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I gathered 100 players from my Discord and told them we’re simulating medieval times but this is not regular Minecraft resources are limited and kingdoms will be forced to make trade or go to war and over the course of eight real life days my team will conquer territory fight in

Massive battles and free the realm of Dragons I spawn in the middle of an island surrounded by my teammates we have to move fast to get the best resources first we’re headed to the nearest diamond island we craft basic wooden tools and I approached The Outpost for capture but as expected trouble shows up purple team is here for

The diamonds spit bar get out of my lands show tactical G I killed too but I don’t think I can hold maybe we can find peace they ask for an alliance and initially I don’t want to but then red team shows up red is here yes we will have peace here we

Boys get up oh my god oh I didn’t mean to kill him’s dead dead oh my come here magma I will have your Head that’s to you Jesus weakness I take the shield oh good thank youill The Ah come here purple happily lets us take the diamond island officially making them my simps so now that we own this island it means that only my team is allowed to mine here we capture a gravel and dripstone Island then we move South capturing a coal Island and finally a

Potato Island I harvest the few potatoes I can and return home to our main island this is where we’ll set up our Castle I meet up with common hat and super hemp who have returned from their trip having successfully captured the only lapis Island and two extra chicken Islands at

This point every resource territory was now claimed and it’s looking like we were one of the most powerful teams on the server now it was all about keeping these territories under our control because other kings could fight us and steal them we head back to our new

Diamond island where we meet morex and shy guy who’ve already found 44 diamonds being the King has its advantage mes because I get to decide what will happen to them but I’d hate to lose them so I dig a hole into this wall and put them

In there and F and I begin to strip mine since the obvious diamonds had been found as usual my luck is awful and I only find two and thank goodness I did because I see a death message I’m actually like considering uhoh oh God our teammate Nikki was killed by a blue

Team member which means blue is here hunting my people in the caves and stealing diamonds off our bodies we mine up and I see more of our members dropping dead in chat I make myself a full set of armor and a Diamond Sword for intimidation factor and then I see

The name tags of blue team lurking around in our caves bye everyone love you it was nice meeting you don’t stop chasing don’t stop chasing blue ran off and our teammates were now completely scattered the real question is did they find my diamonds they didn’t and the secret

Chest works again back on the surface we group up and head home because I have a castle to build and I must keep my subjects safe by forcing manual labor upon them red X and Kevin head off to mine our lapis Island and the remainder of us begin construction on our camp and

That is when my new ally box deity arrives at my doorstep I’ll do the horn noise check it o we got a presenting the Royal box the I tell him about our troubles with blue team and he simps all over me again I wish wish to be friends

And not enemies I wish to be more than friends and less than enemies I reject ye I am betrothed is this really the only reason he was here later that night King Harry of team red comes to visit we got the sugarcane Island I have three paper on

Me and I would like some resources to get me up and going now I did just Slaughter his people so I’m glad he’s not here to fight me so we start with three sugar cane in exchange for three diamonds Meanwhile my second in command Lord common hat crafts me a full set of

Maximilan armor this is the best armor in the game and I need it to keep my precious lasagna body safe then I create another secret chest in the mountain side super hempy and I go head-to-head against common and Adam in a race to find more diamonds no they’re beating us

You fool yeah finally oh they actually got diamonds no way and after finding very little we surface but Adam spots blue team once again again and this time we’re ready to fight beat him up hey how huh hello what’s up boy hi friends hi Roo hello you’re on our

Territory you’re not supposed to be here get the little boy he’s running who are you waiting here for Rico we noticed something very suspicious on Rico’s body he was carrying a cannon this is a Siege weapon what’s more suspicious is he was carrying the banner of white team on him

Are they looking to Ally and destroy us back home the builders had made great progress on the camp and my teammates had returned with quite a bit of lapis making us the only ones on the server to have it peace didn’t last long because at the end of the day Aqua declares war

Against my Ally red if dippit wins he can claim ownership over any one of Harry’s territories initially the fight is a stalemate because Aqua never brought TNT with them and the rules don’t allow enemies to open your doors or mine your blocks but after a few bad

Moves from red and an aquam member returning with explosives my Ally Falls losing his sugar cane Island this war was an example of what could happen when kings get greedy so I write letters to all the other kings expressing my desire to make peace and trade but of course

That is a lie I plan on destroying each and every one of them we have a team meeting to discuss our plans and to promote two of our members Chatterbox becomes the lead Builder and peasant Adam is kned to become sir Adam I take my pvpers to

Collect chicken because I’m hungry and I don’t want to live exclusively off of bread we arrive at the first chicken Island running into our teammate Luna who claims she has just been attacked by White team but they’ve ran away and are nowhere to be found we transform these

Live chickens into pure protein and I decide it’s time to pay a visit to the other teams we start the tour beginning with white team and to be honest I’m kind of scared of them you know they have some stacked pvpers on their team and I don’t know if we can compete

Head-to-head but either way we’re there even what the I seek an audience with King William he’s this way their members lead us inside and I meet with King Bill ah a fine Throne thank you now was it what is it you need he says he wants to

Make peace and establish a strong trade relationship with every team it sounds decent and I don’t think he intends to murder us so we leave peacefully as friends and make our way over to Team Aqua come Pace good day King dippit is significantly less organized and he

Doesn’t seem to have any plans right now he does say he wants to buy my lapis in exchange for his newly acquired sugar cane but not just yet we leave on good terms and agree not to kill each other now it’s time to make make a power move

I visit blue team I want to show them that I’m not afraid of stepping on their lands and confronting them directly good day Invasion are we being invaded we were just talking about you and in what connotations were you speaking of us good connotations my friend good good

And they pitch an idea that I should Siege Aqua for their sugar cane and that sounds suspiciously like they want me to do their dirty work either way way King hul gives me 24 leather as an apology for killing my people on day one and that’s perfect because now I don’t need

A leather Island to start enchanting we leave them be but I’m not too sure about our relationship yet we finish our Tour on green team’s Island where King Emerald greets us gentlemen gentlemen What a fine evening to see you all how are you he leads us

Over to his Pub to do some business he wants to be friends with all nations equally so I propose a deal to him I will trade my diamond island in exchange for his Lava Island until the end of today and he needs to think about it so

He goes off to deliberate with his team and I fall into a scary suspicious room oh uh uh that I’ll pretend I never saw we shake hands on the deal and our dog completely misunderstands what just happened oh no he doesn’t have rabies don’t worry no no

Dog I’ll find a new one we head to our new and temporary Lava Island to siphon every last bucket we can carry on top of that we each mine deep slate to help out our Builders since this island is the only place you can get deep slate and

Then we begin to sail home and come across the deaf Sailors are you deaf I am flagging you with a loud horn can you not hear me I say I’ll lead them to the diamond island for safety but they are deaf and don’t hear my directions turn

Right turn right you dumb Dums so I leave them I want to give a big thanks to cardi craft who helped create this map for us check out his patreon for all his other work after doing this tour of the kingdoms we have just about everything

We need to enchant all I’m missing is more sugar cane and I bet King Harry might still have some I approach his comically large ladder and I mean wow talk about border security this place is nuts right now King Harry is very poor he owns precisely zero territories and

His people are hungry so we make a deal I give him one of my chicken territories right now in exchange for 32 sugarcane today and 103 more once he takes back the sugarcane Island from Aqua we begin to leave and a white team member finds

Us and he tries to make a deal and I’ve set up a trade Network a Trade union he wants to trade gold for lapis but I don’t want that so using the power of capitalism I ask 64 gold for three lapis you insult me prot tag well perhaps if

Bill would provide a generous offer to begin with I could be more favorable myself I would consider a generous offer to join the Trade union that gives you access to all the resources across the land without it you cannot directly go to King dippit and ask for sugarcane but

Through me and through King bill you can gain access to sugarcane I self represent I do not go through middleman kingdoms are progressing and sooner or later someone will gain Monopoly over the enchantment game that’s going to happen it’s just a question of whether or not you want to be involved well sir

You look at the map and you tell me who is winning good day good day to you what tricolor doesn’t know is that I had just secured every resource I need to begin enchanting and as long as I keep a tight grip over lapis nobody else would be

Able to beat me my team makes a secret cave in our mountain and inside of there we create the Realms first and only enchanting table there we are oh mama hug Lord gum Rock arrives to make a delivery one of purples Builders has gifted Lord common hat a diamond the

Beautiful ass gifts me a diamond is this a betral if it does come to that I I accept and so in due time our kingdoms will be strengthened by the marriage of Lord common hat and the soon to be lady Nicks we were curious what you guys standing is with white we originally

Accepted the deal and then they they turned around and lied to us about several things it seems that white team isn’t all what they claim to be they want all the resources from every team without having to go and capture any more land than they already have I end

The day with letters to my fellow Kings blue team wants to trade for lapis but I deny it I’m not going to share that with any anybody and white team wants to meet with all seven kings in the same room it sounds like they’re promoting their scam

Alliance again so I deny it and declare the trade Coalition a sham but before the day was over King Harry makes a move and goes to war against King diid they attack Aqua headon but they’re repelled and they can’t seem to get through the walls the first Siege fails

But 20 minutes later Harry tries again and this time they are much more successful Aqua surrenders and Harry claims back his sugar cane territory my team meets at the top of our Mountain where I tell them to prepare for war I know I want to fight someone I just don’t know who Adam

Common and I make a trip to visit purple team you know we’re friends but I’ve never actually seen their base before they have a dog breeding program and they’ve even invented the wheel as bow down peasants take me there now this is the kind of thing we need back on my

Island I’ve been lost we left them and funny story tricolor is here with the trade Coalition scam th white team is looking lazy of late maybe I shall be calling you circumference what is with this guy what is quiet man please Just sh honestly protagonist as a uh another gesture of

Goodwill the uh the white Kingdom would like to invite you to a meeting beginning in 5 minutes will there be food there will be food provided it’s a banquet another demonstration of thine gluttony right we’re heading off now so uh we shall leave you may want to take a

Quite a large boat if you do need this this this may help hold you up in the waters so we make our way down to the shores and the water proves exactly who’s been eating too much I yeah I’m going it is proven get in the big boat

Comm oh I’m sorry my Lord I uh uhoh I sail with my purple friends to meet the other kings that’s when we catch a glimpse of the Dragon Emperor’s Castle he is the ruler of the realm and someday I will challenge his power but not today

I must build an Army first uh no do we have this for and there is no seat with my oh here it is oh good everyone is here except for King sppid it’s only a six King meeting now King Bill Begins by backpedaling on the original idea of the

Trade Coalition saying that anyone can make trade with anyone and white doesn’t have to be the middleman I tell him that I will consider this deal if white team is willing to host the wedding of common hat to which they agree and then I am confronted there was only one source of

Lapis in this realm and it is under occupation protag looking protagonists Kingdom a man who does not want to trade with anyone what do thou want with lapis the white kingdom was also insulted by King protagonist you offered us three lapis in exchange for 64 gold do you think

That’s an acceptable offer to make to someone we’re not looking to control to help you’re a bit more open to us trading with you as lapis is a requirement for all of us a requirement to kill a requirement to defend against thankfully King box changes the subject I am

Broke and then it starts to thunder so we conclude the meeting man that’s my Quee to get out of here I’m I am very afraid of thunder after dropping purple off I informed my subjects that we will be declaring war against Blue Team later today I wanted to attack white but sir

Adam isn’t online and he’s our best pvper but ironically enough one of Blue’s members shows up at my door a apparently white was trying to create an alliance against me and honestly this comes at no surprise and it doesn’t change my mind at all about invading

Blue we head to the Armory and begin enchanting every single piece of gear we can it’s time to show off our strength and strike fear in my enemies outside the walls two more members from Blue arrive and you know gaming Sam is one of their best PV peers so maybe it’s time

To reveal our hand the other member gets away and now is our time to strike we march to our Southern Beach and we run into hul himself here to ask why we were killing his people maybe that can answer his question our forces land on his Beach

Super HMI climbs the trees to set up our trebuchet and the rest of us move in met with almost no resistance whatsoever we blast through their walls but there’s no fight to be had King hle surrenders never having expected our betrayal he really did want to be friends and his

Help earlier was sincere to be honest we all felt kind of bad about this so we return their gear and we don’t steal any land from them but now we’re all confused we wanted to test our might and we’re still too weak to fight against white team so I guess our next best

Target is aqua I declare war against King diid and we land on his Shores are cannons open fire into his base breaking through his walls but the inner Castle is guarded by layers of bamboo making it difficult to hit eventually I run out of cannonballs and I have to move in on

Foot and join the troops my people are locked in battle at the walls and it’s a stalemate mining in is against the rules so without our Cannon we can’t break through I’m pulled into the mess by fishing rod and I get knocked down thankfully my team was there to save me

But this whole thing is is quite a mess my teammates aren’t saved in time and I don’t see much hope in winning this battle so I call the retreat we sail home and leave behind the enchanted gear this is probably the lowest we’ve been the entire event like I don’t think it

Could get worse from here never mind it got worse King Harry betrays me what the heck man now based on our absolute dog poo fighting performance in the last battle I order my people to remove their Enchanted gear and hide it away soon enough red team team bursts through our

Walls and our team just Falls so easily including me I call a surrender before any more of my people can die King Harry claims my lapis Island as his prize and My Monopoly is officially over I guess I won’t be getting any sugar cane from King Harry now yesterday

Was such a flop because we spread out and we had no Fortress to stand behind so we begin moving all our things to the top of the mountain and speeding up the build of our Castle while the team does that I make some strategic visits to the

Other kings I feel like I don’t have many friends at this point and I need to feel out who I can rely on other than purple they’s still my Sims my first stop was King dippit who I had just fought I show up and I find they’re already wearing my dead teammates armor

Either way I make a formal apology for what I had done and I give them a stack of lap as a gift I want them to know that King Harry is not trustworthy then I make my awkward trip to see King bill and the rest of white team what are you uh what

Are you doing here I am here for an audience with King William I am sensing tensions between our kingdoms why what what has occurred between our two kingdoms that that there would be tension well lapis for one but it’s no longer in your possession have you not conducted trade with King Harry

He’s not not offered yet but of course all trades have a price they’ll likely put a heavy one well this one does not come at a price I’m specious maybe you will think more kindly of us in the future when the Red King comes knocking straight through your door good luck to

You all and then I make a visit to King emerald look to be frank with you good sir you’re in a bit of a situation if I do say so myself I we proved our battle might be close to nil it’s not the battle might with which I am concerned

It is the fact that you now have every single other Kingdom to which I am talking to pretty much delaying belittling delaying and practically announce denouncing you as a kingdom as a whole now after all this stupidity my feels need some fixing I go to purple

Team to see if they can cheer me up please stop beating and repressing women on my property and just my luck blue is here you decided to red blue and aqua may I have the truth on why that was uh gentlemen to be completely honest uh we were not entirely sure blue team

Accepts that I was an idiot and they forgive me but they warn us that white team is trying to form a coalition against myself and against purple team even though purple has done them no harm we have given you diamonds we have given you one of our members hand in marriage

And we received very little in return for you guys and it seems that we are going to suffer the consequences of your actions I deeply apologize to my friends and we agree to form a true Alliance together one where I am equal and look out for the good of my friends with the

New alliance formed we agree our first move will be to remove White’s attention off of my team King box will fake a war against me and take over my diamond island soon enough We Begin our fake battle and purple blasts through our walls my people are fully prepared to

Lose and so King box claims my diamond island now it was time to officially change my ways I head to purple again and deliver them some resources and there I find box working his crops like a true king of the people back home I send more resources over to King hul and

Then inspired by box I farm potatoes for my people it was time I took another gamble I have a feeling that King Harry doesn’t like King bill so I head in alone to meet with him Whit has been building quite the Empire as someone who would rather not see one giant powerful

Force on the server I would be willing to help you out and help you get out of this situation well look at that we’re allies now I mean this is like the best news I’ve had this whole event he’s even going to send me sugar cane from our

Trade deal before but the good news wasn’t over yet I’ve grown a little tired of the coalition’s nagging wanting me to trade this way not that way and I believe in true Freedom good sir green was shafted by white so King Emerald wants an alliance together now and if I

Passed first grade successfully it sounds like I’m winning again but this new alliance has to stay a secret as long as possible King Harry follows through on his promise sending me enough sugar cane to make 11 more bookshelves I am feeling powerful again so I send King

Bill a letter saying that I know he’s pulling the strings from the shadows and that he will not get away with it Our Castle had some nice developments like terraforming the Hillside and this dropper to go from the Upper Mountain to the lower Farms I begin my day with farming for XP eventually Rico comes by with bad news a coalition Envoy is coming over to try one last negotiation together protagonist we seek an audience

With you as regards to the Coalition and your intentions for the map I will speak here in the Gardens how about you explain to us all of us here your intentions for the rest of the Kingdom given my secret Alliance I can’t actually share my intentions so I play

With them Thou Art neither a lord nor a king and I am insulted by this meeting here my intention is to not speak with peasants anymore I’m leader of the Coalition of all of the Nations that have bound together I have brought them together I have brought the Five Armies

Of the South to meet with you today and yet you insult me if thou art a leader of trade why have we never made trade we have I’ve offered you you you offered me three lapis for 64 Golds if thou Arts here for the betterment of the Kingdom

How come the purple team wasn’t invited tricolor and gum rocks start yapping about their beef and then princess DJ gets us back on topic and on that subject my king there happens to be a festival happening tomorrow mayhaps the Kings will talk with me at this Festival Maybe then I will entertain whatever

Words you will spew at me here we spew the words now or we march on you tomorrow the point of this meeting is your last chance what do you say son will all unite the five arall you will watch your tongue or I will have your

Tongue cry color cry color I feel like a pumpkin SP to be honest all right so be it as long as I can annoy tricolor I’m happy but those threats were real so I rally my people to let them know that war is on the horizon later in the day

Aqua declares a war against purple Aqua easily gets through purple’s walls and the skill difference is obvious King diid wipes the floor and my allies get pimp slapped almost as bad as my team did Aqua claims their prize and now the enemy owns all three Diamond Islands today each island spawned bonus

Resources for whoever owns them so Adam and I head off to collect what we can on our way we passed dashing and another Aqua member what are you doing in my land bro we’re leaving man you’re shoot leave thou fools but I let them go completely forgetting that they were

Definitely just collecting their bonus diamonds We Gather plenty of Flint feathers food and coal and then we move to grinding for XP and there Adam and I talk candidly about the state of our team Adam do you feel like our team is really slacking yes after a good conversation

We call a meeting is Gumball doing anything Gumball is downstairs working on the farm no he’s working on the farm why are we expanding our Farms we have too much i e he just wants to farm chilling literally the most hungry Builder farm friendly team okay once a

Peasant always a peasant protagonist put it lightly just tell them just give them the news my team we are too passive and awful there is too much building going on and not enough Conquest we have a team member in no armor whatsoever you you will curse our kingdom into the

Ground I light a fire under everyone’s butts to get them progressing again it sucks cuz this is my fault for being away so much but hey unlike your dad I came back with the milk I decide that my people need to see what they’re truly up

Against so we head off to attend green teams Festival princess DJ is there to greet us and it seems there’s a tournament going on at the moment myself and emerald are the only Kings here but as the tournaments continue more and more people arrive I nominate Lord common hat

For the Jou where the first person to three wins will move to the next round 2 hey my goodness Lord [Applause] yes I good Lord [Applause] are who is weak now this round blue takes on Aqua with my Ally coming out on [Applause] top and then common enters the semifinals against white team it was time to show King Bill he is not as good as he thinks you will lose protagonist you will

Lose Go one yeah come on come on come [Applause] on begin he Was common has two points now US 1 3 2 1 [Applause] begin thank you great work you represent our kingdom well common arrives into the justing finals in a blue versus gold match up but blue is my Ally and I only needed to defeat white team to prove my point

So I take the moment and look around and appreciate the unity King Emerald created all Seven Kingdoms in one place nobody taking advantage of others just pure harmless Shenanigans I no longer care about who wins or loses and for the first time I was seeing hope that we could have peace in the realm and maybe all of us could work together to fight the Dragon Emperor but then Bill steps in King Bill

What is the meaning of this one of you is a traitor when you would see lamb I see a cactus or a porcupine he has manipulated your kings he has killed your brethren in Cold Blood he has convinced kingdoms to Siege each other art thou talking to thyself who I speak

Of is none other than Rico of King Hall’s Kingdom what great I thought he was going to sa me Rico is not the only one I call out here the other person the other team I call out is Harry Stu of the red Kingdom what

Say you do you you deny this notion I say your Coalition is a scam a shame even the truth comes out trade but a scheme to make your team more powerful in the background you plot against many of the the Kings here ah like who King Harry like who does King William plot

Against like the protagonist himself and purple team King William thou plots against me despite my generous gifts to you of after we have asked several times which you insulted us with extortion at trades and how much did thine lapis cost from me three of charge after we were asked

For three was it three gold for a stack and and at the end of the day and at the end of the day thou were charged thou were charged nil what Thou shalt do with thine heavy accusations King William I may have to resort to

Conquest ah ah so it comes to light that this was his true Mission this entire time I speak as the king to which this ground that you stand upon and I demand silence so hot so attractive wow thank you I’ve been practicing this is what narration someone you all step foot into

My kingdom place my people my Kingdom’s safety in between your little bickering Wars between who said who and who did what you stand before the precipice of my generosity of our generosity and you soil it not only with your words but with your actions of violence and peace

This will not stand you will all be held accountable equal so now I speak to you all get the hell off my Island Bill declares war against Harry but it was time that King Bill learned a lesson we will be coming from the rear and ambushing white we enter Harry’s

Island sneaking through the trees and watching from afar now gentlemen we move we still have canons we need to break the oh yeah go in there all right all right kill him Comey help me stay together my three brain cells send me to my own death but I could

Still be revived white pushes back and they decimate everybody who stood by Red runs out of gear and eventually white pushes through their walls King Bill wins the battle and he claims Harry’s lapis Island and now I’m pretty bummed all over again I run back over completely naked grabbing any gear I can

Find off the bodies I run into common hat who didn’t even die in fact he’s been ratting around for gear this entire time and he shares with me an entirely new set of maximilan armor so I guess I can’t really complain we regroup at home and I just let my people do whatever

They want I mean I don’t think anyone has the motivation to be ordered around right now less than an hour later Aqua declares war against Blue and my people are still completely bummed and my PVP aren’t even online but I have a fresh kit and I need to follow through on my

Promise to King hul even if I go alone I watch the battle from the forest canopy and I see King Harry is here to help King protagonist we win this boys up more more in the back Aqua is pushed out we’ve chased them to the shores re they’re more here they’re more inside

They all inside the ball back back up back what is orange doing here what is orange doing Here come here D guys protag is here orange is here no no no no this is leave leave them in leave them in get spag get spags don’t let him get away don’t let him get away don’t let him get away me no no no on me on me get him get

Him yes sir yes sir let’s get DPP let’s get the defense was a success and blue team wins the battle but Aqua needs to pay so King hul immediately declares a counter Siege against King diid I join them in their boats as they sail to aqua’s Island red team decides that they

Will stay out of this battle and let Blue take the win I stay on the shores and I fire my Cannon While Blue Team charges up the hill eventually I push up and look into aqua’s base the last time I was here it didn’t exactly end well so

I’m glad that that this time is different oh White’s here White’s here White’s here White’s here yo white is here never mind white arrives to defend Aqua so there’s no way I’m sticking around I swim across to another Shore and I watch the chat as blue is decimated the Coalition has discovered

Blue and red as traitors and have attacked everyone but me standing alone against them is a death sentence so I send a letter to each of my allies saying that together we must unite to defeat the Coalition Lord all right and it would appear so as a green delegation

Has been sent including the king himself Emerald shows up with bad news oh my God I’m going to jump oh my God protagonist we come bearing the most Grim of news princess DJ the frog has been kidnapped it was white they jumped us at the at the coal mines if we act at

All they they could kill her and I’m afraid I cannot take take that risk Emerald then warns me that Aqua will Siege my castle later today I grabbed the builders and set their focus to creating defenses against this Invasion we cannot be left exposed like we were

Last time and with our recent load of resources I craft an actual buttload of arrows if you thought that was a buttload no no this is a buttload I break the news to Gumble that he has to tear up his cherished Farms because we need that space for Siege machines then

I get eek to change out all our wooden doors for iron ones instead and then I find out we have a dungeon which is incredibly clean like it’s never been used once before it hasn’t then I see in chat that both aqua and white declare war against blue team as you’d expect

King hul is wiped clean off of his Island and his home is completely destroyed but I’m a man of my word and I will do anything to support the alliance so when huls and entire team shows up at my base asking for help I let them in

From now until the end of our days we will work together to win Lord colan finishes setting up Siege machine preparations and Sir Adam has constructed a TNT trap under our main staircase and then King Emerald arrives with his people we are here to help

Defend with as much fir power as we can muster we have plenty of mortars cannonballs cannons and such we are ready to lay down our lives for this Empire and just as expected aqua declares war against me but we’re ready to take them on box deity arrives with

His people to help us defend soon enough we spot Team Aqua in the distance man the walls they are dead ahead prepare for battle do not shoot you dun cap blue hide your numbers they’re coming oh my God over there the left shoot him get to the front line use the

Artillery artillery slow down our on below house where’s our Artillery protagonist should we give H should we attack they come back they regroup oh they’re killing someone they’re killing someone I see them wait till they’re in range wait till they’re wa hide behind the walls on the ground we lure them in I think King Harry arrives fighting Aqua directly in the

Fields we we counter Siege prepare the war machines we counter Siege Aqua now army sets off in a six booat Armada and this one dude’s horse we will claim this castle in the name of good watch yourselves tow heal him oh my goodness oh goodness Lord oh my God

Good goodness watch The Friendly Fire so far we’re at five friendlies killed to zero enemies killed an overwhelming success despite our incredible work Aqua ran away anyone who remained quickly perishes and we rescue princess DJ who is safe inside the castle we take revenge for team blue and Destroy aqua’s

Kingdom so that it can never be used for evil ever again destroy it burn it to a crisp back in the throne room all five Kings of the alliance meet to discuss our strategy we cannot make any errors moving forward and so communication will be incredibly important so to help

Accomplish this we set up a kingly bunk bed system just in case you know we need to talk in the middle of the night and finally we unify purple and gold team with the wedding of Lord common and Lady NX somehow they make me the minister even though I’m definitely not ordained

To do This dearly beloved we do that goofy wedding thing and everyone’s happy for them you two legally have to hold the wedding rings in your offand for the rest of this the event yeah can I get divorced like right now we Feast first till death do you part well I can that

Oh good Heavens it was a quick marriage but nevertheless it was beautiful every single team was now living on my Island we add on more structures to support our Siege machines and we expand the walls further the Kings and I meet together to combine our five individual brain cells and discuss

Our defensive strategy and then we somehow manage to get all of our players in single file lines possibly making this our greatest accomplishment to date if we do this all correctly the enemy would have to make it past our Siege machines blow through our front gate

Make it up the dangerous stairs and blow through multiple layers of walls all while killing us to take the throne room only true idiots could mess this one up which means I’m scared very very scared they’re coming they’re coming down the hill that’s good we are in R man your stations fire

Wait for my order they’re charging open fire fire on them Lads Ste I got somebody cease fire cease your fire weapons Kings Bill and diid approach for a paray good evening gentlemen do you wish to Parlay good evening to you we wish to Parlay St yes why we are here

Your five team Union here poses a threat to our peace we are here to Vanquish each and every one of you in order to lay peace to the rest of this this realm and claim it as ours though are fools if Thou come here to bring peace as we will

Bring peace to you you Invaders of our land you do not wish for peace You Wish For War I do wish for peace and we have peace Behind These Walls w we have peace behind our walls then why art thou here Invader because you pose a threat to it

Nay we pose no threat to it then if we cannot come to an accord there must be Bloodshed and thou shalt be on my spear then and your head of my stake the Coalition cannot be reasoned with so they must die prepare line we are under siege open fire open fire open

Fire take down the siege equipment take down their mothers I find a beautiful looking Cannon and I help our troops rain fire and iron upon the enemy take out the siege equipment keep them pinned is that a goddamn door in the middle of Battlefield sure ah TNT just went off K down that

Cannon we need more uh Canal the Wall’s being breached the Wall’s being breached keep them up the right where why are they going over there defend the left pass the message defend the left defend the left defend the left defend the left they’re going for the te machines going through the

Seeg machines dude it’s so funny when I hit one them they just start booking it great job Andy you’re doing me proud son prot some they’re assing us they’re resing us they target our Siege machines at the top so I mobilize our best troops to fend them off on the seege machines

Now now thankfully it works and the Coalition makes a small Retreat this is our chance to repair the walls and replenish our gear men at the front repair the walls where they are damaged again for frontal assault replenish your ammunition replenish the walls but the

Enemy isn’t done yet they move in for a second charge trb I’m hearing TNT being primed trb in the fields sit down yes I I I I think I stand by what I said enchantment don’t matter if you don’t beest amounts of cannon fire got with the cannon sh one more one more

Yes cor down them damn it eek died pick him up get someone get him up yes I just oh Andy fantastic work sir oh common hat you Legend common hat is on a rampage do not let them heal do not let the revivals happen great work great work stop firing

Hold your fire hold your fire great work great work hold your fire replenish your ammunition repair the wall if you need be the Coalition Retreats amazing we win the battle without a single loss but now isn’t the time to stop we must use this momentum and bring the fight across the

Seas we loot the corpses of the enemy and we resupply for an immediate counter Siege back up in the throne room the Kings gather for another strategy meeting because this time we’re on the attack and I expect the enemy to use a similar defense to what we used isn’t it

With the most if it’s physically impossible to cross them we all place yes but we will come from the front so we must Siege from their West we once again perform Miracles and line everybody up this time we set off for one final battle in the name of Peace are we ready

Yeah 100% of that 100% 2 we get oh the shore hold on the shore set your artillery archers archers where is Abdul they burning the forest do not fire hold your fire Kings we are lay we we tell them they are stinky and to surrender that

Those are our turns hey are evil dogs you want have to kill the dogs oh good Heavens right now they’re they’re just oh good Heavens their army is good heav oh oh oh oh no King William King dius thou wish to bring freedom Upon Our People and here we are

Bringing Freedom upon yours I give you one final chance oh good oh nail control your dogs surrender as your dogs it’s literally raining dogs should we do this in this weather stop this mass suicide oh like you had faith in your walls and offended we have faith in ours

Well I’m sorry but your fate awaits you now to war we go then open fire fire fire yes they will miss some of our Siege machines catch fire but thankfully we’re right next to the ocean so water is easy to get I mount my own Cannon and return

Fire god I’m just like not hitting it I’m then I send our artillery forward for better aim push forward with the Cannons push forward and we’re slowly taking out their members behind their walls they’re probably able to revive each other so our efforts are fruitless unless we can penetrate their

Defenses slowly enough the base turns into swiss cheese yes that is my second kill and we keep on scoring multi-kills this time against the enemy nicey continue pummeling them I got the K ceas Fire King Bill calls for a ceasefire and he wants to Parlay again then I see gum Rock and

Smiles have been captured ah Lord comfrey how art thou a little smelly but all right King William what is the meaning of this okay is this is this the time to speak oh good Heavens circumference what do you want okay right I am Duke tricolor president of the Coalition AKA circumference from the

Beginning of my tail in this realm I sought to unite the players it is through me that you all stand here as one Army you are unified we will hand over the prisoners all of our men will leave our castle and the five leaders of the Coalition we will be waiting in the

Throne room and you can do what you see fit but after they caused so much War so Much Death and so much destruction I cannot allow them to give up so easily your helmet leave the I have a different proposition thou shall die indeed pineapples get ready pineapples

Get ready of Friendly Fire I call for an advance forward it’s time to find a hole in their wall and breach their Castle slowly we will push into the their walls now okay slowly push into their walls but now of all times is when we could make a

Mistake that loses the war get ready to enter in the wall wait wait wait wait wait he literally died while we were picking him up I spot an enemy Force to our Left Flank and I ordered our pvpers to take care of it pineapple to the left py break I’m breaking through I’m

Breaking this man get this man in the walls here Stay Together stay in form do not charge in do not be Reckless not charge in Retreat King bill is found outside the walls and our best troops take him out regroup with the rest of the troops now regroup with the main

Force now that we’re fully assembled we move in into their walls pushing the enemy into their keep what’s everyone up up to the top here get get get get him get bro I don’t care bro I’m dying here and the final members of the enemy Coalition are now on their Last

Stand guys wait wait back up back up back up fight we are on The Winning Side Fight For Freedom watch the TNT fighting find this guy fings no away dashing here dashing running das’s running Dash’s running and if it won’t be we going to retake protect protagonist cut him

Off I will just be healed son go Project dead I killed him right we did it we did it we did it kids the war was over we take our prisoners to King Box’s Island where they will face Justice in the eyes of our people one by one for all their

Crimes against the realm they shall fall under the arch of Ends by the call of our King next one by one they are executed and I finally get to delete the man who’s caused me the biggest headache in this event goodbye circumference Unity had been achieved and now we stand together with our

Troops rallied we make one final Siege upon the Dragon Emperor himself Land Ho watch the frenzy Fire on the walls they’re scaling the walls door is open charge pick up our friends no one here must be kill the gods no more will these lands be repressed pickle their toes no more will Kings bicker and kill for pettiness or resource no more will we bow to a false

Emperor why he on where’s the coward where is the Cowardly emperor he leaves his throne empty for Me oh good Heavens Dragon bows out prepare your bows the dragon is hereare I’ve heard dragons are intelligent give me a moment we haven’t seen a dragon in so long so perhaps we fire water everyone evacuate evacuate Evacuate the castle Evacuate the castle everyone please please please get out get out get

Out get your bows open fire nothing I don’t nothing Bro Shield up oh go free water water get your water here water the fire use your Shield oh my oh the dragon is SL the dragon is slain the dragon is slain what where’s the emperor emper you’re dying bro you’re dying he SL the glory to Lord comrey glory to the

Real the realm is liberated of all tyranny and the people are Free

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Players Simulate GAME OF THRONES!’, was uploaded by Protagnst on 2024-03-01 18:48:27. It has garnered 138267 views and 5386 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:23 or 3563 seconds.

100 players will be forced to create civilizations in this realistic medieval Minecraft simulation! Resources are limited, and they must traded between kingdoms, or claimed through war.

DOWNLOAD THE MAP & MODS HERE: https://www.patreon.com/protagnst

A MASSIVE THANK YOU to @cardycraft for WorldPainting this map! See his other maps here: https://www.patreon.com/Cardycraft_

Modpack Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/game-of-thrones-limited-resources-survival-scenario-map/

SUBSCRIBE! —————————————————————————————————————- JOIN THE DISCORD TO PLAY IN FUTURE EVENTS! https://discord.gg/protagnst —————————————————————————————————————- SPOILER WARNING: I want to be as transparent as possible with my events, so here’s a change that we made mid-event: After Day 6, it was very clear that King Bill and King Dippid would wipe every single team, and if we did nothing, they would 100% have conquered this entire event. Due to this, the 7 kings decided together that we would give some additional gear to the 5-king alliance for Day 8 to help create a more fair fight. This was done with the agreement of all kings. If it wasn’t for this change, all of us agree that White and Aqua would have won the event fair and square. Thank you King Bill and King Dippid for being willing to rebalance the event so late in the game.

Huge thank you to my team who helped make this event a reality!

Planned by: Reeko, PapaChino, Gumrock, Protagnst Event Admin: Apeaboi Builders: Gumrock, Apeaboi, Bill, Reeko, True_Penut, CJ, Brainwave, CardyCraft

#medievalminecraft #minecraftmods #medieval #minecraft #simulation #civilization #gameofthrones #medievalwar

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    Broke Minecrafter ***!

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    Companion Kiwi's shocking secret revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Late, I’m Late | Minecraft SevTech Ages’, was uploaded by Companion Kiwi on 2024-08-16 22:17:39. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Like and Subscribe! ^ Join The Community V Support on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/CompanionKiwi https://x.com/CompanionKiwiYT Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/E6y9r42qv4 [email protected] #minecraft #gaming #live #stream #sevtechages #minecraftages #minecraftsevtech Read More

  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JfhV6l5qZJKRUovFAMw8A 🟠Discord🟠 https://discord.gg/G4QVRwMXxF 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! https://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=990446 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 https://zenzyyy.carrd.co/ #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – https://crinklesmusic.com/#music ➜ Map Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjl5QfimUCo ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – https://twitter.com/MCShortsCollab Join my discord server – https://discord.gg/TjEYqAdHyj Donate to my paypal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gameed Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! https://x.com/PhdPigeon/status/1830142960585097389 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More