Minecraft Snapshot 23W13A_OR_B – The Vote Update!

Video Information

We’re gonna see some amazing sights in this video but yesterday it didn’t look so at all so this is what we get huh setting the Minecraft launcher on fire April fools2023 off to a rocky start you see yesterday was the last day of the moyang work week and this year April

Fools fell on the weekend and so I made this video on my second Channel naively thinking that was all we were gonna get this year well played maryang well played you guys turned up on the weekend to give us an amazing snapshot for April Fools and this one my friends is known

As a 23 w13a or B in other words vote and make up your mind introducing the vote update and the premise of this year is that Minecraft has had a history of giving players a vote at its various yearly events however in this snapshot you’ll make the decisions in the world

Itself and some of these changes they live a little bit on the Wild Side just check out some of the screenshots from this snapshot things are going to get interesting and we have just a massive snapshot to cover I’m eating the ground I’m eating the moon cheese

So when you start a new world in this update it would be just like a regular normal one however you will get proposals in your chat to vote on changes by pressing V you can bring up the vote screen and as you can see here the two votes that have already come up

Are clickable if we go on chickens lay they can lay cave spider spawn eggs a spruce button or do nothing I want some cave spider spawn eggs so you select the option on the proposal you want and you can click the vote button you only get

One vote for each proposal and it does take some time for that proposal to go through but when it does the modification to your world will be made look at this chickens are laying cave spider spawner eggs but let’s say that you get the chicken lays proposal in

Your world it won’t necessarily be caves spider spawner eggs this stuff is randomized so as time passes by more and more proposals will come into your world and you’ll notice that the time here is ticking down because I’m currently on a multiplayer server so flint and steel

Can explode by any block but multiply maximum damage and size of music disc by two yeah these things are highly randomized so you can also vote to repeal previous proposals and if you click on show applied proposals you’ll see everything that’s been accepted in the world so far and there’s even a

Handy option to copy it to the clipboard maybe then you can share with your friends what crazy things are going on on your Minecraft world and clearly there’s crazy things going on in this world we’ve got a giant player and also a tiny tiny player down here now we’ve

Got a floating salmon everything is perfectly normal now I my friends have been investigating the game code and I’ve discovered that there’s 182 unique rules and 200 variants on these rules meaning that there’s over 380 possible combinations here and that doesn’t include the fact that some of these

Rules can refer to just a random item inside of the game and some even do this multiple times so you’re probably going to understand that I can’t cover absolutely every single detail but I’m going to try and show you the very best of what I’ve discovered with my time

Playing this incredible snapshot and just before we do it’s time for that cheeky sub plug so if you’re enjoying the snapshot coverage and you want more you know what to do if you don’t subscribe I’ll turn into a fish oh you’ve gone and done it now look at that

I’m a real fishy so we’re going to start by checking out some new items in this snapshot and most of them are simply just locked behind the proposals if you vote on them you’ll get access to things like the potion of big let’s have a little sip uh-huh

I am now much much bigger and this very delightfully comes in splash potion form oh yeah giant villager and you know it’s not limited to just regular big there’s big two let’s get that on the camel oh my goodness me that is a ginormous camel you might be wondering what is this

Other potion you’re holding it’s the potion of small oh right in your face oh my God I’m the size of a block now oh look at that amazing stay right there Kitty stay right there oh micro Kitty you are adorable and there’s small two as well let’s put that one on the cow

I could barely see it oh my God it’s so small and it’s Shadow so massive iron column be small oh gosh I can barely see you Enderman are pretty big now we got a giant Enderman I love it not so sure about these fart bubbles in my face though they always make the

Video look bad don’t they they’re as much fun to be had with those potions but if we type in bottle you’ll see that there is well a bottle for many different types of mobs in this game so what do I feel like today a silverfish a camel perhaps

Or maybe I want to pick up some blocks I’m now an Enderman look at me look into these eyes oh when I hold down shift they they change color there was also another type of a humanoid entity added to this game known as Ray tracing this guy right here

Hello Ray how you doing I think this potion is the only way you can bring Rey into the world should I do it should I do it yep I’m now Rey brilliant oh and when you are another entity and you kill yourself like so you actually kind of

Stay on the spot and it’s the other entity that dies and you become your regular self again this actually makes a great segue into a new command known as transform you can transform into whatever you like so obviously this is the command that works with those potions I am now a command block

Minecart oh dear this is dirty you can also apply scale let’s go scale three ah I’m definitely a lot larger I would like to be a blaze now yes a very very big Blaze to go smaller you have to use a decimal right oh oh look at how tiny I

Am now now there is the Minecraft player and then there is player and here you can type the name of another player and you will gain their skin I’m the red Diggity Dog ladies get in line Herobrine isn’t a cat suit onesie I kind of think

This one would just be amazing to have as like an OP command in regular Minecraft there’s probably some sort of downside to this that I’m not thinking of let’s now move on to some redstone blocks we have the place block and the pickaxe block as you can see they’re

Disabled if you haven’t voted so like I mentioned some of these have to get approved before you can use them and now we can use both of these oh and I should mention that these have recipes for playing in survival mode that was the pickaxe block and this one is the place

Block so the pickaxe block might look a little familiar when you place it it’s got that Observer texture then a pickaxe on the other side and a plain facade at the back here this is simply where it receives its power and it’ll instantly mine the block that’s in front of it and

It seems like it combine anything instantly let’s try Bedrock what about that oh dear you can break bedrock with it this will be much fun to just play with in Creative or survival for the extra functionality of the red so I wonder how fast it’s activating here too

It looks like it’s relatively quick now the place block has a similar aesthetic we got that Observer texture at the front that’s going to be where the block gets placed this texture around the sides and this on the back side so it needs power to be activated and what’s

Placed behind it well actually it needs to be an item on the ground like so and uh yeah that TNT gets activated next up I want to show you some custom capes that have been added to the game there’s five in total this first one is literally awesome the second one that we

Have has a sorry looking squid face on it the third one is the veterinarian with a cat at the bottom and the fourth one is this awesome looking rainbow I think based on the annoying cat meme and then last of all there is a no circles

Because this my friends is a blocky game again to unlock this you’ll need to approve it through a vote however if you want to use a command you’re also going to have to throw in an additional parameter and that is simply one of the names from this list of the five capes

So for example you put no Circle in like this and then you would get that particular Cape okay what’s this King beadogs let’s find out here’s a wolf here’s a name tag oh the king that wears the crown love it that’s a pleasant little Easter egg you know dinnerbone

Grum Jeb they have some name tag Secrets maybe this should be in the vanilla game I would love a Wolfie with a crown down in my world okay before we get to the real good stuff let’s go through some of the weird items that have been added to

The game and things that you can craft this is simply longer string and you can’t seem to do anything with it but here we have a new Banner pattern which I wish they would do more often however this one is rather suspicious looking yes very suspicious there’s also a

Copper sink that you can put water in and you can take water out of and I’ve got no idea what else it can do so the copper sink has a recipe for survival and believe it or not you can craft air with empty glass bottles and that air

Can be crafted into packed air of all things I am holding packed air and when I place it we get particle effects so I don’t know how you obtained this tea but it is a tag if you put it into a stone cutter you’ll get a bit or actually 16 bits and

With these you can craft these other symbols like so and in the Redstone tab you can find more of these mysterious blocks bite tags short tags this all sounds like stuff related to MBT which is how the game stores a lot of data and in the game code it does look like you

Can do something with this inside of the crafting bench but I was unable to figure it out maybe there is some sort of secretive MBT code related crafting system here and so the last of the less interesting things is this other portal block now there is another dimension in

The snapshot but this doesn’t seem to take you there it simply teleports you 320 blocks up into the sky and if you fall straight down well you’ll go straight back into the portal again so now I’m going to be showing you some of the more interesting and unique features

That have been added this first and very amusing one is known as French mode of course you get your yourself a beret a mustache a French flag and what’s this the baguette yes an oversized piece of bread I gotta say this is this is rather amusing running into someone like this

On a server would be a lot of laughs I mean that’s that’s very nearly a Mumbo Tash isn’t it look at that thing it’s glorious oh yeah and now my language has been switched to French which I do not know I am an ignorant and now I’ve been

Given the power of Mighty Midas that’s right everything I touch will turn to Gold what about this chest oh oh yeah I think you’ve got to like open it now we’ve got a golden chest it looks so cool I really want that oh and did you know Minecarts they now have wheels next

Up the grappling hook this is literally my first time trying this whoa hello oh oh my goodness me okay let’s go let’s try and go over here gosh oh wow it sends you flying I did not expect this to be op like that I thought

It would be a much milder effect it can really send you going but get Rockets this is what everyone really wants a way to escape quickly off we go tap the space bar and I’ll just Glide away doing this in survival I don’t think it’ll be long before I die somehow yeah

Oh just like that kinetic energy so if it’s not clear what I’m doing I’m simply approving a different customizations and this one will make the entity that you specify rideable let’s get on that dolphin uh-huh haven’t you always wanted to ride a dolphin in Minecraft this is

Kind of cool however I have no control over the Dolphins movement and we’re kind of going around in circles as you saw in the intro of this video this one is called big head mode that is what it is there is also a rule to turn the

Emerald into rubies which is what they were originally going to be like 10 years ago so these next unlockables are for the redstoneers out there you can probably tell what you’re about to see by how I’ve laid this out like on Bedrock Edition you can move tile entities like furnaces and chests with

Sticky pistons and you can actually set the push limit of a piston to whatever you want I set this to 20 and uh it actually works wow yeah with these two new blocks here as well this might just be like the best Redstone snapshot ever there is also a rule called bouncy

Castle which makes slime blocks bouncier but like exponentially each time you land you go higher and higher up into the sky speaking of which I think it’s time to go to an entirely new dimension and you can get here by bouncing up high enough in the world or for those slime blocks

However you’ll see my coordinates here is 690. it’s when you go above 700 that you go to the Moon oh we’ve just made our way there and look at that we can see the earth below us as we fall down slowly to the moon the terrain is about

To come into view oh I absolutely love this oh wow that was so cool I want this I really want the moon dimension in Minecraft so the landscape is pretty consistent there are these different sized craters but somewhere at the center of the Moon region you’ll also

Find a lunar base this is it right here and do you remember that magic you saw at the beginning of this video well you activate it by landing on this pressure plate let’s step back and see this thing in action it is just glorious look at those cows

Jumping yes there is gravity effects on the moon as well and here it is a structure just bringing itself into existence initially as copper blocks then slowly aging and at the very end of its sequence it’ll start to produce some new copper blocks too I don’t know what

This thing is supposed to represent but I absolutely love the animation it is so very very cool and there it is popping into existence that new block that I was talking about these are copper sleeves I couldn’t really suss out what they were for but this is how they appear in the

World and if you Traverse to the top of this structure you’re going to find chests which are moon mission resupply crates it feels like there is a whole mini game of its own to be played in Survival Minecraft just heading over here trying to survive seeing what you

Can do in this amazing snapshot oh I’ve learned what these do now they they break when you land on them let’s just slowly drift down with that moon gravity and then they start to break apart as you touch them interesting what else is there to do and see on the moon well

There’s the cheese block and each eighth of this block can actually be eaten and that my friends is technically vertical slabs the technology is clearly here for a block that can be broken apart like this moyang please find a way to bring this technology to the main game let’s

Talk a little bit about the cow it walks backwards because it’s doing the moonwalk you get it the moonwalk brilliant brilliant oh mo Yang you’ve knocked it out of the park with this one when these suckers are killed they drop glass bottles bones and they can also

Drop cheese and yes everything on the moon is affected by Krabby is so cool yeah like imagine just playing in this environment and coming up with new ways to do minecrafty things with the different gravity oh and night vision here looks pretty darn cool too and I don’t think there’s anything else to

This place I’ve seen no other structures that you can find out there in the wild I’ve just sort of dropped down on the grounds and it seems that the terrain has a layer of bedrock at around zero so this world isn’t too deep and there’s no caves now getting back to the Overworld

You can see that things have changed in a rather colorful way that’s because it’s possible to change Minecraft’s color schemes and there is also this swamp Sky effect that can change the sky to that of the end Dimension so now I’d like to show you how this works if you

Simply type in color here you’ll get a bunch of options like the biome fog foliage grass Sky water water fog and this is how it’s achieved you have to put in this tag where you select which biomid is and then you have to put in a

Color value you can see here I chose blue blue and there is a website with a massive list of the different names that you can use and what colors they’ll change it to let’s go ahead and give electric lime a try oh yeah there you go look at that that’s wild

And I’m going to set the fog of the river to Tangerine when we drop into it oh wow that is wild that is so very orange and if you wanted to customize your Minecraft worlds to maybe something with less dramatic color changes I believe this stuff is already possible

With data packs and there are so many more things to be discovered in this snapshot I did my best to bring you what I thought were the most interesting ones and I really hope you’ve enjoyed my coverage of this I’m pretty darn sure I’m going to be playing this in survival

Possibly with some friends streaming on Twitch this snapshot offers so much fun to be had including Tails yep that’s right I I’ve got a tail that’s a thing so if you enjoyed this one leave a like and if for some reason you didn’t catch yesterday’s episode of hermitcraft

Please go check it out it was a great episode and for some reason YouTube just didn’t push it out to as many people as usual you can of course find it on my channel and hey what did you find in this snapshot leave a comment I can’t

Wait to learn about more things that I missed out on because there’s just so much in this one but that is all I’m gonna do for today’s coverage of the snapshot thank you for watching and I’ll see you soon in another bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Snapshot 23W13A_OR_B – The Vote Update!’, was uploaded by xisumavoid on 2023-04-01 21:51:26. It has garnered 810886 views and 37382 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:07 or 1087 seconds.

Minecraft The Vote Update Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk Snapshot 23W12A_OR_B Is a very exciting April Fools snapshot! Change the rules of the game as you play, by voting!

All My Links In One Place 🔗 https://linktree.xisuma.co

🙏 Support Xisuma Directly 🙏 💜 Membership ► https://www.youtube.com/xisumavoid/join 👍 Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/xisuma 📺 Subscribe ► https://www.twitch.tv/subs/xisuma

00:00 The Vote Update 01:13 How Voting Works 02:41 Over 380 Modifcations! 03:38 New Potions! 05:46 Transform Command 06:43 New Redstone Blocks! 08:00 Five New Capes! 09:00 Blocks & Craftables 10:30 Interesting Modifications 13:07 The Moon 15:08 Vertical Slabs??? 16:14 Colorful Worlds! 17:18 Endless Possibilites

Featured In This Video https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/vote-update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fU4RIsK7ioo https://xkcd.com/color/rgb.txt

#minecraft #aprilfools #snapshot

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    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551572402826 FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

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  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

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Minecraft Snapshot 23W13A_OR_B – The Vote Update!