Minecraft Secrets: Building Ultimate Creeper Farm!

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[Applause] control hands [Applause] [Applause] up [Applause] N Control hands [Applause] up Silo Hi H happy Sunday oh my God I can’t the weekend’s almost over already I [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] man but it’s fine it’s fine we’re here hello hello hello I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend I hope everyone is doing

Well and for those of you who may be wondering oh like why were you getting distracted by Siri well like on one hand Siri is just the cutest I love I [ __ ] love Siri Siri is fantastic um on the other hand she’s also currently doing something Scion related she’s um she may

Or may not be doing something Scion related so if you want like a little peek then I would I would poke on her stream as well just to see what it is that I’ve got her doing for us yes yes yes yes yes um I I may or may

Not have commissioned uh Siri for for a little a little something something that I get to throw at you guys as another uh thank you for being around because I really really do appreciate it so um yeah so I I I’m gonna I’m I’m two birds

With one stone you know I get to support Siri because because I get to commission her but also I get to give you guys something so yes um it I’m it’s it’s so cute I I just popped in because I didn’t want to

See to too much of it um cuz I want to be surprised a little bit too but what do you mean that corrupted her no have you did you see the art she Drew of herself excuse you corrupted her no no

No no no no no no no I was like hi can I calm you and she was like yes and I was like feel free to save for work or not save for work H here there’s options for both it’s not no I did not corrupt Siri did you did

You not see the art she did of herself it’s very good it’s very very good it’s what do you it’s not I did nothing I did nothing Maron thank you thank you for joining the tricksters I appreciate it oh uh for those of you who are like recently joined the membership or

Thinking about it uh there is the if you look in the community tab there should be uh this month’s wallpaper went out yesterday I believe and so did another uh video yesterday for members uh so if you haven’t taken a look at those and you would like to please make sure that you

Do they are up and around yes yes yes yes yes and Eric thank you thank you for rejoining the tricksters happy three months I appreciate it yes yes yes yes yes you enjoyed Cinder cion yeah wasn’t necessarily uh yeah I mean to be fair I do try to like do scripts

That are not necessarily how I am as a person just you know for the funsies I think it’s fun soon that I made Sion stream when I don’t know I don’t I don’t know you may have to see you may you may you may have to

See yes yes yes yes there is uh to I mean to be fair I am putting out my schedule like tonight or tomorrow tonight uh do your may or may not be some more made related content coming up soon there may or may not be some more M

Related content coming up soon coming up in this following week uh with some of the other girlies I just realized that we’re sitting in a void there we go now we’ve got some background music yeah but I’m very excited um this week is going to be it’s going to be fun

So sooner than Valentine’s Day yes sooner than Valentine’s Day yes Um I was going to say what was I going to say I don’t [ __ ] remember I I had something to say but it’s gone now it’s absolutely gone but um we do have I believe two separate collabs next week maybe three maybe three um but on the days that I’m

Having collabs on some of the days that having collabs rather there will also be just normal single solo streams as well um cuz I realize I have been doing a decent amount of collabs but I want to be able to spend time oneon-one um yeah which is also part of the reason

Why I’m not I haven’t just jumped into voice chat with cocon sunpai right away and gotten on Minecraft because I just you know I wanted to take a second to say hi just chill with my informance just a little bit yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

W cocon i I [ __ ] love coconi she’s right now she’s doing what we did last time we were on Minecraft um she’s doing what we did last time which is adventuring around the [ __ ] end looking for a place to get an elytra currently though she does have one of

The community elytra which Tia got for us um and I I gave her a stack of rockets uh only members count as performance no I didn’t say that I want I came here to to talk to all of my informants before we started the game what in what world no

EV Everyone’s an informant everyone part that’s part of the community is an informant no members are are also informant but they’re tricksters and palm grw yes everyone is informant you cannot Escape There Is No Escape yes just jumped into here from a certain direct goober air oh I’m so

Excited for sur art I’m so excited for sur art yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I’m I’m I’m I’m so happy I’m so excited I I also have other art that I’m like I now just have to hold on to for like months before I can throw it at you guys

And will will I be able to do it we’ll [ __ ] see you know we we’ll see I’m you guys already know that I’m bad at keeping secrets so we’ll see what happens to it maybe maybe I’ll have to move it up uh maybe maybe we’ll have other plans for it you [Laughter]

Know Jay thank you thank you for re oh for gifting a membership thank you for gifting a membership and Leon welcome welcome on into the tricksters welcome welcome I hope you enjoy the content uh read read read read read read read read my brain this spice is already going

Skyrocket High there that’s a Siri decision I gave her references and I was like here’s some ideas go do as you do uh so you cannot blame me for this you cannot all you [ __ ] coming in and being like Oh you’re corrupting Siri I’m not corrupting

[ __ ] I keep my [ __ ] well away from the cute girls thank you very much it’s literally blowing up what’s literally nothing is literally blowing up there’s not a single thing that is blowing up I refuse to believe it I refuse I refuse H sure

You press X to you guys you guys I am actually very good I’m I’m I am very kind and say so around people who are also say so okay I I work very hard to not like okay well to sometimes when they say something I go because they don’t get it because

They didn’t mean it to be an innuendo but it was definitely an inuendo and then I and then I I I try not to die on the inside as I laugh um but like I’m not the I’m not the person who brings things up I don’t do that generally

Speaking there there’s enough of that in the world there’s there’s enough there’s enough Scions and Leora senis and cocon senis in the world okay we try to maintain the purity of those who who who did not know what the jar was before coming into V tubing okay it’s it’s fine

It’s you know we’re we’re doing our best out here serious somewhere in between yeah yeah she’s not she’s not as pure as ma um but like she’s H sui is an enjoyer of aesthetic like like aesthetic like soft ludes right like like um the the current drawing that she’s doing and my previous

Wallpaper where it’s like it’s pretty and it’s like also slightly lwd but like she also is a very much a believer in like romance and she’s very like into like love and like true love and like cute relationshipy stuff um like even just the H tier stream that uh the or

Seni did the whole time Siri was like what the [ __ ] is are they happy are are they going to are are they happy and they’re going to have a family and we had to be like I mean theoretically they’re happy maybe probably not what you would consider happy but like theoretically

But like she she likes pretty Ludy question mark does that make sense like she’s not like she’s she’s wholesome but she’s not like completely say so I guess whereas like Ma I would say is not wholesome but is very say so right yeah like ma ma ma is GNA like start yelling

Random stuff she’ll like do poop joke she’ll do fart jokes she has like a uh immature sense of humor so do I so like please don’t take this is me calling her out because [ __ ] same um but she’s very say so like she does not swear she like has absolutely zero [ __ ] idea

About anything that is like lwd yes it’s yeah I would say that Ma is say so but not necessarily wholesome and Siri is wholesome but not necessarily say so yes you need an ear warning for every MAA stream uh yeah for people who don’t uh who aren’t used to Ma uh because of

Her energy um yeah I could see how people would think that she’s very she can be quite loud but I love her energy I think I think M’s energy is fantastic and it’s something that like I wish I could have I wish I could have the amount of like energy and positivity and

Like excitement for everything that Ma does she’s like she’s fantastic I love her so much so if it’s drawing in the H Romance style art uh not the street up H then Siri Yeah well yeah Siri likes um for example I her her I think she she did a

Book club I think that might have been her membership streams though but like the it was there was romance in the book and there was I didn’t actually read it I didn’t I don’t know but I’m there was I remember people mentioning there being slightly more

Than just romance um but like she’s all about the like cute couply relationshipy part of it uh so she’s okay with it as long as it’s like that you know um like how do I explain it like she likes loot art for the Aesthetics not for the loot looty you know like she’s

Not there to get like her [ __ ] rocks off or to like fulfill anything she’s just like M yes pretty M skin looks soft M rendering nice very good very good um but yeah she doesn’t like she’s not like you know yes you love having your ears broken by the ADHD

Creature that’s that is sort of a good way to to describe MAA you’re not wrong I still can’t believe that she thought that she grew out of her ADHD she that’s going to live in my head forever the fact that she was like yeah I had ADHD

As a kid and I had to be like ma that that doesn’t just go away that if you were diagnosed with ADHD it does you don’t just grow out of it yeah right sexy I see that laau like yeah she was just like oh yeah I had

That as a kid but it got better no it [ __ ] did it it did [ __ ] not get better oh my God you just got better at pretending you don’t have it in like adult settings but as soon as you don’t have to pretend that you’re not

ADHD Jesus [ __ ] she evolved out of it yeah mhm mhm yeah had your wisdom ADHD removed in your teens Yeah uh no I don’t think it actually got better ubag she just thought that like ADHD was like something you have as a kid you know like she I I’m not 100% certain but like yeah she was very much just like she just assumed it like you grew out of it you

Know but like obviously you don’t it’s it’s not really a like grow out of sickness it’s it can be like a grow into like for example you learn how to do like things to cope with certain things or like you learn how to like mask certain parts of yourself that like make

You more presentable in society um so if you can’t that is growing out of it I guess to a little bit of an extent like I’m I’m this particular job that I have in the raccoon world I’m very much essentially Just Me Maybe a tiny bit toned down but I’ve had previous jobs

Where like no one would be able to tell that I have ADHD because I got really really good at like pretending to be a mature and responsible adult who like had everything had like had their [ __ ] together you know and I feel like that

Might be why ma was like oh no I’m fine fine cuz she can like pretend to not be Ma you know poor M someone get her a coping mechanism Yeah that’s a thing that’s a thing yeah you can pass as a normal person for sure but like it’s not that’s not necessarily as a teacher you kind of had to yeah to be fair though as a teacher though you can let a little bit out because you

Have like keep Pace with the kids anyway you have to be able to like obviously Corral them and like make them do things but if you like to be relatable to kids when you’re a teacher anyway especially if you’re a younger teacher because that’s the only way you’re going to get

Them to listen to you um you can let a little bit of that [ __ ] out it’s fine they don’t care uh it’s usually around other adults that like personally that I have always felt that I need to like pretend to not be me to some extent you

Know thought you I definitely do not have it all together Jay I definitely do not have it all together I [ __ ] eat girl dinners like 90 what did I I have had Che it crunch cheddar Ranch crackers and a cup of coffee today I definitely do not have it

All together I do have some pizza in the fridge and I’m going to have that after stream I just didn’t want to risk making myself like sick H like if I had it beforehand uh so uh yeah but of course I I have two bags of salad in my fridge I have two

Bags of salad in my fridge yes it is [ __ ] great it is [ __ ] great much better at hiding ADHD it’s always a struggle to stay focused um to be fair the thing I’m focused on is video games I I feel like you know um I I don’t know

About you guys I think I’ve said this before I’ve got like six alarms that go off daily i’ I I I live on like I have one that sets just one set rather of alarms that sets off Monday to Wednesday when I have to go to my raccoon World job that just

Like so that I I can leave the house on time even though I have to do it every single week like it’s it’s a thing that happens all the time I still need that many alarms going off uh same thing with like before my streams I set an alarm

Like 15 minutes before I’m supposed to start streaming so I can like remember like oh [ __ ] I need to like actually get ready for stream and not keep doing what I’m doing um do you wake up to the first or last alarm usually the middle alarm

Is when I wake up usually the first one will go off and I’m like and then the second one will go off and I’m like okay and that’s where I’ll like I’ll like wake up putting that in [ __ ] quotation marks I’ll wake up but I’ll like be on my phone for a second

And that’s usually while I like scroll Twitter or like read all the Discord messages or something and then the last alarm get goes off and I’m like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ve got to get ready for work um yeah so it’s it’s it’s like a three-step process yes yes you have to

Go through seven alarms every day for school back then and it was terrible for your family see I I’m one of those people like alarm goes off it goes off like I’m immediately going to turn that [ __ ] off and that’s part also part ofas I need multiple because I will just turn them

Off without realizing sometimes um oh but alarm’s going off alarm’s going off if they’re just going why why that shit’s so loud and so annoying especially if you’ve got like a basic alarm that’s like I lived in one place back when I was in uni that like had pretty thin

Walls it it had pretty thin walls and on one hand I sometimes felt bad for the person who lived on the other side of the wall cuz like even though I I not didn’t always stream when I game I’m loud in general um but this alarm would

Go off at like 5: in the morning so like just as I was trying to get to bed and I could hear it through the wall I could hear it through the wall I could hear it through the wall and this person they let it go just for like a [ __ ]

Hour I don’t know how they slept I don’t know if they slept through it or like they woke up to it and then they would just always forget about it and go take a [ __ ] shower or something why so I just couldn’t sleep because all I could hear like was like a faint Distant I was really glad when I moved out of that place it was so bad it was so bad and ente thank you thank you for rejoining the tricksters I appreciate it thank you for commissioning sorry for the wallpaper yes I uh I’m excited to see

What she does for that I love series rendering her art is so cute and sometimes I’m like I wish I could do art like Siri and Eko and Ma and then I’m like well I could Sion you dumbass you could I just don’t put my time into

Doing art I could put my time into doing art but I don’t I don’t I do other things instead and that’s why like sometimes I’m like I feel so bad because I’m not a good artist and I’m like well yeah because I haven’t practiced doing art so therefore obviously I’m not a

Good art arti it’s not like they just magically were good at Art they woke up one day and they were like I’m an artist now it’s not how that works it’s a lot of [ __ ] time and effort and I do not have the time and effort to put into

That or like rather I I have the time and effort but I put it into other things instead like um making schedules that I can possibly stick to or trying to cut shorts or find scripts to read and things like that I don’t know I or laying on the floor with

Bunny you know I just I do things other than art they like doing art and I like laying on the floor sounds so bad I promise I actually do things I do I do I do actually do things just I can’t think of any right now I’m I’m I’m my brain is

Empty got oh you got some time before we going to work well I hope that you’re having a good time off and thank you m here I am doing well tonight I am doing well yes yes yes yes yes music is your weakness yes yes I

Love to be fair sometimes I will just like sit alone in my my place and like thinking karaoke to myself for like hours usually that happens at like 3:00 in the morning again I’m pretty it’s a really good thing that my neighbors can’t hear me or I’m pretty sure my

Neighbors can’t hear me because yeah 3 in the morning karaoke is not necessarily not necessarily everyone’s good idea or time time of a good idea no good idea of a time no it’s not everyone’s idea of a good time there we go that’s the organization I’m looking for

[ __ ] I forgotten how to speak English God damn it how goes the investigation not very well last doctor I went to was like you just have big tonsils it’s fine that that’s not a that’s not a reason as to current degradation of throat that’s that’s not how that works

Just so I have to go to another doctor because that doctor is good for some things but not apparently for throat issues question mark uh even though I was like oh yeah like my mom currently has thyroid cancer can we get me tested for that to make

Sure that’s why my throat’s not being stupid and they were like no it’s fine you just have big tonsils that I’ve always had big tonsils that’s just that’s what happens when you just have tonsilitis 12 million times as a child but they never [ __ ] take your tonsils out because every time you have

It like three times in a year they’re like if you get it one more time we’re going to take your tonsils out and then you don’t get tonsilitis again until the next year and then it happens again you get it like three times and they’re like

If you get it again we’re going to take your tonsils out then you don’t anyway Riley thank you thank you for rejoining the tricksters I appreciate it Tanuki brain not englishing or not braining or is it both this is the return of blob Zion it’s always the return of blob Zion

Always turn BL sign I may have to make myself another cup of coffee honestly before we start the game I feel like that might be what I do that might be what I do I might have to make some more coffee because brain brain is not

Staying on the the focus path that’s not [ __ ] that’s not an actual sentence my brain is not um collecting all of my thoughts and putting them on a specific road which is generally speaking why I drink caffeine I don’t really get energy from coffee I get the ability usually

Usually usually I get the ability to like streamline my thought process does that make sense um yeah I I don’t I don’t actually oh coffee now um yeah so I can drink coffee like right before bed and it doesn’t keep me awake I I can go to bed as soon

As I have coffee it’s really not a problem for me um but yeah I I drink coffee to sort of to help focus is it’s it’s essentially uh self-medicating with caffeine um coffee allows you to sleep yeah for for a lot of people it is very much the opposite of what you would

Consider coffee it it can like slow you down help you sleep help you focus um but yeah to be fair I only had about half a cup of coffee so maybe I’ll do that maybe okay all right I was going to jump right into Minecraft but I’m going

To take two seconds to go grab coffee and uh you know but I’m going to I’m going to wait a second making coffee there I’ll leave you guys with that but um it shouldn’t it shouldn’t be that bad give me give me a second I’ll I

Mean I’ll probably like yell at you guys from the [ __ ] kitchen it’s like right around the corner so a here you youm up yes okay it it should hopefully make itself soon it should hopefully make itself soon I did realized though that I’ve got two separate nut flavored coffees

Um I mean I’ve got like got like six different coffee roasts chilling in my chilling in my um cupboard which also not great I’ve got like a medium roast coffee a dark roast coffee and then I’ve got three that are like flavored roast of coffee all of which are medium roast there’s one

That’s like vanilla one that’s caramel nut and then a hazelnut and I put the hazelnut one in and I thought that that was going to be a knot but that’s not the only knot so that’s fine I don’t know if you guys can hear the coffee maker

Maybe which one’s my favorite one um um generally if I’m drinking it for taste I prefer the ones that have like a little bit of like it’s like a medium roast with just a little bit of like like I said like the flavorings usually those ones are made to be had like with

Like a milk or something as like a latte I don’t bother with the latte bed I just [ __ ] Chuck some oat milk in it and call it a day um but if I want to drink like a black coffee then I’ll usually go for the dark roast or the medium roast

That I have that are just just like plain ass coffees uh and those ones are both really good if I’m going out then if I’m same thing like I I usually I tend to get caffeinated beverages as lattes and just get like three or four shots of espresso in them

Um but if I want like coffee like if I’m not just going for caffeine if I want coffee then I’m I’m going to get it like usually I’ll get it depends if my stomach is okay like if I’ve eaten something I can have black coffee if I

Haven’t really eaten much then I have to have like coffee with like at least a little bit of like some sort of creamish type thing like oat milk or something like that uh and sometimes I’ll put a sweetener in it depending on where I’m going for example Starbucks I’m

Definitely putting [ __ ] cream and sugar in that [ __ ] but if I’m going to like a really nice coffee place then you know I I will probably actually enjoy the black coffee as long as I’ve had like some carbonated or not carbonated carbs in my tummy to

Like line it so that I don’t want to die afterwards how often do you have coffee in a week I usually have a coffee a day is what I try to do I used to be really really bad I used to have like two to three coffees a day and when I say

Coffee um on my days off that’s in quotation marks but like when I on days where I stream so Thursday to Sunday I have like just a coffee just one uh and it’s just like a [ __ ] normal ass cup of coffee but when I’m going to Raccoon

World work my version of a coffee like I said is a latte with three to four shots of espresso or sometimes it’s a dirty chai which is a a chai latte uh with espresso shots and usually in that case it’s two to three shots of espresso um yeah which is like just slightly

Above the average person’s normal coffee but this is my daily I used to do this but like two to three times a day which is not great for you um sounds expensive too yeah which is why when I’m not working I just have coffee at home um and to be fair I

Also a lot of my family members don’t know what the [ __ ] to get me for like Christmas or birthdays or things like that so they just give me Starbucks gift cards um because they don’t know what else to do and they know that I drink a lot of

Coffee is that why my no that’s not has nothing to do with my sleep schedule cuz like I said I can sleep immediately after having coffee it’s really no problem um this is just where my actual like this is where my body circadian rhythm wants to be like this is like

Even since I was I would say like older teens so like essentially my entire adult life I’ve had to like force myself if I have things to do in the morning to do you know normal person routine stuff um but like anytime I’ve just had like sads

Of time where I don’t actually have to keep to a schedule this is Al always where my my sleep schedule has like gone to um yeah it’s it very much not like a this is where I’d like my sleep schedule to be because it would probably be well

Way easier to actually hang out with people if I had a normal sleep schedule uh not that I’d really probably do it very much more anyway but like the couple of times a couple of times a [ __ ] year I actually go out and see people it would probably be easier if I

Had like you know a normal daytime instead of being like Oh yeah I can see you anytime after noon if I wake up early and they’re like what do you mean noon if you wake up early so oh my coffee’s done I’ll be right back you want okay I’m

Back um I may or may not have gotten slightly sidetracked by the fluffs but it’s it’s fine it’s okay oh have a good day at work Doggy I’m assuming yes everyone yes okay work work work work uh if you have a coffee at 10:30 at night you’d go full night without sleep oh yeah no I like I said I I’ll drink a coffee and then go to bed sometimes um just cuz like I want the flavor of a

Coffee um in which case like I said I would usually drink like a a ro like one of the normal roasts but uh yeah Ender Farm no we’re not do well I mean I will eventually probably put together an Enderman Farm we’re going to build a creeper Farm

Today I’m going to bring a build the creeper Farm today yes because I Um I we need Rockets we need Rockets now that now that some of us have elytra we’re going to need some Rockets um cuz otherwise we’re just going to not be able to use our elytra very much so I got the so I figured out where I’m

Building it and I built like the base platform um while I was online at like a couple hours hours ago when cocon Senpai was on but I haven’t gotten to actual building so let me let me log in there and we’ll move on over and we’re in this guy I’m also

Going to J Jump into the call with cocon Senpai I’m not sure what she’s up to but let me hello that she streams hi I need to make sure everyone can hear cocon Senpai yeah can everyone hear Scion [ __ ] Gremlin noises yes a little biger you good sorry I uh I started in

The sky and then I fell why did you log out while you were flying yeah I forgot that I logged out like on where I’m building the creeper spawner oh where where uh which part are you you’re near the mining area right uh Farm area oh no that’s where I started

It that’s where I started it but uh and then I decided that there’s no ocean there so [ __ ] that so it I am actually pretty close to where the stronghold is cuz that’s the only place where I why the [ __ ] are you so big sorry it’s the only place I remembered

Where um where there was an ocean uh sorry I I looked over onto my OBS and I realized that my cook Fuji was just like the entire [ __ ] screen and in the middle of the screen nice I see okay okay oh yeah I also optify finally [ __ ] did an update for 1.2.2

So I finally have shaders again oh did it I finally have shaders again I did not keep up I was just like you know what I’ll I’ll figure it out when I come yeah no I I was thinking about it and then I I like just looked the other day

Cuz I was like when am I going to have shaders again and they updated it nice yes very nice wait I’m just so high in the sky I’m going to need to build like a [ __ ] Lighthouse or something under this later this is yeah I don’t think there was like a

Ocean near the yeah I looked around spawn I looked around the the farm area that we go to that we have uh but I didn’t really see any anything so uh yeah I I went to the one place where I knew for sure that there was

Something um do I remember what what the heck it is that I’m doing no I should probably make this slightly [Laughter] wider should prob I’m going to put like a little glowstone path towards the end uh portal there we go this is fine okay um it now yeah Pro probably okay probably

Probably okay I’ve got like a touch of leg though for some reason like server lag I’m not sure if it’s server or it’s just my [ __ ] computer honestly uh I was like it’s not surprising if it’s server lag though because you know it’s in Korea that too yeah yeah that

Too and I’m not hugely worried about it because I’ve got um my elytra on although okay it’s it’s still fine I’m always worried when it comes to elytra that um we’re GNA just it’s going to break and then I’m going to cry it’s going to break and and I’m going to

Cry it’s possible I will cry if I ever [ __ ] break this elytra I never want to have to go to that stupid end ever again it was H it was a journey yeah did you did you find what you were did you find something I did I found my own elytra yay

Yeah that that that end that end the the informance know from last time those those of them that watched last my last stream that was literally also going to find an a ler in the end just oh my God it’s so painful so painful it was so bad we have the

World’s worst end and I don’t understand why like I basically used the whole stack that you gave me to like go to and from I managed to like survive long enough to like you know um just get back to like a a portal but damn I was so conservative with the

Fireworks I was going to say you’re the person who I think would probably like do be the nicest when it comes to like the like how you use the the the Rockets you know cuz like I’m I’m not very conservative with my Rockets I just I didn’t go I just I’m

Like this is my rocket and now it’s nobody’s rocket because it’s dead like I kind of figured that I would have to travel pretty far so I was trying to be as conservative as possible since you know we don’t have a gunpowder Farm yet and yeah I’m going I’m going I

Promise nice I was like maybe I should expand the um sugar cane my thought was to put it up here with this one because they’re going to be used together right so when you’re waiting for gunpowder you might as well also be waiting for sugar cane that’s

True should I make it should I make the sugarcane Farms F if you want to you can um I have dirt and sugar cane up here with me okay okay let me see if I could just I don’t I don’t have any of the red stone really I was just like I’ll just

Put the dirt and sugar canane up here for now and then do the red stone after question mark question mark question mark let’s see there I’ll bring uh let’s see where’s my where’s my buckets of water where the [ __ ] was it me was me um uh I think I know where it

Is it’s in the end chest which I do not have I was going to go to the end to like not the end nether to like make myself and just since I need a blaze rod and stuff yeah yeah so I’m going to go there maybe I’ll go there real

Quick feel like this is too many gates I feel like I’ve made too many gates you know what I’ve learned there’s there’s never too many gats It’s never enough what if oh they railroads wait why do I have so many rails who let me H okay well okay I’ll I’m very

Confused didn’t think I need quite this many gates did you need more no I I I brought I I thought that I just brought a whole bunch extra but I only brought like a couple extra which is why I’m like ah I could bring some more wood just in case wait

Second why are these ones going this way what the [ __ ] you good I think that is a I feel like this is not what this is supposed to look like but wait I need to bring try oh I just [ __ ] something up I don’t know how but I

Did I don’t know how I [ __ ] it up but I know I [ __ ] it up yeah they are open tell me to open the gates open open the gates yeah they are open gates are open that’s the Problem put these ones here for now let’s go down and grab those extra Gates that fell problem is they’re going to be out here now there we go I’m sure COK Senpai is not watching chat she’s just very good at knowing what’s going on at all times that’s what she

Does she’s a goddess no one should be surprised by that yeah why are you surprised I’m a I’m a goddess um you know I’m who’s watching um and then we get rid of the one in the middle that still doesn’t look right but that’s fine it’s it’s

Fine uh do we have I think we could trade for glass now yeah we have a we should have a guy that trades for glass right yeah oops why is there a bed here why is there a bed where in the trading Hall oh uh well that was there because I am

Lazy there’s really no other reason uh I I was trying to make one of the villagers do villager things and he didn’t want to do villager things and I did not appreciate the fact that he did not want to do villager things um so I made a bed there so I

Didn’t have to walk back and forth while I was trying to force him to do villager things mhm fair fair fair yeah I’m just killing every [ __ ] creeper I see yeah until we get that creeper Farm going wait how are you going to bring cats I guess you’re not going to do the

Cat like version okay I was going to say I was like how are you going to bring cats up there I mean you could but it’ll be a lot more trouble no cats kind of like no capes but like not you know uh you know I probably should

Have put this water in here after I actually did other things um I didn’t though so this is where we are now and that’s that’s fine that’s just how life is sometimes you know yeah it I don’t know if it should be that way though cocon sunai I mean should and is you

Know very different I guess so I also realize that these particular shaders are not going to be great because I I I can assume that the water is working the way I want to but I can’t actually see the currents because the water is just clear

Yeah I was going to say your your Shader is very hard to like it’s very hard to check what what the [ __ ] the water’s doing yeah um that’s fine though probably right yeah I think I mean form over function right you see that except mine’s definitely just like Aesthetics over

Both form is it Aesthetics form well I guess I guess it can be a little bit of form but like form isn’t form just like the general shape of it maybe like the fact that I’m using Cobblestone because I don’t want it to accidentally catch on fire because of a

Lightning strike I feel like that might be form I mean I’m sure that it’s also like you know function and and yeah you know what I guess you’re right I’m just my brain is not braining today cocon Senpai it is really not it’s okay we have we H these I mean mine

Isn’t really either just so many so many there’s no brain cells left I think my final brain cell Left Me cocon Senpai oh no I think it’s gone did the coffee help I forgot I had coffee thank you for reminding is the one that you bought out of no I literally just made

Coffee let’s go drink that coffee also I forgot I had real cake I also forgot that I had dessert right on my desk yeah yeah it was right in front of me and I but it was like it’s down because I I’m looking at my my screen and um sorry for definitely

Happens oh I’m testing a thing can you hear me right now cocon senpai it worked she couldn’t you you couldn’t hear me just then right no okay what’ you do great it worked are you secretly talking to chat yeah I don’t know why I said that like that

Why was just like the absolutely like most exciting noise I’m so glad you’re very excited about talking secretly to CH it’s supposed it’s supposed to be a secret that I love chat wow a secret is it really a secret though a secret not really a secret I just like to pretend sometimes that I’m like sve and cool and they don’t know sve it’s okay look look okay I’m so I

Theoretically I’m swave and cool okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah in in theory in theory um I’m very cool she’s not saying anything guys guys she’s not I mean that’s that’s part of your introduction you’re the cool actually actually cion a lot of um the cool high think you’re cool

What they’re very wrong as much as I like to pretend that I’m cool I I know very well that I’m not to own Aon if you want to pretend you kind of have to you know go with the fool Phantom oh no that’s you okay

That’s me I was what the [ __ ] is that it’s me flying under me I can’t I can’t visit you know to make the paper F yeah I definitely forgot a lot of stuff but you know what we don’t talk about there is some stuff in those boxes so nice all right that and

Then oh yeah you have a bunch of uh red Redstone mhm nice and then you bring it with me oh no what do you need oh it’s fine I have to come down and grab stuff anyway oh that was the wrong one oh well toxic thank you thank you for the

Soup I appreciate it is this a creeper Farm or the new Tower of Babel I like with a button I’m sorry they’re they’re mocking me they’re mocking me they’re giving you suas but they’re also mocking me I mean isn’t that part of the supas though is I guess gu

Oh God I can’t I can’t control this there we go I need contractually cool oh yes cool banana you got there coconut thank you thank you s is the cool banana B I forgot you forgot you’re a banana I forgot that I was a banana wait so Zion this is going to be

The AFK part um spot right yes down there okay okay okay thetic so I will make the Farm close to this place then yeah my my idea at first was to um have it like surrounding it like in a [ __ ] circle around the platform and

Then I realized that that would be a lot of redstone uh oh that is wrong H H I guess I should I let you do it then if you have like a vision no there’s no more Vision you you can do it please there’s no vision there’s no

Vision oh there’s never a vision cocon Senpai I thought you had a vision you were describing a vision the vision of a Madman okay okay let’s see um what’s a good I could do the sugarcan farm that I usually do interest yeah just I did it yeah let’s go I need

Um this is where I need my trap doors I oh i’ I’ve got trap I’m a [ __ ] idiot I’m a dumbass no one expected anything else from me but like I I did I expected something else from me oh wait actually I need um more iron I just realized

Uh-oh uh um um there’s there’s there’s enough uh Whatchamacallit to make a a door to of Doom uh oh obsidian yes there’s enough obsidian to make a portal thank you yeah that’s that’s that’s what I meant obviously very obvious yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes definitely exactly what

Everyone knew that I had meant of course of course yeah H yeah okay well actually I’ll I’ll grab some stuff because I I’m like we have enough quartz and everything to like make more obsid like observers so that it’s like maximum efficiency instead of like you know the

Broke broke [ __ ] version that I’ve been making the past few times ah mood yeah so I might as well go into that we’re both the broke [ __ ] we are all the broke [ __ ] in our souls yeah sometimes to be like that rip us what is this I’ve made this

Wrong how did I make this wrong how did you make that wrong oh wait there’s H oh yeah yeah I need to well yeah yeah yeah I’ll go Backus you got this I’ve got nothing I might have made this too big oh well no one is surprised that I’ve made it wrong cocon

Simpai No One Believes In [ __ ] rude how dare you you should have more faith in your oi CH you should be ashamed okay um it’s fine it’s okay it’s fine he okay he’s fine um all right that’s okay oi for real it’s fine it’s fine my little

Guy oh no not your oh wait why it’s raining I forgot to put a roof over I didn’t think it would start raining do you have enough uh snow I did and I made enough in case I wanted to make a whole bunch of uh layers ah okay okay so

Theoretically it’s fine that was the only thing that could kill him here too yeah the only [ __ ] thing oh my God I was there to kill him my luck C said my [ __ ] luck oh what’s this this so Cute um okay I’m going to grab two of those and one more of those that’s all I’ve got okay but I’ve got four more pumpkins so I can make more carved pumpkins if I need to I’ve only got one more thing of cobblestone but that’s fine we can make

The rest of it out of spruce for now and I can go get cobblestone before I make another l ler question mark oh do any more Cobblestone I could probably bring some back uh if you have some on hand then sure but like I it’s

Not necessary cuz I I can make I can use Spruce I’ve got lots of spruce okay I think that’s all I needed up there uh what was I going to do that’s such a mood ah [ __ ] I didn’t need to come to here [ __ ] rip cocon

Senai also where did all the Redstone go there just gone I feel like I put a lot of stuff in I brought all of the Redstone that I had in my house but I realized afterwards that I didn’t have a lot of redstone in my house maybe I should be going

Underground instead and finding some resources that we’re severely lacking well to be fair I think that it’s only me and you that use Redstone I think that’s why no one else is bothered with it fa yeah so I feel like everyone else just ignores that Redstone even

Exists why they’re so useful again cocon Senpai we are the only ones that know how to use Redstone wait doesn’t Tia maybe yeah Tia might know but I don’t know if she uses it that’s true one two one or four wait four one two I did not finish this

Apparently oh I got to be conservative with my fireworks so sad I know soon soon no one has used any redstones for pranks nope no one no one other than me and COC Senpai I don’t think has bothered with any form of redstone on the server uhhuh yeah wa a

Second like no one really knows how to use redstones besides us yeah like I’m sure Tia knows how there’s no chance she doesn’t but uh she hasn’t used it on the server yet for anything mhm uh I think I yeah I have I have quite a few Cobblestone so I’ll bring some of

That everything is wrong everything everything is wrong oh there’s my two water buckets what the [ __ ] everything is wrong and I don’t know why thank you thank you for rejoining Palm crew I appreciate it thank you thank you um yeah I don’t have any rest on in here go

Here is it symmetrical now it better be it [ __ ] better be I don’t think it is though okay open quartz so confused I think that’s what makes observers I’m so confused I’m so confused I’m so confused wait yeah that one oh none none of them are what not a single thing is doing

What I like cuz I didn’t build the symmetrically No why is there a [ __ ] Pillager in the boat the [ __ ] wait me let me let me do something I will also mute to talk to chat too say thank you she’s saying thank you to chat she’s saying thank you to chat that means we can burn everything down guys and she’ll be

Distracted what the [ __ ] are you saying sonion I didn’t say anything I don’t know what you’re talking about H yeah H huh yeah mhm all right I’m back well if like no one uses Redstone does that mean I could like go through their chest and see if they have

Redstone and then take it it I mean yeah if if oh what if any of them actually have it I don’t think so actually I don’t think so I would consider that like free right just right yeah and I think that anyone would be happy happy to give

It to cocon Senpai anyway right cuz I don’t want to assume it’s like it’s like uh tithing at the church church the church of Cai yeah just you know it’s just a totally normal everyday tithe yes U let’s see I know there’s like okay let me check if there’s like a dungeon

Underneath that I could go which there’s a bunch of oh yeah we were talking about finding Siri the um the C ancient city yeah yeah yeah as well cuz Siri was looking for that last time but uh yeah so we can try to do that too okay done

See well I guess I’m going to build everything at a spruce now I’ll put these away just in case Cas then which is you know not really what I’d like to make a creeper spawner out of but BR I mean it should be fine it’s not like there’s any entity there to like

Make it um uh you know blow up or anything that’s sure the hope why I hate that there’s just I just see a square so toxic thank you so much for the soup I appreciate it I’m skill what do you mean there there’s no skill issue it’s all going super well wait what

Hello skill isue yeah wait how do you know that what what I wonder I know everything oh no she knows [Laughter] everything they’re saying it’s a common SI un skill issue that’s not true it kind of is it kind of is it’s fine it’s more of you know you just you

Know turn your brain off on purpose to give it a rest yeah yeah definitely mhm yeah mm okay there’s not any good dungeon or like Cavern area here wasn’t there like a deep hole there’s there’s a bunch of deep holes what am I talking about oh hold on there’s so many there’s

So many creepers I got to kill them M free creepers nice yeah Am I Knowses am I like this not even I know because I don’t know why I am just who I am Okay oh yeah B weren’t you planning on like uh looking for a vocal coach too yeah but before I do that I have to figure out there’s there’s something that’s been up with my throat lately oh right right and so I have to I have to

Figure that out before I get try to find a vocal coach because like if it is something like like vocal nodules or something then if I get a vocal coach it’ll just make everything worse yeah yeah so that’s true that’s true yeah so I have to wait on that until I figure things

Out gotcha yeah yeah yeah hopefully it’s nothing serious like yeah I don’t think it should be anything too serious but uh just you know it’s better to be safe than sorry yeah for sure especially with things like throat since you know it is your uh what was it called the thing

That makes your money well it’s it’s also just the thing that makes me happy yeah yeah so I’ve been oh no okay if I go back down I’ll have enough that I can do the thing it’s fine it’s fine cion don’t worry did I bring carpets with

Me I did bring carpets with me nice uh H why is that one wider than the rest of them wait I I I I I [ __ ] so many things up and I don’t even know just what I did Help you [ __ ] up yes No are you following a guide guide in my head oh somebody’s like that’s bad news no maybe I’ve built this before like I’ve built it a couple of times before so like I I know how it works but oh yeah yeah which is why I immediately was like

Wait a second this is not correct oopsies oh well to be fair this does give me a good time to place a couple of torches up on the roof so that I say a couple I only have two that’s not enough well that’s fine for now it’s fine it’s fine everything’s

Fine no someone said oh yes the guide in her head said the person with a Fantasia don’t worry about it don’t let them know I’m doing it by the seat of my pants don’t let them know oh no hi in my head think that’s true she does have a Fant it’s Okay no F it’s fine it’s totally normal I’m sure I’m sure uh it’ll come to you yeah yeah ohoh Sil start to l oh yeah for a second there some of those blocks just decided to go [ __ ] themselves that’s fine though yeah yeah it’s fine it’s fine you know doesn’t really matter I

Was just I was just having a a casual Sky uh Sky stroll you know sometimes it’s nice to just like chill in the sky right it’s yeah definitely on purpose like a vacation yeah you know you just you’re not praying that you don’t like run pet first until no defin definitely not

Definitely no that’s not what we veter Minecraft veterans would do oh no never we’re we’re far to um put together and good for that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we we know exactly what we’re doing mhm who would dare question good breakfast Yos okay even imagine no one

No no one would ever right no no never yeah okay and then I take these and I put these down I think it was this way like this where did you where did you come from where did you go oh there it is yes cocon

Nigel okay uh I need to go get more trap doors that’s what I need I need trap doors okay where should I put the Cobblestone I’ll just put it in wait actually I could just put down my which one was it not this one is it this one

This no this one this one yes there’s there’s cobblestone in here oh okay thank you trap doors you can take this and make even more trap doors Yay let me go back Up layer one is theoretically almost complete nice what the [ __ ] why is there one why is there one of these on each side why stupid that’s a lie I made two separate ways up instead of just one know I also have questions about some of the things I did but we don’t

Talk about that oh well there’s there’s nothing that could possibly be wrong with anything that you’ve done because you’re you’re some no no no I do a lot of things wrong no no no no that’s no that’s impossible I don’t know where this like you know um idea came about of me never

Being able to do anything wrong but that’s very not true I mean you’re less likely to do the wrong thing than a lot of us that’s very questionable hello are you hello are you the famous vtuber artist I am not famous but I am a vtuber

Artist she could be famous I could be famous tell everyone you know about the famous cocon Senpai and then and then eventually everyone will think that she’s the famous cocon Senpai and therefore she will become the faite cocon sen Pai yeah y but no I’m not I’m not

Famous kind of it until you make it except like it’s not fake because you’re just cool anyway no no no I’m pretty sure that’s how it works not certain but I’m pretty sure that’s how it works I don’t know that seems a little little iffy to me you

Sure I thought it was pretty well thought out for you know a Scion plan maybe we’ll make her famous may be please help me help me become famous help me make being and you famous I’m okay with just cocon Senai being famous that sounds like a a good

Place to be but like if if I’m famous wouldn’t that mean everyone else is also famous uh is that how that works I guess yeah yeah yeah that’s fine divine famous number do we need to hit how am I going to get out of here without dying do

You oh it’ll be fine it’ll be okay oh oh I [ __ ] up wait you have a you have an exit Point here yeah Um I need to get on the roof I need to get on the roof I need to get on the roof that’s true what number would you define Famous 12 bajillion bajillion bajillion that’s quite a lot but like is there even a is there even a vtuber who’s gotten bajillion probably not

No let’s see who’s the most famous you know um that’s a tall order yeah that’s a tall order indeed that’s okay go Senpai is a pretty tall vtuber comp compar comp comparatively I said pretty tall comparatively yes comparativ true true true it’s a you know I’m pretty [ __ ]

Short or I’m pretty average average more short yeah she’s the tallest short person I know yes all right okay so theoretically mhm this should wait a second why am I oh no oh there’s a corner oh no there’s a corner whoops um oh should I make water logs THS instead

Of that save me a lot do I sit here I do oh no do I sit here no do I sit here no do I sit here yes do I sit here do I sit here yes yes [ __ ] put this here put this there put this

There there’s so much [ __ ] this is why I hate Farm building I show I need the I need a dirt no oh whoa whoa oh wait I can’t stay up late today it’s a Sunday uh oh okay hold on I’m gonna I’m GNA put that put put put stuff that you

Can use to make uh oh uh uh a sugarcan farm and pray for your uh success there will be no success here my I’m going to put all the stuff that you can use to make a a sugarcan farm and I will pray for you on the upside

Nothing spawned which is going to be a terrible problem once I actually want things to spawn um but I that would [ __ ] it up somehow that would definitely be a problem when you want things to spawn indeed uh is there anything else oh yeah I’ll put I’ll leave the cobblestone as

Well and you’ll just have to work sort out this thing I st out this okay and then a mine cart if you wanted to do the mine cart uh you know rail system for collection and then sugar canes and dirt cuz you’ll need dirt okay like

This I’m sorry cion I will have to leave you no go I must leave you please I can’t do this by myself I’m so lost I believe in you I sure [ __ ] don’t [Laughter] go I’m I have all the belief you got this I have not got this go so capable cion

Oh I [ __ ] it all up no no no you will be fine you’ll be fine you’ve got this you you’ve got it all in your infation head I don’t I really don’t that’s the problem go they said why there’s nothing in my head there’s not a single thing in my head

You know you said but you said you’re good I was lying you’re good I was [Laughter] lying also I’m going to like fly back to see what they what they’re what kind of terrain there is between this and the spawn but it’s all ocean okay I believe son you’re a very capable Minecraft player you’ll be you’ll be good guys help she’s abandoning me she’s abandoning me B I

Have work I could pretend to have work I mean I theoretically do have work but like if we just pretend it doesn’t exist it’ll go away right that’s definitely not how it works but you know are you sure it’s works pretty well for me so far I think oh that’s I have

Questions I do too but no one’s answered them and that’s how we’ve gotten this far so you know Fair my [ __ ] up all the water whoops I mean it’s pretty hard to do water with your Shader it’s I know I made a terrible decision of putting the Shader back on for this

Stream yeah a like this is like the worst uh stream you could put that but it’s so pretty it’s a it’s a little too much for me but I have old eyes you know my old eyes can’t handle such high death you’re but you’re a goddess that’s you’re a

Goddess though you should be able you’re not that old for a goddess that’s true that’s true actually my eyes are are [ __ ] amazing I was going to say like out of the Vu girls I have the best [ __ ] eyes s well yeah you’ve got [ __ ] goddess eyes I don’t know what

More you want it’s basically 2020 Vision [ __ ] cocon Senpai out here like I don’t have good eyes I oh no poor me and the rest of us are just out here like crying yeah I think like the most of the girls your eyes sights are kind

Of I have a pretty good eyesight for a canine you for a canine oh wait why is there still water 2020 must be that bad for a d happening here oh my God somehow every Everything became a source block everything became a source block

Oh you know I don’t know if it’s like an update or something but like water becomes a source block if you like put too many of them next to each other this is terrible it is a lot of like Farms don’t work because of that

Now but um the the way the Water Works it becomes really wonky when you try to make like a room you know funnel all the mobs into like the center it it doesn’t really work well it [ __ ] better cuz I need it to I think the um Iron Golem Farm still

Works so that one is still okay but well I changed the configuration of the room so hopefully this one’s also okay cuz that’s I was wondering what the heck was going on with it before yeah so like some of the AR uh Mob Farms that I like kind of uh beta

Tested in like a creative world didn’t work because of It hasn’t that always been a thing has it I think they might have changed it a little bit cuz the way I just did that should have theoretically worked theoretically it’s fine though it’s okay everything is fine that’s what I say y it’s okay everything is fine you know

S that reminds me well your singing reminds me are you going to are you going to um rerun the off off Club K oh I could I don’t know how to do that but I mean or I’ll give it to you guys so you can do

It yeah you just um you just like download the video and then just like play it you know you say you say you know as if as as if no no I don’t know K you know the answer to your question is no s you download the video from YouTube

Studio and then and then you just put it on OBS and press stream and you play it okay then this corner also pushes you out sorry I’m I’m I’m trying to pretend I know what I’m doing sorry no worries okay yeah yeah yeah I will I will disconnect I think I fixed it

Go yay nice yeah it looks good I think I don’t know here’s just one Big Blob [Laughter] I mean theoretically that is how water works yeah but you know it just makes things a little bit more difficult for some but yeah it works too like if it’s like 3 by3 you know in

Width it doesn’t become like that but yeah okay and then we put the carpet down this feels like an instructions unclear got banned on YouTube and twitch no no no it’s it’s fine it’s fine and then and then I take these back okay bye bye s bye cocon Senpai get

Good rest good thank you thank you na you Too she’s leaving us guys she’s Le she’s abandoning me my own mother oh it’s [ __ ] up again I [ __ ] it up again somehow God damn it oh no why is that happening oh no no no no that’s not what I wanted water bucket no why why is this

Happening it was working it was working just a second ago it was working just a second ago it was working just a second ago it was working just a second ago okay that one’s working and that one’s not was that noise I feel like I’ve made a a terrible

Mistake but I don’t really know what to do right now so instead of doing anything that’s useless at all rather it’s useful I’m going to just die here yay okay wait what if I what if if I what if I do what if I what if I do this yeah yeah okay

Yeah I’ll just I’ll do this ah ma hello hello Ma how are you I hope you’re doing well welcome to my hell um I am trying and failing to to make a creeper Farm but for some reason the water refuses to do what I want Ma and I’m having I’m having a hard

Time I don’t understand why I’m having a hard time but I am I’m having I’m having some troubles I’m having some troubles water bucket there water bucket there you know what let’s just steal all of the water we’re stealing all of the water it is difficult it is difficult I

Don’t know I don’t know what’s going wrong I don’t know what’s going wrong I don’t understand what’s going wrong and I’m really glad that whatever it is that’s going wrong it’s fine because if it was going wrong in any other way I would have been exploded by

Now which is obviously not what I’m looking for okay okay we’re almost almost we’re almost good nope not that corner this corner okay Um now that we’ve got that figured out I also don’t know why there’s nothing spawning down there um I need to figure out how to get all the water to flow into here and I was doing it by the corners and it was working until it wasn’t so let’s try the corners again

Maybe through door thank you and then maybe it’ll work again like it’s not it doesn’t work great nope that’s not what I wanted cuz the first one we did was that one and the second one we did was that one the third one we did is that one and

The last one we did is this one so theoretically yeah even if you’re in the middle it’s really slow but you get pushed into the middle all right what if you drop like here damn it damn it ah I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate

This wait okay what if wait I know wait wait wait wait what if what if no where’s where’s my bucket bucket water bucket two water bucket okay and put you over there and grab you what if instead we just that’s not going to work because it’s just going to get stuff stuck in

The corner isn’t it this is a terrible idea okay we we we’ll try it so that goes there this goes here and then this goes into the cor okay what if what if what if we do that maybe it will stop hating us and instead pretend to be our

Family and then it’ll love us forever right okay and now what if I land in the middle the very the very very middle which is this one I land here it goes yes yes yes yes okay I land here it goes I land here okay that works I’ll take it I’ll

Take it I’ll [ __ ] take it that’s not what I wanted at all um that one okay okay okay and then same with this one let in and this one and then nope nope nope Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone and then water bucket water bucket okay now that we’ve got all of

Them does it still work yes yes it still works it still oh my God it still works it yes okay perfect um okay all right he’s still chilling up there I’ve not had anything spawn up there though I don’t think which is a little bit odd but it’s fine I’ll take

It I’m just G to I’m going to put tinted glass here there’s no actual purpose for that um because the whole purpose is that we don’t have any light in here like we don’t we don’t want any light in here uh bucket I do need a bucket because I

Need to grab I need to grab this water and then hopefully hopefully this all works hopefully but I don’t know if it will maybe um I should also maybe I should go check I should go check if I forgot anything up there Right cires kill creepers faster I mean theoretically we don’t need that because they will die when they hit the floor um theoretically if I do need to kill them any faster then I will put campfires down like if they don’t die when they hit that they should die when they hit

That ah I realized that I can’t actually check if I did it all properly from exactly where I am because exactly where I am is there’s going to be other things here so I need to go down a little bit this one side is just G to have a

Bunch of random [ __ ] coming off of it okay wait I’m gonna eat my steak steak steak steak and then check inside I don’t see any other light so I think I did it all right oops Yeah okay so there shouldn’t be any light in here at

All yes okay so the water’s good the light is theoretically good um unless these leak light through a block but they shouldn’t right I don’t think these should leak through a block but I haven’t heard anything spawn at all which obviously not great because I would like things to

Spawn I don’t think that that’s too much to ask for I feel like wanting things to spawn is a totally normal thing when you’re trying to make a spawn Farm um I haven’t heard anything yet though which is not good but everything should be good because I should I should [ __ ] wait

For them to spawn before I start building a second layer to this like an idiot but um here we go I guess because we’re we’re over an ocean we’re super [ __ ] high up in the sky like there shouldn’t be anywhere else for anything to spawn at all

Like even that tiny little platform is lit up which means nothing can spawn there I’m confused drowned I mean that really shouldn’t be a problem this high up because we’re not close enough we’re not close enough to the water for them to actually want to be spawning well the problem right now

Is if I take the Torches off it’s night so we have to wait till daytime for me to test that um okay there’s there isn’t anything nothing has dropped except for stuff that I’ve dropped but like everything is correct [ __ ] that’s really annoying ah what do I

Do the shulkers are for me so that if we like if this fills up I can just like make shulkers full of angriness um I don’t know what to do oh there we go oh it’s working oh they didn’t die H you you were you were supposed to die that’s not

Good that’s that’s very not good they are supposed to die oh I might oh did I oh my god did I make I did I make this Tower oh did I make the drop one oh my god did I make the drop like one off did I make the drop one off clean

All right yeah if I made the drop off I’m going to have to make campfires uh I don’t have any coal but I have enough everything else that I can make stuff to make campfires which is that’s fine I can do that I can I can make stuff to make

Campfires we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine okay Spruce planks we’ll do this um Chuck my [ __ ] furnace down I have trees somewhere this the Redstone box that’s not what I need I need I need trees because I need to cook the trees I need to cook the

Trees arson is always a solution I don’t I don’t know why you guys are surprised okay so I have sticks I’ve got trees and then I need charcoal which I think you just bake a tree for yeah I’m pretty sure charcoal is just baking trees I’m not certain but like I’m

Pretty close to certain is such a waste of wood okay or could I just I could make a platform that’s just one lower I I could make a platform that’s just it’s just a little bit lower um with we’re just going to do it with the spruce um okay see if we do

This then Maybe okay okay okay this is terrible this is terrible okay all right Uh okay okay this is like the stupidest most [ __ ] dangerous thing for me to be doing right now oh okay H did you break the Cobblestone that you used to climb the platform to the spawn room I did I did I did oh one of them just died okay that

Was what supposed to happen to all of them but apparently that’s not what we’re getting okay all right so the first thing that we we need to do is take everything out of here which means that I need to put stuff back in these because it’s just what’s going to need to

Happen oh God there’s so many of those [ __ ] okay so we need to take these for now mainly because I need to break this [ __ ] um and’ll put that there for now and then we’ll we’ll break these and then I’ll take those and I’ll put this H where’s the chests we’ll put those

Here okay and then we break this and we put that Here that looks yeah okay that looks like it’s going in the right direction okay and then oh God okay and then we break that and that goes here now this is such a stupid thing for me to be doing this is this is such a stupid thing for me to be doing right

Now okay um okay and then we immediately need to be ready so we’re GNA do this oh God okay that’s exactly what I did did not want to happen okay well Um it’s fine everything is fine okay ow okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine oh it’s not by one of those oh there’s another one hi you want to come down here no didn’t think so [ __ ] okay all right okay all right okay okay okay okay

Okay oh no okay um this is obviously not good TM okay there we go fixed it um there’s no more in there right hi no I need I need those items [ __ ] God damn it uh Ah yeah can you just chill for a second that’d be great thank you okay these little [ __ ] these goddamn [ __ ] [ __ ] okay uh ah no that’s not what I wanted at all please Bo okay I need chest to go there I need this Hopper back I need the hopper to go into that

Chest okay so we can get rid of that one and theoretically it should it should be okay from here hopefully okay because that goes in there because that goes in there oh God it it sure does be going is it going well not really um but it’s going okay and

Then oh there’s there’s our there’s our little friend so we kill him I mean we could just leave it like that not gonna but we could uhuh um okay so that Hopper goes there that comes off the spruce plank goes down that goes in here there’s Hopper there this Hopper comes

Down we [ __ ] off so we don’t accidentally release all of these [ __ ] again okay and then we’re not actually going to finish this side with the Hoppers because we’re going to go around to the other side uh we’re going to go around to the other side and deal with them over here

Instead do that do that do that uh why is the CH oh my God why have I done this okay um why is it like this also why is there no goodam music in my life okay no [ __ ] I didn’t notice that there was a hole please

The creepers are not allowed to unionize and rebel okay it’s fine it’s fine I have a way to make them stop unionizing and rebelling and that is that is a hole I am putting a hole in the ceiling they are no longer allowed to have nice things

I’m going put a hole in the ceiling over here too there no more nice things until we fix everything ah I don’t have enough Hoppers oh wait maybe cocon cocon Senpai said something about iron maybe maybe she went to grab iron and then it’ll be

Okay oh God there’s so many of them up there okay there’s one oh I missed it I’m just gonna [ __ ] yeah smack my head that’s that’s fine that’s what I’ve wanted to do this whole time my my shulkers oh my oh oh my God all of all of my

Stuff why there’s oh oh I see what happened there that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s my my Hopper is my Hoppers [ __ ] me why are they still spawning okay we’re going back back to the roof we’re okay you you need more holes than you I think there’s okay what if what if I just

Yeah um mhm wait where I know that there’s another one but I don’t see it well ha wo well there’s more than just one more there was there was there was more than just one more there was there was more than just one more oh no it’s fine everything’s okay

Not really everything is Fine Please this is it the end of the world this is it we’re GNA die in this place with these [ __ ] [ __ ] in the world and I don’t know To Oh We’re going down down we’re going down I did have a bed that I was able to put down but I don’t know what happened to it so that’s fine did I get all the shulker boxes back uh you know what they might have fallen down here hm nope that was just some wood

Apparently uh and some more wood yeah no I think the shulker boxes might have gotten blown up because I’ve got one shulker box but I don’t have the red shulker box and I don’t have um yeah well no strudel it actually has nothing to do with the campfires I was

Trying to lower it one and I didn’t realize that there was a large enough hole for them to see me like an idiot um yeah it’s fine though it’s okay it’s okay I just have to rebuild it and yeah at least now we know that the spawn rate

Is pretty okay and it’s only one layer so far I’m going to make it two layers for today um maybe like five layers total I’m thinking probably um the problem is going to to be that I need to go get more iron so I am going to have

To figure out where the [ __ ] I came from I don’t know where I came from um so that might be a problem because I was originally going to rely on cocon Senpai to tell me where the uh coordinates were so I’m going to have to look them

Up and figure that out myself for once I’m also going to make a bigger platform up here um so that once everyone does have elytra and or firework Rockets um we won’t have to climb this stupid thing uh because we are like 250 blocks

Up in the air in the air because oh oh that’s a spider never mind How how how is this happening oh it’s night never mind I know how this is happening okay come on please please please please thank you okay okay NZ thank you I am I’m I’m having a night that’s for sure we’re having a night okay all right

How many of how many more of these guys are down here or up here even all right there’s a spider you need to die goodbye how many [ __ ] more creepers nope all right yeah there’s a [ __ ] right there okay that’s just rude yeah so I realized the the error of my ways because

Obviously as soon as it’s night as soon as it’s night it’s still going to be light enough for things to [ __ ] spawn which does of course mean that I should have been not an idiot and actually closed this instead of being like nothing’s going to spawn I don’t need to [ __ ] worry about

It because that’s not true um all right all right that should now be completely closed I believe uh I feel bad for whatever it was that was there uh because it is no longer there that’s okay it’s fine it’s okay everything’s all right it’s fine that’s not fine come wait stop I need

That it’s all right it’s okay we’ll just rebuild anyway everything is a I might be lying to myself but everything will be okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine as it is probably or else I’m Really Gonna cry yay okay I need a lot of stuff I need I need so much okay

Um all right I need to get back up to the top I think what that almost [ __ ] decapitated me all right I need I need I’m going to need probably the a whole stock not just some I’m going to need some Stone let’s put that up there uh oh God

There’s no iron here which means that I am going to have to go back to grab everything for that I don’t need this or this right now so I’m going to put those there I don’t need that for room I really don’t need the scaffolding but I can put that back while while

We’re away none of this has stuff in it okay man cocon zai is going to be so mad at me she’s going to be like Sion what happened here and I’m going to be like nothing nothing at all zero things happened here um and hopefully you guys

Will also tell her that zero things happened here because it wasn’t really my fault probably so it’s it’s okay yeah all right uh and then this is the level that those will go on so that’s okay and then Where’s okay so there’s there’s the chests let’s just do this and the next one can go there and then we’ll make more plank later and then okay all right I need to figure out uh where the stronghold is I know it’s somewhere here did cocon Senai put

It in chat by any chance no okay uh so maybe she put it in the Discord so that would be good to see uh Okay Minecraft stuff uh another roof portal for the stronghold no I need the actual stronghold stronghold is it pinned is it a pinned comment is it a pin please maybe uh Ah yes okay 8004 uh 1184 so we need to go that way and that that way okay oh I should probably mark this uh before I do that probably uh otherwise that would be very bad hey okay where am I I am 91963 uh and 1368 okay and then we go that

Way I think this way there it is I was going to say we weren’t that far from it I’m just stupid so it’s fine can I see that from here no I can’t okay almost though probably almost whoa that was that was weird anything in here uh nothing I need okay anything in

Here oh there’s Cobble in here that’s good to know you know what actually I’m Gonna I’m G to put this shulker box down I’m going to take this Cobble and I’m going to Chuck it in this shulker box oh alpaka ah Doom King thank you thank you so much for the five gifted I appreciate it thank you thank you and if you were gifted of membership

By Doom King please make sure to thank them thank you thank you so much I really do appreciate it uh I need No my armor was in one of those shulker boxes guys my CH my chest plate was in one of those shulker boxes oh it was fully I just had to redo all of my enchantments I just did This I I I have I have such a strong hatred right now I have I have such a strong hatred right now why is this why is this happening okay so we go we go over here uh actually I think it’s that door that is the town that we need to go to

Right now for iron because I ah I think the only thing that we need Is iron for the the pickup boxes of death and destruction but my brain refuses to tell me what those are called right now so we need to go over here now we need to go over here now okay I’m just going to grab a stack because that’s fine and good and stuff um

Um I probably need more wood but I didn’t really pay attention to that honestly so we’ll probably yeah no I’m I’m definitely going to need more wood a [ __ ] okay I’m definitely going to need more wood because I need more chests but I can use other

Wood yeah let’s I’m going to steal these jungle planks whoa my game just got really laggy all of a sudden okay that’s fun I’m going to have to fix that before we try to get back up there uh no not everyone has houses for example I don’t think Ma technically has

A house my house is still not completed I have I have half made a number of houses hello game oh wow okay uh uh I’m going to close Minecraft and then reopen Minecraft because I I don’t know if you guys can tell just how bad this is for

Me right now but it’s it’s do it’s doing something it’s sure doing something I’m not sure what that something is I am I have zero% of an idea as to what the thing that it thinks it’s doing is but it’s not it’s not doing it very well um actually might just be my

Computer it might be my computer which is odd because I’ve never had this issue before but oh it’s it’s definitely my computer what is going on what is going on I don’t know something’s going on with my computer apparently it’s doing things other than Mining and crafting I guess so let me

See what’s it doing that isn’t Mining and crafting uh well OBS is necessary YouTube Studios is necessary and Firefox is also necessary so nothing more than usual which is odd I mean it’s not even close close to 100% either which is weird like the highest percentage is memory is at 78 right now

But the rest of it like the CPU the GPU the network it’s all low so that’s really weird oh well we’ll just have to keep trying maybe it’ll work this time please please please just work the way I want and then we can go back to what it is we Do did this happen earlier no although one of my uh you know maybe maybe it’s just the cooling has decided to to die not even all that slowly honestly I can see it bouncing try closing OBS to maximize frame rate yeah that’ go really well I’m sure that that would go super [ __ ]

Well okay let’s see let’s get back in here yeah it’s bouncing which obviously is not a good thing um yeah it’s like visibly having a time it’s fine I’m sure it’s fine it’ll be okay well have a good night Wumpy wow oh oh ex excuse you computer all right okay I you know I at least want to put these back into where they’re supposed to be okay please give give me G oh there’s missing Hopper give me the time to at least put the Hoppers back where they’re supposed to be

Okay this is having a hecking Time okay so we’ve got enough Hoppers we’ve got some iron ingots I don’t know why the [ __ ] we’d need them but we’re going to have them just in case um I don’t [ __ ] know um Okay so we’ve got that I’ve got got that got that okay actually looks okay right now that’s fine Um let’s put away a couple of these shulkers cuz I don’t need all of them all that’s not what I wanted to do at all I’ll keep those two just in case I guess and then yeah that’s fine Um we don’t have any more coal do we no we do not all right well I’ll just have to deal with it how it is then I guess and uh prey we’re just going to have to deal with it as it is and prey okay uh oh wait I don’t really need that

Scaffolding but it might be good for someone oh NOP this is not where I want to be I want to be over there this one yes all right and then the end portal is over here Okay all right and then we go upstairs I’m going to have to restart my computer after this maybe clean it but I don’t want to because I’ve got a part coming so I’m going to be taking stuff like I’m going to take the side off to clean it

Anyway I don’t want to do that twice I don’t want to but I can see the guy just a bouncing all right I need this this Cobblestone I bought myself more RAM not that I really needed it but that was like the only thing that was really like waiting on some sort of

Upgrade although I might need to redo my cooling system soon just based on what the heck this guy’s doing oh my God what the [ __ ] was that okay yeah we’re we’re just gonna put these hoppers in and prey I think um yeah this is going to be the put the

Hoppers in and prey time and then we’re just that’s that’s that’s all that’s happening here um okay all right that Hopper went in and that Hopper goes in okay run over to this side we can break one of these and then we go back to the Hoppers and it’s Hopper hopper

Hopper and you know I I guess I I guess we can chuck a torch down there okay there we go okay and then the final Hopper goes there Jello Noel thank you thank you so much for the supera funs for downloading more RAM that [ __ ] old ass meme

Really it’s fine it’s fine it’s it’s fine there is no downloading of RAM is not how that [Laughter] works all right oh wait there’s a h h well uh all right there we go and theoretically now that stone should oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] this up didn’t I I did Uh there we go and that stone now goes over here there we go ooh I oong I [ __ ] love oolong tea you guys know that though I love oolong tea where did I put the dirt for that um well rip dirt I had like piles and piles

Of dirt that I was going to use but that was in one of the shulker boxes so that’s gone now um okay so that one doesn’t open but that’s okay because it feeds into this one anyway so I’m not really overly mad about that uh it used to open CU there

Was just uh instead of this whole thing I had like a half block there had a slab I don’t want to do that anymore I’m feeling bonus lazy um that’s silk touch okay let me see here I guess let’s go back up and turn it on again oh

Wait I need to take the wood out before I do that I need I need to take the wood out before I can turn it on again Um okay and then we can put this back uh yeah I’m just G to double it up okay now we can fly back to the Top Again wait has there not been game sound this whole time and no one thought to say we’ve been here for two and a half hours without game sound are are you kidding me you guys couldn’t even hear when I was getting blown up by creepers left right in center oh my

God and there’s a bug in my coffee this is the worst day ever the [ __ ] this is this is the worst day ever this is terrible this is this is the worst the absolute worst this is the worst day ever okay all right hello little dude um okay so what

I need to do now is fix the holes in the uh roof and put new trap doors down not all of them are going to need trap doors but some of them might theoretically there there should be four holes that one doesn’t actually need a trapo I I’ll put one there anyway just

To like make it look nice I guess um all right well [ __ ] H yeah okay this is fine this is this is fine okay all right okay okay okay this this is such a bad idea I don’t know what I’m doing everything is going to go so WR again okay okay Spruce drop door Spruce trapo plank plank plank all right okay everything’s fine

Everything’s good we did it it’s um yeah it’s it’s every everything is exactly as it’s supposed to be uh they’re definitely um haven’t it you know um it’s good everything is good yes everything is perfectly a okay and definitely fine as to what we’re making this is a

Uh spawner this is a creeper spawner which is why which is why I was getting blown the [ __ ] up when there was a hole in the bottom of the creeper spawner uh like an idiot uh would do you know making a hole in the bottom of your spawner where things are supposed to

Spawn um yay but it’s fine fine now it’s okay it’s it’s all good we figured it out everything works really well which you know technically is important in something like this so yeah so it’s it’s good everything is everything is fantastic in fact there okay Um yeah let’s take this downstairs we’re going to put this here this should be like that we’ll just put these down well while we’re here put that There and then actually let’s just take this oh good night strudel going to take the bed as well because I’m just going to go put this downstairs oh I forgot to okay I forgot to put some of the carpets down cuz that way I don’t have to worry about bringing them back up

Here that’ll be fine yeah okay still got that on my Escape car is is good to go ow H wait a second well I guess I can’t grab those that’s fine why is it saying that there’s light in there there shouldn’t be oh well let’s give it another second to see if anything

Happens cuz it should be ready for everything to Be like everything should be okay to go now without us having to worry about it uh will that be the case we’ll [ __ ] see I guess uh once the first one spawns then I’ll stop worrying uh but now that nothing has spawned yet I am vaguely worried I [ __ ] hate this game

Sometimes [ __ ] hate this game sometimes why is there a spider cocon Senpai well I guess it’s not actually her fault because the reason that there’s no light there is because I blew everything up accidentally with creepers so um it’s fine it’s okay uh nothing has happened yet though which makes me worried

Again I am I am once again more worried than I probably need to be for Minecraft uh oh no they didn’t [ __ ] die please I lowered you you should be fine it’s fine it’s fine okay um yeah it’s totally cool uh very very very good very cool that this is occurring um

Definitely not a problem at all um yeah de definitely not at all a problem it’s it’s okay we don’t need to worry about it or anything uh which is great because if we did I would be you know worried and stuff um which is you know not not great being

Worried Is Not Great which is why it’s really good that we don’t have to be worried uh about anything here so yeah uh I don’t have any doors with me but I can make a door I can I can make a door like this and then this door will keep me safe forever

Yeah that’s definitely how this works mhm don’t say that derpl Lord last time last time I tried to lower this by just one block and everything blew up everything blew up um so in start we are going to cry we’re we’re gonna cry um I’m going to make

Campfires which is fine and stuff and I had some before and then they got blown up because of course they did of course they did um okay so what I need is a is there a slab in one of these there’s a slab here okay I’m going to do

This I’m going to do this and then I’m going to do this oh my God there’s so many of them in there okay and Then just going To pop those in my problem is oh it that should be okay right I don’t think that they’ll give off too much light so that cuz the thing I was worried about was like if they give off too much light then they might be able to

Um like it might [ __ ] up the spawn rates but hopefully we’re far enough away that it’s not going to matter and if we’re not then [ __ ] goodie we on me I guess and we just have to rebuild the bottom of it again for the 12 millionth time okay we wait for more to

Fall we wait for more to fall we wait for creepers call just trying to get to where we need to be again Today Oh one of those boxes was my [ __ ] pumpkin and snow box God damn it that sucks um H oh these campfires might be a problem I’m not I’m not seeing any more spawns that’s going to be an issue um [ __ ] oh there’s one okay there was there was one we’ll take that two

Okay maybe it will be okay three huh shouldn’t affect anything more than 15 blocks okay then then it it theoretically should be okay um which is good because I don’t I don’t want to have to deal with that again uh okay let’s do this and we’ll take these and we’ll just

Make more of these oh only 20 damn it okay and then also I should man I had so much sugar cane ready but now nothing nothing okay wait that’s it I know that it was a theory that these would not do the thing but I’m not seeing nearly as many spawns

As we were having before which is obviously not ideal um oh well N Okay and there’s going to be a button nope there and there and there and one more button that I do not have yet and then this will be open for more creeper spawn okay so I need just a bajillion and a half more trap doors pins thank you thank you for

Joining the membership I appreciate it welcome welcome to the tricksters oh I can’t get up there okay can I land on this this time that’d be great please oh my oh my Lord okay [Applause] Um oh my obsidan was blown up oh [ __ ] oh Jesus I had enough obsidian to make like four different portals up here not that I needed four portals but I would have liked to have a portal so that I could connect it to the nether roof that’s that’s the first thing to fall down here that whole time okay that

Might be a problem I might I might lower and get rid of the campfires I don’t know if I’m going to do that right now though we’ll see if adding some more layers helps first I suppose um okay we’ll put the Scaffolding in the tinted glass and the cobblestone in here for Now put that there um the snow blocks are needed for the snow golem that’s really about it I don’t really the dirt is needed for cocon senpai’s bit but I [ __ ] her bit up already so I don’t know if that really matters or not uh okay that rate’s not doing too bad

Anymore okay uh less worried about it now Um okay I need a pumpkin which means that I’m going to need to go find some of those I need lots of wood and I need a bunch of other [ __ ] okay um H I think where I want to go is over this way yeah there Perfect all right

Um I guess it’s time to go cut down a bunch of trees which you know not the greatest thing in the world but sometimes it’s what we have to do ah yes all of the [ __ ] doors okay um great I did don’t think I need anything here

Yeah oh both of the fans on the cooling system are bouncing now that’s fun I want to go to this door this door is a good door okay and then why are they bouncing Um you know I’m not really sure but they don’t seem very happy So woo deforestation agreed Doom King also thank you thank you for the soup I appreciate it oh I know I put the put the bone meal over here when I was here last grab that I’m just going to cut down a couple of trees I think there we

Go we’ll just climb the trees climb climb climb all the things for the trees oh this is really you know what [ __ ] you we’re not going to climb the trees not with the [ __ ] elytra because that makes it really hard to do the thing [ __ ] It well where’s my tree am I on top of the tree I’m not Aabus thank you thank you for the soup I appreciate it bribe to give to some more cool fans of a bribe for the fans is my assumption I have many question marks in my brain right now that’s that’s what I’m thinking that’s what I’m thinking chubs that’s what I’m assuming it’s

Yes that must be it I’ll get that one later H H we’re cutting down the trees now hurah h and someday they will die again until that day it’s not the end we’re cutting down the trees again H ants you are correct Final Cutting down the trees that are around our place and soon will be none so we will grow more in space not really in space but in the sky that is where we’re going to die the creeper Farm all right oh we’re almost at ground level

Now it caught a bit of The Adams Family at the end yes you did I just kind of whatever the brain wants most of what I sing doesn’t exist but sometimes it’s just an amalgamation of like 12 different things that do exist only you can start forest fires probably should have done this

During the day there we go okay so these will all slowly become things that we needed to be which is just saplings honestly this will slowly become more saplings uh four in between there we go and we have oh yeah we’ve got enough we’ve de well maybe we’ve probably got

Enough which is great I’m just going to put those there um the sun’s coming up that’s good too Um what else did we need pumpkin right we need a pumpkin where am I going to [ __ ] get a pumpkin I had pumpkins but oh right I was I was making pumpkins H ow oh there’s a pumpkin just one but that’s all we need perfect hello thank you for your

Pumpkin later we’ll need more pumpkins but for now that’ll do uh let’s just sleep I mean I will need obsidian eventually but that’s not like the be all end all that’s kind of um to make life easier here I do just want to get the Second Story onto our creeper Farm

Though uh for tonight I think I think that’ll be good if I can get that on there I’ll be happy uh I will consider at least today’s bit of uh building to be actually complete and not a failure oh my life is doing fine that’s

Great I was worried that it was going to break which is why I usually like to have a chest plate as well as my elytra because I only usually like to use elytra when I travel um cuz they’re delicate and they don’t give like any armor anyway so when

I’m in caves and stuff I like to have my chest plate but that got blown up by multiple creepers so have a good night nade all right we go up up to the top got to get mending it’s got mending I’m not like cocon Senpai I get

Thing I [ __ ] enchant the ever living crap out of it uh every single piece of armor uh and like weapon that I have is Enchanted to hell and back why because I’m a little [ __ ] that’s why all right wow there we go you can definitely swear in chat I

Can’t say that YouTube won’t accidentally Auto mod you um but I’m okay with swearing given that I swear a [ __ ] ton I swear a lot so it would be really really weird of me to be like no swearing in my chat when I’m like out here just swearing like a [ __ ] sailor

9 9% of the time um but yeah uh YouTube will possibly Auto mod you that’s like right and it’s not one of those things either that’s like do it all the time like you know if you feel the need to sure whatever but um yeah just you know

Be be aware that just cuz I’m okay with swearing doesn’t necessarily mean that like you won’t get caught by the bot system thing oh no not my Christian Minecraft server oh well um I don’t know where the [ __ ] that came from anyway okay so we’re going to make sure

That that’s where I spawn want to get up there will I eventually get netherite probably I didn’t bring my snow blocks up here that’s fine it’s fine fine everything is Okay is that true probably not but that’s what I’m going to tell myself so it’s you know it’s almost like it’s true if that’s what you tell yourself somehow not as bad as ooo mave to be fair though ma had to do that for what five minutes at a time as a

Batu when I do my like event streams and there’s botus I feel like I’m going to keep that one like not on the wheel you know I feel like that should not be on the wheel mainly because like I feel like that’s more of a punishment for you

Guys than it would be for me to have on a botu wheel like unless someone really wants that to exist uh I feel like it shouldn’t you know mave ubo botu for all yeah like Mayma was or uh yeah was it was May mom Mayma that was fine May

Mommy Shen protagonist yeah that’s that’s yeah that’s just a chat bot too for sure um it is also a mibot too I [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] um do I do it as well just to like [ __ ] with people yes I still hate that [ __ ] uh all right I’m just going

To I’m going to do I’m going to do This Oh that one’s just chilling there okay I was kind of hoping those would fall into the water they did not yeah y’all make making her buy like [ __ ] Fox pee though like I don’t understand what the hell was up with that but like sure I guess if that’s what you’re into

I had no part in that well some of you had part in that you can’t all say that you had nothing to do with that cuz like some of you like some some of you had to have been the ones I mean I know part of it was

Cherry I I know part of it was Cherry uh but like you guys would have had to agree with it for her to have gone and done that so you can’t just say it was Cherry had to also have been the maiden it’s not just all cherry oh whoops that was the wrong

One I [ __ ] that up uh that goes there and then I need a button Again whoopsies oh H well this is a predicament what uh yay oh I should I should actually go back down and grab the snow blocks that I need all right snow blocks here I come and they don’t have to come back for you later good

Um and then back up to the top no Tanuki yart that is incorrect H okay what if I do this ah okay well I didn’t I didn’t quite want that much Zoom but I’ll take it I guess uh okay and then I need to I need to drop here oh I [ __ ] this one up somehow that goes away this turns into a

Button so that nothing can spawn there snow block snow block uh you know what I’m also just going to going to do that so that I can as soon as I put this guy’s pumpkin head on we can put that above your head so that you don’t die like last time all right

Okay yeah yeah this is good oh except the thing over oh the oh the bridge over there the bridge the bridge ah the bridge Okay no [ __ ] okay I don’t think we need this get rid of that then oh wait that was my way out why did I why did I do that [ __ ] dumbass Tanuki [ __ ] brain dead dumbass ton n I’m wasting it cuz I’m lazy I’ve already had the amount of

Times where I’ve tried to pick something up and then it is backfired spectacularly I’ve decided to say [ __ ] it this is my [ __ ] it era Was it Gerald or was it Gerard don’t Remember Gerald okay well Gerald is dead so I guess it doesn’t really matter uh but yeah Gerald do be dead um okay okay yay oh [ __ ] there’s not enough oh wait i’ I’ve still got lots of I’ve got lots what am I saying there’s not enough there’s

Tons Gerald is dead Long Live Gerald II There’s nothing but me and Geral in this place in the sky nothing but me and Geral that is here on the Fly we’re taking down creepers and killing them all hoping that we won’t die from the fall me and Gerard that’s all that’s here hello amoria Senpai welcome welcome welcome we are

Um praying to not die again question mark we haven’t technically died but our build has died a number of times now um so we’re just do we’re just we’re just out here doing our best yes and I think doesn’t look like there’s any light in there anymore which is

Great nope that’s not what I wanted [ __ ] you it was skill issues this skill was being Sion what the [ __ ] I don’t think I have a torch inside I think that was uh an un unlit torch or a lit torch rather I think it was a torch that I dropped yeah

See they’re not actually torches um but my my Shader pack makes it look like they’re torches where’s my Cobblestone okay okay so this is where we do our test yeah so this platform down here uh got this platform down here just got absolutely [ __ ] what the hell something’s wrong something’s wrong h Um so things other than creepers are spawning obviously not great uh give me a sec yeah so this indeed would exactly be the reason that I am currently looking for moderators the form will be closing relatively uh shortly and I’ll be going through everything um but

Yes yes yes yes this this is part of the reason why we’re currently doing that um because every time something like this happens obviously it’s no fun paid actor to advertise science mod search I definitely would not have paid someone to do that but good mood amoria

Sunai um [ __ ] there’s there’s a bunch of [ __ ] spawning in here what did I do wrong wait did I make it too tall I think I might have made it too tall I think I [ __ ] made it too tall oh God I think I might have made it too

Tall I’m going to have to go up and check but I’ll do that in the daytime I did have the carpets on the second floor yeah look at all this [ __ ] okay um [ __ ] did I just hear a witch for a second there who yeah I think I made the second part

No it should only be two oh I I know what I did I think wait no that should be right wait this should be right why is he dead my snowman is dead because probably archers how did they spawn I don’t think that there’s any on this level right Now should theoretically be a safe drop okay did I did I miss something where the [ __ ] did they come from yeah the one on the lower level is dead which means I have to go find more [ __ ] snow blocks but okay this is dumb and I hate

It mainly because I’m not sure what the hell went wrong here my assumption is that somewhere there is A yeah might I don’t it shouldn’t be those theoretically but maybe cuz it wasn’t happening before this wasn’t happening before I I’m wondering if I accidentally knocked like a a spruce trapo I don’t know but that’s that’s the only thing I can think of cuz but it wouldn’t be up here

Because as far as I can tell up here I haven’t missed any of the trap doors so to test I would have to go down below and check if there’s any trap doors there that I’ve missed which obviously I don’t really want to do but I’m going to have to I think [ __ ]

Okay oh these trap doors are higher no wait no they’re they can’t be that’s not right that can’t that’s not right because there two two blocks and it’s on that one two blocks and it’s on that one yeah this is this is what I needed the these These are correct um

H these ones are correct ah have a good rest of your day at work have a good rest of your day at work jelen well okay uh [ __ ] it’s going to okay um where the [ __ ] did that creeper go there were two creepers and and now they’re gone and I don’t like

That Jello Noel thank you thank you so much for this suas I appreciate it I appreciate it thank you so much if you got gifted if you got gifted by jel Noel before they had to leave please make sure to thank them and welcome welcome to the community okay one dropped there might

Be another one but we’re going to risk it okay I’m not what the [ __ ] I’m not seeing any reason why they should have spawned it must be the corner guys it must be cuz I didn’t have I didn’t have an above Corner guy but there used to be a roof

There that must be what it is okay so then if that is the case then theoretically it should now be fixed the problem of course the problem is that now we don’t have we don’t have a snow golem in the middle anymore okay hello hero welcome welcome yeah uh

This Farm has been a [ __ ] nightmare I I’ve made so many mistakes with it I’ve made absolutely atrocious amounts of mistakes with this Farm already oh [ __ ] no please um okay I do have to go back in there though to put that snow golem down uh I

Need I need snow obviously for the snow golem and I need a pumpkin which sucks because I do not have either of those blocks you learn from those mistakes I mean I really probably should have known don’t take off an extra block so that the creeper can see you and then explode

And then let all the other Creepers out of the creeper spawner and into your face I feel like that might have been self-explanatory um so I’m not really sure if I technically leared anything there but that’s fine Gerald III oh that’s true we are on Gerald number three oh that’s so

Sad that’s actually that’s actually sad like not even like he he haha that’s silly this is like wow Sion you’re so [ __ ] bad at this okay uh let’s go once again back to where we came from man I was not thinking that I would need to come this way

Again dive down and around here we go I learn to trust the process I don’t trust the process but mainly that’s because I don’t trust myself I did though assume that I could do this without looking at a guide because I was like I’ve made creeper spawners before

This is fine and I mean technically yes technically yes it’s it’s working um just I suck just I keep forgetting really basic Minecraft things that’s all like I I should have everything ready I just don’t uh so that’s fine had creepers yeah that’s the thing is we got it to do

What we wanted technically it spawned creepers uh I just didn’t have a bottom on it and therefore it spawned Creepers on my face um H okay there are no pumpkins there yeah we actually spawned in the middle of a whole bunch of cherry biomes Nat uh to the point there is a problem

Where we were trying to find things other than Cherry biomes for a really long time all we could find was planes and Cherry uh so we had to we had to like actually go really far to find for example we found a desert and we were all so excited we [ __ ] celebrated it

Was it was a moment cuz it took us so long to find this stupid thing um yeah I’m I’m the person on the server who I like exploring sometimes I usually like exploring with other people but I will probably explore a little bit more now that we’ve got elytra although I

Think we found all the biomes um why did I come here this is not where I wanted to go um my thing so far has just been uh building things that are useful uh so like uh the Villager Trader and the the zombie spawner and there’s going to be a

Skeleton spawner that Siri found that I’m going to make sure is up and running and like the current creeper spawner and oh I I’m going to make uh a gold Farm eventually and an Enderman Farm eventually that’s kind of my thing uh when it comes to Minecraft if I’m on a

Server uh I tend to like trying to get like things that are useful up and running for everyone why did I come here do I have pumpkins I do not have pumpkins oh right snow I came here for snow this might have been a dangerous time to come for snow SN

Ow I’m just going to grab nope just a whole chunk of snow blocks that sounds fine okay and I know that there were Pumpkins over here somewhere uh nope that’s my other house I have not touched ah pumpkins there we Go oh hi creeper I’ll just take two wow No anyway this is my like started starter house that I never actually finished someday I’ll finish it where am I going for there it’s fine everything’s fine everything’s not everything is going so great everything is fine and going well it’s working just the way we wanted there’s nothing that could ever go wrong

With what we’re doing nothing is going my way wait what and everything is fine yeah there’s nothing just to worry about on this Minecraft land Today okay up there Okay sleep okay so we’ve got our snow blocks I’ve got pumpkins let’s put those down let’s get those carved Noe that’s a button no that’s that’s shears okay all right we’ve got both of the pumpkins we’ve got the snow blocks that we need got the rest of my spruce planks to

Fix up the holes in the roof firework Rockets all right okay okay it’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine except that it’s not fine because I need a hi okay now everything is fine yeah now now everything is fine um I forgot to put the [ __ ] things down I’ll fix that later

Then we do that ah we do that and we do that and then they they can’t be taller though because it’s it’s two blocks and this is on the lower part of the second block because there’s there’s roof right above it um okay all right okay okay all right Okay and then okay so now we put this bitch’s head on Spruce plant goes in um right okay I’ve put everything back to where it’s supposed to be so we grab this honestly I probably don’t need to rocket out of there I could have just built out of there but I’m a little

Piece of [ __ ] so we’re going to do that and it’s okay Geral III may he do his job well very true but thank you cheerless I do appreciate it uh but this is uh a server that is only for uh the talents of V andu so I’m not actually able to play

With anyone else um there is a chance that someday in the future I’ll be able to make a server that all of my informant can play on uh but as of right now this is this is just for the talent so I’m not able to allow anyone else on

I actually don’t have the ability to do that even all right and now we wait question mark now we wait uh while we wait I guess I’ve got 19 dirt which is not great maybe I should make some stairs can I make stairs I’m going to make some

Stairs how’s my coffee not great because I wasn’t able to drink more than a little bit of it because a bug landed in it um so I’ve got bug coffee which you know I feel like very obviously not the best kind of coffee but I’m sure that someone is into it probably um

Have a good night Forte okay okay uh I’m not actually sure what cocon Senpai was planning here um oh okay so they’re starting to gum which is great so we are starting with 22 we’ll keep that in mind and see what happens as we keep going um did any of

Her I don’t think any of her water buckets made it that’s fine that’s okay cuz for now uh this is this is good this is what we were trying to get to and they’re you know they’re actually spawning at a decent rate they’re actually spawning at a decent rate which

I will I’ll [ __ ] take it although I do question why that was set up like that because really should probably be set up like this so that we can look in here and laugh at these [ __ ] yeah come on B to your doom you

Can do it B to your doom you can’t play cheerless it’s it’s a private server that I can’t even let people on if I wanted to so they die really quickly uh jet Ren anyway because they’re falling and they’re taking that damage so I’m not overly worried about how long it

Takes I’m a little bit worried about the fact that there’s not a lot of them spawning like they’re they’re spawning but they’re not they’re it used to be faster used to be faster uh which obviously is not great but I guess it doesn’t really matter because as long as they do fall

If we AFK here then we’re going to be okay I don’t know why I built this Hut over here because this is not where we would AFK this is this is a temporary shelter for building things because building has not been not been the the safest thing in the world

Uh well like this this shoot should be 19 blocks high so so theoretically there is no way that it should be influenced by the campfire cuz that’s got 15 blocks of light but yeah have my Snowman died again is that why this is happening nothing’s falling Geral they’re not they’re not falling

Anymore oh do the Snowman Melt from the fire the Snowman might Melt from the fire oh no a cursed bloodline yeah um yeah so uh you don’t think light from below should affect snowman I didn’t think so but anything above one degree will kill them I don’t know how to tell warmth

Though like there’s light there’s facing there’s chunk there’s blog I don’t know but I know that certain biomes will straight up just kill snowmen um and we’re not getting any new spawns which probably means that he’s dead bro is probably dead um yeah but we’re in the ocean so that’s

Fine no no oceans are always fine when it comes to snow peoples so M that I mean it was raining but there’s no hole anymore it’s covered now we we fixed that issue because I had that one before cuz I’m an idiot no he’s there what is just nothing spawning what is

Happening they’re both there then what the [ __ ] happened to the spawn raids all of a sudden just drop from good to zero what what is [ __ ] hate this game sometimes I [ __ ] hate this game sometimes despawning is a thing but that’s why the snow people are there

Because they’ll hit the creepers with a snowball and the creepers will come try to attack them them and then they land in here mobs can’t have spawned elsewhere because I’m the only person on the server so like if there were other people and they were at like say the

Zombie spawner or something then yes theoretically that would slow down all the spawn rates because of the mement but they should be perfectly fine to spawn here they were before that’s the thing is we were getting we were getting spawns it doesn’t matter even if I build

This on top of something because we’re 250 blocks up in the sky over an ocean um and we we were getting good spawn rates and then it all all of a sudden dropped off to nothing so it shouldn’t be the location that’s the issue which is weird as [ __ ] and really

Unappreciated what the hell I finally got this thing to to do something anything all right let’s see okay well there’s one I might just I guess have a platform further up and see if maybe that will help like around the back um and that’ll be like where the AFK Hut is I suppose

We’re not too close I don’t think we’re too close like if we were up here I think this is too close but like he here should be fine again please okay well now it’s doing something take that going to light up back here again I guess like it’s dro dropping one every

Once in a while now but it it used to it used to have really really good rates and now it’s just doing its best which is not very good honestly it’s doing its best but it’s not very good um so let’s just sit and chill for a

Second uh you know what I’m going to take I’ll take that off 37 it’s 10:54 so let’s just chill in here for like 5 minutes and see what happens torches on the top might affect the spawner well those kind of need to be there or other things are going to

Spawn on the top of that and then come down and eat me um and yeah there were tons of of guys earlier when we had torches up there so because there the the light doesn’t actually leak through the block blocks or it shouldn’t leak through the blocks

So that shouldn’t be an issue okay I’m hearing more creepers now which is good um yeah uh put leaves on the top well that’s not going to be the end of it cuz that’s that’s only two layers tall right now I’m going to eventually probably add

Like up to five um but it does sound like the spawn rates have gone back up now so maybe it’ll be okay maybe it’ll be okay I don’t know I’m going to put a little shitty roof on here and by roof I just mean I’m going to Chuck some [ __ ] slabs up

Here and pretend that that makes me safe I mean it technically makes me safe uh the only thing you really need to worry about is like Phantoms although I might spawn in the roof that’s a later Scion problem this should be fine there we go

Yay okay and then I’m going to make a chest that can go there and then we can put shulkers in the chest if we need to or if there’s anything that’s happening Silo Fernando okay I’m yes I’m in my Hut it’s sounding like it might actually be doing okay now

And there was just a stupid glitch in the system where the game has decided to stop spawning for a while do I understand why that would happen no but um I wouldn’t be surpris because I have terrible luck I just have absolutely atrocious luck uh Ki got to see that in motion again

Today uh and she was like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you and I was like lots but like this in particular is not my own fault um yeah uh why why is it silent again really just wanted me to ask that hey okay it’s fine for a game generally considered a

Kids game there’s a uh lot of arcade BS in Minecraft yeah there really is that’s that’s oh I can’t even open this box anymore I mean I quite enjoy Minecraft because I can do like a lot of different things but yeah anytime anyone’s like it’s just a kids

Game I mean like that might have been what it was originally but it sure ain’t a kids game anymore more I mean of course kids can still play it it is accessible to a lot of people um but this game has a lot of ways to play it

And some people tend to play it in a way that like I swear to God requires an engineering degree um that is not me I I will never play it in that manner I’m not a redstone God or anything I can do like very basic Redstone off the top of

My head but for anything more than that I would definitely need to be like looking at guides or like looking up how to like make [ __ ] clocks and comparator circuits and [ __ ] but uh yeah like I I kind of understand there’s a lot of really neat stuff now that you

Can do like Wireless Redstone signals apparently which is [ __ ] insane um yeah okay I think it has been it’s been like 4 minutes 26 and4 minutes isn’t the worst it’s not great it’s not great but it’s not that’s not bad um especially if I can add more layers to

This so I’m not I’m not I’m not mad about that that’s that’s pretty okay I can deal with that uh yeah I just need to set up maybe three more levels and then that would be what I would consider okay because that would that would double and then sum our

Current output which will be great um we’re gonna have A farm for green [ __ ] up here sugar cane we’re going to have a sugarcane farm up here uh I did have all the stuff ready to make it and then it exploded it exploded so I’m going to have to go get all the stuff for that

Again um before I try to see what coconut s is doing cuz yeah uh I kind of I kind of [ __ ] the bucket on that that’s that’s not a thing people say cion that’s kick the bucket I don’t I don’t [ __ ] know that what was I even trying to say with

That how’s the creeper farming it’s it’s going not super well but it’s it’s complete now it has a good enough out out put for me to be okay with it as it is Um yes I’ve read your comment a number of times cheerless and if you ever say that again you’re not getting read again that’s kind of how that works will the sugar cane be automatic yeah so we’re going to set up Redstone with the sugar cane Farm I think cocon

Senpai was thinking of putting a uh rail cart underneath it as well so that we don’t really have to like pick it up and it’s not going to be quite as I mean it won’t completely lossless but it’ll be more lossless than if we just were to

Have it uh get pushed into a water stream because for some reason that likes to land on like edges and stuff um yeah but yes it it’s it’s going okay uh this has been running for just over just a little bit over 5 minutes now um and

We’ve gotten 37 which not the best but it’s only two tiers tall right now um and it’s not it’s not terrible it’s not terrible I’m going to add more tear to it because it’s not going nearly as fast as I wanted it to go it was going faster

Earlier um strangely enough it was going way it was it was working way better earlier and then it decided that it didn’t want to work anymore uh and it in fact just stopped working all together for a bit there it just it didn’t it didn’t spawn anything

Uh and we went and checked cuz we thought that maybe our snowmen one of them being Gerald III uh died but it’s did it’s you know it’s going a connection issue maybe I don’t know I I had some trouble with YouTube earlier today but like the other girls

In vnu were telling me that there wasn’t a problem so maybe just some of us are very unlucky today maybe f for our boy Gerald it’s okay it’s okay Gerald the third is still alive Gerald one and two they’re dead um they died drd one died very very quickly in

Fact I made him I I set him up in his little H and then I didn’t have a roof um so it rained and then he died right away Dr the second died because a skeleton spawned and shot him with an arrow yes made Gerard the third live long and

Prosper he’s got a long life ahead of him and he’s also got I don’t [ __ ] know who lives on the floor above him we haven’t named him yet um but Gerald is always the one on the first floor the second I don’t [ __ ] know who that guy

Is yet he’s he’s just a snow snow golem it’s fine fine no one’s named him yet he doesn’t have a name eventually there will be five of them just chilling up there so the king is dead long live the king exactly it’s a time machine at this point

Yeah okay see like there’s these there’s periods where there’s just a ton of creepers and then there’s periods where there’s just nothingness nothingness well I guess that one’s going jard thei is the only one that matters yes Gerald the first died so Gerald the third can run Gerald the thir

Cannot run he is in fact in a uh one by one fenced off Square throwing snowballs at creepers but like you know I’m sure he’s having a good time right he he does get to throw things at creepers and I don’t know about you but to me that sounds like it’s a pretty

Good time living his best life exactly yes Starfire and zotth on the same [ __ ] brain wave there yeah I mean I would be okay just like chilling in one spot throwing things at creepers I think that might be okay although it is very dark where he

Lives which is probably not the most fun honestly probably not necessarily the greatest um but that’s okay why did why did that happen flow pop thank you thank you for your first ever Supa I appreciate it thank you so much and viig thank you thank you for

This Supa as well thank you thank you have you named yet you nominate cion chaos Contraption ah I have not named The Creeper Farm yet but because we’re going to also put cocon senpai’s uh sugar cane Farm up here I don’t know if it should necessarily be either specifically

For like named after me or specifically named after creepers just because we’re going to have both portions up here but uh if Dalal can throw snowballs that creep in the dark with deadly accuracy it’s safe to say that Gerard has night vision I mean he could have night vision

H he could have night vision creeper FMS don’t like torches that it’ll affect spawn rates Well yeah if you put them on the inside for sure but that’s that’s most things I mean eventually I will like there won’t be torches on the roof once I’m actually finish it because I’ll finish it off with like slabs or something up there um because nothing can spawn on like if you put it on the the bottom half so that you’re like halfway up a

Block um but because I’m already planning on you know adding another couple of layers to it I’m just not going to be doing that right away because that’s a lot of resources it is a lot of resources to to try to make something like this uh and I just I

Didn’t really want to go grab 12 million more Cobblestone and a bunch more um wood and stuff I originally I had enough in the all my shulker boxes to make like two to three levels um without having to leave the area and then we [ __ ] up and a bunch of [ __ ] got

Exploded yes definit that’s you know that’s that’s definitely a we problem and not a me problem um but that’s fine it’s fine uh you know everything will be okay eventually so yeah are we going to kill them in the end what do you mean there’s no need to

Kill anything in the end I don’t want I don’t ever want to go back to the end so my my Escape car is never allowed to to fall apart because I will simply perish it took three [ __ ] hours to find that elytra well maybe not completely 3 hours

Maybe it was closer to two but it sure felt like 3 hours took a very long time to find that stupid elytra we just we we got very very unlucky with our end spawn there’s really not much in there um yeah yes yes yes yes yes there’s really

Not much in there and and cocon Senpai also saw that today and she went in with one of the community elytra and I gave her a stack of rockets going in there which was half of the Rockets I had but we’re fine uh and she found one but it

Still took her a good amount of time to be able to find uh an elytra in the end if she did I’m pretty sure she did I’m I’m sure she wouldn’t have come out of the end if she hadn’t but Yes I [ __ ] hate our end though it’s so bad it’s so bad man yeah it’s e for end but it is also the dirty e it’s cocon is dirty E took a long time even with the elytra yeah it really did our end I don’t know why is is it’s very sparse there’s not very much in it um only six that whole time yeah sometimes the rates are really good and sometimes the rates are really

Bad and I’m not really sure why that is quite yet but I’ll figure it out once we eventually get everything up and ready cheerless I’ve read multiple of your [ __ ] comments dude um I’m also talking to everyone else if you’re not on topic to what we’re currently talking

About I’m not going to reply to you that’s how that works I’ve in fact said that to you in reply to one of your comments uh so yeah if you need to leave that’s perfectly fine but please stay on topic as to what we’re doing if you do

Want to hang out and talk with everyone because like I like talking with my informants but the point is to like hang out with everyone so you know as much as I like hanging out with everyone um because of the way that streams go I’m going to be replying

To the people who are talking about things that are on topic to what it is that we’re actually doing at the moment but yeah if you need to go that’s perfectly fine I hope you have a really good night uh and I hope you had fun while you were

Here it’s coming rock on it sure is it sure is going um we have gotten it mostly together I think I think um in that like it spawns stuff now oh [ __ ] me God damn it it spawns stuff now um it doesn’t spawn super well quite yet

It was for a while spawning things really really quickly but um it stopped and now it sucks so we’ll see what happens I’ll probably AFK tonight um just so I can check the spawn rates if someone were to AFK for example over overnight um but yeah we we’ve got two tiers down

It was a lot of [ __ ] oh it did not it did not in fact go the way that we wanted 99% of the time but we got there eventually we got there eventually so it it does work it is doing the thing um yeah I I will like log off and

Log back on between me testing it because I am going to restart my computer uh tonight I do have to actually do some more work so I I’ll I’m going to restart my computer before I like do a bunch of other stuff tonight nothing exploded that’s such a [ __ ] lie

Marlon it’s a lie in fact things exploded twice things exploded twice a it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine a thank you thank you for the super rock on I appreciate it um yeah so everything exploded twice we had to like redo the bottom of this a couple of

Times because of that but it’s okay it um it seems to be working now we’ve got our little Hut that we can that we can AFK in uh and you know it’s got a roof and everything which means that you know we’re not going to be assaulted by by

Phantoms or anything in the middle of the night um it does seem like it spawns stuff so it does it works technically the rates aren’t the greatest but that’s why I’m going to build a couple of more tiers uh and once I’m done at the end

Then we’re going to do what some people have said and take those uh torches off the top um and put put some slabs down but that’s going to be just at the very very end uh because I don’t want to have to like pick those up and put them down

Every time I finish a tier yes majoral thei thiri live the completion of the fully functional creeper Farm yes I am going to have to maybe I’ll like maybe we’ll try to name all of them later hopefully they don’t all just die mysteriously yeah see the rates are okay

They’re not terrible they’re not great but they’re not terrible so that’s fine we can take it I mean we are very high in the sky we are like we’re 250 blocks up here so there’s not really anything else spawning up here other than whatever is coming through our Tower uh um and we’re

Over an ocean so it’s a little bit odd that the rates um are what they are because there’s nothing else that should be stopping them but if it is it is I guess what kind of ocean just ocean just normal normal [ __ ] ocean just a normal [ __ ]

Ocean yeah I I planned it to the best of my ability not that that’s like the greatest or anything but I I did try to actually figure out where would be a good place to oh have this thing Yay yeah the reason I’m not flying is uh these 37 Rockets are the last 37 rockets that I have um yeah the creeper Farm is for making Rockets that’s why we’ve made it uh it’s you know obviously not been up and running for too too long yet um

And I also don’t have a ton of um I don’t have a ton of sugar sugarcane yet either is the thing so even if technically the uh creeper Farm is like up and running to some extent not to full capacity quite yet but it is up and

Running um I I don’t have a sugar farm a sugar cane Farm up and running yet because that’s what this is going to be here so that you can AFK in one place and essentially just have all the bits and pieces uh for Rockets being you know

Dropped in one place uh but yeah since we don’t have that quite running we don’t really have a lot of rockets yet yet uh which obviously not great obviously not great and cocon sugarcane farm yeah that has like three or four pieces of sugarcane in it right now uh

And is on the other end of the server So currently not making me any sugar cane which is part of the reason that I decided I I kind of wanted to have one that like goes like around this whole thing um so that we do have sugar canane

Coming in at like a DEC decent rate at the same time as we’re doing uh creepers obviously we need a lot how many Rockets do you need how many Rockets do we need none how many Rockets do I want as many as I need forever and

Ever amen um my goal is to just never have to worry about Rockets again uh so usually what I like to do after I make a creeper and sugar cane Farm uh is is just have a shulker box with nothing but rockets and it’s the rocket pocket and then you put that in

Your inventory and whenever you need Rockets you just reach into your rocket pocket and there’s like 12 million rockets and then it’s fine it’s good and fine cion transforming into a drone no no definitely not are you happy to see me or is that a rocket in your pocket it’s a rocket yay

Yes yeah 14 bnu girls that’s true yeah there’s 14 girles on this server at the moment uh not that all of us have really been on at the same time quite yet um but earlier there were four of us wow okay that’s maybe actually a problem

Sorry I looked over at my computer and both of the fans are here wait let me let me let me show you with me what those fans look like at the moment um which is probably not not great and until today only one of them did that

So I might need to figure out what the [ __ ] that’s about are they replaceable fans uh they are the cooling system fans they are they are my GPU fans they are They they are not the cheapest fans to replace we’ll put it that way but maybe it’s just that the connection is loose or something um which is what I’m hoping to be fair I was going to go in and check those and clean everything anyway in a couple of

Days because I do have a couple more RAM things sticks coming in um but yeah I might need to do that before they get here to be fair though I did I did get a package I did get a a delivery notice but I have to go to another city

To pick up my [ __ ] parcel um so maybe those are my RAM sticks and they’re just in the next [ __ ] City over and I’m going to have to get up early before work and go pick them up or something uh but hopefully that’ll be okay m H maybe that’s it you know

Maybe but yeah I’m I’m really just hoping that it’s going to be okay and that maybe they’re just a little bit loose or something the connection is not like quite tight yeah oh convenient right I specifically get things delivered because I don’t want to leave my house

And then they make me not only leave my house but go to the next [ __ ] City over it’s terrible a it’s so bad man can’t you just have delivery Depot in my can’t you just like drop it off at the nearest raccoon post office so mad I’m

So mad man I hate all these like little delivery places that are like oh yeah we’ll deliver it for you fast and cheap and I’m like why why it’s so evil it’s so evil they don’t do final delivery I don’t know why but there’s a lot of

Places here where uh like the first delivery is the final delivery there is is no in between there is only first delivery and final delivery and they’re one in the same so yeah my only problem is that there’s currently two packages that I’m waiting

For and one of them is the RAM sticks so easy enough to get before work and like bring with me the other one is a [ __ ] kitchen chair which if that’s the one that’s too like if that’s the one that’s the next city over I can’t [ __ ] pick that up I take the

Bus um and also I can’t bring that to work cuz that’s a whole ass [ __ ] chair uh so I’m like I’m going to have to double check my emails and stuff to see hopefully I’ll be able to tell which one is the package that is there because

That would be bad that that would be bad H but I don’t want want to have to call them and deal with that and stuff so but I might I might have to I might have to it’s fine it’s what I tell myself all the time all the time all day every day

It’s fine don’t worry about it it’s fine it’s okay can any of the heart family drive you there I mean technically yes but they live like three cities away so that’s not that that that really isn’t all that much more helpful it’s really not all that much more helpful so

Yeah where’ the music come from Minecraft Minecraft oh final thank you thank you for the soup I appreciate it idea Minecraft muted in the background during the pregame zatsu maximize Farm time next time we Minecraft probably honestly probably oh you never you never noticed my ey Sparkle yeah I got eye

Sparkle I got stores here wait what if I make myself Bigger Well back to normal Tanuki time but yeah I’ve got stars in my eyes both me and Ma have stars but they’re a little bit different yes Ma I don’t think she has moons I don’t know I don’t know if she does for sure or not I do

Know that she also has some stars in her eyes though because we bonded over that yes yay yay yay okay um I just wanted to go see who is also streaming tonight who is streaming tonight cuz like I said I do actually have some other things that I am supposed

To be doing supposed to get done I don’t want to though I don’t want to I don’t want to do work it’s fine I don’t want to do work but it’s okay um I think that we are going to raid into salmon I think we’re going to raid into

Salmon yeah we’re gonna go raid into salmon she’s doing a zatu right now um I love Sammy very very much so I think that that is what we’re going to go do she’s just chilling and hanging out with her s minions so let’s go give her some love especially because one of

Her uh one of her company mates actually graduated today so uh I think she needs a little bit of extra love and so we can go over and give her that man there’s just so much going on in V2 spere just I just want everyone for hugs and

Stuff there’s just so much crying all the time I hate it butth yeah let’s go give her some love thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out with me as I tried and failed and then finally succeeded to build our creeper farm and uh yeah I’ll see you guys if

You are part of my late night crew tomorrow tomorrow at 1:00 a.m. or I guess technically not tomorrow technically it’s the day after tomorrow but it’s like one sleep from now for me a.m. um yeah we’re going to play a little a little silly cozy is type of

Game will it be cozy with me we’ll [ __ ] see yeah don’t yes okay yeah that is true Marlon thank you for bringing that up please do not bring up the GW unless Sammy does right um because oh wait she might be ending she might be give me a

Second I think she’s ending which okay that’s fair uh in that case uh I believe na’vi is also streaming right now so I’m going to do that instead Nani monavi uh who is from aan Project I also love her very much uh because yeah I don’t want to

Raid into Sammy right as she’s ending um just because I know that like sometimes that’s stressful to get raided into right as you’re ending and it makes you worry about like continuing on for a little bit and especially when she’s just been she’s been chatting her feelings out tonight I don’t want I

Definitely don’t want to dump that on her so uh yes let’s go over to na’vi instead I believe she is playing I believe I believe she’s playing fortnite which I’ve played like once in my life before so I don’t really know how this game works other than it is

Also a shooter but it’s like a silly shooter uh yeah so let’s go over to her give her lots of love I do love na’vi She’s very cute she is A’s aan Project’s little robot girl and very very very nice so let’s go over and give her some

Love I’ll be putting my schedule up probably later tonight once I’m done all my work so uh yes keep an eye out for that if you need Salmon’s raing into na’vi as well perfect great that is exactly what we want all right so let’s do

That okay thank you guys so so much for coming and hanging out with me I really do appreciate it and as always I’ll catch you next time sayara Byebye oh

This video, titled ‘〖Minecraft〗Time to build a creeper farm!〖Cyon ❥ V&U〗’, was uploaded by Cyon Hart Ch. V&U on 2024-01-08 07:42:18. It has garnered 2172 views and 335 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:07 or 16027 seconds.

Twitter ❥ twitter.com/CyonVNU

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    Ultimate Minecraft Gang Bang Challenge! ft. RajuVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gang Bang SMP PE’, was uploaded by Raju challenges Vlogs on 2024-05-30 03:38:16. It has garnered 25 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:00 or 3660 seconds. 7Minecraft server live with proximity voice chat open forever that exist for 7 years now. JAVA + BEDROCK + PREMIUM + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.20.6 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at least 2045. 🇪🇺 play.airforce 👾crack.play.airforce 🎮bedrock.play.airforce 🔥 *SPECIAL IP* 🔥 🔊Proximity voice chat: Voicechat.play.airforce 💎For premium user that: premium.play.airforce Port: Java: 25565 Bedrock:… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Journey – Episode 21!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Journey - Episode 21!Video Information This video, titled ‘Episode 21: The MOST EPIC Minecraft Survival Series Journey Begins!’, was uploaded by ZK yt gaming on 2024-05-01 15:42:59. It has garnered 198 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:01 or 1261 seconds. Join us on an epic journey as we kick off Episode 21 of our Minecraft Survival Series! Watch as we navigate through the challenges of survival, build, and explore in this exciting gameplay. Don’t miss out on the fun – hit play and enjoy the adventure with us! #Minecraft #SurvivalSeries #Gaming #Episode21 #ZKYouTubeGaming Minecraft, Survival, Series, Journey, Epic,… Read More

  • Insane SEUS PTGL Shader for MCPE 1.20 – 2/3GB RAM

    Insane SEUS PTGL Shader for MCPE 1.20 - 2/3GB RAMVideo Information This video, titled ‘SEUS PTGL Shader For Minecraft Pe 1.20.73 || Low end Shader For Mcpe 1.20 – 2 Gb & 3Gb Ram’, was uploaded by Lazy Nex on 2024-04-11 02:30:22. It has garnered 1731 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. SEUS PTGL Shader For Minecraft Pe 1.20.73 || Low end Shader For Mcpe 1.20 – 2 Gb & 3Gb Ram WORNING:- If You Use my Any Clips in your Video Then, Give me Credit in your discription and mention. ——————————————– ➡Join Telegram Channel For Direct Links:- https://t.me/lezynex ➡ Pls… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hypnosis with JJ & Mikey!

    INSANE Minecraft Hypnosis with JJ & Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why JJ and Mikey Got HYPNOTIZED in Minecraft ? (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ World on 2024-03-27 17:00:17. It has garnered 20331 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:40 or 1000 seconds. Why JJ and Mikey Got HYPNOTIZED in Minecraft ? (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More


    Dante583: WIN SKYWARS AS CREEPER? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PERO SOY UN CREEPER!! 😱 | GANAR UNA PARTIDA DE SKYWARS SIENDO UN CREEPER ¿IMPOSIBLE?’, was uploaded by Dante583 on 2024-01-09 15:28:57. It has garnered 1152 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:20 or 680 seconds. I hope you like the video, like it and share it with your friends on Facebook and/or Twitter, it would really help me a lot :’D and don’t forget to subscribe!! @Dante583 DISCORD GROUP: https://discord.gg/H49vHA93sp Channel de ErenGaymer: https://www.youtube.com/user/ErenGaymer Lucy Miku Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIUs8EX4o_zZhbnVvjphdEw Canal de SunWard: https://www.twitch.tv/sunward_uwu ————Here are videos that will catch your… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing First Minecraft Experience – Part 10 – Extra Long!

    Mind-Blowing First Minecraft Experience - Part 10 - Extra Long!Video Information This video, titled ‘My First Time Playing Minecraft – (Part 10) – Special Length Episode!’, was uploaded by RobPlaysz on 2024-04-06 17:30:00. It has garnered 201 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:27 or 7827 seconds. Hey people! Welcome to my series, this series covers my first time playing Minecraft, and I hope you will join me! Today’s episode is extra-long to celebrate our 10th episode! Read More

  • Creepy Find in Minecraft FNAF: Sister Location PC

    Creepy Find in Minecraft FNAF: Sister Location PCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Finding The Sister Location Computer In Minecraft FNAF’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-01-14 19:00:00. It has garnered 11740 views and 695 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:33 or 1473 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In Todays Video, Funtime Foxy accidentally has reactivated the old Sister Location Elevator Computer system. But how did this AI system get into the security system of the mega pizza plex. Is this a security… Read More

  • Prolythium Skyblock

    Prolythium SkyblockIntroducing Prolythium, a new gaming server for Minecraft and Rust. Our goal is to provide players with an outstanding gaming experience by building high-quality servers. Join us and discover new adventures in Minecraft, Rust and Garry’s Mod! Open 24/7 Read More

  • OG Classic Prison Server – pve, 1.20+, prison

    Join Billionaire Prison Now! Looking for a hardcore classic prison server without all the OP stuff? Work hard for your fortune instead of starting with fortune 50! Custom builds and plugins are everywhere on this server! We focus on a player-driven economy with features like a server-wide auction house, player chest shops, and much more! Features: Player Shops Cells Custom Enchants Custom Enchanting System Stock Market Gambling Crypto Custom Fishing Crates And much more! The server is still in development, but you can join our Discord server to follow the progress and get sneak peeks: discord.gg/JnVxNTcERS Read More

  • The World

    The World1.20.5 – Semi vanilla with a few datapacks for new village types, a small personal server where you can do pretty much anything you want, just try to keep it fun for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft update tier list: Let the controversy ignite!

    I guess Steve and Alex are the S-tier, while the Creeper is definitely in the F-tier (for obvious reasons). But where does Notch fit in? Is he the ultimate boss level? So many questions, so little diamond armor. Read More

  • Rainy Lofi Mine Groove: Minecraft’s Relaxing Hour

    Rainy Lofi Mine Groove: Minecraft's Relaxing Hour In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We dive into the game like a lucid dream. With rain lofi tunes to set the mood just right, We craft, we build, we explore through the night. Orbiting Solitude, a peaceful start, Void Chill, Eclipse Shadows, playing our part. In Cosmic Quiet, we find our flow, Lunar Calm Waters, a tranquil glow. Galactic Twilight, a sight to behold, Nebula Soothe, our stories unfold. Interstellar Chills, a cosmic dance, Mystical Moonlight, our minds enhance. As we journey through this pixelated land, Stellar Serenity, we take a stand. Starry Reflection, in… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft Meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft Meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Franklin’s Freaky FNF Character Test

    Franklin's Freaky FNF Character Test FNF Character Test | Gameplay VS Minecraft Animation Exploring the exciting world of Minecraft through the lens of the FNF Character Test brings a unique blend of creativity and gameplay to life. Dive into the immersive experience where Circus, Sonic, and Tankman come alive in the virtual realm. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft With the FNF Character Test, players can witness the fusion of gameplay and Minecraft animation. The possibilities are endless as familiar characters like Circus, Sonic, and Tankman navigate through the blocky landscapes, showcasing their unique abilities and personalities. Immersive Gameplay Experience Experience the thrill of gameplay as… Read More