Minecraft: Story Mode – Blending In (11)

Video Information

Hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let’s play video well a minecraft story mode let’s play video and this is episode number 11 of the total series episode number three of episode number three this is really confusing isn’t it so many numbers uh anyway things are weird if you didn’t

See the last episode go and watch it because it is very strange we’ve basically we’ve gone to the end and we found a big area where uh we think it’s sorin uh built a big like it’s basically trying to build like the overworld like the ground and trees and the sun but all

Out of like wall and glowstone we found a secret doorway we got lead to here i listened to a recording where he said about um him like training enderman to build and then behind this like window here there’s a bunch of enderman and he talked about dressing up in an enderman

Suit and there’s a chest i can look in and a ladder i can go in a suit i can put on a door i can go through and records i can listen to oh there’s a there’s a lot going on right now let’s listen to some of these

Records first then shall we before we uh dive in not knowing all of the uh the facts let’s try and find out a little bit more information about what’s going on they will seem to be purple records as well constructions of peaceful endermen he seems to be trying to make the enemy peaceful

Like people well some people implored to work together or are they like sheep and pigs wandering randomly and doing things based on wins rather than higher thought processes i’ve already decided at peace what you got definitely some sort of crafting recipe you don’t seem to have why would someone

Okay so i got the blueprints i need to remember that i’m kind of half listening to the the records in the the background as well as i go around detailed observation i am so so lonely oh he’s all lonely right let’s go and play another one and while that’s

Playing let’s go and carry on exploring so i stay quiet so we can listen to in the background and i’m going to go and look up the uh of the ladder so this is about pumpkins because if you put a pumpkin on the your head the endermans can’t see you stop the

Enderman from attacking me but i remain convinced it is also altering their behavior as if their printer natural knowledge of my presence keeps them from revealing their true natures therefore i have now become a fashion a camouflage suit that will allow me to mingle amongst these heretofore inscrutable creatures

And like a fearless explorer burning his boats to the ground upon reaching the shores of a new land my entire cache of pumpkins those instructions called for clay just like this one okay so it’s clay blocks i needed so in the uh the recording if you didn’t hear

It he’s basically saying that uh even though he had a pumpkin on his head they didn’t attack him but they were still aware he was there so that’s why he made the uh the costume but it looks like he can’t see me through this glass ah

I need to build the clay on that platform and did you spot something else that won’t let me look through again but if you look i saw one of the endermen with a kind of human looking face behind it like one was wearing a mask if you go see you

Might be able to see out the window now like when i climb down see if we can see out the window at all oh is it going to show us no it’s not so if you rewind the video if you want to see it again but i

Kind of just thought let’s see if we can look out now is he gonna let me look out the window see if we can see him i spotted him last time oh you see him in the background the bottom left-hand corner did you see it that’s him that’s

Sauron right let’s grab all this clay then it looks like that’s what we uh need to do and let’s have another record playing in the uh the background and while i go and gather all of the other clay shall we and i guess i need to

Build uh this shape here uh once i get out there or at least train an enderman to do so anyway let’s go and play this record shall we and while i do that i’ll try and gather up the the rest of the uh the clay blocks either seem to be

Scattered around the room enderman talking about the noises they make i guess i’ve always wondered about that the weird enderman noises that’s three i’ve grabbed so far and finally an enderman love song take this one too it’s all just fascinating is that supposed to sound like an enderman because that didn’t sound much

Like an end of it to me right here’s the uh the final record that we can uh listen to it’s quite interesting actually to find out about what his plans were he does sound a little bit crazy doesn’t he watching the enderman up close today and i’m convinced that i may have caught

Them communicating or the very least two of them stood near each other for an extended period looks like this is the last block in here then they wandered away but it seemed deliberate maybe because it’s hard to get plants to grow in the end three hours here’s what happened hmm

Okay so and also i can speak to olivia as well and there’s a big painting here let me look at as well an apple painting no art snob but i wonder if they could add that to the games that’s not a real painting because these are all real paintings actually is

That a real one i’m not sure if that’s a real painting but those are all real but i think the apple is looks quite cool though anyway let’s go speak to olivia shall we hey olivia what do you think the others have found i don’t know zorn’s mansion looked huge but the lab

Seems to be where the real answers are yeah i don’t really care about the others right now olivia’s always been nice i do like olivia i like olivia and petra and of course reuben and none of the others pretty much i don’t know elegant was okay she

Was a bit rude though anyway uh let’s go just go put the the suit and then let’s head out there i got all of the uh the clay blocks that were in here so i guess i need to to go out there and as you can see his suit is missing

Suit either soren’s got a very unique fashion sensor wait a second this must be the disguise tauren was talking about on the recording in order to walk amongst the endermen you have to become an enderman ah it smell like one apparently woof i wonder what enderman smell like so

If sauron is using those blueprints to teach the endermen to build and there’s a disguise missing from the stand he must be conducting his experiment right now of course the missing disguise is the one he had to put on before going outside which means if we want to get to sauron

We have to go out there to do it that leftover enderman suit would fit me guess it’s time to play dress-up i love the way they’re working out what i worked out like 10 minutes ago right let’s uh let’s dress up then and let’s head out there i guess there’s

Only one suit so i’m guess um i guess i’m going alone then again i don’t think endermen attack pigs so i don’t know maybe ruben can go with me all right let me pull my sleeves up i never thought i’d be pressing right in a video game to pull up sleeves

There we go and they’re like cheesy grin i don’t think you want my honest opinion but it just might do the trick what’s like the big bit dangling from my chin is that supposed to be like the mouth it’s kind of like their mouth you

Know when they go angry and they go like like that and like charge at you don’t want me to do the sound again you know you know they do like when you first look at them and their mouths stretch out it looks like i’m doing that

All the time but it’s ruined a bit when i see my little mouth and i can see me blinking as well through the suit right no more delaying let’s head out there and hopefully honestly i’m a convincing enemy in disguise looks like any old enderman and so will you

How are you going to find him walk up to every enderman out there and say hey are you soaring i’ve already spotted him you can see his mouth the whole point of the disguise is to avoid that kind of attention i’ll be smart we just need to get his attention without

Riling up the enderman try not to die okay i’d really hate to have to watch that from behind this protective glass thanks for the vote of confidence you can just see him i’ve already seen him you just see his mouth just like he will see myself gotta get soren’s attention

And avoid attracting theirs okay so i guess i had a choice of different ways to do i didn’t really know what i was choosing to be fair i just said be smart but i guess this is the plan i’ve gone for is this him do you reckon that sauron

Is it sauron i can’t see his mouth no i i think it’s a real enderman i think i’ve tricked it maybe it thinks i’m a baby enderman because i’m so short i don’t know how i convinced it i look nothing like an enemy i look like a bad halloween costume

Right so i need to do something to get soren’s attention um oh look there’s an enderman over there let’s look at this one this is one holding a block oh okay i didn’t mean to walk all the way over to it i just wanted to look at it but

Okay i guess i’m walking to this end of it six blocks to finish that shape in sauron’s instructions this guy’s got the only block around i’m probably going to get his hopes up because i’m going to solve the puzzle and he’s going to think one of the

Enderman did it but it was actually me well it was it was it was around here somewhere i can’t see him anymore though i probably shouldn’t walk too fast i should probably also learn how to teleport right so this is the the grit so should

I place down the uh the blocks i already have i guess like a building grid okay so i’ve got to remember the uh the instructions okay it’s like the simplest pattern ever it’s like a kind of like an l i guess and then just right so uh let’s do the uh

One up the the top here as well one block down five to go oh you’re gonna say it soren’s watching wherever he is please don’t say a little one-liner after every block i press there we go everybody’s going to say a little like two down only a few more

Like every time i did one so yeah i can do most of it but there’s still one block missing and which was the the everything the other well i know i don’t need to find it i know where it is i just need to get it

It’s in the hands of an enderman so i’m gonna have to persuade him but he said i need to do something to get sauron’s attention but won’t get the attention of the other endermen so i got like a my amulet and my sword and stuff but i

Guess i need something to use it against uh can i talk to this enderman oh it says to take it let’s uh let’s see if it’s gonna give it to me i have a feeling this might not end well there’s a chance that this could

Actually be soaring um i could set it on fire no let’s just let’s just grab it let’s just use my hands and it’s not going to work is it it’s not going to give me the block this is a bad idea i should let go now

Uh oh no i can i can wriggle i can uh i’ll use the the left stick okay i can just pull it away gently easy does it there we go did this actually end well maybe not no this didn’t end well oh no okay i’ve been a little bit compromised here

They’re all getting a little bit antsy um let’s let’s go and just place this block down as quickly as we can and get out of it oh no look they’re like toxic up and down maybe that wasn’t the smartest intelligence accomplished nothing to see here guys just walk away

Yeah i should get out of here like pretty quickly definitely not walking away i am sorry about this but it has to look real oh that was sorry someone just punched me at least the enderman didn’t get me oh look he’s on stilts i don’t think it’ll bruise your face

These suits were built with durability in mind they must be soarin well i am but must i be i’m not sure if i want to sometimes sometimes i’d prefer to be anything but soren like a donkey for example why did you hit me there were strategic reasons and a personal one

You are trespassing after all you hit me hard in the face you upset the enderman and i got you to safety by the way as far as introductions are concerned this is not going very well we’re in danger ah what else is new whatever your issue is whatever your

Problem it has occurred before and has been solved before even so what do you need me for i’ve gone out of my way to avoid i don’t even remember what it looks like up there help me save the world how the formidable storm on the loose and it’s eating the

World ah i see you misspoke you don’t need me you need my stuff i’ve found that when you give people what they want they turn on you they become resentful they show their true colors i won’t do that it’s only natural it’s why i prefer endermen they always

Do what you expect almost to a fault you’re a stranger and what you’re asking for is too dangerous i have a pig i have a pig right i was wondering about that my guess is portable meal no it’s my pet he’s my friend my friend of course i used to have those

Gabriel asked me to reassemble the order of the stone the order of the stone they asked for me i’ve always known they needed me but i was never sure uh let’s say about uh elegantly here without your friends elegart is your friend hmm i don’t know she like did she ever talk

About me she did sure she did talk about you kinds of things do they say lovely things you had a beautiful mustache only good things they’ve missed you you’re the best uh they’ve missed you that you were missed really maybe it was more missing you have to read between the lines

Yes yes you do but what about you are you my friend as long as we’re on the subject i could be why not to put you on the spot i suppose sure that’s the best thing i’ve heard in years admittedly it’s not a very high bar don’t worry i’m going to help you

Because that’s what friends do before we leave i’m going to give my old friends a gift the gift of song yeah he’s mad he’s definitely mad like in a nice way harry may seem scary but he’s a swell guy sally dilly dallies give her credit she

Tries they might look the same to the untrained i’ll say nothing i’m enjoying the song so i say wait is that ar are you soarin whoa nice to meet you soren you look terrible and anyone’s got in he’s not going to want us to hurt it though is he

What does he do with his arms is that the one i stole the clay block from seems a bit odd uh what’s happening never been inside before what’s happening that’s alright what do you recommend you’ve upset them you’ve altered their behavior okay let’s go he’s not gonna want us to to fight them

Because he’s friends with them is he we can’t just attack them and also i don’t think we’d win either so that’s another reason to not attack them or let’s try and get out of here i’m really worried about petra and the hits just keep on ah this doesn’t look good does it

I wasn’t expecting so many house guests there’s no way i have enough seashell soaps for all of them how are we supposed to get out of here we need to come up with a plan close your eyes and hope falls away i speak to sauron he’s supposed to be the

Genius he’s been studying enderman for ages any bright ideas one constant about enderman is that they hate water if we can force that fountain to overflow somehow jesse brilliant you still have the enderman suit put that on and you’ll be able to safely reach the fountain i’m already wearing it

Oh just when i thought i’d never have to smell this thing again oh the helmet good luck dude we’ll um all watch from here then where it’s safe that was a that was a really smart idea actually because they do hate water so if i can just make the the water

Spread everywhere they’re not going to want to stand right here just don’t look at them i know you’ve got the suit on but they can still get you just just just look like down at your feet and stumble around try not like an emblem keep your arms straight and your legs

Straight like they do thanks for the tip they’re really helping here is how we’re going to make the the water overflow then is that like just a switch or something um oh just break it once again it’s minecraft isn’t it just break it don’t use your fist

Oh i feel a little bit me it’s clear that was a clever idea though i gotta give sauron some credit i know he’s been studying enderman for years so you know he should know about this stuff but oh oh no it looks like we’re looks like we’re doing it again i guess

We’re not gonna die there’s in that big open area there was that huge fountain wasn’t there with the uh the lever on the top of it do you reckon that’s gonna like flood that entire area then we could stay there that would make sense wouldn’t it but

Sadly i’m afraid uh we have just about uh run out of time in uh this episode here this is exciting though this has been a really fun uh episode this is definitely uh my favorite so far so hopefully uh you’re all enjoying it as well and there’ll be a link of course in

The description to the next episode once it’s online of course no time traveling to get it before it’s online anyway that is in this episode here i want to thank you all very much for watching and hopefully i’ll see you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Story Mode – Blending In (11)’, was uploaded by stampylonghead on 2015-12-08 16:00:03. It has garnered 2320596 views and 11611 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:15 or 1155 seconds.

Part 12 – https://youtu.be/9j2DjA_4OEY

Welcome to my lets play on Minecraft: Story Mode. In this series I will be playing through all episodes of the game. Enjoy.

More information on the game – https://www.telltalegames.com/minecra

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    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Sword Stand Tutorial🔥 #VincenzoVideo Information This video, titled ‘#newshorts #vincenzo #smooth #youtube #best #bestplayer #mincraftcraftswordstand🤩👍#new’, was uploaded by Zymon_gamer’s_yt on 2024-03-10 16:39:11. It has garnered 80 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft, minecraft in hindi, minecraft house, minecraft gameplay, minecraft videos, structure, ujjwal, minecraft mods, history, techno gamerz, creeper, raid, mobs, update, nether, sea, monster, red, dragon, fit, fitmc, server, anarchy, hack, grief, spawn, battle, tour, oldest, 2b2t, builds, client, dream, incursion, herobrine, tutorial, hacked, flying, mojang, glitch, exploit, redstone, campfire, live, smp, parody, furnace, blast, technoblade, house, memes, piglin, song, hoglin, forest, 1.17, anchor,… Read More

  • Ascend the Minecraft Realms: Time to Shine!

    Ascend the Minecraft Realms: Time to Shine!Video Information for [Music] hello hello yeah I was just checking it Scrooge I do not have any additions I downloaded the version that you saw that you that you found yeah no addition the very same version as you did you okay did update your essential try that as well if you didn’t update your essential oh yeah it’s a very beautiful menu Jor like actually one of the best I tried getting the essential tried getting the essential thing right where you saw the ascend no not the essential where you saw the Ascend oh give me a… Read More

  • Hack Your Way To Victory – Minecraft 100 Day Challenge EXPLOSION

    Hack Your Way To Victory - Minecraft 100 Day Challenge EXPLOSIONVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring New Realms #minecraft #love #100dayschallenge #pokemon #survival1 #games #gaming #building’, was uploaded by R.S.G on 2024-01-06 18:30:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to our Minecraft gaming! 🌟 Welcome to our epic Minecraft adventure where we take on the ultimate challenge: surviving 100 days in the wild world of Minecraft, all in ! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, join us as we tackle survival mode, explore mods, dive into multiplayer madness, and much more. 🏡 Survive… Read More

  • Escaping Zombies and Surviving in Toilet in Minecraft! 😱

    Escaping Zombies and Surviving in Toilet in Minecraft! 😱Video Information which of these toilets we will choose with you today subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hi guys with you zomack unusually interest in our column pick the right colored toilet yes we have five characters participating today this is Speaker woman and the rabbit bonsa Sonic ban ban and Ben let’s get started and go from the very first toilet and you support with likes and subscriptions we see each of these characters and go to a restroom like this let’s go to Ben’s look guys Ben’s upstairs great… Read More

  • DippyBlether Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map – EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

    DippyBlether Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map - EPIC Minecraft Adventure!Video Information hello hello hello hello so uh okay um M hat has just left uh so yeah this is our new series hello everybody Welcome um so I’m really excited about this because this is the first time I’m actually playing um a survival map um and it’s a Sky Block thing so um well sort of Sky Block so so if if I went through that hedge behind me there would be nothing but there will be all sorts of all sorts of chunks everywhere and they will have different things on them and you can get different… Read More

  • Ultimate Zombie Slaying Madness – Dead Target Gameplay

    Ultimate Zombie Slaying Madness – Dead Target GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dead Target Killing The Infinities Zombies Horror Gameplay’, was uploaded by wasad Gaming on 2024-01-13 02:44:32. It has garnered 32 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. call of duty modern warfare warzone minecraft call of duty modern warfare 3 modern warfare 2 playthrough call of duty modern warfare iii call of duty modern warfare 3 gameplay gaming modern warfare ii modern warfare 3 warzone urzikstan walkthrough gameplay call of duty modern warfare 2 pc warzone 3 warzone meta ps5 holostars holostarsen vtuber call of duty warzone mw3 warzone… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SECRET Revealed: Weuo

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SECRET Revealed: WeuoVideo Information all okay and we’re livebe YouTube Don’t tweak okay what is good Tweakers and geekers okay what is good gangsters this is 30 yeah so we’re back I’m chat I’m gonna go the uh back with another stream hard there you I’m go get some yeah I’m so um what’s the game plan for today um well villagers uh just animals and a house I would assume mainly sheeps and cows we need those especially cows cuz if we get milk we can go L that Monument uh I do want to go show you do we have… Read More


    DEAMOPThe Best Ever Minigame Server, With Games Like UHC, UHC Duels, Survival, Build battle And Much More!! You Can Purchase Ranks and such at https://deamop.tebex.io/, And You Can Apply For Staff At https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfE-Ig43LuUT33hu2uZ8Hq1f9jy5I0yC1V-bNfzwS440-JY-w/viewform DEAMOP.minehut.gg Read More

  • Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla 18+ whitelist discord

    Welcome to our 18+ Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a new and engaging Minecraft experience, join our whitelist server today. Our community is thriving and full of exciting opportunities for adventurers and builders like you. What Makes Us Unique: Active Moderation and Dev Team Shopping District and Hermitcraft-style Plugins Frequent Events and Community Challenges Respectful Gameplay Environment Server Details: Hosted on a Paper server in the UK Whitelisted for 18+ players Freshly launched and ready for you to explore Apply now to join us: Discord Read More

  • ObsydiaMC

    Obsydia is a survival server that is community driven and community focused with dedicated staff and multiple plugins to enhance gameplay. There is so much more we have to offer, and we hope to see you here to try everything out soon! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – If only your trades didn’t suck

    Minecraft Memes - If only your trades didn’t suckLooks like this villager needs to work on their negotiation skills in the marketplace! Maybe they can offer some better deals, like a 2-for-1 special on enchanted diamond swords. Read More

  • Hot Dog or Hot Cauldron in Minecraft 💗🔥 #shorts #meme

    Hot Dog or Hot Cauldron in Minecraft 💗🔥 #shorts #meme Why choose between a dog and a cauldron in Minecraft when you can have both and create a potion that turns your dog into a magical cauldron-fetching companion? Minecraft just got a whole lot weirder. #MinecraftLogic Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern House Building Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house builds? Do you enjoy creating unique and modern structures in the game? If so, you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server! Imagine taking your building skills to the next level in a community of like-minded players. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, learn new building techniques, and explore different design styles with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on creating amazing and unique houses, Minewind is the perfect place to hone your skills and get inspired by others. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve or… Read More

  • Minecraft: Mastering the Basics

    Minecraft: Mastering the Basics Welcome to Minecraft: A Beginner’s Guide Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft? In this guide, we will cover all the basics you need to know to start your Minecraft adventure. From placing blocks to moving around and even some cool tricks, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to navigate this creative sandbox game with ease. Placing Blocks and Moving Around Placing blocks in Minecraft is as simple as right-clicking to place and left-clicking to break. With a variety of blocks at your disposal, the possibilities are endless for building and creating in this virtual world…. Read More

  • 1000 DAYS as TAILS in Minecraft! EPIC Sonic Battles

    1000 DAYS as TAILS in Minecraft! EPIC Sonic BattlesVideo Information on day one I spawned into the Aspen forest’s tails the awesome two-tailed Fox the best friend of Sonic the Hedgehog oh I’m a little baby Tails this is adorable still I can’t wait to get bigger and stronger but before I could even think about that I was hit by a crossbow bolt and wounded I turned and saw a big scary armored Vindicator coming through the trees towards me well well well if it isn’t Tails I’ve been searching for you you and your little Lo speed to have a friend have had it too good… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stream Experiments

    Insane Minecraft Stream ExperimentsVideo Information your Li deepface ands in the furnace this is your goal that makes it all worth it this is your your let’s go dos can keep you down pushing deep until your drown or they can keep you up strong focused on the now glass half full or has it been EMP out well that’s all up to you and your mind do you doubt anything everything not a thing make my thoughts work for me manifest what I need what I want what I see I could be anything I get trct all the things that I… Read More


    💔 INFINITE HEARTS DUPE GLITCH IN SURVIVAL SMP 😱🔥Video Information हाय गाइज कैसे हैं सभी लोग वेलकम बैक इन अदर गेम वीडियो सो गाइज आज की वाली वीडियो बहुत ही अच्छी होने वाली है क आज की इस वाली वीडियो में मैं अपने जो हर्ट्स हैं उसको डूब करने वाला हूं एक तरीके से वैसे व मैं करने हु भी सर्वाइवल में वाला हूं कोई एनी मेंे क्रिएटिव या फिर कोई प्लगइन वगैरह नहीं डालने वाला मैं सिंपल इसको सर्वाइवल में करने वाला हूं तो यह जाने के लिए वीडियो को एंड तक देखें तो सबसे पहले अभी तो फिलहाल मेरे पास 27 हर्ट है तो काफी ज्यादा… Read More

  • Unbelievable Piano Creations in Minecraft by John Hall

    Unbelievable Piano Creations in Minecraft by John HallVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Piano | Creative Minecraft Build Ideas’, was uploaded by John Hall on 2024-01-13 16:00:27. It has garnered 2722 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. 🌟 Dive into a whirlwind of creativity with our Minecraft Shorts! 🌈 witness the magic of building, exploring, and conquering challenges in the pixelated world of Minecraft. 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a newbie in the game, these shorts are packed with excitement, inspiration, and a touch of humor. 🔨 Watch as we construct jaw-dropping structures, navigate treacherous landscapes, and… Read More

  • Unlock the CRAZIEST new Minecraft weapon now!! 😱

    Unlock the CRAZIEST new Minecraft weapon now!! 😱Video Information Espera espera Espera espera Pero cómo Que Minecraft ha trabajado que Minecraft ha metido algo nuevo al juego me cago en la oficialmente Hoy es Día Nacional de celebración de Minecraft moan que ha trabajado ha hecho algo con su vida Y es que lo que ha hecho es meter un nuevo arma que la verdad que bueno es un poco a ver alegrarnos tanto por meter un nuevo arma es un poco rar uno pero bueno es que si nos vamos a la última snapshot de Minecraft y creamos un nuevo mundo con las actualizaciones de la… Read More

Minecraft: Story Mode – Blending In (11)