not mine it but I literally am just so fixed on finding coal that I just Mario Brothers a snail stepped on his face hole oh no oh no oh no Jared Jared help me Jared when I come out of here I’m going to need oh okay don’t worry I’m cheap I’m a cheap liar uh all right let’s see what does that have to do with being a cheap liar I don’t know where’s my stuff where did I die right there what down there light yep I like how it doesn’t explode your stuff all over the place and it’s like kind of neat yeah it’s very convenient oh more coal actually yes thank God oh my God I have one heart now [Laughter] okay that’s fine no that’s perfectly fine actually I don’t care I don’t [ __ ] why am I acting like I care about that one heart oops actually you got to stop playing hardcore bud I mean trying to get used to it if you were in the military dude they would kick you out in 5 seconds me no him oh no no no AC I would never join the military please help please go in there and kill that thing I have one heart I don’t want to do it what is it they don’t they don’t fight you dude oh why I get that was actually overpowered me that was overpowered they just dig up our [ __ ] house I didn’t know that I guess no cave houses no we just got to keep the door closed no they spawn in here oh well just block it off it’s fine all right my two pieces of chicken this is all I have oh I have a potato yeah that’ll work holy shag pack oh I have a mob Hook when did I get this I have that’s kind of Wick I pooped in my pants let’s go test it hit a mob with it oh hit a mob with it to pull it in can I you get over here get over here it’s actually pretty funny how far does this reach H decently far I was going to shoot okay wow the one time I’m looking for a mob there’s not okay there’s a spider over here here I still have one heart come here buddy dude just just kill yourself in in there or it’s like somewhere close I’ll be fine I have a potato in the oven oh hi why do I want that why do I want that I just realized what I have done [Music] dud you really like that lightning staff don’t you why is God killing me dude mean I like it too that’s so loud oh my God I’m fighting Enderman with it oh all right I have to go up to the surface get food and wood that’s the main priority right now uh oh my Mana gone oh my gosh man I’m losing my holy [ __ ] D we need we need more wood okay yeah no fall damage that’s insane um I guess I’ll just do this yes lightning is cool that’s the same dude that kills me finally I get revenge okay Min Kurosaki that’s amazing that’s amazing and I don’t have a I’ll just use my axe I don’t care Uh Wood Wood that’s a baby zombie please get away why are the baby zombies so much scarier than regular ones that’s that’s so stupid that logic I’m going to go over here we should have went to sleep now that I think about it but it’s fine I need the animals Mike bastard hey we should we should uh combo so you you hit him once and I hit him again I’m just running past him at this point I’m going to all these trees over here and farming the crap out of some wood so we get more chests oh I just got three zombies at once yeah you can you can watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out I just saved your [ __ ] life why what’s behind me uh evil [ __ ] evil [ __ ] oh I forgot about that he he it was you got to watch out we got to stick together as a a Tom oh yeah I forgot about that too that helps good very good very good okay hit that Vape shut the [ __ ] what you can hear me yeah every time you hit it I I can hear it yeah you can hear it bro [ __ ] damn it I was thinking I could grab my dab pen between my toes and pull it back oh it’s it sounds gross I understand but hey I clean my [ __ ] self bro he does like a lady sometimes I do it for him me too and I don’t even know who is talking right now in the party that’s AC oh never mind AC Jenkins can you turn the TV down like a tad bit that that’s that’s still kind of loud turn your [ __ ] Down Soldier you might want to watch out you might want to watch out you might want to watch out you might want to watch out oh my God I didn’t mean to that’s what a charge creeper does yeah their explosions are just a lot bigger please die thank you I’m getting you told me to turn down my TV and you C and it cost us everything I still hear that very much so oh hey sorry I have there a guy man there’s a guy man there’s a d that Enderman destroyed me okay um I’m coming just just Grapple out of there I’m going to die I forgot we had those things I could have just escaped but it’s fine I got the uh I got the map to my grave I’ll be fine I’m going to be a bitching TP well I’m swimming up a stream so you might want to wait yeah that’s what I’m waiting for all right I’m on land now make the journey I’m just wait hold on I got to wait for my pen to charge too yep it’s this way it’s not that far like I want to start doing infrastructure and building stuff up oh my God that would have been bad that would have been really bad we can secure that base in the cave honestly we might would it be better just move up to the Sur I I want to have them connected connected connected we can remember we can tunnel super easy now that’s true now with and with the amount of iron and strip mine we can do and that gold and stuff what we can uh we can Okay and like the tunneling and all that we can easily easily easily easily make a bunch of Railway systems true I still don’t have my sword that’s great all right time to get more dude when is it going to be daytime where’s the food at I see you skeleton yep all right dude I can see the lightning it’s so [ __ ] cool creeper behind you behind you we need to get a fireball for them yeah that’s true we so crazy that’s so crazy you know what we could do we could we could charge up the creeper with the lightning dirt too dirt too why yeah uh Farms ground yeah you get the dirt I don’t have a shovel we could if there’s a bunch of mobs behind you behind you I’m going to hit him once you hit him again if okay so we could charge up the creepers if there’s a bunch of mobs and then lure them in let them explode and back up right before they do and they’ll kill every oh we can all if we hit them while they’re all grouped up too it does like a bunch of extra damage would be cooler we are a bunch of we need to build oh you wait Cory let’s build a [ __ ] wizard tower oh dude that would be cool yeah have like a little castle and like a little Hamlet with it yeah that would be nice and build like a little little creep there’s a wizard outfit you can craft it’s it’s like called the magic robe and a hat and stuff it’s some kind of armor it probably gives you some kind of special perks I don’t know oh I can I can hit the Creeper from all the way over here dude it has range it has crazy range all right this might be enough wood for now let me grab a little more it’s about to be daytime I’ll I’ll grab the wood till my axe breaks my axe broke all right good yeah I’m going to get I’m going to stay out here all day and grab food I’m going to come with you we need to S close together though yeah I know CU they’re still mobs during the day the flamingo does not honestly since we have this power do you want me to add mutants I mean it probably make it probably make it more interesting in like more of a challenge if the game can handle it then yeah I mean I’m not any lag at all what about you no I’m not lagging I’m just saying if if it’s not too much it doesn’t glitch out the other mods then for sure oh okay uh do you want to go and do it let’s wait just a few yeah yeah wow oh yeah let me see what this guy’s trades that’s not what I meant okay anyway okay just mob heads bucket of lava dogs dude ooh that bucket of lava might be worth it wandering Tinker that’s his name what is that I don’t know um we don’t have emeralds do we no we don’t have emeralds no we don’t have any we just say one hit sheep wow I had to we can probably find coal while we’re up here maybe get oursel out of [ __ ] if we get stuck found coal immediately nice thank you Mr Pig the mountain has the most abundance of coal and I’m talking about surface oh yeah I forgot about that you’re right I’m in the little snow mountain area no coal right there okay oh there’s probably something in here it’s probably best to use your grappling hook around this area yep there’s a little bit of coal in here this is so easy and fun oh my God there’s so much coal right here oh there’s a big oh my God there’s a lot of coal right here really yeah I found a good bit uh kind of dude there’s a we’re good on coal I think we’re I think we’re good on coal for now oh there’s more holy dude dude it’s everywhere oh my inventory is full I have a stack of coal oh my God oh my God this is perfect this is exactly what we needed we’re getting food wood coal everything we lacked it’s all right here and I think that was it look at how much there was dude to all this mine mine I’ll still got inventory uh I think that’s all the coal right here we’re good now we still need more trust me here here here wow dude how much do you have 45 I have a stack plus 39 I think we’re good for now I disagree I know I know but we just need we like like trust me for tinker’s construct we need a lot of coal we’re going to be doing a lot of smelting and remember we need torches too okay well I’m going to I’m going to head up here and get more food while we’re at it while I’m at it I made a Stairway up you’re you’re guc you’re gu yeah we do need a farm too that would help a lot stairway betray farm would be really nice actually oh what the heck oh it was you I thought it was one of those dudes trying to attack me again yeah oh that’s probably wait wait hold on don’t kill this bro what the [ __ ] what happened it doesn’t let me sign in I tried like hundreds of countless of freaking things did you make a new Microsoft account no no no so so here’s the thing okay I thought it would have fixed it by now but it didn’t apparently because a long time ago I had this account okay that’s why I had to make a whole new account for Minecraft dude it’s annoying okay I had this account and I freaking I don’t know what happened dude but I went into the website and hit permanently delete this account so this account doesn’t exist at all like as of like for 3 years okay and then I freaking am trying to sign in and every time I try and sign in it says oops look like his account is already connected please sign in to your previously microsof they got to fix that dude what is that oh never mind they got to fix that like bad that’s not good also I have a sapling so um we can plant trees they really do need to fix that I don’t think these dogs are tamed man we I found a video and this guy was like it’s like go into settings and delete old logs and stuff and I was like oh wait I haven’t done that before maybe it’ll work and I did it on it doesn’t freaking work it didn’t work yeah yeah of course no it didn’t work I have something to show you real quick all right come here um okay you’re over there you can keep listening to him I just need to show you something what’s up that was not fair I can’t Sprint so I’m make this quick [ __ ] get over here oh my God I didn’t expect that to reach oh my God how have I not thought of that well that’s pretty smart wow all right I’m going back down all right is there a lava pool down there anywhere that you remember seeing or is it just like flowing lava cuz I have a water bucket I want to get obsidian dude the nether might have some things we we’ve never seen I didn’t think we’d ever seen that’s why you want lava I forgot mhm okay and I died dear have deer meat what it’s fine it’s fine I I died but I don’t really care cuz I fell I fell into the cave but used the the the hook thing and it still I still took fall damage as I fell so I guess it’s because I already started falling where’s my grave is it up here somewhere please swim please swim I hate when it does that swim where where did I die where did I fall at bro I don’t want to freaking make a whole new PlayStation account but I don’t want to play on my switch either I get that dude I don’t like I don’t like switching accounts but it is what it is at least I can play the damn [ __ ] oh here it what the [ __ ] why is there two graves I rather not play it honestly Hest just a glitch yep it was one was just completely now if if you guys if you guys weren’t on a Microsoft world I could join but it’s because he’s on Xbox he’s he’s a he’s a he’s a he’s a homo morality oh that’s gay homo morality kick him out or something imagine oh God no it’s his world I can’t do that I I know I know I know and he spent the money on the mods you know all right well I guess I’m going to go shower and then freaking when I come back we could play bo3 cuz then pressy will be back okay [ __ ] Minecraft bro I updated it for nothing and everything I’m sorry dude I I still want to love all over you no [ __ ] you it’s your fault imagine oh my God yeah I’ll imagine when you start pooping right on my chest nose and eyeballs okay okay I’m I’m I’m gone I’ll be back that’s what did it oh my God it’s so amazing dude I I never thought I’d see the day where [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right bye homies don’t understand how fun this [ __ ] be he he he wanted to join he couldn’t know man it [ __ ] kills me it’s like I I got I bought all this so all of us I know could get on here it’s for all of TG I know like I want this this this World Cory this world right here we can make statues [ __ ] it didn’t make me leave the party when I switched back Wi-Fi I was wondering why you were still here you queer bait we shut the [ __ ] I declare this the TG survival world sure and it must be rified I’m down for that dude uh look in this chest you think we have enough wood [ __ ] yes all right um got to smelt the rest of this iron and gold I should have went back and got that iron we’re actually not we have less than I thought we did all right um top one top one top one I’m swapping stuff out that’s fine I’m going to go and what was I about to do oh yeah that’s what I was about to do plant these saplings where’s all the unmelted ore oh I have them uh just drop me I I’m about to smell stuff and get all that [ __ ] done yeah that’s fine Place some neatly in the chest get all up we should make a hall of ore for all the different types of ore and what it can be used for a hall of ore actually kind of like that Hall of [ __ ] I’m turning all of the uh the red stone into blocks I’m leaving the rest or though just because Redstone is [ __ ] annoying yeah that makes sense same same with the lapis just because there’s so much of [Music] it it it all needs to be in like two stacks or less should I make two blast furnaces yes yeah we need uh we need that in another Well actually all right so I’m going to have to take this out of here real quick we need that another standard furnace as well smelt these down so I’ll make two furnaces real quick what I have it no not that I don’t I don’t want to do that all right um then we need iron ingots for that [Music] to okay oh my God we’re good now another chest this one’s going to be the tool chest it’s just stick stick your kid in it I’m sticking mine in the left oh I should have kept some of those logs I want to make another smoker I don’t know why I made a crafting table but there’s a crafting table it’s fine doesn’t hurt uh we we have bones right yeah let’s see I’m going to make bone meal and bone meal some of those trees I’m GNA bone your meal okay let’s do that okay I’m good we’re good on food for a little while we should start a farm as well yeah all right see I’m going to make a a uh crafting or not a crafting but like a furnace room specifically oh I put the sapling in the wrong place that’s why it won’t grow okay uh I shall put it over here damn I wasted it whatever all right come out here trees we we have 34 diamonds jeez oh my God don’t don’t use the crafting stuff we can probably make some iron armor where are the furnaces should we make iron armor or diamond armor oh wait we haven’t made Shields yet here shield shield hold on blast furnaces here’s your Shield over here furnaces over here thank you okay diamond pick diamond sword all right there there there here I made at least a chest plate for me and you oh the crafting station takes doesn’t take as long to break either oh well we’ll put the smoker in a different area wait where’s that was there smooth Stone in the furnace yeah I got it here you go all right so so we got a blast furnace again there’s two of them now oh thanks for the diamond chest plate yes yes we still have 13 left over so I I figured we’d make at least one of those for things how much did you use wait what did you use all the diamonds for I used the two chest plates and a sword and pick for myself that’s it I don’t have a sword it’s in this chest over here I have a diamond sword yeah why do I have a diamond pick you you you do or don’t I do I don’t know why I think you you made the sword at the beginning of the game because you were like I’m sorry I don’t have iron and I was like it’s fine we’ll find more um oh no that’s right I made the um that’s unhealthy you hear me I made the uh okay run away then B I made the pickaxe actually for he is literally [ __ ] running through I heard that what the [ __ ] every time I get up he’s scared I don’t know why come on he does that a lot it’s it’s I don’t know no is there any chance you’d be able to come by and help me clean [ __ ] hole Yeah it’s got to name next few days I mean name a day and a time and a place you know what I’m saying I am off today or Wednesday Thursday Friday it’s the longest stream I’ve done in a minute I’ve been live for three hours hey we could go longer bro we just got a start like interes toying it also you could probably episod this too so as a matter of fact you should YouTube narrate bro no I’m serious this is the time where where we actually get back into it as in oh I know I know I’ve been actually getting back into this game a lot so no about we got to narrate what we do and [ __ ] yeah I’ve been kind of I’ve been kind of talk about what we’re doing we got to extra do it all right hello one second my mom’s calling me gotta I’m also going to go use the bathroom real quick so just give me one second kinky for [Music] [Music] [Music] oh sh [Music] who yakha hey where all the iron go oh cool thank you yeah it was kind of funny I I literally just got off the phone you were like where’s the iron going I just stuck it right in the chest as soon as you said that um all right we’re good now we got two smokers super efficient method you put like a little like take a lot of coal distributed a BN bunch of a bunch distribute a lot of coal amongst a bunch of evenly different furnaces and put basically it’ll it and then do the same with one stack and then put them all in this and it’ll smelt them faster that’s why they’re specifically nine it’ll smelt a stack oh yeah look what the spider drop that I killed a second ago we got more new spell or mana mana Moe um actually let me see that I’m going to what I think I think it’s about time to uh start experim well no I’m going toall all right that’s true um we can make the I want to see what polymorph is there’s an amethyst geode over there and I can I can get the amethyst Shard and two gold ingots and we can make a poly amethyst GE geod I want to go mine some I love amethyst like I love in this game that’s my favorite give me just a second clear out my inventory we got to sort out some of these chests like organize them I’m just sticking random stuff in here I’m waiting until we get a CH like a a full storage room yeah we can do that easily with that mining tool thing oh yeah it’s beautiful remember what I said how to get the perfect aim on like so like instead of aiming down yeah yeah I was doing it earlier yeah I was saying you did it pretty clean earlier all right that’s how you get like I have OCD that’s why I’m that’s why I’m so like yeah I do too I do too oh by the way I would use the grappling hook up in this part oh sugar I’ve messed that up completely come on go up go up thank you thank you we got to make a we got to make like a elevator we can use these things in that’d be cool um why did I come up here I just completely forgot what I was doing um we are that is correct [ __ ] what was I up here for uh uh oh wait no we’re supposed to go to the anst geode why did we come up here that’s right God damn anyways uh and then we can use the normal grappling hook for this it’s down here somewhere I almost died can’t I do this and not take fall damage yes I no I can’t okay I took a little fall damage that’s fine help me help me save me please oh that was bad there you go oo triple kill down here I need no I only have four Hearts I need you to that’s why I need help just come down here should be all right you just skipped over deons diamonds oh oh I don’t know how I missed that got to be pretty handy with the light spell down here yeah man we need gold too remember gold gold gold apples oh my God here it is oh [ __ ] another AME no that’s the one I found that’s the one I found all right we found the amethod such pretty sounding blocks pretty looking too why do you think I like them so much on I remember one time it was like me Kermit Presley using your drill oh yeah what the heck what am I doing this isn’t vanilla oh my god dude site to calite to just grab all of it yeah grab it kill it that is the most sadus fying thing in the world all right you’re going to get zapped and lit and then Zapped again and then lit and then [Music] Za all right did you die no oh okay I I teleported to you to die I didn’t expect all right whatever I clipped that I clipped that that was funny that was pretty funny [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you came in clutch actually leave some of these trees oh I have a new law I have a new law for the world we do not cut big these trees down why that why is that the old growth trees oh real help me help all right I can’t do much right now I don’t have any ski where is where is all [ __ ] down here what is that the zombie holding a thing a drill dude what the heck okay it’s over here wait which one’s mine which one’s yours oh no actually I can tell hold on okay so this one’s yours this one’s mine yeah yeah yeah all right how do you know because I have the map and when I press L2 it said it was um one block away when I stood on yours but when I stood on mineus said zero blocks away so you’re like how did you know [ __ ] Wicked smart yes can you freaking zapatron remember the zapatron in fortnite oh I’m out of Mana no I do not oh yeah that’s it’s pretty old oh oh oh got another manote oh oh got another oh okay got another manote oh oh good very good we need that okay all my stuff is so unorganized right now I have any I didn’t put my armor on that’s why I’m taking so much damage what the heck yeah there we go then my food I didn’t put my shield on either there we go I made the shield and never equipped it dude you had it equipped for a minute I don’t remember having it equipped I really wait couldn’t you just do this that doesn’t work on cobwebs wow I really want to know where that cave was oh skeleton dropped Mana what the heck dude we’re getting these left and right I got I got another one too where did we dig that hole I’m so confused it wasn’t in the M shaft I know that no this way yeah that’s what I thought but I traveled so far over here just to get nowhere oh another one that spider dropped one again holy crap I think when we use magic it has a higher chance of dropping that makes sense makes a lot of sense now see it would have we would have wow we missed these diamonds up here this entire time dude there’s there’s like three four wait how many was that three yeah that’s not bad dude there’s no way we we had to have missed I need to let my Mana recharge we had to have missed it dude I swear it was over here somewhere son of a [ __ ] okay oh um why am I doing that I could just yep there we go oh the skeleton and the zombie are fighting I can’t use it oh crap where’d you go oh um uh [Music] I want to find a lava pool so bad we found one and then we lost it now the farmer just grabbed the creeper and said come here it wouldn’t be hard to find more lava another Mana dude I got like how much does it cost to make a single spell one Mana to make a spell and then whatever other material it requires grabby [ __ ] grabby [ __ ] grabby [ __ ] grabby [ __ ] and an Enderman he just teleported I’m so sorry okay nice I’m becoming pretty [ __ ] dependent on this damn [Music] that’s only one staff that we found so far dude wait till we find more here’s your lava yeah but we need like a still pool of it one lava would be nice for now though found another piece of we can just find mul what if I did this what if I did this I have an idea and I don’t know how well this is going to work but we’re going to try it wait when did I get a skeleton skull I don’t know and it has an armor rating now Wicked really okay moment to truth it’s making Cobblestone why what the hell no no yeah you have to pour lava onto water okay okay okay I didn’t okay so let me pour this out okay I I I [ __ ] get it now I [ __ ] get it dude I [ __ ] get it this okay this makes no sense you see this the water is pouring onto the lava yeah it’ be like that sometimes it’d be like that oh yeah boost me up I’m sorry that was kind of funny that was kind of funny kind of not entirely but kind of your mom where’s my corpse it’s over that way uh over somewhere over there oh I see it on top of that little thing all right doing dangerous stuff next to Lava why did it do that why’ the game glitch out like that please don’t ever do that again game so I grabbed okay okay it’s flowing down slowly all right now okay took damage there oh you got iron leggings down here yep all right let’s see if I do this please work please what it’s making Cobblestone again it has to be still it has to be a still body of I could have sworn you poured water onto lava all right we’re going to test this right now dude we’re going to test this right freaking now I’m going to make a Infinite Source we’re doing this I don’t I’m I’m I’m figuring this out I don’t want to look it up either what the [ __ ] sorry I was trying to be quicker no it’s fine okay uh we need more than that um I mean if I have to do it like this over and over again I will I don’t care we’re getting a nether portal oh my God oh my God where is more lava there’s water everywhere but there’s no Lava I have to travel down here yeah I do wait is that there was a lava by oh that’d be cool oh there is it’s called The Nether met in the over world yeah I know what if there was another biome in the over world that would be weird I mean that’s not really a biome I was going to say there’s like the ruined portal but not a biome all right I got more lava I’m coming back oh my God this thing is so amazing all right where’s the little Source I made right there really okay what happened I need more uh yeah you need three or four I think it’s three what is this oh map okay we’re going to run out of lava okay here’s more that was easy to find now let’s go back up here please get away from me please get away from me please get away from me I will demolish you thank you oh more Mana I have four Mana Moes all right be me up Scotty even though I don’t like Star Trek I know that line guess what I just got manote ah okay where’s it at you up where’s ‘s my little lava source are you still near it oh it dried up a minute ago no it didn’t where’s it at it’s over here isn’t it okay if this doesn’t work I don’t I don’t know yay maybe you have to fill all four squares don’t you yeah okay great I will return once again the M shaft has lava somewhere y right there h of course that let me on fire please stop burning okay I got what I wanted [Music] there we go the cool down for the uh the illuminate spell is 3 seconds while the lightning strike is only one mm another manote nice did you pick it up what the [ __ ] there we go now I need water I yeah I did not pick it up now oh my God I find a water source there’s water everywhere but I can’t just scoop it up oh my God okay that actually helped a lot no it didn’t yes it did what the heck whoa what the hell why is there a chest right there yo what what just teleport to me I don’t even care anymore the [ __ ] you can’t open it cuz there’s something on top of it y I think I think that’s a buried CH Treasure Chest bro no way um yeah okay let me block that off oh you got it yep that’s exactly what it is wow you found you found a treasure chest without without yeah you got to clip that without a map that’s weird okay now I have to find the lava source again this is going to be a problem all this is not worth huh did you grab the goods yeah I grabbed the potions in the heart of the sea and every Everything worth something oh then you left all the chain mail yeah yeah I know we have iron and diamonds I should have grabbed the chain mail I grabbed it it’s okay get this [ __ ] skeleton a so annoying okay oh no oh okay that was close now where is my little experiment yeah I I don’t know where exactly she was uh let me call right here yep yep okay yep so yeah it has to be a still lava Pool Four obsidian Wait no that’s queer whatever illuminate illuminate illuminate I’m mine you I have the diamond pickax so we so do why both our inventories [Laughter] are I was like both our inventories are f um drop string drop that there we go I got the obsidian all right we got four it’s not bad I’m about to just start I’m about to go like down really far and then just start tunneling through I’m finding a lava pool I’m not doing that over and over again I did not me I did not mean to do that I heard you take damage that’s funny my grandma just asked where my mom was and she just walked through the door like a minute later I was about to call her too like where you at [ __ ] no I’m not going to call her that um right end end end end oh you hit the Enderman with lightning and he doesn’t get pissed you can just keep striking him and you can look at his feet what the heck dude okay he didn’t drop anything what a wow oh my God oh my God that was intense more lava oh it’s not a lava pool though all right there’s there’s three to four sources though that you can make another you get more wait we only need eight for a portal don’t we 10 it is 10 did you get the manote yeah I guess it be but I’m going to call it a man I just say Mana yeah all right I call Mana but I call it manes yeah [ __ ] that zombies Trail up just letting we’re tunneling oh okay I found a little cave area oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me I thought I I thought I came across lava uhoh I’m [ __ ] up there we go I’m going to be doing this for a long time it’s better than strip mining technically is strip mining but you know about say what if we did this at the same time how fast would it go ooh demons you’re just sprinting through it oh my god oh more diamonds at the top yo that’s a lot I have eight eight diamonds yeah okay I have we are at Bedrock now okay validate resources like I If you have like a certain thing I’ll give you it like I’m going to give you my diamonds so we can carry more uh give me the Mana too so I could just carry that I guess all right here and uh I don’t know I have a zombie head okay it’s fair keep those we went too far I’m going to go up a little let’s go over here let’s go back this way okay right about here start going like this way no stop doing that what if I sorry okay you can just do the top no whatever that’s fine there’s got to be something oh [ __ ] I don’t know I dig too but uh a I I find it irritating whenever um come back and grab this there’s lava but there not a pool come back and grab this real quick one second let me grab the lava all right what’s up I see I see wait for that to yeah oh wait yo we did it we did it go back there you’ll see it burn oh yes ha I spawned the lava and they started burning all right let’s grab the water just cover that with a block happens if I electrocute lava nothing of course okay finally I knew we’d find something dude ready for this that’s [ __ ] all right we’re good now do this first be careful there might be some below yeah that’s why I’m doing this so we have four we need uh six more we need enough for a we know we remember we need um mhm Jing table so none I like how the light got covered by the block the [ __ ] that was me actually I was standing oh you covered it yeah that’s weird uhoh what more lava oh yep hold on I got the water bucket still so here I have a some obsidian um that’s fine how much do you have huh they definitely sped up how long it takes to m a city I think so oh I burned I have five so far how many do you have uh eight oh we’re good um I’m out of food that’s great I guess we should head back have a little more yeah just in case let’s go [ __ ] there we go hell yeah mission complete oh my helmet broke these staffs have awesome animations put put the skull on no I try to have a zombie head is this the right way or is this the right way this way this way remember we’re going to four 400 Z for what oh that’s the coord of the base yeah all right that’s the wrong staff I can’t Sprint oh um I mean I have some rotten flesh if you want hold I actually have a piece of food hold on oh [ __ ] was that your only piece yeah I’m going to sacrifice my sanity and eat rotten flesh oh I didn’t get Hunger now I got hunger all right at least I’ll regenerate Health rbie welcome back good to see you you can’t [ __ ] see me through the screen what the f you can’t see mate I wasn’t expecting that that’s what I thought you were going to say no I should have [ __ ] just [ __ ] queer [ __ ] gay I’ve been not good what the f hold on before you jump I’m going to light a place for us to go let’s see okay oh I got air time with that one clean no a yes sir all right I’m just going to swim up I don’t want to risk dying even though it doesn’t really matter we did it I laun myself all the way into the pool to our house dude I just MLG so hard oh my God hell yeah I grappled up onto like a singular block and then fell off it and then I was about to fall to my death and then I grappled into a water pool thing and save [Music] myself that was that was stress inducing yo what does mg mean mega long guys huh what does MLG mean mega long guys mega long guys that’s a new one I like it [ __ ] I like that a lot what nothing nothing I’m just going to sit here and eat my hot pocket how what a you creepy creeper Crapper all right whatever I don’t actually know where I died oh that’s why I have this no what no I see it what no what what have I done what did you do what have I done Anakin what have you done Anakin hello there goodbye there hello there oh god what have you done Darth Anakin Darth Anakin Dar Anakin danin Dakin crakin and Griffin man I’m hungry hungry now that I think about it o I guess Dylan’s on the [Music] menu are you eating what are you eating hold on what what the [ __ ] I mean I eat that too I can’t lie bro I was I’m eating a Hot Pocket and I had a half the Hot Pocket in my mouth as you talk to me and I was trying so hard not to laugh and like spit it everywhere oh my God half the [ __ ] yeah that one I’m still pretty hungry what kind ham and cheese pizza bro ham and cheese are [ __ ] nasty what is wrong with you why would you even consider I eat that [ __ ] um no reason anyways uh yeah it’s not cuz like you like it or anything right no no no what are you what like those I made a sh I’m not going to lie no they’re they’re all right I like them I’m not going to lie my taste buds could have changed you know I might like them now but I’ve always liked them I’m just not gay okay okay [ __ ] I I haven’t had them in like six years the ham and cheese ones wow six [ __ ] years yeah I’m trying to I’m trying to like think what tastes better H and okay I’m trying to think tastes better bro okay I can’t make up my mind what tastes better either the ham and cheese Hot Pocket or your grandma’s [ __ ] I did not expect you to say that dude lick me up and down why you of those I have personal I’m not going to lie one of those I have personal experience on one of definitely the ham and cheese pocket cuz you sound like a [ __ ] Virg I’m joking wow dud damn Dyan on demon time dude yeah that’s why you’re choking on your you cough like a seven-year-old what you you you cough like freaking squeakies on freaking Toy Story 2 bro the squeaky ass P you cough like him with like the dust inque hello diamonds what the freaky bless you Woody I literally just du this accident I accidentally made two ingots that I shouldn’t have made what are they oh plenty of diamonds plenty of diamonds I made luxite oh I was going to make that earlier but I was like I don’t know if I should do it oh you dug down here that’s what this is I mean I can make a luxuri sword I guess that’s pretty luxurious I’m currently I’m currently eating cream pies I’m currently eating cream pies oh my God Lu sword Cory get up here now get up here now luxur chakam chakam yeah I’ve seen those I was looking at them earlier and I was like you should look in the group chat look in look in the group chat I just Snapchat group chat yes yes yes yes okay hold on what’s the cental block here it is need copper gold oh my God that sword looks cool as [ __ ] which one the penis the copper G oh my God I’m sorry well we know it’s on your mind what what’s on my mind if you if since you know everything well it’s not actually it’s not on your mind it’s in your mind oh my God you going to like freaking like look in the group chat you gay [ __ ] Let Me Mine this area and I might do that what the [ __ ] mind that area faster or else I will mine you minut mine you mind you you’re a cryou for the hiu Hau and you built like Caillou oh see you got it bro you got it start rapping we got this right now in the bag move move move [ __ ] laugh at me dude I I can freaking ride at me when I’m but when I’m actually trying to rap bro I can’t andd can you r oh you’re talking about like okay yeah see I I I only rhyme good when when when there’s something and I wck them I can change that really oh my God I never thought this day would come get it yo Cory yo hottie look at the weapons that these make yes ma’am yes ma’am just a sking I’m just making hot man decisions now I got to grab these and put them no I don’t want to do that actually we’re going to do [Music] this all right anyways what what’s it what’s this I don’t know get the [ __ ] out alliv I’m just playing what is this I don’t know get the hell out gock go pick that [ __ ] up how is Kayla too oh dude she’s I literally threw something on the floor go look at it bro look at the first thing that you say that actually isn’t gay he didn’t call a dude sexy you called a woman she has a penis so you don’t get to look at it now oh I I I believe you would know you know yeah you you think okay no it’s fine bro why do you sound like Nick right now what the [ __ ] what queer Nick yeah God I miss him I actually do kind of too I do yeah I do too I saw a stream the other day where he was in it and I was like damn Nick no it was one of uh Eric’s old streams and I was like Nick Nick the things I would do to you what do you think he like let’s say he did hypothetically he came back what do you think he would say if I if I said that to him what Nick the things I would do to you no just like this just like this Nick the things I do to you more oh my God this so creepy just the first thing that comes out of your mouth after not talking to him forever be freaking remember when we all went into his stream yeah freaking me you Isaiah PR I think it was so weird because at first he was cool he was like wow I can’t believe I’m talking to you guys again and then he was like chill out chill with all that and I was like [ __ ] you dude go die [Laughter] am I wrong bro that bro that was so weird it was like just like I was just like [ __ ] you go die it goes dead silent for like 5 seconds and then just we start busting up all right all right all right all right all right what what did you want to show me ac I’m ready now I’m sorry I had to construct a certain item that just really turned me on so yeah just let you know that bro have you ever been like so erectum you had to like stop whatever you’re doing just to jerk off I’ll be right back ouch what what the what the that was a great session anyways yeah I have been there takes not even two seconds oh bro says that was a good session that was a great session [ __ ] Nick dude no I kind of miss play Nick no I’m not even going to lie know do you have any mother leather remember when we all used to play Battle Minecraft and the for have some somewhere yeah oh the forest actually where is the leather oh we need to play that again we do where’s I don’t think we have leather AC we should actually I keep forgetting that leather’s van in vanilla leather’s useless so I always throw it away but I forget this isn’t been yeah we have leads we don’t have any [ __ ] Lether all right I don’t know anyways you want you want to come in here for the Moment of Truth I’ll come in there for the Moment of [Laughter] Truth why was that actually was I don’t know why oh my god I’ve been streaming this whole time dude I just realized that that is imagine Nick just been sitting in the Stream that whole time eat a dick bro imagine the Chan chances of like since we talked about Nick he just like randomly pops up in your stream R randomly one day Nick I mean he was one of those I said I said that with his face but now I regret saying that because I’m like H I said that live didn’t I oh well you guys just like ever ate a dead body time like totally the way you did that with that’s exactly something I would like hey guys you ever just like sat there contemplating life and then just out of nowhere didn’t bunny all right AC three so what I’ve what I’ve made is coppered gold luxury uh copper copper Diamond gem steel gem Steel m yes 60 blocks of redstone holy crap how much do we have just look in here look in here look at all these different ores oh my God I’m about to make a gem steel sword okay whoa whoa yeah check it out hold on a second man I’m doing [ __ ] oh it’s attack is nine H wait how much is a diamond sword seven okay you have a better sword than me make me one uh how about you make uh here I’ll make you something different I’ll make you here here something different but equally as good actually wait a second me out 10 10 attack damage here you go oh oh luxur right sure pry all right all right all right guys guys guys guys guys guys hear me out all right I’m streaming Presley so so just letting you know I mean so whatever I do okay whatever I I am okay you guys will support me right of course I support you I support everything you doy is that you you made that song yeah oh my God I’m so proud what the [ __ ] I’m a Goofy Goober do you guys support my decision do you guys this part my decision hold on my controll died but luckily I have prepared batter yes join up Durell spored by dur my pronounce Jo goofy SL goober you’re so [ __ ] funny did you try to fix my account or the awward the quick Awkward s not yet I’ve been having a blast on Minecraft you should join there’s B3 B3 B3 bl3 B3 B3 you could you could become a wizard we got a craft all night we got a craft all night bro no I mean I’m not going I’m not going to craft all night but I will hop on bo3 at some point don’t worry we got a 3 o all night bro 3 o i remember that all right AC look here’s the moment of truth no Cory after after this Minecraft stream you should stream bo3 or 3 you know whatever I don’t want to stream it cuz I’m going to have to close up no I want you to be here for this you haven’t se well you could close apps still then the stream would end so so I’d have to restart doing a long we’re doing a super long stream see if I had my play two games if I had my mic still for my capture card then it it wouldn’t it wouldn’t uh hey is uh Black Ops 3 Split Screen yeah yeah all right I’m doing it y we need to we need to hang out and play some3 at some point yes we should have you ever played the zombies question question um are you free in the next two days tomorrow or the next maybe not tomorrow but I don’t know I’m not free tomorrow but I’m free Friday I think I’m you’re going to what I already did I’m going to touch you I already did Dyan did [ __ ] yeah touch you more all right let’s go he didn’t feel very nice I don’t think you want to touch him we’re not we’re just checking it out we’re not going to be here for long I don’t have much food I just want to see what it looks like why did it say I was underwater the ver ver ver ver oh my God okay uh switch Twi and we can play veru like are you actually playing veru yeah dude I love veru it’s good when it’s only like two people but yeah two people is the limit on that map bro it’s not bad I just hard [ __ ] you [ __ ] your fun it’s challening like God I am dying already I like a challenge Wii I be back switching Wii okay yep I got hit by a gas okay oh you are in the nether that sucks I hate that yeah okay these guys need to go where we’re we’re we’re no no I told you we weren’t readying I just wanted to check it out I’m oh my God I’m at one heart all right come on I’m waiting for you Cory we need going to try to wait what is that help dude there’s another or in here things I do to you oh my god Cory are you going to try to go to my I will okay just let me let me know so I know dude what is this or get out wait what is this bro you don’t have that popular or Aura bro like you’re not him there’s Cobalt in here bro I’m lit the I’m literally the god of Aura bro what does that the Creator literally the opposite of Isaac what does that mean Isaiah has no Aura bro he has negative AA points pleasey for youy say you don’t know what war is Cory the other night when Isaiah played with us he freaking was appearing offline and me and Presley were bullying him cuz we told him he wasn’t popular why is he appearing offline yeah he has negative 10,000 AA points did I just send the Enderman through the through the through the nether negative 10,000 Ora and isn’t him bro he can’t see John Cena bro he doesn’t know thank God thank God what just happened to do that oh you used it I tried to go five Slaughter slide what a Slaughter slide first Pearl and he killed himself it makes like an explosion whenever you slide it’s PhD SL slider I know golden apples I know PhD slider he says that’s what it’s called it is TR we need to make a trash shot true true for two secret shoppers yeah that’s that’s a rip I only have one secret shopper so I don’t I can’t even get it but six I’ve never had a secret shopper in my entire life and I want to die so BR that was completely ignored oh wait let’s see what new spells we can make no one cares about your opinion all right I’ve already told you this your aura is literally I love you love you I love you God Almighty I love you Cory you having only fans all right your opinion is not so no he has feet finder he has a feet finder what the heck is that wait wait chill out chill out chill out what is a what is feed finder dude only fans foot bags only fans for feet here you go did you not know what foot finder was bro no I don’t girls make Bank off their dogs bro behind you AC behind you he says Bank off their dog I’m about to start bro one of my cousins started freaking doing that he’s like you know I’m going to mess around I’m going to pretend I have girl feet I’m going to like shave my toes I don’t even know what it does how he actually made bro he made 20 bucks in 5 minutes of setting up an account see if that’s like consistent that’s freaking 20 bucks every 5 minutes wait yeah literally literally what’s it do and this guy messaged him he didn’t even freaking you know he didn’t do anything um what it a we’re on the bad side I know restart question Mar yeah restart let’s restart like actually seriously yeah seriously why’ you exit close app I didn’t close app I quit game oh you just wait for me to end the round you should have waited for me to too long I don’t think this spell does anything dude let me let me see if it has a description no no it [ __ ] doesn’t okay actually I may have made a mistake hold on there’s a book about it in the chest let me read it smart we need we need to make a library need to make a house yeah this is not a house that’s how you know honestly this is not working anymore this is like yeah but I don’t want to delete the portal no no side is better bro all we’re doing is moving I’ll be right back hold on I’m take my food straight up actually as a portals there’s portals yeah okay hold on trimming tone of magic is that it tone of magic Com or guide yeah materials and you all right yeah that’s it all right currently trimming toenails okay currently eating the clippings oh my God list of spells polymorph temporarily transforms a hostile mob into a cute or harmless Critter okay hold on Sandy Cheeks Critters wait no I mean freaking um that’s not what I meant to say I me I meant to say Jessie story Critters oh I love Jess I don’t know why I don’t know why I got Jessie in freaking [ __ ] squirrel [ __ ] weirdo I’d [ __ ] a squirrel oh wait I already did oh wait I already did so did I yeah bro like it g me wicked BJ bro it gave me a wicked BJ like problem give me a wicked rim job because you know how like they could like hold like multiple nuts in their mouth this is not working I mean it’s nice to know you have a dick small enough to fit the squirrel’s mouth yo AC I just turned a zombie into a duck yeah it works okay that’s actually overpowered then it was Bambi you have to aim it like correctly no [ __ ] what is happening why am I taking so much damage there we go you have to aim it kind of like at their feet I made a mistake okay it’s hard to hit but it I mean it it it works it pry doesn’t freaking come back yeah I’m going to I’m going to go Nick mode on him I don’t know why you’re laughing at me dude serious matter on you bro I’d Nick all over your neck bro why are you laughing this is very serious I didn’t laugh I spat difference are you not amused are you not entertained I’m so hungry dude Dylan get over here my ass isn’t clean that doesn’t bother me okay okay all right Cory make your way through the tunnel tunnel oh a tunnel vision through your CL that’s not the tunnel you’re talking about is it this what the heck they want to see me wi whoa uh let me patch that real quick I’ll patch your butthole I don’t want it patched I want it exposed that’s why I cut a hole in all your pants bro that’s at the wrong yeah you did I see what you’ve done here yes that’s like dro the soap on purpose it’s a lot easier um that’s crazy that’s the craziest thing you’ve ever said yeah dude he’s been saying a lot of wild stuff since he’s been in this scared I’m genuinely scared I have excuses though I have excuses the first time I was freaking mad at Minecraft and the second time I was bro listen it’s Pride scared to come out no that’s crazy he’s got a massive Point dude he’s got a massive Point crazy I [ __ ] hate you genuinely have he genuinely has such a good point I’m going to put doors right there it’s actually month it’s men’s mental health month get it right once again he has a point all we have to put torches in here cuz mobs are spawning wait wait wait wait wait men’s mental health month men’s mental health month doesn’t that mean that you have like mental problems isn’t that what the month means yeah so this month is dedicated to Mias ised Nick and Nick yeah Nick to Nick to Nick to Nick to wait wait wait Nick Nick has a double this month he has a double oh my God this month is really dedicated for him this is his month dude pride and mental Heth bro that’s well no that’s crazy why did we just say [ __ ] that [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] Biden’s favorite month bro cuz he has both a mental illness and is gay I get help me build this this is why I think are you going like start it before I start you I told you I’m getting my hot dogs what oh my God I can supply I can did did you what the [ __ ] what come on you’re laughing at me and [ __ ] thinking this is a joke in the group chat PR no one cares she’s she she’s not come on the The Little Debbie chocolate chip cream pies bro oh my God now I care hungry yeah I’m actually about to go grab something to eat this this is like ridiculously stupid know I’m going to freaking go get something else to eat again because I was yeah I already ate like three times before getting on D all right I got to put torches in here I’ll put torches in come help build house I’ll put torches your bed for the monsters and I’ll put torches in your closet I’ll take the Torches out of your room so monsters spawn I heard that that was funny I’m going to go get food PR with Legos you’re fill your freaking socks with ice bro oh God fill your shoes with mol Rock I’m going to pour water in your dresser full of socks bro all right I’m I’m scared to do the TG house now God Almighty you should bro I mean Presley’s not going to be there but still he’s going to visito I’m going to put I’m going to put like Concrete in your trash bro that you can never take it out my God that’s that’s not that’s not really messed up that’s just mean I mean it’s all mean I’m going I’m going to purposely clog your toilet and not unclog it I mean yeah and the witch just poisoned me I’m going to be clogging like all the cols bro bro I’m going to put like freaking stuff to clog your shower that way the next time you take a shower you have to take a bath I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to put red food coloring in the shower head and make you think it’s blood I’m going to throw something pink in with your white clothes I’m I’m just going to touch you okay I really really really want that I’m I’m oh no yeah I know you do I’m why I’m going to put gum I’m going to put gum in in your books in between each page that way who reads books the Bible civiliz I was about to say besides besides the Bible who reads books I don’t I don’t he reads the Quran I don’t think he reads anything else you know there’s books are like a really good read that aren’t just like yeah I know I know I’m joking I’m I’m joking I know Cory Cory I think he’s a Christian now actually Andrew T Am I Wrong Cory I’m going to I’m going to freaking put gum in all your hats so the next time you put one on it’s just going to rip your hair out die and then you got to and then you got to cut I’m put um I’m going to put hair clippings on the Necker shirt so that you’re itching your neck every second of your life I’m going to put tone out clippings in your ice cubes I’m going to I’m going to pour acid inside your pants I’mma pour stomach acid down your throat dear God I’m going to pee in your bed and make you think it’s you no actually I I am going to make it be you while you’re asleep I’m going to stick your hand in a cup of warm water wouldn’t be the first time that happen I I do that on purpose there’s a [ __ ] in our house isn’t even a prank just do it there is a [ __ ] that’s fine time to go back up I’m going to put beans in your shoes I’m I’m gape your herd I’m I’m gonna put a cactus in your shoe I’m put my that isn’t even that bad I’d rather freaking not have beans in my shoes bro that’s so much more annoying beans yeah for so you’d rather have a cactus yeah cuz then it wouldn’t ruin my kicks bro that are like freaking hundreds of dollars I still think a cactus would ruin them by poking holes in them and also destroying your feet in the procos bro I I already have holes in my feet bro from people doing a foot job what the hell are you even trying to say one Shield all right I’m about to take a break hop off of Minecraft end the Stream you know what I’m gonna light your house on fire all right okay just commit arson it’s fine yes we’re we got to H back on not tonight obviously but like thank you you’re welcome you’re welcome I’m not talking to you I’m not talking to you you’re welcome okay I know you want to tell me thank you for something thank you thank you thank you you too oh you’re are annoying dude dude really don’t make me pull up to Tennessee and take a giant hot steaming dump in your Cheerios bro why in his Cheerios just freaking right in his pillow bro like right in the center of his pillow where he puts his head that’s a good idea I’m going to do that to myself damn what what you into a suitcase how big or small I should say very I need it now I love stuff that’s small Cobalt how do you oh AC we’ve hit a road blob hey see we need to learn something so I found this blue ore in the nether it’s called Rock Cobalt co coalt co cobal Stu turn to level up your aura bro it’s not even that high and and I tried to put it in the furnace and it’s not it’s not doing what it’s supposed to do so uh maybe you smelt it down a different way bro BR bro Cory if you don’t try and stop trying to boost your aura bro when it’s like level 10 I’m going to boost your quora freaking horor [ __ ] out of my face I was not expecting him to say you ready raar or going no I’m going to go you just call him ra ra bbx raw baby sex to you oh the stupid dude dude get out of our dude get out of our house what are you doing oh my God what this dude just ruined the front door what like a person like it it’s a it’s a NPC villager that’s a it’s called a is called a miner and he has this tool called a mining hook that like mines like three six however many blocks at one like nine blocks at once and he’s just he just shredded through our front door and kept digging down there’s a giant hole bigger than a Creeper explosion now there’s a skeleton in here I’m I’m about to electrocute this bastard lightning staff die all right well I hate to say it but I got to let the stream know something um get off by

This video, titled ‘Come Chat!! | Minecraft Modded Survival! |*1080P 60 FPS* LIVE PS5|’, was uploaded by TG Epic2302 on 2024-06-06 02:59:27. It has garnered 42 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:39 or 16419 seconds.

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    "INSANE REASONS TO JOIN MY VIRAL MINECRAFT SERVER!" #games #dutch #smpVideo Information alle Minecraft servers zijn natuurlijk niet volledig uniek maar toch willen we jullie een paar redenen geven om onze server wel te joinen onze server is lang in development geweest en alle functies werken nu dus het is goed speelbaar Ook hebben wij speciale features leaderboards en natuurlijk Kermit op span ook krijgen wij binnenkort een nieuw seizoen en een hele grote zomerupdate Laten we daar even induiken binnenkort krijgen wij een nieuw seizoen waar alles reset maar er ook heel veel nieuwe dingen komen en hoe je op de hoogte blijft van alle updates en de leaks… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Getting Stronger Every 3 Minutes in Kimetsu No Yaiba in Minecraft! β€Ή Ine β€Ί

    Unbelievable: Getting Stronger Every 3 Minutes in Kimetsu No Yaiba in Minecraft! β€Ή Ine β€ΊVideo Information hoje aqui no Minecraft a cada 3 minutos vamos Opa conseguir aspiraçáes mais fortes Ah cara aliΓ‘s eu tΓ΄ com um pouco de dor de cabeΓ§a entΓ£o mano Ah Espero que isso nΓ£o atrapalhe o meu desempenho porque eu nΓ£o quero perder essa sΓ©rie aqui para quem nΓ£o tΓ‘ ligado a gente tem vΓ‘rias portas de cores nΓ© branca como dΓ‘ para ver azul e a preta e bom atrΓ‘s de cada uma dessas portas tem um poder diferente do juts kaisen e esse poder ele vai ficando mais poderoso a cada TR minutos e assim vocΓͺ tem… Read More

  • Minecraft Story Mode S1: EP 1 – Mind-Blowing Plot Twist!

    Minecraft Story Mode S1: EP 1 - Mind-Blowing Plot Twist!Video Information hey guys Mar here welcome to Minecraft story mode I don’t know why six to seven years ago I did season 2 and not season 1 but this time I’m here to do season 1 for yall since I know this game is no more because tto games is gone and uh now maang or Microsoft has t me up with Netflix to make something else entirely so thought I’d replay this add it to the list of videos I should have done before season 2 so here we go I’m only going to do episode one tonight… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Why you should never underestimate wood!

    SHOCKING: Why you should never underestimate wood!Video Information parce que en gros il a dit [ __ ] sur Oui Γ©coute on va voir Γ§a on vair Γ§a jeoupe la comm pas je rej dans le [Musique] Γ  pas il y a pas de qui t’a dit qu’ prison il y avait PASF tinquiΓ¨te une BD oΓΉ se trouve vasy dis qu’on a fa continue Γ  parler tu vas je va les [Musique] baisere la [Musique] Ve [Musique] pour nuag bloqu dans le mirage 4 service pas SOS a que moi qui peut me servir je vend pas la mort faudrait [ __ ] Servier les… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine vs Baldi’s Basics 2 Showdown!

    Ultimate Herobrine vs Baldi's Basics 2 Showdown!Video Information hey everyone Baldi still thinks he has a chance against me so let’s show him that I’m still the most powerful and evil being in Minecraft by hitting that like button did you hit it good now let’s get [Music] him if I were you I’d start running you know normally I would think that that was a good idea but you still have one more question left to complete the first not book I don’t want to play your stupid game Baldi I want to kill you plain and simple oh wow you’re really evil aren’t you… Read More

  • Vonix Network

    Vonix NetworkA survival and creative velocity minecraft sever with several plugins including Slimefun Iron Elevators and more, you can check out the website for feature list! We aim to create a memorable and fun experience for you and your friends play.vonix.network Read More

  • TownThrive SMP – Whitelisted, Towny, Voice Chat, Movecraft

    IP: play.townthrive.xyz (whitelisted) Discord: ~https://discord.gg/GF7t8s5NJV~ Server Information: 24/7 runtime, hosted in Florida Average of 20-30 players throughout the day List of Plugins & Significant Features: Towny Squaremap Geyser (Bedrock Crossplay Compatibility) Movecraft Cannons FlagWar Brewery Simple Voice Chat Compatibility No Economy Plugin No (/tpa), (/home), (/back) No P2W features No End Crystals Read More

  • DarkWater SMP Hardcore Lifesteal (VoiceChat) (GriefPrevention) (Cross-Play) 24/7

    Dark Water Junior High School 24/7Very simple basic SMP with added plugins for added difficulty for Minecraft latest version.Plugins list:GriefPrevention VictoriesJunior High School LifestealHarderMobsAntiCheatSimple VoiceChatHow To Playο»ΏPlayers are encouraged to work together and or build/survive their nations and towns to their will. Everytime you die you will lose a heart and after you lose all you will perish. PVP is enabled and so is voicechat. All players have equal commands and permissions and there are no ranks. If you die you may be revived with a revive beacon or you may simply craft more hearts to survive. There are no… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Java? More like Meme-craft!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Java? More like Meme-craft!"Looks like Java decided to level up and become the ultimate Minecraft master! Read More

  • Crafty Courtyard: Modern House Build Made Simple

    Crafty Courtyard: Modern House Build Made Simple In Minecraft, a modern house we build, With a courtyard small, our creativity filled. From foundation to roof, every detail precise, In this three-story home, our skills entice. Material list in hand, we start with a plan, Dark prismarine foundation, a solid stand. Quartz blocks and light blue concrete mix, Creating a structure that truly sticks. Second floor layout, rooms taking shape, Windows of light blue glass, no escape. Twisted birch door, a unique design, Stone brick walls, a look so fine. Moving up to the third, framing the roof, Smooth quartz blocks, a design that’s aloof. Twisted mushroom… Read More

  • Adding a Lamborghini in Minecraft: Ultimate Guide

    Adding a Lamborghini in Minecraft: Ultimate Guide Minecraft: Adding Lamborghini to Your World Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Imagine cruising through your blocky world in a sleek Lamborghini, turning heads and leaving a trail of dust behind. While the game doesn’t come with Lamborghinis by default, there are ways to add these luxury cars to your virtual garage. Modding Your Game To add a Lamborghini to Minecraft, you’ll need to use mods. Mods are modifications created by players that alter the game’s code to introduce new elements, such as vehicles, weapons, or creatures. There are various mods available that… Read More

  • “Oi Oi, Villager! Got any emeralds for me?” #minecraft #memes

    "Oi Oi, Villager! Got any emeralds for me?" #minecraft #memes “Why do Minecraft villagers always sound like they’re saying ‘oi oi’ instead of ‘hello’? Are they secretly British or just really excited to see you?” Read More

  • Minecraft Civilizations: The YouTube Takeover

    Minecraft Civilizations: The YouTube Takeover The Rise of Minecraft Civilization Videos on YouTube In recent times, civilization videos have taken the Minecraft community by storm. With creators like MagicGum leading the charge, these videos have transformed the way players interact within the game. Let’s delve into the fascinating journey of how these videos came to dominate the YouTube landscape. The Genesis of Civilization Videos It all began with MagicGum, a high school student with a passion for politics and gaming. Combining his interests, he created the “Trapped in Minecraft” series, exploring world history through the lens of the game. As the series gained traction,… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Chill Minecraft EP 26!

    Insane Twist in Chill Minecraft EP 26!Video Information [Music] D happy little Minecraft music in the morning greetings everyone this is Winnie wle welcome back to the steampunk mod pack today we’re in front of the bunny house because the first thing I want to do is feed the rabbits we actually have other bigger things to do today and that is we need to go after the Wither boss I’m not really looking forward to it cuz I think it’s a little bit beefier than it normally is because of the bygone Nether and I’m a little nervous maybe possibly so I’ve prepared a space… Read More


    RAINBOW HOUSES SURVIVAL MINECRAFTVideo Information I found new colorful houses in Minecraft and very many interesting characters subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys you have a zombie with you today let’s take a look at some colorful new homes some really cool Persians here look it’s Spider-Man sitting on the head of lat 4 that’s teacher baly minions right there that’s what monkey pink is all right well let’s get started let’s go from the very first Red House get likes subscribe and we’re off to see Spider-Man wow guys it’s all flooded… Read More

  • Solo Minecraft Speedrun with Turnip! 😱πŸ”₯

    Solo Minecraft Speedrun with Turnip! 😱πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘English Minecraft : πŸ‘ Good stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by RAPID GUYS on 2024-06-07 22:02:36. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:48 or 3468 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip RAPID GUYS: https://profile.turnip.gg/d83obptFvRc8u56a8 Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! πŸ”₯, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. πŸ™‚ And share my channel with your game friends. πŸ™‚ See you… Read More

  • BEST Bed Design EVER! Cherry Theme – Minecraft #shorts

    BEST Bed Design EVER! Cherry Theme - Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bed design (cherry theme) in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mine builds OG on 2024-04-10 11:03:16. It has garnered 3002 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Read More

  • Shocking SORCERY SMP App!!

    Shocking SORCERY SMP App!!Video Information bro why are all these s smps so bad oh wait sorcery SMP hello my name is Ross this is some reasons I should join the sorcerers one because I’m a really good [Music] grinder reason two I’m a really nice guy in general [Music] this is my third and final reason why should join the sorcerers SMP because even though I only have little subscribers I still been making consistent uploades every s off this CH now I have one final [Music] question am I am This video, titled ‘SORCERY SMP APPLICATION’, was uploaded by Rossin12 on… Read More

  • EPIC GAMING CHILL ZONE BMC4: The Hidden Sky Village

    EPIC GAMING CHILL ZONE BMC4: The Hidden Sky VillageVideo Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #39: The Village Hidden in the Sky’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-06-08 09:00:00. It has garnered 19 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:05 or 3665 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please… Read More

  • Ukri BANNED from Minecraft!?!

    Ukri BANNED from Minecraft!?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ukri wurde GEBANNT aus Minecraft..’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-01-13 16:30:09. It has garnered 259000 views and 9798 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:11 or 4091 seconds. Ukri has been banned from the YouTube island SemUkri City. Will Ukri quit Minecraft and record his last episode on the Minecraft island today? Will Ukri leave the island forever, including his friends Semlaki, Billy and Matwi? Watch the video to find out! πŸ˜€ πŸ’¬Here you can find me: πŸ’¦βžœ Ukri & Semlaki Merch: https://lolingo.at/semukri πŸ’» ➜ Community Discord: https://discord.gg/3av8FEQBbY πŸ“Έ ➜ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realukri 🎬… Read More


    OMG I KILLED @Wallibear?? 😱 | MINECRAFT PVP FUNNY MOMENTSVideo Information This video, titled ‘I KILLED @Wallibear ? | MINECRAFT NETHER GAMES PVP IN MCPE (FUNNY) 🀣’, was uploaded by Lite Gamer on 2024-04-18 09:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I KILLED β€Ž@Wallibear ? | MINECRAFT NETHER GAMES PVP IN MCPE (FUNNY) Ignore this: … Read More

  • Revolutionary Minecraft Voice Change 2024! πŸ‘Ύ #shorts

    Revolutionary Minecraft Voice Change 2024! πŸ‘Ύ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to CHANGE minecraft Voice FOREVER in 2024 #shorts @minecraft’, was uploaded by Amit_Gamerj28 on 2024-06-07 03:15:37. It has garnered 3309 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. In this Minecraft video I decided to use a voice hack to change all the in-game character voices resulting in hilarious and unexpected interactions Watch as I navigate through the world of Minecraft with voices that are all wrong creating a unique and entertaining gameplay experience If youre ready for a fun twist on the traditional Minecraft gameplay then this is… Read More

  • Jai Server

    Jai Serverwelcome to our server Life steal. We are new server , let try join with our server. hope you all enjoy with us. Discord:https://discord.gg/dez8AAsJ konmc.lol Read More

  • Infinity Cube Server – SMP 1.21

    Infinity Cube Server Welcome to the Infinity Cube Server – a whitelisted vanilla server running on Minecraft 1.21! About Us Established in October 2020 Emphasis on builders Experienced builders and all player types welcome Our Goal Have fun, enjoy the game, make friends, and keep the server running forever! Updates and Mods Currently on Minecraft 1.21 Regularly update to newer versions Mods include TP features, Fast Leaf Decay, Dynmap, and more We reset chunks to keep the world fresh Join Us! Interested in joining? Join our Discord: Discord Link for more information and the application process. Thank you for considering! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trader’s High: Unexpected Perch

    Looks like these wandering traders have really stepped up their game, reaching unexpected heights in their perch! Just don’t trade with them while they’re up there, unless you’re okay with a high price. Read More