Minecraft Pro Transforms Mountain! Insane Mod!

Video Information

Hello stream hello hello hello is working I H I have I’m one monitor down at the moment ah there we go hello hello hello hello got good Tunes at least always hello ah so many people this is this is new hello hello hello there is so many people um all

Right who we got in here I’m going to try to say hello to a few people at these there’s a lot of people here compared to uh compared to the uh to the twitch stream streams um biscuit streams uh wither Leon how you doing b as well welcome in Elissa

Hello John so many people Daniel hello hello split Isa hello hello so many people carry another year of course welcome in Clayton Doby hello hello Phil monkey Lo snob everyone blin is here as well hello hello hello people ah this is going to be exciting oh that’s very

Bright this is going to be exciting this is going to be exciting we’re almost at 100 viewers already um and yeah we’re going to be doing some terraforming we’re going to be doing a lot of streaming dur in January I’m very very very very very excited Uber hello hello

Hello oh my God chat is moving fast I uh I’m going to try to keep up as much as I can but um we also got some Minecraft gaming to do and i’ I’ve got to get I’ve got to get out of here All right it is night we’re going to sleep somebody said the yeah split it’s just Arc low Dino Nino Immortal NX hello hello I’m just happy I made it welcome welcome hello hello hello so chat I was hoping that this stream here was going to be the first one on the new

Pc it it’s not um I I bricked my new pc so um why start on the roof I was just out there I was trying to break it uh the other day um I I bought a new pc last week and um I broke it

Um I broke it before we even got started um you break TR PC Yeah I broke it I broke it yeah I uh I think I broke the motherboard um I have no idea how you pronounce your name but hello uh I’m going to turn off some Farms because it’s it’s laggy Um ah there we go twitch is bad I don’t know I like the twitch UI more uh they are off are they actually off yeah they are okay that FPS low uh we’re going to be trying down more so I okay so I’ve I’ve had to do some Hardware

Changes um between this stream and the last one so um how did you s how did you break it what did you do I think I bent that little metal pin on the motherboard one of those metal pins between the CPU and the um the um the motherboard I

Think I bent one of those or I short circuit it I hope I I I don’t know we’ll see I should I should um get back word on how it’s looking um supp you can’t break it I it’s very possible to break it it it’s a very easy piece to Break um

But um I’ve had to do some Hardware changes so I’ve actually switched out my graphics card this right here is my old graphics card um this is my AMD 5,700 right here um my PC right now uh can’t handle this one cuz it doesn’t have enough what um so the PSU isn’t strong

Enough for for it so I can’t have this one um we on YouTube nice so I can’t have that one so I’ve had to downgrade to a little worse one it’s not terrible you and CH are the best of this thank you

Um do I want to say that um I I will say this I will say this U me and Sh have something planned um anyways I can’t use that anymore CU I had to use my old PSU and um yeah so so the PC is a little downgraded

From what it used to be but hopefully within a week week or two weeks maybe I should have a new pc hopefully if it’s a pin justl the CPU it’s a short um if it’s a short well that PC shot the PC shouldn’t be um I think it’s just replace the motherboard

It’s a AMD CPU so the mo the pins are on the motherboard and not on CPU I’ve been calling for the colum for weeks people said that on like the first video that had like 2,000 views pra for the new pc yeah pra for the new pc um it should only be the

Motherboard yes we’re going to go and start some terraforming uh I’ve just got to grab uh I got to grab some blocks got to grab some blocks um got the same F you have right now in vanilla I right now I’m struggling to get 60 I uh I wish I could could have

Better frames to be honest uh gam stuff I’m don’t can use a four-year-old laptop honest this PC I’ve upgraded a few times I don’t want deep sa uh I’ve upgraded it a few times and that’s why it’s kind of just like it’s still kind of works I bought it probably

Six years ago this current one you’re the best thank you this one was going to be a while ah um get 30ish o yeah no that’s rough uh I mean I’m struggling here with barely getting 60 but that’s because I’m recording I can play without it but you

Know what’s your opinion CHS awesome guy in my opinion I don’t know what what opinion should I have on the man all right that should be enough oh that’s my carts um just going to um did I work oh I landed it um 20 30 most of the time o yeah no I

The thing is I I want it mainly because um um yeah mainly because um what is it called um I want it because mainly of the YouTube videos I can play with a little lower FPS it’s fine so I’ll usually turn on farms when I’m just doing offline

Work uh but when I’m streaming or recording and stuff like that I want the world to be at 60 FPS uh which it’s not all of the time um I download the world and my laptop is like 2 to 5 FPS M lovely uh update fi trying 30 second

Stuck on 30 seconds uh try restarting it open your task manager and just uh close down Discord and open it again should should fix it hello Tusk int has been using pins on CPU socket on CPU ship since like 27 with yeah yeah Intel has been it has it on

The CPU but the uh I’m I’m glad it’s on the motherboard because motherboard is cheaper than the CPU um when is the next video next video is at the end of January uh high that my first try on YouTube stream in a bit let me figure out the layout for this I I

Have no idea so I can’t even help you yeah try restarting PC or task manager um all right chat so um I’m okay I I’ll go through this now I might say it another time again but uh I’m not going to be uploading anything during the month of January

That’s why I’m streaming instead four times a week four times so there’s going to be more content in general so I I feel like you know we can do have you heard bstone yeah yeah he I I recently did a video with him um um and um I’m going to be streaming a

Bit more and then at the end of the month we’re going to be I’m going to upload a video with um which is basically all that we’ve done this week uh or this month so I’m going to be trying to build at least 50 hours in

This world and then I’m going to upload a video on that video on that and we’ll see how it turns out um I use sodium uh and indium um yes I use sodium cuz I’m on fabric um so that’s what we’re going to do and one of the main projects this um

During this month it’s going to be finishing the terrain on the back here I want the terrain done from over here at the farming area all the way over and up around to here and well I guess the lumber mill as well that’s over here I had to turn down the render distance

Because I’m getting awful frames um but I want the terrain finished all the way on the back side here and um and then we can see Professor penguin hello hello uh streams if you’re just going to complain complain in your head honestly um if you’re just going to be here with

A negative attitude then I don’t know go away um so that’s the plan uh be mention your world tour with him is will send me your way love your stuff thank you uh yeah no that beard Stone shout out has helped me out a lot um that beard Stone

Shout out did a lot and uh I feel I feel it’s fair enough for him giving back for for um for being inspired by me to create his world love the things he’s doing on there as well every recently I don’t I don’t know has he released his world download

Yet uh use the face cam free cam mode to show off their builds more inant use for iton I use it mostly for that as well looking at that stuff and I use it for some things yeah uh you crashes randomly if you’re GPU crashes ramly look if you

Have enough power go into it hello from Texas hello from Sweden foxy no tail also spoken with him uh can even use my phone oh oh yeah the new update yeah release the mod pack download yeah I’ve got a mod pack download if you want to use my mod pack I’m actually working

Right now on the next mod pack or well um yeah exactly beard was inspired by me mhm in indeed indeed um because because his first title uh is my first title and mine was a few months before that I was um I was inspired by shs uh mainly and

Rage train um so yeah uh but no I think the first stretch of this uh journey is definitely going to be trying to fix the Terin part is it patrium backers from before Christmas ah all right yeah I have I I he he gave that to me um to uh

Check it out oh look here HK is HK is the person who is working on uh the next mod pack for me do you know Uber sweet Uber was in here just a few minutes ago um just missed him um I think I know more creative YouTubers than you think um just crashed

My GPU o do you have enough power um check if you have enough power uh your PCU is connecting so I think what we’re going to do first is we’re going to connect this line right here up to this and I think we can do that with

A few Boulders um similar to what I have done yeah I did a world tour with beard and um and um beard and JoJo beardy yeah beardy mhm uh um what similar to what I did over here with the boulders I think we can do something

Really nice over there uh I think that’s going to be the plan um and then we got some other things that we’re going to be working on this month it’s not only going to be this ter form project I promise that um skish and I are very I I

I’ I’d call Ski a very good friend at this point um we have been in VC a lot of times um this is not going to be the only project that we’re working on uh I’ve got a few other ones like a gold farm and um and some more terraforming

Projects it’s going to be a lot of terraforming but you know that’s kind of what it is uh why don’t you use create steam rails uh I’m not adding any more mod packs to this pack uh or any more uh mods to this pack uh it’s in the next mod pack though Um if you’re ever in one of ska streams uh you’re quite likely to probably find me in there as well um usually hang out in there for a bit at least um all right I think we’re just going to start placing blocks and then uh I’m going to

Make some sort of a Pat or a um a layout and we’ll see where it goes from there looking forward to uh core create being updated one4 for the um and autocrafters they’re not in 1.20 uh four though they’re in 21 which isn’t out yet

Um so that’s going to be a while can we get more info about your partnership with CHS no nuh-uh nuh just know me and CHS are we we have planned something um but that’s that’s all you’re getting if you don’t mind I’m going to DM you some potential Solutions so I

Remember they buy the later yeah yeah we’ll do I’ll try them master stream uh delete that itself randomly it can be fixed I’ll buy a new better one yeah I’m buying I bought a new GPU uh really happy with it I love the look of

My new pc uh I’ve spoken to disruptive a few times he was actually the one that helped me picked out my microphone and the Motu um or my and my audio interface um cuz I was looking for some advice from other creators and he he has that

The same exact setup I do with my audio or that I do now and um yeah it was awesome help um I haven’t been able to see um his videos really I haven’t had the the time to do that but um he’s doing some cool things I’ve seen some

Pictures let’s talk about how the viewers found you yeah uh all right so that’s that’s that and then I just need to create some sort of wireframe I’m not even sure if we need any Boulders here at least not up here we might need like one or two down here

But you know um show with us what do you want me to show you found Stam shouts beard thanks to YouTu R suggesting all that awesomeness and found foxy and baty thanks to beardy yeah um beard Stone has uh has done bits after he was able to capitalize on the

Insane growth both me and him had some really really good growth um at towards the end of the summer um but he since he’s doing it full-time he’s been able to capitalize it and it’s been awesome to see him grow um when I first talked

To him I think he was at like 40,000 sub Subs which is where I’m at now and now he’s at what 170 I think he just hit the other day um so it’s awesome it’s really fun to see um uh worse than the uh mechanical crafter

I think it has different uses I think I think the um I think I definitely think that uh the mechanical crafter has certain uses that are good and I think that the auto crafter has other certain things that are also good uh do you know

Double Sal I have not spoken to him no uh I think I’ve heard about him um sent a DM to me I I usually don’t respond to my DMs but if it’s just a high I won’t respond um I just ignore most of the DMs I get a lot of them

Um slower even at 25600 aren’t they slowing down the mechanical craftter though wasn’t it too fast show us the PC I don’t have it it’s at a computer store I can show you some pictures but that’s about it um one second chat let me send some pictures in Discord and I’ll just

Show them to you um I have pictures of it but I don’t have the PC anymore cuz I hand it in to get checked out um because I broke it uh yeah they did slow it down right yeah yeah yeah that means I’m special that that you answer my DMs you blob

You’re already in my DM so I feel like from basing next to each other on a server I think you you’ve earned to message in the DMS uh uh I’ll send some pictures in here real quick and then I’ll show you chat one second uh it it it’s a really I really really

Love the build I I I love the build but uh I just wish it worked uh let me save these two let me check the downloads all right here we go uh here you go chat um you should see it now uh let me Che no you are not seeing

It uh oh because this one isn’t there we go cool there we go here’s here’s my PC um here is the um oh where’s my chat box there it is uh so here’s the build um I I love it so much um also look at so CPU motherboard motherboard is probably

Bricked um we’ll see I’ll have to repay or buy a new one but it’s fine um it’s fine it’s fine and then uh here is the fit between the GPU and the radiator and oh my God I don’t have any pictures on my old PC it’s it’s it’s just it’s

Pretty boring it does not look that nice but I love this one so much um I I thought it looked so cool I was going to be so happy but no didn’t work snail welcome in welcome in buddy uh you did a world tour um yeah I did a world tour with beard

And um and JoJo not that long ago um I really enjoyed that that was a lot of fun um I really really enjoyed it I think think ooh that’s something we could do so what if I well I’m not sure if a boulder is going to work I want to

Add in a boulder chat but then I H I don’t know how you doing Sam I’m doing good I’m doing good Fired Up YouTube streams I think it’s going to be a good choice I think it’s going to be a good change for a bit we’ll see how we

Continue afterwards I really do want to continue the YouTube streams and I might be able to just have to see no V it’s not a thing here but hello sweetie hello hello I I don’t know how to add commands to YouTube I’m sorry do you like the twitch more voo do

You like do you like the twitch more where you have your own command Um bought a $5,000 P what that’s so expensive there’s no way what did you buy in there wait so my Prime up oh no yeah well see cuz I do want to stream after January I do want to go back to stream two times a week

I’m not going to stream four times a week forever it’s way too timec consuming I’m doing it I’m probably going to keep doing it like every year on January I think it’s going to be a lot of fun doing some stream projects and stuff like that I think it could be

A lot of fun but um during the rest of the year I won’t um I think we can add in a small Boulder here maybe yeah let’s do that what do you use for streaming OBS uh backup cup hello welcome in uh I love the large curve yeah I like the new

Curve curve a lot more than the old one the old one was like really weird uh I love I like this one a lot more uh this one is a lot lot nice a lot of nice good words St good words um I think we’re just going to add in a slight little

Just like Stone bit here just get I feel like it makes sense it was a little too steep for my liking so we’re just going to add something like that but just under 100 and it’s great 100 I feel like 100 is a little cheap I’ve created steon res I use now

Reils yeah the ones are nice I like you more I will support you wherever you go but missing the missing the command of course yeah all right I I’ll I’ll I’ll try to bring it back uh uh 69,000 nice Stam what did someone say that would it all right nail all right um

That get a little more Bolder shape to it I I’ll do like the boulder ship bit more it’s a little Jank I won’t lie here it’s a it’s hard to build these Boulders on a small scale uh yeah that works it’s me the mud pack guy stamy why will you be streaming today

Uh also how you feeling from yesterday was it fun night fun night I just got an ad anybody else yeah I should be getting ads a little bit here and there uh not too often though I have it set on one of the lower um amount of ads um where’s

Your PC specs they’re in my Discord uh not updated I’m not making Minecraft sound very cool to see oh no are not making you got to play it with him okay you got to play Minecraft with with cs boy okay you got to you got to that’s

That’s how you get it into use the feature where you place a block on the rail to change the texture that’s a steon rails Edition and I don’t have that mod um no it’s not just a rock it’s a boulder exactly it’s a boulder it has I

Don’t know I don’t know what’s a difference it’s a boulder just a bigger Rock So bigger Boulders but but then I don’t know add a downside downside River I think if we add Rivers we add later um Frost hello ah can anyone suggest me a fast sugar farm at

Least one sugar in 5 seconds I mean just build a big big one I mean I just have a Gantry shaft here on one of these the sugarcane right here just the bigger you build it the better 4 I’ve had it for four years I think I bought this PC I’ve upgraded it

I bought it first for I think around around 1,000 USD a little below 1,000 USD uh little below 1,000 Euro um 10,000 Swedish Crowns um then I upgraded it for like an for like 800ish how’s your New Year hung over not that bad actually not that bad I didn’t

Drink too much we had a few drinks but not not that bad honestly little nauseous this morning but that was it um not that hung over I thought it would be more actually um kind of happy that it is more to be fair um I think we need to get some

Guidelines in here cuz I want to connect this this here um crowns that’s that’s it’s thriving exactly oh my go burning also what in burning I didn’t mean say hello hello hello I notice you Samuel oh hello zombie oh it’s raining okay what look up some like ccraft sugarcan

Farms if you want some fast ones when he was magical I really liked his friends and they liked me uh no hang over here either oh let’s go now we just got to wait and see how gy feels the man the the hung over the hung over

Lad um let’s see about that one though um oh what did I miss up there no okay go stream at this uh same time I I am streaming at this time every day of the week except on Sundays which I’m going to be streaming two hours earlier

Um I’m streaming right now this week uh if you want to look for my community you can see the times exactly or join my Discord and you can see them in your time zone uh but I’ll be streaming at 6 p.m. Central European Time he’s always

Hung over yeah yeah it is um Viper basically um 600 p.m. Central European Time um if you want to know what that is in your time you can join the Discord um I will be streaming on Monday Wednesday and Thursday uh at that time and then on

Sundays I will be streaming at 400 p.m. uh central time so 2 hours earlier um but yes if you want want I get some actual numbers on it just check the streaming schedule in the Discord uh or on the um uh oh we need to add the commands

Here as well we need to get Viper on that can we we need to get Viper on that he uh he needs to fix it no commands yeah I I I feel like I had commands commands before bnie did we have commands before um when when we stream when when I

Streamed on YouTube were you here that you are here yes you are here cuz we I switched to YouTube after you found me that that was lucky actually um wiers to hungover no vipers on errands he he said so earlier I don’t think he’s that bad 11:00 a.m. Central uh if something yes

No idea no I I don’t remember honestly do I create desert super flat world ooh hope you’re having fun what really h no yeah I think he said he said up uh we don’t have commands here yeah we’ll uh we’ll have to fix that for next stream

Seem pretty drunk in the Discord Viper’s already always drunk honestly uh Sydney time I should not be awake right now ah yeah um and I guess the 4:00 p.m. doesn’t make it better that’s 2:00 a.m. depends on if you’re n ow um she German don’t blame him he’s also South

African Viper does a little bit of trolling Viper just checks all the Discord channels when it’s drunk how can I download your pack in my Discord Al in my Discord uh which should be a link in the description or one of my mods might send it soon

Um so no sleep schedule yeah but it’s not winter break all January um I do think we will be keeping um Wednesday YouTube streams though I think I think we might be keeping Wednesday YouTube streams uh after after January uh just because I do like I do like the

YouTube streams even though the the layout is a little more janked I will I won’t lie it is a little more janked than the twitch one twitch is Twitch has got the stuff nailed down a little better the viewership and all of that stuff makes it a little more worth it here

Um I’m working I’m getting the link all right think someone had it earlier though B had it maybe Le had it I don’t know uh all right cool I feel like the rock is out of place now though good day hello hello so twitch YouTube twitch yeah kind

Of how long do you st playing the cre mod cre mod I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon uh this world I’ve got a date for for uh how do you like turn uh turn train builds from your Discord into Statics in your world uh in your Discord in my Discord

Uh that depends uh if there’s already schematics you can just put them in the files um otherwise I don’t know ask them for schematic won’t be able to catch a stream that day ah shcks I’m up until next Tuesday I think next week um yeah you got to disassemble the train

Um I I feel like this this right here needs something um I think we might just add in a boulder because Boulders what is Minecraft who am I why I’m here oh burning uhoh uhoh over here over here hello just going to play some blocks here and see what

Happens my headphones are dying need to charge them we’ll be back all righty see you soon uh place that there you won’t need to disassemble the trains uh you probably will still if you want a um if you want a schematic of them depends on how it works

Um uh but no for how I long how long I see myself playing the create uh create mod I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon like with the mod itself I absolutely love create I love the things you’re able to create with it and all of

Its features and stuff um so I I definitely don’t see myself stop to stop playing it I I’m Al it’s also here where I get viewers right now so if the viewers leave then maybe but um as long as you guys stay then uh here I am uh the headphones craves the electrons

Indeed that yeah this as well Spectrum YouTuber next no he’s an engineer yeah I’m an engineer secret cave in the Rock phas perhaps actually that could be cool have you to find your channel really enjoy your content thank you n welcome in welcome welcome um we do we like this

Boulder I think we do um I think we need to do a little more work up here eventually remember guys I’m in charge of this mod pack yeah I think is in charge of the mod pack uh um you can’t um you can’t um you can’t

Download my mod pack on curse Forge you can import it to curse Forge I have a curse Forge uh zip file in my Discord which you can import it but I can’t upload it because it’s using modrin mods and C for and modin don’t go well together so didn’t

Work uh remember guys I’m in charge of hanky I don’t think anyone’s in charge of Hanky uh yeah that works I feel like we might need more ass soon to be architect as soon to be Architect no no no I think you’ve got your times mixed up here that’s at least six seven years okay the boulder isn’t very supported um well you could

Imagine the boulder sits into the mountain like it would have his roots right over here and it would be supported so you know I hello hello um so yes no it wouldn’t be supported down here but if it’s long into the mountain which if you do want to imagine it being

Realistic then that’s what you do and this one is stuck down into the ground um we will probably do a little bit more work over here eventually but um but I think we’ll go ahead and do that later I just crashed my PC o um I

Think we’re gonna or maybe we just do that now and then we can get the we can get the rough idea down and yeah we don’t follow L of physics in the Stream it’s Minecraft Minecraft doesn’t have physics so you know don’t have to I a th years occasionally I mean yeah

Okay true but I only live 100 if even so you know seven years is still a while um happy Christmas okay I it’s Christmas right now I I I don’t think so hany I think your times off not soon to be architect but he’s still the best ever

MRA Builder he’s not looking at the world Mega building community oh my God the Creator Builders I also I don’t think I am uh the best survival Builder either I think I’m I’m I think I’m good at building in Minecraft but I’m no nowhere near the best oh it’s Halloween

Yeah for sure um okay I think we need to decorate this area up here a little bit and I think I’m going to do that in YouTube video form um so we’re going to leave we’re going to go get some things I’m going to pause the recording stick a little note on there

Um oh s CH thinking yeah I thinking uh sand gravel and fluid flows yeah I mean okay sure it does have some things but most of it isn’t uh I hope I am unmuted again I I really need to get a third monitor I’m I’m I’ve started relying on having a

Third monitor now and it’s bad and drip Stone yeah uh let’s probably some other things and and like I mean I guess the player does have physics so um only time respects pH are the best in my opinion um probably I I I don’t know I’m not really

Too in touch with the um Creed building Community um I should have concrete down here no where do I oh wait then I have it up here there it is uh get some orange going to free I you think there’s another player in your world no there’s

Not it’s just uh just a free cam just a free cam uh can just don’t build but they but pain they don’t do the good survival Builder I mean if you’re a creative build and you’re good at creative building then um then it it’s more painting and

There’s more just like using blocks that you wouldn’t be able to get in survival like a lot of the things that you’re able to do in survive or in the creative buildings is impossible Eva hello up what’s up what’s up what’s up um how do you get free cam uh free cam

Is a mod uh all right we’re going to stay out of the circle cuz I’m going to decorate that in video form um and um yeah find the mod pack on my computer if I find it on my phone um then someone one of the mods or something can

You post hashtag um downloads thing in general and you can just click on that on the PC probably switch over to Jetpack when he needs to hover uh I don’t have a jetpack no jetpack isn’t in create uh normally uh free cam is just a

Separate it’s a mod um I’m not sure if which mod I am using for free cam it’s just something uh steam engines make a lot of lag um with the Debo stick yeah the I wish we had something like the debug stick for for like certain things like

Say to get like um fences to act in a certain way and stuff like that it’s really really cool um or like glass to look at certain way um I don’t think it’s the tweak every one uh I will check it is the TW it is

Twe ruin one never mind I want the twe ruin mod pack yes thank you tweo litica replay mode mini HUD mods I guess also not create I’m not adding any more mods no no mods uh I don’t have the I don’t have the jet pack uh how do we do this

Then um I’m thinking we just we might maybe bring in another Boulder right here and then if we just fix up the terrain a little up here and add in some flowers and maybe a tree should be good uh in tweo there is free cam yeah

Um I mean this is twe twe configs there it is is this Wonder 20 it’s not Wonder 20 uh just updated to us grow yeah uh no this one 19 still uh I think trees for sure yeah burning burning got the got the got the right got the right idea here

Um I think if we for it up buer oh my God uh if what if if we get a like diagonal Boulder that goes up this way and we connect that in here about um so I’m late no worries you were here earlier uh also everyone that’s in the Stream um like the stream like the stream we do have we do have 100 likes and there’s 100 people in here so thank

You so much for that but I like the stream really helps me out um just add a little bit of to this still being updated make it it is in 1020 already it’s been in 1 124 AES for quite a while the glow of the like button doesn’t work on streams oh no

They should make it work on streams if they can if they can sense it on videos why not on stream does the Subscribe button light up B and trees or build your own yeah building my own normal trees look pretty bad honestly I mean they work in the

Distance but if you’re up close you got to have your own ones um if you don’t know how to build custom trees I guess it’s fine but uh vanilla trees uh not for this project considering I have custom trees all over the place um uh they probably sends it on videos

While it’s uploading stuff yeah yeah they do now they do look through it it’s you get a lot of those things when uploading videos um but um that I guess they don’t have time to do when you’re streaming um mod P is one 19 yeah if you

Download the mod pack um and it don’t update anything guys um if you download any mod pack that goes for any mod pack don’t update a single mod or anything like that live speech pattern recognition is such a pain yeah know I could imagine I could imagine

Um don’t update anything if you download a mod pack uh um by the way uh cuz my my mod pack will break if you update any other the mods uh certain mod packs won’t but a lot of mod packs are held together and work because certain versions of mods um

And stuff so if you update certain packs or certain mods in that in that mod pack then uh you’ll just break the whole thing and um I wonder why it’s not working um I think that’s pretty good though um I think this is good download mod pack don’t update the mods add new

Mods change the configs unless specifically stated too yeah exactly I mean you can always attempt it if you are curious if you want to add a mode or something like that if if it breaks don’t be surprised though so don’t don’t be surprised um I mean yeah like the trees look good

Like they look all right from a distance like eh it’s fine it fills up the world there’s some trees um but you know uh if you want to know what you’re doing exactly I mean you can be lucky as well and just add a mod so if you it’s it it

Could be worth the test but it could also just break a lot of things I usually add Vin I usually I used to add vein Miner to mods I don’t play with vein Miner anymore but when I did uh don’t I do that um what we doing today we’re CH forming

We’re building a mountain oh yeah uh I think I honestly don’t think we need another rock over here I don’t think it makes that much sense uh I me in maybe a little um I mean you can have different reasons for playing with vin Miner I know SK plays with vin Miner and

Stuff like that because he has some um issues with his wrist so he Bic basically can’t do all of the grindy things even though he would like to um he can’t there’s two blocks missing up deep slate can’t uh monopolize my time with the single YouTuber all right uh very

Fitting music for chair forming it yeah I mean yeah I can guarantee you it was not unused what was not unused what’s up I’m here for the party Conor welcome back welcome back it’s been a while but welcome back uh what are you on about I think it’s

Just a little small one there Works um cool cool cool do I want to build something here eventually my mouse was on my other screen has anyone else done that uh Vin Miner Stam no I can yeah not in my mod pack now I know SK though what the good old

Days like it was yesterday the good old days of what sorry for the ads people sorry sorry Um yeah okay let’s go get some flow and Stuff and we’ll get some bone meal love SK Bas yeah you recreated it I remember nothing ever all right sounds fun Burnie uh that should do what flower patch do I want have new loving the bills in the series so far thank you thank you I’m really really

Excited for the next series guys um as much as I love this world I’m so excited for the next one um I think that’s good I I want those uh I’m going to grab that e got disconnected uh I think that’s pretty normal if you have dodgy internet

Um bone meal uh which I shouldn’t have up here it should be in this box this one yeah that should be fine I should do go like the stream exactly cin said it not me go like the stream everyone I got an ad like the stream and you might

Not I’m not promising anything Happ the good old days thing but that’s sad depends on what the good old days are and also subscribe indeed we’re well we’re closing in on um 800 or no 38 38,000 there we go train so powerful I tore through a boulder and didn’t move

The boulder oh yeah what that confus me uh I actually think it’s pretty good on the bone meal up here going add some Mangrove leaves uh just around the base of the house over here I think let stretch it down a little bit on the travine here just just just

Because we can new world and stop playing that world yes at some point I will I have a date in mind because I want to add new mods and stuff and get a new world uh from space by Landing in a tiny Bush then watch the same Bush destroy animals

Yes uh um what if we I want to try something I want to try some lilacs and aliums in combination cuz I think it might look pretty cool with my Chet pack yeah they work really well together okay so then we can just get some aliums in here put a little flower Field how are you today I’m doing good doing good how you doing JN how’s everyone doing in chat uh why is it the one look tall it’s the for T Pack it’s FIP teture pack it’s wh special I love it so much I love the alum in this pack so

Boring well good thing send send picture I want to see what you cook what you making uh I shouldn’t be getting any ads right now uh I have not been notified that you are uh do I have torches on me hi I love your content thank you thank you Quick but I need to uh but I do need to study in theory yeah 2024 2024 indeed if you get the mother pack on Minecraft you need to download a launcher um Cur for works it’s simple if you do want to use that then you have to

Import it uh you can download modin or you can download uh um uh or you can download um prism prism is a little hard to set up but it’s worth it uh could you make the curves wider in some areas where yes okay Standalone curse Forge people um and if

You want a guide is um I have a curse Forge guide in one of the forums in my Discord otherwise just just go to YouTube um I think I do like that we’re working on some chair for me today um uh lot I was going to talk about his

Storage system for create it’s a crazy build uh yeah what he what what storage has he got um wait I didn’t even look at it didn’t upload a video today so I’m exhausted very nice um yeah I like that and then I think me clean this up a little bit down

Here as well uh over here looks a little rough uh I do want to add in okay yeah I do want to keep this Gap open um CU I do want to make a cave in there eventually that’s also going to be probably a stream project uh we’ll see I think so

Uh we will close that up however and then we will grab some bone meal and me bit down here I do want to finish off this section before we move on to the next one cuz then I can do it the nice replay mods for the YouTube video

Uh and today is mainly getting a general like idea of what we want to do we can also connect this up here uh what you use for drawing your factories if you draw on your PC I use Fresco uh a Adobe app it’s quite expensive um it’s not too bad but it’s

You know it’s an adobe program so for a second there runs a foxy video somewhere he used this song so often I mean we all kind of use the same like you can watch rust content you can watch like I don’t know I’ve seen certain these certain songs in like

Siege videos I’ve we all use the same um um uh what is it called we all use the same um um the same um what is it called G the same the same uh music uh thing also Jen I’m sorry to hear that but it’s not the place for it

To WR here um um Fresco is both can be both pixel and uh Victor based uh hello hello yeah okay uh I want to get some jellow flowers in right over here like a printer work responds the first time oh get some D lines in here yeah good work just splash those

Um hello hello uh did I pick that up where are you there you are thank you um yeah I think we’re going to go get some oh my god apro with a diamond member thank you so much appreciate appreciate that welcome welcome uh we’re going to pause that welcome welcome welcome thank

You uh I had to do those item searching um oh yeah I’ve seen that I’ve seen that I think I’ve seen that um I don’t know too too advanced for me honestly I like my rotating one um very didn’t have the messages cuz there doesn’t need to be n in front of it

Yeah that’s that’s your fault for having streams as your name stream what am I looking for um yeah I’m going to be doing more of those as well the um I’m going to be doing more of those like explaining videos I really enjoyed it as well um hopefully I get better explaining I

Think I’m a little rough at explaining but um yeah uh my packing fun of my Discord um I need some tough which I should have right that’s not a lot of toughs damn I don’t want to be out of tough I use tough too much uh we’re going to get they’re just

Like people who invented the wheel um some andesites what else do I use on them I use some Acacia which is on the next one I’m going to grab some Acacia logs then also more gray wool yeah yeah uh was a strong item good um they

Come up with that kind ofu uh I love it I’m so confused with it but hello um oh my God kill in time with the 10 gifted memberships hello did I did I have notif things on for that oh now I’m scared I don’t H it looks like something is happening oh my

God thank you so much I really really appreciate that um yeah if you got a if you got a um membership gifted make sure to say thank you uh yes the gray wool the gray wall hopefully I have a lot of great sheep left I don’t think I do though

Um whoa how do how did do PVP I’m do not do the PVP 50 memberships hello what huh that feels like a lot now I have no idea what the standard membership is worth but thank you so much much uh aparch hello now that’s now that now that’s some insane

Stuff Viper’s in here I don’t think so I haven’t seen Viper I looked away for a second there’s so many people so many people are getting gifted a well we’re going to be sitting and listening to Happy New Year’s thank you crumble Happy New Year’s crumble as well it’s

Viper Al I do not think so this is wild this is wild the chat is just filled does this count as like chat messages guys that could you build a fully automatic mining machine that drop stuff at your base no I don’t really want to I have my drill I think it works

Streams got skipped yeah streams might get one it I think YouTube gifting isn’t random it’s it goes of watch time right so if you watch the streamer more you’re more likely to get gifted a membership uh add me on Minecraft uh you can’t add people on Minecraft this a Java um stack

That’s going to be barely enough it’s random it’s not on YouTube no it’s uh watch time on YouTube twitch no no no you’re wrong thank you it’s not random thank you so much for the 50 gifted again a thank you thank you I really appreciate that um

Right we should survive that for a while didn’t get one yeah there’s a lot of there there’s a lot of people just got membership house someone gifted it to you wow wow I hacked it in you I just got a membership I hacked it in for you all

Right watch time with the streams just one stream I think goes by total watch watch time so if you’re here more streams like you’re more more like to get it hi I’m my new subscriber welcome in a welcome welcome Grand entry uh or whatever you would call it anyways got to go no

Worries have fun good boy uh YouTube distri give the membership to active subscribers based on how much they’ve interacted with the particular Channel yeah I see watch time and stuff I do think it it takes watch time and stuff into consideration with that so interact would be like watching why so many

Memberships why so many memberships Stam look on Discord oh where who where huh uh why what am I looking at I don’t know where to look at barely missed yeah we’re we’re going to have some connected for a while um we’re going to have some coming in

For a while uh um also a if you uh if you’re new make sure to join the Discord and you’ll get some roles it doesn’t do much but you do get the possibility to at least talk with me about a getting a build uh cuz it’s Diamond

Here uh I never seen watch the channel but was GI a membership well here you are uh um uh right I think it’s a little too much it’s a small Boulder we might actually skip on the the uh the Acasia now that they think about it and we’ll just add in the

Tough it’s a little too small this one got also sleep um streams didn’t have gifts enabled small Boulders don’t get AAA nope small Boulders don’t get AAA also if anyone’s new in here and you haven’t liked the stre yet helps me out a ton so make sure to like the

Stream uh we’ll do that then we’ll get some andite also sorry for all the dings aggressive dingling yeah um I’m back welcome back spinner um I think I’m just going to do this no I can’t because because it’s h i didn’t set that up I actually can’t mute

It cuz I don’t have it on a separate one that would mute in game sound as well dinging um you know now what am I doing what would I say thinking uh why switch to YouTube well I mean if you’re looking at the view count I’m getting here compared to the twitch

I think that’s that’s probably the big reason um I’ve averaged over 100 viewers this stream and uh on Twitch I what I get a little over 20 on a good day So and Clay blocks no no not needed uh it’ll be a little too much I think could but yeah when YouTu it four times exactly so leveling up all good yeah I think it’s over now though nope never mind never mind I will we will do this I will

Actually change a setting one second chat I’m going to change the setting on these uh I wish they had like some way to do it like they only show it for fif five gifted not all the ones that got it but I guess uh don’t have that see

Members we’re going to get alert evation it’s going to be 5 Seconds yeah should work should be a little faster now le do art pixel art or Minecraft building Minecraft building just had a better chance of being seen than twitch but lack streaming feature that ttch has it lacks some features of

Twitch has but since I’m mainly a YouTuber it makes more sense for me to stream on YouTube I’d say just because I’d get more viewers and more viewers is always fun I’m enjoying it um as much as it’s fun to stream to a smaller audience where like you can interact with people

A lot more I I won’t lie I do enjoy I do enjoy um having a bigger audience and I think most people do um MCR thank you so much for the uh for becoming an iron member thank you thank you I’m probably going to have to wait a

Little bit to get the message on that but uh here you are since I didn’t get it oh yeah got to got to do myself uh that’s good hopefully YouTube updates the U UI probably won’t uh I don’t think the UI is too bad honestly I

I don’t think the UI is too bad I think it lacks some features like Channel points that are really nice and fun uh and engaging for viewers but yeah and J on the server yeah I will definitely forget that but uh yes um I think that’s what it lacks um love

Watching thank you um it missed some of the the features more that TT has I don’t think the UI is too bad uh I will say like you get a little more information and stuff in the other in the uh um or in the uh what’s it called the other one build something

I’m building something right now cool yeah I think that works now yes we have it one there as well so folders oh no I forgot to resume recording moding on Twitch is better yeah okay yeah 7tv we got to add 7tv as well once

I want to play with them you can join my Discord and download them um now we’re just going to and this dinging stuff I’m going crash to bed all right no worries have fun you can gift 500 apparently you can I wouldn’t but uh you can pay for my new motherboard hell love

Joe um where do I have this oh it’s going to be on this one it’s going to be right here build a building or something yeah I don’t really want to we’re uh wear CH for me today um hello AIS Holo what if you have the money

Um I actually don’t know how many there’s left chat I have no idea I’ll I’ll try to look at some solution for like if if you get a lot of uh uh things gifted uh between streams but for now we’re just going to have to live with it uh To me if Sam doesn’t want it I will I I’ll take it oh no Craig don’t don’t do it spend the money on yourself chat and just watch the stream instead give it a like if you do want to support that little bit of extra but more than that it’s free

Stream uh I’m just here putting out videos the ad money Pace Pace Pace me enough Stam and me oh look at that is your Discord when I know I post in the chat when someone asks for mods we got the link there it’s also in the description

Um it’s also in in the description it also says in the description that you can find the mod list and I think also World download in the um in the description or in the Discord I mean um ad money that means I’m not helping you because I don’t get

Ads if you have an ad blocker no you’re not uh I’m not getting any money from it but hey if that’s up to you it’s up to you uh the content is free and then you can get some ads here and there and help pay but one person using ad blockers and too

Bad go look for the cat man real quick he be back be back soon all Right Hector wait B are you home are not at the apartment uh huh I automatically has an ad locker yeah and the tips to build better build in Creative uh build things in Creative first and then um if you’re playing create mod you can uh copy them over

Using the schematic Cannon or if you don’t want to do that you can copy them over using like Maga or take pictures and stuff like that but building in Creative first is massive help massive help uh cool now we just got to add some vegetation stuff down

Here uh Opera GX doesn’t block ads um built in their albook doesn’t work cuz it’s a chromium based um it’s a chromium based um what is it called chromium based um browser so much yeah uh it was probably a okay is bad that I already forgot the name AIC AIC oh oh

No well M use uh and uh wasn’t sure if what I heard or just changing software no I don’t that if it changed it was on your side oh yeah I uh I upgraded my mic a few uh uh a few weeks ago uh to a sure

Sm7b and I’m really up TR out for second I wonder if you get add money from that I’m not sure I don’t know oper GX isn’t that good of a Brower though they they pretty dodgy uh pretty dodgy stuff and they’re also H I’m not going to get into it but

Pretty dodgy stuff use it if you want to Fu they got some privacy issues I mean also if you just don’t like ads people then um then just um just buy YouTube premium got to run with some YouTube premium you don’t have any ads you still pay the creators you watch

Money and yeah it’s a it’s a great way to do it The built in vpm is bad I use Google the built-in vpm is a joke um I think I want some Asher blettes on this little slope here uh Premium cost money though premium does cost money or you just watch the ads I don’t know I don’t really find the ads that

Annoying honestly like when I’m watching a watching something like I guess if I’m just watching it sure little B but it’s not that bad if you have YouTube premium you are helping people YouTube premium like if you watch your video and you have YouTube premium then you you like the

The Creator still gets money from that when an ad blocker does not give the Creator money though yeah if you’re a member uh I don’t think that’s how it works it does on Twitch um if you’re a uh supporter I actually don’t know how it works here maybe maybe not

Um I’ve got no idea someone’s got to search it up cuz I don’t know I’m okay with ODS yeah same I am okay okay with odds there a little now down here I don’t have don’t want two 30 seconds yeah you’re not going to get two 30 second ads CU you

Can skip one of them or like you can skip them if it’s two 30 seconds OD you’re going to be able to skip them so the I refresh until I get a skipable ad it’s very slightly faster L it’s just barely slightly I I don’t know I don’t I

Definitely don’t think that’s worth it just put a video on in the background um I’ve gotten skippable ad so far yeah I mean I always have skippable ads on then if YouTube decides to not give you one that’s that’s not on me create deser super flat it’s hard

Yeah exactly if you if you just like get YouTube premium and it also works on the phone and stuff like that so yeah I’d say it’s worth it all right cool a few flower fields and I dra a tree over here B is being mean to me when isn’t B being

Mean oh I’ve just turned on shaders uhoh Mar build is good exercise for architecture studies I probably could be uh I mean it’s if if you’re perspective uh sketching uh it’s always good practice uh perspective um I don’t think it hurts um kind of just want an oak tree

Honestly kind of just want an oak tree and I’m too lazy to build one um I I would say I I mean I I hope to be studying architecture uh things in the future um and that’s what I’m kind of doing now to like a little bit

Prepare for it I guess I I’m not say I wouldn’t say I can’t say if it works or not but uh yep I think that works um your list we get some things for that it’s a very tree treat it sure do be a tree the stick away get some

Book um I don’t actually use the Oro thing on the book ad on the whole interet have physical L but yeah I mean yeah that should R treeing today all right chat all right chap um what do we need we need a little over four Stacks the rest is pretty

Cheap do I have oak leaves oak leaves oak leaves I think that’s all the oak leaves I Have uh I haven’t used trains yet I got to go figure out how they work trains are awesome I am I did not do trains the best way in this world I will admit that but I mean for the future worlds I’ve learned some stuff I’ve uh I’ve I’ve ran

Around beard Stones world I’ve got some inspiration in there it’s oh that’s going to be good uh why is windmill empty why is what empty music is too epic ah m your cat has been acquiring is now resting on my lap oh yeah wait you actually your parents

Burning thought you were at your apartment or did you bring a cat wait do you have a cat at your apartment for some reason I don’t think you did wait you did a world tour with be I did that ages ago beard how have

You I did that a while ago how have you not noticed this oh cut down fast cut down fast uhhuh my tree now stream out of all people I feel like you should was in there yes cuz I spent the New Year’s here okay makes sense makes sense makes

Sense do makes sense we’re going to go cut some trees some other way in your channel I’m going to have to check your trains out I just don’t get how they don’t hit each other if they have multiple lons you got to use train signals use a lot of train signals and

They won’t get all the uh uh they won’t get on the uh they won’t go on the same line um I had the I had the um I had the luxury of just giving Uber we a call and helping me out with trains can mod pack on Forge no I can’t

Um cuz I can’t post it on on c for you can download it on from the Discord though and import it yourself there’s a c Forge zip file but uh I can’t play uh so I had I had the luxury to just call Uber and was just like okay so how

Do I get train signals to work how does this work and um and yeah that was very easy fix um we’re going to do that then we’re going to also do that because we’re building trees and I hate building trees by hand so we’re going to be using easy

Place the only time I use easy place B ah the tree oh I need almost forgot Um uh this B pack is on fabric yes cuz I am using likea and repl mod um create from mine without looking yeah I mean I’m starting playing crate now but if I’ve had a lot of help and the iname Ponder does a great job with it but if

You can’t get it explained to you by someone who knows it’s always always a help um cheating oh my God burning replay mod yeah thank you I got a little cuz I’m very forgetful so when I record either if I pause my recording or the replay file I will add that uh do

You not like the cannon I don’t have this one say this cannon build and I’m not a huge fan of the can to be honest I think it makes it a little too easy even though now I’m just literally just holding down yeah I use the cannon for

For I usually use the Cannons for trees because I use easy place anyways um and I use it here and there in building in videos just because it it it adds a little different aspect of the building but I like to build my buildings by hand so

No uh Forge mod loader you can use connector use fabric modes and Forge yeah hello are the leaves orange because there’s no log near them yes uh the leaves are orange for a little bit because uh because how the how the like mtic mode works if uh

Where is it can we get one now here so if you look up in the corner um up in the corner up over there I think I don’t know um you can see that the distance is off uh from the client and schematic and um then the treat the thing doesn’t like

That so it’s just just uh it’s yellow because or it’s orange because it’s the right block but it’s the wrong it’s in the wrong condition uh I’m not going to building so I just go in creative and save the build yeah exactly uh I mean I

Use like matica to get my I build all my builds in Creative basically not all of them but most of them um all of the builds except in this world all of the builds except like just a handful are um are built-in um uh are built in creative um go

Tree um yep I think that’s good I think that kind of completes this mountain side here or at least this part of it um so I’m do that we’re going to save that as a replay he Steed on my keyboard ah oh having fun hany yeah I mean don’t

Worry you have you have a while to fix you have a while to fix uh the key ring and take you to what the menu wait how did you set upmatic to autobuild uh that’s the easy place feature um easy place feature of flaa uh

So like you can see here I have episode 11.1 episode 11.3 these are all creative worlds where I’m building my builds um so I mean I could go into one of these I just want this to say first uh this is a thumbnail one for

Example so what I do is we can go back to episode 7 this is going to have like not a lot of the builds want to explain C where played on test the feature from create for over two years yeah yeah I mean you’ll know by that time um so this

Is how I how I do my creative building this is episode 7 so this is going to be this town this is going to be this part uh so this was actually the thumb nail uh cuz I was up here this was the thumbnail angle on data in traffic dying

Welcome in wiper um so as you can see there there’s stuff missing this build is missing there isn’t anything up here and stuff that so this is an old save of the world which I just go into files copy over the world and then I go into

Creative and then I can just build and here is me planning out episode 7 for example and I do it in the world in the terrain because builds built on the terrain going to build them in later um is a lot more worth it um one where is there are so many people

Don’t give don’t give 50 Viper no there will there will forever be a noise everyone like the stream like the stream people like the stream you took to cost the crash I loaded into a world hanky I brought out a staircase um from uh I brought out a

Catwalk staircase um I did it both with the industrial iron and catwalk I took it into my inventory I I clicked and I crashed I have the chance against my 120 gifted oh my God X noise for the entire stream Yeah all right cool think that that is done money on trees and I don’t want to give apple apple cut what apples cut what are you on about Viper um do it for the funny do it for the funny um all right I like it I like it

I’m on mobile St oh so wait Apple takes a cut from that what that’s nuts that’s nuts the GI now Apple’s going to take their fair share oh my God I wish I grew money on trees establishing uh the D stabilizing the economy is my hobby yeah cut of everything it’s Apple true

True true true true uh did you get that hanky um all right cool so uh do we want to continue on this terraforming today now or I had another idea but i’ i’ I’ve seem to have misremembered it um oh no we’re just going to continue on this here because this needs

Work um more terraforming people more terraforming eventually we’ll have a mountain okay and nothing but problems with them ha not have yeah I uh I enjoy the the UI and stuff CU I don’t know I’ve always had an iPhone so makes sense love the song I love all my

Songs what day are we on in this world 1,244 oh PR ready Rock an iPhone sold it after 2 months cuz quote this stuff is not made for human use I’m just used it so yeah I mean we’ll go with what you used to with to be honest so I mean if you

Used with the Samsung then you’re probably going to enjoy Samsung more m I don’t know if I ever drop another phone phone in the lake maybe I’ll try an Android take apple to quch will definitely and end well I don’t I don’t think so there’s backpacks but no yet packs here’s a

Backpack why do I have that there uhuh I want you there all right I think we’re going to work on this mide face here maybe even some Boulders here yeah cuz we did you do Boulders over here so maybe maybe maybe I don’t have any jetpacks I think jet packs are quite

Boring me honestly I think the jetpacks are quite boring so I don’t want him what’s your Discord it’s in the description oh my ears quick meltdown huh yeah do I want to do Boulders I feel like Boulders would look good to be honest it also there’s already Boulders over here so

I please end my yeah let’s get some Boulders Boulders we need Boulders I got I had an iPhone 12 mini I dropped it in a lake though how does Discord know the name of your stream help huh what this YouTube connection OBS connection well how my what does that have to do

With the Discord cup I think the stream notification yeah it’s it’s a link it’s an embed that’s how they work um oh the connection between Discord oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean that’s just the connection know I’m live because you can connect your account to Discord which if you have a

Member membersip you should cuz then you will get a role in the Discord uh I don’t know what that means thany but yes I think okay this is going to be interesting actually what’s happening I just got here using mods to make a working train looks awesome I’m not making a train

Right now I’m uh making some terrain for the train tracks uh and I’m little struggling here Viper add commands Viper can’t add commands right now we’ll fix that later um that’ll be for next stream this link is expired uh no it should not be expired that would be bad actually but it really

Shouldn’t oh it is actually yeah you’re right never mind my apologies I’ll fix one in a second here give me two seconds you are Correct of course that one doesn’t work uh burning sent it a few Times okay wait let me get a new one this is weird uh never generate New Link copy here we go now it works sorry for that it does you work indeed correct just refresh it should work um but bring also sent the invite so we’re Good all right how do we connect this so be feel like this one can still kind of connect up yeah that works um uh I did not design them I uh paid for them Brandon designed them which reminds me burning it’s making a few more ones is it four

Burning did I did I did we did four my name is burning dumpster fire I seen on my birth certificate yeah can confirm I’ve seen it Yeah if you have a membership you should connect your Discord uh and YouTube hello hello uh wasn’t it three by the way we still need to talk about it a little bit yeah I did have another idea for one more if you do want to do

Four but I I can do three whatever you have time with honestly hello hello I am from Czech I am from Sweden I think we just got to start working them this one up and the other one down and then once there too big of a gap we’ll fix it uh but yeah no we have to we have to talk about about a bit more I just been

Waiting for you when you have when you have the time I I feel like you will just message me and everything will be good I in Cyprus um I could probably do but I push them back to febrary because I forgot that I have a bunch of exam stuff in January Miss

Slay we suffer yeah no no worries I mean there’s no rush on them at all I just I subscribe thank you we’re ever inching ever closer to the 30,000 uh no 38 ,000 30,000 we had a while ago Stam good job uh I think we need a boulder right

Here tell me when you go to the B toilet yeah that’s the rules the thing is we had we had that happen so uh we added It you have channel in your Discord for schematics yes I do I have a for for uh schematics you want post your own ones and if you want to get my schematics then you’re going to have to support me on patreon will chaining ball that part of the

Track N I think I think this works pretty well I don’t I don’t I don’t think we need a retaining wall I don’t I don’t I don’t know I couldn’t see why we need a retaining wall to be honest does not matter cuz I mean I would look good with retaining wall but

Then I mean you’re kind of right it could be but yeah it’s fine we’ve already used Boulders over here so I think we’re just going to use it um I think yeah I think we’re just going to continue with the boulders I think it’s going to be fit in pretty well here

It should work but no if you can also just go and grab the schematics of the builds yourself as well I got a free World download in the Discord as long as you don’t steal the build BL could look rad though I don’t know may yeah maybe see we’ll see no thevery

This looks a little weird yeah that works actually that fixes it then if we just snake a little bit of GRA dirt right up in here we can get this up all the way to the top I do like the idea of maybe like a few small ones yeah let’s let’s let’s go

Try that I do want to try that actually um what we do it with the tough for sure no ooh what block do I do the r chaining walls of deep States some of the channels hidden by default uh they shouldn’t be hidden by default uh Discord is super

Weird with how they show in high channels so yeah it’s just luck basically what you see and what you don’t see how be become a moderator in a video in a video you don’t become a moderator because what would you motivate in a video

We used to do uh mod apps but uh we we’re not really doing mod apps anymore we just kind of we see people we like in the community we just like hello do you want to do you want do you want a mod to want

Mod and if they don’t want to then they don’t have to but if they do then uh then they mod we recently did this last night um acon um no not last night the two nights ago not not on New Year actually I wasn’t

Doing that on New Year that were I no I don’t no I wasn’t no idea uh probably another like 20 minutes is we’re going to do roughly two hours for these ones weekend streams we’ll do a little longer probably um we’re going to keep them around the leg regular time

Uh so we got that there and then if we start to bring in another Boulder that Hills or mountains honestly just place blocks and like I don’t have any specific tips for you because it’s I I I actually don’t know I can give certain tips on building when it comes to

Building but actually like terraforming and stuff you just got to do it to learn try to make stuff that looks natural um look at what just watch people that terraform I know FIP does a lot of uh chair for me stream if you you want to

Watch his uh streams uh he’s got someone who’s just built a mountain and stuff like that Sam you still do school yeah I do school got to do school no I actually don’t have to do school this the school I’m in now I’m it’s my own will well

Parents I guess a little bit as well just start uh I don’t know there’s not much to think about just just start and uh want to learn and improve I there a lot of people say they want to they want to start a YouTube channel I

Mean I’ve started I wanted to start you wanted to be a YouTuber for ages I mean I wouldn’t call myself a like a YouTuber YouTuber cuz I don’t live because like I don’t make a living out of this yet I mean I’m hoping to get there um my

Electra is just my Cape skin that’s how capes work so if you have a cape you get your elra skin um I I wouldn’t say I I don’t live off YouTube um it does I do make money now but um just just got to start honestly just got to start and be

Prepared that you’re not going to just like blow up overnight um basically yeah and and for just terraforming just watch and look what other people doing you live with your parents yeah exactly burning nose in school college wasn’t much better now I spend all my time at home

And it’s not helping me in any way I don’t know I I quite enjoy school it’s fun I definitely wish I have um I had time to do more YouTube and stuff uh I new your channel I came across welcome in welcome in aome um you got to enjoy what you do in

School though to to like have fun I I enjoy what I’m studying at the moment I’m I hope I will enjoy what I study in the future as well when I go to G University um I hope I will enjoy that as well um and if you don’t like I don’t

Know I wouldn’t probably I wouldn’t do a 5year Education Without somewhat enjoying what I’m doing um cuz if I don’t enjoy the education I mean I guess you could still enjoy the line of work but I I don’t know if you’re not enjoying the education and you’re not

Vibing with it you’re probably not going to VI Vibe with the job either I don’t know yeah but if you want to start your own YouTube channel just like just do it honestly it’s don’t don’t don’t think too much start the best way to learn is to just do it and

Then yeah just do it um I also wouldn’t spend money on it until you’re making money I mean uh people are different if you if you want to and if you can you can but yeah um this is what my like fifth fourth I don’t know Channel I I’ve tried

A few times before and failed Um but um but I’m not Ming the one of the courses I’m currently taking Early Middle Ages so student Bing yeah I can get no vibing with the single course but if you’re generally disliking the entire thing then you know bad I am 18 but no one else no ages chat no no

Ages burning you lied I’m 19 now oh my look at that uh most most people that do want to start a YouTube channel they already have a PC and stuff and I would not call a PC a investment to make a YouTube channel you’re probably just going to

Use a PC anyways SL SL is 24 yeah I’m 24 you’re probably going to use a PC anyways so um but if you are going to spend money on something audio audio quality is really good it was something else I did want to say about that but I I can’t

Remember all right yeah and also if you just think if you think YouTube and stuff like that is just playing games then you’re very very wrong and um you’re going to be in for a shock um because you can’t just play Minecraft for 40 minutes and then have a video um

I spend upwards to like 50 hours on one making one video alone on my channel so um I know not everyone spends 50 hours on a video I’m I’m a slight perfectionist in certain areas um but um it’s not just sit down and play games it’s not really what works on

YouTube anymore even though maybe you could do play Minecraft for like 20 minutes and upload that a few years ago does not work today I can tell you that it’s not the mattera um you ref to let me post it then uh I don’t know why Le didn’t have do you

Think creative mode is better or survival mode I enjoy playing Survival because that’s what I enjoy playing I think creative I think it’s great to have both them but yeah I’m also still using Windows 10 I will be using Windows 11 with my new pc once it gets

Repaired um but for now I am using Windows 10 there’s one to one and a half hours on editing when I used to edit my own videos I edited probably around 20 hours a video is to make like what a 20 to 30 minute video 20 to 40

Minute video is how do you combine YouTube and School uh no free time no free time and accepting that my upload schedule isn’t that fast um I also have quite an easy time learning stuff in school so I’m I’m not strug struggling um I need por that’s

Downstairs survival is the best boat I mean yeah I think survival is the best mode I think I have more fun playing Survival than creative I also do enjoy creative building though it’s a lot of fun as well so I like buff just more just more terraforming

Calin that’s what we do in all stream oh uh I do want to add in a little bit of Co dir under this now though that I just remembered no but it’s um content is made for survival creat as well as sandbox yeah exactly I mean you can have

Fun like a lot of people enjoy creative building only and uh I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that so I I myself enjoyed creative building but I really do like the the survival aspect of it as well no stress and stuff I it yeah

Exactly I mean you can like you can have different you have fun playing the game in different ways um with Windows 10 P Explorer cap closing causing it to be unstable I feel like that’s just your PC being a little wacky not Windows I think Windows 10 is

A pretty pretty solid um operative uh operator system yeah like uh play on Creative I have a whole town exactly yeah I mean certain people um it’s just how you enjoy the game if you enjoy playing creative then that’s that’s what you should play I enjoy playing Survival I particularly

Enjoy playing hardcore which I haven’t in a while but I I am I will be getting back into hardcore soon uh it’s going to be create hardcore so yep uh I do want to grab a few blocks though one paper hello welcome in Paper paper um I need I’m going to use polished play Survival I have a whole survival house in my town yeah exactly oh you play yeah I mean if you want to play it on the same world as well there’s nothing wrong with that I I mean I I technically play

Survival and creative in this world but I play the creative side in this world on a separate World file um so that everything you see in this world right now is all built survival but uh I do have the creative world to um to uh I do have the creative worlds to do

My planning and stuff like that we’re doing some chair forming today um got this little area down here worked out and I’m quite happy with it I don’t like that we’re going to add a chainer wall over there as well and we also got this area over here

Connect that up and then eventually we’re going to start tackling this side here are you going to use Forge in your new series no uh I’m going to stick to fabric uh I don’t think I’m ever going to be playing Forge because Forge does

Not have the mods I want uh so yeah I it just makes it easier to people be mad at me no new uh new mul is definitely going to be as well uh cuz I want litica and replay mod and those don’t exist for fabric or for

Forge uh I haven’t found any good uh alternatives to uh replay and stuff like that so uh I’m sticking with This add that in this one up one could be one lower so taking in one this two up yeah I think it looks all right looked at 100% CPU such that I feel like your your PC is not that good I oh my God use for more heavy moding

Like Crea and stuff while I use fabric for Shi because I have a ton of pp performance booster mods for it yeah I mean for is pretty bad in my opinion I don’t know a PC with 950 gigb I’ve got a few terabytes I’ve got even more of my new

One as well so so 100 pound what do you expect yeah not not not much not much uh we’re going to go and light up on the bottom side for a bit because we need to do it Ram or storage 950 gigs of RAM odd number I don’t think you can get

That but you can get terabytes of ram but should use Forge right now wait uh for Neo Forge to ply release I use probably like 4 terabytes maybe right now and I have like what do I have I have six six terabytes is I use four maybe torches torches thank

You there one remind you to light stuff up like a second before you said it great M thanks I like light burning great mines than like is Fortune is not bad I have all my mod packs on forch yeah I mean a lot of mod packs are on

Forch for just missing a few mods that I want so not doing it I I there’s some mods on Forge that I want but there’s more there’s mods on fabric that are more essential to me making videos that I’d rather have um so that’s what it’s using right now I think I think

Roughly uh I’m not sure uh I can check real quick right now my PC has is using one terab it’s using a little over three terab uh of space and it has six seven no yeah six terabytes have an idea for another video you can make the biggest storage room

Ever sounds pretty boring honestly I don’t know why would I why would I want a a uh I don’t know I don’t I those kinds of videos don’t make sense to me it just just not seem like fun it’s not the type of content I

Make um I did make a really big Factory once I hated it in in hardcore I made a massive factory building spent so much time on it burning you will remember that that’s when burning showed up absolutely hated it how long have you been playing Minecraft for I probably bought the game

A little over 10 years ago now uh or well first played it over 10 years ago uh but uh I’ve been playing it straight for almost two years now doing YouTube almost a year and a half was you’re amazing thanks you st I just started watching your crate

Ser and you’re genius keep up the good videos thank you thank you as well we’re just going to light this up as well because we’re eventually just going to cover it I do need to do a little bit of planning on how I want how I want to take the terrain

Going outwards here cuz I’m pretty sure I want to extend the terrain so like off of this bit over here and then like extend it over to this way um I want try the cre mode but I think I’m too dumb it’s really easy to

Learn honestly I mean if you I I quite easy to learn you got to do the pondering thing cuz there’s there’s this thing in the game like if you search up a saw you can know W and it shows you what the saw can be used for

Um for example um and here example it shows that you can cut a tree with it it’s very slow but you can here we go next more P for for your fabric fabric fabric fabric I need I I need my replay mod blob hello all right cool I think that’s

Enough lighting up for now we’re missing a block up there for Fab that I want most of mods in my mod pack are only on Forge yeah I have most of the P I have mods on on Forge that I would like like drawers I tempted on I’m not sure as

Well on drawers I’m not sure I I don’t know I I I’m probably going to survive without drawers I don’t really I don’t I don’t care too much for drawers could be nice but then also like they’re really op way they create stuff so I don’t know um uh Mode called very annoying

Minecraft I hated it I mean sounds like it you only have five more minutes with Stam roughly yeah um and there’s no raiding on YouTube which is sad I also don’t have anyone to raid on YouTube so fix that then we need to find the hole over here here it is fix

That cool we we do need to do a little bit of decorating on this side right here but we’ll do that at the same time we do everything else that is fine uh that GPU to that that CPU to that GPU is uh o ends in 5 minutes yeah

Probably ends round about now I don’t have that much more to do today so uh we’re probably going to end it off here um I’m really happy with the prors and it’s been an amazing first stream on YouTube what we’ve averaged we’ve averaged 100 viewers which is nuts um

Nuts nuts nuts and uh thank you so much for this support everyone and uh everyone that showed your face for the first time in one of my streams welcome welcome welcome welcome and uh yeah there’s going to be three more streams this week uh on Wednesday and on

Thursday and then on Sunday as well so yeah thank you everyone for hanging out today and um I’ll see you on Wednesday and uh yeah make sure to join the Discord people and uh yeah goodbye people goodbye goodbye goodbye

This video, titled ‘Terraforming a MOUNTAIN in Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Stam1o on 2024-01-01 20:25:39. It has garnered 3238 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds.

Terraforming a MOUNTAIN in Minecraft Create! If you enjoy the stream make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!

Modlist/World Download can be found in my discord.

Chat Rules: 1. Disrespecting Anyone In Chat Is Not Allowed 2. Keep Everything On A PG-13 Level! 3. No illegal substances related topics. 4. No hate speech Tolerated At All. 5. Think Before You Say Or Write Anything. Use Common Sense. 6. Try To Not Spam. 7. English Only

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    Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿Video Information This video, titled ‘【minecraft】baby english【vtuberen/jp】’, was uploaded by Angol Mois Ch🌕🌿アンゴル・モア on 2024-04-21 00:53:06. It has garnered 40 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. i’ll be in australia in sept! i’m nervous☺ so teach me english 🙂 i wanna be a language —————————————– ■Twitter https://twitter.com/AngolmoisVtuber ■Donation(Mini Angol appears in screen) https://streamlabs.com/-angolmois-/tip ■Membership https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjirbtthjP9TjpPHl3qhsIQ/join —————————————– 🔸 Art # AngolArtV 🔸 Live # AngolLiveV 🔸 Clips # AngolClips 🔸 Fan Mark 🌕🌿 🔹 Illust & Live2D – Angol Mois —————————————– Hi there! I’m Angol Mois from VTuber🌕🌿 I’m learning English📚and I’m Japanese… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft KFC Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Silent Java on 2024-08-24 10:00:04. It has garnered 2475 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Welcome to my latest Minecraft build! 🍗 In this video, I’ve recreated a KFC restaurant block by block. Watch as I bring the iconic fast-food joint to life in the world of Minecraft, complete with all the details you’d expect. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next build or just love creative Minecraft projects, this video is for you! Don’t forget to like, comment,… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

    Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no CopyrightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Background music that will boost up your content -(No copyright)🔥.@Anitrooz’, was uploaded by Anitrooz on 2024-03-01 08:30:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #shortsfeed #trending #viral #epic #clutch #animation #edit #creepypasta #build #minecraft #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • ViiPerMC

    ViiPerMCWelcome to one of the best minecraft network servers around! We offer a variety of exciting gamemodes including Lifesteal SMP, Sky-Gens, and Sky-Mining. Our server provides full support and guarantees a lag-free experience. Join us for an unparalleled gaming adventure! Read More

  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with Nerd.nu PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.20.4) Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve: the ultimate Minecraft ChadWell, Steve must be feeling pretty accomplished with that high score! I guess you could say he’s a real “blockbuster” in the meme world. Read More

  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

    Klee's Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new character’s in sight, Klee’s here to bring some joy, with colors so bright. To get this model, just follow the link, And for a small fee, you’ll be in sync. Yes Steve Model is the key, for Java Edition to play, With Klee by your side, you’ll have a great day. So hop on over to the download site, And join the fun, it’ll be just right. Support the creators, show them some love, For bringing us Klee, a gift from above. In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity soar, With… Read More

  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡Code.org te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft Code.org te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

    Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-09-11 17:28:41. It has garnered 138 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:51 or 10971 seconds. A Minecraft survival server that is family friendly with no swearing 🙂 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWj6lQ9K1YZZjopgya3JoQ/join Tips/donations: https://streamlabs.com/richjturn2/tip Merch store: streamlabs.com/richjturn2/merch For more content check out my… Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@richjturn/featured I find channel: https://trovo.live/s/Richjturn/549814015949 Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/richjturn Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@richjturn For updates and news check out… My Twitter page: https://twitter.com/richjturn My Discord Server: discord.gg/Bsxvt6SnAW Sometimes on my… Read More

  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yosoytreme Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yosoytreme TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yosoytreme Twitter: https://twitter.com/yosoytreme ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK: https://discord.gg/2ehHGD5wC7… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qn3-a3KSY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOr7K0T26U&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5_1CAczsw tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More