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This video, titled ‘No Copyright Gaming Music 2022 🎵 Minecraft Music 🎵 Lofi Hip Hop Beats Playlist 2022’, was uploaded by on 2022-05-10 16:00:14. It has garnered 29251 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:27 or 147 seconds.
No Copyright Gaming Music 2022 🎵 Minecraft Music 🎵 Lofi Hip Hop Beats Playlist 2022 👇 Want to use the songs in your video? Check the information below 👇 Artwork by Muciox:
Minecraft Music – Lofi & Chillhop is gaming music channel. All songs are safe for YouTube & Twitch. Are you looking for safe and no copyright music for Twitch and YouTube? You can listen this music playlist while you are playing games.
⭐ Clear instructions about using the music ⭐ 1) All songs are SAFE to be used in ANY of your videos on YouTube & Twitch. Nobody will strike your video. 2) If you get a claim, but you want to monetize the video using these songs, send the video link to [email protected] – They will check if you added the artist credits in the description, as well as the songs MUST be used as background music for your original and creative videos ( gaming, vlogs, tutorials, etc. ). After the review they will remove the claims if everything is good. 3) If your channel is not monetized yet, or if you use the music for fun, all is good. Nobody will strike you for using the songs. Just send an email when your channel is monetized.
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