Video Information

My friends we are in a pretty bad situation it’s me log that’s it and allow me to explain more we are in an underground bunker as part of the map known as shriveling world now shriveling world is a map by k9 that takes place in a world that’s been decimated by the apocalypse

With ruined structures all over the place and little to no life found throughout the landscape our new job is to survive is the year 2000 85 and all of earth is a dying wasteland after solar flares asteroids earthquakes and a whole bunch of stuff ruined everything your vault has unfortunately encountered

Bad news and it’s up to you to fix the problems to ensure the survival of the human race you must go up to the surface and adventure out to save your people we’ve got some tools here we’ve got some currency some food some armor and it looks like a little backpack are shulker

Bucks well needless to say we should probably explore the rest of our bunker before we get a little ahead of ourselves looks like this is just the sleeping quarters we’ve got a series of beds and lights and fun little band Cheers everybody likes bad cheese I love

Sitting you got to be kidding me everything is empty no wheat no beet no carrots no petites what gives professor Huey huh ooh okay well what do you have something for me ooh quests huh we got a green house quest we’ll get back to you Huey okay do

You see that look at that nametag it’s so much darker from the other scientist one’s gotta be something okay ooh we got another quest over here and this guy’s looking rather weird what’s the matter with you dude yeah you talking to me like that okay scientist mr. Kant right

Click you either and he pushes me how many are there a whole bunch of mobs in here is that why interesting well how about you Duane what you got for me a book okay I guess we’ll do this quest fish-out-of-water hello there oh hi I want to make sure that you can see

Duane okay check it out hello there I’m afraid I have some terrible news water tanks are running low of water if our last tank of water runs out there’s vault will surely die unless everyone here agrees to leave this place and so far no what’s to leave until they know

It’s safe to live in the surface now if I can recall there’s a water treatment plant there’s a water purifier can stall in the water system if you follow the coastline should come across it bring it to me and I’ll handle things from there I’ll be sure to reward you for your

Troubles okay well this seems like a pretty important quest Dewayne why don’t we go ahead and find you your water purifier you happy man okay so how do I get out of here is it okay well this looks promising ooh yikes I guess we’re about to venture up to the

Surface all righty up to the top we go and let’s see this so far oh hey you can die stupid oh there’s many we’re gonna run instead oh wow they’re all burning okay oh wow did it just break day or something hey easy does it there’s mobs everywhere

Well I guess we’re supposed to follow the coastline is this this is the world we’ll all righty stay away from the creepers follow the coastline stay the course or gather arrows – those are good Oh check this out look there’s something over here what could you be actually I

Want to kind of walk I don’t want to run out of in fact I don’t I only think we have to bread I guess we could get some coal we can use wood to burn more wood to get charcoal – we have an accent we do okay well we’re gonna at least want

That for torches and stuff I have a feeling so why don’t we we’ll grab you we’re gonna mind this guy at mine I say and we left just enough for it to grow back later that’s how trees work right perfect so here’s this house hopefully there’s

Something in here that we can steal ooh my favorite item frames and cobwebs rotten flesh I could you know I don’t I don’t need that and gross I guess I’ll take you for good measure we already have a helmet on we don’t need that I suppose we may look

Good yeah why don’t we bring it and we’re gonna bring the bed with us – that way we can sleep just in case a single call not bad and hey no one looks like they’ve lived here in a long time why not catch up on some reading okay

Look right from the house there’s even more stuff oh wow is it a city it is look at this a whole abandoned city what is this all about oh look aside just appeared what does it say welcome to grief town really I couldn’t tell how long has this place

Been abandoned for holy whiz well oh hey the coastline what does this say fish out of water okay water treatment plant as a water purifier okay this has to be it okay let’s go explore so we need to figure out a water purification area interesting oh boy oh the gang’s all

Here this must be something good oh wow that is many emeralds and a puffer fish and you all need to stay away and let me do my thing what the heck I think I heard a guardian – hopefully not near me either pushing each other into each other get away

Freaks okay yeah there’s definitely a garden around here somewhere anything in the chests bad news by technician must be some important then September 20th 2070 a 9.9 earthquake just struck the area we’re doomed why are you writing in books if you’ve got an earthquake going on just short of the

10 point oh that must have been why oh and it’s starting to get nighttime I was told to not go out during the night this might be very bad is there anything up here that we can grab why would you have staircases if not ooh what is this about

Okay well so far so good I think an emerald and some diamonds I mean a diamond and some emeralds well we need to get out of here I don’t think we can go back that way mine and quick get on out hopefully this doesn’t mess up the purification system any more than it

Already is so yeah this place looks like it’s seen some better days we need to try and navigate around maybe there’s something in the water maybe the purifier got stuck in here somewhere so far I’m getting a little nervous I shouldn’t be out here I’ve already been to that chest ooh

Spotter oh hey we gonna stay away from there that thing’s gonna start spawning in mobs real fast got a feeling oh wow Oh surface and it’s literally nighttime already oh oh wow someone’s shooting off no no no not today okay why don’t we mind this so we

Can get up as fast as we can come on oh oh he’s in the water oh wow and I’ve just been hit by something good thing we mined this or we would have been stuck in here really are you gonna play me like that

How do we get out of here there’s got to be a better way I have a feeling this is where things might end for us guys oh come on we got to kill him I do we die is this really where we die or oh boy

We’ve been hit with mining fatigue oh I didn’t escape we’re gonna have to eat on some zombie flesh for now to heal whoo that looks like something what’s down there okay let’s break in or no we need to make sure we’re not taking damage I can’t mining I’m literally I can’t oh

Man what should we do let’s just drop down we’re just gonna drop down we can’t we literally can’t break anything yet okay this is fine hopefully we can start healing soon something anything in here really useless things fine ooh that’s a lot of emeralds okay well we’ve actually

Got a furnace thinking about it why don’t we cook up the fish heal up a little bit okay okay okay okay okay where’s the fish they are we’re gonna explore in the meanwhile oh hey buddies hey come on now you’re gonna die yeah get it okay what about in here more emeralds we

Could probably go back to base ooh okay fine what can we I’m gonna actually use the backpack oh and I just realized we’ve got a bed yeah we’re gonna sleep daytime alert do you hear them all burning out there geez man I’m glad we slipped okay well in the

Meanwhile it looks like we can grab all these now and we some found the purifier ooh this looks promising what could you be oh hey no dope I didn’t have anything oh it did and a whole bunch of things what’s all this hold on a second don’t care about

Cobwebs don’t care about chests Wow goodies seriously what else a diamond to a few different things in fact oh no no no no we are getting out of here all right well I think the best way to find the purifier is trying to get to the

Source hey I think I just saw oh hey no no no leave me I that is strong okay well we’re fine for now that’s them that’s the big ol he sees me Oh what is this hey now hopefully you’re something good lay it on me baby yeah oh there it is

Water purifier I was excited about redstone to be honest with you we just got ourselves the water purifier and emeralds and fish I like those okay new mission I mean I kind of want to go kill the Guardian to be honest but I don’t

Know if we’ve got the food on us and I definitely don’t want to die now that we’ve got our purifier hmm oh wow I just realized we are literally stuck because we cannot break blocks well I guess we can’t is just gonna take forever you know what I think we’re gonna revisit I

Don’t have any business killing him because I have a feeling he’s gonna hit me just leaving right now okay good we actually made it and if you look we’re right here check it out this is right where we were with the stupid Skelly’s launch this strike so now we can head on

Home although to be honest hey hey yes wait a second we’ve got apples we can make golden apples with these Iowa for that’s mining fatigue I’m not even sure I can mine these with the iron oh we just lost it we need an iron pickaxe

For that what is this jokes well I guess let’s find some iron so we can holy moley you know this place is everything here’s huge you don’t mind that I take you goodies do you okay good what do you have splash potion of poison and even more zombie flesh

That I don’t particularly care about I guess we could heal oh wow what is this though this literally leads directly into a what is this yikes it looks like there’s light in there but I can’t tell if it just hasn’t rendered enough yeah cuz that’s the moon

Coming up okay that thing goes far man really far and look what the heck it turns grey there goes the Sun oh that was a hospital Wow this is a bad sign guys bad idea but something is just driving me I got a seat maybe we can see everything from

The top here you know what I’m talking hey what is that hey whoa whoa it’s got some special blocks in fact is that a pumpkin man – what you got for me oh whoa hey what are you doing here buddy you got something for me thirty-six rotting flesh I’ll he’s just a regular

Old well what do you want oh it’s a quest quest doom um yeah hey shakes at me yes doom of course fool what did you say hmm we’ve been expecting you traveler yes you look very experienced and determined yet foolish you’re perfect for this job

You do not need to know who we are all you need to know is what our goal is yes dark times are coming and volcana wow there’s a whole bunch of mess Oh yo-yo you can pause if y’all want to read it okay that’s page two that’s page

Three that’s page four that’s page five now I’m a reader oh here’s where it gets good right here I come from a cult that’s been watching this case for years and we are in your need the only way to stop this threat will be for you to

Investigate the volcano that far in the coastlines it won’t be a simple journey you need the right equipment now don’t want to get burned or corrupted no no no you must visit my friend Brom yes Brahmas taking refuge in the village to the right of the land he

Will supply with equipment what’s that you expect a reward after this your reward is saving this world you fool now speak for Bravo for the equipment and grab it some other yeah that sounds good and all question mark man but we’re gonna go ahead and return the water purify before we do any

Thing else okay we’re almost back to base check it out that’s the house we were in it’s underground somewhere we got try and find it start by the coastlines and with any luck it’ll just kind of pop out at us huh oh I took forever look what time it is we need a

Better way to like keep track of places I’m a dude oh man I don’t think we have a way to get down when we do this let me see let me see let me see let me see yeah any ouch well that’s what I get I

Suppose at least we can kind of tell and now we got to figure out a way to get back inside I guess we could probably just oh wow no wait a second we got to watch out for this guy yeah thanks I see some mushrooms we could use it as food

In a hot second tell them what for would it okay there’s some mushrooms hopefully there’s some red ones nearby get rid of I guess I don’t care about item phrase what what the heck they literally just appeared right there nah we got to get out of here head away okay good down we

Go we got to find Dwayne ASAP that was really close by the way you see the bladder drop all right Dewayne I got what you need water purifier done deal for eight golden apples nice okay I went ahead and gave you what you asked for was there was there some or other that

It is do all you give me apples what about the what about the what about the oh boy rye rye ryan keep it serious Tyler keep it serious it’s the apocalypse these people are in danger okay so what I want to do is go back to that tunnel that we

Found that was leading into a mountain it’s gotta go somewhere let’s investigate but first Raoul please can I know okay check it out useful alert finally we’re gonna get some food because this place is barren I can’t even handle what all the animals will you give me another

Trip please oh good ooh pumpkin hey you know this guy knows how to party seven apples that is worth one emerald seriously we found so many Emeril you never know all we need some gold wait the gold remember we had to leave so many blocks and go to the last city

Oh man goodness we got so much to do hate you rau okay so check it out we’ve torched up the entrance I got all the coal out of here I haven’t really dug too much further so I haven’t got iron or anything just yet but you know with

Time this is my little makeshift base like close by and me updated tech alert my tools mmm so here’s the wood ooh so here’s what we need to do I’m gonna get lost I’m 100% gonna get lost if we don’t leave a paper trail Xavier is the guy the thought of that I

Mean it’s kind of obvious but I mean I didn’t think about I’m just saying normal people that are smart not me love that zip I’m sorry I got it every time subscribe hey do you like the view yet whatever okay so check out this bread trail we’ve got blocks for days we

Go I just realized I can make a sword right now is it worth it though I don’t think I’m gonna find enough diamond for armor I think we got to do it baby yeah final touch grab the bed we need to hat or we’re gonna get killed

By the mobs they spawn in I tried I I mean look did you see this this I had to fall from I just willingly died fantastic well anyways we have infinite wood so I just brought all the wood with us I think we need to start just making

A path and we’ll hit up some things well actually wait a second oh man okay we’re gonna look at these two places and we’re gonna go find the tunnel okay we’re back at the city that leads to the tunnel there’s this path or it maybe I

Don’t know but the tunnels nearby what I want to do is in one of these buildings you all remember the gold the gold I tell you so I want to see if we can loot you see it like looks what I mean look I mean it’s a painting but you get the

Idea how about you hey hold on a minute I don’t care about those pants anymore out of style I mean this is not as important whatever but check out these pants literally with the leather looks I look cool now but I just heard a skeleton they’re already starting to

Spawn you know we got to do I need to bed I need to bed right all right I’m done playing I know what I want it’s gotta be at the top let’s say les Cee Cee Lo yes more good food I like this okay well what else you got

How about that another one oh man my voice is too hot all right we gonna do this right oh of course right right right get out of my face okay let’s see what the spoils are needed wait we need one more iron well I went through this whole

Dang city and I could not find one more piece of iron but I did find a whole mess of other goodies shulker shel good stuff slimeball oh the shield the best part of all seriously finally we have a look at it Block in cool we got some food here in there

Emeril this and them but anyways we’ve had our fun it’s time to stay the course and get back to well I’ll just check in here I’m sorry I’m addicted to lewd attempting so there it is right in front of us over there hey this is kind of cool-looking check this out it’s right

There okay way we okay okay hey hey this is actually scary I don’t do not like know what is up here be okay is empty it’s nice okay Pleasant great view let’s see yeah confirmed but what’s in you yeah I’m so happy oh you know what this

Means this means we got enough for that iron pickaxe to get that gold but I’m not gonna go for and I probably should have slept because it is now littered with mobs in every direction around me and in fact I’m gonna take myself up on this offer because I don’t know what’s

In the cave oh I can’t even see at the end of it okay I’m sorry my whip oh I don’t know but I know you guys answer so leave me alone what’s down here well it wasn’t anything I want to run past you I don’t want to deal with you you know we

Are in desperate need of though is torches II seriously where’s the mob no mobs in here okay he’s not after meeting where that’s nice I love passing through these in real life they’re always fun just big old tunnels straight through mountains seriously how do we do that

Just kidding we’re gonna get a full stack right now it mess with me ooh hey there’s something is gobby something here let’s see let’s see come on now baby what do we have anything good no hey this looks promising that’s the wall well we made it out

Alive although it was pretty much not scary at all really another town hmm I don’t know what’s gonna happen next welcome to Victorville hello Wow Victor you doing good for you so well I mean you were that thing destination everybody knows the fastest way up is

Just let’s do it look who’s that is that Brahm no it’s Baron who’s Baron wow he’s wait oh we must be the crane operator all right Baron coming for you man what do you mean huh I’m here for your goods or at least to figure out what you want ooh

Quest grocery shopping hey hey we got a quest I like these what you got for me baron what are you doing up here this is my watching you but since you’re here do you see that pink super mugger with the roof today what are you peeping Baron

Yeah I guess so let’s see do we see it I oh there it is well what about it baron seems suspicious it’s heavily guarded by bandits right I know scientist but that building used to hold a very expansive item back in the past and that item has been

Discovered until now if you somehow retrieve that item for me I’ll reward you with an armored tunic that no arrow can penetrate whoa what are you magic why you just do it yourself baron so grocery shopping Plus dragon egg equals oh wow okay we’ll do it Baron but first

It’s customary in my home town to sleep in front of money III got nothin also there’s nothing on top of the crane except disappointment there is nothing wait come on I can’t you gotta put something up here now how do we get down oh boy vertigo well

Found the best way to go down okay well here’s the supermarket come right up Brown Bend here we need to find a dragon egg what’s it doing in the supermarket even and more importantly how do you prefer it I like scrambled okay we gotta light the place oh wow hey that’s a

Great place – oh is it really just no it’s all I do is this it no oh it just disappeared done such a heavy bandit well man uh-huh don’t blame that on me you need to get out more oh hey Ronnie you gotta be kidding me oh wow

No way yo yo we messed up oh wow and now they’re all on us come on stay away man what do I do about this TNT do I just hit him through the yeah I’m gonna take them all out yo ultimate watch this oh wow yo they’re gonna and trying to play hold

On a second so here’s how it’s gonna happen friends watch they’re so stupid how much what hey you can say whatever you want about me I think it’s smart I just gotta watch out for behind me seriously I hate idiots oh yeah last one if you could just die oh he dropped a

Potato oh wow oh I was a whole bunch of goodies right in there oh wow okay well hey I like this house oh wait a sword what am i God Wow one knock bite whatever it was an okay hall at best we got kind of a chess play and we got some

Boots it’s fine I don’t even notice these and we may as well right now okay so we’re gonna try this again and I honestly think I’m just gonna keep my cool and just slowly approach but the egg started moving so we need to figure

Out how do we collect it I think we need Pistons we might need to go find pistons and that sucks because I saw them and I didn’t grab lookit well actually I think that was all the I thought they were gonna spawn more I don’t know hey

There’s the egg try to play okay and that’s a lot of wheat Wow and check this oh goody seriously I should still from supermarkets more often just kid don’t do that yes yes yes this is exactly what I wanted oh man final touch thing you stupid

Glass really this will – oh I just have room well that’ll solved diamonds all that’s left the dragon egg sale of what 1 billion dollars hey easy buddy easy easy easy so I’ve decided we’re gonna try and find a piston so we can get the egg this looks like a decent place to

Start hello upgrade not bad I’ll represent whoever this is that’s fine I can’t pick it up do it to me man oh wow a whole bunch this must be like the resistance or something am i part of the resistance am i part of something that matters yeah here we go

Luck just paid off found me some pistons listen I’m gonna take care of you I really just would prefer you leave me alone thank you alrighty this is gonna do it hey gimme yes thank you thank you oh my baby and Baron you really shouldn’t be up here man there’s nothing

Good for you up here ooh I could get another mmm we’ll leave you for now get a load of these fortune is mine welcome back to shriveling world episode 3 it’s time for the apocalypse now well it’s time to find brahms til it’s a map by k9 if you won’t play for

Yourself the Downloads gonna be found in the description of this video it’s a post-apocalyptic world survival and it’s really cool we’ve been looting we’ve been scooting and we’ve been well I can’t be anything else oh wow I can do that we’ll have to come back for it

Though I’m here for bread and nothing but infinity can wait a full stack and one bread we all ready for anything oops like a books in here although thinking about it I don’t even have an anvil to do this with so so you’re probably wondering hey Tyler where’s the

Bed well I found out that this has keep inventory this world has keep inventory on by default so all ready for a whole mind blow wait we got everything I’m gonna bring the backpack it’s okay it’s okay everything would be just fine it’s all worth that I

Promised check this out baby back from the city ultimate life hack check it out because I was discovered I discovered there is absolutely nowhere else to explore other than back here again cuz I think I saw the road go further or something and we already explored the

The first city what was it grief Ville so I am trapped play no games we got explore I don’t even think I’ve been in here yet ooh blocks Oh coal and another axe well let me tell you I’m just gonna had nothing to tell you oh wow this is nice

Ah fond memories of this place you know back when I pillaged it and took everything man I would totally survive in a post-apocalyptic world I got what it takes babe oh okay well I thought there was something where’s the crane over there well I tell you what we’re

Gonna do we’re gonna head up to the top of that mountain and then at the top of it we’ll be able to see like everywhere there’s gotta be something ooh what’s at the top look at my hunger you see how much food it took just to get to the top

Of this oh wow hey well okay that’s nice there was something after all it doesn’t look like there’s much of anything that’s the edge of Victorville right there nothing that way just some dead trees here and there well it looks like we’ve got our new destination and I keep forgetting about the

Breadcrumb trail made of wood well this is convenient don’t mind if I do it’s right in here enchanted book give me that sweet infinity goodness hey now I’ll actually use the stupid thing Henry the dog cellar yeah oh yeah Wow Oh different varieties how many arrows do we have

Let’s see nowhere near no hmm I’ll be back for you Henry well now this looks promising there’s got to be somebody nearby that has something for me to do for them you look good yep yep yep okay Zachary what’s it gonna be what can I do you for mr. Zachary

Home address you all right Zach sorry what do you got for me err right why hello there and welcome to the wonderful town of crumbled yes we are girly the only town with power because of this fine power plant well I felt that you see the power generators

Can run for so long now back oh wow you got a lot to say now if you haven’t noticed power supplies don’t grow from trees not like the trees can grow anything anyways haha well he feels like throw some humor in there what I’m saying is this town is India what die or

What it’s in Dyer and then it goes to okay now there’s a power generator is in the destroyed city of Victor oh it’s left there there’s this building that still glows bright at night I’m fairly certain that they used to be the old coal power plant if you find the

Power generator and bring it to us this town can still thrive I’m on it sec sorry but what you gonna give me oh here’s what the power general Ike we’re only five of these to power a whole town pretty sweet deal and you’re gonna give me treasure I like that

Well not to worry Zack sorry imma find it mostly because I want treasure but what difference it make to you so the trek begins all the way back to I mean really we gotta go wow we got a ways okay well here’s Victorville but we need to wait until this guy sets a

Little bit so we can see what’s glowing let’s go visit what’s his face barren actually no let’s just try and figure this out before the Sun Goes Down I don’t want to wait that’s gotta be it I mean look it’s got rainbow everything in fact I kinda want to investigate oh it’s

Right by the supermarket mmm fine man well the sun’s coming down the only reasonable thing to do is uh go stake out on the roof that’s it that’s it that’s it instantly pops out yes well you know what let’s do it let’s just be brave old boys and you ain’t girls if

You’re watching and it’s funny quality well more importantly we gonna just keep it nighttime and see how well we manage probably not a good idea but we got all these great armors and gears I want to see oh I forgot about this guy I want to

See how well we fare okay well so far it looks heavily guarded by heavily I mean there’s one guy hanging out and and honestly he’s not good at anything like look look he hurts himself I don’t you see come on okay actually there’s a whole bunch yeah what does this say proton Koh

We are the bastions to a brighter future oh yeah they always hear stuff like that one secretly evil company you know what I mean oh oh oh this is what happens this is what happens when I leave stupid night I’m on did you like my song well it was

A song of danger I’m scared okay we’re in and it looks like we’re gonna have to like break in one slow oh wow a whole bunch of I’m gonna close that oh wow and I am so glad I did bandit central but check this out three

Bees I would keep these in case I need them for like in Channing Taylor so you can have the armored man step at a time boys fall in line well there’s just more coming down though I’ll tell you okay neutralized what else is in here – ooh

Hey I’ll take these okay this is where things start to get a little bit I am nervous you know because oh because the stairs oh man we got it we got to just keep it simple baby just one one floor at a time oh man okay well it begins we got a

Couple Skelly friends well he’s just hanging out right there the whole time I’ll tell you now die where’s the rest of them okay oh wow oh yeah this is a arrow proof vest it hurt me we got all the cubicles here that’s fun oh hey what do you got here diary by proton

Co-employee what is this all about huh okay well let’s go up another floor then Wow all this coal wait a second that’s why we’re here we need to get the power source we got to be really close like this is like the furnace area in fact I bet you

Anything it’s where all those mobs are hanging out but first it’s cold hey this is a really sweet map you guys got to download this like big shout outs to canine you this is really sweet thank you so much awesome map right y’all enjoying it oh you are okay good well

Then why haven’t you left like it come on help brother out man is my job seriously you could do that right now be appreciated I’m asking for it don’t beg for it okay but I knew is I’m thinking the best plan of action is probably just

Gonna be to dig right up just to dig right on up oh wow nice hanging out fire right there okay so if we did this right yeah I’m starting to see like steel doors and stuff you know it’s good when that happens okay so cleaning house is usual be back

In a second you know what no I want to do something fun here’s what we’re gonna do this is gonna be fantastic y’all ready for this put the bed down oh there’s monsters nearby I can’t do that okay perfect I beat him to the chase so here’s what we’re know I don’t

Want to see I just oh I broke it that was the whole point was to not I’m trying to set my spawn in case I die so I replace you down perfect leave bet so leave the bed there we’re gonna jump into this we literally have infinite

Inventory you all II need to get back I didn’t open the door okay so check this out we’re gonna start doing this the right way just handling these guys from the inside no more hiding I don’t need watch this is it this is literally what I’m here for and I don’t

Need to run anymore of course watch is it no oh okay it is dangit well we successfully made it through night which is nice I suppose but I was really trying to be cool right there it just didn’t work in my favor I don’t need you I’m gonna get my books back so

Now the long trip back to wherever it was called begins crumble ttan what yeah yeah yeah what you got for me Zachary I’m ready I got your stupid power generator right here this had better be good quest book power sir oh he only needs these well I’ll take your book and I

Love it treasure mm okay yo everybody y’all ready for this what’s it gonna be let’s find out together boo emerald diamond and an iron sword which is sweeping it in I mean we’ll keep it because we got anvils now we can combine it with that knock back story that’d be

Fun but more importantly my friends I have a promise to fulfill but you down grab these and we should have enough for our very own pup so dogmeat Sparky Bessie Rex oh wow they oh well he did have geo I just had to keep going oh wait O’s are blocks of emerald never

Mind well times are tough we’re going for dog meat no offense it’s I mean price doesn’t ever doesn’t mean anything to do with the quality of the dog but now I’ll make sure that we aren’t able to tame him hey buddy how you doing dog

Meat I got some bones here for you okay good oh you go black color my favorite meanwhile this stupid villager is gouging me for all of my emeralds really seven emeralds two pieces of beef I’d rather kill zombies and feed him with that get out of here

Rip I can’t even hurt you dang it well Courtney can spawn horses I could have bought a horse dog meat well my friends we say goodbye to crumble Tintin ow in search of this Brom character still haunting us this could be where we need

To go okay so I’m trying to find a sign somewhere see what this place is called actually looking at it look they’ve got full-blown crops hey these people got to figure it out look at this guy partying literally planting mocking me I’m hungry all I’ve had is bread give me some of

Your goodies oh look they’re there just looking at it – they can’t actually reach you guys suck Carly farmer Phil can’t do anything right yeah I don’t talk to you either we’re gonna call this home for now we’re so far away from our initial base it probably makes sense to

Maybe even just post up here than that right dog meat I really don’t have anything back it because there’s so many villagers here and I’m pretty sure I can trade them for bread and Sue hey farmer Phil’s got some special deals don’t you in fact I’m pretty sure I could make a

Whole bunch of these right now oh wow look at this yo y’all about to lose it with me lose yourself in the music the moment you wanted I don’t know the rest but anyways look wow wow actually we’re about to score on emeralds farmer Phil please continue to take all trades look

At this look at oh yeah what and we got more well actually well where’s more carrots I need carrots okay sweet these are all 12 not all a good amount of kick I’m sorry I look at that faces yeah I’m sorry I know a deal when I see one but

Apparently I don’t know carrots when I see them keep getting be true you’re like actually about to load up come here where’d you go farmer Phil come on down I know what you want and I got what you need I don’t even have a room okay I made

Room Wow he just keeps trading them can I just keep doing this do I even need to anymore I’m gonna get that horse next time I’m nearby Wow 27 blocks of emerald eye farmer Phil no matter what you wear it where to go farmer Phil you need to stay alive

Literally at all costs this should solve it huh sorry farmer Phil okay where do I keep losing him how’d you get over here well this solves that issue very quickly see you later farmer Phil never to be heard from again and we are literally gonna make sure we remember where farmer

Phil it’s oh well I forgot we have even more emeralds in here another day another dollar dog meeting still no signs of bran yet that’s okay over here Oh blocks locksmith blacksmith shop huh Lester’s blackness shop huh okay ooh Lester les has got a question well

Lester I am NOT interested I’ll try to find broad gosh okay mm well I’m not sure maybe farmer knows something Oh actually what’s this Brahms potion she really is this it is it Brom right by the bed you know a dog we look right by the bed of course

Well Brom maybe you can help me huh doom – OH we found it yes the sequel great book even better game wah Brahma Brahma speak to me Brahma is yes through the bars of your like I suppose who are you what do you want from me a man from a

Mountain sent you here I see yes I know that man I know why you’re here you need the drink but here’s the problem I’m out of the ingredients to make it yes you know wow the whole bunch pause do you really so special magma cream you need to get it from a giant

Magma cube that lives in the shores of a volcano that’s in the coastline you need to kill the beastie of the magma cream then I give you the potion so you could deeper than we’re going into a volcano really a volcano braum whose idea was this I didn’t sign up for

This here do it yourself here’s some planks for a good luck and so apparently we need to find a volcano that’s on the coastline and kill a beast they get some magma cream sounds interesting so hopefully we find it real soon but meanwhile we’re gonna name our name tags

Something fun I’m gonna call this silver why is that well it’s because we’re gonna get ourselves a brand new horse from Courtney Courtney the horse knees anyways you sell horse knees Courtney whoa it literally disappears when i zoom in on what’s the matter with you Courtney just could be the horse already

So we got some options I like this we can get fox tail tempest we could get rusty ooh expensive must be good dark blossom honestly we pretty much have infinite emerald ever since we found farmer John I must splurge we’re gonna get dark blossom I love it I have

No idea what I just bought but that’s okay now you tell me you got a saddle okay you do good good okay perfect Courtney it’s gonna be okay Courtney oh we get armor for them too I mean I kind of want to say we may as well doesn’t cut

Let’s just see what’s better dark blossom Oh scary scary your new name is silver I don’t know why just it’s fine just go with it now you’re gonna put the saddle on yeah that’s good you got decent health what is this the slowest moving it don’t even feel that fast well

Better than running I guess how about the jump though what’s the height what what’s the high oh oh hey that I hurt pain I alright silver just ah that lares Victorville home of Victor’s I think it is is that Victorville okay ask the crane well there goes the Sun goodbye

Their friend it’s it’s been nice well we’ll see you later okay there’s gonna be so many mobs Phonics you see there’s already a creepy drive-by shooting killing creepers with my infinity I can’t aim at all and look over yonder y’all see it’s the ultimate pillar I don’t know that we’ve gone too

Far set remember we looked at the houses and then we came back over here we haven’t gone oh north we haven’t gone north yet I want to see who which is all over oh no look they’re head buffing each other you see that look chasing me oh we

Got a painted oh you hurt my aussie and we lost the dog where’s Oh heard me hey buddy oh wow there’s a whole nother city over here oh wow it looks huge look at that it literally is a whole nother city I don’t think we’ve been to this one yet

Because this is north we haven’t gone north yet hey promising there’s got to be something for me to do over here okay I kind of wanna explore why don’t we try oh wow oh wow friend did you spit a skillet she’s riding another skeleton horse hey you

Stay here silver we got to take this guy which means I probably could have just wait where’d he go chasing chasing scared of cute yeah you can duh Oh battle nice oh wow upset okay well dog me you know what to do baby look they’re literally all running can’t do

Thing right I hate you die go away dude the more you run it the more painful it’s gonna be skeleton I’m gonna take out your horse friend there can only be one skeleton horse right well he’s got some serious health on him I kind of

Wanna keep the horse now we got to take care of the no wait a second can we attack the skill it was this was the skeleton invincible I literally can’t hurt this in but I can’t hurt him what the heck is that about what I think if

We are not careful right right right right that does not look good literally at all what do we do about this that’s got to be a joke oh I’m on fire come on dog meat but feed him quick whoa yeah he loves me okay holy moly

Why you holding an arrow get okay good what you see that look at that there is something right there because it’s a private Miller it’s gotta be ya private Miller okay oh hey I don’t know if I want to I’m not trying to we should probably be careful with now wait a

Second can they get in here no they’re stuck they can’t oh hey we got a quest how that happened General William okay what you got for me general with him search in cease huh well mr. William we’ve got ourselves what do you want if you want to trade

Then go speak with someone else I don’t have time to speak with a civilian like you then again you did manage to get in this campsite one piece well thank you for noticing you want to become a soldier and do this particular mission for me my soldiers been meaning to build

An iron golem to protect this camp and Raiders attacked and killed the men we’re transporting it okay well you seem like you could use some destructive weapons completeness minwoo hold on a second destructive weapons that’s all you had to say to begin with general complete this mission and I’ll reward you with

The state of the arc boomstick nice I’m in so what are we doing until we need a robot parts huh okay that is quite a boomstick okay Tyler don’t be a hero make the bed sleep in the bed yeah yeah serious trouble I kinda wanna

What the heck do they look at me yeah that’s a Wow Wow uh-huh oh come on sleepy honestly since I can just respawn I don’t see any issue we should probably just try and do watch like if anything they’re gonna start fighting each other real soon cuz right cuz we can start

Hitting right you see look it’s already begun it’s literally already begun yes yes fine yeah it’s good I need another one with bows or something otherwise this isn’t gonna go my way one of them is invincible if I don’t recall I don’t know which but this is working out just

Fine actually he’s invincible what do I do with this one huh oh wow I am going to die I’m gonna die eat the apple if you happen if you happen again okay no no no no no no no let the Scout hit the right right come on how did he miss

Wow stupid arrows I guess we should probably eat just in case but mostly cleared out I like this hey stupid hit me with it dumb Oh what come on oh it’s this stupid invincible one why always trying to mess up my game do we need to climb do we just keep

Going to be on get away vegetable 1 well I assume we just keep climbing the stairs and hopefully we can lose the lose the invincible oh wow yeah I yeah yeah you are handled ok we are at the roof could this be it ooh wow hey wow look at this

This looks great I wish I could know how much damage it did it cuz it’s just got so much going on Wow I don’t need to spread anymore and why it’s got so much extra health hey whoo these ones look different hey boys how’s

It go pain you know come on now I in fact yeah we’re gonna just kick it right here they can’t reach me anymore because it’s dumb now tell me there’s something good in this one huh just more useless great that’s it jackpot right there right there Raider boss finally finally okay it’s

Time we’re gonna take out the Raider boss Oh while he’s ready for me watch falls Raider boss come on now hey it can’t get me from here he’s just bad Oh hitting him with oh well did that it killed him in fact they both just died

Well let’s go see what that was all about what I almost died funny well if that was the Raider boss it’s got to be around here somewhere where are these stupid robot parts please do I have to like search Oh what do you mean what we’re looking everywhere for this sword

Will hem why don’t you just give it to me I literally killed the Raider boss I killed every single Raider in this area all that’s left is mutants and you still giving me a hard time about it just give me the sword huh what was that will him will him you came

Through for me will M boomstick ooh hey this looks great well thanks so much I glad I could take care of the Raider issue for you but I took way too long I must be gonna hit you come on dogmeat we are on our way out of

Here all we need to do is get silver and we will be good to go silver hi-ho silver i silver always giving me trouble silver gee whiz and I keep forgetting to grab my bad from all the previous bases we’re gonna have to be forced to sleep

On car material instead not that comfy now there’s a bridge I kept seeing around here somewhere that I wanted to explore it looked like it led to a whole bunch o nothingness dogmeat are you coming dogmeat there it is you see that’s got to lead somewhere

Yeah it’d look like we were gonna get too far on the bridge anyways it’s probably better that we didn’t top of it but I’m curious where it leads really you lead to nothing is that was that what happened here oh oh it just straight up collapsed yikes

I think maybe it doesn’t lead to anything I just keep going this way whoa what the heck is this okay no one’s around good good what am I looking at is this the edge of the world I bet you there’s paradise on the other side keeping it from us

Fuzzy Apple drinks and delicious I don’t know what that is yeah it just keeps going that’s the edge of the world Wow well we certainly went in the wrong direction we’re gonna have to regroup ourselves so my friends I think that’s where we’re gonna end this episode of

Shriveling world hope you enjoyed if you did make sure you drop a like on the video of course check out what everybody’s talking about with shriveling world over on my twitter at log gods it and and instagrams fun too you know but anyways subscribes you can see the next episode of shriveling world

As it comes out as well as other franchiser Biograph content i actually am gonna see what’s on top of this bridge but you won’t find out what it is until the next episode so with that I leave you see you later does that look promising over there what

Could possibly be that lit in the middle of the night oh is lip a party to you Sarah oh it’s a bunch of lava well I will get shot in that’d be a bad idea so we’re gonna step away from there there’s the freeway or where the heck

It’s called from before haven’t moved too much still on the lookout for what was it at the volcano I heard me mean hey oh wow what is that hey that looks good let’s check it out looks like a oil rig or a crane or something or other

Ooh maybe there’s some goodies in there we don’t see looking promising and by promising it means I have no idea big all haul in the ground any chests for us to take thing ooh no but we got spawners up the wazoo don’t mind if I break I oh we got to get

Off the horse if we want this to work we got a very quickly yeah yes stupids can’t do nothing right get away get away get away what the best knock back in the land and then they catch fire because they can’t get close how many are there

I really like how the fire it like travels with wow hey there buddy y’all want a piece well he is strong I need to eat or I’m going to die come on eat faster stupid can’t do it yeah that’s right that’s right and I got my shield oh

Don’t hurt don’t hurt so hard silver you okay buddy oh we don’t have any wheat for you we might have to make a detour actually we could feed you a nice Golden Apple eat a gold watch eating it silver eat the gold Mapple come on ooh hello nurse

Don’t mind if I do come on what why are you placing Oh half slab you monster how am I supposed to know about that canine gee whiz and well I can’t what the heck how come I can mine this really fast with a pickaxe and in this parts huh

This must be one of the really oldest slabs oldest slabs in the land seriously what does I put that texture this better be good boom ooh can’t even see what it says on it yikes really can’t bug away bane of our pot six hey now we will keep you handy these

Guys have been getting on my nerves silver get out of there well it looked like a whole bunch of nothing why don’t we check out these guys huh yes I am in fact climbing with silver eye silver don’t hurt yourself or be careful get up silver you know okay we

Are about to take a huge risk silver I need you jump over here silver Oh silver you’re doing it oh yes silver you’re the best horse in the world we’ve made it so far can we get all the way up Oh Oh be careful and we made it I can’t live the

Top of this we’re the horse how does that happen okay let’s see what the spoils are you see buddy I’m sorry just kids silver with me ride or die baby yeah oh wow I choose not to die instead why don’t we just go ahead and do a nice

Little yeah now let’s see what the spoils are really for that that’s it not worth but you know it is worth check this out Silver’s servers got this you got you’re gonna make it silver wait no no I wish oh my phone went off though honestly we are almost out of food we

Might need to head back to base like our original base and get some trades going we have more than enough emerald we got 48 plus I think like a whole stack of whoa Wow what is this how was this hiding ok this got to be something this has to mean something

Ok like I’m afraid if I like break open this it’s kind of like cause like a vacuum and and all the life and all the green lusciousness is gonna get you destroyed and yeah let’s do it nice all right I want your goods what is this like an air dome seriously I want

If we ruined anything oh yeah it’s ok yes yes hungry I can’t even hold it well it was all for nothing what can we get rid of I don’t care about mushrooms and a horsey did we at least pick up we didn’t pick up the saddle Oh silver

Can’t live on well you know we got to do if silver can’t be alive no mobs can I guess silver was already dead but at least this guy’s dead as well you see how he’s looking at he’s asking for it leave me alone all right the building

Y’all were curious about the building I guess we can go inside so what do we have in here the best way to do it obviously is just to continue to break everything so ooh hey what could this be uh-uh ok let’s climb up to the top level

Here and see if we’re missing out on anything no ok oh wow there’s actually a whole gang of buildings though we got to see what is the best way yeah ooh whoa overrun with cows alert hey man what are you doing in here y’all don’t belong in here Betsy let’s

Just take it easy no one saw anything okay yes goodbye green hive research facility that’s where we are huh okay well you got anything cooking for me green honey no no just some messes outside waiting to get romped on there’s got to be something we’re missing in

Here for sure but what would it be Wow okay really sucks okay how did we miss this whole time looks like it’s a full-blown elevator system does it work though it doesn’t look like it although that is quite a drop I think I will mine down instead let’s see what’s down here

Ooh ooh something’s about to be dangerous I got a feeling Oh exciting finally something huh what do we have in here what could this be it looks like a chorus I’m wait gosh what this seems so familiar so the episode once I’m talking a core being

Core up did I don’t know was that’s a central transportation system what is this place are we like oh wow this goes in every direction what’s this the lounge employee lounge a whole bunch of fridges and that’s okay I kind of want to see what was down here instead yeah

Oh oh come in here minecarts okay things are getting real interesting now right take one mine car I assume there’s a place we can right there is which way which way do we go that looks like it turns I want to see this direction for now okay so things are starting to get

Real good oh there’s a minecart someone’s been here already oh wow actually it looks like maybe okay so maybe we do want to go this way instead yeah okay that’s what it is well we’re down to our last bread and it’s gone and so now we only have a couple more steaks

Before I don’t know I hope we don’t need this for anything but this is not looking good so far what do we have what do we have I what the heck is this a new is this a new area is this where I was before yeah there’s no chests here hey

This is something new it goes further down you gotta be kidding me how deep is this what’s in here never nether creatures hey where are we I’m getting a little nervous I don’t know who II what is that guy specimen J 102 while he’s trying to get me note by

Green hive scientist what does this say July 2nd 2071 gassed it appears to be a very powerful creature capable of destroying buildings aggression loans are too high to perform cybertronic procedures ghasts is this where the subject missing what why would k9 add that if there’s not

Like a gas to fight we all watch out for it was a couple more directions we can take this why don’t we go why don’t we go quantum generator that sounds promising here we go ooh there’s warning July 6 2007 t1 the ghast has escaped it appears to show some intelligence is

Learn how to hide it some of them the facility scientists and workers must be advised and report to authorities of creature is sighted I told you the gift it’s time for us to wreak some face it’s gotta be around here yeah you prove no threats to me just die die thank you

Okay well we gotta be on the lookout for okay okay well there’s nothing in there oh hey hey what does that mean no I want you to die oh wow what one hit oh no one utility lay down what was that all about Oh a command block huh that’s the

Culprit well I don’t really know and it’s sponsored another one II he’s alive still well for now you can die yeah get it is he gonna hit me please please die you kidding me well this place gets worse and worse looking every single time here’s what we’re gonna do yeah yeah yeah

Now hopefully we don’t activate it again geez I would if it dropped it I’m on fire okay well over here we’ve got some uselessness some more useless this and dare I say hey mostly uselessness I wonder if the gas dropped anything and the fire destroyed it where’d you have

The life seeds but I think I needed five it’s gotta be okay what can I use to activate this we got a stick we got a cable stone okay there’s a lever for us it’s good okay we’re gonna activate this baby voluntarily best okay check this out let me get my Golden

Apple ready eat it up okay we’re gonna try this again yeah there we go he’s be must’ let’s check it out down here is it something’s gotta be down here come on what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got what

Do we got there we go seeds perfect do they stack they do okay this is what we needed this is what we see it in yes is there more come on baby daddy wants some seeds of life it’s not too much to ask for if I do say so myself yeah there

We go a whole bunch okay well that’s good I suppose can we well how many do we have we got ten now I think ten is enough I think we only needed five so I’m in my head back towards main base cuz we’re pretty much out of food and I

Don’t want anyone to know that I’m the person that put all this up well there she is home base and we’re conveniently right out of food as well ah good old days with our breadcrumbs ouch pain didn’t actually help us too much wow this place is totally overrun

With mobs since we’ve left though hate you gyro failure on up boom literally all of them ah professor Huey here you are quest greenhouse now please okay good we got enough of ways that it just get for ya what do you mean huh is that it just for diamonds I could

Have done better than that give them to me well we’re two sieves is life short of 40 more diamonds really you’re just willing to trade the solution to life for diamonds my friends it’s time the shriveling world finale it’s me like that’s it and you were way too close to

My face get away remember our mysterious weirdo friend named question mark question mark question mark at the episode one gave us a quest known as doom check it out you mentioned somebody volcano you see we got the volcano where’s the volcano here it is it’s right here by my mouth

Volcano that’s far in the coast line so near the coast near the water well if you didn’t realize we are right by water so today we set out to discover what lies on the great ocean of this gross dirt world is it’s so gross we’re on the

Hunt for ourselves a volcano well we find it find out next time as good as new something’s coming into view check it out yeah there it is hey we got ourselves a volcano but really what are we supposed to do while we’re there let’s check out the doomed quest doom

According to well we’re supposed to find the volcano what do we do with the volcano once we’re there I guess we’ll find out shortly alrighty here we are we will leave you there for now let’s try and explore ooh and the perfect moon for the last episode of shrivelling that’s

Great I like ooh already after me we got a run there’s lots of mobs right in fact I pretty sure just heard of gasps oh I hear many do you hear that oh wow Oh big stay away oh hey what am I supposed to do with that

It’s literally I well we’re gonna have to set our better him man sorry I’m making a boat much better good night’s rest stupid zombies caught on fire let’s go find these gasps well I just saved you a whole mess of time watching we managed to secure some potions Oh fire

Assistance thanks so much problem his poster shop not closed we took advantage baby now I want to see if this is gonna be yeah because I feel like this makes a lot more sense down we go okay Wow hey hey this looks sweet yeah so are

We going down right now yeah look at my why level we’re at 113 and slowly dropping I guess we’re just gonna let this do its thing until I stop moving okay you know what I’m very glad we got potions of fire resistance we were moving like three blocks every five

Minutes before I’m still going south hungry yummy we’re still we’re still going if you’re wondering gee whiz although this is getting louder and louder and louder I’ll get short what the heck what okay we did things a little bit differently this time check it out

Full blown hole down to where we need to go I’m gonna just ride this wave let it do its thing we’ll be down in a second hopefully yeah this works great look at this fantastic love it love it well we’re still going down this is excellent well I already

Knew that is how far I dug but we dug down to netherrack so I have a feeling we’re close to where we need to be I could keep digging it’s probably best choice to be on I left all the cobbles well let’s take out a pickaxe huh look

You see you we did it right this time yeah I think we’re safe we jump down yeah wait where where oh my goodness house happened so quickly don’t oh my gosh Wow what what are those what no play me like that V these appear I think these things appear when you

Kill ass Kelly come on dude you gotta be kidding me watch we’re gonna take this guy out one more I mean one more come on out yeah one more come on now Sean why isn’t any of them in okay good diamonds what are you doing in the

Middle of volcano okay we’re getting a little closer to the stronghold everything’s coming together oh wow oh just get away I they’re all over me come on man die no joy oh no wow that’s great they’re fighting I’m gonna let this happen hey y’all just kick it okay nobody’s bow

I okay well this one’s after me oh but he’s about to fight come on yeah literally battling each other and I took out the last one Oh best way that could have possibly happened hey this looks promising and dangerous oh wow oh come on we gotta be real careful about

How we approach come on come on now with it oh hey okay this looks extremely all of this what could be over here other than dead Skelly’s yo took it oh wow that actually got me real good how many more are there whole bunch ooh and

There’s even a zombie oh hold on let’s not get ahead of result what we got in here blaze powder Dragon’s Breath and lava bucket great as if I needed more lava okay so we got a bridge now we got more arch or friends oh pretty sure just

Saw a spawner don’t like hey get back oh wow something’s gone mad with power out over here yep I figured as much we’re gonna take you out Oh what are you I don’t like how you look at all and you stay back now come on yeah you can die

Die die and we gonna eat one of these real fast or something Bad’s gonna happen is what the heck is that in fact are you a this is a mob Wow scary okay stay the course Tyler we got to keep going through this area or nothing’s gonna go our way unless what

Well well no wait a second now what do I go okay this looks a little more promising leads up to something real dark it’s got to have something for me huh let’s see what do we got oh man oh wow hey what’s the command block doing

There I did not put I ain’t oh come on always something right oh boy and now we got a Dodge stupid Skelly’s Oh close and they’re still firing off at me getting real Oh oh wow where is he oh he’s literally right there yeah stupid okay there are a lot of mobs

In here do not particularly enjoy I’m gonna yeah can’t get me now oh man I hate all of you swabs well so far I’m gonna do too well in the volcano all right you know we’re gonna go ahead just let them I want them to fight each other

Can we do anything to get them to fight each other appropriate amounts of like come on come on like Kenya well you would wanna ucba oh wow it still catches me on fire what a worthless shield yes yes it worked the best oh wow they’re like all after him oh hey

Are they fighting each other you’ll fight each other come on come on where’d he go man all right they just keep coming we gotta just we just got to take action there we go yeah yeah oh man I hope they wasn’t the worst idea in the world

Whoo everywhere and how come that one he’s like what fire and anything off of me yeah I stay back oh wow okay we may yeah I got eat this fast go eat so many mobs okay oh hey Dad died oh well can you can live I missed

That may times I suppose you can just survive oh why they just keep coming seriously stay away okay most of them are now handled the archer got killed by a bite whatever these guys are zombie skeleton hybrids yikes till bobs over there well let’s see what’s in here Oh I mean we combined

Them that’s in fact when I get this ooh yo time for upgrades hey that looks promising we got skeleton heads on stakes just like that one camp that we were at the Raiders mmm there’s gotta be something good in here I don’t even know we’re

After in here the book in fact what does the book say book doesn’t tell us too much at all to be honest with ya but yeah I mean I got nothing we are running fairly low on food though and there’s a friendly guy oh wow no no

Don’t hit the pigs because that will do bad things to me all right what’s in here okay useless boots I don’t need those what’s down here well this goes down forever ooh ooh hey this looks good another chest and it’s guarded by zombies all right you can get out of my

Way yeah y’all can just disappear really you ain’t gonna fall off the platform or just disappear or you could die if that works too huh so let’s just carefully make a nice little bridge to another bad habit and let’s see what we got here ooh chorus plant this looks oddly out of place

We got obsidian and we got a chorus plan Mmm-hmm just enough for a portal to my say do we make a portal I mean I mean I want to say yes I want to say we should oh boy I’m gonna do it all right three pieces to go boom boom and boom that is just enough for a portal now I don’t

Know if this is what we’re supposed to do but we go far down and we go we’ll see you on the other side alrighty here we are and it looks like it looks like the plain old then I have a strange feeling we were not supposed to do that

Well hopefully it takes us to the same exact portals okay good thank goodness sometimes it messes everything up but seriously so what is this about is this what we were here for the chorus plant the end I mean I don’t know there’s a couple other places we could

Check okay we’re back in this main room why don’t we go this way this whoa fast oh no I I know this ain’t hit me real good don’t hit any of the pigs if you hit one Pig that’s it they will ruin my entire existence seriously archers right here

Don’t hurt anyone but yes good really good don’t hit the pig please anything but the pigs oh wow they’re going it ok good they’re fighting now yes let’s see what’s in here nether bricks don’t really need too much as long as you’re not hitting oh here’s a pig and he mad at me

It can’t be mad at me come on oh oh dang well that’s just a quick way out of the volcano I guess why don’t we head on home I think we got what we needed I hope all right buddy what you got for me oh right you’re the one that doesn’t do

Anything important well what am I supposed to do with this stupid chorus fruit anything anything did you send me on a wild goose chase Scott yeah he shook his head at me of course he did get real man don’t what this well I’ve been looking all over the internet

Machine trying to find an appropriate juice that guy is seriously fast trying to find out what we’re supposed to do here I’ve been able to figure out what I need to do with the chorus plan I think that’s what we were after like I haven’t found anything else and I went back into

Volcano this is a few days later this clip that you’re seeing right here so look confused think we’re good let’s head back a base see if for the last time grief town and there she is all the way over there in her new tower splendor why’d I do that

It looks so ugly well yeah my way this marks the last room and none of these guides have any trades involving this little sucker I’ve looked all over websites forums everything else but I can’t figure out the solution so everybody had a shriveling world my friends if anyone knows what I was

Supposed to do feel free to let me know in the comments but this is where the videos gonna end all the same a huge thank you so much to k9 for this awesome map known as shriveling world seriously huge map I encourage you downloads can be found in the scripts of this video

Check out the link there Thank You k9 for this amazing let’s play survive I hope you did enjoy it apocalyptic mine survival good stuff you did joy please do drop it like right on the video of course subscribe to see more awesome Survival Series right as they come out

We’ve got another 1.12 one coming real soon will rise when twelve comes out so make sure you subscribe so you can see that right as it comes out like I said other than that have a good one hope you enjoyed shriveling wild and we will see you for the next one peace out

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOVIE: END OF THE WORLD’, was uploaded by Logdotzip on 2018-05-07 23:31:13. It has garnered 4892176 views and 63423 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:02 or 4562 seconds.

Try to survive in this post-apocalyptic Minecraft survival map!! 👕 LOGDOTZIP SHIRTS & MORE ► http://bit.ly/LogdotMerch

🎬 SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/SubLog 🔔 AND CLICK THE BELL! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📰 Facebook ► http://facebook.com/Logdotzip 💬 Twitter ► http://twitter.com/Logdotzip 📸 Instagram ► http://instagram.com/Logdotzip ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Welcome to the Shriveling world! This map puts all of my survival skills to the test in Minecraft 1.11. I try to survive in this Minecraft survival map. Shriveling World introduces a new Minecraft story in an apocalyptic world. This playthrough is full of my funny moments while trying to survive the brutal map. This is a Minecraft survival map in standard vanilla Minecraft, there are no mods or commands so trying to survive will be a challenge. We will be completing quests across the map to try and find the Vault!!

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅ Map by Kanenine ✅ Download Map: http://www.minecraftmaps.com/survival-maps/shriveling-world

🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound All music used with permission from its creator.

  • Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft’s Triangular House Quick Fix

    Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft's Triangular House Quick Fix In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house with triangular vibes. Wooden planks arranged in a unique way, Creating a structure that’s sure to stay. With each block placed, a story unfolds, A home for our character, brave and bold. In this virtual world, the possibilities are endless, With each design choice, our creativity transcends. So grab your tools and let’s get to work, Crafting a home that’s sure to perk, Up the spirits of all who pass by, In this Minecraft world, where dreams can fly high. Read More

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  • Techno Gamerz: Fire Mc Find Sparks Minecraft Frenzy

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024

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  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

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  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

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  • Ultimate Mining Madness in Minecraft

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  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

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  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft small building #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial’, was uploaded by VINU on 2024-05-21 17:19:50. It has garnered 550 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Song: AXM – Sunlight Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://bit.ly/3mTaHsP Song: Thomas Gresen – Elevate Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://bit.ly/3A2wbGx #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial #funnylogic Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

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  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

    SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Breed “With” Villagers 🤨 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 09:00:41. It has garnered 493 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

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  • “Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE” #roblox

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  • Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!

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  • Gaupa

    GaupaFactions server under development. Some of the stuff is not finish, but come and join and build your empire and be the strongest faction in this world PvP Just have fun 1.20.1 Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is a thriving online community that started in 2020 as a name for a DnD game and has evolved into a place for people to relax and play games. Key Features: Active staff members ready to assist Regular events like building and drawing contests Unique role system with perks Cozy spawn area created by staff Economy system for money, shops, and item selling Villager shops with a variety of items Player Market for buying protected areas Quality hosting for a smooth experience Bedrock integration for mobile/console players Discord server with EssentialsX integration Join Us… Read More

  • Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)

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  • Minecraft Memes – Speedrun to da crib

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  • Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed!

    Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a map review is due, For the anniversary, let’s see what’s new. Exploring the realms, with blocks and mobs, 15 years of crafting, no time for sobs. Asele’s channel, bringing the scoop, With a cloak in hand, ready to loop. Nerkin and Matzncraft, in the mix, Celebrating Minecraft, with tricks and kicks. An anniversary card, a creeper cloak, In the world of Minecraft, it’s no joke. Twitch streams and updates, all in sight, Minecraft’s 15 years, shining bright. So dive into the game, with joy and cheer, Minecraft’s anniversary, let’s all be near. Asele’s… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Viral Shorts Edition

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  • Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans

    Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans Embarking on the Journey of Building a City in Minecraft Survival Mode Welcome to the first episode of our Minecraft series, where we dive into the exciting world of building a city in survival mode. In this adventure, we will witness the challenges and triumphs of creating a bustling metropolis from scratch. Let’s explore the essential steps and strategies involved in this epic undertaking. Gathering Essential Resources One of the first tasks in building a city in Minecraft survival mode is gathering essential resources. From wood and stone to food and ores, every material plays a crucial role in… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT - EPIC CAVE CANNONS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cosy Modded Minecraft – Caves and Cannons’, was uploaded by Chris Deals Minecraft on 2024-03-09 02:27:12. It has garnered 346 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:03 or 1863 seconds. Epic Minecraft Adventure with Create Mod, Ars Nouveau, and Cave Exploration! Watch as I harness the power of Create Mod to construct a stunning house, utilizing its intricate mechanics for ultimate creativity! But that’s not all – dive deep into the magical world of Ars Nouveau as I craft mystical spell books, unlocking ancient powers to aid in my quest! Then,… Read More

  • TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!

    TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Creepy SUPERHEROES vs MIKEY and JJ ESCAPING Underground ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-06-04 17:00:29. It has garnered 13315 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:09 or 1809 seconds. All Creepy SUPERHEROES vs MIKEY and JJ ESCAPING Underground at 3:00AM ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to… Read More

  • “Dronio’s EPIC Love Story in Minecraft – FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!” #MinecraftLove

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  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!” #clickbait

    "EPIC FAIL in Minecraft - DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wrong Turn #zocken #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #spielen #dunkel #gameplay #game #funny #fun’, was uploaded by R&R Production on 2024-01-10 15:36:22. It has garnered 99 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!

    Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!Video Information This video, titled ‘WinterMap Minecraft Server #916star #minecraft’, was uploaded by Timself on 2024-01-11 14:46:12. It has garnered 112 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. TLX Network: ➞ https://dsc.gg/tlxnetwork ➞ Founder: Lexo und Timself WINTERMAP: ➞ IP: wintermap.g-portal.game ➞ Version: 1.20 – 1.20.4 ➞ Discord: https://discord.gg/5yKzHxj4mN GamingEcke: ➞ https://discord.gg/SJu84x2Spq ➞ I thank everyone for your subscriptions and your support! Read More

  • EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #Shorts

    EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral tik tok video dream on #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR More07 on 2024-03-02 11:30:02. It has garnered 461 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Mr More07 ============================== Instagram➡https://www.instagram.com/_mr_more07_/ Facebook➡https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056299486427 ============================== Please like the video Please subscribe the channel Share the video for your friends ============================== Thanks For Watching ============================= #shorts #minecraft #mrmore07 minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft 1.20, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Besto Frendso :)’, was uploaded by Sarang Ram on 2024-03-28 20:57:38. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Thanks for joining in. Valorant grind later tonight. Stick around if you like the content. Leave a like and Subscribe as well. Thank yaaa. Read More

  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

    "Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-13 10:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft … Read More

  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

    💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Toph033 Talks Racing To 100 Kills In Sky Battle | InsideMC 107’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-05-22 15:00:10. It has garnered 323 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:20 or 3320 seconds. In the 107th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast and thirty-sixth edition of MidweekMC, Orbitzz & AJX sit down with Toph033! Someone who is amazing at Minecraft, someone who places very high in tournaments, someone who is good at speedrunning and someone who has a bad KAD ratio in Valorant, wait what!? To kick start the podcast the… Read More

  • Milliumlife

    MilliumlifeServeur PVE revisité dans une ambiance chill. Actuellement toujours en phase de test mais assez avancé pour pouvoir ouvrir ses portes au premiers curieux ! Welcome to Milliumlife 1.20.2 Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that provides a welcoming space for gamers to join together and play various games without the worry of pay-to-win features. Our Minecraft server has been active since version 1.7.10 and continues to thrive. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server offers player protection through a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team. Players start with 2,000 claimable blocks and earn more over time. Pets are also protected. Our admins are always available to assist with any issues. Quality-of-Life Features: Enjoy features like a secure banking system that rewards playtime with interest. Visit the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – April Fools: Minecraft’s Best Update!

    Minecraft Memes - April Fools: Minecraft's Best Update!They should add a “blocky” filter to make everything look like it’s made out of LEGO bricks. That would really throw players for a loop! Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More


    HEMERALD LIVE: SHOCKING MINECRAFT PROBLEM!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘QUESTO E’ UN PROBLEMA! – Minecraft ITA Penitenze’, was uploaded by Hemerald Live on 2024-06-10 18:23:27. It has garnered 1632 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:28 or 7288 seconds. A GIANT BALL of TNT is created, this is a real PROBLEM! 🟣Live Channel ➜ https://live.hemerald.net 🔴First Channel ➜ @hemerald ⚠️ My Social Networks ➜ https://linktr.ee/hemerald Live del 9/06/2024 MODPACK PROJECT SACRIFICE su MINECRAFT ITA Read More