Minecraft Mods FTB Infinity – UPDATE [E54] (HermitCraft Modded Server)

Video Information

What’s up everybody welcome back to another episode of feed the beast infinity on the Hermit craft server so guys we just updated our server finally though we just updated to the latest version of infinity one point five point one we were running 141 for the longest time I think one five one became

Recommended about a week ago or something like that I’ve just been lazy and haven’t updated the server until just now some of the things that were added well I think there was only one thing added and that’s the portal gun mod which is pretty cool we’ve got a

Bunch of the updated mods now so we’re running on the latest everything new version of Forge I believe so yeah that’s really awesome so I was running into a problem though right after we updated I went to my 18 network over here and I was looking at my stuff and

What did I find nothing there was no stuff in there I couldn’t figure out what was going on so I tell you guys what let’s jump into a single-player world real quick I want to give you a quick overview of how my storage works it’s not as simple as you would expect

Unless you watch my series all the way through and you know how this is done but yeah we’ll go into a quick little refresher and how my storage setup is working here and we’ll be right back guys alright guys quick refresher time so we’re in just a flat land world

Creative world so we have a small little AE system here that’s being powered by creative energy cell so the way AE works by defaults you can have up to eight items on a network without a controller so we have ding miss graph profiling complete we have one ME drive and one ME

Terminal if we right click on this using our networking tool we can see the creative energy sale which does not use a channel one Emmy Drive and one Emmy Terminal so if we were to put some more drives over here so that’s one two actually that’s one two three four five

Six seven eight and we’ve put a ninth one here watch the light on the drive actually before we do that we can still see their stuff in there you can take things out and put them back in but soon as we put another one here that light goes out

We can’t access anything we remove this and we can put that back let’s right-click on it with the networking tool we can see there’s 8 drives plus one ME terminal that’s just one too many things on this network so we get rid of that and it works again right ok so the

Way my storage is set up we have 8 things on one sub Network I’m not really going to get into the details of this but we have 6 drives we have one interface and we have one storage bus and the way that works you can infinitely put these guys together

Provided they have power and yeah you can have all the storage you want d-max done a lot of videos on this if you’ve watched this stuff you should know about this if not I’d suggest going are going over there and checking that out so this

Is kind of how my storage is set up over here we have the Emmy terminal and then we go into a sub Network here we got the six drives we’ve got some cabling and this right here breaks it up so it’s not all on one channel this glass fight or

Quartz fiber makes it so it only lets power over here so the only thing that’s on this sub Network is this storage bus these cables these six drives these cables here and that interface so it’s interface drives and then storage bus so it’s just a repeating pattern same thing

Over and over this little loop right here only allows power to come over into the sub Network anyway if we right-click on here we can see that there’s six drives one interface one storage bus if we right-click on this one we can see there’s six drives one

Interface and one storage bus so that’s the way my storage should be set up if we right-click on this terminal we should see there is one any chests down here and that’s on this drive we take this out and we come back over here there’s nothing in the system we can put

This drive right here into this subnet where and yet there’s our chest once again okay so this is the way my system should be working let’s jump back into my world real quick alright so back here in the hermit crab feed the beasts infinity world we have our six pinks of drives

Like we had before we have the storage bus and interface down below the wirings all hidden so if we right-click on one of these we should see the same thing six drives one interface one storage bus right all of these are gonna be the same this one’s slightly different but we

Don’t need to worry about that but this one over here yeah you can see there’s six one and one all of these are the same right so the problem I had when when we upgraded when I right-click on this bank of drives here this was not reporting as six it was in fact

Reporting as nine Emmy drives white I have no idea there’s only six there but it said there’s nine so what that was doing is that was making this sub Network have far too many channels which it was like hey I can’t do anything error so everything down this one wasn’t

Working this one this one and that one wasn’t working yet all the lights are on and all of these none of the lights were turned off so I had no idea what was wrong but down at the very end on this last sub network instead of ending with

A ME storage bus it ends with the or is it an interface I can’t remember anyway it terminates at a deep storage unit I couldn’t think of what we had done here with stone so basically I knew there is a problem when I looked at my Emmy

System and I didn’t see my 59 million stone I knew that there is an issue here that these drives were not working so I spent like an hour trying to figure out what was going on here I finally pulled out that networking tool and started debugging it and yeah this one was

Showing that there is nine drives when there should have been six so I broke these drives here and I replaced them and then everything started working again yeah we got six drives one thing that I did notice is that this is on a chunk border I guess that’s significant I don’t

Really know it might actually be in the exact corner of it no it’s one block in front of it anyway what I did want to show you guys though is that over here we have kind of a mirror image of what’s going on on this side

I haven’t hooked this up yet I’ve placed these drives a long time ago but if we right-click on these we can see there’s six there and six there like it should be six here six here but there’s 12 on this one there’s but there’s six but this thing says there’s twelve so this

Little network right here would never work it’s far more than eight just to show you guys the backside of this you can see the six six and twelve so there is a problem here you would never know that there is an issue unless you’re using this networking tool and you can

See that it’s misreporting it thinks that there’s double D mount drives there so weird so weird I imagine if I imagine if I were to just break these and replace them it would fix itself like I think I have to break each individual one let’s just break one of these and

Replace it real quick yeah put you down and right click now it says there’s 11 drives I don’t know each one of these is reporting there’s twice the amount so that’s a problem that I had over here and I couldn’t access my a e stuff and I was just very frustrating

And but I finally got to figure it out so I just wanted to let you guys know if you do upgrade and you have issues like that use the networking tool make sure your sub networks or whatever you’re doing report the right amount of stuff

On them and that might help you out if you do run into problems like that all right guys so some other things from the update I noticed that my little hypnotized guy that slept Gator gave me is missing I don’t know what happened no longer here so yep that is a problem hmm

Other things we did get the portal gun mod like I had mentioned before so we have all these things that we can mess with if we choose to the turrets are kind of cool yet the little music distant please like the music from the game I’m not even sure

How you get these looks like you smelt a weighted companion cube it doesn’t show you how to make the weighted companion cube I don’t think maybe that’s something you just find or there’s some other way of making it so weeds weighted storage cube yeah I don’t know how to

Make the companion cube so one more thing that I wanted to talk about my health is showing I have blue hearts now no idea why I logged in I had green hearts and then it started filling up to another bar if we come over here I can

See I have yellow heart canisters I can take these off take off the red heart canisters is that gonna do damage to me okay so now yeah yellow hearts I could take off the ring of Odin which I think that should make me lose hearts again if

We put all these away maybe I don’t know so it says I have yellow hearts but I have no idea why I am going to probably kill myself here let’s take this armor off okay so now I’m down to Orange let’s fly up again and maybe up a little

Higher about right here okay so now I’m into red health so I should refill over time let’s go run over to you the blood magic area where I have a regeneration beacon and see how far my health goes just like this my goodness guys this base it’s huge had no idea how

Big it is until I tried walking it without any speed boost so you can see right now my health is regenerating it’s it’s getting like ten more hearts for some reason let me put the rest of my stuff in my end up out so it’s not on me

I have no idea what is giving me more health but I don’t have anything here that should be giving me health by the way I have a different skin if you didn’t notice that yeah so I don’t know for some reason it’s giving me 10 additional hearts I haven’t done anything that

No of that should give me those but for some reason the game says hey you deserve more health so we’ll just go ahead and accept that yeah if you guys know what’s causing that let me know like I said I don’t have any armor on I

Mean I guess one of my tools or something could be doing that I really doubt that so let’s go ahead and put stuff back on then put these and all this stuff okay so I’ll put a ring of Oden back on which should give me an additional ten

Hearts and make us regenerate a lot faster so yeah now we’re getting the yellow health and I can put on these woops phone’s going off and these and that’ll bring me back up to the blue hearts I have no idea why it’s doing that but yep that’s a thing has changed

Okay so while we’re over here at the blood magic area I figured it’d be a good idea to talk about this bound armor that we made last episode that no idea what I was doing wrong but you guys had told me in the comments that I was

Derping and I didn’t realize this so apparently there’s a couple of different blood shards let’s look at this blood shard so we have the demon blood shard and we have the weak blood chart so we use the weak blood shards on this armor now I was not really sure what the

Problem was why our sigils were not working and I thought they should but it turns out if you put one weak blood shard on there you’re allowed to have one sigil on there if you use a demon blood shard you can put two sigils on

There I’m not sure if I can put like two weak blood shards and that allowed me to have two sigils per piece of armor I haven’t really looked into it much but that’s a problem like I put one weak blood sure I’m like three sigils on

There and I was only getting the effect of one sigil and that’s why you’re only allowed to have one so I need to unmake this armor so I think I need to just activate the ritual oh I need to often magnitude so the this ritual of unbinding is definitely something I

Needed here so you activate that a rush of energy falls through and then I could just go ahead armor on there get my stuff back and fix these derps that I’ve made and remake this armor so it’s gonna work properly okay so let me go ahead and deconstruct

All of my armor and get that done and we’ll be right back guys all right guys so all the armors deconstructed let’s go ahead and check some things out now so we’re gonna make the boots once again so we’re going to put a weak blood shard in

Here and we are going to put a sigil of haste now the sigil heishi allow us to have like a little bit of faster movement speed and block block assist where you can walk up a block just by running into it so that wasn’t working last episode

Now I wasn’t sure why so if we make that armor now with just the one sigil on there we go put that on ourselves and I can walk up this stuff now one thing to note if I look at this oh I’m taking damage for some reason wait did I take

Damage that was weird they do something that may mean I just took damage again why am i taking damage I don’t know there’s something weird here oh you know what it might be because these are not bound to me okay so you can see on the tooltip here it doesn’t say it’s bound

To any soul network or anything like that if I take these and I right-click them on now it should say current owner hypnotized so it should be pulling from my network but yeah I can walk up things and that’s not a problem at all just walking normally makes me sprint it

Looks like and then I can sprint on top of that I don’t know if I go much faster sprinting but yeah that is pretty cool so that’s what I was doing wrong let’s go ahead and turn these off once again I am going to disassemble the boots

I’d be careful I’m not wearing armor I could die – this fire whatever but yeah the sigil a haste it says current owner nobody so I have never right clicked on this thing no it’s something else people have said in the comments is that I have to activate the sigils before putting

Them on the pieces of armor that is not true you guys just saw that it was working like that so I can go ahead and remake these boots one more time we’re gonna do this the proper way this time so one blood shard we’re gonna put the

Sigil of haste on there we are also gonna put a master blood or bone there and then that should make it so I am not using any blood from my blood network when this is going on now later on we could switch out over to the demon blood

Shard so I could put on the haste and then also the sigil of air I think is what it was yeah air sigil this will give us like feather falling effect are actually I think I might just negate all fall damage anyway this is the way we

Want these boots for now I’ll go and right-click them on so they shouldn’t be using any net any blood for my blood network they give me the haste and all that stuff fast movement speed so yeah that’s pretty cool so the next thing I want to test out is if we can put

Multiple weak blood shards and use multiple different sigils on like the body armor for instance that has a whole bunch of different sockets we can use I think that’s the way this works okay so there is oh oh that’s right good jump I thought I could fly for a second so we

Could do let’s let’s figure this out maybe we could put in one master blood orb and then we’re gonna want a weak blood shard and then we could put in one sigil here so we’re gonna want the sigil of which sigil do we want I can’t remember

I guess fast minor they give us like haste effect that’s something we’re gonna want magnetism yeah that wasn’t working before I never had a magnet working on me so I’m gonna try this let’s put magnetism on the body armor as well and we’ll just go ahead and craft

It with those two things oh I guess three things are the blood and then we have the haste and the magnet so let’s make that so – weak blood shards sigil the fast minor sigil of magnetism and Master blood orbs so if we put that on do we get haste we have

Haste – but we had that before so if I throw something does that get magnitude into me it doesn’t look like it is okay so maybe that is a thing that you’re only allowed to have one active sigil at a time okay so let’s try that again

Let’s go ahead and deconstruct that I just want to put on there with Beast I want to see or I’m sorry if the magnetism I want to see that actually work I haven’t seen that work yet okay so we’ll put in the master blood orb we

Will put in one weak blood shard and we will put in sigil of magnetism okay so that goes there we’ll make this this is yet sigil of magnetism put that on okay so if I throw something how far away does that pull into me yeah look at that okay so now

That’s working from like pretty far away yep okay so that is working so it does look like with the weak blood shirt we can only have one and only one sigil on us at a time good to know so I just got done remake you all my bound armor and

I’m over here and I noticed that there are animal spawn which is weird because we have those sheep up in the sky from before which should be preventing all mobs from spawning but we do have some spawned over here and I don’t know if that was a problem with the update maybe

Like some chunks weren’t loaded that’s loaded first I’ll spawn animals or whatever I’m probably gonna remove those guys and wait and see if we get any more spawns and if so we’re gonna have to up the amount of sheep that we have in that little sky pen area so I put sigil of

The green Grove on my leggings I was kind of curious if we came over here to a wheat field how much it actually works if we could see crops growing around us and it looks like things are happening I was just curious to see how fast we could get

Crops growing I’m kind of waiting to see yeah it looks like things are actually growing pretty quickly around me I don’t know what the radius is of this but I can definitely see things going around that are growing around me quite quickly so that’s pretty cool yeah that’s

Awesome I could just stand here and grow things really really fast another thing I did remove these trees I don’t know if I mentioned that before I think I did but yeah we were spawning butterflies all over the place they are pollinating each other and I just didn’t want all

The butterfly entities around another thing I’ve noticed over here with this sugar cane farm it looks like it harvests from here this way but I have never seen like this section over here harvested and I don’t know if that’s a bug with this farm or if it’s just too

Slow to harvest everything else am i growing this sugarcane like really quickly is that what’s going on here I stay on this Saturday night sugar cane is growing pretty quick I don’t know if that’s me that’s causing I assume it is I know sugar cane actually goes on like

A different schedule than like wheat does wheats kind of like a random tic and this stuff like is at a set and Rivoli believe I don’t know but yeah having the sigil of the Green Grove on my leggings here is really cool just watching all the plants and stuff

Around me like just spring up really quickly I like that that is really really neat so I’ve had a couple requests to show the update on what I’ve done with the bees since the last time I’ve done that actually guys to be honest with you I haven’t done much with

Them actually let’s look at our EG system what’s going on over here okay we’re still getting combs are still being processed yeah we got 32,000 of these drones they have been going for quite some time 24,000 royal jelly 23,000 pollen but yeah I haven’t really

Much with these bees now when I did bees before and feed the beast ultimate I kind of made it a thing where I wasn’t gonna mind I was gonna get all my resources from bees so that actually gave me a reason to do bees and make the

Bee production if we look in my system at iron for instance we have over a million iron copper three hundred thousand plus twenty one thousand of the different variety like we have all of the resources that you would normally want from bees just because we had the

Ender quarry in the quarry age and I did that was at a 500 by 500 quarry and then a thousand by a thousand quarry and then we had the laser drill the MFR laser drill going for a long time so yeah there really isn’t a whole lot of reason

To do bees one thing I thought I was gonna be kind of cool we look at extra bees here there’s these different greens like these are what the bees create I guess but one of them was the Laurium greens and then there’s cyanide greens and I guess there’s blue Tony and greens

Too so there’s the the bees from big reactors and you get clay if you wanted to I suppose but another thing and we look at our system if we look at the alluri and we almost have 200,000 you Laurium ingots and I haven’t turned on

My big reactor for like a week and a half two weeks whatever the last time was in our series here where I showed you guys that I turned it on so yeah I mean just having the huge power supply the fact that we don’t need power

Running all of the time we don’t have to be super efficient with everything just as as long as we get our big Power Cell filled up we’ll be running off this for a very very very long time we just don’t go through power fast enough is the big

Problem here I would have liked to have something in this modpack that’s kind of like endgame gear like we have big reactors and we have the ability to make all these turbines and like really huge reactor to make a huge amount of power but what do you do with

All that power there really isn’t a lot of stuff like and feed the beast ultimate for instance we had egg tech which had like an endgame thing you made all these crazy machines they required all sorts of power and yeah there is actually a reason and there is

Also no huge power storage so you basically had a key power going so you had to keep making fuel to keep your engine’s going it’s not so much the case anymore I’m not sure if I’m a big fan of huge power storage I mean this thing

Looks awesome don’t get me wrong but if you have a huge power storage and you have a large amount of power that you could generate but nothing to use it on it seems kind of pointless doesn’t it I don’t know that’s just my opinion maybe you guys think differently but one thing

I’d really like in a mod pack going forward is some reason to actually generate the amount of power that we have I mean I really like this power setup that we got but like I said it’s it feels pretty pointless if we can run off this energy cell for weeks or months

At a time without having to turn on our power at all I don’t know that’s just my opinion but yeah I was looking at that and I was thinking originally that we do you Laurie and B’s but again we have so much allure ‘i’m right now there’s

Really no point in doing it other than just breeding the bees and with gen distri we’ve already seen how easy it is to do that so it’s just a matter of time just taking the bees and going through the entire lines I don’t know it just

Kind of felt like a project that I wanted to do but then when I started doing it was like it’s really not worth doing I don’t know but one thing I am looking for in this series is if you guys have any more projects you want to

See me do let me know in the comments down below I am looking for you know other things that do we still have a few things around here to complete like I haven’t built the room around our power storage I haven’t enclosed this patan yeah we didn’t do too much with but it

Didn’t seem like you guys were really that interested in me doing the betánia stuff blood-magic seems pretty cool and the only other major mod that we have left is thumb craft and both I was gonna say both d-mac and Slipgate are doing thunk I guess they are doing

It so I don’t know I’m not really a big thumb craft fan so I do want to check out the blood magic this stuff is really really neat but if you guys have any other projects or things that you want to see me do in this series let me know

In the comments down below maybe I’ll get some ideas and figure out something that I want to do but yeah I think we’re gonna go in and the Serie art and the episode here not in the series and the episode here guys I had a lot of interesting time wasting with applied

Energistics today after upgrade finally got everything working again I’m super happy about that but it’s just one of those things like you spend all this time you build up a system that works and then you update and then it stops working it’s just like why why you stopped working

Ah but yep that’s it for today thank you guys for watching remember to leave a like on this episode if you did like it and we’ll see you next time thanks for watching guys bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods FTB Infinity – UPDATE [E54] (HermitCraft Modded Server)’, was uploaded by Hypnotizd on 2015-05-16 13:00:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Kenorey - TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmodsVideo Information This video, titled ‘👌SERVER con MODS minecraft NO PREMIUM [ Voycechat, Create, Botania y muchos mas ] #minecraftmods’, was uploaded by Kenorey on 2024-05-28 08:24:00. It has garnered 440 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. IP: kenomc.online VERSION 1.20.1 All the information is in the discord: https://discord.gg/nRuDVVFkfV Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack – Episode 3 Livestream

    UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack - Episode 3 LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MODPACK – EPISODE 3 THE FIRST LEGENDARY! – LIVESTREAM’, was uploaded by LändØfCärNissän on 2024-02-27 01:49:16. It has garnered 22 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:50 or 14450 seconds. Don’t forget to check his twitch! thanks for the participation! https://www.twitch.tv/cijogacomigo Join my discord Server https://discord.gg/TACYenMh8m Read More

  • Owlcean Ch. – Kaela’s Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱

    Owlcean Ch. - Kaela's Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Kaela’s Bank Card Has Been Used By Other People For Months Without Her Knowing 😥【Hololive】’, was uploaded by Owlcean Ch. on 2024-05-09 16:31:09. It has garnered 9057 views and 518 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. scammer must die. 🎲Source🔨 【Minecraft】Ender Dragon, i have come back stronger【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 https://www.youtube.com/live/m8LYR7xjV_Y?si=MTutx5k4IbQsfUI_ 🎲Outro Source🔨 LeAmoeba (https://twitter.com/AmoebaLe) BGM – Busy City by TrackTribe 🎲Precious Vtuber🔨 @KaelaKovalskia ___________________________________________________________________________ #hololive #kaelakovalskia #kaela_kovalskia #hololiveindonesia #hololiveid #holoid #vtuber #vtuberindonesia #holoh3ro #vtuberid Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!

    Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!Video Information This video, titled ‘I build a villager trading and breading hall MINECRAFT DAY-12 part-1’, was uploaded by Bro Gaming Gamer on 2024-04-29 11:14:09. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:04 or 2524 seconds. Title: “Minecraft Day 12 Part 1: Building a Villager Trading and Breeding Hall!” Description: Welcome back to our Minecraft Day 12 adventure! In this exciting episode, we dive deep into the world of villager trading and breeding by constructing a state-of-the-art trading and breeding hall that will revolutionize our gameplay. 0:00 – Introduction: Join us as we… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #Enderbrine

    Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #EnderbrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs Minecraft Creepypasta And Mutant Mobs🔥 #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #youtubeshorts #mc’, was uploaded by ENDERBRINE GAMER YT on 2024-05-23 08:36:34. It has garnered 358 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft sword Vs Axe Vs Mace 🔥 #shorts #sword #minecraft Dream Vs All Blocks And Command Block 🔥 #shorts #block #minecraft Title: Herobrine vs. All Minecraft Entities: Epic Battle Unleashed! | Enderbrine Gamer YT Description: Welcome to the ultimate showdown in the world of Minecraft! In this thrilling video, Enderbrine Gamer YT presents an epic battle between… Read More

  • Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2

    Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2Welcome to Dhar Aruz – A Dwarven Nation! Hello! I’m an organizer from Khar Darak for Dhar Aruz, a Dwarven nation set in a complex world with a political landscape. We are currently running on 1.20.2 Java edition. If you’re interested in roleplaying as a Dwarf in our server, we are recruiting fighters, builders, miners, and diplomats. Join us in the ancient to steampunk era of Bastion! Contact our Dwarven High King on Discord at accrayer to get whitelisted. Our server focuses on roleplay, player skins, custom plugins, 60 magic spells, professions, player economy, and strategic wars. Explore dungeons, wastelands,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > Hype

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > HypeWell, at least this meme can take solace in the fact that it’s not at the bottom of the tier list, right? That’s gotta count for something! Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with challenges, adventures, and opportunities to connect with other players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an epic journey unlike any other. Who knows what adventures await you in this thrilling Minecraft server? The possibilities are endless! To join Minewind,… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC SHIZO ADVENTURE: Was Drehmal the BEST Adventure Map?🔥

    🔥EPIC SHIZO ADVENTURE: Was Drehmal the BEST Adventure Map?🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Was Drehmal Minecraft’s Greatest Adventure Map? FINAL STREAM’, was uploaded by AvidMc on 2024-04-30 05:43:26. It has garnered 885 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:47 or 13247 seconds. Today where we are going to beat the HIGHLY anticipated Drehmal 2.2 Map. ►I’M ON TWITCH TOO https://www.twitch.tv/avidmc ► Get Drehmal https://www.drehmal.net/ ► JOIN THIS CHANNEL FOR PERKS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvIdf6Xan1zf7xndKk8PsHw/join ►SUPPORT ME ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/avidmc ►JOIN MY COMMUNITY DISCORD https://discord.gg/ARne4s2jkS ►FOLLOW ME Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/McEMau5 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Avid_Yt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avidmc_yt/ #minecraft #adventuremap #boss Read More

  • Exploring Haunted Minecraft Cave with Scary Sounds

    Exploring Haunted Minecraft Cave with Scary SoundsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft cave sounds with scary images’, was uploaded by HomesickBoy on 2024-04-23 04:29:36. It has garnered 158 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:58 or 118 seconds. . Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Teaches Villagers How to Thrive

    Minecraft Pro Teaches Villagers How to ThriveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraf helping villager !’, was uploaded by Broji Sensei on 2024-01-10 18:57:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. viral #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #help Subscribe for more guys ! LOVE you all. Read More

  • EPIC Mountain Side House Tour: MINECRAFT & ROBLOX Madness! 🔥

    EPIC Mountain Side House Tour: MINECRAFT & ROBLOX Madness! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #aesthetic #mountain side #house #tour #shorts ~ #funny #edit #roblox #dance #l #gaming’, was uploaded by Foo Tzi Wei Gaming on 2023-12-23 13:28:38. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftlive

    EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴 PUBLIC SMP | java + pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | survival’, was uploaded by X GAMERZ on 2024-03-18 11:25:58. It has garnered 412 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:17 or 7577 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴 PUBLIC SMP | java + pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | survival DISCORD LINK https://discord.com/invite/FzPMCjQT Minecraft Live 24/7 Minecraft Smp Java+Pe || Minecraft Live Hindi https://discord.com/invite/dnzJuzMjq4 🌐 [ Survival ]▫️ Season 2 ▫️[ End war ] __ ▶️ Java [ 1.14 – 1.20.4 ] ▶️ Bedrock/pocket Edition[… Read More

  • OMG! Watch Igneo220’s insane entity overload!

    OMG! Watch Igneo220's insane entity overload!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev stream #20 entities, entities everywhere’, was uploaded by Igneo220 on 2024-05-28 11:13:52. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:16 or 4876 seconds. dev stream of a mod for my Minecraft server music by C418, Lena Raine, Christopher Larkin, and PvZ jazz covers by ImRuscellOfficial https://discord.gg/9znQuP3ewn discord in there Read More


    SHOCKING! Airi Viridis RECYCLES THUMBNAIL?Video Information This video, titled ‘REUSING THUMBNAILS’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-28 23:15:53. It has garnered 781 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:46 or 6406 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. https://streamelements.com/airiviridis/tip Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me now”… Read More

  • Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1

    Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1Video Information This video, titled ‘The begining of my new Minecraft Hardcore series #day1’, was uploaded by Unknown303x on 2024-03-24 02:03:43. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:00 or 600 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore series Ep-1 || The begining *gone wrong _________________________ do the above using VidIQ (I use both)(Affiliate Link): https://vidiq.com/?afmc=6b7 How I build awesome 🔥”HOUSE”🏠 in my “Survival world” MINECRAFT💥 #minecraft #survivalseries _____________________________ Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ I request you 🥺 : – HIT… Read More

  • SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemes

    SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘هغه هندوه جینی مې مسلمان مې کړه #memes #minecraft #music #mobilelegends #mobilelegends #aforapple’, was uploaded by تــرنــم ټال on 2024-04-22 13:28:13. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm – 1.20.4 – SMP – Hard – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Binecraft Bealm! CHECK US OUT ON DISCORD! We are a small group of players who love making immersive builds, crazy redstone, and playing with friends. This world is never resetting, so come add to the history. Looking for people to help us expand our server and grow into an active community! Build or adventure, the choice is yours! Currently have community builds, looking for help creating a spawn area, community areas, and a shopping district. All suggestions will be heard and discussed within our group. Our Server is a democracy and every suggestion is valid. No griefing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lukewarm mob voting experience

    Minecraft Memes - Lukewarm mob voting experienceLooks like this meme got voted off the island by the mobs! Read More

  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

    Debt to Duo: Dave's SMP Woe! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Dave made a mistake, it may sound like a dream. But in Duo SMP, where teamwork is key, One wrong move can lead to a catastrophe. The viewers all gasped, as Dave’s error was shown, But Kroberto kept calm, in a rhyming tone. He described the mishap with humor and wit, Turning a blunder into a viral hit. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft and fun, Check out Kroberto’s stream, where the rhymes never shun. Subscribe, like, and follow along with the crew, For more epic moments and rhymes… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” 😂🔥 #tiktokviral

    "Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition" 😂🔥 #tiktokviral “Why do we spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to panic and run away from a single creeper? Logic at its finest.” 😂🤷‍♂️ #minecraftlogic #trollface Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

    300 Days in Minecraft Mod - Journey to the Moon in Pure InsanityVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spent 300 Days to get to THE MOON In Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-05-27 19:00:31. It has garnered 21381 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:55 or 12295 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/dejojotheawsome Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-mekanized Strap in for 300 days of Create Mod engineering and utter shenanigans as Dejojotheawsome begins his journey to conquer space itself in Create Mod! In this pack you’ll witness factories rise from the ground, vast exploration, and eventually space travel on a beautiful rocket ship! Get ready for my first 300 days… Read More

Minecraft Mods FTB Infinity – UPDATE [E54] (HermitCraft Modded Server)