Minecraft Players Simulate a Parasite Apocalypse!

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Imagine living in a world full of parasites well today I put Minecraft’s best players alongside me in a parasite apocalypse and as they fight build and survive with each other will they remain friendly or when their opportunity comes will they strike each other down in order to stop the parasites well I’ll be

Trying to survive this parasite apocalypse but will I be one of the survivors and who will I encounter on my way well let’s find out as I was about to enter Minecraft’s hardest challenge it was day one and all the players spawned in the center of the map and

They instantly started splitting up as being in a larger group attracting more parasites but I couldn’t be completely alone because if I was I would for sure die so I found my first teammate oh boy okay let’s let’s stick together go fast go this way go this one that was

My first encounter with the parasite they were pretty scary because they love to eat human flesh get stronger as the days come and are controlled by the parasite God so I would need to go out and get some loot I Wouldn’t Die to them but thankfully as we explored we pretty

Quickly found her for sure there’s a house there all right let’s go to that as we approached the house we quickly realized that it looked a lot different from the inside than the outside um okay okay um this is a what is this is there a chest here it’s a dungeon what okay

Get out of here quick and we quickly left the structure as we were not prepared to explore it and we decided to start off by getting some basic tools so we went over to the trees and started chopping them down after that I got a wood pick to get some cobblestone

And after modding some Cabo I got a stone ax and a stone sword let’s go we need food we need food this way this way I got a basically now the next thing we needed to survive was some food blank swings there’s so many cows let’s get some cows on the way

And after exploring through the jungle and getting a ton of food we eventually found a village this way this way like I found a village so we enter the village and started to loot it there we go we got some bookshelves let’s go get some food and once we were done getting the

Last of the food we decided to keep exploring as nighttime would happen soon and we would need to be prepared but right next to the Village we found something pretty interesting oh what is that what is this let’s go it’s like a jellyfish like a shrine it’s like a yeah

A jelly ah God blanks yeah it’s looks like a shrine I think and we found something pretty game changing spawn Frost ma okay do you know what this is no yeah me either but it could be very very dangerous okay first let’s get geared up and then

Let’s spawn this but let’s spawn it unlike some players why would we want to kill our friends and the frost mode was one of the two legendary bosses on the map and it also dropped the legendary item the Ice Crystal which is rechargeable so it pretty much never breaks and has

Unlimited uses and it can freeze players and mods so this item would be super useful for us our first priority was still gearing up so me and blanks continued exploring until we found another struck there’s nothing there’s nothing here yo no right here right here louder

Why is this ladder so fast why is this ladder so fast yo yo yo and while searching around this structure I couldn’t find anything except one chest so we went and looted the chest and then we left this dungeon and kept exploring oh I found something I found something wait it’s a castle

Okay wait let’s let’s go up stay okay oh no there’s nothing up here over down there I don’t know yeah are we gonna geared up kind of what kind of built right now are we are we yo okay we got it all right as long as you say so twin all right Karen

Since since you say we got it which which way shall we this way all right this one uh it’s like a it’s like okay who is that even from okay bed a house oh wow yo don’t steal everything why are you so greedy have fat man he’s a guy

You are you are a pretty big man oh no skeletons hey you got it right you big man no no please oh nope nope nope okay can we get a furnace going oh there’s a furnace right here uh drop some wood in here now we found a new structure but we were

Stuck inside a room with a bunch of skeletons and we waited for our food to cook so we could finally have some regeneration wait till the food Cooks oh I’m so low I’m so low don’t worry I got you creepy Prodigy nope yo okay oh there’s so many what’s hitting me

There’s is that you what was it okay there were skeletons camping our door but we were getting impatient so we ended up clearing them out and continuing to explore the destruction there’s nothing there’s nothing in this dungeon oh another door oh and I ended up finding a pretty good chest along

With an enchanted iron sword and an ironing so the first thing I made with that Ingot was a shield and as we continued exploring the structure we found another part of it wait wait there’s something down here it’s another part of the dungeon we went down and

Decided to explore it little did we know as we went further down the more difficult the dungeon would get stop stop stop I’m dead I’m actually dead house place place place get it Please please oh thank you bro thank you I need to do everything this is like a one-sided relationship like it’s okay it’s okay what is okay just know it’s fine don’t worry guys we are okay all right nothing nothing this way you’re okay I’m fine

Bro what is that no no no no no no no this is for me please wait hit it hit it hit it I’m dead no no run I got him I got it you good and after that parasite encounter we quickly realized we needed more gear and

That mining would be the best way to get it so it was time to mine And once we got enough iron we started to smelt it with all the iron we got we got two full sets of iron armor and tools there we go we’re full iron okay let’s go to this treasure map let’s hope it’s not night out so we decided that we

Were gonna follow the treasure map so we could hopefully find some treasure instead um all right blanks follow me let us go so we made it to the surface and we started heading towards the treasure and we were making it pretty close but we ran into some sort of an obstacle

Ah all right oh my God so after finding out that the world’s border stopped us from getting this treasure we continued journeying on in hopes to find more structure so we could get even more geared as the parasites would now exponentially get more difficult but as we traveled we couldn’t find anything

And eventually it turned to night so we quickly rushed to find the first structure inside what is that what was it what what are these what is that why are there fireworks wait where hello hello balls what’s up and on our journey we stumbled across other players so we decided to check in

On them but we couldn’t stay for too long as the parasites would crowd around us okay what is that furnaces oh it’s all the stuff I’m gonna take the food oh they’re right here they’re right here guys what’s up guys oh hell no you guys

Look scary as hell oh my God oh my what is this what is that what are you guys doing I’m illuminous MPC we’re getting set up Neo we’re doing our thing you know oh okay don’t go down that way okay no big no uh big no okay

Okay wait what have you guys been up to we’ve been losing this okay okay to put it lightly we had a giant group at the very beginning and then we [ __ ] dipped them we we left them they’re so sad okay yeah I think it’s better it’s better to stay in smaller

Groups because the parasites won’t get you then also less food as well oh yeah Karen uh Karen may have stole your food okay goodbye yeah see you guys so after meeting with this team we quickly left as number one Karen stole some of their food and the parasites

Would come after us and at first I thought this was a pretty meaningless talk but little did I know soon after we would have various encounters with this team but regardless at this point it was time to set up a base I think I think we

Should set up a shelter but let’s go up and let’s set up a shelter so we’re safe so we headed back to the surface but little did we know it was night time and we were about to have more encounters with some parasites oh no okay wait this this is not as scary

As I thought that would be it’s gonna be pretty easy to find him oh is that so much that one that one you just burned me what is it what is happening it just exploded okay everything’s everything’s fine infected flush eat it here take it no you eat it

Care Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen there Karen where did you go Karen Karen where’d you go where’s that where’s that Karen Karen Karen Karen oh hey it’s so fast why is it so fast why is it so fast shooting from so far we can take that

Okay why why do they have so good why why aren’t they so good all right thank you so after struggling through the night and a little bit of the morning we eventually made it out and it was now time to find a good area to build a base

And after a long time searching we finally found it wait is this is this fun wait I think we’re back at spawn where’s the house oh the house is here wait let’s let’s repurpose the house we decided that we were gonna build the base right here right next to spawn so

We got to building and Gathering oh And Midway through building the base something happened with vicious it definitely needs a roof though that’s the one thing you guys survived yeah it’s been oh it’s been so bad it’s actually been so bad really the amount of times the amount of times I had to save Karen was a business

No no no other way around I had to save this guy okay he’s lying he’s lying out of his ass okay well wait where’s your team um they their food right now so what they were eating brutally it was not a fun time okay dude do you want to join

Us are you a good Builder by any chance uh yeah I mean I could I could try all right let’s let’s get to building yeah and since Mathias team had died we decided that he could join ours so he did and we got back to building foreign

We were able to finish the base and I thought it looked pretty good oh yo Neo all right we actually kind of need to go out and like get better gear because I’ve seen the other teams and they have way better stuff than we do we’re falling behind at this point do you

Think we’re gonna die to the parasites when I when I saw them they kind of ripped through they ripped through US molested so yeah kind of just need their stuff at this point Mathai was right we were severely under gear and on top of that the parasites would only be getting

More difficult and more powerful from now on so we went out in hopes to find some structures to give us some better loot but instead of finding any structures we actually ran into another player whoa Karen Karen do you see that Ray Hey sir what’s up yo minded Neo what’s going on man

This cow trying to set up a farm bro the parasites are getting out of hand but you have full diamond what are you talking about bro the dungeon runs to get this armor were freaking insane but I’m telling you it’s like the parasites are getting harder every day they got to

Be evolving or something and they’re they’re crazy if you’re struggling with full time then we we gotta go okay I’ll catch you later stay safe man I we gotta get better gear okay bye Mr mind I’ll catch you we quickly realized that we were heavily out geared and we’d need to

Find a structure fast especially before we encountered any parasites but things didn’t exactly go our way yo yo guys guys blood moon guys [ __ ] okay okay we need we need to get to a structure quick let’s go let’s go and at this point we encountered a Blood Moon which was super

Dangerous as it increased mob spawns and MOB difficulty so we needed to get to safety immediately oh oh my God what is that what is that hey Karen it hurts thank you there’s another one there’s two of them holy [ __ ] guys I’m half okay okay oh he

Does so much damage he does so much damage turn it up no I’m dead oh I’m gonna die I’m gonna die guys help me help me guys guys things are coming what is this road let’s just go let’s just go at this point we found a road but we didn’t know

Where to land but we followed it in the hopes of safety this toward me go go go go where’s Bliss boys that thing outruns me no no use the creepers use the creepers to blow it alive there’s no creepers there’s no creepers just keep running go oh there’s something here the laboratory

Later what is that okay oh there’s a human parasite oh Neo Neo get in wait wait what’s in here Oh no just get in guys guys what’s in here what is in here I don’t know did we escape the blood moon okay no don’t go in there I don’t know hey

[ __ ] what is that it’s ugly And at this point we escape the blood moon we enter the laboratory and we didn’t know what was ahead but we decided that we were gonna loot the structure so we got to looting what what is that uh is that your mother Yo nope I’m good die yeah I hate you

Is there a chestnut wait there’s got to be a chest go ahead I’m going I’m going guys there’s a chest there’s a chest oh there’s so much iron there’s so much iron oh guys all of this is iron blocks so we don’t we need to find diamonds we need

To find Diamonds oh yeah whoa you hear that oh just food guys I’m dead help help I’m gonna die what are you doing oh my God I almost died what do you hit me for I will smack you oh one shot guys fine fine chest we need chests

Nope don’t go in there okay it’s fine we could just hide behind the door oh what’s a chest just it’s so bad it’s a Facehugger what’s a Facehugger what’s a Facehugger it looks like a face hugger dude where where oh that scared me this is nothing here

I think everybody scared me wait you guys didn’t see this you saw nothing right what is this what is this oh my okay there’s got to be something in there it’s so grotesque what in the world oh God oh take me to the wall don’t mess with that don’t mess with that

I got it okay this guy’s down okay you messed with her chest loot coming leggings okay that’s what we needed if Blake’s got diamond leggings there’s gotta be more Diamond gear he’s probably in the rooms with the uh what the big rooms yeah like a room right here I think it’s probably down

Here in here oh what is that okay it’s it’s just a another there’s nothing in here I hate you so much okay okay guys let’s go up let’s go what’s up what is that oh he can’t move I think he’s stuck oh no no poison you

Guys I might die oh okay no no I’m good oh I’m good Karen back up ouch good job wonderful Neo guys okay okay oh don’t say come hither man lock in guys um hey blanks you wanna wanna go up there yeah I got it oh yeah

Is there any chest there’s chest what is that and those things on top of the laboratory were known as sentries and those Sentry parasites are incredibly dangerous they’re stationary mobs but they do Mass damage and can break armor in one shot so we had to be careful guys

Guys guys they are aiming I know what I can do I know missing the thing I’m hitting it I just killed one guys guys I was shooting them me and Karen decided to go in from the battle I’m going for it no no place I got it I got it I got

It on me what did you get what did you get from the chest I got 14 diamonds in healing pots oh okay just we just get chests is there any more yeah there’s more stuff in the chest what is that I’m not messing with that

Here I’m gonna go I’m gonna go in I’m gonna go in okay I got it I’m getting it all what did you get all right TT I got a lot of TNT okay I think it’s all of them it’s awesome guys let’s grab a few blocks of iron for the road and let’s

Get out oh yeah I think we could craft a iron bows and iron tipped arrows actually oh quran’s going in what is hitting me I think that’s poison [Laughter] okay now from the structure we actually got pretty good loot but now it was time to leave so we started to head out Oh I thought you oh

Angry cow oh hey oh my God he was tweaking oh what is this oh what the this guy has worms why are you fighting worms they remind me of you so small and Tiny okay okay that’s not what your mother said all right all right that’s damn that’s great

I hope you die guys okay when we get home let’s use the diamonds to make gear and then finally let’s let’s fight the frost Mall oh thank you thank you blow up why do you agree with that yeah he screamed like a little [ __ ] so after

Escaping the forest we made our way home and once we got there I decided to use the diamonds to make some extra gear and after getting better gear The Next Step was to finally fight the frost mom and hopefully get the ice curse so we waited until morning and we went out and

Prepared to fight it as my thought would say come hither trash shut up all right let’s let’s go here I’m about to spawn it okay so we spawned the boss and now it was finally time to fight for the Ice Crystal oh no oh no oh no guys guys guys guys

I’m frozen I’m actually Frozen I’m frozen oh I have it over here are you doing damage Oh wait we’re doing so much damage getting it longbow yo you good I got it nice you drop anything stop you’re next and we finally got the Ice Crystal which would help us a ton oh

That actually does freeze you that’s pretty cool watch this go stop I think and we were finally getting more gear but we still weren’t geared enough as we still had a ton of iron and we should probably have Diamond at this point so it was time to go out and get

More material and we decided that mining may be the best option to get more gear so we went down into the mines oh diamonds okay we got diamonds and there’s a lava oh my God perfect so we got some diamonds and decided to keep exploring what what is this

What the hell is this oh God there’s a diamond block there there’s a diamond block oh yeah this is so good and we were able to find a dungeon underground and it seemed to have pretty good loot as there was just a block of diamond sitting there so we went in and

We decided that we were gonna loot it and explore it get the spawners get him get him I’m gonna break the spawner oh no oh my God this one right here there’s so many things okay and as we explored the dungeon we also found some chests which had some

Pretty good things like potions and some bows so I looted the chest but I was also attacked by a ton of mods so I tried to use my Frost small Ice Crystal but still nothing was working as there was too many mobs oh you like to moan why did he moan

Oh wait also we should get some of this another one who is who can hold it yeah I got I got a big Gathering it how did you get through how did you get there’s blazes here there is actual blazes here I have no armor I have no armor

And at this point my armor broke so with the extra iron I had on me I decided to make extra pants and extra boots where where are the spawners they’re on the roof if you look up there’s uh those Pockets I got I got one there’s there

Should be like nine of them nine oh okay I see what you’re saying oh that’s over there take one don’t hit the piglet do not hit the piglet uh I’m fighting with a skeleton wait where where did Karen and at this point we couldn’t find Karen we didn’t know if

He died or what really happened but I guess we’d have to find out later after we got out of this dungeon I I hit the piglets I hit the pickles run back run back yeah you gotta you I I have I have one heart I have one heart okay there’s trap on I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry you’re like a third imposter on God don’t ever say an Among Us reference right now this is the worst effort no and at this point the mobs pushed us back and we were stuck in a corner but eventually we made

It out and started to break all the spawners that we had left get this guy all right one more spawner and while breaking these monitors we found a ton of chests in the room so we started to loot it be okay speed potion get this spot in my sword broke my sword broke

Because I crappy a new sword please drop a sword drop a sword run over here run over here run back all right thank you and now that I got another sword I was able to push some of the mobs back and finally get to looting the rest of the

Chat and we actually got some pretty good stuff including an enchanted golden app that was gonna be super helpful against the buff parasite but it wouldn’t be enough as we still needed diamond armor so after finding a few diamonds we decided that we were gonna do a full diamond mining Expedition

And after a very good mining session me and Mathai returned with a ton of diamonds and we eventually made it back to our base wait is that Netflix what’s up guys yo where did you go oh I went back to base and when I went back I

Would find a shrine’s egg what what egg wait wait toss me that egg so wait you decided that you were taking too much damage and you just you just decided to leave yeah I got scared the whole place lock-in what is this Ferris rot no is this another boss and I

Guess when blanks was escaping he found another boss the fairest rotten a large Knight who’s the second legendary boss and who drops the ax of a thousand medals which is a legendary weapon that has two special abilities and is unbreakable so we would need to fight

This boss as well but first we got our full diamond armor and made an enchant table so we ended up enchanting and combining and we got the best gear possible and with this new gear the next morning we decided that we were gonna fight the boss and get the legendary ax

Oh oh my okay okay a lot of damage okay ow oh you okay yeah I’m fine does not gonna work no oh my God I need to get my lava oh my god oh oh he actually is doing quite a bit of damage it’s the Bower ow oh no I hit the sword

Ow oh it goes all my [ __ ] oh Ah and after quite a quick battle we were able to defeat the Knight and finally get the legendary ax oh my God oh my God whoa look at my place I’m bestowing this upon you oh thank you now we finally had the ax and we were gonna be prepared for the future

Parasites but then something we never expected occurred the parasite God wanted to wipe out all the humans so he gave us a chance he would arrive when there’s five players left so he could wipe the rest of us out but if we were to beat him then we would stop the

Parasite apocalypse if the players killed the parasite got on arrival it will end the apocalypse and win but in order for the parasite God to arrive there must be only five players left alive wait guys guys do you see that We could we could stop the apocalypse if if we get to five people left but wait that means we’d we’d have to we’d have to kill everyone the Qualls pool are friends yeah I think that’s the only way now we have to take everyone down we

Yeah I we’re gonna we’re gonna have to be the last people left none of us none of us can die we have to take everyone else down as it was the only way to stop the parasites we decided that we would have to take everyone else down but we

Promised ourselves that none of us would die so now that we had to protect ourselves and teams would be hunting each other we decided to get some more gear like explosive arrows potions and golden apples so now after gearing up a bit more we decided that it was time to

Go out and Hunt another team and with the use of the player trackers we were able to find another team wait guys I’m tracking uh I’m tracking aquatic oh that’s pools team I think it’s time to take out our first team there’s no way they out hear us all right let’s get him

So we started to sneak towards them and eventually we found them like Oh yeah sure as long as I get the test line on you go ahead and pop it all right that did one heart hey guys how do you like these explosive arrows Karen okay let’s go let’s go going after Karen come on run guys

Go oh my God get out of here yo guys back up back up go go go run run run run get out of here I don’t think they’re gonna chase us I don’t think they’re gonna chase us oh my gosh they’re so good get off me hey luminos hey bud you’re all alone

Here you’re alone I’m gonna get you now get out of here it’s over oh okay okay I’m I’m going back I’m going back I’m going back smacking me girl we didn’t realize how heavily outnumbered we were and out geared so we started to retreat and thankfully as we

Retreated they didn’t follow us so we escaped if they if they followed us we might have we might have died we made it to the surface and as a team we realized that we were heavily outnumbered so we decided to return home to regroup but on

Our way home we found some other players guys we not we got a new track Wesley okay if these guys are geared then we should team with them that’s our only way we’re gonna we’re gonna survive hopefully they only have two people and we hope for only two people because we

Needed a team of five to survive till the end so we started going towards the compass and we found them I hear them I hear him hello hey yo yo guys guys let’s I I know I know we want to fight each other because we only want five people

Left but let’s stay calm I think we could I think we could do something here wait where are you guys oh you’re here we’re on the top hey this is all bad we’re casting spells off it well it’s actually a really cool house jeez what’s up okay guys guys you have how

Many people three three all right guys I think I think we should team up I think that’s the only way we’re gonna win this have you seen pool have you seen koalas have you seen any of those teams um come here come here I don’t know if I can how

Come how do we know if we can trust you yeah I’ll do a second hand stick with you ready secret handshake have you guys seen qualities have you seen koalas and pool no hey their team is stacked they have Pro like they have potions they have everything there’s no

Way we’re gonna win without each other okay we I I have I have blaze rods okay that’s good potions we need we need to team together that’s the only way okay So eventually we came to an agreement where we would combine both of our teams as one and now we had a team full of six people but as the players start dwindling having six would be an issue but I guess we’re gonna deal with that when the time comes but in the meantime

Both of our teams got acclimated to each other and we all started getting better here the next morning another surprise player arrived how many gaps I have five [ __ ] crossbow I think we we might do you guys got potions I only have 10 right now guys also make sure to always track

Players in case we get jumped wait wait what well what are you doing yeah what are you guys doing how are you still in Iron how are you still alive what have you been doing how would you survive the parasite so we ended up finding a player named Dingle

Bottom and we actually knew this player and we knew that we could trust him so we ended up inviting him inside to hear his story yeah so like I was like coming and then like there was like this one like little like goober like I don’t

Even really like it it like tried to like pet me I don’t really know like just come look at me what is he talking no look look it’s like bro what do you tell it’s like a giant like squid came out of the ground it’s like a really

Good look at it look look over here and we didn’t know what Dingle was talking about so we followed him but that was a very bad idea no no no no retreat all right guys let’s and he’s gone all right well bye Dingle I just walked into a century

And after tingle just died right in front of our eyes we decided to have a quick funeral to commemorate him I don’t know how many spare gold anyone have any spur gold Froze that too Bros Pagan that’s actually mad you know there we go we got a gray for him now uh

Neo do you want to say some words no that’s mad that’s great all right I love other people no no let me say some words okay we all knew Dingle was a very close friend we may have only known him for like two minutes or maybe just

30 seconds but his life still meant a lot to us out in this world it’s very tough but unfortunately Dingle went out the wrong way and for that we shall kill in his name for Dingle all right let’s go kill some people before without to take out some other

Teams we decided that we would need potions and the netherwort was back at our base so as a team we started to head there and after some traveling we finally made it is that your base where yeah yeah I don’t even know what to say damn always hating yeah that’s what I’m

Saying yo thank you who built this this is first first problem where’s the front door oh oh yeah yeah nah it’s fine come on come on get in oh there we go all right let’s start brewing potions and that’s exactly what we did we stayed up all night brewing potions but in the

Morning other players arrived to Ambush us through this team we’re on this team through this team and then we back away Falls and at this point Paul’s team led another team towards us and try to Ambush us what the hell is going on oh my God guys hold the base hold the base

All of us hold the base okay hold the base all the base pop your potions no don’t worry it’s fine guys right here get him place yes we got one let’s whistling sorry help me help me help me help me help me come on okay whatever get him get to Lobby hello Team managed to escape and left us to do their dirty work it didn’t matter as this was our fight now go go come on Come on get it I’m trying yeah turn turn around we’ll have a good time oh my God I thought I thought it was a slim room uh oh don’t know who you are damn she don’t know who you are who cares And as we were chasing this player calls and pulls his team had taken over our base I’m literally running for my life I don’t want to fight you get this clown what kind of armor do you have bro oh don’t worry about it so we were able to eliminate this player

But now it was time to return back to base so we started the waiting for us look there’s people there’s people probably the group of five people there there’s a group of five people oh my God who’s that who’s that who is that you know what that is yeah

I don’t have my diamond Boomerang if they have more guys their team is their team is stacked okay guys go back to your wrist go back okay okay go back to Performance base let’s go and since our base was taken over now we decided to retreat to avoma’s base as

The team that was waiting for us seemed too powerful to fight right now so after a bit of travel we finally made it back to the base and it was time to regroup and after realizing that we were heavily outmatched and out geared we thought of

A plan that might be able to save usually right okay listen listen right we build a full trap we put buttons all around the outside and and just let them fall to the death but the re that uh how we’re gonna get them in there is to use

An efficiency four Spade instantly break the four and they all fall to the death and there’s there’s fence gates along the floor so they can’t water bucket so Obama had proposed creating a trap and that was actually a good idea and maybe the only way to take down koalas’s team

So we got to building thank you Foreign Decided to show up Neo turn around oh whoa close stay back stay back why do you have your bow out I got diamonds I’ll explain myself okay okay wait wait he can come wait he can come in we have five people okay oh yeah come on come in

Yeah there’s so many parasites I need to go inside yeah okay let’s get inside okay okay I still have my team okay we’re still alive but we fought a Mills team and he is very very strong he has a scythe which you have to collect from like

Doing multiple dungeon runs and it’s a really powerful weapon it has like a five percent chance of doing like a straight 10 Hearts hit if you direct it so you need to be really careful of him I think there’s gonna be a final fight there’s only three teams left right

We’re gonna have to fight them eventually I think it makes sense for us to at least attempt to drop his teams wait a minute you said their sight just can do a full tap to someone yeah it’s a five percent chance if if a mill gets a

Direct hit on you with the sights ability then yeah it’s a one tap and you’re dead yeah Obama what do you what do you think we should do okay listen there’s if if he’s got a weapon with with that much power there’s we’re gonna have to use the Trap that’s the only way

If we can lure him over here and I can spliff him with this shovel then boom we can get we can easily can I think we can trust you with the Trap you don’t don’t betray us we can but that’s this is our only way guys I have I have no

Intentions of betraying you at the moment it’s important we get a mill all right come here okay all right about Michelle if I watch out watch out watch your step watch your step look down here oh my God this is what we’re gonna use to kill him oh oh that was close

We can definitely try to bait a mill out into the open field and beat him into this 100 okay let’s go go back to your team and get him here okay I will I will see you guys in a bit see ya okay see ya good luck

Outside a site that does 10 Hearts honestly this there’s no if if we fight that guy like with swords and stuff we are bound to lose because that five percent chance happens more than you think this player Emil somehow got the legendary sight which was the rarest

Item in the game and also has the chance to insta kill any player so now all we had to do is wait for quas to lead a meal here and to trap him to take out the legendary sight but in the meantime we have to make sure the Trap area was

Safe as calls could be here at any moment claws better bring their team back if God what what I see something yo yo what is that oh oh what is that what is that what is this what the hell is that what’s up don’t die jeez what is happening there’s so many

Wesley why are you out here Wesley oh my God and now the parasites were getting exponentially harder because the days were going on and we had a larger Group which means we would attract more parasites so we would have to take them all out to make sure the Trap area is all guys

Guys What is that what is happening they’re coming they’re coming more coming get it look at this guy what I can get him in my truck no toe used to try for this dude okay okay let’s go Thomas this guy okay oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my

God oh what is happening yo what’s up with y’all just get it just get it oh it’s almost dead almost dead oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m on fire already I’m on fire already oh my goodness they just keep spawning they just keep

Spawning twins they’re doubling they’re doubling get in the water I need to go back inside I’m gonna lose my health I’m gonna lose my health in a minute oh my God come on hi just get a sign it’s fine all right guys guys okay let’s let’s go

Guys let’s just go inside let’s go inside we’re done with the I don’t know guys we’re being safe inside we’ll be no one go outside again okay no one just brought out to parasites Wesley God I would like to apologize for my harsh actions at this point we couldn’t be

Fighting the parasite we just had to hope that Qualls would get a meal here during the morning so in the meantime we started to prepare by getting better armor more potions and a ton more like exploding arrows so when Paul’s arrives we’ll be ready but things didn’t exactly

Go to plan guys guys guys guys guys guys causes causes typing causes typing uh negative 1150 uh negative 630 help okay we gotta go we gotta go so now with kwal’s in trouble our only chance to take down a meal was to go to him so we started to rush towards his coordinates

The fight in the woods to find in the woods come on let’s go there’s a frost more oh my God oh my God Get him get over here in the woods in the woods in the woods watch out in the woods no you don’t Guys Fancy Jack he’s low he’s low get him oh my God yes snap to get him oh wow I’m driving foreign The left who’s who’s with us okay good yeah he’s icing what’s up use your ice thing on him I am oh okay It feels very uh everything’s soaked with stuff No no no where was he oh bro oh my Emil and his team at Escape but they took two lives to whip them balls had died in battle along with his teammate Aquatic and hype was nowhere to be found so we ended up regrouping with those who were left Wesley and Karen

Were bad yo at this point we were all regrouped and we were all talking about our next move but on the side hypo’s messaging me and she said that she was kidnapped and the only way that she would be released was if we were to kill

Two of pool’s teammates so now we had a big decision to make come here yeah come here so our team squid off to the side to talk about it guys guys guys hype hype just hype message me that they want us to kill two people from pool’s team

And they’ll they’ll release her yeah what if we kill who what if we just kill the captures they’re so powerful they’re so powerful they’ll kill him before we can even have a chance at killing them so we just also just killed two people and pretty hot no no maybe Wesley’s on

To something maybe we can get them to help us and free hype I think so or just just if he just messaged me kill two people from pool’s team or hype dies where we gotta go fast then all right we gotta talk we gotta

Tell pool I I trust him yo pool yo yo yo what’s good Neo what’s good what’s good guys Giuseppe and Emilio they have hype we need your help to get her back so he told pool’s team the Dilemma so me and pool decided to talk on the side yeah so

Just tell us the chords we’ll help you we can’t we can’t like we can’t kill you guys you know like we we just don’t have the gear to do that I yeah I think the only way to stop the parasites is to kill Emilio’s so pool

And I recognize the common enemy and he said that he would help us rescue height hype hype message me the chords are negative 737 70 negative 5 37. Guys guys send me the chords let’s go let’s go so we weren’t gonna negotiate with the meals team but instead we were gonna

Free hype on our own terms so we started to travel and we eventually made it to our course Hey guys Welcome to our party guys hey what the heck is this um and at this point I had to act fast so I made my move and our friend High fantasy had had just died someone that we’ve been through the whole parasite event with someone who is

Extremely close to us had just died and during this time we wiped out as many players as we could but the other players had escaped there was no way the other team was getting away with that so we started to chase them yeah gaming is over here yeah well if you are based

Wait this isn’t oh no wait we can use the trap on the Obama so for the second time our base was taken over this time we were either taking it back we’re tearing it down we began fighting but their positioning was much better than ours they were

Holding the base while we were trying to attack so we just kept trying to push our way forward and hopefully take the team down in there no no no that’s that’s explosive area no rock those TNT look I like the TNT oh my God I only have one Arrow

And while my team was preoccupying them from the front I decided that it would be the best decision to flank from the side and try to get in the castle is coming he’s there okay all right oh my God they’re vaping again in trying to force my way into the

Castle was not working so I went across the other side and saw if I could perhaps sneak in here [Applause] oh yeah that was the second life this team took Mathai had died it seemed like we were losing this battle and there wasn’t much we could do but that’s where we were

Granted a miracle this miracle was a parasite a century parasite had spawned right next to the base and it was shooting at the enemy team and depleting their armor Look his oh [ __ ] no that’s not real oh [ __ ] are you serious ouch cause I need gas I need gas and with the help of the Sentry their team was depleting but they weren’t the only ones that were affected no This team was dropping our numbers quickly but eventually we were able to push them out of the castle and start chasing their entire team to wipe all of them out and we were able to pick up some early kills but we kept on chasing the remaining members you wanna taste of

It hell yeah no luminos you don’t want to taste you don’t want to taste blanks get them blanks get him go and after we cleared out that player there was only seven people left there were six made up of our team and our alliance and a meal

The player with a legendary sight and at this point he seemed pretty unkillable but there was only one way to stop the parasites so the hunt for Emil’s head began he’s outside of the board he’s like he’s a Flopper yo Emilio please stop Bro why I used them all somebody better try and make use of this Oh [ __ ] Neo run oh oh why do you spawn them why do you spawn him Mill was pulling every trick out of the boat and he even killed their teammate monkey magic but Karen caught up to him and finished the job and now with the mill gone we had five

People left so the time had finally come for the parasite God to arrive so we waited in the field where we killed a mill but nothing was happening until the parasite God finally appeared and transported us to a new world and now we were in the home of the

Parasite God and we had no gear so we instantly started spreading out oh yo whoa no no what is that what is that the parasite God was right in front of us and we had no gear but thankfully there were some barrels by the trees guys guys

This has loot get the barrels get the barrels by the trees go go go and thankfully these barrels had a ton of stuff like diamond armor diamond swords food and a bow so this would help us take down the parasite guys guys guys guys guys he’s right here he’s right

Here where are you going And with that attack the parasite God had taken out aluminum oh no who’s he funny who’s he fighting oh he’s doing so much damage I need boots who has boots anyone have boots no I don’t even have a sword bro I have a sword I have a sword I have

Sword I have sword I’m going in uh I don’t think I can hit him from down here oh I am I am okay it’s working like you bro I don’t think he likes oh he does not like me bro they have boots oh no ah no no boots no

Boots no shoot it in the heart Arrow okay Karen move move get a chest put on get his chest plate on what’s going on Ron run over to me run over to me oh no oh guys he’s on me I’m distracting get someone get him someone please get him

Yo Neo behind you come over here cool you need boots you also need your boots do you have any uh no no try to find somebody’s chests I was I was I was I’m just gonna vote I’ll be fine newest Target on you oh no oh no oh luminous

Stuff is right here Wesley you don’t have a helmet just don’t keep building it keep going Wesley no oh no oh no I’m running I’m running guys guys plenty of gaps chug yeah I’m chugging I’m doing it what does that even mean Gary he’s doing it for me why is he doing for

Me he’s been teaming with me this whole time Karen because I’m doing it for aluminos please stop saying beta looking good though are you all right yeah John guys he’s almost done okay he’s almost done he’s almost done come on we almost got him we almost got him

Guys guys two more shots two more shots we got him guys guys we got him yeah we lost Wesley what do you mean where’s Wesley’s dead he’s dead he died and we had killed the parasite God but Wesley had also died and at least we stopped the parasite

Outbreak or at least that’s what we thought Karen no Karen what you do Karen what you doing I just touched it Karen Karen what’s up oh Karen what is that what is that oh no guys guys back up back up can we mail him arrows don’t do anything though no no no

No no and just when we thought we stopped the parasites the parasite God had came back up none of us got none of us died everyone’s died so far you guys guys no no no back up if you’re low back up if you’re low oh no no guys guys he’s coming he’s coming

Okay what are you doing what does that mean he’s getting you he’s gonna use his skull to help hit you he’s gonna use his skull he did that he just did that he just did that don’t worry please Karen help oh guys yes he has no head he has no head come

On go just go we’re going I’m going I’m going I’m going I need to go I need to get I need a gap he’s dead and now once and for all we finally did it after countless fights and Fallen teammates we finally stopped the parasite outbreak and me Karen and pool

Had lived and won and if you guys want to see more videos like this join my Discord and subscribe

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Players Simulate a Parasite Apocalypse!’, was uploaded by MindOfNeo on 2023-06-08 19:00:04. It has garnered 1887984 views and 33375 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds.

Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate a Parasite Apocalypse! This is a Minecraft Social Experiment where Minecraft Players Simulate Hardcore Minecraft during a Parasite Outbreak. Similarly to a 100 player event, all the players will all defending their CIVILIZATIONS, and they all must battle to defeat the apocalypse and parasites. Will the players or parasites win? Watch the whole video to find out!

Socials: 💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/y8535eJPjS 🐤 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheMindOfNeo1

Business inquiries: -Email: [email protected]

Players: @methai93 @Avoma @KaranBlanks @HypeFantasy —————————————————————- 》”100 Players” Inspired by @SpeedSilverr & @ForgeLabs 》”Map & Concept” by @ForgeLabs 》Edited by @MindOfNeo 》”Event” by @MindOfNeo **Some aspects of the story is altered for viewing purposes. **Reshoots were also done for certain scenes

#Minecraft #100Players #Civilization

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    Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Woodland Mansion Raid! AND Free Mods?’, was uploaded by Mediocre Richard on 2024-09-01 04:00:03. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:16 or 13396 seconds. #woodlandmansion #minecraftlive #minecraft Time to finally raid the woodland mansion and see treasure that hopefully made the very long trip yesterday very worth it. Oh and maybe tame some Dragons. Read More

  • Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀

    Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀Video Information This video, titled ‘what is this goofy aah blur config 🗿😂🐸🗣️😍🤠😎🤠😍😍🗣️🤠🗣️🤠😍🗣️’, was uploaded by obvIlyas on 2024-08-01 14:00:54. It has garnered 161 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. Watch as we dominate the competition in this 100-0 boxing clip on Minecraft. With stylish blurs and epic gameplay, this video is a must-watch for any boxing fan! [🐭 mouse]: Bloody A70 other mice: Glorious Model O Pro, Roccat Kain 120 Aimo, (used) Roccat Kone Aimo [⌨️ keyboard]: spc gear gk650k kailh blue switches rgb pudding edition PC Specs: Intel Core i5… Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia with a focus on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and ideally 18+, creating a chill ambiance with mature players. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feeling with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and Mystical Agriculture, along with quality of life mods for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to teleporting commands and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication, with a focus on community and town… Read More

  • Minecraft server ovrw.mc-complex.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ovrw.mc-complex.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: YouTube recommended this spicy meme!”

    Looks like YouTube is really pushing that Minecraft agenda, watch out for those creeper recommendations! Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison!

    Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a daring escape, brave and bold. Imprisoned unjustly, our hero did fight, With a secret tunnel, they took flight. Teaming up with a villager, pure of heart, Together they planned, never to part. Through the depths of the earth, they did dig, Escaping their captors, like a daring jig. The British oppressors, they did defy, Raising the Indian flag, reaching for the sky. A symbol of freedom, a victory won, In the world of Minecraft, a tale well-spun. Subscribe for more, to hear the rest, Of adventures in… Read More

  • POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage

    POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage POV: Trying to build a friendship with a creeper in Minecraft because it’s less explosive than your toxic friend. Read More

  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link)

    Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link) The Power of Thanos in Minecraft: Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21 Are you ready to harness the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft? With the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21, you can bring the epic battles of the Avengers to your own virtual world. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this mod and explore the possibilities it offers to players. Unleash the Power of the Infinity Stones With the Infinity Gauntlet in your hands, you can wield the power of all six Infinity Stones – Space, Reality, Power, Mind, Soul, and Time. Each stone grants you unique abilities… Read More

  • 🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!

    🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘[#Vtuber] Collab Stream Vapor & Rochan play Minecraft with discord server members.’, was uploaded by VaporWaveGaming on 2024-09-01 02:09:06. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:49:40 or 24580 seconds. #Vtuber #letsplay #Gaming #vtuberstreamer #videogames #gaming #Retrogaming Follow me on kick and twitch KICK CHANNEL https://kick.com/vapor-vtuber-gaming TWITCH CHANNEL https://www.twitch.tv/vapor_vtuber_gaming Like the mediocre level content? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Weirdest Logic Revealed

    Minecraft's Weirdest Logic RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Top 4 Weired Logic Part – 3’, was uploaded by BhagwanJanee on 2024-06-19 13:46:16. It has garnered 10204 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft Top 4 Weired Logic Part – 3 Your Queries :- Minecraft Logic Minecraft Minecraft Memes Minecraft Funny Minecraft Speedrun Minecraft No Logic Minecraft Logic Shorts Cursed Minecraft Wait What Minecraft Minecraft Logic 2 Minecraft But Minecraft Logic Be Like Minecraft Portrayed Minecraft Weired Logic Unusual Minecraft Minecraft Moments on 0 Logic Minecraft Wait What Best Minecraft Memes Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Bruh… Read More

  • “Gaming GONE WRONG – Minecraft Hardcore Deaths Reaction” #clickbait #shorts

    "Gaming GONE WRONG - Minecraft Hardcore Deaths Reaction" #clickbait #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Deaths That Hurt To Watch || Gamers react #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Games Shorts on 2024-02-20 20:53:05. It has garnered 144 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Watch as gamers react to epic Hardcore Deaths in Minecraft! Don’t miss out on the gaming fun! Read More

Minecraft Players Simulate a Parasite Apocalypse!