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[Applause] Hey what’s up dudes it’s pat and welcome back to another minecraft video and guys i know it’s been quite some time i made a video it must have been like two and a half weeks ago saying that i wouldn’t be recording until the new year well

I am back from my trip and here i am and today i am playing shrek’s swamp defense so you’ve seen some of these defense games i’ve played um the tower defenses today i’m gonna see if i can conquer it alone it’s gonna actually be probably pretty challenging

But i think we can do it and guys if you are excited for this definitely smash the like button and the subscribe button and let’s get going here all right so shrek swamp defense the local village is upset about shrek swamp being so close stop them before they destroy shrek’s

Hot there will be 10 waves plus a boss wave if your defense towers hit each other they will attack each other i hate this it makes me want to cry every time um no ignore the paper in your inventory it is used when selling okay there it is got that cool have a

Lovely time and thanks to love cubs and if you want to check out his channel it will be down below but let’s do this oh man this looks beautiful sort of i mean the path does everything else is a swamp but this is where shrek lives so let’s

See exactly what we need to do here okay i’m guessing this is his house probably so is this where it ends we have to protect um his home that’s probably what it is i feel like i started very far away my flesh just went so high i was like i feel like

It started very far away okay beware ogre okay oh how am i going to protect two different areas is what i’m wondering i’ve never had to do this before this is the longest thing ever okay guessing mob spawned in right there from the blue side and then jen’s not playing with me today

She actually just moved guys so that is kind of why she’s not here okay pink side right there so i’m guessing i need to find a spot kind of in between that’ll hit both of them maybe like right here might be a good spot so it’ll

Attack this side and that side at the same time so i need to find the vendor i’m so lost i’ll go in the cave that’s not a cave it’s mine all right i’m looking around okay there we go cool cool so we have um 11 diamonds perfect charming shop charming shop oh

So charming here we go so we cannot afford much so specifically we are going to need um i have no idea how to say i’ve never seen the shrek movies and i apologize so much i love you guys genji’s candy drop thrower i’m probably saying it right

Maybe maybe fires one candy drop per second we’re buying that and of course we have one um diamond leftovers we get a weapon we’re gonna kill everything and destroy them 3.5 damage okay so if we get enough diamonds this is what we could buy we can buy

Puss in boots cuteness so cute the enemy must stop and look for a few seconds that will slow them down a lot if they have to stop fiona’s explosive baby bottles fires an explosive bottle messes me up every time because it hits the other guys and they start attacking

Each other then i cry i don’t want to cry doggy’s poisonous farts poisons the nearby mobs okay that’s gonna help a lot um dragon’s fire breath sets the baddies on fire and shrek onion throw rapidly throws onions okay and we can buy oh repair kit because i’m probably gonna fail we’ll see

Um shrek’s onion okay so this is a damaged weapon right so 3.5 this is 5.5 and then the fairy godmother’s magic wand no idea what it does but it’s expensive and i want it so bad all right so we came up with our strategy here it seems like the closest

Spot where um they’re both gonna go through is gonna be right around here so logically i put it right here hope for the best hit this to start the round oh my god you’re so cute okay oh god i’m actually gonna wait at this one

The blue one and then i’m gonna run over here after i think it’s a strategy oh this music gets me a villager okay totally got this no got you oh god i’m so nervous about the ones they’re gonna come from the other side okay i have four dollars which are diamonds

Okay i might literally go buy something if i have to like right after i get 10 in the middle of this oh god eight it should get me to ten okay running to other side okay oh god oh they’re going past them they’re going past them they’re going

How does how does love comes test this by himself and beat it so easily okay oh yes look i cannot go buy something right now because if they go past right here then i am going to lose on the first round we cannot let that happen

Okay done okay i’m doing pretty well not gonna lie i’ve seen none get through on the blue side except for this one sir don’t think it’s happening got it okay okay i actually did really good yes there we go i think i got all the diamonds picked up we’ve got um 21

Diamonds now let’s see so what we can get let’s stop and look for a few things i don’t think that’s going to be good enough right now i really am going to need more pure damage pure damage so i’m gonna buy these i think that’s the right decision here

So i’m gonna get both of those we’ll put them in i think the same spot and we’ll try pretty much the same strategy here i don’t know guys leave a comment down below do you think i could beat this by myself it is much more difficult

Alone all right so if these are set up here they should fire like crazy and stop them all right here we go blue side is me genji gingerbread dude that’s your side let’s go and every round gets so much harder too i love these maps though oh god

Okay if i can critical hit i just don’t feel like i’m coordinated enough for this kind of thing oh god oh god slow down sir oh they are hitting from here too wait that is actually pretty nice ow he bit me it’s not cool bro

Oh god oh my god all right here we go okay i’m getting some serious money okay this is going pretty well uh don’t run away from me oh god he’s getting too far away um i don’t care about the villagers we need to get to the other side wait they’re running past

We have a problem oh god here we go okay okay i’ll cut you off right here what do you do okay yes all right this is gonna be a guy’s two rounds solo and i’m getting that victory i can feel it oh god did i go through the blue side

I’m a little nervous about that i don’t think any got through the blue side so i’m pretty sure we have completely destroyed this get those critical hits there we go boom the round is complete 31 diamonds so i think some diamonds probably dropped from these guys over

Here maybe no no did i get them all or maybe it’s like per round you get like um 10 20 30 40 50 diamonds i never noticed that that’s how it worked probably because i was playing with another player all right we got 31 diamonds i may want

To try maybe the slowing thing might be nice let’s see what we can do here all right so i could buy explosive it never works out for me poisoning is nice too i do want to slow them down we’re going to get one of these

And one more of these so we’re going to slow them down in that same area pick it up oh god i put it down all right you have to like be so precise with it i can’t do that all right so what we need to do

Is go back over here we’re gonna put the slow one um we’ll put it on this side because this is the side that i’ve been fighting on and then i’m gonna add one more right here all right this should be quite the defense i have going come on in okay not happening

Yes hit him alright there we go okay i feel like my placement is perfect oh i don’t think the slow dude can actually reach them from this oh god oh god it’s okay it’s fine it’s fine it used to be in these maps that when you hit them enough time they

Actually um stopped i guess he changed it now it’s more challenging oh god this is going to be so rough oh my god i’m so nervous oh god they’re everywhere this is terrible oh no oh my ow and he bit me it’s not cool oh my god

This is so bad all right here we go okay that’s fine how are you so quick i can barely even go this fast oh my god oh no this is so bad i’m gonna fail oh got him oh god no shrek’s house don’t let it happen

No at least give me the money give me the money give me money kill them in time okay if this is gonna do so much damage to this house please please please please please please oh god this is terrible oh my god i lost 500 health of that

Well the nice thing is i have a lot more diamonds to try the next round 100 okay that was a terrible fail poisoning might be nice because it’s gonna hurt them all they’re all gonna be so hurt when they get there i’m gonna get one of those

All right let me put it right in the middle okay and i’m gonna get one more of these guys okay so what i want to do here is for now i am sticking with this um one little spot over here because it covers some ground eventually i’m gonna add

Spots down here that will hit two but definitely right now i need to make sure this spot is extremely good so the poison okay we’re gonna put that i feel like right in the middle is good oh i love it okay okay i’m happy and we’re gonna throw one over here and

We’re gonna try this round again let’s go don’t you bite me it’s so out i’m literally gonna die if i die in the map that’s not even a thing that’s supposed to happen okay we’re getting some serious diamonds there’s so many coming at the same time

Oh man if i could at least destroy like one side alone stop moving so quick i hate you i hate you i hate you okay oh my god this is terrible okay how are you guys doing over here not so well okay yes so that slowed them down so that is so nice

Okay we are going to have to run for it because there’s way okay get you guys in the middle we’ll do any more damage if i can hit multiple at the same time be really nice oh this is so bad oh my god this is this is a complete fail alone

He said it was easy okay got you okay still a chance oh man okay you’re gonna die got you i need the diamonds i can’t afford to let them go because i need the diamond so badly got him okay oh man oh all right there’s a few more men coming

Okay i need to make sure i get the ones in the group oh thank god oh and i lost way less this time but i have 67 diamonds i am going to buy so many of the ones that hit just one it’s gonna be ridiculous okay i’m literally buying all those i

Really feel like this is the best strategy and i’m gonna put them much further down in the map so that way i can handle this because i’m having a lot of issues once they get over here i’m literally like begging for my life okay right here you

See this spot this is where they all come in all right i’m feeling like okay maybe yeah i’m feeling like right here because it’s gonna hit around this entire corner um and then one right here like that spot i think that’s gonna be really good i’m

Pretty sure i’m going to win this round i need more slow ones because that’s what stops them oh my god that helps so much all right here we go leave a comment down below will i win this round i think i got this 100 oh i’m stressed

I need a better weapon that’s actually what i’m gonna buy next i think ow okay you’re dead oh you guys are so hard to deal with i’m doing way better all right you guys keep going get some hits off as they uh round the corners here

Okay if i can injure them that can actually be really helpful okay i threw my sword oh my god i’m panicking at this point we’re panicking okay remember i put the ones down here it’s really gonna make a huge difference and that is where we will meet them got

You give me these diamonds you’re so fast i need a speed potion about to steal one from creative if i have to okay no i’m not losing this round got you okay oh my god okay we haven’t lost yet okay the strategy is kind of working here

No no okay got him oh my god i keep getting hit by the my own things got him oh my god this is so stressful i want the magic wand almost because i want to know what it is but what if i’m disappointed by it and i’ve wasted all my money

Let’s see so it’s 48 i don’t know what it does do i just spend the money and find out okay let’s do it i literally have no idea oh it shoots a lot of damage okay that might be fun all right so let’s put these together we’re gonna get something

Cool we have 45 we’re gonna put them on fire and we’re gonna buy one more of these okay so i think we will put the flame dude over here because we want this to be super powerful here especially since they’re getting frozen in place

So i will put the fire one right here oh dragon all right and one more of these and let’s go and i will shoot them with a magic wand now which looks like he did a lot of damage oh my god i hope it doesn’t like not last long time please be epic

Die how do how do i hit you okay this is really not that easy this is not exactly what i was expecting oh wait i did not mean to trade with any of you guys how do you do this properly i’m so not good at what i’m trying to do

I’m hitting some of them now the accuracy on is not very easy it says do 18 damage should you be dead then shouldn’t you be dead from this okay i’m trying so hard to hit these guys oh it’s doing 18 damage when i hit my um own things with it that’s what i’m

Realizing this may be way worse what i’m trying right now honestly three hours later poor decision on the weapon i really don’t like it i would like to buy the other weapon which is this one which does 5.5 damage that’s gonna help way more so we’ll put that right there

We have 46 left over so we definitely need one that stops them to look for a few seconds 100 percent um we have the fire one and we have 26 left over um so explosive bottle okay this is what i want to do with that one i have a plan

For the explosive bottle so at the beginning of the pink side which is where we’re gonna go it’s gonna explode right into it where is the beginning okay right here because i’m not gonna put much over here but i feel like if i have an explosion going directly over here

Especially when the groups come out it’s gonna do serious damage so i think that’s gonna help a lot then over here is where we have um the huge group of them helping me so all i need to do is make them stop in their tracks

Right here i’m going to put it right in this corner that should slow everything down here we go we are starting the next round and i am super confident this time because i have a better weapon just so much more damage and it’s so beautiful in my hand i’m

Gonna eat it here we go they should do so much more please i only have 855 health left i’m not losing this game yes okay i’m doing serious damage now i think we attack quicker with this weapon too like actual like crazy speed that’s not a normal weapon oh it’s probably

Textured weapon though isn’t it okay progress definitely way better than um last no no one’s getting away this time nobody okay i was i’ve not been able to do that the entire time okay i’m seeing some fire some flames over here okay this is my first time i’ve had a

Chance to actually attack something before they get over here oh the explosions are working yes all right i’m loving that mcdonald’s advertisement okay die got him oh guys we got it this time i can feel it um you run so fast slow down please yes okay let’s see what stopping his tracks

Didn’t matter i can chill out here and win this i’m just relaxing i’m gonna regret this okay now slump okay missed him slow those guys down look at that oh that is so sick no no no no no sir oh god no no no no no no no no i got him

I got him oh my god there’s the big group yes they’re all stuck the entire group oh my god this is perfect and we beat the round oh my god that was so stressful we got so many diamonds ow i didn’t do anything to you stop it i’m sorry

Okay new strategy let’s see so the explosive one worked incredibly well this rapidly throws okay that’s good but i absolutely feel like i need another explosive one for um just where nothing’s around it seems to be extremely helpful so i think i’m gonna actually put one

And i don’t want this magic wand it’s not helping me at all i mean one of those i’m also going to get one of the extremely good um shooters over here so we got 33 left over i’m gonna spend it all on these guys

And this is what i’m gonna do guys so i don’t feel like i need to do um quite as much at my base i’m gonna put one of these over what happened to everybody where’d they go dragon i had no exclusive people over here oh that’s not good that’s not good at all

All right um this is gonna be um trouble i’m gonna put explosive one over here so we can attack over there how could you what happened to you guys literally this is not good dragon what are you doing um this doesn’t seem fair the next day okay guys that was incredibly unfair

He started attacking everything i got rid of him i’m putting things back here that are supposed to be there i’m definitely moving the fire one to somewhere nobody’s around because it’s evil it should be able to hit both sides from over here um and then i’ve got this uh

Special onion thrower one that attacks really quickly i’m probably gonna actually put it down here this time instead um since all the stuff is back over there they should be this is gonna work yes i have the wither effect on me okay this is an incredible amount of

Damage that is happening from an explosive dude as long as he doesn’t hit the other dudes and he’s far enough away it should be extremely helpful okay we’re doing pretty good oh new people new people new people they’re so quick okay got you guys okay let’s go

And we are running to the other side all right yes the slow thing all right i don’t even need help i’m running down over here did anyone get past this far making sure yes they did but they should get stopped instantly in their tracks okay cool got you

Whoo this is gonna be stressful all right who’s gonna make it past oh god don’t hit me okay yes oh my god shrek is owning it guys 51 diamonds look barely anything is even making over here i think i have the tragedy down now and he stops in his tracks oh this is

Perfect oh man this is so good now i’ve over two stacks of diamonds only a couple more coming and do this down got him other ones over here i’ll give you a little help you don’t even need it though yes oh my god that went

So good so what we’re gonna do i need another one of the rapid firing shreks oh my god they’re amazing i’m actually gonna get um two of those two more explosive dudes to put in spots where you know just nobody’s around like um maybe like one like right here ones that

Are in between i feel like are super helpful so we can hit both sides so i like this spot over here for sure so because they get slowed down so easily so i’m gonna put another one of um shrek right here but i wanna make sure everyone’s getting slowed down so if i

Have two guys they’re way more likely to get slowed down so i’m gonna put one over here so basically there’ll be two chances for them to get slowed down and then we put another onion throw right there there’s literally no chance they’re gonna make it past this corner

It is the corner of death i almost don’t want to fight just to see if i’ve made the ultimate defense now and i’m going to get a couple more flame guys too i think to light them in fire i want to get some poison guys too set up

Oh new guys on the track oh this is going to be interesting all right you know what just go for it i kind of want to be over here i feel like even this corner is not that easy for them to get past oh and then the fire comes over here

Then i have more explosives coming i don’t know guys i just don’t see it happening all right and then look at this oh this is set up so good now ow i am even getting killed pretty sort of diamonds throughout my face all we need to do

Is head down over i’m getting abused right now i’m head down over here to the corner of death who can even make it over here at this point i feel like an explosive just hit them before they even get here all right i see one coming from that side

Literally no chance look at that i think we got this honestly they’re not even making it to the corner of death which by far is the worst corner shrek just walked over there i don’t even think they’re allowed to do that all right goodbye sir oh oh my god i let

That be pretty close all right i gotta make sure you die got you okay be careful because if they don’t just slow down it can be dangerous they’re very fast got him okay little stressful okay got that guy uh you sir i need to get you 100 i’m not letting him go

Okay oh oh man all right it’s getting a little stressful okay he’s dead looks like literally maybe one guy left all right let me get over here let me make sure i do the damage before he gets in case he doesn’t get slowed down got him and bro

You are down as well and we’ve completely lit there we go awesome we have so many diamonds it’s so nice playing solo because you get to spend everything yourself which i’m doing right now all right so what i definitely need is poison so i have not bought any points

So i’m gonna get two poisons for my two like um areas where there’s like tons of um my guys helping out and then honestly these onion throwers are they’re killer i’m gonna get three more onion throwers and then what i want i want a couple

More to slow them down and to stop them in their tracks and i’m gonna save the rest of my diamonds all right so what we need to do is we need to go over to our main starting spot over here um definitely a poison one

Is gonna be nice i believe so we’ll get one of the poisons um oh i never rebuilt the poison when i put down before that’s fine i could i could deal with that i’m gonna put an onion thrower right here we’re gonna get another one that slows them down

Um right here okay so this area is all set so i have two onion throwers um and a poison one the poison one is going to of course go in the area where i have everyone getting slowed down like crazy because they’re gonna die so easily now i’m gonna put a poison on

Right here and then okay so we want to slow them we have one slow guy over there one slow guy over there and we’re gonna put one more on this side in case they um make it past both of those and then onion thrower here onion thrower there there’s literally no

Way they’re making it past this we’re on wave six i’m feeling extremely confident now at the beginning i was a little bit nervous doing the solo but i think we’ve got this set up pretty nicely wanna get more dragons after possibly ow i’m going to die at one point during this map 100

Okay sir you seem to be quite quick um we need someone to slow you down or blow you off i’m gonna get you i’ll get you bro got him oh this is gonna be interesting yes look at that when they get stopped in the trash like that it is game

Over oh okay i’m gonna get you i’m totally gonna get you if i don’t die on the way to you i got that one down and you sir okay i’m trying to get them before i even have to get to my main area the problem is these guys are crazy i

Need them to get stopped if the stopping thing doesn’t work on them i may actually lose this round i just feel like this corner unbeatable at this point i’m just watching them die are you you’re too injured you won’t make it no way all right a couple coming at the same

Time oh god oh god oh god it’s making me a little nervous it really is oh everyone okay we did it we did a shrek don’t even need to fight it yes we did it wave seven all right okay slow shrek slow shrek slow shrek and slow there’s literally

No way they can make it past this all right let’s see what they do i’m gonna do nothing i’m just i really am gonna do nothing until they get here because i just think this is unbeatable they flow not at exactly the same time so certain ones are using at different times

Pretty sure i could be wrong either way let’s see what happens this is what i was hoping for if you slow down too i’ll just help out okay no this is going just as planned all right anyone made it past i am going to die myself that’s how strong this is

Oh my god they’re all getting stopped okay first dude to make it pass i don’t know i made a pretty deadly defense over here now so all i have to do is wait over here and see if anyone can even make it over here now i’m gonna guess

Five mobs or less make it over here oh my god this is insane this is so crazy guys all right it’s looking like i’m gonna be right i’ll kill him before he gets here nope all right fourth one to make it he’s not gonna make it okay he did that

Would be the fifth i said five or less exactly correct oh my god that is amazing now we have to continue on with the same strategy here it seems like in this newer version of the game these ones tend to be the best so i’m going to get many of those i

Probably want to get another poison um to put over here it makes sense um let’s see so i’m gonna get the slow ones are just so useful i’m gonna need these it’s gonna make sure everything stops so i’m gonna get four more of those four of those and one

Poison so we’re gonna put shrek there and shrek there we’re gonna make sure everything is nice and slowed down i’m gonna put one right there i’m gonna put one on this corner too i’m gonna put another one over here i’m gonna put another shrek there which is in a tree that’s wonderful

Yep you guys have um a nice view that’s gonna be perfect all right let’s see what happens he did not get stopped that’s fine because we’re watching over here i just feel like this area is so hard to get past okay look at this i don’t know it does not seem easy

And then go through so many slows how did you make it past it sir that was my strategy you’ve broken at all i hate you so much i hate you all right i’ll kill you i’ma kill you i’ll kill you i got you that’s okay maybe right over here is a

Good spot for me to stop oh god there’s too many making it this isn’t good it’s these guys they’re so fast all right all right look big boned how do you run so fast you’re dead all right kill you okay everything’s good good in the hood over here

Oh they are making it over here now no way you’re making it bro you’re gonna get slowed down right now stop him oh god okay you guys what are you doing stop hitting me okay not that many are making it it was a fluke at the beginning obviously

But i am gonna protect my face oh god got him who are you got you oh god there’s new mobs it’s fine i will help kill them yes we did it on to wave nine stressful round but we did everything we could we completely destroyed it

Let’s see did the dragon kill more stuff because if you didn’t i’m really mad at you i’m literally gonna remove you from the map you killed another one of them literally what’s wrong with you why do i even allow you to be here you’re the worst pet i’ve ever had

Three hours later all right one there and one there and i’m definitely gonna put down a slowness right before and a slowness like right after because they can reach from pretty far away so then i’m gonna take these three guys over here i do want to do something for

The blue side this is a really nice part of the pink side um i cannot do it over there but i could probably do this corner so i’m going to go one two three shreks there i really hope that doesn’t mess them up and a slowness

Oh oh yeah and i’ve put out another poison so i’ll put down the poison there too here we go and i’m gonna look specifically to see if they can actually shoot when they’re in the tree if they can’t then that is very annoying and i’ve wasted some money

All right let’s see you guys better be able to i’m going to break the tree branches if bomb you can’t kenny guys hit something please i just need to know they have to face this way and try to attack no they totally can’t i see him shooting right out of his mouth

Oh there’s so many of these this is gonna be so difficult hey oh god i literally almost died i’m slimming away all right dudes we are killing it right now you guys you suck you’re going down every single time oh go on his group not gonna happen

Got him literally no one’s gonna make it to the final area this time unless your final area i mean my ultimate defense at the end here the way i set this up it’s flawless i lied there’s one to me you’re not making all the way though bro one guy made it so far

I’m very happy about this i’m taking a sip of water hopefully i don’t get by when i do it oh god all right he didn’t make it that one didn’t even make it over here so two guys to the final defense and i believe guys we are going on to

The final round after this all right there we did it we did a team we got this oh man i’m so happy right now i’m not even seeing any of the mobs i’m just hearing explosions you better not be hitting shrek fiona i’ll be very mad okay got that one

Um you guys oh is it multiple oh god all right that one down you will not make it either oh he’s got a lot of help but he didn’t make it it is complete all right we got to be careful some of these explosive ones are a little too close

So i think the final um test here is going to be literally full um firepower 100 so we’re just gonna go all of these okay we’ve got um nine of the strongest with one slow so what i’m gonna do is i’m just gonna make the beginning area impossible to pass like literally

It will be impossible to pass this spot so all i have to do is set it up just like this two three four five six seven eight nine and i’m gonna set up um another slow they have good range i’m gonna set up way before everything

And i don’t know if this is the boss round or if this is on the round before it but this is gonna be the end of everything i love the jumanji music before we get started i think that’s what it is okay coming in groups not gonna matter i

Don’t even want to get in their way at this point this defense over here is absolutely insane all right well they’re going down this is so amazing i feel like i don’t have to do anything the amount of damage that they’re doing for the mobs over here is crazy

Oh you know what i’m just gonna go shopping i’m gonna get more stuff i don’t think they need my help all right this is oh my god i just stay here and shop the entire time all right well i got another one in case oh wait almost have enough for another

Wait for the money to roll in 32 okay there we go i got two now two more i can put down and what i’m gonna do is i’m literally gonna put them back at the start over here too to make it even crazier of a defense all right one there and one there

We should go to the end just to make sure that we don’t mess this up but i’m feeling extremely confident anybody any takers none literally none they’re trying to make it okay there’s a big group coming but i have so many defenses set up now it’s gonna be

So difficult like i don’t even want to hit you guys i feel bad for you honestly i just feel bad but i’m gonna hit you anyways because if you get to the end i’m gonna cry oh god that’s my confidence been too much hasn’t been too much we’ll find out right now

Oh god has it been too much maybe oh god oh no no no no no got it oh my god it might have been too much i may have i may have thought too highly of my defense no no i’m a cry i’m literally upset next round right now i got this

Oh my god i was so sure i was so sure i had this defense you’ve disappointed me all right i just need so many of these that it’s impossible for anything to get by i can put down 10 more and one to slow them or i feel like i need like a

Last line of defense in this something that will stop them no matter what literally a couple got by and that’s what messed me up here so let’s get um all right let’s uh let’s have some fun one two three these guys if somehow anyone gets over here

There will be a final slow and there will be a line of shreks to stop them on both sides because we wanted to be able to hit the ones over here too if this does not do it without my help then i do not know

I don’t want to have to fight it’s tower defense it’s not my job am i a tower don’t answer that all right here we go this is gonna be perfect all right i’m gonna buy more all i hear is death around me so i’m pretty sure i’m doing this

Right and i’m gonna put it over here in my main uh my main area and the problem is they’ve been lit on fire and i’ve lost way too many that i should not have lost all right but we’ll see who can make it whoo this is going to be interesting

Ow right to the face all right let’s grab another one of these onion throwers add them to our team here there we go i mean not a lot is making it if we’re gonna be honest hey please don’t make it to the end all right let’s see this final defensive

Situation over here is gonna be unbelievably hard for them to get through all right i’m here i’m part of it i’m literally part of it no way he survives this um is the map broken literally you guys attacked nothing shrek do not disapp i didn’t do anything

They’re all looking at me like i did something wrong i’m drowning in the water now okay i’m getting a lot of diamonds you guys better attack things to come here we go you were you were the stupid guys that were getting passed absolutely destroy them there we go

Here comes more easy here comes a couple more i’m getting in on it okay last line of defense is hitting over there too which is nice chance of getting slowed is very high no way no no no why is this so hard solo oh my god put this right here

Eat that 555 okay i’m gonna buy one more eat that too and once again we’re going with all these we need a firepower and we can’t have them die that’s the problem so many of them have died at this point from my own teammates and i’m trying so

Hard not to put them near anything that kills them but they die every single time for some reason all right you guys oh this corner right here i’ve had some issues with them coming in from this corner okay guys here we go everything is set up absolutely beautifully at this point i’m

Pretty sure we got this i’m honestly really nervous and i might cry so we’re gonna see what happens with that and i hate some of these mods all right come on ow how could they possibly make it past this defense look at this it’s crazy over here it’s crazy everywhere

Oh god hey you guys working as a team cheating get off each other six feet distance okay ridiculous all right got you guys our social justice thing okay they’re getting annihilated over here oh man i was gonna make it over there i don’t think so not this time

I’m gonna go buy more stuff because i don’t want anyone to go over there all right we’re gonna add more things we’re adding more poison zom and stuff like that grab a couple of these make sure everyone is nice and poisoned on the way and taking a lot of damage as they run

Through oh we definitely lost some people over here all right nice poison over here is going to be very nice um then maybe in this defense in the middle like them getting poisoned gonna hurt them before they get over here look at this area i don’t know i don’t

Know you guys can do it why are you not attacking i’m very disappointed in some of these okay i’m a little nervous if they’re not attacking this is gonna be troublesome ooh the money’s coming in though i have like 30 shreks ready to destroy i’mma help though okay got that one

And that one okay perfect perfect everything’s going good oh man all right okay when they come as groups when i’m nervous all right got those two oh not these guys i hate you guys so much i have so many attacking you should not be able to get through that would be a travesty

I got killed oh my god oh my god this is so bad i’m getting murdered this may make me lose oh my god oh i did it i did it okay look who’s insane it’s insane oh this is crazy got him and got him too yes all right guys

We only need to make it past the boss wave now we totally have this i see no way of loss here um i just wanted to be insane like literally insane with the amount of these that are going to be shooting out at them

And i want to be able to watch all of it i’ll start it right now we are going to just absolutely destroy one ourselves with the help of these and then we’ll run to the other side and destroy that one that is the plan we’ll see how that goes

I’m nervous so yeah boss should come at the end oh this defense over here though it’s gonna be it’s gonna kill me oh my god all right well shrek is so strong i cannot even stand near him all right well i want to see what the boss looks like Oh god boss is inbound yes i think we’re fine um and i slow over here we just want the slows everywhere Oh there’s the boss oh man i want help with one of them and then go to the other one how’s the health oh my god all right i think i’m helping okay i’m doing some serious damage but man this is going to be brutal oh goodness i’m hoping that all my men

Could take out the non-boss monsters well i help with this one yes i’m doing incredible damage to this one oh wait this one oh yes keep hitting him i’m gonna double check nothing got by that’s gonna make us lose because we can still lose to a non-boss no bro we failed no

No i was so concentrated on the bosses oh god if i was here this would not happen he killed me he killed me again oh my god wait if we could actually lose the game can we get through we’ll literally lose the game i can’t allow that

This wreck is trying to kill me wait no we’re not it’s not gonna happen it’s gonna be fine i think oh my god this is bad we literally cannot afford to lose the game i’m not playing again if i lose it’ll be an actual loss no no no no no no no

No i’m hitting him with a diamond that’s not good oh this is so bad guys i can’t believe i lost the game oh my god if i killed the boss in my mind i have won man solo was difficult killed that boss i have so many dimes i can’t even spend them

Oh my god that was insane oh man that was so much fun though such a challenge too these are actually so good um but yeah dudes i hope you enjoyed the video if you did definitely smash that subscribe button and drop a like to make my feelings a little happier after the

Lost oh my god i played this for so long too but um yeah guys hope you have an amazing day thanks for watching and i will see you news next time You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: SHREK DEFENSE! (TOWER DEFENSE WITH SHREK!) Modded Mini-Game’, was uploaded by PopularMMOs on 2021-01-11 00:07:19. It has garnered 1506827 views and 61969 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:46 or 2746 seconds.

Can I complete Shrek Tower Defense all alone?!

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In this 1.12.2 Shrek Tower Defense Modded Mini-Game: Today I will face off against hoards of mobs all alone! Can I complete this mini-game?

Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442 Intro song: Spag Heddy – Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records: https://www.youtube.com/user/playmerecords https://www.facebook.com/playmerecords Follow Spag Heddy: https://www.facebook.com/SpagHeddy http://soundcloud.com/spagheddy

Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music

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  • EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts

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  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

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  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/proficy Discord (with mods and texutre pack): https://discord.gg/vDvR89fuFw #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join ๐Ÿ‘• Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) โค๏ธ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! ๐Ÿ“ท instagram https://www.instagram.com/stonegalerie/ ๐Ÿ’— patreon https://www.patreon.com/wattles ๐Ÿค twitter https://twitter.com/itiswattles ๐Ÿ“– reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/wattles/ ๐Ÿ‘• my shop https://shop-wattles.creator-spring.com/ โ˜บ SOME PLAYLISTS โ˜บ Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI… Read More

  • Greystone MS Prison

    Greystone MS Prison* Greystone MSP * – Custom enchants,prison,no op classic prison server, community, voting, parkour, dungeons, custom mobs join Come join and give it a go were trying to build a big community here! Read More