Minecraft POMNI saved from TRAIN EATER!

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Hello everyone friends we are still inside the digital circus and it seems that today once again new adventures await us hi guys hi J what are you planning to do today JJ I don’t know yet JJ hi Mikey hi JJ what’s on the agenda today nothing yet hello everyone guys hi

Mikey JJ look here comes pomy hello pomy hi Mikey and JJ I want to tell you something did something happened well not really I just found something very strange and what is it I don’t know myself everything is on our purple bridge in that case we should go there

JJ what do you say yes I agree let’s check it out then hurry up and run we get on the motorcycles and go to the bridge as soon as possible I’ll take this one hey that’s not fair hurry up Mikey let’s go I’m in as much of a hurry as I

Can look JJ there’s a ladder leading up to the bridge hm I haven’t seen her here before maybe it’s Kane’s doing Mike’s probably right and now everyone is climbing up I of course but what can you do come on JJ hurry up here look hm JJ what do you

Think guys this is yes but who left it here hm that’s a good question I think if we follow the footsteps of we’ll come to its creator good idea JJ let’s follow up yeah someone took a lot of here there is such a thing we’re almost [Applause]

There this is where the Trail Ends hm and what should we do next I suggest we clean the bridge let’s start here um pomy something happened how can I tell you I think there’s a huge monster behind you is a train eater H run what are you both talking about there’s no one

Here hey let her go stop damn it this is a disaster JJ what are we going to do I don’t know Mikey it seems that we have no choice but to follow him oh I think it can be quite dangerous there is no other way out okay okay then let’s go

Inside let’s go it looks like there are a lot of different traps but who put them up and why I don’t think we’ll be able to find out maybe you’re right be careful there are spikes everywhere I see it some fans are still here what kind of

Place is this anyway maybe this is some kind of secret path it may well be careful Mikey there’s a trap ahead where now we have to go around I’m sorry be careful okay it looks like parkour is waiting for us now so just go ahead I’ll follow

You come on JJ I’m going ahead come on Mikey there’s not much left Mikey you need to be careful Here I’m jumping JJ the last Stage great we did it yes we we did well and now let’s move on JJ look it’s a strange Place yeah and there’s also some kind of mud man a man here yeah hey hey what are you doing here hello and who are you this is Mikey and

My name is JJ we are chasing train eater I see that bastard just ate my house damn it now I have nowhere to live H maybe we can help you it would be very nice maybe you can build me a house that’s possible but we have absolutely

Nothing for this I have everything here you go Earth do we need to build a house out of the ground well yes there is nothing else here except the earth I see in that case stay here now we’re going to build you the most incredible house cool come On the house is ready wow this is much cooler than my previous House everything is just great inside too yes JJ is a master of building houses although I’m not doing so well either thank you you’re welcome so you’re following in the footsteps of train eater that’s right he stole our friend hm I think I could help you as

You can understand it needs to be searched further along this tunnel that’s where his lair is I see but you can’t handle him that easily he has been living here for a long time and eating digital products but I’ve been wanting to get rid of him myself for a long time

So I have a special weapon against him Kane gave it to me wow that’s a gun cool thank you thank you if you destroy it you will help me again and now goodbye bye-bye dirty JJ well are you ready always ready Mikey and now let’s go to his lair let’s go

Wow there are skeletons everywhere and yeah it’s getting kind of creepy Don’t Be Afraid of Anything Mikey we have a super cannon I hope she will help us I have to and here apparently is his lair so what are we coming in wait a minute what’s the plan I’m going in to

Fight him but in the meantime find PNE somehow I don’t like all [Applause] this we have no other way out come on 1 2 3 let’s go I changed my mind stop being a coward Mikey let’s save PNE all right all right come on Mikey free pomy you can’t

Win on you I’m running to save you pomy and you stand and look at me that’s for you get it pomy let’s get out of here quickly JJ can handle it you’re going to get it now ha how do you like it that’s for for you get It true it looks like we’ve done [Applause] it hooray guys the TR eater has been destroyed hooray well done JJ this monster was simply terrible he smell so bad ha it was lucky that everything ended so well it’s true and now let’s hurry back to the circus I’ve been so

Hungry all this time ha all right Mikey let’s Go thank you all for watching friends subscribe and like bye-bye wow did you see the vial they coped with the train eater itself chess it was great but Kane how did you know they’d need a weapon against it what are you accusing me of something I don’t know anything bye

Everyone M okay I’m going to get something to eat what a wonderful day by the way hello everyone I wonder what’s going to be interesting today hey JJ look what I’m doing what is it Mikey I’m making a huge springboard with which I plan to

Get to the moon um Mikey you know that’s impossible right what what do you mean of course it’s possible what are you talking about I’m sure of it but you can only get to the Moon by rocket and everyone knows that you know what JJ you

Shouldn’t trust me I’ll get to the moon and you’ll tell me that I was right now get out of here I’ll keep building my springboard okay okay build well since Mikey is still busy with his Construction I’m going home for now does Mikey really think he can get to the moon on a

Motorcycle or whatever he wants to fly in it’s just nonsense Ha it looks like that’s it this is the maximum now it remains to descend and you can fly to the moon a few moments later so good now it remains to get to something H exactly I should have had something left at home Somewhere yeah and here he is and at the same time fuel with a Wrench I’ll put it here and it remains to open d a great now let’s fill up this Baby ready now let’s sit down and take off oh my God what was that was it a dream I dreamed that Mikey really got to the Moon I wonder what happened to him in the end I hope he’s asleep de now although I strongly doubt it Mikey yeah

It looks like he’s not at home H then where is he is he still building a springboard wow what a big springboard and Mikey is nowhere to be found Mikey H where could he be surely he couldn’t no it’s impossible but there is only one option to check so where’s my

Bike huh now we’ll find out maybe Mikey just fell down and is waiting for me somewhere and here’s my bike we put it here we open it Refueling let’s sit down and let’s go go ahead what the it’s cool it looks like I really ended up on the moon and I can’t seem to breathe that’s much better now in a spacit I definitely won’t suffocate I had to find Mikey where could he be and what is this

Construction ahead of me maybe that’s where Mikey went what else could have attracted him H there are various buildings everywhere the sun is shining so brightly where is the entrance to this thing yeah there he is it’s so quiet here is there anyone here ow it looks like no

One yeah but apparently the owners of this spacecraft I wonder who did this to them some kind of chest I hope it can be opened sorry skeleton there’s a gun here great at least now I feel safe apparently there is nothing else on this ship in that case let’s move on

This ship is much bigger I wonder what awaits me in it and this is the entrance hi JJ we’ve been waiting for you and how do you know my name your friend Mikey told us about you he said you’d be coming soon too yeah so Mikey’s

With you you can come with us but firsthand over all your weapons M here you go thank you can I see Mikey now of course he should be here soon in the meantime you can follow me all right lead the way let’s go here’s your room

You can rest here for now because you’ve had a hard Road what’s in this room it’s just a similar guest room as you can see I see so make yourself comfortable for now in the meantime I’ll go get Mikey all right that’s it for now M it’s all strange these aliens are

Acting so strangely if Mikey came here too then he should have been in the guest room too and if these aliens are kind then why are there several skeletons in the next ship there’s clearly Something Fishy here I have to find Mikey myself there’s no one here great I

Definitely won’t be able to get through security without a weapon H maybe I can find something in that direction it’s worth a try windows with a beautiful view of the moonscapes cute two chests and doors great don’t come in and why is that I wonder hm there may be something

Dangerous Behind These doors it’s probably worth checking the chests first maybe I can find something useful in them yeah I was right and here’s my blaster and now I’m going to go through the left door first so what do we have here wow it looks like they’re doing various experiments here H so Weird I wonder what’s waiting for me in the other room Then creeper and oh no Mikey not that no they caught Mikey what should I do now how do I save Mikey hold on Mikey I’m coming for you Mikey wake up Mikey wake up what JJ where are we are we on the Moon yes I’ve

Come for you they put you in some kind of experiment flask JJ what is it Mikey and I told you that you can get to the moon on a trampoline shut up Mikey we’re in great Danger on an alien spaceship right now and you’re thinking about such

Nonsense now we need to think about how to get out of here JJ and Mikey you’re surrounded come out with your hands above your head JJ it looks like we’re trapped no they don’t know that I have a blaster with me wow that’s good news and

How are we going to get through this crowd let’s just run for a start under stood in that case catch up hey Eggheads I’m here stop there runaways we’re not done with you yet JJ shoot get it ha so do you now you’ll get it on you ha JJ there’s

Another one upstairs understood I’m running to you Mikey hey wait I’m with you that’s how we believed you JJ take the trolley and let’s get out of here do you know where we need to run yes I saw where they have missiles we can use them

To fly away from here very good news Mikey it’s too early to be Happ happy JJ give up you can’t escape JJ there are several more aliens here I’ll deal with them now hey wait no need have mercy here JJ I’m running after you

Mikey now it seems to be here but no not here hey what are you doing here nothing goodbye this way JJ hey you can’t come in here run JJ go ahead I get you Mikey I’m waiting for you Mikey hey don’t touch the missiles Mikey sit down quickly we’re taking off huh I

Knew we could do quickly get off the Rockets stop these are our Rockets don’t you dare steal our missiles wait a minute quickly get off the Rockets stop 5 4 3 2 1 fire bye to all aliens finally home [Applause] look Mikey there is very little left to Land finally at home my beloved land I love you so much JJ that was really cool huh thanks Mikey now do you believe me that you can get to the moon on this trampoline yes now I believe huh this is my victory there’s just one thing what

Are you talking about now you have to remove this springboard just like you built it here damn it well what can I do thank you all for watching friends like And subscribe to the channel and also don’t forget to click on the Bell to not miss new videos Bye-bye what a wonderful day it is hello everyone friends today should be an interesting day because today is my birthday and I think Mikey has already prepared a surprise for me it seems to me that now I will go into Mikey’s room and my gift will be waiting for me there

Let’s check it out a h strange it looks like Mikey is not in his room then where can he be he’s probably waiting for me on the ground floor let’s go down H it’s all very strange Mikey is nowhere to be found maybe my gift is

Waiting for me on the street let’s find out yeah and here’s a note from Mikey JJ your gift is waiting for you in the most expensive place in Village H Mikey left me a riddle the most expensive place in the village what could it be maybe this is the Diamond House in our

Village there are no other options left it’s definitely him let’s run and now let’s check out what awaits me surprise JJ congratulations on your birthday I very glad that I have such a good friend like you oh Mikey it feels so good thank you you’re welcome JJ I

Have prepared this whole surprise with a riddle especially for you and you guessed where to find me so quickly I didn’t doubt you and of course I want to give you a gift a gift of course I’ve put together a set of different very interesting and strange things that you

Might like they are all in this backpack so here you go he’s all yours now thank you Mikey again thank you JJ for being the same wonderful person every year now go and see what awaits you in this backpack by all right Mikey see you tonight H I wonder what Mikey has

Prepared for me let’s take a look what do we have here all sorts of TNT some kind of strange backpack wow is that a frog’s bone let’s try it on urgently gorgeous just an incredible costume a great gift let’s see what else awaits me there so what else do we have

Here is that a little turtle let’s take a look wow how sweet she is just a cute little turtle thanks Mikey only she has some kind of button on top I wonder what she’s doing what the what what was that H it looks like Mikey decided to prank me like that in

That case I need to pay more attention to the rest of the gifts let’s see what else we have left and what is this it looks like some kind of technique I’ll need a wrench and gasoline for it we’ll fix it now great and here are my tools we take them

All and now we’re looking at what awaits me there we open it what it is that a wheelchair what a strange thing let’s fill it up and see how it Drives wee not bad not bad let’s see what else awaits Us in this magical backpack M for example what is this yeah it looks like it’s some kind of stone you’re a stone yourself it looks like it’s a talking Stone well yes it’s a cool thing let’s see what else I have

For example what kind of block is this H something to do with gravity well let’s put it near the house and take a look right here hm nothing seemed to happen strange but for some reason the steps fell down H I wonder what this block does oh come on let’s see what

Else is left in the chest oops Enderman hand this is the same hand with which you can teleport let’s check it out yes we can move absolutely everywhere that’s a cool thing and what else is there among these these gifts hm a bucket of some kind of

Slurry well let’s see what kind of slurry this is green Goo wow she melts everything in her path oh my God I wonder up to what point it will melt ouch I shouldn’t have done that I it looks like the acid is over well let’s get out and see what else I have new for example what are the green

Things wow it looks like it’s a smoke bomb and I don’t see anything in it perhaps it’s worth getting out of this smoke ew that’s better let’s see what else is new for me for example what is this wow it’s a Lamborghini that’s right thanks Mikey for that what a cool car I

Think it’s time to ride her Go ouch oh I it looks like the car is stuck well it’s okay we can bombard the car with smoke bombs great now the car is not visible which means that everything is fine with it let’s look further at my new gifts for example what kind of beautiful things are these let’s find Out wow it looks like some kind of black hole and it looks like she’s sucking everything in what the oh no my car not her pH she’s fine rest in peace Lamborghini well okay there aren’t many gift gifts left in my backpack and yet what kind of TNT are

These H these TNT do not Inspire confidence they need to be set on fire somehow and it seems that I have an idea let’s take this thing from our gifts and now with her help we’ll set this dynamite on Fire yeah it doesn’t look like it’s going to work then let’s launch it from the button and see what Happens yeah it looks like it’s just exploding elsewhere let’s make sure of this again let’s put it here this time and turn it On well yes it just explodes in another place what stupidity Mr Stone do you agree I’m not a stone I only have a couple of red blocks of cobblestone and glass left in my backpack H and what should I do with them I think I have an

Idea and let’s make a church in our village entirely of red cobblestones it should be fun well let’s get started It’s done the church turned out just great now there will be only one red Church in our village JJ and here’s Mikey hi Mikey JJ what happened here what are you talking about why is half of our house just blown up what have you done um Mikey you

Know what what I’m disappearing like a ninja what bye and a little like this now let’s get out of here fast faster the chair on the wheels faster ha thank you all for watching subscribe and like bye-bye Hey you quickly bring everything you have here but I have nothing with me come on quickly otherwise I’ll take it from you by force good good here’s my bag I don’t have anything else [Laughter] hold hm what was that sound outside is the girl crying looks like she was robbed hey you stop there get off me stop I’m telling you you can’t run away forever someday I’ll catch up with you you can’t escape anyway yeah gotcha and now what you

Think you’ve cornered me how do you like that ha how do you like that give me what you took wow good good here you go thank you great now it remains to return the girl her purse and here is this girl she’s still here apparently very upset good

Evening I think it was that robber who stole your bag um yes and how did you get it back I just explained to him that it’s not good to steal handbags from such beautiful Girls huh thank you very much maybe I should walk you home and

Then you never know who else walks the streets at night of course with pleasure I live in that direction in that case let’s go there and what is your name by the way my name is JJ nice to meet you likewise here we are do you live in this house

Yes that’s it a very beautiful house thanks don’t you want to come in come in what for well it’s getting late maybe you’d better spend the night at my place and go home in the morning hm not a bad idea come in this is where I live very nice

Here I watch TV in the evenings this is where you will sleep very cozy thank you you’re welcome now let’s go to the roof there is a view of the city on the roof and my backyard very beautiful and now let’s go to the backyard itself I have a private pool here

Wow very cool hm and why not swim in it h well not in clothes to jump into the pool and what are you standing for a little stuck Apologize let’s have fun haha I have an idea where are you going I’ll be right Back Wee wow your pool is just super I think that’s enough for today I’m already tired for tonight yeah me too here’s your room good night good night that’s the evening of course to meet such a nice girl is just incredible well anyway I’m also very tired today it’s

Time to go to bed and what is this some kind of doll I wonder what she’s doing here oh well good Night honey we’ve been to together for a whole year and that’s why today I invited you to such a wonderful institution just look at the view here yes the place is really wonderful I really like thank you my love gentlemen have you chosen what you will order yes

You can have one bottle of champagne for now okay no problem well my dear today I wanted to ask you will you marry me what oh yes of course my love finally I’ve been waiting for this for so long I’m very glad now you and I are engaged it’s

Just incredible I love you so much honey and I love you too my beloved and now let’s finally eat come On dear friends on behalf of the bride and groom I am glad to welcome all of you and thank you for coming here to share this happy moment with them here and now you will witness a real Miracle the miracle of the Union of two wonderful young people two hearts two

Destinies two lives in the presence of your Witnesses relatives and friends I ask you to answer do you agree to marry love respect and take care of her for the rest of your days yes I agree do you agree to take him as a husband love yes

I agree and if someone is against this marriage let them say it now or shut up forever I’m against her Mikey what are you doing here I came to save my friend who had completely forgotten about me have you forgotten you didn’t even invite me to the wedding and all because

Of this witch don’t call her that she’s my wife you’ve only been with her for 3 days and you’re already getting married 3 days enough for both of you I will not allow myself to be treated like this shut up witch oh you little what’s happening JJ come to your senses you

Have to destroy this witch hold the weapon here that’s all I have have but how so okay I have to do this go ahead attack so do You now you’ll get It get It and how do you like it on you you can’t win out it hurts and how do you like it on you so do you oh you can’t win now you’ll get it and how do you like it JJ hurry up let’s get out of here I’m

Trying ah ouch fire is everywhere hurry up JJ on the way out that was close yes a little more and we wouldn’t have gotten out of there from now on you’re not allowed to talk to women JJ it doesn’t do any good all right Mikey you’re right and now let’s say

Goodbye thank you all for watching friends like And subscribe to the channel and also don’t forget to click on the Bell to not miss new videos [Applause] Bye-bye He Is Mom water no there what’s It who the hell is that is it a little turtle I wonder what she’s doing here maybe she needs some help I’ll come ask hey hey what happened I really want to eat H I have some cookies with me here take this wow thank you om n n Nom very

Tasty where do you live nowhere H you can stay with me wow thank you come with Me I live in this house he’s so big yes this house is guarded by a dog hello dog yes let’s go come in we need to go upstairs I’m coming here I have one empty room you can stay here you have such a cool rug and what is written on

It this is my name JJ by the way what’s your name I don’t know then I’ll call you Mikey let’s put a rug with a name on it for you too done hooray so Cool now I even have my own bed I can jump on it huh yes great I’ll have to furnish your room somehow but somehow later that’s the day it looks like I don’t live alone anymore I wonder what this will lead to in the meantime it’s worth taking a break

Well Mikey today is your first day of school don’t forget your backpack okay I hope you have fun there and make a lot of friends I hope so too okay JJ see you tonight bye Mikey I wonder if Mikey will like School however what difference does it make later apparently this is the school wow it’s so beautiful here what a big staircase there is dear students a new student has come to our class today I hope you will treat him well Mikey tell me a little about

Yourself Mikey um hello everyone my name is Mikey I’m a little turtle and now let’s start the lesson what a boring lesson I’m going to bed as a result of which one number increases by the number of units contained in another number hey what are you doing

You can’t sleep in class wake up what why did you wake me up who are you anyway my name is Mikey and you my name is Cookie nice to meet you likewise so why did you wake me up in the back desk stop talking yes good uh okay at least

The lesson will end soon hey new guy do you want to go to the playground play at recess to the playground well yes why not that’s great and that’s just the call let’s run hey where are you going here we are wow what a slide yes

There’s more than that here there are a lot of different cool things here but what else there’s a trampoline over there Wow Let’s go there come on woohoo woohoo woohoo let’s move on what else is there well there’s another swing further on let’s go quickly I’m running wow it’s so much

Fun here well yes Mikey where do you live it’s not far here I live with JJ cool hey cookie don’t you think we’ve been here for quite a while what do you mean well it seems to me that the change has long passed and that we’ve been here

For a long time come on and what will they do to us for this we didn’t do anything like that maybe you’re right hey you come here quickly I’ll show you now why did you run away from class oh no Mikey let’s run I’m running well come

Here I’ll call your parents to school wait I’m telling you you won’t be able to run away forever Anyway what a wonderful day hello everyone friends today you and I are waiting for another adventure H what are those sounds wow what is it who are you hey where are you going H something strange is happening I think I should tell Mikey about this hey

Mikey wake up hm it looks like Mikey is not at home I wonder where he is strange and there are no windows in his room oh well in that case I will have to go on this adventure Alone let’s walk right up these stairs I wonder where it will take me we’ll find out now towards Adventure 1 hour later phew I’m so tired what a long staircase but what kind of place is this some kind of huge flying Island right in the middle of the sky what’s he doing here let’s check what’s on it and here is some kind of Path wow elephants and next to it is a little elephant how sweet some dolphins are splashing in the water what a strange place oh hello tiger I hope you’re kind I won’t hurt you sh thank god oh another dolphin oh hello Turtle bear and a pride of

Lions wow what are you guys doing here it looks like I’m heading this Way wow what a big Snake the rhinoceros family Cute the leopard please don’t touch me I’m friendly zebras a pair of giraffes they cross their neck so interestingly wow white moose I’ve never seen one like this oh there are so many bison Kos it’s not clear who they are at all and what did the polar bear forget here

This is is not the Arctic bye bear and these guys seem to be Asleep wow the Buffalo is he under the protection of these guys and who is this guys write in the comments what kind of Beast it is and what did all these animals forget in one place what a strange Island oh well it looks like we’ve reached our goal apparently this

Is some kind of main temple on the island let’s go inside and see what awaits us inside what an interesting place it looks like a church and who else is this hey hey I’m a little lost here what who are you not happening what the just like that he

Appeared and just as simply disappeared I wonder what he left behind H let’s find Out 1 2 3 go ahead what the some new place so let’s take a look around for example what kind of animal are You what where did he go yeah I understood you’re on my head now of course it’s interesting to jump with you but come on get down from there great all right I see a house I wonder who lives in it oops and who are you what a beautiful flow ah oh what’s

Happening hey leave me alone it’s finally gone but what was it did this stinky flower do it you’re my main enemy now I’ll get back at you flying pigs some huge birds and a bunch of these evil flowers where am I anyway okay I think it’s worth going

Into this cabin maybe it’s safer there at least it seems to be good oh good afternoon and who are you that’s who you are young man my name is JJ I’m a little lost here I see how did you get here in the first place through the portal

Interesting do you happen to have something to eat I’m so hungry there are berry bushes near the house you can go out and eat but there are a lot of these terrible plants one has already attacked me in that case you can put on the armor from the

Rack wow thanks I’ll go check it Out that’s probably these bushes let’s check what kind of berries they are I hope at least they don’t attack me Om Nom Nom Nom Om Nom n Nom the berries are quite tasty I like we had a nice snack let’s take a little more time off oops and what is this a

Gift for me I need this come to Daddy what the some kind of stupid gift maybe at least the others will be more interesting op experience cute what’s going on here again yeah oh more berries it looks like there are no berries here okay I think we had a nice snack now we can go back to the house

Hey and who else are you don’t touch me and I won’t touch you pH he didn’t seem to notice me okay now we’re definitely going back to the house om nom nom nom dumb plants one day I will take revenge on You finally safe now we need to take off the armor done and we’ll put it back in place thanks old man they were delicious berries I see you’re very tired if you want to stay with me for now you can lie down and sleep on the crib H yes I will

Be very happy to send it thank you you’re welcome anyone in my place would do the same in that case have a good good night sweet dreams a few moments later good morning son I wanted to ask you something could you help me get rid of the weeds in the

Garden there are too many of these nasty plants around the house of course I will deal with these weeds with great pleasure wow yes there are also in useful potions great well hold on you stupid weeds and I told you that I will take revenge get

It so do you ha get it and how do you like it on you now you’ll get it haha so do you you can’t win it wasn’t difficult but what a pleasure I got thanks son for the help you’re welcome the next day son I’ve been

Wanting to take care of the Garden near the house for a long time could you help me with the tree seedlings of course with great pleasure in that case let’s go plant golden trees come on Grandpa one here the other one is here a little bit here great let’s

Not forget to plant one here now let’s accelerate their growth come on I just have some bone meal with me T great son one more thing one more thing all the trees are planted sir thank you son you’re welcome six months later old man I think

I’ve been living with you for so long and I have a feeling that I have forgotten something very important or someone important don’t worry son it’s just old age maybe I’m tired I’m going to lie down good night Son what the what is that sound he reminds me of something Hey who are you where are you going stop somehow I’m sure I need to go after him and who else is this hey what are you doing Here I think I’ve seen you somewhere before hey what are you doing stop M why am I sure I need to go after him go ahead what the where am I am I really at home but then where have I been all this time it seemed like an eternity had

Passed JJ JJ where are you Mikey oh JJ I’ve been looking for you all day where have you been all this time I think I was in heaven what kind of paradise let’s go eat we’ll also watch something on YouTube yes of course but let’s say goodbye to the audience first thank you

All for watching friends like And subscribe to the channel and also don’t forget to click on the Bell to not miss new videos Bye-bye hello everyone dear friends today is Mikey’s birthday and I have prepared a gift for him but before handing it over I want to play Mikey I think it will be a lot of fun to begin with I will go to a small house with a

Brick roof and dig a hole right in front of its entrance for this I have already prepared everything a shovel and a pickaxe are in the chest well the pit is prepared now I will put all the cobblestones in the chest so as not to interfere and I will

Cover this pit with diamonds from above Mikey loves diamonds he will definitely pay atten attention to them that’s it super now I’m going to set up a surveillance camera for Mikey let’s try it out great there is a connection I can easily turn it everything works now I

Need to hide I’m going to run behind the house Mikey definitely won’t look in there so now turn on the camera and see if Mikey has already arrived oh no he’s not there yet but I know for sure that he’ll be here any minute well Mikey where are you you and

I agree to meet at a small house with a brick roof have you forgotten and here’s Mikey there he runs I noticed the diamonds right away he definitely won’t pass by yeah he carefully approaches them probably afraid that he will be noticed took a diamond pickaxe ready to

Collect them hahaa looks around come on Mikey no one is watching you great great he started breaking diamonds he’s definitely going to fall into my trap now ha gotcha well now we need to go down to Mikey have some fun so so so hi Mikey you fell into my trap ah where am

I what’s going on don’t get too full Mikey I’ll just ask you a few questions questions what other questions where am I don’t worry Mikey I want to play a game with you you see there’s lava above the glasses you have three attempts for every wrong answer I’ll break these

Glasses and the lava will get closer and closer to you well watch out JJ I won’t leave it like that come on Mikey the questions won’t be difficult I’ll ask you about Minecraft Do You Love Minecraft yeah well you see I think you can handle three attempts are you ready

To play yes I’m Ready the first question what is Mickey green dye made from in Minecraft do I have time to think no I’m already starting to break the glass wait wait did you say in the desert H probably from the re that’s the wrong answer the correct answer is the cactus

As you can see I’ve already broken the first layer of glass be careful now the next question is are you ready yes what year was Minecraft released ah I remember that for sure I’m worried come on Mikey I’ll give you some time to think I’ll run around here for now

Um well time is running out uh 2011 is that your final answer yes that’s the right answer well done Mikey now the next question yes let me ask out of here already how many bosses are there in Minecraft I don’t know for sure let me go answer the question Mikey well

Probably four right is that correct unfortunately no your second attempt is burning out no Mikey you have one last chance don’t lose It come on maybe you’ll give me another try no only three lives are given are you ready to hear the next question ask your question already good listen to the next question what is the nickname of the creator of Minecraft what kind of questions are these and he said it would

Be easy it’s not fair Mikey I want to hear your answer yes I do not know that Mikey you have the last life left do you see the lava over your head I do not know hobin probably is that your final answer yes oh Mikey this is not true

You’ve wasted your last chance no JJ this is not funny at all let me go No did I fall down again where am I haha Mikey I’m kidding of course I wouldn’t leave you there oh you come here hey come on calm down better look there what what is this it’s parkour Mikey and you have to go through it parkour but I

Don’t know how to do that at all Mikey it’s very simple I’m sure you can handle it and at the end you will have a surprise but there’s lava down there what did you say surprise yes yes Mikey well done second third fourth block so fast

Keep up the good why did you put this block so far away don’t be afraid you just need to run and go I’ll Try that’s it let’s move on now well come on there’s just a little bit yes I know and the last block that’s it and now what’s next now you need to jump down down again yes I’m tired of falling already come on the last test awaits you you’re mocking me a

Surprise awaits you at the end remember oh well okay so what’s waiting for me here now Mikey you’re doing great you managed to get to the last test look there what is it this is the final boss but don’t worry there’s something in the chest for You ah he’s so big and scary Mikey can you hear me you will defeat him look into the chest what kind of chest JJ let me go why did you arrange all this there’s a prize waiting for you later Mikey you can do it the stone sword is

That all well what about it you don’t need more for this monster you will succeed JJ you’ll be next after him go ahead Mikey good luck haha that’s for you it hurts how do you like it take it h Ah how do you like it take it it Hurts that’s for you how do you like it take it ha wow you’ve seen it my Mikey was able to handle this monster alone he really tried well done hey Mikey and now get your reward I have rainbow tools here for you they are very resistant I think

You will need them by the way happy birthday what is that all come here hey wait a minute I’ll catch up with you anyway you can’t run away from me I’m going to kill you with these same tools that’s the kind of prank we got friends I think Mikey really liked it subscribe

To the channel like it and and leave your opinions in the comments bye Everyone what a wonderful day hello everyone friends what Adventures do you think are waiting for us today what should I do today hey JJ hi hi Mikey how are you doing everything is fine where are we going maybe to the Village or should we go check out how things are in

The forest I don’t know Mikey maybe we should just stay at home and watch something on TV it’s not a bad idea either JJ do you hear that what do you hear these sounds what sounds what are you talking about that’s what I mean wow who is it hello everyone friends you

Have an incredible opportunity to enter the world of the amazing digital circus say yes to move into the digital world right now JJ what do you think I don’t know Mikey it sounds suspicious yes I agree accepted no that’s not what we meant damn it yes Mikey it looks like

We’ve fallen for his trick congratulations friends you have entered the world of an amazing digital circus now I will make a brief overview of this world especially for you come on show me what you have here let’s get started here we have an incredible water slide

Just be careful on it don’t drown let’s move on your personal homes are waiting for you here you can relax in them at any time this is our personal roller coaster you can ride them as much as you want and of course the entrance to the circus itself but be careful it’s much

Bigger than it looks haha well how do you like our place at first glance very interesting and how do we get out of here if we want to ha no way have a nice time friends bye-bye yeah really it looks like we’re in trouble it looks like it but it’s

Worth looking for your advantages and everything so let’s see what they really have here M come on first let’s evaluate their water slide come on here is the entrance to the tower well let’s go in what are we worth wow what a tall tower let’s go upstairs come On so we have reached the very Hill I don’t need a boat hey it’s not fair well okay go ahead ouch I’m losing control of the boat it looks like I’m stuck it looks like I’m overtaking you aha hey that’s not fair we didn’t have any rules oh that’s right then I’ll do

This now the victory is definitely mine I’m jumping down it looks like we’ll have to wait a bit for Mikey a few moments later hey Mikey come on hurry up I’m in a hurry with all my might finally we swam ashore and returned the boat hey that’s much better I’m waiting for

You on the shore JJ you’re playing very dishonestly okay let’s see what awaits us in our homes hm well not bad yes the house is Great now let’s take a look at this one come on yeah hm well this one is about the same yes the conditions seem to be good I agree where do we go now maybe a roller coaster ride come on they ran and here are the slides well let’s

Go come on I’m sitting down here okay let’s Go however their slides are steep yes I like them to I just have a question what is this pink building in the center well let’s go check it out let’s go Wow there is such a beautiful view here I agree and there’s also some kind of chest what’s inside I’ll take a look there’s a doll here I’ll take it with me just in case okay let’s go down it seems we’ve looked at everything on this map except for the circus itself yes that’s

Why we ran there come on well here’s the entrance are we coming in yes come on go ahead JJ look all the characters from the digital circus are here wow Hello friends are you new apparently well yes it looks like it in that case welcome

Thank you what are we going to do here whatever you want do it although Kane seemed to leave the task and what should we do if we want to get out of here get out well there’s one way out hey don’t worry about beginners come on rata he

Just wants to speak out you guys are weird come on in general you should introduce yourself first I’m JJ and this is Mikey and what kind of assignment did Kane leave is something like climbing the tallest tower and something needs to be done there I don’t remember exactly

You should also find and get to know pomy the main thing is not to lose each other today I saw some kind of error in the game code you’re talking about your own thing again don’t listen to him friends he’s always in his repertoire M something is not right here won’t you

Help us in our search are we and we’re a little busy right now and anyway as newbies you should go through it yourself yes and we will connect to you as soon as py returns I see well JJ shall we go yes Mikey let’s go bye guys take care of yourself bye-bye

JJ look what I found WOW Motorcycle and bicycle I like this funny bike whatever you say Mikey let’s go it looks like we need to move along these boosters it looks like we’re on target Mikey yes JJ apparently we need to climb to the very top of this Tower in that

Case let’s not waste any time come [Applause] on great here we are at the very top and there’s a chest here look JJ there’s an elytra inside great apparently with her help we need to fly somewhere let’s see where we can fly what about that pipe

Over there H that’s a good idea Mikey we flew go [Applause] ahead okay we’re here now let’s move towards the right tower then this way we go JJ look there’s some kind of mechanism here apparently you can use it to go upstairs in that case let’s try it

Out you’re the first Mikey okay now I’m 1 2 3 great here we are at the top JJ look pomy here great we found her hi pomy hello and who are you we’re new great and what are you doing here can’t find my doll in any way a doll this one yes

Thanks guys hold on to the Ender Pearls for this okay pomy thank you too so Mikey are you ready always ready JJ in that case teleport to this Tower just be careful with them don’t fall off this Tower okay pomy thank you pH Mikey it’s your turn Now great Mikey now let’s run faster I’m already impatient to find out what’s in this Tower okay they Ran great here we are at the top now let’s split up I’m going this way and you’re going that way um I think this is a bad idea all right wow chest a shotgun and ammo it’s getting more Interesting where’s Mikey hm maybe he’s already gone inside let’s check it out Mikey and who are you oh no PH I coped with him but where are the Mikey JJ are you already inside Mikey and where have you been I stopped for a snack did something happen no nothing I have already done everything I see in that case we’ll have to fly down it’s good that we have

Elites you’re more right than ever let’s [Applause] fly [Applause] y we’ve been waiting for you did you find pomy yeah she should be here soon JJ we have completed our first task in the digital circus yes Mikey but something tells me that this was far from the last task thank you all for watching friends subscribe and like Bye-bye What a wonderful day hello everyone friends what Adventures do you think await me today hm what is this the railway I wonder what she’s left here and where does it lead anyway H I think we should call Mikey here Mikey get in here right now I found

Something interesting here what is it JJ look what’s appeared here wow where is it from here there was nothing like that here yesterday um Mikey turn around wow why it’s Thomas the engine do you know him of course it’s a steam train from a popular cartoon hi

Thomas hm then it’s even weirder where did Thomas in this railroad come from anyway I do not know JJ but let’s be optimistic about this after all now Thomas himself will be riding near our house I’m not sure that this is such a big plus uh JJ stop grumbling like an old grandfather

You’re spoiling the mood already okay okay but I still think there’s something wrong here JJ look something seems to have happened to Thomas what the yes he’s changed somehow Hey Thomas are you all right come to your senses Mikey what are you doing why did

You hit him so that he would just come to his senses and what uh Mikey I think he’s looking what no what let go of Mikey JJ help me give me back my friend you stupid steam train stop what should I do do we need to save Mikey somehow

But how think think think H I have no choice but to go after this locomotive in this case need to take everything you need and get on the road get to work hold on Thomas I’m going to save Mikey here I am I’ll put on my best armor

First 1 2 3 ready there seem to be a few useful things in my dresser let’s take a look and here they are take a sword a machine gun golden apples an acceleration potion a stack of arrows a pickaxe a bow and special rails great now it’s time to hit the

Road but which way should I go H it would probably be more logical to go in the same direction as the locomotive left in that case let’s run stop I have an acceleration potion let’s drink it great now let’s run to save Mikey it looks like we’ve reached Thomas’s engine Lair apparently this is his cave now we need to get there oh no it looks like he’s just leaving there we’re hiding urgently somewhere behind a tree if only he didn’t notice me he’s coming here he seems to have left but now we

Can go inside the cave because now he is definitely not there so let’s get get out Thomas is gone and here is the cave have to be careful here I hear someone crying hi Mikey Gigi hi you finally come to get me out of here I can’t be here

Anymore hush Mikey first of all I would like to know how to open this door the keys are hanging somewhere nearby H yeah I found it great open up it’s done hooray I’m finally free thank you JJ you’re welcome Mikey now listen to me we need to get

Out of here urgently I agree but maybe we should trap this locomotive H can try I just have TNT rails with me wow what are they doing as soon as something hits them they immediately explode this is exactly what you need all we have to do

Is come up with a plan first let’s get out of this cave I agree it’s a good idea so what did you come up with Mikey so look we’re replacing one of the Rails with your your TNT Rails Thomas pulls up and bang come on put your special rails

Here it’s done D bad now we just have to wait for this locomotive to arrive here maybe then we should hide good idea JJ come here we’re sitting here until Thomas arrives a few moments later Mikey I think we’ve been sitting here too long I

Think we should change the plan a bit I have an idea let’s bait him what are you talking about well one of us will get on the Rails Thomas will feel it and we’ll come right way and which one of us will go there of course you are you’re the

One with the armor on uh well good I’m coming I’m on the spot we need to wait a bit he’s about to show up okay let’s wait JJ he’s gone what wow that’s right I get it come here you stupid Engine oh my God it looks like it was all just a a dream and everything looked so realistic now at least I can lie down in my favorite crib and enjoy the most Pleasant sleep but before that I should probably say goodbye to you let’s do that thank you all for watching

Subscribe and like Bye-bye hello everyone dear friends I wonder what Adventures await me today JJ I came up with it let’s make fun of some random the Villager Mikey listen to me making fun of one villager is very boring and uninteresting moreover other villagers will immediately understand everything I think you and I need to

Come up with something much much more interesting J J well if you don’t want to prank one villager then hm then let’s make fun of the whole village of villagers yes yes for everyone for every villager we will come up with some kind of trap we’ll put dynamite in someone’s

House no Mikey then after the first trap the villagers will be very very attentive and no one will fall for this nonsense it’s all very small it’s all completely wrong this is not what we need we need something unusual and at the same time stunning do you understand

What I mean Mikey I’m just thinking H um well for example I came up with it we need to make fun of the mayor of our village Mikey this is just a great idea I really want to use a motion sensor trap so come on let’s go

Quickly so here on the beds now I’ll tell you everything and show you everything most importantly look very carefully good so tell me what do you need to do okay look first we need to completely remove the stupid vegetables from this Garden so great collect everything well

Done and now it is necessary to plant watermelons here and now we’re planting them like this and now I’m fertilizing it all with bone meal now our task is to install motion sensors how can you do that well I don’t really understand this but in fact yes

So let me install the sensors from below and in the meantime plant watermelons and fertilize them all right JJ lit okay great I’m making a passage here and removing blocks of Earth now I’m installing motion sensors that that’s it I put everything right well done JJ you’re good too Mikey

Now you need to put watermelons on top great yes JJ it seems that we are doing great H I think I can put Dynamite on now that’s how I put it in two Rows great now I need to close the passage so that it is invisible yes everything turned out exactly as I imagined hooray yes Mikey as you can imagine the Trap is very very simple the mayor will come see these stupid watermelons and literally start destroying everything and as soon as he

Breaks one watermelon what happens Mikey let there be a real bang and while the mayor is falling for our trap we need to do something else follow me JJ okay but if anything I put a hidden camera there to see the reaction of our mayor this is going to be Hilarious so it seems like I checked that garden now I need to check the central one I hope everything is all right here what the hell kind of nonsense is this what the hell are watermelons who allowed me to grow watermelons in my Village th I’m starting to clean up these watermelons

Here’s the first the second now the third what’s going on damn it JJ the mayor will be home any minute please repeat the plan Mikey yes we have already repeated this three times all right listen up as soon as the mayor comes tired after the inspection and

Goes to bed you and I slowly go down from the attic take his bed and lift it up to the church okay great and what do we do after that and after that we throw the mayor into the water it should be pretty funny that’s it JJ so did you

Hear that yes I think I heard it I definitely heard the door closing what a stupid village of villagers there are always some problems now the garden will also have to be repaired so now carefully follow me down so that everything is quiet what a stupid attic

And the mayor’s really lying in bed come on we’re doing it fast as planned I grab the front of the bed and you grab the back all right JJ I’ve got it all let’s go out let’s go out so come on let’s go out right away and carry him to the

Church it will be really hard to do this with a bed but what can you do let’s go straight inside yes I haven’t lifted the bed up the stairs Yet yes that’s the height here come on Mikey to make our joke work we’re doing everything according to plan now come on Mikey on the count of three 1 2 3 just look at how shocked he is that’s what we touched him and let’s go down to him right now so to speak say hello hello mayor how did you sleep yes you are just crazy lunatics you’re sick yes I am I will write a complaint about you to the administrator yes yes

Yes may don’t tell anyone else the main thing is that Mikey and I had a lot of fun but still we will help to clean up this whole mess yes JJ that’s it to begin with I will finish the whole Earth now I also put the Earth on on top but with Grass great now I’m finishing the broken Beds I’m putting the Earth Inside and now it’s time to plant seeds in the Beds so that the measure is not so offensive I will also fertilize all the sprouts with bone Meal great everything is ready Mikey come here let’s say goodbye thank you all for watching friends like And subscribe to the channel and also don’t forget to click on the Bell to not miss new videos Bye-bye What a wonderful day I wonder what awaits me today what the where did this Tower come from this is the first time I’ve seen her Mikey what is it JJ have you ever seen this Tower here wow no this is the first time I’ve

Seen her by the way what I woke up last night from some kind of jolt I thought it was an earthquake that started but then it stopped maybe it has something to do with it h maybe well now we have no choice but to check what is in this

Tower hm you’re right Mikey in that case let’s run let’s Go here we are it looks like the entrance is here somewhere yes I see him and someone else is standing near the entrance it must be the owner of the tower what hello has your Tower appeared here recently hello Travelers this Tower is magical it consists of five floors

And to get to the the very last floor you will have to try I see um can we come in of course if you are not afraid hm JJ let’s go ahead Mikey are you sure and why not since when will such danger stop us you’re right let’s

Go wow what a huge Tower this is inside and how many books there are here yes and this is probably our first test it’s a ladder and it looks like it’s been destroyed we’ll have to jump ha we are not used to it go ahead oh yes there are also thorns come on

Mikey I’ll go ahead JJ you need to be careful here it hurts good come on Mikey I’m jumping JJ ouch a little more so here we jump Straight it looks like we’re not welcome here oops I think I fell come on Mikey catch up H we did [Applause] it I believed in us now A new challenge awaits us I wonder what kind of mechanism it is we won’t know until we check it out what the it looks like you’ve

Triggered this mechanism the Arrows fly up and fall one by one wow so so beautiful yes but we need to figure something out it looks like we need to get to one of the stairs at those ends of the tower but how do we know exactly where to

Run let’s just split up I’ll run there and you’ll run there H it might work let’s then meet me upstairs agreed it seems that the arrows keep the pressure plate pressed down and therefore the mechanism does not work again this is good good news but I hope Mikey will be

Okay there in the meantime we go up to the next level of the Tower great we have passed another test on this Tower H I wonder what it is the window what a beautiful view here though and what is this a chest I wonder what’s in it different blocks I’ll take it just in case now All That Remains is to find Mikey hey JJ come here quickly I found

Something here what is it Mikey there’s a little kid here a small child here what’s he doing here I don’t know either follow Me hi baby what’s wrong my house has fallen he stood there for so long and then he just fell down fell down and because of what I don’t know I I felt a strong jolt and then I ran home I’m coming back but I’m not at home it’s all

Strange listen maybe I’ll build you a new house a new house can I and why not of course I want to then stay here for now and I’ll start building now what are you going to build that house out of on the way here I found a chest with

Different blocks well let’s get Started great I’ve covered the whole Earth I can start Building to begin with I’m building the walls and the entire building of the house for this Baby I definitely leave space for Windows almost done I’m putting windows in the window Frames now I’m building a wonderful wooden floor I’m building a beautiful second floor a little more well it seems to be ready what do you think baby wow it’s just great it’s much better than my previous house thank you you’re welcome yes JJ the house really turned out great well done thanks

Mikey there’s even a second floor wow yeah the house is just wonderful listen guys I didn’t even ask where you were from oh yes we live not far from here we are all trying to climb to the very top of this Tower that’s right of course

Your task is not easy by the way I know how to help you wow and how it’s nearby in the opposite corner of the tower there is a secret passage to the next floor I also boarded it up you can climb it understood thank you baby thank you

For that and good luck to you I hope you will succeed bye baby bye hi what a cute kid JJ you didn’t think so yes now with his help we will get to the next Floor huh at last well here we are at the top wow what a big wall yeah it looks like something is going to fall out of these Distributors but then how do I get to the last Distributors I think I know how yeah I understand you wow there are two crowns here my

Golden one is too much huh whatever you want Mikey then this one is mine and I’m taking the onion for myself too hey it’s not fair well okay and now they ran to activate the Distributors well let’s get started to begin with I’ll shoot because from above in the center one Diamond

Fell out of it look Mikey it seems that there is nothing in this Oh and this seems to be just the lever we need I wonder what’s in the rest what the Mikey be careful lava seems to have poured out of one H I wonder what’s here empty and it’s empty here too wow how lucky it’s a bow of luck I

Think that’s enough who it was the most unpleasant experience and now this staircase I hate stair never mind this is the last push Mikey and then the last floor awaits us that’s right and I had already forgotten about it in that case let’s run faster Ha oh hello Mikey how are you I’m very tired nothing you did it JJ look wow a huge mantor manacor is a mythical creature a monster with the body of a lion a human head and a scorpion tail According to some descriptions it has a red Mane and

Three rows of teeth as well as blue eyes that’s it I’m out of here don’t worry Mikey I can handle her now so do you on you and how do you like it get it ha now you’ll get it ah it hurts get it and how do you like it ouch ha you

Can’t win on you now you’ll get it pH I did it it was not an easy battle hey Mikey come out the manacor is gone are you sure that’s right H hooray JJ you’re doing great thanks now I think we should look for a way out of here you’re

Right oh no JJ there are more Manor um don’t worry Mikey these aren’t aggressive manacor are you sure that’s right JJ there’s a L to the top hurry up and get in Mikey JJ there’s an elytra chest here great that’s what we need with her help we can fly straight from here to home I put it on then let’s fly [Applause] Soon congratulations Mikey we’re home again we have passed a huge bunch of tests and are back at home with crowns on our heads H JJ it was fun and now I think we should say goodbye to the audience thank you all for watching friends like And subscribe to the channel and also don’t

Forget to click on the Bell to not miss new videos Bye-bye hello everyone friends I haven’t seen Mikey for a week now he borrowed money from me and disappeared and I have no idea where to look for him now so right now I suggest we go to the village and interview a villagers maybe at least they saw Mikey hey villagers good afternoon have you seen Mikey by any chance oh hi JJ no I haven’t seen Mikey for a long time did something happen well he borrowed money a long time ago and disappeared I haven’t seen him for a week that’s a coincidence he borrowed from me too so

If you find him tell me too um all right I’ll tell you what’s going on here what did Mikey do hey JJ are you looking for Mikey well yes do you know where to look for him well not quite it’s just that exactly a week ago I saw him run into

The woods and he looked like something bad had happened hm interesting this is very useful information villager thank you so he ran into the woods but whose Footprints are these doesn’t look like Mikey I wonder where these Footprints Will Lead Me no Footprints are visible because of the Grass what is that where the tracks end not happening there’s something wrong here H and what to do yeah and here is the continuation of the tracks we follow the trail Further and what is this what what does ice do in the forest Mikey what have they done to you Mikey it looks like he’s been frozen but who did it and why and how do I get Mikey out of there now there must be some kind of clue somewhere nearby but

All the tracks here are just randomly mixed up it’s not clear at all what was going on here and where is at least some clue maybe in a pond apparently not one Trail leads directly to this tree but nothing further wait though and why is this tree so thick trees should be

One block thick after all H there’s something wrong here yeah this tree is hand marked but what could it mean we need to examine it entirely yeah and here’s the solution this is a secret passage but where will it take me it can be dangerous further

But what to do I need to get Mikey out of the ice we’re going down what the where am I hello who are you what are you doing here oh my god um my name is JJ I came here about my friend Mikey oh yes you mean that stupid Turtle what

About him he’s Frozen right here of course I froze it and why what did Mikey do he owed me a very large sum and could not pay is there any way I can make up for his debt let me think maybe you can let’s do this I’ll teach you a recipe

And with it you’ll earn a lot of money in your village bring me as much as you can carry and then I’ll unfreeze your friend um okay that’s settled in that case it’s a deal now get out of here and come back with the money good good While oh Mikey what did you do there well never mind I’ll save you soon and now let’s see what this magician taught me there a few moments later in general after a little digging and studying I realized that now I have a special cookie recipe it’s strange but

Now I can make different types of cookies stone gold diamond and many others now I will demonstrate it we take everything from this chest and go into the workbench first let’s craft the cookies ourselves great the cookies are ready well let’s have some more and now by combining cookies and iron we

Create an iron cookie it’s so weird and now let’s continue with the rest diamond gold Woolen carrot bread and stone but for this you need to melt the Cobblestone into stone therefore we go to the stove and melt it down ready and now it remains to craft SMY Stone cookies

Great all the cookies are ready now we need to make some money on this so we will come to trade them to do this I have already built such a shop let’s put our cookies on plates and we’ll put the rest in the trunk for Safety and the rest is the Final Touch now you can rogat cookies we will wait for our first customers good afternoon would you like a cookie why not what kind of cookies do you have we have Diamond cookies interesting rer um not gold not let’s have one Diamond here you go that’ll be

$1 here’s the money thanks I want to try Woolen I’ll give you cookies now give me the gold hold it an I’m Stone and one for you another Diamond one another Diamond one good is there an emerald one good afternoon I want some more of your cookies um you

Come for the 10th time for cookies well it’s so delicious I want more and more here’s the last one ouch catch a dollar while these villagers are strange they came for cookies again and again well okay but now I have a full chest of money now it remains to take this to the

Magician and return the Mikey oh yeah I’m still a cook that’s better now you can run for Mikey here we are we’re going down here you are give me my money of course here’s your money take it great here’s your potion throw it at your Frozen friend and it will melt

Thanks let’s get out of here what a nasty grandfather I can hear everything it remains only to release Mikey and finally we can go home now let’s see how this potion Works Sho how tired I am of being frozen hi JJ hi Mikey do you want to tell me something first of all I want to thank you JJ for saving me from this magician you’re welcome now tell me what you’ve done nothing I just went to this magician often and bought delicious

Cookies from him and what did you do to this magician that he allowed you to unfreeze me you don’t want to know Mike cookie cookies I want more cookies give some cookies JJ and what is this crowd of villagers doing near our house um I don’t know Mikey we’ll ask cookies

Cookies cookies I want more cookies give me some cookies we need cookies Villers what have you forgotten we all want more cookies but there won’t be anymore all the cookies are gone no it can’t be I don’t believe it I don’t believe it so JJ why did the villagers ask for cookies

From you I think we’ve had enough Adventures for today Mikey and now I propose to say goodbye all right come on but then you’ll tell me about the cookies thank you all for watching friends like And subscribe to the channel and also don’t forget to click

On the Bell to not miss new videos bye-bye it can’t be we need cookies cookie cookies I want more cookies some cookies cookies U I’m so tired hello everyone friends I’m going home but I’m so hungry and there’s not a soul around oops Turtles H Turtles I

Wonder if you can make turtle soup out of them it must be so delicious M already salivating Flo well all excuse me Turtles I’m sorry but I’m very hungry Nothing fell out of this one damn it there is one piece of meat H now we need to cook turtle soup take a plate and meet and that’s it om nom nom at last how delicious it was now it remains to run home I’m finally home

What the what’s it is that a turtle mine I almost exploded is this really the hand of JJ well who else could have done it JJ oh hi Mikey what is it did you do that what exactly don’t pretend no one but you could put a mine right in front

Of the entrance to our house what Mikey why would I do that I don’t know maybe you have such jokes no it’s very dangerous I do not know who did it but definitely not me H this is strange but okay I believe you if so let’s go watch

TV faster there’s a new series coming out right now come On Mikey it’s very late I want to sleep let’s go upstairs let’s go good night Mikey good night JJ what a busy day it was today that’s just still unclear where this mine came from oh well it’s time to Sleep and once again a wonderful day came I wonder what Adventures are waiting for us today h strange why am I so short what the ah why am I a turtle or rather I’ve always been a turtle but not like this what happened I need to go to the JJ urgently damn but

How do I open the door I’m so small that’s right I can open it with a jump Great another door go ahead JJ JJ I’ve been turned into a turtle help me what should I do oh what a cute turtle what are you doing here what JJ doesn’t seem to hear me just not this I need to show you to Mikey urgently hey Mikey look who I found what

Am I supposed to do now I am Mikey JJ where’s Mikey right under you that’s weird where could he have gone so early in the morning well what am I going to do with you now hm precisely you need need your own house I’m going to do it now follow me down

Turtle oops I have no idea what I should do now well apparently there is nothing left but to go to your new house Turtle yes I’m coming I’m coming let’s go quickly I’ve prepared everything I’m coming down hm where should I put your new house let’s do it here how do you like

For example a house like this JJ are you a fool it’s a bird house and I’m a well yes it will probably be too small hm then how about a couch like this in the corner yeah just gorgeous oh how cute I see you liked it yeah you probably still want to eat

Let’s put a bowl here for you H and what do turtles eat interestingly let me see what we have in the fridge this is my house now of course wow I brought you a carrot hold why am I a turtle why am I a turtle help turn me back urgently you are welcome Help I never would have thought the turtles could run so fast and jump this turtle is a strange one pH I’m so tired and he just sat down to watch TV it looks like I can’t reach him in any way so I have no choice but to be

A turtle well okay they just forgot about me well at least I have a carrot Om Nom Nom well at least some advantages in the turtle life Hey it’s so late okay Turtle good night I’m going upstairs to sleep it’s strange of course that Mikey hasn’t shown up yet I wonder where he’s been all this time uh good night JJ am I really going to be an ordinary house Turtle for the rest of my life

Now maybe tomorrow something will Change what where is am I what the what are you doing guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty what are you talking about and where am I you’re on Turtle Court you will be tried for a crime committed against turm but what did I do you being a turtle attacked

Other Turtles and ate them this is unacceptable but I was hungry we don’t make the decision here and who the turtle Elder and where is he it will come soon and here he is oh no damn it Mikey the turtle today you will be tried for attacking fellow turtles do

You have something to say in your defense yes your honor I attacked solely out of hunger that’s not an excuse today we are here to decide whether you are guilty or not tell us do you repent for your act yes I’m guilty I admit I shouldn’t have done that and I will

Never commit such a brutal Act again H we need to confirm that’s what I’m in for but how did I get here in the first place we the turtles have made a decision you’re guilty but you’ve already received your punishment you’ve been an ordinary Turtle for one day and

We think that’s enough provided you promise us that you won’t touch any more Turtles I promise we’ll be watching you Mikey goodbye h ah was that a dream or not need to tell DJJ urgently JJ JJ can you imagine I was just on some Island there were a lot of

Turtles there and they were unhappy that I had killed a turtle before and before that they turned me into a turtle themselves Mikey you’re already a turtle go to sleep now it was just a dream come on I’m really tired good good night good night Mikey

H was it all just a dream I don’t think I’ll know that anymore and with you the audience I want to say goodbye for today thank you all for watching subscribe and like bye-bye hm I wonder who it could be I don’t seem to be expecting anyone who’s

There JJ it’s me Mikey Mikey what are you doing there there is no time to explain rather open the door good good what the are they dogs yes there’s a huge pile of dogs on the street and they are all very angry and bite come on up

To the roof I’ll show you let’s go look here what so many dogs but where do they come from in such numbers I don’t know maybe they came from the forest maybe but in general what’s the difference now we need to think about what to do with them hm you’re right and

What should we do with so many feral dogs maybe to appease them somehow exactly good idea Mikey we’ll just tame all these dogs H it should work in that case I’m for food um JJ so the food should be in the refrigerator yeah so what do dogs eat

Maybe bread or a carrot hm friends write in the comments what dogs usually eat thank you I’ll take two types of Meat great now you can go tame the dogs hey JJ wait what is it Mikey the Minecraft dogs are tamed not with the help of meat but with the help of Bones exactly damn it what am I supposed to do now I don’t have any bones with me

You’re lucky I have bones wow Mikey I don’t know where you got them from but this is what you need right now thank you and now I wish you good luck aren’t you going no after they bit me I somehow have no desire to interact with them I

Understand you in that case I went 1 2 3 well hold on to the Dog pH it was a long time but still managed to tame all the dogs in the vicinity there are so many of them here yeah that’s just now you need to think about what to do with them oh hey Mikey hi JJ I see the plan was

Successful as you can see yes all dogs are tamed and kind it remains only to feed them a little JJ look how they all turned their heads on you at once yes I noticed it too it’s so Cute maybe we’ll build them a shelter a shelter well yes and any villager from our village could take a dog or even two H and that’s a very good idea Mikey you’re a genius in that case we need to build a shelter but where do I build it

Well at least over there H well it will be there in this case we proceed come on so this is where our shelter for dogs it remains only to build it in the meantime JJ he’s building a shelter there I need to figure out how to wash

All these dogs well first you need to raise some of them H I think this amount will be enough it looks like we’ll have to wash you in a few rounds and now the rest of you follow me we run to the river here we are and

Now we all get into the water all in the water we wash we wash I think that’s enough now we go out and dust ourselves off yes that’s it it looks like someone is not in a hurry to get out of the water it looks like this group has been washed now it

Remains to wash the rest yeah it will certainly take some Time so it’s time to build the best shelter in the world for dogs I’m starting construction I’m getting a great house the main part is almost finished I continue to build the framework almost Finished now I’m building a Roof I definitely make a wooden floor H I’ll lay out a stone floor in the Center great half is There great I’m doing wonderfully Well just a little bit Left I continue to build the framework now carpets and Glass and of course the Visor So well the shelter is ready I also added a couple of details here I put two decorative booths and decorated the window sills with flower pots and inside he made a small playground for dogs to play and he added such a toy Pig I think the dogs should like it now it remains

Only to wait for them but it looks like Mikey is running hey JJ it turned out to be a wonderful shelter and I brought you the first visitors in that case come on in JJ it looks like they really liked your playground watch them play yes I see but

The dogs should still be locked in cages because we want residents to come here and take them for themselves dogs get into the cages yes I understand you but what to do yes you come in Too I understand that you don’t want to but you have to Great these were launched but there are still a lot of dogs so we still have a lot of work ahead of us they ran to launch the others let’s run the next day there was

Such a long Queue at our shelter it seems that many villagers like the idea of dogs and everyone came for a new pet yes it’s so cool I’m glad that we helped both villagers and dogs at the same time oh Mikey look here’s another villager with a new pet hello villager oh hello

JJ and Mikey thank you for such a great idea how to build a shelter now I have a dock I’ve been dreaming about this for so long you’re welcome villager well today we definitely did a good thing which means that we can say goodbye I totally agree with you thank you all for

Watching friends like And subscribe to the channel and also don’t forget to click on the Bell to not miss new videos Bye-bye what a wonderful day I wonder what Adventures I’m waiting for today h what’s going on there what is Mikey doing there what is he doing with this safe maybe you should come up and Ask Mikey hey what are you doing here oh hi JJ and I’m moving moving out well yes now I’m going to live in the bunker across the street so what’s the safe doing here then and I’m trying to drag him I see can I help you of course come

On I’ll be waiting for you downstairs okay how strange why would Mikey move well first of all you should take a pickaxe and drag this safe like that now let’s take a look at Mikey’s new house here JJ look this is my new home H and why is he so strange

He has such unusual boards and cobblestones because these are special super strong blocks even the glass here is specially protected and of course the bunker door I don’t understand why you need such a protected house at all for safety where should I put the safe come here Don great how interesting you have

Here so many things books an alchemical rack flasks and what is this a water faucet yes it is an endless source of drinking water only carefully don’t touch him he’s already constantly clipping suddenly it will flood again well it’s great here with you and how long are you

Going to live here forever I shouldn’t have built myself such a protected bunker so I live alone now well this of course has its advantages all right then then I’ll go home of course JJ and I have a lot of things to do here it is necessary to solve this issue with the

Crane okay bye JJ bye Mikey it’s a strange idea of his with a new house something tells me that it will not end very well well I hope everything will be fine later pH I’ve done so much today I’m so thirsty I’ll probably drink some water water that’s better I think I’ll lie

Down for a while I’ll lie down literally for 5 Minutes H what’s going on where does so much water come from did I turn off the faucet before I went to bed damn it what and the door jammed and the windows won’t break then how do I get out how to get out of here and there is more and

More water help help let me out of Here I’m going to drown help save me hm what are those sounds who is that shouting it seems to be coming from the street JJ can you hear me Mikey what’s going on in there JJ finally I’m stuck here what how did it happen it looks like the faucet has

Broken and is Flowing without interruption and the door has closed and I can’t get out now everything is clear yeah now we have to think about how to get you out of there nothing Breaks by hand here and it won’t break JJ it’s a protected

Bunker hm then we need to think oh yes I have diamond tools lying around there maybe with their help it will work and here they are now let’s try damn it I dropped the Shovel the stone is not broken with a pickaxe the boards are not Chopped with an axe either and if I hit the door with a run it looks like it won’t work either apparently the tools are not useful here of course JJ it’s a bunker you can’t break it like

That and then what to do I need to think about it precisely I still had a rocket launcher in that trunk maybe with her help you can break through this bunker hold on Mikey I’m going to save you now is it really safe of Course so taking aim and fire it seems that this option did not work Either Mikey the rocket launcher couldn’t get through it damn it h what to do well maybe then a few TNT will be able to break through these walls I’ll go get it here they are now Mikey hang in there TNT is already with me come on JJ I’m almost out of

Air so then we take TNT we put them here and we set it on fire now we run Away it seems that this bunker cannot be penetrated by a single Explosion and what is this doing here okay Mikey oh I think I fell it looks like TNT didn’t help either damn it and why did I make such a protected house wait a minute Mikey what did you make the whole ceiling out of obsidian well yes so it’s still possible

To go through the roof you just need to take a diamond pickaxe and break part of the roof exactly JJ you’re a genius it’s too early to be happy Mikey now I’ll get everything I need and come Back okay Mikey operation rescue begins first we climb onto the roof with the help of a hook now we’re rocking and jumping using an axe we part of the roof yeah it seems that Mikey didn’t forget about the safety of the roof either now we’ll have to clean up the

Thorns here as well fortunately I also took a pickaxe for this the spikes were removed now we turn to Breaking the obsidian Roof I ugly spikes continue hi Mikey how are you finally some fresh air JJ get me out of here faster now now it remains to break the last obsidian great and now with the help of this ladder I’ll get you out hurry up get in Mikey hooray I got out shoot it wasn’t

Easy Mikey never lock yourself in such a secure house again and what should we do with this house hm good question I need to think about it ha I think I have an idea 1 hour later dear viewers look at what we have made of that very House of

Mikey now it’s a huge aquarium hi Mikey have you seen it yet wow how beautiful you turned my bunker into a big aquarium it’s brilliant and how many different fish swim there ha thank you and now I think we can say goodbye for today you’re right thank you all for watching friends

Like And subscribe to the channel and also don’t forget to click on the Bell to not miss new videos [Applause] bye-bye

This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Saves POMNI From TRAIN EATER In Amazing Digital Circus In Minecraft – Maizen Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2023-12-21 10:00:05. It has garnered 2745 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:12 or 7152 seconds.

In this video, JJ and Mikey embark on an exciting adventure in the digital circus of Minecraft to save POMNI from the menacing TRAIN EATER. As they navigate through the virtual world, they encounter epic challenges and obstacles, showcasing their incredible teamwork and problem-solving skills. The thrilling and action-packed gameplay is accompanied by Maizen’s signature humor and parody style, making it a must-watch for Minecraft fans and digital circus enthusiasts alike. Join the fun and excitement as JJ and Mikey take on this epic quest in an amazing digital circus!

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen channel : @maizenofficial

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  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Insane Minecraft Cheat! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Insane Minecraft Cheat! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:25. It has garnered 159 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel ๐ŸŽฎ Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! ๐ŸŽฎ In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • Insane Drawing of Satoro Gojo in Minecraft!

    Insane Drawing of Satoro Gojo in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘drawing satoro gojo #music #song #newsong #tseries #minecraft #myfirstlog #funny #myfirstvlo’, was uploaded by Shreyan gaming on 2024-02-19 04:27:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Boring SMP – semi-vanilla SMP 1.21, vanilla mechanics, claims, shops, QOL

    Welcome to Boring SMP! A new survival multiplayer server with tweaks to enhance the vanilla game. Our Features: Land claiming to protect your house Shops powered by a diamond economy Regular community events Warp stones for easy teleportation Bucketable entities for convenience Many crafting tweaks for an enjoyable experience Join us at boringsmp.1e99.eu (Discord). Read More

  • Minecraft server armsmc.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: armsmc.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Template Mystery Spicy AF

    I guess you could say this meme is like a hidden diamond in the rough! Read More

  • KinKi Kids’ Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab?

    KinKi Kids' Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab? In KinKi-Socialist Minecraft, KinKi Kids-15 shines bright, Broadcasting news in Swedish, keeping it tight. With Channel AW by its side, the duo takes flight, Delivering updates with all their might. From Primetime quizzes to real money in sight, The channels’ logos gleam, a beacon of light. But when it’s time to close, the vignettes take flight, Based on Japanese YouTubers, a comedic delight. Failures and mishaps, a humorous sight, Different variations, each one just right. Weekdays, weekends, and holidays in sight, KinKi Kids-15 ends the day, with rhymes so bright. Read More

  • Exposing BFF’s Secret Lair at Every Rank ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Exposing BFF's Secret Lair at Every Rank ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ When you finally find your friend’s secret base in Minecraft and they’re just standing there like “Surprise! I’ve been waiting for you to find me all along!” #plot twist #minecraftmystery Read More

  • Game-Changing Minecraft Speedrun Strategy

    Game-Changing Minecraft Speedrun Strategy Minecraft Speedrunners Revolutionize Strategies for Faster Runs When it comes to Minecraft speedrunning, every second counts. The community of dedicated speedrunners has recently made significant changes to their strategies, allowing them to complete the game at lightning speed. Let’s delve into the exciting world of Minecraft speedrunning and explore the innovative techniques that have been developed to achieve faster runs. Challenges and Evolution Speedrunning in Minecraft presents a unique set of challenges, requiring players to navigate complex landscapes, gather resources efficiently, and defeat formidable enemies. Over time, speedrunners have honed their skills and optimized their routes to overcome these… Read More

  • Sneaking into Her House in Minecraft SMP

    Sneaking into Her House in Minecraft SMP Minecraft Anokhi SMP: Survival Adventures Unfold Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft Anokhi SMP as survival instincts kick in and players navigate through challenges and surprises. In the latest installment, our adventurers find themselves in a sticky situation as they attempt to stealthily visit a fellow player’s house, only to be caught in the act! Caught in the Act As the players sneak around the virtual landscape, trying to maintain a low profile, tension mounts as they approach their target. However, their plans are foiled as they are discovered by the homeowner, leading to… Read More

  • WTF! Secret Trick for Crafting Brewing Stand Java ’24 ๐Ÿคฏ

    WTF! Secret Trick for Crafting Brewing Stand Java '24 ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Craft a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024’, was uploaded by GameGuide on 2024-09-24 07:24:25. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. How To Craft a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024. How to Craft a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024. https://youtu.be/fiizydEHmWE https://youtu.be/5MOsvRImOLM Master the art of crafting a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024 and unlock the world of potion-making! This guide will walk you through every step, from gathering essential resources to setting up your Brewing Stand for your… Read More

  • Escape the Irritator in Minecraft

    Escape the Irritator in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping The Irritator In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-04-25 12:00:21. It has garnered 1966 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Escaping The Irritator In Minecraft… Escaping this terrifying horror minecraft creature in my from the fog world is very difficult. Me and my friend try and survive the irritator in my scary modded minecraft world. Discord Server โžœ https://discord.com/invite/HnGCtUynYz Socials โžœ https://solo.to/frosty Hashtags โžœ #minecraft #minecrafthorror #wendigo #scaryminecraft #minecraftmods Video Inspired By @Vivilly These videos are Minecraft Horror videos where I try and survive a… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft Facts Revealed! Ep-42 – IRIX TECH #shortsfeed

    SECRET Minecraft Facts Revealed! Ep-42 - IRIX TECH #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘DID YOU KNOW SERIES || ep-42 || minecraft || IRIX TECH #shortsfeed #shorts’, was uploaded by IRIX Tech on 2024-04-20 13:25:42. It has garnered 11990 views and 622 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! ๐Ÿคฏ #EPIC

    Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! ๐Ÿคฏ #EPICVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build tutorial โœจ #viral #minecraft #tutorial’, was uploaded by FANUM BG on 2024-05-01 09:38:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. viral #trending #minecraft #aesthetic #trendingshorts #trend #shorts #short What are you waiting for subscribee โœจ Minecraft … Read More

  • Master the art of war in CelestialSpaceRace

    Master the art of war in CelestialSpaceRaceVideo Information This video, titled ‘War Tutorial [CelestialSpaceRace]’, was uploaded by CelestialRealm on 2024-08-05 06:07:00. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:20 or 980 seconds. Use this link to join the minecraft server and chat with me on discord: https://sites.google.com/view/celestialrealm/home Read More

  • Insane push-up challenge in Fortnite live stream! ๐Ÿ’ช

    Insane push-up challenge in Fortnite live stream! ๐Ÿ’ชVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite live!!!! Every Dono=20 push ups’, was uploaded by Eli Urlacher on 2024-06-20 11:33:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I’m a livestreamer that mainly plays Fortnite. But you may see me play other games like Roblox, Minecraft, etc. Unfortanutely … Read More

  • Insane live stream: Mario Papers vs. Minecraft night

    Insane live stream: Mario Papers vs. Minecraft nightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ahora regresamos al mario papeles | Nochecita de minecraft’, was uploaded by ImNightmare06Live on 2024-07-11 11:27:48. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:21 or 16701 seconds. Follow me on: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/imnightmare06 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImNightmare064 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@imnightmare06 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imnightmare06/ Join the discord: https://discord.gg/hk3zBkwzK9 Streams on the purple platform every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 pm Pacific Time and Saturday at 8 pm Pacific Time. #Espaรฑol #Mรฉxico #LATAM #twitch #twitchstreamer #mario64 #speedrun — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/imnightmare06 Read More

  • Unstoppable BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs GOLEMS – EPIC Showdown!

    Unstoppable BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs GOLEMS - EPIC Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs All GOLEMS in Minecraft Fight#minecraft #mobbattle #funny #horsy #24x7live’, was uploaded by Horsy on 2024-04-05 09:31:19. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:58 or 658 seconds. You have to agree i make real good content so.. Lets break Youtube Algorithms like Steveee, Alexa Real and Spectator did! Hello Guys We are going to watch, the legendary BLOOD WARDEN will Fight with the Incredible Army of All Minecraft Golems,๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿค” Wait For Big Badass Netherite Golem ๐Ÿ™‚ Lets see who wins the battle!๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคฏ Mod Link… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft MLG moments!! Subscribe now ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Insane Minecraft MLG moments!! Subscribe now ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MLG, please Subscribe my channel,#Aryan_bishnoi029 #song #bollywood #love #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by A_Bishnoi_Gaming on 2024-06-24 14:24:50. It has garnered 36 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More