Minecraft PrinceMJ Live Let’s Play

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello everybody what’s up what’s up wait a minute wait a minute you guys before we get straight into the game play wait a sec wait a sec my do do you know okay hello foxy Zer we have uh kuna we have light flamish here let’s [Music] go all right I don’t know if you guys will say the same to Minecraft Legends in the future I I don’t even know maybe let’s just see if Minecraft dungeons back then were was kind of look like was kind of look like as like Minecraft Legends now maybe it’ll change maybe your opinions guys will change feuture it’s just a guess it’s just a guess by the way okay so wait a sec be oh okay yeah yeah wait wait wait I actually got to mention my subscri or my Facebook followers before we start okay the music is lit guys so enjoy it I hope my voice is not getting overpowered by it though yeah I I bought Minecraft Legends thank you thank you guys because I I without your help without your support I wouldn’t have bought this game shout out to my channel members too we have Simon we have R my mom and K so thank you guys and I did lower like the I did lower the ads here on this live stream so you guys will W can watch this comfortably I did lower the ads and stuff like that and yes the ads do help too so maybe you guys can become channel members or Facebook subscribers to help by the way I mean lowering the ads on YouTube by the way I don’t know how to do it on Facebook I am not yet monetized for live streaming on Facebook so please you want support me there too okay see legends was not disconnected oh okay yeah I think it’s not discontinued it’s still buyable you can still buy it okay I think I think we good now yeah we good we can start it’s going to be awesome I don’t have a controller yet uh I got to save up for a controller even if it’s just a cheap one I want to play with a controller okay I want to play with a controller hard I would want that I would want that let’s see I hope this actually looks great yeah there you go what’s up guys what’s up okay let’s turn off the music actually let’s get straight into the game play get straight into the game play turn off the music turn it off there you go it’s going to be an immersive experience I hope it is I hope it becomes an immersive experience for you guys okay let me see if I can see all the comments I don’t want to let or the chats yo thank you for being followers on Facebook thank you guys new followers um yeah let’s just get straight into it so it says Minecraft dungeons press any button oh oh the music is a little bit loud I hope my voice is not getting overpowered by it oh oh dude it’s wanted me to sign in oh no this is private information this private information guys oh no BRB BRB dude BRB wait a second okay it’s wanted me to sign in whoa oh I should have signed in earlier okay wait a sec it might need a code I’m looking at my phone it might need a code wait wait wait don’t hack me guys don’t please don’t no don’t hack please please wait a second let me put in the code guys let me put in the code there you go I put in the code like a boss okay like a wait a sec verify please yay yo R yeah well I don’t know maybe I won’t VC because like I want this to be like a playable type of thing where you guys can watch watch it at your own free time or something like that I don’t I don’t know maybe I’m not sure if I want to VC yet probably VC bro there’s Tech there’s like the read the text reader thing no bro remove the screen narrator or something like that why you still speaking bro this dude is speaking okay wait a sec let me show you guys there are more accessibility options available once you reach the main talking the dud the below can be changed later Shake space for back press enter for continue I said turn it value changed screen narration value changed why is this dude still there you go finally need to go to the next screen okay I’ll VC I’ll VC I’ll VC okay but you guys need to be quiet I want this to be a chill stream I don’t want it to be like super loud where people are screaming and all that let’s go wait wait wait now I’ll probably go to the staff voice Channel instead okay guys yeah this is going to be just for The Mod Squad are the only ones that are able to talk here on on this like VC okay guys let’s straight let’s get straight into the game play says adjust the brightness okay icon should not be visible icon should be barely visible okay like this there you go guys we’re playing Minecraft dungeons without no controller I don’t okay the music oh no I don’t want to skip oh no I don’t want to skip there you go I thought I almost ski my skin an iller wanders the land seeking a new home yo it’s an iller baby baby yo I don’t think I can hear the people in the VC because I have this the volume of the game at Mach to whatever end okay I can’t VC guys I can’t VC I can’t VC wait a sec there go I can’t because I won’t be able to hear it hear you guys properly I me okay I apologize I apologize guys just chat here on YouTube or Facebook it will be appreciated anyway of dominance yo what is this it says low FPS for me but it’s it’s smooth what is happening to you Facebook yo what was that corrupted wait he became evil look at his face the Archer made all bow where is the Archer oh this the Archer Simon was talking about back then they would fall bro look at this iller bro a crazy iller with this Golem you remember like the T the Golems add on dungeons Golems add on Dex and Dad and Dex that Minecraft made back then the Valor the purity of heart dude those Iron Golems were dead re of Terror you guys are immersed I don’t see anyone chatting are you guys really watching me not that one okay that dude wasn’t brave enough but maybe okay me where am I oh that’s me that’s me oh let’s go okay guys I think the volume is a little bit loud just tell me if it’s too loud if you guys can’t hear me anymore I’m trying to optimize okay let’s go we’re here Cloud save now available okay we are pleased to announce the launch of the cloud feature upload and download options have been added to your hero settings men you to access these options to play with your hero on different devices please ensure you’re signed into your Microsoft account okay I I wish you can import your own skin here like your like your own Minecraft skin guys but it can be Alex though there you go maybe the I don’t know let’s try and see what’s like the closest to my character guys n we need the DLC stuff I haven’t I haven’t bought that so like yeah yeah yeah what should I get this dude seems close enough I’m not black though oh probably this guy oh yeah but I’m not blonde though I’m not blonde so I’m trying to bro I’m trying to make this thing personal okay probably this dude can work okay Prince MJ that’s a bad username that’s a bad username is oh man I don’t know what’s up I don’t see anyone chatting anyone here anyone here anybody here what I don’t see anyone I don’t know if people are here guys I don’t know I’m not that used to people not chatting but I hope the chat is good it’s not disabled and all that stuff oh let’s go chewy yeah we’re going to play this now hero settings connect to I I can’t because I don’t have a controller yet play online I don’t want to play online I want to play I want to play the campaign or something like that okay it says traveling to squid Coast wait what is this season 3 I want to go back to season 1 or something like that like to the first part say squid Co okay oh yeah I think this is this is the work of the evil Arch yeah let’s go this is the first thing oh I can’t risk because I can’t hear hear you guys properly because I have the I have the game music so loud on my part not that loud but like to the point I can’t hear you guys need of you yeah so I can’t really you guys should use your moderator powers and stay on the this on like the YouTube live chat so that’ll be cool that’ll be cool so go to the Village go to the Village I’ll Pro yeah I’ll probably be VC later on the Discord server so stay tuned guys VC voice calling move around try to move around a bit stretch your legs oh you press your left Mouse button okay now you do you do W SD how do you do that follow the navigation marker to reach a current objective okay that’s the OB objective let’s go okay wait a minute oh yo yo yo zombie oh I slapped the zombie like that bro I slapped it with a sword actually so it’s actually going to hurt okay look at our health bar here it’s so different to Minecraft man my PC can handle this let’s go y I don’t know what’s up with my Facebook stream it seems like my Facebook stream is uh tweaking it be tweaking guys it’s tweaking it’s tweaking I think let me see let me see my my OBS it’s smooth what’s up with my what’s up with my Facebook though it’s like tweaking a little bit nah man I don’t want to stop my f oh dude I stopped it I stopped it oh dude what happened to my okay wait a sec wait a sec guys okay I’ll be I’ll be right back I’ll fix this stream on Facebook what the FB what the heck FB what’s up with you bro okay be right back guys be right back I don’t know what’s up with FB [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay dudes I’m back I’m back I apologies it was just like Facebook was glitching a little bit earlier so I’m back I’m back just had to start it up again on Facebook no it was nothing drastic so wait a second oh okay no I don’t know that much about Minecraft dungeons yet but welcome maach I can’t pronounce your name though sorry Mysterio I can pronounce Mysterio it’s just my first time playing so I hope you enjoy your stay so let’s get started right now let’s get started let’s go back to the game I did pass the music right yeah oh John okay cool cool cool cool John so let’s get started again it’s so weird you don’t use WD or you use your mouse button I don’t have a controller yet I’ll be getting a controller soon so yeah I’m just trying to get used to it man the PC can handle it I remember back then I was just using a dual cord processor I appreciate you guys thank you so much for the support guys it means oh no why did I get hit please don’t don’t act like this don’t act recklessly character yeah thank God too so here’s the objective what there’s a barricaded thing okay we don’t go there here we have shoot the skeleton guard or oh oh here’s where you use bows okay you have oh what you can get oh that’s a lot of arrows you can c80 wow use your Bow Shoot the skeleton arrows are limited so spend them wisely so you right click oh you don’t get like an like a zoom out thing but you just aim to where they at okay I thought it zooms out your screen okay I was like Curious bro oh no another zombie use this charge it up like this is that the only thing I don’t know if you can charge it more much more longer and then it’ll can it’ll deal more damage wait can I knock on the door open the door oh you can’t can’t you can’t get in the door can’t get in the door guys is my voice too loud or is it good in oh no what I don’t know if my voice is too low or louder than the game I’m not sure if the game is like overpowering it I hope my voice is not that slow I hope we can regen this I only have 80 now 80 Health points no oh dude this skeleton it knows how to how to retreat when I’m near okay that’s so cool cool AI there okay defeat the Invaders cly for Heroes okay boom get out of here Vindicator Johnny there you go secure the inner gate okay cool cool we have a chest oh let’s go open it rad yes I got me some regen abilities let’s go 94 90 okay nice full health again what if you go near the fire do you get burned I’m not sure if you get burned okay here’s the objective area again do I shoot people oh that’s a villager so this was the village that was destroyed earlier from the intro okay we’re trying to redeem it or something like now don’t actually don’t actually say did a good job for for every DLC games I don’t I don’t know I wasn’t really saying anything though tip on each map there are secrets for them for some bonus Treasures okay thank you John thank you yeah this is my first time playing okay look for the secret this is King villager where’s the arch iller oh no oh no Arch illager oh I hit him bro survive the Ambush oh oh got him oh you can’t get me bro ooh that was a Critical Strike there oh no two two boys oh oh oh I aim poorly with that second shot with that second shot I aim poorly okay enchantment Point earned enchanting every level up gives you an enchantment point which are used to upgrade items open the inventory to try it out how do you open it you press this one oh okay here you go enchant gear select an iton you want to enchant I want to enchant my b or My Sword I mean I like the sword select enchant me you can choose from randomized enchantment from for every item select one now okay we have prospector paint cycle what’s the good one to choose guys yo Amar thank you yeah dude this is going to be a a lengthy game playay it’s this going to be for one hour but it’s still somewhat lengthy gameplay of Minecraft dungeons guys for everyone for for my subscribers that cannot play it okay I know some of you guys have phones only so I don’t think you have Minecraft D on a phone so this got this is for you guys this is for you guys thank you Mom for sharing my live stream on Facebook let’s go paint cycle okay thank you John thank you paint cycle it says attacking drains your life to Grant one stack of pain cycle five Stacks your pain is channeled into your next attack okay is that good what what’s up what’s the prospector enemies you defeat have a higher chance to dropping Emerald that’s kind of like looting but is this much better attacking drains your life to Grant one stack of pain cycle at five Stacks your pain sh your next attack oh I see Max Stacks does triple damage oh yeah I think that’s what for better I like being a glass cannon in some games in in games guys okay so I it drains my life but next attack will do more damage I think so wait what again let me read it again let me read the enchant the enchantment so it says so at five Stacks you deal more damage okay and for the fifth attack I think for the sixth attack you do more damage right yeah open this open this you choose actually okay okay yeah I already chose sprain cycle seems like a cool enchantment at least I got emeralds there where do you use where do you spend your emeralds okay I’m not sure why you okay maybe I should have I should have Enchanted my bow what how do you get this what I don’t have an ender pearl I have a map though I have this I don’t even know what this is this jump I think or Dash what you can Dash here oh this is oh let’s go I learned the dash guys 20 emeralds right here let’s go hi check let’s go let’s go check we’re playing Minecraft dungeons I don’t have a controller this should be amazing if I have a control if the vindicators can throw their axe man that’s that’s going to be that’s going to be amazing that’s going to be more intimidating maybe in like later sections of this game maybe they will do that yo look at my paint cycle ability it’s like like making me have like this Shadow this is so cool does it wear out or do I really need to attack oh wait yeah it’s draining my life I can see it it’s draining my life to rescue the villagers but don’t fret they’re still out there somewhere waiting for a hero find them they bro was that the secret you were talking about jump I should have probably stayed more okay I should have stayed more at at this section of the game because like I think I would have rescued the villagers okay check stay safe stay safe later in the game there’s some villagers to trade okay cool cool okay uh here we have there we go some statistics level complete AP what does AP mean and is it a watch I don’t know attack power okay Emerald chest or Emerald chest Ender chest or something like that fishing rod The Trusted companion of any true Adventurer the fishing rod is useful more than just for more than just switching okay new feature raid captains be careful here raid captains have been spotted in the area and could show up in any Mission you have already completed the raid captains have a bounty on their heads take them out to receive additional rewards okayy ra Captain oh yo Adventure Hub oh let’s go I could level up to unlock to get this B 1,500 yo I would love that okay here you go we have the storage chest right here storage chest okay I could probably okay I don’t know if I should put this on in the storage chest or these in the storage chest we can select missions and stuff like that okay how about this Hub area oh you can practice your attack oh there you go five oh oh look at the damage I doubt there so you need to chain your attacks and if you don’t your life will just drain drastically I think yeah let’s see if if I attack right now right if I attack and I don’t look at that it’s draining I think Oh I thought it would be draining okay like this oh only if I attack or something that okay only if I attack it drains it who this is kind of lethal look at that look at my HP okay firework arrow is very useful actually I’m level 23 and I still use it okay firework Arrow cool cool how do you even use it here so do I I don’t know I have Arrow where are my arrows stored wait a sec okay I’m not sure I have Cosmetics yo why do I have a cape this is so cool participated in the festival Frost 2022 event what CH and try the iology cape on for I don’t even know how I got this it may not protect you from falling ice chunks but it does look pretty cool okay that’s cool we have a baby pig right here and I equipped it too what these are items that I do not know where I’ve got it from where did I get those from put it on artifacts okay artifacts artifacts artifacts okay this in artifacts oh there you go okay thanks John then we have I put this in there bro I think we need armor there on top I think okay any more stuff any any more things we could check out in this area this is like the Hub area look at this we have this gate right here seems very sus okay what’s this health potion thing how do I pre okay you press I for the inventory okay what is this does this thing regenerate this health pot thing or health potion thing oh yeah it does look at that it does regen okay cool cool cool okay this me getting uh the hang of the controls yo is this an area where there’s a secret this is so sus at least I have my pig here I have my Reuben guys I have my Ruben go what okay okay I already read that I thought you chatted again dudes look at that paint cycle status effect looks so cool we have these berries right here I’m glad they don’t hit you or uh damage you water I don’t know if you need that here what is this it made out of bronch okay no it’s not it’s like made out of like lck or planks what is this area does this take you automatically to a mission oh what the tower okay I don’t think this is part of the l so I don’t think yeah we not we’ll not progress with that yet let’s do Mission select do Mission select and start a new Mission so we have squid Coast we have now creeper Woods say normal difficulty gear and artifact power one to eight my power is one yet uh right now okay we need to improve that in the future what is this oh you can like choose what difficulty you want okay that’s cool gear drops unnown here you can see the rewards very cool so you can grind certain maps to get whatever you want okay cool cool creeper Woods oh yo is the game lagging why is it like okay there you go I think it was lagging n bro don’t lag don’t lag is the stream laggy or no guys Facebook it seems like it’s laggy for some reason decree yeah Facebook I think it’s lagging for some reason yeah I don’t know I don’t want to deal with that anymore I just want I just want to play caravaning villager prisoners to labor in far off land land find the Caravan and stop the illes or there’s no telling Doom will Beall our villager friends what’s up Le thank you so much okay we’re going to play now we’re going to play it says okay wait let me actually see let’s see let’s see free the Villager okay let’s free the Villager okay where do I go the py yay okay wait a check I have chest no bro okay okay here no secrets like John said there’s secrets and stuff like that okay so I actually can’t VC because my headphone is mute on audio oh okay yeah I can’t really VC too right now later I I can though so yeah I want to VC with you guys okay later later I I am like guys I think videos and live streams will be more chill now because I am actually studying for like an exam an assessment thing that we have to attend to on Saturday Philippine Standard Time by the way it’s like June 1 okay it’s like 5:30 Philippines Standard Time for 5 I should be at school to get picked up by the service oh yep that life or that pain attack that pain cycle thing yeah I need to keep that in mind I don’t want to die because of that any secrets wow this is so Eerie look at this area this is so weird so this is so weird so you you need to add the others what others okay I don’t know no yeah you should add the others dude you should add it’s common sense because so people will know who are those others you know wink wink wink anyway let’s get battling oh no no what the I did not let the what happened there I said go here but like my character wanted to go my character wanted to like attack bro what happened okay okay let’s get let’s get let’s get it these dudes man these dudes okay oh oh got him I was attacking while my back was like that oh the game lagged a little bit oh man what was that potion oh an invisibility potion okay that’s cool I think oh what a shadow form what the what is the shadow form what does this do okay cool shadow form done wow that is so cool the shadow form regen health or something I don’t know okay but yeah the reason I wanted to play this game is because I wanted to deal with the things happening in my life in a positive way so I wanted to try something new this would have been much more better if I had a controller but I’m playing with a mouse it seems like it’s still good I enjoy playing with The Mouse and the keyboard is not really that bad but using a controller I think will no I ate pork in the game no okay I don’t eat pork in real life guys it’s in the Bible so don’t take that out of context or something like that I don’t need come on let’s go boom boom imagine why do what these dudes drop pork chop they should drop rotten flesh right not pork chop you guys are weird oh wait I can rescue villagers let go villager get out of get out of this area you need to don’t don’t okay I thought he was just going to continue dancing bro if you’re stuck in a large hord of mobs press one shoot the firework uh at the hord okay thank you thank you John dude that was crazy I didn’t want my character to attack but it attacked for some reason it wanted to attack and I can actually Dash so I should have dashed yo you can actually enter the or you can dive into the water yo does it damage you wait Secrets secretto wait any secrets wait a minute no we need the secret we need the secrets okay dude where are the secrets my boy game my boy is there any energy type of thing in this game like Mana okay only cool Downs I thought you would have like Mana when you dash and stuff like that okay there you go get here up in I’m just looking for the secrets I want them Secrets guys want to play this game fully like I’m not recording or streaming this is streaming yeah wanted to play it like I’m playing it all by myself but you know that mean come on hey wait I’m like at the start again any secrets there this looks like a good wait this looks Su is this like an area we’ve already traveled to okay I’m not sure I’m not sure wait VB apologies apologies okay I’m back I’m back there there you go your boy your princess back let’s go oh man okay oh my hair is good guys oh yo we have EST yeah we playing some Minecraft dungeons EST finally let’s go to the objective I don’t think we have any secrets here now no I’m good I just did something off cam that’s why I said BRB but yeah we good now we get we playing the game come on I I already freed one villager any more villagers wait did I hear somebody say something whoa there was like that was like a muffled voice for some reason that I heard that was weird bro that’s Eerie that’s so weird that’s scar that’s some butat scary but I ain’t scared okay come on does the game end here oh no it does it doesn’t I thought it does I was like scared to go in I said like well I wanted this game to I wanted this game to last yo a she yes boys oh wait no is this secret is this secret we have other mobs in here is this secret oh why did you hit me you are not supposed to touch me no bro you have like a knife too There You Go slash you like a boss bro you ain’t touching me ain’t touching me okay wait a sec let’s go like right here nah where’s the secret you guys scammed me for some reason okay wait wait let me go up here is this just like an alternative groute no we have this thing right here what the heck is this oh oh no bro we have the armor of the oh sorry I clapped I hope that isn’t too harsh for your ears guys but we have the armor right now oh dude I was clicking I was clicking the YouTube Studio thing sorry guys yo Dark Storm yo a strength potion snap you okay wait a sec I need my health back okay there you go there you go dude m m M yes I’m stronger than ever okay wait I thought there was an enemy there I was like so I was so like my my character was power tripping for a sec okay what was the other place we were going to go to I want to check that I want a backtrack for some reason I don’t know if it leads to the same place that we need to go to oh Apple wow thank you okay T storm what’s up nice it’s Minecraft Legends I think no no I don’t think Minecraft dungeons continued we just don’t have any updates I think it’s not discontinued right still a fun game though I don’t think it should be discontinued I want to try Minecraft Legends guys No Cap okay right here what is this place since this is a Minecraft Channel why not try all the Minecraft games if you guys don’t want to try it right why not try it all man yeah Minecraft Legends is next on the list Minecraft Legends guys I don’t know if you guys will get triggered by that but anyway wait for some reason is this the same place that we were back then we have creepers now I’m unsure spiders spiders man should I okay I don’t know at least I got the armor let me let me equip it actually so armor right there fishing rod I know oh you get you put it on the artifact so P’s the closest mob in en range to your position briefly stunting the enemy to trust your companion yeah yeah okay wait wait how do I use it oh I pressed two oh thank you John so that’s how you activate them okay so that’s how you activate artifact so I can pull this dude okay wello that ain’t the right way to use it there you go what why is there oh the spider tried to attack I thought that was like for my fishing rod that was an ability yay let’s go more oh oh this is a bad dude oh I used the firework n but oh wait can I okay wait I can’t unequip the firework oh no my firework is at hand right now I got to use it properly and wisely how do I disable it John Doe what okay I can use it right now boom Oh it regenerates so it doesn’t really matter if you don’t deselect it but I think it would be cool if you can deselect it though no don’t hit me don’t hit me so don’t touch me we had thanks Amar for the support keep on watching thank you and like eating the the popcorn okay don’t eat too much though be healthy guys be healthy but anyway get some bread up in here get some regeneration yo what enemies inside the water or something well that would be cool can you climb the Falls like in Minecraft you know what I mean no you can’t this is this is not regular Minecraft this is Minecraft dungeons okay you uh thank you thank you Omar yeah that’s why I’m doing this like game play of Minecraft dungeons I want to try something different I want to deal with my current situation in a positive way I don’t want to get stressed and all that I can’t watch the live now because I have a lot of test coming next week so I need to study now yeah me too darkstorm yeah thank you you can watch this at your own free time dude that’s why I’m trying to make it like it’s like a a recorded video or something like that I’m trying to make it like that any secrets so that’s why I can’t really VC to that’s one reason okay so yeah have have a I hope you pass that test park storm those test I mean okay I think we’re good at this part I don’t see any way for us to go to apart from this place right here this like weird Bridge not really weird it looks like normal but uh I don’t know we have a like a zombie zombie dude there an armored zombie too man an armored zombie let me actually use it o I used that thing to the foolish bow I used the the firework thing I forgot what’s the name again it’s the firework no get out there you go nice shadow oh Shadow forb let’s go you don’t see me oh you don’t see me okay now he see they see me I thought it just like has like a cool down for some reason when you defeat some sort of enemy just removes it so why do my chest have the pink thing can I oh I can use the enchants Okay cool so I can enchant my armor okay I can Beast boss bag of souls what are these increase the maximum number Souls that can be carried your pet deals more damage what’s the best enchantment I could do now John if you can give me some tips okay I’ll be waiting for you before I can use those points those those enchantment points okay let’s see any air any more stuff we could check out the four Minecraft ripoffs what are those what are those ripoffs dude how could this be a ripoff if it was made by Mojang Xbox game studios and I forgot the other D the other guys who made it it would be cool if we can use WD can you can you change the controls oh I want I want the controls to be like that I’m not sure how you change it I don’t want to make this thing an INT like a stream that’s boring want to get into the game playay immediately so that’s one secret got emeralds Secrets inside of these Waters okay I don’t think wait that D damages you I thought that damages you bro that was weird okay right here any secrets no okay what is this this like a this is like a dock I always wanted MC dungeons when I was a kid yeah that’s why I’m I’m doing this live stream for the people or future live streams like this one for the people that can’t play it because some of you guys just have phones okay come on let’s go oh no no no let me use the the firework thingy boom get out get over here ooh I stunned that enemy get over here ooh what I have a TNT I couldn’t throw I can throw this TNT oh this is crazy yeah let’s go I can throw this TNT guys where should I throw it I should throw it later with my right click with my right click though oh emeralds more emeralds oh let’s go boom don’t mess with me I have a TNT oh I I wasted it bro I thought I had like the bow I don’t know how to switch between the TNT the bow or like the fireworks okay any more she oh more emeralds guys we’re getting them emeralds we’re getting paid uh this is the normal way this is like the default one I don’t I I haven’t bought the DLCs yet so yeah also thanks to my parents for letting me buy this okay go come on like right here any more enemies and stuff like that what you can actually step on these and they actually glow W that’s so cool oh is this some sort of safe area area I’m not sure like you know Resident Evil oh dude this like the normal campaign or something like that Amar you can enter these oh you can it’s just lighting I thought you can that would have been cool that would have been cool guys okay any more stuff that we can travel to now we just need to find that Caravan come on Caravan oh dude these spoter the spoter are in oh man no no die die they died guys they died no ah I don’t want to eat pork guys n dude why but why does my character love the pork dude no oh they attacking me please no no there you go come on destroy you guys get over here get bow and arrow action do like the webs damage me I’m not sure if it does oh yeah I I hope the stream isn’t laggy am Amar it’s not laggy right your your stream is not laggy I mean My Stream is not laggy for you I mean got to speak right by the way so I hope it isn’t Facebook is just this uh it’s just uh being funny for some reason I don’t know why it’s like that since it’s laggy man I don’t want to deal with this man I don’t want to deal with Satan or with the evil one I don’t want that let me get my emeralds though that’s something I want them shinies okay so yeah I hope Amar the stream is not laggy he’s just watching with his popcorn enjoy your popcorn dude enjoy it I’m glad you guys have popcorn at your house and stuff like that yo what no I don’t want to kill the piggy oh man thank you piggy for The Sword and the swiftness potion pork again N I ain’t eating that okay come on let’s go the dude just gave me a a new shiny sword well not really wait yes it is it’s actually an iron sword wait I also have a a regular iron sword but this one deals 14 to 23 damage and this one has that enchantment the pain cycle no you can’t transfer it for some reason wait what fire aspect yo I I just used fire aspect dude I love fire aspect so I got to use that okay should have used it for my armor but like I don’t know man let’s just learn as we go learn as we go oh wait Vindicator Johnny free the Villager don’t dance around we have couch I would love cou come on we didn’t drop any meat though that’s so sad okay wait hit you fire aspect right oh the damage the damage was so huge bro that was huge okay come on let me let me travel more of this area okay right here do I destroy the boxes no you don’t you just step on it for some weird reason what is this is this like some sort of thing for the carnival or something like that like the Caravan said so this is where they not Carnival but what am I thinking about this ain’t no circus I think this is where they Camp they camp at this weird location bro oh you ain’t going near me oh fire aspect oh [ __ ] give me some mutton okay come on take them V okay get the firework or the arrow bundle we the more villagers we have more villagers oh no no no no no no no oh no no no no no no no no man this is going to this is getting intense probably you need to double tap on the right of your phone screen or something like that or probably let’s say press the left Arrow or not left the right arrow key on your keyboard let me get more of them emeralds in the chest too let’s go Shadow form again let’s get it we got to keep our eyes sharp so we can get all the rewards okay the drops okay dudes Shadow form just lasts for seconds okay I don’t I don’t think it’s somewhat like a thing where you trigger it or something like that to stop okay we see the other Caravan there but I’m trying to find some Secrets wait is this the entrance I think this was the entrance right yeah this was the entrance we just circled it I I think wait did we I’m not sure I think we just did let’s feed that other villager that fifth villager bro oh do I get any XP or something like that from doing that oh yeah I get like uh yellow things I don’t know what are those but I do get like a yellow thing and stuff like that they doop they do drop that St you oh no it still hit me though a the supplies Arrow bundle I ate again that’s cool n get out of here Vindicator what is this what are those it went hidden for some reason swiftness potion oh these are weird plants these are not in Minecraft wait what I heard a gate open yo what the what was that okay let me see any more stuff here any more cool stuff okay no no no you see that was weird it’s it opened something okay wait a sec okay let’s go there actually let’s go there man Facebook be acting funny I hope after the live stream it doesn’t really lag anymore I think it’s just something like that after the live stream has ended but on YouTube though it’s smooth it’s just weird I don’t know what’s up with Facebook okay oh no I just selected did that how do I select the arrows I don’t want this okay let me enter this place can I enter this can I step on it go down it you can’t what why did this open up this has some sort of use I think it won’t open up for no reason right it won’t what is this can you fall down here okay you don’t that’s just weird that was weird but yeah we have one almost 150 emeralds let’s get more free this villager I don’t know if there will be another Ambush just get out of here dude how do I TP you TP the Villager there you go okay nice kind of like Naruto or something that you know okay let’s go creeper Let’s Go destroy them destroy them creepers why are there so many creepers now how do the creepers attack actually I want to see it I want to see it but like I don’t want want to lose progress well maybe we’ll see it in the future okay I don’t want to die on purpose what is this this so I want to go in but you can’t but you can’t it’s so it’s so cool like I don’t think the I think the villagers can defend themselves they’re like Ninjas for some reason because they they like they like disappear in like a puff of smoke I think they can just like defend themselves or probably they were fighting and they got captured so maybe that’s why we need they need our help there’s only three people here yeah probably once this live stream becomes a video there will be more people watching what this is weird is this some sort of ritual no why do you have armor for some reason mobs here have armor now you don’t see that in regular Minecraft no I’m immune to that bro fire aspect I have fire aspect too which is nice how do you transfer like the Enchantment of another weapon to the other weapon so like I have this one can I transfer it I can’t I can salvage I don’t know if I Salvage yeah there you go wait I get the other point back okay that’s so cool so I can now wait oh so we can’t really do two enchantments in this one slot okay cool cool at least I can actually upgrade my bow or something like that so burst B string shoots nearby mobs when you roll casting one hour per roll projectiles deal 40 % of charge chots damage and then poison Cloud yo Gabriel okay light flame is in here yo light flame why aren you not a mod here okay I’ll add you as a mod let’s go okay has a 30% chance to summon a poison Cloud that deals damage to an enemy in okay it has it’s chances it’s Chances with this there’s no chances so like I like this more I think yeah there you go I think I’ll upgrade this one the when I roll it it like activates a bow shot ooh that’s handy that’s get over here get over here I mean okay there go oh man that would that would have been cool if I stunned it oh come on look at me I have like arrows in my on my face okay Bobby is in here let’s go I want to use it on more tougher enemies like the fishing rod I think it’ll be much more better so they get stunned okay I don’t want to be stupid with my attacks graveyard bro this is a graveyard yo what this is a new area why is the music becoming more epic for some reason wait did we just circle around I think we just circled around okay Gabriel the warrior oh man dude we can’t just do Roblox live streams every day dude this is a Minecraft Channel I’ll be doing the Roblox live streams in the next channel in the other channel I mean so stay tuned guys stay tuned this is just Minecraft for now Saturday H here on this channel it can probably be the prince MJ smpp yep okay let’s I don’t know if I already covered the area I want to see more secrets don’t chase me why is this dude chasing me dude this is so angry this dude is so angry I mean he’s so fast nah there you go I got him I got him to Halt himself yeah I have two different channels I’ll expose them in the future for now I’m setting them up wa this is an area that I did not know about maybe we should go here no don’t shoot cobwebs at me or or uh webs how do you get the mod thing oh well um you get that by participating in my community night flame is actually a model my Discord so why not make her a mod also here on YouTube to help out so like the people that are mods here that have the wrenches no I don’t eat pork in real life guys I have to say that okay are also a moderator or a staff I mean on Discord they manage stuff on my Discord server so yeah to make it more simpler wait is this just a camping area where are the where are like my emeralds at where are my emeralds at what is this this is it’s a very plain area look at it it’s like empty land I got to buy that I don’t know how do I make you a mod oh yeah I don’t know how other mods can make other people mods I think you just press on or like tap on their I think you just tap on their names on the live chat but don’t make people mods randomly okay you got to vet them you got to examine them you just don’t want to make mods because you want to make them mods or they want to be mods I also examine the mods the staff okay and do polls too we’ll be picking new mods yeah yeah true Bobby but now let’s keep it chill okay I think I’ve covered this [Music] area to the point where I think we’ve already yeah okay I think we’ve already explored it I’m not sure if I’m not sure if I missed anything guz I was looking at the chat and like also playing dude chill okay feel great bro the the people that are moderators right now on my YouTube channel also had been patient have been patient I mean so yeah they weren’t angry too so I appreciate them for that oh emeralds let’s go sup oh yo omore let’s go let’s go yay we have creepers again but I don’t know why I’m saying yay what you get an axe let’s go leviath and axe waa that creeper was aggressive I can just burst through them because I have uh super Tough Armor but look at me look at me I have arrows on my face wait so we’ve bed all the villagers now we just need to escape I have three 339 arrows which is very cool yeah Bobby let’s go yeah we got to wait we got to wait well you guys got to wait if you guys want to become mods and stuff like that these villagers are free from the of the ill Miss ended all thanks to you Mission ending yeah probably in the future that won’t be so enjoy it guys enjoy it traveling to camp Camp wait what like the default Hub area is Camp wow AP let’s go my attack power nice nice level three and Ender Chest type of thing I don’t even know what this chest is called boots of swiftness boots bless with enchantments to allow for Swift movements useful in certain times such as these nice we now have a swiftness boots go how do you equip it oh you equip it in the artifact I thought okay wait axe it deals less damage than my sword but he can do Spin Attack move okay I thought Minecraft axes deal more damage in Java at least okay favored weapon effective weapon favored by the vindicators of the arch ERS Army oh co cool let’s try it actually but we’re not going to enchant it yet but for some reason I think can it does have more enchantments to pick I think I’m not sure let’s go so an axe how do I wait how do I attack with an axe I think I need this dummy to help me come on dummy yeah probably probably G brel Bobby is right there okay come on so you can do a spin attack how do you oh wait so that’s a Spin Attack there you go okay that’s cool so like when you’re surrounded by like a swarm of like enemies that’ll be cool but yeah I’ll just save it there for later but this is such a cool weapon that I have now now I have fire aspect this wasn’t like that a selectable thing on my other sword which I already salvaged it’s nice that we have this fire aspect thing wait you can’t enter this way oh yo you can actually enter it who’s inside this place oh wait is this my home pigs I think this is my home yo any lore wait that’s the anatomy of a creeper wait does it have TNT inside or is that heart okay can you enter the paintings it’s typical Minecraft house you know what I mean jump outside the window yo Jaden what’s up oh yo a more cool deide let’s go dside is back the D side what’s the dside Bro exit it yeah that was my home okay so this you can enter your home and by the way I don’t know maybe in the future we’ll play together but for now I’m like focusing on like the lore and like the campaign so let’s play more guys let’s play more we have Redstone mines wait what let me go stories says okay you have story which you can read okay we were at creeper woods so what’s next to creeper Woods soggy swamp or something like that or or like I don’t know what you choose first you have missions and stuff like that dogy swamp probably let’s try this okay yo we have alone alone voider what’s up what’s up oh that’s cool Bobby yeah have a fun weekend guys yo some more cut scenes witches live at the heart of the sin one they conjure up all manner of Blues to empower the arch ever growing who that dude though if you don’t find and defeat those witches the illers will be unstoppable wait you can unmod that by the way Omar the swamp is home to many Horrors what are those Horrors slimes man slimes for some reason I find them cute they’re not horrific yo we have dark in here yeah what’s up Todd it’s my first time playing this game we’re just going to chill here so enjoy your stay guys I don’t know if you guys heard my burp but anyway let’s see more secrets for us to to unravel we can go uh in this like staircase thing down the staircasing wow this is so cool I love the design they did oh no why did you hit me don’t hit me you don’t have permission to hit me there you go die that was a quick that was a quick sweep of attacking mobs swiftness boots come on swiftness boots o you guys die you guys die though oh somebody throwing potions no no no get out of here oh I leveled up let’s go wow I have enchant another enchantment Point okay let’s get it I don’t want to run through the map to where I can’t see the emeralds I want to see them Emerald pots yo let’s go 10 people hey guys thank you so much for entering share the live streams guys so more people can join this is going to be lit if more people can join okay come on let’s go okay I want to keep it chill though and exciting at the same time so expect that once you guys or when you guys are entering the chat right now I’m trying to make it like a let’splay that I’m not like recording or something like that I’m trying to give it that feeling or not streaming but yeah you guys say here so I’m enjoying it so we went down here right like what’s the area yeah wait so this is I think the start right this is the start thank you Todd thank you guys thank you I appreciate you guys for subscribing and entering the live stream the live stream in the live chat so right here we have this uh up upstairs here area upstairs area I think we’ve already discovered that other part where we went down what is this lighting okay okay I don’t see any slimes though I want the slimes so I can enchant my bow my armor or something like that bag of souls I don’t even know what the souls do so I’m not going to focus on that yet okay I could I could upgrade what should I upgrade I could upgrade what should I upgrade come on bro I could use be or I can like upgrade my armor to have this enchant or this one I don’t know what to choose okay I don’t know what to choose n this probably be I Pro yeah I’ll try to make it two hours yeah let’s let’s do it yeah dude you guys got to subscribe okay you guys got to subscribe thank you guys I don’t know what happened but like yeah probably something evil is trying to stop us stop you guys from subscribing so please do subscribe that helps a lot okay bat Beast boss so my pet deals more damage maybe I’ll use I’ll do that yeah I’m glad I know that my pet deals damage so that’s cool okay that’s appreciated to know okay let’s travel this other area again where we went down I think we can find more stuff there I’m not sure where’s that place again n bro where’s that place again I think we’re back at the start oh yeah this is already that place okay cool cool cool yeah let’s try making it 2 hours long why not why not oh no no no wait wait okay change your plans change the plans no no this stream will just be for like 15 minutes now yeah because like I have to I have to like enhance my skills uh for drawing is we need to to attend like some sort of assessment on Saturday oh man so I got to the reason why I did this game play either way anyway it’s just like I wanted to try something new and I want to deal with this situation that I have now in a positive way so that’s why we’re doing this let’s play yeah I have to like pass that test okay for more simpler explanation yeah thank you guys so yeah assessment yeah true assessment I’m got to pass the assessment test so that’s why but still I’m going to be doing more Minecraft dungeons live streams because this is a Minecraft channel so why not okay so subscribe if you guys like Minecraft Minecraft dungeons any Minecraft related stuff just just make sure you guys subscribe for more is this a secret area or this is just a loop around yeah just a roundabout okay it was just a roundabout okay yeah thank you guys yeah that’s why that’s why later we will stop the live stream okay yeah but just subscribe guys subscribe so you guys don’t miss and also set all notifications you guys don’t miss the next live streams okay I think I’m back at the start right I’m back at the start it’s a start right yeah okay okay wait no no okay this is down right here yeah I’m trying to find the secrets that’s why I’m like going back and forth I know there will be Secrets can’t read all your chat guys guys yeah by the way this is not the end of the live stream yet so don’t go bye-bye okay we haven’t finished this yet I think once we finish this we’ll end it okay yeah probably probably so you go up here and then okay wait a sec go down here and then I think you go to the objective let’s see you have like some sort of door here okay you can’t enter it okay wait a sec okay wait a sec wait a sec let’s go oh no I thought my character glitch okay my energy will be drain okay dude don’t say that don’t say that EST okay have a good night Bobby have a good night guys but yeah we’re still going to finish this though we’re still going to finish this okay come on oh why did I get hit there okay come on come on let’s finish this off guys just destroy the so you destroy those like things you destroy the cauldrons okay let’s destroy the cauldrons guys destroy the cauldrons come on we’re going to destroy them get out of there because there’s TNT cool yeah this is action pack guys I love this game come on attack wait I’m not reading the chat right now so stay t uh stay tuned I’ll be reading it later though got him they even damag me too so that’s nice thy the cauldrons get some emeralds on I don’t know probably in the Philippines I don’t know so why my arrows like low now I had 336 earlier so I don’t know why my arrows are like low Supply now destroy the cauldrons again come on destroy this this dude glitching so it’s good to destroy this dude now because he’s glitching there you go strength potion which is a nice one to get okay okay then I think that’s all in this area I’m not sure it says find The Cauldron a per perilous potion I don’t know how to be that perilous I think it’s the perilous potion so where do I go where do I go now any more Secrets here I think we’ve already entered this area right right here come on wait have we ended this earlier I’m not sure okay lighting again lighting yeah we’ve already traveled this so like I don’t think it’s worth going back here okay come on want to find the secrets wait I think we should enter like the other area right like I know there’s another area where we can go to like upwards so let’s try and check that okay go on yeah there you go so I’m glad I went back because I got that Emerald pot if I didn’t went back I wouldn’t have gotten like the emeralds so my emeralds would have still been at like 100 plus that’s 200 so let’s go oh yeah so that’s the upward part so there’s also a downward part here right also just leads to the same thing okay it just Le the same thing it’s just a loop just a loop there you go yo dark what’s up open your M oh yeah cool cool oh I did not know about about that so like it shows you the stuff that where you like like you’re heading and stuff like that or where you haven’t headed yet okay so where you haven’t like okay cool cool cool so I’m looking I’m looking right now let me see how do you even scroll you can’t press W ASD and stuff like that gray any gray area so I am not I have explored everything so because there’s no gray area oh they changed it okay yeah I can’t really move around in the map menu okay let’s go find The Cauldron I think it’s yeah there you go it’s like right here I think let’s see let’s see come on press tab for mini map oh yeah there you go oh thank you Lucas okay I did not not know okay open it again I think I saw gray oh yeah there you go there you go right here okay thank you dude thank you thank you guys you guys are giving me awesome tips thank you okay Netflix adous okay sky thank you for joining okay so right here we haven’t been here I think yeah I don’t know if you can enter this what happened to my character what happened my character bro no man you can actually do you can actually do an oopsie like that okay wo that was so bad okay so what’s in here what’s in here okay more enemies that baby zombie just runs so fast look at that that dude just runs so fast get out of here there you go eat them apples I like them apples more okay what’s this some sort of area where you do ritual just’s destroy this now you can’t really destroy it any more Emerald pots and stuff like that okay EST you guys can just watch this live stream later okay once it ends you can rewind and stuff look at that you can enter this area I think I thought we’re finished oh no oh no oh no oh no how do you defeat this thing how do you defeat this thing I think I destroy this is crazy I don’t know how to defeat this boss okay okay okay come on come [Applause] on come my health my health my health my health my health TNT TNT TNT what am I doing my health my health bro we’re we’re clutch we’re clutch eat the come on come on come on yes oh that was clutch that was clutch I was pressing all the buttons I could press oh man that was clutch bro at least at least we’ve done it I don’t want to die to any creeper or something like that let me use my health regen potion that that was clutch bro I was like so it just immediately puts you with no warning it just immediately puts you into like a boss fight did it say there’s a boss fight in like the menu like this the map selection menu okay I did not know game game okay this game ain’t boring guys this game ain’t boring I like it can enter this area no bro why did my character have to do that again you can’t just like go in here okay come on right here let’s go any more interesting things we can check okay more illers vindicators okay come on get out of here whoa I thought my pig just faed over like that Cobblestone I thought I just entered it that was weird we can’t enter this area okay that’s where we came from I want to go back we have this weird area here anything we can like check inside of this area okay I’m not sure this just some area it’s an area guys so I I don’t know I know come on destroy this this zombie zombie fire aspect on you okay okay wow this is so good because like if I press M okay we haven’t been there yet so we need to go back and go there okay how do we go there though oh you go here okay cool yes this is so cool wait so this is how you actually do it wait what’s that area Okay that was the area before what has happened this come on get out okay doesn’t pass it when you go to the map to POS it when you press M or something like that okay I just want to I want to discover everything oh creepers creepers creepers stay cautious okay let’s go yo what’s up Pluto Chen okay new people here new people here yeah this is my first time playing so this is going to be chill subscribe if you guys want more guys this is a Minecraft Channel after all there will be more live streams like this one we’re just going to finish this off and then we’ll actually finish this off this game off not really we can’t finish it off in one setting okay come on any red stone or not Redstone BR I saw Redstone guys so yeah what’s up Redstone guy in the live chat I’m too I’m too focused right now on the game I want to see the secrets I want to get the emeralds and stuff like that I want it badly because they are really nice seems like I think I’m like the arch El is kind of like getting in like to my character yes getting into my character my character wants the emeralds now including me man oh it took you one day8 hours yeah I don’t know if I if I’ll do an 8 Hour live stream I can’t yet I don’t have any arrows anymore okay that’s sad I can’t yet since I’m not fulltime on YouTube go check out my channel memberships guys on YouTube click the join button that’ll be good help so I can do this full time and I can actually do eight hour live streams I could do that if I can just be full time on YouTube okay wait yes slimes finally okay is this night time now I’m not sure that’s why there were no slimes earlier because it’s like not night time not sure the goal of this game well you defeat the campaign it has a story so you defeat the arch iller because that’s the thing that was like being described earlier and like you going rewind this live stream once we finish you can watch it again fully so you would know the story because I did start from the beginning this again my first time playing that was me AFK doing random things yeah dude because you have secrets too so we just can’t really immediately go straight finishing straight into like finishing the game because we also need to check out the secrets okay so let’s check this area out some more lighting they look oh D this is tricky I don’t have any arrows now I don’t have any arrows I don’t know how you get them now you don’t I don’t have like an arrow bundle Source at least I have swiftness okay like right here oh wait I want to go here contradicting like the objective because I think there will be some sort of secret here because it’s contradicting the objective destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy man how do you counter them wites how do you counter them witches right there that’s tricky they throw stuff at you so how do you counter them properly I think you just need to use a bow do Minecraft Bedrock I don’t if you probably in the future Simon Okay destroy this villager or not villager what that was that was a skeleton how did I think of you as a villager maybe back then you were a villager so that makes sense right do Minecraft story mode next yo Decay Gamers yeah probably because I don’t I don’t have it I haven’t bought it guess I don’t have a Nintendo switch I don’t know maybe I’ll use emulators and stuff like that to buy it legally or probably Netflix I don’t know yeah Minecraft story mode though I want to play as much as I want to play it you can’t really buy it anymore okay wait I think I’ve already explored it no no we need to go right here okay I thought I explored it already wait a second wait a second let’s go here right here this area Okay n don’t glitch out player why do I hear birds and stuff like that weird Birds okay okay the grade area going to follow it the grade out area right here yes okay more zombies and stuff like that stun you okay boom got here like okay don’t have any arrows this a little bit tricky so you got to be strategic now okay so I think yeah I have discovered this area right ni still gray out okay still gray out I thought I discovered all of this it’s still gray out okay I don’t know if that’s good though I don’t know if that’s good Jesse but yeah let’s cover this area up there still man this place is huge this underground area is huge bro yo a chest let’s go they wow the map shows the chest that’s so cool you don’t even need to have an upgrade to show the to show them it just immediately shows it to you yo that creeper just exploded into pieces or did the Slime explode into the pieces I I I thought slimes that are babies can’t even hit you why does hit you now wait a glaive deals 21 to 30 oh wait this one is more lethal let’s try the glaive I think it will deal more damage let’s find a mob that we can test it on okay we go here oh he’s right there oh that’s so good it’s the long attack it’s low but it’s long you can like have a long range attack now wow wow so good okay come on emeralds pots please ah no Emeral oh the panel I don’t know what’s wrong with it though I might I might need okay we might talk about that later okay we just going to finish this just going to finish this right now man the glaive is so cool I got to upgrade it okay glaive uh artifact Synergy whenever you use an artifact your next damage or deals bonus damage or your attack next attack does more damage do more damage to Enchanted enemies I don’t know if that’s good enchantment or not I’m not sure if we have good enchantments for our glaive but I’ll use this de this deals more damage so I like it I like it okay uh I got very strong Maps icept both them can beat SCP 396 okay that’s cool Simon I’ll check that out is it in the mbnb channel on my Discord server okay come on have I okay yeah we got to go up I haven’t seen any emeralds and stuff like that I haven’t seen the oh wait what is this area Okay Okay n n okay let’s go let’s go up again and go back to the other area go back to the other area yeah thank you guys just keep on watching I can’t read all the chats because I’m kind of concentrated on the game if you guys are clueless and stuff like that don’t know what is happening rewind the stream once the stream has ended but just continue watching if you’re still like here we have this chest right I’m glad we actually I’m glad we actually see saw saw this I mean there we go we have this new weapon daggers okay oh we get achievements too that’s so cool okay daggers right here so what does it do it deals 12 to 13 damage wow okay it does have more speed when attacking so that’s nice that’s nice nice it deals more speed it deals more speed okay come on let’s go okay I’m not going to actually use that okay let’s go like right there and at the bottom right let’s go let’s defeat let’s defeat whatever bad thing is in here our bad mobs are in here seven people yeah dude we have more people up in here we got to maintain that so we got to keep this live stream very high quality no bad stuff happening I don’t know about Facebook though it’s still glitchy come on let’s go the bottom part I got to be live streaming like how the people live stream like the popular streamers you know what I mean so help me guys become YouTube channel members only $1 per month guys help me okay I’m begging you guys though okay let’s go Emerald pot right here help a boy out help a brother out guys help a prince out okay this area we have this area right there that ain’t good if we have not explored that so ah dude hope you guys can become rich in the future though okay come on maybe in the future you guys become can become a child member come on let’s travel more inside the deep dark cave I don’t even know is this a cave right yeah this is a cave but it was just the entrance was so good I thought it was like some sort of house but it’s a cave I thought it was a out I was like B and then immediately an Enderman just started attacking me I wasn’t even alerted it it didn’t even say a boss fight it just immediately started with like the last bar on top it was so I was so shocked but like I’m glad we dealt with that properly oh what why do we have the objective are you the one that I should kill oh I did a level up oh let’s go enchantment points man I want to use the GL this is such a cool weapon but I don’t know what to use or what to like whenever you use an artifact I rarely use artifacts so maybe I’ll use artifacts now just so this gets used more often okay let me use the second artifact I have which is like the fishing rod it’s going to be much more better look at that it stuns enemies and boom it does more damage right so whenever I use an artifact wait a second wait a second so whenever I use an artifact and extra damage deals bonus damage so it deals 40% extra damage now okay you can go outside but we still have more Arrow to discover why did you hit me okay that Wich done okay okay I chat for yeah they need to check CH you guys need to chat okay chat with Jesse guys chat with Jesse thank you all yeah I I hope you guys are enjoying drop a clown down below if you’re watching after the stream for the people that are watching after the stream drop a clown let’s go we have more daggers I don’t know if you can combine two weapons you already have but that’ll be cool think we can have some sort of uh blacksmith in the future I’m not sure John ain’t here anymore so maybe he can comment it hope he subscribed though come on go here no more no more emeralds okay the character and me wants more Emerald so let’s go out go out I think we’re good yeah we destroyed all the cold drinks okay oh I went outside oh let’s go okay we can still find more loot gu we’re on like another new area I love the long rage you have with this thing it’s so cool you can’t really reach like the witches that far but at least you can have more distance between you and them yeah look at that they still throw the stuff that they throw but look at that easy counter and they now have this like evocation World which I do not know what it is but it does oh wow it gives you more stuff wow okay look at that 32 plus Health 40 minus 40 artifact cool down 15 plus move speed Aura okay okay oh that’s cool you joined my Discord server dark thank you thank you dude yeah if you did join thank you so evocation robe potent magical rooms are weaved into the fabric of these robes the origins and true powers are shrouded in mystery I think this came from like uh the AR the arch eler I think this is one of his like uh clothes uh backup clothes okay there we go let’s use it I look so cool with my Cape too super slick super slick man this game is worth it okay come on wait why am I why is my character glitching why you tweaking there we go come on ooh I’m so good right now look at my character is fly man he’s fly he’s just flying through the mobs bro I don’t even see wait any gray area no no this dude is confused dude that zombie was confused okay come on you can go here very nice just a loop around just a loop around okay nothing fancy yeah I think nothing fancy let me see n yeah no emeralds and stuff like that thank you Mom for chatting on YouTube that’s my mom by the way yeah that’s my mom actually okay come on death sign right here I don’t even know why death sign I think because we have the zombies there go swiftness potion uses swiftness boots as well fly through the MS come on come on come on come on come on come on ooh O come on dude my health is not good not in good condition condition right now but like it’s good though my character is off well I don’t want to say that I’m good in real life though okay come on okay it’s not all uh right here we can it’s just another loop around I think yeah another entrance to this place that’s cool okay that’s cool yeah I don’t have is idh or idh is I don’t have thanks for telling Jesse also thanks for emailing me Jesse I did see your email it’s appreciated oh supplies finally arrows thank you I have not I now have 169 arrows I don’t have a mount it will be cool if we can have a out here this ain’t Minecraft Legends but I’m just saying got H I’m going to try Minecraft Legends I want I want to try it let’s go oh oh the dude didn’t have the chance to hit me I just immediately GLA the dude with my glaive if you guys understand okay yeah thanks just see what is this regeneration buff okay cool cool cool get out of here come on I they damaging me oh oh ah not again bro oh this evocation robe has a lot of resistance I’ve just realized it doesn’t really damage me that much when they throw these potions at me which is nice I do feel that but I am feeling minus two damage okay come on get out of here yeah just just get out of here Bros come on these witches I hate y’all come on get out of here slime you too your babies why do they damag me that’s not how Minecraft works you guys are breaking Minecraft’s Ru that’s me actually that’s me that’s me okay come on let’s go by the way that’s not my mom’s real name by the way that’s just a backup account okay my mom is female okay come on smile uh slime almost said smile instead of slime smile guys smile okay where okay I don’t want to go this area I want to go to this area right here this gr area you can’t really press at the map to go there dude I just sliced that creeper so cool animations so cool animations yo this is a secret area again come on or is that the area we went from we like and uh we where we came from I mean I’m not sure I think we came from the okay no the creeper exploded okay I did not see its exploding animation I think we came from here did we no this is a new area wow this map is huge what the this game this game is so packed bro this so so packed that’s a new area too okay is this where we came from n this is new too what the this game is so actually back bro been more than an hour too okay thanks Jesse it’s been more than an hour okay that’s I think a bonus area you can check out let should probably do that later for now I’m just going to okay creeper get down I’m just going to focus on like getting this area cleared before we doing those before doing those other areas just finish off this witch there you go just so I don’t have to deal with those uh pesky potion effects there you go what I now have a crossbow okay crossbow how much damage do do you do uh 16 time three damage range damage multiple projectiles crossbow modify to hold and fire multiple bolts it’s also have decent musical instrument yo okay so the ammo I don’t know what that means I think yeah because it does use more ammo I think that’s the reason why it reduces ammo on your like bow or something like that or on your like stats okay okay this is a boss fight what not again okay what okay the corrupted cauldron oh no a boss guys this game is so good so many boss fights not kidding not kidding buy the game buy the game you won’t I think regret it probably I hope so how do I defeat this I need a strategy destroy husks first I hope they don’t spawn frequently don’t damage me don’t damage me chicken jockey baby jockies what am I saying baby jockeys that are like or zombie jockies are babies baby chickens too so good and they I think this this corrupted cauldron has different stages too okay I can’t look at the chat now this is crazy I did not expect to be bombard bombarded by with many boss fights okay I did not expect to get bombarded by many boss fights come on how do I actually this so so many mobs bro how do I do this how do I do this oh man my house my house help yeah this was a BOS bro okay let’s do it again I hope I don’t lose any any valuable stuff by dying in this game how do I actually defeat this come on bro [Music] okay this game is tricky this game is tricky okay my health my health bro I’m glad the cool down on your skills is not really that that oh no okay now I know the strategy I need to actually use my artifacts I wasn’t using my artifacts that much I think that’s the problem yeah I think that’s the problem okay now I know the Strat now I know the Strat wait there you go come on come on my health my health my health my health my health my health my health my health my health my health my health my heal my heal my health there you go finally okay use my firecracker use my firecracker at this dude there we go okay come on come on come on come on come on come on dude this is tricky so you got to stay outside you got to stay outside the this area okay we outside man okay let’s go husks get out of here why are you guys here you guys should be in desert that doesn’t make sense that is so weird gotcha get my health regen back my potion back wait I can’t read the chat Jesse just enjoy this right now man this is epic game play okay come on get out of here t n don’t damage me don’t damage me please no I use this again there go nice nice oh got a level up that’s cool I’m just going to be outside right now I don’t want to be too okay come on let me get rid of you wow these are so so many slimes man so many pink slimes who even uh fathom right now use the CIT there It Go finally n bro eat the apple that’s what I like okay come on spr like a boss wooo speed is key as somebody said speed is key I think that person also played this game a little bit speed is key guys this also has another stage so this going to get trickier this is going to get trickier actually I don’t know if this is a good method or is this a cowardly meth yo somebody getting harassed by that chicken or something like that I don’t know what happened oh man I don’t know what happened okay run do my help what why did my character stop for a second yo my character was tweaking my character was tweaking okay boom got him yo why you attacking me why I should be faster than you d right okay n bro run I love this clo because it does reduce your like cool down with your swiftness boot boots I mean apologies it’s my grammar so I like it I like it oh I fired at it at the wrong area Okay should have fired more closer so I didn’t hit like the other things oh get out of here come [Music] on use this wisely N I didn’t use it wisely so many moms are cluttering the area I need to dodge like the things they shoot at me properly I need to learn that what’s the best area to shoot it at okay like right here like right here there you go and attack it like that okay come on come on come on E okay yeah I think our controller is going to be much more better get down going to be much more better when playing this with a controller use it yes finally come on let’s go finally guys EST yeah finally beat that cauldron hunting bow Harvesters scatter bow or crossbow why are these what are happen what is happening with these Mobs with these corpses I don’t even know okay I think that’s the end but we can still travel we still have stuff to travel to there we go like this area we have a great area there let’s do that first I heard the Villager saying well I want to travel I’ll rescue you later okay come on the Reuben not use custom en wait you can modify the Reuben here okay I don’t know if you can do that but yeah that’s cool yeah wow I need to use the artifacts are really useful I think by using a controller it will be much more ergonomic to it’s much going to be much more easier to get a hold of your artifacts because using one two 3 ain’t really that comfortable for me at least in my own opinion I don’t type like that you know Gamers have their own type I I type using like a what do you call it the touch typing thing it’s weird for me using like one two three with my index finger I need a control man even if it’s just like cheap come on okay let’s go to this area again like go right here okay wait wait let’s go up this area first oh that’s cool Jesse Yeah blck bench on your phone it’s cool yo Arrow bundles I did not see this earlier could have gotten more Arrow bundles yeah you really need to use your artifacts more I’m just like notice that what is this area why is there red here oh wait that is weird so you go to like maybe you need to go to this area first right here like right here yeah because if you can see look at that there’s like an entrance it’s like a you need to go first to this area I think that’s the entrance this is the exit okay I got you you can’t really pan around the map I wish you can hold down your left Mouse button and drag to look at the map fully and scroll wheel but you can’t okay that’s one downside I want them to do that okay right here let’s go end this area we’re actually more stronger now so we can defeat these because I did get a level up so let’s see oh wow Harvester when use Harvester releases souls and explosion Harvester siphons The Souls of the Dead Before releasing them into cluster into a cluster of hex power okay a cluster hex of power so this is another new artifact okay I don’t know if I’ll use that but we have the hunting boat deals more damage than this one so I’ll use it and then daggers better daggers but I think I’ll use my this one glaive I like the glaive more okay then we can upgrade this evocation robe I’ll upgrade my evocation robe I like it wait you can upgrade this one too this hunting bow yeah I think let’s try upgrading this I want to upgrade more of my weapons not good oh what’s not good it’s not that good dark kind of impossible kind of impossible if I if I make a block name for mini bomb to the C I don’t know about that Jesse okay cool down shot when you attack with a charge shot artifact coold Downs are decreased oh that’s so cool uh how do you do a charge shot committed deal increased damage against already wounded enemies okay and then radiant shot has a 50% chance I don’t want to deal with chances and stuff like that deal increase damage against already wounded enemies then when you attack a charge shot okay okay okay okay how about this one because it’s additional damage to wounded enemies so it’s going to be much more better right okay the stuff we can upgrade or enchant for the evocation robe is this Tumble Bee chance to summon a b when you roll that might be a good chance upgrade and then we have snowball fires a snowball at nearby enemy every few seconds wait this one is much way better I think because it can stun enemies okay that’s cool I’ll choose that when we get more uh enchantment points us be oh yeah okay Beast MJ did you oh no no M MC Netflix thing I think somebody told me about that Sky yeah I don’t know what’s that what is the biggest mob I don’t know Simon I haven’t really played this game fully this is my first time this is the first live stream on this channel too MJ uh yeah I don’t know about that MC Netflix thing but somebody told me like Sky Reaper most oh yeah most popular mom true bees I think snowball is better because it’s stuns enemies you would you would want free stun right it’s like using your fishing rod but you don’t need to use your fishing rod anymore oh what is this wait now there’s another boss fight where’s the boss going to appear oh no why why why why why why why witches get down they just keep on spawning they keep on Spa oh bro what the what the no my health my health my HP my HP help me help me help me help me help me help me oh man new location oh he just died he just died bro you can escape you can actually Escape now Escape Escape Escape Escape wait I’m regenerating what the how do you do that get out of here destroy you I won’t back down I want to destroy them W the damage they deal this is so crazy this is crazy no are you literally kidding me I have my HP upgrade or uh a potion I mean what am I saying yes finally those witches are a pain in the in the behind Okay I don’t like them what is this a beacon I just unlocked a beacon I don’t know what’s the purpose of this do I get any perks Buffs benefits I don’t know I explored everything I explored everything I thought it was executor Dragon what uh bees okay bees good for okay thank you dark good for bosses I see but it’s like chance base but I think it’s good enough if you say it okay yes that’s what MJ means margin thank you for figuring that out dude that’s see okay wait I got to read the chat a little bit Yeah Fus Sky did tell me about it but like I haven’t really looked into it that much I’ll probably just see it on Twitter let’s just see I have Twitter guys so go check my links in the description but yeah this has been fun we have like this shop I think this is a villager that you can shop with yeah look at that gift wrapper wait no can you actually shop with oh what is this thing this like a shop wait I think there’s like a gate area I’m not sure what you have a shop dude here I’m not sure does a person shop set up shop here that’s so weird can you enter no what is what is this okay like right here okay okay I think we’ve explored everything look at that we don’t want to dash in in front of like or like into the lake because I think that’s poisonous that’s why there’s like a sign there but let’s go I think this is the end I hope yes Victory finally potion Supply is no more and it will be a long time before the witches recover I hate them witches well done yes I hate them witches guys I hate them so much they throw so many potions I hate it it’s Dam it does so much damage oh man I just hate it if you roll you have a chance to get a B which will do like which will do like where you are at like 809 damage okay that’s cool yeah Victory guys look at that I dealt so much damage I got to reach rank five with the AP open this Ender Chest looking type of thing uh Soul healer the soul healer amulet is C to the touch and trembles with the power of souls wait what you can wear this what are these weird and awesome looking artifacts bro I don’t know just comment them down below once the stream ends so I can pick what I should equip onto my character but I hope you guys enjoyed this live stream SL video if you’re watching after this has uh live streamed if that makes sense so go comment down below if you guys watch this uh if you guys watch this after the live stream or if you guys are watch if you guys watched it when it was live okay so thank you so much subscribe ring that notification Bell icon send it to all or follow set all notifications to all so you guys don’t miss any video or live streams like this one right here also make sure you guys like share this live stream or video so more people can join it and so I can make more live streams and videos like this one right here become a channel member on YouTube or a Facebook subscriber you guys can check the details by going to my Facebook page or by clicking the join Channel if you guys are on YouTube it really mean a lot again that will also help a lot so I can make more live streams and videos like this one okay so let’s get actually let’s get this to like an in outro modood okay let’s get this to an outro mood okay wait a sec so I’mma move to like a different scen there you go oh that was that was good that was good okay and I think I can wait a sec can I like put let me see okay I’m not sure if I can put okay there we go I can put the bgm I can turn it on I can turn the music back on okay that’s cool okay guys this is the almost the end of the stream again do the following that I’ve said earlier thank you so much guys if you guys do become a channel member here on YouTube or Facebook subscriber there on Facebook so thank you so much and join my Discord server it’s like in the link in the description check all my links in the description and I’ll see you guys in the next live stream I hope you guys stay safe and all Praises in the most time I think I did like my outro a little bit backwards there but like uh bye-bye guys bye-bye bye-bye everyone drop the clowns guys drop the clowns oh yeah rewind the live if you guys joined late rewind the live streams guys rewind the live streams okay also by the way yeah I’m going to be taking it a little bit more chill because I do have some uh tests coming up assessment tests so that’s why like I did this because I did this live stream so I can like deal with this situation in a more positive way trying different stuff out or different things out like Minecraft dungeons so if you guys did enjoy this literally again drop the crowns let’s go Simon drop a trident a crown and another trident thing I don’t even know what is that emoji but thank you thank you Simon thank you guys oh dude thank you so much [Music] [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons Let’s Play Live (Part 1)’, was uploaded by PrinceMJ Minecraft on 2024-05-31 02:06:08. It has garnered 132 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:42 or 7062 seconds.

Let’s finish Minecraft Dungeons together live, I hope y’all enjoy! 👉 My Links: https://marjhunvincent0107.wixsite.com/princemj/linkinbio

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🎶 BGM is Lofi Chilled Beats – 12 Hours of DMCA Free and Copyright Free Music for Twitch Streamers (2021) by @TheRelaxedMovement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-_1Os7hVDw&t=14

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  • Dwarton’s Epic Minecraft Ice Lake Build!

    Dwarton's Epic Minecraft Ice Lake Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘No.70 Minecraft World Layer by Layer | a bit closer look on the ice lake glacier (seed by Jereaux)’, was uploaded by Dwarton on 2024-04-06 11:52:24. It has garnered 161 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #shorts #minecraftshorts ⛏ Minecraft for Windows (Bedrock Edition 1.20.70) 🌱World gen seed: -4288537168068407406 (by Jereaux) presented by the channel “Minecraft & Chill” in the following video: https://youtu.be/NTbhO7fr4dg?si=8_oV4MNj2tzLPeEg 🧭Coordinates: /tp @p 62 64 -48 🗺 Biome: Snowy Slopes 🕸 Programs used: Mineways – https://www.realtimerendering.com/erich/minecraft/public/mineways/downloads.html The world was generated in Minecraft Bedrock Edition… Read More

  • Insane PVP TEXTURE PACKS for Max FPS Boost!

    Insane PVP TEXTURE PACKS for Max FPS Boost!Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST MINECRAFT PVP TEXTURE PACKS! (FPS BOOST!)’, was uploaded by Irrational on 2024-06-15 11:05:14. It has garnered 90 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. DOWNLOADS – Pack 1 – https://rkns.link/vf333 Pack 2 – https://rkns.link/7d43e Tags : hive skywars,keyboard and mouse sounds,minecraft bedrock edition,sepper,sepper hive,hive skywars,keyboard and mouse sounds,minecraft bedrock edition,hive skywars,hive treasure wars,hive skywars combos,ignacio blades,ignacioblades,ignacioblades texture pack,treasure wars,bedrock edition,diecies treasure wars,diecies,diecies texture pack,ignacio blades,ignacioblades,ignacioblades texture pack,treasure wars,bedrock edition,diecies treasure wars,cranexe,cranexe pack folder,cranexe 30k pack,hive treasure wars,the hive,hive bedrock,cranexe,cranexe pack folder,cranexe 30k pack,minecraft bedrock,minecraft pvp,minecraft bedrock pvp,evident,evidently… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Betrayal: Maizen Saves TV Girl

    Shocking Minecraft Betrayal: Maizen Saves TV GirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Sad Story with TV GIRL in Village! Mikey Tru to SAVE Camera WOMAN in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-03-02 11:30:28. It has garnered 447763 views and 8460 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:35 or 3755 seconds. JJ Sad Story with TV GIRL in Village! Mikey Tru to SAVE Camera WOMAN in Minecraft! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • Xioonae reveals shocking news! Click now to find out!

    Xioonae reveals shocking news! Click now to find out!Video Information This video, titled ‘13.1.24 | xioonae | guess who just got affiliated! WOOHOOO!!!’, was uploaded by xioonae on 2024-01-18 12:44:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey, Xioon’s here ^^ I’m your daily dose of mostly chilled out streams, consisting mainly of Euro Truck Simulator 2, Minecraft and … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pig Balloon Build Tutorial!

    Insane Minecraft Pig Balloon Build Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘🎈🐷 Sky-High Fun: Ultimate Minecraft Piggy Balloon Build Tutorial! 🏗️✨’, was uploaded by VoxelVenturer Dennis on 2024-06-09 16:27:52. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:26 or 506 seconds. Join me on an adventure as we soar to new heights in Minecraft with this step-by-step guide to building the cutest piggy balloon ever! Perfect for Minecraft enthusiasts and creative builders looking to add a touch of whimsy to their world. 🌍✨ 🔨 What You’ll Learn: Crafting the perfect piggy shape with precision blocks Selecting the best materials for… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥

    INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper full 3D making video by hak3d’, was uploaded by hak3d on 2024-04-01 17:17:47. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:39 or 11139 seconds. Minecraft creeper full 3D making video by hak3d Made at Bambulab P1S Combo printer https://eu.store.bambulab.com/ You can find model here: https://makerworld.com/en/models/40153#profileId-39793 Filament type unbrand, luminous Intro music by Alex Grohl: Stomping Rock (Four Shouts) https://pixabay.com/music/rock-stomping-rock-four-shots-111444/ Read More

  • Xylo Network

    Xylo NetworkBedrock IP: Bedrock port: 25799 Java Ip: XyloSMP.wither.best Features: 1.8 combat Hacks allowed Semi-Anarchy Craftable god apples (1.8 crafting recipe) Custom enchants MC Versions 1.9.4+ xylosmp.wither.best:25751 Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online<!DOCTYPE html> HearthCraft Server Information About HearthCraft Server: HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. We bring people together in a fun and fair gaming environment. Check out our server store and have a sneak peek here! Key Features: Server never resets. World dates back to July 2019. No pay-to-win perks Regular resource world resets Live map available here Zero tolerance for hate speech Pet system Land Claiming and mcMMO Active economy with player shops, warps, auctions, etc. Marriage plugin and leaderboards /wild command for random teleport Technical Information:… Read More

  • Astral SMP

    Astral SMPServer Name: Astral SMPIP Address: astral-smp.comVersion: 1.16 – 1.20Game Mode: SurvivalDiscord: https://discord.gg/THQEuDwgkj— Why Join Astral SMP? Unique Features:Custom Plugins/Mods: Enjoy custom features that enhance your gameplay experience.Custom-built Areas: Explore beautifully crafted landscapes and structures.Events and Contests: Participate in regular events, challenges, and community contests with exciting rewards.Friendly Community:Active and Welcoming: Our community is friendly and welcoming to new players.Helpful Staff: Our moderators and admins are always ready to assist you.— In-Game Rewards Daily Login Rewards: Receive rewards just for logging in daily.Voting Rewards: Vote for our server and get rewarded with in-game items and perks.Referral Program: Invite friends and earn… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂

    Minecraft Memes - Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂I guess the meme is only worth a 14 out of 100, just like my mining skills in Minecraft! 😂 Read More

  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

    Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From pink color touches to daring escapes, Every story I tell, in rhymes it takes shape. Join me in the adventure, let’s explore together, In the world of Minecraft, where anything is possible, forever. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, And let’s journey through this pixelated delight. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme “When you’re playing Minecraft and your friend keeps stealing all your diamonds, but you still have to sing ‘You are my sunshine’ to them to keep the peace.” Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life – Episode 33

    Bandit Adventure Life - Episode 33 Bandit Adventure Life: Senior Hunters vs Chosen One In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “YOU ARE NOT READY! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 33,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Senior Hunters and the Chosen One. This Minecraft Animation marks the beginning of a new arc in the Pro Life Season 3 series. Round 2: Senior Hunters vs Chosen One The episode features a thrilling battle between the seasoned Senior Hunters and the formidable Chosen One. As the two sides clash, the stakes are high, and the action is non-stop…. Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minerales de Minecraft [Parte 2]: polvo de piedra luminosa’, was uploaded by Leant_23 on 2024-05-09 13:44:42. It has garnered 57 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Good morning students, in this #guide channel we cover all types of games in an easy and simple way for all of you, mainly games like Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew valley, among many more that will come in the future, if you want to support the project, You can subscribe, like the videos or comment on something. #minecraftshorts #minebuildersa #leant #pandarojo #junimo… Read More

  • Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New Episode

    Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New EpisodeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MUST Place Down HQ ASAP | MINECRAFT | EPISODE: 46 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-05-28 23:51:00. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:47 or 15527 seconds. Been looking for a while, but I must place down in my new location asap. Will be searching for a location with surface and underground structures and close to a Lush Cave. Read More

  • 🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!

    🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Dream 🤣 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshort’, was uploaded by KnL Shorts on 2024-05-04 13:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP – Join Now & Explore!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP - Join Now & Explore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | 24/7 SMP ANYONE CAN JOIN PE + JAVA’, was uploaded by TECHNICAL GAMES on 2024-01-17 16:14:19. It has garnered 83 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:43 or 7543 seconds. Discord = https://discord.gg/XXpsb45KPe #minecraftlive #minecraft ————————————————————————————— PC 💻🖱 IP = play.dgnetwork.fun RAM :- 8GB processor :- i3 10th GEN graphic card :- GTX 1650 4GB VALORANT ID = GANGSTER么 ISHAN 5375 DIML VOTE LINK = https://minecraft-mp.com/server/315738/vote/ DISCORD LINK = https://discord.gg/XXpsb45KPe Join me as I embark on an epic Minecraft adventure, exploring vast landscapes, battling dangerous creatures, and unraveling hidden… Read More

  • Demonic Minecraft Son – INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shorts

    Demonic Minecraft Son - INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic shaders 😱Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts’, was uploaded by Demon Son on 2024-03-15 04:57:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft realistic shaders Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts best minecraft rtx shaders for android, best non rtx shaders minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

    Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE’, was uploaded by Arkace on 2024-05-18 03:47:41. It has garnered 53 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds. Hello there and welcome! On my channel I play a variety of different games, from games such as Subnautica and Minecraft, to other games like Phasmophobia and Sons Of The Forest. I’m a big horror fan so expect a lot of highlights/streams on various horror games such as Resident Evil on the channel as well! #houseofashes #gaming #playstation #playthrough #entertainment Read More

  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

    OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren IvoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Lanjut bikin rumah lagi || Ren Ivory’, was uploaded by Ren Ivory Ch. on 2024-05-10 14:42:28. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:28 or 7228 seconds. 【Support me】 Treat : https://trakteer.id/RenIvory Ko-Fi : https://ko-fi.com/renivoryid ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 【 Rules 】 – Please remain polite to both streamers and fellow viewers as you would like to be treated – Please do not mention anything related to SARA, Politics, NSFW , etc. – Don’t spam the chat or comments column – Please don’t mention the names of other Vtubers/Streamers/Livers/Youtubers (except Ren… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2×2 House Build 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft 2x2 House Build 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2×2 House😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by Tender Gamer on 2024-03-06 11:39:37. It has garnered 8642 views and 235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: Which cat did it better? 🤔 In this video, Tender Gamer shows the Chipi Chipi cat making music with Minecraft game noises, blocks, mobs, items and more. Who do you think won the competition? KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: 🔥 Tender Gamer creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJ

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode 1 | Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion | Spiky Hair JJ’, was uploaded by Spiky Hair JJ on 2024-01-18 13:53:12. It has garnered 71 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. Episode 1 of the Movie Series Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion 4 Kids, Mal, Lenna, Chug and Lizzie discover a mysterious creature enter the town of Cornucopia. They break the town rules and adventure out to the outside overworld. While adventuring, they face many highs and lows. But then they discover tracks leading to their town? Can they… Read More

  • Ram War

    Ram WarWelcome to RAM WAR!!! Minecraft’s up-and-coming FPS!!!!! Ram War is an incredibly fast-paced team-shooter with several awesome weapon classes to choose from! Work together to claim the RAM and take it to your enemy’s base! Claim the colored tiles of the arena to gain speed, invisibility, and ammo! Pick from weapons including: Bow, Scythe, Bubble Bomb, Shotgun, Chain Blades, Railrifle, Gilseng, and Biped Bomb. There are over 20 playable maps with many more to come! Come be a part of the universe’s story and lore! Where everything is completely normal :))) mc.ramwar.net Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    Ultra-Hardcore Mining Competition One life to live your best life. DoN’T DiE! About Mining challenge lasting 254 weeks Earn a revive by winning Sunday competitions Special Team Competition on Sundays Prizes Revive on ultra-hardcore world In-game advancement shout-out Details Server: gapple.mchost.pro Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn points Scoring: +1 per minute alive, +1 per experience point Rules Play fair and friendly No unfair advantages No hacking or hacked clients Apocalypse DataPack Features Players killed by zombies turn into zombies Enhanced skeletons, biting bats, spinning spiders, defending Ox-Heads, and more Your Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/EP5Y9C7 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Woah, Minecraft wolves making baby wolves?

    Me after finding out I can breed wolves: Sorry ladies, I’m taken by my pack now! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Ultimate Cobblestone Generator Hack!

    Ultimate Cobblestone Generator Hack! Minecraft Encrypted_ | ULTRA FAST COBBLESTONE GENERATOR! #2 [Modded Questing Survival] Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, they showcase an ULTRA FAST COBBLESTONE GENERATOR that promises to revolutionize gameplay. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling episode! Exploring Stoneopolis The journey begins in Stoneopolis, a new generation of Stoneblock that challenges players with unique quests and survival mechanics. Nik and Isaac navigate through this innovative world, uncovering hidden treasures and facing formidable challenges along the way. The Power of Modded… Read More