Minecraft Movie : The Dimension Saga

Video Information

After accidentally proving the aether is real i go through the portal and am left to survive in the sky dimension this is minecraft tales of the aether when i got through the portal i found a book of war in my inventory i had no clue what it did i started punching

Trees and got skyroot logs after getting some wood i found this weird bird thing i didn’t know if it was friendly but so far i seemed okay i went and crafted a skyroot pickaxe and went and found some stone this was called holy stone and i made some tools

As i was chopping more wood i noticed a ginormous flying whale go right by he seemed very peaceful though i then found this vortex that was spitting out random resources maybe from the overworld and then there was this guy in the sky who was shooting snowballs at me but he was

Missing i went and took a look at the animals and i found a really fat sheep and he just launched himself in the air and he was falling very slowly i went to go see what oars i could find and i found this new stone and it turned

Out to be ice stone i tried crafting things with it but i couldn’t figure out any recipes so i just got a few and stopped mining it while i was mining stone i noticed i was getting these ambrosium shards but once again i couldn’t figure out what to do with them

This cloud guy was annoying me and i tried swinging at him but he just dipped i saw these really cool trees high up and i saw they had special blocks on them but i couldn’t figure out how to get up there so i just left it alone and

Then i watched one of these majestic whales get stuck in a cloud i thought all the birds were friendly until i got shot by a random arrow and my vision went super weird everything was good though once i found some blueberries and got to full health hopefully those would

Be enough to last me until day two starting off day two i found this cloud and figured out that i could break the blocks and it turns out they maybe jump really high they also stopped fall damage so i figured these would be useful in the future i noticed the

Flying cows were very attracted to my blueberries so i gave them a couple and well they made a baby i was getting more blueberries and i randomly got knocked back by something and i think it was the snowball from the cloud thing which didn’t seem too bad

But now at least i know what they do i found this pink ore but my pickaxe was too weak and then i finally took down one of these bird things but they only dropped feathers i found a new ore i haven’t seen before but it turned out just to be the

Ambrosium shards that i already had i then found this sand which i picked up and it turned out to be quick soil and when i hopped on it i just slid right off this would be a problem in the future and you’ll see why this tree

Looked really cool and i tried mining it but it just dropped the same sky root logs this flower thing spawned right in front of me and it turned out it wasn’t friendly so i took it down and i got some sort of pedal i had a feeling it

Would be useful for something at least i decided to test out my theory of stopping fall damage with cloud blocks and it worked perfectly except i had to remember to stay shifted until i got out of the block and then i was good i searched around a bit more and found a

Purple ore and this one i could mine i looked at it and it was called zanite and it turns out i could make a pickaxe out of it and this pickaxe did let me mind the pink ore i picked it up and this ore turned out to be called

Gravitate i mined a lot more of it to see what i could make with it but i didn’t have anything to smelt the oars with so right now it was pretty much useless i needed to get off the main island so i set out to build all the way over it was

Risky but i ended up making it to the other side and here is where i almost died by sliding off the quick soil note to self do not go on that on the edge this island seemed to have a lot more zanite so i mined all of it that i could

I found more zanite and it turns out you can make a chestplate and weapons out of it when i was exploring i saw an island that looked like it had some sort of structure on it but when i looked closer it was just trees but they looked

Different and then after that i came really close to dying but overall i’m looking good going into day three i started off by failing to hit a snowball back to that cloud thing and then i noticed a block up there that looked different but when i got there i

Tried mining it for so long but it just wouldn’t break i looked for some sort of entrance but i only found golden trees on the top i mined all around but i couldn’t find any entrance but i did end up finding some more zanae and made some

More armor but after a long search i found the entrance to the dungeon and there was some fire creature inside but being me i went up and tried hitting it and it didn’t do anything i tried breaking the netherrack but still nothing happened and i just got set on

Fire i feel like there was something i was supposed to do before taking down the dungeon so i just went exploring and that’s when i came across a ginormous structure in the clouds and this black vortex which in hindsight was a bad idea and then i thought of

Another idea i knew these portal things spit out random items from the overworld and i was really hoping it would spit out cobblestone so i could make a furnace while i was searching for more vortexes i came across a pretty handsome looking green sheep i didn’t really know

What he did but he was pretty cool eventually i found a vortex and sure enough it started spitting out cobblestone i waited around until it spit out enough cobblestone and i picked up enough to be able to craft a furnace my theory was that if i made a furnace i

Could smelt the pink or i have and it didn’t work so i guess i was going to need something else and you know how it goes more dangerous sky bridging but i live on the edge i found another floating island with one of those dungeons but obviously i couldn’t take that down

And i came across a dark variation of one of the bird things and i assumed it would attack me but it actually didn’t so at least i got two feathers not having a full set of armor bothered me so i mined enough zanite to make all tools and armor but somehow without the

Helmet i had this many armor bars and then when i put on the helmet i lost two full armor bars i don’t know who is responsible for that but someone has some explaining to do i finished off with coming back to the sky temple in preparation for day 4. it

Looked very intimidating but i think i could take it down this would be the first structure i’ve actually explored hopefully we’ll make it out alive in day 4. before going to the sky temple i really needed to do something i needed to find out what these trees were all about so i

Did some more dangerous sky bridging and made my way over to these trees and when i mined the leaves they gave me white apples i got a lot of them since i didn’t really feel like coming back here and when i ate one well my vision turned all green and i

Didn’t know what was happening it didn’t seem like it did anything though so i guess it wasn’t a bad thing there was also something i really wanted to try out but first i had to get rid of this thing and i got another pedal from it unfortunately the thing i wanted to try

Out was the sacrifice of a sheep and unfortunately it didn’t work out i tried getting the fat one and he just jumped so i waited for him and unfortunately he also did not drop anything but their sacrifices would be remembered it was time to take down the

Sky temple i built all the way up and made my way to the entrance the temple was on a ton of cloud blocks and i was really curious to see if i could even stand on them i didn’t want to try but eventually i just went for it and it

Turns out you just sink right to the bottom but you can stand i tried mining the pillars and sure enough well i got a pillar but i tried mining the other box and they didn’t break when i got there there was a chest but when i opened it it just

Started attacking me i was hoping for some cool loot but nothing dropped pretty much every chest i opened attacked me and i mean literally every single chest i opened it was probably about six but eventually i found a chest with loot in it they had golden darts

Which i didn’t know what they did but i grabbed them anyways and ambrosian torches i was walking through some room and i think i set off a trap that spawned some warrior i got a chat message saying they weren’t going easy on me so i had to

Take her down i ended up getting a victory medal but it didn’t do anything i tried clicking on it but nothing happened i went to the second story and found a whole another chest room i got a golden dart shooter from this chest i didn’t

Know what this did so i grabbed it and i started shooting darts at the wall i spent a few seconds trying to figure out why the sound sounded like i was getting damaged but i let it go i tried testing out the dart shooter on the warrior girl and that really did not

Work out so i resorted to the good old-fashioned sword i found a few more unique items in the chest such as different darts a moa egg a music disc and even a bucket of sky root poison which i really was curious to see what happened i tried drinking it but i

Decided that really wasn’t a good idea and i also somehow thought this would work but she didn’t drink the poison i then found some throne room where i talked to apparently the valkyrie queen she requested to fight and naturally i said yes but i needed 10 victory medals

First so i got those i came back and talked to her again i told her i wanted to fight again and she said i have the medals so i’m all good and we started our fight the valkyrie queen had an insane amount of health from the beginning i had a really good

Rhythm going and she wasn’t really attacking me i kept hitting her out of the air until i tried eating and well she did three and a half hearts in one hit over time she started spawning these cloud things and lightning which was pretty scary but eventually i cornered

Her and had a super good rhythm going where she couldn’t touch me the fight took so long that it even broke the second sword i picked up in one of the chests but eventually i finally took her down and got an achievement the valkyrie queen dropped a silver key

And a golden sword i don’t know what the significance of the sword was but the key was definitely used for this chest that just opened up in the middle of the room i used the key to unlock it and i got insane loot i got valkyrie leggings and

A chest plate i got two pairs of these boots called neptune boots a good amount of these blue gummy things which i had no clue what they did and even a valkyrie shovel i put on all my brand new armor and my armor bars went to pretty much full health

Now with my new armor hopefully i had a shot at taking down some of the harder dungeons let’s see what we’re gonna explore in day five i couldn’t stop myself from drinking the poison but the white apples actually cured me so i guess that’s what they do

There was a reason i decided to drink the poison and that’s because after i did i got an empty skyrook bucket and then i could get a water bucket that actually worked i was tired of saving myself with clouds i found some more gravity but after mining it i noticed it

Actually floats to the ceiling i was running around a bit when i saw a weird tunnel in the mountain i made my way over and sure enough it was a new dungeon once again i tried slaying the cloud monster but i just couldn’t do it

I crept on in and when i got inside there was a little guy that spawned behind me but i took him down i was about to go inside to fight the main boss but then i kept setting off traps that spawned more of him and this one actually exploded this time

I accidentally spawned another one and i took him down hopefully without exploding yes and then in the main room there was a giant cube i tried hitting it with my sword but the chat said i need a pickaxe so i hit him with a pickaxe and well he woke up he started

Attacking me and well i wasn’t exactly winning the fight but eventually i figured out a pattern where he couldn’t hit me if i just circled around him the cube could only travel horizontally so i just stayed in its diagonals and i thought it was pretty much safe for the rest of the fight

But then he started going super fast but i ended up taking it down i grabbed the key and opened the chest and sure enough there was a lot of items that i did not have there were whitening knives agility capes and other golden gummy things that

I didn’t know what it did but i grabbed this shield and put it on it ended up putting a transparent piece of armor around me so i’m assuming i was more protected i grabbed the agility cape and put it on as well i tried running around and it

Looked pretty cool but i didn’t really know what it did but i figured out i could just run up blocks without jumping i grabbed a lightning knife and well it spawns lightning so i figured they’d be useful and i grabbed all of them along with these gummy things not only did i

Look super cool but i think i was geared enough to take on the island dungeon in day six today was the day to take down the island dungeon first i had to get some better gear so i made a block called an enchanter and this allowed me to smelt

My gravity ore these oars took so long to smell probably two minutes per ore while that was going on i made a giant staircase up to the island i crafted a gravity sword and helmet and i just hoped this would be enough to take on

The final boss of the aether and then i just found the sheep kind of floating in mid-air but i had to let him go i made my way up to the dungeon and i hoped i was ready to face the boss i put out all the fires just to make sure though i

Couldn’t hit him at all so i decided to talk with him and he didn’t really like me so he started throwing fireballs at me i couldn’t hit him or deflect the fireballs back at him but occasionally he would throw an ice ball and when i hit him with it it damaged him

He didn’t do much damage himself but the catch was that whenever i hit him with an ice ball he spawned a mini version of himself and the mini version actually started to attack me and set me on fire the mini version actually did far more damage than the actual sun spirit but

When i almost died i used some of those gummies i got in the other dungeon and they just healed me to full health but so far i was surviving much better than the other dungeons the entire fight lasted about 20 minutes and it took a long time to actually aim the ice balls

And hit him successfully but i survived and i kept hitting ice balls back at him and this doesn’t even account for all the shots i missed eventually i timed it perfectly for the finishing hit and i defeated the sun spirit this was the final boss of the aether and i grabbed

The golden key and opened the chest and there was quite a bit of waiting for me first i got a vampire blade which had the same amount of damage as my gravitate sword i got gravitate gloves and phoenix boots which seemed pretty good and then i got some random things

Such as an iron bubble and a life shard after putting on all my armor i looked pretty sick after surviving for this long it was time to settle down and make myself a home it was time to settle down and build my house i got a lot of wood and stone and

Started making the foundation my time here in the aether was coming to an end and i wanted to finish off my experience with a very nice looking house i wanted to go for a medieval style roof and it looked pretty good i ended up smelting quick soil for some cool looking glass

And then i made a small little stone window for the top floor i wanted to spice up the walls a bit so i made some planters with some trapdoors i put stone walls on the corners of each of the roof blocks and while this was a small detail it actually looked really

Nice i finished off the planters by putting in flowers i built a small chimney on the roof and added some decorations to the front of my house after putting in the glass i feel like it added a really nice touch i was just about done and i noticed one of the

Saplings in my planters grew into my house but then i thought this looked really good so i just decided to replace the block with wood and it turned out very very nice i decorated upstairs a bit and i went outside to gaze upon my beautiful house

This was the end of my time in the aether and it was time to settle down in the house i built i put all my items away in the chest and i went out to watch the sun rise on a beautiful land to think a week ago this all started

With me trying to prove a myth but the adventure was over i could rest now after a minecraft theory goes wrong i fall into an ocean and wake up in a new dimension this is minecraft into the abyss i started walking around and i noticed the ground was super mushy i went over

To punch out some weird looking wood but it didn’t do anything which was bad because i needed tools i picked up a plant and it was called species x which was a really disturbing name in general there was a lot of weird-looking plants found these tiny rocks on the ground and

When i punched them they gave me cracked stone brick but when i tried putting them back on the ground they didn’t turn out that way i found this red plant but when i broke it it caught on fire so i really did not want to touch this

I found a woman named sylvia and talked to her but she had a quest for me and i wasn’t really ready for that considering i had no weapons i didn’t really know if i could do it i found this thing called warren which apparently was energy whatever that

Meant i found a new type of wood and this time it actually let me craft abyss oak wood planks and i finally got some wood tools i went exploring a bit more and i found these crystals and i broke them and well they were exactly what i thought they

Were abyss crystals i took a stab at breaking one of the slime trees and i got these things called life nuggets soon after i ran into an enemy it was an abyss guard and he did a lot of damage it was actually scary how fast these mobs ran

But i outsmarted him and took him down with only a wood sword he only dropped a golden nugget which was definitely not worth it i was just minding my own business and all of a sudden i started getting bombarded by these floating white things and they started shooting

At me and i was definitely on the verge of dying and it didn’t help that these things were scarily accurate they got me down to one heart and i was barely dodging their shots but by some miracle i somehow made it out alive i was about

To fight a new mob and then all of a sudden i just got struck with blindness so i retreated to the water because i was just absolutely terrified this was supposedly a level 1 soul guard i started to hit him in the water because he went super slow and he didn’t

Take any knock back whatsoever this soul guard took me so long to kill and the fact that it was only a level one was very concerning but he did drop an ender pearl i really didn’t want to know what the higher level mobs did i started going more into that territory

And all of a sudden these boss bars with the name elder came up on my screen and there were two of them i looked around and i couldn’t really see anything but i had a feeling i should get out of there now while i still can i finally found a regular zombie well

Not a regular zombie i mean this one was jumping and i actually thought he was gonna kill me but still the block strategy worked and he couldn’t really hit me and then something weird happened it said i was scared and i could see every mob around my vision went dark but every

Mob in the area was now highlighted and i could see him anywhere i also had a potion effect called fear which i didn’t know what it did but long story short that zombie literally dropped one arrow i finally found regular stone so i could make some stone tools and i thought my

Stone pickaxe would let me mind this cool looking oar but it didn’t i had a feeling that was some abyss or that would let me craft better stuff i tried using abyss stone to maybe make a furnace but no matter what crafting recipe i put i couldn’t make anything

With the stone so i just decided to make a regular furnace and try out my theory my theory was that lauren was essentially a replacement for coal because it said it can be used for fuel and i tried putting stone in and sure enough it did work so i guess i was just

Gonna have to get a ton of lauren instead of coal i was wandering a bit and i came across a regular cactus nothing special about it but it wasn’t completely useless because i looked over there and i saw some orange white so i went in that direction and i found a new

Biome i talked to this person named lorenzo and apparently there was a world called the frost world and there was a portal in this biome yeah i definitely wasn’t ready to find any of that so i left him be i found these pink crystals and i was really

Hoping i could make better weapons or armor with it so i mined pretty much all of it but when i tried crafting with it it did nothing not even a single thing but i accidentally ate it and apparently it gives me jump boost and speed 5 which

Was really good so i kept a lot of those i placed the bigger ones and sure enough they just mined into the smaller ones so i farmed a bunch of those i don’t know why but every now and then i would just get regeneration and extra health and

Then it would just go away in an instant i didn’t really know what that was about i was speeding around with one of my crystals and i came upon my first structure i didn’t really know if i had the weapons to take this down yet so i

Just peeked inside i did hear spiders though which wasn’t a good sign i tried climbing up to take a look and sure enough an insanely fast spider came out at me so i just booked it i was not gonna deal with that the abyss was terrifying but i

Had to survive until day two in day two i went down into the mines and i found a dungeon as of now i had no way of mining any ores in the abyss but after opening the chest and finding four iron i made an iron pickaxe going back a

Few minutes i found this fire and i broke it and it gave me fire nuggets but i didn’t find any use for it i went back over to the ore and tried mining it but still no luck i even found a new red oar and i just still couldn’t mine it but

Eventually i found a new green oar and i mined it and i got an unknown gem i mined a few more of these and i tried making a pickaxe out of it and it worked i got an unknown pickaxe i was pretty hopeful this time so i went back to the

Red ore and i got fire diamonds i spent a good amount of time mining a bunch of these fire diamonds so hopefully i could make armor and tools but when i tried making tools it didn’t work but they said i could use them for tools so i

Must have needed something else when i put the diamond in alone i got another fire ingot but i couldn’t use those to craft anything i tried playing around with different recipes but unfortunately i couldn’t really figure out any way past it but on the plus side i did try making

Fire diamond armor and it worked and the armor looked really cool while i searched for more fire diamonds i ended up coming across a pink oar which turned out to be abyss diamonds i made an abyss diamond sword because i only found two and it had plus 8.4

Attack damage so it was time to get rid of the stone sword i went ahead and finished up crafting the last pieces of my netherfire armor and now i looked really really cool i ended up accidentally mining into unknown gems so i got all of these because they seemed really rare

But when i tried making a sword with them nothing happened so i’m assuming this was the same situation as the netherfire ingots and i needed something else i had a theory that my armor gave me fire resistance well you know because it’s called fire armor and sure enough

It worked so i was pretty pleased with that i got a few more unknown gems and tried making armor and sure enough this one worked unknown armor must have been really strong because those boots did plus eight armor while my boots did plus three armor i was just minding my own business

And then i literally got struck from lightning inside the cave i think it was time to go up to the surface overall i was really happy because this seemed like a very successful mining trip i got to the surface and took a look around and i was just ready to explore

I ended up finding this dude named carlos but he said he needed an abyss melon which i did not have so i couldn’t complete that quest but then i came upon this guy named marcus and let me tell you something do not trust marcus he asked for another fire ingot which i did

Have so i gave him one and he promised me a chestplate and he did not deliver because i did not get a chestplate and every time i tried talking to him he just ignored me so rule number one do not trust marcus i ended up finding these cow-like

Creatures which was really good because i actually had no source of food so i spent a little time getting a lot of food from them somehow the steak was already cooked but i wasn’t gonna question it i ended up finding an ore on the surface and i mined it and it gave

Me a frozen diamond which seemed really good i was just about to go searching for more frozen diamonds and then apparently i got scared which i definitely wasn’t scared but apparently i was scared i was just chilling getting some more meat and then a scorpion attacked me it was only level

2 and i took it down pretty quickly and it dropped nether scorpionized but i threw them out i found a zombie but this time it was level 4 and it was covered in armor and let me tell you this zombie took so long to kill if my sword wasn’t

As strong as it was i definitely would have had a harder time and i did all of this for one single arrow so yeah that was definitely worth it i really thought i found abyss melons but this ended up being the biggest disappointment because it just ended up being wood

Soon after i noticed i was getting swarmed with moms and there ended up being creepers and they were only level one but they were traveling super fast i saw an outline of a mop and i went to go check it out it was a level four wolf

And i thought he was friendly and then he started chasing me so i just booked it i finally got the chance to mine the colored ore but it ended up just being an ore version of warren then i just started being attacked by a combination

Of mobs and weather so i had to get out of there so i thought i found regular cows and they looked at me and they were definitely possessed and they started attacking me there was also a creeper among them which wasn’t very happy i tried killing it but it ended up exploding

Note to self not even the cows are safe i talked to this guy named jackson and he asked for a ring but i had no ring on me and soon enough the elder bar spawned again and i had no clue where it was part of me still did not want to find it

I found more frozen diamonds and i really wanted to go looking for more because i wanted more armor and more tools but then i came across this mob called a phantom and i tried taking it down and well bad series of events happened i tried taking this floating

Thing down and i just could not get close to it i was actually gonna die and that’s when i dodged that one shot my life in the abyss was about to be over from that shot i found this block called phantom ranks but it only seemed like decoration

Blocks so i left him behind this is when i started getting excited i dug bones and i got broken titan bones if i could somehow craft titan armor now how cool would that be i talked to this person named miramus and they were asking for an unknown gem which i did

Have i was really hoping i didn’t get scammed like marcus did so i just gave it to her but she ended up dropping a really cool sword it was an abyss fire sword it was a little less damage than the abyss diamond sword but it probably

Lit people on fire i came across a new biome i’ve never seen before i dug the soil and it was called roma mud i wanted to test out my new sword i found an abyss guard and sure enough my sword lit him on fire the level one guards were

Now no sweat i was running around and a boss bar came up that said crystal golem i don’t know if i was ready to take it on yet so i didn’t go looking for it and then two of them came up so i definitely wasn’t gonna do that

I took a break and started to explore some crafts i couldn’t craft frozen diamond tools which was discouraging i took the broken titan bones and ended up crafting regular titan bones my hopes for getting titan armor were coming true i took all the titan bones but it only

Made bone armor and it wasn’t even that good this zombie tried pulling up on my crafting experiments so i took him out really quickly the bone chest plate wasn’t terrible but i figured my fire armor was better it turns out i can make bone tools too but the pickaxe seemed

Much worse than my unknown pickaxe so i threw out all the titan bones after running around i came upon the crystal golem it was level 10. hopefully if i get more armor i can take down the crystal golem in day three i started off day three with talking to

A guy named steven and oh man he had a story he talked about two ancient gods one named nosaj the ruler of peace and one named roca the ruler of darkness apparently roka wanted to rule everything and they had a fight that left nosaj dead i asked why nosaj died

Steven said nosaj used all their power to banish roka to the abyss dimension where i was but roka and his minions are slowly conquering the abyss and making their return it seems like somehow i got stuck in the middle of stopping this dark ancient god i asked stephen if

There was any way we could kill the rokabos he said there’s only one way to stop him and i have to find a monolith and return the pages to him this was such a crazy story but i went looking for him but i started to feel like what

Stephen was saying was true because when i went into the forest i got a boss bar that said the roca i don’t know if this was the roka himself or maybe one of his minions but either way i couldn’t see a thing i kept traveling and eventually i

Got blindness too but this time it was something different the blindness kept resetting as long as i stayed in whatever area i was in the blindness would keep resetting so i had to leave i finally went back to one of these structures because maybe this was one of

The monoliths that stephen was talking about when i got to the top though there was a random spawner and i just decided to break it but when i looked around there was just absolutely nothing here i found another one and i tried exploring the lower levels this time

Maybe i missed a chest or something on the first floor i just found a scorpion spawner which i had to break the second floor the exact same thing just a scorpion spawner and then the third floor well i’m sure you guessed it it was the third scorpion spawner i went to

The final four but there was someone following me from behind and then he just teleported away i looked everywhere but i couldn’t see where he went this was getting really creepy i looked off to the side and i saw him again i tried going over but he kept teleporting away

And shooting things at me i really did not want to get into this so i just ran for my life i talked to this guy lorenzo and he told me there was a portal to the frost dimension deep in the caves and i ended up finding it

I went into the room and there was a portal there but i didn’t have anything to light it with but little did i know i had all the materials i needed to make a key to light the portal i used ice diamonds and the new stone from that

Room and made a key of ice i used the key and lit the portal i went through the portal and came out in a giant black stone room i went to the surface and i found an insane ice biome this place was massive i looked around and it seemed

Like there were some warriors and they definitely started attacking me so i started swinging at them it didn’t seem too harmful but after a couple came in they actually did a good amount of damage and they shot these weird smoke things that actually attacked me too but of course their greatest weakness was

The fact that i could build up three blocks high and they can’t touch me whatsoever so i did that strategy and took him down they ended up dropping these things called night shards but i didn’t know what they did i couldn’t craft anything with them but i really

Hoped it led to better armor because i really needed it i went exploring and i found a forest biome in the frozen world i traveled for a really long time but i didn’t find anything significant no structures no interesting people to talk to just these night mobs but i did go

Back to lorenzo after going to the frost world and he gave me something it was a ring of invisibility it said it makes you invisible so i right-clicked it and sure enough i was completely invisible i was really hoping this worked against mobs though i really needed to discover

What this whole roka thing was about let’s see what secrets we can discover in day four after getting back from the frost world i decided to go mining for better armor the mobs were getting crazy so i just decided to dig straight down i heard something taking damage and it

Was one of the eyeball things and it led me to a cave what i wanted out of this caving trip was more unknown gems i knew making unknown armor would be much stronger than the fire diamond armor i already had on so i wanted to get enough for a

Full set but while i was looking for more unknown gems i came across a dark green orc this was apparently called garnitore so i mined four of them and of course while i’m mining it i have to get interrupted by this thing i finally took it out these things are so annoying i

Took some time to play around with different crafting recipes i tried making garnet boots but it didn’t seem too strong it seemed like unknown armor still would have been better i compared it to the stats of unknown armor and it’s true unknown armor was much better than garnet armor however i made a

Garnite sword and this was much much stronger than the abyss diamond sword i had i played around with lauren and the unknown gems and i got laurent energy which apparently was used for more weapons i tried making abyss diamond armor to see what the stats on those were but they were definitely weaker

Than all the other armors here’s something i discovered though if i made a sword formation with unknown gems and put fire nugs on the side it gave me an unknown sword which was barely stronger than my abyss diamond sword so i didn’t really take it i decided to settle with

The garnite sword which was a good three damage higher than my regular sword i went ahead and crafted the unknown chest plate unknown legs and unknown boots i was a bit worried though because my current fire armor gave me fire resistance i didn’t really know if the

Unknown armor would be worth it to give up fire resistance for better protection but it was clear that the unknown armor was much much stronger i only had three pieces on and i was already full armor bars i finally found enough unknown gems to finish off my full set of unknown

Armor and i was really hoping i would get some sort of potion effect but nothing happened with my new armor i decided to take on the crystal golem i was a bit worried though because most of the moms i’ve been fighting have been level 1-4 and this crystal golem was level 10

But i just decided to go for it and i started my attack on the crystal golem and well he was very very slow this was a bit underwhelming i was just backing up and hitting him and he couldn’t even get close to me he didn’t

Even hit me one time i didn’t want to take any chances though because i might just get one shot but i’m still curious to see how much damage he would have done if he had landed a hit on me but clearly he did not land a hit on me and

This fight lasted about 20 seconds but as if this wasn’t disappointing enough i killed him and he didn’t drop a single thing i noticed these fast things didn’t have any name to it but i kind of remembered something that sylvia told me about a quest she said her friend was killed by

Raptors so i went and talked to her and sure enough i completed the quest but like marcus she scammed me again i am telling you all now do not trust sylvia and marcus there was one thing i never figured out and that’s the elder boss i took out the crystal golem pretty easily

So i was pretty confident i could take out whatever the elder was but when i searched around i could not find a single trace of the elder maybe he was underground i completed a quest for lorenzo and he gave me a ring of regen and whenever i

Clicked it it gave me regen 3. it’s time i went looking for clues about the roka to take down the final boss i went back to the forest and i got blindness so i was sure i was in the right place i just needed to find the

Boss bar after a minute of searching the roka boss bar came up again but i saw these creatures up ahead that did not look friendly i went a little closer and they were called workers and they were level 10 and they started charging me i was really hoping these things could not

Jump or else my crazy thought out plan of building a cobblestone pillar was a bust but so far i think i was safe they couldn’t really touch me up here so i just decided to take them out one by one pro tip to everyone watching if you

Don’t want to die i recommend making a cobblestone pillar and you should be good i just noticed a second roka boss bar came up just what i needed in a situation like this i had enough of my pillar so i just jumped down and faced

The worker head on and i won the fight i wasn’t scared anymore and i was going to charge the roka head on wherever it was i went searching and it said i feel an energy nearby so i must have been close after getting blindness i lied i was

Pretty scared so i built back up and of course there was a worker behind me but you never know maybe the roka was in the air i had no way of knowing unfortunately for me the roka was not in the air so i had to go back down and

Clear out all those mobs good old pillar strategy never failed me and i jumped down and i was more determined than ever to find the roka i was looking around and i really couldn’t find anything but there were certain areas where it said there’s an energy

Nearby so i must have been really close i tried locating it and sure enough i found something right next to me and i think i put all the pieces together i think this was the monolith that stephen was talking about i broke it and i got

Some sort of paper i picked it up and it said the fusion this was one of the pages that stephen was talking about it turns out the roka wasn’t a boss to begin with they were the pages and i was gonna find them all in day five

In day five after finding the first monolith i went back to stephen to see what he had to say i told him i found a page and he gave me some weird crafting recipe for a book it looked like the recipe needed three pages from the monoliths and then one horn thing i

Looked back to see what it was but he never told me what it was it looked like it would be dropped from some sort of mob maybe if i killed the elder or something i started my journey to look for the two other pages and i’m just gonna let this play for itself

Yeah so i don’t know what i did but i recommend not doing whatever i just did or else you probably will die i got the elder boss bar again and i was really determined to find the elder this time i don’t know why it wasn’t spawning or i

Couldn’t see it anywhere but two of them showed up and i looked everywhere and i could not find a single trace of an elder things started to get problematic when i ran out of food and when i had no sprint i couldn’t run away from these

Annoying white things so i had to block myself in but as if these eyeball things weren’t annoying enough they actually go through walls i recommend never going near these things in the abyss i finally found more abyss cows or whatever you call them i actually do not know the name of these

Moms but i mean they dropped cooked steak so must be a cow right these are pretty much the only source of food in the abyss so i recommend finding a plane’s biome fast while i was searching for more cows i came across the second monolith i went over to it and started

Hitting it but i forgot it doesn’t work that way you have to right click it also right click it without a sword i got a second piece of paper this one was called number 32. it feels wrong the name definitely gave off some creepy vibes but we were in the abyss so i

Guess it makes sense i only had to find one more monolith and then i had to deal with the horn thing i got an elder boss bar again but just like every single time i could not find it in the last episode i determined that

The roka boss bar was actually a sign of a monolith but now i don’t think so because when i found this one it did not have a boss bar and yet the boss bar still showed up so i think the roka was actually a boss while i was trying to

Figure this out i had probably the closest call with death of the series one heart left i really recommend carrying around a water bucket because i did not do that but in my defense i really didn’t think there was iron in the abyss so there was just no way i

Could make a water bucket i should probably start keeping the totem in my inventory now while i’m here i should mention that this forest biome is definitely the most dangerous biome the soul guards are very hard to take down and you will be constantly blinded i searched for probably an hour for the

Next monolith and almost missed it in a pool of water but i caught a glimpse of it and i broke it it gave me a piece of paper and this one was called number 49 the end of time as if the other one wasn’t creepy enough this one was

Definitely end of the world vibes i had all three pages now i just needed to find the horn thing but i didn’t really know where to go looking i had a feeling it was one of the bosses i went back to the forest and i got the roku boss bar

Again maybe the roka was actually a boss i went through the trees a bit and i actually saw something it said level 10 the roka this was actually the boss that i’ve been looking for it didn’t charge me and i didn’t even know if i was

Strong enough to take it down i got a little closer and i broke these fire plants because i did not want to catch on fire in an important situation like this i was really close to him but he did not attack me i started swinging at

Him and he still didn’t charge me it seemed like he was stuck in some sort of tree so i completely took advantage of the situation i wanted to see how much damage he did so i let him hit me and he only did 0.5 hearts so i’m pretty sure

This wasn’t the roka the one that stephen was talking about i took down the roku boss and he actually dropped the horn that was the fourth element of the crafting recipe i needed i picked it up and it was called a roca horn i’ve made the crafting recipe that

Steven taught me i put the three pieces of paper in and it gave me some weird text it was some sort of book so i picked it up and read it and all of a sudden my vision started going blurry and it gave me a really weird message it said one

Letter at one one letter at three one letter at seven one letter at nine and book in the middle i tried waiting to see if the book would say anything else but it just kept repeating that same message but i think i had a genius idea about

What the message meant i think it was a crafting table and one paper goes in the first slot the third slot the seventh slot and the ninth slot and then you put the book in the middle maybe this was some sort of crafting recipe to fight

The final boss who knows either way i still need to find four more monoliths i talked to stephen again to see if he had anything else for me but he just had the same quest for me so it looks like i was at the end of the line

It looks like i have to find four more pages and craft this mysterious recipe in day six in day six it was time to go to war with the phantoms what i really needed was better armor and the key to better armor was getting as many phantom soles as i could

Unfortunately i take back what i said about the eyeball mobs phantoms had to be the most annoying mob to take down i’ll give you an example this is what taking down a phantom should look like sneaking up getting a few good hits and getting the phantom soul and you’re done

This is what not to do and that’s charge it head on and there’s a few reasons why you don’t do this one they give you wither two they give you slowness three they give you hunger and four well they give you blindness and they happen to be

Ten blocks in the air so all those combined do not add up to a good experience i went looking for more resources for my new armor and i ended up unexpectedly finding another monolith which was great because i didn’t have any of the four i needed for the final

Boss i just grabbed it and got out of there so i didn’t have to deal with all those mobs but when i was leaving i actually found the elder bosses for the first time there were two of them and they were level 10 and he started

Charging me so fast but he didn’t do any damage and what do you know he was super easy to take down and didn’t drop anything so very disappointing so i took down the other one because they baited me so many times this was just revenge for all the anticipation

I came across another tower and to my surprise there were actually iron blocks and that was just what i needed for my new armor so i decided to mine them all up when i was leaving i found one of those teleporting mobs shooting at me

But when i tried to attack it he fled the scene yet again okay it was time to really get working on my new armor i got sand which was perfect because i was going to need to smelt it for glass to make glass bottles there were two very

Strong types of armor i was going for and they were related to each other and you’ll see why i went ahead and made the glass bottles after i’ve used all the phantom soles i collected along with titan bones in the corner to make one phantom essence i used this essence and

Surrounded it with four pieces of iron to get one phantom ingot now fortunately for me i already made unknown armor all i had to do was put my armor in the crafting table with one phantom ingot and i got a phantom chest plate which was much stronger i put the chest plate

On and it looked very cool but i wasn’t stopping there there was armor that was even stronger than phantom armor i made another phantom ingot but this time i wasn’t going to use the ingot for armor i used it with six more titan bones and got a unirite ingot

And now i combined my phantom chest plate with the uni rife ingot to get a unirite chestplate this was the strongest chestplate in the game the chestplate gave me permanent resistance effect i went back to the phantom biome to get more titan bones i just had to

Repeat this process three more times for every piece of armor i made more phantom ingots and started working on making the leggings i got the phantom leggings crafted another unirith ingot and finally used the unirite ingot to make unirite leggings i accidentally dropped them but after picking them up i put

Them on and i got permanent fire resistance very unfortunately i had to get more phantom souls and you already know what that meant more rage inducing events so i’m just gonna let you all watch my suffering here no commentary only pain that’s all there is to see

Yeah this one did not really go my way Okay but after an hour of hiding i finally got one more phantom soul i made unirith boots and when i put them on i got permanent speed this was really good because that meant every armor piece had a different effect so finally i finished it off with making a uniref helmet

Except this time it actually did not give me an effect but it looked pretty cool all i had to do now was search for three more pieces of paper and i could spawn the end boss i actually found the second one very close by and i found it

On the side of a hill when i broke this one i got an unknown letter surprisingly enough in the same biome i found the third monolith that meant i only needed to find one more monolith and i could spawn the roka and boss unfortunately this one probably took me

Over an hour to find but i got the message in chat saying there was energy nearby but i just couldn’t find it i tried booking in the trees and everywhere on the ground but the cows made it hard to see because they pretty much had the same texture but eventually

I found it pretty sneakily wedged into the ground i got the fourth monolith and i went to crafting the final boss of the abyss i placed the four pieces of paper in each corner and placed the ancient book in the middle and i got the abyss end this was most likely gonna teleport

Me to the final boss roka and i was ready to fight him in day seven Today was the final fight of the abyss and it was my way home i wanted to make a pretty large enclosure for roca because i didn’t know how big he would be or if i would even be able to survive even though i had the strongest armor in

The game i don’t know how strong roka would be for all i know he’s an ancient god and he’s been around for thousands of years he might even just insta kill me in one shot who knows but anyways i took out this crystal golem and decided to get rid of this elder

Boss because i didn’t want any disruptions in our final fight i put my totem in my off hand and it was time to fight the final boss roka i placed the eye in the middle and i got prompted with a chat it was roka he said he’s been trying to conquer the abyss

For 5 000 years and he wanted to know if i’ll help him or i’ll kill him but i knew what i was gonna do i was gonna defeat him and go home unfortunately he did not spawn in the box but outside the box very bad start i

Got really scared so i ran into the box i started swinging at him and my sword barely did any damage and he could still hit me through the box i noticed these two knights spawned sylvia and miramus i don’t know if they were gonna help me in

The fight or not but they weren’t moving i started casually chipping away at the roca’s health but unfortunately this cow had to be caught in the crossfire i made a promise to the cow that his death wouldn’t be in vain and that i would honor him by taking down the roka boss i

Think i got tired of staying in the box and i decided to be brave and go outside the box well almost i dug open the wall a bit more so i could hit him easily but so far i think my armor was holding up because he wasn’t doing more damage than

Half a heart so i decided to just go for it and go outside the box and take him on one on one except i wasn’t alone marimus and sylvia started coming out of the box and attacking them all three of us came together and formed a super team

And we were all attacking the roku boss as one this was an incredible story something you see in the movies arguably a more intense fight than avengers end game however the roku boss started doing more damage and started letting out some disturbing screams i think the scream started to give me nausea

But all three of us were standing strong against the roku boss the roca started focusing on the knights instead of me and i wasn’t taking any damage but i was worried if the knights somehow died would i be strong enough to take on the boss alone i didn’t have time to think

About any negative thoughts like that my only goal was to take down the roku boss as fast as possible i think i even started swinging at miramas and sylvia but i mean they won’t remember right but then tragedy hit miss no mermis got caught in the lightning and

He didn’t make it it was up to silvia and i to take down the roka boss together and we were gonna do it in the name of marimus i think the key thing that got me through this fight was the ring of regen anytime i would get

Remotely low i would just use my ring and i would heal up pretty quickly the roka boss was about to be dead i got in a series of really good hits and it was only a matter of time before i take down the roku boss and i could finally go home

And then sylvia landed the final hit i picked up a new sword it was called the sword of the abyss the roka also dropped some xp bottles and a music disc me and sylvia actually did it wait a minute didn’t sylvia scam me earlier yeah you know what i think sylvia did

Scam me alright after taking care of that i looked in the water and i saw a hammer it was called the hammer of the abyss and it was super slow but it had 25 attack damage after picking up the hammer i think it was time to finally head home and i

Think this monolith was the key i went over said a quick goodbye to the abyss and i clicked it but all of a sudden my vision went dark After falling into the void with a totem of undying i survive and wake up in a strange underground world this is minecraft the undergarden stories i took a look around the new dimension i really wasn’t sure if this was a safe place or a dangerous place but for my

Safety i was going to assume dangerous i saw a little structure over there in the ice biome and i looked at this new melon sort of thing i punched at it and i got a gloom gourd i put it in my crafting inventory and i got gloom gourd seeds i

Was pretty sure i couldn’t eat the seeds so this served no use i placed it back down started punching wood and i got wiggle wood what an interesting name while i was getting more of that i found a troll something like that i don’t know if he was friendly but so

Far he wasn’t attacking me so i just let him be and i continued on my journey of picking up random mushrooms and flowers and seeing if i could eat them i did what i do best and made some wooden tools and i punched at these vines and it ended up giving me droop

Vines that i could actually eat and they only did half a hunger bar so i was gonna need better food than that they also made me glow which was very concerning but then i found a new plant and they gave me beans i didn’t have a

Chance to eat them but given that beans actually sounded like food i was pretty hopeful i found a new stone called depth rock i mined a bit more and made some tools with it and it just gave me regular stone tools which i wasn’t complaining about i took a stab at

Mining this ice block and this was called shiver stone but i tried making tools with it and it also gave me stone tools i went over to the edge of the cliff and i saw some sort of structure and it seemed pretty big but i did not

Want to go exploring i went back and found the ice biome but when i got there there was a golem looking thing standing in the middle of the snow i wanted no trouble with him so i just decided to sneak around and see what i could do

There was also a little guy which he didn’t seem that harmful but you can never tell nowadays so stay safe i went over and found my first type of ore i mined it and i got regular coal which was actually good but i went over to the

Other one and i mined it and i got frost steel ore which seemed really good i don’t know why it seemed really good but it just had a good ring to it i might do a lot more of this considering i could smelt it and i came back and i got a

Frost steel ingot i looked around the cave though and there seemed to be a lot of it so i wasn’t really sure if it was good or not but i found a new ore at the bottom so i went and grabbed it i picked up this new ore and it was called

Clawgram ore some interesting names here i went and crafted a frost steel pickaxe it did more damage than my stone pickaxe so i was guessing it was better i smelted the clawgram ore and i got an achievement i tried making a sword with it and it actually turned out really

Strong but it said it had low durability so i did not craft it i decided to save it for now i left the cave for about five seconds and i came back and there was some enderman looking thing in my cave i just got that vibe that he wasn’t

Friendly i crafted a frost steel chest plate which seemed like it protected me a lot but it also said minus five percent speed which i was a little concerned about but i crafted a frost steel sword and it said it slows targets and that was enough for me i played around with

Clawgrum boots and they seemed like a little worse than the frost steel armor so i held off on it for now i did start to recognize that this frost steel armor was slowing me down a bit but i wanted to see if every armor piece did the same

Thing and sure enough i put on every piece and i went very very slow but it was enough to protect me i tried making a clawgram chestplate and i just didn’t like the way it looked so you know sometimes you have to have a fashion sense too so i wanted everything

To match i was just about to get going and i found this golem thing in the corner so far he did not charge me but he was eyeing me i went over to give him hug to see what happened and he didn’t like that and he started attacking me so

I hit him with my frost steel sword and it seemed like it slowed him down a bit and i took him down and he dropped something it was called a eutheric shard i probably needed more though because i couldn’t find any crafts for it i traveled through the snow by him until i

Came across the structure that i originally saw from up at my spawn point i started mining the stone and it was just different forms of depth rock but after mining the bars and i went inside i got an achievement and it said i entered the catacombs which was very

Scary and i did not want to do that i decided to take out more of these golf things because i wanted to see what these shards did i got the medium sized one and he was very easy to take down and it seemed like my sword pretty much stunned him

And after the little one came in to try to take me down but the attempt was very unsuccessful and i ended up getting an achievement called birth control um yeah that’s a little concerning but anyways i used four of the shards to make one eutherium chunk i found a cave

And i saw a new orange ore but i saw something that looked like a mop i couldn’t really tell from up there and when i got down i started hearing some strange bat like noises and yeah this was definitely some sort of bat dog thing and he wasn’t wasn’t

Friendly i could i could tell you that this new ore turned out to be eutherium chunks so i got more of those and i came across a troll and yeah i i left was not going to die by a troll today i found a purple liquid deep

In the caves but i did not want to go that far down yet so i decided to leave the kit i put nine eutherium chunks into a crafting table and i got one eutherium ingot which definitely made better armor and weapons so that was the goal after

Leaving i came upon this giant lake and there were definitely fish in there maybe that could be another source of food i don’t know i decided to man up and take on the troll except the strangest thing happened he did not attack me instead he was a traitor

What do you know i didn’t have anything to trade but he was very nice there were definitely a lot of things i did not understand about this dimension and i kept hearing bird sounds and i couldn’t see any birds but i found a new mushroom biome and i was gonna go exploring there

In day two in day two it was time to go exploring new biomes i saw a new mushroom biome over there and there was some purple liquid that looked really interesting so i decided to head in that direction while i made my way over there i came across some very interesting looking

Creature he didn’t move or attack me so i just kind of gave him a headbutt and he seemed really friendly so i think we really had a bond here but ultimately i had to say goodbye i found some new looking green trees so i decided to mine the stem these trees

Were apparently called grongold trees or grongle stems they just made regular wood stuff and the leaves dropped grongwoods which i couldn’t find any use for i got closer to the mushroom biome and then i came upon this other creature with horns we just kind of had a staring

Contest and i decided to give him a fat smooch and then we parted ways so far most of those guys were friendly i noticed the purple liquid traveled very fast and i really wanted to figure out what it did so i launched a test experiment and it

Turns out it was poison and for some reason i tried jumping in the water thinking it would somehow cure my poison i don’t know why i did that but it definitely didn’t work so yeah take notes people don’t do that i found this block that looked like a cherry so i

Mined it thinking it would be food but it turns out it was just a blood mushroom and it only gave me red dye i wanted to take a swim to see what was up down here and i found this golden kelp this was known as glitter kelp i

Didn’t find any use for it but it looked really cool while i was swimming i found a huge system of catacombs this structure looked ginormous and i didn’t have any plans on going inside but it was right here so i decided to take a peek when i got in the hallways were

Very narrow and i found a troll i checked to see what he had to offer most of them involved regalium ore which i did not have any of but he also traded for a clawgram battle axe maybe i could make it i don’t know anyways i wasn’t really vibing with how narrow the

Hallways were and i was getting a little sketched out so i decided to leave it was time to go mining and i found a couple new mobs the small golden one was very annoying and he only threw pebbles at me and this other one with a ginormous mouth started eating blocks in

Front of me i determined i was protected enough to take on this bat dog thing and they were very fast they made some really interesting slash disturbing noises but eventually i took it down and it didn’t drop anything and i didn’t like how this golem thing

Was staring at me so i had to take him down too sorry man don’t worry his eutherium would go to a better use i spent a lot of time mining all the eutheric shards i could find but you needed a lot to make an ingot next to a

Poison pool i found a new type of gold ore i was already assuming this was regalium and i was right i only got two ore but hopefully i could at least make a sword or something after mining almost a stack of eutheric shards it only gave

Me six ingots and then i got jump scared by this bad dog thing and another i don’t i don’t even know what to call that thing it doesn’t matter what the name was they were going to be taken down anyways it was time to get mining for more eutherium

I found a troll in one of these caves and he traded a ton of regalium for a music disc which i did not have my pickaxe was running out so i decided to use three of my ethereum ingots to make a new eutherian pickaxe this was a little faster than my frost steel

Pickaxe while i worked on finding a new cave i smelt in my regalium and tried making a sword because i only had two ingots but unfortunately there weren’t any regalium tools i was guessing regalium was sort of like emeralds apparently i got a new achievement for exploring every cave file

After a long time of mining almost two stacks of eutheric shards i only got 15 ingots so i decided to make a chest plate and a pair of leggings this armor was much better than my frost steel armor and it didn’t slow me down so i got rid of those

So you know how you’re not supposed to fall in lava well i fell in poison i don’t know how there happened to be one block open for me just to fall in but it was there so there’s a helpful tip for you all always watch your step hopefully

In day three i can survive the undergarden and explore more of this new dimension in day three it was time to go looking for the catacombs i went out of my cave and while i was climbing up i found this slug thing and i took it down and apparently i’m a

Terrible person sorry i went into the cave and i found the entrance to the catacombs well not really the entrance so i just kind of dug my way into the site when i got inside the hallways were very narrow but i saw something i’ve never seen before it was a chest room

With a spawner on it i went over and broke the spawner and unfortunately i had to fight off a bunch of little kids man today just wasn’t my day i was a terrible person but anyways when i opened the chest i got some gloom gourd pies hopefully that was a better source

Of food some of the other chests had random enchanted items with unbreaking nothing too special though i found a lot of chess rooms but most of them ended up having the same thing a lot of food random nuggets and a couple items with silk touch on them the structure i found

Was relatively small so i went searching for another one and i found a different one in the snow biome i was really hoping they would have different loot and well my prayers were answered i turned the corner and i found this giant golem thing that started attacking me i

Didn’t even want to know how much damage this thing did so i just blocked it off and started taking it down and let’s just say this thing took me a good amount of time to take down constantly critical hitting it and it took me probably 30 seconds i was starting to

Think i couldn’t even take it down at all but eventually i got an achievement called decommissioned and i got some forgotten nuggets i went searching for more and sure enough they appeared around the corners in these little niches it turns out even after blocking them off they could still hit me through

The blocks and they did a good amount of damage about a hard and a half with all my armor after another century of hitting this one i took it down but unfortunately i didn’t have enough nuggets to make possibly an ingot so i found a third one right behind me and i

Took this one down too this one dropped over 10 forgotten nuggets and unfortunately i had to take down the kid too i made two forgotten ingots but at the end it was all a big letdown because i couldn’t even make any weapons with it but i still got an achievement

Maybe there was something else i could do with them i i really didn’t know okay this is a side note this mod actually isn’t too extensive and it doesn’t have much of a storyline the mod seems very new though and i think they’re still developing more and more

Each day but i think my time here in the undergarden was coming to an end and i had to go home it was time to finally go back to the overworld in day 4. in day 4 i actually traveled towards the top of the map and i found a lot of new

Ores a lot of regalium on the ceiling so this is where it was all located apparently but i found a different shiny blue orb so i built up to it so i could mine it i started mining it and it gave me regular diamonds wait a minute this

Gave me a theory if there were diamonds closer to the ceiling did that mean i was under the overworld maybe the undergarden was just thousands of blocks under the overworld and all i had to do was mine up but before i could do that i had to pay a visit to some

Friends some of my ogre friends i didn’t want to leave without a proper trade and i wanted to give him some of my currency i made some more regalium ingots because i know these guys loved it and i looked for a trade most of these guys had some

Pretty high prices but this other guy had a pretty good trade for me so i gave him some regalia and we engaged in a nice business deal thank you for your time and i hope you succeed in life i gave him a nod goodbye and i looked to the

Ceiling to go mining it was time to go home i can’t believe after all i’ve been through the aether the abyss and now the undergarden feels like i can never catch a break after mining what seemed like for years i actually hit dirt could this be it could this be the overworld i

Mined up and my head popped out and i saw grass and real trees was this it was this really the overworld i couldn’t believe it after being trapped in different dimensions for years i was finally gonna go home oh i woke up in my bed in my real bed

Back at my village somehow i was crushed by a random anvil and i lost all my stuff but i’m back in my home village and that’s all that mattered after weeks of being trapped i could finally be free wait what is what is this why is why is this behind my house did

The villagers do this what what’s going on here why is there a diamond in a chest um so does anyone know what this is or what i should do so i messed up and i jumped in this portal and now i’m stuck in this strange dimension this is minecraft stranded in

The twilight forest well stranded uh in a dimension yet again so you know what this means we’re gonna start punching some trees we got a wooden pickaxe upgraded to stone and while i was dropping wood i accidentally hit a firefly off the tree i tried

Eating it but i couldn’t eat it why why couldn’t i eat it look these sheep looked really cool but i’ll be honest the taste of meat sounded really good right about now so i had to do what had to be done i apologize to all of their families it’s okay though because their

Sacrifices were put to a great use and now i made a bet i found these pigs i think and uh yeah i’m sorry i had to take these down too you know i will say part of me did feel a little bad but once again meat sounded

Really good i popped those bad boys in a furnace and now i had a good amount of food all right the real question is what happens when i sleep in the twilight forest and uh the answer would be nothing yup it was still very dark out i

Found these deer don’t worry i did not attack the deer come on you really don’t think that low of me do you i found a ravine and i saw bedrock at the bottom which means the caves weren’t that deep i was mining some iron and this guy with a pickaxe came maybe he

Was gonna help me mine hey can you help me mind this please yo wow okay so i’m not trusting that guy ever again this guy just took half of my health oh no that’s a that’s a mini spider i’m not doing that okay the mini spider decided to throw himself off a

Cliff so i guess i’m safe from that it is very disturbing though i don’t like spiders i built a little bridge across the ravine and i wanted to get some more iron i ended up finding a regular zombie hold on was this a regular zombie okay

It was a regular zombie good you can never be too sure when you’re in a different dimension i got four iron and i made a bucket because you always need a water bucket and i saw our little friend down at the bottom of the ravine yeah he wasn’t getting me anytime soon i

Just can’t believe there was a time when i actually trusted him to mine my iron and he decided to betray me that’s cool um what is that i don’t i don’t want to know what that is okay other than not knowing what that mob is look at all the ores over there

That is really weird all right it was upgrade time i made an iron pick and an iron sword so i was a little oh what is that oh lord i gotta get out of here okay so after blocking myself in at the end of day one we are on to day two and

Hopefully that thing is not there and it seems to be gone so let’s try to get out of here i found a little troll man at the end of the ravine he looked i think he looked friendly i don’t know i can’t really tell nowadays i mean the miner looked friendly and you

Know he just attacked me so i decided to get out of the ravine and uh these crows were staring at me i didn’t like the way they were looking at me but anyways i decided to get wood and start building a house i found a plane’s biome and this looked like a

Great spot for my house i’ll just set up camp right here in the middle of the plains and uh let’s dump all my stuff into this chest first and then we’ll start building our house all right i really like the way this would look so i

Was gonna make my house out of this and uh there’s the first step you always have to start with some pillars all right we kind of have the general shape going i just kind of filled it in with wood made a little square i found

This ravine and i went to the end to get some more iron but i found something interesting i saw a chest way back there in the cave but as soon as i saw the mini spider nope i dipped i was just looking for sand so i could get glass

From my house and i came across this already built house and there was a spawner on the inside which i didn’t like i had no armor so i really didn’t want to be getting into any fights especially ones i couldn’t win and i found sand and then i found a huge

Temple or whatever that was so yeah if i wasn’t gonna do the house i wasn’t gonna do that the rule of thumb for pretty much any new dimension is always assume things are more dangerous than they seem i returned back with my sand and i started making all of my glass

I made canopy wood doors and apparently they did not want to show up in my inventory as regular blocks i had to get rid of this one i really didn’t want to look at it anymore the untextured block was being buried all right now it was time for the really

Hard part and that was making a roof for my house i am no experienced builder so making a roof was going to be pretty hard for me but after spending too long on it i think i got the general shape down but there was something i wanted i

Wanted purple flowers because i wanted purple windows i came across this new wood called mangrove wood and it actually looked really cool but i didn’t really feel like switching up my house now so maybe i’d come back to it later i found a dark forest i mean there had to

Be some flowers in there right oh what is this is this lightning what is this oh no no no i’m not doing oh no no no no okay so the trolls attack you with books that’s great great to know okay no purple flowers but i came upon a

Genius idea i found a lapis block and if i could make lapis with red then i could get purple dye planned successful i now had purple glass from my house this was about to look amazing i mean if i was stuck in the twilight forest i might as well

Spend time making a nice looking house right i really think the journey for the purple glass was worth it it looked really nice on this house i added a little planner out in the front of my house but overall we still had some touching up to do but we would get it

Done in day three okay we have to finish off this roof the hardest part but you know actually it didn’t turn out too bad i think this looks pretty good we actually had a sort of a house formation going but of course no house is complete

Without a backyard so we had to make a bang in backyard a little on the small side but it will do i added fireflies just because i felt bad for trying to eat them earlier i might as well honor them by putting them on my house you

Know little decoration i was about to go exploring but then i remembered one thing i needed flowers for the front of my house this was absolutely necessary boom house kind of complete i started off my adventure with taking down this baby slime and no i did not feel bad

About it maybe i could finally get the chest in this cave um hopefully there weren’t many mobs okay so this is exactly what i did not want that is a lot of mobs oh and the witch slowed me okay time to leave i found a ravine and believe it or

Not i found diamonds from the surface i had to jump on down for those also are we gonna ignore how cool that tree looked growing out of the side of the ravine i really like the way that looked i got to the diamonds but these troll

Things were looking at me i didn’t like that but i started mining them and this was probably the biggest diamond vein i have ever seen alright i’m sure there’s bigger ones but still this vein gave me nine diamonds which was more than enough to start off with

I wanted revenge on the trolls for smacking me with the book so i went on over there and i took him down with my sword gigi’s buddy except i think his friends got mad oh no no no no no no no not doing that man these guys come

Out of nowhere it’s okay though took him down in one swing i decided to get a ton of iron i had no armor and i was in a dangerous dimension so those two things did not go well together i made an iron chest plate and i got the achievement suit up

After getting iron pants i decided to go searching in the caves for a bit while my irons melted i found more trolls and it was time to fight him i even made this one cry yeah it’s okay i didn’t feel bad looks like your buddy shouldn’t

Have hit me with a book all of this could have been avoided i finally made an iron helmet and iron boots and i was well protected at least i think so but this time it was time to check out the house now that i had iron armor

I decided to take on whatever this thing was it started shooting at me it even broke its own door hey i mean it’s his house it’s not my loss i started swinging around him trying not to get hit but eventually he did hit me and it

Did very fast poison damage but i took him down i broke in and i broke the spawner i didn’t even realize there was a chest here and i opened it and we got some milk very nice but we also got glycerin melons and a lot of potatoes but this

Gave me a great idea it was time to become a potato farmer now that i could grow my own food i didn’t have to take down any of the animals anymore it’s a win-win for everyone we were definitely gonna need to expand our farm though it’s only been three days but i think

We’re gonna survive alright day five i was gonna make some diamond pants and a diamond sword and i had the mission of going into that cave and finding out what were in those chests i’m gonna give you a spoiler now it was not pretty and uh this is just a

Snippet of what what happened mobs were literally coming out from left and right and i had no clue where they were coming from literally hundreds and this didn’t even account for all the minions oh they started coming alright look at look at all of them i swear after this series is

Done i will find their homes and i will torture all of them it took around 20 minutes for me to finally clear out enough of the cave so i can just make a dive for the chest i smacked this little miner dude and i opened the chest and i

Got some weird powder and an ore magnet it turns out this wasn’t the only chest in the area though i opened a chest and i got iron wood ingots and a naga scale whatever that did but i got an achievement for it and i opened a third

One and i got an uncrafting table i brought all the stuff back home and i was playing around with this magnet i couldn’t get it to do anything until i brought up some iron and some gold but it broke after two uses all right let’s see what this uncrafting tape was i put

My diamond sword into it and it looked like it showed the recipe but there was a red box around only one of the diamonds i was trying to figure this out i put a stone hoe in and i placed one of the cobblestones and it seemed like it

Returned a fully repaired version for only one cobblestone seemed pretty cool i went ahead and used my new ingots to craft an ironwood pickaxe which was the same as an iron pickaxe except it had efficiency one on it it was time to go exploring and i found a maze it seemed

Pretty small and it was only three blocks high so i mean you know what to do i’m just going to climb on top of it except it didn’t let me do that it seemed like the maze damaged me if i went on top of it and even when i tried

Mining it i tried testing out to see if i could even break it and i took a lot of damage but i ended up breaking it and getting nothing i decided to just go through the main entrance as i was working my way through i heard growling

Noises oh no no no no that is a very fast wolf we are breaking that spawner right now let’s see what we got in this chest okay melon seeds nice i found a few more spots in the maze where there were wolf spawners and a chest except this time i took down the

Wolf without getting hit i opened the chest and i still got nothing except i found a new bigger room this one had a double chest and it spawned regular spiders well not exactly regular i mean they were green but i mean pretty close enough to regular the single chest still

Gave me nothing but the double chest gave me a diamond hoe that was so worth it okay so it seems like that’s all the maze had to offer i was exploring more and i found a spooky looking biome it was orange and there was a lot of cobwebs in the trees i took

A step in and my vision went purple i started getting bad vibes when i found a graveyard and there were spawners i did not want to know what the spawners actually spawned so i broke them before i could find out i left the spooky biome

And i found a snow biome for some reason i could not see at all and then i realized it was because i was completely frozen over in day 7 i found myself exploring a new house except this time there was a double chest which had nothing but when

I broke the spawner i found a secret trap door into a basement room look i don’t care what was down there but if you find a secret trap door i mean it’s pretty much implied that you have to go down i saw a double chest at the end of

The room but i could see by the markings that it was a trapped double chest so i built up just to make sure i didn’t fall in any trap i broke the box above it and i opened it but there was only a lot of

Food but i could use a lot of food alright this one was actually crazy i found a mushroom biome and when i went through the forest i found an absolutely massive mushroom kingdom this was the first time seeing anything this big on this world i needed to figure out what

Was in here i tried digging through the pillars but there was nothing inside i found a room and i went inside but it looked like it was completely abandoned so i moved on and what do you know i think i found an even bigger maze this

Time i went up and just tried digging through the side except this time this was no simple maze i saw the boss bar called the naga pop up on my screen and i knew i was about to fight a boss except he literally came at me right as

I came in it was a ginormous serpent the naga was going through all of the blocks in the maze and just destroying anything in its path i tried swimming at it but it seemed like it only took damage if i hit the head and it kept charging me

Head on by now i had done so little damage and i was already almost at half health i don’t even know if i could beat it except when i held my shield out and he charged me it stunned him looks like i had to keep making him charge against

My shield and i needed to keep stunning him so i could keep hitting his head so i kept waiting for the perfect time to do that i found another time and i bonked him i went over as fast as i could and started swinging but he was

Only stunned for a few seconds i was gonna need to do a lot more bonking except over time it seemed like he was getting less aggressive and he was also getting smaller found it easier to hit his head and i kept draining his health eventually i got him super low and he

Turned really small and he became very fast but i landed the final hit and i defeated the naga boss i got a good amount of xp and it seemed like it dropped a nag ahead actually it was the naga trophy it also dropped more naga scales and i figured out that i could

Make a chest plate out of it when i made it it already came with fire protection 3. this was my first boss takedown and it’s safe to say that i’m not going to do it again in day 10 it was time to upgrade my armor and my weapons i put sharpness 1

On my diamond sword and i enchanted all of my new diamond armor i was afraid that most of the bosses in this world were gonna be really tough to take down and i was probably gonna need more protection i made a new diamond pick and i headed on over to the first swamp

Biome i found but when i stepped inside there was these weird particles floating around and it seemed like it gave me hunger but that’s when i remembered i found a book when i went into the swamp it was called notes on the swamp labyrinth i opened it up it seemed like

The story was saying that there was some curse causing me to get hunger in the swamp and i needed to defeat a wizard the book said if i defeated the wizard the curse would be lifted and they told me to go to a place with pointy towers

And that was definitely this castle i had a feeling i was about to run into another boss i couldn’t find an entrance so you know what that means we’re breaking in right into the side seems like i found myself a bookshelf room and i got inside and it seems like there’s

Multiple rooms to this book room i found a chest at the top and it gave me a regeneration potion i went into the main room and there was a giant staircase along with a few mobs waiting for me i just had a feeling i

Was gonna have to go right to the top i went up a little and i found the skeleton spawner which was making all the skeletons spawn and then they started all attacking each other i went up another level and i broke a mini spider spawner there were all these

Little side rooms and when i went in one i got more potions i also got this charm of life but i did not know what that did at last i think i came to the top there was a spawner but i couldn’t see what it was spawning i went up and i triggered

The boss spawn it was called the twilight witch it seemed like some king wizard skeleton thing the king spawned more enemies and it started teleporting around me i couldn’t hit it at all as long as they had these shield things but then he threw a fireball at me and it

Actually exploded him he was already a half health and i didn’t even hit him once it seems like his own fireballs would hurt him so i waited to deflect them and when they threw ender pearls at me it somehow broke his shield and got rid of his minions except he spawned a

Lot of zombies on me i started having trouble fending off all the zombies while he was throwing fireballs at me even through pearls that spawned baby zombies that were very annoying at first i thought i was doing pretty good except then i started getting cornered by more

And more mobs and i started taking more damage i wasn’t terribly low though and i was still surviving until he threw a fireball and he started charging me the king ran at me head-on and he started doing a ton of damage i needed to retreat i went down the staircase and i

Blocked myself off i just needed a little time to eat and heal up a little bit i had a plan though i had the fire resistance potion and a regeneration potion i drank the fire resistance and i was going to drink the regen and go back

In there i only had 22 seconds of regeneration so i needed to do whatever i needed to do fast i tried attacking the king as fast as i could i ended up hitting the king into the wall and i got crazy good hits on it i ended up taking

Down the king in about five seconds i got an achievement and i successfully defeated my second boss i got a lot of gold armor that was pretty good but i didn’t need it and i got the twilight witch trophy so far i had two trophies

Down and probably a few to go then i noticed in my inventory i picked up the scepter of twilight it ended up throwing out ender pearls and it said i only had 98 charges left so i decided to save it when i was leaving i found a chest and i

Got a power three punch one bow so you should always check all the little rooms i went back to the swamp and sure enough the curse was lifted now we had to explore the swamp in day 15 i found an interesting looking rainbow forest the trees looked amazing

And i saw a structure up ahead so i went running over to see what it was when i got there it looked like some sort of shrine and when i went to the middle there was a ginormous sheep just standing in the middle and he started teleporting a little bit i did what

Normal people would do and i tried riding him but that did not work there was a dispenser at the top of the shrine so i started clicking the button and it dispensed random colored wool i kept clicking it and it seemed to dispense about three or four pieces but then it stopped

I assumed the wool was for the big sheep so i went over to him and i started giving it to him and sure enough he took it when i gave it to him he grew a little bit longer so i went and grabbed the other pieces each new colored wool i

Gave him added on another stripe of that color so i gave him every color wool i had on me but unfortunately he didn’t take repeats i tried giving him two oranges but he only took one of them it looked like i needed to get every single

Color i already had a good amount of colors on me maybe nine or ten already but there were 16 colors that i needed to get and some of them were pretty hard to come by i went back to searching in the forest for maybe some different

Colored sheep and i found a gray one who made a worthy sacrifice so far i had 10 but i needed 6 more i found a red sheep you know i could have gone for a red flower since they were everywhere but unfortunately the sheep was just right

There and i had to do it in my defense i found the white sheep after so i actually couldn’t make the red wool before i gave him a magenta colored wool and it looked like i still needed one more blue color and i think i needed

Bones to come by that fortunately i knew just the place to go i found one of these houses nearby and i took down one of these poison skeletons for a couple bones and made some bone meal so from here i used bone meal and lapis

To make light blue dye which i think was the last blue i needed except it actually wasn’t but i ended up finding a cyan colored sheep so now i had the last blue color the last one i was missing was really easy and it was yellow i gave

The sheep the last color and he started glowing rainbows and he spit out a bunch of resources he dropped a block of diamond iron gold lapis and emerald so this is what happens when you treat the sheep right let’s ignore the fact that i had to sacrifice a couple of the regular

Sheep it turns out this ginormous sheep was actually called the questing ram i noticed in my inventory i got this thing called the crumble horn i started clicking on it and it broke a ton of blocks around me it was some sort of warrior sheep cry calling thing um yeah

I don’t know what exactly that did but we had three trophies and it was time to go back to the swamp in day 17 i found my way back to the swamp and i think i found what i was looking for i found a hill and on the

Inside was some weird dungeon if there was one thing that i did not like it was underground dungeons but you know what had to be done i went on down and decided to face my fears it did take me a little while to convince myself to

Drop all the way i had to kind of check around and make sure the coast was clear but so far i didn’t see anything and unfortunately this did seem like a maze i thought i was clear until i turned the corner and i found this weird cow thing

That charged me i took him down pretty easily though after he charged me and he dropped this thing called me which i actually ate right after which is kind of weird now that i’m thinking about it look i don’t know if this exactly counts as cannibalism because he’s half cow

I don’t i don’t really know what the the verdict on that is but anyways one of these dropped a golden minotaur accent so it looks like i was fighting minotaurs in a couple of these rooms i found double chests behind iron bars but they didn’t give that great of loot only

A couple of these things called steel weaves however one of these chests gave me something called a maze wafer i don’t know why the maze had wafers but it seemed pretty tasty i found another bigger room with a few locked up chests and a minotaur spawner i broke the

Spawner before i had to get into any more trouble but unfortunately that didn’t exactly go to plan because they started coming by larger numbers around the corner it seemed like the minotaurs when they stood far away from you started charging up and then ran at you

With a powerful attack but when they got close to you they were pretty easy to take down except when you had like five of them on you i had an uneasy feeling about all these minotaurs i just had a feeling that eventually i would run into

Some sort of giant minotaur boss it kind of seemed to be leading there it also turns out that if you just sidestep the minotaur he will just run into a wall i went back to the main room and broke open the chests except the loot still

Wasn’t that special except i did get a lot of maze wavers and maze wafers kinda slapped i found a room that led me even deeper into the maze and this time i just jumped on down i found a corridor that had mushrooms growing out of it so

I’d assume that’s the way i needed to go i found a new type of bug around the corner and this time the bug picked me up and i just started swinging at it while i was on its back and i took it down pretty easily the mace took me a

Long time to navigate but fortunately i had my maze wafers i tried following the mushrooms though and at last i think i came upon the boss room i saw a room blocked off by fences and when i went up it spawned some sort of mooshroom minotaur hybrid was this the boss

I tried breaking in and hitting him and he could still hit me through the wall and he did a good amount of damage but who am i kidding i had a power three bow always think outside the box people i thought he was about to charge me and

Break open the fence but fortunately he did not break it and i just took him down pretty easily with my bow i went inside expecting there to be more mobs but fortunately we were good i started sorting through all the loot i picked up a bunch of these meep stroganoffs and i

Got the mino shroom trophy so i guess that was the minnow shroom i also picked up a diamond minotaur axe which did a good amount of damage compared to my sharpness diamond sword it said i could charge with it but i couldn’t really figure out how to do that after

Defeating the minus room i went to see if i could try to get back into this fiery swamp but unfortunately there was still some sort of spell except i killed one of these minion guys and he dropped a book about the fire swamp the book said the curse should be lifted so i

Brought the only thing i got from the minnows room and that was the meep stroganoff i tried drinking it and at first i thought it didn’t work but then the fire stopped and the curse was lifted and here’s where things get a little crazy i found a hydra boss bar

And i started hearing explosions this did not sound good and i was very scared as to what this was i walked around the corner and i found a giant three-headed dragon spitting fire okay there was just no way we were gonna be able to take down the hydra today but i can admire

From afar you know i didn’t have anything against the hydra until he did this no it was day 20 and i got some diamond armor and decided to go back to the dark force to see if the curse really was lifted i snuck on in and i did not get

Blindness anymore and i found this cute little squirrel right at the edge of the forest i found some sort of temple as if i didn’t spend enough time underground already it did look like this dungeon went underground oh man the twilight force just loved spoiling me i found this weird gate

Looking thing but i couldn’t mine it but there was some sort of pedestal right next to it and that gave me an idea i looked at all the trophies i had in my inventory and i assumed i should put the minnow shroom trophy on the pedestal so

I took it out and i placed it on the pedestal and sure enough it opened the door i heard a troll laughing from down there so you know i had to go down and take him down we don’t like the trolls except this time when i jumped down i

Didn’t find a troll but i found a little knight and he was spinning a ball that was just hitting me from midair i took him down and i got an armor shard this was definitely an interesting looking dungeon i found another room and there

Was this guy i don’t even know if he had arms or not it was like his arms were coming out of his stomach but he was very tiny and i just took down a bunch of them and of course i found more trolls i had to get rid of all of them

We do not tolerate trolls around here i did it for the good of humanity i found this weird crab fish thing and i found a chest that gave me a power 3 infinity bow i will definitely take that the loot was definitely better in this dungeon

Because i opened a chest and got a sharpness 4 book i was about to equip that right away until this giant knight came around the corner i hit him from the back no pun intended and he kind of just bent over i probably could have used better word choices but either way

I took him down and it looks like he was just another one of those little guys that had a giant armor suit on anyways i made a sharpness for diamond sword so now i was very protected i found this new room that was blocked off by two

Layers of gates i dug my way in and the spawner turned into like six of these floating phantom things they all had armor on and swords one of the bigger ones in the middle started throwing out a bunch of tools at me none of them hit

Me so far though so i think i was good i started taking them out one by one but all of them did a pretty good amount of damage and they kind of floated away from me too i was smacking him quite a bit and i had a sharpness for diamond

Sword so these things must have had quite a bit of health but finally i ended up taking one of them down so there were only five to go i tried taking down the one with legs but he started throwing a ton of tools at me

And i got so close to dying i ate the golden apple and i regen back to full seems like every time he was throwing tools at me i couldn’t hit him he was invincible but after a long fight i ended up taking all of them down and

When i got the last one i got an achievement and what do you know the phantom looking thing dropped a phantom plate it seemed a little better than diamond armor but when i opened the chest in the middle i got very good phantom chest plates i’m talking protection 3 mending here there were

Also these nightly sword and axes that seemed pretty good but there was also this knight phantom trophy i now had five trophies and i still had a long way to go in the twilight forest in day 21 i ventured deeper into the dark forest there was definitely more to

Be found sure enough when i went deeper into the heart of the forest i found these red trees and i saw a little structure yeah at least i thought it was a little structure until i looked up and this happened to be the biggest tower i

Have ever seen this was gonna be an interesting journey i could already tell i found these weird looking blocks which looked like the entrance and i clicked on it and the blocks just started disappearing and then they reappeared after a few seconds pretty cool i wondered if i could get them after the

Dungeon i went on through all the doors and i found myself in the first floor of this ginormous dungeon so far on the first floor nothing special just a little fire on the next couple floors there was nothing but bookshelves and a few dispensers and brewing stands so far

Nothing that really wanted to kill me so that was good well until i found these mini ghasts that kind of started shooting at me but i took them down before they could do anything they didn’t have much health so it was pretty easy i had a feeling i was gonna start

Seeing a lot more mobs considering this was only the third floor and the dungeon looked insanely big i let this creeper blow the skeleton into outer space and i went up to the fourth floor and i saw a different looking room there were some witches and this weird gollum thing at

The bottom i tried taking out the witch before i could take out the golem unfortunately the golem seemed like it had the same mechanics as an iron golem and it was hard to take it down without me getting hit i decided to build up and

There was another one so i built up even higher when i got a little higher i figured out that there was a spawner so that was pretty much where all the mobs were coming from i took out both of the golems and they dropped a few iron i

Looked up and i still had a long way to go and i had to kind of build over these wood walks just hoping i wouldn’t fall through one fall and it was pretty much over i got a little higher and it seemed like the rooms were becoming more nether

Themed i heard blazes so i went up to the next four and i took out a few of them of course i went to mime the spawner and this giant bug just wants to pick me up that’s cool i broke the spawner finally but unfortunately this

Was probably the first one out of a hundred spawners i would be breaking i found a little secret chest in the middle and this creeper tried blowing it up but the creeper was unsuccessful and i found this thing called experiment 115. it kind of looked like food so i

Tried eating it well after this spider just dived on me it turns out you could eat it but then accidentally i clicked it on the floor and it placed like cake and it definitely looked a little weird i finally got to the top of one of the

Towers and i looked down and i saw a giant gas maybe this was one of the bosses i don’t know i went down and i tried shooting it i was very thankful that i had a power three infinity bow because that means i could pretty much

Shoot unlimited arrows i took out one of them and i decided to use my insane water bucket skills to make my way down there sometimes you just have to risk it to look cool well after jumping down there i found two more that were shooting fireballs at me but fortunately

Power three bow was too strong for him and i took him out and only a few hits you know i was kind of hoping these were the final bosses but after i figured out that they dropped nothing i was pretty sure that there was still a final boss

And i looked up and i probably wasn’t even 25 percent of the way up there okay so i already spent one day navigating this whole tower and i barely got anywhere on to the next day i broke my way into the main tower and this gas almost

Fireballed me off if it wasn’t for my shield my journey in the twilight forest would for sure be over i tried hitting the fireball back with my sword but i had no luck and i couldn’t really aim so i decided to settle with the bow and it

Worked when i got up higher i found a room that had item frames on the wall i followed the recipe and this was the recipe for vanishing blocks i then found this weird machine in the corner of the room that had a bunch of levers so i

Pulled all of them which pushed the redstone blocks into the middle of whatever block this was after doing the fourth one it turned into diamond and gold blocks i was getting ready to mine them and this definitely wasn’t right yeah nope definitely shouldn’t have done this uh the floor and ceiling started

Breaking everywhere and i wasn’t really sure what was gonna happen and then a bunch of mini gas spawned yeah so if you’re planning on doing that i suggest you don’t you will just be disappointed even though i did end up doing it again after a long time i finally made it to

The top of the tower and this ginormous gas spawned it was called the year gas this thing was bigger than any mob i have seen it started raining down gas tears and started shooting fireballs at me when i went under the gas tiers it looked like they started poisoning me or

Something like that okay so now was a really good time to be thankful for my power 3 infinity bow because if i did not have enough arrows i would not have beat this boss actually i wouldn’t have any chance to do any damage without it i started hitting the fireballs back at it

And it seemed like the fireballs did a good amount of damage but he only fired fireballs once every few minutes unfortunately the gas tiers did so much damage that it broke my diamond helmet and i had to survive without a helmet i didn’t think i had time to craft a new

One i kept shooting the year gas for minutes and minutes that was the only thing i could do and occasionally i shot the fireballs back at him this was quite possibly one of the longest fights i’ve been in and even the year gas started healing from something i don’t know

Where but finally i hit one fireball back at him and i got him to no help and i did one final bow shot and i defeated the eurogas the year gas didn’t drop anything except xp but some chests spawned in the middle i was waiting for

It to stop raining but it didn’t stop raining so i just opened the chest in the middle and we only got a few things one of them was the year gas trophy which of course i was going to collect the second thing i got was carmenite which were used for the invisible blocks

And the last thing i got were fiery tears but i didn’t know what they did this was such a long dungeon takedown but hopefully defeating the gear gas unlocked something else it was day 25 and i had been running for a little bit i wanted to see what these

Fiery tears could do it turns out when you combine the fiery tears with an iron ingot you get fiery ingots so i made 8 ingots and it turns out you can also make armor with these it was called fiery armor it looked a little better than diamond and it also said it burns

Attackers so i made the helmet and i looked pretty cool i got protection 3 on it so now i was pretty stacked and that’s when i looked up and i saw something completely new it looked like some sort of giant cloud and there was this new biome that i found except it

Was raining i knew it must have been some sort of curse or something because when i stepped under the rain i just started taking damage it was almost like it was acid rain or something you know what happens now we find the troll i found the troll and i got the book from

Him i picked up the book and it was called notes on the highlands i guess that’s what this biome was i skipped to the end and it talked about how i need to take down a boss in the searing swamp a deep forest and the snow

Biome i already just took down the deep forest so that left me with one choice oh man back to the fire swamp i wasn’t looking forward to this one yep here he was this was the hydra i feel like i needed a little time to prepare but i

Decided to take a shot at him and of course he doesn’t take bow damage well that’s just great this is gonna be so fun it is day 26 and it’s time to take down the hydra i wanted to get rid of this guy first because he was kind of

Shooting at me through the window so i had to take him down i got rid of the spawner and i opened the chest and at first i thought i didn’t get anything except this actually helped me out a little bit because i got to make another golden apple and i was just really

Scared about the hydro fight it was now time so i drank my speed potion and i drank my potion of healing i don’t know someone explain why i just did that look i thought it was regen okay don’t blame me i ran up to the hydra and already two of the heads

Started charging fireballs at me i was really confused about how to hit it and then i realized i could hit it in the center of the stomach except i started smacking away and it was doing no damage i tried hitting at the neck or the head but nothing happened it was really tough

To reach any of the head so i was really confused and i had to dodge all the fire breath one of the heads dipped a bit lower and i started swinging at it and this time it actually did damage it seemed like any of the heads that started spewing water were vulnerable

One of the heads would dip a bit lower and then it would go back up and then another head would dip lower i did the best i could with my sharpness 4 sword to deal as much damage as i could before the heads went back up but it wasn’t doing much

And i soon figured out that the hydra did a lot of damage i got hit once and it pretty much did four hearts i ate a golden apple and went back in the hydra was now at about half health and when i got it a bit lower it started exploding

And i think i took out one of the heads keyword there was i thought and then it grew back two heads so yeah i guess the whole marble hydro phrase cut off one head two more grow back well yeah that’s true it seemed like i was doing a really

Good job just running under the hydra whenever they spit fire and i was doing a good job avoiding damage last i got the hydra super super low and i dealt the final blow at first i was really questioning whether this was the end of the hydra because none of the

Heads started exploding and then i hit it once more and the whole thing exploded i backed up just to make sure i didn’t die i earned the achievement hydras layer and i went over to see what kind of loot dropped it seemed like it dropped fiery tears or fiery blood in

This case that was the same drop that the year gas dropped i went ahead and made a few more fiery ingots so maybe i could go for more armor and this zombie just had to come in to mess it all up so thank you for that but more importantly

I got the hydro trophy so i now had seven trophies there didn’t seem like there was anything else in the cave so it was time to continue my journey it was almost 10 days later and let me fill you guys in on what happened basically i took down a couple more year

Guests and i got more fiery tears i used those fiery tears to make more fiery ingots and i got a fiery sword along with other armor but after boosting up my armor and weapons a bit it was time to go exploring into the snow biome i found this giant ocean which i’ve never

Seen before and i found a cave maybe after taking this down i could go into the highlands i looked inside and there was a bunch of mobs in there i crept on in and it looked like i was in some sort of yeti cave so far they weren’t

Attacking me so i didn’t know if they were aggressive or not in my inventory i pulled out hydrotropes which apparently were dropped from the hydra and they actually gave regeneration i went up to one of the yetis and he picked me up so it seems like they wanted to start a

Fight one of them even threw me super high alright that was a declaration of war and it was time to take down all the yetis except in the middle of the cave i saw something different i went over to see what it was and a ginormous yeti

Spawned it was called the alpha yeti and apparently it did not take damage by bow so i had to rush it with my sword and it started freezing me the freeze made me so slow that it was hard to dodge any of its attacks and you know it also didn’t

Help that all the alpha yeti buddies were just picking me up and tossing me around fortunately my sword did a good amount of damage to them and they were pretty easy to take out except then the big yeti started picking me up and throwing me from a really far distance

All of my fire armor was helping me out a bit because anytime the alpha yeti attacked me he would be set on fire so he slowly took damage over time i decided the best course of action was to just rush the alpha yeti straight down the middle and it ended up working

Even though i got tossed around a little bit i finally got the alpha yeti super low and i dealt the finishing hit and i got an achievement called alpha fur i picked up whatever the alpha yeti dropped and it was called alpha yeti fur and i made a sweet hat that actually chills

Attackers and it came with protection too and it was a little stronger than my current helmet and it looked awesome i now looked like some yeti warrior i noticed the alpha yeti didn’t drop a trophy but the alpha yeti dropped ice bombs i started throwing them around to

See what was up with these and i threw it at a yeti and it just froze him and turned him to dust i feel like that was kind of a harsh way to go out so i stopped using him after you know after at least taking two of them down and

That’s when i stepped outside and found a ginormous glacier the next day i went exploring onto the glacier i decided to just mine my way up and when i got to the top i found penguins they didn’t seem like they were doing anything and they were overall

Just pretty chill i had a feeling i didn’t come here for penguins and i was right in the distance was a ginormous green and blue tower this must have been the last boss i had to take down before i could enter the highlands hopefully my new armor would be enough to protect me

Against whatever dangers i was about to face i went in right through the entrance and there was a bunch of blue and green colored blocks i went in towards the main entrance and i found these floating ice things they were super weak and it only took me about two

Hits to take them down and they only dropped a few snowballs but there were more enemies up ahead i went up the next floor and i found a chest which had an ice sword in it but it was pretty weak so i didn’t take it i found another one of these ice things

But this time i couldn’t kill it and it started exploding interestingly enough it turned the walls to glass i don’t know what the science behind that was i went up another floor and i encountered a new enemy it looked like one of the phantom knights but in

Hindsight it wasn’t it was just a weak guard but it dropped steel leaf armor i found another chest where i got unbreaking too so i decided to put them on my boots so they wouldn’t break i found another chest room and after taking down the guard i found an ice bow

I tried shooting it to see what was up but it didn’t seem any different maybe a little particle change but nothing else but after a long time of searching i think i found the room where i needed to go it had some ice staircase so i made

My way all the way up i had to break through probably about three layers but once i finally got to the top i just got a boss bar that spawned the boss that spawned was the snow queen she had a circling dress of ice blocks and i couldn’t hit her and she started

Spawning these spinning ice things both were pretty much useless as long as she had that ice protection i couldn’t hit her at all i had to figure out some way to get around the ice or else i’d be stuck up here so far my sword wasn’t doing the trick but then she went

Through the floor and i had a chance to hit her above the ice and it did damage so it looks like i had to wait till she went through the floor and then i could hit her and then she started shooting me with an ice beam and unfortunately my

Shield broke i was pretty much vulnerable now i kept timing my shots until she went all the way through the floor and i was doing a pretty good amount of damage the snow queen was pretty weak relative to the other bosses and i was doing pretty well and then i

Had a crazy idea i decided to finish her off with the scepter of twilight the one that i got from the twilight witch boss at first i couldn’t hit her with any of my shots but after going through the floor i spammed the scepter and i took

Her down i had successfully defeated the snow queen it seemed like she only dropped the trophy and some sort of bow i went over and picked it up and it was called the seeker bow i also now had the eighth trophy which was the snow queen

Trophy i tried shooting a shot with the seeker bow but again it didn’t seem any different but either way we’ve defeated all bosses necessary and it was time to venture into the highlands it was day 41 and it was time to head back to the highlands it took me a while

To find my way back but eventually i found it after defeating all three bosses the acid rain was lifted and i could now go into the caves i mined this ore called trollstein and i tried smelting it and this is another reason why i hate anything to do with trolls

Because it doesn’t do anything i went a little deeper into the caves to see what was going on down here and there was a lot of mobs and i forgot i did not have a shield thanks to the snow queen these caves were actually overpowered and there were diamonds everywhere but

To be honest i didn’t really need them i made a new shield and i was ready to go fight some more mobs hopefully this shield would last for a little longer at least i went deeper into the caves and i found a new sort of mob he hit me from

Pretty far away but i took him down and he dropped nothing it always seems like the cool mobs dropped nothing i found this new sort of stone and it took me a long time to mine i had a feeling i was going in the right direction though

After mining it i picked it up and it was called dead rock but i realized that there was rain in the middle of the block and it was acid rain still i’m pretty sure that meant there was still a curse somewhere and it needed to be

Lifted i went out of the caves and i went up and i saw a ginormous castle in the distance but i still needed to get up to the clouds first but the cloud was super high and i didn’t really have any blocks i went back into the caves and i

Found a really weird room it had a bunch of mushrooms and witches everywhere it probably took me a good five minutes to clear out this cave from all the mobs but thankfully my armor and sword were good enough to do the job i found this obsidian box and it was just kind of

Sitting here so i dug into it to see what was up i realized it was hollow and there was a chest inside i opened the chest and i got magic beans a pretty weird thing to find in the middle of an obsidian box but i’ll take

It as i went through the cave i found an even bigger obsidian box but this one i didn’t have any luck with i mined for so long and i couldn’t even break it i went back to the surface and i was gonna see what these magic beans

Did it seemed like it had to place them on that soil that it came with in the chest i was really hoping this had some sort of jack and the beanstalk story to it and i was going to try it out in day 42 i went a little bit away from

The cloud and i found this type of soil i grabbed the magic beans from my inventory and hopefully this would produce a beanstalk i was also hoping it would be tall enough to get up to the cloud and oh man was this a tall beanstalk right after i placed the beans

Onto the soil the beanstalk grew into the clouds and i couldn’t even see the top well there was only one thing i could do now and that was slowly climb this ginormous beanstalk hopefully i could get up to the cloud from here when i went up there i noticed the cloud

Blocks looked really big and there was a massive tree up there when i got a little higher i saw giant me’s yep that was me but in giant form and there was even one giant me with armor this was gonna be interesting this is not what i was expecting the beanstalk

Grew a little bit away from the cloud so i had to build my way over i was really skeptical to see if this cloud block would just make me sink all the way through or i could stand on it i went for a leap of faith and i took damage

But i didn’t sink through i tried mining it to see what it dropped and it dropped a fluffy cloud pretty interesting now the real question is what this whole place was it seemed like me saw me and i started walking over to myself in giant form surely me wouldn’t attack me right

Nope i was wrong i started attacking myself so it looked like i had to fight giant me it’s safe to say that there could only be one evbo around and it wasn’t going to be these giants the giant epos were really annoying to deal with because they could hit me from

Super far away but i landed some sort of combo and the giant dropped a huge pickaxe this was called the giants pickaxe and let me just tell you this thing was like three times bigger than me oh my lord it looked huge the pickaxe said that it mines giant blocks i don’t

Even know what that means all right it was time to take out the armored evo this guy was a little tougher to take out especially since he had backup that came out of nowhere i don’t know how i did not see this giant evo coming i took down one of them and

He dropped a huge sword i picked it up and totally couldn’t have guessed it was called the giant sword i tried using it but the attack speed was so slow that i don’t even think it was much better than my current sword i switched back to my

Fiery sword and just tanked the hits that the giant was dealing to me and i took him down too he dropped another sword each giant sword had a base damage of plus 12 which was very strong i went over to this giant house to see what was

Up and when i went inside well there were more giants in there it was time to fight more embos again i don’t know if they spawned from here or what but i took both of them down and i didn’t see anything else inside this house i decided to use the giant’s pickaxe and

It broke this huge block but it only dropped one and this was called giant cobblestone i went to go and place it and yeah this placed a 4×4 block of cobblestone this was interesting but after checking out the house i really got a full view of this giant

Castle ahead and oh my this was one huge castle i don’t even know if i was looking at the entrance or not but i couldn’t even see the end of it but i could still see acid rain so it still looks like i had more to clear before i

Could go in well the problem was that i didn’t have any leads so it was time to go exploring for a while it was day 50 and i am now on another giant cloud you know what i’m doing again i’m taking down more giants only one fbo is allowed to exist in this

World i spent the past eight or so days getting a lot of enchantments for my armor and getting geared up but i kept searching around for a way to lift this curse and i couldn’t find anything i had sharpness 4 and power 4 on most of my

Weapons and i went back to the snow biome to get a new yeti helmet because my old one was about to break but i put on braking on most of my stuff so hopefully this would last me for a while it seemed like there was no quick way

Down so you know i had to go for the jump and i made it luckily yeah that could have gone way worse for me there was still acid rain but i tried breaking the thorns and when i broke one it grew a new one and when i broke the new one

It grew two new ones so it seemed like that was not the way to go i remembered that there was a giant obsidian box that i didn’t open thanks to my giant pickaxe that broke pretty much everything in its path well i mined down pretty quickly and i

Actually stumbled upon it very fast the giant pickaxe took a long time but it was actually breaking the obsidian and this makes sense now this obsidian box was not made out of regular obsidian but giant obsidian i broke into it and i found a double chest but there was only

Magic beans i was a bit disappointed at first but then i realized there was a second double chest right behind it and there was this thing called the lamp of cinders well i took the lamp and when i went back up it seemed like the acid rain had

Disappeared it seemed like the lamp was the key i took out the lamp and put it in my hotbar and when i went over to the thorns i right-clicked on one of them and it turned it to dust it seemed like this lamp was the only way to burn

Through all of these thorns it also turns out that you can charge up the lamp and it will take out a bunch of them in one single shot so there was only one thing to do at this point and that was charge my way through all of

These thorns i did not realize how many thorns stood in the way of me and the giant castle when i finally got to the castle i tried breaking in but nope that did not seem to work so i went all the way through the thorns and i found

Myself at the foot of this ginormous castle it was so big i could not even fathom the size of it this was hopefully where i was gonna take down the final boss and beat the twilight forest it is day 51 and it’s time to explore the final castle of the twilight forest

I tried breaking this block and it gave me these castle rune blocks but i couldn’t really break through the side so i had to go find the entrance after searching for a bit i did see a staircase in the distance i also saw this massive building in the middle but

I couldn’t really get into there i decided to settle with the staircase that was given to me when i got to the door i clicked on these blocks and they started disappearing and i got two achievements when i went inside i started to ascend the staircase so far i

Found nothing but i was really hoping i could find good woo chests or maybe some mobs i got to the top and i found an enderman but so far nothing i took a look outside and it still looked like there was a ton of castle that needed to

Be explored so i was hopeful after going across one of the bridges i noticed on the main building that there was a giant fence cage on top that must have been where the final boss was i got to the top of one of the towers but so far

Nothing except when i went into a different hallway i found this weird blue creature and of course more trolls and you know how i feel about trolls after happily taking down those annoying trolls i went outside and i looked at the main building and i could really see

How big it was but i didn’t find a way over there i started to become hopeful when i found different looking rooms but so far none of the bridges led over to the main building all these doors just led to the outskirts of the castle so

Far all i found were just more trolls and this extremely fast moving troll and it turns out a regular troll can get more annoying and that’s this one i found a tower that was kind of destroyed by all these thorns so i started breaking them away and seeing what i

Could find so far i was kind of disappointed that i didn’t find any chests i went into this room and i found a different looking mob but he didn’t really seem like he was attacking me so i’m kind of sorry for doing this i felt

A little bad for a second and then these blue dudes started poisoning me so i got into another fight i decided to leave this tower and i needed to figure out where i could build up to next it was now day 54 and i had been exploring the castle for days but i

Finally found a different building this building looked much bigger and it looked like it had glass on the outside or something like that i opened the door to the building and i was met face to face with two of these blue poison dudes except they didn’t really do much damage

And i didn’t have a problem taking them out i found a sign and i was about to read it and then i fell so of course i had to go back up the stairs again and then i could read the sign when i got

Back up i took a look at the sign and it said parkour area 2 and mini boss it turns out it wasn’t actually developed yet so i decided to build over to the main room this room had crazy designs on it and a golden door when i opened it up

Well i saw more giant mies coming straight for me this was a good sign though because now there was hope that there was actual boot in this castle there was also some pink square in the middle and i didn’t know what that was i switched to my fiery sword because the

Giant sword had such a long reload speed that it was making it hard to take out these giants but of course i’m the only evo around and they didn’t stand a chance i went over to this pink square and i tried mining it but then i realized there were two doors literally

Right beside me so yeah i think the doors were the way to go except this time when i opened it the staircase actually went down so i followed the staircase and i was met with these crazy rooms and more of these blue dudes who tried poisoning me

Obviously they were no match for my skill so i took them out with ease when i opened the door i saw a ton of these blue dudes everywhere in the halls and a ton of these colored rooms that had all these crazy runes on them i walked all

Through the halls but i couldn’t really find anything of significance i took down as many of these blue guys as i could but no matter how many i took down they didn’t drop any loot just as i thought the castle was getting better i started losing hope that i was gonna

Find more loot or some sort of chest i tried mining into one of these colored rooms to see if it did anything or spawned anything when i went inside but i was disappointed yet again and nothing really happened and the worst part was i was getting lost

So it was now day 60 and i finally found my way back except i thought i found my way back because i thought it was the pink room that i came from but this one went down even deeper so i was in for another maze yet again

I was getting a little scared because when i got down here this looked like the exact same thing as the floor above except this time when i explored a little i found thorns growing all the way down here so maybe i was on to something maybe this was the maze that

Led me to the final boss and i was gonna defeat it this episode if that was the case well there better be some good loot after a long time of searching i was trying to get back to the surface and i got lost yet again these rooms all

Looked identical and i really couldn’t find my way around all was good though because i turned the corner and i saw the pink room yet again so this was probably the one i came from key word there is probably when i got there i noticed there wasn’t a staircase up but

Another staircase down but this time at the end of the staircase i could see a giant room at the end this was a ginormous box carved into the depth rock and at the very bottom there was a sign i would definitely have died if i jumped

Off i decided to not risk the mlg water bucket and just pull a safe strat and just do it manually i really didn’t want to come this far and die in the twilight forest while i’m way underground i finally jumped down and i took a look at the sign and another disappointment it

Was another undeveloped mini boss so far i had found two areas of the final castle that were undeveloped i looked around to see if i could find anything but i just found regular caves and nothing else the worst part is i got myself all the way down here and i did

Not know the way out those mazes took me days to navigate and now i would have to climb back up there and find my way out but there were still rooms to be explored and i needed to check out the fenced cage on the top of the tower

It was now day 62 and it was time to go back up and take on the final boss i finally got out of that giant pit and started smacking my way through all of those guys and i finally made it back to the staircase that basement definitely

Took me a while to navigate but i ended up finding my way out i finally got out and i knew i needed to go in one of the side rooms in order to get up to the top but i didn’t know which one i saw four

Doors in each of the corners two of them were yellow doors and two of them were blue doors so i decided to take a chance and go for the blue door first after clearing out a bunch of the blue guys i decided to make my way up into the first

Door when i opened it i saw a giant staircase that went all the way up i opened the door when i got to the top and there was a giant room with a bunch of pillars and a huge staircase and on the top floor i found a giant me again

It seemed like i was gonna have to go through more giants in order to get to the final boss and there were also trolls and we hate trolls i climbed up the staircase but so far i didn’t see anything out of the ordinary just a few trolls giants and these blue things i

Started taking down the giant because i think he was guarding the door to the very top i saw a blue door behind him and that’s where i needed to go i think after checking around the other corner it turns out there was nothing there so

I went through the door but it turns out this door just led to outside i tried booking around to see if it led to anywhere else but nope it just went outside so i had to go back i went back to the original corner staircase but

There was a giant evo guarding it so i took him down and i made my way up towards the top when i got to the top of the staircase i went through another disappearing door and i was at the final boss there was a giant fence cage up here but nothing

Else inside the cage there was a spawner and on top it said the final boss it looked like once i broke into the cage the final boss would spawn so this was finally it i broke open the cage and i think i was ready to take it on

I stepped into the cage and i was ready this was the most anticipated boss of the twilight forest i took a few steps in and a troll spawned yep i am not kidding a troll spawned and it was called the final boss this this was really the final boss of the twilight forest

After fighting a hydra a eurogast a giant castle witch this is the final boss of the whole twilight forest i couldn’t really believe it but at the same time i couldn’t really understand why he wasn’t dying but he wasn’t doing any damage whatsoever i had enough of

The troll hitting me around so i just decided to start comboing him super hard and this is where things kind of start to get interesting the troll was not dying after hitting it a bunch of times with my really good sword it just was not dying i was really confused for a while

Maybe they designed this final boss to be unkillable given that the fact that the final boss isn’t even finished i mean given that the trolls were the most annoying mom in the game it wasn’t a complete loss that i got to beat one around for a super

Long time but in terms of a final boss i was a little disappointed i also didn’t even know what i could do to take this thing down and then that’s when i decided to shoot it once with my bow and it died and it dropped nothing just like any other troll

So this was the final boss of the twilight forest and it said i won we were only on day 62 and we beat the whole twilight forest so there was not much to do now but settle down and make myself a nice home the least i can do in my last 30ish days

Was make a really cool house i traveled for a few days until i finally found a spot where i really wanted to make a home i found this giant tree out in the middle of the clearing and i really wanted to make a tree house this was gonna be the perfect spot for

It after a few days of shaping and building the tree this is what i came up with i hollowed out the tree and made a giant staircase that went all the way up when the staircase got to tree branch level it had some openings so i would make

Some rooms on top of the leaves i only had started working on the very top floor but so far i just placed some slabs around and cleared out the top i wasn’t really sure what i was gonna make up here but it had a really good view

And i was pretty happy with this location it was a nice peaceful place to rest after beating the twilight forest on day 80 i actually started to make a room up here and this was my trophy room i placed down every trophy of every boss we defeated in the twilight forest these

Turned out really well and i loved how they looked on the shelves i also had armor stands where i started placing all of the armors from the twilight forest i only had the basic ones though and we were still missing a few suits it was day 90 and my house was pretty

Much complete on another tree branch i made myself a bedroom nothing too fancy but i really liked how these wooden trapdoors looked i had furnaces and chests and pretty much anything you need for a bedroom and above i had the finished trophy room overall this style

Of tree made it really easy to make a tree house because i could just use the branches as all the floors when i went up to the trophy room i had a completed room with all of the armor sets it took a little time to get the fiery ingots

And the yeti armor but i ended up doing it and this was the complete upper trophy room i really had no idea what to do next and then a crazy idea came to me that was the final mission i had got him i had got the questing ram

I searched far and wide but i ended up finding him again and i got him on the lead and brought him back to our house this was our final going away mission of the twilight forest i placed him on a fence outside of my house because i

Didn’t really think i could bring him up there he was a little too big for that so he was gonna chill outside of the treehouse but this was the end of the twilight forest i made the portal and i threw the diamond it was time to say goodbye this was an incredible adventure

And an incredible mod and it was time to finish it You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie : The Dimension Saga’, was uploaded by Vicious Daredevil on 2022-04-09 18:30:27. It has garnered 49250 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:49 or 7489 seconds.

Hi, here is my new video. Hope you all will enjoy the video and watch till end for more thrills and fun😉

Subscribe this channel for more story and turn the bell icon to All to get updated when i upload a video❣️

*************** More similar content to watch out-

→ Noob to Pro full Minecraft Story:- https://youtu.be/U0J1iOVo3bI

→ The greatest war between the hackers:- https://youtu.be/piZAzJMbny4

→ The Rise of Herobrine:- https://youtu.be/GzIGEtHHLrk

*************** ▪️ If you listen to songs check out my personal favourites:- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxDC1MYajKhZE1wue3P_Wg4a1ZORT8pfR

*************** My social media handles-

→ Instagram- https://instagram.com/vicious_daredevil?utm_medium=copy_link

→ Twitter- https://twitter.com/ViciousDaredev?t=F3HRlaxRc7PXXs2mLjFDCA&s=09

*************** Dm me on Instagram for any collab or queries. Business email launching soon.

Thank you guys, keep supporting like this. Lets make vicious army to 100k soon💯

#minecraft #evbo #compilation #story #movie

See you all in the next video


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    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: Return to the End Island” by 方块轩. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless possibilities and adventures? Imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated community of players and unique… Read More

  • Automagic: Industrial Foregoing’s Machine Melodic

    Automagic: Industrial Foregoing's Machine Melodic In the world of Minecraft, machines and magic collide, Industrial Foregoing, a mod to provide. Automating tasks, making life easier, But beware of the challenges, they can be a teaser. Peagasp, our fearless news reporter in rhyme, Bringing updates and facts in no time. With a grin and a spin, crafting stories with glee, Engaging the crowd, setting their minds free. Join the live streams, full of laughter and fun, As we explore new mods under the sun. Peagasp, the narrator, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing the gameplay, like never seen. So leap into the verse, let the… Read More

  • Bottle Greenhouse Build | Minecraft Fun

    Bottle Greenhouse Build | Minecraft Fun Exploring Minecraft Worldbuilding: Building a Greenhouse in a Bottle! Discovering the Sylvan Frontier In episode 10 of Minecraft Worldbuilding, our adventurers stumble upon the enchanting Sylvan Frontier, a mystical land filled with ancient lore and magical creatures. As they explore the area, they come across a tree stump that hints at a forgotten history, sparking their curiosity to learn more. Uncovering Treasures in Lotus Village While wandering through the fairy fishing settlement of Lotus Village, our intrepid builders stumble upon a discarded bottle. Seeing the potential in repurposing this item, they decide to transform it into a cozy greenhouse,… Read More

  • Ultimate Multistream Minecraft Server Test

    Ultimate Multistream Minecraft Server Test Welcome to the KLÖTZCHEN Community Server! The KLÖTZCHEN Community Server is a vibrant and inclusive Minecraft community where players can come together to enjoy the game in a supportive environment. Whether you play Java or Bedrock, everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. The server is currently running on version 1.20.4 for Java and 1.20.71 for Bedrock, ensuring that all players can participate. How to Join To become a part of this exciting community, you can sign up for membership on Boubous Klötzchenbande channel and then join the Discord server. Once you have accepted the rules and… Read More

  • Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game

    Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game Welcome to the Post-Apocalyptic World of Huntercraft Step into a world teeming with monsters and mutants in Huntercraft, an offline survival game for Android devices. As a hunter, your mission is to navigate through the dangers of this open-world environment, filled with opportunities and threats. Game Features With a plethora of activities to engage in, Huntercraft offers players the chance to fight enemies, save survivors, complete quests, and develop their skills. Explore cubic locations and immerse yourself in the various game modes, such as taking on the challenge of killing 100 zombies within a time limit or rescuing survivors… Read More

  • Portal Puzzles: Cube Xuan’s Mysterious Minecraft Adventure

    Portal Puzzles: Cube Xuan's Mysterious Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a portal appeared, A mysterious entrance, the players cheered. Cube Xuan Hot Stalks Collection, the channel to see, With animations and humor, filled with glee. Fangkuaixuan, the creator, with a smile so bright, Bringing joy to all, with every video in sight. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries here, happiness all around. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With Fangkuaixuan, the journey’s just begun. Subscribe and follow, for more to explore, In the realm of Minecraft, there’s always more. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “First Time Noob PLAYER Enter In Minecraft!” Although the video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does capture the essence of a new player embarking on a journey into the vast and adventurous world of Minecraft. Just like the player in the video, imagine yourself stepping into a world full of endless possibilities, challenges, and excitement. Now, picture yourself exploring this world alongside a community of like-minded players who share… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers, specifically Minewind. Have you ever wanted to join a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and forge lasting friendships with players from around… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Vivecraft Questcraft

    Crafting Chaos: Vivecraft Questcraft In Meta Quest 3, Minecraft we play, With Vivecraft and Questcraft, we find our way. Installing and setting up, step by step, Exploring new worlds, no need to fret. SteamVR and Meta Quest Link in place, Minecraft Launcher and Java, we embrace. Playing on glasses, settings just right, Sidequest for Questcraft, a true delight. In the end, our opinion shines through, Minecraft in Meta Quest 3, a dream come true. Like and subscribe, show some love, For gaming adventures, high above. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Challenge! Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Looking for a new Minecraft server to join? Look no further! We have the perfect recommendation for you. Why Join Minewind Minecraft Server? Unique gameplay experience Thriving community of players Exciting events and updates Endless possibilities for creativity How to Join Minewind Minecraft Server Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today! Don’t Miss Out! Join Minewind Minecraft Server now and discover a whole new world waiting for you to explore. Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/irisshaders Complementary Shaders: curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Texture Packs from https://vanillatweaks.net/ [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More

  • Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!

    Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!Video Information oh I wonder if you could do DEET slate brick walls that’d be cool actually question what is the mage of D can you get the [ __ ] out of my way dude the mage of Doom is a character that inherently creates and or manipulates Doom which is hard to explain in a way that makes sense but basically a few minutes later I keep calling you the normal one in my head and then I remember the homestuck thing okay let’s uh let’s let’s really like break us down a little bit put us in… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8

    Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8Video Information यो व्ट इ अप बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो गाइस हम लोगों ने गाइस मैंने जो अभी बोलने वाला हूं मैंने एक वीडियो बनाई थी विलेज ढोने वाली पर गलती से वह वीडियो डिलीट हो चुकी है तो यह मैं सीधा नेक्स्ट वीडियो डाल रहा हूं ठीक है तो अब चलते हैं आगे पिछले वीडियो में यह विलेज ढूंढा था यहां पे और आज हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाने जा रहे हैं मैंने कैट टेम कर लिए थे तो सही हो गए अब हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाएंगे एक मैंने ब्लॉक्स पहले से ही जमा… Read More

  • Chilltown SMP: Custom World, Seasons, Levels, Mature, 1.20, Java

    Welcome to Chilltown! If you’re looking for a unique survival Minecraft experience, look no further than Chilltown. Our server enhances vanilla gameplay while maintaining that classic feel. With a focus on community, feedback, and player-driven decisions, Chilltown offers a relaxing environment to enjoy with friends. Here are some key features: Key Features: Custom World Temperature and Seasons Professions and Level-based Ranks Custom Mobs, Weapons, Tools, and Enchants Special Crafting Stations and Waystones for Teleportation Chunk-based Land Claiming System Non Pay to Win Come join us at rd.Chilltown.eu and experience a new kind of Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Villagers in da Club

    “People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they clearly haven’t met a Minecraft player who just found a vein of diamonds!” Read More

  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More

  • Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥

    Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥 Why did the Minecraft troll face go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop block-ing out his feelings! #blockheadhumor Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Free Palestine Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing takes on the challenge of creating a portal like no other – the Free Palestine Portal. This portal holds a special significance, symbolizing solidarity with the people of Palestine amidst ongoing conflicts. Building the Portal To construct this unique portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, sandstone, and green concrete. With meticulous planning, the portal takes shape with a size of 4×5. The intricate design includes sandstone and green concrete, culminating in a powerful symbol of support for Palestine. Exploring the Portal… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

    Getting Revenge in Minecraft Minecraft: Revenge for my dog 🌩️Minecraft: Revenge for my dog ⚡️ The Adventure Begins In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, you must seek revenge for your loyal companion, your dog. After a band of ruthless mobs attack and kidnap your beloved pet, you must embark on a dangerous journey through treacherous caves, dense forests, and towering mountains to rescue your furry friend. Danger Lurks Everywhere Armed with only your wits and a trusty pickaxe, you must navigate through a hostile world filled with dangerous creatures and deadly traps. Along the way, you will encounter helpful allies who will aid you… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Amazing starter base .🔥🤯🏠🔥. #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HYPNOTIST R* on 2024-04-23 15:02:29. It has garnered 6536 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

    Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19Video Information Oke dengan cahaya-cahaya gelap gini gua aduh du du gua gua rada takut sih kalau kalau kayak gini guys Aduh gelap banget eh Pusing aduh no playing lagi itu ada apa aduh ada sapi Aduh no playing lagi aduh du du Kenapa gini guys jujur aja Gua sebenarnya bisa guys ya untuk lanjut explore tapi di sini gua pusing cuy karena ini layarnya ini kayak Hitam Putih Hitam Putih gini guys jadi jadi pusing tahu aduh Gua sebenarnya bisa guys lanjut explore ya tapi gak bisa guys Ini gua bikin pusing tahu aduh duh ini kenapa gini ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

    Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘1k #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Beast thor19 on 2024-01-12 15:12:33. It has garnered 13287 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More


    EPIC NEW 1.20.5 UPDATE: UNLEASH THE WOLF POWER!Video Information आर्म डीलो वल्फ आर्मरर एंड बहुत सारे उल्फ के वेरिएंट्स एंड इन सब को फुल्ली ऐड कर चुका है 1.2.5 के रिलीज वर्जन में ऑफकोर्स आर्मरर डीलर फाउंड होता है सवाना बायोम में एंड बैड लैंस बायोम में आर्मरर डीलर ड्रॉप करता है स्क्यूट इसे तुम स्पाइडर आई से ब्रीड कर सकते हो एंड तुम इजी पीजी ब्रश भी क्राफ्ट कर सकते हो स्क्यूट के लिए बस तुमको आर्मरर डीलो पे राइट क्लिक करना है एंड सिक्स स्क्यूट से तुम एक उल्फ आर्मरर हो एंड उस आर्मरर को बस तुम अपने टेम गुल्फ प लगा देना अगर आर्मरर… Read More

  • Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!

    Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!Video Information on day one I spawned in as a cute and not so ugly little duckling I’m so tiny I’ve only got two hearts I guess that checks out I’m not strong I’m just a square of fluff at least I can fly nope I can’t fly yet but I can swim and check out my duck family I’ve got a mama duck and a bunch of duckling siblings to they were all swimming in a pond hey guys wait up for me wow this sure is peaceful just paddling along my siblings and I had a great time… Read More

  • Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!

    Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!Video Information you’re now listening to FAA FM this ain’t your granny’s radio station I’m your DJ Kieran FAA and get ready to jam out go [Music] 1 2 3 go there spot with a flow we Hol promise I’m famous heo I am a big shot look on TV gaming Idol here in that’s me bucket we ball never punish never greedy no I’d win Unstoppable C dance back back back it up let that’s what I call sweet [Music] swe rain of [Music] s [Music] ladies P hello hello p is my music loud it’s only on three… Read More

  • Saitani Gamer – GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥

    Saitani Gamer - GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘😇or😈 #roblox #minecraft #memes #robloxedit #minecraftbuilding #tutorial #bedwars #funny #gaming’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-07 15:39:04. It has garnered 420 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender Dragon Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Solo Role Tutorial – Become a Pro in Minutes!

    Minecraft Solo Role Tutorial - Become a Pro in Minutes!Video Information buenas preciosas y preciosas aquí el después de mucho tiempo sin sacar un vídeo con mi cara Aquí estoy yo Bueno A veces hago directos pero no estáis Pero bueno hoy os voy a hacer un vídeo no va a estar todo con cámara porque voy a hacerlo de vez en cuando voy a tener que quitarme la cámara Pero bueno este vídeo voy a hablar a contaros un poquito Cómo hacer rle Plays en Minecraft y estando solo si es posible ahora es posible hace poquito descubrí una aplicación muy buena y Bueno pues estuve hablando con… Read More

Minecraft Movie : The Dimension Saga